The Weekly Planet - 92 Comic Con! Batman V Superman, Deadpool, Warcraft

Episode Date: July 13, 2015

San Diego Comic Con is probably the biggest week of the year for comic book movies and we treat it like such by half-arsing a podcast about it.We're talking Batman V Superman, X-Men Apocalypse, Suicid...e Squad, Warcraft, Deadpool and more. Plus Mason rants for a bit about Ghostbusters. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care. From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register today at That's Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of The Weekly Planet, official podcast of where we talk movies and TV shows and comics and Comic-Cons and all sorts of things. What a week it's been for us, Mason. Woo! He's back.
Starting point is 00:00:58 San Diego Comic-Con, spring break for nerds. Woo! If you're not going to woo Bloody get out Get out Bloody get out mate That's the rule Don't line up for three days
Starting point is 00:01:10 Not to woo Yeah You woo everything You're out in your ear My name's James Also known as Mr. Sunday With me as always My co-host Nick Mason
Starting point is 00:01:18 Woo Woo indeed Just to be clear We're not at Comic Con No We're nowhere near Comic Con Don't be fooled Yeah We couldn't be further.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Would you go? Look. I think next year we could do it if we wanted to. Look, I am friends with some people who are at Comic-Con right now. Okay. And they are apparently having a very good time. Yep. A couple of friends of mine slept overnight outside Hall H
Starting point is 00:01:43 so they could go to the Star Wars panel. And some other people slept overnight to this so they could see a particular trailer or whatever. But you know what? I woke up and just watched some trailers in bed. Also, you could watch the full panel. Yeah, a lot of the time. A lot of the time, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Some of the footage you can't, which we will talk about. But then I was in bed watching the trailers and I'm like, I wish I could spend a lot of money on some merchandise you know what i mean absolutely just get a big bag and pile it full of overpriced swag a big hessian sack just sweep it in yes yeah fantastic uh so yeah straight into the news the news this oh there might be like a churro stand that'd be pretty good that'd be pretty great good, yeah. When I'm on my feet too much, I get sore. I think I've got to get orthotics. I'm just saying, I don't think I could stand for three days. You know, I'll fix that up, some churros.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Probably. Stuff them in my shoes, mate. Yes. So this week, normally we do news and then we do like whatever thing we want to talk about. But this week, what we want to talk about is news. Normally, we just get the news out of the way. We're sick to death of news. We just blast through it as quickly as possible.
Starting point is 00:02:51 This week, news. All Comic Con. All Comic Con news. I mean, there is other news that happened before this, and I kind of, if I remember it as we go, we'll talk about it. Oh, there's some set photos from Jessica Jones. Oh, yeah. I haven't looked at those.
Starting point is 00:03:04 They're pretty good. Yeah? Look. Any spoiler-ies? No, not especially. Do you consider Luke Cage walking around while on fire a spoiler? Because he's just walking around. He's on fire. He's totally on fire.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Bulletproof skin, also fireproof skin, apparently. He's fairly indestructible, isn't he? Yeah. So they look pretty great. That is pretty great. One couple of photos of Kristen Ritter. Do you remember when a guy used to be on fire in a movie and it was clearly a stuntman covered in grease?
Starting point is 00:03:29 It's like a weird waxy, like a weird fire wax kind of stuff. Yeah, I remember that, yeah. It doesn't look like that? No, it doesn't. Fantastic. It looks great, yeah. Oh, good, good. Yeah, you knew exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:38 It's like when you're watching a really old cartoon from the 70s and one piece of the background is clearly a very different colour so you know it's going to move. Same thing, you look at a man who's just, I'm just a regular businessman walking down the street but like one side of his body is covered in that weird wax
Starting point is 00:03:54 and you're like, he's going to burst into flames. Exactly. So let's do it then. Okay. Let's start with one of the, oh, I should point out as well, Comic Con has one more day as we're recording this.
Starting point is 00:04:05 But I think all the big stuff comes out by now. So we may miss some stuff, but... Yeah, fair point. Oh, do you want to rate stuff? Maybe like using woos somehow? Oh, a level of woos. Woo-wometer? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Sure. And we'll decide which one got the most woos from us at the end. Okay, sure. To determine what is the best news. Okay, great. Good idea. Do you want to start with Star Wars? Yeah, I'll start with Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Bloody oath, mate. Okay, now they said prior to the Star Wars panel, we're not doing a trailer. Right. And they didn't. True to their word, they didn't do that thing. Did you watch the panel or any of the footage from it? No, I saw a still photo.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I saw a photo. It's Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford. Yeah. Not yeah. Thank you. Better. Better. Thank you. See, that's why I didn't watch the video because I knew that the moment Harrison Ford comes in, he walks on the stage, my eardrums are going to blow out. Absolutely. Well, I can tell you what happened in the panel before we talked about the footage. Oh, yes. Because I watched it. So basically they rolled out the new cast. Yep.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And they took some questions from fans. And it's just questions like... When you say roll out, they were all on one of those BB-8 droids. Correct. Oh, God. So, you know, people got up and asked questions like, what does it like to take on such iconic movies? And, you know, just boring crap. Sure, yeah. yeah who cares i want to be like how does the joint work
Starting point is 00:05:29 open it in front of us i don't believe you you know i want to ask stuff like that i would be like is harris what's he what's he what's he up to what's his deal what does he have for lunch tell me that oh sure anyway so things like that then they yeah rolled out the new cast and they asked and they answered answered a bunch of questions and we found out a little bit about some characters we didn't know about as of yet. Like Donald Gleeson. He's playing General Hux. Terberger?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yes. And he's some kind of Imperial General Officer. And he lets slip that he's in charge of the Starkiller base. Starkiller being the name of... Well, that was Luke Skywalker's original name in the original draft. Yes. And it was also the name of the character in Force Unleashed. I was going to say Awakens, but that's this movie.
Starting point is 00:06:18 That's this one. So that's cool. So is he some sort of admiral? Yeah, he's like a British That is constantly being bullied Because he's a ginger It's very possible Or do they not have ginger bullying
Starting point is 00:06:32 In the long time ago Well there's other things you can bully I guess so Baldroids Weird blue skin And weird tentacles on your head Yeah exactly Yeah I guess that's a good point
Starting point is 00:06:40 Frogs There's frog people There's actual literal frogs actually Jabba the Hutt eats some. Oh, yeah. There's frogs in the Star Wars universe. There you go. We're learning things.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So, yeah, some people are still saying that he might not be evil because he doesn't look like an evil kind of guy. Well, that's how they get you. That's how they get you, mate. That's how real evil people get you as well. They dress nightly, nicely. Have you seen The Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino? He looks like Al Pacino, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:07:04 He does. You wouldn't suspect it. I do. Yeah, they also brought out Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill. They showed Carrie Fisher as well, what she's going to look like in Princess Leia. They showed that in the footage. She looks great, actually. She looks really good.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher do the stand. It's great to be here. Carrie Fisher was kind of like, walked the line of being like a weird, crazy, inappropriate person. Classic Carrie Fisher. Brings it back, you know. She's great. She's really good. But we don't see any photos of Luke Skywalker. No, crazy, inappropriate person. Classic Carrie Fisher. Brings it back, you know, she's great, she's really good.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But we don't see any photos of Luke Skywalker. No, not as of yet. So we don't know if he's going to go beard or not beard. Yeah. Because Hamill's rocking a beard right now. He's definitely not, because he grew the beard. Oh, I see. Yeah, so he's definitely bearded. And also, much to everybody's surprise,
Starting point is 00:07:40 they brought out Harrison Ford, who walked out, which is surprising because he had that horrendous plane accident. You know what would be amazing? If he just walked in and he just looked at the thousands of screaming fans and he just left again straight away. Like maybe he didn't even break stride. He just keeps walking to the other exit. Doesn't shake his head.
Starting point is 00:07:59 No expression. Just keeps walking. But you know what? Surprisingly, and look, maybe he faked this because he's an actor who can fake things, but he had a lot of enthusiasm for it. He even said he was happy to come back and he thought the whole thing would be ridiculous. Yes. But he was like, at the end, he had a really good time and he enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And look, you say that, of course. Well, it's kind of, yeah. But he's so old. Everybody's got a, there's a very good vibe at Comic-Con. people are very enthused at comic-con i guess you're not going to go if you're not keen on well that's it but i feel like as well he's got so much money and whatever he'd be like who cares like i can just be like yes fine like you know yeah so no it's good to see that he he didn't hate it so that's that's something that's something isn't it the footage they did show though was a few minutes of behind-the-scenes stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:45 A lot of clapperboards clapping. A lot of clapperboards clapping. Just as a way to show that this is a real background and not a green screen. They've really pushed that, haven't they? Yes. They can't distance themselves enough from the prequels in that sense.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Look, this is an actual doorway. We're walking through an actual doorway. Isn't it weird that it's got to the point where people commend that? Do you know what I mean? Isn't it weird that it's got to the point where people, like, commend that? Do you know what I mean? It's bizarre. But it's gone, went so far the other way that I guess you have to do it now, I guess. Anyway, what do you think of the footage?
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah, good. Woo! Woo! Yeah, tentative woos. They're pretty good. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you knew it was all, most of it was, not most of it, a lot of it was practical anyway and things like that. There's like, they showed some robotics and puppetry.
Starting point is 00:09:30 There's like a, he's not Jabba the Hutt, but there's like a giant alien man dude. And apparently it takes like five guys to operate him. And that's what the kind of stuff they did with, the Jabba the Hutt took something like that. Right, okay, yeah. And whatever. Speaking of all CGI, are we going to talk about Warcraft?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Oh, we're going to get to Warcraft. Okay, right, we'll get to that. Yeah, yeah yeah do you see any footage from that no i've not been able to lock it down but there's there's a lot of descriptions of stuff boy is there yeah and if people come to this podcast for nothing else it's for descriptions of things that's that's absolutely true i can't argue with that so look i don't know what else to say about star wars it looks pretty good i think they're saving some trailers for D23, which is happening in a few weeks. A big Disney expo.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Oh, that's right. So... Oh, and after the panel, everybody went to a concert. Yeah, they did go to a concert. Well, they all got lightsabers or something. Yeah. And there was all sorts of John Williams' scores. And the Max Rebo band.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I hope so. Just an hour after... Would you sit through that because that's the song that gets stuck in your head the most isn't it yeah it is absolutely
Starting point is 00:10:28 no I hate it I cannot stand it it's going to be in my head for the rest of the night now now that I've brought it up I've done this to myself also I would like to be the first
Starting point is 00:10:36 I honestly would be like be like to be the first person at a concert to just you know snap the lightsaber close you know just just close it put it down
Starting point is 00:10:43 and be like nope and just leave. I think that'd be excellent. Make a big song and dance about it. Tristan's written in though and he wonders if we'd prefer the footage that we saw or behind the scenes-y stuff or a new trailer.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yeah, a new trailer. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely, yeah. I mean, I was glad to see it. It was nice to see something knowing that there wasn't going to be a new trailer. And it's nice that they released it online. Did we talk about Han Solo movie?
Starting point is 00:11:09 I was going to bring that up in letters because we have a question about it. Do you want to talk about it now? No, I refuse to talk about it twice. Great. They did talk briefly about Rogue One or they kind of released some information during the week.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Darth Vader will be in it. That's right they kind of released some information during the week. Darth Vader will be in it. That's right, yeah. That came out during the week. He's going to be not the main antagonist because he's probably busy. What would he be doing? Because there's no Luke Skywalker yet. Probably, I don't know. Secret Apprentice.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Oh, yeah. Or are they not doing that anymore? I don't know. There's a little bit of it because a lot of the Clone Wars the Clone Wars is canon so there's all sorts of secret apprentices in that everyone's got a bloody secret apprentice it's pretty good
Starting point is 00:11:52 I guess alright maybe he's just choking people he's choking people yeah pulling the strings they say but also they can't talk about Rogue One apparently they struck some kind of deal with I think it's Paramount doing Mission Impossible Rogue Nation
Starting point is 00:12:04 so after that comes out on late july because two movies can't have the word rogue in them apparently not so and two movies can't have simon pegg in them because simon pegg's going to be in force awakens that's very true yeah he's some kind of alien dude isn't he yeah so that's pretty uh also i should mention they walked out one of the kind of creatures on stage at one point. It's like a hunched over kind of thing. You're thinking of Mark Hamill. Got him. No, he's all right.
Starting point is 00:12:31 He's good. He's pretty good, isn't he? Yeah. So, yeah. I mean, it hasn't started shooting yet, so they didn't show it. It starts shooting in three weeks, and then Rogue Nation will come out, and then we'll probably start hearing more about it as the year progresses. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:43 We'll talk about Darth Vader later. Okay, cool. Darth Vader later. Okay, cool. Darth Vader later. Warcraft. Oh yeah, that's right. What did you, what's your word? What are you doing? By all accounts, it is very clearly like a low budget Lord of the Rings Hobbit kind of
Starting point is 00:12:59 situation where it's all CGI. Oh, like low budget like? Well, I don't know if it's low budget, but it's very much it's no real sets. It's all... There's some humans who are in costumes and then everything else is just green screen CGI. I've heard it looks incredible,
Starting point is 00:13:15 but it does feel very CGI-y. Well, you don't have to do the orcs like that, but... I'm told there is also a zoom out where we see like a... Tolkien a world in the background yeah no like a like a top-down perspective like it's like you're playing warcraft sure which is there a hand like a movie yeah there is a hand clicking a mouse and swearing just racial slurs over a headset um but i don't know name a movie based on a video game where you do that element of video gameness and it's
Starting point is 00:13:48 a good movie. You're thinking of Doom. I am thinking of Doom, yeah. Doom was the best one. I guess Mortal Kombat or the, um, whenever there's a fight, the name of that character is spoken aloud. Oh, sure. Yeah, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah. I didn't know until recently that there, like a couple of days ago, that they're doing another Hitman movie. Yeah. Another Agent 47. There is. There are, yeah. It's a guy from, I was going to say the guy from the new Transporter, but it might not be.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I don't know. No, it's not. The trailer came out and I just didn't watch it. I just went, okay. It looks better than the last one. I don't doubt it. But, I don't know. Timothy Oliphant did not look good with a shaved head.
Starting point is 00:14:24 He looked ill. This guy does also not look good with a shaved head. He looked ill. This guy does also not look good with a shaved head. You a fan of the games? I liked Hitman. I think I got blood
Starting point is 00:14:32 money. Whatever the last one was. I haven't played any of the new gen ones. Absolution was that the last one? Couldn't tell you.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I think that was a good one they heard. Yeah that was one of the best. Everybody said. I always get impatient and just like can I just run in and shoot
Starting point is 00:14:44 people? And it turns out you can in some of those games. Well, yeah, the last one, I think it was Absolution. The last one was very good, and I think it was the first game. You know how they're always... It was the first game. Yeah, the first game ever made.
Starting point is 00:14:56 But you know how with a lot of video games, they always say, oh, this is a game you can play however you want. Yeah, yeah. Like you can play it as a shooter, you can play it as a stealth game, you can play it as a blah, blah, blah. And you can't.
Starting point is 00:15:06 There's like two paths. You can never. Yeah, there's two paths and one is incredibly difficult so you have to play. Well, with The Last Hitman you could genuinely do that. Yeah, yeah. And you could switch in and out so you could be like. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You could make it a shooter for a while, then hide and then until everything died down. Pop back up as a clown. Yeah, exactly. I'll just quickly. Throw somebody into a wheat thresher. We didn't rate the woos for Star Wars. Oh, no, intermediate woo.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It's fine. I'll give it a solid seven. Oh, seven woo. Out of however many woos this is. Yeah, we'll know at the end. We will, won't we? Sorry, yeah, so Hitman's good. The game.
Starting point is 00:15:41 The game is good. This movie, it's probably, it's going to be better than the last one, but I don't know. Yeah. With Zachary Quinto in it. He's good, isn't he The game is good. This movie, it's probably, it's going to be better than the last one, but I don't know. Yeah. With Zachary Quinto in it. He's good, isn't he? I like his bowl cut.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah, apparently the footage for Warcraft as well, you see it from both perspectives. So you get the start, you find out that the orcs are fleeing their homeland, whatever that's called. So you see kind of the human side of them, I guess. Like they've got family. Orcanarium. Orcanarium. And they've got families and they're in love and there's babies and whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Orc-stralia. That's very good. And humans are, and then they're moving into the human world, whatever that's called. Yep. You got a name? No. And. That's racist.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And they have to defend their homes or whatever. So you you see kind of both sides of it yeah yeah the trailer's not available till november so it's going to be a while before maybe elements of that is it's not entirely ready to be shown and that's why they didn't show it to the wider public when they say it won't be ready till november are they factoring in some people who just haven't uploaded their bootleg copy to the internet yet yeah well that's the thing it's like a couple of these panels have done the smart thing and released them as they've come online so that people's first impression isn't a weird kind of cam of it yeah dc have gone about half and half yeah they haven't they yeah about half and half that's that's that's pretty much dead on look warcraft is duncan jones though and he made two pretty great movies moon moon source code he probably did some work
Starting point is 00:17:11 on a bowie album i don't know yeah he's probably yeah he's probably his dad probably got him into like shake a tambourine or something like that when he was like six or something absolutely he's probably in the line of notes somewhere yeah yeah so look i have faith in this and look i see zowie bowie yes he's zowie okay he was right because he didn't want to stay with that name because it's so dumb yeah oh yeah yeah like i can't really i can't really comment on it i mean it's just what never stopped us before no certainly commenting on things we don't know anything about but like we it like some people have said it looks amazing. Some people said it looks too computer gamey. So it's one of those things, I guess.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yes, it is. Or anywhere in between. I imagine we'll hit stop on this recorder and then footage will be released. Absolutely. We'll come back. No, we won't. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Look. How many woos? Not applicable woos. Okay. Because it's possible to say. N.A. woos. N.A. woos. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Hateful Eight. We can talk about this briefly. Oh, yes. Because it's possible to say. N.A. woos. N.A. woos. All right. Hateful Eight. We can talk about this briefly. Oh, yes. Apparently it's like a cross. This is Quentin Tarantino's latest. It's a cross between Reservoir Dogs and Django Unchained. I nearly said Django. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:16 As I did for many months leading up to the release of that film. Which is good. That's a good combo of things, I guess, if you can nail that. Apparently, and this is a good thing, I suppose, I don't know anything about films. I shouldn't admit that. It was shot on 65mm and to be projected on 70mm, which I presume is some kind of old format.
Starting point is 00:18:38 To make it look weird and grainy? I guess. Maybe. Yeah. That seems like a trick to make it look more old-school-y than it is. You know when he did the Grindhouse movies? I hated that. And they put the weird CGI cigarette burns and all the weird graininess into it.
Starting point is 00:18:54 It didn't look good, did it? Not really, no. It didn't feel right. But I guess if you film it, unless that was filmed like that, and we just thought, I don't know. No, no, that was CGI. Okay, it was. There you go. You know what? You know why I didn't know. No, no, that was CGI. Okay, it was. There you go.
Starting point is 00:19:05 You know what I didn't see? Those movies tanked. But the reason I didn't see it, and I think the same reason for you, because it tanked overseas and then when they brought them to Australia, they split them up into two films. They did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And I went, hell no. You son of a bitch. Yeah, it looks... Kurt Russell's in it. It's pretty good. Yeah. But apparently Tarantino said... He's always said that he's going to retire
Starting point is 00:19:24 after he does 10 films because he says the last four films of a director generally are the worst four films of their career which is probably true so he's banking on the last four movies he's making being bad movies good to be self-aware isn't it I guess so yeah
Starting point is 00:19:39 but that being said he said that's not necessarily going to be the case and he might go on to make 15 or possibly more. Sure. Directors do this every now and then. Kevin Smith, he said he was going to retire. I was just going to say Kevin Smith keeps saying he's going to retire. The dude, Steven Soderbergh, said he was going to retire
Starting point is 00:19:55 and he hasn't unretired yet, but I think he'll be back. Apparently he did a lot on Magic Mike XXLX. Sure. XS. So that's good good isn't it yeah boy don't go see magic mike xs that's gonna that's gonna be disappointing for everyone yeah but he also mentioned that kill bill three could possibly happen still uma thurman's keen he talks about it with her she kills bill yes but do you remember there's one of the assassin's daughters. Oh, yeah. They had that conversation where she's like,
Starting point is 00:20:26 look, you still have a problem with me killing your mother in front of you. Come and see me in 10 years or whatever. That's right, yeah, yeah. So he said, we're still not there timeline-wise yet. Yeah, yeah. It wouldn't be that far, though, would it? That movie came out quite, like, what, 2004 maybe? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Maybe later or earlier. Yeah. You know what I mean? Who knows? Yeah, you like Quentin Tarantino. Yes. What's his worst movie? Except for Grindhouse.
Starting point is 00:20:51 They're all pretty good. Okay, what about this? What's his best movie? Okay, what's his worst movie? They're all pretty good. Aren't they? Yeah. It's hard to choose.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I think I would probably say... Jackie Brown? I haven't seen Jackie Brown. probably say jackie brown i haven't seen jackie brown that's the only one i haven't seen i really pop fiction's amazing it's probably the best and reservoir dogs okay but inglorious bastards is pretty incredible yeah i don't know man he's good at making films isn't he isn't he good at it he's also good at stealing references he's real good at that any woos on the hateful eight or na woo all right solid woo a little bit of woos there x-men apocalypse oh we're talking about marvel because marvel is fox yeah yeah fox have been like yeah there's probably like
Starting point is 00:21:41 they're like carnival hucksters they're all wearing like like straw hats and they're trying to you know they've got canes and they're like step right up it's the Marvel booth I can just imagine
Starting point is 00:21:52 right at like at the end of the like they're a day and a half in and like the cops some lawyers or whatever start sniffing around they're like are you guys really Marvel
Starting point is 00:22:00 wait a sec and somebody's peeling off like a Marvel banner and it's got Fox underneath and they're like let's get out of here it peeling off like a Marvel banner and it's got Fox underneath. And they're like, let's get out of here. It's Coca-Cola snake oil. Jeez, it's the cops. Oh, man, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:12 The president of Fox just folds his card table up into a briefcase and runs away. Any of this stuff impress you? Did you see much of it? We saw a little bit of X-Men Apocalypse. I didn't see that at all. It's a tiny snippet. You can actually see Apocalypse. I saw it like a tiny...
Starting point is 00:22:31 I could barely make it out. Does he have the weird rubbery mouth? No. Apparently, like I thought, yeah, that looks good for what I saw, but apparently he looks incredible. And it's only been filming for like five weeks as well. Yeah, yeah. So they've done pretty well to get some footage out for the con.
Starting point is 00:22:45 They actually revealed also who the four horsemen are going to be, if you'd like to know that. I would like to know that. Is one of them going to be... Oh, no, I've forgotten his name. Never mind. Correct.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Great. Angel, Archangel, whichever one of that. Psylocke, who's played by Olivia Munn, actually. Yeah, there we go. Storm, Young Storm, with the mohawk.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, okay. And Magneto. Oh, interesting. I think all of those people have maybe been... At this point, everybody's been a horseman of the apocalypse in the X-Men movies. I can't recall Magneto doing it. No.
Starting point is 00:23:15 But that's not the same as it. But why not, hey? New universe, reboot. Exactly. Do whatever we want. And again, everything's going to be fine. We've seen the future. We've seen the future. Yeah. But I think what's happened here is something's like jolted the timeline because
Starting point is 00:23:30 this first class reboot i'm sorry days of future past rebooted the series with the well first class did as well because they all the continuity is all out yes but but the time travel events from days of future past means that apocalypse can show up and it makes sense because they've they've done something along the way which means that he's reappeared right apparently in the trailer he talks about how he's gone by many names over the years and he names like egyptian gods and a bunch of other stuff so he's like i've been around for a while i've been kicking about oh yeah i think we talked about this before you know he's the first mutant well celine's the first mutant yeah
Starting point is 00:24:01 but i don't even know if that's true anymore who knows but why does he have all the powers I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah, I think he's like, oh, yeah bald Professor X in the trailer, apparently. Oh, okay. Right, right. And that got a lot of woos. I don't know why. I mean... Because McAvoy shaved his head, man. Who cares? Woo! Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:33 You wouldn't do it. Do it right now. I dare you. I would never. My head's so weird. I would never. How short have you shaved your head? I'll take it down to about a one.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah. Yeah. About a one. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. Like a two. Yeah. One on the sides Yeah. That's good. Like a two. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:46 One on the sides, two on the top. Exactly. Never again, though. It's not wartime. No. It's not rationing. Yeah, I mean, I'm excited for this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 The response has been generally really, really positive for those who have seen it. Yeah. I mean, even though this is some kind of scam yeah by fox or whatever no there is there is some concept art here yeah and there's a really like it's it's apocalypse and it's clearly like blasting some people in this in this action sequence yeah there's like a knocked over cars and whatever but there's also a really prominent pepsi sign in the storyboard i'd done it's the 80s man oh yeah good point good point point. People loved Pepsi in the 80s. They did.
Starting point is 00:25:25 It's in all sorts of things. Did that take you out of that concept art, did it? Ah, yeah. Like the same way in a movie? Yes. See, there we go.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Bald James McAvoy. Yeah. I mean, we knew he was going bald. Yeah, totally. And he actually turned up to the panel and he was bald, so...
Starting point is 00:25:39 You know what? I'd be afraid... People would have wooed that. Absolutely. I would be afraid that I shaved my head and it just wouldn't grow back it's gone forever or just one patch yeah just one patch just you know at the side of my head yeah um oh also hugh jackman yeah he if we're
Starting point is 00:25:57 getting all the all the flim flam in the one go he confirmed that the next wolverine movie is going to be old man logan yeah he did he said the exact words i've got three words for you old man logan now everyone can woo he said you have my permission to woo yeah that's good right yeah you love that story i do but that being said has it got enough characters to do it? Oh, I see. Considering all the other villains are owned by Marvel. Yeah. I mean, we've talked about it before.
Starting point is 00:26:32 You can replace the Hulk with the thing. You could... Yeah. They've replaced Professor... I mean, Hawkeye with Professor X, it seems. Also, if it's in the future, is it a potential future or is it the actual future if it's a weird wasteland? Also, we've seen the future of Wolverine and he lives is it the actual future if it's a weird wasteland also we've seen the future of Wolverine
Starting point is 00:26:46 and he's a he lives with a bear but then he comes out of that and then we've seen the other future where it's like the weird Terminator future
Starting point is 00:26:53 yeah what's look I think it's that's a good question actually I think they're just going to have to say and I think I've said this before at the start
Starting point is 00:27:00 this is one of many potential futures yeah done and then you know those exact words including done and if you don't like it bloody get out that's that's could be that could be stanley's cameos like if you don't like it get out have you been reading the new old man logan i have
Starting point is 00:27:20 really liked issue one issue two a whole lot of x-men kind of turned up sort of in a way okay and i'm like i don't i don't know about this anymore is it all seemed all very convenient issue two and i'd spoil it but i don't remember yeah exactly um the i there was like a marvel released like a previews book yeah like this last last. And I seem to get the idea that old man Logan is going to be joining the regular Marvel Universe. That looks like it's going to be the case.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah. Because he's on one of the, I think he's on one of the Avengers. He's on somebody's team. Yeah. And look, I don't know. We'll see, I guess. Because you know at the moment
Starting point is 00:27:59 Marvel are doing Battleworld so there's different things happening in different continents. There's multiple versions of everybody and whatever. It's very confusing and I try to stay away from it. I'm reading a few stories. I'm reading Planet Hulk and I'm reading Civil War.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I'll talk about that later. Well, fingers crossed they don't do that. He's on the team, but he's just in a magic mirror and he can't actually affect anything. So they're like, Wolverine, what do we do? And he's like, I can't help you. I'm in the future. I'm in a magic mirror. Does he have to explain that he's in a magic mirror okay good it's 80s rules he has to explain that he's in a magic mirror while he's in a magic mirror so yeah good stuff but what got uh apocalypse woos
Starting point is 00:28:39 woo yeah always if i'd seen it sure absolutely hugh jackman um wolverine woos if I'd seen it sure absolutely Hugh Jackman Wolverine woos woo it's Hugh Jackman more woos well actually you know what less woos normally he's doing
Starting point is 00:28:51 some sort of crazy stunt sure normally when Hugh Jackman makes an appearance he's abseiling off the Sydney Harbour Bridge or something
Starting point is 00:28:59 yeah yeah or he's on a train yeah or he's on a train yeah do you mean when he went to the Melbourne Premier and then there was photos of him just using a train. Yeah, he's on a train, yeah. Do you mean when he went to the Melbourne premiere? And then there was photos of him just using a train like a regular person.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Amazing. Would you go up to him? We've talked about this. I'd probably leave him alone. Yeah, I'd probably leave him alone too. I mean, I'm sure he wants to meet me and talk to me at length about X-Men. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Regardless, yeah. No, he wants you to talk about the boy from Oz. I would love to talk about the boy from Oz. I haven't seen it, but... He wants you to talk about Paperback Hero, that movie where he's a truck driver that writes romance novels or something. He was a real paperback hero.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I like that one. Okay, sure. I like Hugh Jackman. Yeah. That was before he was famous and when he had a mullet, I believe. Or was that the one before that where he was in a TV show where he was a prisoner and he met his wife? Not important, is it?
Starting point is 00:29:49 No. Prisoners is good, isn't it? Yeah, okay. Yeah, it's a good movie. Great. Deadpool, though. Oh, yeah. Got so many woos.
Starting point is 00:29:57 So many woos. Well, that's a character that's built from the ground up to receive woos. That's true. You know what I mean? That's day one woos right there. He's powered by woos. He is. That's very true.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Will you watch the trailer? Yes. Well, we watched the trailer in a postage stamp sized corner of a- Of a full screen video. Of a full screen video because apparently when you're bootlegging a video at Comic-Con, you can't center it. No, apparently not. Come on, man. Center it. Come on.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Get it together. Get it together. Come on. That being said, it looks pretty good, right? It does look good, yeah. Yeah. It's genuinely surprising me how well this movie is turning out. I just didn't think it would be good or didn't have much faith in it. Because there's... Like, you've got to get the humor right.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, there's layers of self-awareness but not too many it's with fox and they're kind of bit hit and miss they're no good yeah they're bad no they're not bad they're not they you know what lately they're more good than bad all right but yeah and there is a little they are aware you know they are aware that ryan reynolds has been in some bad stuff absolutely yeah at one point um wade wilson is being put under to you know be experimented on to get his powers yeah and he's like if you're building me a superhero suit don't make it green or animated yeah exactly yeah like green lantern slap in the face slap in the face movie i've done that i probably got millions of
Starting point is 00:31:19 dollars for i get a bit sick we talked about this before also a bit a bit sick of like deadpool antics i can kind of like Deadpool antics I can kind of like bit here and bit there you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah but from this trailer this I quite liked the human
Starting point is 00:31:31 I thought he was he's really well suited to this role yeah totally yeah I mean some people say Nathan Fillion but no
Starting point is 00:31:37 I just said that oh yeah people say him for everything it's pretty violent as well yeah like really violent we saw they recreated that CGI test reel
Starting point is 00:31:46 that they did. Where he's fighting on a freeway? On a freeway and whatever. Yeah, it looked good. There's a bit where he, like, does a spin cartwheeling and, like, shoots three guys
Starting point is 00:31:52 through the head. It's pretty good. He makes jokes. Oh, yeah. It looks really, like, good action and it's funny and violent and, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I'll see it. I'll bloody see it too. You know what? Maybe it will. You know what I think about it? Woo! That's a big woo. That's a big woo for that one.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah, all right. Excellent. All right, let's get into the DC stuff then. Okay. Lots of news here. Some people say DC were the king of Comic-Con of this year. Well, they're not the king of consistently bloody releasing high-def trailers on the internet for us to watch conveniently from the privacy of our own homes.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Are they DC? No. No, they're not. It's not even a real job. Not really. I'd imagine it wouldn't be. So they announced a new Green Lantern movie. Oh, I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:32:35 It's called Green... Oh, it's titled for now, Green Lantern Corps, which means there'll be multiple Green Lantern-tons. Like the last one. Yeah, but... Yeah, I guess you're right. But I guess it will be good. It'sterns. Like the last one. Yeah, but... Yeah, I guess you're right. But I guess it will be good. It's just test footage from the last one.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Now, the rumour is or has been that Chris Pine is being lined up for Hal Jordan. Yep. Prior to that, they also thought he might be Steve Trevor, so who knows. And Tyrese Gibson keeps telling everybody that he's in the Green Lantern movie. Because somebody's photoshopped him as Jon Stewart, I think. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. He's like, eh, might as well go with this.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Do you think they should do Hal Jordan... I've forgotten his name already. Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart. Yes. And Guy Gardner. And Volkart, yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:17 That would be a good combo, right? Yeah, absolutely. Because they've all kind of got differing personalities. Is three too many for a buddy movie, though? Guardians worked. I guess that's true a buddy movie, though? Guardians worked. I guess that's true, yeah. Okay. But very rarely.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Can we get a fourth, though? Like a weird alien one? Yeah. Gnaught. Who's the squirrel? Gnaught. Is that the squirrel? Well, he's like a weird...
Starting point is 00:33:37 He's a vaguely... He's a weird ratty squirrely man, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. But could they do that, though? Actually, you know what? Because they did it in Guardians. No, okay, how about this? Because you need four guys to be in front seat,
Starting point is 00:33:53 driver, passenger, two back seats. That's the, if you want a team. Five if you've taken a prisoner. Yeah, exactly. So we get Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Guy Gardner, Mogo the Planet. That's the team, right? That's the team.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It's the four-man team. Yeah. Is it a regular car or a green construct? Yeah, it's a regular car. Good. And it's flying through space in it. Excellent. Look, not knowing anything about this, I think it's a great idea it's a great idea to
Starting point is 00:34:27 how to reboot the series yep um more space stuff hopefully i guess or less space stuff just pick one pick one exactly now are they going to tie this in to man of steel or is that another separate universe no no these are all connected. Although they will be at some point. Though there'd be no hint towards Green Lantern at all that we've seen in any of the trailers or whatever. Yeah, great, good. Woo's for me. You?
Starting point is 00:34:55 There you go. Well, I didn't hear about this at all, so I'm just, no, woo. You're fine. Again, if they go with my four guys in a car scenario. And one's a planet. One's a planet, yeah. Fantastic. Don't have to let the car scenario, one's a planet. One's a planet. Yeah. Yeah. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:35:05 We'll have to let the top down. He's a planet. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the sunrise challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the center for addiction and mental health to support life-saving progress in mental health care from May 27th to 31st. People across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Uh, do you want to talk Batman v Superman? Yes. New trailer. Incredible. You loved it. I loved it, mate.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Me too. Yeah. You know what? If you think that next year people are going to be more excited by Captain America Civil War than this, you are crazy. Am I? You are a crazy man. Yeah, you're probably right. right look i've talked before about how
Starting point is 00:36:07 what could be a bigger movie and there's only civil war potentially yep warcraft maybe that's kind of a long shot and star wars rogue one but i see even then i can't see anything doing better business than this no apocalypse as well yes but even we've gone we've gone a i like months and months without anything from Batman v Superman. Like anything of any substance at all. There's been some posters and stuff. Yeah. But this, there's a lot to unpack in this trailer.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Three minutes, 30 something. Before we get to this, they also announced that Ben Affleck is going to direct the next Batman solo movie. Yeah, that's right. And he's going to co-write it with Geoff Johns, who does a bunch of DC stuff. Yeah, totally. He's a creative officer. He did write the new Justice League. I don't right and he's going to co-write it with jeff johns who's you know does a bunch of dc stuff he's a creative officer he he did write the new justice league i don't know what he's he did he does the batman earth one a bunch of other stuff yeah yeah it's good yeah yeah some people complain that i think it might have you have even said that or maybe not complain maybe you just pointed out that jeff johns like to return things to the status quo yes he does yeah so i'll be
Starting point is 00:37:01 interested to see how that goes that being said ben affleck's a massive batman fan and jeff johns knows a lot about batman also two people know batman don't they yeah so i'm excited about that i think that's a that's a good combination of people but yeah batman v superman look let's talk about i like the first trailer this is like a thousand times yeah because the first trailer was a good teaser but there there was nothing to it, really. There's a lot to this. I'm going to bring it up just so I can... You can skim through? Skim through it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Oh, wait, I can just go to history. You can. I'm a genius. We could talk about how it opens with Superman. Do you want to just talk through it? Yeah, let's talk through it. Or the major bits. So it opens with Superman going to some kind of tribunal.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yep. Because he's done something wrong, or they think he's done something wrong. Possibly Metropolis. Possibly some other bizzo. Yep. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:48 And that's pretty good. It's reminiscent of Iron Man. Do you think maybe he goes in there and he's like, what am I in trouble for? Is it Metropolis or some other bizzo? Hands on hips. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Just not impressed. Not at that time you destroyed Metropolis. That's definitely it. You can't say that. People get upset when you say that. I mean, people get upset when I say that. All right. Because he did it.
Starting point is 00:38:09 He was defending the Earth from the blah, blah, blah. First of all, you can really see they've really lined up the costume. Thank God, right? Yeah. No weird filter over everything. Because we saw that footage, didn't we, a few weeks back? No S on his cape still. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I think it's, in a movie, I think it's too many s's yeah i'm cool with that sure yeah also we also see the destruction of metropolis from bruce wayne's perspective yeah we see a building go down that zod and superman and it looks it's exactly the same as it's the same shot it's the same shot for the building falling down yeah they've just reversed it because he's on the other side yeah but it's also the same people in front of him all right okay sure that's a weird coincidence but that's fine i don't really care it's it's good to see that from a different perspective though then there's going to be ramifications for knocking down a city because there probably should be i think so yeah so and also and so bruce wayne yeah you know we we see that he's
Starting point is 00:38:59 something special because he runs into the yeah he runs into the cloud of debris everybody else is running away and he saves the little girl. So it's Bruce Wayne and the little girl are the only two people who survive the destruction of Metropolis, I'm pretty sure. I think everybody else dies. It's funny though. Well, that's actually one of those buildings that falls down is a Wayne building because you can see the sign that says Wayne Financial.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yes, yes. And you see an article, on that article it says... Dozens killed. Dozens killed, yeah. They're like, wow's it's generous i think maybe they just mean thousands killed no i think in that building yeah absolutely but dozens come on no it would have been i shouldn't say literally everyone in the building was killed along with literally everybody else in metropolis because everything was crushed interesting zach snyder brought up that this i don't think this has ever been done before metropolis because everything was crushed interesting zach snyder brought up that this
Starting point is 00:39:45 i don't think this has ever been done before metropolis and gotham are next to each other as cities huh so you've got kind of the elite and whatever living in metropolis and you've got and then scumbags exactly right you got bloody scumbags yeah i'm okay with that yeah i think yeah that's fine um doesn't really matter where they are yeah and and as we've been saying like you know they there were clearly, like Bruce Wayne is in Metropolis at the time. So maybe there's some other people, maybe The Flash is in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I think that would be a good loophole if we learn later on that The Flash was in Metropolis saving people as the buildings are going down. Saving thousands of people so only dozens were killed. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, that would make a lot of sense. And then you can maybe retcon it and go, well, Superman knew that was happening.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yep. So it was fine for him to just plow through buildings. Is that a brief shaking of hands? Yeah, they have a brief shaking of hands. Exactly. Or very quick, you know, but I get you. Cool. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Which reminds me, at Comic-Con they showed a new version of the Flash's costume for the TV series. Oh, what did you think? Looks better. They also showed a Green Arrow one as well, which also looks better. Two better things. Two better things. But the mask isn't on anything, like the Flash mask. That's hard to say.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And that is the key for me. I don't think they would have changed the mask that much. I think they should have. Really? I don't mind the mask. Fine. The Green Arrow one's definitely more Green Arrow-y as well, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:41:06 We also see Wayne Manor's been desolated. Did you mean decimated? No, desolated. It's been desolated. That's not a verb. Can I say Ben Affleck looks great as old Bruce Wayne? Doesn't he? But not too old.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Not too old, exactly. Not a gross beard. No cane. A little bit of white in the temples. That's all you need. Still great hair. Nice vest. Still pulling hair, nice vest. Still pulling a bloody tyre on a rope or whatever he's doing. Nice watch.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah. Great. Yeah, you're right. So what, he's like early 40s, you'd say? Whatever Affleck is, I guess. Yeah, whatever Affleck. Just play your age, Affleck. You can do it.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I could do that. I'm whatever age I am. Yeah. So Wayne Manor is Desolation of Smaug. Yes. Okay, great, yeah. Don't you think people would be like, what's up with that Wayne guy?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Like he lives in a weird run-down manor. He's always looking at newspapers and getting real angry at them. We'll come back to the newspaper and possibly the Joker though, yeah? Do you want to talk about that? Yeah. Because it kind of links into Suicide Squad. The Bat Cave as well, what do you think? I like it.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah, it looks good. It's more kind of... A lot of levels. It's not like a weird gross cave, which is good. Yep. Which it has kind of been. Jeremy Irons is Alfred. I like it. I did not see that coming, but it's great. It's more kind of levels. It's not like a weird gross cave, which is good. Yeah. Which it has kind of been. Jeremy Irons is Alfred. I like it.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I did not see that coming, but it's great. You knew he was Alfred. No. Really? I don't listen. We've talked about this. I don't listen when you talk, mate. Remember when we talked about how Jeremy Irons made a weird statement about gay marriage
Starting point is 00:42:16 and how- Oh, I forgot. Yeah, okay. He's like, does that mean fathers can marry their sons? And they're like, no. I didn't think that was connected to Batman versus Superman. Oh, you think I just brought it up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Yeah. So yeah, that's pretty sweet. Yeah, so the Batcave. Thoughts? Looks good. A lot of levels. A lot of levels. Looks like he's been upkeeping it as well, which is important.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got multiple suits. You also see the Robin costume. Yes. Do you want to talk about that later? Let's talk about it later. Yeah, yeah. We also see Bruce Wayne's parents being murdered.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Love it. As Thomas Wayne. I forgot he was Thomas Wayne. Looks great. I said this also in my Six Things You Missed Mason video, that he would make a great... Don't tell me what I missed. I bloody saw everything. I bet I saw everything, mate.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Probably you missed some stuff. I'll tell you about it. That's probably true. Yeah. Yeah. But he'd make a great Batman Thomas Wayne. Oh, if they... In the potential future.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Sure. I don't think they'd do it, but if they did, he'd be great, right? Well, I mean, this movie is going to bring in magic. Magic. And it's going to bring in Atlantis. Atlantum. Romance. Romance.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah, so why not time travel at some point? Yeah, absolutely. Cool. I mean, I think that's not for a while, right? It looks like Batman is branding his... Yeah. Do you remember we talked about that a while back and we both went,
Starting point is 00:43:29 that'd be weird. Yeah. I think I'm okay with it. Yeah, it's fine. Yeah. So that's kind of like the Phantom punching someone with a ring. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 But clearly they're really building this rivalry in the sense that... Yeah, absolutely. It does a good job of it as well. Yeah. Does this mean that Superman... Because Batman here is, you know, he's a vigilante. He's beating people up.
Starting point is 00:43:47 He's stopping criminals. Does that mean that Superman, generally speaking, is not stopping criminals? I think he's more, because you kind of see him more saving people. I think he's more like, because you see him rescuing a space shuttle and a little girl from a fire. And the woman and her family who are being flooded. And they painted the Superman symbol on their roof or whatever. There's so much desolatedness going on there. Oh, that he doesn't have time for crime.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yes. I guess so. That's what I'm saying. So they're doing that, but at the same time, Bruce Wayne, so they're like, well, he's trouble. Yeah. And Bruce Wayne's like, you blew up Metropolis. Who do you think, in the grand scheme of things,
Starting point is 00:44:22 a guy walking around dressed as a bat, punching some people who are definitely criminals versus somebody blowing up Metropolis, who's worse? Wow, it's really perspective, isn't it? I guess it is, yeah. Because if you're being punched, you probably think that Batman's worse. That's true.
Starting point is 00:44:35 But if a building is falling on you... Yeah, you're right. That's a good point. But again, you've got to factor in, I guess, that Superman didn't knock down the buildings intentionally and he didn't do most of the damage himself. Yeah, true would say plus it was odd yeah and him just kind of trying to stop him i can't believe i'm defending that but but yeah that's fine yeah so batman scaring people branding people that's cool do you see how fast he is batman yeah he's real fast that bit where
Starting point is 00:45:02 he like zips away on his bloody grappling yeah that's amazing right yeah what do you think of the two costumes I've seen him before but yeah
Starting point is 00:45:09 there's actually three is there three third being the weird desert Batman costume is that Batman that's the thing we'll get to it in a second yeah
Starting point is 00:45:16 you know what is odd though is that Robin's costume is entirely monochrome as well yeah that's odd don't you think yeah I was wondering whether...
Starting point is 00:45:26 I don't think it's a statue. No, I think that's what's left of... The costume. ...after the Joker killed him. Unless maybe the Joker lit him on fire? Oh, maybe. It's weird. It's like a weird kind of bronzed...
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yeah, it's a bronzed... Yeah, I see. Maybe it's... Like, maybe it's faded in the years since he's died or something like that. That's interesting because classically Batman keeps Jason Todd's costume in the Batcave. But this is the first time it's had like... Classic. Yeah, classic Batman.
Starting point is 00:45:57 This is the first time it's had like an insult from the Joker spray painted on the front. That he has to walk past every day. Every day. Initially I thought thought did the joker break it and spray paint that right that's what i initially thought which is which is nuts it looks a lot like the arkham city robin costume okay we get a little bit of uh mark kent yeah superman uh do what you want yeah what's with that that she's taken the jonathan kent role from the last movie it's just like, save people or just don't.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Just chill. It's fine. Just bloody hang out, mate. Go into space. I don't know. Do whatever you want. Yeah. So we see the traditional Batman suit, which is pretty frigging sweet.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Am I right? Looks really good. He's fast for a big guy as well, which is good because that's what he is in The Dark Knight Returns. I always get Rises Returns, Strikes Back. They're all in my head in a big pile of crap. Do you know what I mean? Sure. Just word nonsense. Returns. I always get Rises, Returns, Strikes Back. They're all in my head in a big pile of crap. Yeah. Sure. Just word nonsense.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I should point out, Zack Snyder also said, listen, a lot of people have kind of been saying that this is based off, this is the Dark Knight Returns. It takes cues from it. He said, but this is its own thing. Right. And I assumed that anyway. Yeah, it's like Batman Begins. It wasn't Batman Year One. It took cues from it.
Starting point is 00:47:02 No, because Batman Year One was some kind of book with pictures. Yeah, book and pictures. Yeah, so yeah, that's good. Good for him for saying that. So it's an entirely new story. Right. Then we got the battle suit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Good as ever. Yeah. We also saw some photos of it just kind of standing about. Sure. I mean, at Comic-Con, they had it on display. Oh, cool. And it still looks really sweet. Great.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I wonder how much of that is CGI. Because it doesn't look like something you could really move in do you know what i mean yeah no i get it yeah okay and then the third batman yeah weird desert batman which you see him snapping a guy's neck oh that's right which makes me think that's batman and he hasn't snapped that guy's neck yeah or that's like a sons of the Batman which is a thing from The Dark Knight Oh it's like his
Starting point is 00:47:46 one of them like his acolytes yeah they've taken his or like even in The Dark Knight where those guys dress up
Starting point is 00:47:54 in Batman costumes and fight Hockey pants so yeah I'm not wearing hockey pants that's your favourite thing to say isn't it
Starting point is 00:48:02 yeah and you're like saying it to people wearing hockey pants yeah exactly yeah you'll find me you you'll find me it like localized rings little league hockey games all over the country just just waiting for my chance to say it so good uh so you're saying that's probably not him that might be yeah but also though it might be a universe where like because this is the universe where Superman broke somebody's neck.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Yeah. Maybe it's a universe where people are just breaking necks from time to time. You know what I mean? Sure. I don't see it in my mind. Maybe, you know, in comics, isn't there like French Batman? Oh, the Batman Incorporated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I guess so, yeah. Maybe that's that. So it could be somebody inspired by him. Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Okay. So you see him fighting some Superman troops. And people have said, why has Superman got troops or whatever?
Starting point is 00:48:49 I don't think they're his. Because you see him gunning down people. Yeah, yeah. I think maybe Lex Luthor's hired them or they're just some kind of rogue kind of group. Let's talk about Lex Luthor. Oh, we can't use the word rogue until... Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah, okay, Lex Lut luther and his majestic hair he looks great oh i didn't think they were gonna go with lex luther has a series of unrealistic very shoddy looking wigs you didn't think that like in the first that didn't cross your mind no i thought it'd be out and proud with his bald head yeah do you think it's a wig or do you think it's intentionally a wig or do you think it's intentionally a wig? Or do you think he loses his hair during the film? No, that's a wig. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I think he's a man who wears a bunch of wigs. That's a weird thing to do. Yeah, I know. But who would grow that hair intentionally? You know what I mean? Who would style their hair like that if it was real hair? No one. Especially if you're a billionaire, I guess.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah, exactly. Actually, it's very reminiscent of John Travolta, what he rocks out in. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe the super rich think that people won't say anything. I'd say something, no, I probably wouldn't. Oh, you mentioned what is the staff that Robin's costume is wearing. I think that's just his... Weapon. Yeah, that's his weapon of choice. It's like a weird tricked out bo staff.
Starting point is 00:50:01 It's got like a grappling hook in the end and stuff. Yeah, you're probably right. I thought maybe it's a thing that the Joker beat him to death with yeah put that on his put that in his monument yeah
Starting point is 00:50:09 well he's left the spray paint hadn't he I guess so you get Alfred to wash it off yeah god he's messed up isn't he Batman yeah a little bit
Starting point is 00:50:16 yeah so yeah Lex Luthor what do you think of his voice though and his fancy outfits yeah good yeah I didn't mind the voice did you like the red capes
Starting point is 00:50:24 coming kind of that was funny yeah i liked it too yeah people were like is that supposed to be funny or supposed to be menacing i think it's supposed to be like a mock like he's making fun of someone or the whole situation sure do you think there's a very good chance that lex luther maybe manufactured this entire event nah he's a pretty good bloke oh yeah i reckon you dumb it yeah yeah yeah wonder woman she's in it yeah she looks really good excellent yeah nailed it yeah bloody um yeah got that down pat i mean she didn't say anything we see her in her civvies and we see her in her bloody wonder well she should be seen and not heard oh that is that's the dc bible do you notice as well, the costume seems brighter than the images
Starting point is 00:51:06 that they've released of her. Oh, interesting. It's more bluey and reddy. I wonder though if they've gone back and brightened some of this up. I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Because why wouldn't you? Yeah, yeah. And so I think it's been rumoured that she's some kind of ambassador from Themyscira or she says she's from somewhere and whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So she's milling about doing some investigating of her own perhaps. She's some kind of ambassador from Themyscira, or she says she's from somewhere and whatever, so she's milling about, doing some investigating of her own, perhaps. She's clashing her bloody bracelets together. Exactly. That's pretty sweet. Do you think we'll see her deflect bullets with it? Yes, almost certainly. I agree. Yeah, probably those Superman troops.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Do you think she can fly? Yes. I'm going to say no. I'm going to say yes. Okay. Yeah. Do you think she can fly? Yes. I'm going to say no. I'm going to say yes. Okay. Yeah. Do you think... We see what I think is the Batplane.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah. Probably not her invisible jet. Yeah. Because it's visible. In this one? Yes. Where? Oh, yeah, it flies over, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I think that's confirmed as the Batplane. Yeah. I was going to say, there's a bit where Superman rips the doors off the Bat. Okay, can we talk about how... I think there's going to be at least two major conflicts. That's exactly what I said, yeah. Okay, so right at the end of the trailer, we see Superman tear off the canopy of the crashed Batmobile. But in the middle of the trailer, we see Wonder Woman fighting someone.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And the crashed Batman was behind her. I know, yeah. I think she's fighting Superman. Okay, sure, yeah. I think that this is the initial battle. Yeah. And Superman has cornered Batman in Gotham City. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And he's going to, because this is the scene where, you know, the canopy comes off and then Batman stands up and there's clearly this face-off. Yeah. That is a face-off that's not going to last very long. So I think Superman's going to take Batman in and he's just about to do it and then Wonder Woman jumps into the fray and starts fighting Superman.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Like some kind of Thor, Iron Man, Captain America situation? Correct, exactly. I think so. And see, that would be my indication that she can fly. She probably just drops in there. It's better it's better than running you know yeah it is yeah it's it seems to be implied that batman and well bruce wayne and diana have had some sort of relationship in the past i think yeah which would explain that's your favorite thing isn't it's great yeah i think it's good yeah so that would yeah so that would explain why she's got his back i guess yeah and
Starting point is 00:53:23 then we've got a second battle towards the end, which is the power suit battle. I think... It's going to be sweet. I think, and many people have said this, I think Doomsday's in this. Oh, okay, so... I think one of those battles shown is Doomsday,
Starting point is 00:53:36 and I think you're going to see the Justice League, some of them, fight Doomsday. Interesting. Because... Jason Momoa has not been... He's in this movie, right? He's in it, yeah. Yeah, but he's not been seen in the trailer yet. no there's rumors that he's been captured by lex core or
Starting point is 00:53:49 someone and he's released for whatever reason right and then i think that maybe him wonder woman batman superman will take on doomsday there's a bit where batman you know when he grapples away yep where the laser vision hits like just where he was and i hate vision you're sorry i know i actually went back to my video and i re-edited where i said hate vision because i'm Laser vision hits like just where he was. It's heat vision you're going to get letters. Sorry, I know. I actually went back to my video and I re-edited it where I said heat vision because I'm like someone's going to say something. Yeah. But Superman wouldn't kill Batman like that. No, he wouldn't think so.
Starting point is 00:54:14 So I'm thinking that can't be. Right. Unless he knows he's going to escape, but that's a big gamble. Well, he might be like Batman's armor can take one hit from that. Yeah. Like he could probably x-ray to know. But it knocks like the building. Yeah, I know, but that's a pretty tough suit.
Starting point is 00:54:29 His regular suit. No, probably not actually. Okay, so because we do see Zod's corpse. Yeah. In a body bag. Why have it? Right. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:38 So you're suggesting that the rumor is that Lex Corp are going to experiment on Zod's body and come up with a doomsday or a bizarro or a nuclear man with the voice of Jesse Eisenberg. How about that? I'd watch that. Pretty sweet. Yeah. No, I think it will be definitely doomsday if they're going to do it. I think either they're going to take Zod's body and turn it into that, or they're going to clone a version of Doomsday or whatever. It's going to have heat vision.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I hope so. Or laser vision. I'm happy with either. But there's also a bit where you see Lex Corp is wrecked, and you see there's a basketball court. Because there was rumors that Jesse Eisberg has a basketball court in his office or whatever. And that's all wrecked, and there's bullet casings all over the floor. So I'm like, somebody's escaped that. Maybe it was Aquaman in his office or whatever. And that's all wrecked and there's bullet casings all over the floor. So I'm like, somebody's escaped that. Maybe it was Aquaman or whoever or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:29 But I think they make Doomsday and it goes. Luther's like, okay, Aquaman, you're going to play me in basketball. It's two on two. You can have a bodyguard. I'll have a bodyguard. Promise me you won't escape. Oh, God damn it. He's gone.
Starting point is 00:55:49 We see the kryptonite for the first time yeah there's a lot of it do you think they made it or do you think they retrieved it i think they retrieved i agree i'd say probably from the world engine on the other side of the world yeah maybe because you said that underwater shot where somebody's going to get something it could be aquaman related yeah it could be the Kryptonite. Yeah. What else? Was the world engine that part of that spaceship that was in the Arctic? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:13 No, that was a separate. Well, the Kryptonite could be from that spaceship from the Arctic. That's true. But do you remember when Superman flew to the other side of the world to fight the squid? Yes. And it had like atmospheric whatever, whatever. So he couldn't, he was weakening his powers and he got through it because he's he believed whatever i think if there's going to be kryptonite anyway it's going to be there okay and maybe it radiated some rocks maybe it dropped
Starting point is 00:56:37 out of it i don't know i don't know yeah okay but yeah that'll be used to some effect yeah and then we seemingly see is dimsday susceptible to Kryptonite? No. Good for him. Yeah, I know, right? Good on him. We see a scene where Batman in his power suit drops Superman through a roof.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Do you think Superman is powered down at this point because of the Kryptonite? It's very possible. Or do you think that that suit is just real kick-ass? Well, Zack Snyder also talked about it. He said, that suit for Batman is like a last resort i need to last this situation for as long as i can he said it's more defensive than offensive right to keep him from being splattered okay so it must be powered down to an extent i guess yeah i think
Starting point is 00:57:18 by the sounds of the way that he was speaking he understands that batman will be pasted immediately yes so it seems like they're going up they're they're being smart about kind of riding around that he was speaking, he understands that Batman will be pasted immediately. Yes. So it seems like they're going, they're being smart about kind of writing around that. Right, right, right. I hope they are anyway. Because otherwise,
Starting point is 00:57:32 if they get this wrong, God, we're never going to hear the end of this. Exactly, we'll never hear the end of it. There'll be so many blog posts and so many how it should have ended. I love those guys. Yeah, no, but like unofficial ones. Oh, okay, the not good ones, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Do you want. Oh, okay, the not good ones, yeah. Yeah, you're right. Do you want to talk Jason Todd, though? Yes, okay. First of all, that might not be Jason Todd. Could be any number of Robins. Could be Dick Grayson. Could be Damian Wayne. It's probably not Damian Wayne.
Starting point is 00:57:56 No. Could be. No, he'd be more mad. I think it was Damian Wayne. Do you think it would... I hope that Dick Grayson is somewhere in this universe. Right, okay. Because I'd like Dick Grayson is somewhere in this universe. Right, okay. Because I'd like to see Grayson.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I'd like to see him. Yes. And I'd like this to be Jason Todd because I'd love the first Batman. Because you'd love it when Jason Todd dies. Yes, I do. Yeah. Because I want the first Batman solo movie
Starting point is 00:58:15 to be the Red Hood. Interesting. Because we haven't seen it live action. Right. I don't know. So where's Dick Grayson now? Bloodhaven, I don't know. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Okay, great. Which is in between Metropolis and Gotham. Yeah, so basically you see the suit and it's been spray painted. I'd say the Joker probably did that. After he killed Robin. Yeah. You also see a letter that says, you let your family die again. I said, oh, it's probably the Joker or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:43 People said, well, what if it's not? What if it's the Red Hood? Oh, interesting. Those people don't know Red Hood is Jason Todd. Spoiler alert. You put that on the wrong side. Correct. Yep.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I'll edit it back. I won't. So, and also because this ties into Suicide Squad, which I guess we can talk about. Yeah, let's do it. How many woos? Oh, for Batman v Superman. Woo! Is that maximum woos?
Starting point is 00:59:09 That's the maximum number of woos, I think. Maximum woos. From this point, all the woos are downhill. Okay. Next, downhill woos. Suicide Squad. I'll tell you at the end. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:20 So, you see, it looks like in the Suicide Squad trailer that the Joker's talking to Jason Todd and he's kind of torturing him at the end. I think that's what that is. It might not be. It's a very small trailer because DC are 50-50 on releasing these officially. They really are. Postage stamp size, that's what we got. But I guess, and I think maybe, I'll talk about trailers in a bit.
Starting point is 00:59:39 It doesn't matter. I mean, he could be torturing literally anyone. Yes, you're correct. But I think if you're going to include that and you're going to include the Joker and you've got Batman in this story and we've got footage of Batman taking down the Joker or chasing him. Yep. I think this is the reason.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Okay, sure. I think you give him a good reason to do it. Right. Remember. So that's why maybe I think they might be building towards Red Hood. I mean, they did Winter Soldier and that's similar-ish. That is very similar. I thought about that earlier. It's incredibly similar. It'd be too similar. You know what I mean? they did Winter Soldier, and that's similar-ish. That is very similar. I thought about that earlier.
Starting point is 01:00:05 It's incredibly similar. You're too similar. You know what I mean? That's fine. I'm cool with it. All right. So this Suicide Squad trailer, though, lots of Harley Quinn, which is pretty sweet. Yep.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Lots of Dev. Go ahead. I was going to say a lot of Will Smith being a family man. Yeah, you've got to have him doing that. Yep. Do you care for that? I don't know. Deadshot has a family, or had a family, didn't he? Yeah, he has got to have him doing that. Do you care for that? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Deadshot has a family, or had a family, didn't he? He has a daughter. Yeah. Look, Will Smith's just him. I like Will Smith, but he should at some point just embrace being a bad guy. In real life? Yes. No, but I think, like, surely his kids are of an age that they know who he's acting.
Starting point is 01:00:44 You know what I mean? They are themselves actors on some level. But think about all the kids who look up to Will Smith. Right. Like, I can't think of any. No.
Starting point is 01:00:55 You're right. Good point. But we get a very fleeting glimpse of him in full Deadshot costume. Looks pretty good. He's rappelling down a building or something. Do you like that mask?
Starting point is 01:01:02 How's the different colour than the rest of the costume for some reason? Okay, cool. We see Jai Courtney and he does his Australian accent. That's right. It's pretty good. I quite liked it.
Starting point is 01:01:10 For an Australian guy, he does a good Australian accent, doesn't he? I know, right? Weird. One of the best. We also hear the Joker and a lot of people have said he sounds like he's doing a Heath Ledger impersonation. I thought that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Yeah. I mean, it's a clip. I thought it was really good. What did you think of it? I don't know. There was a lot of wooing going on that really distracted me. There is, yeah. I'd like to see a clean copy of it without audience reaction wooing it.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Absolutely. Yeah. It's hard to really talk about. Wooing it. Very good. That's when a crowd of people ruin your enjoyment of a trailer by wooing all throughout it. Yeah. I don't knowing all throughout it. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I liked it. I thought it was really good. We see Killer Croc in motion. It looked pretty good, I thought. That looked better than the still images that we've seen. Maybe a little bit of that CGI as well. Yeah, I want to see more of the joke. I can't...
Starting point is 01:01:56 I don't have an opinion on the joke yet to determine whether or not he's just a real jerk poser yet. Yeah. You know what I mean? Sure. Like Jared Leto. Like Jared jerk poser yet. Yeah. You know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. Like Jared Leto. Like Jared Leto is. Correct.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I noticed you talked about last week, you talked about the Joker again. Did you bring up how they had a psychiatrist on set? Did you talk about that last week? No, I didn't mention that, no. So they do. We mentioned the rat again. You mentioned the rat again.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Guillermo del Toro has the rat that Jared Leto posted to Margot Robbie in character as the Joker. But yeah, there's a psychologist or a psychiatrist, one of them. Whatever one doesn't dish out pills, I guess. He probably does, though. Yeah, you're probably right. But on set.
Starting point is 01:02:34 But again, I feel like it's one of those things where it's like a thing that they're saying, you know, like, ooh, it's so crazy. Everything's so crazy on set. We need a thing. There's so many rats going around. You know what I mean? Up is down.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Black is white. So, yeah. Any final thoughts on Suicide Squad? Looks pretty good. We didn't see Captain Boomerang throwing any boomerangs. No. I mean, he maybe does it and we can't see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Okay. Fair enough. Did he have his little triangle hat? I don't think he had a triangle hat. we can't see it. Yeah, okay. Fair enough. Did he have his little triangle hat? I don't think he had a triangle hat. Yeah. Will Smith also says the line, what is this, some kind of suicide squad? He did get the title line.
Starting point is 01:03:15 He thought that exactly. Yeah. We get yet another Amanda Waller. Yes. Who is not Oprah Winfrey. No. I thought she was. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:03:24 Waller Davis, I think. Yeah. She's great. I thought it was going to be Oprah Winfrey. No. I thought she was. Oh, really? Waller Davis, I think. Yeah. She's great. I thought it was going to be Oprah Winfrey. Well, they talked about it briefly. Okay, right. Yeah, but that's okay. You know what they should do is they should get a team of Amanda Wallers together.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Like all the actresses who've played Amanda Waller. Yeah. Make them a team. Of different sizes? Yeah. Because they do vary. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah. Great. Good stuff. I think, how many woos? How much woos? What? Okay. Great. Good stuff. I think... How many woos? How much woos? Whoop. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:47 So out of all the things, obviously top for you is Batman v Superman. Yes. Justice. Yes. Dawn of. I agree with you on that. But again, we weren't there,
Starting point is 01:03:56 so we can't really judge. Maybe the Warcraft trailer was so amazing that Mason thinks it's the best movie that he's ever seen. Trailer for it. Maybe that's what you think. Maybe that is what I think, yeah. If only I had some sort of forum to illustrate what I think.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I finally, yeah. In a dream world. Yeah. Well, I guess we should, what are we on? Let me check the time. Yeah, we're over an hour, roughly. So, do you want to do the What Are We Reading section of the show? Yeah, let's do the What Are We Reading section of the show? Yeah, let's do the What Are We Reading section of the show.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Here it is, the theme song. Okay. I'm doing the theme. What are you reading? Well, I haven't read it yet, but I've just seen it on Comixology, and I'm bang up for it. In the tradition of Archie vs the punisher great and batman versus predator yes here comes archie versus predator it's a real comic book they've done it again written in about this yes yeah i'm so excited to read it do you think it'll be really good uh look i've seen some little i've seen some little
Starting point is 01:05:03 what style is it drawn in archie star the whole even the predator sort of so he's not like a weird different style i guess that wouldn't work would it not really no so they team up i guess well they fight well it's it seems to be sort of in the style of like a teen slasher or a film but it's them versus the predator so he's gonna kill the predator at the end oh and also it seems to be out of continuity, and I think people are going to die in it. I think people are dying in it. Great. Like, probably like minor characters at first.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah. You know, Big Moose. Yep. Is that like a moose? No, Big Moose. I've never read an Archie comic. Wow. Having never read an Archie comic.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Dilton is probably going to die. Is he a moose also? None of them are mooses. God. Having never read an Archie comic, should I read this? No, it wouldn't make any sense, I don't think. Really? So all the in-jokes and characters, I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 01:05:54 okay, what if I read the Wikipedia and then read it? The Archie Wikipedia? Yeah. Seems long. I don't know. I think Archie versus the Punisher still works, if you don't know anything about either. I'll do that then.
Starting point is 01:06:04 But Archie versus Predator, I don't think so. Okay. But I know the Predator. Isn't that enough? No. Oh, God damn it. How will you know how Betty and Veronica are going to relate to the Predator if you don't know Betty and Veronica?
Starting point is 01:06:16 Aren't they like the same woman? Yeah, more or less. One's a blonde and one's a brunette. Yeah, that's my understanding of it. No, one's all... It doesn't matter. Which is better. Betty. Why? Because she's my understanding of it. No, but one's all... It doesn't matter. Which is better? Betty.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Why? Because she's a genuine nice girl. And one's a bitch. Yeah. Is that how it works? Veronica's the rich one. She's all stuck up and rich, but they both have hearts of gold when it all comes down to it. Are they friends?
Starting point is 01:06:38 Yes. But they both date Archie. Yeah, it's weird. What's so good about him? Nothing. But you don't question that, alright? That's the linchpin around the whole series. You don't question why Archie gets so many girls
Starting point is 01:06:52 even though he's a nothing character. The reader is Archie. Yeah. That's what that is, right? Archie is the Charlie Sheen from Two and a Half Men of his own series. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:04 I guess I could follow that. Yeah. I'm also going to read Airboy, which is by James Robinson. Yes. Who wrote Starman, which is my favourite series of all time. That's true. He carries a stick. Yeah, that's the one.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Anyway, but it's about James Robinson, the author, being hired to write a reboot of the 1940s action hero Airboy. So that's what it's about. So it's meta. That's so meta. I got a read star, man. Yeah, it's real good. How many issues is it?
Starting point is 01:07:34 80. Well, 81 because it starts with a zero. You start with a zero. Yeah. Dickhead. Brutal. Sorry. Anyway, I'm going to read those two.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Those sound really good, both of those. Anyway, I'm going to read those two. Those sound really good. Both of those things. What are you going to read? Well, did you, I was going to ask you, did you, you read, uh, Oh, Killstrike, didn't you? I did. Yeah. And is that still good? Well, there's only been like two issues.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Yeah, I enjoyed it. Okay. I got to give you that. Um, I read the new civil war. Oh yes. I thought it was great. It's basically what would happen if the civil war continued, um, from the Marvel civil war instead of them, you know, the Captain America giving up and whatever so the kind of giving up you
Starting point is 01:08:08 mean being shot in the head that's what happened in the next thing all right but he gives up in the Civil War he's like why are we fighting what are we doing all right stop it in his Seinfeld voice and the country is divided into the blue and the iron so and there's China So this is a parallel universe situation. But it's all in the battle world or whatever. Right, it's in the battle world. Okay, right, right. I'm not reading any more Marvel until I stop in the battle world.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I like it. I like the first issue. It had me intrigued, had me interested, and I will read the next one. Is the Beyonder involved? Because he's always when there's a battle world. No. I mean, he probably is, but he's not in this one. Okay, right.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Yeah, he probably is. He's up to something. Also, I'm seeing Ant-Man tomorrow. Oh, yeah. I can't make it. You can't make it. We've got an early screening, but Mason decided not to go. I can't make it.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I've got other stuff on. God. Name three things you've got to do. I've got to write Ant-Man fan fiction. I've got to write three of them. All right? Yeah. Great. So that's what I'm doing. Ant-Man fan fiction. I gotta write three of them. Alright? Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 01:09:06 So that's what I'm doing. Ant-Man apparently is okay. I've heard that. I'm looking forward to that. Yeah. That's that segment of the show. I mean, James Gunn certainly says it's the best.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Yes. I mean, he would, wouldn't he? Well, he's been paid. He's been paid by Marvel. He didn't say Age of Ultron was the best. That's true.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Yeah, so there you go. Time for letters. Let's do some letters. Wait. Yeah, go ahead. What were you going to say? I was going to say, didn't one of them get the other one their job at Marvel? Isn't that like the director of-
Starting point is 01:09:34 Peyton Reed. Didn't Peyton Reed get James Gunny's job or something like that? That's very possible. Yeah, okay, right. Look that up. I will. I'm not going to. Nah.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Spread filthy rumors about him. Why not? Hey, guys. Long-time listener and fan here. However, I'm not going to. Spread filthy rumors about him. Why not? Hey, guys. Long-time listener and fan here. However, I never got in contact until now. So San Diego Comic-Con is right now, and it's very exciting. I've ended up watching a few panels, which go like this. Tease the shit out of the TV show or movie.
Starting point is 01:09:58 We didn't talk about TV shows either, really, did we? Who cares? No. To answer dumb questions. Everything's coming back, except for Hannibal. It's not coming back. Oh, constant team. Everybody passed on Hannibal it's not coming back or Constantine everybody passed
Starting point is 01:10:06 on Hannibal apparently all the digital all the streaming services they all passed on it apparently there's going to be a time jump in the next couple of episodes oh really
Starting point is 01:10:15 like in like three it's going to go to three years in the future and then they tie it all up is it captured don't know let's see won't we
Starting point is 01:10:22 we sure will so number one tease a shout out to some TV or movie two answer dumb questions from nerds three show a trailer I finished
Starting point is 01:10:32 do you reckon they screen those questions they must no I don't think they do really I think we get we get I think like edited highlights
Starting point is 01:10:42 I don't think so really because I've watched like people go there and they film the whole thing and they upload the whole thing oh okay right so yeah i don't think that's necessarily true i find every panel i watch thinking why did i watch that yep the trailers are always the highest for the panels and what do they do to keep them exclusive for the attendees release the fucking trailer online you morons i went to want to see the warcraft movie trailer but the director said it'll be released in november for everyone so that's months of
Starting point is 01:11:07 shitty quality camera footage on youtube i can't woo with that so here's my here's my questions do you think do you agree that panels are a waste of time and do you watch any uh look i will i don't know if the if the if the cast in particular are very charming or I know they've got a lot of good stories to tell or something like that, I might tune in briefly. Sure. But if it's just a whole bunch of generic jerks,
Starting point is 01:11:35 then I don't care. Fair enough. I watched the Star Wars one in full and I watched the Batman v Superman one in full. Star Wars one was like an hour. Who's on the Batman v Superman panel? Everybody. Affleck?
Starting point is 01:11:44 Affleck.leck oh maybe i will watch it he actually told a christian bale story where he was in he went into the store to buy a sort of buy a costume for his son a batman costume and christian bale was there also buying a costume right and he made a point of saying well he wasn't just hanging out there like and he said you got any advice and he's like yeah make sure they let they make sure you can pee like in the suit right sure so but yeah so have it's like, yeah, make sure you can pee in the suit. Right, sure. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:07 So have it built like a wetsuit so you can just pee in the suit whenever you want. Just pee straight in the suit. And also, I forgot to mention this, Harrison Ford. John Boyega told a story about Harrison Ford, how he went to a local restaurant, I think he said in London, like a Nigerian restaurant. And they go like, oh my God, are you Harrison Ford? And he goes, I used to be. So that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:12:26 That's pretty good. Okay, I like that. He's a good sport about being a grumpy old prick. Evidently, yeah. Okay. But no, do you think panels are a waste of time? No, people get a lot out of them. I don't.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I would say some of them are a waste of time. Give me an example of one. Probably the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. one. If they did one, that would be what I did. No, because Marvel wasn't there. No. Fox. Yeah, I think. ABC. Yeah, one of them. Yeah. she had one if I did one that'd be what I did no because Marvel wasn't there no Fox yeah I think
Starting point is 01:12:46 ABC yeah one of them yeah look I wouldn't go unless I got some kind of press pass and I could be
Starting point is 01:12:54 waved in I thought you were going to say present yeah or present some sort of present yeah I'd go for a present even then yeah I don't
Starting point is 01:13:01 necessarily think it's a waste of time but I only watch the panels that I'm interested in or I have to go, well, I have to talk about this at length, so I'll learn some stuff. But also, he says,
Starting point is 01:13:10 what are your thoughts on studios showing trailers and then not releasing them online? Yeah, no, it's dumb. It is dumb. It's incredibly dumb, and he's right. We are going to get just poor cam versions for months and months. And what's gonna happen they're actually
Starting point is 01:13:25 you'll be like oh I think I'll watch that Suicide Squad trailer again yeah and you'll have to find one that's like the original one will have been deleted
Starting point is 01:13:33 but somebody would have downloaded that version and uploaded it somewhere else so the quality's worse that one would have been found and deleted but somebody's copied that and then put
Starting point is 01:13:42 so it's like copying a VHS tape exactly it's just worse and then put so it's like copying a VHS tape exactly it's just worse just I think yeah who was it
Starting point is 01:13:51 who released who the cam version came out and they I think Marvel just panicked and they just released the full HD version just do that
Starting point is 01:13:57 it's fine yeah and Star Wars did it Star Wars have been really good at doing it here's some footage there you go it's yours
Starting point is 01:14:04 why give us the Batman v Superman one and not the Suicide Squad one? Look, the only reason I can think that they did that was because they're undercutting themselves. Anyway. Okay. Well, they're basically drawing focus away from themselves, I should have said. Yeah, I guess so. And I think that, I don't know why Fox and that did it, but maybe they're thinking they're
Starting point is 01:14:24 going to release a Batman trailer. Are we really going to put an x-men trailer up against a batman trailer so that's my only reasoning for it yes i think maybe we'll maybe we'll see one of these roll out during the week maybe yeah but maybe tomorrow will be the day yeah yeah and we won't be able to talk about it anyway cheers from sunny england uh joe farmer grab that gem. We will. Yeah, they probably should release them, but whatever. Look, and you know what? Having seen the leaked Batman v Superman trailer from last year's Comic Con, and then in March or April, whenever they released the last teaser,
Starting point is 01:14:58 having seen that or most of it already, I'm like, that really lessened the impact of this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is slightly better yeah so yeah anyway another email mason yes this is from the energetic falcon oh hey nick and james love the podcast quick question what are your thoughts he is energetic straight to the point what are your thoughts about the hand solo spin-off i personally think it's a great idea keep up the good work do we know who's playing Han Solo
Starting point is 01:15:26 no it's probably gonna be pretty good I'm gonna have fun with it yeah the directors are the people who did the Lego movie yeah I don't want to see an origin story though well I just want to see a slice of life of Han Solo okay young Han Solo in a
Starting point is 01:15:42 romp doing a heist having a romp doing a heist I think that's probably what we'll say. Great. I don't want to see an origin story. I don't want to see him as some naive farm boy and then he gets lost in space and then he meets up with some colorful characters and then he slowly becomes a heartless mercenary or whatever because he got burned by a sexy lady, love of his life,
Starting point is 01:16:03 and then she died or she left him or whatever. And he's like, oh, sexy lady, love of his life and then she died or she got, she left him or whatever and he's like, oh, now I'm just, now I just love money and Wookiees or whatever. Like, just,
Starting point is 01:16:10 just, say he's always been kind of a jerk and he goes on jerk adventures because he's a real jerk. Yes. You know what I mean? Here's a question though.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Yeah. How do you, how do you cast this? Bradley Cooper. No, I'm kidding. I don't know. Like, because it's, okay, I got some names, I'm kidding. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Okay, I've got some names. I'm ready. Harrison Ford CGI'd. No. Absolutely not. Okay, look, I'm not going to go through them all. I think they should cast... Shia LaBeouf. Definitely not.
Starting point is 01:16:39 The Hemsworth from The Hunger Games. Oh, other Hemsworth. Yeah. Liam Hemsworth? Liam Hemsworth. Okay, sure. I think they should cast him. Okay. And I think Hemsworth? Yeah. Liam Hemsworth? Liam Hemsworth. Okay, sure. I think they should cast him. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:47 And I think he looks enough like him. Fair enough. He's pretty charismatic. He can do a voice, like an American accent. Probably look pretty good in a vest. Sure. So, I think even,
Starting point is 01:16:57 maybe he wears, he wears like kind of raggedy clothes in Hunger Games. Yeah, okay, fair enough. You know, I think he'd be a good choice. Yeah, okay. But you know what? They'll probably just,
Starting point is 01:17:04 I don't know who they'll get. You know what? They're good directors. One of the Jonas Brothers. They're good directors, so I think it'll be fine. I'm happy with it, but then again, I'd rather see a spin-off of someone we haven't seen yet. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:17:19 They've talked about the Obi-Wan movie, for example. I'd rather see that. Right. Because we only saw a little bit of Obi-Wan, then he was a blue ghost, and then he was in those three movies. Sure, yeah. I forgot those.
Starting point is 01:17:29 But they don't count. Yep. So, yeah, that's my thoughts. I'd like to see a Greedo's big day movie. And it's the 24 hours before he gets killed by Han Solo. I think that would be great. Do you sympathize with him? Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I can tell you the backstory on Greedo if you want. All right. Han Solo stole his vest. Really? Yes. The vest that he wears? He wears, yes. Wow!
Starting point is 01:17:52 In the expanded universe, which is no longer canon, Greedo's like a kid punk. He's trying to prove himself. And one of his earlier interactions with Han Solo is he tries to mug him or something or capture him, and Han Solo takes his vest. Would you see that? No.
Starting point is 01:18:09 What? That's don't invent that weird rivalry. Greedo's just a bounty hunter that's the point. He's not he hasn't got any kind of
Starting point is 01:18:18 vest anger. He doesn't have he's not invested in Han Solo. Oh. Very good. Hey, gents,
Starting point is 01:18:26 I heard a rumor stating that Marisa Tomei was going to play Aunt May in the new Spider-Man movie. I heard that too. What do you guys think about that? I mean, she's no Sally Field, but they seem to really want to
Starting point is 01:18:34 milf up the role of Aunt May. I think the term that was coined was AILF. How do you say that? It's milf with an A instead of A. Oh, AILF. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:18:42 I get it. Yeah. Anyways, enjoy the show, Mike, at Last Bone Stands on Twitter. P.S. Can I be the official Nick Mason of the podcast? Yep. it's Milford with an A instead of an A I get it anyways enjoy the show Mike at Last Bone Stands on Twitter PS can I be the official
Starting point is 01:18:48 Nick Mason of the podcast yep we have several though I think not including me we have several already but alright what do you think about
Starting point is 01:18:54 Marisa Tomei she's great she is you know what she's really good in she's 50 I think yeah she is so she could do it especially if he's like
Starting point is 01:19:01 supposed to be like 16 or whatever yeah yeah exactly she was in what's that movie with The Wrestler I haven't seen it actually I think it's like supposed to be like 16 or whatever yeah exactly uh she was in what's that movie with the wrestler i haven't seen it actually okay that's really good yeah she's good she's great in that i heard mickey rock's face is really good in it too that's a real beat up face who yeah oh did you see the creed trailer the creed for the apollo creed no movie it's not actually apollo creed it's his uh son played by Michael B. Jordan, the basketballer.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yes. Does Stallone get a cameo? Yeah, he trains him. Oh, I've not seen it, no. It looks pretty sweet. I mean, it looks like Rocky. Does it look like Rocky Balboa? Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Or does it look like old school Rocky? It does. Well, Rocky Balboa is old school Rocky. Rocky Balboa is Rocky 1. They're the same movie. Right, yeah, fair enough. But I mean, does it look like Hollywood boxing or does it look like real boxing?
Starting point is 01:19:47 It looks real enough, yeah. Okay, right. I mean, it's, you know. Okay, cool. Who cares? Will we? Marisa Tomei. I think it's great.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Yeah, that's fine. And also, it is very odd that... She's getting younger? Sorry? She's getting younger every movie? No, not even that. Because, I mean, if Peter Parker is 17, it makes sense that she'd be 40.
Starting point is 01:20:08 50. Yeah, 50. It's fine. But it is odd that, you know, in the movies we've seen, that Richard and Mary Parker are, like, you know, in their 40s or whatever, and Aunt May's geriatric. Right. Why is there such a weird age difference there?
Starting point is 01:20:24 That's a very good point. Yeah. So, great. Great. Right. Why is there such a weird age difference there? That's a very good point. Yeah. So, great. Great. Yep. Looking forward. Maybe they're finally going to do that Aunt May spinoff movie they threatened us with. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 01:20:32 No. There was a rumor. Oh, yes. That Sony were looking to do an Aunt May spinoff movie where she's young and maybe she's a secret agent or some crap. Love it. And then they were like, as if, but then all those emails leaked and it turns out that that was something they were considering yes yeah do you think maybe they just they just put all their characters like every single character they owned on post-it notes on
Starting point is 01:20:56 one wall yeah and then every character character archetype and post-it notes on another wall and they just threw darts and they they got Aunt May's secret agent. And they're like, oh yeah. Put it in an email. Put this down forever. I would have preferred the lizard secret agent, but whatever. Each to their own.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Last email. Dear Nick and James, Miguel here. Do you guys get embarrassed when you get information wrong? We did that last week. Did we? Well, me and Nicholas.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Oh, sorry. Yes. I did listen to it as well. No, you didn't. I honestly did. I enjoyed listen to it as well. No, you didn't. I honestly did. No, you did. I enjoyed it a lot. No.
Starting point is 01:21:29 No, not at all. Maybe I did. But it's good to have your perspective on it as well. I embrace it. There you go. Well, that'll teach me for picking out four letters this week instead of three. So that's... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:42 I have a further question. Do you ever get embarrassed when you pick out a letter that's already been read on a previous episode how red do I look pretty red oh
Starting point is 01:21:50 no I don't I don't care at all you know what it's because you know it's okay to be wrong you can be wrong it doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:21:56 like in life or whatever sure who cares it doesn't matter none of this matters enjoy your week everyone keep listening though yeah okay so where can people find us that's the show None of this matters. Enjoy your week, everyone. Keep listening, though. Okay, so where can people find us?
Starting point is 01:22:08 That's the show. We're at Weekly Planet Pod on Facebook and Twitter and Gmail. So you want to send us an email like those wonderful people did just then. Correct. I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter. I'm at MrSundayMovies. What else? Bandcamp.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Correct. We should put up another commentary. Yeah, maybe we'll do one this week. Yeah, nice. We should put up another commentary. Yeah, maybe we'll do it on this week. Yeah, nice. It's supposed to rain all week, so maybe we'll shut ourselves in and bloody watch a movie. Great. Buy a campfire.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Yes. Buy an indoor campfire and then watch a movie like our ancestors did and comment over the top. Correct. Great. The Weekly Planet on Twitter is a good place to follow us as well. Yes. That keeps abreast of what's up in the world. slash MrSundayMovies.
Starting point is 01:22:45 We've got a lot of you. I've discovered this last week as I was plugging all of them. We have a lot of URLs to plug at the end of this. Was Nick just like, ugh? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:22:53 that's exactly what he said. Yeah, I'm at MrSundayMovies. I think I said that. Where are you at? Did you say that already? Yes, I did. Great.
Starting point is 01:23:01 So I'm out of practice. I took a week off, mate. Yeah. How do you feel? Do you feel refreshed? Nah. Great. I'm bloody tired, mate. I took a week off, mate. Yeah. How do you feel? Do you feel refreshed? Nah. Great. I'm bloody tired, mate.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Yeah. What are we talking about next week? It's Ant-Man next week, right? It's Ant-Man next week. Yeah. And look, we've been saying it for a while. We should do a Star Wars prequel episode sometime in the next month or so because people have been requesting it.
Starting point is 01:23:19 The prequels? Yeah. Okay, great. Or should we wait until it's closer to whenever that movie comes out in December? Okay, great. Or should we wait until it's closer to whenever that movie comes out in December? Look, I think we should push it back as far as we can just in case every copy of the prequels are destroyed somehow and then we don't have to do it again.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Okay. Yeah. And your mind is wiped. My mind's wiped, yeah. Well, the one I was thinking, if we are going to do Star Wars 1, we could do a prequel one and the one we could do just before the movie is best Star Wars things that aren't the movie. Sure.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Or just stuff that we remember. Yeah. We classic hey remember that bit when yeah that's episode so look forward to those things at some point in the next six months bye look forward to things yeah things are great fine make a friend make an enemy yeah make a friend add an enemy and make them kiss I'm tired you're so tired okay alright see you next week
Starting point is 01:24:11 grab that jam you guys eat your spaghettis my vision just blurred I'm alright we forgot to talk about Ghostbusters but it's fine do you want to talk about Ghostbusters that's fine
Starting point is 01:24:21 do you want to do it now I'll just put it in I suppose you could put it in yeah well there was some set footage there was the episode we got the full team photo of about Ghostbusters? Do you want to do it now? Let's put it in. I suppose you could put it in. Well, there was some set footage. We got the full team photo of the Ghostbusters. The new Ghostbusters. What did you think of the new Ghostbusters? It looks great.
Starting point is 01:24:33 People were like, why aren't they smiling? Are they not smiling because the movie's terrible? Is that true? Is the movie terrible? No. Look, there's just... I don't understand. Why are people so determined to hate this film?
Starting point is 01:24:51 Maybe they're not smiling because they've just been fighting a whole... They've been busting a whole bunch of ghosts and they're tired. Do you remember the first movie? They're not smiling at every scene, are they? They start as like these, you know, scientists and whatever, but by the end,
Starting point is 01:25:04 they're just these blue-collar like pest controllers or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Look, I'm going to say it one more time and then I'm never going to say it again. I don't believe that. No, I just... People are so determined to hate...
Starting point is 01:25:17 Look, I really love the first Ghostbusters. It's one of my favourite movies. It's true. I've seen it more times than probably any movie, except for one time I saw Police Academy 6 like 24 times in a week. I need you to explain that. Nah, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:25:29 It's better without context. Anyway, I really like it. Plot's good. Characters are great. Acting's great. Special effects still hold up. Yep.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Dry wit, it's great. Yep. I didn't like Two? Two as much. Yep. It's fine. Yep.
Starting point is 01:25:44 If you really love it, good on you. It's great. It's fine. Good on you. I thought it retreaded a lot of ground to the first one. You know, blah, blah, blah. There was a lot of ghostbusting. But when the second movie came out, it didn't make the first one not exist anymore.
Starting point is 01:25:54 That's true. The first one's still there. Yeah. And the same can be said about this new one. When it comes out, whether it's good or bad, the first two are still going to exist. Correct. You can still get them on DVD and Blu-ray and streaming and blah blah the only difference will be that at some point in the future you might have to when you're talking to somebody about your favorite movies you might have to spend an extra second clarifying that you mean the original
Starting point is 01:26:19 ghostbusters movie and not the remake or part two or part two or the video exactly so if if those combined like extra 30 seconds in the remainder of your life yes is worth a sustained hate campaign against the entire cast and crew of this new ghostbusters fine you've made your choice so they're still there it's fine secondly this is the last time I'll say it. Last year, at the Astor Cinema in Melbourne, they did a special screening of Ghostbusters. It's like a very historic cinema.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Sure. They did a special screening of Ghostbusters. Ivan Reitman was there. Was he? He did a Q&A. This is last year? Yeah. He did a Q&A.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Did you go? No, I was busy. No. He did a Q&A. It was all, everybody dressed I was busy. Oh. He did a Q&A. It was all everybody dressed in costume, had a great time, you know, that sort of stuff. At exactly the same time. He died.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Dan Aykroyd was in town spruiking his Crystal Head vodka. He went to Costco and he, you know, the vodka insider, Crystal Skull. Yeah, I know it. Yeah, okay, great. Anyway, those two events did not clash. But Dan O'Crow did not go to the Ghostbusters screening because he's checked out of the concept and he doesn't care about the fandom anymore.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Yep. You know what I mean? Sure. Bill Murray only does projects that he is personally interested in. Yep. And he has repeatedly and publicly said that he's not interested in doing Ghostbusters anymore. And shut up.
Starting point is 01:27:46 And shut up. Sigourney Weaver has been burned on sequels so many times she's probably not going to do this one. Rick Moranis quit acting to look after his family full time. Harold Ramis is dead. Oh, Harold Ramis isn't dead. Sorry. I remember him as alive.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Harold Ramis is dead. He's not coming back. Yeah, boo. So we are never going to get the movie that you want. Even if Dan Aykroyd called you up and said, hey, I read your Ghostbusters sequel fan fiction on the internet. I want to collaborate with you to make a Ghostbusters sequel. We're going to get all the remaining cast that are alive.
Starting point is 01:28:22 We're going to put them all together. We're going to get new cast. It's going to be the same continuity in the same universe. They're going to pass the torch to the new Ghostbusters. It's not going to be the same movie. No, definitely not. It's going to be a different movie. It's going to be Blues Brothers 2000.
Starting point is 01:28:34 It's going to be Blues Brothers 2000. It's gone. The moment's gone, but the movie, the original Ghostbusters is still there. You know what? So stop complaining. Get over it. You know what stop complaining get over it you know what if those set photos showed jonah hill and chatting tatum and who's the guy from get hard or whatever oh what's his face
Starting point is 01:28:55 kevin hart yeah and you know and josh gad or whatever no one would give a shit right but because it's women and whatever i think that's really the problem here. Right. But, you know. Anyway, you can still bloody do your cosplays or whatever, write your fan fictions. It's fine. You dumbass. Yeah.

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