The Worst Idea Of All Time - AJLT S2E02

Episode Date: August 21, 2023

Well, that didn't last long. Tim is out of gas while Guy continues to conduct the AJLT hype train. The second episode of the season, undeniably worse than the first, balances several obscenely problems with the fact that, racism still exists!? The show also parks all of its protagonists’ stories to introduce and excite us with the presence of Tony Danza - star of television! The show’s absurd relationship to software continues to draw the eye of Tim, while the refusal to show Che doing any more stand up draws the ire of Guy. We've got gaslighting, we've got emotional growth, we've got Carrie refusing to learn anything about herself or the world.Intro theme: Brendan Lott ( theme: Sterling Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Outro Music Is this pleasing? No. No, I'm not a happy man. What's wrong? How many episodes are there going to be of this? That's my question. I think it's a 10-episode season. I think I can handle it.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'm not going to be happy about it. I was hoping for eight. Six would have been... Not enough. No, really good i'd like the best news would have been you saying there's six episodes the more realistic one that i was sort of hoping for was eight i'm getting bad 12 would have been devastating can i diagnose your problem it's your attitude you always say that and it's never true also maybe is it are you tired
Starting point is 00:01:06 is it late for you is that why you're grumpy no the show sucks guy is your blood sugar low no no the show is bad and you should feel bad for what you're doing right now
Starting point is 00:01:18 is it that you've had a cough recently and you feel a little unwell no no it's the the episode was bad the show was bad. The show was bad.
Starting point is 00:01:28 The problem you have solely is with the show. Tell me what you thought of this show, Guy. I think the episode was worse. I will say that. I think the episode was worse than the first episode. But it has to be. I just saw something, a light bulb in your eyes light up as you journeyed into the territory of, I need to convince Tim how good this show is. I need to bring him with me.
Starting point is 00:01:57 It was like seeing a light bulb light up in a cartoon above a character's head. Here's what happens. Okay. I'm listening. And this is across all TV series. You put a lot of energy, a lot of time, money, investment, a lot of your guns into the first episode. You need people to get hooked.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Sure. Okay? The second episode, it's not unlike in music, the difficult second album. And, you know, they're reintroducing us to the characters and the problems they face in the first episode and this episode i think that you're afraid of i think you're afraid of facing problems because they're introducing problems the characters have to face that we are going to overcome with them through the journey of the second season of and just like that i think it's really important for me to make clear what carrie branch's problem
Starting point is 00:02:46 is in this episode of and just like that she in her podcast which she does one day a week which somehow financially sustains this incredible lifestyle that she leads well i guess she's a wit she's like she's she's so benefactor of name big well right no not the soul there's a big and he gave the money that's true she's she's got money though she's well healed but anyway the point is she's doing a podcast and the big issue is that she gets given an ad read for a vaginal hygiene product hydration suppository yeah but it's to make your pussy smell good yeah at first it felt like it was to make it smell good and then throughout the episode there's a lot of conversation about making it wet yeah can we talk about the producer buying final draft yes wish we would
Starting point is 00:03:40 so okay first of all what you've got to You've got to know about Chloe Okay Chloe is the hard-nosed Boss I guess of The podcast network Or something She
Starting point is 00:03:52 It seems She She's in charge of brand partnership She partners ads with podcasts Brand partnership Very good Thank you And
Starting point is 00:04:03 She's in a wheelchair She's pregnant She's Pissed. And she's in a wheelchair. She's pregnant. She's pissed off. She's got a piss and she is pissed. She doesn't have time for Carrie. She doesn't have time for Carrie's shit. And she's also, as an actor, in scene-stealing form. Yes, she is actually.
Starting point is 00:04:19 She's really, really good. We open with Carrie doing ad reads for the podcast. She gets to one where she has to talk about vaginal suppositories yeah but i i'm really trying i wish i'd written down the specific turn of phrase and she takes issue with it and the very laid back which he says okay that's all right we'll park that one let's just do the podcast and then in comes chloe all guns ablaze and being like you want to be a fucking diva you're gonna fuck up this whole podcast network it's not 2021 like they're kind of interweaving i guess real like you know real world digital challenges that are faced by podcast networks the world over be like hey it's
Starting point is 00:05:00 even hard in the podcasting space right now yeah Yeah, yeah. Which you wouldn't expect Carrie to know because she doesn't know it's hard for anyone in the real world right now. Yeah, it's also a really fucking dumb thing to bring up on a TV show. Even as a gag, it's like, what? What is this? It still feels very weird for me to like, for podcasts to be a part of this universe at all.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I'm like, we need to keep the shit I do and the shit you do entirely separate, ladies. I don't want any fucking cross-pollination or crossover here. That's how I feel when I see Shea Diaz treading the boards. We're under attack, Monty. What happens is the producer says,
Starting point is 00:05:42 whose name, this is criminal, I still can't remember. It's like, we can workshop this. And they go home after their sex, after their traditional Thursday night sex. He gets the laptop out. She says, what are you doing? He says, I'm downloading Final Draft.
Starting point is 00:05:56 He bought screenwriting software so they could rewrite an ad. You didn't even notice. The episode was just barreling along, and I was like, wait a fucking, hold on a sec. What did he just say? These people are all crazy. When you're inside the blushes of true love,
Starting point is 00:06:19 it can be difficult, as I have found, to detect some of the anomalies or unusual things. And you are not wrong in that I missed, and you've done it in both episodes, the tech stuff. That's your software specifically. You know software. And so they start rewriting it.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Anyway, we can sort of gloss over that. Let's talk about that guy for a little bit though. He produces a hottie. He's a great guy. And frankly, Carrie Bradshaw needs to pull her head out of her ass. let's talk about that guy for a little bit though he produces a hottie he's a great guy and frankly Carrie Bradshaw needs to pull her head out of her ass she's still overcoming grief I'm pretty sure on the water of the show
Starting point is 00:06:52 that Big died like five weeks ago yeah I think you're right and I just have to talk about because we ended the last episode saying there's no voiceover and again there was no voiceover until the very very last line of this one.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Yep. And Carrie says, so before we get to that, actually we have to say, so that's Carrie's episode arc. She doesn't want to do the ad. They work on rewriting it. There's so much time dedicated to this, folks.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I can't stress that enough. They come back on the last day and everyone's carrying boxes down the hallways and Chris is like, isn't it a little boxy in the hallways right now and then chloe comes into frame and she's like i hope you two are happy you wouldn't talk about vaginas and now everyone is out of work carrie bradshaw's reservation on doing the ad has brought down the podcast network and it appears that they had in their employ a lot of full-time staff.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah. And the whole thing's been shut down because Carrie wouldn't talk about her pussy. And then she flips to voiceover mode and she says, and this is probably the most galling part of the whole thing. And just like that, I freed up my entire week. Hey, guess what, you daft bitch? Your entire week was already pretty much fucking free. One hour?
Starting point is 00:08:13 One hour? Everyone's been fired. One hour of your week constitutes a full slate? It'd be like on the day that they shut down Enron, Jeff Skilling being like, a lot of times just opened up for my yacht you know come on i just don't know come on carrie what's the mental should be that should be the title of this series come on carrie come on carrie it works in a lot of ways yeah you do You can do it sexually. Of course. I mean, she's talking about double entendres. She says, thanks for the sex in the city.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Double entendre intended. Now, all right, let's dig in. We spend a lot of time assessing whether or not I'm having a little sandwich constitutes a joke in a scene in Sex and the City 2. Yeah. She's having a little sandwich. Does Sex and the City 2. Yeah. And she's having a little sandwich. Does Sex and the City, is that a double entendre? Well, I think she says,
Starting point is 00:09:13 is the podcast called Sex and the City? Because the show is called Sex and the City. Because if she says, thanks for the sex in the city, and that was the name of the podcast, that does function as a double entendre because they were having sex in the city and she's saying thank you for the work on the podcast which was sex in the city if the podcast is called sex and the city it's fucking nonsense
Starting point is 00:09:35 i mean we can't spend too long with carrie a double entendre literally means two meanings but doesn't it sort of suggest that there is a sexual inference and a non-sexual version of the thing she's she's saying thanks for the sex and also thanks for working on this thing the word sex is in there though yeah but it's like can you have a double entendre if the word sex is part of the thing you In this instance, yes. This must be what you feel like talking to me a lot of the time. Like the sandwich thing. I couldn't get my head around. Anyway, we can't
Starting point is 00:10:14 spend too long with Carrie because we will off ourselves. So let's discuss some of the other characters featured because I said in the last episode this is a show that's obsessed with cunnilingus and guess what? It's still obsessed with cunnilingus and guess what it's still obsessed with cunnilingus some hearty there's some hearty cunnilingus happening at the start up front up front and it's actually um i think it's good that the show has um a bit of a spotlight on cunnilingus do you yeah yeah i do because there's actually
Starting point is 00:10:43 it's a lot of blowbs in the history of television. There's an oral fixation, because also we've glossed over one of the great characters introduced at the top of the episode. He's a hairdresser. He's called Juan Jose. Juan Jose rocks. Every single line, he says, is delivered to perfection.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Seema walks in for a hair appointment. He says, ready to be blown? How your romance how was your man you were too picky no wonder you're still alone it's um it's all really good stuff yeah he's big he's a fantastic hairdresser and he's overstepping boundaries in a way which is endearing and comical it's like old it's tv sex in the city levels of greatness which is non-canon i assume i'm unfamiliar with yes but i assume that popularity is built on something i hear it exists uh so he's fantastic seam is having second thoughts about breaking up with this guy dr naya wallace is in crisis which was said in the first episode because uh the the semi-astrange husband is on tour and uh they're reflecting on the facetime call that's gone wrong where she was quite pissed up and he was in a hotel room and
Starting point is 00:11:57 she said have you cheated on me yet he said uh no i've been cheating on me he said not yet. Yeah. That sends her into a tailspin, which is, I suppose, emotionally resonant. It feels like a real problem. Charlotte's upset. Hold on for a second, because the thing that really throws her into a tailspin is, he says, but I am sort of like dedicated to trying to make this relationship work.
Starting point is 00:12:19 And she says, do you have a plan? And he says, yeah, yes. We should get a surrogate. Yeah. And that's what fucks her up. Which I don't fully understand. Well, because in the previous season, all the tension was around having a child.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I know, but I can't remember who wanted it and who didn't. I think he did. Yeah, that would check out. So he thinks he solved the problem because then she doesn't have to be pregnant but the real problem is she doesn't know if she wants to raise a kid
Starting point is 00:12:48 I think so let's fucking go with that put a fucking pin in that one you get the feeling they should just break up yeah if it's this much
Starting point is 00:12:56 of a division point they've been together for a long time 16 years it does make it harder longer still do they say 16 she said 96
Starting point is 00:13:03 oh fuck yeah true so that's 27 years that's where i got the six from so you were born in 1996 you're 27 years old damn i remember 96 in carter is 27 that's actually sort of undermines my point um which i was hoping to make in this converse in this particular part of our conversation about the the frivolity of a lot of the problems so carrie doesn't want to read an ad about a vagina okay charlotte's daughter is it rose or lily lily and rock roses changed their name to rock that's right so. So Lily is pushing the boat out musically, wants to get a keyboard to start composing her own songs. Harry, very comically,
Starting point is 00:13:53 when the conversation is being brought up around the kitchen table, he says, what can the York Golden Wet ATM do for you today? It's a nice little piece. There's a few pithy lines peppered through here which do sing with the soul of what I think the original show might have been about if it exists.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So we've got that going on. So Rose sells a lot of her very expensive designer clothes. No, Lily. Damn it. Sorry, Lily sells a lot of her expensive designer clothes on some sort of app
Starting point is 00:14:24 called Real Deal empties out her wardrobe Charlotte is filthy because those clothes are expensive and she has a lot of attachment to them That's Charlotte's version of a problem Carrie doesn't want to talk about the vagina Seema's in crisis because her
Starting point is 00:14:39 long time hairdresser and her have broken up because he overstepped an emotional boundary and then we've got this family i forgot but that's so true charlotte's core issue is that her her child sold clothes yeah that drives a lot like many minutes that's right episode and then inside of this we've got the the wexley family so lisa todd wexley and the husband herbert wexley this one's real exactly so all this is happening and then i mean first of all herbert who is uh he's mr eight minutes captain cunnilingus his his can i say the b word his bitch mom is staying and
Starting point is 00:15:22 she's treating lisa like dirt she's got no time for her yeah and you know they're gonna get into that throughout the season but basically he's outside trying to get a cab with his daughters so we've watched exclusively top tier not problems being like emotionally sort of opened up and analyzed just so it's of any interest or relatability to the audience and then you've got a black man in new york city with his daughters trying to catch a taxi his daughter and her white friend i think crucially and he can't he cannot hail a cab and the door his daughter says i can't remember her name katie it's like katie's dad never has a problem hailing a cab and so in the middle of all of this like it's been this
Starting point is 00:16:05 assault 15 minutes of just total nonsense all of a sudden and just like that swans into your lounge and it's like oh yeah and by the way racism exists in this universe you're just like i don't care if you're feeding inputs into 100-chat GPTs. Mattress, bike, you are out of your depth. It's so jarring because what you want is a real storyline and then they give you one and you're like, fucking hell, I forgot what they look like. It's crazy. And it's sort of like,
Starting point is 00:16:48 you know, the, he starts banging on the bonnet of the taxi and then his very sort of discerning and judgmental mum and her sorority group who are having a reunion come around the corner
Starting point is 00:17:02 and they say, is that your son? And she goes, that's not my son. And then they have a sort of a moment of conversation later in the house and um that where she evokes selma yes like this is big stuff yeah to have alongside charlotte dealing with the fact that her daughter sewed some clothes for a keyboard they're seeding through this stuff that you're like okay maybe this is where it's going to go. And then basically they totally abandoned that storyline in service of Shade Diaz's dad being played by Tony Dancer in this sitcom.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Bruh. And we spent like half an hour. I know Tony Dancer is like, you know, he was a big tv star and shit but the the the the reverence with which he is treated in this show is baffling what was that what what is his star vehicle who's the boss right ah is that right i think so what i uh our i think he was in a few things but our isolated upbringing is showing a little bit here Well I think that Those were some big American shows That maybe didn't make their way here
Starting point is 00:18:09 And a little before our time You get the sense that In the world of the show Tony Danza is a big get For Shea Diaz's pilot But you get the sense In the world of Our world
Starting point is 00:18:23 In our world And just like they're having Tonyony danza on it is like the biggest news which is so fucking weird because there's big stars in the show like the show is big the franchise is big sirius jessica parker is massive the six in the city is a huge franchise and they're like stop press we got tony danza on the show. And it's like, fuck, okay. Fine. Tony Danza. Miranda ran to be governor of New York.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I am real. Tony Danza is hip with the pronouns and he's cool as hell. His whole storyline is like, Tony Danza doesn't want Tony Danza to be cancelled. It's so fucking weird that he's playing him sick. He doesn't want Tony Danza to be cancelled. It's so fucking weird that he's playing him sick. This show is so fraught and unskillful and dangerous. And we're never getting into deep territory like Jesus. Imagine handing your real life persona over to the creators.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And be like, what do you want to do with my real character and story? Okay, so you are going to start in a doomed pilot with the worst comedian in the world called Shay Diaz. And the first meaty scene we're going to give you is you persuading Shay Diaz, whose entire comedic identity is built around identity.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yes. That they're going to erase their Irish heritage and just swap it out for Italianian that's justify you being on meanwhile at the beach i totally forgot miranda was an alcoholic yes in the middle of this episode miranda goes to an ai meeting and you're like that's right yeah yeah yeah that was happening heaps a while ago yeah there was another another good storyline There was a real one And then we're introduced to this
Starting point is 00:20:07 Heavily tattooed kind of cool Sober woman in Los Angeles Who takes a shine to Miranda And goes up and I was thinking Wow, are we going to witness a flipping of roles And Miranda exploring The boundaries of polyamory here And what Shay have to reconcile
Starting point is 00:20:24 Their feelings about someone that maybe they feel a deeper emotional attachment to you know exploring these boundaries it's nice it's smart that's not what that's not what is it all not what's happening it's just a woman who's like hey it's hard being sober um i'm gonna go do a beach clean on friday do you want to come something i do and then they go to a beach cleanup and here's what mattress pikelet here's what mattress pikelet king thinks happens at a beach cleanup a bunch of people put on gloves and put seaweed into bags yeah no trash there are metal detectors and there's people putting seaweed in bags that's not what it is. Especially in LA, there's needles everywhere. That's what you've got to clean up for the kids.
Starting point is 00:21:08 So they put a bunch of seaweed in bags and along the way, Miranda, she takes a phone call from a frantic Naira who's saying, hey, I'm going to end it with this guy because he mentioned the word surrogate. And Miranda's getting stared at by this... Oh, that's so funny. There's just a guy who actually keeps taking phone calls to this guy.
Starting point is 00:21:28 It just keeps... He's sort of a good audience surrogate. He keeps looking at her being like, are you going to fucking pick anything up or just take phone calls? And the actor's fantastic. I really like him. But also, as long as she's on the phone
Starting point is 00:21:43 and you just pointedly stop doing anything and look at her on the phone arguably this guy does never leave to stand on no no no no no no he can take the second to glance at her but he doesn't glance
Starting point is 00:21:54 he stares he stops for as long as she's on the phone it's good but doesn't that I think you're overplaying what he's doing absolutely
Starting point is 00:22:03 I think he stares daggers at her and I'm here for it because Miranda sucks. I really, through the films, Miranda was my guy. And then I said this to you in the first episode and it's probably slightly less pointedly true for me in the second, but Miranda's devotion to shay is fraying the respect that i have developed for the version of miranda i know from 104 screenings of the sex in the city movie she was a smart powerful
Starting point is 00:22:38 dignified woman and in the first episode of this season she is naked and crawling out of a big egg very unflattering we didn't mention that they didn't need to make her that undignified we didn't need to see her crawling out of that we didn't it added nothing because it's not strictly played for comedy
Starting point is 00:23:00 it's I guess I guess metaphorically at a stretch it is suggesting physically that we are looking at a fish out of water but in reality we're watching someone who ran for governor of new york clambering out of a floating pod within five minutes it's a bad angle too but that was in the last episode and this is now so mir Miranda loses the phone, becomes quite frantic, finds a really good moment, shining light. I'm just going to flag it because it's relevant to what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah. She's on the beach. She's like, everyone's packing up to leave. She's lost all concept of social function. She's not asking any of the, I would guess 50 people who are doing the beach clean up with her for a ride back to the neighborhood she's in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:51 She's just like running around. Wigging out. I lost my phone. And then there's a shot where she says, I lost my phone. And there are two surfers walking by and they just go, bummer. And there was a big laugh from the boys.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It was really good. Really, really good really really good and so she calls up she doesn't have she can't remember Shay's number she calls up Carrie
Starting point is 00:24:11 Carrie gives her Shay's number she calls up Shay and then Shay instead of solving the problem by just saying hey
Starting point is 00:24:17 I'll call an Uber for you and send one out which is like we know Uber exists because there was a joke in the first episode and it is that she can't get one in this in this episode so it's gonna be fine so uber's real and can't
Starting point is 00:24:32 call one for her for some reason shay very conveniently introduces their ex-husband to the fray a strange man in a purple pickup collects mir. Miranda says, how do you know Shay? Lyle? Yeah, you got it. And Lyle says, I was her husband. Still am her husband, technically. Their husband. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 And this is a kind of mind-warping reveal. But what is even more mind-warping the conversation that miranda then has with shay where you were you were kind of okay with this which blew my mind but miranda was like essentially hey you're married the fuck when were you going to tell me that and shay's like yeah we're both such um you know we're both such lazy goofballs that we never ended yeah getting divorced and then interrupts her with a bunch of kisses that's gaslighting as far as i'm concerned shay's like miranda's like hey i'm having some very serious and legitimate feelings of uncertainty in that i I don't know your phone number. I didn't know you're married. I don't know you.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And then Shay says, hey, I've got a lot on right now. Yeah, that's right. Could you please not do this? Which I thought was like, that's a great,
Starting point is 00:25:57 that's a great entry point. A well-written like bit for let's have a big fight. Yeah. But that's not what happened. That fixes everything. Yeah. Then Shay says their phone number in between kisses. And I kind of liked it. You did?
Starting point is 00:26:12 I kind of thought. You thought it was a skillful dealing of the situation. I mean, you know, not unlike you were at the start of this conversation where I felt the weight of the world and the franchise weighed heavy on your shoulders. Yeah. I did not have the appetite
Starting point is 00:26:27 to get into another problem in the world of the show. Right. And so for the show to set up a problem and have me be like, I don't want a problem. And then to have a character be like, ah, it's not a problem. I kind of liked it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Also the phone number bit's weird. Equating not knowing someone's phone number was not knowing their marital status when they're your partner. Do you know anyone's number? I know.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I learned Chelsea's pointedly. Really? Yeah. In preparation for this show? Yeah. Because I got leaks of the first two episodes. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Can I ask you this? Yeah. What was your show like? Lily's song that she writes and performs I got leaks of the first two episodes. Fuck. Can I ask you this? Yeah. What was your shining light? Lily's song that she writes and performs for Harry, Charlotte, Rock, and weirdly, Anthony is there. Yeah. Rock is a scene stealer. Rock rules.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I think Lily's really good too. Lily's good, but Lily's character is less funny. Rock as a character is funny and the act of playing rock is knocking them out of the park. Yeah, shit, yeah. I wholeheartedly agree. Lily performs a song.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So Lily's journey is expressing that they are living in a gilded cage. And I can't remember the lyrics to the song, but it's about being in like a prison of privilege. It's the power of privilege and in essence it's sort of she's saying
Starting point is 00:27:51 I have to be perfect I can't be myself and we sort of there's a very slow zoom on Charlotte which suggests that there is a and I will say to Charlotte's credit from memory in the first season and so far in this season that there is a, and I will say, to Charlotte's credit,
Starting point is 00:28:08 from memory in the first season and so far in this season, Charlotte is undergoing an immense emotional maturity. She wigs out at a retail worker at the clothing store and says, my husband works for a high-powered law firm and if you don't adjust your tone, I'm going to talk to your manager. The fuck are you talking about she does she does but i i remember we had to witness charlotte whose entire like you know concept of life is built around how her family presents having to reconcile uh having you know a non-binary child coming out to her and then also i could you could like in this episode you could see her having to get her head around lily is also a person which you'd assume is
Starting point is 00:28:51 taken this one's a person yeah you would assume that's taken as read for a parent but i do um i suppose when the bar is this low i am impressed by by the character Charlotte York's ability to show emotional growth. Yeah, I'm with you. I'm continually impressed by this show's dedication to not allowing Carrie to have any growth in any way ever. I'm here for it. I respect it. They put their stake in the ground so early on this concept.
Starting point is 00:29:24 As far as i know from everything i've heard from people if the tv show exists that was a real through line it's kind of like seinfeld no touching no no learning no no hugs no learning yeah sex in the city carrie bradshaw cannot grow yeah don't let her grow she can't learn anything she can't grow. She can't learn anything. She can't grow. I mean, two movies later. She regressed in the movies. I feel like she's just holding here. Yeah, that's what no growth looks like. Standing still. You're just there.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Everything's about you. You learn nothing. You listen to no one. You don't hear any lessons from the universe. You just exist. You have sex on a Thursday and you cost an entire network everyone who works at the podcast company their jobs because if it wasn't her it was going to be someone i'm just going to quickly comb through my notes to see if um there's any other miscellany i'd like
Starting point is 00:30:18 to share sure i'm writing this episode i'm going to write the let's retroactively i will rate the first episode a 7 out of 10 and this episode number two of season two and just like that i give it a stinking four out of wow i'm gonna drop three i'm gonna give the first episode 10 10 stars 10 stars literally peak TV the second episode admittedly not as good dips down to 7 so my experience of this episode was your experience
Starting point is 00:30:51 of the first episode 7 stars I just I have to shine a little light briefly on Dee Dee who is
Starting point is 00:30:59 featured as the writer of Shay's pilot we see when Miranda's giving Shay cunnilingus, the phone rings and it's Dee Dee. Dee Dee?
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah. The character's now named and Dee Dee's cussing at Shay being like, the network hate the notes and you've got to come down here. And Dee Dee's also dumping their personal problems on us and says, today's therapy day, my parents are here
Starting point is 00:31:25 not coincidental and i just want to fucking god i i don't like dd which makes me love dd uh what else have i gotten here once again shadee is treating the boards at the comedy store but this time they didn't have to fucking guts to show to show them telling a joke. That was absolutely cowardly of Michael. Michael, if you're listening, I'm using your birth name now. If you're going to put a stand-up comedian in the show,
Starting point is 00:31:58 grow a fucking pier, write a few jokes for them, okay? Yeah. Okay. I know that we can be critical when we see the stand-up jokes it is actually more offensive to acknowledge it exists and that it's happening and not at least show us your version of it i believe in you and your ability to land one or two of these yeah keep throwing them out let's see one instead and i know that you're going somewhere with this shay uses their time on stage to introduce the room to tony dancer yeah why is he such a big
Starting point is 00:32:30 game also the clap like all we hear is that's my time thank you so much the clap is big yeah the clap is like that was a killer set yeah don fucking do me dirty like that. You and I both know that wasn't a great set. I hope we get to see the sitcom. Carrie. Do you reckon he's going to fuck us out of seeing the sitcom? Nah. And I think, nah, nah, nah. It's going to feature.
Starting point is 00:32:59 It's going to feature. It has to, it must. Okay. Really quickly as we skim along the points here Carrie All the money in the world Literally was working one hour a week That's out the window now
Starting point is 00:33:11 Doesn't want for anything Sleeping in a king single At best That bed is tiny Yeah It's a child's bed With a child's duvet cover on it Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:23 Very odd Yeah Woody Woody from Toy Stories child's duvet cover on it yeah very odd yeah woody the woody from toy stories on her duvet cover finally and this is a question for you tim i'm just wondering um did you see it was really cool what do you think of carrie's purse fuck you man i wasn't gonna bring it up because he wants us to talk about it and Mattress can go fuck himself if I'm going to talk about it on the podcast it was a pigeon
Starting point is 00:33:51 it fucking was a pigeon man what the fuck it was a full on taxidermy pigeon it was made to look taxidermy it wasn't taxidermy we see it open up the wing and no one asks her about it she's just carrying it around the store. There's this whole stupid storyline going on
Starting point is 00:34:08 about Charlotte is like questing to get these clothes back. It takes up so much screen time. Carrie's at her side holding a fucking dead pigeon. Pigeons aren't a good bird. Everyone hates pigeons. I'm sorry, everyone. I thought he wasn't going to talk about it. Fuck you, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:31 This is literally entrapment. When cops get in trouble for entrapment, this is what you just did. Entrapment. Nah. My phone number's 0-2-1. Fucking hell. You got any other shit you want to cover off before you
Starting point is 00:34:46 nah put a wrapper on this seven out of ten star episode you're out of your fucking mind man i scored that to antagonize you it's a six six is still far too high no it's a six i'm excited do you think people should be watching this show along with us i cannot read your answer at all today i assume people i assume people have already seen these episodes yeah you're probably right yeah that's i mean i i would i would tell anyone in the world to what this is like a historical artifact I wouldn't want you to tell me I'd be so pissed if you were like Tim you should watch this you should be
Starting point is 00:35:30 watching this show you are watching this show this is a moment in time this is bigger than all of us this is and just like that and just like that it's the worst idea of all time and just like that. And just like that.
Starting point is 00:35:48 It's the worst idea of all time. And just like that. They're at it again and they're having such a gay old time. And just like that. They're back. Got Montgomery and Timothy back. And just like that. It's the worst idea of all time.

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