The Wolf Of All Streets - Crypto Bloodbath! BTC Corrects, Alts See 20% Drops | Crypto Town Hall

Episode Date: December 10, 2024

Crypto Town Hall is a daily X Spaces hosted by Scott Melker, Ran Neuner & Mario Nawfal. Every day we discuss the latest news in crypto and bring the biggest names in the space to share their insight. ... ►►TRADING ALPHA READY TO TRADE LIKE THE PROS? THE BEST TRADERS IN CRYPTO ARE RELYING ON THESE INDICATORS TO MAKE TRADES. USE CODE ‘2MONTHSOFF’ WHEN VISITING MY LINK.  👉  ►► JOIN THE FREE WOLF DEN NEWSLETTER, DELIVERED EVERY WEEK DAY! 👉    ►► OKX Sign up for an OKX Trading Account then deposit & trade to unlock mystery box rewards of up to $10,000!  👉 ►►NGRAVE This is the coldest hardware wallet in the world and the only one that I personally use. 👉 ►►THE DAILY CLOSE BRAND NEW NEWSLETTER! INSTITUTIONAL GRADE INDICATORS AND DATA DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX, EVERY DAY AT THE DAILY CLOSE. TRADE LIKE THE BIG BOYS. 👉   ►►NORD VPN  GET EXCLUSIVE NORDVPN DEAL  - 40% DISCOUNT! IT’S RISK-FREE WITH NORD’S 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY! 👉    Follow Scott Melker: Twitter:   Web:   Spotify:   Apple podcast:   #Bitcoin #Crypto #Trading The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own and should in no way be interpreted as financial advice. This video was created for entertainment. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision. I am not a financial advisor.  Nothing contained in this video constitutes or shall be construed as an offering of financial instruments or as investment advice or recommendations of an investment strategy or whether or not to "Buy," "Sell," or "Hold" an investment.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, everybody. Happy Tuesday. For those of you who attempted to sign on and watch my YouTube show, it was more of a bloodbath than the crypto market. Apparently, StreamYard today for a lot of spaces as well, or at least video feeds on X and YouTube was completely down this morning, unbeknownst to literally anyone who attempted to stream. And so there was no audio coming out of StreamYard onto X or onto YouTube. We launched it twice, didn't work, tried recordings, didn't work. And then 20 minutes later, right when we gave up, it all started working again. Classic. So for anyone who is attempting to use StreamYard or listen to any streams from there and noticed that there was no audio this morning. That is exactly what happened. Crypto bloodbath, Bitcoin corrects, alt C 20% drops. I absolutely love that we can be having a conversation in December of 2024 that a bloodbath is $97,000 Bitcoin. Shows exactly how far we've come that there could possibly be a panic
Starting point is 00:01:05 when bitcoin is three thousand dollars below a hundred thousand i don't think they are i don't think the issue is bitcoin i think the issue is the old coins like some of the old coins were down in that little frat i'll call it a flash correction 30 percent 40 the meme coin some of them went down 50 and i think that that got a little bit scary. I mean, it was the biggest liquidation event since September 2021. But that's quite brutal. So I think Bitcoin held strong, but it's the altcoins that people got upset about. That was the issue. I mean, this is classic bull market splashes, right?
Starting point is 00:01:43 Well, yes, yes, yes. So you want to talk is classic bull market flushes, right? Well, yes, yes, yes. So you want to talk about classic bull market? Classic bull market, we should have had a 20% to 30% correction already. We haven't had one since the election. We haven't had anything since the break of the all-time high. We haven't had a 20% to 30% correction for now like 60 days or something like that. I actually did a show about that today. And actually, there's something that's worrying me in this market.
Starting point is 00:02:05 And I think the reason why I jumped on here today after not having been here for a few days is actually to hear some smarter people than me talk about it. So the thing that's worrying me is the following. Every day I've been seeing or every week I've been seeing MicroStrategy announce these crazy buys on Bitcoin. In fact, when I tallied up the number of buys, they've bought $17 billion worth of Bitcoin since November 5th, believe it or not. They bought 171,413 Bitcoin, which cost them about $17 billion, more or less. And so when I look at the charts and I say, if MicroStrategy bought 171,430 and the ETFs bought 105,000, MicroStrategy basically bought two to one the amount of Bitcoin that the ETFs have bought, right? He also announced the plan where he's going to buy $42 billion worth of Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:03:01 And he's already burned through 17 billion dollars of that 42 billion dollars after just a few weeks if the market is a forward-looking vehicle which i believe the market is a forward-looking vehicle and the market knows that there's been this one i want to call it an unnatural buyer but we'll talk about that in a second this is one unnatural buyer that has bought 17 billion dollars the market's gonna to eventually say, if the market believes that he can continue to buy at a volume of $2 billion per week, and there is an argument that says that he can continue to buy at $2 billion a week, I'll take you through the argument in a second. But either the market believes that he can continue to buy at $2 to $3 billion a week,
Starting point is 00:03:42 or at some point, the market's going to go, hold on a second, there are people selling to him. And even when he's buying $2 billion to $3 billion per week, he can't keep the price above $100,000, which means that the minute that he takes his foot off the accelerator just for one or two weeks, because the inflow of money into his, I'm going to call it an inverted commas, a fund, it's definitely not a fund, but into his vehicle is $2 billion. The minute that that slows down from the $2 to $3 billion that he's been getting every week, then all of a sudden you've got probably the same amount of sellers and you don't have the same amount of buyers.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And then effectively the whole thing can actually start collapsing, right? And so the question is how sustainable this micro strategy buying is. Because if it's not, then I think that that could cause a massive correction. Because I think between him and the ETF buyers, they've single handedly kept this market up above the... They've been the guys to push the market up. It certainly hasn't been the ETFs or anything like that. What do you make then of the altcoin action in context of that? Well, I think the altcoins needed a bit of a leverage flash. We haven't had a correction,
Starting point is 00:04:51 but I still think there's a long way to go, to be honest. Like I think that you can't, just because altcoins correct to 20, 30%, for me doesn't cost, I know what a correction feels like. A correction is when you feel scared. When you feel- Yeah, I mean, a 25 feels like. A correction is when you feel scared. Yeah, I mean, a 25% or 30% Bitcoin correction would be 50%, 60% correction on alts in the middle of a bull market before they go back up. And that's normal.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And that would be normal, right? Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, I mean, yesterday, like you said, if it's instilling fear, that's not even really fear yet. If actually some of them are holding it relatively well. that's not even really fear yet. I think the question for me is more like, is it just me or is there anybody else here in the panel and in the audience that is, again, not concerned about MicroStrategy? I think MicroStrategy is a genius. I think MicroStrategy, what they're doing is,
Starting point is 00:05:38 I think it's so, so, so, so, so, so, so smart. It's ridiculous. What he's done in creating a vehicle for fixed income uh he's engineered a vehicle where fixed income securities investors can now capitalize on upside uh bitcoin returns i mean that that's absolutely absolutely absolutely genius right now i just i just worries me that he seems to be the only buyer in the market i don't know how you guys feel about that. I'm keen to hear. Let's go through it. Dave. Well, first of all, what he's doing is monetizing volatility, which is very smart, unquestionably has an advantage. Others are going to do it. And what you need to understand
Starting point is 00:06:21 is there's a great unlock that's going to happen over the next year when we have a new regime. I mean, we're still January 20th, can't come fast enough for me. But the reality is once you have the ability for brokers to be able to operate in the Bitcoin space, there will be no all manner of structured products created monetizing volatility, whether it be convertibles off of Bitcoin or principal protected notes off of Bitcoin, etc. That's thing number one. And Saylor's effectively done, and you started to get at that in the last bit, and this is important, is he's opened up the investor universe to Bitcoin. So it's a lot of new money is effectively being invested in Bitcoin via this vehicle from people who either A, in their 401ks
Starting point is 00:07:21 want leverage, because we know that people are all in veteran, everyone's a gambler and everybody wants leverage and adrenaline. And so he's opened that up. I mean, hell, that's why I have a piece of in my 401k. And for people, as you say, on the fixed income side, who want a principal protected vehicle that will get them some exposure to Bitcoin upside return. So he's opened up that universe, tapping into that, bringing forward that demand that we were all talking about in the beginning of the year. Remember, we had long conversations about, you know, the proper allocation. So then the question you have to ask yourself when you're looking at this market is, are we at a stable
Starting point is 00:08:01 equilibrium with regard to investors in Bitcoin, you know, people being at kind of their terminal place of where they will be in their portfolios. And I think the answer to that is no. And that's why you're seeing this market where Bitcoin corrects a teeny bit and altcoins correct a lot. The reason altcoins correct a lot is because, you know, the people made their money in Bitcoin, they rushed into the altcoin markets, and nobody rushed in behind them. And there was an air pocket. I mean, I don't care which one you look at, and I'll give a few, I mean, XRP going up
Starting point is 00:08:36 by a factor of five. So it goes up from 60 cents to 260, 270, 280. And the fact that it's back down, I don't know, my cat pulled out my screen, so I'm not looking at it. But, you know, significantly below that, but still way hot, way above that. 213 now. Yeah, it's sitting at 213. It did temporarily go right down to two bucks. Yeah, right. So, I mean, you know, what is that? You know, when you look at it, these are huge percentage moves. And the same thing is true i mean i i watch phantom which is you know a dino blockchain that that's supposedly well whatever we go to it you know no that's not true that's not true because phantom is the reason why people are buying phantom
Starting point is 00:09:16 is because you get a token swap into sonic and sonic is the new blockchain that's developed by andre crinion and sonic is probably one of the best things that's being that i think one of the most exciting launches yeah well well that's good because it's the literal only all coin that i bought during the let although i'm down on my purchase i don't care i'm dcaing and it doesn't matter but you know but the fact is look at the chart 80 cents to 130 down to 110 i mean you know it similar, not nearly as explosive as XRP, but there are a lot of alts that look like that. I mean, you probably go through dozens of them on your show, Ram. My point is people got excited. They saw the money coming
Starting point is 00:09:55 behind them and it wasn't there because Bitcoin stalled out. And that's OK. And you're right. There are clearly there's all sorts of we always see these in intermediate tops, all sorts of FUD out there, all sorts of reasons it's going to stop, et cetera. I mean, it is literally two markets. That's really the only point that I'll make. And you're right about microstrategy. But we've also seen Riot and Marathon and miners starting to do the convertible notes. And people don't understand that trade either. What they don't understand is what they're doing is they were buying micro strategy and they were shorting the bitcoin miners yep right and the reason and so they were putting a lot there were a lot of there were a lot of shorts open on the bitcoin miners because because they weren't capitalized in bitcoin where micro strategy was the arbitrage is coming and
Starting point is 00:11:01 let's say let's go long mstr because you're getting leverage long upside. And then let's go short as the hedge. Let's go short the Bitcoin miners. And so in order to stop to immunize themselves against the hedge, the short, the Bitcoin miners had to put Bitcoin on their books. And that would almost give them a vaccine against being shorted. And so Marathon was the first one that did it. And then everyone else basically. Marathon was the proof of concept. It worked.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And then all the Bitcoin miners said, oh, cool. We don't want to be shorted anymore because it affects our stock price, et cetera, et cetera. And so what we're going to do is we're going to put Bitcoin on our balance sheets. And then that way, you've pretty much got the vaccine and you can't be infected by the short virus. Yeah, I mean, sort of. I mean, the answer is sort of there. I mean, if you're a CFO of a company and you're managing your your bottom line, yes, people do care about their stock prices. I'm not going to lie about that. Of course they do.
Starting point is 00:12:11 The reason why I'm telling you this is because I saw two decks that were raising money for these convertibles, and both of them cited that as the reason. And that's why I was like, okay, I know exactly why you're doing this. But what they're telling people, the reason for that is they're saying, listen, our stock is heavily shorted. It's undervalued. The convertible, therefore, the there's a lot behind it. Right. You know, we talk about this a lot, but people don't get it. It's that they're interrelated. I always talk about selling volatility.
Starting point is 00:12:42 But volatility shouldn't be you know people don't think of it as an asset but the way options work is it becomes an asset and so effectively allowing them to finance at dramatically lower rates is is is that's a large part of what micro strategy proved and that's a good thing you know if you if that's the business you're in so if you want people to buy you and support your stock because you're mining bitcoin well you know, if that's the business you're in. So if you want people to buy you and support your stock because you're mining Bitcoin, well, you know, why not go all in? I understand your point, but expect to see this playbook expand. I mean, it will eventually get arved out to the point where all the investors that have an appetite for this sort of instrument will be satisfied. And, you know, MicroStrategy is a huge lead. But remember, it's the investors
Starting point is 00:13:26 in the converts, just like with BlackRock, the investors in the ETF. That's where you're looking for signs of exhaustion. And it will come. You're right about that. And maybe it's already come. I just don't think that it has yet. Storm. or a gold. And I think he's kind of famous for saying, you know, he's always going to buy tops. And I think a lot of people are taking the idea that, you know, micro strategies kind of top blasting Bitcoin here around 100K as like a really bullish signal. But to me, I think, I think Ron said it, but, you know, it's just a classic kind of exhaustion dump after a really big pump after the election. And so, if you look at all the fundamentals and technicals, I pinned that tweet up that I tweeted a couple weeks ago. But you have the market that's kind of an extreme euphoria, specifically the altcoin market as
Starting point is 00:14:37 well with XRP pumping up 500%, some of these meme coins pumping up, you know, three, 400% in a couple weeks. And so for me, it had all the recipes for kind of a shorter term correction. Not that I think this is the top of the cycle, because I don't think it is. But I don't think a lot of people I think, you know, they hear that news of micro strategy, just buying up tons of Bitcoin at 100k. I don't think that has really like a ton of bearing on the market. I think the market's still extremely exhausted. When look at, you know, things like the fear and greed index and then, you know, where liquidity is lying. So but yeah, I think I think Michael Saylor is brilliant in the fact that he's just really changing the way people are looking at Bitcoin, where he's going to buy Bitcoin no matter what the price is, because he knows five to 10 years down the road, it's going to be at a much higher price. And so I think the market is due for more of a short-term correction, maybe down to like, you know, 75, 80K, maybe even a little bit lower. But yeah, I think we're due for some sort of a correction in both the altcoin and high cap tokens. I mean, that would just be a
Starting point is 00:15:40 retest of the previous 74,000 all-time high from back in March. I mean, pretty classic from a technical perspective. I talked about that quite a bit and Ran made the point. I mean, we just haven't seen the corrections on the way up that we saw in previous bull markets, even long before we got to that 74,000 all-time high. We're just getting much shallower corrections all the way up. Exactly. And that's going to come, you know, like regardless of who's buying or how bullish the news is, the market is a market and it's going to fluctuate and go up and down. And because we haven't had that sharp correction, you know, my trader senses are like, you know, the market's overly euphoric. And so, and there was also a lot of technical confluence around 100K.
Starting point is 00:16:19 So, it made a lot of sense. But I also don't think that the correction is necessarily over. I think we go a little bit lower and that was actually exactly my my biggest price target was a retest of uh that 74k high dave what are the you know significant retracement 75 or lower mean for those convertible notes anything i mean i don't think i don't think it means anything i mean it's a question of how far you know whereStrategy's stock goes to, right? Well, yeah, I get that. That was my sort of the secondary effect of what would it do to the stock if we see a major Bitcoin correction.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I mean, look, the question is always the same. It was the same. I think Dave got a call. You there? I did, and I'm going to have to jump. But it's really the only thing that would matter is if any something that would affect micro strategies. What's the word I'm looking for? Solvency, which I think we are so far from those levels. You know, let's talk about it. If Bitcoin drops below the January levels. OK, then we're going to start having some conversations.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I just don't think that's likely. But yes, I mean, that's really what you're looking at, I think. I mean, I don't know what the number is, but I'm sure the number is a lot lower than people imagine. And of course, all right. That's a good one, man. Lawyer, do you have your hand up before? Yeah, I mean, look, it just really doesn't feel like it's going to matter that much.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I think there's a point there. And obviously, we were going to struggle around 100, especially if it's so artificially driven by, you know, such a few number of factors. But you have to look at the fact that you have to see the forest for the trees, I think. And I don't mean to step on Rand's toes. But, you know, right now now the anti-crypto army is still in the White House and Bitcoin holders are on their way in. Really hard to think that I should be doing anything but spot accumulating the good things. I think if you're using leverage and you really should take heed, 40% easily in a day could be bullish for the long term. So be careful, to Rand's point.
Starting point is 00:18:26 But nothing about this market tells me that it's topping out. At least that's my gut feeling about it. Rand, when you were talking about this top, you're not talking about the end of a bull market, right? I mean, you're talking about the advance of a major correction. I'm talking about a 20 to 30 percent 20 percent between correction i don't think we're going to see i don't think we're going to see 30 percent corrections in the cycle yeah okay i i think you're right it's right that lines with
Starting point is 00:18:54 what storm says right i mean back to 80 you know high 70s low 80s something like that which would i think would terrify people there's a cme gap at like 80 79 there's a cme gap yeah like i hate to beat the drum like we've all i've always done everyone always does but it's still just any few there's so many players that could dip their toes in that would start a race right like i don't i i don't know if that microsoft vote happened i don't have high hopes for that but that's today i think yeah yeah like i mean the fact that people are even talking about it, it's like a real thing. Like, you know, what what player what level of player needs to come out and say, I've been buying Bitcoin, whether it's a nation state or a reputable corporation that then starts a race. And what does that do to the money into this? Or central banks. Or central banks.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Isn't Russia now talking about it, like as of today or yesterday, even adding to all of their sort of bullishness and labeling it as property? And, you know, obviously, to your point, in the next 100 to 150 days, we could be talking about a Bitcoin strategic reserve in the United States. Absolutely. All game changing. And anything can happen. So if you're worried about a 20% drawdown, it's because you're overleveraged. reserve in the United States. Absolutely. All game-changing, and anything can happen. So if you're worried about a 20% drawdown, it's because you're over-leveraged. But anything but that, I think you should be extremely bullish. I mean, pivoting from price here, which we can talk about pretty much endlessly, we have Robbie Young here from Animoca, CEO of Animoca, which is
Starting point is 00:20:22 always an opportunity to talk about what we should be excited about coming up. I mean, Robbie, obviously, outside of price and seeing some things start to bubble, I think it's fun to talk about what narratives we think might play out, assuming we continue this bull market for the next six to 12 months, which I think is most people's default thinking. So what are you guys looking at, getting excited about now? So I think one of the big things, which we mentioned briefly last week as well, is just the resurging interest in stuff that's IP-driven. So PFP communities, people who are building on-chain new IP,
Starting point is 00:21:00 whether it's through gaming or collectibles or other things. The big news over the last several days was that the Pudgy Penguins has announced that they're launching a token associated with that. And so I think that's, again, another trend that we're seeing where people are marrying NFT collections with fungible tokens, similar in this case to kind of what Yugo did with ApeCoin on the back of their various PFP collections. And obviously, the floor price of Pudgy Penguins has reacted as you would expect from a popular blue chip collection that announced a token. And I think, you know, and obviously,
Starting point is 00:21:38 people have been talking about Magic Eden too, because there have been rumors about Magic Eden launching a token and also OpenSea as well, although they haven't announced anything. Magic Eden just launched, right, like an hour ago. Yeah, exactly. And so there's been a lot of talk about that in the sort of, let's call it entertainment space. And those are kind of the biggest stories of the moment. But I think it's cool because it's really reinforcing this idea that there is this new IP-driven space where it's kind of the Venn diagram of entertainment,
Starting point is 00:22:12 collecting, IP, financialization, trading, et cetera, for people who kind of like a little bit of it all. That makes sense. How much do you think that we'll see i mean i think we've talked about this in the past i think a lot of people are viewing the future of gaming and crypto very largely dependent on the success of gunzilla and into the grid at this point because it's been so hyped do you view it that way no i think i think it's a great example, but I do think that putting your eggs in the basket of the success of any one game is like saying, oh, well, Avatar 3 will save the film industry. It's one product, and some products have bigger investment and more hype than others. But, I mean, look, the Solana community is still going nuts about Star Atlas, frankly, and a lot of people have forgotten about Star Atlas. I've held it through the entire cycle. Will Star Atlas, frankly, and a lot of people have forgotten about Star Atlas. So I've held it.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I've held it through the entire cycle. Will Star Atlas ever launch? Exactly. Will Star Atlas ever launch? No, they haven't yet, but they're still making revenue from selling collectibles and other things associated, merch, et cetera. So I think it's about building communities around these different IPs. And it's going to be, I don't think the goal is to build like the Candy Crush or the one game to rule them all. It's about serving communities and doing it really well and really profitably.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And I think that we have a wide variety of games that are doing that on a wide variety of platforms. I think Godzilla, the exciting thing is with off the grid to see how the sort of traditional game community on console on a new platform, you know, reacts to it, because that's something that we've not seen so far as an experiment. We know, you know, in browser games on Ronin do really well, because we've got two big hit games there with Pixels and Axie Infinity, for example. Brian, what do you think of that? You're obviously looking at all of this and getting prepared. I mean, it's worth asking. Do you feel like you've made largely your investments for this cycle?
Starting point is 00:24:19 Is there stuff that's still coming that you're excited about? No, not even close. Not even close. Not even close. I mean, we're constantly chopping and changing whenever we see narratives, whenever we see investment opportunities. There's plenty of it. Like, we're always chopping and changing. I mean, I'm dying to see what Off The Grid does for gaming.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I want to see what happens. But, yeah, there's still a long way to go. Yeah. Anything else that you're excited about in in general i mean i i agree with robbie i think a lot of these things that actually have sort of utility and in-game assets and i think we'll see a resurgence of nfts i question whether it will be pfbs ran i know you're critical of that um robbie i mean do you maybe you do, but I don't foresee like 10,000 issuance cartoon PFP collections being the biggest thing of this cycle yet. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:25:13 But I think what you will see is you may see PFP collections being done by meme coin communities or other communities who don't yet have a PFP? Because I think what you'll see is people trying to build new IP collections on existing solid communities where they've already got traction and retention. I think that makes sense. I think that makes a ton of sense. Anything else? I think the market's carrying on going down. I think you've got ETH 936.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Yeah, it's coming down. It's coming down, kids. It's coming down. Yeah, Bitcoin's at 96.5. Where were we when we started? 97.5 or so? 97.7? Yeah, but it's not Bitcoin. It's the altcoins. I've got short positions open on Pepe now, and I opened a short position on XRP, and I've got a couple of other short positions, and they're printing. And what's your exit plan? Probably when Bitcoin hits, when Bitcoin closes that CME gap or when I, or when I feel that people are really,
Starting point is 00:26:14 really, really. So you intend to stay short for potentially a longer period right now. Yeah. Well, no. So, I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:22 I'm not, I've got some leverage lungs open. I've got a leverage lung on ether, but I don't intend on closing that. But I'm just going to take a hedge by shorting Pepe. So, I've got the short on Pepe, which I'll hold until I think the market's turned and then I'm long on ETH. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. But I'm assuming you're long on ETH from further down. Yeah, my entry price on the leverage trade was $3,000. Right, so you wouldn't have the luxury. You wouldn't long ETH here while shorting them from this entry. You're staying long ETH.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Again, I think what you're looking at now is you're not looking at price. I think you're looking at fear and greed. So I think you're not looking at price. You're looking to see when people are fearful. Because remember, the market oscillates between greed and fear. So we've been at greed for a while. And now what you want to do is you want to start getting fear. Yeah. I'm kind of just reviewing the news right now for more topics. I was not aware, and I'm sure Robbie, you're on top of this, but Pudgy Penguins is about to launch their token, which is obviously send them 45%. That seems like that should be a good potentially be a catalyst for the, you know, kind of blue chip, I guess,
Starting point is 00:27:35 NFT PFPs that have existed or for other parts of the market. Yeah. And I think also Luca, who runs the project, I mean, I think he's done a fantastic job of continuing to kind of inspire his community and keep everybody quite loyal. So I think you've noticed a lot of people since, you know, the rumored announcements joining the Pudgy community over the last couple of weeks. And yeah, I think this one's going to be a blockbuster personally. So I think, yeah, I think that if you look, I look at Pudgy Penguins and just full disclosure, I am involved in the project. There's a couple of things that we've got to understand in terms of Pudgy Penguins. Number one is Luca understands that the most important thing in this market is attention.
Starting point is 00:28:21 So he understood it very, very early on. And again, that the most important thing in this market is actually attention and he's right because if you think about the crypto market there's probably i don't know 10 000 new platforms launching a day of which we can say maybe 500 to 600 have got really good tech truth is though i mean my numbers may be completely wrong but the truth is though in a global market where you've got so many platforms launching with different technologies the only way that you're going to differentiate yourself from anybody else is if you can get attention i think what luca realized early on it's all about community and it's all about attention the other thing which he's got is he's the one guy in crypto which has managed to get
Starting point is 00:28:59 a negative cost of acquisition per client when i say a negative cost of acquisition per client. When I say a negative cost of acquisition per client, he's got physical distribution of his product, which brings people into crypto through the, you know, the scanning of the QR code and whatever else, whatever other mechanisms he's got. And so he's the only one that has a, because people are actually paying for his product, he actually has a negative cost of acquisition per product, per customer.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And as far as I know, he's one of the only people in the crypto industry that's managed to engineer a system where his average cost of onboarding a customer is actually negative versus positive. So I think that for me, that's a very interesting experiment because I think he's probably one of the only guys that's done it right. Yeah. With your dismissiveness of PFPs in in this project that's a pretty ringing endorsement just knowing you and your view on this but it's hard to deny when they have toys selling in walmart that this is a bit different well yeah i mean you're talking i think that the fact that he's got toys selling in walmart is one thing but the fact that he stinks like that. You know, number one, he's a master community builder.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Number two, he stinks. You know, the fact that he thought about getting the toys into Walmart first because it would create a negative cost of onboarding per customer is, I think, where the genius came in. And now, of course, they're launching their own chain. I think that's a super exciting project. I know Peter Thiel's fund is invested in it. A lot of other big funds are invested in it. We're, we're invested in it, full disclosure. So I think, yeah, just interesting. I think, you know, I tweeted the other day and I said, there's only one NFT project right now that I think is worth buying. I think it's PyGyPigments. How's this guy? I mean, ApeCoin obviously was
Starting point is 00:30:42 sort of, I guess the best comparison from last cycle, right? I mean, if youCoin obviously was sort of, I guess, the best comparison from last cycle, right? I mean, if you owned an ape or a mutant or any of these things, you got ApeToken. How is this different and why would it perform better? Robbie, I guess, question for you. Sorry, go ahead, Ren. Go ahead. It was, to be honest, I think Ape was a cockfest. When I say a cockfest, it was just basically people trying to show off that i've got an ape and if i could be invited to the best party in new york and whatever else i
Starting point is 00:31:09 think penguins are very i think it's a very very very different kind of community i think that again it's a physical product which is an amazing physical product and they and they manage to get distribution of a physical product and they're using the physical product as a franchise in itself but also to onboard people into the the crypto product and all the other crypto product projects actually went the other way around where they said well if you have an ape and you want to license your ape and you want to create things and that's great and that's what they went um penguins went the other way around and they said look the penguins are cool regardless of the of the of crypto and if you if you're if you're And if you're a kid and you just want a cool penguin, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:31:48 But if you want to buy the penguin and also be part of the crypto universe, that's also cool. And so I think that that's where they differentiated themselves. Robbie, anything to add there? I was just going to say, it's also a different time, which means not just the market is different, but the Pudgy Penguins have been out as a community and doing things for a very long time together. So, the sense of community and the maturity of the community is different when the time comes to launch an airdrop for a token. So, I think perhaps you'll see the behavior of the community be different. And that's something
Starting point is 00:32:23 that's quite interesting. And obviously, as I should have pointed out, you know, full disclosure, it was publicly announced last week or the week before, but we're also a shareholder. Go ahead. Yeah, I just think it's worth noting. So I know I'm in good company. No, no, no, I'm in good company.
Starting point is 00:32:39 For sure. Go ahead, sorry. Yeah, I just think it's worth noting that. So Magic Eden did just have their airdrop. So if you've been using it, you can go check that out. Is that like $5, which is good money if you're getting an airdrop, but also would consider that if you think NFTs are not gone, like Magic Eden is a really great platform.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I've liked using it. And if you think about what would have happened if OpenSea had an airdrop or had a token and then leading up to their nft cycle i would think it's probably a good thing to maybe stake and hold on to but it's a it's cool that airdrops are coming out at least like you know there's still the ptsd i think there's still the instinct to like oh get it and sell it before everybody else but if you have a memory of other bull markets that changes well you know airdrops have done very well in the past when they're tied to
Starting point is 00:33:31 platforms that people use so um you know my thoughts are take your profits and keep a moon bag but go check out if you can get something there so magic even did you say it was today i'm so not yeah it happened it happened like two hours ago it's a claim so you've got to get their app or whatever um but it's like five bucks and i'm seeing a lot of people who got over a thousand tokens um i've seen some flashes of like eighty thousand dollar airdrops even at this price so if you've been playing with nfts over there you might get something got it so i mean mean, just before we wrap up, circling back to the market,
Starting point is 00:34:07 you had an hour below 96,000. It seems like certainly Rand, Storm, Lawyer, do you guys agree when we'll get this that there could be a larger correction happening here? Anyone think that we just rocket right here up to 110,000? That would be the thing that nobody expected, seemingly. Brandon, is there any bullish case that this flies from here?
Starting point is 00:34:30 I mean, I know you'd get your face ripped off on all. I mean, you know, just let the market correct. I mean, for God's sake, like, let's just stop trying to rush it. Let the market correct. We've had exuberance. We always get a correction pre the inauguration. We haven't had a correction yet. Just let the market correct and use this as an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I've been screaming to try and get into 30% cash for a long time. Now use this as an opportunity to, if you're in cash, use this as an opportunity to re-juggle your portfolio, right? So yeah, that's pretty much what I would be doing now. Just don't make any decisions now. Have a list ready. The reason why I said don't make any decisions now, I think volatility breeds bad decision-making.
Starting point is 00:35:13 You're not insane mind. You want to make investment decisions or trading decisions insane mind. You're not insane mind now if you're panicking about your leverage or if you're panicking about your positions. Chill, make a list list have a thesis and then when the when the fear and greed drops execute and be clinical about it storm what do you think before we wrap yeah man i think uh i agree with uh everything that that ran said um sounds like we trade very similar. I like to counter trade general market sentiment. And so, you know, when the market feels overly euphoric, that's when I'm going to look for technical shorts. And when it feels overly fearful, that's when I'm going to
Starting point is 00:35:56 look for technical longs. I think the market is extremely kind of inflated in the short term. I think we had a massive pump, everyone got super euphoric. And so I think it's only natural that we get some sort of a shorter term correction, like I said, down to 75, 80k-ish range is what I would suspect. That's the CME gap. That would close the CME gap. Now, I mean, all CME gaps, not all, but most CME gaps eventually get closed. They don't have to get closed immediately though. So, I mean, it can close at the end of the cycle, but I mean, ultimately the CME gap is going to be closed. I'd rather have it closed now so we can just move on and go up again. I agree. Yeah. I believe that CME gaps, I think the specific number is about 77,300,
Starting point is 00:36:34 but I also have that marked out. Yeah. So I think we saw, it sounds like we're trading on the same strategy, but again, I'm not, to be honest, I'm not looking at price, I couldn't give a shit about price, I switch off the price now. And I watch one chart, and it's the fear and greed chart. And I want to see a correction of 50 points. So if I look at where we started on the fear and greed, let me just quickly call up the chart. So let me give you some data points just so you understand. So if I look at at
Starting point is 00:37:00 previous corrections from the previous uh uh markets if i look at 2020 we went from the highs of 2020 uh where the fear and greed was at 1993 and then in the corrections we went down to 38 and 40. so we had about a 50 point a 50 point correction in fear and greed and that was the end of the shakeout and we continued so generally you're looking for about a 40-point. To start buying, you want a 40-point drop in fear and greed. So let me give you perspective. The high of this cycle was at 90. Sorry, I'm just getting my cursor onto the right thing here.
Starting point is 00:37:42 It was about 92, 91, 92 92 and we are back now at 78 so there's still like we're still not even halfway through the correction where we like for me it's just switch off your prices now prices don't matter if a shakeout is a shakeout of emotion and if it's a shakeout of emotion wait for 40 points dip in the fear and greed before you stop buying. I think that makes sense. All right, guys,
Starting point is 00:38:10 we're going to go ahead and wrap. Give everybody on stage a follow. Ran, it's a much better show when you're here, buddy. It was really nice to have you today, especially when we're talking markets. Now we just got you back on somehow, you know, somehow.
Starting point is 00:38:26 All right. That's all we got, guys. We'll be back tomorrow at 10 15 a.m eastern standard time have a great day bye

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