The Worst Idea Of All Time - UNLOCKED: Deciders' Club 50: WAYF x2

Episode Date: April 20, 2022

This is a Deciders' Club episode, typically only available for supporters on Substack but we wanted to share it with everyone because this time we had to watched We Are Your Friends again. And then ag...ain.Well, you glorious assholes, you won. You decided that as penance for being tardy on Deciders’ Clubs episode, we should have to watch WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS twice, back to back. And you were right to do so. We did it but we were not happy about it. Lowlights included hearing the devastating line “Do you spin here regularly?” again (and then again) and Tim has (surprise surprise) come up with a slightly theory about what’s ACTUALLY going on in the movie. Guy continues his plight in insisting that we will never know for sure if the Crying DJ and Emily Ratajkowski ever had sex.TWIOAT Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website / SubstackGUY Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / WebsiteTIM Twitter /Instagram /Facebook /Website Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 study halls SATs liberal arts student loans layoffs bailouts broken dreams this is not our future hi Tim hello guy it's uh one of life's great pleasures to see you we have not been spending so much time together recently and the thing that has united us appropriately i would argue is um a celebration of friendship itself yes that seems cryptic in a way i'm just trying to game out it sounds like you're sort of headed to somewhere a little bit hidden a little bit secret i was trying to pass the clues it's been so long i'm sort of i do feel kind of coy and shy towards you i'm very happy to see you you look very handsome thank you so do you oh my god let me say this though can i give you a heads
Starting point is 00:00:54 up did you say i never say that i think you didn't need to say that oh gotcha um okay just some context for what you're about to hear i just had dinner and that dinner entailed me trying to cook chicken too quickly and i didn't realize that i had undercooked the chicken so we're all on a journey finding out in real time if that chicken that i had had has salmonella which is something that is very bad and also very prevalent in New Zealand chickens. Well, colour me intrigued, Tim. I love that you didn't put the chicken on the heat for a little longer. I like that you stuck to your guns.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You said, this is how I've cooked the chicken. I didn't realise. It's back in the oven now. Dr. Wife will eat her chicken. So help me God, I will not put it back on the pan. That is a man who sticks to his guns. It wasn't even in the oven. I really thought I'd done a satisfactory job
Starting point is 00:01:53 of cooking this chicken. And I tell you what, guy, you know me. I know you don't eat chicken, but you probably know this. I don't fuck with chicken. I'm very careful about chicken. Yeah, you are.
Starting point is 00:02:05 You take your chicken serious. I take my chicken really fucking seriously. I don't need a lot of red meat anymore, like barely any at all. But when I do, red meat, man, you can really, you can go loose with that. But you don't want to mess with chicken. Not what we're here to talk about. It's been an incredible day in so many ways. But the main way is that for some reason, the two of us have watched We Are Your Friends twice
Starting point is 00:02:30 in a fucking row. I honestly can't fucking believe that we had to do this. The gamut of emotions I ran through when you told... Because I was sort of reading it. I knew that we were going to make a recording a recording together and I saw we are your friends and I sort of thought ah I mean it's a it's a it's a bit of a long day at work but I can knock out another we are your friends and then when I read the fine print and saw times two I was like I was so affronted I genuinely this is unreasonable but I felt really like attacked and. I genuinely feel this is unreasonable, but I felt really like attacked.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And like, I did feel like people were trying to kick me in the guts, like while I'm down on the floor, I just think, I feel like in terms of double features, revisiting intellectual property that we've combed through pretty, pretty well so far, I felt like I'd probably done my penance.
Starting point is 00:03:23 And I know that the reason that we've done this is unrelated to the reason i had to watch sex and city 2 twice but i i just couldn't fucking believe it you should say it out loud why we did it twice as well why someone gave it to us because so well first of all welcome everyone to uh the sub stack era this is the the age of sub stack now for twire wet It's a brand new epoch. Am I saying it right? Epoch. Well, I like the word.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I'm not confident enough to use it, but I trust your instincts. So welcome along, everyone. And this is our debut exclusive podcast on the Substack. And this was chosen by all of the champions who have been with us since our Patreon days. This was the last poll that went through for the Deciders Club on Patreon. And because we'd been distracted being parents or living through a pandemic or being comedians or whatever it might be, you turkeys thought a really nice way of serving us up some rewinge
Starting point is 00:04:23 or punishment for our laziness was your classic worst idea double feature and i'm so into it all i can say to those of you who initiated executed and planned this is from the very very bottom of my heart immense gratitude for subscribing to the podcast and just the heartiest fuck you yeah for for what you've done this was an enormous pain in the ass um both logistically and just sort of emotionally going back to the source material which we had long ago kiss goodbye and to do two helpings in one day was there's no other word for it it was just devastatingly fucked yeah like it's it's it's just it's one of those things and i know we do it to ourselves but you feel like you're on top of your life you know and it might be for a
Starting point is 00:05:10 minute it might be that's the difference though guy the power dynamic has changed a little bit and someone else giving us we are your friends to help yes it's true but it's just it was one of those things where i was like i'd sort of so I'm in the midst of doing the comedy festival here in Melbourne, having a great time, and I've been trying to section off my days relative to doing a comedy festival, live a healthy lifestyle. And I was like, wow, I can't believe I've got all this runway coming up. I thought, oh, I'll do a podcast with Tim.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And it's too much food you've served us. I can't eat two meals. Guy opened up the floodgates here. He said, mate, I've got, because Guy's been bloody flat-tack. He's like, I've got a little bit of time on Tuesday. What are we doing? What do we need to do? What's the latest Deciders Club thing?
Starting point is 00:06:01 I was like, you're not going to like this. And you, Tim, I mean, you were side-saddling it with remy the whole day yeah you put you put your boy through to a classic film twice you could say well yeah he slept through half of the second one and um honestly i'm gonna i'll make him watch that half again because that's unfair. He's peaked out of his homework. But it was, yeah, it was crazy. What a crazy amount of time. We're back with the boys. Okay, let's get into it, guys.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Let's talk about it. Let's talk about this plug. I had a fairly different experience from what I remembered of watching the movie. And I charted like what was almost an interesting emotional emotional journey and i thought of you i knew you were watching with remy and i thought of you because i thought this movie is um it it's close to being something and it's like an honest and open love letter
Starting point is 00:06:57 towards the folly of youth and the the pleasures and pitfalls of a certain time in a certain place and i feel as though when we actually last gave this movie a proper going over, we were both in remarkably different life situations. Like the very idea of you having a baby watch it with you was not unthinkable, but unlikely. And so I just wondered about whether or not you felt any, not necessarily resonance, but any like there was any pause for reflection or the movie took you to places that it hadn't before or you didn't see coming. or not you you felt any not necessarily resonance but any like there was any pause for reflection or
Starting point is 00:07:25 the movie took you to places that it hadn't before or you didn't see coming hmm well there was some stuff i noticed that i hadn't before um i guess i'm not answering your question directly but i just wanted to bring this up before i forgot it later because from memory and now 50 plus 52 plus watches of we are your friends i never dug into the fact that these guys are getting paid only like i think it was six dollars a head maybe seven to bring people into the club like they brought they brought in five or was it 562 heads. Yeah. That's so many people. Like, as a person who's been putting on comedy shows, producing live events for a number of years,
Starting point is 00:08:13 Jesus Christ, that's so many people to get into somewhere. And I think they're getting stiffed. No wonder they went to work for Gold Star Realty Solutions. lift no wonder they went to work for gold star realty solutions yeah they're absolutely it's they're absolutely getting um the the short end of the stick there and it's i mean i just think they don't display a great awareness or intelligence they get they get they got ripped off when they get given their payment for that job they they are frustrated and that is a huge turning point for them and why
Starting point is 00:08:43 they why they go and work for um for page dick full of diamonds mouth full of concrete one of the greats who by the way back to back turned in a couple of outstanding performances honestly when i was watching it it's like first time i was watching the movie again remembering it the second time every time he was on screen he elevated it he advertised what it could have been and to be honest and i don't want to get into you know being a negative nancy or critical too early where's bentley he has his moments but it's a very patchy performance some of his line reads are absolutely do you do you spin here regularly just again i'd forgotten about some of these lines that are just the most he can only take half the responsibility that was a placeholder line written in the script and they were gonna fix it before the day and they didn't and like
Starting point is 00:09:28 you know it's it's it's a bot line it's not how people talk um because everyone i mean look to bring you into the fold of our experience so this is the bit where um zicoli is having a cigarette he's having a spliff actually um it's so funny because it's like it shows both the highs and the lows of the movie this very scene he's in an alleyway and actually i thought when this was playing out today i was like you know what it's not a terrible looking film like it's it was shot pretty nicely it's kind of pretty. And so we've got Zace Fron. He's out there smoking his spliff. And James Reid from The Feelers rocks out of the club.
Starting point is 00:10:12 As portrayed by Wes Bentley. They struck up a conversation. And just, like, do you spin here regularly? They say the word spin is a verb to denote DJing multiple times in this movie. I'm not, and never have been like deep into the EDM scene, but I've fucking never even brushed up against that as a, as a sort of term of art and music.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah. I think spinning, you know, you spin here regularly. It's representative of, um, also like regularly. You would never say it. It's a hard regularly. It's representative of... Also, like, regularly is... You would never say it.
Starting point is 00:10:46 It's a hard word. So, here's the thing about script writing, right? Like, screenwriting. You've got to say this stuff out loud at some point. You can't just write it down and hope it's going to work. You've got to say it out loud. The word regularly is something that should be avoided in real life. And if you are manufacturing a conversation for a movie
Starting point is 00:11:06 to try and represent how people talk, you have so much opportunity to handpick perfect words. A DJ who is spiraling, essentially the character of James Reid from The Feelers, he's a boozer, he's a bit washed out. Much like our own beloved James Reid from New Zealand. I guess he does kind of presentaland as a quasi intellectual or someone who knows what's happening but it's just not it's not the way people talk but it does also this is
Starting point is 00:11:30 what i'm saying about the high and the love the movie encapsulated in one scene is it does have the constantly funny laugh out loud moment of uh zace fran having a spliff he turns to james who's something of an idol to him as the young d you smoke? He says, yes, I do. Takes one draw, realizes it's tobacco in it, and fucking hiffs it like he's throwing out the first pitch at a Yankees game. Like the funniest way to treat any drug that's offered to you from another person. Yeah. And then, oh, I thought what you were going with this is. And then I've always known this is your favorite.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I like the throw. I love this so much. A spliff. What are you, French? Crestfallen, like a child, innocently revealing a truth to an adult that they didn't know why they're in trouble, but they suddenly are in trouble
Starting point is 00:12:20 and they have to defend their case. This isn't... I'm American. No, I'm American. I reckon it's one of of zay's fronds best deliveries in the movie yeah it is it's really really undersold it's really naturalistic i think um somebody's like run out of weed before and he he advertises why he's doing this it's not like it's because there's a he's there's a scarcity to it for financial or like he's padding out the weed yeah it's because there's a scarcity to it for financial or like... He's padding out the weed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's basic economics. For financial or ability to locate it reasons. In California, I can't imagine it's a problem. But like, so brilliantly disrespectful. Yeah. Hey, can I take us into a completely different direction? Is that okay? Can you bookmark this before you go?
Starting point is 00:13:02 I just want to say the other line, the other Wes Bentley line that stuck out to me so hard in today's screening twice was, and I'm sure we've gone over this as well, but this is what you fucking get when you ask us to revisit something we've talked about so many times, is I'm going to go and get an energy drink. Does anybody want anything? It's like, it's exactly the same line of dialogue.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's like, we're just going to write this down now. We'll come back to it and fix it in the morning and then on the day and where's bentley to an extent i guess is collecting a check where he's like i'll just read it as it's written it's just some absolutely bonkers decisions that one is even more galling because that one you can tell is in the movie as a placeholder for some product placement and they were like okay we're getting red bull or are we getting Monster? And so the negotiations are happening and then they kind of forgot to put in whoever won. And we see Red Bull, but we don't hear it.
Starting point is 00:13:55 We do not hear it out there. It's a classic movie rule. It's called show, don't tell. And even with advertising, these guys execute. It's fucked. There's so many crazy lines in this movie. One, so I didn't take any notes guy and i should have realistically but i i wanted to vibe it with you i was going to take notes i had my phone and then i was like i would rather vibe it with guy but i know that i've
Starting point is 00:14:16 forgotten a lot of stuff but i did write stuff to you in a facebook thread but one bit that i know that i wanted to talk about is a theory i've come up with that there is an alternate way to read this entire film, which is that it is Cole Carter, a.k.a. Zace Fromm, a.k.a. the crying DJ himself, is just on a journey constantly being poisoned with PCP by Sophie, Emily Radichkowski, who, by the way when they started calling her sophie in this movie i was like i have no memory of that being i've seen this movie over 50 times and i have no recollect like if someone asked me hey what's emily radish kowski's character called and where are your friends i could not have answered that yesterday insane so um because when he's in the um the strip club with uh with wes bentley playing james reed from the fearless make money get turn i like to that's the song playing in the background yeah you're drinking whiskey suddenly zeus fron is violently ill it's true um and uh and And starts throwing up in a toilet.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And then Wes Bentley, who is a far smaller man in stature than Zac Efron, even when he's not on Baywatch, he's still just a jacked kind of a dude. Yeah, he is. And Wes Bentley manages to throw him over his in like a judo throw so easily. I'm like, that guy's on PCP again. He's been poisoned. And the other time was when Sophie, Emily Radjikowski, this is like earlier in the film, so I probably should have led with this chronologically. when Zuccoli, he's gone to apologize, right, to James Reid because his friends were coming around to pick him up.
Starting point is 00:16:10 They decided to join the house party that he was DJing at James Reid's house. And Jahid does what Jahid's going to do, and that's get in a fucking fight. He gets in an argument about the various qualities of sushi in different pockets of los angeles which by the way that argument today was so funny to me jahe just inserts himself into the conversation where two people are flirting at a party it's like fuck did you guys want to know something about sushi the best sushi is in the valley which is something that could not possibly be true it is one of those facts that on its face is just a complete fallacy like there's no logic to that there's i thought that too there was so
Starting point is 00:16:55 much about that scene to enjoy like it was i really luxuriated and his the way inserts himself because he he delivers a few pretty bonkers line reads as well but it feels consistent with the character who is this he's quite um an off balance potentially he's an unhinged kind of guy yeah and uh he just felt so young to me when he inserts himself into that conversation like oh you poor young boy like you're out of you're out of your depth and you're forcing your way in and then when it doesn't immediately go exactly how you want, which is like inserting yourself in a flirtatious conversation to tell people where you think the best sushi is,
Starting point is 00:17:31 which is not true because you've only eaten sushi in one place, and then not getting the response you want. There are some nuggets of enjoyment to be gained. I don't think this is necessarily a good scene, but just like... Yeah, and that's probably value in the repetitious nature of how we've engaged with the movie. But I'm sorry, I've gotten distracted.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Continue with your thought, please. No, no, no, this is all good context. So the PCP theory that this movie is just a transpiring of events where Cole gets PCP'd by James Reid and Sophie over and over again. So at the start of this party this is the scene where uh the crying dj explains to sophie and us the audience that if you can hit an audience with any track there's 128 bpm you physically control what their bodies do like a geppetto dj yeah and she before he makes that speech which then gets underscored with a lot of like
Starting point is 00:18:26 animation and and cutaways like historic footage and stuff to explain his point um he goes what is that rose to her drink and she goes try it now we never see sophie drink that we see her hold it we never see her drink it and she makes cole drink it and then cole drinks it and then uh she says that it's cranberry juice in soda water to give the appearance of rose but with no alcohol content what she failed to mention there was fucking pcp in there because as soon as he drinks it he goes on a fucking tirade about how you can control people's physical forms if you chuck on a track that's 128 bpm and by the way in the version that i watched today because i looked absolutely everywhere to pay for this movie fucking apple google youtube uh neon stuff i subscribe to neon
Starting point is 00:19:21 netflix disney it wasn't available for me to watch in god's own new zealand altiroa for love nor money so i had to torrent this thing there i said it and for some reason the entire movie was in english but every piece of text on screen was in german so that scene was crazy we've come across that before that is it that i i really like your theory i like this um and it's it's again it's it's not available to everyone you have to know what to look for and obviously it goes without saying that one of the first scenes where zicole after the spliff is thrown away is out with james reed from the feelers uh james reed poisons him very confidently with pcp they show up to a party and he's like i feel different and james reed's like yeah because i get it so they have all the animation
Starting point is 00:20:10 stuff so it's like a visual language is established there exactly fool me once shame on you and then i guess the saying is uh but if i give you pcp a second time you're not getting a heads up and it's like it's they're manipulating his reality i the the rundown of music it does have the feeling of you know if you've ever done psychedelics and it's like i know i know what i can say and you start talking and then like you're not quite sure how to present it the way that you normally present information and conversation so you're just kind of like well i can either sort of half-ass this or just follow whatever it is i've opened up and run with it and that's just a man running full speed ahead with an idea and it's like it's crazy the way he is referencing stuff and like the the musical run through he gives you because he talks about other genres and their bpms you've always
Starting point is 00:20:59 you've always had a great you've i mean it was nice there's a nice nostalgia remembering the moments i honestly most remember the moments you enjoyed and i know that you love when he talks about hardcore there's a guy in the background pumping a stick or a metal pole you've always been a big fan of that you've always thought the way they throw a house under the bus is really funny yeah well i was fixated almost like this guy's talking about musical genres and he's talking about reggae and he's like reggae is slow and they play what is a pretty banging reggae song but the visual accompaniment is like so far from being in any sort of traditional association with reggae which is this supports the pcp theory it's like 12 teenagers from a high school dance squad who are
Starting point is 00:21:37 in like sort of athlete like uncool athleisure we're doing like a smoke-free stage challenge or like some sort of high school talent quit level dance to to reggae like i just i cannot see where they got it from yeah i mean it's not hard to have a visual depiction of reggae because it's so heavily associated with the country of jamaica and i'll tell you what these motherfuckers are not from jamaica absolutely not yeah and then obviously there's your house music which is just um it is a very very derisive glance at house music which is a great genre of music and also so influential in the world of edm what it is is it's what happens when you go to like a club that's playing house music at two in the morning and everyone's on it and suddenly you turn the lights on and you see everyone like that's what we're seeing in that clip and it's not a it's not a good picture just human cockroaches scurrying
Starting point is 00:22:30 away from the light everyone in the everyone in the frame has noticed that the lights have been turned on except for one woman at the back of the room who's obviously got her eyes closed and is still very much in the pocket it doesn't help that from memory she is a white woman with dreads as well you are totally on the money probably should have been in the dreadlock montage i i i just think like this this comes back again to a point i was opening up about the way that they say do you spin here regularly or like they chose because it is the movie is a representation or it's a communication about like it's about youth it's about youth. It's about growing up. It's about realizing that the value of protecting your lifestyle
Starting point is 00:23:08 as a young person expires at some point when you have to look at the totality of your life and kind of make a decision about the direction you want to go in and whether or not, you know, basically the journey that these main characters, the core four, the mad lads, the bad boys san fernando valley are on is one of growth and it's like it's that it's a story's oldest time it's coming of age it's a transition from young adulthood to like personal responsibility and total adulthood well except for squirrel except for squirrel who died it was fucking harrowing watching him die twice in a day tell you that it's really important he dies because what they've got,
Starting point is 00:23:47 he dies like an hour into the movie. It's like they've made a movie for an hour. They run out of steam on that story. So they go over, they pick something else up, squirrel, they kill him and then they're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:23:54 how does this affect the movie we were making? And then they come back to the movie and finish doing it. But the thing I'm saying is like, the story, it's about personal growth or like, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:04 it's about young adulthood and like you know it's about young adulthood and and that stuff and then the the lens or the focal point of the movie the the prism through which they're looking at it is electronic dance music and djing but they haven't spent enough time in the world to do it in a convincing way at all like all of the details of the way a song is made all of the details of the music festival the way that the professional djs talk about their work to each other are just like they're not they're not it's not remotely rooted or immersive okay this is interesting let me let me offer um like hypothetical pushback on this please hypothetical devil's advocate because you know in friends right like it's a it's a um i think very fine but common observation that no one's
Starting point is 00:24:51 doing any work in that show no one's going to chandler occasionally references his work but like no one's doing oh i guess rachel waitresses sometimes when they're in the coffee shop but is it very much in the background 99 of the time these adults are not doing any work in the show it's like when are they working it's like well would that be a better show if we if we saw them working would it be a better movie if if we spent time in the intricacies of creating an electronic track here's the answer tim do i want to see a guy operating on fruity loops on a mac the the answer to that is no like if what i'm what the movie lacks is not more time spent you know creating a an accurate representation of this stuff but it's like it the the other parts of it the parts about the growth and the
Starting point is 00:25:39 friendships and the romantic romantic entanglement and stuff like the the difference with friends is that you don't notice that and the difference with Friends is that you don't notice that. And the difference with this is, like, this is the coating in which they're carrying the story. Yeah, true. And it's distractingly... Threadbare? Not inaccurate, but, like, thin.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah, threadbare. Like, I just cannot get over it. The whole movie is built into this final song. And, look, I've written jokes in a day. I get it. Some of the best jokes I've written have happened in a day but like he throws together from phone recordings and he shows up to this gig there there's like you've got one job to represent a music festival accurately and they do a pretty good job of it in las vegas but when he shows up no music is playing everyone is in the car park looking at the stage it's not like they're even
Starting point is 00:26:23 restlessly talking to each other or getting annoyed that the music festival has been badly programmed. I can't see anywhere to buy food or drinks. I don't know where the portaloos are. You've got 5,000 people standing silently facing a stage, and he walks out there. He's got a plug in his own laptop. He's got a plug in his own charger.
Starting point is 00:26:41 He's got to, in front of everyone who are waiting for music to be played set up the entire kit and it's funny we've talked about it before but it's just like but but but this is it's so hard to get over it because i feel like i know what they were trying to do which is manufacture a moment of tension where time slows down and everyone's not quite sure what's going to happen next you can fucking do that like more eloquently in the context of a music festival which isn't zeus fron carrying his fucking laptop with him making his way to a stage that is dead silent in front of everyone's there everyone's been having a good time through the afternoon and you're telling me that when the last egg stops
Starting point is 00:27:20 they just they just cut off all sound on the pa and the audience of the movie technically are meant to be the audience of people who would go to these and so for them to see that would be so like jarring and pull you out of the world that they've tried so hard to build because it's like this is not even approximate to what we do or what our lifestyle is it's like it's not it's not an especially entertaining observation but it, but it's part of the imbalance of this movie where I was like, guess what, fuckos? Sometimes if you make us watch
Starting point is 00:27:50 We Are Your Friends twice, we're not going to be the funniest dudes in the world. We're just going to reflect to you our honest experience. It's just, I really, this time, I think because life marches on and we're doing our things and we're in different stages,
Starting point is 00:28:05 I really appreciated the effort to make a meditation on this part of life for these types of people. Even though they're your number four fuckboys, I still enjoy the attempt to distill what it is to transition from early adulthood to being a full-blown adult. to transition from early adulthood to being a full-blown adult. And so I think the parts that they got wrong, especially the second time I had to fucking sit through it again, I was like, you were not miles away. Perhaps this is not Maximum Joseph's magnum opus. Perhaps his magnum opus is around the corner.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Yeah, you could be right on that. Like you said, visually, it's a good-looking movie. All those PCP scenes where it's like they introduce external animation, those are like Adam McKay. I know he would have done it first, but they're from exactly the same school of movie-making. It's like here's a distilled explanation of it. And Adam McKay doesn't qualify it the way that Maximum Joseph does, which is that one of his main characters is secretly tripping out on PCP
Starting point is 00:29:02 the whole time. Yeah. That's a really good point so the equivalent in this movie of margot robbie explaining what does she explain like fractional banking or something so yeah um is is zeus from taking a sip of pcp and being like right here's what the different genres are here's how they relate to human biology which is when you say that out loud such a cool speech to give at an afternoon party while you're behind the decks be like right actually i have comprised in my head over the months i've been djing a uh very strong and complicated theory of how different musical genres relate to the human anatomy and how to manipulate humans
Starting point is 00:29:45 using sonic forces specifically beats per minute let me tell you about it the the fucking thing that got me about that sequence this time around was how much it does reflect a google image search because there's like he says the words fuck this always has stuck out to me and it will never not if you guys make me watch it again i'm going to bring this up again because I'll notice it again. Good on you, brother. There is a popular myth that 128 beats per minute, I can't remember the verb, synergizes with the human heart. And if you can lock that in, then you've got them under your control. First of all, he says popular popular myth which means it's not
Starting point is 00:30:26 fucking true it's a piece of information people are circulating it's not true but then bounces through the speech with that as a foundational understanding of something it's like you've just told me there is a well-known lie about this thing that you're like so therefore it's like no hold on you told me it was a lie but when he says the word myth it's just a fucking flash of zeus there and it's literally like someone's going okay fuck myth what's a myth myth okay greek mythology zeus okay cool put that in the movie just like every word that he says they've punched into google image search and just smash that into a monster it's the same it's first crack it's first crack of everything i uh i there's a few other things i want to i want to discuss
Starting point is 00:31:11 with you tim because there's some other stuff that i stuck out and watching it again it was that same nostalgia was like tim will be enjoying this because you know we watched it apart we're in different countries even which is new yeah the. We're separated by the great Tasman Sea. But the cake scene, you've always had a special place in your heart for the cake scene. How did you find it? There's a few things I thought we both enjoyed a lot. It's just stuff that I got off on.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I think I like it. I mean, I like it too, but yeah, I think you are, I think you, you like, you love this stuff to my memory anyway. Yeah, yeah. You're not wrong, man. I loved it. I loved it both times today the cake scene what's crazy about this scene guy is the following zach evron has been stationed at their house in their kitchen he apparently has a key so he just goes over there he's making a track sophie and james reed from the feelers come home from a dinner james reed
Starting point is 00:32:06 is shit-faced and is going off about how uh the entire hospitality industry of los angeles is staffed by aspiring actors who couldn't give a rat's about doing their their current job which is waiting on him and uh it's like they present a sequence of events in this kind of mini argument that's going on like he has forgotten that it's his birthday today because he opens the fridge and there's a birthday cake that sophie put in there and he's like oh oh it's my birthday i was like did you fucking forget because presumably that's why you went out in the first place you went out to dinner because it's your birthday
Starting point is 00:32:50 today and you'd assume he'd be in the loop now his line read on happy birthday dude one of the top five in the movie and there's some greats while we are giving credit to line reads there's one that I would be remiss not to mention,
Starting point is 00:33:06 which is whatever knockoff Johnny Depp on the way to the music festival in Las Vegas, and he's talking about all the drugs he's got, and he lists all the drugs, and then he just looks out the window and he's like, I fucking love music festivals. Let me ask you about Johnny Depp, dime store Johnny Depp in this movie.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I don't think we've ever talked about him too much what's your vibe what's your what's your read on him he's not given heaps man he's um in the movie technically an aspiring actor has a connection to this uh page dick for diamonds mouthful of concrete real estate grifter uh and that's his in and i feel like we get a glimpse of his dad when he goes to the club on the first opening montage he says see you pops or something he says see you later and he's like an older man in an apartment so you get the sense maybe his morality lies in looking after a parent but other than that he appears to just be like he's a full blown drug dealer as well he's the only one of the four that you would describe as like a full-on proper assumption i have about him is that he's probably has had or has a hard
Starting point is 00:34:10 life and is looking for an out like after squirrel's funeral when they're all taking pot shots at each other and he's saying um page just said you know sorry that your friend died and everyone's like page kind of sucks and he's like sucks, but like, I'm not going to make it as an actor. I don't want to be a drug dealer. This is the only thing I have. He's just, it's kind of, it's boring.
Starting point is 00:34:32 It's like, that's his, that is all he has. It's sad though, man. I've had friends who have kind of gone down that path. It's a sad thing to watch. That's where some of the resonance
Starting point is 00:34:43 I was feeling today is, which is like, look, you is a this is a really challenging moment in a young person's life between like you know your dreams dreams become extinguished and you can hold out for longer and hope for the best like to make it in anything really especially outside of traditional job structures you need a huge amount of resilience and luck. And if you don't, if you're short on either of them, it's going to be a hard time.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And that's, I think that the, the path that he's charting, um, and I look, I, I'm just, I'm,
Starting point is 00:35:16 I'm wary of time and I know that we didn't get too in depth into him, but there's one big question I had that I couldn't figure out during this movie that I want you to help me with. Um, we haven't been talking that long. This is podcast we get to determine i know duration but i just i again you know there's certain things i want to bring up uh and i i'd be frustrated to not take the opportunity but so there's a scene in uh las vegas where it looks like Sophie and Zeiss Front are about to have sex, but we never find out if they do.
Starting point is 00:35:52 It's like they build right up to the moment, and then it's really hard to tell. I recently saw the clip of... What's his name? Paul Rudd. Yes. Going on conan's podcast pulling this kind of shit what i feel like that is some sort of inspiration for you i don't know what you're talking about because later on again we see the conflict between james reed from the fellas and zay's fron and he says he asked him point blank he says did you fuck you fuck her? I'm so, I can't tell you how internally torn I am on whether or not to engage in this.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Well, he doesn't say anything. I don't think I've been more conflicted this year. He doesn't admit or deny it. So there's no actual way of knowing what the relationship is within the movie. Guy, I'm furious and I'm holding it all inside. I'm so angry you've brought this up you don't want to let it out i mean if you've got information i don't if you could set the record straight it would make a big difference to me because i kind of left watching it twice a little bit confused i feel
Starting point is 00:36:54 like this is not a line that i've used often and i don't think i will use often and i i i would not like to be one of those people who sort of leans on this as a crutch. But as a father, I feel like I have gained a renewed ability to be able to kind of insulate myself from a situation of losing my head and just kind of separate myself emotionally so I don't get too frustrated with a scenario and react in a way that would be bad for the situational people around me. And so what I'm going to choose to do is bottle this up and suppress it. Sounds pretty healthy.
Starting point is 00:37:35 So you agree that it's not clear. I absolutely do not agree with you. I cannot make that more clear. What do you think happens? I think some filmmaking has happened, Guy. And I think to retain its M rating, they did not have to show us Zac Efron's penis entering Emily Radichkowski's vagina on screen
Starting point is 00:38:00 for us to know what has happened in the story. It's one of those, it's like a nice little mystery they left for us. It absolutely isn't. It's the opposite of a mystery. Yeah. They explain everything that's happened. It's right there for anyone to see. It's another example of the movie coming so close
Starting point is 00:38:16 to achieving something or telling us something and then sort of not being able to quite finish it off. Couldn't disagree more. I'm so angry. I can't think about anything else. You see a sequel for this movie? Is there what? Could you see a sequel for this movie is there what could you see a sequel for this film we were your friends uh or we'll be your friends we are some more of your friends
Starting point is 00:38:55 none of them none of them really justify uh more time in their cup like it's you know what i would want to see well i wouldn't want to see it but if i was to if this for some weird reason if this movie was a um was a box office hit a prequel like showing them two years before the events of this because they're already kind of muckrakers like bottom feeders when the movie begins but to see an even like maybe them in their senior year of high school well i but see that that to me is like because this is probably the underlying thing i forgot to bring this up this i was messaging you about this this infuriated me and i'd forgotten about this why do they keep bringing up cole's parents and then not tell us what happened
Starting point is 00:39:41 both the mother and the father are alluded to in separate occasions in these mysterious forlorn terms and we never get resolution on it. You don't need to tell me twice. This is the parenting equivalent in the movie of whether or not Zeiss Fron and Sophie had sex. It's like they come right to the edge. Once he says, my mum taught piano, does she still teach? James my mom taught piano does she still teach james red yes is that
Starting point is 00:40:07 that is she does she still teach and what is uh maybe this is maybe yeah and then he references his dad's name richard like it's just i i guess it's not only that though because i'm going to just blow past what you're trying to do i'm on the call to tanya romero uh whose house is being foreclosed on and uh the dastardly page is about to buy it from under her for twenty thousand dollars despite the fact that it's worth 350 maybe according to page four hundred thousand dollars um uh where was i going with that you're talking about him saying Richard. Yes. Here's the kid in the background. And he says, oh, I think he says Richard was my father's name as well, right?
Starting point is 00:40:53 What did he say? He's like, stop saying. It's Richard's. He doesn't use past tense, I think. That's funny. Richard was my dad's name. Yeah. It's like, well, okay, clearly we're coming back to this.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I just have to insert myself. He doesn check off because because if he said was at least we get some understanding about the character his dad's dead he said richard is my dad's name yeah true true okay both your parents are alive something's obviously happened you live with jarhead yeah you talk about your parents you don't know what your mom's currently doing for a job. Like, which just fucking resolve it. Movie? Tell us. Yeah, yeah. Don't be such a fucking tease.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Don't be so coy. Such a teasey movie. Tim, did you have something that was akin to a shining light in this double feature? Yeah, I texted it to you. What was it? Oh, soundproof the walls. I didn't even look it up. It just came to me in it came to another iconic line
Starting point is 00:41:46 read jarhead bringing the boys into an apartment that he secretly has already rented already gotten the keys for already signed the paperwork and they don't know yet and he's taking them through giving them the good real estate sale on all the fantastic features of this new humble abode for our fantastic four and uh just slaps the walls like a used car salesman on a 1985 toyota corolla just to soundproof the walls and it's such a great line read i fucking love it it's outstanding uh mine is it's actually it's it's might be unbecoming of a gentleman for this to be mine, but the second time I was watching the PCP explanation of the function of music, there's like all these overlays.
Starting point is 00:42:31 There's this, there's like the people are starting to dance and there's this guy who's wearing sunglasses and a fedora and like a sink, like some sort of Venice beach. Like a muscle top? Cheap singlet dispenser. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Where it's got like a, it's like got, you know, the sky and water printed on it. And it says like like a it's like got you know the sky and and water printed on it and it says like probably miami or something and you see sort of like his heart beating when coleslaw his heart you see like a slight overlay or in in a layer i guess of like his heart and how it links up to everything and then it's like oh that's nice i did that and then again like that's not the only time these they do that to open the open the door to then exploiting a huge part of i imagine why they wanted emily rajikowski to play
Starting point is 00:43:11 sophie because later on they talk about the heart again and this time it's her heart and they just find like an opportunity to put a cat like it's just it's such transparent, outstanding Maximum Joseph movie making. And now, with everyone's permission, and because of this brilliant device I've set up, I'm going to put a camera right on her norks while she's dancing. And I could see the methodology. I could see the whole moment. And I thought, Maximum Joseph, you dirty dog.
Starting point is 00:43:44 You've done it again. This is the second time today. Emily Radijkowski's chest was your shining light of the entire film. Who's really at fault here? Well, I still think Maximum Joseph for not resolving that sex question. You would say that, wouldn't you? I would. That, I believe, will bring us to the close of this
Starting point is 00:44:07 revisiting thanks to you our financial backers as some sort of penance um for being naughty boys who have been a little bit slovenly a little bit um what do they say in america uh tardy yeah with our with our supporter deciders club watchers and rightly so and you want to know what it was a massive pain in the ass fucking hated watching the movie twice today but I applaud the decision I welcome the punishment this is what the worst idea of
Starting point is 00:44:36 all time is all about this is the DNA of the show we have made on a different day at a different period in my life or year I even guess or month um i probably would have been able to laugh alongside you at the decision you made for us i and the fact i couldn't is actually a testament to the the power of the decision and you're in a different boat you are within striking distance of having done this solo with sex in the city too
Starting point is 00:45:06 so i feel like we are in different slightly different situations all that to say like i sort of the the worst part of me admires the ruthless edge shown by doling out this punishment to us i hope you've enjoyed our analysis um you know i i hope i hope against hope that the next time you make a decision for us you will do it with some mercy and kindness in your heart uh and i i thank you and i thank you tim i thank max from joseph i thank all of the stars of the movie and um i'd also like to say thank you to anyone who's in melbourne who's come to my show uh we've had a lot i've had a lot of worst idea fans come through and some of them have been generous enough to share some uh very thoughtful customized um gifts and i just want to say you know every time uh someone from the podcast comes
Starting point is 00:45:58 up and says you know i like the podcast uh it it's it really means a lot. So thank you for coming to the show. Thank you for subscribing. Fuck you for doing this to us. I hope you're enjoying your time on Substack because I am not. It's the DJ's job to get the crowd out of their heads and into their bodies. I like to start them off at about 125 beats per minute.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Once you've locked onto their heart rate, you start bringing them up song by song.

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