The Weekly Planet - 364 Everything Is Coming to HBO Max

Episode Date: December 7, 2020

Visit for a bonus weekly show, monthly movie commentary, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.Go to and use code WEEKLYPLANET90 to get $9...0 off including free shipping.We’re back because we love podcasting and we also love movie and tv news! This week we discuss the passing of two legendary cinema villains, Oscar Isaac gets ast as solid snake, Hawkeye begins filming, Daredevil comes back to Marvel, a new franchise for Gal Gadot, Plastic Ma’am, the Snyder Cut is coming sooner than we thought and early reactions to Wonder Woman 1984. PLUS! We go though the newly announced HBO Max Slate for 2021 including The Suicide Squad, The Matrix 4 and more. Thanks for listening!00:00 The Start01:43 Van Helsing Reboot02:36 GoldenEye Dish Collapse03:46 David Prowse RIP05:24 Hugh Keays-Byrne RIP07:52 Oscar Isaac is Solid Snake13:40 Hawkeye Series Details15:49 Daredevil Returns to Marvel17:33 Gal Gadot joins Heart of Stone19:10 Plastic Man or Plastic Ma'am22:43 Snyder Cut Coming Soon24:23 Early Wonder Woman 1984 Reactions35:57 Warner Bros. Entire 2021 Slate on HBO Max01:21:10 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:27:57 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► Patreon ► TWP iTunes ► TWP Direct Download ► TWP YouTube Channel ► Amazon Affiliate Link ► T-Shirts/Merch ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. This episode is brought to you by HelloFresh. Hello. Hello, what are you up to?
Starting point is 00:00:35 HelloFresh. Red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butthole. The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody. Oh shit, I did it again. What have you done? It's on loop. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:00:53 What's going on? It's on loop. Yeah, but I thought it wasn't on loop. But it's on loop. It's on loop. And now I'm on loop. Oh my goodness. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows.
Starting point is 00:01:04 My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host on loop, my goodness. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. With me as always is my co-host on loop, Nick Mason. It's a hell of a week for podcasting, let me tell you that. Why do you say that specifically? Because there's big news. There's big news. Look, I'll quickly do the rundown of the show. Please do.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And I'll let people know that there's time codes in the description if they want to jump to a specific point in time. We've got news. We've got some big deaths this week, some big villains, not real-life villains, cinematic movie villains. Yeah, it's very sad. That we want to remember. We've got some Metal Gear Solid casting for the movie.
Starting point is 00:01:33 We've got some Netflix daredevil news. Hawkeye started filming. Bloody, there's a bunch of stuff happening. What else have we got here? Plastic Man, but maybe some kind of different kind of situation. Oh, I didn't hear about that. Snyder Cut news. Some of the first reviews for Wonder Woman 84 are starting to trickle in.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Interesting we didn't get to see it. Isn't it, Mason? But I'm trying to figure something out. I don't know. We'll see. But worse comes to worse. We'll see it when everyone else sees it like a fool. Right?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah. And then, of course, big HBO Max news over at Warner Brothers where they're releasing all of their blockbusters to streaming next year, which we will talk about. Again, time code's in the description. Also, I think there was supposed to be Van Helsing news, and I didn't put it in. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:02:13 They're doing another Van Helsing or whatever. Did you hear that? No. Yeah. Is he Jackman, Hugh Backman? He's not Hugh Backman. I think they're doing a reboot, so maybe it's in the modern day. Maybe you get Tal Backman.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Tal Backman. Son of the guy from Buckman Turner Overdrive. That's right. She's so high zone, Tal Backman. That's right, yeah. I know him. I remember him. I remember the year 2000 or 99, I think, specifically.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Mate, if you remember the year 2000 or 99, you weren't there, mate. I'll tell you that much. I don't think it was really that kind of year, was it? No, it wasn't at all, no. It was very straight-laced. I remember there being a lot of bongs. That was like a big thing, but I remember being like, this isn't for all. No, it was very straight-laced. I remember there being a lot of bongs. That was like a big thing. But I remember being like, this isn't for me, mate.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Wow. You were just running the minefield of them. Wow. Congratulations. I just think, you know, if you're going to do it, there's better ways, I feel. Hey, speaking of the 90s, I have a piece of news. I love news.
Starting point is 00:02:57 That I just remembered earlier. This is sad news, unfortunately. This week saw the final collapse of the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico. Why do you mention that specifically? Well, because in the 90s we had, of course, the film Goldeneye, where the big Finnish finale, 006 versus 007, took place. But you can look it up. There's video.
Starting point is 00:03:19 There's drone camera footage of just like the final cables of it snapping and it just collapsing to the ground. It was not in use, wasn't it? They were going to tear it down anyway. Yeah, yeah. Is that right? Yeah, it was already heavily damaged, yeah. That thing was crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I remember seeing that in that movie and being like, that's probably not real. Turns out it's real. Yeah, in November it was determined it would be too dangerous to repair the aged observatory and it would have to be demolished. Are they going to build another one there? No, they're going to turn it into a skate ramp. That'd be so rad.
Starting point is 00:03:47 If I skated, oh, man, I'd love that. You'd take the pilgrimage, wouldn't you? Then again, you get to the bottom. Yeah. You'd run out of momentum. Yeah, that's what I mean. You'd have to kind of scoot your way up there. You'd need to put some more stuff in the middle.
Starting point is 00:03:59 What about you put a hyperloop in there? That's not a bad idea. You go down it, shoots you out at the speed of sound. You die. You jump over the corpse of Sean Bean and you keep going. It's not a bad idea. You go down it, shoots you out at the speed of sound. You die. You jump over the corpse of Sean Bean and you keep going. That's right. Wicked. Yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I'm into it. Very cool, right? Anyways, in other bits of sad news, David Prowse has passed away at age 85. They think it was, I believe it was COVID related. Yeah. But of course, what often happens with COVID, it's like pre-existing conditions or you're of a certain age and it can affect you that way. People who don't know, David Prowse was, of course, the body of Darth Vader.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yes. And not all but many of the stunts, the imposing figure of, all of the mannerisms now which they copy when they bring him into new stuff, this was all developed by David Prowse. Famously also really heavily screwed over by Lucasfilm in terms of payments. Yeah, supposedly he was one of the victims of – This movie didn't make any money. Yeah, the Hollywood –
Starting point is 00:04:52 Hollywood accounting. Hollywood accounting. What is it? You get – he was promised a percentage of the net profits. In Hollywood, there's never any net profits. Never make any money. Because there's always too many expenses for some reason. It's tough, man.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Yeah. So, yeah, that was – I mean, a pretty good innings at 85, but, yeah, that's a big loss, obviously. He also trained Christopher Reeve. I was going to say, yeah. Christopher Reeve was as skinny as a twig before Superman, and they actually had to go back, I believe, and reshoot scenes because he'd grown so much in musculature
Starting point is 00:05:18 because of David Prowse's involvement. Also trained Carrie Elwes in all his various physical attributes in The Princess Bride. Yeah, that's cool. And sawing his own leg off. Did he really? Oh, my God. He was like back and forth.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Back and forth. Sharp side down. Sharp side down. Oh, what was Elwes doing? He was doing sharp side towards the end. Flat of the blade. Yeah, flat of the blade, just slapping it on there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I mean, that'll work eventually. I guess it would, yeah. But if he's in a sore situation, it's like the movie's not called. Wait for erosion to take place. Yeah, or slap your leg off with the Flat of a Blade. Yes. I mean, I watched that movie, sure. And the other huge passing was Hugh Keyes' Burn,
Starting point is 00:05:52 who people might know from Immortan Joe from the Mad Max Fury Road, but he was also the villain in the original Mad Max movie from the 70s. That's right. So early 70s, I think it was late 70s, yeah. So also, of course, he was Martian Manhunter in the version that nearly got off the ground. Oh, Justice League Mortal. Justice League Mortal. The George Miller version, of course, directed the Mad Max movies in the late aughts.
Starting point is 00:06:18 So yeah, big personality, a huge part of that latest Mad Max. That was really cool that he got to not reprise the role but then come back into the franchise. And it's kind of really hard to just like stake a claim as a really iconic cinematic villain. There's only like a handful. Especially in one movie where it's like, you know. The movie's off the bloody dome, mate. Right?
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's crazy. But just the fact that these guys, like these titans of like Hollywood villainry, you know, passed at the same time is, yeah, it's a massive tragic coincidence. But, yeah, I mean their legacies are obviously, you know, they're cemented. There'll probably be some great fan art of like them all in a diner with probably Hannibal Lecter and Heath Ledger's Joker or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah, they're all hanging out. They're all hanging out. One's playing pool. With his lightsaber. David Prowse is shooting pool with a lightsaber. Two of the Jokers are's Joker or whatever. Yeah, they're all hanging out. They're all hanging out. One's playing pool. With his lightsaber. David Prowse is shooting pool with a lightsaber. Two of the Jokers are comparing knives or whatever. Yeah, for sure. Jared Leto's at the glass with his face pressed against it.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because everyone hates him, Mason. Yeah. So there you go. And Morton Joe's drinking a big glass of water and everybody's enjoying that because the water was quite scarce. The water was quite scarce, wasn't it? Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Anyway, that's a shame. It was quite scarce. The water was quite scarce, wasn't it? Yeah, there you go. Anyway, that's a shame. It is. This is from Stephen Merchant. Oh, yeah, I know Stephen Merchant. You don't know him personally. No, but I know him. You know all of him. When I met him and we're friends.
Starting point is 00:07:37 He texted me this. Oh, did he? Steve did. Sorry. You know he's Mr. Merchant, sir. No, this is just a know is Mr Merchant sir now this is this is just a tweet
Starting point is 00:07:48 from Steve Merchant it says email from my dad about David Prowse RIP who was from my hometown of Bristol yeah
Starting point is 00:07:54 so this is from Ron Merchant just thought you would like to know I had the honour of being thrown out of the Glen in Clifton for smoking
Starting point is 00:07:59 on the dance floor by David Prowse he was very gentle and carried me out yeah so I guess he was a bouncer before he was a. Yeah, he was.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Well, he was also a bodybuilder. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Stephen Merchant's dad is in episodes of The Office. He's like the janitor who stares at the camera. Oh, yeah, right. That's quite fun. So, yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So Deadliner reporting that Jordan evoked Roberts. I never know how to say that. He directed Kong Skull Island. Yeah. He's doing the Metal Gear Solid movie. Or maybe it's just called Metal Gear or maybe it's just called Solid Snake. I don't know. Well, I don't care for watching that film unless the role of Solid Snake is being played by a charming Star Wars alum maybe.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Well, it depends on what you think of the sequel trilogies because I think he's good in them. So I don't know if everybody would be on board. It's Oscar Isaac. It's Oscar Isaac. Do you remember a long time back? It might have been last year. Galaxy Far, Far Away.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah, sure. But that's a good joke. But what I'm saying is, Mason, I've now forgotten because you did that joke. Because it's a good joke. I'm just thinking about the good joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boss Logic and him had a conversation about, I remember one of them put it online that was like, can you mock up some Oscar Isaac Snake, Solid Snake artwork?
Starting point is 00:09:10 And he did. And that's kind of where this kind of came from. So he, the director, reached out and was like, what would this look like? And there you go. I think it'd be great. Yeah. Yeah, if this is true, which it seems to be. You know, it'd be really funny.
Starting point is 00:09:22 What's that? If, do you remember, so for people who don't remember, Metal Gear Solid 2, the trailer for Metal Gear Solid 2, everybody expected you were going to be playing a Solid Snake again. Because that's what they told you also. Yeah, it was in the trailer. But then they did a little turnaround and it turned out, for the most part, you were playing as this guy Raiden.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah. Raiden, who was like more like an anime kind of blonde, like smooth ninja boy kind of thing, and there was outrage. What I'm saying is we make Oscar Isaac real smooth and he's Raiden. That'd be pretty good. Or you just swap it out completely. Yeah. Like a different actor.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Different movie. Someone people hate. Yeah. And just being like, guess what, Carrot Top is the star of this movie. Right. And it's Raiden or whatever. He's Ginger Snake. And he's old because people don't like the old one, do they?
Starting point is 00:10:10 No. They age him up. So this is an incomprehensible franchise to me and I don't like it. It's only incomprehensible to you, James, because you skip the cut scenes. No, I didn't. That was the game that made me realise I don't have to watch cut scenes. But you do because you don't understand I don't understand. I did watch it but it was just like
Starting point is 00:10:30 what's Liquid Ocelot doing Snake what are you doing? Why are you carrying a nuclear reactor or whatever? I don't know But then the last cut scene I remember was like He confused Revolver Ocelot Shut up Mason I don't care He's just made up. This guy's loopy And then at the end
Starting point is 00:10:44 the end of the game was like an hour and a half or two hours of cut scene. And then it was like it ends in a grave and somebody has a heart attack. I can't remember. But it was like play for 40 minutes. Guess what? Watch a four-hour cut scene. It's a fucking horrible game and I'll never forgive it.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Is that one of them, one of the guys, one of the characters you kill, I think it is Revolver Ocelot. You kill him and then he gets his arm cut off and it gets put on another dude and then the spirit of Revolver Ocelot goes in his brain. I think that's because he's the villain in 4, but I think that happened in a previous game or maybe the start of that game. I don't remember. I hate that game, Mason.
Starting point is 00:11:22 How are they going to simplify this into two hours? Well, you just do it like whatever the first one was. Yeah, probably, yeah. That's it. And you put the guy. It'll probably just be, yeah, Metal Gear. It'll just be like he's got to get in a facility and stop Metal Gear. That's probably right.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And do you know, do you think that because there's a famous moment in that game where you meet some kind of psychic dude. Psycho Mantis. And he tells you to, and he reads what's on your memory card. So he's like, oh, I see you've been playing. Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid, this game. And it's like people are like, ooh, that's,
Starting point is 00:11:51 like would there be something similar in the theater where it's like, I see you're eating crunchy M&Ms. Yeah, I think, yeah. Some kind of audience interaction. Or remember in that game. It'll be D-Box. It'll be, because also in the first level in that when you fight Psycho Mantis, he asks you to put your controller on the floor and then he when you fight Psycho Mantis,
Starting point is 00:12:06 he asks you to put your controller on the floor and then he moves it with telekinesis, right? Yes. So just de-boxes all the seats and all your popcorn goes flying. That's great. You have to buy more popcorn. And in the lesser theatres that don't have that, the ushers just come in and swat the food out of your hand with the broom. Is that the same game that makes you reset the system?
Starting point is 00:12:23 That is one of them, isn't it? Yeah. It might be one of those two. Yeah, one of the games. One of the games. Or it might be. Like it looks like it crashes. There's a mission fail at one.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah. One of the games there's a mission fail. And when it's normally a mission fail, there's a small bit of the screen where it's like your dead body is lying on the ground. But when it says fish and mailed or something like that, and you're still playing in a little corner of the screen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Yeah. Interesting. Anyway. There's so many options. How are they going to turn all of this great stuff? Just get rid of it all. Just do find a metal gear. Okay, but what is the one element that they're going to keep
Starting point is 00:12:56 from the video games? The metal gear. You've got to find a metal gear. No, but I mean what's the one gameplay element they're going to? Sneaking. Do you think it's going to be the moment? Boxes. He's going to be in a box.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah, it's probably going to... Sneaking. Do you think it's going to be the... Boxes. He's going to be in a box. Yeah, it's probably going to be a box. Or he's going to just smoke some delicious cigarettes. Totally. Maybe attach a balloon to somebody and lift them off. Yeah. That's that thing that he does.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yeah. Yeah, cool. Do you think they're going to bring in that woman who breathes through her skin? So she has to be doing it all the time? Yeah, sure. It's not weird, is it? No.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Video games know what they're doing. God, there's so much weird stuff in there. It's so weird. I didn't watch the one where you carry boxes. I didn't play the one where you carry boxes. Was that? From Monster Energy or whatever. The recent one.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Oh. Was that the one? So the creator of this game, all these games, what's his face? Kojima, yeah. Hideo Kojima. They stopped making these games because they had a falling out, right? Yeah, they were, Drake treated him were – Konami treated him really badly. And then they still had the IP,
Starting point is 00:13:49 so they released another game after he'd left. It was just a zombie shooting game. Which is mostly just used like assets from Five or whatever, which apparently is a good game. But also apparently that game is very unfinished and rushed towards the end and whatever. Now Kojima works for himself and does his own thing. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yeah. Let's do more news. Okay. Did you see that Hawkeye had started filming? I did see that. And in addition to that, we've got some information. The dog's in it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:14 He's got the hearing aids because often in the comics, Hawkeye has his deaf or hard of hearing. And Hayley Steinfeld is confirmed as Kate Bishop. Nice. Which is terrific casting. Unless it's a coincidence. Could be a coincidence. Like maybe she just happens to be walking a dog that looks like a pizza dog. With a bow and arrow.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And maybe it so happens that Jeremy Renner was maybe playing his best-selling album at like ear-splitting volumes in his own house. Oh, okay. And it blew his own eardrums out. Maybe she came up and she was like, Jeremy Renner. And he's like, I'm filming. Get out of here. I'm filming the Hawkeye TV series, get out of here.
Starting point is 00:14:46 That's what people have captured on film. I think that's also certainly possible, yes. There's also some revelation in terms of who else is in the series and Florence Pugh is going to make an appearance. Oh, yeah? Of course, it's the new Black Widow, I guess. Yep. Because this looks like it's set after Endgame.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yes. As you know, Black Widow fell off a cliff and smashed her heady. That's what happened, yeah. You got a boo-boo. She did. So Florence Pugh is new Black Widow, I guess. Sick. That is sick.
Starting point is 00:15:15 But until time and bringing people back from the dead and whatever. For sure, yeah. So there you go. Nice. I agree. They're not going to have that because the thing about it, because for one of our additional podcasts, the Big Sandwich Classic Comic Book Club,
Starting point is 00:15:27 we talked about the Hawkeye comic book upon which this seems to be based. And Black Widow is in it, but more of a supporting character who's like, why are you such a loser, Hawkeye? What's going on? What are you doing with this? What's going on? Yeah, why are you deaf, idiot? So maybe she's just going to show up and be like, why are you deaf, idiot? And he's going to be like, who are you? I don't know you. Why are you doing with this? What's going on? Yeah, why are you deaf, idiot? So maybe she's just going to show up and be like,
Starting point is 00:15:45 why are you deaf, idiot? And he's going to be like, who are you? I don't know you. Why are you so mean? It was in Black Widow's will. She told me you had to turn up and make fun of you. Yeah, so there you go. The other thing is what happened.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Oh, yeah, that was in the will. It was like, please be a good friend to Hawkeye and rib him just like I used to rib him kind of thing. But she's one of the people who can't quite carry it off. Doesn't get it, yeah, yeah. Hey, you dumbass. Your dog sucks. Top it a deaf dumbass.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Good stuff. It is good stuff, isn't it? Netflix apparently, so the rights that they have to Daredevil have reverted back to Marvel. That explains the hashtag SaveDaredevil campaign that I saw this week. So there you go. What are they going to do with that? What would you like them to do with that?
Starting point is 00:16:26 Just put them in a movie. Do you think they need to be like previously on or just like, no, this is what he's up to now? He's been doing, he's been a lawyer, he was a lawyer, and he's still a lawyer, and now he's just going to do further adventures. Like how much do you need to go like there were dragon bones under New York? You don't need that. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:16:45 I would love a reference to it. Like, again, if so many of the rumors slash clickbaits are to be revealed and he's brought in as maybe Spider-Man's lawyer or something like that, I would just love a line where he's like, yeah, this is easier than dealing with dragon bones under New York or whatever. Yeah. Remember that time I was crushed? Oh, yeah, he was crushed to death.
Starting point is 00:17:03 The building fell on him. But then he wasn't. Then he was alive and fine again. He was all right. Yeah. God. That's good at getting up. You know what? If they just put him in, like Peter Parker needs a lawyer
Starting point is 00:17:13 and he's at a hearing or something and then, you know, Matt Murdock just shows up and he's like, listen, I was dead and then I was back. I was crushed to death, dragon bones. And Peter Parker's like, I don't even know where to start with that, to be honest. Yeah, I would love to see Charlie Cox come back as Daredevil. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It's a great performance, I think. I don't think there's a person in that I don't really like. I think the only thing would be is just train your iron fist guy a little better, then you're on your way, mate. Yeah. Again, I would have loved to see him in Endgame just in like a, you know, defending a smaller part of New York maybe. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You know? From whatever. Yeah, from whatever. Just regular street crime. Just some people who are like, oh, the world's ending, so I guess it's time to steal some DVD players, you know? Exactly. Deadline reporting that Gal Gadot is in the franchise Heart of Stone,
Starting point is 00:18:03 which is going to be a female spin on action franchises like James Bond or Mission Impossible. Oh. We recently did, this will be releasing before Christmas, a commentary for Wonder Woman, the 2017. And we talked about in that how before she got Wonder Woman, she was kind of like thinking of giving up acting. Yeah, she'd done some Fast and Furiouses.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And then she got thrown out of a plane or whatever happened, but she was Wonder Woman and now Chris has taken off again. Is this a pre-existing thing? Have I heard of Hearts of Stone somewhere else? It could be like a Jack Reacher-esque series of novels. Oh, it might be. That's true. Or Salt.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Could be like a Salt, yeah. That's right. Let me just check this. Let me just use my computer to access information. Okay. Just that's locally on your computer? That's right. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's an original international spy thriller franchise from Sky Media. Oh. So I think there's definitely room for something like this. I think I. Something original in this landscape, James? Well, it's not really original because it's like James Bond, Mission Impossible or whatever. But, yeah, why not, man?
Starting point is 00:19:02 I think when we talked about the franchise, I was like, hey, maybe they should do more female-centric comic book movies. And I think I said they should do one every year. Or maybe half of them should be. You know what I mean? Maybe just do a bunch of different stuff with different types of people. But yeah, cool. Or you can just do Batman again.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah, do it again. Do Batman every couple of years. Exactly. How many Batman do you want to see? There he goes, counting on his hands. Oh, no, he's run out of fingers. Nine Batmans. Nine Batmans.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Oh, he was all right. Well, then you're going to love Flashpoint or whatever. Yeah. Whatever's happening here. THR, the Hollywood Reporter, is saying, Plastic Man or Plastic Mam? That's actually my headline. I didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:19:43 They didn't say I said that. Okay, right. Because black list writer Kat Vasco has been tasked with reinventing the Plastic Man franchise as a female-centric hero. Oh, so Plastic Man or Plastic Mam. That's what you would say. None of the headlines say that. Wow. They can employ us as headline writers.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Let me check. Let me Google that and see if anybody's over that because come on. I should be writing for the big sites, Mason. I could do it. Yeah. I could do it. I could do it.
Starting point is 00:20:11 No, nothing. Bullshit. The first one is Plastic Man, the result, and the second result is Plastic Product and Homewares Wholesaler. Oh, we should get some stuff then. I agree. Yeah. What a bunch of crap.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Can you get me a compost bin or something? Yeah, I could probably get you a compost bin. I mean, you probably can only buy like 50 at a time. So get me 50 and we'll sell the rest. We'll make a profit. It'll be great. People have also, if they've written it in their articles, some people have written it, but no, that doesn't count, obviously.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah, yeah, for sure. So Plastic Man is not a hugely famous character. Correct. Imagine Mr. Incredible. No. Elastigirl? Yeah, and imagine Mr. Fantastic and whatever. Elastigirl? Yeah, and imagine Mr. Fantastic and whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:47 He does that stuff, doesn't he? Probably some other DC specific things. James. Can he be a liquid? I can't remember. Plastic Man is probably the most versatile of the stretchy boys. Elongated Man can just sort of be, he's just a bit stretchy.
Starting point is 00:21:04 He's a Stretch Armstrong fellow. He's a Stretch Armstrong fellow. He's a Stretch Armstrong kind of fellow. Mr. Fantastic is also. Really bombastic? Yes. That's right. Thank you. Wow, he's done it again.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I've done it again. Oh, my God. But also he's more, he's stretchy and indestructible. That's kind of his vibe. And Plastic Man is more like he could turn into a tank and, like, fire stuff at him. Oh, because he can do molecular stuff, can't he? Yeah, he can do, like, he can, like, make complex mechanical shapes out of himself. Like, he could turn into a rocket and, like, at least fling himself.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You know, in, like, Terminator 2 when there's, like, he can't make, like, complex weapons. This guy can do that. This guy can do it, yeah. Gotcha. Perfect. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, it seems like there's not a huge amount of backlash because this isn't a popular character. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:45 But there's still a bit of like, what's next? Bloody Black Panther, but he's white or whatever? You know, it's just like. Sure, yeah. Yes, folks, that's exactly the same. That's what I'm saying. We have the same argument. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:21:56 No, I don't really have that. That's a dumb thing that only idiots people, idiots who are disingenuous say. But, yeah, why not? Plastic Man, do a version of this and whatever. Yeah. And next news. Do you think she will keep her nickname Eel O'Brien?
Starting point is 00:22:10 I don't know what that means. Plastic Man's nickname is Eel because he was a former small-time criminal named Eel O'Brien. I appreciate that you think I would get that reference. Okay, right. You think I'm that much of a nerd, Mason? Yeah. Appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Thank you. Collider reporting. I'm just saying it's not a very ladylike name. No, that. Okay, right. You think I'm that much of a nerd, Mason? Yeah. Appreciate that. Thank you. Collider reporting. I'm just saying it's not a very ladylike name. No, that's fine, though. You can mix it up. She could be slippery. Star Trek, it's bloody, the lead is called Michael Burnham. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:35 That's true. Anything can be anything. And Miles O'Brien, obviously. That's right. Yeah. Snyder Cut news from Collider. I didn't get that either. Deep Space Nine.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I don't know these things. He was on both Star Trek The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. I don't know any of your references this week, Mason. He was like a science engineering guy. Science in Star Trek? No wonder nobody likes it. Stupid show for nerds. Well, he was Irish like the British actor Domhnall Gleeson.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Oh, yeah. People don't like that, do they? Look at it all. He should stop doing British accents if he doesn't want people to think he's British. Yeah. Fucking idiot. Anyway, I't want people to think he's British. Fucking idiot. Anyway, I like him. I think he's great. Collider reporting, the Snyder Cut.
Starting point is 00:23:11 This is via Warner CEO Jason Collar. And this is a whole quote about what's coming up and exciting times of, you know, that shit. But the quote that's important is. I like how you just cut through the marketing malarkey at this point. Does anybody need me to read it out? No. Yeah, thank you. And you know what else?
Starting point is 00:23:28 We can all read it on our own time. Exactly, which we won't. But I always appreciate in a website, and they don't all do this, where the quote that you're looking for is in bold. So it's like, yeah, I can skip everything else. And it's just like this is the quote, but it says, and this little thing called Zack's Night is Justice League coming in a few months as well.
Starting point is 00:23:44 So it might be like, could be, you know, before the mid-year. Yes. If not earlier. Could be April. Could be, yeah, even earlier. Could be out by now. Oh, my God. There's a gap between when we record and when this goes out.
Starting point is 00:23:55 It might have just fit in that slot. It could be out right now. Oh, my God. We should close your laptop but then reopen it and open up a VPN and then open up HBO Max. Oh, that's true. Yeah, yeah. Then put in your American credit card details.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah, and then they ask me like sometimes when you try to do that for like streaming sites overseas, it's like who's your provider? Who's your service provider? You're like, oh, I don't know, AT&T, I don't know. You got me. Then it's like because you've got to put it, yeah. You've got to put in their passwords. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And I'm like, you guys, you're pretty good. Thanks for funneling me to Pirate Bay, which I would never do, Mason. Which I would never do. I understand. Anyway, what do you think about that? Sooner rather than later. I would love sooner rather than later. Get it done, mate.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Get it done. Get it out of here. Rest of the year, Justice League hot takes. Yep, yep, yep, yep. How did somebody else besides Zack Snyder screw this up so badly? It's got to be someone else's fault. Keep the hot takes coming. Let's go for it.
Starting point is 00:24:48 That's right. But speaking of DC, though, Wonder Woman 1984, it's got a bunch of early impressions. The embargo, I'm told, from Dave Lee, Dave Lee Down Under, who has seen it as well. We know Dave Lee. We know Dave Lee. He does great Disney stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:01 He does great Disney stuff. He's got a great podcast, which I'm going to be guesting on maybe in the next week, depending on what happens with my kids. He does a great Borat impression. He does great Disney stuff. He does great Disney stuff. He's got a great podcast, which I'm going to be guesting on maybe in the next week, depending on what happens with my kids. He does a great Borat impression. He does. He does. I was going to say, yeah, I'm like, look, I can probably do it, but at the last minute I might be like, my kids are flipping out
Starting point is 00:25:16 and I can't do it. They're literally flipping out. That's right. I've never seen a baby do this many somersaults before, you'd say. But apparently it's good. People are saying it's really good and like a breath of fresh air and like a natural sequel to the whatevers. And they're saying Blue Monday plays constantly on a loop.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I love Blue Monday. You don't even mind. Which version? The original version or the orgy version? Both versions simultaneously. Wow. That would get out of sync very quickly, wouldn't it? It does, yeah, but they just keep them going.
Starting point is 00:25:43 They just keep them going. But they'd eventually come back and sink briefly, right? Yeah, and then you feel relief. But then. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it gets worse. I understand.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I get what you're saying, yeah. It's like when you're sitting at the traffic lights and there's like blinkers on and you're watching the blinkers and they're like two different cars and they're out of sync and then they're briefly in sync and then they're out of sync again. Yeah, right. Good stuff. Is that just me?
Starting point is 00:26:02 Am I the first one? Is that a big bit more? Andy Matthews, who we know from his great podcast, he used to do a bit about, oh, maybe it was like a, it was either a bit or a short story, and it was about how in the future everything gets turned into points that you can redeem for money or happiness points or something like that. And being in your car while the indicator lights match was worth one point.
Starting point is 00:26:29 You could trade it for money later. Very good. So someone funnier than me thought of that earlier. Oh, years ago. Years ago. Probably a decade ago. I probably heard it from him or from you reciting a great joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah. Good stuff. All right. That's how things are relatable, James. Yeah, those things are relatable, aren't they? So there you go. So also, again, that commentary will be up soon. We're going to put it up.
Starting point is 00:26:50 We're going to break the cycle of what we do on Big Sandwich because normally it's two clickbaits a month, a movie commentary and a book club. That's right. We're going to try. And the commentary is not due, I think, until next January, but we're going to move it up before Christmas, before 184. But the other thing we were going to do,
Starting point is 00:27:04 and this one is going to be free to the general public, we're going to do a Christmas commentary, aren't we? Yeah, we are. Maybe put it out a couple of days before Christmas. You said Die Hard. I said Jingle All The Way. Maybe we should put it to the vote. Maybe we should run them in sync.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Oh, yeah, because they'll briefly be in sync. They'll briefly be in sync. So we might put a vote in Patreon and also probably plan a broadcast. Oh, you know what we should do? We should put Jingle All The Way and Die Hard together, run them together, and then also Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Perfect. I mean, that would be a nightmare, but imagine.
Starting point is 00:27:34 What a nightmare. I wouldn't enjoy it. Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon is a Christmas album, you know. Is that true? No. Oh. I mean, anything can be a bit of an on Christmas. That's true, yep.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Anything can be that amazing. I kind of want to do Jingle All The Way because I hate it. Oh, I've never seen it. But also Die Hard. So it's like, I feel like with Die Hard it'll be like, can we just watch Die Hard silently? Yeah, well, I guess that's a good point, yeah. But I'd happily do Die Hard, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:00 But we'll probably just put that up on YouTube. Yeah, cool. So that'll be for everybody, I think. So we're going to buy the rights to one of those movies and we're going to put it in? No, we have to just put the audio up and whatever. Maybe we'll film us and we'll wear Christmas hats. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:28:14 That involves some efforts. That probably won't happen. We'll probably do it in this room, audio only, as we often do. Audio only, which would be fine too. And if we're going to do the wavy line, which we sometimes do, we might do it like John McClane's hairline. And that can be the wavy audio line. Wouldn't that be fun?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Anyway. I was thinking a lot about Bruce Willis this week. Yeah, I saw it. Ralph the Movie Maker, yeah, he did it. Oh, I didn't see it. He likes looking at like the filmography of like Steven Seagal and all the new stuff that Bruce Willis does. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And just go through and be like, this is a weird thing that he made and put no effort into. Yeah. So it's, yeah, it makes me go, oh, good. And I literally went to Google, and I know we've discussed it before, but I literally went into Google this week and I'm like, why does Bruce Willis keep making movies? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And there are a few articles, but they were far from conclusive. Yeah. It seems to be, from what I've gathered from this and like other stuff that I've seen that they budget him for $5, $10 million or whatever it is and then they put like 20% of that into the actual film and he like gets the rest of the money. And it's a day's work. Yeah, he turns up for like a day and it's mostly the back of his head
Starting point is 00:29:17 and it's somebody else and whatever. Anyway, he doesn't care and he sucks. It's true. It's true. I don't know how to tell you. But it felt like he could do it. Why do it? Is he broke?
Starting point is 00:29:29 He couldn't be. You know, here's the thought I had. Because he's been divorced at least once, right? Demi Moore, yeah. Demi Moore. And, I mean, she's a successful actor also. Yeah, she's fine. But I wonder if maybe.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Like alimony? Well, that's the thing. Like, let's say maybe he owes he owes like a million dollars a year. Maybe he does. And rather than taking that money from like the money he's earned from like Die Hard and Pulp Fiction and all that sort of stuff. Yeah. He's on principle, he makes a terrible movie every year.
Starting point is 00:30:00 He does one day's work and he's like. Once a year? Several times a year. And he one day's work and he's like... Once a year? Several times a year. And he goes, here's your money. This year it's called Hard Kill 2020. Yeah, right. Okay. He is married at the moment. He was married in 2009 to Emma Hemming
Starting point is 00:30:15 Willis. So there you go. Good luck, Bruce Willis. You're doing God's work. If God hated us. Okay. I think he's a decent man. Is he? He seems like a nice enough man to me. He seems mean in interviews.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Oh, good point. And to like directors. And interview stories about other people have told him. And like doesn't like try and it is rude. I mean, I don't know. Maybe he is really nice. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:40 He should probably get out of the movie business. I'd love to interview him, but like genuinely and be like, what are you doing? Well, well see that's the thing that's that's also the thought that i had is i'm like what position can you be in to genuinely say bruce willis why do you keep making movies look if i was his best friend i wouldn't feel comfortable saying it but also if i was interviewing him for a you know a podcast or something i still wouldn't feel comfortable yeah because you don't want to be you don't want to like him. Right, yeah. Yeah, because maybe he has severe mental health problems and this is just a thing that helps him or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, right. Or maybe he's just a prick. I don't know. So, yeah, I don't know. Let's just let him be. Let's leave him be. Let's leave him in his natural environment. Let's leave him there, yes.
Starting point is 00:31:19 And let's stop bringing it up every week. It's an enigma, all right? We don't know. Because it can't be that he loves the craft of movie making and he has to keep working because he only does a day every time, right? If he loved the craft of movie making, he's like, got to keep busy to keep the old wheels turning. Then he'd do the whole movie, but he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I feel like there was a point in time where, like, he'd be developing projects and, like, he'd choose them very carefully. He's in Pulp Fiction. That's what I'm saying. You know what I mean? It's crazy. Like, I feel like he's at a point in his career where he could be like a George Clooney where he handcrafts, like, things that he is and he's really careful and he works closely and
Starting point is 00:31:51 collaborates with everybody involved. But no. Well, because one of the articles I read said, we'll get off this topic eventually. One of the articles I read said that, oh, well, his stars dropped and he's like, you know, Liam Neeson. So he can't just. Not really, though. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Like, it's not like, and he's like, well, if you're an action star in your 50s or whatever, 60s, you can't choose whatever you want. But again, he's got enough money and enough content. He can just walk into any movie studio and be like, give me a role in something. Yeah. Like an interesting role in a movie. It doesn't matter what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And they'd be like, okay. Yeah, exactly. Like even if they – He could do a day's work on Avengers, whatever. I don't know. Not that, but anything really. Just be like, put me in the new Van Helsing movie we talked about. He could be like, can I be in a Marvel movie where I'm a guy who's mean and rude and snarky to the Avengers
Starting point is 00:32:32 because I think all these movies are dumb? And they'd be like, yeah, of course. That's meta and we love it. Yeah. But he could go to bloody Wes Anderson and be like, put me in another movie. Yeah, exactly. Or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I don't know what to tell you. We don't know. If you personally know what to tell you. We don't know. If you personally know Bruce Willis out there, don't ask him. That would be rude. What's the vibe? Just give us your best impression. Email in and give us your best impression. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Not your impression of Bruce Willis, because that would be like. But like, give us your impression of how you think he's going. Yeah. Probably fine. Probably fine. Maybe he just wants to be in a band again. That's what I think. I think he's going. Yeah. Probably fine. Probably fine. Maybe he just wants to be in a band again. That's what I think. I think he wants to play music.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like, I think he always kind of wanted to do that, but he does this. The return of the return of Bruno, that's what I say. That's right. I wouldn't buy it, but if he wants to do it, I'd make fun of it. He and Jeremy Renner could go on tour. He and Renner wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You don't think so? Not with Bruce Willis He doesn't need him He doesn't need him It's a good point actually You can do it with Hayley Steinfeld She does music and stuff Oh that's a good point
Starting point is 00:33:31 That's what you do They bring the dog People would be like Hilarious a dog on stage Do you think there'll be like A karaoke scene Yes I would love that
Starting point is 00:33:37 Like you can't fight the moonlight That's right And then New Black Widow's like But you're deaf It's like oh you're bad at You're not supportive You're bad at singing Your ribow is like, but you're deaf. It's like, oh, you're bad at it. You're not supportive. You're bad at singing. Your ribbing is rude.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Even if you weren't deaf, your singing would be bad. I like this idea of a mean Black Widow who can't read the room. Anyways. You're not as good as the last Black Widow. Anyways. Yes. I'm hungry, Mason. I'm hungry because I've been thinking about delicious HelloFresh meals,
Starting point is 00:34:05 and it makes me hungry. Why don't you just eat some crap? You know, just some old takeaway crap. No, no, no. I want to eat good food. Just go to the drive, get some crap, and you eat it and you're like, ooh, nah, I don't like this. Ooh, and I don't have the satisfaction of making it myself. Ooh, why don't you do that?
Starting point is 00:34:18 Can I offer an alternative? I guess. Okay, because HelloFresh offers convenient delivery right to your doorstep for easy home cooking with the family. And the recipes are easy to follow and quick to make with simple steps and pitches to guide you along the way. And you can save 40% by using HelloFresh versus shopping at your local crap grocery store as you recommended to do just then, Mason.
Starting point is 00:34:37 James, I'll stop you right there. And it's more convenient too. You had me at HelloFresh. So I don't need to do this? No, you probably should anyway. Okay, cool, cool. I believe they are paying us for this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:47 HelloFresh delivers fresh, high-quality, pre-proportioned ingredients so you can make meals that are delicious and nutritious, and over 90% of the ingredients are sourced directly from growers to ensure peak flavour and ripeness. And since they offset their operation, travel, and shipping emissions, HelloFresh's carbon footprint is 25% lower than store-bought grocery-made meals. My goodness.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I know. That's from the University of Michigan. You can also save 40% by using HelloFresh versus shopping at your local grocery store. And again, it's more convenient. Here's the thing, Mason. Here's something. I try HelloFresh. I bloody love it, mate.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I need it. I'm all over it. I recently had the Asian pork meatball tacos with creamy slaw and sweet chili glaze. Again, easily follow, delicious, pre-proportioned. I'm not like, I've got too many meatballs, but not enough glaze. The perfect amount, Mason. The perfect amount together. And that sound, what's great about that is you hear about that. You hear that with the glaze and the slaw and the meatballs, and you're like, too hard, too hard for me. It's not hard. It's not hard at all. I can do it. I'm an idiot. Even this idiot can do it. And here's the thing, you can do it too. If you're an idiot,
Starting point is 00:35:47 you can do it. You don't have to be an idiot. You can be a normal person. You can be a normal person. So if you go to slash weeklyplanet90 and use code weeklyplanet90, as in I know, you can get $90 off, including free shipping. That's slash WeeklyPlanet90 and use code WeeklyPlanet90 to get $90 off, including free shipping. Let me get into it. If you want some bloody good food, mate, carbon emissions offset, all those kinds of things, it's delicious. It's not some crap the Mason suggested up top.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Yeah, I regret that now. This is better, isn't it? I somewhat regret that now. Good, good, good. On with the show. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before
Starting point is 00:36:39 thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Warner Brothers' entire slate for 2021, which is kind of Wonder Woman will kick this off this year, they're going to be doing 17 films that are releasing to cinemas but at the same day are streaming on HBO Max. It was a little bit unclear in a lot of the articles and on Twitter. A lot of people seem to have gotten the impression that they were releasing literally everything on the same day.
Starting point is 00:37:13 No. They are not doing that. Why would that be the case? I don't know, but some people were like, is that true? It's not true. No, that's not true at all. That's definitively not true. The idea is that they'll run for a month and then they'll go to other,
Starting point is 00:37:27 they'll push them out on like Amazon and Apple and whatever else. Now, you might know the answer to this question. I don't know anything but go on. No, no. What I mean is you can use your Google machine. If you have an HBO Max subscription and when Wonder Woman comes out on HBO Max, do you have to pay an additional fee for Wonder Woman? Great question.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And no. This is all part of the program. So I think the idea behind that, the system that the Disney Plus kind of tested with Milan, I think that didn't do well. Well, we don't really know because they don't release official numbers on that kind of stuff. Yeah. But I think the idea behind this is they have- They got two.
Starting point is 00:38:01 They got me and you. Yeah, that's right. But the thing is like theaters and movie studios have this backlog of films and it's going to be two years worth of films that will, I guess, have to release in the one year. And the longer the movies stay on the shelf, they're not making you money.
Starting point is 00:38:15 You're losing money because you're not putting them out. You're losing value. That's right. The year 1984 gets further and further away and people are like, we don't understand these references. People are taking the discs off the shelf. They're looking at them. They're smudging, getting their dirty hands on them. Gross, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 They're scraping them when they put them back on the shelf. Christopher Nolan's just tut-tutting the whole time because that to him is not cinema. That's exactly right. Scorsese is there as well. Coppola, they're all there saying this is not cinema. Yeah, and then people are like, didn't you release something on Netflix? And he's like, yeah, but it was not very good, was it?
Starting point is 00:38:45 It was all right, I guess. All these films are becoming more not cinema by the day, so you've got to get them out there. You've got to get them out there. Digitally, though, so I think if Christopher Nolan had a movie coming out at this point, this would be the exception. But I think the release of Tenet, like what's happening with Disney+, and the numbers that they're getting, and I think the fact that they're
Starting point is 00:39:04 sitting on all this stuff and they need to build HBO Max, these are all factors that are contributing. I don't think necessarily in the short term, this is going to make them a lot of money, but it will in the long term, depending on the amount of subscribers. Because again, I don't think a lot of people would see every one of these films. I probably won't see every one of these films, but it doesn't matter. You're still paying every month for who knows how long. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah. And it might not be for – eventually people, I think, will twig. Like once this whole – once the bad situation is over, I think people will eventually go, hey, they're not releasing all these movies. They're not releasing huge blockbuster movies on HBO Max anymore. But that could take three years or five years. And eventually when you can't finally cancel your subscription, they've gotten, you know, 10 bucks a month for five years.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Exactly. And the other thing about this is they're saying it is a unique one year plan, but that is dependent on how this goes. Oh, yeah. Because if this goes very well, this is not a one-year thing. This is a forever thing. Yeah. And also if, again, you know, we get a vaccine and it gets distributed
Starting point is 00:40:11 enough that, you know, we get some immunity going around. People want to take it. Yeah, for sure. Then they might go, in light of recent events, we're not releasing this stuff. I think these are locked in no matter what. I don't think they'll deviate from. Because I think if you say to people,
Starting point is 00:40:26 sign up and you'll get these seminary films, you'll have to do it. People will sue. Yeah, people will be upset. There'll be a big class action. Exactly. So, yeah, again, I think this is a one-year plan if it doesn't work. And I think also there will be exceptions. I think like the next Christopher Nolan thing, this won't happen.
Starting point is 00:40:44 He has say in obviously how his things are seen. But apparently also a number of these filmmakers involved in this didn't know they were doing this. So they just sprung it on them the way that everybody was. So we don't really know how they feel about that because the director's not going to be like, ah, boo. That's true. We'll know in some years.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Three years. Yeah, we'll know when their particular Warner Brothers contracts have expired and they're not doing any more work for them. And then we'll know. Then we'll know. They'll lash out on TikTok. With a dance? I don't know, Mason.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Okay. But we'll know. The Wachowskis just doing a dance on TikTok? Well, it's only one Wachowski, The Matrix, yeah. So what I thought we'd do, actually there's one more thing I want to talk about. First of all, I think this is going to inform everything. I think they saw what Disney Plus are doing and they probably know that a bunch of Disney Plus stuff, including Black Widow, are probably going to streaming.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Probably. We don't know that. We don't know. But they probably know. There's probably scuttlebutt in between the Marvel guys and the Warner Brothers guys. There's definitely scuttlebutts. Down at the bullpen? Yes. Stanley and the Warner Brothers guys, you know. There's definitely scuttlebutts. Down at the bullpen?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yes. Stan Lee's bullpen. Oh, my God. They still use that? Yeah. Rad. So IMAX stock fell 7%. AMC stock fell by 17%. Cinemark, these are US brands, obviously.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah. Cinemark fell. What about Greater Union? That's a strange thing, isn't it? Yeah. Well, we don't have HBO Max. A lot of countries don't, so probably not. What about the village drive in at Coburg?
Starting point is 00:42:08 What do you think? What's going on with that then? I don't know. I've never been. Is it good? I think I saw Jumanji there, actually, in 95. Not new Jumanji. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I'll ring my dad and ask him if that's the case. I can ring him now if you want. No, that's okay. Okay, cool. I'll ring him after. And then I'll record and I'll put it in. Put it in here. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Okay. So cut to you and your dad having a conversation about whether or not he took you to see Jumanji in 1995. Correct. Okay. How much of that do you think will be you explaining what movie Jumanji was? He knows Jumanji. I'm impressed by some of the stuff my dad watches.
Starting point is 00:42:38 He's like, I've been watching Schitt's Creek. I bloody love it. And I'm like, I would never have thought that you're loving Schitt's Creek. And he's like, yeah, it's great. It's funny. I'm like, cool. I thought you only watched British Murder Mysteries. That's cool to me. I bloody love it. And I'm like, I would never have thought that you're loving Schitt's Creek. And he's like, yeah, it's great. It's funny. I'm like, cool. I thought you only watched British Murder Mysteries. That's cool to me.
Starting point is 00:42:48 My parents love Breaking Bad. There you go. But they don't love Better Call Saul. Well, that's because they haven't seen enough of it, Mason. It's an equally good show. All right, I'll let them know. Please, get them on the phone. I'll call them.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I'll pay them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So AMC also, they had a big shit fit about this. Oh, the head of AMC was like, meh. Which also, but they also struck a deal with, I think it was either Paramount or Universal for this shorter release window. So they also kind of kicked a bunch of this stuff off.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Also, they have a channel. Yes, they do. Where presumably they release movies. Probably they do that. And somehow that is very hypocritical of them, in my opinion. Yeah, well, the thing is, I'm not saying that AMC, the idea of the shorter release window, directly contributed to this, but you can't be like, you were doing some of this.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah, uh-huh. And also you talked about how you weren't going to work with certain brands and then you ended up with, I don't know. I mean, it sucks. It sucks for cinema chains. It does. It's awful. But, again, as we talk about whenever we're bringing this up, what do you do? Yeah, it sucks. It sucks for cinema chains. It does. It's awful. But again, as we talk about whenever we're bringing this up,
Starting point is 00:43:47 what do you do? Yeah. If people aren't going, what do you do? All right. Yeah. Anyways. I was going to say, I read a reaction from Steven Soderbergh. I know him.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Famous filmmaker. He said, the stream pushes just a reaction to an economic reality that I think everybody's going to have to acknowledge pretty soon, which is that even with a vaccine, the theatrical movie business won't be robust enough in 2021 to justify the amount of P&A, which I assume means... Poo and arms. Yes, poo and arms.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Isn't that your family coat of arms? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's in the background in Ocean's 13. He licensed it out. Yeah, right. You need to spend to put a movie in a wide release. There's no scenario in which a theatre that is 50% full or at least can't be made 100% full is viable paradigm to put out a movie.
Starting point is 00:44:33 But that will change. We'll reach a point where anybody who wants to go to a movie will feel safe going to a movie. He's right. I think movie theatres will bounce back. Like I don't think this is the end. In some form, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:44 It'll be different. Look, you know, I think the reality of it is that some cinema chains will collapse, maybe some individual cinema. The smaller, like the mom and pop cinema chains, that sucks. Yeah, but I also, like just, you know, like an individual cinema in your town or whatever. Oh, yeah, yeah. But I think a lot of the, I think, you know, and a lot of times there has been a push to being know, like, you know, an individual cinema in your town or whatever. Oh, yeah, yeah. But I think a lot of the, if, I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:05 and a lot of times there has been a push to being like, okay, well they sell other things or they, you know, you can pre-book gift certificates or things like that. And so if you can help out a local cinema in that way, you know, you probably should. But I think, yeah, there's no scenario in which the cinema going experience will go away. I mean, people just, it's electric.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yeah, it'll be around to some degree. Yeah, yeah. But again, I think it will look different. I think it's going to look depending on where they can make the most money. So if they realise that, oh, we'll make billions of dollars in a couple of years and that's what we'll get. Yeah, he goes on to say that's the holy grail. The theatrical business is not going away.
Starting point is 00:45:40 There are too many companies that have invested too much money in the prospect of putting out a movie that blows up in theatres. There's nothing like it. It's all going to come back. I think Warners is saying not as soon as you think. That seems to be what they're saying. Here's a question for you though, Mason. How do you feel about this? Because you, famously
Starting point is 00:45:58 like me, are mixed on the cinema experience because of people who go to the cinema. Go to the cinema with you, yeah. That's why we go separately because we hate our cinema habits. That's right. experience because of people who go to the cinema. Go to the cinema with you, yeah. But that's the thing. That's why we go separately because we hate our cinema habits. That's right. Yeah. I'm always saying, boo, cinema, and you're always saying, yay, cinema.
Starting point is 00:46:13 That's right. Doesn't sync up. Doesn't sync up. People don't like it. Well, that's the thing. I think from the perspective of the United States, I think this is a really good idea. Safe idea. It's a very safe idea.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And, again, Australia and Victoria specifically is currently COVID-free. Yeah. There will probably be resurgences. Certainly, yeah. But currently you can go to see stuff at the cinema if you want to. You can see Tim Allen's The Santa Claus. It's re-releasing on December 17th. Is it for real?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Yep. Wow. We did a caravan of garbages on them. Caravan of garbages. Very good. Early on But, yeah, sorry, go on. Yeah, I think.
Starting point is 00:46:52 But even then, I'm not still 100% comfortable with going. No, neither am I. And even though as someone who I work weird hours, and so I can go, and you as well, we can go, you know, 11 a.m. on a Wednesday and there's literally nobody else in the cinema. That's really the only, that would be the only scenario in which I would feel fully safe going to the cinema. In a mostly empty cinema.
Starting point is 00:47:13 In a mostly empty cinema where you can have at least two seats either side of you and front and back. If not more, yeah. More clear. And that's really the only reason I went to see Tenet this time around. I wouldn't have done it with even a this time. Right. If you know, I wouldn't have done it with a, even a half capacity.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I wouldn't have gone. Yeah. But I, for America, especially where there's no guarantees and a lot of Europe, actually, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And that's, and again, in, in Australia, not to harp on, but in Australia, even if, even in this scenario, you still had to wear a mask and,
Starting point is 00:47:40 you know, wash your hands and social distance and all that sort of stuff. Like I wouldn't, I wouldn't in a million years go into a cinema in America right now. Absolutely not. In a million, billion years. So I think this is a great – I mean, you know. For me it's not even about me because I think if I got it,
Starting point is 00:47:54 it probably wouldn't kill me. Right. But maybe. Maybe I have something. Famous last words, Jack. Yeah, well, that's the thing. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Or I could kill someone I know. Yeah. Or it could have long-term effects on me or someone I know. So I'm not risking it to see. Your butt could fall off. My butt would fall off. I'm not risking it to see The Little Things released January 29th. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Starring Denzel Washington. Speaking of your butt falling off. Rami Malek. Yeah. I was going to say, so I think it's great for America, and it's also great for this territory, Australia, because they forget we exist, and as soon as anything gets a home release, it immediately gets pirated for the rest of the world.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Exactly, which I don't want to do. No. So maybe don't. Maybe release them digitally everywhere in the world. Well, that is, I mean, I don't understand what is stopping HBO Max expanding to the rest of the world. Because a bunch of HBO Max stuff goes through Foxtel here. No, I know it does, but do they have an exclusivity arrangement with everything?
Starting point is 00:48:52 They must. I don't know. I'd imagine so. Or they're thinking that they can get more from cinema chains internationally who aren't in heavy lockdown. Yeah, probably. That might be it. But again, you're opening the door for piracy there.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Yeah, well, I mean, you know. Yeah. I don't know. My reference was going to be, yeah, you know, Zack and Miri make a porno. Yeah, that's exactly what happened to that. It released like six months later. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:17 But yeah, I don't understand why they can't just, like surely they're not going to release Wonder Woman 84 on the Australian streaming service that gets a lot of HBO content here. No, it's got cinemas. Anyways, I'm with you. I agree with all those things you said. Thank you. We're going to go through the schedule, the release lineup.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Often we do this at the start of the year for new stuff that's coming out. We're like, most anticipated, whatever. We probably will still do stuff that's not on here. We'll do the same episode. We'll do the same episode. We'll just plug this in. I'll even put the bit in about me asking my dad about Jumanji. But, yeah, so we're just going to go through the list.
Starting point is 00:49:54 And I've got a little synopsis for each. This is from Okay. So the first one out of the gate, and I think this actually might have moved, it's still up in the air, is Mortal Kombat, January 15th. Huh. I was not aware that was a Warner is Mortal Kombat, January 15th. Huh. I was not aware that was a Warner Brothers brand.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Of course it is. Remember, it's in the logos when the game boots up. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's Netherrealms and it's Warner Brothers and it's other things. Yeah, yeah, right, right. You know, now they have eight different companies.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Yeah, well, that's why I tune out, I think. Yeah, absolutely. It's directed by Simon McQuaid. By Simon McQuaid and filmed in Adelaide. Adelaide. It was filmed in Australia, wasn't it? It was. So it's basically, it's obviously, it's a video game of the same name.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Marks the third installment of the successful franchise, but it's blah, blah, blah. Successful franchise. A franchise, yeah. A franchise. So Ludi Lin is playing Liu Kang this time around, I believe. And it's, yeah, it seems like it has like the cast appropriate for the people from the areas that they are from. So they haven't whitewashed everybody, which is good, I think.
Starting point is 00:50:53 So Scorpion's from hell. Scorpion's from hell. That's right. Katana's from, is Katana the good one with the reptile face or the other one is? Katana is the good one with the normal face. Melina is the evil one with the reptile face. Very good.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah. Johnny Cage is from Hollyweird. He's from Hollyweird, mate. So it's Mortal Kombat again, and yeah, why not? I'll say this. Oh, I wanted to put a thing in. Would you actually go to the cinema for this for a regular year? Oh, and here's a good one.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Here's a question for you. Do you think watching this on your television would impact it negatively? Like, are you going to... Oh, probably. For each one of these... I think the answer is probably yes for a lot of these. But I mean, you know, some people have a big – we've got decent sized TVs. Some people watch everything on a laptop.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Or phones or whatever. Phones sometimes, yeah. Doesn't matter, yeah. Some people watch HBO Max on one of those old CRT monitors that are just orange and black. I think for a lot of these, though, these big releases, I think I am going to do the put your phone away, close everything, focus. I'm going to try to anyway.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I don't know that will last, but I'm going to try to do it in a way that I would do if I went to regular movies. I think that is going to be an excellent sort of thing I would do. Brave, would you even say? No, no, no, that's correct. Okay, I thought you were complimenting me. Okay, it you even say? No, no, no, that's correct. Okay. I thought you were complimenting me. Okay, it's going to be The Coward's Way Out.
Starting point is 00:52:09 But, no, I think that's going to be an excellent yardstick in terms of is this actually a compelling movie. Yeah, right. Put your phone there. Maybe put it upside down so you can't see it. Yeah. I have to put my phone across the room because I'll just look at it even if I'm not doing anything oh yeah yeah so
Starting point is 00:52:25 because i'm i'm i'm a fool james this might be the era for like really knowing if movies are good finally because we didn't know we didn't know we were just guessing every single time yeah your movie and we just honest to god we just flip a coin before the podcast started manx in black and white it seems like it should be good right exactly we flip that that coin. And on the rare occasions when we have a different opinion, it's because we flipped the coin and it landed on its side and it just sat, stood there. And we just don't know anymore. Haunted coins.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Haunted coins. Right. We've got to find out about these things. Yeah. The little things I mentioned, January 29th, Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, Jared Leto. It follows Sheriff Deputy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Denzel Washington, he turns up with Detective Bami Malek, Jared Leto. It follows Sheriff Deputy Denzel Washington, he teams up with Detective Baxter Malek to catch a serial killer, Leto, in California. Well, Talon is seeking out these other cases. He strays from the rules with his own unconventional methods, et cetera. So seven, I guess, ish. Sounds seven-ish, yeah. Sounds seven-ish. I would not see that at the movies if I did not have to.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yeah, that sounds like a thing that would come to Netflix and it's not good. It's a small screen. I don't think it would necessarily be not good. It also was coming out in January, which means it's probably not good. Probably not good then. Or not great. It'll probably be like The Bone Collector,
Starting point is 00:53:35 which may or may not also have been that one. God, remember that era? Yeah. It was just Bone Collector sequels. What? No, but it was. It was like Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie. Ashley Judd was in there sometimes, yeah. To be fair, I love a lot of thoseels. Right? No, but it was. It was like Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Like. Ashley Judd was in there sometimes. To be fair, like, I love a lot of those movies. Like, I love an Ashley Judd movie, mate. I'm a big fan. Next up, we recently got the. Bone Collector 3, still boning. Still boning.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Can't stop boning. Bone Collector 4, the Miracle Mile or whatever. What was that American pie? Oh, yeah. What was it called? That one. Whatever one. The Golden Mudder was called. Whatever it was. Something about a Viagra one. Yeah. Is that how they keep boning? Yeah, yeah, that one, whatever one. The golden butter was called. Whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Something about a Viagra one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how they keep boning? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep on boning, yeah. I saw, because there's a new American pie, like a straight to DVD one or whatever, and it's like, it's a girls rule or whatever, and people are like, oh, you've ruined why does everything have to
Starting point is 00:54:22 be girls or whatever. You've ruined the purity of the American Pie franchise. If you show me a DVD collection of every American Pie movie, including the 17 that went direct to DVD, then you have the right to have that opinion. But other than that, shut your fucking mouth. This is a dead franchise. Nobody's watching them anyway.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Like it's some sacred fucking movie franchise. I mean, the first one's in the Criterion Collection. Is it? No. It wouldn't surprise me. There's some shit in that movie that you're like, there's two Michael Bay movies in the Criterion Collection. Which ones?
Starting point is 00:54:55 I can't remember. Let's look it up. Yeah, all right, cool. We recently got the trailer for this one, Tom and Jerry. Oh, yeah, I'm not going to say that. For a billion dollars. I think this is, no, I wouldn't say the cinemas either, but I think this would be one that,
Starting point is 00:55:08 I think it's a nice kind of throwback to like when they used to do the, like the 2D animation blended with the live action kind of thing. And it's got a bit of slapstick stuff. It looks like it's got more of that classic Tom and Jerry feel, which is because most of Tom and Jerry's and them just beating each other up or whatever. I guess that's true, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And they haven't got weird fur and stuff. You know what I mean? I guess that's why they do just look like regular Tom and Jerry. There's not going to be any outcry for them to be redesigned. Yeah, that's right. Unless we want a horrible Sonic style, you know, backwards design. I want that. It's directed by Tim Story, though, who did,
Starting point is 00:55:39 I think he did the two Fantastic Four movies. Ah. The two best ones? The two best ones. I don't know. Speaking of the two best ones? The two best ones. I don't know. Speaking of the two best ones, the Michael Bay movies in the Criterion collection are Armageddon and The Rock. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yep. Yeah. They're probably, of his movies, they're probably my favourite. Yeah. The Many Saints of Newark. You know what this is? No. It's written by Alan Taylor, but this is The Sopranos prequel.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Oh, right. It stars Michael Gandolfini, who's James Gandolfini's son, as young Tony Soprano. So there you go. This is interesting. It takes place in the 60s. Obviously the original series took place in the 90s and the early 2000s. So I've got to watch that show.
Starting point is 00:56:20 So then I can watch this and go, very good maybe. I would only go to the cinema if I watched the entire series of The Sopranos before and I really liked it. Okay. What about you? Would you go to this? Yes. There you go.
Starting point is 00:56:33 So you're a fan? I love The Sopranos. Do you love the episode? Do you think they're going to put young Robert Patrick in it who owns a sporting goods store? Yes. That's an episode I'm saying. I haven't seen many but I know that one.
Starting point is 00:56:45 There you go. I think it's going to be Packed to the Rafters with the stars of Australian TV's Packed to the Rafters. Really? Yeah. Hugh Sheridan? Yeah, Hugh Sheridan's going to be in it. Love it. Great.
Starting point is 00:56:55 What about this one? Hugh Sheridan's in that one. He's a guy, he's an actor, he's in bigs. You're absolutely right. Good pull. All right. Thanks. Anyway, but the last two were in March.
Starting point is 00:57:05 This is all subject to change. They'll probably space them out over the year or whatever. This is Reminisce. It's Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Ferguson, Tandy Newton, Daniel Wu, directed by Lisa Joy, and it's a sci-fi drama. It follows Nick Bannister, a man living in Miami in the future. That's the fakest name I've ever heard. It's a real name.
Starting point is 00:57:21 No, it's not. Apparently it's based on a real man. He's real. No, it's not. And there's a picture of him pointing to himself, and there's a real name. No, it's not. Apparently it's based on a real man. He's real. No, it's not. And there's a picture of him pointing to himself and there's a speech bubble that says, I'm real, bro. I'm just keeping it real. He's not a skateboard.
Starting point is 00:57:33 That's great. Anyway. Wow, sorry to... Wow. Look, I made a real assumption there and I apologise. I'm man enough to know. So when I'm wrong... Nick Bannister is real, yes.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Yeah. When rising sea levels have transformed the city, Nick has the unique ability to let his clients revisit any memory in their past, and when he meets May, Ferguson, he merely falls for her, but another client's memories make him question what he thought he knew about her.
Starting point is 00:57:57 There was a movie where Robin Williams was a guy who would collect your memories when you're dead. Patch Adams. The clown doctor who'd steal your memories when you die. He would cut them into like a trailer of your life, which would like play at your funeral or whatever. So this seems like it's got similar things to that. So look at your memories.
Starting point is 00:58:17 It's probably a lot of people were like, you know, when you say like a memory in a movie, it's always like a couple in a field. And it's like, who's doing that in the long grass? Here I'd be like, snakes. Like that's all I'm thinking when I'm in a long field it's always like a couple in a field. And it's like, who's doing that in the long grass? Here I'd be like, snakes. Like that's all I'm thinking when I'm in a long field in the hot weather. Or it's like a little kid and there's like a cake and it's like there's like twinkly music and the candles are lit and it's all soft focus and it's like.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Maybe someone's pulling them along in a red cart. Yeah, for sure, towards the cake. Yeah, bad. And eventually you'd be like, I want my money back. Towards the cake. Yeah. Bad. And eventually he'd be like, I want my money back. I don't remember this at all. It's just a bad Photoshop job. Your face just stuck on whatever. It's a group of people who all
Starting point is 00:58:55 bragging about their memories that they got from this dude and they're like, why do we all have the same memories? I wasn't a little girl in a little blue dress being pulled in a red wagon towards a cake. I'm a man. They'll beat him up. They'll beat him up. Next up we've got in May, Godzilla versus Kong.
Starting point is 00:59:13 This is long delayed. That's going to suffer being not at the movie. I'd see Reminisce, I think, maybe. Oh, yeah. I need a trailer, but I might see it. I would want to see the trailer and not go. I like who's in it as well. Yeah. I would want to see the trailer and not go. I like who's in it as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:25 I'd want to see it and not go, oh, this is just that movie you mentioned, the Robin Williams one you mentioned. Stealing memories. But also, yeah, I'd want to see the tone of it. I wouldn't rush. I need to see it, yeah, more of it before I definitely see it. Godzilla vs. Kong I would 100% see.
Starting point is 00:59:43 At cinema? I think you have to. Yeah. For the big screen experience. So it's a sequel to the other ones and whatever. It's directed by Adam Wingard. When I say you have to, if you can't, you should probably see it at home. Yeah, absolutely. I would definitely.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I'd watch it. Adam Wingard, who you might know from, let's see, what else has he done? That's a great name and a real name also. Real name. There's a picture of him, but he's like, it's not my real name. He's on a Segway. I don't know. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Come on, Wingard. You've let the whole side down here, mate. He directed the Blair Witch reboot from 2016. Okay. He directed Death Note, which everybody hated. Yep, he sure did. But I didn't mind it because I'd never seen Death Notes. I'm like, what an interesting idea in a weird movie.
Starting point is 01:00:28 But he also did The Guest. Did you ever see The Guest? Nope. That was the movie. It's like, what's it like? It's got bloody, what's his name? You don't even know what it's like. It's got Dan Stevens in it.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Oh, yeah, yeah, of Allegiant fame. That's right. And he goes to, like, he's an ex-Marine or something, and he goes and visits the home of, like, one of his buddies who died, and it turns out, like, maybe he's a psychopath, but he's also trying to help them at the same time, but he's also maybe insane. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Huh, is that on a streaming? That would be on something, yeah. But definitely watch that. If you haven't seen that, it's, like, also Terminator-esque. It's also, like, Halloween-esque. I feel you've recommended this before. I've probably had. That's intriguing. I'll definitely get to that. And then I just threw my phone in
Starting point is 01:01:12 a bin or something. What I'm saying is that could be good. I mean, I didn't like the last one, but whatever. I liked Kong Skull Island, though. What about this, Mason? I know you're a big fan of this franchise. The Conjuring. The devil made me do it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Vera Farmiga is back, Patrick Wilson. So also known as Conjuring 3, the third film in the horror franchise, et cetera, about Ed and Lorraine and they look for a murder case which the suspect is a demon or maybe he's possessed by a demon and demons. You know those famous grifters from real life who this franchise is based off? Yes. Yeah, but people like these, don't they? They like them. They like watching a movie and not a lot happens for quite a long time
Starting point is 01:01:51 and then something moves. Yeah, then something moves and you're like, ah. James the Guest is on Shudder. There you go. The famous horror movie streaming service. That's a good streaming service. My brother likes the Conjuring movies. I will not say this.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Which brother? The one you don't like. Yeah, that stacks up, actually. Are the Nun movies based? They spin off? They're from that universe, I think. Yeah, and there's other ones as well. Annabelle's based on that.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Annabelle Creation, yeah, but Annabelle Regular. Annabelle Unlettered. Annabelle No Sugar. Annabelle Premium. Very good. What have we got here? I didn't have another one. No, I didn't have another one either.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Okay, good. I was racking my brains. This one I would say, and I would take Claire, and we'd have a fun time in the Heights. Honest to God, I thought you were going to say we'd go together and we'd have a fight. Yeah, we'd fight in the car park after the movie. Which one's in the Heights again?
Starting point is 01:02:41 But like Fight Club style. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Like old Queensbury Rules style. That's right. Putting your dukes up. The crowd would gather. Crowd would gather. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Directed by John M. Chu, who I like. I think he, did he do Crazy Rich Asians? I think he might have. And he might have done some of the G.I. Joe movies. Yeah, he's that guy. Yeah. He did one of the G.I. Joe movies. And he did Now You See Me 2, which is your favourite movie.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Not true. It's your favourite movie. It's not, though. Not even the title's good enough. In the Heights is the Lin-Manuel Miranda musical he did before Hamilton. Oh, I see. And I like the trailer. And it's about like a community in Washington Heights.
Starting point is 01:03:21 And it looks fun and hip-hop. Zero interest. Also Annabelle Cool Ranch. The dressing? The Doritos flavour. Okay, cool. I don't know because that didn't tie into the other things we did. I mean, I guess.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I guess, Mason. What a stick in the mud. Annabelle stick in the mud. I can just say anything. This is one too. Yeah, that was great actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Annabelle mic stand. Oh, I'm loving this. This is one too. Yeah, that was great actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Annabelle Mike stand.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Oh, I'm loving this. This is great. Annabelle Zero Sugar. Zero Sugar. Wait a minute. No, I invented that one. So on July 16th, Space Jam and New Legacy. Zero interest.
Starting point is 01:04:02 LeBron James, Don Cheadle. Don Cheadle, I'm back in. I would see this. Did you ever see the goat goat i think he was in the goat ah which is a basketball yeah no no it was don cheetle ah yeah it is it's about this dude uh this like he was one of the greatest basketball players of all time but he had he never made to the nba because of various personal and drug related problems i remember liking this movie i don't remember I don't know if it holds up. But, yeah, Don Cheadle starred in that. But anyway, so I would only go to this if my son,
Starting point is 01:04:31 we watched Space Jam and he went, yeah, cool. Oh, okay, right, right, right. So he's yet to see Space Jam. He hasn't seen Space Jam. It's not that he's seen Space Jam and he went, no. I'd have to explain all the references. Yeah, that's true. That's from Pulp Fiction.
Starting point is 01:04:43 That's Lola Bunny, I'd say. That's Foghorn Leghorn. I guess he's racist when you think about it. Yeah. See, the ref, it's quite clever because Marvin the Martian is the referee because they're playing Martians but he's also originally a Looney Tune. Yeah. So he's kind of somewhere in the middle.
Starting point is 01:04:56 It's actually great that they've done that. And he's like, I'm in the other room. I'm not watching this. Yeah, and you'd be like, some people think Lola Bunny's quite hot but actually I like the fox from the Robin Hood animated animated series i wouldn't say that because that's not actually true that's something you would say if you're in the room only if i was doing an impression of you i'd be like hey hey kid come here here's some stuff here's some weird stuff about your dad that's a good point i shouldn't show him this right yeah because like father like son no
Starting point is 01:05:23 that's gonna run in the family. It's genuinely not. Look, not to kink shame. Like whatever you want. It's just not for me. It's not for me, Mason. If anything, it's for you. Anyway, Spice Jam.
Starting point is 01:05:42 What's it called? Spice Jam. A new legacy. Tell the story of LeBron James' mission to rescue his missing son, Bronny. Does he really have a son named Bronny? Yeah, his name's Bronny James. Bronny James Dio? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Okay. Better be Bronny James Dio. That's right. And so he finds his way through different Warner Brothers movies and faces off against the villain, LG, which is Cheeto. Like the first film, Space Jam 2, also features Bugs Bunny and more learning tunes. I like that it's not just the monsters are back
Starting point is 01:06:12 and we've got to play another basketball game. That description, like I'm in and out on that, but the description sounds interesting. You were saying different movies. Different movies. Maybe we're going to go to all the 17 movies of 2021. Oh, my God. That's right.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I'm checking if he's got a son named Bronny. I absolutely insist that if they do that, the Space Jam characters have to appear in the movie, like in the movie they're crossing over into. Like you're watching The Matrix 4 and then, again, just Foghorn Leghorn shows up. Oh, they have to be in it. They have to be in it for a second. And he's like, I say, I say, I say.
Starting point is 01:06:47 And they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. This isn't really. This weird Jared Leto murder mystery thing, you know. Exactly. Porky pigs in it. That's right. I'm not big on the Looney Tunes anymore. I used to be.
Starting point is 01:07:03 But apparently there's some good stuff that they've been in recently. Next we've got The Suicide Squad. Yes. James Gunn, obviously. Soft reboot, they're saying, standalone sequel, whatever. We know everyone who listens to this knows what this is. Yep. I mean, definitely the cinema for me, obviously.
Starting point is 01:07:21 This is one of the ones that I'm looking forward to the most. And, yeah, Suicide Squad, am I right? cinema obviously um this is one of the ones that i'm looking forward to the most and yeah suicide squad am i right and if and if you know if we go to the cinema maybe there'll be like some sort of standee we can hold a big mallet yeah or you can do that at home though you can you can you can pretend you have no arms who's got no arms in that the guy takes his arm off the arm fall off man that's fun you better do it you better be that character And if he's not They should fix it So he is They should fix it
Starting point is 01:07:47 Yep I don't care how they do it Make it happen Looks good And I'll see it In October October 1st This has been
Starting point is 01:07:53 This was supposed to come out Around now But Dune Or is it June Danny Villeneuve Yep It's obviously a reboot
Starting point is 01:08:01 And it's a Classic Danny Villeneuve It's not going to make any money. Well, maybe it will now. Maybe it'll get more eyes on it. Yeah, maybe this will be his biggest earner ever. By this time, you've had like 14 movies or whatever released. So they're just like, I guess we're watching Dune.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Yeah, maybe the, do these feel like they've been arranged in a way? No, they couldn't have, surely. I was going to say. I think these are just the last release dates that they've got here. But I think these will definitely shift. I wonder if they'll shift in the sense of, okay, well, this one isn't going to, we feel like this one isn't going to do very well. When did they film Space Jam 2?
Starting point is 01:08:36 Sorry, go on. Oh, good question, right? Yeah. Like when did they have a chance? Yeah. I don't know. Maybe it's all in the volume or whatever. Let me check, let me check, let me check.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Well, they're using other movies, so they just need a green screen. They do, yeah. Anyway, go on. Maybe it's set entirely within the Snyder Cut. Oh, wow. That'd be incredible. What I'm saying is would there be possibility that they go, okay, this movie isn't going to do too well, but if this one does great
Starting point is 01:08:57 and then we put another one that's going to do great, people just won't unsubscribe in between kind of thing and they'll watch it by default. Gotcha. You might be right. Production wrapped in September of 2019. So it did film. They made it.
Starting point is 01:09:11 There you go. Good for them. The Dune. Yeah. I would definitely say it's not that I don't like Dune. I don't know a lot about Dune. But I'll see anything Denis Villeneuve. I mean I'll be the only one there but I'll see it.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I think this one will suffer if you can't see it on the big screen. Probably, yeah. We should have made that a thing in this as well. Did we not? I don't know. I thought we did. Oh, well. Well, if we did, we didn't talk about it enough. We really didn't enough. Yeah, I think it'll suffer. Because you want to see them big sandworms. You want to see them huge in the big screen? You want them coming at you?
Starting point is 01:09:39 I feel like, hopefully, maybe by the time this does roll around, there'll be more opportunities to see that in the cinema by October, or the world over. Next, we've got Elvis. It's directed by Baz Luhrmann. Okay. It stars Austin Butler, Tom Hanks.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I think, yeah, so Butler is Elvis. Tom Hanks is the colonel or whatever, I think. Makes sense, okay. And basically it's a biopic, or biopic, whatever you say at home. And it's just about, like, what he's up to. Do you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. It's these last films.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Oh, yeah. It's these films since the last film was Great Gatsby in 2013, which I didn't see. Did you see that? I saw it on something, Netflix probably. I thought it was not bad. Wow. That's right.
Starting point is 01:10:20 You're stirring endorsement. Off the back of that, did you see that? And I endorse all of Gatsby's actions. What? All of them. I haven't seen it. I don't know. He's the main character and therefore the hero.
Starting point is 01:10:29 That sounds about right to me. I mean, he's great, isn't he? Yeah, everything about him is great. Yeah. All I know is he has a lot of parties and people are like, who is this Gatsby? I've just seen some tweets this week of people being like, oh, that great Gatsby boy.
Starting point is 01:10:42 There's a lot of people who can't understand the idea that if somebody is the main character of a story, they're not necessarily somebody to be, you know, looked up to kind of thing. I've seen a lot of. They could probably alter this film, though, with the inclusion of Foghorn Leghorn. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:58 And I think that would probably make him more relatable, don't you think? Elvis or Foghorn Leghorn or both. I meant the great Gatsby. Oh, yeah, sure. Just take him back to 2013's The Great Gatsby. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah. I didn't like Australia. I haven't seen The Great Gatsby, but I do like Moulin Rouge and I like Romeo and Juliet and I probably like- Is this endorsed by the estate of Elvis or is it like Stardust and it is not endorsed? No, I think it's like a real one. I think it's a real one.
Starting point is 01:11:21 I don't think I want to see any more music biopics unless they're different or good in some way. Well, that's the thing about Baz Luhrmann. You don't really know what he's going to do. You know what I mean? I guess that's true. So I think there's a chance. I'm going to wait for reviews before I see this for free. I wouldn't say.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Also, I'm not really an Elvis fan, to be honest. So it's not really, if it was a band that I loved, like if it was a Sum 41 movie, I would go. Also, how could this possibly compare to the episode of Do Go On that I was on where we talked about Elvis? Did you do the research? No, Matt did. Did you talk about how he married a 14-year-old?
Starting point is 01:11:55 That certainly came up a lot. Yeah, I bet it would. A lot. Enough. Enough. Enough. Strictly ballroom, man. I mean, he did strictly ballroom.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I know, but unless they say, look, this is the one that breaks the music biopic curse of they're all exactly the same. Yeah. I'm not saying it. Did you see The Get Down on Netflix? No. That was like a Jaden Smith kind of vehicle. I think it only got a couple of seasons.
Starting point is 01:12:22 What was that all about? It's about R&B and turntables. Wait, you're saying there's a movie? No, no, this is a series on Netflix. Oh, wait, what are you talking about? What's going on here? No, the Get Down. This is a Baz Luhrmann thing I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Oh, I see. Right, right, right. That's what he's been doing. Okay, right. That's what he's been up to. Huh, okay. Anyway, Elvis. What about King Richard?
Starting point is 01:12:39 It stars Will Smith. King Richard tells the story of tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams, and their coach and father, Richard Williams. The sports drummer explores how the talented sisters were influenced by their dad and how they made them who they are today. It's weird that that's the focus, like the dad and not the Williams sisters. Yeah, right. How many tennis titles has the dad won?
Starting point is 01:13:01 It says here he won 100 in a row. So that's probably why. And he's pointing at himself and he's being like, I'm better at tennis than my daughters. Yeah. Wow. I don't know anything about this guy. So I mean, obviously he's obviously had a huge influence on their life
Starting point is 01:13:17 and is largely responsible for a lot of the things that they've done. But, yeah, no, that doesn't really, at this moment, it doesn't really interest me. Oh, the get down looks good though. Maybe I'll watch, at this moment, it doesn't really interest me. Yeah. Oh, this, the get down looks good though. Maybe I'll watch it. Justice Smith is in it from the Pokemon movie. That's right.
Starting point is 01:13:29 And Jaden Smith and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. Yeah, I like that dude. Yeah, the best. Maybe I'll watch that this weekend. Maybe you will watch it, mate. Maybe I'll watch it. I like the history of that sort of stuff. I, yeah, I haven't gotten around to it.
Starting point is 01:13:42 What about Matrix 4, December 22nd? Let me tell you who's in it. Keanu Reeves. Yep. Carrie-Anne Moss. Go on. Jada Pinkett Smith. Oh, the obie.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Yeah, probably. So only Lana Wachowski on board for this one. Are you kidding about that, though? No, no, she's in it. It's got a name on it. Both the Smiths have got a movie coming out this year. Who knew? Famous actors have movies that come out.
Starting point is 01:14:04 I don't know. What was the last Jada Pinkett Smith movie that came out? She doesn't make movies, Mason. No, she does. What did she make? It was something that was like a, the only one I can remember was like a, it was like a girl's, what's a girl's Bucks night called? Hens night.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Yes, a girl's hens night. Bachelorette party. Yeah, it was something like that, I remember. I can look up the films if you want. She was in Angel Has Fallen. Girl's Trip, that's what I can look up the films if you want. She's in Angel Has Fallen, Girls Trip. She was in Bad Moms. She was in Magic Mike. One of the Madagascars, a few of the Madagascars.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Men in Black 3, I didn't know she was in that. Yeah, and she's been obviously doing TV stuff as well. Tons of stuff. Tons of stuff. Anyway, Matrix 4. Yes. I would see it even if they were like, this is the worst movie ever made. I would still see this.
Starting point is 01:14:46 You could not not get me to see this. Isn't it? It's so close to coming out. I mean, a year, but still. A year, yeah. I thought they would never. It got pushed back, I think. Honest to God, I never thought there'd be another one.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Yeah. Yeah. I don't know whether this will be good. Yeah. But isn't it also maybe set in the real, real world? Maybe, right? And the Matrix exists in movies or something? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Is this going to be another Wachowski swing and a miss that some people love and some people do not love? One Wachowski. I know. Yes. But it's got that Wachowski magic. That's right. One Wachowski.
Starting point is 01:15:16 But Neil Patrick Harris is in as well. And, again, Abdul Mateen II also. He's in a band of years. By that I mean he was in a TV series several years ago. Yes, he was in Watchmen, but he was also the new Candyman or whatever as well. So this guy's everywhere, mate. So there you go. Yes, obviously, Matrix 4.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I'm not looking for something to redeem the last two because we watched them recently-ish and they're not terrible. They've got some interesting ideas. I still think they're terrible. Yeah, they're not great. But so, yeah, whatever. I don't need them to rewrite any of those or any of that stuff. Just whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Do whatever you need to do to make a good Matrix movie. I think they should go absolutely insane. I don't know what they're doing right now, but just go completely meta, bring it into the real world, bring in the video games, bring in the giant ants, just go crazy. Maybe they jump into Space Jam 2 and Space Jam 2 is like, we're supposed to jump into your movie. And then they start shooting everybody. James, you've the giant ants. Just go crazy. Maybe they jump into Space Jam 2 and Space Jam 2 is like, we're supposed to jump into your movie. And then they start shooting everybody.
Starting point is 01:16:08 James, you've gone too far. You said anything. You said anything. There's no bad ideas. No, it seems a bit cringe what you've said, James. What are you talking about? No, sorry. That's rude.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Very cringe. What about this? Judas and the Black Messiah. I've never heard of this, but it's got Daniel Kaluuya and Lakeith Stanfield. So like that alone, I'm like, yeah. That sold it, yeah. Those guys are great.
Starting point is 01:16:30 So it's based on the true story of Fred Hampton, the leader of the revolutionary Black Panther Party. So there you go. And it's a get-out reunion as well. Yeah, it is, yeah. Both those guys are in that. And it's produced by Ryan Coogler as well, Creed and Black Panther.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Yeah. Yeah. I would definitely see this. It says the date is TBD. So that could be any point in time. I don't know whether this would be a – this might be like a Netflix one for me though as well. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:56 But if I had a spare night and I was like I can go out because my kids are asleep, which we can do, right? Yeah. Then, yeah, I'd definitely go and see that. Or one's got the other one in a chug hold. That's right. And you're like just maintain that for a few hours. I'll be back. For do, right? Yeah. Then yeah, I'd definitely go and see that. Or once got the other one in a chokehold. That's right. Like just maintain that for a few hours. I'll be back.
Starting point is 01:17:07 For a few hours. These last two as well I haven't heard of. But what about you? Would you see that? Yeah, yeah. Good cast. That being said, I don't think that would diminish it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I don't know like what it looks like. I don't know who's in it. I think that would be, I think honestly for me that's the kind of movie that would benefit from me not being able to look, like what I think I would probably be like is who's this? And I'd look them up kind of thing. Oh, like during. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Yeah. I think I'd want to be like, no distractions. Let's watch this. We can still do that if you put your phone away, Mason, the ultimate test. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:36 No? No, I'll do it. What about Malignant? I don't know what that is. It's directed by James Wan. Okay. That was Annabelle Wallace and Jake Abel. And very little is known about Malignant, but James Wan is a well- stars Annabelle Wallace and Jake Abel. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:17:48 And very little is known about Malignant, but James Wan is a well-proven commodity. Oh, this is very helpful. This is a description. Okay. He directed the first Saw movie, the first Insidious movie, the first Conjuring movie, and even Fast Seven. Whatever he's got for us to watch, we'll gladly devour. Really helpful.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Very, very helpful. Really helpful. Let me look this up. I can't wait for whoever crosses over. The Warner Brothers joke we were doing, though. Am I right? Yes. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Very good. Brought it all back. James also. What is this? Annabelle, ginger and pomegranate. Mason, stop. You're making me sad. It's making me sad. It's desperate.
Starting point is 01:18:34 There's nothing about this. You said it's not a superhero film. It's just more of a concept than a not even. Yeah, it's an original thriller not based off anything. So, yeah, that's cool. Yeah. Is it a horror movie? I don't know. I'm still looking forward to that Joe Manganiello movie, that Arch So yeah, that's cool. Is it a horror movie? I don't know. I'm still looking forward to that Joe Manganiello movie, that Arch Enemy one where he's like
Starting point is 01:18:49 I'm a guy from space or something. Yeah, that's right. That's what he yells. Alright, last one. Those Who Wish Me Dead. Taylor Sheridan and Sheridan's one of the most exciting film editors, etc. Yes, yes, yes. It's an Angelina Jolie filmed. It's a neo-western. So thereolie filmed. It's a neo-Western.
Starting point is 01:19:06 So there you go. It's a neo-what's it called again? Those Who Wish Me Dead. It's a neo-Western. I guess I'd say. I wonder if that is set in the Matrix. The Matrix. Or is it a Western set in the past but it's got like new stylings
Starting point is 01:19:22 or is it set now and it's like a modern day movie but it's a western oh i'm looking at this guy's films yes well i realized from um taylor sheridan i was like who's that i know him yeah he directed um the last sicario movie which i still haven't seen which is apparently a pretty good follow-up but he did uh hello high water yeah you see you see that no it's about the bank robbers it's got chris pine and the dude who was Angel in X-Men. Ben Foster. Yeah. Who was also in 310 New York.
Starting point is 01:19:48 That's right. Huh. And they rob a bank and they're on the run and what's his name comes after them. Jeff Bridges comes after them. You should watch Hell or High Water. Back to Jeff Bridges. Yeah. Huh.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Yeah. He's serious. I'll write it down. Yeah, definitely write it down. It's really good. And Wind River, which did I say Wind River? I did. That's the Jeremy Renner movie. Is that a modern day Western or not? Yes. Huh. It's really good. And Wind River, which did I say Wind River? I did. That's the Jeremy Renner movie. Is that a modern day Western or not?
Starting point is 01:20:08 Yes, it is. And Wind River again is kind of a modern Western-ish. That's got Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen. Yeah, you should check out these. And he's doing Yellowstone, which I haven't seen, but people like Yellowstone, don't they? Oh, the Kevin Costner show. Yeah, people like that, don't they? People like it. I should watch Yellowstone. I like Kevin Costner. I liked him in Waterworld and The Postman.
Starting point is 01:20:27 I loved his vanity projects. Yes. Yeah, so there you go. That's all of them. Nice. That one, again, I probably wouldn't necessarily say. I'd probably go, I'll wait for this, unless I had a night where I'd be like, yeah, I can make it to this.
Starting point is 01:20:41 But yeah. Anyway, 2021, a solid 7 out of 10 as far as I'm concerned. Looks pretty good to me. Pretty good. If you had to pick one, what would you say? Is it The Matrix 4? No. I would pick.
Starting point is 01:20:53 I think that gives me, that's too much. There's a risk that that could be very disappointing for me. It could be great and it could be very, it could be great, it could be not. I don't know. I wouldn't take the risk if it's the only movie I'm saying. I might pick Dune or The Suicide Squad. But if I had, but probably Dune if I had to pick one from this year.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Because it's Villeneuve. Yeah. But also there's some others. This is a bloody banger lineup, mate. As I said, a solid seven out of ten. A solid, there's seven good movies here at least. That's good. Anyways, is that all the things we need to talk about? Yeah, Ianger lineup, mate. As I said, a solid seven out of ten. A solid seven good movies here at least. That's good. Anyways, is that all the things we need to talk about?
Starting point is 01:21:28 Yeah, I think so, yeah. Thank you for listening. But there's more show. There is more show. Thank you to everybody who quits listening after we do this bit. I don't look at the analytics. And before we go to what we read and what we're going to read. But it might be.
Starting point is 01:21:40 I should do it. But, you know, it actually gets better after this segment of the show, I feel. So you're saying this segment, what we read and what we're going to read, is a bit of a stinker. No, no, no. It all gets better. Oh, no, it definitely does. It's all uphill from here, as in a real slog.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Yeah, that's right. It's a real Prometheus pushing that stone uphill or whatever it is. Great movie. And it keeps rolling back down on us and crushing us to death. Exactly. Here we go. What are we reading? Theme song.
Starting point is 01:22:05 I'm doing the theme. I nearly said Yellowstone because I want to watch Yellowstone now. Hey, James, how about this? Yo. Annabelle, ginger and pomegranate. Mason, what are you doing? Is this like, I don't understand what you're doing. I mean, people, I mean, they're probably, they're finding it funny that you're annoying
Starting point is 01:22:29 me, but the joke in itself doesn't work on any level at this point. I think it does a bit. You say that, but I haven't reached the third, the third time I say Annabelle ginger and pomegranate. I'll smash it and cut your throat with it. And that's funny. That is funny. Violence is funny.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Physical comedy. Funny. Anyway, what have you been reading this week? Star Wars Darth Vader. I don't know if you've been reading it. I might have mentioned this before, but it's the new Darth Vader series by Greg Pak. Yes. And Raffale Lenko.
Starting point is 01:22:57 And it's basically set between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Okay. So it's a different side of Darth Vader because he's just had that confrontation with Luke Skywalker and he's like, that fucked me up a little. Yeah, right. I've got a lot of things. I've got a lot of thoughts and feelings. So he's doing all sorts of adventures and stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:11 And Palpatine's like, if you're turning nice, I'm going to shoot electricity at you. That's interesting because he seemed to be pretty into the whole I am your father bit. Yeah, he loved that. He was loving it, right? Yeah, he had a great time. So you're saying that after that he's like, maybe I went a bit far.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Because, you know, sometimes you yell at somebody or whatever, you have an argument and you're like, whoosh. I was loving it, right? Yeah, he had a great time. So you're saying that after that he's like, maybe I went a bit far. Because, you know, sometimes you yell at somebody or whatever or you have an argument and you're like, whoosh. I was actually pretty mean then. Yeah, I went a bit far there. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. But then you speak to someone else and they're like, nah, fuck him. He deserved it.
Starting point is 01:23:35 You're like, yeah, fuck him. Yeah. But then you go away and you're like, still, maybe it was a bit. And then you're like, man, ginger and pomegranate was a great joke. It was great, you think. And then you're full of regrets. Nah. Annabelle, ginger and pomegranate was a great joke. It was great, you think. And then you're full of regrets. Annabelle, Ginger and Pomegranate. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Okay. It's all uphill. What's the style of this? Like what's the art style? Is it kind of – there's a certain like – Good art. There's a certain – Je ne sais quoi.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Yes, there is. But there's a certain Star Wars art that looks like the Star Wars movie posters. You know what I mean? It's pretty rare. Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's obviously with a comic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:09 You can't necessarily get that level of detail. And it's also unsustainable. Exactly. They can do maybe. That might do the cover. Yes. But no, look, it's good. I've never thought about it, but it looks like Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Yeah. So I don't know what else to tell you other than I don't know anything about art. I love it. And it looks good. But what are you reading? I also read a comic book this week. What are you reading? tell you other than I don't know anything about art and it looks good.
Starting point is 01:24:23 But what are you reading? I also read a comic book this week. What are you reading? Well, first I read an article on, which is the best Kieran Gillen stories of all time. Okay. So I'm a big fan of Kieran Gillen. Where are you at then? What are they pointing to?
Starting point is 01:24:37 Well, I'm a big fan of The Wicked and the Divine. Yes. So Kieran Gillen's done a lot of like mythology stuff, like he's done The Wicked and Divine, which is about gods that keep getting reincarnated as humans and they become like insta-famous and rock stars and that sort of stuff. I haven't read any of that. It's really good, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:52 I should read it, shouldn't I? He did a Journey into Mystery for Marvel, which was like a Loki story. He did an Ares. He did a run with Ares, which is like the Marvel Ares. But one that I missed out on completely. Yeah. And it's been going, it's one of those ones that's sort of sporadically been ongoing for about two years.
Starting point is 01:25:12 What's this? It's called Die. So it's. Oh, I've been reading that. Have you been reading Die? It's the. Did we mention it on here before? No, I think I mentioned it on Suggestible,
Starting point is 01:25:20 my less successful podcast. It's with the D&D one. Yeah, so it's. It's cool. Yeah, so it's Kieran Gillen writing and then Stephanie Hans is doing the art. And so die, the singular of dice. Yes. But also –
Starting point is 01:25:33 Dying. Dying. So it's basically – the premise basically is that in the 90s, in the early 90s, there's this group of six kids or teenagers and they start playing sort of this tabletop role-playing game that one of them invents and then they all they all disappear and then they reappear two years later and they're all like traumatized and banged up and one is missing an arm yeah there's only five of them now like the creator of the game isn't anywhere to be
Starting point is 01:26:01 found and whenever anybody asks them about it they they're like, we can't say. Yeah. We can't say what happened kind of thing. And then years later, like in the modern day. They're all 40 or whatever. They're all 40 or whatever. Yeah. But then one of them receives in the mail the bloodied 20-sided dice
Starting point is 01:26:18 that the creator of the game, like it was his signature die. Yeah. And then they all get together to discuss it. And wouldn't you bloody know it, they all get bloody sucked back into the game. But they've got like kids and divorces and shit. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:31 And some of them love it and some of them are like, this is where I want to be. And some are like, oh, boo. Really good, I think. Yeah. I agree. It's great. The short version,
Starting point is 01:26:41 and Kieran Gillen describes it as goth Jumanji, which I think is not, it's not not inaccurate but it's also very simple. I think that's selling it short as well. I have enjoyed the last couple of Jumanji movies but it is just like we're having wacky fun and everything's cool and you get out of it and everything's great. But this is like. Everything is not cool.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Yeah, this is about like tragedy and loss and like not fitting in. And ramifications. Yeah, like the world moving on without you or you changing and the world staying the same sort of stuff. Like it's quite grim. Apparently, I looked into it, apparently Kieran Gillen's inspiration for this comic book was in the 80s there was a Dungeons & Dragons cartoon and it's about this group of kids who get sucked into a game
Starting point is 01:27:24 of Dungeons & Dragons and they're knights and wizards and whatever. And apparently the last episode written of the show had them all go back home, but that episode was never produced. So they're all technically still trapped in a game of Dungeons & Dragons. So that's the
Starting point is 01:27:40 idea behind this. That's a fun way. It's a fun buddy. You know. Yeah. Ideas can come from things. Ideas can come from all kinds of things, can't they? That's cool.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Yeah, it's great. It's really good if you haven't read it and you've got, I'm like, I'm not, I don't play any Dungeons and Dragons
Starting point is 01:27:55 but you don't really need to have much of a knowledge of it. And it's sort of like, I think it's also based around, I mean, it was more like 70s and 80s but like the panic around Dungeons and Dragons.
Starting point is 01:28:04 People, kids were summoning the devil and whatever. He also did, I wasn't aware of this but I'm going to get to these this week, he did a Captain America and Batroc the Leaper comic book. Did he? Yeah. What's it called? It's called Captain America and Batroc the Leaper.
Starting point is 01:28:18 They're friends. I guess so. But it's more a story about Batroc the Leaper. And there was also quite recently a Peter Cannon Thunderbolt series that he did, Peter Cannon being the character that Ozymandias was based on. Oh, right, gotcha. So it's a new version of that, and apparently it's super meta.
Starting point is 01:28:33 So I'm super excited to read that one. That does sound good. Yeah. You've been reading lots of things and thinking about things to read. That's right. Some say reading and thinking too much. Stop your reading. Get back to your cross stitch, they say.
Starting point is 01:28:45 That's what they say? Yep. Oh, well, fair enough. Yeah. Should we move to the next segment of the show? Let's move to Letters. Let's do Letters. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:28:52 The classic one was Letters, oh, Letters. We love you, so Letters. I know that. Only the day away. We're going to hear it right now. We're going to do Letters. If you do want to reach the show, you can at hashtag weeklyplanetpod or send a Gmail to nickmason at
Starting point is 01:29:14 That's not your Gmail, maybe? Not at all. But I guess there is somebody with that Gmail, so send it along and see what happens. Weeklyplanetpod at Your dog came in just for the letters segment, got a pat, and then just ran out again as soon as the letters. In fact, as the letters thing was fading out, she was like,
Starting point is 01:29:31 well, this is obviously overtime to leave. Imagine if she came in with a letter, like a physical letter. Wow. But she didn't. What the hell? We're both being evicted. We don't even both live here. So this is from Stephen Sankey.
Starting point is 01:29:45 I appreciate this. I'm a big fan of the show, I think. Well, he sends us things, I presume so. Hashtag weeklyplanetpod. It may have taken them four decades, but they finally got him to do something on screen. You know what I mean. Hashtag the Mandalorian. You are behind, yes?
Starting point is 01:29:59 I am, but I get the sense of things. We are going to do a wrap-up episode when the show finishes. Yes, we are, yeah. We're going to talk all about them. Do an entire episode on our famous segment, who watches the TV show The Mandalorian, James and Maiso. Maiso watches three and then like in the weeks that they come out and then five shotguns the day before.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Brackets, Weekly Planet Podcast. That's right. Yeah, interesting show. Interesting stuff happening. But I have some thoughts about it that maybe, you know. A bit controversial. No, not really. I have some criticisms, but it's a mostly very good show.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Very good. What have you got? I've got a couple of emails. This is from Jasmine, and very intriguing subject line. It says, car hit my house podcast safe. Interesting, Jasmine. Now, we'll get to the meat of it, but I just enjoyed the image that in her house she has a podcast safe. Interesting, Jasmine. Now, we'll get to the meat of it, but I just enjoyed the image that in her house she has a podcast safe. Yes. She downloads her favourite episodes of
Starting point is 01:30:51 podcasts and puts them in a safe. Puts them on a data drive and puts them in a safe. Just on an iPod. She just got a bunch of iPods in there. Loose. What if the car... Oh, no, it wouldn't because it's in the safe. That's right. Sorry, go on. Good morning, Mr. Sunday and Mason. I listen to the podcast most of the day. In one of my few moments not listening, we heard a big thud and the house shook a bit. It took us a minute of looking around the house to realize a car was in our backyard. The student driver had driven over the curb, through the fence, and hit the brick wall.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Thankfully, everyone is safe and issues seem mostly cosmetic. Clearly, I should be listening to your podcast for protection from craziness like this. I mean, it's a roll of the dice, really, isn't it? You don't really know. Roll of the die, if you will. Whoa. Right? Makes you think.
Starting point is 01:31:27 It's good that everybody's safe and nobody died in that though. That's cool. That's exactly really good. Thank you, Jasmine. Can you I be the official Southeast Texan of the podcast? I think we've had a lot of regional Texan requests, but yes, you can absolutely have that. I haven't been came track, but yeah, that's you now.
Starting point is 01:31:39 I believe we have, yeah. Yeah. Cool. It's definitely you. Everyone keep safe. Watch out for cars coming at your house. Agreed. do you do that when you walk down the road
Starting point is 01:31:46 and you're like watching cars and be like is this car gonna skid off and hit me yeah I get the sense of that it's mostly job related yeah I bet it would be
Starting point is 01:31:53 with you wouldn't it because you're always on the lookout your eyes are on the prize that being a car that's gonna hit you you can always kind of tell
Starting point is 01:31:58 there are ways you're like this guy's got eyes doing it I do it more when I'm with my kids like I'm really watching but when I'm by myself, I'm like, whatever.
Starting point is 01:32:06 I don't even care if a guy hits me. I don't care anymore. If I get a couple of weeks in the hospital, I'd love it. Well, I think if it was by myself. Hey, Claire, guess what? I can't come into my house today. I'm going to go to the hospital. You're going to look after the kids.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Yeah, that's what I want to do. But I think also by myself, I'm like, I don't need to think about it because I can, if I saw it, I could leap. But if I've got like a pram and like a five-year-old, that's a lot to like wrangle. Yeah, I mean, you need at least one hand free so you can do the punch the bonnet of the car. Exactly, and it flips over, yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:40 And everyone goes, whoa. Everyone goes, whoa. Yeah, that's right. This is from Hannah. She said, we could plan a pod. So let's pretend that Netflix and Elliot Page decided together to have Vanya in Umbrella Academy transition, which would be incredible, now that Elliot has come out.
Starting point is 01:32:55 What are your thoughts on how big or small a deal the show should make of it? Now, people probably saw the news this week of Elliot Page's transition. Of course, star of many things, including an OK X-Men movie, Juno, and more recently, The Umbrella Academy. And we talked about this a bit before the show, and we realised we had the perfect answer, and we know everything. That's correct, yes. No, what we actually thought was this is something
Starting point is 01:33:18 that they should decide together. Correct, yes. I think Gerard Way also has a big hand in the series, and he's obviously created the comic. I imagine they'll have a sit down. Definitely. So I think they said they don't plan to do anything like that at this point in time, but it wouldn't surprise me
Starting point is 01:33:33 if they take that character in that direction or whatever, you know, Elliot is comfortable with doing. So really, that's really the ball is in their court. So yeah, for me, it's just whatever you want to do, man. And that's really, really i think for most things in life if you're not hurting anybody who fucking cares in a way it doesn't affect our lives at all in a way we could just let let everyone get let people be happy and don't worry about it that's right don't worry about it so yeah or we could get really mad all the time and everything and die
Starting point is 01:34:02 early mad because it's killing us, all this stuff that doesn't affect us in any way. Yeah, that's interesting. Because we're dumb. I might have to think about it. Okay, cool, cool, cool. But, I mean, that's options always on the table is for us to just die mad at a stupid thing that's irrelevant to us.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Claire and I talked a little bit about this on Suggestible. What I did like about this situation is, and there was a little bit about this on Suggestible What I did like about this situation is And there was a little bit of pushback But if this had happened 20 years ago This would have looked much different You know, I mean there's still Most people are just like Congratulations
Starting point is 01:34:35 Everyone would have low rise chains on As we talk about But most people were just like Great, if this is something that you're happy about, then good. You know what I mean? So good stuff. It is good stuff. What else you got, Mason?
Starting point is 01:34:51 Look, here's something from Admiral Hackbar. He says, hey there, James and Mason from the Weekly Planet. We talk movies and comics and books and TV shows. I was watching an old episode of the podcast, perhaps on YouTube, episode 66 maybe, where every time Mason said one of his classic zingers, a recording of a trumpet would be played entitled Mason's Theme. I demand to see a return of this theme in the next episode.
Starting point is 01:35:10 I have no memory of this at all. I don't know what that is at all. I don't know what this is. You've never heard of that. That's when you were editing the episode. Which means I would have had to have spliced it in. We don't know what this is. Unless Collings went back and put it in.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Maybe he's doing it. He's the kind of guy that would do that. Maybe he's hacked into your YouTube. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of My name is James, editor at that website. With me as always my co-host, Nick Mason. Oh, that's good. That's you doing that. That was Joseph Lisk, who does the What We Read and What We Gonna Read theme. Oh, sure. But isn't that
Starting point is 01:35:46 cool? Yes. Do you want to hear it again? I guess so. I don't remember what it's from. No, neither do I. But I love it. I assume at some point I pretended to be a trumpet player. A little bit of fanfare. Wonder Woman is getting a writer. That's a relief. Yes,
Starting point is 01:36:01 it is. He actually he's writing, oh, he wrote Pan, you know, the upcoming Peter Pan gritty reboot. Oh, sure. Great. I mean, I haven't seen Pan, so we'll see how that plays out. See how it pans out. Well done.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Play the theme. Play the theme. Play it. I'll do it again. Say the thing you said. I'll say the thing I said. And then we do this. I have to find it.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Oh, jeez. Just email it to me and I'll do it. All right, here we go. Okay, say the thing. We'll see how that goes, I guess. See how it pans out. I'll have this ready now. I can't, though, because I've got to rip it.
Starting point is 01:36:41 And you can't leave me in control of that, because I'll just do it every time. I'll do it literally every time I say anything So there you go Yeah, that's wild That must have been early Or it was last year I have no idea
Starting point is 01:36:55 We don't know, we just don't know This is from Kotwinpod You asked for topic ideas We did Why not live action movies that could have been better or different in animated or vice versa hashtag weekly funner pod
Starting point is 01:37:10 so you know some things obviously lend themselves to animation you mentioned Die for example that would probably be wonderful as like an animation the style of good animation oh yes I would say like a Japanese anime
Starting point is 01:37:22 maybe perhaps well that's one that I brought up here what I've written down here is, do you think Batman Ninja is a good example of that being done right, where you wouldn't really do that another way necessarily? Well, I have mixed feelings about Batman Ninja. You do, but I'm talking like art style. I don't think it's very good, but it looks great certainly, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Yeah, there is little to no way that would work. Even the concept I don't think really translates to live action. Yeah, right. It's like, well, we're going. Is he Japanese in that? Is Batman actually Japanese? No, he goes back in time. He goes back in time and space to Japan, yes.
Starting point is 01:37:57 It sounds good. Why is it not good? I can't remember also. Yeah, well. But I remember because I watched it for Matt Stewart's podcast, Prime Mates, and I remember watching it and going, this is, I don't know what's going on here. I don't like it for reasons.
Starting point is 01:38:11 And what did Matt Stewart think of it? He loved it. Did he really? He got several Batman Ninja tattoos. Wow. Yeah. Several? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:19 You can see, look at that photo of him. He's like, look at me. Oh, yeah. I'm loving this. I'm on a skateboard. He's on a look at me. Oh, yeah. I'm loving this. I'm on a skateboard. He's on a skateboard. Yeah. The underside of the skateboard has a spray paint of Batman Ninja on it also.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Yes. Don't you think? That would be, make that joke, like it would round it out a bit. Don't you think? Yes. Okay, good. Here's an example. James, if your bit now is that you're running, you're getting tired of my nonsense, that's all this podcast is,
Starting point is 01:38:47 is nonsense. So you better. That was me contributing. That wasn't a dig at you. Okay, good, good, good. I thought of one which I know you watched. Yes. But Powers.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Oh, yeah. Imagine if Powers was done like they look like they're doing that new Invincible show. Yeah. I mean, that would be incredible. I mean, but that's the thing. Like for a lot of these, you know, if you do a Batman thing and it doesn't work in animation or live action or whatever,
Starting point is 01:39:13 it's fine because they'll do another one in a couple of years. But if you do Powers in live action. That's it, mate. There's never going to be another Powers. There's a million superhero properties that could be adapted. Yeah. Yeah. But then again, Powers reboot.
Starting point is 01:39:24 I guess it would be way easier to get a failed live action property and make an animation than to go the other way. Nobody's going to be like, well, that cartoon failed, so let's turn it into a live action movie. The Tick. Also failed. Was that an animation before it was? I know it was a comic first.
Starting point is 01:39:40 It was a cartoon before it was even live. Yeah, then it was Patrick Walden. It was the new one it was even live. Yeah, then it was Patrick Wilde. It was the new one. Cool. All right. What have you got for one more thing or two more things? Let's have a look. I'll have one more thing.
Starting point is 01:39:50 What's he got? I bet it's good. Oh, yeah. What have I got here? I think I was talking about this one. It's suggestible with Claire. We're always like to each other, why the fuck are we so tired? And then like, oh, yeah, we've got a baby.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Right. Like it's just like, yeah. Okay, but why am I so tired? Because we've got a baby. Right. Like it's just like, yeah. Okay, but why am I so tired? Because we've got a baby. You live here. That crying baby's always waking me up. Okay, here's a good one. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Yes. Subject, this is from Chaney. Dick Chaney. Yeah, Dick Chaney. Questionable person, Mason. I agree. I don't mind saying that now. Remember when he shot his mate? Anyway, it Cheney. Questionable person, Mason. I agree. I don't mind saying that now. Remember when he shot his mate?
Starting point is 01:40:28 Anyway, it doesn't matter. Yeah, then his mate apologised. Yeah, I remember that. Subject line, bad parenting. Been a fan for years, still get excited for new episodes. As a dad, my youngest daughters have got to the age where they ask to watch things that aren't age appropriate. So now when my wife isn't home, I'll let them watch whatever they want.
Starting point is 01:40:42 I was wondering, James, what bad parenting things do you do? But before we get to that, here is a list of films we've recently watched together. Terminator, The Meg, Deep Blue Sea, Gremlins, Beavis and Butthead do America, Rick and Morty, Always Sunny, South Park, Freddy Got Fingered, Swamp Thing, Predator, Freddy vs. Jason, Deadpool, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Dead 2,
Starting point is 01:41:02 Child's Play 2, and The Toxic Avenger 1, 2, and 3, plus we watched the UFC together. It was their sixth birthday last week. That is wild. My kids are cool and understand to not swear themselves that everything on screen is fake. My parents let me watch whatever I wanted at that age, and I grew up to be pretty damn cool.
Starting point is 01:41:18 Can I be the official bad dad? Boy, absolutely you can. There's a photo of his kids. They're eating pizza and they're drinking Carlsberg. Cans of Carlsberg. It's great stuff. This is good stuff, Cody. Tony, we're loving this.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I hope that's real. Yeah, me too. James, bearing in mind your wife probably doesn't listen to this. No. Wow. I don't really, look, not to sound like a bit of a nerd, but we're pretty much on the same page. Like we definitely have disagreements about what, like,
Starting point is 01:41:56 stuff that he can watch and, like, whatever. But it's we, I don't sneak stuff. Yeah, for sure. Because also, a lot of kids, and my kids are not really like this, but they're fucking rats, mate. Yeah, right. They're just like, guess what we did? Dad said we weren't going to have ice cream,
Starting point is 01:42:12 but we got me two ice creams or whatever, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. And she'd be like, you said you were going to get me two ice creams. But I don't know. Was that something, what about you as a kid? Did your parents have different standards? I don't think so either, something – what about you as a kid? Did your parents have different standards? I don't think so either, no. I feel like my parents –
Starting point is 01:42:29 Maybe it's a regional thing. I think my parents did. I think my dad was more like whatever than my mum. Maybe that's because he worked full time and was just like whatever. Yeah, right. But, yeah, I don't know. My dad was more like, yeah, watch Terminator 2, and my mum was more like, well, what's the rating?
Starting point is 01:42:44 And I need to see this whatever, you know what mean yeah right uh-huh would they let you watch anything though yeah probably like i think i probably i think i think it was a case of i'd be like yeah i'm watching terminator 2 it's fine for kids and they'll be like action figures yeah and i think they'll be like well he probably knows more about this franchise than we do, so I guess. That's true. Yeah, I guess, yeah, the thing is, well, because we. Like, I think if I could state my case firmly enough, I think they'd be like, well, I guess so.
Starting point is 01:43:14 If you can argue your way into it, it's probably fine. Yeah. There's also, yeah, that's good, though. Like, he's made the distinction there of, like, they know that it's not real. You know what I mean? I'd be worried about, like, either traumatizing my kids or like getting in trouble, do you know what I mean, with like teachers at school. Is that like what do you mean, John?
Starting point is 01:43:34 But I think also like you've just got to read your kid, like whatever you think your kid is ready for, how they can handle it. Can they crack a stubby at Carlsberg, you know what I mean? Can they? Yeah. Crack a frothy. I'd love to post that. I won't post someone else's.
Starting point is 01:43:48 That's very funny. That's very funny. You've delighted these two. I don't want this to become a thing where they're like, well, guess what I did with my kid. Right. I put them in a NASCAR. I put them on one of those spinning circus boards
Starting point is 01:44:00 and I threw knives at them. Yeah, I don't want this to become a competition. Barely hit any of them. Well, let's cleanse the palate. This is from Tyler. He says, what is Australian Christmas like? Hey, James and Mace, I watched your Tim Allen Santa Claus Caravan of Garbage episode. So staying in holiday spirit, it is currently summer in Australia,
Starting point is 01:44:15 yet every Christmas movie shows you winter. Does the Australian version of Christmas reflect the summertime in Australia or do you just pretend it's that time of year? Bit of both. Yeah, it's a bit of both. People will wear novelty like Christmas sweaters. Yeah, yeah. But it's normally like 30 Celsius over here and everybody who does that is like,
Starting point is 01:44:30 I regret this intensely. A minute, yeah, exactly. The food is a little different, I think. Yeah, it's more like your warm weather food. Yeah. But they'll still do like a roast though regardless. We might do some cool salads. Cool salads or like some prawns, like some chilled prawns.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Yeah, a lot of outdoor stuff. Yeah. Like your barbecues will set up. You set up a long table outside or whatever. I love it. I reckon it's great. I like hot Christmas. As a kid, I was like, oh, I wish it kind of snowed at Christmas. But now I'm like, since I've seen snow, I'm like, no, fuck that.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Hot Christmas is way better for me. But yeah, I could see. Yeah, I don't know. What do you think? Would you rather do a cold? I would like. I should do it once, I guess. Yeah, I'd like. Yeah, I don't know. What do you think? Would you rather do a cult? I would like. I should do it once, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:07 I'd like it to alternate. Alternate, rather. Just one hot one. Some people do a Christmas in June or July. That's true. Christmas, July. Yeah, that's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:15 But we also have, like, the decorations. Like, they've got snow machines that, like, shoot, like, foam and stuff like that. Oh, right, yeah. There's a bunch of stuff like that. Yeah. Christmas lights is a big-ish thing, I would say. And, of course, obviously we put Crocodile Dundee on top of the tree. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Yeah. And we yell at him about his taxes. That's right. As is tradition. As is in the Bible. That's right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:39 What are you doing for Christmas this year? Folks? Yeah. Yeah. Family. Family, you know. Family. Yeah. Family. Just me and the family and all our Coronas. The beer, not the horrible pandemic.
Starting point is 01:45:51 Not the horrible pandemic that's happening in the world. I should have said Coca-Cola because they transitioned to Coca-Cola in one of the... Did they? Yeah. There's a new virus called Coca-Cola. Oh, man. Edit this out. God damn. Colin should do it, though. He's so quick on it. Because he edits this show. That's right. And he knows it's near the end of the show
Starting point is 01:46:07 when you do the wrap up of the show. That's very correct. Thank you everybody so much for listening. We really appreciate it. What are you looking forward to this coming year on the DC Slate Thingamajig HBO Max? Did we miss something? No.
Starting point is 01:46:18 What's coming up? Not from No, definitely not. But if you did, if we did, let us know. Let us know about anything you like. That's right. At Weekly Planet Pod, at Gmail, at Facebook, at Twitter, at Bandcamp. You can go to
Starting point is 01:46:35 You can sign up to the newsletter from the great Rob Collings. That's right. He is at... Rob Collings on Twitter. Rob Collings on Twitter and at The Weekly Planet on Twitter. That's right. And at Wikipedia Brand on Twitter. Raw Collings on Twitter and at The Weekly Planet on Twitter. That's right. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:46:46 I'm Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U. James, your Mr. Sunday movie is everywhere. That's right. I am. Every gosh darn where. If you'd like to support the show, you can go to slash mrsundaymovies. Flick us a buck.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Yeah, flick us a buck. Ba-ching. Flick us a buck for Christmas. Ba-ching. That's one of our Christmas traditions. That's right. We flick each other a buck. And we flick it at Paul Hogan.
Starting point is 01:47:06 People don't really do that anymore, but they used to put coins in the Christmas pudding. Oh, yeah. But it was poisonous probably. Don't do it. Don't do that. Now we flick our coins at Paul Hogan. That's right. And he doesn't pay tax on them. Oh, he just took them. He just took the coins. He took them.
Starting point is 01:47:22 Where was I? Oh, yeah. Flick us a coin for Christmas, why don't you? That's right. Or you can go to the Amazon affiliate link in our episode description if you're staying home. It goes through Amazon. Or you can sign up to We've got all sorts of bonus stuff. We've got movie commentaries.
Starting point is 01:47:35 We've got bonus podcasts. We've got videos. We've got all kinds of stuff. It's good stuff up there. Before this episode, I thought of a new idea for a new podcast. I love it. We're going to start doing a new podcast. We might record an episode this week and it'll probably come out at some point.
Starting point is 01:47:47 That's right. Before the end of time. It's in flux. We're like, what's going on? We've got to figure out the format, but I think it's going to be very good. It's going to be fun. People will like it. And it gives me a chance to talk about all sorts of dumb old characters.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Yeah, and that's what we're about. It's going to be really good. We've got some t-shirts on Thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham for all the musical themes. I forgot to mention, we've got the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. Jump on there. Just have some fun chats with all kinds of nice, fun folks.
Starting point is 01:48:11 That's right. And all kinds of stuff. That's the whole podcast, I think. It is, except for reviews, which you can review in our – Oh, I forgot about that, yes. Yeah, read these out. This is from HawkCooVHS. It says, these dudes sound Australian.
Starting point is 01:48:22 Great podcast. Like and subscribe and send a reasonable amount of money each month to support the appetite for big sandwiches. Thank you. This is from Sam in Spirit. Says, best pod ever. I look forward to this podcast every week. Love every podcast on this network.
Starting point is 01:48:33 My love of podcasts started with this one. Thank you so much. So, yeah, it's great when people leave the review. They can do it in-app. They can do it all kinds of places. But also tell your friends. Flick us an in-app review. Subscribe. Do some likes. That's right. Those things. Flick us a review. They can do it in-app. They can do it all kinds of places. But also tell your friends. Flick us an in-app review. Subscribe.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Do some likes. That's right. Those things. Flick us a review. Flick it over. Don't flick it to Paul Ogan. He'll take it. He'll claim it for himself.
Starting point is 01:48:53 He said he wrote it. He didn't. He just changed your name on it. He changed my name. What a dog of a bloke. What a bad person maybe. Yeah, that's right. All right.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Next week, I don't know. Whatever. We'll think of something. We always think of something. We always do's right. All right. Next week, I don't know, whatever. Think of something. We always think of something. We always do in the nick of time. We had another topic, but now we did this topic because of the HBO thing. That's right. So it's constantly in flux.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Thanks for listening. I appreciate it very much and goodbye. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. Okay, next week we go to the Weekly Planet. Yeah. Ginger and pomegranate.
Starting point is 01:49:21 Oh, it didn't get funnier. Sometimes these things come around. It does for me. It does for me. James, it does for me. Weekly Planet Cool Ranch. I'm doing all of them. I'm doing everyone.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Gosh, I have a great time. Everybody else's enjoyment is irrelevant, including yours. I just enjoy it when I do it. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship
Starting point is 01:49:59 between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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