The Worst Idea Of All Time - Episode Three: One-Rat Town

Episode Date: December 31, 2018

Our third episode and what have we learned? Almond Milk doesn't work in coffees. Guy loves St Louise's playfulness but little else, AND Tim is renting the movie every watch? Some strong acting from a ...fur protestor. Who knows if it's good but it definitely is STRONG. Checking in on our future Brady, it seems he’s modelling himself on Bruce Wayne? Let’s see where this goes. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We just have a good rhythm together, you know, he sort of feels me out, I feel him out, and we go for it. Hello and welcome to the third episode of the fourth season of The Worst Idea of All Time. My name is Tim Batt. And my name is Guy Montgomery. A pleasure to have you with us, and a pleasure to be with you, Tim. How are you? Pleasure is a big word. Pretty good, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Just trying to measure that lag that we're dealing with today, guys, so I can adjust my vocal cadence accordingly. Love that strategy, brother. Oh, a use of over. That doesn't bode well. Yeah, look, so obviously we're we're still you know oceans and large amounts of land apart myself in uh brooklyn new york city tim uh presumptively in auckland new zealand you got that right and brooklyn features heavily in this here film sex in the city
Starting point is 00:01:01 the movie is it what it's called or is it just called sex in the city a question as old as time and one i refuse to do the research to answer Sex and the City, the movie. Is that what it's called, or is it just called Sex and the City? A question as old as time, and one I refuse to do the research to answer. Yeah, fair enough. Brooklyn, yeah, it's sort of used as almost a punchline, but you've got to be so bougie, I think, at this point, for Brooklyn to truly qualify as a punchline, even in 2008. And bougie is something that these women truly are. it's uh quite staggering how bougie they are but before we get on to that mate i want to i want to check in with
Starting point is 00:01:32 you um i want to share something with you as well i've just been trying to dabble with alternatives to uh cow's milk and i'm here to report almond milk no substitute for a coffee i'll tell you that and I'm here to report almond milk, no substitute for a coffee. I'll tell you that. Oh, no. Have you just found this out moments ago? Moments ago.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I'm sort of finding it out right now in a way. Oh, you'd be gutted. A lot of people here have an oat milk. I haven't tried it myself. But yeah, they've gone to the oat. I wonder if it steams up all right, because I've got this lovely coffee machine gifted by my father-in-law to me, but the bloody almond milk doesn't steam up well at all.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It tastes better and gross. As I recall from my days of being so incompetent as a barista that i was uh bumped to the till where i feel like my natural skill set really shone through uh any milks that aren't of the cow or dairy uh famously more challenging to to steam so it might just be a little trial and error situation you got yourself there i do remember lamenting anyone who ordered soy uh during my brief high school stint at starbucks i remember that um learning that lesson hard but maybe i'll return to the story give another go man you uh you really hit your top shelf um you know commercial chains during high school mcdonald's and and Starbucks is a beefy fucking resume.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Dude, do you know what was so good about that? I was at McDonald's and then transitioned over to Starbucks, which was, I don't need to tell you, you're hot wise to it, a huge step up in the high school career game. And the thing about Starbucks in New Zealand is it's owned by this conglomerate which also owns kfc and pizza hut so if you're an employee of either three of those chains you get a 20 staff discount at all three outlets it was a true game changer oh man how did it because i i remember that you you've spoken uh speaking, highly of the McDonald's work experience and the infrastructure they have to help employees climb the professional ladder.
Starting point is 00:03:52 How did Starbucks stack up against that experience? I had a good boss at Starbucks. We had a great manager, Charlene, in the JV Starbucks. She was a bloody gem. What were her strengths? Culture. big on corporate culture making sure we knew the starbucks way um living the brand you know every cup an opportunity to impress every espresso a chance to shine that is madness imagine like imagine genuinely trying
Starting point is 00:04:24 to instill in your employees the belief that every cup is an opportunity to impress it's why you gotta get 16 year olds it's like what the catholic church do you gotta get them young so they're impressionable yeah as a 16 year old did you you truly i guess yeah your first time working you buy into whatever work culture there is you know well this is how it is now every cup an opportunity to impress there's just so much pressure how many coffees are you cracking out a day and you're treating everyone as a new opportunity yeah well it is it's a great way to live life it's high pressure everything is as high stakes as everything else the bar is consistently way above your head. So there's a lot of room for error there.
Starting point is 00:05:06 There's a long way to fall, but it's exciting. It makes life very exciting. Do you know, the reason I started working there, Guy, is I was trying to hustle my way into Starbucks because there was this really gorgeous girl
Starting point is 00:05:18 at high school who worked there who I had a crush on. And then I got the job and I was like, fuck yes. And then I found out I took her job because she quit. I was like, ah, dang it.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That's actually quite a neat little moment that the universe served you up there. The lesson being... Every cup, an opportunity. By the time you think that it's time to work at Starbucks, you're probably a month too late. What's the greater extrapolation of that to one's life guy uh well it's pretty much like i mean that particular ethos would suggest that you'll never be satisfied or make the right decision because anytime something occurs to you
Starting point is 00:06:01 it should have been done a month ago so grim yeah that is pretty grim i i i don't retract it but i i take it back i noticed we haven't spoken uh one moment about the movie so far how'd you find it get to it we're gonna watch it so many times man yeah i watch this movie a lot of times the the specter of having to come home and watch this movie hung over my entire day uh it wasn't a wake up get it out of the specter of having to come home and watch this movie hung over my entire day uh it wasn't a wake up get it out of the way sort of situation it was like i know that i have to do this i can only do this in the moments immediately preceding the record uh and that was that in and of itself was uh it's not a it's not a enjoyable cloud to look up and see in the skies above.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Making it slightly worse, however, when I arrived home, I've got a very finicky key to the second door to my apartment building, and I just could not, for the life of me, make this key work. So I very sweatily, dejectedly, and angrily sat in the stairwell, and it's not quite a foyer. It's more like a holding pen between the second door and the first door to my apartment building. Just baking like a potato, watching Sex and the City. Intermittently, while the movie was playing, I'd stand up and try my luck again with the keys. Four times I tried.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Four times. I was getting further and further away from the solution and i was getting angrier and angrier with the subjects in front of me compounding the issue tim i arrived 15 minutes late which meant that i was actually also watching the movie at uh one and a half times speed which just accelerated uh every part of the process my heart rate was up um i could see a vein throbbing in my sweaty neck in the reflection of the window as i watched myself watching the movie it was out and out one of the worst cinema going experiences i can remember recently uh and i mean oh how the mighty have fallen the whole time all i could think about was me riding on my high horse through screenings one and kind of two uh i'm really feel like i'm
Starting point is 00:08:12 right back in the mixer now and it's uh it's not nice akin to tim turning up at starbucks full of pep and verve only to find out she's gone this is was you with the opportunity to get in the door. Guy, I'm sorry to hear that. Between the four times of you trying the key, was there sort of some call-off periods? Yeah. I'd take sort of around five to ten minutes each time to just be like, okay, we need to just get out of our heads, get out of our bodies.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Also thinking that, you know that How long would it be I don't know how many people live in here Four apartments I would say probably 15 to 20 people Four level I'd say there's like Hold on
Starting point is 00:08:55 60 people in this building Roughly Give or take five I was expecting one of them to show up Quite early in the piece. You know, it wasn't until half an hour, a very friendly gentleman arrived and looked pretty confused,
Starting point is 00:09:12 but happily let me in without asking too many questions. Oh, man. What are you going to do about this door, dude? That is a problem for later. Yeah, that's true. Hey, well, if it makes you feel any any better i'm in a situation where i cannot find any way to purchase this movie so i've been having to rent it each time we do a watch so i've now rented it for the third time it's cost me 16 new zealand dollars that is incredible uh also it's really good data for someone. I mean, you can imagine the person on the other end of that movie order looking at their computer and thinking, hmm, sex in the city thrice in three weeks?
Starting point is 00:10:04 every time it is going to wreak havoc with my algorithms on that particular streaming service. I'm going to get offered up just a hot steaming pile of garbage. Every time I log on, I expect it'll be okay, man. Uh, I guess this would be a nice time to bring some, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:17 positivity or positive energy to the, the record. Uh, Tim, do you have a shining light this week, man? I know that this is going to harken back to a long two episodes ago,
Starting point is 00:10:28 but I was trying to remember the Samantha line again. I know what bit it is, so maybe you could help me with it this time. But it's where she's sort of resigned to the fact that the relationship is going to end with Smith Garrett and the girls are all talking about it. So far, so believable. one of those lines she delivers it's it's before carrie says um you know you just compared your relationship to chemo it's one of the ones just before that but it's oh is it like her making a crack or is it the earnest comment
Starting point is 00:11:01 where she says smith stuck with me through chemo i can stick with him through this yeah yeah i think it's just before man i should really you know what stay tuned for next time because it's going to be am i to believe that this line which is purportedly your shining light is so memorable your brain literally cannot control itself and follow the information away for later use mate my brain is impervious to times good or bad i've got a memory like a sieve but i do remember each time watching it and there's just a certain delivery with it a certain je ne sais quoi that i um i really enjoy but i feel like i should pick a shining light that i can remember the most apt turn and phrase possible is je ne sais quoi. Yeah, it's perfect, isn't it? It truly is.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Literally, I don't know what, right? Yeah. You tell me your shining light, and then I might come back. Well, I'm going to bracket, in a bold move, actually, I'm going to bracket two lines together. I think it's from two different characters, but they're deliberately similar in both times. I find them to be relatable in the moment.
Starting point is 00:12:08 The first is after Carrie shows her brandless wedding dress slash suit to Charlotte and Anthony. Off-label monstrosity. Anthony can't believe it. Yeah, they're both absolutely appalled by the very idea of it. However, she says, you know, I'm going to merchant dust it up, start up with some shoes. And it's just a very casual sort of offhanded delivery.
Starting point is 00:12:35 It's really nice. It shows someone who is inhabiting their character. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some, if not all of the line is improvised. I really liked it this week. And I've've enjoyed it previously but this week i was like that is tasty and then uh later on when uh carrie gifts saint louise uh her own louis or louise viton hand bag uh louise does a very funny little performance where she sort of like you know uh mocks up her carrying it around with a slightly haughty air and she says oh look who's home from the big city and uh i just love that little show and those those moments uh they're similar to me you know
Starting point is 00:13:20 there's a vulnerability to them and a playfulness uh it suggests real intimacy between the friends as opposed to like this sort of scripted patter that we live through how would you describe that move that she does with the bag because i first of all both great choices guy can i commend you on both of those moments in the movie they are i think of a type um and i'm right there with you with the shoe one that's bloody great they act out with the little bag i could take or leave but i understand where you're coming from yeah i could hear you giggling along at the memory of the little performance oh yeah because it's so vivid um how would you describe that that sort of the move of hanging
Starting point is 00:14:01 a bag on your finger but you kind of have your elbow out and you're sort of holding it backwards to indicate sort of a poshness or a highfalutin nature. Yeah, I don't know what the word is, but honestly, it's a lot of fun. And it's something that if I'm carrying a handbag for whatever reason, it's certainly a role that I always keenly inhabit,
Starting point is 00:14:24 if only for a moment. Just because, you know, it's the a role that i always keenly inhabit uh if only for a moment just because you know it's the first thing you want to do when you i guess if you're not and this is similar to uh saint louise's characterization she's she's carried her rented handbags before but never her own louis vuitton and uh it's sort of it's almost like uh you're you're mocking the idea of someone who actually owns it or uses it. But with love, I don't know how to describe it, really. Yeah. No, it's a playful moment, and it was a good choice.
Starting point is 00:14:54 You remembered it vividly. You didn't give just the general shape of the scene and then sort of take a stare. I can't believe you have the gall to do that in the first place and then to re-articulate exactly what you've done further yeah well I've got to learn my lesson and sometimes self-punishment is the best lesson and that the truth uh now conversely there was a moment where I found one of the characters' behavior pretty disgraceful. And it's one I'd like to talk to you about because I think it will have a certain relevance to your upcoming life. When the friends very generously and accommodatingly join Carrie on what is supposed to be a honeymoon in Mexico, a honeymoon in Mexico and they go out for a meal
Starting point is 00:15:44 in the hotel restaurant for the first time after Carrie sort of processed the moping part of her grief. Yes. They're all sort of having a good time and they're loosening up and they're starting to feel themselves
Starting point is 00:15:56 and then there's a couple who are, I mean, I think, Samantha says, oh, we're all on holiday and Carrie says, it's supposed to be my honey, well, it's actually my honeymoon and then Miranda says, I think Samantha says, oh, we're on holiday. And Carrie says, it's supposed to be my honey. It's actually my honeymoon. And then Miranda says, I think it's their honeymoon.
Starting point is 00:16:11 And the camera pans. Hold on for a second. It's a little better than that because they say we're on holiday. And then Carrie says, actually, I think we're on my honeymoon. And then I think it's not Miranda. Is it Samantha who says, actually, I think we're on their honeymoon. so that's kind of funny that they're on their honeymoon the strangers i thought yeah i mean i i don't mind that line i think i don't know i've i've been associating with miranda because she has a follow-up line as well uh and this is the line that i take issue with is she
Starting point is 00:16:39 says uh she like heckles that they're really into each other. They're giving it what for in the hotel restaurant, and it is, frankly, a little bit too much. They're smooching. They're smooching pretty aggressively. There's like a body on top of a body as well. But Miranda says, yeah, it's all like you're all over each other in the first three months, and then something even more aggressive, like, but where are you in three years or something just like a really aggressive heckle to a couple who
Starting point is 00:17:10 have and want nothing to do with her uh i mean it doesn't matter how upset you are you don't fucking wade into someone else like the happiest you know holiday of two people's lives and dump your emotional baggage at their feet that would really stain their evening you're absolutely right as a man who is I understand about to go on his own honeymoon with your beautiful wife how would you feel to come across
Starting point is 00:17:40 a jaded, jilted hurt party who just heckles you well i i do need to preface this by saying that i think both zoe and i have a little more decorum than to just be sort of dry humping at a fine restaurant however which does decrease the likelihood of the heckle yeah but which i think is what the movie is trying to get at is like this is so beyond the pale of being socially acceptable that it warrants this but um but i'm with you guys they can still get fucked um no one's forcing you to look in that general direction i don't enjoy going out and
Starting point is 00:18:17 seeing huge public displays of affection makes me uncomfortable don't know why no uncomfortable is the wrong word i'm just like oh come on bloody hell yeah but that's fine i'm not gonna bloody make it their issue it's my issue my issue you make zoe wear gloves when you go out in public 24 7 it's a weird one as soon as we leave the house we've all got our little foibles hey i remembered one um thing that i'd like to sub in as my shining light though because it genuinely is an amazing moment oh by all means which has led to something which may come back to bite me later on today because i um i wanted to hear what you had to say so i wrote down one word on my hand and uh it's in firm ink. Anyway, the moment is they're at Fashion Week
Starting point is 00:19:07 and they're just walking out of proceedings, all four gals hanging out, and Samantha has donned a beautiful white fluffy coat. I'm not sure what animal generously gave its life to bring her that piece of fashion, but she's wearing it. And, of course, it's how the fur industry works. Animals volunteer themselves.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Oh, please take my coat. It's ever so warm. We come outside, and there's some presumably PETA activists shouting, two women in particular screaming, fear is murder fear is murder and there's there's one woman at the front one woman just behind her the woman behind her just just screams murder she does it a couple times like a goddamn parrot um with so much venom. So much venom on his face.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It reminds me, actually, of this. It's not the same. Oh, great. It's not the same. There's this historic photo that I've seen come up a couple times online. And I think it's when they were just starting to break down segregation. So it would have been just in the United States when Brown v. the Board of Education was passed by the Supreme Court breaking down segregated schools. And there's the first African-American students going to the school in the South.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I've got a funny feeling it might be Arkansas. It might even be Little Rock. Little Rock is in Arkansas. It could be both. Hey, it could be. Yeah. And there's this very kind of like demure and well demure is probably the wrong word but like um together with it just keeping your head held
Starting point is 00:20:53 high african-american woman who's walking in uh who's the student and this um white student behind her this this other young like i don't know 16 year old girl woman who's just screaming and there's just such like anger and pain in her mouth and that's that is the face that i saw on that woman they also spill um a whole bunch of red dye on samantha's coat and uh and and scream murder at her and actually one of the um another shining light samantha responds to the situation of just having this coat stained because she's been spending so much time in the west coast in los angeles that she's been away from all of this kerfuffle of new york and its messy social interactions and she said god i miss new york yeah how good is that just takes it on your chin anyway i've written the word murder down on
Starting point is 00:21:40 my hand now and i don't think it's going to wash off too easy so um maybe i'll keep my hands in my pockets well well worth it uh well remembered uh and and certainly um you know something to bear in mind for future attempts to remember plot details but uh i couldn't agree more she makes me laugh when she yells out murder uh it's uh it's a commendable extra performance again i feel like we're treading in similar territory. Actually, I was going to equate this to when in previous seasons you described us as like prisoners of war. I mean, who's to say who that extra was channeling in her performance? And if she dug that deep back to Little Rock, Arkansas,
Starting point is 00:22:23 I mean, all power to her for channeling such a powerful moment. I mean, perhaps she's a lifetime activist, and she does feel as passionate about fur being murder as anyone's felt about anything before. Who's to say? The acting is so good, that's not outside the realm of possibility. I don't even know if the acting's good.
Starting point is 00:22:49 It's just strong. There's a difference between good and strong. You can have a strong coffee that isn't necessarily good, and that's how I would rate this woman's performance in the film. But she's given it a lot. Real 11 out of 10 for effort. But you think there's a reason that she's not given uh the the bulkier murder lines she's only given the word to echo back twice or thrice that's that's what i think and every time i see it it's something to do with the
Starting point is 00:23:15 wardrobe choices they've made for the character as well but i cannot not see a ardent bernie sanders supporter in that woman as well like potentially she's actually from the state of vermont she's she's like a roadie she's been following him around everywhere this woman's got a real backstory i think um which i look keenly forward to digging into in subsequent episodes however today i'd like to bring up um something that i messaged you guy and that is about young brady um now there is a moment which could be treated as just a throw away moment um in recognition of the fact that most kids are into batman but if the timeline stacks up this is before lego batman which had a real resurgence of
Starting point is 00:23:59 the brand especially among younger participants um buyers of toys brady can't leave the house after miranda and steve break up without finding his batman action figure first and it got me thinking batman he must be such an important figure in brady's life because how did Batman become Batman because his parents were taken away from him and in a not not the same but similar sort of a fashion Brady is experiencing a situation where his his parents are splitting up so there is a sense of loss associated with his parents as well and that their relationship is being taken away from him and I thought gee gee willikers I wonder if this is something and you know they don't have a lot of bats in in new york city to be able to channel that uh sort of angst into like
Starting point is 00:24:51 bruce wayne did but what they do have is a lot of rats so i feel like this movie is the origin story of brady the rat king and not only that but i think we're actually seeing one of the formative moments in the young man's life before he descends to the sewers are we to believe that in the same way as bruce wayne uh has a fear of bats from his experience in that cave uh that brady might have developed a fear of rats maybe when running away from home upset. He comes up across them in quite a scary setting, and then he discovers that if he wants to, you know, overcome this challenge and find himself and help get his parents back together,
Starting point is 00:25:32 he's got to stop being afraid of rats, and in doing so, realizes his power. Is this what I'm to believe? That is absolutely what you are to believe. This is what's happened. I mean, it's hard to argue with i recently entertained a theory which uh it's almost embarrassing to bring up now uh outside of watching sex in the city that new york city is in fact a one rat town
Starting point is 00:25:57 uh and it's it's a busy rat that's what it is oh Oh, there's just one rat. There's one rat who is working overtime to sort of, and this could hold true, working overtime to maintain the idea and keep imprinting the idea that New York City is rampant with rats. It's in fact one overworked, very busy rat. And if you ever see two rats or more in New York City, worked very busy rat and if you ever see two rats or more in new york city uh that's just one of the country rats visiting the visitors there it's a tourist yeah i see i do i mean i don't know if i would believe one rat in new york city but how few rats do you think they could have got away with
Starting point is 00:26:40 to keep this ruse up of pretending that it's like a full infestation i'm telling you minimum you i reckon you can do it with one sometimes i'll get on the train you know in manhattan i'll see a rat on the line i'll get off the train i'll be at a different train station i'll see the same rat definitely the same rat you reckon yeah i reckon almost definitely the same rat, you reckon? Yeah, I reckon almost definitely the same rat. Busy rat. Very busy rat. But either way, one rat, 100 rats, 1,000 rats, 10,000 rats, 100,000 rats, 1 million rats. You've got to commend the way Brady has learned to communicate with them,
Starting point is 00:27:22 to take control of them as individuals en masse. And if it is one rat, and look, there's no way to confirm or dispel the myth that it might be, the fact that they've whipped the city into such a frenzy, they've created the illusion of many rats. Is that not just the same thing as many rats in the first place? Well, no. is that not just the same thing as many rats in the first place um well no but only for the reason that there's stuff happening involving the rats while they're out of sight presumably like gnawing through walls or wire work or food or what have you
Starting point is 00:27:59 you know it's just if there were no effects that were visible visible Once the rats were out of sight Then I guess it would I guess be infinitely plausible That there's only one rat But there seems to be some things that are happening behind the scenes One public facing rat maybe I just think the rent's expensive I love this
Starting point is 00:28:21 You get ground down Yeah There's one, okay. We've got one handsome rat who has the confidence to strut its stuff out in public, but, you know, maybe 60, 70 other rats behind the scenes. Who knows? Upstate building stuff, developing modes of communication,
Starting point is 00:28:43 you know, just working on programs that are better suited to larger areas, less prying eyes. This makes a lot of sense to me because we're constantly doing medical experiments on rats because their biology or maybe it's their genetics is very similar to humans. And if you think about it when we form a collective when we get an organization there's a lot of people doing stuff behind the scenes and
Starting point is 00:29:09 then we have sort of one spokesperson or spokes rat that we send out to communicate with the public so this this feels right to me um i think you're a very smart man for figuring this out guy hey i appreciate the compliment and moreover tim today as i was walking around the island of manhattan i came across what can only be described as some pretty powerful anti-rat propaganda on a rubbish bin uh on which they've sort of printed a a a wrap that looks like you know, like a street. They've written in clear white letters the words, let's make NYC clean and rat free.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Oh, hey. I've got the picture right here. I can send it to you. The rats were here before you were, all right? Hey, look, I didn't print the goddamn propaganda yeah this isn't for you this is this is me yelling into the ether hoping that um some publishers of this horrible material will hear it something i've always had a fondness for rats guy always wanted one as a pet they're're good creatures. Are they intelligent?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, they are, I think. They seem pretty smart. My first and main memories of rats, or a rat, was, of course, the rat from Bananas and Pyjamas. Oh, yes. I think quite benevolent, but also an opportunist, would always be sort of hatching these harebrained schemes. And every time the bananas or any of the three bears, what an unlikely group of friends,
Starting point is 00:30:52 would sort of be suspect about the rat, he'd say, Trust me, I'm a rat. And in a way, It just makes me want to not trust him. Yeah, that's exactly right whenever he said it like that i was always like i don't know it feels like you're overselling it if i if you want us to trust you you'd you'd be a little bit more casual about this yeah definitely i don't know what my
Starting point is 00:31:18 first exposure to a rat was i think there was at least like someone a childhood friend or maybe in the classroom there was a pet domesticated rat somewhere along the way um but i've yeah i've always had a keen fondness i gotta get a rat man that there's the same thing that we do with rats is what we do with rabbits we consider them pests but no one kind of flips that on its head and considers that they just really love having kids they're just good parents you know because on its head and considers that they just really love having kids. They're just good parents, you know? Because to sustain those big families that they build, they've got to get food. Got to come from somewhere. We appear to have far too much of the stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I mean, God, if I was a rat walking around, I'd be like, Jesus, these guys are pretty big. And their cupboards are pretty full. I don't think they're going to mind. Absolutely. Maybe we wouldn't or you know if you're a rabbit and you're living out in your house uh and someone bloody you know comes over to your property plants a lovely big lettuce there i mean who's whose lettuce is that you don't even know how to plant a lettuce all you know is that you know from heaven on high someone's laid down a lovely feast
Starting point is 00:32:27 for you what do you mean to do even have a they don't even have this tainted sense of ownership of stuff that we have it's just there's something there anyone else gonna no cool i'll nip in. Done. Easy. It is as easy as that. Each according to their needs. I can't remember how communism works, actually. I jumped in the pool, but I didn't have my swimmers on. It's okay. Swim around naked. Tell us your version of communism right now.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Each according to their needs and abilities. Take what you want. That's a good end. Take what you want. That feels like one of the main tenets of communism. I think it is. Take what you need and give what you can. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 00:33:18 That's a good simplification. That was the tagline for pay it forward. Was it? No, I don't know. It seems unlikely. Do you think Pay It Forward with Hayley Joel Osmond was actually communist propaganda
Starting point is 00:33:30 hiding in plain sight? Who's to say? Was that Costner or Spacey? It was Spacey. Dang it. Another one. Chalk it off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:42 That's off limits. That's off the list. I didn't mind the watch this week, i just want to take a bit of the more birds eye view on it yeah come on down tell me about it well it was early morning again we've fallen into something of a rhythm now so this is just how i start the day about one and every three mornings at the moment which is interesting and I think it's a far better way of approaching the project than what you had in store by having this gray specter of a watch hanging over your whole day I like the fact that I wake up it's like going for a run which I can't do anymore because I gave myself a runner's knee
Starting point is 00:34:22 but you just get up you don't think about it you just do it you just jump in you get into the movie don't think and I'm still so I'm kind of waking up as this movie is playing down but I feel like I'm getting something done so it's all right by me and the movie is nowhere near as bad as Sex and the City 2. Let me put that in stone right now. Far better film, a lot more fun, a lot more story. Everyone's enjoying themselves. I'm inclined to agree. I mean, but saying it's better than Sex and the City 2
Starting point is 00:34:57 is like saying having dinner is better than not having dinner. Not the perfect analogy, but I see what you're driving at. Of course it is. I mean, and I know that I came at this movie from a bad angle today. I was looking at it funny. It was looking at me funny. But it's still two and a half hours. And at the end of the day, what's changed in the world of these characters?
Starting point is 00:35:24 What have they learned? I mean, what has tangibly changed for these people? Because as far as I can see, Tim, Charlotte's had a daughter. Charlotte and Rungle have a kid. Fantastic. Very happy for them. Big and Carrie got married. I mean, like, it's a lot of treading water.
Starting point is 00:35:43 There's no... Carrie, one of the major... It's notrie one of the major one of the major plot points for carrie tim she sells and rebuys her own apartment throughout the movie how is that plot there's literally no change it's like the hobbit this is the hero's journey you start off with something and then you want to get somewhere and then you have to make a personal sacrifice and then you round off having learned a lesson but arriving home so what's happening with carrie she she wants to actually what she wants is tangible stuff she wants a big ass apartment so she goes and tries to get one and then she discovers that what she actually wants
Starting point is 00:36:26 is a bit of security with this apartment as well, which leads her to get married. You know, when you lay it out like this, the capitalism in this film is even worse than I first thought. The real driver for our main protagonist in this film is the fact that she would like a large penthouse New York City apartment, and the only way to make sure you can lock that down without fear of it being taken away from you suddenly in
Starting point is 00:36:50 the night is to marry the guy who paid for it so look she does it the personal sacrifice is a little bit of her own personal freedom this is a woman who identifies as a strong independent woman she's she's lived and breathed new york city and that entails certain sexual escapades and adventures that you go on it's part of who she is it's part of her chocolatey inner being that's a aquatine hunger force thing so she goes out she sacrifices that for the marriage she puts herself out there big fucks it up by not wanting to put himself out there he can't sacrifice the sort of emotional security of not putting himself out there for a third marriage and his fear or maybe fourth actually in fear of screwing that up and and then they they work it out and she arrives home having learned that sometimes you don't have to get married you can
Starting point is 00:37:45 just play the ball as it comes that makes sense then they do get married you're not wrong and then in the next movie like these people it's your classic i mean it's fine in real life but this is a movie this is a constructed. Anything can happen. The only drive for plot is capitalism. These people have so much money and time on their hands, they can create problems for themselves. Yeah, the time. Time is such a good one in this. Because I keep thinking,
Starting point is 00:38:17 here are four professional women, although Charlotte, does she work? I don't think she works. No, no, no. She doesn't work in this movie three professional women who are just taking like four days four full days off miranda you'd bloody hear about it wouldn't you and you kind of do first they go to mexico so that's for about a
Starting point is 00:38:36 week i think but then after that they come back to sort out carrie's apartment and that's just a full-time job for all of them for another week it's insanity that's before like i remember that's i actually felt bad for steve this week you know miranda doesn't have time to to uh you know let magda finish her meal when the family and magda go out for dinner but then you know we got to talk about that by the way not one day later she's gotten ample time to just go for, what, four consecutive days and help Carrie pack down her apartment? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It's, you know, it's... It's a lot. She's got no time to root, but she's got time to pack with her friend for four days? You've got to, I mean, you know, friends... I don't know. You know, I'm not married. I don't have a child.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I don't know anything about that work-life balance that is so difficult to get right for anyone. I think the challenge is especially on women. But what do you expect Steve to do? And I'm not siding with the cheater, but I tell you what, did I get goosebumps for a third time when Miranda and Steve were reunited
Starting point is 00:39:43 on Brooklyn Bridge this week, Tim? You bet your fucking bottom dollar I did and it was mostly for steve that lovable little face he was absolutely over the moon he loves the shit out of this woman and he knows he made a mistake steve's good man he he fucked up and that you know but he owns it pay credence to that he owns the problem and tries to make amends in the most mature way of anyone in this movie. Miranda, who's, as is pointed out to her, chastises Steve for fucking up, owning up,
Starting point is 00:40:15 and then apologising for it, does a lesser, less direct version of all three of those things. She fucks up. She can't get the word across to Carrie. She never finds the right moment. And then, as Carrie rightly says, version of all three of those things she fucks up she can't get the word across to carrie she never finds the right moment and then as carrie rightly says begs for her forgiveness after three days when she can't even talk to steve after six months i've got a question for you the moment just before
Starting point is 00:40:39 the bridge moment which gives you goosebumps every time uh miranda is furiously jotting down in her notebook the pros and cons of their marriage and wider relationship to try and establish whether or not she wants to give this another go because the arrangement is if it's on they're going to meet at the brooklyn bridge at a predetermined time and uh and put all of it behind them and sort of start anew that's what the um marriage counselor said for them to do what triggers her final decision seemingly in the film after joining down all the pros and cons is she takes a sip of her coffee catches herself in the mirror and she's got a milk mustache which she has at the start of the film and a nice kind of book ending and steve points it out to her and she blows up about him
Starting point is 00:41:20 being super critical of her all the time so my question to you guy montgomery is were that coffee not to give her a milk mustache were it dare i say almond milk which does not fluff up very good as i've just learned and she didn't get that stash and didn't catch herself in the mirror and was reminded of that moment do you think that she would have thrown the whole thing away do you think cow's milk is what saved this relationship look i think it's just a nice little button i feel like that was sort of i felt like she had as carrie would say uh logically made her decision uh but i don't know why would carrie say that she's a fan of the word logically no beforehand she yeah she says miranda you're a lawyer you can argue both sides of any case but you're going to need to make this decision based on emotion not logic
Starting point is 00:42:09 or something of the like uh and so i think i think she's persuaded herself with her list um i have i have a few of the pros and cons that she lays out for steve in front of me if you'd like to hear them tim i would uh john a pro or a con pro please uh he's a good father it's the first pro it's top of the list of pros a con is his affair that's regarded as a con right yeah it's yep it's fair what else what's another pro uh's sweet. But on the flip side of that, he's also sneaky. Oh, sneaky. Like a rat. Pro, he's got Mare in him. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:56 He's Mare. He's Mare all candidate stuff. Under cons, she's written breath, openesis occasionally close parenthesis she's written down watches cartoons before crossing that out and realizing maybe that's not so so much of a con uh she doesn't like he's uncomfortable at work functions uh he's got nose hair is on her list of cons there's nose hair can you believe it with due respect this film goes uh takes pains to point out the fact that miranda's growing um her pubic hair out and all the girls chastise her for it so you know yeah he without sin. That's right.
Starting point is 00:43:48 But by and large, I think she's gone through this list and made the decision logically. Then she has a sip of, you know, she feels good about it. She has a sip of her coffee. She's like, okay, I'm going to go and meet the man I love. Looks up in the mirror and a sign from the universe that this is truly meant to be. She smiles back at herself and away they go. And I'm telling you, you man goosebumps every time this is cinema at its finest do you like miranda i remember uh after a pretty long year of my life feeling like she was the only one with a shred of uh dignity in my previous experimentation uh
Starting point is 00:44:25 i do like her yeah i i think yeah uh she she's not she doesn't cover cover herself in glory i mean quite so much in this film and the bar's a little bit higher i think from other characters in terms of their basic human decency i do like miranda though in short yes um yeah guy yeah me too man hey happy to hear it i also like miranda i think she's she's right she can't you know she can be she can be a little obtuse and serious sometimes but it's driven it's two sides of the same coin do you know how i know i like her when they do that uh the war the the wardrobe montage when they're trying on all the clothes to in excess or something walk this way which by the way i was still watching at one and a half speed today and uh it was one of the low lights um i love when she has they get they when she first comes out wearing the costume she's
Starting point is 00:45:26 the first one who's not carrie to be trying on these old sort of you know fashion items presumably from the show i mean it seems like a pretty easy layup for the the movie to like you know dole out some fan service by you know uh walking back some of carrie's famous costumes when she comes through that wardrobe door you know having a bit of fun herself my heart swells for her because she is often characterized as the least fun of the four gals and so to see them uh the writers throw her a bone and say here you go have a bit of fun with this and to see the way that uh she relishes that i like it and how i respond to that it's a greater reaction than when any of the other gals get a turn that tells me i am i am a miranda fan fantastic that's good i think that's good it's good for here it's good for you it's good for
Starting point is 00:46:12 all of us i just realized time's time's getting on here man have you got anything else you want to clear off your list today put a bow on it because otherwise we're just going to bleed ourselves dry we've got another 49 watches of this thing to go all going to plan i see no reason why it wouldn't tim i love this movie it's a joy to be back in the saddle i mean i tell you what though today was long uh and there were moments well i appreciate it and i appreciate the effort that you went to guy that's um it's bloody good of you but you know rules are rules you're going to have to at some point in the not too distant make this up with a uh 75 percent speed i think if the math is is it 50 or 75 you're gonna have to make up the work i let you i let it slide when you said you dozed a little bit last week i didn't i didn't hang i didn't hold it over you i
Starting point is 00:47:02 didn't say anything and then i you know I come in here with honesty, with virtue, integrity, and you turn it back on me. I mean, I respect what you're doing in the name of the project, but I also hate the shit out of you for that sort of carry on. That's fair. It's fair all round. I'm glad you brought that up. It was actually, I was asleep for a little bit longer It's fair all round. I'm glad you brought that up. And I will...
Starting point is 00:47:26 It was actually... I was asleep for a little bit longer than I first suspected based on this watch. I was like, oh yeah, I did miss more than 10 minutes. So what I will be doing is self-flagellating with just a little solo watch of the first 30 minutes of the film, which I'll try and tuck away within the next 48 hours
Starting point is 00:47:43 just for old Timbo. Incredible. Well, you know, what's the point in doing this if we're not going to do it right, you know? There isn't any. Be the change you want to see in the world. This is it. All right, Guy, pleasure to have a chat to you.
Starting point is 00:48:02 A little less of a pleasure to see the movie again, but, you know, rolls and rolls. It was also a pleasure to chat with you, Tim Batt, truly a man who finally got carried away. We just have a good rhythm together, you know. He sort of feels me out, I feel him out, and we go for it.

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