The Worst Idea Of All Time - And Just Like That... Part 6 (w/ Olivia Deeble)

Episode Date: January 12, 2022

Tim and Guy are joined by the wickedly talented Olivia Deeble (Home & Away, Secret Society of Second-Born Royals, More Than This). Olivia has been watching the series and asks the very valid quest...ion... What exactly is the timeline of this show!? Does each character live on their own? Carrie has an insane relationship to property, Miranda is struggling with her sexual identity (and her best friends), Charlotte is making some sort of an effort with her children, Samantha continues to be dragged into this project. Steve is MIA and this is frankly, unacceptable. Also in this XXL episode, the physics of ice in whiskey and Guy's Hand-up System get intense scrutiny. The trio ultimately decide acting in AJLT is Overall Good, the directing is Overall Inconsistent and every out-of-work Broadway actor is, Overall In This Show (INCLUDING JONATHAN GROFF). SPOILER ALERT - Tim discusses the Matrix in this episode.OLIVIA DEEBLE: Insta (@OliviaDeeble)MUSIC CREDIT: Intro - People Need Goals / Outro - ampersandschwa Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh my god they're only doing sex in the city again this truly is the worst idea of all time everyone has to keep their profile photo is that until queen elizabeth the second is announced dead do we do we think she's already dead bro olivia i've been telling fucking everyone i don't know if i mentioned this in the podcast but i have literally been we think she's already dead? Bro, Olivia, I've been telling fucking everyone, I don't know if I mentioned this on the podcast, but I've literally been telling everyone she's been dead for a while, and then boy was my face red when the 1st of January rolled around, because I've been convinced
Starting point is 00:00:35 that they were going to announce it on the first day of the year. No, doesn't she need to get to February or something so that it's rain that she's the oldest person to ever be in charge isn't that i reckon is that a thing wow i don't know fucking someone said it she's been if we can push further she's been mummified and it's like a what is it weekend at barney's they've got going on yeah yeah i thoroughly enjoy if they were weekend at barney's weekend
Starting point is 00:01:01 at barney's is like children discovering that barney is a puppet And then like two of the older kids at the preschool Like Queen Elizabeth is now Trying to carry Barney around the preschool To let the other younger children continue to believe in the dinosaur Hi everybody and welcome to another exciting episode Of the worst idea of all time I briefly forgot the name of this podcast It's been going for eight years.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Guy Montgomery's here. And also myself, Tim Bat, but most importantly, Olivia Diebel. Am I saying your last name right? Yeah, you are. That's so good. Can I ask, having read the surname Diebel,
Starting point is 00:01:42 what are some alternative pronunciations that were running through your head there when you second-guessed yourself? I'm really bad at proper nouns. No justifying. What was it read to you as? I don't know. What was the first word?
Starting point is 00:01:55 We're with Diebel, so I thought it was Diebel. It is. Dibley? You'd have to actually flick the letters around to get there. Anyway, folks, Olivia has been kind enough to join you. If you don't know who she is, bloody open your Instagram app once in a while, would you? Former star of the finest soap Australia's ever made,
Starting point is 00:02:14 home in a fucking way. Recently a star of a Disney movie called Secret Society of Second Born Royals. Well done. Most importantly, the thing I'm fucking pumped about, because I sort of oh am i allowed to say that because i think you sent me a screener of it well no um sorry you heard about it which is crazy i heard an exciting project that she's co-created and starring in on paramount plus called more than this which is out soon yeah early 2020 or early this year dude we're in it yeah not the project uh the year 2022 i thought you meant we
Starting point is 00:02:49 were in the project i was like we are in the depths of our own uh fucked up little project olivia and that is changing lives honestly yeah well there's you know my spotify wrapped this year was you and my pop listened podcast and I had 3,986 minutes of listening to you. Isn't that fucked up? That is, dude. It's really fucked up. Did you re-listen to any episodes or is that 3,960
Starting point is 00:03:16 something minutes of original content? No. You guys piss me off with your uploading schedules. That's fucked up, guys. Tell me more. I feel like you'll be representing some people we uploading schedules. That's fucked up, guys. You're telling me more. I feel like you'll be representing some people we haven't heard from before. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So you post, I don't know what, like five times a week, one week, and then nothing for two weeks. And then I'm like, ooh, I'm really on this train. Interesting about their thought process of a relatively poorly made film as you tear it to shreds every week for a year. And then you stop for a little bit. And then you do something else. And that's fine. And then I get for a year. And then you stop for a little bit. And then you do something else. And that's fine.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And then I get invested in that. And then you fucking, I don't know, man. I don't know if I like it. You're not wrong. What would help? Should we, because we honestly don't know what we're up to either, but would it make more sense? Should we be like signposting what we're doing?
Starting point is 00:04:00 I feel like it's part of it though, you know? Oh, no. I think what adds to your charm is I don't know what's going to happen when I listen. Or where I'm actually at sometimes. So, it's a rollercoaster. And I think if you were more stuck to a schedule, it wouldn't be as good. Or it wouldn't be as us. I don't know about goods.
Starting point is 00:04:17 It's a very euphemistic way of describing it. I think it would probably be better. Well, but people are listening to you because they like it. No. As a fan, I'm telling you, no. Can I ask you this then, Olivia? Or, as you do request to be called on occasion, silly little Olivia Diebel,
Starting point is 00:04:35 will you be following our unique release schedule for your own program on Paramount+, or do you think you'll follow the slightly more traditional linear broadcast model of giving everyone exactly what they want when you tell them they're going to get it? In fact, smart man guy, Montgomery. We're actually taking it a step further. We're releasing like 10 minute increments of every episode, jumbling them up. And then at the end of a 12 month period, we put it all together in the series.
Starting point is 00:05:04 That is going to It's like a very Art Nouveau avant-garde kind of style a little bit of conceptualism Was it difficult to write to that or did you know you were doing that from the start? No, no, it was a pretty on-set choice. I didn't
Starting point is 00:05:19 know how else to get the funding to make the film without making it insane Olivia, I've got another question for you which i think as an australian you're uniquely qualified to answer although may potentially be too young what's paul jennings up to these days do you know too young to keep up with him i know he is i don't keep up with him relatively i am because all australians are certain vintage on close personal familial terms with Paul Jennings, but God damn it, cut off. I was.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I was like within, it was the 2002 year, and I was late in the year. Didn't get it, unfortunately. Has he written a memoir? Paul Jennings? I mean, we're alienating God knows how many people right now. I would guess one. I guess one. Paul Jennings celebrated.'s slash young adult novelist,
Starting point is 00:06:11 very popular in the sort of late 90s. Yeah, no, I read his books. I like his stuff. You read his books in utero. Yes. Well, that's like the preparing, like it's the preparing process to meet him, and I was late. So after the cut-off.
Starting point is 00:06:26 You got lemonated copies of Paul Jennings' greatest hits in utero. And then my mum every night is listening to audiobooks, but like through an ultrasound, like through a shockwave thing. So I'm getting a consistent piece of it as well. That's why you have such a nuanced understanding of story. And actually, Olivia. And actually, it got jumbled in the waves, so that's why I write scene to scene.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It's perfect that you are not just an actor but a creator because it does make you uniquely qualified to discuss the very reason that the three of us are gathered here, which is depending on your own personal perspective, the unique triumph or cynical cash grab of digging up the corpse of the sex in the city franchise under the banner of and just like that and uh tim and i have watched and discussed five episodes alongside one another so far this week we watched the sixth diwali or diwali uh and i'm not gonna say anything about what I thought about it I'd love to hear
Starting point is 00:07:27 from you both but you know it's very rare for us to be in the company of an esteemed writer and performer someone who sees the show from every perceivable angle so um I mean the floor is yours I suppose how did you how did you? Have you been following the series up to this point? So many questions. So I have, once you guys released the new season, like this little bit, I started watching kind of alongside, like I'd listen to your podcast and watch the episode because I thought it might help me in preparation for this. I just definitely didn't need to do that because there's no context in any episode or if anything it's just six episodes back something
Starting point is 00:08:10 they briefly mentioned and they have anyways i'm getting emotional i can't um i can't get emotional yet um and then what was your other question what did i think of it so you've been you've been watching along so you're up to speed with the series. Yeah, I was watching along. Yeah. Yeah, again. So how was that? I mean, were you a fan of the show beforehand?
Starting point is 00:08:33 So I watched Sex and the City 1 and 2 when I was like, I don't know, maybe 12, and that was exciting because it was women getting to go travel and do all these crazy things. And then the sex, it was like, the sex was like nuanced a little bit, or I guess in my younger brain it was nuanced enough for me not to exactly know what was going on. And then that was kind of all I'd watch. And then when I got really deep into your podcast a couple years ago,
Starting point is 00:09:01 I listened to both series in full and then watched it. And to be honest with you that was almost like a director's cut i had all of this background knowledge it was like i was reading the continuity person's script and then like mattress part like you guys i'm convinced you guys made it and the mattress pipe like like fuck you guys i'm gonna take it i'm gonna edit it down a little bit um and then this year i was meant to be doing a tv show in sydney and got in a horrific lockdown and was stuck in a small beach town with a person i didn't know very well and she was re-watching all of sex and then i watched a couple scenes wow oh shit yeah
Starting point is 00:09:36 so interesting dude report back well it's a shame i mean you can say what you think but just know we do not consider that part of the programming or university i don't think it's part of the i think i think that i think each three separate conglomerate whatever it is are all so different even in stylistic direction choice like that i wouldn't i it was like they it's almost like they took a video game made it into a movie and then made a song about it does that make sense they're all so different. I love that. I don't think they even really compare to anything. TV show is like, I think, especially as like a writer now who's writing for teenagers and I'm trying to be really critical or like I've just gone through this big process of writing,
Starting point is 00:10:20 watching older things and especially I feel like for the like people who are similar to my age i'm saying that you guys are old we see all these things as a vibe it's like massively problematic and sexist and like racist sometimes but because it's been built up as this icon in our head we almost excuse a lot of it which is really interesting um so again like the fashion's good they're talking about sex that's empowering and yeah every five minutes you're going oh that was that was on the nose but aside from that you think it's a vibe so you kind of like whatever it's fun yeah um that's the tv series that's the tv series i'm referring
Starting point is 00:10:57 to so i i could sit through and watch it i think i was a lot more uncomfortable with and just like that because yeah like i'm like it's a lot of the time i'm like well there's like an audible kind of like reaction from me you're also watching this in the context that it was sort of created in and for like this this is a show that was made for 2021 slash 2 that we're watching in real time which i think is problematic like i guess i i consistently question what their fan base is or who they're trying to bring in. And it's concerning.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Should I get into my opinions first? Hey, Olivia, I'd actually love to hear them. I've got a whiskey and all the time in the world. And a melted to fitted shape ice cube as well. That's right. There you go. Astute listeners, you're not astute enough to have heard a conversation which happened before we started recording which was my quandary that i had an ice cube too large
Starting point is 00:11:49 for the um the whiskey glass that i've got but fear not because the exciting third act of this tale is that the ice melted a little bit and fell i can't imagine the the quivers of fear that was sent through our listeners in the tiny space between the ice cube being too big and the sort of resolution of the story. Unfortunately, it was almost muffled by your voice, guys. You were criticizing him for not having a to-fit ice cube. I'm not criticizing him. I'm saying this is an avoidable problem.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Ice cube trays don't come in one set size. No, he's the problem guy with whiskey you need a big ice cube because it's like i don't know it's something to do with the physics or something it melts slower so it's like it's what you want because it was a massive ice block that then plops yeah well now i'm kind of fucked because it doesn't taste very watery yeah olivia please no i actually want to keep talking about that fucking ice cube well the thing about this now it's like perfectly shaped for the glass which is bring me a lot of joy but now i'm thinking man a lot has melted into the whiskey so i probably would have been better off with just a small ice cube that fully melted.
Starting point is 00:13:05 That's the nature of ice, brother. You take it out of the freezer. If you're in a remotely warm climate, that ice is going to melt. And when it melts, it's going to turn into water. And if you've got it in a drink, the drink is going to start tasting more like water than it did before. Take that whiskey. What about those little rocks?
Starting point is 00:13:25 You freeze little rocks. Oh,'re like a little the little balls i accidentally swallowed one once because my mom my mom had a dog was it the ones that they sell oh my god i don't think they sell rocks small enough for a child to drink no no it was like a marble it was on me they have those ones for wine i think yeah so what so did you presumably and look we've just met a little bit did you have to just shit that out at some point yeah i did yeah that's actually it's it's surpassed through me in early in early days that's a comfortable anecdote yeah 16 minutes in i love this little anecdote about me a bb how like regular marble size like a marble yeah like a mutt like you wouldn't drink it yeah 16 minutes in, I love this little anecdote about me. Grape? A BB? Regular marble size?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Like a marble. Yeah, like you wouldn't drink it. Yeah. It's enough to be a small ice cream. When I was first. It's not something that they're expecting adults to put in their mouth. Wow. When I was first custodian of Olive one night. I can't remember what we were doing, but we were playing with marbles.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And Olive, who is my stepdaughter, has a deep love of putting... Olivia knows, man. Didn't you? Yeah, I've been... Spotify stats. Yeah, I know all about you guys. Almost fucked up how much I know about you guys. Different things in her mouth.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And she put a marble in it. And I was like, don't put that marble in there. And she just looked at me and swallowed it. And she sort of had a panic look in her eyes. Like, I swallowed it. She just looked at me and swallowed it. Then she sort of had a panic look in her eyes, like, I swallowed it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I think it's interesting that your first night alone with this child was to speak to it, assuming it was an adult. There's guys to fuck with everything. I've seen him talk to a vacuum cleaner like that. It's messed up. He expects a response. He couldn't be bothered to pick up the bobby pin, so he just hoovered over it and went,
Starting point is 00:15:03 now, don't you swallow that one. That is how I talk to people. Don't you break my engine. Do you know what? Life is more fun if you anthropomorphize everything around you. If everything is imbued with the qualities of a human. Apologies for calling yourself a human. Anyway, I'll have had to shit that out.
Starting point is 00:15:17 All right. Minute 17. I would now love to hear Olivia's opinions about the episode. So I guess my generalization of the show is that they don't I mean maybe this is a good thing maybe it's a bad thing they don't stick to any style do they like they'll start they'll just put a montage in midway through that's relatively interesting and never pick that up again sometimes they're panning landscape shots will go for like way too long
Starting point is 00:15:45 and then it will just and then like then they'll do this really big like um uh oh what's it called uh like background scene to like show where the characters are and then they'll just leave the scene on for just one wide shot but then they won't continue that camera trope along or it's a lot of weird editing with that as well like that conversation no you say it olivia because i've said this before now can you please say for the podcast what is happening right now guy and you've done this like several times already and been dismissed by tim guy likes to put his hand up not very high just above it like a one intense index above his head like this is honestly and then nonchalantly waits and smiles like this until someone answers him it's the politest way to suggest that i have something to contribute
Starting point is 00:16:34 to the conversation it's also quite jarring if i'm like looking down my oh fuck i thought i've done something wrong because he's sitting here like this no it means that i i have input which go you didn't need to make a big song and dance about the hand up system which has been you know with all of us for as long as no which has been deeply criticized every time you've used it episode four baby i listen to it hey i've never been a fan let the record stay let's just do it both of you can shut the fuck up so you can give your input yes which is this
Starting point is 00:17:09 go I noted I watched quite a lot of the credits Olivia will get to you I Olivia's doing it and it's really funny
Starting point is 00:17:17 I noticed in the credits that this episode which I don't know if it was a first in her career was directed by Cynthia Nixon
Starting point is 00:17:24 which might go some ways as to explaining why it is uh like not totally fluent with respect to the rest of the series i don't know if that criticism was for the entire and just like that no that was that was actually for like within episodes they do that like within episodes they switch up i don't know if you guys have noticed that they'll be going on this interesting little like trope with like cut short scene short scene so it'll be like a 10 minute scene about nothing and then it'd be a music montage and i don't know you're right there's weird like rhythms and stuff i also i don't know if you guys can hear it on the microphone but my baby is currently losing his fucking mind he's passionate about it only assume
Starting point is 00:18:02 that was because of guy's little hand up system. And Remy can like sense how bad an idea that was. You know what? You guys, you undermine the hand up system. But it's a great system. And Olivia. You keep with it. You were doing a really good gag where you were the urgent child who really wanted to say something. And there's a lot of urgency.
Starting point is 00:18:20 But also in doing that. I'm glad you picked up on it later. Well, you were being mean. And meanness... No. That's just something... I don't think it was meanness. If anything, it was like a little callback.
Starting point is 00:18:33 We had some right banter about said hand up. I then recalled it and did it back. I don't know that... You've introduced an absurd dimension to a conversation and then been devastated when someone's brought up that it is a crazy thing you can call back to something which was said a sentence ago like that's not how callbacks work all right fine it was a continuation mr i go to improv class i don't
Starting point is 00:18:55 go i don't go to improv class i go on zoom i can tell you know folks it's always a real um flip of the coin when we have a guest on who's going to get bullied, and I'm always so grateful when it's not me. We're only 21 minutes in. I'll see how I feel later. We'll go crazy. This will be a good tipping point. She's going scorched earth.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I've listened to 3,900 unconstructive minutes of you fuckheads, and you're about to get it. Or I guess maybe this is like a – I think I resonate with this off being off home and away and being on people's tv so much they came up and would speak to me like they knew me it's a really sometimes really out of pocket things but i feel like i'm doing that to you a little bit because i've listened to you so much i'm like i know these guys shit around i think i can make fun of you but we're like putting our real selves out there i don't even i used to watch
Starting point is 00:19:42 home and away because i'm a new zealander but i haven't like watched it for years so i didn't see what your character was up to but i imagine probably murdered someone crazy with a 35 year old yeah i got kidnapped six times in my duration that's too many man someone should put an apple tag on you i um no no here's the best i went into a haunted house and a brick fell on my head i developed a brain tumor which turned into epilepsy and i would consistently wet myself wow huh i'm not a doctor but i don't think that's how you get tumors or epilepsy but sick storyline nonetheless i mean it carried me on for three and a half years um uh guy would you like to have a run at explaining what happens in this episode?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah, sure thing I didn't write down his plot points and I watched it yesterday, but basically from memory the start of the episode, Carrie is, I remember at the end of episode 5 Carrie, that introduced this congenital hip condition and then Carrie had sort of
Starting point is 00:20:44 had this huge crush on this smoking hot like doctor who was going to coach her back to full health and then she was like and just like that it was two months later and I was walking in heels and I thought okay well and I bought a new apartment
Starting point is 00:20:58 maybe we'll see you you in heels with this you know potential love interest that they introduced, but no. Instead, in this episode, Carrie is looking at buying a brutalist modern apartment in downtown New York City with Anthony,
Starting point is 00:21:14 who is discussing having sex with men next to the ghost of Willie Garson, a.k.a. Stanford. The treatment of the actors who are no longer there to represent themselves in this show is honestly, like almost at this point, deliberately offensive. It is staggering to me, the treatment that they get.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And it was like dig after dig, wasn't it? It was like, Stanford, fuck that guy. It's like, well, we all know that he's puffed. It's not, you don't need to keep doing it. And it wasn't just referencing. these parts that's not yeah you don't need to keep doing it so basically and like the and it wasn't just referencing he was like because anthony was fucking dudes in their sort of marital bed and i was like you need to hey michael patrick king you need to chill and i'm using your full name because i'm disappointed in you i'm not angry i'm disappointed and i'm angry all right um
Starting point is 00:22:02 also doesn't that fuck them up like they're so obviously like there's a writing trope they really slid it under the like the rug really quickly leave it there like the more you bring it up or the more digs you give we're going to consistently be like yeah why the hell did he leave so quickly yeah or then like if you keep texting samantha and you guys are on good terms don't bring it up like they're gone now don't exactly can i ask you a question that i haven't actually thought of is kim cattrall watching this i like to think that she is and what does she think of it i like to think that she isn't i think she's above it i think this is beneath no that's true i yeah i i see her like you know like i don't know in a penthouse somewhere like she's had people over like her friends over to watch it and everyone's like
Starting point is 00:22:44 all right that's okay then isn't it it is vindicating i'll give you that so if you had like a watch party and it was like hey here's the project i bounced from that they offered me a ton of money to stay in but i because i have some like perception of integrity as an artist didn't want to be involved in this godless project did you say this or did i hear this somewhere else and this may just all be bullshit but was it like didn't she didn't she do like a clever deal where then she was like i'll do it if you like let me exec some films like she was being a little hustler and then they said no and then that was part of why she turned it down as well it's so bullshit because she seems smack like in this yeah she like wanted to executive well she wanted she had some
Starting point is 00:23:21 stuff that she wanted to make in her agreement, like she bought that stuff and then they said no that blows I also don't know if that's true let's say it is it's more credit to Samantha have you heard that guy? I'd never heard that before
Starting point is 00:23:37 I don't hear anything I keep my ears high from the ground and I put my hand up if someone hasn't preceded the rumor by lifting their finger. Was that a better callback? Was that a better callback? Was that a better callback for you? I don't know that we should be judging the value of callbacks in real time.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I feel like that would sort of undermine any successful callback. But I will say this, that I do know that Kim Cattrall didn't want to work on the third movie or and just like that because as we've mentioned multiple times she didn't want to be a vehicle to sir jess kubaka's grieving or carrie's grieving and in this episode it was like and in the pre i think in the previous episode to an extent you could feel there was distance between the catalyst for action at the start of the season and where we've gotten to now. Like it felt like Carrie was actually moving on with her life, buying this apartment or whatever. And then just like right when,
Starting point is 00:24:29 if you are Kim Cattrall watching along and you're like, oh wow, for half the season, maybe I could have had my own exciting storylines. The writers are like, hey, by the way, just in case any of you have forgotten, Carrie is devastated by the death of her husband. And we will re-concentrate the program around this just when it feels like we might be finding our feet with respect to other interesting things to
Starting point is 00:24:51 explore that's my opinion it's weird it is weird that they keep like building sort of these these bridges to go somewhere and then they'll build the bridge go over the bridge then go back to the other side of the bridge and then burn the bridge down. Yes. Oh, my God. It's a weird way of doing it. Anyway, look, hey, we need to cover up some other plot points. So Carrie's got a new apartment.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And then, okay, I have a qualm about Carrie's apartment. Qualm off, queen. Thank you so much. I'm never going to say that again. That was, like, really, like, progressive of you. I feel like we're doing that silly little, what's the podcast they do? Woke Moment. I feel like it's a woke moment. Oh feel like we're doing that still a little. What's the podcast they do? Woke Moment. I feel like it's a woke moment for me. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 X, Y, and me. I feel like if I did say like Kwam off Queen too quickly though. Period. Period. Oh, I didn't like saying that either. What's your Kwam, Olivia? Okay. So I'm very lucky.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I bought my first apartment this year. Congratulations. Which is awesome for me. Thank you. That process took a long time she bought that relatively quickly within the episode then sells it again she that's not how buying and selling houses work come back from the side that you came on why didn't she just rent it out why didn't you do a little beat like that was they make it difficult for themselves don't
Starting point is 00:26:03 live in the same reality as us carrie is anguishing about whether or not to buy an apartment with her friend that's not a rich thing that's a logic what is the time frame that they go through she's free like last episode she just wet herself in bed and that was it yeah and then three months in the last four minutes there's such a good question of yet like how much time is transpiring inside of this thing because like the the final six minutes of the last episode span three months for some reason but up until that point all of the moments put together might have been two days max two days and then also no character actually lives on the same timeline so like for example a lot of shit will happen to charlotte but then miranda will still be mad at her with the conversation that we assume happened three months ago but
Starting point is 00:26:48 then miranda will revisit it and then what like carrie is just existing on a whole other plane of existence as well by the way speaking of like weird timelines and stuff oh yeah i shouldn't actually put the cup before the horse but i will anyway jonathan groff is in this episode which delighted me because um i saw matrix 4 like pretty much on the day it came out and uh spoiler alert hey listen i didn't love it if you did power to you i'm glad you enjoyed it wasn't for me but jonathan groff was one of my favorite bits of that and then to see him pop up in here and i didn't know he was coming oh can i just say one of the best uses of spoiler alert i've heard in my life is prefacing your own opinion about something like a spoiler alert this is what i thought without revealing any vital piece of information of how i read this is what i thought not like it who who was he in uh who was he in Setsa? Or what's it called? And just like that, a jilt.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He is a plastic surgeon who appears about. Dr. Paul David. I want to know what we thought about Dr. Paul David. Because he really rode the line of being like sort of cool, empathetic, understanding doctor and super, super creepy, cynical, slightly misogynistic fella. He made me feel really uncomfortable at all times. I was really, like, I think he did a good job.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I don't know. It's all like they're all in their own TV show, hey? Yeah. And in some ways, they are. They are. And just like that, we have a mashup. Probably something I found hilarious, and I think this is what really confuses me.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I don't think you can deny that the three leads are seemingly very good actresses. Yes. Like, I really enjoy their performances. And, like, that scene last episode between Miranda and Harry, when Miranda admits, that was beautiful. Oh, wait a minute. Is this the picnic?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah. No, no, no, no. I'm beautiful. Oh, wait a minute. Is this the picnic? Yeah. No, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I'm talking about last episode. No, you're talking about when Carrie wakes up after Miranda got enlivened by the finger. That was beautiful. It's like I actually wonder what it was like pre-editing
Starting point is 00:28:55 and when you had these women performing and finishing a scene, if it was actually really good. Yeah. Because they just kind of cut it and I don't, like, you're getting somewhere and then they go, okay, next. And I don't, like, you're getting somewhere and then they go, okay, next scene. I don't know. With some people who make sourdough.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And you're like, you actually can't sit in what they're saying. I agree that there was a beautiful scene. And I think that the acting performances are strong. But I will never begrudge in Just Like That for taking us back to Hotfellas sourdough bakery and delivery service. Every time, like, that was the most throwaway line in one of the first episodes. And service every time like that was the most throwaway line in one of
Starting point is 00:29:25 the first episodes and then every time we see anthony he's at his rented bakery space with a bunch of fucking jocks and tiny little rompers and in this like have you seen their background work yeah like it's like that it's like they're dancing i like think that they're in their own like they're just skipping around it is actually and I love it when this happens with these sorts of shows or projects, but it's actually consistent with the internal logic of the world because these are just hot people who have no idea about bread or delivering food. And so they were loading up the bread truck one baguette at a time
Starting point is 00:29:58 in the background of the scene. And I was like... Throwing it! And not terribly well because as Anthony had to scold one of his employees for it, they were holding the goddamn bag upside down and a bag. It fell on the ground. They couldn't even hold it up. Did you see his face after that?
Starting point is 00:30:13 He was so chiseled. He actually looked like he was dancing. I then was looking, I was, I didn't want to hear what Anthony had to say to Charlie. He just went like this. Yeah. That'd be Broadway.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Like understudies and stuff. get me back to jonathan groff probably the reason you think he's creepy because he's a broadway star so he's come up through musical theater and they all act inside i felt like i came across something i can't remember if someone tweeted a twitter account but about um the sheer volume of broadway actors who are well-known broadway actors who are appearing in the series because all live performance was obviously shut down and so yeah so the work that they hoovered up was recorded yeah um so but just saying it back do you notice that everyone tries to get their like last little minute of fame at the end of scenes everyone does a really weird improvise they can't finish a scene like sentence done they always go oh like have you noticed that i have not noticed that get tell
Starting point is 00:31:11 me a bit more about that what's going on is it like a look or are people throwing lines in that you think i don't know the script not lines literal like actions and reactions like when the girls go out for lunch someone will finish the line there'll be a really awkward silence and then they've like just held it on i don't know charlotte does a lot she does the little eye roll like a oh silly me i was racially insensitive again like really weird i don't know editing though right because i think so much of what you were picking up on so far is editing you know recognizing the strong yeah talents of the actors it's like yeah yeah a lot of people are doing their jobs right i would say the writers probably aren't but also that would be my editing when it's done badly crazily when it's good crazily there's a few there's i mean i i
Starting point is 00:31:58 don't want to be a boring guy who bangs on the drum of what happened in the episode but there are a few things that i mean it's embarrassing and i've acknowledged it in the episode, but there are a few things that, I mean, it's embarrassing and I've acknowledged it in the previous episode, and I didn't think this was as good, but I am slowly being pulled into the world of the characters and I'm sort of interested in what is becoming of their lives in this. And so Miranda is very, very softly
Starting point is 00:32:20 dealing with the fallout just amongst her friends of what happened and carries apart with shay like we see miranda share that information with charlotte for the first time and that threatens to drive a wedge through their friendship charlotte has the savage line of saying you're not progressive enough to be doing this there's a conversation about whether or not which i love this question can i just hit pause sorry that so this is this is a big fucking moment and and basically closes the episode it's like the emotional crescendo they have a big picnic miranda plucks up the carriage to reveal
Starting point is 00:32:51 the fact that a she's in a queer relationship and b she's cheating on her husband and charlotte saying you're not progressive enough for this unironically the funniest line that has been written in the show and i think like intentionally show yeah intentionally so that was a banger i love that it's no like i'm gonna start telling my friends they are not progressive enough to do that i also like um i think oh you go ahead olivia please no i'll put my hand i'll wait no no go ahead you don't even need to put your hand up um okay, I'll fucking go. I definitely think, like, now that I've watched them all, it is very late in the 10-episode series, rambling together some kind of consistent theme.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And then it'll hit you midway, and then they'll burn another bridge. So it's very confused. Like, you feel it's, like, one step forward and then seven steps back. What do you think this series is about? Critically, like, after now watching a few of them, I think it's about women, upper middle class privileged women, or I guess their attempt was upper middle class privileged women in New York trying to navigate this new world that because of the pandemic has affected them and they're trying to navigate
Starting point is 00:34:00 it best they can and still be confident in being middle-aged and dealing with those problems as well i think i can i say i think i don't think that's what's necessarily been portrayed but the reason i think to circle back to what you've been saying olivia that the show sometimes feels inconsistent or unclear is because it is trying to do that or it's also trying to address these women living in uh in modern society and my god can i just say you can't say a damn thing anymore uh and are they finding that and are they aren't their foots living in their mouths but it's balancing that against the hook or the thing that made it an interesting show to watch initially and the reason that people are
Starting point is 00:34:45 fans of the franchise which is that you're watching sort of like they're not navigating you know um progressive society and how do they address things and how do they you know move inside of the world they're just these frivolous women having fun with their sex lives and you're watching a genuine representation of flawed people enjoy their friendships and now it's like it's trying to do both things at once and accordingly kind of failing at both which is tricky wow yeah it looks hard to make tv i mean i don't know how you did it oh i didn't i jumped up a bit of a bunch of scenes and then put it together with the song under there yep i think it's been my so i co-created my show with a non-binary trans person um so it's been really frustrating almost to watch this as well after like having to push like i think like like a similar slightly serious note it's it's hard to see that i'm trying to write shows about
Starting point is 00:35:44 queer kids and getting it right and us talking about our frivolous sex lives and that it's actually a norm i think what's frustrating is that they still continue to isolate every single person who is you know either of poc or queer or trans they're still managing to put them in a box like they're still the confusing people and that's really frustrating to watch yeah i think the key word would be other like this show is just massively othering of of everyone who was and it's like it's sort of hyper frustrating because they recognized it and they've said it out loud and um even press ahead of the release of the series and stuff they're like look, look, we recognise that this show started in a time when these considerations weren't even being
Starting point is 00:36:28 made, and there's four straight white women that have, like, centred this whole narrative around them. This is the 90s, man. Oh, so I thought you were saying, like, this series was, like, done before any kind of movements. I was like, whoa. No, that's the thing. So, like, now in the 20, literally in the 21st century, in a new
Starting point is 00:36:43 century, they're, like're attempting to do it, but they've just done the exact same thing. It's still the normal people, these three women, who can I say, have diagnosable mental illnesses, and that's fine, but presenting them as being the bastions of reason and truth in this is a fool's errand. Or that their life is hard.
Starting point is 00:37:03 That's the pushing narrative it's no recognition or self-reflection that maybe they do have it easier and how are they going to navigate problems at no point at no point and i know carrie's been widowed maybe recently depending on what timeline you're existing on in this show drops it it's like she forgets it sometimes yeah and then she's like oh shit i'm very sad everybody my husband died i wrote this one down oh yeah uh oh okay so this is the big picnic but where um miranda is wrestling with the fact that she's entering i just i don't know that i you'll remember this but i don't know we're going to get to talk about the picnic before and i just want to say
Starting point is 00:37:43 that if anyone was observing the props department on the picnic, there was such a huge variety of cutlery, glassware, crockery, food, like the blanket that they'd spread across the picnic table. I mean, the number of trips that these women would have had to take from the subway or their car to the picnic table just to transport the sheer volume of stuff that they were not eating was mind-boggling. And this was like there was a real emotional gravitas to this scene
Starting point is 00:38:12 but all I could think about was who brought the hampers? Who brought the hampers? How did they get in there? Do they have butlers for this kind of thing? You have to look in the background of this scene. I have not seen a picnic with a sock strapping in my life. And they don't eat anything. But but anyway of course they don't um so miranda's revealing that she's had the sexual encounter with shay and she's wrestling with that and uh and and and then her and charlotte have a bust up
Starting point is 00:38:39 when charlotte says you're not progressive enough for this which is again just fucking give that line a golden globe and her little frustration with it too you're not progressive enough for this which is again just fucking give that line a golden globe and her little frustration with it too you're just not progressive enough okay that's for we might tweet that we might tweet that line a golden globe as soon as this episode's over for your consideration but then um just not progressive and carrie makes some shitty little quip as she does, which is fine. It's her character. And then Charlotte says,
Starting point is 00:39:07 Carrie, why do you keep trying to make this nothing? It's something. And then Carrie says, this is literally what she says, no, big dying is something. Like, this is about the third time she's done it in this episode. Just someone who'll say something, and she'll be like, my husband died. Stop talking to me.
Starting point is 00:39:24 This is an insane way to run your life. Then one had like a sledgehammer as well, because not long before that, for the first time, pretty much since I've met Carrie, back in Sex and the City 2, and then spent more time with her in Sex and the City 1, for the first time, she like slowed down. So I've got to get the note here.
Starting point is 00:39:42 But she literally stopped talking about herself for one second to like listen and accommodate a conversation about one of her friends problems and she gave her friend the runway of one sentence before being like oh actually i've got something for this actually my husband died i was really upset again about the apartment she cooked smoked salmon in the morning and then didn't eat it until dinner what was that with?
Starting point is 00:40:11 that really upset me a full bundle of fresh asparagus that was just unused, unrefrigerated and salmon, she was like salty and then didn't eat it until dinner time, it was dark you gotta age it. You got to age this stuff on the beach.
Starting point is 00:40:26 They're preparing a meal for themselves at home by themselves while salting their meal says, not too much salt. That is something. At 53, you just have in your wiring. You don't have to say out loud to yourself every time you're salting, not too much salt. And then another thing that confused me, so she's wearing a big fucking hat that smelt like big
Starting point is 00:40:48 and a yellow lamp and her asparagus and salmon. That's all she has in this white apartment. Then the beeping's going off. She can't sleep. But then suddenly we see her back getting dressed up in her sari at her old apartment. Like, she's having, go home. Oh, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Oh, yeah, you're right. She did go home. God damn it. Yeah. I just assume she flicked off the old apartment because the journey for her in this episode was that she was, like, living in her old apartment. She was like, I'm stagnant here.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'm not living. I need to move on with my life and progress. So she buys. The beeping white sunroom. Yeah. Or for our international listeners um again the construct in the first matrix movie before they load up the racks of guns just a forever white space that is um unencumbered by furniture fixings or anything on the walls it's just an infinite white that she's living in and part of the i've actually got a pitch to make for you guys as well especially well you're both writers though so i'll pitch it
Starting point is 00:41:48 to both of you so one of the things executive producer role you can have ep credits if i can get the ball rolling with you guys attached thank you carrie is struggling with a beeping an incessant beeping that is happening in her apartment for part of this episode she can't figure out what it is i don't think it's ever solved which is deeply frustrating she sells her apartment because it's beeping yeah yeah she does but how good would it have been for this episode in the series it was entirely a one room episode and it was carrie going insane with this beeping and people would come and visit her and she would ring friends to try and solve it and it was like that episode the fly and breaking bad or like the chinese restaurant in seinfeld when the entire episode is just in the foyer waiting for them to be set at dinner it is it
Starting point is 00:42:36 would be tim i mean i don't know what the rules are on commissioning rewritten episodes of pre-existing intellectual property that's already been released, but it would be a fuckload better than what we watched. If anything, you're regaining your own intellectual property. Like this, again, this series is so on the nose.
Starting point is 00:42:52 You could probably, I don't know, falsify some documents to make, to say that you came up with it. I love the idea of, I also just want to talk about Carrie's journey, which as you said, is like in the old apartment,
Starting point is 00:43:04 she's feeling stagnant buys the new apartment so suddenly after buying her new apartment says to her friends i don't know if i should buy this new apartment and they say well don't and she says oh i've bought it everyone goes wow that's okay because money doesn't exist and you can do literally whatever you want and there's no consequences for it and yes we remember your husband died carrie goes to her storage unit which is so poorly organized watching them try and find stuff to put in your apartment is so stressful it is a room full of unmarked boxes that they open at random to try and find objects to take back and then goes to the and it's emotional mind sweeper as well because she knows that some of them will set her off because they'll be too
Starting point is 00:43:45 emotional mind sweepers are beautiful articulation goes to see Dr. Paul David who shows her her face 15 years ago which causes and then she selfishly takes that away that moment away from Anthony yeah like shout on Anthony for wanting to get Botox and I was like fine I'll get a facelift but when she gets when she
Starting point is 00:44:01 sees the digital rendering of her facelift Carrie you literally watch Carrie for the rest of the episode, question or not whether age should exist, whether or not the concept of age should exist. And then that is pretty much what fuels her the rest of the way. And she's like, do you know what? She sells the Brutalist apartment. She says, yeah, age should exist.
Starting point is 00:44:28 What? A good learning. I will. Can I ask Olivia a question? In fact, Olivia, you go and then I'll ask you a question. No, I was going to say I enjoy two things about this episode. I like that people eat bread. I think the one thing they have got is they're not perpetrating bad eating disorders. I think that's actually really good.
Starting point is 00:44:46 That's my little compliment to them. That is a bar so low it is basically buried underground that they've gone over for you. The word compliment is a bodybuilder in that sentence. Secondly, I have forgotten her real estate broker's name. Seema. Seema. Seema. Seema CGI cigarette took out a friendship bracelet, put it on using the cigarette hand, was on her phone,
Starting point is 00:45:14 tied this very small friendship bracelet, and then continued to smoke. I thought that was impressive. Impossible, but hilarious to watch. And she's giving this whole spiel about friendship, but it's just a close-up of her hand with this obviously CGI cigarette whilst she's tying.
Starting point is 00:45:30 You can see them do a fake CGI beam. It's crazy. Oh my god, I need to go back and watch that. There was a glare on the screen so I actually couldn't see what Seema was tying and I kept thinking, I had to rewind the scene a few times because I kept thinking she put that Carrie bracelet on her wrist as a gift and then Carrie was putting it on as a necklace the next day i i watched it in the
Starting point is 00:45:53 afternoon on a television with windows next to the television one of the last things you want near your television windows windows the enemy of the tv and i know everything was cgi but olivia do you agree i mean again there might be a an age barrier to this but what a joy it is to see cigarettes back on screen hey yeah i'm always i'm always so but i love it i think they're really cool sorry guys yeah i had to with the tv show having like working with actf which is the australian children's funding association i just, there were so many scenes of cigarettes I had to edit out. Like, but it's so cool. Look at me like this is going to 14 year olds.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I know it's bad. Feel cool. They also know it's cool though. And they smell a rat a million miles away. My question for the audience is Miranda using a vibrator on herself while telling Brady to not stay out too late because he's got a test the next day while she's on the brink of orgasm what do we make of that?
Starting point is 00:46:50 That is super uncomfortable I hated it It is honestly fucking crazy crazy behaviour Can you not put the vibrator down for 5 seconds to tell your son that you're sleeping
Starting point is 00:47:06 but he also gave you so many opportunities to stop the conversation like he was like okay and then she's like don't stay and she keeps i was like no she's dating things but she won't remove the vibrator man while we're while we're in that house I just need to know I know I favour him But how does Steve fit in with all of this Like his What the fuck was he He's gone for a while
Starting point is 00:47:34 Not collapsing around him but like Here is a guy we've seen quite a lot of He's losing his hearing Yeah I thought it was really sad He does that so well now but he's like he's losing his marriage he's losing his screen time and it's because he's got chia seeds in his mouth yeah he's got he's done the dentist the whole season because it all takes place in one day. He comes back hearing gone.
Starting point is 00:48:06 He lost. He's just, he's got me rambling. I had a chia seed stuck so deep in my... My wife's left me for a podcast named Shay. I had a chia seed stuck so deep in my teeth it was blocking my ear canal. And they had to remove my, like, septum, too, it's fucking out. He's literally not in this episode which is devastating um i don't know yeah i don't know where he is because i don't think he's got
Starting point is 00:48:32 his bar anymore and he's just a quiet battler does he know that he's a silent warrior alcoholic like has she admitted that to him no i mean obviously and another thing about the alcoholism thing this show constantly is picking up hot coals that it has no gloves to handle can i just say for anyone listening alcoholism is like one of the big ones that you don't do cold turkey like you need to be in the hands of a professional to deal with chemical alcoholism because people can die if they go cold turkey after being addicted to drinking you gotta have a bit of a plan for that shit they were all congratulating her in the show they're like miranda we're so proud of you for going cold turkey on your alcoholism and
Starting point is 00:49:16 then carrie's like please don't do that this isn't real yeah or miranda miranda says it's a oh the fake wine it's a shame it's not real to which everyone goes no it's okay miranda we don't mind but goes like yeah but then carrie refers to the picnic again being like if i made that up i wish this wine was real when things get tense deeply insensitive this woman they're crazy uh miranda they're wild also can i can i just ask this as well sorry to cut you off but i i think it's important so one of the big threads in this episode is that um stanford has got a pre-booked in facelift consultation that was driven by anthony oh sorry anthony does stanford's gone
Starting point is 00:49:57 now anthony is going because it's booked in he brings carrie for companionship now am i so there's a lot of conversations about facelifts whether we should be getting facelifts what it would mean how much it would cost what are the ethical or sort of personal implications of it am i crazy to think that this get this show is gaslighting all of us because everyone has like pretty visibly recently had a facelift yeah yeah they are and then but i guess i thought that like i don't know i i think i thought that she like had work i also also they would have had work done like that would have been a thing they would have chatted about in the 90s show i'd assume no totally but like it'll be having
Starting point is 00:50:40 botox yeah so i assumed that like this was just like another checkup. I guess I read that scene as she gets Botox, but her facelift is more intense. They kind of. But even the Botox seemed new to her. They sort of. I'm convinced that they wake up every day and don't know. Like they're on like, I don't know, like Xanax consistently. Like, and they wake up and are like, oh, fuck, my husband's dead.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I'm cheating on my husband. What the fuck's Botox? What's the quality? They're like Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates and have to put a VHS in going, you're rich, your husband's dead, you own three apartments. Everything is about you. If your friends say it's about them, they're fucking lying. And you need to retrain the conversation to yourself.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Carrie even requests a Valium while she's learning about Botox just to help her really ease into it. I thought that the show sort of winkingly acknowledged that everyone has their own relationship too. Are you giving them that credit to be self-aware enough? I'm asking that you so earnestly. I am. I mean, I don't think that so earnestly I am, I mean I don't think
Starting point is 00:51:45 that this show is exclusively constructed, created and written by people who don't know what they're talking about I just think that they probably have some very talented writers who are trapped inside of a very confused and conflicted program, which is trying to satisfy multiple audience bases at once
Starting point is 00:52:01 and accordingly shooting through the middle of everyone I don't think old fans of the show are loving this, I don't think old fans of the show are loving this i don't think new fans of the show are loving this i would say honestly i'm probably one of the top fans of this show in the world i'm having a whale of a time i don't agree with everything that's happening but i'm watching it and i'm like well you know what you know it's nice to it's nice to with, and I said in the first episode, and this rings true throughout the entire season, and I also think as the season finds its feet, and the more immersed you get in the story,
Starting point is 00:52:32 the more you can actually care about it and believe in it. But as I go along, I'm like, well, this is, I guess, this is something. I mean, the bar's low. I've spent time with Tim watching things that make me feel worse and so in that respect i i'm a victim of my own circumstance but i'm not hating it and you know they're they're failing a lot of the time but they're like charlotte's storyline in this episode i think that's the first time i've managed to start having empathy towards Charlotte. Basically, in the entire – Charlotte appears to actually be making an effort. And it's wonderful to see.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Instead of just picking – you know, instead of just – I don't know. I've traditionally had problems with Charlotte, but I can see a world where I can get along. Oh, good. I'm glad her redemption is coming to the forefront, you guys. Thank you. Am I crazy? What do we think? Is it a bad show?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Is it tolerable? It's tricky. It's getting tolerable. I think it's morphing from black and white and just massively problematic to there being shades. It's becoming more forgiving, I guess. I genuinely don't want to give the show too much credit because i think if you get into hour six of any televised story with this much budget if
Starting point is 00:53:53 it's not at the level yeah if it's not i'm at with this now yeah that's actually impressive yeah that's true yeah i know i don't i think it's i think it's problematic i think i guess it's yeah it's a lot on the nose a lot of my friends have real problems and are very like are upset by the things but that's also not my story because there's this um like bisexual person that's i don't have enough to say why that would be offensive but it's very on the nose like Like I watch a lot and go, oh, that's going to piss someone off on TikTok. It's very much that. It screams Mattress Pikelet King out of his depths, but it's my favorite place for him.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I don't imagine Mattress Pikelet King as a person. I see him as like a black sphere with a crown. It's really vivid for me. Because I think I listen to you whilst I'm like working out or running. And every time you're at a fit, he's like just sucks everything in and that is then what's it like listening to the podcast while you're running um i i think it helps me focus it helps me detach from working out because i don't particularly enjoy working out yeah so it's like i'm listening
Starting point is 00:55:00 to you guys and enjoying and it's like it's it feel like a con your con your tiktok your sorry your podcast sounds like a conversation which it is yeah that's a really stupid thing for me to say no it isn't because not all podcasts do yeah I meant that it's like you know you go in different directions you have a funny bit you like it's you I can be immersed with you more than like information podcasts that are pretty directive this This is totally by the by, but I was watching some old Dick Cavett clips on YouTube. You know, the old late night talk show host Dick Cavett. Cavett?
Starting point is 00:55:31 Yeah, I do. Cavett. He was great. And I was watching some old George Harrison interviews and those interviews used to be like, now those are the most boring interviews, celebrity interviews on late night talk shows.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Those used to be podcasts. Those used to be like genuine long and winding boring conversations with all of the awkward pauses and then suddenly excitement of finding a strain of conversation you're interested to have it was so much fun and now it's like dude i've i've watched him talk to marlon brando i can't recommend those dick habit show clips enough. They're sensational. Yeah, he's a really good interviewer. Anyway. R.I.P.
Starting point is 00:56:10 What the hell would I know? We're going to put in this, guys. So, Olivia, have you got any stray thoughts, any burning sort of observations that you want to share before we are no longer... Oh, we're going to do best of best characters. Of course, talking about episode six of in just like that diwali let me quickly look at i did write some notes but they're not very helpful to me because
Starting point is 00:56:31 i just wrote like question mark around things that's okay um i think i just the buying and selling house is really frustrated yeah like i just why didn't she just rent you know like they she said it like she'd signed the papers she moved in for seemingly a day and the buzzing pissed her off and then she sells it again well like that just took me so i don't know it really upset me i'll say this she sold it that quickly one of it one of her uh fast becoming close friends is a wheeling dealing realtor called sema who appears to be incredibly good at their job yeah i mean i still think it's totally bad at lying to her parents about having a man in her
Starting point is 00:57:19 life and denis was super insensitive i don't know they like they and it's almost like they're it's like they're flirting with the idea of cultural appropriation so consistently. It's like, oh, yeah, this is going to be problematic in a scene before, but then we're going to have a person of that ethnicity explain why it's okay in certain settings and then Carrie will say something insensitive at the Indian dinner, but it's okay because we've explained it.
Starting point is 00:57:39 When Carrie was looking at saris and outfits for Diwali to go with Seema to her her family's um celebration i was honestly flabbergasted that she didn't say like this she didn't immediately be like do you know once i was in abu dhabi and i got whisked away into the side room and i tried on all these incredible clothes with these arabian women this is a bit like that at least you didn't make a pun on the word sorry so i feel like some growth has happened for the writers of the show but and yeah i think olivia to you a great point earlier i don't think i'm the person sort of recognize where the line is or if this is across the line but it does feel like the show's kind of going i'm not racist but and then says something
Starting point is 00:58:24 super like just because you prefaced it by mentioning the word cultural appropriation it does feel like the show's kind of going, I'm not racist, but, and then says something super, like just because you prefaced it by mentioning the word cultural appropriation doesn't mean you're not. Yeah, and then doing it later. It's cultural appreciation. And with that, I give you license to be as much of a piece of shit as you'd enjoy. Yes, you are.
Starting point is 00:58:37 They also, I'd just like to say in this episode, I think they fleshed out Seema's backstory and also. I like Seema. I like what she's got going on i think she's cool i can't find miranda's law professor there was a whole scene oh yeah in the middle of the show yeah which was just about their story nothing to do with how it relates to miranda um also a sex scene which i was like oh that oh, that's right. The second time. It was really good. It was actually really a good scene. The second time in this season that I've been reminded
Starting point is 00:59:09 sex exists in this universe. Yeah. The first one was when Miranda was absolutely going to town on herself while talking to her teenage son. The third time. And being finger blasted whilst Carrie pisses herself in a bed. She was pissing into a Snapple bottle. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Olivia, as you were, any other stray thoughts or questions that you were left with after this episode? Lots, but I don't think it's... Like, I think there's just lots of, hey, man, what the fuck was that? But no, I think you're always... You don't feel fulfilled. Nothing's answered.
Starting point is 00:59:45 A yes or no from both of you. Does climate change exist in just like that universe? Yes. But not in a way that. Yes or no, Guy? I want to say no. I want to say it's like post-apocalyptic. It's no, thanks, Olivia.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Okay, time for best character, worst character. Guy, do you want to say no. I want to say it's like post-apocalyptic. It's no, thanks, Olivia. Okay, time for best character, worst character. Guy, do you want to go first? Do you want me to go first? I'd like you to go first. Do you want Olivia to go first? Olivia, the only reason I'm not putting you first is to give you time to think. I am going to select for my favorite character.
Starting point is 01:00:22 What's his name? Dr. Paul... Paul David. Paul David. going to select for my favorite character what's his name dr paul paul david and i will not elaborate and for my least favorite character i'm going to was that biased though is that a biased 100 but i also thought like all his little um the things that you're perceiving rightly as gross, if he would say the wrong thing and then worm his squirmy little way out of them, I was like, oh, he's clever. I think his silence was the most uncomfortable thing for me.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Like he was the only one who could be funny. So I'd sit there. If anyone said anything, he'd be like, shut up woman and gay man, shut up. Such an unattractive quality in someone, eh? Sorry, I interrupted you. Fuck. I mean, I just keep coming back to Carrie,
Starting point is 01:01:07 but you can't pick a person twice. I can't remember who I've picked, though. I'm going to say Steve for not being around. No, I can't do it. Brady. Yeah. Really? Yeah, in this episode?
Starting point is 01:01:24 Yeah. Yeah, I'll stand by that um my favorite character is the law professor's husband he is so supportive and so loving and i also don't fuck with that she like when she doesn't want to have a baby or she's stressed she doesn't tell him she just avoids it He's so obviously supportive and loves her so much. And I thought he was nice. His name is Andre. Andre.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Andre is my favorite character. That's beautiful. My bad? Andre Wallace. Yeah. No, it's just not your bad. I just threw a surname in there. And who was your least favorite?
Starting point is 01:02:01 Who was your least favourite? Who was my favourite? You can pick yourself. I can pick myself? Yeah, because as a viewer, you're like a character in the experience. It's actually Anthony. I actually just like... You're nice. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:24 But I'm also really fascinated with that i want anthony to have his own spin-off where we see his deeply rooted obvious trauma about being gay or something that happened to him that just makes him such an asshole like what happened to that man that he is so deeply suppressing inside of himself i just love that he's gotten into bread like there's no there's no mention that it was had for him with his family i think previously but the bread thing i i've got no explanation bread thing rules my favorite character is uh the bread well no the bag on the floor because the stupid sour guy was hanging upside down okay if we were doing favorite prop maybe but my favorite prop would actually be the magical the magical picnic hamper that can carry
Starting point is 01:03:12 a literal like five course meals worth of food and cutlery and crockery uh my favorite character was actually shiva's dad shiva calls her dad at one point and he's like on the phone watching the new york knicks and he's both having a conversation with his daughter which seems to be somewhat emotionally loaded for her and also just watching the new york knicks and uh it's sort of it's a classic comedy beat isn't it is someone's distracted while they're having a serious conversation and there's a lot of opportunity for sort of misunderstandings and whatnot. And, um,
Starting point is 01:03:47 a lot of fun, a lot of laughs. Uh, my least favorite character, slightly more challenging. Uh, I'm just going through my notes to see if there's anything that. Also,
Starting point is 01:04:01 did you just call her Shiva? Or did I mishear you? I did. It's Seema, right? I've just written down in my notes at the bottom i was like that doesn't look right but i said anyway i changed her name somewhere in my notes watching this episode from sema to shiva shiva destroyer of words and then my least oh i had another one my least favorite character was ah only because i like the way that she was disparagingly talked about by Miranda's law professor,
Starting point is 01:04:28 Fertile Myrtle. A woman who, once we met at dinner, actually seemed to be fine. It was actually not that bad at all. And really nice. I think a lot of that is actually the law professor's problem who appears to have,
Starting point is 01:04:40 you know, some unresolved feelings. Maybe she'll become a villain. Maybe she'll become a villain. Maybe she'll become a villain. It would be nice. I do like watching the seeding of villains in programs and movies where it's like they are totally relatable and all good, and then all of a sudden one thing changes.
Starting point is 01:04:56 But no, Fertile Myrtle, we get it. You're Fertile Myrtle. Stop banging on about it. The worst idea of all time extended universe is second Myrtle, the first being the security guard who eats an incredibly overripe banana in Paul Blartmore Cop 2
Starting point is 01:05:14 I like to think Paul Myrtles spend time together in between filming projects to talk about they get their fertility together and join in like a ritual and being a word that is constantly rhymed with turtle for lack of other options olivia it has been a delight thank you so much for having me on i'm so happy you've been such an awesome fun guest and um everyone please watch the show more than this what's like the is it global or what's the deal um so it's premiering in
Starting point is 01:05:45 new zealand and australia uh 2022 and that's where it goes first and then it will make its rounds after that it's an it's an exciting time to be alive download it yeah get a vpn keep changing your country keep watching it because then that adds numbers i think and then we can get carrie stuck in a white room with beeping going on up which is my next fashion in a white room let's get the boys paid with constant beeping carrie's sleeping Thank you.

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