The Weekly Planet - 322 The New Batsuit & Sonic The Movie

Episode Date: February 17, 2020

Help support the show at for early videos, choosing topics and more!Ha haaaaaaaaar. Sonic came out so we briefly talk about that before talking about your ideas... for adapting video game movies. Plus news of the Oscars, Strangers Things Season 4 teaser trailer, Birds Of Prey is retitled and the new Batman suit for Robat Battinbat. Thanks for tuning in!Live Show: Podcast: The Start4:47 Oscar talk7:54 Stranger Things 4 trailer10:51 There simply isn’t enough time to die but a song14:22 Aladdin 2 but live action again18:05 Mighty Ducks but again20:02 Robat Battinbat’s Suit24:40 Untitled Sony/Marvel film27:44 Birds of Prey retitled33:22 SONIC! (spoilers 41:11 - 42:48)42:48 BUT ALSO ADAPTING VIDEO GAME MOVIES!1:23:37 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read1:27:49 Letters It’s Time For LettersJames' Twitter â–º's Twitter â–º â–º Itunes â–º TWP Direct Download â–º TWP YouTube Channel â–º Amazon Affiliate Link â–º â–º Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:26 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:42 Register today at That's Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host Nick Mason. Oh, we're cheersing this one, are we? We certainly are, Mason. Congratulations. Thank you, we did it. We did, didn't we? We preemptively did this episode.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah, look. Feels good. Also, welcome to new listeners. You always say welcome back. Oh, do I? Yeah, that's true. Welcome. Yeah, that's a really good point. I also thought of doing this thing where like maybe up top I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:33 so these are the topics for the show. Oh, yeah. Time code's in the description. It's probably a good idea. Sounds exhausting. Yeah, I know. Because they're going to be like, we're talking Oscars. We're talking Stranger Things.
Starting point is 00:01:42 We're talking Aladdin sequel. We're talking new Batman suit. You know what I mean? And then people are like, wow, so much sizzle. But I'm like, spoilers, come on. I wouldn't be surprised. That's true, because you often don't know what's next. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yeah, you're right. Anyway, so to new listeners, welcome. It's pretty easy to catch up. We're two idiots. But we purchased this equipment. That's right. And no one can take it away from us. Actually, this was given to us, even, this one.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Wow. Yeah. Well, it's not even our fault, then, is it? I know. Feels good, though, to get free stuff we don't deserve. It's true. Speaking of free stuff, Mason. Oh, yes. No, this costs money.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Our live show's coming up this week, which we're doing in conjunction with Sands Pants. It's on Thursday, isn't it? Thursday the 20th. Thursday the 20th. Tickets, I presume, are still available and aren't sold out. I haven't spoken to anybody. Well, I mean, based on our reputation generally, they're definitely not sold out.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So you can get some if you want. There may also be seats on the door if you just want to turn up. That being said. James, how are you going to sit on a door? Very good. James, James. I don't know. This is the kind of quality content you're going to get at the Sandspans versus Planet Broadcasting thing, the fire relief thing.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Great show. Yeah. All proceeds go to fire relief. Thank goodness. Come along. Watch a show. Have a bevy. Have a bevy.
Starting point is 00:02:49 That's fine. Enjoy the howler venue. The venue. That's right. Go across the road to that kebab shop that's in a van. Ah, one of those. Yeah. Hit and miss, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:03:00 Absolutely. Is that one good? Well, there used to be one across the road. It was called Town Hall Kebabs Right? Cool cool And allegedly It was the best kebab place
Starting point is 00:03:09 In Victoria or something But it never is Well I mean It was in a van Yeah It was in like a caravan Yeah So I never went
Starting point is 00:03:16 So not in like a food van Just like someone's caravan That they probably sleep in Yeah But anyway that went And now there's like The empty lot is still there But there's like a little standing,
Starting point is 00:03:26 it's on the opposite side though. Is it still Best Kebabs still? No, it's a different, it still sells kebabs, but it's a different kebab joint. And it wouldn't dare say Best Kebabs? We don't know. Yeah, but it's on the opposite side. Have you tried it?
Starting point is 00:03:37 There's a point of difference, no. And I never will. Because you don't want to eat food from a caravan? Anyway, we'll all go to the show, and then we'll all get kebabs from this presumably terrible kebab joint. Exactly. It's going to be great. So, yeah, it's linked below if you do want to come along.
Starting point is 00:03:51 It starts at maybe 8 o'clock or maybe it doesn't. I genuinely don't know. It'll be on the ticket. Yeah, but I will be there and you will be there. We'll be there at the assigned time. Yes, that's right. Do go and we'll be there. The Sandspans crew, they'll all be there.
Starting point is 00:04:03 That's right. It's going to be a hot, hot night of fun. The guy that makes the kebabs is going to be there. He's going to take all your orders. He's going to take orders in advance, like a school lunch. Exactly, like a school lunch. Get your mum or your dad to put a couple of coins in a brown paper bag and your particular kebab order, and then he'll take them,
Starting point is 00:04:19 and then afterwards he'll be like. Is that just an Australian thing? I don't know. Because I feel like Americans have their food in like a cafeteria. They have a cafeteria, right? We don't have that system here. No, we have a... Bring your own lunch or order a hot dog.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's a spare room with like a roller door on it. And there'd be some usually grumpy volunteer mums or something. They weren't volunteer mums, but they were mums who were volunteers. And then you could go and you could get stuff for lunch or you could put in a lunch order at the start of the day exactly it was called a tuck shop or a canteen that's right depending where you're at yeah what a world i know right mason did you watch the oscars anyway for new listeners this is what our podcast is basically we've tricked you it probably says stranger things or like sonic or something in the title and you've been like you you know, I'd really like to talk about that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Wrong. Talking about tuck shops. Tuck is short for tucker is what we call food. Is it? Of course it is. Yes. Oh, my God. It never occurred to me.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Makes you think, doesn't it? No. I guess you tuck in. I don't know. Anyway. Yeah. What does that even mean? Tuck in, I guess, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:05:20 So they've shortened. It doesn't matter. I'm not even going to guess. Because if it's tucker is short for tuck, as in tuck in. Yes. And then it's back to tuck shop. It just seems a roundabout way to get there. Doesn't it though?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah. All right. Anyway. Where's the nearest school? Let's go and have some words with them. So did you watch the Oscars? I know you didn't. No.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I'm aware of some of the events. Were you happy and or sad? I was excited for Parasite to win. Me too. It won Best Foreign Film and also Best Regular Film. Yes. So that's exciting. And it seems most people, though not all,
Starting point is 00:05:48 were on board with this because if you've seen that movie, it's fucking incredible. Yeah, it's a good movie. And it probably should have won, but also all movies are subjective and whatever. That's true. And it doesn't matter, ultimately. So it surprised me that it won, but again, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And good on everybody who made a speech and whatever. And bring back the host, you coward. I want to see a host struggle. Oh, because it's hostless, right? But again, it doesn't matter. And good on everybody who made a speech and whatever. And I think bring back the host, you coward. I want to see a host struggle through. Oh, because it's hostless, right? Yeah. I love seeing a host struggle through. You know what I mean? Just push through on these skits they didn't write and don't understand.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Oh, my God. I guess it's important. I want to see a James Franco and Hathaway combination. Two people with no chemistry together reading off a teleprompter. That's what I want. Well, I mean, they get the presenters in. Yeah, but it's like you've got a minute. But there's no central person to get mad at.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I say bring back Billy Crystal. He's good, isn't he? Yeah. In character as whatever he was in Legend of Curly's Gold. I think that was just Billy Crystal. Oh, okay, right. A guy with a Mets hat maybe? How about bring him back as the character who played him when Harry met Sally?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Harry. Yep. Just the entire thing. three hours of that. He has to riff as a college student who's somehow managed to wrangle the hosting job at the Oscars. But he grows up during the course of that film. He meets Carrie Fisher. Oh, well, this is an early event in his life.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yeah, right. So he's just met Meg Ryan. Yeah. Also, this Oscars hosting, it also has to inform the rest of the movie. So it has to be canonically consistent with the remainder of the movie When Harry Met Sally. Sounds terrific. It does, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:07:14 Can't wait. Imagine if he pulled it off. Wouldn't that be incredible? And then every time you watch When Harry Met Sally, you'd be enriched. You'd know. Because when there's the scene where she's having the orgasm in the cafe or whatever, you'd be like, oh my god, he's reacting exactly the way a man
Starting point is 00:07:28 who hosted the Oscars through some sort of time travel incident in the year 2021 and then ended up back in the 80s or whatever when Harry Met Sally was made. That's how he would react. You can see it in his eyes. That's typical of Harry, isn't it? Yeah, right? Oh my god. That would be incredible.
Starting point is 00:07:43 It would be. It would be elaborate and nonsense. Yes. And nobody would understand it. And he wouldn't do it for love nor money. He probably wouldn't. Do you see the trailer for Stranger Things? Oh, we're done with that, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Not just the riff. I just made the statement about Oscars. Who else won? Joaquin Phoenix. Joaquin Phoenix won. There's a win for Joker. Yep. He did a speech.
Starting point is 00:08:01 He did a speech. About cow's milk or something. Laura Dern won something. I think she did. Renee Zellweger Dern won something. I think she did. Renee Zellweger won something. Yeah, I think she did. Roger Deakins won again. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:08:09 The cinematographer for 1917. Blade Runner. Okay, yep, yep, yep. For the second time he's won even though he's been nominated like 470 times. Oh, yeah, right. Yes. So, yeah, whatever. I'm done with that.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Okay, cool. Also, it felt like it's forever ago now, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are cold takes at best. Cold takes. No drakes. There was no drakes there, was there? There was an M&M and everyone was like, why is lose yourself happening?
Starting point is 00:08:31 That's right. Why is that happening? I don't know. Yeah. There was a cutaway. I did see there was a cutaway to Martin Scorsese and he was like, ugh. No, thank you. Strangest thing season four has a teaser trailer.
Starting point is 00:08:43 That's right. Hopper is back. What's he doing? Russian railway work. Yeah. Do you think his heart's in it? Yeah. Do you think his hair's in it?
Starting point is 00:08:50 No. Unless his hair's in the track itself. Oh, that's what they have to do, isn't it? Yeah. Okay, cool. I think his heart is in it. I think he escaped the clutches of the Russians in the previous season. Yep.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And he's just like, I do like Russia, though. Maybe I'll get a job on the railway. I love infrastructure. Yeah, that's season. Yep. And he's just like, I do like Russia, though. Maybe I'll get a job on the railway. I love infrastructure. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, so are they going to go get him through a portal, presumably? Good question. They're going to have to go through a portal. Kids aren't going on a plane.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Are the kids involved at all? I mean, they would be. Yeah, that's what the show is mostly about. Mostly about that. Kids being like, why doesn't anybody believe us again? Even though all the times we were right, every time everybody's seen the monsters. Everyone's seen him. So, yeah, I mean, nobody's surprised that he's alive, obviously.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I think it's good that he's not just in a cell and they keep that mystery of like, he's in the cell. He's in a cell and whatever. It's just like, there he is. He's here. We all know he's alive. Let's not build up to it. Do you think this means different monsters?
Starting point is 00:09:43 Like Russian monsters. Like Russian monsters. Like Russian monsters. I think there'll be a slight variation on the monsters prior. Maybe the Russians are getting their own monsters out there. Exactly. They are, aren't they? Because they have a dog monster. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:54 They've got their own Russian monsters. That's true. Yeah, so there you go. When is this out, did it say? It's probably October. I honestly don't know. No idea either. Do you want me to check?
Starting point is 00:10:01 No. Okay. I'm sure people watching want to know though, Mason. Okay. All right. Well, they got fingers, don't they? That's true, they do. But you'd hate them to turn off this wonderful app, podcast app, accidentally.
Starting point is 00:10:13 You know what I mean? Yes. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Okay. I mean, the bigger crime would be if you accidentally stopped the recording here and we didn't notice and you ruined the episode because you're Googling when Stranger Things Season 4 is coming out.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Apparently, I don't know. I don't know. They reckon like later in the year because you're Googling when Stranger Things season four is coming out. Apparently, I don't know. I don't know. They reckon like later in the year. I hope. There's a lot of sites that are like, when is it coming out? And then you go there and it's like, we don't know, but based on. Okay, thanks. It's really helpful.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I hope David Harbour is fighting all the monsters from Hellboy again. It's all exactly the same ones. Oh, my God. So season three was, so season one was july then season two was october and then season three was july so i'd imagine it's probably not going to be july again okay because it was last one was july of 2019 so to do a season in a year and get it right probably later but again i don't know what a world what a world indeed mason did you hear billy ellish's new song,
Starting point is 00:11:05 There's Simply Not Enough Hours in the Day for Me to Die, if you could just give me a minute. If you wouldn't. I need to catch my breath. Hi, the name's Bond, James Bond. I'm calling on behalf of MI6. I don't know if you've heard of us. We're just doing a bit of a ring around,
Starting point is 00:11:19 just seeing if there's anyone in the local area with some time to die. Oh, you've got no time to die. Well, sorry to bother you. Enjoy the rest of your evening. The movie. The movie. That's what it's called now. So is it a call centre?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Apparently, yeah. 4am by 6. He's been demoted. Yeah, he would have been. No, you know what, because he quit. And then he's like, well, I'll just go back and get my job back. And they're like, it's been filled. That's right.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah. Because we've got a new 007 and we're against that here, aren't we? Or whatever. Yes, exactly. So he has to go in the call centre, but damn, he's good. God damn, he's good. I mean, that call wasn't successful. No.
Starting point is 00:11:50 But unless he was finding out whether or not, if there's no time to die, then he's doing the right thing. Because there's no time to die and he's like, exactly. Exactly. Perfect. Anyway, we were talking about this song before. I think it's better than the last one. I think it's a good Bond song.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I think I can just imagine all the swirling liquid in the intro of sexy ladies and him tumbling through weird dimension. A gun barrel. You know what I mean? He's being fired out of a gun and he's like, he's flapping his arms like he's a little bird. Exactly. And you're just like, it's the same as the Sam Smith one.
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's the same. That did get unnecessarily hated. I quite like it. Yeah. I quite like it in the context of the Bond saga that Daniel Craig's Bond has been through. But I feel like this one is almost identical, except there's no... Well, I think, because I think the Sam Smith one is too close to the Adele one. I think we need like a rock and tune now.
Starting point is 00:12:40 That's what I thought we were going to get. Why don't we get a rock and tune? Because this one isn't particularly Billie Eilish-esque. I thought it would be more in the vein of any other Billie Eilish song I've heard. It's not. It's just, it's basically the same melody as
Starting point is 00:12:55 whatever the last one was called. What was it called? Sam Smith's Running's on the Wall. So it wasn't named after the name of the movie like this one is or whatever. That's right. Great, terrific. Remember the first one they did, the Casino Royale of the movie like this one is or whatever. That's right. Great. Terrific. Yeah. So because remember the first one they did, the Casino Royale one, the Chris Cornell one.
Starting point is 00:13:08 One of my faves. Or like A Live and Let Die, of course. You know, can we go back to something like that? Maybe when they reboot it and whatever in a few years. Anyway. Anyway, it's as good as any. I think it's good. I think it's not as good as any, but it's better than some.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Better than, yeah. Which is the worst one? It's Madonna, right? Yeah, 100%. Yeah. Ugh. No good. They were probably like,
Starting point is 00:13:31 Billie Eilish has got this fresh new sound, we should get into that. And somebody just leaned in and went, Madonna die another day. And they went, well, all right. Just give her the writings on the wall melody and she can sing over the top of it. Don't, don't. Billie, don't strain yourself. I know you want to make it big, but don't.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Don't. Please don't. But anyway, this is going to bring in, I imagine- A new crowd. A new crowd of people who are fans of Billie Eilish, but are like, who's this old guy? Yeah. These little Speedos.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I like it. Yeah. Or do I? Do people like that? Are people into that? Young kids like old guys and little Speedos? No, I don't think they would. I think that's a crime, probably.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Those little Speedos never quite took off, did they? Because I think you have to have a certain physique to be able to come anything even close to that. Maybe in Europe. Yeah, that's actually a good point. Yeah, Europe. That's true. They'll wear literally anything.
Starting point is 00:14:14 It's offensive, quite frankly. It's borderline criminal. Here it would be, quite frankly. You'd be locked up. That's right. Yeah. Anyway, song's pretty good. You'd have to work the mind at Sovereign Hill.
Starting point is 00:14:25 There's a local reference. I know people love them or hate them, wherever we're at. Yeah. So, yeah, we're all fine with it, aren't we? Yeah. That must be coming out soon. Should I check the release date? I guess.
Starting point is 00:14:35 But be careful. Don't hit the big red record button, all right? I nearly typed in our, like, very long extended version. April 8th. Oh, speaking of the big red record button, it's reminded me that for people who have been asking, we have recorded the Q&A for the Intrepid charity. And the room tour.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yeah. So it's just a matter of those people, they're compiling all the emails and sending it out this week. Yes, right. So Intrepid will be sending, the Intrepid Foundation will be sending that out to you. Look for it in your junk mail. Look for it in your regular mail. Look for it in your regular mail.
Starting point is 00:15:05 That's right. In your hot mail. So there you go. We saw the Aladdin sequel, didn't we? The movie, didn't we? We did, yes. And we both thought it was better than we thought it was going to be,
Starting point is 00:15:16 which was terrible. Correct, yes. I stand by that. And I think it's still fine and better than I thought. And now it's getting a sequel. Guy Ritchie is apparently going to return. I don't think that's necessary. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:15:29 It could be anyone. Guy Ritchie at all. No, no. As does all of the cast. Are they going to return of Jafar it? Probably. Almost certainly, yes. Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing a live action return of Jafar.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Because I've not seen a return of Jafar. What do you think happens? Jafar does come back. Yes. That was an elaborate fake out. He also Googled it. I edited it out, but he was on his phone for 22 minutes. I posted it on some Aladdin fan forums.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah, that's right. I don't trust what's been delivered to me here. I've got to check. But what makes Return of Jafar? Is there like a cool action set piece or something like that? I've seen it once. The appeal of the Return of Jafar for me was the bird takes a turn. The bird turns good.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Okay. But also the bird doesn't really have a personality in this version, so I don't know whether they can work that in. Oh, yeah, right. It's not really like it can talk. Is it like a sort of a reverse betrayal where he's like, now I'm good and you're going back to hell or whatever exactly the other thing is because genies can't kill
Starting point is 00:16:30 people jafar can come back and he needs a master so he can do stuff oh so he's still a genie still a genie but also he can't kill anybody but he's like but and his line is like but you could be amazed what you could live through so it's's like, I can torture you infinitely. That's grim. That's a grim, yeah. But I can't kill you. So that's essentially, so you've got this all-powerful monster with limitations that, and also Will Smith is not a genie anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Oh, yeah, he's just a regular man. But he was, the genie was still a genie in Return of the Jafar, the animated version. Well, he's a genie, but he's not bound to any person. So I don't remember the end of The Last Aladdin, but did he. Well, he's a genie, but he's not bound to any person. So I don't remember the end of The Last Aladdin, but did he make him human or did he just free him? Because he could have just freed him and he's just,
Starting point is 00:17:12 and he's still got his powers. Can't remember. We should Google it. Ah, no, not that. I'm going to draw the line on that one, Mason. Side note, would you punch Robin Williams' Aladdin? Oh, fucking hell. No.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Interesting. Okay. All right. You understand why, right? Yeah. He tortured me like infinitely. Oh, you sure? Right.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Okay. All right. Yeah. And he'd do it as Jack Nicholson. He'd do it as Jack Nicholson. Yeah. I'd be like, oh, you mean I get this reference, but a lot of people don't anymore. All the bystanders are not going to get this.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah. Thank you to all those people who, I've got a question about it at the end. Oh, good. But all those people who, I've got a question about it at the end, but all those people who are throwing me scenarios of Disney characters that I would punch. Turns out I'd punch a lot more than I thought I would. Right, yeah. I'm going to punch Bonanza.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Not win, mind you. Punch. Just punch, exactly, yeah. Consequences be damned. That's right, yeah. So there you go. Aladdin 2. Good.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Isn't it? Yep. I'd prefer that to like... You're just angling for a line on the poster, aren't you? Aladdin 2 good isn't it yep I prefer I prefer that to like you're just angling for a line on the poster aren't you good
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'll take that I mean they don't pay but the prestige that they carry you know what I mean you know what I hate is when the people who put
Starting point is 00:18:18 the lines in reviews purposefully yes oh my god but not even the movies but like whenever I see a I go past like a theatre and it's like, it's the Shrek musical
Starting point is 00:18:27 and it's like, it's a Shreckingly good time and it's from the Herald Sun or whatever and I'm like. You'd have to be a donkey to miss the Shrecking good musical. Shrek the donkey musical. No one would ever say
Starting point is 00:18:37 any of those words. You've just put it in because you desperately want to be put on the poster. It's like the Smurfs movie where everything's Smurf this and Smurf that. That's right. It's not a swear word. Smurf this and Smurf that. That's right.
Starting point is 00:18:45 It's not a swear word. Smurf your mother. Is that good or bad? In this instance, no, it means send your mother some flowers. Oh, that's nice. Nostalgia forever, Mason? Yeah, absolutely. Nostalgia forever.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Here we go. You know the Mighty Ducks are coming back, right? Of course. They're getting a Disney Plus series. They existed at one point, so they're coming back. Yeah. I feel, do you think it's, because remember when we were kids, and I've talked about this before, all the stuff in the 90s was like 60s nostalgia and 50s nostalgia for like,
Starting point is 00:19:11 remember the Addams Family? Remember the Brady Bunch? Remember the Beverly Hillbillies? Yep. Fuck off with that. Like, we don't want that. And now it's happening again, but it's our generation imposing our stuff. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And I don't like it, quite frankly. I think, like, what kid gives a shit about the Mighty Ducks? I like the Mighty Ducks. Right. 20, 30 years ago when it came out. But is this for kids or is it going to be for grown-ups? Well, that's the thing. So Emilio West is back.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So it's a sequel? Yes, he's back. I think other characters are back. Is the main guy back, the main duck? What's his name? He's in Dawson's Creek guy. Oh, Senior Duck. Joshua Jackson.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Senior Duck. let me check uh i don't know i can't see it just here as of yet but anyway charlie sheen is returned not charlie sheen emilio west of it was charlie sheen's brother returning and also martin sheen's son is returning and it's going to apparently it's going to be somewhat the mighty ducks are now powerhouse of a tame okay because they're because they you know they they were these scrappy young kids from where now they're adults no it's like a legacy club and they're like the best do you remember the bad guy team yeah they're also now they're the bad guys yeah so that guy a guy gets kicked off the team and he has to play for a different team that's probably worse and he's like but i just want to be a duck and then maybe it's not about the uniform it's about being a duck in your heart that's right yeah and then they use the flying V against the whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:26 They're doing Karate Kid. They're doing the Karate Kid show. It's Karate Kid, but it's hockey, yeah. But it's hockey, yeah. So there you go. Excited? Yeah. I mean, I'll watch it because, you know, I know this,
Starting point is 00:20:35 but I don't know. You know the references. I know the references. Do you think it's... And they do the flying V against Hans Gruber in that Macatomi Plaza building. It's diehard. It's diehard, but it's the Mighty Ducks.
Starting point is 00:20:46 It's the Mighty Ducks. Terrific. Fantastic. We got our first look at Rob Battenbat. That's true, we did. Which is our name for, it's everyone's name at this point, isn't it? I think it was universally adopted. Some people are taking credit for it or not.
Starting point is 00:20:59 What? I've seen it places. Outrageous. I know. Well, look, I'm just happy it's taking off. Exactly. I mean, the paper trail leads back to us. That's right.
Starting point is 00:21:07 So it's totally fine. Is it really? I've seen it places. Because we've seen Arbats and Battinson. Battinson, but they're not enough, are they? No. Not enough to sustain the publicity campaign. This thing's going to sink like a stone unless everybody calls him Robat Battenbat.
Starting point is 00:21:23 So get it out there, folks. So we got test footage tweet at matt reeves yeah and we want to be on the poster it was us we invented it we said robat bat and bat there's nothing about the movie we workshopped it yeah i remember yeah so first thing about this footage is uh i really like the music i don't know what it if it's going to be what they actually use but i feel it's ominous enough. Someone also said it reminds them of exactly like another thing, and that's probably true, but I can't remember what that thing is.
Starting point is 00:21:52 All things are exactly like another thing. That's true, yeah, exactly. Tuck shop, tucker bag, same thing, isn't it? Remember tucker bag? My brother met tucker bag. I've talked about it. We have definitely talked about tucker bag. If you go to any of those tucker bag ads, there's probably a comment from me asking whether he's met my brother i've just done that in my spare time
Starting point is 00:22:08 sure i'm not even joking it's really there of course it is so the other thing is uh it's what do you think of the suit i mean it's dark and i know the daredevil comparisons and because of the red light and the god i hope it's red i hope it's all red oh my god it's just red batman red batman yeah he's just testing it out so it's like looks like the cloth's all red. Oh, my God. It's just red Batman. It's red Batman. Yeah. He's just testing it out. So it looks like the clothy back of the head of the mask. Yeah. But the mask itself is leather. And he's got a sort of a neck protector on the back there.
Starting point is 00:22:34 You would. Probably because he's fighting vampires. Yeah. They only attack the back of the neck. Is that true? No. They'll go for any party, won't they? That's right.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Yeah. The logo's quite Arkham Asylum-esque, I think. But it's also, you've probably seen this around, it looks like a handle of a gun that's been disassembled. Ah, so it might be the gun that's killed his parents. Exactly. Okay, right. That's also happened, I can't remember which comic it is.
Starting point is 00:22:54 It was a Kevin Smith comic. Was it? Yeah. Where he melted it down and put it. Oh, right, okay. I like that idea. You don't like that idea? No, I like the idea.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Okay. So it's Widening Gyre or Cacophony? One of those. One of those ones, yeah. Okay. Pretty sure. Yeah, so do you think then he wasn't initially supposed to be a bat and he's like this looks roughly like a bat this gun thing i've got going on do you think that's his origin yeah it's like this is close enough or someone like a crook's like this would be like a bat this is a bad thing no yeah no it's a bat logo okay yes say so a lot of people because we can't see his ears there's some there's rampant ears, there's rampant speculation on the internet.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Are his ears going to be long? Are they going to be short? Is he going to have ears at all? Yes. And I'm talking about bat ears. Yeah. I'm assuming the character of Bruce Wayne will have regular human ears. Regular human ears, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Will the bat suit have big long ears or will it be like – I think he's going to have regular-sized ears. You don't think we're going to go long ears? Do you think it's time? No, I think people will make fun of him. Because we went short ears, didn't we? I think they could do long ears in the next one. Like they could subtly tweak it. But I think anything that is too far out of the norm,
Starting point is 00:23:59 especially now when people are like, oh, it's Robert Pattinson, he's not going to be a good – Well, he's George's otherwise. That's true. I mean, it looks good. But I think if you do, if you reveal that he's got really long, like six inch pointy ears. Yeah. I know you wouldn't make him that long.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I would. Don't they shoot off... To shame him. Yeah. Don't they shoot off in some versions? I don't think so. I think they do. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I think they're weaponized. Might be thinking of a different thing. Yeah. But it's probably in a Kevin Smith comic. Of course. Yeah. Do they like fire off like rockets? Like trails of smoke?
Starting point is 00:24:31 No, they're just like a little shuriken kind of. Do they have grappling hooks on them? They probably do. So he can wind himself up by his neck? By his neck, yeah. Look, I don't, honestly, I don't love it. But also I can't see it. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:43 But what would make you hate it? I just don't really like the cowl with the cloth bit on the back of the head, if it even is that. I mean, maybe that's just a shadow issue. Yeah, but I like the chest and the shoulders and the cape. So whatever, honestly. Also, this could be like the first suit and then he gets another suit. They're always getting another suit.
Starting point is 00:25:04 There's always a scene in a movie where they're like, I need another suit they're always getting another suit there's always a scene in a movie where they're like I need another suit another suit but this one's gotta be cooler I don't care what it does I just want it to be cooler
Starting point is 00:25:11 it needs to be weaved out of a nano mesh can it have flames down the sides mmm you're talking Asriel kind of style make that happen right
Starting point is 00:25:19 is there flames in it no he just says flamethrowers yes what a great Batman that was I agree do you agree
Starting point is 00:25:24 no okay a couple more bits of news yes No, he just says flamethrowers, doesn't he? What a great Batman that was. I agree. Do you agree? No. Okay. A couple more bits of news. Yes. There's an untitled Sony Marvel film slated to hit theaters on October 8th of 2021. Okay. That means production will have to be started ASAP. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:25:38 This is going to be another Marvel villain film, we would imagine. Some people have speculated Spider-Woman because there's been talk of that. Okay. Who owns, I guess, so Sony owns Spider-Woman? They own it all. They got it all, mate. Maybe it's that Aunt May prequel we've all been clamoring for. All right, where she's a horny teen.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Where she's a horny teen. Yeah, so. Trouble, it's called. The comic book was called Trouble. Is that a real comic? Yeah. Oh, wow. Is it a Kevin Smith comic?
Starting point is 00:26:01 It's somebody. I'll look it up. Please do. Okay. So, yeah, I guess Sony are really ramping up this stuff yeah we're getting venom too we're getting the vampire boy feeling the pinch of like marvel at any point could just purchase them in their entirety that's right and they won't be able to make this anymore so exactly do you think disney could purchase the entirety of sony do you think that's possible? No, probably not. Because they make too many...
Starting point is 00:26:26 Video game. Oh, it's written by Mark Millar. Oh, really? I didn't know that. Five issue romance comic book limited series, published in 2003. The series deals with teen pregnancy. Oh my god. Is it good? I can't remember it being good.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Sounds edgy and real though. Yeah. Yeah, it's Aunt May. Before she's an Aunt May, she's working at a resort in the Hamptons during the summer vacation. And then there's romance. Does she meet Uncle Ben? Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Great stuff. Yes. Her best friend's Mary Parker. Yeah, right, okay. And then they meet Richard and Ben and they're like, ooh. So Mary Parker. Oh, she's not a Parker at the time. She's Mary whatever her name is.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Okay, right. meet Richard and Ben and they're like, Ooh, so Mary Parker, she's not a Parker at the time. She's Mary, whatever her name is. Okay. Right. So Ben Parker is so, so she's not related to. I'll be obviously. Yes, that's correct. I'm not even going to tell,
Starting point is 00:27:12 I get married. I figured it out. Then they're related. Okay. Anyway, it was, it was meant to be like, I think a resurgence of like,
Starting point is 00:27:17 well, it's romance, sexy romance. Yeah. Yeah. That kind of vibe. Yeah. Great stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Uh, or not yet. Cause I've never heard of it and won't read it. In the last and final and most confronting bit of news of the week, Mason. Wait, did we have any more speculation about what that movie would be? Madam Web has been said. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Silver and Black. Oh, yeah. Silver Sable Black Cat. What else? Maybe another Birds of Prey. Maybe another Birds of Prey. That's for sure. How's that doing?
Starting point is 00:27:45 We can talk about it. All right. But, yeah, I don't know. It could just be a Spider-Man movie. That's probably too quick for the turnaround for that. Yeah, right. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:54 You know what? I'm sort of excited to see it. I think there's been enough distance between Venom and Now that I'm like, I'll see another one. Yeah, but there'll be a Venom 2 between Now and Now. Oh, no. No. Boo. Venom 2 between now and then. Oh, no! No! Boo!
Starting point is 00:28:07 Venom. But it's, why didn't you do the Venom song at the Oscars? Right? That's all I'm saying. Why didn't you do a cover of Chris Delia doing that version of him rapping as Eminem? Didn't Chris Delia end up in his film clip, though? Maybe. I think he did.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Okay, that's fine. Yeah, because, you know, if you can't beat them, pay them exorbitant amounts of money to get them to stop making fun of you. So, Birds of Prey, here we go. This is the last bit of news. It hasn't had a bad drop off the second weekend, like, percentage-wise. Okay. That's also because of that pretty fucking terrible opening weekend.
Starting point is 00:28:40 To start with, Joe. There was speculation rampant during the week of, like, is it a woke situation, Mason? Sure. Is it a naming situation? Is it an R-rated situation? Is it any combination of those things? Right.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Is it like a bad time of year? Because, you know, sometimes movies, because something was on that weekend or for whatever reason. Yeah, right. Was it Super Bowl? I can't remember. Yeah, it might have been. It was.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Or a different thing. I don't know. So anyway, it's been renamed, as we mentioned last week. Yeah, officially or just at some cinema chains? I believe it's in, so if you Google it, if you go to websites. I've gone to websites. Yeah, like you go to book your tickets and you're like, what's that Harley?
Starting point is 00:29:16 If you go to that, if you go to like, you're looking for the Harley Quinn movie, you can find it. Or if you see it, you know what it is. Okay, sure. You recognise it. As opposed to Birds of Prey, et cetera. So they've named it. I think we said Birds of harley quinn and the birds of prey or some version yeah right but they've called it harley quinn colon birds of prey i think and the birds of
Starting point is 00:29:33 prey yeah exactly so what are we we're no experts yeah no certainly not but the other thing is it's too late like it's kind of i like it's not you'll have the room style resurgence yeah look I think it's people will throw severed faces at the screen in the audience haha
Starting point is 00:29:49 look at all these faces I tore off haha I think the initial like this needed to be done yeah months prior to it
Starting point is 00:29:56 coming out I mean I'm not saying it it'd probably help like it'd probably tweak numbers slightly yeah right I'd imagine
Starting point is 00:30:01 but it's not gonna cause like a 300 million upsurgents just because of this alone. It's going to have an upswing, which it still might, probably not to that extent. Then it's going to do it regardless of whatever they call it. I saw the first, in Melbourne, I saw the first billboard for Birds of Prey yesterday. Oh, wow. So I think-
Starting point is 00:30:22 Did you rush out to cinemas? Yeah, of course I rushed out. But I think if I wasn't doing this podcast, I probably wouldn't have known it was out. I was trying to think this week about whether I would have seen that movie if I wasn't doing this podcast. And I don't know whether I would have. I would have.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Like, I would have seen it, but I wouldn't have gone and seen it in the first week. Right, right, right. Well, then you wouldn't have seen it because it would probably be out of cinemas. That's a good point. Because without our marketing push, it would have been cancelled long ago. Like, Venom I probably wouldn't have seen it because it would probably be out of cinemas. That's a good point. Because without our marketing push, it would have been cancelled long ago. Like Venom I probably wouldn't have seen. Morbius I probably wouldn't have seen in the first week.
Starting point is 00:30:52 So I don't know. But you're glad you did. Yeah, I didn't mind it. I thought it was all right. Also, I think people are joker saturated. I think people are like this movie is – to the extent that anyone saw any promotion for this, which most people I don't think did,
Starting point is 00:31:06 I think a lot of people are like, oh, is this a movie about the Joker somehow? We just saw the Joker. Yeah. I don't know anymore. I loved it. It was so real. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:12 But we're too hyped. Yeah. We're too hyped. We were too, yeah, exactly. We haven't seen any more Joker. Joker also had the benefit of controversy and people are like, this is the realest thing you'll ever see. And if you go to the cinema and you watch it,
Starting point is 00:31:24 you'll shoot everybody you know, of sure there was that media at minimum yeah you might even shoot some people you don't know right but this one there was none of that groundswell no like the marketing for joker it kind of marketed itself yeah so which no doubt helped to reach 1 billion and win an award for working as joker Best Joker Best Joker mmm Heath Ledger's up there God we did it brother yeah he's standing behind him with his hands on his shoulders they're holding Oscars
Starting point is 00:31:49 matching Oscars the Oscars have little smiley faces on them but like their specific smiley faces yeah that's good that's really they would do that too
Starting point is 00:31:56 because it's so twisted it's very twisted isn't it what do you think about the speeches of people talking about diversity in Hollywood in movies and like because I actually don't think it's that big a deal.
Starting point is 00:32:07 People are like, just get your Oscar and shut up or whatever. Right. But like, that's their industry. And that's, and that's. Like if they're talking about something like that's like, this has nothing to do with you and you don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, right. But that is, it's literally.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yeah. And they, they would, you know, be on sets every day going like, oh yeah, this could do with a little. Yeah. Shot in the arm kind of thing. I think it's good. And it's, you know, it's quite rare that the whole world is watching and they have a solid minute to just get out something that's important to them.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah, exactly. So good for them, I say. That's what I say. Yeah, exactly. And, you know, people can take or leave that. I'm not saying they're all good because often it's like this is nonsense. Like you probably don't know what you're talking about. Like you're not even a real person.
Starting point is 00:32:44 You just say words that have been written down. Yeah, right, right, right. Apparently Brad Pitt didn't even write his own speeches. What? Apparently he got like Jim Jefferies and someone else to write them. I thought he was cool and funny. Now he's not cool. He's still pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:32:55 He's still pretty cool. Also, this is his first ever Oscar win. Yes. We didn't mention that up top, but that's good for him. Good for him. He's 56. He's doing it, isn't he? Yes, he is.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I mean, he's had plenty of other accolades and a lot of money. Exactly. And as many kids as he wants. But, yeah, good on him. Good on him. Why not? You know, it's his moment. If he had a pretty good shot at winning, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:17 yeah, why not get into professionals? Also, yeah, you'd want to do the best version of it you could, I assume. Yeah, yeah. You'd want to get up and just kind of people like, that's weird and dumb. Oh of it you could, I assume. Yeah, yeah. You want to get up and just kind of people like, that's weird and dumb. Oh, Brad. Oh, Bradley Pitt.
Starting point is 00:33:30 He was the weatherman in that Jim Jefferies show. Like, he just did the weather in it for, like, no money. He seems mostly well-adjusted. He's a big fan of Marc Maron. Yeah, right. Like, so he's super jazzed to be on Marc Maron's podcast. Oh, I haven't heard that. Is it good? It was him and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Really? And the first ten minutes is like, really, thanks for having us on. Like, this is great. That's really cool. Maybe he loves this show, do you think? Yeah, of course. He probably would, wouldn't he? But a lot of times you listen to like WTF or whatever
Starting point is 00:33:55 and a lot of the people still have no, like the people being interviewed have no idea what it is kind of thing. It's like one of the biggest podcasts in the world. The president was on it most. That's right. But Pitt's like, yeah, I know this and I love this. Using the roadcaster, I see. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors. Like when our estrogen levels
Starting point is 00:34:18 drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:35:15 Register today at That's Sonic the Hedgehog. We're going to briefly talk about it because we both saw it and... Sonic the Hedgehog. Oh, yeah. We're going to briefly talk about it because we both saw it and... It's a movie, isn't it? It's fine. It's totally...
Starting point is 00:35:31 Well, you went first. Yep. And I got a text from you that was basically like, I've got nothing to say about this movie. And I thought to myself, well, I'm going to go anyway because I'm on the way. You've got an eye that I don't have. Well, that's the thing. I'm like, I'm going to have such a take on this movie. I'm going to see anyway because I'm on the way. You've got an eye that I don't have. Well, that's the thing. I'm like, I'm going to have such a take on this movie.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I'm going to see through and I'll be like, there's a lot to like about this movie and I'm going to change your mind and it's going to be one of those ones where you're like, oh, yeah, I've really. No, I also have nothing to say about this movie. It's a competently made movie for children. Yep. You took your son to the movies. I did.
Starting point is 00:36:02 This is my review. I've written it down because i didn't blank so i didn't blank on it oh yeah it's fine my kid liked it everyone is good and fun and olive garden and it's fine yes that is that's what i think of it there is some egregious product placement in this movie i feel zillow oh yes just just rent a new place on zillow what's interesting about that because some of the plot hinges around, well, is the couple, James Marsden and his wife. Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:29 They want to move from this po-dunky small town, Green Hills, as a reference to the games, to San Francisco. And they're like, and we're going to, exactly, Grand Theft Auto. That's right. And we're going to go,
Starting point is 00:36:44 and look at this great place I found on Zillow. And it was like $4,300 a month. Very reasonable. I disagree. I think too much. She must be a very good veterinarian. She must be. He must be a very good...
Starting point is 00:36:55 On the take cop. Because that's what he wants to be. He's a small town sheriff, James Marsden, and he wants to be a cop in San Francisco. Yeah, that's right. He wants to save lives and make a difference in at least one person's life. Who's that going to be? Sonic the Hedgehog.
Starting point is 00:37:09 That's right. I think Sonic is like, I like Ben Schwartz. I think he does a good Sonic. But it's just kind of inoffensive and it's not super unfunny, but it's not funny. No. And kids, like my kid liked the running about. That's true.
Starting point is 00:37:24 He had a fish on his head. Yeah, he had a fish on his head and kids like my kid liked the running about and that's true that a fish on his head yeah a fish on his head and yeah things like that and you know they had some interesting speed sequences where they did speed obviously there's also moments where like he's supposed to be an alien from another dimension or planet or whatever but they're just in a bar together and it's just no one's like the fuck's going on here right like you know you know so you just he's got a hat on that he's got a hat on so it's just like did you see there's a couple bits of concept art one from ages ago where it's chris pratt in the in the lead human role and the other one that i just saw where they're in a bar fight together it's the original sonic with these weird muscular legs and it's him and
Starting point is 00:37:58 chris evans wow and he's got his captain america he just looks like it looks like captain america and sonic are in a bar fight But not a proper Sonic No A weird parallel universe Sonic Yeah Multiverse of Madness Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:38:11 That is That's concept art from Scott Derrickson's Yes Doctor Strange And they're like No you're fired Apparently they didn't Double fired
Starting point is 00:38:20 They didn't even hand in their draft It never happened So they didn't even get So the other version we're going to get of Doctor Strange is completely unrelated. Yeah. Also, I think James Marsden should get extra money for selling that Olive Garden shit. For having to say that with a straight face, he should get a cut of that. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Don't you think that's fair? Yeah, maybe he does. He better. Yeah, right? I mean, he'll never have to pay for Olive Garden ever again. Yeah, if that's a good place. I've never been. But it's family or whatever they say in the movie.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, I think it's like, as I understand it, it's like a step up from McDonald's, I think. I think because it's like sit down, but it's also like, yeah. But then they're like, and it's an unlimited pasta bowl because that's the selling point. Yeah, right. I don't want a fucking unlimited bowl of pasta. That sounds terrible. I do. I want one bowl of pasta. Yeah, right. I don't want a fucking unlimited bowl of pasta. That sounds terrible.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I do. I want one bowl of pasta. Yeah, but you're carb-phobic, aren't you? No, even if I wasn't, Mason. You fear it and you hate it. Carbs. I love pasta, but I think I'd rather like a good, solid bowl of pasta and then walk away.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I agree, but sometimes you just want to be like, I'm going to eat pasta until I die. I never want that. I think most people that go to Olive Garden are I'm going to eat pasta until I die. I never want that. I think most people that go to Olive Garden are like, I do want pasta until I die. Actually, what? You know what? Tweet at us.
Starting point is 00:39:31 What's Olive Garden like? And is unlimited pasta good? Yeah. I get unlimited coffee even. Sure. I get unlimited pancakes. Oh, my God. Yeah, I get unlimited ice cream machines and whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Oh, my God. But pasta. Okay, how about this unlimited ice cream machines and whatever. Oh, my God. But pasta. Okay, how about this? Because Australia briefly had Sizzler. Or we still have one? We have one Sizzler somewhere in like Western Australia or something like that. Let us know, is Olive Garden and Sizzler the same? Because we've had Sizzler.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I feel like Olive Garden, is it Italian food? Is it supposed to be? Maybe. Because it's an Olive Garden. Yes. And pasta. Pasta, unlimited pasta. Yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Anyway, what else? Jim Carrey's in this. Here's the thing. I think pretty much every Jim Carrey joke in this movie is in the trailer. The good ones, at least. Yeah. There's like a sequence where he's doing some science, and he's got a virtual environment behind him,
Starting point is 00:40:20 so he's skiing and he's running from a T-Rex and stuff like that. And that's kind of fun. Yeah. I really like that latte joke. Yeah, and he's running from a T-Rex and stuff like that. And that's kind of fun. Yeah. I really like that latte joke. Yeah. And it's in the trailer. Yeah. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I think the funniest moment, but it's 100% delivery. Yes. Because it's not a good joke. Sure. Outside of the way he delivers that. Yeah. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:39 But look, I think if you've got kids, they'll probably sit through it. Okay, good. And it's got. Put that on the poster. We'll spoil it, I guess, because there's a post-credits and spoiler alert. Okay, look. We've got another thing to talk about, by the way, after this. Look, I'm going to say best movie ever.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It's not the worst movie. It's certainly, well, here's the thing also. Where does this rank in the world of video game adaptations? Is it the best one? I don't think it's better than Tomb Raider. I don't think it's better than Tomb Raider. I don't think it's better than Detective Pikachu. The last Tomb Raider. It's very solid. Again, it's a good
Starting point is 00:41:09 movie for kids. We're putting an adult eye on this movie that is definitely 100% because there's no real reference. There's no real jokes or gags or hidden stuff that's like, oh, as an adult I get that, but kids won't get that. It's very surface level. Was he raised by a fucking owl?
Starting point is 00:41:25 Is that in canon? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Because I know in later games he has like a myriad of animal creature friends. I used to read the Archie comic Sonic comic. Archie comic Sonic comic. Archie comic comic Sonic comic. Harry Connick Archie comic Sonic comic.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Harry Connick Jr. wrote it. Very good. I don't know if you know that. And it was quite good, if I recall, but I don't remember his particular origin. Sure. Yeah. No, you know, in the Archie comic books, he's a regular hedgehog,
Starting point is 00:41:53 and then he gets caught in like a particle accelerator and he gets turned blue. And then he gets his speed in another particle accelerator? No, the particle accelerator. It's just a series of him tumbling through particle accelerators. No, he gets the speed. The speed force turns him blue somehow. I don't know where the out comes in.
Starting point is 00:42:11 He's probably been rebooted so many times. Agreed. I also, full credit to James Marsden. He also did the movie Hop where he did a road trip with maybe the Easter Bunny son. He's really good at looking at nothing and saying stuff. He's good, man. Is he back for Westworld Season 3? I hope so.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I believe he is. Okay, good. I like James Martin. I don't want to spoil Westworld, but I believe he is. Also, I just want to talk box office. It was made for $95 million. Presumably that's to account for probably $10 to $20 million there to remake the entire CGI Sonic character.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yeah, right. Good move, by the way. It seems because it's made, right. Good move, by the way. Oh, yeah. It seems because it's made, according to Variety, $65 million in its opening weekend in the US alone, which is the highest three-day record set by a video game movie, which was Detective Pikachu, of $54 million. It's also exceeding expectations in terms of box office tracking.
Starting point is 00:43:02 But again, box office tracking is wildly inaccurate. Right. So it's exactly where it's always going to land. Yeah, right, sure. So there you go. Yeah. But. Spoilers? Is that it?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Did we have something to say in spoilers? I mean, we said the post-credits, didn't we? No, we didn't. There is a post-credits. Okay, yeah. So at the end of the movie, Robotnik's defeated by the, Jim Carrey's Robotnik is defeated by the power of friendship. Sent to a mushroom dimension just like in the movie Super Marionik's defeated by Jim Carrey's Robotnik is defeated by the power of friendship. Just like in the movie
Starting point is 00:43:28 Super Mario Brothers. And then he's like, but I'll get out of this, even though you'll see me again in the future. And then in the post credits. He looks absolutely fucking amazing, by the way. Actual Robotnik. Real good. But a lot of people are saying he looks amazing as regular Robotnik as well.nik yeah yeah real good but a lot of people
Starting point is 00:43:45 saying it looks amazing as regular robotic as well yeah there's some stuff going on there yeah a lot of people got some vibes going on with regular robotic anyway uh but at the end uh rather than go to uh san francisco james marsden and his wife girlfriend decide to stay in green hills i love it they love it so much and they can hang out with Sonic and they build him a little attic place to live a prison and for some reason
Starting point is 00:44:09 they don't all go to jail even though he's crimes he's did all those crimes yeah he assaulted all the government agents or whatever
Starting point is 00:44:16 yeah but then in the post credit sequence another portal opens and Tails comes out of it Tails from the video games James zipping around
Starting point is 00:44:24 being fast like I hope I'm not too late for another adventure Tails seems like and Tails comes out of it. Tails from the video games, James. Zipping around, being fast. It's like, I hope I'm not too late for another adventure. Tails seems like faster than Sonic and also can fly. Yeah. So I feel like could probably save whatever situation's going on. I think so, quite easily. Do you know who the voice of Tails was?
Starting point is 00:44:37 I don't know. Okay. I don't know anything. Yeah. You know that, right? Yeah, I know. I also, I was hoping one of us knew something in this instance. I can Google it. No, that's okay? Yeah, I know. I also, I was hoping one of us knew something in this instance. I can Google it. No, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah, good. Yeah, so, but we've got another topic because I threw this out on Patreon this week. So this is a Patreon only kind of situation we've got here of how would you adapt a particular video game movie? So basically pick a video game. Yes. And then expand on it from that. What would you do? Right.
Starting point is 00:45:05 What would you do with it? Yeah. We're going to do some, we're going to talk about them, we're going to explore them, we're going to read some stuff verbatim of what people have said us. Yes, that's right. That's right. Maybe we'll come up with some own stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:16 There's some really good ideas in here. Yes. And some terrible ones, of course, mate. Of course. No, that's actually some really good answers. I'd like to do more of this stuff. If you go slash mr sun and movies you can you know contribute to stuff like this if you want to get some stuff early you don't have to it's up to you so you're going to go to the bottom list i'm going to go to the top we have 14 pages here so apologies if we don't get
Starting point is 00:45:35 to yours uh you might have an incredible one right in the middle but we might run out of time yeah but we'll do some skimming and some skipping uh the first one is philip says i would love to see an over-the-top Saints Row action movie complete with cheesy humor, ridiculous stunts and effects. But Sam has written below, that's Fast and Furious. Right. Which is not inaccurate,
Starting point is 00:45:54 but Saints Row is like more ridiculous. Yeah, the Saints Row series gets more ridiculous as it goes. And one of them is in a virtual dimension or something? That's four, I think. And in four, spoilers for Saints Row 4, a game that came out many years ago. The entire Earth is destroyed by aliens. So it gets...
Starting point is 00:46:11 I mean, it's slightly more extreme than the Fast and the Furious movies at this point. But who knows what's going to happen in 10 and 11. Exactly. Maybe nine ends with the world blowing up. Yeah, so you could pretty much go anywhere with those movies. I wonder where you would start, though. Would you start Fast and Furious style? Because the first one and kind of the second one are kind of GTA ripoffs.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Yes. In a big way. They've always had like a, injected the fun into it, which a lot of the modern GTAs don't put in. Yeah, right. The last one, less so. But they got really serious at one point. I'm thinking four in particular.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And I've talked about this before, but it's like, go on a date. Your cousin's ringing. You've got to take him to the whatever. There's so much fucking driving around in those games, even the newest ones. And it's the same with Red Dead. It's what people love. No, it's fucking, it's a mission.
Starting point is 00:47:03 It's like you drive to a warehouse, you pick up a guy, you go to a different thing, there's a shootout, and then you've got to escape. And then you just do that for the rest of the game. Side note, Ross Spaulding is also, wait, Ross Spaulding said Grand Theft Auto, but as a sitcom in the same happy-go-lucky style as My Name is Earl. But GTA Online is madness.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Yes, which is what GTA, the game, I feel should be. I feel like they're kind of funneling people into scenarios more than... That was so loosey-goosey in the early days. Because there's a level in... There's a mission in GTA Online where your whole crew has to steal the GTA equivalent DeLoreans. Yes. And then you have to drive along the road hacking vans with like
Starting point is 00:47:45 you can you're hacking technology and then it's like now you've got to become boats and then they turn into boats they're like they're like because they're delorean and then it's like now you've got to hack this jetliner and then they fly so it's like that sounds amazing right there's some yeah yeah and i know there's still some wild stuff in the newer ones nakey jakey he's a youtuber he's gotten a bit video i think this is the one that's called Making an Open World Rockstar Game. And he talks about the limitations that have now been imposed upon these
Starting point is 00:48:11 used to be freeform kind of games. Yeah, right. And I think he talks about one in particular where you have to assassinate this particular guy, but the guy kept getting away. So he found the guy's car before he triggered the mission, put a bomb under it and then triggered the mission and then was able to do it like that.
Starting point is 00:48:24 And the new ones kind of funnel you away from things like that. Like you have to trigger a thing to start the mission. Yeah, right, right, right. And I don't know. I just kind of – You could do that in one of the Hitman games, I think. Yeah. There's a level where you have to kill the head of the mob in Chinatown
Starting point is 00:48:37 or whatever, and you can just light – you can just put a bomb in his – that's probably what it is. You just put a bomb in his car, and then you cause a ruckus, and he runs to his car, and then you blow it up. And I think – and I know it kind of breaks, like why would the character in the video game know that that was his car and to do that? But it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Sure. Because I think the most important thing is fun. Sure. Like I think that's. I disagree. I think it's rules. Yeah, you're right. Rules are good.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Okay, but let's say a GTA video game. Yeah. Where do you, do you take some of the characters from, which one, do you take like, was characters from, which one do you take? Like, was it four where there was like three, three dudes, three dudes. And you, do you have them intersecting and what have you, or. I think you probably do one dude. I'd imagine to start with, and maybe you expand on it and pull out movies, but I feel like
Starting point is 00:49:17 free guys probably got this covered. I think so too. Right. I mean, bearing in mind. You would hope so. You would hope like, because, but that's the thing because like walk hard the the biopic the music biopic parody movie we all assumed that that would kill music biopics because it was just like it took a chisel to a mall and like this is the dumb formula of these movies but they've just keep making them keep making so maybe they maybe free
Starting point is 00:49:40 guy will be like well we should do some straight ahead GTA adaptation. Exactly. Like Need for Speed. Remember that? The boring one, sure. You haven't seen it in neither of our... Well, I saw five minutes of it. That's true. You've seen more of it than me.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah, right. Anyway, we really should do more than one. Right. But us, we got... Sam says, Assassin's Creed could be an anthology type TV show with every season following a different assassin. Maybe some like Ezio would get more time dedicated to them. And Randall's commented on that saying,
Starting point is 00:50:09 how about doing a quantum leap style, same main actor hopping around the timeline. I think that would be really interesting. It would be really interesting, but less future stuff also. Yeah. The people, the people,
Starting point is 00:50:20 generally the people don't like the future stuff. Also the world has a bad taste in its mouth from Assassin's Creed, the movie. Yes. But you know, I think there's probably like the future stuff. Also, the world has a bad taste in its mouth from Assassin's Creed, the movie, I think. Yes. But, you know, I think there's probably been, maybe not enough time, but there's still call for it, I feel. I think that season to season would be really interesting. Also, you wouldn't even have to do the future stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Because in some of the games they just drop that future stuff. They just, like, don't even worry about it. Assassin's Creed on the Vita is, like, no future stuff. The game's fine. Sure. But I appreciate that. What else have we got? Jack Diaz Doherty has suggested, in all caps, just to be clear,
Starting point is 00:50:54 Steven Soderbergh directed L.A. Noire adaptation. Would be brilliant. Yeah. I've only put that in because I like to think, you know, that kind of dead-eyed main character in L.A. Noire. I would like to see the doubt mechanic. Oh, my God, yeah. Because, you know, in that game, it's like you interview people
Starting point is 00:51:11 and they're like, I was nowhere near the thing or whatever, and then you can, like, doubt them or you can agree with them or you can threaten them. I just like to see, like, this dead-eyed guy slowly rotate through options in his brain in every scene. I want to see the button prompts above his head. Yes. Right?
Starting point is 00:51:27 I want to see him get hit by like a 1930s packet convertible and then just rag doll in the street and then get back up again. Did you play that one? Yeah, briefly. Yeah, I don't know if I did. I've definitely watched a lot of stuff on it. I think they tweaked it. Because they remade it, didn't they?
Starting point is 00:51:40 Or remastered it. And what happened with that a lot of the time is the button prompts didn't relate necessarily to what he said. said oh so you think he's going to take a cool carbon yeah so you'd say doubt and he'd be like you son of a bitch i'll kill you or whatever and you're like that's not what i but they've they've they tweaked it yeah okay cool yeah i don't know but but that's the thing because with la noir you just get you just get la confidential yeah because la that's what i was going to say. But not as good, presumably.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah. What could be made different in this? What's the- Band to snatch it. Oh, you think it's- Like, do it like it. You, the audience, have- This is a worse version of what he said. But you, the audience, have to determine.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Oh, okay. What happens in it? Oh, that would be- And then we do- It wouldn't be good, though. No, but then that would absolutely- And you get the actor just again, just staring there as you,
Starting point is 00:52:27 and you have all the time you need. So you've got to, you've got to, they've got to film like 15 minutes looping footage of just a man staring and thinking. Yeah. What if you did it in a cinema
Starting point is 00:52:35 and everybody had their phone and apparently choose your own adventure is still suing the creators of choose your own adventure. It's ridiculous, right? People wouldn't even know about
Starting point is 00:52:44 choose your own adventure now. Yeah. So they wouldn't even know about choose your own adventure now if it wasn't for bloody bands. Also, they're not good. Sam Fisher says, Crash Bandicoot is a critic crime drama, after credit scene hinting at a PlayStation Cinematic Universe. David says underneath also, if the after credit scene,
Starting point is 00:52:57 the magical MacGuffin he's been searching for was a dragon egg from Spyro. I think there's something to be said for shared video game universes which hasn't been tapped into yeah right the start of sonic like the logo has shows all these old sega sega games your golden axe golden axe and whatever etc and i i think probably super mario is probably going to do it with the nintendo one but i think playstation has just enough characters to pull that off but also do you do sly cooper slash nathan drake like are those two things that you put together you do shadow of the
Starting point is 00:53:30 colossus solid snake you do nathan drake you do rhymes what rhymes what do you got a birthday cake very good that's what they you know it's the cardboard box yeah oh my god put the birthday cake over here incredible you can stealth it. But then you put in, like, every character from every Splinter Cell game. Yeah, right. Just team them all up. I think they're Microsoft at the moment. I don't know where they are.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Never mind, then. I've got to play those because the last ones didn't come out on PlayStation, so I never played them. They're amazing. This is from Samuel Burton Harris. Where's Anderson directs a slapstick live-action Smash Brothers film? Oh, yeah. He says, starring everyone in the up and coming at the french dispatch film i say just bring in all these just bring in the royal tenor bells just bring in exactly get your own wilson's the bottle
Starting point is 00:54:15 rocket kids bring them all in every owen wilson character you just change the skin wow thank you wow by skin do you mean hair? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, good. Or whether he's wearing a bellhop uniform or not. Yes. So Robo, Jordan Hayden says Robocod, which is a game I haven't played. Robocod was the sequel to James Pond, obviously. It says, and Lee says, imagine the fuss on Twitter if they did Robocod, but they cast a trout.
Starting point is 00:54:43 It's PC gone mad, isn't it? It really is. Just diversity for no reason yeah I loved Robocod I never played it as a kid so you know
Starting point is 00:54:49 is it a side scroller yeah it's like a side scroller platformer because I remember the other one and Robocod's like main mechanic is if you hold the fire button down
Starting point is 00:54:56 he like I do know he extends vertically yeah and he can extend vertically I know exactly what this is I played it as a kid Because
Starting point is 00:55:05 There used to be like These magazines Where they would have Like a disc on the front And you could play Demo discs But the version I got They accidentally put
Starting point is 00:55:12 The whole game on Really? Yeah Just yours? I don't know It must have been that run There's no way of knowing No way of knowing
Starting point is 00:55:18 You're going to jail I am going to jail No Oh no What have you got? Robert Farley Is just The Outer Worlds. Yeah, I haven't played that. Or The Outer Wilds.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Or The Outer Wilds. Or No Man's Sky. Doesn't matter. Which are closer related? Is The Outer Worlds... I'll have to Google it. Okay, please do. I do know the difference.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Because one's wackier than the other. Yeah. The Outer Worlds, I think, is the more steampunky-vibed one. Yeah, right. Look, I'd watch a... I'd see a movie based on any of these, really. Yeah, going to another planet and exploring and weird mechanics and creatures and resource management.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Big dome helmets. Yeah, you do, like, The Martian, but it's way weirder. Sure. Yeah. Cool. Well, we solved that one, didn't we? Solved it. Look, Robert has said,
Starting point is 00:56:04 Danny Boyle creates a universe which is influenced by controlling capital. His corporation introduces an identified protagonist who is forced into a situation he doesn't comprehend but is pivotal in the outcome of. Obviously, he's looking for your vote because of Sunshine. You're not getting it from me with your pandering. Get out of here. I'm not interested.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Actually, sounds good. Alex Matheson says, The Sims but like that Free Guy movie. So a Sim realises that they're in a Stepford Wives Esque simulation of a small town in America Maybe they realise there's no consequences And start murdering other Sims
Starting point is 00:56:34 And then other Sims chase them down like the Truman Show actors But without emotions or conscience I'm definitely feeling a horror vibe That's in a vibrant hyper-reality version of the American Dream So that to me So it's virtuosity We get Russell Crowe back Well I was going to vibe that's in a vibrant hyper-reality version of The American Dream. So that to me – So it's virtuosity. Virtuosity. We get Russell Crowe back.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Well, I was going to say, that's Truman Show and remember that – and like Pleasantville. Yeah. But in The Sims, I really like that. Yeah, that's really good. Do you think, though, that after we get Free Guy – do you think – if Free Guy's a success, do you think movie producers will be like, we're going to get more of this?
Starting point is 00:57:03 Just pile it on. Pile it on, yeah. Or do you think they'll be like, we can't do another one this close? I think some people will make the mistake of be like, we're going to get more of this. Just pile it on. Pile it on, yeah. Or do you think they'll be like, we can't do another one this close? I think some people will make the mistake of being like, we'll make our version of this and people are like, but we don't want,
Starting point is 00:57:13 like this is worse. And then they bring out Free Guy 2 and people are like, well, we sell this because someone made that other crap version and then it kills it. Benjamin Dow suggested Red Dead Redemption 2, but I guess any of the Red Dead Redemptions.
Starting point is 00:57:24 What's the context, Mason? Give me some, what else is there? With each chapter, so maybe it's a TV series, with each chapter as the gang moves to a new location being separate seasons. Okay. How about that? Yeah, I mean, that's game.
Starting point is 00:57:36 A Western. A game in many ways. I feel like that game is that. Yes, right. So you need another thing. Yeah, right. Because that's very character driven. But I feel this would work only in the sense of like if they made a Red Dead Redemption
Starting point is 00:57:47 movie, that might push people towards Westerns again, like we might get. Okay. We might get a couple more. Yeah, great. And the genre will die again. Can't wait for the genre to die again. It's not even back, but I can't wait for it to never go to death. Would you add the weird stuff?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Would you add the zombie levels? Yes. Would you add the one where he hunts down the Yetis? Yeah, you do like a spooky Halloween episode or whatever. Yeah, right. Yeah, absolutely. Also, it's more supernatural. Yeah, I mean, you do it normal in Cowboy,
Starting point is 00:58:12 and then like every so often you do a weird one. Like, you know, Treehouse of Horrors or whatever. Yeah, right, right, right. But it's actually canonical. Uh-huh, sure. Patrick Weller says, I don't think video games need to be adapted, et cetera, and so forth. We know, Patrick.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Yeah, we know. Oh, my God. We get it. Yeah, we know. Oh, my God. We get it. God. That's a good point. He said, Horizon Zero Dawn will make an excellent premium series. I agree. I think the stories of that.
Starting point is 00:58:31 He's also said Mass Effect is a series, Life is Strange is an anthology series. He's just naming games that should be series, Mason. He's not incorrect. The Horizon Zero Dawn is a very interesting future world where machines are kind of like the animals now and they roam and whatever. I've played it. You may have played it. It's good.
Starting point is 00:58:47 It goes forever. And it's also got that cut scenes of like, welcome to the village. There's a problem. What's the problem? Maybe there's something I can do about it. Well, you need to get this piece of equipment because of the fucking shoot me with that shit.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Okay, well, is that something that- That's the whole series. Right. It's a series of fetch quests. Exactly. What mechanic do you think from that game do you think they would try and shoehorn in? Grappling down a weird monster and then stabbing it.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Okay, right, so Shadow of the Colossus style. Yeah, I love that game. It would be difficult to adapt some games where it's kind of a foregone conclusion. I feel like, without spoiling it, there's an ending to shadow of the colossus have you played it through no but i'm aware of it oh cool you should definitely play it but i already know the ending so yeah but it's really good yeah i've got it but i mean there's no
Starting point is 00:59:33 way to to have i feel like for the for people who are fans of the game it'd be difficult to have a satisfying ending because you know how it's going to end yeah but also if they tried to turn it in a different direction you'd be like why the heck did you change this thing? Because the whole point of the game is this happens at the end. Yeah, but I think also with Shadow of the Colossus, you're alone in this world. Oh, so you need, for the movie, wacky sidekick. I'd say no.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Maybe a horse talks to you. Yeah, you do have the horse. It's Gilbert Gottfried. It's always Gilbert Gottfried with Hugh Mason. But then it's just literally like. Because he's the perfect voice actor. That's true. But you literally fight like 16 monsters.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Your girlfriend's on a. They never say girlfriend. Oh, don't they? It's never explicitly stated. Oh, okay, right. Yeah. But you just fight. She's on an altar.
Starting point is 01:00:17 You fight 16 different monsters. Yes. And I don't know whether that could be a series. 16 episodes. Yeah, I know. But like you're just fighting a monster every episode yeah right right yeah there's probably a way to do it this one i really like it's from cameron walford it says it would be interesting to see a god of war 2018 which by
Starting point is 01:00:33 the way i lent to you what do you try to get oh yeah i haven't terrific adaptation uh it is if it's designed into single continuous shot like the recent 1917 film since the game uses a similar perspective did you know that about that i? I was aware of that, yeah. It also focuses on an aged former icon caring for a child, so knowing Hollywood's love of the trend situation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right, right. I think if you were going to do... Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:55 If you were going to do a God of War movie, you would probably lean towards that newer version because the other one's just like, where's all my stuff? Right. And you just like smash, I need a new magic sword and then you just kill like a million people and his family's been murdered or whatever oh yeah but
Starting point is 01:01:10 whatever yeah but you could definitely like cut back to that yeah but i think that as like a series would be like this guy's fucking unbearable because he is he sucks yeah he seems that's why i never played in the old ones they're good they're great guys but they're just yeah he's not like a nice guy i've got another excellent one after this but what's what do you okay let's see uh this is from alex baleon titan falls online gameplay is ripe for one-shot action scenes keep the camera moving at all times but make every step and gunshot feel heavy heavy like a sci-fi 1917 okay with a big emphasis on the scale of the titans we never really get that I don't think in movies
Starting point is 01:01:45 Where Yeah I mean There was Pacific Rim But it's again It's They're not like Titans
Starting point is 01:01:51 Titans though In those games Yeah Like they're not Pacific Rim size No I know But also the thing about Pacific Rim
Starting point is 01:01:56 They're more mechs Pacific Rim They're always fighting Monsters of equal size Yes You don't It may as well Just be human sized
Starting point is 01:02:02 Things fighting each other I think the first one Did a better job Of filming it from a lower perspective. Yeah, right. The second one is just whatever the fuck. But I would love to see a realistic war movie. With mechs and stuff. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 01:02:14 All right, I'll do it. Okay, let's do it then. Craig says... Wait, apply the buddy aspect of a hotshot rookie team but with a straight-laced goody two-shoes, which is the mech, obviously. Yes. You haven't played that yet?
Starting point is 01:02:25 No, I've played Toe and Fall 2. Oh, cool. I've Toe and Fall 2. Yeah, it's excellent. I also think the relationship between those two is so good. Like, it really works. It's one of the few video game, like, relationships where, because often they're like, you really feel something for,
Starting point is 01:02:37 and I'm like, I never do. They never, James, they never establish their boyfriends, all right? They never establish it, all right? You're just reading into it. It's implied. Okay. But I think that one, and I think because a lot of the time,
Starting point is 01:02:47 largely it's in-game, so it's not like you have to sit through a cutscene where they talk about how much they fucking like each other. Yeah, you're running and gunning and talking. Yeah. And he helps you, like, the whole time, and you help him, and he more helps you because he's the mech.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It's like a couple of boyfriends. A couple of boyfriends. But it's not implied. Maybe they kiss, maybe they don't. That's right. Craig says, as Earthworm Jim, Nathan Fillion, of course, as the voice slash mocap, a full-on live-action CGI rom,
Starting point is 01:03:11 embrace the ridiculousness and make a proper sci-fi comedy with an accidental hero who thinks he's the greatest adventurer ever. But it's based on luck and the people around him. It's like a reverse Iron Man. The suit really is all that he needs to be a hero and cast Mason as the prep professor monkey for a head. Thank you. I think that would be a terrific piece of casting, yes.
Starting point is 01:03:30 For Nathan Fillion, certainly. But wouldn't that be a really weird live action CGI hybrid? Yeah. Because there was also an animated series which we talked about in an upcoming video or video that's out now. Yeah, one of those. We did a video game quiz We're always making videos
Starting point is 01:03:45 And who knows when they come out But never not But I would love to see I would love to see an earthworm Jim Yes Do you put it on earth Do you put it in space He's an earthworm
Starting point is 01:03:53 Yeah but He's big right I mean he's As big as a man Yeah so I mean like So he's not like an earthworm Earthworm is he No he begins as an earthworm
Starting point is 01:04:04 And then he becomes Does he grow though He's like a mutant earthworm Oh okay that is he? No, he begins as an earthworm and then he becomes. Does he grow though? He's like a mutant earthworm. Oh, okay. That's what happens. He's real big. Is that in the series that's established? Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:04:10 But also in the game, he's the size of a cow. Yeah, no, that's why I'm saying is it not really earth? Is it like a weird parallel? No, it's definitely earth, yeah. Earth where there's still cows but a giant earthworm. No, no, he's set on earth. Great. What are we doing, Mason?
Starting point is 01:04:23 What are we doing? Let's see. Dark Souls souls this is from david mcdonald dark souls but in the style of groundhog day aka the main character keeps dying and repeating the same day over and over again so like live die tomorrow you could have said live die repeat or whatever i could have said that the better example but dark souls is horrendously difficult i've never played it because i know i just like i don't have the time i mean it's not it's i've played a little bit of it's not once you it clicks right yeah it's not like it's not it's not like it's this is unfair and ridiculous it's kind of like dodge and roll yeah once you learn patterns and you go once you if you have patience and you learn and you wait
Starting point is 01:04:56 yeah you will still die a lot but you'll go be like oh i get it now i heard it's also like when you die it's it doesn't feel cheap it's like like, yeah, no, I deserve that. Yeah, right. Yeah. Steven Ansell says, Metal Gear Solid. Would love to see someone try and adapt even the first game into a movie. I think that's definitely where you'd start at least. That first game, like, I understand. And then I'm just like, fucking whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:21 I just don't even know at that point. Yeah. I think they might be getting a remake. There's rumours of like a HD full remake. Oh. Like they did Shadow of Colossus and the Resident Evil games. There's rumours of that. I would love to play like an updated version of that first one. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Because the other ones I feel mechanically get too, not mechanically they're right, but the story is just like, I don't even want any of this. Can I stop you here? I blanked briefly and I don't know what game you're talking about. It'll get solved. Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:05:45 I appreciate your honesty. No problem. Do you think with that firsted briefly, and I don't know what game you're talking about. Metal Gear Solid. Okay, right. I appreciate your honesty. No problem. With that first game, though, do you think make a good movie? Or a movie? I mean, the general overall premise of Metal Gear Solid, or just Metal Gear generally, what I think would work. They've built a big tank thing, and you've got to go blow up the tank thing.
Starting point is 01:06:01 You've just got to get the scale right, don't you? You know what? I think they should base it on the American-European version of the original Metal Gear that doesn't have Metal Gear in it. Yeah, okay. You get to the end of the movie and the guy's like, okay, Snake, now you've got to blow up this computer. Is that what happens in the game?
Starting point is 01:06:18 Yeah, you don't fight Metal Gear at all. Incredible. I don't know. The Japanese version of Metal Gear you did. Yes. American version you didn't. I don't know why. Why would they do that? I don't know. You just shoot a Metal Gear you did. Yes. American version you didn't. I don't know why. Why would they do that?
Starting point is 01:06:26 I don't know. You just shoot a computer and it blows up. You shoot it with rockets. Satisfying though. Oh my God. Is that a talk to you? No. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Do you think you would add in the cardboard box mechanic? Yeah. We hide in a cardboard box. But maybe they're like, we see you. Yeah, right. Well, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, you know how he did Kong Skull Island? Yes. He was being attached.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I don't know whether he still is. It says that he's still said to be or rumoured to be. And I know he was looking at, he was asking Boss Logic about doing some Oscar Isaac concepts to see what he would look like. I think he'd be a good snake. Yeah, for sure. And he could fit in a little box. Fit in a little box.
Starting point is 01:07:06 A lot of people are asking for a Halo movie. Ultramagnum is asking. I think they've been trying to do live action Halo stuff. Yeah. Because you remember District 9 was supposed to be a Halo movie. That was what that initially was supposed to be. Jack Tetters has also asked for a Halo movie. Someone also suggests, I've lost it, but it's also like someone was saying The Expanse has kind of done Halo
Starting point is 01:07:28 as a world. So you do like a worse version of it. Yeah, do a worse version. Cool. A real popcorn version, you know? Darren Finland says, we're talking sci-fi, mass effect movie. A sci-fi war movie is a prequel to the game set when mankind first comes into contact with the aliens.
Starting point is 01:07:40 We start a war because we're terrible people. There's enough lore in that game to set this up. Or some spy flick based on Specter here's the question i set shepherds before who do you cast as shepherd because shepherd is everyone just whoever just get whatever just get whoever doesn't know how about this we do it bob dylan i'm not their style oh my every scene it's a different shepherd it's a different one of them shepard blanchett yes christian bale yes i love it i love it also yeah also this is there's no explanation for it It's a different Shepard. It's a different actor playing Shepard. One of them's Cate Blanchett. Yes. One of them's Christian Bale. Yes. I love it. I love it also.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Yeah. Also, this was... And there's no explanation for it. He said prequel. Maybe hologram or something. Daryl says prequel, so he wouldn't even be in it. Maybe he's got some sort of virus or something, and it changes his DNA every single time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Shepard. Oh, my God. David also says Mass Effect is a series like The Mandalorian Jason says Gareth Edwards God of War Sense of Scale and that I think that's actually a good pairing What about David
Starting point is 01:08:35 Bedard says a Tekken movie where it's blood sport for the fight scenes but super melodrama for all the family drama outside the ring. Oh yeah, because it's always about Heihachi's sons, the devil now, you know. Couldn't tell you. I know one of them has a leopard's head. Whether or not that'd be mask or real leopard.
Starting point is 01:08:52 That's Senor Leopard Head. Doesn't look very Spanish, Mason. Well, leopards aren't from Spain, probably. That's why he has to specify Senor Leopard Head. Oh, okay, okay. Fair enough. He immigrated. I shouldn't.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Okay. Oh, F okay oh Fidel Fidel Reyes of the planet broadcasting great mates oh my goodness Facebook group and a good
Starting point is 01:09:11 fantastic photoshopper says I'd love to see a Silent Hill movie rebooted by A24 or Blumhouse the first one's a guilty pleasure but pretty meh
Starting point is 01:09:18 I feel that the Silent Hill property has all the bearings to make a great psychological horror like a mix of hereditary and action horror movies I don't mind that first movie plus Pyramid Head plus Pyramid Head of hereditary and action horror movies. I don't mind that first movie.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Plus Pyramid Head. Plus Pyramid Head, but he's a weird Pyramid Head. I don't mind that first movie. But yeah, you could definitely, you could do a better version of that. I think, because I've also had mentioned here for people talking about Resident Evil, and like they've been done. They've made them. They've made them, but yeah, you could definitely do them better.
Starting point is 01:09:41 So yeah, Josh Harper's like Resident Evil is a perfect example. Like adapting something like that should be, you know, could definitely do them better. So, yeah, Josh Harper's Resident Evil is a perfect example. Adapting something like that should be relatively easy, he says. Oh, well. And I agree. Well, la-di-da. Yeah. What about Nathan says, but Fable, Nathan Turner, vary now with fantasy and vogue.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Do it like good omens, whimsical and fun, but give it an edge. Don't take yourself too seriously. That's where The Witcher wins because Geralt has an audience. Yeah, exasperated when something over the top happens, et cetera. What is the plot of Fable? I don't know. Magical. But I feel like there isn't – Fable is kind of too expansive maybe.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I don't know if there's an overarching plot. I believe there is. Do you just live your life in Fable? No, there's things going on. Okay. Well, as long as there's things going on. I couldn't tell you but I've never – and one of them you maybe have a dog in your life in Fable? No, there's things going on. Okay. Well, as long as there's things going on. I couldn't tell you, but I've never. And one of them, you maybe have a dog.
Starting point is 01:10:29 That's true. Fairly confident. Here we go. On his sister's birthday, a young boy's village on Oakvale is raided by bandits, killing the entire boy's family, and he must rescue the boy and something, etc. Oh, okay. Classic revenge story. You know it.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Apparently the last one's atrocious. So let's base it on that. Agreed. Daniel Springs suggested, I'd love to see a film based on Dead Space. How do you feel about Dead Space? Mike says this. Mike Frodson says the same thing. Good.
Starting point is 01:10:54 I think you could make aliens, but modern and good. Yeah. Doom's coming up for Caravan of Garbage. Finally released. I can get it off my fucking computer. Yeah, so you do aliens. It's pretty much aliens. It's a great game.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Spooky as fuck as well. One and two are good. Three was bogged with microtransactions so I didn't bother with it. Okay, right. I like the mechanics of that game as well.
Starting point is 01:11:18 You can cut off the individual limbs of the monsters. You can shoot them in the head and it doesn't do anything. The head comes off and they keep coming at you. Yeah, there's some good scares in that game.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Because his name's Isaac, right? And he's a space miner. Yes. He's a little boy. So he's using space-cutting equipment and drills and what have you. And you update his suit as you go. And it's things like... He's not having a great time, that fellow.
Starting point is 01:11:41 He's having a real bad day. It's par for the course now, but things like there's no HUD in that game, so your health is on your back there's like a glowing strip and when it drops down it's stuff like that that there's also got the mechanic where you just push push the stick down and just the line in the ground shows you exactly exactly where to go a lot of people didn't like that because it's it tells you exactly where to go right but it's one of those things where like you don't have to use it but then again you also rely on it if you do i'm just talking about games now.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Well, I mean, you've raised a really excellent point. But first of all, I think that that's good if you're like, well, I know that's the way to go, but I do not want to go that way because it's so horrifying. That's a good point. But also, I would love if they put that in the movie. He's just like, where does the plot need to go now? Beep.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Oh, that way. Okay, I've got to interact and talk to that person. Okay, cool. You also can't – that was one of the games, and again, it's to go now. Beep. Oh, that way. Okay, I've got interaction. I'm going to talk to that person. Okay, cool. You also can't, that was one of the games, and again, this is more common now, when you go into your inventory,
Starting point is 01:12:30 it doesn't pause. So if you need to switch weapon, you need to like put some distance between you and whatever the thing is. Yeah. I would like to, I think we mentioned this maybe in previous weeks, but if they do an Uncharted movie finally,
Starting point is 01:12:42 I would like it, there should be some meta commentary on the fact that he's killed a thousand people yes and then he seems fine with it yeah i would like i don't think he's fine with it really yeah i think there should be a side character being like you just killed so many people there you just can't you push that guy off a mountain he was just he was just working he was just a sherpa or whatever he killed him and he's like no i'm just a cool laid-back dude. I'm just a cool guy. Oh, I'm slipping.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Have you ever played Frostpunk? I don't know what that is. It's a city-building survival game. I've never played it. But Barry McCoglin says, uniquely cinematic city-builder. If you haven't played it, it's a bleak and stunning visual game set in the late 19th century.
Starting point is 01:13:21 It's a beautiful game, and I feel the story lends itself to the backdrop of a lot of different film ideas. So that sounds interesting because it's kind of this blank slate universe. Right. And you can then tell stories within that. So I think that might be a really good jumping off point because you can do anything. Right. It's not like, well, there has to be this character and he gets this weapon and he meets
Starting point is 01:13:40 this person and whatever. You can just be like, it's in this universe and whatever. Nice. What else, Mason? Well, Luke has said Dishonored is absolutely begging to be made into a movie. Standard revenge movie formula, but in a strange pagan steampunk world. They're always meant to play those games. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:13:55 I would like to see it, but I think we're the only two. I think it's, well, three. I mean, it's Luke and us. I think we'll see it. I haven't played it. Just to be clear, I'm not on board with this. I'm anti this movie. Okay. So it's just you and Luke i think we'll see it i haven't played it i mean i didn't look just to be clear i'm not on board with this i'm anti this movie okay so it's just you and luke just me and luke all right the two amigos these games did well enough no i'm sure they did but it's also it's kind of like it's a mortal engines kind of vibe oh who's seeing it no i mean it's not you
Starting point is 01:14:17 know it's it's you meet out like a mysterious stranger and he's like you help me out and i'll give you these powers like it's a tattoo on his hand and he gives him superpowers and whatever. But again, it's in a steampunk world and I'm like, people don't like that. No one likes the steampunk world except for the steampunks. And they're not enough to... They're just a bunch of steampunks. Exactly, that's right. Quite frankly. Adam Clark says,
Starting point is 01:14:38 I would love to see Taika Waititi or the Russo Brothers take on Smash Brothers. Make it wacky, make it serious, whatever works. Make it weird and entertaining. What's the premise though? What's the plot of Smash Brothers, make it wacky, make it serious, whatever works, make it weird and entertaining. What's the premise, though? What's the plot of Smash Brothers? They just all meet and they smash, fighting, just to be clear. I think you could probably build it separately and then bring it together. Do it like they're Avengers.
Starting point is 01:14:58 And then they have to save New York, like the Defenders. From a big hand, you know, the big Smash Brothers hand? Right, okay. It's like, I'm going to get you. Okay. I hate that idea. Good for you. Alice Nixon says,
Starting point is 01:15:09 Viv of Piñata, as a dramatic religious allegory connecting the sacrifices the animals have to make to bring a more evolved species. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, wow. So we've done it, have we?
Starting point is 01:15:17 I think we've done it. Oh, that was pretty quick. Now we'll do some more. No. Did you skip any? No, I didn't really. I don't think I did. Not on purpose.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Well, why don't you go up my list and I'll go down yours. Okay, very good. We missed. I don't know what Viva Piñata is. Me neither. But I would love to see a Monkey Island movie. They did it as a game? I guess they did.
Starting point is 01:15:36 But, I mean, I'd see it. But, you know, pirates are done. I was going to say pirates. Pirates are done. The first one was kind of pirates. It was kind of... Yeah, definitely. I wouldn't surprise you. And it was kind of pirates. Yeah, definitely. I wouldn't surprise you.
Starting point is 01:15:45 It was undead pirates. Monkey Island was clearly very much inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. To the point that at the end of Monkey Island 2, spoilers for a game that came out 20 years ago, it's revealed. It's not revealed. It's revealed, James,
Starting point is 01:16:01 that you and the antagonist, the ghost pirate LeChuck, were actually just kids in a theme park. And you got lost. And your parents are trying to find you. And you've made this all up. I didn't know that. Except at the start of the third one.
Starting point is 01:16:16 What about the third one? At the start of the third one, it's revealed that that was just magic. LeChuck tried to trick you with magic. But you actually are a pirate. It's not as good. I heard it was like way later. And it's moved away from the original Monkey Island style
Starting point is 01:16:28 of like the left and right point and click. It's more 3D style. And I didn't, oh no, it's more cartoon animated and I didn't like it as much. It's still all right though. Like the blickety, blackety, blockety graphics. Yeah, like the blickety, blackety, blockety graphics. I got it on my phone, like the original one,
Starting point is 01:16:40 and you could switch the graphics between the original and the updated. And I was like, this is fun. And then like if I was a kid and somebody handed me this, like I'm just a boss. Throw it into a river. No, I'd be like, this is the greatest thing that's ever happened. But now I'm just like, eh.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Yeah, right, right. I need some space on my phone. Yeah, I understand. I'm going to put memes on my phone. I'm going to screenshot dumb things my friend said and send it to other people. Here we go. This is Mel Boyd says, Gears of War.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Director George Miller. Okay. The setting, a doomed community. Characters, seven samurai-esque, but it's equivalent from Gears. Themes, hopelessness, loss and guts. Oh, yeah. And the story, prepare a community for a locust swarm and some win, some die or lose. I don't mind that at all.
Starting point is 01:17:18 And, you know, one demand, everything has to be brown and grey. That's the Gears of War formula. Oh, my God. Is that ever. How about this? Tight shooters. I like the grey. That's the Gears of War formula. Oh, my God, is that ever. How about this? Tight shooters. I like the McCann. That's really good.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Cover shooting. Very good. I have an alternate take on this. You can get George Miller if you want. It's fine. But it's just a guy with a chainsaw and he's just running through things for 90 minutes. It's like Will It Blend or like the crushing. Will It Chainsaw, though.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Yeah, but Will it chainsaw exactly? Most things do, I assume. I would say so. They probably hit some things every now and then. You think, ooh, hang on. No, you made it. You did it. You chainsawed right all the way through.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Yeah. Kieran says a Stranger Things style adaptation of the Atari Classic Paperboy. Do you ever play Paperboy? Yeah, I've played Paperboy. I played it on the Atari Lynx. First game I ever played on the Atari Lynx. I loved it. Still stayed in your heart. Yeah, man. I'm all played Paperboy. I had it on the Atari Lynx. First game I ever played on the Atari Lynx. I loved it. Still stayed in your heart.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Yeah, man. I'm all about Paperboy. It's just, it's literally delivering papers and hitting dogs with newspapers and breaking windows. Sometimes a grim reaper comes out and kills you probably. Yeah, it does. That was on everything that game. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:22 What about a Bandersnatch style? This is from Keith. Choose your own adventure. Untitled Goose adaptation. Untitled Goose movie. Directed by Wes Anderson and starring Owen Wilson, who voices the goose. How did that one slip by you, Mason?
Starting point is 01:18:35 Honk. Honk. Honk. You know? He's got the Owen Wilson hair. Yes. I did miss that one, so I apologise. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Could you do an Untitled Goose Game? I mean, I think people want to. It's a fun little animated series. 100%, like in the style of Angry Birds or... Yeah. But I mean, how much... Like, I'd say it. What if you did it like Wallace and Gromit-esque?
Starting point is 01:18:57 Yeah, right. And it's just, like, you don't... Because then you can do it in any language, you release it in any region. Like Shaun the Sheep. Like, we saw the same version of my son, he loved it. And you just get it. It's just a goose bothering people going about his day. You know, it in any language, at least in any region. Like Shaun the Sheep. We saw the same person with my son. He loved it. And you just get it. It's just a goose bothering people going about his day.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Does the goose get into any bigger scrapes? Yeah. Is there a bigger adventure? I haven't actually finished it. I should. Right, but I mean there's no. No, it's just like garden stuff. Yeah, but the goose never talks.
Starting point is 01:19:21 No, it's a goose. Yeah, but I mean do you have, does the goose fall in the farmer's truck and then it ends up in the big city or something? I don't think so. Oh, just the goose bothering people for 90 minutes. Okay. Yeah. But there's got to be a bigger, like Wallace and Gromit and those kinds of things.
Starting point is 01:19:34 There's always a bigger. Not always. Not originally at least. It's just like, how are we going to stop this porridge factory from whatever? That's all I need. Yeah. Okay. He's got to stop the porridge factory.
Starting point is 01:19:45 From starting or stopping. I don't know. Yeah, need. Yeah. Okay, he's got to stop the porridge factory. From starting or stopping. I don't know. Yeah, sure. What about... There needs to be something besides bothering the farmer. You know what I mean? Nah. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Straight up. Okay, who plays the farmer? Will Ferrell? You do a claim animation. Okay, right. How about this? It's just a lot of... How about this?
Starting point is 01:20:03 It's the Untitled Goose Game reality. It's, you know, that sort of cell animated look, but it's Will Ferrell as a live action man and he's just trapped in the universe. So in addition to being constantly bothered by the goose, he's like, what am I doing here? Yeah, that's good. I like that.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Earn Arrowsmith says, they've got a few here, but the one I like is Rocket League would be cool as a high-acting sports film. Okay, yeah. Sure. I think so. Did we have another one that was a video game?
Starting point is 01:20:30 Oh, Axe and Drell suggested Overwatch. Yes. Any of those. Let's throw them all in Overwatch. They all have like characters and whatever. Apex Legends, throw them all in there. Fortnite. They've all got skins and characters.
Starting point is 01:20:42 I would love to see a Control movie just because I feel like the story is more interesting than the gameplay. Sure. I like that a lot. Yeah. I think it's an interesting world, and I think it's a really, I'm sure we've talked about this, I think it's a really interesting world with the concept of, like, the possessed objects and this energy seeping from parallel universes
Starting point is 01:21:04 and all that sort of stuff But I think the game Is just kind of like Oh I've got to shoot Another guy And he's flying around He's flying around And he keeps flying
Starting point is 01:21:10 Out of the range So you're sick of it I have to hit him With a bench or whatever So you're sick of it I should finish it Just because I want to Fight the haunted fridge
Starting point is 01:21:16 Sounds like you're sick of it Oh the haunted fridge Yeah that's right Dean Cooley says Animated Legend of Zelda series Or done a similar style To Samurai Jack or Primal? Got to watch Primal.
Starting point is 01:21:26 There's little to no dialogue and lots of cool action at the end. Link can say, well, excuse me, princess. You familiar with that? Yes. Yeah, cool. Yeah, I mean, just do it in the animated style of Breath of the Wild. People would love that. I agree.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Yes. What about Cuphead? That's not on here. I would see. That's like a 90s. I'd watch a Cuphead animated movie. 30s, 40s, whatever. Yeah, you do. It's kind of Steamboat Willie style, but it's rude. I'd watch a Cuphead animated movie 30s 40s yeah you do it's kind of
Starting point is 01:21:45 Steamboat Willie style but it's rude yeah rude rude and they're shooting people getting shot I just look at that game and I'm like
Starting point is 01:21:51 I appreciate the work that has gone into this but it looks horrendously difficult I've only played it I've played it briefly but it's horrendously difficult and
Starting point is 01:21:59 but I love the style and the effort that's gone into that it's a very small team and the design is incredible I'm too old to learn patterns. Yeah, me too. Again, it's like Dark Souls.
Starting point is 01:22:08 It's like where you've got to, the boss comes out and he's got three different forms and you've got to learn all the patterns of the forms and then you can win it. Yes. And then you have a couple of, or how about this? We do it in the style of Super Mario Brothers.
Starting point is 01:22:19 It's two guys called Cuphead and Mugman, but they're regular men and they're played by John Leguizamo and a resurrected CGI. And they're just men and they're played by John Leguizamo and a resurrected CGI. And they're just holding big coffee cups they can't spill. Yes, that's right, with cracks in them. What's his name? The guy.
Starting point is 01:22:33 You're from Roger Rabbit, the guy. Bob Hoskins. Bob Hoskins. Did you say Bob Hoskins? I didn't say Bob Hoskins. I lost my train of thought. I assumed you said it. See, these all also have scope,
Starting point is 01:22:41 and I feel bad that I didn't mention this up top. There should be scope in all of these for just the worst adaptation of all time and it's just the most vague 90s adaptation Super Mario Bros. style
Starting point is 01:22:51 where it's just a couple of guys and they're called the name of the characters in the it's Red Dead Redemption and it's just
Starting point is 01:23:00 they have the names of the two characters yep yep yep that I can't recall at the moment but people are screaming at them right now and they just they have the names of the two characters. Yep, yep, yep. That I can't recall at the moment, but people are screaming at them right now. And they just exist in regular modern day times. Brilliant. I think that would make a billion dollars and win an Oscar.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I think so too. For twisting genres. Yes. I just want to ask you about this. Marsden. John Marsden is one of his names. Yes. One of the characters' names.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Joe Lloyd says, and I want to ask you about this, Starship Titanic, it's a game from one of the Pythons and Douglas Adams who wrote Hitchhiker's Guide. Is it like a point-and-click thing? It's a point-and-click game, I believe. Something that would have been right up my alley. Immensely difficult, if I recall. Yeah. Do you remember they did a point-and-click Holy Grail?
Starting point is 01:23:36 Yes, I do remember that. Yeah, and it was like live-action-y. Yeah. They'd never fucking make that now. There's not a lot of point-and-clicks in general. Titanfall. I'm going to go through of point and clicks in general. Titanfall. I'm going to go through some of the old ones. So Titanfall.
Starting point is 01:23:48 It's just a guy called Cooper and a guy called BT and their roommates. So good. But what's the... Occasionally they play a video game where they're robots. Something about cereal bowls. They got one cereal bowl and they're fighting over it. They're fighting over it. Yeah, okay, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:24:04 And you know how it ends? How does it end? Joint suicide. Oh, incredible. That's great. And actually, you know what? The only link is that they've got a really cluttered hallway and so occasionally they have to hop up onto that.
Starting point is 01:24:16 They have to wall run to get to their kitchen or whatever. That's the only video game reference. It's an Oscar. I love it. Me too. We better move it along because you need to go to work, don't you? I do at some point, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Should we skip along or is there anything else? I think we've gotten all the actual. We've covered all the actual video games. We've definitely missed some. Michael Gavlik says, crazy taxi comedy. There was already a movie with Jimmy Fallon. Call Taxi. Someone else?
Starting point is 01:24:41 It should have ended his career, but it didn't. Yeah. He deserved a second, third, fourth chance. I think so too. I don't hate Jimmy Fallon. I kind of do. I've got no opinion. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Yeah. Good, good, good. Well, we did it, everyone. We certainly did do it, everyone. We adapted every video game into live action. Thanks to the listeners and the Patreoners. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, we really appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Again, if you want to check out the Patreon, the Caravan of Garbage is always there. I've been throwing up some polls, and I'd like to do some things like this. You've been throwing up on livestream. Yeah, big time. Physically throwing up. Just bringing it out there.
Starting point is 01:25:09 You're a Patreoner. You get to see that. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is also going up there to comment this week. We did a commentary. We did an audio commentary. I don't want to spoil anything of what we thought of it, but oh my God, what a ride.
Starting point is 01:25:20 It's incredible. Did it change our opinions? Who's to say, Mason? I don't know. Do you know what it's time for? Oh, what we're reading. What we're going to read. I'm doing the thing.
Starting point is 01:25:33 What are we reading today? What are we reading today? That PlayStation peripheral that was like an eye toy. There was a game where you had to wash windows. And there was one where you fought little ninjas jumping out. Yeah, yeah. Little ninja fight. Xbox did their own crap version.
Starting point is 01:25:50 A better version that nobody wanted. Oh, the iToy crap. I remember that. Yeah, like it's always looking at you. You have to have it on and keep it in your bedroom. Remember that? It watches over you while you sleep. Yeah, you're going to love it.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Anyway, speaking of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, what I'm going to read this week is I didn't know until quite recently that it even existed. There was a final League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic book called The Tempest, which came out in 2019. Didn't even know. Missed it, missed it. But I've got it ready to go.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Same creative team? Yeah. Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill. Primo stuff. Great. Good stuff. Is that a consistently good series? Should I read it through?
Starting point is 01:26:22 The first two are quite straightforward and very enjoyable. There's a three-issue limited series called Century, which I feel is quite confusing. Okay. But it's still enjoyable because it's so weird and wacky. Do you need to know it to go on to the next thing? I don't know. But I wouldn't, I don't know, maybe not.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Wow. Well, there's only three issues. Yeah, give it a crack. Yeah, it's fun. But it's clearly, because it's set over various periods of the 20th century. The last one's set in 2009, I think. But I feel like Alan Moore's knowledge of the modern world disappeared like 10 years prior.
Starting point is 01:26:56 We've talked about this before. Yeah, so I don't know. Yeah. It's good, though. What was 2009? You know what? League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a big swing. Yeah. I think it hits most of the time, but even when it doesn't, I'm like, that's good, though. It was 2009. You know what? It's a big... League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a big swing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:06 I think it hits most of the time, but even when it doesn't, I'm like, that's good on him. Talk about the movie, right? Yeah, absolutely. 100%. So, yeah, that'll be up on Bandcamp and also Patreon this week if you want to give it a listen. What have you been reading?
Starting point is 01:27:18 Mason! Oh, there's one more I wanted to add. Oh, yes. This is the very last one in the... I don't know if I added it to your doc, but it was Josh Savallee says, Medieval stop motion animation. Do you know Medieval?
Starting point is 01:27:27 It was a PlayStation 1 game and then they put it on the PSP. I remember that. They've redone it. It was sort of kind of that. It was sort of like it looked kind of claymation-y, if I remember correctly. He says, in the style of Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Ride, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:27:43 I think that would be really cool. Anyway, we've got to move it along. Okay, but what have you been reading? I've been reading Berserker. There was three or four issues. Jeff Lemire and Mike Diodata Jr. Is this new? Yes, it's new.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Berserker, he's like Conan, and then he stumbles into the real world, but maybe some magic follows him and stuff. It's a lot of blood and guts and friendship. I really liked it. That's a good tag lot of blood and guts and friendship. Okay. I really liked it. That's a good tagline. Blood and guts and friendship. Very simple. Very straightforward.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Good creative team. Good art. Good writing. It's good. That is good. Yeah. We've covered some stuff, haven't we? What have you been reading?
Starting point is 01:28:16 The thing that I'm going to read. Oh, yeah. The thing that's called what we read and what we don't. For new listeners. You bled it so seamlessly from one to the other. I didn't even notice that you'd done that, mate. You just had me wrapped up in the universe. Good narrative, right?
Starting point is 01:28:29 Anyway, what are you reading? James, stop. God damn it, James. Also, Jeremy on Twitter has put this through. If you've got what we're reading, Jeremy Miles says, what you reading? Have you read the Descender series? I finished 32 issues in three days.
Starting point is 01:28:42 So good. Incredible story and amazing art. Looks to be inked in with watercolor. Looking forward to starting Ascender, I finished 32 issues in three days so good incredible story and amazing art looks to be inked in with watercolour looking forward to starting Ascender which is the sequel which I'm currently
Starting point is 01:28:49 reading and is equally good I've not finished Descender but maybe I should get to it so basically technology has been outlawed slash disappeared from everything and it's all magic
Starting point is 01:28:58 and witches and shit but there's still some technology going on so it's like the original characters but they're like I don't have a gun so wow well I'm not interested I don't have a And so it's like the original characters, but they're like, I don't have a gun.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Wow. Yeah. Well, I'm not interested there. I don't have a spaceship. Yeah. So it's good. Cool. Nice. Keep reading it.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Read the first series first. Okay. You probably could. Yeah. Well, I don't want it. Yeah. I don't want it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:17 It's probably, oftentimes also when, if you're on Comixology or something like that, oftentimes when there's a new series of something, they're like, it's a Jeff Lemire sale. Everything's Jeff Lemire's a dollar or whatever. So that's fun. Yeah, that is fun. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:29:27 I mean, probably less fun for Jeff Lemire. Yeah. He's like, my money. I worked so hard on these. Oh, no. Oh, my goodness. I've got a family. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:35 I mean, not anymore. They're dead. They died of starvation. These people are spending 99 cents on my comics. He's got a great Twitter feed. This is how it sounds. I'm Jeff Lemire. Are we ready for the next segment? Yeah let's do some letters
Starting point is 01:29:47 Burn through that Letters The classic one was Letters Oh letters We love you Some letters They're only
Starting point is 01:29:55 A day Away I know they're here right now We're gonna do letters Nice Ha ha ha You can get You can get at us
Starting point is 01:30:04 You can get at us On You can get at us. On email. WeeklyPlanetPod at That's right. Or a tweet. Yes. Do you have a tweet? Hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Dave Robinson says, Do you guys plan on doing a caravan of garbage on the TV pilot for Generation X? I think you guys should. Cheers. Yeah. Did that ever make it to full series? Because I remember watching Generation X back in the day. Matt Frewer is in it.
Starting point is 01:30:26 He's the villain. What was the other one that they did that was about mutants? The Gifted? No, was that the one with the Lex Luthor from Loveson Clark was in it? Oh, John Shaya. Yeah, that was Generation X. That was Generation X. He was the head of the team, maybe?
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah, maybe Banshee, I think. Great. I don't know. So it's technically an X-Men show, isn't it? Yeah, 100%. I don't know whether we do that or we do Wolverine Origins. Well, put it to the Patreoners, I guess. Put it to the Patreoners.
Starting point is 01:30:53 That's a good point. Put it to the Patreoners, yeah. Yeah. But if we're going to do X-Men Origins, I think we should do a commentary. Yeah. I agree. Yes. Great.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Does that answer that question? Maybe. Maybe we'll do it. What have you got? This is from Sergio A This is a Subject line road trip Do weekly plan a pod
Starting point is 01:31:10 Been listening to the podcast For the last three years now And sometimes I listen With my wife When we go on road trips She hates you guys Mainly Mason For reasons unclear
Starting point is 01:31:17 This weekend We're taking another road trip Can you please give Marion a shout out this week And also maybe guilt trip Oh come on Come on Marion Come on, Marion. Come on.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Look, you're right about Mason. I mean, you are, obviously. I mean, it makes sense. I know me better than anyone, and you're absolutely right. That's true, he does. This is the only light in Sergio's life. He's gone on a road trip. Listen to the boys.
Starting point is 01:31:41 The weekly blood of boys. And look, if you've made it this far in, like, come on. Come on. You kind of like us, don't you? Yeah. I mean, you like me less, obviously. But you must like us a little bit if you've stuck around this long. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Come on, Marianne. And there's so many episodes you can go back on. Maybe you've missed some jokes. Maybe you should start from the start. Maybe instead of just listening to us on road trips, you could listen to us every time you get in the car. Like Sergio and Marianne just get in the car, you go down to the shops, go to the supermarket, put the podcast on.
Starting point is 01:32:09 You'd be caught up in no time. That's right. Listen to one of those horror episodes where we don't know what we're talking about. You'd love it. Listen to one of those. Yeah, you'd love it. Maybe Mesa will grow on you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Like a fungus. Like a fungus that you hate. Yes. This is from Chris Kidd, hashtag weeklyplanetpod on Twitter. It was mentioned up top people were sending me Disney characters I would punch
Starting point is 01:32:27 I'd punch most of them he says Mr. Sunday Movies versus Looney Tunes characters though I wouldn't punch most of those Looney Tunes characters because they're all killers
Starting point is 01:32:37 yeah they're all loose cannons aren't they I think they'd all shoot me or kill me or put a stick of dynamite in my ass I mean even the ones
Starting point is 01:32:43 that you don't see stick a dynamite in a butt as an example I mean, even the ones that you don't see stick of dynamite in a butt, as an example, a lot of them, like, make asides and stuff that imply they are murderers. Yeah. So, yeah, you wouldn't, it's, yeah. And they're all like, you know, there's like the little crazy guy at the bar nobody messes with because you're like, I don't know what he's going to do.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Like, that's the Animaniacs. Yeah, that's right. You know what I mean? They'll kill you. There's no way you could beat any, because even when, because when Daffy Duck is the fool around Bugs Bunny, but Daffy Duck on his own, he's no fool.
Starting point is 01:33:10 You know what I mean? Yeah. So I'm not winning any of those. Yeah. And it's not even about winning, because if you punched any of them, they'd all kill you. A hundred percent, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:17 They'd do something so horrendous that a cartoon would survive. Your whole head would spin around. Yeah, my head. But because you're a human man, another cartoon, your neck would snap. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:25 And they'd be like, ain't I a stinker? But I wouldn't respond because I was dead. Anyway, yeah. This is from Rogan Cheeseman. Good name. Great name.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Fake name, real name, who knows? Subject line, Jason Schwartzman. Just listening to the latest episode, just wanted to answer your question about Jason Schwartzman, specifically, what's his deal? Like, what's his deal? Were you aware that he's a Coppola,
Starting point is 01:33:44 a nephew to Francis Ford, I think, and a cousin to Nicolas Cage, which I think explains a lot about him. I was aware of that, I think, but I'd forgotten about it, yeah. I may have known that at some point, but no, there's news to me. That does explain a lot. I mean, he's a good actor. Yeah, I agree. You find a lot of people in Hollywood, you're like,
Starting point is 01:34:01 they kind of sprung out of nowhere, and it's like, well, they're a nephew of a famous producer or whatever, and you're like, oh, Iung out of nowhere and it's like well they're a nephew of a famous producer and you're like oh I get it now I just realised as well because I googled his net worth like I did last week $20 million etc and so forth also PS James would you fight Emperor Kuzco
Starting point is 01:34:17 in llama form? Would you win against an adult sized llama? Emperor's new group? He's not even got control of his limbs I think that one's one I could win. I probably couldn't beat a regular llama.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Like it beat a man David Spade trapped in a llama's body. Yeah, and he's flying about as a man. No problem, punch him right in his neck.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Nice. I'm coming back from that probably. Good stuff. Great, is that the show? I think that is the whole show. Thank you everybody
Starting point is 01:34:40 for listening. You've all done it again. This is for you. This applause is for you. Correct. They haven't come up to the podium yet, James. Keep the applause going until they get to the podium. My applause is, for listening. You've all done it again. This is for you. This applause is for you. Yeah. They haven't come up to the podium yet, James. Keep the applause going until they get to the podium. My applause is actually for me.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Oh, that's good. Well, mine's for you also. Oh. Thank you, everybody, for subscribing and downloading and listening, sharing with your friends, telling a friend. Yeah. Giving us a nice review, James. You have a nice review.
Starting point is 01:35:03 That's right. We got a lot of really nice reviews this week. I think one of the calls to action we put out last week was put in your weirdest, most nonsensical review. This is my favourite. It's from Blurkfart Plus, which I believe was our made-up streaming service. Yeah, it was our Disney Plus rival. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Five stars, appreciate it. You can do this in-app. It says, handsome foxes. It says, foxes are handsome. That is a fact. No, do this in-app. It says handsome foxes. It says foxes are handsome. That is a fact. No, I'm not a furry. It is what it is, all right?
Starting point is 01:35:30 He's not wrong. They're a pretty handsome animal. Yeah, that's true. They can balance on the top of a fence. It's incredible. Great color, you know? Great color. Great color. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:36 So if you do want to provide a review. Sweet lips. Sorry, what? I didn't say anything. Okay. I didn't say anything. That's not to say I disagree with you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:51 But my silence speaks volumes. But, yeah, if you don't, it really helps the show. Absolutely. What's the thing for next week that people can put in a review, Mason? Ah, no. Put me on the spot. Could it be something that maybe you could say a nice thing about a friend? That would be great. You got a compliment for somebody?
Starting point is 01:36:06 Yeah. Yeah. Is that friend us, specifically? No. It has to be a friend you know personally. Unless you know us. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Like you've met us. And if nobody who's met us sends us a review, we'll assume we're sad and we have no friends. I'm okay with that. And none of them listen to our show, which we knew already. What are we talking about? Anyway, if you'd like to get in contact with us, you can go to Weekly Planet Pod at Gmail, at Facebook, at Twitter, at Bandcamp. We're going to have that Liga Extraordinary Gentleman commentary up.
Starting point is 01:36:31 It'll be up there by now. Super soon. You can also go to the Planet Broadcasting website,, sign up, have a look at all the great shows we've got on the Planet Broadcasting Network. You can sign up for the newsletter from the great Rob Collings. He's at the Weekly Planet on Twitter. On Twitter, I'm Wikipedia Brown.
Starting point is 01:36:47 And on Instagram, I'm Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. You're Mr. Sunday Movies everywhere, is that correct? I am. I can't be stopped. That's right. We also have the Planet Broadcasting great mates Facebook group. Yes. Great civil discussion, funny stuff, great Photoshop, all kinds of memes,
Starting point is 01:37:00 all kinds of pop culture topics and podcasts and all kinds of stuff. If you'd like to support the show, you can go to slash Mr. Sunday movies. If you want to chuck in a buck, please do give us a buck. That's the new slogan for 2020. Give us a buck.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Give us a buck. You bastard. Your dog. Your dog. You absolutely, absolutely. No, you don't.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Or you can go to the Patreon. You can go to the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description. Yeah. Click through, buy some stuff on Amazon. So much stuff on Amazon. You can buy anything on Amazon. It's too Click through, buy some stuff on Amazon. So much stuff on Amazon, you can buy anything on Amazon. Too many things.
Starting point is 01:37:27 But buy through us, don't buy it on regular Amazon. Buy a box set of something, something, et cetera, video games and so forth. Exactly. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:34 It's a box set of a guy. He's got a face and he's a sad face. It's your face, James. He says, and he's saying something about video games. I'm sad.
Starting point is 01:37:43 I'm sad. I've also got the USB Best of the Weekly Planet tapes. Yes. I keep forgetting to mention those. Yeah. We had some for reals in our hot little hands the other day. Oh, my God. I've never seen one.
Starting point is 01:37:52 They're incredible. We've never seen them in real life, but they're very cool. You should definitely get them. Also, we've got some T-shirts on They're also good. That's right. I'm clapping all these things, but this is mostly for me. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:38:02 So vain. Next week, not sure. Don't know. Don't know. Thank you to Bruton the Bassist for all the musical things. Yes, yes, yes. vain next week not sure don't know don't know thank you to Bruton the Bastard for all the musical things yes yes yes
Starting point is 01:38:08 next week who knows maybe suggest yes yes a topic in any any of those contact details
Starting point is 01:38:14 maybe I'll throw it out there on Patreon see what people want us to talk about and we'll talk about it yeah alright does that mean
Starting point is 01:38:20 we're out of blockbusters for a while I hope so yeah me too I'm fucking sick of it quite frankly. Let's just do a regular topic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:27 All right. That is the show. That's the whole show. Grabbed our jam, you guys. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates.
Starting point is 01:38:39 I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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