The Weekly Planet - Superman III - Caravan Of Garbage

Episode Date: February 25, 2021

Superman 3 is considered by many to be the Superman 3 of the Superman franchise. Lex Luthor is gone along with most of the cast with Christopher Reeve this time playing second fiddle to Richard Pryor... in a movie so bafflingly stupid it makes me question my own sanity and if movies have ever been entertaining or funny. Some good bits though. Anyways thanks for listening!SUBSCRIBE HERE ►► Edition ►' Twitter ►'s Twitter ► ► ► The Weekly Planet iTunes ► The Weekly Planet Direct Download ► Affiliate Link ► #DCComics Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Veil, starring Elizabeth Moss, is now streaming on Disney+. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. We are back for Caravan of Garbage. Complete, not complete, I wish it was completing. We're doing all the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. Effortlessly charming Christopher Reeve, great.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Just a shining light in movies of wildly varying quality, in my opinion. Yeah, it does feel like diminishing returns. Now, you must be happy watching this one, though, because Marlon Brando's not in it. First one that he's not in. It certainly helps. Side note, have we mentioned how weird it is that both Marlon Brando and Russell Crowe have both portrayed Jor-El, Superman's father,
Starting point is 00:01:07 but also pre-Finding Fame in the movies, Russell Crowe as musical artist Russ LaRock released a single called I Just Want to Be Like Marlon Brando. Oh, my goodness. Do you think that when he got the role as Jor-El, he was like, the prophecy's true? The prophecy I said? Yes. My music is magic and real. The prophecy I said? Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:26 My music is magic and real. It makes things real and happen. Now, I'm bringing back 30-odd foot of grunt. Toeflop, great podcast. Check it out if you do want to. You do want to. Leave a like if you want, Mason. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Have you left a like this week? Of course he has. Look at him. He's doing it now. He's done it. He's absolutely done it. Did you know Superman 3 was originally called Superman vs. Superman before they were threatened to be sued by the producers of Kramer vs. Kramer?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Huh. Yeah. The non-superhero drama. Yeah, but... It's not even Michael Richards Kramer vs. Michael Richards Kramer. No, absolutely not. But it is also a confusing film in terms of who's the villain, where is it going?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Is it a comedy? Who's the main character? Is it Superman? Not really. Look at the outset. As you watch it, you get the idea very quickly. They wanted it to be two things, and so it just comes across as two separate movies.
Starting point is 00:02:20 One is a Superman movie with not a lot going on really, and the other is a slapstick richard pryor comedy where he's like a like he's an unemployed bum and then he it turns out he's really good with computers and he and he runs a heist and he gets in up up to hijacks and you know also it's not really a superman movie where one of the major action sequences in this movie is richard pryor explaining a thing that Superman did and acting it all out. They've given him a lot of space to do Richard Pryor stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:54 But it's not good improv at all. There's a point where he... He's not bouncing off anybody either. They all stand there. Well, exactly. It seems like they gave direction. Richard Pryor's going to do some Richard Pryor stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Just everybody else stand there and cop it. Because there's a point where Superman, he's come back to Smallville and he's receiving an award on stage from the people of Smallville. And Richard Pryor just shows up dressed as a military general in a Jeep with some kryptonite to kill Superman or impede him in some way. And then rather than just throw it at him, he decides to do this thing where he's going to also present Superman
Starting point is 00:03:36 with an award and he does a big monologue about the military or something. I don't remember what the monologue was about because it went for a while. Yeah. Yeah. But it wasn't good. It wasn't bad wasn't bad did you know though i like him in things so do i but not this but not this particular thing which i hadn't seen since i was a kid i think this is my second viewing of this yeah well yeah exciting isn't it so he was also you know he was obviously a big name at the time and like brando he was paid like a staggering amount of money, $5 million. And he's famously,
Starting point is 00:04:07 like I said, he did it for the money. He also had like a crippling drug addiction at the time. And he hated the movie. He was like, it's a bad movie. Everybody in this movie hates this movie. A lot of people who weren't in this movie hated this movie.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I'm going to off the top of my head. I'm going to guess Gene Hackman hated this movie. Sure. Because he's not in it, so they just replaced Lex Luthor with a guy who was basically Lex Luthor but less interesting. Yeah, he's less interesting, but he also does more Lex Luthor stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like he's a rich, successful businessman. He's running multiple businesses. Well, one's coffee and one's oil. Maybe he's doing other things. Those are the two that I remember him mentioning. But this movie's just slapstick city, really. They've really just ramp ramped that up and i don't think there's a better example of this than when richard pryor takes a set of skis and just skis off the roof of a skyscraper and then he isn't saved by superman or anybody anybody he just falls off a roof and then lands and then
Starting point is 00:05:01 falls off another roof and then ends up on the street. Oh, side note, this movie opens and it reveals to us that Metropolis is like the world's worst Rube Goldberg machine. I wrote this. It's just a series of like interlinked domino style disasters that are constantly happening. And as I'm watching this, I'm like, oh, that guy's, you know, that guy's going to fall off this bridge. And these telephone booths have crashed together and the car's going to crash or whatever. And the bank robber runs out or whatever. I'm guessing that Superman is going to whoosh in
Starting point is 00:05:32 and he's going to solve everybody's problems. He's going to rescue this person. He's going to stop that bank robber. He doesn't. He stops like one guy. And the penguin. Yeah, he blows out a flaming penguin and he rescues a guy from drowning in a car.
Starting point is 00:05:45 But the rest, everybody else, like the blind... The robber gets away. The robber gets away. That guy falls in a ditch. A blind man... He hits a guy in the face with a pie. Yeah. The blind man walks through a valuable painting.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I don't know. What was this meant to show us beyond the Superman... Hijinks. It's a Richard Lester movie. Richard Lester loves the hijinks. There's a moment in the movie where a husband thinks that his wife has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars,
Starting point is 00:06:12 so he just smushes a grapefruit into her face and then just continues to eat it. There's a moment where the two crosswalk guys getting a little punch up, a little animated punch up. The little electronic guys in the traffic signals, yeah. Why does he do things like this? Richard Lester.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yeah. I don't know because it's funny. It's not funny. It's not funny. It wasn't funny at the time. You caught my bluff. It wasn't funny. It's also a bit confusing in terms of like what year this is supposed to be
Starting point is 00:06:40 because it came out in 83, right? Yeah. But Gus Gorman's Chex, it also reads 1983. That's Richard Pryor's character. Correct. The 20th century, oh, sorry,
Starting point is 00:06:52 the 20th high school reunion of Clark Kent appears to be set in 1985 because he's from class of 65. Okay. And the Olympics are also happening which happened in the summer of 84. But I guess it's a comic book world and all these things happen.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah. Again, there's a statue of world and all these things happen yeah again there's a statue of liberty in metropolis yes there is yeah you're right what am i doing i want to talk about chris reeve though because you said that he is the beacon of light and hope and charm and you know what this is a worse movie but he's looking better than ever quite frankly it looks great now dig on this james yeah his evil version of superman is what evil version of toby mcguire spider-Man wishes he could be. His hair's looking great.
Starting point is 00:07:27 He's got the perfect amount of five o'clock shadow. The suit is dark and just dark enough. He's got like a darker tint, like a tan. He's had a spray tan. Yeah, that's right. Here's the thing about the hair, though. I didn't realize this. Christopher Reeve suffered from alopecia, not male pattern baldness.
Starting point is 00:07:42 You know alopecia where you get the random spots. So in three and four, he's wigged up. Huh. Yeah. Well, it's a really good wig. I agree. It's terrific. But yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:07:52 He's never looked better. And on top of that, he puts in 100% despite not wanting to do this movie since Richard Donner was fired from The Last. They were looking to replace him. So again, they went on the hunt around Hollywood for names. I've got more names, Mason. Great. Travolta.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Huh. Jeff Bridges. Okay. Kurt Russell. Hmm. They settled. These options are better than the last ones. I agree.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Why Dustin Hoffman? Well, here's what they apparently settled on. Yes. They settled on Tony Danza. Look, I'm not 100 against it i guess yeah i guess yeah but uh apparently they pleaded with reeve uh like days before it all came together and he agreed only if he could change the script and he did uh to some extent but i think though he he brought things to this which i think add to the story in a big way because when he goes back
Starting point is 00:08:43 to smallville i was watching some interviews of him, he makes the decision to go, well, I don't need to put on this bumbling persona because I grew up here, so I can just act as the person that they knew me as then, like just 20 years on, because he's not doing as much tripping over stuff and all that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:09:00 That's true, yeah. He's much cooler and calmer. And he's very much like at one point he stands up against, I guess, his bully in this movie. He's like, oh, I'm going to show this kid how to bowl. And he's like, you let the kid can bowl on his own and I will destroy this bowling alley. And everybody hit it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yeah. And look, they didn't replace Reeve. No. But they did their darndest to replace, well, I mean, Hackman. Yeah. But also, speaking of Smallville, they did replace Lois Lane. Margot Kidder is Lois Lane, essentially with Annette O'Toole as Lana Lang. Lois Lane appears right at the start and she's like, I've got to go.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I'm on holiday. Yeah. Five minutes, 12 lines. And then she shows up at the end and she's like, I'm back. And the movie is essentially like well guess what you've been replaced with this new person and she's got a diamond ring from clark kent and then she just goes oh and then that's the end and i guess she got fired or died between movies because she's not in the next one yeah right yeah i think annette o'toole's great though honestly i mean
Starting point is 00:10:00 she obviously shows up in smallville later i have to say that because people will tell us. As Martha Kent, that's right. Yeah, that's right. But yeah, Margot Kidder, they said that, look, her relationship with Clark Kent, it ran its course because she got her memory wiped. So that relationship essentially no longer exists anymore. I see the logic there.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I guess. Okay, fair enough. But also you could have just not mind wiped her at the end of the last one. Yes, that's right. And that would have been fine. Speaking of replaced though, they use Christopher Reeve's high school photo as opposed to Jeff East who played young Christopher Reeve in the first Superman movie who they put on a wig and prosthetics and also dubbed over his voice with Chris Reeve and he didn't know
Starting point is 00:10:39 that and for years they had this kind of beef. They proused him. They proused him. David Proust did. That's right. And then they went, we're also taking you out of this david prowse was christopher reeves trainer on the previous movie so they probably heard him talking about how they stole his identity as darth vader and they went what a great idea i agree yeah good stuff all
Starting point is 00:10:58 around uh yeah that being said i think the the tiny snippets of like interact i think the cast for the most part seem to have settled into their roles in this yeah like if they'd given them a better movie and more chance to you know to interact because i think the the tiny interactions we had between clark and lois and jimmy olsen and perry white i think they were actually kind of the best from from sure as opposed to previous ones but again they got a minute each. I also think there's some really decent Superman-ing in this. There's the fire scene where he uses the lake to put it out and he grabs the big pipe and they all slide down it. You see him kind of problem solving.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah, right. And I think that's genuinely good Superman stuff. There's also too much acid in this movie. There's a whole room of acid. There's more acid than all the other Superman movies put together, as far as I know. So's a whole room of acid. There's more acid than all the other Superman movies put together as far as I know. So there's a room of acid. There's a pit of acid in the Superman
Starting point is 00:11:51 V Superman fight which we will talk about. And at the end he uses a loose jar of acid to destroy the computer. And in a way I'm like well this is better than flying backwards through time or whatever because they foreshadowed it. They're like don't get this acid hot, otherwise it'll acid everything.
Starting point is 00:12:08 What if it's a different type of acid? All acid's the same, we think. We're pretty sure. There's also another Superman moment that I really love is the bit where he goes into the photo booth, takes the photos, and he rips it off, and he takes the time to go, here you go, kidney, and he runs off.
Starting point is 00:12:23 He gives the kid the Superman photo, but not the three where he's changing into Superman. Yeah, a funny joke from Richard Lester. You've got to give it to him, James. I wouldn't even say it's a funny joke. I would say it's just a moment that feels authentically Superman. Yeah. I also like the transition where he runs behind the fence
Starting point is 00:12:38 and he kind of changes into Superman. I know there is that kind of weird fade as he does it, but I think that's a cool kind of image as well. You know what I mean? That kind of feels like a comic book transition. Did you know that the original tree... On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX and theatres everywhere.
Starting point is 00:12:59 What a wonderful day! This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans. Dad is wrong. Bend for your king. Never. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.
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Starting point is 00:14:25 and also a guy who wants to make a killing in coffee and oil and then they build a big computer and Superman fights a big computer. So the computer is like a hangover from, that was supposed to be like a Brainiac invention. Yeah, right. And the villain, the Lex Luthor knockoff, was supposed to be Brainiac, right? Was that the idea? My guess would be that he was going, the Lex Luthor knockoff, was supposed to be Brainiac, right?
Starting point is 00:14:45 Was that the idea? My guess would be that he was going to be Lex Luthor. No, I think he was supposed to be Brainiac. Oh, not teaming up with Lex Luthor. No, he was hiding out on Earth or whatever. Because Brainiac's all about computers or whatever. Sure, yeah. But it's really, it's not very...
Starting point is 00:14:59 He's a real Brainiac, that guy. I mean, you think he's going to get someone to punch at the end when the computer builds a robot which i remember seeing as a kid and just being like well that's the most terrifying thing it's the face and the wig on top of the horrible yeah it's really hard but then he just kind of zaps her and she kind of tumbles into a little ditch yeah and then he fights a computer and it's just like shifting parts and lasers and it's just it's nothing and full credit to chris reeve because he really looks like he's giving it his all flatten that computer but imagine if it was
Starting point is 00:15:29 like a big robot skull because it's actually brainiac exactly good it's also i mean not good probably but okay here's a joke probably richard pryor who's inexplicably good at computers is schematic for the computer just looks like something a child made just like on my computer it's got look it's got this many batteries and this many hard drives and it's got a big screen as big as a face or whatever and you know what i mean it's just like i don't know that's most that's a gag right who knows i should just assume it's all gags right no because it was also in that point it was also that era like at one point somebody think i think unironically says the ultimate computer yeah so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Well, I think he says something like, this is like a regular computer, but it can do a thousand more things. Wow, a thousand, huh? That's pretty good. Can it play ski free? Can it turn a person into a robot? Yep. Or play ski free.
Starting point is 00:16:20 You can't do both at the same time. Well, yeah, processing power, obviously. So even though we do have, like, a villainous computer and a sort of villainous Richard Pryor and a man who's sort of Lex Luthor or Brainiac. And a couple of henchwomen. A couple of henchwomen as well, yeah. Including Billy Connolly's wife.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yes, that's right. Pamela Stevenson, Lady Connolly. And a woman who's a psychiatrist in addition to being an actor. Really? I did not know that. And a woman also who's just referred to as being comically old and ugly, where she just looks like a... To me, she looks like a regular person. And that's Robert Vaughan's sister?
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And a butler who appears briefly. Oh, there's a butler, isn't there? Yeah. I like his little 80s hideout, his skyscraper situation. It's good. It's better than living in the sewers.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I agree. But no, the villain of this piece, I would say, that people remember is evil Superman. And I think the next movie went, what if we just did evil Superman for the whole movie? Well, see, I think I've been, for years, I've been confusing elements of the last two movies because I remember, like from watching it as a kid,
Starting point is 00:17:23 I remember him, I thought maybe they created an evil – the computer created an evil Superman. But ultimately he just, you know, Superman became evil for a little bit and then fought an illusion of himself, which makes me wonder, was it like a Fight Club scenario? Are there a bunch of, like, junkyard workers just looking at a Superman beating himself up and throwing himself through walls? I thought they were both real because they're both physically, like, hitting things. He really looked like he went in that trash compactor as well. They did that for real. Because they're both physically, like, hitting things.
Starting point is 00:17:45 He really looked like he went in that trash compactor as well. They did that for real. Obviously, it wasn't a real trash compactor. But didn't it look like that he was actually getting crushed in that? Giving 110%. I completely agree. Yeah. Also, I thought-
Starting point is 00:17:58 Maybe he was. Maybe he does split into two. I'm not sure. I don't know. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. There's some pretty- I think it's just junkyard workers looking at Superman going,
Starting point is 00:18:06 stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. I wish that they hung around to see that fight because they're all like, let's get out of here. A man or two men are going insane and we should go. Superman's going to beat up that guy who works at IBM. So, but the reason though He turns evil Is because
Starting point is 00:18:26 Again It was revealed In an interview That Kryptonite Is his weakness And that's why They attempt to make Kryptonite And they fill in the blanks
Starting point is 00:18:34 With tar And that's what turns him evil But again It's the same as the first movie Maybe don't tell everybody Your weakness is Superman What's wrong with you? Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:42 What are you doing? Yeah Maybe he just loves a scoop Maybe that's true, yeah. Yeah. So some of his evil acts are he straightens the leaning tower of Pisa and two just very dirty Italians in front of a green screen. They're not having it, are they, Mason?
Starting point is 00:18:54 No. But they get two scenes. They get two scenes. Which makes me wonder if they were famous at the time. Maybe. Maybe there was some sort of dirty Italian comedic duo. Maybe they're famous in Italy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Maybe they are. Maybe they're Mario Puzo's friends. That's entirely possible. He puts out the Olympic flame. Which made me wonder, what do they do if the Olympic flame actually does go up? I think they have a spare, like they have a reserve, like one.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Also, who cares, really? No, I don't care. It's fire. It doesn't matter. It's true. It's all the same, isn't it? Yeah. So what happens is they're about to put it
Starting point is 00:19:23 into the big Olympic fireball thing and it goes out and then an announcer comes out and he looks directly at the crowd and he goes, you saw nothing. None of you saw anything. Shut your mouth. They do the slit throat pose. Absolutely, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:41 He also gets drunk. Yep. Famously in the Bars,ickin' Peanuts. Didn't think he could do that. In the new Superman and Lois, the trailer for the new show, that Superman goes, man, I wish I could get drunk sometimes. Yeah, me too, Superman. Maybe if you're on Kryptonite.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Maybe if you're on Tar Kryptonite, you can. Yeah, you can get drunk, exactly. And one of the final acts is he breaks open an oil tanker for sex. That's right, yeah. And then I completely- But haven't we all, you know? But I completely forgot this. He breaks open an oil tanker for sex. And then I completely forgot this because then immediately after he flies back to the woman's house and then has sex with her. Like it cuts to black. But then what I find hilarious when they meet up at the end, he goes down to fight the robot and she goes, oh, didn't it mean anything to you? Whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And he goes, lady, I don't know you. but the thing is right direct quote but he would have had to have known her because he knew to go and fix the oil tanker you know what i mean he's just like i would never not me i'm superman i don't i don't do that and i guess if you're superman you could be like these aren't my kids i was on gold kryptonite at the time couldn't have been been. It was my double? Evil double. I don't know. Also, he went to her apartment after he turned good and there was the message waiting for him. That's a good point. He clearly remembers. And they were like, Superman, come to us if you dare.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And then they're like, we'll defeat him. We're on little chairs with balloons attached. He'll fall into this trap where we just shoot rockets at an invincible man. Yeah, exactly. Also, that's not how computer games work. You don't get points if you miss a target. he'll fall into this trap where we just shoot rockets at an invincible man yeah exactly also that's not how computer games work you don't get points if you miss a target you don't get points for trying Robert Vaughn no well I was going to save this for trivia
Starting point is 00:21:14 but I think most of our trivia has been used already oh no I've got one piece that I'll keep for later but the video game folks look forward to our new segment one piece of trivia the video game Webster Plays was created for the film. It originally looked so...
Starting point is 00:21:27 Really? Yes, I know. I love this. It originally looked so lifelike that the creators were asked to make it more computer-like. I bet it didn't. Can you imagine how lifelike it would have tricked audiences? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:43 What is this? We don't understand. Jesus. Yeah. But I do love that evil Superman fight. Again, I think it's good Superman stuff. Again, it's 110% Christopher Reeve acting. That face-off is good.
Starting point is 00:21:59 They're just hitting each other with car parts and whatever. And it ends with him strangling himself to death. Yeah, so I just thoroughly enjoyed that. It's good solid work. It's good fun. I agree. And you know the bit where the computer hits him with radiation? Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:14 That's from the comics apparently. So maybe they took that from the comics or maybe, as in with most of these movies, they didn't read any comics and anything that's the same is probably a coincidence. Maybe coincidence maybe yeah i mean superman's been shot with so many kryptonite lasers at this point you know what i mean though that being said there was something similar used in the death of superman so maybe the death of superman copied from this huh there you go also just if you're fighting a big computer right if you were fighting a big computer if i said mason i need you to fight this big computer uh i would uh and you were superman would computer, if I said, Mason, I need you to fight this big computer. I would. And you were Superman. Would you just stand around or would you just fly through it?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, I'd probably go into space and grab a meteor and then just drop it on the continent. Yeah, exactly. Freeze breath, heat vision, super clap. Or give it the clap, am I right? Lady, I don't know you, all right? It was purple kryptonite this time. I don't know you, all right? It was purple kryptonite this time. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So here's a fun bit of trivia, and I'm just going to leave it at this. One piece of trivia. One piece of trivia, Office Space. Look, if you've seen Office Space, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, that's right. It's one of those things you have to mention, don't you? Yeah. Watch Office Space if you haven't because it's much better than this. But if you've seen Superman
Starting point is 00:23:26 3, you'll get what I'm talking about in Office Space when you watch Office Space. Yeah. So after this, Christopher Reeve, who was, as I mentioned, very reluctant to return, was like, I'm done with this. And his reasoning was that he felt there was only so much he could kind of do with the character. And he said similarly of James Bond, after Connery left, he didn't think the portrayals of James Bond and what they were doing with them, they were kind of becoming too far-fetched and a bit ridiculous. And so I guess he wasn't a fan of like the Roger Moore era
Starting point is 00:23:56 and, you know, the things that he was around for at that time. You're talking about Sean Connery? Yeah, so he liked Sean Connery, but he didn't like the Roger Moore stuff. I should say, yeah. But Connery also did come back in 83 for a Bond movie. He did, that's true. It's neither here nor there. But, of course, he was talked back into returning for Superman 4,
Starting point is 00:24:12 A Quest for Peace. That's right. More like A Quest for Piss, probably, am I right? We'll come back, we'll talk about it, won't we, next week? Batman v Superman, The Quest for Piss. Oh, did you see the, I was watching some behind-the-scenes thing as well, and there's a moment where Batman runs out of the computer, a guy in like a Batman costume.
Starting point is 00:24:27 What? It's just in a, it's an out, it's like an outtake. Like a prank. Like a prank. I love pranks. And you love jokes, and that's why you love this movie, Superman 3. I didn't hate it as much as I thought it would. I don't think it was very good.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Nah. But there were some good scenes. I agree. Because I was going into this like, I don't think I'm going to be able to enjoy this at all. But there was some things in here which I thought were fine I think you could take all the various good bits
Starting point is 00:24:50 out of these movies and make a solid 10 minute YouTube video about it it would be incomprehensible it would be a random selection of scenes but boy would it be a random collection of scenes wouldn't it ever we do do this every week.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And if you didn't want them early, you can actually go to Big Sandwich. Do do. Do do. I know, right? Quest for piss. If you go to and sign up, they always go up there early. Because Ben, who edits these, he gets them done a little bit early, doesn't he, Mason? That's right.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Just for us. He goes above and beyond. He really does. So they go up there. But we also have bonus podcasts, including one on clickbait, including one on particular years in pop culture. That's right. We go through them.
Starting point is 00:25:28 We do a bunch of movie commentaries, don't we? That's right. And we do a comic book club. Yes. We probably did The Death of Superman, or we're going to, aren't we? Oh, we could, couldn't we? Yeah. We definitely should, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 That scene with the laser. Oh, my God. Can you imagine it? It's a big laser. I mean, I've seen it. I saw it in this, so I could see it in a comic. Less moving, though. Yeah, that's true, isn't it? I'll just move the page really quick back and forth. Yeah, that has a big laser. I mean, I've seen it. I saw it in this. So I could see it in a comic. Less moving, though. Yeah, that's true, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:25:47 I'll just move the page really quick back and forth. Yeah, that's a good call. But also, of course, we have a podcast called The Weekly Funnet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows. That comes out every Monday. If you do want to check it out, we do the news of the week and then we do a particular topic and we just get into it, don't we? And then we say, sometimes we say what we've been reading or watching that week.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Sometimes it's hours of a terrible TV show or something because we're doing one of these videos. Exactly. get into it, don't we? And then we say, sometimes we say what we've been reading or watching that week. That's right. Sometimes it's hours of a terrible TV show or something because we're doing one of these videos. Exactly. Sometimes I'm like,
Starting point is 00:26:09 I don't have time to watch anything else. We watched all of the Inhumans. Oh my God, but it was worth it in the end, wasn't it? Well, it's worth it because we don't have
Starting point is 00:26:16 to watch it again. That's true, we never have to watch it again. Oh, I'm never going to have to watch Superman 3 ever again. No, that's true. Anyway, thanks everyone for watching, though. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:26:26 That's right. Grab that gem, you guys. We'll see you next week. Goodbye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you.
Starting point is 00:26:42 FX's The Veil explores the surprising and fraught relationship between two women who play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from istanbul to paris and london one woman has a secret the other a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost fx is the veil starring elizabeth moss is now streaming on disney plus

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