The Weekly Planet - BONUS! Best (Not Really) Of The Weekly Planet

Episode Date: January 4, 2016

We're taking a week off but luckily RAWCollings has put together a clip show as requested by you guys and cataloged by Reddit user AVC095.Also feel free to check out Derpston's own cut on soundcloud w...ho also did an amazing job at editing a clip show together. BONUS! affiliate link: Sunday Movies YouTube Channel: Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: our T-Shirts here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. is now streaming on Disney+. Boy, it's sure good to be on this island holiday, Mason. I'll tell you what, as much as I love hanging out in your dingy, dimly lit man cave. Regular room. The man cave that you have.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Boy, it sure is nice to be out in this tropical paradise. Just drinking in all the sounds of the beach. How many coconuts? that you have boy it sure is nice to be out in this tropical paradise just drinking in all the sounds of the beach how many coconuts crack crashing waves I think it's a crashing waves crabs just enough of a sample of Jimmy Buffett's margaritaville that we might get sued. Who's to say? Oh, it's great out here. How many coconuts filled with alcohol have you had? A lot. So many. Yeah, it's like that, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yeah, it's just kicking back. You know? Having the best time. Could be all kinds of red-hot comic book movie news shooting up your butthole. But there's nothing shooting up my butthole this week. Not this week. We're on holiday. Just the sweet hot sand.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah. Right up there. It just gets everywhere, doesn't it? It sure does. The one downside. But boy, thinking about chafing just gets me thinking about... Things that irritate you. Yeah, just gets me thinking about all the wonderful times we've had on this podcast. Oh my God, you're right.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And instead of just enjoying this beautiful day on the beach, I think I'm just going to think about them right now. Can I also think about them? Yes. Or should I think about it differently? No, let's both think about them together. Okay. The same memories at the same time.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Okay, good. Let's do that. We've been doing this for a while. We could probably do that. Yeah, let's just wing it and see what happens. Great. Theme song. Somebody save me.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Don't care how you do it. Just say it. Don't react like that. Look. Fuck it out. Theme song. And they say that a hero can save us. I'm not going to stand here to wait.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I hold on to the wings of an eagle. Watch as they all fly away. And they're watching. Sorry. It was good. It was teamwork. Do you think that's a better theme song than last week's theme song? I think they're both the best theme songs.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Do you think people will be impressed or annoyed? Annoyed. Cool. Okay, so this week, in the interest of professionalism, because this is kind of a thing now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to sit quietly and I'm going to listen attentively to the show. Maybe I'll learn a little something about life.
Starting point is 00:02:59 No song. We'll see. Just go. Just run with it, all right? Just go. I'm sceptical but I trust you That's why we're such good friends Exactly, yeah
Starting point is 00:03:09 Hello everybody, welcome to episode 3 Of the Weekly Planet Baby! I compare you to a kiss From a rose on the grave Oh, the more I think of you The stranger it feels Okay, that's the last one.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I promise that's the last one. I'm more than a bird. I'm more than a plane. I'm more than some pretty face beside a train. Can we get cancelled? I guess we can. Yeah. Let's not worry
Starting point is 00:03:42 about it. No. My name is James Jr. Editor at Comic Book Movie. You may know me as Mr. Sunday. Joining me as always is my co-host, Nick Chip Danger Cock Mason. Not my real nickname. Hello. Hello, James. Nice to be here. Hello, listeners. Wow. What a week it's been. You know what? It's our very special Christmas episode. Is it? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Should we do anything? I do love... Do you love Christmas? No. I don't love Christmas either, but I do love very special Christmas episodes of things.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Like, the more incongruous, the better. Like, I like it when it'll be like CSI Miami or something like that. Something where there's horrific murders and awful... But there's also the magic of Christmas. Like, you you know a dozen mall Santas will be murdered or whatever and they'll be laid out on slabs or whatever and they'll have
Starting point is 00:04:32 to solve find the killer or whatever but at the end of the episode it all loops around and one of the characters is like but wait a second if that Santa was locked up all night in the jail who ate the milk and cookies off the shelf and then they run If that Santa was locked up all night in the jail, who ate the milk and cookies off the shelf?
Starting point is 00:04:49 And then they run to the window or whatever and you just hear, ho, ho, ho, and like sleigh bells jingling. And the implication is in this world of horrific murder that Santa is real. I enjoy that. So anyway, hopefully. So Merry Christmas. We'll have some Christmas magic in this, I think.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Look, I don't hate Christmas, to be fair. I don't like a lot of the build-up. And that thing you just said there is amazing. It is, isn't it? But yeah. Who wants to hang out with people? Ugh. So I'm just adjusting the microphone.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I'll edit this out. You won't, though. I'm not going to. I'm going to leave it in. Great. All right. So I thought we could start with, you're obviously familiar with the characters of Batman and Superman.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yes. And you're obviously familiar with the movie that's coming out. I thought for everybody listening at home, and us as well, I just thought I'd go over characters of Batman and Superman. Yes. And you're obviously familiar with the movie that's coming out. I thought for everybody listening at home, and us as well, I just thought I'd go over some facts, some cold hard facts we know about the movie to be true. That's what we're about.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Cold hard facts. He's it. And red hot comic book movie news. Shooting up your butthole. That's a new catchphrase, by the way. Shooting up your butthole? Red hot comic book movie facts. Shooting up your butthole. That's a new catchphrase, by the way. Shooting up your butthole? Red Hot, comic book movie facts, shooting up your butthole. I realise I didn't discuss it with you in advance. Why would you?
Starting point is 00:05:53 No, but I think it's going to get... Look, all the websites I went to, they were really keen on the idea. Oh, good. Excellent. Nobody looked that up. It's probably a real website. Don't look it up.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Red Hot, comic book movie news. com nobody look that up it's probably a real website if captain america 2 is supposed to supposedly as good as good you can do up that drink bottle it's fine stop doing face. He's doing a real awkward face because he's trying to slightly do up the lid of a Coke bottle. You're a real dickhead. But, um... What was I saying? I don't know. That face really threw me. It's how I do it. It's the magic of podcasting.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Oh, what the hell was I saying? Just read your thing. I don't like reading it. I'm just going off the fly here. No, it's all about April. No, that's right. I think I'm... At this point, I'm more excited for Captain America 3
Starting point is 00:06:45 because they have that much faith in it. It's pretty cool. Have they released any plot details for Captain America 3 yet? Okay. I'm actually a little bit surprised
Starting point is 00:06:54 that they haven't teased something for it yet. Probably right, yeah. But hey, super excited. If you had to choose though, opening day, you can choose one. You've got a gun to your head,
Starting point is 00:07:03 gun to your balls. What do you choose? Ah. You know that's because that's the worst case yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah you might move your head out of the way but i think what they do that they shoot you in the balls first let you writhe around for a bit then they shoot you in the head that's true who would you who would you choose though if you had to um i reckon i have to go with batman superman yeah me too because we've seen what Captain America can do yeah we know his skill set
Starting point is 00:07:28 we know where most of the potential plots are going to go yeah what's the worst that's going to happen the world's going to be at stake yeah like every other Marvel movie pretty much yeah
Starting point is 00:07:37 so and we've never seen Batman Superman together on screen before no we haven't so that's it yeah me too I mean obviously we're going to see both yeah but hey exciting times though Mason absolutely And we've never seen Batman and Superman together on screen before. No, we haven't. So that's it. Yeah. Me too. I mean, obviously we're going to see both.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. But hey, exciting times though, Mason. Absolutely. Exciting times to be alive for something that's going to come out in two years. Absolutely. Bleeding Cool, big website. I believe they're based in London, UK. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:07:58 They've reported that Fox, 20th Century Fox, have dumped... Not a fox. Not a fox. A fox got into their garbage cans and just made a real mess of things. Which they call rubbish bins. Oh, that's right. They do.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Fox have dumped the Fantastic Four director, Josh Trank, the cast, and the script six months before shooting will begin on a movie, on this Fantastic Four movie.
Starting point is 00:08:21 That's a rumour. That's a rumour. I don't think that's true. They said it was an inside source. Well, funny you say that, Mason. Mm-hmm. Because then this rumour was debunked by multiple sources, including Slash Film and Collider,
Starting point is 00:08:31 saying they're being in contact with their inside sources. Everyone's got an inside source, Mason. Yeah. Except for us. We don't have... We've got second-hand inside sources. We just parrot what others say. Pretty much, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah. But I like to think we put a delightful spin on it. Like the poster of Batman eating a bag of poo. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. You went to that
Starting point is 00:08:51 on Bleeding Cool, were you? Yeah. I mean, maybe you'll see him eating a crumpet that's been smeared with like,
Starting point is 00:08:57 like bird excrement or something like that. But, a British delicacy. That's a nice British spin, yeah. Yeah. So, well, that was denied.
Starting point is 00:09:04 So, I guess that's the end of it, Mason. Why did... Or is it? Sorry, did you want to say something? I was going to say, why do Bleeding Cool have the... Why do they think they have the scoop? Hasn't this ruined their credibility somewhat? Well, you know, it's hard to say.
Starting point is 00:09:16 This came out Saturday. Like a bunch of bleeding fools. Yes. This will probably... You know, there'll probably be more info on this by the time this podcast comes out. So when everyone hears this, they'll probably be like, you guys are idiots.
Starting point is 00:09:27 You jumped the gun. You're ahead of the times, but at the same time, way behind. Yeah, weird. But anyway, Bleeding Cool responded to the denials with the following. We remain confident in our... No, continue. They're British. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:40 We remain confident in our source. Bleeding Cool suggests that if Fox would really like to stomp on the rumour They should stop approaching This is really difficult to do They should stop approaching Folk to replace the director And to write a new screenplay Interesting, so there you go
Starting point is 00:09:57 Did you catch that? None of it, I was making my little noises Alright, let's talk about Civil War Now the American Civil War, that was... You got me. Thank you. I've been waiting for that. For years, potentially.
Starting point is 00:10:15 That's why on this whiteboard that we put up in 2012, the top one, it just says, make a goof on the American Civil War. And you've crossed it out today i am yeah that's it good people complain when i know when i spoiled death of captain america that goddamn flies in here sorry anyway um there's a fly in here guys and now i've stopped no it's still going i gotta get rid of this. Okay, all right. I can't handle this. Keep it rolling, though. Talk amongst yourselves, guys. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:47 He's really awkwardly getting out of his chair. I don't want to kick any cords. He doesn't want to kick any cords. He's found the fly. He's opened a door. This fly is moving as far away from the door as you can possibly get. No, no, you're really messing this up, mate. I can spray a bunch of fly spray.
Starting point is 00:11:02 No, don't do that. We're trapped in here. No. Done. Did it go? Yeah. Oh, okay. A can spray a bunch of fly spray. No, don't do that. We're trapped in here. No! Duh. Did it go? Yeah. Oh, okay. I thought I whispered it out of here.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Wow, you are amazing. What were we talking about? Captain America? Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah. So, what was I saying? Death of something? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, often the spoiler isn't in the title. The spoiler is more kind of how it happens in the thing. Right, exactly. And the impact of it. How do you kill Wolverine? Well, bullets to the brain won't work, evidently. The spoiler isn't in the title. The spoiler is more kind of how it happens in the thing. Right, exactly. And the impact of it. How do you kill Wolverine? Well, bullets to the brain won't work, evidently.
Starting point is 00:11:30 No, it's... Decapitate? Just decapitate him. Throw him into the sun? He can't have adamantium, like, joints in between his bones. No, he can't. Because otherwise he couldn't move. He'd be a weird statue.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So you cut his head off? Yeah. Can he grow back from his head? Have you reattached his head to his neck? Does he come back? I think he would come back from there, yeah. Because I know he's been torn in half by the Hulk and he went and crawled to his legs.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Did that series ever finish? I don't think it ever finished. I don't know. So he's still crawling to his legs. Yeah, Ultimate Wolverine is still crawling to his legs. He's been doing it for years now. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that... Oh, maybe it finished eventually.
Starting point is 00:12:03 But the gap was years long. Yeah, yeah. Wow. What a good guy. So, I guess look forward to that. As much as you can. If we've proven anything in the last couple episodes... Which we have. We've got... This podcast
Starting point is 00:12:17 is a combination of incredible enthusiasm, but also just baffling ignorance. I think maybe like, I reckon about ten episodes in I'll have devolved to the point where I'm just like, oh, who's the guy? And he's red and he's blue and he's got
Starting point is 00:12:34 the S. Is it Strongman? He's very strong. I think it's probably Strongman. So yeah, I thought, um, let's start with the very first Marvel movie. How are we going to review these? Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that. How this is going to work is... Is it going to be, like, one to ten?
Starting point is 00:12:50 Am I going to do it in stars? Well, I thought we could do something as technical and complex as that and give it a numerical value. Sounds like a lot of work. Sounds like way too much work. Also, people get really pedantic if you're like, I think it's an 8.5. They'll be like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:13:02 You know. Yeah. All caps. I'm like, thanks, Dad. Yeah. God. think it's an 8.5 they'll be like you know yeah all caps yeah so what we're gonna thanks dad god so i thought maybe we could go you either have to say it's the best movie ever or the worst movie ever no middle ground so if you really like the movie but you're like ah but there's this bit that i know worst movie ever fantastic fair enough i think that's because that's i think how the internet responds to most things anyway so i think why change that operating superl think that's fair Because that's I think How the internet responds To most things anyway So I think why change that Operating superlatives
Starting point is 00:13:26 That's what I like to do Extremes Extremes And I think it is a testament To the thousands of people You know when you watch the credits And there's thousands of people Who all have put their heart and soul
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yeah And their careers Just on the line Absolutely We can just say Worst movie ever And you know what People will
Starting point is 00:13:42 Come at you I'll come at you I'm fond of It's People Looper Here's the thing about Looper and you know what people will come at you I'll come at you I'm fond look I'm it's people Looper here's the thing about Looper
Starting point is 00:13:49 here's the thing about Looper look look firstly okay so hey let's say you really liked mystery films you like whodunits yep
Starting point is 00:13:58 and you do yep and at the end you're watching a whodunit and at the end of the movie they were like oh the cop's like and the killer was the butler and at the end of the movie, they were like, oh, the cop's like, and the killer was the butler,
Starting point is 00:14:06 and you thought to yourself, the killer couldn't have been the butler, because he was in the room, with all the other houseguests, as the murder was taking place, and you express that opinion to someone, and they're like, you're an idiot,
Starting point is 00:14:16 because that film looked really good, and the action scenes were good, and it was tense, and it was really well acted, so, having that opinion, you're an idiot, like that, that's Looper.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Because you'd be like, okay, Looper doesn't make any sense. And they'd be like, yeah, but the action's good and the performances are good and the special effects are good. So how about you shut up? Because, like, I'm expecting a logical conclusion. There isn't one. Yeah, I think they managed to get around that by that very dynasty you were talking about
Starting point is 00:14:45 by the way don't think about it shut up if you think about it you're some sort of nerd in a diner and they don't like that but I mean like
Starting point is 00:14:52 and a lot of people will go you say time travel can't exist no I'm not saying time travel can't exist I'm saying that they use the very
Starting point is 00:14:58 how dare you suggest time travel sorry I suggested that haven't you ever seen one of the Star Treks I can't think of Star Trek 4. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Where they go back to the 80s. Your favourite decade. Nah, 80s are worse than the 90s. Oh, boy. Anyway. They should make a movie about you. Just me in cinemas just being angry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Shut up. Just seething. Shut your thoughts up. It's just a one shot of you and you're just seething. And you just hear thoughts floating around. Yeah, I don't want to have for lunch today? I saw Gravity and there was a bit where... I know, I was there.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Were you? Yes. Oh, wow. You're an idiot. I really am. We saw that together. Do we? Wait, I actually don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I'm sorry. You know what? We probably did. But you were there and maybe you didn't hear this, but the person next to me said, spoiler alert for gravity, at the end, she goes into the water, and a frog swims past. And a person goes, what's a frog doing in the ocean? First of all, you're a fucking idiot. That's a lake.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Frogs live in lakes. And even if it wasn't a lake, shut up. Then he goes, or it might have been a different person said, you know when she's in a spacesuit and she's trying to get out and she's trying to swim and it's too heavy he goes no the spacesuit's too heavy
Starting point is 00:16:09 shut the fuck up shut up that's true yeah I don't care what you think yep I have my problems with gravity as well but I'm not going to get into it
Starting point is 00:16:17 see and when you're in your own home and somebody says something like that you can be like mum get out get out of my house why did I invite you over?
Starting point is 00:16:25 I'll just say it clear. I'm sorry if it's clouded by Mum. I just meant to supply that. I'm a homeowner. You are, that's true. So I just wanted to make that clear. But yeah, so allocated seating though. Yep. And when you go in, and especially this happens in a packed theatre, you go in and there's
Starting point is 00:16:41 a row of idiots in your seat. Yep. And you go, excuse me, row of idiots, you're in my seat. And they go, oh, but there's of idiots in your seat. Yep. And you go, excuse me, row of idiots, you're in my seat. And they go, oh, but there's a guy in my seat. And then I have to go, yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:50 but if I sit somewhere else, then I'm you because someone's going to come up to me and I have to have this exact conversation. Get the fuck out. Yep. I'm more polite generally.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You're not though, really. But that's just, that really annoys me. Let me sit where I want. Yeah. Normally I'll wait until the curtain goes down or whatever or the lights go off and then I move anyway. Yeah. really. But that really annoys me. Let me sit where I want. Yeah. Normally I'll wait until the curtain goes down and whatever, or the lights go off, and then I move anyway.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah. Yeah. But you know what? It should be a free-for-all. Yeah, it should be. Who out there, write-in listeners, who likes allocated seating? Tweet at James. Don't tweet at me.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Mr. Sunday Movies. On Twitter. Tweet at him. Tell him you like allocated seating. Tell him in all caps how much you love Allocated seating Because there must be People out there I'm sure there is
Starting point is 00:17:28 I feel like they Wouldn't have done it When I was a kid A very young man I remember I went to One of my parents Friends house And you know
Starting point is 00:17:35 When you're a kid I don't know about you But I hated all My parents friends kids Most of them Because I'm like Why are you forcing me To hang out with this guy
Starting point is 00:17:41 Like we have nothing In common And when you leave The room he punches me Because he's like Three feet taller than me Right okay And he when you leave the room, he punches me, because he's like three feet taller than me. Right, okay. And he's older. Anyway, I went to this guy's house, and he's like, what movie do you want to watch? I'm like, I want to watch Batman. You've got Batman.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You're one of those kids with a TV in your room, and a VHS player, because you're one of those prick kids from the 90s. He was like a villain, like a kid from the 90s. He wore a little ascot, and a blazer. That's it. And he was older than me, and clearly smarter. He kind a little ascot and a blazer. That's it. And he was much older than me and clearly smarter.
Starting point is 00:18:06 He kind of looked like Buzz from Home Alone. You know, Macaulay Culkin's older brother with the pig face. So he drew out the whole process of
Starting point is 00:18:14 okay, we could do it. How about we hold a raffle? And he cut up all these little tickets so he could do a raffle and he could draw which one it was. And by the time
Starting point is 00:18:21 that he managed to do this, my parents came in and were like, we're going to go. So I missed it. And if I ever see that guy again, I'm going to knock all these fucking teeth out.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Like, legitimately. Wow. Wow. This is your own. You're going to tie that guy to a gargoyle, push him out of a helicopter. What a prick.
Starting point is 00:18:40 He was also one of those guys who played the Nintendo. I see why this movie, I see why you created this podcast, is to do about nine episodes to cover up what this is, and then you're just going to let loose on all your childhood bullies. I understand. I get it. I get it. I don't approve, but, you know, do your thing.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Sure. Anyway, sorry. He also had a Nintendo, and he'd just play it in front of me for hours. Huh. Just be like, no, you can't play. Wow. What a jerk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I remember they printed that in the newspaper. Uh-huh. Like the proper newspaper. Back when we had newspapers. Back when we used to have newspapers. Uh-huh. If newspapers got delivered to my house, there would just be a pile of newspapers out in front.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, come on, guys. Which would later become a bonfire. I hate it when I get the local paper in my fucking letterbox. I pull it out and I'm like, every fucking week with this shit. Nobody reads this. It's like a phone book. Why are you sending me a fucking phone book?
Starting point is 00:19:34 That's it. That's all I have to say. Good. Well, now we can close out the podcast because that was your vendetta for the week. It's against local community, apparently. I just... Yeah, well. It's against local community, apparently. I just... Yeah, well, I am against local community. I don't care if you've built a new fucking retaining wall
Starting point is 00:19:50 at the local kindergarten. What about a skate park? No. Are you against a skate park? Fuck off with your skate park. Wow. I hate skate parks. Do whatever...
Starting point is 00:19:57 You know, build them or whatever. But I don't care. Okay, good. Garbage. Oh, who's the new mayor? The local shire mayor. Who gives a fuck? You don't care. Okay, good. Garbage. Oh, who's the new mayor? The local shire mayor. Who gives a fuck? You don't do anything.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Just collect my bin and fucking leave me alone. Am I wrong? I'm fucking not wrong. Email in listeners. This should be your video for the week, I think. Just about this? Yeah, absolutely. God, I'm going to stop.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Anyway, Catwoman. Yeah. How did that set you off? I have no idea. I fucking hate local council. Leave me alone. That's what I'm saying. stop. Anyway, Catwoman. Yeah. How did that set you off? I have no idea. I fucking hate local council. Leave me alone. That's what I'm saying. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Fuck. Well, you'll edit most of this out. It'll be fine. I hope so, yeah. Yeah. All right. Now, Mason. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:35 What started off as a one-off kind of thing has become a recurring segment in this show. Yeah, nightmare. Whatever you're talking about is a recurring nightmare. You're right. It is the Shia LaBeouf news of the week. Oh, yes. We got away with not doing it last week. I can't remember if is a recurring nightmare. You're right. It is the Shia LaBeouf news of the week. Oh, yes. We got away with not doing it last week. I can't remember if we did.
Starting point is 00:20:48 We didn't. But silly me thought, that's it. Yeah, yeah. He's dead. Uh-huh. So, turns out he's not. But then he made an appearance at some sort of movie premiere with a bag on, he said. Well, that's it.
Starting point is 00:20:58 He said, I'm not famous anymore. Yeah. So, that's how it started. So, there was a press conference for his movie, Nymphomaniac Part 1. Oh. Which, by the way, I've seen a clip for it where he does a British accent in it. And it is, I can't do accents, even though a lot of people think I'm British for some reason. And then they call me a dumb British dickhead sometimes. When in fact you are South African. I know,
Starting point is 00:21:20 so weird. And it's got to be the worst accent, British accent I've ever seen. But I think the director, I think it's Werner Herzog, Matt. It is, yeah. Okay, there you go. He put him in... Wait, no, it's not. You're probably... It's not Werner Herzog.
Starting point is 00:21:31 It's someone else. Yeah, I can't remember who it is. But Christian Slater's in it as well, and he also does a British accent. So I think it's intentional. What, it's all intentionally bad? Yeah. Anyway, I don't know. Anyway, the point is, he was at a press conference for that,
Starting point is 00:21:45 and somebody said, what was it like to do all those sex scenes? And he made this comment before storming out. When seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea, which is apparently stolen from some soccer player who did the same thing. That's amazing. But the thing is, though, at this point, he's doing it intentionally.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Initially, he wasn't stealing things intentionally, or he was stealing them intentionally, but then like, but you know, and thinking he was going to get away with it. But now I think he is absolutely doing it on purpose to go, no, no, this is, I've always been doing this ironically. So at some point, we're all just supposed to believe that it's an art project. Exactly. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:21 That's about, I think that's what he's trying to turn this out into. And I looked up the clip and the guy in the clip takes a sip of water at the exact same time that shia labouf did it so it's all very people like well he stole it like this one is clearly stolen on purpose right okay yeah like a lot of his early stuff he's reappropriating work yeah there's a lot lars von trier that's it there we go good good look it was foreign something foreign something from what a south african mate what What a British dickhead. I know, right? Yeah, and we did get a couple of tweets on the subject. So many tweets.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Did we go to the Shia LaBeouf, I'm sorry, exhibit? We can't because we're not in the US, but I feel if we can somehow convince Shia that somebody did it before him, somebody toured an art exhibition internationally before he did, he'll do it. Oh, good point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:05 That's not a bad idea. So I'm not famous for the bag or the thing. He went to the film premiere with that bag on his head. Uh-huh. Looking like a total dickhead. Yes. Shockingly. And then this art exhibition, which he was threatening us with, he's actually come through
Starting point is 00:23:18 with. And he sits in a room. People have lined up for five hours to go in and see this guy. Uh-huh. And he's sitting there and the bag's wet from his tears. And if you go to Screen Junkies, they've got a YouTube channel. Hal Rudnick, I think, is the guy who does Screen Junkies. You know, they do the Honest Trailers, those guys.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And he pulled the bag off his head and there's like a five-minute kind of awkward video where he just talks at Shia LaBeouf and kind of insults him. And it is Shia LaBeouf. And it is Shia LaBeouf, yeah. And Shia LaBeouf is kind of bleary-eyed and kind of crying the whole time. But you'd think maybe he'd do that on the day he knows the press is coming. Yeah, I guess so. Because they would get free tickets, presumably.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So he'd know they were coming and then he'd be like, well, this is media day, I'll be in the bag. But then every other day there'll be somebody else in a bag. Okay, yeah, I get you. Yeah, yeah. And you know what, though? I think the tears are put on. Because other people have gone in and he's crying.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I mean, not put on, but they're induced by something, some kind of external... He pulled a nostril hair out. Pulled a nostril hair out, something like that, exactly. Because you can't cry for six hours. No. Not if you're the best actor in the world, and newsflash, he is not the best actor in the world.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Christian Slater is. Yeah, see, there we go. So, I don't know. The very British Christian Slater. The very British Christian Slater. I mean, I don't know, man. What, what? Let's put another moratorium on Shia LaBeouf news.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Let's do it right now. I mean. We can stick to it this time. Can it get worse, though? It can't, it can't get. This must be it, right? Yeah, because he can't, like, I'm going to kill myself or anything like that. He can't do that.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Like, that's too far. Yeah. Because that will, because that's a serious issue and you can't. That's true, yeah. Cross that line. I mean, you might try to do that. Yeah. But I think at this point, his manager or whatever is like, okay, here's the things
Starting point is 00:24:52 you are going to do. Oh, okay, I get you. To make it seem as if you are a tortured artist. Yeah. But really, you're just rich. Yeah, exactly. And a dickhead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 How about something about Fright Night? Because you mentioned Fright Night, Anton Yelchin in Fright Night. Yeah. Here's my favourite Fright Night fact. Go. So, Fright Night was the remake of the one from the 80s.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Yeah. And I watched that in preparation for watching it. We watched it together. Yeah, in preparation for watching the new one. Yeah. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:25:13 there's a character in it and his name's Evil Eddie and he's like the annoying sidekick of the main character. And I'm like, that's fascinating. There's always,
Starting point is 00:25:24 in the 80s, movies in the 80s is always like an annoying side character i wonder what kind of career like an annoying side character has like does he become the annoying side character in like a series of movies does he grow up and become a serious actor like he's been in stuff we know so anyway i am db'd him and i've got it here i just looked it up so after after fright night like he's done a couple more horror films. Good. And then like in 95, he did Mechanics by Day,
Starting point is 00:25:49 Lube Job by Night. Wait a minute. Then he did Virtual Stud. He did Just 18 and Gay. Latin Crotch Rockets. Punk Hotel. Leather After Midnight. Transsexual Prostitutes. Motel Sex. Cockpit.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Manhunt. Transsexual Prostitutes, Motel Sex, Cockpit, Manhunt, Transsexual Prostitutes 2, so that first one was quite warranted a sequel. Yeah, Buff and Gay, Black Men, White Men, Bus Blazer, Uncut Glory, Leather Buddies, which sounds quite nice. They're really creative
Starting point is 00:26:21 these days. Yeah, they are. Leather Virgin, Private Temptations, Halfway House Hunks Gay Men in Uniform Guys Who Crave Big Cocks which is that's a bit it's a bit much
Starting point is 00:26:33 quite frankly in 2002 it's a little tasteless yeah in 2002 Semen Training Day what's that? and then
Starting point is 00:26:42 then he's back in a regular movie I don't know how he did that. But that's amazing, right? That is amazing. Oh, my God. That's a lot of gay porn.
Starting point is 00:26:56 That sure is. But good on him. Good on him. Good on him for finding his niche. Exactly, yeah. If that's what you want to do, good on him, man. Good on him. I saw my dogs just come in.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Actually, yeah. Come on. Out. Leave this in. Good on you, man. Good on him. I saw my dog just come in. Actually, yeah. Come on. Out. Leave this in. Leave this whole thing in. He's having trouble with the dog. He doesn't... Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:14 How did the dog open the door? That's weird. God. Yeah. Anyway. He was running around with his denim overalls and the butt flap just popped open.
Starting point is 00:27:25 He's like, oh no! And the dog kept running. Got a big leg of lamb in its mouth. Stole all your beef jerky. I love that dog. My dad wants to shoot it though. Absolutely, why wouldn't you? It's there, it's a dog.
Starting point is 00:27:42 When you have a gun, every dog looks like a dog you should shoot. That's a proverb. I'm sure you've heard the fantastic foreign news this week. Apparently this is a lock, these four cast members. Michael Jordan, the basketball player. Incorrect. Michael B. Jordan, the basketball player. Also incorrect, but you're getting there.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Basketball. No, go back the other way. Michael B. Jordan, the actor. He'll be Johnny Storm. Uh-huh. I think of the casting choices i think that's the best one i know people like oh he's african-american doesn't work whatever but i think it's good because it'll annoy people exactly yeah uh so we don't know if him and
Starting point is 00:28:16 sue storm are brother and sister i mean maybe they're one adopted yeah maybe they're from you know but uh kate mara she's in house of Cards. Okay, sure. She is Sue Storm. A lot of people don't like this. I don't know why. She's just fine, I guess. But you know what? It's because that's all anyone can say about Sue Storm casting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:35 It's either terrible or it's fine. Yeah. That's it. Miles Teller as Mr. Fantastic. First of all, why is Mr. Fantastic the only one with Fantastic in his superhero name? Because he's really, really up himself. Okay. Yeah, I think that's pretty much it.
Starting point is 00:28:50 He could probably physically do that as well. Yeah, definitely. Just get right up himself. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm not sure about this guy. He's kind of got a weird kind of, I don't know, soft face. He looks very young, yeah. Yeah, he looks very young.
Starting point is 00:29:02 But from what I've seen, he's a decent actor. Yeah, and he could be like an arrogant young genius kind of thing. Can you see the grey in his hair? Can you see the grey temples? I think it'll look very artificial. And the last one is really strange. Jamie Bell, he was Billy Elliot. He was in Jumper.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Was he in Jumper? He wasn't. He's like the rogue Jumper. He's Jumper's mate. Yeah, Jumper's mate. Yeah, Jumper's mate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He mo-capped Tintin. He was the mo-cap.
Starting point is 00:29:29 He wore the ping pong balls. Yeah. Okay, alright. He's Ben Grimm. I'll tell you why it's okay and not okay. Yes. Unless you want to say something. Well, he doesn't look like...
Starting point is 00:29:39 I always picture Ben Grimm, human Ben Grimm, as kind of like your bruiser. Like Michael Chiglas. Yeah, exactly like Michael Chiglis. Before I even knew who Michael Chiglis was, that's how I imagined a human thing. A human Ben Grimm. Yeah, exactly. It won't matter when it's mo-cap, right? Andy Serkis played King Kong.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Andy Serkis isn't really a giant ape. No, that's true. That we know about. What are you hiding from us, Hollywood? But as, I mean, obviously they'd probably show him pre-accident. Yeah. Which would be a bit strange. Because he's, I looked up his height.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Not that height matters in movies. Because people are like, Batman should be at least 6'2 exactly or whatever. He's like 170 centimetres. Which isn't very small. Put that in the Imperial. How many feet and inches is that? That's 1,000 yards. Oh, that'll do.
Starting point is 00:30:24 That'll definitely do it I don't know I mean, people did not like most of the majority of this casting I've looked up the origin of the Fantastic Four like the origin panels Johnny Storm's like I'm calling myself a human torch
Starting point is 00:30:36 and I'm with you all the way and they put their hands in Is his hand on fire when he puts his hand in? No, he's put it out He's put it out Okay, good Same goes for me The Invisible Girl
Starting point is 00:30:44 Ben Grimm's like, Is she saying Invisible Girl or Invisible Woman? Invisible Girl. She becomes Invisible Woman later. Because that's a big point of contention with this as well. People say, How dare they call her an Invisible Girl? That's an insult.
Starting point is 00:30:54 She's a woman. She's a whole woman. Initially, she was the Invisible Girl. There you go. I didn't know that. Because I don't read comics from the 60s because they're shit. That's a really good point. I ain't Ben anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I'm what Susan called me the thing. So that's that's sad for him. Then Reed Richards is like Wait Susan called him the thing? Yep. That's really mean.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah. He's just had a horrible accident. Well that's all. It's like someone loses their legs and they're like where'd it go Stumpy? Yeah yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:17 We're gonna call you Stumpy now. I mean first she calls him like an ugly orange rock skin real prick but then and then he's like and I'll call my read richard's like and i'll call myself mr fantastic so really kick really put the boot in like i'm a monster i'm mr fantastic so there you go yeah we've all learned something today so would you recommend
Starting point is 00:31:40 that issue issue one of the fantastic four? Probably not. Just look up Fantastic Four Origin on Google and it'll appear in front of your very eyes. Absolutely. You could use this as an audio commentary as well as you're reading that panel. Yes, please do. Okay. Well, look, Mason, people hate Fox
Starting point is 00:31:59 because they have the Fantastic Four. They will never give it back. No. Why would they? It makes some money. They will never give it back. No. Why would they? It makes some money. It makes some money, exactly. If they gave it to Marvel, Marvel would probably turn out something really great, I'd imagine.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Not to say that this won't turn out great. Who's to say, Mason? I'm going to put my foot down and say it won't be great. Okay, sure. The odds are stacked against it, certainly. You're right. Good director, though. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Do we know who's directing it? Josh Drag, Chronicle. Oh, yeah, okay. But they did give back Daredevil and some other stuff as well. But I think The Punisher and I think they
Starting point is 00:32:29 they stole like a bowl of fruit which they were forced to return. Oh wow. It was wax fruit too. Yeah. That's the only reason they gave it back. Because the Fox executive
Starting point is 00:32:38 was like just munching down on it. He's like what? And he took a couple more bites and he's like This isn't a superhero movie. I'm eating wax fruit.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Where does this podcast go, I don't know. Yeah, Uncanny Valley. Do you want to explain that? Well, the Uncanny Valley sort of, we as human beings,
Starting point is 00:32:58 yes, and we're both human beings, that we know about. Oh boy. We will, we will accept and we will not find disturbing, say, a character that is like a robot character or a CGI character that does not look at all like a human. Yes. So, like an R2-D2 character like that.
Starting point is 00:33:21 He's got kind of human character traits. You know, he's got a little personality all of his own, but he doesn't look anything like most of us. Yeah, exactly. Precisely. Yeah. And then we'll accept. Can you remind me to put my bins out?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Are you leaving this in? Yeah. Dare you. I just had a thought. God, I'm... Last week I had to run out my underwear and put my bin out and my neighbour's like, hey. And I'm like, yeah, what?
Starting point is 00:33:49 This is what this is. Yeah, we'll have to leave this in. I'll make a note. I'll make a note in my weekly planner. I'll put the bins out. I just caught the truck. What we reading? Put your bins out.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Putting bins. All right. Do you mean in the morning? No, tonight. Because I don't want to Run out in the morning again I've written it down Thank you
Starting point is 00:34:07 What are we talking about? Uncanny Valley I'm sorry It has nothing to do With garbage bins Well I thought R2-D2 And garbage bins And that's how I
Starting point is 00:34:15 Made the connection You brought it back I've done it Yeah This is nothing If not an episode About perfect segways I know what you mean
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah What about Dobby From Harry Potter He's all like, I'm feeble and weak. My clothes is a pillowcase. Harry Potter. No, I see.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Do you feel at any point that he is a real character though? Does that character have any weight to him at all? I remember thinking he looked okay, but he's in one of the Harry Potters that I don't like. You know what? He does look good in the last one. Spoiler alert. I haven't seen the last one. The second last one. I've seen that one as well. Where, spoiler alert, if you haven't
Starting point is 00:34:50 seen it, he dies. He takes a knife to the heart. Wow. And as he's dying, he's like, it's good to be friends with Harry Potter. And he dies. And I guess it is good to be friends with Harry Potter. One million points to Harry Potter. I don't normally give out points, but I give him some points. You know when Dumbledore waves his hands and
Starting point is 00:35:10 the banquet appears? Sure. What he's actually doing, and this is in the books and I know this. He's teleporting in. He's teleporting the food in. They're all downstairs slaving away constantly. Literally slaving. Literally, quite literally. And they stoke the fires and they clean the floors and if that three headed dog gets out they have to put it back I'm assuming or they get slaughtered by the dog slaughtered by the dog
Starting point is 00:35:28 yeah why would you put so many dangerous things in that school you put less dangerous things in a school I've been to a school there's very little
Starting point is 00:35:36 very dangerous things inter-school magic talk about that that's my favourite my favourite part of the Harry Potter films is the inter like the school magic competition.
Starting point is 00:35:47 It's in the third... No, it's the fourth one. The fourth one. That's also my favourite because... Because it's like a school... Goblet of Fire. ...of magic, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Where a small child has to fight a dragon. Well, that's the thing, though, because his name goes in the Goblet of Fire. He's too young to be in it. And they're like, this is clearly a trick. Somebody's trying to harry potter they're like however let's see how this plays out how it goes but you know what though he's way underprepared and then they're like guess what harry potter you're gonna fight this enormous dragon yeah exactly and he's way
Starting point is 00:36:17 out of his depth you had a metaphor for that can you remember what it was it was no i don't do you you're no you you you said that it's it would be the equivalent of if you were in junior high school and you were going to an inter-school sports relay and they got you and they put you in a helicopter and they dropped you into a prison riot. And they gave you a gun with six bullets in it, but they were like, you're probably going to die. You might live were like you're probably going to die you might live but you'll probably die like that's the that's the mundane equivalent of that to it to assume anyone would survive that at all is insanity i said that you did that's hilarious oh well
Starting point is 00:36:56 oh i'm so funny anyway look here's some movies that i don't like but the cgi it's got nothing to do with CGI, but here's just some movies you don't like. Okay, but they've got CGI characters that look pretty solid. Okay. Actually, I like Stuart Little. It's a good one. Huh. I think it's a good kids movie. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Smurfs. Okay. Garfield and Garfield A Tale of Two Kitties, the sequel. Does that have good CGI? For like a weird kind of... Follow-up question. You've seen those movies? No, I haven of Two Kitties, the sequel. Does that have good CGI? For like a weird kind of... Follow-up question. You've seen those movies? No, I haven't, no.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Okay, right. And Alvin and the Chipmunks, which again, I haven't seen. I feel like that's all that kind of same kind of cartoon, kind of like they've just taken the cartoon version of that and just kind of made it 3D and been like, there you go, you dickhead. You're saying that's good 3D, that's good CGI? I think it's, yes, for what it is.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Because it's supposed to be cartoony and whatever, yeah. You don't think Stuart Little looks like a fun little mouse in a little sweater? He does look like a fun little mouse in a fun little sweater. He's got a little car. Doesn't he have a little car sometimes? He does, yeah. Does he ever own a little biplane? Sometimes he's got a plane.
Starting point is 00:37:57 That cat doesn't like him very much, though. No. But I think they work it out at the end. Yeah, great. Yeah. Great. Or the cat kills him. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:05 What's his deal, Stuart Little? Is he an orphan? What is that? I think he is an orphan. From where? Why are there not other mice walking around with sweaters? His parents were killed in the Holocaust in the graphic novel series Mouse. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Oh, God. Remember Mouse? I don't. Mouse. It was a metaphor Mouse. Oh, God. Oh, God. Remember Mouse? I don't. Mouse. It was a metaphor for... Oh, no, I do know that. Sorry. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, I apologize. It was a metaphor for the horrors of World War II. Yeah, that's really good, isn't it? Yes. Apparently, I should read that. Anyway, I'm going to assume that he's from that universe. Okay, gotcha. I'm going to say the Stuart Little universe and the Mouse universe are the same universe.
Starting point is 00:38:47 There you go. Yeah. Fair enough. Do you think Stan Lee knew when he was making that cameo that they were going to be making fun of him? That's a good question. Yeah, I would say so, yeah. He'd be okay with it. I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:59 But I can't imagine they'd put him aside and be like, listen, we're going to make out that you're Chitty and your wife and you're a creepy old man. Right. You cool with that? Uh-huh. That's just a thought. Last question. Should people be grabbing dat gem? Yeah, grab dat gem.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I don't know, man. No, make it. What if you're one of the chosen people? Why not? Don't take the chance. No, take the chance. You're in space. What's the worst that could happen?
Starting point is 00:39:19 I mean, explode. You might explode. But you probably, like if you're in space, you find yourself in space, you're probably destined for a great thing. So just grab that gem. Good point. You got it. That's a new sign off by the way. Grab that gem. Hashtag grab that gem. Nice. It's better
Starting point is 00:39:36 than eat them eggs. Absolutely. Because they enjoy your burrito. It's similar. Absolutely. And I can't remember how I made that reference. This one I'll definitely remember. Definitely. You know one thing that strikes me as odd about this universe? And now that I think about it, it kind of strikes me as odd in a lot of movie, like Hollywood and TV movie things.
Starting point is 00:39:56 People are really okay with other people calling them on the phone all the time. It's weird. It's like, oh, somebody's calling. Hey, what's going on? Oh, I've got to make a somebody's calling hey what's going on oh I gotta make a call hey what's going on we're all making calls texting was invented because calling somebody on the phone is really annoying and painful and nobody likes to do it I don't think we ever talk on the phone yeah you ever have sometimes we call each other's home phones though don't we sure yeah and there's nobody manning them so yeah but i would like to see a
Starting point is 00:40:25 scene in a movie sometime soon if somebody is listening you can make this happen yeah where there's somebody in there running in terror from the what you know from the murder or whatever they bump through their assholes yeah and then they're like i gotta i gotta call my buddy you gotta make this call and then they dial they put the phone to their ear and it just cuts to somebody like in their apartment holding their phone at arm's length like, oh. Do I? And then it's real, like it's one shot real time and they just let it, they put it on their desk
Starting point is 00:40:53 and they let it ring out to voicemail. And then they check their Facebook and they check Twitter and Instagram. Then they pick the phone back up again and they text back, oh, hey, I'm real busy, can't talk. Can you text me what it is, if it's urgent? And then it cuts back. Then they send the again and they text back oh hey i'm real busy can't talk can you text me what it is if it's urgent and then it cuts back then they send the text and it cuts back to like it pops up on the person they're dead on the ground they're just holding the phone so that's like a five
Starting point is 00:41:13 minute sequence yeah absolutely i wasn't gonna say was it five seconds no no i was gonna i do that to people that i like like phone rings and I'm like, nah, can't, can't do it right now. Because, yeah. Nobody calls anybody, is what you're saying. That's what I'm saying, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:41:30 That's a fair point. Maybe PIs call people more. Yeah, that's probably true. I'd say it's probably more emails than anything. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Gotta nail it down in writing. But if you do text messages, you've got to show the phone and you've got to, and then, I find this really difficult with the terrible editing that I do. When you show text text how long do you show it for because how long does it take someone to an average person to read it exactly yeah so i have no idea i think i i think
Starting point is 00:41:54 i'm quite a fast reader i'm probably i probably skim more than i read right i would even say so i i feel like i always get that wrong like i always do it too fast and then i don't know anyway yeah the point is put your phone away just bloody text not you okay but I've got all
Starting point is 00:42:09 my show notes do you want to talk about Ghostbusters do you want to do it now I suppose you can put it in yeah well there was some set footage
Starting point is 00:42:16 we got the full team photo of the Ghostbusters correct the new Ghostbusters what did you think of the new Ghostbusters looks great yeah
Starting point is 00:42:23 people were like oh why aren't they smiling? Are they not smiling because the movie's terrible? No because Is that true? Yeah. There's just, I don't understand. Why are people so determined to hate this film? Maybe they're not
Starting point is 00:42:39 smiling because they've just been fighting a whole, they've been busting a whole bunch of ghosts and they're tired. Do you remember the first movie? They're not smiling at every scene just been fighting a whole, they've been busting a whole bunch of ghosts and they're tired. Do you remember the first movie? They're not smiling at every scene, are they? They start as like these, you know, scientists and whatever, but by the end they're just these blue collar like pest controllers or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Look, I'm going to say it one more time and then I'm never going to say it again.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I don't believe that. No, I just, I really love the first Ghostbusters. It's one of my favourite movies. It's true. I've seen it more times than probably any movie, No, I just, I really love the first Ghostbusters. It's one of my favourite movies. It's true. I've seen it more times than probably any movie. Except for one time I saw Police Academy 6 like 24 times in a week. I need you to explain that.
Starting point is 00:43:12 No, it doesn't matter. It's better without context. Anyway, but yeah, I really like it. Plot's good. Characters are great. Acting's great. Special effects still hold up. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Dry wit, it's great. Yep. I didn't like... Two? Two as much. Yep. It's fine. Yep. If you really love it, good didn't like 2 as much. It's fine. If you really love it, good on you. It's great. It's fine. I thought it retreaded a lot of ground in the first one. But when the second movie came out, it didn't make the first one not exist anymore. That's true. The first one's still there. And the same can be said about this new one. When it comes
Starting point is 00:43:43 out, whether it's good or bad, the first two are still going to exist. Correct. You can still get them on DVD and Blu-ray and streaming and blah, blah, blah. The only difference will be that at some point in the future, when you're talking to somebody about your favourite movies, you might have to spend an extra second clarifying that you mean the original Ghostbusters movie and not the remake.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Or part two. Or part two. Or part two. Or the video game. Exactly. So if those combined, like, extra 30 seconds in the remainder of your life is worth a sustained hate campaign against the entire cast and crew
Starting point is 00:44:17 of this new Ghostbusters, fine, you've made your choice. So, secondly, this is the last time I'll say it. Last year at the Astor Cinema in Melbourne, they did a special screening of Ghostbusters, like a very historic cinema. They did a special screening of Ghostbusters. Ivan Reitman was there.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Was he? He did a Q&A. This is last year? Yeah, he did a Q&A. Everybody dressed in costume, had a great time, you know, that sort of stuff. At exactly the same time, Dan Aykroyd was in town spruiking his Crystal Head vodka.
Starting point is 00:44:51 He went to Costco and he, you know, the vodka insider Crystal Skull. Yeah, I know it. Yeah, okay, great. Anyway, those two events did not clash, but Dan Aykroyd did not go to the Ghostbusters screening because he's checked out of the concept and he doesn't care about the fandom anymore. Yep.
Starting point is 00:45:09 You know what I mean? Sure. Bill Murray only does projects that he is personally interested in and he has repeatedly and publicly said that he's not interested in doing Ghostbusters anymore. And shut up. And shut up. Sigourney Weaver has been burned on sequels so many times
Starting point is 00:45:23 she's probably not going to do this one rick moranis quit uh acting to look after his family full time um alder amos is dead he's not coming back yeah so we are never gonna get the movie that you want even if you got even if dan akroyd called you up and said, hey, I read your Ghostbusters sequel fan fiction on the internet. I want to collaborate with you to make a Ghostbusters sequel. We're going to get all the remaining cast that are alive. We're going to put them all together. We're going to get new cast. It's going to be the same continuity in the same universe.
Starting point is 00:45:56 They're going to pass the torch to the new Ghostbusters. It's not going to be the same movie. No, definitely not. It's going to be a different movie. It's going to be Blues Brothers 2000. It's going to be Blues Brothers 2000. It's blues brothers 2000 it's gone the moment's gone but the movie the original ghostbusters still there you know what so stop complaining get over it you know what if those set photos showed jonah hill and chatting tatum and kevin hart yeah and you know, and Josh Gad, or whatever,
Starting point is 00:46:26 no one would give a shit. Right. Do you know what I mean? But because it's women and whatever, I think that's really the problem here. Right. But, you know. Anyway, you can still bloody do your cosplays or whatever,
Starting point is 00:46:35 write your fan fictions. It's fine. You dumbass. Yeah. Next question. Have you ever tried to transform one of the new Transformers from the movies, like the actual toys?
Starting point is 00:46:44 I thought you were going to say have I ever tried to transform. Have you ever tried to transform one of the new Transformers from the movies, like the actual toys? I thought you were going to say, have I ever tried to transform? Have you? As a child and then like a couple of weeks ago. Sure. Yeah, have you ever had a go at one of the new toys? Yeah, I think you loaned me one. It wasn't mine, it was my brother's.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Oh, right. It was like a finger trap. Who bought it as an adult, we should point out. It was like a finger trap. Yeah, yeah. Like it's, maybe I'm an idiot, but I remember the mega lock simpler. We're definitely idiots. It was like a finger trap. Yeah, yeah. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I remember the Megalodon. We're definitely idiots. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Okay. Do you think they should introduce a Transformer called Optimus Prime, and he changes into a moose or a bowl of moose? Yeah. Good. Both. He can be a triple changer. We have the technology.
Starting point is 00:47:19 He becomes a moose, the animal, and a bowl of moose. Yes. Two options. Do you think in the new movie there will be a bit where a human falls really far and then a Transformer catches him
Starting point is 00:47:31 at the last second in a big robot hand? Definitely. Yeah. This isn't a question but I'll frame it as a question. Okay. Let's do a...
Starting point is 00:47:39 Sounds like a threat more than anything. Go ahead. Let's have a Starscream impersonation competition? Okay. You ready? You go first.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Wait, I'll go first. Mighty Megatron. Megatron. Okay, good. Write it, listeners. Yep. Who was best? In fact, figure out who was who.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Why would most people wouldn't even know? Okay. Would you rather see... This is the last question even know okay would you rather see this is the last question okay would you rather see I like that that's his only memorable thing
Starting point is 00:48:11 that he says also I like how we both prepped for it as well like clear the throats I made a stance like I was a Shakespearean actor would you rather see Michael Bay
Starting point is 00:48:24 Transformers movies forever or they cancel it we never see another Transformers movie? Michael Bay Transformers movies forever. Okay. Because, you know. Better than nothing? No, not even that.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I just want to see how ridiculous they go. Sure. If he had to keep making them where would that go? Yeah, yeah. Fair point. Okay. Well, I wasn't going to say that, but you've changed my mind.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I agree. You were going to say no more Transformers movies ever? Yeah. Because, it doesn't matter. I would say statistically he has to produce at least one good film at some point, right? Yeah, but also statistically you could do this forever and there has to be a director who just makes terrible movies forever. That's also a good point.
Starting point is 00:49:07 You're absolutely right. If we're going to bring statistics into it, basically. There has to be a successful movie director who just... Never makes a good movie. Yeah, never makes a good movie. You're right. Absolutely. Where did I put my keys?
Starting point is 00:49:18 Do you know? Doesn't matter. I think I left them in the cinema. Oh, well. Doesn't matter. But anyway, yeah. You did run here. They're fine. We've got Wahlberg. We, well. It doesn't matter. But anyway, yeah. You did run here. They're fine.
Starting point is 00:49:25 We've got Wahlberg. We've got the Michael Bay girl character. Yeah. This isn't a spoiler because it's irrelevant to the plot. And we're going to get to later scenes that could have been cut out because they're irrelevant to the plot. Sure. But there's a scene. So Mark Wahlberg, the dad, he's like an inventor.
Starting point is 00:49:42 He's a wacky inventor. He's an American inventor. American inventor. From Texas. There's some missing backstory to this character, though,. He's a wacky inventor. He's an American inventor. American inventor. From Texas. There's some missing backstory to this character, though, because there's a lot of, like, he's got a lot of, like, logos for his company, like something something robotics and whatever. That's true. Like, did he own a robotics company at one point?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Or did he always work out of his garage? Yeah, yeah. Anyway, it doesn't matter. But anyway, so he's an American inventor. He's got a 17-year-old daughter. Yes. doesn't matter but anyway so he's he's an american inventor uh he's got a 17 year old daughter yes who is who we find out soon because it's not really spoiler that he's that she's dating a 20 year old guy guy and there's an entire scene where all three of them have an argument over
Starting point is 00:50:18 whether or not it's legal for those two to date and it ends with the boyfriend producing from his wallet a card with the relevant legal statute in texas that enables him to have sex with her why is this in the film i have two theories i did think that i'm glad you brought this up right one is that like michael bay likes two things in his films he likes escalation like he likes the action to be bigger every time yeah and he likes barely legal tail right he likes those two things and i think what happened theory one is he's combined those two things and he's gone you know what we've had some barely legal chicks in these films in the past what we're going to do is we're going to have a chick who is so barely legal that in certain states she's in fact illegal.
Starting point is 00:51:06 And it's only due to this dude finding some legal loopholes that he can bang this chick. Which he carries with him. How awesome is that? That's theory number one. Or theory number two is one of the producers on the film has a kid who is 17 and dating a 20-year-old or 20 and dating a 17-year-old and all his friends are like toughing and being like, what are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:51:31 What's the deal here with your kid dating this other kid? It's weird. And he's like, no, no, it's legal in certain states. And they're like, whatever, man, you're an irresponsible parent. And he's like, you know what I'm going to do is I'm going to find the relevant legislation and I'm going to insert it into a multi-billion dollar movie franchise. Into a movie that already goes for 165 minutes.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah, that'll show you guys. So they're my two theories because otherwise completely irrelevant and a waste of time. All right. How about here's a weapon for you that I thought of. How about the ultimate nullifier? I don't know what that is. Okay, so basically when Galactus first showed up on Earth. Is it his big stick?
Starting point is 00:52:06 No, it's like a little handheld thing. I'll find you a picture. I think you're thinking of a telephone. I'm thinking of the telephone. That's a great weapon. Yeah. You clock a guy with a rotary telephone, you're going to knock out all these people.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Man, if we're talking about comic book weapons, Russell Crowe knows how to wield a telephone, let me tell you. I mean, only against hotel porters and stuff. People who deserve it. Yeah, definitely. I'll be honest, the Ultimate Nullified does look a little bit wield a telephone, let me tell you. I mean, only against like hotel porters and stuff. People who deserve it. Yeah, definitely. That's what you're saying, yeah. I'll be honest, the Ultimate Nullify does look a little bit like a telephone. Now that I've...
Starting point is 00:52:31 In your face, mate. Yeah. Does a Galactus helmet do anything? Nah. That's the Ultimate Nullify. There it is. Okay. It's an Ultimate Nullify.
Starting point is 00:52:40 What does it do? Anyway, basically, look, here's how it works. I'll find you a diagram in a second. It's important. You can have a look at all the internals. Yeah, I found here's how it works. I'll find you a diagram in a second. It's important. You can have a look at all the internals. Yeah, I found one. There we go. But basically, Galactus was about to eat the Earth.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Just about to tuck in. Yeah, about to tuck in. And Reed Richards is like, hmm, I better put a stop to that. And so he goes up to the moon and he talks to the Watcher. And he's like, how do I stop Galactus? Whatever. And the Watcher's like, I can't how do i stop galactus whatever and uh the watch is like i can't interfere but there's the ultimate nullifier and he's like oh great he's like what yeah help it
Starting point is 00:53:14 does all these things and here's the instruction manual but i can't interfere well thanks for nothing i'm gonna turn my back as the watcher i'm gonna i'm gonna stop watching for a second yes and if i turn back and the ultimate nullifier is gone I ain't going to ask no questions and Redridge is like
Starting point is 00:53:28 what do you mean? Help me out here! Come on! But basically like it's depending on the version you hear
Starting point is 00:53:37 it's like an artifact from the previous version of the universe and so it can kill Galactus so it's power basically if you wield it
Starting point is 00:53:46 you can destroy anything you can think of what's the reception like on it like two bars most of the time yeah what's my previous universe yes that's not gonna be great two bars is as good as you can get but basically you can like use it to destroy anyone or anything yeah but unless you have the willpower, it will kill you as well. It will utterly annihilate you. Does it kill Reed Richards? No, he doesn't use it.
Starting point is 00:54:11 He threatens people with it. Oh, just waves it about. He threatens Galactus with it and then he just threatens everybody with it. While I'm here. Yeah. While I've got you. Franklin, clean your room. I'll set up a nullifier.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I've got it. I'll kill you. I'll kill me. I don't care. I'm a bad father we've established that yeah man yeah he's not a good person yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:54:31 so he just waves at a Galactus and Galactus buggers off yeah pretty much do you think they would have worked on that cloud
Starting point is 00:54:37 that came down in the Fantastic Four movie I think maybe just one element of the cloud okay sure he'd be like oh and then he'd destroy it
Starting point is 00:54:44 and he'd be annihilated and they'd be like oh you got rid of one one element of the cloud. Okay, sure. He'd be like, oh, and then he'd destroy it and he'd be annihilated. And they'd be like, oh, you got rid of one cubic foot of that cloud. That's pretty good. Yeah. What if we're talking... Here we go. Here's the bloody panel, mate. No, Galactus, it is you who will perish.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, yawn. And then Galactus is like, the ultimate nullifier in the hands of a human. Actually, you know what? The ultimate nullifier was on Galactus' ship now that I think about it. Oh, okay. Shouldn't have carried it around with him. No, probably not. Should have buried it.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. Or kept it on him. You know what he should have done? How big is this thing? It's like put in a man's hand. So how big is Galactus in that panel? I think he's like 30 feet tall. That's pretty big, I guess.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Yeah, that's right. Yeah. It's big as ass. How's he eating a planet if he's 30 feet tall? But I reckon what he should have done is maybe gone to the beach and put it in one of his sneakers. And then nobody would have found it, right? Because nobody ever finds stuff that you put in your sneakers
Starting point is 00:55:30 you take to the beach. You swim all day. Yeah, that's right. No worries there. Maybe you'll steal your phone. Pretty good. Well, that's good. I'm glad that that is a weapon that exists.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Oh, yeah. Well, if we're talking ridiculous weapons, we're all in application, I would kill myself with that. Oh, definitely. We're not. I don't have the willpower for that. Yeah. It would just,
Starting point is 00:55:47 it wouldn't even destroy anything else. But then again, the ethos of this show is grab that gem, man. Oh, yeah. So what I'm saying is if you get your hands on the ultimate nullifier,
Starting point is 00:55:56 you're probably destined for greatness. So just try and destroy something with it. Who would you kill? And I'm not talking like, I'd kill a terrorist or whatever. Right. If you had to kill like a celebrity, who would you kill? Oh, Ryan Seacrest? kill a terrorist or whatever right if you had to kill like a celebrity who would you kill oh ryan secrest i was gonna say right because we talked
Starting point is 00:56:09 about him earlier right i have no problem with ryan secrest yeah exactly he's probably a really nice guy yeah well how else are we gonna kill yeah yeah totally oh god well look yeah ridiculous weapons that could do anything or whatever the infinity gauntlet i was actually before we do that um the chance of accidentally killing somebody with the Ultimate Nullifier, though, very low. Okay, sure. You need to be specific. Very specific.
Starting point is 00:56:31 You can't kill any bystanders with it. Yeah. Unless you throw it at them. Yeah, I guess so. You hit them in the temple. And it's never really clear how the Ultimate Nullifier kills that person. Do you see it in use?
Starting point is 00:56:43 It literally explodes into a small sun or something. That would be pretty great. No, I don't know. I've never... No. You never really see anyone killed with the ultimate nullifier. Somebody send in a panel. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Here's somebody bursting into flames. Isn't it? Great. There we go. How good's that? It's pretty good. Bang. Looks painful.
Starting point is 00:57:01 We should email that to Ryan Seacrest. Yeah. You're next, buddy. Your ass is grass, Seacrest. McG! I wanted to ask you, because I think you mentioned this a couple of weeks ago. Who do you think is the definitive...
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yes. ...perfect choice for a person role in a comic book movie? It's J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson. That's the best. It is the best one. Like, whatever. You know, you'll see a comic book character and you're like, I wonder who would be great for that? And you see him on screen and you're like, yeah, that's pretty accurate.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Dead on. No matter what you think of J. Jonah Jameson, he's bloody nailed that. He's nailed that role. I mentioned the last time we talked about this, I want to see a J. Jonah Jameson film. It's two hours, it's just a shot of him sitting at his desk and he's just yelling at people that come in. And maybe there's like explosions behind him, like out the window, maybe Spider-Man's
Starting point is 00:57:51 fighting Dr. Octopus or Hobgoblin or something like that. It doesn't matter. It's never referred to. It's just him yelling at people and like maybe, like knocking his phone off the computer off his desk because he doesn't understand it and then that'd be great. Yelling at his wife over the phone.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Do you care whether it's set in the Tobey Maguire universe or the current universe? Ah, no. It could even be set in the real world. It's just yelling. It's fine. I would see that forever. So that's the greatest casting ever. Yeah. But at the same time, in those movies, I think Tobey Maguire, terrible choice for Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I know you're not alone in thinking that. Is it his mopiness? It's mopiness. He's, I see, he's kind of like, he's got a, you know, chubby boy face. But he doesn't strike, he never at any point strikes me as a high school student. No. Just a chubby, boy-faced
Starting point is 00:58:42 man who's in a high school for some reason. Even though Andrew Garfield was older than Tobey Maguire when he was in his version. Maybe it's the hair. It might be the hair. He's got great hair in that. He does have great hair. Andrew Garfield definitely looks like that.
Starting point is 00:58:57 But he's only a student in that very briefly. Or a high school student anyway. But yeah, it was a... I wouldn't say it would put it down so much to his performance as in some of the writing for that character. He's not very fun. No, he's really not fun, yeah. Credit, or do credit for him
Starting point is 00:59:11 for working out like a mad dog for that movie. Like a mad dog. Yeah. Same movie, Spider-Man, original Spider-Man, for best. I think the first one was called Spider-Man, original Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:59:24 It's, uh... I think Willem Dafoe is an excellent green goblin. Yes, he is. Even though the costume's not great. Terrible costume, I was just thinking that today. But he is amazing. Yep. And I would even say, what's the guy on the second one? Alfred Molonia?
Starting point is 00:59:38 Yep, that's the one. That's also really good. But Willem Dafoe, what a great choice. He nails the dual characteristics. Yep. He's got that weird goblin head he's got a goblin head see exactly they could have just they could have just had some sort of like thin kind of membrane over his face and be like that's for soldiers in battlefields and it protects against gas attacks or whatever yep but they had to do robot face well
Starting point is 01:00:00 the funny thing is though they actually tried an animatronic goblin face. And there's videos of it online, and it looks a lot like the original kind of 60s green goblin. Uh-huh. Does it work? Yeah, well, I mean, uh... It's hard to say. I mean, it's only test footage. Right. It's interesting. Hmm. It's better than a motorcycle helmet. Yeah, it's true. Does it look like... Does it look like
Starting point is 01:00:19 Willem Dafoe? No. Not in any way. But neither does a motorcycle helmet. Does it look like him either. Good point also. Yeah. He's brilliant. What a great dude. And he pops up in the other movies as well.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Yeah, yeah. I've got one for good. Okay. Gary Oldman, Commissioner Gordon. Good. Fantastic. Yeah, great Commissioner Gordon. He would fit into any Batman universe.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Like if you made a more comic book-y kind of Batman universe, Commissioner Gordon is always grounded. Always a guy. Always a gruff kind of moustachioed gentleman. Would you watch a film where Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon is doing a press conference and J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
Starting point is 01:00:57 is in the press pool because all his reporters have called in sick for some reason and he's really annoyed that he has to go out into the field and interview Gary Oldman and it's just a back and forth fight between the two. How good would that be? I'd watch that.
Starting point is 01:01:14 That would be amazing. Are you kidding me? You know what? That and it ends with... You know what? There's a series of scuffles. It's two hours long and there's a series of scuffles throughout the film. Definitely. I would watch that.uffles throughout the film. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I would watch that. Greatest movie ever made. Definitely. That's the best reason to cross over anything ever. I think so. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London.
Starting point is 01:01:45 One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Spin the web, sub to sub, don't subscribe. Punching guys, does whatever a spider can. Spinning web, subbing, subbing, don't describe. Punching guys, hit somebody with a brick, cause you're Spider-Man. Web a guy to a building, hit him with another building. Cause you're Spider-Man, inexplicably strong.
Starting point is 01:02:20 The Amazing Spider-Man. There's a bit in that movie where peter parker after he fights the lizard yep and he goes to kurt connors who is the lizard yep who he knows has been working with lizards right and regrowing yeah exactly and he's like uh excuse me dr connors and the doctor turns around and he's kind of he's kind of thinning on one side of his hair and he's got like scales down his neck and he's like like he's like that and he's like like he's like that and he's like could you tell me
Starting point is 01:02:47 how to kill a giant lizard and he's like why do you want to know about lizards lizards are the they're the greatest and Peter Parker's like I wish I was a lizard
Starting point is 01:02:57 I am a lizard and Peter Parker's like okay that's interesting alright alright makes sense and then Connors leaves and then you think I thought when I saw this oh he's tweaked Parker's like, okay, that's interesting. All right, all right. Makes sense. And then Connors leaves.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And then you think, I thought when I saw this, oh, he's tweaked. Yeah, because he's just playing along. But then he looks down and he sees a rat that he was experimenting on, or a mouse, and he sees that it's turned into a half-lizard, half-rat. And then you see him go, oh my God. And not like the penny dropped. Why did it take that point, the penny dropped? You're supposed to be smart, Peter Parker.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Rant over? Yes. Okay, having not seen it, does he, does Kurt Conner's arm, when he becomes human again, does his arm drop off? Yeah, his arm drops off. Okay, right, right, right. Maybe that's it. But he's talking about limb regeneration and all this kind of stuff. You know what it is? It's missing arm. That's the thing. It's like Clark Kent's glasses. It's like...
Starting point is 01:03:43 If you see someone with scales on their neck ranting about lizards and how great lizards are and how lizards have no natural presence. I have no defence. As one of the producers of the film, I apologise. I've got another thing from The Amazing Spider-Man, though. Okay, great.
Starting point is 01:03:57 There's a bit at the end where the lizard decides that he wants to turn everybody in the city into lizards. Fantastic. Because he loves lizards. Yep. He launches, basically, the lizard gas into the air. What is lizard gas?
Starting point is 01:04:08 And, well, he's going to, in like a, well, it's essentially, it's like a mortar. And it launches into the air, and then everybody would get gassed. And because he's like, lizards are the best, and everybody should be a lizard. And Peter Parker's like,
Starting point is 01:04:20 why does he keep saying this? God, what do you mean, Dr. Connors? And so, basically, obviously obviously Peter Parker stops you. It's a terrible plan or whatever. But he's supposed to be an incredibly intelligent man. Being a lizard is not the best. Being a lizard is worse, for one. Also, it has been proven that the lizard gas is not permanent
Starting point is 01:04:38 because he keeps reverting back to his human form. So that would have lasted maybe 24 hours. And then everybody would have turned back and go, remember that time I turned into a lizard? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It was pretty wild. It was fucking weird. Yeah. So, that's another thing I don't like. Logical fallacy. There you go.
Starting point is 01:04:55 You got one? I got one. Let me think of one. How about Dark Knight Rises wants to deal with the pit? Oh, the one he gets thrown down.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Yeah, the pit that he gets thrown down. Yeah. Are there guards up the top? Nah, because he gets out. Where's the food come from? Do people deliver food? That's a really good question. And there's, who put the pulley in? Where'd the pulley system come from?
Starting point is 01:05:18 And if there's a pulley system, why can't they build some stairs? Yep. You get a guy, you wrap him in the rope, you pull him up, and then he cuts some holes in the side of the wall, and you
Starting point is 01:05:33 do that for a couple of weeks, and you've got some stairs, and then you just walk up. And they check, the guards that deliver the food, do they check the wall every week? And they fill it in with putty if you've been cutting stairs in the wall. Maybe. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:05:51 No, it's fine. Maybe it's like a self-exile. What? It's not. No. You know what, I feel really bad that I didn't think of that. I feel like an idiot. You get some wood.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Like, there's stuff there, right? There's stuff at the bottom of the... You cut a hole and you put a bit of wood in and you've got a step. And then you do it again and you've got another step. And then you get up to the top and there's no guards. So then you go
Starting point is 01:06:19 and you get some more rope or something. But you know what is up there? There is a rope that he just drops in. There is a rope sitting there. Great. So Augusta Windung is going to... Could have saved them all, yes. That's amazing. Unless it's a metaphorical pit, in which case I apologise.
Starting point is 01:06:36 It's not. No, okay, it's a literal pit? Okay, great. Great. Well, that makes... I don't understand why people are... People are banging on about how did Batman get back into the city he's Batman, he's got to have a way in
Starting point is 01:06:48 there's a thousand ways he could have got back into the city he would know, he knows the streets and the secret tunnels he's very street wise he's a street shark we ready to do the thing? this week we're going to do a versus episode we're going to do a bloody versus
Starting point is 01:07:03 the famous weekly planet scissors versus episode. We're going to do a bloody versus. The famous Weekly Planet Zzzz versus episode. We've done it two other times. Two other times. Heroes versus heroes. Then villains versus villains. Now the random grab bag. Whatever. Whatever we think of.
Starting point is 01:07:16 We got hundreds of these. Yes, we do. So I'm sorry. I obviously couldn't pick them all. So in this week, for anyone who hasn't listened to the previous episodes listeners have sent in people to or individuals or groups you know comic book pop culture characters they want us to fight yep we will determine who is the winner that's right uh and the rules are the rules are what happens is the two characters will appear in the weekly planet battle world which as we've established is a standard sizesize American football field.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Let's say, so nobody gets an advantage, let's say it's in Wisconsin. Okay. Go Packers! Woo! Are you sure that's where they're from? Look, I don't know anything about football, but once I saw the Super Bowl... Super Bowl. Once I saw the Super Bowl...
Starting point is 01:08:01 Thank you. And like 30 seconds of it, and all the fans had big wedges of cheese on their head and I think I'm on board. You're on board. Absolutely. Okay. So they appear opposite ends of that. Yep.
Starting point is 01:08:11 And then what they do is they determine that the other person's a threat. Yep. And then they act as accordingly as they would to subdue that opponent. Correct. That's right. So Deadpool probably shoot to kill. Yep. And then Batman aimed to incapacitate
Starting point is 01:08:25 unless he's movie version of batman oh then he probably who knows then he just blow him up or whatever yeah exactly leave him for i don't know poison him doesn't matter doesn't matter or you know circumstances might change yep so wolverine might go non-lethal for a minute yep and then he realizes aunt may is more dangerous than he anticipated and just chop her head off. Right? Absolutely. Also, this is... Look, our ruling is final. That's right. But what about the characters? Doctor Doom and the Mandarin.
Starting point is 01:08:56 This is full force. Yeah, I'm going to say comic book versions. Yeah. Because you can't do movie versions because it's just a guy versus a guy who can shoot lightning and sometimes ride a surfboard exactly yeah that's true yeah all right so we got dr doom yep see we've got dr doom who's you know strategic genius yep right he has the suit of armor powered armor yes nuclear powered whatever's all the gear yep full face mask yep you're not hitting him in the head with a big hammer How is he without the stuff
Starting point is 01:09:25 Hypothetically He fought a lion once Like barehanded Did you see his face No I think he was wearing the mask Him and his mask I know
Starting point is 01:09:33 Do you have the cape I can't remember Okay It was a leopard skin cape Okay I don't know Okay And he's got the magic
Starting point is 01:09:41 Right Yep He's got magic Yep But he's sad Because his mum's in hell Correct So that's points against him Because he's got the magic, right? He's got magic. Yep. But he's sad because his mum's in hell. Correct. So that's points against him because he's sad.
Starting point is 01:09:50 But, so Mandarin's all magic all the time. What do his rings do? All right. Well, there's different versions. Isn't he some of them technology? No, they're all technology. Here's what his rings do. Ten rings of power.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Here we go. I can totally do this. Ten rings of power. Freeze ray. can totally do this Ten rings of power Freeze ray Flame blast Disintegrator beam Heart Always get a good parking spot
Starting point is 01:10:13 Sweet abs for summer Negging Just for summer? Yes Sweet abs for summer and negging go together very well Don't they just? Totally nail the drum solo in Phil Collins in the air tonight.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Nine. Understand Donnie Darko. The whole thing. Can't explain it to people. Wait, the director's cut or the regular version? Whichever you want. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:35 And ten. What this ring does will make you cry with joy. Sponsored by So this is before the game or is this halftime entertainment? I think it's halftime entertainment. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Great. I think Cade Yang has got that. This is a slight change. It's a slightly alternate dimension. Okay. Where people are like, hey, let's have a fun game of football for the family and then blood sport in the middle and then back to football.
Starting point is 01:11:07 What about Aunt... I don't know who this is from but i'm sorry i apologize aunt may versus alfred that's right yeah which alfred comic book comic book alfred so that's comic book aunt may then yes because michael cain would kill that old woman oh yeah what about all of iron man's suits from the movies against every movie and TV version of Batman? In a football field. I think that goes to Adam West. Yeah. Because he'd have some sort of... He'd have a rust spray, wouldn't he?
Starting point is 01:11:33 He would have a rust spray. And it'd work like 60s technology. So, he'd spray it and everybody would get caught in the rust cloud. Sure. And they'd just be, again, just flailing around. And then, Dark Knight Returns, Batman would show up and just snap everybody's neck. Yeah, absolutely. Systematically work his way through.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Tobey Maguire Spider-Man versus... Any other Spider-Man. Any other Spider-Man. You don't want the specific Spider-Man? Doesn't matter. Unless it's a mope-off or a dance-off. Even then. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:12:04 He wouldn't win. Yeah, versus Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man dance-off. Even then. Yeah, no. He wouldn't win. Yeah, versus Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man. No question. Garfield. Wittier. Yep. Better hair. Yep.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Looks younger. Yep. Not as mopey. This is from AtCoolCatsForever. Hello. If both you and Mason were given Superman's powers, who would win da fight? Is this the same one? No, this is a different guy.
Starting point is 01:12:23 But this is us again. But we've got Superman's powers. I want 1970s powers. Dammit. If we both get 1970s powers. It'd just be us reversing time. For over and over again. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Yeah. Yeah, we just use the time reversing. I think you have a better knowledge of Superman's powers and I think you'd beat me on that. Okay, cool. That's what I think. Yeah. There you go. I'd be reluctant to use the cellophane S
Starting point is 01:12:47 though I'd go straight for it straight for the cellophane S I'd be like why no wrong this is from Francisco who's the 8 year old
Starting point is 01:12:55 Batman oh yeah this is an interesting one because they're both they're both poor winners poor losers and poor winners I would say
Starting point is 01:13:03 Boba Fett and Predator the Predett and Predator. The Predator. The Predator. Yeah. Again. We've talked about how Boba Fett is essentially just a Stormtrooper. He's just a Stormtrooper with a different colorway.
Starting point is 01:13:14 He's what he is. Yeah. I did a video on it. I can't remember which one. But from this, from this conversation. Based on his... Movie track record. Based on his movie track record.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Because the expanded universe is done, man. That's right. Bloody done. He may be the most elite bounty hunter in the universe, in the expanded universe, in the comic books, in the now cancelled Star Wars 1313. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:38 But in the movies, he's the bloody Abbott or Costello of... IG-88's the other one. Yes. But he's all slapstick. Yeah, you're right. He's no good. Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Look, he flies up in the jetpack. Yep. Predator hits him with one of those net guns. Yep. And he goes down and the Predator pulls his spine out. It's real... It'd be cool though, wouldn't it? Yeah, it'd be very cool yeah what about the predator's stronger
Starting point is 01:14:08 yeah it's got that blade thing he's more nimble it's got that spinny blade thing they've probably got equal gadgets plasma gun yeah plane thrower he can see like every color spectrum or every radio my favorite part of predator 2 and predator 2 isn't great but my favorite part of that is when the government guys are like we've got the the Predator, we know he sees in infrared, so we're going to freeze this whole place and he won't be able to see anything. Yeah. And they do that, and the Predator just leans in, he's like, can't see anything, he just switches over to a different enhanced vision thing, he's like, now I'm fine again.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Yeah. And see you all. That's pretty great, yeah. This is from Ravi. Hang on, is there a way Boba Fett could win? He's got a flamethrower. Oh yeah, sure. But I don't think that would stop the Predator.
Starting point is 01:14:47 No. He's also got a rocket pack, but I've never seen him hit anybody with it. Or fly in a straight line with it. Or fly anywhere other than directly into a giant monster's mouth. I guess there isn't a giant monster in... There's no Sarlacc pit on the football field. So I guess... He would just hit the post.
Starting point is 01:15:05 He wouldn't break his own neck. It's true. And then maybe that rocket goes off and he dies. Oh, poor Boba Fett. I wish you were better. He's also got that... Grappling hook? Yeah, it's like a little rope.
Starting point is 01:15:20 He wraps up Luke Skywalker in it. Yeah. But the Predator has a net that can cut through you yeah it's like a razor net or something yeah yeah but he's got like a hasn't he got that blade that he can throw yeah the spinny blade he's got no control he's got the giant stick yeah he's got the pike yeah in predators the movie they've got like scouting Hawks yeah big dogs big pred dogs yeah Yeah. Pred dogs. Pred dogs.
Starting point is 01:15:46 But he can't bring his pred dogs. No, he can't bring the pred dogs. That's true, yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, Predator. Yeah. Yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 01:15:52 That's probably going to upset people. If you'd like to give us a scenario in which Boba Fett wins this, email in. Can't use Expanded Universe. Can't use Expanded Universe. Can't use any of the so-called skills he has in the expanded universe he's like the bloody mr magoo of bounty hunters that's the that's the metaphor i was thinking of before he's mr magoo he just bundles through he's he's maxwell smart of bounty hunters he's in he's the inspector gadget there we go i found it he. He's the Inspector Gadget of Bounty Hunters because he's got a lot of gadgets
Starting point is 01:16:26 that go off at random and he's muddled his way through to this point and then it gets to And nobody's noticed. Nobody's noticed and they're all like, you're the best. And he's like, I am the best. And then it gets to Return of the Jedi and the chips are down and he actually has to step up and
Starting point is 01:16:41 he falls to pieces. What an arsehole oh jesus that's great yeah email it if you disagree i'll read it i won't vivid sounds writes donald trump versus mexico like i guess the entire mexican population is there enough room in a bloody you stack them You stack them in, mate. Stack them high. Okay, right. So I guess they just topple onto him?
Starting point is 01:17:09 Yeah, he's dead. And I'm glad he's dead. Continue. Okay. Seb says, Christopher Reeves. Reeves. It's Reeve. As in plural.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Oh, more. Reeves Superman, sorry. Okay, yeah. As in, that's his Superman. As in the ownership of. Oh, I get it. Good. Yeah. Versus Michael Shannon's Superman, sorry. Okay, yeah. As in, that's his Superman. As in, the ownership of... Oh, I get it. Good! Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Versus Michael Shannon's General Zod. I think Christopher Reeve's Superman is stronger than Man of Steel's Superman. Yeah, no, that's true. Because he doesn't... There's no rules of physics that apply to that Superman. Yeah, exactly. Like, he could lift the Earth and move it around if he wanted. You know what I watched the other day?
Starting point is 01:17:44 I watched the Richard Donner cut of Superman 2. Yes. And the ending of that is that he reverses time again. Twice. Wow. To what end? To undo, like, so Zod and that are back in the Phantom Zone. As opposed to just putting him in the Phantom Zone.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Well, he kills him. Yeah. I don't like this. I don't like this weird time travel undoing of everything. It's not a bad cut. It's not a bad cut. But that ending, why not do that in every movie? Precisely. Yeah. I don't like this. I don't like this weird time travel I'm doing. It's not a bad cut. It's not a bad cut. That ending, why not do that at every movie? Precisely.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Yeah. Also, I've got a question. Can I bring this up now? Yeah. I'm putting together a Superman kill count video. Yes. I've spoken to you about this. And I've got the dilemma of I cannot work out how many people he would be responsible
Starting point is 01:18:20 for killing in Man of Steel. Oh, this is good for the listeners. That's what I'm saying. We've got some geniuses out there. Now, Zack Snyder has said- Mathematical geniuses out there now zach snyder has said mathematical mathematical zach snyder has probably got some murderers out there as well so they can they can help out maybe the maybe the mathematical geniuses and the murderers could team up on this yeah go on the reddit and team up bringing people together i'm just gone i'm gone reddit and be like i'm i'm a murderer requiring mathematical
Starting point is 01:18:42 geniuses or vice versa that's right we. And we'll find each other, all right? Now, spoilers, speaking of, I wanted to know what you thought of the minigun because I know you're a big minigun aficionado. I love a good minigun. You do, but you also hate a bad minigun. I hate a bad minigun, you're right. Oh, it's minigun talk.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Here we go. So they mount it in new John Hammond's helicopter. They have it for no particular reason. It's not on the back of anything. It's not on the back of a truck or anything. They just have one just in case they need a minigun someone. I guess. I guess maybe if you buy all your guns from the one supplier,
Starting point is 01:19:21 if you buy half a million dollars worth of guns, maybe they're just like, oh, we'll just throw in a minigun for you. Have a minigun. Have a minigun. Have minigun have fun with it so now they mounted in the helicopter somehow somehow but then the guy who is operating it is not trained in its use from what i can tell yeah that neither of the two like military guys were there uh of and the and new john hammond is not good at flying a helicopter exactly yeah. Not only that, that's not a military helicopter. So I don't think you can put a military-grade minigun in a commercial helicopter,
Starting point is 01:19:52 and that's not going to just rattle the whole thing to the ground. Yeah, but you know what? Good minigun, I thought. It blew up some foliage. Did it have real shells? I think it did, yeah. Good. And if it didn't well done
Starting point is 01:20:06 cgi if not because you hate the minigun in expendables 3 correct because of its weird cgi yep and it just blew up some foliage predator style which is always good what's the best minigun in a movie we should do an episode on miniguns the winter soldier one's pretty good but it's not a classic minigun it's like a little stubby one yeah yeah like they've clearly built it for the movie it's like a shield you know villain you know hydra one or whatever yeah terminator 2 probably although he doesn't kill he doesn't kill a lot of people but he destroyed in fact he kills 0.0 correct people but uh he does like you see it do a lot of damage yeah like a lot of in a lot of movies with miniguns yeah they don't do a lot okay like
Starting point is 01:20:44 they just sprayed warhully kind of thing like predator yeah exactly which of movies with miniguns, they don't do a lot. Okay. Like they're just sprayed wildly kind of thing. Like Predator. Yeah, exactly. Which is a good minigun. Good minigun, yeah. That's the same minigun from Terminator 2. Is it really? I don't know if it's literally the same one, but probably.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Okay. Same model, is what I'm saying. Okay, right. Anyway, yeah, it looked real nice. Yeah, yeah, good. Good, awesome. So the best minigun is Terminator 2 minigun. I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Guys, email in. Actually, don't email in. Tweet me at WikipediaBrown. Best minigun. Best minigun, if you could. Is the gun in Samuel L. Jackson's shield car a minigun or a machine gun? It's a machine gun. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Yeah. So don't tweet that one. Don't tweet that one. I already know it's already been dismissed. Yeah. That is also a gun that he has for no reason unless he wants to shoot people who are in his car or his windows have already been blown out.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Correct. I'm sure he could roll them down if he has to. I guess so. But also, you can't shoot to your right with that. Yeah. Just saying. That's why it's not a good minigun, for that reason alone. And because it's literally not a minigun.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Well, he could because they're on the other side in America no if he's here doesn't matter let's move on he has to turn it like this oh yeah okay good point
Starting point is 01:21:51 it'll be difficult it will be difficult yeah I got an email from Connor yep he's pointed out a couple he talked about the Predator 1 which we talked about
Starting point is 01:21:59 but he also says Robocop 2 Robocamp yeah Robocop 2 has a minigun yep mounted to his battering ram arm and District 9 an M Robocop 2 has a minigun, yeah. Mounted to his battering ram arm. And District 9, an MNU soldier briefly fires a minigun at Wickus when he's in the exosuit.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Don't remember it. Any of those ring a bell? Ring a ding ding? Ring a ding, precisely, yes. Any others? The Matrix, there's one mounted on a helicopter. Oh, that's a good one. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:22:23 The scene is pretty good, but he shoots a whole bunch of agents they all come back up they're all alive again so ah so yeah yeah but it tears apart that room yeah that's true that's pretty fun that's it's most you can hope for it's very rare to see somebody shot with a minigun in a movie oh yeah yeah because they just disintegrate yeah pieces i want to see what about a lot of people said rambo 2008 i was gonna say that's not a minigun it a minigun it's a Browning M2 no you're bloody guns made yeah
Starting point is 01:22:47 that is a good scene I think someone also pointed out Rhodey in Iron Man 2 that's CGI though okay fair enough don't like it so those are the rules
Starting point is 01:22:56 it looks pretty yeah it looks pretty solid but it's not so that's Mason's Minigun Minute Minigun's Minigun Minute I've actually thought
Starting point is 01:23:03 I'd include a new section in this week if you permit it okay I've given it a name oh yes it's called hate mail
Starting point is 01:23:12 but there's an 8 in the hate in the word because there's 8 of them there's 8 hate mails is that is that the entire name of the segment
Starting point is 01:23:20 correct hate mail but there's an 8 in the hate great okay I'm on board now also just spoiler alert there's an eight in the hate? Yes. Great, okay, I'm on board now. Also, just spoiler alert,
Starting point is 01:23:27 there's more than eight. Oh, sure, okay. Edgar, who fucking cares what you think about the movie? I'm going to the theatre to have fun! It's cats.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Oh, it's cats? Right, yep, good. Vazza, this guy's a fucking dick. Yep. Christopher, Mr. Sunday Movies, you're a shitty little thing i hate you
Starting point is 01:23:46 i thought you'd like this segment that's really good i have fun have you ever thought that maybe this is just your own opinion and not everybody else's yes yeah what's also interesting is that in a lot of your videos you do say by the by the way, this is only my own opinion. Like, you make that very clear. I like all the bat suits, but the one you pissed me off about is the 1989 Batman movie suit. It was their first try at making a bat suit, so have respect.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And then next comment underneath, but then again, you're British. Also, it's the wrong you're. Right, no, fantastic. Combine all the greatest things there this is the one that's that's directed to you because you said you don't like the christopher reeve sorry reeves um super bad movies but grant little says don't slag off don't slag off reeve films superman 2 with zod was a classic and in man of steel russell crowe was a classic and in Man of Steel Russell Crowe was a kick ass sorry a kick as scientist
Starting point is 01:24:45 before he got stabbed that is that is definitely relates some of the plot of Man of Steel and I enjoy it very good this is on my
Starting point is 01:24:53 six things you missed from Batman v Superman trailer I hate Neil deGrasse atheist asshole and then another comment underneath this is clearly
Starting point is 01:25:01 after they've watched the video hang on what was the video which one was it Batman v Superman. Why? Dawn of Justice. He's in it.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Neil deGrasse Tyson is in it. Yeah, he does like a... He's one of the voiceovers at the start. Oh, okay, right. So he hates him because he's an atheist asshole. Then he says... He's clearly watched the video because then he says, actually, I hate the tool that made this dumb video.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Spewing the obvious details with a super annoying narrative. Dot, dot dot dot k y kill yourself oh is that what that is i couldn't i didn't know what that was definitely kill yourself yeah i didn't i'm not i'm not i don't know that for sure but i would assume that would be my assumption that it's he's telling you to kill yourself this is uh my star wars force awakens things you missed teaser trailer two boring australians boring dot dot dot australians yes Star Wars Force Awakens Things You Miss Teaser Trailer 2. Uh-huh. Boring. Australians. Boring dot, dot, dot.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Australians. Yes. You're not even in that. There's only one of us. He just means generally. Oh, okay. So he wouldn't enjoy Mad Max Fury Road. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:56 No, he wouldn't. He's in that 1%. He's one of those fat cats in the 1%, mate. So these are on two different videos, but they have a similar kind of theme. So I'll end with this. Fantastic. There's more than eight normally hate mail traditionally is supposed
Starting point is 01:26:06 to have eight though it's never had eight no let's break the rules this one time and every time yeah so this is on my five ways Batman
Starting point is 01:26:12 can beat Superman video this is from Nazmuth Nazmus dude please include subtitles from now on I'm having a hard time understanding you
Starting point is 01:26:21 which is fair but I'm not going to do that no absolutely why would you and this is on my interstellar... Also, I think YouTube does it automatically now. I think it does, yeah. Though it doesn't read my voice well, like at all.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Of course not. You've got a bad sounding voice. I do. And this one is on my Interstellar Explained video. This is from Kaiser Soze. Please put subtitles in American. I can't understand what you are saying and be quick about it or I will give you thumbs down.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Ooh, watch out. Yes. And that's another episode of Hate mail but with an eight i can't go back like do i re-upload it what does he want me to do i don't know it's pretty good he's just on the internet and everybody on the internet's unhappy yeah you're right be better on the internet better on the internet well so hate mail with but the hate has an eight in it, will return. Oh, yes. I'll bank them.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Oh, good. And then we'll see how we go. No fake hate mails, we can tell. We can tell. That's right. Have genuine hate or don't bother. Exactly. Go hard or go home, all right?
Starting point is 01:27:16 All right. You know what it's time for then? What's it time for? What are we reading? Oh, what are we going to read? Well, as you... I'm doing the thing. I'm doing the thing.
Starting point is 01:27:45 What are we reading today? Well, as you... The fan Fan I'm not going to use the word fan Fans of the show Listeners of the show They sound like dickheads Yeah Fans of the show Yeah People who are kind enough To listen to us Yeah People we've tricked Into listening
Starting point is 01:27:51 Yes Somehow Yes So what I wanted to My brother reminded me Of this last week And I lost my mind It's something from the 90s
Starting point is 01:28:02 Which I owned Which I think everybody Should check out Okay It's called It's a video the 90s which I owned, which I think everybody should check out. Okay. It's called... It's a video board game in the vein of Nightmare. Do you remember Nightmare? I remember Nightmare, sure.
Starting point is 01:28:10 But it's called Rap Rat. And you're saying listeners should track that down somehow. Yes. They should both track down the board game and acquire a VCR. Yes. And play the Rap Rat video board game. Basically, the Rap Rat... What is this?
Starting point is 01:28:28 What is this treasure hunt you've... Oh, you've bound people to... We can bring up anything! Yeah, it's a good point. It's what we read and what we're going to read. And it covers everything. I established that in whatever episode we started this in. Right, okay.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Right? Alright, you got me. You've trapped me in a web of logic. So basically, it's a big wheel of cheese. A big... The screen's filled with cheese, and as the timer goes, more cheese gets chomped away as you're trying to collect cheese and race around the board, and
Starting point is 01:28:53 every now and then, Rap Rat will pop out of... Rap Rat. Will pop out of the centre of the cheese, and he's like a little puppet. A little rubber rat puppet, and he raps and gives you instructions. Are they educational raps? No.
Starting point is 01:29:08 They're fun raps. Mason, I've got a clip here that you can watch and I'm also going to put it up for the listeners. Okay, great. It's ready to go. Get your headphones on. Oh, Jesus. This is the worst thing you've ever done. And let's say something.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Yeah, all right. I've brought a lot of junk to this show. I'm ready. He looks really annoyed, by the way, everybody. I'm going to hit the plug again. God. All right, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:29:33 A minute and a half. The TV. The TV is on. This is the all-new video board game for children who just want to have fun. The tape is playing, so let's get ready. I'm not liking it so far. What are you talking about? It's filled with 90s sass. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Oh, rules. Okay, great. Rap Rat may pop up at any point in the game to the sound of a... When he appears and you hear the... You must stop playing at once and listen to him. If he asks you to do something, you must do it, because he's Rap Rat and he's the... You must stop playing at once and listen to him. If he asks you to do something, you must do it, because he's Rap Rat and he's the boss. Oh, you've got to obey the rules of Rap Rat, because he's the boss.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Okay, I get it. Oh, he's rapping. Okay, good. I'm a rap-ra-ra-ra-rap rat. Rap Rat. I'm history in the making and all yours for the taking. I'm the talk of the town, the cold side of cool. I'm the talk of the town. The cold side of cool.
Starting point is 01:30:26 I'm a legend in a lunchtime. I'm a one-sir in a lifetime. Got an alien attitude. And lots of ratitude. Oh, I get it. He's got ratitude. He's got ratitude. I get it.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Okay. Do I have to keep watching this? No. Okay. Thank God. Okay. It's off. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Well, you know what? You've proved me wrong. You really can't recommend anything on this dumb segment. You're against Rat Brass. No. The video board game. Do whatever you like. Live your life, man.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Not really good. Good stuff. Yeah, man. Well, do you know what it's time for then? What is it time for? It's time for a different segment. Oh, yes. Where we talk about the letters that we have.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Oh, the letters segment. Yes, or tweets. Yeah. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. You know, it just struck for then? What is it time for? It's time for a different segment. Oh, yes. Where we talk about the letters that we have. Oh, the letters segment. Yes, or tweets. Yeah. Hashtag Weekly Planet Pod. You know what just struck me? We don't really get letters. We get emails. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:31:13 You're going to have to go back and re-edit. So every episode says emails instead of letters. We've really messed this one up, guys. Yeah. Got a theme for this week? No. But the classic one was Letters, oh letters
Starting point is 01:31:29 We love you, some letters They're only a day away I know they're here right now, we're gonna do letters Alright, shout out! Shout out Chris Finn from Boston Remember he was having the worst winter ever Yes
Starting point is 01:31:44 Now he's coming into spring but apparently there's still snow Which is bullshit We're actually going into winter and I hate this time of year I love it He said, this is a question for you Mason Specifically for you Would you rather fight a duck that's the size of a horse Or a hundred horses that are the size of ducks
Starting point is 01:31:59 This is very much I've got an alternate one That I'm going to throw back at him later. Okay, so duck the size of a horse. Yeah. Or a hundred horses. A hundred horses the size of a duck. I'm going to say the horse-sized duck. Really?
Starting point is 01:32:16 Yeah. This is a true story. I've been attacked by ducks on three separate occasions. I'm telling you, that duck would kill you. That horse-sized duck. Yeah, but what a fight. You know what I mean? It would go down in the ages.
Starting point is 01:32:29 You know? Like, because like, tiny little horses. Yeah. Like, even if there's a hundred of them and I was swarmed and killed or whatever. Yeah. Like, people would be like, oh, they're probably just little horses. Like, they're probably like foals or whatever and they're like runts or something. Like, and they were, you know, they were gonna, you know, the mother horse got, you know,
Starting point is 01:32:50 Asian-oranged or whatever, and then little runt horses. And that wouldn't be weird. But a giant duck. How did that happen? You know what I mean? Yeah. I think you're wrong. I think you'd die immediately.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Wow. And you wouldn't... Actually, you know what? He sent in the email to just disagree with whatever you said. I guess, yeah. I'm going to do it. I think you're wrong. I think you'd die immediately. Wow. And you wouldn't... Actually, you know what? He sent in the email to just disagree with whatever you said. I guess, yeah. I'm going to do it. I think you're right. Because you know why?
Starting point is 01:33:10 I'm on board because I want to see this. Yeah, yeah. I want to see you fight this giant duck. Exactly. So, yeah. I'd have a net and a spear and a machine gun. No rules, man. That's right.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Or a rocket launcher. Yes. Imagine if you shot a giant duck with a rocket launcher. That's right. Yeah. Or a rocket launcher. Yes. Imagine if you shot a giant duck with a rocket launcher. Just imagine it. I am and I love it. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Does it have the temperament of a horse or the temperament of a duck? A duck. Yeah, it would, wouldn't it? It's a duck. It's a duck for all intents and purposes. It's a duck, but it's got the swagger and self-confidence of a giant duck. So, you know. What was this gentleman's name again?
Starting point is 01:33:46 Chris Finn. Listen, Chris Finn. I'll give you a question. Would you rather, mate, listen, mate, would you rather fight a hundred bee-sized bears or a bear-sized bee?
Starting point is 01:34:02 How do you like that? Get back to us. Please do, Chris that? Get back to us. Please do, Chris. Weekly Planet Pod at Is that it? That's the one. Because he said his friend always gives him these ridiculous scenarios and he hates them. So he put one onto you.
Starting point is 01:34:16 But now you've put it back on him. Yeah. Well, that's your Twitter avatar. Which is a joke only you get. Right. Until now. So, basically. Revelations. This is the ultimatum. Please hit me back on
Starting point is 01:34:28 Twitter for an answer on this. I would like people's opinion as well. Yeah, so hit me and listen. And why? Don't just tell us. Tell us why. Yeah. Basically, the ultimatum is, these are your two scenarios. You choose between these two things. Would you rather? Would you rather be Harrison Ford as he is now, stuck
Starting point is 01:34:43 in the Star Wars universe? Bearing in mind, Harrison Ford, as he is now, stuck in the Star Wars universe. Bearing in mind, Harrison Ford hates Star Wars, and he hates talking about Star Wars, so he's stuck in this universe. People would occasionally mistake him for Han Solo, and he doesn't understand anything because he's an angry old man. They're like, let's go get the grizzled orcs connected to the flagamagoos or whatever. That's all he hears.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Right. And he just wants to drink himself to death in a bar. But people keep bothering him and asking him, you know, about stories about Han Solo. But at the same time, he is in an amazing universe where anything can happen. Yes. And maybe he, you know. He embraces it. Embraces it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Or maybe he's killed in a bar fight. Well, one of those, yeah. But it's your call because you are... You're Han Solo. I mean, you're Harrison Ford, so you can take that wherever you want. Bearing in mind, this isn't your personality. It's Harrison Ford. It's Harrison Ford's personality.
Starting point is 01:35:35 So you are essentially Harrison Ford. That's option number one. Option number two, you are Han Solo, right? You are Han Solo in our universe. Yep. You have the ship. You have the blaster. You have the blaster.
Starting point is 01:35:49 You don't have Chewie, let's say. Okay, yep. But you are a goat. Yes. So you are goat Han Solo stuck in our universe. Right. So you've got the personality. You can fly all about the universe.
Starting point is 01:36:01 Yep, the swagger. You've got the swagger. You've got it all. You've got the charm, the ladies. Yep, the swagger. You got the swagger. You got it all. You got the charm, the ladies. But you're a goat. You got a little goat vest on. You can operate your blaster with your little goat hands. Yeah, but I think we made it so you can use the blaster.
Starting point is 01:36:16 It's not explained how, but you just can. Yeah. So, yeah. What do you choose? Yeah, it's a really good question, right? Yeah. Daxon. You know Daxon, he had the Spider-Man cosplay. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:36:28 He tweeted me a while back. I don't know, that's not how you say it, but he tweeted me, right? That's how I'm going to say it. He said, can I be the official Spider-Man? He twoted you. He twited me. He said, can I be the official Spider-Man of the podcast? Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Yes. Done. Yeah. So I didn't reply at the time. It's one of those things where it gets so banked up and I'm like, I'm never going to find that tweet again. But yes, you are Daxon. You're the official Spider-Man. Yeah. so I didn't reply at the time it's one of those things where it gets so banked up and I'm like I'm never going to find that tweet again but yes you are Daxon
Starting point is 01:36:46 you're the official Spider-Man yeah even above the actual Spider-Man yep above Andrew Garfield above Tobey Maguire certainly he wants to see
Starting point is 01:36:56 a proper adaptation of the first Knights of the Republic game the story is solid and the characters are complex it's the perfect material I played that game for hours
Starting point is 01:37:03 until I did literally every side mission which if you're unfamiliar with the game, it's got more side missions than you can shake a lightsaber at. I can shake it a lot. Stop shaking the lightsaber! It'd also be cool to see... If you could add a sound effect in there so it makes it sound like you're shaking a lightsaber.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Okay, good. Okay, cool. It'd also be cool to see a Rogue Squadron movie with a team of X-Wing fighters doing missions and maybe led by a young Luke. Also, a movie where Boba fett slaughters gungans sure okay yeah cool they do this is a letter from jack c hey guys love the show i miss mason singing the song every week especially the smallville one therefore i challenge mason to sing a bond theme every week until secchi tree that's the actual specter oh yeah yeah, it is Secchitree. Absolutely it's Secchitree.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Thanks, Jack. Wow. What do you think? Alright, give me a Bond theme. I'll do it. Madonna died of it. I can't remember that one, guys. Give me another one. Do the Paul McCartney one. Oh. No, no, no. No, no, no. Yeah, that one. Great song. Um, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Hang on, how does that go again? How does it start? I don't know, but I know. Yeah, that one. Great song. Um, yeah. Live and let die. Hang on, how does that go again? How does it start? I don't know, but I know. When we were young And your heart was an open book Girls and Roses did it as well. Not as good. You used to say
Starting point is 01:38:14 Live and let live You know you did You know you did You know you did That's how it goes. And in this ever-changing world In which we're living See?
Starting point is 01:38:24 People are confused. Makes you give in and cry This ever-changing world in which we're living. See? People are confused. Makes you give in and cry. Bow-na-now. Say live and let die. Bow. Okay, yeah. Great.
Starting point is 01:38:39 New segment. I'm forced to sing a James Bond song. I think we should do that one every week. Right, okay. Alright. It's from Ali, who's written in before with all sorts of scoops. Oh, yeah. Old Scoopy Malie. Old Scoops Malie.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Did you guys see, and what do you think of the Crossbones costume? Did you see that? I saw it very briefly. It looks pretty good. I liked it a lot. Solid, yeah. And it makes sense he's wearing a mask. It does make sense.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Because Crossbones does. And also he's got his face burned off. Yeah. Yeah, it looks pretty solid. I'm all for it. Are you against it? And it looks kind of, you know, it looks shield-y as well. Do you hear that banging? Yeah. What the hell is that?
Starting point is 01:39:14 Stop it, whoever you are! They just keep going. They just keep going. It's getting tense. Can I probably go check that out? Yeah maybe Alright I'll be back Talk to the listeners I won't I'm gonna be in total silence
Starting point is 01:39:29 I'm gonna take a weapon Yeah good thing Do you mind if I take one of your shoes? Yeah no take one of my shoes sure Take the vacuum They stopped Oh wait now they're continuing You know what it is?
Starting point is 01:39:45 What is it? There's some fucking hipster. He's dressed. Oh, here we go. He's dressed in like little shorts and flannel and he's got a beard and Ray-Bans and a backwards hat. And he's got a bloody lacrosse stick and he's throwing a ball up against the side of where we live.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Not us. You told him to stop? What are you going to do? Let's let it go, man. All right. Insanity. Man. Anyway, press on.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Wait, does he live around here? I've never seen him before. Anyway, if you know who that guy is. Is that coming through on've never seen him before. Anyway. If you know who that guy is. Is that coming through on the headphones? Probably is. Yeah. Anyway, people wanted to know also what happened with La Crosse Hipster last week.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Oh, that's right. Do you have a lot of tweets about that? Because last week we were interrupted by a sort of Edgar Allan Poe-esque sinister knock on the wall, like a continuous knock. Who said, who said to that tweet that said, that's some telltale hardship. It is very telltale. That's a very clever tweet. And you went outside and you discovered it was a hipster. What was he doing?
Starting point is 01:40:52 Playing, throwing a lacrosse, using a lacrosse stick and just throwing a ball up against the side of my building. Right. Yeah. And I didn't say anything. Yeah. And after the show, you were like, you should probably say something. And I was like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:41:03 No, I won't. But then it got to the point where I was like you know what i'm gonna have to say something because otherwise you'd be back forever exactly bring all his friends bring all his bloody lacrosse friends yeah and look then it'll be like you know what we've always wanted to find a place not to play lacrosse but to just whack lacrosse balls on a wall i found the place i found it so i went out that is one guy because if he comes back with a team i'm not what am i gonna do get beat up nip it in the bud exactly so i said hey man sorry it's reverberating through the building and he was very cool about it's like
Starting point is 01:41:34 oh sorry man i thought it was double rick or whatever and i'm like oh good yeah he was very polite that's also what a dickhead yeah well actually um you did that and you came back inside and when i left i killed him. And I stuffed him in your bin. There was bloody quinoa and limited edition vinyl records everywhere. I killed him. So there you go. You worked out for the best. Lastly, could you guys give me a shout out in your American accent?
Starting point is 01:41:56 Because no one has asked that yet. That's rough. New York style. You got to do it New York style. Forget about it. Get me one of them yellow cabs. There's a gorilla club climbing the Empire State Building. That was really good.
Starting point is 01:42:09 I'm very proud of you. Could you actually do an American accent? No. Me neither. You don't want to do it? No. You know what? I can do it if I hear it and then I can sort of replicate it, but I can't just do it off
Starting point is 01:42:19 the cuff. I guess the New York one will have to do. It's a very solid New York accent. It sure is. You should be happy about it. The Yankees are my favourite baseball team. Squad, they say squad. Squad team, yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Shout out. Shout out. Forget about it. How's that? Great, smooth. Smooth transition, excellent. Original setting. Original setting, old stomping grounds,
Starting point is 01:42:42 specifically your mum and dad's house. Correct. For some reason. Well, there's a book grounds, specifically your mum and dad's house. Correct. For some reason. Well, there's a book club going on at my house. I see. And because we know books are for nerds. We're not going to sit around or stand for that. No, quite frankly.
Starting point is 01:42:54 We're going to do neither of those things. Now, last week, in sort of the wind-up of last week's show, we were talking about catchphrases. Yes. And I've got two sweet catchphrases right wait which catchphrases are your catchphrases well I got grab dad jam
Starting point is 01:43:09 I invented that did you yeah if you go back to the guardians of the galaxy episode I said grab dad jam oh fair enough alright well it's on my it's on my t-shirt
Starting point is 01:43:17 anyway the point is you don't have a catchphrase so I thought I would maybe try test run some catchphrases alright cool for you this week as I think of them.
Starting point is 01:43:25 Just as we go? Yeah, just as we go. Well, basically because I've only thought of one now. Okay, good. I thought of one right now. Okay, here's your catchphrase. Think about it. Here's your little avatar on a t-shirt.
Starting point is 01:43:35 Yep. And then the catchphrase is like, hey, who ate all my paschetti? Am I holding an empty bowl of spaghetti? Paschetti. Paschetti. Like you say.chetti like you say yeah like i say yeah okay cool how about that can i have a bib yeah yeah like a baby's beard yeah and you're sad looking okay does that work or do you want to look up look we'll say that's obviously the probably going to be the best probably going to be the best one we'll see how we go your first instinct is always the best absolutely it is Who ate all the biscotti?
Starting point is 01:44:05 Brilliant. It's the end of the show, so I'm going to say my catchphrase. Okay. Grab that gem, everyone. And you can say whichever catchphrase you choose, but it can't be that one. Where's the gorilla? Was that one? No.
Starting point is 01:44:18 That was one? No. Because the gorilla was in the flesh. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yep. What was another one? I think we should go with the first one.
Starting point is 01:44:24 Hey. Where's my biscotti? Who ate my biscotti? i don't like that one that's the point that is very much the point bye everybody where's my spaghetti fuck you all right guys have your spaghettis all right thanks everyone grab that gem grab that new t-shirts uh the never go back t-shirts no there is that but there's i can quickly show you is it um who who ate my paschetti t-shirts yeah look at weekly planet somebody buy who who ate my paschetti t-shirt this is james's catchphrase grab that gem grab that am i allowed to say it say your say i don't like my catchphrase it's not the people have spoken there's a t-shirt now you have to to say it. Where's my biscetti? I do.
Starting point is 01:45:05 I hate it. I don't like it. It really upsets me. That's the show for this week. I'll say my catchphrase. Grab that jam, everyone. And now you say whatever catchphrase comes to mind. Who ate all my biscetti?
Starting point is 01:45:19 Yeah. Bye, everyone. I thought you forgot. No. Never. Eat your spaghettis. Bye everyone I thought you forgot Nah Never Eat your spaghettis My vision just blurred Thanks everyone Bye
Starting point is 01:45:33 Oh someone recommended the catchphrase For me Snap dat neck But am I stuck with the spaghetti one? You are So I'm gonna say Grab dat gem you guys You know you can do it
Starting point is 01:45:42 Where's my basquetti? Yay Alright guys Have spaghetti Grab dat gem everybody That gem, you guys. You know you can do it. Where's my paschetti? Yay! All right, guys. Have spaghetti. Grab that gem, everybody. Where's my spaghetti? Yeah!
Starting point is 01:45:52 I've decided. Yes. I'm not doing my bloody catchphrase anymore. I'm putting my foot down. All right. That's your catchphrase now. I'm putting my foot down. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:00 I'm a big sook. Well, I'm going to close out with my classic catchphrase, grab that gem. And then you can close with your classic catchphrase. I'm not going to say, where's my paschetti? Could you say that? So grab that gem, you guys. Can I just go, can I have total silence? No, you have to say. I'm not going to say my classic catchphrase, grab my bloody spaghettis, mate.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Great, we did it. All right. We did it. Now, as always, grab that gem, guys. Yes. And James, what do you say? I don't say anything. Your famous catchphrase,
Starting point is 01:46:30 I'm not going to say, who ate all my paschetti? I'm saying nothing. Okay. We're going to end the show. Great. I'm going to lie down. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:46:39 You've earned it. I have. Because you're hungry. You need to lie down because you're hungry. I'm so hungry. Because someone ate your paschetti. That's right. Who ate your paschetti?
Starting point is 01:46:47 No, we'll never know. We'll never know. All right. Goodbye, everybody. Grab a data jam, everyone. That's right. No catchphrase. This chair creaks.
Starting point is 01:46:56 There we go. New catchphrase. Bye, everybody. Bye. Grab data jam, everybody. No catchphrase. Nice. Fine, I'll say it.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Who ate all my biscuits yay that's the last time alright thanks everybody grab that jam everybody please do say a catchphrase
Starting point is 01:47:15 just pick one say anything that's my old laptop I gotta get rid of that this one great I can't wait for the t-shirt design for that one
Starting point is 01:47:21 it's got a blu-ray player huh it was one of the first I have three laptops. Jesus. It's too many. One's for torrenting. One's this one that does nothing.
Starting point is 01:47:31 And one's my real one. That all has to be on the T-shirt, by the way. Just so we're clear. I like how I looked around the roof for a catchphrase and then I just realized that I had to throw out a computer. Yeah, great. Good. Next week, something else.
Starting point is 01:47:44 Yeah. All right. Grabbed our jam, everybody. Grabbed our jam. What's your catchphrase this week? day planner yeah great good next week something else yeah alright grab that gem everybody grab that gem what's your what's your catchphrase this week something about a chair that's just nonsense no that's just nonsense syllables
Starting point is 01:47:54 fine I don't have one I don't want one can I just say grab that gem none of this matters hashtag and that's true
Starting point is 01:48:02 that's true nah see you didn't say say with a resignation that we'll try it we'll try a different one next week no this matters no no go with your standard one where's this begin yay thanks everybody thanks spike grab that gem everybody hey i'm saying my catchphrase that's my catchphrase that i do you've already got a catchphrase so this is my when i guessed on other shows i don't think so. When I guest on other shows that's what I say. You need another catchphrase.
Starting point is 01:48:28 This is not. You're not guesting. You're a member of this show. So this is my catchphrase. How dare you. You need another catchphrase. Disagree. Wow. Brutal. Bye guys. Bye. Alright grab that gem you guys. Daniel Craig looks like a potato? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:45 All right. That's going to come back and bite us in the ass. Definitely. And by that, you mean Daniel Craig's going to beat me to death? Yeah. He's got Hollywood muscles. I reckon I could take him. Yeah, true.
Starting point is 01:48:54 He'd kill me. All right. That's a great catchphrase, that whole thing. Oh, the dog woke up. Hello. You're all right. You're a good dog. I like your spirit. Okay, see you guys.
Starting point is 01:49:02 We like your spirit, guys. See you next time. I meant the dog. We don't like your spirit, guys. Just dog like your spirit guys see you next time i meant the dog we don't like your spirit guys just dog spirit all right all right thanks everybody grab it dad jam you guys bye you don't have to i'm saying it you don't have to grab it you can do what you want you're free run into the woods i didn't even think about that oh this has put me in a real ethical dilemma i've been telling people what to do for like a year. Take your shirt off right into the woods.
Starting point is 01:49:28 If you want to. That's it. We did it. We did it. Grabbed our gem, everybody. See you next week. Please have... We finally found it. We found your catchphrase. Please have... Alright, awesome. Thanks, everybody.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Goodbye. Grab that jam, everybody. Goodbye. That was very formal. Bye! Hey, check this out. Is that a Viewmaster? No, it's a retro arcade game I got as a gift.
Starting point is 01:50:02 It's unpleasant already. Wait for it. Start, please. This is some great bonus content. This game is amazing. I can't see it, but I'm assuming that it's like your character's
Starting point is 01:50:18 just in an office and you're walking back and forth from a photocopier. It could be. The graphics are very abstract. Yeah. I want to beat the level. The graphics are very abstract. Yeah. I want to beat the level so I get the victory music.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Yeah. Give me the victory music! Great content for the podcast. Should I leave this in? Yeah, definitely leave it in. There's only... How long does it take to win?
Starting point is 01:50:40 For God's sake. There's one button. Yes. And there's a back and... There's a right and left trigger. It's called Astro Wars by the way. I got this a few years ago and I only just found it again. It's not good.
Starting point is 01:50:51 Did you find it in the garbage? The bad guys keep coming. Oh yes, I'm nearly there. I've got one more. You idiot. Oh, new level. No, you're done. I, new level. No. You're done. I want to leave.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Unlock the door and let me out. Okay, bye everyone. Bye. It says Astro Wars electronic. Nobody cares about your Astro Wars. Electronic game. All right, give me a go. Outro theme. Friends game. All right, give me a go. Outro theme.
Starting point is 01:51:27 Friends leaving the room together. What a show, what a memory. Man, so many classic memories that we shared just then. Do you agree, Mason? I'm just so relaxed. Yes. From those memories and being on holiday. You know what the good news is as well?
Starting point is 01:51:47 We should shout out bloody Raw Collins for putting all that together. Absolutely, yeah. What a bloody legend. And everybody on Reddit, the Weekly Planet Reddit, who decided that they were our favourite moments of, I was going to say this year, but it's been like the last two years. Two years? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:00 I don't know. It's been pretty good. Sorry for the... Shout out to everybody who's listened. Shout out to that there's enough people that have favourite moments. Yes, that's right. You know what I mean? Because they could very well have been, you know,
Starting point is 01:52:10 hey, everybody, what's your favourite moment? And one guy's like, I like this bit. And that's it. That doesn't make a very good combination, does it? No, it doesn't, no. That's it. Also, we apologise for the varying audio quality. That's obviously...
Starting point is 01:52:22 It's on our end. Sure. It's an evolution. It is, isn't it? Yeah. It absolutely is. But look, someone else,
Starting point is 01:52:29 Derpston, sorry, Derpston P. Derp has also put up on Reddit. Not his real name. Well, we don't know that. Or she. Or she.
Starting point is 01:52:36 A compilation as well. I haven't listened all the way through, but I'm sure there's also some classic Weekly Planet moments. Maybe it's the same thing. Maybe we said something stupid. Guaranteed maybe it's the same thing maybe we said something stupid
Starting point is 01:52:45 guaranteed guaranteed maybe we said something that's factually incorrect and at the time when you listened to it originally you got mad at it you can get doubly mad
Starting point is 01:52:55 that it's in this one now as well double it up I'll link that description if you go to the Reddit it's there as well yeah that's the show for this week isn't it of sorts
Starting point is 01:53:04 of sorts we'll be back though, won't we? We'll be back next week because it's a new year. Yeah. We talk new year stuff. We can talk about
Starting point is 01:53:09 what we're excited about in the new year. All the movies that we're excited for. Or we can talk about all the comic book movie stuff, movie news stuff that happened this week.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Yes. That we missed. That people have already talked about ad nauseum, I'm sure, on the internet. That's right. We can talk about them again, you know?
Starting point is 01:53:24 We can talk about some now. Did you see Doctor Strange? Nah. Looked pretty good. Oh yeah, you've been on this nauseum, I'm sure, on the internet. That's right. We can talk about them again, you know. We can talk about some now. Did you see Doctor Strange? No. Looked pretty good. Oh, yeah, you've been on this sweet holiday, I forgot. Yeah, yeah. Crabs snapping, waves crashing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:32 All those things. Unless Doctor Strange is a bloody palm tree, I wouldn't have seen it because I'm on holiday. That's a good point. More like the Waikiki planet. Very good. Thank you. Next week. Yep. Thank you, everybody, for listening to us. Seriously. holiday it's a good point more like the waikiki planet very good thank you next week yep thank you everybody for listening though seriously we appreciate it absolutely yeah grab that gem you guys this is this is a once-off who ate all my biscotti yeah special occasion holiday magic Special occasion. Holiday magic. FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies
Starting point is 01:54:15 on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+.

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