The Worst Idea Of All Time - Replay S01E19: Fragility

Episode Date: March 5, 2024

Please enjoy this victory lap of Season One episodes as we celebrate 10 years of The Worst Idea of All Time. New episodes posting on our Substack.Original Description:It's the last episode before Guy ...goes to Europe and the mood is low. Guy and Tim have watched the film at night in bed together after a couple drinks. Observations this week range from Guy's flatmate Max needing to clean a pan to Guy's flatmate Max being a snappy dresser. Also, a fun activity ensues where the boys try to identify what each movie would be like if is focused on one of the other lead characters instead of Lenny Fader. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well, there is something very haunting about hearing Guy Montgomery from 10 years ago telling me to love every moment, live every day, because before you know it, your precious time slips away. That, as I said in the episode, I don't know if I needed that mirror right now. I don't know if I needed that self-confrontation. An interesting ep. Now, I'm going to take you guys behind the curtain a little bit with this one because i believe the reason that this well i know that this episode is a weird one in that we watched in guy's bed while drinking white russians because it was just after i had broken
Starting point is 00:00:39 up with my girlfriend who i was living with and had to move out of that particular share house slash flat depending on where you live and i was bunking in with guy briefly so this would have been just before i met my now wife um a very uh consequential time in my life, I guess, when this exact episode was recorded. So that was kind of special and interesting. What else did I want to say about this episode? I enjoyed listening to this one. It was cool. It is weird to think about, you know, the times back then.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And I won't do any spoilers on the central content of this award-winning, what is sure to be an Oscar-nominated podcast when the Oscars next year finally start accepting podcasts into their ranks. But just kind of an interesting tidbit to hear a shout-out for what we do in the shadows. And then flash forward 10 years later, I'm now working with one of the many many many stars of that film um mike minogue on doing a bunch of podcast stuff isn't that cool and if you so we got what what we do in the
Starting point is 00:01:53 shadows is the movie that launched actually a few different tv shows you might know the us show you might also know wellington paranormal which has been kicking around uh for a few years now and well Paranormal the podcast is something that Mike's just started putting out so if you want to if you're a fan
Starting point is 00:02:10 of New Zealand comedy you should check that out but anyway I hope you enjoy this episode and that's it that's Timbo bye bye Feel that moment, love every day
Starting point is 00:02:26 Cause before you know it, your precious time slips away Good day, good person. Hello. My name's Guy Montgomery. And I am Tim Batt. And welcome to the 19th episode of The Worst Idea of All Time, a podcast in which Tim and I watch and review Grown Ups 2 once a week for 52 weeks.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Why? Well, that was a question that was posited several times through the most recent viewing. Now, things have been a little different this time. We got a little cute, actually, with this week's podcast. We watched the movie in my bed. Yeah. After some white Russians in my bed. Yeah. After some white Russians and red wine.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Yeah. And then we didn't have the energy required. Turns out if you watch Grown Ups 2 in a bed, there's a very high chance that you're not going to have energy to do anything afterwards. So we just went to sleep, and now we've woken up. It's a crisp Auckland morning. We're in my lounge, huddled around a microphone, ready to break down the movie for you one more
Starting point is 00:03:32 time. And then after we've broken it down this one more time, we're going to be ready to break it down for you 33 more times. Jesus Christ. And we actually got a little bit, before we get into it, I think we have to thank some of our listeners, namely a listener in Morocco. Have you got the name available, Tim? Nah. I was trying to find it, sorry. Keep talking.
Starting point is 00:03:57 We were sort of looking at each other last night saying, let's just not watch it tonight. Let's do it later. But we got a message on our Facebook page from Morocco saying, keep going from your boy in Morocco. And that was the message actually which pushed us over the edge. Similarly, we received a very positive email this week. Yeah, I was trying to find that also.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'm struggling a little bit. I see. But I mean, I think what's important here is that we acknowledge that these messages of support now hold weight. They are now genuinely of importance and inspiration to us as we trudge through sort of the middle leg of our journey, I suppose you could say. I mean, if you break it into thirds, Tim, we are in the middle third right now.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And that's heartening. We've done more than a third of our viewings. I guess that's heartening. But then you look at the other side of that and there's two thirds to go. You're emanating a lot of negative energy right now. You're disinterested. You're hardly making eye contact with me. I was trying to find the listener feedback.
Starting point is 00:04:53 My apologies for trying to involve other people in here. Involve? You haven't found either of the pieces of feedback. You're just staring at the apps on your phone right now. Yeah, I'm trying to find that. Come on. These people don't know how you feel about grown-ups too. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I don't like the movie. Hot tip. Don't watch it. It's rubbish. Come on. Now I've seen it 19 times. That's a bad... Think of all the other things in your life
Starting point is 00:05:16 you've done 19 times that you enjoyed enough through 19 times. Have you got any? Okay, his name, who got in touch from Morocco, is Jemima. Jemima james that's a girl's name here's a big keep it up boys from your listener in morocco it's nice to have a bit of home with me as well as a weekly reminder not to watch the film two birds one stone jemima thank you so
Starting point is 00:05:36 much for your message um no i'm asking you in all seriousness tim you what was when's the last time you did something 19 times because you liked it so much? First thing that comes to mind is a hot shower. No, but not like a... Like a hot... A hot shower, that's sort of... You know, I'd expect you
Starting point is 00:05:55 to do that repeatedly. You've done that more than 19 times. No, no. Just the 19. Read a book or watched something or... That's how much you like this movie well but no more no no no more what you've confused is the um trap that we've laid for ourselves where we have to watch it this many
Starting point is 00:06:14 times for a voluntary action it's involuntary well last night we tried to rope my flatmates into the experience tim came around while they were in the middle of watching a movie called closer it's a fantastic movie. It's Clive Owen, Natalie Portman. Look at us climbing into discussion about another movie. Clive Owen,
Starting point is 00:06:31 Natalie Portman, Jude Law, and Julie Roberts. Very good looking cast. It was actually based on a play and it's very dramatic. Explores human relationships
Starting point is 00:06:38 and halfway through Tim came in. We all paused the movie and said hi Tim and then Tim and I realised we had to watch this movie we propositioned to my
Starting point is 00:06:47 flatmates that they could watch it too for the first time they've never seen it they've both watched Closer over five times what do you think they did they don't do a podcast
Starting point is 00:06:54 on the movie Closer they just genuinely like the movie that much it's because they don't have Moxie like we do they don't have Gumption like we do
Starting point is 00:07:02 you know you know what I mean and we can bad mouth them all they want because I know for a fact they don't listen to this podcast you we do. They don't have gumption like we do. You know? Yeah. You know what I mean? And we can badmouth them all they want because I know for a fact they don't listen to this podcast. You know what my problem with Maxie is? He thinks he's so bloody great. But guess what?
Starting point is 00:07:13 He was meant to clean up the pan that Matty used to cook stir fry last night. I'm looking across the lounge. I see it just sitting there on the kitchen bench. Hey, Max, clean your fucking pan for once. Hey, Max, just do it, eh? Just one time without being told. Would that be all right with you? Just one time? Would that be all good for once. Hey, Max, just do it, eh? Just one time without being told. Would that be all right with you?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Just one time? Would that be all good? Good on you, Max. I'll tell you what, though. That man's a snappy dresser. We've digressed. Did you have a shining light last night when we were watching Drunk in a Bed in your bed?
Starting point is 00:07:40 My shining light was probably... I mean, part... Actually, no, it was reading, the students had spray painted loser on the side of the principal's car. I thought that was really funny. And the principal wasn't like angry or like, I'm going to find out the perpetrators of this crime. He was like, and they spelled everything correctly. These can't be my students.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I mean, you're going to be be a walkover if that's your attitude towards kids spray painting your baby he called the car his baby and then somehow they they i mean he you know one of our favorite lines hey that's my laptop that's not waterproof yeah how did the kids get his laptop well he's he's he's inept this principle that's clear i mean he can barely dress himself no that's his favorite t-shirt shirt from when he was 12 yeah but if he's inept this principal that's clear I mean he can barely dress himself no that's his favourite t-shirt shirt from when he was 12 yeah but if he's got
Starting point is 00:08:28 the kind of if he's got the mind of someone who thinks that that's an acceptable thing to wear while you are the principal of a high school on the final day
Starting point is 00:08:35 before the summer like you've got some mental problems I guess this thought is opening up a whole new world of possibility for me and that I mean maybe
Starting point is 00:08:41 elements of this grown ups 2 world are slightly surreal it's not meant to be taken as a read on the universe in which we exist but maybe it's a slightly of possibility for me and that, I mean, maybe elements of this grown-ups 2 order are slightly surreal. It's not meant to be taken as a read on the universe in which we exist, but maybe it's a slightly augmented reality.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Well, there's a lot of tips of the hat to that because when the guy who's dressed as Papa Smurf, wait, it's the same guy.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah. Oh my God, maybe he's the only fantastical element in the grown-ups universe. Maybe. He's the warlock. Maybe he's walked into this universe.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Sorry, I'll finish that thought because not everyone's seen the movie 19 times. The principal attends the faders' big kick-off-the-summer party at the end of the movie, and he's dressed as a smurf. And this is an extension of something set up earlier. When he's saying his goodbye speech over the loudspeaker to the whole high school some of the kids climb in through his roof and pour blue paint
Starting point is 00:09:27 all over him and it turns out it's enough blue paint to completely stain his body from head to toe semi-permanently the way that he tells it and then he dresses
Starting point is 00:09:36 as Papa Smurf he's in a tree getting drunk while the party's going on and then he jumps down when the fight starts erupting lands on some people
Starting point is 00:09:43 and turns them all blue from head to toe four people turns them blue from head to toe. Four people. Turns them blue from head to toe. With what I can assume is dried paint. So he is fantastical in that sense. That's so cool.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I wonder if he's the only fantastical. I mean, Nick, they kill and he survives. So that's kind of a fantastical element. It's a very cartoonish world, isn't it, really? If you think about it. But it's not enough to be kind of cartoonish in style. It's just there's a couple of things where they got lazy and didn't want to adhere to real world rules. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Think about Officer Dante on the roof in the skis. That could happen. Shaquille O'Neal throwing that blonde guy like 500 metres. Yeah, that's fantastical. Man, I don't know. You had a shining light. Did I? Yeah, you told me.
Starting point is 00:10:22 This is my shining light. Remember? Do you remember what it was? It's not my job to remember your shining light. I remember it was near the front of the movie. Something I enjoyed today was the artwork that's in the fader's house because I'd never noticed it before. And it's just like every time that I see the movie now
Starting point is 00:10:38 and I notice something I didn't notice before, it's like, oh, thank God, there's something else that I didn't. Yeah, I found some more continuity errors too. I don't remember them all, but the yoga mats were too close together at squat aerobics. Yeah, they do the wide shot and the yoga mats feather apart and then they go in for the tight and they're too close together. You're not fooling anyone, guys.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Hey, this is a nice email that we got, Guy. This is truly my shining light, but it's not in the movie. Alistair wakely says hey tim and guy i'm really enjoying your worst idea of all time podcast if in the future someone launches a kickstarter style website that aims to raise money to find therapy after creative projects going wrong i'd be happy to chip in for it for you guys as a participant in your misery uh is interesting oh an interesting thing happened during episode 18 at 23 minutes and 12 seconds in. I suddenly found an overwhelming need to see the movie for myself.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I hated your warning to not watch so far, but I will defy you this weekend and watch it secretly on my laptop in my garage. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Al. Now, I wonder what was said. That's a great message. Oh, I can pull that up. What I wonder is, who are you watching it secretly from? Because it's not a great message. Oh, I can pull that up. What I wonder is, who are you watching it secretly from?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Because it's not a secret from us anymore, Al. Or anyone who listens. Are you in an abusive relationship with grown-ups too and you're hiding it from your partner or your kids? I mean, we don't know a lot of your backstory, but... I want to know what we said that was so intriguing. Oh, goodness. That was so intriguing in the last episode
Starting point is 00:12:04 that it made him want to watch the movie. Because we've warned you guys so many times to not, you know? No, but it does... We must be approaching critical mass. I mean... 23-12. That's what we're looking for here. Are we...
Starting point is 00:12:19 This is... Oh, no. Hold up. Let me turn that down. All right, 20... This sounds like An awful Awful
Starting point is 00:12:27 Couple of people singing Come on In the meantime We've got to think of a Top Top three as well For this watch I'll tell you what
Starting point is 00:12:37 My top three drinks That I drank before I watched the movie last night Boom Red wine Boom White Russians And boom
Starting point is 00:12:42 I had a beer too So those are my top three Wow That's a real Hot mess you put inside yourself Yeah No wonder I fell asleep night boom red wine boom white russians and boom i had a beer too so those are my top three that's a real hot mess you put inside yourself yeah no wonder i fell asleep uh my top three my top three moments in the movie last night um were my top oh fuck bro this is a bad moment in the podcast i just don't have a top three you don't have one at all okay well while you're thinking guy um let's have a listen to the bit that al was talking about in last week's episode that made him want to watch the movie well right we've talked about this we have not we have not talked about
Starting point is 00:13:16 i just sprang it on you now um i mean i'd do it yeah oh okay he's talking about the moment when i revealed that if grown- Ups 3 ever gets made, we're going to watch it for two years in a row. That's not a real revelation, by the way. That was a joke revelation. Well. Is it? Look at us.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Look at where we are right now. Yeah, let's paint a picture. I don't mean, we don't need a physical picture. We're hunched. We don't need a physical picture for these people. We need a, I think you need a mental picture for yourself. All right? Don't go there, man. Well, no. I think you need a mental picture for yourself. Alright? Don't go there, man. Well, no. I don't
Starting point is 00:13:48 need a mirror up to myself right now. There's one thing I don't need right now. We haven't even watched it 20 times yet, of 52. Yeah. And you are fucking miserable. Yeah, man. Like, you can't even bring yourself, you can barely bring yourself to watch the movie. You're suggesting that we should watch the sequel
Starting point is 00:14:03 to the sequel 104 times. Yeah, I am suggesting that we should watch the sequel to the sequel 104 times. Yeah, I am saying that, Guy, because sometimes good things are hard. You're loaded
Starting point is 00:14:11 with self-loathing. Sometimes things that are worthwhile aren't easy. Not everything's easy, Guy. In fact, some of the best stuff's hard.
Starting point is 00:14:18 You've got to work. You've got to work for it. You've got to work at it. There's no, no, no, no, just no.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Last night, the other thing that you said which was quite funny was you thought maybe we fucked up here maybe you need to have seen and this tells me how deep you are
Starting point is 00:14:31 in the world of this podcast maybe you need to have seen Grown Ups 1 to appreciate Grown Ups 2 yeah exactly maybe there's a whole lot of stuff
Starting point is 00:14:40 that we're not fully getting down with and I said this movie is so outlandishly terrible that there's no way a prequel, well, it's not a prequel because it was made before it, there's no way the first Grown Ups can qualify this movie existing.
Starting point is 00:14:52 But I think you should be open to the possibility. I'm open to the possibility that Grown Ups is better than Grown Ups 2. I'm not open to the possibility that I'll watch Grown Ups and then suddenly a whole lot of stuff will click into place and I'll look at Grown Ups 2 and think, that movie is actually a triumph. It's very very clever it's loaded with callbacks to the first film here's what got me thinking about it because i was like in the first movie i kind of know loosely what happens i think they will go to a like a holiday house a cabin in the woods style
Starting point is 00:15:16 thing for a holiday all the families they come together and so i think the kids are in there sort of as bit parts and maybe you meet um keithy and greg and i'm saying those kids and you're like what a and becky and becky but i'm saying what if you meet those two boys and you're like what a dynamic duo of comedy that was so funny i want to see a movie where they're more prominent in it but then they just kind of fucked up the execution with grown-ups too is that a possibility that wouldn't change the fact that you that grown-ups doesn't make grown-ups too good. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:46 What you said in that sentence was they fucked up the execution. So grown-ups too, regardless of whether or not you've seen the first one, are still rubbish. But it might add a bit of enjoyment. It might justify it a little bit more. I'm sure it does. It has to justify it a little bit. No.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Should stand on its own. No. I think I've been thrown because I was talking to Jermaine, Jermaine Ross long time listener of this podcast and he said that he went and saw oh he didn't go
Starting point is 00:16:09 he saw it on TV movie 43 have you heard of that it's a it's a skip movie isn't it yeah with a star studded cast
Starting point is 00:16:16 a huge cast Hugh Jackman was like the first person they signed up to it and then from there they managed to sign up all these other people and
Starting point is 00:16:23 who were all just trying to get laid with Hugh Jackman yeah oh yeah and why wouldn't you I'd sign up to it and then from there they managed to sign up all these other people and um who were all just trying to get laid with hugh jackman yeah oh yeah and why wouldn't you i'd sign up to a movie with hugh jackman involved attached to the project but apparently it's one of the like i've just heard so many terrible things it's the worst movie ever made that it's the least funny movie ever made that's terrible and jimane was like yeah i heard all those things i watched it i thought it was funny so i think that kind of threw me a little bit and i was then trying to go back and justify other movies in my life or movies that i hadn't seen which i assumed were bad it got me thinking is what i'm saying but there's always going to be movies which get critically panned which you specifically enjoy yeah van wilder party liaison
Starting point is 00:17:01 am i right i don't think they got too critically panned. I'm pretty sure it did. But I don't understand. No, I still don't follow your logic, your line of thinking here, and that watching grown-ups might suddenly make grown-ups too good. If you've already watched a movie 19 times and haven't enjoyed it, the likelihood of one thing, one trigger,
Starting point is 00:17:18 suddenly flipping your whole reading and perception of the movie on its head to the point that you go, actually, no, this is brilliant. I was wrong. It's highly unlikely. Yeah, you're right. I'd say nigh on impossible.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah. Yeah, you're right. You're right. What I'm trying to say is that I think my whole logic got thrown a little bit by finding out that Jermaine enjoyed movie 43. But then again, maybe Jermaine's just an idiot. You know? That's a possibility too.
Starting point is 00:17:42 That's a possibility. There's a world of possibilities out there. Hey, I noticed a fly in this yeah you did in the viewing last night that was exciting for me because I'd never noticed it where was it
Starting point is 00:17:51 for all of our people who are also watching the movie this many times super early in the movie we're in the fader's household and is it when they're
Starting point is 00:17:58 coming down the stairs I think it's yeah like a couple shots after that Bowser's just about to be scared off by the deer that's come into the house. And, yeah, you can see a fly move from right to left of shot.
Starting point is 00:18:14 It's there. It's in there. I saw... I wonder if the fly gets credited. I'll bet it doesn't. Yeah, almost definitely not. You'd think they would have taken it out in post. You would think.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Maybe the editor put it in in post do you reckon there's more easter eggs waiting for us I think someone involved in the operation was like you know what I'll bet you two people watch this movie 52 times actually there's another theory you posited last night Tim
Starting point is 00:18:37 you thought maybe they made a great film and the editor dropped the ball yeah talk about that well I was basing that on last week we watched some behind the scenes footage and deleted scenes and the editor dropped the ball. Yeah. Now, talk about that. Well, I was basing that on last week we watched some behind-the-scenes footage and deleted scenes. And the deleted scenes were...
Starting point is 00:18:50 They were pretty funny, I thought. And again, you mentioned this, it might be just compared to the movie that we've been exposed to so many times. It was just the change is good was what we experienced. Change alone made us happy. But, nah, they were funny.
Starting point is 00:19:03 They were at least moderately funny. And those were the ones that got left on the cutting room floor. Yet, inexplicably, the lines that were left and the takes that were left in the actual finished product did terrible. How much control was the editor wielding? I mean, do you feel like those deleted scenes were ad-libbed and Adam Sandler and the fellow writers have too much ego that they said, alright, that might be funnier, but we're going to use the movie that we wrote I actually don't think Adam Sandler cares enough
Starting point is 00:19:30 like I believe that he'd be that bigger dick but I don't think anyone cared enough about Grown Ups 2 to make that kind of call that was another moment but they were laughing they were laughing behind the scenes when they were making the movie they had a cold dead look in their eyes but they were laughing Tim Adam Sandler, Dennis Dugan
Starting point is 00:19:45 Chris Rock I saw laughing they were all laughing at moments Chris Rock doesn't even laugh in character in the movie that's a decision he made as an actor he thought Kurt McKenzie he's struggling to make ends meet maybe this guy's not laughing at these
Starting point is 00:20:00 outlandish hijinks he's probably thinking I'm really neglecting my job and in doing so, my family. Imagine if the movie, instead of being taken, because loosely it's from the point of view of Adam Sandler, I guess, and the fate of family, but if it was just solely from the perspective of Chris Rock's character and he's fucking dark that his high school friend has gone on to huge success and has all this money and an incredibly smoking wife.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Three great kids. Do you know what? This is an interesting movie. I mean, Chris Rock's character has still got a good life. He's still got a, he's got a beautiful,
Starting point is 00:20:33 beautiful wife that I ruled off. He's got fantastic children. Oh, including his, his comic genius son. Son.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Dot Ronnie. Go Ronnie. But, but you can't help but compare yourself to people who are in your life, your friends and stuff. And the fact of the matter is the Faders are shitting diamonds. They're so rich.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And he's in relative squalor. I mean, that word relative is important here. Then maybe David Spade's looking at Chris Rock and going nah David Spade's too much of the like positive idiot I think for that to let him affect him
Starting point is 00:21:10 like I think that much like his character in Joe Dirt he's just kind of happy to just take it as it comes doesn't matter what's up okay whereas Chris Rock's
Starting point is 00:21:18 more cognizant of the fact Kevin James is the most cognizant of the fact Kevin James doesn't love his kids or his wife no if anyone if we should be following anyone in a movie about bitter jealousy over success, we should be following Kevin James.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And he just lashes out at everyone. He takes it out on everyone around him. He just makes mean-spirited jokes about his kids to himself. To himself. In front of his kids and wife. To himself. This is what me and Guy keep banging on about every time it's on now. In that scene. It's just like, who are you these these puns to at the expense of your children like no one
Starting point is 00:21:49 else is there to enjoy them you're just making them for your own self-gratification focusing self-confidence here with rjd2 yeah that's not good he's a dick and so to i mean god to be in that mind for a whole movie would be terrifying it would be a psychological thriller if we were following Kevin James' character certainly would actually let's go through let's assess the genre if we were following each of the cast characters
Starting point is 00:22:15 if we were going through the eyes of Chris Rock's character McKenzie it would be less of a pure comedy and more of a dramedy yeah yeah there'd be there'd be sort of moments of existential um like there'd be these long sort of wandering shots of just chris rock walking around the town because they pass a whole day but it was an action-packed day in the world of grown-ups too i feel like if he's got one appointment between 8 a.m and 4 p.m
Starting point is 00:22:42 that he's still neglecting there's gonna be big swaths of footage of him just walking through a park in autumn even though it's first day of summer in this movie it's autumn and the leaves are falling down around him he's just looking down at the leaves wondering as the leaves fall so too does his expectations of what his life could become
Starting point is 00:23:00 as the time slowly slips away and he moves further into the grave and he realises that the grave and he realizes that actually this is it this is my life it's not going to change it's not going to improve this is what it's all about you could soundtrack it um with some we've moved beyond the realms of dramedy into just sort of i'd go craft work would be how i'd uh soundtrack that movie oh i quite like that uh now kevin j, it would be insane, man. Just a rage-filled lunatic.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Here's what I'm thinking. Quentin Tarantino directs Kevin James in a revenge flick. Who's he taking revenge against? Adam Sandler. Salma Hayek was Kevin James' girlfriend in high school. Yeah. And he's kept Adam Sandler close. And the tagline is, keep your friends close.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Yeah. Keep your enemies closer. Do you tagline is, keep your friends close. Yeah. Keep your enemies closer. Do you know why this movie, like, wouldn't work? Because if it was the same character Kevin James is playing, who I assume Kevin James is just playing himself. He's not that good an actor. There's no way you could get on board with him as the audience. Like, he's not even an anti-hero.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Kevin James played by Jamie Foxie fox so you want him to make django but change some of the title some of the title characters i want django to play eric laminsoff in the world of grown-ups too but um like in a different if selma hayek ditched kevin james at high school it's because Kevin James deserved it. Yeah, and then... No, okay, so get this, though. Then Kevin James comes back into the city. Yeah. But he's had a lot of work done,
Starting point is 00:24:30 and now he looks like Jamie Foxx. Okay. Was there more to that thought, or was that a... Nope, nope, that's the thought. Okay, so Quentin Tarantino directs Kevin James' revenge action flick... About losing his high school girlfriend. It's more... It's a better movie than that. Oh, look, losing his high school girlfriend it's more
Starting point is 00:24:45 it's a better movie than that oh look hey no doubt it's a better movie don't get me wrong David Spade
Starting point is 00:24:50 David Spade's movie is I keep coming back to it's basically just Joe Dirt which is like a fun you get the tone right
Starting point is 00:24:59 it's just a fun comedy of downtrodden a downtrodden hero relax in on it does that make it sound a little more classy what are those last of the garden dig it that's my model and here's another one what's the one he says about Kip On Truck comedy of downtrodden, a downtrodden hero. Relaxing on it. Does that make it sound a little more classy? What are those ones?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Last of the Garden, dig it, that's my model. And here's another one. What's the one he says about keep on trucking? You gotta keep on, keepin' on. You gotta keep on,
Starting point is 00:25:12 keepin' on. We should actually probably get that tattooed on our forearms. Gotta keep on, keepin' on. Yeah, just to remember. Yeah. To finish the movie.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Yeah. The other thing I wanted to talk about quickly, because we're running out of time here, Tim, was I wanted to do a plug for a local movie I saw What We Do In The Shadows which they don't really need our help there's so many local movies that are coming out this month
Starting point is 00:25:33 and that one does not need our help I know but it was fucking great yeah it was really funny and it is genuinely for me I don't watch enough movies really I don't think watching any movie which isn't Grown Ups 2 now I think this movie is making me lose perspective
Starting point is 00:25:47 on how much I enjoy other movies I know in the same way that watching the deleted scenes of Grown Ups 2 like I was measuring them against Grown Ups 2 as the movie
Starting point is 00:25:56 rather than measuring them against other comedy clips and I thought they were really great every movie I watch now I'm not measuring against all movies ever I'm measuring it mostly against grown ups too and accordingly my perspective is skewed
Starting point is 00:26:08 and saying that I thought what we do in the shadows was a fantastic time yeah it's hard to not paint cinema as a whole with a brush that has been dabbed in grown ups too we get very gun shy about seeing movies now is what I'm trying to say but did you see Fantail
Starting point is 00:26:24 that's another great New Zealand film. Well, I went to go and see Fantail on opening weekend, and the good news for the makers of Fantail was that it sold out. That's good. I was listening to a New Zealand movie yesterday called Jake, which is pretty good. Oh yeah, I saw the trailer for that. Yeah. Was it good?
Starting point is 00:26:36 It's fucking interesting, eh? Yeah, it's pretty good. Look, it's got a very interesting premise. Yeah. They pulled it off, I think, and they made it for nothing. That's great. We've diverged. Do you want to know how much Grown Ups 2 took to make?
Starting point is 00:26:47 I can't remember, but it was tens of millions. It was like 40 million or something. And interestingly, this will be the last podcast we do for a little while in a room together. The next podcast will be happening across the equator, all the way from London, England to Auckland, New Zealand. Two friends unite to watch their favourite movie one more time. And then another time. And then another time.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And another time. And then another time. And then another time. And then another time. And then I think around then I get back. And then another time. And then another time. And then another time.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And then another time. And then another time. And then another time. And then another time. I've time and then another time and then another time and then another time and I've lost count 33 more times what time would you prefer to do it in the day the morning or the evening because it's about a 12 hour time difference
Starting point is 00:27:34 I can't I can't we can't predict that yet that's a problem that we'll deal with over a Facebook message thanks for your feedback don't watch the movie cheers for joining us on this the 19th watch of Grown Ups 2, an episode of our podcast, Worst Idea of All Time.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Give yourself a clap. Lucky number 19. You've been a great audience, and take care of yourself, y'all. Live every moment. Love every day, because before you know it, your precious time slips away.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Feel every moment. Your precious time slips away.

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