The Weekly Planet - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: February 6, 2025

We've reached what many consider to be the pinnacle of the MCU, 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Taking place after the events of The Avengers we again see Steve Rogers adjusting to the mo...dern world and delves into the grey area surrounding his work in the modern day. Also Hydra is back! And a mysterious assassin wearing a mask with a metal arm who may have ties to Captain America'a past! Also Nick Fury does some really cool stuff for what is probably the last time. Thanks for watching our Caravan Of Garbage reviewSUBSCRIBE HERE ►► support the show and get early episodes ► ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► The Weekly Planet iTunes ► The Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of Caravan of Garbage where we're talking about the Steve Rogers Captain America trilogy. We're talking about it. Everyone's talking about it. What's talking about it? We're Roger and upper storm Yeah, yeah, jolly Roger in something. I don't know. I could I could do puns. Yeah, we can all do puns Yeah, yeah, but I'm saying you could do puns and I could also do puns. That's what I'm saying Okay, great. Please leave a like because of course we are talking about Captain America the Winter Soldier from 2014. I just wish there was a new MCU movie which was as good as this. Well, too bad. They ran out of steam.
Starting point is 00:00:36 They got the conveyor belt going. And they were just like, let's start churning them out. We cannot miss anymore. We cannot lose. People watch these no matter what. No, we haven't miscalculated here. Oh wait, yes we have. I'm sick of hearing this upcoming show has shades of the Winter Soldier.
Starting point is 00:00:54 This upcoming movie, it's all, but it's never. Maybe they'll do the color palette. Yeah, sure. But it doesn't feel like this at all. Let me ask you this upon a rewatch, does the Winter Soldier live up to the Winter Soldier? Yeah, it's better than I remember it being. Yeah, but it doesn't feel like this at all. Let me ask you this upon a rewatch. Does the Winter Soldier Live up to the winter. So yeah, it's it's better than I remember. Yeah, I always liked it something that doesn't work I think this is Steve Rogers worst hair. Whoa
Starting point is 00:01:15 He's really gonna say Chris Evans is real. I don't know if this is Chris Evans real hair I know he's a wig is not uncommon in the Steve Rogers Captain America look. I don't know I think he's just he's come out of the ice and he's gotten adjusted to modern-day and he's like You know what frosted tips and I think is wrong. He's made a mistake We should look into this whether this is a wig I think this is important Okay, I'll figure it out and there'll be a yes or no here Okay, and you know why I know that I think this movie is good? The Russo brothers. The Russo brothers, I wanna talk about that.
Starting point is 00:01:46 But also there's never a moment. I don't wanna talk about that. I wanna throw the name out and walk away. Okay, we can walk away from it. I don't mind. Let's do it. Okay. One of them's even in this. That's true. One of the Russo brothers. Which Russo?
Starting point is 00:01:58 Renee Russo. Oh, I was gonna say Tony Russo. Tony Russo. The guy who made up and Renee Russo is good. Yeah, in this movie, unlike other solo or spinoff movies, I'm not like, where's Iron Man? Right. Where's Thor?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Couldn't Thor kill the Winter Soldier? Yes. Easily. One twist of his head. Yep. You know, just... Not even one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 What's that, a gun? How intriguing. That does tickle, actually. And now I've turned your head all the way around I also I gotta say in the lead-up to this I wasn't expecting much I heard an interview with Anthony Mackie where he was like this is kind of like Avengers 1.5 And I'm like I don't really want Avengers 1.5. I want Avengers 2 man. Yeah age of Ultron. Yeah, that's what I wanted It's okay. It's okay
Starting point is 00:02:50 So, you know the Russo brothers came on board people might have known them from new me and Dupree But they got hired off the back of a couple episodes of Community and that makes a lot of sense, right? Because the action in that is incredible and it translates here and Troy and Arbett had that knife fight. They did That's where we got the iconic drop the knife in your other hand had that knife fight. They did. That's where we got the iconic drop the knife in your other hand do a big stab. God man the fighting in this is incredible Captain America's beating up has never been better. Well yeah he's fully embraced as we talked about last week he's fully embraced combat styles of the modern era. Yeah front kicking a man right off a boat. That sequence where he just runs the length of the boat from stern to bow and just kicks a bunch of dudes to their foamy wet deaths.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I mean their ribcages are crushed before they hit the water. Yeah true. But yeah it is over. I think there'd be enough life left in their eyes to know they're going to drown though. Oh I think so yeah they know that's happening. What I find really interesting about this is the fighting in this takes inspiration from the game Captain America Super Soldier Which is pretty much the Arkham combat like that was a purposeful thing. Is that the one set in World War two? Yeah, so the idea is that they don't want it to be just like punch punch kick kick old-school fighting
Starting point is 00:04:00 yeah, to be like, you know, he's got combos and maneuvers and It'll block you you'll block your weird punch and hit you real hard in a different and weird cool way Yeah, anyway the story in this it's basically is the government the bad guys? Is it full of fascists could that be possible? I mean jury's still out isn't it in a fictional universe? Sure Hmm, I think it's wonderful and I know they always talk about the comparison between this and like the political espionage thrillers from the seventies, like a Robert Redford might do.
Starting point is 00:04:31 For example. Oh my goodness. He was the king of those. He really was. Three days of the condor. And that's how you know this is a real movie. Cause he's in it. For a bit.
Starting point is 00:04:38 With his big fake teeth and his blonde hair. I'm a big fan. I like him a lot. He doesn't really act much anymore. One of the last things he did was a cameo in Endgame. Like he came back. He came back for that. I don't know why. Did he emerge from a portal? Is that what you're talking about? No, because they went back. Oh, they went back in time, didn't they? Right.
Starting point is 00:04:56 To 2012 Avengers and what have you. And he was there. It was in the aftermath of it all. They couldn't get Powersbooth, who died, I assume. So they went, who's the second best person to Powers Booth we can get? That Australian guy from the OC. That's a good idea. Alan Dale. He cops it in this doesn't he? Really does. Badge melts. Yeah. Damn. He cops in a lot of stuff. He died in the OC. Probably some other stuff. Do you remember? I think he had a heart attack and fell into a pool. I don't know. I don't know, man. What a way to go. What a way to go. But yeah, like the twists and turns in this, it does change the MCU.
Starting point is 00:05:32 But I don't know whether a lot of that even carries over though, because you know in the next Avengers movie after Nick Fury throws away his eye patch and pretends that he died. He just shows up in a helicarrier. So like does this really mean anything? throws away his eye patch and pretends that he died, he just shows up in a helicarrier. So like does this really mean anything? You know, I don't know, I don't know if it does, but you know as a contained story, and you know it bleeds over into Agents of Shield, you know you find out some people in there are Hydra and whatever and all of that. So yeah, it is all happening.
Starting point is 00:05:58 But Nick Fury in this, there's so much compelling Nick Fury stuff in this. Well he finally gets an action sequence. I mean he fired that missile at the wrong plane in Avengers 1. Embarrassing for him. So he has to redeem himself now. But again let me ask you this question. I've asked this before on our podcast The Wicked Planet. Great plug.
Starting point is 00:06:17 What's that gun for? The gun in the center console. What's it for? Is it for shooting people? Ordinarily. Because what he does, he's being attacked from all sides, from the outside, and then he waits for the bad guys to break his bulletproof windows, and then he pulls the gun out of the centre console and he riddles them all with bullets on the outside. Ordinarily is that for shooting people inside the car? I guess it is. Okay, all right. I mean I assume like the front window would pop out
Starting point is 00:06:45 I don't know. I'm not really sure what that car can do. It certainly can't fly It could have. Well, it could have. I do like that whole sequence is him Just trying to get that car to do anything Namely fly and then and it doesn't it doesn't fly and he's just really annoyed the entire time It's an incredible action sequence. I mean, I'm just saying there should be some guns on the outside No, you're right there and there probably is right? Yeah, maybe but they're all fucked up Yeah, yeah, maybe it's you put the gun in the center console because people won't people won't search through your center console Oh, that's a good point. Yeah, that's pride rude. It's rude. I got coins in there. He got coins in there man
Starting point is 00:07:22 I got mints got mints in there mints, man. I got mints. You got mints in there? Yeah. Mints meat? Yeah, mints meat. Oh no. Yeah, my private reserve of mints meat. Now look, this is a video for another day, though we have talked about it. I thought Secret Invasion was gonna be this kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Right? You know? Yeah. And it's just like, I don't know, he knows stuff cause he knows a thousand scrolls. That's boring. Yeah. And it also makes this worse. Because like, yeah, he fakes his death like I don't know he knows stuff because he knows a thousand scrolls that's boring yeah and it also makes this worse because like yeah he fakes his death by using a thing and slows
Starting point is 00:07:50 his heart or whatever but the answer in hindsight is it's probably just a scroll right they're all scrolls he's a scroll I don't know doesn't that make it very convenient for later movies that we could say anybody's a scroll yeah that. Yeah that's true. Yeah it's great. It is great. Anyway speaking of disguise and intrigue, who was that man in glasses and the baseball hat walking around with Black Widow in the mall? Oh everyone. Everyone in disguise in the Marvel Universe ever. But this is the first right? Maybe. This is the first? Maybe? Yeah. Fashions haven't held up that well. They certainly have it no I mean at the time we all thought we looked fine. We all looked good
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, we didn't what what what are you liking about his fashions that he's doing um I don't know if his clothes were ever really fashionable I think he's trying to like do a 40s aesthetic by using boxy clothes from 2014 Yeah, that's kind of what it feels like to me like Like a leather jacket and chinos or whatever he's wearing. I don't know. It's just not quite coming together. Not gelling for you. No. Now piggy cart is in this of course. As opposed to being de-aged, which everybody gets done in this, they re-age. I think the word is. Okay. And as getting older and getting older and yeah, that's right. And often they'll do that with makeup. That's like the standard thing to do but this is like this is using that made her old they made her old and like hollowed out I think they took it to the beach that makes you all know. That's a bad place
Starting point is 00:09:13 Don't go there, but they hollow out like, you know, like her face and kind of because when you put on old person makeup You you have to build upon somebody's face where this is like the opposite and they just stand in to get all the wrinkles And all of this the red skull da is Visual effects model. Yeah, they've done it on okay. They should have just done that straight up is what you're saying Yes, yeah cool cool. Yeah, but look I think this is the perfect time to talk about who was Peggy Carter's husband I know we save Rogers. It's still safe because look and I don't mean it Okay, like dementia you say your thing and then I'll say my thing. Okay dementia is a very serious issue Yeah, but I'm saying also it's a handy technique here to say that
Starting point is 00:09:54 She she's forgotten that she was married to Steve Rogers because as we recall in the last last one of these He went back in time using a different button. Yeah, therefore he went back in time to this universe and married her That's something you said that's something there is a prime timeline. We know that from like Loki and Deadpool and Wolverine Yeah, yeah, but I don't think that's what happened here. First of all, they were gonna reveal it in Agent Carter But they never got to it. Yeah, right as a love interest or a couple of love interests in that Okay, fuck those guys quite frankly it I don't mind that show but I don't want to hear about it, Mason. You sepia toned losers. Get out of here. So screenwriters Christopher Marcus and Stephen McFeely who worked on both Captain America the Winter Soldier and Endgame stated that it was their intention for Steve Rogers to be the father of Peggy's children,
Starting point is 00:10:40 right? Okay. The Russo Brothers sperm going back in time. Good sperm this time. Absolutely. Propulsive. It's got one of those helmets that click down. Though the directors of this, they disagree. They think my theory of the separate timeline situation. I think you can kind of merge the two. I think if Steve Rogers is her husband, and he could be, that's a Captain America from
Starting point is 00:11:05 another universe who skipped over into this one, not the original. Yeah, that technically makes more sense. Yeah, but I don't like that. That's the thing. I don't like that. And I don't think anybody should like that. Doesn't matter if you like it, mate. It's irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I think if you go back in time in this universe and you don't change anything, it doesn't diverge into another universe. They have a literal conversation about it in Endgame where that is not the rules though, If you go back in time in this universe and you don't change anything, it doesn't diverge into another universe. They have a literal conversation about it in Endgame where like that is not the rules though, right? Ah, maybe. We haven't gotten there yet in this rewatch. So I've done that.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah, no, you're right. I'm pretty sure if you go back in time and you don't change anything, if it's the way it was going to be anyway. So if he keeps his head down and he doesn't stop anything bad, like 9-11, he should be fine. Yeah. Everything's fine. You think you facilitated it? I mean, I Guess you can't rule it out. Okay, think about this then right? Let's say he is the husband a version of him is the husband doesn't matter who right that would mean that Steve Rogers
Starting point is 00:12:01 Being married to Peggy Carter is the great uncle of Sharon Carter. Whom he smooched. Yeah, whom he smooched. Now bearing in mind he wouldn't know that yet at this point in his history. Correct yes. But, that's crook mate. Even though they're probably not blood related, I still think that's ordinary.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Do you think that's why she became the power broker? If in fact she did do that in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Yes, I think that is what happened here. God. Anyway, we haven't solved that. There are multiple theories. People are gonna be like, it's obviously this, but look, it's not obviously anything. None of this is real.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It can be whatever you want. No, but it's the thing that I said. I think I'd choose the other one, because it's nicer. Otherwise it's I choose the other one because it's nicer Yes, otherwise, it's too random Steve's and Peggy's gone. Well, I guess we get married Yeah, I knew a version of you from another universe. I guess whatever. I'm hydro cap. By the way, I'm a Nazi. What? Yeah. All right Good as any. Yeah, still got that still got those pecs. All right, then. That's right. Yeah, I'll help you do 9-eleven Steve Rogers So anyway Falcon is in this you mentioned Falcon the Winter Soldier I
Starting point is 00:13:14 Think they're cowards for not giving him bird telekinesis. Oh, yeah or telepathy, which one is he whatever it is? I don't know. Yeah, it's telepathy. You're right. Yeah, they end up giving him a drone. They do Yeah, everybody's got a drone man. Yeah, who gives apathy. You're right. Yeah, they end up giving him a drone. They do. Yeah, everybody's got a drone man Yeah, who gives a shit that's not important. I'm fun. Yeah wings are fun. I will say that I mean, it's no Iron Man suit. No, that's true Yeah, a lot of a lot of vulnerable spots his entire body except the bits covered by like the straps Yeah, even then still not remember when the Winter Soldier picked him apart in like a second. Yeah Good only you got me my one vulnerable spot my very vulnerable wings or any other part of my body
Starting point is 00:13:51 Honestly, but you know what? Kudos for the designer of the the Falcon wings for giving him a parachute Absolutely roadie could have done with the parachute You're saying that's Tony Stark's fault. Yes. Yeah, it is't it. Yeah. But yeah Bucky is in this. I'll spoil this. You mean in flashbacks right from the 40s. Yeah and that's what I mean. Yeah yeah yeah. But also there's another character that shows up a mysterious. A mysterious stranger of some sort. A mysterious assassin. Wow. Who wears a mask for some of it. I tell you what if Bucky were around he'd give that guy a solid right hook. You reckon he would? I reckon
Starting point is 00:14:24 he would. And then the guy would kill him immediately. Yeah, that's right. He'd turn his head all the way around. I learned this from a little guy named Thor. Turned my head all the way around. What I love about the Width of Soldier in this, He's such an A to B to C killer. Like there's no flash or pizzazz. He's like, what's the quickest way I can hurt this person? Right, uh-huh. You know, there's no empathy, it's just like a Terminator just running at you. This gun is empty, luckily I have five more guns. That's right. Luckily I've got a guy to hand me guns.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Now we obviously knew this- It's nice to have a team. It's good to have a team. Now we obviously knew this going in, it's a famous story from the- Bible. From Marvel Comics and the Bible. If you didn't know this there's no way you wouldn't figure this out right before it happened because at
Starting point is 00:15:09 the start it's like Captain America had a best friend and he disappeared and they were best friends and he misses him every day and he wants him back but you know you can't come back because he died in the ice six years ago and how would you even get out of that he fell He fell a bit down a train and then he disappeared. And they never recovered a body which means he's dead. So, I don't know man. I don't know man. But look. James, this is a political thriller and you know it's a...
Starting point is 00:15:41 It's not about the twist is what you're saying? No, it's exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not about the twist, it's about the fist. No, no, that's true. His big steel fist. Yeah, yeah, man. I will say though, his arm, it's not as, like it's not as useful as it is in the comic books.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Like in the comics, he can just fly around on his arm. He can fly, can he like, can it fly and he hangs onto it? Or it's attached to his shoulder and he just like zips him around? It's Spectre Gadget style, with the helicopter blade. I would say so, yeah. Okay, you a helicopter blade. I would say so, yeah. I would say so, yeah. And it's got like an electromagnetic pulse generator
Starting point is 00:16:10 and etc etc, you know. I mean it does develop as the movies go on, right? Does it? I mean it loses a star. I know that. That's true. It becomes Wakandan. You can put it in the dishwasher. That's pretty good. That is good actually. The action in this though, not just the Bucky stuff is incredible. That's pretty good. That is good actually. Yeah. The action in this though, not just the Bucky stuff is incredible. That elevator fight. These
Starting point is 00:16:29 fight sequences and action sequences, they're not just good for a comic book movie. Which is the greatest praise we can give. I think so yeah. I mean good for a good movie. They're good for a good movie. The bit where he's in the elevator and even like it doesn't even last for that long but he's one-armed pinned and he's just fucking kicking dudes in the head and I it's it's crazy Apparently that is a nod to diehard 3 remember the bit where John McClane's in the elevator takes out all those dudes Yeah, right love that also. Um, you know what fellas you put too many guys in that elevator Mmm, I reckon you would have had a better shot with fewer guys completely. You can't all hit him Can you get you getting in each other's ways's ways. Yeah, that's a good point. The highway sequence is incredible. Also the
Starting point is 00:17:09 Black Widow stuff in this is so great. They should give her her own movie a year after this came out, don't you think? I think that. Oh on the highway there's a minigun. I mean sure. It's not the Mesa's minigun, Mesa's, he's got a thing to say about a minigun. Okay, it looks pretty cool. It's cool looking. Fires a lot of bullets. Doesn't really hit anybody. No, it does tear through some stuff. Tear through some stuff, that's not bad. But again, it's not a real minigun. It's just a fake thing they made for the movie, so zero out of ten. Damn, fake thing for a fake movie, fuck you all. That's right. God. But imagine being that guy. Yeah, what cuz you wouldn't get a lot of chances to use that you'd be like
Starting point is 00:17:49 I'm the minigun guy. I cannot wait and then they'd just be like you ever win a soldier got that guy with one shot Yeah, and you'd be like, oh man Kind of just floated to this tree. No, don't do that, man. These are expensive. That whole sequence, it's kind of a chase and a fight and they're on the back foot the entire time. I mean, the hand-to-hand stuff with Captain America. I mean, you mentioned the knife catch. The bit where like-
Starting point is 00:18:16 Jasper Sitwell, you know. Oh, just obliterated. Just obliterated. What an undignified end for an awful man. Yeah, I agree, yeah. Did he get a marble one shot? He did, yeah. Was he secretly evil in it?
Starting point is 00:18:29 No, he's always kind of been a little bit sinister. That's true, yeah. But yeah, you know, it's just Jasper Sitwell goes down the shelves. He was a shady fella. Yeah. Pretty much. He went to one of those give a penny, take a penny things
Starting point is 00:18:42 at the counter. And he gave a penny, yeah? No, he took several pennies. Oh. Yeah, didn't even need them. That doesn't sit well with me, Mason. But I liked when he got hit by that truck. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Nearly as much as that guy who got kicked into that fucking propeller. The Quinjet or whatever. That's good stuff, Mason. I mean, that's the modern day equivalent of kicking somebody into a propeller, because you can't do that these days. No, you really can't. No propellers anyway. No, man. I mean, you've got to kick him into a freeway. Yeah, or like an air conditioner. Yep. Yeah. One of my favorite just little action moments in where Captain America runs in and he just hits
Starting point is 00:19:15 him with a flying fucking knee. Do you remember that bit? Yeah. God! Great stuff. Tremendous. Yeah, anyway Zola's in this. Great use of Zola. I do kind of wish he had the big smashy body. Right. But you know, I'll take it. This is a fun reference, right? Yeah. Do you think he's dead for good? I mean, it depends whether Toby Jones wants to come back or they need him for another
Starting point is 00:19:33 thing, in which case they backed him up. Yeah, I would say... They backed him up on a jazz drive in the early 2000s. He's probably not. Is there even any flashbacks or something? Did they visit him again in like Endgame when they time travel? I don't think so. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:19:45 But yeah. Also, Captain America watched War Games, I guess? Sure. Great. Well, speaking of... We got a lot of stuff done, didn't we? We did. But speaking of, there's a moment in this movie...
Starting point is 00:19:56 Go on. ...which is region-specific. Oh, there is too. You know about this, right? So, well, people perhaps outside of the US aren't aware of this, but right at the start of the movie, we see Steve Rogers' little book of all the things people have told him to catch up with, you know, all the relevant cultural moments. There's some stuff that like that is there and is universal, like I think Star Wars is
Starting point is 00:20:17 everywhere. Yeah, yeah. Some other bits and pieces. But for people who don't know this, if you didn't perhaps see it in cinemas, yeah, it's a region-specific list. One of the few times they've done this, I don't know if they've ever done it again where depending on where you live this is true depending on where you live they cgi'd out some of the american references and put in references that were yeah culturally significant to the country you saw
Starting point is 00:20:39 the movie in it was so weird because i remember sitting in cinemas and being like some of these are so specific yeah yeah like this cannot be universal, and I don't even know if you can get these anymore But we've got a list we do have the list so for example in Australia You know it had the band AC DC, you know band founded in Australia that blinky bill They had hey, hey, it's Saturday that darabin station. They had Franco Cozzo furniture that David Tinch tonight They had Larry emder, you know, yeah, I remember that one that punch in a dart Wow They had the Hills hoist washing line. Whoa. Yeah that race car driver Peter Brock's car that had healing crystals in it Check that out Steve. They had the film Red Dog. They
Starting point is 00:21:25 had Tandy Electronics. Wow they had Smorgies. They had AC Cola. They had that ad where the kid sings call 13 30 32. They had Bubbolo Bill. They had the Sarah Marie Bum Dance. They had the 90s TV game show Amazing. They had Gloria Jean's coffee. They had Skip Hop. They had Muffin Break coffee. They had one of those hats with corks on it to shoo away flies. They had Goon of Fortune. They had the smell of a catastrophic bush fire.
Starting point is 00:21:57 They had Con the Fruitera. They had Punching a Kangaroo in the Muzzle. They had that Prime Minister who went for a swim in the ocean and disappeared and nobody cared. I had that. And then the pool after. Well yeah, because it's on the list. They had Australian Idol runner-up Lee Harding's Wasabi.
Starting point is 00:22:14 They had the movie Reckless Kelly. It had learning the very specific dance that Australians and only Australians do at weddings to the song Nutbush City Limits. They had the Energizer Man. Ah, they had the Auntie Donna sketch Bikey Wars, which I believe came out in 2014. Interesting. They had Pretending You're a Relaxed Laid-Back Nation, but Really You're a Nation of Fucking Cops Teleguard Each Other All the Time. They had that.
Starting point is 00:22:39 They had that. They had Richie Beno. They had First Australian Idol, Runner Up and Jimmy Barnes knock off Shannon Noll. They had the 12th man's impression of Richie Beno. Simply marvellous. They had Angry Anderson's 1991 AFL Grand Final performance of Bound for Glory. When he was driving the Batmobile. He was driving the Batmobile, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Sort of the Batmobile. They had Dougie the Pizza Boy. They did! They had Sang Shulby Wright to something did? They had saying she'll be right to something that's probably not right when you're too scared to display vulnerability or admit that you don't know how to fix something. They had pointing at a really weird guy and saying to your friend that's your best mate. They had Bartical Bill. They had La Poqueta. They had Universal Healthcare. Oh, they had Round the twist. They had crocodile dundee.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Three. They had Drazik from Heartbreak High. Oh! Yep. That's a good one. They had an Italian restaurant where the owner comes out to your table and does what seems like five minutes of outdated stand-up, but you can't leave because you're already ordered. Plus he's got this really weird threatening vibe.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And sure he's kind of old and out of shape and you probably could take him in a fight, but what are you going to fight this guy? I mean how's that gonna look? It's just gonna be awkward. They had Norman Gunston. Did they? Yep. They had Blue Healers, both the show and the dog.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Wow. They had John Batchelor, the actor who plays the guy who shouts Rodney. Here it is. One more time. They had the Murray River. They had Agro's Cartoon Connection. They had the Murray River Cod. They had the Mulligr connection. They had the Murray River Cod. They had the Mulligrubs.
Starting point is 00:24:05 They had Pete Murray. They had that one McDonald's that's Art Deco for some reason. They had Red Rooster, but they called it Red Ruta. Nice. They had Eric Banner, but only as his character, Poita. They had not wanting to catch up with an old schoolmate for a beer because you know you don't really have anything to say to each other anymore, but you do it anyway and you both end up drinking a bunch in the hope of cutting through the awkwardness and it sort of works in the end
Starting point is 00:24:28 And then you both promise to do it again soon which you're obligated to do they had burjos catch phrase that the ferals They had David Wenham in sea change that Australia's naughtiest home videos hosted by Doug Mulrae. I have a strays notice Because it's on the list. He was told to check out that radio ad that goes, hello, Frank Walker from National Tiles. That budgie smugglers. They had the Warner Brothers Movie World Police Academy stunt show. Oh, that's a good one. They're getting bit by something and it's probably nothing you reckon, but it could have been one of those spiders that kills you. It had dacking someone and or being dacked. They're trying to remember if we have any dinosaurs of note, brackets we don't.
Starting point is 00:25:13 They had the humble flat white. They had Tony Abbott eating an unpeeled onion. They had the dog on the tucker box. They're being a YouTuber slash podcaster in a community of people who don't know what that is or what it entails So when they ask you what you do, they have no follow-up questions or they have too many questions But it's mostly about how much money you have They had mixed netball
Starting point is 00:25:34 They had ignoring the sense of anxiety that comes with knowing that your nation was founded on an indigenous genocide They had that time Tony Martin and Mick Malloy did a man on the street interview about changing the national anthem and the guy said That the Australian flag should be a bum with a fist coming out of it They had see a good-looking woman and then guiding a mate Ploooow They had eating a dim sim and or a chico roll. They had hot Christmas. They had Adelaide. I'm out They had the weekly planet podcast which started in 2013. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:26:06 That's right. And I don't know if you know this James, but in the Australian version, Sam doesn't recommend to Steve the soundtrack to the movie Trouble Man. No. Produced and performed by the legendary Marvin Gaye. Instead he recommends the Rodney Root comedy album, Your Mum's Bum. How much of that is staying in? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Probably most of it. Yeah right. Pork is free. That's right. Oh my God. I'm gonna have to help with some of those. I'm gonna have to send some pictures over to better Lawrence I think.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. Ah look, Captain America gets his suit back at the end doesn't he? That's true. The best one probably. Probably is. Although I like the version in this. I like the minimalist aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I like that they blacked the shield out. Yeah. For covert operations. Absolutely. Or it's a new shield, I don't know. No, no it is. It's against the camera. It's the same one.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I believe, yeah. Okay. You think he's got a guy to do that? He would have to, yeah. Tactical guy. Yeah, yeah. Black this up for me. Excuse me? Uh... Uh...
Starting point is 00:27:02 Uh... Uh... Uh... I don't know what to say. I'm not from now. But yeah, I think that final moment with him and Bakian making him realize that... Well, he doesn't really fully realize who he is, but he knows something's amiss. Like, why isn't this guy killing me when he could?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Something is going on here. But yeah, that moment where he manages... Like he breaks his arm and pins his other arm and chokes him out. That's all really good stuff, mostly. It's intense. It is intense. Yeah, it's really good. Hmm And look like I said, I just think I wish the ramifications of this like ran deeper like all these organizations and shield and etc They all just know they'll branch off and continue and there's space shield and whatever else is going on now And again Nick Fury fakes his death but he's done that before or after this, you know?
Starting point is 00:27:49 Like it's just not, he's so interesting in this and then he's just not that interesting ever again. Well because he had his one interesting moment. He did. We're still talking about it aren't we? We are talking about it, that is true. Yeah, you could never get that Carterfly. No, that's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And even in Age of Ultron they're just like so this is one of the last hydro bases Let's go get it and then they do you know, yeah And then those people are there who are in the post credits of this I'm talking about Scarlet Witch and Craven the hunter Both in the post credits. Yeah, yeah this movie Mason. Yeah, my goodness. Anyways, you know, it's time for what's time for stuff A trivia America the Winter Soldier. This is the trivia section of the show We talk about just little bits and pieces. I love little bits and pieces. You're gonna love this.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Sebastian Stan was contracted for nine films, but according to him, when production for this began he wasn't told which of the films he was going to be incorporated into. He only realized he was playing the role of the Winter Soldier when the title was formally revealed at San Diego Comic Con in 2013. He's like, oh so much work. I know. I thought I was going to be flashback guy the whole time. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I thought I was going to do eight more flashback sequences where I'm like, don't give up little Steve. You can do it little Steve. You can do a push up little Steve. We're friends little Steve. I'll never forget you little Steve. Yes, I'll get that can off the top shelf for you little Steve. Oh, this is also the last live action role of Gary Shandling, RIP.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Yeah, he's fun in this. I mean, he's a Nazi, but he's fun. I like him, he's an Iron Man too. They actually shut down three miles of freeway for the highway chase sequence in Cleveland. Oh, so they didn't build a new highway. No, they didn't. Okay, well that's- Because often they'll build a section of a highway and green screen it out or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Matrix Reloaded. Matrix Reloaded. Probably Deadpool? The highway in Deadpool? Maybe. Probably. I think that's just one bit of styrofoam. Yeah, I mean it's funny though. Remember that bit where he goes, ugh, my balls. Yes. That's great. I think it is funny. It's great. It is great. That's my sense of humor. Hawkeye was going to this go on but it ended up being like this is too many people and It kind of clashed with whatever Jeremy Renner was doing probably a born prequel or whatever the hell he was up to
Starting point is 00:29:54 He's probably refining that app. That's probably yeah. Yeah, and being like can I be the next Ethan Hunt? No, you can't you think he's coming back for the last one? I would love him to I would love him too as well You should mm-hmm, but Willie I don't know. Yeah, yeah also you know the Winter Soldier can kill him in one punch 100% Well, he wasn't gonna go after the Winter Soldier He was gonna go after Captain America on behalf of shield and they fight for a bit and it says that Hawkeye was going to lose Intentionally yeah, and then and then whisper to him that oh you're being monitored There's a tracker in the suit and that's another reason why he ends up getting rid of the suit Yeah, right
Starting point is 00:30:25 And they were gonna there was another like deleted sequence where they find the suit like in an abandoned Whatever because he figures it out and leaves it there, but they just ended up not doing any of that Oh, they could have done the iconic, you know, the spidey suit in the trash can bit exactly Except you could leave it in like the exploded chest cavity of a guy. He kicked I'm giving up this I'm giving up this gig. Okay, one more kick. Squish. Do you know the Punisher is in this?
Starting point is 00:30:51 But not really? Let me figure this out. Do you mean Thomas Jane Punisher? No. Do you mean Ray Stevenson Punisher? No. Is he a shield agent? Is he an anonymous shield agent?
Starting point is 00:31:04 No. You would have guessed it eventually Oh, yeah, I just named everything in a comic book ever. There's a try every character in this or truck Because there's a truck in this huh? It's a pensky and the Punisher is the truck. Yes a big truck This is he skipped over from the cars universe Whether the Punisher is a big yellow truck So once in that Nick Fury action sequence, and it's also the truck that kills sit well Right coming soon dotnet
Starting point is 00:31:28 They asked the Russos if there are any cameos in this and Joe Russo said the man that drives the truck apparently said this Deadpan he said he's very highly trained. He thinks on his own terms. He's got plans and a very specific skill set, but uh It's not really it's just a theory that people like yeah. Yeah, what he killed sit well on purpose I don't think so, which means he did it by accident by accident. He's like, oh well He doesn't know anything about Jasper sit well, so it's like I killed this. Yeah, this poor man It was coming from work. I don't think he would have been too cut up about it to be honest Okay, that counts as one. Yeah. Oh, yeah, Nick Fury's grave. It's got the thing of the path the righteous man Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:32:08 It's also it says Captain America should watch Star Wars and pop fiction, but isn't isn't Samuel L. Jackson isn't he? Yep That's true. But in the MCU the big prawn the big Shouldn't he go visit the big prawn should visit the big prawn just as a side note though as well is that I know James I know we love to laugh We do if you look at the Australia the real, I know James, I know we love to laugh. We do. If you look at the Australia, the real Australian version in the, who was he talking to? Like in the context of the story,
Starting point is 00:32:32 was he talking to like an Australian bartender? I guess. He's like, yeah, you gotta listen to, you gotta listen to Whispering Jack by John Farnham. It's got your the voice on it. You should listen to that though, that is true. Yeah, yeah, but my theory is that David Hasselhoff plays all of Samuel L. Jackson's characters in the MC universe.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I love that. Thank you, and it's true. Who played Mitch Buchanan in Baywatch? Sam Jackson? Probably Sam Jackson, I'd imagine. The box office for this on a budget of $177 million it made $714.4 million. Pretty good for a solo movie, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Pretty good for Avengers 1.5. That's right. And every week of course we're talking about Chris Evans' pay. Now last week we mentioned that he got $300,000 for the first Avengers movie. We don't know officially what he got for this, but we do know for THE Avengers he got $3 million. Okay. And then for Age of Ultron he got something like $6.9. So I would say probably $4 or $5 for this?
Starting point is 00:33:23 I'd imagine? Maybe he did it for free Yeah, he probably did it for free, which is why they gave him his worst hair I think it's alright. Okay. I think it makes sense. It looks good on him. Give it a high and tight Mason. Okay, sure Yeah, but of course not everybody gets paid fairly in these Marvel movies. Excuse me. Well Ed Brubaker He is of course credited with co-creating the Winter Soldier character. That's correct, yes. With artist Steve Epting.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yes, so he didn't create Bucky, obviously. No. That was whoever this guy is. Look at him. Sitting in his drawing table, he's all in black and white, he's like, I'm gonna get four dollars for this. And he did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Good for him. Good day for him. That's his 21st birthday, this picture of this guy, do you know that? That's amazing. That's true. But of course, Brubaker and E and Epting did in the modern era decide that he didn't die in World War two, but in fact survived to the modern era sort of a mind-controlled Soviet assassin great storyline agreed Maybe we covered at a big sandwich dot-co they also did. Yeah, that's true
Starting point is 00:34:20 They also made the sort of the retcon that because in the the in the comic books Mikey Barnes isn't a grown man. He's a little kid Yeah accompanying Steve Rogers into World War two and so they made the decision to say well, okay The reason he was there was to do all the crook stuff that Captain America couldn't be seen to do Yeah, like poisoning water supplies or like assassinating, you know, the good stuff. Yeah, all the good stuff. Good stuff That's right. They had a lot of good ideas, but I tell you this, Mason, when they attended the premiere of this movie, they were put in the overflow theater,
Starting point is 00:34:51 not even the main one. Okay. And him and artist Steve Epding didn't get an invite to the after party, and that detects Sebastian stand directly to get in, which is fun. Does that suggest, of course, James, that if you create a comic book character for Marvel
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeah, you get the phone number of whoever you whoever plays them later Yeah, and they have to pick you up from the airport. It's so cool. Hey, Sebastian. Can you can you can you help me move today? I'm gonna move house Can you rent a truck? Now Ed Brubaker has a line in this right and a cameo Now Ed Brubaker has a line in this, right, and a cameo. So he says he gets more from his sag residuals than what he did for creating this character. And he's talked about this multiple times, but he said that there's nothing preventing Marvel from looking over all the money that has been made from the reinvention of this
Starting point is 00:35:38 character and calling him and Steve Epting and being like, hey, why don't we make this right and square this with you? Maybe they have since. Because sometimes they do. But I haven't heard anything official about this. Okay, we'd know. We would. Anyways, this has been Caravan of Garbage.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Come back next week as we'll be talking about Captain America Civil War, the capping off. Avengers 1.7. Yeah. Nearly all the way there. Wouldn't it be 2. something? It'd be 2. something. Yeah, because Age of Ultron's already happened etc Yeah, you know I mean it's not really a trilogy
Starting point is 00:36:10 Is it like one and two kind of flow together and three is like you have to have seen some other shit to like Get it. Ah Great question. Well, we'll know upon a rewatch. Yeah, I reckon you could probably if you were just a muddle through it If you would you know some guys that other guys some guys like opening up a comic book when you're a kid You're like, I don't know who most of these guys are. Yeah, they're gonna turn each other's heads all the way around boy Are they you can actually see that early at big sandwich co where in addition to early videos? We do a comic book club where of course we covered the Winter Soldier comic book arc. That's right by Ed where of course we covered the Winter Soldier comic book arc. That's right.
Starting point is 00:36:43 By Ed Brubaker. We also played Marvel Rivals. Oh. I gave that a go. I went online and pwned some newbs, Mason. Did you pwn some newbs? Or were you in fact the newb that was pwned? We'll have to sign up to see.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Okay. We also do bonus podcasts. We do movie commentaries. It's nine bucks a month. It helps support this channel. You can also sign up, download everything. There's thousands of hours of stuff and then unsign up. We don't care. That's right. Or you can, cause you can't get that nine bucks a month that helps support this channel. You can also sign up, download everything. There's thousands of hours of stuff and then unsign up. We don't care.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Or you can just, you can't get that nine bucks back. Nah, we got it, man. That's right. Yeah, but also you don't have to do any of that. You could maybe even listen to our podcast, The Weekly Planet, where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. We're gonna be talking about Captain America,
Starting point is 00:37:19 Brave New Bird. That's right. Very excited to step back into that maybe and hope it's good, maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah What's Harrison Ford? Maybe? Well, the CGI what's a big red guy? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, well the president looks on I can only assume. That's right Anyways, thank you so much to Ben and Lawrence for the edits given at Lawrence. See you in the next one Grab that gym and guys. We'll see real soon

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