The Weekly Planet - 38 Everything Doctor Strange & Grumpy Old Gramps Harrison Ford

Episode Date: June 16, 2014

This week we look at the character of Doctor Strange in depth, his history, powers, villains, all of it.We also discuss Harrison Ford injurying himself on the set of Star Wars, the new rumoured DC Fil...m line-up and more! Thanks for listening. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. of My name is James, also a junior editor at that website known as Mr... I'm going to start this again. No, don't start it again. They got most of the information. Carry on.
Starting point is 00:00:50 All of those things are true of this podcast which we're on. With me is my co-host Nick Mason. Hooray! I like the dead-eyed look that you have
Starting point is 00:00:57 when you start saying that now. You never really looked, you know? Yeah. It's look and it's weird. Yeah, yeah. Well, I just kind of black out
Starting point is 00:01:03 but I think I'm going to be more present during that, clearly, because I'm losing it man i'm losing it a few people have asked have you been watching the world cup fifa cup no me neither yeah but people get people get super fired up about my facebook feed is a lot of it yeah absolutely yeah we won or didn't win no we didn't win we didn't win we were beaten by didn't win. We didn't win. We were beaten by Chile. I know that much. Oh, well. Because people tweeted at us specifically to say that we didn't win. Guess what, guys? We went on the same. We didn't make the cut this year.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Sorry. Next time. Next time. I think so, yeah. Four years on, the lonely be stronger. Absolutely, yeah. We'll be ready. Not weaker. We're not getting older and weaker. No, no. Alright. Now, Mason, the... The other day I pulled a muscle in my neck rolling over in bed, so I think, you know, I think ages. I like to think tumble roll. Like, were you doing, like, a... The other day, I pulled a muscle in my neck rolling over in bed, so I think, you know, I think ages.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I like to think tumble roll. Like, were you doing, like, a big tumble roll? Yeah, I was doing, yeah, tumble roll. Good. All right. Now, bad news for Star Wars, Mason. Oh, here we go. Good news for us, though.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yes. Harrison Ford. Our grumpy gramps. Our grumpy gramps, Harrison Ford. You tweeted me this specifically. Yes. I can read the official statement if you'd like. Please, I'd like to hear it.
Starting point is 00:02:06 The hand solo actor fell to the ground in agony. This is during shooting or around that time, I assume. Of Star Wars 7. Of Star Wars 7. And medics assessed him on the M stage at the studio close to the spaceship in the Millennium Falcon. He was taken by stretcher onto a helicopter for further treatment. The official Disney statement is, Ford sustained an ankle injury during filming on the set,
Starting point is 00:02:25 blah, blah, blah. He was taken to a local hospital and is receiving care. Shooting will continue as planned while he recuperates. So this is Pinewood Studios in England. Yes. A lot of different reports came out. People were like, oh, he crushed his ankle, blah, blah, blah. Like a door fell on it or something?
Starting point is 00:02:39 What? I didn't hear that one. I heard like a roller door landed on it. Okay. So my feeling is he gets... This injury happens. He gets onto the...
Starting point is 00:02:50 He's put on the stretcher. He's put in the helicopter. It's flying away. He can have only one of two thoughts, right? One of them is, I knew it! Or, I did it.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Right? Because either he's like, I don't want to do any other Star Wars. I don't want to do any other Star Wars. And then like Disney, like one of their accounts shows up and he's just like here's a check i'm just gonna write a one and then i'm just gonna keep writing zeros after the one until you agree to be in this film or fall asleep or fall asleep right and then he's agreed and he's like i'm still i don't want to do this and then he's like oh but the fans love it and i'm gonna you know whatever and it's the legacy and people would really enjoy seeing me in it.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And then he gets on set and he breaks his ankle. And he's like, oh, I knew it. I had a bad feeling about this. That's a thing you might say. And then, or he's like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to take the giant check. I'm going to show up. I'm going to take a dive.
Starting point is 00:03:41 FIFA style. FIFA style. Soccer style. Soccer style, yeah. dive because FIFA style FIFA style soccer style soccer style because like you know he seems like a you know
Starting point is 00:03:49 probably a decent enough guy sure yeah that maybe the cynical part of my brain takes over immediately and I'm
Starting point is 00:03:56 like that's what you do like if you hated this franchise you're forced to be in it yeah yeah you take the money you agree to be in it people like oh he's
Starting point is 00:04:03 he's gonna be in it he's a hero again you take the dive you're like well I would be in it but I, yeah. You take the money, you agree to be in it. People are like, oh, he's going to be in it, he's a hero again. You take the dive. You're like, well, I would be in it, but I can't. Exactly. And he wouldn't have to do many of the stunts now. Right, right, right. Well, this is what happened on Temple of Doom.
Starting point is 00:04:13 He threw his back out, and most of it's not him, except for up close. It's like another guy. Nice. He's a genius. He is a genius. He's the least hardworking man in Hollywood. And now, these days, he doesn't even have, like, they just have to CGI his face onto somebody else's body. Christopher Lee. Christopher Lee, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Everything Christopher Lee's done since the 80s, before CGI. I thought you meant he was going to CGI Harrison Ford's face on Christopher Lee's body. Yeah, sure, why not? I kind of want to see, though, now that we've been talking about this, I think it'd be great to see, like, Mike Hamill, Luke Skywalker doing some modern day lightsaber duel stuff. That'd be great. Sure. Not too much. I think they took it a bit too far. Right. There were flips for flip's sake. For flip's sake.
Starting point is 00:04:54 So yeah. No, me too. I love that kind of amped up kind of Star Wars style. The kind of the lightsaber fight where every move would equal death. Unless, you know. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Great. Or rolled ankles. Rolled, definitely some rolled ankles. Noah Oldberding, you're familiar with him. He's written in before. Yes, indeed. He sent us a link to a, called Harrison Ford's ankle in its prime. And it's just like a whole lot of photos of him through his career and on the red carpet
Starting point is 00:05:20 with his ankle, you know, in its prime. Oh, that's from Oh, that's the one, yeah, yeah. It's the new, it's a BuzzFeed parody, and it's just like, here's 10 interesting photos of chairs, you know, all that sort of stuff. You won't believe how much this stock footage, you won't believe how cheaply we got this stock footage
Starting point is 00:05:38 of this woman sitting in a swing, you know, that kind of, the ultimate. The best one, I think, is when he's got his foot up on the table in the Tatooine bar, and he's got his foot up on the table in the Tatooine bar. Yeah. And he's got his sweet ankle on display, you know? So, yeah. So good. There we go, Mason.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Bit of news. Harrison Ford. Dead. There's also been circulating on Twitter. It's a photo of Harrison Ford. He's sitting in his Harrison Ford chair. Yeah. And he's holding a piece of paper and it says, I shot first.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Is that an old photo or is that a new photo? Possibly. I don't know. He's got a goatee, so maybe that's... Yeah. Does he have old photo or is that a new photo? Possibly. I don't know. He's got a goatee, so maybe that's... Yeah. Does he have an earring? That's a clue.
Starting point is 00:06:08 You know, I don't know. He's never been allowed to wear that goatee in a movie, has he? I must have done. I feel like...
Starting point is 00:06:14 Some sort of Russian, maybe? I think it's a private time goatee. I don't think it's a... He had a beard in The Fugitive and that episode of Young Indiana Jones
Starting point is 00:06:22 that he was in. Sure. You remember the one where he played the saxophone and the snow fell on the... Yes. Doesn't matter. Look it up.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I'll remember. But yeah, I don't think he's really been bearded before. Well, well. Maybe now's his time to shine. Now's his time to shine. Or bristle. Say again? Or bristle.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Or bristle, sure. More news? Is there more news? You know there's more news, Mason. What did you say before the show? What should we call this? Barely the news. Roughly the news. Roughly the news.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Roughly the news. Roughly the news, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe it's right, maybe it's all wrong. Who knows? Doesn't matter. Ain't it cool news has reported that The Amazing Spider-Man 3 has been pushed from June 10, 2016 to 2017. So there's supposed to be a Spider-Man movie every year. If this is true, it is a rumor, then that stops that, I guess.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Now, you know Spider-Man- It stops that arbitrary rule that they have developed themselves. That's it. I mean, Amazing Spider-Man 2 just crossed 700 million worldwide, which is still pretty good, but lower than the other ones, apparently. So, they still make money and stuff, but maybe they thought also... I saw this in one of the comic book movie comments. Maybe they realised that they have to shoehorn six villains into the next movie and they need a little bit more time to work out how to do that properly.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I mean, because the Spider-Man movies have never been, you know, known to do that well, even with three. So, you know, remains to be seen. You happy with that or whatever? Whatever, exactly. Whatever. We were on a fine line, I know, remains to be seen. You happy with that or whatever? Whatever, exactly. Whatever. We run a fine line, I think, because if we say... Because a lot of these news items are genuinely, well, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:53 If we say, well, whatever enough, we're out of a job. Well, that's true. And by job, I mean podcast. You're right. That we do for free. I mean, you know, some of this has import, but some of it just... You're right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:05 We'll cross that bridge when we get there. We'll review Spider-Man 3 whenever, when it comes out. Yeah, in whatever year. In the future, yeah. You're saying we need more hard-hitting, kind of, like, controversial, like, decision-making? Be like, damn it, bring back Maguire or whatever. Bring him back. Who's Maguire?
Starting point is 00:08:21 That's Tobey Maguire. Oh, right. You already forgot. Yeah. I thought it was some sort of medical drama. Yeah, it is. It's a TV showbey Maguire. Oh, right. You already forgot. Yeah. I thought it was some sort of medical drama. Yeah, it is. It's a TV show, Maguire. Yeah, that's my official stance.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Bring back Mark Maguire. Disgraced baseball player. Maybe not disgraced. I don't know. I can't remember. Baseball player? Yeah. Is he definitely a baseball player?
Starting point is 00:08:38 No. Okay. I'll look him up. Anyway, yeah. Okay, Spider-Man news. Great. Go on. Kingpin has been cast, Mason, in a Daredevil TV series.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Okay, cool, all right. Ready for this? Yes. Vincent D'Onofrio. Wait. Yes. Hang on. Oh, Criminal Intent.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Criminal Intent. Okay, I see that, yeah. Yeah, I mean, he's not like... Kingpin is comically large because he is a comic book character. Right, right. I've got my hands right up, you can see. He's right up, yeah. Yeah, but you can't really...
Starting point is 00:09:04 Like you were the Y in YMCA. Exactly. But you can't do that though, can you? Obviously. And I think a kingpin is supposed to be also very menacing and it's hard to get somebody, we've said this before, who is legitimately giant and can act. Yeah. And I think the kingpin like in the comic books is very, is threatening because he's
Starting point is 00:09:21 so huge. But a guy who's that huge in real life sort of looks like one of those things that you push over and they spring back up again straight away. A fridge? Yeah, a fridge. A real threatening fridge. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, he's just a wall, isn't he, really?
Starting point is 00:09:35 And he's big enough, so. Yeah, yeah, D'Onofrio works. Yeah. Yeah, he's got that intensity. He does. I think he'd be great. Yeah, yeah. And he's played a villain before.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And he played that crazy guy in that movie about Vietnam War. Hot Shots 2. Yep. All right. Now, yeah. And he's played a villain before. And he played that crazy guy in that movie about Vietnam War. Hot Shots 2. Yep, that's the one. All right. Now, Mason. Yes? Rumored lineup for DC films has been released. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I doubt it. How far into the future does this go? It starts in... Oh, what do you mean by that? Like how? Does it go to like 2020? 2016 to 2018. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:02 But there's a lot of movies jammed in here. All right. Which makes me think it's probably not true. No, because how many movies did DC release a year? Like one. One every three years. Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So, no, really, it is one every three. Oh, no. Green Lantern. Green Lantern was 2011. Man of Steel was 2013. The next one's 2016. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So, yeah. Really packing them in. Here we go. Catwoman, 2007 possibly. Maybe six or four Really packing them in. Here we go. Catwoman, 2007, possibly. Maybe six or four. Four? Doesn't matter. No.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Here's the rumoured line-up. Shazam, July 2016. Okay, I'm on board. Sandman, Christmas 2016. Justice League. Sure. May 2017. Wonder Woman, July 2017.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Flash Green Lantern Team-Up, Xmas 2017, and then Man of Steel 2 in May 2018. Wow, they're packing them in. Yeah. Good luck to them. What do you think about that? I don't think they can do that. Even the order of this doesn't seem to make sense. For example, why would you go Justice League 2017, then Wonder Woman July 2017?
Starting point is 00:11:02 Like a few months later. If anything, you'd go Wonder Woman, if this was true. Right. If anything, you'd go Wonder Woman first, then Justice League, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because most people would go, well, I saw Wonder Woman in another one,
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm not going to see one like two months later. Yeah, but maybe the script for Justice League is really, really good and she's a really strong character in it. And yeah, I would have a certain amount of faith that maybe she's a really strong character and you read that script and you go, I want to know more about this character. Oh yeah, fair point.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. But I think they've made a wise, if this is true, they've made a wise choice and maybe flash Green Lantern up. Yeah, absolutely. Because maybe they can't, Green Lantern certainly, nobody will trust him to carry it anymore. No, no. I think that's a great idea. I love the idea of team ups and I think Marvel should do it as well.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Why not do a Captain America Iron Man movie? Yeah, no. I think that's a great idea. I love the idea of team-ups, and I think Marvel should do it as well. Why not do a Captain America Iron Man movie? Yeah, yeah. Or a Wolverine, Sandman, Spider-Man villain movie. Absolutely. How about Iron Man? Because everybody loves Iron Man, Hulk. Yeah. Team them up, science buddies.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Sure. Science friends. Science friends. Absolutely. Absolutely. So would you say, if you had to choose, would you say this is true? Partially true or not true at all? Or true detective?
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah, I like true detective. That was a good series. Wasn't it? Yeah, yeah. I'm looking forward to season two. Me too. Look, it's possible that they've seen Marvel pump out a couple of movies a year and they're like, well, we've got to beat that.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah. So maybe they can ramp it up, but I don't know. If it's all through, I don't know. Do they have the resources to do that? Who knows? Also, somebody made the point that a lot of things
Starting point is 00:12:28 that DC are putting out... Oh, not DC, sorry. Warner Brothers are putting out aren't hitting as well as they'd like. What was that? Was Jack the Giant Slayer Warner Brothers?
Starting point is 00:12:35 I think it was. Who cares? Who cares? Let's just assume that it was. But like, Pacific Rim, you know, did okay but not incredibly well.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Godzilla did well but apparently it had like a massive second week drop off in the US. Okay. Like, bigger than a lot. And apparently it's like the biggest movie, the biggest opening to not reach 200 million, so it hasn't reached 200 million yet.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Like, it had like a 73 million dollar first week. And it's assumed that it will get to 200 million really quickly, but it hasn't. It did not. So, yeah. Or not yet, as of yet. So, yeah. All right. I think it could be partially true.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Do you think it might be one of those cases where the Flash TV series is better than the Flash Green Lantern movie? It could be. It might be, yeah. Yeah, it could be. I mean, why... It'd be stupid of them not to work those things together. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:13:21 But I guess because the guy's not a big film star, they wouldn't do it. But speaking of big film stars, Mason. Oh, I love talking about big film stars. Celebrities are better than us. Well, this guy's actually a TV star. Soon-to-be film star. Well, he's done a few films. Jason Momoa, they say, is definitely Aquaman.
Starting point is 00:13:38 He's kind of alluded to playing a big role in a DC movie of late and whatever, But Jason Momoa, you've seen him in Game of Thrones. Probably not because you haven't seen it. No, I've seen it. Once again, I've seen the first three episodes of season one. And he was in all of them. He sure was. Yeah, they said that he is Aquaman. Loves hitting it from the back.
Starting point is 00:13:58 He does. Inappropriate. Very inappropriate. Just for this podcast. Whatever, do whatever you want in your private life. It's fine. So yeah, would you be okay with that? life. It's fine. So, yeah. Would you be okay with that?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Yeah. A blonde Jason Momoa? Yeah, totally. They'd blonde him up, wouldn't they? They'd blonde him up. They'd blonde him up, blonde him down? Yep. I mean down.
Starting point is 00:14:12 You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, good. Fiscal pants would be great. Yes. Okay, I'm on board. Yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Cool. All right. Well, that's happy days for everybody, isn't it? Yep. I guess we're on to the main topic of this week, Mason, which is me drinking this water first. Fantastic. Bloody hot in here.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I shouldn't have put the heater on before. Did you see The Fault in Our Stars? No. Me neither. Great. Did you see How to Train Your Dragon? Get to it? Dragon?
Starting point is 00:14:34 No. Me neither. Great. Did you see Kill Bill when it came out? Yes, I did. Yeah. Which is better? You mean one or two, or Kill Bill versus those movies I haven't seen?
Starting point is 00:14:45 Kill Bill versus one or two. Uh, I preferred one. I preferred two. Fascinating. Yes, it is. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret.
Starting point is 00:15:08 The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. All right, Doctor Strange, Mason. I thought you would have had some sort of Doctor Strange news. No, not this week. I thought there would be. So we'll do Doctor Strange next Strange, Mason. I thought you would have had some sort of Doctor Strange news. No. And then we could segue in. No, not this week. Wow. I thought there would be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:27 So we'll do Doctor Strange. Next week, Mason, guess what we're doing. Crunch those gears. It's fine. Next week, guess what we're doing. I'm ready to hear about this. We're going to do Transformers movies. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Next week, in preparation for. So I have to watch three all the way through again? No, you don't have to watch any of them. Great. Because I'm certainly not going to. Fantastic. I've seen them. Yep. We'll talk about them. Uh-huh. Including the 80 through again. No, you don't have to watch any of them, because I'm certainly not going to. Fantastic. I've seen them. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:45 We'll talk about them. Uh-huh. Including the 80s one. Yeah. And then... You got the touch. You got the power. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Who is that that did that? Stan Bush. They won a journey, didn't they? Yeah, I'd imagine so. It seems like they were. I think music at that point had evolved where most bands sounded like Journey for that period in the 80s. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Great time. Fantastic. Great time. Fantastic. Great time to be alive. Not really. All right. Crunching gears into Doctor Strange, Mason. This is the first. We're going to go through the history of Doctor Strange in particular, like powers, villains,
Starting point is 00:16:18 abilities, whatevs, you know? Yeah, whatevs. Facial hair, all that. Oh, sure. I thought maybe we could start off by saying he is the first Marvel cinematic character who's purely magic-based. Right. That we've seen.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Not that Asgardians are magic-based, but as we've said, they're a mixture of magic and science. And also Thor, his powers don't all stem from the hammer, because he's pretty tough regardless. Yeah, he's a tough alien guy. Yeah, yeah. That's it. Although, we don't really know what the rules of magic in the Marvel Universe are as a whole.
Starting point is 00:16:48 No. Because we know, especially from Thor The Dark World, the Asgardians magic, they say they have magic, but it's just technology that is sort of it's so advanced that we can't perceive it as any different from magic. Right, but presumably at some point in the past they had the technology, it moved forward
Starting point is 00:17:04 and sort of entered into their world of physics. Yeah, yeah. And so now they can use it without thinking about it. Yeah. But it might be the case that that is how magic works in the Marvel Universe sort of overall. Like Stranger's powers might be this similar thing. Like you crack open the org of Agamotto and it's just filled with wires. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:21 It's filled with capacitors. No, I don't know. I think for this movie, I think they're going to go entirely magical. I don't think they're going to say there's a mixture of science and magic in this. I think it's going to be just magic. Okay. That's what I think. Because the way the Guardians of the Galaxy takes this into space, this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:17:37 This whole... I was going to say convoluted. It's not convoluted. They've done it kind of well the way they've slowly introduced all these elements. And then this will introduce magic and different dimensions and weird space creatures. Right, right, right. Or dimensional beings and whatever. That's what I think anyway.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I think maybe it'll be a case of there are these, you know, upper planar beings, these magical types who have sort of left kind of loopholes, like loopholes in the world in the realm of physics. Like, I think that's kind of how Thor's magic works. Okay. And maybe, like, he finds ways to tap into those, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:10 those loopholes in the laws of physics, maybe, I don't know. Can he shoot stuff? Yeah, he can shoot stuff. Okay, good. As long as he can shoot. Yeah, he can shoot zaps, rays out of his hands, right?
Starting point is 00:18:19 You're familiar with the Doctor Strange origin, Strange origin, obviously. Were you a fan of Doctor Strange at all? Intermittently, sure. When we get to What You Readin', I've got a couple of classics. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Our famous segment, What You Readin', What You Gonna Read. Very famous. Yeah, intermittently. During the 90s, there was a revival of The Defenders, which was his sort of superhero team, not team, and I was a fan of that.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Are you talking about The Defenders of the Earth, the TV show? No. With Mandrake the Magician? No, we've had a fan of that. Are you talking about the Defenders of the Earth, the TV show? No. With Mandrake the Magician? No, we've had this discussion multiple times. So many times. Just a quick question on Mandrake the Magician. He's not actually magic, is he?
Starting point is 00:18:53 Like, he's like illusions and tricks. No, it's hypnosis, I think, mostly, yeah. What a dickhead. But it didn't stop him, like, you know, using hypnosis to fix a car tire or whatever. What does that mean? It doesn't make any sense. But I think the Defenders of the Earth Mandrake may have actually been magic. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Well, we're just like the same way that the Phantom in that had the strength of ten tigers. Yeah. Which makes fuck all sense. Correct. Because he doesn't really have that. I think maybe Mandrake could, you know, blast a soldier or whatever with his magic wand or whatever. I think what it was, he would just cast an illusion that's what he was doing and he'd just shoot him with a gun. I love that.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah. Get away with murder. It's magic. Your human laws don't apply to me. So basically, Mason, his origin. Do you want me to go through his origin? Let's do it. Even though I know you know it.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Let's do it line by line. Okay, you do a line. My God, I'm a good surgeon. Give me some cash. I'm a good surgeon. Give me some cash. I'm a real prick. Is that him also? Yeah, that's him as well. Oh, people can't tell us apart.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, yeah. Okay, so... I sure hope I don't drink and drive tonight. Oh, who cares? No, that's his. He's a surgeon. He's a neurosurgeon. He's a neurosurgeon.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah, yeah. He's the best neurosurgeon. He, like, burnt through medical school in a big way. Made waves in the industry. People loved him. They're like, this guy's like a prodigy. He's the best neurosurgeon. He, like, burnt through medical school in a big way. Made waves in the industry. People loved him. They're like, this guy's like a prodigy. He's basically... Doogie Howser.
Starting point is 00:20:09 He's Doogie Howser. I was going to say he's a cross between Doogie Howser and Tony Stark. Okay, sure, that works. Would you agree with that? Yes. So from that, it kind of... His skills made him arrogant, which was often the case with people with lots of skills. I'm trying to think of someone with lots of skills.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Corey Feldman, great actor. Sure. Too arrogant. John McEnroe, tennis player. Very skilled. Arrogant. Arrogant. Mark McGuire, baseball player.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Drug scandal in 2010. I was right. Mark Hoppus, Blink-182. Blink-182. I was trying to pull the name of the guy in the lead scene of Sugar Ray, but I couldn't get it. Oh, Mark McGrath. Ah!
Starting point is 00:20:48 There it is. All right. Arrogant. So, yeah, when he was young, his sister died, was drowned. Mark McGrath? No wonder he's in Sugar Ray. Yeah, his life very much parallels that of Dr. Stratton. It's quite odd.
Starting point is 00:21:00 But, yeah, his sister died, his mother died. So, all this work towards him, like him closing off his heart kind of thing. Oh, I see. Do you know what I mean? And after his father died, he couldn't attend the funeral because it would break him up too much. Do you know what I mean? It was too totes and mosh for him.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah, totes and mosh. And his brother came to his house to confront him. He'd be like, you should have come to my father's funeral or whatever. After an argument, his brother ran into the street and was killed by a car. Oh. Right. I think a lot of this has been added. It is. Absolutely. I think a lot of this has been added. It is.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Absolutely. I remember the origin of the origin story, because I read a reprint of Tales of Suspense back in the day, and it's just like, I'm a creep, I'm the best, woo, firing guns in the air. And he just gets into his car, like, with a bottle of Jack in his hand, just woo, and then he just... Anyway, continue. I meant to say that at the start.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Basically, this origin story does vary across multiple whatever. Yeah, because he's a bee character. He's a bee character, yeah, yeah. He's a bee. He's a giant bee. And he's a beekeeper. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:21:50 So, yeah. So, basically, then his focus was on material things and being a great surgeon, whatever. He'd turn people away because they didn't have the money or the insurance or for whatever. He was all in. Oh, that might come in. Maybe. In this one. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You know, American healthcare, you know. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Bloody Obam know, American health care, you know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Bloody Obamacare or good Obamacare. Probably that. Probably that. Okay, cool. Now, Mason, don't worry, though.
Starting point is 00:22:13 All these things, it all goes well for Stephen Strange. Nothing more bad can happen to him, except for that thing about the horrific car accident that he has. Right. In the version that I read this week, a kind of retconned kind of version he just has it just says he has a car accident right there's no drink drive involved in it yeah in the 60s that that was they're just like it was assumed yeah just drink at a driver bed and in that he was in this horrific car accident he was fine eventually but his hands smashed to pieces right right and they they barely managed to save them but because of the way they're pieced back together,
Starting point is 00:22:46 he's got extensive nerve damage and his fingers are all bent out of shape or whatever. As I said in the video, which is on my YouTube thing, he had like beautiful George Costanza hands. Oh, sure. Yeah. He could have been a hand model. That's right. Smashed to pieces.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So he still had the use of his hands, but not, he couldn't be a surgeon. Which I think tells me, if anything, magic doesn't require a lot of dexterity. No, well, that's the thing. But you always see him doing little hand gestures and stuff. Yeah, yeah, he's always throwing up some metal horns. Yeah. He loves it. So, yeah, he didn't want to be a consultant, like a medical consultant or a teacher or anything,
Starting point is 00:23:17 because it was beneath him. Right. Which I can understand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he... If you've got the guitar shredding skills of Mark McGrath, you don't want to go back. So he travelled the world basically exhausting his fortune and drinking,
Starting point is 00:23:33 trying to find a remedy, like an alternative remedy to fix his hands. He tried acupuncture. He tried that one where they dilute the medicine in lots of water and you're just drinking water. What's that called again? Homeopathy. That's the one. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:48 But he heard- He tried that thing where they heat up the cups and they put the hot cups on your back and you're left with weird big dots on your back. Have you ever done any of those? No, ridiculous. I've always wanted to do acupuncture. Well, do it then, you chicken. I got some knitting needles over there.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Don't ask why. I was about to, but you cut me off. Then we heard rumors of someone called the Ancient One, someone of untold power. I got some knitting needles over there. Don't ask why. I was about to. No. You cut me off. Yeah. Then we heard rumors of someone called the Ancient One, someone of untold power. So he said, not being a believer in magic or anything like that, but it was at his last kind of legs, if you will. Certainly his last hands.
Starting point is 00:24:19 You only get one set of those. That's right. Look after your hands, kids. Always. Actually, you can smash one of them. That's true, isn't it? Yeah. Like for a bet or something? Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Look after your hands, kids. Always. Actually, you can smash one of them. That's true, isn't it? Yeah. Like for a bet or something?
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. Just for a goof, just to see what it's like. Just to be the coolest guy in your friendship group. Correct. Yeah. So he goes to this remote Tibetan palace, and the ancient one was like, no, I'm not going to cure you.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I can, but I won't. Ooh. Because he knew who he was. He'd been monitoring for him for years knowing that he could have eventually taken over the ancient one as the sorcerer supreme got saw the potential in him saw the potential his midichlorians that's right saw them all so magic chlorians that's right so yeah basically uh midi spellions midi spell that's good yeah midi spellions they'll bring that in won't't they? Definitely. Marvel and Disney and Disney and Marvel and Star Wars, whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah, yeah. It's all good. Yeah, yeah. So, Strange initially said, no, look, I don't care about this crap. I don't believe in magic and you're a dickhead. So, essentially. So, but another student of the Ancient One, Mordo, who turned out to be a major villain of his.
Starting point is 00:25:23 With a name like Mordo. Surely not. Launched the attack on the Ancient One. Yep, yeah. And this is, you know, and whatever, whatever. And stopped Stephen Strange from saying anything by binding him from mentioning it to the Ancient One. Invisible magic mask. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And then Strange went to tell the guy, the Ancient One, but he couldn't. But he said, listen, I want to stay and train with you because I'm impressed by magic now for whatever reason. And then the Ancient One revealed that, hey, I knew this guy was betraying me all along. He removed the magic mask or whatever. And he's like, no, you're stuck here, you dickhead. Because you said you would. So basically he trained in the sorcery ways. Sorcery ways? In real saucy ways.
Starting point is 00:26:04 So many saucy ways. Burlesque? That's the one with the big feather bowlers? Yep. That's right. Yeah. And basically, he became his greatest student. And after several years of hanging around doing magic, he left and...
Starting point is 00:26:18 Just hanging out. Just hanging out. Set up the Sanctum Sanctorium. Yeah. Sanctorium? Close enough. Yeah. And eventually, he became the Sorcerer Supreme. He took that over. Set up the Sanctum Sanctorium. Sanctorium? Close enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And eventually he became the Sorcerer Supreme. He took that over. And it led him to many team-ups with many famous heroes, including Thor and Spider-Man and whatever. Him and Spider-Man are good mates, aren't they, for some reason? Yeah. You know what it is? Because the Sanctum Sanctorum has that sweet skylight.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And I think Spider-Man can just swing at any time and be like, Hey, Doc, what's going on? Also, they can call him Doc. Spider-Man loves calling somebody Doc. He does. Especially if they're an actual
Starting point is 00:26:48 Doc. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't like it ironically. He probably would do it ironically. Ironically and
Starting point is 00:26:53 ironically. I've started doing stuff like that I did originally ironically. Now I just do it unironically. Okay cool.
Starting point is 00:26:59 It's broken my brain. Like calling people bro. I used to do that like imagine if I was the kind of guy who called you bro
Starting point is 00:27:04 and now I do it. They just do it. yeah he didn't he didn't initially want to be kind of a superhero fought a lot of his battles in secret uh-huh because it's all magic so he can just do that wherever on a plane of existence i don't fucking know but so like a like a van like a windowless van you just open it up you're like quick come in here we're gonna fight a battle come on close the van yeah, there you go. Is there anything I've kind of missed about his origin? I want to move on to powers in a minute. No, that's pretty much.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Nothing you want to add? Did we emphasize that in some versions he was drunk when he got in a car accident? We definitely did mention that, yes. Okay, good. Don't drink and drive, kids. Nope. Yeah. Apparently he was inspired by Chandu the Magician,
Starting point is 00:27:45 which was some sort of radio... Okay, cool. Some sort of radio show in the 1930s. I thought you were going to say Radio Magician, because I would have been like, I definitely made this rabbit disappear. Oh! There's no way for you to tell,
Starting point is 00:27:57 but just believe in magic, everybody. That's right. Yeah, yeah. Are you a fan of magic-based superheroes? I thought you were going to say, am I a fan of radio plays? I am a fan of radio plays. I know you are, actually.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah. Magic-based superheroes. Yes, as going to say? Am I a fan of radio plays? I am a fan of radio plays. I know you are, actually. Magic-based superheroes. Yes, as long as the rules are kind of... Consistent. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which they aren't really with Doctor Strange, but he's not, you know, it's all about being... It's all about confidence. It is a lot about confidence and pure of heart.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Also, you know what? They talk a big talk about magic and whatever. Mostly it's just him shooting energy beams, which most superheroes do anyway, so it doesn't matter ultimately. That's right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:28:28 That's exactly it. But as far as his magic goes, Mason, he's got a lot. Oh, actually, you mentioned... What was it? I mentioned a lot of things, though, to be fair. I'll come back to it if I remember it. Anyway, so he gets a lot of his powers.
Starting point is 00:28:40 He draws from... Upper planar beings, like extra-dimensional beings. He swipes them. He does. He swipes them. And they're cool with that. Sometimes, though, they're not coolar beings, like extra-dimensional beings. The Vishanti. He swipes them. He does. He swipes them. And they're cool with that. Sometimes, though, they're not cool with it, but he does it anyway. But the main ones he draws from, would you say the Vishanti?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Is that what I got? Sure. The Fault... I can do these off the top of my head. The Faultine. Flames of the Faultine. The Watum. Winds of Watum.
Starting point is 00:28:58 You love that one. Scytherac. The Crimson Bands of Scytherac, which... Scytherac is the... Is that the Green Bands? No, they're Crimson, aren't they? They're Crimson. I just Cytorak, which Cytorak is the... Is that the Green Bands? No, they're Crimson, aren't they? They're Crimson. I just said that with my words.
Starting point is 00:29:07 The Gem of Cytorak is the artifact that gave the Juggernaut his powers. Ah. Yeah. So, that's Cytorak. Why he's messing around. Bloody Cytorak. Yeah. Sick of his shit.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the Juggernaut's not just a guy, isn't he? Like a big guy. I used to... We're talking about his powers. Yeah. Doctor Strange's powers he's got all he's got all the
Starting point is 00:29:27 bolts of Balthac or whatever I had back in the day I had they produced some Marvel choose your own adventure novels
Starting point is 00:29:33 okay I don't think they were official choose your own adventure novels but they were kind of and it was you know it'd be a case of like
Starting point is 00:29:38 you wrote these didn't you I wrote them in my backyard yes and there'd be you know there'd be some sort of high-tech bank robbery
Starting point is 00:29:44 going on and it'd be like, do you want to use the Crimson Bands of Siderec? Go to this page. Do you want to use the Winds of Wattum? You go to this page. Blah, blah, blah. And you'd pick one and it'd just be like, you use it and it doesn't work and they zap you with a gun and you die.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Like, it was one of... You know, I hated Choose Your Own Adventure. Me too. Because it made no sense. Yeah. Like, there was never a clue in that page of what the best option would be. It'd be like, you know, what option would you use? Bearing in mind they're at the edge of a cliff, and if it was real windy, they'd fall off.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Do you want to use the Winds of Wartum? Yes, I do. Right? That would make sense, but it doesn't. There was never any clues. A lot of them are like that. It'd be like, do you want to go through the trap door or the door? And you're like, well, I'll go through the door.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And then, like, the door slams shut on your head and kills you. It's like, what? And, you know, because if you don't leave your thumb in the last page, you're like, ah! So, yeah, there you go. Cloak of Levitation. Orb of Agamotto, which we saw in Thor. Yeah, the orb.
Starting point is 00:30:36 No, it's the orb. It's not the eye. Okay, I remember. Yeah, yeah. Well, the Eye of Agamotto can do all sorts of stuff. Like, it can, like, stop in reverse time if it needs to and, like like shoot beams and and whatever it's like his main thing yeah i would say or one of his main things the cape of
Starting point is 00:30:49 levitation is kind of like i liken it to the carpet from aladdin like it's sort of a little bit sentient yeah like it's kind of alluded to and he can control his mind from spawn yeah exactly yeah and you think you'll have a sweet really terrible terrible CGI cape in this movie? I hope so. Yeah. I wonder where they're going to go with the costume, actually, because there's a few variations of it. Yeah. I don't think they're going to go full goofy, high collar kind of cape.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I think they might. I hope they do. I think that could work. Yeah, yeah. I love it. Yeah. But when they do Thor, they did Thor, right, didn't they? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:18 He looks ridiculous. Yes. In the comics. Yeah, yeah. And in the movies. He's great. Also, yeah, the orb of Agamotto, yeah, that's him, like, peering to other dimensions and, like, perceiving if there's any threats and whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, like, he's got other things, like the Book of Vishanti, which has got a whole lot of, like, white magic spells that are, like, secret and whatever. But he also uses, like, dark magic and all that kind of stuff when he needs to. A lot of it's, like, incantations and hand movements, isn't it? Yeah. So, if you, like, bind his and hand movements, isn't it? Yeah. So if you like bind his hands. Or break them in a car accident.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Then yeah, that he, then that can stop him from doing what he can do. Though sometimes it appears that he can just kind of magic things just without saying anything or doing anything. And other times it's like, it's very. Well, that's magic for you, isn't it? Yeah. It's whatever. It's whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah. Yeah. But Mason, without magic, he's not without his skills. Martial artist. Yes. I was going to say surgeon, but not really. Not really. Because he broke his head.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Though he can do surgery. He probably can prescribe some stuff. Yeah. Write you a prescription for something. That's right. Yeah. So he's saying... Actually, he did...
Starting point is 00:32:17 He probably writes a lot of prescriptions for Xanax and stuff to all the other superheroes. Well, he did. I'm going to put a lot of stress, Doc. I mean... I know you're a surgeon, but... Yeah. Whatever. Just give me some value.
Starting point is 00:32:28 He did some back alley stuff, actually. Some medical stuff before he went to Tibet. Oh. Like, he did a bit of that. So... But yeah, he's also... He can do surgery
Starting point is 00:32:37 with the aid of magic. Uh-huh. And he has consulted before. Okay. Afterwards. But yeah, martial arts. He trained... When he was in Tibet as well,
Starting point is 00:32:44 he trained as well. Uh-huh. Sure. The kicking and arts. He trained when he was into that as well. He trained as well. Sure. The kicking and punching. Sure. Probably not good on his hands. No, but he can. He's recently broken. He can, though.
Starting point is 00:32:52 He just doesn't have the dexterity. Yeah, I know. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. But like, as you said something like he couldn't beat, say, Iron Fist in a fight because he's the best at fighting. He's one of the best. One of the best.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah, yeah. But he's also assisted by Wong. You know, he's Monk. He's a personal assistant Monk. He's Monk, right. In a fight. Because he's the best at fighting. He's one of the best. One of the best. Yeah, yeah. But he's also assisted by Wong. You know, he's Monk. He's personal assistant Monk. He's Monk Mate. He's Monk Mate, yeah. Who also he trains with as well.
Starting point is 00:33:14 He's this very skilled martial artist. And he's always like, Get me the thing, Monk Mate! And then he does. You know what I mean? Yeah, sure. But he says it nicely. He does say it nicely. He's lost some of his arrogance.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Yeah, that's it. Well, that's the thing. Because a lot of the items that he uses and a lot of the spells that you use or whatever, you have to be pure of heart to use them. And he has achieved that over the years of... Good on him. ...pretending to be a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Sure. But he is a nice guy. That's the whole point of him, I guess. And the other thing is, he's age-mazing. You know, a lot of characters, they kind of retcon their age. Yeah, yeah. So he's a teen sorcerer or whatever. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:44 So, like, you know, Iron Man couldn't really be born in the 1930s or whatever. Punisher Max, we've talked about before, though, he actually is as old as... He's still a Vietnam War veteran, yeah. But he's... Because he won a deal with death, that he's now ageless. And he can live for an extended period of time. He's also immune to, like, diseases and stuff. You can still, like, hit him with an axe.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Oh, sure. Like, and it will still, you know, if it breaks through his whatever, then you can kill him. Sure. But if that axe has, you know, herpes on it, he'll be fine. Yeah, that's right. So, yeah, he actually is. So, he was born in, like, 1930 or the early 1930s, which is pretty cool, I think. That means he was a really good surgeon in the 60s, but does that really matter now?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Oh, really? I think I could be. Yeah, exactly. We could be surgeons in the 60s. Just chop a man open, pour some whiskey in there. One for him, one for you. Fiddle some stuff around. Do they live?
Starting point is 00:34:37 Who knows? Who cares? Yeah, yeah. Collect your pay. Yeah, that's it. You got anything else on his powers that are worth mentioning? He's sort of been responsible for... They've written him as kind of responsible for some of the most significant magic goings-on in the Marvel Universe. That we sort of forget.
Starting point is 00:34:57 In the 50s and 60s, you couldn't put vampires in a comic book. Yeah. Because of the the comics code authority like it was like it was against the okay so that's right they had that weird code didn't they yeah in the 90s in the sort of the mid 1950s there was this guy called frederick wortham and he wrote a book called seduction of the innocent he was like the biggest arsehole yeah it was the biggest arsehole and basically he said look you know teen uh delinquency is on the rise and that's because of comic books. And he did all sorts of like,
Starting point is 00:35:27 he made all these examples and he's, and like some of the comic books in the, back in the day were kind of, they were a bit much. Yeah, well, they kind of started really grim, like Batman started really grim and then went campy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Probably as a result of the show as well. Yeah, but there was like, Bill Gaines who created like Mad Magazine also created like a lot of kind of tales from the crypt kind of things. And there were a lot of, you know, women being murdered for no reason and all that sort of stuff. And, like, in many ways, it was kind of good that a lot of those were done away with.
Starting point is 00:35:54 But this thing went really, really far. Yeah. So, nobody in a position of authority could be shown to be a bad guy. So, a cop could never turn out to be a bad guy or, like, a like a you know whatever uh because you're a bloody communist if you say it yeah exactly that's right or you know at the end of an issue the good guys always had to win yeah so it was really difficult to have a multi not like a multi-issue story arc because you couldn't have you couldn't have the bad guys you know on top at the end of one issue, because that would break the rules. Yeah. So, but, and it sort of went sort of really,
Starting point is 00:36:28 so it went super far, like, and for whatever reason, you know, you know, wanton murder and whatever was gone, but they'd also got rid of stuff like, there would be no ghosts, no ghouls, no werewolves, no vampires. Like, just in case kids looked at this thing and were like, I want to become a vampire.
Starting point is 00:36:44 And it went to the point where, so there's this guy marv wolfman who later who many years later created blade the character of blade uh the vampire hunter yeah because that you know in the 80s 70s and 80s they brought it back did they even get rid of the rule or do people just go just start ignoring it ah i know they were kind of they tried to like appease them for a while then they just went kind of like yeah elements of it like the the Comics Code Authority still exists but nobody has to abide like it's sort of voluntary
Starting point is 00:37:08 nobody really has to abide so I think they just started ignoring it after a while so yeah Marv Wolfman created Blade many years later but during the time
Starting point is 00:37:16 of the Comics Code Authority he was like I'm gonna you know I wrote this story and let's publish this story and they got a complaint about it
Starting point is 00:37:23 it was you know some spooky story tales of mystery kind of story and they got a complaint about it. It was some spooky story, tales of mystery kind of story. Yeah. And they got a complaint from the Commerce Code Authority, you have to reprint this, you can't. Because he got a cover credit in it,
Starting point is 00:37:34 and his name's Marv Wolfman, and it's spelled Wolfman, and you can't have the word Wolfman in a comic book, because that's against the rules. That's ridiculous. So it went too far, yeah. But anyway, so what was I talking about?
Starting point is 00:37:47 Oh, yeah, Stephen Strange. They worked around this by saying, well, the reason that there aren't any vampires in the Marvel Universe is because Stephen Strange got rid of them all. He cast the spell which sort of eliminated them all from the universe. Yeah. And then eventually when he... His sanctum was destroyed, like in the... I want to say in the mid to late 70s. Yeah. And then eventually when he, his sanctum was destroyed like in the, I want to say in the mid to late 70s
Starting point is 00:38:07 and the spell, like, so when the rule came back and they're like, we're just going to put vampires in now. Yeah, yeah. We'll just have his sanctum
Starting point is 00:38:14 be destroyed and the spell that stopped that happening is now gone. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, yeah. Comics in history. Yeah, yeah. Do you think some of that though, I mean, it sucks yeah comics and history yeah yeah do you think some of that though I mean it sucks all that stuff but do you think
Starting point is 00:38:28 it encourages creativity in a way I think it did actually putting limits on things I think weirdness certainly you know I think maybe comic books
Starting point is 00:38:36 were getting a bit stale at that point yeah and I think because if you do look at comic books from the 50s I have a compilation
Starting point is 00:38:42 it's like the best of DC stories from the 50s and some of them are terrible sure but some of them are super creative and we did get a lot look at comic books from the 50s. I have a compilation. It's like the best of DC stories from the 50s. And some of them are terrible, sure. But some of them are super creative. And we did get a lot of just wild stuff in there. Okay, cool. You know, swings and roundabouts. Swings and roundabouts,
Starting point is 00:38:54 sure. Also, the Marvel Universe couldn't have the Mafia because it was, you know, considered you know, what's the Mafia? It's organized crime. You can't have them. So is that where like your kingpin comes from? Yeah, well they were part of the Magia. So they just moved the letters over. They moved one letter over. Yeah, because the Comics Code Authority were essentially lawyers.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Yeah. And you could beat them by doing kind of loopholes and blurry stuff. They're like, well, it doesn't specifically say mafia, so I guess they're lawyers. Yeah. But the Comics Code Authority, like, it suffered a blow in the 70s because Marvel put a... They released a Spider-Man story where Spider-Man, like, got drugged. Like, there was a story about drugs. And it was about the evils of drugs.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah. You know. But the Comics Code Authority said, no, you can't. You can't put this out. And they're like, but it's against drugs. And they're like, well, you can't say drugs. And they published it anyway. And so it kind of, you know... Awesome. Yeah. So there you go. That's pretty cool. And they're like, well, you can't say drugs. And they published it anyway. And so I kind of,
Starting point is 00:39:45 you know. Awesome. Yeah. So there you go. Marvel, very progressive. Yeah, yeah. Good for them. Yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Not too strange. Well, yeah. I guess so. His powers, he can pretty much do anything. Like he can banish beings to another dimension. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:57 He can fly. He can teleport. He can read minds. He can change into something else. He can do all that. Not a bloody good surgeon though. Still A for him so yeah yeah anything really magic anything he wants to do he kind of like he kind of can do and he's one of the
Starting point is 00:40:11 most powerful sorcerers you know he probably is the most powerful sorcerer he's the source of the supreme yeah that's it but he's probably not he's not the most powerful being though no yeah like i'm trying to get somebody better mandrake theke the Magician. Oh, there we go. Thank you. Yes, good. He's got weaknesses though, Mason. Uh-huh. Number one, I've got here. Arrogance. Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Number two. Number one, arrogance. Number two, getting bashed. Sure. In the sense that if he drops his magical guard, you can still hit him really hard. He's just a guy. He's just a man. He's just a regular man. And classic example of this during World War Hulk.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah. I was going to say Eric Banner. Bruce Banner lured him close by changing back to human form. Uh-huh. Because they're kind of friends and whatever. And Stephen Strange is one of the people responsible for sending the Hulk into space initially to get rid of him. And they're having this kind of heart-to-heart.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And Bruce Banner reaches out, grabs his hands into the changes into the Hulk and just crushes his hands again like re-breaks them wow it's pretty great yeah sure and from that Steven Strange
Starting point is 00:41:11 like drinks a potion where he gets like like this demon entity kind of comes into his body and he gets like mace hands and he goes after the Hulk
Starting point is 00:41:18 and like beats him up or whatever it's a whole thing that sounds fun but yeah it's pretty good but yeah also like
Starting point is 00:41:23 magic attacks from other sorcerers obviously can damage him or any kind of magical attack. And also magical items. There's a story which I read this week where somebody, just a regular kind of cat burglar guy has the gun that Hitler shot himself with. And because it's got so much bad kind of negative energy and whatever around it, that bullet can penetrate his defenses and he's shot. Because it's a bad vibes gun.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It's a bad vibes gun. Also, because he can astral project, like he can project his form somewhere else. Not physically, like obviously that's the point of it. His body is then susceptible to, you can just walk up and like step on his balls and stuff. Absolutely, yeah. Yeah. Do you think Dr. Strange and Professor X have ever met in the astral plane and had like a slap fight? I assume so.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Yes. I do think so, yes. That would be amazing. And then in the meantime, like Wong and all the kids at the Xavier School have just drawn dicks on their faces. Safe to assume. Safe to assume. Yeah, yeah. Any other weaknesses you can think of?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Nah. Also, like... It's going to be tricky sort of honing all that magical ability down into a character who is not completely invulnerable all the time. Yeah, yeah. I guess it's going to be an origin story, so... Maybe they'll make it a confidence thing. Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Like in Green Lantern, where he didn't have enough confidence, but then he did have enough confidence. So, yeah. There's a Marvel character called Gladiator. I don't know if you're familiar with him. I thought you were going to say there was a Marvel character called Confidence. Yeah. No powers.
Starting point is 00:42:54 He's just really confident. He gets places. But he's called Gladiator. He's an alien. Yeah. And he's kind of purple hair mohawk. And he's like Superman, except his powers wax and wane
Starting point is 00:43:03 depending on how confident he feels. Okay. So, there you go. Can he be real non-confident? Yeah, but he's still pretty super his powers wax and wane depending on how confident he feels. Okay. So there you go. Can he be real non-confident? Yeah but he's still pretty super. Okay cool.
Starting point is 00:43:09 But he's not confident. Okay good for him. Nice guy? Not really kind of a prick. Villains Mason. Yes. He's got a few.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Okay. I mean as with the Marvel Universe everybody tangles with everybody at some point. Sure sure. Like he's tangled with like Loki and Doctor
Starting point is 00:43:23 Doom and Magneto and blah blah blah. Like, he's tangled with, like, Loki and Doctor Doom and Magneto and blah, blah, blah. Also, apparently, he's more susceptible to, like, science-based opponents. Oh, okay. Because just like magic can't replicate... No, sorry. Just like science can't replicate magic, magic can't replicate science or any scientific discovery. So, he can't, like, say, conjure up a cure for whatever. Sure.
Starting point is 00:43:43 You know, the flu or whatever. So, yeah. That herpes ax he was hit with earlier. You know, the flu or whatever. So, yeah. That herpes ax he was hit with earlier. That's right. So, yeah, yeah. But his main ones are probably, as we've mentioned, Mordo, who's a former Sorcerer Supreme apprentice who's got a whole lot of magic and stuff. They don't get along.
Starting point is 00:43:58 They're not friends. They've both got beards. You know? Yeah, I know. Yeah. Just like a green version of him, I guess. No, he's stockier. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Okay. Fair point. Better hands as well. i'd imagine great hands took all those hand modeling contracts that was a bit of pill to swallow they swapped careers yeah yeah uh exactly the dark dimension yeah he's uh he's one of the most powerful beings isn't that right in the marvel universe he's i think he's the sorcerer supreme of the most powerful beings, isn't that right, in the Marvel Universe? I think he's the Sorcerer Supreme of the other dimension, the Dark Dimension, where he lives. Or he was. So he's got a niece called Clea, who is Doctor Strange's kind of love interest over the decades. And that's his niece, even though the fact that she is a beautiful woman and he is a man with a fire head. Isn't she sometimes his sister as well?
Starting point is 00:44:40 Potentially, sure. I think it's a niece. Okay, cool. There's a few others, though, like Nightmare. Oh, yeah, I remember Nightmare. He's pretty much like the Freddy Krueger of Marvel. He think it's Nesca. Okay, cool. Yeah. There's a few others, though, like Nightmare. Oh, yeah. Okay, I remember Nightmare. It's pretty much like the Freddy Krueger of Marvel. He gets in your dreams and whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Who cares? Doesn't molest you, though. Great. Freddy Krueger. That's all I want. That's all I want in a villain, really. Rob all the banks you want. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah, that's it. And Thanos, he's beat up against as well. There's a lot of, actually, if you type in Thanos and Stephen Strange into Google, there's a lot of who would win between them. And a lot of the time it's just that Thanos would obliterate him. Especially if he had the Infinity Gauntlet. But that's one of the times that they met was due to that, when Thanos was trying to get hold of that and whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:20 So yeah, he's got a whole lot of villains, as I mentioned in my video as well. I did a Stephen Strange video, by the way. Does he have that many villains though? he doesn't have a Spider-Man level of villain no he doesn't but a lot of them though he's got a lot but they're like
Starting point is 00:45:31 hard to pronounce oh right okay so you just gave up on it it's like it's the it's the Magma dude from the bloody blah dimension or whatever sure yeah
Starting point is 00:45:38 you know he infiltrates whatever and blech all that kind of gear he's been around any other villains you can think of of note? Dexterity? I was going to say I was trying to think
Starting point is 00:45:49 of something to do with dexterity. Yeah like threading a needle. Yeah sure. This ultimate villain. Oh no went to the side
Starting point is 00:45:57 went to the other side oh forget it. Wong! Thread this needle for me I'm going to sew a button back on. He's appeared in various things Mason over the years I remember
Starting point is 00:46:08 yeah like Spider-Man cartoons Spider-Man cartoons it was in the ultimate Spider-Man one and the 90s one he's been in that
Starting point is 00:46:15 Incredible Hulk one a whole bunch of other stuff he's been in video games a lot of times though he's not playable especially in the earlier games yeah yeah because people wouldn't know
Starting point is 00:46:23 who he is like he appears in some Spider-Man video games he's just kind of there sure yeah you go to him and he's not playable especially in the earlier games yeah yeah because people wouldn't know who he is like he appears in some spider-man video games it's like uh he's just kind of there sure yeah you go to him and he's like be the best spider-man or whatever i don't know he was in ultimate alliance but everybody was in ultimate correct yeah clear was in ultimate alliance oh really yeah i did not know that no she was in like when you go to the you go to the sanctum sanctum like set whatever thing she's there she's like hey Doctor Strange and he's like shut up hey baby what's going on
Starting point is 00:46:46 baby he's also he's recently on the plus views he's had a kind of love interest with the night nurse huh
Starting point is 00:46:54 they're getting along yeah nice you know it oh he's also in he's in Ultima Marvel vs Capcom 3 yes exactly yeah yeah I have a copy of that
Starting point is 00:47:02 you got a copy of that somewhere cool yeah I've got it on PS Vita. Well, well. You were the person who bought the PS Vita. I was that guy, yes.
Starting point is 00:47:11 The very little... Oh, yeah, we should talk about E3. Not really. Did you see anything from it that you liked? Batman looks good. Yep, okay. That's all the comic book stuff, though. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Mortal Kombat's coming back. Yeah, yeah. There's a game called Evolve, which looked very good. Oh, yeah. It's on there until October Xbox One Xbox One and PS4 oh is it
Starting point is 00:47:28 those are the guys who did the one about the zombies wasn't it that one video game about zombies Left 4 Dead no yeah
Starting point is 00:47:36 Left 4 Dead yeah yeah oh that's PS4 as well is it yeah oh I didn't know that and PC cool
Starting point is 00:47:42 it was also there was a movie in 1997 an animated movie which I haven't seen that. NPC, yeah. All formats. It was also when there was a movie in 1997, an animated movie, which I haven't seen. Apparently it's okay. Uh-huh. Good, not great. It's called Doctor Strange the Sorcerer Supreme.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Hmm. It's like his origin story. Okay. And he had a 1978 telly movie. I was going to tell you about that. That's on YouTube. Yes, it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I watched like a minute of it. I watched maybe four minutes of it. I can't watch it. Yeah. It's... Okay. Okay. Except it's got Jessica Walter in it. Who watched maybe four minutes of it. I can't watch it. Yeah. Okay. Except it's got
Starting point is 00:48:05 Jessica Walter in it. Who is? Young Jessica Walter. She's Lucille Bluth in Arrested Development. She's also the voice of Mallory Archer in Archer.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stone Fox back in the day in 78. Let me tell you. That doesn't surprise me. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. She's great.
Starting point is 00:48:23 But yeah, I watched... Okay, so I watched... Did you watch it when you were a kid? No, I just watched it today. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Oh, she's great. But yeah, I watched... Okay, so I watched... Did you watch it when you were a kid? No, I just watched it today. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. I just thought you might have watched it before. No, so it's on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:48:30 The whole thing's on YouTube. It's about an hour and a half long. And I... So I watched the first about five minutes and then I sort of scrubbed through it. Yeah. I reckon nothing magical happens for about 50 minutes at least. I got to about 50 and he's like tumbling through a dimensional portal. It's pretty great.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Anyway, I'm going to watch. That's part of my what you're reading for this week. I'm going to give it a crack. But he's got a sweet fro and he's got a sweet mo. He does. He certainly does. Yeah, yeah. They've tried to adapt this since like the mid-80s. Like Wes Craven was attached at one point. He would have probably made a good
Starting point is 00:49:03 like 1980s kind of Doctor Strange. Yeah, definitely. David S. Goyer during-80s. Like Wes Craven was attached at one point. He would have probably made a good like 1980s kind of Doctor Strange. Yeah, definitely, yeah. David S. Goyer during the 90s. Okay. Gilmero del Toro. Would have been a good one, sure. He would have been good as well. Definitely the third one of those
Starting point is 00:49:14 I'd like to see out of all of them. So yeah, there have been attempts to make him before, but now that he's with Marvel and whatever, because the rights have kind of been passed around, he's hopefully in good hands, Mason. I hope so. Because in this upcoming movie, they've alluded to Doctor Strange before.
Starting point is 00:49:28 There is the orb of Agamotto. Well, they alluded to him in Spider-Man 2. Did they? Yeah. They're like, we need a... Because Doctor Octopus appears. Yeah. And they're like, we need a character.
Starting point is 00:49:39 We need a name for the... J. Jonah Jameson says, hey, we need a name for this guy. How about this? How about Doctor whatever? How about Doctor Strange? He's like, I love it, you know, J. Jonah Jameson says, hey, we need a name for this guy. How about this? How about Doctor whatever? How about Doctor Strange? He's like, I love it, but it's taken. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:48 So. Good point. Well, I think, yeah, Abby Arad, actually, I read that. He was trying to make it at one point. So there you go. What else was I going to say? I can't remember. But yeah, also his name dropped in The Winter Soldier.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Oh, yeah. Yeah. What's his name? The agent who, spoiler alert, if you haven't seen it, the agent who, what's his name? The agent who... Spoiler alert, if you haven't seen it. The agent who... What's his name? Sitwell. Agent Sitwell. He's rambling off a list of names of potential dangerous people to Hydra,
Starting point is 00:50:11 and one of them he mentions is Stephen Strange. They don't say whether he's still a surgeon or whatever at that point, but he probably is, I'd imagine. It's probably because he's just a dangerous drunk driver. We have to eliminate him before he crashes into an orphanage or something. Break his bloody head. That'll shut him up. Yeah, but also in the comics, he's in possession of the Soul Gem,
Starting point is 00:50:30 which is, of course, part of the Infinity Gauntlet. So that could probably tie in that way. Yeah, totally. Because this is going to be a Phase 3 movie, so Phase 3 will end with the Avengers 3, which will probably end up with the Infinity Gauntlet. Sure, sure. So that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:50:42 This is what we know so far, though, about the movie, Mason. Director Scott Derrickson, who did Insidious, we talked about this last week, he's taking it on. Some of the rumoured actors who were said to be in talks with Marvel, or have talked to them, Benny C, Benny Cumberbatch, you're a fan of him, I know you're a massive fan of all of these. Thomas Hardy. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And Jared Leto. Old mate Jared Leto. Yeah. Hang on, give me... I looked up a list of Doctor Strange casting choices. Hang on. I've got some more here
Starting point is 00:51:09 if you're interested. Yeah, sure. Oh, Hugh Laurie. People suggested Hugh Laurie. But also, I think... Because he's a doctor. Because he's a doctor. He's an arrogant doctor.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Exactly, but I think people would just be like, this is House with Magic. Well, I think that people will feel like, what about Benedict Cumberbatch? Yeah, good point. Because he's just an arrogant guy who knows a lot. Yeah. That's a really good point. Yeah, yeah, I think that people will feel like way about Benedict Cumberbatch. Yeah, good point. Because he's like, he's just an arrogant guy
Starting point is 00:51:25 who knows a lot. Yeah. That's a really good point. Yeah, yeah. I think, but again, I think this is how Hollywood works. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 They're just like, okay, well, we need an arrogant guy, Cumberbatch. We need an arrogant doctor, Hugh Laurie. We need just a handsome guy, so Tom Hardy,
Starting point is 00:51:40 you know, kind of thing. We need Jared Leto. Jared Leto, because he's all kind of weird. He's got the weird eye makeup. Somebody said, people have said Will Arnett. Will Arnett. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Arrested Development, Job and Will Arnett. That would be pretty cool. Because, you know, they're saying... It'd be too comical, though, wouldn't it? Well, they're saying, well, Paul Rudd is a comedic actor, which I assume Ant-Man is going to be largely comedic. But they've got a comedic guy, so I'm thinking they won't get him. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:02 And also because Will Arnett was Job in the magician or illusionist in Arrested Development. I don't think people will take that seriously. I'd like to see that. He's got a great, dark, dramatic voice. Yeah, he does. But I think that would be ridiculous. So Hugh Laurie, there we go. Johnny Depp.
Starting point is 00:52:18 People have said Johnny Depp. Don't like it. Don't like it at all. Somebody said on Twitter, and I cannot remember who it was, but Oded Fair, who you may recognize as this guy. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. He's great. I think that's a really good choice.
Starting point is 00:52:29 He's in The Mummy. He's in The Mummy. And Mummy Returns. He's in the Resident Evil films. The one in the desert. The one set in the desert. Is he not in all of them? He's in some of them.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Yeah, he's in a couple of them. Great. Fantastic. Yeah. He's good. He's got the good look here. This photo we've got here, he's got the grey at the temples. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:44 He's got a nice full beard, which you could transform into any configuration imaginable. You want a moustache? You've got a moustache. You want a goatee? You've got a goatee. I don't think they've got a goatee. Simply because of Tony Stark. Correct, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:57 They'll have to do some kind of other variation on beard. I think they'll moustache him. Yeah, they probably will. That'd be great. Yeah, yeah. Well, moustaches are in now, aren't they? See, look at that. I'm covering the moustache.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Looks great. It does look great. Yeah, yeah. Well, mustaches are in now, aren't they? See, look at that. I'm covering the mustache. Looks great. It does look great. Yeah, yeah. Even from this angle. Sure. Patrick Dempsey, apparently. There we go, yeah. He was into it.
Starting point is 00:53:11 But I don't think he's that charismatic or interesting. Not really. I think he's kind of bland. He's kind of, yeah. Nothing against him. I just don't think he's that interesting. Well, yeah, because he's in... He's a doctor in Grey's Anatomy.
Starting point is 00:53:23 That's it, yeah. Yeah. And he's been in a lot of kind of made-of-honour generic... Yeah. But what... You know, it's just a thing, isn't it? It's not a... He's part of that famous 80s brat pack.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Oh, yes. None of which have been successful. Huh. Well, let me think. Emilio Estevez. Let's get Emilio Estevez as Doctor Strange. Sure. Apparently he's really, really short.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Okay. He doesn't look really short, though. What about Charlie Sheen? Charlie Sheen, yeah. Great. He's arrogant, certainly. Did you watch 24? No.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I once compared it to... No, I once said it's that show that your racist dad likes. Right, sure. It's just about beating up, you know... Minorities. Yeah, that's it. I'm sure it's not all of it. But whatever episodes I've seen, he's always beaten up a minority.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I haven't seen a lot of it. Why did you bring this up? Kiefer Sutherland is part of the Brat Pack. Oh, I thought you were going to say the show 24 could be cast as Doctor Strange. Yeah, the whole entire show. The whole cast. Whoever the current president is in that show, maybe he's been assassinated. There's been like eight presidents since that show started.
Starting point is 00:54:19 But yeah. Just alternate actors from that as Doctor Strange in every different scene. That's right. One scene it's Kiefer. One scene it's Mary Lynn Ricegum, one scene it's Buddy Bar, you know. One scene it's Peter Weller. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Dormammu, Dormammu, it's hard to say. It's not that hard to say.
Starting point is 00:54:35 No. They're saying maybe Ron Perlman. That's a rumour. Okay. Dormammu doesn't really have a face, though. No, he's like a flamey kind of thing. And Baron Mordo, I like this one, John Rhys-Davies. Ben like Beckham. Yeah, yeah, have a face, though. No, he's like a flamey kind of thing. And Baron Mordo, I like this one. John Rhys-Davies.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Bend like Beckham. Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah. Though he would be also a good Doctor Strange. Indiana Jones films. No, you're thinking of John Rhys-Mayors. No, you're thinking of... That's John Rhys-Davies. Is it?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is a completely different guy. Oh my goodness. You idiot. I've done a real thing here. You've done a real, you've done a real mishap. I thought, you know what, I remember putting that in and I go, I remember thinking, I hope I got the wrong, the right John Rhys-Meyers.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I hope I got the right John Mayer. A friend of mine met John Mayer once. How'd that go? Said he was a real dickhead. Fantastic. Yep, you're right. I apologise. Yep, that's Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.
Starting point is 00:55:22 He's that guy who's in things. Yep. So who's right here? I can't, you He's that guy who's in things. Yep. So, who's right here? I can't... You're right. Okay. Yes. They want Jonathan Rhys-Davies.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yes. As Mordo. Okay, cool. No, wait, yeah. Is that... What did I say? I don't know anymore. Let's edit this out or leave it in.
Starting point is 00:55:37 The handsome young guy, they want him. Okay. Basically. Alright. He's in, like, Tudors and whatever. Yeah, yeah, okay. Alright, they want that guy. Yeah, they want that guy.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Because if we're talking short and stocky and kind of evil looking, Jonathan Rhys-Davies from Indiana Jones films and the TV show Sliders. And The Hobbit. Not The Hobbit, the other ones. Lord of the Rings. Lord of the Hobbit. That would be great, yes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Some other names that have been thrown up. Mads Mikkelsen. Yeah, okay. Yep. John Hammington He's not very Yep Well he has to be American doesn't he
Starting point is 00:56:08 Well not necessarily Yeah but He has to have an American accent Yeah Mads Mikkelsen Probably do that Probably yeah But does he strike you as He struck me with a cricket bat once
Starting point is 00:56:17 That sounds like Mikkelsen I think he needs to be Arrogant And unlikable initially Yeah But he needs to have arrogant and unlikable initially. Yeah. But he needs to have a certain... Je ne sais quoi. Yeah, he needs to have a certain je ne sais quoi, obviously.
Starting point is 00:56:30 But a certain fun charisma kind of thing. Because if they want to replace... Eventually, they're going to have to replace Iron Man, right? Yeah. I think they want to replace him with something quite similar. Yeah. And I'd say you probably need... I don't think Mickelson...
Starting point is 00:56:43 Mickelson ain't got it. He ain't fun and charming. He's charming, but he's charming in a terrifying way. Yeah, good I'd say you probably know. I don't think Mickelson... Mickelson ain't got it. He ain't fun and charming. He's charming, but he's charming in a terrifying way. Yeah, good point. Jon Hamm. Yep, on board. Justin Theroux, who actually had a hand in writing Iron Man 2. And Tropic Thunder.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Oh, did he? Yep. Ben Stiller directed that. Yeah, but Justin Theroux wrote it. Really? I didn't know that. Oh, he's got some skills, that guy. Hugh Laurie, we've mentioned before.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Skeet Ulrich, the poor man's Johnny Depp. Is that a trick? No. No, no, these are rumours, by the way. I didn't pull these names out of nowhere. But I like this last one, Jim Caviezel. Yeah, okay. Now, I've got a couple here that... Oh, Justin Theroux.
Starting point is 00:57:18 See, I've not really looked at Justin Theroux ever as a person, but yeah, you can carry that off. Definitely. What about this? Magnitri Poutri, who you pronounced his name right the other week, he wrote in. I did not, and he said basically that you won and I get nothing. Fantastic. Which is fair.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. What do I get as the winner? You get the glory. Fantastic. Oh, no, you get all his stuff when he dies. Yes. Okay. Now, he says he thinks Pedro Pascal from Game of Thrones
Starting point is 00:57:45 would be a better choice. I think we've got enough white people in the MCU and I strongly believe that we, as a society, are ready for a coloured superhero lead. I know Blade was a thing,
Starting point is 00:57:53 but come on, that was like 10 years ago and Catwoman never happened. He's right. But also, he's forgetting about Steel. Yeah, I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:58:00 But yeah, I'm racist. Now, you don't watch Game of Thrones, but he's great. No, but I'm looking at this guy here. Okay, yep.
Starting point is 00:58:05 And he can pull off all sorts of accents. Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay, yep, good, good. And I like him. He's got a bit of a shadow of a moustache here, so that could be... He could totally work, yeah. He can moustache it up.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah. And actually, if you look him up, one of the image options is Odette Fair. So, yeah, okay. Totally works. Cool, cool. All right. I've got one here that I thought would be good as well, maybe. Okay, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:58:26 If you slim down a little bit. Eric Banner. Are they going to give him another superhero chance? Well, they do occasionally. I don't think they would, but I think he'd be really good in that. Also, the thing about Eric Banner is he needs to make a good movie because he's a good actor, but he's never made a good movie. We're talking about those four.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Chopper's fine, whatever. Some people like the Hulk and whatever. But when are you ever like oh that's the great Eric Banner movie correct you're right there isn't one except maybe Chopper
Starting point is 00:58:52 right now which I don't think is that good you got any names though that you think could do it no Justin Theroux looked pretty good oh yeah
Starting point is 00:58:59 you mentioned Jim Cavizio yeah that would totally work I think yeah he's charming he is nearly Superman at one point nearly Superman at one point turned down like a billion dollars to do a series of You mentioned Jim Cavizio. Yeah, that would totally work, I think. He's charming. He is.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Nearly Superman at one point. Nearly Superman at one point turned down like a billion dollars to do a series of Jesus-themed films, I think. Oh, really? Yeah, I remember that. Bloody hell. He did that one Jesus film, didn't he? He did, yeah, but I think they were like, look, you could be on the Jesus gravy train forever at this point.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Yeah, yeah. You just want to. Apparently, he said that kind of shot down his career a little bit. Yeah, yeah. Like it kind of closed off a lot of doors in Hollywood for him taking on that role. It's what we call the Jesus curse. Everybody since Jesus has had it, is that right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Is that what you're saying? That's right, yeah. All right. Any other names, Mason, you'd like to throw up? No, that's it. All right then. Yep. Great stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Any of those names would be fine or none of them, right? I think all of those would be perfectly acceptable. But I'm leaning towards Oded Fair, I think. That would be my pick. All right. It's time for Mason. What? What we read and what we're going to read.
Starting point is 00:59:52 I thought you were spacing out the words there. You just went, what? We're reading what we're going to read. I'm doing the thing. I'm doing the thing. All right. I've got a few things related to Doctor Strange. Do you have a few things related to Doctor Strange?
Starting point is 01:00:10 I'm going to start with, if you want to, I don't know if you can find her if it's on Comixology or whatever, if you want a sweet dose of the 90s, you should look up Midnight Suns, which is the extreme 90s, back when everything was extreme. Doctor Strange was extreme. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:00:23 You want to see what... How many belt buckles did he have? So many belt buckles. You want to see what Doctor Strange... How many belt buckles did he have? So many belt buckles. You want to see what he looked like back in the 90s? How many guns
Starting point is 01:00:28 did he carry? So many guns, but there he is. Look at that. Wow. Is that a helmet? It's like a full-face mask. You can't see his face.
Starting point is 01:00:35 He's all weird colours. He's hanging out with Blade, hanging out with Morbius. Oh, wow. He was in The Midnight Suns, which was sort of
Starting point is 01:00:42 like a very loose coalition of super-extreme 90s kind of sort of demonic and magical guys. Ghost Rider was in it. Oh, yeah. It was the extreme 90s Ghost Rider. The even more extreme. The even more extreme Ghost Rider, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Look at this. Look, they got swords, they got guns, like big guns, a series of flaming motorcycles. Look, at this point, it's bloody extreme 90s ghostwriter teaming up with Johnny Blaze, the original ghostwriter, except he's become more extreme. He's got a bionic eye. That's how extreme he is. This guy in a trench coat is clearly some sort of bloody Constantine ripoff. There's a woman.
Starting point is 01:01:18 How about that? There's a woman. Yeah. That is extreme. Pretty extreme. And Morbius. Pretty great. Anyway, look up the Midnight Suns. They're pretty great. That is extreme. Pretty extreme and morbid. Pretty great. Anyway, look up the Midnight Suns.
Starting point is 01:01:25 They were pretty great. That sounds great. Oh, and if you want something that isn't terrible, there was a Doctor Strange miniseries from the late 90s I think. It was called Flight of Bones. And it was like a four-issue miniseries. And it's more... It's kind of... There isn't a huge amount
Starting point is 01:01:42 of action. It's more Doctor Strange's detective kind of thing. Is it more hot than not? Yeah, it's more hot than not, certainly. Good. I hope it's called Flight of Bones. It's been of... There isn't a huge amount of action. It's more Doctor Strange's detective kind of thing. Is it more hot than not? Yeah, it's more hot than not, certainly. Good. I hope it's called Flight of Bones. It's been a long time. I think it's called Flight of the Conchords. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Go download Flight of the Conchords. Australia's own. Yes, that's right. But Flight of Bones, anyway, and it's by all the arts by Tony Harris, who's a star man. He did a lot of illustrations on Starman and a lot of other stuff. It's Molto Bene.
Starting point is 01:02:08 So they'd come out of the extreme 90s era at that point. They had, yeah. We're at the very tail end. Great. That's good. What do you think people would define this era of comics as? Like events, probably? Probably a lot of events.
Starting point is 01:02:19 It's a big event! Yeah, yeah, exactly. There's always a big event. I got one here from a few years ago. Hang on, let's check out. Here's a Flight of Bones cover. How good's this? That does look cool.
Starting point is 01:02:28 That's a good... And that's all the interior art looks like that as well. That's another thing about... Isn't... Doctor Strange has some incredible artwork. Like, even, like, a lot of the earlier stuff. Yeah, well, I mean, a lot of people, you know, will cite, you know, Sandman as kind of super crazy surreal art.
Starting point is 01:02:40 But I think the origin of crazy surreal art was Steve Ditko's work on Doctor Strange back in the day. And also Pablo Picasso once drank like four litres of paint and just threw up. So that, I think, is actually the origin. That's probably the origin of kind of some surreal stuff. You're right. Yeah. I got to hear Doctor Strange the Oath.
Starting point is 01:02:58 This is from a couple of years ago. Oh, yeah. Okay. I remember that. It's a really good, you know, shortish kind of run. It starts with him being shot and taken into the ER. And basically, in his astral projection form, he's over his body kind of like assisting the night nurse. Well, she doesn't really need his assistance, but, you know, kind of being there and explaining what has happened.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Because he's been shot with that Hitler's gun. Remember what I talked about before? Oh, yeah, I remember Hitler's gun. Sure, yeah, yeah. And also, at the same time, there's this cure for cancer, which what he thinks is just a cure for cancer has been taken
Starting point is 01:03:28 from his sanctuarineum and he's about here. He has to get that back for the sake of a good friend of his, I won't say who, and possibly for the sake of all mankind. And it's really good
Starting point is 01:03:37 because it shows all his skills, not just, because he's injured for the entire run of it. It shows not just his magic abilities, but at the end, it shows off his martial arts stuff as well. The kind of person that he is. Not being
Starting point is 01:03:48 a massive Doctor Strange reader, you can just, which I'm not. I just jump straight into this and it immediately makes sense and it's a really good read. Doctor Strange, The Oath. It's available, Mason, where all good comics are found. The internet. Yes. Great. Got another
Starting point is 01:04:04 one though. Okay, I'm ready. You're with season one, right? All those Marvel season ones. Yes, I am, yep. They're not all good, are they? No. They're generally considered that the art's pretty amazing, but they're often more not than hot. Correct.
Starting point is 01:04:17 That's what they say. But the Doctor Strange season one is really good, and it takes it right back to his origin. Uh-huh. really good. And it takes it right back to his origin. And it's very much focused on his early days of how he gets to the monastery, not the monastery, sorry, the Tibetan palace, and how he earns the right to be good in his heart and whatever. And he's going along with another apprentice of the ancient one or whatever, and they're both kind of learning lessons from each other. Because his skill is he's really good at remembering incantations
Starting point is 01:04:45 and all that kind of stuff. But not so good at imagining and remembering issues of the heart. That's right, exactly. But the other guy is the other way around, where he's not as learned as Doctor Strange, but he is more kind of mystical and magical kind of. Does that kind of make sense, I guess? Yeah, this is good.
Starting point is 01:04:59 It's got kind of a stylized art. Yeah, you're talking about season one. Yeah, it's really great. It's got really beautiful art. So I'd say definitely check that one out if you are interested in it or don't. Don't. Yeah. You've done a perfectly amazing summary of it.
Starting point is 01:05:13 So just maybe listen to that over and over again. Now there's one also I wanted to download, but I couldn't find it. So I think I'm going to have to rip it for free. Like I tried to get off Comixology. It's not there. Uh-huh. Because it's only been printed like sporadically since. You can get a hard copy
Starting point is 01:05:26 on it though. It's called Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom Triumph and Torment. And basically, I can read you this synopsis if you want.
Starting point is 01:05:34 So I haven't read this yet. This is what we're gonna read. Or what I'm gonna read. Every Midsummer's Eve, Doctor Doom does battle with the powers of hell for his mother's soul. And each year,
Starting point is 01:05:43 the struggle ends in a stalemate. Uh-huh. You're familiar with that? Yeah. When Doom wins a boom, a boon, from Strange, a favor that cannot be denied, he enlists the Sorcerer Supreme's aid in a fight with Mephisto to win back his mother's everlasting soul once and for all.
Starting point is 01:05:57 So it's just Doom and Strange, it's like blasting magic in hell. Teaming up. Yeah. That sounds great. Doesn't that sound amazing? That sounds great. But I haven't read it it so i'm probably just gonna download a free copy of it from like bittorrent or whatever but or maybe i'll get a
Starting point is 01:06:11 hard copy i don't know yeah yeah totally but yeah that sounds amazing yeah it's like a crazy buddy comedy and it's from the 80s in a hell a hell buddy comedy why haven't there been more of those who said this week that we're like a depressing buddy comedy? Somebody on Twitter. One of our old mates on Twitter, probably. That's amazing. Letters this week, though, Mason. I'm ready. We have some letters.
Starting point is 01:06:33 This is from Edward Holtz. He says, as an American, Mason... Yes, thank you. I am an American. I'm shocked. Oh, wait, he is. Yes, he is. I'm shocked and sickened by Mason's alleged inability to watch 40 hours of Game of Thrones in a week.
Starting point is 01:06:47 You can ask American to do that and he'll be all like, forget about it. I'll knock that out in a weekend and still have eight hours left for a nap. This is what makes America great. We know the real meaning of the word marathon. What do you think of that, Mason? Well, if I knew anything about actual marathons, I'd make a sweet reference to some sort of American losing a marathon. Keep your electrolytes up. That's right.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yeah. Gel packs for energy. He's probably right, though. I don't have time. I understand. I've got stuff to do. You're a working man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Working nine to five. Race car driver. Yeah, that's right. One drag race after another. It also says, Do you think they're going to go full costume for Doctor Strange or X-Men leather style? We talked about this.
Starting point is 01:07:29 I reckon it's full costume. Yeah, me too. It's going to be Thor's... They can do Loki. Yeah. And that totally works. Yeah, yeah. And yeah, I think they can do full costume.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Cool. Yeah. Now, Mason, remember last week we threw out open to everybody. We said, look, if you want to be the official whatever you can be. Uh-huh. We got a lot of responses to that. All right. So I'm going to read these out. Throw them out. That's fantastic all right i'm gonna read these i'm out that's right i'm gonna read these out for this week but we probably won't do it again because i've just been naming people
Starting point is 01:07:50 but all these people and if you email in and say i'm the official this you are that great you don't need to ask unless it's really bad yeah yeah it's like official gun smuggler or whatever no we're not on board with that no uh unless you can get us some sweet guns. Yeah, that's fine then. Yeah, absolutely. Grenos Evolution says he's the official Deadpool. Officiated. Brian Clark says rocket racer. Officiated.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Just rocket racer. Oh, boy. Skateboard. That's what he said. Yeah. Because he does some skateboarding. Justin Hayden. Who he got through.
Starting point is 01:08:22 He's a cop now. He's an official cop. Wow. Is he the official cop or is he an official something else? He's an official cop, but he's also an official police officer slash future blown up and put back together Robocop. Officiated. Seth Zielinski, as a full grown man who has yet to surpass 5'7 in height and around 130
Starting point is 01:08:38 lbs in weight, that I am the official pre-serum Steve Rogers. Officiated. Yeah, he's a good dude. I like that guy. Andy, white Luke Cage. Rogers. Officiated. Yeah, he's a good dude. I like that guy. Andy, White Luke Cage. Oh, officiated. Alexander Dimmick, Captain Britain. Oh, official Captain Britain, officiated.
Starting point is 01:08:55 That's pretty cool, isn't it? Yeah. Jack C, the official beard of the official Nick Mason of the official podcast of I'm confused, but officiated. Elliot Burford. Since the listeners are essentially going, forming a weird, slightly less physical fit version of the Avengers,
Starting point is 01:09:12 I'm going to go ahead and take Hawkeye. Oh, officiated, sure. And last one. Just sitting on the couch, just firing arrows. Like, he's a real good shot. He just opens his windows. Noah Olberding. He says,
Starting point is 01:09:25 official junior editor of the Weekly Planet podcast, balls in your court, James. That son of a bitch. Officiated. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Could I be the official Noah Oldberding
Starting point is 01:09:35 of the podcast? Absolutely you can. Yeah. Nice. This is a real Freaky Friday situation. It sure is. You guys are going to learn
Starting point is 01:09:41 a lot about each other, you know? We sure are. You're going to not be so hard on each other anymore because you know how tough you both got it you're all officiated everyone if you can think of something you're that thing
Starting point is 01:09:50 unless somebody else is it then you've got to fight it out whoever gets punched in the balls first even if you're a woman this is from Luke Malloy Mason I'm ready he said and I think this is directed at you
Starting point is 01:10:01 because you came up with this would you be okay with me stealing the name Jake Chisel for one of my comic book characters? I have a character who is a stuck-up- Yes! Okay, continue. I have a character who is a stuck-up generic superhero
Starting point is 01:10:12 and I think that Chisel is a perfect name for this glorious asshole. I'm on board. Let's do that. Cool, all right. Officiated. Officiated. This is from Andrew Richardson. He says, he's from Dublin. He says, I'm wondering, how you guys fans of Spawn.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I've heard you mention the movie once or twice, but never the comics. I've never read a single Spawn comic in my life. I read like the first, like 20 maybe. Oh yeah. I enjoyed it at the time. Sure. Yeah. I, um, I played the game on Super Nintendo.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Boy, that was complicated. Wasn't it? You got off the cliff and you were a weird blob. And you also had like, there were heaps of special moves, but you couldn't like choose from a menu or whatever. You had to use a, it was like a weird fighting game button combination. Yeah. like, there were heaps of special moves, but you couldn't, like, choose from a menu or whatever. You had to use a... It was like a weird fighting game button combination.
Starting point is 01:10:48 You couldn't do any of the moves. But you had, like, 50 moves. So it was like a Mortal Kombat-style game, but... It was a platform game, yeah. But with a Mortal Kombat thing. Yeah, yeah. That's terrible.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Incredibly terrible. But yeah, no, I really enjoyed the movie when it came out, but I'm sure in retrospect, it was not good. So Mason, Spawn, hot or not hot?
Starting point is 01:11:04 I'd say hot okay yeah yeah uh you know what yeah so i read i read a lot of the early ones yeah boy that story just kept going didn't it that was at a time when they said that image comics kind of like may put too much emphasis on artists than storytelling correct yes so people say that was a bad time for comics as well but you know some good stuff came out of it, I'm sure. Like that extreme Sorcerer Supreme thing that you showed me. Oh boy. Stephen Strange in a helmet riding a flaming motorcycle with a gun or whatever nonsense
Starting point is 01:11:31 that was. Well, maybe could you recommend some Spawn to read? Those ones you read, I guess. No, I really couldn't. No, I can't No, see, there's no storyline stands out. Ah, fair enough. Sorry, listeners who enjoy Spawn. Now, Mason.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I do remember the animated series I remember being pretty good. I never saw that. Okay, right. Yeah. You know what? Take a punt. Go on YouTube and see if there's any clips of anything. Watch some of that.
Starting point is 01:11:57 If you like it, download it. I don't know. Gotcha. Thanks, Andrew. This is from Isaiah Agojo. I think he may have cracked the code. I want you to bear in mind, I'm not going to shout it. This email is in all caps. Okay, sure. This is from Isaiah Agojo. I think he may have cracked the code. I want you to bear in mind, I'm not going to shout it. This email is in all caps.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Okay, sure. I demand a shout out. I must be given a shout out because I deserve one. I'm about to get married. I also have a baby who is the official Weekly Planet Podcast baby from now until the end of his or her babyhood. I'm also six months old, making me the youngest Weekly Planet podcast listener and my birthday is tomorrow, so I must be given a shout out.
Starting point is 01:12:29 That's all caps, as I mentioned. Sincerely, Isaiah. What else has he got going on, though, is the question. I think he's cracked the code.
Starting point is 01:12:35 No, I think he's nailed all of it. He's like, look, individually, all that stuff's happened, but I mean, the chances of it all
Starting point is 01:12:41 happening at once are pretty amazing and I am on board with it, so shout out, sir. I can imagine he's like Neo standing in the corridor, and he can see the Matrix, do you know what I mean? Like, he just sees right through whatever this fucking show is. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Good man. Good man. All right, Mason, so this week, as I mentioned, I've got a Doctor Strange video up you can check out if you wanted to, but if you've listened to this and you haven't seen the video, you don't really need to go back. This is like an extended version of that. So, yeah, but it's got, you know, if you want to see some sweet,'ve listened to this and you haven't seen the video, you don't really need to go back. This is like an extended version of that. So, yeah, but it's got, you know, if you want to see some sweet, strange artwork, then yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely check it out. Yeah. Thanks to our lovely people who make the theme songs. The Bruton and the Basilisk. The Bruton and the Basilisk. You know it. And last week we didn't give out our emails and stuff and details.
Starting point is 01:13:21 But not that it mattered because we still got stuff. Yeah, totally. I guess it's important to that. If you want to contact us, the best place is probably weeklyplanetpod at gmail. details. But not that it matters because we still got stuff. Yeah, totally. I guess it's important to that. If you want to contact us, the best place is probably weeklyplanetpod
Starting point is 01:13:27 at Gmail, which is where the emails go. Yep. Twitter and Facebook. Correct. The Twitter and
Starting point is 01:13:33 Facebook not so much because I only check them like once a week. I check them every second I'm awake but I often don't have time to
Starting point is 01:13:39 reply. I'm obsessed at this point. Sure. Clickety-click. Really? Yeah. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Not the weeklyplanet one. I don't have access to that don't you? no I told you the password oh whatever do you want to know it? yeah tell us on air
Starting point is 01:13:51 oh I remember now yeah yeah you go mine is MrSundayMovies on YouTube and Twitter and Facebook mine is at Wikipedia Brown last week I was also on a radio show called The Talk Report
Starting point is 01:14:03 which is kind of like an irreverent take on some funny news stories around the world. I think I've tweeted the link to the podcast of that. So if you're not sick of listening to me for an hour this week, yeah, I know you are. But you have to do the editing, so I'm not surprised you said that. No, I did listen to it last week. You were really good. Thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 01:14:20 And you shouted out this sweet podcast. I did. I'm on that with some friends of the show. So if you want to listen to that, just find it in my Twitter feed. Now that I remember what the password is for the Weekly Planet one, I might put a link in there. Yeah, do so. Do it.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I can do it on mine as well, on my Twitter. Yeah. I'm actually busy. Oh, wow. I'm actually on the phone at the moment. I've got to take this. That's the show for this week, Mason. Are you excited for Transformers next week?
Starting point is 01:14:47 Yeah, kind of. I guess so. What can we really say? I'm kind of excited about Transformers 4, I'll be honest with you. Sure. Based solely on the trailer, it looks like less of a mess than the other ones. Mark Wahlberg's in it? Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Looks can be deceiving, Mason. I know. They have gunface and dinosaurs, though. That's true. Where do you go from here,iving, Mason. I know. They have gun face and dinosaurs, though. That's true. Where do you go from here, though, Mason? You go Unicron. Oh, you go Unicron. You're right.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Yeah, yeah. That's what you do. Nice. We'll talk about that next week. Okay. Thank you, everybody. Thanks for listening. Bye.
Starting point is 01:15:19 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Vale, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. The Vale

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