The Worst Idea Of All Time - Episode Forty - LoaferCrocStocks

Episode Date: November 12, 2018

Guy and Tim have watched the movie 40 times now and this time, they've recorded an audio commentary. This isn't that audio, it's the episode they decided to record AFTER the commentary. Was it a good ...idea to do an episode after the commentary? You be the judge.The lads try to nut out how to get to LA, Tim needs caffeine, Adam Sandler has some comfy footwear and if you want some Paddy - you WON'T be disappointed. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to the worst idea of all time. My name is Tim Batts. My name is Guy Montgomery and we have just watched Grown Ups 2 for the 40th time. We say watch. We say that. We did something a little different. We did. We finally, after much pleading and promising and begging, none of that stuff really happened. We did a director's commentary style of a thing. We did a commentary. Pretty much we just spoke through the whole movie. that stuff really happened. We did a director's commentary style of a thing. We did a commentary. We did, we pretty much, we just spoke
Starting point is 00:00:26 through the whole movie. Yeah. Yeah, that's what it is, isn't it? When you break down what a director's commentary is, it's someone talking through their movie.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yeah. I was thinking on the way here, I haven't watched any director's commentaries before, so I didn't have a template from which I could sort of... There's some good ones out there. Yeah, I'll bet.
Starting point is 00:00:44 What we've offered is is probably not in that exact bracket but i'd put it in the interesting bracket i think from memory the miscellaneous bracket the one on good uh old school is phenomenal that would be good old school is just a classic film so good man so good i love old school anyway so thank you very much for joining us uh it's an absolute pleasure to have your ears. And it's been, I mean, I guess for me, because it is different every week. And so for me, I mean, that was, it was almost refreshing, I guess. It was like a dip in that we weren't engaging with the movie like we usually do.
Starting point is 00:01:20 We were sort of, it was almost like a game of, you know, when you're a kid and you had a balloon and you used to walk around the house and have to keep the balloon in the air. Yeah. It was sort of like the mental equivalent of playing that game. Okay. I think we did very well at keeping that ball in the air. It only dawned on me late in the commentary, but what has happened with this is that a lot of the viewers, the listeners, sorry, won't have watched the movie at all at our behest,
Starting point is 00:01:43 and now we're breaking the cardinal rule. And so a lot of people, I mean, I just hope that it was worth it for everyone who's just listened. Yeah. So there's two ways you can experience the commentary. You can either listen to it by itself, which would be bizarre. But, you know, the whole thing's bizarre. Or you could also chuck the movie on and then turn the sound kind of down on that and chuck it up on us. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And what did you see in the movie today that called out to you as particularly unique? Well, you drew my attention to Sherry Terry's top, who plays Penny in the movie. That's about it. That costuming detail. Yeah, she wears a T-shirt that says, I and then it has a picture of Lenny Fader, and then it says the word Lenny. We've talked about it quite a bit recently. We have.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So she's wearing like a jacket over the top. I don't know. When she arrives with her husband to hide it from him. Maybe it wasn't a good idea doing the podcast after the commentary. I feel drained. No, no, no. It's going to be good, man. You just got to get that caffeine in you.
Starting point is 00:02:44 All right. You have a drink of that caffeine but yeah I mean it's sort of like it's similar to when we did the Twitter episode where we live tweeted it it just changes the whole
Starting point is 00:02:54 feel of watching the movie because you're not you're not zoned in like some of the viewings we've done some of the darkest viewings I've done personally
Starting point is 00:03:01 are the ones where I'm too tired to talk to you right I'm not tired enough to completely like zone into my thoughts and I'm just watching the movie with cold dead eyes yeah yeah yeah and so any variation from that theme which is the worst possible uh environment for me to be watching the movie is quite it's all relative but it's a it's enjoyable okay so it's a different kind of pain yeah and and by virtue of being different there's something better about that than the normal kind of pain.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah. That's what you're saying. Yeah. Well, people say better the devil you know, but... Yeah. I don't know how that applies to this. It's kind of the reverse. It's better the devil you don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Better the devil you haven't met before. It's sort of like, how well do you know the devil? And I mean, what different environments can you hang out with the devil in? Which is a bit wordy for sort of an idiom. I can see why they've cut that down. I can see why they went with the idiom that they went with. We're recording in a slightly different environment today as well. We're downstairs rather than upstairs at my house because we filmed.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I don't know how I'm feeling about that, but we filmed the commentary. Yeah. Yeah. Really, it was really. It's quite weird you said it and it sort of just seemed like why wouldn't we
Starting point is 00:04:07 if we've got the option but it is an odd thing to do I don't know and we watched in between the director's commentary and this we watched some of the footage back it's quite weird
Starting point is 00:04:15 it's a weird thing to watch quite uncomfortable I can't imagine anyone wanting to watch that two guys well can I be bothered putting it up is the question
Starting point is 00:04:24 yeah so we have to do things to it people will speak out about how they feel wanting to watch that. Well, can I be bothered putting it up is the question. Yeah. Because I'll have to do things to it. People will speak out about how they feel either way. We've got to bring the energy up. I'm sorry. It's okay. Why are you so lethargic?
Starting point is 00:04:35 I don't know, man. Come on. Look at me. I'm firing you up. This is sort of a flip-flop. Usually it's you firing me up, but I'm bloody ready and raring to go. I've capped off.
Starting point is 00:04:44 You know what I mean? The graph has gone up, up, up, up, up, and then it's you firing me up, but I'm bloody ready and raring to go. I've capped off, you know what I mean? Like, the graph has gone up, up, up, up, up, and then it's just plateaued. Yeah. Status Enron, right? This is all falling action. I'm fucked. You're Enron. I'm Enron.
Starting point is 00:04:52 It's game over. You've been caught out. Yeah. Surely not. Not at the 40th. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I was really putting everything into it for that commentary.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Yeah. I feel like the well is empty. What order do you think they're going to be releasing? Is this after the commentary or before? Let me shake it off Let me shake it off The commentary will come out after this Okay
Starting point is 00:05:11 Or let's not talk Or will it? I don't know They're all good decisions that we All good questions You can't even speak You're so drained Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:18 Well I was thinking we should throw that out to the crowd But we can't Because then whatever Fucking hell Who cares about You're tying yourself in logistical knots that's like
Starting point is 00:05:27 have you seen the Mr. Show sketch the pre-taped phone-in show I haven't seen any Mr. Show it's so funny it's David Cross
Starting point is 00:05:34 at a desk and Bob Odenkirk yeah yeah but this one's David Cross at a desk and he's organised a pre-taped phone-in show so he's talking to a guest
Starting point is 00:05:40 but they're fielding questions from the it's very confusing and that's what you just did to yourself right I've yeah David Crossed myself yeah you have who's talking to a guest but they're fielding questions from the it's very confusing and that's what you just did to yourself right I've yeah
Starting point is 00:05:46 you've never crossed myself yeah you have well I mean why don't we just turn to a feature then to try and squeeze some juice out of this bloody alright
Starting point is 00:05:54 dried out alright lemon what do you want to kick off with mate are we jumping on board a particular are we visiting a tour manager why don't
Starting point is 00:06:03 no why don't we just why don't we just take a shining light? What was the moment in the movie for you today which was a bastion of hope? Well, we've got to try to avoid not doubling up, because one immediately came to my head. Dig deep. Dig deep, you might find gold.
Starting point is 00:06:22 That is a true sentence that someone who ran a lucky dip at the A&P show when i was about eight years old said to me i was reaching into the lucky dip and she said dig deep you might find gold one of those weird things was just stuck in my head wow did you find gold no i got like a cap gun that's pretty gold if you're a kid was the actual gold in there was that one of the options wow Wow. I guess in terms of misleading advertising, there'd better have been some gold in there. But maybe she meant gold in the metaphorical sense, in which case you probably did get it
Starting point is 00:06:53 because cap guns are wicked. She has to be pretty clear around the copy on that, otherwise she's going to be receiving a torrent of lawsuits. My kid didn't find gold. My kid just got fart putty, and he's driving us up the wall. I think it was probably the bit where Shaq throws that guy over the house. Although, has that been a Shining Light movie?
Starting point is 00:07:11 No, no, no. When Shaq throws the guy over the house. Yeah. Like, there was something about David Farrier joining us for the last episode which renewed my enjoyment of some of the more physical gags that are playing out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, like, that's a pretty cool one. One thing the movie does sort of alright more physical gags that are playing out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, like, that's a pretty cool one. One thing the movie does sort of all right is physical gags.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I think about the moments when I watch the film which are the higher plot points on the graph of enjoyment. Yeah. It's your Nick Swartzen raft gags. It's your jumping into the quarry gags. It's that big physical throw. It's Peter Dante on skis. Big physical gags are one thing that they kind of...
Starting point is 00:07:44 They get right. They get right. Oh, Peter Dante on skis. Yeah physical gags are one thing that they kind of... They get right. They get right. Oh, Peter Dante on skis. Yeah, man. Or close to right. Do you remember when we used to do the top five briefly for a few episodes?
Starting point is 00:07:52 And we did top five stunts once. And that was a fun one because there's a lot of good stunts. There you go. See, I feel like this, but we're speaking in relative terms now because I don't think we've ever really spoken about
Starting point is 00:08:01 how great the stunts are before. They're just... Best of a bad bunch. I don't know if that was gold. No, great the stunts are before. They're just best of a bad bunch. I don't know if that was gold. No, you're right, mate. Do you have a shining light for the watch we just had, the 40th? My shining light for the watch we just had was, I want to say it's just the idea of Kevin James filming those burp snuts,
Starting point is 00:08:23 just because, I mean without audio, it's just the weirdest sort of thing you can do with your body like everyone on set would have had to be like, yeah, you got it Kev, we'll buy that there's no way of knowing that gag exists purely
Starting point is 00:08:40 in post production anyway, I mentioned that in the director's commentary but it's the one thing that jutted out to me. It is funny. It's definitely funny. So here we are. Here we are. I want to take a bit of a broader view because I'm just, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:55 You're struggling. I'm struggling. I want to take a bit of a broader view of the project. What Guy and I would love to do, and we've mentioned this a few times, is jump on a big old jet plane, go to Los Angeles for the 50 second viewing. How much money is that going to cost? You're talking to me?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah. I don't know. How much does a flight cost? To LA? If you get the good flights, you can get maybe $1,200 New Zealand dollars returned to LA. Return? So $600 each way? I think so That seems a little light
Starting point is 00:09:28 I thought it would be about $1800 No but you've got to get on One of the sales Alright Because what happens is These airlines They'll run their regular fares And then they'll have sales
Starting point is 00:09:35 Do you think It's very I mean a lot of other A lot of other sort of products And companies are starting to use That concept It's incredible Do you think we could
Starting point is 00:09:43 I think it's a really good idea I think it's a really good idea. I think it's here to stay. I think you haven't seen the last of the sale. Could we get an airline on board? That's what I'm asking. Oh. Probably not, eh?
Starting point is 00:09:55 I don't imagine that anyone... We don't have any connection. Look, we just have to buy the... Okay, fine. Fine. We'll do it your way. We could try.
Starting point is 00:10:04 There could be someone who works for an airline right now going, I could swing a deal. If anyone can, let us know. But otherwise, I'm picking... It's about $1,500 for each of us. $3,000. I reckon we can wing it for ACOM, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 LA's a friendly place. LA's a friendly town. That's what they always say. Los Angeles is a friendly town. They always say LA's best when you don't know anyone there. Yeah. LA's a friendly place. It's a friendly town. That's what they always say. Los Angeles is a friendly town. They always say LA's best when you don't know anyone there. Yeah, and you have to sleep in a random place. Let's not look at logistics. Let's look at, in an ideal world, what we'd execute.
Starting point is 00:10:33 So we'd come to Los Angeles. Whatever the date we recorded the first one was, it would be February, sometime in February next year. And we hire a live venue. It's not that far away, bro. No, no. And who do we sit down with but Mr. Adam fucking Sandler himself. The three of us.
Starting point is 00:10:49 First of all. Side by side on stage and we say, Adam, tell us. What's it like walking in your shoes? And he'll say, it's very comfortable. I only wear the most comfortable shoes. And from there. I'm in loafer crocs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I got my loafer croc stocks on. It's a combination of a loafer, a croc, and a Birkenstock. It's the most comfortable piece of footwear design. You want one? No, Adam.
Starting point is 00:11:15 We've got some. Well, you can't have any because I bought all of them. Anyway, so we have that whole conversation with Adam live on stage. So, but realistically, we're not going to be able to get Adam Sandler.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Well, I don't even know if I want him. Even if there was a wish genie. How could you not want him? A wish genie, if you will. A genie that instead of doing the thing genies usually do, it grants wishes. I would still, I don't think I'd want Adam Sandler. Who would you wish for? Probably, I reckon David Spade would be great.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Well, who would actually be quite open, do you think, about how kind of nuts it would have because nick schwartz i don't think would none of them would none of them necessarily would i mean i don't think david spades would be oh john lovitz because john lovitz is just kind of like a fucking interesting crazy dude yeah i don't know i don't necessarily know that people would be that open to talking about the film obviously it would be predicated around the conversation of the film, much like the podcast itself. But what we'd probably wind up is just in conversation with someone who was involved. Imagine we got a roundtable. If we got all of the players.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Why would they have it? They used us for a Grown Ups 3 presser. Boom! Shit. Gotcha. You sure did. Yeah. That doesn't sound totally impossible
Starting point is 00:12:26 it sounds ridiculously impossible I guess it is but if they knew what was good for them, sounds threatening if they understood like social media and the internet and good humour and stuff we got a message for you Hollywood we're coming we're coming to do the grown ups 3 press
Starting point is 00:12:42 whether you like it or not it's a $3,000 holiday, but we don't know where we're sleeping. Yeah. Anyway. So if they were good at their jobs, the press people, they would let us do the press.
Starting point is 00:12:57 How good would that be if we did some events for Grown Ups 3? Anyway. So ideally, that's what would happen. We'd be on a stage with Adam Sandler talking about his new footwear that he's releasing. Patrick Schwarzenegger? No, hold on.
Starting point is 00:13:09 No, he wouldn't do this. Hold on. Okay, reframe what you're thinking. Sorry, I'm going slightly off path here, but reframe what you're thinking. If they do do press for Grown Ups 3, which they may not, but if they do,
Starting point is 00:13:23 if we get in touch with their people and say, we're a podcast listened to all over the world who does nothing but watch Grown Ups 2, they have to give us an interview. They have to read the email. They just have to listen to one episode of the podcast and not give us the interview. They have to, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:42 It's too relevant. They must. I was just realigning my sights on patrick schwarzenegger oh that's very possible potential guests although his fucking stars on the rise now that he's seeing miley cyrus so he's gonna be oh well i actually read a little um tidbit i saw on the on the new zealand herald website which is new zealand's is presumed it's meant to be new zealand's new ze Zealand's chip packet, is what they call it. It's great.
Starting point is 00:14:05 New Zealand's leading journalism. And I clicked on a little link which said, Schwarzenegger disapproves of Miley or something. And I was like, what's going on? They got posted up on our fastbook wall. I did it. Yeah. Arnie's not keen.
Starting point is 00:14:22 He's trying to intervene. They don't like that Miley's gone on the record as saying she's into drugs. But I don't think that'll affect him. I mean, he's a young guy. You could do worse. I apologize for just interrupting you constantly, by the way. No, it's okay. No, you go.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I'm in a weird zone. You could do worse than Miley Cyrus. I think Miley Cyrus is great. Who's the Nickelodeon chick who's wigged out big time? Amanda Bynes. No, that's really sad, though. I used to have a massive crush on her, so I heard to speak to Madness. Her show was very funny.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Sad to watch. Yeah, it was the Dancing Lobsters? Yeah. She had a really funny sketch show. She did, man. Like, she was unusually talented. She did really good characters. It was quite surreal and silly
Starting point is 00:15:05 I used to watch a lot of Nickelodeon all that yeah Kenan and Cal Kenan and Cal was one of the shows I remember I'd race home from school just to watch Kenan and Cal
Starting point is 00:15:14 Kenan and Cal was one of the only shows I remember watching and I was laughing like you know how you laugh more when there are other people there yeah I remember noticing when I was younger I was watching it and laughing by myself
Starting point is 00:15:23 and no one else was in the room it was like the first time yeah and i was like whoa like a little comedy masturbation session whoa this must be so funny um yeah uh nickelodeon's fucking wicked like that i think nickelodeon probably informed the comedy of our generation more than any other thing uh agree disagree easy on agree disagree i don't know I Two options Disagree Why? There must be so much stuff You know
Starting point is 00:15:49 Hey Arnold You said Nickelodeon So it's all Rugrats It's not informing our opinion That's whiling away our weekend mornings No but it's It's what's in our heads mate
Starting point is 00:15:59 It's made up It's impressing something on you Sure but Like Friends Surely informs our generation's comic sensibilities. It's unique for everyone. Oh, yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Guy Montgomery, maybe you've got a point. There is no yes or no answer. Guy Alexander Halifax Montgomery. Is that Alex first? Yeah. Halifax. It is. Okay, sweet.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I nailed it. Halifax. It is. Okay, sweet. I nailed it. Grown Ups 3 is a terrifying specter on the horizon of my mind. It's something that has been jokingly talked about by our fans, but actually talked about in real life by David Spade. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Because it makes sense that it would exist. Very profitable film. Hugely profitable. Yeah. Franchise. Do you know if the first one made lots of money it must have it must have
Starting point is 00:16:48 made heaps but I don't know if it made a sequel because it was Adam Sandler's first sequel so presumably it made a lot of money I still like the idea I think
Starting point is 00:16:54 I partially floated it a while ago maybe in the Corrie episode I like the idea of as part of this Netflix deal Adam Sandler creating a movie where all of his famous
Starting point is 00:17:03 characters exist in the same universe yeah and they all sort of meet at some family reunion maybe they're all distantly related and uh and they all interact with each other a lot like eddie murphy and the nutty professor i mean i don't know that i think it would be a particularly good film but i think it would certainly be very interesting so did he have other characters he created in there he was the whole family yeah yeah yeah okay right right yeah yeah there's there'll be other secondary characters all your adam sandler players have been there maybe we could get a walk-on role this thing is if adam sandler kick-started a movie we could pay
Starting point is 00:17:31 enough money if we could raise it to get a walk-on role in an adam sandler film but adam sandler would never kick-start a movie kick-start a movie there's no zach braff does zach braff do that yeah he made one called wish you were here and Oh, man, that had a killer soundtrack. I didn't see that movie, but I want to because, what's his name? Something Potemka. The guy in Homeland, and he's a really good singer, and he's in The Princess Bride. Don't know. Maddie?
Starting point is 00:17:57 No idea. Something similar to that. Phenomenal actor. He's in Wish You Were Here, and the shins have got a really good song on the soundtrack that sounds so there you go exactly like the marketing plan for zach braff film it does doesn't all right zach what are you gonna make i don't know but the shins will be on the soundtrack we're in said the public as they gave him their money to do exactly that good on you zach scrubs was scrubs was formative for me scrubs was a show i watched a lot as a kid how old i
Starting point is 00:18:23 thought it was very funny. Sort of like late teenage years, maybe. Late teens. You think Scrubs informed your comedy though? Yeah. I feel like you want to go younger for that. It's all informing. It's being informed all the time. You know what I'm disgusted by? That
Starting point is 00:18:37 Bob Saget probably informed a bit of my humour. You just naturally watch a lot of Full House when you were a kid growing up in the 90s. Actually, there's a very funny website called Full House Reviewed. I think that's what it is. And someone, it's actually not as similar to what we're doing. Someone in this, someone has chronologically watched every episode of Full House and written like a sort of 500 to 1000 word maybe uh synopsis
Starting point is 00:19:06 slash takedown it's just bad oh really bad mouthing for what the examples of full house is a family is very funny it's definitely worth checking out someone wrote um i think maybe for a really interesting article about how fucking dark family comedies were in the 90s because a parent was always dead was always the responsible element for the whole storyline yeah and we also got a message
Starting point is 00:19:28 on the Facebook page from someone who who wrote a blog I haven't read it and I read it when I was doing something else so I can't quite remember
Starting point is 00:19:34 but he wrote he wrote a blog he watched a movie he did exactly the same thing only he wrote a blog instead of a podcast I don't know if he had a friend which is pretty reckless
Starting point is 00:19:40 behaviour pal for what movie? I can't remember I'll look it up. Okay. We can post it on the Facebook page. So I guess we should do our other features, guy. That's right.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Sell it. Roll up. Roll up for the mystery tour. Roll up, it's an inspiration. Roll up for the mystery tour. The Steve Buscemi mystery tour is coming to take you away. Now, right now, it's coming to take you away. Okay, Steve Buscemi suffers an injury in grown-ups we do not know the details of the injury but we do like to speculate once a week as to what would
Starting point is 00:20:30 have caused his very specific symptoms uh which is 40 feeling in his body and his arms are trapped above his head i believe it's my my bash i believe it is uh so steve buscemi was training uh to be a helicopter pilot uh-huh. His character was. Tim Wiley was in the first film. It was a very expensive sort of shoot that they set up for this, and it's a real disappointment that they couldn't use the footage. I think I know where this is going. But he's in the hospital.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Not in the hospital. He's in a helicopter. Those are similar words. And they're flying high above Stanton, Connecticut, or wherever they are in the first film. And he's talking to the helicopter pilot and they get into an argument. And I think the reason they didn't use it
Starting point is 00:21:09 is because this didn't really tie in with anything to do with the film at all. I was really hastily written and just slapped in the script, but they shot it anyway. And they get into an argument and then the guy's like, fuck you, Wiley.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And he pushes him. Pushes him out of a helicopter. Out of a helicopter. And Wiley and he pushes him pushes him out of a helicopter out of a helicopter and Wiley Wiley is going over he's going over like head head first
Starting point is 00:21:30 so he gets pushed and his body his body he leaves with his head and arms so his back's kind of facing the ground yeah yeah but he grabs onto the railing and flips his whole body around
Starting point is 00:21:40 and in that motion yeah it breaks both of his arms oh jeez and it sort of straps him into that very position
Starting point is 00:21:47 the touchdown position while he's hanging for dear life from the helicopter god but there was yeah and then he falls
Starting point is 00:21:54 all the way to earth and he lands in a waterfall and then those are his injuries not where I thought you were going with that no
Starting point is 00:22:02 where did you think I was going slightly gorier I thought that the helicopter was still on the ground or it nailed a landing maybe and he was like sick landing
Starting point is 00:22:11 like touchdown chucked his arms up and the blades took off his arms and then he got prosthetic arms that were incorrectly attached.
Starting point is 00:22:19 They were cast like that for the first so they were just stuck in that position and he lost so much blood that he got nerve damage but then
Starting point is 00:22:27 two years after they also put him on a lot of like he was heavily sedated which limited his feeling and then after the two years
Starting point is 00:22:34 they finally found an arm transplant for him that's right yeah hey how about that two options on the
Starting point is 00:22:40 Steve Buscemi mystery tour you pick yeah this week ladies choice yeah what a treat. And then it just leaves one more.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Sure does. Paddy Schwartz. Party time. It's Paddy Schwartz party time. It's party time. With Paddy Schwartz. Patrick Schwartz, a nigger's coming to your house with fairy bread. He's putting it in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yum, yum, chew it up. I'm Patrick Schwarzenegger. Here is the part where we appreciate the son of Arnie. And my favorite bit with him in the film this week was... Should we do it one word at a time, Patrick Shaw's naked friend time? It was the moment when Paddy lifts his hand above his head and parties, which he loves so. Paddy does this for a long time. Ages. His father is so mad about this.
Starting point is 00:24:02 The end. Fuck, man. The end Fuck man Okay We've been around this movie too long today We almost made it We almost did We almost got out of this alive guy So we need to start planning If we're going to make this trip to California
Starting point is 00:24:19 We're going to need to crowdsource some money Because I cannot Oh yeah fuck the shirt too That's going to set me back too fitty but i'll tell you what the guy was okay uh for those who didn't hear or whatever um in episode like nine very early on i said hand on heart i would pay 250 for a shirt that has tim meadows face on it and that ridiculous catchphrase which is what so this fucking great design someone went out and designed it some dude in america who listens to the podcast and like an asshole put it online for exactly 250 new zealand dollars
Starting point is 00:24:53 that's definitely gonna get picked up you're just brushing the microphone into your stage sorry that was irresponsible of me i was i was just it felt really good at the time i'll bet That was irresponsible of me I was I was just It felt really good at the time I'll bet And I was mentally zoned out And I'm sorry for that
Starting point is 00:25:07 We've arrived at the end So hold on I'm telling the t-shirt tale Oh no we haven't We're in the middle of the t-shirt We're just in the middle of the t-shirt tale So the guy's The guy's not an asshole
Starting point is 00:25:15 Good on him for designing it And putting it up there And going to the effort of Making a storefront and stuff And So now I've got to Fucking buy it I guess Which is fine
Starting point is 00:25:23 Someone wrote on the page They'd rather you gave the money to charity Well this is the beautiful thing First of all he was like You don't have to buy the shirt And I was like I kind of do have to buy the shirt I said
Starting point is 00:25:31 You know I said what I said Yeah I said what I said Now we're fighting Yeah And so now He's gone Just give it to charity
Starting point is 00:25:42 And I said no I'll buy the shirt And he says Alright where would you like the $193 US going? And I was like, what a good dude. So if you've got any ideas on a charity that would kind of, you know, this is really a time when our pain can lead to something beautiful. I don't think, it's a lovely gesture. 200 US isn't it?
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's not a truckload of cash. But, you know, where's it best spent? I don't know. Somewhere cool. Somewhere cool. For some useful cause. Guy, would you recommend that people do the commentary track while watching the movie? I think that's the only way to do it.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Now, I'm going to go against you on that. I'm going to hardly disagree. I think you you should uh yeah it's up to you honestly viewers choice listeners choice i think this is the best order to do it in uh like and number one on my list is just when you're going about your day just have the commentary track going you will yeah yeah i get no you're not wrong actually because if you watch it with the movie this definitely has to be released before the commentary by the way so that people can
Starting point is 00:26:48 take this into consideration if you watch it with the movie you're still watching the movie but if you do it like because isn't this whole thing already just so far out there
Starting point is 00:26:57 that it's sort of scrambling your brain a bit I mean why why put in a strain of logic by watching the movie when you could just
Starting point is 00:27:04 hear the us like devolving to madness while watching the movie? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't even considered that angle. What do you mean? Well, that's so in tune with the rest of the podcast to listen to it without watching the movie. Completely, it is. This is the nature. This is the spirit of the podcast to listen to it without watching the movie completely it is this is the nature this is the spirit of the thing so what i've got a beautiful vision in my head of someone who has to do a really long drive by themselves yeah um an hour 41 maybe yeah like
Starting point is 00:27:35 quite long that's not that long is it but this is part of a long drive and we can just provide a little bit of maybe hopefully a chuckle or two and keep you company in your car. And you can feel our energy dip and crest. Wayne. Wayne. Rise again. You'll feel when Wayne arrives, it's near the end of the movie
Starting point is 00:27:55 and Wayne does not go away. Wayne's got a weird energy. Wayne kind of even probably came along for the podcast this week. Yeah. Yeah. I had an earlier point I wanted to return to. I to account for the life of me remember what it is you were saying uh watch it without oh yeah so this is the order watch it without second best option would be watch it with the movie third best option is if we
Starting point is 00:28:18 release the video watch it on youtube recording it i would put that at the bottom of the heap it might not even make it funnily enough that's actually the most convenient order as well you can listen to the audio at any time if you do it with the video fuck you thank you all so much for listening it's a real treat no it's not
Starting point is 00:28:37 it's a treat that you're listening it's great that someone's on board we'd be doing it anyway so it's nice that there's some sort of payoff. This is very difficult now, guys. This is what you need to appreciate. We're at week 40. This is hard.
Starting point is 00:28:51 This is a hard thing we're doing. I'm finding it really hard, Guy. You're having a bad day. I mean, yeah. Yeah. It's hard. So I think it's only going to get harder from here on in.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Pray for us and keep all your feedback coming in I don't care if you call me a fucking arsehole or set me up with $250 shirts do what you gotta do if anyone's listened this far I don't think they're going to call you a fucking arsehole but now someone might do it just to spite that
Starting point is 00:29:17 we love you guys and we'll see you next week for watch number 41 of Grown Ups 2 that's a silly sentence isn't it we'll catch you next week for watch 41 of Grown Ups 2. That's a silly sentence, isn't it? We'll catch you next week for watch 41 of Grown Ups 2. Catch you next week. Bye. Bye.

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