The Weekly Planet - 413 Venom 2: Carnage The Big Red Venom

Episode Date: November 29, 2021

Visit for a bonus weekly show, exclusive movie commentaries, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.My goodness it's time for all of us to finally get some Carnage into ...our lives with our review of Venom 2. Plus a new Joker, Ridley Scott gets real mad at the millennian and more. Time codes below, thanks for listening!James and Maso on Book Cheat: Seconds with Mr Sunday Movies: for Suggestible in The Listener's Choice Award The Start06:52 Biggest Movie of the Year?09:00 Spider-Man No Way Home Runtime12:58 Mass Effect Series16:26 DC League of Super-Pets Trailer17:43 Jurassic World: Dominion Prologue21:46 New Joker in The Batman25:45 Ridley Scott Yells At Cloud34:17 Star Wars News 36:27 Venom 2 Review (spoilers and post credits 49:36 to 01:03:12) 01:03:12 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:10:49 Letters, It’s Time For LettersJames' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► iTunes ► Direct Download ► YouTube Channel ► Affiliate Link ► ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:55 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday, but with me as always, as always, is always my co-, Nick Maysos. What are you up to? It's me. I'm here. I'm about to record a podcast. I'm feeling good about it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You're feeling good about it, are you? Is it because it's Venom Week? Well, it was nearly Snake Eyes Week. That's true. We promised we'd do Snake Eyes this week. We had to push it. Then we forgot that Carnage the Big Red Venom is debuting this week and probably several weeks ago, more months ago in other countries.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It also came to streaming. Oh, yeah, that's true. Yeah. So get on it, folks. Get on it. Before you get on it, and I'm going to go through the topics for this week because people love to jump around using the time codes, presumably. I just know at least one person gets angry if they're not there for a second or whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I understand. We're on a couple of things this week. Yes, this podcast, certainly. This podcast, yep, that's one. What's another thing? we were on a couple of things this week. Yes, this podcast. This podcast, yep, that's one. What's another thing? Another one we were on is we were on Dave Warnke's podcast. As a team, we were on Book Cheat where Dave Warnke,
Starting point is 00:02:15 he reads a book so you don't have to. He tells you a story. He tells you all about the book and the plot and the themes. We have a bit of a laugh. And then you can take that knowledge and go to a fancy dinner party and pretend you've read the book as well exactly and if anybody asks you any follow-up questions that aren't covered on the podcast you leap out of a window yeah that's right out of a closed window shattering glass and they remember you forever or you're like i read it in college i read it in college i read i just actually read that one in college so it's not fresh in my mind
Starting point is 00:02:42 and they're like you're 17 years old you have never even been to college and you're like, ah, and you have to leap out that window again. You shouldn't have been at a dinner party if you're 17 years old. You should be drinking in a park like all 17-year-olds. That's exactly right. A park or under a bridge. A dinner party under a bridge. Exactly. Anyway, he told us all about the James Bond thriller novel
Starting point is 00:03:01 Ian Fleming's From Russia With Love. I had a grand old time on that one, I'll tell you that much, Mason. Me too. Yeah, we talk a little bit about the new movie, but it's obviously we talk the comparisons between that and the original movie and the book and the history of Fleming and we make fun of him a little bit. And Dave Warnicke was going to take his dad to No Time To Die,
Starting point is 00:03:19 so I'd be very excited for an update on that. Oh, yeah, we really want to get him back on the pod just for a minute just to ask him if his dad thought that one was better than the last one make him drive down here yeah we bring him in we say what'd your dad think of it yep and he says he thought it was fine because i think it was better than the last one and we say thanks dave see you later yeah so you and hell yeah you're gonna leap out this window now yeah your dad's waiting in the car yeah the engine's running you need to go i was on a second thing, though, that you might be familiar with Matt, who edits a bunch of the videos on the YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Oh, yes. Yeah, he's a terrific editor. But he's not only a terrific editor. He's a terrific Redditor. He might be. He's a terrific content creator because he's got a channel which focuses on a lot of Let's Plays called 38 Seconds, right? I see.
Starting point is 00:04:01 They're currently going through all the different colossi from Shadow of the Colossus, which is a good fun time with him and his friend William. But I went on to play, we played together an absolute classic, an absolute banger from the year 1990. So you went to his house? Went to his house. Took that flight. Took that flight.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Two weeks quarantine. That's it. And we played the Defenders of the Earth side-scrolling, absolute nightmare of a game. Just trying to get as far as we could. Defenders of the Earth side-scrolling. Absolute nightmare of a game. Just trying to get as far as we could. Defenders of the Earth. Defenders. I didn't know that existed. It came out in 1990 and yet the show went for one season in 86. I don't know what.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Oh, was this on the Amiga? It was on the Amiga, yeah. Right, right, right. You have seen it. That was a lot of fun. I'm a big Amiga fan from way back. Like we get into the history a bit of the characters. We get into James.
Starting point is 00:05:10 James. James. Imagine if James Bond was sponsored by the Amiga. Like the watch. The Amiga 500, yeah. And he had to just carry it around. He's always carrying the Amiga 500 around with him. Well, Bond assumed it was the Amiga. Which is the one Well, Bondus, you've got the Amiga.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Which is the one? Yes, it's got one megabyte of RAM. Normally it comes with 500K, but I've got the expansion pack. He plays a video game. Q got me the expansion pack. He plays a video game in Never Say Never Again, like a weird hologram video. It's like Battleship or something.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Battleship something, yeah. Anyway, both of those things are linked below. Both a lot of fun. Please check them out. And we're doing our Hawkeye. Oh, yeah, that's right. Collings is chipping away at those every week. Luckily, they put the first two episodes together.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah. And so there's only five in total as opposed to six. When we recorded the first one of those, episodes one and two, I spent the entire thing going, I thought of something when I was watching the show. Yep. And it's really important. Because at the end, I remember, we paused for a while the show. Yep. And it's really important. Because at the end, I remember we paused for a while.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I got to think of the thing. Then I think you got distracted and went on Twitter. I think people are going to need to know this thing that occurred to me while I was watching this. And yeah, and afterwards, and it bugged me the whole time. And then afterwards, I'm like, OK, give me another minute because I've got to think of this thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And I didn't think of it. And I went away. Afterwards I'm like, okay, give me another minute because I've got to think of this thing. And I didn't think of it and I went away and then I remembered like several days later that the thing I thought of was that the Rogers the musical was a shreckingly good time. That's all. That was what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It did have that vibe, didn't it? It was, yeah. You did not enjoy that at all. No. A particular moment. Yeah. But I'm excited for the show. I'm excited for the remaining five to eight episodes.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Four to seven episodes. That's right. Anyway, so this week we're going to talk about the new biggest movie of the year, some Spider-Man No Way Home details. Amazon Studios might be doing something with Mass Effect. Trailers ahoy for League of Super Pets and a new Jurassic World thing. Maybe a new Joker question mark?
Starting point is 00:07:09 Oh, I know what you're saying. Wait, no, I'm not. I'm thinking of a different thing. You might be. Ridley Scott just going absolutely off chops. That's right. And then, of course, Star Wars news, courtesy of Kathleen Kennedy's arm. Off chops, Scott, is what we call him now.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And we will henceforth refer to him on the podcast. And then. We'll do a recurring segment. We'll be like, off-chops Scott is surprisingly quiet this week. He is, isn't he? And then, of course, we're going to talk about Venom 2. We just did a clickbait episode as well where we talk a little bit about Ridley Scott.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And we talk about horrible clickbait articles, and that's at if you want to check it out. Anyways, we're going to get started. This is my deadline. The new number one movie of the year. Is it Red Notice? It's Red Notice. Is it really?
Starting point is 00:07:55 Everybody in the world watched it 1,000 times. 278 million hours of viewing or something we read in a tweet. I don't believe it. Yeah. You can just say anything. I know you watched it, right a I don't believe it. You can just say anything. I know you watched it right? I haven't watched, I don't know like even my normie friends
Starting point is 00:08:09 haven't mentioned it and they talk about anything. Like I get a message a month, maybe even once every two weeks from the same guy that's like when's Top Gun 2 coming out? I'm not joking. Is it c***? It's not c***. Bleep the name please. Bleep this one too. Now it's going to sound? I'm not joking. Is it ****? It's not ****. Bleep the name, please.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Okay. Bleep this one too. Now it's going to sound like I'm saying a swear. It's ****. Bleep that too, Collins. And I'm like, June, I've been telling you this for like a fucking year. Put a note in your phone. You know?
Starting point is 00:08:38 I'm not the internet. Anyway. But you are the internet's representative. Next time he does that. Amongst your friends, you're the internet's representative. I am i am actually you're the most internet guy they know i probably am are you the most online guy they know do you think uh no there's a difference between being an internet guy i think and being like i'm i'm both an internet guy i think and perpetually online i think uh there's a few of them who are online in certain facebook groups it seems but look
Starting point is 00:09:02 you know that it's not red notice good it. They're making another two apparently. I'll get around to it one day, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, No Time to Die is now the biggest movie of the year. Previously it was Fast 9, which had 733 million. This has snuck ahead. Sorry, it was 725 million. These numbers don't matter.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And then 733 million, No Time to Die has crept out ahead, which, you know, is good. Two major properties competing, but one of them I liked slightly better than the other one, so the good guys win. I think I read some, did I read this week that No Time to Die, it's achieved some sort of goal where it's the highest grossing movie of the year but it's the lowest grossing blockbuster
Starting point is 00:09:42 or Bond movie or something? Yeah, it might be something like that. I think it's probably earned more than like Quantum and maybe even Casino Royale actually. For a blockbuster, for the biggest blockbuster of the year, yeah, it's low. But it's obviously higher than last year and the numbers are creeping up.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And speaking of Spider-Man, No Way Home. Speaking of creeping up. That's right. Thank you. Like a Spider-Man. The tickets are on sale I think by the time this goes out. It looks like it's on track to beat it, and it will probably
Starting point is 00:10:09 hit a billion. Nice. I mean, but who knows? You know what I mean? We'll get a piece of that, right? Yeah. Every time we mention it, they send us a Hawkeye... Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man! No, they send us a Hawkeye gift box, which... Finally, these random outbursts that I have come in handy, financially. I know, right? Spider- me, she wanted me, she wanted me.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Of course, you know, I think I probably said, I'm pretty sure I said that Batman v Superman would have hit a billion. Like if it's not good, it's not going to matter. It won't necessarily make it. But yeah, so there you go. The world is healing just on the back of another variant maybe. Who knows what that one's going to do. It's exciting, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:44 It's very exciting. I'm excited. It's always good when the virus drops a new release or something. That's right. What's the expression for dropping an album? Mixtape? A mixtape. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 But it's a poison that poisons your body. But, you know. A tapeworm. A tapeworm, that's right. I'm going to look so thin. This is why in your coffin. this is why big screen leaks. You get a cheap coffin, don't you? You get the thin coffin, the thin man's coffin.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That would probably be more expensive though, wouldn't it, if you went a thin man's coffin? Like a tailored coffin. Yes, it would, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because they're like pretty standard sized, aren't they? Yeah, yeah. Like an hourglass shaped coffin.
Starting point is 00:11:24 What is this? Is there an oboe in this what is this uh big screen leaks are reporting that uh this speaking of spider-man this new movie is going to clock in at 2 hours and 28 minutes making it the fourth longest mcu movie okay end game was 3 hours and 2 minutes infinity war was 2 hours and 37 minutes and the eternals was three hours and two minutes. Infinity War was two hours and 37 minutes. And The Eternals was two hours and 29 minutes. So this will be a minute shorter than The Eternals. Interesting. Thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It was that last minute that did me in, I think. It did, didn't it? You were on board. So there you go. So, you know, I don't know why I put that in, but it is news. It's good to know how long you're going to be in a cinema for. It is, isn't it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:03 How many Choctops do I need to buy? Two ChocTops. That's too many. Yeah, no. Would it keep for the second? I think it might. I'm always torn, James, because, you know, I love a ChocTop. But also it always feels – other countries have –
Starting point is 00:12:18 do other countries have ChocTops? The UK does. It's a waffle cone. It's got a ball of ice cream on the top and it's got a hard chocolate shell. Yeah, yeah. So they don't have to scoop them. So they can mass storage them. They don't have to scoop them.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Yeah. But because a choc top always feels like a dessert to me. Yeah. Like it's dessert food. Well, it is. Yeah, it is. I mean, it's a choc top. But I always have to eat it first because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:37 otherwise it's going to melt on my seat. Oh, good point. So I have to eat the choc top during like the opening trailers and then I'm eating dinner second. A popcorn. With my popcorn and my choc top. Or a pizza that you've ordered. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Yeah. But then what if I order a pizza? I don't think I've ever ordered a pizza and a choc top at the same time because the choc top would get cold. The pizza would get cold and the choc top would melt. Yeah. Sophie's choice. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Both of my children, I have to decide which one to sacrifice. I mean, if you went to gold class, you'd get them to bring in a choc top. Oh, I could, couldn't I? Yeah, that's choice. Yeah, absolutely. Both of my children, I have to decide which one to sacrifice. I mean, if you went to gold class, you'd get them to bring in a choc-choc. Oh, I could, couldn't I? Yeah, that's true. All you had to do was splurge $18 for a ticket so someone could bring you a choc-choc. Or what I could do is I could order a popcorn and a drink going into the cinema. I'd eat the popcorn and the drink, and then I could simply set my phone to film the movie as I leave and I go and get a Choc Top.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And then I could come back in and I could stop my phone and then I could watch it, you know, in maybe like double fast time. I could hold a phone. I could live stream it to your phone. Oh, yeah, that'd be great actually, yeah. But you'd have to get me a Choc Top. Yeah, I can do that, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I wouldn't. I don't want it, but you'd have to get me one. All right, sure. Can I eat the second. I don't want it, but you have to get me one. All right, sure. Can I eat the second Choc Top? No, it's for me. Oh, it's your Choc Top. It's for me to put on the floor and then forget about. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Anyways, Deadline are reporting that Amazon Studios are closing a deal on a live-action Mass Effect series. This makes sense to me. People are loving the TV show Arcane. People are tweeting us telling us, watch the TV show Arcane. People are tweeting us, telling us watch the TV show Arcane. I haven't watched it yet. I'm working my way through F is for Family,
Starting point is 00:14:11 which I'll probably talk about a bit later, and some other stuff. But I do want to watch it, especially because people are like, this is genuinely great. And it's always nice when something's genuinely great. I think they also announced Arcane Season 2, but it's not going to be like for a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Oh, right, right, right. Because this one was like five years in the making or something. Now Mass Effect. Yes. Now Mass Effect famously is a game. Mass Effect, I think, was the first one. Oh, because the character's name is Mass Effect. Like Christopher.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Mass Effect for effectiveness. That's his name. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. But his friends call it Mass Effect. But the question is, we need you, Mass Effect. The moon's name. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But his friends call it Mass Effect. But the question is... We need you, Mass Effect! The moon's going to crash
Starting point is 00:14:49 into another moon! The second moon's just come out of nowhere. Probably because of the Mass Effect, which is a different thing, but it's very coincidental that your name is also... Yeah, it's weird, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:15:00 Just a fun coincidence. But it's famously a game where you can choose the appearance of your character and what have you. So who are they going to cast as Master for Effect? Master Chief Master for Effect.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I think they're going to go with the generic guy with the crew cut. I'd imagine. But it's nice to have a bitutter is in there. I think they're going to go with the generic guy on the box. The generic man guy with the crew cut. I'd imagine. But it's nice to have a bit of flexibility in that, though, I reckon. How about this? Yeah. Brother and sister team.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah. Same name. Separate adventures. Nobody can get mad. Master for master fete. Yes. Like Smurfette. Like Smurfette.
Starting point is 00:15:39 That's right. Yeah, I guess you could do it like that. You know? You could switch it every episode or whatever. Oh, inexplicably. Sure. Or deliberately gender change machine. Yeah, I guess you could do it like that. You know, you could switch it every episode or whatever. Oh, inexplicably, sure. Or deliberately gender change machine. Yeah, totally. The only way to get from one side of the ship to the other side of the ship is you have to go through a gender switch machine.
Starting point is 00:15:54 It's like a teleporter, except it switches your gender. Yeah, yeah, and sometimes you're a human fly. I've never played a single second of Master for Effectiveness. I played the first one. Yeah, they're obviously well loved. I know the last one was like rushed and bad and uh not very good and didn't have a it i if i remember correctly the most recent one had a sort of uh you can all your decisions decide all your decisions affect the ending or whatever and it's just like you could choose from
Starting point is 00:16:20 like a an ending with like green fire and ending with blue fire and ending with red fire essentially it's always a lie yeah when they say shit like that but i again i i look i played the first one i thought it was pretty solid but also i think all the spectacular stuff happens in the sequels i think there's a yes one of the i think again i think it's the third one you fight a giant terminator robot which is pretty oh that's cool it's that i think also if you play like because i'm i've been meaning to pick them up for years and I never had, but with the second one, you can just be like, it gives you like,
Starting point is 00:16:51 do you want a recap? And it'll just give you a recap. And if you only play the third one, it does a similar thing and you can quickly make the choices that you wanted to make, like leading up to it or whatever. So you can just, yeah. But anyway. You play the third one,
Starting point is 00:17:03 it gives you the option only a recap of the first one. It skips the middle stuff. And it's like, yeah, the second one was kind of boring actually. I think that was a good one though, wasn't it? And then they made them change the ending of the third one, remember, because people weren't happy with it or whatever? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, enough of this thing neither of us know anything about.
Starting point is 00:17:19 That's right. At least you've played one of the games. Trailer's Ahoy Mason. There was League of Super Pets. I realised I didn't watch that. Did you watch it? I didn't watch it, but I do know one thing, that Marc Maron is playing Lex Luthor.
Starting point is 00:17:30 That's good. And I know John Krasinski is Superman. And I've just got the trailer open now, and Superman's asleep, and Buddy Crypto's trying to wake him up. That's funny. Oh, my goodness. That's funny joke.
Starting point is 00:17:39 That is funny joke. And Crypto also wears glasses, I guess, as some kind of disguise. What is this? Anyway. And it appears he's trapped and they have to – I don't know what this is. Anyway, but off the back of that, though.
Starting point is 00:17:51 He should – you know, James, I don't know if you're aware, but you know how Superman is very powerful and so he pretends to be Clark Kent, a normal man, who's like a slumped-over nerd with glasses because he's a weaker man or whatever. Crypto's disguise should be he should be one of those dogs that has to wear like a big diaper because he's old and his bowels are not great or whatever. Or like he's got the wheels because his back legs don't work.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, that's good stuff. It is good stuff. Humanizing as well. He's a fake three-legged dog. He's a concealed one. Like those seagulls at the beach. You know what I mean? You think they got one leg?
Starting point is 00:18:26 They have two legs. They got you. You gave them chips and everything. You're betrayed. You shake your fists as they walk away at fast speed with two legs. I gave you my chips, seagull. I did, however, and I emailed you. I sent you a text message, I should say,
Starting point is 00:18:42 to watch the Jurassic World Dominion first five minutes. Yes, we did, yes. Which was very bold to put out because it's still not out for like six months at least. Yeah. What's interesting, so in this first five minutes, assuming I saw the correct first five minutes. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:18:55 It's the distant past. Yep. And we see above. The 80s. That's right. We see a bunch of dinosaurs going about their daily biz. I thought a lot of it was quite cute and charming. Like there's a little dino and he's picking meat out of them.
Starting point is 00:19:08 There's a walking with dinosaurs vibe. Yeah, yeah. Hello, Ollie. And you're leaving again. Okay, great. There's a little dinosaur. He's picking teeth out of what you think maybe is a dead T-Rex, but then it's just sleeping.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I thought that was fun. And there's some bloody dinosaurs. I thought that in – It's just sleeping. I thought that was fun. And there's some bloody dinosaurs. I thought that in – It's a battle. And then there was a smash cut 65 million years later and then we see there's a double bill at the drive-in theatre and then some dinosaurs attack because they've all been released into the wild according to the last Jurassic World.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Damn you, Rafe Spall. Yes. He was the villain, wasn't he, I think, in the last one. Sure was. And there was a clone. Or Toby Jones. Was Toby Jones in one of those movies? Also in that movie.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Was he the auctioneer or something? It doesn't matter. He might have been the auctioneer. He was selling that dinosaur that attacks a laser. Yeah, that's right. Could we use a laser-guided bomb instead? No. What are you, an idiot?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Could we use a tank? No. No. A tank you can control. A dinosaur you can barely control, as we'll soon demonstrate when it stops following the laser and starts eating everybody in this auction. I thought initially that this image of the dinosaurs crossing
Starting point is 00:20:18 the savannah and all that sort of stuff was going to be the modern day. Oh, okay, yeah, yeah. Because the premise of the last one, obviously, is now we have to live with dinosaurs in the modern day. Oh, okay, yeah, yeah. Because the premise of the last one, obviously, is now we have to live with dinosaurs in the modern world. So I was like, oh, that's fun. They've developed their own ecosystem and maybe we've abandoned a certain section of the desert
Starting point is 00:20:35 and allowed dinosaurs to live in it, but no. No, it was the origin of the T-Rex. That was the original T-Rex that got the blood inclined from and et cetera. And then it bust through in the theater, as mentioned. I can't remember the movies they were playing. American Graffiti and Flash Gordon. There we go. It was the 80s.
Starting point is 00:20:53 That's true. Even though the last movie was set in the modern day. So, yeah, it looks really good. That would be a – are they particular homages? Because one's Lucas, right? And another one's – And Flash Gordon is some old guy who's dead some old dead guy i'm old he did direct flash gordon let me check i've never seen it
Starting point is 00:21:10 we did talk about that also on our 30 i thought i had this week you know how and made i i thought you would know the answer to this i doubt it in in uh some months ago i went on uh friends of the show total reboot podcast yes yes about robocop and we did briefly mention that robocop 2 was directed by irvin kirschner yeah who also directed empire strikes back he did so my question to you was is irvin kirschner directing empire strikes back did he actually direct it or was it one of those situations where on paper he directed but it was actually no you did the third one was kind of more lucas maybe that's what i'm thinking um but yeah there was a lot of interaction between like there was a lot of Lucas. Maybe that's what I'm thinking of. But, yeah, there was a lot of interaction between,
Starting point is 00:21:46 like there was a lot of pushback, and that's why I think Empire is good. Yeah, right. Because there was like a couple of, there was like Gary Kurtz and Evan Kirshner and George Lucas and I can't remember who, and the writer who wrote Force Awakens. I can't remember his name. J.J. Abrams. No, it was the original ones.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I can't remember. Harrison Ford. It was Harrison Ford, yes. Yep. And then by the third one, Lucas just like steamrolled the director. But Irving Kirshner taught George Lucas at film school. I think he did some Bond films as well. He did a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:14 He did the, he did Never Say Never Again. Oh, is that what he did? Okay. What a weird career that guy's had. I know, right? Mike Hodges was the director and he directed like Get Carter, the original one. Your Codge?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yes. Your Codge directed it? Your Codge directed it? My Codge directed it. Wow. So there you go. And he's still alive. He's 89 years old. Your Codge is 89 years old.
Starting point is 00:22:31 My Codge is 89 years old. I did not misspeak. Anyway, Jurassic World Dominion, looking forward to it. Yeah, looking forward to it. Even if they're bad, I'm going to watch them every single goddamn one of them. This is via Facebook. Whoa, all right. I know.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Did you dive into the metaverse to get this? I had to. I is via Facebook. I know. Did you dive into the metaverse to get this? I had to. I put on a headset and I walked into a wall. Let me ask you a question. How simple is the technology for metaverse going to have to get before you are willing to use it?
Starting point is 00:23:01 It would have to be a pair of glasses that I can't feel. I wear wear glasses. It would have to be a pair of glasses. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That I can't feel. I wear these glasses and I don't really notice it anymore. Like as a recent convert to glasses. If they were any heavier than this, I'm like, no. Convert? You mean like you had to wear glasses? Yeah, I had to wear them.
Starting point is 00:23:15 That's right. I guess then. Yeah, as a real, you know, I really, I was shown the value of glasses in the sense that if I don't wear them, I walk into walls. So, yeah, I think if I, like just the idea of having in the sense that if i don't wear them i walk into walls so uh yeah i think if it if i like just the idea of having to put on a helmet yeah to go and do a meeting yeah exactly not that i go to any meetings but no i know but just it's it honestly i watched that not i didn't watch it i watched people making fun of it and i was this is disgusting i'm jumping on board making
Starting point is 00:23:41 fun of this i'm jumping on the virtual making fun of Metatrain toot toot. Why is he like that? I don't know. I think we've brought it up a bit, but like what the fuck is wrong with that guy? Like genuinely. That's it. That's the question.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I think he just wants that Johnny mnemonic snow crash kind of virtual world. Yeah, but like he's everything about him. Like he blinks weird. And I know there's like the lizard person memes and all of that stuff. But like what's with these haircuts? Like the whole thing. And when he picks his metaverse character, it's him. It's just him.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Exactly. Yeah, right. Didn't have a robot arm or anything. Sure. I don't know. What a loser. He is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Anyway. Also, I do like the idea that your avatar in the metaverse would just be you but with a robot arm. Just jeans and a t-shirt and a robot arm. Probably. Yeah. Anyway. Also, I do like the idea that your avatar in the metaverse would just be you but with a robot arm. Just jeans and a t-shirt and a robot arm. Probably. Yeah. What's the robot arm do? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Nothing. Yeah. Anyway, this is by Barry Keoghan. I looked up how to pronounce that. And it's Keoghan? Yeah, sorry. He was in, yeah, apparently. He was in Eternhan? Yeah, sorry. He was in, yeah, apparently. He was in Eternals.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Oh, yes, he's, don't, don't. Druig. He's Druig. The guy I remember. He was in Dunkirk. Anyway, his brother, Eric, went on Facebook and wrote, so it's finally out. Oh, this might be a spoiler for the Batman.
Starting point is 00:25:01 If you want to jump ahead. It's finally out. My brother playing the Joker in the new Batman. Unreal stuff. All right, then. And then he deleted it. Okay, sure. Because Warner Brothers probably beat him to death.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah. So there you go. So apparently in it. And we also know somebody who has seen the new Batman. Do we? And we probably can't say who. Yeah, they messaged us. Did they?
Starting point is 00:25:24 Yeah. All right, then. Great. We can't say who yeah they messaged us did they yeah all right then great we can't say though because it's probably probably signed a thing oh i can't remember now yep let's say their name it's rob pattinson yeah yeah exactly he's like hey fellows hello hello i'm robin you know me from movie i do robert i do uh he doesn't understand plurals Oh, does he? You know me from movie You only remember the last movie he did
Starting point is 00:25:50 You know me from movie You know me from the Batman, we haven't seen it We know We know you In general But anyway, so BBC Radio 4 We know you from the lighthouse, what? You what?
Starting point is 00:26:04 Did we go on holiday? Oh, Robert, you need help But anyway, so BBC Radio 4. We know you're from the lighthouse. What? You what? Lighthouse. Did we go on holiday? Oh, Robert. No, Robert Pattinson. Robert, you need help. This character will not endure. I'm predicting it right now. BBC Radio 4.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Ridley Scott. Robert Pattinson with memory problems. Doesn't fly. Seems cruel, honestly. It's not even an element of his character in real life. It's not even an element of his celebrity persona. I don't know. I don't know where it came from.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Because I said movie instead of movies. Anyway, Ridley Scott spoke to BBC Radio 4. This is about Blade Runner, actually. He said, we've already written the pilot for Blade Runner and the Bible, so we're already presenting Blade Runner as a TV show probably the first 10 hours. So despite these movies never being popular, never making money, there might be an anime going at the moment on Netflix or something.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah, sure, why not? Great. And there's comic books and, you know, people like them. Sometimes they rebrand Do Andrew's... Does Andrew dream of electric sheep? Does he? Sometimes he does. Sometimes they rebrand Do Andrew's dream of electric sheep
Starting point is 00:27:15 as, like, Blade Runner novel. And then there's been some Blade Runner sequel novels. Yep, and you start to read that, Do Andrew's dream of electric sheep, and you're like, what the fuck is this? Yes. Like, maybe somebody you know did that, maybe. Uh-huh. Maybe and you're like what the fuck is this yes like maybe somebody you know did that maybe uh-huh some maybe someone you know did that was it you yeah it was
Starting point is 00:27:29 me okay i've also read it so yeah i have not read it i've read some of it okay great um so yeah there you go uh they're giving it another red hot piping go it must do well streaming then or something because or somebody whoever owns it maybe but i mean this also might be like all right we're giving you like you know they might be like uh okay really this is your last ip that you have that we are willing to take a chance on yeah i guess so yeah yeah maybe they're like okay we just we just did an alien we just did the last cool duel the last cool do you want to talk about the last cool deal yes? I guess so. Ridley Scott also. Now, a while back
Starting point is 00:28:07 last week he went on a tirade. I don't think we talked about it. We did on that. We got this covered. He does not like comic book movies. He's like, they're for losers and I don't like them and kids don't like movies or something. He said specifically, I don't like comic book movies. And then everybody
Starting point is 00:28:23 was like, what? And he went, oh, no. I love it. He loved them, yeah. Yeah. There was a bit of a twist there. It's great. We all went along for that ride, didn't we? Yes, we did.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah, he knows how to elicit emotion. He knows how to tell a story and build tension, which I like. Yeah, he does. Anyway, the last. They call him the 10cc. Is that what they call him? Of film directors. Wow. Which is the band that made thatcc. Is that what they call him? Of film directors. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Which is the band that made that song. Is it? Yes. I didn't know that. But he's promoting House of Gucci, which by all accounts has a horrendous Jared Leto performance. As Gucci-o-Gucci? Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah. But he's apparently just doing Super Mario like the entire time. Yeah, I've seen the stills. Yeah. No, have you heard any of his voice? No. Let's do some. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Let's do some. A new segment, folks. Let's do some. It's the accent of the week. Come on, House of Gucci. I'll do it on my phone and then I'll be able to play it directly into the microphone. Terrific stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Colin's editing this. I apologize. But here we go. You have a gift I'm telling you. Terrific stuff. Colin's editing this. I apologize. But here we go. You have a gift. I'm telling you. Stop. Stop. You're going to make me.
Starting point is 00:29:30 You're going to make me cry. Nobody has ever said that to me. Nobody. Why don't you have your own name? These are just mock-ups. I can't afford to get serious. He's very, yeah. He's doing it, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:29:50 He's very sing-song. Yeah. Maybe that's what Gucci-O-Gucci was like. Maybe he nailed it. Absolutely, exactly. Look, again, I haven't seen the movie. I do want to see it. I'm genuinely interested.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Because apparently there was a lot of good elements of it. And some people actually do like his performance. There's a lot of murder in the history of the House of Gucci. Apparently so, yeah. You know, murdering on the bloody fashion bloody dance floor. What's the wrong way? The fashion dance floor. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:17 That's the stuff. But I saw a criticism that was like in his movies, it's like he's not with anybody else. He's just doing his own thing, like his own self-contained thing. And again, I haven't seen it. Like he's decided that this is a musical, but nobody else is on board with it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And he's trying to force it. By force of personality, he's trying to make it a musical. Like he probably leans into the director afterwards and is just like, just auto-tune everybody else. Send me a copy. I want my own copy where this is a musical. Like he probably leans into the director afterwards and is just like, just auto-tune everybody else. Send me a copy. I want my own copy where this is a musical. Oh, good lord. Anyway, Ridley Scott said this because the last duel,
Starting point is 00:30:54 last cool duel tanked. I think it boils down to what we've got today, the audience who were brought up on these fucking cell phones. The millennium do not ever want to be taught anything unless you're being told on a cell phone. This is a broad stroke, but I think we're dealing with it right now with Facebook. This is a misdirect that has happened when it's given the wrong kind
Starting point is 00:31:16 of confidence to the latest generation, I think. The confidence to not see The Last Duel. I think there's a number of reasons why people didn't see it. It's obviously a pandemic. I think also like. It's a sad grey movie. It's a sad grey movie and there's like a very graphic sexual assault in it which you see three separate times and maybe people don't want to see that.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Sure. I do. People want to see Cool Duels. People want to see Cool Duels. They're torn about it. I do want to see it. They're madly bullied at this. They're torn about it.
Starting point is 00:31:43 They're torn about it. That's a cover song though. I do want to see it. They're Natalie Imbruglia'd this. They're torn about it. They're torn about it. That's a cover song, though. It's a little well-known fact. I mean, look, as I understand it, it's not technically – it is a cover song, but it's also not a cover song because the dude who wrote it recorded it, and then he was like, do you want it? Do you want – like it's been recorded a number of times.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Do you want it? Do you want it, he said. Do you want this, Natalie Imbruglia? Sure. I want it? Do you want it, he said. Do you want this, Natalie Imbruglia? Sure. I want it. Anyway. But yeah, look, I think this is, he's just old. Because it's like millennials.
Starting point is 00:32:12 James Millennians, please. Millennials are, millennials, they're 40. Normalize calling us millennials. Yeah, please. They're 40. Yeah. Like you're talking about grown adults who are like, I don't understand a movie.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I only watch my movie on my phone. And also like- I only watch movie on phone and fashion dance floors. Exactly. That's all I understand. And talking about like Facebook and shit. It's like, again, young people are not on Facebook. Look, maybe it's because it didn't appeal to a certain generation,
Starting point is 00:32:43 but also this is the kind of movie that, like, would appeal to older people as well. You know what I mean? Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and, you know, they're clashing nights and whatever and it's revenge and intrigue and all those things. That, I feel like, is an older generational movie and they also didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:33:03 It's not young people not seeing your Matt Damon movie. You know what I mean? It was a big week for like older people who've just reached the age where they don't understand things anymore. I can't wait. Brian May this week was like. What did he do this week? This week, Brian May, guitarist for Queen, Dr. Brian May was like,
Starting point is 00:33:19 it was something like, oh, we couldn't, you couldn't have Queen these days. We couldn't have formed Queen because we would have been like, oh, we have to have a trans person in Queen or whatever. Lil Nas X is like one of the big, he's not trans, but one of the biggest musical acts in the world, like constantly offending people for like, you know, making shoes with blood in them and whatever and being openly gay. People are ready for these kinds of things.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's not shocking, you know. What band is he talking about? I don't know. I don't know. It's part of the rules, is it? I mean, maybe one of the reasons you couldn't make Queen these days is because the charismatic front man who wrote all his songs is dead. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if that's the case. Brian May, Dr. Brian May. I didn't say this this week. Okay, right. what's your doctor in astrophysics okay yeah just oh look i'm not even whatever it doesn't matter it doesn't mean anything they're not causing any harm no exactly guys they've just again they've it's past a point
Starting point is 00:34:17 and it's confusing grandpa simpson meme it'll happen to you it will it totally will yeah it's already happening i'm not on tiktok because it seems like you have to create video content every day and i can't be bothered you're seeing it happen to us in real time people would have seen it on this very show you go back to the first episode we're not the same we're not even the same at the start of this episode this i said fashion dance war right anyway uh that's us yelling at boomers. Yeah, that's the new segment. We've had so many new segments this week. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:34:50 That thing, the thing we said before that I've already forgotten. The second thing, yeah. Robert Pattinson's funny voice, the segment. The man who only remembers the previous movies. Great bit we thought of. It's great. It's got legs, I feel. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:03 What thing will he think about movies next week we don't know we're going to trial different personas secret personas for Robert Pattinson until we get one exactly Star Wars News Mason ok good stuff
Starting point is 00:35:17 this is by Empire Kathleen Kennedy said this is about the sequel characters says certainly those are not characters we're going to forget. They will live on, and those are conversations that are going on with the creative team as well. I think I maybe saw someone this week. I think it might have been Mr. House of Gucci himself, Adam Driver.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Yep. And he said, sure, I'd maybe come back. Yeah, a few of them have said it. I think there's rumours of like a Finn show, and it might be a sequel and a prequel where you find out about his early life. Yeah, they should bring back Adam Driver. They shouldn't have killed him like that.
Starting point is 00:35:51 It's like, he was an interesting character. Yeah. I don't want to talk about Rise of Skywalker. Okay. But no, I think those characters, whatever you think of those movies, and we've talked them to death, I think they are endearing characters, a lot of them. Endearing or enduring?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Both. Both. Whoa. Yeah, but I think also maybe you want to give it some time. Sure. Because, you know, let people miss them. Like with the Obi-Wan series, you find out what sticks, you find out what people want to see, and then you, whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I don't know. Anyway. Other news, Rangers of the New Republic. You remember that series that Gina Carano was going to head up? Oh and then, yeah, whatever. I don't know. Anyway. Other news. Rangers of the New Republic. You remember that series that Gina Carano was going to head up? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was like a bunch of Rangers of the New Republic. The B-team. Yeah, the B-team.
Starting point is 00:36:33 The supporting cast members that don't have their own show yet, let's round them up. Put them in a van. Put them in a van. Exactly. Put them in that flying van from Space Force. Exactly. And they can fly around and battle evil or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Battle Pizza the Hutt, all those things. She said, we've never written any scripts or anything like that. Some of that will figure into future episodes, I'm sure, of Mandalorian. So it's not happening. Okay. Which makes sense because it was going to be a Gina Carano-focused series. She obviously left in a very public manner. There was a public dispute about what can and cannot be said.
Starting point is 00:37:04 That's very true. And they parted as great friends. That's right. And now here we are. And they're going to work them into a different. Anyway, it's another Disney. They're going to work them into an early grave. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:37:14 For content. Another Disney Star Wars thing, just kick some dirt on it. Sure. Kick some dirt over the top of it. Yeah, nice. And move forward. Yeah. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship Yeah, nice. And move forward. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:35 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health,
Starting point is 00:37:55 to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at
Starting point is 00:38:15 That's Sorry to all G.I. Joe fans out there. We hate to do this to you again. Look, we will do Snake Eyes next week. Yes, definitely. Snake Eyes Origins. It's on the agenda. We've put it on the whiteboard.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yep, it's coming up. It's not something we want to skip out on. No, that's true. It's a disservice to the IP of Hasbro's G.I. Joe. Yeah, exactly. And we're not here to brand slam, are we, Mason? We're not. I mean, you know, DMC of the hip-hop group Run DMC did not go on, like, the most recent Hasbro Pulse convention situation
Starting point is 00:38:56 and did a rap about how much he loves Hasbro for us to not cover a Hasbro product on this podcast. Is that true? Yes. I'm pretty certain I saw it. Yeah. And look, and it seems like also they're probably getting enough publicity this week if that happened.
Starting point is 00:39:14 You know, they've already gone viral. Do they need us at this point to promote G.I. Joe's Snake Eyes Origins? G.I. Snake Eyes. No, if anything, if anything, we'd probably bring them down. Yeah. And that's not what we want.
Starting point is 00:39:26 We want to give it some breathing room. Anyway, so we are going to talk about Venom 2 Carnage Gonna Carnage this week. That's right. The sequel to the very successful Venom from, let's say, 2018. Sure. Might not be, though. The past, the before times.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yes. Back when. Movies were movies. Movies were movies. And men were men. Men were men. Men were men. The last one. These days you couldn't make a Venom movie without a trans person.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That's so true. Yeah. The last one. Just to go back briefly, also I'm aware that Freddie Mercury didn't write all the Queen songs. Yeah, sure. Don't at me, folks. Me?
Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah, don't you do it. Yeah, sure. Okay, cool. I mean, but he hasn't. But how many Queen songs have been written that you know since his passing? Oh, zero. That's right. Zero is the correct answer.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah. Maybe that's on you because you're not keeping up with their discography. Yeah. What about Queen Rap featuring Adam Lambert? That's a good one. I've made it up. It's not real. Yeah, you got me.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I was like, do I double down on this thing that isn't real? Nah, I'm going to let that one go. Yeah, cool, man. Just another character I have to commit to. Yeah. The character of Guy, it doesn't even matter. I'm not even going to give him a name, this guy. Just know he exists and he's nameless.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yeah. And shameless. He's in an offshoot dimension. and he's nameless and shameless. He's in an offshoot dimension. Speaking of, the original Venom made $856 million at the box office. That's a lot of money. Somehow.
Starting point is 00:40:55 This one, off a budget of about $110 million, made $456 million, which is a very good return, again, considering the year, et cetera, and so forth. What do you think the story was? Okay, Venom. Yep. Venom, he came to Earth in the last one, didn't he? Yep.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Or maybe he was already on Earth. And he bonded with. I didn't rewatch first Venom. No, neither did I. And he bonded with one Mr. Edward Brock. Yeah. And they don't get along, but they do get along. Edward Brockalock.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Edward Broccoli. Heir to the Broccoli family fortune. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. But not the Broccoli family you're thinking of. No, that's a different family. Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. But not the Broccoli Family, you're thinking of. No, that's a different family. Yeah, yeah. Sorry, go on. And then they had to find a different Venom last time.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah. In the previous movie. There was another Venom and he's like, I'll get you Venom for reasons I'm mad at you. We're all going to fly up to this comet that has Venoms on it. That's right. We're going to bring the comet to Earth maybe and cover the planet in Venoms.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But this time there's a different Venom. Is there? Another Redder Venom. A. That's right. We're going to bring the comet to Earth, maybe? Cover the planet in Venoms. Something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But this time there's a different Venom. Is there? Another Redder Venom. A Redder Venom. That's right. You're absolutely right. Should we just do spoilers so people have seen this? Does it matter? No, we can non-spoiler
Starting point is 00:41:57 this for a minute, I think. This is directed by Andy Serkis. Yeah, I'm a big fan, to be honest. Big fan in general, but I was very much just like. What else has he directed? That Jungle Book movie I like. Oh, yeah. He directed a lot of like second unit stuff on the Lord of the Rings
Starting point is 00:42:13 and Hobbit movies. Like he's a pioneer of like mocap. He's worked on video games as well. I think he's wonderful. He's claw in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It feels like they cut down this from something else, though. Like it's very short. My feeling was I came out of this and my initial thought was, well, they tried.
Starting point is 00:42:36 It feels like they tried to make something here that was good. What do you mean by what? I don't know. It feels like they didn't just – it felt like they – I liked it more than the other one. Yeah, I feel like they didn't just go, oh, we've got to do a sequel, cash cow, whatever, we'll just knock it out.
Starting point is 00:42:52 It felt like everybody involved, like the cast and the director, they tried, but it just was not impressive or anything. Is this movie anything, James? No, I think you're absolutely right because a lot of this, I think, rests also on Tom Hardy is genuinely just going for it. I think the relationship between him and the Venom symbiote is fun and good and, you know, they fall out of love and, you know, they fight and they, you know.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It's a real bromance. Yeah, I think it's pretty interesting and unique. A symbiomance is what it is. Yeah, and I like how they live together and he's just so grimy and sweaty all the time and they really lean into that. There's a moment where he comes out of the bathroom in his house and he just blows his nose on a hand towel and keeps walking.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah, he's just a grub, this guy. He's just an absolute grot. He can do with a limitless pill as far as I'm concerned. He seems that way. He definitely looks pre-limitless Pill as far as I'm concerned. He seems that way. He definitely looks pre-Limitless Pill at all moments of this movie. Boy. Yeah. This movie.
Starting point is 00:43:52 This movie. This movie. Yeah. Also, like, we'll talk about the universes emerging, because Venom might be showing up in other things and whatever, which we'll get into. But I think also the idea of them working together to do some investigation stuff, because at the start of the movie,
Starting point is 00:44:08 Eddie Brock is a bit down on his luck and he's the only one who has access to Cletus Kasady. And so Venom uses his, like, photographic memory to work together to get the information about where Cletus Kasady buried all the bodies. And I like that, that they kind of bring different skills to this, you know, like a little buddy cop kind of situation. Also, I would argue, and we can talk about this more in spoilers, seems like Venom just has whatever powers he needs to do his thing.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Well, that is true, yeah. You know? He can draw from memory and... A thing from later. A thing from later that we can talk about. But I also like that, you know, as mentioned, they go through the motions of like. What a great sign.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yeah, like, no, I mean, like friendship and a relationship where they fight and they break up and they realize. They kiss, they make up. They kiss, they make up and they realize they, you know, they need each other and all those things. But I guess the question that was on all of our minds and the top of our domes is what is going on with Woody Harrison's wig this time around?
Starting point is 00:45:05 People didn't like the wig last time. This big sideshow Bob wig that he had, which I guess he also must have had just briefly in that movie because we get a flashback to the 90s when a young Eddie Brock. Who is played by another actor but has Woody Harrelson's voice. Yeah, and he must be, I mean, if you went by the age that Woody Harrelson is, he'd be at least 35. But I guess he's a teen in an asylum of sorts.
Starting point is 00:45:29 With a voice of a man in his 50s probably. Yeah, and then I think he's older than that. Well, he looks great. He does look great. But then he has like his normal red hair and then he must get the sideshow bob hair and then he goes back to the normal hair. He's just trying to look, I guess. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Maybe they already tried to execute him and it didn't take. They gave him the chair and it fried his hair. It fried his hair. Yeah. Let me check his age. Should have been the tagline, I think. Yeah, I think so. He gave him the chair but only fried his hair.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Yeah. Let me check. He's 60, so there you go. There you go. He's 60. He does look like he's 60. But, yeah, what else are we doing here? We got some supporting characters.
Starting point is 00:46:04 We got Naomi Harris. This is not the best Naomi Harris movie I've seen this month. No, absolutely not. I also think that, like, you could have had Naomi Harris in the flashback. It would have been fine, I think. Because they didn't really seem that different in age, if I'm honest. Yeah. She's got inexplicable shriek powers.
Starting point is 00:46:24 That's fun. Yeah, She's got inexplicable shriek powers. That's fun. Yeah, she's shriek. How does that go in the comics? If she gets a symbiote as well in the comics, doesn't she? I believe. I don't know. I think she does. I couldn't answer that for you.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Because I don't like sound or whatever. But again, like they tie it in so the police detective who Eddie Brock is helping on this Cletus Kasady case. Who might have been in the first movie. Was he? I don't know. Okay, great. Let me check.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Let me check. James, this is probably not even the best movie that features two actors who've both played the role of Al Capone in something. Wow, that's a really big deal. I check because Stephen Graham, who plays the police detective in this, and he has done many things, but he was Al Capone in Boardwalk Empire. Yep. He was also, he's Tommy in the movie Snatch, the Guy Ritchie movie Snatch.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I'm like, there's no way that Tom Hardy and Stephen Graham have not been in a thing together. They have. They were in a TV series called Taboo. Okay. About the fun party game. Now that's fun. Is it really?
Starting point is 00:47:24 No, it's about, so it's a TV series created by Tom Hardy and Tom Hardy's dad, Dad Hardy. Dad Hardy. Ed Hardy. Didn't that brand like implode? Yeah. And somebody's awful or something? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:39 That's going to come up later. Okay, good. In what we're reading. Oh, great, do it. Yeah, they're in this TV series called Taboo. It's about a man in the, I think, the 19th century who comes back from South Africa with a bunch of diamonds that he's acquired, like secret diamonds.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Oh. They should have called it Secret Diamonds. Secret Diamonds. But anyway, they're both in that. Okay. Both in that show. And apparently it's all right. Apparently it's a bit of a slow burn.
Starting point is 00:48:03 All right. Yeah, so there you go. Didn't have time to check it out, but maybe I will. Maybe you will. They're both in it. They're fun. Good, good. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Yeah, good. He's like, you've got to help me with this investigation. That lady who was in the first one is old Michelle Williams. Michelle Williams is in it. She's back in this one. And her fiance who's maybe in the first one. Yeah, I don't know. I think he is.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Maybe. I think she's got a boyfriend in that movie. Yeah, maybe. I couldn't tell you. He was actually all right. I didn't like him. Is he the guy from Superstore or is he a different guy? He's a different guy, but I don't think he is. Maybe. I think she's got a boyfriend in that movie. Yeah, maybe. I couldn't tell you. He was actually all right. Is he the guy from Superstore or is he a different guy? He's a different guy, but I know why you're saying that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yes. He's got guy from Superstore vibes. He's got that face, doesn't he? He does have that face. He's got that same face. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Ah, look.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I also like, I guess if I'm going to take a moment between a pause while I think of anything to say about this, that he just openly talks to himself in front of people now. Like no one can hear Venom. So he'll just be like, he'll just chat away and people are like, what? And he's like, don't worry about it. I think some of that was kind of fun. Like there's a fun bit where he's going to visit Cletus in prison
Starting point is 00:49:02 and he says something awful. Which moment? Because he does it multiple times. He does it multiple times, but he's being to visit Cletus in prison and he says something awful. Which moment? Because he does it multiple times. He does it multiple times, but he's being inducted into the prison and he says something weird and the prison guard says, what did you say? And he says, I don't know why I said that. I think I'm just having a panic attack. And I thought that was a funny bit.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Also in this, Carnage has his own, like Cletus. Got his own. Oh, I should find out the voice for that actually. Is it not just? It's probably because Tom Hardy does the Venom voice as well. Yeah, yeah. I'm not sure Carnage in the comics and Cletus are, like they're not depicted as separate individuals.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I don't think they are, yeah. I don't think you ever see. I think he's all Carnage. Yeah, I don't think you ever see Cletus' internal monologue and that they're separate. But in this they speak to each other in the same way that Eddie and Venom do. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Which is a little departure, I think. Harrison was initially reluctant to provide the voice for Carnage and wanted Circus to perform instead, but Circus encouraged him to find his own right tone. He was ultimately satisfied with how it came out. So there you go. Great. How do you feel about the action in this movie, James?
Starting point is 00:50:03 Look, it's less spaghetti monsters. It's more like you see the punching and the stabbing and the whatever. It's completely bloodless because that's what these movies are. There is a scene in this movie, which I guess I won't give away the specifics of it, but there is a moment where I'm like, did Carnage eat a guy's head or did he not eat a guy's head because we don't see it on screen? We do see some eating of heads though, definitely, right? Maybe, but I think they limited it because it's PG-13 in the US.
Starting point is 00:50:32 And you want maximum B-I-M. Bim. Yeah, bums in movies. Oh. As in seats. I should have said bis. Sure. Wow, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah. If you want maximum bums in movies, you should watch the bis. Sure. Wow, yeah. Yeah. If you want maximum bums in movie, you should watch the Get Smart movie, The Nude Bomb. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen it. Is it good? I mean, I don't know. It's been a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:50:55 But you have seen it. I've seen this two Get Smart telemovies, The Nude Bomb and Get Smart Again, one of which features a chase sequence where Maxwell Smart is driving a desk. It's very funny. I loved it as a kid. He drives it because he's the head of the CIA or whatever at this point.
Starting point is 00:51:15 He's got a desk. Is the chief real life dead at that point? I think he might be, yeah. But he's got – imagine a James Bond chase sequence including, like, the cars filled with guns and missiles or whatever, but it's a desk. That is fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Let's do spoilers. Okay. Wait, best movie ever or worst movie ever? I mean. I'm going to have to go with worst movie ever. It's not, again, it doesn't, none of it thrilled me in a way. No, it's really. I don't think it was enough of an advance on the first one.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Beyond that, like I think the relationship between Eddie and Venom is a little bit better. Yeah, I think it's probably better than the first one beyond that like i think the relationship between eddie and venom is a little bit yeah i think i think it's probably better than the first one i think it still feels like weird and dingy and cramped and the the thing what i was going to say about the action sequences is it's all a bit vague yeah like who can do what what are their powers so venom's so the thing i'm gonna say worst also and as we've mentioned in like previous episodes i think probably like the thing about venom all the symbiotes they have this sort of extra dimensional ability yeah where like they can open up a hole in their body like just a hole in their chest and something can go straight through it yeah like and not harm the person underneath it like it it if you're inside
Starting point is 00:52:19 a venom if you're inside a symbiote sort of the laws of physics don't apply to your body kind of thing but it's never really explained and it's never explained why venom and carnage why they can hurt each other or not hurt each other absolutely yeah like if you can stab one like if carnage chopped off venom's head would it kill them both or would it not kill them both because there's both see there are sequences where like clearly carnage like shoots a big red spear right through venom's chest yeah and they're both fine yeah why like and i know the answer is comic book physics but i think if you are attempting to build tension in this sort of movie you should explain why some of these things are lethal and some are not lethal
Starting point is 00:53:01 otherwise it is just two different colored octopuses slapping each other. It doesn't, you know what I mean? I know completely what you mean, but I do also think it's better than like they were just like spaghetti monsters in the last one. It was just goo rolling on top of each other. I think there should be, and again, like as... Sorry, I was just looking up. It doesn't matter what I was looking up.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I was going to say like we are across the idea of but i think just even like uh you know we're we're pretty resilient but if he cuts her head off we're dead or whatever yeah give that us so then we know when you know carnage is coming at him with a big blade near his neck we know to feel attention that's bad news but otherwise it's just which of these hits are damaging and which aren't. It doesn't make any sense. That's a good point. I think also if I'm doing a positive. Yes, go on.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I think Carnage often looks worse in scenes because he's redder and brighter. Okay. But I think in general the design is good and he's kind of got that Resident Evil monster like rotting corpse kind of thing. Yeah, yeah, rotting tentacle corpse. Yeah, and I think that's an interesting choice because in the comics you don't really get, like they do have a distinct look
Starting point is 00:54:11 and how do you translate that visually. Yeah, and I think it works, like he does, Carnage is more distinct than the previous Venom enemy, which is, again, which is just black slime. They've gone with sort of a more like you said like that resident evil kind of slimy muscle like it's a yeah it's like he's like a skinless corpse yeah kind of thing exactly uh and he again he looks like he looks like more oozing organs as opposed to just an oil slick which i think yeah it's good it's a pretty good pretty solid design
Starting point is 00:54:39 but again i just do you like a venom went on a little rave? Yeah, but I also, and it's also this idea of like, they just want to kill each other for reasons. Because he told his secret. Yeah, but you were going to tell the secret. And then he got a new motorbike. Was he going to tell his secret though, really? Oh, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Sexy Lady Venom is back. Yep. Sure. Brief Yep. Sure. Briefly. Sure. The fans demanded it. Okay. Next thing.
Starting point is 00:55:11 There's a speech where Cletus. Oh, we're in spoilers now. Yeah, we already did it, I think. Okay, right. Cletus is like, we're the same, me and you. We both accept we're on the show for. Yes, yes, yes. He's like, I want to be, you're going to be the one that tells my story.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah. Why? Why? Why you? Why this guy? Why this loser? We loser we're the same oh because we're the same okay how did you know he was the same yeah because this like eddie brock is pretty under the radar how did you even know he existed great question well he used to be a newsman oh didn't he used to be a reporter tv okay right okay maybe he's okay um there's a moment where Venom says, we are the lethal protector. Oh, he says it a bunch of times, yeah. And that's from comics.
Starting point is 00:55:48 That's what he's called sometimes because you can't be like, we are the wanton murderer. We eat people's brains. There's a moment where they have a connection at the end with him and Cletus Kasady, and then he just eats his head, and Venom's like, fuck that guy, whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I thought that was, you know, interesting and surprising, but it's also like, he's done, is he? Seems that way. Although I guess they could do it similarly they did in the comics where the Cletus Kasady body is dead, but Venom just reanimates, Carnage just reanimates him, I guess. And, you know, just because Venom ate Carnage doesn't mean that he can't come back.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Maybe he'll poop him out and he'll come back to life. That would be terrific. And in the third one, Venom 3, death means nothing. Do whatever we want. We're definitely going to get there. So, yeah, and Patrick Mulligan becomes Toxin, who's the cop. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he's eyes.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And I'm like, who's that? Oh, it's Toxin. That's right, yes. Great. Wasn't Toxin in the last one?. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because his eyes. And I'm like, who's that? Oh, it's Toxin. That's right, yes. Great. Wasn't Toxin in the last one? I don't know. I don't. Riz Ahmed was one of them, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:56:50 So the universe I wanted to ask you about, and this is in the post-credits. Now, I did an ad for Venom 2. People might have even heard this in this very episode. Interesting. It's been. But they were very specific. And maybe I mentioned this in something else we recorded. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I think I have. I've at least told you. But they were very specific not to say, do not say Marvel, do not say MCU. Say like exciting universes merging and whatever and wider comic book, blah, blah, blah, but do not say Marvel or MCU. Okay, even though this movie is the dreaded in association with Marvel. Exactly. That stamp of approval.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Marvel couldn't stop us from making this. That's what I should say. Because we made the contract decades ago and we will not give this up. They can't get out of it now. Yeah. I'm hella high water. They'll have to kill us first in association with Marvel. But so there was also like half of the ad copy was like
Starting point is 00:57:47 pushed the post credits. And it's only like three lines. The thing we can't talk about. Yeah. And which is also like that's how you're selling it? Like a thing you can look up on YouTube, you know, which has been on YouTube for months now at this point because, you know, someone filmed it in a cinema and whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:04 But I mean, no, go to jail as far as I'm concerned. That's right. Anyways, the universe is merged in the end. Maybe it's got something to do with probably no way home. Or he transported. So what I was alluding to earlier is that one of Venom's inexplicable powers in this is that you can connect to the symbiote hive mind. Yep.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And in doing so at the end of this movie, he transports, Venom transports himself and in doing so at the end of this movie he transports venom transports himself and eddie brock into the main mcu or or like you said maybe the universe is merged or something like that and venom's like what's happening i don't understand what so this will happen once and ever again probably and then so and it was a bit vague because venom and eddie brock go from one sort of hotel room that might be on the beach to a slightly different hotel room on a slightly different beach.
Starting point is 00:58:51 It was cleaner and nicer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then would you suggest that the MCU is cleaner and nicer? I guess it is. This universe sucks, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it? It's gross. It's gross and grimy.
Starting point is 00:59:01 And like is it the more – Maybe that him – see, it's interesting. So is Eddie Brock's blowing his nose on his shower towel, his bathroom towel, is that considered the norm in this universe? Maybe it is. Maybe we cut to like Michelle Williams' character's apartment and she's in there, she's getting out of the shower, she's like just walking out her nose on a bath towel.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Like that's not what she's mad about with Eddie Brock. Well, and then I guess if we're talking about Morbius, which we always are. Yeah. But Morbius also in the Morbius trailer was like, I'm Venom. Like, is he in the Venom universe? Yeah. Or is now.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Again, how does he know about Venom? Well, is he in the mainline MCU universe also? Because Vulture's in that universe because they meet up in the trailer. I reckon that's going to be cut out in the movie. Yeah, you reckon? Yeah. Also, like, Stan Lee is on a magazine. It just says Stan Lee.
Starting point is 00:59:48 In what? In Venom. Oh, in Venom. Which means that, like. The first Venom. No, this one. Venom 2, sorry. It's in the shop of the woman he knows.
Starting point is 00:59:56 It says Stan Lee. Which means that Stan Lee exists as a person who invented Marvel characters in this universe, but I guess not in the MCU. Maybe, yeah. But there are Marvel characters in this Stan Lee universe. Yeah. But not the ones that Stan Lee invented, I guess. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Maybe in this universe he invented all the characters from the 60s. Yeah. But not Venom. Not Venom. Because that was Todd McFarlane probably. That was probably Todd McFarlane. So, yeah, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't. Okay, so we haven't even finished talking about the post-credits sequence.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Oh, yeah. Is there also another post-credits sequence? I don't think there is. Okay. If there is, I didn't see it. Right. I'm pretty sure there's not. I'm pretty sure I gave it a goose.
Starting point is 01:00:35 So, anyway, they appear in this new universe and the TV is on. Oh, yes. And we get a little clip of J.K. Simmons revealing the thing that he revealed at the end of uh spider-man which means that must have just happened yeah and he's like uh this this spider-man he's a menace and he's peter parker and then it just cuts to like just a shot of peter parker without his mask on just standing and looking in various directions is that when he gets arrested when because you know in the site trailer you see him get chased by cops
Starting point is 01:01:03 yeah just looked like a camera test or something it certainly did why are you taking your mask off When? Because, you know, in the trailer you see him get chased by cops and then he gets arrested or whatever. I guess so. It just looked like a camera test or something. It certainly did. Why are you taking your mask off? And then Venom's just like, ooh, I like this guy, and he looks at the screen. Why? Why do you like this guy?
Starting point is 01:01:14 He's just a guy. He's just a guy. As far as you know. In this universe, he's got nothing to do with your origin story. Why do you like or dislike him in any way? Just a man in a onesie? All right. Guess you like men in good.
Starting point is 01:01:26 That is good. That is good, I think, yeah. Yeah, so I wonder how much of this like how much is going to stick. Excuse the pun, Mason. Is that a pun? I don't know. Okay, great. No, not really. Spiders stick. He's got a web, I guess. Oh, yeah, nice. Is that a pun? Yeah. It's a pun, everybody.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Official pun alert. Nice. That's the pun button. I never use the deck. You don't know. We should label those buttons or we should put other stuff on the buttons. Can you change the things that are on the end? Yeah, I think you can.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I can just put question marks on all of them. Is that better? Yeah, right, right, right. Yeah. That's good. So, yeah, look, I don't know how much of this they're just going to throw away and what they're going to do with Venom. I think they're going to do a Spider-Man Venom movie
Starting point is 01:02:08 and they'll do the black suit and they're going to do all of that, but it just depends on in what order, I guess, and how much is Marvel. Because, like, honestly, the Sony stuff, the Sony live-action stuff outside of just the mainline Spider-Man movies, which I guess is just these two Venom movies and the upcoming Morbius. I'm just not feeling any of this. Great, yes.
Starting point is 01:02:31 You know? Yeah, it feels like the bad old days of superhero movies. It does. Where it's like, this is a real shot in the dark as to whether I'm going to enjoy this or not. It feels like Blade III. Like, it's got that kind of vibe, you know? Yuck.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Yuck. Blade III's all right, I guess. Got a couple of reviews here. This one's from Michael who says, went to see Bond and Venom 2 yesterday. Based on Mr. Sunday Movie's best movie ever, worst movie ever rating system, I give them both, it was just a movie.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Wow. And T-Horn says, what a pointless movie and goodbye to the two characters that were marginally interesting. Worst movie ever. So there you go. So the characters that were marginally interesting were Carnage and... Carnage's friend. Carnage's friend, go. So the characters that are marginally interesting were Carnage and. And Carnage's friend.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Carnage's friend, right. Yeah. And that might be true. Yeah. But I don't know. And I've never thought about it. And I won't think about it. Anyway, look for.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Remember when he went to the club and everybody's in costumes. Yeah, I mentioned that, didn't I? Nice costumes. Did I mention that? Yeah, you did. He's clearly not in a costume. He's like nine feet tall. Remember the bit when Cletus is like, ooh, I'm going to get in this car,
Starting point is 01:03:28 this car that I found randomly. And then Naomi Harris' character is like, oh, my favorite car, my favorite car. And he's like, yeah, babe, yeah. Yeah, nice. Yeah, nice, babe. Should we do the next segment of the show? Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Oh, man, I hate talking about Venom 2 because I don't have any, what do you say? Right? It's like a stiff breeze. I'm going to check very briefly. I'm just going to check the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. Four. Let's see if anybody has any opinions on Venom.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I don't think anybody will, Mason. I'm Venom and my name is Venom. Where do I live, Venom? I blew my nose on this towel. I'm Venom, and my name is Venom. Where do I live, Venom? I blew my nose on this towel. I'm Venom. Where am I going? I'm Venom. Something, something, something, I'm Venom.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I'm having chocolate because it's in the comics. I'm Venom. I'm not funny enough to be a comedy. This action is whatever. Wow, it's the cabaret of superhero movies. It's not a good enough action movie to be a – the action's not good enough to be a full-fledged action movie. The comedy's not good enough for it to be an actual comedy.
Starting point is 01:04:34 That's a shame. You got any arguments against that? Nope. Exactly. Yeah. Anyway, we're going to do our segment, what we read. Oh, you didn't find anything? No.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Oh. I thought you were going to check the group. Yeah, no. It's, you know, results are middling. Oh. No. I thought you were going to check the group. Yeah, no. It's, you know, results are middling. Okay. Opinions are mixed but middling, I think. Wow. That's great to hear.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Yeah. Good to hear we're on brand. When you say it's on streaming now or soon to be on streaming, like you can just watch it. You can VOD it or whatever. Oh, so like 1299 or whatever. Yeah, something like that. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Here we go. I'm doing the thing. Westworld. You did it James Mason Hello What are we doing this week Oh my god For what we're reading
Starting point is 01:05:13 You mentioned something That you teased Oh well you said Ed Hardy I did say Ed Hardy And this is sort of Tangentially related Everybody this week
Starting point is 01:05:22 Is watching a three part documentary Called Get Back The history of the Beatles Or whatever that is The Beatles They're recording an album And so isn't it a three-part documentary called Get Back, The History of the Beatles, or whatever that is. The Beatles, they're recording an album. And so isn't it a re-editor of that movie as well, or whatever they released? Maybe, but I didn't watch that. I didn't have time, but instead I watched,
Starting point is 01:05:33 it's on Hulu in the States, and it's on Amazon here. It's called The Curse of Von Dutch, A Brand to Die For, and it's a documentary. It's a three-part documentary about the history of the brand of Von Dutch. Do you remember Von Dutch? Of course I do. The iconic foam trucker hat. It's a three-part documentary about the history of the brand Von Dutch. Do you remember Von Dutch? Of course I do. The iconic foam trucker hat. A sprawling three-part documentary series chronicling the tumultuous
Starting point is 01:05:51 and some say cursed rise and fall of the Von Dutch fashion brand, a cocaine kingpin from Venice Beach, and a gangster surfer from Santa Cruz set out to launch a classic Americana fashion brand inspired by the father of hot rod culture, Kenneth Von Dutch Howard. I remember those hats were very briefly everywhere. Yeah, it was like. Very expensive.
Starting point is 01:06:09 At one point they were doing like $150 million a year in sales. That's too much. Yeah, but it's fascinating. It's a very well done documentary. And is it still a brand? I guess they get into it. I imagine it's still a brand on paper somewhere, but when was the last time you saw?
Starting point is 01:06:25 Well, I haven't been to a club in a while, Mason. I was going to say a shop, but you haven't been to a shop. I haven't been to a shop or a club. That's true, yes. Yeah, yeah. Maybe this. I haven't been to a fashion dance floor in a long time. That's very true.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Maybe this is the start of a rebrand. Maybe, I don't know. Could be. I always thought their clothes and hats look like shit though even at the time yeah just like weird ornate fucking i don't even know that's not the right word but just like and they're really expensive and you saw like a like a 44 year old man squeeze oh yeah definitely yeah squeeze into a dumb t-shirt yeah yeah you know i mean i guess the difference between a like the if you want to see if something is like an enduring classic.
Starting point is 01:07:05 I don't. No, I know you don't. But I think if you want to see something is like, if you want to know if something is like too fashion-y, you have to take it away from like young, attractive person who it looks good on because you can just wear anything at a certain age and put it on a man in their 40s and be like, does this man look like a massive fashion victim?
Starting point is 01:07:25 That's a great benchmark. Yeah. I like that a lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Coming into that age, that's very interesting. All right. My life is about to get a whole lot worse. You better believe it.
Starting point is 01:07:36 I also watched a couple of other things, but what do you got? I'm watching F is for Family. It's the final season. It's a Bill Burr animated comedy, which is kind of loosely based on his life, I guess, in the late 70s. I'm way behind on that, but yeah, I watched the first couple of seasons. I like it a lot. Just a man who's on the verge of...
Starting point is 01:07:53 He plays... So he voices what I guess is his dad in that era. Just a man on the verge of melting down at all times. And I think it's been going since 2015, which kind of blew my mind. It's pretty consistently good. I think it's been like, it's been going since 2015, which kind of blew my mind. It's like pretty consistently good. I think there's a lot of like whatever, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:10 Netflix animated shows. There was Hoops, which I tried for an episode and I'm like, I had Jake Johnson and I'm like, oh, yeah, but I couldn't really get into it. It was animated. It was animated, yeah. Interesting. A few others that I couldn't quite get on board.
Starting point is 01:08:20 But I've always, always liked F is for Family. I mean, it's a bit non-PC and you could never make it these days. That's true. Despite it being a show that is currently on. That's, you couldn't get on board. But I've always liked F is for Family. I mean, it's a bit non-PC and you could never make it these days. That's true. Despite it being a show that is currently on. You couldn't do it again. I mean, they've stopped it, so it is the final season, I believe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's kind of a shame.
Starting point is 01:08:33 You couldn't make it again, though, because people would be like, are you just making F is for Family again? We can't afford Bill Burr because he's just done four seasons of F is for Family. You cannot do this to us. I think I'm going to die. Six seasons, I believe. Five or six, anyway. There you go.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Anything else you want to do? A couple more things. I did watch the first few episodes of speaking of Netflix, Cowboy Bebop the live action. How did you go with that? Because I've also heard people like actually this is pretty close and good. I thought it was fun. Yeah. Again, I'm someone who came to the anime a couple of months ago.
Starting point is 01:09:01 I think maybe I mentioned it on the podcast. You did mention it, yes. So I do not have the reverence for the original series that other people you also said it was a little bit cringe i believe the anime yeah you were like because it's yeah i said it was a bit jazz oh i don't think you said that cringe mason whoa um but i i think it's fun i think the leads are very charismatic i think the the actor whose name i cannot recall that i should look up who plays Jet Black, like John Cho's kind of, you know, they're teammates on the ship doing cowboy stuff. I think he's dead on. But I think the other two are sort of quite charismatic
Starting point is 01:09:34 and I think the action's pretty good. Looks expensive. The setting looks good and expensive. It's pretty fun. Okay. I like it. So I should check it out. I think you should check it out.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Do I need to watch – did you watch all of Cowboy Bebop? No. How many Cowboy Bebop are there? Of the animated? Yeah. I watched the first half of the – there's one season and there's a movie. So I watched the first half of the season because I bought the Blu-ray, which they've separated into two halves of one season.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Oh, that's fun, isn't it? Yeah. So it sounds like you really – And then it showed up on Netflix. It sounds like you really committed to this thing. Yes. All right, I'll check it out. I probably won't.
Starting point is 01:10:10 And one more thing. So in a previous episode, I think we talked about various genres that are maybe dead or come back and have you. Oh, yes, we did that last week, I believe. And we did mention the pirate genre because, of course, pirates are the Caribbean. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:10:21 So on the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group, Donal's story suggested a TV series called Black Sails. Oh, I've heard of Black Sails, yeah. I watched a few episodes of that and it's good. I mean, I think it went for four seasons. So as much as we make fun of streaming, I think it's fascinating that I can go, I'd like to watch some more pirate stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And then there's just four seasons of this beautifully produced pirate show with famous people in it and just like oh there we go my my wish is um it's essentially the first season at least is essentially a um a prequel to treasure island because it's got it's got long john silver and it's got captain uh flint and and that's fun uh so it's obviously like fictional and whatevs. Yes. Yeah, yeah. So it's not like a Vikings where it's supposed to be like a historical et cetera.
Starting point is 01:11:11 They're searching for the mythical treasure and I don't know if. Is there magical elements to it? No. Oh. So it's like Vikings sort of. Yeah, and I don't know if in subsequent seasons it just becomes Treasure Island because it certainly could because that's out of copyright. You know it will because the Muppets will turn up.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Oh, they are all Muppets, all these characters are Muppets. It's good fun. It's got Gustav Graves from Dino Day. Oh, wow. Oh, I was thinking from Breaking Bad. I'm like, he's in everything, but that's not the character's name. No, yes. And it's got uh
Starting point is 01:11:45 tom hopper from the umbrella academy oh yeah okay and it's also got has it got a space hopper no not so far but i mean who knows what's in that it's a pretty cool exactly um and it's got among other people it's got a guy who looks so much like the late michael hutchins from the from the band in excess that i'm like this there's no way this guy has not been in a biopic where he plays Michael Hutchence from In Excess and he has. Was it the Australian one they did a few years ago? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah, okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Oh, Ollie's back. Hello, Ollie. Wow, what an absolute joy. Okay, what's that on again, did you say? It's on, in America it's on something, stars probably, and in Australia it's on Stan, stars probably. In Australia it's on Stan. Excellent. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:12:27 That's good that they did make like a different pirate thing, isn't it? There you go. Anything else you're reading? No, I think that's about it. I think it's probably time to do the next segment of the show, if you don't mind. Letters. Letters.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Letters. Letters. The classic one was letters. Letters. Letters. Letters. We love you. Letters. Letters. The classic one was. Letters. Letters. We love you. Letters. Some letters.
Starting point is 01:12:47 They're only a take away. We're going to hear right now. We're going to do letters. Oh, and just quickly, I saw Encanto today, which I'll probably talk about suggestible this week on my less successful podcast. I took Our Son and we went. Our Son?
Starting point is 01:13:03 Our Son. Yeah, great. Our little Jiminy Cricket fairy that follows us around and sends us good vibes. So there you go. That's cool, man. But again, I'll talk about that later. What section are we in? I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 01:13:17 We're doing emails and letters and so forth. If you do want to reach the show, just simply, it's as easy as this, hashtag WeeklyPlanetPod on Twitter or if you're keen, you shoot a Gmail. That's right. Over to WeeklyPlanetPod at Gmail. You've got a bloody essay for us and it cannot be contained within Twitter's 280-character format.
Starting point is 01:13:35 If you've got an essay, put in some paragraphs. It doesn't have to be at a natural point but just break it up because a wall of text, you cannot do it. Maybe one word a line. Yeah, that's fine too. But here's a short one. This is from Duran. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Duran Duran? Yes, from the band Duran Duran. All right then. It says, such a small world. Isn't it? Hi, lads. Recently I went on a nostalgia dive and there was this YouTube channel that made Lego Star Wars animations called ABCD123 Toast.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Okay. They hadn't made a video in a few years, so I tried to find out what happened to them. Turns out one of the people involved is the very own Ben from Canada. What? The video Battle for Naboo 2 was my favourite video as a kid. Crazy to think he's over 10 years old. I just thought it was a crazy coincidence
Starting point is 01:14:19 that he now helps edit with my favourite YouTube channel. And he's got his own excellent YouTube channel as well. Tell Ben, where is Battle for Naboo 3 Part 2? Battle for Naboo 3 Part 2. That Ben from Canada. He does it all. He's a multi-talented fella. He really is.
Starting point is 01:14:33 He can do music. He can do editing. He can do acting. He's a Renaissance man. That's true. Much like the Renaissance era. He's a real Leonardo DiCaprio. That's right.
Starting point is 01:14:43 In many ways, he is that man. That's right. In many ways, he is that man. That's right. But anyway, people should check that out. Give a bump to a really old YouTube video. That hasn't had a video in 10 years. Was it ABCD123toast? That's nuts. Yeah, it is nuts.
Starting point is 01:14:57 The last video was from five years ago. Whoa. That's it. Because a lot of these Legos ones used to be. Yeah, the Battle for Naboo has 3.5 million views. Oh. I wonder if it's the same Ben. I mean, I guess it is.
Starting point is 01:15:11 They've looked into it presumably. Well, he'll tell us, won't they? Yeah, that's right. All right. I've got a tweet here, Mason. Go on. Because, you know, it's as easy as hashtag Weekly Planet Podding on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I saw Luca who says, Hi, James and Mason. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. I saw Henry Cavill's GQ iconic roles video today and he said, Superman is still something I'm very keen to flesh out. Did he mention us? He mentioned us. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Do you want to see him again as Superman or should they move on with other ideas like Valzod, et cetera? Yes, I do want to see him again. I'll see another Superman with Henry Cavill, sure. Let's see him do a different thing. Superman and he's assembling a PC. Yeah, that would be great. Not in costume, just in like a singlet and whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:49 And he films it on a webcam. I think it should be in costume, and the cape's constantly getting in the way. They CGI it? No, it's real this time. They've weighed him down with a very heavy real rubber cape. And a big wind machine. Yeah, a big wind machine that keeps going over the tower.
Starting point is 01:16:02 He keeps trying to put in. He's put the video card in backwards. He's got to take it out again. But he's already done it, sold something in for some reason. Why isn't he using his crystal computer at the Fortress of whatever? Oh, he doesn't have a Fortress of Solitude, this guy, does he? That's right. Because it crashed into the middle of Metropolis.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Yeah. And he left it. He just let people poke around in it. That's true. Yeah. So anyway, one more dumb Superman movie featuring dumb Superman. Yeah, I'd like to see more dumb Superman. Absent-minded Superman.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Please. But, yeah, I think we will see him at some point. But what's that – what that's going to look like? I don't know. I don't know at this point. What have you got, El Squires? I've got one more email. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:41 This is from Jay Insult. Great name. Oh, Jay Insult. Subject line, translating for a fellow New Jerseyan. Oh. Dearest James and Maiso, in your latest episode at the time of this writing, good, Maiso was utterly baffled by a letter from a listener named Rob from New Jersey, which as a fellow New Jerseyan I can shed some light on.
Starting point is 01:16:58 By having you read his sign-off, P.S. It's pork roll, my associate from New Jersey has caused you to unwittingly voice aside in what is perhaps the number one culture war in the garden state. Fun fact, Victoria, also the garden state. It is true for some reason. Yes. Probably because of the gardens.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Probably because of the garden we have, the one garden. There is a certain – I'm very fascinated by this. There is a certain cured meat product which is produced and eaten exclusively in New Jersey, sliced and fried, most often on a hard roll with egg and cheese. It just so happens that Rob is on the right side of history. cured meat product which is produced and eaten exclusively in new jersey sliced and fried most often on a hard roll with egg and cheese it just so happens that rob is on the right side of history this product is indeed called pork roll despite the insistence of some in the northernmost regions of the state which insisted is called a taylor ham too much controversy taylor ham taylor is a
Starting point is 01:17:39 brand name so this is akin to calling all tissues kleenex or all sodas coke at the risk of getting too deep in the reeds it bears mentioning that even the taylor package bears the name of pork Wow. Does that sound good? now and I still get heated immediately if I hear the product referred to as Taylor ham. So that may give you some insight into how important this debate is to New Jersey culture. Wow. Does that sound good? Take a look at the photo of it. Okay. Make your own decision.
Starting point is 01:18:14 It looks a bit like corned beef. What would I, so I shouldn't Google Taylor ham. If you, if I Googled it, if you Google Taylor ham, the Google results says pork roll. Okay. So, uh, that, that's what you actually get there. It is my honour and privilege to explain this to you gents, as I'm both a massive fan of the pod and of Australia in general. Through my involvement in punk music, I've made many friends of your fellow country folk,
Starting point is 01:18:35 who have in turn told me of many wonderful pieces of Australian culture, including Shoei's magpie swooping, Engadine Macca's 1997, and of course Goon Sacks. We have something like Goon Sacks over here, but we call them space bags. Yeah. They're silver in colour resembling what one might imagine an astronaut would drink bad wine out of. Thank you both for always being a highlight of my week,
Starting point is 01:18:52 and might I humbly request the honour and privilege of being named the official New Jersey douchebag to Australian Bogan translator of the pod. How true. Yours, Jay Insult. That makes a lot of sense why he's called Jay Insult now. He's the punkster. Have you met anybody in Frenzel Rom, Jayinsult?
Starting point is 01:19:06 I thought you were asking me. Have you, though? I have not met anybody in Frenzel Rom. Anyway, but Jay, if you've met Jay Wally from Frenzel Rom, let us know. Please let us know. Some of this looks good and some of it looks like a spam sandwich. It does look a bit spammy, doesn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:21 But I love regional foods. But also what I like here is that we have stumbled on uh what i think we should be doing which is um which is adjudicating regional questions from around the world like sometimes you know sometimes on the internet people will be like is a hot dog a sandwich let me tell you as an outside observer no it's a hot dog it's a hot dog i think people should email in weekly planet pot at if you have like a regional argument yeah like oh well half of this city says it's a thing and half people after people say it's a different thing let us know give us some information
Starting point is 01:19:56 but not all the information and we will adjudicate yeah absolutely we're happy to do it uh it's i don't think it's um it's it is spammish i'm looking up the ingredients and there's a bit of vagueness in terms of like, what's in this? Because they'd just be like, yeah, it's ham. It's ham and chemicals. They're like, there's spices and things in it. I'm like, yeah, be specific. What is it?
Starting point is 01:20:15 It's extruded from a machine. Yeah. It comes out of a conveyor belt. We put a pig in one end and then a roll of this stuff comes out at the end. I can order this. You're going to order some Taylor ham? I absolutely could. I won't.
Starting point is 01:20:29 It says it's pork, salt, sugar, spices, lactic acid, starter culture, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrate again. Can you bring up the ingredient list for spam? We'll see how close that is. You might be right. I'm just looking at the back of this. Fat content is not as bad as I thought it would be. It's not ideal. Sure. But the calories
Starting point is 01:20:47 are obviously pretty high. Oh, not that high. Depends what one serving is. Like what does one serving make? Yeah, one serving is usually like one slice. Yeah, exactly. But oh my god, lover. Then it's 150 calories. And put an egg and cheese in there. Oh my god, I'm in heaven. Let me tell you. What's spam actually
Starting point is 01:21:04 made of? What am I doing? James, we need to there. Oh, my God. I'm in heaven, let me tell you. What's spam actually made of? What am I doing? James, we need to know. Oh, it's very similar. It's very, very similar. It's same. But it does have vitamins. It says 1% vitamin C in its spam, so I guess that has the upper hand. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:16 All right, should we move on? Yes. To this tweet. Oh, okay. To this tweet from Stephen who says, hashtag weekly punner pod, what do you think is the biggest drop in quality from the original property
Starting point is 01:21:25 to the sequel? Men in Black was a precipitous drop off. Yeah, it really was. Zoolander was even worse. I've not seen Zoolander 2. Atrocious. I've got a few here. Hashtag weekly planet pod.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Okay, go ahead. Highlander 2. Yes, that is definitely. I haven't seen it. Okay, you know, that is definitely a drop. I don't think this is probably accurate, but I thought. But Highlander 4. Whoa, back is definitely. I haven't seen it. Okay, you know, that is definitely a drop. I don't think this is probably accurate, but I thought. But Highlander 4. Whoa, back up there.
Starting point is 01:21:48 They've done it. And then Endgame, Highlander Endgame or whatever. Yes. I know Endgame. I haven't seen the first one. Pirates 2 I thought was much worse than Pirates 1. Definitely, yeah. It's probably not an insane drop off though.
Starting point is 01:22:00 You know what I mean? It's not Men in Black, Men in Black 2. Oh, Dragonheart 2. Oof. Okay, right. Oof, Mason. Wow. I've just written probably some Star Wars. though you know what i mean it's not men in black men in black yeah oh dragonheart 2 okay wolf mason wow i've just written probably some star wars and i think it just depends on what you think of certain star wars movies you know what i mean but look prior to this i would have said definitely
Starting point is 01:22:14 men in black 2 that's yeah definitely the yeah got a few not that not that men in black 1 has necessarily aged great no i think it's still pretty solid and fun. Yeah. You know? It's the one I would watch. I wouldn't watch any of the others except for 4, which was very good. Chris Hemsworth. Oh, I'd forgotten about.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Okay. It was very good, remember? No, it wasn't. We did a podcast about it. We said it was very good. We both decided. No, I don't recall that at all. I thought Shrek 3 was atrocious. Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:41 But Shrek 4. Okay, but what sort of a time did you have while watching it? A bad time because I was watching Shrek 3. What sort of a time did you have while watching it? A bad time because I was watching Shrek 3. What sort of a time did you have watching Shrek 2? A good time because it's a good movie. What sort of a good time? It's like funny and good and I liked it. What kind of a good time?
Starting point is 01:22:55 I had a, everybody looked around. You had a Shreckingly good time. All right? Now moving on to the end of the podcast. Indiana Jones 4. Oh, yeah. Pretty big Jones 4. Oh, yeah. Pretty big drop off. Oh, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I guess I was just thinking first movie, second movie, but like after The Last Crusade. I mean, come on. Yeah, no. The Hobbit movies. I've only seen the last Hobbit movie, so I don't know. Oh, yeah, that's right. I don't know, but it was bad, so I trust that judgment there.
Starting point is 01:23:21 And I put it in terms of video games. Even though I didn't love the first one, but I really liked the story of The Force Unleashed 2. Ah. It was dope, actually. It was really dope And I put it in terms of video games. Even though I didn't love the first one, but I really liked the story, The Force Unleashed 2 was dope, actually. It was really dope. I loved it. And I love using the word dope because dope means drugs and drugs are bad.
Starting point is 01:23:34 What sort of a good time would you say you had with it? With what? A shreckingly good time. With what? With Shrek. The Force Awakens thing you said. Oh, it was all right. Force Unleashed.
Starting point is 01:23:42 It was all right. Okay, great. It was all right. Okay, great. Should we wrap up the show? Yes, folks. Thank you so much all right. It was all right. Okay, great. It was all right. Okay, great. Should we wrap up the show? Yes, folks. Thank you so much. This has been a shreckingly good time.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Everyone in the room has had a shreckingly good time. We hope you, the listeners, have also had a shreckingly good time. I can tell they have. Yeah. I always initially go with the viewers. I hope the viewers. People are on YouTube. When I record the podcast, I initially go to viewers.
Starting point is 01:24:03 When we record a video, I go listeners. Yeah. I think my brain's gone funny say I initially go to viewers. When we record a video, I go to listeners. Yeah. I think my brain's gone funny. Your brain is broken. It's gone to mush. Anyway, folks, thank you so much for listening and telling your friends about it and liking the podcast and sharing the podcast and leaving a nice review. I'm just bringing them up right now, Mason.
Starting point is 01:24:20 You can just do it in an app. It's very helpful. My ears did that thing where it feels like I just went down in a submarine. We're in a submarine. That's probably what it is. Oh, good. Okay. It's the only safe way to record this podcast.
Starting point is 01:24:31 We've got a couple here. This is from RMR1977. Greatest show ever or the pits? Love this show. If you're expecting hot takes and gas bags, it's probably not going to happen here. We're gas bags. But when they do or don't like something,
Starting point is 01:24:44 they talk through it rationally unless it's Wonder Woman 1984, which we can all agree is trash unless you don't agree and that's fine. Also, get vaccinated unless you can't. But if you can, do it, arsehole. What are you waiting for? Look, I didn't want to be the one to get political. I'm just reading the review. And this one is from Joanna X who says,
Starting point is 01:25:03 not enough cowbell. James and Nick Maso are my favourite dynamic duo. Wow, that's high praise considering how many dynamic duos there are, including Shrek and Donkey from the Shrek musical. And in the superhero realm, Peter Parker and Ned. Shrek and the good time. Those two, aren't they, having together? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Terrific. What's next, Mason? Folks, if you want to get into contact with us, you can go to Weekly Planet Pod at Gmail or Facebook or Twitter or at Bandcamp. You can go to the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. You can go to the Weekly Planet Pod Reddit and Discord and so forth. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:37 You can follow, if you wish, the great Rob Collings, who edits this podcast, and he edits Suggestible, and he edits our Marvel recap videos on the YouTube. He's doing it all. You can follow him at Raw Collings on Twitter. You can follow him at The Weekly Planet on Twitter. You can follow me at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter on Instagram at Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U.
Starting point is 01:25:58 James' Mr. Sunday Movies everywhere. If you'd like to support the show, you can go to slash Mr. Sunday Movies, chuck in a buck or an amount you would not miss. Yeah. That's more after. Or not at all. You can just listen to the podcast.
Starting point is 01:26:07 That's fine, too. We don't mind. That's right. We love it. Or you can go to You can sign up for nine US dollar reduce per month. And you get bonus podcasts. You get a bonus podcast every week.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Or a movie commentary. That's right. Depending on the week. That's absolutely right. It's a great time over there. And as mentioned, there's a fresh, hot, we got this covered podcast where we talk about the best of clickbait
Starting point is 01:26:29 of the week and I explain the clickbait and I go through it and I read it and James gets very upset. That's true. There's often a sigh. This week, there's a sigh before we even get started. He's resigned to it. Because I knew it was coming. Yeah, that's right. I knew it was coming. That's right. You can also buy some t-shirts at
Starting point is 01:26:46 You just search for The Weekly Planet. Thank you to The Brute and The Basilisk and Rackham for all the musical themes. And that is the podcast next week. Snake Eyes. That's right. Joe presents Hasbro. Pulse presents DMC from Run DMC.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Does a rap about how much he loves Hasbro stuff. We love Hasbro. It's probably Snake Eyes. We love Snake Eyes. I can't wait to talk about snake eyes i feel like it's been a long time coming you know what i mean i've actually been re-watching it again every week leading up and i hope people are doing the same that's right because then we're all on the same page we're on the same page of familiarity yep we know like we know the delivery of every line
Starting point is 01:27:17 yeah we really speak to that in a knowledgeable way yeah little jokes you know it's funny how much you can get out of a movie if you watch it seven weeks in a row and maybe because we're going to do this too we're going to make our own Arashikage Ninja Sword we're going to forge our own swords
Starting point is 01:27:33 live on the podcast so if you guys want to get started on that project also we can have a big sword fight in the park as well yeah it's also I've got the Storm Shadow costume that I'm getting custom made
Starting point is 01:27:43 and we're getting the clan tattoos yeah you've got Snake Eyes one. And it's just looking – it's actually really coming together. We're actually going to film this one. We're currently building a set. That's right. It's really exciting.
Starting point is 01:27:52 I cannot wait to show you guys our Snake Eyes episode. So we're filming that this week. That's true. We're going to get on it. I've quit my job. And we're going to pour all the money we've ever made from this podcast. That's right. And I've spent most of that money, so I'm going to have to get out a huge loan. We're going to pour all the money we've ever made from this podcast. That's right.
Starting point is 01:28:05 And I've spent most of that money, so I'm going to have to get out a huge loan. We're going to remake Snake Eyes. How? Georgia Origins Snake Eyes. I mean, how do you improve on it? We can't. That's the thing. We can't do it.
Starting point is 01:28:16 It's more of a homage, I guess. It's an homage to the greatest movie we've ever seen. We've definitely seen it multiple times. Yeah, that's right. Just also a quick shout out to Sarabi and Maisie and Fidel who are coming on board. I mean, they already like adjudicate like the Facebook group but they're coming on board to do like other things as well,
Starting point is 01:28:32 which I really appreciate that. We might, there'd be some TikTok things and other things going on. We've got them in a flight to Australia dressed as ninjas. That's right, exactly. For the snake eye, we're going to kill them on screen. Yeah, that's right. It's going to be great. But it's for kill them on screen. Yeah, that's right. It's going to be great. But it's for content.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Yeah. So, yeah, that's cool. And thank you to those people who have been consistently good, but now they get to have more money, which I think is also good. That's right. All right. Thanks, everybody. Grab that gem, you guys.
Starting point is 01:28:56 We'll see you next week for Snake Eyes. Snake Eyes. I can't wait. Just two snake guys talking snake eyes, you know? We're the snake guys. James, have we been calling it snake eyes this whole time? Because I've been watching the asylum film Snake Guys. I've watched that like 22 times now.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Oh, no. That explains your snake guys costume. Right? Very good. All right, thanks, everyone. Okay, bye for real, bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates.
Starting point is 01:29:29 I mean, if you want. It's up to you. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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