The Worst Idea Of All Time - Friendzone Ninety

Episode Date: October 10, 2019

Get in the Morning Friendzone - a happy space for reading without judgement, getting compliments from people trying to do work and lots of lovely feedback. Today we’re joined briefly by Aussie legen...d, Sam Campbell (see his special here) too. And soon, we’ll also be joined by Overlooked and Undercooked Season Two. We are blessed (by Brady) to hear from listeners near and far, especially those chasing a reply when the first time didn’t elicit one. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well it's the friendzone, with Tim and Guy, come to the friendzone, and have a good time, yes it's the friendzone, with Tim and Guy, cause making friends is the best idea of all time. Welcome to the friendzone everybody, it's a, whenever you're listening, this friendzone is happening in the morning, for your pals, Timbo and GuyGuy. We've both just woken up up but we're in different places where are you guy oh i'm in um redfern sydney australia it was a good yawn you're really selling the theater of um what we're trying to create here at friendzone it's not it's not theater mate this is real life i'm spooling into your very ears. I'm staying in a studio. So my management in Australia, junkyard management,
Starting point is 00:00:59 they've got an office and half of the office is like a studio apartment. So I've been sleeping in here, really disrupting the workflow. Oh, I see. Well, not because I'm sleeping here, but when everyone's working here, I'm also working just at the couch. Yeah. And sometimes I'll get these real crazy bursts of energy where people need to acknowledge me
Starting point is 00:01:20 because I'm not used to being in an office environment, I guess. Yeah. And so i'll start walking around asking if anyone wants to give me a compliment okay how's that uh received i i feel like the i feel like i did with my sisters i feel like they they laugh in spite of themselves if they if they could control themselves better they'd be fucked off and tell me to go away but because i'm i do it in quite a sort of silly and charming way, they go, oh, fuck off. But, you know, they're laughing when they're saying it,
Starting point is 00:01:54 so it's not real. Quite a disarming sort of approach to being a nuisance. Exactly. And it was like one of my favorite things to do. That was one of my challenges when I was younger, is I'd try and get mum to... When mum would get cross, I'd try and make her laugh so hard at the same time
Starting point is 00:02:13 that she'd be laughing between yelling or telling me off. That was what I'd want to achieve. That's good. Yeah, man. And now you're making a bloody career out of it, you buffoon. Look at you. I guess. But yeah, so 7.39am, I woke up at 7.29am.
Starting point is 00:02:35 That's what's going on with me. I'm in trackies and a t-shirt. At the end of this, I'm going to get a coffee and start the day in earnest. It's quite nice waking up with you. Oh, that's sweet. How are you? I'm all right. it's good to be talking to you it's it's been one of those um uh 24-hour periods where it's like um hey uh here's some bad news and then here's some more and then here is just a little bit more none of it too serious but just one of those things where you get a few
Starting point is 00:03:04 setbacks all at once and you go, oh, bloody hell. That's awful. Do you want to talk about any of it? Yeah, sure. I will run you through what they were, eh? Do you want to know?
Starting point is 00:03:13 Go for it. Yeah. So, running a, the first one you know about, which is a lovely comedy show that I've been running, which I mentioned on the last Friend Zone
Starting point is 00:03:24 called Hump. Yeah. Unfortunately, their venue is ceasing to exist at the end of this month, so that's going away, which is a pity because in spite of all the hard work, I've really enjoyed putting on those shows. They've been bloody good fun. It's good having a regular stand-up every week that you can look forward to doing some jokes at.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Keep the momentum alive, brother. But it's hard. In lieu of a show that you know you've got to pull finger for, it's a hard thing to do. And then I thought I had another gig stacked up that was going to be starting as well, another different weekly, and I found out that that's unfortunately not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And then there's a little uh tv show in the works which um people were fairly confident was going to happen that i've just received an email is not going ahead and the reason it's not going ahead is because they asked for too much money which is what i heavily suspected when uh someone else who was in charge of all of the paperwork and stuff put the paperwork and stuff in. So, bloody triple header. But the important thing is, Guy, I have you and I have my friends. Absolutely. We've got our beautiful friend zone that we built together.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I am sorry for these setbacks. Minor frustrations all. That budget thing, doesn't that seem seem odd can't you just say yeah you got us we don't actually like isn't that part of a negotiation nah because it's one of those things where it's like a funding round so some other stuff got greenlit instead of our thing and uh on closer examination and poking it turns out it was because they asked for too much money which you know i could have told them. But c'est la vie, as Tom Furness would say,
Starting point is 00:05:10 that the French say. That's what he would say. Well, then, you know, what better time to turn to the loving correspondent of our friends? Absolutely. Would you like to kick off? Double um. Yeah, I will this is a lovely wee message
Starting point is 00:05:27 received on the 6th of September over on the Facebook here I'm actually I'm looking at catching up with the the correspondence until we're in real time here fuck off I just wanted to share
Starting point is 00:05:40 that this popped up in my Goodreads feed and I can only assume that somehow it's your fault maybe a worst idea book club i hope you boys are having a blast in london and the screen cap is good reads recommending for our friend colleen is there still sex in the city by candace bushnell a frank entertaining recount of what life is like or can be like for women in middle age hopeful and inspiring that review by lindsey who is a goodreads user i should read that
Starting point is 00:06:13 yeah you you have been wondering about the sort of the life course of middle-aged women in new york and i mean beyond watching a movie repeatedly it could be a nice way to break into some fresh perspectives yeah particularly sort of the sexual habits of middle aged women that's always been a very clear passion of mine which anyone we will know
Starting point is 00:06:37 yeah I can barely get a conversation going with you without you derailing it into your lecherous mind good word hey the heart wants what the heart wants and in my case 60 year old vagina please that was quite even as i saying it it, that landed very poorly with me. All right. Look, here's an email from Hamish.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And the subject line contains a word that I'm not sure if I'll pronounce. Sorry. Yeah, pronounce correctly. Where's that air of all time? A Wallacean perspective? I don't know. Sounds good to me. Maybe Wallace and gromit that sort of thing dear tim and guy you may have heard of the novel infinite jest by david foster wallace
Starting point is 00:07:33 um i'll just take a break you have you read that guy you better believe i have read exactly one third of that book exactly two times is it because it's one of those ones that i um definitely have on my list to read but then it seems like such a quintessential book for a 30 year old comedian to read that it's like embarrassing to admit that nah look man you can't get swept up in the you know and yeah your your understanding of what perspective is on what books you read. People do reading all wrong. So many people are reading for points or reading for, like, reasons beyond entertainment. If you want to just literally read whatever book you want to read, who gives a fuck what anyone says?
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah, fuck it on you, Monty. True voice of reason on this podcast. Yeah, people don't read for entertainment. They read out of obligation. They think that they have to do it to impress someone, but no one cares what you do. No one is watching you. So read John Grisham, you know, for all you care. Just pick up a goddamn book.
Starting point is 00:08:42 See what happens. It's wonderful. Sorry, I'll continue with the email email it's a difficult book to describe but it can loosely be summed up as 1000 pages of complexly interwoven narratives exploring themes of entertainment cycles and addiction in parentheses plus 100 pages of footnotes note that these themes are also significantly present in the worst idea of all time i bring this to your attention because there's a scene about two birds through, oh sorry, about two thirds through Infinite Jest, which bears a good name, a drag-wearing undercover agent, tells Marthine, Marthie? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yep, we'll go with that. A wheelchair-bound Quebec terrorist? Quebecois? Yeah, Quebecois. Quebecois. That's an interesting-looking word. Yeah, Quebec is the French portion of Canada. Got that. And how do you say the people from there?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Quebec-quoi. Quebec-quoi. Quebec-quoi terrorist. About how his father would obsessively watch the show MASH over and over. A show which, much like Grown Ups 2, Sex and the City and We Are Your Friends, quote, wasn't even all that consuming and entertainment. What follows are several quotes from this section of Infinite Jest with commentary on parallels to the worst idea.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Parentheses, Stickley's father started developing his habit of quoting little scenes and lines from MASH to illustrate some idea, make some point in conversation. In season one, guy mentioned the same thing with grown-ups too back to the book he'd come to think the show's character major burns embodied some kind of cataclysmic armageddon type theme that was slowly assembling itself on the program and progressively being hinted at and emerging in the gradual succession of seasons of this mash uh back to our our writer much like the apocalyptic
Starting point is 00:10:47 lore surrounding brady the rat king all hail all hail back to the book the old man uh the old man had tried to correspond with different past and present mash personas and letters back to us tim and guy have either contacted or tried to contact Tanya Romero, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Coffee Guy. Small editor's note here from Tim. It wasn't Tanya Romero that we tried to contact, but I can understand how you'd think that. Tanya Romero is the name of the character in We Are Your Friends, but Tanya is the name of the actor in Grown Ups 2,
Starting point is 00:11:21 who we did successfully contact. Who gets sculled with an ice cream scoop by Colin Quinn. Got it. Back to the book. The old man generated... Oh, boy. Oh, is Baroque the word got an O on the end of it? No, that's a different word.
Starting point is 00:11:37 No. Barroquois theories about what it was that had, quote, underline really happened to characters in the show. Back to us. What does CF mean? I'm struggling with some of the language here. You're doing great, buddy. Theories about what really...
Starting point is 00:11:57 Oh, do you know? No. Theories about what really happened to certain characters in the segments, the james bushimi mystery tour what's he doing where's he off to getting sentimental with james reed and i hate to bother you people hey back to the boys that never really took off that one but i stand by it uh he began writing notes in a notebook i hate hate to bother you people, but I just shit my pants. But only when viewing MASH.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Back to us. Notebooks have several times been employed by Tim and or Guy for movie watching. This is the last one, Guy. Back to the book. He was working on a secret book that revised and explicated much of the world's military, medical, philosophical, and religious history by analogies to certain subtle and complex thematic codes in MASH. Back to us. Tim and Guy are working on a podcast that revised and explicated much of the world's military,
Starting point is 00:12:55 medical, philosophical, and religious history by analogies to certain subtle and complex theme codes in Sex and the City. Grownups too. We are your friends. Sex and the City too too i hope you fine gentlemen are both in good health and good spirits i you are both uh fellows of infinite jest of most excellent fancy and i'm eternally grateful for the laughs you've brought me over the years say my name hamish i made a real hash of reading that hamish i apologize to you but um that was fucking cool man yeah i like being compared
Starting point is 00:13:26 to a good book congratulations also to david foster wallace for maybe i mean maybe he or someone he knows has watched mash unrelentingly before but pretty accurately capturing what that experience is of the the repeated viewings and how it becomes all consuming i mean i'm pretty sure that the character in the book would have um you know i don't think that they would have done it entirely of their own volition like we did so there's a point of difference there but um it's also slightly different when you're dealing with a series that's got a lot more uh sort of story source material to dig into what's that movie um with the double dildos at the end oh requiem for a dream yeah you remember the mom
Starting point is 00:14:15 and that like who's watching her stories on the tv yeah god can we not talk about that movie please it's so grim i tried watching it again recently so i've only ever watched it once when i was 17 up until and i watched it hung over on a multi-store apartment which was bad because i you know had some pretty dark thoughts afterwards and uh i thought it would be time to revisit it a couple years ago with zoe and we watched it we were like nah yeah you're not supposed to ever watch it again it's so crazy um i've got a i got one here which is not actually from the worst idea page something something in spite of our incredibly litigious uh vetting system for messages slipped through the cracks and so Joe here took matters into his own hands and addressed
Starting point is 00:15:07 one to my personal, well not my personal but my comedy my comedy page and I'm going to read it to you now Dear Guy Guy Stripey Tie Firstly I'm a big fan of the worst idea of all time so much so that I reached out via
Starting point is 00:15:24 Facebook Messenger in July to express how much I was enjoying a good old binge of what was a recent discovery at the time. Sadly, I never got a reply. And it doesn't appear that my message had been read. Secondly, I messaged that spindly wimble partner of yours, old Timbo, directly to try and point him in the direction of said messages. Purely to hear both of your thoughts. Unfortunately, it seems
Starting point is 00:15:49 the success and fame of his little empire has gone to his head, and I never even had that message read either. I'm assuming it was lost in the tidal wave of screaming fans trying to get some airtime in the friend zone. I wasn't even after a friend zone. I only't even after a friend zone.
Starting point is 00:16:07 I only wanted to hear your voices, or rather, read your direct messages. Could you do this fanboy a solid and bring it to the attention of your other half just as and when you please, if at all? I'd sleep happy. From this pleading boy to his favourite New Zealand comic, thank you. P.S. I only messaged Timbo before you as I had quickly established through my listening that he is the tech savvy of the pair
Starting point is 00:16:29 the brains if you will to your pinky clearly gee i sure hope they had that kids cartoon in auckland the pinky and the brain but if not youtube it what a theme tune pps i was going to write something more witty but it's half past midnight here and I'm having a poo, so I can go back to bed. Therefore, I wanted to wrap up quicker than planned. Gunfight. And then he corrected gunfight to goodnight. And that comes from Joe. Gunfight instead of goodnight. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah, it's pretty good, eh? Gunfight instead of goodnight. That's cool. Yeah, it's pretty good, eh? Yeah. And now what I've done is I have dug up the original correspondence. I've looked up his name in the messenger, and now I'm going to read his original message. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Good work. Hello, Tim and Guy. First of all, thank you for suffering through as you do just to make strangers and I'm sure loved ones laugh. You'd be surprised. It is almost entirely strangers. Not that you're not loved by us, but the ones who are closest to us stare well clear.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I'm in the 30s of the episodes for season two and wanted to get in touch with a piece of news from the UK. Sex and the City 2 had recently found its way to UK Netflix. I've been torn between watching it or washing my junk with a hedgehog. I chose the former. But I've been so keen to watch some of the most talked about scenes from your show, so I hovered over the thumbnail on the menu,
Starting point is 00:17:54 and lo and behold, what scene should they have chosen for their little preview? It's Coffee Guy. I've watched the 10-second preview over and over, enjoying his capers, after which I genuinely no longer feel the need to ever even think about watching the film as i've given away the best bit up front unbeknownst to them but honestly thank you for your show i'm still enjoying it and i can't wait to hear what broken state this movie left you both in my first podcast experience was my dad wrote a porno and yours is honest honestly the only one to ever make me laugh out loud since that you filled my big hole thank you yours x Honestly, the only one to ever make me laugh out loud since that. You filled my big hole.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Thank you. Yours, X. Oh, Joe. I'm so glad you went and found that, Monty. That is beautiful. What a lovely message. Yeah. I love the visual of cleaning your genitals with a spiky rodent. Hedgehogs probably know rodent, is it?
Starting point is 00:18:46 A little animal, a little creature? No, I think it's vermin. What's the difference between vermin and rodents? Rodents is probably a class and vermin's probably like a description. Vermin sounds more like a species, right? A genus or something. I would have thought rodent, like, would.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I thought vermin was more uh we think it's bad but maybe in some other places around the world different people are like nah it's not vermin we keep them as pets yeah man talking out neither my bloody hole in my head um but that was very lovely and i'm glad that you sort of um pursued us joe we do genuinely have no filter yeah like we're according to us we read all of them you know we we don't pick and choose any um so if something slips through the cracks it is always unintentional and actually uh there was a lovely guy called mitchell who's in the navy now who came to um hump comedy last night off the back of hearing about the show on the friend zone and uh he said a similar thing had happened to him so i'm sorry to you mitchell
Starting point is 00:19:49 thanks again for coming to the show and to anyone else just um do what joe did flick us another message and we'll we'll find it and we'll read it absolutely um just got a lovely donation here unaccompanied unencumbered by a message message from Stephen for 30 bucks, which is freaking heaps. Thank you so much. So maybe he sent a message separately that we will come across. Anything's possible. Here's a message from Greg. Greg writes, hello, you beautiful brave bastards.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I've been listening to you boys for about a year now i thought i might be able to make my way through the back catalog and catch up before the end of season four alas at the time of writing this email i'm only on episode 26 season four i'll be honest boys i love you too but the two directors commentaries were bloody hard work to listen to god only knows what it must have been like to record excuse me a little burp there uh just wanted to thank you for all your hard work before you finish up again i can't wait to see what happens next i've chucked 10 of the queen's pounds your way as a thank you and also as a bribe to hopefully get me a shameless plug for my own podcast here it bloody comes monty as a lot of people have said before i was inspired by you by you too but it's nothing to do with the movies the inspiration came from having
Starting point is 00:21:13 a friend move away and wanting to stay connected with them so much like you two we wanted a reason to stay in touch our podcast is about a completely different kind of torture to yours the torture of becoming fathers for the first time we were both lucky enough to become fathers and first for the first time three months apart our podcast is called two men and their babies if anyone is interested in getting some terrible advice about fatherhood from two idiots that haven't got a clue as to what they're doing they should check it out the first 10 or so episodes aren't great but you have to stick with it we were trying to figure out how to do the whole podcast thing the latter 10 or so
Starting point is 00:21:49 uh that or oh sorry 10 or so after that are a massive improvement if i do say so myself anyway thanks a lot for everything boys much love greg birds say my name bitch two men and their babies. That's the name of that potty. Sorry, I was just letting out a yawn. Not because of the message, just because of the time of day. Thank you, Greg. To be totally honest, I probably won't listen to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:22:19 but I respect the premise. I feel like a lot of my friends are having children and so I'm already exposed to a lot of that data in real time. Yes. This could be helpful for you though. No, they're dealing with a different age bracket. That's true. Yeah, it's incredible really
Starting point is 00:22:44 how children dominate the conversational landscape as soon as they're on the scene. yeah I it's incredible really how children dominate the conversational landscape as soon as they're on the scene don't you think in their presence or just
Starting point is 00:22:53 by their mere existence by their mere existence yeah they're very important I think yeah yeah yeah they are there's no denying it
Starting point is 00:23:03 but are they as interesting as grown-ups i'd say no uh yeah no probably not what is that about i think it's this is one of those things monty where and maybe this is um gonna sound disparaging and it's in no way supposed to if anything it's an indictment on those with without children and things but it's like you talk about the things that your life gets soaked up with right and if you've got a kid you're dedicating all of your energy and mental space to that kid so of course that's that's going to be the thing that's on top of your brain oh absolutely conversation that readily falls out
Starting point is 00:23:45 i've got a similar thing with my doggy you know sometimes talking about dogs never used to talk about dogs but now i've got one no doubt it's inevitable oh god damn i'm taking a while to wake up this morning you haven't had a shower or anything right no no i haven't i haven't done diddly i ain't done diddly. I ain't done diddly. Hey, what do you think about that guy's approach of taking a shit at 12.30am? Man, people are so obsessed with their body clocks and when, you know, I honestly, it's not dissimilar to my approach to reading books, Tim.
Starting point is 00:24:24 You do it when you want. Do what do. Do what do. I don't... I think I've got pretty healthy movements and I don't abide any particular body clock. I just sort of go when I've got to go. Yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:24:40 I reckon you go more than the average beer as well. Yeah, I might do. It's a good thing though. I'm very susceptible to pre-show poos. There'll usually be at least one poo in the day around 10 minutes before I have to go on stage. You know, whatever that's about. Does it help?
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah, big time. A bit lighter on your feet? Yeah. Sometimes I won't wee before I go on stage if I'm doing a shorter set because it does give me a real sense of urgency. A little life hack for budding comedians out there. Would you consider a show in Manchester?
Starting point is 00:25:21 Big fan of the show from back in the Paddy Schwartz party time days. You guys made me want to visit New Zealand, although I'm too lazy to drive to London, apparently. That's from Dave. Thank you, Dave. Oh, and now, Tim, one of the most exciting parts of our morning, I've heard the door downstairs open.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Does that bring to a close our proceedings today? Not necessarily. We're going to hear the pitter-patter of approaching footsteps. I hope you're picking that up. Is it Paige? It's not Paige. It's Sam Campbell. Sam Campbell?
Starting point is 00:25:56 Get him on a fucking microphone. Hold on, Sam. Put these on. And hold this And talk to Tim Oh hey Tim how are you Cambo it's your old mate Timbo How are you Old mate
Starting point is 00:26:11 Um yeah I'm good I'm good Hey don't do me dirty like that mate Come on we're on a podcast Oh shit Come on Oh far out Okay what's the theme Um this is
Starting point is 00:26:22 What's the genre This is uh Is it true crime? He did it No no no Self aggrandizement I think We just read letters from our fans about us Oh right
Starting point is 00:26:32 Just to big ups ourselves Oh wicked Yeah it's a very un-Kiwi thing to do How you doing Sam? Nah man that sounds deadly I'm good I'm great What are you doing in the office this hour oh i've just come
Starting point is 00:26:50 to say i'd leave my computer at the office so that there's no internet where i sleep fuck that's good so i've come to check i've come and then sometimes in the morning i'll have like six emails feels good take your shit I'll pass you back to the big Monty bye Cambo thanks so much Tim to all the listeners get crazy
Starting point is 00:27:18 yeah fucking A words from Sam Campbell himself if anyone's listening in probably the Antipodes or does Sam go to the UK Sam's just come back from a long exile in the UK
Starting point is 00:27:34 he was booted out of Australia for trying too hard if you ever have the opportunity to see Sam Campbell live you simply must for he is one of the greatest among us. That's right. I'd even go so far as actually at the conclusion of this friend's article, you could even put it in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah, check it out. He's got one of my favorite gala sets from the Melbourne Gala this year. Yeah. Put it in there. from the Melbourne Gala this year. Yeah. Put it in there. He's a very naughty and silly young boy.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I will do that. Hey, Sam. Here's a message. Just quickly. I was just asking, Sam, do you like me being here? Yeah, it's awesome. What about, am I allowed to be here now? I'm going to a cafe for a second. No, yeah, I like that you're here.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Do you like that note? Yeah, was that from you? Yeah, because you were talking about getting compliments for that. Yeah. That was really nice. I took a photo of it on my phone before I went to sleep. I was going to provide a message from the Joker. And Bridget Allen.
Starting point is 00:28:41 We got some ransom letters. And I thought you might want to message my computer. Guy, can you sum up on microphone because I'm not going to edit this out can you summarize just in case that didn't come through get picked up on your mind that exchange and maybe read the thing that Sam wrote for you yeah sure
Starting point is 00:28:57 well yesterday I kept walking around saying does anyone want to give me a compliment and no one would except for Jack who would sometimes give me a compliment? And no one would except for Jack, who would sometimes give me a compliment. And then I came back, I'd shown Wollongong. And so when I got back last night, on top of my computer next to my bed,
Starting point is 00:29:15 there was a note that said, you truly are a great man on your guy. Signed everybody here at Junkyard HQ. And I've just found out that Sam is in fact responsible for this message. So not everyone at Junkyard has co-signed it. So I'll be verifying their opinions on this when they arrive at work. And this was the second idea that sprung to Sam's mind. The other one was to write a note in character as the Joker.
Starting point is 00:29:43 A movie that he tells me he hasn't watched yet because he will become radicalized yeah i know how susceptible that kid is he's not wrong you beat up some cops yeah he's strong uh strong boy go ahead tim the message from alan reads hi boys i heard about your podcast through deathblart but only got to listening late april this year 2019 and it's been a real riot hearing you boys say there will be no season four even through my feed very much says oh sorry even though my feed very much says there is another season right now i'm on friendzone 65 many kisses hail brady alan that was nice. That might be our last one, I think, for this set. What do you think, Guy? Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah, just as I inch closer towards finishing the Facebook, I've got four more, so I'm going to read one more because I've got to open. Sure. I've got some things to say as well before we go. Okay. Hey, chappies. You guys are mental with
Starting point is 00:30:45 your movie marathon cannot wait to see you later both men kibble are coming whom you were kind enough to do a birthday message for that was four years ago which is mental all the best boys and that was from a guy called george who we um would have said hello to after the show. In the world of Crazy Place. Certainly is. I'm sorry I don't immediately remember George in the top front of my mind. But fuck, good on you, mate. And you will be. Hey, actually, on birthday wishes and stuff, you know who's been pursuing me at the moment, Guy?
Starting point is 00:31:21 And I just can't bring myself to do it. Who? Cameo. The app uh uh if you're unfamiliar with cameo folks it's people celebrities of varying uh stripes and success levels put themselves forward on this website where you can buy personalized video messages from them and uh the the person who runs the our part of the world but it keeps messaging me being like get on cameo i just i can't i toyed with the idea of doing it god knows i need the money but fuck man i just can't reconcile there's something very gross about it. Do it.
Starting point is 00:32:05 You know? Nah. All I say to you is do it. I'm not. I think I've decided I'm not gonna. Because realistically, if you want a video message from me, if you want a birthday message for your friend or something, just fire me a message. No. Just get in touch.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I don't want to fucking charge for that. Commodify yourself. Nah, dude. It's not what this whole thing is about. Well, I have not been asked, but I'm now going to send an email. You can get on it. I'll connect you with this woman.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I'll be like, look, I'm not going to do it, but mind you do it. I might take this back as well in a moment of weakness and be like, ah, fuck it, I'll get on. I think you will. I think you should. It's a funny idea, but there's something that just doesn't sit very well with me
Starting point is 00:32:49 about the whole thing. Now, what I've been toiling away with in the background a little bit is we took video of our live shows that we recently did across America. Some of them were filmed really well because it was just me doing it i just whacked up some cameras and in a lot of cases the footage is out of focus so some of them look a lot better than others but um i'm trying to at the moment edit them together put them into some sort of you know a bit of a bit of a watchable thing
Starting point is 00:33:21 sorry rufus is locked in here and just needed to be let out um and i'm going to biff him on the patreon for anyone who's giving five bucks or more so as a thank you to our patreon pals who have been um supporting our plight or if you if you want to jump in right now you'll get access to that you're just going to be giving five dollars a month or more on our patreon um and if you do that as well you get access to to all the episodes with our ads and you get um some bonus content you get things earlier than everyone else as well um it's truly a great place to be the bonus content is we make a sort of a separate podcast for the patreon pals where um they decide for us at a certain funding level,
Starting point is 00:34:05 those upper echelon, if they're giving, I think it's $10 or more a month, they decide what movie we're going to watch, and then we do a review of that. And there's been some absolute pearlers in there. My favorite recently, Guy, Hot Ticket to Hawaii. Was that the name of it?
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah, and that is a really fun movie. You don't even need to I mean, yeah, by all means listen to our opinion on it, but independent of anyone else, you can just watch that and you'll have a great time. Sick ass movie. Problematic?
Starting point is 00:34:37 Sure, but also very watchable. So with that, dear listeners, I will bid you adieu for now and tell you that overlooked and undercooked season two is coming out impendingly like you know tomorrow it begins amazing that's very exciting very exciting stuff uh when's this going live tim today? Today. Oh, nice. Well, I might as well quickly say that if you're in Sydney, I am doing a show later tonight, an improvised stand-up show at 7 p.m. at Giant Dwarf in Redfern.
Starting point is 00:35:15 If you go to Giant Dwarf's website, you can still get tickets. And if you're in Wellington, I'm coming to do my solo show there on the 27th of October. Be close to the last time I do it, I hope. I love the show, but I'm sick of the jokes. That is a bad bit of promo. You've done it a lot, to be fair. Do you know how many times you've done that show?
Starting point is 00:35:43 No idea, But it just keeps going. And that's cool. Also, if you want a customised video of me in character as Bill Cosby's wife Camille, look me up on forward slash Guy Montgomery
Starting point is 00:36:00 and we're going to have a lot of laughs and we're going to have a lot of fun. Alright everyone, see you on the next time and see you soon in Overlooked and Undercooked goodbye

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