The Weekly Planet - 33 Best & Worst X-Men Films

Episode Date: May 12, 2014

This week Mason and James discuss the spate of recently greenlit comic book TV series, the return of the Power Rangers, Spider-man underperforming and the best and worst X-Men films. Hosted on Acast. ...See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Welcome back everyone to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of My name is James, junior editor of that website. You might also know me as Mr. Sunday. With me as always
Starting point is 00:00:46 is my co-host, Nick Mason. Whoa, oh, oh, oh, the longest for the longest time. That's the reference to something that happened before we started.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yes, it did. How are you? I'm doing all right. Having a good week? Yeah, standard week stuff. I feel like we haven't done this in a while, but it's only been a week.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I know, right? YouTube's back for you. It is. Well, not back. I made a new one't done this in a while, but it's only been a week, hasn't it? I know, right? YouTube's back for you. It is. Well, not back. I made a new one. slash MrSundayMoviesMason. Check it out. Everybody, so many people have jumped back on board.
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's amazing. I only put it up yesterday. As of now, it's been 24 hours. I've got like 600 odd subscribers or something, or close to. It's amazing because it took me many, many years to get that initially. And now, I feel like I haven't earned it. Well, you used to be boring. You used to be like a real boring guy.
Starting point is 00:01:27 So that's probably it. Now I'm all jazzed. It was just you pointing your webcam at various things in your apartment. Just like, look, it's a plant on a ledge. There are literally millions of YouTube videos like that. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, so I just want to say thank you to everybody who supported through this whole thing or whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I mean, the old one might come back. It could very well. But I just wanted to say thank you to everybody who supported, you know, through this whole thing or whatever. I mean, the old one might come back. It could very well. But I just wanted to also say, Mason, I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing movie news videos every week. Because I feel like we do that here as well. That's true, we do. So I'll still do a Sunday video, but I'll do like a different thing. And oftentimes we'll do this, right? And I'll go, he's got some sweet witticisms about that movie news that just happened.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And then I'll go and I'll watch the video you did and I'll notice you just recycled what you did in your video. I'm like, you son of a bitch. I thought we were having a genuine conversation. You pre-recorded your whole life. Often though, I get the witticisms from this conversation. Sometimes they just steal things that you say. Fair enough. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I don't remember anything I say, so it doesn't matter. I've said that often that people will tweet at me yeah with a phrase yeah yeah and they're like that that was so funny and i'm like was that me or is that just something you heard on the street i don't i don't remember thank you though thank you for you'll never know yeah mason yes uh i'm here i know yes dec Declan McCarthy actually wrote in With a Not a theme song But like a series of clips That he's added together
Starting point is 00:02:48 As like a precursor to The um The new segment Which we're about to launch into Oh Right Have I been warned about this segment? No
Starting point is 00:02:56 Great I mean the new segment We do it every week Oh the news I thought you said a new segment Wow It's new every week Because the information is new
Starting point is 00:03:03 That's true yeah Do you want to hear it? Yeah I shouldn't ask I'm you want to hear it? Yeah. I shouldn't ask. I'm just going to do it. Yeah. Right. Should we get straight
Starting point is 00:03:08 into the news? I'd love to get into the news. Do you want me to kick it off or do you want me to kick it off? Yeah, kick it off, mate. Sure. Do we want to talk about Shia LaBeouf ever again?
Starting point is 00:03:13 No, let's put a moratorium on him. I worked out like a mad dog for this role. Absolutely, you did. We're going to release more news. Rumours. I understand you don't want
Starting point is 00:03:20 to talk about YouTube. Forget about it. New York style. The best movie ever or the worst movie ever? No middle ground. Wow. Controversial. An inside source.
Starting point is 00:03:30 He's gonna get fired. I said no more Shia LaBeouf news. Oh my god! Very brief Shia LaBeouf news. Why? I don't know. Hashtag eat dem eggs. How do you like that?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Well that was great. How do you like that? Well, that was great. We've been turned into like a pair of morning radio jocks. It does sound like that, doesn't it? Yeah, yeah. Well, look, to be honest, we probably won't use a theme because we go theme song straight away and then straight into another theme song.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And that would also confuse people. That would confuse people, yeah, yeah. Is there Shia LaBeouf news? That's great, though. I know, right? I do Eclipse package that's super good yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:04:06 it also demonstrates our varying audio quality have you noticed that's true that's true as well ebbs and flows you know but yeah Declan's gone through
Starting point is 00:04:15 a bit of a rough patch at the moment as well so I hope he's doing alright absolutely he's doing better fantastic he likes the show yeah
Starting point is 00:04:19 I don't know if he said loved he said likes maybe he said tolerates he has to listen to it as some sort of prison experiment. Yes, that's right. Oh, speaking about that, can I just say something?
Starting point is 00:04:30 About prisons? Yeah, well, here's the thing. You know how I enjoy incongruous DVD box sets? Oh, yeah. And I ask listeners to send something in
Starting point is 00:04:38 if they see one in a video store or something like that. Yeah. Well, I got two. Nice, what have you got? They're great. Okay, the first one
Starting point is 00:04:44 from Andrew Richardson. It's pretty good. It's Die four oh yeah free or die hard right backed with x-men origins wolverine which i think is a good combination because it's just like hey assholes you like shooting well you're like stabbing too i guess stick that in your face right so that one's pretty great right i enjoyed that one but in any other week that would have won because that's great yeah however a friend of the show aaron mitten ah i love him he's back he has sent us one it's a it's a triple pack yeah right and it's in too deep which is like a crime film from 1999 with ll cool j is like a mob boss that sounds really good which is really good right followed by attica which is a movie from the 80s.
Starting point is 00:05:26 It's got Morgan Freeman in it. Right. And it's like about the Attica prison riot from the 70s. Okay. So they kind of went in this sort of crime, but it's not really. And you're like, is this just, have they just put movies with famous black people together? That's what I think. Like low budget.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Right. And that's what you'd think if you're working down these really slowly. But then you get to number three, which is Halloween H20. 20 years later. That's even the one where I think Exhibit kicks Mike Myers to death or something. Oh, maybe that's the connection. No, no, it's a different one. That's a different H20.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It might be Exhibit or Flo Rida or someone. I don't know. Maybe they've thought that In Too Deep was Deep Blue Sea. Okay. The LL Cool J killer shark movie. And maybe they thought Morgan Freeman is Samuel L. Jackson, who gets eaten by a shark. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Or they thought Morgan Freeman was the Saw killer. Sure. That's probably it. What a combination. Anyway, thank you, listeners. Amazing. Send any more if you've got them. Funny you mentioned that.
Starting point is 00:06:20 S. Potter wrote it and said that he found one that has L.A. Complex, the complete series, Hitler, Rise of an Empire, and One Direction all for one, but he doesn't have a picture. Well. Did it happen, Mason? Did it happen? I don't know. It's a tree falling in the woods scenario.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'm going to take it on faith that it did happen, but I would like to see. Surely somebody else has seen that one. I hope so. Anyway, enough of my nonsense. Enough of my self-indulgence. There'll be more of that seconds from now. Yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Are you familiar with the new Star Wars cast? Probably. We talked about it. We did talk about it last year. You know Max von Sydow? I do know him, yeah. Yeah, yeah. They're saying that his character will be the villain,
Starting point is 00:06:58 and he'll be what's referred to as the Ancient Fear, which is the subtitle, they say, rumoured to be for the new Star Wars. That was a good sentence. I feel like I have not done this in a while, which isn't the case, but I really struggled through that. So he's The Ancient Fear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Is that... So it's Star Wars Episode VII, The Ancient Fear. The Ancient Fear, and he is The Ancient Fear. Okay. Yeah. So is this, because they've destroyed the canon now, like none of the expanded universe stuff is canon anymore. Is The Ancient Fear, is that... Because they've destroyed the canon now, like none of the Expanded Universe
Starting point is 00:07:25 stuff is canon anymore. Is the Ancient Fury, is that, because they're sort of picking and choosing, is that anything from the Expanded Universe? Is there anything you can think of? Ah, not off the top of my head, no. I mean, there could be a lot of things. There's always like a Sith ghost or a... There is always a Sith ghost.
Starting point is 00:07:39 There's like a, there's always, you know, legendary Sith magician, wizard magician types. Yeah, yeah. Well, there's a guy in, I can't remember what he's in, but he magician types. Yeah, yeah. Well, there's a guy, and I can't remember what he's in, but he's in that Thrawn trilogy. He's a cloned Jedi. I can't remember what his name is, but he's like a bearded old man who's this crazy Jedi.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Could be him. Just could be just a Sith ghost, which it probably is. My ancient fear is that I've left the iron on after I've left the house. Sure. Yeah, had it up for ages. Have you? Yeah. Like right now? Right now. As long as you sit it up I've left the house. Sure. Yeah. Had it up for ages. Have you? Yeah. Like right now?
Starting point is 00:08:06 Right now. As long as you sit it up, you'll be fine. There you go. I've solved your ancient fear. That's a relief. I hope it can be solved as easily in Star Wars Episode VII, The Ancient Fear. Yeah. You know, there was a number of TV showdowns for this week's place and Community was cancelled,
Starting point is 00:08:21 as I'm sure you heard. A bunch of other crap. You know what I heard? I heard it on Twitter Because a lot of people Said RIP community Yeah And I didn't
Starting point is 00:08:28 I couldn't be bothered Looking it up So I didn't watch I understand the last Couple of series improved The last one was good The one before
Starting point is 00:08:36 That was the one that No Dan Harmon Yeah Dan Harmon didn't do Which is not that It's okay It's completely serviceable So did they make The legendary six seasons
Starting point is 00:08:44 In a movie They made five seasons. But it could be gone to Netflix or whatever. It could be gone to Netflix, you're right. There you go. But Mason, you'll be happy to know that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was renewed. How about if they make that one season of Firefly count as the sixth season of Community? And then Serenity is the movie.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah, I think that would be good. Absolutely. Okay, good. Sure. Done. Yeah, S.H.I.E.L.D. was renewed. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The cinematic universe is so strong. That's true, yeah. They'd be fools to cancel it, Mason. There we go. Okay, good. Sure. Done. Yeah, S.H.I.E.L.D. was renewed. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Starting point is 00:09:06 The cinematic universe is so strong. That's true, yeah. They'd be fools to cancel it, mate. Fools. Especially because it has gotten a lot better. Agent Carter has been ordered. Okay, great. Set in 1946. So that's a series run.
Starting point is 00:09:15 They're going to do the full thing. Okay. And the idea is that she works for an agency or whatever, and all the men have come back from war, so she's kind of being pushed to the side. But she does a whole lot of secret missions for Howard Stark. So you know that sounds pretty good. I think they mentioned
Starting point is 00:09:28 in Captain America 2 that she ends up getting married so maybe there'll be a love interest or whatever. Okay so two questions. With the agent cut does that mean there is a pilot leaked
Starting point is 00:09:37 somewhere on the internet? Can we find that yet? Not at the moment. That's a shame. Okay and two season two of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are there Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. action figures yet
Starting point is 00:09:45 can I get an Agent Coulson because he's all over the place he's in he's in the movies he's in the TV series he's in the comic books now though he wasn't in any of the phase three movies
Starting point is 00:09:53 well they all think he's dead anyway yeah that's true and he's in the Spider-Man he's in one of the Spider-Man cartoons he is yeah yeah series as the headmaster
Starting point is 00:09:59 or something or the principal something like that yeah yeah so where's the action figure where's Principal Coulson action figure there probably is one for the Spider-Man series actually yeah okay you know but no or the principal? Something like that, yeah. Yeah, so where's the action figure? Where's Principal Coulson, action figure? There probably is one for the Spider-Man series, actually.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Yeah, okay. You know. But no, I'm sorry. Yeah, thank you. You're forgiven. Thank you. I, Zombie was greenlit. I haven't read that.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You read any of that? No. Me neither. The Flash was greenlit, no surprise there. Okay, yeah. Constantine was picked up, no surprise there.
Starting point is 00:10:22 By any... I think the same people who do Gotham. Oh, okay. NBC? I don't know. We should check. Nah, Fox.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I think it's Fox. It is Fox, you're right. And also, I don't really remember this, because I watched it earlier this week, but there was a Gotham trailer for the Gotham TV series. You watched it, right? I watched it, yeah. What did you think of that? Well, we saw the...
Starting point is 00:10:42 Penguano? We saw Penguano. of that? Well, we saw the... Penguano? We saw Penguano. We saw that you know, we saw the on-set photos you know, a couple of months back of him of Ben McKenzie's sans mustache. Was that that month that we harassed
Starting point is 00:10:54 Ben McKenzie? Yeah, with hashtag McKenzie mustache. Yes. Thank you to everybody for doing that for us, by the way. And it was the rooftop chase. He's chasing somebody and we sort of see where that's leading. Yeah, chase. He's chasing somebody and we sort of see where that's leading. Yeah, yeah. He's chasing a guy.
Starting point is 00:11:09 He is. He's chasing a guy who's like, there's got to be trouble for Gotham. It was a little bit Men in Black. It was. Opening scene of Men in Black. Where he's like confused. Yeah, exactly. Like ominous things, but he doesn't know what's up.
Starting point is 00:11:19 No, but he chases the guy across the roof. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, fair point. And we see some... It's interesting that we're seeing the people who will become Batman's nemeses. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:31 But they're older than him. Like, have you ever thought of the Riddler being older than Batman? No, actually, I haven't. Penguin I can see is older than Batman. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. That's very interesting. No black mask. I assumed there would have been a black mask. Well, you can't introduce everything at once. They've got Fishmooney, Jada Pinkett Smith.
Starting point is 00:11:47 That's the main villain. Great. So that's good. Yeah. Fishmooney. That classic Batman villain. Fishmooney. But the showrunner, Bruno Heller, says that we will see the Joker or pre-Joker Joker.
Starting point is 00:12:03 So I'm assuming leader of the Red Hood gang or it could be when he's the comedian. There's a bunch of Joker origins. See, I was just wondering about that because we don't see him in the trailer. No. I think that's fraught with peril. To not have him in the trailer? No, I think it's fraught with peril to put him in the series.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I agree. Because, I would like to hear your thoughts on it, but first my thoughts. Yeah. I don't think the Joker works if he has a definitive origin. Agreed. I'd much prefer the idea that he is so,
Starting point is 00:12:29 like that he doesn't, that every time he tells, like in the killing joke, every time he tells his origin it's different. Yeah. Either because it amuses him to do that
Starting point is 00:12:37 or because he's so insane that he can't remember where he came from. And to actually see his origin, it takes a lot of the magic out of it, I think. I completely agree. It's a Wolverine origin situation you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:12:47 I do I do know what you mean yeah that's exactly what I was going to say you took all those words out of my mouth I would have said them much better
Starting point is 00:12:54 why don't you put them in one of your bloody news video posts then do that hey you son of a bitch yeah alright so yeah that's pretty good also I think it was
Starting point is 00:13:03 the producer of the show said it's going to look better than the Dark Knight movies. Really? Yep. It's bold. That is very bold. Yeah, okay. So yeah, there you go. I think it was the producer or somebody involved in it.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Should do more research. I think what they mean is one of the sets. Like all the sets are going to be in one of the school buses from the opening scene. Okay, right. They bought one of the school buses. I'm just imagining dark alleys, usually the same alley with different trash cans, and just, like, smoke.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Like, that's what I'm picturing. PG graffiti. I think I've mentioned my love of PG graffiti. Oh, yeah. You suck. I like rap. You know, some of that. Who doesn't?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yeah. Okay, now, you may have heard also, Mason, this week, that Lionsgate and Saban Brands have... Is this a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers thing? You better believe it is. Yay! Did you hear this? Yeah, I did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Yeah, so they're making a live-action Power Rangers movie. Another one. There was one in, I think, 95. There's been a couple, I think. And there was one in 97, I think. There was Power Rangers Sump Regular. That's what it was called. Original recipe.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Power Rangers Sump Regular. Power Rangers Original Recipe. Power Rangers Turbo. And there was Turbo a Power Rangers movie there we go okay yeah yeah I am for me that came
Starting point is 00:14:09 for me when I was a little bit older I was still young but I was off the back of like Ninja Turtle so I was kind of like I'm over all this karate nonsense
Starting point is 00:14:17 yeah yeah I'm clearly not now no we're right back in but uh I like Power Rangers good at it whatever
Starting point is 00:14:24 it will be interesting to see if they are they gonna actually make new mech battle sequences like or are they just gonna
Starting point is 00:14:32 find a slightly bigger budget you know mech Japanese film and just steal those again
Starting point is 00:14:39 I'd be very surprised the old series were just they just refilmed all the high school stuff and used the footage and spliced it in but because it's Lionsgate
Starting point is 00:14:48 who do like Hunger Games and Twilight and all that I'm assuming they'll put a lot of money behind it people love giant monsters and mechs and shit man people are into it yeah
Starting point is 00:14:56 you're a fool to think otherwise yeah alright I remember the time right I remember when Power Rangers came out I looked in the TV guide
Starting point is 00:15:04 as I do every week and be like what's on this week or whatever and it was like 4 o'clock and it was like a new show I remember when Power Rangers came out I looked in the TV guide as I do every week and be like what's on this week or whatever and it was like 4 o'clock and it was like a new show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and I was like what is that? That's a ridiculous name I'll check it out and I watched it and I'm like okay this is interesting this looks a lot like Voltron
Starting point is 00:15:17 because I was a big fan of Voltron as you probably don't know you remember how big a fan I was? I remember your Volt remember how big a fan I was? Sure. And then as it progressed... I remember your Voltron jammy jams. One lion, each arm and leg. And then when they all got their own robots, I'm like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And then they formed together to make a big guy. And I got super angry. And then they pulled out the sword. And I just couldn't believe it. I was like, this is outrageous. Little did we know at the time that that is every... Every Japanese... Every, like...
Starting point is 00:15:47 I know. Southeast Asian kind of action film for... Action show for children is just people getting into robots to combine into a bigger robot. There's dozens. If there was a hundred, I would not be surprised. No. I completely agree.
Starting point is 00:16:00 So, yeah, now I know. How did they get away with it? Nobody patented it in the first place. That's a good point, yeah. Also, we've got a lot of cop shows. Yeah, we do have a lot of cop shows. Gotham. We've got a lot of good Australian cop shows, don't we?
Starting point is 00:16:13 No. You're right, we have none. Correct. No, we don't have any. There's never been one. Well, we don't have police. Oh yeah, that's right. Mad Max is an accurate representation of Australian justice.
Starting point is 00:16:24 There's nothing to base it on. Somebody steal your petrol, you shoot them. That's right. Mad Max is an accurate representation of Australian justice. There's nothing to base it on. If somebody steals your petrol, you shoot them. That's right. You leave them in the desert. Oh, Mason. Now we watched The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Hang on, did I have another thought about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? You loved it.
Starting point is 00:16:35 No. You loved the weird big suits. No. Why hasn't there been a Voltron movie yet? Yeah, that's a good question. Why are they bringing back Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? I meant to bring that up. This is going to kill the Voltron movie if this goes forward.
Starting point is 00:16:46 You get in first and all of a sudden that's what people... Or will it, though? Well, it depends how well it does, I guess. And how shabby it looks. It's going to look shabby. I don't know, because it's Lionsgate. If it was a smaller company, I would agree. If it was the Asylum who produced Sharknado.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah, exactly. I think it'll be alright. Okay. Or not. Will live? Yeah. exactly. I think it'll be alright. Okay. Or not. Will live? Yeah. Good. The Amazing Spider-
Starting point is 00:17:09 I think there might be a speed race kind of situation where I don't see it and it doesn't affect my life at all. Did you ever see Speed Racer? No, I didn't and it didn't affect my life at all. I wonder if he won that race. I'm going to say yeah. Good. Now we don't have to see it.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Great. The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Mason. It made $92 million in the US last weekend, which is a lot of cash dollars, sure. But that's fallen well short of what they wanted. That's the fourth highest opening for a Spider-Man movie. I think Spider-Man 3 opened with $150 million. And the last one opened a little bit less.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And they were hoping for something like $120, I'd imagine. Little do you know, Mason. If somebody handed you $92 million and then said but I could have handed you $150 million would you be upset?
Starting point is 00:17:51 No. I would be I guess. We're just simple men, aren't we? With simple pleasures, you know? Simple dreams. Yeah, yeah. So, the interesting thing is though
Starting point is 00:17:59 this could be like the law of diminishing returns for Spider-Man movies from now on. Right. I think people are sick of Spider-Man movies. We were okay with that movie, right?
Starting point is 00:18:06 It was fine. Yeah, it's fine. Yeah. But I think, I mean, because I've been speaking to people who are not a fan of, you know, comic book movies or whatever. Uh-huh. I'm like, did you see Captain America? And they're like, I saw Captain America, I loved it, didn't expect it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And I said, you know, do you see Spider-Man? And they're like, no, because that's all I've seen. Right, exactly, yeah. So that's the problem right there. And now they've taken this stance of no Miles Morales and whatever. I mean, Sinister Six is an interesting concept that they'll go into, but if nobody sees Spider-Man 3, nobody's going to... Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Not that nobody's going to see it, but do you know what I mean? No, you're putting your foot down and saying literally nobody's going to see it. So yeah, I guess it's interesting, right? Yes. But anyway, on the back of that though, Mason, X-Men Days of Future Past is tracking for $125 million opening weekend. That's coming in like two weeks, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Though we're seeing it on Friday. We're going to the premiere. Oh, yeah, cool. Remember I bought tickets cash tickets with that 92 million great but yeah so we might
Starting point is 00:19:10 you should remind me about that again because I'll probably forget okay cool I might have scheduled something on Friday I'll let me get out of that sure no worries which would be the biggest debut for the franchise I'm just texting
Starting point is 00:19:21 sorry I can't make it to your dad's funeral Wolverine okay cool we're sorted I'm just texting, sorry I can't make it to your dad's funeral. Wolverine. Okay, cool, we're sorted. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it
Starting point is 00:19:47 before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. So I think people are more excited for this movie. I think it's the second most expensive film of all time I've talked about this to make. So I think it might do second most expensive film of all time I've talked about this to make. So yeah, I think it might do alright, Mason. So I thought, why not a good a week as any to talk about X-Men movies?
Starting point is 00:20:11 So yeah, what, it's going to make bloody $92 million because I'm going to go in and buy a large coconut popcorn. Am I right? Am I right? Expensive. Absolutely. You know you can bring other food into the cinema. You don't need to buy that popcorn. I'm sick of your cinema going
Starting point is 00:20:25 Embracing it I'm embracing it Yeah yeah You can't do nothing So I thought Let's go through the history of the X-Men films Talk a little bit about our favourites or whatever And what's
Starting point is 00:20:33 We'll do this Our patented Best movie ever Worst movie ever Great That's patented right You took care of that Ah
Starting point is 00:20:40 Look Ah We're in trouble Shit Yeah We're gonna trouble. Oh, shit. Yeah. We're going to get sued by everybody. So, yeah, but I wanted to ask you this first of all. I've got two requests of you.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Okay. One request. Can you point out in each movie when and how Professor X gets Professor X? Okay, great. I'm ready. For those not aware, that's when they write out the most powerful character who could solve every scenario. Yeah, it's at the point where they realize okay here's the tipping point if professor x is available he's going to end this this strife
Starting point is 00:21:10 so immediately immediately so let's yeah there you go slip on something second request yep can you hum the x-men movie score no i can't no yeah start me off no i can't. No, you have to start me off. No, I can't do it. So I thought maybe I'll just put in this sweet intro to start, just to get everybody jazzed. All right. And you might think it's familiar because you just sung it. What a great theme song. Pretty great, yeah. Why didn't they just use that?
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah, with the claws slashing and the plane taking off. Man. Juggernaut running into another guy. Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, Mason. People in the middle. Innocent people. Innocent people.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Killed. X-Men, the year 2000. You remember that? We Innocent people. Killed. X-Men. The year 2000. You remember that? We were both at school, I think. Yeah. Sure? No, I graduated high school.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. You're still wearing my Letterman's jacket, though. Keep it alive. Yep. I'm still hanging around the mall shop with my best girl.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Did you go to school reunion? I was in the Jets. No, I didn't. Me neither. We had a six month one. That's way too early, right? It was just people pointing out what phone they had. That was basically it.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Now, I didn't rush out to see this movie at the time because it was on the back of a whole bunch of just mediocre comic book movies. Yeah, yeah. And there was nobody in it that I was really interested in seeing. I remember when Patrick Stewart was cast, and I went, great casting, of course. Yep. But other than that, I was like, nah, not really.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And then what happened? And then I saw it on VHS. You were there, actually. Huh. And I loved it. And it's pretty great. I mean, it's a bit dated. I mean, it was certainly better on the big screen, not on VHS. Did you go see the cinema? Yeah. Sure. Did you love it at the time? great i mean it's a bit dated i mean it was certainly better on the big screen not on vhs did you guys see the cinema yeah sure yeah did you love it at the time did you embrace
Starting point is 00:23:29 it i embraced it yeah yeah yeah embraced hugh jackman as a peer sure can we talk well we i pulled this this photo up this is on like the internets i'm familiar because the x-men movies have spanned like 14 years 13. 13, 14 years. Yeah. And you've got your first... You've got your early Hugh Jackman. Yeah. 31 in X-Men. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And then over here in the Wolverine. Ridiculous. He's gotten ripped. Yeah. He's worked out like a mad dog. Well, that's the thing. Because I guess you wouldn't want to commit to working out that hard in the first one just in case it doesn't fly, like the series doesn't fly.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Well, because there was a whole lot of people cast before him, I'd imagine he came along pretty late as well. Right, right, right. But, yeah, there's a significant size difference in that. And also, that wasn't really a requirement then, was it, to get as big as you possibly could? That's actually a good point, yeah. It was kind of like, just work out a bit, I guess.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It doesn't really matter. You'll mostly be in a leather suit, so forget it. I mean, he still looked pretty good in that movie, didn't he? Yeah. Yeah. We were both impressed. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Did you know, Mason, I've got a bunch of trivia for this as well. I'm ready. So, you know, this is the only X-Men film that's an original story. All other films were based on stories from the comics. Yeah. X-Men First Class, though. Yeah. What's that based off?
Starting point is 00:24:45 There's a whole lot of young Magneto, young Xavier stuff. No, I don't... What is your source for that? IMDBs. Oh, okay. It's okay. That might be an old piece of trivia. Might be, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I think that's based on 1, 2, and 3. X-Men 2. God Loves Man Kills. X-Men 3, Phoenix Saga, and the Joss Whedon one about the mutant cure. Yep, okay. Wolverine Origins is based on an Origins Wolverine comic. Correct. The Wolverine's based on the Japanese saga.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I'm pretty sure First Class is based off a bunch of stuff, though. Yeah, I would say so. I might be wrong. That's too general, yeah. Yeah, you're right. That's all trivia. Lift your game IMDB trivia section. I bet we'll have some outdated goofs as well.
Starting point is 00:25:26 You know? Do you know Robert Rodriguez and Tim Burton were approached to direct? As a team? As a team. That'd be great. I'd watch that. Me too. They turned it down in favour of other films.
Starting point is 00:25:36 The Robert Rodriguez one I wouldn't mind seeing, but no, I don't want to see a Tim Burton expert. Absolutely not. God no. Richard Donner was approached. Don't want to see it. Joel Schumacher was was approached don't want to say it joel schumacher was approached i want to say that must have been around before batman and robin came out but they're like well he's done the batman so he could probably do it brett ratner who eventually did do one
Starting point is 00:25:57 don't want to say that no either of them joel mctiernan die hard die hard okay and i had to did he has he ever maybe didn Did he... Has he ever... Maybe he didn't do Die Hard 2. Has he ever done anything that isn't... That is superhero-y or supernatural or anything like that? He did Supernatural. The TV show Supernatural. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I can check. Do you want me to check? Please do. I like how we pick and choose what we look up. Like, it's just sometimes they're like, nope, it's against the rules of the show. But other times they're like, yeah, we'll stick it up. Because I know I'd be fascinated.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Is it just because he's a good action director? I would say so. I don't think they were looking for a comic book director then necessarily because there weren't that many of them. That's true. Except for the ones that I did mention. They were making the rules. They necessarily because there weren't that many of them. That's true. Except for the ones that I did mention. They were making the rules. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:47 They were making the rules and breaking the rules. That's it. What I enjoyed a lot actually in X-Men 1 is the villains were very good. They took what I would consider a terrible villain like Toad and they gave the role to Ray Park who's Darth Maul. Yeah, killing it. And killing it. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:05 They made... I like a villain... I like a hero or a villain that knows what they're doing. Yes. Like the Grant Morrison Justice League comic was great because everybody on that team knew what they were doing. That's why they were the best. And similar in X-Men 1,
Starting point is 00:27:22 the bad guys are in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants because they are the best. All Toad can do is stick to walls and phlegm and he's got a long tongue and he can take down half the team by himself. Yeah. Because he knows what he's doing. Very good point. You ready for this? I'm ready. Nomads, 1986.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Never heard of it. Predator, 1987. Oh, yeah. Never heard of it. Die Hard, Hunt for Red October, Medicine Man, Last Action Hero, Die Hard with a Vengeance. So Never heard of it Die Hard Hunt for Red October Medicine Man Last Action Hero Die Hard with a Vengeance
Starting point is 00:27:48 So we didn't do Die Hard 2 We did the two best Die Hards There you go 13th Warrior Haven't seen Thomas Crown Haven't seen Rollerball
Starting point is 00:27:54 And the last one Was Basic And there's one upcoming Project called Red Squad Which is apparently amazing Never heard of it Don't know anything about it Exactly yeah
Starting point is 00:28:02 So yeah there you go I think it would have been An okay choice I guess I mean Roller go. I think it would have been an okay choice, I guess. I mean, Rollerball was pretty great. It might have been one... I reckon if he'd done it, it would have been more of a... more of a film where they were much more of like a paramilitary team. It was less mutant powers.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I reckon they all would have had guns. Yeah, you're probably right. Yeah, good point. Did you know Wolverine's line mates? Oh, sorry, there's a few other ones who were considered. Danny Boyle. That would have been interesting. Yeah, because you love Danny Boyle.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I do. Yeah, yeah. Fuck you. I do love Danny Boyle. Stephen Hopkins. No, no, him. Yeah, no idea. Irvin Kershner.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I thought you were going to say Stephen Hawking. Oh, imagine. Stephen Dorff. Oh. He would have been a good blood monster from Blade absolutely Erwin Kirshner who did Empire Strikes Back
Starting point is 00:28:48 though I don't think he did what's he done since then well he's dead but what's he done for us lately huh but he hasn't done anything
Starting point is 00:28:57 what an arsehole he hasn't done anything as good as Empire Strikes Back I don't think anyway yeah to break our cardinal rule Mason I can check though
Starting point is 00:29:05 please do and he you know what this is the looking it up episode we're going to look up everything there's going to be
Starting point is 00:29:09 a lot of pauses where we look up unimportant information that all our listeners probably know anyway and they're just shouting at us going of course
Starting point is 00:29:16 we know he did that one and he did this and this he's so ignorant oh he did an episode of Sequest TSV I did Robocop 2 he did Never Say Never Sequest DSV. I did Robocop 2. Yep. He did Never Say Never Again, which is probably terrible.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yep. No, a bunch of other stuff. What season of Sequest DSV was it? Was it the one where they were in space? Episode 1. Oh. So, the best one? Yeah. That was the best, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:38 You also did... Do you remember the show Amazing Stories? Yep. Did a few episodes of that. That was the theme of that. Yeah. I know it. This is the same and looking stuff up episode there's a bunch of stuff from like the 50s and 60s which i do not recognize do you know
Starting point is 00:29:51 the young captives no it's one of the class classics one of the greats masons i don't know it so yeah but that was all before brian single was chosen there was a john wayne film called they were expendable no no i know i I was just curious to know whether they initially attempted to make... You know, because there's The Expendables. Yeah. You're familiar with that. I'm familiar. I was wondering if they were like, hey, let's streamline this.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Because I haven't seen it. And maybe that's the basis for those films. It's possible. I hope they bring back a digitized John Wayne. But they get back the John Wayne where he played Genghis Khan. And he's taped the eyelids. So yeah yeah I know right yeah I would like to see them resurrect dead action heroes Steve would you watch Expendables 4 if Steve McQueen was in it no out of principle because I love Steve McQueen and that's very uncool because Steve McQueen and Stylist alone
Starting point is 00:30:39 are very different and Steve McQueen's a legend and I don't care for Stallone. But what if, what if they have like, like a natural on-screen chemistry? You know, Sylvester Stallone and dead Steve McQueen. How, how is that possible? Stallone has zero chemistry.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Aside from the chemistry he pumps into his weird physique. Zing. Zing. Human growth hormone Zing. So, yeah, I guess if it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Come on, you'd watch that. I guess I would. Yeah. Yeah. All my heroes are dead, Mason. I know. Fuck it. Wait a second. Oh yeah, sorry. Thank that. I guess I would. Yeah. Yeah. All my heroes are dead, Mason. I know. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Wait a second. Oh, yeah, sorry. Thank you. For now. Ooh. Yeah, no, I would say that. But I was going to say about that. When is Expendables 3 out?
Starting point is 00:31:14 This year. Because you made that pact, remember? What was the pact? It was something about Harrison Ford. If he says, get off my plane. If he doesn't say, get off my plane, you have to... I have to shoot myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:23 That's right. Let's say not to death, though. No. Let's just end up in the lake. That's... I have to shoot myself. Yeah. That's right. Let's say not to death, though. Let's just end up in the lake. No, I have to do it. I'm a man of my word, Mason. Fine. Except when it comes to looking things up or not looking things up. Correct.
Starting point is 00:31:31 You know the Wolverine's line, what do they call you, wheels? That was ad-libbed by Hugh Jackman, who hates people in wheels. Because he hates people with disabilities, yeah. And did you know, I didn't know this, but Storm has an African accent in this, and it's the only one that she used it in. Did you pick that up? I mean, I haven't seen it recently, but... I would have said she had a vague sort of accent.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah. I couldn't have said what region it was from. Nah. What region of Africa? You don't know your African regions. And also, she's only got about three lines in that whole film. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Including the famous, what happens to a toad when it gets hit by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else. And you delivered that better than Sherry did. Well, apparently it was supposed to be flat like that. Like, who cares? Yeah. Same thing that happens to everything else. Just like an offhand.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm a very good actor. You are. Do you know Bridesmaid's first choice to play Wolverine was Russell Crowe, but he had to turn it down for monetary reasons. Do you want to hear some other names? Of course you do.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Because he couldn't get through the door, mate. Too wide. Fat Russell Crowe but he had to turn it down for monetary reasons. Do you want to hear some other names? Of course you do. Because he couldn't get through the door mate. Too wide. Fat Russell Crowe. He was trim then. He was doing gladiators and
Starting point is 00:32:31 muscles. you're right. He's up and down mate that guy. He certainly doesn't work out like a mad dog but you know he keeps it.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It's interesting that both his choices were aggressive Australian men. I was trying to think of a way to say Antipodean. Somebody from Australia or New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Okay, yeah, yeah. Because we don't want Russell Crowe anymore. Wait, do we want Russell Crowe? Well, he hasn't done anything lately that we're against. He hasn't thrown a phone at anyone. Okay, he's Australian again. Good. No, some other names include...
Starting point is 00:32:59 I was going to bring something up. I'm going to say, I can remember some of these options, I think. Sure, what have you got? Glenn Danzig? Yeah, well, that was in the early 90s okay right and he was up or we're not upset but he didn't see the x-men movie because he was like it looks it's looks it's ridiculous or he did say he hated it and that's when they wanted really short people yeah who is really sure he's really short but he was famously quoted as saying if he did it, he would have played the role less gay. He said that.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Wow. So, yeah. But I think they, at the time, I think he was approaching 40 and they wanted someone younger. Because he's been around for quite a while. I think Glenn Danzig is gay. Let me check. I'm going to look that up. Really?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah. Okay, fair enough. Aaron Eckhart? Don't say it. Jean-Claude Van Damme? Don't say it. And don't like it. Damme. Don't say it and don't like it. Viggo Mortensen. That would work. Yeah. Edward Norton.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Bearing in mind this is off the back of American History X. Not. Yeah, maybe. I'm going to give you a maybe. Give you a maybe. Alright, cool. I've got one other amazing one which was revealed this week while you look up whether Glenn Danzig. His name's not Glenn, is it? No, it is Glenn. It's Glenn Danzig.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Is it? Cool. No, don't worry about it. It's irrelevant. The other one, and this only came out this week. In 1997, this piece of concept art was drawn up. Only recently surfaced. That is Mel Gibson. Wow. That's very late 80s, early 90s.
Starting point is 00:34:22 They wanted Mel Gibson, apparently. People were saying that he should get the role now, for like an old Wolverine. And I think he'd be good, but at the same time, he doesn't deserve it, and he shouldn't get it. Because he's a bad person. Yeah, and he's not Australian. And he's not Australian.
Starting point is 00:34:38 He's lost his Australian... Yeah, that's it. I'm thinking of Rob Halford from Judas Priest. Okay. He's gay. But he also said... Irrelevant, as we put it. Irrelevant,ord from Judas Priest Okay He's gay But he also says Irrelevant As we put it, irrelevant
Starting point is 00:34:47 But it's just He also said the same thing though Yeah So, you know There you go Do you know there's a continuity error in this, Mason? In this movie? There's a bit like
Starting point is 00:34:58 These movies are riddled with continuity errors I just want to talk about this one though Okay, I'm ready There's a scene that was praised by fans, right? Because when Us Yes, us particularly When Iceman is talking and it's a scene that was praised by fans, right? Us? Yes. Great.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Us, particularly. When Iceman is talking and it's a sunny day and he's got like an ice breath. Just a little touch. Right, right, right. It's nice, right? But it turns out to be the scene where Mystique is impersonating him, meaning he wouldn't have ice breath. Correct, that's true.
Starting point is 00:35:17 So it's all amazing but wrong. So good work. Well, well, yeah. Well captured. Yeah. Unless she can do that as well, but I don't think that's in her skill set. No, it isn't. But, no prize this.
Starting point is 00:35:28 She has some crushed ice in her mouth. Okay. There we go. Because she is a perfectionist. Absolutely. Oh, I've got some other names here I forgot to mention. Gary Sinise for Wolverine. Yep, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Keanu Reeves for Wolverine. Nope. Doug Ray Scott. I was going to say that. That's the one I was thinking of. He was cast. Yep. He then went on to be in Desperate say that. That's the one I was thinking of. He was cast. Yep. He then went on to be in Desperate Housewives, Mission Impossible 2.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Not in that order. And then he died of a broken heart. Oh, okay. But yeah, apparently Hugh Jackman ran into him at one point and he kind of just like apologized, sort of. He's like, he didn't really know what to say properly. Right. What do you say?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Like, I stole your career. Yeah. Essentially. And then relatively... My bad. But that happens all the time. All the time. It's just a weird twist of fate.
Starting point is 00:36:08 There's always... We always talk about roles people could have had. And you think of somebody like... Like delicious roles. Yeah, delicious. Like a cinnamon roll. Yeah. But like when you...
Starting point is 00:36:17 An example is Sean Connery. Yeah. And he has like this endless list of things that he could have done, but he didn't understand them. And then they turned out to be huge hits. And then he did something because he thought it was similar, and then it turned out to be a disaster or whatever. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:36:29 League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The Matrix slash League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Slash Lord of the Rings. But he's also been in tons of amazing films. These lists go on forever. Pretty much in Hollywood, everybody is considered for every role at a certain point. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:36:44 But I feel like he's never quite bounced back from that. No, that's true. But there you go. Yeah. Did you know also that... You should call his buddy Joe McTiernan. Yeah. From Punt for Red October.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Absolutely. Oh, yeah. Good point. Okay, I'm ready. Wait, Sean Connery? Yeah. Okay, cool. I meant...
Starting point is 00:37:00 I mean, the other guy didn't bounce back. Oh, Dougray Scott. Dougray. Yeah. Yeah, that's a shame. Would you know if you saw him on the street? Yeah. Hmm. guy didn't bounce back. Oh, Dougray Scott. Dougray. Yeah. Yeah, that's a shame. Would you know if you saw him on the street? Yeah. I wouldn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:37:09 But I'd know. Is that because he's your mailman? You know how there's like a Magneto background in this? It's at the start. It's a great opening scene and they replicate it in first class. That's not reused footage in first class? No, they reshot that. With a different actor? With a different actor. Okay, right. Well, it's a great opening scene and they replicated it in first class. That's not reused footage in first class? No, they reshot that. With a different actor?
Starting point is 00:37:28 With a different actor. It's a kid. I don't know what a kid is. Kids age, basically. I know. They had Rogue's background as well. Similarly, they sort of had Rogue. They had Storm and Cyclops' backgrounds scripted and storyboarded.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And Storm's involved her changing the weather dramatically in Africa and it just wrecks a whole bunch of stuff. She made it rain. Yes. With cash. She sure did. In a strip club.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Yes. And Cyclops, that involved him, his powers manifesting as a teenager when he's in a school bathroom and he just tears it apart. So yeah, that's interesting. And that bathroom will come into play later, Mason. So remember that.
Starting point is 00:38:07 In the opening sequence of Casino Royale? Yes. Were they going to have him, because originally he could control his eye power, his optic blast, but then he got a head injury. Hit to the head, yeah. Were they going to have him be in control of that?
Starting point is 00:38:21 I don't think so. Yeah, yeah. Well, that streamlines it. You don't want to build in a car crash scene. Nah, absolutely not. Have I talked about in the podcast how much I hate the car crash angle? Oh, is this where there's a guy... We haven't talked about this.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Yeah, two people are in a car, maybe. They're having a conversation, right? Yeah, yeah. And then the camera angle cuts to perhaps the driver's perspective. Oh, you know what? The passenger's perspective, they're looking at the driver. Yeah. And you can see the driver's perspective. Oh, you know what? The passenger's perspective, they're looking at the driver. Yeah. And you can see the person's face
Starting point is 00:38:49 and you can see a little space to the side. You can see out the window. Yeah. Like what you can see outside the window. There's a weird blank. There's a weird blank space. You're like, what's going to happen in that? I feel really tense
Starting point is 00:38:58 anytime you see that angle, the car crash angle. Because you know what? A truck's going to come or a dinosaur, usually, or a murderer. You know? You're right. I hate it. I hate that angle. You hate it a truck's gonna come or a dinosaur usually or a murderer you know you're right i hate it i hate that angle you hate it because it's poor filmmaking or you hate it because
Starting point is 00:39:09 it makes you like tense both of those things yeah what were we talking about i've forgotten bathroom seeds from x-men remember i said to remember that fact yep comes into play right now should i note it down no but you can forget this immediately fantastic this is for you guys at home as well the bathroom set was the one used in X-Men 2. Remember when Mystique... No, I don't remember a bathroom sequence in X-Men 2. No, it is when Mystique grabs that security guard and she's like, I'm going to have sex with you.
Starting point is 00:39:33 But then she like knocks him out and injects him with the metal. That's the same bathroom set. Yeah. So recycling in movies, Mason. Yeah, okay. It's great. I've got one more piece of trivia. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Ready? Hugh Jackman got his testicles caught in his harness. I thought that was going to go somewhere else. And I was going to be like, maybe he got his testicles caught in the... Like, I was going to make a sweet joke about somebody getting their testicles caught. But apparently, somebody's made that joke for me, and that someone is life. Hugh Jackman got his testicles caught in his harness after a six foot jump off the set's
Starting point is 00:40:06 Statue of Liberty. Have you ever been in a harness and you get your testicles a little squashed? No. It's very unpleasant. I'm not surprised. I'd be surprised
Starting point is 00:40:17 if you were surprised. Didn't he also arrive on like the set of Oprah? Yes. When Oprah came to Australia he came down on a big zip line and he like crashed at the end. That's right. And cut his face.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Oh yeah. But like a hero, like a great Australian hero. Yep. He moved on. Fantastic. Every story I've heard about Hugh Jackman, and I've heard stories from people who have met him, say he's like the best guy in the world. I've also heard that.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yeah, yeah. You got any you want to recount? No. Okay. He rescued me from burning building once he said don't talk about it but i'm talking about it anyway i'll tell a huge ackman story another day mason because it's not that interesting okay x-men 2 x-men united it's weird though at the time i remember walking out about out of this because i was so pumped and i was a little bit disappointed
Starting point is 00:40:59 but this movie's great it's grown on you absolutely like the second oh wait did we say x-men 1 best movie ever or worst movie well for on you. Absolutely. Like the second time I watched it. Oh wait, did we say X-Men 1, best movie ever or worst movie ever? Well, for the time, definitely best movie ever. The black suits, I know people don't agree with that and whatever,
Starting point is 00:41:11 but it was a different time, Mason. It was a different era. It was a simpler time. It was a time when you had to wear a black suit. Exactly. What do you think? I'm going to say best movie ever. I enjoyed it a lot.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I would go back to it again. It's a fun film. It is a fun film. Yeah, it's a fun... Film. Film. Well put. Thank you. It's a fun film. It is a fun film. Yeah, it's a fun... Film. Film. Well put. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:28 X-Men 2, X-Men United. Yeah, what did you think of that at the time? It wasn't called X-Men United over here, though, right? No, it was just called X-Men 2, I think. Yeah. Good. X-Men United. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I don't make the rules. It's like The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Rise of Electro, which it's called here. Yeah. Ridiculous. should I just go as trivia then have you got zero opinions on this movie
Starting point is 00:41:49 do I have opinions okay what happened in that one give me the quick answer there was a striker oh that's right
Starting point is 00:41:53 oh we forgot about the when does when does Picard I was gonna say Picard yeah Picard
Starting point is 00:41:57 when does Professor X get Professor X in X-Men 1 well well Mystique puts the
Starting point is 00:42:04 black goo in Cerebro right I think it puts the black goo in Cerebro, right? I think it's blue. It's blue goo in Cerebro. And then he uses Cerebro and he gets Professor X'd. How does that work? Because it doesn't go into him. It's just in the helmet. Like, that goo doesn't go into his head.
Starting point is 00:42:16 It's probably that goo that they use to clean combs at a hairdresser's. You know that stuff? Okay. Yeah. I didn't know that was such a thing. You know that stuff? Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I didn't know that was such a thing. And that, because he's a bald man, was so just outrageous to him that he had a fit. He'd spent his whole life just... Remember he had that beautiful head of hair? He did. And then he lost it all. And he was like, I swear I will never encounter anything that you might find in a hairdresser. I'll never encounter hot rollers. I'll never look at them again.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I'll never wear one of those cape things. I've got to stay away. And then she put the blue goo in and he's like, no! And then it just knocked him right out. I'll never have a banal conversation with a hairdresser. Yeah, about what I'm going to do on the weekend. That neither of us care about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Did you know, Mason, in X-Men 2, X-Men United? Oh, we're back to X-Men 2. No, yeah yeah i'm ready ian mccallum worked with screenwriters in the scene where bobby drake tells his parents that he's a mutant to make it more like a kind of coming out oh interesting yeah that is a quite a quite a good scene though as well it's got some amusing touches to it as well would you really be that upset if your kid like had like amazing powers um i'd be concerned that they'd be taken away by the government. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Experimented on. Yeah, fair point. But other than that, you could be like Bobby Drake. Check out what my kid could do. I would. If I had the Iceman kid, I'd like go to public swimming pools with him and make him like freeze it as people jump in. Goodness. Just cracking skulls and spines.
Starting point is 00:43:43 That's what I'd do. Just being a public man. It's fantastic. Yep. You know the bit where everybody freezes? Where Professor X. Goodness. Just cracking skulls and spines. That's what I'd do. Just being a public man. It's fantastic. Yep. You know the bit where everybody freezes? Where Professor X. Yep. Professor X's everybody.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they all freeze. They're all like mimes and stuff. That's not an effect. Oh, interesting. Like street performers and mimes and whatnot. That's a good use of practical technology. Well, I'm going to go straight into the Professor X-ing.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Because what happens in X-Men 2, if I recall, because he goes to visit Magneto in the plastic prison. Yeah. And then... Which is a great scene, that whole thing. Yeah, that's good. When he breaks out. But then he realises that they were going to capture him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:18 To put him in the fake Cerise. He knew he was going to be Professor X-ed. Yeah, he knew he was going to be Professor X-ed, right? And they gas the room. Yeah. Knock him out. They Professor X'd. Yeah, he knew he was going to be Professor X'd, right? And they gas the room. Yeah. Knock him out. They Professor X'd him. But, because we just talked about, right in the first scene, he freezes everybody's minds
Starting point is 00:44:32 within, you know, several hundred yards. Oh, yeah. So why couldn't he just... Professor X everyone. Professor X everybody in that room. Be like, even if the gas is going, you go, okay, everybody stop Professor X-ing me. Like switch the gas off. You two come down and guard me until the gas is cleared.
Starting point is 00:44:53 You come revive me. Yep. Exactly. And then he's sorted. Really good point. Yeah. That's a different scene from the breakout scene as well, isn't it? That's like an earlier scene.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Yeah. Oh man. Great movie though. Yeah. let's say there was some psychic buffers or something sure whatever yeah yeah yeah great that's a no prize right there thank you um ethan embry won run the what it was it was all set in a giant version of magneto's helmet if you go to the outside of the prison it's just big helmet shaped purple did you know mason ethan embry won the role of Nightcrawler after Alan Cummings had to step out?
Starting point is 00:45:29 But he came back. Oh. What do you think of Ethan Embry? You've seen Can't Hardly Wait. Yeah. He's fine. Yep. He wouldn't have been as religious-y, I wouldn't think.
Starting point is 00:45:37 No, he doesn't have the chops. No chops. Alan Cummings has always, they've talked about getting it back or whatever but every time he's always like I'm not getting in that make up again right exactly it took 10 hours to become Nightcrawler in the scene where he's like
Starting point is 00:45:49 fully covered where he's got the little religious tattoos and whatever which I think you said are entirely unnecessary absolutely they are that's never been part
Starting point is 00:45:57 of the character as far as I know I think he was a little bit Catholic yeah I think he became a priest at one point didn't he
Starting point is 00:46:01 or he was training or whatever well less tattoos less tattoos. Less tattoos. Or catechisms. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I don't know what that means. Yeah. Did you know Mason, when Wolverine is in the adamantium processing chamber, do you remember that? Where he goes and he's like, where did I come from? Right, right. Uh-huh. My memories are coming back to me, sort of. You remember?
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yeah. They really need to drop that whole memory thing. It's been long enough, don't you think? Yeah. They dropped it in the comics. Just have him remember stuff. Also, it's not a bullet to the head that gives him his trauma. It's like, isn't it his mutation, his healing factor that like blocked out memories?
Starting point is 00:46:33 Sort of papers over painful memories. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty cool. Like being shot in the head, like that kind of painful memory. Being shot in the head with adamantium bullets. Here's something for you. It's probably a combination of things. I'm sure it is.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Bad luck. Some other stuff. There's also an x-ray of what appears to be like a metal wing. Oh, like an archangel wing. Yeah, yeah. And so alluding to archangels.
Starting point is 00:46:57 So yeah, so there you go. That's pretty interesting. And then he turns up in a later film. Yeah. Briefly. And saves his dad from a window. As a regular angel, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:04 As a regular angel, yeah, yeah. Do you know, Mason? Yes. During the scene where Professor X is Professor X-ing everybody in the world. No. Stryker's son is Professor X-ing everybody in the world. There's a bit where, you know, he's trying to kill all the mutants. Well, they were going to include scenes where Hank McCoy turns into, like, the Beast.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Right, right. Okay. Because Hank McCoy's actually in this movie. You see him on the television in human form it's not Kelsey Grammer there's a whole lot of
Starting point is 00:47:28 moments in these movies where it's like a lot of continuity errors a lot of continuity I mean for example Kitty Pryde is played by three different actors in the first three
Starting point is 00:47:37 X-Men movie there's also there's also there's going to be a bit of like Gambit and he's gambling and he's got his cards he's Gambitling
Starting point is 00:47:43 thank you and his cards explode his hands or whatever butitling he's gambling thank you he's gambitling and his cards explode his hands or whatever but you don't see his face because they can now I but they shot this as well
Starting point is 00:47:51 yeah Kelsey Grammar is the beast in human form he doesn't necessarily have to look like Kelsey Grammar though that's a good point and also I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:47:58 I'm gonna no prize this one and just say he had a little image inducer like in the comic books he's always had a little device like a holographic device so he can look human. And I'd say, buy X-Men 3. He's like, I don't care anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I'm going to look blue. Jam it. Yeah. Jam it, society. Oh, man. There were some sets in this movie that were not used. They had the danger room, which they didn't use. People were clamoring.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Which came back for X-Men 3. It did. Yeah, yeah. There was also going to be a setting, like an underground base, where they were going to have a nightcrawler toad fight. How good would that have been? That would have been great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Okay. But he never came back toad. People say that he came back in three, because there's a guy who kind of looks like Toad. Say he came back in spirit. Nope. Nope. There's a guy who looks like Toad in three. Anytime I blow my nose too hard and snot and blood comes out
Starting point is 00:48:47 he was there anytime I stick my tongue on a cold pole in winter time sticks Toad he's there anytime I pull somebody's glasses off and lasers shoot out of their eyes
Starting point is 00:49:02 yes I know it's not a laser it's a concussive force blast. I know. Don't email. There's a whole lot of misconceptions about Cyclops' eyes as well. Like, isn't it that that energy shoots out
Starting point is 00:49:14 is like from another dimension and his body's like a conduit for it? Isn't it something like that? I don't think so. I think it's he absorbs ambient energy from the air. That's part of it but that's what opens the
Starting point is 00:49:23 the dimensions in his eyes or whatever. Yeah, yeah, no, that's a thing. Shaquille O'Neal apparently badly wanted to be in this film and actively... I was going to say complained. Right? He may have complained. That sounds like Shaq. Bloody typical.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Didn't get it. Who could have he been? Anyone, I guess. Any giant mutant. Yeah, I guess so. Juggernaut. Colossus? Colosso.
Starting point is 00:49:44 But Colossus is Russian. Yeah. Doesn't matter, I guess. They're not black Russians. Hownaut colossus colosso but the colossus is Russian yeah doesn't matter they're black Russians how dare you I'm drinking one right now oh I love the sauce
Starting point is 00:49:54 there was also a scene that David Hayter I don't know who that is screenwriter yep he was disappointed
Starting point is 00:50:00 because he felt that James Marsden deserved more screen time which I agree with yeah yeah because he gets Professor X'd he'd pretty early on. And then he comes back and then he fights a gene.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And then he's like, I'm fine, don't worry about it. And then that's it. Because he's great, but that character is so criminally underwritten. It really is. There's also an extended scene that doesn't appear in the final film, Mason. Nor is there an additional scene. But apparently it exists where Cyclops fights Lady Deathstrike and he picks up two nightstick things, prison guard nightsticks, and fights her.
Starting point is 00:50:36 How good would that be? Great. Yeah. There are a lot of great action sequences that were not filmed for this. Yeah. And we were left with some okay action sequences. No, no. This was another one that was filmed. But I guess because they did one with Wolverine,
Starting point is 00:50:49 so you're not going to do another one, I guess. Exactly. And one of those... Oh, no, that would have been at the plastic prison because she's at the plastic prison. Right, right, yeah, okay. God damn it. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Anyway. According to Bryan Singer, this is the first film featuring a woman piloting an American military aircraft. Huh. Apparently that's not true, though. Oh, great. He said that.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Right. Not true. Yeah. So I guess Mason. He says a lot of things. He does, doesn't he? I enjoyed this film. I'm definitely going to say best movie ever.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Yeah. I'm going to say also, the fight sequence between Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike is great. Sure. But especially because he hasn't reached that level of super invulnerability yet. Yep. He reaches the peak at sort of X-Men 3.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Yeah. But you can clearly see that this... She could kill him because she's got that bit where she's got him pinned and stabbing him multiple times.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Yeah. That's a solid action sequence. That is. It really is. She's a cyborg, isn't she? Yes. Was she a cyborg in that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I don't think she was. No, she was, because the... I thought that was just adamantium stuff inside her. Yeah, but they were cyborg-y. I don't think so. They were extendable claws. Yeah, Wolverine's got extendable claws. Yeah, but they're not...
Starting point is 00:51:59 There's no arguing with you, is there? I'm going to say she's not a cyborg. I'm going to say best movie ever because she is a cyborg. Okay. I guess I have to say worst, then? Yep, that's right. I really enjoy it, but them's the rules. That is the rules, exactly.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Yeah, yeah. X-Men 3, Mason. This is when many people say the franchise took a downward franchise. Uh-huh, they did. I don't think it's that bad. Uh, it's not as... It's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:52:24 There are... Well, there is one specifically much worse film. Correct. it's okay it's okay there are well there was one specifically much worse film correct but I remember at the time I was like that was an okay way to end this whole thing
Starting point is 00:52:32 that happened what did you think at the time of it 2006 yeah it was fine there you go they had that sentinel fake out in it
Starting point is 00:52:44 they did everybody was very excited I think that was the first let down yeah is that we think They had that Sentinel fake out in it. They did. Everybody was very excited. I think that was the first letdown. Yeah. Is that we think this is going to be... We thought this was going to be Days of Future Past. Well, that was a homage to Days of Future Past. And the first time we saw the Danger Room.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Two things people want to see. Yep. That's kind of the Spider-Man 3, bring in Venom, kill him straight away kind of thing. Yeah, nah, you're right. Oh, they want to see the Danger Room, they want to see Sentinels. Well, those things are silly. Let's put them in the opening sequence and then reveal that they're dumb. Yep, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Also, do you know Gambit was supposed to be in this movie? Hmm. Did we have an actor? Nah. Did we pick out him? I mean, there was a number, I think a number of people went for it and whatever usual names throw it up, just name a white actor. That guy from Arrow.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Yep. He was up for it. So there you go. But he was removed from the script. Oh, here we go. Channing Tatum was up for the role. He's apparently up for it right now. That's right.
Starting point is 00:53:38 He's been working on his accents. That was when, I think I've mentioned this before, where Taylor Kitsch and him were going head to head for the same roles. That's right, yeah. And he won the Gambit role eventually, Taylor Kitsch and him were going head to head for the same roles. That's right, yeah. And he won the Gambit role eventually, Taylor Kitsch, but he won the wrong Gambit role. Do you think one day Taylor Kitsch and Channing Tatum will meet on the street and Channing Tatum will apologize for stealing his career? Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I hope so. Do you know... What else happened in X-Men 3? Anything interesting? The bridge bit was cool. Yep. That was apparently carried over from another movie though. That's right. From a previous movie. The casting? The bridge bit was cool. Yep. That was apparently carried over from another movie though. That's right.
Starting point is 00:54:05 From a previous movie. The casting of Beast was great. That was actually the guy who directed First Class. What's his name? Oh, Matthew Vaughn.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Matthew Vaughn. That was his casting choice. Okay. He also brought on Vinnie Jones as the Juggernaut. Ugh. Which is not as good. There's nothing wrong
Starting point is 00:54:22 with Vinnie Jones. That is a very poorly... He looks like he's had some head injuries. I think there's something wrong with Vinnie Jones. That is a very poorly... He looks like he's had some head injuries. I think there's something wrong with Vinnie Jones. Well, yeah, probably. I mean, it's a casting choice. Listen, that juggernaut, that's a very poorly designed juggernaut. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:54:37 I think, obviously, they have to... They wanted to keep X-Men in sort of a real-worldy kind of situation. They wanted everything to look... You know, they don't want him to be 10 feet tall. No. That would be ridiculous. That's it. Or however tall the juggernaut's supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah, yeah. So they had to make him just a weird buff-looking man. In a weird rubber muscle suit. Yeah. No, it doesn't work at all. No. Don't like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Well, this is... The plan was for this, though, they were going to cap off this trilogy and then kind of spin off like Star Wars movies and do like prequels and whatever and do all those
Starting point is 00:55:10 origin movies Wolverine Origins obviously killed any chance of that like properly happening but as we've said before that's okay because we don't need
Starting point is 00:55:18 origin movies for everybody have your spin off movies the Wolverine works infinitely better than Wolverine Origins for a thousand reasons. One of them being that you don't know where he's eventually going to end up. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Like you know in bloody that other one that I mentioned. I get so confused. And it's such a dumb title, X-Men Origins Wolverine. It's so hard to say and think about. What I disliked about X-Men 3 is that there was so many generic...
Starting point is 00:55:47 Truck flips. Truck flips. But a lot of... They love their truck flips. Yeah. There were so many generic mutant villains, I thought. And there seemed to be a lot of combining. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:57 There was a character who I think had superhuman speed and pheromone powers or something. Oh, okay, yeah. There's a version of Callisto. Yeah, you're right. There was a character who could have been Psylocke, but maybe she wasn't Psylocke. The one in Spikes guy. Yeah, our favourite character.
Starting point is 00:56:16 He's got the powers of, I can't remember who it is, but it's like a porcupine-style character. But his name, his actual name is the, you know, the X-Men student with the pink hair? Is that his name? That's his name. I name is the you know the X-Men student with the pink hair is that his name? that's his name I really explained that poorly but he's basically got the name of one
Starting point is 00:56:31 and the powers of another right exactly or the look of another it's bizarre so yeah there were a few and I that reached the territory of kind of
Starting point is 00:56:39 you know Transformers 2 and 3 yeah where there's just a whole bunch of generic ones yeah there's a whole lot because remember in that final battle which is fine but there's a whole lot of tele there's just a whole bunch of generic ones. Yeah. There's a whole lot of... Because remember in that final battle,
Starting point is 00:56:46 which is fine, but there's a whole lot of teleporters and a whole lot of... There's heaps of Nightcrawler teleporters. Yeah. Exactly, yeah. That's exactly it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I like to think of, you know, the X-Men universe, everybody's unique. Yeah. Isn't that kind of the point of those characters? That is exactly the point. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:02 I did like the appearance of Multiple Man. Yeah, that's good. Jamie Madrox. I kind of want... I did like the appearance of Multiple Man. Yeah, it was good. I would like to see a Multiple Man film. Featuring the same actor? He seemed very genial. Sure. Do you remember when all the good guys converge on the hundreds of people and they all just combine back into him?
Starting point is 00:57:23 And he's like, hey! That's right of thing so he was you know yeah he was the happiest mutant around he sure was but i i really like that character yeah and he's got a lot of he he's had a couple of um there was a madrox uh ongoing series and a what was it called madrox the magician i was called i was x factor was X Factor. Okay. Yeah, yeah. And he was... I've seen that TV show. Yeah, exactly. But he was...
Starting point is 00:57:49 He formed X Factor Investigations and he was like a one-man detective agency. Ah, cool. He was everyone. And he would also... Because what happens is he can split up into multiple people and when they combine back together,
Starting point is 00:58:05 he retains all their memories. He gains all their memories. That's cool. So if he could send one off to spy, that version of him would come back and give him all the memories. But also what he would do is he would, at the beginning of the series,
Starting point is 00:58:19 it revealed that he'd sent off copies of himself that had been gone for years and he'd had one go off and learn martial arts. Oh, that's awesome. And when that version came back, suddenly he's a black belt. That's amazing. That is amazing, right?
Starting point is 00:58:33 There's a lot you can do with that. There's a lot you can do with that character. See, that's what I'm talking about. They did none of that. Yeah, exactly. Like a character with Toad, he's got limited powers, but he knows what he's doing with them.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yeah, yeah. If a character spent their whole life with certain powers yeah they're gonna find some uses absolutely eventually right that's a really good point
Starting point is 00:58:49 yeah you should make that movie I will I'll make a short film it'll be great it'll be terrible yeah cool
Starting point is 00:58:55 X-Men 3 do you wanna know how long I'm gonna say worst movie ever well I'm not finished I've got a bunch of stuff that could
Starting point is 00:59:00 well this will probably build it right back up again for me well do you wanna talk oh no we'll come back to how he gets Professor X. Okay, yeah. But you know how long
Starting point is 00:59:07 Cyclops is in this movie for? Is it like 12 minutes? 4 minutes and 40 seconds. 4 minutes and 40 seconds. I overestimated by quite a lot. Yes. I mean,
Starting point is 00:59:16 he obviously went to these He's such a towering presence that it seemed like three times as long. Absolutely. Like, he left to do Superman Returns. But he's a massive player in the Phoenix saga.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yeah, absolutely. And not at all. It's another, again... I mean, I would say that's less of those involved's fault. Like, he left to do something else. But even if he was there, they would have given him fuck all to do it. Exactly, because they wanted...
Starting point is 00:59:39 Because Wolverine's the main character, essentially. They want to give him the love interest also. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know, Matthew Vaughn actually dropped out because he didn't have enough time to make it. He's like, I can't make this film is the main character essentially they want to give him the love interest also yeah exactly exactly you know Matthew Vaughn actually dropped out because he didn't have enough time to make it
Starting point is 00:59:48 he's like I can't make this film that I want to make because he had I think two years or less than two years but he had less time
Starting point is 00:59:54 to do the X-Men first class movie and he nailed that and he fucking nailed it so I reckon he really would have done something amazing with that movie
Starting point is 01:00:02 I think maybe it's just a passion issue. Like, maybe you don't want to do the second sequel in a series. You want to do a new thing. First Class is a new thing. And he did a new thing. Absolutely right.
Starting point is 01:00:13 And First Class, you can sort of redefine the universe. X-Men 3, you can't. You're stuck with the same toys. Absolutely. Bryan Singer, actually, when he dropped out, Hugh Jackman recommended Darren Aronofsky, who nearly did The Wolverine. Yeah, yeah. Actually, he would have been okay, I guess.
Starting point is 01:00:27 But Joss Whedon also turned it down to work on his Wonder Woman movie, which he was working on at the time. And I would have liked to have seen either of those movies. Absolutely, yeah. Rob Bowman was apparently approached. You know him? He did Elektra, Reign of Fire, X-Files. And he was approached.
Starting point is 01:00:43 He was approached. He didn't show up at the Fox lot and was like hey can I get some more movies? What are you guys up to? This would have
Starting point is 01:00:51 been after. And they just slowly closed the shutters and pretended they weren't home. I think he did Daredevil as well
Starting point is 01:00:56 didn't he? Probably. But when he was approached that would have been before Electra came out. Also Reign of
Starting point is 01:01:02 Fire is pretty awesome. I like Reign of Fire. X-Files movie is nothing. I don't remember. The first one was fine. I want to believe it's fine.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yeah. Clever. Alex Pai Projaz was approached. Did that from Dark City. Dark City, iRobot. He also did The Crow and Knowing with Nicolas Cage. Well, his star's taken a turn, hasn't it? Yeah, well, they were considered for the job, I should say.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I said approached, but apparently it says considered. Zack Snyder was approached, but he was committed to 300, and Peter Berg was approached, but he turned down the job. He's done stuff, hasn't he? Sure has. He did Battleship, and that was Taylor Kitsch's finest work. Now, the reason they hired Brett Ratner is because they said he had experience making a successful film out of a rushed production, as he did for Rush Hour. That's not a pun.
Starting point is 01:01:53 That is what... But it is how people get hired in Hollywood. That's exactly right. Mark Webb. Yeah. For example. For exams. In 2009, this is very interesting, Bryan Singer admitted that he regretted...
Starting point is 01:02:05 Bryan Singer directed The Wedding Singer. He admitted he regretted declining to direct this film in favour of Superman Returns. I also regret that. Confessing that he realised his mistake before I was watching the third X-Men film, during watching it, and after watching it. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:23 That's a real dig, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. So, yeah. I guess because he thought he was going to go away and make like the definitive Superman movie and he ballsed up Superman. Well, he made the definitively boring Superman movie. Ha ha!
Starting point is 01:02:36 It's okay, that movie, but it's not great. I know, I've said it before. You love Superman Returns. No. Remember when he returns, though? Oh, yeah, good point. I love that movie. Bolivar Trask actually appears in it as well.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Portrayed by... Any ideas? I can't remember. I think it's a black actor from Memora. Huh. So, yeah. So, no prize me out of that one, you jerk. Uh...
Starting point is 01:02:58 Mutation. Do you remember? Yeah, I was... Remember that time the partnership became black for a while? Oh, yeah. What? How did that happen, though? Was it an experiment?
Starting point is 01:03:09 No, he got... He was on the run, and I think his face had been cut to pieces by Jigsaw, who's his arch nemesis. Who's also... And then he went to a back alley plastic surgeon, and they're like, I'll fix you right up.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Oh, by the way way i made you black right and then like but he was black and then but he had like he didn't look like he wasn't frank castle but he was black yeah like he had like like african-american features like and hair yeah like really close cropped hair okay right and Right. But he had like... Like his face had been altered. Like to have more like classically African American kind of features. And then he went and he did like ghetto crime fighting for a while. This was the 70s, right? No, this was the 90s.
Starting point is 01:03:57 What? This was in the 90s. This was happening in the Punisher. Like when the Punisher was super popular. Anyway, the point is that he... Like they..., the story... Did he slang talk? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:04:10 That's a missed opportunity. That is a missed opportunity. But then, like, the storyline had to end because, you know, all great things had to end. So he had to become white again. But basically, so they just put in some lines about how this treatment was wearing off and so by the end like and then like they've got him the bad guys have got him cornered somewhere
Starting point is 01:04:30 and the last bit of the treatment wears off and then he just busts out as a white punisher again right but his face has been altered yeah he should like he should look like an albino black guy but he didn't he was just the punisher again it made no sense if he did go back should he have had a real messed up face again as well? Yeah, yeah. There are a lot of things wrong with that. I thought he was going to say, if he went back, would he ever go black?
Starting point is 01:04:49 Which doesn't make any sense. But yeah, let's not dwell. Everybody look that up. Everybody just Google that time the Punisher was black. There actually was a British version of the Punisher who was black, but he was an actual. See, that's all you need to do. You just got to swap him out.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yeah, yeah. That's bizarre. Anyway, yeah. I guess that was also at the time where, like, they were afraid to swap someone out for somebody else. Correct. Permanently. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:13 But then Winter Soldier proved that you could do that, I guess. One more piece of trivia, Mason. Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, and Vinnie Jones, they also acted together in Swordfish. Oh, they sure did, didn't they? I was just thinking about Swordfish today. Do you remember that was like when you'd get a VHS tape? Swordfish was like the trailer before for showing off the sweet features of a DVD. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Because there was that explosion scene in it. I don't know if you remember. And everything spins around. Everything spins around. And the movie opens with that. And then it again happens like, I don't know, an hour or something in. But Swordfish isn't good. John Travolta's best wig, though.
Starting point is 01:05:44 That's very true. Oh, it's a very sinister wig. That Swordfish isn't good. John Travolta's best wig, though. That's very true. It's a very sinister wig. That movie also is a film... John Travolta has an opening monologue at the start of Swordfish. I remember. Where he talks about the film Dog Day Afternoon. And it talks about how the media's effect
Starting point is 01:06:00 on violence and stuff like that. And it makes it out like it's going to be a much cleverer film than it actually is and then it's just a just a terrible film and then they fly a bus in a helicopter they do fly a bus in a helicopter yeah yeah that's not a good movie no well mason i hate to say oh actually one more thing before we move on how does he get professor x'd oh he gets he gets turned to dust. Just Phoenix explodes him. Definitively Professor X'd. He got as Professor X'd as you can.
Starting point is 01:06:32 As Jamie Kennedy might say, he got X'd. Is that what Jamie Kennedy says? I think he did. I think he used to say that, yeah. Great. But of course he does come back in the post-credits scene where he puts his mind into another guy's body or whatever. Which is apparently his brother or something? Yeah, his twin brother.
Starting point is 01:06:46 But it didn't look anything like him, right? Well, he didn't really say it properly, but he had a beard. Right. Oh, I see. Well, it'd have to be, because how else is he going to come back for the new one anyway? He looks exactly the same. Yeah. Also.
Starting point is 01:06:57 I think they're just going to gloss over it. They probably will. You're right. Yeah. Well, I reckon we'll get a bit of, there's no time. Now go back and time travel where there's plenty of time now most of i i hate to do this but i think we should do the remaining three x-men movies just x-men wolverine origins the wolverine and first class not in that order we'll
Starting point is 01:07:19 do that next week i think okay because it's already we're already well over an hour okay let's not well over we're a little bit over it so next week we'll do Godzilla and we'll do those last three X-Men movies all together
Starting point is 01:07:29 now great that was an Australian show alright do you remember that one no
Starting point is 01:07:34 all together now oh yeah I do remember that yeah don't look it up anyway nobody look it up
Starting point is 01:07:38 I've got all this sweet trivia though I'll just have to save it for next week save it for next week yeah alright well Mason
Starting point is 01:07:42 before we go of course we've got a very famous segment we have to do what before we go of course we've got a very famous segment we have to do what are we reading what are we going to read yeah theme song
Starting point is 01:07:51 I'm doing the theme what are we reading today great theme song great theme song now Mason Michael Little wrote in He reads a lot of comics and what not
Starting point is 01:08:07 In particular non-superhero comics Somebody eventually is going to write in and say Hey Mason do you never actually think of something you were going to read? And just have to sort of You've already recommended Black Punisher Oh yeah that's a good one Guys read Black Punisher Guys read That Time The Punisher Was Black
Starting point is 01:08:24 I don't know how many issues it was it was sometime in the 90s I hope it was called That Time the Punisher was Black that would be the best
Starting point is 01:08:31 well Michael Little wants to know if you're going to start reading comic books superhero ones in particular where do you start and I picked an X-Men one to start with
Starting point is 01:08:41 because this is an X-Men themed episode but just quickly before I get into that if you're going to read a Superman one read Superman Birthright I would say first
Starting point is 01:08:48 that is good it's a good origin one are you saying read something that's now out of continuity absolutely it's a good origin story it's a standalone thing
Starting point is 01:08:55 you don't need to know anything else oh this is somebody who's never read comics before if you're trying to introduce some comics yeah
Starting point is 01:08:59 I'm trying to think what else which Batman would you introduce I'd say year one and then Long Halloween and then... What's the one after that? Dark Victory. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:09 That's... Yeah, good. Year One would be an excellent choice. I think the very first Grant Morrison Justice League. Absolutely. Four issues. That one's really good. Also, all the new 52 stuff is pretty much...
Starting point is 01:09:21 It's a good jumping off point. You could easily pick up the new Batman. Yeah, yeah. A lot of people will be like oh you should give somebody wants to read comic books superheroes give them Watchmen
Starting point is 01:09:30 don't give them Watchmen no that's a bad idea no it's great it's great it's amazing but it's a deconstruction
Starting point is 01:09:35 of the superhero genre and if you don't know what the superhero genre is about then it won't make any sense absolutely really good point also you should read
Starting point is 01:09:42 Batman vs Predator read Batman vs Predator you laugh but it's amazing it is amazing just the first one though yeah Absolutely. Really good point. Also, you should read Batman vs. Predator. Read Batman vs. Predator. You laugh, but it's amazing. It is amazing. Just the first one, though. Yeah, absolutely. What about Superman vs. Aliens? Don't read that one.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Not good. No. Not good. Iron Man Extremis. That's a good one. It was really good. You could probably read Wolverine. I really like Old Man Logan.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yeah. Because if you know anything about the Avengers, if you've seen the movies, you can follow along Old Man Logan. I guess that's true, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And if you've seen the X-Men movies. Logan. Yeah. Because if you know anything about the Avengers, if you've seen the movies, you can follow along Old Man Logan. I guess that's true, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And if you've seen the X-Men movies. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:08 But the X-Men book I want to read in particular, you got me onto this actually. I didn't read a lot of X-Men, but you... This sounds like something that I don't remember, but go ahead. You gave me a copy of Astonishing X-Men Volume 1, Gifted, that Joss Whedon wrote. It won awards and whatever at the time.
Starting point is 01:10:23 It's from like 2003 or something like that. And it's basically, it's about the mutant cure, which is part of the X-Men 3 movie. And it's a return of a long lost character in the book. And it's a, without spoiling anything or whatever, it's a terrific read. And it's also a great introduction. It's kind of, it's kind of, it's not a reboot,
Starting point is 01:10:40 but it's kind of a refreshed kind of take on the X-Men franchise. And they say, according to Wikipedia, that it is the best X-Men story for like 10 years prior to that. You've read that one, obviously. I'm glad I recommended it to you. So yeah, read X-Men Volume 1 Gifted and then Volumes 2, 3 and 4. I can't remember the names of them off the top of my head.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Afterwards, they're all really, really good. More gifted. Heaps more gifted. Too gifted, too furious. Yeah. You got any X-Men to recommend in particular? the top of my head afterwards they're all really really good more gifted heaps more gifted too gifted too furious yeah you got any X-Men to recommend
Starting point is 01:11:08 in particular I think you should read some of the old Chris Claremont X-Men ones from the 80s just to see how it was done
Starting point is 01:11:17 back in the day you don't remember bearing in mind at the time great just that's all you're going to say not so much it was very much the era of explaining your powers as you use them
Starting point is 01:11:30 there was a lot of thought bubbles I do vividly there you go now Mason I just want to give a as we move on from what are we going to read I invented this segment I can never get it right
Starting point is 01:11:44 Kevin Eerley I always get his name wrong um you remember him and eddie were involved in the feud i do remember that future he is sent in a letter stepping down wow from the competition wow he actually he sent a letter wait is it a letter or is it a passive aggressive letter like hey if you want to keep this little thing going not at all it's quite amusing because he wrote in and I initially took his first email for those who don't know
Starting point is 01:12:08 what we're talking about oh yeah sorry we've released a couple of audio commentaries for various two films so far yes
Starting point is 01:12:16 there you go give those a listen X-Men wait sorry we're going to do that one yeah we're going to do X-Men First Class
Starting point is 01:12:22 yeah we'll do it this week so hopefully we'll get that up this week yeah so we did Captain America First Avenger and we did Amazing Spider-Man. Yes. And basically, two of our listeners have decided at some point to feud over how much to pay for those episodes. Yes, absolutely. Bearing in mind you can get them for free. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:12:40 You definitely can. Because remember, Eddie kept saying for him to eat a bag of dicks and such. There's a lot of that going on. Anyway, he wrote an email and it was a very funny email, but I took it as, because I remember I read it at work and my guys kind of skimmed over it. And I took it as, oh, I've insulted this guy who's donated, which wasn't the case at all. And so then he wrote back, he goes, oh, no, whatever. Don't take offense. And now I feel like an idiot because I completely misread that. But he goes, oh no, whatever, don't take offense.
Starting point is 01:13:05 And now I feel like an idiot because I completely misread that. But he did release this statement, Mason. Are you ready? Okay, here we go. Dear Weekly Planet, I would like to take this opportunity. Oh, this is from Kevin Eerley. Just Eerley. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:13:16 This is from Kevin Eerley. Dear Weekly Planet, I would like to take this opportunity with great weight in my heart to admit defeat to Eddie. Oh, wow. When I undertook this campaign that I had no idea I was in, of being the best, I trained night and day. I didn't go to work. I spent every waking hour obsessing over how I could be the best,
Starting point is 01:13:35 and with great regret, I lost. It is a little humbling to put everything you have into something, only to realize that you just aren't good enough. Little did I know I would come up against such a valiant competitor as Eddie, a man with skills above any other, with an apparent unending supply of dicks at his disposal, in which to prove his superiority. I had a dream that unfortunately has been crushed under the heel of a man
Starting point is 01:13:56 who in many ways is just like Santa Claus, going from home to home with a sack over his shoulder, except in his case, his sack is filled with dicks instead of toys for kids. So exactly the same, but different. I would like to apologise to my parents for failing them as well as the listeners
Starting point is 01:14:10 of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of Good plug. Ultimately, I blame Mason. Yeah, that's fair. Look, I...
Starting point is 01:14:18 Well said. I think, you know, with that message of contrition, in many ways, Kevin is the winner. I mean, he's not, obviously. Eddie's the winner because of all the money.
Starting point is 01:14:29 But, you know. I'd like to take this opportunity to say, I know, what a brilliant letter, to thank both Kevin and Eddie. Absolutely. And everybody who paid for the audio commentaries
Starting point is 01:14:38 or just listen to them. Yeah. I hope you guys can be best friends. We'll listen to this. We'll talk to me in real life. There's one more thing i'm going to mention based on jonathan boozer yeah the booze the booze great bloke we've talked about him before he transferred us 150 dollars what that's insane so i guess he's the winner oh there's no competition
Starting point is 01:14:57 i just want to make this clear there's not please don't try to keep bettering each other but i just want to say what a legend he even prompted me because every time somebody sends me a big donation I like email them like is this a mistake yeah have you put the decimal place in the wrong spot did you mean to
Starting point is 01:15:11 donate 15 cents so I um before he could he emailed me and he goes no this is a mistake don't worry about it so what a legend
Starting point is 01:15:19 wow fantastic really appreciate it yeah amazing who knows what rivalry he'll get into Mason I hope it's with a gang yeah um Mason one more thing I'm ready this is a letter Wow, fantastic. Really appreciate it. Yeah, amazing. Who knows what rivalry he'll get into, Mason. I hope it's with a gang. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Mason, one more thing. I'm ready. This is a letter from... Hang on, I've got to find the name, because I have made a mistake. Mistakes are free. Also, I appreciate that he sent that donation and he didn't require that you call me a dickhead or something like that,
Starting point is 01:15:41 which is usually what most people require when they donate. So, fantastic. Rafael Gonzalez. So, fantastic. Rafael Gonzalez. Hi, guys. Big fan and have been listening since the beginning. So, he's been through that wild ride of varying audio quality since day one. My wife just gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Love it.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Wow. Congratulations. That's the second official baby of, Mason. Wow. Congratulations. You call it? Yeah, absolutely. We've named her...
Starting point is 01:16:07 I can't really claim this baby for that, can I? It's a bit presumptuous, but yeah. Do it anyway. We've named her Catherine... Catherine... Give me the... It's a lame name. Go for it.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Read it. Yeah, Catherine Christopher. Yeah. Wow, okay. In honour of my favorite Superman Christopher Reeve is the best that is amazing I know right would love a
Starting point is 01:16:29 shout out to my wife and I and a newest comic book movie fan shout out and as a native New Yorker I love your NYC accents forget about it he's written lol here I think maybe he's
Starting point is 01:16:40 being sarcastic but I'm taking it as genuine absolutely what a legend so Mason it's been it's been a what a but I'm taking it as genuine. Absolutely. What a legend. So, Mason, it's been what a week. I'm sorry we didn't get through all the X-Men movies. I realised going through this that this was going to take up many hours. And people don't need that.
Starting point is 01:16:56 They've got stuff to do. So, yeah, as I said, next week, Godzilla. We're going to see it this week. Reviews are coming in. Do you want to hear what they're saying so far? Are they saying mediocre? They're saying it's okay. Great. They're saying not enough Godzilla. We're going to see it this week. Reviews are coming in. Do you want to hear what they're saying so far? Are they saying mediocre? They're saying it's okay. Great.
Starting point is 01:17:06 They're saying not enough Godzilla. Uh-huh. So people are never going to be happy. Are they saying too much Bryan Cranston? No one has ever said that. Correct. Yeah. Not even Bryan Cranston.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Maybe his wife, if you know what I mean. A little too much Bryan Cranston. So yeah, they're like, there's too much emphasis on human characters or whatever. There probably is, I guess. I don't know. Well, we'll find out this week. They've got to strike that balance. Because realistically...
Starting point is 01:17:30 There are no giant lizards. Well, that's true. I mean, we want just two hours of a giant lizard destroying the city. Or do we? That's right. Exactly. Some people said there were too many fights in Pacific Rim. Some would say we'll never be happy with a Godzilla film.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Well, he is too fat. He is pretty fat. As the Japanese have said. Yeah, yeah. So I guess that's the show for this week, Mason. Fantastic. Anything you want to plug before you go? No.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Do I ever have anything to plug? Yeah, you know. You're like, you've got a thing on. You're a bad... No, this week I don't have any things on. Cool. Find me on Twitter at WikipediaBrown. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:18:04 At reply at me. And I will at reply at you. Ask him all sorts of questions. Yeah, please do. Questions you could easily look up on the internet. But instead direct them at Mason. At me, please. I'll put a delightful spin on them in 140 characters or less.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Absolutely. I'm not good at Twitter. You're pretty good at Twitter. I don't feel I'm good at it. You've mastered it. Well done. Thank you. You can find me at MrSundayMovies on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube now.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Yeah. And you can find us both at Weekly Planet Pod on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter also. We've got so many social media contact details. You know it. Come subscribe to the YouTube channel if you want to. We should. Pinterest? What happens on that?
Starting point is 01:18:42 You just pin things. Like? Voodoo dolls. Yeah. It's a voodoo doll based social media. And like frogs that you just pin things like voodoo dolls yeah it's a voodoo doll based social media and like frogs that you're dissecting
Starting point is 01:18:49 yeah absolutely all those things great well Mason have a good week toads so we were talking about toads
Starting point is 01:18:56 good work great well done you looking forward to X-Men this week yes it's going to be great we're going to meet
Starting point is 01:19:01 Hugh Jackman we're not remind me it's going to happen because I'll forget okay okay fantastic I'll shoot you an e- me it's gonna happen because I'll forget okay okay fantastic I'll shoot you a e-vite
Starting point is 01:19:07 okay maybe this one I'll pin interest you thank you maybe maybe this will be the one where I pretend that I haven't that I've seen it
Starting point is 01:19:14 but I actually haven't seen it despite the fact that I'll be sitting next to you in the cinema like you'll turn around and I'll just be like I'll just be some blankets and pillows tied together
Starting point is 01:19:22 I would love that. All right. Thanks, guys. Thanks, guys. Bye. FX is the Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret.
Starting point is 01:19:42 The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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