The Weekly Planet - Constantine - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: March 17, 2022

The DC Graveyard trundles along with what some might consider a surprising entry. Constantine 2005 has developed somewhat of a cult following over the years with many hoping that Keanu Reeves would r...eturn to the role. However it didn't do well enough to warrant any kind of follow up despite being a pretty solid supernatural superhero horror affair. Thanks for listening!SUBSCRIBE HERE ►► Edition ► support the show and get early episodes ► ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► The Weekly Planet iTunes ► The Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:00:33 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's
Starting point is 00:00:55 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of Caravan of Garbage, where, of course, we are working our way through currently DC graveyard, the bin fire, the trash bag, the leftovers, the leftovers, whatever you want to call it. Now look, last week we did Catwoman. It obviously should have been there for a number of reasons. Things coming up, who knows what's next. I think also obviously should have been there. This one this week though, kind of a big shame. Disappointingly, a good movie I thought, even on a rewatch. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:01:30 absolutely. So we are of course talking about Constantine from 2005. Now it's interesting because like all of Alan Moore's adaptations, he probably famously hates this one as well. But I think the difference is this creation he's claimed to have met in real life. That is true. Yeah. But I think he just met Sting. I think he might have met Sting. Because famously, John Constantine,
Starting point is 00:01:56 originally introduced in an issue, I think, of Swamp Thing, was designed visually to look like Sting. Like the artists were like, we want to make a guy that looks like Sting. Yeah. And the idea being that I think that... British and all, you know? Yeah, very British. The idea that a lot of wizards,
Starting point is 00:02:12 when you think of a wizard, you think of a Gandalf or a Merlin, like they're very quite hoity-toity. Wizened. Wizened and old and kind of wearing robes and hard to relate to kind of things. They're like, what about a really down-to-earth,
Starting point is 00:02:24 working-class kind of magician? And he's drunk. And he's from Liverpool in the original things. They're like, what about a really down-to-earth, working-class kind of magician? And he's drunk. And he's from Liverpool in the original things. Absolutely, yes. So, you know, you might think he's like Cockney or something, but he actually sounds like the Beatles. He does sound like... Hello, I'm John Constantine.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I'm one of the Beatles. Which one do you think I sound like? Maybe I was one of the Beatles. I killed Paul and I became one of the Beatles. Have you heard that theory? I became John Lennon. There were two John Lennons for a few years. I just got rid of McCartney.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Have you heard that Paul McCartney theory that he died and was made the place? Yes, he was killed by John Constantine. There we go. Okay, so I'd like to just briefly touch on the actual comic book version of Constantine. Please. Because this is mostly it with a couple of significant changes. But what does he do? What is he about generally?
Starting point is 00:03:07 If you haven't seen even the newer show. Yeah, well, he's driven by a need to save humanity from denizens of the underworld and also themselves, but he's also a real prick. But he's witty and he's kind of rude and he's very arrogant, but he's got the powers to back it up. Yeah, absolutely. He'll often be in a scenario where he's completely outmatched,
Starting point is 00:03:30 but guess what? He's got a magic book and he's trapped you in a weird dimension or something. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Or he previously made a deal with somebody else with a magic book. He'll trap you in the magic book. He doesn't have to lift a finger because he already chatted up the bloke with the magic book.
Starting point is 00:03:44 That's right, that's right. So initially in the comics, the idea was he doesn't have to lift a finger because he already he already chatted up the bloke with the magic book that's right that's right so initially in the comics the idea was that he was going to hell because he summoned a demon which ended up killing a little girl and dragging them to hell this time around in the movie it's because he attempted a suicide and that is a sin so eventually he's going to end up in hell so he's like i'm going to try and buy my way into heaven by just saving as many people as i can and what i think i like about this version a lot well a number of things you like that he smokes i like that you love that that's cool you you recommend it to everyone and there's no consequences for that that's true it turns out in this movie in the end but i i feel like he's got even though he's using like crazy occult stuff and all these methods and there's a bizarre logic to the universe, he just feels like an exterminator, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:30 He's not like great at kung fu. He's like, okay, what kind of demon is this? Oh, this is the, I can probably trap this in a mirror, I reckon. Yep, okay. Just get, oh yeah, I need a big mirror. I need like four pretty strong people. Don't look at the demon. We'll just get, we'll just get.
Starting point is 00:04:44 We're going to trap it in a mirror. Move your car car we're throwing a demon out the window in a mirror we're gonna trap the demon in the mirror we're gonna kick it out the window hopefully that'll kill it i don't know or at least it's out of this room i don't have to deal with it anymore but i think also if you love keanu reeves running around in a wet suit with wet hair my god to be clear a regular suit that is wet not not a wetsuit. That's right. If you want him in a wetsuit, you're going to have to watch The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Starting point is 00:05:09 and replace Willem Dafoe's face with his face. Has somebody deepfaked that? Almost certainly not. But I think the idea that he's no longer English and he doesn't look anything like him, it doesn't hurt this movie. It's a different adaptation. And the idea was also
Starting point is 00:05:25 they tried to get this off the ground with an English actor. Maybe they went with like a Ralph Fiennes or someone in the mid-2000s. Or a Sting. But no one was interested
Starting point is 00:05:33 and they went, okay, Keanu Reeves. And they went, yep, absolutely, instantly. But what a cast all round, wouldn't you say? Tilda Swinton. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Rachel Weisz. That's a chain reaction reunion. Oh, yeah. Wow. Jumon Honsu makes an appearance. Really gets around in the superhero genre, doesn't he? Really does. Give him a lead role, Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I completely agree. Something cool, you know? Michelle Monaghan, very briefly. She had a bigger role. Gavin Rossdale of Bush fame. That's right. Is in this movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And, of course, Peter Stormare as the devil and Shia LaBeouf okay you were going to save that for later were you no no I wasn't
Starting point is 00:06:10 actually I didn't mean to leave that out but I do have a note about him go on despite all of the things about him in real life
Starting point is 00:06:17 that I absolutely do not like at all because they're terrible but these are the kind of roles I feel like suit him best just someone's sidekick sure right okay yeah and that's as far as I think that are the kind of roles i feel like suit him best just someone's sidekick
Starting point is 00:06:26 sure right okay and that's as far as i think that needs to kind of go you know what i mean i never kind of bought him as like the big leading kind of action man thing that he was going for you know what i mean but you know he spent a few movies as megan fox's uh sidekick he absolutely did uh yeah but but there are other things that i despite what the movies may have attempted to tell us, he was the sidekick. You are absolutely not wrong. What do you think about the dynamic between him and Rachel Weisz? Like, for example, they don't kiss, and I think that's good.
Starting point is 00:06:55 She's mad for it. She wants that kiss from this mysterious bad boy, yes. I don't know about that. He's always like, ooh, kissing time. He's like, nah, I've got to give you a weird magic pendant or whatever. It's I'm dying of cancer time he's always like ooh kissing time and he's like nah I gotta give you a weird magic pendant or whatever it's I'm dying of cancer time as it is
Starting point is 00:07:08 all the time yeah no you're right for me but no I liked that that they were just like we're working together there doesn't need to be a big kiss
Starting point is 00:07:15 apparently they also they didn't actual line from the movie that's right but they didn't need they didn't even film it because they're like if we film this
Starting point is 00:07:21 it'll go away they will insist on putting it in yeah sure yeah absolutely it's kind of a movie where it's way more creative because they're like, if we film this, it'll go away. They will insist on putting it in, yeah, sure. Yeah, absolutely. It's kind of a movie where it's way more creative than it probably needs to be. Like, he's not much of a fighter.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Like, if you got him in a fist fight, you might win, you know? Unless he brings out those holy brass knuckles. Well, exactly, because with him he's got, like, holy water, he's got, like, various, like, relics, like, crosses and the like. He's got a beetle, like, a screaming beetle. He's got dragons. Oh, Paul, like crosses and the like. He's got a beetle, like a screaming beetle. He's got dragons. Paul McCartney.
Starting point is 00:07:47 He didn't kill him after all. He's trapped him in a little box. Let me out. Help me out. Get me out of this box. I've got a wings concert to go to later. He's in the crowd of wings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:00 He's in the crowd. Yeah. Cause who's in wings. It doesn't matter. He's in wings. I know he is, but like, you know know the bit where he lights the rag on fire like that's apparently part of like moses's shroud like it's not explained like you mentioned the holy brass knuckles god i love i love weird relics i know and it's not something that i mean and they're
Starting point is 00:08:18 not specifically explained yeah i know i mean they sort of you know which is good at times i think they sort of lean into gimmickry, but I think what I like about this particular version of the character is he's got the gadgets and he's got these gizmos and relics, but he's also got his wits about him, right? Yeah. At the end, he doesn't win because he's... It isn't the big golden crucifix gun that wins the day in the end. It's his wits, which I like.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Though I do like the big golden crucifix gun. Oh, hell yeah. With the sprinkler system, and he's just shotgunning demons terrific stuff but yeah you're absolutely right and that's what's appealing about him and i also love that he has a piece of moses's shroud and he's just like i'm gonna torch this and now it's gone yeah i'm just that's it i've only had one of these you know and i think also a lot of those details are brought into like the monsters and the creatures of this universe like you look at like the angels for example i think that's a really kind of dynamic look the way that the gavin rostow's face it's like layers of prosthetic
Starting point is 00:09:15 and you see it kind of peeling away and then he fights that man made of like vermin and crabs and things like that i just I love all of that. I think that's, you could have just been like, I don't know, a demon attacks him in the street or whatever. But you know, it's like a swarm and like, how do you even approach something like that? You know, he's got a crab in him. You punch the crab. I'm not entirely, whenever hell or another dimension,
Starting point is 00:09:40 they do this in Stranger Things and some other properties where the alternate dimension, in this case hell, is just the regular world. It's got buildings. But it's on fire and it's like, how's that work, generally speaking? Is there some demon there like, my palace, where's my palace gone? And they're like, well, they tore that building down. They built apartments.
Starting point is 00:10:00 So you don't have a palace anymore, sorry. Heaven has apartments. We get a brief glimpse it is just skyscraper yeah is everybody just like packed into like yeah space isn't a premium james people have been dying for at least 6 000 years so that's a very very good point yeah so yeah i guess the thing of this story is as well let's say uh rachel vice has a twin sister conveniently who can see who can see demons and the like oh i see uh i see detective you has a twin sister conveniently who can see demons and the like. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I see, detective. You have a twin sister conveniently. Dialogue from the movie. And the idea is to kind of rescue her from hell and stop Rachel Weisz from going. John Constantine is also trying to stop himself from going to hell. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:38 But the reasons he's... I'm starting to think people don't want to go to this hell place. But I think also the reasons that he's being kept out or being told by the angels on earth is because he's only doing it for selfish reasons but it turns out that everybody involved in this war is just a prick and even though he like weasels his way out of it at the end i also get the feeling that maybe he wasn't going to go and they're just telling him that you know what i mean right you know i just i i don't think that's probably what happens in the movie but you know what i mean they just seem like petty enough where it's like we're under a good thing here i reckon if we just let this guy just kill a few more demons or whatever right but i like the idea of a universe where no one's really good
Starting point is 00:11:18 here you know yeah i mean that is that's the classic noir isn't it you know he constantine may not be the best guy but he's better than all these guys. And he has a shotgun. He does have that golden shotgun, baby. He's got a golden shotgun. I also think one of my favourite moments from this is the bit where the devil shows up in the end, played by Peter Stormare. And what I found, I found this fascinating bit of trivia
Starting point is 00:11:40 where the idea of the costume initially was leather trousers, bare chested, a dog collar with spikes and tattoos all over his face. On Peter Stormare. Yes, and Peter Stormare was like, what if I just had an off-white suit and my feet were covered in tar? Sure. And that is so much more interesting. It's more interesting and it sort of works with the idea that he's a fallen angel.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah. So maybe the... As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies
Starting point is 00:12:30 on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret. The other, a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. Will you rise with the sun to help change mental health care forever? Join the Sunrise Challenge to raise funds for CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, to support life-saving progress in mental health care.
Starting point is 00:12:56 From May 27th to 31st, people across Canada will rise together and show those living with mental illness and addiction that they're not alone. Help CAMH build a future where no one is left behind. So, who will you rise for? Register today at That's Maybe the white suit came with his office job back in the day, but now he's been spending some time in the muck.
Starting point is 00:13:23 That's a perfect visual metaphor. I love it. Exactly. Better than that weird white bondage outfit that angels wear, apparently. Oh, yeah. With those bootcut jeans with the laces down the side. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:37 That's not flattering on a lot of body types. Sleeveless, sleeveless shirt. I'm not... You know what I mean? No, I'd rather wear some sleeves. You want some sleeves. I want some sleeves. Maybe you need to do more push-ups, Mason. Yeah, maybe. And then you'd feel more confident. sleeveless shirt i'm not um you know i'd rather wear some sleeves you want some sleeves maybe
Starting point is 00:13:45 you need to do more push-ups mason and then you'd be you'd feel more confident or maybe just wear it you know what i mean i thought you're gonna say maybe just one push-up just one big push-up over the course of a year yeah okay that'll do yeah and i and again you mentioned like the finale of the devil shows up and he's like you're coming with me and you know and even it's not like i've come to summon you and i've you're john constantine you're coming to hell like he lights his cigarette they have a little chat the devil doesn't even seem to hate him he's just kind of like you're pretty annoying and this is this is fun for me i guess just to pop in you know yeah yeah and yeah like you mentioned he doesn't shotgun him to death. He just tricks him, which is a very John Constantine.
Starting point is 00:14:25 It's very John Constantine. In fact, I think in the original Hellblazer storyline in which he gets cancer, he gets out of it in a similar way. But I believe he sells his soul to three different demons at the same time, so they can't decide which has more right to his soul, so they just have to leave him on Earth. Very good. And, you know, I like that the devil's like, so they just have to leave him on Earth. Very good. And, you know, I like that the devil's like,
Starting point is 00:14:47 rather than you go to heaven, I'm going to cure your cancer. I'm going to get you eventually. You'll trip up Mr. John Constantine. Exactly. You'll eventually kill a member of a 1960s rock group that somebody will be mad about, and then you'll end up in hell again. You know?
Starting point is 00:15:03 It won't be Keith Richards. He will never die. No, no, no. I've got to say though, Mason, I'm loving this joke. It's a good joke, right? I'm a big fan. And what's great about it is even if you didn't like it, you couldn't take it out. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's essentially the infrastructure of this whole video now. If you took it out, none of this would make any sense. It's the backbone. Yes. The devil's backbone. But even how he gives the devil the finger. Like, that's fun. Yeah, yeah. That's great. I think a less cool character, the finger. Like, that's fun. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That's great. I think a less cool character, I'd be like, that's a bit much. I agree. There's some, like, heck yeah. Imagine if it was Shia LaBeouf in the lead. Sure. Yeah. Anyways, would you like some constrivia?
Starting point is 00:15:36 I would love... Yes. That's some John Constantine trivia, everybody. So here's some other names that were considered for John Constantine. I would have called it John Constantine colon Hellblazer trivia. Yeah? Yeah. It's too late.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I know. It's too late. I know. John Constantine. But it would be what it says on the tin. Cons trivia is the backbone of this podcast. Okay, fine. I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I can't take it out. So here's some other names that were up for it. Nicolas Cage. Surprise, surprise. There we go. Because every comic book character at one point, Nicolas Cage was involved. He wanted one so bad. That's right.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Mel Gibson. Which, you know, off the back of like Payback, I could see that working. Okay. But also good. And here's one. Kevin Spacey. Considered. I'm glad that didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Me too. Because maybe we'll see more Constantine. This particular version we'll see more Constantine. This particular version we'll talk about in a bit. Oh. Alan Moore decided to reject all money and credit from Hollywood on any adaptations of his work. Thus, he gave all the money he would have gotten to the artist who drew the characters with him and rejected his own,
Starting point is 00:16:37 created by credit, from this film and others. I've got to respect his commitment. He's been doing that for years. Yep. And there you go. He's like, I'm rich and I live in a cave. I don't care. I'll do what I want. I met to respect his commitment. He's been doing that for years. Yep. And there you go. He's like, I'm rich and I live in a cave. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I'll do what I want. I met John Constantine once. He said, said to give all the money back. You know what? But, but you know what? Check out his work.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Check out, check out Hellblazer. Check out, I mean, people may or may not, but people are probably aware. He created Watchmen V for Vendetta. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Just so much stuff. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but we don't talk about that a lot, but watch it. Check out the comic book. It's way better. He's doing good swamp thing, V for Vendetta. Just so much stuff. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but we don't talk about that a lot. But check out the comic book. It's way better. He's doing a good Swamp Thing, isn't he? Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:11 The Spear of Destiny prop is the same one used in Hellboy 2004. What I also like about the Spear of Destiny is it's introduced from the very get-go. It's like the Spear of Destiny went missing. Where is it? Oh, here it is. And you think, like, this is going to be the thing that stops the whatever no no it's not it's a cheeky con job yeah that's great yeah you may as well have tricked uh the devil with that shell game where you put the p under the he could have bested him in mario party that's true yeah yeah also uh
Starting point is 00:17:40 to tie into hellboy it's my last bit of constrivia. The title was changed from Hellblazer because it was too similar to Hellboy. Ah, not Hellraiser? No. Okay, but I think that was originally. Oh, I think the original comic book was going to be called Hellraiser. Yeah. But then Hellraiser came out, so they're like, what about Hellblazer? Perfect.
Starting point is 00:17:59 But then somebody invented the navy blue blazer. So they had to call it Constantine. God damn. Right? Also, this is a new type of trivia that I'm going to spring on you, Mason. Okay. It's called, it's time for Mason's watch trivia. So, John Constantine wears a watch.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Oh. What is it? It's an Oris Morton classic. Oh, look at this guy. Yeah. He's like Ray. Don't test me on these things, James. He's like Ray Man for watches.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I love it. Yeah. You can pick one of those up on eBay, I reckon. Yeah. Okay, man. I think they stopped production in like the late 90s, that particular model, but I bet you could pick one up for a very reasonable price.
Starting point is 00:18:29 That sounds amazing. Yeah. Well, not now that it's in this incredibly successful video. Sold out. Sorry, everybody. Yeah. So you were saying something about sequels. Yeah, well, before I get to that, I'll just quickly talk box office.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Unlike the other movies we're talking about, this one did quite well comparatively. It cost between $70 million to $100 million to make, but it made $230, which meant it probably broke even. I don't have the exact numbers. Get the air horns out. It's the probably broke even horns. Because whenever we talk about box office, people are like,
Starting point is 00:19:01 well, this is how you figure it out, and other people think it's a different way. To be clear, we don't know. We don't know anything. And it's not only that, it's different studio to studio, movie to movie. So just to clarify that.
Starting point is 00:19:15 So yes. So because it did okay. And because people liked it, there's been rumblings that this might make an appearance. But I mean, this version. Yeah. And I think probably the reason that this might make an appearance. This version. I think probably the reason that it didn't get a sequel
Starting point is 00:19:29 fairly soon after is everybody in the cast went on to do a bunch of other stuff. Including win multiple Oscars. Tilda Swinton won one. Rachel Weisz won an Oscar. Peter Stormare had to go back to hell. Shia LaBeouf was in Transformers movies for a decade. Well, he died in this also.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah, that's true. But it doesn't matter, I guess, in this universe, does it? Yeah. So there was going to be a Justice League Dark movie for a time,
Starting point is 00:19:51 but I don't think that was going to be this version. Francis Lawrence, who directed this and I Am Legend and all the Hunger Games movies and a bunch of other stuff,
Starting point is 00:19:58 he's talked about wanting to continue it and said, we got caught in this weird PG-13 noir raiding no man's land and we should do a hard R scary version, which I would still love to do. continue it and said, we got caught in this weird PG-13, no R rating, no man's land, and we should do a hard R scary version, which I would still love to do.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Also, going into this, it doesn't feel PG-13, does it? Like when you see a demon's face melt off, you know what I mean? There's a bunch of things that happen in this and suicides and talk of being trapped in hell, and there's a rude middle finger. And even, you know, worst of all is one F-bomb. That's right. Which is the ultimate, you know. And Keanu Reeves has also said multiple times over the years that he is absolutely open to returning.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I do wonder whether maybe that's why he's never taken on a major comic book role. Because he wants to come back to this? Not that you can't. I mean, you can do both. Sure, yeah. You know what I mean? But just because... I mean, these days you must do both.
Starting point is 00:20:46 You've got to be multiple characters and then they can all meet later. Exactly. Some sort of multimedia extravaganza and we can all point and be like, look, he's Constantine and he's John Lennon and he's a Marvel guy. Some Marvel guy. Who cares? I don't know. Some Marvel guy.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Who cares? Yeah. Perfect. guy some marvel guy who cares i don't know yes well yeah some marvel guy who cares yeah perfect uh peter storm may also said in 2020 that a sequel was in the works which is interesting but as of this point as of recording nothing official but do not be surprised if we see arcana ribs as john constantine pop up yet again and quite frankly good and also good that they cast it all the way back then because you probably couldn't cast him now because people would be upset about the hair and the finish. Oh, very true.
Starting point is 00:21:29 But now we've seen him before, so now we must have him again. Exactly. But I mean... People were a bit upset at the time, but people didn't really... I mean, but at this point, I imagine everybody would still be game to do this. I mean, Tilda Swinton was, of course, the ancient one in Doctor Strange and so forth.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Peter Stormare was in the Joey spin-off. That's true. Which might have been Joey. A spin-off of Joey. It was called Joey's spin-off of Joey. Joey and his even more boring mates, which is a spin-off of Joey's boring mates. That's right.
Starting point is 00:21:57 But, I mean, I guess you better hope they all agree to a pay cut. They're like, okay, we've all agreed to do this for scale. Yeah. And Keanu's going to give everybody motorcycles. They're like, okay, we've all agreed to do this for scale. Yeah. And Keanu's going to give everybody motorcycles. Or maybe he's in the flash. He might be in the flash, yeah. He might be in the flash. Anyways, this has been Caravan of Garbage.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And yes, we do do these every week. I heard your questions. Yes. Just look at the channel. They're here every week. Why are you watching one video and then asking this question? It's ridiculous. Have you never seen YouTube before?
Starting point is 00:22:25 If you haven't, welcome to YouTube. It's amazing. Look around. It's mostly horrible. Yeah, you're right actually. It's an amazing platform but you could go down some real dark rabbit holes. Speaking of, if you'd like to see these videos early, Mason, you can. Go down the darkest rabbit hole of them all. That's right. Head over to which is like our Patreon.
Starting point is 00:22:42 It's $9 a month but it's not just early videos. We do bonus podcasts exclusively there along with exclusive movie commentaries and a bunch of other stuff if you do want to check it out including our podcast
Starting point is 00:22:51 The Weekly Planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows that comes out there Sunday as opposed to Monday. All of that is also ad free. What an ad pitch. I've done it.
Starting point is 00:22:58 But here's something else for you Mason. Nothing sus. Agreed. Do you want to hint towards next week? Yes. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Now this is the extended. This is where we keep it real. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because we actually, I don't know. I was going to say, do you know? Do you want to guess? It's going to be something from that era. It's going to be a big DC bomb.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Greenland? Maybe coming up, but it's not Greenland. Oh, it's another DC bomb. Yeah, unless it's not. Unless I name it and you're like, that's not a DC character, you idiot. Oh, so it's not like a superhero we want. No. Okay. It's not. Unless I name it and you're like, that's not a DC character, you idiot. Oh, so it's not like a superhero we want. No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It's not the losers. Oh, Jonah Hex. There we go. Yes. It's not the losers because, you know, losers are good. I like the losers. That's what I'm saying. Unless it's bad.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Maybe it hasn't aged well. Yeah. It was better than the A-Team. Yes, that's true. Yeah. Anyways. I've never seen Jonah Hex. Me neither.
Starting point is 00:23:43 This is a real trip. Man, what a wild ride that will be. And then he went on to be Thanos. That's true. Yeah. Anyways. I've never seen Jonah X. Me neither. This is a real trip. Man, what a wild ride. Right? That will be. And then he went on to be Thanos. That's true. And he was in Deadpool. To you.
Starting point is 00:23:51 All right. Hell yeah. We're out of here, though. I'm at MrSandoMovies on Twitter. I'm at WikipediaRound on Twitter. Thank you to both Ben and Lawrence for the edit. And again, if you've got any suggestions for Caravan of Garbage, let us know below in the comment. Now!
Starting point is 00:24:04 In the comment. In the comment. In the comment. The one comment. The one comment will allow. If you look and somebody's already made a comment, it's too late. No, do a comment anyway. Okay, you can do more comments.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Okay, goodbye. Okay. Grab that jammy, guys. We'll see you next week. Bye. Ciao. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit
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