The Weekly Planet - 416 Spider-Man: No Way Home

Episode Date: December 20, 2021

Visit for a bonus weekly show, exclusive movie commentaries, early stuff and ad-free podcast feeds for $9 per month.WOW. It's finally time to review Spider-Man: No Way Home. We do non ...spoilers then spoilers. Time codes below. Cheers!Die Hard - The Weekly Planet Movie Commentary: and the City with Claire and James: The Start03:43 Thor 4 Poster05:12 Kick Ass Reboot09:21 Blue Beetle Release10:22 Early Matrix 4 Reactions11:31 Tom Holland is Fred Astaire14:34 Dr Strange Reshoots17:12 Black Panther Recasts & Returns18:40 Dumbledore's Got A Secret Trailer 19:46 Spider-Man: No Way Home Review36:54 No Way Home Spoilers 36:54 to 01:18:27 (skip extra minutes for safety) 01:18:27 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read01:23:34 Letters, It's Time For LettersJames' Twitter â–º's Twitter â–º â–º iTunes â–º Direct Download â–º YouTube Channel â–º Affiliate Link â–º â–º Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret.
Starting point is 00:00:28 The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. My name is James, also known as Mr. Sunday. And with me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. We're here, folks.
Starting point is 00:01:07 We made it. We all made it. We watched Spider-Man No Way Home without getting spoiled. That's right. We did it. We did it. And hopefully you did too. We're not going to spoil it until the spoiler section of the show.
Starting point is 00:01:19 That's true. And then we're going to not spoil it after it, hopefully. That is the plan. Fingers crossed. There will be time codes below if you do want to miss any of that. But before we get there, Mason, you better believe there's things to say up top. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We've got a commentary for Die Hard. We did it for our Christmas commentary. A lot of fun, that one. That's right. That's up right now. Which isn't to say, James, we don't have fun with all our commentaries. No, but this one was the best one. This was the best one.
Starting point is 00:01:40 We actually deleted all the other ones. It's just this one. If you don't like discussions about how Die Hard is a Christmas movie and like pointing at guns and going, I reckon it's an Australian gun. What kind of gun is that? What about this guy? What do you think about Bruce Willis' hair in this one?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Oh, there's a lot of Bruce Willis talks. Unsurprisingly for a Die Hard character. Not as much as you'd think though. Anyways, that's a I might actually put that one up on YouTube for free in like a week or so. Maybe because we did that for Jingle All The Way last week. I don't know whether I'll do that yet. I'll see how that goes, how much time I get.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And if I want to. But leading up to Spider-Man. Now, folks, you've got to be out there and you've got to be thinking, will tweeting at James and asking him to put it up on YouTube, will that make him more inclined to put it up on YouTube or less inclined to put it up on YouTube? You've got to make that decision. Because I can get the wrong tweet at the wrong time of day
Starting point is 00:02:31 and it locks in my opinion. You're doing a lot of stuff today. I came here and there was absolute mayhem. There was a dog in a cage. There was a kid that I couldn't see but I could hear who I'm assuming was also in a cage. That's right, exactly. That's it.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Just mostly cages, mostly cleaning cages. It's my day, yeah. I'm just saying, just to be clear, the dog was in a cage because it's a puppy. Yes, and that's where she sleeps and she woke up when Mason came around. You don't have dogs in cages. No, no, no. It's like a pen. Not for dog fighting.
Starting point is 00:03:03 No, it's not for dog fighting. Because if you leave a puppy alone, it's like leaving a baby alone late at night, Del. They feel safe and contained when they're sleeping. And they don't fall down the stairs. And look, we will be entering her in dog fighting arenas. Yeah, for sure. But that's a 2022 discussion. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Mason, time code's below. I have a little stone wheel and I'm building little claws for her. Just a little shredder claws for later. So we're going to talk about that Thor poster that we discussed last week. Yeah. A kick-ass reboot. Thorpster. Kick-ass reboot.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Blue Beetle news. The first reactions to Matrix. Resurrections. Something about Marvel and what they're doing for something. I don't know. Look, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess. Oh, it's the reshoots for Doctor Strange. That's what that one is.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And then we're going to go into Spider-Man No Way Home. And then, of course, the plan is to sneak in a bit of Snake Eyes afterwards, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been a long time coming. So if you haven't watched Snake Eyes up until this point, first of all, what are you doing? And big spoilers, obviously. We've been banging on about this for weeks. This is going to be the big, as we've always said, this is going to be the big Snake Eyes episode.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So pause the podcast now, maybe watch Snake Eyes, and then you'll be ready for us to do Snake Eyes 2. If you can squeeze in the other G.I. Joe movies, that's fine. I mean, they're not really related, but there's definite crossover, isn't there? Snake Eyes, for example. Snake Eyes is one of the things that makes the transition. Anyway, all of those are linked below. You can jump wherever you want to go. Now let's talk about that poster.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Was that a little rhyme for Christmas? It didn't mean to be, but yes. That Thor poster we talked about last week. That big time fake poster that Taika Waititi said was fake. He lies all the time. Okay. I was saying this before the show. He was like, I'd never do a Star Wars movie.
Starting point is 00:04:34 That sounds like absolute hell. And a month later he's like, yeah, I'm doing a Star Wars movie. I mean, that maybe is not necessarily a lie. It might just be like they just drove a dump truck full of money to his house and he's like, I've actually changed my mind now. Yeah. Yeah. You might be right.
Starting point is 00:04:48 But also this, and I said this to you off air, you said this Thor poster is real. And I said, but Taika Waititi made fun of it for being bad and it is bad. And then you said, maybe it's bad on purpose. I think it's bad on purpose. So this is via the direct and it's an officially licensed product from Marvel. The poster was mistakenly distributed to a retailer too early and will be available for purchase oh in 2022 ah there you go a mere month away a mere month away very exciting get them we can put it up next to our calendar i'm no time to die 2021 calendar now when you say it's bad on purpose
Starting point is 00:05:20 i mean like you know it's like schlocky and like 80s. Okay, sure, sure, right. As we mentioned, like spray-painted side of a van kind of. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because there's too many versions of each character on the poster as well. Yeah. It seems like a mistake. You're right. It does seem like a spray-painted side of a van thing. They should do, you know how like I think it's maybe Nigeria,
Starting point is 00:05:39 you know, like Nigerian cinemas. Yeah, yeah. Somebody will make a poster and it's just sort of very vaguely related. Yeah, absolutely. I'm one of those guys, I think. I agree. Just do Thor. Yeah, yeah. Somebody will make a poster and it's just sort of very vaguely related. Yeah, absolutely. You can hire one of those guys, I think. I agree. Just do Thor. Just do that.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Just do all the Marvel movies. Why not? Why not? We're going to talk about more MCU stuff, but first let's talk about a kick-ass reboot. Okay. Of the franchise kick. It sounds like I'm being like, get ready for a kick-ass reboot.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Here's the property. And then we're going to have a kick-ass summer, everybody. Surf is up, dudes. So Matthew Vaughn, who directed the original Kick-Ass. Surf's up at Camp Crystal Lake? I don't believe it. Yeah, you get a speedboat and you kind of whip up some little waves. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before you get murdered. Matthew Vaughn was talking to Collider. He's directing the new King's Man movie. Oh, yeah. Which I have an opportunity to see this week and I just don't think I will. I don't not want to see it
Starting point is 00:06:29 but I don't want to go to Jam Factory to see it or wherever it is, like drive into the city and through traffic and sit in the cinema. I don't want to do that. Sounds like you've lost the love for movies and all the really annoying things that go with going to the movies.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Wow. You know what? You might be right. You might actually be right. Who would have thought that this romance could ever come to an end? Anyway, he said, we've got a big reboot of Kick-Ass in two years. Big reboot. It's so fucking nuts that I can't talk about it.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Language, Matthew Vaughn, director of X-Men First Class. I know, they've actually muted it here, but I feel like I wanted to keep it real. But we've got that ready to go. All rights revert back in two years, and then we're going to do a reboot where people are going to be like, it's insane. So my understanding is, I think, I guess Fox and Disney own it at the moment.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Okay. I think. And if they don't make something, it goes back to Miller World. Who has an exclusive deal with Netflix. With Netflix, yes. So it's going to Netflix. This is a series. I mean, I don't know whether it will be released on Netflix, but maybe. He says, it will cause just as much controversy and everyone will talk
Starting point is 00:07:39 about it and as many people that love it will hate it, and then he says et cetera, et cetera. I put that in. And I'm going to need one very, very brave actor or actress to play the new kick-ass because it will scare the shit out of them. Whoa. Whoa, this sounds real and cool. I like the first kick-ass from memory.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I remember liking the second one, but it's probably not as good, is it? I don't remember enjoying the second one. But, yeah, who's going to be the new, I guess, so now the new kick-Ass is open to everybody? Well, the new Kick-Ass, in the comics, he retires. And there's a new Kick-Ass who's like, she's like a war vet. And she's like basically shutting down drug empires. Okay, so this could be set, this could be both a reboot
Starting point is 00:08:19 and also set after the previous Kick-Asses. And that, I think, would probably make a lot more sense. Yeah, because you could like loosely tie it. Yeah, because otherwise it's just the same thing of a guy decides he wants to be a vigilante and he buys the suit off the internet and he goes out and he gets hit by a car or whatever and then it's the same kind of thing. It's just a matter of degrees of like, how's that suit going to look? Is it going to look more homemade or less homemade?
Starting point is 00:08:42 Great question. But if you said it afterwards. And then I was going to say who. Kick-ass more homemade, they could call it. Who's a new like little Disney girl who could be the new good girl? Well, in the comic. I mean, the kick-ass comics, the hit girl comics continue. And she goes on her own adventures.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Grows up like a normal human being. No, no, no. She murders. I think she's still a kid at the moment. All right, okay. And then, like a few people did a run. I think Jeff Lemire did one. I think Kevin Smith did one.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Get back into those. And then Kick-Ass, this woman becomes Kick-Ass. And then there is a cross. In the Kevin Smith reboot is Kick-Ass renamed Snooch Booch. Yes, that's right. Snooch Booch. Okay, great. And then they cross over.
Starting point is 00:09:21 So, yeah, I don't know what they're going to do with that, to be honest. But, yeah, why not? Let's have a go. I think it kind of has to, like, I get what he's saying with everyone's going to be talking about it and there's going to be controversy because if you just did that movie now, it's like, you know, it's been 10 years since these kind of movies, 10 years plus. So we don't, you know, you kind of have to do more than kick ass again.
Starting point is 00:09:44 A sweary little kid. Yeah, but he doesn't have the jetpack because it's closer to the comics or whatever. You know what I mean? Or he has two jetpacks because it's further away from the comics. Pointing opposite directions. Yes. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Just a constant hover. Just a constant shutter and hover. In other news, Blue Beetle. You know, there's a Blue Beetle movie in the works. I think it's going to go straight to HBO Max. That's what I've heard and nothing's going to change what I've heard, James. This just in. This is hot.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That was my piece of news. Oh, yes. But I've just got it here. It's just popped up in my feed that it's not going to be streaming to HBO Max anymore. Whoa. And it's going to go to cinemas and it's going to be August 18th, 2023. I've heard of cinemas. Good, I think
Starting point is 00:10:28 because HBO Max got absolutely smacked this year. They got their bottom smacked, Mason. No, by directors and box office numbers and HBO Max numbers. The true fans. The true fans. We're not loving it. So what do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:10:44 I love it. I'm excited to see Blue Beetle. I'm wondering if We're not loving it. So what do you think of that? I love it. I'm excited to see Blue Beetle. I'm wondering if Batgirl is going to be the same because I think there's a couple of them happening. I can't remember how many. Yeah. And I wonder if they're going to switch them all. They should.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Hopefully we're post-pandemic by then. Hopefully. Maybe we'll get a new one. Just see what's up. Yeah. There we go.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Anyways, let's talk about The Matrix. The Matrix Resurrection. Oh, yes. Did you see it got some reviews this week? People have gone to see it. There's been a lot of hype. People are like, this is actually genuinely good. It's like an homage, but it takes it forward in a different way.
Starting point is 00:11:15 There's some people that are just like, eh, I don't really like it. But I would say at this point, mostly positive and some mixed, which is not terrible, but again, early screenings and whatever. So who knows? But I'm jazzed, Mason. Has anybody said like it's a mere shadow of its former self? I think nobody was like this is better than the first one. Like everybody was like it's at least better than the sequel.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Look, I think it might be. And again, we haven't said it yet, but I think, you know, I feel like it might be, you know, sort of, and I think I've said this about Ghostbusters, like it feels like it's maybe like an X-Men one and then Logan kind of situation where it's like, you know, it's a good capper to the series, you know. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Even if you maybe miss the intervening ones, you go, okay, well, the first one was, you know, incredible for its time and then this new one's like, that's a good finale. Okay, cool. All right. What else is going on here? Let's have a look, Mason. Did you know that Tom Holland is maybe going to be Fred Astaire
Starting point is 00:12:17 in a Fred Astaire movie? Yeah, he's Fred Astaire-ing it, isn't he? He's Fred Astaire-ing it. This was from several weeks ago and I just remembered it. It makes sense, doesn't it? Yeah. That he would be that guy. That's true. And a lot of people are like, he's too handsome for
Starting point is 00:12:27 Fred Astaire. You slick the hair back. It's fine. You give him a little extra nose. An extra nose. Like a nose he can carry with him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Like Fred Astaire famously had. Like a big paper mache nose he dances, he holds in front of him and dances. Fred Astaire famously had the nose of one of the heads of MGM Studios. Is that
Starting point is 00:12:43 true? Yeah, and then he was like, I got your nose, so you've got to give me all these roles. My understanding is as well, because he got too famous and too rich, he bought the Sphinx's nose, and that's when his career began to decline. He just went full Nicolas Cage. That's correct, yes. Just spinning out of control, buying anything. Did you see that trailer for that
Starting point is 00:13:00 Nicolas Cage movie? Oh, he's himself, yes. He's himself and whatever. Looks good. Looks good. And he's, who's the other guy in it it's pedro pascal yeah is this some other trailers i don't know if you've got them in there let's have a look i was also going to say just just fyi uh tom holland uh thomas holland thomas holland he like people everybody knows him for when he did rihanna's umbrella on the dance off i don't look i don't think he i don't think he's as good as fred astaire like was Well, he's not like. That's not his whole thing.
Starting point is 00:13:26 That's not his whole thing, exactly. But I think he's like, I wouldn't normally be like, yeah, cast Tom Holland as everything. Yeah. But I'm like, I think he's got what it takes to be that guy. I completely agree. That being said. He was Billy Elliot as well.
Starting point is 00:13:39 That's true. So he's done other things. But also, as I understand it, Fred Astaire didn't want to buy a pic made of him after he died. It's too late. Too late, though. He's dead. Where are you, Fred Astaire? He should a biopic made of him after he died. It's too late. Too late, though. He's dead. Where are you, Fred Astaire?
Starting point is 00:13:47 He should have factored that in. He should have stayed alive for a few more years. Idiot. Yeah. I was going to hang out the trailer live. Did Fred Astaire die? Speaking of that dance show. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Did you see the trailer for that thing with Channing Tatum and Sandra Bullock? I did, and Sandra Bullock and Brad Pitt briefly, yeah. It looks a lot of fun. It looks like Romancing the Stone kind of, you know, that kind of vibe. Sandra Bullock is a romance novelist. Yep. And she gets kidnapped. By Daniel Radcliffe.
Starting point is 00:14:12 By Daniel Radcliffe. And then Channing Tatum, who is her like Fabio-esque model, has to go in and rescue. I mean, he doesn't have to. Yeah. He probably shouldn't, but he goes in and they. It looks fun. It looks fun, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah. It looks really cool. I hope it's good. But I honestly, and Brad Pitt's And Brad Pitt's so handsome and whatever. And speaking of trailers, there's one more that I just remembered. Did you see the one? Oh, my God, trailers ahoy, everybody. Trailer's how?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Did you see? It's an A24 film. It's that new Michelle Yeoh film. I didn't watch the trailer for that. I know what you're talking about. Everything Everywhere All the Time, I think it's called. Yeah. Looks good.
Starting point is 00:14:39 What's that one about? Matrix-esque. It's a woman who sort of comes to a realisation there's, like, multiple realities with multiple versions of herself in every reality. It's Jet Li's The One. I know, and she can tap, but she can tap into the powers of all the people, all the other hers and other realities. Did she figure that out from watching Jet Li's The One?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yeah, she's like, maybe, maybe. Yeah, yeah. God, Jet Li's The One. The movie's four hours long because you've got to put in the entire viewing of Jet Li's The One. Yeah, no, so even if you watch it beforehand you still have to watch it again. Okay, fair enough Let's talk about
Starting point is 00:15:09 She's like, I can smash two motorcycles together This is via the Hollywood Reporter, so you probably heard that Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and the Multiverse of Madness, in the Multiverse of Madness, they did some reshoots doing some current reshoots. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And we're all like, what kind of news is this? Good, bad reshoots. Like most Marvel movies have them anyway. Yeah, they're built in apparently. Built in, yeah. But Marvel Studios are apparently jazzed by the many actors crossing paths with each other in No Way Home and the playfulness of having alternate versions of characters appear on screen in Loki.
Starting point is 00:15:42 And so they want to have more fun with the multiverse and more cameos and character introductions. I think we're going to get Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and Fantastic Four and all that. I think they're going to do everything. Didn't we see maybe some photos or something of Hugh Jackman getting huge again? Oh, yeah, he is getting huge at the moment, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:16:00 And off the back of that, remember he posted a picture of him with Kevin Feige like maybe six months ago and then was like, it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything. Ba-da-ba-da-ba-ba. And everyone was distracted by his song and dance. Yeah, right, right. You know? He's just got a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Could he play Fred Astaire? See, I don't think he could. I think he's too big and too old now. And too traditionally handsome, I think. Wow. I don't think he'd get a weird nose to him and and too old now. And too traditionally handsome, I think. Wow. I don't think he'd have a weird nose to him and he'd look too much like Fred Astaire. Too tall as well.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah, yeah. Well, I guess also he did have a weird nose in that magician movie. That's true. Where he played Rupert Gruth or whatever his name was. Yeah, good stuff. Good stuff all around. So Multiverse of Madness, we'll talk about this a bit later. But you made a big swing there by saying
Starting point is 00:16:44 they're going to throw the Fantastic Four in there. Yep, I think they're going to do it all. I think they're going to do weird, obscure TV shows and stuff. I don't know which ones in particular, but I think they're going to do it all. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or a lot. American Gothic. They're going to bring in the show American Gothic.
Starting point is 00:16:59 They're going to do Generation X or whatever it was called, Mutant X. Generation X and Mutant X. They're two different shows, but they're both about mutants? Yep. Very good. There you go. And maybe we'll get a little DC nod as well, you know? Oh, yeah, you reckon?
Starting point is 00:17:13 I don't know. Probably not. But, you know, why not? I would. What would you do specifically? With the DC nods? Yeah, yeah. Just put Superman in it?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Superman in it. And be like, what are you going to do, DC? Yeah. You're a sewist? We'll keep you in court for 50 years. We hired Henry Cavill because you didn't want him. So we just put him in it. That's right. We put him in it. And be like, what are you going to do, DC? Yeah. You'll sue us? We'll keep you in court for 50 years. We hired Henry Cavill because you didn't want him. So we just put him in it. We put him in it.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Come and get him if you want him. We've got him. He's the Witcher 2. Build a costume where he's Superman on the front and Witcher on the back. So there you bloody go, mate. You also might have seen that Scarlett Johansson is, she's producing a Marvel property.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Oh, I didn't see that. We don't really know what that is at this point, but I guess that's good news for Disney and all of those particular things. And you probably saw that this might be a minor spoiler for Black Panther. Okay. So there's a time code if you want to skip ahead. Michael B.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Jordan is going to be playing a mentor in the spirit realm. I see. And yeah, and then they could probably just bring him back. Just to life? Yeah, he just walks through the door and whatever. You know what I mean? I think, look, I think they're probably going to have to. I've changed my ways on Black Panther now.
Starting point is 00:18:13 They're probably going to have to recast Shuri at some point or like drop her. So Michael B. Jordan and Shuri. Yeah, absolutely. But just, you know, and he's a popular actor and whatever. That's true. So it makes sense. But also there was one more thing I did want to say.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Chadwick Boseman's brother came out and said Chadwick Boseman probably would have wanted the role recast because it's not a cast. He didn't think it was a role that like specifically belongs to him. Okay. Which I think is probably a good move like down the line. You know what I mean? For a next generation or, you know what I mean, for a next generation or, you know what I mean. Okay, sure, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Because I think for the next 40 years if, you know, there'll be, there's always new superheroes, new actors playing superheroes. I think, you know, it'll pass a certain point where I think that would be an okay thing to do. Do you think it would take a continuity reboot, like the entire MCU gets a reboot and we start again, or do you think they'll just keep it going and then be like,
Starting point is 00:19:09 I was away for a while but now I'm back? They might just do that. Or he's from another dimension or something. Well, whatever. There's so many things that they can do. It just seems like they're doing dimension stuff now. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That seems like that's where it's at. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at
Starting point is 00:20:28 That's Oh, and before we talk about Spider-Man No Way Home, there was a Harry Potter trailer for New Harry Potter. That's right. New Harry Potter, no Harry Potter's here. No, I don't know. But we've mentioned Harry Potter twice now, thrice in this title. So you're going to come see it.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I'm not on board with any of this anymore. And who gives a shit? Are you on board? Wrap it up. Are you on board with the idea that the guy who isn't a wizard, he gets his own wand? It's a stick. Is it a stick or is it a wand?
Starting point is 00:20:56 I think it's just a stick. I think he'll do some magic with it later. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, look, don't get me wrong. There's good people in it. You know what I mean? Mads Mikkelsen loves seeing Mads.
Starting point is 00:21:05 It's terrific. And they didn't bleach his hair or whatever. I appreciate that Mads Mikkelsen can go from like, and I guess you don't see it much in like, you know, American movies or whatever. He can just switch from like, just like normal dad to like horrible villain. Like he just. It's like a facial expression.
Starting point is 00:21:23 He just turns his face a different way and you're like, ooh, that guy's creepy. It might be a left side, right side thing. Maybe it is, yeah. I don't even think it's acting. Yeah. He's like, I can't act, but one side of my face is very evil. All right then.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Do you know what it's time for, Mason? Oh, what's it time for? It's very much time to talk about Spider-Man No Way Home. And it's time to crack open Spider-Man No Way Home. Thank you very good. Just to clarify, even though we mentioned this up top, we're going to do non-spoilers, then spoilers. The things we are going to spoil are the things in the trailers
Starting point is 00:21:55 and, like, generalities, I guess. Oh, so in the non-spoiler section. Yes. We'll mention stuff that's in the trailers. We're doing trailer stuff. We'll not mention anyone who may or may not be in the movie that isn't in the trailers. That's right, exactly. But if not mention anyone who may or may not be in the movie that isn't in the trailers. That's right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:05 But if you're like, I haven't seen Spider-Man No Way Home yet and I skipped all the trailers because I didn't want to be spoiled. I would say also, like, if you don't want to know anything, you shouldn't be here at all. You should go somewhere else. I would argue if you don't want to know anything, this is the perfect podcast. I'd rather not learn anything.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Well, here, welcome. Yeah, but, like like I want to elaborate Like a little bit In the non-spoilers on that Like the bridge fight with Doc Ock Which is in the trailer Do you know what I mean? Like not to spoil it
Starting point is 00:22:31 But just to talk about it Do you know what I mean? Look, I've written here My first note says So little of this movie Can be discussed In the non-spoilers section Yes
Starting point is 00:22:37 I've tried my best To put some talking points So that we could go through But before we get into that We need to talk about Bokes Ofus Mason Oh, the Bokes of the bokes office we were talking about a star wars character yeah hard solos made bokes office
Starting point is 00:22:53 non is bokes office cool i don't think he's cool i think he's i think he's an office like his name yeah exactly he's always tripping over like flight cases and stuff. He's probably a droid. I was picturing a little man, a very small little man, and he's got a stick. Okay, yeah, fine. You don't see his face. He's got a mask on. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:23:13 But then at the end of the movie he flips the helmet open and it's Brad Pitt. Wow. Yeah. Incredible. He's doing it, isn't he? So this is the first non-COVID movie to make over $100 million in a US opening.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Okay. It's also, this is a, they had a $200 million budget, by the way. Double that for marketing roughly, I guess. That seems low. That's about the standard for something like this. Yeah, I guess, I guess. Well, I mean, I guess you're right, it is the standard at this point, but I'm like, aren't there movies, like,
Starting point is 00:23:39 haven't we seen some stuff that's like $275? Yeah, probably. Yeah, I think Endgame was probably closer to that. Over here, here's maybe like $200 million, not a lot, like $275 million? Yeah, probably. Yeah, I think Endgame was probably closer to that. Over here, his may be like $200 million, not a lot, but $275 million. I guess when you think about it, what they did and who's in it and you know what I mean? So it's Tom Holland's third one and Zendaya's third one as well. So they're getting more money.
Starting point is 00:24:00 It makes sense. They actually had a $121 million Friday opening in the US, which is the second highest friday opening ever uh second only to end game of marvel yeah no no movies of movies yeah not bad it's very rare these days we get a we get a we get a proper like like big big debut on the board or something that isn't like well well, it's actually, it's the best, biggest release that wasn't also released on streaming and also blah, blah, blah. Here's a question for you, though, before we get into, I'm going to spring what the story is on.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Okay, terrific. I'm going to do that in a second. Oh, sorry. It's estimated The Weeknd could go as high as $250 million in the US, probably maybe higher, and it's going to make a $500 million worldwide debut. This is like pre-pandemic numbers. Movies are back, baby. Maybe higher. And it's going to make a $500 million worldwide debut. This is like pre-pandemic numbers.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Movies are back, baby. I don't know if they are. This movie's back, baby. And this is one of my – I can still do this then. Fine. What do you think the story was? Okay, Spider-Man. Last time I saw Spider-Man, he's like, oh, no.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Everybody knows I'm Spider-Man. I'm Peter Parker. But everybody knows Spider-Man's Peter Parker and vice versa. And also I'm wanted for murder. I didn't do a murder, but everybody thinks I did a murder. I mean one guy thinks I did a murder. Yeah. And he's very loud.
Starting point is 00:25:12 He is very loud. Annoying. So everybody thinks I did a murder. So what can I do? Maybe I can go to my friend Dr. Strange and I can be like, Dr. Strange, do a magic so everybody doesn't know who I am and thinks I did a murder. If you're right, would you mind? And Dr. Strange is like, all right did a murder, if you're right. Yeah. Would you mind?
Starting point is 00:25:27 And Doctor Strange is like, all right. All right, cool. All right. Yeah, I don't care. I'll do a magic. Oh, we've done the wrong. I've done the magic's come out wrong. That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Bad stuff's going to happen. And then et cetera and so forth, villains and dimensions and whatever. Do you think, because I think it's the case, but I want to know your opinion, do you think this helped that they didn't reveal so much of it? Because I think they've got people into cinemas and got people talking more. You think people are intrigued by what might be happening? Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Oh, definitely, yeah. But I mean... I don't think that works for something that's not this. Like if they were like, who's in the next G.I. Joe movie? No one cares. I think, if I may, and I'll get to this later, I think there is some stuff in this where if it wasn't characters we already knew and a cast that we already like,
Starting point is 00:26:16 then people would not be so. I completely agree. Let me ask you this, James. Yes. Well, actually, so earlier in the week you had seen this movie and I had not seen this movie. And I asked so earlier in the week you had seen this movie and i'd not seen this movie and i asked you i said did you like this movie and do you think it was good two separate questions because i think that is uh i think that is like a valid at this point and especially like something that is you know in a lot of ways trading on nostalgia you can be like
Starting point is 00:26:42 i really like we talked about ghostbusters Afterlife. It's like, did you love this? Did you have a fun time? Was it good, though? Yeah. In a sentence, did you like this movie? Okay, I really liked it, but with the caveat that I don't think that that's necessarily a correct opinion about this as a movie because I think without knowledge of previous movies,
Starting point is 00:27:00 without liking these characters in this universe, does any of it make sense? Do you care? But I also think there's some pretty, like, decent emotional moments in this universe, does any of it make sense? Do you care? But I also think there's some pretty like decent emotional moments in this and there's some funny moments which I didn't get from Ghostbusters, which also might be because I don't, again, I don't care about Ghostbusters. So I think it is better than,
Starting point is 00:27:19 I don't think it's bad without the stuff that I really enjoyed, but I don't think it's like great. I think adding the stuff that, which again we can't talk about, adding the stuff that, you know, that elevates it to me in a lot of ways only works because I like those things. Right. Well, here's a note. Here's my second note, and I wrote a bunch of notes about this movie
Starting point is 00:27:39 and then I came to this conclusion, so I put it up the top because I think it's important. Yeah. I've written here, to this conclusion, so I put it up the top because I think it's important. Yeah. I've written here, Spider-Man colon No Way Home is the Batman v Superman colon Dawn of Justice of the MCU. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Let me finish, James. Okay, so it's ambitious. Yep. Huge in scope. Yep. Good cast, charismatic cast. Yep. You like them.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Good superheroing moments. Yep. Good emotional moments, like you said. Yep. Looks great. Mm-hmm. However, James, there is a big butt on the moments. Yep. Good emotional moments, like you said. Yep. Looks great. However, James, there is a big butt on the horizon. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And I'm not just talking about this caboose right here. You look like a frog in a pair of pants, man. What are you talking about? And then I've got a stage direction in here that says point to butt for emphasis. Did you draw a picture? No, I didn't draw a picture. I didn't have time. We can just put dick butt in. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah. Okay. But here's the note that I have. We can just put dick butt in. Yeah, sure. Okay. But here's the note that I have. And again, this movie contains a few elements that are so, if I may,
Starting point is 00:28:34 monumentally stupid that they threaten to derail the whole thing. As in the movie or the universe? Maybe both, but the movie, I think for sure. And I think for some people this stuff will. Now, to be clear, I like this movie a lot yeah i had a lot of fun with it i think this movie contains maybe my favorite superhero moment of the year it's maybe not the thing you're thinking of i think i do know what you're thinking but i think it's probably exactly what you think i'm thinking of yeah and again like you said i think there are some genuine
Starting point is 00:28:59 like great moments of of like emotional weight to a lot of this stuff i think some of the action is good i think some of the action especially is reminiscent of like not all of it but i think some of it has that sam raimi action feel to it yeah a real kind of brutal intensity to some of the fight sequences maybe we're absent in i mean there was there was elements i think there has been elements of it in the last two, but I think this one like sort of ramps it up. Yeah. But again, I had a lot of fun with this and I think as an overall experience,
Starting point is 00:29:34 I'm like this was definitely worth the price of admission, what a blast. I'm glad I didn't know at all going in. Yes, but I think that Summer was very dumb. Yeah, I don't disagree with that. And I think in the sense like the reason i've said it's like batman v superman is because that movie when it came out i didn't like it i think but i've come to appreciate there are a lot of there's a lot of good stuff in it and in subsequent watches i have had fun with it and like a lot of fun yeah i've derived a lot of fun
Starting point is 00:30:00 from it but there's a lot of stuff that is very stupid in it and in this one i've kind of done i did a speed run in the cinema of this movie where I'm just like, I'm just going to – like I've learned over the span of several years to just be like, well, I'm just going to zip through and – I think this though is more, as a blockbuster, is way more satisfying, at least on first viewing,
Starting point is 00:30:17 than Batman v Superman. Yeah. Like there's things that I anticipated in Batman v Superman which they ended up doing or not doing, which I was like, okay. But this I feel like the things that I wanted to see, it did deliver on. And I always. Well, it's good fan service as well. Totally, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:30 But again, I think some people will be on the fence. I think if this was not a sort of some characters that I liked, I might be like, God, this fan service. Yeah, absolutely. But I think because I'm like, oh, of course, you know, I remember this and I enjoyed these and I like these people. So that was a fun little nod or what have you. So I think it's also okay that like, so I think it's similar in Endgame in some ways because you cannot really watch Endgame on its own. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I think this is probably, this isn't as, not that Endgame is airtight, but it doesn't feel as airtight as Endgame was. Yeah, right. But it is kind of in that vein of you could enjoy this i guess if you didn't know anything about it but it certainly helps if you've seen the things that this is referencing and the people who yeah appear and whatnot but i also think like as a movie going experience that's totally okay that it's built this way yeah because i think this is the movie that marty scorsese was warning us about this is the roller coaster and if you have fun with this, and I did, like, that's great.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah. But maybe some people don't want roller coasters and they're like. But to be honest, like, I've never, and I was in like a preview screening with lots of fans and people went apeshit like five times maybe. Yeah. And I've also seen that in people in Australia as well, which is unusual, cheering in this movie yep multiple
Starting point is 00:31:46 times which doesn't really happen did you have a similar experience i just yeah my my cinema was not that packed because i went on like daytime yeah but uh yeah people people were people were like oh and cheering and hollering a little bit of hooting and hollering yeah absolutely um i i think you were talking about like nostalgia and things that they brought back so one of the huge things was the villains yes and i think there was a danger and i was worried at some point that they were just going to be like oh and he said this line so he's saying it again there's a moment and okay this is a couple minor minor spoiler where uh the green goblin says i'm somewhat of a scientist myself, which is a line.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And then people laughed and whatever and I'm like, okay, yeah, that's fun and whatever. And I guess it could be something he would say to people. Sure. But I was worried they're just going to keep doing that but they don't really do nostalgia in that way. It's not strictly, look at this, I'm saying this, do you remember this? I mean there are moments of that and there are certainly hints
Starting point is 00:32:44 to other things. This is hard to do, I mean, there are moments of that and there are certainly hints to other things. This is hard to do. Not spoilers, isn't it? Look, we can talk about how did you feel about the inclusion of, because they're in the trailer, Doc Ock, Electro. Doc Ock, Electro, Lizard, Goblin, Sandman. Big glow up for Electro. He's essentially, literally got him.
Starting point is 00:33:01 It's like a different man, though. Yeah. He's like, he's so cool now. You know what I mean? Sure, he's like he's just jamie fox yeah but and it is the same version from the amazing spider-man as well i feel like maybe he was him and the lizard and probably sandman were a little bit underused like we got different lizard design as well i thought the lizard looked more photorealistic in the amazing spider-Man than he did here. I thought he, I think there was some, and it seems as if they reused some of this Sandman footage from Spider-Man 3. And there's also, if I may be critical of an otherwise like technically
Starting point is 00:33:34 mostly flawless movie. Yeah. Some of the dubbing of The Lizard and The Sandman felt very, they were not there. They were absolutely not there. I'm not even sure that Reece Iffins and Thomas Hayden Church were in the main credits. Yeah, well, see, what I think, and again, this is a minor spoiler,
Starting point is 00:33:51 but you do see them in human form, and it seems as if, and some people have made the comparisons online, that they've just taken footage directly from their movies. Ah, right, right, right. And they've just voiced the other parts. And that might be true for this movie. Yeah, because they're not they're not major players like the big ones are doc ock and willem dafoe killed it yeah so good incredible let's
Starting point is 00:34:12 maybe say most yeah there's um there's a there's one there's a spider sense scene oh yeah right that involves him which again we won't spoil but okay let's take a back a bit i thought the first half of this or the first portion before we hit like the villains and then things really kick off um i felt it was like i was even beyond when we meet the villains it felt tonally kind of all over the place and it was like kind of like blink blonk oh what's going i've slipped on a banana peel like it felt that that kind of vibe okay and it's kind of like a slapstick comedy yeah and it's kind of like yeah this is all right i guess and it felt kind of the same as the last two and not in an exciting way, but then it does hit a point where it becomes an entirely different thing,
Starting point is 00:34:53 which I think it gets significantly better from that point. It just kind of feels like, what am I going to do? And I think this might be the end of the era of, like, this Spider-Man is an idiot and a child, and I think we're going to get less of that going forward. Yeah, right, right, right. Which, again, we will discuss going forward. What did you think about the inclusion of Doctor Strange
Starting point is 00:35:13 and there's a, like we saw the battle in the trailer. What did you think of that? They have a mirror dimension face-off. Yeah, I mean, you know, it's always nice to see Benedict Cumberbatch. Isn't it funny where it gets to the point where you go to the mirror dimension things are bending and twisting and we're just like yeah it's pretty good because we've seen it like yeah i mean spider-man got punched out of his body he's performing a punch of his body it's fine i guess yeah that's good that's good stuff uh okay how about this and because this is in the trailer i feel we can discuss it the the
Starting point is 00:35:39 the highway battle between spider-man yeah dr octopus how'd you feel about it because we've seen again the high watermark for Spider-Man versus Doctor Octopus is obviously Spider-Man 2. And there's a few really good fight scenes in that. And, again, like I would say the absolutely iconic sequence where Tobey Maguire, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man 2, his spider sense goes off and then a taxi, I think, just comes through the window where he and Mary Jane are having coffee.
Starting point is 00:36:07 But there's like that. There's the train. There's the side of the building. I think this one felt kind of weightless. But that's a function of no real arms, right? I totally think so. And there's a moment where he's walking and he's just grabbing huge concrete pipes and just flinging them like they're nothing
Starting point is 00:36:25 and i'm like how strong is how light is that how strong is this guy like it felt like it wasn't a bad scene yeah but i don't i didn't think that was a patch on anything that we saw in spider-man 2 i think there is good action in this but that was just kind of like yeah you know yeah they're doing it also again like i feel like one of the downfalls of of tom holland spider-man is he is he is technology up the wazoo like yeah like he's got he's he's they're not shy about giving you know he's he can use the nanotechnology suit whenever he wants so it's like it does feel inherently less dangerous if he's trying to save people but also he's got stark industries technology and he can really do anything he's yeah he save people, but also he's got Stark Industries technology and he can really do anything.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah. You know, the idea that he might be strong, but he is not physically a match for Dr. Octopus, who has these deadly arms, you know, it's not quite up there, really. No, I agree. Let's do spoilers. Let's do spoilers. I'm going to say best movie ever.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I'm going to say definitely best movie ever. Just get in there. Maybe you've got to push past some dumb stuff, which we will talk about. I think it's a good, it's a really good, like, experience. Yeah, right. And it sounds like I'm being, I want to stress as well, I very much enjoyed this.
Starting point is 00:37:35 It was a blast. Yeah. It really was, especially with a crowd. Let me ask you this question. Spoilers? Not quite. Okay. Would you give the dumb stuff in this movie a pass
Starting point is 00:37:43 if you weren't predisposed to like the cast and the characters already? Probably not. If this was just a generic guy, like maybe he's a generic superhero or he's a generic wizard and the same stuff happens. No, probably not. Yeah, same, I think. But that's, I mean, it's all in the movie, isn't it? That's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:01 You can't separate that out. It's interesting because it's like, you know, it's how often it's how you feel about a movie, isn't it? It's true, yeah. You can't separate that out. It's interesting because it's like, you know, it's how often it's how you feel about a movie, not necessarily like you can get past certain things, I guess. I mean, you know, like I think what I try to get across in this sort of stuff is, you know, even if an element of a movie doesn't make sense or what have you, sometimes it's a case of, well, that was a great scene
Starting point is 00:38:23 and that was worth the price of admission. Or like, oh, it's great to see these actors bouncing off each other and that's a case of, well, that was a great scene and that was worth the price of admission. Yeah. Or like, oh, it's great to see these actors bouncing off each other and that's a lot of fun or et cetera. And that is worth it to me and I can look past how dumb it is. Like not everything, again, we live in a world where like we have to sort of endlessly analyse this sort of stuff. And, you know, so many movies of the past, you saw it at the cinema
Starting point is 00:38:42 and you just let it sort of wash over you and enjoy it. You didn't watch Daredevil again. You didn't watch Daredevil again? No. Okay, all right. Spoilers. So best movie ever, James? Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Okay, spoilers, number one spoiler. Look, we've yapped and yapped and yapped and yapped about Spider-Man. Yeah. That's fine and we'll get back to Spider-Man. But Charlie Cox is back, baby. He's back, baby. He's in it for one scene.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Daredevil forever, Iron Fist never. He captures a brick. Oh, my God. He captures a brick. That's my favourite moment. Oh, brick. That's my favourite moment. Oh really? That's my favourite superheroing moment.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Why is that? That's not the scene I thought you were going to say. I just really liked it and I just liked the fact that he was back. I think I did a little clap when I saw him.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah, maybe. It's great to see him. I don't know if he's going to do anything other than cameo but I think it's, you know. I think he's in some upcoming TV stuff as well,
Starting point is 00:39:27 maybe She-Hulk as well. I mean, maybe he'll show up in the last episode of Hawkeye. I would love that. It would be good, right? Yeah, and if Spider-Man could as well. I don't know if that's probably less likely. But there was some crossover because obviously we see Rogers, the musical in Spider-Man No Way Home and et cetera.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Just the fact that he showed up and he didn't, you know, I wasn't expecting anything. I wasn't expecting him to suit up as Daredevil and be Spider-Man's new dad or whatever. But just the idea that he showed up and you don't know who. And I think a lot of people, I think when that guy appeared, a lot of people in the cinema didn't know who he was because maybe they haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah. But just the idea that this guy shows up, he their lawyer he's obviously blind and then he one hand catches a brick that's being held through a window without looking yeah and spider-man asked him how he did that he's like i told you i'm a very good lawyer like i think that's it's interesting also that like i think that's a good inclusion if you don't know anything about that character because you would then go who is that yeah and you'd go home and you'd look into it and that way and it like it preps you for the next thing. I guess before we get to the big thing,
Starting point is 00:40:28 but the other big spoiler is that Aunt May dies in this, which I thought was a really good moment. And, you know, she was really good and I thought that was one of the emotional beats of this movie that really worked for me. I also thought it was the turning point of the movie where it wasn't just like, what's going on? I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I want to get into college. Like I'm like, okay, yep, all right. Yeah, I think her death scene was very, very well done and we got a kind of a. She got a vague injury. Yeah, I felt. What was it? I mean, she got hit with a goblin's light.
Starting point is 00:40:57 But where? In her whole body, I think. I think it broke every bone in her body. Just the moment where Peter is just trying to like get a look at him and like it felt like a very real kind of moment of that's what would happen if that was you in there. Yeah, and it gives him like it does, it's a low point and it's kind of like he's alone.
Starting point is 00:41:18 He has to deal with this by himself before he suddenly doesn't. But just to go back from that a little bit, that the apartment scene was like a sitcom where they bring in the villains and they're all like sitting in the whatever and he's got the machine that can do anything that's curing them. I thought it just made clothes but it can do anything. Make anything, yeah. It's a miracle box.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I wish I had a machine that can make anything. Didn't you get to make some bloody 10 minutes of bloody quiet in your house? You're not bloody wrong. But I also think with that machine, I was kind of okay with it because I'm like, yeah, I've seen the machine that makes anything. I saw it in the last movie. Yeah, it was on a plane this time. Yeah, which is such a flimsy kind of hand wave for me to accept.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Just be like, I've seen this. Can we talk about hand waving? Oh, can I just quickly say before we do the hand waving, and then that leads into the Norman Osborn goblin reveal where he's changed. And that fight between those two. That felt very raving. Multiple floors and ceilings and just going through things. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:15 It felt like the end of Spider-Man 1. Yeah, and it felt to me like this Spider-Man's like, I've never fought a guy like this. Yeah, this is a different kind of dangerous. This is a different kind of insane. Like this isn't just some guy who wants revenge because somebody stole his money or like this isn't a guy who who you know he lost his job and now he's mad about it this guy's like i want to kill this guy i feel like doing some murders because this yeah and i i enjoyed the
Starting point is 00:42:39 fact that they were like they broke his mask early on and we just got what everybody wanted all along which is willem dafoe looking like the Green Goblin because that's his whole deal. That's what he looks like. Yeah, I just thought that was terrific. But you're right. I didn't really think about that. But everybody, his face is kind of like a wacky dude. I mean, the Vulture, I guess, would be the exception.
Starting point is 00:42:57 But even then, you could talk to him. But this guy, like straight crazy. Like there's no real getting through to him, you know what I mean? Like just very dangerous, which I thought was great. What were you going to say though? I was going to say in terms of hand waving and they, what we would call lanterns. This kind of hand waving?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Oh, like a magic hand waving. I haven't even written a note about how Ned is magic now. But in terms of like, you know, we talk about lampshading something or like hanging a lantern on a thing where something in a movie doesn't really make any sense. But if the characters mention it, we all just go, okay, they get it as well, so let's move on. So Spider-Man's main issue in this movie is this too. At the end of the last movie, everybody knew his identity. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:39 And also he was wanted for murder. Yeah. So again, they sort of hand wave the murder thing away because Daredevil shows up and he's like actually we've sorted that out so that's not the problem so the only issue really is that peter parker is famous now yeah and he doesn't want to be famous but like because he wants to get into college he wants to get into college and it's just and here we go i'm going to talk about some stuff that i think is dumb again you're still everybody's still allowed to enjoy this movie because i did yeah and if i enjoyed it you're all allowed to enjoy but everybody in in in the comic books this is more significant because most people in the marvel comic book universe have secret
Starting point is 00:44:15 identities but in in this universe everybody knows who everybody is yes like in the in the most recent episode of hawkeye that we watched clint Barton goes to New York and he goes to a building where they've commemorated the Avengers saving the city and just all their names. His name's on it. Just their civilian names are on a plaque. It's like, yeah, everybody knows. And they all seem to be fine.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah. What's the difference between this guy is what you're saying. Yeah. Like why do they hate this guy? Why do they hate this guy? Because the Mysterio thing, I guess. Well, the Mysterio thing, but again they he gets his name cleared yeah all of this ultimately comes down to he wants his friends to go to college so he like he undoes all of reality
Starting point is 00:44:55 yeah and i understand the idea is he's supposed to be a teenager he's supposed to be kind of dumb and he makes why did dr strange do that but dr strange is an adult yeah and i think he should have said and also spider-man just saved the entire universe like yeah he should know the extent of stakes and stuff like that but like i think strange should have said to peter like he should have come in and gone look when one crackly orange portal closes another one opens you know this is this is life now like i used to be i used to be a very successful surgeon then i was in a freak lamborghini accident i don't know how it happened.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Now I do this. So maybe just roll with it. The difference I think is supposed to be that he's young and he's got things that he wants to do anonymously before maybe he gets outed, I guess. But also I feel like, again, Strange should have been. And I know, again, the idea is that Strange is quite arrogant and he thinks he can probably handle this. But I think so one of the idea is that Strange is quite arrogant and he thinks he can probably handle this. But I think, so one of the issues, I think,
Starting point is 00:45:47 as we do more and more superhero solo movies, the question always arises, why don't they just bring in the Avengers? Why don't they just bring in the Justice League? And the narrative reason is because you can just say, oh, they're busy or they're whatever. But that is less and less likely the more characters we introduce. You'd be like, oh, is Ant-Man not busy?
Starting point is 00:46:07 Yeah, especially when you get to the point where you're like, is Falcon not busy? Yeah, doesn't Falcon live on the street? Yeah, exactly. There's so many of them. And obviously the out of continuity, like the reason in the real world is like, well, because this is their solo movie. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Because you'd think like Captain America, Falcon would probably turn up to the statue of liberty for a big punch yeah exactly so we're supposed to be like well it's just a solo it's a solo movie so just don't worry about it just assume they're busy it's fine and and or also like in a universe where like again people can fly and shoot lasers out of their eyes and control people's minds or what have you yeah you you might say okay well then just just roll with it and and say that he he wants to use magic to to change everybody's minds or whatever but i would say that it's even more preposterous in that universe because he has so many more options before he gets to cast a spell that changes all of reality yeah like if he went to dr strange and
Starting point is 00:47:01 said hey can you make everybody and can you reverse time can you make everybody forget that i was spider-Man? I reckon Doctor Strange should have said, you know, most of your hate seems to be coming from one guy. How about I cast a spell so he doesn't have a mouth anymore? Or how about I turn his brain inside out so he can only say nice things about you? Like that would be easier.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Yeah. The changing the entire universe. Or. Also the fact that he just lod launched into it and didn't go, is there anyone in particular you want to remember? He just went, literally everybody, huh? All right, let's get this started. He wouldn't have gone, now this is irreversible.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Do you think there's anybody who maybe you would want, like even me, do you want the other Avengers to know who you are? Like what are we talking about? Like just to go, yep, let's do it. Is he drunk? Great question Like what are we talking about? Like just to go, yep, let's do it. Is he drunk? Great question. What's in that mug? Maybe it's a little Irish coffee or something.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I don't know. But also, just on a different level, he wants Ned and MJ and himself to go to MIT. Who's the most famous MIT alumni in the MCU? Tony Stark. It's Tony Stark. So are you saying that Pepper Potts couldn't call up the Dean of Admissions and be like, hey, just FYI, I saw this young man prevent the universe from being destroyed, so maybe give him another shot.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah. I don't know. Or we'll buy you a new wing. Or fight an octopus on a bridge. Exactly. Oh, yeah. Then she's like, oh, I've changed my mind actually, which is interesting because in a lot of the, like,
Starting point is 00:48:24 it's odd that that woman would be very convinced of that when she could just very well be like, oh, you set this up. Did you do this? You set this up to do this and you are a menace. Speaking of, look, okay, let me ask you this, James. Okay. And again, I still enjoy this movie, but I'm going to throw this one at you. A lot of caveats, Mason.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I know, right? Was Spider-Man right in the end? To do what he did. To do what he did. As in like reverse everything or whatever. Probably not. But I think what they were looking to do was restore the status quo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:57 So he's not Iron Boy. We'll probably get pretty good at this later. He's not Iron Boy anymore. He's got his secret identity. He can go to college. He's poor. He's got no connections. I think one of the big complaints of this particular version is that He's not Iron Boy anymore. He's got his secret identity. He can go to college. He's poor. He's got no connections. I think one of the big complaints of this particular version is that
Starting point is 00:49:08 he's too rich and he can just go to Tony Stark or Happy and be like, I need school books or whatever, you know? May I have some school books? Yeah, he's got no support net. Yeah, yeah. No pun intended. I should have said web. You should have said web.
Starting point is 00:49:24 He doesn't have a support webnet anymore he's not the trapster James but what do you think? what I'm saying is and again if I may be slightly critical of this movie I kind of feel like Aunt May died
Starting point is 00:49:39 because he didn't want himself and his friend and his girlfriend to have to go to community college that's exactly what happened she'd literally still be alive if he didn't want himself and his friend and his girlfriend to have to go to community college for a year. That's exactly what happened. Right? She'd literally still be alive if he didn't do this. Yeah. The other thing, and I did a video on this, so his idea is to cure the villains before sending them back
Starting point is 00:49:55 because strangers, like, they're all going to die in their particular realities, which I don't even think is true, and I'm going to send them back and they're going to die at that particular point in time or whatever. But he's like, no, we'll cure them and then send them back to die as normal men. Yeah. Like, what do you mean? Like the guy who's strapped to the sun and drowning.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah. Like, is that going to go? Exactly. Because as they explain and the characters explain, they're like, I was about to die and then I'm here. So, like, regardless of whether Dr Octopus is good or evil, he's still, like, hundreds of feet under the East River or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:50:27 He's still going to drown. Norman Osborn is not going to dodge that glider. No, that's very true. But what I thought, and I put this in the video, is that he probably now put them back in the regular present day. Oh, I see. So time has passed and it's Doc Ock in 2021 or whatever. Anyway, we haven't really talked about the Ned's magic.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Oh, yeah, that he's got a sling ring now. But Ned's magic, well, he lost it, leads into a reveal, a big cheer. The first portal he opens is he lied to us. He lied to us for two years. And I hope he continues to lie forever. I hope in future people are like he's doing a new project or something and people are like, Andrew Garfield, was it nice to share a stage with Tom Holland and Tobey Maguire?
Starting point is 00:51:13 And he's like, I don't know what you're talking about. Who? Sorry? What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm here to promote Keep Ticking, Keep Booming. That's right. He's back from the dead.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So, yeah, Andrew Garfield comes through and the mask comes off immediately and huge cheers when he entered and also when the mask comes off. He is incredible. He's so good. He's just the best, which makes me feel even worse for him for his Spider-Man movies. They were bad movies, especially the last one. He's fucking running rings around everybody just constantly.
Starting point is 00:51:45 He's standing next to Tobey Maguire, who I liked, by the way. Yeah. They're just not even close. I'm sure we have done either on this podcast or as part of a video, like we ranked the Spider-Man, like the cinematic Spider-Man. I'm sure I went, oh, Tom Holland. And I don't know where, but just at that point, we had only seen them like in the context of their own movies.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Just, you're right, he's running rings around the other two. Like he's probably, he's, I feel he's got, and again, maybe he feels to me like the modern comic book version. Sure, yeah. He feels like he's quippy but not in an annoying way. And he's like 30, which is like the modern comic book version. And he's like he's fast with the dialogue. It's a good back and forth between everybody.
Starting point is 00:52:29 And, I mean, maybe they did that in editing, but then why wouldn't you do it with everybody else? But also he seems like he's just having a blast and just being like, I get another shot at this. Because he was the one that you got the sense that he didn't want to stop doing it. And this very much felt like a redemption story for not only that character but for Andrew Garfield.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Is he 30, Andrew Garfield? He's my age, so he's, like, 38. Okay, right. Yeah. He's a good 38. He doesn't seem like he's aged at all. No, he really – I mean, and Tobey Maguire is 46. And he's a good 46, but he's 46.
Starting point is 00:53:05 When he came through, though, to be fair, Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man is completely devoid of charisma. But there is a charm to him and a simplicity, and he's just like, oh, this is interesting. This is pleasant. You know, that's kind of who he is. And I also think he didn't really miss a beat in coming back as that character either.
Starting point is 00:53:24 What did you think? Yeah, here's the thing, James. And again, it was very charming. I loved that we're all working together. And again, there's a moment in it which I think in lesser hands it would have been cringy where I think Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man says to Garfield's Spider-Man, no, you're amazing. And I'm like, oh, because he's in Amazing Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I'm like, that's a lot of fun. But also coming from like a nerd like him, he would say something like that. You know what I mean? Like, no, you're great. Come on. Look, it was good to see them all, but I think what, it felt a little bit like the other two Spider-Men had sort
Starting point is 00:53:55 of been sort of preserved in amber since their continuities ended because, and it felt in a way like the writers were afraid to say that they had done anything else. Yes. Like they'd be too afraid to approach these characters and say, well, after Spider-Man 3 or after Amazing Spider-Man 2, we did this and this and this. So like Tom Holland's Spider-Man is having a conversation with him
Starting point is 00:54:19 and he's like, what are the weirdest villains you've ever faced? And they're just like, oh, Venom. The Rhino. Yeah, exactly. Like they're just like the ones that you saw and then and then the rhino yeah and exactly like they're just they're just like the ones you see yeah and another one that isn't in this movie and it's like you never fought anybody else i yeah i thought that was i actually did a video and it'd be up now on the things that happen after those movies because there are hints and there's like things that have kind of been revealed that happen in those universes but the only things we really got was that Tobey Maguire is still sort of together with MJ, sort of.
Starting point is 00:54:49 But I wanted to be like, does he have kids? Do they live together? Is he doing this every day? Does he work? What does he do? And what I was really hoping for, and if I feel like the movie missed one trick, it was a post-credits sequence, and we'll get to the actual post-credits sequence later, where there's like a tying up of loose ends or a den you mourn if you
Starting point is 00:55:08 will where we see both of those guys back in their realities and maybe we see it like in spider-verse where peter b parker goes back to his reality and we're like oh maybe he's gonna get back with mj or like what have you like we didn't see even a hint to what they're up to like and i think they also didn't come with problems that were then solved in this universe which they're not like spider verse like like you mentioned peter b park is like i don't know what to do i'm divorced and i'm sad and he goes back with like a new zest for like life and being spider member it was just kind of like bye everybody well maybe they didn't want to do that maybe they didn't want to be like well spider verse did it and we can't just do a riff on spider-verse but again it would have been nice and again like the idea that and there was this
Starting point is 00:55:49 sadness to the idea and i guess they you know they can't all be exactly the same but the idea that garfield spider-man gwen stacy died and he's just been like not hitting people real hard just hitting people really hard and being sad and alone for six years or whatever it is, just felt like a real downer. But also there's a moment in this where there's a battle and if you can imagine it, an action sequence. I can imagine it. A sequence when they're fighting all the villains on the Statue of Liberty and there's a moment where they're not fighting together properly
Starting point is 00:56:19 and the other two are like, Garfield and McGuire Spider-Man are like, Tom Holland has to lead because the other two are like, we've never been in a team spider-man are like tom holland has to lead because the other two were like we've never been in a team before you've never been in a team before in the like the the decade and a half mcguire spider-man you've never also toby mcguire has fought with new goblin that's true so he has technically made it a duo at least yeah but like the idea that they've never fought it because they don't have Avengers They don't have anything apparently. But like you've never teamed up with like Silver Sable or Black Cat or Prowler
Starting point is 00:56:50 or Rocket Racer or like. Another Spider-Man from another dimension. Paladin, like any of these old dudes that like would have been in. Just this idea of like we can't say they did anything outside of the movies. Yeah, I think that is interesting, yeah, that they decided to make that decision for good or ill.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I also think it's interesting how when they're talking about who they fought and Tom Holland's like, I fought a purple alien on Earth and Tom McGuire's like, well, I did a thing with it. And Andrew Garfield is clearly like he's aware that he's like the worst one. He's like, oh, man, I haven't fought anybody. I thought that was really cool that it was kind of an acknowledgement of like, hey, I'm not in the best movies and I haven't done as interesting things as the other guys.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I once, there were some guys, they were in a van and they were listening to me. And I don't know what happened to them. Maybe that was a loose end that never got tied up. But I think generally them together, it did really work, you know, when they're talking about the web shooters and how that works and they're doing science together and they're all called Peter.
Starting point is 00:57:49 I think all that is really good. Let me ask you this. Do you think either of them will return for another one? Yeah, definitely. Like to be the dad? I don't know whether they'll be the dad, but I think they'll definitely do this again in some capacity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Whether that will be a, could be that Doctor Strange movie covered up even. Yeah. I think down the line we will definitely see more of this. It might not be for a while, but what do you think? I mean, look at the money in this. As if they're not, that is already made. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Yeah. What else? What else? That's almost the end of my notes, I think. Well, here's something that I think, I think one of the best moments in this, this is the moment I thought you were talking about, which is the best moment, where Andrew Garfield the moment I thought you were talking about, which is the best moment where Andrew Garfield, Spider-Man saves MJ.
Starting point is 00:58:27 And like the catch in itself is like, it's fine. It's whatever. But the bit that worked for me was that Andrew Garfield had that kind of moment of redemption where he didn't catch the previous person he dropped. And he kind of takes a moment to like, you know, like catch his breath and like compose himself.
Starting point is 00:58:44 And I thought that was thought that was really nice. And even though that movie isn't great, I always thought the death of Gwen Stacy was, it's quite a sad moment that they managed to capture quite well. Everybody brought in like a level of performance that they didn't have to, I think. Yeah. They didn't, they didn't, he didn't have to bring anything in.
Starting point is 00:59:00 He could just been like, well, hey, I'm Spider-Man. Woo. You know me. Yeah. Woo. My catchphrase whoo yeah i also think like the moment where peter parker the regular one is fighting green goblin at the end yes and he's just really hitting him and willem dafoe is just like just hysterical just being punched by this guy's just completely not fazed yeah and then when he goes to kill him
Starting point is 00:59:23 and it was the Tobey Maguire version that stopped him, I think that was very fitting that it was that version. Do you think, how do you feel about the fact that Aunt May was killed by somebody outside of the universe? Eh, whatever. Okay, great. Are you involved in it? Not really.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I just thought it was interesting. Yeah. Okay. No, I mean, you know, good as any. Yep, that's true. Yep, good as any good yep that's true yep good as any she shouldn't have said with great power comes great responsibility exactly kiss of death don't do it i know i've said it what's interesting though as well is that it was like somebody went they finally said it but like it was implied in previous movies that uncle ben
Starting point is 00:59:59 had said it but i guess he didn't but not she was just like... Just in case you forgot. Not in so many words. Is it in Civil War where Spider-Man is like... He says he hints to it. Hey, Michael said that when you've got some... You've got a lot of powers. Maybe you shouldn't just let people be in trouble. You've got to save them because you've got
Starting point is 01:00:19 to take some... You've got to be there for them. You've got to be there for them. I enjoyed it when they did say that together the great power comes great responsibility and andrew gufford's like my uncle ben said that i'm like no he didn't he said something like if you've got a responsibility it's your duty that you need to it's important that you that you look after people and you you use the abilities that you have to to the best of your ability and you be a nice boy yeah like and say, you can say that at all.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Now I'm off to be the president. Or I already was the president. Can't remember. I'm getting a paycheck either way. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. But I also like the little moment between Electro and Andrew Garfield version at the end where he's like,
Starting point is 01:00:58 I thought you'd be black. Yeah. And he's like, do you reckon there's that Spider-Man out there? And it's like a little Miles Morales kind of moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which makes me think maybe they're going to do, because I know they're discussing at the moment whether they're going to do interdimensional Miles Morales.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yeah, right. Or. Same universe, Miles Morales. But they could build up Miles Morales in the Andrew Garfield universe and then kill Andrew Garfield to bring him across if they wanted to. They could bring. Which is what they did in the comics. They could bring Spider-Verse version to the comics they could bring spider-verse version to the mcu yeah i think they could just go i mean that same guy we reckon
Starting point is 01:01:30 yes that's what we reckon yeah that's what we reckon yeah yeah i don't know man um okay few uh what do any any other things i was gonna say we're gonna go with i mean post credits uh before that future of this universe can we talk about the space-time rip that happens? Did you see any big players in the space-time rip? I think I saw a rhino. Oh, I saw. But, like, not the mechanical suit. Oh, like. The skin-tight.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah, skin-tight rhino. I saw a scorpion. I think I saw a black cat. There was a guy with a spear who I thought was Kraven. Yeah, the only guy I recognised was the guy with the spear. Yeah. I thought it was Kraven, yeah. But anyway, we get the memory wipe at the end.
Starting point is 01:02:04 But, yeah, you were talking about how it sets up a new era. It's not a funeral. A lot of people said it ends with a funeral because, you know, I'm not a big fan of the Spider-Man funerals. It's a gravestone. It's a visit to a gravestone. It's different. But, yeah, so he goes and lives in an apartment.
Starting point is 01:02:19 He's paying rent. He's poor. He makes a new costume. Yeah, like a handmade one. What do you think of that? I didn't get a good enough look at it. I mean mean it's very like traditional it's very blue it's very shiny yeah um it kind of remind me of like the 80s kind of yeah i couldn't i didn't really get a good look at it either i guess we'll have to uh they'll release to release or something they'll
Starting point is 01:02:38 release it still or like an avengers um hot toy or whatever or like uh Or like Avengers Game Skin or something like that where you can just play his new version. I don't know. Is this – I was also – I looked at it and I'm like, is the logo bigger? It seems to be, yeah. I think the logo on the back is different. It's like that bigger round one with the legs. Yeah, I think the idea was he was inspired by the other two Spider-Men
Starting point is 01:02:59 and he's made a sort of a hybrid of theirs. Yeah. Is that the idea, I think? I would have kept the other one. Yeah. Because, you know, it hybrid of theirs. Yeah. Is that the idea, I think? I would have kept the other one. Yeah. Because, you know, it could kill people. Yeah. Yeah, it's tough to say like whether it was wrecked or not.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I wasn't. Didn't seem to be, but whatever. I don't know. It just seemed like a comfortable suit. Yeah. I like how Tobey Maguire had a bad back. Yeah, same. That was a fun moment.
Starting point is 01:03:20 I forgot about that. Yeah, it's a good moment. See, it's a good, good fun moment. I think those moments were the moments that really worked for me. Yeah. Not so much the, you know, like the actions, you know, good, but just being in little interactions that weren't like, do you remember this?
Starting point is 01:03:32 I did this. But just like seeing the different chemistry at work. Yeah. What else are we going to say? The future though. Yeah. So, I mean, what they've done here, is his apartment in New York? I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:43 It's not in Boston. Oh, because then later he goes and he visits MJ and Ned and MJ's working in the donut shop. So what do you think, how long do you think it'll take before MJ's memory comes back? Yeah, I don't know. Immediately? Probably end of next movie probably.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Probably end of next movie. Maybe they'll keep it for a while because, you know, if you look at the original trilogy, she kind of cottons on at the end of the first one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they retcon that a little bit into the second one. Yeah, maybe we need a he's going to date a Gwen Stacy for a while. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:11 That might be a thing. Maybe you'll kill a Gwen Stacy. Maybe you'll kill a Gwen Stacy. You've got to. You've got to do it. You simply must. You've got to check it off the list. You've got to check it off the bucket list.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Yeah, I mean, I wonder if – but, again, like circumstances change and, like, the plans for future MCU movies change. So they might have a thing where it's like after the end of two movies there, she's going to remember somehow or they might just go, oh, we need her actually to remember for the plot of the next one. So we'll just say Dr. Strange built a thing, like a, right at the last second he was like, oh, I can do a little bit
Starting point is 01:04:44 of extra magic and if he says a certain phrase she'll just remember him or whatever it also found strange to me uh strange the doctor strange was like this is strange but he was like i'm so sad uh so i'm sorry peter parker it's been nice knowing you like so i think you'd just be like this has been a fucking hustle it's absolutely i don't know why i agreed to any of this i should have done the mouth thing i should have removed that guy's mouth. It's one guy. It's one guy, yeah. Just turn up to him and go, stop saying it, I'll kill you.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And again, I feel like, you know, and again. Replace him with a guy from another dimension, whatever. My feeling is, like, and again, this Jameson feels like just a real craven coward. Imagine if just, like, Sam Wilson, Captain America, just showed up and was like, stop it craven coward. Yeah. Imagine if just like Sam Wilson, Captain America, just showed up and was like, stop it. I think he would. You're probably right. Don't.
Starting point is 01:05:31 And he'd be like, oh, yes, sir, sorry, sir. Yeah. So we got two post-credits scenes where one with Venom, which seemed pointless. Oh, actually I was going to say, do you think he'll end up, do you think they'll all end up at MIT together? Yeah. Or do you think that my, or do you think, I was going to say, do you think they'll all end up at MIT together? Yeah. Or do you think that my – or do you think – I'm kind of wondering,
Starting point is 01:05:48 because he is very – You think he's going to take some time to photograph? He's very New York. If you look, when he drops his bags off at his new apartment, he has like the GED book, like the high school equivalency thing. So I think – I'm wondering if because everybody's memory of him was erased, so were all his high school records. So now he has to get his diploma again.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Yeah, that's a great question. Like does he have, is all his digital footprint erased? Don't know. Don't know either. Is he still in the Avengers landing? Probably, but maybe he never took his mask off. Yeah, maybe that's it. Yeah, because he was definitely there, wasn't he?
Starting point is 01:06:16 He was definitely there. Yeah. I'm also wondering if maybe in a sequel Ned and MJ go to MIT in Boston and then like opening a couple of scenes, they come back to New York because they're like, it was fun but I didn't feel like something was missing and I don't know what it was or something like that. I think, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Also Pepper Potts could have just given them jobs. I agree. Just straight out. Jobs and money. Yeah, you're right. But you want the college experience, Mason. I guess you do, yeah. You want that $200,000 student debt.
Starting point is 01:06:47 That's what you want. You want to be like, I threw up there and I threw up there and I threw up there. So there's a Venom post-credits, which is just whatever, and that really confirmed to me, and having watched the last Venom, Sony should not make solo Spider-Man movies. Yeah. It's live action. Right, right. You're saying without the-Man movies. Yeah. Live action.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Right, right. You're saying without the intervention of Marvel. Yes. And I know that's probably maybe not necessarily a popular opinion, but just look what they do when they're left to their own devices. And they're not even terrible, a lot of them. It's just like this is whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:19 You know, like The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and, like, the last two Venom movies. And, look, I know Morbius isn't out yet, but who gives a shit? And maybe it's amazing. It could be. Maybe it's amazing. Put that on the poster. Roll the dice.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Maybe it's amazing. But I just don't have any faith in it. Maybe people will be thrilled by a man who's weak and then he gets powers and he's strong. I've never seen that before. You've never seen it. But I think maybe that's what these movies have set up to do also is isolate Spider-Man so that they can pull out of the deal
Starting point is 01:07:51 because there is only one more contractual contract agreement. Yes, he's got one more MCU movie. And then it goes back to Sony. I think they're going to probably roll it over, but they don't have to now. Yeah, right. Because where's Iron Man man he's dead where he's where's thor he thought doesn't know him yeah you know but i mean marvel and kevin feige would would be aware of that right completely but what i'm saying is it's an option now it is they could do it if they were so inclined
Starting point is 01:08:21 because i don't know if you know this but during the split of marvel and sony they were so inclined because I don't know if you know this, but during the split with Marvel and Sony, they were going to make a Craven the Hunter movie. That's what they were going to move forward with. And then they got everything back and did this. Who's he hunting? Regular animals. Regular animals. I guess it's also we need to mention the Doctor Strange trailer.
Starting point is 01:08:38 I mean, before we do that, I was going to say, but a little bit of I've seen people on the internet asking how did Venom get drawn into the MCU? And I think it was just cross wires. Because the idea being that like everybody who knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man got drawn to the MCU, I think. Well, Electro didn't know who he was. Did he?
Starting point is 01:08:57 Nope. Huh. Because he took his mask off and he's like, oh, it's you. Oh, right, yeah. So I don't think. I think he had a little inkling. Yeah, that rule isn't hard and fast it seems. It seems that way
Starting point is 01:09:05 there is an explanation I think it was just crosswise because he went into the weird symbiote database or whatever it was well apparently the symbiotes
Starting point is 01:09:12 and I put this in the video on Sunday that Venom is all the symbiotes are connected across the multiverse so even if he didn't
Starting point is 01:09:19 explicitly know yeah he could that's why he was drawn there and that's why when he saw him on tv he's like this is interesting i'm interested in this also why because other spider-man from another
Starting point is 01:09:29 yes like spider-man 3 spider-man whatever but like even little things that sony do like that shot where he's got the mask off and he's standing that's not in that doesn't happen that's true yeah and and then venom's gone and he leaves a symbiote because they're probably going to do black suit at some point i guess yeah but just i i don't i don't i don't know i don't i don't i don't i don't even know if i want to see him fight that version of venom no well here's my question i guess so if we're going to follow traditional spider-man and this is a criticism i've had of of the idea of putting this spider-man and this venom together is that this venom has no ire against spider-man no so so and that is i feel a core element of do you build a new venom then you build a new venom mcu venom who is there someone like if we're following the
Starting point is 01:10:18 traditional venom storyline spider-man will wear the tom holland spider-man will wear the black suit for for a movie or 20 minutes or whatever. And then the symbiote will go to his greatest enemy or someone who has the biggest grudge against him. Someone who's under the bell. Yeah, someone who's under the bell, exactly. So one of the members of Saved by the Bell. That's right.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Probably Zack. Probably Zack, not Screech. He died. Yeah, Screech. R.I.P. But could it be the vulture's daughter yeah because she doesn't like
Starting point is 01:10:50 him anymore I guess probably and then you could do Lady Venom you could do Lady Venom only done twice before in live action yeah but could it be like another person who got the symbiote or you give it to his Flash Thompson's hat or whatever but I don't know whether that guy could pull off being a serious villain
Starting point is 01:11:06 in this, do you know what I mean? He's great. I think he's funny but I don't know whether that would work as a villain. Yeah, I honestly don't know. I think eventually they're just going to make Tom Hardy fight him. I think that's what they'll figure it out because that's the version that people know at this point. And even though I'm not a huge fan, they make money, those movies,
Starting point is 01:11:24 they make a lot of money for some reason. Anyway, Doctor Strange trailer. Yeah. Bits and pieces, snippets and grippets. I mean, number one thing, Shuma Gorath is in this. Yes. Although somebody pointed out it might not be Shuma Gorath. It might be another interdimensional something, something.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yeah, sure, sure. Yeah, there's that, Wonders in it. You know, we get glimpses of other bits and pieces in the multiverse and the big reveal is, of course, that evil Doctor Strange from What If? What If? It's like your greatest enemy is evil Doctor Strange from the What If animated series. You thought your greatest enemy was you, but it's this cartoon brought to life.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Different guy, yeah. Different guy, we reckon. Eyeshadow. We've given him eyeshadow. Yeah. Very wig heavy in that trailer, if you don't mind me saying so. What is going on with that Doctor Strange wig in general? It's like a beehive from the 60s.
Starting point is 01:12:12 It's crazy. Why do they do it? He's got hair. Just give him his regular hair. Why are they doing this? Too late. The wig's going to get bigger and bigger. That's true.
Starting point is 01:12:18 He does dye his beard, though. There's beard dye in this. Oh, that's right. That was fun. That was a fun little inclusion. I thought you'd appreciate this also. The special thanks to our good friend, producer, hero. Avi Arad.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Out of many talents, Avi Arad at the end. Look, to be fair, he's responsible for a lot of what is now. Yeah, that's true. He set up, like the Spider-Man trilogy is successful. Yeah, yeah. The original ones would be like in large part because of him, and I know he hasn't done great things since necessarily, but he has been involved in good things also.
Starting point is 01:12:53 He also did a lot of the animated stuff in the 90s, which got people involved. But didn't he get it cancelled ultimately? Yeah, he got a bunch of stuff cancelled and everybody hates him or whatever. But, you know, you cannot deny he's meddling. That cannot be denied. Do you want me to
Starting point is 01:13:09 talk a little bit about... Oh, sorry, go on. I was going to say, the only other thing I would mention in those credits, is this the first time, maybe it's in a previous one, have they always been Spider-Man created by Stanley and Steve Ditko? I don't remember, to be honest. Okay, yeah, well this one definitely has it, which is a nice touch.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Also, one of the special thanks is to J. Michael Straczynski, of course, creator of Babylon 5, as you know, but also a comic book writer. Of course. And he wrote the Spider-Man One More Day storyline, which is the one where. The memory erasing one. The memory erasing one.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Okay, yeah, that's interesting. But it's interesting because I only learned this week they made him write that. Oh. Like that was like editorial publishing edict. They're like, we're bringing you on but you have to write this. So he just took that bullet. Yeah, and apparently at one point he wanted his name taken off the writing credits for that story because he didn't like it so much
Starting point is 01:13:59 and nobody likes it really. So he's just eaten that for years. Yeah, but now they've been like, special thanks for inspiring this movie, J. Michael Straczynski. special thanks for eating shit on behalf of us for all those years yeah i didn't know that yeah look honestly that i didn't read it at the time it never really affected me it's just like a story point that i know of but you know i think there's there can be good things that spun out of it like nobody likes the clone saga but i think there's been good spider-Man clone stuff since.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Again, it's weird that neither of the other Spider-Men went, yeah, and I got cloned, and that was weird. Just give me one of those. But then maybe if they mentioned another movie, they'd have to make it. I think they should, though. Do a Spider-Man 4. In a world where every movie is like,
Starting point is 01:14:42 let's tease a little thing and see if people like it, and then we'll do it. It's weird that they didn't go maybe I'll have more adventures in the future or the past. Maybe we'll see some of my old adventures from the past. I'm going to have adventures in the past. What do you reckon they paid Tobey Maguire? Five million? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Yeah. He hasn't done much recently. He was in Boss Baby. First Boss Baby. I was going to say I haven't seen Boss Baby like I would have seen Boss Baby but it's on your list yeah
Starting point is 01:15:07 of movies to see I got some a quote here about the future from Kevin Feige from the New York Times Amy and I and Disney and Sony are talking about
Starting point is 01:15:15 also James oh Jesus Mason I'm in the middle of a big quote yeah I know you are but Don Hedcock also got a thanks he was like a long time Avengers artist
Starting point is 01:15:24 yeah and he also co-created the costume for Iron Man. Iron Man. Iron Man. Iron Man. Iron Man. Excellent. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Can I do this quote now? Also, he co-created Daredevil probably. Probably. He's one of those guys where it's like. He probably was involved. He passed away like 1995 or something like that. He's one of those guys that probably. There's a lot of people that probably created things, isn't there?
Starting point is 01:15:48 Yeah, but then they didn't get the credit for some reason. Interesting. Interesting. Interesting. Anyway, New York Times, Kevin Feige says, Amy and I and Disney and Sony are talking about it. Yes, we are actively beginning to develop where the story heads next, which I only say outright because I don't want fans to go through
Starting point is 01:16:02 any separation trauma like what happened after Far From Home. At the end of the movie we just made, we see Spider-Man make a momentous decision, one you've never seen him make before. It's a sacrifice and then gives us a lot to work with for the next film. So, yeah, the plan is currently that they are going to be working together and it is moving forward because obviously in between the last movie and this movie there was a bit of a falling apart and whatever. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:16:26 But then they came to a conclusion. Would you like me to read some reviews from people who've written to the show? This is from Viton. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. Did Spider-Man No Way Home did the most Marvel thing and that is found a way to restore the status quo? It's not just Tom's status quo, but it's the comics. So many possibilities and he's so silky now.
Starting point is 01:16:50 He's very silky at the end. That's right. Average Daughtless says, hashtag weekly punner pod, hey, Mr. Sunday Movies and at Wikipedia Brown, that's you, Mason. It's me. Watching Spider-Man No Way Home in theatres was an absolute blast. There were some big cheers, especially for Toby. Can you tell us the movie moments to which you guys actively
Starting point is 01:17:07 cheered in the cinemas? Cheers. Never. Yeah, I've never cheered in the cinemas. I'm not against it. I don't know whether it's an Australian thing, but shut up. Everybody shut up in the theatre. I just don't want to miss a thing.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Yeah. I want to Aerosmith this. I don't want to miss a thing. And that's why we, generally speaking I don't want to miss a thing. And I just would like, and that's why we generally speaking don't do reaction stuff. Yeah. Because I don't, I'm not a guy who's like, what's this? I'm like, everyone, so I can watch the thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Now I'm going to watch it again, also in silence. And then maybe I'll see if I, and then the third time I'll probably stop it at moments. Yep. And I'll see if little details. You'll see what's what. Devesh says, hashtag with me the punnett pod, No Way Home pretty good.
Starting point is 01:17:46 No big leap in terms of filmmaking but I'd be lying if I didn't say I smiled for most of the run time. Holland at his best since Captain America
Starting point is 01:17:53 Civil War though the biggest laugh would definitely be the special thanks to Abby Arad in the credits. Hilarious. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Craig says, No Way Home is a great event movie but I don't think it is built to last and doubt it will stand the test of time. That's interesting, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Because I do want, like, I feel like I'm way too close to this to make that call right now. I'm not saying Craig is wrong. I'm saying entirely possible. Maybe it's Craig also. Maybe it's Craig. That's true. But don't you think that's possible where people look back and go,
Starting point is 01:18:23 like with The Force Awakens, and go, that was just fan service and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, right, right. I think that's very possible. I mean, a lot of people, again, it's. Again, not to take away from. No, and again, I think the internet, like, you know, it, as we always say, and as we just reviewed this thing, it rewards.
Starting point is 01:18:40 This is the best thing ever. This is the worst thing ever. Yep. And I've seen a lot of reviews that are like, this is the best Spider-Man movie ever made. I don't think it is. I don't know if it is. And I think eventually we'll sort of come to that consensus.
Starting point is 01:18:49 It's probably the most crowd-pleasing I'd imagine. Yeah, and I think we'll eventually come to a consensus. Yeah. What are your favourites? Spider-Man. Yeah, the original Spider-Man? Not the character Spider-Man. He's your favourite one?
Starting point is 01:19:01 He is my favourite character in this franchise. Not to be boring. I quite like Homecoming because I like the back at high school thing. Yes, yes. Into the Spider-Verse, obviously. Spider-Man 2. But probably Into Spider-Verse still best by far. One more from, oh, maybe not by far, but just my favourite.
Starting point is 01:19:17 The 90s kid said, watching Spider-Man No Way Home was the most fun I've had at the movies in a long time. That's probably true also. You know what I mean? It is a real big event. It is a roller coaster. And being in the pandemic for two years, you know, you don't experience this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:31 I wasn't expecting the film to have as much heart as it did. It's the first MCU Spider-Man film that felt like a fully genuine Spider-Man story. Best movie ever. So, yeah, the general consensus is that people writing in that even the people who maybe didn't love it were like, I still really enjoyed it or I loved it and it it was crazy good i had a crazy good time i was like this ah i love this ah anything else mason or should we move it on up so let's move to another our other segment
Starting point is 01:19:57 yeah other than other than james and mesa review movie oh yeah what is that most famous segment i think but our second most famous segment is what we're reading and what we're going to read. Hey, great. Let's do it now, don't you think? Okay. Let's get this bloody theme song ready, mate. I'm never bloody ready. Am I right?
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yes. Thanks. I'm doing the theme. Westworld. Very nice. Mason, I'm chomping at the bit to know uh what you're reading also we're going to not spoil spider-man from here on out we're gonna try our best go for it well after all the rumors oh of andrew garfield being in spider-man no way home i thought i should go
Starting point is 01:20:39 to netflix and look up some other andrew garfield content which spider which of his spider-man movies did you watch i didn't watch any of his Spider-Man movies. Instead, I watched a tick, tick, a boom. Amazing, right? The Netflix musical about musicals. I loved it. About being in a musical. Did you love it? I really loved it.
Starting point is 01:20:53 I liked it. It was good fun. Andrew Garfield plays a man whose name I've already forgotten, but he's a struggling musical theatre playwright. But luckily, he writes Rent. That's so lucky. Very lucky. But I really related to his struggle of a guy who can just like,
Starting point is 01:21:12 just offhandedly like make a musical in his home and just, you know, do all this amazing stuff until the pressure is actually on to write music for his actual musical that he's trying. Like he's at a party and he's just like, hey, everybody, let's do a beat and let's make a song or whatever. And it's just, you know know it comes to him so naturally but then when it's like you've got you've got to write a musical that people will actually come and pay to watch he's like the woman got no that's that's not right delete delete delete delete delete yeah that's interesting again he's just a very very very charming man yeah good i've been i've
Starting point is 01:21:41 been meaning to watch that but i want to like sit down and watch it properly and i haven't had like a free night to do that um well i watched the opposite of a heartwarming musical about the guy who made rent uh you might remember the movie macgruber from like 10 years ago hell yeah there's a trailer for a new series there's a new series it's out right now it's on it's on stan yeah it's fucking incredible for people who don't remember it started out as a you know a classic snl sketch where it's the same thing every time. It's MacGyver. He's MacGyver and there's a bomb that's about to go off,
Starting point is 01:22:11 but he's weighed down by some severe emotional problems. And his assistants in Kristen Wiig and whoever the other person was in the SNL sketch are like, come on, MacGyver, you can do this. But then he's always sad, he's sad about his relationship or whatever, and the bomb explodes. But then there was a movie with Kristen Wiig and Ryan Felipe many years ago. 10 years ago, were you saying?
Starting point is 01:22:31 I would say 2010, maybe, yeah. Where it's just a... He fights Val Kilmer. It's just a ridiculous 80s throwback action thing. It's not hugely MacGyver, but it's just like... No, it's more like a lethal weapon. Just Will Forte just being an insane man. Didn't do well.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Didn't do well at all. People didn't like it. And it's like he's awful. Like he's an awful and he's still awful. And he's got bad ideas and he's dumb and people hate him. But again, and this is a spoiler for a movie that came ten years ago. If I remember correctly,
Starting point is 01:23:04 there's this running gag that he's always throat ripping people and you never see it but at the end and everybody's like no you can't and at the end he just you can just tear people's throats out with his bare hands well not to spoil too much of the new one he just does so much of it it's just constant he skins a man and wears his skin. There's so much going on. And again, like, he's terrible. Like, he's a terrible person and he's just got bad ideas and it's just, like, he's not pleasant to be around. They should do, like, a pack of, like, unrewarded, like, just, like, unappreciatedreciated like that era comedy gems,
Starting point is 01:23:45 that and like. I think like Never Stop, Never Stopping is probably up there. And also Hot Rod. Yep, The Love Guru. Yeah. All the classics. No, James. No, you've tried to trick me with that one and put that in,
Starting point is 01:23:54 but that's not true actually. You don't mess with the Zohan. Yeah, yeah, actually all the good ones. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Little Nicky. Zoolander 2. The Animal with Rob Schneider. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:02 These are all big ones. Just Zoolander 2. You get a second copy of Zoolander 2. You get two copies of that. You get two copies of Zoolander 2. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are all big ones. Zoolander 2, you get a second copy of Zoolander 2, you get two copies of that. You get two copies of Zoolander 2. Yeah. So just fun. I mean, if you liked the movie,
Starting point is 01:24:10 I think it's probably even better than the movie, to be honest, because it feels like multiple kind of – it's long. It's a show. Yeah, yeah. I also – I've been reviewing. People might know this. And just like that, The Sex and the City, the new series, Claire and I, my wife, we do a podcast together called Suggestible.
Starting point is 01:24:28 This one is called Suggestible and the City. It's like recaps like we do for Hawkeye except we talk about Sex and the City and it's really fun and people might not know this but I know an insane amount about that show and it's been really fun talking about it. I listened to the first episode. Thank you. You're very welcome I listened to the first episode. Thank you. You're very welcome, which covered the first two episodes
Starting point is 01:24:47 and you seem to be pretty on board with the concepts of it. Generally, you're still on board with this show. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's like it's Sex and the City, so it's that again and for all its faults and not. Is there a new theme or is it just the Sex and the City theme? Like the do-do-do-do-do. Or do you mean like the running theme?
Starting point is 01:25:08 Both. There's no theme song and it's a different running theme. I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it, but all your characters are back. All the characters I created. Except for Samantha who is not back. Who's not in there for, yeah. For various reasons.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Anyway, should we go to the next segment? Let's do Letters. Let's do Letters. The classic one was... Letters, oh, Letters, we love you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do Letters.
Starting point is 01:25:39 If you do want to reach the show, hashtag weekly... Is that going to become a musical there? It was. Have you been hiding your secrets Andrew Garfield musical skills? Would everything become a musical if you didn't, if you took the safeties off? You know I love bloody music. If I could play music, I would.
Starting point is 01:25:54 I'd probably do it all day. Yeah, same. But I don't know anything about music. Yeah, nice. It's from Dave, who says, hashtag weekly planet pod. Dave, first of all, wanted everybody to know that if you do want to reach the show, hashtag weekly planet pod. Dave, first of all, wanted everybody to know that if you do want to reach the show, hashtag Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter or weeklyplanetpod at Thank you so much, Dave, for letting us know.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Dave says, hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. Hey, gents, long-time listener, not great at Twittering, but here goes. My fiancée, Natalie, and I love your Tom Holland voice. I wondered if you'd both wish her a happy birthday in the voice. She's 30. 30? 30? 30? What is that?
Starting point is 01:26:26 On Sunday, December 19th. Oh, just in time. So a little bit late probably when you're hearing this, but let's go. What have we got? Where are we going with? Natalie is turning 30 on Sunday, the 30th. So we're doing this in stereo. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Hello, Natalie. It's your friend Tom Tomalone. In stereo. In stereo. In stereo. Happy birthday. In it. When I'm 30 in 14 years, maybe we can get a pint together. I hope you're still married, though, just as friends.
Starting point is 01:27:00 In stereo. In stereo. Wonderful. Thanks for coming, Tom. Yeah, absolutely. Both of you. Yeah for coming, Tom. Yeah, absolutely. Both of you. Yeah. That was awful.
Starting point is 01:27:07 No, I thought it was really good. This is an email from Andy. Andy? Speaking of fiancés. All right. Subject line, should I divorce my wife? Here we go. All right.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Andy says, I've tried tricking her into listening to the podcast in the car and at home, but she refuses to listen because she hates Australian accents and so doesn't understand half my jokes. Cool. When should I divorce her? And do you have a good lawyer you can recommend, Andy, from the UK? Great question. We don't know that many divorce lawyers in the UK.
Starting point is 01:27:32 I mean, I've got a couple in the back pocket just in case. You always want to have a few ready to go on speed dial, but I'd rather not share them publicly. What you might want to do then is maybe take her on a holiday to Australia and then divorce her then, and then we can supply some lawyers then, I guess. Maybe she's got other interests. Maybe she'd like to go through suggestible in the city or just suggestible to get here.
Starting point is 01:27:52 You know what I mean? Or a different husband. Oh, a different husband. Give her a different husband. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Interesting. Andy, we'll workshop some stuff for you.
Starting point is 01:28:00 We'll workshop some handy divorce stuff for you. Some handy Andy divorce stuff. This is from Andrew who says, hashtag We're Here Planet Pod, is there any way Marvel can successfully pull off something weirder than No Way Home without alienating mainstream audiences? I feel like that has to be the peak. Again, we're not going to spoil it here. But, yeah, it's kind of difficult because, well,
Starting point is 01:28:20 Endgame felt like a peak, didn't it? Yeah. But this I feel is kind of I don't think as big because Endgame was like everything happening all the time. For some people. But this is a combination of many things. Yeah. And I think that, yeah, it will be a hard thing to top
Starting point is 01:28:34 and I think Multiverse of Madness is going to take a big swing at that by including as many things as they possibly can. Japanese Spider-Man robot. Japanese Spider-Man robot. Do you think they could do it with other characters or franchises? Do you think we could? I guess we could do like, I can't say without spoiling, but I think it's possible.
Starting point is 01:28:53 You know what? I think they have to do really, realistically. And I think Sony got lucky because they had that swath of villainous characters and the like to pull from 20 years ago. You can't do that for every franchise. That's true. Maybe X-Men, I guess, but I guess. Maybe Batman.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Maybe Batman could do it with the, yeah, because we know we're getting the flashpoint. But I think what they need to do again, like they do with Endgame, is build up all these current characters they're working on and give it another crack in like five to eight years or whatever. True. Yeah. What's next, Mason?
Starting point is 01:29:23 This is from Sebastian. Hello, Sebastian. On the Hawkeye episode five review, you guys were wondering whether if Florence Pugh ate the mac and cheese for real or not. Oh, yeah, I did see this. What have we got?
Starting point is 01:29:31 In an interview with BuzzFeed, Bert and Bertie, the directors of Hawkeye, said that she was actually eating the mac and cheese for real. I knew it. Fuck yeah. In fact, they were actually concerned
Starting point is 01:29:38 about the amount of hot sauce she was eating take after take. And that Florence Pugh actually came up with the idea of using hot sauce that day on set. I wonder if Florence Pugh has a nozmia. What's a nozmia? She has no sense as well.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Yeah, it might be. Do you have a nozmia? No, I have too much nozmia. You've got an excess of it. I have molto nozmia. Molto nozmia. Molto nozmia. Great question.
Starting point is 01:29:59 She might. I mean, some people just love hot sauce. I mean, if it's just like a sriracha, I can eat so much of that. Yeah, yeah, definitely. So it's not a problem. Sebastian says, I felt like I needed to let you guys know about this. Truly important information. Keep up the great work.
Starting point is 01:30:11 I love the show, and you guys always make my day a little bit better. Wow, that is lovely to hear. We really appreciate it. We appreciate it. Do you have any more email? I've got two more emails. Let's email together. This is from Scott.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Hello, Scott. How are you going, lads? Just wanted to say thanks as I've been dealing with a rib injury from jiu-jitsu. I've had a lot of pain in the chest area, and I appreciate you guys making content that is enough to give me entertainment and a good chuckle. Nothing funny enough to cause any chest pain. Oh, mate. You're really looking out for me in this trying time. All the best and keep up the good work from Scott.
Starting point is 01:30:37 Thank you, Scott. We hope your ribs are feeling well. We're not doing too many big chortling laughs that will hurt your ribs more. That's true. Now, I've got one more. Okay. It's a local food squabble. You're excited for this? I'm ready. big chortling laughs that will hurt your ribs more. That's true. Now, I've got one more. Okay. It's a local food squabble.
Starting point is 01:30:48 You're excited for this? I'm ready. I think we can really dig into this. Okay. Because there is almost no evidence in this. Oh, that's my favorite. Hello, gents. This is from Chris. Since you've been squashing regional food beef recently,
Starting point is 01:30:58 I was wanting to get into the action. I've decided to steal a fight from one of my neighbor cities, the classic Philadelphia. Where is the best place to get a Philly cheesesteak? There are three main contenders. Two of them claim to be the ones to originate the idea, and every person you ask will say, you have to go to this place, the other place is just tourist traps.
Starting point is 01:31:13 So please, once and for all, is the best Philly cheesesteak Gino's, Pat's, or Jim's? That's it. That's all the information we have. Well, Gino's, Pat's, Jim's. If you're in Melbourne, you should go to Sparrow's Philly Cheesesteaks in Fitzroy. Do you want to just say that one then? Yeah, I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:29 So that's the one. That's the best one. And where it originated from. It's in the Catfish, which is a pub in Fitzroy. I don't think I've ever had a chili cheese fish steak. I don't think I've ever had one. You've never had the fictional thing you've just made up. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:31:43 You've obviously had one before. I've seen them before. And I'm just like, that you've just made out of? Yeah. That's interesting. You've obviously had one before. I've had a rigged, yeah. I've seen them before and I'm just like, that doesn't look good. It looks like it's too much. They are too much. It looks like it'll just like flop down over my heart. Yeah, it's gone. It's like, I've got one right now.
Starting point is 01:31:54 I haven't eaten one in weeks, but it's still there. Yeah. They're not too much, you find? Well, I went there one time and I'm like, extra cheese, please. And they're like, are you sure? That's a lot of cheese. I'm like, I'll tell you what's a lot of cheese. And then you did.
Starting point is 01:32:07 I did. It was that. It was too much cheese. So it's our one, the one that we said. I think it is, yeah. That way nobody wins. Yeah, I think so, yeah. Terrific.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Cop that, Philadelphia. Now, I've got something to float with you for next week, Mason. Oh, yes? It's a tough situation to be in. It will be the last show of the year. Oh, we forgot Snake Eyes. We'll have to push it back next week. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, man, I just realized. Yeah, a tough situation to be in. It will be the last show of the year. Yeah. And tradition. Oh, we forgot Snake Eyes. We'll have to push it back next week. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Oh, man, I just realized. Yeah, no, we can do that next week. God, and I've closed the Google Doc, so I can't. Can't open that up again. You've got a time-locked Google Doc. God, why did I install that? Anyways, next week will be The Matrix. Yep.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Snake Eyes, obviously. And it's also normally our yearly wrap-up. It's our award show. That's right. Now, the question is, though, do we dedicate an episode of The Matrix and then we do an extra show for the year in early January and then we take a break? Do we do that?
Starting point is 01:32:55 I think people might appreciate that. Yeah, I think maybe we do. An extra show in January. Yeah, yeah, let's do that. That might mean we'll have to take a slightly longer break in January. Yes. But I think I don't really want to do Matrix, which I hope to have a lot to say about, Snake Eyes,
Starting point is 01:33:09 which I know I have a lot to say about. Exactly, that's true. And then do The Awards. Yeah, three big things, three huge events. God, which is the biggest do you think? Snake Eyes. They're probably equally big. Oh, Snake Eyes.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Snake Eyes is probably the biggest I reckon. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's coming up. So we'll probably do it like that unless it changes. Yeah. Raw Calling Sue edits this. There's no doubt probably getting that. There's a survey you can do where listeners choose what their favorite
Starting point is 01:33:33 and least favorite. But the awards we do for the year. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that might go up. I thought for a second that you were going to say there's a poll where people say their least favorite things, like the least favorite things about this show. Oh, I'd love to say that.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Like at least favorite bits. Please, if you love to say that. Like our least favourite bits. Please, if you've got any suggestions for that, hit us up. Hit us up. Anyway, so I just thought I'd float that with you now. But then that's the show, isn't it? Yes, it is. Folks, thank you so much for listening to this show. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Specifically, thank you for listening. Thank you for telling your friends about it. Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for leaving a nice review, which I am told you can also do on Spotify now. You can do it on your podcast platform. Oh, yeah, that's cool. Some people are saying you can do it on Spotify, but I had a look. I couldn't do it on any shows that I listen to, so I don't know where the button is.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Hopefully you can. If you can find the button, do a review on Spotify. Maybe you need to do like the app reinstall or not, you know, the update or whatever. You know when you ever open up your apps and it's like, you have 27 new apps that you've got to update. I'm like, I did this yesterday. I didn't even have that many apps. Anyways, this is a review though because I'm trying to get through them all. This is from an official ginger ninja trickster who says,
Starting point is 01:34:34 this is a fact, if you put five stars into one Olympic swimming pool, we'd all die. Makes sense. Is that true? I think so, yeah. And this is from Al Bagel No Muffin. All bagel, no muffin. James is Frodo andel No Muffin. All Bagel No Muffin. James is Frodo and Mason is Sam.
Starting point is 01:34:48 You ready for this? I'm ready. It's like if you like your podcast to reflect the journey of Frodo and Sam from Lord of the Rings, then this podcast is for you. Listen as James and Mason carry this podcast up the Mount Doom of weekly publication. Witness as James is driven to madness from the weight of the show and Mason realises that he can't carry the podcast for James, but he can carry James and the podcast.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Oh, that's beautiful. With every week, James expresses his gratitude for being a podcaster while he exhaustingly wonders what the meaning of anything is. Meanwhile, an unfazed Mason confronts, comforts and reassures James and the listeners that everything is all right. Not only does this podcast mirror Sam and Frodo, but real and reassures James and the listeners that everything is all right. Not only does this podcast mirror Sam and Frodo, but real life as well, especially the power of friendship. Nice.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Isn't that a good metaphor? Have I ever said that I went my entire life not knowing how the Lord of the Rings trilogy ended and then like the day before I went to see Return of the King, I saw like a post on the internet, maybe like the Something Awful forum. So it was like, oh, yeah, and then Gollum bites off Frodo's figure and pulls him into Mount Doom. And I went, ha, great joke.
Starting point is 01:35:52 What a great joke as if that would actually happen. And it did. So somebody listening to this probably went their whole life without knowing how it ended as well. Oh, no! And Christmas is coming up where everybody watches Lord of the Rings trilogy. That's right, it's coming up.
Starting point is 01:36:03 It's this Saturday. We hope you have a very merry Christmas. But what else is going on, Mason, about the show and whatever? Boxing day. I hope you have a good boxing day. Yeah, but this is where you wrap up the show, et cetera. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Folks, if you want to get into contact with us,
Starting point is 01:36:13 if you've got any regional disputes, they don't have to be food. You can email in. You can also email about anything, really. You can go to We want some of the information but not all of the information. Not all the information. Right, right, right. If you provided any more information than the names of those places,
Starting point is 01:36:25 I wouldn't have been able to say Sparrows, Philly Cheesesteaks. There's also a place on Flinders Street called Fat Boy Philly Cheesesteaks, but I haven't been able to get there yet. I go past it a lot. Oh, really? I haven't been in there. Somebody let me know if it's good. Anyway, you can go to weeklyplanetpod at Gmail, at Facebook,
Starting point is 01:36:42 at Twitter, at Bandcamp. You can join the Planet Broadcasting Great Mates Facebook group. You can go to the Weekly Planet pod subreddit and Discord. Yeah. You can follow Raw Collings on Twitter at RawCollings and also at The Weekly Planet. You can follow me on Twitter at Wikipedia Brand and on Instagram, Nick Maso, N-I-C-K-M-A-S-E-A-U.
Starting point is 01:37:02 James is MrSundayMovies everywhere. If you'd like to support the show, you can review the show as people have done so. You can also go to slash MrSundayMovies. You can chuck in a buck. We'd appreciate that, a buck or any amount, even a bigger amount, a smaller amount. That's right, that's right, that's right. It's all good. It's all gravy, baby, as they say.
Starting point is 01:37:19 It's all graved, babe. You can also go to You can sign up for nine US dollar-y dues per month. Too easy. Very easy. Too easy. You get bonus content, movie commentaries, bonus podcasts. We did the Die Hard one as previously mentioned. I think the Big Sandwich content will keep going even when
Starting point is 01:37:36 we're on holiday. Yes, we are going to continue that. So if you're like, I'm jonesing for some Big Sandwiches, that will continue there. Nice. I want to try a new thing. Maybe a video thing just for big sandwich i'm thinking about it anyway um don't get excited everyone okay nice temper your expectations folks so we're doing that um and that's cool that is cool got some t-shirts on you just search for the weekly planet thank you to the brute and the basilisk and
Starting point is 01:37:59 rack and prola musical themes merry christmas and happy holidays to everybody that's right we'll see you after what are you doing stay safe yeah we hope you don happy holidays to everybody. That's right. We'll see you after this. Where are you from? What are you doing? Stay safe. Yeah. We hope you don't get the Rona. That's right. And don't risk going to the movies just to watch The Matrix.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Yeah. Watch it on streaming. Watch it on streaming. Which you absolutely can do. Yeah, nice. Yeah. Cool. Don't spoil it for us.
Starting point is 01:38:19 But I think we're seeing it Tuesday. I don't know. That's true. I don't know. All right. Thanks, everybody. Grab that gem, you guys. We will see you next week.
Starting point is 01:38:27 And goodbye? Yes. We forgot to talk about Snake. It's a real thing we're going to talk about. Best movie of the year, probably. We don't. We'll talk about it. We've seen it many times, hundreds of times.
Starting point is 01:38:37 I've seen it hundreds of times. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies
Starting point is 01:39:15 on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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