The Worst Idea Of All Time - Killionaire TV 13: Broox v Mehdi v Samantha

Episode Date: September 24, 2022

Broox - a milk guzzler with a billionaire Hydra idea that involves super glue, de facto relationship law (or lack thereof) in the state of California and... Love? Mehdi - a man who will let the pronun...ciation of his name slide bringing an interdimensional ploy involving the infamous Skinwalker Ranch. And Samantha - a tech-cursed competitor who wants Bezos and Musk to get in some subs and hunt for treasure (and die). This is final competitor episode of Killionaire TV so enjoy these brilliant plans and may God protect our billionaires, long enough to see them become trillionaires and NOT A SECOND LONGER.Thanks to editor AJ of Cult Popture and graphic designer Tomas Cottle.TWIOAT Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / WebsiteGUY Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / WebsiteTIM Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He's Tim Batt, I'm Guy Montgomery, and this, well this is a dumpster. Together, we're best known for watching bad movies too often. But as the world turns to custard, we've got a new thing going on. We want to create the world's first ever trillionaire, and then swiftly remove the world's first ever trillionaire, dispersing their funds to humanity at large. We're taking your ideas, pitching them against each other until we find one winner. Welcome to Kill Your Near.
Starting point is 00:00:36 You can start it if you want or I can start it. It's totally up to you. I'm just feeling really vulnerable at the moment, Tim. Welcome to Kill Your Near, everybody. I'm starting the episode because Guy's feeling a little bit vulnerable. I'm feeling really vulnerable at the moment tim welcome to kill your near everybody i'm starting the episode because guys feeling a little bit vulnerable i'm feeling really vulnerable at the moment everyone do you want to talk about it before we kind of get to the episode i'd rather not go into it we're just going to leave that sitting there i'm going to pour myself a glass of water okay okay okay well i don't know if this is the exact energy that we want while we plot to create and then murder a trillionaire for comedy purposes. This discussion is occurring for comedy purposes, you see. However, it is my great honor to welcome to this session of pitches Brooks, who is a Twitter famous, milk-guzzling, occasionally COVID-c covid catching i believe recently adventurer who has just shown
Starting point is 00:01:29 us that he has a glass of the the cold white stuff to hand for the session uh brooks it's so nice to see you how are you pleasure to be here excited you feeling okay now yeah i'm obviously over just a minor cough hanging around. Cool, man. I'm glad to hear that. Nothing a glass of milk a day shouldn't sort out, am I right? Exactly. You freak. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Okay, we'll get to that later. But I would love to bring in our second pitcher today, and that's someone we haven't met before, Mehdi. Yes. Now, how'd I do on the name it's perfect okay cool i feel like you you you uh i think you're being generous you're placating us yeah i feel like we could say anything and you go yeah you you got it and then afterwards you'll badmouth us rightly there's a south pacific buffer that i'm allowing
Starting point is 00:02:20 this uh it's needed i've always loved the way that we flattened vowels and then on this call i realized just how much sort of hazardous sort of air time that creates do you know what i've been telling people recently especially international people well i think international people already know this but the classic kiwi accent the real tip off, is that we pronounce T's as D's in pretty much every word. And if you ever listen to our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern say the word water, water, every time. Water. I'd love a glass of water. She's real heavy on the D. She's like water. Well, I tell you, if you're listening along right now, you can go back, check the tape,
Starting point is 00:03:03 because I did say at the start of this episode, I'm going to get myself a glass of water. I'm going to pour myself a glass of water. Okay. And I'd like to think I really fucking hung something on that tea. You're quite good at enunciating, you know, the teas and stuff. Anyway, listen, here's how this works. We've got two gentlemen here brimming with ideas. Or idea.
Starting point is 00:03:26 To select who will pitch first, I have written down on the notebook in front of me a star sign. Can you please Google the star sign? Whoever picks the closest star sign to the one that I have picked. This is insane. We were doing numbers for so long like whoever picks the closest number and i'm bored of it okay so we're experimenting with the form um so uh medhi can you please pick a star sign first i'm like 50 50
Starting point is 00:03:58 on what exactly a star sign is so i'm gonna say capricorn. Perfect. Okay. And Brooks? Is Aquarius a star sign? It certainly is. Not only is it one, it is the one I wrote down. So Brooks, you have one. Thank God we don't have to go through the calendar to figure out who's closer. Absolutely. But I mean, for what it's worth, you chose Capricorn, if I'm not mistaken.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Is that right? Yeah. So Capricorn is right next to Aquarius. So you were both right in that ballpark of the calendar. So, Brooks, tell me, would you like to pitch first or second today? I will pitch first. Fantastic. Check out the big balls on Brooks. Yeah, come out swinging.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Those big old milky balls. Jesus. Maddy, I'm going to put you on mute for the duration of this pitch, and then we'll be right with you. I feel like I've swung from vulnerable to overzealous, and I'd like to apologize to our listeners and, most importantly, to Brooks. I'll not mention your milky testes again. Appreciate it. All right right dive in the floor
Starting point is 00:05:07 is yours excellent and it's covered in milk jesus man you go ahead you know when to get out of the pool okay yeah yeah the milky pool good evening fellas all the proposals i've heard on previous installments of killionaire follow the same misguided pattern of creating a trillionaire. They all try to take a billionaire and generate enough additional wealth to switch that B to a T. It simply doesn't work. I propose we flip that paradigm on its head and come at this problem from a radical new angle. I put to you that the wealth we need to amass in order to reach a trillion dollars is already out there. We don't need to make it, we just need to consolidate it.
Starting point is 00:05:54 In order to move forward with this endeavor, it is helpful to first look to the past for inspiration. Who in history has had more success consolidating both money and power than the royal families of Europe. We're talking about kings and queens here, fellas. Sure, they would occasionally wage wars and coups on each other, but that is neither here nor there. Their main way of consolidating power was through marriage. They would take their enemies and make them family, economically tying the two parties together and moving forward. The wealthiest billionaires have between $100 and $200 billion apiece, meaning the combined
Starting point is 00:06:32 wealth of roughly seven of the top ten richest people in the world sums up to a 13-digit figure, crossing that magical trillion-dollar line. Now I am not suggesting that we parent-trap or cupid's arrow seven billionaires in order to make them all fall in love. That leaves way too much to chance. We need a safer bet to get them all into both the metaphorical and literal marital bed together. Therefore, I suggest we Gorilla Glue Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, both Google guys, and Zuckerberg all together. That stuff is permanent. After seven years of living bound together, they will legally enter into a polyamorous common law marriage.
Starting point is 00:07:20 At which point, that which used to belong to seven individuals is now theirs. All that cash now belongs to a single entity, a seven-person pod. Boom. Trillionaire created. At this point, I'm sure you're thinking, what an incredible idea. It's wonderfully simple. Elegant, even. Well, I encourage you to hold on to your proverbial butts because it's about to get better. Even more elegant. Because not only will this polyamorous common-law marriage pod create the world's first trillionaire,
Starting point is 00:07:54 it will also lead to said trillionaire's untimely demise. For the most part, all we have to do is sit back, relax, and watch the inevitable bloodbath. At this point, it's just a waiting game. While they may not have seen each other as romantic partners before being covered in industrial-strength adhesive and stuck together, they will, at this point, have been inseparable companions for going on a decade. What are they going to do? Not fuck each other? And you just know at least some of them are going to catch feelings. It would be nearly impossible not to.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Historically, the majority of these guys have not had a great track record in regards to marriage. Lots of divorces in their collective past. Now, I don't want to slander anyone here, but you mean to tell me that they weren't stepping out? Consider the egos involved. I find that hard to believe. In any case, their lack of fidelity is going to lead to the downfall of this pod, and more importantly, lead to an unprecedented redistribution of wealth. Due to their aforementioned relationship shortcomings, jealousy, lust, and mistrust, we'll all find the gl scape we have created fertile ground
Starting point is 00:09:06 to lay seed. In short order, their lovers quarrels will put them at each other's throats, but because they are still attached, there will be no going for a walk, no sleeping on the couch tonight, no spending the weekend at their sister's. They can't file for another divorce. What would be the point? Even if the judge were to grant it, in another seven years, they're back to being common law married. There's literally no escape. No, instead their negative feelings towards each other will continue to simmer until they have reached the rolling boil of murder. That's right. I can almost guarantee that our trillionaire pod will do all the dirty work for us and take out at least five of each other off the board.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Since they are married, all that wealth doesn't go anywhere, it stays with the surviving members of this C-suite septuple. But on the minuscule off chance that they don't start in on each other, it wouldn't take much of a spark to set off the horny, horny tinderbox that this collection of the world's greatest capitalists chemically fastened together. A whisper in an ear here, a forged letter there. If we channel our inner Yagos, then they will start dropping like flies. When the pod is majority corpses, we will enact our endgame. We start laying the guilt on thick. Maybe we ceaselessly play a recording of a heartbeat, some real telltale heart shit.
Starting point is 00:10:33 You get the idea. Between the regret, the psychological warfare we wage, and the smell of their decomposing husbands, they aren't long for this world. Romeo and Juliet, eat your hearts out. they aren't long for this world romeo and juliet eat your hearts out after the final member perishes at his own hands we reveal our machinations and reap the rewards you are welcome world thank you wow thank you brooks for that incredibly strong pitch beautiful and harrowing sort of art idea yeah i i really feel like you were referencing shakespeare and uh i feel in the presence of a master storyteller who has been strumming my pain with his fingers yeah when you first started talking about uh marriage
Starting point is 00:11:20 and you know the the fusion of assets i sort of thought you were equating marriage with business acquisition and thinking of one of you know like going on one of these business absorbing the others but at no point until you outlined it could i have imagined that you were going to suggest we um gorilla glue this must be the strongest glue it's the strongest glue i know of um and i think we could get them to sponsor us. They seemingly got involved when that poor woman did her hair and eyelids in the stuff on Twitter. Oh, yeah. That's worth Googling for sure.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Can you just give us the cliff notes? She went to the ER and they basically said, we don't know. Oh, wow. So there's no known sort of anti-adhesive for this stuff that's how strong the glue is i think i mean i think gorilla glue got involved and maybe sent some anti-adhesive but i don't know send some more glue surely if you develop a glue this strong you have to also develop the anti-adhesive you would hope there's a law along those lines these are not the type of questions that brooks should be answering right now um you should be answering questions about
Starting point is 00:12:29 the plan this is our chance to interrogate and kick it i know i just want to shoot the breeze uh look it's a it's a great idea i think um how are we going to get the seven of them in a room together to begin with and then how are we actually going to physically you know pin them down or get the glue onto these people's bodies and what parts of the bodies how are they connected together uh i don't think the the what parts is is that big of a deal uh if they're together to they're together i mean they'd probably prefer if it was you know all a pinky finger but for our purposes you know we could do head to foot to to you know hand to stomach whatever whatever we can get um as to as to where uh i don't know i think they all live in california so you imagine we throw some sort of billionaire barbecue they probably hang out anyway to be
Starting point is 00:13:22 honest they probably get together and figure out how to like stop getting taxed or continue to prevent being taxed um you've really i mean glossed over the um the how they sort of fit together part and it's interesting brooks because you are far from the first person who has suggested um combining a few of these billionaires together in some sort of fused fashion. We've had like a human centipede pitch previously, which is sort of the most disgusting version of what you've proposed. Human centrillionaire, I think they said.
Starting point is 00:13:54 But I mean, not to be outdone, you've coined your own phrases here. You've got your C-suite septuple. That is beautiful. The polyamorous common law marriage pod, which I think I like for the banality of it. Yeah. And then also, can I just say,
Starting point is 00:14:10 and this isn't relevant to the concept itself, but just as a detail on your pitch, the point at which you said, what are they going to do? Not fuck each other? That was a real high point for me. I like that a lot. Now, them being glued together for seven years and then
Starting point is 00:14:26 uh at that point the law switches to them being in what in new zealand we refer to as a de facto relationship where it has the same legal status as marriage um there is a requirement for that to be a romantic relationship it seems like you've sort of figured out that component where we're playing some sort of psychological cupid with these guys yeah we've also got 50 states over here in america i'm sure we can find one of their laws that would would benefit us and just chuck them in that one there was going to be my question are you familiar with is it because in new zealand i think it only takes like two years to achieve i think it's three years i think for defective seven feels like a long wait yeah and it feels like there's a lot of opportunity i mean you know god knows that being part of this common law polyamorous common law marriage pod uh it's
Starting point is 00:15:13 probably going to have an impact on their business their ability to operate the day-to-day functionality of all of their billion dollar companies i don't even think of that but that's a really good i mean like what do we think about these guys finally crossed the seven-year threshold to qualify as a one union but all of a sudden all of their you know there's going to be whippersnappers nipping at their heels we're going to be looking at you know the next amazon or the next meta like how do we how do we protect against that well seven was a number that i uh pulled out of my ass uh so it could be shorter which would be helpful uh but let's let's i'm gonna google it because that's what i said um they've if we if you jump seven years in the past and look at the the wealthiest people i
Starting point is 00:15:58 think you would find that it's pretty much this this same list i think maybe elon wouldn't have been on it. But I also picked seven individuals to kind of pad that number a little bit. Depending on who you picked, you could have gotten away with as few as six. So while they may not in seven years be the wealthiest individuals, I think we would still get across that. I think, you know, I mean, I'm inclined to agree with you. I just think it's a question worth asking. And we leave no stone unturned here. Undoubtedly. I wouldn't want you to take my idea if you weren't rigorously testing it.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And that's why... It does... Sorry, just a quick update from Google. It does seem like we will need to kidnap them and traffic them to a different state whose laws we will be running under because... Oh, California doesn't recognize... California doesn't recognize any kind of unwedded uh defector relationship just gonna make for another rough day for these billionaires
Starting point is 00:16:50 because i'm sure that being gorilla glued in and of itself is frustrating but to have to relocate to idaho or whatever the fuck it's gonna be a pain in the aris now uh i've got no further questions. Nor I. I'm going to put you on hold now, Brooks. Sounds good. And Matty, we are now going to take your pitch. How are you feeling? Are you ready? Oh, I've got to use the bathroom, but that's good energy to have. That's great energy.
Starting point is 00:17:16 That will really communicate a sense of urgency to what you're saying. And this is urgent. We're running out of time. The planet's running out of time. Okay. All right. The floor is urgent. We're running out of time. The planet's running out of time. Okay. All right, the floor is yours. I'm just going to shoot from the hip.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So my pitch has a pretty intricate setup, so I'm just going to kind of gloss over that and get to the meat. In Utah, there is a place called Skinwalker Ranch, and there's a lot of weird stuff involved in that area. But for our purposes, the main thing we're going to focus on is the fact that it is theorized to be the nexus of our dimension and a parallel dimension. Yeah, I don't usually interrupt these pictures,
Starting point is 00:17:59 but first of all, can I just say, very cute that you think I don't know what Skinwalker Ranch is. Well, I don't know what gets over there. Guy probably does. I don't know what skinwalker ranch is well come on i don't know what gets gets over there guy probably does i don't know what's cool all right so anyway what you guys are going to have to do is probably tim because of his luciferian energy uh he's going to go to jeff bezos and tell him look je Jeff, you're not going to beat Elon to space. You're not going to beat him to Mars. You're not going to beat him to Saturn.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Or you're not going to be able to have sex with the first alien. That's all Elon. You need to reshift. You need to shift your focus to being the first one in an alternate dimension. And I know just the place. Because while you're doing that guy goes out to utah and he convinces the current owner i we'll figure it out and madame skin yeah uh uh skinwalker esquire junior um you tell him look i know a guy i don't have the money now
Starting point is 00:19:04 we're gonna have to buy this place on credit but i know a guy. I don't have the money now. We're going to have to buy this place on credit. But I know a guy. You've never heard of him. But he's a multi-billionaire. So he's going to buy this place from us. And then we'll pay you back double what you purchased. And, you know, guy, he does his whole car salesman kind of deal. You know how it is.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Many times. That's my most famous shtick. So what you are essentially doing is you're going to convince Jeff to, you're going to tell him that this ranch, you're selling it for $1 trillion. He's going to say, I don't have $1 trillion. I'm short on cash. So you just tell him, look, you're going to be able to go to an alternate dimension. You can start Amazon all over again.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You can go to a dimension where people don't make fun of your life. You can do all the stuff. Why do you need to hold on to Blue Origin and Amazon and all this? So he starts selling off all his assets until he hits $1 trillion. And then when he goes over to the Skinwalker Ranch, you fail to mention, like I failed to mention, that there are creatures that walk out of the portals to alternate dimensions that do mutilate cows. So you don't tell him that. He goes through the hole and he either starves to death or one of the cow mutilators do eat his eyes out of his sockets.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And so you have his money. You are free of any sort of legal repercussion because you didn't kill him it was the it was the faceless monster that came out of the sky portal the okay i'm not gonna quibble but sure uh it's not quite that um and so and he gets you know if he survives which you know is against the i'm bending the rules but he does if he survives he gets to start amazon 2 on a different plane of existence so uh everybody wins wow thank you very much um just before we get into the questions is that that yeah that feels like it felt like that yeah i i don't know i don't have anything else to say all
Starting point is 00:21:32 right now okay can i like offer a small punch up on this idea because i okay i love it um just a small tweak should we maybe pitch the interdimensional portal element to bezos in the fact that we are it is getting increasingly hard to extract the resources and labor that bezos seems to feast on here to keep the growth of amazon alive so now he has to like reach his hand through the window to a whole other plane of existence to pull resources out of the upside down you know what i'm saying sure yeah i mean it could be that it could be you know he he's already at the top so it's like new game plus for him so true i i love that shit yeah i got a little bit so initially in your um in your pitch you were talking about el Musk and sitting Elon down and saying
Starting point is 00:22:25 look it's not going to happen, you're not going to win the space race is that correct? No we're saying that to Bezos so this was all focused on Bezos, yeah you're going to be bested by Elon sorry I got my wires crossed understood, so this is purely we're concentrating on Jeff Bezos and we're leveraging his fear or
Starting point is 00:22:41 jealousy or inferiority against Elon Musk to sort of lure him into making decisions that we control right well i don't think uh i i don't know if jeff bezos is a narcissistic person or maybe he i don't know if he's a chance he is i think it's yeah safe uh yeah money yeah i believe he probably is. I mean, look, I don't know a lot about the Skinwalker Ranch, so it's difficult for me to judge just, you know, the... This might be a good opportunity to elucidate a little bit
Starting point is 00:23:16 on Skinwalker Ranch, Matty, if you'd be so kind. Do you want to tell us some things that happened there? So it's got a lot of standard spooky stuff to it like stuff being moved without you know yeah anyone moving it and it has like i mentioned cow mutilations pretty standard uh but the reason why people think it is a nexus of dimensions is because two separate people have uh have said on record that they saw either a hole in the sky and it was at the night sky but through the hole it was daytime and then at another point uh scientists it was yeah scientists he saw a hole in a faceless creature walking through it so uh i think i i'm just going to take all that at face value and say it is the nexus of dimensions
Starting point is 00:24:13 as well you might and i mean the the other thing to think about here is i feel like we could appeal to jeff's desire to get to space by virtue of the fact that multiple dimensions you know like all of these interdimensional planets or you know places exist in the in our conception of what space is uh-huh so i feel like this is a kind of space exploration yeah it's like you know elon's going the traditional route you've got the power of the supernatural on your side if you follow us to the skinwalker ranch and that works in favor of the pitch okay i like that a lot i look i follow this um i'm pretty familiar with skinwalker ranch brag about it one thing sorry the one bit that i i might have missed sorry how how are we obtaining ownership of the ranch to be in a position to sell it on credit well we're just making like that's just a pretty
Starting point is 00:25:08 straightforward transaction yeah you don't you don't disclose because you don't want him going straight to bezos but you just tell him i know a guy i'm his in between so you sell it to me and whether or not you want to uphold that barg it's you know yeah it's it's up to you if you just want to pocket it and then i guess i mean i'm going to ignore my punch-ups to your plan how do you how does this get bezos to over the trillion dollar mark did i miss that as well i've been hearing a lot of pictures today so my brain is quite soupy so he starts when when you start convincing him that you know you're not going to beat elon to space you say we have this ranch we're selling it for a trillion dollars and he says i don't have a trillion dollars and so you say lookzos, you don't have any need for Blue Origin or Amazon or the MMORPG that you started or Lord of the Rings.
Starting point is 00:26:13 You have a chance to go to another dimension. Get rid of all that stuff. Sell it to Mark. Sell it to Elon. He's getting liquid. Yeah. Yeah. He's getting super liquid okay super liquid i
Starting point is 00:26:27 think we've heard everything we need to from both parties if you're happy tim and now in an unprecedented and very surprising angle for this episode of calionia tv a third player has entered the arena hello samantha um samantha if you don't mind i might just explain to everyone what's happened thus far okay samantha has joined us twice previously on killing your tv uh in our first ever pitch session um she put forward an idea a fantastic idea which we failed to record then she joined us earlier today to re-pitch so that we could hear the idea and have it recorded for all of you and for some reason the application we're using to record all of these did not record her part of it so what i have asked is for samantha to rejoin us
Starting point is 00:27:18 and compete in this current session of kill your near Samantha, this will be the third time that we've heard your idea, but would you like to pitch it again? Yes, absolutely. We'd like to hear it again. In that case, the floor is yours. Great. So my pitch for how to elevate the world's two most wealthiest billionaire men
Starting point is 00:27:47 to the status of trillionaire, at which point we can then take all of that money and distribute it to people who would use it for simple things like food and healthcare, would be to pit the egos of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk against one another in a race to the bottom of the ocean
Starting point is 00:28:09 in separate submersibles in order for them to recoup a massive Spanish galleon's worth of gold, silver, and jewels from a ship that sunk off the coast of Cartagena in 1708.
Starting point is 00:28:26 It was English ships fighting Spanish over the rights to continue to colonize and extract mineral wealth from Central and South America. The Spanish ship sunk completely and the treasure has never been recovered. It's long been storied and rumored that there is a vast well sitting at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. And a few years ago, using radar technology,
Starting point is 00:28:54 the ship has been located. It's also been confirmed to be this exact Spanish galleon, the San Jose, because it has these very unique runner cannons that were along the gunnels that look like dolphins. It's estimated to contain $14.43 billion in current U.S. currency.
Starting point is 00:29:22 idea is to have Jafizos and Elon Musk each get a submersible that can travel about 40 meters per second. So getting down to the ocean floor in that area is about two hours. And then with attached
Starting point is 00:29:37 scooper arms, collect as much of this treasure out of this sunken ship and surface with it. They will go down over the course of a week. It will be a regatta. And then every day, the amount of treasure that they collect will be weighed in value. While this is happening, we will be running bets on how much of this treasure that they can bring up per day and who will be the winner overall.
Starting point is 00:30:06 We will be offering traditional betting in Las Vegas. We will also be offering some form of cryptocurrency and NFT-based betting that they can get a part of, a slice of that treasure right away, which will further drive them to gather the most treasure, gather the most treasure. We can also offset costs of sending them up and down, since Mercicels are expensive, by putting corporate
Starting point is 00:30:34 sponsorship on the side of these vehicles. And then on the very last day, when they have scraped up as much treasure as they can, we will simply hit a kill switch, and then their vehicles will never come back up. Oh, and we can take all of the money and return it to indigenous and people
Starting point is 00:30:54 who were brought over forcibly in Central and South America. Every time I hear this picture, it gets cleaner and cleaner. Yeah, I've got gotta say that you know you've benefited from uh multiple pictures because that was I would say not just like from you but that was probably the most streamlined and clearly articulated pitch we've had um I mean you know great Samantha the third time you haven't let the curse, you know, shake your spirits, and I appreciate that. Look, as we've said before, there's a lot to love.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Guy, yeah. Yeah, I mean, look, I've got, in this instance, I have no questions. Obviously, the $14.43 billion, it doesn't sound like a lot, and it's not. In the scheme of a trillion dollars, it doesn't even really touch the sides. But the idea is the luster of like jewels and gold and
Starting point is 00:31:47 buried treasure and the media appeal of competing against one another a chance to settle some sort of you know imagine score between billionaires is um i i think the the profit opportunities that that will generate with running gambling selling advertorials on the side of the submersibles, I do believe, I honestly think if this event went forward, the amount of money that would come across the books in Vegas, or if you just go on Betfair or some sort of gambling website, would be astronomical. Yeah, it's all about the gambling aspect to generate the money to me you've found a really nice premise and a beautiful wrapper for what is essentially like an international gambling opportunity and one from which we would need to you know we would need to have enough money to take on all these bets yeah yeah yeah wow yeah you move it around you know yeah you got half paying the other half um yes and i love the simplicity of the death plot
Starting point is 00:32:45 as well it's just like yeah and we checked the kill switch and i know like do you know what's crazy third time i've heard it it's never occurred to me until now to ask anyone who they think would actually win because that's not what it's about it's about hitting the kill switch on these submersibles who would win samantha between bezos and musk in an underwater race to Jules? I would say Bezos because he's been into space and that's the smallest vehicle that's been traveled in the furthest and the fastest. I feel like, because those spaces are very small. So if you're not comfortable being in like,
Starting point is 00:33:20 I don't know, a weird old elevator, like something like that while Elsa's sinking into the dark. And you feel like Elon would dash off some inane tweet halfway to the bottom of the ocean and fucking derail his entire, you know. We can't have Elon crashing one on day one and all of a sudden that bidding money is worthless. They won't get further access while they're in the submersibles
Starting point is 00:33:39 because then they could absolutely affect the outcome. Yeah. I mean, you've probably answered all the questions by virtue of us asking them previously, so you wrapped them in the pitch, so I'm good. We're going to put you on hold, Samantha. We're going to discuss, and we're going to pick a winner. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:00 It's a tricky situation, Tim. It's awesome. We've got three fantastic pitches to choose from. It's a tricky situation Tim I mean It's awesome We've got three Fantastic pictures To choose from All completely different It really shows All very different You know
Starting point is 00:34:10 In the marketplace of ideas Yeah We are rich We certainly are Trillionaires Of ideas So Let's circle back
Starting point is 00:34:18 We've got Brooks Has got You know Down and dirty Keep it simple, stupid. Glow a bunch of rich dudes together. Glow a bunch of rich people together until all of their money belongs to one entity
Starting point is 00:34:30 and then wait for them to eliminate one another. We've got Maddie, who's buying Skinwalker Ranch. We're buying Skinwalker Ranch. We're all buying Skinwalker Ranch to get Jeff there. Yeah. We're beating down his ego by telling him that Elon's going to destroy him in any race he could conceive of except the greatest race of all,
Starting point is 00:34:50 the race to another dimension. That's right. And then we're trusting on some of the freaky, spooky, supernatural occurings of Skim Walker Ranch to eliminate Jeff Bezos, keeping our hands clean while he's also worth a trillion dollars because he's liquidated or sold
Starting point is 00:35:03 all of the assets he has in the hopes of buying this for roughly $1 trillion. Samantha Ocean. Yeah. Bezos vs. Musk to the jewels in an 18th century sunken Spanish galleon. And we're clearing a lot of money through Las Vegas. They're all strong ideas. Honestly.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Honestly. And it's almost unfair to the others because we're rewarding samantha for having to live through the hardship we created by not even recorded well all i'm saying is this you're saying she's got the strongest pitch i think she does i really do i really i like the skimwalker ranch angle although it isn't it isn't very clear to me on in terms of how the trillion dollars kind of comes up and also the kind of leaving it to an interdimensional monster is the primary method of killing it's fun it's fun but it's risky yeah i i mean and look brooks is simple it's glue yeah it comes down to glue well it's you i think you're underselling it he's thought
Starting point is 00:36:04 about it so thoughtfully absolutely it's glue but it's also think you're underselling it. He's thought about it so thoughtfully. Absolutely. It's glue, but it's also like the passage of time. It's the propensity for humans to fall in love with whoever's around them. Yes. But what does it hinge on? Glue? Yeah, it hinges on glue.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah, that's true. It hinges on these guys being glued together and the glue being strong. All right. Well, we know that Brooks has a dinner engagement. We do. So we must rush. I mean, I don't know how it's going to go down in the room because this is a world first for Killing Air TV,
Starting point is 00:36:32 but we're going to have to give it to the invader, in my opinion. I think it's Samantha's. I think logically you're correct. You can do this. Okay. Look, welcome back. We missed you all while we were talking to each other i certainly did i don't know if tim did i did the whole time i was saying i wish i wish we had the gang back together
Starting point is 00:36:51 uh all really strong ideas like the beatles because oh there's five of us yeah damn it i forgot that me and guy aren't one person um you know we we haven't experienced this before you go ahead i didn't come out from behind did i yeah yeah i it would be incredible if you did but look here's the long and short of it we've got an interdimensional pitch relying on some supernatural murder for someone who hopefully will be a trillionaire after selling everything we've got gorilla glue and the power of love via proximity and then we've got this underwater race slash betting ring and they've all got their own merits and they're all good ideas but honestly i'm going to cut to the chase here samantha you have benefited from the curse that was uh holding you back that third pitch honestly it was a master class it encompassed
Starting point is 00:37:47 everything you could hope it did and i've seen way worse ted talks by the end of it i was believing in the value of this like not just in the world of the show but as a premise it works for me and that is why your idea will be going forward congratulations samantha um brooks do you want to say anything as one of the co-losers of this round? As a proud co-loser, I would like to congratulate both the winner and my competition. Great pitches all around. I've got to say, they were great pitches all around. It's so magnanimous.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Mehdi, would you like to say anything? Uh... Yeah, fair enough. Maddy would you like to say anything uh uh yeah fair enough I'd be furious too you know if I was you I'd be spewing absolutely that's what I meant to say um me and then Samantha in victory can you tell us how it feels
Starting point is 00:38:38 give these guys just a glimpse into what it feels like to join the winner's circle it feels really really good. Like, inside, here, sitting on the floor. You know, that would drive me nuts if I'd lost. But thankfully, I'm just an adjudicator, not a competitor. Thank you all for your time, for your fantastic pitches.
Starting point is 00:39:01 We really appreciate it. And thank you for watching Kill Your Near TV in this maybe final episode. I don't actually know what order I'm releasing this in. But if it is, thanks for watching. And if it's not... Get your votes in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And we'll see you on the internet. But if it's not, then, you know, we'll look forward to the next episode. Okay, bye.

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