The Weekly Planet - 340 Best Starter Comics (DC Edition)

Episode Date: June 22, 2020

Fundraiser for Keith's family: for a bonus weekly show, a monthly commentary, early stuff and an ad free podcast feed for $9 per month.Sad news this... week with the death of family man Keith Blocker and veteran actor Ian Holm. There's also news relating to Star Wars Celebration, Star Wars Squadrons, a tease for the Justice League Snyder Cut, DC Fandome at home plus the best DC comics to get you started. Thanks for listening!00:00 The Start01:34 RIP Keith C Blocker03:06 RIP Ian Holm09:00 Star Wars Celebration Cancelled11:07 Star Wars: Squadrons16:30 Justice League Snyder Cut Teaser18:51 DC Fandome27:37 The Best DC Starter Comics01:02:50 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:12:59 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter â–º's Twitter â–º â–º Itunes â–º Direct Download â–º YouTube Channel â–º Affiliate Link â–º â–º Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:55 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host. A baby. Yeah, a baby sitting right here. You didn't even notice you were here for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Then you're like, oh, you've got a baby in here. That's right. I'm sitting on it. That's how good I am at parenting, Mason. You don't even know when I'm trying to hatch a baby. That's what you do, right? That's what you said on a baby. That's exactly what you do. Yeah. Okay. Welcome everybody to the podcast. It's a, if you notice we've got some more, more dulcet tones, it's because we're currently mindful of the baby who's sleeping. And what'll happen is the volume levels will slowly rise throughout the episode and we'll start doing some yelling. That's right, exactly. The baby will wake up and then your wife will wake up
Starting point is 00:01:53 and yell at us, which is bad for the baby, if you ask me. I agree. And Claire should really be more mindful of podcasting. Yes. But if you do like yelling, never fear because we did record some segments earlier in the week. That's right. Presumably the volume went way up.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It's going to go crazy. It's going to go crazy. You're not going to be ready for it. If you're one of those people who has to do a thing where you have to keep your hands free at all times and you can't adjust the volume, be ready. The volume's going to be just, it's going to be, we call it dynamic in the biz. Yeah. It's going to be some dynamic audio.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It's dynamic in the sense it's going to blow one of your eardrums out. Exactly right, yes. That's dynamic, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a bit of sad news up top. This comes to us from a listener of the show, Ted Sullivan, who's actually a writer. He's worked on Star Trek Discovery, Supergirl, Riverdale.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Oh, that's right. Yeah. Anyway, he's had a friend by the name of Keith C. Blocker. I'm just going to read a little bit about him and his situation. But on Saturday, June 13th, we lost a good man far too soon. Keith C. Blocker was a husband, father, a son, a brother, a friend, a teacher, and a leader. He was a man of deep faith who epitomized love, grace, tolerance,
Starting point is 00:02:56 and patience, and he spent a lifetime fighting the painful effects of sickle cell disease. Yeah. He was an unrepentant film nerd who could mimic Ben-Hur perfectly before effortlessly switching to Greedo in the cantina in Flawless Huttese. Oh my goodness. I know. Keith exemplified the best of both humanity and religion, leading without ego, helping
Starting point is 00:03:15 without agendas, loving without conditions, and always, always giving to others more than he took for himself. And after a lifetime of pain, a sickle cell attack finally ended his life. And now Keith's family needs our help. We are raising money to help Beth and Hayden Blocker. Like he helped countless others, both strangers and loved ones. If you knew him, you knew what a loss this is to the world. If you didn't, the smile you see in the pictures are truly the window into his beautiful soul.
Starting point is 00:03:38 So what there is, there's actually a donation button that I've linked below that if you want to help out Keith's family. Oh, very nice. Thanks, guys. Yeah, he's left them behind, obviously, in a situation that would definitely be in need of some help. If you could contribute, that would be terrific. Obviously, you don't have to because the world is horrible.
Starting point is 00:03:54 But, yeah, just thought we'd bring that to people's attention. And thanks to Ted for bringing that to our attention also. Thank you. We can help out in some small way. And speaking of sad news. Oh, James. I know. Is this the last bit of sad news.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Depends. Do you think DC is sad news? DC movies? Snyder Cut, Mason? Got them. Got them, didn't I? Preemptively got them. I'm looking forward to the emails.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Ian Holm, who people might know, star of Alien, Fifth Element, Lord of the Rings, Garden State. The last role he did was in 2014. He reprised his role as Bilbo Baggins for The Hobbit, for some bookend stuff uh but he died at age 88 uh related to to parkinson's that's a shame in crime in incredible innings incredible performances in all of these different projects but yeah it's interesting that you know he's had he's had a defining role in so many like generations yeah like everybody knows him from alien and and like a younger generation is like the hobbit of course
Starting point is 00:04:44 i think you're gonna say fifth element but that's not on a younger generation is like The Hobbit, of course. I thought you were going to say Fifth Element, but that's not on the younger generation anymore, is it? It's us. I had a moment of self-reflection. I'm like, yeah, you know, like young people love The Fifth Element. That Luc Besson film from like the mid-90s or whenever it came out. 97, I want to say. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:05:01 It's a good movie, right? When I was a kid, you know, currently. Yeah, sure. I thought you were going to tell a story. It is a good movie, right? When I was a kid, you know, currently. Yeah, sure. I thought you were going to tell a story. It is a good movie. Yeah, absolutely. It's interesting. It was brought to my attention this week by our friends over at The Planet Broadcasting, great mates, Facebook group.
Starting point is 00:05:12 It's one of the rare movies where the protagonist and the villain never meet. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. I mean, spoiler alert for that 23-year-old movie. That there's a hero and a villain? Yeah. It's quite an odd film, isn't it? It's very odd, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah, but in a good way. Maybe Luc Besson's best? Yes. I quite like Summer Valerian, if you've seen Summer Valerian. I have seen all of Valerian, yes. Yeah. Do you like Summer? I like it as a concept, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, I think there's some really good stuff in there. Can we talk about Valerian on the show? I think we watched it at different times. Yeah, maybe, yeah. But also it doesn't star Ian Holm. Yeah. Let's just cap that off. I'd like to see another one, but we'll get to that.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Sure. Because in the comic books, in the original comic books, they're space and time cops. Yes, okay, right. In the movie they're just space cops. Are they French or is it a manga? They're French. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:59 They are French, yes. No, it's a French source material, I'm saying. Yes, that's exactly right. Okay, all right, gotcha. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because Cara Delevingne, who is in that movie. Yeah. Her character in the comic books is like a 10th century scullery maid.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Oh, okay. And the time cops, like, she discovered that she encountered some time cops and they're like, should we kill her? No, we should probably bring her into the future and make her a time cop. Give her guns and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:06:21 So the worldwide total was 225 million. Just talking of Val, yeah. Yeah, okay, cool. So the worldwide total was $225 million, just talking of Valerian. Yeah. But it cost $177 to $205 million. So, yeah, a big, massive bomb. But there's a moment in that movie, if we're talking Ian Holm, which he's not in it. Yeah, we've lost the thread a little bit quite early, yes.
Starting point is 00:06:42 But there's a moment where there's a gut, there's like a shootout in between dimensions where he's in an empty, just a big like sand flat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But also he's partially in another dimension. Where there's like a market bazaar situation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a really clever idea. I think it's, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's not all great, but there's moments like that. But like there's some really solid ideas. It's definitely worth a watch. And it's like on Netflix and stuff now. Yeah, exactly. Oh, no, it's not now because we mentioned it. We did. That's too late.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Also, Cara Delevingne's character, Loreline, invented the name Loreline. Is that true? Yeah. Cara Delevingne invented the name Loreline. No, her character's name is Loreline and Valerian and Loreline is the name of the company. They invented the name Loreline.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I wonder if Cara Delevingne invented the name Cara Delevingne. I wonder if there was another Cara Delevingne before her. That's something to think about. I mean, even if that were true, if there were no Cara Delevingnes before her, I don't think she gave herself her own name. Okay, fair enough. James, have you left your child with no name? Are you expecting your child? Is this why we never mention your kids' names on the podcast? Because you haven't given them names? They'll figure it out when they're ready. Okay, well. You got a problem with that? You got a problem with that? No, I'm not a parent. I can't judge. I can't
Starting point is 00:07:43 judge your weird naming conventions, all right? Good Lord. How long into a name do you think you can change your name? How do you mean? Because there's definitely been some times where I'm like, I wonder if I just change their names. Oh, you mean your kids? I thought you meant to change your own name.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Oh, no, you can change your own name whenever. Oh, you're thinking how? Until when people jump on board, I mean. Because, you know, can I do it when they're like six? No, because I think your kid would be so used to responding to the original name. They'd be like, Dad, that's not why you. That would mess them up.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Yeah, it probably would. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I'm just saying as an experiment you could do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. I'm sure people have done it for various reasons. Yeah, right. Crimes, probably. Definitely crimes, yeah. Probably the state. I'm sure people have done it for various reasons. Yeah, right. Crimes, probably. Definitely crimes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Probably the state has probably renamed some kids sometimes. You know, sometimes somebody will be like, my kid's name's Adolf Hitler Smith, and you're like, why did you do that? Why did you do that? What's wrong with you? Yeah. Anyway, Ian Holm. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Apparently a very nice man, put in some terrific performances. As you said, multiple generations and decades of really solid, terrific work. 88, you know, it's pretty good innings. I was kind of, I sort of had wondered what had happened to him, you know, because we hadn't seen him in a few years. That's true. But, yeah, because I remember him looking pretty frail in The Hobbit because I think the plan was initially that he was going to reprise the role
Starting point is 00:08:57 because there was a flashback in Lord of the Rings where he's eaten whole. Oh, as in the entire movie would be him, right? Yeah, but I think they'd left it too long and he got too old because Bilbo's supposed to be like a bit older in the books, I believe. He's supposed to be like 60 or 70, isn't he? Because he's 111. He's 111 in the movie.
Starting point is 00:09:12 In the start of Lord of the Rings. Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah, because the ring made him live longer. And he's like, this is cool. But he's also like, I think this is fucking me up actually. For real. Just between us. At his 111st birthday party, he's just bringing people in.
Starting point is 00:09:27 But he tells everybody. Over the course of the night, he just brings people in. Listen, listen. Just fuck me up. I mean, I got to live. I'm not sure how long hobbits live. I think if you live that long. That's too long?
Starting point is 00:09:40 Because they catch it, see him later when he's lost the ring. Yeah, yeah. And he looks terrible. There's a dramatic. See, guys, I told you. I told you. I mean, I looked great earlier, but on the inside. Just a mess in here.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Just a disaster. Star Wars news. Oh. Do you want the good news? Yes. Star Wars Celebration has been cancelled. James, just. Is that what you wanted?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Well, I was going to say, I mean, generally speaking, I exclusively want good news. I'm not sure why I would want bad news just generally. So we can riff on it. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Don't you love riffing on stuff? Yeah, I know that's true. I do.
Starting point is 00:10:13 There we go. There he is. Okay, so Star Wars Celebration has been cancelled. Yeah. When was this going to happen? I was supposed to happen this year. Oh, this year. Yeah, I love Star Wars Celebration.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I just made a joke then about a big... Oh, that's the riffing we were talking about. The riffing we do. The fun this year. Yeah, I love Star Wars Celebration. I just – I made a joke then about Big – Oh, that's the riffing we were talking about. The riffing we do. The fun riffing. Okay, right. It's a classic example of it. I thought we were just going to be riffing on bad news. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:32 We can riff anywhere. That's the thing about riffing. Oh, my goodness. It can go – it can happen at anywhere, anytime. You could do it in the middle of talking about Ian Holm's career. James, you could have told me this hundreds of episodes ago. I really would have shifted up a gear. That was just serious analysis of Ian Holmes' acting career.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. That whole bit. With the Valerian bit in the middle. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. But now I know I can get Lucy Goose.
Starting point is 00:10:57 He's going to go wild. Buck wild. Is that a porn star? I feel like I probably just said a porn star's name by accident. The people are like, you a fan? I don't know who he is. Should I Google it? Let's both Google it.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Okay. I feel like that's not... I'm putting on my VPN. You got to do it. I'm going to do it. No, it's like the name of a bunch of stuff. Yeah. But there would be a porn star.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I don't know. Is it too generic? I don't know. Do porn stars have those? I just assume porn stars just had regular names these days. That feels like a name in the 80s. Yeah. Well, that's what I'm talking know. Do porn stars have those? I just assume porn stars just had regular names these days. That feels like a name in the 80s. Yeah. Well, that's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Anyway, what are we doing? I don't know. Let's reel the riffing back in. I think we've gone too far off the leash. Too far. So Star Wars Celebration was supposed to be this year. Obviously, they're not doing big events for the most part. So the idea is that people thought, oh, maybe they'll go digital,
Starting point is 00:11:42 like they'll go online, which is one we're going to talk about a bit later, but no. So it's going to be 2022 because they do Disney Expo every second year. So we will get announcements of stuff and trailers because there's another season of Mandalorian coming up. There's some other shows that will probably just be announced through their YouTube channel and social media networks and such. So there you go. But what we did get, and I was hoping you saw this because I forgot
Starting point is 00:12:03 to ask for the show, Star Wars Squadrons. We got gameplay footage. I did see a little bit of gameplay footage. Yeah So there you go. But what we did get, and I was hoping you saw this because I forgot to ask for the show, Star Wars Squadrons, we got gameplay footage. I did see a little bit of gameplay footage. Yeah, there we go. You can be in an X-Wing. You can be in a Y-Wing. What else can you ban? A-Wing. What else can you ban?
Starting point is 00:12:15 TIE Fighter. What else can you ban? TIE Bomber? Yeah, what else can you ban? TIE Interceptor. Yeah, what else can you ban? A lot of trouble if you don't know the names of all the bloody ships in the game there's like a u-wing and some other stuff i like the u-wing that's the one they introduced in rogue
Starting point is 00:12:30 one oh yeah i really like that ship but i mean it's a transport ship so it doesn't make any sense but what they've done it's like it stocks you up in battle it's like you need more shields catch it doesn't matter how star wars works you can can just throw shields from one ship to the other. So we haven't had a flight sim Star Wars game since, like, there was the Rogue Squadron games. Yeah, right. Properly, like, where you're doing the shielding and everything since the X-Wing and TIE Fighter games from the 90s. I saw some footage of this.
Starting point is 00:12:57 There's a story mode. Is there going to be a massively multiplier situation? It's a 5v5 online. Okay. But you're part of like bigger scenarios, I assume. Yeah, right. And there's also like a six to eight hour campaign. I might have made that up.
Starting point is 00:13:12 There's a shortish campaign because it's only 40 hours. In the style of, what was the last thing? What was the one where you were in like, you played in with the Imperials and you were in like Congress or something? Oh, Battlefront 2, yeah. Yeah, that's right. That was pretty disappointing. But yeah, I mean, it got better from, I didn't really love the,
Starting point is 00:13:28 I liked the story but I didn't love the gameplay and I didn't like the microtransactions. Spitfire Squadron, what were they called? Something like that. It's not that. Inferno Squadron. Inferno, there we go. Yeah, but then they really fixed the multiplayer
Starting point is 00:13:39 and they took out a bunch of the bad stuff and people loved that. What were you going to say? They fixed the multiplayer. They took out a lot of the multiplayer. Yeah. So it just became a single player game. Yeah, it's just one man running around an empty map. Being like, I won, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Nice. I mean, I'm alone, so I've got no one to share this with. There's just a really bad vector graphic of like, you win just in the sky. And you just run around, you run around, you shoot a gun, and then you look up and you're like, oh, I did it again. I used to do that, you know, the Jedi Knight games, Jedi Knight 2. I used to go online to try and find anybody who could play that game
Starting point is 00:14:11 and I never encountered another human being on it. So I used to go into multiplayer maps and just wait just for me. Did you – what's the circumstance of this? Did you get Jedi Knight 2 years after it was a thing or – No, I don't think – maybe – yeah, no, not years after. It was like in the mid to late 90s whenever that game came out. Everybody was just dialing up. Everyone was playing Doom 2 and Quake.
Starting point is 00:14:31 What was happening is you were just in there, you were waiting, you were waiting, and then when somebody finally got in, your mum would have picked up the phone. Yeah, that's right, yeah. And then you were out. I've got to ring your grandma to yell at her. I know, Mum. I know.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah, so there you go. Star Wars news all in all. But there'll be more stuff Star Wars coming. I mean, it looks great. You going to get it? Maybe. You can do stuff like, apparently, like the skills are really easy to kind of pick up but hard to master.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And you can shift things like, like if you're going, if you've got people behind you, you can shift all the shielding to the back or put all the power to the lasers and all that kind of stuff. All that X-Wing type of stuff. I reckon I'd put the shielding to the back or put all the power to the lasers and all that kind of stuff. All that X-Wing type stuff. I reckon I'd put the shields all around me and then heaps of power to the lasers. Yeah. Just have it all.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Just an impenetrable level of shields and a very powerful laser. You could even build like a bigger ship around you. It's like a shell. I'd take that as well. Yeah, yeah. Maybe just make my ship like laser-proof. Yeah. Are you worried that other people might do that though
Starting point is 00:15:24 or do you think you're the only one who would think of it? I'm the only one who would think of it. So it's pretty cool, right? That is pretty cool. Also, customisable ships and characters. That's what I'm talking about. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:32 And I would also maybe make the character that I'm playing maybe invulnerable in space. Yeah, okay. So even if somehow I was shot out of the spaceship, I could just swim through space and just shoot down all the other ships. You could give yourself superpowers, I guess. Superpowers, exactly. You could be like Superman. Yeah, like Superman, yeah. just shoot down all the other ships. You could give yourself superpowers, I guess. Superpowers, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:45 You could be like Superman. Yeah, like Superman. Yeah. That's a great idea. Yeah. And then somebody would shoot me and I'd be like, I mean, good luck and everything, but I've got powers like Superman. Do you want Collings to edit this out so people don't see you coming?
Starting point is 00:15:56 No. They're just like, there's a man flying around like Superman. I want him to see me coming. Put the fear of God in him, you know? Sure. Yeah. It's funny because with the recent Star the fear of God in them, you know? Sure. Yeah. It's funny because with the recent Star Wars materials, games in particular, they've been really focused
Starting point is 00:16:10 on not customising stuff because it breaks the flow of the universe or whatever. But then we got Jedi Fallen Order and then we got so many customisable ponchos. We got so many collectibles. But that doesn't affect the overall story. It's true, it doesn't. I'm talking about things like you can choose your character
Starting point is 00:16:24 and pick the type of alien or person they are. Greedo. Like a Greedo. But with Superman's powers. Nobody would see that coming. Exactly. Just fly through the Millennium Falcon. Shoot first, don't care.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It doesn't matter. You know why? Blaster proof. Yeah. Got Superman's powers. Why is he alive? It doesn't matter. The one thing that brings to mind,
Starting point is 00:16:43 the one thing that you remember when you see a game like this again is that a lot of Star Wars spaceships do not have good viewing areas. Oh, right. If you're in a TIE bomber or something like that, it's just that you're viewing areas. It's just filled with struts and window frames and then an enormous targeting computer that covers the bottom third of the screen. And it's like, what?
Starting point is 00:17:07 This is bad. And no side windows maybe? Sometimes you've got no side windows. But I know it's also, we're not a video game podcast, but also if you can play in VR so you can look around, which is really cool. But it doesn't matter if you're in a box. So, you know, there you go. So that's something, isn't it? Did you see the Justice League Snyder Cut teaser trailer?
Starting point is 00:17:29 I did. It was Dinah Prince. Yes. And she's like, who painted this and what is it? It's Darkseid. Oh, he painted that? He painted it himself. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:38 He's a very vain man. What are your thoughts on self-portraits? Do you think it's a- Yes. Do you think you should branch out and do other things? What if you met somebody and they exclusively did self-portraits? Do you think it's a – Yes. Do you think you should branch out and do other things? What if you met somebody and they exclusively did self-portraits? I think you can do a couple now and then. You do your Van Gogh.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Your Van Gogh, that's okay. That would be fascinating if somebody exclusively did self-portraits. There's got to be an art. Have you seen that guy? There's a guy, I think he's like Edwardian era or something like that, and it looks like a modern-day joke that somebody's done. But it's like this – I think Eduardo de Niro guy, he's wearing breeches and a hat and a vest and a silken ruff or whatever
Starting point is 00:18:13 and he's being like, hey, and he's doing finger guns and stuff. And it's real. It's real. He's a real guy. He's a real artist from this era who is just like, I don't like doing this. Yeah, this serious stuff. Yeah, yeah. I don't want to hold. Yeah, the serious stuff. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I want to hold a bowl of fruit and look stern. How would I Google this? I'm going to write in Fingerguns Renaissance Man and see what happens. Yeah, lunatic. Anyway, I'd be fascinated by that. Yeah. So that's our first kind of moving look, though, at the Justice League cut, which we're going to see a lot more of very soon,
Starting point is 00:18:45 which I'll talk about in a minute, but I just want to wait till you find this picture. Okay. His name is Joseph de Croix, French noble portrait painter, pastelist, miniaturist, and engraver, who was a successful portraitist at the court of Louis XVI of France, so like 18th century. So he's one of those dudes who you say he got into the court.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah, yeah. His less formal portraits reflect his fascination with physiognomy and show an interest in expanding the range of facial expressions beyond those of conventional portraiture. James, you ready for this? Yeah. I have seen that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Real guy. It looks like the dude from, how did this get made? Paul Scheer. Yeah, it does, yeah. Like a much worse version of Paul Scheer. Sure. Yeah. Probably with pleurisy of Paul Scheer. Sure. Yeah. Probably with, with pleurisy or, or, or syphilis or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I was going to say all the bends, which is the thing also, but he probably didn't have that. Did he? He's doing some yawns. He's doing a bit of a shush. Oh my God. Good stuff. This guy was well ahead of his time.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I know, right? Anyway, I love all forms of self-expression. Oh, here we go. Cause we've got some more. Except podcasting. But they did announce you'll love this DC Fandome. Oh, yeah, I get it. In lieu of their Comic-Con appearances and kicking the table that you're sitting at.
Starting point is 00:19:55 That was to just punctuate how excited I am for the thing you've just said, Fandome. So what they announced, it's coming August 22nd, so it's a couple of months out. They're going to be talking about movies, TV, games, and comics. Here's some of the things that they're going to be covering. The Batman, The Suicide Squad, Shazam, Black Adam, Wonder Woman 84, Stargirl, Legends of Tomorrow. I left the W off in the end. Tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Tomorrow? Doesn't matter. The Flash, Harley Quinn, Teen Titans Go, Doom Patrol, Lucifer, Rocksteady. They said video games, so I imagine Rocksteady and Warner Brothers' new games. Oh, hello. See that? See, you know what? A lot of this stuff, I'm like, fine, fine, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Let's keep it moving. Yeah. New Rocksteady game. Well, it's also, and WB Montreal, who did Origins, which I'd be really interested to see as well. And there could be some other DC games that we don't know about. They should face them off against each other. They should be like, we're doing a new Superman game.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Both of these developers are making it. I would love that. Then we get a good one. There were two Terminator Rise of the Machine games. Can't we get two of these? That is true. I'd love a Superman game. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Just one. Okay. All right. But here's the thing. Rings or no rings? Rings. You've got to put them in. He's got to fly through rings or no rings oh rings you gotta put a man he's got to fly through rings yeah at some point it's like a clever little nod like with spider man that game you had to get a balloon at some point okay should it be set in the real world
Starting point is 00:21:13 or a virtual virtual world because then you can dampen his powers right down exactly then he can fly those through those rings yeah that's right if he dares have you tried that game yes it's excruciating it's one of those ones that's as bad as everyone says it is. I borrowed it, I remember, in the 90s because I'm like, I just have to play it because it's Superman. And I did end up getting past the rings, but I just got stuck in a wall or something in the game. Oh, I assume it was all rings.
Starting point is 00:21:38 No, no, there's like indoor stuff. Because I never got further than. Yeah, no, there's other stuff. And every video I've ever seen of that game is just people flying through rings and then throwing their controller. Yeah, no, there's other stuff. And every video I've ever seen of that game is just people... It's just the rings. It's just people flying through rings and then throwing their controller. Yeah. No, there's more of that game. If we ever do it for Caravan of Garbage, we might even start it later. That means I have to play to get...
Starting point is 00:21:53 You have to finish the levels with all the rings. Yeah, I did it before, and now I'm better at video games than ever, and younger than ever. You have less patience than ever, so... Yeah, that's true, because there wasn't... At that time, I couldn't be like, well, I'll do something else because there was nothing else. We put your baby in the room and then every time you think about quitting,
Starting point is 00:22:11 you look at your baby and go, oh, what if my baby starves? She goes, don't do it. Well, I'd rather starve, she'd say, actually. That's what I mean, don't play this game. I bet she was encouraging me to not quit. It's raining, everyone, just so you know. If you can hear that rain noise coming mean. Don't play this game. I bet she was encouraging me to not quit. It's raining, everyone. It is raining. Just so you know.
Starting point is 00:22:27 If you can hear that rain noise coming through. I love it. I love the idea of a lot of this stuff going online. I think it's really cool. EA had a press conference this week, whatever, and they showed off all their new stuff. Mostly boring. Call of Duty game?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah, no, that was, they did another one of those. Battlefield? One of those. I don't know. I don't remember who does what. but fifa yeah that yeah maybe okay challenge everything i mean they used to say that at the start of the game i remember they used to say if it's in the game it's in the game does that even mean it's a sport if it's in the game it's is that like oh if it's in the game i never unless they meant it in reverse maybe they were like if it's in the video game contractually they must put it in the real game i think's in the video game. I never. Unless they meant it in reverse. Maybe they were like, if it's in the video game,
Starting point is 00:23:05 contractually they must put it in the real game. I think that would be fun. And we put a dragon in this soccer game. You're going to have to do it, NFL. I don't know how you do it, but we don't care. You've got to do it. Yeah. But your stadiums are getting burned to the ground.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Big time. This is a, they said it was something like a 24-hour event, this as well, so it's going to be nonstop. Wow. I'm glad I've got some time to build up to it so they're not like, it's next week, and I'm like, oh, my God. What am I going to do? But again, I fully endorse a virtual queuing system.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah. I definitely would like, just to give it a sense of exclusivity. Yes. Sometimes you click on the website and they're like, you've got to wait 20 minutes to see if you can get into this tab. And you did it. Sometimes you show up and they're like, all the tickets are sold out. Do something else.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Absolutely. Speaking of, I signed back up for my gym because I love the gym. You know what I mean? I'm doing burpees. I'm doing pull-ups. I'm out there. I'm doing maybe a bicep curl. It's not something I focus on because I think it should be part of a larger body movement.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Do you know what I mean? Sometimes I think the only reason that he does this podcast with me is he can get his workout routine in. You know those people that corner you at a party, they're talking about their workout routine? It's that. And it's raining outside, so I can't just leave. You can't just leave. I can't be like, I'll just take up smoking and smoke outside. So I signed back up.
Starting point is 00:24:26 There we go. I got like a $40 discount for the month or whatever, which is pretty good. But then I can't get into any classes. They're all solidly booked out for the next two weeks. Because there's only like four people in there. So I'm like, what do I do? Cancel it, obviously. Take up smoking.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Take up smoking. Oh, I'd love to do that. In all honesty, just burn it all down but i can't i gotta live anyway yes uh this looks really exciting to me there's at least five things in here that i'm really looking forward to seeing even if they're like i mean i wonder if we're going to get a trailer for the batman it might be a little bit early for a lot of this stuff but even just like a the director sits down and just goes through some concept art and just like, we're doing this
Starting point is 00:25:07 and this is the plan and these are the influences. What if it's just Robert Pattinson? He gets out, it's a live stream from his house and he tries to make a pasta dish. How about that? Yeah, I'll take that. I would absolutely take that. What's he up to?
Starting point is 00:25:18 I don't know. Apparently his real workout routine was released. Yes, I saw that. But he's going to be leaner. Wait a second. have you just copied that from me? Does Robert Pattinson just do some burpees and some bicep curls? No, I could look it up if you want. I think it's a lot of push-ups
Starting point is 00:25:32 and stuff. Okay, right. Makes sense. I like burpees. A lot of people don't like them. I hate the rowing machine. Is the burpees the one where you do a push-up and then you stand up? Yeah, and then you go for a smoke and you come back the next day and you do another one. You snap into a jump.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, right. It's all about if you're worried, if you're like, how do I do it? How do I do a burpee? If you put your legs straight when you come out of it, you don't have to kind of squat out of it. That's a handy hint. I didn't ask, but he's still talking about it. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:26:00 So here we go. Robert Pattinson, workout. Cut down on alcohol, processed meats, and fried foods. Boxing and military-style sandbag routine. So cut down on fried foods because that's good. That's right. Good to know. Boxing and military-style sandbag routines on the beach.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Running, 5 to 10 kilometers. Volleyball. Does he mean volleyball on the beach? I think so, yeah. He's Tom Cruise, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Three to six, that's three to six miles, three to four times a week.
Starting point is 00:26:22 For abs, he begins with regular five-minute cardio workout, followed by bicycle crunches dumbbells uh side bends double crunches and the superman exercise i hate that's awful and three sets of 25 reps per move that's when you lie on your stomach mason we're doing we're talking workout which you brought up i did it straight now to be fair this is a rod for my own back all right you go you lie on your chest and you gotta like arch back like superman and you can also bring your feet up as well and it's awful because you can't breathe. It's no good. Maybe that's why he's so cranky all the time.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It might be because he just had a big bowl of pasta, a big bowl of wet pasta and he's doing that. No, I meant Superman, the character of Superman. That's why he's so miserable all the time, yeah. Some versions of Superman, some versions are happy, like the one who showed up at the end of Justice League after he tried to kill everyone. What's next, Mason?
Starting point is 00:27:08 Do you want to... Well, Caravan of Garbage this week. It's Marietta Fire, isn't it? It sure is, yeah. Tomorrow. No, Tuesday. No, because this goes out... Yeah, tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You excited? But people can get it early, can't they? Where can they get it early? That's right. It's linked below. S-A-N-D-W-I-C-H dot C-O. But it is linked below.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's $9 a month. Which, what does that equate to per week? I wish it was a number I could be. Well, that's $2.50 a week. But it's $9. So I can't do that. It's less than $2.50 a week. It's less than.
Starting point is 00:27:34 It sounds even more enticing. By an amount of money. That's right. If you do want to support the show, we'd really appreciate it. Early videos. I'm also putting up the extended versions of the Caravan of Garbage up there, or Collings is, because I send it all over to him, and he sorts that out. So yeah, and also a bonus podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:52 We got this covered covered. That's right. Where we take the clickbait articles that we see all over the internet, and we just make sure that everyone's keeping it together. That's right, exactly. We fact check them. We run through them with a fine tooth comb. That's right. We mostly We fact check them. We run through them with a fine-tooth comb. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:06 We mostly make fun of stuff. To see if there's any facts in them at all. Yeah, that's right. That's what we mean by a fact check. And just to be clear, no snitches. No snitches. No snitches. Hashtag no snitches.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Plus, we're going to do a commentary a month. Oh, yeah. So it's three episodes of that every week and then a commentary. Have we spoiled what the commentary is? Yeah, I think we did. It's Rise of Skywalker. That's right. What do you want to do next? We should do Iron Man. I'd love to do Iron Man. Have we spoiled what the commentary is? Yeah, I think we did. It's Rise of Skywalker. That's right. What do you want to do next?
Starting point is 00:28:26 We should do Iron Man. I'd love to do Iron Man. Yeah. Would you like to do Iron Man? Yeah. All right, cool. Let's do it. There we go.
Starting point is 00:28:34 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theaters everywhere. What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign.
Starting point is 00:29:02 It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Only in theaters May 10th. Tickets on sale now.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's So we've been threatening this for months, years.
Starting point is 00:29:54 That's a bad way to start this, but all right. That's how I live my life. Just bad starts. Bad starts and threats. Have you ever wondered maybe those could combine somehow? We're all here, aren't we? I mean, for now. Yeah, it's a good point. We've been talking about how we wanted to start a comics for a really long time, a lot of requests from people.
Starting point is 00:30:14 They want to get into comics, but where do I go? Exactly. There's a lot of people who, you know, for a little while, I mean, some would say we're too late on this because a lot of people have been stuck at home for a while and now they're going back to work. But what I'm saying is if we can provide any kind of incentive for people to continue to stay home, we should probably do that. And that might be comic books because a lot of people say, hey, I like the MCU.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I like the DCEU. I like the Arrowverse TV shows or something like that. And they're like, and I would like to get into the comics because I've never read the comics before, but it can be overwhelming because, you know, it looks inaccessible. It looks inaccessible.
Starting point is 00:30:51 You go to, if you go to a comic book shop, especially there's just a, just a, just a wall of comic books. Swath. There's a swath. And oftentimes like,
Starting point is 00:30:59 let's say you want to, you want to be like, I want to read about Iron Man. There'll be like issues 16 to 22 on the, on the shelf. And you're like, I want to read about Iron Man. There'll be like issues 16 to 22 on the shelf. And you're like, is that a storyline? Sometimes Iron Man is Doctor Doom and you're like, what does that mean? And who's Doctor Doom? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:14 You're like, is this an entire storyline or am I 16 issues in and I won't? Do I have to buy the back issues? What do I kind of do? There'll be a big shelf of trade paperbacks, graphic novels, and you're like, okay, do I have to start at volume one? Can I start at volume three? And a lot of your big events in comics as well that people recommend, they're like, well, you should read Infinite Crisis
Starting point is 00:31:34 or Secret Wars or whatever, but they're inaccessible if you don't know what's going on. It involves every character in that universe oftentimes. Yeah, exactly. So what we're going to mention today, we're going to start with DC this week. We're going to come back next week and do Marvel. And then after that, we're going to do other things like Image and Bits and Pieces and Star Wars
Starting point is 00:31:51 and things like that. Yeah, exactly. All the losers. No, for me, a lot of that stuff is the stuff I read the most. It really is. In fact, in a lot of instances, a lot of the indie stuff or Image or things like that are often better to you know to to ease yourself in yes because it's there'll be a standalone series it's not connected to anything
Starting point is 00:32:11 else in the in the you know from image or you know and it's finished exactly it's often you know 10 issues or 24 issues or something and then it's done yeah that's right and we'll probably talk about some artists and and writers and things like that that do both like jeff lemire is probably a good example he he's feet in both worlds but yeah do you who do you want to start off with in this also i wanted to say just before we do start off we yeah we do we do want to recommend things that are just easy to dip your toe into yeah and oftentimes the the the problem with a lot of major comic book universes the marvel universe the dc universe is often that the universes are often rebooted or restarted and it'll be a case of like well this the origin of this character was in continuity it was the official origin of this
Starting point is 00:32:58 character a few years ago but then they changed it yeah for whatever reason to streamline it or to make it more interesting or to make their origin more harrowing or something like that but i find a lot of these ones especially some of the ones that i have to recommend they may be a storylines that are no longer in continuity but they are still a good representation of the characters so ultimately it doesn't matter if you uh read a storyline in storyline in which Batman's parents were killed by a criminal named Joe Chill or Batman's parents were killed by an unknown criminal and we've never learned who the culprit was.
Starting point is 00:33:35 It doesn't matter, ultimately. No, that's exactly right. So, yeah, look, we're probably not going to mention your favourite comic. We're talking to you specifically. Yeah, we might, but we probably won't. We're not going to mention my favourite comic. That's right. We're not going to touch on that. Oh, my God. So if we're doing DC, I yeah we might but we probably won't we're not going to mention my favorite that's right we're not going to touch on that oh my god so if we're doing dc i guess we start with superman right yeah it's a good place to start we won't have the same answer
Starting point is 00:33:52 we probably do uh superman birthright we do have that mark wade and lionel francis you someone who also is going to come up a number of times is mark wade because he he is he's uh sort of a comics industry stalwart he i don't know anything about him really but comics obviously he writes a lot of comics yeah and and he's um he seems to be a huge fan of the law and the the origins of you know he's been in the industry he's got that encyclopedic knowledge so i think when people want a fresh start on a character they come to him and be like what do you got here and that's what this comic is because you get the origin of Superman, which you'd probably be vaguely familiar with if you don't know anything
Starting point is 00:34:28 about him anyway, and it takes it through his journalistic years before he becomes Superman. He's doing some work in Africa where he starts the Daily Planet, his involvement with Lex Luthor. There's an alien invasion. It's pinned on him, and it's like a concise, probably out of continuity now. It's out of continuity, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:45 But I think it's easily one of the best. So this one originally, as I understand it, was not meant to be in continuity ever. It was meant to be like a – so Mark Waid also created Elseworlds. I don't know if you remember that. The parallel universe kind of a what if Batman was also Green Lantern? You know, what if Superman – What if Batman was – he fought Jack the Ripper or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Exactly. He invented the concept of that. He came to DC with that and they were like, let's do that. But yeah, so this version of Superman's origin was never intended to be into continuity, but I guess they liked it so much they liked it. Well, let's replace the previous one, which came out in 1986, which was The Man of Steel. And then this one has, again, it's been replaced again
Starting point is 00:35:20 by Superman's Secret Origins, which came out about 10 years ago. Okay, sure, yeah. But I don't i don't even know if i've read that i may have but i i really i really enjoy this and the art in this is phenomenal so good it's a guy called lanel francis you uh who you don't often see in comic books you you don't often see him doing an ongoing series yeah what generally happens is if he is on an ongoing series he does it for a half a dozen issues and then someone else takes over because what he does clearly takes a phenomenal amount of time. There's so much detail to his work.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Yeah, absolutely. I do have a few others that I can mention briefly. Superman stories. Or do you want to just do one for each? Superman secret identity. Oh, so that is Kurt Busiek is the writer and Stuart Eminen. Whose names I know how to pronounce. Of course you do.
Starting point is 00:36:06 He's the artist. Tell me about this one. And the reason you can jump on board this one is because it's set in a universe where Superman exists in comics. And then somebody whose name is Clark Kent happens to get Superman's powers in the real world. And so you don't really, it's a new origin because it's not Superman. It's a different guy. Uh-huh, yeah. And it's just a really interesting tale of kind of,
Starting point is 00:36:26 I know it sounds kind of really, oh, this again, but what if Superman, but in the real world? I think it does it really well in a way that is meta, but not like hitting you over the head with it. And it's kind of as he gets older and he doesn't age as Superman does where he kind of stays youthful. He also ages in real time. So that becomes a factor in him saving people as well.
Starting point is 00:36:45 And it's a good kind of family story as well. Yeah, right. It's really great. Another one is Superman for All Seasons by Jeff Loeb and Tim Sale, whose names also are going to come up a lot. Yeah. So that's four stories about Superman, but there's one in particular called Sam's Story, which is about Superman has a best friend
Starting point is 00:37:00 who dies of cancer, or Clark Kent, I should say, and it's him kind of coming to- Superman doesn't have any friends. No. Just Jimmy Olsen. But it's about how they- And the robots in the Fortress of Solitude. Yeah, but he doesn't really like them.
Starting point is 00:37:12 They're more of a necessity. They're more his employees. Yes, that's right. And they're nice to him, but he knows that if he wasn't paying them in oil, they wouldn't be nice to him. They'd tear him apart. They'd crinkle his cape when they iron him. But the reason this story is so important, for a number of reasons.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Firstly, it's about Superman realising that he can't save everybody. And the other thing- And he could if he tried. He could if- well, not this guy, but it's also- And the other thing is Jeff Loeb, his son, died of cancer. His name was Sam. Of course, that's right. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:37:40 So it's like a very personal story as well. Yeah. And again, it's four self-contained stories. And it gives you an idea of who Superman is from a really human perspective. And he also looks like a big thumb. He looks like a big cornbread thumb. It's important to get the look right, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:53 But that sounds like an insult. It's not. Because they're like, what if this guy fell from spray so they just fed him with corn his entire life? Corn and bread. And he's just a big. And cornbread. And cornbread, yeah. And that's how it kind of turned out. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:38:08 There you go. So, yeah, those are all very good choices I think. Thank you. Yeah, Kurt Busiek is responsible for a series called Astro City, which is sort of very much like the loving homage to your classic superhero, you know, your various Caped Crusaders. Yes. So that's a very good choice I think.
Starting point is 00:38:23 That's not what we're talking about today, Mason. No, it's not. You could have saved that for a different day. No, no, I won't. I'm burning it here. Batman, should we talk about Batman? I was going to save him till the end. Okay, sure, we can do that.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Yeah, because, you know, people like him, don't they? People will hang around. They'll be like, what Batman stuff are you going to talk about? Are you saying people don't like Superman? People don't. I like Superman. Are we starting out with our second strongest superhero, like the second most favourite superhero?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Sure. And then ending with the second most favourite superhero? Sure. And then ending with the best one? I prefer Superman, but do you prefer Batman? I prefer whatever you're going to say next. Okay. Whichever one you say is my favourite. I was going to say Aquaman or Aquaman. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Do you want hookhand Aquaman from the 90s? I don't want hookhand Aquaman. I want sexy Aquaman. I want the sexiest Aquaman in recent memory. Jason Momoa. Well, yeah, but, I mean, on the printed page. Sure, a picture of Jason Momoa. On the printed page in a newspaper for example. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But if you can't have any of those, if all those were made illegal because they're too sexy. The DC Rebirth series of Aquaman written by Dan Abnett who is responsible for the Guardians of the Galaxy relaunch many, many years ago. He's really, really good.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And speaking of sexy, volume four of that series is illustrated by a guy called Stepan Sedgik and sexy characters in that one. What's that about? The art is phenomenal. And sexy, yeah? Yeah, but that's off the top of my head. It's called Aquaman Underworld. So it's volume four of that. Okay, cool. And you could start at that, would you say? I think you could, yeah. It's called Aquaman Underworld. So it's volume four of that.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Okay, cool. And you could start at that, would you say? I think you could, yeah. Or get to it. Yeah, I mean, start at volume one if you desire to. And it's just rollicking adventures and him fighting, you know, because he's a royal so he's fighting eco-terrorism, but he's also fighting, factions of the Atlantis noble blood
Starting point is 00:40:07 and that sort of stuff. Absolutely. That's what you want. You want spectacular. That's the thing, and I think with your Aquaman, I feel you need a reason to be down in the ocean. Yes. You need spectacular visuals because that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:40:21 People are like, well, what's he doing down there talking to fish? Well, yes, obviously. But also I think you need to show the spectacular nature of underwater because it's a vast swath of the earth's surface and there's stuff down there. Yeah, absolutely. If we're talking like restarts of Aquaman, the New 52 run, Geoff Johns, Ivan Rice kind of brought him back into popularity where it kind of pokes fun a lot of the things that people make fun
Starting point is 00:40:50 of him for. Like talking to fish. Like talking to fish. Like he shows up. Like I just did and will continue to do. I don't care what a comic book tells me to do. That he shows up at the start and he stops at bank robbery and they're like, what are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:41:01 And he's like, I also work on land. Yes, that's true. But it also shows that. I should be called all-terrain man. He doesn't say that. they're like what are you doing here and he's like i also work on land if i'm in the area you know but it also shows i should be called all-terrain man but it also shows that how strong he should be called atm all-terrain man but you know because he's got incredibly tough skin because of the ocean depths that he has to enjoy he's not like superman tough but and he does a good job of highlighting that got very tough skin because of all the insults as well the insults exactly he's got tough skin physically and emotionally this is one that i don't have a lot for and the one i'm suggesting would probably wouldn't be a good starting point all right what would you say for flash you were gonna say flashpoint i've got
Starting point is 00:41:35 to say i haven't read a lot of flash yeah so i couldn't really i i know some team-up books where we could talk about a different week that i'm like oh he's really good in that justice league run or whatever mark wade did a great flash run in like uh oh a million years ago in the 90s i think flashpoint though i don't know whether it's a good starting point but it does because it's a re they kind of rejig the timeline of the universe which leads into a reboot of everything and it's flashed on to prevent the death of his mother it's good but i yeah i wouldn't say i'd it'd be the first thing to jump in on no no yeah look mark wade wrote one in the 90s which he did it for like eight years really really good it focuses mostly on wally west yeah right he's got his big tin hat that's jay garrick oh no absolute goose i bet i've
Starting point is 00:42:23 shown my hand here, haven't I? It's true. What am I going to do? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Uh, there,
Starting point is 00:42:28 there is a new 52 version of the flash from about 2011, uh, Francis Manipool, uh, on writing Brian Bucciolato, uh, on art. And that was part of the new 52.
Starting point is 00:42:39 You don't really need any backstory again. Yeah. Okay. Uh, I guess that was also the point of new 52. We also, also should mention you could just read the first comics, I guess that was also the point of new 52 we also also should mention you could just read the first comics i guess but all the time they definitely come across
Starting point is 00:42:50 as quaint and simple they are very yeah but the core ideas are there but any kind of rebirth yeah 52 yeah yeah any of that stuff you can jump on board and this particular version is very much in step with the arrowverse version of The Flash. Okay. So this version, it's the one where he is trying to prove. Jay Garrick. No, but he is in that. He's got the tin hat.
Starting point is 00:43:10 No, it's a different guy. But in a way, it's the same guy because it's the guy who played The Flash. Yes. In the TV series. He played Barry Allen in the TV series. Dawson's dad. So you are, in fact, correct in this one very specific instance. But in this one, the plot of some early seasons of the TV series was that he was trying to prove that his father didn't murder his mother.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yeah. Turns out he did. No, it's not. No, he didn't. He didn't do it. James, no. It was Jay Garrick. No, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:43:41 James, you're confusing me. He does a lot of time travel. That's true, he does. But he does less of it in this. Yeah. And it's sort of like a younger version of Barry Allen, but not like the very, very beginning. Okay, sure. That's a pretty good run, I think.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Cool. Okay, cool. I remember liking that one. Should we do some Wonder Woman? What have you got? I've got a few here. Go ahead. Popular one, which I enjoy,
Starting point is 00:44:02 is Sensational Comics featuring Wonder Woman by Gail Simone. Greg Rucker's done a lot of work, including Rebirth with Nicola Scott as well. But the one, what are you laughing at? I've never heard anyone pronounce Nicola that way. It's Nicola. Is it? C-O-L-A. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:18 No, it's definitely not. Okay, then. But that's how it's spelled. But one I read recently, which I also really enjoyed by Gail Simone, is Wonder Woman, The Circle. Oh, yes. And it sort of delves into a little bit about her origin, but it's essentially about, without spoiling it,
Starting point is 00:44:38 Wonder Woman is left Themyscira for reasons that we don't find out immediately. Her mother has locked up her four bodyguards for reasons that you find out later. And it's got Nazis trying to invade Themyscira and Wonder Woman comes back with a pack of gorillas to fight them all off. And it's really cool and great. So Wonder Woman The Circle by Gail Simone is really fun. Yeah, it's well worth it. I mean, you know, it kind of blunts the impact of girl power
Starting point is 00:45:04 if you also need guerrilla power. Doesn't say whether they're men or women, Mason. Well, I've been shown up and I've been shown the door. That's real. I mean, yeah. They're from Guerrilla City, by the way. Guerrillas can be women as well. That's right.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Oh, my God, you're right. Yeah, so they're talking guerrillas from Guerrilla City, which she gets on her side. She takes them from Guerrilla Grodd. Yeah, she they're talking gorillas from Gorilla City, which she gets on her side. She takes them from Gorilla Grodd. Yeah, she convinces them. I guess I wasn't. I didn't think they were regular gorillas. Sure.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Well, they're not. They're not regular gorillas. She's like, I brought this army of gorillas. Oh, they just want to just hang out in the trees and that. They've all just run out into the bush. I don't know why I did this. You got anything for Wonder Woman? I'm not overly familiar with the work of Wonder Woman.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I would say, I mean, you know Wonder Woman, so I would say definitely give that one a read. Okay, cool. It's really great, yeah. I mean, you've spoiled it with that whole gorilla thing. But there's more things happening. I didn't spoil all of it. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I didn't spoil the reason. Why did her four bodyguards turn on her is what I'm saying. Why do they want to kill the Wonder Woman? It's probably because she's constantly just talking about gorillas and how much she wants to pet gorilla. This will be so much more work for us, Wonder Woman. There's a moment where they're hanging out in their apartment. It's really fun.
Starting point is 00:46:07 It's like that scene from Ninja Turtles 2. Remember that movie? Yeah, of course I do. You remember that. Where they had the gorillas in the Ninja Turtles apartment, you remember. So do you want to do Green Lantern then? Sure. Not something that I'm entirely familiar with as well.
Starting point is 00:46:20 My Green Lantern knowledge is limited at best. But what have you got? I've got one in particular. Shoot. Earth One Green Lantern by Gabriel Hardman and Karina Bekko. Is that the one where Green Lantern? There's no more Green Lanterns, but then there's one more Green Lantern turns up and gets a Green Lantern ring, but the ring doesn't work very well
Starting point is 00:46:41 and the power of the Green Lantern is faded from the universe, but then maybe you find out why that is the case and maybe they need more Green Lanterns. So it's not tied to any of the other continuity. Well, I should mention this for all of them because there's Earth 1 books for Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and they keep making them. They keep rolling them out and they retellings of their origins which are set separately in their own universes.
Starting point is 00:47:05 And they're all pretty decent jumping off points. But this one really stuck out to me because I'm not a huge Greenland fan. I'm like, oh, yeah, I like this series enough. I'll give it a go. But it might be my favorite one from the Earth 1 series. Again, set entirely apart. It's a completely different origin and it doesn't tie in anything else, but it's a good jumping off point for the character.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Or you could watch Greenland in 2011 2011 and you get a really good idea of what's going on in that universe. Well, I guess, yeah, I mean going into – and the thing about Green Lanterns is there are – it's essentially an intergalactic space police force, so there are so many Green Lanterns. There's four. There's more than James. There's seven.
Starting point is 00:47:46 No. James. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of them. So I guess you could focus really on any of the Green Lanterns, but the main man of Green Lantern Universe, the top cop, the top gun, is Al Jordan. Is it?
Starting point is 00:48:00 Yeah, I think so. I think it's Kyle Rayner. No, it's Jay Garrick. It's James. James, no. is it yeah i think so i think it's kyle rainer no it's jay garrick james james no i'm just trying to i'm just gonna keep making that joke so people forget the real the real reason you know that i started doing it is because i got the name of the flash wrong and people call me a fake fan but i'm i'm i'm incepting everybody be like oh that's a funny bit that he's doing but james your revelation now has ruined that you're gonna have to start again no i'm gonna start again and by the time we get to the end people are gonna forget, oh, that's a funny bit that he's doing. But James, your revelation now has ruined that. You're going to have to start again. No, I'm going to start again.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And by the time we get to the end, people are going to forget this. Oh, damn, that's good. That's good stuff. Look, Geoff Johns has a great run on Greenland. If we're going to talk about the beginnings of Greenland or just a fresh start, it's real good. But it does feature Kyle Rayner as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:43 To say they're a mismatched buddy cop team, they're not. They barely, they don't interact, but. No, they certainly don't. But they have some good times together, don't they? Do you want to do Green Arrow? Oh. I've got one in particular that I really like. Tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:48:59 It's called Green Arrow by The Kill Machine. It's called by Green Arrow. Yeah, The Kill Machine by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino. Yes, tell me about it. Sorrentino? called uh green arrow by uh the kill machine it's called by green arrow yeah the kill machine by jeff lemire and andrea sorrentino yes sorrentino uh it's it's like a murder mystery thing it's uh kind of you know he's he's up i i met him a long time ago but he's up up against like assassins and you know he's he's batman if he's batman with a bow and arrow at his city that's the thing about uh green arrow is that do is that do you want a version that is just Batman but arrows or do you want-
Starting point is 00:49:31 I think this is like it walks a good line for this as well. So, yeah, and again, it's Jeff Lemire. So he does terrific work. So you can't really go wrong for that one. Do you have a Green Arrow or is that the greenest arrow we're going to get out of this? There's one from the 80s. It's called The Longbow Hunters and it just came out, yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:51 like 1987 or 1988 or something like that. Yes. And it was written and illustrated by a guy called Mike Grell. Right. Who he's best known for. I'd say best known for and then I'd blank on it. He's best known for like this space warlord kind of character. I think the character might even just be named the warlord.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Okay, sure. But it's basically Green Arrow and Black Canary versus like a drug ring and like an opposing evil archer. Okay. And it's just, I remember the art being phenomenal and it's just some primo stuff and it's three issues. So if you don't like it. I do like it.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Okay, cool. I like your explanation of it definitively. I think it three issues. So if you don't like it. I do like it. Okay, cool. I like your explanation of it definitively. I think it was an Eisner Award to either nominee or a winner. Oh, wow. You seem to know a lot about this thing you vaguely remember. What else? I'm going to look up Mike Grell because I'm like, okay, I'm going to. You should.
Starting point is 00:50:39 You should look up Mike Grell. Cyborg. The Warlord. It was called The Warlord. It was called. There you are. You're right. You knew what you were doing.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I think Mike Grell also did the version of the Green Arrow, Green Lantern miniseries from like the 80s, which is basically them sort of walking across America and discovering various injustices that they can't solve with arrows and big green boxing gloves. Yeah, right. Absolutely. I get you. I get you. I get you. So yeah, so I was going to say full cyborg, again, not something I have a lot of experience with. You could go back to the Teen Titans because that's where the character started, like the origins of that.
Starting point is 00:51:13 You could watch the new Justice League movie. He's in that movie, isn't he? He's got a new 52 run. But the one that I've recently been enjoying, and it's a teen book, so it doesn't really count, but the oh yes the dc zombies book is entirely based around the cyborgs the ground zero like the kicking off point for the virus because it's a technological virus yeah right and he's also a major player in that series that being said it's it's a team-up book where it's the dc characters in a different universe and there's zombies so it's not a great jumping off point but i think he's really well done
Starting point is 00:51:42 in that i feel cyborg and then again, maybe I'm wrong here, but I feel like Cyborg has yet to have really his chance to shine in the modern day. Yeah. Because I think he's a character who's underused in the past because they put him in the movie and they're scurrying to put him in comic books and stuff like that as a result. And they're like, okay, well, what is his defining series? And I can't really recall him having it.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Rocket Boots. Rocket Boots. Yes. Rocket Boots. Cyborg and the quest for Rocket Boots. You're thinking of Astro Boy. He's got Rocket Boots too. I know.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Cyborg's defining characteristic is that his dad wouldn't let him, wouldn't go to his football game. So he grabbed something out of a particle accelerator and exploded or something, wasn't that sometimes the origin? That is sometimes the origin, yes. Maybe he doesn't want to come to your football games because you're an idiot, because you're grabbing things out of particle accelerators. He's very smart.
Starting point is 00:52:36 No, he is, you're right, except for that one time. The one time with the particle accelerator. Particle accelerator, or whatever it was. I can't remember off the top of my head. So, yeah, I guess we do Batman, unless you've got some other dc characters because we could also do villains but i feel like that's another thing entirely you know joker books and harley books and you know mr freeze origins and whatever that's something we could look at a different day uh so but do you want to do batman let's talk about batman yeah cool so this is one i've got oh maybe not the most i
Starting point is 00:53:04 got a lot of recommendations here. The big one is, of course, Frank Miller, Year One, Jumping Off Point. Everybody knows that. That's a good, if you've seen Batman Begins, it's like the Batman Begins of books. Yeah, I mean, the ones we're going to recommend here, I think it's probably, we've got at least two crossovers here,
Starting point is 00:53:20 but they're very, it's irrelevant when they came out. Yeah. It doesn't matter the tiny specifics, the nuances of his origin or what have you. Yes. They're just, they're very, they're quite timeless I think. Yeah, completely agree, yeah. Batman Year One is very timeless.
Starting point is 00:53:37 The art's great. He kicks down a tree. He does kick down a tree, yeah. Yeah. It's very, yeah, it's just a tremendous origin story. As the name suggests, it's Batman in his first year of his career and it's just kind of just... He's figuring it out.
Starting point is 00:53:51 He's figuring it out sometimes very, very... And he's bad at it. Yeah, he's quite poorly at times, yeah. He gets stabbed. He does get stabbed at least once. No, so I think that's kind of a given. But for other more modern... I was going to say, there's a very...
Starting point is 00:54:07 Batman Year One is one of the ones that a lot of more recent origin stories have definitely very heavily borrowed from the movies and TV shows and things like that. There is an animated movie as well, of course. Yeah, which I hate. I like it. It doesn't work animated, but... Kicks down the tree in that too.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yes, I'm very well aware. But it's kind of... And you get to see the early methods of developing his persona and things like that. Like, you know, if he wants to put the fear of God in some mobster's hill, he remembers to set up a little floodlight outside their headquarters and then he sets up his smoke bombs.
Starting point is 00:54:40 He's all about the theatrics. And then he blows a hole through the wall and he's like, okay, now... He's got his speech. He's got his speech ready. He he's like look at my spooky silhouette people got very upset because kevin smith made a follow-up story where he talks about that and he pissed his pants in that moment he was too close to the explosion all right like and it just got upset like a ripple through his bladder and he pissed his pants and people like you made batman piss his pants i bet batman pisses his pants most nights well i mean he's just up
Starting point is 00:55:04 there on that rooftop, you know, and there's a great, there's a very tense standoff with the police towards the end where he's trapped in this helmet building, which is really weird. Not dissimilar from Batman Begins, of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah, where he's like, you know, and his utility belt's burnt up so he can't rely on most of his gadgets and his gimmicks and he's just got a, you know.
Starting point is 00:55:21 He's got a gun. He's just got a regular gun. I think the Batman Year 2 or Batman Year 3, which were follow-ups that weren't written by Frank Miller, he does sort of struggle with this idea of why don't I just use a gun? Yeah. That'd be pretty cool. That would be so cool.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Super cool. Yeah. But as far as other stories, something more modern, the new 52 run, Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, I guess the only thing about this is it does introduce the entire Bat family pretty much all at once. Yeah, right. But it is mainly Batman focused and it's new villains,
Starting point is 00:55:51 so you do get with a quarter of hours. But then over the run, which is only sort of recently wrapped up because he keeps coming back to this universe. He's kind of been on and off it. But you get the quarter of hours, you get the Joker, you get a bunch of other stuff, and it's just a really fun and modern retelling. Instantly for me it became like,
Starting point is 00:56:11 oh, this is one of the best Batman stories. I think it is, but I think you're right in the sense that I think this should be a second port of call for this character. Sure, yeah. In the sense that there are so many... He's got eight Robins. Exactly, yeah. And the same with Hush, which is a series in which Batman is being kind of, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Pursued. He's being pursued and threatened by a mysterious new villain called Hush. He's dropped his gun. He's in trouble. He can't just shoot everyone he comes his way. And that's great because the art by Jim Lee is really, really good. Yeah, it's terrific. And it's sort of, again, it is sort of this rolling roster
Starting point is 00:56:45 of all his major villains. Rogues and other, like Superman's in it. Yeah, and it's kind of like, well, we've got Jim Lee, let's do this amazing showcase of all these characters. The problem is it does rely on you knowing specific lore about Batman's past and previous Robins and all this sort of stuff, and it's a little bit confusing, I think. I think, though, it's one of those things where if you're listening to this,
Starting point is 00:57:07 you probably have a base understanding of a lot of these characters from the TV shows and the movies and whatever. So I feel like some of these, they're like, oh, it might be a bit inaccessible. You probably have enough kind of peripheral knowledge to kind of go in on a lot of these ones. Yeah, that's probably true, yeah. Yeah, I'd agree.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Like, it's a great book. I mean, the villain is fairly obvious, which I won't spoil here, but it's a good journey and that's what it's about, isn't it? It's one of Batman's many gunshot victims. Yes, that's right. He's back for revenge. This is just a standalone issue and I don't know why I put it in because it's certainly not something you could just jump in on.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Oh, it's one issue. It's Batman 21. It's more recent. It's Batman versus the reverse Flash. So it's basically Batman versus Batman, a man, and he's dropped his gun against a super speedster supervillain. So he's basically, if you don't know, the Flash, but he's bad. And he's like, I just need to survive.
Starting point is 00:57:54 He's got that metal helmet. Yes. What? No, Mason. You're doing my bit. But it's Batman trying to survive for, I can't remember the exact time, but for like 14 seconds before the Flash turns up and saves him. So it's just him trying to stay alive and using everything he can.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And he's not going to win, but he's like, I just need to just keep breathing until the Flash shows up. And then it leads into Martian Manhunter, not Martian Manhunter. Doctor Manhattan? Doctor Manhattan. Oh, this is the button. Okay, right. So I'll track that out. So it's Batman's batman 21 issue 21 it's inaccessible i don't know
Starting point is 00:58:30 why i brought it up like a volume whatever volume 14 or whatever i can't remember i just i've just got it in my comics that's also that's also a confusing thing about getting into comics is they are major comic companies are very big on renumbering things. And I think the idea is that it's meant for ease of use. You go, oh, there's a new Iron Man number one. Yes. But volume what? I don't know anymore. But also for a lot of these, I'm like, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:58:53 And then I go to look up. I'm like, I need to know who the artist for this is and the writer. I want to get that right. And you Google it and it's just you get movies and TV shows and different issues that were also named Batman, whatever. It's a nightmare. But, yeah. I do have some other ones, but you've got some more things. Ah, The Long Halloween.
Starting point is 00:59:08 It's terrific. It's terrific. And there's a reason we constantly mention it on this show. It's 13 spooky issues. It also feels to me more like a natural continuation of Batman Year One. It does, yeah. It feels early days. And it has Harvey Dent before he's been transformed into Two-Face.
Starting point is 00:59:26 It's got the Roman, Carmine Falcone, the mob crime family that Batman has beef with. Yes. And it's, yeah. And it does have like your Jokers and your Catwomans and whatever, but it's all, you'll get it. Yeah, and again, it is sort of. It's a murder mystery of sorts.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Yeah, and it is sort of like the Batman animated series in that it has sort of a sort of retro styling to it. I really like it. But it doesn't, that doesn't mean it isn't always kind of timeless. Yeah. Like if you can, once you settle into kind of like the wide lapel, zoot suit kind of mobster, you know, aesthetic, then you're like, oh, okay, this is a very timeless crime story.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And cool. It is cool. It also has a sequel called Dark Victory, which I guess is probably not as good. But I would say they flow on to each other and they work really well as companion pieces. And that one also introduces Dick Grayson as a young boy, Wonder Robin.
Starting point is 01:00:24 So he's just a little lad. The guy with the metal tin on his head. Exactly. Before he becomes, you know, older Robin and Nightwing and so on and so forth. But, yeah, I really, I go back to that probably every year and reread that because it's definitely one of my faves, yeah. And, again, it is, I guess the difference between this and the New 52 one is it does feel more timeless in the way that it approaches the characters.
Starting point is 01:00:47 So I'd say if you haven't read anything, I'd say go year one and then go Long Halloween, Dark Victory, I would say. And then the one where he gets beaten up by a reverse flash. That's the order you should do it in. Yeah, I guess that is the problem oftentimes with rebooting some of the stuff is it's the urge to make it as fresh as humanly possible kind of thing. And then, you know, the trap is, oh, my God, who's this new superhero? He's appearing on all the social media. He's on Twitter. He's blowing up.
Starting point is 01:01:17 He's blowing up on Twitter and Instagram, you know, because they can't use, for some reason they can't just say the real ones. Yeah, absolutely. you know because they can't use for some reason they can't just say the real ones yeah absolutely and i think also the new rob bat bat and bat batman movie is maybe based on some of these elements yeah we don't know for sure we've been saying it so often we believe that it is the truth maybe we started that we started i don't know yeah but look if people have any recommendations if you could you know yeah email them in leave them in the comments below we obviously have blind spots yeah and also there are things that I really love that I held off mentioning because I'm like, oh, that's not really, that seems insane to recommend that straight up.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Yeah, like there's a Green Lantern comic that I read some years ago. Where his whole city's destroyed and he goes mad? No, I have read that one also. But it's a Kyle Rayner story, but it's more like this huge overarching like war story and it's – what is the name of it? I don't know. You're telling the story, mate.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I am. You're telling the bloody story, mate. Yep. Yep. Jazz boys, jazz boys, jazz boys, jazz boys. Oh, it's called The Omega Man. Ooh. Mentioned it in the past.
Starting point is 01:02:38 It's Kyle Rayner teams up with some of this intergalactic space force called The Omega Man. Well, when we do insane comic book arcs that are completely inaccessible, we can talk more about the Omega Man. This is hardly the time. Somebody check a box right there. Somebody put that on my to-do list because I'm excited for that one. It's really, really good.
Starting point is 01:02:53 And, again, it's sort of like the realities of war painted against insane cosmic space battles. But that one's a really good one. But, again, you have to know who the Omega Men are and which Green Lantern Kyle Rayner is and so many things. Absolutely. But look, yeah, if people could leave comments below, that would be great because if you are looking for something and for more than what we've talked about, somebody will mention
Starting point is 01:03:15 something great in the comments. Maybe just like the name and where you can find it and just a brief description, I guess. Something we've mentioned on here many a time time speaking of DC uh but I don't know I don't know how accessible it is it's the Mr. Miracle limited series from a few years ago yeah yeah I don't think it is I think it's great but it's so weird that well that's the thing because you know a lot of people will say oh you're getting into comics you should read Watchmen and Watchmen is great yeah but it's pretty it's pretty heavy yeah and it's kind of like it's a big book you have to lift it with your little arms exactly you are not wrong it's physically very heavy and also it sort of relies on you being
Starting point is 01:03:51 familiar with the tropes of superheroes specifically the ones from the 40s and the 50s and the 60s and and it's it's more geared towards if you love comics then you will love this kind of thing and you'll and i think that mr miracle is fairly self-contained like a he's a you know a relatively minor character in the dc universe compared to say batman or superman uh but then you might be like why is his wife giant why is this person trying to steal his baby who are these people rolling in this guy's brother or not his brother but i think those have i think but i think that's all fairly well explained in the text. I just think you don't necessarily need to know who Mr. Miracle is to enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:04:29 You don't need to know the origin of it, but it is a very, it's quite heavy. It's not light and fluffy. It's like, it's imagine this wild cosmic battle, but the main character who is, you know, a general in this wild cosmic battle for the fate of reality is also really depressed all the time due to various things in his life. Circumstances, yeah. Circumstances in his life.
Starting point is 01:04:50 So that's really good. But again, if that's your first foray into comics, you might be like, this is something. That's right. Anyways, that's it. Should we go to the next segment of the show? Let's do that. What are we reading?
Starting point is 01:05:01 You've got to say what we're going to read. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm doing the thing. Westworld. Mixing it up, Mason. Oh, you... By saying the word but saying it
Starting point is 01:05:16 slightly differently. I see. What are you Westworlding today? Well, this week I'm going to Westworld and by that I mean play The Last of Us.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yes. Part one. That's right. PS4 copy, though. I have a PS4. I know, but I'm telling you. Yes. The listener.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Yes. I mean, I'm pointing at you, but you're also a listener. I'm so confused. This is not putting me in the right frame of mind. They remastered it a little bit for PS4 because it was a PS3 game. Oh, I see. But it looks great. You won't be able to tell.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah, because The Last of Us Part II is out this week, and I haven't played the original, and I said I was going to last week, but then, twist, I didn't take it off your shelf. That's right. So this week you physically went over to your shelf, and you took it from the shelf, and you gave it to me. So it's literally in my hand. Will I remember to take it with me as I leave tonight?
Starting point is 01:06:01 Who's to say? And did I put the disc in it? No, I didn't. So this is going to be an ongoing saga. Nope, it's in there. Definitely in there. I did know that because I look after my games. Except for that one.
Starting point is 01:06:11 The one you snapped in half? No, I didn't snap it in half, actually. You failed to snap it in half. Yeah, the one you failed to snap in half. Thanks for bringing that up. No problem. Love to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Yeah. I have been playing this part too. I'm probably 10 or so hours into it. I know there's been some controversy in terms of story elements for this game. And maybe there's some stuff later on in the game where I'm like, well, this is out of line for these characters. But I'm really enjoying it from a story perspective. Because there is the character from the first game, Allie,
Starting point is 01:06:38 which it also was hinted at in that game and also in the DLC for that. She's a gay character. And that's explored in this. And they do some things with previous characters which some people may or may not agree with. But all in all, I'm really enjoying the story of it. It's like an extension of the first one. Do you want me to just talk about this for a little bit?
Starting point is 01:06:55 Sure, go for it. It's like an extension from the first one. Because my enthusiasm for playing The Last of Us Part 1 is waning very quickly as it often does and it's slowly falling out of my grip. So if you could tell me about The Last of Us Part 2, then maybe i'll be encouraged to to ensure play the first one absolutely so i'm enjoying the story the encounters with enemies i think are good because they're all they're more mixed up it used to be kind of like oh you're going to a sewer and you're like okay so there's
Starting point is 01:07:16 going to be some zombies and you come out and you're like okay you're going to walk for a bit and talk and then there's going to be some guys and then you go back into a building and there's zombies or whatever but they mix it up a little bit more which i i find more interesting but it also i i find the gameplay loop a bit repetitive because it's a lot of like okay you're gonna kill all these guys okay you're gonna kill the zombies like it does feel the story does help break it up a bit but i do find it like it can be a bit monotonous at times but they do break it up with action set pieces which i think work really well i read a criticism on the internet about it this week is that it's one of the, it's a,
Starting point is 01:07:48 it's a game where once you leave an area, you sort of can't come back. Yeah. So if you're one of those people who likes to get all the achievements and you want to collect all the collectibles and stuff, you might play it for a little bit and then like, okay, we're off to the new thing.
Starting point is 01:08:00 And you're like, Oh, what, what about my, what's my achievements? Where'd, where'd they go? Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:03 okay. Yeah. I think you can sort of tell when the next area is going to be kind of triggered because it's a little bit more open world so you'll be in like a larger space and you can loot the stores while you go around, which I don't love but it's part of it and it's less annoying than I find it for other games. It feels less like busy work and more like, well, I need these parts
Starting point is 01:08:22 because I need to make the Molotov cocktails and the animation for the next encounter. And there's things like when you can, there's like a good moment in that I really liked. I was in an underground kind of space and bad guys were looking for me with flares, but there were also some zombies. So I just threw a Molotov cocktail in the middle of them and they just all killed each other. I just walked on out. Felt satisfying?
Starting point is 01:08:43 Yeah, it did. That's what you want, exactly. And there's little things like, I think it's too graphic in the way that, it's interesting because I was seeing some stuff about this. I think it was on a Jim Sterling video where they talk about how when you can like, because you cut people's throats like a lot in this. You do it to most people. It's a desperate world to be in.
Starting point is 01:09:04 And apparently they made, they make but it was in the in the naughty dog kind of uh in the offices people had to then go look online and like look up graphic horrible imagery of people being hung and murdered and what happens if an arrow hits you oh yeah right yeah yeah a shotgun takes off half your face well when i got here you were playing it and you did put an axe into somebody's shoulder yeah really it really got in there and look it all looks great but i i can't now when i say that now i think of like a person spent like a hundred hours looking at horrible real life footage when i feel like i don't need this to look exactly like an axe going into somebody oh exactly yeah you know what i mean it's interesting as well like there is a there is a like an when you really sort of drill down, you think about
Starting point is 01:09:45 this sort of stuff, you know, it's kind of like, it's a little much. Yeah. I'm saying. Yeah. And look, I'm definitely, I'm not one to be like video games that should be censored or whatever. You can put this stuff in a video game. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 01:09:55 But it's more about who you, who you're showing these to, you know what I mean? It comes down to parenting to, you know, I wouldn't ever show my kid that like, that's insane. But, but yeah, I don't know. I just think like, that's insane. But, but, uh, yeah, I don't know. I just think it's the psychological damage that you're doing to a team of professionals on top of crunch, which apparently they did as well, which I don't like. So I don't know. Maybe getting it through faster, it shoots it out of their brain faster. Maybe it does in the end. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Oh, there's one more thing I wanted to mention just quickly. Also, when you encounter encountering enemies, if you kill one, they'll, they, they call each other's names so they're like oh no john he's dead and then they've all they all know each other so it kind of feels like oh i'm killing real people yeah yeah so which i think is all part of it though as an experience it's kind of like the but that's the thing do you do you think by the end of this you'll be like, did I learn something from this or did I, as an experience, are you like this? Because, you know, when you play just a regular action game, there's that catharsis of like, yeah, shooting everything
Starting point is 01:10:55 and blowing up buildings or whatever. At the end of this, there's a very real chance you'll be like, oof, this took a toll. Well, funny you mention that because that's kind of like what that first game hinges on. And I'm not going to spoil it because it's got a really great ending. Would you say it's rated R for high-impact violence? Yes, very much so. Okie dokie then.
Starting point is 01:11:13 But, yeah, I would recommend pushing through to experiencing the ending of that game. And it also sets up this next game. Ooh, a sequel. None of which I can spoil. But, yeah, it does kind of ask those questions. They're like, we just murdered a lot of people. Like it's that kind of – and there's ramifications in the next game kind of for that.
Starting point is 01:11:32 So, yeah, I like it. And, again, I haven't finished it so I might come back next week and be like, I just shivved a lot of people over 30 hours and I got sick of it. But at the moment I like it. It doesn't – it's enough like crafting and stealth. It's just at my level because I feel like a lot of the time it feels like, oh, I hate crafting.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah, yeah. But you kind of do it on the fly and it's a fairly basic setup, which I quite like. Like you kind of know what everything is and you need everything. Yeah, right. Yeah, it's really, it's a good. Maybe the further you play, the more deep and detailed the relationships between the enemies become.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Just to test your conscience, there'll be somebody who gets stabbed and be like, oh, it's John. We play Bridge every Wednesday. Oh, my God, he named his kid after me. Yeah, potentially. It wouldn't surprise me. But I would say the jump for this is more like Uncharted 2 to Uncharted 3 than say Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2.
Starting point is 01:12:28 If you've played the Uncharted games, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But Uncharted 1 is like a pretty basic third-person shooter. The second one is a huge jump. And then 3 is like, it's good, but it's much of the same. And I feel like 2 is, the second one of this is the same in the sense of the last one. Speaking of huge jumps, Uncharted has a lot of them. Yes, and you can jump in this oh that has been because there's no jump
Starting point is 01:12:47 ties it all together there's no jumping in the first game so this they bring in a jumping mechanic and people like it's pointless and it kind of is you don't really need it um i don't need like specific points but anyway what else are you reading that's uh you know actually uh in a in a bizarre change of pace i'm reading a book this week what do you think about that i don't like it mason i don't know if I like it either. What book are you reading? It's called Infinite Detail. It's by an author called Tim Morn.
Starting point is 01:13:11 There's the cover. Very splashy. That's not Infinite Detail. No, I mean, there's a lot of detail, though. Some detail. But anyway, it came out last year, and it's basically set in two time periods. It's set sort of in the now,
Starting point is 01:13:22 sort of like this kind of like counter-cultural kind of like uh like a little like a little counter-cultural zone okay sort of cut off from like big surveillance and cut off from you know corporate interests and stuff like that typical it's kind of like a like a modern day maybe like hippie commune uh and then it's set in a future period in which uh and this is a a nightmare that's that i hope never realised, a future in which there's been a terrorist attack that's cut the internet off. Oh, no. The internet's over and it's kind of set, it sort of goes back
Starting point is 01:13:53 and forth between these time periods. What's the difference in time? Is it like 10 years, 50 years? It's a bit vague. Okay, but are they different characters? Yes. Okay, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:04 I mean, thus far. But it's kind of, you know, it's all about, you know, privacy versus convenience and all this stuff. Yeah, sure, yeah. It's kind of like, you know, it's very fascinating. I think convenience won in the end, didn't it? It kind of did, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Every app wants to know your location and it's like, you don't need this. You don't need this location. Yeah. It's like, can we have your location even when you're not using the app? Just for us. We promise we won't sell it to anybody but we will we go we're definitely going to yeah what do you reckon about that so that's the world we live in yes um okay what's that called again infinite detail infinite detail or infinite detail detail where you're from nobody says that if you say that stop listening to the show wow yeah that's right wow you're you're a slight difference in pronunciation racist that's right wow i've
Starting point is 01:14:50 finally been out it yeah i hope somebody makes a compilation of all the times you pronounce yeah uh what do you know actually i don't mind at all because i get constantly told that i pronounce things wrong by me no yeah a little bit no it's mostly people being like what do you say australia why don't you say australia because i fucking live here and i say it how it's said here that's why idiot anyway so go on uh should we do some letters no mason i'm still going sorry keep going okay here we go the classic one was letters of letters you. Some letters, they're only a day away. We know they're here right now. We're going to do letters.
Starting point is 01:15:32 If you'd like to reach the show, hashtag Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter or weeklyplanetpod at if you want to shoot through on it at gmail to I mean, don't go to I assume that's the drama from Pink Floyd. Let's find out while you read your first letter. Oh, I'll read some letters. That sounds like a good idea.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Let's see. Speaking of Nick's, this is from Nick Naldy. Wow. It says, graduation time, podcast time. Hi, James and Nick. I'm a long-time fan of the podcast, and since I'm graduating from high school in the 25th year in California, I thought it would be the perfect time to write to the two podcasters
Starting point is 01:16:05 who helped keep me sane while doing physics homework I couldn't understand. Well, then, graduate pretty sneaky if you're graduating, then. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, he probably sounds like a cheater. Anyway, my question is, which superhero or villain alternate costumes are your favourites? Oh, that's a tough one. Personally, the Batman Beyond suit and Spider-Man Symbiote suit
Starting point is 01:16:24 will always be my favourites, but I'd like to know what yours are. That's a great question. I really like the Ben Reilly Spider-Man suit. Yes, the one with the hood. It's your favorite. No, no, wrong. That's the Scarlet Spider. When he became Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I like the hood one. He had a cool, like speaking of 90s costumes, which we weren't, but I was thinking of the other day. Most of them are bad. Sure. But the Ben Reilly Spider-Man suit is very cool, and I wish they'd kept it. Are they all bad?
Starting point is 01:16:49 I don't think it's even in the Spider-Man PS4 game. I think it's the one they missed out in. So what's it called again? The Ben Reilly Spider-Man costume. Ben Reilly Spider-Man PS4. Here we go. No, the hood one. The hood one's in there, but that one isn't.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I like the hood one. You would. Nick Mason also diverts to nic slash blog and it's some kind of portfolio someone called nick mason uh yeah alternate costumes um i like the black suit superman i like yeah more often than not they're not like a costume change isn't great i'm trying to give some examples batman's always changing the logo. What do you say on that? Well, see, that's the thing, especially now.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Like, you know, if you watch any of the MCU movies, the characters are constantly switching outfits. Iron Man. I don't like the triangle Iron Man. That's one of the worst, yeah. I really like the Miles Morales suit. I know it's not technically an alternate suit, but I really like that design.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Same with the Spider-Gwen one. I think that kind of the white and the fluoro colours on it look really great. What else have we got here? What about the 90s Thor design where he had like a midriff top? No, I don't like any of that. I don't like any of that. What do you think about like Grey Deadpool, Grey Wolverine, that kind of stuff? Love them.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Love them when they're in X-Force. Very cool. I love a tactical suit, a stealth suit, a snow suit. I don't love the Iron Spider suit from the comics, but I like the one in the movies. Yeah, right. I think it's okay, the one from the comics, but yeah. I like it when the Hulk changes the colour of his shorts.
Starting point is 01:18:17 I like the Captain Marvel. This is not really so much a look. The Mohawk. The Mohawk, I think. That really works for me, I think. I like that a lot. Anyone else? I'm trying to think of others.
Starting point is 01:18:26 People have got Power Rangers here because I guess there's different Power Rangers, isn't there? There sure is. There's a million billion Spider-Man ones. As we found out from the PS4 game, yeah. That's right. And it's really good that they put them out and you could earn them in-game. You don't have to buy them?
Starting point is 01:18:40 No. You can just earn them. You get enough Ben Reilly tokens or whatever. What do you think of – did you think a Hulkbuster would count as a design? It's not so much a. No. No, because it's just like a different suit that he's got. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I don't know. We've named them all though. Here's a question for you though. Yes, I'm ready. Red Nightwing, Blue Nightwing. Blue Nightwing. Me too, but why? Good question, right?
Starting point is 01:19:02 I think because, well, here's the thing. Or original Nightwing. Big collar. Big disco collar. Disco collar, open shirt. See, I was going to say it's because I feel Robin exclusively has the use of red, but then Dick Grayson used to be Robin. Did he start with the blue suit or the red suit?
Starting point is 01:19:20 He started with the blue suit. Okay. And then red was quite recent. And then Red Hood does red, so it's like. That's exactly. So maybe you'd go, okay, well, all the sidekicks get red. Yeah. But then I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:19:31 But maybe that's just because the era of Nightwing that I read mostly had the blue logo. That's true. I like a lot of the Injustice costumes. Oh, yeah. I think they're really cool. Like they colour Superman, which I think is good ones in there. I don't love the Batman one in there.
Starting point is 01:19:45 It's like a bit too armored. I don't like it when Batman gets too armored. Yeah. Like just the regular. I like it when he puts on a specific armor. Snow armor. Yeah, exactly. Camo armor.
Starting point is 01:19:54 The predator hunting armor. But I'm talking about when his regular suit is just like an armored suit. I don't like it. Yeah, he may as well be Iron Man at that point. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I got a tweet here though. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:20:04 From Daniel. I'd love you guys to revisit some of the classic Star Wars fighter games like X-Wing, TIE Fighter, The Caravan of Garbage. Yeah, I would like to do that as well. We can do that. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, because I think I've got them on Steam anyway. I think I bought a Star Wars pack years ago.
Starting point is 01:20:17 I never played any of these. Yeah. Yeah. Probably fine. Yeah, I don't know how interesting that would be. Oh, that reminds me. Because this week we talked about comic books. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:27 And essential starter comic books. If you follow Gail Simone on Twitter, this week she mentioned that she is putting together, I think as part of Black Lives Matter, she is putting together a charity comic book bundle. So she's gone to all the major comic book publishers and she has asked them if they'd like to contribute some big books to a Humble Bundle. Yeah. So if you follow her on Twitter, there'll be some details on that. And Humble Bundle is usually like you can pay five bucks for the basic pack, whether it be comic books or video games or something like that.
Starting point is 01:20:58 You pay five bucks for the basic pack or ten bucks for an extended thing. Yes. And it's going to be something along the lines of like 60 graphic novels or something like that. Incredible. Or like 60 story arcs or something like that. I'm looking forward to that. I'm going to probably get that.
Starting point is 01:21:13 It's probably going to be this week. Yeah, because you mentioned something along the lines of like, I thought about somebody should do this. And then she's like, well, I'll do it. I'll do it. I can do it. So that's really great. That is great.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah. Good cause as well. So yeah. So if you want some good cause as well. So if you want some cheap starter comics, if you want to get into it real quick, that's your best port of call. Terrific. Here's some more emails. I love emails. This is from Eric Cunningham, and it says,
Starting point is 01:21:35 and it was an intriguing subject line, which is why I clicked on it. It says, help name my best friend's baby. There we go. I can do this. Hello, James and May. So I urgently need your help to persuade my best friend and his very pregnant wife to name their child Martha. Why, Martha, you ask?
Starting point is 01:21:50 Well, I think we know, but we'll go through this anyway. We'll go through this charade anyway, James. We'll do it. Despite over a year of begging and pleading, my best friend Kyle did not regularly listen to the podcast until your Batman v Superman episode. He then listened to every episode you have, and I think him naming his baby girl Martha would create a bond
Starting point is 01:22:04 between us and the pod that would live on in her for years. And beyond this podcast. Either way, he'd love a baby shout-out as he's now just a month away from descending into a James-like madness. Love, Eric. Hey, I didn't invent this madness. I merely adopted the madness. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I should point that out. I would say it would create a bond between us and the pod if you named the child James Maso. Yeah. Ina, because it's a girl presumably. Yeah, or even podcast. Ms. Podcast. Ms. Podcast.
Starting point is 01:22:34 If you can name it. Kyle, if you're listening. Yeah. If you could name your child Ms. Podcast, Ina. Yeah. Ms. Podcast Ina. Just so you know it's a girl as well. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:22:43 That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. If you could do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. You could do that. I would be shocked if they went with Martha. Is anyone doing that anymore? Is that a name that people still name their kids? But then again, like old school names are coming back,
Starting point is 01:22:55 which I quite like. So, yeah, I like those names. You've got some Edna's floating around, haven't you? Do you? I don't know. I haven't met one, but I bet they're out there. I feel like Martha is right on the line. I feel like you can go with Edna.
Starting point is 01:23:05 I think Michael has been retired. They've hung it up. Yeah. There's enough Michaels at this point. There's plenty of Michaels in there. You're a Michael, aren't you? I know you're Nick Mason. I forgot for a second.
Starting point is 01:23:14 What is happening here? You have gone baby crazy. I've got a tweet here from Jeremy M, probably Michael, hashtag weeklyplanetpod. I'm loving these tweets, Mason. Do you think some or all movies should be delayed? Sorry. Do you think some-
Starting point is 01:23:29 I think all movies should be delayed. I agree. Regardless of the current world situation. They've all been bad lately. And they've had too good for too long. I think so too. Do you think some or all of the movies that have been delayed will have immaculate visual effects since companies should have spent
Starting point is 01:23:43 all the time cleaning up dodgy CGI. Look at you, Wonder Woman 84. The answer, I think, is no. I have an example of this. Yes, go ahead. Oh, no, you go. I was going to say I think that, if anything, movie studios right now will be thinking they will take anything.
Starting point is 01:23:59 They will take any movie we put out. They will eat it up with a spoon. It does not matter. We'll probably get a cat situation where there'll be unfinished CG in some of these movies. And why would you kind of put more money into a movie when you're not even sure you're going to get a box office return on it, even if it ends up in the cinema, which it might not.
Starting point is 01:24:17 But example is I know Bond was finished months ago because we were like weeks away from getting that, like one or two weeks, and they shut everything down. And so the director talked about this and he just went, it's done. They locked it. They went, this is the money that we put into it and the movie's finished, so it's done. They're not even editing anything else.
Starting point is 01:24:35 It's finished. The movie is done. So I think there'll probably be some examples of that not being the case, but I think the general consensus would be, why would we spend any money on this? Yeah. What else you got? Okay, one more email.
Starting point is 01:24:49 This is from Rick Santana, and he's provided- I love his album with Rob Thomas. Mm-hmm. Is that a good album? Supernatural. Yeah. The album Supernatural. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Featuring the worldwide hit Smooth featuring Rob Thomas. Yes, that's right. Well, I remember, and a Nickelback one or whatever, but I remember I had a friend who was like, people think he's doing amazing guitar stuff and that, but it's just like regular. He's just noodling. I know he is a good guitarist, but the stuff on display
Starting point is 01:25:13 and that is like pretty standard fare apparently. But that's virtuoso guitar playing. It's just a lot of noodling. It is. It's my least favourite type. Yeah. Anyway, sorry, go on. Anyway, he's given the subject line a semi-interesting hypothetical,
Starting point is 01:25:27 which intrigued me. If you love guitar noodling, you should do it, by the way. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Just so people know. Just do whatever you want. Just noodle on a mountaintop or just if you're into metal, just... Noodle on a mountaintop. Just no in an ice cave, James.
Starting point is 01:25:41 Okay, you're right. Just in an ice... God damn it. You're right, sorry. If you like Norwegian black metal, you'd guitar noodle in an ice cave. Definitely. Okay, you're right. Just in an ice, God damn it. You're right, sorry. If you like Norwegian black metal, you get tar noodle in an ice cave. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:25:48 That's just how it works. I'll stop interrupting. They'll take your license away. They will. I'll stop interrupting you. Please continue. He says, sup stink boys,
Starting point is 01:25:56 which is a good start. Oh, come on, mate. He doesn't know how we stink, but we do. Yeah. Hope all is well. Thank you guys, Times 1000,
Starting point is 01:26:02 for keeping the entertainment coming. It's awesome to have someone to look forward to as much as the weekly planet and caravan of garbage and now big sandwich content yeah especially as of late
Starting point is 01:26:11 the states have been feeling real chaotic I'd also like to sincerely thank you both for helping me gain confidence in having my own opinions despite their popularity during some crucially
Starting point is 01:26:19 formative years of my life because you like what you like does he have an example of that nope fuck because I love being like someone's like, I love this thing that everyone hates. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:27 I enjoy it. We'll think of something next week. Except if they're real belligerent about it. I'm talking about Batman v Superman fans. Oh, I bet. Have we got any good pushback from now? Yeah, oh, yeah. But it's, you know, to be honest, it's standard stuff.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Like I've been looking through them and it's like, you're paid by Marvel, why don't you kiss Marvel's dick? It's just standard stuff. you know what I mean? I don't want to do it just for the standard Marvel contract that we get. Yeah, that's right. Like, I don't want to do it for the sake of doing it. And there's a lot of like, you don't understand it,
Starting point is 01:26:54 and then there's eight paragraphs on what we don't understand. But then there's another person who's got eight paragraphs on the same thing, but they have a different understanding on it. It's almost like movies can be interpreted however you want. That's right. But not except the interpreted however you want. That's right. But not except the way we interpret it. That's right. To be fair, though, most of the comments...
Starting point is 01:27:09 Very nice, yeah. Great. Anyway, here's Rick's hypothetical. Jordan Peele and Wes Anderson have expressed interest in directing films for you. The only two upcoming films you have slated are a Transformers reboot and a Star Wars reboot. Who directs what?
Starting point is 01:27:23 So Wes Anderson, the King of Twee? Yeah. And other things, but a lot of Twee. And Jordan Peele, the King of modern day horror. Would you take- Prestige horror. Yes. Would you take a kind of slice of life Star Wars set in a space hotel?
Starting point is 01:27:38 See, this is good, yeah. Because that would be completely different. I feel like Jordan Peele could- We don't necessarily- See, here's the thing. Doesn't mean he's going to do horror. That's what I'm saying, but I feel like Jordan Peele could. We don't know necessarily. See, here's the thing. Doesn't mean he's going to do horror. That's what I'm saying. But I feel like Wes Anderson, it's going to be a slice of life somehow.
Starting point is 01:27:50 I would kind of like to see a, I feel like Wes Anderson would do an incredible Transformers cartoon from the 80s impression. It would be live action, but it would be dead on. live action but it would be dead on like i'd really i'd also like to see transformers filmed in that way where it's yeah you know because it's very kind of it's almost like dollhouse like the way that scenes are shot and but you've got optimus prime yeah i think that would be fun yeah yeah where's anderson for both is my answer well all right that's fine no i think jordan pill would do a really good star wars yeah but i don't again i don't think, yeah, he wouldn't be like, I'm going to make that Death Troopers, like the horror thing. Yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 01:28:29 I think he could just tell his own story. I think Jordan Peele would do a great Transformers as well. Yeah, that's true. I don't know how he would. I don't know what he would. But you know what? I think he would do better. I think his Transformers character stuff would be a lot better.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Yeah. First of all, there wouldn't be those weird racial stereotype robots. That's true, yeah. I think number one, they would be... Or if they did, they'd be telling you something. Exactly. And that's okay, yeah. But I think he would do just characters that you can believe would be real characters.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Yeah. Which is what Transformers sorely needs. If you have giant robots shooting at each other and transforming into planes and tanks, you need people in that world who are an anchor. Sam Witwicky. Yes, exactly. Yes. Bring back Shia LaBeouf.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Yeah, why not? I also think that he probably grew up with that stuff in the way that Wes Anderson didn't. I think Wes Anderson wasn't a Transformers fan growing up. Yeah, Wes Anderson, he went straight from like a bassinet with a big bonnet on it to- Riding a penny farthing. Riding a penny farthing.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Well, he was in the Scouts for a bit. He was on a Scout troop. They were all a silhouette of walking in a line, you know, through the silhouette of some woods. Yeah. That's wise old Al. Yeah, who was stop motion maybe. But then he was on a penny farthing.
Starting point is 01:29:40 What's he like? I don't know. Seems nice enough. I like his movies, I think. All right. I think. You don't like him? No, I don't know. Seems nice enough. I like his movies, I think. All right. I think. You don't like him? No, I do.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Yeah. I think. But where's Anderson Star Wars? Yeah. You see? I think the reason I say Transformers is because you sold me on the idea of him doing a Transformers. And maybe there's a plaid Transformer as well. Have you seen the Patrick Willems video that is Wes Anderson directs the X-Men?
Starting point is 01:30:06 Yeah, I have. Yeah. It's really cool. Well, you're bloody best mates with him, aren't you, on Twitter? Yeah. You guys are chumming it up. We're chumming it up. You're leaving me out of it.
Starting point is 01:30:14 You've got to start a new podcast. It's called Two Fucking Sons of Bitches Cut James Out of a Podcast. Yep. He's great. I like him. God. cut James out of a podcast. Yep. He's great. I like him. God, this is a real high- You really hung up on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Yeah. Because one of them doesn't get Transformers and one of them doesn't get Star Wars. Yeah. Space Hotel. Space Hotel. I reckon, yeah. You know what, Jordan Peele, Star Wars,
Starting point is 01:30:43 where's Anderson Transformers? Okay. I'm with you on that. Great. I've got one more tweet here from Marcus. I reckon, yeah. You know what, Jordan Peele, Star Wars, where's Anderson Transformers? Okay, I'm with you on that. Great. I've got one more tweet here from Marcus. I'm ready. It says, when will it be the right time to do a proper Injustice film? I feel like we need at least another Aquaman,
Starting point is 01:30:54 a couple of good Justice League films. Audiences need to be able to understand parallel dimensions, etc. Hashtag weekly planet pod. I think if they do like Flashpoint, which there was rumours of recently. I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan was talking about. Yeah, right. Who knows? We've had that rumour for 100 years. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:09 I don't know whether it's one of those things where, because we talked about in the Caravan of Garbage movies, like Zack Snyder would do a great Injustice universe movie, but do you need a live-action Injustice? And also at this point, again, like I think that it wouldn't be different enough from the Zack Snyder existing DC. I mean, he'd have the collar. He'd have the Superman collar.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Superman would have a collar, wouldn't he? Yeah. But I, yeah, I don't think it'd be different enough that people, I think people would be so confused. Yeah. They'd be like, I don't understand. Is this the same? I guess that's why you're saying like you do your Aquamans, you do a few more. Yeah, a few more to make it.
Starting point is 01:31:45 If you were given enough time, if you made them more colourful and kind of cheery and more optimistic, then you could take the wild left turn into Injustice again. Because I think that's why if they are, they're doing the Marvel what-ifs. Now that we've established 22 movies, then you can be like zombies. Yeah, right. Oh, I get this. You know what I mean? Yeah,, then you can be like zombies. Yeah, right. Oh, I get this. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:32:07 Yeah, I think you might be right. But again, I think sometimes universes can just exist. Yeah, that's true. Justice can just be a video game. I think it might be animated before it's live. You're probably right because they do that with Red Sun and Gotham by Gaslight. But I wouldn't mind seeing some more Elseworlds stuff
Starting point is 01:32:23 from movies in general and what if. Yeah. Do you have anything else or is that the show? That's all the letters, I think. Well, then let's go home. I'm home. You should go home. Well, got a new podcast to work on.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I bet you do, don't you? With your best mate. My best mate, you, James. That's right. Oh, my goodness. Am I the first guest? No, it's Patrick O'Neill. Oh, fuck. James. That's right. Oh my goodness am I the first guest? No, it's Patrick O'Neill.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Thank you everybody for listening to the podcast. We very much appreciate it. These very strange and trying times. Aren't they just? Thank you for telling a friend. Thank you for attempting to get your friend's name, his baby after something we've said. We'll get one one day. Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for leaving to get your friend to name his baby after something we've said. We'll get one one day. Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for leaving a nice review, James.
Starting point is 01:33:09 You've got some nice reviews right there. That's a fun thing that you said then because I do. This is from Geraldo Alcala B. Best pot around, five stars. You can do this in-app. It's crazy. I tell it to you every week but you never do it, Mason. I won't.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Still can't believe this guy does two voices for an hour and a half each week, five out of five. But which guy? Who's doing the voices? That's right. What's his real voice like or does it sound nothing like these voices? That's a great point. And this one is just.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Maybe it's like. Yeah, this one's by. You have to do two versions there as well. This one's by Good Podcast 22. It's five stars and it says podcast and the comment is podcast. So you can do it like that. It doesn't matter. We just want the five stars.
Starting point is 01:33:52 That's a real Hodor situation there. That's all he can say. But he can give five stars and that's what's important. That's the most important thing to us in the world. That's right. If you want to get into contact with us, you can go to WeeklyPlanetPod at Facebook, at Gmail, at Twitter, at Bandcamp. You can go to, sign up to the newsletter from the great Rob Collings.
Starting point is 01:34:10 He's doing it all. He does it all. Has he ever not done it all? No, he's always done it all. That's what I thought. To the best of my knowledge, he's always done it all. Let's see. He's been editing these, which has been a huge help to me.
Starting point is 01:34:21 You can go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group to have all sorts of fun discussions with all sorts of fun people fun lively jovial nice topics very important uh yeah we're highlighting different creators or this wasn't my idea uh but different creators and different people on different times as well which is really cool giving voices which i think is great yeah uh if you can also find me at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. On Instagram, I am Nick Maso. N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. James, your Mr. Sunday Movies everywhere. Correct. Let's see if you want to support the show.
Starting point is 01:34:52 Obviously, you can go to if you want to sign up for some little bits of bonus content and help keep the lights on in here. They're very dim today. Yes. Because of the baby. Because of the baby. But it's upsetting, isn't it? I'm kind of squinting. It's a little bit. We're like the dragons in Reign of Fire. The low light. Good plug. Yes. Because of the baby. Because of the baby. Because of the baby. But it's upsetting, isn't it? I'm kind of squinting. It's a little bit.
Starting point is 01:35:05 We're like the dragons in Reign of Fire. The low light. Good plug. Thanks. Like for the- Reign of Fire. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can also go to slash MrSundayMovies if you'd like to chuck in a buck in that
Starting point is 01:35:16 manner. That's also terrific. It's also fun, too. Definitely appreciate that. Still stuff going up there, yeah. If you want to, you can donate. You can donate a dollar if you want. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:22 We'll absolutely take it. Take it. Take a ride from here. These dim bulbs are very expensive. Correct. By dim bulbs, you can donate. You can donate a dollar if you want. Yes. We'll absolutely take it. Take it. Take it right from you. These dim bulbs are very expensive. Correct. Dim bulbs, I mean us. That's why I keep them low, just trying to make them last. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:35:32 Exactly. You know when a light blows and you're like, oh, my God, I have to deal with this. Yeah, yeah. It's like three in my house that I haven't dealt with yet. A light blew in my apartment and I'm like, cool, well, I'll just take the little cover off and I'll just replace that. And it's like this weird LED grid system.
Starting point is 01:35:46 It's got wires coming out of it. I don't know. I don't know what to do with it. You've got to get your dad in. I've got to take the whole unit out. I've got to take the whole roof off. I don't know. I don't know what to do anymore.
Starting point is 01:35:53 You've got to get your dad in. I'm just going to leave. No, he won't know. You've got to get my dad in there. I'll get your dad in. Exactly, that's right. What were we talking about? You can also go to the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description
Starting point is 01:36:04 if you're stuck at home. You want to get some stuff delivered to your door, why not do it through our Amazon affiliate link? Why not? You can also get some T-shirts from Thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Maracan for all our musical themes. Yeah. Next week, what are we doing next week? More comic stuff, remember?
Starting point is 01:36:18 Oh, yeah. Marvel comics. Nice. Yeah. Unless something else happens, then we'll do that. Cool. That's a promise we can guarantee. Can we guarantee it, though?
Starting point is 01:36:27 Yep. We're going to do that or a different thing. That is a guarantee. And that different thing might be no podcast. Now, that's the Weekly Planet Guarantee. Yes, it is. All right, guys, see you next week and thanks for listening. Good luck to our Gem, you guys.
Starting point is 01:36:38 We'll see you real soon. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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