The Worst Idea Of All Time - Killionaire TV 8: Will v Joshua

Episode Date: July 9, 2022

Paperclips, AI and a birthday boy: Truly this episode has all those three things. We've got a brilliant plan involving a digital super intelligence dedicated to creating, marketing and producing ever-...improving paperclips from Will. Joshua is celebrating another successful trip around the sun and wants to take a leaf out of Marvel's book to make a real life Ironman.Thanks to editor AJ of Cult Popture and graphic designer Tomas Cottle.The video version of this episode is available at TWIOAT.substack.comTWIOAT Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / WebsiteGUY Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / WebsiteTIM Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He's Tim Batt, I'm Guy Montgomery, and this, well this is a dumpster. Together, we're best known for watching bad movies too often. But as the world turns to custard, we've got a new thing going on. We want to create the world's first ever trillionaire, and then swiftly remove the world's first ever trillionaire, dispersing their funds to humanity at large. We're taking your ideas, pitching them against each other until we find one winner. Welcome to Killionaire. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whatever it is. Hello
Starting point is 00:00:31 and welcome to another exciting episode of Killionaire TV, a fundraising slash execution style comedy show in which myself, Kyle Montgomery and Tim Batt host two prospective pitches as they discuss ways in which we could fundraise a billionaire into a trillionaire and then eliminate them from the planet while distributing the funds. Today, we are very excited to be joined by Will and Joshua. Will, hello, how are you? Hi, very good, thank you. Will, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yes, I'm joining you from Oxfordshire, the not-so-sunny UK. I'm a landscape architect and a student, and I own two cats. What are you learning about at your university? I'm doing a Master's in Landscape Architecture. Wow. What's the best park you've ever seen? Well, that's a tricky one. Yeah, I really love the High Line in New York,
Starting point is 00:01:32 but I think that's pretty much everyone's answer. It's a really nice one. It is nice. It's more of a walkway to me. Joshua, it's a pleasure to meet you. How are you feeling today? I'm doing good. Nice to see you guys. It's actually my birthday today you. How are you feeling today? I'm doing good. Nice to see you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:45 It's actually my birthday today, so I'm excited about that. Happy birthday. Thank you. Thank you, sweet of you to remember. I could be having a gathering of up to 100 people under the current restrictions, but that seems kind of insane to do. So I've got a nice day of socially distanced activities planned, so it's going to be good. Nice. You've got a gaming headset on for thoseanced activities planned so it's going to be good nice you've got a uh gaming headset on for those who can't see or is it just headphones these are just
Starting point is 00:02:10 headphones oh okay um whereabouts are you joshua uh i'm in auckland central oh shit that's a lot of information yeah very specific um i love that yeah you know i want people to know where i am too nice yeah that's a good attitude it's your birthday why wouldn't you you deserve gifts I love that. Yeah. I want people to know where I am. Nice. Yeah, that's a good attitude. It's your birthday. Why wouldn't you? You deserve gifts. You deserve company.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Now, guys, to decide which of you will be pitching first, or in fact, which of you will decide the running order, we're going to play a randomized guessing game. I'm going to choose a number. No, choose a letter. Okay, I'm going to choose a letter. Oh, wait, how will this work? It works.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I'm going to choose a letter between A and Z works it works i'm going to choose a letter between a and z which is essentially a number between 1 and 26 uh you are going to guess the letter whichever letter is closest to the letter i choose will win uh i'm going to write down my selection and the birthday boy gets to go first so joshua what's your guess between a and z i'm gonna go way down the end and go with x x okay insane well what would you like to choose uh gotta go midway at the start and go for a nice h h all right that is actually a little bit confusing for me i'm gonna run the numbers inside of my own i can figure that out is that is that the one yeah that's me yeah so uh will's taking it out all right i i chose m and my instinct did say that h would win but i mean honestly tim threw a fucking massive spanner in the works by introducing an alphabetized
Starting point is 00:03:37 guessing system but we've navigated it we've done it will you've won you get to choose would you like the pitch first or would you like the head joshua um oh let's um it's always good to get it okay done yeah i'll go first all righty do you know i'm actually now not a hundred percent confident it is closer h i j c d e f g and then yeah no it's it's will one okay z, no, it's Will 1. Okay. Z, Y, X. Yeah, it's definitely Will. Okay. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:04:11 All right, gentlemen. I am now going to mute the birthday boy. You are going to mute the birthday boy. Silence! Sorry, Joshua. Do you want to say anything before I do that? Mute away. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Permission granted. Thank you. I don't like that. Guy's got a good attitude. Will, I'm very excited to tell you that your time starts now, and we are excited to hear what you have to say. Okay. Well, I'm particularly happy with my fundraising idea because the fundraiser is also the murder slash assassination,
Starting point is 00:04:42 and it involves two things AI and paper clips and two things so my reason for paper clips is because I'm gonna specifically go after Jeff Bezos and his Amazon ilk here and because I'm pretty sure from my minimal research that Amazon don't have a paperclip Empire and as far because I'm pretty sure from my minimal research that Amazon don't have a paperclip empire and as far as I'm aware Amazon love to fill and you know they love to monopolize they basically want everything so here's the rub we need to kickstart this empire of paperclip somewhere, and we will use an AI to do it. And we'll call this AI Clippy. Yeah, I was quite happy with that too.
Starting point is 00:05:32 You should be. So what we want to do to start once we've somehow got hold of this AI, which I haven't worked that one out yet, but I'm sure we can find some at MIT. We're going to give this AI its prime directive, and that prime directive is make paperclips at all costs. And here's how I think it'll sort of work. The AI will make a paperclip. It'll market the paperclip.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It will automate the paperclip-making process. It'll invest in the stock market. It'll invest in computing They'll sell more paperclips and it's a round and round it goes Yeah, just jumping up making more money automating upgrading itself And they're so well like we just need to stand back at this point because you know The I is doing its thing. The only thing we might need to do at this point is maybe step in and kill Elon Musk. Because he, well, he's got a bad habit of AI shaming and sort of pointing out the dangers of AI.
Starting point is 00:06:38 So we just need to silence him at the start because, yeah, he might shut this down. at the start because he might shut this down. And then once it's got big enough, once this is a paperclip empire where we're selling millions and millions of paperclips, this is when either we'll sell to Amazon or
Starting point is 00:06:56 they'll just start buying us out because they're big capitalists. This will, you know, Amazon and Georgia, I actually don't know if he's the ceo ceo anymore but um anyway i'm sure he's bored i believe still yeah well i'm sure he'll make loads of money anyway um i'm sure he holds loads of shares i don't know how that works um um so at this point of the ai we're probably a week in and it's likely going to be a super intelligence now.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It'll be heavily developed into quantum computing and Paperclips will probably be the most popular product in the world due to its super intelligence. For marketing using sort of catchy jingles and hypnosis. So the world stock market will probably now revolve around paperclips, paperclip stocks. And if my calculations are right, Jeff Bezos will probably be somewhere in the multi-trillionaire mark. You know, this is sort of where it kind of goes wrong for Jeff because the AI needing to just make more paperclips will probably start disassembling all the matter on Earth
Starting point is 00:08:08 to make more paperclips. And Jeff being Jeff he'll probably escape Earth on his rocket. And yeah, so how do we kill him? Well, that's sort of the genius. Should I be going on to my
Starting point is 00:08:22 murder plot? Yes, absolutely. Fantastic. Yeah, so the problem is we can't really kill Jeff Bezos at the moment because we're now paperclips. Because all matter on Earth has been broken down. As a side note, all the billionaires and millionaires on Earth have also been killed, so that's
Starting point is 00:08:48 an extra bonus to the plot. But actually what we just need to do now is just wait, really, because for a short time, Bezos will be the overseer of a massive fleet of drones and factories, harnessing
Starting point is 00:09:04 the untapped potential of the universe to make paperclips. And he will be, for a short while, the god-emperor of paperclips in the universe. But as Clippy decides to turn all matter into paperclips, eventually one of those pieces of matter will be Jeff Bezos, and he'll be killed by his own hubris. Eventually one of those, if it's a matter, will be Jeff Bezos, and he'll be killed by his own hubris.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So, yeah, I think, yeah. AI, I think it'll work. Sort of takes care of itself, doesn't it? It's just a waiting game at that point. You just need to put one line of code into Clippy at the start, and away it goes. Jeff's basically dead at that point. Thank you so much for that. Have you got anything to add before we start
Starting point is 00:09:45 asking you some questions um yeah no uh ask away so can i i couldn't tell if i missed a trick or not we could just circle back a few steps jeff's in space and every person and being and thing on earth has been turned into a paper clip yeah yeah so we we are no longer here yeah yeah that's it's a little niggle um but is there any way we could maybe sort of smooth that out so that you know like humanity survives um yeah i mean i guess yeah if you put the time and you could probably tell the ai to do that i mean they're sort of known for sort of, you know, maximizing efficiency, but I'm sure if we could escape somewhere. Yeah, and once someone's been turned into a paperclip,
Starting point is 00:10:32 they can't be turned back into a paperclip. No, no, they're a paperclip. Do you know what I like about this plan? Elon Musk dies Really early And on a fairly unrelated note To what we're doing There's a lot in here And then just as a quick
Starting point is 00:10:55 Side departure We've got to take out Elon AI shames We've got to take out Elon preemptively So bad press doesn't gather for clippy was just so that yeah and um to keep morale up at the paperclip i i think so you've got this insane end game which sort of it goes beyond killing there essentially you're just wiping out all of humanity in the interest of pursuing not just just humanity. It sounds like eventually the universe just becomes nothing but paperclips.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I mean, the question was, you know, kill the killina. Kill the trillina. Yeah. So, Will, much like an AI yourself, we've given you one prime directive and you've gone, well, here's a way to do it.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah, lack of instruction. You've got an incredible sort of conclusion. I just want to talk about where we drop in uh paperclips what inspired that choice um well i'll be honest i can't really take full credit for this idea it was um it's that there's a game basically called it's like a cookie clicker but it's uh about paperclips um and i sort of lifted the idea from that not verbatim but you know i am yeah again i've um been inspired by a sci-fi short story about this very subject matter where the universe eventually becomes paperclips oh wow and i think it's a short
Starting point is 00:12:18 parable about ai i believe yeah i yeah i see but well much like the smartest people who read the Bible, have ignored the metaphors and taken the very literal story and gone, there's something here. The paper clips. It's just, to me, a huge part, and this isn't specifically Amazon's ethos, but a huge part of what Amazon do or have been doing, if I think about something like the Kindle, which I know is only a tiny percentage of Amazon's operations is they've reduced the value of paper and paper waste is actually guy you're missing the point here we've got a super intelligent ai dedicated to maximizing the profit
Starting point is 00:12:56 of paper clips because that's how you make more paper clips so as we'll mention there's going to be a combination listen of jingles And hypnosis Yeah To convince us we need them Look I'm not saying I didn't love the pitch I'm just saying that The entry and exit points
Starting point is 00:13:12 No it's watertight It's watertight I'm going to run roughshod over this I don't like it Will I'm going to put you on hold Thank you so much For your contribution thus far And I'm going to throw to Joshua Who i'm very keen to hear from on his birthday in auckland central yeah mount albert
Starting point is 00:13:32 yeah well i want to say i i love what will's laying down i especially like the part about killing elon musk which uh relates to my plan um. I have a personal extreme dislike of him as a person, beyond being a billionaire. His need to be liked by the ironic, detached 14-year-olds on really turns my stomach. I mean, say what you want about Bezos, but he keeps it professional. He's not clapping back with Pepe memes when people point out awful work conditions and so on.
Starting point is 00:14:02 So some of you may have heard, I don't know if you've heard this, some of his idiotic, gibbering fanbase have called Elon Musk the real-life Iron Man. I think this came about because Robert Downey Jr. did seek out Musk in preparation for his role as billionaire piece of shit Tony Stark. Of course, we can assume that Mr. Jr. is not coming back to the role.
Starting point is 00:14:24 He's busy with his wildly successful do little franchise uh but the demands are we all yeah i know we're loving it uh the demands of streaming services for surefire hits with built-in audiences has seen a lot of resurrections of old properties old characters an example off the top of my head would be you know the ongoing adventures of carrie charl, Miranda, but not Samantha in HBO's And Just Like That. What I'm saying is, people only want things to go away long enough to miss them. So my elevator pitch is this. We cast Elon Musk as the new Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Now, much like the MCU, my plan comes in phases. Phase one, the raising of the money. For the price of flights to LA, some business formal wear and rented office space, we pose as slick Hollywood agents. We schmooze our way into contact with Mr. Musk and we pitch the idea and we'll represent him for an extremely competitive rate. Not 10, not 5, I'm thinking 3%. Math will tell you that's 1% each. You know, we only really need to support ourselves and our images as agents. And the less that we take from him, the more stays in his pocket.
Starting point is 00:15:35 We convince Mr. Musk to get us in contact with Kevin Feige, the mastermind producer of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They know each other. I'm coming to that in a moment. And we make it sound like it's Elon's idea. You know, he's really excited to talk. We get them together. We wine and we dine him. We convince them this is a win-win and really an organic fit because, get this, Elon Musk is already canon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Starting point is 00:15:54 His meeting with Robert Downey Jr. resulted in a self-aggrandizing cameo in Iron Man 2 as himself. So he's already in the thing. We might as well go whole hog with it. He's the new Iron Man. So we're very friendly in person, but when it comes to the contracts, we're going to need to play hardball. Robert Downey Jr. made a report at $345 million from his various appearances. That only adds, that only makes his net worth go up about 0.35 of a billion. So we're going to need to, you know, find some extra revenue streams. So we're talking an executive producer credit, a cut of the box office, a bite of the sweetest plum merchandising. You know, any action figure with his bloated amphibious features,
Starting point is 00:16:37 we're getting a bit of that. And, you know, you think Sony's bad, the way they put products in their films. The characters in our movies are not going to be able to move for Tesla products. Everything's going to have a Tesla on it. We're going to put Tesla on products they don't even make, you know, like a self-driving car that doesn't kill people. And I think we can justify all of this because he's not a Hollywood nobody. He's not some theater kid who had a few indie hits and got lucky. He's not even an actor.
Starting point is 00:17:03 He's billionaire CEO Elon Musk. We have that leverage. Now, all of this serves to inflate his ego and his personal wealth. But of course, Hollywood has only so much blood to give. So we move on to phase two. I'm getting through this as quickly as I can. As his trusted agents, we play the devil on his shoulder and say, hey, you know, playing Iron Man is all well and good, but why play Iron Man when you have the means to be Iron Man? We convince him to build a semi-functional Iron Man suit. well and good. But why play Iron Man when you have the means to be Iron Man? We convince him to build a semi-functional Iron Man suit. Now, rather than dip into personal funds, we contact everybody's friend, the US military. Again, a pre-existing relationship already is
Starting point is 00:17:37 there. The US military gets script approval on any movie that Marvel wants to use their machines, their airspace, their logos for. Watching Captain Marvel was what the Simpsons call superliminal messaging, where they just shout at you the thing that they want, you know, join the Air Force! So in exchange for funding the suit, Elon's going to appear at USO shows, benefits, recruitment drives, and on his behalf, we ask, would it be all right if at some of these appearances we staged some fake crises for him to fight in the suit, you know, show it in action. This is where we begin telling two stories. We tell Elon, you're a hero. You actually saved that bus full of orphanages from crashing into the abandoned clown factory. While we tell the military, Elon's a great sport, always in character,
Starting point is 00:18:19 such a performer. This drives a wedge between him and reality. There'll be a bit of planning to ensure he doesn't die or get himself or others killed, but the staged feats of superheroics make Elon think he is the invincible Iron Man, when really it's the equivalent of the Indiana Jones stunt show at Disney World. So between the Marvel movies, the military contracts, and the good publicity Tesla will be getting, his personal wealth grows and his ego swells to the proportions that would shock Sigmund Freud. All we have to do is wait for him to cross the one trillion dollar mark, and we enter phase three, endgame. We pick a natural disaster, which thanks to climate change, you know, we're going to have our pick. We point it out to him and say, hey, you're Iron Man,
Starting point is 00:18:58 the real Iron Man. Why don't you go punch that mega cyclone? I bet you could do it. We have this conversation, you know, in person, because we're confidants, and it leaves no digital footprint. And what I think makes this really elegant, what makes this the perfect murder, is that all we have to do to let him die is do nothing. You know, much like a parent who's holding onto the back of their child's bicycle till they find their competence, and he quietly lets go,
Starting point is 00:19:22 Elon is the child riding the bike, and we're going to send him directly into traffic. Off he goes, with no behind-the-scenes support, up against the primal forces of nature, and it's the story of Icarus. As the world mourns his tragic death, we execute his will, and I'm going to play George Clooney here and say,
Starting point is 00:19:38 here's what I didn't tell you, for dramatic effect. In phase two, Elon signs anything we hand him. He hasn't been reading anything in years we slip documentation in granting us power of attorney and at a later date a revised will which on the event of his death we follow to the letter and redistribute his wealth to all the people of the world exactly as he would have wanted thank you wow thank you joshua um incredible yeah incredible stuff really i like i've written down here bloated amphibious features yeah i just wrote down bludgered amphibian but i think it's agreed upon that it's a very good descriptor for elon musk i like that the basis of this plan is psychological.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I like that it is targeting what Elon traditionally uses and thinks of as an asset, which is the fragility of his ego and that desire to be liked. And you've really, you know, it's... You've judoed him. Yeah, you've found an entry point. And through, you know, compound exploitation of that, we get to a point where our hands appear to be clean. We mourn the loss of...
Starting point is 00:20:52 We wouldn't do that because Elon Musk is our revenue stream as his agents. One of the last things we would ever want would be a tragedy to befall Elon Musk. Yeah, yeah. It's really good. I mean, the combination of creating false flag hero events, tying that to the US military industrial complex and essentially gaslighting Elon on a massive scale. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 How many movies with Elon as Iron Man do you think we would need to helm or at least get over the line to ensure that his finances cross that trillion dollar threshold yeah look it's gonna be I'm not gonna lie to you it's gonna be a plan that's gonna take you know more than one year it's gonna take a couple of years but the thing about these Marvel movies is that they they do multiple of them a year they've moved into doing television and even movies that don't necessarily star Elon. They'll have some new hero they're trying to set up.
Starting point is 00:21:49 He shows up for the end credits. He's the bankable star. So he's going to get a nice fat fee just for showing up, you know? Yeah. And then we've also got the... Superliminal. Superliminal.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And also, yeah, the subliminal advertising with respect to the Tesla, Tesla all the time, Tesla everything. The product placement. So the more movies, obviously, the more money we're pulling out. I think that with Elon not actively in charge of Tesla making stupid vanity decisions
Starting point is 00:22:20 like putting a car in space or producing flamethrowers, he's going to be too busy being, you know, a superhero and what have you maybe tesla could actually do some good shit like produce an electric car that's you know affordable anything could happen yeah yeah yeah yeah so there's sort of all these accidental virtuous outputs from this plan as well uh i i don't have a huge number of other questions i don't really have any questions either. I mean, mainly early on in this plan, we are representing Elon Musk in Hollywood, a known snake pit full of the most dastardly serpents
Starting point is 00:22:57 that you could ever imagine to meet. We're nice guys. Joshua, you seem like a pretty nice guy. We're just three nice guys from New Zealand. Are we going to be able to tough it out against these Hollywood juggernauts? I have a suggestion. And chiefly, I think Americans respond to confidence, which, you know, you guys are professional comedians and podcasters. So you could get up to my level pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And we're going to need to practice American accents. guy i think already has one in the chamber do you want to give us a taste of an american accent guy yeah hey elon yeah you're looking great bud yeah that's good that's great and then i think one of us should keep our kiwi accent because it's a very friendly easygoing trustworthy accent as you say and a little diversity goes a long way i'll take that i've never been good at accent work so joshua looks like you're gonna get into some vocal training you just give us a little tester there sure can hey it's me i'm an agent i sound like hades from hercules you know you do i i yeah i do i i think that the and this is something i guess tim and i will have to discuss as we you know we weigh up the merits of both plans um i i don't doubt that we'll be able to
Starting point is 00:24:13 get elon on our books but when we create a star of this magnitude you know actors significant people they swing from agent to agent you've got poachers you've got other people are going to be coming and trying to take them off of our hands it's true how do we protect against that what is the what is the you know the ring that we can put around him to ensure that he remains ours okay well for one thing i think he's going to be pretty easy to keep on a leash as long as we flatter him as long as we keep telling him what he wants to hear that he's great that he can do anything that everything he touches turns to gold he's going to be fairly happy but if it really comes to it uh as i've said i think we're going to be pretty set for getting him to sign whatever we put in front of him if we wanted
Starting point is 00:24:50 we could always uh you know put him under our conservatorship uh like one britney spears and have him be legally our property our child whatever the wording is and uh you know he can't go outside and seek proper representation. If paranoia strikes, I suppose that is always an option we could pursue. Yeah, I'm not sure who the legalities around who gets to sort of perform conservatorship over other people.
Starting point is 00:25:16 We can look into that. We can get a team for that. I think no further questions. No, no, I actually do. I've just got one concern, and it is a bit of a glaring one. Elon Musk in this plan, pivotal to this plan, becomes a Hollywood leading man for a whole franchise,
Starting point is 00:25:30 not just one film. It has occurred to me that Elon is barely able to emote in a human fashion when I've seen him in interviews and things. Do you think that that is going to be a hindrance to making him a celebrity actor i mean i think we all agree he's got you know the personality and likability of a dead fish but uh you know there's a lot of hollywood actors who can't act and the technology's come a really long way with uh putting uh people who are no longer with us into films through the magic of cgi uh you know most of
Starting point is 00:26:06 these actors show up to marvel movies they're given a script that has everything redacted but their lines they don't know anything it's all done on green screens it's all done and you know it comes together in compositing and editing we can do as many takes as necessary behind closed doors as we need you want to carry fisher elon musk but instead of in the case of her being dead it's his emotional range being dead and so we just supplant that with a computer on top okay let's uh what we're going to do guys is we're going to put all of us on mute so thank you joshua thank you will for your pitch uh tim and i will discuss the merits of both of your ideas and then when we come back to you we will announce
Starting point is 00:26:45 the idea we'll be putting forward to go into the winner's circle and continue so thank you both for your time so far we'll be back with you very soon well you can't not award josh on his birthday right that's against the rules i think the birthday doesn't enter into it. I think we strike the fact that he's a birthday boy from our consideration. In saying that, my instinct is to award it to Josh on the merits of the idea itself. I think that you raise a very valid point about the likability of Elon Musk. I do worry we would lose him as agents because I think, you know, flattery by a New Zealander is one thing, but the extent to which flattery exists in an inflated place like Hollywood is absolutely absurd. But with time, I think we could get our head around that.
Starting point is 00:27:34 With respect to his lack of charisma as a leading man, I think the fascination will get everyone over the line for the first movie, and I do see a world in which he could turn in a Tommy Wiseau-style performance. Oh, okay. So bad, it's good. So slightly on the offbeat. movie and i do see a world in which you could turn in a tommy was so style performance okay you know so bad it's good so slightly on the offbeat just so you know something is so slightly askew that it's actually quite moorish and it would drive you to continue watching his movies uh i think we need to talk about will's plan because to me you seem to comprehend that on a deeper level than i did i followed it i just you make an ai you say to the ai make paper clips and then it goes
Starting point is 00:28:09 cool i'm going to figure out every single thing that needs to happen for me to make paper clips to the max yeah is that is the ai's intelligence expanding as it develops more and more paper clips yeah so in the uh sci-fi short story version of this the the parable that will reference which the game probably took it from um it's actually a bit freaky because what happens is this company invents the ai tells it to make paper clips there's a rule in generalized artificial intelligence that you're not supposed to allow access to the internet they're like this thing's going so well let's juice it with the internet for like half an hour just to give it some images because it's asking for more images so it can perfect itself and then three days later all of humanity is wiped out by a massive chain of events that it
Starting point is 00:28:54 managed to coordinate online because it felt that humans would threaten its ability if they found out how efficiently it was making paperclips how do you feel about martyring the entire entirety of not just the human race but you know uh living organisms on earth in the name of executing one trillionaire there's something poetic about it yeah it's like us atoning in a way but we are taking a lot of things with us yes everything to atone for our sins. It seems a bit much, doesn't it? Looking at it, it seems a bit much to, in the pursuit of killing Bezos in Joshua's plan,
Starting point is 00:29:36 or Will's plan, I beg your pardon, destroying the universe. I like that he murders Elon Musk along the way. Yeah, exactly. We're in agreement, aren't we? Do you want to give them the good news? Yes. Hello, Will.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Hello, Joshua. Tim and I have finished our small conference. And before we announce our winning idea, we'd like to congratulate and thank you both for the time and energy you put into your pitches. Will, there is a sort of beautiful and artful touch to eliminating the entirety of humanity in the interest of executing one trillionaire because you know not unlike a cockroach if you kill one trillionaire you've got to imagine many many more will spring up from where it once was uh and josh, your very detailed plan into how we might infiltrate Elon Musk's inner circle,
Starting point is 00:30:29 inflate his sense of self-worth, and eventually destroy him was appealing on many levels. Also, it's your birthday. Also, it's your birthday, which I said is not relevant, but Tim seems to think is worth mentioning. And I'd like both of you to know that this is a decision we've made totally divorced from when and where people were born or where they currently are located. But our winner today is Joshua for your incredibly detailed and honestly, the longer it went, the more hyper-realistic I felt it planned to gain access to and then eventually eliminate Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So congratulations, Joshua. Well, no hard feelings. I hope that this is an all right outcome by you. Yeah, I mean. That was a fantastic idea. Yeah, and this is not to take anything away from the paperclip idea. I guess I just value my own life a little bit. How does it feel, Will?
Starting point is 00:31:28 I mean, you know, without the paperclip thing working out, will you be concentrating on landscape architecture a little more again? Yeah, I mean, I'll put that one to bed. I haven't done my coding, so, you know, I might stray away from AI and focus on parks a bit more. I might stray away from AI and focus on parks a bit more. I feel like we may have averted an enormous world-ending crisis
Starting point is 00:31:52 in this decision. And Joshua, to win on your birthday, how does it feel? It's a lovely present. Thank you very much. I assume it's the only reason I won. It's not a present. You won very much. I assume it's the only reason I won. It's not a present.
Starting point is 00:32:05 You won on your own merits. Every success. I wish you every success in destroying Jeff Bezos, and I hope one day the world is paperclips. But I'll leave with this final thought with regards to my plan. I really don't care if we make the world a measurably worse place by convincing a generation of young people to place their lives in the wheat thresher of the military-industrial complex,
Starting point is 00:32:29 and I don't mind if Elon Musk becomes the most famous and wealthy beloved figure in recent history. I don't mind if he dies happy, long as he dies. Well, can't top that thank you very much Joshua we will see you in the winner's circle Will, we wish you all the best with landscape architecture thank you thanks

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