The Wolf Of All Streets - Here Is What I Expect From Bitcoin In 2025 | Bold Predictions
Episode Date: December 27, 2024Friday Five is THE show about the main news in crypto. Join me for the final episode of 2024 as I reflect on the year gone by and explore what the future holds! ►► ARE YOU ON ROUNDTABLE YET? EARN... WEEKLY REWARDS! 👉 ►► JOIN THE FREE WOLF DEN NEWSLETTER, DELIVERED EVERY WEEKDAY! 👉  ►► Arch Public Unleash algorithmic trading. Discover how algorithms used by hedge-funds are now accessible to traders looking for unparalleled insights and opportunities! 👉 ►►TRADING ALPHA READY TO TRADE LIKE THE PROS? THE BEST TRADERS IN CRYPTO ARE RELYING ON THESE INDICATORS TO MAKE TRADES. Use code '10OFF' for a 10% discount. 👉 Follow Scott Melker: Twitter: Web: Spotify:  Apple podcast:  #Bitcoin #Crypto #Investments The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own and should in no way be interpreted as financial advice. This video was created for entertainment. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision. I am not a financial advisor. Nothing contained in this video constitutes or shall be construed as an offering of financial instruments or as investment advice or recommendations of an investment strategy or whether or not to "Buy," "Sell," or "Hold" an investment.
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2024 has been arguably the biggest year in the history of crypto.
So many pivotal moments defined the future of what our space is likely to look like.
That said, I'm going to do something today that I hate more than the sound of nails on chalkboard.
I'm going to make some bold predictions about what's likely to come for Bitcoin and crypto in 2025.
NLW is a sane person and is taking the day off. He's on vacation.
I'm going to do the last stream of the year here because I'm taking a vacation next week
and make my bold predictions for 2025 and cover in Friday Five style the biggest stories of 2024.
Let's go. What is up, everybody? I'm Scott Melker, also known as the Wolf of All Streets.
Before we get started, please subscribe to the channel. Hit that like button. We're ending the year for me in style with a solo show on a Friday.
You guys remember that I used to do this a lot.
I tend to accidentally have a lot more personality when I'm alone because I don't have to look at another person
and see them cringe when I make horrible dad jokes or reference 90s rap lyrics
or say something so completely stupid and outrageous
that they sign off. So here we are, old school Friday ranting, probably solo show, me and the
Wolfpack ending the year right here on Friday, December 27th. Now, as I said, we're going to
talk about what I would view as the biggest five stories.
There's obviously a lot to unpack and nuance within each of them of 2024. You've heard us
talk about these things ad nauseum, so we're going to go through those quickly. Then off the cuff,
because I did not, in my own style, sit down and spend weeks writing a dissertation on what I
think is going to happen in 2025.
So I have no fucking idea.
And neither do you.
But I do have some predictions.
And inevitably, somebody will come back and take clips of this and be like, look at that redacted idiot who said Bitcoin is going to be $9 million by December 14th, 2025.
And it only got to $473,000. He's an idiot. He's a scammer. He's
manipulating the price of Bitcoin. Fuck off. See, I say bad words a lot more too when I'm alone.
Have you noticed that? I don't tell my guests to fuck off, but I just tell the future trolls to do so. Anyways, guys, let's start
with arguably, I would say the most impactful story. And you guys can make your guesses. You
can give your comments in the chat. I'll be reading them a lot more, engaging potentially.
Tell me what you think the top five stories are. I'll just give you the quick rundown and then we'll talk about them. I think ETFs, number one.
Number two, the halving, of course.
Number three, SBF going to jail for 25 years because F that B.
Of course, Trump winning, but all the nuance that came with the election and politics. And I think it's fair to say that Bitcoin breaking $100,000
would be the fifth big story. So let's dive right in. The first story of the day,
statement on the approval of spot Bitcoin exchange traded products, chair Gary Gensler,
January 10th, 2024. You guys may not remember at this point what an absolute train
wreck disaster the approval of these were. Do you remember when the SEC's Twitter got hacked,
they tweeted that they were launching and then they weren't launching and they were approved
and they weren't approved. And so just what a disaster, right? And finally, we did get them. We did get them immediately trading, and they were the most successful ETF launch writ large
of all time.
Bitcoin spot ETFs, incredible flows, incredible volume.
And wow, we didn't even really think that it was going to happen until the end of 2023
when things started to heat up. And I think the bigger nuance to this story is maybe more a 2023 story than a 2024 story.
And that was BlackRock coming around and Larry Fink deciding that he was going to take the
orange pill and become a full on Satoshi Nakamoto acolyte, sounding like Michael Saylor out there
preaching the virtues of Bitcoin, but was also lost there Saylor out there preaching the virtues of Bitcoin,
but was also lost there as he was also preaching the virtues of tokenization and Ethereum. So
a close second in this ETF conversation, obviously the fact that we got Ethereum spot ETFs approved,
which was an even bigger shit show when it happened, if you remember, they were all supposed
to be completely, completely rejected, can kick down the road.
Then all of a sudden, Trump became pro Bitcoin.
And that week, the SEC was like, oh, damn, we need to do something.
And they approved a bunch of Ethereum ETFs, but then they didn't launch them for a few weeks.
And there was no marketing campaign and no issuer knew what the hell was happening.
And in classic Gary Gensler, fire Gary Gensler,
SEC style, they completely botched both of these launches,
but it didn't matter
because these are two incredibly successful products
that have changed the landscape of crypto forever.
Nobody can say the institutions aren't here,
the institutions aren't coming.
We have the numbers, we have the proof. It is all happening right now in real time. And this first approval is the catalyst for
financializing this entire asset class and demonetizing the world with Bitcoin and crypto.
This is the beginning of institutional DeFi, of institutional adoption, of Bitcoin on the
balance sheets.
All of those things we're going to see much more of simply because we finally got the stamp of approval on this.
Another part of that story, obviously, was the SEC losing so much in court.
Ripple, Grayscale, all of these things.
If you remember the movie Friday, there's a part where a dude gets knocked out by Debo, right? And he
like runs off with his arms all funny. And he's like, he gonna cry in the car. That was how Gary
Gensler, that was how Gary Gensler approved these. Well, the court said, so I don't really want to.
And it's like, whatever, man. And okay, they're approved, right? And Gary just took L after L after L after L.
And the final L of 2024 was that he had to get the F out in 2025.
As Harry Hood said, you got knocked the fuck out, man.
You guys remember that?
His name was Red.
That's my bike, punk.
Friday is one of the greatest movies ever, ever made. So of course,
yeah, the SEC gives Bitcoin ETFs the green light. What is the second story? Of course,
the Bitcoin halving is here and with it, a giant surge in transaction fees. It's fun to go back
and look at these. Look at this. Look at this assemblage of Bitcoin maxims. You got Jimmy Song up here, you know, Hodl, Simon Dixon, this chat.
I mean, have you ever seen
Tony Vei's like a more handsome?
I'm just, this is the first time
I've seen this screenshot.
So honestly, like,
it's like being blinded by
the light of death for the first time.
Like you die and you see the white light
and you're going to have,
I mean, look at this assemblage
of just handsome giga chads. There are two chicks there. I think that's about the
same ratio that you would probably see in crypto. But I mean, have you ever seen a more handsome
picture of that? Anyways, the Bitcoin halving is here within a giant surge in transaction fees.
So the Bitcoin halving came and went. This four-year event that makes Bitcoin obviously
a bit more deflationary. It becomes twice as difficult to mine Bitcoin, twice as expensive.
You see miners wash out. And this time was going to be different. And everybody said,
we're going to get the halving and price is going to boom. And people like me said,
dude, it's the Bitcoin halving. The meme coin casino is going nuts. Welcome to the most miserable, boring six
months of your life. That's exactly what we happened before inevitably seeing the skyrocketing,
the skyrocketing of Bitcoin. I'm going to make this one number three, to the price of $100,000,
hitting a top of over $108,000. We reported endlessly on the hyperbolic predictions that institutions were
making. Standard Charter says Bitcoin could hit $100,000 in 2025. Oh, it's not possible. It can't
happen. Yes, it did. Yes, it did. It happened. You were all here to see it. Nobody can tell me
that it didn't. Bitcoin hitting $100,000 in 2024. Currently trading, I don't know, $96,800, pretty much $100,000.
But so many people thought it was impossible. It was not. We got there and now we just need
altcoins to follow. But really, I think this is one of the biggest stories, right? You had the
ETFs approved, then we had the halving, and then
Bitcoin did exactly what it was supposed to do, even though we talked it to death for months,
talking about Jerome Powell and the Fed and Chinese deflation and Evergrande and all the
things that were going to collapse the entire world. And you could have closed your eyes,
fallen into a coma, missed the entire zombie apocalypse,
woken up in December and been like, damn, Bitcoin's exactly where it's supposed to do if you
just look at the four-year cycle. And that's going to be a part of the predictions because if it ain't
broke, don't try to fix it, man. It keeps just happening. The cycle just keeps happening. So the next story that I want to talk about,
which I don't have a login to the New York Times, so it's going to look really dumb.
It's going to look really dumb. We're going to continue with work or school or whatever.
I didn't realize it until I just opened this link. I'm going to show it to you anyways, though.
Sam Bacon Freed sentenced to 25 years in prison. This isn't necessarily the exact story, right?
But the story here is that this pretty much
finally wrapped up the contagion and insanity
of the last cycle.
Put a little nice bow on it.
We got some resolution.
You can argue over whether he deserved 25 years
or 400 years or 9,000 years.
I think he deserved more than Ross Ulbricht.
Let's hope he gets freed because that guy got like two life sentences plus 40 or something.
But here you are, SPF, the darling of the past cycle, our beloved little cherub who
is supposed to take us to Valhalla riding on unicorns with bows and arrows and puppies and harems.
And what did he do? He fucked us. And so did Machinsky. And so did Steve Ehrlich. And so did
all these other people, Doquan and Luna. It's hard to mentally go back to maybe this time last year. We did have some hype around the
ETFs coming, but just how bad things were 12 to 18 months ago. SEC attacking Coinbase,
SEC attacking Binance, SEC attacking literally anything not nailed down.
You had all this contagion, everything's going to zero, bankruptcies.
I mean, it was just an absolute nightmare for all of us. And now we're like in this insane
position where there's nothing but tailwinds. It's all good news. Everything's wonderful.
There's no reason to be depressed. It's very surreal. You should pinch yourself and realize how bad it is and how far we've come.
And really, to me, the final symbol of putting that to bed was SBF going to prison.
SBF going to prison.
I think the next story last year has to be what Trump's win means for crypto.
Obviously, it's the entire election.
This doesn't just start at Trump winning.
It starts with Trump pivoting.
As I mentioned with the ETFs, I don't think we would have gotten an Ethereum ETF if Trump
had not come out pro-crypto.
I'm not sure Trump would be president if he had not come out pro-crypto.
If you watch my podcast with
Raoul Pal from Sunday, he made the point that the technologists and basically the crypto industry
and Brian Armstrong and their money is what really swayed this election for Trump, or at least made
him dominate it in the way that he did. A huge part of that was his pivot on crypto and eventually
the fact that he was elected. He was already deep in NFTs. I
would argue that he had a partner and they were like, hey, go talk about this NFT thing. He
didn't really understand it. By Bitcoin Nashville, he understood it a bit more. He still said some
things that were kind of nonsensical and showed that he really was not truly a Bitcoiner at that point. But then he entirely surrounded himself with people that understood our industry. And
it's been like a 14-year-old's wet dream looking at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue in the
1980s. Not that I would know about that. But it's basically been that for all of us. Every time he appoints a new person or surrounds himself with another
intelligent person.
I think it's absolutely hilarious that I still get accused somehow of having
TBS or like being a diehard Democrat or something.
I am a non-affiliated voter.
I go where the winds take me.
I vote for who I think is going to be better. And this guy,
regardless of your feelings about him, has surrounded himself with pro-crypto people
that need to do good things for the United States and our industry. David Sachs,
as the czar of crypto and AI, appointing Besant and At Atkins and you got RFK, Health and Human Services.
Health and Human Services got nothing to do with Bitcoin, but that dude loves Bitcoin, Vivek
Musk. I mean, it is insane how potentially bullish this all is. And that's all because he pivoted,
the industry supported him, and now he is president to the point where he became the time person of the year.
And I think it's important to also notice sort of in context to this, how large polymarket
became and how the predictive markets really also impacted the election.
Now, while this wasn't a crypto thing, it was a crypto thing, right?
So this wasn't just about the fact that he won and he obviously wants
like world liberty financial to not be a security, right? I mean, the most pessimistic view here
for crypto is that even if this dude is self-interested, he's going to make sure the
shit that he's done is not illegal. That's good for us. But the rise of polymarket was yet another huge,
huge point of mainstream adoption for the crypto industry being referenced all over media,
everywhere else, all of those things. So those are the main stories. Also honorable mention,
there's a million, but like one of them, like Tether made $10 billion this year. If you want to talk about the rise of stable coins as the killer app of crypto,
holy crap, man, this was the year of the stable coin. And I think that's only, only going to get
bigger. I would love to see in the comments, your thoughts on this year and what you think were the
biggest stories that maybe we have missed.
But I really do think that I don't want to beat these things to death and we can wrap it in a bow.
Maybe another one also would be the proliferation of decentralized meme coins.
Because you have to talk about it.
But in the last cycle, meme coins were huge, but it was dog coins.
And the real story was that you had to sign up for a centralized exchange to trade Doge.
And that was the reason that we had such a big bull market.
It was Doge and NFTs.
It was not because of Bitcoin.
This time, it's really about Bitcoin.
But it was Doge and NFTs.
And I talked to CZ that year, and he was like, there is not enough trained people to do customer
service in China for me to onboard everybody that wants to trade Doge. Steve Ehrlich, may he burn wherever
he's going to burn. Voyager, three-month waiting list at Voyager to sign up just because people
wanted access to Doge. Doge was the story that sent Robinhood flying, right? But the real story
this time and of this year is that you didn't need to sign up for a centralized exchange to trade, create, and get rug pulled on meme coins. People just launch them,
6 million a month, doesn't matter. Maybe they're going to replace sort of the NFT narrative this
year as the community tokens and all that stuff. But meme coins went absolutely nuts because people just love to speculate and they didn't need a centralized exchange to do it. So on the
optimistic side, the silver lining, it's a huge step towards decentralization and people being
able to do what they want. You guys talk about Saylor balls deep is a big story. He was already
balls deep, but he's gone way balls deeper. I mean, there's no
balls big enough to go as deep as Michael Saylor has gone. And we're going to talk about that very,
very soon. So memes have been a huge part of this cycle. So listen, I'm going to just kind of off
the top of my head, make some wild predictions and we can discuss them. We can discuss them. Number one, and I don't have screenshots to share.
There's no screen.
I think Bitcoin will hit $250,000 this year.
Should you listen to me?
Absolutely not.
When we were at 69,000, the deadest top last year,
I was also saying we could go to $250,000 in the last cycle.
Predictions are like assholes.
Everybody's got one.
But I really think if we don't get some huge black swan or horrible thing happen that I totally can't foresee because I missed them all last time.
I was hook, line, and sinker on CeFi, lost the bulk of my net worth on Voyager if you add it up now,
what it would be. So I have no idea what's coming, but I think we could easily hit $215,000 per Bitcoin in 2025. My next bold prediction is that Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin for the
next year. I'm not going to call a flippening. I think that would be like a four to five X
outperformance, right? Not going to do that. But I think that Ethereum has been slept on. It reminds me of Tesla's going
to zero, like when Elon Musk was smoking weed on Joe Rogan, which is when I bought Tesla.
We've had an incredible bull market and Ethereum has not really participated to any great degree.
It's probably going to. Like I said said if it ain't broke don't try
to fix it the cycle usually goes bitcoin then ethereum goes absolutely bananas then we see
everything i think we're going to see massive alt cycles this year bold prediction massive alt cycles
and i think that ethereum will wildly outperform for the next year. Wildly outperform. I'm not going to call for a flippening
or anything dumb like that. Oh, and then by the way, then when we go into the next bear market,
which is maybe another bold prediction, because we will have an epic bear market that comes after
this bull market at some point, will it be exactly on the cycle? Like one year from now,
we've entered the bear market. I have no idea, but we will. I'm not going to, I think I'm not going to talk about super. If you start hearing me talk about super cycles and
we'll never get a drawdown and all that, throw something at me and tell me to sell.
Tell me to sell because I will be a bull tard and deserve everything that is coming for me
because I've done it in the past few cycles. But yes,
I think we have this massive bull market and then we have the big bear market to follow.
Maybe a bold prediction we should talk about. What could trigger the next bear market?
First of all, just the cycle. Just like we had to talk about the catalyst for the bull market
and all these things, Bitcoin is exactly where it's supposed to be in the four-year cycle, even if none of that happened, which means that
one year from now, we'll probably be ecstatic. Here's my bold prediction. Based on the cycle,
probably wrong. We have the next five or six months of absolute insane bull market.
Then the summer will be atrocious. Atrocious. We'll go to 150 here and in summer,
we'll come back and test 75 round numbers or 100. Back down to 75. Something crazy like that.
Retest the previous all-time high that we hit in March. You guys might not remember, but in May of 2021,
China banned and Tesla sold Bitcoin. And we went from like 65 to like 28 over the summer,
then had this last gasp up to 69 in the fall. Altcoins went everybody insane. Everybody's
peak net worth was like December 4th, if you're holding altcoins, of 2021, and then nothing but horrible
after that. I literally remember the day Bitcoin, it was at 52, but altcoins have gone so crazy,
my net worth was its highest. Even with Bitcoin down from 69 back down to 52. It was like December 4th, I think. One of those days I was at Art Basel
in Miami at a party. Diplo was DJing. Nobody had phone service. Everybody was trying to get in the
party. I was there with all the FTX guys, not named SBF, a bunch of Coinbase guys, the guys
from Star Atlas, the guys from Hero, like huge crypto party at Art Basel. And Bitcoin dropped from like 50,
mid 50s to 42 in like an hour. That was the cattle. That was it for all coins too, everything.
Everybody was getting liquidated. Nobody could use their phone. I will never forget it.
It will probably happen again, guys. Just telling you. So if I had to make a guess that maybe has a 5% conviction in it happening,
six months of good, three to four months of bad, two months of great, panic. I guess it's worth
talking about what could be the catalyst for that to happen, right? Obviously, we would have a huge
macro black swan event, something like that. You know, full McGlone and we go into a depression,
great reset. It's 1929. I don't think crypto does particularly well in that situation.
Of course, some unforeseen Luna collapse, some trade blowing up that we don't necessarily see coming, insane leverage getting liquidated
and causing a cascade. I mean, all of these things could do it. A major hacker security event,
like God knows, I'm not saying this would ever happen, but like if a Coinbase went down or
something like that, like if their custody in some way got screwed and they're custodying like all the ETFs and they get hacked by North Korea, something like that.
Huge black swan, a failure of a huge project.
I mean, there's so many things, geopolitical instability.
The biggest one, and I don't want to say this out loud, would be if something happened with Saylor.
I don't think that's going to happen.
I fucking love the guy.
I'm super pissed.
I'm not going to his new year's party in a couple of days.
Cause I'm going to be hanging with my family.
I think what he's done has been incredibly powerful,
but there is a degree of it where it's leverage.
I don't know the mechanics.
I believe they're smart enough to
not be in a position where they can possibly blow up. But Alfred kind of laid it out to some degree
yesterday. Like if all of a sudden those convertible notes are way underwater and he can't
buy anymore and maybe had to sell for some reason, which I don't think will ever happen, that could
be the kind of thing that triggers, but I don't think that's going to happen. Zero. And if we're talking about bold predictions, I think we're going to have a
hell of a lot more white swans than potential black swans. So here's some other bold predictions.
I think we get a strategic Bitcoin reserve of some sort in the United States. I think we get
crypto legislation in the United States that the industry generally views as favorable. And to that end, I think we finally see a major corporation
put Bitcoin on the balance sheet. Apple, Microsoft, I don't know who it would be, but a major. We'll
see a lot of small corporations. And I think we're going to get some very, very big news from nation states.
I think we get legal tender or we find out that a number of countries have been mining Bitcoin.
So if the SBR does not happen, so if the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve happens,
every country is going to adopt Bitcoin or at least add it to the balance sheet because they have to,
because we're the U.S. America, fuck yeah, right? They're going to have to do the thing. They're going to have to just
join, get on board, ride the train, whether they like it or not. Come on, ride that train.
Ride it. Right. So they're going to have to do that. So but even if we don't get the strategic Bitcoin reserve, even if we don't, I think we see meaningful nation state adoption.
I'm going to another low conviction prediction for 2025 meme coins absolutely crash and burn.
But that'll be like like beginning of 2026.
I think meme coins will suck the air out of the room to some degree of the alt season,
continue to get a ton of attention, and then it'll just be too much and too stupid and too
over leveraged. And they will help collapse and send us into the next bear market. How's that for one? I have no idea. I have no idea. This is off the top of my head, but 99.9% of them will go to zero. Things
will go back to some sort of utility. They'll die in the bear market. Here's what it's going to be.
Meme coins will be the NFTs of this cycle. Is that a fair way to do it?
And I'm not hating on meme coins.
I'm not even hating on NFTs.
It's easy to.
99.9% of it will go to zero.
We'll be like, why the fuck did I spend $2.5 million on a plot of land next to Snoop's mansion in the sandbox?
That's going to be people speculating on Hawk T tua and lohan token and lebron coin right
fart coin don't know don't know but i think that the meme crash will make the one that we saw
with the top in march look comical i'm going to get so much shit for this. It's not anti-meme coins, guys.
This is an outside observation on the psychology and insanity of a market.
I think, if we're also talking about it, some will emerge and be some of the biggest projects in crypto.
Some will find real utility. the next cycle, the blue chips will be huge winners and we'll see them mature and we'll
see a better take. Christopher Keith says it's a bad take. Hey, man, maybe, maybe, maybe.
I don't know. Hawk Tua on this cock in you. That's just a funny comment.
That's just a funny comment.
So, and those are my,
let me see your guys' predictions.
I also think, oh,
CBDC has happened this year and we hate it.
And as a result,
privacy coins start to come back.
How about that?
Thank you for shouting me out, though. I do love the channel with
bad take on the meme queen stuff. Hey, we'll see.
The good thing about this is that
you'll probably be right, or I'll probably be right,
or whatever. Somebody will be right.
Or, well, neither of us will
be right. BitBoy
makes a fourth comeback. Pretty good.
I feel like he came back when he did that fight.
Ooh, here's a hot take.
I think we topped at 108K.
I hate that, but it's possible.
Anything's possible.
Fish coin and dead coin from the Jamban fans
will mark the bottom of some sort.
Yeah, bro.
Pass the acid.
I've got trading to do on the decks.
I used to be a deadhead for like five minutes
because of an ex-girlfriend in high school. What's your price targets? $250K for Bitcoin.
Honestly, I think higher. Easily $10K for ETH, if not like $15K. The rest of them, I don't know,
they'll go up. I don't know. Yeah. RK says,
so far, pretty much agree. This is my third cycle. Guys, maybe we get the super cycle and we never go
down again. I think we get a brutal bear market after this and you should have a plan, even if
you don't think that's true, for what happens if it is. Yeah. 250 is based on Ox parable. See,
Christopher, you've been here long enough. The parable of the
Ox, I used to write about this all the time, but this was last cycle. So that was just wrong. But
if you looked at all the hyperbolic insane predictions last cycle, and there were hundreds
of them, what I did, the parable of the Ox, if you guys don't remember this, parable of the Ox is
basically saying that individuals are horrible at making predictions, but groups are generally pretty good. So back in the old timey, ye olde renaissance, not renaissance fair, LARPing,
renaissance, actual renaissance days, this dude is basically like, hey, let's get everybody's
guess on the weight of this ox. And people were horrible at it. But when you average them,
they came to within like a pound of the actual weight of the ox. And what I did was I took an
average of every prediction from like stock to flow. This is four years ago. And the average was 235. So that was
obviously wrong last time. But hey, it could be right this time. Solana prediction, please. I
don't know. What is it now? 200? 500. 500. But I think Ethereum also outperforms Solana now.
I do. So yeah. Talking about the ox parable at the top. That's right.
We need to slaughter, sacrifice the ox, not weigh it. Yeah. Talking about exit strategies,
number 42 says, scale out on the way up, have an exit strategy, or you will round trip back
to bear market like all of us did. Have a plan. We've had years to get ready. I'm not going to
round trip this again. Doesn't mean I'm going to sell Bitcoins, but to get ready. I'm not going to round trip this again.
Doesn't mean I'm going to sell Bitcoins, but I plan to.
I will tell you that this time.
So I was in all the like pre-sales and stuff.
I got roasted, selling.
Like I rode my portfolio of small things I invested in because I didn't want to sell.
And I believed in them down like 99% and they're all completely dead. Dead, dead, dead, I tell you, dead. I wrote it to zero because
I didn't want to be the guy who invested in something and gave up on it. This time, I intend
to be mostly out of this market outside of the big stuff when we hit the bear market, which I do
believe is going to come.
I'm holding a massive position
in Maddox, going pretty great.
Going pretty great.
I don't know what McDonald's said,
but McDonald's sounds like
Valerie's ex.
Valerie's ex.
C'est un compliment.
Le French. Irrational underwater Valerie's ex. C'est un compliment. Ha, ha. Ha, ha.
The French are with us.
Irrational underwater for almost three years.
Dude, I'm still way underwater.
Doing great in life.
And money's fine.
But, like, we're talking about the top of, like, this time four years ago?
Three years ago?
Big, big, big, big number down.
Ronald says round trip the last two cycles made zero dollars.
Third time's a charm.
Not fucking this one up.
They say it takes two cycles in markets for you to really leave your bad habits behind.
So, yeah, I think that we're going to be fine.
Try to think if I have any off the top of my head i mean if we want to talk about like more serious things i think it as much as the united
states will lead because we'll get legislation all these things i think the actual adoption will
continue to come from like the global south i think that's a really serious prediction that i
have something i've been looking at for a long time. Africa, South America, places where their inflation is really a problem,
where they actually need these things, where you can...
Oh, here's one.
Gaming, we're going to finally see it.
Off the Grid from Gunzilla is a legitimate AAA game built with blockchain.
We didn't know if it could happen.
It is happening in real time.
Gaming will be huge this cycle.
Here's another one.
The AI crypto convergence.
I wrote about AI agents today.
I have to admit in my newsletter, if you guys don't read my...
Okay, I'm going to show.
If you guys don't read my newsletter by now, it's literally free.
Like literally free, right?
Like super free.
It's right here.
But I wrote about it today. AI agents. I knew nothing about these. So I plugged my nose and did a deep dive. And I think this is going to be the
next bubble that will pop, but will become the realest thing of the next cycle, one of those
things. But I do think that AI and crypto are legitimately converging. And that will be the
biggest narrative of this cycle. I think that will be the biggest narrative of this cycle. Does that count as a
good one? Yeah. Tom said it was a great newsletter. Yeah. I wrote about AI 16Z in there. Yeah. It's
like super free. Like it literally costs you nothing. Literally costs you nothing. Yeah.
So guys, so, you know, my advice with those predictions is like, if you make a bunch of money on like meme coins or some really dumb shit, sell something and take some profit.
That's my takeaway for today.
I have a meeting in seven minutes with Andrew from Archipublic.
Yeah. Yeah, like six more minutes of 2024 me streaming, for better or for worse,
to have a plan to scale out and take profit.
I'm not saying you need to sell everything. If you denominate your life in Bitcoin, by all means,
hold it up and down through all of the cycles.
I've done it.
I intend to.
I'm not selling Bitcoin.
If Bitcoin hits a million bucks, I'll sell some Bitcoin.
So there you go. I said it out loud. But like all this other stuff, when you get to the point where you're up like 100x and
you're like, I can't sell. This is the new paradigm. This is the next thing. This is the NVIDIA of crypto. Sell it. Sell it fast. Yeah. Sell it
really, really fast. That's my takeaway for 2025 is start to scale out 10% of the time,
20% of the time, whatever your plan is, except that you're not going to sell the dead top
and that there will be round trips on most crypto assets. Is that a good way for us to end,
for us to depart this year? I wish NLW had been here, but it's also really fun to do shows on my
own. Next week, I am taking off. I do it every year, kind of take off one week once or twice a year to spend with
my wife and my kids and really focus on them. And this is the best time. What a stupid advice.
That's why 99% of the projects don't survive. So you think we should round trip it all? Okay.
You're a noble man,
and I appreciate you taking that bullet for the rest of us like I have in the previous cycles.
Yeah, guys, that's all I've got.
I think we are going to have a mega all-coin cycle.
Ethereum will do exceptionally well.
We will see real nation-state adoption,
real legislation for crypto,
and we will put the
contagion of last cycle behind us just in time for somebody or someone or some project to do
something really stupid that screws us all again. Love you guys. Thank you so much for this amazing
year, for always showing up. I deeply appreciate every single one of you for watching these
streams, even if you're just here to tell me that my nose is big and that I'm a stupid idiot.
It's amazing to have you guys here with me. I do not take for granted the fact that you can be
doing anything in this moment and that there's over a thousand of you on YouTube and many more
on X that are sitting here watching me. It may not be 10,000 people,
but the thousand of you that are here, absolutely incredible. I love you guys. You are the reason
that I continue to show up when I could just be sitting there doing absolutely nothing.
I hope that we are just talking about nonstop, epic, bullish things through 2025 guys have an amazing new years and a fresh start looking
forward to doing it all again running it back for 2025 peace Let's go.