The Yak - An EXCLUSIVE First Look at the Rico Bosco Documentary | The Yak 4-24-23

Episode Date: April 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. DJ, hold that up. Yo. Hello. The Yak. Hello. The Yak on for 20% off your first purchase. Q-Zips, polos, hoodies, joggers, and shorts. Short season is back.
Starting point is 00:00:44, 20% off your first purchase. The Yak is is back 20 off your first purchase the act is sponsored by they're the best where's the display where's i like looking at the rowback sales people are supposed to bring it down oh no oh no hello we got sass back roan back kb back no nick no kate kate's gonna be late it's gonna Nick, no Kate. Kate's going to be late. It's going to be late. No Nick. What's up, boys? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Good to see you guys. Good to see you. How was Savannah? Splendid. Almost perfect. Yeah? Almost. Did you go to that restaurant, The Gray?
Starting point is 00:01:17 I went to a lot of your recommendations. Did you go to The Gray? Graytown. I did not go to The Gray. The old bus terminal? Did not. Oh, that one you you sent like a list of 50 bullet points yeah but it was fun oh it was great yeah hell yeah not a lot of drinking which it's not a town for that but everything else smoking a little weed sightseeing great
Starting point is 00:01:39 food i had so many orders of shrimp and grits. Yes. Which I never had before. Hell yes. And good international food. Great people. Perfect weather. Good walking city. Went to the beach. Hell yes. It was Orange Crush, which is the HBCU spring break.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Nice. Shut up. Yes. Oklahoma drills or what? Let them know that you're- Yeah, full club outfits on the sand. Did you let them know about your nephew? I didn't, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:08 You should have said that. Coincidentally got out at the same time they were arriving. Oh, okay. Coincidentally. No, it was. People were incredibly nice. An air of racial tension. Yeah, it would have been funny if you're like,
Starting point is 00:02:21 hey, just walking up to random people being like, can I show you a picture of my family? Yeah. Quite a lot of these, a lot show you a picture of my family? Yeah. Pull out the wallet photo. Just letting you know. Damn, what was the downside, though? The people were too nice and talkative. Very apologetic.
Starting point is 00:02:37 The Uber drivers just talk too much. That's the worst. Yeah, that is the worst. That's like a big thing anywhere outside of New York, I feel like. Like anywhere I get Ubers, it's not in New York City. I just do no convo. I think Savannah might be the actual inverse of New York City. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Complete opposite in every way. Clean. There's racial discord here. Or no racial discord here. It's like the whitest people imaginable, and then the other. How are the dudes wearing their socks and shoes combos this summer? It was a mixed bag. I don't think anyone knows what to do with short socks, shoes.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Well, it's early. It's early. It's not really summer yet. It's kind of getting late. We got to start buying it isn't going to be over 70 degrees here for two weeks yeah i know i'm pumped about that yeah me too i was i just i looked stoked when i saw it looked i was like yeah i don't see my diet for another week yeah yeah so sick and i'm going to san francisco with france this weekend and i thought it was going to be like 100 degrees 40s San Francisco never gets over like 70 I'm pumped about that yeah yeah San Francisco is actually
Starting point is 00:03:49 my perfect weather yeah we were in Texas Sass was wearing like big ass sweatshirts shorts yeah how was the show how was how was moon tower uh dude it was fun it was a lot I was sick the entire time I was sick I'm still sick from Tuesday I didn't come in on Tuesday because I was sick the entire time i was sick i'm still sick from tuesday i didn't come in on tuesday because i was sick and your couch and my couch which ended up being kate did kb tell you guys about that no you had to come to my apartment uh i'll do it was a nightmare sass said he had movers bringing in his couch he had to go to the stand to do a show so i was like yeah he said can you come just sit there and uh sit there while they finish up the job in 15 minutes. A couple hours later, they ended up done.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It was so long. Was it hard to get the couch in? You didn't tell me that they had to put together the couch. Yes, it was very hard. It took about an hour to get it in. They told me when I was leaving, they were like, we're're gonna be because so i had to be at the stand by eight and i they i was like i have a hard out at 7 45 will you guys be done by 7 45 and they're like we're gonna be done way before 7 45 like 7 40 rolls around the couch isn't even in the apartment yet still outside so i was like okay
Starting point is 00:05:01 so unless they're gonna assemble the whole because there's a couch doctor, they had to like take apart the whole thing. Right. And so I got KB and then like the whole entire show that I was at, the whole show had ended and KB was like still sending messages from the apartment being like, they're fighting with the other tenants. Shit. What do you mean you got KB though? Why did you need KB? They were like, can you, I was like, I have to go go and they're like, can you have someone else come here and wait? Why wait? I don't know. I guess I'm sure they didn't rob you or anything. But you don't
Starting point is 00:05:31 have anything to steal, right? No, I did not have anything to steal. Right. PS5? PS4. No one's stealing that. No one's stealing that. No chance. You don't have a PS5? No. The way you talk about gaming, I thought you had a PS5. None of my friends have PS5s, so there's no reason for me to
Starting point is 00:05:47 have one yet. Damn. You get better friends. Pat, do I have a PS5? Big time. He'll get you one if you want one. Oh, interesting. He got a couple. They're just sitting around. They're lying around gathering dust. White one, black one, Spider-Man one. How was Austin for you, Ron,
Starting point is 00:06:03 from your perspective? Non-sick perspective. Rowan was sick, too. He got me sick. Oh. He got me more sick. No, I didn't get him sick. He did. But I was sick.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Oh, no. Oh, no. I think I had what Nick had a while ago, or maybe Mook had. I don't know. It goes around. But Austin was awesome. I like Austin. I got to see Sass do his His little stand up comedy
Starting point is 00:06:26 He caught me on a bad one You had a bad set? Yeah What happened? Nasty one What happened? I got up on stage And the microphone was getting feedback
Starting point is 00:06:35 Oh no I spent like three minutes Trying to fix it And I thought it would be Something I could just Hop right back into Not at all I totally lost him before I even started.
Starting point is 00:06:46 His microphone was grim reaping people. Like there was other women on the show. They go up, have a good first three minutes and the feedback would start and it would fucking stop everyone in their tracks. And then a guy got up after Sass and he knew exactly how to work the microphone and how to work a room. I fixed the microphone. Oh, you loosened the jar. There was two microphones on stage. I unplugged the other one and I
Starting point is 00:07:11 moved this one further back from the speaker and it completely fixed. And then he went up and made fun of me for spending so much time fixing the microphone. He got a laugh from that? It wasn't just one joke about Sass. He did two whole minutes on Sass.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah, he destroyed. They were loving it. Destroyed. We were gonna kill the guy. Like, we were about to Austin Serial kill this guy. I wanted to...
Starting point is 00:07:34 And I sat and I watched the whole thing because I was like, I know if I leave he's gonna say something. So I sat... I wanted to... I wanted to kill myself
Starting point is 00:07:42 the entire time. I was like, this is fucking a disaster. Oh, Sass. It was hilarious, though. Sass also didn't do as bad as he's saying, but the guy did better than he's saying. No.
Starting point is 00:07:54 The guy was killing it. That's way worse. Leveled the room. Leveled the room. The room was all right, and then this guy came in like a wrecking ball. Oh, shit. Probably the best set I've seen someone have in a while.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Like murdered. I'd rather do bad and the next guy do bad as well than do great and the next guy do amazing. Yes, exactly. All about the next guy. Or do terrible and have the next guy have the best set you've ever seen. How was the live show you guys did? Awesome. It was really, really good.
Starting point is 00:08:24 What was the size of the room? 300 people or something. Oh, nice. It was like a lower and then there was a balcony or some shit. Decent room. It was a big room.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I feel like once you get over like 100 people, it's like, oh, there's a crowd. It was packed to the corners from the windows to the walls, but it was like a fun crowd, fun audience.
Starting point is 00:08:44 It was just fun. So easy. Sweat dripping off your balls? No skeet skeet skeet but uh you never know with a live podcast like obviously we've done live podcasts and some of them have been great and some of them have been uh different and uh you never know how it's gonna go because you're not planning anything or you could plan shit and maybe it doesn't land but we didn't plan shit just had a convo and it was good. It worked.
Starting point is 00:09:08 It was super fun. So easy. Yeah. So easy. You can plan anything we just went up and talked and it was amazing. They were laughing.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah it was so easy. Well if they're your fans they're laughing. It's better. Yeah exactly. They were whooping it up they were loving it. It was so easy.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Hell yeah. No negative internet feedback. It was fucking great, dude. That was fun. I'm about to just start doing only live shit. Yeah. My thing is if I do a live show, I'd want it to be different. And then it's a lot of planning.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Different how? Like I would want it to be different than just having a conversation. AFC and Fights plan out like the whole thing. They play and they don't. They definitely do. Right. Because they have so many segments and stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And that takes a lot of work. Yeah. And laughs, multimedia shit going on. It's tough to do more than one in one night if you're just going to have a conversation. Right. You can't run that back. But if you're just going to have one conversation a night,
Starting point is 00:10:04 just carry it on our dinner conversation. Or even like a week. I don't think we could do that twice in a week. Right, right. Run that back. But if you're just going to have one conversation a night, just carry it on our dinner conversation. Or even like a week. Like, I don't think we could do that twice in a week. Yeah. Different cities, maybe. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Yeah, we honestly, we just talked about the Austin serial killer for like 45 minutes. Oh, nice. It's brand new to them. Y'all got out of there. Didn't get killed.
Starting point is 00:10:20 You made it out. Did you get close? Anyone close? Unwittingly, probably. Rome was close, probably. Rome's right in the demographic. Did you get close? Anyone close? Unwittingly, probably. Rome was close, probably. Rome's right in the demographic. Did you kill anybody? Not that we know of.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You got any thoughts on this guy? I don't know about it. Sass already said his fucking set palm. Off the grid. What happened? We got four 30-year-old males in the last couple of months in Austin. Oh, wow. By the lake, right?
Starting point is 00:10:42 All turned up missing from major... Eight? I think it's eight. I think they think it's eight people. Okay, well, it's eight. All go missing from major streets, and then they end up floating in a lake nearby. Rainy Street, which is like their main party street,
Starting point is 00:10:55 was where the last guy was spotted the last 30 years. Do we have CCTV on this shit? That's what Sash was saying. They just are taking them to a place where, like, no one can see. And he was like, put a camera. Yeah. I read the whole report, and they were like, the problem is where he's dumping the bodies, it's very dark.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And I was like, put one light. Yeah. Like, it can't be that hard. Right. Like, yeah, well, it's hard. It was like, he's going to the same place every single time. There's no cameras. Put a cop car.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Don't even have to put a cop in it. Yeah, exactly. Wait, are the bodies just in, like, or is there, like, other shit done to the bodies that they know it's murder? Or is it, like, he could have gone to the lake to pee because who doesn't love that when you drink? I think he's, like, roofying them. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Okay. Are they turning up unfucked or something like that? Yeah, unfucked. They've got to be fucked. Unfucked, roofied. Right. Damn. Which is just sick.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah, I mean, isn't that the new way to get away with being a serial killer if you just do nothing? Yeah. Usually they're able to figure out context clues. Like scratches. And based on the type of crime they're committing and whether it's sexual, violent. He's a purist. He's just dumping them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Damn. Killing to kill. The last one they found was like less, it was like a week ago. It was the 15th. Damn. 15th?
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah. The body had been missing, the guy had been missing for a month. So they just found him on the 15th. Damn. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Again, that takes crazy It's gonna be in the same place. How did it take them a month to find? Well, what if it's floating? I think that was what he was, I think it does float down the river. Yeah. So maybe not the same place. How did it take them a month to find? Well, what if it's floating? I think that was what he was,
Starting point is 00:12:25 I think it does float down the river. Yeah. So maybe not the same place. Crazy. General place. Could be a lady. Just put a light there.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Thank you. Could be a lady. You know what I mean? Yes. A lady killer? It's about time. Are there any lady serial killers?
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah, I think so. What's her face? People say I look like the, she killed the, Larry Bird? No. A. Oakley? Movie monster. Charl I think so. Yeah. What's her face? People say I look like the... She killed the... Mary Bird? No. Annie Oakley?
Starting point is 00:12:46 Movie monster. Charlize Theron. Oh. Arlene Warnock or whatever. Okay. How was she doing it? She was a prostitute with a mullet
Starting point is 00:12:55 and any time John treated her poorly, I think, she just killed him. Isn't that like a movie about that? Yeah. Almost kind of fair.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah. A little bit. Extremely fair. If you treat her right, you don't get killed, and you get fucked. What if she got like, what if she had like a little bit of a trigger finger? Yeah, what if it's like the John was like, hey, can you grab me a soda out of the fridge? Or like he tipped 18% instead of 22%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:25 It's like, don't talk to me like that. Gotta go. How did she kill him? I'm probably getting the details wrong. Maybe she was just a bad person, but I'm pretty sure she just... Yeah, she was a hooker that killed people. I thought she knifed him. She was a bad person.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I thought she was a stabber, but I could be wrong. He fucks the life out of them. Yeah. She was a soul. What is it, a second miss? She fucks their soul. Yeah. I went to Nick's game on Friday night
Starting point is 00:13:45 Jenk's date checked off reports coming it was good it was me Nick Che and Jenks had a very good time how did that start he just asked you yeah he had been asking me basically I did a future me thing
Starting point is 00:14:01 where I was like I want to do this but I only want to go to a playoff game being like that will never happen in the playoffs. He'll never get to the playoffs and then they got to the playoffs and I was like oops I guess I got to do this but I had a fun time. Nick is real familiar with him in that picture. Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:17 Nick looks like he's trying to go back for the second round. He's got a couple ones. We're playing a little free throw game with fun. Steven is not a sports fan anymore. He's got a couple ones we're playing a little free throw game with fun steven is not a sports fan anymore he's just a data fan um that's all he was rooting for his bet the the knicks cut it to or the calves cut it to nine in the third quarter and i turned over to steven i was like are you getting nervous and he was like no i just need one more assist from Donovan Mitchell and he's sitting there with a shirtless Jeremy Lin jersey
Starting point is 00:14:47 and the place is going bonkers he's like no just Donovan Mitchell and then when he got it Stephen Chay was like stood up and like was cheering really loud it was just like what's going on here what a bastard he's a fan of himself but it was a good time we had a good time
Starting point is 00:15:02 I got on they didn't put me in the side talk clip. I was on side talk. You know the- Did they storm the streets again? Yeah, but they didn't put me in. I think it's because I said I don't give a fuck about the Knicks. Yeah, that'll do it. But then I was like, but I just cashed my whale play and everyone went fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:15:21 It was awesome. Oh, hell yeah. It was one of those crowds that like you could say anything. yeah and they'll go hillar's not that bad of a guy just like that you know yeah it was perfect like you could just say literally anything and everyone would erupt yeah so but it was good time and we'll see what jenks has to report back i don't think he's going to think kindly of you, Steven. Why? You were on your phone a lot. I was on my phone very little the first three quarters.
Starting point is 00:15:51 The fourth quarter, I had to reverse an injustice, and I was successful. You had to what? Reverse an injustice. Oh, when they miss an assist. That's how his brain works. His brain is just wired to it. No spoilers, we just taped a dozen episodes, but he started doing that with answers,
Starting point is 00:16:08 being like, that's not technically correct. I was like, please stop. I like to think that's the worst injustice that you would like to get corrected, just an assist that didn't get credited the right way. I was furious. He was furious. Also, I think I'm going to get dinged on our date.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Nick can tell more when he comes back on Tuesday, but in the second quarter, maybe it was hal. Also, I think I'm going to get dinged on our date. Nick can tell more when he comes back on Tuesday. But in the second quarter, maybe it was halftime, Jenks turned to me and he was like, so for the slideshow, what picture should I use for this date night? And I was just like, dude, if you want to take a picture, let's just take a picture. I could tell I might have ruined my chances there of winning the date night slideshow.
Starting point is 00:16:46 We all took a picture together. Yeah, we did. We took two. Two separate times. Who do you all think is going to win? Jay got two dates. Frank. Frank.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Is it everybody or just the ass? No, it's everyone who he's taken a date on and everyone who he didn't take on a date to is going to be graded. He said you were giving him the runaround, Ron. Not even the runaround. I ain't doing it. But I'm going to be great. He said you were giving him the runaround drone. Not even the runaround. I ain't doing it. But I'm going to grade him too. Okay. I'm comfortable being last or close to the bottom. I was on my phone
Starting point is 00:17:16 like, hey, I have a responsibility to the people that ride with me. That's my loyalties. Jinx took you to next game and put you almost in the front row. You don't have a responsibility to give him a good time? Of course I do, and I did the first three quarters. We were yapping it up.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You gave him 75% of a good time? Yeah. I told him. Kate, what happened? Did you go with Jinx ever? No, we're supposed to go to a museum. Yeah. I feel like I'd have a difficult time doing that.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Why? Being normal for that long, one-on-one, not having a sport to focus on, having to talk. Yeah. Walking around. That's just an actual date. Yeah, that's a date, which is fine by me. We're a crazy couple. No, but.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Good looking dude. He's a good looking dude. He's a good looking dude. Out of my league. Love that. And I just think I would be too awkward. I think it would be too weird. I will say that Che was correct in his initial assessment. out of my league. Love that. And I just think I would be too awkward. I think it would be too weird.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I will say that Che was correct in his initial assessment. He could absolutely physically dominate him. Che could dominate Chase? Yeah. Remember Che's first date, he just looked at him and was like, you know I could take you. Well, it wasn't out of the blue. He was like, what if I just kidnapped you right now? And then, of course.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yeah, you could. I'm going to back you up on that. He's pretty short. He's shorter. He's not pretty short. Che's pretty tall. He's taller. How tall are you, Che? 6'3". That's tall.
Starting point is 00:18:38 What is Jenks? 5'10"? 5'9"? The good thing about a museum is you could leave 15 minutes in. That's true. We could just do one section of a museum. Maybe we'll think of something small. You just speed run it.
Starting point is 00:18:55 La Bernardin? No, I don't think so. Come on, Kate. You're not going to do that. You're better than that. Oh, yeah. No, you're not going. Yeah, we're going to do that in the next couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yeah. Very excited. Got to. I might do a prep run at Le Bernardin. Really? Yeah. We know how the bread's running. Your birthday's tomorrow, right?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yeah, I might go run through Bernardin. What birthday is this? 34? One I don't want to acknowledge. 45? Yeah. You can run for president. Or is that 45? No, it's 35.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yes, Roan, 2024. What the fuck? That sucks so bad. They need to amend that. But also, old people shouldn't be president either. Young people and old people shouldn't be president. Laser-focused Koreans. You should do it. It should be laser-focused Koreans with a beautiful frock of hair.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Just be like a... Get the smartest guy. Everyone has to take a test. What kind of smart, though? Trivia smart? Everything. Like Jennings? Cognition test. You should have...
Starting point is 00:20:02 No, it should be like a test that you have to score in the 99 percentiles of the 99 percentile. I'm going to be led by a nerd, though. You have to bench like 200. You're going to have a big social media following. A likable one. Let's be honest,
Starting point is 00:20:20 when it comes to presence, you want to be able to ratio heads of state in other countries. Their native tongue, though. I was laughing when the checkmark thing happened last week. And there was this one super liberal dude who was just like, they unverified the president of the United States. This is unbelievable. And it just.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And it's like, didn't Twitter kick off the President of the United States before this people are like losing their minds over that one tweet that was like people are gonna die people are gonna die
Starting point is 00:20:52 people are going through unfollowing all the check marks people were I'm just happy Elon picked me as a chosen few even in a crazy world
Starting point is 00:20:59 you still have yours he gave it back to me damn so he gave it back to everyone with a million followers oh okay I read a thread and then like on Saturday He gave it back to me. So he gave it back to everyone with a million followers. Oh, okay. I read a thread on Saturday, like Norm MacDonald, Anthony Bourdain,
Starting point is 00:21:12 they all got their check marks back, and they haven't tweeted since they died. So I'm in a rare spot. I'm the rare guy that I did pay for it. Oh, you did? And they still haven't given it back. Oh, no. I'm paying the money and don't have it. Yeah, in terms of service, they can keep your money.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Well, I still have the benefits. I can still do all the things that you can do with Twitter Blue. I just don't have the checkmark. The best is, though, Saturday, Dave bought a checkmark, like, five minutes before he gave it to everyone with a million-plus followers. Oh, that's what a million-plus. Dave had such a good point, though. If anything, this is the time to give. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Because it has a purpose. It has a purpose. But it's not like an arbitrary status symbol. He had this long tweet because he can do 280 characters being like, I bought it. This is why. And like within seconds, I had mine back. Oh, yeah. That was true.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Because I have over a million followers. So, yeah. Shout out Elon. Takes care of the people. He's looking out. Yeah. He's looking out for the bigwigs. I've blocked, it's got to be over 40 accounts now.
Starting point is 00:22:11 And I'm still just getting my timeline. It's just all people dying. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, like those video accounts where it's like horrible shit. I block and they just put new ones on my account every single time. Yeah, it's crazy. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:22:24 How am I more clear that I don't want to see that when I'm blocking all the accounts? And they just put new ones on my account every single time. Yeah, it's crazy. It's insane. How am I more clear that I don't want to see that when I'm blocking all the accounts? It's what you're watching. When I'm not watching it, I'll accidentally click on it and then I'll go block. It should be like the algorithm should see that and be like, oh, he doesn't like that. The algorithm is dumb as hell right now. All I'm getting is end wokeness shit where it's like, dude, I don't give a fuck about this. Stop telling me this shit. Yeah, I'm getting a lot of shitokeness shit where it's like, dude, I don't give a fuck about this. Stop telling me this shit. Yeah, I'm getting a lot of shit.
Starting point is 00:22:48 What are you getting, KB? Fights. Nicole LaPera is the best. She's the best follow. Albert. Some kid named Albert. I blocked him. She's the psychologist.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Family psychologist or some shit. We talked about her at the Super Bowl. Nicole LaPera? Close. Cole LaPera? Nicole LaPera. That was very patronizing of you. No, it's close. Very close.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Nothing you said wasn't a part of her name. Almost, buddy. Wait, say again, Nicole LaPera? I started listening to Andrew Huberman, so now I think I'm smarter than you guys. What does he do? Just very scientific and academic self-help advice. But he's like a cold shower guy.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah, yeah. Got it. Like that type of shit. It's like sleep health, like anti-aging shit. I've got one about this close to convincing me not to eat until 2 o'clock every day. So I've got one of those Twitter accounts. Pounds will literally melt off. They will literally melt off. So I've got to take cold showers
Starting point is 00:23:52 and drink coffee, but also I don't think that works if you then continue to eat until 4 in the morning. You've got to stop at 10 too. You could stop at midnight. Am I wrong? I don't know. I haven't done it yet. I haven't started it yet, but I'm close.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Soon I will not be eating until 2 o'clock. There's no way. There's no stopping me at that point. So you're just going to, at 2 o'clock, you're going to be hangry. We're the losers. Oh, I'm going to be miserable on the show. We're going to be the worst. You get your Chick-fil-A in the middle of the show,
Starting point is 00:24:20 and we watch the transformation come. Yeah. Yeah, your Clark Kent. The last 15 minutes I'll be incredible. Or asleep. Yeah, you should just go eat it transformation come. Yeah. Like, the last 15 minutes I'll be incredible. Or I'll sleep. Yeah, you should just go eat it and come right back.
Starting point is 00:24:28 What time are you eating until at night? I don't know. Probably say four. Until you fall asleep? Like post-midnight? I don't, I haven't covered,
Starting point is 00:24:35 the Twitter account hasn't covered that yet. I'm asking you, Brandon, personally, like how late do you eat? Right now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Last night I had a little steak at about 11. Steak at 11? Yeah. A little. Don't you not go to bed until like three? Yeah. Last night I had a little steak at about 11. Steak at 11? Yeah. A little. Don't you not go to bed until like 3? Sometimes. If I'm stressed out, I don't go to bed until 3.
Starting point is 00:24:50 You're snacking. My stress has been doing pretty good. Face is cleared up. Things are good. It did clear up. It's because you're externalizing it instead of internalizing it. I just dove right in and said, fuck it. Tried to quit.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah, I missed all that. Huh? I missed all that. Yeah. Yeah. That was last week, though.. Tried to quit. Yeah, I missed all that. Huh? I missed all that. Yeah, yeah. That was last week, though. Yeah, not this week. We're going to do the rundown today, me, Brandon, and Dave. I'm walking into a trap, right?
Starting point is 00:25:12 I don't think so. Yeah, Tucker quit and helped. Tucker. Oh, Tucker Carlson. Not quitting, but getting fired. He quit? He got fired or whatever. He did?
Starting point is 00:25:21 He moved on. He got fired. I saw he got. Of what? Don Lemon got fired. Don Lemon? Tucker Carlson also did. Yeah, you got... Of what? Don Lemon got fired. Don Lemon? Tucker Carlson also did. Yeah, Tucker Carlson today. Tucker Carlson quit today. Because of Don Lemon. He was in
Starting point is 00:25:31 his brother-in-law's arms. Don Lemon got fired. And what did Tucker Carlson do? Left Fox. Hold on. This is all happening right now? How did Don Lemon get fired? It just happened. Tucker Carlson left today as well? How did Don Lemon get fired for the women in their...
Starting point is 00:25:46 The only thing I saw said that guests were hesitant to be on his show. Didn't he have that clip where he was like, yeah, women after 30 are like nothing. Is it possible that Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon are the same person? No, because aren't they on similar times?
Starting point is 00:26:04 That's what they want you to think. I could see them doing a family swap, though, and just going over to the same person. No, because aren't they on similar times? That's what they want you to think. I could see them doing a family swap, though, and just going over to the other one. That would actually be good for the discourse. It could be like an episode of Wife Swap. Yes. Where we follow and see each. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:16 They probably learn a lot. I've been terminated by CNN. I'm stunned after 17 years of CNN. I would have thought someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly, oh, boo-hoo. At no time was I ever given any indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work I've loved at the network. It is clear that there are some larger issues all at play. With that said, I want to thank my colleagues and the many teams I've worked on for an incredible run.
Starting point is 00:26:39 They are the most talented journalists in the business, and I wish them all the best. So one side got to celebrate Tucker leaving for about five minutes and the other side is now celebrating Don Lemon leaving. I love it. Yeah. I forgot I got happy today. Even. Yeah. Tucker leaving is pretty crazy right? Wasn't he getting paid like hundreds of millions of dollars? Yeah. And I think too it was last minute because he
Starting point is 00:26:58 they were like promoting and preparing for an interview of his that was coming out tonight or that he's doing tonight like it was sudden apparently it was like surprising to him. You think it's because he was fishing at Central Park? I think it was the fishing at Central Park. Francis killed him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Francis last last. Damn. I feel like both sides are acting like, like, ha ha, you're gone. And I feel like they're both going to get enormous money packages. Not only that, but they're going to just find worse versions of both of them and put them in. Where will they go? Where do they go? Spotify?
Starting point is 00:27:30 I don't know. Sports? We should hire both of them. Yeah, hire both. Put them on the same show. Crossfire? Sit them next to each other? Do Liz's show? Yeah. That'd be incredible. They both are welcome to come on the Yak. Yes. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 00:27:45 They have to come as a pair. And they have to go to Chicago. Yeah. Yes. Damn. I'm so happy that I didn't know that. That is not even in my. Tucker was like three hours ago and then Don Lemon was one hour ago.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I don't know who Don Lemon is. You don't? No. CNN. CNN's Tucker Carlsonson But not his sister You know who he is He's sassy Gay black dude
Starting point is 00:28:08 He's gay right? He's gay What? What? I don't think You said he's not gay? I'm asking I'm pretty sure he is
Starting point is 00:28:16 I didn't know that he was gay I didn't know that What? I didn't know he wasn't gay Yeah I didn't know he wasn't gay Is he confirmed gay? Is he gay? 100%
Starting point is 00:28:24 I don't know if I've ever watched like a full- I've never had gay suspicions about someone who- About his gay, yes. Oh, okay. Okay. It would have been bad if we just outed Don Lemon. What did he come out as black? You guys didn't know he was gay?
Starting point is 00:28:36 I've never really watched a full, like I've seen like clips on the internet. Me neither. I've never watched a full broadcast. Not that aware. Yeah, I just, I don't know. Smell it through the TV screen. They're all well-groomed. No one is quote-unquote actually not gay.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Right, the Kinsey scale. Correct. But no one at CNN is. They're all gay. Anderson Cooper's gay. Yeah, that's what I mean. Anderson Cooper's gay. Same with Fox.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yes. But Fox too. They're all gay, but just in a different way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're all gay, but just in a different way. Yeah. It's a different type. Wow, what a shake-up. That's awesome. So who's the big swinging dicks now? I think that's pretty huge news, right?
Starting point is 00:29:14 I think, but I don't watch the news, so I don't know. Some people really like Tucker Carlson. Oh, yeah. And Don Limone. These dudes are definitely ego monsters, too. Oh, my God. They're Limone. Yeah. These dudes are definitely ego monsters, too. Oh, my God. They're probably- They're probably 60.
Starting point is 00:29:27 They're probably- I wish we could interview all the makeup artists, the showrunners. Yeah. Has Fox put out a statement yet? Because he's their biggest thing. It's a trait. He is Fox. It's a trait.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Hannity is a big dude, too. But I don't know. Yeah, who's going to take the spot? I don't know. Riley making a comeback? Oh, Riley. Good. Come on.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Need him. Big wrestling. Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways we thank him for his services to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor. Mr. Carlson's last program was Friday.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Oh, he doesn't even get a last show. Friday, April 21st. Everyone check in on your dads. That's weird. That just happened. What happened behind the scenes? I don't know. Something nasty.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Was it the voting thing? Well, from one of these, I mean, that was a big thing. But from one of the, you know, they pulled all the transcripts of the text between him and the other hosts. And in one of them, three of the hosts were like, we're all supposed to make it to 2024 doing this shit every day and if they're hammered somebody else is like there's no way we're all making it to 2024 like we hate that like they're all miserable what do they hate i think just life i think it's tough to keep like doing that shit every day i can see that i mean it's got to be a little it gets old just doing daily like the like this is, like. This is the biggest thing that's going on.
Starting point is 00:30:45 This is the worst thing. I feel like that's got to, like, kill your soul a little after a while. Yeah, definitely. I can see that. Yeah. It's very depressing to deliver just bad news all the time. Yeah. Or have to frame every news as the worst news possible.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Right. I'd say I'd move to Florida, get a pontoon boat, just relax for a little while. Yeah, I guess you could probably just retire. Yeah, but those guys- They're not what? No. No way. It's an ego thing.
Starting point is 00:31:11 They need- Yeah, they want to have people- I don't think gay people retire. Yeah, they do. Dinks. I feel like they're the best at retiring. Yeah. They have the best lives.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Dual income, no kids. Yeah. Is that what that means? That's a term. Dinks. I didn't think that's what that meant. It's a term, and I don't even know if it might not be PC anymore. Your hair is looking kind of majestic when you took the hat off.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I got to get a haircut today. You should not be wearing a hat right now. Get off. No. Sing it. Big win for your wolves last night. Huge win for my wolves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I blew it. Did almost Sing it. Big win for your wolves last night. Huge win for my wolves. Yeah. I blew it. Did almost blow it. I feel so fucking bad right now. Oh. About what? What do you feel bad about? So sick. Did you do something?
Starting point is 00:31:54 Is it your conscience? No. Killed someone? Sick. Sick as a dog. Oof. Is it like just cold as you think it's allergies? It's everything.
Starting point is 00:32:03 It's like... I was like sick sick this week like fever sick I just powered through and then now I'm just like congested and sore throat cough I feel bad for you brother you'll make it to the other side
Starting point is 00:32:16 I'd say I've been there but it sounds like you're the sickest man this is unique this is different it's not this dude on tiktok who did an iron man with covid you mean he had covid and still finished This is unique. This is different. It's not this dude on TikTok who did an Iron Man with COVID. You mean? He had COVID and still finished an Iron Man. I thought he tried out each COVID strain.
Starting point is 00:32:36 That would be a lot cooler. Yeah, that would be cool. If he was like, I'm going to get every COVID in a three-week span. That would be legendary. Wait, why was he filming it though did he know he's a he does iron man which is it's i don't know how much swimming see i kind of respect 80 miles bike and then a then a running marathon yeah i respect iron man i don't respect marathon runners because people can't do like iron man saying how much shit they do they don't and they have to train nonstop.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah. What's the difference between the Ironman? They're never not miserable. They probably wake up super happy. They don't like, yeah, they don't, it's not miserable. They're not miserable, yeah. They need it. They need it.
Starting point is 00:33:14 They need to be ran like that, like a greyhound, like a whippet. Right. Like, you need to just, like, run those types of people. Holy shit, it's a 2.4 mile swim. That in itself is everyone here would drown. And in open water. It's always in a bay with the tide going. 2 miles? 2.4. The bike ride is
Starting point is 00:33:31 112 miles. That's easy. Just fucking settle. Come on. That's nothing. That's probably the hardest one. No, that's the easiest one. Swimming two miles? In ocean water? That's the first thing. So you're fresh. Swimming's the hardest. None of it's easy. 200 mile bike ride. That's hard. So you're fresh. Swimming's the hardest. None of it's easy. 200 mile bike ride.
Starting point is 00:33:47 That's a rat. You got to wheel downhill. Yeah. No. No problem. Biking is so hard. Because they have to go so fast. Pump your legs a little bit and then cruise. How do they get to 112 miles?
Starting point is 00:33:54 Just gliding. Then they have to run a marathon at the end. That is insane. It takes like 10 hours, right? I think so. It's crazy. It's gotta be longer than that. Oh, I think the best one. What do you think the fastest ever was? The fastest full Ironman. 11 hours.
Starting point is 00:34:11 No, I think this guy got in like 8 or 9. 7 hours, 40 minutes and 24 seconds. Where's he from? Gustav Eden from Norway. He did it in Hawaii last year. I thought that was all just like white dudes. You don't think the dude from Norway is white? Gustav is from Norway. He did it in Hawaii last year. I thought that was all just like white dudes. You don't think the dude from Norway is white?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Gustav is probably white, but he's still not American. I thought it was all just like crazy American. But Norwegians are just pure white. That's true. They're like from the source white. I don't know. I'm trying my best, man. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:34:41 You're doing great, sweetie. What's the difference between the Iron the iron man like a the tough mutter tough mutter is a joke or like a triathlon i've done a tough mutter it's you just go to it right he did one i did one separate of what he did but i it's a joke you just show up it's like fun yeah you go to drink after yeah yeah what about like a tri what's a triathlon it's the same thing as iron man it's like fun yeah you go to drink after yeah yeah what about like a try what's a triathlon it's the same thing as iron man it's just a lot shorter shorter a lot shorter as a two-time tough mudder finisher i can assure you it is a joke it's a joke it's it's basically like it's it's getting to be a kid again 1.5 kilometer swim 40 kilometer bike 10 kilometer run
Starting point is 00:35:23 that's that's easy that nothing. That's a regular triathlon. That's the Olympic triathlon. Oh, that's... Yeah, we might be able to do that. As a show, could we do it? It was 1.5 kilometers in the water. 40 kilometers on the bike.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Oh, I'm sorry. 0.93 miles in the water. 25 mile bike. 6.2 mile run. That's a breeze. Especially when we just learned what an Ironman is. How far can you all swim though? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Very far, shockingly. Swimming is not easy at all. It's so hard. Can I do 50 feet? If I wasn't rushing, I could do this. If I was rushing, if I was do this. Yeah, if I could doggy paddle? If I was Russian, if I was just like pushing myself, that would suck. But if I was just at my own pace swimming, at my own pace biking, at my own pace...
Starting point is 00:36:12 Huh? Russian you would be funny. Very funny. Russian run. To the fucking rule. Have you guys heard of the traditional Italian triathlon? What is that? Put your dick in someone who doesn't want it
Starting point is 00:36:25 and then maybe a little of uh embezzlement i don't know if it's real i just learned about it from this uh animated movie luca but what it is is it's swimming biking and then you eat a ton of pasta and you can be in teams okay that just made that up for the movie, Steven. Maybe, maybe not, but it sounds pretty funny. That's not a real thing for sure. What the fuck? Add it to the wheel, bro. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:02 All right, Tom, let me. This morning's events is inaccurate. He was offered an opportunity to meet with management, but instead released a statement on Twitter. Spicy. They wanted him to take a pay cut, probably. Yeah. He was like, I'm not taking a pay cut. I'm Don Lamone.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I'm Lamone. Tucker and Lemon could get together today, start a new network. It would be great. They really could. They hate each other. But also, doesn't Tucker and and Lemon Doesn't that sound cute? Yeah Tucker and Lemon
Starting point is 00:37:26 Yeah that does sound like A little puppet Brunch spot Yeah Oh yeah I would eat there Don Carlson They actually hate each other Don Carlson sounds like
Starting point is 00:37:36 A boxing promoter Yeah or like A guy who runs a bowling alley Or a movie star from the 50s Is that actually? I don't know It just sounds like one Yeah Don Carlson Yeah I would watch Don Carlson grabs some boobies Or movie star from the 50s. Is that actually? I don't know. It just sounds like one.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Don Carlson. Yeah. I would watch. Don Carlson grabbed some boobies when he shouldn't have. Oh, yeah. No, Don Carlson. Don Carlson. You look back and Don Carlson just raped his way through all of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Uh-huh. It was the times. Oh. Not you, though. Okay. Basketball Don Carlson. Wasn't Tucker Carlson on CNN? Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Didn't he used to be on CNN back in the day on Crossfire or something. That other dude, that weird fucking looking dude. Yeah, the other dude. He always wore a bow tie. That's the show Jon Stewart came on and wrecked it. And ruined it. But there's people now who say that Jon Stewart doing that fucked up discourse and people who disagree with one another having conversations
Starting point is 00:38:24 and just furthered them into their echo chambers. Oh, so it's all Jon Stewart's fault? I think that's what people are saying. That Jon Stewart is actually a bad guy because he doesn't let people argue anymore. Further back is Craig Kilborn's fault for leaving The Daily Show. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Don Carlson for Congress. You gotta get that follower account up, bro. Or at least buy the thing. Yeah. Recovering lawyer. Happiest when hiking? Gross. Never vote for him. Get out of here, dude. You want to hit that high noon
Starting point is 00:38:58 ad? I got something for us. TJ, I just sent it to you. I've been drinking high noons. I was drinking high noons all weekend. Hell yeah. Bought a bunch because I was going to go on a hot tub boat tour. And did you? Well, let me just do this high noon ad. High noon.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Man, the best. A hard seltzer with real vodka, real juice, and sparkling water. And it's made with vodka and not malt like the other hard seltzers. High noon hard seltzer is the perfect refreshing drink for a hot day. If you're inside, if you're going out with your friends, set the base with some seltzers. The seltzers are going to take you through. Seltzers, to me, especially High Noon Hard Seltzers, are the perfect way to have that even full night that's going to give you a bunch of memories that you'll never
Starting point is 00:39:46 forget. And with only 100 calories, gluten-free, and no added sugar, you're going to like looking back on those pictures. I was drinking the grapefruit, but I don't discriminate. But you know what was flying off the packs, off the shelves? The lemon ones. And I'm not talking about Don. I'm talking about the Lemon High Noons. Everybody was loving the lemons. But you can look for them at Drizzly or at your local convenience or liquor store. Or you can visit to find all those High Noons near you. Big Cat, what did you bring in?
Starting point is 00:40:19 What do you got? So on Friday we had Rico on the show. Of course. And I had the idea of doing a documentary on Rico called 48 Hours in Bosco. That would be the 48 hours that he quit Barstool Sports. What I didn't know is some people in the, I think Logan, maybe Austin, some other people, had already created a trailer. They were going to work on it, but it uh it got like i don't know they just didn't pursue it but the trailer makes me want more bosco and more of this was it i sent it to
Starting point is 00:40:53 tj tell me you wouldn't watch this show this is a netflix what kind of person goes through strangers life that's some weird fucking behavior. Rico's crazy. Off the reservation. He's created burners and went after people's families here at Barstow. And meanwhile, you're fucking harassing the wife of people? Fuck off. Fuck off. Some things are bigger than sports, and I'm a man of honor. And then he's fucking one of them.
Starting point is 00:41:24 You fucking understand? I'll fucking go right through you. You stupid fuck. How many fucking times? How many times? Rico is a fucking coward. Always has been. Always will be.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You get away with murder. You run people out of this company. You do something to wrong him. He cuts you off completely. That's part of the crazy. That's part of the entertainment. That's part of the nuts. He was,
Starting point is 00:41:45 that was who he was. Very easy to take for granted. My heart is pounding. How many people want to be in your seat? Who's making it? Want it so bad. You know who would absolutely crush that?
Starting point is 00:42:00 Caleb. Yeah. Caleb made that and I don't want to, I would never ask or put work on his plate, but you know what I mean? That's something that he uniquely could do as a filmmaker.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah. That made me want less Bosco. Oh, no. I want to see the good parts of Rico. I want to see the whole story. At the end, you could have a redemption arc. Okay. Having someone tell the story.
Starting point is 00:42:21 There are good parts of Rico, too. When he's on the yak, he's awesome. Yeah. He was great. He was great on Friday. I was saying that I want the documentary to start where he sits down, and then it zooms in on his eye, and it goes into his brain, and it's just a bunch of little cartoon Ricos fighting each other. For like 10 minutes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Screaming at each other. Holy shit. Whoever made that, that was a pretty nice edit right there. Yeah, we need it. Like, literally. And also, it could bring us down. It could be the most damning evidence against Barstool Sports once we put it out, but that's why we
Starting point is 00:42:53 need to control the narrative and put it out ourselves. Shout out to the production team. Yeah, whoever edited it. Latman. Latman went after Jerry. That was weird. Did you guys see that? I don't know. It's bizarre. Wait, this weekend? Yeah, I'd like to say... I don't know if he went after him, but it was a weird tweet. That was weird. Did you guys see that? I don't know. It's bizarre. Wait, this weekend? Yeah, I'd like to say.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I don't know if he went after him, but it was a weird tweet. It was a weird tweet. And then everyone was like, oh, you're just defending Jerry. I was like, no, this is just a weird tweet. Jerry's doing editing now. I've seen that. It's hilarious. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:43:18 So it's real, too, because Jerry was like, I don't have an editor for wrestling content. And Hank was like, learn how to edit. So Jerry's learning how to edit. have an editor for wrestling content. Hank was like, learn how to edit. Jerry's learning how to edit. He's posting his progress. Then he joked and was like, I think I'm going to take a pay cut. Yeah, I want to do a pay cut and move out of content and go to editing. Clearly joking.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Who among us hasn't had that thought too? Just film Frank the Tank for the rest of your career? Clearly a joke. Kind of funny. Then Blackman got the audacity to think a craft that people spend years perfecting pays less than pooping your pants on camera. He also replied to Jerry. He also replied to Jerry being like, work on it for three to five years and come back to us. Yeah, you're not ready to check in with us?
Starting point is 00:44:02 So he was mad. Yeah. I think he might have been joking too though will you think first one i'm like oh that he's joking but then the second one when you go reply and then quote tweet yeah i would like to think david blackman was joking as well okay i would hope so i know jerry was joking yeah why don't you take his fucking cock out of your mouth. Yeah, you're glazing. Blackman? Yeah. I was just trying to stick up for the guy.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Portland male glazers over there, bro. Leave that dude alone. All right. Why don't you glaze Jerry, bro? I think Jerry gets glazed enough. Brandon, you think if you quit today, you think it would make the headlines like Tucker Carlson, Lemon, and Brandon Walker? I miss my milk.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Start a lineup together? I miss my chance last week. You could have been the trendsetter. You just need a weather person. You got a whole... There might be the guy that inspired Tucker to quit.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Probably. I don't know that enough. He listens to the Yak. Yeah. He does. Yeah. Hmm. We had Ray Romano
Starting point is 00:45:04 on the show when y'all were gone Really? Yeah I heard He's a famous stand up Was he wearing a hat? He was not He was
Starting point is 00:45:14 He was? I think so Almost certainly wearing a hat I think there was a hat on that head I don't remember what he looked like there was a hat on that head. I don't remember what he looked like at all. None of us will ever know. Just let me know. Because we already just know him from the show.
Starting point is 00:45:29 If he committed a crime, I don't know that we could give a good description. Yeah, I actually. No? I feel like you're gaslighting me into a hat. I think there was a hat. You think there was a hat? I don't. I couldn't.
Starting point is 00:45:40 We'll never know. I don't think there was a hat. I knew this would happen. We'll never fucking know. I asked't think there was a hat. I knew this would happen. We'll never fucking know. Ask the question. You fucked us. No hat. Oh, no hat.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Oh, but his hair's like a brim, though. Yes, it is. His hat's like a brim. You tried to gaslight me, Brandon. I was trying to gaslight. I thought he had a hat on. Kyle did that to us. He was really great.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Why'd you think that? Why? I asked him a gay incest question. It was the first question he got asked on the act. Gay incest? Have you ever caught your twins kissing?
Starting point is 00:46:14 Twin boys, girls? Yeah, girls wouldn't have played as much. You gotta start sexualizing twin boys more. Yeah. Why? Agreed.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Because they do it to the girls. It's only right. What's that commercial? That button. It's like, and more. Yeah. Why? Agreed. Because they do it to the girls. It's only right. What's that commercial? It's like, and twins. Yeah. Burritos at 4 a.m. Back when beer was for men. Parties that never end.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I was like, I remember that being on Disney Channel. It'd be like an episode. And twins. Yeah, and they're twins. Yeah. Mary, Kate, and Ashley, I feel like, set that off. Oh, well, the pleasure doubled the fun. Twins would be a lot of pressure, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah, especially because you're fucking two sisters. One's enough. Same time. Yeah. They hate each other enough already. Every guy's fantasy. And if you're going to fuck two girls at the same time. You want the two girls to be very different.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Right. Body types, body, um, physiques, ethnicity, air systems. You want to do, yeah. Twins, dude. You're like, yo, I fuck twins. The twins who married the twins, who I kind of hate follow, they've been on my timeline every day now.
Starting point is 00:47:15 They're on People Magazine all the time now. They're, like, blowing up in the twin world. Yeah, those, oh, those ones are creepy. Did you dunk on Blattman? No, I just replied. I was like, I think Jerry's joking. On this prep sheet, it says, Big Cat promptly dunks. It was not a dunk, and it was also not prompt.
Starting point is 00:47:31 It was like five hours later. Oh, promptly dunks. That's really. Neither of those things happened. Is Blattman here? Oh, yeah. Is he? Want to go grab him?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Sure. Kyle, what if I told you, like, What did you do this weekend I was like yeah I fucked You're like go on Twins I would be like that's a little weird I know I'm joking The story is cool when you say you're fucked
Starting point is 00:47:56 I'm with you guys I'm joking It's just a very funny thing that culture I think what I'm saying is It should be the opposite I think dudes used to be like this this girl's so hot, I want two of her. You know what I mean? I want more of this girl. If you're like a twin girl, though, do you sigh in the morning like, I'm going to have to fuck with my sister later?
Starting point is 00:48:17 Yeah. Yeah, probably. It sucks. I once went on a bachelor party, and we decided to get strippers to the house late on a Saturday. So it was. Last pick? Yeah. And they're sitting on the bench waiting for a call?
Starting point is 00:48:30 They were Timon and Pumbaa. Like the body types. It was hilarious. Are they twins? No. Not identical. Damn. Yeah, the difference was nice.
Starting point is 00:48:42 All the Disney characters for a stripper to get compared to, Timon and Pumbaa, are probably the worst. Yeah, no, it wasn't great. But that is an archetype that's as old as time and even better, a tall, skinny guy and a short, fat guy. Yeah, oh, it always plays. Or short, skinny guy, tall, fat guy. You see that a lot?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Well, just size difference. Size difference, yes. In general. Yes. Wasn't that Danny DeVito? Wasn't it of Mice and Men? Lenny and Carl. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Lenny and whatever the dude's name was. I'm aware of that one. In PFT. In 101 Dalmatians, the henchman. Yeah. Home Alone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bully and Christmas Story and then Toad, his little buddy.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah. All kidding. Clemmer and Frank. I think that they could be a fucking superstar duo. Yeah. I think that the upside of them is very high. I've been enjoying Clemmer's New York City history. It's good.
Starting point is 00:49:42 The last one was kind of morbid, don't you think? The John Lennon one? I thought it was interesting. The way he walked into it morbid, don't you think? John Lennon? I thought it was interesting. The way he walked into it, it's like, and right here. He needs to get a mic. Because he'll turn away, and then you just can't hear him. The wind will be blowing. Then he'll turn back.
Starting point is 00:49:54 He needs a mic. Yeah, he needs a mic. I thought that one was really interesting. It was. John Lennon. It should be a subsidiary of Twisted History. Get all the history under one umbrella. I thought it was crazy that the dude, I didn't know the dude just sat down and waited for the police.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Yeah, and he signed a, he met him earlier in the day. Yeah. Must have been a shitty autograph. I know, because of Clemmer. Do you know the one guy who shot the, I forget which president, he's like out now. Reagan. Yeah, the guy who shot Reagan's like out living life again. He makes music on YouTube. Yeah, he does concerts and stuff. he does concerts on hinkley right yeah that's crazy to me
Starting point is 00:50:28 frank freaking out this weekend was hilarious for other people yeah oh yeah you find that clip tj where was he i don't know it looked like a bar or something was in syracuse why was he at syracuse with brianna and dave up there oh Oh, big three. That looked crazy. The people. Oh, yeah. That was like stampede level. Yeah. Yeah, Frank just yelling like that.
Starting point is 00:50:53 It made me like him even more. These people. Swinging her little haircut around. So scared. Look at that lady. He's filming a selfie. I just like that he's doing it in public. It's just so alpha.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And it's just like, hey, everybody else. Extreme movements. They can mind their own business. Yeah, exactly. Get out of there. Mind your fucking business. Lady looks like a robot malfunctioning. Yeah, well, because she is.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Because she realizes that she can't do anything. Yeah. Someone needs to stop this. Someone needs to stop him. That's exactly how Nate reacts. Someone has to stop Frank. It was perfect. The tank.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Nate's been dogging around recently. I love Nate going to Kaz. That was awesome. He was dogging. That was awesome. I fucking love it. I missed that, too. Actually was awesome. He was dog. That was awesome. I fucking love it. Hey, I missed. I missed that, too.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Actually made me super uncomfortable watching that. He just went after guys like you're soft. Oh, right here. Yeah, yeah, okay. I saw it. I didn't watch it. It was great. It was fucking great.
Starting point is 00:51:55 He didn't walk away. He just like let him sit in it, and then he would give him another meanie. Yeah. Another mean one. He's been dogging. He's trying to preserve the culture. Yeah. He is.
Starting point is 00:52:09 He's our head of culture. He is. And he's like, how do we keep it? He's like cables. Yeah. He's like. Yeah. He's our propaganda minister.
Starting point is 00:52:19 I like it. I respect it. I never have a problem with the dog being around. No. No. It was great. It was a vintage clip. a dog being around. No. It was great. It was a vintage clip. I need more of.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yeah, fuck yeah. You are just so worthless. Why am I worthless? You're just a sellout little Miami bitch now. Frank Tank? Wow. Maybe Frank the Tank could go in there and stuff in there with you? Yeah, somebody's got it.
Starting point is 00:52:41 You don't have it anymore. You don't have it. You used to have a fastball. You're like 57. It just keeps going, huh? Awesome You used to have a fastball. You're like 57. It just keeps going, huh? It goes on for a while. It just keeps going. I mean, Gaz is such a shadow of what he used to be.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Everybody else was joking, but he's locked in now. Yeah, I know. I love it. It's the dog. Che malfunctioning. He got offered it out. Oh, that was the worst part, just standing there cross-armed. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:53:09 You know what I'm saying? Loved every second of it. You could tell it was going on a little bit before that they're like, oh, we should start filming this. I want Nate to do that as a series to multiple people in the office. Oh, he will if you ask him. Some people he doesn't like to pounce on to their face. I like when he pounces face-to-face, though.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I agree. Huh? Me? Does he do it to you? No, he loves to pounce on me. He does? Yeah. Behind, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Not really pouncing. I don't know if he still does. I know he used to a lot when I first got hired. Oh, did you know Frank showed up one day last week? Yeah, I know. And I don't know when you cleaned your desk or how it happened. I didn't clean my desk. Vibs cleans my desk. Okay, so Frank is in a week. Yeah, I know. And I don't know when you cleaned your desk or how it happened. I didn't clean my desk. Vibs cleans my desk.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Okay, so Frank is in a rant. Yeah, I watched the video. A Mets rant, and then just looks and goes, oh, Sass cleaned his desk. He was so happy. And I had a, what was he, something with his tooth? Oh, and I had a root canal. That was the highlight of my day. I just thought it was so funny that Frank keeps tabs on your desk,
Starting point is 00:54:11 and Frank has literal things hanging off. You were saying that his desk wasn't messy. It was my desk. All of the shit that was on my desk was his stuff. It's like a stack of fedoras of his. Yeah. It was like Yoda masks. Like a hot dog trophy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:24 If the people like Tommy and Sass and Kelly Keegs who are right by Frank Yeah. It was like Yoda masks. Like a hot dog trophy. If the people like Tommy and Sass and Kelly Keegs who are right by Frank don't complain, I think you've got to let Frank. Frank doesn't bother me at all. Why would he? Because you mind your own business. Also, it's very easy if you just look at the baseball schedule. It's like the Mets have a day game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:46 If you don't like it, don't come in. Which they have a shocking amount of day games. Is there a whole schedule? They're playing the Cubs' old schedule. Day games every day. They not have lights at that stadium? I know. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Dang. Holy crap. Brandon, why don't you do the HelloFresh ad love to do an ad HelloFresh well first of all HelloFresh is delicious yes it is oh my god bro I like this crazy chicken and potatoes dish
Starting point is 00:55:15 it just was so good fresh Sloppy Joe's are really really good not only does it take the hassle out of going you don't have to go to the grocery store you don't have to stand in line you don't have to do any of that, but the ingredients you do get are fresh. They're perfectly packaged and it's easy. It's good too.
Starting point is 00:55:29 You can make all the meals in like 30 minutes. And it's good. 30 minutes? Bro, it's like fucking three minutes. It's legitimately good. They take the hassle out of mealtime this spring by delivering pre-portioned ingredients and easy to prepare recipes right to your door. You can skip the checkout lines and go right to a delicious dinner.
Starting point is 00:55:44 April. You know what april is earth month happy birthday earth really yep earth is now 3 500 years old so that's it happy birthday uh hello fresh always you share a birthday with earth yeah and uh national secretary's day and tim duncan and the philly Fanatic and Al Pacino. The Philly Fanatic is a fictional character. He has a birthday? Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I think it changes sometimes, but he's from the Galapagos Islands. Good food is too precious to waste. HelloFresh's pre-portioned ingredients cut down on your food waste by at least 23% compared to grocery shopping. Good for your wallet and the planet. Spend less time in the kitchen with quick and easy meals
Starting point is 00:56:22 like their fast and fresh pineapple chicken tacos or falafel power bowls ready in 15 minutes or less. They've got 40 recipes and over 100 seasonal and convenience items to choose from every single week. With so much variety, there are options for everyone and every lifestyle. No worries if you're not a pro in the kitchen. Their foolproof recipes arrive pre-portioned and easy to prepare in Just a few steps. Go to slash Yak50 and use code Yak50 for 50% off. Plus, your first box ships for free. Again, Yak50 and use code Yak50 for 50% off and your first box ships free.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Great ad read. Thank you. I'm very good at ad reads. They're so good. You're supposed to have them from Boyd. That's how I started getting them. And then they came with coupons in the box, and I'm just reloading on HelloFresh. They don't get any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Still without necessary reference. I appreciate them. You're supposed to sign. They sent us a form. They emailed it. You have to click on two things, and they send this shit to you. I almost had sausage. Great.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Yeah. Good sausage. Great. By the way, we have a huge week coming up because we have Mincy on Wednesday. Wednesday? Yeah. NFL draft on Thursday? NFL draft show?
Starting point is 00:57:30 What's the weather on Wednesday? Oh, it's going to be like 60 degrees, 58 all week. It's not going to be great weather. TJ, is Stanko going to use a phone? Oh, Stanko's right there. Stanko, are you going to use a phone or you have a camera? We're going to have a real camera with like a gimbal and stuff like that. Oh, the run.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I forgot. Gimbal, yeah. That's still going on? The run? Better. Maybe we should just have him do an Iron Man. We'll see if you can do it in less than three hours. When he gets to the end of the run, we'll put him in the water. Yeah, just dunk him in the East River.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Ooh. Nasty. Yeah, he's going to be excited for this. Wednesday's going to be excited for this. Wednesday's going to be a... Is Donnie just hiking Mount Everest? Is that what's going on? He's just going to the base camp? He's going to the base camp.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Damn. Is the base camp still high up? Oh, yeah. Oh, very high up. I feel like, though, I feel like he might just... Hike it? Yeah. Sneak in?
Starting point is 00:58:23 That would be so Donnie to be like i'm just going to the base camp and then one guy's like you want to come up he's like i guess yeah he's like fuck i guess i'm here he's just like a solid uh stella blue ad oh yeah he should be like the face of the company now he's been killing it yeah him and shopping day have been going nuts wow i feel like michelangelo is the perfect person to go with him on that journey. Hiking, going up to the top, it's not even that it takes that long to go up. It's that you have to keep going up and down to get acclimated to the altitude. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Yeah. So, like, those guys, like the guy that he's with, that, like, NIMS dude, he could just go up, I think. He doesn't have to get up. That's why he did all those peaks in such a short amount of time. How many days does it go from base camp? I think it takes two months. What? Maybe a month and a half.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It doesn't take that long. What? What? Yeah. That's miserable. His peak day is usually like the first and second week of May. There's only a couple days you can do it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Really? I want to say. Well, you did say. That's pretty true. You can't just go up whenever you want to go up? I'm sure someone out there has hiked Everest like 10 times. It's going to be like, Sass doesn't know what he's talking about. But I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Who won? Here you go, Sass. What about the days? You only can do it. There's a certain window because that's the best weather of the entire time. What's the name of that company? Alpine Ascent? Based in Seattle?
Starting point is 00:59:43 What a weird place for that to be based out of. And even then you could get to the second to last camp and the weather sucks at the top. They got good mountains out there. I feel like you'd be based in... Look at you, Sash. You nailed this. Yeah, and they go up to the first one, go down. They'll start
Starting point is 00:59:59 at the base camp, go up, go down. They go all the way up to the fourth base camp and then I think they go all the way back down and then they go all the way back up. Signing up to do anything for two months is way too long.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Well, also it's like how do you make time for that? I guess if you're like getting sponsors and shit. Yeah. Or if you're Donnie. You have to be like a millionaire
Starting point is 01:00:19 or be sponsored. A lot of people that do that are rich as fuck. Is it true or a myth that when people die up there they just leave them? They leave them. Because the helicopters can't fly that high. There's still
Starting point is 01:00:27 portions where part of it is you pass like here's a famous explorer. You see feet sticking out of the ice. I think the highest a helicopter has ever flown was during the 95 expedition where all these people died. Because one of the people that died, the family was like billionaires. Did you read
Starting point is 01:00:44 a book on Everest? Yeah, I read Into Thin Air. You fucking know everything. You've been nailing every fact. Yeah, like this is insane. I'm impressed. The helicopter flew so high. You hear the hyper focus right now? It flew so high that when they took off, they literally just free fell until they caught wind
Starting point is 01:01:00 and the propellers started working again. Because there's no air up there. There's no air. Isn't that insane? Holy fuck. Yeah.'s no air up there. There's no air. Isn't that insane? Holy fuck. Yeah. That's scary. Yeah. Why doesn't someone just parachute onto Everest?
Starting point is 01:01:13 They should. I know. From outer space. Red Bull will do it. Yeah. No parachute. Just a big net. Yeah. That'd be awesome. A net on Everest? Damn. Good for him, though.
Starting point is 01:01:27 That should seem scary. Very scary. The views are probably fucking... Has anyone ever died on the way to base camp? Probably. On the way back down? No, the hike to base camp. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:38 That'd be... Probably. People have probably gotten, like, out of the meters. Yeah. People get sick at the base camp, too. Yeah. People still get altitude sick there. I think... Donnie, get sick at the base camp too. Like people still get altitude sick there. I think Donnie.
Starting point is 01:01:46 How high is the base camp. It's like six thousand meters or some shit. You're the ever speaking. I don't know why you're asking.
Starting point is 01:01:53 He's pretending to not know. I don't know. I don't know. I know that eight thousand I think eight after eight thousand meters that's the death
Starting point is 01:01:59 zone. Five thousand. Say it in feet it's much more impressive. What they do it by meters what's Denver Denver mile high
Starting point is 01:02:11 to mile high so like 5,000 I don't know what that is 2,000 maybe 6 right 5 I'm probably getting this wrong but I thought it was around
Starting point is 01:02:19 like 10,000 feet that you start to be like oh people get sick in Denver so yeah I guess that's way higher than that who'd have been you got altitude sickness and on the road i got altitude sickness when i went to telluride and that was like 14 000 feet when we were skiing and that was terrible yeah it takes a while right yeah jerry jerry when you get to like 8 000 meters your body starts
Starting point is 01:02:44 you're literally dying the entire time that you your body starts, you're literally dying. The entire time that you're there. Heaven. You're going to heaven. You're still, your body is physically dying. Damn. Sounds bad. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:55 So what possesses a person to do it? See, they did it. I did it. I was at the highest peak of the world. I did an Everest equivalent. Yeah. No big deal. That makes more sense to me than doing Ironman.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Climbing Everest? Yeah. How long do you get to stay up there? Or doing the Appalachian Trail. Five minutes. That's it? Dude, you're dying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 You can't be up there for a long time. Oh, there's Blatman. Blatman! Blatman! Hey! Where is he looking? Where else would we have been calling him from? I thought it was behind him.
Starting point is 01:03:24 You mad at Jerry? You went reply and quote tweet. Yeah, the double. Yeah, that made me think you were mad. No, Jerry and I were just talking. Everything's good. Yesterday. I wasn't mad.
Starting point is 01:03:38 He came out with the joke, as you claimed. I matched his energy. It was a joke. And I matched his energy with an equal joke. Reply and quote tweet means... Reply and quote tweet was a little much. So we're all good. Yeah, everything's great. So you're hiring him. Oh yeah, he might do
Starting point is 01:03:53 a segment on school scenes this week. Done. It's probably some explosions. Lots of them. Yeah. Yes. Alright, thank you Blatman. He was definitely mad. He was definitely mad. Like the Blattman. He was definitely mad. There you have it. Been like the Maldives. He was definitely mad.
Starting point is 01:04:09 It can't be that hard. Jerry learned it in like two days. He mastered it. He mastered it. Where's he pulling those clips from? Where's he pulling the NFL clips from? I don't know. Is he ripping them off YouTube?
Starting point is 01:04:22 I don't know, but I wish we had them a couple weeks ago so we could have them for the NFL Draft show. Just all that. We could get them to do an edit. Probably do an edit for a player. One or two players. Yeah, we should get them to do an edit for a player. We should get them to guess who the Steelers are going to take
Starting point is 01:04:36 and get one ready for them. What did you say, TJ? None of those edits can be used in anything that has any sort of audience. Eh. If we used it on our NFL draft show, I'd get taken down. All right, so I'm going to tell Jerry that we should maybe do, like we'll do a reenactment of one of the players. Or do it in Madden footage.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Oh! That's a good idea. Okay, so Jerry. How about you do it with a prospect in Madden footage? Change his name? Just create a player. Okay. Leave NCAA revamped, download on the PC in the game timer. That's what the. I'll just create a player. Okay. Leave NCAA revamped.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Download on the PC in the game timer. That's what the fuck I'm talking about. Nice, TJ. All right. So we need Jerry to get at least one edit.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I'll get him doing that. Spin the wheel, TJ. Oh, wait, let me do the we got one more ad. Morgan and Morgan. If you've been injured in an accident, Morgan and Morgan makes easy for you.
Starting point is 01:05:23 File a claim online. Upload pictures, evidence, text your lawyer, get a settlement, direct deposit, do almost everything from your phone. Morgan & Morgan is America's largest injury law firm. Over 800 lawyers nationwide, over $15 billion recovered so far, over 100 offices, over 30 years of experience. The fee is free. You only pay if you win.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Visit slash yak or dial pound law. Pound law to start a claim today with Morgan & Morgan. Thank you to Morgan & Morgan, our wonderful sponsor. Go check them out today. or pound law. I want to learn more about Everest. I was wrong about the helicopter thing. What?
Starting point is 01:06:03 Correct yourself. I don't know what the answer is. Oh. I just thought that's what it was. But I was right about how they dive. What? What was it? Correct yourself. I don't know what the answer is. I just thought that's what it was. But I was right about how they dive. That is true. They do do that. Do you want to go on Everest? Sounds like you kind of do. I did for like a day. And then I read that book. And that was it? I was like
Starting point is 01:06:18 hell no. Did the engine thin air? What was the book about? The people who died? Yeah. How many people died? Maybe like 11. Whoa. 10. 13. Did any of them survive? The people who died? Yeah. How many people died? Maybe like 11. Whoa. 10, 13. Did any of them survive? The dude that wrote it. True.
Starting point is 01:06:31 That makes sense. You guys think the world used to be covered with massive trees? Yes. Yeah. Like huge fucking... Like how come the trees aren't as old as the earth? You're just saying that you think they may have gotten smaller
Starting point is 01:06:48 over time? What's the oldest tree? I don't think trees have lifespans like anything else though, right? But the oldest trees, like... A couple thousand? Are there thousand-year-old trees? I don't know. Look it up, TJ. Oldest tree. How old are redwoods? One of those redwoods?
Starting point is 01:07:03 Oh, they have a list of them. What about the Baobab? What is that? The Baobab has to be five thousand years old. So Earth is four billion years old and we have five thousand years old.
Starting point is 01:07:12 It got cut down? What a dick. Why? Why'd they cut it down? Make paper. I don't know, Russ Curry. It's probably pretty badass
Starting point is 01:07:19 to be like, fuck it, I'm taking this shit down. Why the fuck did they cut it down? Oh, he did it. Wait, I saw repercussions. Seems like he did it.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Maybe they didn't know how old it was until they cut it down, though. Look on Donald Russ Curry. This motherfucker. Under fellowship. Wait. Oh, yeah. Wait, why did he do it? I can't see.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Prometheus? It had't see. Prometheus? It had a name like Prometheus? It's just a kid. I can't read all that. Yeah. Holy shit. What a bastard. What a controversial bastard.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I'm talking about trees as big as mountains. I don't think trees can do that. Why not? They still have to have roots and oxygen and air and all that. They can't. And if there's enough land, why couldn't their root systems grow to bigger sizes? Because roots can only go so deep, correct? Yeah, but then lightning.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Lightning's always been around. True. Roan? Counterpoint? No, I was... I had a... Have you heard the story? No, we got you.
Starting point is 01:08:29 I had a crazy-ass fucking flight on the way down to Austin. I had been texting my wife. I was like, some crazy shit just happened. Like, I was... A pop by my window. I thought... But it was softer than lightning. It was softer than lightning possibly could have been,
Starting point is 01:08:41 but, like, louder than a light bulb exploding. Like, we were getting fucking tossed through the air, but louder than a light bulb exploding. We were getting fucking tossed through the air, but I was wine drunk, so I was having the time of my life. The next day, we were getting lunch at a bar. I was ordering, and a woman was sitting at the bar. She was like, you recognize me? I was like, vaguely. Who are you?
Starting point is 01:08:59 How do I know you? She was like, I was your flight attendant yesterday. I was like, oh shit, that was a crazy flight, right? She was she was like yes we got struck by lightning right next to where you were sitting she was like you didn't smell anything it's like i guess it kind of did smell a little bit weird she was like i don't know if i should tell you this you have to tell me now she said the the pilot lost controls of the plane for like almost a minute like uh the whole system went down and uh they weren't in controls of the plane for like almost a minute. Like the whole system went down and they weren't in control of the plane and like all the controls weren't working essentially. And you were just drunk. Yeah, I was just free balling it.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Holy shit. Holy shit. Isn't that crazy? That's insane. How many times do you think that happens? And they don't say anything? Yeah, she said, if I hadn't run into this woman I would have never known.
Starting point is 01:09:49 She was like, obviously the pilots didn't say anything but they were freaking out a little bit. Damn. That's crazy, Rowan. I didn't know lightning
Starting point is 01:09:56 could take out the controls of the plane. I feel like that's something they should have a fail safe against. I guess they did since they got it back, but that seems like... I think Lightning has a minute of just free gliding.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Yeah, that's... You didn't catch the goddamn thing. Shut up, Brandon. You didn't catch it either. I can't fucking catch it. You didn't catch it either. It was right here. I didn't drop it.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Talking about Rowan's Lightning. Dude, you almost died. Yes, I know. Dumpster. Imagine if that happened lower than the ground. Oh, you missed two, bitch. You missed two, you missed two bitch would you have still did the live podcast
Starting point is 01:10:29 of course who would you have riffed with though who did that you suck sass is on today sass is on today Brandon just criticized me he's 0 for 4
Starting point is 01:10:42 0 for 4 did I go 2 for 2? Yeah. Nobody's ever gone 2 for 2. You got to know when to fold them, bro. Big cat. I'll go 2 for 2, no problem. So you're a lightning survivor?
Starting point is 01:10:59 Oh. Yeah. More so than like David Hogg is a... Scoot shooting survivor? Yeah. I'm shocked. David Hogg would have biked over to the airport. I mean, you were closer.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Yes. Like if the metal vessel wasn't around me, I would have been the one that got struck. Did you notice that it was like lost control? Were you in the window seat? Lightning strike survivors have a community. They kind of have a chip on their shoulder too. I have a little bit of video of it. It just looked like it was constantly just flickering.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Like, I don't even know what that shit was. That was just other lightning, but we were just clearly flying through a lightning storm. Wow. But I think planes are designed to be able to sustain. Lightning hasn't taken down a plane, I think, since the 70s. Sass, you can probably correct me on that one. I think. Since the 70s. I know that turbulence doesn't take out planes anymore.
Starting point is 01:11:54 When it strikes, it, like, runs the course of the plane. Except that one guy who died. Yeah. Because I think at, like, Yosemite Half Dome, there's, like like TikTok videos where all of a sudden everyone's hair starts standing up on their heads and they're like, run. And like hiking like that, people get hit by lightning. Yeah, I would imagine. Yeah. I was saying, imagine if you got serial killed.
Starting point is 01:12:15 What? On Everest? In Austin, you would have beaten all the odds. Yeah. Getting struck by lightning and then being serial killed. Oh, man. Back to back. Can you say you got struck by lightning?
Starting point is 01:12:25 They would have written a book about you. I think you can. You think so? I don't think you can. What? He was in a vehicle that got struck by lightning, but he himself was not struck by lightning. I was trying to see if I had anything, and I did smoke Sass and Tyler at ping pong. Like, I was smoking them.
Starting point is 01:12:43 You did. I took them to the woodshed. Hell yes. 2-0, 2-0. All the abilities. What if that's the superpower, the one superpower you get is ping pong? I would take it.
Starting point is 01:12:55 That's a pretty good one. I swear to God I would take it. It's a good-ass superpower. Great superpower. What could you do if you had, like, lightning hands? What if you just woke up in the middle of the night and it was just, like, all your all your sheets were like burnt to a crisp. Raiden was a pretty good character
Starting point is 01:13:10 in Mortal Kombat. He was. Yeah. You'd have to wear the hat though. Right. Which is appropriating. Yeah. Lightning culture.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Someone brought up Zeus as well as being one of the famous lightning guys. He was the guy in Star Wars who had the lightning hands. Didn't Ben Franklin get hit by lightning? I think he invented lightning guy in Star Wars who had the lightning hands didn't Ben Franklin get hit by lightning he invented lightning
Starting point is 01:13:28 yeah Alpatine good call Alpatine he's a nasty man he always scared the fuck out of me is that how he talked
Starting point is 01:13:39 is that prequels that's all of them isn't it no I think he's all three trilogies oh wow he's in all of them Stank't it? No, I think he's all three trilogies. Oh, wow. He's in all of them. Stanko, what did you give the remake of A-Team?
Starting point is 01:13:50 Did you watch that? I've seen it. I could look it up. Okay. What's your score system again? Classic letter grades like elementary school. No pluses, no minuses. F-plus and D-plus included. But no C plus?
Starting point is 01:14:07 You can throw a C plus or an F minus in there if you want. Here you go. F minus? Have you ever given an F minus? The Requine, an independent shark movie. It's one of the worst movies ever made, ever. Say it again? The Requine.
Starting point is 01:14:23 The Requine. R-E-Q-U-I-N. The Requine. Alicia Silverstone, I believe, is in it. Oh. She used to be in it, girl. That saddens me. Mid-90s.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Something must have happened. Where's she at these days? I got struck by lightning. Wasn't there a movie where she was, like, banging her teacher? Clueless, she banged her. No, but he's right about this. The Crush? Yeah, The Crush.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Was that what it was called? It was a good movie. Isn't she married to Ben Stiller? No. Clueless, she banged her. No, but he's right about this. The crush? Yeah, the crush. Was that what it was called? It was a good movie. Isn't she married to Ben Stiller? No. No, you're thinking of... Marsha Brady. Oh. She was so hot in those Aerosmith videos.
Starting point is 01:14:56 That fucking Amazing is the hottest girl that's ever been. Who? She was 16 in that. Alicia Silverstone. That's on MTV. So? She wasn't 16 in that. Avril Lavigne was That's on MTV. So? She wasn't 16. Avril Lavigne was like 14 on MTV.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Isn't she Steven Tyler's daughter? No, that's Liv Tyler. Isn't she the other one? Tyler was also in. Alicia Silverstone is not his daughter. You think that there was a similar Hollywood executive to Harvey Weinstein who was just a little bit less bad, who just has completely flown under the radar to play every one? Yes, I feel like all of them. With a dude fucking directing Wizard of Oz, who's probably just fucking all the munchkins.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Yeah, he was. Black and white. And in full color. Oh. She was 18. I was 15 at the time. She might have been 17. I was 15.
Starting point is 01:15:53 She probably was 17. But you said... I said back then it was the hottest thing ever. 15-year-old Brandon Walker was in love with... Back then? I was 15.
Starting point is 01:16:04 She was 18. You're a pedophile, dude. Same age difference as me and my wife. So it's all good. Double jeopardy. Your wife is 17? My wife is 17 years old, correct. Damn.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Damn. Good for you, dude. Thank you. We have four kids. We started early. Oh, baby Gronk's feeling the heat. He's posting his hate now. Oh, let's go, KB.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Praying on his dad. Rumbling. Poor bastard. I know. Poor fucking bastard. KB, are you still going to the Savannah Bananas? He just came back. No, I didn't go.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Thank God. I kept on almost sending you videos of theirs. And then I was like, if there's something that he's actually going to do, I'm not going to ruin it for you. As a joke or like... Just to be like, why are you going to this? Are we out on Savannah Bananas? I've been out since day one. I fucking hate them.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Yeah, I saw a bunch of content from them and not my thing. But I respect them. They're making money. It's a choice. Selling out. The tickets are crazy. Wait, well, Baby Gronk, how old is he? Fourth grade.
Starting point is 01:17:17 And people are saying this kid's going to be a janitor? Well, the narrative is that he won't. He has peaked, and he won't succeed in college or high school. You ain't shit, buddy. You're not even that good. The only reason why you're famous is because your dad. Stop comparing yourself to legends because they earned that. You will not make the NFL.
Starting point is 01:17:38 No shit. It's so funny, too, how he probably just has no fucking clue. Yeah, you know what's really weird as a a parent, to think of making a post like that and being like, go ahead, roast my fourth grade. Yeah, he wasn't a part... Yeah, and then they're probably showing him, look at all the hate you're getting. Now here's how you have to act.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Here's how you have to pretend to be in response. Ran by a parent. God damn, this poor kid. That's a weird parent move right there. Very weird. What's his name? Madison Miguel? Can we play the Livvy Dunn one?
Starting point is 01:18:05 I'm going to post one like that with my toddler. What are you doing at LSU? You have to come here. Am I play here? You're so cute. I probably will. Ooh, that haircut's terrible.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I think she fixed it. This is also weird. That was also weird. It's all weird. It's all like that. What the fuck was that? I didn't see that. I think she fixed it. This is also weird. That was also weird. It's all weird. It's all like that. What the fuck was that? I didn't see that. It's all like that.
Starting point is 01:18:29 That's very weird. Jeez. Everything is like that. What are you doing here? What am I playing here? There's multiple Livvy Duns now. There's two or three girls coming for the crown. There's two new blonde ones that are almost-
Starting point is 01:18:41 Brandon, you shouldn't know anything. Yeah, I'm not hitting that. I don't know what he's hitting that. You tell me. We're the top. The top prospects. I'm on the internet, okay? I don't know what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about. You're talking about high school gymnastics. College.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Libby Dunn's very famous. The girl coming for the crown. These young girls. They're also in college. They're also in college. What crown are they coming for? Hottest? Hottest most famous? You do this on Necess they coming for? Hottest? Hottest most famous? You do this unnecessarily I know Hottest most famous college
Starting point is 01:19:09 Who's up and Who's gonna be good Top five hottest Where are you scouting? Who's next to us? Help me here Who are some of my five stars? Looks like Livvy Dunn
Starting point is 01:19:18 Right Is more promiscuous on TikTok Yeah there's two of them You know this? Yeah There's two of them How do you know this? Brandon I'm on the internet guys I'm on TikTok all the time This's two of them. You know this? Yeah. There's two of them. How do you know this? Brandon.
Starting point is 01:19:25 I'm on the internet, guys. I'm on TikTok all the time. This shit never comes across my algorithm. Brandon's got the horny algorithm. I do not have the horny algorithm. You obviously do. I follow Livvy Dunn on Instagram. I don't know this.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Her name's Brecky. There's a third one, though. What? Yeah, TJ, you don't know about the third. Brecky's whole identity is... Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Yeah, you have to.
Starting point is 01:19:47 All of her comments are just Livvy with cannons. Correct. Livvy with big tits. That's what she's trying to do. You like her more. I don't want to see that. I can hear Livvy. Of course she does.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Yeah, yeah. But there's a... Okay, whatever. You said your TikTok algorithm is just fishing in titties. It is fishing in titties. That girl's younger than me. Who? Livvy Dunn. Okay. That's fine. She's old It is fishing in titties. That girl's younger than me. Who? Livvy Dunn.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Okay. That's fine. She's old enough to be on the internet. It is what it is. She old enough to cross the street. She's old enough to get hit. Goddamn, Brandon. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:21 I respect it. You're you. Horny as hell. What happens when you're scrolling by the family, though? Huh? I don't scroll around the family. Although... Pause, and you're like, this is Brecky. So this is Brecky.
Starting point is 01:20:32 She's coming for the crown. I know that Tommy took... I gave him my old phone, and he changed my TikTok to Thomas F. Walker. I know. And changed the profile to Tommy Walker from Barstool. Yeah. Hell yes. He got you some followers. He's profile to Tommy Walker from Barstool. Yeah. Hell yes. He's got some followers. He's never TikTok'd.
Starting point is 01:20:50 He hasn't done anything yet. But he's got followers though. Does he have your algorithm? I don't know what he's got. Grow up quick. I don't know. Brecky. You and Tommy like sit down at night and be like, you really think Brecky's going to get the crown? The third one's pretty good too. I don't want to just be looking. Look at what? You mean good. I can't show Brecky. That to get the crown. The third one's pretty good, too. Like, I don't want to just be looking.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Look at what? You mean good. I can't show Brecky. That's from Thomas. He just did it. Yeah, but. FW. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Brecky Hill? She's on BFFs. You watch BFFs, Brandon? I don't. You watch every episode. He just clicks through the episode. I'll just say this, because I didn't bring it up, but Brandon brought it up.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Brecky Hill is my next up. It's hard not to say that. There's also a third. I don't know if you all keep ignoring it. Is she a gymnast? Yeah. No. No, she's not.
Starting point is 01:21:39 So she's just a college girl. She's not even a college athlete. Women gymnasts who are very – usually don't have knockers. Right, because they've been training since they were six years old. Their growth is stunted because of over-parenting. I guess we're not even going to talk about the Cavender twins either. We're all out on that. Sounds like you've got a wealth of knowledge.
Starting point is 01:21:59 They're going to WWE. Let me see your For You page on Instagram. I'm good. Do you want to see it? Oh, I don't look at Instagram. Okay. Or just scroll through his algorithm, though. Yeah, let me see your For You page on Instagram. I'm good. Do you want to see it? Oh, I don't look at Instagram. Okay. Or just scroll through his algorithm, though. Yeah, let me see your algorithm.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Just see. Let Cage crawl for a little bit and see. I'd rather not. Why? Why? You were literally talking. Roll through and just say, are tits no tits? Are tits visible or not?
Starting point is 01:22:16 TJ, can we log into Brandon's TikTok and just? Oh. I would guess Brandon doesn't know to log into his own TikTok. So it's all titties and wrestlers. Grab it. He is correct. That is So it's all titties and wrestlers. I'm going to grab it. He is correct. That is all. Titties and professional wrestlers.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Grab that thing and scroll through. Just scroll through what it's going to send him as if it were him. On TikTok? TikTok. Where is his TikTok? Oh, dear. How do you do that? Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Okay, hold it up a little higher so I can see it. Okay. Titties. It's all sports. Mario Kart, basketball. Yeah, a lot of sports. Drunk guy. Clean.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Seth Rogen. Still no titties. I'm kind of embarrassing. No titties. There should be titties. Not a single one. Oh, here we go. Woman wearing just a flannel and literally nothing else.
Starting point is 01:23:03 And high heels. I didn't Google that. Flannel and high heels. And she's doing a naughty dance like she's about to open her. Oh, and an entree. Oh, I do like those. That was a surprise. You reposted on Brennan's account?
Starting point is 01:23:15 Oh. Is that another one? Hot teacher. Gorilla. Hot nurse. I haven't seen bass fishing yet. Barbecue. Well, I get a lot of barbecue now.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Oh! Oh! Twins? Brandon. Brandon. Bad man. I was just sitting at home looking at that one. You nasty boy. Oh, nasty, nasty boy.
Starting point is 01:23:39 It looks like they could be coming for the crown. I think that checked out. That's exactly what I told y'all it was going to be. Yeah, so why are you ashamed of it? I don't know. The next one. It's Joey Molinero. Oh, is it really?
Starting point is 01:23:59 We got to spin the wheel before we get out of here? Yeah. There's also, from the unboxing on Friday, a huge box of VHS tapes for each of you individually on the floor. Oh, hell yes. It's cops for me? Some of them are interesting choices. Can we use... Of the box.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Can we get a little... I just don't want to take them home. I don't have any place to put them or VHS. You know what I mean? Oh, it's Name Wheel. Okay. We have right now Name Wheel. We have Stephen Chase Popcorn and Wednesday,
Starting point is 01:24:33 and then we have KB's Wild. Oh, what about my camp out? Yeah, well, we're going to do that. When you get the better house, ideally. We have to play roof ball. Why did Ron get NBA Jam Session? This is the best one. I got pretty good house. Oh, ideally. We have to play roofball. Why did Ron get NBA Jam Session? This is the best one. I got pretty good house.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Oh, shit. I got cops. Let me see it. I had this one when I was a kid. You got cops. Oh, this is awesome. Oh, and Van Damme. What is that?
Starting point is 01:24:55 Hard Target? If we just put on a little video on the bottom on a tiny TV while we, you know, it could be fun. What do I got? Okay, relax. I'm getting there. Roadhouse. These are all I got. Okay, relax. I'm getting there. Roadhouse. These are all really good.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Okay, great, great. Oh. You got Above the Law. Above the Law. I love this movie. Maybe you got. This is awesome. No more baths.
Starting point is 01:25:17 No more baths? Never heard of that in my whole life. You got Bryce Canyon and Zion. Oh, Ken Jack is cool. You have some sort of Japanese child thing. Checks out. TJ's got
Starting point is 01:25:35 Big Band Line Dancing. Dr. Juice's Trophy Tactics of Fishing. Nick has S Club 7. I don't know what S Club 7 is. They were huge. That was like a band. Say you will, say you won't, say you'll do what I want.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Jurassic Park. Jurassic Park, but it's another language. That's exactly what you'd want. There's like a random wedding tape in there somewhere. El Parque Jurassico. Pokemon. Twilight Zone. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Do I have to keep going? No, you're good. Spin the name wheel because Brandon and I have to go do Rundown with Dave, which might be a trap. We could put them on the shelf over there, a nice little row of VHS tapes. Kate. I've been hoping for Ice Cream Sunday Party for so long. Way to go, Dan.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Oh, and can I add one more thing? Oh, Brandon got roots. Nice. Time for you to learn some history, brother. Can I add butter crocks to my wheel? Oh, no. Butter crocks?
Starting point is 01:26:36 I saw this video this weekend where a guy had a bunch of mushy stuff in a pair of crocks and then had to put his feet in it and watch all the stuff come out the holes. Oh, that sounds fun. I feel like that just needs to be simple. Thank you. Oh, turtleneck week.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Part of the lemonade is on there. Uh-oh. What is butt quarters? Butt quarters is a bar game, but it's easy to play. Succocus? Oh, that's so you have to go all the way to Succocus to come back.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Yeah, you just have to, if it lands on you, if you get it, you have to get up right now, go over to Penn all the way to Secaucus and come back. Yeah, you just have to. If it lands on you, if you get it, you have to get up right now, go over to Penn Station, go to Secaucus, and come back. It's just annoying. Or you have to tweet, Suck Cock US with an American flag. Okay. That thumbs down sign. You could be in Secaucus in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Yeah, it's pretty easy, but it's just annoying. Yeah. All right, spin it. I forgot about a lot of these. Ooh. Call a psychic. What are you going to call a psychic? Whoever it lands on, they have to call one of those 800 numbers.
Starting point is 01:27:36 You know Kino you always see on the subway? That Kino guy in Brooklyn? You got to call. I like that. Have them do a phone reading like live on the thing you don't have to do it right now but let's see who we're calling
Starting point is 01:27:49 or who's calling maybe a nice Friday call a psychic I'm not calling a psychic you have to aren't we is it Eliminator the wheel said
Starting point is 01:27:59 oh you have to fuck psychic's calling well alright I'll call a psychic. Fuck it. Okay. I'll be calling a psychic.
Starting point is 01:28:07 Perfect. Dude, ask for a pick. Yeah, true. Good point. I want to try to talk to some dead people. A little seance? Yeah. Read the tea leaves?
Starting point is 01:28:18 The tapes. I'm going to call a psychic as Brandon Walker. That's what I'll do. Why? Who's next up? Yeah, find out when he's going to die. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:31 What have my dogs been up to? What are you scared of psychics? No, I'm not scared of psychics. I'm going to call as you. Or how I would think you'd answer the question. That wasn't what the wheel said. The wheel said you should call.
Starting point is 01:28:42 I have to call a psychic. I will call a psychic. All right. We're going to see what Brandon's said. The wheel said you should call. I have to call a psychic. I will call a psychic. Alright. Brandon's probably gonna die in like five years. Some stupid injury. Stubs his toe. Doesn't go to the hospital. He's eating steak while he's
Starting point is 01:28:56 jerking off to whoever's next door. Oh yeah. Double heart attack. A 2am steak choking incident. While he's scrolling the timeline. TikTok's just replaying silently next to him. I'm just aware of these people. His kids, his whole house got into the melatonin by accident. He's choking, trying to wake them up.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Oh, this will be fun. Okay. All right, we'll see you everyone tomorrow. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Thank you. Bye.

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