The Weekly Planet - 43 The Best & Worst Of Ninja Turtles & Female Thor

Episode Date: July 21, 2014

This week we discuss the spate of Marvel news including a new female Thor, the annoucement of new release dates, Captain America 3 and more! Plus we talk Fox's bid to buy Warner Bros. and the ver...y best and worst of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Thanks for listening! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of My name is James, editor at You might know me as Mr. Sunday. With me as always, my co-host, Nick, Wikipedia bro-mason. Not my name at all. Some of it was my name. I accidentally called you that on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I know, right? It caused an uproar. Nobody noticed. One person noticed. Oh, okay, right. What's up? Disaster. Nothing?
Starting point is 00:00:34 Just hanging out? Yeah, yeah. Ready to fire it up to do another podcast? You know it. About whatever the topic is this week? Just winging it as always? Just winging it. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Well, we'll get to that, Mason. Okay. We've got roughly the news. Ooh, I'm excited. Yeah, it's going to winging it. That's all right. Well, we'll get to that, Mason. But we've got Ooh, I'm excited. Yeah, it's going to be good. I might be all right. You've said that now we have to buy Like, whatever it costs, we're going to have to buy that.
Starting point is 00:00:54 So, like in a sitcom or whatever, like a Saturday Night Live kind of show, if they mention a website, they have to go out and buy that website. Oh, really? Just in case somebody... You know, it's whatever. Some whatever. That's what happened to Sm that website. Oh, really? Just in case somebody... You know, it's whatever. That's what happened to Smodcast.
Starting point is 00:01:08 He mentioned it and somebody got it and then he had to buy it off that person. Had to pay out the nose for it. So there you go. That's it. All right. Podcast's over then. Go buy
Starting point is 00:01:18 All right, let's hear this news. Well, there's lots of Marvel news this week, Mason. We've got some... But we'll start with some kind of DC Warner Brothers news. Just to kick it off. Because this is not going to be a very DC-focused podcast. Uh-oh. I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:01:31 People are going to be grumpy. That's all right. Really? No. I don't think anybody's ever accused us of actually going either way on DC or Marvel. Should we pick a side? Yes. Ah, Marvel.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm going to go independent. Ah, you've ruined the whole dynamic fine i don't care anymore go ahead uh independent you and you you're gonna go with comics with an x that's it oh gross uh fox the company rupert murdoch no not not the edible okay 83 year old rupert murdoch that dude is gonna live forever forever. I hope not. Wait, this comic book movie, is that some sort of affiliate of Fox? I don't think so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Not to my knowledge. Then I hope he dies soon. Well, his mother only died recently. Like, only in the past few years. And he killed her, so, allegedly. That's it. So, Fox placed an unsuccessful $85 dollar bid to buy time warner okay which includes warner brothers cnn hbo and dc comics right they said they had a kind of a lot
Starting point is 00:02:33 of trouble kind of a lot of difficulty turning down 85 billion dollars which you would i guess but um if he wants this he's going to come at this again, I'd imagine. Right. But people are saying, well, if this happens, that means DC and the X-Men properties and that are in the same universe. So maybe we'll get a DC-X-Men crossover. Huzzah! Yeah. That's okay. I mean, it's... It's certainly possible, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It's possible if this goes through. Yeah. Do you need to see that? They don't really have the same skill set. They don't have the same skill set. The films don't have the same vibe at all. Yeah. I can't see that working.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, yeah. And also, Rupert Murdoch would not do that because he wouldn't get any merchandising money from anything X-Men, right? Yeah, yeah, good point. So why would he bother? Yeah, good point. In fact, he might destroy the...
Starting point is 00:03:23 somehow find a way to destroy the X-Men. Just out of spite. Sure. Seems like something you'd do. Yeah. But you're forgetting about all the sweet Batman and Wolverine fan fiction. And probably actual comic crossovers. How about X-Men Simpsons?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Sure. Yeah. Yep. Who would Bart be? I don't know. Because you have all just the excitement and amazement of X-Men Origins Wolverine combined with the later seasons of The Simpsons that no one likes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Right? Just smoosh those together. When was the last time you watched an episode of The Simpsons? Like a new one. At least five years. Probably. Yeah, me too. If not more.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yeah, probably more. Yeah. Well, there you go. Okay, quickly. What's the high point of The Simpsons? It must be like season eight or nine. I reckon, yeah, maybe ten. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Ten is the, and then it's all downhill. And now it's like season 20? Yeah. I don't know. I couldn't tell you. Love it. Actually, I saw the movie. It was all right.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah, it was fine, yeah. Got some of the old writers back in and whatever. Anyway, Mason. The villain was going to be Hank Scorpio, then it wasn't. Why wouldn't they do that? I know, exactly. They use the same voice and everything. Exactly. They use the same voice, yeah. Ridic whatever. Anyway, Mason. If the villain was going to be Hank Scorpio, then it wasn't. Why wouldn't they do that? I know, exactly. They use the same voice and everything. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:28 They use the same voice, yeah. Ridiculous. Anyway, whatever. Yeah. Lots of Marvel news this week, Mason, which is good for you because you love Marvel. Apparently. Well, the first thing I guess we'll, let's go to, it just kept happening this week from Marvel.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So much. One thing after the other. It just kept happening this week for Marvel. It's just one thing after the other. The first official look at the Avengers Age of Ultron via an Entertainment Weekly cover, I believe it is. I get all the excuses. Like a magazine. Yeah, like a magazine.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yeah, yeah. So I've got it open here. You've got your first look at Ultron. And it's got Iron Man and Captain America just sort of palling around with Ultron. He's just hanging out in the back. Either that or they're very, very inattentive. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:05:05 He snuck right up. Right up, right behind him, yeah. What I find really interesting about that is... I guess maybe Age of Ultron will be a pantomime. Okay. And the audience gets to go, He's behind you! And Iron Man and Cameron are like,
Starting point is 00:05:19 What? Where? What are you... He's behind... Anyway. Big in London. They love it in London. Yeah, they love a p Big in London. They love it in London. They love a panto in London. They do. I was going to say, I think it goes to show that the star power now of Chris Evans in
Starting point is 00:05:30 particular, that he's come to the forefront of this. And he's maskless. And he's maskless. Exactly. Like, you know, three or four years ago. He was popular, but after Winter Soldier. Three or four years ago, he had to wear a bag when he said it in public. He did.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Brutal. But hey, that's Hollywood. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think of the Ultron look, though? Great. That'sal. But hey, that's Hollywood. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think of the Ultron look though? Great. That's solid. I mean, we can't see it moving, obviously, but it was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yeah. Absolutely. Well, it's all performance capture or whatever, whatever you want to call it. Voice of James Spader. So that's good. And you've got the Ultron bots in the background. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Apparently it's all like, you know, he's a Tony Stark creation and he has like all the
Starting point is 00:06:03 snark of Tony Stark. Tony Stark. Tony Stark creation, and he has all the snark of Tony Stark. Tony Snark. Tony Snark, but none of his compassion, which he has very little of anyway. Right, exactly. So that's basically where this is all going to stem from. But that looks great. And next week when we do our Comic-Con slash Hercules episode, Mason. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:06:20 What a combo. Look, on the one hand, we don't actually get to go to San Diego Comic-Con, Oh my goodness. What a combo. Look, on the one hand, we don't actually get to go to San Diego Comic-Con, but on the other hand, we do have to force ourselves through a Hercules film. Yes. But it's got The Rock in it, so... A Brett Ratner Hercules film.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Is it really? Yes. Oh. Oh. Yeah. So also in some other photos, you see Rhodey. He's going to be making an appearance. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:06:43 So I think we're also... I think it's rumoured as well that Falcon's going to be there and a few other kind of, not B-list characters, but sidekick-y. That's also insulting. Yeah. Some of the black guys. Okay, yeah, I didn't even think of it like that.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Man, Mason, you made me seem real racist right now. I sure did. But yeah, so that's good. But do we see Rhodey and Sivvy? So we don't know if he's going to be War Machine or if he's going to be Iron Patriot. Yeah, because Tony Stark's got his... He's made the Avengers Tower and they all just kind of hang out there or whatever. Because he is currently Iron Patriot in the comics.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Oh, is he? So I would say maybe... Unless they revert him back. Who knows? Who knows? I think War Machine... A lot of people didn't like Iron Patriot. Like, in terms of contrast, I think War Machine looks a lot better.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, I agree. But hey. Yeah. Now, Noah Oldberding also wrote a lot better. Yeah, I agree. Here we are. Yeah. Now, Noah Oldberding also wrote... Berding? Yeah, that's it. He says that Hawkeye noticeably still got the girl costume. Correct. Because you made the comment that of all the Avengers, including Scarlett Johansson, he has the girliest costume.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Well, that's like... I'm not saying it's girly, but I'm saying traditionally... Okay. I'm not saying it's girly but I'm saying traditionally like all the other characters like you know any kind of team film like all the guys wearing appropriate armour for the battle they're about to enter whatever it is like a superhero movie or some sort of war movie or like fantasy or whatever
Starting point is 00:07:56 steel, appropriate armour but the female character's always wearing like more skimpy clothing that doesn't make sense just because she's the girl like a chain mail bikini. Yeah, exactly. But in the Avengers movies, the one with the sleeveless outfit is Hawkeye. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:12 But again, in another still, he's wearing a delightful little coat. He is. A delightful little winter coat with little sleeves. So I guess even with Thor, even if he goes sleeveless, he's still got that cape. So, you know. He's still more covered. I think he's got slightly more sleeve if I had to make that decision. Uh-huh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I mean, I think, yeah. But also, you know how you can put his hammer up in the air and generate the sleeves? Yeah, that's it. Like you can. Yeah. I use a croquet mallet, but whatever. Also, they've come out and said they've expanded their film roster for Phase 3. So now we've got films confirmed for coming for July, November 2017,
Starting point is 00:08:48 July, November 2018, and May 3rd, 2019. So there you go. And in some of those years, we're actually getting three Marvel movies, or one in particular. I can't remember which one, but also we are getting three Marvel movies this year, if you count Big Hero 6, which we'll talk about in a minute, the animated one.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So they're all ready to go Mason. It's lining up. All the pieces are falling into place. And Kevin Feige has again confirmed that he's not going to
Starting point is 00:09:12 move Captain America 3 from the Batman V Superman date. So that's happening. I can't wait. Yeah I think we've talked about this before but I think
Starting point is 00:09:21 we've never seen Batman V Superman but we've seen Captain America. I think just on novelty people are going to see Batman v Superman first. They'll have to do a big Captain America story arc like Civil War or Death of Captain America to get the peeps in. Or Captain America turns into a werewolf. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Our favourite. That's, yeah. Now, also Mason, big controversy in the Marvel Universe Not really, but the internet has imploded in on itself Let's talk about that Can we talk about it? Because they've released the new roster for the Avengers As part of sort of Marvel Now
Starting point is 00:09:57 And it's a new lineup, this is November I think We'll be seeing the new lineup And Entertainment Weekly, once again, they've scooped us Again, those sons of bitches And they've released a be seeing the new lineup and entertainment weekly. Once again, they've scooped us again, those sons of bitches. And they've released a picture of the new lineup. So it's very, it seems very,
Starting point is 00:10:12 they've, they've seen what's worked on screen on the big screen and they've put those characters in. Yeah. Right. So we've got, we've got Iron Man and he's looking very sort of iOS seven. He is a little bit. And I think in November we're going to get superior Iron Man.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yes. So in the Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Dr. Octopus transferred his mind into Spider-Man and then sort of had to fight against... You know, his heroic and his villainous nature had to sort of battle it out. And he mentally fought Peter Parker. He did do that, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But I assume that's not going to be the case here, but I think it might be... He might sort of revert more to the sort of bad guy he was in Civil War. Or maybe it's revealed that all his products are built in China in sweatshops. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:00 One of those two things. It's almost certainly one of those. Okay, so we've got Scarlet Witch, who's going to be in Age of Ultron. Of course, pictures of those. Doctor Strange, who's going to be in a film soon-ish. Yeah, he'll be good. Ant-Man going to be in a film soon-ish. Death Block, who's in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yes. Let's see. We have the Winter Soldier. We have Medusa, the Inhumans. Oh, that means they might be introducing the Inhumans. Maybe. Because on one side we've got, I haven't really looked at this, we've got Medusa on the left who's sort of from the Inhuman royal family
Starting point is 00:11:29 who live on the moon. And they've got Phallus on the left and Party on the right. Absolutely. And the Party in this case is represented by, I think, Dante, who's one of the Chicago Inhumans. Okay. Not as royal. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:39 But still a cool dude, probably. Winter Soldier. We have Angela. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Formerly of Spawn. Yeah. So that was a big deal, wasn't it? That character coming over from...
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah. Was it an Image Comics thing? Yeah, I mean, Angela was originally... Okay, so Todd McFarlane, who created Spawn, hired a bunch of... He hired Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, and somebody else who I can't remember, to each write a story arc for Spawn. And Neil Gaiman wrote his story arc, and he created this character, Angela. He created medieval Spawn, and he created Cogliostro, who was John Leguizamo in the film.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Cogliostro? Cogliostro. Is that his name? The clown. I didn't know that was his name. Yeah, that's his name. And basically, he apparently was told that he owned those characters, because the image was all about creator owned stuff
Starting point is 00:12:25 yeah if you create a character that's yours yeah absolutely but then McFarlane said actually no you don't I never agreed to that
Starting point is 00:12:32 blah blah blah so there's been sort of this ongoing legal battle for this character this character that no one cares about precisely exactly
Starting point is 00:12:39 I mean I don't think Neil Gaiman particularly cares about it either there's a much longer backstory to this whole thing involving other characters. Open up the Wikipedia. Just read. No, I will not.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Okay, so... You don't have to tell it. We can talk. Yeah, it's all right. I mean, you can. I don't care. It's up to you. All right, let's do it real quick.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Okay, so in the 1950s, that's right. That's how far back we can go. Yeah, I know. There was a... We might have talked about this before. There was a British comic book character called Marvel Man who was basically a really cheap rip-off of Captain Marvel. And basically that character was around in the 50s.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And then in the 80s there was like this 2000 AD style magazine called Warrior. And they needed new characters to put in this. So they decided let's get Marvel Man back. We'll revamp him. And Alan Moore took a shot at the character. There's a story arc written by Alan Moore. And there was a story line created by Neil Gaiman. And then many years later, like in the 90s, 2000s,
Starting point is 00:13:37 Todd McFarlane bought the company that created all that. So he owned it. And Neil Gaiman wanted to write more Marvel Man stories. But Todd McFarlane wouldn't let him, basically. so they're sort of arch nemeses two levels awesome so basically what because marvel man who later became miracle man marvel comics would like to use marvel man okay so they essentially back neil gaiman in the lawsuit yeah and now they're reprinting all the old marvel man stories and they're going to release some new ones at some point in the future right so i guess in exchange neil gaiman has sold them
Starting point is 00:14:10 angela okay you can cut all of that out if you want no no that's i didn't want to i don't want i i said did i not sound like i wanted to hear that you sounded very very keen thank you anyway so to that's actually not important at all, but it is interesting that, yeah, she appeared in Age of Ultron, like, right at the end. Like, ta-da, here we are. Okay, right. Yeah, yeah. It's a comic story.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yeah. Okay, so we've also got the Falcon as Captain America. Mm-hmm. What happened to Steve Rogers? Who knows? Oh, he's got, he's serious. Oh, he's lost his superhero. Lost his superhero.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Okay, right, right, right. So he's, yeah, okay, great. Yes. He's in a superhero time at home. That's... But most importantly, right in the center of this picture, we have a female Thor. Yeah. And the internet went crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:51 People lost their minds over this. Yeah, it's... People were super upset. Hang on. So I found a Huffington Post article about this. Sure. And somebody, you know, you can probably predict how these are going to go. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:15:04 But somebody here was like, you know, I don't see it so much as ruining the character. Maybe they'll, you know, maybe there'll be some good stories or whatever. And then somebody, of course, commented, how many comic books do you own? If it's less than a full long box, then shut up. Right? That's like the... That's the yardstick for if you're allowed to be a comic. I don't have a full long box of comics.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I don't. Mine are all just in bits, mostly. Mine have been eaten by dogs. Mine are in ditches. Who knows? I don't know. But yeah, people get really upset about this stuff. Real pissy about it.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Real pissy. Like it's going to be a permanent thing anyway. Yeah, exactly. Like if you're an actual... I don't want to say if you're an actual comic book fan. If you've got a long box. Yeah, if you've got a long box. If you know anything about comic books for the last 20 years, they just do stunts all the time.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. And this is like, they replaced Superman, they replaced Batman, other things. Thor was a frog at one point. Thor was a frog. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:56 If you know anything about Thor, if you're like, oh, they shouldn't ruin Thor, he's my favorite character. Well, if you know anything about Thor, they've replaced him in the past with a frog, a horse-faced alien man
Starting point is 00:16:06 and worst of all a man with a ponytail from the 1990s they've replaced him with those things and nobody could nobody cared then because it wasn't in a movie but now yeah now people are super upset they're you know that captain america was gone people were like well you can't you know you can't have a story a captain amer America comic book without the actual Captain America. They did that for years. That's it. Exactly. They just replaced Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:16:29 That was an amazing, you know, story arc. Yeah, yeah. It was great. So, everybody shut up. Who do you think it's going to be? Because they haven't revealed who it is. It's hard to say. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Maybe. It might be a new character. I think it's going to be a new character. And I think another issue, which is probably legitimate, on the other side, there's people who are like, oh, it could be a woman, because is probably legitimate on the other side there's people who are like oh it can't be a woman because women but on the other side
Starting point is 00:16:48 there are people saying good point yeah I know right good point the internet but on the other side people are saying you know
Starting point is 00:16:53 why can't they just get an original female character you know just a new interesting character I think that's probably what it'll be
Starting point is 00:17:01 I think probably because they did that with you know, Beta Ray Bill, who's the horse-faced alien man who took over from Thor for a while. The second worst behind the ponytail guy. The ponytail guy. He got his own series.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah. Eric Masterson, who's the 90s Thor, he became Thunderstrike. Yeah. I think they will probably take... I'm going to guess she is probably maybe a war veteran. Okay, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:24 People are upset because I would say, you've had to guess, because the inscription on Thor's hammer says, whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. Yeah. But it doesn't say that because women cannot use it. That's it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:40 The inscription was put on there because Thor was cast down from Asgard to Earth by his father. Just pitched him right down to Earth. Yeah, just pitched him to Earth with the assumption that he would learn humility and he would learn to be a better person and he would find the hammer again and become Thor again. It's only he because Odin was assuming that Thor would find it again. He's not saying women can't, whatever. It's just due to that magic there's now a loophole. So if anybody's worthy enough they can pick up the hammer. I think Storm has lifted it before. Yeah, that's not saying women can't, whatever. It's just due to that magic, there's now a loophole.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So if anybody's worthy enough, they can pick up the hammer. Yeah, yeah. I think Storm has lifted it before. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I think you mentioned this before. Steve Rogers has lifted it before. Spider-Man, future Spider-Man can lift it. Not regular Spider-Man?
Starting point is 00:18:14 I don't think regular Spider-Man can, no. Yeah. So I'm going to say some sort of war veteran maybe. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:20 There you go. But yeah, hey everybody complaining about it, shut up. We haven't seen it yet. Look, I'm interested to see where it goes anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I mean, and the thing is about Thor's, the other Thor, the original Thor, whatever you want to call him, he's not dead. Right. There's been a picture released of him where he's got the destroyer arm, because he got his arm damaged recently. And he's holding his old weapon. It's called, what's it called? Jarnborn or something like that.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's spelled J-A-R-N-B-O-R. Right. Is it also a hammer? No, it's like an axi kind of thing and it can like slay gods or whatever. Right, right, right. But also we know from some recent comic runs that Thor's had interactions with his future self.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah. Where his future self has the metal arm and an eye patch and he's holding the hammer. Right. So you know, even if you're so upset that you're just kicking your long boxes around your room, you know he's holding the hammer right so you know even if even if you're so upset that you're just kicking your long boxes around your room you know he's gonna come back exactly yeah so i don't understand this closed-mindedness of whether it's a you know whether it's he's being replaced by a
Starting point is 00:19:15 woman or a frog or whatever that people can't go oh this is looks like it could be an interesting development yeah i've done great stories doing this sort of thing in the past. Why can't they do it now? Just give it a chance. Come on. Do you feel like they released this news first and then went, oh, Captain America's
Starting point is 00:19:30 being replaced by a black guy? So, like, kind of, do you think they did it in that order on purpose? I think it's different. I think it's different bigots. Yeah, okay. Different bigots.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I think the people that are upset that Captain America's Falcon now, they're a different group. Yeah, yeah. I mean, there's probably, the Venn diagram probably has some crossover. No doubt. Of sexist and racist.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Sure. But, yeah. They often, they're not at the same parties. Correct. Generally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. But look, you know what's interesting though?
Starting point is 00:19:58 It shows that, this will probably link back into the movies where they've now opened it up from the perspective of, there's a couple of people who can take on different mantles. So now we know that Anthony Mackie's Falcon could become Captain America. Bucky could become Captain America. They could bring in a new female character to be Thor or Captain America. It could be Stiltman. Exactly. Someone actually sent some Stiltman fanfic, which I've got to pass on to you.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Erotic fanfic? I hope so. I haven't read it but um i can't remember who sent that but yeah to show you that stilt man has got some skills oh all right i'm looking forward to it all right that's it love it so there you go mason four's a woman and we're against it where's the point of this no don't say that because then people will edit out just that piece yeah sure yeah you're right exactly the official statement for this was it was actually released on The View, which is
Starting point is 00:20:45 a female-centric talk show, which we don't get here, or we do? I don't know. Who knows. It aims to speak to an audience that long ago was not the target for superhero comic books in America, women and girls. So yeah, why not? Do that. Absolutely. It's fine. Yeah. So yeah, it also said that
Starting point is 00:21:01 this is not a temporary substitute. She is now the one and only Thor. Well, for now. Yeah, exactly. Obviously not. There you go. They said that about every single other. Like when Superman died, they're like, nope, he's not coming back.
Starting point is 00:21:14 This is it. For two issues. Yeah. How long was he dead for? It was like two issues, wasn't it? No, it was a long time. It was ages. I don't think it was that long.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I reckon it would have been. Because it's in that same Death of Superman book. You get that book and he comes back in the same. I reckon he would have been... Because it's in that same Death of Superman book. You get that book and he comes back in the same... I reckon he would have... Because at the time there were four Superman books. Yeah. Running, like, one a week. I reckon he would have been dead for, like, five months.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Okay. Yeah, yeah. Sure. Maybe more, maybe less. Maybe... I think this will probably go for at least a year. Yeah, yeah, totally. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:40 I hope, like they did with Superior Spider-Man and often when they do these things, like with Bucky, they just stick to it just write it out you know what I mean who cares yeah yeah unless it's an actual terrible unless it's an actual terrible storyline
Starting point is 00:21:52 notwithstanding that it's a woman or a man or whatever or a frog or a horse based alien man or a crucial dude from the 90s but if it's a terrible storyline yeah cut it out absolutely sure
Starting point is 00:22:02 I don't want to be any part of it if it's terrible but if it's a good story it'd be great and you know what it's good from the perspective it just culls if people like i refuse to read it ever again good good that's good something else for your time all right i mean don't talk about on the internet certainly no uh kevin feige mason it was also asked this week whether the guardians the galaxy which is getting great write-ups by the way yeah the first wave of reviews have come in if there's a chance that they could team up with the Avengers. And his response was like, yeah, maybe. Almost certainly, right?
Starting point is 00:22:31 So, yeah, why wouldn't you? I mean, because there was quite a recent storyline where Iron Man went into space to find himself or whatever, and he teamed up with the Guardians for a while. Did he find himself? Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. But now he's a bad guy?
Starting point is 00:22:44 Who knows? We don't read comics. So, yeah himself? Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. But now he's a bad guy? Who knows? We don't read comics. So yeah, I think that would be cool. Some of the reviews are like, move over, the Avengers, there's a new team in town. I reckon there's definitely going to be a crossover. Yeah, yeah. Sure. See if Peter Quill and Tony Stark could out-snark each other.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Absolutely, yeah. Just like a real snark off. The Big Hero 6 trailer. Yes. Disney's animated other. Absolutely, yeah. Just like a real snark-off. The Big Hero 6 trailer. Yes. Disney's animated property. I've seen it. Yeah, you've seen it. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:23:11 Interesting property to adapt. It's not something you'd think that they'd go for. Yeah, I think a lot of people would not pick it as a Marvel movie at all. No, absolutely not. Yeah, they've sort of whitewashed it a little bit. All the characters in the original were Japanese.
Starting point is 00:23:25 There's a couple of characters missing. They obviously can't use Silver Samurai because he's... He's too silver. He's too silver. You can't computer animate Silver. Too silver for the silver screen. Yeah. Because he's owned by whoever owns Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Fox? Yeah. What's his name? The old guy, Murdoch. Yeah, Murdoch. They can't use Sunfire either. I guess for the same reason. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 But yeah, it looks fun. Yeah. I like that robot that he's got or whatever. Baymax, sure. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, absolutelydoch. I don't think he's Sunfire either, I guess, for the same reason. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, it looks fun. Yeah. I like that robot that he's got or whatever. Baymax, sure. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So, look, I don't really, I don't know anything about him.
Starting point is 00:23:51 The most I know about this I've probably seen these characters is from the trailer. So I'm looking forward to learning more about it. And if this does well, which it probably will, it's the same people who did like Wreck-It-Ralph and other things and whatever. This will probably lead to some other kind of left of center kind of properties. Yeah, some bit less animated stuff. Yeah, that we wouldn't necessarily see in the live action. Yeah, I would like to see maybe Runaways.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Oh, yeah. Animated, that would work, I would think. Sure. Yeah, totally. So we've got T.J. Miller in there. Okay, yeah, exactly, yeah. And there's a scene where he's speeding away in a car and he's all wisecracking, just like Transformers 4.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Just like T.J. Miller in real life, always wisecracking at theacking. Just like Transformers 4. Just like TJ Miller in real life. Always wisecracking at the back of a speeding car. Great. That's it. So look forward to that, Mason, I think in November when it comes out. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Universal, moving away from comic book news, Mason.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Uh-huh. Sort of. Universal are unifying its monsters the same way that Marvel is unifying its characters. So all like Van Helsing, Dracula, The Wolfman, Frankenstein, probably... I'm going to give you a continuous thumbs up. Sure. All these sound greats. They've all got to exist in this one kind of ongoing universe.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Does that include the Michael Fassbender Frankenstein? Is that the one we're talking about? Is that the one that's coming out soon-ish? Or is there one? I Frankenstein? No, no, you're thinking of Aaron Egghart. Oh, it is too, right. No, there is another one coming out, I think, of Aaron Egghart. Oh, it is too, right. Yeah, yeah. No, there is
Starting point is 00:25:05 another one coming out, I think, called Igor, and Daniel Radcliffe is Igor, or something. Okay. I don't know, I might be wrong, but
Starting point is 00:25:11 have you seen the trailer for Dracula Untold with Luke Evans? No. It looks really awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You know a lot of these things are like, this is the Dracula you've never seen before. Yeah. Like, ugh, boring, shut up.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Like Dracula 2000. Right, right, right. And whatever. This actually looks really, really good shut up. Like Dracula 2000 and whatever. This actually looks really, really good. Do you want to pause the thing that we're doing now and look at it? Nah. All right. I'll let you assume.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Take my word for it, it's okay. Cool. So there you go. That's the news for this one. I've got one more piece of news, actually. Sure. Because I saw it just a couple of days ago. There is going to be a...
Starting point is 00:25:43 Forza woman! Because I saw it just a couple of days ago. There is going to be a... Forza Woman! Dynamite Comics, who do a lot of movie kind of comic book-y, adaptive thingies. Sure. That's a technical term. They're going to do a Django-Zorro crossover. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:59 It's being co-plotted by Quentin Tarantino. Did you say co-directed? Co-plotted. Okay. By Quentin Tarantino. How much involvement that actually means, who knows? But that's exciting, right? Did you enjoy Django Unchained?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Yeah, I did. I've only seen it once. I've got to see it again. Yeah, it was fun. Good performances. Yeah, yeah, totally. Good combat, whatever. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:26:18 And it's going to be Quentin Tarantino and Matt Wagner who created the character Grendel, among other things. What's Grendel about? He's like a sophisticated assassin. Oh. Yeah. Imagine like black costume Spider-Man wearing a tuxedo killing a lot of people. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:26:33 All right. Yeah. Also, somewhat related to that, Matt Wagner is also doing with Dynamite Entertainment a Grendel, the Shadow crossover. Do you reckon they're going to push the Shadow back into cinemas? No. They wouldn't dare. They would not dare. That's long the shadow back into cinemas? No. They wouldn't dare. They would not dare.
Starting point is 00:26:46 That's long enough though, isn't it? Yeah. Oh, yeah. How would they do it though? Just be like... Just the same as last time? Yeah, why not? Get one of the bald ones.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Doesn't matter. I don't think I've ever seen that in its entirety. I think it's not bad. I think it's not bad. Yeah. And he has weird prosthetics. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It's not bad. It's kind of fun. Sure. It's a fun little film. And he has weird prosthetics. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's not bad. It's kind of fun. Sure. It's a fun little film. Better than Dick Tracy? Yes. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:10 There you go. Well, Mason, that's the news for this week. Yep. Dot com. Absolutely. I hope we've registered that website before somebody else does. Okay. I just want to do a quick shout out, a quick thank you to some people who donated for our
Starting point is 00:27:23 X-Men First Class commentary Colin Lagan, $10 Nathan Freeman, $20 also wants a shout out $20 to give you a shout out $20 gets you more than that Yeah, I know, right? Shout out!
Starting point is 00:27:39 There you go, that was a double and Eddie also he's donated a lot of money to the show. I know, right? We appreciate it. He made a very generous donation as well. So thank you, Eddie. What a bloody champ.
Starting point is 00:27:51 What a bloody champ. What a bunch of bloody champs. I know, right? So yeah, if you want to check any of those out, And quite frankly, that first class commentary is not our finest hour, if I can be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:28:00 It's all right. Yeah, it's fine. But I mean, yeah, thanks for everyone who listened to it. It keeps the show on the air. Yeah, absolutely. Which is the point of this. Yeah, it's fine. But I mean, yeah, thanks for everyone who listened to it. It keeps you on the air. Yeah, absolutely. Which is the point of this. Yeah, well, hopefully
Starting point is 00:28:08 we'll do another one soon. Hopefully, fingers crossed. Who knows, Mason? Yeah. So, yeah. Well, Mason. Yes? Now, though, we're ready
Starting point is 00:28:15 to go with the main topic for this week. Women in comics. Yep. Yay or nay? Yeah. Women reading comics, yay or nay also?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Hmm. No. So many thumbs down no kidding we're talking Ninja Turtles absolutely because it's going to be out in a few weeks
Starting point is 00:28:30 the new version we're actually not going to be able to see it until September because it's not out here until like September 11 ugh ominous
Starting point is 00:28:36 very so we won't be able to do an actual episode on it and I think by the time it rolls around people will be like who cares what these guys
Starting point is 00:28:42 think exactly it's been months or a month because it looks like a kind of film where you'd watch it and be like, who cares what these guys think. Yeah, exactly. It's been months or a month or whatever. Because it looks like a kind of film where you'd watch it and be like, oh, that's pretty fun. And then you'd never think about it again. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I mean, maybe it'll blow all of our minds. No. No? No. I'm safe in that assumption. Occasionally, somebody will talk to me and they'll be like, you know, you don't watch a lot of movies, do I? I'm like, no, I don't watch a lot of movies. I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Because my radar has been fine-tuned to the point. Were we talking about that this week? Will we? Yeah. Do you want to? No, were we talking about it? Just me and you in our private lives. Yeah, in our private actual lives.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Well, I think our radar is attuned to the point where I can look at a trailer and be like, it's not going to be a good film. I'm happy to pass judgment on that as not a good film having not seen it. I'm fine with fine with that like there are people out there and their job is they make trailers that's it like they're part of the marketing team they don't do anything else other than make trailers you say they're part of the problem yes okay but if if you can take a two hour film and cut it down to a two minute trailer and you can still fail to make that movie look good,
Starting point is 00:29:45 it's not a good film. If you can't find two minutes of interesting, exciting, usable footage to trick people into making that film look good, there isn't two minutes of good footage in that film. So it's going to be bad. That's a fair point. Yeah, what about teaser trailers? You know, like a 30-second kind of or a minute thing where it just piques your interest.
Starting point is 00:30:06 You okay with those? Some of those are like... They're harder to read. They're harder to read, yeah. And some of those contain footage and voiceovers and whatever they aren't in the movie at all. Yeah, yeah. And sometimes they're done before anything else is shot. Very early days, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Well, the Age of Ultron one was done well before they started filming. But that had... I mean, that was nothing. That had a voiceover and some stills, right? From, like... I think it was a voiceover from, like, other... From previous movies and... Yeah, yeah. And whatever was nothing. That had a voiceover and some stills, right? From like, I think it was a voiceover from like other, from previous movies
Starting point is 00:30:27 and whatever. So yeah. So it's safe to assume, Mason, we're both looking forward to Ninja Turtles. Right? No. Look, I'm looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I'm going to benefit of the doubt it. Yeah, I'm going to watch it. Yeah. Well, we have to, Mason. Legally. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:44 But yeah, this week we're talking about Ninja Turtles. We're talking about the old Ninja Turtles. All the old Ninja Turtles. You better believe we are, Mason. I thought we'd start maybe by you giving us a sweet breakdown that I asked you to do like 20 minutes before the show. Right. Tell me about how it all started, Mason.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Use that improv magic of yours, you said, and say some things you sort of remember from the 90s. Well, here we go. Once upon a time... The Ninja Turtles started as sort of a black and white indie comic, your favourite kind of comic. You know it. You son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:31:14 By Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. It was sort of still intimately involved with Ninja Turtles. Yeah. One will be like, I'm done with this. And you don't see them for a couple of years, and they're back in, one will be like, I'm done with this. And you don't see them for a couple of years and they're back in and everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm done with this. Whatever. But they started, you know, sort of a black and white comic that was sort of a, so it was sort of a sidequel to Daredevil
Starting point is 00:31:36 because in this, you know, in the origin of Daredevil, he's a kid and he pushes an old man out of the path of a truck and then like a, like a, like a container of toxic waste flies out of the back of the truck, hits him in the face. And then he goes blind, but he gains the Daredevil powers.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And Eastman and Laird set up this, you know, what was happening at the same time. You see in their origin, you see a kid push an old man out of the way of a truck. He gets hit in the face with this container of toxic waste. remains of the container then fall down it's not said that like this is dead no but it's clearly yeah and in this toxic way the remains of the toxic waste falls down a storm sewer vent a storm sewer grate rather and ends and lands on some turtles that have been flushed yep you know into the sewers. And yeah, toxic mutation. And a rat. And a rat.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Sorry, I forgot the rat, guys. But yeah, there's sort of a parody in that, you know, where Daredevil fought the Hand Ninja Clan. Yeah. The Ninja Turtles fought the Foot. Yeah. And Daredevil's mentor was a guy called Stick. And the Ninja Turtles' mentor is a guy called Stick and Ninja Turtle's mentor
Starting point is 00:32:45 is a rat called Splinter. Yeah. You know? Yeah. All classic. I would say that that's not widely known though. I suppose that's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:52 There's parallels between Daredevil and Ninja Turtle. Well, they don't mention it anymore. No. No, there'd be... Yeah. But yeah, so it originally came out
Starting point is 00:32:59 on Mirage Comics and they were pretty brutal back in the day. Yeah, they were, weren't they? Yeah, yeah. The first movie takes a lot of cues from those original comics. I haven't read a lot of them in a while,
Starting point is 00:33:08 but they're quite good, aren't they? I haven't read them in a while, but yeah. There's a reason why the popularity took off. Violence. Violence is great. Silly and violent. Yeah, even though, like you said, they were black and white, they all had the red band. They didn't have the colours. That was invented for the TV show. Correct, to distinguish all, even though, like you said, they were black and white, they all had the red band.
Starting point is 00:33:25 They didn't have the colours. That was invented for the TV show. Correct, to distinguish them, yeah. That's exactly it. The cartoon, so yeah. But yeah, the first movie does take a lot of cues from sort of very early... In fact, more or less the very first... Actually, the very first scene with the Ninja
Starting point is 00:33:41 Turtles in the Ninja Turtles comic was them like, just killing a whole bunch of muggers. Like, chopping them to pieces. the very first scene with the Ninja Turtles in the Ninja Turtles comic was them like just killing a whole bunch of muggers. Like chopping them to pieces. It's pretty great. But the first, the actual first Ninja Turtles story is them versus the Shredder. And he dies at the end. But in this case he
Starting point is 00:33:57 he's killed with a thermite grenade. So he's horribly burned to death. He falls off a building and he's horribly burned to death. But in the Ninja Turtles movie he falls off a building and he's crushed to death in a garbage compactor. So what's worse, ultimately? Equally brutal, I would say. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Sure. How were you introduced into the comic or the TV show? How was I? Yeah. Well, the first time I saw it, the first time I ever saw the Ninja Turtles, I'd seen, I think I'd seen a little snippet of the, I'd read a little snippet of the Mirage comic in a, in like a comic book store or something like that. But I think it was too, it was, for a comic book about Ninja Turtles, it was too adult.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Sure. But then I went to like a Kmart. Yeah. And they had the Ninja Turtles toys. Oh yeah, you've talked about this. And they were, because this was before the massive marketing push. And so they were already on like super discount for whatever reason. They were like 20 bucks, but they're down to five bucks.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Because I guess Kmart executives got them and like, well, we were forced to buy these. These are weird. These are weird and we don't want them. Let's just clear them out of the door. And I insisted to my family, please buy me these. And actually, no, I'd seen the Archie comics. There was an Archie comics adaptation. And I'd seen that
Starting point is 00:35:05 first and i'm like this is this is the thing right yeah and then i saw the toys and i'm like you have to you have to get me all these toys you have to get me all the toys and the party i'll kill all of you i will kill you with my with my knife skills and my nunchucks unless you but but they were they were like these things are weird you don't you don't want these and i'm like fine i guess i don't want these and then like days later, the cartoon came out and everything went bananas. Yeah. And then you couldn't get them anywhere. No, you couldn't.
Starting point is 00:35:31 You had to search. You had to scout out those Kmart. All over eBay. All over. We didn't have eBay. What? Are you bloody dreaming, mate? We didn't have eBay.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I remember them only from the show and then not being able to get one for like a year. Right. I think I had like a splinter. Oh, wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. But I mean, I liked Voltron or whatever before, but I was so ridiculously into Ninja Turtles,
Starting point is 00:35:56 as was everybody at the time. Right, right. It was fucking everywhere. You couldn't get away from it. Right. I'm sure I just bugged my parents all day telling them about Ninja Turtles. You ever talk to a kid about something they like? Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:06 They just bang on and on about it. Absolutely, yeah. So I'd imagine that would have been most of my conversations. Children just have podcasts. They just bang on and on and on. Yeah, we say as we bang on about everything every week. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:19 But any toys in particular that you remember having? I know we did this for Transformers. We just went, I had this one, I had this one. So maybe we'll just keep it brief. Yeah, look, I had all the essentials. You had the blimp. I had the blimp. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Sure, I had the Ninja Turtles. Bebop and Rocksteady. Sure, I had those guys. Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't have Bebop and Rocksteady. Mondo Gecko. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I had Ray Fillet. Oh, sure. He's changed colour in, like, heat and water. Sure. Yeah, yeah. I had the crocodile one. The Cajun crocodile one Leatherhead
Starting point is 00:36:45 yeah I guarantee that was his thing absolutely as is all people from New Orleans that's all they say and
Starting point is 00:36:53 he was up against the frogs that Shredder created do you remember Shredder created the mutant frogs yes and he named them like
Starting point is 00:37:01 Rasputin and Napoleon and whatever and they wore like Hawaiian shirts and shit. Do you remember that? Vaguely, yes. Yeah, yeah. So, I mean, a lot of those characters though,
Starting point is 00:37:13 they didn't look like they did in the show or they had like different alliances. So like you'd have like your heroes and your villains on the back of the box. Great box art on those things as well. Absolutely, yeah. Like really drew you in. But like they'd have like wingnut and screw loose
Starting point is 00:37:25 do you remember they had them as good guys but they were bad guys in the show right right oh whatever that's probably not a good example I might not even be right
Starting point is 00:37:31 but yeah but in the actually in the cartoon all the Ninja Turtles were like a uniform shade of green but the toys weren't no they were different shades
Starting point is 00:37:38 yeah yeah easier to animate I guess with sometimes their bands would like switch colour and the voices wouldn't match right right and whatever
Starting point is 00:37:45 but we didn't care no we didn't because we loved the magic of television but going back and seeing like watching clips of that this week
Starting point is 00:37:51 the first few episodes the introduction is quite good yeah yeah like it's well animated it's a good tight story but it just gets goofier and goofier
Starting point is 00:38:00 well the first three or four episodes I think I think it might be five yeah they were like they were like a self-contained mini-series. And I think they sort of got shopped around because they wanted to... Because all the money is in syndicating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And I think they just shopped that around for months and months and months. And eventually... So that is the tightest written and kind of the best. Yeah. Yeah, that is the cleverest writing. I mean, there are other stories in it that are good or whatever. But mostly the villains in particular are very goofy and not threatening in any way so the series from 2003 the animated one is even though that was like after my time that from what i've seen is a much better
Starting point is 00:38:35 show right than the um you shouldn't express your opinion on that though because people people will have your head for that look you just go back and watch like any clip of it and you can see that it's not what you remember. But that's okay. I mean, it's a kid's show, you know what I mean? So, okay, so here's a little note I've got here. It says at the height of the frenzy in the late
Starting point is 00:38:56 80s and early 90s, we're talking merchandising here, the Turtles' likenesses could be found on a wide range of children's merchandise, obviously, right? That's where the money comes from. From Pez dispensers to skateboards, makes sense. Skateboarders, right? Breakfast cereal, num, num, num in the morning, great. Video games, of course.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah, a lot of those. School supplies, makes sense. Yeah. Learning fun. Linens, towels, cameras, and even toy shaving kits. What? Exactly. Why?
Starting point is 00:39:20 Who shaves in that show? Where's the link? Oh, it's not just the show. It's what kid is shaving. Correct. No, it's a toy shaving kit. Oh, it's a toy? For shaving your toys.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I don't know. I'm confused. Is it miniature? Or is it like an adult-sized shaving kit that's fake? You pretend you shave with your dad or whatever. You know? I don't know what that is. I know.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Why is it... I know. I'm confused too. I'm glad I never encountered that because my head would have exploded animated series
Starting point is 00:39:49 lasted for 10 years yeah it went from 87 to 96 yeah I mean it started here I think in like 1990 because as things
Starting point is 00:39:57 often did no no this is the show I'm talking about the animated show well that's how I remember it playing out but there was also there was a live action
Starting point is 00:40:04 series briefly went from 97 to 98 which was sort of a continuation of the movies and that famously had um a female ninja turtle that had breasts remember that was like a controversial thing was it venus de milo it was venus de milo and she had like a lighter blue headband but yeah you just give it like i don't know purple i was gonna say well don't tell us purple yeah it's gonna say pink but that's probably sexist. It is, yeah. Good job, guys.
Starting point is 00:40:28 White blue is the way to go. Yeah. Then, of course, the second animated series, which was 2003 to 2009, which brings in a lot of the comic stuff with the U-Trons and whatever. Because the animated, the original animated show brought a lot of stuff in that wasn't in the comics, like Krang was introduced and a whole bunch of other stuff. And, of course, there's a third and current series which started in 2012, which is Computer Animated. It's apparently quite good, but I haven't seen much of it or maybe just a few trailers.
Starting point is 00:40:55 But Sean Astin, I think, is Raphael. And they had Jason Biggs as Leonardo, but I think they just swapped him out for someone else. Right. I might be wrong. Someone whose penis hasn't been inside a pie. Where are you going to find someone like that, Mason? So yeah, is there anything else you think we need to say about
Starting point is 00:41:10 the animated shows before we move on to the movies? There's a good solid one, and we've probably mentioned this before, called Ninja Turtles Forever. There was a 10th anniversary, I think, or maybe the 20th anniversary. Might even be 20th. I think it was in 2007. Yeah, so for an anniversary of the Ninja Turtles, they released Ninja Turtles I think, or maybe the 20th anniversary. It might even be 20th. I think it was like 2007. Yeah. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah, so for an anniversary of the Ninja Turtles, they released Ninja Turtles Forever, which was essentially Ninja Turtles from the 80s animated series teaming up with the Ninja Turtles from the 2003 series to sort of avert the end of all of the universes. And it even ends with a tiny little... They eventually end up sort of at the beginning of their universe, which is black and white, and they have to sort of face off against the original Mirage series Ninja Turtles.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Brutal and awful. Yeah, yeah, it's quite good. It's very... Maybe you have to be... I don't know. I skip through it. I'm like, I'm not really going to sit much longer. Yeah, I was going to say, maybe it's an exercise in nostalgia.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Yeah. Like, if you did not live through all those specific eras, you'd be like, what is this? Why is this so dumb? I don't know. Maybe, like, people are fascinated by all that weird retro stuff, right? I know a lot of people are upset that some of the original voices weren't... Like, they didn't get a lot of the original voice cast back or whatever,
Starting point is 00:42:17 but I don't know. That's life. Yeah, that is life. That's right. Sometimes people go out of your life and you never see them again, Mason. Like, into a garbage truck. Speaking of, 1990, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was an independent film, actually.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I think New Line Cinema put it out. But on a budget of $13.5 million, it made over $200 million worldwide. That makes sense. Which is ridiculous, especially for the time. As you mentioned, it does draw heavily from the comics. A lot of those panels are pretty much beat for beat what you see. Like, you know, they go to the farm in it and the shirt on the rooftop. Yeah, and the part where like Raphael, hot-headed Raphael,
Starting point is 00:42:53 takes on a whole bunch of Foot Clan soldiers by himself and they beat the tar out of him. Look, it's very of the time. Like late 80s, early 90s. So you've watched this recently? Yeah, I watched it like a bit of it yesterday, a bit of it today. Uh-huh. And it's also got the theme song by, do you remember Partners in Crime?
Starting point is 00:43:11 No, I do not. K-R-Y-M-E. I do remember there being some wicked soundtracks. Turtle Power. Turtle Power, yeah. Maybe I'll put a clip in. Please do. Ah.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah. So yeah, look, it's very different to the show though, isn't it? Yes. But I remember the time because well i didn't see the cinema because i wasn't allowed and i was too young right yes i did because it was pretty brutal for a kid's yeah yeah for a kid's movie which drew a lot of complaints which kind of like skewed the the direction of the rest of the movies right but i i was i really enjoyed it because it was dark because it was different from the cartoon. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And I wasn't like, why is there no Krang or whatever? I'm like, I understand that this is a different thing, even though I was very young at the time. But I loved this movie, and I think it still holds up pretty well today. Really? Yeah. Okay, good. I should really watch it. It's dated.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you take it as what it is, it worked at the time when it shouldn't have. Yep. Because you've got your animatronic turtle suits, which are amazing, by the way. This is Jim Henson's final movie, where they had stunt performers in the suits and they had the gears that animated the turtles' heads in the shells.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so they'd have people off screen kind of doing hand puppet motions and then voice actors. It was a whole thing. Like the way they did it was incredible. Yeah, and I mean, it was Jim Henson's last film insofar as at the end he fell into that garbage compactor and they crushed him to death. So that explains why he never came back.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So, look, the stunts in the fight scenes are still quite good, especially when you consider that they're suits. Yeah, yeah. They're in suits. Yeah, yeah. They do have a lot of, weight to them they feel solid like it feels there's some solid action sequences that's it exactly so like credit where credit's due like it's a it's a very well it's it's as good as you could have made it at the time yeah it's got a young elias cotius in it it's got a young sam rockwell he's the best as that goes like hey kids have some cigarettes yeah
Starting point is 00:45:03 like they're all the runaway because the plot is As that goes, like, hey, kids, have some cigarettes. Yeah. Like, all the runaway. Because the plot includes, like, all these runaway kids. Yeah. Ending up in this, like, the Foot Clan's lair, but it's all been set up so. It's so 90s. So rebel kids can have a cool 90s time. And be like, I hate my parents. I'm going to skate on this half pipe or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and then Sam Rockwell's like, have all these cigarettes. Menthol or whatever. Yeah, yeah whatever yeah yeah that's so good it's i remember seeing that at the time being like i want to go to that absolutely clan hideout because it just looked like it still looks awesome they had arcade games yeah it was so good yeah but it is as mentioned it's pretty brutal like i've just made a note of a few things well i'm ready. Like, they use their weapons. Like, you see them, like... You don't see them, like, slice a guy in half, but they really hit people hard. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And there's a Foot Clan member gets electrocuted. He cuts into an electrical cable. This is when he burns down Apple's apartment. And you see him getting electrocuted, and he's, like, smoking. Yeah, yeah. So he's dead. Because he was smoking.
Starting point is 00:45:58 That's probably why. Don't smoke, kids. Bloody Rockwell. Yeah. And I like the idea as well that these clans, this Foot Clan had come to New York and just taken in all these wayward kids and would train them up to be Foot Clan. And then the Ninja Turtles would just beat them half to death.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Right. Because a lot of the Foot Clan were just kids and you would earn that. Right, right. You could go and work for Shredder and you'd steal like TVs and whatever, which is how the movie opens. And then you eventually become a leader of the Foot. But there's also a scene where, do you Tatsu the villain Tatsu yes it's like Shredder's second in command he like
Starting point is 00:46:27 beats a guy to death but they change it so you could just hear his breathing and there's like an off screen line it's like oh he's okay he's gonna be alright but like originally Tatsu beat this guy to death because they encountered the Ninja Turtles and they got like thumped so yeah it's
Starting point is 00:46:43 got some emotional moments in it. Let me, tell me about those. The bit where, was it like between Leonardo and Raphael where he wakes up? Yeah. And Leonardo's like looking after him because as you said, he gets like the shit kicked out of him, which is a great fight scene. Where Splinter, all the stuff with Splinter's really good. Like he has like a quiet moment with Raphael at the start and there's another bit where
Starting point is 00:47:04 he like astral projects into a fire and talks to them. It doesn't make any sense. Absolutely not. But there's some bits that are like... It's quite good. That's like... Yeah, maybe I'm overselling it, but were you disappointed? You could never oversell the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I feel this is your Batman 1989. Yeah, it probably is. Yeah, that's alright. Sure. Yeah, yeah, I'd agree. I'm glad we can both have one. So you're against this movie? No, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Like, I'm against Batman 1989? If I have to be. I remember it being fine, but if I have to be against it, I will. Do you remember being disappointed that there was no, like, Krang or Bebop and Rocksteady? Not at all, no. Yeah. I feel, especially at that time, the movies were more real. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Like, again, if we're talking about Batman 1989, I went into that. Like, I saw the trailer for that and I was like, oh my god, Batman's real. This is... And then I went into the same. I'm like, well, of course there won't be aliens from outer space. Because this is... This is the real world. This is the real Ninja Turtles.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Obviously. You know? Yeah, yeah. Just a few facts from this, Mason. Before we name it Best Movie Ever, which we will. Did you know in the original, in the UK, they're called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles? Yeah. Well, they were, but I don't think they still are. I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:48:14 That would be crazy. And they couldn't use nunchucks. Michael Angelo couldn't say use nunchucks because apparently street gangs were building their own nunchucks. That's it. They've been banned in a lot of countries. They're still banned. But why is a nunchuck less dangerous than
Starting point is 00:48:25 like a scythe or a sword? It's really not. Like, supposedly like a, like a, it takes like eight pounds of pressure to break somebody's bone.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Sure. Why do you know that? It was actually on the, it was actually on the, like the title cards of the, like the profile cards on the back of
Starting point is 00:48:42 Michelangelo's like toy box. Hey kids! Yeah Hey, kids. Yeah, hey, kids. But if you're good with nunchucks, like if you're a nunchuck master, apparently you can generate 90 pounds of pressure per squaring. So you can really just shatter some skulls.
Starting point is 00:48:54 How many people do you know that are good at nunchucks? Nobody. Exactly. Nobody is. That's the point. I think people saw the profile card. They're like, this is crazy. Wait, this is actually on the profile card?
Starting point is 00:49:03 Oh, I thought you were joking. No, it's really on there. Okay. Yeah. Actually, maybe it's on a profile card? Oh, I thought you were joking. No, it's really on there. Okay. Yeah. Or actually, maybe it's on a G.I. Joe profile card. Sure. Whoever used nunchucks. Whoever in the G.I. Joe universe used nunchucks.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Nobody anymore. Yeah. But I remember at the time thinking that they were like the coolest weapon I'd ever seen. Absolutely, yeah. Because they were new, I guess. Yeah. And they, like, you know, a knife has other purposes, but a nunchuck... It's purely to hit people.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Also, it's a rice flail, but whatever. It's a what? Nunchucks originally existed for, like, flailing rice off rice patties. Oh, really? That's why they exist, yeah. And then hitting people. And then hitting people, yeah. But exactly, nobody's good with nunchucks.
Starting point is 00:49:39 No. Like, it's so... How many YouTube videos are there of people hitting themselves in the balls with nunchucks? So many. I mean, not enough, but so many. You're right, but yeah. And also, there's... You know what's great?
Starting point is 00:49:52 I wish I mentioned... I can just mention it now. When I was going to say I wish I mentioned it before, but who cares? Time is immaterial. You can even edit it back in later, and then it looks like I'm the fool. That's it. The bit at the end where the turtles fight Shredder and they kind of go one by one up against him.
Starting point is 00:50:08 It's an amazing fight scene and he just kind of systematically just beats them up one at a time. And then he fights Splinter, which is amazing. And there's a bit where Splinter's hanging over the cliff and Splinter's giving him a monologue by why he's a bad person. And then mid-monologue, Shredder like flings a knife at him and then force
Starting point is 00:50:27 him to death. So he doesn't even get to finish his speech about honor and whatever like stuff like that's great. And Leonardo in that fight you know because they really define the characters really well like as kind of said Michelangelo is annoying like he's got like. You mean a party dude? He's a party dude yeah like he's like he's, like, a lot of the jokes from him in particular
Starting point is 00:50:46 don't hold up so well. But Leonardo is showing... Like, Raphael's a hot-headed one. They don't really show that Donatello's the kind of tech guy. He kind of fixes a car, sort of, at one point. And Leonardo's, like,
Starting point is 00:50:55 the most kind of skilled and disciplined. Like, because he's the only one that lands a blow on Shredder. Right. And everybody else just gets severely hurt. Sure.
Starting point is 00:51:02 So, yeah. It's a great movie. And if you haven't seen it, I recommend it. It's on YouTube, so you can just go and check it out. The whole thing. Yeah, yeah. And again, if it's 10 minutes in and you're like, this isn't for me, switch it off. Because if you're not from that, if you're a little bit younger or whatever, you might not like it.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Because I know I see this through nostalgia. Yeah, yeah. In many ways, I'm the nostalgia critic of this show, Mason. Yeah, you sure are. I've got this sweet little hat. through nostalgia. Yeah, yeah. In many ways, I'm the nostalgia critic of this show, Mason. You sure are. I've got this sweet little hat. A little tie. Yeah. And all the little accoutrements.
Starting point is 00:51:31 That's it. So, yeah. Yeah. But if you watch 10 minutes and you don't like it, probably don't move on to the next movie to see if they're better. Definitely not. Because this is the high watermark, surely. Absolutely it is.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Well, until the new one comes out. Oh, yeah. So, do you have anything else to say about Ninja Turtles 1990 something? Nope. I had a lot of the trading cards as well. Oh, yeah. Trading cards are great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:50 They're pretty good. So, yeah. I'm going to say best movie ever. I'm also going to say best movie ever. All right. But maybe I'll watch it tonight and maybe it won't be. But it'll be too late because you'll have published this. Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Next up. Only a year later. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Secret of the Years. Well, this couldn't have been rushed into production, could it? Do you think they had plans for another one already before? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so they knew the first one was going to be a hit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:15 It's different than the first one, isn't it? It is a bit different. Yeah. The backlash from parents as a result of not just the nunchucks, but like people being... The sword play. The sword play and people being killed or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Apparently, and I only watched bits of this movie,
Starting point is 00:52:29 like the Vanilla Ice Wrap. Yeah. It's mostly fist fighting, the second one. It's mostly fist fighting. Like there's even a bit at the start where Michelangelo uses salami as nunchucks. That's right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like there's a bit where like Leonardo
Starting point is 00:52:41 like throws his swords into the roof and then grabs them and then like kicks a guy in the face. That's right, yeah, yeah. It's all fist fighting. There's a bit where, like, Leonardo, like, throws his swords into the roof and then grabs them and then, like, kicks a guy in the face. That's right, yeah, yeah. It's all fist fighting. There's a lot of creative use of... There's a lot of creative not using the weapons you obviously have. Yeah, that's it. And there's no...
Starting point is 00:52:53 At no point they're like, well, we learned from the last... You know, the last couple of years we've learned that violence isn't the answer. Yeah. Essentially what they learned in the last movie, that violence was the answer. That's it. So, makes no sense. The most violence was the answer. Yeah, absolutely. The, it makes no sense. The most violence was the answer. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:05 The most violence that there could possibly be. I feel like it's one of... There was a big... Unless, of course, we don't see, like, there was some editing, like, in all the fight sequences, they're just attempting to kick people
Starting point is 00:53:16 into garbage compactors. Like, when Leonardo throws his swords into the roof, and then he kicks the guy, he's like, oh, will I get him in the garbage compactor? Oh, he just fell on the floor. That's a shame.
Starting point is 00:53:26 That's what they learned. Do you feel like... I even remember at the time, like in the 90s, censorship just got out of control. It was political correctness gone mad. Gone mad. It wasn't really. No, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I mean, I think that's still kind of carried over. But the reason why in the cartoon the Foot Clan are robots, like they are in the comics, is so they can just cut through them. Right, right, right. And so you can't really do that in a movie. You can't have heroes just mowing down, like, dozens of... Children.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Children. Unless it's a Star Wars movie, then that's fine. But I don't remember the time, because I actually did see this one in the movies. I don't remember thinking, oh, this is less violent than the last one. I didn't notice. It's very noticeable now. Uh-huh. But you notice it less violent than the last one. I didn't notice. It's very noticeable now. But you notice it definitely more in the third one, if you remember that one.
Starting point is 00:54:10 But, like, the martial arts in it is still good, and the costumes are still pretty good. There's no Corey Feldman as the voice of Donatello. I think he was in rehab at the time. But you got Shredder's back. Shredder was back. Jumped right out. Inexplicably.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Yeah. That freaked me out. I remember when I saw he was back. I'm like, how is that possible? What have they done? Maybe he's behind me. He could be anywhere. If he's alive, he could be anywhere.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Tatsu returns. No Casey Jones. Yep. And of course, the turtles face Toka and Reza. Yep. Which are... A snapping turtle and like a wolf. A wolf.
Starting point is 00:54:46 A wolf. There we go. But they say in the US, they say wolf. No. Angry Video Game Nerd at least says it. Oh, great. I'm sure more than one person says it. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:56 But wolf's different than wolf. Why not Bebop and Rocksteady? Well, that's actually because Eastman and Leard were against it. They're like, no, I don't want to do that. We'll just create some new characters for it. But I remember at the time thinking, why not Bebop and Rocksteady? Because you could have just done it. Right?
Starting point is 00:55:10 Right. Yeah. So, yeah. This is insanity. Is it because they would have been too big, maybe? No, I think they just didn't like the characters and they didn't want to kind of tie it to the show. Yeah, I guess so. And they were...
Starting point is 00:55:25 They were never dangerous characters in the cartoon, so I guess... Yeah. They wouldn't seem dangerous. People would laugh. They felt dangerous in the movie, though, even though they don't really do any real damage. But even though...
Starting point is 00:55:38 Because they're like, basically, children because they take, like, a puppy and a baby Snappy Turtle and they change it but interestingly though interest interestingly though there was no tie-in toys to the first movie because of the violence right but there was to this one so you can get like your toker and razor action figures and all the different colored turtles and with their slightly different shades of green also i would all i would also say that there would have been no tie-ins for the first movie because there was just so much Ninja Turtles merchandise out there.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Yeah, you're probably right. Well, they got caught by surprise, I'd imagine, with how well they did as well. It seems that we couldn't get them anywhere. Right. Do you remember the story for this one, though? I think they were going to... Shredder wanted the ooze. He wanted one of them.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Because he wanted to know the secret of the ooze, certainly. But he sent... Because he wanted to create his own mutant, so he stole the ooze from TGRI, which is the company that created it. And that's all I remember. Yeah, that's pretty much it. That's pretty much it, great.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Because there was a scientist there who was working on it, who then... You'd find it about their origins, and the scientist tells the Telders, like, yeah, you were an accident. This wasn't, you're not supposed to exist or whatever. And they didn't take that well. Donatello in particular.
Starting point is 00:56:52 But everyone's an accident, really. I mean, this is... Is that what you learned? The statistical chances of your particular sperm and egg coming together at the same time is phenomenal. And the fact that the generations... The fact that I have both sperm and eggs, according to you, is very odd. No, I mean, you know, statistically the chance of existing,
Starting point is 00:57:09 like everything in human history had to happen for anybody to exist at this point in time. Right. Like the odds are like winning the lottery like a billion times. They're not the actual odds. No. But you know what I mean. I know what you mean.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Yeah, sure. Yeah, and then it basically culminates in a battle at the docks between... No, what it culminates in, and if we're really going to talk about the actual end point of the film, it's when they bust in on, like, a warehouse rap party, and Vanilla Ice is there. Yes. And he does the ninja rap. He sure does. Off the cuff, seemingly.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Yeah, absolutely. He's just like, oh, there's ninjas. I'm going to do a ninja rap. How did he know there were ninjas? Don't know. Yeah. There's also that scene is... Because of their fisticuffs.
Starting point is 00:57:47 That might have been it. Why not karate rap? Oh, yeah. Or jujitsu rap. Anyway, just saying. Yeah. Maybe he's that good of a rapper. Okay, so in the 80s and 90s, ninjas were huge.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah. Were ninjas huge before Ninja Turtles? Or did Ninja Turtles make ninjas huge? I think they made them huge. Really? Because then Power Rangers were ninjas, weren't they? Maybe not. Yeah, they were.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I don't actually know. But there was, of course... I mean, you've got all those movies from like the... American Ninja, certainly. Sure. But you've got all those Kung Fu flicks or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure some of them are ninjas.
Starting point is 00:58:20 I don't know. No, very rarely. Kung Fu's Chinese. Ninjas are Japanese. Sorry. It's okay yeah yeah but i'm sure there were there are ninja movies though you know what i mean but i think yeah that really kicked off like i'm sure a lot of kids started going to like ninja school and sure and whatever you know a lot of kids started running away from home and going into the sewers
Starting point is 00:58:40 trying to find wicked halfpipe that's it yeah that was a big that was a big deal as well at the time wasn't it like this is all this like 90 it. Yeah, that was a big deal as well at the time, wasn't it? Like, this is all this, like, 90s paranoia. There was a lot of... Do you remember when we were kids, like, the big deal was don't get kidnapped. People get kidnapped all the time. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Like, so people would go... Like, there were stories of kids going to the sewers and, like, going missing and all this kind of stuff or, like, hitting their brothers with nunchucks and knocking out their eye or whatever. Even the Bart Simpson thing was out of hand. Like, Bart Simpson's ruining America or whatever. When you look at it now, it's like incredibly tame,
Starting point is 00:59:12 but whatevs. Do you remember there was actually a TV drug special, anti-drug special, which had a whole lot of cartoons and Michelangelo was in it? Yes, I do remember that. And he was like, don't do drugs, Kel Bunga. He did say that, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:59:31 So, yeah. There's also a story from it's on imdb where vanilla rice michael the guy in the michelangelo costume i'm not sure which actor it was so i apologize to him or her who knows thank you went to hug vanilla i'm appalled as a woman how dare you okay where it turned up when vanilla rice turned up on set to do the rap, peak of his fame. Absolutely, yeah. And Michelangelo, in costume, went to hug him, and Vanilla Ice's bouncer stepped in and, like, pushed him back. Was like, hey, what are you doing? And whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:54 And then, apparently, like, the whole crew, like, turned to, like, beat the crap out of this bouncer. That's amazing. This is, guys, so, like, that's just, that's an abuse of power. Like, you know he's a guy in a turtle costume. You know, obviously he's part of the movie. Also, you're here to, yeah, you're here to do that movie. Like, why are you, what do you think this is?
Starting point is 01:00:11 Do you think this guy just put on this $100,000 suit just to harass Vanilla Ice? What do you think this is? Do you know, actually, there's a sequel to Ninja Rap? It's called Ninja Rap 2, and it came out in 2005. That's amazing. Yes, it is. Do you have any lyrics there? I can look it up.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Okay, cool. This is going to be great. Maybe you could just insert a clip of it. Sure. Yeah. I will put in a clip, but do you want me to actually read you some lyrics? Yeah, read some lyrics, and then we'll just read them, like monotone, and then we'll see how they fit in.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Sure. Into the movie, into the audio later. Okay. So the chorus is, Go Ninja, Go Ninja, What What? Go Ninja, I've put too much in that, haven't I? Go Ninja, Go Ninja, What What? Go Ninja, Go Ninja, What What?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Sorry. Ninja, Ninja, What What? Ninja, Ninja, What What? Okay, great. Do you want the first line or the first yes just the first the first verse
Starting point is 01:01:08 okay what is the ninja rap baby you don't know I would argue that I love it already people know what the ninja they remember the ninja rap sure
Starting point is 01:01:16 remix it old school but you don't know the people call me six but VI no is it vanilla rice
Starting point is 01:01:24 of course the people call me VI, but... VI. No, is it? Vanilla Rice. Of course. The people call me VI, but you don't know. Still letting it flow, baby, you don't know. All of these things people know. They know all those things. Yeah, absolutely. Well, that's that, yeah. It's very long.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Like, all that is the part I haven't read. I'm reading the lyrics here. There's an insane clown posse reference. Bill Clinton's reference. When we raged at the gathering at ICP. So, yeah, okay. All these recent... Bill Clinton wasn't president in 2005.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Absolutely he wasn't. Have I got the right ninja rap? I do. Yeah, this is ninja rap too. Because I cater to crews, one, that pull me through. The blacks, Puerto Ricans, and white people too. Oh, you hater. I kick your...
Starting point is 01:02:02 Like Bruce Lee. Love it. Got my foot up your ass so far you can't see. Well, that's... If you have your foot in someone's ass, they could not see. Yeah, it's in the back. Yeah. All right, let's...
Starting point is 01:02:13 Well, look. I think we've done it justice here, but just put in that clip. Maybe just that clip, sure. See how it works. I don't want Vanilla Ice coming after me. Though, I've heard accounts that he's like a nice guy. Yeah. I don't know whether that's true. Now he's got a reality show where he flips houses. Though, I've heard accounts that he's like a nice guy. Yeah. I don't know whether that's true.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Now he's got a reality show where he flips houses. Oh, does he? Like he does up houses and then he sells them. Oh, good for him. Yeah, I know, right? Great.
Starting point is 01:02:32 That's great. The true American success story. Anyway, Ninja Turtles 2. How does it actually end? It ends where Shredder gets flown out of the room using, I think, sound. Like there's too much guitar sound. Absolutely, yeah. He flies out into the dock and then he drinks all the ooze and he becomes Super Shredder gets flown out of the room using, I think, sound. Like there's too much guitar sound.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Absolutely, yeah. He flies out into the dock and then he drinks all the ooze and he becomes Super Shredder, which is Kevin Nash. And then you think there's going to be an amazing showdown. Wrestler Kevin Nash. Wrestler Kevin Nash. And then you think there's going to be an amazing showdown and he just knocks the dock down onto himself and he dies.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And then they go, man, I love being a turtle. Yeah, see, that wouldn't have... I remember being surprised that he didn't mutate into anything. Yeah. Because in the canon of Ninja Turtles in the cartoon, you mutate into whatever you touch last. Yeah, whatever you... So, it's because the Ninja Turtles touched a human last.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Yeah. They mutated in humanoid turtles. I think in the comics, they just mutate... You just mutate humanoid, though. Oh, okay. I might be wrong. Maybe. Maybe it's different in the though. I might be wrong. Maybe. Maybe it's different in the movies.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah, but also, you're right, that didn't strike me at the time, but now you mention it. That is, that's clearly a case of, well, we can't have the Ninja Turtles kill him again. Yeah. We'll just have him kill himself. Yeah. Because he's the bad guy. That's it. But, okay, I'm going to put this.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I'm retroactively really disappointed in this film. I'm going to put this... I'm retroactively really disappointed in this film. I'm going to put this to you, though. If this man, this regular man, falls into a garbage truck and gets crushed, presumably most of his bones broken. Sure. Right? His skull, certainly. Definitely. Because it crunched his helmet. It did, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:55 It really crunched that helmet. And he was in that helmet. He was in that helmet, yeah. And he's now a powerful mutant giant. Yeah, yeah. A wooden dock is not going to do that much damage. Absolutely not, yeah. But hey. Maybe he'll to do that much damage. Certainly not, yeah. But hey.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Maybe he'll be back for Ninja Turtles 3. He wasn't though, was he? He certainly wasn't. There's one more thing I wanted to add. If you remember the professor from this. Yes. Who gets kidnapped. The original script had, his name was Professor Perry or something.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Being revealed. Professor Plum. Yes. He was killed by a candlestick in the drawing room. Being revealed to be a robotic shell for an U-tron. Oh. So that would have been interesting. So they dropped that because kids would have thought it was Krang or whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And I would have thought it was Krang at the time. I would have also thought it was Krang. So, yeah. There you go. That's interesting. Actually, I wouldn't have thought it was Krang because I remember the old... No, I wouldn't. I'm up on my high horse.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I wouldn't have thought it was Krang. You don't know nothing. I would have been like all smug in the cinema. Like, you guys think this is Krang, but it's not Krang. It's not. You haven't read the original. If only you could go back. Yeah. Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Oh, finally. So smug. Look, it doesn't hold up as well. No. But it's still, it's a good kids movie, I would say. You could still show a kid that and they'd be like, what is this? Absolutely. And that's the reaction you want from a child.
Starting point is 01:05:02 What is this? Did you enjoy this when you eat my age? It's weird. Did someone hit you in the head and balls with nunchucks? Yeah. Only on YouTube, kids. So, tentatively, for the time, best movie ever for me. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Should have fought Super Shredder properly. Yeah. I'm going to go... See, I would have gone... Had they fought Super Shredder, worse movie. Because he looks incredible. He does. They even mutated his shoulder blades. Yeah, they did. Yeah. I'm going to go I see I would have gone had they fought Super Shredder worst movie because he looks incredible. He does. They even mutated
Starting point is 01:05:26 his shoulder blades. Yeah they did. Mutagen. Because the last thing those shoulder blades touched were bigger shoulder blades. Correct.
Starting point is 01:05:34 So. Yeah. So that works. Yeah. So worst movie ever from you then. Yeah I'm afraid so. Okay fair enough.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Well hold on to that rating Mason because you're going to need it. In 1993. Hold on to your balls because you're going to be hit by nunchucks. The metaphorical nunchucks of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. This is a two-year wait.
Starting point is 01:05:51 The one where they go to Japan. Back in time. Back in time. So, I've just got here, terrible and time travel. Those are the things that I remember. I didn't see this at the movies. I saw it... I'd hired the VHS years later, because I remember seeing the ad and going i'm not i've never seen it i'm not you know why
Starting point is 01:06:08 saw the trailer look terrible yeah drawing the line just recently that's when i started 1993 that's when i started drawing the line there's no recurring villains or any villains from any incarnation they fight like a fancy kind of englishman looking guy and a regal Japanese guy. It's bad for the time and it's not just bad for now, it's bad for the time. Like kids were disappointed by it because why would you include time traveler? Like they could have done anything with the third movie. Is it magic time travel or is it science time travel? It's magic time travel.
Starting point is 01:06:42 April comes back. Casey Jones is in it, the same actor. Yeah, yeah. And he's in the present day while the turtles go back in time. April brings like this Japanese kind of scepter thing and gives it a splinter. And then, or was it a guy in a planter? And then she goes back in time and the turtles follow. And it's just all like, there's a lot of wet willy jokes.
Starting point is 01:07:02 There's a lot of like... A lot, like more than one. No, it's like like it happens a lot. If you want... People don't even have ears. Look, if you don't want to watch it, which you shouldn't... For sure. The Angry Video Game...
Starting point is 01:07:12 I made the right choice. Yeah. The Angry Video Game Nerd does like a 20-minute review of it. So everything you need to know about it is in that. Right, okay. So there's also a bit where he mentions in his review where the ninjas pop, jump in. And they're not the Foot Clan or anything, by the way. Oh, so it wasn't the original.
Starting point is 01:07:28 It's not the origin. Which you could do. Is there any... So there's no like sly references to anybody's ancestors? Well, there is. They go back in time and there's a guy in the past who's sort of British that is Casey Jones, the same actor, Elias Koteas? Koteas, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Same actor. And it's sort of like implied that it's Casey's ancestor. Right. And then April turns to a rat and goes, oh, you look familiar too, implying that that rat is Splinter's ancestor. Right, of course. So that's the...
Starting point is 01:07:59 You've got that tie in. That's the one tie in, okay. So... Right. But it seems like this is a film that was just about time travel or ninjas, and they just slotted the Ninja Turtles in. Like, they already had the plot available. Like it was going to be a three ninjas movie?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Correct, yeah. Yeah. High Noon at Magic Mountain, two possibly, sure. One of them with Hulk Hogan, can't remember which one. And there's, like, less fight scenes than the other ones. Of course, yeah. The suits are terrible, because they're not Jim Henson. Where do the suits...
Starting point is 01:08:29 Like in between... I've always wanted in between these kind of movies. What happened to the old ones? I don't know. Where did they go? They had two other movies worth. People take them home, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:40 That's probably right, yeah. So it's certainly not worth watching. That review is worth watching. Yeah, yeah. But it's incredibly... worth watching that review is worth watching yeah yeah but it's incredibly I'm not even going to say disappointing it's just terrible fantastic
Starting point is 01:08:50 so I've got some information on the the potential fourth movie that we're going to make oh really I know you haven't seen this Mason but I do feel comfortable enough to give this movie a rating
Starting point is 01:08:59 having never seen it yeah ever best movie ever because I love Magic Lamp sure yeah there you go I like that people on the internet who say I review stuff without ever seeing it having never seen it ever. Best movie ever because I love Magic Lamp. Sure. Yeah, there you go. And I like that people on the internet use our review stuff without ever seeing it.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I'm doing it again. I'm going to keep doing it. So the next one was going to be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Next Mutation, which was actually the name of the TV show, the live-action TV show, which did cross over with Power Rangers at one point. Yippee.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yippee indeed the concept of the fourth live action movie should the third movie prove to be a success which it wasn't was that the ooze transformed the turtles
Starting point is 01:09:33 and splinter like into a second drastic mutation so Michelangelo would have had a more just a horrific mass just a screaming mass Michelangelo's mutation
Starting point is 01:09:44 would have given him a more human appearance, meaning he could walk among people in the city. Okay. That actually doesn't fly in the first movie where you see Raphael in Times Square and he's just clearly a big turtle in a trench coat. Right. And a hat.
Starting point is 01:09:58 And a hat, sorry. But there's even a line, I think, where he rolls over a car and someone goes, what was that? And he goes, that looked like a big turtle in a trench coat. Right. So they kind of acknowledge it. Donatello's mutation would give him psychic abilities,
Starting point is 01:10:10 but he'd have to wear an optic device because his mutation caused his vision to deteriorate. Right. I presume they mean glasses. Sure. An optic device. Raphael's rage would cause him to mutate into a fearsome creature with claws and spikes
Starting point is 01:10:23 jutting from his body. And Leonardo has the best gift of all. He's boring. Both friendship and just a boring friend. Yeah. Boring, bland friend. He's kind of a... You go to his place and he's nice and you have a cup of tea, but he's kind of a drainer.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Yep. You're like, oh, I'm glad I don't have to do that every six months. I got friends like that. Leonardo would have the ability to mutate his skin into different textures. To what purpose? Well... Like armor plating? I think they actually carried this idea over into the Hunger Games where Peter can paint his skin like a tree.
Starting point is 01:11:01 So I think this idea did survive. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. his skin like a tree. So I think this idea did survive. Oh, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:10 So I guess armor plating, because otherwise if different textures was just like, this is now like a soft kind of velvet skin. Like what's... Yeah. Well, see, I didn't really mention this when we were talking about the comics, but the comics went in some really weird places. They did have second mutations, didn't they? There was... Well, they were all...
Starting point is 01:11:23 A couple of them became cyborgs at one point. Like, they all lost limbs and eyes. Like, they went into the far-flung future and all that sort of stuff. Tricep-laclons. Yeah, exactly. But there were a lot of, you know, kind of post-apocalyptic futures and weird situations, like, in all time and dimensions and all sorts. So, I'm okay with this.
Starting point is 01:11:42 This sounds really good, actually. Sure. It sounds better than bland old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. Yeah, absolutely. This sounds really good, actually. It sounds better than bland old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. Yeah, absolutely. Let's all go to Japan. Your favourite movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And Splinter would transform... Let's all go to the lamp store. Whatever it was. And Splinter would transform into a creature twice his size, which you'd have limited... So like a normal-sized person. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Which you'd have limited control over. Yeah. Splinter's a... That's a good puppet, isn't it? With the Splinter. Is it? Yeah. Not in the first one in particular.
Starting point is 01:12:10 You know, the puppet's really good. It's operated by like three or four different people. I remember being... No, it is good. I watched it like recently. Okay, fine. I'm not saying it isn't. Jim Henson's best work.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Now, do you remember the jokes that Splinter makes at the end of every movie? He makes it funny. He sure does. I don't remember what they are. First one, he says cowabunga. Great. It's not really a joke. That's a reference to something the other ninjas will say.
Starting point is 01:12:29 That's him attempting to recapture his lost youth, I think. There you go. All right, let's find out what other problems are in the other ones. Here we go. Second one, this is just from memory. They come back and he's like, did anybody see you in the Vanilla Ice concert? And he doesn't say that. And they're like, nobody saw us. And then he holds up a newspaper and it says like ninja raps the new craze and
Starting point is 01:12:49 it's like a picture of them right great you can find that newspaper clipping it's on the wall behind you and the third one michelangelo's like i'll never laugh again and then splinter what happened with some did some horrific tragedy happen? Time travel? I don't know. I can't remember. Splinter puts on a lamp shade, possibly in reference to the lamp that they travel back in time. Oh, yeah, that is definitely it. And it's got flowers on it. And he's like,
Starting point is 01:13:13 What's up, dude? I'm Elvis Goes Hawaii. And then they laugh. Huh. Does time travel drive you mad? Is that why they all laugh? Well, Splinter didn't even time travel, I don't think. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:24 So, yeah. Great movies, Mason. No mason no some of them yeah one of them one of the movies we've spent a long time talking about was okay yeah sure uh it wasn't the end of the series though no because in 2007 there was a cg animated version which is actually it they tie, because there's a scene in particular where you see they're in their what do they live in, the sewer or whatever yeah, but sometimes they live in like a weird underground station or whatever but they've got like Shredder's
Starting point is 01:13:56 helmet and like the ooze container and even the time travelling lamp so this is all in the same continuity have you seen that one? Yes. Do you remember liking it or hating it? I remember thinking, oh, they got Patrick Stewart. It was the voice of somebody. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:10 That's all I remember, really. The villain or not the villain. Yeah. Because it was, I thought the story was kind of crap, but it was an okay film for what it was. Right, yeah, yeah. Like it was, Patrick Stewart was an immortal warrior and all his warriors were turned to stone. All his generals, yeah. Yeah, so he was looking for creatures to turn them back. Patrick Stewart was an immortal warrior and all his warriors were turned to stone. All his generals, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:25 So he's looking for creatures to turn them back. And there was no, like, there was the Foot Clan, but there was no Shredder, though he was alluded to coming back. That's right. There was, he, his second in command was out for revenge. Yeah, yeah. And they sort of- For the ninja rat, mostly.
Starting point is 01:14:42 So, yeah, and at the start of the movie, do you you remember they've kind of all gone their separate ways like rafael is like a vigilante yep and michelangelo does like kids parties and donatello i think it's like tech support and leonardo's and like just a boring friend yeah he's in the jugglers of peru just like yeah being a boring dude yeah i remember the the drawing of the team back together was kind of interesting but it never really made that much of an impact no and it it didn't it made enough money but not enough that people were really interested in seeing it continue all the studios pushing for it so it just kind of faded away um a few notable actors sarah michelle giller was april and that's
Starting point is 01:15:21 right chris evans was um casey Jones. But there was some good animation. You can't get rid of that Chris Evans. No, you can't. There's some good animation. Like there's a fight on the roof in the rain, which is quite good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not like equivalent to like say your Pixar or whatever at the time, but it's okay. It was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah. I felt it was a bit DreamWorks-y. Yeah, sure. And I've never loved those. You love DreamWorks. They're always a bit... How do you train your dragon again? Who knows? They always strike me as a bit-y. Yeah, sure. And I've never loved those. You love Dreamworks. They're always a bit... How do you train your dragon again? Who knows?
Starting point is 01:15:48 They always strike me as a bit rubbery. Yeah. I can never really... Bit of a weird bounce to them? Yeah, they've got a weird bounce to them. Like, the Pixar characters, even though they are
Starting point is 01:15:56 all kind of caricatures and none of them look, you know, human, strictly speaking, they've got a lot more humanity to them. And the Dreamworks stuff, I always feel is a bit rubbery and, you know, a, strictly speaking, they've got a lot more humanity to them. And the DreamWorks stuff, I was, feels a bit rubbery and, um,
Starting point is 01:16:07 you know, a little bit too far. Sure. In the weird direction. Take that DreamWorks. That's right. DreamWorks. I think maybe DreamWorks build things that are closer to people though.
Starting point is 01:16:18 And I think that might be the problem. Yeah, like Canny Valley. Yeah, exactly. Cause their characters, a lot of them are human. And Pixar,
Starting point is 01:16:26 most of the time, some are, but most of the time they're not human. They're mostly lamps in Pixar. Yeah, exactly, because their characters, a lot of them are human. And Pixar, most of the time, some are, but most of the time they're not human. They're mostly lamps in Pixar. Yeah, exactly. Mostly animated lamps. Mostly lamps. So, yeah. I would say that's probably the second best Ninja Turtles movie. Even though I really love the second one at the time. Like, looking back, it's probably the second best one. Sure. Behind the
Starting point is 01:16:41 third one. So... Best movie ever, tentatively? I'm going to say best movie ever, because Patrick Stewart, I love that one. Sure. Behind the third one. Best movie ever, tentatively. I'm going to say best movie ever because Patrick Stewart, I love that guy. Yeah, he's good, isn't he? Let me just double check that actually was him
Starting point is 01:16:52 because otherwise this is very embarrassing. It is definitely him. Not only that, I nearly put this in my five underrated, five hidden comic book roles or whatever.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Lawrence Fishburne is like the narrator at the start. He's like, long ago in ancient something something. And then he doesn't appear. Sure. Like, why don't I just get splintered? It's me.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Lawrence Fishburne. They couldn't get Morgan Freeman. So here I am. Yeah. My daughter does pornography now. I know. It's sad. I'm sorry to hear that.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Unless she's happy, in which case, that's great. Good for you. So, yeah. Did you check that it's Patrick I'm sorry to hear that Unless she's happy, in which case that's great Good for you So yeah, did you check that it's Patrick Stewart? It is Also Kevin Smith is a cook and a diner Really? Yeah, guest role there That was very nearly his actual life
Starting point is 01:17:36 Absolutely, yeah He's alright, he's a good dude Okay, do you want to talk about video games briefly? I didn't play a lot of them But I'm sure you have some thoughts on them I played that first Ninja Turtles arcade game, like... Boy, was it amazing.
Starting point is 01:17:47 ...for every, you know, like, hours, hours a week. Yeah, yeah. There was one somewhere. I think there was one near that mythical Kmart where I bought all
Starting point is 01:17:55 the Ninja Turtles figures. Yeah, yeah. And I just played that to death. Did you beat it? Yes. Yeah. There was pretty much all those...
Starting point is 01:18:01 Every game was like that, wasn't it? Like, The Simpsons was like that. Psych Scrolling Beat-Em-Up, yeah. They were like that wasn't it like the Simpsons was like that the X-Men was like that they were all they were all that did you play the home version of the arcade game
Starting point is 01:18:10 yeah yeah not as good yeah but apparently there are some pretty good like Super Nintendo kind of Ninja Turtles side-scrolling beat-em-up
Starting point is 01:18:17 oh absolutely there's a Turtles in Time one that one's amazing yeah yeah I mean amazing I'll put that in quotes anytime I say anything from the past is amazing
Starting point is 01:18:24 it's because I haven't gone back to it in a decade. And thrown your controller out to play it for 10 seconds. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighter? Vaguely, yeah. That was like a Street Fighter clone. Yes. At the time, I remember it got really good reviews
Starting point is 01:18:38 because more than anything else in the world, I wanted that game, but I didn't have a Super Nintendo. Sure. And a few years back, or maybe like 10 years back, I'm like, I'm going to download the emulator for this and I'm going to live this dream. Sure. And I played it, I'm like, it's just doesn't really, no.
Starting point is 01:18:55 I feel that in a lot of cases, any time you go back nowadays, A, they are terrible, but B, there's so much else on offer around it that it's really hard to focus on that one thing. Like back in the day, you'd buy one game and you'd play it to death. Yeah. And so you'd have to extract some enjoyment from it. Even if you hated it. Yeah, but when you get one of those emulators going,
Starting point is 01:19:21 oftentimes you can just pick from a menu one of a thousand different games and you play it for two minutes. You're like, I'll just go to the next one. Yeah. Let's go find another one. You're absolutely right. I'll remember when this game was big. I'll play that for five minutes, whatever. And you never, you know.
Starting point is 01:19:32 You're absolutely right. I'm absolutely right. Good point, Mason. I wanted to put a bonus mention. Anything else on the video games? There's a few recent ones. There was like a recent-ish kind of Arkham City X beat-em-up. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:19:44 Yeah. Apparently it's not that good. It was just a download-ish kind of Arkham City-esque beat-em-up. Yeah. Apparently it's not that good. It was just a downloadable one. Right. The most... I think the most famous Ninja Turtles game was the version on Nintendo Entertainment System. That really terrible one? It wasn't...
Starting point is 01:19:55 It was incredibly difficult. Yeah. As all games were. I think it would have been... I remember it being good for the time. Yeah. But it was i remember it being good for the time yeah but it was just extraordinarily difficult and it's got a lot of the tropes of the extraordinarily difficult kind of game
Starting point is 01:20:10 like the underwater level yes you know where another angry angry video game nerd does a really good video somewhere you know you get to like the third or fourth level in and there's a level where you're just underwater and everything will kill you and you're running out of oxygen and just everything's instant death and you just running out of oxygen and just everything's instant death and you just break all your controllers. It had one of those. You've got two lives. You've got two lives.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Exactly, yeah. You're back to the start. Yeah. Games did not hold your hand back then. They certainly didn't. But they do now. Yeah. That's nice.
Starting point is 01:20:37 They also, they redid that arcade, didn't they? Relatively recently. The arcade one. I might be wrong. I'm going to check it out if they did. Anyway, Mason. There was also I want to talk about this briefly
Starting point is 01:20:46 did you know the Ninja Turtles did a coming out of their shells tour in 1990 like a live one it was a musical rock band tour that sounds incredible
Starting point is 01:20:55 they can add that to the pile along with like the Mortal Kombat live experience really Mortal Kombat on ice or whatever it was no there was definitely
Starting point is 01:21:02 a live Mortal Kombat on ice I don't think it was on ice that's even more dangerous. I know, right? You didn't think a fatality could get any more dangerous. You didn't think tearing somebody's head off and pulling their spine out could get any more dangerous. Well, do it on a frosted over lake.
Starting point is 01:21:16 That's Sub-Zero's advantage as well, that whole thing. I know, right? He's got that. Yeah. There's a making of. It's on YouTube. They play it straight like it's a there's a making of it's on it's on youtube it is they play it straight like it's a real thing like they're like oh we discovered these ninja turtles that they're
Starting point is 01:21:29 amazing at music or whatever so these guys come out ninja turtles costumes they pretend to play guitars to the audience and they you know they strum away and their mouths don't move and they just sing songs i've i've got turtle based songs well i've got sort of parody songs i've got... Turtle-based songs? Well, I've got sort of... Turtle-based parody songs? I've got a list here, so... This is fascinating. Yeah. Look up some images of it while I read it. Because you've got to...
Starting point is 01:21:52 Like, I'm not doing justice how terrible this looks. So, it's even things like the instruments start playing before they start playing. Oh, great. Like, it's all like that. But, I mean, kids don't notice. But the tracks include Coming Out of Our Shells. So that's a little bit. Great, fantastic.
Starting point is 01:22:08 So these are original songs, clearly. Yes. Wow. Sing About It. Okay, sure. Tubin. Mutation, specifically. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Tubin. Skipping Stones. What? All right. Pizza Power. I guess Skipping Stones, like, you know,, like you down at the old swimming hole or whatever. Yeah, the turtle pond. That's where turtles are from.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Yeah, sure. Down at the turtle pond. Yeah, okay. Pizza power. Of course, yeah. Walk straight. That seems oddly conservative, but alright. Yes, it does.
Starting point is 01:22:39 No treaties. That's oddly political. I'm assuming it means food. Oh, no treaties. Yes. No, that no. Also no treaties. It's spelled T-R-E-A-T-I-E-S.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Yeah, like an actual treaty. No, it's the same. Okay, cool. Cowabunga. Okay, makes sense. This is probably the... No hidden meanings there, one assumes. This is probably the downer part of the show,
Starting point is 01:23:03 where everyone goes, ugh. April's Ballad. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Count on Us. Okay, yeah. Makes sense. And I Hate Music performed by Shredder.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Love it. Yep. Good. Good. I love a villain who just hates everything good for no reason. Like, I hate Christmas, you know? But I love how he's like I hate music but sings a song Obviously
Starting point is 01:23:27 I've got to show you this picture of what Shredder looks like from this Okay because I can see the Ninja Turtles They've got their denim vests on It looks pretty great You've really got to see a video of it To truly appreciate how terrible this is Alright here we go I meant to save this picture to show you
Starting point is 01:23:42 But this is the Shredder That appears Performing I hate music Alright, here we go. I meant to save this picture to show you. But this is the Shredder that appears. Performing I Hate Music. Oh, that's good. That is good. Yep, he's got the horned helmet. Good, he's like a... There's no face mask.
Starting point is 01:23:56 No face mask, because he has to be able to sing and emote. Yeah. Obviously. Yeah, okay, great. He looks like a Dalek. He looks like a Dalek. He's got like metal pasta colanders on his shoulders, some sort of leftover car tyre on the front of his chest.
Starting point is 01:24:12 That's pretty great. It is pretty great. So please Google Shred Art coming out of their shelves and it's the very first image. Wow. This is like the precursor to Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark. So that's very progressive. That's very progressive, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:24:23 Despite most of the content of the show, from what we can tell. But, you know, well, the dad from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, I can't remember his name. He's the voice of the Shredder from the TV series. Oh, there you go. I can't remember. Oh, he's dead now. I can't remember his name.
Starting point is 01:24:33 I feel bad. Do you remember the Shredder action figure was like a weird hunched over kind of? He had that weird kind of hunch. Anyway, there you go, Mason. So before we end on this incredibly high note of coming out of those shelves. You should definitely put the clip at the end. Okay. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle and why? You know, it's gone back and forth over the years. Me too. I think I started with Leonardo because he was the most charismatic. And by that I meant boring. But he was the most boring so you can put your own personality over the top. Put your own boring personality on top of him. Well, even if your personality was boring, it'd be less boring than his.
Starting point is 01:25:11 So you just slap that on the top there. You're fine. I think... Then I went to Donatello, because he was the nerdiest one. He's like the least popular. There you go. All right. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:25:20 And then, like, currently I think it's Raphael. Because he's snarky. Because he's snarky and just a rebel, like me. I think in that Turtle Power rap I was mentioning, not the Vanilla Ice one, the one from the original, it says, because I listened to the whole thing, I think it says Raphael's the leader. Can't be right.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yeah, that's... No, that's wrong. It's one of those raps that it just tells the story of the movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, like the Men in Black rapper, and it's like, and then I did this, and then April O'Neil appeared, and she got mugged, but then she was saved. Like, it's... That's how I rap, by the way.
Starting point is 01:25:59 That's a solid rap, yeah. For me, again, started Leonardo, so I could put my own bland personality on it. Then, because Michelangelo was so hilarious, I went to him. Never liked him. But looking back, yeah, he's real annoying and kind of dumb. So, I went, I think, as the years went on, I think I went to Raphael because I was like a real, you know, son of a bitch teenager.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Yeah, absolutely, yeah. But I think it's Leonardo. You're back on Leonardo. I'm back on Leonardo, yeah know... You're an angry child. Son of a bitch teenager. Yeah, absolutely, yeah. But I think it's Leonardo. You're back on Leonardo. I'm back on Leonardo, yeah. Because you're reaching... Yeah. Well, I'm looking at it from the perspective as well. Of a dull person, sure.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Yeah, exactly. If I was any of these guys, give me two swords. Like, that's... Yeah, okay, that's actually a good point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I like him. I like... I think he's cool.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I mean, he's not cool. Yeah. But he's blue, so... Certainly. Yeah. Massive fans of Leonardo out there, email in to tell us how awful we are for calling him boring, this fictional character.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Villains, though? Any favourite villains? Baxter Stockman? Ah, yes. Actually, Baxter Stockman when he became a fly. Rat King? Oh, yeah, of course. Yep, he was a great villain in the...
Starting point is 01:27:00 He's had a race shift over the years as well. Well, he was black originally, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So then he was white in the cartoon. Yep. Because he couldn't possibly. Absolutely not. No, sir.
Starting point is 01:27:09 But no, he's now black again. Yeah, absolutely. He was a good villain in the arcade game. Oh, cool. Yeah, yeah. Was he a fly or just the guy and just beat him up? He was the fly. He was the fly.
Starting point is 01:27:20 And probably the Triceratons. Sure. Because they were sweet. They sure were. Yeah, yeah. There you go. All right, Mason. Something else. What were sweet. They sure were. Yeah, there you go. All right, Mason. Something else.
Starting point is 01:27:27 What are we reading? Oh, what are we reading? Yeah. What are we going to read? Yeah, yeah. I'm doing a thing. What are we reading today? All right.
Starting point is 01:27:40 You got anything to what we read? Well, I just rerouted Superior Spider-Man. That's probably why I mentioned it earlier. Okay, sure. It's pretty good. I would say what you got anything to what we read? Well, I just rerouted Superior Spider-Man. That's probably why I mentioned it earlier. Okay, sure. It's pretty good. I would say what you're going to read. Read some of the old Mirage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics. I don't know if you can find them at Comixology.
Starting point is 01:27:53 You probably can. You can, yeah. They often bring back. Yeah. Like if something's going to be current again, they bring it back. So I'd say they're probably all on there. I should reach out to Comixology for sponsorship. Nah, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Should I? We just send them lots of money for, you know, and then mention them all the time. Yeah. But you know what? They'd do the same business with or without us. That's true, exactly. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Irrelevant. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So, Superior Spider-Man. I haven't actually finished that run. Did you read all the way through it? Yes. It's, I think it's a really good run, but...
Starting point is 01:28:24 You hate it. Yes. No, it's a really good run, but... You hate it. Yes. No, it's a really good run, but like the denouement, the bit that happens after the act. That's right, fancy word. I'm sorry. It's the bit that happens... I was going to explain it, but then you gave me that. Look, it's the bit that happens like after the fight, like the action.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Like after the action ends and they wrap up all the loose ends. It's a bit disappointing. Okay, sure. Like it's a bit, obviously it's Spider-Man, so they have to get him back to the status quo, but the way they do it's a little bit... It's quite disappointing, I think, but they had to do it, so... Yeah, sure. Blah-ba-dee-blah-ba-dee.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Well, that's classic Dean Newmont. Yeah. But I think they, you know, the story was excellent and makes up for it, I think. Okay, fantastic. What are you reading? Well, Mason, as you said, go back and look at the Mirage ones. Why not? See where it all started.
Starting point is 01:29:11 See how it ties in with the movie. Get the colorized versions, though, maybe. Yes, definitely. Don't waste your time in the back of mine. No, no. Don't be a dickhead. Yeah. There's a current run that starts with volume of Ninja Turtles,
Starting point is 01:29:22 which starts with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles changes constant, and it is Eastman and Leard returning. They're back together. They're back together, yeah. There's like six or seven volumes at least for this, and I'm maybe four or five in, and it's a retelling of their origins. So it's...
Starting point is 01:29:37 So are they both back, or is another writer just... I'm pretty sure they're both back. I might be wrong. I didn't really look into it, but their name is on the cover. The art styles, it's kind of reminiscent of the old one, but it's more kind of...
Starting point is 01:29:49 It's more updated. It introduces a lot of familiar characters. You've also got Krang as well, who's been brought into it. And, you know, Shredder and whatnot. But the idea is behind it, the origin is slightly different. I won't spoil it, but basically... They're aliens. They're aliens.
Starting point is 01:30:01 The origin is slightly different. I won't spoil it, but basically... They're aliens. They're aliens. No, it's implied that the Ninja Turtles and Splinter and Shredder are reincarnations. So it's kind of like, are they really reincarnated? It's a little mystical as well. Yeah, it's a little mystical. And, you know, on paper that does...
Starting point is 01:30:18 I mean, hearing that doesn't sound like a great idea necessarily. It sounds a little bit like going back to ancient Japan with a magic lamp, sure. But I would say it's... I mean, not that i've really kept up with the comics over the years but i i think it's it's a fairly entertaining run so maybe give the first issue a read and see see if you enjoy it and and and and go with it i think looking at what i've seen from the new movie i think a lot of the new movie will draw from this that they're experiments in a lab and and whatever whatever i i think that's the way it's going to go
Starting point is 01:30:46 I might be wrong but when have I ever been wrong I was going to say neither of us have ever been wrong before so it's going to be a bit
Starting point is 01:30:52 of a turn up for the books wouldn't it that's it so we've got Superior Spider-Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles change is constant
Starting point is 01:30:59 yeah teen great are you going to we're going to talk about Constantine we should next week next week
Starting point is 01:31:05 next week oh now who knows what doesn't matter he's not smoking in it no and he's not bisexual yeah thanks a lot
Starting point is 01:31:14 Holly weird yeah or Holly normal conservative yeah have you seen Holly bland
Starting point is 01:31:21 Holly Leonardo have you seen it nah not yet. Yeah, but I'll get there. But what was I going to say? Evan J. Davis from New Mexico. He's the official Nightwing in the Weekly Planet. He's recommended something.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I'd like to hear it. You know how I like to include something sometimes that people say at some point. One book he just finished was The Justice League of America, the New 52, which is amazing, telling a story of a slightly dysfunctional team assembled by Steve Trevor and Amanda Waller as a US-supported and Argus-controlled team that was made with the ultimate goal of taking down the Justice League if need be.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I heavily recommend it, at least trying the first graphic novel titled The World's Most Dangerous. So there you go. Yeah, yeah. I've discovered I've got a little bit of extra time recently, so I'm going to try and catch up on the new 52. Have you been fired? Yeah. Look, I've discovered I've got a little bit of extra time recently, so I'm going to try and catch up on the new 52. Have you been fired?
Starting point is 01:32:06 Yeah. Look, I killed some people. Fired a podcast? Yeah. You'll notice we've been doing this on Skype, and I'm in a prison cell. That's pretty much why. Those noises you hear in the background is a riot.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Yeah. But, yeah, so I'm going to give... I know I've got a lot to catch up on, but I think I can do it somehow. Sure. All right. Also, I'm going to catch up know I've got a lot to catch up on but I think I can do it somehow sure alright also I'm going to catch up on Game of Thrones
Starting point is 01:32:28 yeah yeah I'm going to hand that over to you and you're going to love it probably and then you're going to want to talk about it I'm going to be like
Starting point is 01:32:34 nope too late missed that window of discussion sorry yeah alright letters Byron the official
Starting point is 01:32:39 Rocket Racer he says cheers for reading my email out on the show he was the one who met Stan Lee remember that we talked about that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He says, my meeting with Stan was a little more brief
Starting point is 01:32:48 than I'd hoped, although still a special moment. So short and sweet was the option. I went simply with, uh, I told him he was a legend and thank you. Then what did Stan Lee say? What did he say? We don't know! Email back. Email back, okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:33:04 That's, that's good short and sweet yep which is yeah yeah he's got a lot of yeah alright he's got a lot of
Starting point is 01:33:08 golf to play now I apologise that's it exactly I apologise to the person who's who sent me this but they have they've organised
Starting point is 01:33:16 a Batman themed baby shower baby shower that's it now it's called Gotham Reckoning a Batman Day Party
Starting point is 01:33:22 and it's this Wednesday the 23rd of July are we invited no we're not invited because it's in oh we are but it's called Gotham Reckoning, a Batman Day Party. And it's this Wednesday, the 23rd of July. No, we're not invited because it's in... Oh, we are, but it's in Leeds. Oh, sure. It's in Enjoy Artspace, Unit 22, 64, Mabgate, something in Leeds. If you go on Facebook and go and type in Gotham's Reckoning, a Batman Day Party, it's like a party where there's 86 guests going minimum, so you're not going to be murdered
Starting point is 01:33:46 probably. I cannot guarantee that. Absolutely not. But, you know, maybe you can... Yeah, drop in on that if you're in Leeds. We're in the immediate Leeds area. Yeah, yeah. Well, we're British, aren't we?
Starting point is 01:33:55 So we can probably, yeah. Oh, we're in New York. Stuff to say. Forget about it. Governor. Nice. Joseph Quatt... So I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:34:06 I don't remember who sent me that. I looked for the email email on the twitter i couldn't remember where i got it from uh joseph uh daniel joseph cuiros has written in a question about australians doing american accents and vice versa i do a lot of theater so i'm always interest me uh when you guys talk about it what are some notoriously bad sorry notably bad american accents uh sorry, Americans doing accents by Aussies. Americans accents by Australians. Oh, Jack Thompson and Broken Arrow. Yep, that's a good one. Sure.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Give me another. Well, he's got a couple here. He goes, specifically, how do you rank Hugh Jackman? He's quite solid. Yeah. He's good. Sometimes, I think in X-Men 3 it's noticeable in parts. Maybe that's just
Starting point is 01:34:47 me. Yeah, I'd say he's solid as well. What about Sam Worthington? No, he's one of the worst. In and out. He can do it though. Yeah. But I don't know. But it's weird. Terminator Salvation in and out. How many takes must they have done? And that was the best
Starting point is 01:35:03 one in a lot of cases. No. Likewise, what are your thoughts on Americans doing Australian accents? For example, Robert Downey Jr., Natural Born Killers, and Tropic Thunder. Are there any standout good or bad ones? Well, Pacific Rim we've mentioned. They're the absolute worst. Aren't they British?
Starting point is 01:35:17 Yeah. Yeah. Helena Bonham Carter does a good Australian accent. She's in a movie with Guy Pearce, and it's, like, dead on. Daniel Radcliffe does one. I think it's called December Boys. Yep. And he's dead on.
Starting point is 01:35:28 It's generally British do it better, but Val Kilmer does one in The Saint briefly, and it's pretty good. Yeah, yeah. And Robert Downey Jr.'s, I think, is pretty solid. It's not flawless, but it's pretty solid. Yeah, yeah. And there's little of it. There's little enough of it that, you know, he gets away with it.
Starting point is 01:35:48 He does. Think of any other worst or best ones? Paul Hogan. He's pretty bad. As a human being? Yeah. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 01:35:55 This is from Callum. Oh, Mel Gibson. That's a mess. Let's not talk about it. He can do... If you watch, like, Gallipoli, he can do an Australian accent. Or he could. I don't know if he could now.
Starting point is 01:36:05 Uh-huh. He doesn't use that much though, does he? No. Because he's not bloody Australian. That's right. Callum. Hello, me again, the official pander of comic book movie news. So I was wondering if I could get a shout out because I was in a terrible storm that
Starting point is 01:36:17 my town was hit with recently and it did a lot of damage. It was pretty bad knocking down trees left and right, and our own tree fell in my pool, so that was fun. That doesn't sound fun. Not at all. Unless it's using it in some sort of wrapping scenario. Okay, cool. But the worst thing that happened was there was a citywide blackout shutting everything
Starting point is 01:36:35 down. I didn't have power for a week, and I probably would have gone crazy with cabin fever except I had your podcast to listen to, so thank you for that. Hey, no worries. Yeah. Shout out to this guy. Assuming he did some looting. If you did some looting, you get a shoutoting you get a shout out if not i'm taking it back uh he said his iphone did die though in the process of but he was wondering if he could uh get a shout out for
Starting point is 01:36:54 surviving a the weather b the insanity and c the writing and looting no i had and also when he finally got power back and he listened to the podcast last week and he heard his email getting mentioned that he made up for it not having power for a week. I seriously think I enjoyed that way more than I could have, than I should have. Sincerely, Callum. You're welcome, Callum. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:37:14 I'm glad you're not dead. And please hide all that loot that you've plundered. Absolutely, yeah. All those gold bars from the local bank. That's it. Any question? This is from Blaze Tienko Thomas. Great name.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Great name. Question for you guys. Do you have any favourite sidekicks? Dick Grayson Robin. Sure, yeah, me
Starting point is 01:37:31 too. Actually, you know what, Tim Drake Robin as well. Oh yeah, cool, yeah. What about the other one?
Starting point is 01:37:36 Jason Todd Robin, not so much. No, he was designed to be annoying though, I think, and unpleasant.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Succeeded? Success? Definitely. Yeah, yeah. People did vote to have him killed, so. He barely, barely though.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Yeah, like it was a couple of votes either way. But you know what? I reckon they could have rigged that. Yeah. I mean, because. Just to know, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You get people writing in.
Starting point is 01:37:55 These days, online poll. That's it. You can still rig it. Definitely. Yeah, absolutely. Ah, who's a good sidekick? I know Nightwing's not a sidekick, but yeah, like you mentioned. That whole, that whole era.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Yeah. I'm sorry, that whole, Dick Grayson you mentioned, I like... That whole era. Yeah. Sorry, that whole... Dick Grayson as a whole, I think, is a great character. He's got a new solo series, doesn't he? Yeah, he does. Grayson. Where he's an agent. He's an agent of Spiral, which is sort of a DC spy agency, like Checkmate or whatever.
Starting point is 01:38:17 It's pretty fun. I'm not sure that I'm into that. I read the first issue. It's pretty fun. Does he shoot people? Not really. Does he use non-lethal force? Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Nunchucks? No, never any nunchucks. Never nunchucks. You said non-lethal force. Nunchucks are lethal all the time. Eight pounds of pressure or something. Right on your balls. Right on your balls.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Give me some other good sidekicks. Arrow's sidekick. Roy Harper, Arsenal. Bucky. I think a lot of the best sidekicks develop into their own characters. Yes, that's true. Yeah, I think Bucky has become a great sidekick retroactively. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:54 Like back in the day he wouldn't have been because he was just, Hey Cap, let's go and blah, blah, blah. Support the troops, whatever. Exactly, yeah, yeah. Can't think of anyone else off the top of my head. Superman's got a sidekick, doesn't he? Nope. That cape. Does that count? He else off the top of my head. Superman's got a sidekick, doesn't he? Nope. That cape.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Does that count? He's got a dog. Crypto. I really enjoy Jimmy Olsen. He's not really a sidekick technically. Yeah. He's more of a mascot or something. He's Superman's pal, but I...
Starting point is 01:39:15 I remember you saying you like... He's seen some stuff. they've cooled him. Yeah, he's been cooled up a little bit. Yeah, yeah. No longer sweater vest and bow tie. Well, he is, but it's cool. Yeah, he's kind of cool now.
Starting point is 01:39:23 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Also, on the Marvel side, you have Rick Jones. Yeah. Who's sort of flitted in and out of the Marvel universe. I'm Rick Jones, bitch. Yeah, that's the one. No, he is the kid, you know, in the Hulk's origin. The Bruce Banner sees like a kid in a car, like driving in the bomb test site.
Starting point is 01:39:42 And he goes out to rescue the kid. And that's why he's caught in the blast. That kid's Rick Jones, and he's been everywhere, man. He's had Hulk powers. He was Captain Marvel for a while, or the guy that... Captain Marvel's alter ego. He's been all over the place. Sure.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Gone in all sorts of crazy scrapes. All right. Good character. Is he better than... Jimmy Olsen? Yeah. Good character. Is he better than...
Starting point is 01:40:04 Jimmy Olsen? Yeah. I would like to see very much some sort of maybe a limited series or a one-shot where Rick Jones and Jimmy Olsen have to team up to save both universes. I think that would be great. If anybody from DC and or Marvel or Amalgam, the universe that was created when they combined, if any of you guys are out there, make that series. Also one where Alfred the butler
Starting point is 01:40:25 and Jarvis the butler team up. Robot or human? Human. Good. Or maybe it's just a butlering convention. Who knows? Sure. And they're the original odd couple.
Starting point is 01:40:35 They certainly are because they're both uptight and British. Correct. All right. I know that's not the odd couple. I just wanted to make that clear. Also, I was wondering if I could get a shout out. Blaze is turning 20 on the 21st and he will no longer be a teenager.
Starting point is 01:40:49 So I suppose that's something to celebrate. It is. Congratulations for not dying between now and when you were born. Shout out. It's an achievement. It is. Yeah, no, that's. It's rough out there.
Starting point is 01:41:01 It's a weird kind of transition when you go from teenagers to, like, 20, because there's no real change. Like, but, you know, age something. Correct. Yeah. Age ain't nothing but a number. You know it. Yeah. You bloody know it.
Starting point is 01:41:13 That's what R. Kelly wrote for that earlier, so he could marry her when she was 15 or whatever it was. Let's not talk about it. Edit this out. You brought it up. All right. Happy birthday, Blaze. Have a good one, man. Have a bloody it up. All right. Happy birthday, Blaze. Have a good one, man.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Have a bloody great one. All right. This is from Jason D. DeLangie. In one of your early podcasts, you mentioned a series about Magneto origins, but explained to me that it was more so about the Holocaust and Magneto just happens to be there. You wanted to know the name of that, and it is Mason, X-Men Magneto Testament. There you go. Well worth a read, like I said at the time. Very grim, though. Also, he loves the show. Keep doing Testament. There you go. Well worth a read.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Like I said at the time very grim though. I would say loves the show keep doing what you're doing. Don't change a thing. That's nice. Should we change anything? We should change pretty much almost everything.
Starting point is 01:41:54 We should reboot at some point. Sure. We should either go grim and gritty for a while and then we should reboot so we're super colourful again. Absolutely. After like a couple of months.
Starting point is 01:42:03 I also want to know how I can get in touch with the Australian humanitarian effort that you guys mentioned in Africa. Absolutely. After like a couple of months. I also want to know how I can get in touch with the Australian humanitarian effort that you guys mentioned in Africa. I'd like to get involved in that. You should tweet that.
Starting point is 01:42:10 I will. Put it on the weekly. Yeah, yeah, I will. It's called Food Water Shelter. If you go to it's an organisation I did a little bit of work with
Starting point is 01:42:19 a few years ago. It's great. They basically, for those people, and I appreciate what a nice guy for writing in for this for asking about it because I know people a nice guy for writing in for this,
Starting point is 01:42:26 for asking about it, because I know people don't really care about this stuff. But yeah, it's basically like, it's an eco-farm slash kind of orphanage slash school slash kind of, it's like a refuge kind of center for mothers who don't have husbands and then they adopt other kids into their families or whatever. It's a great place.
Starting point is 01:42:43 And yeah, If you're going to give any money, Mason, give it to that. Or me. I don't have any money. Give me some money. All right, fine. God. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:53 Thanks, Jason. Hope all is well in your world. Absolutely. Bloody legend. All right. This is a question for you, Mason. I'm ready. I'm never ready.
Starting point is 01:43:00 Whenever there's a question, I'm always shaking my boots. This is from Matt Von Diem, the official Matt Von Diem of the show. Oh, he's nailed that. Well, yeah. Get in quick. Get in before you, yeah. Question from Mason. I think you've answered this before.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Are you actually Mason? If so, do you give Mason as your surname so people won't think that you're actually a Mason? Because I think you are one now. If not, why not? I've heard good things. Are you a Mason? No. What do they do? But if I was, I'd say no anyway, wouldn't I? now. If not, why not? I've heard good things. Are you a Mason? No. What do they do?
Starting point is 01:43:26 But if I was, I'd say no anyway, wouldn't I? True. What are they about? I mean, you don't know, obviously. Yeah, exactly. I get it. Nice. Look, they're mostly about secret handshakes, I think.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Sure. At this point, it's mostly secret handshakes. Yeah. And that stonecutter episode of The Simpsons. That's a pretty good one. That's pretty accurate, isn't it? We're mostly about reviving Steve Guttenberg's career. Over and over again.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Question for James. Why don't you check your Twitter more? He's got a good point. I tweeted at you a stupid Goat Hand Solo thing about flying around in the universe macking hot birds, but you didn't notice, so then I withdrew it because I figured it wasn't funny enough. You bloody comedy snob. That is funny. Yeah, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:44:03 And I apologize that I didn't see it. I'm not good on Twitter. Neither neither am i yeah so i'm sorry because i just i have no i have no excuses of all things i do twitter definitely falls down the way so it's like the lowest priority but i do check it i do read all the tweets yeah yeah and i try to get back to as many as i can sometimes we've talked about this before they back up up. They back up. And a lot... This happens to me on Facebook as well when it's somebody's birthday. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:28 And I'm like, oh, it's this guy's birthday. I love this guy. I'm going to say something real funny. Yeah. And then I'm like, oh, I can't think of anything right now. I'll think on it.
Starting point is 01:44:36 And then later in the day, I'll bust out a real zinger on him. Yeah. And then like... A year rolls around. A year rolls around. And I'm like, oh, I forgot.
Starting point is 01:44:44 So, yeah. That's usually what happens i'm like i should this was a good comment or this is a good tweet or whatever i'll get back to this in a funny way and then i can't think of anything in a minute brain doesn't work all that well most of the time you don't just want to throw up a happy birthday do you like you want to make it notable yeah yeah you know what i mean you're talking about the birthday thing on the twitter thing both of those things yeah yeah maybe she just respond with happy birthday to every tweet that I get now. Sorry, I think I threw you off track there. Because when I said that, you were like, what?
Starting point is 01:45:12 Yeah. So thanks, Matt. And I'm sorry that I insulted you by not reading the thing or whatever. But that's a good answer. Because if you were Goat Hand Solo, you could mack on Hot Birds. Because you're Bloody Hand Solo. All right. Remember last week we talked about Alan Moore?
Starting point is 01:45:25 Nope. And how he refused to sign that copy of Watchmen. Oh hand solo. Alright, remember last week we talked about Alan Moore? Nope. And how he refused to sign that copy of Watchmen. Oh yeah, I do remember that, yeah. I've got a follow-up
Starting point is 01:45:30 email for that from Jack C. Great. Further to the Alan Moore story, he lives in a terrace house and it has oak
Starting point is 01:45:35 windows instead of UPC. It's painted dark green and has weird patterns and gargoyles on it. Ooh, we can probably
Starting point is 01:45:41 find it on Google Earth. I hope so. Also, when you walk past and the windows are open, you know, and you know to quote Robert De Niro in Meet the Parents. I haven't seen it. Ooh, we can probably find it on Google Earth now. I hope so. Also, when you walk past and the windows are open, you know, and you know to quote Robert De Niro in Meet the Parents. I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Or is that Meet the Fuckers? I don't know. He's puffing the magic dragon. Oh. Is it like a sex act? No, he's... I know what it is. Okay. When my uncle asked him to sign his book, he said he was obsessed with how bad capitalism was and he thought my uncle was going to sell it. Also, he looks like Hagrid.
Starting point is 01:46:05 All of those things sound true. Absolutely. So, yeah. That's great. I'm glad he's like real life. I would like to hear more Alan Moore stories. If anybody has any crazy comic creator stories, I'd like to hear those.
Starting point is 01:46:16 I've got a few more, Mason. Not necessarily crazy. Some nice ones as well. This is from the official Bigby Wolf of the Weekly Planet podcast, Luke. In the 14th of Planet podcast, Luke. In the 14th of July podcast you asked to send stories in, I was in Glasgow, Scotland, Comic-Con,
Starting point is 01:46:33 where I was going to a small signing with the writer-artist Alan Grant. Oh, yep, sure. He does Judge Dredd and Batman stuff, and he saved those kids from Jurassic Park that time. Yep. I opened the door for... So Alan Grant opened the door for me. I was holding a copy of Batman Judge Dredd and awkwardly staring at him.
Starting point is 01:46:47 And I said... I assume the original. Yes. Okay, good. The best one. I recognize you. What have you done? And he pointed at the book and he said, that. And I squealed and got him to sign it.
Starting point is 01:46:55 It's pretty good. It's pretty great. That is good. You read that one? Yes, it's great. I've got to read that. And he also says, love the show. Crazy art by this guy, Steve Bisley, who's like, does like, you know, the heavy metal
Starting point is 01:47:04 magazine. Yeah, he's the best in the Bisley, I know. There we go. There we go. Yeah. Okay, cool. show crazy uh art by this guy steve bisley who's like does like you know the heavy metal magazine yeah he's the best in the business there we go there we go yeah okay cool all right is it from like the early 90s or something yeah right about it yeah we've said the 90s a lot in this episode if you're doing that drinking game you're probably dead yep sorry this is from uh tim versino he's 14 years old and he's on a long road trip And I've been listening to your podcast for main source of entertainment Oh boy But good on you I just listened to episode 27 of your podcast
Starting point is 01:47:31 And I heard you mention Archie the comic And I thought I'd let you know that my grandfather's uncle Al Do you know how to say his name? Al Fagley? Why not? He created Archie He also did some early Human Torch comics And then later on you mentioned Meryl Streep,
Starting point is 01:47:47 who was my grandfather's cousin's wife. I thought it would be fun for you guys at the Weekly Planet to know this. We have no way of confirming that, but that is fun. That is some solid familial combinations there. Do you have any of that sweet Archie money? That's what we really want to know. Absolutely, yeah, yeah. Any of that sweet big moose.
Starting point is 01:48:05 That's what they call it. Money from Archie. There's some Archie stuff coming. They're, um... Is it like dead Archie or something? Yeah, Archie's going to die soon. Yeah, yeah. In Life with Archie, which is... And there's those four Archie impersonators,
Starting point is 01:48:17 which they take over. There we go. He's on fire. You bloody dullards. Yeah. Also, they're revamping the Archie superheroes again. Okay, cool. So, fingers crossed that might be great.
Starting point is 01:48:27 Or terrible. Who knows? You're an Archie kind of... You like the Archie. I read a lot of Archie back in the day. Cool. I never read any Archie. Oh.
Starting point is 01:48:33 But you would recommend it? Yeah. All of it? Yeah. Great. You know, there's a Phantom comic... Especially those Meryl Streep guest appearances. They make no sense, but it's great.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Just great. They're in there. But now it all makes sense. It does, doesn't it? You know, there's a Phantom... You know the phantom i know there's a comic running that runs in the one of our melbourne newspapers where it's basically it's an ongoing phantom story but it's like one or two panels a day sure yeah because the first panel is a recap of the previous day and then there's like one panel of like new stuff and then it's like what's gonna happen next episode yeah it's impossible to catch up with right right but i love doing it to people
Starting point is 01:49:09 are like pretending it's a joke and be like check this one out and then wait for the punchline yeah it's great back in the day they used to serialize the batman comic strip in those and i would cut them out and i put them in a scrap oh right really yeah let's do that with garfield well i don't think it was serialised though. Yeah. Anyway. Have you still got those? No. Probably worth a sweet packet, Mason. No, I've absolutely not. Probably got a long box full of them. Absolutely. I could make some sweet big mousse off them.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Last question. The last email, Mason. Anthony B says, talk about the Halo TV show. Well, that's not exactly what he said, but he wants us to talk about it. Do you know anything about the Halo TV show? Nope. I know there's going nope i know this is uh is is involved in it as producer who's that sorry steven spielberg there you go okay yeah it's gonna be live action it is yeah i'm very interested to see how this turns out i haven't played a lot of the halo games and we'll probably do an episode
Starting point is 01:49:56 on like video game movies and maybe upcoming video game movies but or tv shows or whatever because it's a tv show but I'm it sounds like a very kind of expanding kind of band of brothers in space yeah exactly if they could pull it off it'd be pretty amazing
Starting point is 01:50:12 yeah yeah is it just going to be called Halo? I believe so oh actually it might not be I've got to hear Halo TV show okay right I hope it's called Halo TV show yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:50:20 so sorry Anthony we're not exactly we're not we're not up with it or with it at all no really no we're not exactly um we're not oh we're not up with it or with it at all no really no we're the stanley of the podcasting world absolutely all right p.s in your last podcast you asked for funny anecdotes about running with celebrities oh here we go and i have a great one my friend and i happened upon morgan freeman at a local restaurant here we go.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Ha ha! Yay! That's so good. It was glorious. So, yeah. There you go. Oh, I missed one as well. Sorry. This is from Seth Zielinski, who's sent some very nice emails before.
Starting point is 01:51:08 He said when he was 12, him and his brother went to a comic book movie convention where several celebrities were doing signings, including Warwick Davis and Kenny Baker. Oh, sure. Right? While he was in line to meet the Wicked and Willow actor, Warwick Davis, he started to feel faint, and he briefly lost consciousness while in the line, having passed out. And he woke up being mugged by Kenny Baker. With one of those little R2-D2 robot arms. Or he sawed into him and took out his kidney. Having passed out due to dehydration,
Starting point is 01:51:30 I awoke in a chair beside Warwick Davis with my brother and Mr. Davis' wife tending to me, giving me water and so on. She helped take care of me until I could get back on my feet and leave, giving me a bottle of water to take with me. A very sweet woman, married to a wonderful actor, my brother held onto the bottle of water labelling it as, I'm not sure
Starting point is 01:51:48 I approve of this, mystical midget water, do not touch. Appropriate? Look, it was different times back then. It sure was, exactly. I'd still in my fridge 15 years later. My fiancé desperately wants me to throw it out before we move in together.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Don't do it. Yeah, break up with her up with her first you got that sweet magic water what else do you need so let's get you another girl um so yeah thanks thanks guys wonderful podcast again so yeah he's dream if you remember I might have mentioned this is the official priest serum Steve Rogers I remember that yeah America what a bloody legend great stories if anyone has anything to comment or write about I had a a lot of emails this week, so I'll probably only restrict it to two or three next week. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:52:30 You're the boss. Am I? Yeah. Thank you. All right, Mason. Anything to add before we... That's about it, I think. Any Twitter comments?
Starting point is 01:52:41 That Morgan Freeman story was pretty good. I think that's pretty... That is the high watermark at this point, yeah. Yeah, yeah. No, we're good. All right, cool, cool. I've got a video coming out on Sunday. It'll be out on the best...
Starting point is 01:52:52 Who's the best Avenger, Mason? Oh, actually, somebody sent me a little picture. It's Weekend at Stan Lee's and the style of Weekend at Burnley's. And it's got Joss Whedon and... Kevin Feige. Kevin Feige, yeah. Yeah, yeah. who's that from
Starting point is 01:53:05 oh boy that is from Ethan thanks Ethan at edit render thanks edit render yeah that's pretty great yeah yeah that's pretty great so yeah as I mentioned Mason next week Comic Con big news the biggest news and depending
Starting point is 01:53:21 on how big it is Hercules maybe briefly but with any luck if there's any good news at all we won't have to do that but he's an okay backup plan i
Starting point is 01:53:31 guess so yeah i've got a review of it coming out this week maybe wednesday i'll see see how i go excited for it hang on which one comic-con or the
Starting point is 01:53:40 other thing both yes which you were more excited for comic-con i understand yeah sure uh thank you to the gabriel of the other thing. Both. Yes. Which you were more excited for? Comic Con? I understand. Yeah. Sure. Thank you to Gabriel Bruton and Joseph Lisk
Starting point is 01:53:51 for the theme song. Bruton the Bass Lisk. Legends. Can you knock it out of the park every time? Where do you think if people wanted to reach us, Mason, they could?
Starting point is 01:53:58 Smoke signals? Right? Yeah. That's how we do it now. We're always keeping an eye on the horizon. Yeah. Oh, they can find us
Starting point is 01:54:04 at Weekly Planet Pod at Weekly Planet Planet Pod, at Gmail, Twitter and Facebook. Yeah. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. You sure is. And I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies on Facebook, Gmail. No, sorry. Yeah, I am there.
Starting point is 01:54:16 Facebook and YouTube. Just, and Twitter. Just wherever. Just type it in. You'll find something, maybe. Wow, Mason. Nearly a two hour show, I think. Wow. Well, we've only got ourselves to blame yes we do see you next week folks bye as women our life stages come
Starting point is 01:54:35 with unique risk factors like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit

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