The Worst Idea Of All Time - Friendzone Twenty Five

Episode Date: October 29, 2016

SPONSORED BY OMNYSTUDIO.COMIt's a Friendzone on the road, recorded in West Hollywood, Los Angeles asĀ Guy and Tim share a bedĀ in the led up to their Now Hear This appearence in Anaheim. Get set for a... wild ride with milk, Lions and bluetooth speakers.Trailer: The Male Gayz Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Little Empire podcast. Visit us at and on Instagram at littleempirepodcasts. This episode of the Friend Zone is brought to you by Omni Studio, which you can find at What are they? They're only our podcasting platform and if you have any interest in getting involved with a podcast yourself, they are the service that you should be using. Guy, how do you feel about them? Because I know you don't deal with a lot of the back-end technical parts, but do you get a good sense? I get a really good feeling out of these guys.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I've got to tell you, these guys are pros. They are a real joy to work with. Look at how pretty this website is. Not like our old one. Is this the back-end of the Omni site? This is laid out like the front-end of a site. That's how good this looks. That is a great description.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah. It's literally laid out perfectly for you in a grid. You can click into anything. Get in there. It's got your latest uploads. All available for consumption. It's fucking the business. This is coming from a guy who literally has no idea what he's describing. You could even use
Starting point is 00:01:02 this I think. You could do your own podcast. I used to log into the old one and it did not look like this no it was very clunky because that was a different platform exactly a pretty beautiful platform i tell you what yes i had real this is the probably the only time i have real value in an omni ad but i had real value in this omni read didn't i didn't i add value you sure did mon, Monty. Call me Candice. If you sign up with them, please use the referral code WORSTIDEA. Here's the free time.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Well, it's the friend zone. Say it. With Tim and Guy. Come to the friend zone. And have a good time. Yes, it's the friend zone. With Tim and Guy. Because making friends is the best idea of all time. Hello and welcome to a friend zone on tour with your tour guides,
Starting point is 00:01:56 Spindly Timbly Wimbly Bat and friendly foreigner Guy Montgomery broadcasting to you live from an Airbnb in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. We've been eating nothing but Funyun since we got here. And first things first, a very important matter. Now the theme song that you just heard, the lovely sort of jaunty tune encouraging friendship and all that is within it. Do mostly good things, would you say, Tim? All good things. It's the best idea of all time. Well, it is in the in the song anyway we've been uh miscrediting that to the oh god all right let me put a beanie on this thing
Starting point is 00:02:32 this is fucking terrible we're on the ride the equipment's going to pot it's all it's all a bit more difficult no it's all it's all going great guns. So here we go. The message reads, I like that. Brown. As this is clearly not my name, I figured this was the perfect opportunity to exploit our friendship, and hopefully your guilt, and have you plug my podcast that you guys inspired me to make. We're watching every Adam Sandler movie in order and discussing every
Starting point is 00:03:15 week to try to understand what the hell happened to that poor man. Live every moment, love every day, XOXO. P.S. If you listen and think we're even remotely funny we'd love to have you skype in for our grown-ups 2 or paul blight 2 episodes i think you're going to be disappointed i don't remember adam sandler being in paul blight 2 yeah neither do i he might cameo in there somewhere it's possible we'll find out and wait a minute very shortly big plug to till death
Starting point is 00:03:40 doth blight episode 2 coming out soon schedules schedules permitting Hey, let's hear what Chris' podcast is actually PBS, my podcast is called The Adam Sandbox that's pretty relevant information, that is a good name I'm intrigued and I would like to apologise on behalf of myself and my friend Tim
Starting point is 00:03:59 to you, Chris Chewy Maudsley You really chucked on that word friend when it came to finding a word to describe me. I was going to use the word colleague, and I thought, you know, in the friend zone, you know what we are? We're friends.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yes, that's right. You've got mail. And also, you've got mail. Correct. And do you know what, Chewy? I do apologize for that, and I'll check that podcast out. But to be fair,
Starting point is 00:04:24 Christopher Brown is the person who did the theme song for the real cool bangin' dance track that plays at the beginning of the Worst Idea episodes. Yeah, but he's been cross-pollinating and taking credit for all sorts of stuff. It's getting out of hand. He broke into the internet, downloaded the most recent episode, and re-edited our names all to say Chris Brown. That's fucked. That's real weird and detailed.
Starting point is 00:04:47 20 US dollars comes from the writer of the following message. Timbly and Flash. I thought it would be a great gag to suss out Guy's credit card number from the live stream and then use it to buy inordinate amounts of Blaze pizza. Hashtag pay the boys. Hashtag how do you Blaze. But decided that friends don't make friends cancel credit cards. And that would be the best way to stay on the right side of the law so instead here is money for the next time you get hungry on air thank you for the hours entertainment you have provided at
Starting point is 00:05:14 no small personal cost i hope we are your friends doesn't take you to quite such a dark place as carrie and the gals seem to so i'll be sad to see the worst idea of all time go after this season. I eagerly await whatever nonsense you brave boys end up looking up afterwards. Yours truly, servant of the one true God, Java, Drew Greer, feel free to read my name should you be so inclined, and I've done just that. Yeah, it's out there now, Drew. Funny story about Blaze Pizza, Drew. You may know this now because it's the future compared to when you sent this message to us. But yesterday we had the protest.
Starting point is 00:05:52 We had the proposed protest at Blaze. We went down and we really kicked up a stink, you guys. We really made our voices heard. We were sort of, you know, we were banging cups out of hands and i don't know throwing around the olives we didn't we didn't exactly cause uh bedlam there but what we did do is we were greeted uh as soon as we arrived by precisely one fan uh shout out to holly and i hope your husband's pants have been repaired they had a rip in them which prevented him from coming to the protest real shame one fan but two significant members of the Blaze Pizza staff.
Starting point is 00:06:28 One was the executive chef named Brad, and he's the executive chef of the entire chain. He's the founding chef of Blaze Pizza. The man knows and loves his pizza. Claims that he can date a pizza just by tasting it blindfolded to within a few hours of when it was made and uh we also had the wonderful jim joe jim jim uh who was who was he was like a vice president or something he was like the franchise manager for all of the franchises across maybe
Starting point is 00:07:00 california he was a big wig he seemed like he was a pretty big wig and they were both very lovely considering we were there to really cause a ruckus and very disarming and you can see everything that unfolded on a periscope
Starting point is 00:07:14 if you have a look at my Twitter it gets saved there right Tim underscore bat is how you find that all of that to say we have not come to
Starting point is 00:07:24 a firm legal conclusion but uh moods are higher and uh the conversation has been it was nice to be taken seriously for a change the social media team at blaze actually tipped these guys off they went radio silent the whole campaign all of that hashtag pay the boys we were were really kicking up a stink. But instead of reacting out loud, they just kept it all in, kept it all in. And then we announced we were coming to do a protest. They were like, oh, shit. And they went to our boys, Joe Jim, or Jim Joe,
Starting point is 00:07:58 and Chef Brad. And they were like, look, guys, we don't really know what to do, but there might be a bit of a situation developing. These guys flew in. Like, they're not from that store. Flew in in cars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:09 But from across town. No, out of town. Oh. Yeah. Jim didn't, yeah. Anyway, look, the video's all there on Periscope, on my Twitter. Craig Anderson, oh, dang it. I did it again.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Craig writes, Dearest Timbaland men's single champion and try before you guy. You are welcome to read my full name. Thank fuck. But you can make one up for me if you prefer. I'm just going to put it on the record. We never prefer to make one up. It's just I am
Starting point is 00:08:38 a fan of respecting people's privacy. And as such, when I screw up and I say your full name and then you say say please don't use my name I feel terrible about it not so terrible as to edit it out because that would go against the spirit of the entire worst idea project editing is not in our format vernacular
Starting point is 00:08:56 just terrible in the moment you're like ah damn it lost one but as a dead marine I found out about your podcast at the start of the year and at first I thought it sounded like a terrible idea. I thought you'd surely run out of things to say after about five episodes, but I decided to listen anyway and was delighted to be proven wrong. You're both such talented comedians and storytellers,
Starting point is 00:09:15 and I imagine you would be a real joy to work with. It's a shame that the podcast will be finishing up soon, but will it really? I binged my way through the first two seasons and eventually caught up with you not too long after season three every time i listen to a friend zone i keep meaning to ping over a message but this is just me getting around to it here is a small gift of thanks for hours of entertainment because a gift is always a gift that threw me keep living every moment and loving every day cheers craig anderson Craig Anderson PS in Scotland we also use the word boys in the same way you do
Starting point is 00:09:48 I think it's the rest of the world that were wrong maybe it's a commonwealth thing they say boys in Canada we love those boys yeah they do I think it's the rest of you who are way off on this one thank you very much for that message Craig
Starting point is 00:10:04 or in america craig craig so odd i've never i'll never get used to that this is chewy again yeah you had your time do you want me to do one while you're finding another tab i'm really like i've done two in a row oh my goodness and what a one you've got okay Okay, here we go. Dear Timbly Wimbly and Flash Guidon. You can back up from the mic if you wish. Okay, thank you. It will now sound like I'm standing slightly further away from you.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Rest assured, I'm still real nice and close, whispering in your ears. Here we go. I first learned of your efforts in the podcast game through a co-worker, shout out Anna D who had only heard the first few episodes but saw it as a podcast where two guys in an effort to strengthen their friendship
Starting point is 00:10:50 begin to watch a terrible movie once a week for a year but that really the podcast records the two men's minds and friendship unraveling thankfully her early impression of what the worst idea of all time would become was only partially accurate, it does seem as if your minds are inexorably changed as a result of your endeavors thank you it's always nice to get a bit of perspective that is terrifying we're going to sheep farm slash dairy and your sweet kiwi voices and the roller coaster
Starting point is 00:11:15 of abject despair momentary triumph shining light and porn salad have seen me through any number of chores anna d and i on very tough days on the farm will sometimes try to make the best of it by asking each other what the shining light of their day was we've also jarred yogurt while listening to Live Every Moment Love Every Day
Starting point is 00:11:28 not only are kisses gifts hold on hold on jarred yogurt yep I was you're going to try not to take that
Starting point is 00:11:35 let me stop you there I literally accelerated through it to try and get it past you is that a what are we dealing with here some sort of
Starting point is 00:11:44 thinly veiled sexual metaphor? No, they work at a dairy. Yeah. So they'll... Wait, is a dairy like a corner store? A dairy farm. Oh, a dairy farm.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Are you listening to any of what this lady is writing? Yeah, sorry. I'm in and out a little bit. No, it's okay. Jard yogurt. It would be yogurt, I imagine. I forget that that's where yogurt comes from. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:12:02 It is weird. Don't think about it too much or you won't want to eat it. No, I will, because it feels like it's from a whole other animal. But it isn't, is it? Yeah, it is. It's milk. Well, milk is also from a whole other animal.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah, a cow. No, I mean from a cow. Another animal to a cow. An animal that is not a cow. You know in The Simpsons when Lisa tells... There's heaps of types of meat. There's ham, pork, bacon.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Lisa's like, all those one animal, Dan. He goes, yeah, some miracle animal. A cow is that equivalent with dairy products. It's true. All your favorite stuff, butter, milk, yogurt, cheese. It all tastes different. Literally, if they could lay eggs, they would be the whole farmyard of dairy products. Eggs aren't dairy.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Aren't they? Dairy's from a cow that's true that's a good point anyway we're really in the weeds for a moment there but we're back baby not only a kiss is gift as everyone knows but so too are the two of you fine fellas i already tell you how great i think you are and to send a photo of me listen you guys will sheep tending at this particular moment because i'm in the process of heading down the coast of oregon towards san francisco in just the wrong timing period as your northerly tour in other words i'm headed past i'm headed where you already are and already passed where you were going this makes me sad but the road trip and access cable did give me the opportunity to watch a very strange segment
Starting point is 00:13:19 of a show about quicksand which instantly made me think of guys recent comparison a few weeks back i wish very much for you guys to find a way to watch this quicksand portion of secrets of the earth death traps quicksand whirlpools and riptides it's a scientist to admire that shouldn't be missed if i had any graphics film skills i'd find a way to put your heads on his body this is too long so i can only say i hope you blazed blaze pizza and that your time on this fair coast is full of all sorts of gifts and more talkative uber pulls while our timing is such that i'll miss seeing you in the flesh i will give you a general direction i'll give you a wave in the general direction or words to that effect i will wave in your general direction as i drive and stay good old pony boys caroline you're a real peach
Starting point is 00:14:03 yeah thank you so much caroline Caroline That was a joy to read I love this photo of you as well with the sheep It's so good It's you and a bunch of yous A little sheep humor That you'll pick up in New Zealand That is a good laugh Thank you
Starting point is 00:14:19 Onwards Daniel Dear Rinton Tim and Guylock Fox Thank you for your seemingly countless hours of entertainment Onwards. Daniel. Dear Rinton Tim and Guylock Fox, thank you for your seemingly countless hours of entertainment. Just arrived in Portland from Seattle in anticipation of the show. Hope the PNW treats you well. Daniel.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And he's included a cool 50 US dollars. Incredible. What's the PNW? Portland. The PNW, the PNW the Pacific Northwest ah nice one you decoded it I did
Starting point is 00:14:51 you're a genius I saw through it oh my word now we've got a we've got a a mini essay here that was sent in about a week ago from Lion
Starting point is 00:15:00 who we met in Portland that is correct yes I think we also we also met Daniel in Portland, I do believe. Ah, fantastic. It's good to meet you people in the flesh.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Okay, here we go. Hello, Gimbly Glue... It's going to be real long now. Hello, Gimbly Goo Flash Hog and Tybo Bobby. Please feel free to use and all... Okay, I'm going verbatim here. Please feel free to use and all names within this email'm going verbatim here. Please feel free to use and all names within this email as well as replacing the word sparkly with mayonnaise.
Starting point is 00:15:30 This may get long. First half. I've been listening to you boys in my head so much recently, I really wanted to tell you how I became a fan as well as get some questions in. As I'll be at the Portland show, but anticipate the crowd overtaking any Q&A time or post-show time. See, it's like being in traffic.
Starting point is 00:15:48 You are the traffic. You are the crowd. You know, people think everyone else is the audience but you are the audience. Yeah, that is correct. You are the traffic. Obviously, it's you. It was always you.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It was always you, Lion. What was that? Bluetooth speaker shutting down. Okay. I started listening to the show because I already subscribed to and noticed your sparkly cover image on the front page of the app. For future reference, please do replace the word sparkly with mayonnaise. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I've been an avid audio digester of Comedy Bang Bang, Doug Loves Movies, Beautiful Anonymous, and a few others. In fact, the reason I got the app in the first place was to listen to CBB's live shows as they tour. Anyway, I thought I'd give your show a try, and sure enough I was swept into the mayonnaise madness of Tim and Guy's spiral through grown-ups too. Once
Starting point is 00:16:36 I had finished the first season, I didn't see any more on the HowlFM app and thought the ride was over. Boy, was I wrong! I searched his iTunes and soon was taken aback that you were already on to a third season. I subscribed and started working my way through Sex and the City 2 along with you.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Son's actually watching the movie. As I approached Mayonnaise middle of the second season, is this making sense to you so far? Yeah, yeah. Okay, you can explain it to me after. It's pretty detailed. It's like he is getting super, at this part of the story,
Starting point is 00:17:09 he's getting balls deep in the podcast. He's loving it. I saw the news that you were both coming to Portland. What a mayonnaise surprise. Here I am listening to two Kiwis thinking, I'll never get the chance to meet and or greet either and or both of you with a gift, that gift being a kiss, platonic as it may be,
Starting point is 00:17:27 and you're coming to my neck of the proverbial woods. When I saw the date and realised it was weeks ago, I girded my loins and... Wait, that's not right. I girded my loins and tucked into catching up as fast as I could in order to be on the right track by the time you flew into PDX Airport. BT dubs, take a picture with your feet on the unique carpet for that full Portland hipster feel,
Starting point is 00:17:50 which I know you have just done. Just now at 1am on the Friday of your Sam Fran show. Second half. Podcaster questions. Technical, boring stuff for listeners. Okay, maybe I'll leave this out. Yeah, you can leave that stuff out. It's all for a different time.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah. Well, I will read this bit out loud. And although I'm proud of it, damn, Tim, how do you do it, mate? That's the only bit I'm going to read for you. Friendship is the answer to whatever the context for that question was. I will deal with that later. It was lovely to meet you, Lion.
Starting point is 00:18:26 You truly do live up to your name as well. He's got a full mane, that man. Beautiful head of hair. Hell of a head of hair. This one here from Nick. Hey boys, just finished up listening to episode 19 of season 3. I feel a tad bit behind, but I'm getting caught up before I get the chance to see your lovely faces live
Starting point is 00:18:43 and in person in Portland, Oregon this weekend. I just wanted to reach out and give mad props for the beautiful, vivid picture that was painted for me in relation to quicksand being a metaphor for how you guys felt at the time. Really blew me away. Good stuff. Thanks again for all you do. Have a good outing in San Fran, and I'll see you in a few days in Portland. Thank you very much, Nicholas. It was a joy almost definitely meeting you.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Was that quicksand episode the one where I kind of... You went wild. Yeah. You really tapped into something pretty powerful. Oh no, EP19. No, that was the episode before the one that you blacked out literally for a bit. Oh no, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:24 that's what I'm talking about. Yeah, I'm not talking about when I actually zoned out well and true. In a bad way. In a good way. Yeah, you really hit a rich vein of form. Harrison, Dearests, Bimtat, and Moy Gomp Gomery. Last weekend, in a guilt-ridden, boxed wine and juice-drunken stupor, I hastily donated $10 to Wikipedia so they could fix some of their leaks.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I woke up the next morning groggy and fragile, as I always turned to my safe spot of weirdness and the knowledge that someone out there was worse off than I. Hey, computer, can we just keep it down, please? Let me just mute that. Here we go. Do you know how hard you make that computer work? Someone's ringing me. should i take this on the
Starting point is 00:20:06 let's have a look it's from new jersey hello hello hello that's a robot this is elizabeth white how are you today uh i'm not a robot it hung up it couldn't handle it couldn't handle the word robot i reckon that's the kill switch for those motherfuckers we are getting so many random phone calls on our american sims like you guys need to sort this system out of recycling numbers. I think everyone, like, pawns their sim cards and so you wind up with...
Starting point is 00:20:48 You've got 320 million people here and it feels like you've only got about 350 million numbers and there's, like, just not quite enough for people to keep siphoning through prepaid. I've been called by four different people all looking, like, for a different person. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I'm just going to check how long we've... Okay, no're good we've been going for 20 minutes just so you know uh okay sorry if you fell into a weird freaky time trance and sort of lost lost grip for that service i thank you as a college sophomore up in the boonies is that am i saying that right the boonies of central new york i've i're at the top of this. Hey? Yeah. Yeah, buddy. Oh, yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:28 He donated some drunken $10 money to Wikipedia. Correct, correct. I have pitifully little money to chuck heedlessly into the void of the internet, but I simply couldn't stand by listening to my two favorite hangover cures and not scoot a little moolah their way to after such a spending spree on Wikipedia he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I turned on to the podcast about a year and a half ago and caught up quickly. You guys have helped me through, get through, I'm really struggling with this one. You guys have helped get me through some tough times, and I figured the least I could do was give back.
Starting point is 00:22:07 In return for some info, on behalf of the friends of the podcast, I think we could all use a little bit more backstory to the conjoined lives of Timbo and Guy Guy. Wait a minute, now this is sounding real familiar. Have I read this one before? Maybe I've messaged him. You've read it to me before, not on the friend zone well how old is it i hope i haven't done it on another friend so it's possible i have i don't think you have
Starting point is 00:22:30 oh boy uh uh they want a little more backstory for for the conjoined lives of timbo and gogo we've seen the loo review we've listened to you guys talk about your separate childhoods but how did the friendship get started in the first place at what metaphorical cantina did two such journeymen come together under the banner of this insanity the people need to know p.s i recently watched the matcha with guy montgomery and fucking died laughing when guy barrels the camera over a meter of competitors pizza and peers straight into blazer's soul also at minute 134 guy asserts quote everyone is pretending all the time end quote leading to the conclusion that is everyone is always pretending pretend is reality and reality is pretend i will henceforth be taking all of your quote pretend
Starting point is 00:23:17 jokes as canon pps i donated the extra dollar to bring the total up to 420 American nickels. Hashtag fuckboys. Yours always, Harry Doopke. Say my name. Harry, a lot to unpack. Actually, you've only asked one real question. Firstly, capital writing. Really enjoyed that message.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Really took me on a journey. It was a thrill ride. Secondly, the reason why... Also, for those of you who can't see the actual email, written all in capital letters. It was like you were yelling. But luckily, a good story. As for the conjoined lives of old Timbo and Gai Gai,
Starting point is 00:23:57 it started on the Lou review. That's why there's no history before then. That's where we met. Yeah, that's true. That's all you met. Yeah, that's true. That's all you need. Rob Fall, what is there to add to that? That's the chronology.
Starting point is 00:24:14 It was just such a, as we said, nuanced and detailed request and piece of writing that we just really took apart. Cut it short, do you think, on the answer? No, no, no. Did I not get the answer?
Starting point is 00:24:26 You got what you came for. It was a lovely message. Harry Dookie. That very straightforward reply is, I don't know how to sex that up for you. That's just what happened. Rob Fall has given us some money, and this is a guy who, if it's the same dude,
Starting point is 00:24:41 I can't imagine there's tons of people with that name. I used to work with this guy, and he is excellent. A fantastic dude, originally from Britain. Does he live in Wellington? Yeah. His message is, Batman and Guybin, thank you for everything. Have a great time in America, Rob. Thank you so much, Rob, for the donation and for the impressively succinct message of support.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Absolutely. I've got a very good one for you here, Tim. If I may. You may. Just got a little question for you. I was re-watching Hercules, The Legendary Journeys Today, whilst making Comic-Con costumes. Let's not go into my life choices.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I happened to glance up during the credits, and what should I see? The executive editor was Tim Batt. I have to ask because i know it was made in new zealand and timbly wimbly is quite exceptional but was he editing hercules in the mid 90s surely this was before your time but maybe i'm being incredibly rude doubting i must know was this the same tim bat lots of love and thank you so much for the podcast and the love and the friendship and keep on keeping on. All my international good vibes are bench sent your way, Alice. XXX, and then a correction,
Starting point is 00:25:49 being sent, not bench. Darn old uncorrect. So all my international good vibes are being sent your way. Okay. I love that you replied to this message, Guy, with saying, we'll be addressed in our next friend zone.
Starting point is 00:26:03 No answer. I'm not going to give you i'm going to keep you in suspense so alice is finding out at the same time as everyone else uh look we're in the friend zone and the friend zone is all about trust and i i cannot take that credit that was not me i was not editing the new adventures of hercules when i was what eight nine nine years old um kevin sor though, really did us proud in that. That was his big launch off. Kevin Sorbo got a little wild.
Starting point is 00:26:32 He's into something. What? He popped up on the radar recently, didn't he? Yeah, what's his name? Kevin Sorbo. Kevin Sorbo. Yeah, he started doing something a bit odd. Chuck, just go to the news tab, surely.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Let's see what old Kiwi Kev has been up to recently. I know he's all good. It doesn't look like there's anything too salacious up the top there. JC Online. Hercules Kevin Sorbo to attend Purdue Pro-Life event. Oh, okay, that'll do it. A message from Jeremiah Sutham. Can't make either of the live shows,
Starting point is 00:27:11 so here's $20 for a virtual ticket. P.S. SeƱor Bat, I am going to butcher the following in Spanish. El titulo exacto de We Are Your Friends can be Somos Tus Amigos. So the direct translation for We Are Your Friends in Spanish, Somos Tus Amigos. Very well. Thank you, Jeremiah. This is not apropos of nothing. Do you remember us having this conversation? I remember everything we talk about always.
Starting point is 00:27:41 But that's not apropos of nothing. Do you remember us having this conversation? I remember everything we talk about always. I appreciate you helping out with the translation and more with the 20 bucks as well, Jeremiah. You fucking stone cold legend. Yeah, that is some pretty cold hard cash in the pocket right now. In the friend zone, because we're doing it all at once, we don't highlight enough how much we appreciate that goddamn hard cold cash that you guys are sending through. It's incredible, especially in light of the fact that due to certain business decisions we've made on this trip, listen, due to a series of unfortunate shipping errors, essentially, is what it's boiled down to, we've ended up spending so much money on merch
Starting point is 00:28:29 that we will never sell. Like, we're talking thousands of dollars. We have no idea how to make the money back. I'll tell you how. We have to double down on our success so that they become collector's items because right now they're literal garbage. They are, success. We're going to dig deep. So they become collector's items, because right now they're literal garbage. They are, and what they're going to do as well
Starting point is 00:28:49 is weigh a shit ton when we fly back and add to it. They're just adding costs to every point. No, I'll tell you what I will tell you. Yes, yes. The quality of said merch that we are lugging around is second to none. Pristine top notch. Unbelievably high quality. We are going to be revamping the merch store hopefully within the next month.
Starting point is 00:29:13 So keep on sending the donations through. And if you want to get a t-shirt now, do. But we're actually going to change who we're doing it through because it's all getting a bit difficult. And I think with these new people, I think the shirts will be cheaper and the shipping will be a little bit cheaper as well which was always a big bugbear of mine how much the shipping cost it's a twofer it's a double win yeah so hold out for that we've got to uh get we've got to get going yeah and i'll tell you why everyone on the friend zone because you will find this most entertaining we're about to go to watch a show at lago uh by a musician he's the composer who did the score for eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and punch drunk love his name is
Starting point is 00:29:53 john breon uh so we're going to see him at lago and we went to a show there on monday night at jenny slate and friends show i think it's called Big Tremendous or something great show and the guy who runs Largo was like just a little tip for you on Friday night opening up for John Brion Adam Sandler's going to come by and do some comedy
Starting point is 00:30:13 and we look at each other and we're like well obviously we have to fucking go to that clear our Friday night we must attend so we're going to go
Starting point is 00:30:20 and watch the big man himself you know bring down the house hopefully at Largo I'm fucking so excited to see him live we're going with Ben and watch the big man himself bring down the house, hopefully. I'm fucking so excited to see him live. We're going with Ben Acker from Thrilling Adventure Hour. Shout out to Ben. Long time friend of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Absolutely. So we'll give you a full report on that at a later time. But it's very exciting. That's all for now. I've got one message to bring us home. Well, let me just replug our sponsor for this episode one more time, Omni Studio. Go to omni Use them for all your podcast needs and use the promo code worst idea.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And that'll reflect well on us. And I think it gives you something. And on you. I can't remember what the discount is. But a discount is a discount is a discount. You know what I'm saying yep sometimes when i'm buying something that's on discount that i don't really need i do the math in my head and i'm like i'm getting a 40 discount so usually this would be 40 more which means that i'm pretty much saving 80 that is so stupid they're paying me to buy this thing. $80. Anyway, this one here from Rosanna Dunlop. We'll find out if that was the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I thought that's why you were skipping down to the bottom. Hello, Tim Boone and Goff. Going with the autocorrect options. An excellent choice. I'm partway through listening to the latest expert level episode uh shout out to reese matthewson i often listen to you guys while i do my nightly back exercises which involves lying on a yoga mat i got to the point where you posited that we are your friends is actually a trailer for baywatch and lost it i collapsed from my cat cow pose and lay face down on the mat we've read to each other. Oh, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I'm not even finished and this episode slayed me, presumably. I'm very excited and scared to hear the rest of it, but I just had to pause and let you know that you've once again reached heights of genius and I salute you. Boys, keep fighting the good fight. Pierce, you can call me whatever you like if this makes it on the friend zone.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Guess what, Rosanna? You've made it. And how's that back? I hope better. Her back was fine. She's doing back exercises, though. That would suggest something's going on with the back. No, no.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I mean, she's got like a really good back, like a pristine back. Oh, nice. It can be both. I understand the confusion. But my assumption is if someone's specifically working out one body part, I'm like, well, obviously they've just zoned in. They're going to absolutely nail this one body part the rest of them be damned
Starting point is 00:32:47 so while the rest of us are doing leg day Rosanna every day is back day best known for her back a hell of a spine vertebrae upon vertebrae upon vertebrae cascading not a single disc out of place not one vertebrae out of alignment
Starting point is 00:33:03 the appropriate amount of cartilage from tip to tail out of place yeah not one vertebrae out of alignment it is you know the appropriate amount of cartilage oh from from tip to tail or coccyx to
Starting point is 00:33:12 the top of the spine skull brain cortex no no thank you all for listening
Starting point is 00:33:22 brain stem there you go thank you so much for listening everybody hey a big thank you to all the fans who came to the live shows in san francisco and we had a fucking incredible time we love you guys tremendous and it would have been not good at all if it was just us turning up and no one was there it would have been like well fuck we're we've really fucked up the financials. No one's in this room anyway. What's going on? It's just us with a bunch of stuff that we printed in a room.
Starting point is 00:33:48 But instead, it was this wonderful, joyous time where we got to hang out with cool people. San Francisco, we really partied. Yeah. We went to a really cool bar. That's not to say we didn't party in Portland. We were slightly pooped in Portland, truth be told, because it was the night after.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I think it was called Tempest. So shout out to Tempest. We've genuinely got to leave or we're going to be late. Okay, okay. Well, look, love to all of you. And we're going to be, I don't know when you're listening to this, but now hear this festival. We're on Sunday. You can buy tickets with 25% off, even if you get a one-day ticket, if you use the code WORSTIDEA.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I think. Cracking stuff. Bye, everybody. Well, it's the friend zone With Tim and Guy Come to the friend zone And have a good time Yes, it's the friend zone
Starting point is 00:34:39 With Tim and Guy Cause making friends Is the best idea of all time. Thanks for listening to this podcast. If you're thirsty for another, why not try The Male Gaze? It's The Male Gaze. I follow them at any point. The choice is always over to you.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You have no idea how loyal I am to the people I follow. I've been following Debra Messing on Snapchat for way too long now. And I just, okay, so she's like a big supporter of the Democrat Party. Yeah. And she's just, she's been campaigning for them for a very long time. But she just, there's something about her tone which just like really irks me a little bit. God, I hope she's not listening. I love Debra Messing.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I'm a huge fan of Will and Grace.

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