The Worst Idea Of All Time - 38: The Worst

Episode Date: May 2, 2019

Hard to say what is and isn't a new low on this show but either way, things are bleak. Timbo doesn't even know which watch this is. Guyguy is on a kind of holiday in the South Island of New Zealand. L...ot of plane chatter. Lot of couple watching. If you're still with the boiz at this point, you deserve a medal. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We just have a good rhythm together, you know, he sort of feels me out, I feel him out, and we go for it. Hello, and welcome along to episode 38 of The Worst. I'm Guy Montgomery. I'm Tim. The Frosty Fellas, it seems, Guy, we haven't had any pre-microphone discussion. We just started up the old Skype machine and hit record. Judging by your tone, I think you feel the same way I do. It feels like the Frosty Fellas really got a good licking this time.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Yeah. Often licked. Never beaten. Not yet, but close. That was the 38th million screening of Sex and the City. It might be 39. Is it definitely 38?
Starting point is 00:00:58 It's 38. Is it? It's all a haze. It's all a fucking mess, isn't it? It's all a goddamn mess, Monty. How do we get ourselves out of this thing? Who's counting? Well, you and I should be
Starting point is 00:01:12 because counting is the only way to set ourselves free. It's true. Either way, I am in sort of Lake Hayes, which is technically an area in sort of between Queenstown and Arrowtown in the Otago region, the South Island of New Zealand. Tim, presumably stationed as always, Little Empire HQ. I'm holding guard. Did you watch the movie last night or this morning?
Starting point is 00:01:45 This morning. Okay. How about you? Yeah, I watched it this morning as well. I couldn't bring myself to do it last night. I just thought... Because I feel like if it's the last thing you do, it kind of tarnishes the day.
Starting point is 00:02:03 And if it's the first thing you do it kind of tarnishes the day if it's the first thing you do yes it does get the day off to a rough start but if you do it early enough there's ample opportunity to win the day back could you not think of it in terms of if you do it so early it's not even touching the day you do it so early it's not even touching the day um i guess i could but that to me feels like i am acknowledging i'm in an abusive relationship because if i do it really early say it will it will you know like i could later on in the day i could be tired or whatever you know i could feel like I need a lie down. Yeah. And if I wanted my day to move on from having watched Sex and the City that morning,
Starting point is 00:02:50 I would say, I'd lie to myself and I'd say, oh, I'm just tired. I go, why am I so tired right now? And I'd shut out the memory of having watched it. And I go, oh, I'm just knackered, I guess. Do you know what I mean? Because to me, it's somehow healthier to i don't know to to build it in i mean what do you think do you think you can watch this movie early enough that it has no impact on the rest of your day i think that sounds insane
Starting point is 00:03:18 uh no that no that's not possible um especially at this juncture i think probably biting it off in two two bite-sized pieces is probably the most effective way i've found to do it but in some ways it's the worst as well and it also you sort of brought to my attention it kind of is tantamount to cheating um it's all it's true at some point you've just got to i guess go hey this is this is gonna it's like a cold shower but the cold shower lasts for so long and um and you've got to do it you know multiple times in a week it's taking a toll though there's no doubt about that at all happy to happy to hear it tim what were some of the coping mechanisms you developed for yourself while watching sex in the city this morning it's a broad numbness it's like
Starting point is 00:04:11 a an intellectual numbness it's um it's almost like an accidental form of meditation in some ways now i think whereby things are happening on the screen i've described this before where it's just you know pixelated images moving across an electrified screen with uh certain impressions being blasted onto my eardrums but nothing's been interpreted as sound or vision it's it's just random nonsense and noise so that would mean you sort of you uh withdraw into yourself you that if you can hear that by the way there is a dog um trying with his all his might to bust the door open to come and hang out in here uh better luck next time rufus daddy's daddy's a little busy being upset right now that's right dad's at work rufus so you but you you you you sort of when you
Starting point is 00:05:08 describe it as an accidental meditation because i know exactly what you're saying but you know a single listener who is not watching along might not too busy trying to get uh ron paul to to jump in the race i think yeah you're doing the lord's work if i know my one libertarian listener but so you you it's sort of like do you find peace and solitude within it or is it like um that is there's no there's no respite within the meditation it's just the the best means of making sure you don't get angry or weird it's not intentional you're you're um sort of suggesting that it's a choice i'm making it's not it's like a very involuntary response that my body and my brain has now to uh to the opening credits it it just shuts down to try and protect itself
Starting point is 00:05:59 it's like yeah i just i can't open myself up for the hurt anymore so i just sort of um i don't know even though the movie's going on i just kind of i shut off to it a bit now i have to i have to there's no other way to get through it it's crazy well especially because i ought like to a one oh pretty much i always watch it with headphones in so it's incredibly inescapable. It's like right there burrowing into my brain. I've done that a few times just for a change of pace, and it certainly is confronting, but that's too much for me.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So did you miss me? Of course. Yeah, I missed you. Hey? Did you? Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, and I don't want you Did you? Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, and I don't want you to take this the wrong way,
Starting point is 00:06:47 but I just missed anyone being there, really. It's usually me, so that means you did miss me. I did miss you. I absolutely missed you being there alongside for the watch in my side cart in this motorcycle destined for hell. I missed you. That's's nice my mom came in i was watching it i'm at my mom and dad's house and i uh i'm just staying in one of their spare rooms and i i watched it and mom mom came in and um you know there was a time in my life and in the, you know, the arc of the podcast where she'd, you know, be curious or incredulous or deride me.
Starting point is 00:07:33 But just not even sympathy, but just like sort of. Disdain? You know, not disdain. Indifference. Almost, yeah, like neutral indifference. Just like, yeah, that's what you do that's part of your life how did that make you feel uh worse yeah worse because you know it's like you there's a time when the people who love you they they care about you and they fight for
Starting point is 00:07:58 you and then eventually if you keep making the same mistakes you know that they have to look after themselves at some point. That's right. It's not their responsibility. And so to see that she's crossed over into that sort of area, I'm not going to lie to you, Tim, it genuinely did not feel good. I mean, totally valid. And it's a miracle it took this long.
Starting point is 00:08:24 How about your dad? Well, i didn't get well i didn't get word from steven so i did i did time it so i got a quick little break where i could go upstairs fix myself a coffee and some breakfast nice and um and and doing that uh dad was on dad was on the phone we haven't we haven't spoken yet this morning. But I would actually, it would be a valuable input because I feel like he would still deride us. He would at least have the goodwill and good grace to be really rude about it towards me. He really likes you, so probably not towards you.
Starting point is 00:09:02 But if you just imagine all the rudeness towards me is for both of us does man and that and that's better is it your dad being derisive towards you is better than charlotte's indifference um it just gives me something to come up against do you call her mummy montgomery is that a name that gets thrown around at all? Absolutely. All the time. Yeah? Yeah, big time.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I also call my dad Mummy Montgomery. That's confusing. You need some difference between the two so people know which one you're talking about. They look different. I know who i'm talking about so i mean i imagine yeah to a listener who doesn't have visual cues to go off it could be very confusing but no i call i call all members of my family mummy mummy montgomery i honestly
Starting point is 00:09:58 find that question so disgusting the only response I could think of was accepting it. Do you call your parents mummy? No. No. Yeah, I'm trying to think of the last time I would have called... What's that? Sorry? Bubby?
Starting point is 00:10:20 Bubby. No, maybe I should introduce Bubby. Is Bubby not grandma, though? Yeah, but it's just something that is so ranked to me about... I don't know what it is. About mummy. It's not alliteration. Yeah, it's about mummy. But Bubby, you know...
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, I think it is. I think it is mummy. It's mummy and daddy as an adult. Even actually in children. I understand, I understand. It's nice. It's affectionate. But it's Mummy.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Why do we need to elongate words when kids are little like that? The tone of it suggests an entitled ask for? Mummy. You need the second syllable just to get the swing on it because you can't do that with the word mum. Mum. Oh, no, you can.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Mum. I can't imagine this. I'm not a parent, but as a parent, I think it would be... Oh, actually, who's to say? You know, mum is all business. Mummy is a beg.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah, that's true. at us man we are really yeah it's not going well can i ask this question what would your do you even know what you would want your parents to react to you at this part of the journey like what would be the ideal relationship they would have? That's why I want Dad to come in and say, what are you doing, boy? What are you doing, boy? When I was your age, I was... I don't know what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:11:53 He was probably jogging. Yeah, you get out there. You get your shoes on every now and then. Nah, look, there's no set response. It's more just like it was something to play against. It was a moment of respite from the film. And so I talked about it because if I didn't talk about that, Tim, I was going to talk about the movie.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And while I have got some stray observations and it did stir some feelings in me, the overwhelming one, as I think it is for you, was just like a sense of drowning in an ocean. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. Drowning. sense of you know drowning in an ocean yeah yeah yeah that's it drowning like it just it's just this vast ocean of of nothingness this movie you know you just swim around from like you know what is it even are they life rafts are they bits of driftwood that you can hang on to
Starting point is 00:12:39 you can dig your nails into for a second before it slips away what i wouldn't give for a friendly pod of dolphins to swim by it's but it's less exciting than drowning it's it's like dying in a desert i think okay well if nothing else you have opened up an interesting hypothetical here would you rather why i think you hypothetical here. Would you rather... I don't think you've answered it. You'd rather die drowning than in the desert? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Good question. Good question. I think drowning's just so traumatic, isn't it? Well, but, you know, what is trauma in the face, you know, in death? What is trauma in death? If it is certain death you're facing, it's difficult to get too bogged down and worrying about the trauma. I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:13:35 But in terms of if we're going to pick one, I think I'd rather be in the water for a couple of reasons. Number one, it feels like there's more hope associated with that situation. death okay like that's guaranteed so i'm in like a big open cold body of water there's nothing but i wouldn't know that would i i wouldn't like i could i could hold out some hope that maybe a a big that's true that's a helicopter or something could go by. Like, I don't know what's up. Whereas in a desert,
Starting point is 00:14:08 I feel like you can see for so far that you know your peril is imminent. But the ocean is bigger than the desert. But you can't, you're thrashing around, you can't see, you can't get a good
Starting point is 00:14:24 picture of it all you can't drink of what of of if there's anything that's there to help you where on the desert and the desert you can see for a really long way to see that nothing is going to help you survive and keep living in the ocean you are thrashing around trying to survive and uh number one it's going to like expend all your energy a lot quicker so you'll probably die a huge amount faster plus you freeze to death probably and uh but also you kind of can't get that good you know look out for a long way in all directions so So it's like, oh, maybe a helicopter's coming. You can. All you see is the horizon. You just see the sea for as far as it stretches until it meets the horizon.
Starting point is 00:15:11 What if it's choppy out? Terrifying. If it's choppy out, then you see it over waves. You're desperately trying to bob your head. Neither of these are desirable. A shining light then, eh? Oh, yeah. neither is desirable ah yeah bold decision making by two featured extras
Starting point is 00:15:31 well one featured extra the other I don't know that they would have had their name in the credits Stanford and Carrie are on the phone it's New Year's Eve it's a scene oh no it's after that actually it's during the countdown
Starting point is 00:15:44 when we see Stanford and Anthony decide to kiss. I'm also there. And, of course, our focus is on that kiss between those two characters because why wouldn't it be? It's what the camera's pointed at. They're the only characters in that scene who we are familiar with. But as you and I well know, there's often something a little bit more intriguing happening
Starting point is 00:16:05 just around the corner just there in the background and to the left of our characters there is a a woman who is celebrating new year's and as the clock strikes zero she throws herself with notable and commendable vigor towards an unseen figure, tall enough that she has to look up at him. I'm assuming it's a fella. And the two of them, I don't know if they decided this before the take, but go for it. Stanford and Anthony, they share a kiss which says, hey, you're here,
Starting point is 00:16:47 it's New Year's, this is tradition, it's quite nice, this could lead to something more. Their kiss is loaded with unbridled passion. These two people know a lot more about the rest of their night than Stanford and Anthony know about theirs. The mystery's gone, the intrigue is gone, these guys
Starting point is 00:17:03 are going to get down and dirty, they're going to fuck. That's really cool. Let's dig into that. I actually weirdly don't know who you're talking about, which shocks me to my very core. So I don't have a good picture in my head of them. How old are they, do you think?
Starting point is 00:17:19 Early 30s? Yeah, I reckon probably mid-30s. How old is stanford and anthony because is it a society party um yeah it probably is if stanford blatch is there does that mean that they uh um you know it's other people of their age and of their ilk? Or does it mean that they're just... Because it's like a public space, so it could just be populated by anyone.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah, true. I think you get a pretty wide spectrum, Monty, at those sorts of shindigs because you get artisans and captains of industry from across the spectrum of age. Okay, well, I guess maybe they're a bit younger. I reckon, yeah, probably early 30s um early 30s they know how to fuck they know how to make their partner feel good in bed they've done well yes but you don't get to see a lot of the guy you see like his hand you
Starting point is 00:18:19 see quite a nice looking wristwatch a shirt cuff and a and a jacket and with her you see her she's like really putting herself out there she's you know she's holding like a half full glass of from memory the wine or punch it's in a wine glass and she's sort of sloshing it around like she's she's had a few um so there is you know there is there is, there is an excitement to, to their kiss and to the, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:18:48 they probably both knew it was going to happen but have been hanging out for New Year's so as not to, you know, go on too, too far of a social limb
Starting point is 00:18:55 but almost the excitement and reverie suggests to me that they might be too drunk to truly enjoy, I mean, and for all we know, this isn't their first time, maybe they're a couple but no, they don't't they don't give off the feeling of a couple it feels
Starting point is 00:19:08 like a new year's union honestly yeah i well knowing that stanford and anthony get married but even to remember it now this scene while there is much more passion in the kiss between this woman and her unseen partner, if I was a betting man, I would lay odds on Stanford and Anthony for having a better night that night and probably having better odds for the relationship to last. You think Stanford and Anthony do? Yeah, just the way they're going about it, there's a bit more maturity. Neither of them appear to be quite as inebriated, which means they probably have more autonomy
Starting point is 00:19:51 over their decision-making. They're more in control of what they're doing. Not to go against reveling in the occasion of New Year's Eve or any party that you might go to, you know, reveling in the, in the, you know, in the occasion of new year's Eve or, or any party that you might go to. But I just think, you know, Sloan city wins the race.
Starting point is 00:20:12 The trajectory of, Oh, not always. And the trajectory of the relationship, Stanford and Anthony, like we see them kiss, which is quite a big deal. Cause they kind of hate each other. I think maybe in the show, do you know, do each other, I think, maybe, in the show.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Do you know, I mean, we don't know that. The only reason you and I think that, or even know that, is because at the start of Sex and the City 2, the movie, the movie, they... And honestly, this information to me feels embroiled in the red herring that Samantha Jones was going to get married. Because you know how on Sex and the City 2 they did like stage shoots with her in a wedding dress to throw everyone off the scent so they keep playing that up when they're choosing when
Starting point is 00:20:52 they're we're big off goodman i can't remember what they're there for but they go you know hell just for they say hell just froze over the idea of them getting married but that's about as much information we have that they don't like each other because if that's true then we have a tv show where they hate each other we have that brief kiss and then the next thing we know they're getting married in the largest wedding new york city's ever seen well this is i mean i've spoken about this you know they there is a there's more than just this of course you've spoken about this mon you know. There is more than just this. Of course you've spoken about this, Monty. We've seen this film approaching 40 times.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah, there's a moment where they sort of appear to share a connection or chemistry at that sort of Denny's-style diner at the end of the film when they're both celebrating that. That's it. We get a kiss at midnight, a fleeting kiss,
Starting point is 00:21:44 a look during the ending the ending credit sequence basically and then they're getting married yeah right that's it that's all we have those are the breadcrumbs that lead to a huge wedding um hey that's really cool man i'm glad you found a couple who are going to copulate, probably, to usher in the new year. A special thing in New York City where it gets cold at that time of the year. I do what I can.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Actually, my shining light guy thanks for asking is another couple, funnily enough. One that I haven't paid a lot of attention to before but um this scene i i sort of zoned in on a bit more than usual it is samantha jones in an airplane finishing her dessert going back to los angeles uh presumably with it in her head that she knows she's got to now break up with smith judd after having a chat to her gal pals and in that first class cabin uh the first thing I noticed is Samantha has bought a seat for her bag in her pup which is just I wanted to talk about money for a moment because this woman was going to pay $50,000 for a ghastly ring and it just blows
Starting point is 00:23:03 my mind Carrie Bradshaw I was trying to think of all the things in this movie that have a named price we know that carrie bradshaw bought shoes that were 525 and then forgot about them left them in the closet we know that she also brought a cushion one single cushion on a sofa that cost three hundred dollars and we know that samantha jones was in the bidding for a rather hideous ring which appears to be made with cubic zirconia as the featured gemstone you suckers you ladies and uh got in a bidding war against her partner was going to pay fifty thousand000 for it and he ended up paying that amount.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It's just a world... He paid $60,000. Did he? Oh yeah, sorry. $50,000 was her limit. Yes, yes, yes. Is it $55,000 or is it $60,000? It doesn't matter. Fuck me, it doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:04 matter, but I'm just curious. Oh, no. So what's your... Oh, yeah, my shining light. So anyway... What? There's no point. I was just saying that everything's crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Oh, okay. Man, you're upset. It's just such huge amounts of money for such weird shit $500 shoes a $300 cushion a ring that costs maybe $55 maybe $60,000
Starting point is 00:24:32 but you know anyway that is just you know I know it's insane it's absurd but it's that is
Starting point is 00:24:40 that is you and I you know you just add an extra three zeros onto everything but that's you know you or I looking at some. You just add an extra three zeros onto everything. But that's, you know, you or I looking at some knick-knack in a novelty store and going, yeah, I'll spend $30 on that. That's what $30,000 is to them.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I guess so. The Shining Light is the couple that sat behind Samantha Jones on that flight. They're cool. They're, I think think probably together romantically but it's a little bit ambiguous it could be a work trip maybe it's the start of something it could actually be either a similar or the exact same couple from the new new year's party you know i don't i mean i i i'm actually tim to be honest i'm skimming through this file so i can see who they are good stuff so this is of course the magic scene where and i've talked about it before the flight attendant who takes the pudding off of samantha when she's furiously trying to get it down her gob to get every last calorie in, who is so funny.
Starting point is 00:25:46 That flight attendant just puts a great performance in every one. I don't know if you've got a different screen, but I don't even get to see a couple. I just see a woman in a window seat. There's a guy. Are you kidding me, man? What fuckery is this? Now I've got to figure out how to watch the movie
Starting point is 00:26:03 while I've got you on my phone. No, it's okay. I can describe it to you there's two guys who are sitting in the row in front of Samantha Jones talking to each other they look like they could be in business or they could be involved and then there's one woman in a window seat who's sorting out her hand luggage
Starting point is 00:26:17 because the plane's landing I guess and that's all you get there's no couple to speak of wait sorting out her luggage wait a minute what scene are you in the one where she gets her dessert taken off her exactly there's a man and a woman behind Samantha
Starting point is 00:26:36 oh do you know what yeah yeah you're right thank god jesus christ that scared the hell out of me. Yeah, now that I see how much of them you see, I understand that, absolutely. Woof.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Do you know what? Scary stuff. This is a really nice find because the shot really goes past them and they both have a lot of decisions to make as performers. She's not doing a hand nugget. She's putting away her headphones. And he sort of looks...
Starting point is 00:27:06 He looks... I think he looks well-rested. He's just handing over a mug like he's had a cup of coffee. But I also reckon he's probably had a few vinos. What a champ. Is that how you look well-rested? Just slam a vino or two?
Starting point is 00:27:19 Well, he's just in a big comfy seat on an airplane. He's being very well taken care of by the first class cabin staff. He's got a big puffy pillow on his right shoulder. What's your take on their relationship, Guy? Do you think they are business or leisure? They could even be strangers. And I'm watching the tape over and over here because his body language, like they've got different body language i reckon he's probably
Starting point is 00:27:46 skeezy businessman looking you know maybe flying uh away from his family to go on a business trip and looking for you know uh uh dalliance a romantic dalliance he's not to you know make all businessmen skeevy creeps but he's so laid back she's got legs crossed her body language is pointing away from him as she puts away the headphones i would love to talk to these two to know what they thought their relationship was or it's not even thought for them i guess they know oh no do you know because if you keep going and you don't see him in frame anymore oh my god the mystery deepens she looks at him she looks at him as though to say oh yeah but like it's not even necessarily the look of a couple it's it's her looking like nah they're
Starting point is 00:28:32 not together they're not together he said something creepy this guy's bad news and we need to get him off the flight oh really oh what's he done i don't know but it's it's you know the plane's landing. So thank the Lord it's over soon. Chuck him in. Biff him in coach. Yeah, put him in coach. Put him in plane prison.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Coach. That's what happens to you if you're in first class and you start upsetting people in there. They chuck you in with the great unwashed. What a punishment. They don't even put you in premium economy. They just kick you straight down to the bottom of the barrel they put you in the set next to someone on a plane in cabin where either they've like they've um fuck this shits me reclined back someone who's sitting in front of you or someone who's just
Starting point is 00:29:21 to the side of you who choose completely with their mouth open those are employees of the airline and if you're in that seat you have either unwittingly been put in plane prison or you've accidentally put yourself in plane prison but those seats are supposed to be reserved for naughty first class customers i love that theory you mean to tell me planes are so this is like fuck that really makes me cross and it's totally believable it's true it's true job yeah would would you do that for the right amount yeah absolutely i i put it in the same basket as people who do like science experiments, medical experiments for money. It would kind of be like that. It's like pretty lowbrow sort of effort.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Not a lot of effort. You just sort of sit there and be annoying and you get paid for that. Not bad. That's the sort of job that I used to find desirable as, you know, like a teenager, late teen, early 20s sort of young guy even. You know, the idea of a work where I didn't have to extend myself in any way mentally or physically was the dream. But then in like doing promo and various different jobs which kind of fulfilled that brief, I learned it's actually not the dream because you just have too much time to think. And often what you're thinking about is,
Starting point is 00:30:46 why am I doing this? Yeah. It's the George Costanza problem where the amount of trouble it takes to make it feel like you're not working, if you just applied that to working, you'd probably be happier. I'd like to stay in that particular time of the movie, Tim.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You described, Samantha's not actually flying back to LA to break up with Smith. She's flying back to New York having just broken up with Smith. Oh, sorry. Oh, really? Yeah, and I want to know how you feel about this. So I was shocked to discover today that after Steve and Miranda get together,
Starting point is 00:31:20 which is a moment I'm on the record as enjoying, and I didn't mind it today either there is still 30 minutes of movie to go and i don't know if it's because i associate with that storyline the most and i feel like that's the natural conclusion of the film but that just seemed so disrespectful to me so they resolved that and there's 30 minutes ago i thought that's all right and then you know there are these benchmarks you hit on the home stretch so you've got you know by this point in my mind i'm like i've got to wait for miranda and steve to get back together i've got to wait for samantha to figure out she needs to break up with smith and actually go through with breaking up with smith i need
Starting point is 00:31:59 charlotte and harry to have a baby and i need carrie to go back yeah but this you know like this all feels like the home stretch but it is a lot of action to get through still and i need carrie to go back to her apartment be reunited with big him proposed they get married at the city hall and then them to have a meal and then you're done and 30 minutes after the first false ending return of the king miranda and steve reunited and then by the time that samantha's dumped smith and returned to new york minutes after the first false ending, Return of the King, Miranda and Steve reunited. And then by the time that Samantha's dumped Smith and returned to New York, I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:32:30 okay, well, surely we're down to 20 minutes. It's only 25 minutes. I get it when Louise leaves and I think it's like a good 45 minutes left at that point. This movie is like, it's like the, you know, there's just all this minutes left at that point. This movie is like, it's like the, you know, there's just all this stuff left in the tank.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's like in a car, when you look at the petrol tank, and you think, oh no, it looks like I'm out of petrol, I better get this to the station. But it just keeps going. It just keeps going.
Starting point is 00:33:02 But in a worse way. It's like the gauge is showing it full or something but it stops working I don't know I know what you mean what are we going to do with this well I will say this I admire Samantha's
Starting point is 00:33:21 confidence with what in general I admire Samantha's confidence. With what? In general? Yeah, in general. There's one moment that made me think of it, but to be honest, it stems from admiring her general confidence.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So when she's on the phone to Carrie, you were right to keep talking. I wasn't going to ask you a question. I just don't want to talk about the movie. Oh dude it's okay i've got great instincts um she's on the phone to carrie it's valentine's day she is making sushi for smith and talking to carrie and carrie's talking to her and she's on speakerphone which is still available on mobiles but you know speakerphone the advent of speakerphone on the home phone console was a pretty exciting time huge um but it means that her hands are free to
Starting point is 00:34:10 continue making sushi and i just admire you know like i as someone who's not a super confident cook i'm good there's a few dishes i can cook really well but like if i'm learning a new dish all of my energy and concentration has to go into that and we know that samantha and smith yeah a sushi making course once that would not embolden me to think i know how to make sushi certainly not confidently enough that i could do it without even really paying attention i could do it as second nature that i have the muscle memory in me to roll up a delicious maki roll like she's on the phone to carry while making the sushi and she's like all of her attention is going into the conversation all of her secondary attention is going to the sushi and yes the role that she's making turns out to be disastrous but i'd like
Starting point is 00:34:57 anyone we see the result of the split focus i'd like anyone who has the self-confidence to just you know like you actually have it you're like yeah i can do that i i always i'm always like no no you know or i i if i'm if i'm preparing a meal like i can't let anyone i can't talk to anyone i can't let anyone know i'm preparing it it's like i'm hiding a dirty little fucking secret you know until really until it's yeah until it comes out successfully i feel like i have to hide it the information from everyone because then that creates more pressure it makes me more nervous i mean that's um that's cute that's what that is. I was looking for the word. That's adorable. I'd love to be a Samantha in that situation.
Starting point is 00:35:50 You're a bit of a foodie, though. I feel like you're quite ambitious with the meals you're trying to make. And so is she. That role does turn out bad. But making sushi seems hard. It looks hard to me. Yeah. It looks hard to me, too.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Tim, neither of us have anything to say no I mean absolutely you're dead right what do you reckon we get out of here yeah should we just end it I guess this episode is just proof that we watched it
Starting point is 00:36:21 some of them are comedy some of them are reviews some of them is just proof and evidence on the proof that we watched it some of them are comedy some of them are reviews some of them is just proof and evidence on the record that we watched i'm gonna be by your side for the next one and we're gonna do something to really fucking shake things up man i'll tell you what i tell you what um uh what the fuck did we just watch in Patreon? Oh, Bucky Larson. Bucky Larson. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:48 So here's the thing, folks. Unless you're listening to this on Patreon, because people on Patreon who support us to the tune of $5 a month or more get these episodes ad-free and a day earlier than everyone else. And if you're doing that, thank you so much. If you're not, consider supporting us on there. Because, again, if you're a $5 or plus um patreon pal you get access to our patreon watches and we just watched bucky larson which was a fucking romp um really interesting interesting movie very interesting chat off the back of that um guy and i sort of laying eyes into ourselves and the entertainment
Starting point is 00:37:23 industry um and if you give 10 bucks a month or more on the patreon powers you get to be part of the deciders club and actually figure out what movie we're going to watch next it's jolly good fun over there this is um this is more like the this is the desert where we're dying slow painful death and no one's coming to help us the patreon is um a traumatic ocean where there's a bit of excitement. There's the odd shark. There's a bit more to look at, a bit more to do.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Either way, we're both dying. But, yeah. Bad Nalangin? It's great. I don't mind it, mate. Do you have anything you want to promote? I think I just did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I actually am not going to promote any of my live shows on the back of this podcast fair enough fair enough that would be counterintuitive if you want to see anything though go to
Starting point is 00:38:15 slash live don't no it's just a good umbrella one you know yeah okay yeah yeah fair enough
Starting point is 00:38:23 okay Guy what okay hey here's what we're going to do to end the episode guy we're going to say uh i'm going to say three nice things about you and you can do whatever you want you don't have to say you can just end it if you want i'm going to say guy montgomery my friend uh is a good cook i've had your cooking it's delicious um and i'm sorry it stresses you out but it gets great results. Number two, Guy Montgomery is a great friend.
Starting point is 00:38:47 He looks out for his mates, really cares about people, he does. And number three, Guy Montgomery is really, really adorable with young children. Very cute. Hey, someone get this guy a baby. I will say this for you, Tim. Tim mixes, edits, and uploads all of the podcasts. We just have a good rhythm together, you know. He sort of feels me out, I feel him out.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And we go for it.

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