The Weekly Planet - 50 Best Batman Moments

Episode Date: September 8, 2014

On our monumental fiftieth episode we discuss The Rock's new roll for DC, Terminator sequels galore, a Supergirl TV series and more!Plus we share our (and your) greatest Batman moments. Hosted on Acas...t. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, the official podcast of My name is James, editor at that website. With me as always is my co-host, Nicholas Mason. Hi, I don't have a fun personal story to share to kick off the show, but what have you got? It's Father's Day. Uh-huh, sure is. That's it.
Starting point is 00:00:27 No. Okay, good. Okay, this is for all the fathers out there, and I'd like to know whether this is true or not. We are not fathers. That we know about. No, we're definitely not. We're very careful. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Yeah, there's no way. But, yeah, my brother said the perfect gift. The perfect... My brother's a father. You know that, my older brother. He's got two kids. The perfect gift for a father that he knows about
Starting point is 00:00:46 he was not as careful not as much anyway what did you call him the golden bullet he knocked her up straight away didn't he
Starting point is 00:00:54 yeah right to the heart of it alright so the perfect father's day gift is the heart that's not where it happens what
Starting point is 00:01:00 doesn't matter see that's why I haven't gotten anyone pregnant oh good okay but uh but perfect father's day gift is when you wake up, your wife has taken your kids away and you just sleep through. Right. So the Perfect Father's Day gift is just to be left alone in the morning for most of the day.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Because normally, I remember when I was a kid, my dad's Father's Day consisted of me and my brothers running into the room really early and, like, jumping on him and then, like, giving him gifts he didn't want. Yeah. And then one of them was, like, chocolates. And then we just ate all the chocolates. Sure. And then we just run out. Like, that was... That's not a gift.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Two minutes in and out. Great. Yeah. And you've ruined his day. That's right. So, yeah. It's pretty great. Happy Father's Day, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Absolutely. Who's a father to all the fathers out there yeah that they know oh sorry I'll stop doing that
Starting point is 00:01:49 straight into the news Mason straight into the news okay so how confident are you in the Terminator Genesis Terminator reboot
Starting point is 00:01:57 not confident at all well Paramount Pictures are way more confident than you what does that mean because they have already greenlit sequels
Starting point is 00:02:04 for May 2017 and June 2018 so I think the one next one's coming the one's coming next year uh huh then there's a year gap where we can rest up
Starting point is 00:02:13 from that amazing Terminator journey catch our breath reboot reimagining play with all the action figures yep for a year and then
Starting point is 00:02:20 they're shooting another two back to back so straight into it no word on the director. Alan Taylor, as we know, is doing the Genesys. That's S-Y-S. You remember? Sure, I remember.
Starting point is 00:02:30 At length. Yeah. So yeah, I guess that's a good sign sometimes. Is it, though? I mean, is it a good sign or is it they've just gone, okay, well, here's the projections of the ticket sales. Yep. We can shoot out three of these before we start losing money again.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Maybe they've just looked at Terminators 1, 2, and 3, and whatever the fourth one was. Salvation. Thank you. And they've just gone, look, if we just put enough money at this, we'll get X amount of money back, and then it'll just be straight to DVD, so we'll stop there. Sure. We'll wait again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:01 What I'm saying is this is going to be a disaster, and it's going to be garbage. I don't know, man. I don't know. I think it remains to be seen. Because it's Alan Taylor, garbage. I don't know, man. I don't know. I think it remains to be seen. Because it's Alan Taylor, as we're talking about, who did Thor, The Dark World. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Thor, The Dark World. And then he's done Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 00:03:11 He's got a good cast. All right. Arnold's back as old Terminator. Love it. So, yeah. I don't know, man. We'll see how we go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yep. Whatever. Yeah. Next up. Okay, great. We've just seen a first, look at the vision. We have. Concept art, where there's a big dickhead standing in front of the concept art.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Just ruining the concept art. Ruining the concept art. He could have at least done two photos. I know. One, here's me being a dickhead in front of the concept art. Here's me not molesting the concept art. So you can enjoy the concept art. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Bearing in mind, I'm the dickhead that got the first look at the concept art. I get the credit. But here it is, so you can look at it. Exactly. Yeah. What a joke. What we're saying is, if you know who this guy is, let us know and we'll get him. Get him real good.
Starting point is 00:03:54 But we do. At least he didn't obscure the vision. It looks like he is standing in front of Quicksilver, though, or someone else. Have you noticed, though, you've got Iron Man right up front, followed by Captain America. And way in the back, even behind the vision vision and the guy standing in front of the concept art is thor like he's just been like is thor going out of favor i'm gonna say yes okay yeah also have you noticed that the avengers tower is right behind them are they all falling to their deaths the ones that can't fly yes definitely okay good yeah because they're way up the way up high so what do you
Starting point is 00:04:25 think of the look it's pretty much it's standard vision stuff yeah yeah it's fine yeah yeah nice is it a good vision for the character uh that i know about nice saved it at the end that looks fine yeah it looks good it'll be interesting because he's it'll be interesting to see how that red face looks in motion yeah like will it look ridiculous i think that because they were tossing up whether to do helmet or painted face or cgi or whatever so it's hard to say from that just that so there you go on board they've thus far made everything else look mostly not ridiculous so yep i agree with that even thanos not ridiculous even captain america's outfit in the avengers correct. A little bit ridiculous. Yeah, a little bit ridiculous. Base, helmet, yeah, okay, yeah. Alright, cool.
Starting point is 00:05:06 After months of speculation, I would even say years of speculation, of who The Rock will play in a DC movie. Oh, it's been finally revealed. Revealed. Black Adam. He's playing Black Adam. There you go, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:16 As we predicted, or possibly didn't predict. You have to go back and check. Yeah. Was either that or Shazam. Would you prefer him as Shazam or Black Adam? No, Black Adam. He looks more like Black Adam. Sure. I think he would have made a good Shazam, though, as well. Yeah, yeah was either that or Shazam. Would you prefer him as Shazam or Black Adam? Black Adam, he looks more like Black Adam. Sure.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I think he would have made a good Shazam, though, as well. Yeah, yeah, okay. Because he's kid-friendly, you know? But apparently in the comics at the moment, Black Adam is more of an anti-hero than he used to be, just a flat-out villain. Yeah. And now he's so...
Starting point is 00:05:39 I guess they must be doing that version of him in the film. Because The Rock can't be a bad guy. No, that's right. So that leaves a space for... Except for Doom. Yeah. That happened, yeah. That leaves open the question, who's going to be Captain Marvel?
Starting point is 00:05:54 That does, yeah, exactly. Because who is The Rock big? No one. But a good guy. Or a good actor. Like a clean-cut American boy, whatever kind of thing. Not that The Rock isn't. Yeah. But Captain Marvel's got a certain look. Like a clean-cut American boy, whatever kind of thing. Not that The Rock isn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:05 But Captain Marvel's got a certain look. He does. I think they're probably going to go a smaller kind of... They'd have to go a smaller person. I got a text from somebody ten seconds ago, and I wouldn't normally break the fourth wall here, but it's from a friend of mine. It says,
Starting point is 00:06:18 Happy Father's Day, Nick Mason. I know your secret. So... Great. That's pretty great. Great. I know your secret. Great. That's pretty great. Great. I'm going to look forward to a couple of bloody bundles of joy busting on me next year in the morning and ruining my fun.
Starting point is 00:06:37 So, yeah. Chase M wrote it, actually. And he said, he thinks it'd be better if Billy Batson was played by The Rock and it was just The Rock running around on his knees. Absolutely, yeah. In a high-pitched voice in kids' clothes. He's got a little hat with a propeller on top. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So I thought that was pretty funny. And the transformation sequence, he yells Shazam. And there's like a flickering light behind him. And he just stands up off his knees. Like kind of awkwardly. He's like a flickering light behind him and he just stands up off his knees. Like kind of awkwardly, like maybe... Just like... Yeah, maybe like a grip walks in on frame and just holds and he just struggles up slowly. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:07:15 That would be amazing. I'm all for it. Because Black Adam is Egyptian-ish, isn't he? Yes. And the Rock's vague where he's from. He's got a vague ethnicity. Yeah, he could be anyone. He works in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah, he is. Good on ya. Clean-cut American or Egyptian. He can go anywhere in between that. Absolutely. That's fine. Okay. You familiar with Matt Nabel?
Starting point is 00:07:34 No. He was in the Riddick movie, the latest one. Was he Riddick? He was Riddick's friend, Biddick. No, he was. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm hungover again, by the way. Just so everybody knows.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And we're doing this one early. That's fine. It is what it is. No, he played... Do you remember in the first movie? Spoiler alert for... Pitch Black. Pitch Black.
Starting point is 00:07:55 There was that guy who was the drug addict who Riddick ends up killing. And then it's his father who comes after Riddick in the newest one. And he's one of the only guys to survive. It's that guy. It's that... Where he's one of the only guys to survive. It's that guy. It's that, well, is, yeah. Where is this going? He. I'm sick to death.
Starting point is 00:08:09 It's early in the morning. I'm sick to death of trying to find links here. I can't remember what he looks like. I can't remember whose dad is who. Did this guy's dad get bloody, did this drug addict show up really early in the morning who's like, hey, dad, I got you these drugs.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Actually, I'm going to take the drugs and run out he is this well basically matt nabel who is this guy is playing raz al ghul or ray shall go in arrow you know liam neeson was all for it yeah yeah but he had already been filmed so yeah he's an australian actor i think he's a good he's a good choice he's good in riddick as you remember sure so it. Certainly a memorable performance. A career-defining performance. Yeah, yeah. Is he somehow in the new Mad Max film as well?
Starting point is 00:08:51 Probably. Did all Australian actors get a big part in that? Every Australian actor. Every Australian actor. Even the dead ones. Toni Collette. Is she? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:58 That's great. I like Toni Collette. That we know about. Sorry. I promised it'd be the last one, but it wasn't. So yeah, I'm cool with that. I mean, I haven't seen a hell'd be the last one, but it wasn't. So, yeah, I'm cool with that. I mean, I haven't seen a hell of a lot of him, but what I've seen, I like him.
Starting point is 00:09:11 He's got an Australian accent, which is just great. Fantastic. So, yeah. All right, moving right along. Remember how we talked about Supergirl last week? Yes. And then I made that video about Supergirl. Did you see that one?
Starting point is 00:09:19 I did see that video. Yeah, I liked that one. It's refreshing to learn what I said on the podcast later on. Yes, that's right. apparently a supergirl series may actually be in development tv series tv series because you can't give a female superhero a movie how dare we even think that for a second yeah but it's not going to be the cw apparently who do arrow and the flash do everything else yeah uh now they're considering several several ways to to go about this, but it will be a new interpretation
Starting point is 00:09:48 and it won't be called Supergirl. Okay. It will be called like Kandor or something like that. Oh, it will be, that's true, yeah. Is she from Kandor or something? No, she's from Krypton. Yeah, yeah. But what didn't she...
Starting point is 00:10:01 No. In the movie, where did she come from? She came from Kandor, didn't she? In that terrible movie. Witches. I don't know. It's been a long time. Yeah, so... That's great, I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Great. So it'll be another Smallville. Who's getting it? Not the CW. Not the CW. Somebody else. Just not... They've just put a blanket rule down.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Anyone can have it. First TV station to put their hands up can have it, as long as it's not the CW. Yeah. So there you go. I think they've sort of perfected flying, CGI flying in TV, haven't they? Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:35 But I mean, whether she gets the budget for that or not is the question. But they'd have to, right? Yeah. You'd have to make her fly, because that would be dumb. Like Smallville. Like Smallville for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:10:45 He did fly in Smallville eventually, didn't he? Well, what happened in Smallville, he had the ability to fly from season three. But he couldn't stand to fly, because he ain't got no wings. There you go. But he never had the confidence or the knowledge, the trigger in his mind to do it. But, like, sometimes a bad guy would take over his mind. Yeah. He could fly for some reason.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And then the bad guy, you know, the spirit of the bad guy would be blasting out of his mind or whatever. And he'd be like, well, I know definitively that I can fly. But why would I bother thinking about it? You know? Some bad credits. Some bad stuff. Yeah. What a great show. uh okay last bit of news i think it's one of those situations as well where we said something and then something happened related to that thing right the universe is connected it's definitely a thing yes that happened um
Starting point is 00:11:38 x-men apocalypse starts shooting in montreal next april is that related to something we said? Nope. Great. But I just thought, you know, it started. That was related to the Supergirl thing. We mentioned Supergirl and blah-de-blah. So yeah. That's great. Good on them. Same director, same writers, same cast with some new additions.
Starting point is 00:12:00 There's going to be like a young Nightcrawler apparently in Gambit, obviously with Channing Tatum and etc, etc. I hope there's a scene where it's just Nightcrawler in a tattoo parlor and he's just going through like books. Like, do I want this one? Do I want this one? No, I don't like that. Is it religiously enough?
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah. Don't like it. Don't like it. We have this religious book. Oh, montage. Tattoo montage. Tattoo montage. Tattoo montage. Yeah, well, Mason.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Yes? We mentioned last week, we said, look, we're going to do... We said, look! Listen, idiots! No, we said, we're going to talk about Batman
Starting point is 00:12:35 and the best Batman moments because we hadn't done a... We certainly haven't talked about Batman a lot. No, it's weird. But this is our 50th episode after all, and Batman is probably one of the most iconic comic book characters.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I thought you were going to put your foot down and go, and Batman is 50 years old today. Would you say he's the greatest father in comic books? Oh, I see. That's the way to do it. I meant to do it like that. I did it wrong because I even wrote that down. Is he the greatest?
Starting point is 00:13:00 He's probably the worst father. Well, he got his son killed. And he didn't know he existed for a lot of the time. He's had a lot of his surrogate children killed as well. True. Several Robins. But he's the best father. Like, more than two.
Starting point is 00:13:15 But he's the best father in the sense that he's lived to gather more children. No. That's a bad justification. He is a father. How about that? Father's Day. He's a bad justification. He is a father. How about that? Father's Day. He's 50 years old. It's our 50th episode.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Is Damien Wayne back from the dead in Batman again? Or is he... In Batman again. No, in the current Batman comics. Damien Wayne. Is he alive? I don't think he's alive yet. I might be wrong, though.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I'm not up to date on that. Okay. I think there's been some stories that hint around it or maybe they're set in another universe or set in a different time. Okay, so currently
Starting point is 00:13:51 he's a bad father because his son's dead. Yes. But when his son is revealed to have not died at all but there was some sort of switcheroo
Starting point is 00:13:58 then he'll be a great father again. That's right. Exactly. Anyway, basically we decided we'd just talk about Batman. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:03 At the best Batman moments. We've got a whole lot of listeners writing as well. So I thought maybe we'll go through our moments. Uh-huh. And then we'll go through the listeners. That's right, everyone. It's another episode of James and Mason list a whole bunch of things. Will there be context?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Who knows? Maybe. Probably not. Do you want to kick it off? Do you want to do it chronologically? Oh, I can't do it. I haven't written it in chronologically. But we can. Yeah, sure. I to do it chronologically? Well, I can't do it. I haven't written it down chronologically, but we can. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I'll do whatever. No, let's not do that. Okay. All right, let's kick it off. I can start chronologically. Okay, go ahead. In the original Batman comics, he just murdered a bunch of people. Is that an iconic moment, though?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yes. There's one moment in particular where there's a guy, like a monster, who'd mutated and he hangs in from the bat plane with a rope and just flies around until the guy chokes to death and he's like, he would have wanted it this way. This is better. I can't wait to be a father sometime. Tie it in. Yeah, absolutely. He used to carry a gun and punch people into acid and all sorts of stuff. Just like the Tim Burton version. Okay, so are we going to say iconic moments of Batman killing a whole bunch of people? Let's talk about all the times
Starting point is 00:15:11 Batman killed people. Well, look, I'm currently doing a video on that. I'm like halfway through it. I'm doing like top five moments. Am I telling you about this? I think so, yeah. Yeah, and I can't do just five.
Starting point is 00:15:21 It's hard to win it down to just five, isn't it? Because he's killed a lot of people. So, you know, I don't want to step on that. I mean, some of them are out of continuity. Yeah. But there's a lot of them that are in continuity, you know? And a lot of them, they're kind of like... Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:34 What are they called? Like, no, no, he didn't murder them. Like, one I didn't include was the one where he locks that Russian guy... The KGB. The KGB guy in an underground bunker. And just leaves him to die. Yeah. And he's like, sometimes the ends justify the means or whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah. Sometimes you gotta blah, blah, blah, justice something, blah, blah. And then he just leaves. But yeah, they later read, because they wanted the KGB's back. Yeah. So they later read Condor and be like, I actually called the cops. Yeah. And the cops collected him or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Yeah. I mean, despite the fact that he said he won't be a problem anymore because I've left him to his death. Or whatever he said he won't be a problem anymore because I've left him to his death. Or whatever he said. Batman has also killed a lot of people in garbage dumps. Oh, you mean like piles of cars fall on them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of, like, Batman kills a lot of people with mitigating circumstances where, like, morally he could sort of get away with.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah. But, I mean, it's always like he punches the guy, the guy falls into a stack of cars, the cars crush the guy. Yeah, and Batman's like... You're Batman. Yeah. You could have punched him in a different...
Starting point is 00:16:32 Like, you know that that stack of cars... You've seen stacks of cars before. Yes. You trained with an expert in stacking cars. That's right. In Tibet. And then you know that if you hit that guy into the stack of cars, it'll crush him.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah. So hit him so he goes in another direction. In another direction, yeah. Also, there's that bit in Batman Begins bets and then you'd know that if you hit that guy into the stack of cars it'll crush him yeah so hit him so he goes another direction another direction yeah also there's that bit in batman begins where he's like i'm not gonna kill you but i don't have to save you no you kind of do you do because that's what you're about you had the opportunity to do that and you didn't so you're a murderer there's also that bit in batman begins where he won't kill that one criminal in the monastery. Yeah. So he just kills everybody else instead. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:11 He kills Ra's al Ghul. He kills about 50 ninjas. Yep. And he nearly kills Liam Neeson. But then he does kill Liam Neeson at the end anyway. Right, yes. So... And then...
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah, exactly. What else do we hate about Batman? And that guy... And the guy he refuses to kill was a bad guy, right? Yeah, that's right. They explicitly say that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Great. Great stuff, Batman. Weird code, Batman. It is a weird code. Also, you'll kill Darkseid. Yeah, you kill Darkseid. Yeah, that's right. I mean, Darkseid came back, obviously, as everybody does.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yeah, uh-huh. But, yeah, and with a gun. He broke two rules. Was it the gun that killed his parents it couldn't have been i don't think so that would have been pretty messed up yeah yeah he has he has that gun does he i don't know he probably would yeah but he does know how to shoot guns and dismantle guns and all that doesn't he like he's a he's a weapons expert he just doesn't use them well well he Well, he really wants to. There's also that bit in the first episode of the Future Batman show, Future Batman.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yep. Where the reason he retires is he's getting beaten by thugs. And he has to, the only way he can stop himself from being killed is he pulls a gun on one of them. Right, right, right. Because he has like this sort of chest pain kind of thing. Right, right, right. And that's why he hangs of chest pain kind of thing. Right, right, right. And that's why he hangs up the boots, the bat boots. The bat boots and the bat gun.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And the bat gun. You've had a lot of use, old Bessie. But I'll put you away for now. We had some good times. I'll wait a couple more for the road. But he used to carry a gun as well. Like in the very early incarnations. He was just a guy in a bat suit who used to shoot and murder people. Well, yeah, because sort of the mystery men of the 20s and 30s, like the Shadow and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah, they love using a gun. The Phantom? What else are you going to do? Yeah. And I think back in the day, because the Joker died as well. Like the Joker in his earliest appearance he died but then i think they he was bill finger who who illustrated it at the time was forced to add an extra panel where he recovered in hospital or he had some final words something like that because i think
Starting point is 00:19:15 at the time it was seen like if you had a character like batman and he let the villains live he was weak so he had to kill everybody and then they were like actually we kind of like the joker so we'll bring him back yeah yeah and that interesting early batman though he's not really batman is he like no no he's a lunatic with a gun yeah yeah and now he's a lunatic without a gun sometimes yeah all right you got another iconic batman moment well there's a there's a lot in the movies yeah i know some you hate sure and if we we're talking about Batman killing a lot of people. There's a lot of killing in Batman 1989. There is.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And Batman Returns. Yes. And Batman Forever. Yep. Anyway, so I go on. One's a lot. I'm going to say, because one of the most, if you'd say what's the most iconic scene in, what do people remember of Batman?
Starting point is 00:20:01 I think it's the opening scene on the rooftop in the 1989 Batman. Yeah. Where he lifts the thug, like, scene on the rooftop in the 1989 Batman. Yeah. Where he lifts the thug, like, two feet off the ground. Yeah. And the guy's like, what are you? And he's like, I'm Batman. Yeah, that is absolutely iconic. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:20:14 There's 10,000 parodies. Yeah, yeah. And there's so many in there. There's the scene where the Joker, Jack Napier in that film, but he goes to a surgeon to get his face put back together after Batman deflects that bullet into his head, if you recall. And then into acid. Yeah, and there's that scene where he demands the mirror. That's iconic, right? Absolutely it is.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Definitely. And that was parodied in The Simpsons. Why do you hate this film so much? I don't hate it. I just think it's... No, it's great, but it's not really a good Batman movie. That's what I'm saying. Alright.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You're wrong, but I understand. My favourite scene in that movie is the scene where Michael Keaton's Let's Get Nutsy. Yes! I'll probably put a clip of that in here. That is madness. You know what happened to this guy, Jack? What?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Made mistakes. And then he had a now you wanna get nuts come on let's get nuts it's insane he's just casually telling this story and then he's just then he smashes the fastener
Starting point is 00:21:20 the umbrella or something there's actually if you read the junior novelization, as I do... Alan Dean Foster. Yeah. There's an additional scene after that... Yeah. ...where the Joker leaves that apartment,
Starting point is 00:21:33 and Michael Keaton, Bruce Wayne, like, he doesn't have his bat equipment, but he puts on, like, a ski mask, and he goes... He chases them down the street. Like, there's, like, a car chase scene, and he... But it's...
Starting point is 00:21:44 And they don't realise that it's him, even though he's in the same suit. He's in that same weird taupe-coloured double-breasted suit from the 80s, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, look, that is a... I like that movie, I do.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I just... I think it's... Yeah, it is what it is. Uh-huh. The same way that Batman 66 is what it is. A lot of people wrote in with some Batman 66 moments. Yep, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:04 The most iconic ones, probably the shark. Batman and Joker go surfing. Yes, that's a good one. Surfing competition, yeah. Yeah, what is that? What's going on there? Ah, you know what? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Me neither. I can picture it very clearly, but I don't know the context. It may or may not involve them both running for mayor, and they have to decide who's the best via a surfing competition, but maybe those are separate episodes. Sure. But yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Shark. Shark repellent. Okay. Yep. That is the best. That is like, even though that's... Shark repellent bat spray. It's so goofy, that show.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yep. But deep down, whatever, it's very Batman in the way that he doesn't kill, he doesn't use guns. He's got the same backstory. All the iconic villains are there. It's everything, but it's super goofy. It's pretty much the same Batman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:51 When I was a kid, I really enjoyed it, and then when I became an angsty teen, as we all did, I was like, oh, well, it's so dumb, it's such a dumb, it doesn't even make any sense, but now I'm 100% back on board. Me too, yeah. As an old man now I'm 100% back on board. Me too, yeah, yeah. As an old man, I'm 100% back on board. Because the shark repellent bat spray, that is from the 66 Batman movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And there's a lot of great scenes in that. My favourite... Well, there's sometimes you just can't get rid of a bomb, which is... Which they borrowed in The Dark Knight Rises. Yeah, I guess that's true's true yeah where he's like okay he's trying to get rid of the bomb well we could you know he there's like uh there's like cub scouts like he tries to throw one when there's cub scouts there's ducks and there's like two lovers on the
Starting point is 00:23:38 boat having a romantic there's a big marching band there's a marching band yeah exactly uh my favorite hang off i'll see if i can find it because i've got to get the quote right but my favorite part of that film is the logic where it's it's batman robin commissioner gordon and chief o'hara they're all in the commissioner's office and they're trying to figure out who was responsible for this for the rubber shark attack and the the exploding the exploding shark and the the fake yacht and all that sort of stuff. Yeah. And they're all trying to...
Starting point is 00:24:08 The 1960s, like, camp Batman logic. And so they're like, oh, which villains could it be? And then Batman's like, pretty fishy what happened to me on that ladder. And Gordon's like, oh, where there's fish, there could be a penguin. And then Robin's all like, wait, it happened at sea. Sea? Sea for Catwoman! And it just goes on.
Starting point is 00:24:31 It just goes from there. Yeah. It's got all the Batman elements. His amazing detective skills. Yeah, he's the world's greatest detective. But teamwork also. Also teamwork, yeah. I remember whether it's in that episode or that movie or something
Starting point is 00:24:45 else where the death of robin no that's something else whereas he was bludgeoned to death with the crowbar and then blown up in a warehouse yeah that happened in batman 90s i remember that where they're magnetized to a boy yep is that in the movie that is in the movie and then i think and there's a missile coming yeah and so he's got he's got a torpor he's got like he reverses the polarity he's the super polarity thing. But then it's not reversing anymore. Yeah, he runs out of battery. And a porpoise. A porpoise, a brave porpoise, swims into the path of the last torpedo.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Yeah, that definitely happens. And I love how they play it off like, oh, it sacrificed itself. Like, but also, the way that he didn't even think, what a great coincidence. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, it wasn't even that, it was, what a great coincidence. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, it wasn't even that. It was, what a hero that porpoise is. Like, he read this situation. Well, because that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:25:31 He's the most noble of heroes, Batman. Yeah. Well, technically, the porpoise is. Yeah, that's true. So, yeah, that's pretty incredible. I guess, you got any good, like, iconic comic moments? You mentioned Death of Robin. Yes, that's certainly one.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Do people know about that? Like, the general public? Are they... Ofe? Oh, no, you can break it down. I'm sure there's people who don't know. No, we kind of just did. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Well, basically, there was a poll that wasn't there to see whether... Because it was the new Robin, which was Tim Drake, who we mentioned before. Oh, no, no. Jason Todd. Jason Todd, sorry. Yeah. Redhead, like, arrogant Robin. And people were very divided on him
Starting point is 00:26:11 because people love Dick Grayson. And they had a poll to see whether or not he would live or die. And you would call the number. You would call the 1-800 number. That's it. Or a 1-900 number. Cha-ching.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And it was like 51%, 49% or something. So he just made it. Right, right. He just was killed. But you know what? They could have fudged the numbers. We don't know. So if you read the trade paperback that collects that, at least the version I had, there's
Starting point is 00:26:36 like an editor's note in there. Yeah. And it says in there that he had two copies of the issue in his desk drawer. Okay. One where he lives and one where he dies. I don't know if that's true, but if it is, where is that copy where he lives? That's a really good question.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I would like to see that. And I'd say that's probably not true. I don't reckon it's true. Because we would have seen it by now. I reckon they're going to kill him regardless. Yeah, yeah. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Interesting. Because it's a non-event. No one's going to remember the time that Robin nearly died. Right, yeah. Like that hundreds of other times. That scrape he got into, yeah. I mean, mean they probably remember
Starting point is 00:27:05 the part where the joker bludgeoned him with a crowbar for like 10 minutes they'd remember that sure well i'd remember that if it happened to me well people remember the uh you know oracle like gordon's daughter being shot through the spine or whatever so you know because that was another brutal kind of moment yeah she didn't she didn't she lived but people remember that i guess because she was in a wheelchair as well afterwards since then. But yeah. What a moment in history. Correct.
Starting point is 00:27:29 What about the time that Batman and Robin were slowly sinking in caviar? In Batman 66. Yeah. I don't mean to come back to it, but they just got me thinking about all the times that Batman and Robin nearly died. And it was every second episode because every, every second episode was a cliffhanger. Yeah. There. That used to make because every second episode it was a cliffhanger. That used to make me real tense
Starting point is 00:27:48 when I was a kid. Oh, wow. Because the first episode, there were always two-parters. I'm like, oh, this bloody cliffhanger and I'm going to hate these because then I have to wait
Starting point is 00:27:56 for the next one. So, yeah. But I got here for comic moments. Yep. The Dark Knight Returns is a great book and whatever. But for me, I think the best moment
Starting point is 00:28:05 is when Batman and the Joker go through the carnival Oh by the way spoiler for this Spoilers for all of this Sure yeah If we mention something
Starting point is 00:28:12 and you haven't read it or seen it just pause it download it real quick Yep Watch it Read it Get back on board
Starting point is 00:28:18 Get onto it Yeah Because some of these I think probably my number one favourite and why I've mentioned it ad nauseum on this podcast It's just a spoiler If we talk about it it's spoiled so cool
Starting point is 00:28:29 all right and that's my fave so when i mention it yeah just go and read it is it the i'm batman moment from batman 89 yeah i'm damn it i spoiled it already but yeah it's it's batman going after the joker for the last time yeah and if you haven't read it or whatever i guess i won't spoil exactly what happens. But I think that, like, people remember the Batman-Superman fight from that comic, which is also great. But for me, that moment between Batman and the Joker is one of their best showdowns. We can spoil it. We just mentioned spoilers. Yeah, okay, so Batman is going to kill the Joker and he decides not to at the last minute.
Starting point is 00:29:05 And so the Joker then breaks his own neck. Yes. To make it look like the Batman did kill him. After Batman threw a Batarang into his eye. Yeah. I love that. I've talked about it before. Like, Batman's just been pushed to the complete limits.
Starting point is 00:29:16 He's just like, I've had enough of this. Yep. I've dealt with this for 40 fucking years. I'm just going to murder this guy. Yep. And yeah, it's great. Speaking of Batman murdering the Joker. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And we were talking about the killing joke a second ago. Yeah. It is very heavily implied. I don't know if the killing joke was intended to be in or out of continuity at the time. Yeah. Because the final scene of the killing joke does seem to imply that Batman does kill the Joker right at the end. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Because the Joker tells his famous joke, the killing joke. Yeah. And then Batman finally cracks a smile and he laughs and then they both have a good old fun laugh in time, like at the end of a sitcom where everybody laughs and there's a freeze frame. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:55 But then the Joker's laughter suddenly stops. Yeah. With the Batman's hands around his neck. Yeah. And it's sort of... It's implied that he broke his neck. Yeah. He loves it.
Starting point is 00:30:04 He loves a bit of that and that was only kind of revealed recently-ish wasn't it Grant Morrison talked about that on the Kevin Smith podcast but that's pretty incredible if that is true
Starting point is 00:30:13 or not true yeah if you ask Alan Moore he probably won't even remember or pretend he doesn't remember well he doesn't I don't think he he likes nothing that he's
Starting point is 00:30:20 I don't know if he just disowns everything he's done for like DC and Marvel yeah i think that's probably it but i he doesn't like a lot of his old work yeah like virtually none of his old work yeah he'll see in a positive light yeah i don't know if that's because he's like because you know how a lot of like bands will release an album and then release the next album and they'll be like oh that last album was garbage we weren't even trying with that last one we really but now
Starting point is 00:30:42 really hit our stripes yeah're in a good place yeah I feel maybe Alan Moore's like that like he feels like maybe he keeps evolving as a writer and then he does look back at all
Starting point is 00:30:51 his old stuff and he's like well that was really kind of simplistic or garbage or whatever because like the killing joke I think he said that
Starting point is 00:30:58 because it's that entire thing of Batman versus the Joker those people do not exist nobody like that exists in the real world no so what is it what is it telling us about the human condition kind of thing what is it telling us well no i think see i think it does though because he said that he said look you know it's just two weird archetypes battling each other these weird cartoon character kind of
Starting point is 00:31:22 things but i think it does like it's about it's the killing joke is about a man who you know one bad night kind of ruined
Starting point is 00:31:30 his life and the lives of everybody around him and I kind of you know that's happened that's a real thing sure absolutely
Starting point is 00:31:36 yeah yeah and it can go either way because Batman also had one bad night but he went with a K and you know so you could it could you know it's pivotal moment in both of their lives or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Okay, he's an iconic Batman. Shirtless 1970s Batman. Just the cow. Just the cow. The Demon Lives Again, I think it was called. It was Batman versus Ra's al Ghul. And, look, there's a lot of shirtless sword fighting in this. There is a lot of shirtless sword fighting in this. There is a lot of shirtless sword fighting.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Like a Sinbad-esque adventure that ends in a shirtless sword fight. He's referred to by a couple of... I think Grant Morrison refers to this particular Batman as 1970s hairy shirtless love god Batman. Because this is the era where he knocked up Talia al Ghul and resulting in Damian Wayne. Yeah. Resulting in Damian Wayne. Yeah. Rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Rest in peace. Potentially. But yeah, this... The Demon Lives Again features a lot of weird shirtless sword fighting where he's shirtless, but he's still got the cowl on. What's going on there? I don't know. It's easier to tell who he is, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:42 But if you say 1970s Batman, that's the first thing I think of. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. I think of Adam West going to conventions in his Batsuit. Sure, yeah. Aw. Well, that guy had a rough trot, you know. Like, he didn't get work for ages.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, that was in the era of massive typecasting. Yeah. But he did anything, really. Yeah, he was nearly James Bond at one point as well. That nearly happened. I can see that, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He looks the part.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Like Roger Moore. Yeah, he looks like Roger Moore, exactly. But I don't think he could do the accent. I'd still want to see it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, yeah. You know, the animated series is obviously very... The Batman animated series.
Starting point is 00:33:17 It's probably the... Not the Roger Moore, James Bond animated series. James Bond Jr.? Yeah. No. Yeah, well, obviously the 1990s cartoon, people still consider it probably one of, if not the best version of Batman that we've seen,
Starting point is 00:33:31 outside of the comics. A lot of people are very on board with The Batman. Yeah, I was reading it. I've never seen it. A little bit, maybe. We should give it a chance. Yeah. Because that went for four years, did it?
Starting point is 00:33:42 Something like that. Yeah, yeah. It's supposed to be great, but the new 3D one didn't do as well. Batman coming at ya! Exclamation mark. But yeah, one of the most iconic... Well, there's a lot of iconic moments in that one.
Starting point is 00:33:56 There's the card-playing episode where all the villains are recounting a time that they took on the Batman. Yeah, and they nearly killed him. They nearly killed him, and they've all got these amazing stories, and croc's moment is that he picked up a rocket threw it at him yeah yeah but probably for me the heart of ice episode and for a lot of other people is like the definitive like batman animated series episode it reintroduces for mr freeze in an
Starting point is 00:34:23 amazing way which then reinvented him in the comics. Like, a lot of stuff from that show flowed over into the comics, like Harley Quinn, the new version of Freeze. Lock-up. Lock-up. He didn't last very long. Throwing rocks at Batman. Yep. All the classic moments. So, yeah, and that was also ran at a
Starting point is 00:34:40 time when those movies were going on and they were getting progressively worse. Sure. And more cartoony. And more carto they were getting progressively worse sure but that more cartoony and more cartoony which was weird but that show didn't really i mean had cartoony elements obviously because it was a cartoon but like there was an episode i remember where cat wool was literally turned into a cat woman like that but uh what a great show yeah we're talking about heart of ice actually it's interesting They've sort of Because he became He was just like
Starting point is 00:35:06 A one dimensional Cartoony villain And then he got A tragic backstory That his wife Nora was You know She had a disease And she was dying
Starting point is 00:35:13 And she was put under Chronic suspension And then He tried to find a cure And then Then his You know His project was shut down
Starting point is 00:35:20 And he became Mr. Freeze Yeah But there's More recently There's been a twist to that origin we spoke about this did we yeah but no go on that she's not actually his wife yeah she was just yeah she was just the first woman who was cry chronically frozen and he's become obsessed with it yeah and also he murdered his mother when he was a child yeah that's right
Starting point is 00:35:38 yeah so put the tipped her into a frozen pool or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah that's pretty incredible yeah i don't like that version as much yeah because it takes the it just means he's just a lunatic correct yes so you know yeah anyway well it's still interesting yeah yeah i don't know if i'd run with that could you think because when batman shows up and he stops mr freeze he's like you're a lunatic yeah yeah you're thinking what are you doing about that yeah exactly like but then it's revealed that you know that all that backstory etc spoilers
Starting point is 00:36:07 for me yes there's a lot of iconic moments in the Batman the Dark Knight trilogy but I love that that first scene where you see Bruce Wayne
Starting point is 00:36:14 in the prison yes and that is I think Christian Bale he's not a great Batman voice or whatever but I think he nails Bruce Wayne
Starting point is 00:36:21 he's got a great Batman voice he nails Bruce Wayne and I love that bit in the prison where he's just like an animal and he just like and he's in that he's in that kind of pile of mud sure and it's just this brutal brawl and he's just like he just beats up 20 guys so many elbows yeah and just at the end where you see the guards drag him away and the ground is just littered with like like half beaten to death criminals yes it's great that is like just that that was before he got the the ninja training or whatever it was just like
Starting point is 00:36:50 raw aggression and power and whatever that was a really good way to introduce the character yeah and i liked the bit where he killed all those ninjas in the explosion if we're talking about introductions in those movies one of my favorite the the introduction of the joker in the dark knight yeah we don't we don't know it's the joker until then but it's it's in those movies. One of my favorites. The introduction of the Joker in The Dark Knight. Yeah. We don't know it's the Joker until then. But the heist is meticulously planned. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Because, you know, and that sort of shows in the whole rest of the movie that he is this tactical genius. Yeah. With this mask of being a lunatic. He never admits to being crazy in the films like a lot of people think he says he's not even yeah he says he's not exactly people are like you're a lunatic and he's like no i'm not i'm seeing things very clearly yeah yeah but that scene where at the start where he's planned this heist and everybody on the team thinks their mission is to do their
Starting point is 00:37:43 wait for somebody to do their job and then kill them and then make a way with the loot. And he's organized it so none of them know that there's another person ready to kill them. Yeah. And at the end, it's just the Joker left. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:37:56 It's great. It's really, really good. I listed a thing. Pretty great. Yeah. Oh, man. It's such a shame that he died, that we didn't get to see the Joker again. Yeah. Devastating. Oh, well. I'm sure we'll see it recast and it'll be really good. Yeah, oh man, it's such a shame that he died, that we didn't get to see the Joker again.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Devastating. Oh well, I'm sure we'll see it recast and it'll be really good. I've just got here, You Wanna Get Nuts? We spoke about that. We spoke about You Wanna Get Nuts, let's get that. Another comic moment which I've talked about before multiple times is Batman vs. the Predator. I'm not going to bang on about it, but I love that comic and I love how the end that he really just gives the Predator
Starting point is 00:38:29 a severe beating with a baseball bat. I think that's classic. Yeah, that's classic Batman. It's the merging of two franchises that normally doesn't work, but that one's great.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Yeah. I want to go back to the animated series. Sure. We can jump around yeah let's jump around animated stuff yeah
Starting point is 00:38:47 my favourite what have we got where's my two favourites there's actually I'll tell you just my one favourite Batman moment is there is
Starting point is 00:38:56 there's an episode of Justice League Unlimited where Wonder Woman is turned into a pig we talked about you know we love things
Starting point is 00:39:04 being transmogrified, as you just mentioned. But Cersei, who is sort of a demigod, magically transforms Wonder Woman into a pig. The episode is called This Little Piggy, if you want to watch it. I do. And in Justice League Unlimited,
Starting point is 00:39:16 there is a sort of a romance between Batman and Wonder Woman, but they can't do anything about it because they're both on the same team and blah, blah, blah. And she would kill him. She would crush him to death, obviously. And so Batman, you know, has to pull out all the stops
Starting point is 00:39:28 and she goes missing in the city because she's a pig. Like Babe. Like Babe. Babe 2, pig in the city. Yeah, exactly. And so he has to go out. He has to recruit Zatanna, the magician, and a couple of other people,
Starting point is 00:39:42 and they have to go into the city and find her. And they eventually end up at Cirsei's got a nightclub, where she's like the featured singer, and everybody... I know, I've just caught on to what you're going to say. And there is a... Yeah, and so there is an intense magical battle, and obviously Cersei being a demigod can do this forever,
Starting point is 00:40:04 and they're eventually going to run out of steam and be killed by giant panthers or whatever. And Batman has the ace up his sleeve where he's like, look, magic has a price. What do I need to do for you to lift this spell? I will do anything. And she's like, look, I need you. What I need from you is something very precious that you've worked very hard to conceal. Something, you know, that once you lose, you'll never regain. Something soul shattering.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And everybody, the viewer is like, she wants him to reveal his identity to the world. That's it. This will ruin his career as a crime fighter. This will ruin everything. But we reveal after the break that she wants him to lose his dignity and sing karaoke at the bar and and he does and it's great it is it's really the best and it's really good yeah yeah absolutely i'll put that song at the end of this episode yeah yeah so good it's that's kevin conroy's actual thing it is yeah well he's a classically trained actor isn't he a singer and whatever so i'm sure that's a great moment there's also there's a classically trained actor, isn't he? There you go. Singer and whatever, so I'm sure. That's a great moment.
Starting point is 00:41:05 There's also, there's a really, for Batman comic, I don't know who wrote it, so I apologize. It was me. It's Batman. You're welcome. It's Batman. You see him doing all sorts of like karate moves and he's like feet in the air. Oh, that's from Short Pact. It's Short Pact.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Okay. And he's like, yeah, feet, arms in the air. And eventually it goes panel to panel of that. And then like the last panel is, you see he's on one of those dance dance revolution machines and there's two kids watching him and they're like
Starting point is 00:41:29 oh wow he really is the best at everything so yeah but speaking of the Justice League Unlimited series yes there's an episode
Starting point is 00:41:38 where there's a character called Ace who's this girl who's got basically the powers it starts off where she's she can like put images in your mind or whatever, but it eventually evolves to she can just change the fabric of time.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yep. And she's also dying, and she's altered the fabric of time so much that when she dies, she's going to have this brain aneurysm. She's just going to kill everybody because of the ripple effect or whatever. And so Amanda Waller makes this machine, this little thing that does like,
Starting point is 00:42:05 if you go and use this on her, it'll kill her without... Ruining the world. Without ruining the world. So Batman's like, I'll do it. I'll kill her. And you know... Finally.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Can I use a gun? I love using guns. Can I kill her and then wrap a noose around her neck and fly around in a Batplane? So he goes, he grabs it and he goes in. And you kind of think that he is going to do it. Or he has the intentions to do it. And obviously when he goes in there,
Starting point is 00:42:33 she's like, look, I know you're not going to do it. I could read your mind or whatever. She's like, I'm really scared and whatever. I don't want to die. And then he just sits on the swing with her and he holds her hand and then she just dies. And it's kind of a downer, but it's a really, really good moment. It's just another thing where Batman, he's not only saving the world, but he's also looking
Starting point is 00:42:51 out for people as well. He's like, he knows that Wonder Woman would go in and kill that girl or anybody else would probably go in and kill that girl. But he's like, I'll do it. I'll take care of it. But I'll do it. You know, the Batman way. Stay on neck breaking hands.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I'll take care of this i've got this so yeah it's a really good moment i mean it's not as funny as the scene but yes any any element any batman moment where he's not using his fists is kind of quite affecting i don't know if that's where he's using his feet yeah that's right or a sword or a sword or a gun noose grenades so much but like is that because he's just so brutal all the time that any time
Starting point is 00:43:27 we're like oh that's oddly effective yeah it must be yeah there's a series there's a one shot called Batman Planetary
Starting point is 00:43:34 which is a team up between well it's not really a team up there's a wild storm character called Planetary they're a team
Starting point is 00:43:41 and they sort of investigate the secret history of the world and that secret history of the world is like comic book superheroes and characters and stuff like that. It's an image book. Everybody should read that.
Starting point is 00:43:53 It's one of my favourites. But there is a one shot where they go to their universe's version of Gotham City because there's like a killer on the loose and he has some sort of trans-dimensional powers. Yeah. And everybody should read this before I spoil it.
Starting point is 00:44:08 But. What was it called again? It's called Batman Planetary. Alright cool. And they go to their version of Gotham City. Because there's this trans-dimensional killer on the loose. Like he's got some sort of weird dimensional abilities. And so they find him.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And his powers erupt. And then they go through a series of alternate realities and they discover that in every Gotham City but their own, there is a Batman. Okay. And they encounter him several... So they run into classic modern day Batman. They run into 1960s Batman. They run into Dark Knight Returns Batman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:43 They run into a future dystopia Batman and eventually they sort of run into they meet the real Batman the current one and they realise
Starting point is 00:44:52 that he's more than this vigilante he's this sort of force of the universe kind of he's a force of nature and instead of just
Starting point is 00:45:01 getting this murderer and just killing him he sort of... Because he's not a killer. He's just... He's like this sort of mutant freak whose powers are manifesting without his knowledge. And he's kind of...
Starting point is 00:45:15 Okay, yeah. He's on the run. And he just... He tells him to remember his parents. Like, he remembers that... Okay. Yeah, he's like, do you remember your parents? Maybe that will, you know, do you remember your parents maybe that will
Starting point is 00:45:25 you know help you it's it's it's affecting because he doesn't yeah he doesn't go in and beat him up yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:45:32 but he's like look do you remember your parents do you remember them smiling that's you have to focus on that and be calm and be still
Starting point is 00:45:40 and find a moment of happiness and then maybe that will that will stop this happening if it does then Batman breaks his neck. That's my joke. Happy Father's Day, everyone. Happy Father's Day, everybody.
Starting point is 00:45:49 That's really nice. Batman Planetary. All right. Well, that's what you're reading this week. You only get one. Oh. Oh. But I've got so much to read.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah, yeah. Speaking of alternative versions of Batman, there's a version in one of the latest Justice League movies, The Flashpoint Paradox. It's also in the comic, obviously, where Batman is... Thomas Wayne? Thomas Wayne, yeah. Because in the alley, it was Bruce Wayne that was killed.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Martha Wayne goes crazy, turns into the Joker somehow. Right. And Thomas Wayne becomes this gun-toting psychopath Batman. Yes, finally, guns. Yeah. And he's a really awesome version. And if you haven't seen The Flashpoint Paradox, it's really, really good. But at the end, just before they set all the dimensions right again, or The Flash does,
Starting point is 00:46:32 Thomas Wayne writes a letter to Bruce Wayne back in his dimension. So Thomas Wayne's Batman then hands it to The Flash, and The Flash then hands it to Batman. And Batman reads this letter from his dad, who he hasn't heard from since he was shot in the alley. That's a really, really nice moment. So, yeah. Does anyone get their name broken? Yeah. So, yeah. You know what's another
Starting point is 00:46:55 great moment, I think? The Batman, the Bat credit card is good. Is it good? No, it's not. Thank you. People remember it though. They do, don't they? The scene, it's another quiet moment. It's in the Dark Knight.
Starting point is 00:47:09 It's just after... If you haven't seen the Dark Knight, you have, so don't worry about it. Where after Rachel Dawes is killed and then it's Batman
Starting point is 00:47:18 just sitting alone in the skyscraper, Bruce Wayne, he's just got the helmet in his lap and he's telling Alfred that he's like, she was going to run away with me
Starting point is 00:47:24 and we were going to get married and whatever and Alfred's got the letter that says, dear Batman, I'm breaking up with you. And he's just got the helmet in his lap. And he's telling Alfred that he's like, she was going to run away with me and we were going to get married and whatever. And Alfred's got the letter that says, dear Batman, I'm breaking up with you. And he's just like, righto. And he just like puts it away. And he just lets him live with that until the next movie where he just tells him. Just off the head. But I think that's a really, really good moment. I mean, it's kind of a dick move on Alfred's part.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah, it is. Do you think Batman would have been better off knowing that? Yes. And not being... Yes. It's not even a question. Because he could have... I guess he could have then gone to Harvey Dent and given that letter to him or something.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Well, Harvey knew, actually, that she chose him anyway. Yeah. But he didn't tell Batman that or whatever. Also, Batman kills Harvey Dent, so... Yeah. Par for the course, really. It is. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:07 But do you remember when Batman... Well, we talked about Guy Gardner last week. Yes. When Batman punched out Guy Gardner. Yes. Because in the, I guess, the late 80s, early 90s, Batman was the head of Justice League International. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And Guy Gardner, second string Greenland Guy Gardner, was not happy with that. And so there's a very famous, very funny scene where... Very funny. It's funny enough. It's very funny. It's funny enough for a comic book where Guy Gardner challenges the leadership
Starting point is 00:48:35 and of course he's got the Green Lantern ring which can do anything. Yeah. And Batman's like, alright, let's do this then. And he knocks him out in one punch. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Have you read All All Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder
Starting point is 00:48:48 I don't think I have it's the it's Frank Miller after he went insane good I'm liking this already and it's but it's Jim Lee art
Starting point is 00:48:56 okay so it's it came out more or less the same time as All Star Superman but even though All Star Superman
Starting point is 00:49:03 is an amazing affecting you know a single story yeah all-star batman and robin's insane because frank miller's gone insane there is there's a couple of good ones but it does contain the line with it's batman talking to robin of course and he's like who the hell do you think i am i'm the goddamn batman yeah that's the best one i think he even uses the phrase what are you ret uses the phrase, what are you retarded? He does say, what are you retarded or something.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Yeah, that's amazing that that made it to print. Isn't it? I think that they were like... It's because it's Frank Miller, though. That's why. Yeah, I think they were like, we're so happy to have him back. Yeah. We'll do anything.
Starting point is 00:49:36 But I think a lot of... If you read... You should definitely read it all. It's like 12 issues or something. But you should definitely read it all because I think Frank miller went i can get jim lee to draw anything like a the batmobile can fly and just blow people up and what there's a scene actually where because in this batman's insane yeah in this in this particular limit it's it's out of continuity and he's insane and so all the other heroes are just out to stop him and so at one point green lantern goes in uh to get him and batman you know lures him into a particular
Starting point is 00:50:12 location and of course green lantern's ring at the time was vulnerable to the color yellow yeah and so batman lures him into a room that has been painted. He gets some child labour involved. He gets Robin to paint the entire room yellow. And then he paints himself yellow. I have seen that. So Green Lantern is lured into this room and then the door's shut. And he's in a room where literally everything is yellow. And Batman and Robin are covered in yellow paint.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And the only thing to drink is lemonade in the room so there's there's literally nothing like he can do and if there is going to be a physical fight green lantern is going to be killed immediately because he's got no he's got no options yeah and it's not but it isn't a fight it's just a calm conversation yeah like you know green lands like what are you doing? You're insane out there. You're scaring people. He's like, yeah, I am scaring people. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Frank Miller is great and crazy. I don't know if he's great. He is crazy. He is crazy. Yeah. That's brilliant. And that's another quiet moment where, like, you could have beat him up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:21 But he chose not to. He's like, look, I can beat you up. Yeah. And I will. I will later. Yeah. If you keep making me do this. But, but he chose not to. He's like, look, I can beat you up, and I will. I will later. Yeah, if you keep making me do this. But yeah, going back to the film. Actually, the only thing that would have made that better,
Starting point is 00:51:32 if there's, like, the last panel of that particular issue, is, like, Greenland's, like, going to bed, and he's like, oh, another crazy day, how do I keep doing these? And then he looks up, and Batman's just there in his room, and he just punches him in the face. That would be great, right? That would be great. Sorry, you were saying something
Starting point is 00:51:53 that wasn't involving punching someone in the balls? Oh, my, no. The bit in the first Batman movie where the Batwing flies in silhouettes at the moon. Yeah. You didn't think that was corny? No. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I mean, it is corny. Yeah. But it's pretty great, right? Yeah, it's great. That whole Batwing scene is amazing. Like, it's stupid, but it's pretty great. And it's another scene where Batman doesn't kill anybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:15 But not for lack of trying. Yes. Because there's a lot of machine guns and missiles on that thing. Yeah, yeah, exactly. All sorts. Have you ever read Batman and Dracula dracula red rain yes but i don't remember anything about it so basically it's for those who don't know it's batman fighting dracula uh and it's pretty great yeah it's an elseworld comic so it's not set in real continuity
Starting point is 00:52:38 yeah because it will i won't spoil the ending but i've actually read that read that this week because i i just read a bunch of kind of different kind of Batman stuff. And there's one panel in particular, or a couple of panels in particular, I really, really like, which I think sums him up perfectly. He goes and speaks to this woman who, I think she's a librarian or something, about Dracula because he has to fight a Dracula. Sure, absolutely. Fighting a Dracula is one of the scariest things you can do.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And he's like, are Draculas real and whatever whatever I'm a little bit scared of Draculas if I'm honest with you and I'm hoping they're not real but are Draculas real and she says to him as he's leaving she's like by the way you are aware that to some people you are not real to others you are very real
Starting point is 00:53:20 but entirely supernatural and there are those who even worship you and then Batman's response is there are those who even worship you. And then Batman's response is there are those who worship money but it seldom improves their lives nor does the money care.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So implying that basically I know people worship me I don't care. So I think that's really great. And also by extension I'm money. So money baby. And I think
Starting point is 00:53:42 you know what we're talking about iconic Batman moments. We were talking about that. Yes, we were. The guy who runs the goddamn Batman Twitter feed is the best. Huh. Right?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yeah. He's got like, I don't know, a few hundred thousand followers. But you see his followers and then it's people he follows and it's zero. That's how I move. Yeah, that itself. I mean, the tweets aren't all, they don't all hit,
Starting point is 00:54:08 but they're pretty great. Sure. And they're mostly about Batman making Alfred do menial tasks and killing Robins. That's what it's about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Basically about, yeah. Got another one? What do you want to know? Give me comic book or movie. I'll go comic book. Okay. Here's Batman
Starting point is 00:54:24 fighting wolves. This is Matt Wagner who created... Wolves. Yeah, wolves. He created the concept of wolves. No, he created Grendel, who I've talked about briefly on this. But there's a... Who's Grendel again?
Starting point is 00:54:35 He's like a sophisticated assassin. Okay. It doesn't matter. Anyway, he did one show called Batman and the Masked Monk, which was sort of a retelling of the original like one of the very earliest Batman stories where he's
Starting point is 00:54:48 shooting people and etc yep stakes through the heart and all that sort of stuff yep but he's fighting wolves cool I know you love a good wolf fight
Starting point is 00:54:55 you know I love a good wolf fight yep that's not really it that's the thing it doesn't cop out on the wolf fighting either does it absolutely
Starting point is 00:55:00 it doesn't cut away yeah yeah another this I think is my last Batman movie moment okay there's one scene in the dark knight where after the joker busts into the the party and he's looking for harvey
Starting point is 00:55:11 dent and batman bruce wayne just slides out the side door sure and this this thug walks up to him and he's like bruce wayne's just walking and this thugs with a shotgun's like yeah you can't get through here where do you think you're going or whatever and without like breaking stride he knocks this guy out dismantles his gun drops it and just keeps walking like he doesn't even pause
Starting point is 00:55:30 he just like goes straight through him that's great yeah and you don't I don't even the first time I saw it you don't even think about it yeah
Starting point is 00:55:36 because it's just such a smooth yeah yeah kind of moment but that's a really terrific Bruce Wayne kind of moment because he's just just like I don't have time for this I'm not
Starting point is 00:55:44 this isn't anything I'm not going to do anything fancy I'm just going to go through this guy yeah yeah just keep going it's great exactly yeah movie moment
Starting point is 00:55:52 my favourite part of the Dark Knight is probably the magic pencil sure yeah it's really amazing yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:55:59 was that sport for you going in no I didn't know that at all because I know a few people for me were like some people that like told them is that because you is that because you told them?
Starting point is 00:56:06 Because I spoiled them. Straight away, you're in the cinema. You're like, guess what just happened? You should have been in here with me, you idiots. Yeah, that's a pretty intense, it's a pretty great moment. It's hilarious. Also, on that truck flip, that's great. And the interrogation scene.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Yeah, I think, yeah, that's, I was looking through some lists of iconic moments, and I think that's number one in a few places, yeah. Okay. That's great, isn't it? Yes. It's got great Batman voice. Sure. It's got great Joker.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Uh-huh. It's terrific, yeah, yeah. It's got Batman brutalising somebody. Yeah, which is the best kind of Batman. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah. We haven't really talked about the Arkham games. We should, though.
Starting point is 00:56:43 The two moments for me, the first one is Arkham Asylum, where Batman shows up with the Joker, and he drags him in, and he puts him on the trolley and wheels him through. And it's kind of like a cutscene, but it's not, because you control Batman, and you just walk the Joker through Asylum,
Starting point is 00:56:58 and you walk past a whole lot of criminals and doctors and whatever, and you see Croc lumber past. And criminal doctors. Criminal doctors, yeah. They're all a bit mad in there. Yeah, you see Croc walk past you like, holy shit. Because you know you're going to have to see him later. But you know from that opening scene that that's going to be an amazing game. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:14 It really sets the tone. And that scene is replicated about three quarters of the way through the game. They make it look like your console glitches. Yes, that was a very panicky moment. And then it's turned around, but the Joker is then driving you to Arkham Asylum. Yeah. Yeah. And you're on the...
Starting point is 00:57:31 The thingamajig. You're on the trolley, yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's in a Scarecrow hallucination-y thing, isn't it? Yes. Those are great, aren't they? That is probably my favourite moment. Especially the very first one, I think.
Starting point is 00:57:41 There's... Because you've dosed with Scarerow fear gas yeah and then you start walking down a corridor and then it becomes more outdoors than indoors yeah it turns out you're in crime alley yeah where your parents were murdered and then you're a little boy then you're a little bruce wayne yeah you can't do anything and then it just becomes a terrifying nightmare world yeah and then it's a weird side scrolly yeahy... Yeah, that bit wasn't great. Where you fight skeletons. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah, that's amazing. Playoff not as good as the concept. But they tried to replicate it in the second one as well with the... The Mad Hatter. Yeah, which doesn't play. And also where Batman's dying because he's poisoned or whatever. Yeah. And whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:20 He sees like the gates of heaven and whatever. Yeah, yeah. Also the Mr. Freeze fight. I think one thing you can kind of fault those games on uh the not all the villain fights are great sure um a lot of them is a big guy that you runs at you and you jump on his back and you punch him or he runs into a wall but the mr freeze fight you have to use all the tactics that you've learned which is what a good boss fight is it makes you use everything that you've learned up to that point. So you can only take him down.
Starting point is 00:58:47 You can only use one specific way that Batman can take someone down once, and then Mr. Freeze learns from that, and so you can't do that. So if you pop out of a grate and smash his skull, he'll freeze all the grates, so you can't do it again. So it's really, really good. And I hate Mr. Freeze in that, because I saved his wife and he didn't even thank me properly what a prick
Starting point is 00:59:07 yeah I'm glad his wife wasn't really his wife or something any more? ah in the movies
Starting point is 00:59:16 or in the movie anything anything at all ah because I've got I've got one more you've got literally one more literally one more
Starting point is 00:59:22 okay well I'm sure we'll do this again yeah there's a lot. Yeah. And people love listing things. Yeah. We certainly love
Starting point is 00:59:28 listing things. Here's my two favourite Batman comic book moments. Number two is in Batman Year One where he has to fight an entire
Starting point is 00:59:36 SWAT team in a burnt out, exploded building. Yes. That's pretty amazing. And it sort of shows, you know, he's got...
Starting point is 00:59:42 He's a guy with no... He's run out of equipment and weapons. He's got like three poison darts left that he had in his boot or something. And it's a fully armed corrupt SWAT team who are out to kill him just because. And he's been shot several times. And he's got very little way out.
Starting point is 01:00:01 But he's like, okay, all I have to do is hold out until my backup arrives. And the backup is, he set a little sonar device in his boot and the backup is an incredibly huge swarm of bats. Yeah. Which it was replicated in Batman Begins. Exactly. Yeah. And also that SWAT team thing's kind of like in the Dark Knight where he thunders in and
Starting point is 01:00:19 takes out the SWAT team. Yeah, totally, yeah. Yeah. That's pretty amazing. And it's, you know, you see it from the perspective of Jim Gordon who's on the outside of the building and you just see, like, you know, SWAT team members being punched out the building,
Starting point is 01:00:33 like, through walls. And then Gordon looks up, you know, at the sunrise and he sees an enormous swarm of bats and he's like, oh, this is trouble. Does he just walk out like in the movie? I can't remember how that ends.
Starting point is 01:00:49 He escapes. He steals a motorcycle. He steals a police motorcycle. Yeah. And then he gets the hell out of there in the swarm of bats. Everybody else is being bitten by bats, so they're a little distracted. And he goes to a clothing store and he pays for a suit.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Okay. And he puts the suit on and he presumably walks away. What a legend. Yeah, I know, right? What a bloody legend. And my favourite Batman moment of all time. No, probably. It's one of my favourites.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Sure. Don't make me choose. They're like my children. Don't make me pick one. Especially not on Father's Day. That I know about. But it's the first Justice League. The early 2000 Justice League reboot
Starting point is 01:01:29 by Grant Morrison where the Earth is visited by a super team called the HyperClan who have decided that they are going to come down and help the world. They're going to end crime and war and they're going to grow crops in desert lands. Highly recommend this by
Starting point is 01:01:45 the way people haven't read it spoilers this is the spoiler because this is my favorite yeah go to go and go and read it now it's probably on comic solitude like four bucks or something yeah uh and batman doesn't trust them of course yeah because they're doing good work a bunch of pricks uh and of course they the the hyperclan then start executing super villains yeah you know just to clear some space I guess sure and then they decide
Starting point is 01:02:08 they realise that the Justice League are onto them and then they decide to just full on kill them all and Batman's
Starting point is 01:02:15 the Batplane is crashed in Antarctica or the Arctic can't remember ice yeah it's certainly
Starting point is 01:02:22 crashed in some ice certainly and it looks like it's curtains for everybody and the Hyperclan take out sort of the rest of the Justice League and kind of, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:30 tie them up and have them... But they leave Batman in the crash plane because they're like, who cares? He's a guy. We've got...
Starting point is 01:02:37 Yeah, it turns out that these guys, you know, one's a super speedster, one's a shape changer, one has like Superman's powers, et cetera, et cetera, and then they're like
Starting point is 01:02:45 who cares he's just a guy is he just a man yes yeah he is that's certainly true but of course Batman has figured out their secret
Starting point is 01:02:54 and he discovers that they are in fact white Martians like Martian Manhunter so they all have all those powers they're all super speedsters they all have shape changing abilities
Starting point is 01:03:04 they all have Superman's powers they can all you super speedsters. They all have shape-changing abilities. They all have Superman's powers. They can all, you know, blah, blah, blah. Which sounds bad for Batman, ultimately. Yeah, yeah. But of course, Batman knows that their one weakness is fire. And so in a moment where we think that he's going to be just trounced by like three of these super, super villains, he just sets a ring of fire around them and then making them vulnerable again and just
Starting point is 01:03:25 proceeds to pulp them all which is pretty it's brilliant and there's that scene afterwards where the leader of the hyperclad's talking to superman and he's like how is this possible he's just a guy and superman's like he's the most dangerous man in the world yeah you guys have it's some serious shit yeah and that and again like and everybody in the team like comes together like superman realizes that you know the kryptonite they're holding him with isn't real it's just an some serious shit. Yeah. And that, and again, like, and everybody in the team like comes together, like Superman realizes that, you know, the kryptonite they're holding him with isn't real.
Starting point is 01:03:48 It's just an illusion and he breaks free and, you know, everybody else does as well. And then, but it's that moment where you're like, why is this,
Starting point is 01:03:55 why is Batman on the Justice League? He's got no powers. He's a rich guy with a plane. Yeah. A crashed plane. A crashed plane. He used to have a plane.
Starting point is 01:04:02 He's a guy with no plane. But it's because he's the most dangerous man in the world and he knows what he's doing. Yeah. Like, everybody in the Justice League really knows what they're doing. Yeah. So, yeah. Great moment. So, I haven't just spoiled that for you.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Yes. Go and read that. You have read it. I have, yeah. My moment is... Well, you actually lent me that comic as well about ten years ago. We've mentioned it so many times on this podcast. We have, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Mine isn't as good good but probably as iconic there's just one panel and i don't know what it's from but there's a villain and he's going to grab a gun out of his pocket at the front of his pants and batman kicks the gun and the gun goes like goes off in his pants and it says something like underneath batman he'll make you shoot your own dick off no that's iconic you're right that's what most people think of when they think of Batman but that's it for me that's uh I mean I'd love to come back to this because I love talking about Batman
Starting point is 01:04:54 but we can do this about other superheroes as well oh you just talk about Batman forever next week let's talk about Batman Batman forever the third Batman movie the Batman podcast Batman forever well I've got some people who have written in. You've got the Reddit open
Starting point is 01:05:10 there as well, don't you? Yes. You will have the Reddit open while I read this. This is from Chris Turner. It simply says Batman 66, just legendary. Absolutely. True. XZ Neil says, anything from the 60s TV show, especially when the
Starting point is 01:05:25 Joker or Riddler are present they are brilliant aren't they the Riddler was more the Riddler was darker in that
Starting point is 01:05:32 he was more the I mean there was no real murderous characters but he was the Joker was more of a clown
Starting point is 01:05:39 back then just funny heists and stuff the Riddler was much more sinister in that but yeah Frank Orshin was great
Starting point is 01:05:44 as the Riddler. Yeah. And of course, Cesar Romero as the Joker, who never got rid of his moustache. Just painted it white. Just painted it over the moustache, yeah. Liam M says, I don't think I can go past the I'm Batman. See? That's it.
Starting point is 01:05:58 There's also a moment like that in Batman Begins, which isn't as iconic, is it? No. But all the iconic Batman and Robin scene with the bat boobs, bat butt and bat nipples. Yep, absolutely. Talking about the... I think the equivalent in The Dark Knight, the equivalent to I'm Batman is... I'm not wearing hockey pads. Not, where is he?
Starting point is 01:06:18 Not that? No, it's hockey pads. Okay, cool. Good point. That's mentioned here by Ratstorm on Reddit. Ratstorm, love it. That is great, yeah. If you ever see anybody wearing hockey gear,
Starting point is 01:06:29 make that happen. Like in public, I've done it a couple of times. It's great. It's so satisfying. Hey, buddy, you know what the difference between you and me is? I'm not wearing a hockey bat. And then just leave.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Because you've peaked at that point. You've peaked, exactly. The Brute does a theme song. Yes. He goes, he loved the Batman alternate reality twist in the recent-ish Flashpoint Paradox animated movie. So that's actually what made me remember that moment. So thank you, The Brute, who does a theme song and reminds me of great things.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Sure. So, what a legend. Got another one there? Vexicon on Reddit says he beat up my dad and stole $3.50 from me I don't think that's true dollars? $350? $3.50
Starting point is 01:07:08 okay cool yeah that might be true I don't know I haven't read every issue of Batman this is from S. Potter she's the official cat
Starting point is 01:07:17 who freaks out in James' arms sure you know how cats you hold you don't know what they're gonna do I believe
Starting point is 01:07:21 this is a great moment I believe it's a Mr. Freeze episode of Batman 66 and the police wish to lay a trap for him with the help of Bruce Wayne so Chief O'Hara contacts Bruce Wayne
Starting point is 01:07:31 Commissioner Gordon uses the bat phone to update Batman the scene progresses to where Batman and Bruce Wayne have to coordinate so Gordon holds two phones next to each other
Starting point is 01:07:39 I remember this receiver to receiver and Batman and Bruce Wayne have a conversation with means which means Bruce Batman is shown just switching phones to talk into a feigning conversation between two people. And Gordon, who was listening, does not think, hmm, these two kind of sound similar. It's a funny situation and hilarious to watch.
Starting point is 01:07:59 I remember that. It is great. Yeah. It's brilliant. Another one there? Oh, Joel A on Reddit Batman meeting Sherlock Holmes that was sort of
Starting point is 01:08:11 Neil Adams era yeah yeah that was great it was old Sherlock Holmes wasn't it yes it was he was very old he uh
Starting point is 01:08:17 he became he was he was incredibly long lived because he he ate a lot of honey I don't I don't know makes sense
Starting point is 01:08:25 but Batman's like ugh this guy's yeah I thought I would have thought all the opiates he smoked would have balanced out
Starting point is 01:08:31 all that all that honey well there you go yeah this is from Austin the official gem grabber of the show
Starting point is 01:08:40 I don't know if anyone's going to be able to top this but I've got a Batman story for you a few years ago at my middle school we should close out on this sure we haven't gone through the Twitter so I don't know if anyone's going to be able to top this, but I've got a Batman story for you. A few years ago at my middle school... We should close out on this. Sure. We haven't gone through the Twitter, so I apologise for that. Yeah, I didn't go through all the Twitter, so
Starting point is 01:08:51 thank you for all your moments. A lot of bat spray. A lot of bat spray. A few years ago at my middle school, I had a friend who was obsessed with Batman. By Halloween, he dressed up as Batman, he came to school on Halloween with his Batman costume on. As he was going to class, he tripped on his cape, fell down the stairs, broke his arm and bashed his head open.
Starting point is 01:09:11 He now has seven stitches above his eye. That's my story. That's an iconic Batman moment. That is definitely an iconic Batman moment, yeah. So there we go. That's pretty great. Yeah, have you got any other ones to add? The Reddit's a good place to discuss it, I guess,
Starting point is 01:09:27 or on Twitter or whatevs, you know? We're definitely going to sign up this week, aren't we? Keep saying that. We're capable of it, we're adults. We are. Well, you're going to put a post of yourself up, the thing of yourself. This one just says,
Starting point is 01:09:39 do a Die Another Day commentary. Terrific last final Pierce Brosnan and James Bond film. We should, shouldn't we? We should. Yeah, we should do more bad movies, shouldn't we? Because I think we
Starting point is 01:09:48 have more to say. Should we force people to watch bad movies? Yes. Great. Alright. You know what it's time for now, Mason?
Starting point is 01:09:53 What's it time for? What we reading? What we gonna read? Theme song! What we reading? What we gonna read? I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today?
Starting point is 01:10:12 So yeah, have you got a what we read this week? I have one this week. It's not Batman related. Oh, you used it. Don't worry about it. Oh no. Now what have you got? I was going to be like, yeah, I should find out about Batman, but this is actually what
Starting point is 01:10:20 I read this week. It's called God Hates Astronauts. It's an image comic. Yep. It's, it's, it's, uh, there was a webcomic for a while, which I didn't read, but I went back and I read it later. It's called God Hates Astronauts. It's an image comic. Yep. It's, it's, it's, there was a webcomic for a while, which I didn't read, but I went back and I read it later.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Webcomic. I know, right? But it's basically, it's superhero insanity. It's, there are, there are,
Starting point is 01:10:35 there are dysfunctional superhero team called the Power Persons Five. Yep. One is a man who has the head of like a disembodied ghost cow. Sure. There's a character called the Anti-Mugger who just wants to stop mugging. He's got no real interest in saving the world or anything like that. They're basically a superhero team
Starting point is 01:10:56 that have a contract with NASA to stop people attempting to become homemade astronauts. Okay, sure. And there's a lot... It's brutal and it makes no sense, but it's very funny. Who's the author? Brian Brown is his name. Brian Brown.
Starting point is 01:11:14 You mean the Australian actor Brian Brown. That's what I mean, yeah. He's branching out. But it's on image. Okay. And what I would do... There's a very good summary of like what came before and like the webcomic versionic version in the actual paper comics.
Starting point is 01:11:27 So just read that and then go back and read the original. That's incredible that that's gone from a webcomic to an image comic. Yeah, yeah. What a success story. I know, right? Yeah, yeah. Actually, I think he's responsible for some other... I think he's done some other image comics in his time.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Okay, cool. Yeah. That's pretty great. It's nonsense. Mine is another Elseworlds story, which I read this week. It's called Batman Gotham by Gaslight. I remember Gotham by Gaslight, yeah. Yeah, it's like 50, 60 pages or whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:54 It's basically Batman, all the same characters, but it's set in Victoria era Gotham. And Jack the Ripper comes to Gotham, and Batman, who's kind of relatively new, basically has to stop Jack the Ripper. Great. And it's just pretty good, you know? It's got some good aesthetics and art and whatever, and it's got an old-worldy kind of Batman kind of costume and whatever, whatever. It's good. Get into it. And I'm also reading at the moment, and I'm really, really enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:12:22 It's called Batman Gothic. It's by Grant Morrison. reading at the moment and I'm really, really enjoying it. It's called Batman Gothic. It's by Grant Morrison. I'm not that far in but there's this villain
Starting point is 01:12:29 who's apparently come back from the dead who's killing a lot of mob bosses and he might be someone that Batman knows and he's referred to as the man
Starting point is 01:12:36 without a shadow and it's kind of at the point where I'm at in the story it's not sure whether this guy is like a supernatural kind of being or not
Starting point is 01:12:44 so I'm interested to see where it goes. If it's Grant Morrison, it could literally go any direction. I thought you were going to say, is it, if it's Grant Morrison, like he's inserted himself into the comic book again. Sure. I haven't done that in ages. I'm going to be, okay. That's it.
Starting point is 01:12:58 So that's what I'm going to recommend. And I've got also a question. Okay. This is a listener. This is a listener letter that ties into another listener letter. Okay, sure. So they cancel each other out. So that way we don't have to do any work. Fantastic. You happy with that?
Starting point is 01:13:13 Yes. Okay. This is from Cam. Listen. Starts like that. Great start. Great. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Firstly, I'm the official boss. I respect that start. Firstly, I'm the official boss of the weekly planet. Good. Doesn't have to ask. Love it. So let's just, let's jot that down real quick. Secondly, I have a really annoying friend who keeps badgering me to read more female
Starting point is 01:13:32 Marvel superhero comics. I really want to shut him up, so can you recommend any or give me enough backstory on some interesting ones so that I can pretend like I've read them? This will also help me fit into my feminist rallies I often attend. There's a lot to unpack in this. It is, yeah. What I'm going to do is ignore it and just recommend some stuff. Now, hang on.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Also, as the official boss, I'm cancelling the podcast and reinstating it as a Mexican food podcast. All right. Look, we'll have a little siesta and then we'll get into that, all right? But if you've got some stuff, I've got a letter that ties into this. Okay, well, do you want to do that first Ryan E who's written in he said he wanted
Starting point is 01:14:06 to recommend Warren Ellis' Transmetropolitan that's great which you love I know I haven't read that yet but he's also
Starting point is 01:14:12 recommending New Miss Marvel Reboot there you go yes so yeah so read one of those but well they both
Starting point is 01:14:18 have female protagonist hero-y peoples don't they Transmetropolitan doesn't there's no female
Starting point is 01:14:23 characters in it no he's got some the main character is a guy called Spider Jerusalem. Yeah. He's a... Hunter S. Thompson, Alan Moore and Frog Thor. Yeah, let's... Yeah, okay, sure.
Starting point is 01:14:33 So he says... Why not? But he also says Miss Marvel Book is one of the best new heroes since Invincible. So I think I might check that out as well. We should do an all-female. That's really good. She's interesting. She's a female superhero.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Also Islamic faith. Oh, cool. Okay. So it's interesting. Cool. Excellent. Not here nor there, but it's interesting. It's here and there.
Starting point is 01:14:52 It is both here and there. Yeah. Got anything else there or should we move it along? Also, read some She-Hulk. Okay. Just read any of the most recent stuff. Okay. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Is it Shulk for sure? Is that right? Some people say Shulky. Sure. Old Sh totally. Is it Schalk for sure? Is that right? Some people say Schalky. Sure. Old Schalky. Old Schalky. That's what we're in for this week. Yep.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Party on. Okay. We've got a few letters here, Mason. I'm ready. This one is interesting. It says, on the topic of DC films being serious, remember we talked about that last week?
Starting point is 01:15:19 There's a no jokes policy. No jokes policy. Which apparently isn't true anymore anyway. Okay. And somebody also pointed out, remember we were like, why is Seth Rogen talking about this? But Seth Rogen's writing Preacher.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Somebody tweeted me that. Interesting. So yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. The reverse question can be asked of Marvel films, I believe. Are Marvel films becoming too silly? I think on the back of the original Iron Man and how serious a film that was
Starting point is 01:15:38 and compare it to the Iron Man 3, in which all seriousness is undermined by a joke. Ronin in Guardians is distracted, defeated by a joke. Loki in The Avengers is a non-stop punching bag. Every Marvel villain is taken out by a second character, caused their own death, or just fall into darkness, like the classic Disney death. And several characters, like RDJ,
Starting point is 01:15:59 are becoming, you know, they just make quips and gags. And I feel like Marvel has made, makes jokes and light of their characters and make it easy for the general audience to get. And that's why the films are getting sillier. If that's the case, I'm glad DC will have a serious tone. I'm just saying there's two sides to this argument and DC seem to be getting bullied. Fair point. Yep.
Starting point is 01:16:18 But also to be... I'm sick of that multi-billion dollar corporation being bullied. I'm sick of it. But look, I think also, I think the problem is why people take these rumours on face value, including us, is we just haven't seen... It's fun too.
Starting point is 01:16:31 It's fun too, but we haven't seen enough of the DC stuff recently. We're only going off Man of Steel. Put some more movies out, DC. Yeah. So, look, it remains to be seen... It certainly does, because they haven't put any bloody movies out.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Yeah, exactly. It literally remains to be seen exactly but it makes a good point but I think Guardians struck the right comedic tone because that it's a wacky space team yes and that's the way to do it
Starting point is 01:16:54 but I think the tone that they should hit is similar to Iron Man and Captain America Winter Soldier I think that's my favourite kind of tone in these movies yeah yeah what about you? yeah you're probably right.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I mean, it is... I am right. Wow. No, let's stop there then. Sorry, go on. No, that's all I got. I was hoping you'd cut me off, actually. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Cool. Look, it depends what kind of mood I'm in. Sure. Absolutely. Winter Soldier was great, and as was Guardians of the Galaxy. Exactly. And The Dark Knight, which is incredibly grim and not a lot of humour, is great. So, you know, different things.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Yeah, yeah. Different things. This is from Gabriel, who's a zoologist. We paid out zoologists a few weeks ago. Now we've got one. Did we really? Yes. Sounds like something we'd do.
Starting point is 01:17:36 He wrote a really nice letter, but the specific part that I'm going to read here, he would like to hear an episode discussion about the limits of shared universes, particularly in film and particularly Marvel. Basically, how many Avengers are too many Avengers my personal opinion is that they've already done too much
Starting point is 01:17:50 in the first Avengers which I enjoyed but it didn't actually give us sufficient time with all the characters I felt that Haw sorry steady on
Starting point is 01:17:57 did I say something that I shouldn't have I felt Thor and Hawkeye and then he's got in brackets shut up James he's cool in the films yep
Starting point is 01:18:04 well remains to be seen there was actually a scene from he was supposed to be in Captain America Alt, Thor and Hawkeye, and then he's got in brackets. Shut up, James, he's cool in the films. Remains to be seen. There was actually a scene from... He was supposed to be in Captain America, and there's a scene where he goes head-to-head with Captain America. Interesting. I read about it. It sounds really, really great. It's a shame it wasn't in it.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Do you mean in the first Captain America? No, sorry, the most recent one. Okay, right. Because he's a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., and they set... Basically, Hawkeye and Captain America have this showdown, and they fisty-cuffs him, whatever, and then just as Captain America have this showdown and they fisty cuffs and whatever and then just as Captain America's on the ground or whatever Hawkeye whispers something to him like
Starting point is 01:18:30 you've got a tracer in your pocket. Right. And then... Or are you just happy to see me? Yes. That I know about. So that would have been cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:40 So yeah, and he thinks that adding more to Age of Ultron won't help. Yeah, it's a weird balance. The entire reason I think they created the Ultimate Universe was because there were... The Ultimate Comic Book Universe is because in the main Marvel Universe there were just too many superheroes. There's just an insane number.
Starting point is 01:19:01 There's thousands at this point. That we know about. Nice. In the aftermath of the Marvel Civil War event, all the superheroes were registered and there was like a dozen heroes for every state in America. So there was hundreds of them. And everyone's got favourites.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yep. And I'm sure different personalities that marvel want different characters in and so yeah i think they're gonna have to they're gonna start swapping people out and killing people off yeah i think that's the way especially now we've got not only we've got a whole lot of secondary characters like um war machine and uh falcon and and whatever. And plus we've got new characters coming in as well. So it's going to be a big roster. And yeah, because after a while it becomes an insane world
Starting point is 01:19:52 where there's hundreds of superheroes and nobody seems to mind that much. Yeah. Like that's a weird universe. Yeah. We're at a good balance now where people are like, there's superheroes in the world, this is amazing kind of thing. But you can't really let it be just an everyday thing
Starting point is 01:20:09 especially in the in the movies i don't think that's the problem i think they had with the x-men movies especially you know x-men 3 at a certain point there were just hundreds of mutants thousands of mutants all having overlapping powers yeah weird that's in in the x-men comic books they they actually there was a the nation of genosha which is where you know at one point Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's like, well, they're not interesting if there's millions of them. Who cares? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Although there is a really good series called District X, which is about sort of like a mutant ghetto in New York City where Bishop is consulting with the police. He's on a police squad. Okay, cool. It's really good. And they're all regular peeps, and he's Bishop. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Okay, cool. Bishop from Aliens. Yeah. And Lance Henriksen. Awesome. Well said, Mason. Thank you. thank you last one last email this is from ralph cake boss ralph oh i love that guy he's great on the show big boost of the show it's his birthday this week it is his birthday says ralph happy birthday ralph it's the official
Starting point is 01:21:17 rubber boot full of haggis on the podcast movie mandate as well his podcast yeah totally yeah um i know you guys have a lot to do and this coming Saturday this coming this coming Saturday is my 30th birthday and I'd like to invite you both. It is in America. There's going to be a Darth Vader bounce castle
Starting point is 01:21:32 two custom brewed beers exclusively for the party and a lakeside funeral for my youth followed by hot tubbing. If for some reason you cannot attend I will accept a shout out instead.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Keep up the great work. Grab that grab eat that gem grab them eggs. Keep up the great work. Grab that. Eat that, Jim. Grab them eggs. Love and kisses, Ralph. Oh, Ralph. Happy birthday, Ralph.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Happy birthday, Ralph. Shout-outs to Ralph. Shout-outs to Ralph. Big person of the show. Yeah, he is. So, sorry we cannot attend your birthday. That sounds... That we know about. It sounds amazing, right?
Starting point is 01:22:03 Yeah. A lot of 30s are just people being sad. Have you noticed? Yes, I have noticed that, yeah. Just like, well, life's passed me by. I used to party and now I'm sad. So that sounds really awesome. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:15 But, I mean, Ralph, leave aside a little bit of time for that. Please. Like, right at the end, if you could just be alone in the Bounty Castle, just being a little bit sad, that would be good. Also, that's the end of the show, Mason. thank you to the brute and the basilisk for the themes thank you to everybody for their batman thoughts also just quickly i did i'm doing a collab kind of podcasty video for youtube with josh lewis movie review i mentioned last week half's going to be on his youtube channel if you google josh Lewis Reviews, you'll find that.
Starting point is 01:22:45 And the second half will be on my YouTube channel, Mr. Sunday Movies, where we just talk about the best movies of the summer. So, yeah. Are you going to say summer every time? That's what I say
Starting point is 01:22:54 in the podcast or the YouTube-y thing. Love it. So, yeah. Go check it out. It's a lot of fun. Also, because next week
Starting point is 01:23:02 we're not here. Oh, yeah. We're taking a week off. We're taking a break. Love it. Got things to do. People to see. But luckily, we're not here We're taking a week off We're taking a break Got things to do People to see But luckily We're definitely going to do
Starting point is 01:23:09 We're just going to contemplate the death of our youths That's right Luckily we're going to do a Winter Soldier commentary aren't we Mason Yes we are And get that up So if you go to Hopefully that will be up there By next week
Starting point is 01:23:21 And you can listen along with your friends And we It might be okay Your friends are us Yes Best friends that will be up there by next week and you can listen along with your friends and we it might be okay your friends are us yes best friends best friends so yeah
Starting point is 01:23:30 sorry we're not doing one next week but you know episode 50 seems like a good time to take a break right forever no we'll be back after that we'll be back big time
Starting point is 01:23:39 and we'll be talking Ninja Turtles will we briefly I mean everybody's seen it everybody's seen it yeah okay but we'll talk about it briefly, I guess.
Starting point is 01:23:46 But episode ideas, please email the show, Mason Ware. Oh, they can get us at weeklyplanetpod at Gmail, Facebook and Twitter. I'm at Wikipedia
Starting point is 01:23:55 Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSandoMovies on Twitter and YouTube and Facebook and life. That we know about. So yeah, next week, nothing.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Great. Captain America something. Be alone with your, next week, nothing. Great. Captain America something. Be alone with your thoughts. Yeah, that's right. If you want to download that for free, you absolutely can. Don't feel obliged to pay any money for it.
Starting point is 01:24:13 I think we've got some credit. We haven't. Yeah, that's right. If you, I think we've got some credits. We can probably put up about a hundred or whatever. I think we've got about a hundred free or something.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Cool. Nice. So, you know, we'll tuck them up and, and first in, first in. Love it.
Starting point is 01:24:24 But also just get it for free. If you don't get that, who cares? Yeah. Life is a rollercoaster, man. Isn't it know, we'll tuck them up and first in. Love it. But also just get it for free if you don't get that. Who cares? Yeah, yeah. Life is a rollercoaster, man. Isn't it though? Just gotta ride it. Anything else? Life is also a highway.
Starting point is 01:24:32 That's true. And a box of chocolates. Yes. I can't think of anything else. The life of Brian. There we go. Great movie. Thanks, everyone.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Thank you for supporting us for 50 episodes. Yeah, that's pretty great. We're on some charts somewhere. That's 49 episodes more than I thought we'd do. Yeah, everyone. Thank you for supporting us for 50 episodes. Yeah, it's been great. We're on some charts somewhere. That's 49 episodes more than I thought we'd do. Yeah, that's it. So, yeah. See you in two weeks. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Bye. Am I blue? Am I blue? Am I blue? Ain't these tears in my eyes telling you Am I blue? You'd be too If each plan that you had done fell through There was a time
Starting point is 01:25:35 I was your only one But now i'm The sad and lonely one beautiful I'm the sad and lonely one Beautiful And you'll keep your part of the bargain? A deal's a deal He can stop now Not on your life
Starting point is 01:25:52 I should say

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