The Worst Idea Of All Time - 48: Full Immersion

Episode Date: June 17, 2019

LIVE SHOWS: NYC (June 23), Chicago (June 24), Portland (June 26), LA (June 28)Timbo has been sitting in a bathtub wearing a VR headset and plugged into noise cancelling headphones to achieve a fully i...mmersive Sex and The City watch. The results are troubling. After attempting to counter-act the illness-inducing act of being in cold water for an extended period, he’s overshot and made the water much too hot, creating discomfort and dehydration. He’s knocking over smoothies, burning his body and trying not to faint. Guy, on the other hand, is laughing all the way to the bank. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we just have a good rhythm together you know he sort of feels me out i feel him out and we go for it hello and welcome to the worst idea of all time total immersion edition but only for one of us and that one is me spindlyindly Timbly Wimbly, your humble servant in entertainment. I am wrecked. Yeah. A few questions right off the bat. I can't see you, but judging by the audio surrounds with which I'm speaking to you, are you still in the tub?
Starting point is 00:00:41 I'm in the tub. I'm in the tub. Oh, my God. Splishy-sploshy around. Yeah. That's a good noise. speaking to you are you still in the tub i'm in the tub i'm in the tub oh my god yeah that's a good noise can you give give us more of that moving water what what what color is the water that's fine it's pretty see-through it's all good man and what do you tell you what are you wearing this was stupid this was a dumb idea this was bad my my eyes hurt so much i've got like a splitting headache from having a fucking cell phone screen like jammed up against my eyes for the last two hours this was wild
Starting point is 00:01:19 so here's here's uh here's the rub Tim before you launch into it I need to know what you're wearing oh right I put togs on I put some togs on so that I could take some video for you because you specifically requested it and I want to send you my penis fair enough
Starting point is 00:01:39 and what's the temp of the water tepid now so I started off scalding hot like way too hot and it took me because i because you you were saying and my wife zoe was you both were saying you were like the water will get cold and then you're just sitting in a cold bathtub for like however long it's a long movie which is true so i made the water real fucking hot straight off the bat and as a result it took me 10 minutes to like lower myself into the water um because it was scalding hot and then once i did so i had some supplies because i really
Starting point is 00:02:23 thought this out because i wanted to be as undisturbed as possible. So I made a smoothie and a coffee and I put them next to the tub and then I got the headset on and everything. And I've been wearing noise cancelling headphones as well for the last two and a half hours. So I finally, after 10 minutes of like inch by inch lowering my body into this incredibly hot bathtub i finally got in and i stretched my arm out and knocked over the smoothie completely into the bath nah nah knocked it onto the floor um so then we had to stop and clean that up and then start the fucking start the whole process again of lowering myself in but i did i yeah fuck my i have got such a headache talking yeah so i'm not surprised the other thing was because it was so scalding hot like i got to about the i reckon 30 35 minute mark and i i i tried to hold up
Starting point is 00:03:29 held out for as long as possible i was like i i'm gonna faint in the tub and then i was thinking about it and i was like man what will happen if i faint in the tub it'll definitely break these headphones these noise cancelling headphones will it electrocute me probably not what about my cell phone nah that's waterproof apparently so worst case scenario um i probably won't get electrically shocked or anything i won't get electrocuted i could the drowning drowning is possible and then just when i was thinking i was like man i this is the limit this is my physical limit of how much heat and humidity i can stand and then my phone was like hey dude i'm overheating i can't do this vr thing anymore you're you're a madman so then i had to stop and get out of the tub and fashion using a us fan and a battery pack,
Starting point is 00:04:29 a fan that would like blow down into the phone while I watched. The whole thing's been quite an experience. This is the absolute height of Tim Batt. I am so proud of you for doing this I'm so happy you have, you decided to do it and I'm just absolutely, you know gleeful
Starting point is 00:04:54 at how challenging the entire enterprise has proven to be I got so mad at you and I don't know why midway through I was just like I am absolutely furious at guy about this this whole thing stinks why i don't know you must have been able to play some some part of the fury was it because i wasn't doing it um i think there was part of it and also i know that we're on a slightly tight time frame because you're doing something and i was like running around trying to solve
Starting point is 00:05:21 all this it's like fucking guy with things that aren't this podcast in his life i was just so hot so hot um but it's it's it's things are okay now i had a little sip of water i haven't actually had much water i definitely haven't had enough water man i was kind of counting on that smoothie to tie me over but that didn't happen obviously you gotta stay hydrated i know so then i thought to myself i better not have the coffee because that's that i reckon that'll do more harm than good that'll be what'll get you it'll be the coffee if anything yeah it won't be all of all of the other you know fucking artists of artifice you've built around consuming this abominable movie it'll be the coffee well something's going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back and
Starting point is 00:06:10 you know we're going to avoid all the straw we're going to get rid of the straw can i please ask for separate from the movie your emotional high and low point and this uh separate from the movie they are one in the same guy what part of total immersion don't you understand i was in the film this time i was there uh okay okay well this is a great launch pad for conversation was there value in what you did as a consumer of films um do you know i think there was yes i think this would be an interesting like can i first say so i watched this through the netflix vr app i don't know why that app exists i don't know why you would ever want to watch movies like this in anything like a serious way like i don't know apart from before a joke why you would do it it's so silly it's it's so silly and because the way that it works is it splits your cell phone screen into
Starting point is 00:07:14 two halves because it's giving you a different picture through each eye so everything has to be quite low resolution as a result so everything's not quite as like sharp as if you're just watching it on a normal screen the thing that did it for me was the headphones though that was good because i was wearing some real good nice noise cancelling headphones um which actually led me to my shining light in the film which is the smooth jazz music that plays when miranda and carrie are going trick-or-treat shopping for chocolates. Oh, wow. Yeah, I never really heard it before, but it was fucking good eating. It's a nice little treat.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I want to know, at what point in the movie can you map your anger with me to what was happening on screen or in goggles? I was angry at you for ages. A long time do you think was it divorced from the action of the film yeah i don't think those two things are related i think that was um that was more just me it was kind of like having a fever is what the feeling was like i was just so hot i was sweating profusely which is quite a weird thing
Starting point is 00:08:27 when you're in a bath to be sweating it's a bad feeling yeah it's gross it's what do your fingers and toes look like very pruney guy i'm not afraid to tell you my fingers aren't so bad because i tried i had to keep them out during the last bit so that I could operate the equipment to set up the record. My feet are pretty gross. Yeah, they're real gross. Don't look at those. I mean, it's just everything about this idea screamed of fucking idiocy from the outset.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And it's that sort of pig-headed commitment to seeing it through, which really sets this project and specifically your role within it apart. I don't know if idiocy is the word. I resent that choice of language. I chose that word very carefully. I would describe, I think, myself
Starting point is 00:09:22 and our one libertarian listener and anyone who caught wind of what you were doing, you know, in the periphery would, with full-throated confidence, be able to describe what you've just done as idiotic. I guess, but within the context of the podcast, I feel like it's important, you know? Okay, now why do you think it's important? Because it's important for us in our position to keep pushing the boundaries, you know? Keep experimenting. I agree that it's important to push the boundaries. This was a boundary that I had to push on, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:04 What do you find when you come up right to the edge of the boundary like that man you find resentment and there were moments of zen but that was when the bath water started approaching a good temp which is probably like a long time how long did that last for how long were you having a nice bath the bath the water right now is like you know slightly cooler than you'd like but it's not unpleasant now it's fine yeah which can give you an indication of just how fucking hot this thing was when i kicked off yeah i also don't know that as someone who's, you know, because you think about if you go swimming with children and children love being in the water so much more than grownups.
Starting point is 00:10:49 They can be in the water for hours on end. And I remember as a child, you know, I couldn't understand why adults would just jump in the pool then jump out. But what the consequence of that would mean is that they would lose all sort of notion of temperature and you know kids get out of the pool and they'll have been in there for three hours and they'll be they'll be blue they'll be shivering blue but they'll be oblivious to the fact that they're cold uh i guess what i'm trying to say is i don't know if that you've got a great gauge on like are you is there any fear
Starting point is 00:11:20 within you of becoming sick from this no No, because the water's all right. It was very hot and now it's just okay. I've got a very small envelope of temperature that I am okay with. I don't do the cold very well and I don't do the hot very well either. There's just a tiny little... I'm the princess and the pea, but for bathwater. So I think I would notice... Okay, now it's feeling a bit cold, actually.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Now that you're saying it. It's just important to beware. As much as I enjoy you subjecting yourself to this sort of mental and physical anguish, I do want to look out for you. You've got a flight coming up. You don't want to be sick on a plane. It's winter.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's winter here. And we can't build houses proper. So this little Greyland flat's pretty chilly. What was the last thing your lovely wife said to you as she left the house this morning? Oh, nothing profound. She said bye. It was very early.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I was asleep, really. Nothing related to what you were doing? No. She didn't know It was very early. I was asleep, really. Nothing related to what you were doing? No. She didn't know it was today. She didn't know. Well, you'll be probably indifferent to hear that the movie more or less remained the same. It was worse than last time because I didn't give myself an assignment. And so I was just trudging through this with the gals.
Starting point is 00:12:47 The knowledge of what you were doing did tickle me pink. And that did, you know, the knowledge of your misfortune made me grateful for my situation. So you'll be pleased to hear while you were, you know, simmering in the bathtub with resentment towards me. I was proud of you and what you were doing that's good uh i actually you know to the point that i there were parts of the movie i had not seen before that i saw or things that i enjoyed and i haven't brought this up recently but um sir jessica parker as an actor her performance as carrie has um sort of some of the nuance within it has really been growing on me uh not that's not the character carrie like i still find her largely reprehensible but there
Starting point is 00:13:33 are sort of just just flourishes within it just small acting decisions um that sort of really advertise the quality we're dealing with. When Sarah Jessica Parker comes to play, she really comes to play. She really brings it. Give me an example. You said at the top of this that there was stuff you hadn't really seen before, hadn't seen for a while.
Starting point is 00:13:57 What kind of stuff are we talking? That's somewhat unrelated to SJP, but there were just some moments where she was acting against herself uh or saint louise where it's just like there's moments of reaction they say acting is reacting and um like i said none of this does anything to absolve the character of some of the bad her bad decisions and selfish nature but just uh and i i didn't write down i foolishly didn't write down any specifics but just the performance as a whole is uh is good wow okay things the things i noticed uh and things might be might be generous but uh was i had a really good look on the hey can i stop you there for a second guy do you
Starting point is 00:14:47 reckon you're fucked in the head mate you've seen this movie like 48 times it blows my mind that you're giving like a serious review what what is up hey man i i punch in my time card, same as everyone else. I don't like it. It's fucked up, man. What I do on my own time is none of your business. And so long as I'm inside of these four walls on office hours, I'm going to be doing the mahi. So strange. So as Big and Carrie are descending the steps in that restaurant
Starting point is 00:15:23 on their way to the rehearsal dinner, I noticed for the first time a woman behind stanford who's wearing those transition lenses you know the lenses that people wear so they don't have to carry sunglass clips or certainly do prescription sunglasses he's wearing them they're on they're in sunglasses mode but you know it's nighttime inside i don't know if he has any control over that, but it would be embarrassing if you had faulty transition lenses because you look like a dunce if you're wearing sunnies indoors, unless you're a superstar. That's by the by.
Starting point is 00:15:57 But there's a woman behind him who employs a very unique waving technique. So everyone's sort of waving at Karen Big and they're quite excited. You get a good shot of Carl, unique waving technique. So everyone's sort of waving at Karen Big and they're quite excited. You get a good shot of Carl, who has got the most shit-eating smug grin plastered on his face.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Like he knows he's going to heckle the fucking toast. He's ready for it, eh? He's fucking ready to goo. He's ready to pounce. He's got a real wicked look in his eyes. If it's someone who's given, you know, two moments of screen time and and three lines he really embodies the character he he gets himself inside of that body and he stretches
Starting point is 00:16:31 out and he makes his presence known and i respect that but there's this woman uh next to stanford who's she's waving and you know can you take your right hand for me right now tim and put it in the air and just wave normally like you'd normally wave i'm doing it and now sort of uh lower it so it's like it's kind of i guess parallel to the ground or parallel to the plane of you know the ground you know i'm in a bathtub eh yeah yeah but you still know you know you still know what parallel to the ground yeah and sort of just and then from there just raise it a little bit and just waggle your your fingers like you know like what the fuck is this what have you made me do well this is how the woman is waving and it's sort of like it's the way you might wave at a child where you go hello you know and you're moving your fingers to keep
Starting point is 00:17:21 them engaged or entertained. Yeah. And she's waving at Carrie and Big like that as they come down these stairs. And it's... Honestly, I know that at this point, I'm clutching at straws. Grasping at straws? Either way, I had a really good time. I went back, I would have watched it three times.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Jesus Christ, extra credit. You know what's good about that though it's a lot of result it's a lot of movement for not a lot of energy expended it's like how the queen waves when she's on the parades and stuff you know she just waves from the wrist it's kind of all wrist yeah it's it's this fingers thing seems like kind of maximum efficiency. Nah, I think your fingers would seize up if you had to do that for a while. That's true. It is less than a regular wave, though.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Depends how animated your waves are, I guess. But it's also that you're kind of creating more movement, so it's like if you're trying to draw someone's attention, you know, it's like waggling your little fingers. Very strange behavior for a rehearsal dinner for a very prestigious wedding. How odd. She's a slightly older, sort of glamorous looking woman. Who are these people, eh?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Like, who are you in this fucking... The rehearsal dinner is at a banquet table that is attended by a hundred people who are you who are any of them we're not introduced to them not just at the dinner but also you know in the surrounding movie and because we never get to go to the wedding we never get to figure out how many people and who the fuck this couple i mean we know big's got literally i know he's got his family on the invitation list we know that for a fact but otherwise no high school pals he's got his four high school pals his siblings as well but that's uh i know does he was high school pals i think those are just siblings no didn't we talk about his high school pals that he was in a gang or
Starting point is 00:19:22 something uh we might have i don't know that it's canon but uh actually that brings me on a big you know when i know you love this scene you know on new year's eve when old lang syne is playing and we get a just a glimpse of what big's been up to since he jilted carrie and he is out at quite a nice sort of uh restaurant it appears to be quite a convivial atmosphere people cheersing and uh and laughing and having a good time and he's just sat at the bar by himself with a glass of vino and a porterhouse steak yeah what and he he looks pretty contented in that moment can i tell you something sorry i am i am in this moment with you The audio recorder that I'm using to record this conversation Is dripping with condensation
Starting point is 00:20:12 And the sound has just changed quite a lot And now I'm thinking I'm definitely about to break it I'm just going to open a door Yeah, yeah Do what you got to do, man Keep talking I'm just going to open a door. Yeah, yeah. Do what you got to do, man. Keep talking. So, you know the scene I'm describing.
Starting point is 00:20:31 You've pointed it out to me before. You're a huge fan of it. What is the movie actually trying to communicate to us by... I got water everywhere. I'll bet you did. What's the movie trying to communicate to us By Showing us that Because he doesn't look upset
Starting point is 00:20:49 He doesn't look happy It looks like his life is honestly going fine Like big marches on Unfettered by his actions I'm with you I paid close attention to the entire movie This watch But that one
Starting point is 00:21:01 Man it was good Because you see his face And he's Do you know what it is he's got the look of a man who is looking out to his kingdom like he owns all of them it's a it's it's like a shot from one of those um tv shows about big bankers or something there's those real money men who are up at the top you know the illuminati who are sitting at the top of the pyramid and he's just surveying all of the um disgusting plebs that are underneath him that's that's while he while he eats his very lovely steak and has his just on a commuter train with a bunch of fucking plebs that's uh yeah no i i would
Starting point is 00:21:43 i i would agree but i guess i noticed it because it's sandwiched around scenes where like miranda and carrie both specifically are looking really upset and despondent at being by themselves like the the leads of the film we're shown being by themselves is devastating on everyone everyone else who's uh captured by themselves on New Year's Eve is upset and thinking about it. And not comfortable, I guess, within themselves. But Big is... He's fine. He's so good.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Do you know what? Let me ask you this. Don't you think that Big would be so much happier by himself? Like, knowing what we know about John... James... Big. What the fuck is his last name again? I forgot John James Preston
Starting point is 00:22:30 I couldn't agree more I don't think I'm happy for their union And that it does take both of them off the market But I I don't think he's built for As told by two failed previous marriages and all of the tumult that his relationship with Carrie in the series,
Starting point is 00:22:51 from what I understand, and then in this movie and the next movie go through, he's not built for that. And he seems so content by himself. So few people are truly happy within themselves and by themselves. And here we have someone who is, and he throws it all away for a relationship that can barely keep itself on the straight and narrow you know who'd have a lot to say about this daniel sloss scottish comedian who has allegedly broken up it must be like into the thousands of couples now based on this observation that you do not need to be inside of a relationship to be
Starting point is 00:23:25 happy that's right he uh yeah he's got two specials on netflix uh the one that deals with that i believe is called jigsaw so if you haven't seen it well worth a look i mean i i agree that he would uh but sadly it's just you and i i, you've experienced this movie up close and personally. While I'm sort of... That's not really a gripe. It was more of a conversational opener. But a curiosity in cinema. I just want to talk about Charlotte's storyline quickly,
Starting point is 00:23:57 which is... You know the big moment of conflict she's meant to have? So earnest. Yep, go on. You hate how earnest I'm being a i hate it is it throwing you off balance it's not no i don't hate it it's so weird i just i just find it so strange i'm in a bathtub right now yeah i know but cell phones my eyes this is the the beautiful sort of high high and low stat.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'm freaking out. I think I'm very dehydrated. Don't pay attention to me. Do your best. But so the sort of, you know, the apex of conflict in her story is when, this is what I gleaned from watching it today, she doesn't run because she's pregnant.
Starting point is 00:24:46 And Carrie says, you have to run. And then Charlotte goes, yeah, you're right. That is the whole crux of her... It's a metaphor. What for? I actually don't know what it's a metaphor for. Maybe you're right. Maybe it does just suck.
Starting point is 00:25:04 The only purpose I can see in it is because it in some way is meant to shine an empathetic light on Carrie's character and be like, look, she looks after her friends. But the way she looks after them is Charlotte's not running. She goes, you need to run. And then because of that, she like, you know, claps her hands together and goes, wow, I'm a good friend. Look at the value i provide it's nothing charlotte really gets cast uh cast aside in this film it makes me sad she's a sweet woman she's got good intentions she's got a good heart she's not she's represented as as uh just hopeless in both films. In the second movie,
Starting point is 00:25:45 her whole fucking storyline is that she thinks Harry's having an affair because they have a sexy nanny. She's not necessarily sexy. She is big-titted. Yeah, okay. We're going to get bogged down in the semantics. I personally...
Starting point is 00:26:01 I just thought we always referred to her as a big-titted nanny. That non-climature really cracks me up. Okay. romantics i just thought we always referred to her as a big titted nanny and i that uh non-climacia really cracks me up okay well i've got a confession for you and for our listener and gone not specifically in the movie but the whoever the woman who who plays that role is i think she's sexy i'll say it it's called sex in City 2, and I shouldn't be afraid to say that I find some characters or moments sexy. All right, mate.
Starting point is 00:26:31 No arguments from me. What's the sexiest... What do you find the sexiest in this movie that you just watched? What do I find the sexiest? Great question, guy. From Sex in the City 1? Is that from Sex in the city one is that from sex in the city one yeah yeah the sexiest um oh god you know what i can't get out of my head right now it's just a disgusting image is big
Starting point is 00:26:59 coming home after carrie says that mr big really colors uh inside outside yeah yeah wait what's the phrasing on it he really colors inside the lines yeah he really stays inside the line stays inside the lines that's it yeah and him just fucking laying his tongue all over sir jessica parker's body oh god that's sexy to you no it's not it's disgusting but when you ask the question that just like popped into my head and it wouldn't leave. I think that's one of those things where it's like Hollywood is like, hey, this is sexy, right? Nothing between Big and Carrie is sexy.
Starting point is 00:27:38 It's all disgusting and slightly off balance. It's a bit... It's not for me. It is not for me. What's the sex... I don't fucking know it'd probably be would you rather would you rather have to sit through would you rather have to watch you know who's sexy who it's steve man i get it i get why all of the guests that we bring on keep saying steve's the sexiest it's fucking true because true because he's a little bit understated. He's the only one who's not cranked up to 11 in this movie. He's sexy and you see his butt.
Starting point is 00:28:09 It's got a good butt. Chelsea still tells me that she thinks he's a terrible actor and he has the worst performance. And I think that's crazy. She's insane. And honestly, yeah, yeah. I couldn't agree more.
Starting point is 00:28:22 But, oh, god damn, what was I going to say? Oh, who would you, yeah, who would you rather, who would you rather watch? So you have to watch one of these couples have sex for an hour. Actually, I'm going to. Definitely Samantha. Okay, well, that's Samantha and Smith. That's your choice.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah. So I'm going to strike them. Okay. They're no longer on the table. All right. strike them. They're no longer on the table. Alright.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Charlotte and Harry. Number two spot. Oh, really? Yeah, I want to see that runkle crunkle. Yeah, I know. I want to see the funkle and the runkle crunkle. I reckon their lovemaking scene, because there is that moment of intimacy
Starting point is 00:29:05 between them which is pretty gnarly where she says thank you for being you and he has to look like i'm a i am a nuggety little fuck and i'm gonna i'm gonna give you that bomb ass dick and i find it i find it disgusting why do you find that? I think that's a very tender moment between the two of them. Do you like that? Yeah, I don't mind it. I think it's fine. It's just like two people who love each other are raising a kid together, sharing a moment of physical intimacy.
Starting point is 00:29:38 No choice. I mean, it is sweet, but I guess because I don't really like the characters, I'm just like, oh, whatever, Charlotte, you're not interesting. Do you reckon in the TV show, did they ever get into bondage and stuff? Kind of other little kinks? Kind of the more mainstream kinks, but did they ever get into it? I think I remember at some point from my vague collection of memories of seeing this film, this show on screen,
Starting point is 00:30:10 I think there's something with Samantha was in a sex swing at one point. Oh, yeah? I don't know about bondage. I feel like they'd throw all that stuff at Samantha and everyone else has sort of got, like their quest goes beyond different types of and quality of sex towards the person, the relationship around it. And if you want to see any of that fun stuff, you just write it in to cement the story.
Starting point is 00:30:35 They should have explored bondage with Miranda, I reckon, because I think that's a kink that appeals to Type A personalities who are real control freaks. You take the control away from them and they're like right on i'm into it yeah i uh i mean i i don't i don't disagree so just for my game now we're gonna strike uh charlotte and harry from the the conversation so now who would you rather watch between the remaining two couples? Look,
Starting point is 00:31:07 I'll pay money to not watch Sarah just, well, Carrie Bradshaw specifically have sex with Big. They're going to be at the bottom of every heap. You don't want to know about it. Give me Steve's sweet little tush
Starting point is 00:31:18 and Miranda's gorgeous shock of red hair any day of the week over the manufactured chemistry that doesn't exist between carrie bradshaw and john james preston jj to his friends big to his enemies you'll be pleased to hear all of the stuff that you're outlining like all the stuff about the nose kisses that i used to be like whatever with i do the the longer the season wears on the more disgusted i am they're repulsive i i mean we look guy we have fun on this show do we not do we not have fun together you and i on the worst idea of all time uh i guess in a way i'm coming to you live from a bathtub we have fun yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:32:02 we have fun we have a lot at the end of day, you cannot deny that it is utterly repulsive the way that Chris Knoth attempts to devour Sarah Jessica Parker's nose on numerous occasions as a show of affection in this movie. It is stomach churning and I won't stand for it. Yeah. No, I'm with you, Tim. I'm against it too. Good. And I'm sorry.'m sorry i ever uh defended it
Starting point is 00:32:28 hey you haven't actually shared a shining light yet i don't think i'm so glad you ask my feet are so gross bro it's real yuck it's the way thatrall delivers the line. It's like an old man's penis is each toe. So wrinkly. Yeah, I got it. If I'd known the girl talk was going to be on lockdown, I wouldn't have flown 3,000 miles. The way she delivers that, there's a little bit of venom. There is genuine frustration. And I believed it.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I was like, like yeah fair enough you know i i know that she's you know she's uh there's no contain well yeah there's no containing samantha and like you know sometimes that makes her the outrageous one in the group of friends but you know she's come to she's come to new y City and... But hold on. I mean, you're totally right, but you're more right than you know because it's not even Samantha who says that. It's Miranda who says sex and then Charlotte who gets all uppity about it because she's brought her kid to the lunch. And then Samantha's just responding to the whole situation in general
Starting point is 00:33:39 being like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're going to censor ourselves? I've flown a long way to be here i agree and also miranda's so lax which is great you know because you know brady's fucking around with his transformer or something in the background yeah dude you don't get king of the rats by being a prude bringing up your kid do you yeah you want frank and honest parenting. If a child says, what's that? You tell them what it is. And what is it, Guy? Sex.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah. And a kingdom of vermin. Eventually. I saw a rat in the subway tracks yesterday. Its tail. You know how rats' tails are usually quite mobile? This one's tail looked like it was stiff. Really curious stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah. Was the rat in a state of arousal? And I don't necessarily mean sexually. But did it look scared or anything? No, it was just your garden variety subway rats skulking around between the tracks, looking for some tasty morsels, probably collecting information on what apps people are using, what websites they're visiting,
Starting point is 00:34:55 what they're talking about, where they're off to, all the feedback to his leader. Or their leader, should I say. Do you reckon this is how Google works, is they just send out rats do you think brady's involved with google now is that what you're telling me i reckon it's quite possible if you think about okay here's the thing if you're a big tech person you know
Starting point is 00:35:18 you're a big ceo of of google you've got to make a few backup plans because like if terrorists do attack the the infrastructure that makes up the internet and also you know like the internet of thing like the worldwide web goes down and then you got the internet of things and they've they managed to fucking gunk up the works there as well you're gonna have some backup so i reckon an internet of rats would actually be pretty fucking good in terms of a biological alternative to the internet as we know it. I know. And what I find scary about that is that...
Starting point is 00:36:02 Brady, we always sort of had pegged as you know going the biological route to world domination and the idea that somehow within this he has not necessarily transcended but like that he's gone he he's he's taken he's wielded this biological power and started to apply it you know in a into the technological sphere, that to me communicates a level of control and forethought that frankly I didn't know the kid had. I think the benefit of it is that they're not totally under his control. It's a little bit messy and that's what makes it good.
Starting point is 00:36:44 It's like having genetic diversity right so you know if a virus comes along it won't wipe out all of the species if you've sort of not put all your eggs in one basket which is why people so worried about bananas guy because we've only got one type of bananas now because we selectively breed them so heavily there's only one type of bananas used to be hundreds and now if there's a virus that comes and fucks up those bananas we got no more bananas and we use so many bananas for so many things i keep hearing about this um yet when i go to the store there's as many bananas as there ever were the virus hasn't happened yet but it could wow
Starting point is 00:37:26 i will uh say the same thing to you about bananas on the record that i constantly say to you about global warming off the record which is until i see any sort of impact from it i steadfastly refuse to believe i believe in it acknowledge it or change any of my behavior i've got nothing but respect for that approach i don't know if you can hear it but there's a smoke alarm that's uh i think low in battery in my hallway that keeps beeping is that can you hear that is it coming up for you i can hear that just quietly chirping away yeah yeah it's just doing a chirp that's what that is. What was your low light this week?
Starting point is 00:38:08 We don't always talk about, or this watch rather guy, we don't always talk about that. When was I getting really frustrated? I mean, you know, it's a slightly more challenging question because you get upset quite a lot. I think in Mexico, i think carrie's while i was enjoying sir jessica parker's performance within the character carrie's behavior in mexico uh with you know the the memory of that essay in the in the background of my mind and just you know what miranda's gone through and how supportive her friends have tried to be in traveling with her.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Just her sulking around and just the way it sort of grinds the action of the film to a whole... We get it. You know, you're upset. You don't need to literally embody a seven-year-old child to get that message over the line. And it goes on too long. you know yeah but it was cool because i was watching this in the netflix vr app no fucking trick-or-treating
Starting point is 00:39:13 scene for me mate and a shorter um 80s uh costume montage than ever that's right you only see carrie dressing up uh in her old d. None of the other three. Blink and you miss it sort of material. It was so good. Hey, you want to know what else is weird about the Netflix VR app? I don't know if this is an Easter egg or a genuine fuck up, but this is the way it works. You strap yourself in. So the way it works is I bought a little, it's called a Google Daydream. And it's just a thing to hold your phone in front of your eyes that's all it does and it blocks out light from anything else it's just a pair of
Starting point is 00:39:49 goggles that you slot your phone into and then you tell it to go into fucking vr mode now when you're in there you look to the left you're in like a chateau on a mountain you look out to the left and there is mountains out a big window there's dark wood floors everywhere and in front of you is like a big tv screen which plays the movie and if you turn your head to the right there's like a few lamps and things in this big lounge room that you're in and you're on the couch if you look down and to the left there's a remote control for netflix and the buttons on the remote go one two three three five six seven eight nine and i didn't know if this was like a little easter egg they put in or someone genuinely has fucked up and
Starting point is 00:40:32 they never noticed because so few people use this app what you described sounds i mean i know that it doesn't last so long as you're actually engaging with the movie but that those are the little details that make a marketing campaign and sound to me like quite a lot of fun mate there's two magazines in front of you on a coffee table and a cup of something cup of hot joe maybe i love that yeah it's cool that's a bit of fun uh tim would you recommend yourself okay what could you charge for the experience you've just given yourself what would someone be paying me yeah someone says hey tim i understand that you've you've got a home-built uh sensory deprivation chamber oh no i mean i mean like you i would need to if someone was going to do this for Sex and the City, I would need to give them the equipment and a fee to do it.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Like, this is not the kind of thing where you would pay to do it. Okay, but what if someone's like, okay, maybe not with Sex and the City, but I like the sound of what you've done. Oh, okay. What if I just want to come over and watch an episode of, you know, Black Mirror? Yeah, I love that. Mate, I will give it to you for five bucks for an episode of Black Mirror.
Starting point is 00:41:48 You get the noise cancelling here. Oh, not the bathtub though, because the hot water, I actually felt guilty about this. That's got to cost so much money. God damn it, baths are crazy. I can't believe people do this on the regular. I don't think I've had a bath since I was about 12.
Starting point is 00:42:02 When you get out, I mean, you won't get to enjoy this because the water's gone bad, but it's really nice when your body radiates heat. i've had a bath since i was about 12 when you get out i mean you won't get to enjoy this because the water's gone bad but it's really nice when your body radiates heat like you've got a heater coming out of your body that's so it's a real treat the plug seal isn't dead tight so the water's been going down so because it's so cold in the rest of the house i've been creeping deeper and deeper under so that as much of my body is covered by this tepid water as possible. I'm in quite an odd position.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Anyone in Auckland or the greater Auckland region, if you want to experience the water slowly running out of the bath while you watch an episode of Black Mirror in scalding hot temperatures, all you need is a crisp Edmund Hillary. That's one $5 note. No, you don't get the bathtub for that.
Starting point is 00:42:45 You get the other stuff. It's $30 if you want the bath. Head along to... In Graylin. Why would you do that? Knock on the door. Why do you keep putting shit in that I have to bleep out? It's so annoying.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Because you don't edit this. It's the most annoying thing in the world. You already resent me. Yeah, I do. What's another piece of resentment on the heat? Yeah, I wonder why. So do I. We've got a good relationship.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Feels like as good a place as any to end the episode. I love you. we will be coming to america and i want you to see this train wreck of a marriage that's been going on too long is it but is the marriage between guy and i or is the relationship between guy and i and the movie you'll get to find out when you see us in new york city portland oregon chicago illinois and los angeles california we're coming like next week so you need to in New York City, Portland, Oregon, Chicago, Illinois, and Los Angeles, California. We're coming like next week. So you need to please buy tickets
Starting point is 00:43:50 and a friend, judging by some of the pre-sales we've got so far, and come and check us out because there's also something we'll be playing there that you can only see at the event. That's right. Lay it on everyone, Tim. What cities need to pick their socks up?
Starting point is 00:44:05 Well, I can't remember the ticket sales of which ones are which. LA wasn't doing fantastic last time I checked. Come on, LA. I know that the weather's fine, but come and celebrate that weather with us at the Dynasty Typewriter on Friday, June 28th at 8pm. Slash live.
Starting point is 00:44:30 You got it. Slash live. We'll see you there. Tim, look after yourself. Please make a graceful and safe dismount from the bathtub and wrap up warm. It's like finishing a running race. Your body will trick you,
Starting point is 00:44:40 but you really need to make sure you stay warm. I don't want you catching a cold. That's good advice. Thanks, Monty. I'll see you soon, baby. Babe! We just have a good rhythm together, you know. He sort of feels me out, I feel him out.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And we go for it.

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