The Weekly Planet - 75 Star Wars: Rogue One & Chappie

Episode Date: March 16, 2015

Big week for Star Wars with announcements for both Star Wars Episode VIII and the first spin-off movie.We also talk Marvel's absence from this years San Diego Comic Con, some new DC costumes, Suicide ...Squad casting and Niel Blompkamps Chappie actually being rather good. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of My name is James, editor of that website. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. I'm here. Yes. I'm giving you nothing. That's right. Let's just start.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Great. Okay, good. So, news straight up top. Did you hear that Marvel, James Gunn said on Twitter that Marvel aren't going to Comic-Con this year? Is that, that's big. Yes. It's real big. That's big. Yes. It's real big. That's the home of whooping.
Starting point is 00:01:29 That is, absolutely. It's the home of whooping and anything. If you want thousands of nerds to just whoop at a thing you've made, you take it to Comic-Con. Yeah, you're right. Why? Is there a reason for that? Does he know?
Starting point is 00:01:39 He doesn't specify, but he said as far as he knows, they're not going. That doesn't mean they might have a smaller kind of panel or something. Maybe they're going to do their own thing. Well, that's the thing, though. They do do their own thing. Do do. Disney have their own kind of conferences throughout the year. Remember when they released the Marvel slate or whatever,
Starting point is 00:01:57 and they did it on their own terms? I don't think they really need to go, to be honest. Yeah. It'd be nice, though. I'd imagine. Do you want some whoops? Sure. I reckon to go, to be honest. Yeah. It'd be nice, though. I'd imagine. Do you want some whoops? Sure. I reckon there's going to be objections.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Like Robert Downey Jr. will be like, I want to get whooped out, though. But they get whooped out on their own terms. That's true, they do. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And that's the dream, isn't it? Absolutely, that's the dream. But that leaves it open, though, to DC just taking over the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:02:25 which is fine. I guess Marvel know that if they're really serious about this. The thing is, though, as well, Civil War's next year. Yes. They'd have something to show by then. But Ant-Man comes out like two weeks later. Right. I don't really think it's even a prime time to even do it necessarily.
Starting point is 00:02:44 You're probably right. Then again, they showed Age of Ultron last year. And what happened? Everyone whooped. Everybody did whoop. Thank you. But then people say that DC won last year with their Batman Superman reveal. So maybe they're just like, whatever, we just want to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I think Marvel kind of won for actual content. Yeah, okay. As opposed to one frame of batman in the dark knight returns suit or whatever yeah yeah fair point yeah but they probably got the most whoops though on whoop on whoop alone yeah that's all i'm saying maybe disney have decided as well that they're going to do a big star wars push this year instead maybe that's got something to do with it maybe yeah but yeah whatever doesn't really. We don't go to these things. No, exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I'd imagine though, if you did buy tickets, you'd be pretty upset, I'd imagine. Yes, that's probably right. So have tickets for next year's already gone on sale? This year's. This year's, all right. Yeah, I think it's, I don't know if it's done, but yeah, they've been signing for a while. Yeah, people might be mad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Are you mad? Because we were going to go. We were not going to go, but I am mad. We've talked about this before. Would you go? I wouldn't go. End of story. I wouldn't go, like, buy a ticket and visit.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, sure. Like, if we somehow tricked people into giving us press passes or whatever, and we could bypass some lines or whatever. Yeah. I do not relish the idea. I'm too old to wait in lines. Yeah, exactly. So, no, I would absolutely not do that that's exactly all you have to i mean you know
Starting point is 00:04:09 either you wait in line for four hours yeah and you get in on the previous panel yeah right up the front so you can wait for the actual panel you know and sit through that for an hour yeah and then wait for the actual panel you're interested in, or you just line up and either you get in or you don't get in, but you get like right in the back or whatever. Yeah. I mean, for that kind of view, I can just wait for somebody to film it on their phone and put it on YouTube. That's exactly what I feel as well.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yeah. So in your face, Comic-Con. That's right, Comic-Con. We're never coming. Yeah. Unless it's free and we could sit up the front with our arms crossed. Yeah, exactly. Just be real disapproving.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. All right. Fair enough. Well, exactly. Just being real disapproving. Yeah. All right, fair enough. Well, speaking of Marvel news, though, did you see the heartwarming story of Robert Downey Jr. giving a kid a bionic arm? Yes, I did. Just to be clear, he didn't make it. No, he did not.
Starting point is 00:04:54 But he did. He seemed to take credit for it. No, that was great. What did you think? No, it was good. It's great. I think you were saying that it's good that Marvel have selected actors who can do that.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, exactly. Who can make public appearances. They're all good at it. Chris Pratt's great at it. Chris Evans is good at it. But you know what? I feel like if it was- You wouldn't want bloody, what's his face from Man of Steel?
Starting point is 00:05:20 What's his name again? Henry Cavill. Henry Cavill. He seems like a really nice guy. He does, but I don't know if you want him showing up at your hospital bed. Hit the heat vision your face off. Yeah. Patton Oswalt made an interesting point.
Starting point is 00:05:33 He was on Movie Fights or Screen Junkies or something earlier this week, and I think I was talking to you about this. He said every DC character now is like a guy glaring at the screen. He's all brooding. Yeah, like every post is just like a guy or a girl just angrily staring at something. Right, sure, yeah. And he says, and look,
Starting point is 00:05:50 there remains to be seen whether this works or not. The only person who should be brooding is Batman because then it makes sense. Sure. Because if everybody's brooding... There's nowhere else to go. Exactly, there's nowhere else to go. But, you know, we don't know how that's going to play out, though.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Because, you know, but if you look at like the Marvel posters, everybody's brooding to go. Exactly. There's nowhere else to go. But, you know, we don't know how that's going to play out though. Because of, you know, but if you look at like the Marvel posters, everybody's brooding in those. Yeah. But then we've got enough. Context. We've got enough context and we've got enough footage of them not brooding. Yeah. But all we have, they say, is just posters of brooding.
Starting point is 00:06:18 How did we get onto that? Because I've got a DC bashing. Oh. Robert Downey Jr. Yeah, yeah. Great. Yeah, it's a great video if you haven't seen it
Starting point is 00:06:26 and you know what it's not like like it's it's on the heartstrings right it's right on there sure yeah stepping on them but it's not like
Starting point is 00:06:33 soaring music and whatever it's kind of like yeah it's not manipulative yeah very good you feel how you're gonna feel you feel how you're gonna feel
Starting point is 00:06:40 yeah and I know the kids seem really cool with it and I don't know it just went I thought it was really nice. Yeah. I like seeing that stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah. Which would give me an arm. This is the third one. Oh, yeah. Sure. Absolutely. Yeah. You've earned it.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I have, haven't I? But speaking of DC. Oh, yes. You know how they're relaunching something and Convergence and something and Storylines or whatever. Oh, yeah. They're doing that this week. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yeah. But did you see all the new costumes? I saw there's a new Wonder Woman costume. Yeah. They've gone pants again. Pants again. I like that one, actually. Superman's going back to T-shirt and jeans.
Starting point is 00:07:11 That's an odd choice, isn't it? Yeah, stop going back to that. You know what? I think maybe they're going to go T-shirt and jeans and then revamp him as just regular Superman again. Okay, sure. Like underwear on the outside again, maybe. Yeah, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Okay. I did say that the underwear would come back at one point. You did, yeah. Yeah. He looks like Superboy. That's like the Superboy costume. Yeah, it is the Superboy costume. The S is different, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:32 But he just looks like a middle-aged dad wearing a Superman t-shirt, though. He looks... A guy who keeps fit. Yeah, but not even... Like, the couple of shots I've seen of it, he just looks like... Yeah. The Flash looks like... It's kind of lumpy i think
Starting point is 00:07:45 look i think they're doing doing this on purpose obviously so people are like what the hell is this or whatever what's going on they've obviously got a plan in place this would be a temporary thing like every costume is sure is ever the flash one pretty much is is pretty close i haven't seen it i'm looking at it but the batman suit is like this kind of mech. Yeah, it's an armoured mech kind of thing. Yeah, and that's cool as well. I mean, it's not traditional Batman, is it? But he has had mech suits. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I'm not too stressed about the look of it or whatever because everything changes. I'm more interested in how it gets to that point and what they're going to do with it. Yeah, yeah. So that's pretty cool. Oh, Green Lantern's costume. He's wearing a hood?
Starting point is 00:08:26 I haven't seen that one. Check this out. It just looks like Green Arrow. Yeah, exactly. And he's got like, it's more a glove than a... Yeah, okay. It's a Green Lantern gauntlet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:38 As opposed to a ring. There we go. That's interesting. It's a prototype. Can it just be a ring that he then makes into a gauntlet or do they give him a gauntlet? He steals it. It's a prototype. Oh, is it? Yeah. Spoiler alert. It's this here. It's on prototype. Can it just be a ring that he then makes into a gauntlet? Or do they give him a gauntlet? He steals it. It's a prototype.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Oh, is it? Yeah. Spoiler alert. It's this here. It's on IGN. It's not my conjecture. I've never conjectured about anything. You should have said that was your conjecture.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I would have been like, what the hell? Batman is a giant gun. It's probably a taser or something. Yeah. Yeah. But it's the same creative team on Batman as well. Yeah, yeah. I still feel like with this new run of Superman, I've said this before, I don't think any of
Starting point is 00:09:11 them have been that good. Right, okay. I think they're fine. They're okay. But I feel like I want to see something really, really good from that. Suicide Squad casting news. Oh, yes. Joe Mangiello.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yes. We talked about him recently. He's the guy from True Blood. He punched Peter Parker in the guy from True Blood. He punched Peter Parker in the first Spider-Man. Oh, yes. Or he tried to. He was nearly Superman, the Man of Steel Superman.
Starting point is 00:09:35 They say that he's pretty much a lock for Deathstroke. Interesting. Okay, that works. I saw a fan mock-up poster. I reckon he'd be great. I reckon he'd be a really, really good choice. I think I like him more for Deathstroke than I do Superman to be honest interesting
Starting point is 00:09:48 does he have an evil glint in his eye he does have a bit yeah we did try to punch Tobey Maguire that's true yeah but who hasn't
Starting point is 00:09:53 do you think they're going to give him grey hair I think so yeah I mean they might not but sure but he's kind of I think he's like 38
Starting point is 00:09:59 so he could go either way whatever the big news from this week though yes is Star Wars related. Actually, the biggest news is, if I can jump in,
Starting point is 00:10:10 the biggest news is Vince Gilligan, creator and executive producer of Breaking Bad, has said, please, fans of Breaking Bad, stop throwing pizza on the roof of the Breaking Bad house. That's pretty good, isn't it? That's good.
Starting point is 00:10:22 He's like, please stop doing it because apparently an old lady lives there or something like um uh yeah the woman who lives there because i guess they used they used external shots for the exterior shots or whatever and apparently it's incredibly annoying like it's a it's the thing to do now you you recognize the house maybe there's some breaking bad tour you recognize the house i assume you get really stoned yeah because why else would you order a pizza and then throw it i tell you what if it was the street over from me i'd do it how many times once yeah but like that's a very popular show yeah like if one in a hundred people did it once that's pizza for the rest of your life absolutely yeah anyway uh if you if you're one of our listeners and you live in albuquerque
Starting point is 00:11:05 stop doing that yeah stop doing that or take a video and send it to us one of the two here's a question though yeah if you bought a pizza right yeah to do this specifically you got there and there was already a pizza there would you throw it oh i wouldn't i'd be like that's not in keeping with the show because there can't be two pizzas on the roof. For continuity's sake, there can't be two pizzas on the roof. Yeah. That's true. So you wouldn't? If you had to.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I think you would. By the way, I wouldn't really throw a pizza on an old lady's roof. Sure, yeah. Just so we're clear. Maybe you'd attempt to knock the first pizza off. And it'd be like, you know, lawn bowls. You've got to knock the last lawn bowl away and get yours closer. How are you knocking a
Starting point is 00:11:45 pizza off a roof with another well that's the challenge isn't it yeah maybe roll it up in your ball i don't know sure i stopped doing that yeah actually there's also news um sad news terry pratchett died oh you did say that's a shame yeah yeah there's i was a big fan of the discworld novels i've never read any they're very good uh. There's also a Neo, he did a collaboration with Neil Gaiman called Good Omens. Okay. Which became a TV miniseries. Yeah. The book's really good.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I didn't say this, miniseries. When was the miniseries a miniseries? Can't remember. Way back in the day. Was it not like in the past three years? No. Then it's probably terrible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Oh, yes. Yeah, did a lot of great stuff. Yeah, he did. Yeah. He had that good, you showed me that too. Oh, okay. Yeah. He used to, if this isn't a mark of great stuff, Terry Pratchett. Yeah, he did. He had that good, you showed me that t-shirt. Oh, okay, yeah. He used to, if this isn't a mark of a good guy, where is it? He used to, when he went to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:32 he was invited to literary stuff or conventions or stuff like that, he'd wear a t-shirt that says, Tolkien's dead, J.K. Rowling said no, Philip Pullman couldn't make it, hi, I'm Terry Pratchett, which I think is pretty. He wasn't very old either Was he? 66
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah that's not very old at all No no But he had Alzheimer's didn't he? Yeah yeah But apparently he's still You know very sharp I saw him on Like his tweets are quite recent
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah I mean Who knows I mean There's a lot of like celebrities That are dead and tweet Oh sure yeah You know what I mean
Starting point is 00:13:01 Like so I'm not Like maybe he didn't write those But it seems like he was He was still keeping You know With it Yeah? So maybe he didn't write those, but it seems like he would still keep them with it. Did it say how did he die specifically? I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Okay. Fair enough. Speaking of death. Sure, yeah. Ghostbusters. Oh, yes. I wasn't going to bring this up, but now I've remembered to bring it up.
Starting point is 00:13:19 They're talking now there's going to be a male Ghostbusters movie. Good. My childhood's back on track isn't it funny out when that happened people like oh good fine excellent this is what i want to say they're still doing the all-female one but now that it looks like they're franchising it out right okay we're talking about um chris pratt yeah of course they are tatum yeah probably joe to hill yeah uh yeah uh yeah i think just get one right and then we'll see yeah yeah but i think that's alleviated a lot of people's anger yeah look i'm gonna get i'm gonna take a wild stab
Starting point is 00:13:51 yeah it has i'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say the paul feig all women's ghostbusters probably gonna be better i hope it is because it seems to be a group of funny people yeah who seem to be interested in doing it as opposed to 23 jump street yeah yeah or just people you know i don't know we have to fix this mistake we have to you know it's like when they're like well we have to keep making these fantastic four movies otherwise we'll lose the yeah we'll lose the copyright or whatever i'll lose the license same thing i think it's kind of like you think they have to give up the license no i don't think that's true but i think they're just like well they have to give up the license? No, I don't think that's true, but I think they're just like,
Starting point is 00:14:25 well, we have to do it, so let's throw something out there to stop people panicking. I know they mentioned a while back, I think Dan Aykroyd was like, yeah, we're going to make a Marvel Universe or whatever, and everyone went, shut your fucking mouth, Dan Aykroyd.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah. But it turns out, that's, guess what they're doing. Yeah, yeah. There you go. I don't care, whatever. As long as everybody's childhoods aren't ruined anymore, that's what I care about. Correct. But no, the big news of the week, Mason. Oh, yeah. There you go. I don't care. Whatever. As long as everybody's childhoods aren't ruined anymore, that's what I care about.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Correct. But no, the big news of the week, Mason. Oh, yes. Aside from the fact that we saw Chappie. Oh, we did see that. It was on Reddit. It's front page. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:54 But there's the Star Wars Episode 7 has been given, sorry, 8 has been given a release date. Yes. Of May 16th, May, sorry, sorry of May 26, 2017, which is actually less than two years. So they're bringing it back to the May release date because the one that's coming out this year, they pushed it back.
Starting point is 00:15:18 It was supposed to be coming out this May. And J. Jonah Jameson, the director, said, no, we're going to push it back or whatever. And they confirmed Rian Johnson to direct it as well, who did your favourite film, Brick. Thank you. In addition to that, there's a title for the first spin-off movie. Rogue One, is it called?
Starting point is 00:15:39 Rogue One, yeah. Which could mean any number of things. Speculate, go. X-Men. Yep, Rogue from the X-Men that's true it could be Brogue 1 and it's about shoes or accents so you're saying they've said it wrong
Starting point is 00:15:55 yeah I think they've probably said it, it's probably a typo if anything okay Brogue 1, interesting I think it's in A New Hope when they were making that Death Star trench run. There's a bit where the animators got angry or upset or something, so they just had a shoe, like, fly through. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I think it's in A New Hope. It might be in another one. Well, it's probably the story of Brogue 1. Yeah. But, yeah, Felicity Jones is going to star, and she was in Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2. She was going to be Black Cat, but she just ended up being a secretary.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Oh, that's right. Sure. For like 30 seconds or whatever. But she's great. But it's all right. In the next one, she'll go into the warehouse under the building and get her origin story. That's right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:40 But she was Oscar nominated for the, what's that movie called? The Stephen Hawking one. Theory of Everything? Yeah. And she's also in Like Crazy. nominated for the, what's that movie called? The Stephen Hawking one. Theory of Everything? Yeah. And she's also in Like Crazy. You've seen Like Crazy? Yeah. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Okay. Don't watch it if you're sad. I'm always sad. I'm like the Hulk, but I'm always sad. But yeah, Rogues, I did a video on this. I haven't put it out yet. Maybe you should. Yeah, I will.
Starting point is 00:17:02 All right. Do you want to watch it now? Not really. I'm not quite finished. But let's both All right. Do you want to watch it now? Not really. It's not quite finished. But let's both have water. Do you want to? Yep. Life-giving liquid.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Wait, yours is just a cup of sand. Yeah. All right. Yes. Where'd you get that? Did you bring that from home? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Anyway, Chappy. all right yes would you get that did you bring that from home yeah okay anyway chappy good podcast i just poured it straight into my lung yeah i saw that makes for good podcasting so yeah speculation is that the rogues in the expanded universe and they sort of hint at it in which isn't canon anymore yep and they sort of hint at it in, which isn't canon anymore. Yep. And they sort of hint at it in the movies are usually a squadron, like an X-Wing squadron or a squadron of, you know, all different sorts of Star Wars planes. Oh, yeah, sure. They're called Star Wars planes, aren't they? Star Wars planes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Your X-Wings, your B-Wings, your A-Wings, your Y-Wings. The Y-Wings. There's probably more. I don't think so. What if we just guess at a letter and see if we're right or if we get angry emails about it? I think those are the only movie ones, except for like the snow speeders,
Starting point is 00:18:13 which can't go into the atmosphere, into the upper atmosphere because they have to be near snow. Sure, yeah. That's right. Canon. It's canon. It is canon. Anyway, you're saying Rogue Squadron.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Yeah, so it could be like a Rogue Squadron movie. And if it's Rogue One, maybe that's implying that this is the first team. Because in A New Hope, and I said this in the video that I'll probably put out, they're called Red Squadron. And then they all die except Wedge and Luke. And then they rename them the Rogue Group. I think they renamed them Rogue Flight and then they become Rogue Squadron.
Starting point is 00:18:48 But I don't think anybody says specifically Rogue Squadron in any of the movies. I might be wrong. They say Rogue, but I don't think they say Rogue. They say Star Wars. They say, I'm sure I'm tired of all these Star Wars. Yeah. That's not my job.
Starting point is 00:19:00 If you ever watched, there was an Upright Citizens Brigade TV series. And one episode, there's a guy who keeps trying to convince people that he has the title line in a whole bunch of movies, one of which is Star Wars. And apparently they keep getting cut out. He's like, boy, I sure am tired of all these Star Wars. That's the...
Starting point is 00:19:19 I think Rogue One is probably one of the... Like, it's about one specific member of the squad. So it's probably Felicity Jones. Yeah. Well, there was also a movie rumored called Red 5. And I think this might be that. Right. But that was supposed to come out in 2020.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And Skywalker was Red 5. Skywalker was, but there was a few that was Red 5. In the movies, Anakin Skywalker was Red 5. Okay, right. And the Crone was. Of course he was. Foreshadowing. Luke was.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yeah. I think Chewbacca was in the expanded universe and there's a guy called I can't remember his name is in the battle of Endor yeah his name's Dricks or Brax or something sure it's probably Dricks Brax exactly yeah no Grizz Grizz Dricks Brax yeah great hey we've come up with a new character that was easy easy. Yeah, and he's Red 5, but he explodes. Sure. But Red 5, though, is not a title. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:11 You just happen to be Red 5. Yeah, yeah. But Rogue One is you're the leader. Oh, I see, right. If you're Rogue One, you're whatever. Okay, sure. So, yeah, so you think that it could refer to a person. But there's also people saying initially the idea was
Starting point is 00:20:27 or the thought was and the rumors all pointed to this first movie was a heist film. Yep. And we've talked about this. Like a bounty hunter, you know, Magnificent Seven, Suicide Squad kind of Death Star heist plans film. And people are saying, well, maybe this is a combination of that and it's rebel pilots and
Starting point is 00:20:46 bounty hunters working together to steal the the death star oh interesting okay good yeah we might get our kyle katan after all yeah yeah it was kyle katan wasn't it yes in the expanded universe he's gone and they won't bring him back out of spite so it'll be it'll be drax bricks brax or whatever his name is drax bricker. Yeah, that'd be great. So, yeah. We also know that they said a while back, a couple years ago, that these are going to be origin stories, but it doesn't specify the origin of what specifically.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Sure. This could be the Rogue Squadron in Episode 7 and how maybe they've retired the rogues and this is like the new generation of, or something like that. Like it could be set in any time period. Yeah. Could be set on modern day Earth.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Ah, amazing. No, don't do that. You don't think so? No, terrible. There is that comic where, a few people have written in about it, where I think the Millennium Falcon goes through a time rift after Han Solo dies
Starting point is 00:21:43 and then Chewbacca crashes on earth and then he becomes the sasquatch and then indiana jones finds him oh okay that's great and by great i mean the worst thing ever is that an actual published comic yeah it's an actual public i mean it's not in canon in any canon anywhere who published it dark horse i Horse? I think I did it. Just in my room. I guess it would have had to have been, I guess. Yeah. I don't know how it works. Do we see Indiana Jones specifically?
Starting point is 00:22:11 I believe so. Or is it just a guy in a hat? I haven't read it. Okay, great. I reckon Chewbacca would have like flipped out. Yeah. Because he looks the same and acts the same and is the same. They're the same character.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Yeah, they are. Yes. Anyway. Whatevs. Yeah, they are. Yes. Anyway, whatevs. Well, anyway, but that one, though, is coming December of 2016. So next year. Yeah. So it's going to be a year between Star Wars films and then like another like five months and then another one.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So they're doing these like Marvel movies. They're just churning them out. Good. We can have an era of that then. We can have a couple of a few years of that. And then we can stop talking about it for a while. I don't think so. This is going to be every week forever.
Starting point is 00:22:53 How many do you reckon they'd have to tank for people to not care about this? When you say tank, do you mean unpopular? Yeah. They never would be unpopular though. Yeah, but I feel like they did it with Star Trek in one. Like they did Into Darkness. Everybody hated it. And if they just never made another one, I don't they did. They never would be unpopular, though. Yeah, but I feel like they did it with Star Trek in one. Like, they did Into Darkness. Everybody hated it. And if they just never made another one, I don't think anyone would care.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yeah, but I think Star Trek. It's Star Track. Thank you. It's Star Track. Yeah, absolutely. The public perception of Star Track is that it's for nerds, right? Yes. But Star Wars isn't.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Okay. So I think it was much easier for, because I remember when the first one came out, they did all these, here in Australia, they did these weird Vox Pops where they got, where people were coming out of the cinema. Yeah. And they, like, as part of the ad campaigns, they're like, this, it was a good movie and I'm a normal person. I'm not an awful nerd or whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And, like, there was a whole bunch, yeah, it's a film regular people can enjoy. It was kind of, they had to do some sort of preemptive damage control of like, oh, regular people can watch this as well. But there's never been that sort of stigma attached to Star Wars. I think there is, but it's not the same extent. Yeah, and I think with... Star Wars is more kind of common people popular, I guess.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah, so with Star Trek... Track. Thank you. With Star Trek, they didn't need that much of a push for people to hate it again yeah okay you just needed one bump and for people to go oh this is for nerds again like oh no and then but then they've lost faith but star wars but not only for for star trek yeah but like that alienated everybody that last movie because people who knew khan and wrath of karma like
Starting point is 00:24:23 how dare you sure yeah dare you remake wrath of khan and wrath of khan were like how dare you sure yeah dare you remake wrath of khan but worse and everybody else is like who's khan what what's happening sure yeah so i think they one foul swoop yeah they just got rid of everybody but i think also nerd stigma nerd stigma yeah and star wars has never had that so yeah fair enough but you're right though because they made three prequels that are universally panned. I think a lot of people do. There are fans of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And you know what? To be fair, when I saw the third one, I came out and I went, that was all right. That's just Stockholm Syndrome. Possibly. And then as soon as they said new Star Wars film, everyone was like, yes, great. No one was like, not again. I was. Everybody was on board except for you.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah. In summary. Star Wars. Yeah. And Star Trek. Also the Fantastic Four sequel, which was going to come out on June 2nd, 2017, which would have been a week after Star Wars 8. Sure. It's been pushed back a week.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Absolutely. Yeah. Push it back much longer or push it forward. Okay, sure. Have it make a couple of million bucks before Star Wars rolls in and ruins it. You're probably right. Yeah, it's probably the way to go. Well, that's what they did for Batman.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Now, you're saying Fantastic Four sequel. Yes. Has the other one just come out and I missed it? No, it hasn't come out. It hasn't come out yet, but they're already working on a sequel. Yes. Has the other one just come out and I missed it? No, it hasn't come out. It hasn't come out yet, but they're already working on a sequel. Yeah. That's interesting of them, isn't it? That's how they do it, man.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yeah. You didn't say that about Star Wars and you haven't seen any Star Wars. It's true. So what do you say to that? I don't know. What's the stigmatism attached to the Fantastic Four? They're all really bad. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah. Bad movies. And comics? comics now the comics are good okay all right here we go then yeah well i guess that's that's star wars and what that is star wars will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever join the sunrise challenge to raise funds for cam age the center for addiction Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for register today at sunrise that's sunrise well why don't we talk about chappy then okay because we we just came out of yes yeah we weren't
Starting point is 00:26:53 gonna do we're gonna talk about spider-man yep then i'm like i want to see chappy and you were like i want to also see chappy because the nobody saw chappy nobody saw chappy i know i know it's been out for a little while in the u.s yeah But nobody saw Chappie. I think the media savaged it quite badly from what I can tell. Yeah, it's like 33% on Rotten Tomatoes. Right. All the YouTube reviews that I've watched are like, it sucks, whatever. Uh-huh, sure. Very short reviews.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Succinct to the point. That's how you like them. Sounds like a guy falling off a cliff while doing a YouTube review. It sucks, that's it. Boom. Yeah. But people on Twitter, I've noticed, have been quite kind to it. See, I didn't know that until you said it.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I actually got an email here from Billy Arundel, among other things, but he said, saw Chappie, loved it. I really liked it. I liked it too. I don't know what people are talking about. Sure, yeah. I mean, it's not a perfect film, but what is? Fantastic Four 2. Correct. But what else?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Chappie. Yeah. Wait, it's not. No. Is it? What are we doing? It's so confusing. Yeah. Do we want to talk about the story though? Yes. About what it's about? Yes. Do you want me to do that or do you want you to do it? You should do that. I'm looking up De Antwoord, who are the two
Starting point is 00:28:03 main human haircuts. the two main human... Haircuts. The two main human South African haircuts in the form of living beings that are in this film. Yeah, yeah. Okay, sure. Okay, so the year is 2016. Oh, yes. Which is off.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Well, that's the future. Yeah. They should have said 2020, at least. And basically, in South Africa, they've rolled out this new uh tactical force of robots the scouts yes the scouts that police the neighborhood they've replaced and otherwise they've replaced the vast majority of human police officers though they do work together and it's like when you know if they go out and they do a mission the humans kind of hide behind the robots sure yeah and basically try not to get shot.
Starting point is 00:28:47 What we're saying is South African policemen are cowards. Yes, that's what we're saying. We'll say it to their faces. If you want to buy us a ticket to go over there, we will do a press conference. Yes. That's fine. We're good with it.
Starting point is 00:29:00 And so basically it's all going well. Sure. But the guy who created it, who works for the woman from Alien, he decides to take a scrapped robot and insert an AI that he's made into it. And it's about the implications of that. And it's about this AI called Chappie who goes from being an infant who can't talk or understand anything very quickly to having understanding of the world and consequences and and and such and he has one of his arms cut off at one point oh that's very true spoiler alert not really not really
Starting point is 00:29:29 it's the thing that happens in it overall though like i said i enjoyed it did you enjoy it as much as i didn't did enjoy it yes good yeah uh look uh let me let's let's see uh it's hard to talk about because i feel like we just came out of it so i haven't really formulated my thoughts yet well that's the perfect time unformulated thoughts directly into a microphone on the internet forever that's what we do all right special effects flawless I thought I know I say this every time yep you just don't think about it yeah because it's good yeah and there's bits where like obviously they're real yep and whatever but you can't distinguish those things. No, at no point was I like, okay, because Chappie is, what's his face, right? Neil Blomkamp.
Starting point is 00:30:11 No, the other guy. Neil Blomkamp's dog. Shalto, his dog. Shalto Copley. Yeah. He's Chappie, right? Yeah. Does he also do the motion capture?
Starting point is 00:30:19 I believe he does, yes. Okay, well, at no point was I ever like, okay, okay well that's clearly him in the suit with the ping pong balls yeah at no point am i like well that's the stand-in and they have cgi'd it later or anything like that and at no point am i like that's a bad special effect that is yeah you're absolutely amazing yeah is this wetter workshop is that i'd say it probably is i might be wrong but um they're real good everybody should use them i agree yeah but yeah like i wasn't gonna say and you know i think they do this on purpose for these movies they never release a picture of charlotte o'copley in a ping pong ball suit behind the scenes have you noticed that i have because i
Starting point is 00:30:57 think if they did yes like they do for lord of the rings then people just think about that like when i say golem even though that's an amazing effect, I still think, oh, that's Andy Serkis doing Gollum. Right, exactly. You think of where the joins are and where they've sort of erased him out. Yeah, exactly. And I'm not saying that's a bad effect. It's just because I know that because it's in my head. But going into this, I don't have a mental image of Shalto Copley
Starting point is 00:31:20 running around in a big fog suit, do you know what I mean? Right, exactly. Because when you think about it, it would be ridiculous. But it's just completely flawless. The movie itself is not flawless, but those special effects. No, of course not, but the special effects
Starting point is 00:31:35 are. I think maybe with the ED-209 looking thing, there's a bit of that where it's kind of like, oh, it's not 100%. Yeah, look, if we... So, it's probably not a spoiler. You see it in the trailer. You see it in the trailer. There is a sort of a failed urban pacification robot kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:31:54 It's a tank with legs. Yeah, it's a tank with legs and it's controlled remotely by a human operator, not by artificial intelligence or whatever. And it's called the Moose. And that's very much an ED-209. Yeah. It's an homage to that. very much an Ed 209. Yeah. It's an homage to that. It is Ed 209.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah, look, if we can get into that, Chappie is essentially a whole bunch of previous movies slapped together. Yes, definitely. It's Short Circuit. It's Short Circuit 2. It's Short Circuit 2, Back in the Habit. It's Robocop remake. Especially at the start.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah even the the way they talk some of the things they say i'm like that is directly out of robocop some of the lines yeah yeah and we've got exactly we've got a big we've got an ed 209 style robot we've got a whole bunch of these scout creatures which is sort of the uh the 208s which are the the the drone robots in in uh the robocop remake. And then we've got the one sort of outstanding one, which was Robocop in Robocop, spoiler alert, and Chappie in this one, right?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. And it's, yeah, so it's, theme's very similar. Visually, it's quite similar. Not only that as well, a lot of it is District 9. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:06 It opens exactly like District 9. Yeah. Which I find odd because it opens with, it's like a documentary and it's like, who would have thought that 18 months ago this could have happened? Yeah. And then they're like, flashback 18 months. And then it's never done again. It's never a documentary again.
Starting point is 00:33:22 You're right. I don't understand why they would have even put that in. And it does that thing which people say is hack. And it is. Where they're like, here's just a quick clips of news that's happening. It just gets you up to speed. They do it in like World War Z and every... They do it in Robocop.
Starting point is 00:33:34 They do it in Robocop. They do it in everything. They probably do it in the Evil Dead movies. I'm not Evil Dead. Resident Evil movies. I don't know. Normally that's just the globe and then they have red dots go across it. Sure, yeah. and evil movies i don't know normally that's just a the globe and then they have red dots go across it sure yeah and also in robocop remake we had like we sort of we we follow a team of robots yep as they do a mission kind of thing we get that at the start of chappy we get it and uh in
Starting point is 00:33:59 robocop when they they're taking apart afghanistan or whatever they're doing. Whatever nation that was. It's not important. Did they specify in Robocop? Yeah, I think they did. Anyway, yeah. But yeah. It's very District 9 also. It's more or less the same movie.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah, sure. And at the end there's a big fight sequence with a lot of stuff. With a mech and whatever. But I mean that's most movies. But it did feel... Maybe we'll come back to that in spoilers talks. Oh, yeah. But the characters themselves, a big complaint of this movie that I saw was people like the
Starting point is 00:34:32 lead characters are unlikable. Yes. Which, what are their names again? De Antwoord. Yeah. So it's Ninja and... The Lady Ninja. The Lady Ninja.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Yolandi? Yolandi. Yeah. Real names. Well, not their actual real names, but it's their musician stage names. Yes, exactly. I assume so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Good Lord, what if it's not? And people were like, I felt like that I was duped going in thinking this was about Dev Patel teaching Chappie to think and him watching cartoons. Because it's a bit where you see him watch He-Man. Right. And I thought that, oh, that's what I thought it would be and it wasn't and i'm annoyed because yeah because this movie well that's that's people generally isn't it like i didn't this is not exactly what i expected i'm not in the mood to be surprised that's why people that's people don't watch a lot of people most people don't watch movies to be surprised yeah they watch movies to see the exact same thing
Starting point is 00:35:23 yeah they've seen before. Okay, fair enough. Did you find them annoying, though, and unsympathetic? No, I thought it was interesting. You know, Yolandi especially sort of takes on this mother role as the mother to Chappie kind of thing. Like she's clearly got some sort of maternal instinct. I thought that was interesting. Yeah, exactly. And I felt the same way.
Starting point is 00:35:42 You're not supposed to like them necessarily. No, you're supposed to find them irritating. Yeah, especially ninja. Yeah, irritating and kind of unpleasant. Yeah. But to have some sort of humanity underneath. Yeah, exactly. And people are saying, look, they are unlikable
Starting point is 00:35:57 because they're drug dealers and whatever. But I also got the feeling that they do this not because they love it. Right. They do it because they have to. Yeah, exactly. And I think, you know we do see in over the course of the film that they do care for one another yeah it's kind of you know yeah then they're there they're together and they're doing the things they do because they need to do it to survive exactly yeah i also liked america who was also in that the american guy yeah he was good he was just called america that's what they called him but like dev patel he was he was good as well he was a good great dude yeah people wanted
Starting point is 00:36:28 more dev patel but i thought he was in it look we've i had enough dev patel sure i didn't have a dev patel shaped hole in my heart leaving the cinema i hope not it's fine yeah just stamp it into you as you leave yeah yeah yeah and um and of course hugh jackman. Taking the Sholto Copley role. Yeah. Swapped him out. Swapped him out. You're talking about like Elysium. Yes. That crazy lunatic man with a mullet.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Uh-huh, yeah. Yeah. What did you think of Hugh Jackman? Who had the Sholto Copley role in District 9? It was another guy. There was another bald South African guy. Who was like, you're different. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of that, isn't there? Yeah. Yeah. You're right. It is essentially the same movie. But yeah, I liked everybody in it.
Starting point is 00:37:15 There's a lot of Hugh Jackman kind of, there's a lot of Australianisms in it. I think he says frog in a sock at one point. At one point he says, I'm as mad as a frog in a sock, which isn't really the expression. I've heard it. It's going off like a frog in a sock is the expression. Oh, you're right, it is, yeah. And he says something else at one point, I can't remember. But I remember thinking, oh, that's pretty funny. Frogs aren't known for their anger, that's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Maybe it's regional. Maybe it's, is he supposed to be Australian or South African? He's supposed to be Australian. Okay, and he keeps throwing around like a rugby league ball. Yeah, he does. So I think he's from Sydney. I was going to say Queensland. He seems more like northern Queensland.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Sure, okay. I might be wrong whatever whatever northeast of australia don't care for us we've got listeners up there okay that's fine and they seem like nice peeps right but yeah there's a bit where he dev patel's at his desk and you and it kind of pans to hugh jackman or focuses on him who's sitting behind him and he's just holding a rugby ball yeah it, it's weird, right? So maybe angry as a frog in a sock is regional. Yeah, fair enough. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:10 That's pretty funny. Like they say potato scallops instead of potato cake. A scallop is an entirely different thing. That's what I'm saying. I mean, a cake is also. Yeah. What do you think they should be called? Potato cake.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Slices of potatoes that are battered. Yeah. Do people have those in other countries? Maybe the British do. Yeah, that seems like they would, wouldn't they? I love a potato cake. That's all Ied. Yeah. Do people have those in other countries? Maybe the British do. Yeah, that seems like they would, wouldn't they? I love a potato cake. That's all I want. Sure.
Starting point is 00:38:29 All the time. It's all I want. Don't get chips. Just get potato cakes. All right. Man, I want potato cakes. This is really helping the listeners decide whether or not they want to see the film Chappie. You're right.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Speaking of Chappie. Oh, yes. As a character. Yep. What did you think of him? Again, I think a lot of... Do people find him annoying? I didn't.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I found elements of annoying. Yeah, sure. Because obviously, you know, he's being sort of... In a very short period of time, he's being raised by these gang members who are quite unlikable. Yeah. And he takes on some sort of unlikable... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You know, he takes on like gangster swagger and like slang and stuff like that i found that kind of annoying but it wasn't it wasn't annoying as like you know like johnny five from short circuit doing a rap or something like that like it wasn't that it wasn't that scale of annoying yeah and obviously it's for a you know it's for a point yeah exactly and i feel like that that was well that was just them kind of trying to get him on board. You know what I mean? Like, I don't think they were like, oh, we'll make him be cool for real. They were just like, listen, let's just pander to this fucking robot. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Because we've got to get this done. Yeah, yeah. But I found it when, because there's a scene as well where he goes out and does some crimes. Oh, yeah. I found that quite amusing. That was funny. I mean, I know people also watching were like, oh, that's terrible because he's a bad person. But like, that's the point. He's to right exactly yeah be misled and not know what
Starting point is 00:39:49 he's doing and and whatever and naive yeah the action scenes though there there was a few of them wasn't there there sure was yeah should we go spoilers from here or let's let's say people let's say best movie ever worst movie ever i would say best movie ever it worst movie ever. I would say best movie ever. It's not perfect. Yep. I think a lot of this is just me baffled why people hated it so much. Yeah. It's not perfect, but it's not terrible.
Starting point is 00:40:14 It's better than Elysium. Yeah, that's probably true. Yeah. Yeah, best movie ever. I think it is very similar to District 9. Yes. But we haven't seen District 9 in quite a few years. 2009.
Starting point is 00:40:27 2009 for District 9. Yeah. That will race to District 10 in 2010, and everything will be great. Everything will be fine. Yeah, I mean, it's been six years. Yeah. You like that style of film.
Starting point is 00:40:39 You like Blomkamp. You like really good special effects. Yeah. So, yeah, give this a whirl. All right. What if they don't like those things? Don't see it then. I say do see it.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah, sure. That's what I say. Yeah. Action sequences though. Oh, yeah. There's a few. Yeah, go ahead. I like people's reaction to him being a cop.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Oh, yeah. Because Chappie is in, basically, if you don't know and you're still listening, he's in the robot, he's in the body of a police officer. Yep. So people have these reactions to him. Like they hate him on sight. They'll either run or they'll attack him. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I liked that kind of element as well. And he's like, what is happening? Yeah, sure, yeah. Because he doesn't know what he is or what he was prior to this. Yeah. There was some elements of like the consciousness and there's a scene where he stacks up a whole lot of PlayStation 4s. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:29 There's quite a bit of, I think there was a lot of noticeable product placement in that. Red Bull? Red Bull, but no, because Sony is clearly. Yeah, but there's a Sony Vio computer. Was it a Sony partnership with somebody? Because Sony gets a title credit right at the start. Did they?
Starting point is 00:41:44 I didn't notice that. So everybody uses a Sony VAIO. I assume everybody has a Sony Ericsson mobile phone, but I didn't really say that. Yeah, at one point, our bad guys are negotiating for the explosives and they're like, and I want all those as well. And it's a big stack of PlayStation 4s, right?
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah. And from that, Chappie downloads his mind into them or something yeah into into the via into the yeah he does yeah yeah uh yeah that was a big kind of it was noticeable i was like that's just a stack of play it is interesting i thought that there's something that was glossed over in the film and it's maybe that's why it was set in 2016 because of playstation 4 yeah but i was just actually i just thought that because if it's 2020 people are like where's the playstation 5 or whatever right yeah exactly um yeah exactly that it wouldn't have as much value no even even if the five wasn't out you'd be like it's like a playstation force whatever it's ridiculous um
Starting point is 00:42:40 where was i gonna go with that oh yeah i had... I thought it was interesting. It's one of those things that maybe you don't think about during the movie, but the idea that a human can have his entire consciousness transferred into a robot with this neural helmet, but it's only used for controlling a walking tank. Yeah, that is an amazing piece of technology. That's an incredible piece of technology. It's like the fact that Iron Man has JARVIS, which is an artificially intelligent computer system
Starting point is 00:43:11 that can do anything on its own. Yeah, and nobody... And everybody's like, wow, look at that. It's metal suit he wears. It's got rockets in its feet. That's not amazing at all. Ultimately, if you compare the two, I imagine the suit is more fun,
Starting point is 00:43:26 but you've built an artificially intelligent being. Yeah. That's amazing. Like it's nothing. Yeah, exactly. And it's similar to this. Like he's using this as like a drone controller, but it can transfer somebody's mind into a computer.
Starting point is 00:43:40 But I feel like it can't actually. I feel like that was Chappie's maths and whatever oh i see chappie's right i mean but you still have a device that could read brainwaves like it's a book yeah exactly like you're nearly there i imagine no you're you're absolutely right and also i do again i take issue with the idea that dev patel's mind was actually transferred into the robot okay it wasn't it was copied over dev pat Patel is dead. Yes, exactly. In real life. Well, it would have had to be
Starting point is 00:44:07 because the girl dies. Yeah. I can't remember her name. That's really bad. Yolindi. Yolindi. Yolindi. And then it's like,
Starting point is 00:44:16 oh, and then they work out or Ninja works out the night before Chappie backed her up to a USB. Yes. So, and when she comes back to life, which, spoiler alert, happens at the end. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:26 In a robot body, she wouldn't have memory of dying. She would be from the night before. Yeah. So that's something else, isn't it? Yep. But yeah. Pretty good. Was it better than iRobot, where there were also robots?
Starting point is 00:44:38 Yes. Yeah, it was, wasn't it? Yeah. So much better. But, which had more obvious product placement. Hmm. Oh, it did, didn't it? So much better. Which had the more obvious product placement. Oh, it did, didn't it? So much product placement.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And Alan Tudyk's Tudyk as the iRobot. Yeah, he was the iRobot. We didn't talk about this. Alan Tudyk is crowdfunding a, did you see this? He's crowdfunding a new, like a short web series about. Having two dicks. Yeah, no, it's a, yeah, maybe. It's about, it's called bm maybe it's about it's called con man and it's
Starting point is 00:45:06 about uh him and nathan fillion yeah as two guys who used to be on a short-lived sci-fi action series okay one being the captain of a spaceship and one being the pilot of a spaceship yeah and it's sort of their life after that and then visiting conventions and things like that oh great it's on gofundme or kickstarter or something like that okay that's awesome yeah i will check it out i think james gunn is in the in the video gina torres is in the video famous people felicia day is in the video yeah oh yeah okay yeah good segue all right that's that is and that's the show that is we did it that's what we want quick plug for our mates alanudyk and Nathan Fillion, and now we're out. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:47 What were we saying? Action sequences, though. Oh, yeah. That were pretty good. They weren't as bloody as they were in Elysium. No, or District 9. Or District 9, yeah. There was one dude who was cut clean in half with a giant pair of scissors.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Oh, yeah, that's true. America. Yeah. And he was kind of pegged against the wall. That was pretty brutal. I thought you were saying like America but you're like that's his name
Starting point is 00:46:08 yeah yeah look good Solid Destruction yeah there's a cluster bomb sequence which is pretty good yeah
Starting point is 00:46:15 there's a bit where Chappie throws Hugh Jackman into a roof oh yeah that looked painful that did didn't it yeah um
Starting point is 00:46:22 what else that bloody helicopter just keeps circling us, man. Yeah, yeah. What's going on? I did some crimes earlier. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Probably should have waited. No, we're going to have to keep doing podcasts until it leaves. Until they bust in. Yeah. Until we get swatted. Oh, yeah. Do you ever see any of those swatting videos? Yeah, it's weird, right?
Starting point is 00:46:38 Yeah. Anyway, it's not as action heavy as Elysium, I don't think. Yeah, true. And it's more just kind of running and gunning. Like, you don't see a lot of future tech like you heavy as Elysium, I don't think. Yeah, true. And it's more just kind of running and gunning. Like you don't see a lot of future tech like you did in Elysium. Obviously there's robots and whatever, but yeah. I liked the final showdown with Ed 209 and Chappie. That was good.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Although Hugh Jackman's aim isn't very good. At one point he launches some missiles and they just fly into the building next to it. Like there's a whole bunch of vans and a whole bunch of gang members or whatever and then he just fires a missile and they just fly into the building next to it like there's a whole bunch of vans and a whole bunch of gang members or whatever and then he just fires a missile and it just goes into the building next door and just blows up
Starting point is 00:47:10 it's a terrible shot that guy do those guys live in the open as well? it seems like there's no doors on that warehouse where they live in seems that way doesn't it there'd be a lot of mosquitoes yeah no good I'm just saying
Starting point is 00:47:21 here's something that I thought was odd yeah relating to the gang members why is the main bad guy gang member subtitled and nobody else is? No good. I'm just saying. Here's something that I thought was odd. Yeah. Relating to the gang members. Why is the main bad guy gang member subtitled and nobody else is? He's speaking English. You mean the bad, bad guy? Yeah, the bad, bad guy. Yeah, I thought that as well.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah. I think maybe, I think people must have watched it and been like, don't know what that is. And then they subtitled it. Right. That's literally the worst thing that happened. Or maybe it's deliberately for comic effect. I don't think so. I think maybe there was one line where he speaks a little bit in Afrikaans, I think.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah. And I didn't understand him. They subtitled it. Yeah. Towards the middle. But the rest of he's just speaking English. Yeah. It's very odd.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Maybe that's the thing that people didn't like also. Yeah. Maybe. Yeah. Great. Bloody Hugh Jackman's a bad bloke in this, isn't he? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Great hair though. I liked his shorts. Like he wore his shorts high. Oh, in this, isn't he? Yeah. Yeah. Great hair, though. I liked his shorts, like he wore his shorts high. Oh, he did, didn't he? Yeah. There was that odd bit where at the start of the movie, he grabs Dev Patel in an office, pins his head to a desk and puts a gun to him. Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:18 As a prank. As a prank. And he's like, it's a prank, mate. It's a prank. Yep. It's pretty good. Just have a bloody bit of fun, eh? Just bloody lighten up this office.
Starting point is 00:48:27 You know what? Dev Patel could have just walked into the CEOs and been like, guy pulled a gun on me. Just pulled a gun on me. HR, check the tapes. Speaking of, he's the guy that hasn't built all the police robots. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Get rid of him. Yeah. And I thought it was also very odd where, oh no, maybe the longer we talk about this, the more it'll fall apart and then we'll hate it. No, I don't care. No, yeah, you're right. Dev Patel discovers that there's malicious software
Starting point is 00:48:52 that switched off all the scouts, but he doesn't tell anyone. No, he doesn't. And then he goes back into the office and he's like, and Sigourney Weaver's like, you've got to find what the problem is and fix it. Why isn't he just like, yeah, there's malicious code. Somebody put it in there.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Yeah. Maybe check the security footage and you'll see there was Hugh Jackman who did that. You're right. I don't know. No, you're absolutely right. He was like, but he even yelled at Hugh Jackman. People are going to know what you did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And he runs out. Yeah. It's like, tell everybody now. Yeah. Tell everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:22 You're right. Yeah. But I think the strength of this movie though is in Chappie and the characters, even though people hate the characters. Sure. And Chappie. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. But I think the strength of this movie, though, is in Chappie and the characters, even though people hate the characters. Sure, and Chappie. Yeah, and Chappie. I found that really, really good. I think for his next movie, which is Alien, he's got to do something different, though.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yes, he does. He cannot do this again. This is the last straw, Blomkamp. But do you think, well, speaking of, do you think he'll, he could fit well into another world, another universe that he hasn't created? I'd like to see him do it. I'd like to see maybe all of Sharlto Copley's characters team up like Avengers style. District nine guy, chappy.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yep. The guy in the middle. The lunatic. They all have to work together. How good would that be? Would you watch that film? You bet I would. Yeah. Would he mocap middle. The lunatic. The lunatic. They all have to work together. How good would that be? Would you watch that film? You bet I would. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Would he mocap all of them? Yeah. All right, cool. Even the ones that are just him. The lunatic, you mean. Yeah, but I'd want disgruntled office worker District 9 guy. Okay. Not full prawn guy.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I don't have both. Oh, definitely. Good idea. Yeah. Good idea. Yep. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to read some of these bad reviews. Okay, definitely. Good idea. Yeah. Good idea. Yep. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to read some of these bad reviews.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Okay, Rotten Tomatoes, 31%. Okay. Okay. When I read it, it was 33%. Okay. So it's gone down. The number has changed, hasn't it? It sure has.
Starting point is 00:50:37 By 2%. Go on. Chappie boasts more of the big ideas and visual panache that director Neil Blomkamp has become known for, and sadly, more of the narrative shortcomings. Did you feel it was, besides the element of like, hey, you should have told Sigourney Weaver. Yeah. Like, which comes kind of late in the game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:54 And I'd imagine probably if you're also freaking out that they're going to find out that you created an artificial intelligent robot, then maybe you shouldn't tell anybody what happened. I didn't really feel that many narrative shortcomings, right? No, not really. But if you did, listeners anybody what happened. I didn't really feel that way in Narrative Shortcomings, right? No, not really. But if you did, listeners, email in. Nah. Nah, don't do it. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:12 What else are they saying? Hugely entertaining oddity could never be mistaken for the work of any other filmmaker. That's true. That's 100%. Yep. Ragged edges of the story. Despite his ambitions, Chappie is a bucket of bolts.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Blomkamp's desire to say meaningful things outdistancing his ability to say them compellingly. You know what? That's fair. Right. Because I think that the themes he's trying to hit on didn't land all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I think the themes of artificial intelligence and what is human and whatever, I think that stuff does. But I think the end where they just throw in everybody's minds into robots, I think it kind of takes away from that. And that was an element added very late in the game that wasn't really explored. But as far as what makes us human and the influences that are around us and nature and nurture and whatever, I think as far as that all goes,
Starting point is 00:52:03 I think that all works. What else? Give me one more. Okay. Intelligence, artificial or otherwise, is one of the major casualties of Chappie, a robot-themed action movie that winds up feeling as clunky and confused as the childlike droid with which it shares its name.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Because it's confused like the robot. Like the robot, yeah, exactly. I should have said it's confused like the robot from the movie. Yeah, totally. Chappieappy which i done just saw uh one last with unappealing one note characters retread concepts and implausible motivations chappy is a further downward step for director neil blomkamp i think that's a bit harsh people say people are i think people are aren't are angry because it's it's more of the same yeah and I think it's also that the gangsters in it aren't like, they don't look like Matt Damon.
Starting point is 00:52:48 That's all. Yeah, that's probably true. I know they're not amazing actors. They're fine. They do their job. But I liked that part of it. They're better actors than rappers, let me tell you that much. I've never heard any of that.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah, you have because they did most of the soundtrack. Yeah, I did hear that. But no, I liked that they were kind of misfits and whatever. But I can understand, though, that if you're used to seeing Matt Damon, you know, Jason Bourne or whatever, or Matt Damon Elysium, then you wouldn't necessarily like those guys because they're odd. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yeah, that's all right. I think it's just what people – We can have some odd characters in a movie. That's what I'm saying, though. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Get a proper haircut, mean? Yeah. Yeah, that's all right. I think it's just what people... We can have some odd characters in a movie. That's what I'm saying, though. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Get a proper haircut, though. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not saying...
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yeah, apparently, though, he was a ninja with a nightmare on set. Because he's a lunatic? He does look like a lunatic. Yeah. Did you also notice, this is kind of off topic. Not really. There were a lot of dicks just drawn around. I did not notice that at all. In the graffiti, ninjas got them tattooed on him. No, I didn't know. There were a lot of dicks just drawn around. I did not notice that at all.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Like in the graffiti, ninjas got them tattooed on him. No, I didn't know. Like there's a lot of it. Interesting. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe that's just South Africa though. Might just be.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Well, Johannesburg, that's Afrikaans for dick city. Is that true? Yeah, I think so. Is it shaped like a dick? Yeah. Like the big apple is shaped like an apple. Correct. Exactly? Yeah, I think so. Is it shaped like a dick? Yeah. Like the Big Apple is shaped like an apple. Correct, exactly. Okay, I get you.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Okay, before we move on. Okay. Is he the right... People are saying this is like his... Also, this is his M. Night Shyamalan kind of moment. Oh, make or break. Which I don't think is true. No, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Shyamalan had... He did... Sixth Sense. Sixth Sense, Unbreakable Village. Village, yeah. And some other stuff. Oh, then he did Signs, Unbreakable, Village. Yeah. And some other stuff. Then he did Signs and whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah, yeah. But he got like five in, I think, before people were like, hang on a minute. I think he got to Lady in the Water and that was when people kind of snapped. Or was Signs the third one before The Village? I think it was Signs. Yeah. Because Signs was the one where it was the aliens.
Starting point is 00:54:43 The water. The water aliens. And people were like, well, why would aliens go to a planet where 75% of it they're allergic to or whatever? I think it's because they wanted to run around a cornfield. Oh, then that would make a lot of sense. Naked. That's a lot of fun to do. It is, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah. Yeah. So you don't think this is his shaman, he's not shaman-larming it? No, no, I don't think so. He's clearly got a lot of talent. Yeah. Yeah. But I am, I think he is the right choice for alien. this is his shaman he's not shaman alarming it no no he's clearly got a lot of talent yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:55:05 yeah but i i am i think he is the right choice for alien five or three yeah i'm on board with this yeah or whatever they're doing give somebody else the keys to it definitely based on prometheus yes but yeah um yeah alien should be fun even if it's a i mean it's it's not alien is not good at the moment like let's not kid ourselves yeah you're right it hasn't been good since alien versus predator requiem which i maintain is a pretty good film okay yeah i i said this the other day to you i think oh yeah i think alien versus predator is as good as prometheus yeah you did say that it's more coherent for one it's not as good special effects wise. No.
Starting point is 00:55:45 It's not as well cast. It's not as well acted. Yep. But if you strip all that away, as the story goes, it makes more sense. Correct, yes. And they both have pyramids under the ice. Boy, do they, yes. Apparently there's a series of, well, not apparently, there is. Oh.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah, thank you. It's sort of a prequel, sequel, sidequel comic series. Okay. Fire and Stone, it's called, I think. And it's Prometheus, it's aliens, it's Alien vs. Predator. It's a combination of all those things kind of thing. I haven't read it yet. Do you want to?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Eventually. Somebody send me a reading order and I'll do it. Okay. Also, I read this week that, well, apparently Ridley Scott said this a while back. He was like, oh yeah, by the way, the reason why the engineers were mad at Earth and they were going to go to destroy Earth. Because you know how they created life and then the engineers decided to go and destroy life. Oh yeah. That was because they sent another engineer back and he was Jesus.
Starting point is 00:56:41 And then everybody murdered Jesus. And that's why they're coming back. How would you have got that from the film? Exactly. There's no context for that. Precisely. There's no, like,
Starting point is 00:56:52 and I guess you don't necessarily need a reason for some, you know, not everything has to be revealed in a film, but to be like, well, obviously we see, so what was Jesus? Don't you,
Starting point is 00:57:03 if you have to give me supplemental materials for the movie to make any sense, you shouldn't have made the movie. I've long said that about Donnie Darko. In order to understand the time travel sequences in Donnie Darko, you need to go to the Donnie Darko website and read all the supplemental material or whatever. Which you did. Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Well, that was like the end of The Blair Witch as well, wasn't it? I think so, probably. It's like if you want to know what The Blair Witch is. Yeah, yeah. Yes, I did. Well, that was like the end of The Blair Witch as well, wasn't it? I think so, probably. It's like if you want to know what The Blair Witch is. Yeah, yeah. Like, not really. No. Even now that I can check it on my phone in the cinema, I don't need to know that. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Well, that's Elysium. No, District 9. Better than people say. It's not perfect. Chappy. Chappy. Shit. You had the second time you had a 50-50 chance of getting it right
Starting point is 00:57:45 and you got it wrong, which is great. Yeah. And you know what? Okay, this is another thing I was going to say. I know that people, they're like... Okay, wait. Ninja's real name is Watkin Tudor Jones. Yeah, I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:57:57 That's like a British rich guy's name. Yeah, I know, right? Anyway, yeah. Not every protagonist has to be a likable human being. Correct. Right? Taxi driver, Robert De Niro, is a sociopath. Correct.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And people love that because it's Robert De Niro, it's great acting or whatever. Like, why can't these guys... I'm not saying they're the same as Robert De Niro. No, you're saying that Chappie and Taxi Driver are the same movie. Yeah, I guess so. They both end in a robot shootout. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:24 And they both go to heaven at the end or something yeah is that the end of taxi driver it's implied that it's heaven or something uh i guess you could interpret that yeah that's yeah it's well at the end of taxi driver he sort of hailed as a hero yeah despite the fact that he was he just went to like a dude's place and killed everyone kind of thing and And he's like, he's a hero. Like all the press are like, he's the best. Yeah. So I think it might be implied that he is.
Starting point is 00:58:50 He premeditated that whole mercy. Yeah, he did. Yeah. I think, yeah. So some people have said, I don't think it's outright. I don't think it's implied in the movie, but I think a lot of people have taken the interpretation that he died and that's his dying moments.
Starting point is 00:59:04 And he's a taxi driver in heaven. Correct. Okay. Yeah. That seems to be a sort of a retrospective theory for a lot of stuff now, that this is happening in somebody's dying moments. Like the final episode of Breaking Bad, a lot of people are like, well, this is his dying moments.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Yeah. I won't spoil it for anybody who hasn't seen it, but just block it out of your mind. Yeah. If you haven't seen it yet. Anyway. I don't think that is the case. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Breaking Bad, that is. Yeah, okay. There's a lot of that, though, isn't there? I don't know. I think those people get upset or they want to... Sometimes things just are what they are. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:59:38 Yeah. Sometimes things aren't what they are, though. And you don't know, Mason. All right. You know what it's time for though what's the time for what we read in oh what we're gonna read i'm doing the thing what are we reading today what you reading well what i've been reading uh actually a lot of things this week i'm all over i'm all over you've had that week off i've had that week off i I've had that week off. I watched some Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Yeah! There we go. How about that? How many Game of Thrones did you watch? I've done two seasons of the Game of Thrones. What are you thinking of it so far? I enjoy it. I'm not,
Starting point is 01:00:14 like I'm not, at no point have I said I didn't like Game of Thrones. No, I would never. And then the episodes piled up. Yeah, yeah, But it's good.
Starting point is 01:00:20 It's good quality. Okay, here's what I'm going to say. I watched some Game of Thrones. Yes. I watched, I caught up on Hannibal. Oh yeah, you love Okay, here's what I'm going to say. I watched some Game of Thrones. Yes. I watched, I caught up on Hannibal. Oh, yeah, you love Hannibal. I'm two seasons into Hannibal.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And then after that, I'm like, I've still got a little bit of time. And I'm Game of Thrones down a bit. Yeah, sure. So I won't watch more. So I'll watch something else. And so I watched the pilot episode of Powers. Oh, I didn't watch that. And look, let me just say, look, when you go from Game of Thrones on HBO and Hannibal,
Starting point is 01:00:47 which is on NBC and like they got a lot of money to throw at it, and you go to a show that's been produced by and for the PlayStation Network, you kind of notice that the budget isn't as high. How many PlayStation 4s were stacked up in there? There were no PlayStation 4s, oddly. Really? Yeah. But as soon as I'm'm like as soon as like the
Starting point is 01:01:05 production logo zooms in and it's and i'm like what are these shapes that and i'm like oh it's the triangle the circle the x and the square i'm like oh i don't know if this is gonna be it's gonna be any good i don't know so it's based so for people who don't know powers the tv series yeah from the playstation network yes is based on the icon Marvel comic series Powers, which is about a... Powers Booth. It's about character actor Powers Booth in his day-to-day. It's about...
Starting point is 01:01:36 It's set in a world where superheroes called Powers are real and it's based around the Powers division of this police department yeah and and the main character christian walker who used to be used to have superpowers then he lost christian powers no correct that would have been amazing that would be great wouldn't it so god uh and again this this is related because charlotte o'copley is the main guy in it yes yeah but don't in the show they took his powers they did took his powers and that's at the start, right? Like, he never has powers? I haven't watched it.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I will. I will. Yeah. No, he doesn't... Yeah, prior to the events of the series, he lost his powers. And that's the same with the comic, isn't it? Yes, it is, yeah. But in the comic, isn't he like a big guy? Yeah, he's like...
Starting point is 01:02:19 The comic books stylistically are a lot like the DC animated universe. Okay, sure. So all the men are like these big sort of- Fridges. Yeah, they're like big V-shaped fridges kind of thing. So the comic version of- Tall Michael Chiklis. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Thank you. The comic version of Christian Walker looks a lot like Clark Kent kind of thing. And Charlton, he kind of- He carries it off. I like the character. How's his accent? It's just generic American. That's what I say about it.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Look, I think he's a good actor and he's endearing and charismatic, but his accents. If you said where in America he's from, I'd probably say he's not from America. This is fake accent. Look, I think the casting is pretty good. I think they gave Eddie Izzard as the wolf. I like that. Yeah. The wolf.ard as the wolf. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:05 The wolf. Yeah, the wolf. As the wolf. I like Eddie Izzard. Yeah, and we've got actually Australia's Noah Taylor. I like Noah Taylor. As Johnny Royale. Okay, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Johnny Royale's power is he can teleport, right? So he can teleport in and out of places or he can grab somebody's head and then teleport and he takes the head with him and kills the guy or whatever. Cool. What do you think the special effect for the teleport is? Just to disappear. Correct.
Starting point is 01:03:31 There's literally nothing. Is that like a bamf? There's not a bamf. There's not a flash of light. There's not like colors or sound. There's nothing. There's not a pop? There's not a pop.
Starting point is 01:03:41 There is literally nothing. Like, I don't know if i got a version where they didn't finish the effects i could do that would explain a lot yeah exactly but i don't think i did i think i got the final version and and that's sort of that's illustrative of the well you are a playstation plus member so that's that would have been i definitely got that version yeah nice um that is indicative of the the whole series i think like it's just and again when you go from like hannibal or game of thrones where they put so much work in the production design and the costumes sweet dragons sweet dragons hannibal um teleporting effect is so
Starting point is 01:04:17 good when he teleports from place to place it's just a spray of blood all over and just yeah it's not it doesn't it looks really cheap yeah and the just the cinematography looks really cheap I don't know
Starting point is 01:04:32 yeah do you think you would have noticed that as much if say you had watched Arrow and that yes I would have noticed you still would have noticed
Starting point is 01:04:39 yeah yeah and I think also because there are three episodes out from what I can tell I only watched the first one yeah and with a pilot generally speaking they do the they put in as much money and time as possible in the pilot that is true and then with the next episode they halve the budget and they have the time you have to to make it so i i shudder to think what that teleporting
Starting point is 01:05:00 thing is just gonna be him running off screen yep or him just going i'm teleporting thing is just going to be him running off screen. Yep. Or him just going, I'm teleporting. Yeah, I don't know. It's interesting. I love how you went, I've watched two amazing shows this week and I'm going to talk at length about Path. Yeah. I mean, I guess it's new. Yeah, it's newer.
Starting point is 01:05:21 I imagine people have seen Hannibal and Game of Thrones. I haven't watched Hannibal yet. I've got to get into it. It's really good. I mean, it's pretty brutal for a network TV series. Yeah, you's newer. I imagine people have seen Hannibal and Game of Thrones. I haven't watched Hannibal yet. I've got to get it. It's really good. I mean, it's pretty brutal for a network TV series. Yeah, you said that. And there's a lot. If you watch it in one massive block,
Starting point is 01:05:33 there's so much just everybody trying to convince everybody else they're crazy. Like there's so many just mind games of like, yeah, well, you didn't see that because you're crazy or whatever. There's so much of that. Really? There's piles of it. Anyway, I will probably keep watching Powers to see where it goes. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm going to show you. What are you going to show me? A clip? No, I won't show you a clip. But there's a character. Okay, I'll give you an example. There's a character in Powers and his name's Trip Hammer, right? And he is like your iron man kind of character okay
Starting point is 01:06:05 and so in the comic book he's he's like a you know kind of rich inventor he's built uh you know super flying super suit kind of thing hang on you could have just stopped at his iron man oh he's essentially iron man and it's sort of hang on can you see that see how it looks pretty impressive yeah that's looks good good looking suit that's from the comic that's from the comic right and it's kind of following it home like it's sort of like a like a liquid metal suit because you like you can kind of like it's like an oldish kind of yeah he's kind of oldish guy and like the hell you know you can melt the helmet away kind of thing right so that's the character here's the version we get here's the version we get for powers oh yeah no good right it looks like a football player from the future, from the 80s.
Starting point is 01:06:47 A football player from the future from the 30s kind of thing. You know what I mean? I feel like that looks like... Oh, that's garbage. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. He's just a guy with kind of sort of some armor on and like a powered hammer fist. That looks like a movie from the 70s,
Starting point is 01:07:03 which is about football players in the year 2050. Right, exactly. That's what that looks like to me. That's exactly what it is, yeah. No, you're right. But look, it doesn't, yeah. It doesn't look good. Anyway, so I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I'll keep watching. Yeah, and Shelter Copley, he's likeable. His partner is likeable. Yeah. The casting's quite colourblind, like some of the characters who were white in the series are black in the TV series. So it's not all bad, though. The characters themselves quite colorblind. Like some of the characters who were like white in the series are black in the TV series. So it's not all bad though.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Like the characters themselves are. Pretty good. The production's probably not great, but the characters are. What about the story? Is it? Yeah, not bad. We're sort of easing into the world kind of thing. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I feel like, because I know Xbox is doing a similar thing. I don't think, it looks like they're not putting in the money to this that they should. No. Which is odd because the video game industry I think makes more putting in the money to this that they should. No. Which is odd because the video game industry, I think, makes more money than the film industry. Right, exactly, yeah. Like, The Last Call of Duty made like a billion dollars. Yeah, exactly. But I guess, where's the money in this?
Starting point is 01:07:55 Exactly, it's like a side business. I'm not going to sign up for PlayStation Plus to watch this. Right. I'd either steal it if I did that. You can watch it with me because I've got PlayStation Plus. Yeah, exactly. I'd say I'd steal it hypothetically or I just wouldn't watch it. Right, exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yeah. Well, there you go. Another thing I don't have to watch, I guess. Fantastic. You know what? It sounds fine, but that's not intriguing enough for me to watch that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Oh, also, one last thing. Yep. I've been going crazy because I've had a week off. You've been going crazy. I went on in Comixology and I downloaded the first issue
Starting point is 01:08:28 of a series called The Dying and the Dead it's by Jonathan Hickman who's done a lot of cool stuff and it's basically about this old guy
Starting point is 01:08:36 it's about older people I guess and it's about a guy who is drawn back into this like at one point
Starting point is 01:08:43 in the past he helped this sort of, this strangely advanced civilization on earth, like a divergence from normal humanity. He helped them back in the day. Like he helped them, you know, save their society or what have you.
Starting point is 01:08:56 And these kind of aloof, unpleasant, sort of alien creatures that live on earth. And now they need help. And he has in order to save the life of his wife who's like you know old and dying kind of thing he's he's gonna perform a favor for them and and sort of go back into this world and battle for these these people okay even though they're jerks even though they're jerks but they've offered him like you do this you retrieve this thing for us and we'll save your wife kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:09:25 And he's like, look, this is my last chance. I'm going to go for this. Okay, cool. And the art's great and the writing's great. One issue in. It's on sale on Comixology right now. It's like two bucks or something. I'm going to put that in my thing right now.
Starting point is 01:09:35 And it's 60 pages. So it's a pretty- 60 pages? Yeah. I like the sound of that. Bloody good deal. I'm going to put that in my wish list right now. Do that.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Yeah. It's real good. What's it called, sorry? The Dying and the Dead. The Dying and the Dead. Correct. Yeah, it's real good. What's it called, sorry? The Dying and the Dead. The Dying and the Dead. Correct. Yeah, it's real good. Well, now I've said a lot of stuff,
Starting point is 01:09:49 so what are you going to say, mate? Eh? All right, well, I've been reading a couple of things this week. Oh, yes. One of them is the new Princess Leia comic, which is in canon. Oh, that's another thing I meant to say earlier about that Star Wars thing.
Starting point is 01:10:02 In this Princess Leia comic that I'm reading, there's a new character brought in who's a fighter pilot uh-huh and it's it's set just exactly after the um the end of a new hope where they get medals and whatever yep and it picks up from there and it deals with like layers like oh yeah she's like oh i'm one medal short i'm gonna go get that and then she steps out and then there's just a bloodbath but it's like it deals with how all the rods exploded and whatever and she teams princess leia teams up with this um female fighter pilot who could be the new character it's a possibility and it's it's okay like it's it's too early days i've been enjoying all the new star wars comics there's
Starting point is 01:10:42 a darth vader one yeah there's a, Star Wars one. And there's this one. And they're all kind of, they're all set in the same time period. So they're all set immediately post episode four. Yes. This one's set, the Princess Leia one I think is set a little bit before the other two, which I think happened roughly at the same time. And this one I think is only like six or eight issues and then it's done. I don't think it's an ongoing thing.
Starting point is 01:11:02 But yeah, I mean, I'm enjoying the new Star Wars comics that they're putting out. Mostly because I want to kind of be ready for the new movie, I guess. I want to kind of, you know, I want to be immersed myself in that Star Wars. Oh, sure. Yeah. Get out of it. That sweet Star Wars gumbo. You want to take a bath in it.
Starting point is 01:11:17 But I also read there's an Arkham Knight tie-in comic. Oh, yes. I saw that. I didn't get it though. I was hoping it'd be like as good as like injustice and it's it's solid right uh it's a lot of like bruce wayne will go and do something or batman will do something in the arkham knights like watching him and like soon is my time right there's a lot of that i'm like is he going to interact because he's probably not because in the comic it's probably in the game sorry it's probably where they're going to meet
Starting point is 01:11:42 yeah yeah definitely so yeah there's a lot of that. But, yeah, no, it's fine. And it's one of those ones like Injustice that comes out like every six minutes. There's always a new issue of Injustice, which is good. That's what I'm reading. So it's set post-Arkham City? It's set immediately after. Like straight away. Like he dumps the Joker on Gordon's car and he leaves.
Starting point is 01:12:04 And it starts right there. So the Arkham Knight can't be the Joker on Gordon's car and he leaves and it starts right there so the Arkham Knight can't be the Joker then I guess not yeah okay unless he immediately revives and
Starting point is 01:12:12 yes without spoiling it it'd have to be without being ridiculous I don't know how they'd do it okay yeah right
Starting point is 01:12:20 I mean it's possible I guess but it's possible that the writers of Arkham Knight haven't spoken to the writers of the game it's unlikely but it's possible, I guess. It's possible that the writers of Arkham Knight haven't spoken to the writers of the game. It's unlikely, but it's possible. Certainly possible, isn't it? It's probably harsh, though, right?
Starting point is 01:12:31 I'd say so. Yeah. It's probably harsh. Got a listener what we're reading, though. Oh, yeah, I'd like to hear it. A friend of the show. Hey, guys, big fan or whatever. Nice, good.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Indifference, I love it. After hearing about Mason's OCD-like actions, if you were to ever own a time machine, I highly recommend an Oscar-nominated short film called Time Freak. Don't let the fact that it was nominated by an Oscar fool you into thinking it's some hoity-toity boyhood bullshit. Great. It's actually very funny, Charlie.
Starting point is 01:13:01 What if boyhood had a time machine? The character's called Boyhood in Boyhood, right? Yeah, I believe so yeah i watched that for like 10 minutes i'm like i get this i don't need to say it sure and i'd comfortably accurate to the meaningless and ridiculous time consuming things that someone like mason or me would do with a time machine give it a shot it's 10 minutes and you can buy it on itunes for three dollars p.s can i be the official guy who writes emails that contain the phrase hoity-toity boyhood bullshit yes definitely i watched the just the trailer of that it does look really funny okay so i'm gonna check that out as well and that's letters for this week mason love it i know this is letters okay this is letters
Starting point is 01:13:35 that was what we were even uh hey guys live it in the uk from did it say to say it in that voice? Yeah, that's right. No. Living in the UK, I'd just like to say to Maceo that I own every single Malibu comic. Wow. I thought you'd be impressed. You were given the choice between being shot in the head and taking a whole bunch of Malibu comics.
Starting point is 01:13:58 And you still took the comics. Yeah, interesting. I was given them in the mail by my aunt when she collapsed. Sorry, Jesus. No, when she closed her store. When she closed her store. mail by my aunt when she collapsed. Sorry, Jesus. No, when she closed her store. When she closed her store. I don't know why I said collapsed.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Yeah. And we were visiting from the UK. Malibu has some good ideas, but generally it's pretty shit. Every sentence ends with an exclamation point. Boy did it in the 90s, yeah. Nightman, a.k.a. Greasy Saxman is okay, but the rest are crap. Please teach James this piece of garbage. Thanks for providing the laughs.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Jake Chancellor, the official daredevil with the helmet of Dr. Fate. P.S. You're both dickheads. No wriggling out of this one, Junior Editor. That's you. Because I'm the regular editor. Yeah, okay. Malibu. The defunct Malibu comic book.
Starting point is 01:14:41 We are going to do... Well, I want to do an episode where you just talk about things that don't exist anymore. Oh, great. I thought that would be a nice little... Yeah. Milestone universe. You did this last one.
Starting point is 01:14:51 I know, but I said a different one this time. You did, yeah. Yep. This is from Dan. He wrote a few things in his email, but this is the one question that I took from it. Sometimes I only take elements. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Not that Dan's email was bad, but you read it and you said Bennett it i did say yeah uh that's not true i've never read an email he said what's a movie that's so bad that it puts a nail in the coffin and says ps mason be a dick if you want to be i'm assuming he means like just in life done yeah oh yeah yeah like done um like kills a franchise kills a franchiseometheus did that, right? No, that's still going. Right. Oh, like it's done. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:30 John Carter. Oh, even the first one. Yeah, any. Green Lantern. Green Lantern, yep. Yep. Last Airbender. The Phantom.
Starting point is 01:15:38 We could do this forever. The Shadow. Yep, yep. Dick Tracy. I don't know if The Shadow was bad. I mean, it had that CGI knife, the angry CGI flying knife. But I don't feel...
Starting point is 01:15:50 You're right, you're right. I think it has to be a movie that's bad. I feel that it has to be a movie that's so bad. Like, John Carter wasn't that bad. I haven't seen it. Right. A lot of people tell me it wasn't that bad. Prince of Persia.
Starting point is 01:16:01 But I think it was just like it had to be bad marketing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, if bad marketing killed it, that's not the fault of the film really yep yep um actually john carter is one that i want to go back and watch yeah yeah but i reckon green lantern yeah that is because that's just a bad it's no good yep uh i'm trying to think spider-man 3 yep okay yeah and then the amazing spider-. Sure. Not that I think those movies are terrible, but they were bad enough that they ground that whole thing to a halt. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:30 X-Men last... Wolverine Origins nearly did. Wolverine Origins killed all the other Origins films. Yeah. The two remaining Origins films that I'm probably going to make, which would be Magneto and Cyclops, right? Yeah, you're right, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:42 I'd still like to see a good Cyclops movie. I'm trying to think of any others're right. Yeah. Yeah. I still like to see a good Cyclops movie. Yeah. Trying to think of any others. RIPD? Yeah, that's, that would have been a shot in the dark though. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Like I imagine that's as good as they could make it and then they're like, let's, hopefully this will be a franchise. I'm trying to think of something where they're like,
Starting point is 01:16:58 this is the next thing and then it wasn't because people hated it so much or just had complete disinterest. I think Last Airbender is probably... All the Pierce Brosnan and James Bond films except for Goldeneye. Each one of them.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Each one was a nail in the coffin and that's why they didn't produce the James Bond film for so many years. I feel like I haven't seen Last Airbender, but by all accounts... Have you seen it? No. But by all accounts, because I wanted to watch the show, like I'll watch the show and then I'll see what it's like because apparently the show is amazing even though like the follow-up sequels and whatever but apparently that's just unwatchable like just
Starting point is 01:17:33 like it's just the worst like even if you if you know anything about it you hate it if you know nothing about it you're so confused right yeah exactly yeah yeah i don't know we'll think of some more yeah we might not though we might not I like the idea of that, though, doing a show like franchise- Nails in the coffin, yeah. Franchise-killing kind of movies. We'll do it in another one. We'll think on it. We'll come back to it.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Yeah. Speaking of coming back to things, I put out a request last week. Yes. Because there's been some talk about a TV Expendables film. Yes. Yes. Because there's been some talk about a TV Expendables film. Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Based on, you know, bringing all surrounds from the world of TV. And I said, can people send in examples of people that they would like to see on that? Yeah. And not the characters necessarily. Not the characters, but the actors. Yeah, sure. In the idea of Expendables, it's just the actors and they have new characters.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Richard Dean Anderson. Yep, it's just the actors and they have new characters. Richard Dean Anderson. Yep, that's definitely one. Yeah. Nobody mentioned that, but I'm going to put that in. Tons of people said Lou Ferrigno. Yeah. The original Hulk. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:18:34 The TV Hulk. I'm going to put my two choices were, my three choices were Lorenzo Lamas, Renegade. Yes. It's great, Wynne Davies. That's how you pronounce it. Nick Knight from Forever Night. Okay, Renegade. Yes. It's Geraint Winn-Davies. Oh, that's how you pronounce it. Nick Knight from Forever Night. Okay, yep, yep. Famous vampire.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Adrian Paul from Highlander. He's Duncan McLeod. You said that, didn't you? Yeah, I did say that. So let's see. People said a lot of people, a few people wanted Kevin Sorbo and Lucy Lawless. Okay, yeah, definitely. I don't think Lucy Lawless, I think she's still doing stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Yeah, that's true. She has to, yeah. I feel like she's not washed up. Yeah. Sorry, Sor stuff. Yeah, that's true. I feel like she's not washed up. Yeah. Sorry, Sorbs. Yeah, that's a good point. Fun thing to do if you haven't seen it, we might have mentioned on the show,
Starting point is 01:19:11 go to YouTube and look up, just type in Kevin Sorbo disappointed. It's Kevin Sorbo reading a stage direction from the script as if it's dialogue. It's so good. I do like Kevin Sorbo. Yeah, it's great. He was in the Wog boy two kings of
Starting point is 01:19:26 mykonos i'm aware yeah um let's see uh okay so sammo hung oh yep who is who is the fat guy in martial law yeah he's his fat friend yes so that would be pretty good he's done chuck norris i don't like him do you think he's more i mean he's in he's in movie expendables yeah but also he's a massive dickhead okay if, if we're going to take one... I think we should take one character who's from Expendables movie, who's also in the TV universe, mentor, Kelsey Grammer. Correct. He's the one, right?
Starting point is 01:19:55 Yeah, he is. He's the crossover. Okay, good. And some people said Bryan Cranston. I know he's... I think you also need one guy who's still good. But he wouldn't do it. He's the Statham. Yeah, okay, sure. So you need one... Yeah good. But he wouldn't do it. He's the Statham.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Yeah, okay, sure. So you need one. Yeah, I know he wouldn't do it, but this is purely hypothetical, right? Okay, sure, you're right. He can be like the Statham or like the Statham Schwarzenegger who's still, he's in it a little bit kind of thing. And Dana on Twitter suggested that we also get Dave Coulier. No.
Starting point is 01:20:23 No, it's fine. Oh, all right, fine. All right, yeah, okay. You need a wacky guy. You need a wacky guy who's killed in real life. Exactly. I want to see him take a ninja star to the head. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Yeah. Okay, well, that's TV Expendables sorted. I'm dusting off my hands. Absolutely. Because we did it. Yeah, yeah. So you're saying no Knight Rider? The vehicle?
Starting point is 01:20:40 No, the bloody guy. David Hasselhoff? Yeah. He's definitely washed up, isn't he? What about Magnum P.I.? Is he still alive? Yeah, he's alive. I reckon he's too far...
Starting point is 01:20:48 Tom Selleck. Yeah, no, that's true. I reckon Tom Selleck is... What about Miami Vice, but the movie version? Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell. No, the original one. Don Johnson. I don't know if the other guy's doing anything at all.
Starting point is 01:21:02 I don't think I'm getting back, but Don Johnson you can probably guess. Yeah, yeah. Tom Selleck. Okay. Good choices. Yeah. Selleck's still doing stuff. You're right.
Starting point is 01:21:08 What about the guys from Dukes of Hazzard? One was Clark Kent's dad. Yeah. You can get Clark Kent's dad from Smallville. Okay. Yeah. Good. Whoever the other guy was.
Starting point is 01:21:17 So many good choices. Yeah. Yeah. Great. You know, you could probably get, even though he's not a TV guy, you get Smokey and the Bandit. Good Reynolds. Yeah. Is he still alive? He's alive. Okay. Right. Yeah. Great. could probably get even though he's not a tv guy you get but smoky and the bandit yeah reynolds yeah is he still alive he's alive okay right yeah right there's actually uh there's a there's a
Starting point is 01:21:31 clip i heard this week of marlon brando just tearing through burt reynolds how he's like burt reynolds is a bad person or whatever which may be true but marlon brando is also a terrible person marlon brando is a monster yeah i don't mean like he looks like a monster which he does he is a monster also he's dead good yeah great not a good guy this is from john k a lot of people have been giving dc crap for splitting up their characters into so many seemingly separate live action universes when they could just build a single cohesive one. However, I feel this opens the door
Starting point is 01:22:07 to introduce something new and quintessential DC to the live-action superheroes, the idea of the multiverse. It'd be fairly simple for them to say that all DC shows and movies exist within the same multiverse, which could allow for some interesting storytelling. Probably won't happen, but it'd be pretty cool to see. What do you think? That's interesting. Yeah. I think they could do it.. Probably won't happen, but it'll be pretty cool to see. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:22:25 That's interesting. Yeah. I think they could do it. They probably won't. The question would be, like, obviously, you probably wouldn't team up, say... Who's the bridge?
Starting point is 01:22:37 It's Kelsey Grammer between the two universes. It is Kelsey Grammer, exactly, yes. I mean, I guess you could say, like, maybe in a in a justice league movie or in a justice league sequel or something you could have them look into the multiverse and see all the like the characters from arrow and the flash and all those ones yeah kind of thing but could you legally like i think so okay because they're all they're all because the agents of shield and agent carter you can obviously integrate in the marvel universe
Starting point is 01:23:04 because they've made specific agreements about that. Yeah, you're right. But can you, like, yeah. But I don't think they're, they're not, they didn't lend them out. Like, you know how Marvel used to lend out characters to whoever. They didn't, DC still owned all those characters. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:19 I think that, like, because Warner Brothers making the movies and the TV shows are on the, oh no, CW is Warner Brothers. Yeah, okay. They could do it. They could absolutely do it. Great. Great. I don no, CW is Warner Brothers. Yeah, they could do it. They could absolutely do it. Great. Great. I don't know if they will.
Starting point is 01:23:28 No, they probably won't. Yeah. Look, I think Arrow would fit really well. Arrow would fit in really well, exactly. And so would Flash. They both would, yeah. Not as much Flash. Well, they've got Ezra Miller, don't they?
Starting point is 01:23:40 Yeah, I know. The culturally sensitive Ezra Miller. Last email. All right. Hola, Nick and, but the culturally sensitive. Last day. Well, all right. Hola, Nick and James. My name is Daniel Sanchez.
Starting point is 01:23:49 I'm from Mexico city where the new double a seven movie specter will be filmed. However, there's a rumor. I didn't hear this, but there's a rumor that says that the Mexican Mexican government paid $14 million to Sony in exchange. That's what they could have a big stack of PlayStation fours and the TV show powers in exchange for changes to the script
Starting point is 01:24:09 basically to make the city look good, which is fine, but the money should be used for better things like repairing the fucking subway. Oh, sure, yeah. I hope that's not true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. By the way, if you ever come to Mexico, I'll cook some real Mexican tacos for you. Give up the Google job, guys.
Starting point is 01:24:26 You bring joy to the world. Also, can I be the official Mexican hipster Spider-Man? P.S. Tell Mason he's a pendejo? I don't know what that means. I assume it's dickhead. Yeah, and it says not really. He's all right.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Well, for starters, tacos aren't real Mexican food. They were invented by Taco Bill. That's not true. They're real. Tacos aren't real Mexican food. They were invented by Taco Bill. That's not true. They're real.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Yeah, I always, whenever I have to say like a Spanish name or something, I always get it wrong. It's pendejo. And people, yeah, because J's are H's, aren't they? Yeah, correct. I'm Australian. I have a terrible accent. I can't use, like it's not good for any other accent, is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Anyway, that's possibly true. Yeah. Wouldn't surprise me. In Mexico slang it is used as an insult like idiot or fool but in Peru slang it is used to describe
Starting point is 01:25:10 a smart guy with few or no scruples. Taking that one. How do you like that listeners? Oh, there's a whole Wikipedia article
Starting point is 01:25:18 on Spanish profanity. Of course there is. Yeah. Anyway, continue. Do you want to fling some about? I'll wait.
Starting point is 01:25:26 I'll just throw one in at the end. Sure. So, yeah. Insultors. Insults. Yes, no, I got that. Okay, go right. $40 million to make Mexico look good or whatever.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Yeah. Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me. I mean, it helps with tourism, I guess. I guess that's the thinking. Yeah. But whenever I see a place in a movie, I'm not like, oh, now I want to go there because I saw it in a movie, I'm not like, oh, now I want to go there. Cause I saw it in a movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:45 But I think though that, you know, Bond is not known for going to places and being like, oh, look at this garbage place. Like he's going to show up and he's going to be at the best hotel. It's Casino Royale at the start. Like he went to like a snake fighting.
Starting point is 01:26:03 He went to snake fighting world. That's a, it's a theme park but like i i get the scent like i don't think mexico city would have to pay any money i think that might be a fake rumor if only because they're going to show they're going to well i'd imagine they get like like filming concessions and like sure you know the government doesn't favors and closes off streets or whatever so they can film stuff so i would say the idea would be he would show up and it's the best hotel and it's beautiful sunsets and it's kind of culture and whatever. How are the women?
Starting point is 01:26:32 They're spicy. They're spicy Latinas. Okay. Come on, man. Yeah, I guess you're right. It would have been amusing if they did pay that, like they'll like, listen, make the city look good. Here's $14 million.
Starting point is 01:26:42 And I'm like, okay. It's a very specific amount of money. But I'd be like, we're going to do it anyway, but we'll take your money happily. Yeah. We're going to put none of this towards powers. Correct. All right.
Starting point is 01:26:53 That's the show, Mason, but it's not quite the show. Because we did a movie commentary, didn't we? Oh, we did. We did Watchmen. We did Watchmen. Regular cut. Who watches the Watchmen? These guys.
Starting point is 01:27:02 A couple of days ago. Yeah. I think it's our best one. I think so too. I'm not just saying that. One of them we definitely phoned in. I can't remember which one it was. It wasn't Winter Soldier.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Maybe Amazing Spider-Man? It might have been Amazing Spider-Man. I don't think we phoned it in. I think I was just kind of like, I'm not into this and I have nothing to say. Correct. Like it wasn't, it's not bad. It's not quite bad enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:23 If you're going gonna download one for free Amazing Spider-Man or Eddie yeah or any of them yeah I actually changed the band camp to weeklyplanetpod.bandcamp
Starting point is 01:27:33 you did I saw that oh you did yeah so I haven't put it up there yet but it will be up by the time this goes out but it is on the Patreon
Starting point is 01:27:39 so if you go to slash MrSundayMovies it's already there yeah I've already sent it out so people already have it right so you can choose either of those things MrSundayMovies, it's already there. Yeah, yeah. And I've already sent it out, so people already have it. Right.
Starting point is 01:27:46 So you can choose either of those things. I had a real fun time with Watchmen. Yeah, me too. It's really good, yeah. Because you have a lot of knowledge of Watchmen as well. Apparently I do. He was so prepared, he bought the graphic novel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:55 And he went page to page. And every time we went through a page, I tore it out and I threw it in a bonfire. Yeah, that was a lot of fun. So I think, hopefully, we're gonna do the avengers before age of ultron comes out yeah i say that but this one took us like six months it really did yeah also i've done a rough cut of never go back i think i might just put that up on the patreon and um i'll cut it down more and i'll put it on regular youtube channel in a few weeks fantastic and that'll that'll be that also i promised a couple weeks ago that we're going to give out
Starting point is 01:28:24 a couple t-shirts oh yeah and i forgot great we'll do that. Also, I promised a couple weeks ago that we're going to give out a couple t-shirts. Oh, yeah. And I forgot. Great. We'll do that next week. Okay. So if you decide to buy something this week or if you put into the band camp or- Or the Patreon. Yeah, either.
Starting point is 01:28:35 You're on the list. We'll give away two. You're in the running. Yeah. And it's just entirely random. It can be any amount of money. Also, if you don't want to pay for any of this, you can just play it from the band camp page.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Yeah, totally. Do that. Yeah. We don't care. Yeah, set up your laptop and your CV. Yeah, exactly. It's like we're in your room on your laptop. Coming out your laptop.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Coming right out of it. So, yeah, that's the show for this week. Next week, we might do Spider-Man. I got a lot of people emailing with their favorite Spider-Man moments. Oh, yes. So, I think I might have a cap on that. So, if people do have other moments, I might not be able to include them. But we might not do Spider-Man next week Oh, yes. So I think I might have a cap on that. So if people do have other moments, I might not be able to include them.
Starting point is 01:29:06 But we might not do Spider-Man next week. Something else might happen. We might do Chappie again. Yeah, maybe. Change our minds about Chappie. We might listen to us reviewing Chappie on this episode and then change our minds about it. I know you won't listen to this.
Starting point is 01:29:17 I will not. Yeah. No, but that's everything, I guess. I think it is. Yeah. We did good. That seems like a short one. Let me check.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Yeah, it's like under an hour and a half. Thank God. These have been long lately. Oh, yes. But you know what? I know people enjoy them, it seems, but it's two hours to edit it because you've got to listen to it. Oh, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:40 So I'm like, that's two hours out of my day. But yeah, it's all right. To be fair, though, it's okay. I don't hate doing it. That's the spirit. I like that people like it. That's what I like. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Where can people find us, Mason? They can find us at Weekly Planet Pod on Twitter and Gmail and Facebook and apparently on Bandcamp also. That's right. Exactly. I changed it up. slash MrSundayMovies. Correct.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. Yes, absolutely. I'm just typing in. Oh, I'm at MrSundayMovies. Correct. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. Yes, absolutely. I'm just typing in MrSundayMovies as well. On Twitter. Yeah. I'm just typing in Franchise Killing Movies.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Oh, yes. I'm just going to double check if there's anything that's killed a franchise. Mortal Kombat 2. Yeah, that's true. That's true.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Okay, right. Star Trek Nemesis. Star Trek Nemesis. Star Trek Nemesis. Thank you. Yeah. Oh, Batman and Robin. Obviously. Oh, yeah. Totally. Yeah. That's a really obvious one. Okay, right. Star Trek Nemesis. Star Trek Nemesis. Star Trek Nemesis. Thank you. Oh, Batman and Robin, obviously. Oh, yeah, totally. That's a really obvious one.
Starting point is 01:30:30 But it's amazing that Batman Forever didn't also kill a franchise. Yes. It's got a picture of Freddy versus Jason. I think that's not that bad a movie. No, the characters were... Accurate? They were accurate to their various franchises. It all worked, I think, that movie.
Starting point is 01:30:45 It's not great, but it's not... Yeah. Superman 4. Blade 3, but I think Blade was done. Check out this picture of Ninja Turtles 3. There's that picture. Check out that. That Ninja Turtles picture.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Oh, yeah, great. Good. That's horrifying. We'll do an episode on it. Yeah, we will. Kennedy. I think that was a once-off. Frost Nixon certainly killed the Frost Nixon franchise
Starting point is 01:31:05 it's got some stuff here like I get they got here that like Origins killed Deadpool yeah yeah there's a whole lot of
Starting point is 01:31:13 horror ones in here as well that's like this killed whatever like you know like Leprechaun killed Leprechaun or whatever yeah
Starting point is 01:31:19 but yeah nah great good yeah we'll do an episode on that cool alright that's the show everybody hang on we're the Basilisk they do our theme songs
Starting point is 01:31:28 of course they do yeah and you love that I do I don't like it but you love it yeah what else
Starting point is 01:31:33 we've got a lot of plugs these days I think we do too many plugs buy a t-shirt if you want there's a new never go back one up there
Starting point is 01:31:40 it's pretty cool or just wait until you win a t-shirt yeah it's an option you'll definitely win one what else what else do we plug is there anything else if you like the show tell a friend
Starting point is 01:31:47 tell us what we say like that yeah or itunes or whatever yeah yeah we're getting super good downloads that is super good which is good i don't know we're in the chat sometimes we sure are which is the best which is weird because we don't have any insight or knowledge yep and it's just but it feels good to know that people with actual insight or knowledge or like breaking news and stuff, we've squished them to the bottom. It does feel good. Grab that gem, everyone. Grab that gem, guys. Bye.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Bye.

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