The Worst Idea Of All Time - Replay S01E31: Experts

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

Please enjoy this victory lap of Season One episodes as we celebrate 10 years of The Worst Idea of All Time. New episodes posting on our Substack.Original Description:Guy and Tim engage in an adventer...ous and barely conprehensible watch of the film. Welcome and apologies to all the new listners. There is a Clint Eastwood impression to look forward to. Not a lot else. This episode is recommended for seasoned Worst Idea listeners only. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Own each step with Peloton. From their pop runs to walk and talks, you define what it means to be a runner. Whatever your level, embrace it. Journey starts when you say so. If you've got five minutes or 50, Peloton Tread has workouts you can work in. Or bring your classes with you for outdoor runs, walks, and hikes, led by expert instructors on the Peloton app. Call yourself a runner.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Peloton all- Call yourself a runner. Peloton all access membership separate. Learn more at slash running. Oh man, I didn't know that there was a part two to Prawn Salad, but apparently this is it. This is episode number 31 you're about to hear, which now I think about it. So so i did 29 but then guy would have done 30 so i don't i would love to get guys take on this i don't remember exactly what happened accurately but i suspect what happened is we had a little bit of the hash muffins left and had them for this viewing there's experimentation with the form we're coming in with a different bit of the intro song which really threw me listening to it now um having
Starting point is 00:01:12 you know gone through the rest of these episodes in the first season so far and we're playing with the form of what makes sense what is a sensible thing to commit to the microphone uh apologies in advance i do i dropped the R word in this one. My apologies for that. It was a different time out of the lexicon now. You're about to hear two very giggly boys, very giggly boys trying to keep their shit together. And this is the bit that I thought was in Prawn Salad
Starting point is 00:01:40 because I remember this whole thing about the vaporization due to moonlight discussion that happened during one of the watches and i always thought that that was in 29 but um no it crops up here it'll make as much sense in context as it does me just referring to it now it's it's it's absolute nonsense enjoy two of the highest guys you've ever heard in your life do a podcast together guitar solo Sometimes I wish we could take a trip by the lake But if I'm in trouble and hard I can't pay for another day I will search for that place But till I find it all I can say
Starting point is 00:03:04 Alright, yes. All right. Yes. Are these things going? This feels insane. This feels insane. I guess we're off I was actually stunned I thought that was a false start
Starting point is 00:03:36 So we're in Hello, welcome along to the worst idea of all time podcast Me Guy Montgomery And me Tim Batt A podcast in which we watch and review grown-ups to once a week for a year this is our 31st episode welcome to any of our new listeners it sounds a little crazy on paper when you lay it down yeah yeah well obviously but we're here uh and we've got we have to acknowledge we do have some new listeners
Starting point is 00:04:05 who have come along courtesy of a shout-out we got from... How did this get made? That's how the jingle goes. That's good. They very generously just noticed that we were doing it. Paul Scheer mentioned us. That's the biggest deal. That was big for me.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Huge. That was a very exciting and if i had won a google run competition for podcasts where it was like um you got a ten thousand dollar first place prize yeah and we won that i would still be more stoked with the shout out from paul share there's a there's a look of earnest there's an earnest look in your eyes, Tim, and I can really appreciate that. Yeah. I'm just saying thanks for,
Starting point is 00:04:51 and everyone on how this is getting made. It means about $10,000 to us. You pretty much. At least. Yeah. At least, like at a minimum. Which is insane. Well, it sounds insane. it's a lot of money
Starting point is 00:05:06 it's a good thing yeah anyway so so here we are we've just watched the movie for the i say thanks thanks and welcome obviously a lot of you are american which i'm very excited about we can see where you're from on our on the sets and there's a lot of americans coming in getting on board we're like the GCSB of our own podcast there's someone at the door what are you looking at? I'm just looking around the room okay
Starting point is 00:05:31 look it's a good room we're in Tim's lounge he's got a lot of cool stuff going on there's a picture of Tim there's two pictures of Tim in his own lounge there's one of him looking
Starting point is 00:05:40 looking down on that's absolutely true that's the weird thing a really nice headshot of Tim looking down on everyone saying, what is that? Saying that speech bubble? Voting is sexy. Voting is sexy.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And it's above the fireplace. It's got like prime position. That's where you'd put the best painting you have. And you guys have just got a picture of you. Tim Bat propaganda. And it's very propagandist gay
Starting point is 00:06:05 it's like a Kim Jong Il shot I went out shopping one day to the supermarket and came back and they were all worshipping the fireplace
Starting point is 00:06:14 and I don't know what the fuck was going on your flatmates were worshipping the fireplace yeah yeah they were worshipping the fireplace
Starting point is 00:06:21 on their hands and knees and so I came and started worshipping with them and then I think Nick poked me and he goes no no you don't understand and pointed up and i looked up and that fucking picture of me was nailed to the wall it's quite confronting shit yeah i had no idea and what happened what happened next then i got real scared because the landlord probably doesn't want us putting nails in the wall.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Yeah, but when the landlord sees the picture, they'll probably understand what's going on here. They'll know who's in charge now. He came around. He saw it, but he may have just glossed over it because I don't know if he was paying too much attention to the fact that it's nails. He was probably intimidated by it, if you ask me.
Starting point is 00:07:03 He probably took one look at it and then quickly turned his head because he didn't want any more details you ask me he probably took one look at it and then quickly turned his head because he didn't want any more details the funny thing is he only saw it
Starting point is 00:07:09 so quickly I was the only guy in the house I saw it so maybe you're right he saw it he was like
Starting point is 00:07:17 wait a minute is that is that the guy that just opened is that you oh my god you're the guy and then
Starting point is 00:07:23 freaked out. He doesn't want to take on the Fuhrer. He's like, do you just put these up when the flatmates go out? And then when they come back, you put the normal pictures back up, do you? Nope. This is what you do when it's just you at home. You just put some pictures up. If you just walk Around the place
Starting point is 00:07:45 Positive affirmations You can do it Tim Go get him Tiger Five o'clock rolls around You take the posters Back down It's all gotten very That one I think
Starting point is 00:07:57 I was going to burn That's a good one I think it was in the fire The fire pile Or in the recycle It was somewhere I threw it out and the flatmates found it
Starting point is 00:08:07 and then came back, it's like you're respawning for everything you try and throw away to come back yeah anyway, so we've watched the movie grown ups too it's a great movie, I've compiled a list of things I thought during the movie we need to explain
Starting point is 00:08:24 you can explain that Tim It's a great movie. I've compiled a list of things I thought during the movie. So we need to explain. You can explain that, Tim. The guy's been taking notes through the entire movie because the last couple we've been a bit hazy about that. And he's been sure to include a very large level of detail and it's laid out on his MacBook Air. Before you lay it to waste, can I please explain at least what i was trying to capture uh with this tech setup with the text edit document i've created uh so i was pretty much because we always sort of scatter our thoughts down somewhere during the
Starting point is 00:08:55 movie uh and i was doing it on the computer and then while tim was doing a technical setup which was taking a little while my mind was wandering and i was looking at the document i thought to make it easy for us I'll try and arrange it into sort of an easy to use guide to what we should touch on during the podcast and I've gone into some level of detail, I've used different font sizes, I've attached
Starting point is 00:09:16 quotes from the internet, I've put a big picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger with the sun in a urinal You've ensured that the important bits are in bold Yeah, and so I've got that ready for us i think there's a hyperlink on here so it just it looks like digital chicken scratch it doesn't make any fucking sense there's no like rhyme or reason do you want me to do it looks i said this earlier but it looks like the cave drawings of the retarded.
Starting point is 00:09:46 It is... Honestly, it's actually really good. So, go to the top. It's just like... It's like, you know in movies when they stumble into the really psycho dude's house and he's got newspaper clippings of everything? That's what this is.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's this level of fucking like it's insane i'm gonna kill someone if you just give me me and my cave drawing one shot we're gonna do the best damn podcast you've ever experienced bud okay come on this journey with me words on here as well like oh that i guess they make sense they don't seem to though no this is this is why it's so good it's because to anyone else this document to anyone else bro this is why this is why it's so much you're the only other person who could possibly understand the contents of this document and you've just lain it completely to waste in front of my very eyes you're the only other person in the world who could possibly have understood what was going on here and you've just said mate this looks like you've picked up a piece of wood and just scratched it on the ground
Starting point is 00:10:50 for a while do you think that it would be possible for you to read it in the morning kind of as a new person like from probably not with the same confidence that i could read it now but uh and say i think i think you're gonna enjoy it. So this bit here, it's all right. We got a letter. So you told me. Huge letters. Yeah, because I can remember it. It's just, it's like there's a lot of small text around it.
Starting point is 00:11:14 So when you kind of just glance at the page, you go, we got a letter. You're doing an Adam Sandler impersonation while reading that. We got a letter! You're doing an Adam Sandler impersonation while reading that. Anyhow, we should go into the contents of it. I don't want to shoot the messenger if the messenger's got a dope message. Well, they do. You told me about this messenger.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I haven't actually read it. I copied and pasted it without looking at it. From where? We got it on Facebook from some guy. Oh, yes, yes, yes yes yes Okay I know what this is Okay great Took a long time to get to what this is Okay cool
Starting point is 00:11:51 So We got a message from one of our Facebook fans Which is cool I don't want to call them Facebook fans I want to say people who have liked our group on the Facebook You might fucking hate us We can just call them friends fans. I want to say people who have liked our group on the Facebook. You might fucking hate us. We can just call them friends or fans. We haven't really had this conversation.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Anyway. You say friend of the podcast. That's a cool thing to say. Friend of the podcast. It seems overly congenial. It's too much. If anyone listens to this, then we could be their friends. So a friend of the podcast wrote us.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I can't pronounce their name because there's a lot of what looks to me to be Russian characters in it. Possibly Korean. They could go either way, eh? They could be Korean. I'm too ignorant on the matter to possibly guess. It looks slightly Arabic.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I'm not sure what language that name is It's not important What is important are the contents of the I will read the letter Which arrived just a day or two ago Okay I've been listening to your podcast for about a week now Got through all the episodes fast
Starting point is 00:13:00 English is not my first language And although it's been years Since I started learning it I've found it is sort of episodes fast english is not my first language and although it's been years since i started learning it i've found it is sort of a bouquet of various accents all understandable to me to various degrees and yours is quite interesting that's all one sentence with some commas in there to let you break and the next sentence goes i've been getting used to I've been getting used to the New Zealand accent thanks to you guys now. I have lost the ability to read, right? That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Next sentence. I can have a crack at reading. What I'm trying to say is not only is your podcast entertaining, it is also educational in many spheres of life. Who would have known Connecticut was a state indeed? Not me, but I know that now. Thanks to you. Loving your podcast. Keep up the good work.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I hope this was the right place to message you. That is such a lovely message. The idea that someone... It's unspeakably cool the fact that someone would use this to help them learn a language is frankly worrying and also really humbling
Starting point is 00:14:13 yeah I'm touched and worried too on both of those things thank you very much that explains the we got a letter big heading ahead lined up for you there, Tim. Because it got me all misty. All misty, Tim. All misty.
Starting point is 00:14:31 What else do you want to delve into on your chalkboard? I'm mentally insane. I don't know. Do you want to do... Dude, this is like a a fucking magic eye like you'd have to be very like squinty
Starting point is 00:14:50 to see into this one to see the real picture well what we could do we'll upload the the document to the Facebook page after the podcast
Starting point is 00:15:02 and you can have a lot of look inside I haven't really reread it yet it's pretty it's pretty alright I mean it's going to look weird to you but I can stand by it I mean if I had to do a PowerPoint presentation with it
Starting point is 00:15:24 tomorrow morning, I could explain everything in good conscience. What do you want to do first, Steve? Steve Buscemi Mystery Tour or Bernie Schwartz Party Time? What did Gracie just to be able to say? Those are good options. Hey, guy, what do you want to kick off with today? Do you want to start with the Steve Buscemi Mystery Tour,
Starting point is 00:15:50 or would you rather get into it first off with the Paddy Schwartz Party Time? That is so good. What an awesome option. If you wake up in the morning and someone walks into your bedroom and they go, good morning, how would you like to start your day? The Steve Buscemi mystery tour or the patty schwartz party time experience i reckon that would be even better than that because you'd be in a hotel and it's like when you scored some sweet deal on a like a holiday website you and
Starting point is 00:16:17 your mate are there you got separate rooms because you got some great deal and he like kicks the door into your room and bursts in like hey man what do you want to start the day with? Steve Buscemi mystery tour? Or do you want to hit Patty Schwartz party time? Like, you're just like, oh, fuck yeah. Let's fucking do it. Let's get into it. And then whatever you choose, that Steve Buscemi.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It's rad. And if you say Steve Buscemi mystery tour, Steve Buscemi walks through the door and says, well, come on, let's go. Let's do it. Let's hit it. Over to Patty Schwartz party time Patty Schwartz shows up in a helicopter next to the hotel
Starting point is 00:16:47 throws a rock through your window jumps through scoops you up in his arms jumps back into the helicopter and flies you
Starting point is 00:16:53 to a penthouse party in Las Vegas Nevada which is also a pretty cool option that'll do it Peg okay so I'm saying that Steve Buscemi That'll do, pig Okay
Starting point is 00:17:05 Oh, someone's saying that Steve Buscemi mystery to him Is us trying to figure out What one of the characters in the film Has had done to him in the first film Which, despite the fact that we've now seen Grown Ups 2 32 times We haven't seen Grown Ups 1 ever
Starting point is 00:17:21 Either of us So something happened to Steve Buscemi's character in the first film and we're trying to fill in the blanks now here are our clues it put him in a cast that strung his arms up in the like touchdown formation for like a year and a half and also he had um was it 40 feeling in his body yeah 40 amount of time 40 feeling in his body. So Guy and I tried to put our medical hats on and try and deduce what could possibly have caused that kind of an injury. And what did you posit? What were the cliff notes last time?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Chris Rock tackled him directly from behind and caused quite significant nerve damage when he dislocated a vertebra. Yeah, it's not bad. It would be pretty aggressive for Chris Rock to do that, but I mean, medically, I think it sort of checks out. Yeah, it's all there. It is all there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:16 So that was last week. So do I get to do a guess now? Yeah. Okay. I've got a theory. I'm just compiling this now in my mind but i'm gonna use some of my reference points here on the document if you don't mind yes um so what happened is because in this film grown-ups 2 uh four of the characters the four main characters they all have to jump off suicide 35 at some point they're made to by the frat boys you know this you're familiar with this
Starting point is 00:18:45 so this is a 35 meter foot drop 35 foot drop uh and they all jump off it naked and for guys who claim to have been jumping off this rock quite a lot they have all got truly appalling jumping technique the terrible diving form all of them are just really off the rails chris rock uh he goes down he sort of takes a front haunt like he almost belly flops but he puts his limbs up in front of him to stop himself from doing that if you're doing that on a 35 foot drop dropped an infant and the infant didn't turn in any way shape or form before they hit the water if you have a 30 or a dog one of those but he certainly wasn't onto it. And then, who jumps next?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler goes with a wide-legged approach, which is insane. It's a 35-foot drop. He'd be lucky not to shatter a couple of shin bones with that sort of fucking laissez-faire attitude to those drops. You will literally tear yourself from your arsehole, son.
Starting point is 00:19:40 You can't be diving up a 35-foot cliff like that. proceeds to show reckless disregard for his tailbone as he lunges from the rock hurtling towards the water at a rate of knots for landing squarely on his is this your coccyx yeah i think it is i'm pretty sure and then kevin james still wearing his shoes for who knows what reason towel around his neck yells out mama he also goes for an open legged approach and lands on top of david spade which would break his neck and possibly damage kevin jones's pelvis anyway so while these are all reckless jumps they all seem to get away with it just fine uh which is a miracle if you ask me. And I think that in the first movie,
Starting point is 00:20:26 as evidenced by the technique in the second movie, Steve Buscemi's character, Wiley, probably had to jump off something high and through whatever stupid fucking technique
Starting point is 00:20:35 he used, because they're all morons, he fucking threw his body out in that specific way. Maybe Chris Rock gave him a fright, he hid behind a bush and he went, boo!
Starting point is 00:20:46 And then he went, ah! And that's the injury he got. And he just has always begrudged Chris Rock for that. And that is the Steve Buscemi mystery tour. The Steve Buscemi mystery. I don't know how to fit all those summer boards into that chain.
Starting point is 00:21:03 What's the next thing? Yeah, look at you coming around. Look at you coming around to the notepad. It's because I drifted, I'll admit, when you were talking just before. And then I was like, we said some really interesting shit while the movie was playing. Yeah. And you would have captured some of them, which is why this just looks mental to me. That's right. Do you want to do a Padty schwartz party time quickly um yeah
Starting point is 00:21:27 so it goes patty schwartz party time patty schwartz party time party time uh so you can host this one because you told me about this picture you caught me onto it so it's I think someone actually on the Facebook group page whatever it is I think they put me onto this I think
Starting point is 00:21:52 or someone tweeted me maybe so it's a picture of Arnie and the photo looks to be 20 years old yeah yeah about 20 years old no I'd say
Starting point is 00:22:04 seeing his paddies no he's turning 21 so it would probably be like he probably looks like 20 years old? Yeah. Yeah, about 20 years old. No, I'd say... That would fit as well. Seeing as Paddy's... No, he's turning 21, so it would probably be like... Oh, shit. He probably looks like maybe five,
Starting point is 00:22:12 which would make it, what, like 15? 15? 15 years old. Let's have a 15-year-old photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger at a urinal in a bar
Starting point is 00:22:19 with his two sons. Hmm. I feel like we've paid a lot of attention on how old any who it could in fairness to to Arnie
Starting point is 00:22:29 this could be about it could just be some sort of other restroom like it could be a gym a public swimming pool uh
Starting point is 00:22:36 like a YMCA could be a urinal in a mall that could be at a sort of a fair or in a community hall probably not a church churches would look mall that could be a sort of a fair or in a community hall probably not a church
Starting point is 00:22:46 churches would look like that if it had if it was like a church school yeah yeah i reckon yeah yeah school could be the kid's school arnie is looking down seemingly in his son's what do you say genitals he says penis mate that yeah don't be afraid to say the word penis a lot of a lot of us have them tim yeah i don't know where i was going with that anyway so he's posted this photo yeah and he's posted this photo and sorry posted this photo and what he said to his son was happy
Starting point is 00:23:27 birthday to a great son who has grown into a great man Patrick Schwarzenegger I'm so proud of you
Starting point is 00:23:35 and love you hashtag TPT it stands for throwback Thursday oh throwback Thursday
Starting point is 00:23:42 yeah um and that's very earnest and heartfelt message it's a lovely message from Arnie Throwback Thursday Oh Throwback Thursday Yeah And there's Very earnest And heartfelt message There's a lovely message From Arnie Arnie's a real nice guy And
Starting point is 00:23:51 And accordingly I looked up Patrick Schwarzenegger Patrick Schwarzenegger's Twitter feed And Paddy He looks like a cool guy He looks like he's got
Starting point is 00:23:59 A great life He's like He seems awesome And so Happy birthday Paddy Happy birthday Paddy Like he's like All these awesome and so happy birthday patty happy birthday patty like he's like all these cool photos of him with his friends just doing awesome stuff i'm pretty sure he lives in la he must live in la of course he does and it looks kick-ass do you want to be patty schwartz i want
Starting point is 00:24:19 to be patty schwartz but i'd hang out with him for a weekend for sure he got all these dope parties they're driving these cars around. He's doing all these modeling shoots for Tom Ford. Shit. This kid's 20. He just turned 21. Jesus. He's just like, boom.
Starting point is 00:24:35 And so like whenever he shows up, I guess whenever he shows up at his friend's house, everyone's just hanging out, usually on a Saturday night. I'm like, oh man, this party's kind of okay, but it's missing something. And then Petty Schwartz shows up. Yeah, and then Petty Schwartz comes bursting into the room. oh man this party's kind of okay but it's missing something when the petty shorts yeah and petty shorts comes bursting to the road he goes he waits he waits for them to say this so he's sort of hanging out he's kind of hanging out outside the party waiting for his entrance point and then
Starting point is 00:24:57 and then whatever the friends say oh man i don't know i really, I can't quite put my finger on it, but this party's missing something. He comes in and he goes, It's Pettis Woods party time. Hey, Pettis Woods party time. It's party time with Pettis Woods party time. Yeah. I'm 21.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Let's drink tequila in Las Vegas. I'm Pettis Woods. It's party time. Yeah. let's drink tequila in Las Vegas on Paddy Schwartz it's party time yeah shit yeah man didn't see that coming neither did I man
Starting point is 00:25:36 oh man um in some view okay so I'm gonna start reading the small print on your notebook now the mother of Braden Higgins doesn't I'm going to start reading the small print on your notebook now. The mother of Braden Higgins doesn't tell David Spade he has a child for 17 years. Holds on to the information until the Braden is on a train from Florida, then calls David to tell him. Yeah, I understand that. The real point behind that, underpinning that thought, was that David Spade, following the logic of this movie,
Starting point is 00:26:08 would have to have been told at some point that his son's coming to visit and he goes, yep, awesome, and just hung up the phone and didn't ask for any more details. The phone call must have been like, hey, David, you've got a son. It's going to be at the train station in a week. He's like okay awesome boom hangs up the phone the reason why this has to be true
Starting point is 00:26:29 is because the way that the movie has presented the evidence of what David Spade knows there's no like room for confusion here this is the only possible way that that phone call happened because he knows that he's got a son but absolutely nothing else but he doesn't
Starting point is 00:26:47 he's finding out single other he's finding the information out as the audience are also finding the information he's going what who who are you hiccups mcgee he's like what oh i can i know about with hiccups mcgee so his memory like so he did like get this phone call out of the blue, ringing on his wall in his house, picks it up. Hey, you Brent Higgins? Yeah. Oh, you've got a son. Okay, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Walks out of the room. Just leaves. That's right. So he shows up. It's just insane it's insane it's so reckless from David Spade
Starting point is 00:27:30 like who would deal with that situation and his mum who is dealing with that situation like that you know
Starting point is 00:27:37 yeah well you know Brad yeah I am curious about that so it's ludicrous and so Brayden who's just the pawn in this
Starting point is 00:27:44 weird game these two former lovers are playing this told you're going on a train from florida to connecticut or wherever why is that you mean you did okay me go yeah me go no go stay you have to go, okay, me go, summertime. And so he just gets on a train. It's like what you were talking about before, man. No one else on earth would understand what you were just fucking saying. Yeah, absolutely. Just throwing random words around. What you're saying right now resembles the Enigma code.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And I'm like that guy who cracked it we're we're a team we're a team cheers we just bumped microphones uh what else we got i told you i'd do a real good yes clint eastwood impression you sure do while Tim was doing all the tech stuff before the before the podcast I was just watching
Starting point is 00:28:50 a clip of Dirty Harry the do you feel lucky punk speech so I've always wanted to be I started wanting to say it to people but I don't know the quote so I had to
Starting point is 00:28:59 watch the clip I want to paint you a picture folks as Guy's telling you that preparing to do this this performance for you he's sipping just sipping his ice water and at the moment he's wearing like a long sleeve skivvy and he could not look like a bigger fuckwit c-grade actor preparing for some role that he doesn't really need but he kind of wants let me
Starting point is 00:29:27 let me first say this okay my story is just a little scratchy so in the lower register of Quincy Stewart's rage please bear that in mind I may not be able to hit the note this evening but rest assured this is going to be completely underwhelming I can barely remember watching the clip earlier but but i'm just gonna do a really hammy clint eastwood okay
Starting point is 00:29:50 cool man uh-huh i know what you're thinking did he fire six shots or only five well to tell you the truth and all this excitement i kind of lost track myself. But the thing is, this is a.44 Magnum. The most powerful handgun in the world. It'll blow your head clean off. You can ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do you, punk? Got a little bit Al Pacino at the end there, I thought.
Starting point is 00:30:22 It was not a bad effort at all, bro. Thank you. I'm proud of you. Thank you. It was real good. There were bits I lost a little bit, but there were moments when I was hitting him. You know, that's pretty much time. I think. Seriously?
Starting point is 00:30:33 It's been 20, yeah. It's been 27 minutes. About that. That's crazy. I think a little less. Or should we ram in our shining lights? Oh, God. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:30:50 The document has dominated this fucking podcast. I'm sorry for that. Unless you've liked it. Oh, God. I think it's been pretty good fun. Okay. Shining light. Shining light.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You had a very funny one. Here's mine. So, let me set the scene for you all. Adam's endless daughter is at a school's ballet recital in the big town school hall. And it looks like it can fit 1,500 people. And it's pretty packed out. The parents were there.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And the kids are about to perform. And against the back wall are the cops and higgins and uh all that all of adam's friends all of the buddies if you look behind peter dante's head who is the co-police person yeah next to Shaq Officer Dante yeah if you look above his head there's a photo of like six kids and a
Starting point is 00:31:50 woman figure who you're supposed to assume is like a mum or a teacher just above his head in shot what's the mise-en-scene
Starting point is 00:31:58 of the photo it's arranged kind of like almost a poster for a musical they're all in a v formation coming towards the camera so do you do it might not exist but do you think that the poster was like a poster for a school
Starting point is 00:32:15 performance maybe or something like it i've got to rush through this okay so my shining because there's something really important i need to get to okay you cannot let me forget this well you've got to go for it oh my god this will change lives but you have to give your shining light real quick okay finish mine so that photo i reckon is the family of like an executive producer or something in the film that's my theory that really took me that was my shining light go okay mine was Adam Sandler's line when he's like playing defender
Starting point is 00:32:49 against his son kicking he goes I'm a crazy give me that football and the little running towards his son it's just
Starting point is 00:32:56 it's probably just a funny little ad-lib I think it's genuinely a funny moment from Sandler in the movie full credit to the guy I think he really
Starting point is 00:33:04 nailed that one and that was my shining light now do your important thing so do you remember from Sandler in the movie. Full credit to the guy. I think he really nailed that one. And that was my shining light. Now do your important thing. So do you remember a certain conversation that we had while the movie was on about people getting vaporized if they're exposed to moonlight outside of the ice cream parlor or a house?
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yes, I remember that very well. It's, I mean, there's quite a big concept to introduce on the back end of the podcast but we're just going to go over time we're just going to
Starting point is 00:33:28 riff this one through oh we've got to wrap up now we've got to just get it out there I guess I can't just throw while the momentum's there
Starting point is 00:33:35 that made up that sentence and not explain it a bit we're sorry for going over time if you have to pause this and you know
Starting point is 00:33:42 go and do something else and come back and take the last six minutes later that's okay if you usually listen to it for a set amount of time and then you have to start doing the task like if it's exactly the amount of time it takes for your bus or your bike ride to work or whatever the tone of the movie changes when they're at the ice cream father at night and i think that it's one of those movies where it becomes a
Starting point is 00:34:03 completely different genre but they've just done it so well that no one's one of those movies where it becomes a completely different genre, but they've just done it so well that no one's kind of picked up on it. Okay, you're going to need to explain this further. So Bump D's date with Charlotte. Yeah, at the ice cream parlor. At the ice cream parlor. Things are going great. Yeah, they're going pretty well
Starting point is 00:34:16 until a frog turns up. Yeah, a freaky looking little frog. It's so, for people who haven't seen the movie it's so hard to tell what is coming out because we're a bit tired if you know what i mean or if it's actually in the movie like if we're making it up or not the frog yeah the frogs in the movie i know but like what this the stuff that we're saying is as ridiculous as the movie is in a way like it's hard to discern. Well, if you start looking for a line between what's more ridiculous between this podcast
Starting point is 00:34:50 and the fact someone made this movie, Tim, things get pretty freaking crazy. Oh, that is a grey, blurry line. Oh, wow. You either die as a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain right that's right that's a Batman reference are we gonna do
Starting point is 00:35:09 this vaporizing thing let's do it so the tone of the movie changed so they're at the ice cream parlor and it's also where
Starting point is 00:35:19 what's the hot girl's name at school Nancy Arbuckle turns up to get some ice creams off Greg Fader. And anyway, the tone really changed for me. Things started getting real dark, real bleak. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And it kind of started morphing into like a terror sci-fi kind of thing. So then I started thinking about it and I arrived somehow at the conclusion that everyone and just in this town we've grown up to a set in Connecticut um if you're out after sunset and you're not in like a property like by a house or at the ice cream parlor only if you're anywhere else that aren't those two locations you get get vaporized. By the moonlight. The moonlight thing came later as I tried to kind of retrofit something on top of it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah. The original idea was that they just, the atmosphere just destroys them. So people all over, people in public spaces will just be vaporized. Anyway, so you proposed this to me right yeah and i was like that is insane this doesn't make any sense whatsoever you did you said that out loud many times like several times to you i said you've lost it and then uh we arrived at the party scene and uh someone was like telling adam sandler she was pregnant and then the guests arrived and she was like, I guess they're here.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And you in like full earnest with doe eyes were like, I see how they got there. I was like, I don't know how that fucking happened. Do you remember that? Yes. What were your exact words? I think I said, well, how the fuck did that happen? That would have been vaporised by the moonlight.
Starting point is 00:37:08 That's right. And when you said that, in full earnest, I was like, oh, holy shit, he believes in this thing. And that is just amazing to me. And so then from there forward,
Starting point is 00:37:19 I completely understood what you were going for and watched the movie with exactly the same perspective. And it is awesome. We've got to wrap up the podcast and I feel like we're on such thin ice doing this one after doing episode 29 prawn salad
Starting point is 00:37:32 it's a famous ep the other thing is he's referred back to the document folks just for those who can't see i was gonna say um i had an idea for episode 33 i know where this is going yes it's called the uh i don't really know where this came from and i don't think it's a very good idea especially to say it out loud and if this goes to see the light of day no anyway it's called um the bubble bath special
Starting point is 00:38:11 if we watch the movie in a bubble bath but on stage oh yeah no that was a different idea that was if we wanted to do sort of a charity fundraiser, we'd do it on stage. But you said bubble bath out of the way, though, at the time. Yeah. It sounds insane now. I don't know about it. I said it when the podcast was on a bum note, but I can't really throw my full conviction behind that idea.
Starting point is 00:38:41 These are the ramblings of someone who is losing their grip oh man i feel like you've just blare witch the last bit of the podcast we've just a guy's gone absolutely inside and fully snapped but we don't know whether it's a really clever construction or if we're being incredibly voyeuristic by watching the footage like you're gone mate you're out of here I gotta say you know it's
Starting point is 00:39:16 at the end of the day you gotta look at the viewing and I gotta say that's probably one of the more enjoyable viewings I've had recently I really enjoyed watching the movie with you Tim I thought we had a good laugh
Starting point is 00:39:29 we came up with some pretty interesting ideas sort of that's how I feel about the project at this point you know what I'm saying like I think it was a good night's work for us
Starting point is 00:39:38 yeah okay cool I like that alright well we've arrived at time by quite a lot. So bye. See you later. Thank you for listening. I love you. We'll see you next time. or bring your classes with you for outdoor runs, walks, and hikes led by expert instructors on the Peloton app.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Call yourself a runner. Peloton all-access membership separate. Learn more at slash running.

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