The Worst Idea Of All Time - 05: Big Letty Lies

Episode Date: January 22, 2023

The soft patter of rain acts as a backing track for an episode that sees Guy asking a big question; What if the entire plot of F9 was something Letty made up to try and break up with Dom Toretto? The ...Fellaz also try to figure out whether ghosts exist in the F&F universe and if so, could Dom take them out?Artwork by Tomas CottleTheme song by Luke Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Poo's on the Roof 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Poo's on the roof, poo's on the roof Everybody likes to do a poo's on the roof Hello and welcome No To the worst idea of all time If you think that you can best that intro, I'd sure love to hear it. Count me amongst those who think that they could best that intro.
Starting point is 00:00:53 As someone who might have known that an intro was forthcoming. Crack it out. Do your one. Do your one. Hello and welcome along to another exciting episode. Mine's worse. Yeah, we'll fucking... Oh, suck.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Oh, just... Boring. Just be friends. Just be friends. Shitty. Just be friends with me. It sucks. You've got a bad attitude.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Uh-oh. You've had a bad attitude all night. Uh-oh, it sucks. You've been a bad attitude all night. Oh, it sucks. You've been naughty and you've been rude. And now you're being downright cheeky. I resent these accusations. Okay, go ahead. And I will defy myself and court with my dying breath.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Cheeky, I'll give you. When am I not cheeky? I'm a cheeky guy. Cheeky as is cheeky does. I've seen you be serious. And you know, look, the naughty bit, probably what you're referring to is I got incredibly bored watching F9,
Starting point is 00:01:51 The Fate of the Furious, for the fifth time and I decided that I could do a better job than whoever was hired to soundtrack the movie. And you weren't completely wrong. We took turns. Wow, yeah. After I ripped the scab off it.
Starting point is 00:02:04 After you initiated. Do you know what? It was just for scenes when there's very little dialogue, and we know what those ones are now, so we're like, let's give it a go. We're well-versed in the movie. I don't remember what the first one was that I did. Oh, I know what it was, Van Halen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Running with the devil. It was a cool, kick-ass sort of sounding song, and you scored it, actually. It was a cool, kick-ass sort of sounding song. And you scored it, actually. It was when Vin Diesel or Dominic Toretto was tasking his task force with various different roles and responsibilities to counter his brother, Jacob, played by John Cena. The wickedly talented, the one and only John Cena But we weren't to know
Starting point is 00:02:47 The beginning of that task force Or we weren't to remember It actually begins with quite a long flashback In which we see young Dom Played by New Zealand's own Vinnie Bennett going to prison For I'm going to say Manslaughter
Starting point is 00:03:03 Manslaughter What's How do you delineate for, I'm going to say manslaughter. How do you delineate in a court of law manslaughter from murder? I never fully got my head around it, but I assume what it is is manslaughter is a little bit accidental. You're meant to do harm,
Starting point is 00:03:20 but you didn't mean to kill. And murder is premeditated. I think the premeditation is like a separate thing again. I don't know. Or maybe it's not. I don't know. You want to talk about this in a fictional setting, I want to put you on to an apologies to anyone
Starting point is 00:03:39 if I've mentioned this before in a history of conversation. But Patricia Highsmith's The Blunderer. Let's go, baby. Talk to me. It's a phenomenal setup. I don't actually know. Like, I would say I've read, I think, every Patricia Highsmith novel, and I don't know that in terms of execution of vision
Starting point is 00:03:59 that this is the best. Here he is. Mr. Critic, they call him. Guy, Mr. Critic Montgomery. As him. Guy, Mr. Critic Montgomery. As a setup for a novel, it's outstanding. So he's this sort of put-upon husband in small-town America. I believe they're in some part of New York. And he's sort of exhausted. He's in a relationship with quite a controlling and
Starting point is 00:04:26 exhausting woman who sort of you know has him under her thumb and he says I want to break up with you and she attempts or feigns an attempt at suicide to maintain the relationship well I know probably should have put a trigger warning at the start of me recounting the plot of the blunderer by patricia highsmith but this is where that is and uh anyway she he sort of he stays with her she makes a full recovery and uh she continues to be once she's made a full recovery she continues to be quite tiresome company and he is that is the title about her because it seems highly insensitive. No. It's about the man.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And he becomes obsessed with the idea of, he becomes obsessed with the historic sort of unsolved crime in his town, which is about a guy who runs a secondhand store of some variety, I can't remember, who a lot of people believe murdered his his partner his wife but was tried and found not guilty and he sort of through the newspaper at the library he retraces you know this case and he becomes fascinated by the entire case and he goes to he starts going to this guy's shop and talking to him just generally then also with more specific
Starting point is 00:05:42 interest and you know how would how would one get away with this sort of thing and if you're not familiar with patricia highsmith she wrote the all the talented mr ripley books um deep water tremor of forgery you know she's obsessed with this sort of specific dynamic and uh you know uh not necessarily unpunished crimes but like you know the the the web that we weave you know, minor decisions leading to catastrophic outcomes and then also the web of deceit and the sort of the net of paranoia closing in around people. And he becomes totally obsessed by this and he's sort of tracking it
Starting point is 00:06:19 and his wife is going to Buffalo in northern New York to visit her sick mum. And she catches a bus. And he's like, okay, I'm going to do it. And he gets in the car and he starts following the bus upstate. And he's following it and he's thinking about what he's going to do. And the bus pulls over for a restroom know in this clearing above a ravine and uh he parks the car you know some distance away and watches his wife get out of the
Starting point is 00:06:52 the bus and walk up you know like walking around just stretching her legs and walking up to the edge of the ravine and he gets out of the car and he's watching her and he watches as she takes one step too far and slips and falls over the ravine and slides down this ravine to her death. And he's like, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Okay, he gets back in the car and he drives back home. And he's like, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. I can't believe this happened.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And it seems perfect because, you know, basically his desired outcome has occurred without him needing to incriminate himself. But the police arrived to say, hey, yeah you know this is what's happened your wife has been found um where were you at the time and he's like ah and he has to lie and so the blunderer refers to the series of sort of you know the the alternative timeline or information he provides. Whoa. You know, and they're like... It's a good premise for a book.
Starting point is 00:07:50 It's a perfect premise, isn't it? How much have you explained of the story? I would describe that as kind of the setup. Because the title refers to the fact. Wow. Wow. That, you know, he blunders his way through. And, you know, anyway, I can't even remember why I'm talking about this,
Starting point is 00:08:11 just because probably it's a more exciting thing to discuss. Well, it does somewhat relate to a little theory that you had on this watch, doesn't it? Oh, no. I think it's... It's not a million miles away. And you know what? You didn't say it explicitly, but to bracket me in the company of one of the greatest suspense writers
Starting point is 00:08:28 of all time, it's very generous, Tim. That's how I think of you. That's how I categorize you in my brain. My theory for this particular screening was that, so at the start of the movie, obviously, we've got Letty, Michelle Rodriguez, and Dominic Toretto, Vin Diesel, living off the grid with young Brian, who we, at this point in the podcast, do believe is Vin Diesel's biological son. He sure is.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Adopted. Little boy. Or step-parented by Letty. But, you know, the reference to the deceased mother deceased mother is um suggests it's not hers and i mean it's not you know they laid on pretty thick yeah there's no wiggle room for suggestion wow you say that but there's you know cipher the woman that killed the mother of your child that's the like it's there it's right there unm. Unmistakable. Yeah, okay. Anyway, my theory is that so lacking is the sexual chemistry
Starting point is 00:09:29 between the characters that it almost cannot be just a matter of acting. That it must be... Or like lack of acting ability. Exactly. It must be ingrained inside of the story of the film.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And, you know, as with some of the best movies, there is a degree of confidence that the director imbues in the audience that they can pick up on subtext. And especially with repeated screenings, we can start to unearth or discover things that are... You know, there's a saying in filmmaking,
Starting point is 00:09:58 show, don't tell. And I believe... There's another saying as well pertinent to our adventure. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I've seen the movie two times. Fool me thrice, you won't fool me again. Here we are, watch number five. Guy figured it out.
Starting point is 00:10:17 That's the saying. I've always thought it was too obscure and it's nice to finally walk into it and really look at it and say I get you I get it so Leti is so dissatisfied I don't want to say sexually
Starting point is 00:10:34 displeased but I will say unfulfilled by the relationship with Dom, they're living off grid in a barn they've basically cut off contact with anyone else in their lives. Not that we know the full, you know, the depth and breadth of friends and family who have been abandoned.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You've got to go to the supermarket sometime. Wow. You know, these days in this modern age, deliveries and whatnot. Oh, true. She's basically, she's facilitated or created this intense artifice with her close, her and both Dom and her close friends, but, you know, those who really know, know, to be like, look, I cannot live out here anymore. And simultaneously, I cannot bring myself to break up with Dom. must do is i'm going to need you guys to come out here and we will orchestrate some sort of farcical global problem or espionage issue that requires immediate attendance that is you know intense and alluring enough to justify me coming but not so strong that it would lead dom to
Starting point is 00:11:38 abandon brian his son yeah and this life that he's worked so hard to build and earn for us both. So you will come out here, Roman, Ramsey, Tej, and you will lay out a circumstance in which it is necessary for me to come but not Dom. Cut to Mr. Nobody. Mayday, mayday. We're going down. Rogue agent on board.
Starting point is 00:12:03 The plane is under attack. It's my favorite bit of the movie. That's right. And they've literally hired, I would argue, in the world of the film, Kurt Russell and paid him on cameo. They've given him a suit. No, he comes back later. $120 an hour.
Starting point is 00:12:19 If that was his sole bit of the movie, that would be so funny. Just a shit, static-y, monochromatic image. It's a good way to make a home film. Yeah. Cameo and post-production. Hey, could you just send a message to my cousin whose name is, Oh my God, I can't believe this has happened. I didn't mean to pull the trigger.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And can you just be really sad about her birthday because she's not looking forward to turning 50? That's a script that sounds like you would write for Alec Baldwin. Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah. Alec Baldwin, man.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That guy. Anyway, so she's basically like, okay. We simply don't need to get into it. And we shan't. Or shall we? We shalnt. Why is it not shalent? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:12 It should be, shouldn't it? We shall not. We shan't. We shan't. We shalent. Where do the L's go when you shan't? They just fuck right off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's the thing with these contractions these abbreviations you can really cherry pick which consonants start lobbing off other random you know what it's confusing usually it's vowels you're usually shedding vowels exactly it's very really l's a pretty lazy letter though l's soft palm psalm l's pillowy some other ones It's like Just fuck off L as in Sam If you're talking lazy What about the P in Sam Not wrong Not wrong brother
Starting point is 00:13:50 But the P is A Mr. Fucking Attitude But P It elevates the word What A silent letter Makes something a bit nicer Brother listen to me
Starting point is 00:13:58 Eat shit You bourgeoisie motherfucker P is one of the two Plosive sounds In English alphabet It's got power and then for some reason if you chuck it before an s it's like i'm gonna keep my shit to my shit yeah no one's gonna know what i'm doing here if it weren't for p and b ventriloquists would rule the world and that's
Starting point is 00:14:18 just facts i've seen some pretty good p's and b's from some ventriloquists online recently but do you know how- It's crazy stuff. You know what you've got to do? You've got to fucking put it sideways. The peas and bees are what- Peanut butter. It's what prevents it from being more miles off.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Oh, they said- Actually, I remember the tip. It was like, okay, so you do that. You've got to go push your lips to the side. You worked so hard not to watch the movie when it was on, and now you're working equally hard not to discuss the a book for a long time i'm good and then you gave me enough rope what keys do i have that you don't to this part and then you got to make it like what i saw on the tiktok is you got to make a sound, and that comes out as a P when you're doing a dummy. When you do a T.
Starting point is 00:15:08 All I'm saying is that if P's and B's were easy, we'd have more ventriloquism. It would be a bigger problem than it is. It is a problem. You're so right about that. Only the dedicated freaks. You're right about that. It used to be you had to watch a whole home movie,
Starting point is 00:15:22 and now what? They've distilled the essence of ventriloquism to TikToks? I don't like it. I don't like what it says for our future. Letty finally is given the keys out of this loveless relationship as her friends show up, they deliver their speech, she sells it, everyone buys in. Except Roman.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I can't go. Yeah, Roman. They didn't tell Roman because she doesn't trust that he can keep the secret. And it literally doesn't make a difference because he acts exactly the same no matter what. So the pitch is sold. She's out there. She's getting on her motorbike.
Starting point is 00:15:53 She said to Dom, I'm sorry, I got to go. I reckon that the ride she has from the barn to the end of that dirt road is probably as free as she has felt since before she became entrenched in a relationship with dominic teredo i think that that is when she experiences true uh euphoria and like detachment and just a sense of self maybe that hasn't been present since speculatively fast and furious six why not I mean and if we're talking you know there's a few things I want to get into about
Starting point is 00:16:28 you know what has come before us to lead us here and one of them is something that we spoke about quite a lot during the film which is the the instrumental refrain
Starting point is 00:16:37 which is repeated in various different forms in moments throughout the movie dun dun that sounded like law and order or Boston Legal
Starting point is 00:16:47 no it's like when I do the dun dun in my head the rest of it plays but that's not helpful could you just fucking hum it man something
Starting point is 00:16:57 oh yeah it is that kind of yeah it's a hard one it a hard one but is this is this and people you know the fast heads will know oh well hold on no i've got a different bit of it in my head um oh i can't really do it nah fuck nah i can't really like it. It's like, I've got the strings bit at the start. It's an ongoing refrain. And I don't know if it's bespoke to Fast 9 or if it's something that has been pulled from previous movies and is like a common thread that weaves through the entirety of the franchise.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Probably not. Is there a Fast theme? On the balance of things. I think there's got to be an instrumental refrain. This is thing with james bond man they got there so early they were like what about this and dr no and then it's in all of them boom hit it out of the park because it's it's almost john barry and his orchestra what it's crushed in terms of historic ongoing high earning franchises what are some of the points of difference in what ties together the bond franchise and what ties together the fast franchise the bond franchise is like one dude i guess vindees was arguably that dude
Starting point is 00:18:21 we were talking about that okay so there was a conversation that I'm pretty sure we had with Joseph Moore on The Lost Tapes when we did this the first time around. And I'm pretty sure we were talking about part of the reason this franchise is so epically successful at the box office is because from day dot, it has had a organically and meaningfully diverse cast baked into the dna like it is an
Starting point is 00:18:49 international feeling american movie you know um and it's very rare in hollywood holly even now it's like so many of these big i think blockbuster franchises are still led by whiteys well and the and the you know the value is that it that there's nothing that is remotely contrived about the casting in the fast franchise. Yeah, it's part of the fucking thing. It is that. It's part of the thing. And I don't know how to say it respectively,
Starting point is 00:19:18 but the main white guy is still canon within the films. Yeah, they had to keep him alive so that you and I would watch in an on screen capacity it's so weird to keep him alive it's so odd the main difference is Bond is one guy
Starting point is 00:19:36 and the Fast and Furious franchise is multiple characters Bond is British and you know there's a lot of things that come with that there's a civility and a suaveness to it this is brash Americans are more brash the Brits are more suave
Starting point is 00:19:52 Dominic Toretto, that's British though but I was thinking if there is an instrumental refrain that's threaded through the entire franchise it's treating itself like a bit of a sitcom
Starting point is 00:20:05 yeah like there are instrumental refrains that reoccur through sitcoms and I get you know this is spanned longer
Starting point is 00:20:11 than most sitcoms you know if we think this is like 20 years worth of movies now and they're doing what
Starting point is 00:20:17 when was the first one do you think do you want to take a guess at that 2000s it was in the
Starting point is 00:20:22 90s 202 2002 yeah 2002. Yeah. 2002. 9-11 happens and then the next year, the first Fast and the Furious movie comes out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I want to say... You're probably right. Yeah, 01, 02, yeah. That feels about right. I don't know. We'll find, 02. Yeah. That feels about right. 03, I don't know. We'll find out at some stage. I've opened
Starting point is 00:20:50 up several points and it's probably becoming quite frustrating for... Is it frustrating for you? Not at all. Then it's probably not frustrating for anyone. I've got all the tabs open. I'm keen to see where they go. I mean... Okay, I'll close the Letty theory
Starting point is 00:21:07 and then we can get into some of the other stuff. But the Letty theory is that she sets up this, you know, this quite intricate web of lies which detaches her from Dom and young Brian, frees her from the relationship and she's eligible to do whatever she wants. She made up a little lie about a little fake computer and then all of a sudden it spun out of control.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Kurt Russell helped sell it. Ludacris and Ramsey did their bit. The next day, she's at the airport. She's on the runway. She's about to get in a plane and fly to total freedom. She's got several fake passports. She's got, you know, $500,000 in unmarked bills and a bank account in the Cayman Islands,
Starting point is 00:21:45 which means that she will not have to worry about any of the detritus that she's left behind in forming this relationship with Dominic Toretto. And then who the fuck shows up in a muscle car with God knows who looking after his son, Dominic Toretto. Yeah, gutted. And all of a sudden she's like, okay,ay tej we're gonna have to improvise the game is still on yeah i said the game was off it's on we're gonna go to a fake country called monte
Starting point is 00:22:14 quinto where i have hired 500 fake military operatives who have their machine guns loaded with blanks this totally explains why Monte Quinto is made up, but nothing else in the movie doesn't exist. They're in other countries. They're in Scotland. Yeah. So they're in Monte Quinto, and she's like, I've got this entire thing set up.
Starting point is 00:22:35 We've got fake landmines. I've spent basically 90% of the money that I've squirreled away in the event that this would happen. I was hoping it wouldn't happen, but this is now happening. Here we are. And so this whole thing plays out and Dom's playing along and Roman, who's like, you know, can't believe that he's invincible, keeps being like, oh my God, I'm invincible. I keep getting shot by people and living.
Starting point is 00:22:58 He's literally got no idea that's all a front. They're blanks, dude. affront. They're blanks, dude. But there's something about the level of detail and the convincing way in which it's sold that it rings true not just for one Toretto, but for all living Toretto's.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Or all, like, you know, who are directly attached to Dominic Toretto's bloodline. Enter Jacob Toretto, John Cena. And so that's when it starts to go off the rails for her. Can I ask you this? It rings true for all Toretto's Does Mia know this is fake? Because she
Starting point is 00:23:31 Mia and Letty hang out Mia's not yet involved But like she gets drawn in Eventually she just turns up She doesn't know it's fake She doesn't know She's another Toretto There's an extra layer of complexity that's introduced So when Jacob She doesn't know it's fake. She doesn't know. She's another Toretto who's just like a moth to the flame.
Starting point is 00:23:47 There's an extra layer of complexity that's introduced. So when Jacob, John Cena, shows up, that's when she's like, okay, fuck. This used to be as simple as me just pulling Dom aside and saying, I don't want to be in a relationship with you. It's what I should have done. I should have been honest. I should have been honest three weeks ago now she's created like now the intensity
Starting point is 00:24:05 the research the hours the money that she has sunk into this lie the world's building to extract herself from the relationship
Starting point is 00:24:12 has rung so true that genuine Toretto's Toretto's plural and you know criminal operatives
Starting point is 00:24:20 have become invested in this world she's created and so it's gone from just a breakup strategy to being this genuine you know spy subterfuge you know global catastrophe scenario yeah and you're right mia tereta like a moth to a flame she enters the equation and all of a sudden this is why that we you know this is why there are so many gaps in the film because basically
Starting point is 00:24:41 you know letty tej ramsey they're improvising their way through a scenario that's being presented to them they're just in a lie that got too big not unlike the protagonist and the blunderer this is what i'm saying direct parallel it's funny to think about this um when you watch the scene of mia and letty going to to. Because at that point, Letty's like, fuck me, this got out of hand. And they're sitting down. They're sticking bok choy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Unwell. Mia, there's a performance inside, separate to this theory that now exists inside of it. I don't say we. I say Guy talked about and brought this up a lot in the last episodes. And then I forgot all about it. And I thought we talked about it maybe on episode one of this, but I don't think we did now in retrospect.
Starting point is 00:25:35 If you ever watch Fast 9. Hit him, Guy. Get him. Fuck him up. One of the single best performances in the entire movie is when Mia and Letty arrive in Tokyo and they go out for a meal to talk things over. i don't know if it's deliberately framed this way but mia uh is acting with chopsticks in a way which is so like utterly and consistently unconvincing and i don't know if
Starting point is 00:26:02 it's like she thought the frame was probably from you know elbow level up yeah and didn't think that the actual business of what she was doing with the chopsticks was in it or if she's never held chopsticks before but it's basically um i don't know i feel like it's like she's trying to mercy kill the bok choy in her ramen it's like she's got a pool it's like there's something in a pool stuff i'll tell you what it's like she's trying to mercy kill the bok choy in her ramen. It's like she's got a pool. It's like there's something in a pool. It's tough stuff. I'll tell you what's happening. It's like she needs to keep something underwater is what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:26:32 It's tough stuff because you watch what's happened on script, like what's made it to the release, and you're like, this is dog shit. This is bad stuff. But what it comes from is you can't change the state of something when you keep doing retakes, right? So you can't take a sip from a drink that's a glass where you can see the water level because you'll fuck it.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And the continuity will be destroyed. This is what she's trying to... Frame the food out. Dude, crop it out. We've got high enough res these days. Just crop out that bowl. If you're really struggling, Mia. Peter Jackson used a GoPro for a waterfall shot during Return of the King.
Starting point is 00:27:15 We're not going to notice if you crop in on what I'm assuming is like a red camera. It's all the same to us. If you're really struggling, Mia, ask for a fork. Grab a fork. There's no shame grab a fork from both the fictional character who gave you the ramen in the film and or craft services which exist in the real world we exist in where the production was made and before we get back to anything else i just want to say there's a line that um that letty says that i want to know As a man who's picked back up the microphone, he's picked back up the very time-consuming and sort of mind-numbing
Starting point is 00:27:50 and frustrating venture that is the worst of all time. She says, there's peace for me in the chaos. Do you relate to that? Yeah, I do actually. I didn't think about that when she said that. Did she say like, I don't know what's wrong with me I feel like I need to take on the world Head on I run into the chaos
Starting point is 00:28:13 She's sort of talking about No longer living off the grid And in the barn Just when I knew who I was I got pulled away I have to run to this thing. There's peace for me in the chaos. And I thought, is she speaking to us?
Starting point is 00:28:32 Is that for us? Is that for you? Yeah, to an extent, brother. Yeah. We could have walked away and we should have walked away long ago. Long ago. Do you know what? I was dreading coming over tonight and i i um am having a hard
Starting point is 00:28:46 time with the two and a half hour runtime of this movie yeah dude that's but not good or useful i'm still excited and in a sense there is peace for me in the chaos i do i do look forward to this adventure and i am enjoying, well, not yet. And it does take quite a long time to do the tracking backwards, but I'm looking forward to tracking backwards. I'm looking forward to seeing what has brought us here. I imagine as the movies go further and further back, go on.
Starting point is 00:29:21 We are going to watch Dominic Toretto learn to unclench his fists. So for us, okay, so that means in the chronology of the series, he learns how to clench his fists. So by the time we step into nine. I don't think he learns. I think he always knows. I think it's that he. So what are we seeing then?
Starting point is 00:29:41 What's the change? Just a man who's under constant stress. No, sorry. If we go back, like say we go to Fast 8 or Fast 6 or 3 or 1, are we going to see a hand opening up? I don't know that it's addressed. I don't know that the hand stuff is for, this is like extra for experts. I don't think the hand stuff is written into the scripts extra for experts i don't think the hand stuff
Starting point is 00:30:05 is written into the scripts of the fast and the furious franchise fast and the furious 10 hand stuff yeah i think fast and furious 10 is just a three hour long movie in which dominic torredo tries to remember how to masturbate which involves him i'm classed in the fierce is a funny name for a movie i'm clenching his fists wide enough to let his penis in and this is by the way i don't know if i've said this this is i used to do this on stage as a stand-up joke i said do you think that vin diesel's erect penis also looks like vin diesel and isn't that a lovely tie? The movie poster is the head of an erect penis with Vin Diesel's face photoshopped on it inside of a clenched fist,
Starting point is 00:30:52 just poking out the top of a clenched fist. Oh my God. And it's called Fast and the Furious 10 Hand Stuff. Hand Stuff. And the further we track backwards, I think we're going to see a young Dominic Toretto who knows how to have an open palm. I was imagining when you're driving,
Starting point is 00:31:07 you have to have your hands open. But when you see him driving in this movie, his fists are always clenched around the wheel. He does get the wheel in there, though. It's on the inside. It's not like oven mitts. He's not driving like that. After they've resolved all of the conflict in this movie,
Starting point is 00:31:22 he's at dinner with his family. He's talking to his son. His son's about to deliver grace for the first time. This is important stuff to both him and his family and his character. He's still got his fists clenched. What are you preparing for, brother? Dude, when you have lived the life that Dominic Toretto has lived, you've got to be ready for a fight at all times.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Do you know what else? My heart breaks for Letty. Been through this whole movie. She's right back where she's in LA. My heart breaks for Dominic Toretto. Why? Because he's so wound up, he's got to walk around with his clenched fists at a picnic.
Starting point is 00:31:56 That sucks. No one wants to live like that. Not even Dominic Toretto wants to live like that. He just has to. He doesn't have to. He does. Do you know who he's probably getting ready to fight like that. He just has to. He doesn't have to. He does. Do you know who he's probably getting ready to fight? The fucking ghost of his friend who just pulled up in his car.
Starting point is 00:32:12 That is wild. Do you know how strong you have to be to fight a ghost? Does the supernatural exist in this franchise? Does Dominic Toretto believe in ghosts? I have to think. You know how numbers as a concept are infinite therefore any word you can think of is a number so like beer is a number eventually because it has to be do you know what i'm saying no you know numbers are infinite right so any word will be a number
Starting point is 00:32:44 at some point any collection of letters will be a number because numbers are infinite am i with you that's where you lose me okay numbers go on forever right forever yeah yeah so that means like it's there's unlimited possible like combinations of letters that make up the name of a number at some point yeah you got millions billions trillions quadrillions you just keep changing the name so what eventually eventually there'll be a number where the where the letters that represent the number yeah will form a word so we're telling me all words because it's infinite all words exist in numbers yeah i mean this is the first i'm hearing of it i've always thought of them as two pretty separate things
Starting point is 00:33:26 Well this sucks because that was supposed to be the given point So we can I was going to say we can all agree on that But apparently we can't So that's a thing There are ten numbers Go on Zero through nine
Starting point is 00:33:42 Those are digits Everything else is just a recreation. Okay. That represents the concept of a higher number. Okay, so there's infinite recreations of concepts of higher numbers, right? Which means they take the place of all the words you could think of. In the same way, I believe in my heart of hearts, Fast and Furious is forever.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I think it never ever ends. And so by that reckoning I don't think there's been paranormal activity Previously but at some point They have to introduce ghosts Because they just run out of You've got to do everything If the franchise lives forever
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's been established in this movie People can't die in this universe Han is meant to be dead, he can't die None of the characters they're like uh excuse me dominic toredo's child's mother was killed by cypher so far what do you yeah so we believe that han was killed in one of the movies han was it was subterfuge it was a big trick by mr nobody what's the stop like if if you're willing to reintroduce that character, what's the stop?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Anyone from being... Yeah, it's true. But you'll... Do you know why there's no supernatural activity? Why? Because people can't die. Do you know why all of these actors look so tired? Because their...
Starting point is 00:34:57 Because their characters are immortal. Yeah, true. That would suck, eh? If you couldn't die. It'd be awful. It's like... you're so tired yeah would you like that no one i don't think anyone in their right mind actually wants a mortal life or is it you can bring one person with you nah man Nah, man. I think death is absolutely key.
Starting point is 00:35:26 It just like, it fucks up the stakes of everything. If you know that at no point you're going to go out. How could you feel anything? You're just like, I've just got to be around forever. I've got too much shit on me. I don't even want to be around anymore. Also, even like, you know, even as you age, the accumulation of every decision you've
Starting point is 00:35:45 made which defines how you are you know we're in our 30s that already feels like a lot to be 200 and carry around every decision you've made what about this you get to live forever like in your 28 to forever like you stop aging but you do all your all the mental like your mental acuity doesn't go down but your memories accumulate we're getting into picture of dorian gray territory yeah and that is um that's what what was the moral from the book one of the great it's got the horror books yeah you know the premise yeah you've told me i mean i know it loosely anyway just from you know i haven't read it but it's a portrait and the all the horrific things he does the portrait ages and you've talked about it on this podcast to me before it's a good book yeah i'll read it
Starting point is 00:36:38 because you told me it also wasn't too long did i yeah i don't know how long it is what a great example of not the situation i'm describing where you do retain all of your memories he does though and that's what drives him crazy true uh so it's a no from guy based on the fact that you read a book it's a no for me based on the fact i read a book although i would have more time to read more books If I only had time That's not the tune I don't think So I don't know If we've I don't know if we've
Starting point is 00:37:10 I don't even know You know What we've covered It seems like you've got You're on a You're on a bit of a Mission You've got some tasks
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah What else do you want to cover up brother? I just feel like You know You're on a tear I was I was I was taking out i was making withdrawals
Starting point is 00:37:27 from this movie and often you know what most of the time you know during these adventures we go on together it does feel like the movie is taking withdrawals from me it feels like um i'm not getting a lot of deposits you know and this was an instance where i felt like i as hard as i found it to watch i would say conceptually i found it harder than i did physically i actually had quite a nice time sitting with you even though you were being cheeky you're being rude you're being distracted and distracting i enjoyed that not immensely i mean when i did re-soundtrack the movie that was bold but you know i tried for anyone who's curious by the way i would argue that wings paul mccartney's wings uh admiral holsey slash uncle albert when um paired with
Starting point is 00:38:15 the vin diesel fight underwater dream sequence when do you kick it off do you remember you kick it off just as vin diesel is making eye contact with michelle rodriguez through like a a a sort of a porthole or a window he shuts the door and she's like saying come with me and he shuts the door and he's like it's like a welder's window blast furnace uh from that moment if you hit play on uncle albert or Halsey, you're going to watch something which is akin to... Dark Side of the Rainbow? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:52 That's what we were trying to do, basically. For about 4 minutes 20. It was pretty good. It lined up a few lovely little moments. I think it provided a fresh context. My shining light, thanks for asking, Guy. Didn't ask, don't care. For me, this time
Starting point is 00:39:06 there was a particular extra that we get to see in Tokyo whose outfit I thought was dope Yeah? It's all like white and it's got neon green accents What we don't talk about is it's a long down set for the extras Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:20 And often we're looking at an extra and we're thinking what sort of decisions Are they making In the world of the film But the reality is They're probably The thoughts that are Running through their head
Starting point is 00:39:31 Are probably like Fuck I need to piss I wonder if I can Ask to piss And they're walking Through frame You know
Starting point is 00:39:37 They're canonised They're professionals Just because they're extras Doesn't mean they're Not professional actors Have you been an extra before? No sir They are not Professionally extra it's a lot in a movie like this it's a long day they're not professional extras extras actors god damn it they're not professionals
Starting point is 00:39:56 they're people they're just people who have found a way to earn money on this day and you are just walking through the background of frame back and forth six hours four hours sitting down two hours back and forth you're not thinking in the world of the film you're not actually building your backstory you're just a body just a warm body on a bit of sally lloyd you know when you you know when your brain is truly bored yeah yeah i do know that you know that is what is running through these these characters or these extras heads do you think they do what we do try to like rebuild the world of the movie just because their brain is desperately crying out for no because they're not witnessing it as a movie they're witnessing it as a day's labor but even so just the repetitive nature of the little
Starting point is 00:40:40 sequence they're like what if i flip it on its head and this is an lsd uh you know imagination they're like i wonder if i can salvage that half head of lettuce in the vegetable drawer what if we're all brains on a jar i mean yeah that'll do brains in a jar brains in a jar on a shelf yeah what if i didn't get lettuce on the way home my shining light was um buddy's voice the voice of buddy the act who plays buddy michael ruka ruka i'm going with ruka r double okay bestO-O-K-E-R. Best known for playing Yonder, or at least to us in Guardians of the Galaxy. He's got a really satisfying raspy kind of...
Starting point is 00:41:30 I think he does a whistle in those Marvel movies. Because that's how he controls his arrows. Yeah, yeah. He's got a nice voice. It's a cool character, Yonder. His choice. Because he's sort of a bad guy, but I think he ends up helping Star-Lord
Starting point is 00:41:45 at different bits can't really remember it's been a minute and I won't watch it again and I think we all know why no there's no reason there's no reason
Starting point is 00:41:57 Chris Pratt gets a lot now eh he cops it yeah he cops it and I feel rightly I don't know man hard to say hard to care i mean doing mario is fucked like there is a guy and he's still very much alive who does all the mario voices get that guy but it's like no that's not how movies work yeah it could be though same for get a cat yeah man this is fucking stupid
Starting point is 00:42:28 while we're in the conversation about what's his name Chris Pratt Michael Rooker the whale Brendan Fraser wearing a fat suit can we please get some Representation for cats
Starting point is 00:42:45 And stop voicing Garfield Probably the world's Most famous cat By a person Comedian humans Yeah I don't
Starting point is 00:42:52 He's not a comedian I was thinking of Bill Murray Okay I'm still thinking of Chris Pratt And that's what I take issue with I don't care if Wait is Chris Pratt Garfield Yes
Starting point is 00:43:02 He got He got cast as Garfield Okay Enough is enough, folks. And Mario, like, sequentially. We're going to take to the streets. And there was a very, this is very poor form, there was a very funny tweet where someone said, you know, Chris Pratt won't see your tweets about him
Starting point is 00:43:20 doing voiceover for all of these characters, but your friends who are voiced by Chris Pratt will. That's funny. Hey, do you want to say anything really important before we end? Because I'm committed to ending. Really important? Yeah. Well, anything you want to put in
Starting point is 00:43:38 in the dying seconds of this episode. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams. Fuck. What a trap I've laid for myself I want to thank everybody for listening Okay Please don't review this one What journey are you on? I'll fucking show you the videos
Starting point is 00:44:00 When we stop recording No, no, no Get YouTuber Oh no Oh boy Hey, listen Just ignore everything Guy said when we stop recording get YouTube up oh no oh boy hey listen just ignore everything Guy said we love you all
Starting point is 00:44:12 and you know we'll be back next week and next week I think we'll watch F9 the fate of the furious we're going to get a guest we said it last week. We'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:44:26 We need another person in here. We need another person. Christ alive. All right. Okay. Bye. That's all. Look at Building 7.
Starting point is 00:45:07 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

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