The Worst Idea Of All Time - Replay S01E39.5: DirCom

Episode Date: March 24, 2024

Please enjoy this victory lap of Season One episodes as we celebrate 10 years of The Worst Idea of All Time. New episodes posting on our Substack. Hosted on Acast. See for more infor...mation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And so we arrive at, not the pinnacle of this season, but certainly another watermark moment. And I remember this. I remember the weight of pressure to do a director's commentary. I remember the room in which we did it. It was a underneath tim's uh flat at the time on maxwell ave in grayland auckland new zealand and uh this was this is maybe the first instance of it of us of tim's foray into sort of production beyond audio we filmed this we were um sort of production beyond audio. We filmed this. We were sort of newscaster style, formal wear up top, shorts down below. From memory, there's a very short clip on Tim's YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:00:53 If you look up the Twio at Dercom, if you just want a visual image to accompany the forthcoming roughly 90 minutes of oscillating highs and lows we had a lot of fun doing this um kevin james riff the the whole thing i'll be completely honest i listened to this uh on a flight from um auckland to sydney and i was not conscious for that i mean in typical me fashion i i did not i was not awake for all of it but i was soothed and pleased by the sort of two-thirds i was awake for so if i've if i've missed any trigger warnings, I apologize. But this is just the nature of life.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And yeah, honestly, we're hitting the accelerator now. We're on the way home. And this is a forebear for 5-Hour Energy, which is one of, I will never revisit it, I don't think, but one of my proudest creative outputs with Tim in the podcast. So you don't need this to be any longer than it's about to be. I'm just excited for you.
Starting point is 00:02:10 This is a lot of fun. This is an important moment in my life and it's in front of you. Feel that moment, love every day Cause before you know it, your precious time slips away Feel that moment Headphones on and we're in. Alright, hello, hello, welcome, welcome one and all to this, a very special edition of the Worst Idea of All Time. Very special.
Starting point is 00:02:47 This is the 40th time Tim and I will have watched Grown Ups 2 together. Yes. Which, as we've sort of, weekly I believe, we're just smashing the world record week after week. So congratulations, Sim, on a new world record. We're beating our own record every week. Like that guy is going to do that dive soon. Yeah, what's he doing he's diving he's diving 102 meters free dive into the water he can hold his breath for seven and a half
Starting point is 00:03:10 minutes bro that's a long time you interviewed him oh yeah very briefly i took you you were like i was real morbid you told him you might die or something well i reminded him that it's possible because you know it is i'm gonna sort this cable out there's so many cables here guys that's what you don't understand yeah you really you've really got to see it to believe it uh with the cable situation we are rolling film on this uh tim and i are about to do a director's commentary they said it couldn't be done they said it couldn't be said it shouldn't be done that's right they said it shouldn't be done but here we are and uh we are we are ready and roaring to go um so i guess i mean good luck yeah yeah so if yeah you'll hear that you'll figure out how to sync the movie it's up to you yeah if you're gonna do that all right yeah yeah we'll talk you through it or something but um i'm starting the blu-ray in three, two, one.
Starting point is 00:04:07 All right. Oh, that's so loud. We've got audio. For us. Let's turn that down. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, we are opening to a beautiful sweeping shot of a bit of a Lady Liberty. Columbia Pictures.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Columbia Pictures. A Sony Pictures Entertainment Company. And we did Sony Pictures buy Columbia? I don't know. No time to figure that out, Guy, because we're on to our second indent. It's Happy Madison production. My favourite bit of the movie coming up now. Terrific.
Starting point is 00:04:36 That was it. That's my favourite bit of grown-ups too, when the old man says terrific. Shame it's so early, isn't it? And we're greeted with a sweeping vista of a sort of small American town. Trees are bound. The sun is shining. It's not for blind people. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I'm figuring it out. It's a great way to start the movie, though, isn't it? It's a lovely tone. Welcome to standard Connecticut. That's what it says to me. Well, yeah. You wouldn't know it's standard Connecticut. It could be any town in America.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It could be any town in New Zealand. It's like Springfield. It's every town you know but they broke that in the movie eh the Simpsons movie
Starting point is 00:05:09 they told you where it was did they yeah it was oh no time to discuss that guy because it's our first
Starting point is 00:05:14 special appearance it's a CGI deer if you're starting a movie you want to start big and nothing's bigger than for no apparent reason
Starting point is 00:05:23 a deer in the bedroom i mean that's a different start to any day you've had i'm sure i've never woken up to a deer um you've brought this up many times guy and i quite agree with you it's apparent early on but why is he saying open the window in your mother's hair like it's just such confusing stuff being said by lenny fader it doesn't yeah it's i don't understand how this is going to solve the deer problem we've actually i mean you're gonna have to forgive us for repeating ourselves we're probably going to be leaning on a lot of memories because i've got no idea what i've said about the movie before you know oh yeah neither do i it's hard to separate out thoughts from words from uh okay this is big the deer is obviously pissing
Starting point is 00:06:01 on adam sandler which is a big nice sort of sort of gross-out, but PG-friendly gag. Yeah. Really setting a strong tone. This is ridiculous. You cannot ride that deer, Greg. Yeah, the physics of the deer have really, they've always kind of fascinated me. Because it's obviously when they're doing those shots where it's just the antlers, they're using a puppet. But the CGI shit, it's like, can deers gallop like that?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Just bloody gallop around on a wooden floor? Well, you'd think they'd slip around. I mean, their hooves are used to the wild, which is a lot grippier than a... I mean, these are pretty well-kept wooden floors. The wild is grippier. Yeah, the wild is grippier than a house. Than the house. Than a wooden floor.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's like a metaphor, right? Yeah, that is a metaphor. Okay, tears can't do it. I'm not getting a lot of the dialogue. What? Are you getting all the dialogue in the movie? Just in my headphones You are getting it or you're not?
Starting point is 00:06:47 I'm not really getting it You're not getting any of it? It's just real quiet It's like it's being whispered in my ear Oh really? From a distance Try fiddle with the cable, mate See how that plays you
Starting point is 00:06:56 Do you want to whisper up headphones Midway through, right now Okay Because I've got pretty good This is a fun little technical issue If you listen to How about now Oh I see what you're saying
Starting point is 00:07:09 It's different on this one It's not as good eh Oh yeah you've got a great audio feed You're probably living in luxury over here Oh that's perfect That means the The splitter's not working guy Is what that is
Starting point is 00:07:22 Paid $10 for that at Dick Smith Yeah I figured you'd at Dick Smith yeah I figured you'd get the cheapest one I figured it would probably be a shambles of a situation I didn't remember my wallet when I went to the shop I was just like
Starting point is 00:07:32 I had enough coins in the car do you know what I think we can just wing it like this I've seen the movie before 39 times you comfortable with that every now and then
Starting point is 00:07:42 we'll just swap headphones it just adds to the adds to it adds to it okay back to our regularly scheduled program sorry about that folks what you've missed is
Starting point is 00:07:50 so now Lenny Fader waving the monkey in front of the deer how much did they spend on the deer bro I haven't looked into it but I'd say
Starting point is 00:07:59 you'd sort of you could have built a few houses with that money or one really big house one detail that you'll see is on the bowl for the dog food. It just says dog. They haven't bothered to put Bowser's name on there.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I like that. I think it's a good sort of Easter egg. A little treat for the regular watchers. So silly. So silly. Becky Fader is a phenomenal actress. Yes, we need to draw more attention to this. Becky Fader is a tour de force. Yeah we need to draw more attention to this. Becky Fader is a tour de force of acting in this film.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, I mean, so just be aware of that. Keep an eye on her throughout the film. She's a real scene stealer, and she plays very well against Adam Sandler's aggressive dad character. I mean... Look at Greg. Oh, you missed it, but... Greg looks stoned.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Greg looks so high in that. Okay, now this is a baffling scene where a mother is giving math questions to her child. Okay, I think the angle we want to take is why did we put this in? We're the directors, remember? Yeah, I know. Let's explain what it is first.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So this was a beautiful moment where, you know, when I was a child as the writer of Grown Ups 2, I was abused a lot. Yeah? Psychologically, emotionally, a little bit physically as well. And what I have always wanted is a set of parents who um just supported me you know through through thick and
Starting point is 00:09:15 thin through thick and thin good and bad i wanted uh i've always dreamed for some parents who just love me for who i am and i never had them guy so i took it out on the movie going public of america and the world in the form of these characters the whole movie guy the movie is a trick i've tricked you see what i've done is i've inserted a couple elements that i would like in my own life such as incredibly an incredibly supportive mother um who happens to be kind of weirdly hot as well because i'm a little mixed up in the head. But what I've also done is I've put that little nugget inside of a giant wooden horse and I've gone to the gates of cinema and I've said, I have a gift for you.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And Sony Pictures Entertainment went, ah, fabulous, another Sandler horse. We love these horses. Sandler makes the best horses. They opened the gates. The horse entered along with my weird sexual issues. All of your problems. Emotional problems.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Loaded into the horse. With my growing up here. You filled up a horse. The clue is I named it grownups too. So the horse is in. The horse is behind the gates. Yeah. And suddenly Action time
Starting point is 00:10:27 Here's what happens guy All of my ideas pop out And they've got bows and arrows And burning oil and lighters And flamethrowers And coconut bombs What's a coconut bomb? I don't know
Starting point is 00:10:40 But I think coconuts are the right shape To make a bomb out of So you hollow out the husk And you put explosives in it. You light it with a flax wick and you throw it into the city. Why is this such an old style weapon? I say, huzzah, I have tricked you with my horse. So at this point in the movie, we're introduced to David Spade's character.
Starting point is 00:11:02 My congratulations to anyone who understood who failed to understand I guess that was great is what I'm saying it was the tip of the hat to the Trojan horse as you well know so Higgins we love you actually identified it very early on I just thought I'd keep going David Spade is another shining light in the film
Starting point is 00:11:20 oh damn it we're too late on it there's a couple that are there one shot, then it goes to the two shot with Brayden. Yeah, feel free to rewind it and have a look if you want. It's not that good. It's not the best continuity error in the film. I'm a bit chesty guy.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I've got a touch of bronchitis. That is a horrible thought. Sorry. Yeah, that's a good gag. That is a good gag. That is indisputably a good gag. Brayden holds up a picture of See it's hard to cater for both the audience
Starting point is 00:11:48 Who are going to be just listening to this And those who are going to be watching the film We'll just assume that they're watching it They're watching the film That's how you do it You don't listen to just the audio track Of any director's commentary That would be insane
Starting point is 00:12:03 I don't want to leave it up to people to have to figure that out They'll have to adjust the volume Imagine walking around listening to a director's commentary oh yeah insane i don't want to leave it up to people to have to figure that out they'll have to like adjust the volume walking around listening to a director's commentary but very well someone could be doing that right now which must be confusing you're you're crazier than us wow yeah okay i'll tell you what we do have on hand though if you're just checking out the audio is 12 delicious christmas mince pies we're bringing in the yuletide season oh yeah there's well it's late november i try not to celebrate christmas until early december as a general rule oh they're very dry aren't they i bet you're finding that i tried eating those yesterday they're really dry okay so here's the beginning of some serious relationship problems and we put
Starting point is 00:12:43 these into the movie uh just so there'd be some form of conflict i mean every movie needs conflict and and we're finding ours i mean it's a very rushed time to sell my hike to bring this conversation topic up she's on the way she's on the way to work in the car and she goes hey adam by the way i'm thinking about starting i think we should have another kid just drop that bombshell and leave although um to be fair that kind of mirrors the way in which that dialogue was thought of because we said to Salma Hayek, the studio executives come back to us
Starting point is 00:13:11 and he needs a romantic storyline and a bit of drama. We're rolling in 30 seconds. Can you grab this ball and run with it? Can you do this, Salma Hayek? She said yes. She did a wonderful job. Yeah, yeah. They had a very similar casting process to Curb Your Enthusiasm
Starting point is 00:13:26 where they'd come in and do sort of improvised scenes around the characters. They're very heavily and well-developed characters. But this time, they were shooting the entire time on Panavisions. Yeah. And we had our full lighting and mic sound set up. That's right.
Starting point is 00:13:38 The whole time they were improving. Salma was just great on set. I mean, she really got along well with the kids. Fun fact about grown-ups too sorry to interrupt you there guy uh we used literally everything we shot there isn't a second on the cutting room yeah it's true we could not we we could not have shot any less footage and got away with it what what luck we barely got away with this is a masturbating joke. And Tim actually wrote this in. I didn't notice it until we were on set. And then I said, oh, Tim, you sly dog.
Starting point is 00:14:10 You put a masturbating joke in the movie. And what did you say? I said, yeah, I put it in a tiny wooden horse named Becky Fader. And what I did is I took the horse up to the gates of the writer's room. And I said, look what I have for you, gents. A horse. Really hitting that horse angle hard.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And here's a great, I mean I've tried this in real life I try this every day on women and men. Lenny Fader's three step program for getting checks. It's not actually gender specific you can try this on men. You make them laugh or transgender make them smile
Starting point is 00:14:46 tell them they have a nice smile ask them out that night yeah you gotta the important key there is force them to go out with you that night before they have time
Starting point is 00:14:55 to realise you're fugly such a weird thing and fugly's that was definitely a swear word horse that we took up to the writers room oh yeah
Starting point is 00:15:03 you better believe it what I did, guy. No. Do it. No. Okay, so. Okay, so Becky really wants her doll. Her doll? Yeah. Oh, Mr. Gigglesworth. And Sam was like, yeah, you got it.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And then just doesn't think about it at all. Holy shit, I never thought of that. He does. He was like, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna get that fixed. And then just leaves it in a box in the house. If I was a dad and I was lucky enough to have a gorgeous daughter like Becky, who's very sweet and seems like very smart and caring, I'd make that a top priority, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 That'd be the top of my agenda, not stealing a school bus and going to Kmart. I'm sorry to stop you here, Tim, but as Riley pointed out this week on Twitter to one of us, or both of us, this is a particularly absurd scene. I mean, this is like the equivalent of a second dare in the bedroom. This is like... What?
Starting point is 00:15:54 This conversation's going nowhere. We need to introduce something to fucking spice things up on screen. Yeah. And so what do you want? You want a bus. You want a bus driven by Nick Swartzen, essentially, who's got some real sexuality issues at the moment and also he's got a real drug tagging problem the sexuality angle that um
Starting point is 00:16:11 neither of us added that in that was our third co-writer uh got it to be honest it really it was a bit of a curveball for me and guy we were sort of like was this the tone is this the movie we want to be making is the question we keep i mean i think the best thing Is this the movie we want to be making? That's the question we keep asking. I mean, I think the best thing about the writing process for me, Tim, was that we just, I mean, at some point we just said, look, fuck it. Every idea, we'll just put it in. We'll just throw it at a page.
Starting point is 00:16:35 We'll figure it out. Yeah. And I think that really came out on set. I mean, the performers were just, they were right into it. Except Chris Rock. You didn't like working with Chris. Chris didn't like working Rock was the latest. You didn't like working with Chris. Chris didn't like working with me. Yeah, Chris didn't like working with you. Well, I mean, you kept pulling those silly pranks in his trailer.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah, I know. He hated that. Yeah. And you kept doing it. I was trying to lighten the mood. Yeah, by filling his trailer with bullfrogs. I thought it would be a funny day. You know he's afraid of bullfrogs.
Starting point is 00:17:00 That's what makes it funny. That's not funny. That's scary. It's really funny. 5,000 bullfrogs piled on top of each other spilling out the windows and the walls
Starting point is 00:17:07 Anyone would be freaked out If I've said this once I've said it a thousand times I apologise I misread the situation but there's no reason to take it out on the movie itself
Starting point is 00:17:18 You haven't apologised to Chris Chris doesn't want to hear from me man Chris doesn't want to hear from me Anyway He did become a little icy to work with after that incident. And it's a shame that that happened on the first day. He really switched off. Yeah, he really did check out after that. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Be a professional, Chris. I'm sorry you don't have your TV show anymore. I'm sorry. I didn't do that. No, you didn't. I did do that. You did that too. Very mean-spirited prank.
Starting point is 00:17:46 His TV show's still going, isn't it? Anyway. Everybody hates Chris. He was a delight to work with, a real joy. I mean, here, the extras, we pretty much just went around driving that bus, and whoever hopped in, we just filmed after that. So we just took a school bus out for a ride
Starting point is 00:18:02 through Stanton, Connecticut, picked them up, we jumped out, Adam and Chris hopped in, and they just unproved that whole scene a ride through Stanton, Connecticut, picked them up. We jumped out. Adam and Chris hopped in. They just unproved that whole scene. Real pros. Bing, bang, booyah. I've never got that joke. Who's he talking about? Who?
Starting point is 00:18:14 White Precious. Precious is a movie. I haven't watched it. Wow. But it's a Hollywood movie and Precious was a character in it. After 40 times, that's the only reference I think that I never bothered to ask about or research. There you go. I still haven't really dug into it deeper than what I just gave you.
Starting point is 00:18:31 They really bully this kid. I mean, if you're a parent, or I don't know how old this guy is, but I'm assuming his parents had to sign off on the script. This kid is getting laid out. Those are some pretty full-on bullies. Oh, yeah. Bullying, like beanbag with arms and legs. So this is a real actor we had to get.
Starting point is 00:18:46 He's a human being, as Sherry Terry says. I'm a person. You know what's amazing, bro? With this headphone splitter, I'm only getting the background music. Yeah, I know. It's fucking awesome. That one's real different, eh?
Starting point is 00:19:00 You really traded down, brother. Nah, well, I find it easier to comment on the movie like this. You've got the audio experience we've had for the last bloody 39. This is just score. The original score. You like that? So good. You like walking around listening to movie scores, don't you?
Starting point is 00:19:16 Yeah, big time. Hans Zimmer is my boy. What's your favorite movie score to walk around listening to? Probably Daft Punk's Tron. I can see you walking around to that i haven't heard that either it's real good sherry terry's on set now wasn't she a delight to work with guy yeah sherry terry's a real firecracker everyone yeah like she jesus she didn't really have to dig uh too deep or like This character was very familiar for her.
Starting point is 00:19:46 This is very similar to Sherry. An insane sexual being. We have never had so many harassment suits as the four days Sherry Terry was on set. It was insane. Really quite full on. Jesus Christ. I cannot implore you enough to not work with her. If the opportunity or situation ever arises,
Starting point is 00:20:12 Sherry Terry, she will rip your fucking pants off on your table. I liked Sherry. It's because you're a miscreant. I thought she was a real pro, real professional. Just came in, got the job done. All scored. Shame we can only give a four to her. Good.
Starting point is 00:20:28 This is Kevin James' brother. Now, Kevin just brought him along one day. We didn't write this character in. Kevin just brought him along and said, hey, guys, I've got a funny sketch I want to do with my brother. Yeah. I'm glad he did, too. Principal Taddeo turned into one of my favourite characters
Starting point is 00:20:46 which didn't really pop off the script when we originally wrote wrote the movie studio still thinks that too did you know that? you are winking on camera they can see you winking my bad
Starting point is 00:20:58 Principal Tadio is just so great he looks probably more like anyone else in this movie just like a cartoon looked he looks uh probably more like anyone else in this movie just like a cartoon character he's like a 3d cartoon he is cartoon isn't he right through just the look you've always one thing that we we couldn't quite figure out with the was how we could get a shot of principal tardio walking towards the bus so we could see those blue footprints yeah we had real we had real trouble with that didn't we so eventually we just had to head on and lose the gag yeah Yeah, which if you look carefully is still there.
Starting point is 00:21:27 You can still see all the blue footprints. And that took a whole day of shooting to get right out of the seven days that we shot for. So it was a real pain in the ass that we couldn't get the shot. That's right. Now, for this next scene, we'd like you to know that we we we used real uh stunt people uh to play nick swartzen's character so are you gonna say in the bus he's hanging from the roof
Starting point is 00:21:52 now we got i mean we heard about we don't want to comment on uh kevin james's mother and we don't really talk about what went down eh she was the agreement that was the arrangement. We do not discuss. Yeah, so we had 15 people on set for that very, very gag that you just saw there. And we still killed a guy. Yeah, well, we lost 13 of them. It was bad news. We went to Sony and we said, look, we've got 13 corpses on set and the blood's on your hands. And they were not happy.
Starting point is 00:22:27 They were really, yeah, angry is a good word for it and disappointed. I rate. I thought sort of actually somewhat unprofessionally so. I mean, we had to get that shot. That is an integral part of the film. That was the first gag we wrote. That was the first part of the script we wrote. That was actually the movie, really. That's the gem of the movie. That is the seed of the film we that was the first gag we wrote that was the first part of the script we wrote that was actually the like that's the movie really that's the gem of the movie that is
Starting point is 00:22:48 the seed of the movie uh what i find weird though is that the studio are fine with us talking about the 13 stuntmen we killed but they we had to sign the thing about kevin james's mother well even now i'm afraid to talk about it uh how weird is that though it's yeah oh ladies and gentlemen gordon i mean gordon love it yeah well it's his twin brother we couldn't actually get john and the credits it says john but this is gordon he's a he's a lesser known love it's um but he's a hell of a guy isn't he he's still a love it's as we said yeah he's not joe he's not he's not john love it's but he's a Lovitz. I love me some Lovitz. You'll see here.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I'm loving it. Adam Sandler's wife. That's good. I'm loving it. Okay, we might be on point to get our first continuity error, and it's a really tiny one. There's so many, and Guy and I do know them all. You go for it.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Okay, you've got to look in the mirror at Mayor Rudolph, and it's – oh, no, it's not for a little bit. I think it's when Kyle comes in, actually. Yeah, it is. no it's not for a little bit I think it's when Kyle comes in actually yeah it is okay you give for a while no Kyle's about to come in isn't he not quite yet
Starting point is 00:23:51 and slap your butts let's just enjoy John Lovitz for a second because this is the best I still feel bad that is the single best delivered line in the movie I challenge anyone to disagree with me now when we wrote this part
Starting point is 00:24:04 we just thought the movie was lacking in sort of really um outright misogyny or like alluding to the fact that we find women somewhat subservient yeah we thought that'd be funny so we thought that would be funny so we put that in the movie yeah yeah that's how the writing process that's how the writing process works for us. Oh, man. Oh, we missed continuity error too. Kid Dynamite is what we named that little boy. I've forgotten his real human name,
Starting point is 00:24:36 but on set we just called him Kid Dynamite. Okay, so Maya Rudolph's character is who you're going to be wanting to look at for your first continuity error that I have been on point enough to get. She's got her arms folded in one shot, and then it snaps back to her frontal, and she's got hands on hips. So it's still got a couple lines to go.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I really like the delivery for Adam Sandler's wife on that one, by the way. Are you married? It's good. Sweet. It's sweet. Sweet. Toot. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Toot. Okay. Okay. Oh, look at that extra in theot. Okay, okay. Okay, here we go. Oh, look at that extra in the background as a center of frame. Just, we told her so many times to stop moving, she would not pay attention.
Starting point is 00:25:12 She had a real beer in her bonnet, that one. Okay. I'm looking for this continuity area. Have we got it? I know, it's occupied so much time, but where is it? Oh, okay, here. Hands on hips.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Boom. Boom, yes. Nailed it. Continuity number one. Yes. It's in the can. occupied so much time but where is it oh okay here hands on hips boom boom yes nailed it continuity number one yes i got massive pins and needles in my left leg oh dear that feels crazy no no it's all right it's just real ticklish uh do you want a christmas pie oh whoa okay do you want kmart fuck i gotta say all right we're gonna talk about this came out were absolutely wonderful to work with. They were real pros. I'll just say this real quickly. In the audio from the $10 headphone splitter you've got,
Starting point is 00:25:51 all I could hear was like the laughter they had taped. Like the canned laughter they had added. It's quite a surreal, freaky experience. What the fuck is going on here? This is tapping into some production shit. That's like the movies being whispered at you from like 100 meters away. It's audio tracks that you can't... you from like 100 meters away it's audio tracks that you can't it's weird man it's fucking weird like people can't understand that right now so
Starting point is 00:26:12 we'll just tell them about working with tim meadows now tim meadows is a real pro oh yeah kmart um yeah so tim meadows came with kmart what happened is kmartmart paid us a substantial amount of money. Let's just say my boat isn't named Lady Kmart for nothing. That's right. We went into the meeting with Kmart thinking we could maybe get $500 million, 10 times 50, $500 million out of them. I've got to keep checking that timer, mate, because it'll run out at some point.
Starting point is 00:26:46 We'll be able to see, because the camera will go down. Can you read the number from there? No, but the camera will just die when we need to reset it. No, no, no. And it's not an interesting... We've got to stick to the movie.
Starting point is 00:26:57 So, there we were, with our hands outstretched. Hats in our hands, saying, look, we'll take $500 million. And Kmart said, they bellowed a deep laugh and they said, we'll give you $5 billion and call it a day. Yeah. So we spent three of the seven days just shooting inside the Kmart
Starting point is 00:27:16 and the Kmart car park. One of the stipulations was when they gave us the $5 billion was that we had to include Tim Meadows in, which I was fine with. I didn't have an issue with it. I thought it was weird. I wanted to work with Tim anyway. I thought it was fucking weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I don't know what the relationship between Tim Meadows and Kmart is, but they are in bed together in a very confusing way. Things got a little muddy with his character too. I think Tim is contractually obliged to sleep in a Kmart every night. His whole family has to sleep.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I mean, I do not know the details between these two parties, but Tim and his whole family, they're living out of Kmarts. They tour the Kmarts around America. That's what I'd heard as well. Yeah, they just exist a Kmart lifestyle. I think that's the tagline.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Live the brand. Live the Kmart brand. Yeah, well, because he does... Remember, he's got... We had to put the makeup over his neck, but he's got live the brand written in Kmart-style letters across his neck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Which is pretty terrifying. I can only imagine how much money they gave to Muto's. But one of the situations that came up, which compromised our integrity just a squash, was that the CEO of Kmart insisted on inserting his own catchphrase onto Tim Meadows' character, which is how we got the recurring what. He's very curious, the owner of Kmart, isn't he? He's an odd dude. He wonders about everything, but he's got a very short attention span.
Starting point is 00:28:39 He was a roid freak. He got bagsits on his bagsits. Besides... What the fuck am I hearing now? The exercise machine. No. Where? So Tim and I are trying to learn the whole film by rote.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Okay, see these two exes in the background walking through? Watch this. They're about to do it again. Red top, blue top. Oh my god. It's deja vu all over again. They fucked that up, didn didn't they that's what we in the matrix call a glitch that's right in the matrix what were you saying before i genuinely do not remember it was a very exciting point though i like this t-shirt he bought this t-shirt
Starting point is 00:29:19 himself robidoux um i mean i tried to buy it off my own a hundred thousand dollars he said he's just no way it's his favourite t-shirt I'm hearing music playing under the whole scene are you getting any music? no I'm not getting music should we swap back? I'm so confused
Starting point is 00:29:37 I want to hear what you I want to see what you're talking about come live in my world guy now this guy can't remember his name but fuck he's good that's what i would say about oh wow i mean you're not listening to anything in these no just pay really close attention though and you it's quite a treat it's just now this is something i've always wondered about because in my experience everyone
Starting point is 00:30:03 always says pop a squat but he says Copper Squat. That was an ad-lib. But which way is correct? Well, we wrote Popper Squat. Yeah, but is that correct? Yeah. Oh, the movie sounds weird now, now that it's sounded properly. I've just got silence.
Starting point is 00:30:20 But dude, wait, because weird production music comes in real quietly and bits there. We've never heard it before This will change you As a man Right on Now Brayden's tattoos That was
Starting point is 00:30:30 That was actor's choice again Brayden loves to doodle He loves to doodle That was the original name Of this film as well Grown Ups 2 Actor's choice That was
Starting point is 00:30:41 Oh now I've got Some good gym noises Do we want to go into why we hate Donna slash I loved working with Donna damn it I knew you were going to
Starting point is 00:30:49 leave me in the boat alone I knew you wouldn't help me out on this one Donna was a real pro she was a real veteran I hate Donna love this guy though we called this guy
Starting point is 00:31:00 Kid Dynamite on set forget his real name but he was just consistently nailing it we called him Kid Dynamite which got confusing when we were working with the guy Kid Dynamite on set. Forget his real name, but he was just consistently nailing it. We called him Kid Dynamite. Which got confusing when we were working with the two Kid Dynamites. What?
Starting point is 00:31:12 Well, because, you know, there was the baby as well who bites John Lovett's leg was also Kid Dynamite. What are you talking about? Bumpty. Yeah. Kid Dynamite. Those are two different actors They're not Same character mate
Starting point is 00:31:28 That was the same person It's the same character It was the same person on set No it's the same character In the movie Oh shit We just missed the best Line in the movie
Starting point is 00:31:37 This is what happened They cut the gag there After that buttocks shot That would actually be A really funny Stand alone gag But this cut away I think we really Dropped the ball on that one what it proves is that uh we did obviously we're comedy
Starting point is 00:31:49 geniuses but no one else involved with the production of this movie understand like they would trip over jokes not know it that'd be quite funny but then they'd overcook it in the oven that's right fuck out and leave the turkey in too long oh yeah oh Time to burning the turkey. Time to do something. Time to do something. Tim's just going to change your battery on a camera or something like that. Shooting at Kmart again. Obviously, we wanted to get the word Kmart in as much as we could. Now, Kevin James, he did this as an offer, the Burp Snart.
Starting point is 00:32:21 And I've got to tell you, on set when he was recording it, I mean, there was no audio effects on it so it was literally just kevin james writhing his body uh and and what looked like a really uncomfortable sort of fashion and uh i gotta say post really saved us on that one because we were kevin really sold us down the river with that gag the burp snart is not was not a good it's not a good visual gag's annoying, and you won't know this if you don't work in the film industry, is that usually the process is you write a script
Starting point is 00:32:50 and then you give it to the actors and the actors deliver the script. What Kevin James does on every take is we'll insert one offer of his own, which isn't really an offer when we're rolling. It's just him inserting something into the movie. He knows we've got to use it then. It's not an ad-libbed offer.
Starting point is 00:33:08 What it is is Kevin James has something he calls his ideas book, and it's a children's coloring book. I forgot about the ideas. It's quite terrifying to read. It's just sort of scratchings with pen and crayon, and he comes in and he's got his ideas book folded up in his back right pocket and we're shooting. And then Kevin James goes, hey, I got an idea.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And he'll just open the book and at random just turn to a page and point at it. And then he'll insert that. Not a great artist, Kevin James, either. I'll tell you that. A lot of crudely drawn cock and balls in that ideas book. Yeah, I mean, I would not like to spend one day inside that brain. Hey, fun fact about this stunt, Nick Swartzen did the whole thing. See?
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah, he's a real athlete, Nick. He actually had to run off set every day at 3pm for his ninja training. It was so limiting to shoot. Yeah, I think... Oh, God, it was a pain in the ass. So much to talk about. I would like to talk about the budget for this particular scene because this is when we put 600 extras in it to go home.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And our DOP, he said, we don't need them all. We can cheat this. I could probably do it with 30, maybe like 35 people. I can make it look like 600. I mean, we've got, between between us we've got a lot of family we both come from big families i've got 72 brothers and sisters yeah my jewish side and my catholic side both sides both big both big uh and we said look we got a lot of mouths to feed a lot of jewish catholic mouths and and just all all matter of mouths my yent is relying on me
Starting point is 00:34:40 and so is my pappy and so what we did is we we hired sort of in a mafia style move i believe that the executives called it we hired all of our family and paid them a phenomenally generous rate uh we we gave each of these extras five hundred thousand dollars to come along for a two-hour shoot we just put the the uh the ballet on once and filmed and uh so they essentially got paid a hundred thousand dollars they should just sit through a ballet recital it's a pretty good day's work i'm really pleased we did that fun fact about the movie excuse me we had more accountants working on our paperwork uh than the u.s uh tax department employees irs is less people than what we had on the we actually hired uh a littleknown firm called Latin Accountants.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And what the Latin Accountants do, which is quite good, is they take your regular, easy-to-read English accounts, and they translate that into traditional Latin. And then, I mean, you take that to the tax department, and you watch them wriggle. I tell you what. It's brilliant. Oh, here's another great delivery from Lovitz. You sure are, John Lovitz, and so are we. Or Gordon.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Can't remember who we used in that one. I'm now hitting the sweet as crazy production music sort of. It's just the production music and sound effects are up real high and everything else is down low. What the fuck is your split? 2012. There's a continuity error for you uh this is called the 2012 journalist's dance title but we know the movie's set in 2013 because
Starting point is 00:36:10 of chris rock's watch uh in a later scene so that was embarrassing for us and as we said earlier becky's acting here is uh really strong that was embarrassing for us guy someone should have either considered the brief flash on camera of chris rock's watch or the sign which is on screen literally for a few frames well we but it's less and we shot the scenes consecutively which is what makes it doubly embarrassing and we had 50 people 50 other family members working on continuity not one of them picked up on it but i tell you what they earned a pretty pretty pretty penny uh we gave each of them $500,000 for two days' work, which is a pretty good rate. So I'm really pleased we did that. I'm really proud of that.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I just decided to round up to a cool half-mail for most people who worked on the movie. Stone Cold, it was a real joy to work with. This guy's a real pro. Stone Cold was a delight to work with. One of the most professional men I've ever worked with in my life And a gentle giant A real gentle giant, that's right And I'd also quickly, as I started the point earlier
Starting point is 00:37:12 Becky Fader here Look at this acting I mean, I can't I'm so proud of her And the way she performed Particularly because Sony Entertainment Pictures Made Becky By which I mean They are the first studio constructed test tube baby
Starting point is 00:37:29 Constructed solely for acting So we're glad that it panned out Because there was quite a lot of R&D money sunk into that She's a real pioneer I suppose actually Sony are the pioneers And they work with Pioneer on the audio She's a real pioneer, Becky Sony are the pioneers and they work with Pioneer on the audio. She's a real pioneer, Becky.
Starting point is 00:37:48 In this scene, we decided, wouldn't it be fun if we went to a different state for a day? Yeah. We shot this in Alaska in the middle of winter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:59 We had to spend so much time lighting this scene. And just shoveling snow. We shot this, we had a one week turnaround we shot this in a full blonde blizzard uh it was literally whitewashed the whole thing um probably my favorite production note from this movie is that though because we did shoot the scene in alaska we didn't have to turn those freezers on for the ice cream it just stayed naturally that's right at a great uh two degrees centigrade that was actually really
Starting point is 00:38:23 frustrating uh on account that in the movie, the ice cream machine had to be broken. And so having a functioning ice cream machine was useless. But I'm really proud of the poo gag we did put in here. Now, who you can see in the background there is Tanya Aitken. Tanya was a joy to work with. She was a real pro. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:38:45 She's actually doing, I believe she's a yoga instructor now uh hot yoga bikram bikram yeah hot yoga and uh in los angeles california yeah uh i mean it's a great studio we'll get the details here at a later time but uh i'll tell you what after tell them tell them we sent you yeah we sent you uh but after after a yoga workout, sometimes I'll nip down to Gold's down on Venice, which is just a fantastic facility. I work out with some friends. Do you know what I like to do if I'm on Venice Beach and I've just hit Gold's and maybe checked out a little of Tanya's?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Hot yoga. What do you like to do, Tim? Grab myself a slice of Blaze Pizza. Oh, yes, please. Blaze Pizza. Are we, well, we... I say we. I'm not actually involved. It's not like I'm a stakeholder or anything.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Are we at Blaze... I've done it again. Down at Blaze Pizza, we use... What they use are artisanal... Artisanal. I can't be an artist. You fucking wrote it, bro. I didn't write it.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Artisanal ingredients. And we flash fry or we we flash bake those pieces in 90 seconds i mean you're gonna get that pizza you're gonna be in and out uh and in time maybe to hit it on your second i'm eating at a place again with someone so intimately involved in the cooking process know so little about it i don't work i don't work at blaze piece i'm not a stakeholder in Blaze Pizza One thing I never noticed about Nancy Arbuckle before Quite a forroad eh
Starting point is 00:40:09 I haven't really looked at it Check it out bro It's there There was another cartoon of Channel Mountain from Kevin James' brother Really good stuff from him This is about the time In the movie when I get incredibly down on myself yeah i mean the movie does drag because you think school's just finished and for us we know that uh
Starting point is 00:40:33 that the football scene you're gonna muffle yourself i'm playing with my mustache sorry uh we know that the football scene is the halfway point in the movie and you think school's finished you go straight to football practice. No. But somehow there's sort of three to five hours of a day that we just filled in here for no apparent reason. We had to turn a phrase on set where we call it grown-ups time. When you're watching the monitors for playback, so you're watching any cuts that the editors would send through of our grabs for the day,
Starting point is 00:41:01 like a one-minute clip would feel like about an hour of your life, and we called it grown-ups i've heard it's very similar to hallucinogenic drugs uh people who've done that will say they've experienced that the idea that time doesn't exist time is a construct around them and that's what it feels like when we were watching the rushes on set yeah i mean it's it was terrifying we were in a time warp yeah and all we had to um be an objective measure of where we were on the time continuum was Chris Rock's watch, which perpetually showed last day of summer. First day of summer, 2013.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I can't remember what it was. Something of June. That was our anchor point, similar to those objects in Inception. Chris Nolan taught us so much about movie making, and you can really see it on display in this film. We really respect Chris. These productions, I mean... I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Was that a stuntman? Did we get a stunty to do that, or was that Brayden? No, we got Brayden. He didn't like us calling him Brayden on set, by the way. He's a real actor with a name, but we never learned it. We used to call him Kid Dynamite on set. Yeah, yeah. Just because he was so talented. Yeah, we we did he was a real pro to work with kid dynamite
Starting point is 00:42:10 so um i don't really know what to say about the scene i don't think either of us were on set this day i think we actually took this is in the middle we took a couple of week-long holidays week-long breaks yeah uh and i think this is some of the stuff that... You should try and get a closer look at the movie. Really get into the story there, guy. This is some of the stuff that they shot. Get in there, and you really get a new perspective on it. We were on holiday at this point,
Starting point is 00:42:35 and we didn't realise that they were going to construct a soundstage instead of just finding a location for this. That's 50,000 gallons of water, which we did not need to pay for or deal with as a studio we should have shot on location is what I'm trying to say possibly worth it for that though
Starting point is 00:42:54 yeah I was really getting in there that summertime shot that's one thing that they got right when we weren't there yeah that's a favourite of mine we built the soundstage just so we could get the audio crisp
Starting point is 00:43:03 on that line and to be fair they $4 million well spent. So just as an aside, we're setting a reasonably confusing tone on this podcast with regards to fluctuating between when we were on set and when we weren't on set. So just bear with us. Because it's difficult for us to remember.
Starting point is 00:43:23 We're figuring it out too, just like you are. We were using a lot of ketamine on set so it just just bear with us because i mean it's difficult for us to remember we were using a lot of ketamine on set so obviously that that really muddied the water so to speak now if you want time distortion get yourself a little special k ketamine or horse tranquilizers that's more commonly known that'll really fuck with your chris watch internal watch uh taylor now taylor was a real joy to work with he was a real pro uh but i'd like to speak briefly at the moment if i could to uh to working with patty schwarzenegger now this guy should we indulge this guy is a hold on before you go into that should we indulge because there was a little theme song we made up on set that we'd like that's right now yeah and i don't know why this did never take off um but it went something like this
Starting point is 00:44:05 party time it's patrick schwartz party time it's party time with patty schwartz he's riding a motorbike holding a a bazooka. It's Paddy Schwartz. Party time. And now we're stating, Molly fucking Cyrus. It's Paddy Schwartz. Party time. Just sorry, I broke in the middle of that song there because I'm so excited to share this. That's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:44:36 First down set, Paddy showed up literally holding a bazooka on a motorbike and we said, Paddy, you've got to get that thing out of here. This is a film set. He didn't get it no he didn't he was he became pretty upset he didn't get it at all
Starting point is 00:44:52 he didn't get what he didn't actually get what a movie set was truth be told yeah had a lot of trouble explaining to Paddy um
Starting point is 00:45:00 or I mean the process of um what an actor is and like yeah essentially but you did you really took the ball around with that on teaching him Paddy, the process of what an actor is. Yeah. Essentially.
Starting point is 00:45:09 But you really took the ball around with that on teaching him, and I really owe you one for that, because you did a lot of extra shifts. I looked after a lot of younger kids. One-on-one sessions. Paddy, actually. Prior job, and you've got to teach them the difference between real life and make-believe. It didn't occur to me that Arnold Schwarzenegger's
Starting point is 00:45:20 20-year-old son didn't understand the distinction. I'm talking about when we were shooting of course sorry now it's a funny story actually about how we hired Paddy we were actually working out doing our morning workout at Gold's and then we saw him
Starting point is 00:45:35 we loved him we talked to the instructor how do we get that kid to do he said that kid that kid we call that kid Dynamite he said that kid Dynamite
Starting point is 00:45:43 no no no he said we call that kid Dynamite which was said, that is kid Dynamite. No, no, no. He said, we call that kid Dynamite, which was so confusing because he insisted on us calling him Dynamite. We're two kid Dynamites. Three kid Dynamites. Dynamites are getting Braden. But what he said pretty much is, if you go down the road to a place called Blaze Pizza
Starting point is 00:45:58 and pick up a couple of those really quickly pan-fried pizzas that use, not pan-fried, baked. Hot-baked pizzas. Flash-baked. And once again, you made up the process. I have no faith in it. I've got absolutely no involvement with Blaze Pizza. Obviously, I'm not a stakeholder. But he said, you get seven of those pizzas,
Starting point is 00:46:16 come down here and just sort of lay a trail, Hansel and Gretel style, to the movie set. Do you think we were right to hire taylor lautner for this character yes i want to take a moment to talk about adam sandler's wardrobe not just in this film but for the last 15 years whether he's been on camera or off say what you will about adam sandler but he is comfortable maximum comfort all the time i actually got a link sent to to me recently uh of a tumblr account which was like i think it's called die adam sandler and then a bunch of eights and then a
Starting point is 00:46:59 and uh a lot of the commentary was why the fuck are you always wearing a shirt that's too fucking big for you? And it had a bit of a camera roll. They've got a point. I always wear shirts that are too big for me. I respect Adam for that. It was one of the decisions he made on set, which I respected. I actually look frumpy and like a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:47:20 You visited a lot of those weird Tumblr sites when we were on set, and Adam was pretty upset by that. What was I going to do, direct these guys? No. Probably not. Yes. Fun fact about this bit of the movie,
Starting point is 00:47:38 it only exists because we didn't have a trailer when we finished the movie, so we went back, made the soundstage, and shot the scene. The studio didn't like the original trailer. Yeah. Had to scrap it. Jared Sandler was a real pro to work with. He was a real good guy. Was he?
Starting point is 00:47:56 My memory's a little hazy of Jared Sandler. Because I was on holiday when this was shot. That's right. Oh, now this was a fun day. We've been told. Yeah. this was shot that's right oh now this was this was a fun day um what we didn't solve what yeah we got let me just check out the movie a little closer we got um david spade's head quite literally inside kevin james this was one of this was probably one of the more fun uh things from kevin james idea book is he said david spade's head inside my colon and we said kevin you're gonna have to sell that david yourself because i'm not having that conversation uh and dave it was a real sport
Starting point is 00:48:31 he was up for it and we actually i mean what a lot of people don't know is we actually got david spade's head inside kevin james colon on that shot sure did sure did bradden higgins this was one of the shots That made it from the original round Which we actually forgot to take out Where he was a warlock He wrote that in the script He was a warlock
Starting point is 00:48:53 What was the inspiration for that? I'd been watching a lot of Charmed at the time You're a big Charmed fan I was drawn in by the theme song And I was held by those three Lovely sisters And the whole idea that If you get three people together I was drawn in by the theme song, and I was held by those three lovely sisters. And the whole idea that if you get three people together, they're very powerful, that's always appealed to me.
Starting point is 00:49:17 First time we see the van in shot, I had to pay a lot of money. A lot of money for that van. You'll see it again here in the garage. Now, fun fact about this we named the garage El Dorado Tyres after the movie The Road to El Dorado
Starting point is 00:49:31 that's right which David Spade voices the lead in and now Kevin James this wasn't an analyzed tears book this is just a personality quirk
Starting point is 00:49:40 an idiosyncrasy if you will he has three five hour energies every minute uh which can't be good for you i don't know what is in that stuff but he he's putting those back uh like like sort of mints breath mints or something and in the full disclosure of everything i mean this was the most obtuse product placement we really didn't uh stitch this thread up did we no it was it was the hem was loose on
Starting point is 00:50:06 that one you can say much so it was bare for all to see i mean do you think that because we've given him five hour energy that that is a storyline that will go somewhere and we really we didn't we didn't pursue that thread and we're guilty of that on a lot of the threads the movie i mean i've heard they say don't read your reviews but um i did i had a look at some of them and uh people did not hold back uh and and what they said about us and and the film they were scathing um i mean did you did you dabble in in reading any of those well the one that sticks out in my mind uh was i feel like david spade with his head and kevin james's colon that's right after seeing grown-ups too which fucking hurt great line that was great line there by uh big dynamite
Starting point is 00:50:58 shack really shows off some dancing and acting chops in this scene not everyone knows that shack can move they know he can move around a court obviously but uh phenomenal dancer put the man on the ballroom floor there was um a couple of times when we were just setting up lights and stuff and we were sort of waiting around on set uh shack brought his own little bluetooth speaker in and he taught us all how to box waltz which was a. And it was just one of those times in my life where I was like, holy shit, I'm waltzing with Shaquille O'Neal right now. I never thought it could be this good. Yeah. Well, it's not something you expect, is it?
Starting point is 00:51:35 CG was a little off, but we didn't have time to correct this. Shaq thought it would be funny if we used his dick to stop the tyre. That tyre had him screwing the crotch. We needed it to be a little bigger we wanted an exclamation mark on the punchline what you'll notice there if you rewind the film
Starting point is 00:51:52 thus getting out of sync with the director's commentary is Shaq and Peter Dante were holding hands there in that shot that was Peter Dante's ad lib and god bless him for it
Starting point is 00:52:02 yeah Peter Dante was a joy to work with he was a real pro real dynamite if I could pick one word to describe his performance to Dante Zadlib and God bless him for it. Yeah, Peter Dante was a joy to work with. He was a real pro. Real dynamite. Yeah. If I could pick one word to describe his performance. His performance was dynamite.
Starting point is 00:52:10 He was electric. He was like electric dynamite. We called him electric dynamite on set actually. Look at these extras. Having a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun on set. That's what I remember
Starting point is 00:52:21 a lot of laughs. A lot of love. It was a good week. A lot of hugs. Good seven days. Yeah. And we trashed a real frat house. We didn't tell them either.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Boy, were they pursed. That's right. They actually arrived back when we were shooting this scene back with the extras. And I mean, we just hightailed it. We dropped the cameras and left. And a few of the boys actually picked up a few scrapes. We lost a few bodies actually there. We had to digitally take it.
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Starting point is 00:53:13 Call yourself a runner. Peloton all-access membership separate. Learn more at slash running. Yeah, a couple of guys, their faces became so mangled we couldn't shoot with them the second half of the movie. So we digitally removed... We got the deer guy to do that from memory, actually.
Starting point is 00:53:34 We said, bro, while you're here, would you mind just deleting a couple characters for us? On account of their faces have been horribly mangled by the frat boys whose fraternity house we've just destroyed. He said, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I said, those two. He said, here's my invoice. I said, fine.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Yeah. I mean, that was your brother. So we actually gave him, he got a pretty good paycheck for that. He did well. This is the halfway point in the movie, if you are curious. I mean, I'm imagining some of you actually watching this film right now. Well done. You've made it halfway through.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Congratulations to you. This is a bit where Guy and I like to give ourselves a pat on the back each week. Yeah. Good job, friend. There we go. Now we just have to watch the second half of the movie, which I'm really excited for. It has been fun just talking right right through it eh now it's like we i mean we can break here to talk about the experience of watching the movie
Starting point is 00:54:32 for the 40th time that's i'm not gonna here's what's up now uh that was goyle from harry potter this is um not a lot of people actually very few people know this outside of the writer's room but we got becky to come in to shoot these. You'll notice that they're never in the same shot. Sorry, Donna, to come back in. We shot that very much separately. This part with Keithy and Lenny was actually a different movie. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:00 That never quite made it to release. No, and we said, are you going to use that footage? We said, are you going to eat that? And they said, no. We're not hungry is what they said. They kept going with the metaphor, and we said, well, we'll gobble it up. We scoffed it. We said we'll gobble it up, and then we scoffed it.
Starting point is 00:55:15 A lot of reviewers noticed that the tone really changes in this scene. Starts to take quite a dynamic and enjoyable storyline with some stakes. Yeah, yeah. There's a quest, there's a journey that's storyline with some stakes. Yeah, yeah. There's a quest, there's a journey that's being led to here. It looks like here's a cat who's going to grow up and be a football star. I want to see more about Keithy. There's going to be some trials and tribulations along the way, no doubt. Now, this is the bit where we had to bring it back to the Grown Ups 2 universe.
Starting point is 00:55:43 So we just had to sort of curtail that journey. I saw a lot of the crew getting very excited on set when we were building with that scene because they didn't see the script. We just told them what to shoot. And there were some pretty long faces after we killed that storyline off immediately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah, they were not happy. I think that's a good way to shoot, though. Don't let anyone know what's happening next. Don't want to let them know. Just give them the immediate scene. They might not like what you're about to make uh and then they'd be sometimes be brave enough to venture into an opinion now the good thing as well about shooting chronologically is you can put all your most ridiculous stuff at the end like when we got uh steve buscemi to dress up as flavor flav but by that stage he was already in so much of the movie he felt he couldn't
Starting point is 00:56:21 yeah couldn't not steve steve that was an offer of steve's as well that whole arms in the air injury thing i mean it was sort of a throwaway i wouldn't imagine anyone would um if i had to guess yeah i mean i've never really thought to guess if you had to guess what what it was that steve was referring to if i had to guess yeah i would absolutely say say that it was electrocution. Okay. Because you haven't seen the first movie, have you? I haven't watched it. I wrote it.
Starting point is 00:56:51 You directed it too, but you never saw it. There's no way. It wasn't my cup of tea. I'm not looking that gift horse in the eyes is what you said. That's right. And I think we all know what I was talking about. This was a fun scene to shoot. So electrocution happens when electricity runs through your body,
Starting point is 00:57:11 and if I had to guess at what had happened to Steve Buscemi, and I'm not sure if anyone's brought this up before actually, I would say lightning. Does that feel like a new thought to you? Struck by lightning while signaling a touchdown. No, no, just struck by lightning and his arms shot up as a muscular reflex. I like that.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Chris Berman, we didn't actually get to work with him. We just took that snippet from the real days of our lives and just put it in our show. But I imagine Chris Berman would be a really good guy to work with. I think he's a real pro. Dennis, our director who we got in for this picture, really wanted to be somewhere in the movie and actually developed quite a delightful character.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Zany, zany character. You'll notice the doctor later on. We'll talk about this later at the party. If you pay attention to what the good doctor is saying, he hasn't slept in 68 hours at this point and then the very next thing he decides to do is go out and get a bitch in billy idol costume costume so he can go to the faders we yeah we walk for fun we mapped out the um we mapped out the timeline for this character and he is a real party animal i mean him and patty schwartz got on great they
Starting point is 00:58:20 had a lot of fun there were a lot of i were a lot of late nights or early mornings with those two. The cool thing is, so Dennis has this trick that he does when he goes to clubs where because he looks dead, he just shuts his eyes and stays really still and Paddy Schwartz freaks everyone out and says, he's died. It's a good prank they do. I actually tried to go out with them a few times, but they were keen, but every time they'd go out, I actually had to cover Paddy's shift down at Blaze Pizza.
Starting point is 00:58:46 So I never actually made it out. You went out one night with them, and you said it was an absolute... Dennis did the trick. It was raucous. Yeah, Dennis did the trick. He did it a couple of times. We did a real weekend at Bernie's with him
Starting point is 00:58:56 where he was our... It was like a double bluff, though, because I'm working at Bernie's. They've got a dead body that they're trying to fake off as real. We did the reverse because I'm a good writer and i'm creative unique brain that's what i've always liked about working with you very unique brain now we uh got uh well i i always called him kid dynamite in the movies commonly referred to as
Starting point is 00:59:18 blow dry boy we got him uh yeah we need more screen time for him because he's he's pretty good look at him there he miming uh he was miming drinking a beer, and we said, Kid Dynamite, just be aware that it does look like you are fellating. And he said, No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. It looks like I'm drinking a beer. And he really went with it.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Great catch there by Kid Dynamite. Yeah. Really, really good. Blood Dry Boy decided to take his glasses off. Yeah. We decided to go with it. That was fine. He has pink eyes like a little piglet though.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Very strange to look into, which I had to do during contract negotiations. Yeah, you were very forthcoming with your opinions of people's physicality on set and that didn't rub well with a lot of the cast. There you go. There's the famous watch shot. It's the 21st of June, 2013. A lot of people. physicality on set and that didn't rub well with a lot of the cast. There you go. There's the famous watch shot. It's the 21st of June 2013.
Starting point is 01:00:07 A lot of people. 359. A lot of people got a pay rise for nailing that. Yeah. Yeah, we didn't hold back with the money after that little. Now, what you'll notice here
Starting point is 01:00:17 is Mayor Rudolph in the movie Chris Rock's wife is making a voucher. In real life, Paul Thomas Anderson's wife, which I didn't know, Paul came on set one day and said, what are you doing here? We said, we're making a voucher. In real life, Paul Thomas Anderson's wife, which I didn't know, Paul came on set one day, said, what are you doing here?
Starting point is 01:00:26 We said, we're making a movie, Paul. And he just laughed. He laughed for about two hours and then he just walked back off set. Yeah, it was a good joke we made. So if you're listening, Paul, g'day. Maya Rudolph was, she was creating a voucher that said free batcrub
Starting point is 01:00:42 to sort herself out. She was making that for Paul. That was a real thing she was doing. And we said, roll on that. We whispered to our cameras, roll on that. Nobody tell Maya that she's on. It's really sweet. She was talking to her mother.
Starting point is 01:00:56 And then we edited it into the film. And we got into a lot of trouble with Maya for doing that. She said, I agreed you could record the character. You cannot record my life. But we fought hard. The studios, we won that. And we got to keep it in the film. Fun fact about grown-ups, too. We had more lawyers working just for the film
Starting point is 01:01:12 than the Department of Justice in the United States. That's right. And they were called Eagle Eagle. Legal Eagle. Legal Eagles. I think they had to call themselves that because they- A lot of them weren't lawyers, per se. Well, no. I mean, they were exclusively eagles, I think they had to call themselves that because a lot of them weren't lawyers Well no, I mean they were exclusively eagles We hired over 200 bald American eagles as our legal team
Starting point is 01:01:34 and I mean you should have seen the complainants trying to sort of hold court with a full-blown hawk flying around the courtroom It was very distracting, it really worked well I mean between that and the Latin accounts with a full-blind hawk flying around the courtroom. It was very distracting. It really worked well. I mean, between that and the Latin accounts, we really stuck it to him.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Oh, how long has that not been shooting? I've got no idea. We've got a second feed up in the corner there, though. You're panned, mate. Battery swap time. All right. Now, this scene between David and Brayden, you know, we thought it was lacking something, so we put that Rockstar energy drink in in post-production,
Starting point is 01:02:18 and it really went to town and really did its work for us. I mean, the scene before the Rockstar was put in, it was a reshoot, and we actually scheduled a reshoot for late December last year, and the most convenient place we could get was in Iceland, so that was going to cost us an arm and a leg, and then one of the editors said, look what I've done. He's just mocked up a little rock star can and put that in frame,
Starting point is 01:02:41 and the scene really popped after that, and if you are looking for an energy drink, I mean, if you're feeling a bit tired at the wheel or maybe you just got a big game or a big exam coming up and you're not quite sure what to do, I'd like to recommend Rockstar Energy. And I'm not affiliated with them in any way. I mean, I'm not sponsored. This is not a paid-for promotion.
Starting point is 01:02:58 But Rockstar Energy makes you feel like a rock star, makes you perform like a rock star. So that really made that scene pop, I thought. I was really proud of that. What was that editor's name? I think it was Edward Giles. So if you're listening, Ed, cheers for that. You're a lifesaver.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Cheeky oldie, eh? So Lonely Island coming up. Yep. They were a fun bunch of young men. They were larrikins, weren't they? Did a lot of partying with Dennis Dugan. They did. I, of course, didn't get to go.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I was covering Paddy's shift at Gold. It's a barrier hooker for them. Do you know that? I didn't know that. That's really full on. A jiggle eye, wasn't it? Yeah. There were a lot of, I mean, we lost a lot of good people on this.
Starting point is 01:03:52 And some bad ones too. And some bad ones, yeah. Thank God. Really made the whole process worth it for me. All right, and there they are. Here are our lads. Our fine young our lads Our fine young Trim lads Funny thing about this song
Starting point is 01:04:08 We asked for the rights to it From the band And they said We hate that song Can we watch the movie Before we sell you the rights to it And they saw the movie And they said
Starting point is 01:04:21 This is a perfect match It was weird though Because when we were talking to the people who made this song, Warrant, in the meeting, he looked me in the eye and told me this weird story about a horse. What was the story? It was really odd, wasn't it? What was it? It was a horse? Really odd, wasn't it?
Starting point is 01:04:41 What was it? It was a horse? He started saying to me, Tim and Guy, what I've got for this picture is a beautiful gift, a musical gift that I wrote many years ago called Cherry Pie, but I've put it inside a horse for you.
Starting point is 01:04:54 And he slid a little wooden horse on wheels, like a child's toy, across the table to me. Didn't know what it meant at the time. We checked the song in and I've got that horse to this day. I've been round your house for dinner recently and I mean, it's full of little wooden horses.
Starting point is 01:05:14 You must have over two million of them. A lot of people give me wooden horses, mate. Can't say enough about Shaq and Peter Dante as a dynamic duo. In fact, you can look forward To the spin off They've got a trilogy of movies Coming out directed by Peter Jackson
Starting point is 01:05:30 Starting in 2016 Then we've got one coming out Each summer And the trilogy is about The morning that Those two characters had Before they arrived at Kmart So it's just about
Starting point is 01:05:40 What Shaq and Dante got up to Over that sort of Two, three hour period We shot that to a lot of directors. Peter took it. And I think he's getting four. The first one's going to be four hours. The second one's a real marathon at 17.
Starting point is 01:05:56 On that second hour, he's really gone to town. And then the third film, we don't know. We haven't really slated a release date. He's such a visionary director, Peter, because we said, Peter, Sir Peter, what most movies do is they constrict a lot of time that's being represented into a package that's smaller than real time.
Starting point is 01:06:19 We would like to do the reverse in which a six-hour morning for two police officers in Stanton, Connecticut, transpires over 50 hours on the screen. do the reverse in which a six hour morning for two police officers in steenton connecticut transpires over 50 hours on the screen he said i'll do it yeah we said thank you peter that's right great relationship with peter now this song that we're listening how loud is that and you can it's all right but we actually play this song in some form through the whole movie on a loop.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Even when there are other songs playing, we've just taken the master on this down so you can't, it's not audible, but it is still playing. Do you reckon I can eat
Starting point is 01:06:53 a Christmas pie? I think you can. We've got 12 of them, but people get upset when I eat on the mic and I can understand. Eat away from the microphone. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:07:02 This is David's attempt at a burp snart. He was really embarrassed that he had to try that. That was the only swear word that made it through in the movie. Another cartoonish turn from Kevin James' brother. Real cartoon of a guy, real pro to work with. Real dynamite on set. You used to call him Kid Dynamite.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Yeah, I did. It's quite condescending really really, because he is my senior. But why the hell not, eh? Can't be a laugh. You got your first mouthful of that Christmas pie. Do you want to tell me what that's like? Pretty good. Sounds quite dry.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Similar to the crackers with regards to the dryness. No, man. Your mouth is not moist, orally. I'll take over from here while you digest that. We've got a lot of product placement from Pepsi. They didn't pay us a cent. We just really love the stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:55 I mean, it's absolutely delicious. And if you are craving a refreshing cola, is that pie not going down particularly well nah this was my favourite scene in the movie
Starting point is 01:08:16 because it's where all the rest of the sponsorship contractual agreements we had were met that was a big problem that needed solving. That's right to the writer's room. We agreed to a lot of sponsors and we... We floated a couple of ideas. The first one that I said was,
Starting point is 01:08:33 what if we're at the Super Bowl? Every sponsor you've agreed to get on board with the pitcher has their own blimp similar to the Goodyear blimp. And we just fly them overhead in sequential shots. Initially, they were very excited by the idea. They grabbed it. But then we did a dummy run without sponsored blimps
Starting point is 01:08:54 but with real blimps at a live sporting event. Over 50 blimps collided in a ball of gas. I mean, you thought the Hindenburg was bad? This was a Hindenburg of a Hindenburg. Imagine 50 Hindenburgs colliding above the Major League Baseball final. Luckily, we didn't lose any lives on that one by some miracle.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Lost type of sponsors, though. Dell Computers. Yeah, Dell sponsors though. Dell Computers. Yeah, Dell dropped out. Carlsberg. Yeah. Well, we were iffy on Carlsberg because we didn't know about having an alcohol sponsor. JCPenney.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Yeah. JCPenney. That was a big loss for me. I was looking forward to the contra that JCPenney could give. What did JCPenney make again? Clothes? Yep. Yeah, I was just looking at her wearing some JCPenney garb.
Starting point is 01:09:53 This fucking movie, eh? It's just like finished. It's just scene after scene after scene after scene after scene. What is it amounting to? Nothing. We're on a freight train to nowhere. Just arrives at a bridge with unfinished railing. We go careening off the fucking thing into the water,
Starting point is 01:10:14 into the rocks, and we all just wallow around in the shallows, crying, impaled. So what I like about this scene Is uh We went back to Alaska Yeah There was a pain in the ass Well we built
Starting point is 01:10:31 We built this We had already come back To the main studio in LA Yeah We built this We were like nope We gotta get that night time shot Fuck Guy said
Starting point is 01:10:42 Let's get back to the airport. You are not going to like this, I said. Yeah, and we had to get straight back to the airport. I mean, it was a very expensive set to build, which did make it impractical having it in. Good on you, Tanya. Just want to say it. Yeah, it did make it very impractical having it in Alaska.
Starting point is 01:10:59 There are a lot of production oversights like that. And I don't know who should be held responsible for those because, I mean, we did have final sign-off on everything. So a lot of people... We did have 600 people working under us. Yeah. Friends and whanau. And a lot of people said that there was too many cooks.
Starting point is 01:11:17 But when it comes to making movies in Hollywood, you can never have too many cooks. Now, you might want to check out the movie a little bit closer up to the screen. Tim got me with a good gag there. When Bumpty says dinosaur, I didn't know it was part of his rap. What does he say? He says, sorry, that means you ain't got it. And he rhymes with dinosaur.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Sorry to be blunt, but I don't front. I'm hardcore. I'm hardcore. Beat. And a lot of people don't front. I'm hardcore. I'm hardcore. Beat. And a lot of people said we held the beat too long. Yeah, definitely. For the joke to work. I broke the rhythm.
Starting point is 01:11:52 You still got it. Even in costume, you'll notice Adam is supremely comfortable. I'll tell you one little fuck word that didn't get called Kid Dynamite on set. That's Keith. Keith yeah Keithy he's a little ball of energy little fuckwit we CGI'd the dog
Starting point is 01:12:11 in the scene for no fun he took direction fine you did those mean pranks to him in his trailer though and that really
Starting point is 01:12:17 antagonised the guy I actually didn't know he was afraid of snakes so that's the difference with that which I explained at the time but he still didn't
Starting point is 01:12:23 take that one neither did his parents they actually took him off that's pretty funny though filling a trailer with snakes yeah that was a good one That's the difference with that one, which I explained at the time. But he still didn't take that one. Neither did his parents. They actually took him off. That's pretty funny, though, filling a trailer with snakes. Yeah, that was a good one. That's funny. That is funny. That was really funny.
Starting point is 01:12:33 One of the snakes did. It ate his hamster, though. And that hamster was as old as him. I mean, they've been best friends from memory for Keith. Fucking weird hamster. Yeah. It was a weird friendship too. One of my favourite deliveries there from Salma Hayek.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Probably number one for me on the list. In front of the children. She's really cranking that accent up to 11 there. It took a lot of takes for us to get the right energy for that. A lot of them we thought she oversold it. So it took, I mean, after about 50, we were sort of laughing to ourselves, going, I don't know if we're ever going to get this shot.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Do we have one in there? But then we said, just one more Selma, just turn it down to zero. Yeah. Turn the intensity down to zero. You think you're at zero? Go south of that.
Starting point is 01:13:16 That's right. We're looking for negative four. And she finally got one. At this point, you think the movie's ending It isn't And it's like a cold slap in the face With a big old trout Your guests are here
Starting point is 01:13:34 I'm running out of steam for this movie I might actually just delve in closer Take a look at those pixels mate Get them in you Swish them around in your head See what happens Just be careful with that glass of water, mate. There's a lot of electronics
Starting point is 01:13:47 power cables around. We're in a real situation on our hands here. So, ladies and gents, if you're not watching the movie but you're listening to this for some... Like, who are you
Starting point is 01:13:56 if you're doing that? We're at the Faders' house. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful house. We shot this at Guy's house. He bought this place immediately after we got Grown Ups 2 signed and we had a couple of meetings with some corporations who would appreciate it if we popped their brand.
Starting point is 01:14:18 You know, see if we could fit it in the film for a little bit of money. There's nothing dirty about that that's commerce that's how you make a movie and that's how we made a movie and that's how guy bought this house yeah lovely house we destroyed it uh for the party scene which was disappointing like we literally we we shot a scene where we burnt it down uh in real life we burnt down my house, but it just didn't really wash with the rest of the film, so we didn't use it. And I forgot to tell. It was embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:14:51 My brother and his family were staying, and I forgot to tell them. And it wasn't until they were inside a full-blown inferno that they realised, and they got out luckily, but I mean, I was red in the face. And they were too. I mean, yeah, that was... And it was an oversight on my part, I guess, wasn't it? I mean, how was red in the face. They were too. I mean, yeah, that was... And it was an oversight on my part, I guess, wasn't it?
Starting point is 01:15:08 I mean, how was I to know? Shame we didn't use that shot, actually. It was quite a nice shot of the whole house burning. Hold on. You'll see a continuity error here, folks. Look at the raft when it first comes out. It doesn't have any barriers in the middle to act as seats. And when we go to the close-up shot, we've put seats in.
Starting point is 01:15:24 For me, that's so obvious. I think more people noticed that. I think I noticed that on the first watch. You saw that so... It wasn't first, but it was very early on. So glaring. And the raft is consistent,
Starting point is 01:15:34 inconsistent throughout the whole film. Yeah. It keeps flicking between the seats and no seats. That was a funny line when he says Richard Simmons is a hero to me. Mean-spirited, but funny. Yeah. Is it funny?
Starting point is 01:15:45 Is it funny because he's fat? That is the joke. Okay. ZZ Top. My uncles. Your uncles. My uncles are ZZ Top. Your uncles.
Starting point is 01:15:59 The sort of singular or plural confusion is getting me here. Your uncles. Are ZZ Top. Are the band ZZ Top. All of your uncles are in ZZ Top? Yes. Wow. Except Mike Beard. That's why we've costumed the two little kids in there.
Starting point is 01:16:18 We just sort of be funny to have people dress up like Prince at this point. Could not get Tim Meadows' wife, whose name I can't remember off the top of my head, could not get her to focus on set. And I'll point out a couple of takes where we shot it a couple times. It was no more than three. But of those three that we shot across the seven days
Starting point is 01:16:35 of shooting, she fucked up all of them. And so we just had to go with the one that she fucked up the least. And that really annoyed me. Really perturbed by that. David Spade, though, just continuing to carry this movie on his broad comedy shoulders. Almost single-handedly. He was a joy to work with.
Starting point is 01:16:55 He was a real pro, actually, was David Spade. Him and Gordon Lovitz. Yeah, Gordon Lovitz. I mean, we gave him a real turd of a script, and he made it shine. He buffed that turd right out. Sure did. Polished it up, turned it into something really,
Starting point is 01:17:11 really able to fit inside a wooden horse. Yeah. It's funny. We had a buffed-out turd and a horse. You've got that on your mantelpiece, don't you? Yeah. Next to your Oscars. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Don't confuse what we're saying for a metaphor. There was a real turd that we wrote the script onto. We wrote it on human shit. Now, my nephew and your niece, my nephew Isaac and your niece Carol, they go out and they baked us this Rubik's Cube cake. Yes. We did not ask for this. No.
Starting point is 01:17:42 And they just showed up on set with this cake. And we said, that is just adorable. And we said, wait a minute. Let's ask for this. No. And they just showed up on set with this cake. And we said, that is just adorable. And we said, wait a minute. Let's roll with this. We're at Guy's house. We're all here partying anyway. Why don't we, everyone, we'll get costume in here. Just everyone chill out, have some drinks, but stay.
Starting point is 01:17:57 We've got the film crew to come in. Soundy's got in. Lighting's set up. And we just kept rolling with the party we were already having, but we turned it into a movie. And the fact that it's 80s theme is all based on the fact that Carol brought in that cake
Starting point is 01:18:09 and there's the doctor there again in his Billy Idol costume I mean at this point I believe Dennis he hadn't slept for two weeks he was frantic frenzied we thought it was impressive
Starting point is 01:18:20 that his character hadn't slept for three days but Dennis himself hadn't slept for two weeks and God knows what he was doing he did it I think he did an Iron Man in Berlin he said It was impressive that his character hadn't slept for three days, but Dennis himself had not slept for two weeks. And God knows what he was doing. I think he did an Iron Man in Berlin, he said, and he also swam the English Channel.
Starting point is 01:18:34 I mean, he is a pocket rocket. He gets a head full of steam and you cannot stop the guy. Real pro to work with, though. A real joy. I thought so, too. I thought so, too, Guy. One of my favorite bit of extras acting is you'll see a lady just walked in behind Kevin James and she's talking to a friend.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yeah. Now just bear that in mind while we discover that Kevin James' son is a musical genius. For the longest time I thought he was playing that. Could not figure out if it was dubbed or not. Yeah, really good finger acting. This kid was a real pro. He was a real joy to work with.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Really good. We called him Nigel, I think, which wasn't his name. So here are the extras in the background. And just look at how well they sell. They're disgust. Oh, yeah. You're right, man. That's because Kevin actually shat himself on that take.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And when Kevin does shit himself, it was in his ideas book, of course. Let me tell you, I mean, everyone everyone within a 500 meter radius knows about it and those women were on the front end of essentially a sonic boom of shit um and that that's why it was such a good take that's why we put it in it was the reality of the situation that sold it finally i got some audio again i'm just it's just been so it's quite silent for a lot of the film with these in A it's probably because it's showing all the stuff
Starting point is 01:19:48 that isn't just them talking and you know we didn't have a big budget for post pro on this film you know that because you know what happened to that budget
Starting point is 01:19:57 well don't you I know exactly what happened to that budget and I do it again in a heartbeat. That's regretful if you haven't
Starting point is 01:20:08 learned anything. So out of context you're right this scene is a bit dark. It is Adam Sandler trying to lull his child into sleep by telling her
Starting point is 01:20:21 a terrifying story and then when that doesn't work oh my god, really? That's everything? He drugs her. Tries to. Becky, she was a resistant
Starting point is 01:20:29 and I'm proud of her. She said, I'm not taking drugs on set. She's a real pro to work with. That was in the script. That must have been one of the ketamine days, but we wrote in that Becky did take the drugs. Again, I'm not sure. Is there a continuity error with her costume here?
Starting point is 01:20:45 She's wearing that blazer. Oh, no, no. This is great. I haven't noticed this before. See, she's got her jacket all done up and you can't see her T-shirt saying, I Lenny Lenny. That'll be because she's arriving at the party
Starting point is 01:20:55 with her husband. Is she still wearing? Oh. But then later on, when Lenny's meant to meet her by the letterbox, she's undone her buttons to show the T-shirt which says, I Lenny Lenny. This is one of those situations that there are many
Starting point is 01:21:07 where the costume department were better at writing scripts than we were. And when we wouldn't let them in, they would tell their story through costuming. Through costume. And I have to admit, they're better storytellers. They slip one through the gate.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Arguably the nice. What they've done is they've put their storyline in a wooden horse and they've put their storyline in a wooden horse, and they've put some gorgeous clothes on that horse and just left it at the actor's gates. And the actors have said, lovely horse, well-dressed, with a bow tie coming,
Starting point is 01:21:37 which is why I'm wearing a bow tie today, guy. I love that Global Woman gag. I'm really proud of us for putting that in there. I've got a strange affinity to the you're going to need federal aid to clean that up. Yeah, you do like that. There's something pseudo... It's not political, but it's politics-ish.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Yeah, whatever sort of handles you have to hang on to sanity while watching the movie politic politic is oh yeah we've missed it yeah that's where adam sandler asks a lot of questions seven remember how adam sandler at the start of the movie said i'm gonna solve this problem for you and then you just put the monkey in a box and left it there. He is so lucky that that guy learned how to sew. Oh, yeah. He had no plan. We got in a lot of trouble for this. We forced Peter Bear to a dog down in a bear funnel.
Starting point is 01:22:37 And I tell you what, forget Peter. It's those cunts who are working in the film industry who want to protect all the animals rights that is a real threat those film film animal officers that's what they're called
Starting point is 01:22:52 I believe I was actually pretty pissed off when Shaq broke my diving board I was you laughed I laughed at the time
Starting point is 01:23:00 but I was furious I was seething inside you just got mad when you figured out and it was actually after that happened that we rewrote the script to burn the whole
Starting point is 01:23:06 burn the whole thing down and claim back on insurance it's a smart move on your behalf actually yeah I mean we made a lot of money I still don't know if the die in the pool thing
Starting point is 01:23:18 is an urban legend that we just put in or if it's a real thing it's an urban legend that we put in does it not exist it doesn't exist how sure are you on that yeah 100 are you i'm 100 sure why because someone's told it to
Starting point is 01:23:34 us on a previous podcast okay i think maybe dom cory brayden dom cory knows everything brayden higgins is just we couldn't stop him in this party scene. Could not put a lid on that kid. He'd been spending a bit of time just around Paddy Schwartz's trailer, and he just came back from that place fizzing, really ready to go. Eyes as wide as anything, eyes the size of saucers. A lot of blood noses on set as well, but we edited those out in post. Blunt noses? Blood.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Blood noses, absolutely. That makes a lot more sense than blunt noses. I'm not sure why I thought you said that. Tomatoes. Fun fact about tomatoes. He's 85. Yeah, he's so well preserved though because of those Kmart lights. That's how he keeps that sort of the sun's harmful radiation
Starting point is 01:24:28 doesn't get him in the department at Kmart no well I mean because we're actually remembering it now we had to shoot all of Tim Meadows scenes inside of Kmart
Starting point is 01:24:36 so while we did have this this scene set at my at my house for Tim Meadows parts in this scene we had to we had to fit out a Kmart as outside at my house yeah it Meadows parts in this scene we had to we had to fit out a Kmart as outside
Starting point is 01:24:45 at my house uh yeah it's weird what's happened to his skin so he's lost the ability to process earth's yellow sun's light and now Kmart owns him yeah so that's what that's about yeah so that's what that's about now this is a uh again this is something i put in i'll be the first to admit it this was my journey as a child i got bullied a lot yeah and uh by stone cold steve austin as well yeah he used to fly over remember he used to fly over from his events and he'd come around come down to your intermediate school and he'd kick you around the place. Certainly would.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Threw you down the slide. There I was thinking, it's the bronchitis again. It's been there ever since Stone Cold kneed me in the chest once. I got infected. It's never really come right. Never really gone. Yeah, no. I thought that I'd kind of get some credit points because Stone Cold Steve Austin
Starting point is 01:25:43 was flying all the way to kick my ass but the kids didn't get wrestling because I live in New Zealand and no one had a TV they thought it was strange really didn't they why does this big man come and beat up Tim once a month it's odd so I put it in the script and this is
Starting point is 01:26:00 kind of how I this is obviously how you resolve things this was quite cathartic for you. Yeah. When you're trying to... When you're trying to... Resolve the cycle of bullying, the best way to do that is to call a fight.
Starting point is 01:26:18 I think. Fight. Okay, hold on. Oh, how good. It's Duncan with Steve Austin's pronunciation Okay hold on Oh How good Is Stone Cold Steve Austin's His voice what Pronunciation I can't
Starting point is 01:26:29 I can't hear it Oh you can't Can you Sorry it sounded like It is good though Potatoes Um Peter Dante
Starting point is 01:26:36 In the The physical form of his life Yeah What You pointed at your headphones Like you were hearing It was getting real loud there Yeah cause there was some
Starting point is 01:26:44 Production music Just to recreate it For anyone listening yeah what you pointed at your headphones like you were hearing it was getting real loud there yeah because there was some production music just to recreate it for anyone listening fantastic if you are still watching I mean you are you're technically almost finished watching
Starting point is 01:26:56 oh no there's still a bit to go but you've you've almost watched grown ups too oh yeah after we've spent so long telling you not to
Starting point is 01:27:03 so I mean congratulations I guess. And sorry. Yeah. Isn't that a neat thought, though? What? Well, I mean, you know, some people are actually going to get to be watching it.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Some people might be watching Grown Ups 2 for the first time right now. They might have actually held off for 40 episodes and now they're watching it for the first time. I mean, this is a big moment for them this is what they've heard people talking about 39 times in a row i just considered that then i hadn't thought about that the whole time do you think that's interesting i think that's no don't you well i don't know yes because what do you want from me man they must just have a
Starting point is 01:27:40 really weird i remember how we thought it'd be funny if people wrote down that what they thought the timeline of the movie was? Yeah. I mean, they've all got an idea in their head of the action and how it plays out. This is the first time they've seen it pieced together as it was intended.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Okay, that is interesting. So who are we talking about? Three people? Two people? I don't know. I imagine lots of them haven't watched Grown Ups 2. We discourage them every week.
Starting point is 01:28:00 We do. Oh, man, that mallet guy's got a good reaction. We've sullied you. We've taken you into a closet, and we've punched you around, and then we've thrown you out on the street and said, good luck. And for that, I apologize. Like Stone Cold did to me on Sunday Cold Christ.
Starting point is 01:28:18 See, now her T-shirt is I Leonard Leonard, and she's lost the jacket. I think that's costume planting a really good joke in there. Good on them. God bless them and the wooden horse they rode in on. Back to a sweeping shot of the frat boys descending upon the party. And this scene was inspired by, I had just read Lord of the Flies. Oh, great book.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Have you read anything else by William Golding can't say I have no neither but I mean I remember that book being so gripping surely he wrote something else
Starting point is 01:28:54 which was good you would think so it's such an easy read too because it's quite short and the language is very lovely the novella is one of my favourite lengths of anything
Starting point is 01:29:02 to read yeah it's like a good little session with a book you know totally Stephen King quite a master of the novella of anything to read. Yeah. It's like a good little session with a book, you know? Totally. Stephen King, quite a master of the novella. I haven't read any of Stephen King's novellas. Oh, you should.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Stand By Me is based on a novella. Yeah? Yeah. I haven't watched Stand By Me. Novelle, yeah. Novelle, not novellier. That's what Stephen calls them. And we're back to the film.
Starting point is 01:29:23 At this point, the frat boys are interfacing with the community of Stanton, Connecticut who are all in Fader's house I forgot what was happening while we were shooting I wrote this we thought this was a bit of a leap
Starting point is 01:29:38 that the whole university sort of part of town and the whole rest of the town just no one got on or had any connection whatsoever tim meadows and his wife just slacking off in the background look at that just fucking pay attention focus woman by to be honest no one really cared by this point no one was paying attention we we we took the actor's scripts off them and we said look can you just figure out a way to end this? End this?
Starting point is 01:30:07 Guy had a gun to his head at the time. It was terrifying. So they just ad-libbed this whole bit. Find a way to end this. This whole fight scene. They orchestrated it. They choreographed it themselves. We've spent the whole budget by now. And they quite literally made this up on the spot.
Starting point is 01:30:18 And the only reason they were so keen to do it and didn't walk off set is they needed some sort of closure for the whole experience. They also needed a movie to get out there and shop around, you know, go, this is me. A lot of the actors weren't desperate. I mean, you know, guys like Kevin Jarrell, they've all got their names out there.
Starting point is 01:30:36 They didn't need this, but God bless their souls, the professionals they are, they finished it. Paddy Schwartz, let's not beat around the bush, it was pretty much just Paddy Schwartz who wanted to see this released. Paddy Schwartz. It's not Bad Around the Bush. It was pretty much just Paddy Schwartz who wanted to see this released. Paddy Schwartz is the reason the movie exists. Paddy and Arnie's strong-armed Sony to get it out there. You can
Starting point is 01:30:53 certainly get some pretty powerful friends when you're the governor of California. And still a pretty big figure in the bodybuilding community. I mean, he literally has a lot of physically powerful friends. Back into movies now, though, for Arnold Schwarzenegger. What's he working on?
Starting point is 01:31:13 I think there might be a Terminator movie in the works right now. Oh, that's cool. I've seen him in The Expendables recently. Oh, no, it's gone outside. What was The Expendables like? Really liked it. The only problem with The Expendables recently. I know it's cold outside. What was The Expendables like? Really liked it. The only problem with The Expendables is, because this is an action movie,
Starting point is 01:31:31 we're at this point talking about an entirely different movie during the direct discometry. Okay. They mixed the sound down so low so everything's bassy. Rewind it quickly. Sorry, there's a bit where everyone's frozen on set. We can't expect anyone to rewind because they would have to re-sync that would like they'll just just say at the
Starting point is 01:31:48 right time again just say it it's not like uh oh there's just a shot where everyone on set is frozen completely and then they move it's like a half a frame and it's really jarring it's way to go guy fuck what was I talking about I don't know you were talking about the expendables oh yeah yeah yeah so they've mixed all the sound too
Starting point is 01:32:09 like it's real boomy and bassy but as a result I could not understand anything Sylvester Sloan was saying yeah like couldn't understand
Starting point is 01:32:16 a fucking word of his dialogue but still cool movies dug him great swell from blow dry boy there yep
Starting point is 01:32:24 called him kid dynamite on sex he just delivered every single take and Kid Dynamite here bringing the noise with that bite I mean if you're watching we called this Asian guy Sensei Dynamite
Starting point is 01:32:37 because he taught us how to do our fight choreography Paul Hudson was very demanding in that we put in this choreographed dance scene and we had to sell it somehow as part of a fight so we just put another person for him to play against Sensei Dynamite. He didn't know that he was in a fight scene. He genuinely
Starting point is 01:32:54 thought that that was, he was dressed in a unitard for that take and we put that Indiana Jones costume on him in post I mean he would not take part in a fight scene but he was very insistent on getting that dance in there That was a challenge I heard as well from our visual effects department like like tough man
Starting point is 01:33:09 forget smog this was hard I'm just so glad I mean at this point I feel my muscles start to relax my brain starts to relax because I know that we're nearly at the sphincters at the finish line alleviating their pressure that'd be weird then you'd shit wherever you were at this point in the movie that's right is that how sphincters are at the finish line alleviating their pressure that'd be weird then you'd
Starting point is 01:33:25 shit wherever you were at this point in the movie that's right I think is that how sphincters work am I saying sphincter right sphincter sphincter
Starting point is 01:33:32 I say sphincter yeah that sounds more right we've really gone off the rails what do you expect what do you what do you want from us what what honestly
Starting point is 01:33:41 I think I'm gonna click that on again we're dancing on the field And we're dancing on the I always thought it was funny How this guy thinks it's hilarious Tim Meadows is bald I actually always think that Tim
Starting point is 01:33:51 Tim thought that And then I started noticing it And that is funny What's that? How excited this guy is That Tim Meadows is bald That's good eh He's got
Starting point is 01:34:02 He's got I got a I got a wild one Wow wild one wow good stunt eh yeah do you know how we did that do you say do i know do you know no do you want to know uh yeah because i was put him on a wire pretty cool story huh pretty simple that was one of the times that we just followed the book sometimes the the most obvious option is the best option
Starting point is 01:34:27 yes Occam's razor of filmmaking that was something we'd learn by the end of the shoot so Taylor Lautner with the most incredible kick I've seen in cinema
Starting point is 01:34:39 Taylor Lautner is a is a judo a judo expert a judo expert A judo man Like James Bond Fuck We're recording a podcast after this as well Maybe
Starting point is 01:34:54 See if we can double down Look at the extras Not even trying over What's his name? I struggle to believe that that deer Has not managed to get that bra off its antlers all day. Although it didn't go home and its friends were like, hey, I'll get that out for you.
Starting point is 01:35:09 It's embarrassing. Well, how's it, oh, I guess they could with their antlers. Yeah. I guess once you get something on a deer's antlers, it could very well be there to stay. With that shot of how the deer is coming for Taylor Miltner and where you go to a POV, really looks like it's going to gore him in the face.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Yeah, I always thought i i wanted to shoot an option but we we weren't actually allowed to do any of our own stunts uh by the end of the shoot i want an option where the deer actually did uh we were going to use a real deer and where it did actually get pin taylor his rib cage and actually pin him to the ground yeah and just gore him completely now the cross fade the cross dissolve there was an interesting decision by Jerry but the wrong one demonstrably
Starting point is 01:35:52 wrong also I always felt bad for Nick he gave a really good performance in this scene actually he was a real scene stealer but we just could not get him in the edit but you will see a little portion of his face coming up in from memory three. He's already been in edge of frame a few times.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Well, the director will be saying what we said was... Can we just get Nick in there to muddy it up? There we go. Muddy it up. Muddy up the shot. And there he did. Now, for a long time, we thought that this photo was of Robert O
Starting point is 01:36:20 from the Kmart store as a child, but it turns out it's actually of Kevin James. I don't really understand why because it's such a distinct character trait that someone else already has. It's an incredibly confused gag that one. We didn't write that it was the other guy We actually used this, this was just a regular crew lunch
Starting point is 01:36:36 and we shot it, we just rolled on this so this was just a real conversation Imagine if this was your life though you fucking went out and got came with your buddies and that's what you just walked into you didn't make any of it This was your life though You fucking Went out Came with your buddies And then what Came home And that's what you
Starting point is 01:36:46 That's what you just walked into You didn't make any of it That is insane I got up in the middle of the night Last night Famished And I made a Like a bean soup thing
Starting point is 01:36:58 Tomato based bean soup Fuck it hit the spot I was debating for For a very long time hold that thought Tim whether or not I should go to McDonald's we should narrate it's the middle of the night
Starting point is 01:37:10 we should narrate the end of this really wanted a cheese food so Adam wanted to get one last product placement in shock for the final scene and god bless him so we put it in Rice Chips they gave us a bit of money
Starting point is 01:37:21 and we just completely forgot about them not even the supermarket you see the Rice Chips brand so we just put it in his hand. Because we thought that a good character trait for Lenny was he loves snacking. He wakes up snacking. He goes to sleep snacking. Always snacking.
Starting point is 01:37:31 That, and we were legally obligated to include it. And there's that, too. So, I mean, again, this is... The gripping resolution. One of those moments where you really think we've had onto an emotional core, a tender moment, and then Adam keeps acting yeah we didn't write the last bit in he's got a he's got i wrote this ending this is me and i'm proud of it and i'm proud of you i'm not proud of you but i respect you uh for the ability to be proud of it because you respect my ability to be proud of it. That's right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:07 You understand what I'm getting at there, don't you? Well, I hope not, to be honest, because it's a bit of a diss. Adam Sandler is talking to his unborn child, which is in the womb right now. Barely conceived. We were riding high for a while during that commentary Tim and then there was some dips too but what a journey it was
Starting point is 01:38:26 this has been just a fabulous experience Guy Montgomery and what a journey it's been 40 watches of grown ups too so far so happy you could join and celebrate with us it's always important to have a quick think back to before we even kicked off or episode one
Starting point is 01:38:42 so there we go with Adam continuing to... I figure we can do some stuff over the credits here. Yeah, we can just have a conversation. So Live Every Moment's going to be blaring through my set. I'm opening with it. And there's an encore. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 01:39:01 Episode one. We watched it for the first time and I suddenly became very worried, very afraid. Well, it was just a different... We didn't have any idea what the stickability of us was going to be back then. Yeah, that's true. I mean, it was different.
Starting point is 01:39:16 It's just different. Every week is different. Every week, it's a different experience. Yeah. Isn't that incredible? Because it's the same movie. What a crazy idea. Well, if i could tell you through song yeah i'd say love every day yeah because before you know it your precious time slips away you've got it Yeah Live every moment Love every day Yeah
Starting point is 01:39:47 Cause before you know Oh shit We got it wrong But it's okay Time Oh shit There's other words I've only ever bothered to remember
Starting point is 01:39:55 So these are the credits We didn't really put much thought into these We just thought we'd go as vanilla as possible Just fucking stitch the whole thing up Really? Put it on the assembly line Do you know how much these titles cost us? No.
Starting point is 01:40:06 How much did we pay for these titles? This is the Rice Chips sponsorship. Paid for this whole thing. This is $6 million to do the titles. Rice Chips paid for these? Yeah. I love that Rice Chips money. Roughly divvy up where shit went.
Starting point is 01:40:19 The Rice Chips money went to the titles. Shoutouts to everyone involved in the film. I thought you were going to attempt to do a readout, but you bailed on yourself. Norm Crosby really bought the heat as a Kmart employee. He bought a little oven. He was baking all morning. He was a real good guy to have on set.
Starting point is 01:40:36 He really brought the energy up. Chris Murrell, who played Beefcake Kitty. Beefcake Kitty? I don't know who Beefcake Kitty is. Fuck off. You're not naming. That can't be David Spade's love interest, can it? No, I thought it'd be the kid.
Starting point is 01:40:54 Beanbag with arms and legs. Beefcake Kitty. Oh, Kitty. Yeah. Beefcake Kitty. Come on, Beefcakes. It's got to be. She didn't get.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Holy shit. Her name should have been higher in the credits. Beefcake Kitty. So her name's Kitty. Apparently. Has that ever said? Hey, remember, didn't Tyler Spindle do a good job on that second unit? He had a really good spread of cheese.
Starting point is 01:41:17 He had some aged gouda, which I love. Way to falling out. Yeah, I know. You fell out with more or less every single one of these people. It must be torture for you to read the names. No, I made good with some of them, though. Built bridges. Leslie Brown.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Now, she was the costumer for Mr Sandler. I've got to say, Leslie was really taking the piss with how easy that money was. She literally did not show up on set once. I'm pretty sure Leslie Brown is a Trojan tax horse. She might not be a real world entity. We don't know. Never met her. But fuck a lot of money got funneled into whatever it is leslie good god um the production accountant big big shouts to
Starting point is 01:41:55 whitney troy and allison when we say whitney troy and allison as well uh those are the three we credited yeah thousands are acting underneath so many names we just it was too difficult to decide who to put on the credits, so we just drew the names from a hat in the end. And the three of them, unfortunately, sadly, now federal prison for the rest of their natural lives. Adam Sandler had three assistants. Yeah. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 01:42:18 I remember two. Always. No, well, that's the beauty of it. The three ones never seen. I see. Always around. And I think what happens is if something happens to the first two, always no wow that's the beauty of it the third one's never seen but always around and I think I think what happens is if something happens
Starting point is 01:42:28 to the first two um third guy just pops in there and becomes the visible one and then a new person that you've never even heard of
Starting point is 01:42:36 pops into that third invisible position is Adam Sandler's assistant listen to this oh can you hear this have you got this music coming through where did we get this from
Starting point is 01:42:47 was this an original composition because it's quite lovely I feel like they just ripped it off GarageBand you get this in every movie this classic thing like I remember
Starting point is 01:42:54 this exact style of thing happening at this point in the credits in Van Wilder as well at the end and I used to always stick around for credits
Starting point is 01:43:01 at the end of the movie because especially with comedy movies they'd have outtakes or they'd put like a little funny something at the very end yeah so i'd whenever i go to a comedy film when i was a teen i'd always stick around just curious what was the first movie that you like the earliest movie you know of that did something like at the end the only one that i can certainly remember right now is uh russia had some really funny oh yeah chris t Tucker was so funny on set.
Starting point is 01:43:26 It's that time that guy goes out of a casino and lands on a car, and Chris Tucker's like, damn! And that was in Russia too. He's like, damn! That guy ain't going to be in Russia 3. And I remember just cracking up.
Starting point is 01:43:38 Is that an outtake? Yeah, yeah. Oh, damn it. They should have left that in. That's just meta enough. That's nice. I like that. The earliest one I can remember,
Starting point is 01:43:47 if I can take you back to the year 1987, a little John Hughes film called Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And at the very end, if you wait for all the credits on that, Matthew Broderick and the role of his life. It was so sad that his best ever movie was right at the start of his career. He comes back on and addresses the camera,
Starting point is 01:44:04 barrels it right down. He says, over the movie's finished go home throw an ice that's good get out of here well let us tell you uh that there is no easter egg at the end of grown-ups 2 there is no promise of grown-ups 3 although we have on it on pretty good information, that's going ahead, which is great. Could use the top-up of the bank account. I've heard it's been a lot of money building a new house. Do you remember when Columbia Pitchers tried to get their name taken off the picture? I've got to reference Justin Bieber posters provided courtesy of Brito. Star Wars, JFK presidential bust.
Starting point is 01:44:42 I don't even remember where we put that. And the Smurfs.fs oh so that Star Wars minivan was cleared I always thought we were just hoping for the best on that good stuff this is number
Starting point is 01:44:52 4700 this is a work of fiction the characters incidents and locations portrayed and the names herein are fictitious in any similarity to or identification
Starting point is 01:45:00 with the location name, character or history of any person or product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional. Just in case anyone thought that. Furthermore, the American Humane Association would like to say
Starting point is 01:45:10 that the American Humane Association monitored the animal action and no animals were harmed in the making of this production. There's something to do with tobacco in there too. Sony, make believe. Make believe this isn't happening. Make believe and maybe you can get out alive. This thing's really come off to a tail. A weak, thin, flimsy tail.
Starting point is 01:45:33 I'm sorry. I would have loved to have ended on a bigger note. But you know what? Everyone else in the movie didn't fucking bother. So why should we? Thank you very much for listening to the director's commentary. We hope you've enjoyed it. It was a wild ride
Starting point is 01:45:46 apologies if we've upset anyone I wouldn't imagine we have I really hope not we're not setting out to upset anyone we're just setting out to watch a movie
Starting point is 01:45:57 52 times that's right and every week we edge closer so goodbye from me goodbye from me and uh fit fairly well see you on the internet edge closer. So goodbye from me. Goodbye from me. And feel you well.
Starting point is 01:46:05 See you on the internet.

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