The Worst Idea Of All Time - Replay S01E42: PartyShwartzanetor

Episode Date: March 27, 2024

Please enjoy this victory lap of Season One episodes as we celebrate 10 years of The Worst Idea of All Time. New episodes posting on our Substack.Original Description:Guy and Tim attempt a new method ...of 'reverse-advertising', Paddy Shwartz has a new name! Most importantly however, Tim has drunken entirely too much gin the night prior and is suffering the consequences. Chris Rock is on form with his PR blitz and the lads are following the wake. Tim gets punchy. There's also an ocelot guitar solo. Enjoy!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 episode 42 the worst idea of all time waits for no man but you must wait to listen for this man uh look tim is in he's in good form in this one i think i don't remember what he was doing the night before but he's he's a lucidity to him he's drunk a lot of gin um and he's sort of it's it made him a bit off balance for the screening and also the episode, in my opinion. He's thrown a lot of ideas out. He says we're going to write a full script for Grown Ups 3. Never came to fruition. This is the debut of Blaze Pizza's official, official sponsorship, I believe.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I think we've talked about Blaze Pizza before, but this is when we first said they are an official sponsor of the podcast. Hashtag flash fired hashtag how do you blaze um we also it's a call to action for photos so i think that call to action is still relevant if you live near a blaze pizza um get on out there get a photo in front of one, you know, just for old times sake. What else have we got in there? We've got a bit of probably one of my favorite Steve Buscemi mystery tours, just for the memory of, it's the one where he goes into a supermarket and he's fingering the mayonnaise. Tim describes him as being caught creamy-handed. Made me laugh then, makes me laugh now.
Starting point is 00:01:28 me handed made me laugh then makes me laugh now you know that's it it's there's a people are listening to the podcast at this point i get the sense that we have a sense a sort of purpose there's less of an existential despondency that um the earlier season episodes had the the um gas is being applied The gas is being applied, the accelerator is being pressed down. You know, this will be over before we know it. So enjoy it while you can. And here it is in all of its audio glory. These guys really know how to stretch a dumb idea
Starting point is 00:02:01 into a fun, engaging and hilarious series. Listening to the hosts as they watch and review the same movie every week for 52 weeks and descended to hopelessness and desperation is wildly entertaining best enjoyed from the second hand safety of never having watched the film at all there's more the worst idea of all time podcast is high concept, hilarious, and occasionally profound. A must listen. Insanity shouldn't be this funny, but it is. Five stars.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Thank you, LBW2112. Much appreciated. What a lovely review. It's so grandiose. Yeah. Felt like I was in an infomercial listening to you read that. That was my voice. That was my commercial voice.
Starting point is 00:02:48 You've got a good commercial voice. Thanks. We should try and get voice work off the back of this. I got voice work the other day for a drink driving campaign. What are you going to say? Can you talk about this legally? Yeah, I hope so. I haven't signed anything.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So that's usually a good indication I can do whatever the fuck I want. Oh, you're bad to the bone. Hey, welcome along to the worst idea of all time. The baddest idea of the worst bones of all time. We're so bad. It's good to be here. It's strange to be here. I almost threw up when I woke up, and then I got in the shower, and then I almost threw up again. Tim Beck got blackout drunk last night, and he is in a weird place. It was real accidental, too. I didn't see it coming. I was just sipping on lots of gin and tonic.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Sipping on gin and tonic, yeah. And yeah, like I don't remember going to bed or anything. It was just in my house. It was real weird. Well, I tell you what, you were a joy to watch the film with because you had a different read on it from anything I've seen before. It felt like a different one. You fluctuated between wildly wildly enjoying cackling away at some of the gags yeah and just pure despondency at how lazy you kept you kept referring to how you were really taken
Starting point is 00:03:56 aback by how lazy some of the writing was yeah man big time and it seemed funny to me because it's like dude you you know this. But you were really affected by it. That's the cool thing about having such a terrible memory. Things seem new that aren't new. That probably is a useful tool for watching this movie. It's a good voyage. Hell of a voyage. When you're this hungover.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I have almost, like I've been right on the verge of vomiting three times and it's barely noon. You're a class act, mate. Sorry. I don't think people tune in to listen to you go, oh, I've been right on the verge of vomiting three times, and it's barely noon. You're a class act, mate. Sorry. I don't think people tune in to listen to you go, oh, I'm almost... Here's the thing about the movie. It sucks. And people have been asking whether they should watch it,
Starting point is 00:04:35 and the answer is no. And we've watched it now 42 times, and there's 10 left, and I don't want to do it anymore. I feel like Peter Dante must have felt, except we don't get paid, you know? Peter Dante loves these movies. He does.
Starting point is 00:04:51 These are his bread and butter, bro. Nah. I've watched a lot of Peter Dante on YouTube recently. I watched one. He's a lacrosse coach. Have I told you that? Yeah. I watched one where he was talking about,
Starting point is 00:05:00 he was getting interviewed by like some guy about coaching high school lacrosse. Yeah, I've seen that interview too too i've seen that obscure youtube interview with grown-ups to coast up peter dante peter dante as well guy because that's how we fill our days now just everything on the peripheral of this movie is how we occupy dante if you are at work right now and you've got a spare five minutes just look up peter dante and click on the hyper links whatever comes up he is an interesting dude real fascinating isn't he he's quite pro marijuana law real real pro marijuana all he does is just retweet stuff about buds that's awesome and um but yeah he's there's been some controversy around him with uh what he's using inappropriate
Starting point is 00:05:41 words in public which what do you mean it doesn strike, it seems really out of character for Peter because he's a Buddhist stoner. What kind of words are you talking about? Like the N word? Yeah, I think so. Really? Yeah, slurs. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Peter. Peter. Come on, mate. Our mate Peter. Kind of over-toying around with the idea today of probably shouldn't put it on the podcast, going to anyway, writing an entire script for Grown Ups 3. You definitely shouldn't have put that on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Why? No, you're creating a sense, right now in this room, you're creating a sense of obligation between us. I know, that's the beauty of it, Guy. It's like when we started doing the podcast, because we were talking about doing the podcast, and I said, cool, we'll do it tomorrow. And you were like, what? And I was like, yeah, if you don't, you know, jump in. Front foot this thing. If you don't front foot this thing, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:31 who knows where you'll be. You might not have watched Grown Ups 2 42 times. Exactly. And you're saying that this is a better place to be in. What? You lost me. Well, you're saying that by doing that, you've done a good thing for our lives
Starting point is 00:06:45 and that we now, we've fronted for that and we have watched the movie 42 times. Touche. Sometimes these rash, snap decisions actually come back to bite you on the arse, Tim. God, tell me about it. Tell me and my credit card all about it, Guy Montgomery,
Starting point is 00:07:01 because neither of us feel very good right now. You and your finances. God, they're in pretty dire stra in pretty let's talk about the movie oh yeah okay grown-ups too is its name it stars everyone you've never heard of or liked everyone you've heard of and like heard of um what I was thinking about when we watched the movie today is Adam Sandler's a genius and the reason for that is he's just assembled these representatives from different market segments, little mascot, give examples,
Starting point is 00:07:31 Taylor Lautner, teen market done. The guy whose name we haven't found out. One of the frat boys who I named trunks today. That's your YouTube market. So you've got your online quadrant. Kevin James for overweight people chris rock for black people adam sandler for sadomasochists um so you think selma hayek for dudes who are
Starting point is 00:07:54 like you think they've knowingly cast to a wide variety of markets but like solely yeah it's not just a consideration it's the movie that's the whole premise so they get these mascots of market quadrants and then to fill in the oxygen between those atoms they just insert so much product placement you feel like maybe you zoned out and you are in a Kmart all of a sudden like if I saw this at the cinemas and I was feeling as whatever the opposite of lucid is, as I feel right now after my gin bender from last night, I might actually have a moment of thinking that I have wandered into a Kmart, but don't remember driving in.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Now I'm just like, what am I doing at this fucking Kmart? I thought I was going to a movie, but it's not a movie, bro. It's market quadrants, mascots, and product placement. Wow. That was a delight to watch Unravel. You've been watching me Unravel for the last three hours, brother. This has been one of my most enjoyable screens in the movie because Tim, I cannot explain this to you enough,
Starting point is 00:08:59 is just, he's all over the place. Your brain just was moving in every direction and it would just stop one thought really abruptly though. It was moving slowly, but you'd stop one thought and you'd just start talking about something. Are you talking about during the movie? Yeah. My ramblings.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I was rambling about all kinds of things, eh? Yeah. Some of it good, some of it testable. I really gravitated toward... Well, I i don't know i was paying a lot of attention to brayden today you like brayden though and to peter dante because we actually stopped the movie mid-watch to watch a peter dante interview on youtube which seems kind of silly when you look back at it now um this is a pretty funny thing to do. You'd really wanted to see the clip though, so we had to pause the movie.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Adam comes back to his hometown and me and Shaq... Shaquille O'Neal are cops. He really likes Shaq. He said that him and Shaq were best... It was like new best friends within five minutes. And what I wonder... That's such an intense thing to say.
Starting point is 00:10:00 That's really intense and I wonder if we interviewed Shaquille O'Neal about that, whether or not he'd say The same thing He's like Peter was bringing A really high intensity To the friendship It was actually quite unnerving
Starting point is 00:10:11 The dude was stoned all the time I've never seen Such a wiry stone dude before I think he might be stoned In that interview Yeah He's muscly man He's too muscly
Starting point is 00:10:19 He's always got his kit off Have you seen Grandma's Boy? Nah I haven't I heard it's real funny though. It's legitimately really funny. Is that Sandberg? Is he in that? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:29 It's the teacher. I can't remember his name. He's the lead. Oh, great. And I can't remember the fucking point. Okay. Doesn't need one. That's all good.
Starting point is 00:10:41 It was really annoying. I was really enjoying that. I think I was just reminiscing about Grandma's Boy. Oh, Peter Dante in it. He plays this real stone guy with a monkey. And he's naked. It's so funny. And he makes the monkey drive a car.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Because he's too stoned to drive. That's cool. See, that's funny. Why can't there be more of that in the grown-ups too? There's another thing you were craving today, Tim. You were so hungover and stubborn and single-minded. You were watching the movie and you were craving today tim is you you you're you're so hungover and stubborn and single-minded you're watching the movie and you're becoming genuinely frustrated when gags played out as they have every week preceding this week like you were hungover enough to expect different lines to
Starting point is 00:11:16 come out of the actor's mouth yeah and i was disappointed when it didn't happen not once and i got real silly and angry well of course not once because it doesn't make any fucking sense my expectation was it's unrealistically fluid like it's illogical it's a recorded movie well is there anything that you remember enjoying during the movie today there was a weird thought to come to my head are there any airplanes in this movie i don't think so i know do you like Do you like that? I like that there are no aeroplanes in the film. I like that there's no aircraft in this motion picture. Okay. Pretty obscure, but entirely valid.
Starting point is 00:11:56 How about you, Guy? Is there anything you really enjoyed about this? Well, this is, I guess, these are shining lights, I guess. And mine was, I's I always find hilarious Paul Hudson who's the squat aerobics teacher he actually had a really strong performance today in the squat aerobics you were doing the thing that you were casting dispersions on me for doing I know but he had a really strong showing today you know when he walks in the gym and he's like uh welcome to squat aerobics fitness 101 he's like uh I wish they yeah I don't know why they
Starting point is 00:12:24 called it that but that's what that's what they... Yeah, I don't know why they called it that, but that's what they told me to say. Yeah, that's what they told me to say. Fuck, I was tearing up. I was crying with laughter at that line today. But then I've always found his ridiculous fight scene, like his really over-choreographed fight scene to be very funny.
Starting point is 00:12:41 And today I noticed, because he did a really dope kick at the start and I was like, oh, this is actually pretty cool. And then halfway through it, he does just a full-blown star jump. Yeah, he does. Like as an exit from one of his motions, he does a full-blown star jump
Starting point is 00:12:52 and I like to think he was just like thinking to himself or he had a bet with his friend that he'll be able to do a star jump in the middle of a fight routine. And he fucking did. And he did. So I hope he got that money off of Bruce.
Starting point is 00:13:03 It's quite an uplifting gesture as well as star jump. It feels good. And they keep you fit. Star jumps? Yeah. Are they jarring? Because people say that jogging is bad for you. Bad for your joints.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I can believe that. I can believe that too. This way everyone should swim. I'm a bad swimmer though, so I guess I won't. Swimming is good for you. Tennis players' joints take a hammering. Oh, fuck. What they what
Starting point is 00:13:25 They put like Think of how fast They're accelerating to And then they're stopping On a dime Tennis players bodies Are the hottest bodies When you're running
Starting point is 00:13:32 I think you put Three times It's three times Your body weight On every footstep So fucking They're charging around Probably dropping
Starting point is 00:13:40 Five times their body weight On a joint Like just relentlessly For like four or five hours sometimes. Oh, man. That's too much. Like Rafael Nadal has got the knees of a 75-year-old. But he's still playing.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Those knees have lived, man. They've seen some shit. Would you get a knee replacement, bro, when you get old? What do you mean, if I needed one? Yeah. Yeah yeah if i could afford it of course it seems like an obscure question like it's just a given that you would get it is that what you're inferring well like you're saying in a hypothetical situation if i if my knee blew out when i was older and i and i needed a replacement would i get the replacement
Starting point is 00:14:22 there's only one answer to that question, yes. Because you could be in a wheelchair and you could be like that guy, the Vietnam vet in Forrest Gump, rolling around just being real bitter about everything. That's an alternative. But they didn't have the same technology in the 90s. So it was probably less realistic for him,
Starting point is 00:14:42 especially after Vietnam, it was probably less realistic for him to get vietnam was probably less realistic for him to get also unrealistic because his leg blew off so i don't think a knee replacement would even work on him oh boy oh boy what a ride we're on we are like we are so far down the rabbit hole right now yeah i feel like what's happening specifically in this podcast with you yes you are as far down the rabbit hole as you've been yeah yeah you're not wrong what does it feel like you're really like you're hung over enough that you're quite lucid i think what does it feel like i need to pull out what are you thinking about i don't know nothing and everything we need to we need to jump in the steve bishini mystery tour bus okay get me out of here
Starting point is 00:15:25 bro okay because the deafening sound of my own thoughts are a very scary thing to be left alone with all right you are starting to freak me out so all aboard the bus roll up roll up for the mystery tour it's an inspiration roll up for the mystery tour the steve buscemi mystery tour is coming to take you away coming to take you away take you today steve buscemi was at the supermarket going for a shop with his wife. Chris Rock worked at the supermarket. Steve Buscemi has this weird thing he likes to do where he walks up and down the condiment aisle fingering the mayonnaise.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Steve Buscemi loves to finger the mayonnaise. He just walks down the supermarket He takes out the first jar of mayonnaise Best Foods Because they paid a lot of money He fingers the Best Foods mayonnaise He puts it back He goes on to the next jar
Starting point is 00:16:35 Love it And so on and so forth Love it Steve Buscemi has fingered over 73 jars of mayonnaise Oh that's weird And Chris Rock walks around the corner. And what should Steve Buscemi be doing? Busy.
Starting point is 00:16:50 But fingering his 75th jar of mayonnaise. He's been caught creamy-handed. He's been caught creamy-handed in the mayonnaise aisle with the mayonnaise. He's got his hand in the cookie jar, but it's a mayonnaise jar. And Chris Rock's specific role at the supermarket is mayonnaise security. Fuck, all right.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So this is not a good look for Chris Rock professionally. Cousin spin-off film to Mall Cop. So Chris Rock sees what Steve Buscemi is doing to the mayonnaise. Mayo guard, that's what it would be called. Mayo guard. And he takes on steve buscemi uh they fight yeah they fight they get he tackles him he sees him and he goes now let's get busy and he charges down the mayonnaise aisle at steve buscemi and tackles
Starting point is 00:17:38 him into a large best foods mayonnaise display thank you very much best foods when you think mayonnaise you probably think best foods the mayonnaise jars have not been closed. The lids haven't been put on them properly, so they all go flying off, and they are coated. These two are literally head-to-toe dripping in mayonnaise. Oh, my God. They have this phenomenal wrestle, and just when it looks like Steve Buscemi, after about five minutes of intense, sweaty, heevy,
Starting point is 00:18:04 slightly erotic, actually, mayonnaise wrestling in the supermarket. Okay. Steve Buscemi is sitting on top of Chris Rock with his legs either side. Yeah. And he says, now that is a touchdown. And as he puts his arms up to say, now that is a touchdown, this huge novelty- best foods mayonnaise jar which was like
Starting point is 00:18:26 sort of a precarious position as a display behind them which has been in the background of shot but they just haven't touched it like tilts and falls down very specifically
Starting point is 00:18:36 on his body and his arms are in the air doing the touchdown position it crushes his body onto Chris Rock's Chris Rock is fine but Steve Buscemi's arms become broken
Starting point is 00:18:45 in that position and he only has 40% feeling in his body as well. Wow. Wow. I felt like I was there, guy. Some really good picture painting
Starting point is 00:18:58 was my mind. Good, eh? Well, that was the Steve Buscemi Mystery Tour for this week. And what a tour it was. What's our other feature? I've forgotten Hold on
Starting point is 00:19:09 What's that? Is it a knock at the door? Who's that? That looks like a cool dude Who's that? Who's that at the door? It's Paddy It's who?
Starting point is 00:19:17 It's Paddy It's who? It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's...
Starting point is 00:19:30 It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's...
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... It's... Ocelot in his pants. Patty Schwartz. Ocelots everywhere. Ocelots in my pants. Patty Schwartz.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Get these ocelots out of my trousers. Ocelot solo. Patrick Schwarzenegger is in the film. He is in Grown Ups 2. He is covering the lucrative used to be a governor's son market. And every week we like to explore the fascinating life and times of Paddy Schwartz
Starting point is 00:20:09 in a segment called Paddy Schwartz Party Time. Sometimes we talk about things he's doing in the movie. That's how the sort of part of the podcast began. But things have been getting a little bit meta the last few weeks. And we've been delving into Paddy Schwartz's real life, in real life, dating Miley Cyrus. News has leaked that Patty Schwartz is actually a party animal.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And of course, this segment is brought to you by Blaze Pizza. Blaze Pizza! Official sponsor of the podcast, Blaze Pizza. I say official. They haven't fronted us any money. Hey dudes, do us a favor. Do us a real solid Take a photo of yourself if you can
Starting point is 00:20:46 Or actually just photoshop one Of you with a Blaze pizza box Or a slice Something with their logo in it And tweet them And us as well So what we'll do is like advertising But in reverse
Starting point is 00:20:59 So we'll ask them for money When heaps of people just start After the fact Heaps of people just start Tweeting them It's a unique model But I think it might work I think this one's got legs Tim ask them for money when heaps of people just start. After the fact. Heaps of people just start tweeting them. It's a unique model, but I think it might work. I think this one's got legs, Tim. It's like the worst, I was going to say it's the worst idea,
Starting point is 00:21:14 that's the name of this podcast, it's the worst idea for advertising ever. Well, I mean, it would only be appropriate if it was spawned from the worst idea of all time. If you were a company and some douchebags on the internet just started tweeting randomly and then some other different douchebags went, can you give us some money now? That's not how it fucking works, eh? No.
Starting point is 00:21:33 What are those douchebags, you guys? I don't think that works. You and I. But, I mean, I don't think it's inconceivable we could get them on board as a sponsor. Anything's possible. They favorited a tweet someone sent. Ooh, they favorited a tweet someone sent oh they favorited a tweet we're in now buddy yeah that's right that's how it starts patty schwartz party time
Starting point is 00:21:51 what was your favorite bit of patty schwartz in or out of the movie this week guy montgomery schwartzenator schwartzenator i love that it's real good patrick schwartzenator he should do like a really hammy stand up Comedy character Called Patrick Schwarzenegger And he goes on stage Pretending to be the Terminator That'd be so weird But he does like a deliberately
Starting point is 00:22:12 Really bad impression Of his father Fuck that's odd Yeah Oh no There's water everywhere I'm knocked over the water It's all over
Starting point is 00:22:22 Your Birkenstocks That's okay I'm worried about these Electric Oh yeah The cables Knocked over the water. It's all over your Birkenstocks. That's okay. I'm worried about these electric cables. Oh, yeah, the cables. That's not a thing you want with a pad. I'll get a towel. Don't get a towel. Leave it.
Starting point is 00:22:34 No, it's water on the floor. It's got to be mopped up. We're doing a podcast. Yeah, I know. It'll only take a sec. We're in the middle of a conversation. Okay, fine. The water stays.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Tell me what you... It's a wooden floor. Pad conversation. Okay, fine. The water stays. Tell me what you... It's a wooden floor. Patty Schwartz party time. The water's not going anywhere. I just smashed my head on this couch. You're a hot mess, Tim Bat. I sure am. And I love you for it.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Patty Schwartz. Patrick Schwarzenegger was really good in the movie today. A lot like Paul Hudson. I feel like he really brought the noise. And just the whole performance. I don't think we've mentioned it before but front to back top to bottom patrick schwarzenegger is a pure scene stealer he comes into this movie essentially an unknown entity as an actor and he just steals scenes left right and center he leaves a silver
Starting point is 00:23:17 screen legend he he leaves nothing in the tank at the end of a day on set. Yeah. We should have, yeah, I mean, because a lot of people online at the moment, on the interwebs, are talking about how much of a party animal Party Schwartz is. Party Schwarzenator. Wait, what did I say? That's his name now.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Party Schwarzenator. Fuck, I don't know about that, man. Party Schwarzenator. Hey, my name is party schwarzenegger i will be back or i'm already back um my dad arnold schwarzenegger i'm boring on it pull up i can't pull up but that's the idea i'm pitching this to him if you're listening patty patty patty are you there party schwarzenegger is such a funny name party schwarzenegger um okay so chris rock is doing a lot of interviews at the moment chris rock is burning up right now fuck i love chris rock yeah i do you know what though
Starting point is 00:24:21 i listened to one yesterday of him on bullseye. What's Bullseye? Hey, this is Bullseye. I'm Jesse Thorne. Is that his name? It's a podcast. It's like a culture podcast. But it's kind of, it's okay. But Chris Rock seemed a little cold on that one.
Starting point is 00:24:37 But then there was an amazing interview with John Cleese, which was lots longer and very interesting. I don't know where I was going with that oh wait you were talking about i did someone someone tweeted he did an interview on felon as part of his media blitz for top five if anyone's seen it i'd love to hear your thoughts i hear it's really good top five the movie the new chris rock movie it's not made himself it's not out here that he wrote but yeah he did he did there was a good anecdote in it and someone pointed this out to us uh we're in jimmy's asking about the sort of uh initial writing phases of top five and chris is saying he was on the set of grown-ups too uh and he had a lot of downtime and it was like it wasn't
Starting point is 00:25:16 his movie and he doesn't explicitly say anything this is getting real conspiracy theory vibes now but he doesn't say anything but he sort of alludes to the fact that he wasn't like i don't think he was enjoying himself as a performer or an artist on this particular project as the as the body language and sort of the implication of what's being said uh and and from that top five was born but it's like yeah and that's that's the whole story it's not really a very good story is it no it is i mean it's okay when he tells it and that's the whole story. It's not really a very good story, is it? No, it is. I mean, it's okay when he tells it. And here's why. Because Chris Rock is actually quite a... He's a dude who wants to do things well. So it's interesting that he's in grown-ups too. Because when he was on this interview that I listened to yesterday,
Starting point is 00:25:55 he's directed two movies. Let's Go to Prison, I think? No, I Think I Love My Wife. I Think I Love My Wife is one. And something like... Head of State. Did he direct that? Maybe you're right. I don't think he's done a movie with the word prison in the title i think it is though let's go to jail let's go to any who's but he was talking about how he doesn't
Starting point is 00:26:15 fully like he he they could have been better because he as a director didn't have like the chops yeah at that point And he was very nice. He says that everyone gave great performances and stuff. Man, I hope I'm talking about Chris Rock. This might be a different interview for a completely different person I'm thinking of. It's entirely possible. You have a brain like a sieve.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, it's insane. What is even going on today, eh? Fucking hell. I feel like I've really lost my grip. Yeah, I feel like you are losing your grip too. It's quite good. Like, it's a pretty unique day. Like, essentially, I'm going to hyperbolize your night
Starting point is 00:26:53 just for the sake of it, but let's say you drank a liter of gin, woke up, and watched Grown Ups 2 for the 42nd time. Let's just say someone is watching that without any context. That is a man who has lost grip. It sounds bad. Inarguably. time let's just say someone is watching that without any context yeah that is it no that is a man who has lost grip it sounds bad inarguably on paper if you put if you run the sequences of the last sort of 12 hours together you're a shambles you're all right mate oh i'm going
Starting point is 00:27:19 montgomery i participate in stand-up comedy nights on a Thursday, and then I get up and go to brunch with my cousin, and I'm out of bed before 10. Well, I'm sorry we're not all captains of industry, mate. Some of us just want to get some fucking sleep because we had out-of-the-blue gin bender from the night prior. Just let us sleep. On behalf of slackers everywhere, just leave us the fuck alone. You're like the man.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I'm not attacking your lifestyle. You are. I'm trying to highlight to you this last 12 hours. I feel like I have drunk a litre of gin though, which is too much. You're quite aggressive then. I mean, I think there's still some gin rattling around your bones to be sure. People say that when you drink too much gin um you cry like it makes you emotional and i i've never had that i quite like gin i like the
Starting point is 00:28:12 taste of the gin and i like gin based drinks hot tip about tim bat uh his favorite cocktail is a tom collins it's a gin based cocktail what else is in it um simple syrup lemon soda water ice and simple syrup is just, soda water, ice. And simple syrup is just equal parts water and sugar. So it's quite an easy cocktail, but you've got to really nail the parts, the quantities, to get it good. Anywho, in the shower today, after I'd almost thrown up once and then cleaned all the hair out of the drain and then almost thrown up again,
Starting point is 00:28:43 I was really emotional in the shower and i thought i was i i felt on the verge of crying for the first time in quite a long time it was weird is that when i was on the way over yeah man you kind of woke me up i definitely woke you up yeah reminding me that we had uh arranged to uh watch the movie this morning and also i'd just like to say apologies again that we didn't get Tanya. Oh, yeah. Where are you, Tans? I don't think she's listening.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I don't think she is either, bro. One day. Well, I'd say that's about it from us this week. No. More. What do you want? I want to hear from you your three favourite zooms from Grown Ups 2. My favourite zoom, the one that springs into my mind immediately, is the crash zoom on Kevin James at the pool party
Starting point is 00:29:38 after Shaq breaks the diving board. Oh, nice choice. It's got a real sort of grainy, authentic, sort of over-the-shoulder vibe to it. It doesn't feel like it was on sticks. It feels sort of like a steadicam. Yeah. And it just provides a real nice kind of change of tone, I feel,
Starting point is 00:29:57 to the film, which otherwise it feels like a pretty staged party scene. So that's definitely my favourite Zoom. Do you have another two? I'm really impressed at the speed at which you came up with that. Obviously the second Zoom would probably be Braden Higgins on the Lilo. Just a real nice slow moving
Starting point is 00:30:15 summertime kind of Zoom. Real summertime vibes. Really weird. Do you know what song I listened to the other day? What? I love you always forever Near and far Close and together Fuck it's so good bro
Starting point is 00:30:28 Everywhere I will with you Everything I will Say you love love Oh we both went high We've got to Oh fuck What's the legality around that? Can we just play a little snippet of that song now?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Well we've been playing Ario Speedway again Yeah Okay here we'll just play the chorus This song We're going to play the chorus there and far and always so nice and everything you got it yeah i got it got it ah that is a really good song and then my third favorite zoom i can't think of a third Zoom. You've done so well, bro. Don't get down on yourself because I threw that at you out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And you've done really well. Thanks. We're such good friends. We are now. A friendship forged in the fires of a bad film. In the fires of hell. Don't do much. The fiery bells of Lucifer's house
Starting point is 00:31:25 hell you're describing grown ups 2 as a Hades style situation the underworld you know what it's not that bad
Starting point is 00:31:33 it's not that bad it's just we've watched it too many times you know what guys it is unfair it's an unfair thing to do the movie's ridiculous and very bad
Starting point is 00:31:43 but it's a really unfair thing to do to just movie's ridiculous and very bad, but it's a really unfair thing to do to just fucking hammer it. I think the reason it's okay, though, is it is equally as unfair on ourselves. Yeah, yeah, I guess so. It's martyrdom, but we're dragging someone else with us.
Starting point is 00:32:00 You can't call it martyrdom. Yeah, it is. What we're doing is martyrdom. It totally is. It's almost the definition. It's self-flagell yeah it is what we're doing is martyrdom it totally is it's almost the definition it's self-flagellation to like pretend that we're cool we're not cool we're just fuckwits watching this movie over and over no a martyr is like you remember a martyr is a good person a real martyr for the cause is like yeah but someone who did someone who is noble no yeah but you can kind of use it almost to mean the opposite as well.
Starting point is 00:32:25 The correlation is noble. It's positive. No, I think the connotation is neat. It's like, oh, you're being such a martyr. It's like people who go, oh, I'll do the dishes. It's like, oh, you martyr. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:32:37 There's two sides to every coin, every story. Two sides to every story. It's a lyric from Mathematics by Mos Def. It's one of my favorite Mos Def favorite most def songs so talented most def i saw him recently at western springs he really brought the heat he performs under yassin bay now but he pretty much played like an hour-long medley of his greatest hits he would play like seven seven songs from um i can't remember the name of the album now just back to back to back to back. Yeah, like a concert. He came out here and just performed his music.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It was crazy. No, no, no, when you say immediately. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There was some chop-ups. Take that. Eminem did that when I saw him at Western Springs. Mate, we're too far off the rails. We've got to leave.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I feel so sick, bro. I'm probably going to vomit. Thank you very much for listening. Like us on Facebook if you haven't already. That was episode 42, The Worst Idea Ever.

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