The Weekly Planet - 282 Avengers: Endgame is...

Episode Date: April 29, 2019

Help support the show by visiting for bonus movie commentaries and extra early stuff sometimes seemingly almost at random.AVENGERS ENDGAME. Mostly that. But also for The Gemini Man, Swamp Thing, Godzilla King Of Monsters plus updates on Bond 25, changes for X-Men Dark Phoenix and an update on WandaVision. Thanks for listening!Avengers Infinity War Commentary:, The Start1:49 Gemini Man trailer8:26 Swamp Thing trailer9:32 Final Godzilla 212:22 Bond 25 info15:41 X-Men Dark Phoenix changes19:45 WandaVision update23:54 Avengers Endgame (spoilers after till the end 41:30)1:18:39 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:22:58 Letters It’s Time For LettersThe Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: out T-Shirts here: affiliate link for Avengers: Endgame: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butt hole. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet Where we talk movies and comics and TV shows My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday
Starting point is 00:00:56 With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason Interesting emphasis on some of those words there I mix it up every week Where are we talking about movies? You've got to keep it alive, Mason If you're not always moving, you're going to die or whatever. We're like the sharks of the podcasting world. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Exactly. We'll eventually be poached. Have our fins cut off. For our teethies? Yeah. For our fins and our teethies? Fins and our teethies, yeah. There's no sponsor this week, which is probably bad for sponsors because it's probably going
Starting point is 00:01:21 to be a pretty big episode. But I thought, hey, good opportunity to plug the Patreon up top. You missed out, sponsors. it's probably going to be a pretty big episode but i thought hey good opportunity to plug the patreon up top you missed out sponsors that's right we could have sent so many offer tens of offer codes your way sponsors wouldn't even believe it you wouldn't believe it you idiots but yeah we do have a patreon slash mr sunday movies uh we post some stuff there every now and then but it's more just to keep the lights on basically so if you you know if you want to support the show in a way that is a way to do it if you want us to put these soundproof tiles up on the walls because right now they're just sitting on chairs and propped against things yeah where they probably work that's right somewhat it's not important but yeah also thanks to everybody who just supports in general also
Starting point is 00:01:58 another thing because it's probably a big episode and people will be maybe jumping over for the first time and you're like talk about endgame there's always time codes in the description if you want to jump ahead exactly but that's also for people who just want to do that anyway you don't have to be new to do that that's open that's a feature only new listeners can do it yes fair enough they don't have to put up with our crap but everyone else does that's right yeah you knew what you signed up for that's that's right get into it mason let's get into it all right cool uh We'll keep the news a little bit light this week because it was a little bit light. Endgame kind of crushed everything,
Starting point is 00:02:28 including real world events, it seems. Important things happen and then it just kind of goes away. No, nothing else happened. That's it. First up, we've got a few trailers, one of which being for Gemini Man. Oh, the angle. Or the Gemini Man.
Starting point is 00:02:40 The Gemini Man. It's a Gemini Man, everyone. He looks just like you, smith will smith yeah a man who hasn't aged in in in many years you can't you notice it more here you still do it's mostly the hair it could have been get anyone else though and look maybe it'll come across in the acting yeah like when we see the full movie i think you know maybe he'll the older version will be you know he'll be he'll be worn down by life he'll have a big billabong hat on sideways like he had in Fresh Prince. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:08 But in this, it's just two guys who look quite similar. One has some facial hair and the other one doesn't. That's right. So this was apparently in the works for years, right? Because I only knew about this recently when I think you brought it up. And then a week later, we get this trailer. Charlton Heston or Robert Redford or someone. You're thinking of the Omega Man.
Starting point is 00:03:29 No, no. I mean, they've been planning a version of this for years. Oh, have they? Okay. This is news to me also. You said that. Maybe I just, yeah. Have you made it up though?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Are you thinking of the Omega Man? It's possible. Okay. All right. Yeah. But I think that was, if there was going to be an earlier version, it just would have been two different actors, I assume. Yeah, they would have brought back Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis again.
Starting point is 00:03:49 That's right, for some time travel shenanigans. Does this look good to you, though? Not especially. But it's Ang Lee, though. I don't like anything Ang Lee's done. You've never liked anything Ang Lee's done. I don't think I have. Name another thing that isn't Hulk.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Okay, Brokeback Mountain. Okay, that's all right. Life of Pi? I don right. Life of Pi. I don't remember Life of Pi. He was on the boat with that tiger. But it was a metaphor maybe. No, I didn't like that. He did Sense and Sensibility.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Didn't like it, but I didn't say it in fairness to him. Okay. He's got some upcoming projects, including Gemini Man, but also Thriller in Manila. Presumably some kind of scuffle in a Manila envelope. I'm not sure it's correct really up in the air two ants having a fistfight okay cool and crouching tiger hidden dragon which of course made waves with its i don't like that movie yeah i know i know i'm wrong but i just don't look i saw it when i was like 17 hit and miss
Starting point is 00:04:42 and this i feel as a genre is way closer to the things he's prone to miss with. I think he's going to be all right, Mason. As a man and filmmaker. Look, I just think he thinks this is profound, but he hasn't also seen The Sixth Day, the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. Or The One with Jet Li. Yeah, sure. I think, I don't know, you know, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like he's a bit
Starting point is 00:05:06 out of his depth here. Okay. And again, get an actor that looked really different when they were young. Right, so who would you recommend? Would you do a Robert Redford? He's 82 years old.
Starting point is 00:05:17 You've got plenty of reference footage. Yeah, that would work. He's got such a craggly head nowadays. He's got a craggly head. He looks good, don't get me wrong. Yeah, right. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:27 But who's more Will Smith's age? It was... Okay. I just wrote in The Omega Man and I'm like, Charlton Heston was in The Omega Man. That's what I'm saying. We're talking about The Gemini Man. The Gemini Man. I meant to write Gemini Man.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Okay, cool. To find out the history of this project. Sorry, what were you going to say? Who's closer to Will Smith's age now? Like a Thomas Cruise? Not different enough probably. Not different enough, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Tony Scott was going to do it during the 90s. That's, I guess, the problem with Hollywood stars is they always look great and they always attempt to look youthful. Yes, that's exactly it. Okay, so these are some... When it was happening in the 90s, they went for...
Starting point is 00:05:59 These are names that were thrown up. Harrison Ford? You could probably just dye his hair at that point. Yeah, right. But that would work well now. Chris O'Donnell, yeah, yeah. But that would work well now. Chris O'Donnell. That would work good. It would work good now.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I can't tell the difference between young Chris O'Donnell and young Chris O'Donnell. But that's also the 90s. This is the 90s. Oh, yeah, right, right. So, I don't know. Mel Gibson. Don't want Mel Gibson in anything. John Voight.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I don't know. I don't have enough young John Voight references. Yeah, right. Vincent D'Onofrio. How about that? Yeah, that's not a bad one. But again, these are 90s names Nicolas Cage
Starting point is 00:06:26 You just changed the wig Clint Eastwood would be a good one Yeah Oh yeah for sure And Sean Connery That's again a wig situation Sean Connery Get away with it
Starting point is 00:06:34 But what's Has he retired from acting I believe so Yeah One of the last things But you know what could lure him back A wig A sweet wig
Starting point is 00:06:41 And money And money Money to buy wigs He doesn't need money I know but still I get the sense. I think one of the last acting gigs he did was he re-voiced James Bond in a From Russia With Love video game remake. Oh, yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:06:53 In like 2005. Oh, okay. And the last movie, of course, was LXJ. LXJ, sure, from the LXJ franchise. Yeah, that's right. So look, man, we'll see. Yeah. Will Smith needs like a hit because he's kind of had some big swings lately
Starting point is 00:07:07 and they haven't quite paid off. Aladdin could very well be that. There was some more footage this week and people are kind of warming up to it. I'm now feeling better about Aladdin than I am Lion King. Right. But then again, I don't know. Because we got the Lion King trailer again before Endgame. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And I'm on a me, my, my, my. It doesn't do anything for me. No, because there's a little bit of nostalgia in it for me in. Yes. And I'm on a me, my na na na na. Doesn't do anything for me. No, because you, because there's a little bit of nostalgia in it for me in the music. Uh-huh. But aside from that,
Starting point is 00:07:29 I'm with you, so you don't even have that to be like, yeah. What about Schwarzenegger for the Gemini Man? Oh yeah, that's not, yeah. Or Willis, or Stallone. Willis would be so bored.
Starting point is 00:07:38 No, he'd be bad, exactly. Stallone, Stallone would be good. Yeah. Yeah. But that's, I think, because I think we need someone who was a young And vital action star
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yes Oh Van Damme then Oh yeah Uh huh Seagal Oh yeah Okay Uh huh
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah The Gemini Men There we go That's the sequel That no one No one is clamoring for And no one will clamor for But just put them all in
Starting point is 00:08:01 Put them all in Okay Lundgren Yeah Maybe not famous enough But I think he'd be good. But that's the thing about him. I think physically he's transformed quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yes. Like when I think of young Schwarzenegger or like young Van Damme. Yeah. Not Van Damme. Lundgren. Old Lundgren's quite, like when we saw him in Creed 2, he's very broad now. Like he's broad and kind of square Jordan in the 80s version of him. He was also that?
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah, but he was quite narrow and chiseled. Like an arrow. Like an arrow, yeah. Yeah, fair enough. And he's more craggly now. Young Travolta. No, I don't want that. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Don't say that. I'm just kidding. He's had enough chances. He's had enough franchise revivals. I'm just thinking of people who've had a long career in the public eye. Yeah, okay, fair enough. DiCaprio? Probably not old enough.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah, right. Yeah. Because he doesn't look that different. Like, he's probably put on a little bit of weight, but there's not that much difference. I think you're right. I think if he, like, really worked at it, he could... Yeah, he'd mostly look the same.
Starting point is 00:08:56 He could euthanify himself very quickly. There you go. As far as euthanifying yourself goes, Mason, this is the opposite because there's a Swamp Thing trailer. Oh, yes. It's a man who's turned into a Swamp Thing. Mm-hmm. I don't know what was happening in this trailer.
Starting point is 00:09:08 It just seems to me like, okay, they're doing kind of all-out gore, kind of a horror situation. Yeah, right. But I wasn't sure who was transforming into the Swamp Thing. I wasn't sure who was just some sort of other kind of swamp-based monster. It seems to me that they got the body or the remains of Alec Holland and then there's a transformation birthed from that. Right. But I don't know. It doesn't also look a lot like he's killing
Starting point is 00:09:28 some innocent bystanders there. But I wonder if there's two different Swamp Things. That's what I'm saying. And one's a bad Swamp Thing. Yeah, maybe one's a bad Swamp Thing. Yeah. Okay. So this didn't do anything for me.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Gemini Swamp Thing. Yes. A young one and a... I don't know. A man? Young one and a man. Yes. Correct. Yes. Okay, good. What about this though? So this didn't... It don't know. A man? Young one and a man. Yes. Correct.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Yes. Okay. Good. What about this though? So this didn't... It didn't do much for me, but at the same time, I don't think that any of the Titans trailer stuff did much for me as well. And I really like Titans.
Starting point is 00:09:55 That's a good point. Yeah. And Doom Patrol had some pretty intriguing trailers bleeding out. That's true. Yeah. Again, though, I haven't seen it because they haven't showed it here. They haven't given us DC Universe over here. But no.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And as far as trailers go, we can cap this trailer segment off, Mason, with the final Godzilla trailer. I like these final trailers now. It makes me feel like, okay, good, I'll have to do another trailer breakdown for this. Not that I did for this anyway. But where are you at with this? Looks pretty good. They apparently screened it in Tokyo.
Starting point is 00:10:23 They flew a bunch of press over, including us. Huh. No, not us. I was going to say. We don't get to do those things. No, not at all. What they would do is they would lure us onto a plane and then just, you know, there'd be like a gigantic garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean or whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:39 They'd just drop us off in there. Most likely, yes. But this looks great. I don't know whether it will be. Maybe it will be a monster overload because they said something like there's 17 monsters and how many of them are you getting right? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:53 Out of the 17. Or how many can you focus on? They look good so far. I don't know. Are there really 17 monsters in this? They say something like that in the trailer. Maybe it's 12. Didn't they mean there's 17 in the world, I think?
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah. Okay. What do you think I meant? No but I don't think they're all making what do you think I meant no I don't think they're all making appearances in this movie though
Starting point is 00:11:08 oh okay I think he's only fighting it seems to me that he's fighting King Ghidorah and a couple of the others and Mothra
Starting point is 00:11:16 Mothra helps and the idea being that he's gotta he's because all the lesser monsters follow an alpha
Starting point is 00:11:22 yes then he has to defeat the the big the big dude and, then he has to defeat the big dude, and then they will all fall into line maybe. And I think maybe Mothra changes sides first. Sounds like action aplenty, Mason. Correct.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I just turned up your volume a little bit. Thank you. People may notice that in the end. How's it working now? Oh, it's bad. Maybe turn it down a little. It's like having you in the room with me, and as everybody knows,
Starting point is 00:11:43 we do things from separate studios. Exactly right. I can't be dealing with you on a one-to-one basis. This is out fairly soon. But I guess they're going for spectacle in this because that's how you get people into the cinemas. And then with Kong, you go with kind of name recognition when they do Kong versus Godzilla straight after.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Right, sure. This is one of the shared cinematic universes that look like it's working. It's going to be working, yeah. We've gotten two, so... And Fast and Furious, maybe. Yeah, that's right. Depending if Hobbs and Shaw is amazing, which...
Starting point is 00:12:15 Come on. It will be. Come on, guys. I don't know, one of them's got to be the tipping point, though. I mean, it's a franchise that's had some peaks and troughs. Yeah. You know know not all of them being great and a lot of people don't love 2014 which i the 2014 godzilla which i quite like
Starting point is 00:12:31 i was talking about fast and furious oh yeah yeah sure but either way low point super fast not that good not that great is it no but i mean yeah with the with the fast and furious franchise maybe this is one where it drops off we don't know i. I don't think... I think this is going to, like, if anything, take it to, like, a different... Oh, and hold another level? Yeah, because they're putting superpowers in it, apparently. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:12:51 So, there you go. Not that... I mean, they all do have superpowers anyway, it seems. There was a Bond 25 live event. I didn't see it. You didn't have to. But what I did see was I saw,
Starting point is 00:13:03 I saw, like, character headshots. And it's like, guess who's back for bond 25 all daniel craig daniel craig's back leo c do this is the supporting characters from the previous ones they're all back great and the big reveal was uh rami malek yes but we knew that we did it would already been leaked and then i was watching the live event i actually turned it off oh i was like i don't it's also bad timing like it's not a good word like the bond is obviously a huge franchise it's had more movies than than the marvel movies that we've made yes that being said it's it's not a good week for it you know right it kind of and there wasn't enough reveals in this to be interesting the the big reveals they took I took from it was Rami Malek was confirmed.
Starting point is 00:13:46 They're going to be filming in Jamaica, which they made a big deal of, because that's where what's his name? Dr. No? No, no. Ian Fleming. Ian Fleming lived for a long time in his gold finger bloody palace. Goldeneye, yes. What are you and I talking about? Goldfinger Palace, yes.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Goldfinger Palace, yeah. I'm a huge Bond fan. I know you are. And obviously Desmond Llewellyn is back as Q. Yes. He's been dead for a long time, but they've cracked us. Yes. Who knew? But I mean, Endgame's out and people are like,
Starting point is 00:14:14 I don't even care that we can bring people back from the dead now. Yeah, exactly. And the third thing was a non-announcement because they said, well, those people will know we never announced the title this early on, so we won't be announcing the title. And it's like, well, what is this then? I don't care if you're filming in Jamaica. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Nobody cares. I mean, it's like they film in exotic locations all the time. Exactly. In every movie. It would be more surprising if they went, we're doing it in this warehouse. Right. Yep. That's it.
Starting point is 00:14:40 We're doing it in Dubbo. Yeah. We're doing it at the Rundle Mall in Adelaide. Yeah. We're doing it at Croydon Station. Yeah. It's a local reference. We're doing it in Dubbo. Yeah, that's right. We're doing it at the Rundle Mall in Adelaide. Yeah. We're doing it at Croydon Station. Yeah. It's a local reference. We're doing it at Cranbourne.
Starting point is 00:14:49 That's right. So, I just... And so, when you don't have... We're doing it at Chuka Moama, on the border. On the border. It's not... I mean, it didn't really make any waves because it didn't really tell us anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And that's not to say that this movie won't be great. There's some good people involved in it. And it's a 2015 one, so they probably, well, they normally pull out all the stops, but they will continue to do so. It's got a good director. But I just like to announce, do a special live event and then don't even announce the title. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I think the Broccoli family kind of control all things Bond, all things PR, what happens with the brand, any spinoffoffs that they pretend they're going to do and then cancel, like the Jukes spin-off. Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, that's still happening, though. It's still happening. Halle Berry's on board. She's signed up.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Ten picture deals. She's like Bond, but she's sexier. That's right, I get it. And it's great. I remember that was a good movie. It was so much potential, I said. But I just, I think they're a bit out of the loop. I think they need some kind of...
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah, right. An outside person to come in and go, things have changed. We're in a post-MCU world. Yeah, and Bond is nothing but reactionary, albeit late, to whatever the trend is of the day. Yeah, right. And these guys are still doing Jason Bourne films for a lot of this stuff. Yeah, for sure. Anyway, whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Some of the Craig ones are good. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, so there you go. Here we stuff. Yeah, for sure. Anyway, whatever. Some of the Craig ones are good. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, so there you go. Here we go. This is exciting news. You're going to love this, Mason. I'm ready. This is via Collider.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yes. X-Men Dark Phoenix has undergone some changes. I know what this is. Can I guess what this is? Please do. So as I understand it, during reshoots, they changed the final action sequence in the third act from outer space
Starting point is 00:16:26 to a train. Correct. Yes! Incredible work. So here we go. Who wants to be out in space when you can be looking at a train? A thing I see every day.
Starting point is 00:16:36 That's at Croydon Station. The filmmakers decided to revamp the look of the phoenix in post. More cosmic and less flamey according to the director okay that might be a uh maybe a captain marvel kind of reaction maybe anything because she's kind of more cosmic than flamey isn't she yes and shoot a new third act instead of taking place in space the climax of the uh finds all the x-men kidnapped and on board a military train
Starting point is 00:16:59 well it's military train isn't it that's pretty good i've never seen one of those i guess except in any of the previous x-men movies sure of which it's in all of them i think at least the one train at least it's not in a forest i want to see the story of that guy the guy driving the train big day you know what i mean yeah no yeah for sure every every time he's just like yep time to i mean i'm making a steering wheel motion but he's on a train yeah absolutely but also like this would happen at least probably once a week to him it'd be on the train and then it's the other head that somebody step out onto the tracks and he's like oh for fuck's sake exactly the train's gonna flip isn't it that's right he just puts his seat belt on yeah that's right the only question he has every time is the
Starting point is 00:17:40 train gonna go into the person and just crumple or is the person gonna lift the train with their their mind powers either way he's not is the is the is the is the person on the tracks gonna open a portal and then the train ends up in the snow yeah what's gonna happen this time you know he's got two manuals next to him on by his seat he's got the train operation manual which is like an inch thick and then he's got what happens if a mutant steps in front of your train manual which is like six inches thick he's like okay he's and then he's got what happens if a mutant steps in front of your train manual which is like six inches thick and he's like okay he's flipping through
Starting point is 00:18:08 and he's like okay he's got scales alright here we go could be a sticky man he could stick to the side that's okay that's alright I'll do that
Starting point is 00:18:14 there's a series of numbers phone numbers to call on the side you'd just leap out yeah you would that's true just leap out yeah
Starting point is 00:18:24 when he got the job he's like why is there a parachute on the side of this well what's probably gonna happen is you're gonna look 99 of the time on your first day and it's just don't even worry about it but on your first day you're gonna be going over a really really tall suspension bridge and somebody's gonna use their lava powers to melt the supports and the train's gonna fall off so just if you see that happening if you see if you see the suspensions in front of you just sort of turn glowy red and start to melt, just get on the parachute on and leap off the side of the bridge.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Don't even worry about everybody else. That's not your responsibility. Yeah, they're all criminal mutants probably. It's like if you work at a service station, if it's being robbed, it's not your money. You can just hand it over. It's fine. It's absolutely fine.
Starting point is 00:19:01 You do not get paid enough for this. I do wonder though whether, I mean, obviously they're doing this to make absolutely fine. Yeah. You do not get paid enough for this. I do wonder, though, whether... I mean, obviously, they're doing this to make it better. Yeah. Right? Yeah. So maybe it's... It's not like one of the executives has something against space.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Maybe. Yeah. Leading up to this movie, you'd think that. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if they're like, well, look, it's just her up in space. Shooting fire or... At empty space and voids. Yeah. And there's a ship.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And they're probably like, well, it's hard to ground this in reality. Yes. It just looks like two objects flying around at random. Yeah, absolutely. So how about we ground it on Earth? Yeah. And there's some stakes and there's a... Train.
Starting point is 00:19:34 There's a train. Yeah. And the train driver's, he's finally on lunch and he's just, you know, at the cafe at the end of the line. And then the train gets diverted and he has to run. Great. I'm excited. But what were you going to say? That was it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Okay, cool, yeah. I'm saying it could be for the better. Sure. We've never seen a train before. We've seen so many trains. It's in every single one of them. I don't know if we've seen... There's definitely one in the first one.
Starting point is 00:19:57 There's one in... We've seen mutant transports a lot of. There's definitely one in Days of Future Past. Is there? Yeah, because it's got the Sentinels in it. Or whatever. You just use it. Magneto uses Sentinels to something.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And there's a truck escape in both X-Men 3 and Deadpool 2. A mutant truck. So that's really good. Yeah, it is good. Excellent. Leading right into Endgame, though, we've got news on WandaVision. It's still the worst name. Give it a different name.
Starting point is 00:20:24 What are you thinking, WandaVision? What do you call it then? LongDivision. I think that's unrelated though, isn't it? It is unrelated. Won't people get confused? And also, I think it's something I said last time we mentioned this. I don't think anyone would click on a Disney Plus show called LongDivision.
Starting point is 00:20:38 But that's it. It's the sleeper hit. If you know, you know. Okay. You know what I mean? I can get behind that. We'll talk about this a bit later. but it's basically a six hour show and this was an interview a bit long yeah it does this was an interview with uh elizabeth olsen who plays wandavision
Starting point is 00:20:54 oh you know what they get married they could get married so it's about her she's a young woman in the city and she's like my name first yeah it's me wandavision wandavision and it's about her. She's a young woman in the city. And she's like, my name first. Yeah, it's me. WandaVision. WandaVision. And it's got a, well, she said like a 1950s aesthetic because she saw a picture of them and they're making a home together. And it sounds a lot like that Vision comic of late, which was quite good. And a lot of sites reported this as it's set in the 50s.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Of course they did. I don't think it's set in the 50s. Why would it be? I mean, you could, sure, introduce time travel or whatever. But I think it's more likely that they're going with that kind of aesthetic then. The Vision does look good in a sweater vest, though. He looks great in a sweater vest, mate. You wouldn't even notice him back in the 50s.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yeah, no, you wouldn't. I mean, you notice his big purple head. Some people say red. I think we decided on beetroot. Was that right? I think we decided on beetroot, yes. Yeah, I'm not happy with it, but I'm willing to compromise. And that's what marriage is about. And podcasting.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And WandaVision. So there you go. WandaVision. Carry the one to your heart. Yeah, so we'll see how that's going. But six hours is good. Because I think that was the mistake of a lot of the Netflix shows. They went forever.
Starting point is 00:22:03 We want six hours of quality content. Yeah, definitely. So that's apparently going to debut with Disney Plus in November. And whenever we get it. Yeah. In 2023. But speaking of. Anyway, it's time to talk about the thing that's made the most waves this week
Starting point is 00:22:20 in the social media universe, and that's big sandwiches. Yes. We're going to pivot entirely to a big sandwich-based podcast. We're going to talk about big sandwiches. We're going to look at big sandwich-based memes. We appreciate the people who made their own big sandwiches, people who sent us pictures of big sandwiches, people who used jokes and memes and created all those different things.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Basically, for those who are not in the know, my son came in no less than three times last week demanding a big sandwich. Demanding, that's right. And I had to stop the podcast to go make him a big sandwich yeah three times people also want to know what was the big sandwich should i reveal it no okay let me let me just be clear big yeah yeah that's all you need that's all you need to know yeah oh here's some other things you might need to know this week i was on a whole bunch of podcasts oh yes what do you got uh this week i was on uh dugon's live show, Spectacular. I really want to listen to that.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Apparently, it's very good. We talked about Vegemite. That's up on their feed right now. Let's see. Matt Stewart's Primate. I was on that a couple of weeks ago, but I forgot to mention it. But here we are. We talked about Project X, the Matthew Broderick monkey film.
Starting point is 00:23:21 A movie I'd never heard of. Oh, I'd heard of it. I thought it was much sadder than it. I thought it was a much grim, like a grim, gritty film, but it's not. It's like a fun family film. I love a fun family film. Fun family film. But also, I was on my friends Luke and Paul's podcast, What's Life?
Starting point is 00:23:37 What is life? Listeners might know Paul Squirter McWhirter as a big dumb, dumb super fan. Anyway, I was on his podcast. And each week they go through the That's Life, which is like a... I guess it's Lifestyle slash Lies magazine. Yeah, it's like one of those
Starting point is 00:23:53 tabloid magazines that you get at the line at the supermarket or have you. And all the stories are made up. Yeah, for sure. They're not even celebrity based. It's just someone writes in a letter and it's just clearly not true. It's just advice columns written to by people who are lying and advice is provided by people who are lying.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Or they're also written by people who work for the magazine. Yes, exactly. Anyway, we went through an issue of That's Life magazine. I had a great time. So I think that's probably on iTunes and Spotify, I'd imagine. No doubt. It's called What's Life. What's Life.
Starting point is 00:24:22 What's Life, yeah. Okay, excellent. Three great things. Three great things. Three great things. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Visit Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will
Starting point is 00:24:57 rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Excellent.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Speaking of great things, or is it? Avengers Endgame. Can we talk box office first? Yes. Some people care about this. By Friday in the US, this movie had made $156.7 million. And when did it come out? It came out technically Thursday, I guess.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Okay. But by Friday, it had made, yeah, that's quite a lot. That's pretty impressive. That's normally the box office weekend for a very, very big film. Yes. They reckon the opening weekend in the US alone is going to be $300 million plus. Seems like a lot. Which will shatter the previous record, which was Infinity War, which was $ was 257 ish i want to say off the top of my head yeah
Starting point is 00:25:50 right and this this movie worldwide will probably break a billion dollars in its opening weekend that's a lot of money so these just aren't like this is the biggest movie this is the biggest opening of all time it will be i don't have the final numbers aren't in as of yet. There's room for wiggle there. Oh, yeah. A little bit of wiggle room. You want that. Yeah. Whether or not it could beat, like, Titanic or Avatar,
Starting point is 00:26:10 which has the highest of all time over an extended period of time... Yeah, right. ...remains to be seen. Maybe the run length will work against it for that. Those two films had things working for them. For one, the ticket prices of Avatar had to be 3D. Oh, yeah, for sure. And also had, like the december run up until like march yeah that's true yeah yeah yeah and titanic was just a phenomenal phenomenally it was a phenomenon yes it was culturally it was something like a phenomenon
Starting point is 00:26:39 this this will hit two billion though is that cool almost certainly that's your hit prediction would you run would you want this to beat avatar or do you not care because they're all corporate entities and it doesn't close to the second one to be honest sure what what difference does it make to me if you get to brag oh do i yeah because my team's the winner yeah oh yeah that's pretty good yeah not bad i mean the difference between this and avatar is that that all these films have different strategies for getting as far as they did and for this one it's 11 years of fairly consistent films. That's true. And I think what helped
Starting point is 00:27:10 it a lot was the last one was a cliffhanger. Yeah, oh yeah, for sure. And that gets everybody back in back into cinemas. Do you think that maybe that's going to be a pivot? Do you think every... I think other people will attempt it. Yeah, for sure. But the thing about the Marvel movies are there's always hints towards the next thing.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah. But there's not many flat out cliffhangers. No, that's true. There's maybe Ragnarok leading. But again, that leads into this. That was heavily leading into it. Yeah. So there's, but yeah, that's normally not like the end of Iron Man 2.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And then it's, you know, and then Iron Man explodes and you're like, what's going to happen to Iron Man? What's going to happen to him? And at the And after the credits it's like he exploded he's dead now. So there you go. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:27:49 what do you think the story was? Oh no! Yeah, gotcha. Well at the end of Infinity War the Avengers are in a bit of a pickle
Starting point is 00:27:56 aren't they? Because half of the population of the universe was turned to dust. Yes. It's a bit sad isn't it? For some. What are they going to do?
Starting point is 00:28:05 They're going to get Thanos. They're going to get him. Some people just want to get on with it. Some people want to get Thanos. That's right. Is that really all we can say? I think it is, yeah. We did a non-spoiler review
Starting point is 00:28:16 pretty much when we came straight out of the movie. That's on my YouTube channel. It's titled Avengers Endgame Reaction! Ten exclamation points. And it's both of our faces looking shocked. Going like, guh! Guh!
Starting point is 00:28:28 Look, Mason, I'm no stranger to clickbait. I'm not one to make fun of others for their particular YouTube thumbnail practices. All your videos, the last half a dozen of them have all just been Captain Marvel explodes! Ten exclamation points. Feminism? Feminism!
Starting point is 00:28:44 Captain Marvel, get out of here Yeah Disney buys all the tickets for Captain Marvel Captain Marvel nude Yeah even if you hate Captain Marvel Captain Marvel you hate her but she's nude Even if you hate Captain Marvel You can't get around the fact it made a billion dollars
Starting point is 00:29:00 You absolutely can't It's just the reality of it Unless Disney bought all the tickets That's actually a good point I didn't even think of that. You didn't think maybe they probably did that for some reason, you know? They sent guys to every cinema and just bought all the tickets. That must be it.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, so that spoiler-free review is up, and we're going to recap some things here, obviously, in a little bit more kind of in-depth. Yes. We're going to go spoiler-free and then spoilers, and that will be in the description, in the time codes again. But again,
Starting point is 00:29:29 and I cannot stress this enough, if you do not want to know anything, just skip all of this. Skip this. Also skip to the end of the podcast because it's probably going to be, once we hit spoilers, it's going to go all the way to the end.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Probably through letters and what we read. Exactly. And we'll just probably let some off at the end. We'll let some. Absolutely we will. Exactly will exactly so yeah what i would recommend you do is play this download this episode play it turn the volume down so we still get the download please we need that we need the download don't let us down yeah if you couldn't yeah okay uh now you've had a bit less than a week to kind of sit on it less Less than less than a week because I watched it twice. Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah, did you also watch it twice? I didn't get an opportunity. I mentioned this in the review coming out of it. I was going to see it the next day and I'm like, it's a lot. I'm going to watch it. But now I'm really interested to see it again. I'm going to go definitely see it again this week. Has your opinion changed from this?
Starting point is 00:30:23 I think it has. I think my problem is because we go through these, when the trailers come, every single trailer comes out and we break it down second by second and every single reference and then we make assumptions about what's going to happen and then maybe we have a plan in our brains as to how the movie's going to go. I think the first time I view a movie on this scale, I think a part of my brain's like,
Starting point is 00:30:46 well, this isn't quite what I'm looking for. Or it's like, well, I'm focusing on what it isn't. Like, oh, I thought, okay, maybe this character would appear or maybe this thing would happen and it didn't happen. And that's a little bit disappointing because we've thought about it and I've built an idealized version. And I think in the second time around,
Starting point is 00:31:02 when I know the plot, I'm better inclined. You kind of settle into it a bit more. I'm inclined to focus on what it is. And so I think I i think in the second time around when i know the plot i'm i'm i'm better you can kind of settle into it a bit more inclined to focus on what it is yes and so i think i enjoyed it more the second time yeah i think i also enjoyed it more the second time uh no sorry what i thought about it because it was quite overwhelming which is it james like coming out of it it's quite overwhelming it's yeah which again as i explained the review um is why it's hard to do a review kind of straight out of a movie and also it's three hours long
Starting point is 00:31:28 three hours long exactly and if you stop paying attention for a second or two you might miss a plot point there's definitely some things and so I came out of that going there's some loose ends they didn't tie up on this
Starting point is 00:31:37 not that you have to tie up every loose end no but I don't think there's we'll have to get into spoilers for what you're almost instantly okay but what can we talk about okay so I think
Starting point is 00:31:48 there's some changes to some characters all characters experience changes in narratives don't they yeah I think I can see
Starting point is 00:31:54 how some people wouldn't like particular characterizations because if you have a particular version of a character that you like yeah
Starting point is 00:32:00 or you want to see like you said see a character do a certain thing yes you might not like that but all of them even though they weren't necessarily what i expected i think for the most part worked for me yeah right yeah yeah and i think again like we're watching it the first
Starting point is 00:32:14 time i feel like some of the scene transitions were quite jarring like when we go to certain when we go to meet certain characters or certain characters are introduced or reintroduced from previous movies i think they carried on their their a certain vibe or a certain tone from those movies yes and and that to me felt kind of jarring because you'd have a lot of very serious stuff happening and then we this character's coming from this wacky franchise and there's a wacky thing that's happening and i felt initially i felt that was kind of jarring but again once i knew where it was going second time round, I'm like, oh, okay, this is as sharp a left turn as I thought it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Yeah, and I think that's also the problem with some of these movies in general. They don't always strike the right balance of humour and the more serious stuff. Yeah, right. Yeah, sure, I could see how that could be a problem for some people in these movies. But I think on the whole, the humour in this worked pretty well.
Starting point is 00:33:07 There's some of it being callbacks, which again, I probably can't talk about. Look, okay, what about this? It's very nostalgia heavy in parts in relation to things that have come before. A lot of nods to things that have happened and characters appearing and reappearing and referenced and whatever. Did you think it was too heavy-handed for that? You know what? I don't think... Again, it's a comic book universe.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And I think that a little bit of fan service is good fun. Sometimes you'd have this... Speaking as a cynical nitpicker, I think sometimes... And a dumbass. Yeah, and a dumbass. Both of those things are working against me. But like, you know, a cynical person,
Starting point is 00:33:49 you know, part of me would be like, okay, that character just referenced a thing he said 10 years ago. Yeah. Like he used the same phrasing from 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:33:58 How's he going to remember that? How's he going to remember that interaction he had with that other guy 10 years ago kind of thing? People remember things, don't they? Yeah, I know, but I meant... And they filmed it it it's in a movie you've probably seen it it is
Starting point is 00:34:07 in a movie that's true but then i'm like well yeah it's just all in fun and again we you know it had it's happened twice yeah absolutely just just let it go yeah i think it's the the nostalgia moments in this are very much put in a specific part of the movie. And then they kind of move away from it. There's like a moment where that happens for a particular reason. And I think because they kind of put it in one block and it doesn't really spill over either side of that, then it works for me.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I felt the callbacks kind of rewarding because I have watched 21 films prior to this over 11 years. So the reappearance of characters in certain lines kind of felt to me like, hey, you've been paying attention, so here's a little thing. It didn't feel too... Because this movie, again,
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm sure I said this about Infinity War, it's incomprehensible. I think you could enjoy it on just like jokes and action. I think you could enjoy it on that level. And it looks spectacular. There are some great... There are some wine shots in this especially I think you could enjoy it on just like it's jokes and action. I think you could enjoy it on that level. And it looks spectacular. There are some great, there are some wide shots in this, especially of space and of battles. And we saw my max as well, which made it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Yeah. But even in the, cause I saw it regular, regular screen. I saw it in WandaVision. Yes. The second time around. And it still looked great. Like, there's some like, you know, there's some like establishing shots of the battles and that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And it just looks incredible. I think there's some stuff that I don't like about the way it looks in particular. I think they have tweaked some things to the better. Iron Man's nanotech suit. Yeah, good. They learned their lesson. I like the coloring on that new suit as well.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Okay, we see this in the trailers. They've got new Avengers outfits. They do, yeah. What do you think? Without giving too much away i i understand why they're there for the purpose of that but i kind of hate them yeah i don't like him either that much yeah but we'll never see him again they're on and off and as well exactly they're nano stuff so they can completely disappear and whatever you're wearing underneath is yeah we'll we'll show but yeah uh, I like the surprises in this though. I think there was some, I like being,
Starting point is 00:36:08 I like that the marketing was so sparse in terms of footage they showed. Some misdirects in the footage, not as much as I thought. Yeah, right. I thought there was some fake scenes that they made for the trailers, which actually ended up being in the movie.
Starting point is 00:36:21 But I liked, I enjoyed being surprised for a lot of this yes there were some things leading up that uh you kind of see coming as it's unfolding yeah right that wasn't like oh but they're doing this you know what i felt with the with the first first viewing of this i think it was that the the the narrative was kind of simpler than i was expecting it to be okay and i look at you know if they'd in realistically if they'd added another layer of complexity i think i probably would have been totally lost but i think it's because we went in expecting okay you know because we're given a million theories as to what's going to happen i think you build in the most complicated one you can think of and i think that you know
Starting point is 00:36:57 ultimately that what the narrative that we got was quite it's quite simple and straightforward but it's also when you scratch the surface of it yeah and they do a lot of hand waving yes concerning it uh-huh it's quite complicated not that you really need to really look into that much you don't have to but there's some stuff in here i know people say a lot of the times and we've said this like these movies are for kids yeah i can't imagine a kid wanting to sit through this no no no it's so long yeah like that alone there's been a lot of memes this week about well if you're if you're you know if you bring your kid and he better not talk because it's a bloody it's a bloody you shouldn't be you should be shouldn't he hasn't put in the hours of avengers whatever you blah blah and then other people have said oh yeah well you well you
Starting point is 00:37:37 know they are movies for kids but at the same time this kind of isn't a movie no it's not but i i'm look i'm all for bringing a kid to a movie like this. I'm not talking like a five-year-old. A five-year-old would probably shoot themselves after watching this. Oh, yeah. But I think if you bring like an eight to ten-year-old and they're having a good time. Sure, yeah. That's okay. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Because these movies, like, they, you know, this would work for an older kid up to a very old man. Or woman. Oh, yeah. Or a fish. Yeah. That enjoys film. Yeah, right. Because it's got the brain of a...
Starting point is 00:38:08 A smarter fish. Oh, you're cool. Smart fish. Great, incredible. Thanks. Well, you haven't seen it again, but having seen it the second time, and I'm curious to hear about other people's experience of this, the cinema to me the second time around was just the Wild West.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Really? Like there were people just openly texting on their phones and people talking and... Did you go to the one near where you'd normally go? Yeah. Really? Yeah. That surprises me.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I know. Yeah. But I'm curious about that because I think people are like, well, it's time to hunker down for three hours. I better let my parents know I'm still alive. Bring in their own beanbags. Yeah that's right yeah well yeah because the screening was pretty quiet not it was quiet like dead quiet but because it was media and instagram influence yeah well that's true exactly that's right yeah okay so here's some characters that i enjoyed i enjoyed the
Starting point is 00:38:58 arcs of both captain america and tony stark oh yes i enjoyed the the way that the combination of their stories i also thought that uh ne story, a character I've never really cared about on any level, was really good in this. Great, yeah. It kind of gets a fair bit of play. Yes. If you love or hate Captain Marvel as well, let me tell you, she's in some of it, but not that much.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yeah, right. Is that a spoiler? Well, at this point, I think we've learned this week that at this point anything is a spoiler yes some people on i've seen people on twitter say i've seen some people on twitter say oh man i loved i loved endgame and then people saying well now you've ruined it for me yes because the idea that you would enjoy it makes me think of certain things that you would enjoy and therefore i figured out a spoiler kind of thing so you know i put the um i made a video on the post credits and what that means i'm not
Starting point is 00:39:45 going to spoil it here but the thumbnail is literally like credits uh-huh and that's it and it says avengers endgame post credits ending right in the title yes and you click on the video and at the start it says spoilers yeah and i still have people like you didn't say you didn't say it was a spoiler look first of all i said it was a spoiler second of all why the fuck are you clicking on a video that says post credits what are you doing that's your fault yeah i agree unless the algorithm sent them there but even then that's not stay off youtube get off it what are you doing what are you doing yeah so there you bloody go uh okay there's a giant battle in it
Starting point is 00:40:26 how about this you better believe it i thought it was looked spoiler alert the movie avengers endgame based on the marvel cinematic universe franchise which is almost exclusively giant battles yes has a and this is the ultimate one has a big battle yes surprise idiots i thought it was very similar aesthetically yes to the titan battle from the last one oh yeah i didn't think it looked like it wasn't taking place it wasn't a very interesting no not even that i just didn't think it was very interesting okay right uh looking i mean it was an interesting battle yes and who was in it and what was happening yes and it was also shorter than the other one which i also appreciate yeah right uh-huh i and i probably enjoyed it more i just think it could have looked i mean it was a slightly different color sky but it's just mostly just junk and whatever sure yeah and things flying
Starting point is 00:41:15 about so anyway that's just that's me okay but other than that i thought it looked great okay there's some de-aging going on and some was better than others but in general it's it's pretty good yeah uh and before spoilers i got one more thing to say okay you're a real son of a bitch mason me i know i really like for what reason i'm not denying it but tell me why i really liked the the families and friendship elements that they kind of went yeah right like the the thing that makes these movies for me is is that these characters interacting in interesting ways. I guess that's Eddie Boothie.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It could be said for Eddie Boothie. But the franchise doesn't get this long by you being interested if two characters who used to hate each other or still hate each other are having a conversation or something happens to their family or friends or whatever. You're invested in it. And I think that stuff really worked for me.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And there's quite a bit of it in this. is multiple characters yeah yeah um would you say you are satisfied by this movie yes yeah i think we've people have like people are like you guys seem a little lukewarm in this i really like this movie i think it's great i think it's great too it's again it's an amazing feat that they've made it this far they've tied everything in at the end there's there's there's very few loose ends. I think it looks great. I think it's because we don't send out tweets that are like, oh, my God, the culmination of 11 years,
Starting point is 00:42:33 and I never thought this is the cinematic experience of... It's a very good movie. It's a good movie, isn't it? Yeah. And I really liked it. Everything looks real good real nice yes and with that being said i'm gonna say best movie ever best movie ever and you're a real son of a bitch fair enough yeah all right let's talk spoilers all right okay i guess
Starting point is 00:42:56 the biggest element of the story that i guess we guessed and everybody guessed uh is that it's a time travel movie yeah right time heist they call a time heist yeah uh huh they solve time travel fairly quickly they really do they really just knock it out of the park you gotta keep it moving you'd think Tony Stark
Starting point is 00:43:11 would have done that already but I guess here's the thing though look I'm absolutely willing to forgive that because Tony Stark never figured out
Starting point is 00:43:20 the quantum size changing manipulation yeah like that's a puzzle he never cracked he never got it from pym either he made sure he didn't get it from him yeah so i so you know i guess the idea would be that tony stark may have figured this out years ago if he had that
Starting point is 00:43:34 technology but he doesn't have it yeah and so given that it's it's then being presented to him yeah he can then figure it out fairly quickly because the way it happens is uh you know this is just me talking through it. People know this. Yeah, you're right. But Scott Lang gets out of the Quantum Realm via a rat, the biggest hero of the MCU. He's been gone five years. Couldn't there have been a better solution?
Starting point is 00:43:55 Two rats? Yeah, two rats. You want multiple rats. Fighting, two rats fight. But no, I mean, like, I think... You think it's too much down to chance? No, yeah, exactly. I think it would have been...
Starting point is 00:44:04 I think maybe that was the first thing where I'm like, this isn think it's too much Down to chance? No yeah exactly I think it would have been I think maybe that was The first thing where I'm like This isn't what I was looking for And again like That's the Last Jedi syndrome It's like Well this isn't quite what I'm You know
Starting point is 00:44:13 I'm shocked that somebody Impounded that van With Scott Lang's stuff I guess his family did it Maybe yeah Because they just assumed That he was dead Along with half of it
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah right right right But I feel like it would... I think that element would have been... And I guess the idea is that Scott Lang's kind of a dumbass. Yeah. But I think it would have been more satisfying if he made his way out. Yes, I agree. He found his way out of the quantum realm
Starting point is 00:44:35 and he wasn't accidentally ejected from it. Yeah. Because he was only there five hours and that's long enough for him to figure something out. Yeah, exactly. Even if he was away for five years. He also goes from being quite intelligent to kind of being a bit player after time travel's figured out like they use him
Starting point is 00:44:49 yes he's a lot he comes up with the idea yeah and it's his idea to go to stark and then there's points where rocket raccoon's just like you're an idiot stay out of it you don't know what you're doing yeah right yeah but so when but so he so they he goes we'll do we'll do a time heist and then they go to stark or Banner and Stark. And they don't give him any of the information or data to Tony Stark or what their plan is. But I guess he's got access to S.H.I.E.L.D. files. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And he figures it out in maybe 30 seconds. Maybe they give him a drive or something. They might have given him a drive, yeah. Actually, side note, what surprised you most in this movie? Was it Professor Hulk or was it unfit Thor? Definitely unfit Thor. Yeah, Professor Hulk I kind of saw coming. Yeah, we figured that was happening, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:34 But no, it was definitely unfit Thor because they really hid that. They really did, it's true, yeah. Okay, which one do you want to talk about first? Hulk looks great, by the way. He does and he does a dab five years later than now yep which makes it even older than yeah but that's the point isn't it yeah right because he's kind of uncool and yeah i do enjoy that bit where ant-man's what wants to know if they want a selfie or whatever i enjoy those bits because it's such a packed movie and you're spending 30 seconds to a minute on this joke
Starting point is 00:46:07 that doesn't even need to be in the movie. Yeah, right. I kind of enjoy that waste time on something just as innocuous as that. Yeah, sure. But no, Professor Hulk looks great. Yes. And it also kind of makes sense with the evolution of that character. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I guess the only thing is he doesn't really play a role in the final battle. No, that's true, yeah. So if you're looking for him to kind of tear through Thanos, you won't get that. He doesn't, strictly speaking, get his revenge. I would have kind of liked a bit of a rematch. Yeah, I guess that's true. But I guess, you know, I feel like the character is,
Starting point is 00:46:42 he's moved on from that. I think part of the transformation is that he's moved on from being defeated. I don't think it bothered him as much as it bothered the three that went up against him initially. But okay, Fat Thor. Yes. It's a big old joke. He's got a big old rubber belly. Clearly incredibly ripped underneath still.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Still underneath, yeah. When we talked about this after, I thought he was going to get ripped. Yeah. still underneath yeah i when we talked about this after i thought he was gonna get ripped yeah like his mother would do some magic or he'd call like his hammer would make him yeah make him ripped again yeah he doesn't get anything he just gets that braided beard i admire like for even if you liked it or didn't that they just stuck with it yeah right he's just big thor for the whole i also feel like that is a more traditional depiction of Thor. Like, not Marvel's the mighty Thor, but like Thor in mythology.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yeah. He's just a big fat guy. Like a Volstead kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. But he'll be ripped again in his next adventure. Oh, yeah, for sure. But no, I mean, he could still fight and he was still strong.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I don't think Thor carrying an extra 40 kilo would make that much difference to him anyway. No, that's true. Because he could, you know... Yeah, he's strong. He's strong regardless. Yeah. But again, that's, I think, the character that I think,
Starting point is 00:47:55 in my initial viewing, was too... He felt too goofy kind of thing. Like, that whole thing was played for laughs, and so they go visit New Asgard, and he's just like, Hey, I'm here. And you know, it's just,
Starting point is 00:48:08 I'm a, I'm a big party animal now. I can definitely see that. But I also think there was the payoff of that character where one of the big plot points of this movie is we revisit a lot of Thor 2, which I really enjoyed because most people hate that movie or think nothing of it. And again, I think it's fine. I think, I think people want that movie or think nothing of it. And again, I think it's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Yeah, I think it's fine too. I think people want a movie to kick, so it doesn't look like they're like... I'll kick Iron Man 3 before I kick Iron Man 2. Yeah, exactly. I think people want one so they don't look like completely uncritical fanboys of the thing. So they're like, well, that one's the worst one. I think it's fine, yeah. I think it's better than Ant-Man and the Wasp.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Also, if you legitimately think it's the worst one, that's fine. That's also fine, yeah. But then when he goes to visit his mother, and she immediately is like, you're from the future. And then they have that interaction, and he gets to say goodbye to his mum. That's true, yeah. I liked all of that.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And she kind of gives him a pep talk. They show some stock footage of Jane Foster, because they couldn't get her back. It's amazing they got Robert Redford, but not Natalie Portman. Isn't it right? Yeah. I love cameos like that. Cause like, it's so difficult to. Natalie Portman does get a full thing in the credits though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Well, she's in it. She is in it. She gets lines, but they're lines from Thor too. Yeah. Yeah. Speaking of families though, what I like about, I think I've liked Tony, I like Tony Stark in this movie more than any others because he actually makes a sacrifice that means something to him.
Starting point is 00:49:25 He has the opportunity. He's built a new life with his family. He's got a daughter. He loves the way that he lives his life. He's like, I don't want to change any of that. But he still gives... Well, he does give it up because he dies. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:49:40 We're already in spoilers. He gives all that up for the sake of humanity. Yeah, right. Yeah, which I feel, and I think he's come a long way, and that was an interesting dilemma for that character. Because where are the stakes for him? Because if he didn't have a daughter, he probably would do that in a heartbeat.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, for sure. It wouldn't matter to him at all. Yeah. Okay, but that being said's where's this timeline now everybody's everybody who's brought everybody who's everybody who's been brought back yes is now the same age as they were five years ago but everybody else is has aged normally yeah and people have talked about that in relation to spider-man homecoming he goes back to school and they're all still there yeah that is a mix of i've got got an Easter egg video. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:50:25 But that's a mix of like Ned Leeds must've got snapped. Yeah. He's MJ must've been snapped because she's in homecoming. Flash. Flash must've been snapped. So that means that school is half kids from who grew up and then into 20, it's 2023 and half were snapped. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:50:41 That's what it must be. Yeah, for sure. Unless Ned Leeds is an absolute dumbass. He got kept down five years. He got kept down five years, but I don't think that's the idea. No. Yeah. All the kids from the academic decathlon team were actually,
Starting point is 00:50:54 turned out they were actually really dumb and they all got kept down. Yeah, that's right. You know what I did enjoy? Probably the one that I found least interesting was Revisiting Guardians. Mm-hmm. But I liked... It was fine, but they go to... Morag.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Morag and whatever, and Thanos is there, and that's all fine. But I liked Revisiting the Avengers, and the Captain America versus Captain America fight. Incredible, yes. They've clearly seen Jet Li's The One. Absolutely. Obviously. Everyone in all 23 parallel universes has seen Jet Li's The One.
Starting point is 00:51:25 And the thing about that is you realise it's going to happen just before it happens. It's one of those things where I could never have predicted that this is what they were going to do. And when it's about to happen, I'm like, this is exactly what I want to see. Like from this timeline, this is it. And there's even that line I assume you're talking about was the, I can do this all day. Well, there's a few of them, but he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Obviously, that's more for the audience I meant more in the sense of like you know when right at the end in the final battle and Captain America's facing off the entire army by himself and then he hears Falcon say on your left oh yeah right
Starting point is 00:51:56 well I guess that's where they let yeah no but again it's significantly we hear it twice and it's in it's in he wakes him up at the at the hospital with with that line yeah right if i remember correctly um but yeah i mean like that was that was a long a long time ago i'd be like what who is this who is this yeah so i i really like that uh a bit like it was fun seeing the avengers from that different perspective after they pose they all kind of Avengers from that different perspective. After they pose, they all kind of break. Like it was also the end of a filming day.
Starting point is 00:52:28 They all kind of separate. I quite enjoyed that. But yeah, it's obviously from there they go to the 1970s. I was a little confused actually for most of the 2012 sequence as to the appearance of the Hulk
Starting point is 00:52:44 for a lot of it. Why is that? I don't know. He just... 2012 Hulk and 2019 Hulk look quite similar. Yes. And at one point he rips his shirt off. Yeah, because if they're going... Like, Captain America's wearing his old outfit,
Starting point is 00:52:55 so if anyone sees him... Yeah, yeah. They just think it's... But he's wearing a time travel suit. No, no, because that zips back. It's like a nano suit. Yeah, right. When he fights himself.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Yes. He's in his... No, I'm talking about the Hulk. No, he tears it off so if anyone sees him... Yeah, I know. They think it's theuit. Yeah, right. When he fights himself. Yes. He's in his... No, I'm talking about the Hulk. No, he tears it off so if anyone sees him... Yeah, I know. They think it's the Hulk. Yeah, I know. But it's nanotech.
Starting point is 00:53:11 But if he's wearing nanotech... Just have him not wear a shirt. Why is he ripping off a layer of nanotech? I don't think it was nanotech. I think he was wearing clothes under the nanotech. Oh, okay. Right. So where's the nanotech gone?
Starting point is 00:53:21 In his butt? No, it goes into a little capsule or whatever, I assume. Like a belt or whatever But he takes it off so when he goes through the city People won't be like Why is there two hulks and one's dressed in a tuxedo I liked the conversation with him in the ancient one Again it's this thing of like
Starting point is 00:53:37 These two characters shouldn't even have met Yeah right They bring back Tilda Swinton for all of that Nearly an elevator fight Glad they didn't do it I was kind of like here we go Yeah, right. Yeah. They bring back Tilda Swinton for all of that. Nearly an elevator fight. Yep. Glad they didn't do it. Like, I was kind of like, here we go.
Starting point is 00:53:51 But then we've seen that. Yeah, we need another elevator fight for. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I enjoyed the way him thinking his way out of it and doing that. And the return of the patron saint of our podcast, Callan Mulvey. That's right. Who doesn't get any lines, I don't think. No, he doesn't. But again, that's an example of like you pay someone to turn up and you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yeah, right. And they, you know, it's just that kind of blows my mind. They got all those people back like Sitwell and Brock Rumlow and all those people. All right, deaths. Let's talk about deaths then. Okay, deaths. Okay. Black Widow thrown off a cliff.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Will she be back for Black Widow the movie? Well, it depends. It could be a prequel. It could be set between Infinity War and Endgame like in that time jump. Yeah, that's true, yeah. You can force... But I would find those unsatisfying. I agree.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I'm sure they can make it work, but at the same time, I don't want to see Black Widow of years ago. I want to see Black Widow now. I don't want to be crushed under the crushing sadness of her past. Of too much ballet. And too much ballet, and she's a ballet murderer or whatever. I want to see modern day... You don't want to see Black Widow ballet murderer?
Starting point is 00:54:46 No, I can't. And now I do. Now that I've described it in such floral language, I do. But I think I would much rather see modern day Black Widow just doing a spy thing. Well, there's options because they brought back Gamora, not with the snap, but they just grabbed one at a time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:01 This time travel, we'll do a video on it. We'll make it after this. All right. I think it's just different realities i think when they go back in time because because if you kill a past version of yourself you don't die yes which means there's branching timelines and multiverses and whatever yeah right so but does that okay so here's the question so the the premise of the premise of this time heist is they steal all the infinity stones yes which is going to branch off
Starting point is 00:55:24 that particular reality into a parallel universe. For good or ill. For good or ill. But when you bring the stones back, the universe continues along the same path it did before. So because Nebula was killed, does that mean when
Starting point is 00:55:40 Steve Rogers sends back all the infinity stones, that she's brought back. She's brought back again. I don't know if it is. Okay. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe, yes.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Yeah. But also then he also lives, like him going back and living that life would have changed that reality. But she also says something. I don't know if he keeps his bloody head down. Well, that's true. But she also says something along the lines of, if you bring the stones back, then everything, like you said, will be fine. It's a bit hand-wavy. But I don't know if it is, because Loki got one and scarpered.
Starting point is 00:56:08 So how does that affect... Maybe that's his solo... Well, exactly. That's exactly it. Yeah, you're right, because then in going back and stealing the cube again from the 70s, that just means there's two loose cubes out there. Yeah, Loki still gets it. So you have to get it from Loki.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Right, but potentially, and again, there's a lot of hand-waving here. If Steve Rogers gets the cube back to the 70s, does that mean it's then available for Loki to steal? Yes, that's what I'm saying. So you'd have to get it there as well. Okay, right. Or maybe Loki just goes and gives it to thanos he go or he gets captured on asgard regardless yeah and he gets killed anyway yeah right we don't the thing is
Starting point is 00:56:51 we that version of loki we don't really know what happens to it it's well that's true it's kind of the wild card he might have been immediately captured by thor yeah or the hulk as soon as he left the building yeah i mean he probably didn't no i mean he probably went to the other side of the galaxy but you know yeah so that was a very small tom hiddleston cameo he's not he's not really in these movies much is he these new ones but again he's getting that tv and a very small what's another camp a very small uh jarvis the butler cameo tv reference they did it i couldn't believe it you couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe it. That, I think, was the biggest surprise for me. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:57:25 That they'd leaked one television series. They threw ABC a bone. Not the Defenders, not Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nah. Agent Carter. Which is a good show from the one season I watched. I quite liked it and it was a good Jarvis. I guess Agent Carter does have the most references.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Like, it has the most... It has the most... Because it's got Howard Stark, it's got Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark. Yeah, that's true, yeah. And that's all I can think of. It's got others probably.
Starting point is 00:57:49 It's got others probably, yeah. It's got the Howling Commandos. That's true, yeah. No, you're right, it does, yeah. I like the 1970s setting for a number of reasons. Firstly, okay, one in particular.
Starting point is 00:58:01 I like the Howard Stark stuff. Yeah, right. That he got to speak to his dad because in the last, the last time they met, remember he wishes that he had said that he the Howard Stark stuff. Yeah, right. That he got to speak to his dad. Because in the last... The last time they met, remember he wishes that he had said that he loved him and goodbye. Yeah, right. And he didn't get the opportunity.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And then he actually goes and gets to do that. It's kind of weird that Howard Stark is just telling this fucking rando. Yeah, right. His life story. And he finds him near the Tesseract and doesn't think anything of it. You know, but I'm happy to kind of let that go. One thing I'm not willing to let go. You say Tesseract. Yeah, I know. It's Tesseract. Okay, good. I know. One thing I'm not willing to let go. You say tesseract.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Yeah, I know. It's tesseract. Okay, good. I know. It's just easier. Is it? Yeah. Is it?
Starting point is 00:58:30 Tesseract or tesseract-ter. Tesseract-ter. All right. But I guess he's vulnerable because it's the day before his kid's going to be born. Yeah, exactly. That's fine. Yes. Interestingly, in this universe-
Starting point is 00:58:43 John Slattery looks ridiculous in a brown wig. That's true, he does. Okay, that's point number one. Point number two, we're expected to believe that Tony Stark's year of birth is 1970. Yes. No, no, no, no, no. Well, that would make him 49. Okay, how old is...
Starting point is 00:58:58 55. That's not unruly. No, okay, that's all right. I thought he was... When they get him from space, he looks old as hell. He looks a fright. He's got white stubble, so he's clearly died in his beard with a little marker or whatever yeah but i think yeah definitely i also think they skinny him down yeah i think they did too
Starting point is 00:59:15 yeah just a little a little bit yeah um i was gonna say interestingly in the comic books tony stark isn't how Howard Stark's biological son. He's adopted. Right, yeah. So in this universe, he is. He is, yeah. In the comic book universe, their biological son is Arno Stark. Bad dude.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah. And Morgan Stark is their cousin. Yes. Who's a man. Not the daughter. Not the daughter, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. What was the other thing?
Starting point is 00:59:43 That's probably it. Did that bother you, did it? Not really, no. really no yeah really did it's all these they're taking female roles are taken over it's there's too much diversity okay well let's talk about captain marvel then okay she's in it to the start so what must happen because she turns up in the post credits of uh is her new haircut a mistake is that the question it's a weird wig i don't mind it i don't mind i think that haircut works uh-huh if it was an actual haircut right i found it as a distracting wig. I don't mind it. I don't mind it, but I don't love it. I think that haircut works if it was an actual haircut. Right. But I found it as a distracting wig.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Okay. I thought they should have done the shaved side thing. Yes. Maybe they're probably saving that. Yeah. You know what? I reckon it's going to be the next one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Yeah. That's my favorite one. It's a good one. Yeah. So what must happen is because she shows up at the end of Captain Marvel right after the snap. Captain Marvel shows up at the end of Captain Marvel. Yeah, but in the modern day.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Oh. So she must get to Earth, go back, get Tony Stark, come back again. Yeah, right. That must be. Because I was trying to, I was like, wait a minute, because she didn't have Tony Stark when she, but it's fine. They did it. They did it.
Starting point is 01:00:35 That's true. I don't care with it. There's probably a lot of stuff in this movie that I didn't get that they probably thought about more than I did. Yeah, right. Yeah. But remember, Mason, going to the past doesn't change your past. It becomes your present.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Yeah. And could affect your future. They could have used a diagram there, I'll be honest with you. They did with the stones and it branched off, Mason. It's just like the blackboard in Back to the Future 2.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Yeah, no. Okay, good. This movie is Back to the Future 2 in a lot of ways. Yeah, it is. It's true. In parts. Okay, so there was
Starting point is 01:01:01 Carol Danvers. We've talked about this. I didn't want Captain Marvel to come in and kill Thanos. Yes. Mostly because she'd been around for one movie at that point, and I feel like it would have been more interesting to have more established characters do it.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yeah, right. That being said, there was a moment in this movie where they're going head-to-head, and he punches her, and she doesn't even flinch. Yeah, he goes to headbutt her, and it just bounces off. And I'm like, fuck. And I was like, actually, this would be amazing if they did that because people would lose their minds.
Starting point is 01:01:29 And she's barely in the movie as well. For sure, yeah, yeah. And if she just pulled out his heart or something. Yeah, that'd be great. They don't end up doing that, obviously. But then he pulled a little move I wasn't expecting, which is to pull the Power Stone out of the glove and just punch her in the face with it.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Smart. It's kind of that That whole last fight with... You've got to kind of forgive some stuff. For example, if Thanos grabs Captain America and slams him... He's dead. He's dead. You've just got to kind of go with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:58 But the hammer bit in Captain America, it's hinted at in Age of Ultron. You see it... I think you said this as well you see it coming before it happens because he's got thor pinned down he doesn't have the hammer on him yeah captain america's off screen and you see the hammer lift up yeah almost like it's being held by a bit of string yes and then he cleans his clock with it yeah that was a great moment so good yeah that was real and it's a good kind of payoff to
Starting point is 01:02:23 yeah and there's a lot of precedent in the comics for him. He's one of the only ones. Yeah. He's wielded in all sorts of what-ifs and, you know. He must have also given it back to Thor in Thor the Dark World. He must have returned it, right? Here's one other thing they also must have done, if we don't see it,
Starting point is 01:02:42 is he must have met back up with a red skull yes on Vormir that would have been weird wouldn't it or here's the thing though would the red skull even have been there
Starting point is 01:02:51 does the red skull disappear once because if he's no longer guarding the soul stone does he get to leave I wonder but again who put him there but then he wouldn't
Starting point is 01:02:57 I think he'd be like you have the soul stone you drop it off the side of the cliff and then the red skull would show up god damn it I was having lunch
Starting point is 01:03:05 I was just putting together my Netflix list I had so much to catch up on I was going to hit play that would have
Starting point is 01:03:10 been a very interesting look they'd never make it but I would love to see the Captain America Return of the Infinity Stones movie
Starting point is 01:03:18 I think that would be great but it seems as if he's retired for now because he's 110 years old. Yeah, right. What do you think about the old Steve Rogers?
Starting point is 01:03:27 I think it looked great. Yeah. But what about the scene itself, though? What about that? I thought it was fun. I thought it was good. Yeah. It's kind of...
Starting point is 01:03:34 It leaves him in the... I mean, again, anyone can come back. Because they're like, Tony Stark's dead. But I'm like, you fucking grabbed Gamora out of time. Just get another version of him. It doesn't matter. As we've suggested, again, no one ever really dies in comic books and i think the the rules are kind of more the rules i guess regarding death are more set in stone in a movie universe because they're
Starting point is 01:03:53 especially this one because there's fewer characters yeah and and you don't want to you don't want to you don't want to bring everybody back to the point where you know you're in a multi-billion dollar franchise and there's no stakes to it at all absolutely Absolutely, yeah. But there's ways to sort of hand wave through it. You just bring a character back and then they're evil for a bit or they've gone mad for a bit and then you go, and that's enough price to be paid to bring them back kind of thing. I would not be surprised if either the new Spider-Man suit in Homecoming has Tony Stark in it as an AI
Starting point is 01:04:22 or that he's been left a message. I think he's going to be dealing with the loss of Tony Stark and he gets left a message. Yeah, right, uh-huh. I think they might do that. I don't know. But I don't think he's done. A lot of people in the comments of the...
Starting point is 01:04:34 Because at the very end credits, you hear him. It sounds like him making his Iron Man suit. Yeah, right, uh-huh. I think it's a callback, but I also think it's a hint towards... I'm not saying it necessarily immediately, but... Again, I'm saying it's Galactus' isle of fire. Yes. He's coming, baby. it's a callback, but I also think it's a hint towards... I'm not saying it necessarily immediately, but I would be... Again, I'm saying it's Galactus' isle of fame. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:47 He's coming, baby. He's coming back. I would be shocked if we never saw him again in any form. No, of course. I'm not talking like a photo. I'm talking like he actually reprises it in some form. I love the idea of the old school... I mean, you can't really do it in this version,
Starting point is 01:05:03 but like the old Iron Man suit just with the hologram head coming out of a tony stark that's great yeah i think that's fun me too i also maybe on maybe give him maybe a tony stark hologram on one of those arm scutters you know one of those those moving those dumb moving crane yeah robots absolutely there were there were two um snaps of the gauntlet or Or three if you count Thanos destroying the stones and then Thor. Oh, yeah. Which was okay, wasn't it? Yeah, it was pretty good. The Hulk brings back everybody.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Yep. Couldn't bring back Black Widow because she gave up herself for the stone and whatever. Okay, yeah. We didn't really talk about Hawkeye's arc. Do you want to talk about that? He's sad and then he's mad. He looks... And then he's bad.
Starting point is 01:05:44 He's a rude dude with a tube. He looks he does look ridiculous but again we i think we figured it out before the movie he's in with the triads or whatever so which is why he has the weird tattoos and the weird i think he doesn't have somebody to tell him his haircut looks stupid i really wish i really wish at the end when he was reunited with his family the the wife gives him the loving kiss and then she's like what this touches the side of his head like what are you what is this what are you doing i feel like maybe there were some elements missing of that of like personal connection okay like there's a bit where towards the end ant-man shows up and then the wasp appears and they just sort of like wink at each other and then they just go and do their thing and i know i know time is tight but I'd be like, you're back from the dead.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah, but he's only been gone. A few hours, right? Yeah, he didn't miss her for five years. And I guess she's been only gone for minutes. Yeah, momentarily. Yeah, I guess that's probably true. They have another little map. What do you want, a big hug?
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah, big hug. Big hug and a kiss. Big hugs all around. Yeah, fair enough. I thought that the Tony Stark death was well-deserved. Okay, sorry, before that. Yeah, he really does deserve it. He does deserve it, yes. But it was well-. And okay. So sorry before that. Yeah. He really does deserve it.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Yes. But it was well earned, I should say, but the Thor, not Thor, the Hulk snapping, the gauntlet was interesting. I love that Tony Stark,
Starting point is 01:06:52 Iron Man gauntlet. I like the look of that. And I loved the, when Tony Stark steals the stones and then, and then clicks also, and then completely fries his brain. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:03 That was a good death. It was a good death. I think so too. Because again, that's that's gonna that's gonna kill him but again i'm sure look you know what you could do is you could you could you could say okay he attempted to he attempted to maybe put his brain into like colonial there's there's so many ways he could come back but i think you know there's no way that tony stark wouldn't attempt to keep himself alive even doing that i feel like you know the goal is to be selfless and yeah and and you know defeat the bad guys but i if if i were tony stark you'd go okay this is going to kill me so how
Starting point is 01:07:35 about we clone my body and we put it over there yeah and we put my brain into it yeah kind of thing um so you could very easily go okay well he did that but it's in on the other side of the galaxy yeah so now we have to get him back to earth or it's in the future it's in the future or the past or the past whatever or in a ditch yeah the ditch on the side of the road yep yeah but what i thought was weird about his death is he's dying and he can't talk because he's just fucked yeah right yeah yeah uh and spider-man comes up and he's like oh mr stark and he's crying and then pepper's there and i'm just like get out of the way get out of the way everybody else here has known him longer than you've known him for like an hour all up you've known him for an hour
Starting point is 01:08:15 i did like he was he gave you he gave you a suit and then he was mad at you and then he took the suit away and then he was he made you fight at an airport but he shouldn't have and then he put you in a position you got turned to dust and now he's back don't be that sad for him but then but with him and pepper potts telling him like it's sorted you know you can die it's all right like that was good and it was great seeing rescue as well not really rescue though no it's just a lot of lasers yeah it looked good though it did look good yeah and it's also hinted at at the start because you see the helmet. Yeah, right. Essentially, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:48 But no, I think that was a really kind of fitting conclusion of the guy who kind of started it off kind of got to end it, which I think was what we kind of suspected would happen. Yeah. Now everyone will leave. No, Robert Downey Jr. doesn't want to be left alone, but I think Chris Evans wants to be left alone now. I think so.
Starting point is 01:09:04 He needs a little bit of a rest, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think a lot of the exhaustion in the final battle was real, I think. Yeah, absolutely. Broken Shield, though, like in the comics. Oh, yeah. But he reforges it at some point in the past, and he gives it to the Falcon.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Yeah. That kind of surprised me that he gave it straight to the Falcon. And not Bucky. Not Bucky, yeah. Because the Bucky falcon series we assumed was about who was going to get the shield and it still might be that yeah maybe maybe he's like well he gave it to me but i don't know if i'm maybe he's a bit senile let's see who's better actually yeah and bucky was like yeah this is yours yeah interesting right well i mean they
Starting point is 01:09:38 both had in the comics that's true yeah but i yeah i don't know well i'm i don't care maybe they could alternate yeah they could they could have it, you know. Like divorced parents. Exactly. Yeah, I mean, they could, one guy could have it during the week and one on weekends. Yeah. Or they could have it three days each and then share it on Sunday, maybe. That's right.
Starting point is 01:09:56 They could take it to a water park together. That's right. That's fine. They both have to keep it, like, one arm through it, each of them. They have to charge the bad guy. They have to clothesline a lot of people. Yeah. and have to mutually agree to throw it i agree with that yeah yeah i think that was a good uh that's a good kind of there's it is definitive in its ending but there's a lot of stuff where first of all we know certain movies are coming yeah right shows uh-huh
Starting point is 01:10:19 but if it wasn't as get ready for this yeah right, right, right, right. It's kind of like there are things here that can and will continue. Yeah, right. But it wasn't as like I thought there was going to be like you'd see the vision after the credits or Black Widow. Yeah, some characters just never return. Something like that. But they just don't. But again, you've got a time machine. You could just go get another version of her.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I guess you could, yeah. Yeah. We could talk about it. We could talk about so many things. Is that going to break the universe though when you've got a time machine you could just go get another version of her i guess you could yeah yeah uh what we could talk about we could talk about is that gonna break the universe though when you've got a time machine because they have a time machine they build another time no because tony stark's dead they built one at the end remember oh yeah they did through time yeah that's true they did yeah uh then yes oh they have time machines in the comics yeah that's true and it doesn't really doesn't really affect much so i don't know i think if we all promise not to not to okay fair
Starting point is 01:11:10 enough yeah if we all promise not to use it maybe if they do it from the yeah perspective of it's not real time travel it's dimensional and we're just screwing up another dimension yeah so yeah scouts honor let's let's not let's not bother anybody so just plugging this in all right then pretty cool we've got these sweet in-floor PowerPoints. Oh, hello. But this one is too close to me. I positioned it wrong, but it's in the floor forever because they carved it into concrete.
Starting point is 01:11:32 What do I do about it? Nothing at all. Just grouse about it on a podcast for years, I reckon. Okay, what else were we going to talk about? Good question. I'm just going through my list of things that I hate about you. It's a long list, mate. I don't even know if I'll ever see the end.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Well, get started. Come on. What did you think of all the ladies of the Marvel Universe teaming up? Yeah, look, it did feel a bit kind of like... It was fun, though, wasn't it? But it was fun, exactly. I don't think that's any more egregious than in Age of Ultron when they're all posed when they jump.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yeah, that was so... Exactly, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, it's fine. I think I would love to see an A-Force movie. Me too. But some people are mad about that. Yeah, that was so... Exactly, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, it's what I think... I would love to see an A-Force movie. Me too. But some people are mad about that. Yeah, right? Because, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:08 imagine putting all the female characters together. Why can't they put all the men characters together? When are they finally going to put all the men together on a scene, you know? I just don't see how you could get upset about that. Even if you're like, it's a little on the nose. And it is, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:21 because it's clearly like, why would they all be standing in the same area? Right. the same it's kind of a massive coincidence but good yeah they could give up a movie yeah why not exactly yeah yeah i think they will yeah i mean when there's when's there going to be a men and men's avengers though exactly right that's both of our point yeah exactly what else mason what else uh but i'm sure there's bloody heaps of stuff That's both of our points. Yeah, exactly. What else, Mason? What else? I'm sure there's bloody heaps of stuff. There's a shit ton, Mason. There's so much.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I thought that Captain America would handily defeat past Captain America because he's got more training. I thought of that as well, yeah. I mean, he did defeat him. Because War Machine soundly defeats Peter Quill with one punch to the face. Yes, that's right. Yeah. I'd like seeing that different perspective on that dance as well. Yeah, right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:13:08 He's just a big idiot. A big idiot. That's true. But yeah, I thought because Captain America's got years of training and he's clearly changed because he's swearing up a bloody storm. I want to see what I liked. Yeah. I like the fact that Black Panther remembered who Porco was.
Starting point is 01:13:21 That was nice. That was fun, right? He went out of his way. He went out of his way. He's like, I remember you. now give me that gauntlet. Otherwise we're all going to die. You're just a man with bow and arrows, come on. I enjoyed the Spider-Man suit instant kill mode,
Starting point is 01:13:32 which is just stabbing. We all wondered. We wondered for years what it was. It's just stabbing. So there's a little bit of blood in this. Hawkeye cuts a guy's throat. That's true, yeah. It's kind of enough to where you're not going to get your M rating
Starting point is 01:13:47 on this kind of movie, though, which I think is probably smart, though. Look, we've got a video also upcoming on what's next in the universe or what potentially could be. Have we recorded that yet? No, we haven't recorded it yet. Oh, we'll do it later. We'll save it for that.
Starting point is 01:14:01 But, I mean, this is a movie we're probably going to come back to. Maybe do we want to do like an MCU kind of round up next week or do we want to wait till homecoming because homecoming is not homecoming it's far from home whatever it is infinity war great title far from home terrible title i do not like it all right i get it why not call it spider-man homecoming 2 spider-man home alone Alone. 2. Yeah. Lost in New York. Back in New York. Yeah, we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:27 I don't know. Do you want to wait because the end of this phase is going to be Spider-Man? I guess. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because why not, I guess.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Yes. Anyway, how about this? I've got some reviews here from people who have tweeted the show. It's from Stevie says, Endgame was fantastic. Disney Marvel should give seminars to the folks at Disney Star Wars
Starting point is 01:14:47 on how to properly do fan service. That's great. Day says, spoiler warning, but way past that. Come on, mate. Avengers Endgame was amazing. Shortest three hours of my life,
Starting point is 01:14:58 but at the end of the movie, who was that random kid in the back during the funeral? It was the Iron Man 3 kid. Iron Man 3 kid. He's gotten tall and he's gotten goofy. That's right.
Starting point is 01:15:06 The True Mad Hat Hater says, saw Endgame last night. No spoilers. Good action sequence, dialogue and characters. Good payoff at the end, but when the main plot they used was unclear, I'm sure, left time travel, I assume,
Starting point is 01:15:21 it leaves too many questions and holes for me to accept as valid. Only for that worst movie ever ooh bloody hell Alexander says weird opinion Endgame wasn't so much a movie as it was
Starting point is 01:15:30 a conclusion to Iron Man and Captain America's stories a very enjoyable experience for the fans of the franchise Andrew says sorry Avengers Endgame holy shit the best
Starting point is 01:15:38 MCU movie best movie of the year and best cinema experience I've ever had applauding and wooing audience surrounded by friends and strangers, all feeling the same way
Starting point is 01:15:47 and mostly crying like me. How do you feel about applauding audience, James? Shut up. Shut up. You don't like it? No. I like it. Even if it's brief, none of this extended. Alright, alright. I like it.
Starting point is 01:16:02 You just keep it going? Yeah, just keep it going. During the movie. Yeah, I just keep it going, I like it. You just keep it going? Yeah, just keep it going. During the movie. Yeah, I just keep it going. During the movie, I see how long I can keep it going. Just keep it going forever. You want this during the film. Yep, the whole time.
Starting point is 01:16:10 You're an absolute The food. When the movie starts and I'm like, good, yep, Mr. Fantasy, great opening tune. Here we go,
Starting point is 01:16:19 really sets the tone. Just keep clapping. I clapped the whole movie. All the time. And Charlie Hunter said yeah Avengers Endgame is good but have you seen Justice League yeah
Starting point is 01:16:29 that's a good question bit of a difference between these yep movies isn't there but good or ill there's differences there's definitely differences
Starting point is 01:16:38 isn't there I couldn't think of many off the top of my head they both fight a greyish villain that's true why didn't Thanos look like Thanos from Guardians Mason they look like the grayish villain that's true why didn't thanos look like thanos
Starting point is 01:16:45 from guardians mason they look like the modern day thanos that's a good point also yeah that's a really good point yeah do you think that he you know over the course of infinity war he removed all his armor and he was just you know regular regular thanos yeah nude thanos yeah do you think it's because stylistically he looks more menacing with the armor on in this movie? Maybe. I know the reason they did it. They told the line they gave us was like he doesn't need it anymore. It's a journey. It's a journey. But I think it's because he looks more menacing with the armor on.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Okay. Especially with that big old sword. I know. Can't believe they didn't do the Thanos helicopter. Though he did kind of spin the blade a bit. He did spin it as if it were a helicopter. Yes. Speaking of, if you love Thanos, it flies in a helicopter, the story.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Yes. Caravan of Garbage this Tuesday will be right up your alley. Oh, boy. It's not a good one. No. It kind of is. It's interesting how that story came about. It's probably, you might have seen it as a meme,
Starting point is 01:17:39 Thanos flying a helicopter with Thanos on the side. Yeah, that's right. And we're like, let's get to the bottom of this. But Eric and Ben are working on that at the moment. So that should be up Tuesday and probably a bit early on Patreon, depending. Cool, man. Okay, anything else? There's got to be more.
Starting point is 01:17:53 We can come back to this, Mason. Howard the Duck does make an appearance in the final battle. Right, he does. A few people have sent that in. Yeah, yeah. Interesting. Yes. Do you have a gun?
Starting point is 01:18:03 He's just walking. He's just walking slowly. Why would they even bring him there? I don't know. Why would he go? I don't know. That was a great moment where everybody came back at once. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:12 I almost kind of... And Wong, because Wong did it. Wong's the best. Wong's the best. I mean, Doctor Strange also did it. Yeah, I mean, sure, whatever. Yeah. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yeah, so, yeah. Wong's my fave. Where's the Wong series? How can they put the Wong in it? Well, he'd be in Doctor Strange 2. Yeah. Do you reckon he went to Tony Stark's wedding? I bet he was the best man.
Starting point is 01:18:31 It would have been sad, wouldn't it? No, I don't think so. Really? Yeah, I think Tony Stark's... He moved on. Yeah, very quickly. Very quickly. Well, he's allowed to.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Well, he had no other... You know, his bride-to-be survived, so why would he care? He doesn't give a shit. Yeah. Did Happy die? We don't know. Yeah, right? I enjoyed Ant-Man seeing his daughter again.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Yeah, same. When she was aged up or whatever because of time. Yeah, it's time. And the world wasn't as good. We didn't see Louise. Is that his name? No, we didn't see him. What happened to him that his name? No, we didn't see him. What happened to him?
Starting point is 01:19:06 Probably snapped. Maybe he put the van in there. Young Michael Douglas looks so much like Emilio Estevez. It's frightening. You did say that. Yeah. I think it's the hair. It's the hair.
Starting point is 01:19:17 You said, I think you even said like his son, but they're not related. No, but I can, I'm confused because Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez are brothers, right? Correct. And they're the sons of Martin Sheen. Yes, precisely. It was not Michael Douglas. Okay, just checking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Okay. Okay, I can see that. Yeah. All right. How do you think he looked with his old Ant-Man helmet? Incredible. So good. I thought that de-aging wasn't great, that one.
Starting point is 01:19:41 All right, fine. That's okay. It's okay, Mason. We'll come back to this. And we've got a bunch of endgame stuff to talk about. That's true, we do, yeah. In videos coming up this week. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:19:48 So do you know what it's time for? Is it time for what we're reading? What we're going to read. What we're going to read, okay. I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? Now, what I'm reading is not about Avengers. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:04 But we're just going to do spoilers till the end because we reading is not about Avengers. Okay. But we're just going to do spoilers till the end because we've got questions about it. Okay. So, what about you? What are you reading now? Well, what I was reading is not spoilers for the Avengers
Starting point is 01:20:12 but had an Avenger in it and I finally watched Arrival. Dennis Villeneuve? Oh, yeah, okay, yeah. It's a good movie. The Arrival with Charlie Sheen. No. The alien invasion story.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Yeah, the son of Michael Douglas. What do you think? It's good. It's very good. It's a very good Douglas. What do you think? It's good. It's very good. It's a very good movie. It makes you think. It makes you think about arriving. It was a nice palate cleanser because it had aliens in it,
Starting point is 01:20:31 but they weren't shooting lasers all the way through the planet. No. Well, at one point they do, but I don't want to give away the movie Arrival. I also recommend the short story it's based on, Mason. Do you want to spoil any of it or anything to say in particular about it? No, it's just a good drama. It. Do you want to spoil any of it or anything to say in particular about it? Oh, no, it's just a good drama. It make you think. It make you think.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Yeah. Yeah. Does it make a sense? I don't know if it does. But I liked it. Well, the movies he's made have been nothing but good. Yes, that's true. And the next one he's doing is Dune.
Starting point is 01:21:01 That's right, Dune. Is it Dune or Dune? No, it's Dune. Wait. It's August. No, shh. Okay. Dune. That's right, Dune. Is it Dune or Dune? No, it's Dune. Wait. It's August. No, shh. Okay. Dune. Dune.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Dune. Okay. Can't wait for that episode. As someone who doesn't care much about Dune. Yes. That's me, but I'm very much looking forward to that movie because he's directing it. Yeah. I am very nearly finished the TV series Fleabag.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Oh, yep. Season two. Which you've seen. I've seen season one, yeah. Claire's been harassing me for weeks to watch it and you mentioned it as well at some point maybe. Yep.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Anyway, it's fantastic. I love it. It's so funny and sad and done probably after two seasons. Yeah, right. About 15 minutes to the end of Fleabag Forever.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Yeah. And I bloody love it. I wish it were called Fleabag Forever. Yeah. That's the sequel. It's probably not for everybody. I can see people... Iabag Forever. Yeah. And I bloody love it. I thought you were called Fleabag Forever. Yeah. I mean, that's the sequel. It's probably not for everybody. I can see people...
Starting point is 01:21:47 Oh, I also watched some of Tag. I'm on a Jeremy Renner-a-thon. I did not like Tag. It's not... It's fine. Yeah. But it doesn't... I like the idea more than the execution.
Starting point is 01:21:54 It's not anything, is it really? Yeah. Yeah. This is something I saw and I daren't even... Maybe we should watch it later together. No. It's... No, we should.
Starting point is 01:22:04 We don't talk outside of the podcast no no we definitely should this because obviously we you know in weeks past we talked about uh the most recent black mirror yeah the interactive black mirror black mirror and we're like how are people going to use and misuse this about bear grills yeah i'm talking about bear grills you versus wild yeah netflix interactive presents yes. You make key decisions to help Bear Grylls survive. Or? Do you think he's going to die? Do you think he'll get like,
Starting point is 01:22:29 do you think there'll be a bit where he falls to the bottom of a cliff and you see him hit every rock on the way down? Potentially. It looks cheap, but maybe it isn't. I'd say they put money into it. My friend Paul, who you know. Oh, yeah. His son loves that show.
Starting point is 01:22:43 He's like five. He loves killing Bear Grylls. It's all he wants in his life. Wow, okay. I'm excited for that, to be honest. Also, I haven't bought any of those video games. I said I would, but I should get onto it. I'm reading a lot of things about Mortal Kombat.
Starting point is 01:22:56 For one, the challenge towers are impossible. They've tweaked that, apparently. Yeah, I know. And they talk about it like, we didn't know, and now we're... You knew. And the other thing is they apparently have terrible business practices yeah well they all do
Starting point is 01:23:08 all these big video games companies the crunch they call it and it's this acceptable work practice 100 hour weeks for all their programmers I know right they should unionize
Starting point is 01:23:16 or something to kind of stamp that out and we'll spearhead it no sounds like a lot of work doesn't it we should unionize against big podcasting
Starting point is 01:23:24 yeah so we don't have to do podcasting anymore we'll talk about it afterwards I've got some you heard about Luminary
Starting point is 01:23:30 you heard about those guys a little bit you can fill me in more on that in a bit yeah I will it's good though isn't it it's good for them it sounds bad
Starting point is 01:23:37 oh okay it sounds quite bad I know nothing but good things it sounds quite bad and they're condescending in a way that we're being very condescending now okay great what were we talking about those way that we're being very condescending now. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:23:46 What were we talking about? There's things that we've read. I like to dip into the comics to see what I got here. Oh, Ascender's back. It's the sequel to Descender. To Descender, yeah. So I bought it. I haven't read it yet.
Starting point is 01:23:56 They should have called it Dig Up, stupid. Yeah, they should have. Great reference, Mason. Thank you. And that's what we're reading. What we're What we gonna read But now it's time for Oh letters
Starting point is 01:24:07 It's time for Letters Yes It's time for letters Nothing happened during that No you were headbanging You were headbanging To the letters theme And in tune might. No, you were headbanging. You were headbanging to the letters theme.
Starting point is 01:24:25 And in tune, might I add. Oh, you were nailing it. Now, so we've got a lot of end game related letters. So spoilers for end game during letters. Well, if you do want to reach the show via letter. Weekly plan of fire. We do emails, don't we? Yeah, maybe we should open a PO box.
Starting point is 01:24:41 I don't want that. Why's that? Because I'm going to have to check it. How about I'll check it? No. That'll be my one job. I'll do it every four weeks. But will you do this one like you do your other one job, Mason?
Starting point is 01:24:51 Get a letter? No. You did get a letter this week. I did get a letter. I got a few letters. What do you got? Well, this is from Demian Holst, and I've chosen this one because it has the title, Captain America Wife Stealer.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Yeah. Interesting. So in the museum scene in Winter Soldier, Cap watches an interview with Peggy Carter in which she says that one of the men Cap rescued from behind enemy lines in First Avenger later became her husband. Yes. This means Cap knowingly stole Peggy away from another man.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Yep. We didn't even talk about that, really. What did you think of that? Sorry, go on. Well, let's talk about it now. What did you think of his... Bloody Steve Rogers finally got an ending that we can be happy with.
Starting point is 01:25:26 That's exactly what I wanted. So good. And he got it and he deserves it. Exactly. Just like Tony Stark deserved death, this guy deserved this. That's right, happiness. Happiness, yeah. Because he hasn't had a lot of happiness in his life.
Starting point is 01:25:37 And Thor's got somewhere in the middle. Yeah, that's right. So the Holy Trinity. He gets to be the Asgardians of the galaxy. Yeah, nice. Which I think could... I think that could be Guardians 3. It could be a Thor.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Gosh, I hope so. Troc crossover. Yeah, that'd be great. Why not? Why not do that? I think the dynamic of him and Peter Quill is... It could be a fun... Or it could wear thin real quickly.
Starting point is 01:25:55 That's true. They'll come to an understanding. I hope so. Buddy cop style. Buddy cop. Yeah, nice. Buddy cop style. So how do you feel about that?
Starting point is 01:26:02 Okay, so here's the thing. I've looked into this. Yes. It's in the Easter egg video in more depth little more depth but basically yes you never see the husband that's true all the kids yep he's never named he's there's a hint of that that she has a romance with someone from the agent carter but they never get married yeah it may be in every reality that captain america comes back for her that That's true. Yeah. And also... Also good, I hope he's stalled.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah, right? Also, this... He rescued that guy. That guy should be dead anyway. Exactly. He should be thanking him. Here's the thing, though. She wouldn't say in the interview,
Starting point is 01:26:35 well, I owe Captain America a great debt of gratitude because he came back through time and married me. Yeah, that's right. Just FYI, he's secretly my husband. Yeah. And I shouldn't be telling anybody this, but I'm telling everybody this. I wouldn't be surprised if he might be like, hey, this is, I met this guy during the war
Starting point is 01:26:53 and now we're married. Like, maybe she has a romance with somebody. He's got a mustache. Exactly. Maybe she has a romance with somebody in the 50s. That doesn't work out. And he comes back like straight up, like he's in, he's in the next one. But, you know, he'd be like, you wouldn't say, yeah, I i'm steve rogers he'd be like yeah i was uh we met during the war i'm johnny rogers captain america rescued me and now i'm here like he could just pretend i love
Starting point is 01:27:14 captain america i love captain america you know what if he came through time and stole my wife away wouldn't mind it at all yeah i think it's i think it's just him yeah i agree because you wouldn't admit that yeah because that would be A whole heap of trouble He could be doing Secret shield stuff Somebody wrote this to me And I don't know Whether it was in a gmail
Starting point is 01:27:30 Or a whatever But that he could form Like a 60s Avengers team That's what I'm talking about With like a young Hank Pym Maybe some Fantastic Four And some X-Men Or whatever
Starting point is 01:27:39 Because in the So in the comic books What basically happened Is Captain America Was created in the 40s Yes And then When Timely Comics Became Atlas Comics So in the comic books, what basically happened is Captain America was created in the 40s. Yes. And then when Timely Comics became Atlas Comics, Captain America was still fighting crime in the 50s. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:53 And then when they brought back Captain America for Marvel in the 60s, they said that all the stuff that happened in the 50s wasn't really him. It was somebody else. I think it was maybe... It was a few of them. Yeah, it was somebody who went crazy and thought he was Captain America or something like that. And so... Because Captain America stole his wife.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Probably. Well, I'm going to steal your shield. He's like, fair call. I don't need it anymore. I never want it. I'd rather have the beautiful woman, if I'm honest with you. So, yeah, I mean, you know, so you could just be like,
Starting point is 01:28:21 well, there's rumours that Captain America kept fighting crime all the way through the 50s and 60s and just be like, yeah, there's rumors that Captain America kept fighting crime all the way through the 50s and 60s. And just be like, yeah, he did. Because of time travel. And also nobody had a good photo of anybody. That's exactly right. If you didn't sit there for the big concertina camera with the burning gunpowder flash, you may as well not have been there at all. That was a little bit earlier.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Whatever. I get the idea. I'm absolutely right. Or you could just say, we're related. Like, it it doesn't matter or i look like it yeah it doesn't matter i've got a mustache though so it's different but no i'm 100 okay with him yep even if he did steal i mean that sucks for that guy but also he doesn't know i don't think he's real i don't think he's ever real i think you might be right yeah i think it's been set up a while ago yep that it wasn't ever him
Starting point is 01:29:05 and we'll probably get some kind of confirmation that at some point either from the directors or yeah another movie yeah exactly there you go uh if you also want to reach the show we do twitter i've heard of twitter that's right sometimes we do twitter and we're on the gram uh but uh hashtag weekly planet pod if you do want to reach the show and this person adam says what do you guys think happens to the red skull after the soul stone What do you guys think Happens to the Red Skull After the Soul Stone Is given away Like is he stuck on the planet
Starting point is 01:29:27 Or is the curse lifted Or did he get transported Somewhere else Apparently he can leave That's what I've I think the director Who's told you this The director said
Starting point is 01:29:35 That he can go He's free to go But again We don't know I probably shouldn't Have put this in Because we answered it earlier I guess
Starting point is 01:29:41 But hey This person took the time So why can't we One of the Russo brothers is in that scene. Yeah. Where they're like in the support group. Yeah, he's in a few movies, yeah. Huh.
Starting point is 01:29:50 As different characters. Oh, right, okay. He's the psychologist Daniel Brouhal murders in Civil War. Oh, okay, right, right, right. He's a doctor in- Is it always the same Russo brother? Yes, the other one doesn't do it. Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:30:01 He's a good actor though. All right then. He did some good acting in this. Okay, cool. Yeah. Also, apparently the first openly gay character In the Marvel Universe Could have got a gay actor
Starting point is 01:30:08 Maybe What do you reckon about that? Well they could have made him a superhero as well That's true yeah A more prominent character Yeah right Yeah alright Okay alright
Starting point is 01:30:17 You message the Russo brother I'm going to The Russo brother I will Whichever one of you done this I don't approve This is an email from Kevin. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Kangalosi. Okay. I thought Endgame tied up a lot of loose ends, but I was disappointed that the Abomination and the Leader didn't get even a mention. I mean, we got a lot of Reality Stone, not a lot of the Abomination. I was a little bit disappointed.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Again, at first viewing that Hawkeye wasn't breaking anybody out of the vault because we did make a big thing about who's he getting out of the vault. Who's he getting out of that bloody raft? Apparently nobody. He didn't even go there. The raft. There we go. He was just under the ground.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Yeah, exactly. Of an explosion. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's a lot of movie anyway, isn't it? It really is, yeah. And maybe those characters are tied up in something. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Yeah, right. Universal might own the rights, but they probably don't. Yeah. I don't know. They can use the Hulk, but not in a solo movie. Yeah, right. Universal might own the rights, but they probably don't. Yeah. I don't know. They can use the Hulk, but not in a solo movie. Yeah, right, right. I've got a tweet here from Unimaginative Username. Oh, hello.
Starting point is 01:31:10 And that makes sense because their username is cmcg22. It's not great. It's not great, is it? No. Random number generator. Now that Endgame is over, who do you think will be the next big bad in the MCU? I'd like to see Galactus or Doctor Doom,
Starting point is 01:31:24 but maybe they're done with the big ultimate villains for now hashtag with me part of it i think they probably are done for now yeah right uh-huh the culmination will probably be another 10 years yeah for sure building towards the next thing but we might not know what that is until four or five movies in that's true yeah i would like to see galactus the problem with dr doom is what is it it's that he's ultimately quite similar to Thanos in the way that he just wants... Things. He wants to gather ultimate power
Starting point is 01:31:50 and then do something nefarious with it. Yeah. And it's just one guy again. But the thing about Galactus is... He's a big cloud. Big cloud. He's a big cloud. And I hope finally we get big horned helmet Galactus.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Oh my God. Why would you even do it if you're not going to do big horned helmet Galactus? Exactly. Why do they do it twice yeah Doctor Doom's also a bit evil
Starting point is 01:32:07 Iron Man yeah for sure you know metal armour yeah but the thing about Galactus the comic book version at least is he's part of the universe
Starting point is 01:32:15 and you can't destroy him without destroying the universe so how do they how do they handle that they take his wife away take his wife away Captain America goes back in time
Starting point is 01:32:24 steals his wife we need a man with a very Captain America goes back in time. Steals his wife. Steals his wife. We need a man with a very specific set of skills. Steve, we're bringing you back. You're going to steal this guy's wife. Who would you like to see? It would be good because he'd be old now. Yep. And Peggy has died.
Starting point is 01:32:36 And he's like, can I still do this? Have I still got it? Yeah. Spoiler alert. Definitely does. Absolutely he does. Oh, you better believe he does. Look at those teeth.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Oh, works of art. Yeah. Who would you like to see a galactus yeah i think because we're if we're heading toward we're heading towards guardians of galaxy 3 we're headed towards the eternals fantastic four x-men yeah uh-huh yeah absolutely yeah and again galactus isn't evil so much as he is he's just really hungry it turns out thanos was evil the whole time as well because you know he's like i just want to balance the universe but now he's just like i just want to destroy the universe and make it so everyone thinks i'm great yeah right exactly you weren't even about resource management exactly yeah you've never played a game of sim city in your life thanos um i feel maybe that's a thing that never really got resolved, is that the assumption that he claimed all the time that infighting on his planet destroyed it.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Yeah. But I was under the impression that it was his madness that destroyed the planet. Yes. We never really know otherwise. No. But I guess it doesn't matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:38 There was also the thing that he was like, everybody gets better after you kill half the people there or whatever. I don't think that's true. Earth didn't seem that bad. No. I mean, some people moved on. And a few people made the point in tweets and emails and such that there would have been people who moved on and started new families and married new partners and whatever.
Starting point is 01:33:55 And then all of a sudden your family's back and you're like, oh shit. Yeah, right. I have a new husband. Yeah, right. I wonder, do you think they're not going to address it in Far From Home at all, are they? I think that's going to be the next 10 years. Just going to be people sorting out their family problems. Oh, wouldn't that be great if it's the same as our universe, except A, superheroes, and B, everybody's got like half-wives and double husbands.
Starting point is 01:34:17 It would be that though, wouldn't it? Yeah, right, yeah. That's what it would move towards. Exactly, yeah, yeah. Well, I'm still married to you. Yeah, because it's not a straightforward fix. It's not that they went back to 2018 and brought married to you. Yeah, because it's not a straightforward fix. It's not that they went back to 2018 and brought everyone back instantly.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Yeah. There's a gap there. Yeah. Enough that people could easily move on or kill themselves because their family's gone. Yeah, right. Like, it's not a fix-all. No. It's better.
Starting point is 01:34:39 And this is for one kid. Yeah. Just FYI. Yeah. This is for one kid because he loved his kid so much. He's like, don't you dare change anything from so much He's like Don't you dare Change anything From the previous five years Don't you dare do it Just say
Starting point is 01:34:50 Bring everybody back From then And bring my kid back And keep my kid around But I don't think I don't know Maybe that undoes other things I don't know how it works
Starting point is 01:35:01 To be honest Yeah You got anything else Before we are Let's see what we got Look this is the next email from Ian Jackson. When the unsnapping occurred, I just feel bad for anyone who lost a spouse during the snap
Starting point is 01:35:10 and married the spouse's best friend or twin brother's sister over the next five years. That's very specific, all right? Someone's got to let their head slip. Everlasting trauma. Yep, very easy for the team to make a decision that brought back everyone at the moment in the original snap but also kept the good things that happened over the next five years.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Yeah. Which only seemed to be true for Stark anyway. Yeah. I can't help but feel the MCU is now going to skip dealing with this trauma. Yeah. Yeah. And they're not going to mention it. You're right.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Yeah. There'll be a throwaway line about how some people have graduated from high school. Yes. And then they'll never mention it again. You know what I think it will be? What's that? I think the way they keep everybody in check is, listen, you'd be good to your old or new partners
Starting point is 01:35:45 or captain america is going to come back and marry one of them or both of them yeah oh he's like he's like the he's like the boogeyman of this universe now where he's just like you better keep you fly right off captain oregano is going to steal your husband or wife or your old kids or your new kids you're mistreating a dog he'll adopt that dog right out from that dog he's so good with dogs dogs love him he treats him so good he gives him the good food he takes him to the vet regularly for checkups he flips his shield upside down and fills it with water yeah that's right yeah yeah also he turned into a werewolf in the comics he could do that he'd get along with all dogs yeah that's right yeah that'll do it i reckon i think okay great well that is the show.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Look, maybe we could do like next week, people could ask questions or have theories about the future of the universe and we could go through a bunch of them. That sounds really good. Yeah, for sure. That would be a good episode to do. Yeah, okay. So people have thoughts on that, hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter or shoot them through on the email weeklyplanetpod at That'd be good.
Starting point is 01:36:41 You can make them as spoiler heavy as you like. We probably can't respond to them again in the twitter because people see our responses and yes exactly and i think that would be good because i think also especially me i'm kind of i i my brain's already funneled into the idea of it's going to be the eternals and it's going to be cosmic and the guardians and galactus or whatever give show i want to be upset for being so wrong again exactly just tears why don't we make a bet for what's next and the loser has to get the Hawkeye haircut? Wow. But the winner gets the Hawkeye tattoo?
Starting point is 01:37:10 Yeah, that's a winner's tattoo. That's what I think. You better believe it is. Yeah. The winners of the Krusty Damon tournament get that tattoo put on themselves. Oh, terrifico. Yeah, so I'd like to hear any kind of alteration.
Starting point is 01:37:23 I'm sure there'll be some smaller stuff Like I think, you know, Mysterio in this Definitely Is a back to like Yeah Well, he's just a dude in a suit Who's probably doing this to rob banks And Black Widow's not going to be
Starting point is 01:37:33 Kicking Galactus in the head, is she? No Like it's not happening In her solo movie No Yeah, there you go Sweet It's weird they didn't bring the Vision back
Starting point is 01:37:41 I feel like they could have I think that's going to happen in WandaVision I agree I think it's going to be a journey i mean they're all a journey aren't they but maybe a journey to to him regaining his humanity i agree because they're just going to put he's just going to be weird gray vision and every week a little bit of color appears like the movie but the hole in his head never goes away there's still a big spiking spiking hole in his head yeah yeah yeah what's that movie with sir with Ted McGuire where everything's black and white?
Starting point is 01:38:06 And then Pleasantville. Pleasantville, yeah. It'll be Pleasantville, but it's just the Vision who's black and white. Yeah, all right. Fantastic. Love it. You want to wrap this show up? Yeah, thanks everybody for listening.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Big old episode. Thanks for sticking around till endgame. Yeah, man. Oh, I hope everybody's bloody... I hope everybody's enjoying it. Is this the end of the MCU? No. I mean, maybe.
Starting point is 01:38:23 No. I mean, it might be like the culmination and then... It's not even the end for the dead characters No. I mean, maybe. No. I mean, it might be like the culmination and then... It's not even the end for the dead characters. No, I know. I'm just saying the popularity and interest.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Oh, maybe. Yeah, that's a good question. We just have to see. Yeah. It depends on what steps they take next. Yeah, exactly. I mean, I feel like
Starting point is 01:38:36 Far From Home is going to be a disappointment box office wise. Far From Home will do okay numbers, but it will not... Yeah, exactly. I think people will see it as a disappointment because it's not making a billion dollars.
Starting point is 01:38:47 But it also didn't cost $300 million. Exactly right. Anyway, thanks for sticking around, guys. Bloody, I hope you send more in-game thoughts. We'll talk about it next week. That's right. If you want to get in contact with the show, Weekly Planet Pod. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Weekly Planet Pod. I'll stop. I'm sorry. This is your area. Okay, here we go. It's my area of expertise. I do it wrong every week. Hashtag. Weekly Planet Pod. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. Oh yeah, sorry. The thing you said. Weekly Planet Pod. I'll stop. I'm sorry. This is your area. Okay, here we go. It's my area of expertise. I do it wrong every week. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Weekly Planet Pod at Gmail and Facebook and Twitter and Bandcamp. We've got that Infinity War commentary up. It's fixed. You can just play it through. He's doing the devil horns and the headbanging. No, I'm not. He's back into it. Yeah, it's all been fixed up.
Starting point is 01:39:23 It's working great. You don't have to pause it at any point if you haven't seen Endgame yet you want to see Infinity War and Endgame maybe try a commentary over the top bloody good stuff
Starting point is 01:39:30 I saw one person did it in the cinema with headphones oh really I wish I had that person in front of me that's incredible thank you very much
Starting point is 01:39:36 I love that so much thanks everybody for listening and subscribing and telling your friends and bloody give us a nice review and a nice comment
Starting point is 01:39:44 we appreciate it you can also find us on Twitter individually I'm wikipediabrown on Twitter and I'm nickmaso n-i-c-k-m-a-s-e-a-u
Starting point is 01:39:52 on Instagram you'll miss the Sunday movies everywhere in the world everywhere everywhere in the bloody bloody world YouTube, Instagram, Facebook other things
Starting point is 01:40:00 you can go to you can see all the other shows on the Planet Broadcasting Network you can sign up to the Planet Broadcasting Newsletter which has all the news that's right from our friend Rob Collings
Starting point is 01:40:12 at Rob Collings at The Weekly Planet on Twitter yes king of the Twitters Chris Pilko did the screening in the cinema
Starting point is 01:40:18 I love it that is very very good thank you Chris yeah what else do we say here other things no that'll do it
Starting point is 01:40:27 if you'd like if you'd like to support the show you can go to slash mr sunday movies if you'd like to chuck in a buck
Starting point is 01:40:32 that'll do it we'd love it there's an amazon affiliate link in the episode description that's all we need click through that
Starting point is 01:40:36 buy some stuff we'd appreciate that um um um um iTunes reviews said that yeah said that uh t-shirts on
Starting point is 01:40:43 we love seeing those out in the wild. Thank you to the Bruton, the Basilisk and Rackham for all our musical themes. There's another thing. I'm missing a thing. It's very important. Maybe you could thank me.
Starting point is 01:40:54 No, Planet Broadcasting Great Mates group is back. It's called Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Official. Find that. It's back. It's not the original one. The original's still gone. Gone forever. We're back up to 4,000 members.
Starting point is 01:41:03 4,000 members now. On the new version. We'll be there in no time forever. We're back up to 4,000 members. 4,000 members now. On the new version. We'll be there in no time. We'll be back in no time. That's right. And that is the show, I think. Yeah. A bunch of videos up on the channel this week
Starting point is 01:41:12 about Vintage Zen Game questions, answered timelines, the future. Spoilers. Spoilers. So many spoilers. Exactly. Love spoilers. And yeah, thank you very much for listening.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. And goodbye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors,
Starting point is 01:41:41 like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two

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