The Worst Idea Of All Time - And Just Like That... Part 5

Episode Date: January 5, 2022

Tim is sweating profusely and slagging off the latest episode (Tragically Hip), while Guy is drinking Mattress Pikelet's Kool-Aid. It's 2022 now and while some things don't change (the challenges of c...onversing via the internet), so do (our three millionaire heroes' problems). Carrie has an undiagnosed congenital hip condition from childhood caused by lack of storylines, Charlotte is experimenting with emotional range and empathy for her children, Miranda gets on the piss and is fingered in a kitchen.MUSIC CREDIT: Intro - People Need Goals / Outro - ampersandschwa Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh my god they're only doing sex in the city again this truly is the worst idea of all time happy 2022 guy montgomery um as is tradition we're recording in different locations and we've just spent the past 20 minutes um kicking over beer cans wading our grubby feet through the river of technology working against us and right now we've got a stratospheric delay due to the internet connections we're rocking at the moment but the point is it's a new year and the fellas are still together yeah it's a new year and we are beleaguered by the same technical and geographical issues that we took into the end of 2021. And we are still keeping company with three of the coolest cats
Starting point is 00:00:58 New York City has to offer. They go by the names of Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte and well these gals, they were once gals but in the words of Adam Sandler these gals are now grown-ups too these are women Tim and they're facing the problems that women face yeah problems like
Starting point is 00:01:25 a heretofore undiagnosed congenital hip issue that Carrie is suffering through. Issues like hot back surgeons. Oh, no, wait. The back surgeon wasn't that hot. He was just a guy. It's hot physical therapists.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah. What other problems have we got in this episode, Guy? Well, before we actually get into the particulars of the problems, I'd love to do a vibe check. So this is episode five of And Just Like That. It's called Tragically Hip. And what they're doing there is they're just having a bit of fun because, as Tim mentioned, Carrier turns out, for as long as we've known her, this has gone
Starting point is 00:02:10 under the radar. But she suffers from a congenital hip issue that she's had since birth that no one has mentioned. It's not as far as I've seen caused her grief before. But all of a sudden, here she is in her 50s, and the woman can barely move. She's fumbling. She's stumbling.
Starting point is 00:02:32 She's using an umbrella as a cane, which her new bestie, which is the real estate agent from the last episode, Seema. Seema, thank you, is simply unacceptable, and so seymour tees up an appointment with her is it a family member yeah it's her cousin or something um and i really liked the cousin his name was vikash and uh i found he had a very soothing voice
Starting point is 00:02:59 his voice made me feel both safe and interested in what he had to say. Did you have anything, you know, did you have any read on that? I loved him as well. I thought he was charismatic and I loved what he was about. And that's why it was very important to have him in the episode for 40 seconds and then take him away and never have him back. Because we're only allowed to spend time with the dire people. Yeah, it's crazy, actually, i i thought the same thing i was quite glad to see so much of sema early in the episode they're looking around carrie's old
Starting point is 00:03:29 apartment and i thought this is gonna further their friendship but instead it was just an opportunity for um carrie to introduce this log standing hip problem that she's not known about and i was fascinated because i was like watching se I was like, this chick kind of fucking rules. And hyper-competent, really good fun, she's got a great sense of humor. And watching Carrie try... And they spent an entire episode making sure that all of the women had one friend of color. And then what did they do with the episode after that but abandoned literally all of them? They introduced SEMA for like two minutes and then carries like you're really really switched on you know what you'd be great at being my assistant
Starting point is 00:04:11 can't believe she tried to saint louis sema that was a dog move i that's exactly what she tried to do i must confess i was talking about the um the cousin the author p i didn't the author. I don't know about Seamus. She's a bit too pushy for me, but I don't really care. It was very hard to be invested in this episode. I don't know if it was the surroundings or the episode itself, but I watched with a room full of people, mate. I've got to tell you, there's your mistake. You cannot let other people puncture the world that we are building ourselves
Starting point is 00:04:42 because I didn't find it hard to invest myself in this episode at all i felt like i and this could be stockholm syndrome because i do love those swedes but i felt like four weeks of hard work were finally paying off as i watched these women admittedly some of the problems were entirely constructed for the sake of story like carrie's hip problem was an insane thing to decision to move things along but otherwise i had like uh such a good time watching this episode because i felt like finally we were watching stuff that was happening to these characters that's interesting not just to them but to anyone around them to us as an audience i felt like we were we were staring down some real problems. And they dealt with some of it clumsily, admittedly,
Starting point is 00:05:28 but I thought Miranda's storyline was hot shit. Yeah, you're not wrong about that. Miranda's got some actual shit going on, which we've mentioned in previous episodes. I mean, before we give the rundown of everything that happened in the YEP, I'll give you my viewing environment. So when I say a'm full of people was it you know full as a as a um pretty flowery term uh and probably not completely accurate for the conditions of which i consumed this episode but i was watching with
Starting point is 00:05:57 my dear wife uh who put our baby remy to bed uh and then joined us a couple of minutes in so she missed some of the hijinks at the start with booking the orthopedist which was a lot of fun um but i did manage to watch with my good friends seamus and marie and i've got a quote from seamus uh as soon as the episode ended he said everything i just saw in that episode was the worst thing i've ever seen marie marie had a lot to say about it as well, his gorgeous French girlfriend, who has been quite devastated by this series
Starting point is 00:06:30 because she used to watch the TV show with her mum, and she has watched the movies. She's watched everything, every Sex and the City bit of franchise she's consumed, and she's quite horrified by what's happened to the show. She said, where is the sarcasm where is the humor and i said mate smith is not in this one and she said i know i know i oh man i mean look fair enough i i daren't i could have put this up on a screen and watched it with uh
Starting point is 00:07:00 family but i just i i first of all they wouldn't tolerate that and second of all i wouldn't tolerate them watching it because i i wanted to go um i wanted to go deep and i i really feel like i did it's interesting that that was marie's note and it's you know obviously we come from a different perspective in that um she treats the the hbo show canon, and we don't. And, of course, she's from France and I'm from New Zealand, and there's a myriad of other things that we do differently. She's also a woman and currently dating Seamus, which you haven't done for a long time. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I'm neither of those things. I'm not dating Seamus, nor am I a woman. But I felt like when I was watching this, I felt like at least just gauging by my own internal level of investment that um i was breaking new ground in my relationship to the show like i was uh i was interested the miranda storyline which we can touch on now which is that her alcoholism that has been not so subtly alluded to throughout the first four episodes has sort of come to a head uh charlotte passive-aggressively uh orders miranda a book about quitting drinking on amazon
Starting point is 00:08:14 and has it directed to her house and um i think that is actually an example of what i sort of found interesting or at least uh valuable about this episode is that some of the decisions characters made existed in a gray area of either friendship or morality where I was like well who's you know like I felt somewhat challenged to think about whose side I was on in different situations and it's not something I've experienced really with like otherwise I feel like it's very binary I'm like these people all suck essentially and now they're introducing different colors and shades of how much everyone sucks this is phenomenal progress guy before you were conflicted about who to root for because everyone sucked and now you're conflicted because everyone's got a point that's like that's real progress from our boy Mattress Pikelet. Did he write this one?
Starting point is 00:09:05 No, he didn't. I just feel like there were a few moments that were highlights to me. So we'll do the three main. I've also got problems with it, of course. But the three main storylines. Carrie has this hip issue. She gets surgery and then charlotte in her own unique way draws up a very intense coddling rota of uh care to be scheduled by anthony who has replaced stamford and they sort of like don't even pussyfoot around it in the show stamford's gone and they're like yeah anthony's
Starting point is 00:09:39 the new stamford uh miranda and charlotte they're all going to be taking turns looking after Carrie. So that's what's happening for Carrie in the episode. Charlotte is shocked to discover through a Zoom with some of the other parents, as she's an active member of the parenting community, her liberal private school that she's sending her children to, that Rose, who we saw a little bit of in previous episodes, has gone about actioning a name change. Rose is now they-them and would like to be referred to as Rock,
Starting point is 00:10:10 something that she ran directly through the school and did not bring up with her fucking intense and insane parents because they probably wouldn't take it so well. Do you know what? I even wrote down, I wrote Runkle. When we are introduced to Rock now and Runkle in the episode, I wrote down Runkle is a much better parent than Charlotte in that he actually engages with the children as they are
Starting point is 00:10:34 instead of continually trying to mold them into his vision of who he wants them to be. But then some of that old school sort of, I don't even know what Runkle does for a job. I reckon he pedals cocaine. Okay. I think it's finance. Real estate.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah. Sounds similar. But you can see some of his sort of more traditional instincts coursing through him. He also struggled to get his head around the uh the name change from rock but that's what they're dealing with and also like charlotte i guess we got to see some sort of character development where initially she she didn't enjoy that at all and then by the end of the episode you know charlotte was sort of getting her head around the idea of something called acceptance which is new ground for this woman uh and then Miranda, who had the most to do,
Starting point is 00:11:25 and I thought this was a powerhouse by Cynthia Nix, and I might be wrong, I might be a fucking maniac, but her alcoholism comes to a head, the root cause of it comes to a head, which is a lifelong malaise of unhappiness because she has been suppressing her sexuality, and she discovers that through a liaison with the world's worst comedian and podcast host,
Starting point is 00:11:46 Shay, they have a tryst in Carrie's kitchen while Miranda's drawn up on the road to be looking after Carrie. Carrie is asleep on half of some sort of opioid, and Shay comes around to drop a gift off to Carrie. It's a bottle of tequila, and Miranda, being the boo sound that she is, intercepts the bottle of tequila, intercepts Shay, they get absolutely fucking rat assed in the kitchen and then just go hog wild on one another. It's sort of quite raunchy. Shay embraces Miranda from the back and has her hand down her pants and Carrie sort you know they're not making a secret of it they're being quite loud probably fueled by the tequila and carrie wakes up and sees this and is left to
Starting point is 00:12:29 piss into a snapple bottle on the corner of her bed like a dog because her friend's not there to help and uh everything sort of comes crashing into each other and in that moment where uh shay has to leave to go into a presumably bomb, die a terrible death at a gig in New Jersey, Miranda and Carrie are left talking to each other, and it feels like they finally penetrate, like the thin veneer of Carrie's husband died however long ago, and Miranda gets a turn to talk about her life.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And I just felt like I was there. I just felt like I was there. I felt like I was alongside these characters on their emotional journey. And Miranda was discovering about herself. Your Honor, the prosecution has put forward such a strong case that I would like to change my client's plea to guilty. Because, Guy, you're right. You're right, man. I mean, we've got to take as right that this show sucks but this episode in terms of being part of the show pretty fucking good as an episode of
Starting point is 00:13:33 this show yeah it was like it was just it was delightfully messy these weren't manufactured millionaire problems these were like people who's you know the small decisions they've made in their life have accumulated over time until they find themselves in a situation where they feel cornered and we're watching people try and break through those barriers and work through it and it was um it's i mean that's satisfying that's what you want to see at the same time i tell you what they need to stop doing dragging samantha fucking jones's name through the mud jeez louise if i had a dollar for every time i loudly protested in front of a room full of people who are sort of watching in a different way to me that they keep dragging samantha into
Starting point is 00:14:16 this show they they do it several times in this episode not least of which is a lengthy text conversation between carrie bradshaw and samantha jones uh which somewhat delightfully ends with carrie so here's what happens carrie gets on the oxys because she's you know in pain post-surgery to fix this hip up i don't it seems like there's an easier way to get into this as well, because the hip thing is introduced and is solved within this episode. I don't think that's going to represent in the series. And I guess it was solely there so she could get on Oxys to create a situation for Miranda. And part of my vulgarity, but I wanted to get this phrase out,
Starting point is 00:15:01 gets finger-fucked in the kitchen while Carrie Bradshaw pisses the bed, which was just like a powerful combination of events to be happening simultaneously. But what was the other thing that happened? Oh, yeah. So she goes on the podcast, which she does via Zoom at her house, and is oversharing because she's high on oxys.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Thanks a lot family as a as a quick insert i'd like to say i thought that was great acting by sjp i thought she did a good job of acting high and that's that was when she was getting out of the hot fella's delivery vehicle with prince boner yeah uh and moreover she was actually one of the few instances of someone being better as a podcast guest while high, because all of that, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:48 all of that reserved stuff that we'd experienced from in the first episode, she checked at the door and she overshared a story in which Samantha Jones removed a diaphragm from her vagina because it was embedded so deeply. And it was actually like, so, you know, she was killing, everyone was laughing.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Everyone loved it she accidentally mentioned samantha by first and last name which was a fact that because miranda's at her house looking after her for every minute of the day um and as my wife who's a gp pointed out um whose dad has had i think two replacement hips at this point she said mate she's had a hip if she's had hip surgery on one hip, she'd be all right. She could look after herself on one hip. But anyway, it's by the by. So Miranda hears Carrie's record session happening in real time and says to Carrie afterwards,
Starting point is 00:16:36 are you aware that you named Samantha by first and last name while recounting that story? So then that prompts Carrie to get in the text conversation later. And I mean, I guess at least they've made samantha jones magnanimously um cool with the fact that she shouted out in the story she's like fine with it she said i'm glad that your vagina got some air time um and then carrie pushes it a little too far and says i miss you and then we get the three dots indicating that samantha's writing a reply and then takes it back and is given it's a feeling it's it's a feeling we all know and that watching that
Starting point is 00:17:12 little ellipsis do the fucking worm while you wait patiently for your friend who's moved to london because you're such an intolerable piece of shit message back and then radio silence i just thought it was a great anecdote we saw carrie breaking through as a podcast host and then you don't like all of the anxiety around samantha jones just reintroducing a character to the show and it's adding nothing it's just reminding people of what's missing it's a huge and frustrating mistake and it's not letting one of the great characters die the honorable death she deserves which is by continuing her life with radio silence in london well um while we're discussing people sort of dying and
Starting point is 00:17:52 exiting i've got to say i know we covered this a little bit in the last episode but i've just i've had a big chat to marie about this who as i mentioned is a big fan of the whole show the fucking disrespect that this show treated Willie Garson with when he died. And so they just haphazardly wrote a letter from him saying that he was off to Europe to manage a TikTok star. Japan. Japan, please.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Oh, Japan, I beg your pardon. That is like, it's just so rude to both a real guy who was a real like big part of this show a real actor um and a character that people loved as well it's some fucking shit man oh i honestly i couldn't agree more and this is what was so like this is what stands as something in such stark contrast is like they just wave off stanford you know and then like replace him with anthony without even mentioning stanford in this episode they're like here's the guy who he was divorcing who is now all everyone just agrees you know i guess in this world you can swap a gay for a gay. And no one's meant to notice. You're not meant to bat an eye.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But so help me God, if the pizzazz, if the anchor of the show flies to London, her name will be mentioned exhaustingly every single episode. And then she will even be reintroduced to the show against her will. It's actually interesting to think about all this stuff, though, because it was maybe the first time where carrie's story is essentially all of the things that happened to carry in this episode are in service of the story progressing around her like as you said carrie's hip surgery was just a vehicle for all of this stuff to happen to Miranda or, you know, for all this stuff to happen around her while she's unconscious. Like it is,
Starting point is 00:19:48 which might be part of why I found the show enjoyable is like Carrie's, the only problem Carrie was engaging with really in this episode was she had hip surgery. And I guess, you know, like, because that was the smallest problem and it got the least airtime,
Starting point is 00:20:08 the rest of the episode kind of made sense as it assembled itself around it. Like, yeah, I'm just thinking out loud here. Yeah, I'm so sick of this fucking show, man. I've got to tell you. Do you want to know what I'm doing right now? What are you doing? And this is highly, highly unorthodox for this podcast. I'm just straight up Googling what other people think of the show now.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I want to know how this episode was reviewed. So here I am on the AV Club, famously a website that comment section slagged off our perfect pilot uh produced by youtube um last week we talked about how there is always danger in bringing back a beloved property like sex in the city a chance that a 20 year later production could tarnish the original but i've been thinking about this a lot since then, and let's face it, Sex and the City was already tarnished. And not just because of my off-sided Sex and the City 2.
Starting point is 00:21:09 There are a variety of current circumstances that poke holes in the opulent Manhattan Wonderland of And Just Like That. Most disturbingly, the fact that Chris Knoth has been accused of sexual assault by several women. Willie Garson dying of pancreatic cancer. This is a pretty dark guy, and i regret
Starting point is 00:21:25 getting into and of course kim cattrall has been extremely vocal about the fact that she did not want to return to the sex in the city universe it's reported that the plot of and just like that actually draws a lot from the script of the third movie which got tossed when cattrall refused to get on board this this we know we've discussed guy. This sucks because a lot of the magic of the series' first go-around was due to the chemistry of all four women. Without Samantha, a lot of that spiciness is gone. Charlotte seems even more Pollyanna-ish,
Starting point is 00:21:55 while Miranda just gets sadder. So this goes on. This seems pretty damning. I'm going to skim the rest. Honestly, I have so many issues with this episode, I thought about submitting this review entirely in question form. Who just stops by a hospital room without calling first? Who invites a person up to the room without checking with the actual patient?
Starting point is 00:22:15 After that fiasco, who in their right mind would stop by unannounced again to the same person's apartment? Who would sit down at their friend's toilet without shutting the door? to this same person's apartment. Who would sit down at their friend's toilet without shutting the door? Just from a pure logic standpoint, moment after moment, very little about this made any sense. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:32 This is a pretty good articulation of a C-grade rating of this episode, and I want to just give a shout-out to the writer, Gwen Einat, I think is how you pronounce that. Gwen, I've pissed with the door open at friends' houses. I'm sorry. It's something I've done. Especially when I thought the friend was unconscious.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Well, not especially, but I'd probably be slightly more minus. Also, she was absolutely steamed. She just had an explosive you know organ i mean you know i would like to have that um i would like to have that what was it when you cast aspersions i'd like to have that aspersion cast aside strong from the record yeah i'd like i'd like gwen to fucking delete that sentence and as far as poppins are concerned i agree a pop-in via a hospital room is highly irregular and miranda's own horniness gets in the way of her good judgment as a friend where she's like oh shay the uh person i want to have sex with yeah come on up don't worry about my friend
Starting point is 00:23:38 who just woke up from a coma and is having trouble navigating urinating for the first time, you and me are going to fuck. The pop-in at someone's apartment, look, I don't know, it's all about personal boundaries and vibe, but I'm a big pop-in guy. I love to be popped in on. Actually, it does matter, doesn't it? The interpersonal dynamic does matter. What do you reckon, Tim?
Starting point is 00:24:00 How would you feel if I just shut up at your house? I'd hate it, bro. That's terrifying. I don't like it when people phone me without messaging first like if i'm not anticipating a phone call turning up at my house are you kidding me no way no way jose if someone if someone uh phones you you don't have to answer the phone you just you just leave the phone no man i do i do though the phone's ringing gotta pick up the phone i Nah, man, I do. I do, though. The phone's ringing. Gotta pick up the phone. I also would like to add that Carrie Bradshaw wears Birkenstocks in this show.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And I don't know how specific they need to get, but that feels like a real shot across the bow directly at you, my friend Guy Montgomery. Yeah, she wears Birkenstocks, and it's meant to represent her at a low point. Like, the whole angle that they take with Carrie's hip surgery is she can't wear heels anymore. And there's a lot of what Marie correctly identified where traditionally jokes would go.
Starting point is 00:24:56 There's a lot of sort of toothless barbs exchange about Carrie in flats. And at the hospital, she wears Birkenstocks with stocks, which anyone with half a brain knows is one of the most comfortable ways to ensure that your feet are getting ergonomic support while your ankles aren't getting nibbled by sandflies. Carrie says that she looks like an art teacher from Vermont.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And I like to say, Carrie, why don't you take it fucking easy on the art teachers in Vermont? Not everyone gets to marry an illiterate financier and live the gilded life of a millionaire on the 34th floor of some Manhattan apartment, okay? Art teachers in Vermont are working as hard as anyone. If anything, they're probably working harder. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:39 What are kids painting in Vermont? Presumably mountains. It's going to be pretty fucking tiring. You need to encourage some of those kids to think outside of the box. Why not paint the ocean? Or, I don't know, something flat. Just shut the fuck up, Carrie Bradshaw. It's cruel, actually.
Starting point is 00:25:57 It's cruel that Samantha Jones said, or Kim Cattrall, rather, said she didn't want to be a part of this show or movie because she didn't want to be a vehicle to Carrie Bradshaw's grief and then like the one episode where Carrie Bradshaw isn't grieving when the entire show could finally move past that they still have to drag her back in that's the thing I take exception to it would be very easy for this episode to just not have featured Samantha whatsoever it's like it's a messed up thing to do it's it's it's like you see companies that kind of buy the rights to a character and then the creator hates what they're doing and then they're just like i don't give a shit we
Starting point is 00:26:36 own this property now it's just so much of that character is wrapped up in kim cattrall's performance and um mate i don't know what I was expecting from the creators of Sex and the City, but it was just, it was something different, something slightly more respectable. And also, Runkle's job was divorce lawyer. Oh, that's right. I believe that's how he met Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Although, as always, we cannot treat that as canon. Now, at the risk of trying to instill too much positivity in this episode, I'm just going to run through some miscellanea I observed as I watched this because there are a few other things I enjoyed. I had an actual laugh line here when they're all out and Charlotte's talking about her care writer for carrie after her hip surgery it's charlotte miranda anthony and carrie and uh anthony's talking about how he doesn't want to help carrie take a piss and carrie says i would rather die
Starting point is 00:27:36 than show you my pee i thought that was funny i think it's funny to call a pussy a p wait what no no no no hold on mate she wasn't referring to her vagina she was talking about urine no no she's she's abbreviating she's a she's abbreviating pussy surely dude they were literally talking about her urinating she was just talking about p p e e no your laugh your laugh line is you mishearing something or misunderstanding a line i i refuse to believe that why would you be afraid why would anyone be afraid of seeing so if someone's seeing their urine or another person's carry bradshaw she's wound up tighter than a spring ready to go she's uh she's no good man i'm telling you she's screwy in the head tim agree to disagree in my world anytime they say p in this show it now means pussy fact i think it's very funny that that was your you're like i actually had a genuine laugh at this one you just
Starting point is 00:28:38 fucking misunderstood i created in my head uh we need to talk a little about brady's girlfriend brady didn't get a feature in this episode but his girlfriend's getting a lot of air time and she stops fireball miranda's unpacking is absolutely steamed and i'm unboxing a bunch of stuff from amazon by the way shout out to jeff bezos it's your number one fuck boy get that money stack that paper brother uh brady's girlfriend is definitely into some weird voodoo anti-vax shit because she doesn't order things from the internet because she doesn't want people tracking her information i'm sorry brady's girlfriend not a solitary person gives a fuck about your personal information i respect the absolute hell out of this but i was confused because i might
Starting point is 00:29:26 have missed like a line of dialogue or something but didn't she order lube to their house she's got no issue with other people ordering stuff through amazon no but she ordered it was her lube it was lube for her that she got delivered to brady's house wouldn't brady order the lube to his own house oh maybe brady ordered the lube to his own house oh maybe brady ordered the lube to his own house that doesn't make sense she's like she's out there saying i don't i don't order stuff online meanwhile you know she's picking the whole point of that by the way dear listener dear libertarian listener and thanks for staying with us through this i really you know your ears your two ears make this whole journey worthwhile to me
Starting point is 00:30:06 um the whole reason why she's there at the start is uh she grabs the lube lube which is a good laugh line which we can now assume that brady the fuck king um has ordered online courtesy of jeff bezos your number one fuck boy and uh miranda is revealed to receive from Amazon, though not ordered herself, a book on alcoholism called How to Quit Like a Woman. Yeah, it's about alcoholism and feminism because, you know, God forbid you quit alcohol and then all of a sudden become a men's rights activist.
Starting point is 00:30:44 There is now the option to make... That would be... Fuck, that would be unfortunate. Imagine if that was the dichotomy. It's like, hey, if you want to pour those bottles down the drain and try to sort your life out, totally here for it, but you need to accept that your place is in the kitchen. Like, these are your options to battle with. You can either stay absolutely rat-faced and try and engender
Starting point is 00:31:05 some equality and sense of freedom and independence for women the world over or disengage with your chemical dependence but re-engage with your dependence on your man. I don't know if anyone else has enjoyed the
Starting point is 00:31:22 unreadable sexist vitriol that is every other quit drinking book but basically if you get off the source it's going to come at a cost and that cost is all of your self-worth as a person who is not a man in this world it's um it's unfortunate but anyway it turns out there's a book which uh means you can have the best of both worlds. And guess what? Miranda, she don't want to know about it because she's having a fucking good time getting sourced and denying her sexuality. Anyway, onwards and upwards, I really, really enjoyed the little detail where friends exist in the Sex and the City universe.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Carrie makes a joke about what's a joke it really it's not a full joke just talking about like her scenario she says um this is like in friends the one where the old woman gets a hip replacement i just think it's so funny like i don't understand i know i know because even the things that are yeah first of all you're totally right in your description of that being a joke yet it's like got the rhythm it's got the cadence of being a joke but without the sort of qualities of being funny that sort of qualify something as being a joke but um they've also just taken weird decisions about what does and doesn't exist in this universe like the pandemic came up again for one mention in this and it's sort of like you guys should either i mean look i'm gonna go out there and say you should just pretend it didn't happen i reckon
Starting point is 00:32:55 because you've mentioned it about four times in the series so far and it's never of consequence and it's just like i don't know why you keep reminding us that this is based in the reality we share if anything i would rather relegate this to escapist fantasy so that your poorly drawn characters can be sort of cartoons in a universe where everyone is this dumb and myopic and self-absorbed instead of realizing that this is actually a poorly written TV show that's supposed to reflect real life. It does. It draws the mind back to the pilot that we wrote
Starting point is 00:33:34 that was the official pilot until it got leaked by our live table read and they had to bin it and write the whole series again. But COVID didn't exist in the world of these characters because they're too wealthy for disease to be a fact and they were all living from memory like elevated above new york city because the the real fall is just the detritus of civilization yeah that's right um down to nappy on steroids yeah uh and then i mean basically i've sort of run through the other the other things i thought i thought charlotte i thought um charlotte had a had some great moments
Starting point is 00:34:15 of emotional depth she showed both charlotte and kristen davis's and actually showed depth and range after the teacher meeting without discussing rocks name change uh and runkle was struggling to get his oiled up little divorce lawyering cocaine dealing championship head around it i thought she showed lovely touch lovely finesse where she said look you're a great dad and was taking and like i was a little bit confused because I felt like Charlotte had an epiphany at Shay's version of a comedy gig about gender. But obviously, you know, it's easy to hear information in the abstract, but to apply it to your real life is an entirely different challenge. And that is something this show is very clumsily attempting to do. What about this guy?
Starting point is 00:34:59 You mentioned as well that all of the lessons they'd learnt about sort of people who aren't white and their relationship to them in the show has also been forgotten. So I put it to you that this episode was written very independently of the person knowing about the previous episode. So there's just a real lack of continuity of journey going on. It's like one of those story writing games that you do when you're a child at school
Starting point is 00:35:22 where you write the first paragraph or sentence and then you fold the piece of paper yeah and you you share maybe a conjunction or whatever but then you hand it over and the story continues and to be honest if that's how they've written it i'm amazed at how many things are lining up but you can definitely see this thing swaying in the wind and creaking at the seams uh i really did enjoy for the emotional gravitas watching miranda realize she's gay uh particularly through the very subtle medium of a cinematographer filming people's hands a lot of hand stuff uh just right as they were cusping on a hookup and um yeah i mean look it's it's it was up and down for me, but I've got to say it is the most emotionally drawn in I've been
Starting point is 00:36:06 in the series so far. And if only for Miranda's storyline and, you know, what will be left of Steve and Brady, you know, the people in Miranda's circle who are people that you and I, Tim, have always been drawn to, there will be consequences. And, you know, like- Oh, that's true. We're going to get to see some more Brady, guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Like, remember, I mean, what was built around, was it Sex and the City 1, the first movie, was built around Steve cheating on Miranda. And, you know, is it one outs? Or, like, you know, what is the response to this? What's the blowback? Miranda was very hard on Steve. Yeah, I had forgotten all about that.
Starting point is 00:37:00 What an incredible ability my brain has to block out medium i've consumed 52 times that is no no i'd say that's that's healthy and that's good anyhow there's there's like i know that you had a hard watch and i respect that and to be honest in a different mood at a different moment i would have too but i'm excited to get my talents in to next week's episode. Not only was it a hard watch, you know, you can hear in my voice, I'm not a happy chap right now. I prematurely stripped down to just my underwear to be in this room to record in a part of the house that has a bit of quiet. And despite that fact, I am sweating profusely.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I am essentially naked in a room and just sweating my ass off talking to you on a podcast about the latest Sex and the City episode. I do not know whether to applaud you for holding on to that information for the entirety of the episode or begrudge you for not letting us in to that sweaty little circle of hell you're currently living in. Because, honestly, it makes sense. The whole thing makes sense. circle of hell you're currently living in uh because honestly it makes sense the whole thing makes sense i hear what you're saying let's put a pin in this thing before we do i need to know your favorite and least favorite characters as they currently stand
Starting point is 00:38:15 in the end just like that sex in the city universe in fact sorry pause sidebar i fucking yelled at my computer screen when at the end of this episode, after Carrie falls in love or is turned on by her physical therapist, who's this hot guy, and they're like, wow, okay, so we're going to watch Carrie get her hip back together.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And then she's like, and just like that, it was three months later and I was wearing high heels again. What in the fuck sort of cheat code storytelling is that that is some bullshit and they've short changed us on an interesting arc of watching a recently widowed woman in her 50s attempt and i'm going to assume fail to pick up a incredibly sexy early 30s physio therapist sexually harassing her doctor which is you know with handled with the deaf touch that has been shown by mattress pikelet and his underlings would have been a fascinating journey to go on anyhow fuck that let me know top and
Starting point is 00:39:21 tail who's sitting at the king of cool guy Mountain and who is slopping around in the muck and the mire of no good, I don't know, crevasse. Fuck. Nice. No, no, that's good. I'm going to give the Rat Queen the title of my favorite character from this episode. I don't think she's been bestowed with my favorite character before.
Starting point is 00:39:50 She rocks. She was only in it at the start she was only talking to miranda but i love what she's up to i love the vibe um i like you like that she's not leaving a paper trail online oh i love that i especially love that um i love the fact that she's just randomly going downstairs to grab lube and then going back upstairs to hang out with brady um it's all fantastic stuff uh my least favorite character i mean i'm running out of like i would give it to any of the main characters if i hadn't named them already i don't think i've named charlotte yet but it seems unfair to give it to her this episode because I thought she showed some genuine growth and attempt at raping her head around her child's gender journey that they're on. So I'm going to give my least favorite character to this episode. It's going to be fucking Anthony no I can't do it
Starting point is 00:40:47 he doesn't deserve that I can't do it no no no listen hold on hold on Asima yeah I'll stand by that didn't like her
Starting point is 00:41:02 too pushy I was into As uh my numero uno is vikash uh the what was it author orthodontist orthopedist orthopedist well whoever the the hip doctor or the back doctor who's uh tells carrie about her congenital hip defect and my least favorite character i actually thought that nearly everyone acquitted themselves well in this episode tempted to give it shay is sort of riding the line right now because of like very selfish very reckless behavior from them uh total disregard for anyone but themselves which is uh it's it's an interesting energy to introduce and it does you know facilitate the story but uh i think my least favorite
Starting point is 00:41:52 character was the chef at the cafe that uh they all discussed the care rota that charlotte made for carrie after a hip surgery um it was just it was a shit show on that table uh charlotte had avocado and radish on toast that looked like you know he literally rolled out of bed and made it to sort of get himself i don't know out the front door there was a very very lackluster looking bowl of fries that everyone was sharing and otherwise it looked like egg and bread but these were thick chunky undercooked pieces of brioche toast and one poached egg sliding off the side. It was a fucking disaster.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And, you know, I don't use Yelp. I don't use Google Review. But you've got to assume these people are paying top dollar for a top dollar experience. And it's just not good enough. Well, that's the thing, because it's crucial to remember that these gals are not going to be dining out at some sort of cut-price diner. They're exclusively eating at expensive, well-regarded places in town.
Starting point is 00:42:50 So, Guy, I think that's a completely fair judgment to bestow upon a character who may or may not exist in the episode, but you have to assume he does, by following the logic that the food was prepared by someone. And it is a dude. And he has bad personal hygiene. Anyhow, that's enough from us. What will happen is a week will pass,
Starting point is 00:43:11 and then we'll finally be able to get our teeth into the fascinating journey that these women are on. Otherwise, Tim, I encourage you to put more clothes on. Take more clothes off. The power is yours. The one thing i have to do is drink some water because i think i have lost an incredible amount of hydration being in this environment for 40 minutes so i gotta go and get some h2o down my gullet guy um i want to say that
Starting point is 00:43:40 it's been a pleasure talking to you it genuinely hasn't been it's so excruciatingly hot in here um i don't like the motivation for talking to you which is talking about this episode of a shit show that i don't like um this feels like a terrible foot to get the year off on uh but you know i look forward to seeing you how about that hey tim i honestly was looking forward to seeing you as well until you just went honestly was looking forward to seeing you as well until you just went off on me why don't you go fuck yourself buddy don't drink any water run a lap sweat it out get dehydrated pass out on a beach wake up sunburned figure it out i'll see you in a week Thank you.

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