The Weekly Planet - 71 Spider-man Back At Marvel & Kingsman

Episode Date: February 16, 2015

Huge Marvel news this week with the return of Spider-man! Plus we talk Lando’s return, Wolverine 3, Suicide Squad and more!Not to mention getting all up and over Kingsman: The Secret Service. Hosted... on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like high blood pressure developed during pregnancy, which can put us two times more at risk of heart disease or stroke. Know your risks. Visit Red hot comic book movie news, shooting up your butthole. The Weekly Planet, The Weekly Planet. The Weekly Planet. Welcome back everybody to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of
Starting point is 00:00:33 My name is James, editor at that website. With me as always, my co-host Nick Mason is here. It's me. How's your leg? Because last week, if you recall, I don't know if you recall the incredible pain of last week, but you twisted your ankle. Just before we recorded last week's show. It cracked and I went down.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Dog ate my toast. Great. Yeah. No, it's fine. Is it though? Well, I haven't run on it yet, but I've been, you know. Did you go to the doctor? No.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Nobody in your family goes to the doctor for anything I've noticed. A while back I had like a migraine and I went, I was at your brother's house. Yeah. You got anything for that? And he's like, no. And he gets severe migraines. Yeah, but he won't. Yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Look, what I'm saying is you probably mangled that horribly, and you should see a doctor. I'll be fine. Like, I twisted this. This isn't related to comic book movie news, which is what we're about. But I twisted this ankle a couple of times, and I never went to the doctor, and now it clicks when I move it. So. I don't know what we're about. But I twisted this ankle a couple of times and I never went to the doctor and now it clicks when I move it. So.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I don't know what to tell you. You can probably hear it on our new equipment. There it is. Jesus. I know, right? It's pretty bad. Yeah. So yeah, maybe one day.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Look, if it gets worse. Yeah. But it's gotten better. So why would I go to the doctor? Fine. Bloody hell, mate. Just walk it off. Good point.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Well, so we do movies and comic books and stuff, don't we? Absolutely. And that's what this show is. Yes. Good intro for new listeners. Go to the doctor. What if it was just an aches and pains podcast? James and Mason complain about things.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Just grumblings. Yeah. James and Mason slowly disintegrate the podcast. So, yeah. did you see Ryan... Seacrest. Ryan Seacrest is dead. Huh. Didn't go to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Exactly. Because he's getting shorter and shorter and he disappeared. Is that a thing? Yeah. Uh-huh. No, Ryan Reynolds posted a picture of him with a prototype Deadpool mask. Ooh, how does it look? It's a sepia tone.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It looks fine. It looks like it's clearly not like they're not going to go with CGI mask, which is smart. Yeah, good. Excellent. No, it's fine. You know, you see some gloves there. It's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:32 It's fine. It's just, it's good that it's moving along. So you think it'll just be mask and gloves and abs? Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So you're saying that... That was nearly the other Deadpool costume. Yeah, it really was.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah. was nearly the other Deadpool costume. Yeah, it really was, yeah. So you're saying, clearly Green Lantern is completely has made Ryan Reynolds completely shy away from CGI costumes. I would say so, yeah. I mean, why would they do this one CGI? There's no reason that you would.
Starting point is 00:02:56 But yeah, it looks fine. It looks something you know, from that moment. We'll see that. Do you have a photo of it there? I don't, but I can use this internet machine to open up. Ryan Reynolds Deadpool Twitter. I have to talk about that when I type into Google. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So you can see the eye. You can see Ryan Reynolds. Yep, it looks fine. Doesn't it? Great. And it's a little bit arty. It's a little bit arty, isn't it? Fantastic. Do you ever put a sepia tone It's a little bit arty, isn't it? Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Do you ever put a sepia-toned filter on your Instagram photos? Do you have an Instagram? I do, but it's got like six photos on it. Are any of them of me? Yeah, they're all of you. With gloves and a mask. Yeah, and sleeping also. Great.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Speaking of news of Fox and whatever and Marvel characters. Sure, good segue. Patrick Stewart has revealed that the next Wolverine solo movie will be a Patrick Stewart, will be a, what's his name, Professor Xavier Wolverine movie. Huh. And set in a setting we haven't seen before, which has led people to believe that it's an Old Man Logan story or the, with different characters. Because Old Man Logan for the comic, we talked about last week, features like Hawkeye and
Starting point is 00:04:04 Hulk and a bunch of other characters that they can't use. So I would love to see an Old Man Logan movie. I mean, even if it's like this, whatever. I don't know how that explains the timeline of it because it's set in a parallel alternate dimension. I reckon it's just set after X-Men Origins Wolverine. I reckon it's a Wolverine Professor X road movie. They got themselves
Starting point is 00:04:27 a pickup truck and a monkey. And they're just... Like Every Which Way But Loose. Yeah, they're just driving across America. That'd be pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Is it like a comic book monkey or just... No, just a monkey. Like a new monkey for film. Maybe they can license out Gorilla Grodd. Sure. From DC.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Or Detective Chimp. Detective Chimp, maybe. Yeah. Okay, great. He actually makes an appearance in the Injustice comics. Yeah, he does too, yeah. There's a bit where, I can't remember who's driving. I think it might have been Constantine just driving.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Or he's in the cab and they look back and in the back there's Batman sitting there all gruff next to Detective Chimp. And they're just like, that's pretty good. It is good. Yeah, so that'd be pretty cool. I'd be happy with that. I think somebody mentioned maybe it could be set in the Days of Future Past timeline in the future
Starting point is 00:05:11 if everything went bad. So everybody's wiped out and it's just Professor X and Wolverine. So it's an alternate. If they didn't time travel, that's what maybe would have happened. That seems like... I don't think you could sell that as a movie for the general public. I'd be like, listen, so if you guys remember in the last movie... We did some time traveling and then we altered the timeline.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Well, now we're going to say, what if the timeline wasn't altered? And it's bad to bad. No, nobody's going to buy that. Yeah. I think that's true. So then they'll just go, so this is the future and everyone's dead. And now we know where that's true. So then they'll just go, so this is the future and everyone's dead. And now we know where that universe goes. Well, it's weird that the X-Men movies have now covered basically all, every time period
Starting point is 00:05:52 is covered. Yeah. So we know now that like, if they insert certain characters, like a new movie anywhere in that timeline, you know who's going to live and who's going to die. Yeah, yeah. Because if you put it, you know, after X-Men 3 or whatever, you know Wolverine can't die and blah, blah, blah. And, you know, the new Apocalypse movie that's coming out soon,
Starting point is 00:06:12 we know that none of the characters in... We know the world can't end, certainly. Yeah, and all the characters we saw in the end of that Dad's Future Past we know can't die. So Jean Grant in Cyclops and Professor X in Wolverine and Storm in Beast and probably some... Kelsey Wolverine, and Storm, and Beast, and probably some... Kelsey, Grandma's Beast.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yes, precisely. Which is the best beast. I think it is, yeah. I mean, Nicholas Old is great, but yeah, he's very jovial, and I like that. Oh, Wolverine. It's really just if Fraser was a blue monkey man. Precisely, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:43 That's fine. I'm absolutely okay with that. That's a great piece of casting. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, Matthew Vaughn also mentioned in his version of Days of Future Past. Yes. When Wolverine travels back through time, they would have used two actors and they would
Starting point is 00:06:56 have used a younger actor to play younger Wolverine, which doesn't make sense with the X-Men Origins timeline, but who cares? No, because then he would have gotten younger in the interim. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that wouldn't have made any sense. And also- Shut up, Vaughn. What do you know about anything?
Starting point is 00:07:09 And also, in The Wolverine, you see him in World War II, and he's Hugh Jackman. So I guess none of that makes any sense. Not at all. I think they were probably just looking for a way to go, how can we get rid of Hugh Jackman? Because he's really expensive, and everybody's young now. Yeah, exactly. But, you know, he's great. So I'm happy to just keep seeing Hugh Jackman.
Starting point is 00:07:27 How much could he possibly cost? I don't know. Probably at least five mil, I reckon, a movie. That's not that much. You know, I reckon if you're Hugh Jackman, call in. Yeah. Tell us what you make. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Down to the dollar. That would be great. I'm sure there'd be a way to look it up. You know, I reckon you'd get five mil for an X-Men movie. I'm going to look it up while you talk about whatever other news you're talking about. Well, speaking of, remember we talked about Old Man Logan last week as well. They are, you know, Battleworld.
Starting point is 00:07:52 How that's happening and they're doing a new Planet Hulk and a new Old Man Logan. Planet Hulk is set in a world like Wasteland where there's multiple Hulks and it's Captain America with his shield and an axe with a dinosaur. I can't remember the name of.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Is he red? Yeah. Devil dinosaur. Devil dinosaur, that's it. And they're just battling. They're just battling hulks. So that's Planet Hulk. And Old Man Logan will be a continuation of Old Man Logan.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Right. But I think it's Mark Waid. It's not Mark Millar. Okay. Or Mark Miller. Either of those. Either of those guys. Yeah. Do you find it?
Starting point is 00:08:26 this says that Hugh Jackman has banked 55 million dollars in the past 12 months so he's doing alright so that's definitely more
Starting point is 00:08:36 than 5 million a movie yes it is yeah well in your face it is in my face if you're Hugh Jackman call in and make fun of Macep please do
Starting point is 00:08:45 I've made some terrible mistakes yeah do him a few weeks back some concept art was released for uh Neil Blomkamp wanted to make an alien movie oh yes and he just as this kind of side project he just commissioned some art for for an alien sequel yes which had Sigourney Weaver in it and Michael Biehn and a bunch of other characters, which I guess would mean that Alien 3 and 4 aren't in canon because Michael Biehn dies. Yeah, Michael Biehn dies in 3 or in between. But also in that Alien Colonial Marines, they bring him back.
Starting point is 00:09:19 So it's a different guy in the chamber. So if you take that as canon. Yeah. Look, again, I see why this wasn't greenlit by the studios well there was he came in directly after the other guy pitching the days of future past alternate alternate future they pushed him out the door and then blomkamp came and he's like okay so wait south african accent okay so now we're gonna do it and he'd be like yeah you know i understand yeah i get you but he didn't pitch this uh-huh and it was only that and then because he worked with
Starting point is 00:09:51 sigourney weaver on uh what's chappy because she's in that yeah that we bring back sigourney whitnard that's pretty good thank you i mean i don't know if it's accurate but i find it funny isn't it they talk funny don't they and that's coming from two guys who don't talk funny. Because we don't have accents. That's right. Because Australians don't have accents. That's it. Yeah, so Sigourney Weaver is on board and apparently he's like, yeah, I'd still love
Starting point is 00:10:13 to do it. So maybe there's some interest there from Fox. I think they should absolutely make it. Neil Blomkamp. Yeah, okay. Making an alien sequel. He's only really got one trick. What's that?
Starting point is 00:10:22 It's the... Sadness in South Africa in the future. Yes, exactly. Sadness in South Africa in the future. Yes, exactly. Sadness in South Africa in the future. Yeah, but, you know, he's good at that, isn't he? Yeah, but how are you
Starting point is 00:10:30 going to introduce the alien mythos to that? I don't know. Just everyone's South African. Oh, good point. That's all you need. Get away from her, you bitch.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, okay, good. Okay, that'll work. I'm on board now. Lando Karizian has come out. Game over, man. Game over. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Lando Karizian, or the actor who plays the ability of Williams, has come out and confirmed that he's not in Star Wars Episode VII. But he said, look, he can't really say anything, but he's probably in the other ones. Because he wasn't in the other ones. That is wishful fan thing. Like, he's... What has happened there is he's sat around waiting for a call.
Starting point is 00:11:07 He did Dancing with the Stars. I don't know if you've seen that. Did he dance with the stars? No, I did not see that. It's quite painful. Everybody Google Billy Dee Williams dancing with the stars. Did he injure himself? No, but he's in the Lando Calrissian costume.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Which is sort of a Bolero kind of situation. Sure. But what's happened is he's waited around for a phone call for episode seven. He's like, like well everybody else got one I'm gonna get one didn't get one and now he's like
Starting point is 00:11:28 well I'll probably be in the next two so he's waiting for like a wave of fan reaction like to people go yeah we do he wants the Facebook
Starting point is 00:11:35 groups to come up and the petitions and the blah blah blah so you know whoever's in control of it now I didn't know you hated the character
Starting point is 00:11:42 of Lando Carrizian is it because he betrayed Han Solo yes yes he now. I didn't know you hated the character of Lando Corizian. Is it because he betrayed Han Solo? Yes. Yes. He came good though didn't he? Look I can't really
Starting point is 00:11:50 remember. Yeah I'd like to see him again. Just make him a rebel captain or whatever. Yeah totally. Yeah cool bring him
Starting point is 00:11:58 back. But like you said though he's definitely in the other Star Wars movies as well. Some of them. He's definitely in Empire and Return of
Starting point is 00:12:04 the Jedi. He's definitely in those. I've literally as well, some of them. He's definitely in Empire and Return of the Jedi. He's definitely in those. I've literally seen him in those, yes. Yeah. Apparently, Joel Kinnaman, who played Robocop in the latest Robocop, which was an okay movie. Sure. He is the top choice now to play Rick Flag after I think,
Starting point is 00:12:17 well, Tom Hardy dropped out, and I think Jake Gyllenhaal turned it down possibly. So, yeah, he's fine. I like him. Yeah, I guess so. I always picture an older guy in that role, but whatever. Okay. Great.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Like a Tom Hardy? Like a Tom Hardy. Oh, yeah. What about Chickless with hair? In the thin costume, but he's got hair. Yes. Very good. Chopping a cigar.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Love it. Okay. Fair enough. Well, I guess that's all the news that, well, it's not all the news, but we just blew through that. That's good. Why, why pad out something? Yes, he's that, oh, um, uh, Gary Owens, who was the voice of Roger Ramjet, he passed away. Ah.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I know. Roger Ramjet, also the original Space Ghost. Really? Yeah, which is, I have fond memories of Roger Ramjet, uh, because he was the all-American hero who would, uh, get his powers from taking drugs. Yes. If you recall, he would take a proton energy pill. would get his powers from taking drugs. Yes. If you recall, he would take a proton energy pill. And then folks began to worry. Precisely. That it was on.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah. What I recall about that is when I saw it when I was really young, and it was still really old when we first saw it. And I was like, this is terrible. What is this? I didn't understand that it was a satire. Yeah, sure, yeah. And then I saw it later.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I'm like, oh, this is actually quite good. Absolutely, yeah. So yeah, it's pretty good. I like his hat. It's a good hat, isn't it? Yeah. He's like a white pirate. Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:13:34 that's the secret. Anyway, sad news there. But there you go. But yeah, check out old episodes of, they're probably all on YouTube or something.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, Roger Ramjet. Pretty great. Yeah, great theme song. But yeah, the big news from this week is though that Spider-Man has sort of come back to Marvel, sort of. Okay. So how does this work? Sony is still getting some sort of say in how it's used?
Starting point is 00:13:56 Okay. So this is roughly how it is. It might not be. This is just top of my head stuff, right? So no money changes hands. Okay. Interesting. But basically he'll be folded
Starting point is 00:14:06 into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and all the money that Marvel, that's in the Marvel... Like a fried egg. Like a fried egg, yeah, just flipped right in there. Yeah. All the money, all the...
Starting point is 00:14:16 If he's in a Marvel movie, Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, like Civil War or a cameo in The Avengers or whatever, Marvel get that money. If he does a... And there's an exit poll outside every cinema. Sony are hiring people with clipboards.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And they're like, what was your favorite part of this movie? Was it the Avengers or was it Spider-Man? And every time they tick Spider-Man and Sony gets the money. That's right. So yeah, so they get no money from that. Sony gets no money.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And then in all the Sony, all the solo Spider-Man movies and all the spin-off Spider-Man movies that Sony will make, they get the money from that. But Sony has final creative control, but it sounds as if that Marvel make all the creative decisions, but Sony have to kind of sign off on everything. That's what it sounds like. I mean, the degree of creative control isn't clear,
Starting point is 00:15:06 but I would say if they're giving this character to Marvel to use, I'd say it's a lot of creative control. Yeah, definitely. I'm guessing. I reckon, if he, based on this, I would suggest that like every, every scene in, like if a Marvel make a movie in Spider-Man's and if they make Civil War. If a Marvel make a movie. And they make a good movie. Molto bene.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yes. If they make one with, maybe they make Civil War with Spider-Man's and if they make Civil War if a Marvel make a movie they make a good movie molto bene yes if they make one maybe they make Civil War with Spider-Man in it you're killing it with accents
Starting point is 00:15:30 today I'm so good with accents this one other ones other ones I think every scene
Starting point is 00:15:36 that he's in there'll be like the opportunity to kill him off somehow like just because what if you film the entire
Starting point is 00:15:43 thing and Sony's like we don't like it you're gonna have to go back and reshoot the whole thing they'd have to have that'd be script it'd be a script approval thing on them yeah i reckon i reckon like in every scene there'll be like like a whirling buzzsaw or something or like uh like a huge chasm or you know whatever just a vat of lava and then any scene if they get if they get a phone call from sony that we're done we're doing like we want more money or whatever. They just dip him in the lava. They're like, well, Spider-Man's dead in this universe. You could use his skeleton.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah. But they say that his first appearance, though, will be in Civil War. Okay. Which does worry me a little bit. Actually, I've got a letter here from Will Hancock. It says, I'm a big fan of the show, and I was wondering what you guys thought of Marvel's Civil War with all the announcements about who will be in it.
Starting point is 00:16:24 A lot of people want to know about that. Yes, people do want to know that. Correct. What do you think about that? Look, it was supposed to be a Black Panther. Apparently there were two scripts written initially. One Spider-Man, one without. And they obviously went with the one without initially.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I'd imagine the character that's kind of torn between Captain America and Iron Man, that would have been Black Panther. That's the way that I, well, because when they announced the movie, they brought out Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans and the actor who's playing Black Panther. Right, okay. And I think if that had been, they'd have got Spider-Man, they would have said, and this is the new Spider-Man. That's interesting because Black Panther, he's royalty.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yes. Why would he care? Because he cares about the people. Or he doesn't. Or he doesn't. Oh, good point. You've sold me on it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:10 That's how they pitched it in that long meeting of endless movie pitches that we kept talking about. Look, maybe Black Panther cares. Maybe he doesn't. I don't know. And they're like, well, it's better than the thing about the aliens and the other thing. So, all right. Whatever. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah. So, but to me, I like the idea. I mean, I know he plays a big role in the comics. Yes. But I feel like that that movie will then become a kind of more of a Spider-Man focused movie. Yeah, that's true. And I'd rather see Iron Man, Captain America and Black Panther, I guess, because we haven't seen him before. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:43 As opposed to Spider-Man. If it's a small role or whatever, great. I mean, this is a good thing, I think. Yeah. I think it might be he makes a couple of appearances early throughout the film. Yeah. We get some clues as to what he's about.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yeah. And then he appears in like... Because we haven't seen a lot of Spider-Man, have we? So we don't know. Correct. That's right. Maybe the first half, maybe the middle act of Avengers Civil War will be a Spider-Man origin story.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. They talk about his parents, what they're all about, what they're up to. Maybe the first half can be, maybe the first third can be about his parents. Oh, that'd be great. Great. And what I reckon he'll make a couple of like little, like we'll get some clues that he's in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And then maybe he'll appear in time for the final battle at the end maybe okay so it won't be about him yeah but he'd be like here here he is yeah in this universe maybe or post credits yeah maybe i think people would want at this point i think people want more yeah people would not be happy if he's like in their 20 seconds and also i guess if they put him in this, if they're doing Civil War and they put him in, that's a much bigger movie as well. That's a bigger deal and would make probably more money. Right. So in the comic books, the comic version of Civil War.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Wait a minute. Yes? Comic books. Yeah. They're for nerds, but let me digress for just a minute. I thought people just thought of these movie ideas. I didn't know they were based on anything. No, they're not original content.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I don't know if you know that. Yeah. How come nobody's ever written in and told me that? Hugh Jackman, ring in. Who's Wolverine? Yeah. Where do you come up with all your ideas for Wolverine, Hugh Jackman? Where do they come from?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Is it when you're on your ranch or whatever you have? But in the Civil war comic books yeah you know spider-man is the is the linchpin sort of you know he's does he give up his identity and join up yeah man or does he keep it a secret and join captain america yeah i don't think that they can do that in this movie well because that spider-man has been spider-manning for say at least 10 years yeah so everybody knows who he is and he's this public menace on one side and some people love him and he's this figure of new york forget about it precisely and then and so that was that reveals a bigger deal but they're talking about here making it a younger spider-man again like a teenage age high school so if he just shows up and then they unmask this 15-year-old kid.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Right, exactly. And then, you know, he's just up shit creek for the rest of his life. Right, right. Can you really do that? No. I reckon they're going to take as many, like, I think people are going to want some sort of verbatim adaptation. But I think, you know, most of the marvel movies so far have taken a lot of liberties
Starting point is 00:20:25 yeah from iron man to whatever yeah like they've just changed him as needed and i think they're gonna have to do that with this as well yeah spider-man's gonna be in it but it's not gonna be his not gonna be his movie yeah good yeah so so yeah teenage peter parker you're okay with that they mentioned peter parker specifically in the press release but people a lot of people are saying miles morales which i've thought would be cool as well but also the argument can be made that his origin is tied directly to that of spider-man yes because it's the same spider or something like that but could you just say that they both exist in that world and miles morales is the is the figure in civil war maybe but again i think the the problem with that is we i think we've mentioned
Starting point is 00:21:06 this in the podcast before the the two spider-man's costumes are quite different yeah and if we see an on-set photo of the sort of the the miles morales and the black and red yeah that's going to get a lot on the entertainment gossip news sites and things like that and it's going to be revealed and it's not going to be uh but i'd'd imagine they'd just cast him, they'd announced the casting before they started filming. True, yeah. Or his first costume is a regular Spider-Man costume and then, you know, Iron Man gives him a new one and his new one's kind of an ultimate costume.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Oh, yeah, that could be too. This is from the official junior editor at that website of the podcast, John. Oh, you've been, yep. Just wanted to see which Peter Parker you'd rather see, high school or grown up. Also, do you think we'll get a fresh story or just the same Spider-Man movie we always get? Thanks for the podcast, James.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And Nick, thanks for being a real dickhead. No, that's fair. He said thanks, though. Yeah, no, that's good. Yeah, he's polite. Yeah. So high school age or adult? Boy, we've seen high school age a lot, haven't we?
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah, even though they were played by adults. Yeah. But what about like a high school that's actually played by a high school that would be great i'd like to yeah yeah yeah yeah and that would be that would be good because we could like because all the all the heroes in the marvel studios movies are adults yeah and quite old in a lot of cases rob danny jr sorry uh so it would be and then we could could we could sort of be like well this is the next generation of heroes kind of thing yeah
Starting point is 00:22:26 okay sure absolutely yeah do you think though we'll get the same Spider-Man stories again and again in the other in the other movies
Starting point is 00:22:32 in the solo movies like it's been on the Sony ones the Sony ones yes yes we will surely not though I've heard the rumours
Starting point is 00:22:39 of Kraven the Hunter I'd like to see that what they're going to do though is that Peter Parker's parents are going to be in Africa and they're going to run into Kraven the Hunter. I'd like to see that. What they're going to do, though, is that Peter Parker's parents are going to be in Africa and they're going to run into Craven the Hunter and they're going to, you know, cut out one of his eyes or something like that
Starting point is 00:22:53 and then he's back for revenge and then he kills the parents and then he comes to America to avenge Spider-Man, you know, to kill Spider-Man or whatever. Just like the movie Coming to America. Precisely. Exactly. He's going to get a job flipping burgers at McDowell's.
Starting point is 00:23:09 No, I think what, yeah, if they do it again, yeah, Kraven will be involved in the parents and the blah, blah, blah, and somehow in the origin of Spider-Man. Yeah. He'll have a vial of mystical, some sort of mystical chemical that'll get splashed on a spider, and then Peter Parker will get spider power. Okay, so it's all tied together.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's all, yeah. They're going to keep doing it. I think they'll be much smarter about it this time. Like, Avi Arad has taken, like, a back seat. He's, like, some minor producer role. Right. So apparently he has, like, no say in it, which is great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Because he was the guy as well that was saying, no Miles Morales, Peter Parker's the only Spider-Man, whatever. Like, you could bring all sorts of Spider-Men into this. i'm not necessarily saying you'd have to do miles morales but yeah you could even spider ham that's all i've got spider-man 2099 okay spider woman spider girl um wasn't gwen stacy a spider-man at some point she yes she's a parallel universe spider yeah yeah you could do like but i'm saying though even if you start with peter parker you can expand that yep and you know what spider-man as well has an amazing roster of villains and we haven't really Yeah. You could do... But I'm saying, though, even if you start with Peter Parker, you can expand that. Yep. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:06 Spider-Man as well has an amazing roster of villains. And we haven't really... The only one I think they've done really well... Willem Dafoe is good as the Green Goblin, but that Green Goblin look sucks. Correct. Doc Ock is great. Yep. That's really, really good.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Sandman is good, but not utilized well enough. And they tied him into the origin. See what they do. They did, yeah. But everybody else I can take or leave. Like the lizard was fine. The new Green Goblin was not very good. Electro wasn't very good.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Venom was obviously terrible. But you could do, like I'd love to see Kraven and Venom and Carnage and I'd see Doc Ock again and a Green Goblin who looks like the Green Goblin. There's so many you could do. So they're going to reboot the Sony Spider-Man as well. It's going to be the version in the Marvel Universe. Okay, interesting. It's nice knowing you, Andrew Garfield.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, he's out. Yeah, obviously. Yeah. It's a shame we won't get to see the origin of all those villains in that vault. Like, here's your backpack with the octopus arms on it here's your backpack with the vulture wings on it here's your backpack with the whatever and they're like this is great
Starting point is 00:25:12 here's your backpack with the scorpion tail sticking out of it what a fantastic series of origin stories I'd imagine they just march through they just pick him up and they walk out is that all it is? yeah pretty much that's all it is they just lean in and they sign the clipboard again.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Also, Sinister Six movie is apparently still in development. They pushed that back. Okay. But I'd still be very surprised if that happened. I want it to happen. I think it could be. I think if Suicide Squad works, which I hope it does, then yeah, it's more likely that it would.
Starting point is 00:25:43 But yeah, I'm glad they won't use any of the villains which they previously had. Yeah, yeah, yeah's more likely that it would. But yeah, I'm glad they kind of read, if they do, they won't use any of the villains which they previously had. Yeah. Like I like Paul Giamatti, but you don't need that version of the Rhino. Absolutely. There's only one character we know
Starting point is 00:25:53 that should remain untouched in the casting. J. Jonah Jameson. Yes. And we say that every week, I think. Correct. Yep. About every movie that we talk about.
Starting point is 00:26:01 He'd also make a great Rick Flag. He would. I said that earlier. I thought it earlier, but I didn't say it. But he would. He'd be great. Also a great Rick Flag I said that earlier I thought it earlier but I didn't say it but he would he'd be great also a great
Starting point is 00:26:08 Thunderbolt Ross yeah he would he'd be great as that yep yeah he would be good we should get him on the podcast
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'd love to talk to that guy just have him yell at us oh that'd be so good I know right yeah yeah I'll let that guy like hit me as well
Starting point is 00:26:22 absolutely it's fine not in a weird Fifty Shades of Grey way, Mason. No. But it'd probably end up like that. Did you see that movie? I did not. Did you see it?
Starting point is 00:26:30 No. Okay, good. Apparently it's... My brother saw it. Which one? The one you don't like. Great. And he said it was just horrendous.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Huh. He messaged me before going in. I'm like, yeah, you're not going to enjoy that. And apparently it's just the worst movie ever made. But it'll probably make more than Kick-Ass. Not Kick-Ass. Well, it probably will make more worst movie ever made, but it will probably make more than kick-ass, not kick-ass. Well, probably will make more than kick-ass,
Starting point is 00:26:47 but it'll probably make more than Kingsman. But yeah, one more letter. This is from Steven. Just answer this question to move on with the show. Is DC screwed? Batman V Superman is expected to be great, but now we have Iron Man versus Captain America with one of the highest
Starting point is 00:27:00 grossing, I said highest groping. Oh yes. Highest grossing superheroes of all time, Spider-Man. No, I think people are more excited to see Superman versus Batman. Okay, sure. Yeah, I don't think that's screwed. And we haven't seen enough of that universe to be like,
Starting point is 00:27:16 this universe isn't very good. So we can't really know yet. Yeah, true. We can't know yet. But yeah, I mean, anybody who sees Civil War will see Batman. Yeah, definitely. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So I think they'll be okay. Yeah. But there will be a lot of which one is better that year. Oh boy. Yeah. We'll answer it definitively on this show. Next week. Correct.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Maybe later today. Who knows? Yeah. But look, it's a good scenario. I mean, because as we've said, Sony don't own any of the merchandise rights and Spider-Man easily makes the most money in merchandise. So Marvel always gets that regardless. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But I think this deal has been obviously, because it's been rumoured for a while, so it's clearly been in the works for that long because they've kept making Spider-Man stories. But as with the X-Men and especially Fantastic Four, Marvel have just closed the door on that yeah so I think they've been
Starting point is 00:28:07 clearly building towards this for a while but you know Sony will make a lot more money from this probably and maybe we'll get a little of that
Starting point is 00:28:15 if so just chuck something our way that's right we've got a Patreon just oh Sony give us if you're listening
Starting point is 00:28:22 Hugh Jackman if you're listening contribute to our Patreon. slash MrSundayMovies. Just whatever would fall out of your pocket, you should donate that amount. If it fell out of your pocket and you didn't notice Hugh Jackman, bearing in mind you earned $55 million last year, you cheap son of a bitch. Also, he was told as well, and he was like, oh, wow, that's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:43 But you can see he's kind of like, I would like to be in the Avengers movie. Because he's mentioned that like multiple times. Right, yeah. But yeah, and he would be cool. That would be great. But that'll never, ever happen. Or maybe it will now that we're getting all this stuff. Sure.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Yeah. All this stuff is happening. Yeah. There we go. All right. Well, let's talk about the thing that we're here for this week. Are we still recording? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Right. Just curious. Should we not be? No, I, just curious. Should we not be? No, I'm just curious. I think we are. Good. Yeah, man, we're at the park. Good, good.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Now we're near the 30-minute mark. Just checking, just checking. Remember that time? What time? When we did that thing, the secret thing. Oh, yeah. The secret thing. Our dance.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yes. Yeah. Correct. Audio only. Yep. It was a good one. That's right. Yeah. Anyway. Back to it. Yeah, Kingsman, the Secret Service. Yes. Yeah. Correct. Audio only. Yep. That's right. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Back to it. Yeah, Kingsman the Secret Service. Absolutely. We saw that last week. You said you were going to see it twice. Didn't have a chance to, but I'll probably see it again after this. You said that. You say that.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yes. You've said it. I have, haven't I? Yeah. Can't take it back. Well, look, we've kind of alluded to, or flat out said what we thought of it, but what did you think of the Kingsman Secret Service, the movie? Good.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Yeah, me too. Good fun. Good fun, wasn't it? It was a good time. Yep. Did you have a fun time? I did have a fun time. I caught myself near the end, like, smiling.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Oh, wow. Yeah. You did have a fun time. And I've never smiled. And you know that. I know that, yeah. I'm against it. Which surprised me because I don't normally watch something, especially that last 15 minutes,
Starting point is 00:30:04 which we'll, you know, we'll get to. We'll do non-spoilers and then we'll do spoilers. But anyway, we'll get to that. Do you want to talk about the cast straight off? Yes. Or should we talk about what the story is for people who haven't seen it? Oh, you should talk, do the story. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Summarize the story. It's amazing we don't have this down pat yet. We're no good. It's been a year and a half. The thing is, we're no good at this. So. Yeah. What's next?
Starting point is 00:30:24 So do you want to break it down? So there's a young man. There's a young man. His name's Eggsy. His name's Eggsy. He lives in the England. The England. And he's a.
Starting point is 00:30:32 He's a. He's a layabout. He's a layabout, but he's a very. He's a very gifted, skilled layabout. Yes. He can steal the keys to a car from a man. Yep. He can be in the Marines.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Yep. He can be a guy who knows parkour. Yes. Do you reckon that was him? Or do you reckon they CGI'd his head on? I reckon they CGI'd his a man. Yep. He can be in the Marines. Yep. He can be a guy who knows parkour. Yes. Do you reckon that was him? Or do you reckon they CGI'd his head on? I reckon they CGI'd his head on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:49 That's some pretty swift parkour. I know, right? You know what? It's funny. I saw that parkour and I didn't go, ugh, which is weird
Starting point is 00:30:55 because I do every other time. You know what? I think it was too fast. Oh, okay. That sequence is only like two seconds long. And it wasn't a big deal. They didn't make a big deal of it.
Starting point is 00:31:01 And it was only one shot. Yeah. So it just kind of followed him and he just, yeah, you're right. Sorry. Anyway, he lives in a housing estate with his mom. Spoiler alert, there's two seconds of parkour in this movie.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Oh, yeah, good point. And he's not going anywhere with his life. Yeah. But then it turns out. That he is. Yeah. Well, basically he's, for whatever reasons, Colin Firth turns up and said, listen, we're in this, I'm in this sweet secret organization where we wear suits and be cool and stuff and we're basically like royal james bonds
Starting point is 00:31:29 that's this is exactly how he says it correct basically right royal james bonds right yeah and so james bonds right and so it gives him the opportunity to kind of do this uh i guess trial kind of course uh-huh this is The most intense kind of combat training, intelligence, whatever course to become a Kingsman, who are basically like the new knights. And they all have all their code names are knights from the round table. But they don't have a round table. Spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:31:59 They just have a regular rectangular table, don't they? They do, with holograms. That's pretty good. And that's kind of that's how the movie goes but people probably already know that i guess because the truck here's the thing if you've seen a trailer or two for this yes you know exactly how it goes yes because the plot is completely laid out in the trailers every action beat yep every action sequence has an element in the trailer, I think.
Starting point is 00:32:25 I agree with that. Yep. Yeah. Yep. So. I don't think it ruins any particular. No, I think, I think this movie
Starting point is 00:32:30 is more about the ride and seeing, you know, Eggsy interact with Colin Firth's character and that sort of thing. Yeah. Well, speaking of Eggsy
Starting point is 00:32:39 interacting with Colin Firth's character. Oh, yes. The thing I just said. Yes, cast wise. What did you think? Firth in particular? I think he's great. Isn't he great? He's great. And I'm The thing I just said. Yes. Cast wise. What did you think? Firth in particular? I think he's great.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Isn't he great? He's great. And I'm glad he's, he's finally got some actual action sequences under his belt. As opposed to Bridget Jones. Correct. Yeah. Apparently he tried quite hard for that and it was 80% of his own stunts or something. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:58 And you can see that in it. Like he can move and. Yeah. There are a lot of, we were talking about, you know, CGI and somebody's head on. Yeah. Well, maybe that guy did. I mean, maybe he did do it maybe if firth can yeah do some things we'll talk about in the after the spoilers then yeah we can get this other guy that's the name i can't recall uh taran egerton he could or egerton yeah okay then he can do two seconds of parkour yeah
Starting point is 00:33:20 that's right yeah i think he's great isn't it yeah and this new guy yeah let's call him eggsy okay cool yeah pretty good too i agree not he's the kind of character where you'd think this guy could really get on your nerves correct and really be quite great yeah but he kind of has the same kind of appeal that i guess sort of the same way the guy plays kick-ass does i guess in a way. He's endearing. Like, he's a thug and he's... But they do a good job of setting him up as a sympathetic character. Yeah. They also do a very good job of setting him up as somebody who wouldn't immediately die upon being, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:57 inducted into this Kingsman training program. Yeah, exactly. Like, he used to be... He was in the Marines and he's a gymnast and he blah, blah, blah. Like, when he was a kid kid he was born with all these skills kind of thing exactly yeah no you're right
Starting point is 00:34:08 but Michael Caine though thoughts I've actually got a letter about Michael Caine but look he's certainly Michael Caine's about yes
Starting point is 00:34:16 again after the spoilers yeah he drops the F-bomb he does do that I love how Michael Caine would do that but there's certainly some Michael Caine-ing
Starting point is 00:34:23 later on in the film yeah boy is there right at the end of the second act there's quite a bit of Michael Caine Michael Caine will do that. But there's certainly some Michael Caine-ing later on in the film. Yeah, boy is there. Right at the end of the second act, there's quite a bit of Michael Caine. Michael Caine's right up. Boy does he. Right up. Yeah, I got a little bit here from Ali. Or Ali.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Either way. A-L-I. Ali. Let's do it. Like Muhammad Ali. Exactly. Got a cool story for you. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I was hoping that was going to say, got a cool story for you, bro. That would have been better. So good. I know you're looking forward to The Secret Service. Well, my brother worked on it in the sound department. He ended up having to put a radio microphone on Michael Caine and got to know him a little bit, as you do. One day, he said to Michael Caine that he had a date in the evening.
Starting point is 00:34:58 The shoot was running long and there was an announcement for at least another two hours overtime. Michael Caine then kicked up a fuss to the producers saying, I can't stay late. I have a dinner party to attend. I can't stay late. I have a dinner party to attend that he didn't agree to this. I have a dinner party to attend. It's not, that's not very good. That's pretty good. You just, you just have to sell it as if you're Michael Caine. Don't think, don't wind that that back and listen because it doesn't sound anything like Michael Caine. I can't say that I ever did a party to attend and he didn't agree to do this. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Good on him. The producers then all huddled together before saying that the running late is cancelled. As people were packing down, Michael Caine said into his radio microphone that only my brother and the sound team could hear. See, I'm a pretty good actor, aren't I? Enjoy your night. That's a great story. story that is amazing so that's pretty awesome big fan of michael cain yeah i remember i saw an interview of him when i was a kid it was on parkinson oh yeah i'm like this dude's amazing like i've never seen him in anything else for those i think we've mentioned this podcast before but have you go on youtube and find Michael Caine doing his Michael Caine impression?
Starting point is 00:36:07 So good. My name's Michael. I can't do it. I can't do it. My name, yeah. It doesn't do it justice. You've got to commit to it. And I did it.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I pulled out halfway. But yeah, what about some of the other Kingsmen? There was Sophie Cooksman, I believe her name is, who played one of the female Kingsmen in training. A Kingslady. Kingslady. A Kingslady. So I thought she was really good as well. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah. I think the others sort of fall into the upper class top stereotype. You know, you're not, there's not a lot of nuance there. Yeah. They're all, ugh, ugh, Eggsy, ugh, ugh, ugh, you're not, you're not of royal blood, are you? Ugh. There's a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah. Which, again, helps you kind of get on board with him more. Even though it's clearly very contrived. But the good thing about her is they could have like over-sexualized her. And there is a bit of that which we could talk about with other characters. Sort of. But she's, you know, just kind of been plaid. Yeah, it's interesting that there's really no there's no romantic subplot
Starting point is 00:37:05 no not at all there's not really a there's sort of there's one sort of ish Bond girl sort of yeah
Starting point is 00:37:10 which will but not really I guess yeah what about Mark Strong very yeah enjoyable yeah
Starting point is 00:37:17 he's great in everything isn't he he's good was he good as Sinestro he was the best part of that film yeah he was yeah I mentioned I did a great romance in
Starting point is 00:37:25 terrible comic book movies and i put the sinestro post-credits scene in where he transforms into sinestro core and people like but that scene doesn't make any sense because there's no like context for him to do that i'm like that's a really good point yeah looks great it looks great yeah but no that's that's a good like it doesn't build to that he's kind of like we should maybe do this if parallax is coming and they Parallax and he just does it anyway. Right, right, right. Which is really weird. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah, not everybody else in it is fine. What about the villains? Like Sam Jackson? I think what happened here is Michael Caine gave some of his power to Samuel L. Jackson. I think Samuel L. Jackson is transitioning to the new scenery-chewing Michael Caine. Great. But yeah, he's fun, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yeah, he is. But he's kind of... Do you care for the lisp? Didn't bother me. No, it didn't bother me. It was only played for laughs a couple of times. Fine. Fine. And what about his henchman, Gazelle? Blade Feet Lady. Blade Feet Lady, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Not really a character. No, but as a villain, as a henchman gazelle um blade blade lady blade feet lady yeah not really a character no but as a villain as a henchman the henchmen aren't characters generally yeah i mean in classic bond tradition you get a villain who just has some sort of weird deformity which can double as a weapon yes so jaws jaws yep diamond face can flick the diamonds out of his face correct odd job has that razor sharp hat. Yeah. It fits on his weirdly shaped head. That's his deformity.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And et cetera, et cetera. So this worked perfectly well. Yeah, absolutely. But yeah, no, no discernible.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I think that made for some good fight scenes. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. But speaking of the fight scenes, we'll talk, we'll talk generally about them and then let's get into spoilers. But maybe before we do that, do you want to talk about the suits? scenes we'll talk we'll talk generally about them and then let's get into um spoilers but maybe
Starting point is 00:39:05 before we do that do you want to talk about the suits because i know you're a big fan of clothing in movie and in general yeah look well what what is actually interesting is that kingsman because king the kingsman organization the the secret service yeah uh organization their front is a taylor's calledman, which is a real tailor's. And you can actually buy it. No, it isn't really. Oh, okay. But in the context of the film, it is a tailor's.
Starting point is 00:39:30 But you can actually purchase all the clothing that the good guys wear. Like there's a, I think they're British. It's called Mr. Porter. It's like an online retailer. And they have their own Kingsman section. You can buy all the suits. You can buy everything. Can you buy bloody Colin Firth's oatmeal colored cashmere cardigan? Kingsman section. You can buy all the suits. You can buy everything.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Can you buy bloody Colin Firth's oatmeal-coloured cashmere cardigan? Yes, you can. Would you buy any of that clothes? No, it's ridiculously expensive. And also, like, the... This is not interesting. The double-breasted suits, the lapels are a little narrow for my liking. British double-breasted lapels are quite narrow. I like a more dramatic lapel.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Okay, sure. There you go. All right. And it's not like they knocked it all out in China or whatever. Yeah. It is primo stuff. So you do like it or you don't like it? I do like it, but I'm not willing to pay.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Okay, fair enough. I'm not willing to pay 1,500 pounds for a suit or whatever. Would you rather buy that suit or buy the jacket from Drive? I already have the jacket from Drive. Do you really? In two colours. Get the fuck out of here. I have the,
Starting point is 00:40:28 because it's like, it's the sort of the ivory one. Yeah. With the orange scorpion on the back. I also like the stealth one, which is black with the grey scorpion. Oh my God. I know,
Starting point is 00:40:36 right? That's amazing. Yeah. Have you ever worn it? I'll buy, I'll buy a, I'll buy a, like a,
Starting point is 00:40:41 like a pseudo replica of a thing. Yeah. Even if I didn't particularly like that like if you've seen the film if you've seen the video game watchdogs yeah it's not particularly good but there's a company that makes a there's a lot of companies that make replicas of the jacket that might be good and it looks pretty good and i think i'm probably gonna buy one right there yeah is that a three-quarter length yeah kind of yeah all right i'm cool with that it's pretty good yeah uh but yeah no it's good costumes Do you remember after when the Matrix came out,
Starting point is 00:41:05 everybody was buying trench coats? Boy, I remember that. Yeah, it was dark days for everyone. It was normally
Starting point is 00:41:10 like a trench coat and just whatever t-shirt and baggy cargo pants and runners. Yeah, some sneakers.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Like New Balance went before they were cool. It's like the super generic New Balance. Yeah. Yeah. Man, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:23 good costumes, always appropriate. Yeah. Colin Firth wears But yeah, good costumes, always appropriate. Yeah. Colin Firth wears a black watch, tartan trouser, and a blue velvet when he goes to visit Samuel Jackson. Yeah. Because it's a semi-formal dinner. It's right.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Occasion. So you wear that. It is, isn't it? Yeah. Okay, cool. Well, I'm glad you like the suits because I know that's important to you, which means that's important to me. It's not, though, is it?
Starting point is 00:41:44 No, it it? No, it is. Okay, great. I think, I think, because I think for you, if those suits were off,
Starting point is 00:41:49 you couldn't enjoy that. Yes. Yeah, no, you're right. You actually, you can't buy, if we're going to go,
Starting point is 00:41:54 there's, there's one suit you can't buy. And that was my favorite suit. Okay. We'll get to it. Okay then. Yeah. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:00 the fights, zines in general, uh, I thought they were quite, there's a lot of kind of shaky cam, but it's done very, very well. You don't notice, I mean, I guess you notice it, but it's not nauseating or the cuts aren't too quick. Yeah, it's shaky cam, but you can always tell where everybody is, which I think is the key
Starting point is 00:42:18 to a good action sequence, especially nowadays, is do whatever you want. You can do a series of long shots. You can do a series of super quick cuts, but make sure we always know where the good guys are and the bad exactly yeah you know that scene in the bar the bar fight which is in all the trailers and whatever they've released the clip clip online but that reminded me a lot of the the bathroom fight in um world's world's end yes yeah i mean they're obviously different maybe because they'll both sit in a bar i don't know it's probably it but i don't know. That's probably it, yes. But I don't know. There's probably four major fight scenes,
Starting point is 00:42:49 and they're all very, very, very good. Yeah. Whoever choreographed this and the cinematography. If we're talking just before we go into spoilers, if this is reminiscent of anything, for me, it is also quite reminiscent of X-Men First Class. Okay. Which makes sense
Starting point is 00:43:05 because it's also a Matthew Vaughn film it does feel like it's a retro kind of time period doesn't it even though it's set in the modern day
Starting point is 00:43:11 retro time period but also it's sort of this sort of weird team based not all of it but elements of it like you know
Starting point is 00:43:18 it's a team of young people and they're all trying to you know they're all trying out and training which was a big element of X-Men like the middle act of X-Men, like the middle act
Starting point is 00:43:25 of X-Men First. It was, you're right. Just everybody running around a mansion for a long time and there was a lot of that in this except this time around
Starting point is 00:43:32 they're all carrying puppies. Yes. Yeah. Which I liked. Yeah. So what do you reckon? We got any, do we say best movie
Starting point is 00:43:38 or worst movie? Do we say it at the end or do we say it now? I think we say it now because then review is over and then we spoil. And then we'll say whether we still agree at the end. that's true after we've discussed it
Starting point is 00:43:47 ad nauseum we're like wait a second best movie ever for you i'm gonna say i'm gonna say best movie ever i enjoyed it a lot definitely it's probably the best movie i've seen this year but i've only seen this and taken at the cinema right sure yeah there's a lot of stuff where we've said this before if i don't think i'm going to enjoy something i just won't see it so i was like i could go and see 50 shades of gray and just tear it apart yeah and you don't get 50 000 views but i'm like but why then i have to go and it's what i don't have to go by myself which is weird like i i will go to a movie by myself but i'm not going to that movie yeah anyway um so yeah spoilers yeah I would I'm definitely
Starting point is 00:44:26 going to go back and see it again it's super fun I'm in thank you for inviting me wait oh jeez
Starting point is 00:44:31 oh yeah so the first fight is in the pub yes no no sorry it's not it's the opening scene yes
Starting point is 00:44:38 it's like a James Bond esque chalet kind of beat down yes that is the suit we can't you can't buy oh okay so that's the original Lancelot yeah as played by Jack Daven yes that is the suit we can't you can't oh okay
Starting point is 00:44:45 so that's the original Lancelot yeah as played by Jack Davenport who is the the other love interest in the Pirates of the Caribbean
Starting point is 00:44:52 films yes he is yeah who was aged very well he's looking he's looking dashing he's a bit there's um
Starting point is 00:44:58 this was reminiscent to me there's a there's a a series of movies they're not James Bond movies but there's sort of a parody of the James Bond movies they were called the flint movies johnny english yes that's the one the flint movies uh in like flint and our man flint okay and he's like the super super version
Starting point is 00:45:14 of james bond yeah like you know james bond could like you know he could he could taste some wine he'd be like oh that's the chateau lafitte 62 or whatever what a dickhead i know right but flint would be the guy he'd he'd just sniff it you go it's the chateau lafitte 62 or whatever what a dickhead i know right but flint would be the guy he didn't and he'd just sniff it you go it's the chateau lafitte 62 oh and it's from the northern end of the vineyard like he's that like he's the version up from that like he'd be like like there's a there's a scene in in one of the flint movies i can't remember which one it is but he's like um you know that his his boss like the his m like the commander is like oh you know flint uh you know you've got to you've got to do this and this. And he's like, oh, you know, I can't do it, boss.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I've got a class at the Bolshoi Ballet. And the boss is like, oh, Flint, you're doing all these things. You're betting all these women and you're a super secret agent and you're doing so amazing. How do you find the time to take a class at the Bolshoi Ballet? And he's like, oh, no, sir, to teach, to teach a class. Like he's that kind of. And I think Davenport was sort of modelled on that.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Okay, yeah, yeah. Because, you know, he seamlessly kills all the bad guys and then he just takes the glass of whiskey off the tray of the guy he's just shot in the head. Like it doesn't spill a drop kind of thing. And I think that's, you know, it's good to establish that i all the kingsman agents they've been they're not superhuman but they're doing it so long yeah like that if you were james bond and you were foiling these schemes every week every week like everything would become so predictable yeah and like it they're
Starting point is 00:46:41 these weird kind of stylized super villain schemes every week. Yeah. You know, and you're just cutting a swath through everything. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty great. Until he gets cut in half. Literally in half.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Down the middle. Yeah. A lot of CGI blood in this, which I didn't care for. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I thought it would be, for an R-rated film, I thought that'd be, it'd be gorier than what it is. Not that I'm like, that's outrageous or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Right. But I think there were bits where you didn't really, you didn't have to CGI that. Yeah, there were a couple of, even the limb cutting off scenes were quite bloodless. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about, specifically. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. That opening scene's great, though.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I mean, and it also has Mark Hamill, of course. Correct. Mark Hamill is playing a professor in this, but in the comic book version he plays himself yes it's a nice little little twist on that those are the pub fight which you can actually go and watch that clip online it's all there which is or you can go and watch it in cinemas no don't do that okay good point that's really awesome also even though they are relatively bloodless or cgi they are very brutal like they look yes. They look painful and, yeah, again, very fluid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And I don't think... Does Colin Firth even get hit in that scene? I don't know if he does. If he does, he doesn't notice. In the bar fight scene? He gets his glasses knocked off. Oh, okay, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 There's the... One guy takes a swing. He pulls back very quickly. His glasses get knocked off. And the bad guy... Punches another bad guy. Punches another guy, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah yeah and there's of course there's the the church fight which is everybody's favorite it's everybody's favorite i've spoken to a lot of people who like they find that scene
Starting point is 00:48:15 very uncomfortable because it's in a church or not because it's in a church but because like was it we it's it's it's established that they're all kind of, it's a church like the Westboro Baptist Church where they just sort of, they just, it's a preacher of hate. Yeah. And these are all kind of bigoted people who are presumably bad people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:35 But a lot of, you know, people I've spoken to are like, but is it okay then that Colin Firth literally kills all of them? Yeah. And I guess the way they sort of tried to get around that was that he was brainwashed. Yes, exactly. Because I think they just wanted a scene where Colin Firth can just go nuts. Correct. all of them yeah and I guess the way they sort of tried to get around that was that he was brainwashed yes exactly because I think they just wanted a scene where
Starting point is 00:48:47 Colin Firth can just go nuts without having repercussions for him or maybe there are repercussions but you know what I mean like yeah true
Starting point is 00:48:54 yeah so he just brutally murders 50 people I think it's sort of played for laughs I think this is yeah definitely Miller's like well
Starting point is 00:49:01 you know what I'd like to do to the Westboro Baptist Church is I'd like to whatever and you know there's'd like to do to the Westboro Baptist Church is I'd like to whatever. And then, you know, there's a point where, you know, all of them pull out guns and whatever and knives and things. And I think you're supposed to be like, well, yeah, if they're carrying concealed weapons to church, maybe they are bad guys. But then that happens in America anyway.
Starting point is 00:49:18 But with people who presumably aren't bad people, they just, they have a right to bear arms and they're going to do that. So, you know, and they go to church. So yeah. We're armed for this podcast yeah exactly in case yeah somebody comes and steals our data you know i mean i guess there's the bit afterwards though where he's kind of remorseful for what yeah exactly very briefly briefly before he's killed and i think the also the idea behind that scene is you know you can be this highly skilled secret agent but you are still powerless against this yeah this this field yeah so yeah you know we we there's there's not gonna
Starting point is 00:49:51 be a scene where you know through sheer strength of will eggsy you know breaks the the control of it and fights back or whatever yeah we know that if it fires up everybody's dead yeah i think everyone's killing but in terms of like that fight sequence, that fight sequence is amazing. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And it's probably, it's the bloodiest one.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Like he impales people and just hacks it. Yeah. It's pretty nuts. Great. Yeah. And the last fight I think is my favorite fight, the gazelle and Eggsy fight. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Cause I'd never really seen anything like that with the, the, the leg, the raising legs and whatever. And because of that, I like that guy so much that I want to see him win right exactly you know and because that you got Samuel L Jackson up in the booth with his hand on the thing so there's a sense of like yeah needs to finish this I thought that was interesting though
Starting point is 00:50:35 that I think they could have figured out a different mechanic like in the in the script yeah other than that because that doesn't really make any sense as a device. No, it doesn't. Like in a... Why would you program it so you have to keep your hand on it until everybody in the world is dead? Yeah. That seems like...
Starting point is 00:50:53 But I mean, I guess at that point you're either in the movie or you're not. That's right. You're right. I think it was just an excuse so he could impale him and he'd fall out of the window. I kind of felt that that also was a little... Yeah, on the nose? Not on the nose, but it was a little anticlimactic.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Okay, so you'd rather see maybe a verbal kind of joust? No, not even. It's just he kind of just threw the leg up there and it hit him and he was like, oh, I'm dead, and he fell off the... Did you like the bit where he's like, you're supposed to say a cool one line or whatever? Yeah, that was pretty great.
Starting point is 00:51:29 That was pretty great, yeah. Oh, really? So you were like yeah that last bit not as much yeah pretty much yeah what about the explodey heads bit again uh a lot of people were like well that that is better than the the church sequence because we know all those people are they've made the decision made the decision to be evil and sacrifice all humanity. Including Obama? Yeah, I think, yeah. Yeah. I guess you could do that in a movie. I guess you could
Starting point is 00:51:48 just do whatever. Yeah. I thought there'd be some kind of, I don't even know, why would there be a law against that? There wouldn't be,
Starting point is 00:51:54 would there? Is it Obama though? Well, they don't say it's Obama, but you see like the back of his head and it looks like him. Sure.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Yeah. Okay. I don't think they actually got Obama in. Oh, okay, right. That makes more sense actually, yeah. Probably wouldn't agree to it. No, he probably wouldn Sure. Yeah. Okay. I don't think they actually got Obama. Oh, okay. Right. That makes more sense actually. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Probably wouldn't agree to it. No, he probably wouldn't. Yeah. The violence in general didn't upset you though or anything like that? Because I know some people were like- Very hard to upset. Because you know, I saw someone- I saw you bloody roll your ankle, mate.
Starting point is 00:52:19 So I wasn't upset by that, was I? I saw a comment which was something like, how many parents killed their babies when that machine went off? And I guess you don't think about that. No, but a lot, I would say. Yeah, a lot. Because as we see, you know, Eggsy's mum, she has to be told to put the baby in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:52:41 and lock the door and throw away the key. And then she does attempt to kill her kids, I reckon. Most of them. Yeah. Yeah. Good boy. That's nuts. I guess you're not supposed to think about it.
Starting point is 00:52:52 I didn't think that actually set the machine off for that long, but they set it off for like 10 minutes. Yeah. It's like 10 minutes of people everywhere killing each other. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:01 That's true. We never see any of the repercussions of that. We never... You know, Colin Firth has the... He has all the headlines from the times he saved the world and all some sort of... You know, he stopped a... He defused a bomb before it went off and blew up London or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And so it's just some... It's like Brad Pitt ate my sandwich. Yeah, so the world never finds out because it's just some tabloid entertainment nonsense. But how are they covering this up? Literally everyone in the world tried to kill each sandwich. Yeah, so the world never finds out because it's just some tabloid entertainment nonsense. But how are they covering this up? Literally everyone in the world tried to kill each other. Do we see Eggsy's newspaper clipping? I don't think he does.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Okay, right. I mean, I know he gets the tailors, but he doesn't. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Indeed, right? Indeed. Yeah. I know the scene at the end that a lot of people
Starting point is 00:53:45 didn't like was the the princess who offers a certain sexual favour to him if he saves the world right did that
Starting point is 00:53:52 were you okay with that or it was a bit crass it was a bit crass yeah exactly probably didn't but that is again that's
Starting point is 00:53:59 you know every almost every James Bond film especially the you know the Roger Moore films when it got when it got really silly was you know he's got a he's got a camera and he's you know watch or whatever a recording device so there's a camera in the and the queen will ring in the skate pod yeah the queen will ring and they'll be like oh the queen wants to speak to bond let's
Starting point is 00:54:18 patch her directly through without checking first and then he's having sex with you know and then and then you know all the all girl or whatever. And then, you know, all the people are like, oh, Bond. And they, you know, they close the, they switch it off or whatever. Well, that was, it's clearly that homage to that where, you know, Mark Strong is the, you know, he's the cue of this. And he's like, oh, you know, I'll close this over. He's, you know, he's earned his whatever. But because it's an homage and it's
Starting point is 00:54:46 mark miller has to be 10 times yeah that so but this i guess it was just a yeah this this movie we've ever mentioned is better than the comic it's based on oh definitely yeah and all the it's taken the best elements from it and added better elements to it yes in general it's got more yeah it's got more character yeah it's got better suits yep it's got. In general. It's got more, yeah, it's got more character. Yeah. It's got better suits. Yep.
Starting point is 00:55:07 It's got Mark Hamill. It's got Mark Hamill in both. Yeah. It's got, it's got two main characters you can tell apart. Yeah. Like in,
Starting point is 00:55:16 in this movie, you know, Eggsy, he sort of becomes Colin Firth towards the end, you know, because he puts on a suit and he kind of,
Starting point is 00:55:25 you know, he slicks his hair and it's sort of, it Firth towards the end, you know, because he puts on a suit and he kind of, you know, he slicks his hair and it's sort of, it's in memoriam to Colin Firth's character who dies. But in the comic book version, they just basically look the same for the whole thing. They do, yeah. And they are related, but yeah, they do look identical. But they look exactly the same and it's kind of hard to tell them apart
Starting point is 00:55:39 unless they're right next to each other. Yeah. Because you're like, oh, one's shorter. Yeah, exactly, yeah. No, you're absolutely right no you're absolutely right I also liked in this though that they were talking about you know if you're a Kingsman you don't have to speak a certain way or whatever it's just about being a
Starting point is 00:55:57 nice gentleman to people you don't have to be like a tough or whatever I thought that was a nice little kind of touch and also you mentioned well you mentioned this to the Plumbing the Death Star guys the other week who were great I want right I thought that was a nice little kind of yeah it was nice kind of touch and also you mentioned well you mentioned this to the Plumbing the Death Star guys the other week who were great
Starting point is 00:56:09 I want to talk about that in a minute as well because I went and did some episodes with them oh yes it was good fun you should do it too nah
Starting point is 00:56:13 no I will that they do a play on the game oh sure because in the in the comic books there's a scene and they're all
Starting point is 00:56:22 all the Kingsman recruits I think are guys in the original. Yeah, they are, yeah. And so in the comic book, because, you know, super spies are always seducing women, there's a scene in the comic book where these guys all go to a nightclub, and they all have to practice their seduction secrets on random women. Yeah. And you get points if you get a phone number and you get points if you sleep with them or whatever yeah and it's very much like i don't know i don't know when pickup artists started becoming a thing but i think it was seven yeah so it's probably i
Starting point is 00:56:55 think it was probably like that's that's miller going okay well i can do anything i want so i'm gonna have this i'm gonna have them be pickup artists because they're it's cool it's cool kind of thing yeah but in the new vert in the movie version it's more and it's more an expose yeah what pickup artists do like it's kind of you know one of them comes in and they uh they use a negging yeah they use negging which you know he you go they're all they're all all all the characters the guys and the girls all the recruits are assigned to uh seduce the same woman yeah and then one of them you know one of the agents comes in and says oh are they uh that you were in colored contact lenses this so your eyes are so beautiful kind of thing you know and that's negging because it's it's a it's a compliment
Starting point is 00:57:41 but he's also saying you're you're fake in some way yeah yeah and and another agent comes in he goes well that's that's classic nagging yeah um he's saying he's put a compliment in there but he's also trying to undermine your confidence don't fall for it kind of yeah and you know uh and then somebody else does i think he the the main guy edgy asks a question which is directed to the group right and and then so the the person who you're interested in fights to reply to you because the question is a general question oh i see something like that yeah but then they sort of you know and i thought that was quite i thought that was quite good in that i guess they had to have some sort of because the idea that super spies will have to have all
Starting point is 00:58:20 these super skills yeah they would have to put in this seduction thing. Cause it's a big James Bond thing. But at the same time, I thought it was good that they were like, we'll, we'll just show maybe audience members, maybe younger audience members who don't know that this is what people are doing. I have a feeling that there might be a lot of people in the cinema who like
Starting point is 00:58:38 turn to the person who invited him. Like, Hey, wait a second. You nagged me to get me in here. You son of a bitch. I would enjoy that a lot. That'd be pretty great. There's also the, hey, wait a second, you nagged me to get me in here. You son of a bitch. I would enjoy that a lot. That'd be pretty great.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's also the parachute sequence. All the testing in the facility, in the mansion, was quite good. An interesting kind of... Yeah. The dog stuff, I liked the idea that they had to pick a puppy and that dog kind of grew with them and they had to train as they went. And he picks a pug because he thinks it's a bulldog.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Right, right. That was fun. That's quite good. You would think that Colin Firth would say to Eggsy, hey, at the end of this, they're going to ask you to shoot the dog. So just shoot it in the leg or something. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:59:18 That's what I thought the girl did. Yeah. Yeah. I thought this is clearly some kind of trick. Right, yeah. And it's weird that he didn't figure that out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess he liked I thought this is clearly some kind of trick right yeah like and it's weird that he didn't figure that out yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:59:27 I guess he liked that dog a lot though did you call that the girl in the initial scene where the room is flooded was actually yes
Starting point is 00:59:33 a plant I didn't think that actually anybody was going to die that being said so the idea you know behind the training program
Starting point is 00:59:39 is they don't actually want to kill anybody there's always limits yeah so you know they're taught to act as a team by actually want to kill anybody. There's always limits. Yeah. So, you know, they're taught to act as a team by pretending to kill one of the initial recruits. They put in a fake recruit, she drowns,
Starting point is 00:59:52 and then they go, okay, well, you're not working as a team. You have to do that kind of thing. Yeah. In the parachute sequence, everybody's got a parachute. Yes. Because they don't actually want to kill anyone. But at a certain point... They don't know that to kill anyone yeah but at a certain point they don't know that at a certain point if she lets go of if you know it right at the end it's eggsy and
Starting point is 01:00:12 roxy yeah falling and they've you know got a they've only they think they've only got one parachute and it's really touching goes to whether eggs is going to you know let go and kill and die yeah at that point how would he live he couldn't exactly so if to you know they're like well nobody can die but he could really die yeah yeah yeah like there's a certain point like even if he's falling and he lets go of roxy even if mark strong's characters merlin is like now you've actually got a parachute. It's fine. He pulls it. He's still dead. Yeah, you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Don't think about it. Don't. Yeah. You're invested. You wanted to mention the Michael Caine, the most Michael Caine moment. He Michael Caines it up, doesn't he? But there might be a more Michael Caine moment,
Starting point is 01:00:59 but I think it's the one where Eggsy switches the poison over. And Michael Caine's like, Ha! You poisoned me. I poisoned. Doesn't sound anything like him. Just commit to it. That's what I say. You know what?
Starting point is 01:01:14 I thought that was handled better in the comic. Because in the comic, the same thing happens where he poisons him. Yes. But what he does is, you don't see him do the switch. Yeah. He just does it.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Right, yeah. And then after the guy's dying, he goes, by the way, I switched it because that's classic Spice School 101. You switch a drink every time you get a drink. Right, right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:33 But in this, you see him go, oh, that picture's very interesting. Yeah, that's true. Swap. Yeah, yeah. And then... That's true, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Also, I can't understand why Michael Caine would agree to that plan because he knows that what they're putting inside everybody's head is a bomb. Because basically, for those, if you're listening to this and you haven't seen it. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Whatever. Stop listening now. Go watch Kingsman. Everybody who agrees to this plan where the population control, the population control where basically people all kill each other. People who don't, aren't affected by the signal have a chip in their neck, which means it nullifies it so they don't go crazy. So essentially, Michael Caine knows
Starting point is 01:02:10 that Mark Hamill's head exploded because that's what happened. But then he still agrees to get one put in his own head, which is stupid. But he would assume that he was going to kill Eggsy and get away scot-free. No, no, but even then, he wouldn't agree to Valentine to say,
Starting point is 01:02:29 yeah, put a bomb in my head. But that's his only option, really. Because otherwise he's just shot to death or whatever. Yeah, I guess you're right. Here's a question for you. Okay. Where are all the other Kingsman agents? That's a really good question. Because they all appear as holograms in the opening act.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Well, they make mention that they don't know which of the other Kingsmen can be trusted. So they don't bring any of them in for the final battle. That's right. They know Roxy's obviously fine because she's new. And they know Merlin's fine because he's fine. And the main guy's the main guy. Yeah. And the same thing actually happens in the comic.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Where they just get all the new recruits. Right. Yeah. What you could probably do though just check the scar well check the scar yes but also maybe right right at the last second you could say you could ring them all and be like hey we know some of you might be traitors but if you aren't lock yourself in a bathroom because you're going to try and kill everybody in a second so just do that and we'll fix everything and then you'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:03:25 And then we'll work on this later. And if any of you are traitors, we will kill you. If you're not, you live. See what I'm saying? Well, they would have found out at the end because their heads would have exploded. Yeah, that's true. Oh, you're right. Their heads would have exploded.
Starting point is 01:03:35 But they didn't know that though either. Yeah. Yeah. Should I buy the Kingsman Breton World Time Automatic Chronograph? It's only $24,000. Is that all? Yeah. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Should I buy two? Do you want one? I actually do. Yeah, I'll get one. We'll need some more Patreon money, obviously. Is that all? Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. Do you want one? I actually do. Yeah, I'll get one. We'll need some more Patreon money, obviously. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Great. $24,000 for a watch. It's a nice watch though. How is that even possible? That's not even expensive for like a- That's not expensive for a watch. Well, I mean it is, but it's not the upper end. Like you can get a million dollar watch if you really-
Starting point is 01:04:02 Do you remember the time when I went to buy a watch and you were with me yes this is like early 2000s but go ahead and and uh and i and he's like yeah you can buy this watch it's cool or you can get the exact same watch but i do remember it's a thousand dollars more because it has a diamond in it and the diamond was like a half a millimeter wide i remember that no yeah doesn't, though, on your wrist right now? Boy, does it. It's so shiny. You can even buy, like, the Union suits, like the Churchill one-piece Union suits that they wear.
Starting point is 01:04:33 What about that black watch? How much is that one? $7,500. That one's really good. Yeah, I know, right? All right, well, I guess we'll wrap it up. Okay, what about product placement? Did it bother you?
Starting point is 01:04:45 Didn't bother me. Besides the clothes, which I enjoyed. Yes. What other product placement was there? I didn't even notice. There was McDonald's. Oh, yeah, sure. And that didn't bother...
Starting point is 01:04:53 I thought that was quite funny, that scene, actually. And the idea behind that product placement, ultimately, is that McDonald's is terrible. Yeah, that's right. Like, because he thought it was going to be some excellent feast that is worthy of a multi-billionaire, but it's McDonald's, and he's like, oh, okay. But he rolls with it as well.
Starting point is 01:05:08 That's what's great about Colin Firth, because he's such a classy dude. He's just like, I'll take the Big Mac, wonderful. That is really cool. How would you compare it to X-Men First Class and Kick-Ass, these last two films, Matthew Bourne? When you say compare, do you mean just better or worse? Yeah, exactly, because that's how we do it here.
Starting point is 01:05:25 What was the one after X-Men First Class Kick-Ass Kingsman was my favourite I think out of all three it's probably more fun than X-Men First Class yeah
Starting point is 01:05:36 but I wouldn't say it's better I think X-Men First Class I've seen it you know a half a dozen times at this point and I think it's run its course okay sure like we did a commentary on it.
Starting point is 01:05:46 We did. For example. Yeah, we won. Download that if you want. Plugging the shit out of it. Yeah, absolutely. Then people can't stop listening
Starting point is 01:05:53 five minutes before the end and miss the plugs. We have to keep going. It's better than Kick-Ass though, I think. It is definitely. And I like Kick-Ass a lot, but I enjoy this more. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Yeah. But they also have, it has the same thing as Kick-Ass where it just really ramps up at the end like big time yeah like it just goes bananas oh yeah yeah in a good way oh yeah yeah my honest is always a good way definitely my it's it's definitely a best movie ever for me oh yeah me too all right i've got a letter here oh yes uh. From Aaron, the official Nick Mason. I think we've already got an official Nick Mason and it's not me.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I hereby reclaim my title. Oh, I see, from the previous guy. Okay, cool. I am now grittier and more grounded in reality to appeal to a modern audience. Second, having us all seen Kingsman, would it be premature to call it movie of the year when I first saw
Starting point is 01:06:45 this movie I thought oh god this is going to be like that Avengers movie that had Sean Connery in a bear costume then I saw it and I enjoyed it so much
Starting point is 01:06:52 I really enjoyed the subtle comic book effects which translated to unsubtle and fun head nuclear explosions what are your guys opinions on these
Starting point is 01:07:00 effects I thought the head explosions could have been more visceral they were very cartoony kind of cartoony and head explosions could have been more visceral they were very cartoony kind of cartoony and fun
Starting point is 01:07:06 like more fireworks than anything like that I think they definitely should I think it would have been more satisfying if they'd exploded in like showers of blood
Starting point is 01:07:13 yes yeah and there's not really any because they all sort of go off sort of all together
Starting point is 01:07:20 I think it would I think it would have been nice to see like one person's head explode at the table people getting covered in blood reaction shot then their heads explode I think it would have been nice to see one person's head explode at the table, people getting covered in blood, reaction shot, then their heads explode.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Yeah, sure. Yeah. Cool. We've got another letter here. Yes. Oh, is it premature to call the movie The Ear? Probably. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:37 It's probably going to be some great movie. In your face, Nick Mason. Yeah, that's right. Official Nick Mason, not you. No. There's another letter here. I think that everybody horribly and grossly misjudges the rating systems of a movie at least once in their life, right? I know my dad has, and after yesterday, I know I have too.
Starting point is 01:07:53 My 93-year-old grandma was in town for this week, and my mum told me and my brothers to take her out. So on Saturday, we started to see a movie. My brothers don't really care for movies and didn't know what was out and they left me with a choice. I picked Kingsman. Oh boy. Which was a movie I've been really excited for and avoided most of the promotional materials in order to avoid spoilers.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Right before we left, my mum did mention that it was rated R but I assumed that it wouldn't be too bad and it would be more along the lines of Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh. Actually my grandma had probably seen stuff like that in her lifetime. And also, she loves Colin Firth, one assumes. Because it's Colin Firth. Boy, was I wrong. By the first few strings of foul language,
Starting point is 01:08:34 I began to suspect this movie isn't what I thought it was. Then when the Roger Moore-esque agent was sliced in half in the beginning, those thoughts were confirmed. I looked over at my grandma, and she had this look of shock and horror on her face. It's hard to enjoy a movie with a sense of dread and guilt lingering over everything. Yes. Unfortunately, it only went downhill from there. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Especially the brutal church scene set only an hour or two away from our home that seemed to last for hours. The various exploding heads, the sexual references and the full on nudity. At the end, we asked her what she thought of it, and she turned to us and quietly said, I don't think I like the movie. Sorry. I don't think I like the movies anymore.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Wow. Overall, I like the movie, but I think I'll need to see it again guilt-free. Have you guys ever horribly misjudged a movie like this? Love the show. You guys are dickheads and all that junk. Look, we may have misjudged some movies in our time. Yes. But that was back in the day
Starting point is 01:09:29 before you could get previews on the internet instantly. Like we could go to a movie theatre and be like, oh, Kingsman, that sounds delightful. And it's got Colin Firth in a nice suit on the poster. Yeah. We won't know what that's like until we go in. Yeah. But now you can just put it up on your
Starting point is 01:09:45 phone but he said no spoilers man he didn't want to spoil is it i guess so yeah have you horribly misjudged i can't think i have to be honest i've horribly misjudged how good something's gonna be oh yeah definitely but less so now i've got i think i've got a pretty good radar now yeah yeah if i think of one i'll chime in but, but... Yeah. I'm sorry, Grandma. I hope she doesn't die. Yeah. Because, you know, cheap as creepers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 You know what it's time for, Mason? Oh, yes. What are we reading? Oh, what are we going to read? I'm doing the thing. What are we reading today? All right. Can I just quickly say, I did a couple of podcasts this week.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Oh, yeah. That are both out next Monday, the 23rd. Oh, yes. One was with NerdSync, which is an awesome YouTube channel. And that's where we just talk about, you know, I talk about my channel and he talks about his channel and how to get started and things we've faced along the way, including people taking away YouTube channels. And is this going to be on YouTube?
Starting point is 01:10:44 That will be on YouTube and on iTunes. Okay, cool. It's an awesome podcast. He's done another one with ComicStorian, which is like a big comic book YouTube channel guy. And it was a lot of fun. So there's that one. And I'll remind everyone next week of this as well. But also Plumbing the Death Star.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I went and did three episodes with those guys. Jeez. Which was awesome also. And the one that's coming out next week is why is hawkeye in the avengers oh yes so look i know the we mostly talk about the movie avengers guy and how he's not so crash hot the comic book version gets it gets more love but the movie version we'll see how that goes he doesn't really shoot down the helicarrier with two arrows though yeah but then he doesn't oh yeah that's a good point he doesn't he's rubbish cool man I'll be on that podcast
Starting point is 01:11:25 eventually yeah I know because I want to get you on as well yeah cool oh they mentioned they're going to do at some point
Starting point is 01:11:30 a wise Batman in the Justice League one oh yeah and I was like you should get Mason on that yeah so
Starting point is 01:11:36 both those guys NerdSync podcast yep and Plumbing the Death Star check them both out even before I'm on them especially before Mason goes on them
Starting point is 01:11:44 yeah good advice I'm also reading a book before Mason goes on them. Yeah. Good advice. I'm also reading a book called The Martian by Andy Weir, which is about a man stranded on Mars. So basically he's set in the near-ish future. His team think he dies in an accident and they take off and he's stuck there. And the next mission comes back in four years and he's like not enough oxygen and food and everything for that four years.
Starting point is 01:12:07 So they're actually making a movie out of it. Ridley Scott's doing it with Matt Damon. So it's basically, is it Robinson Crusoe? It is Robinson Crusoe. Yeah, it's basically that on Mars. Yeah. So it's good so far. There's a lot of like...
Starting point is 01:12:19 You can call it Robinson Space-O. Right? Yeah. Space hyphen O. Hyphen O, yeah. There's a lot of like... And the O is like a telescope and he's looking through it.
Starting point is 01:12:31 There's a lot of like combining different gases to make water and whatever. Oh, yeah, sure. I don't entirely understand that. Hydrogen and oxygen, there's only the two. Yes, but there's the method
Starting point is 01:12:40 and whatever. There's other stuff as well. But it's great. I've been really enjoying it, even though books are for nerds. So don't tell anybody I'm reading books, Mason. Okay's other stuff as well. But it's great. I've been really enjoying it. Even though books are for nerds. So don't tell anybody I'm reading books, Mason. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:49 No one will know. No one will know. Yeah. You got a watch? What are you reading? Well, I read Old Man Logan. Oh, yeah. I lent it to you.
Starting point is 01:12:55 It's pretty good. Did you fox any of the edges? Yeah, I foxed all the edges, mate. I bookmarked them by turning the page over and just bending it real good. That's fine. I'm not too precious.
Starting point is 01:13:07 What did you think of it, though? Broke the spine. Broke the spine. What did you actually think of it, though? Did you like it? Because I enjoyed it a lot. It's pretty solid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:15 There is, without spoiling it, there is a twist in it. Even though we spoiled it last week. Did we? Yeah, I think so. No, don't spoil it. Yeah, there's a twist in it and I feel that
Starting point is 01:13:26 that twist has been used a couple of times in other forms of media quite recently it seems to be quite a regular but other than that
Starting point is 01:13:34 like if you take it on its own it's a good one it's a few years old though good action yeah spider mobile
Starting point is 01:13:38 is in it yes it's good what else did I do I watched the first two episodes of Better Call Saul oh me too you're across it
Starting point is 01:13:46 what do you think I like it a lot you I like it it's early days yeah I don't know if I'm 100% on board yet that hasn't
Starting point is 01:13:51 grabbed me and also I do feel that we're two episodes in and we've already seen Mike Ehrmantraut and Tuco yeah you're right
Starting point is 01:13:59 like I hope that's the only two recurring characters we get who were originally in Breaking Bad. Because otherwise, I don't want it to just be an endless parade of, here's this guy, what was he up to, blah, blah, blah. You're exactly right.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Yeah. I mean, you know, it'd be kind of interesting to see what Pinkman's up to or whatever. But it needs to stand on its own. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. No, I enjoyed it, though, because he's very good, isn't he?
Starting point is 01:14:24 I also did feel the premise is a little bit the same as Breaking Bad okay but instead of Walt having cancer it's he needs money he needs money for his brother
Starting point is 01:14:33 yeah because his brother has another weird island kind of thing yeah yeah cool well I'm all for that I'm gonna give it
Starting point is 01:14:39 some more episodes I'm gonna give it all of the episodes yeah I'll probably also give it all the episodes oh also I listened to a podcast um did you watch Breaking Bad not Breaking Bad some more episodes. I'm going to give it all of the episodes. Yeah, I'll probably also give it all the episodes. Also, I listen to a podcast. Did you watch Breaking Bad?
Starting point is 01:14:49 Not Breaking Bad. Did you watch Game of Thrones? No, I'll get to it. I've got a week where I'll do it. Anyway, this is good for our listeners, I think. We've mentioned it before. It's called Girl on Guy with Ayesha Tyler. Oh, yeah, yeah. Ayesha Tyler is the voice of, wait, Pam on Archer?
Starting point is 01:15:06 Yeah, yes. She's a voice on Archer. She is a voice on Lana. She's Lana on Archer. But she's got her own podcast where she talks to all sorts of guys in entertainment and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. And episode 153, she talks to Stephen Amell, who is Arrow.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Oh, okay. He's Arrow, and he's very thoughtful and a genuine, down-to-earth, nice guy, and it's great. And he can do that push-up. Oh, my candy. thoughtful and a genuine down to earth nice guy and it's great and he can do that push-up the the apparently his biggest regret in arrow was that he got so ripped in the pilot that he cannot maintain that anymore like there's no way to like do a you know learning all his lines and and film a show and do all the production and whatever and also maintain this ridiculous exercise regime that gives him like
Starting point is 01:15:47 several sets of abs it just doesn't work just loads of abs so now he's like you know he seems like a really nice guy but he does put his foot down he's like
Starting point is 01:15:56 do we have to can we have maybe a reason for the shirtless scene in this episode do we need like if there's no context maybe I'll just keep my shirt on maybe that could work
Starting point is 01:16:04 you know yeah fair enough yeah at least at least one a season though please yeah definitely yeah welcome back everybody
Starting point is 01:16:10 to another no ah ran out of space on the memory card oh yeah fixed it didn't we sure did
Starting point is 01:16:17 yeah is this staying in yeah great all right letters it's time for letters Mason didn't we just do letters
Starting point is 01:16:24 no we were going to do letters. That was a What We Readin'. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah. Great. Oh, no. Sorry. Ha!
Starting point is 01:16:31 This is, I don't know, this is a What We Readin' listener recommended one. Oh, yes. I don't know if you mentioned this in the podcast, but you should really check out Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. He's a fantasy novelist. He finished Wheel of Time after Robert Jordan died. And Steelheart is his take on superheroes. In the near future world, superhumans called epics.
Starting point is 01:16:50 I think this has been recommended to us before. Oh, really? Yes. Well, cancelled. But, no, but, in fairness, I didn't check it out then. So maybe I'll check it out now. Maybe. Go ahead again.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Began appearing and using their powers to take over the world. A boy whose father was killed by an epic called Steelheart joins a group called the Reckoners to get revenge. Oh, yeah. We have definitely been recommended before. Cool. All right. Well, there you go, Mason.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Yeah. That's two recommendations. I'm annoyed that people haven't heard every episode of this podcast. Yeah, right? Yeah. All right. Letters. It's time for letters.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Oh, yeah. Sure. Hello, guys. I just wanted to say I really enjoy the show. Your jolly nature is infectious in all the best ways and makes me smile. Just listened to an episode about Mark Millar. I felt the urge to write in. He has always been strange to me and every now and then he'll write something amazing.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Old Man Logan, Red Son. But most of his stuff is crap. The premise is always, what if so-and-so was a dickhead? The Ultimates 1 and 2 was basically just, what if every superhero was a dickhead the ultimates one and two was basically just what if every superhero was a dickhead that is true you'd hate yeah i think a lot of the characterizations of the movie marvel characters are based on the ultimates a little bit oh okay iron man especially yeah yeah like he wasn't as much of a dick in the in the regular marvel universe until the ultimates yeah but boy i'm glad they didn't go with that The Ultimates Iron Man suit because it is terrible.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Yeah, it's not so great, is it? Yeah, yeah. The most recent one being MPH, which I haven't read actually, where I guessed it would be What If The Flash Was A Dickhead? And I was more or less right. Yeah, if you'd said just then. I haven't read that yet. Ultimately, I look at most of Millar's work
Starting point is 01:18:22 and just think, yeah, I get it. I read Watchmen 2. Keep up the great work. Yeah, that's definitely fair. Ultimately, I look at most of Millar's work and just think, yeah, I get it. I read Watchmen 2. Whoa. Keep up the great work. Yeah, that's definitely fair. And watch out for all them Draculas. Yeah, mate. Also, I heard Hamill this week in an interview say, Miller, Mark Hamill.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Okay, right. And he noticed him personally. So make of that what you will. Yeah, okay. Hi, Nick and James. My name is Dylan. I like this girl in my class and I was wondering if you know of any good comic book themed pick up lines.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Also, I can add the official badass unicorn. Love the show, and I hope it will go forever. Us too. Don't we, Mason? Yes. Any pick up lines? I would recommend don't use a comic book pick up line unless you're super into comics. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:58 In which case, hide your love of comic books. That's not a good idea. Good idea. What about the killing joke monologue? Oh yeah, definitely. Yeah, tell the... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I can't think of anything that would be... I'm a non-believer in pick up lines. Yeah, exactly. My strategy has always been just go in, mind blank,
Starting point is 01:19:21 first thing comes out of your mouth. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. That's a good point, yeah. Neg? No, don't neg. Don't do any of that negging.
Starting point is 01:19:31 No, sir. Can I show you my enchanted hammer? Mjolnir. Don't say that. No? Don't say any of that. No, look. Just be yourself.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Just be yourself. And sometimes that works. Have nice shoes. Have nice shoes is important, isn't it? Yeah. Did you wear a tie? No. At school?
Starting point is 01:19:48 No. What if you were at private school? Oh, then definitely wear a tie. Yeah. Yeah. Unless it's cool not to wear a tie. Yeah, unless you want to be a rebel who doesn't wear a tie, then maybe wear it loose. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Yeah. I don't know. I don't know anything about picking up high school girls. Yeah. Which is good. It's weird we haven't contemplated it, really. Yeah. Oh, well. Good luck, though. Yeah, definitely. girls yeah it's weird we haven't contemplated really yeah oh well good luck though yeah definitely yeah don't hit anybody with a lot of comic book knowledge straight away especially
Starting point is 01:20:11 if they're not into it because that does people do not like especially even even if they have even if she has i mean she's in high school whatever but even if she has like a like a superhero themed backpack or whatever doesn't mean doesn't mean anything yeah and that's not her being like a fake. No. She's not a fake geek or a fake whatever. Sounds like she is basically. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:29 It's just, that's the thing that's cool. And you can buy it like urban outfitters or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. And so people are just like, but you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:37 We've had a discussion about fake geeks generally. Not entirely. People, you know, there's always people, isn't it? And they're like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:20:43 there's so many fake geek girls and fake geeks or whatever there really isn't like that's not really a thing i honestly don't even i don't know but yeah but it's like you know people yeah well people are like oh there's so many there's fake you there's these people are pretending to be geeks just so they can attract attention from the opposite sex you know who you know they want to attract geeks because then they'll be there you know whatever yeah yeah but it's not really a thing so it's just it's just that i'm trying to think if there even is an example of that being true i'm sure there is i'm sure of some like i'm sure there would be i'm sure there's like one or two celebrities like high profile yeah who are like look i need to capture a certain market share you know i'm i'm
Starting point is 01:21:23 a good looking actor and i have to compete with thousands of others. People have said that about Olivia Munn. Yeah, so that's a... And like Zoe Deschanel. Deschanel, not so much. Maybe Olivia Munn a little bit. Where it's like, well, I've got to capture this market and there's tens of thousands of other good-looking actors.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I've got to find a thing. So I'll put on, you know, black front glasses and learn a bit about Star Wars or whatever. But people in the real world are not like that. It's just that like, we were talking about fashion earlier. The fashion industry is just churns through things and it
Starting point is 01:21:56 always needs more things to sell. And right now it's like nerd chic. It's like black frame glasses and t-shirts that have like Sonic the Hedgehog on them or whatever. And people aren't buying those because they're pretending to be nerds it's just they're in the shop and they're like i remember sonic the hedgehog that's pretty cool i'll wear that do you remember when girls used to carry bags with like pictures of marilyn monroe and audrey hepburn on them yeah that was a thing yeah so yeah you're right yeah anyway what i'm saying
Starting point is 01:22:21 is there's no such thing as fake gay girls but that being said even if she's got that maybe she doesn't know what you're talking about so just be general be nice see where the conversation goes ask her if she saw
Starting point is 01:22:31 Better Call Saul oh yeah I think TV's a good way to open what TV shows you watch but if they say I don't watch TV I paint or something walk away
Starting point is 01:22:40 yeah fuck that there's arts for nerds don't need that yeah got a question here yeah my question is
Starting point is 01:22:46 do you guys appreciate watching TV shows more either like binge watching it or week to week I watch Agent Shield week to week and I enjoyed it
Starting point is 01:22:54 but my best friend binged watched it in the weekend and it's her favourite show from previously official Speed Racer distributor now the official
Starting point is 01:23:01 food crumb in J Jonah Jameson's moustache fantastic what do you binge watch it depends on how intense the show is I think like if I'm watching now the official food crumb in J. Jonah Jameson's mustache. Fantastic. What do you binge watch? It depends on how intense the show is, I think. Like if I'm watching maybe like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, if I'm not, because that's a very light show.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Yeah, that just flows. Like it's fun. If I'm a few weeks behind, I'll just get all four episodes or whatever and I'll just watch one after the other kind of thing. In whatever order. Yeah, exactly. It literally does not matter. But if you're talking
Starting point is 01:23:25 about a Breaking Bad or a Better Call Saul like I watched I watched the first two episodes back to back yeah I could maybe do
Starting point is 01:23:33 one more yeah and then I think I'd need a break it gets to a point where I know I'm the same where I can watch it
Starting point is 01:23:39 but I don't enjoy it yeah yeah yeah like I'm like I feel like I'm just doing this because right I have to yeah
Starting point is 01:23:44 yeah but you know what watching four seasons of Game of Thrones is going to be a breeze for me very soon I'm going to binge watch those and it's going to be great I binge watched
Starting point is 01:23:52 the first seven episodes of uh what's that Matthew McConaughey Woody Harrelson one true to second yeah I watched those all in one sitting
Starting point is 01:24:00 and that is very harrowing but I still it was fine if it was seven episodes if it was eight episodes I watched seven if it was six I watched five whatever it was yeah but yeah anyway have a good one take care mate that dude who wrote official food come look after yourself sounds very australian yeah and beer said mate yeah no i'm saying that to him all right sure yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:24:19 you sound very australian well don't i with your lack of an accent. It was eight episodes. They're right episodes. Thank you. Yeah. One more letter from Jesse, the official prison warden of the podcast. Is there anyone, hey guys, love the pod. Is anyone else concerned how prisoners are treated in the Arrow slash Flash TV universe?
Starting point is 01:24:42 Arrow keeps Slade Wilser behind bars in some underground jail on an island. Flash keeps his freaks of the week in solitary confinement in the back room of a star's lab of stars lab i did star lab sorry that that that did concern me i'm like it's just a box it's just a box and they've had no they've had no due process no like there's no they haven't been put on trial Or anything like that I mean they're all bad guys Yeah But I mean Like all of Like Arrow's villains are just They're mostly just
Starting point is 01:25:11 Like murderers Yeah Set up to the cops It's more the It's more the Flash thing that bothers me Set up the cops or kill them Yeah What about the girl
Starting point is 01:25:18 Did you see the recent episode The Flash the girl who could teleport No And they put her inside a mirrored room So she can see She can see somewhere she can teleport there. Oh, I see. And she's just screaming against the glass. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:25:30 And then it's like, job well done. Yeah, what you should probably do. And she wasn't that bad a person either. Yeah. I mean, yeah, what you should probably do is say, go to the authorities and say, hey, this woman can teleport. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Here's some video evidence or whatever. Just keep her eyes covered. Yeah, exactly. Or, and here's this mirrored prison we built. Yeah. Have that. And then put her on a legitimate trial for whatever she did. Murder or something.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Yeah, you're right. Or teleporting somewhere she should have. There doesn't seem to be any way to get these people food or water and there's no bathroom facilities. And we believe that the villains are left to starve to death in a pile of their own feces what the hell so yeah he's right he is or jesse could be it's an e at the end it's a yeah like i think if at some point in the series the the good guys are put to task for doing that yeah then it will be a good resolution sure but if they just gloss over it yeah like i can sort of see in an episode of Arrow,
Starting point is 01:26:26 you know, a supporting character or whatever coming in and being like, what the hell? Yeah. That kind of thing. You guys have gone insane with your quest for justice or whatever. And then they have a realisation.
Starting point is 01:26:35 There will be a moment when they all get out. Yeah, exactly. Of course they will, yeah. Maybe that'll be the tipping point, I guess. But why did they even have all those rooms that's a really good question probably disco parties yeah I guess so
Starting point is 01:26:49 disco for Cisco yeah precisely alright that's the show for this week we did it again I just wanted to say we mentioned the Patreon already
Starting point is 01:26:58 slash MrSundayMovies yep if I finish a video early I'm just gonna I'm just gonna chuck it up there oh good call so if you donated any amount of money I mean you'll still see it regardless but it might be a day earlier or a few hours earlier or whatever so it won't be every week or whatever but sure so no guarantees
Starting point is 01:27:14 no promises no guarantees of anything ever that's my guarantee that is your guarantee you guarantee yeah so i think that would be cool but also i wanted to ask you um lewis has written in and he said he wants to know when we're going to ask you, Lewis has written in and he said he wanted to know when we're going to do another episode of Never Go Back. Oh, yeah. He said you're not working on Thursday. Correct.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Do you want to do one on Thursday? Yes. Maybe. Before 2.30? We do it before 2.30? Okay, great. These are details that are off the podcast details,
Starting point is 01:27:38 but sure, let's do that. Yeah, and that won't necessarily be up next week, but... Do it this week off. No, but you know, I'll manage something. I understand. I'll Frenango.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Oh, I get it. Give it a good old Frenango. Oh, yeah. Give it the old grim Fandango. Also, I've been blocked out of my Facebook account for the Weekly Planet and Mr. Sunday Movies. Really? So I'm blocked out as well, presumably.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Are you a person on there? Did I make you a thing? No. I was just going to use the regular ones then we're all blocked out what did you do nothing really
Starting point is 01:28:08 they just sent me I went to log in they're like we don't know if this is really you send us some proof of ID and I'm like I didn't even put this
Starting point is 01:28:13 under my real name exactly I don't know if I can get it back well they're very they're sticklers for real names now on Facebook
Starting point is 01:28:20 yeah so I don't know I guess that might be done off in the wilderness but I think it still goes through if I post something to Twitter I think it still goes through, if I post something to Twitter, I think it still goes through. Okay, that's good to know. So whatever.
Starting point is 01:28:29 So if I'm not replying on that, it's because I can't. So if you want to just cover that in just racist slogans and whatever horrific stuff, just as a joke, because we can't delete it at this point. Oh dear, oh dear. Thank you for the Bruton the Basilics for the things we like them don't we we do
Starting point is 01:28:47 we're not against them we guarantee it's another guarantee yeah next week we'll do something else might do a topic like best whatever
Starting point is 01:28:55 or something absolutely best whatever sure I've got a list of topics where can they find us in the style in the style of Michael Caine wait
Starting point is 01:29:04 here could find no I can't do it oh well here could find us In the style of Michael Caine. Wait. You can find... No, I can't do it. Oh, well. You can find us at Weekly Planet Pod. No, I can't. It doesn't... I can't maintain it for more than like two words. You can find us at Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Gmail
Starting point is 01:29:17 and one assumes Facebook at some point. Yeah, it's still there. What else? I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies on Twitter and all those ones. And the YouTube and all that. Yeah, it's pretty good. on Twitter. Oh, Mr. Sunday Movies on Twitter and all those ones. The YouTube and all that. Yeah. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Pretty great. Yeah. That's it. That's the show. Yep. Yeah, mate. If you've got like something to say, email us or whatever. Send it to all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Yeah. Great. Probably don't send it to Facebook because I can't check it. Or do. Because you can't check it. We could do some kind of meta heist. Yeah, absolutely. Hack here.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Some sort of hack. I don't know, how do you get around that? You hack the planet, man. That's what you do. See, the problem with these things is, and I've experienced this with YouTube, I've actually got this with PayPal as well at the moment. It's like, confirm your identity as well. And I'm like, I didn't put that under my real name either.
Starting point is 01:29:58 So now I'm going through that whole thing. It's just a nightmare. But I just need to talk to a person yeah do you know what i mean yeah you cannot and i understand it's a free service yep so why would they let me talk to a person exactly yeah so finding a phone number paypal is a nightmare yeah exactly and um that one i'll clear up this facebook one i may not never be able to but if anybody knows someone there yeah totally just oh we have t-shirts we never mentioned that our good mate
Starting point is 01:30:26 golden legend just go to and search for weekly planet and there's t-shirts you can put on any colour t-shirt
Starting point is 01:30:31 you want you can put them on a hoodie you can put them on a phone case they'll look really good do you want to do a competition or something
Starting point is 01:30:36 yeah let's give away a couple if you're a patreon we'll give away two how about that let's give away two t-shirts even if you're one now or you're a new one
Starting point is 01:30:42 whatever I always get very happy when I see on twitter somebody will send us a photo of them out in the real world wearing the shirt, the Weekly Planet shirt. So if anything, make Mason happy. Also, there's a thing up there. There's a bonus.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Remember when we did that Versus episode? This has gone way too long. We did that Versus episode. There was about three or four Versus which I cut out. Oh, yeah. And I've put them on the Patreon. I will put them up in the podcast probably next month or maybe later this month on the actual regular as a Minnesota.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Yeah, yeah. But you can listen to that right now if you want. It's like 10 minutes or whatever. Cool. It's okay. Sounds fun. So I'm trying to do more stuff, I guess. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:16 We'll do another Never Go Back. What is it called? Never Look Back? Never Look At A Back. Never Look At A Back. Never Look At Baby Got Back. The Sub Mix live video clip it's very dated at this point it is anyway we'll do another one we'll pick it we'll pick a game
Starting point is 01:31:29 we'll play that we'll play the hell out of it that's enough plugs isn't it yeah i think so yeah if anything it's too many plugs bye okay bye grab that jam folks as women our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit

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