The Yak - Brandon's Gonna Be Dropping the Puck at a Minor League Hockey Game | The Yak 2-25-25

Episode Date: February 25, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. It's the Yak sponsored by the Swagged Out Studs at Roeback. The best hoodies, joggers, fleeces, everything in between. The perfect mixture of high quality, high comfort, and high fashion. Go to and use code YAK for 20% off your first purchase. Again, the soft, lightweight, and easy to move in joggers are the best item on the market. The Hezzy hoodie, I'm fond of that. Yeah, slash yak. Hello crowd.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Wow, that was good. What's up man? Hello leader. Yeah, great work. Well done Kyle. I did my workout at 6.45 this morning. I walked my mile at 12% incline in 20 minutes. It destroyed me.
Starting point is 00:01:28 As I was sitting and recovering in my squalor and my fatness, I detected a movement to my left. And Kyle Bauer had snuck into the Planet Fitness gym over there and had pulled himself up on the pull-up bar to a position where he was dipping on top of the machine and it's one of the more impressive athletic feats I've ever seen. It's called a muscle up. You did a muscle up. I did three. That's a big CrossFit thing isn't it? It's a big badge of pride in the hybrid athlete community. As I was dying I saw you do
Starting point is 00:02:04 the muscle up three times and I'm like that I saw you do the muscle-up three times, and I'm like, that's... But then I ran, and running is so hard, and I just can't get it. It sucks. I can't get it. I've been doing it every day for two months now. Have you liked a second of it?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Sometimes, it's like, oh, that was easier than usual, but most times, like, yeah, I just hated that. Have you tried holding your breath and sprinting as long as you can? That's a good idea. Yeah, put your head down. Try that. Try the cha-ma-thing? I've I've tried sprint sprinting sucks even more yeah
Starting point is 00:02:28 I'm just I think I'm stuck from here on out till I die I'm just gonna find things that I hate doing and they make me feel marginally better What does it look what does it look like when you run? What does that mean? Oh, it's it's impressive when you're like I'm gonna go do a run every I've been doing the same thing I've been doing two miles at a high seven minute pace, so nothing hard or impressive But it's it's like I'm getting it's getting slightly easier, but always on the treadmill, or do you ever? Only the treadmill cuz I found cold I liked running once I outside you pick different pathways you mix it up a little bit It's more enjoyable. Yeah, those were bar crawls you were doing
Starting point is 00:03:08 Still running Isn't it boys boys boys six minutes in we Beautiful I go to weather as fast as I can it's nice outside. That's all I'm saying how impressive is Iliad? Kipchogee very quite is it the most impressive. I think so. Yeah, it's undeniable He does a marathon with the pace being four minutes and 35 seconds Just go with him and he'll fill you and eventually on the way. Yeah, is he Kenyan? He's Kenyan. So I looked him up today Then I saw his marathon record was broken at last year's Chicago Marathon. By another Kenyan?
Starting point is 00:03:48 Who died! At the end? Well, rest in peace! At the end? No. Oh. In a car accident. Oh.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Well, that's an accident. Kevin Clipton. So the current world record holder in the marathon is a dead man? I guess. I bet you a lot of record holders are dead. But not freshly? Kipchoge broke it it but it was with Pacers okay broke the two-hour marathon all right what I mean I think me and Titus were about to make the same joke and I was I wasn't gonna say I was looking at I look to you you knew I
Starting point is 00:04:22 would never yeah gonna say something about the pace the two pace You heard paces and Brandon's the wheels returning who are you gonna say Rick Smith's and Reggie Miller exactly? Not me who would I have done you would have done One black one white You would have done Al Harrington no no no no, no. And then Ron Artest. Hansborough and Granger. Yeah, of course. I saw something the other day that one of the best
Starting point is 00:04:53 British long distance runners was a fat guy who just started running to get in shape and then he found out he's got the natural talent to be a great long distance runner. Like Ben Metz. And I found that very interesting. Yeah, that is interesting. It has to be someone. That'sdistance runner I've been meant and I found that very that is interesting it has to be someone That's what makes you think it's mental. Yeah with like mince can just go
Starting point is 00:05:11 Yeah, yeah, it was it mincey scored that touchdown for Bama and just kept going Into the tunnel yeah Did you did he's lawyer dropped him and then I maybe I read the headline drop mitts don't drop Diddy. Oh, I can see the confusion there But he used to represent Osama bin Laden that wait he did his lawyer used to represent Osama bin Laden someone had to justice He was fine representing bin Laden. Yeah, and did he's a bridge too far like okay, but how do you represent the lime? We never well. No, I don't get it. Who's worse. Maybe I read the I was reading an article by that
Starting point is 00:05:51 I mean the title scrolled past Apparently this diddy fella is just has done the worst things imaginable, and I can't name you a single thing He's actually done. I just know traffic traffic trafficking of a sexual variety. Sexual assault. Drugging. He defended Osama Bin Laden.
Starting point is 00:06:09 He shocked Twitterati. What's Twitterati? I don't know. Did we officially take Bin Laden to trial? Osama was just out there. We just threw him in the ocean, didn't we? I didn't think so. Like, did he need a legal team?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Unless it was like for something like this. Did he ever a legal team? Unless it was for something like forehand? Did he ever stand trial for the first one? The first World Trade Center bombing? Oh, is that it? Maybe, I don't know, because I don't think we ever. Unless it was just like his divorce attorney. Perhaps.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Osamu is at the claims floor. Got him out of traffic tickets. Yeah, used to being somebody's lawyer, but it was before they were evil. That's pretty funny What's going on with the Pope? Uh he's in bad shape right it's it's over I don't know if it's elephant tight. Oh really warm. He's getting big. Yeah, he's an ever-growing yeah It's uh
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah, he doesn't fit into his hat anymore. It's a shame. New Pope season, we used to wheel out the TV. It was exciting when JP2 went. Mm-hmm. The smoke. Commonly, yeah. And then we had quitter Benedict. We've had- That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:17 We've been through popes pretty quick the last couple times, right? Well, Benedict quit. Yeah. Which I didn't know you could do I guess he wanted pussy I Get it, but he just quit resigned resigned. Did he give him some pussy? Probably there's a Wikipedia page for popes that have had sex and there's a good bit Isn't the Pope just like he's like just the PR guy really he just What he says is law I believe he's infallible
Starting point is 00:07:48 Sexually active pose. Yeah really he just what he says is law I believe he's infallible sexually active post yeah SAP's you don't really know what the Pope does and then that yeah relationships with men gay popes there's a lot of yeah it's so long with a lot of one relationships with yeah, yeah It's not yeah, oh surges John x John x fucking your check no anybody but him Is a good one this whole note is crazy yeah died of indigestion Next is ivy is a good one this whole note is crazy. Yeah, he died of indigestion arising from nobody. Yes. Yeah, we tell ya He got fucked to death. Oh, he blamed it on a melon. Oh, I killed the pope
Starting point is 00:08:36 Fuck the pope too hard now he's dead Sixtus was a lover of boys and sodomites yeah, but he wasn't one himself. He just loves sodomites yeah but he wasn't one himself he just loves sodomites yeah interesting Leo X is it necessary to include not married could they not be married anyways uh okay there well he had an alleged affair with an ennobled Cardinal another accuse of an addicted night homosexuality spread across Europe. Oh, he's accused by Bishop Beno of many vile adulteries. Oh boy. Ugh. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Not good. Wait. He was Pope twice? Good God, they brought him back. What's the? No, three times? Three times, yeah. Three times Pope is a hell of a thing, put a resume.
Starting point is 00:09:23 So he left? Shame on us by the third time. You should have seen that. You kind of wonder what happened in 1045 where it was just pope for a couple of weeks. Yeah. Summer job. The pope's coming from all over the country, right?
Starting point is 00:09:37 The world. He's trying to get some extra money. My summer internship was pope. He's trying to get a little extra change. Unfaid. God damn it. 1044 trying to get a little extra change. Unfaid, god damn it. 10.44, is that a form? Sylvester III.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I feel like all the Popes kinda look the same too. Like in my mind I picture Pope and I picture old white dudes. With white hair on the sides. The one that quit was a haunting individual. Pope Benedict had a scary face. Who's this guy? What's his name?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Francis, people like him and some people hate him mmm no Bob so about the Pope what like oh yeah that also coincidentally France oh okay I remember when the Pope came to Philly back in the 90s or whatever people lost their minds I have a signed crucifix from John Paul. Oh you don't yeah In my house, he signed the tiny bead he signed yeah He signed no no the crucifix not Not a rosary I was thinking of a rosary a signed rosary from the pope would be good One million percent fake, but my grandma gave it to me You what you have a blessed one last one yeah, that means oh they were selling those for cheap in Rome Yeah, I don't and I don't buy it I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I remember that when he came to Philly like all the merch there's some like pope soap on a rope and all kinds of All kinds of good stuff a lot of grandmas in the area had all that junk The Pope mobile though is an interesting way to get around It's just a very small car with a high seat covered by glass right it looks like What's the board game? Jeep oh yeah, I wonder if he has with the ball? It's a Jeep. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I wonder if he has ducks on it. He's Jeep waving everybody. He looks very killable. What if you were just standing behind him? That would be... Or to the side. Or to the side. That doesn't seem very...
Starting point is 00:11:38 Was the mobile always a Jeep? No, I don't think so. That's great advertising for Jeep. It used to be a small... It's a Jeep thing you wouldn't understand Just buying a used Jeep and finding out it used to be the Pope mobile Was that a Volkswagen thing? Yeah, do these car companies just get it get a have the popemobile? That's a really cool-
Starting point is 00:12:05 They pass it around? I think this is the one- That's the one. Oh, the Benz. That was cool. That one's covered up. That's a good one. Yeah, they should all have roofs. Is the driver's windows bulletproof as well?
Starting point is 00:12:21 No, you can kill him, no problem. A Kia Soul. That would be a great mobile it was wait they use a Kia soul visited South Korea I love I like the Jeep it's cool it looks badass how do you think he panders to the to the country though he has to yeah yeah Kia boys got him yeah they stole it they jacked with a phone charger it goes down To the country oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah, that's so far. The driver has the window down. Just in the back seat of a seat. No seatbelt. That's just an Uber. That's not a Pope Mobile.
Starting point is 00:13:06 The Pope's all in an Uber. It's a Scar. He's sitting there. Wait a second. The Pope shouldn't sit like that. Like normal? He's like, punched. I feel like the car has to be white.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It needs to be angelic looking. He requested it. Yeah, the Pope's very humble. I think he wears a Casio, F19 or whatever the one the terrorists used to make bombs Mm-hmm. Where's a lot of Carhartt? Does he? Yeah. Yeah You're just you just I noticed you picked the watch thing you were totally trying to rebrand as the watch guy aren't you? I've worn watches since I've been I am I know but you you just officially told me a couple weeks ago You're a watch guy
Starting point is 00:13:43 I've always been. I just have never, uh, you seem intimidated, Brandon. It's just, you know, you never know your friend's a watch guy until he tells you he's a watch guy. I just got into atomic timekeeping, which is what I like now. There you go. What's that? It just connects with radio signals. It keeps perfect time. Oh. He speaks like, if he says the word just, it seems like he's downplaying it. It's not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:14:05 It's not that big of a deal. Probably the most important thing in his life right now. It's pretty big up, yeah, it's up there. Yeah. My first watch was Sylvester was the arms. Uh-huh. And then Tweety Bird was the seconds that went around the thing. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:14:17 It was in fifth grade. And he was trying to catch it. He was trying to. That's a good watch. It was a good watch. I miss it. I don't think I've ever worn a watch more than like two weeks at a time. I feel weird without it. I can never maintain watch consistency. Watches and sunglasses. I can never
Starting point is 00:14:32 maintain consistency with them. Do you like watches? I don't love them. I like watching. I nothing them. I nothing watches. I've become a watch guy who doesn't buy watches. That's the best place become a browse pictures of watches I don't buy nice watches once I got my brick. I just settled down I'm really really close to commenting on a forum good piece man. You know yeah guy poses good Yeah, is it called horology the art of timekeeping I believe yeah, why are you asking that? It's funny? It's horology that is funny Kate is it yeah, you love yeah Yeah, it definitely is It's funny. It's horology. That is funny Kate. Is it yeah, you love yeah I'm intimidated by my first like purchase of a I got that I got a dumbass Apple watch and I want to get a good one you're intimidated by a purchase you haven't made you I'm
Starting point is 00:15:17 Intimidated by I'm paralyzed by like where when I pull the trigger nice watch my dumbass fucking wrist when I pull the trigger, nice watch. My dumb ass fucking wrist is just heavy and everyone's looking at it. I want something that's like a baller watch, but like not too baller. I get that, like when I know that I gotta buy a car soon, I'm like, I'm intimidated by the process and I thought, so I get that.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I'm probably a couple years away from actually buying a watch. Do you try to dress nicer when you go to car dealerships? I just go as I go. I do the Dr. Huxpool method. What's his? What's it? Oh, well.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Oh, you rape the salesman. So one of the better episodes is he went to buy a car, but he was a doctor, so he dressed down. He dressed way down. And he tried to act poor. And then Sinbad was, of of course the car salesman. And Sinbad ended up getting a job out of it for a different world.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I regret opening, I regret saying anything about this. The method. What does dressing down do to you? I'm not gonna use the Cosby method or the Huxleyville method again, I don't think. What does that do for you, dressing down? Well, he was able to make him think that he was a man of the people and he was poor and you need to give him a better deal in the car.
Starting point is 00:16:28 But then right as they were about to sign, Gilbert Godfrey walked in and said, Dr. Huxtable! Dr. Huxtable! And then his whole ruse was put. Good episode. One of the better episodes. Gilbert Godfrey was one of the sneakier deaths. Yeah, he just mixed around in there. He fucked up and died. I think he was in a lump of other... Yeah? He got canceled.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Everybody gets canceled. He made a Japanese tsunami joke. I almost think if you don't get canceled, it's worse than getting canceled. Yeah, means you didn't push the envelope. Right, it means you didn't try. Yeah, you were a pussy. You didn't. Like Ryan Russo's view on quarterbacks, you gotta throw some interceptions. Yeah. It means you didn't push the envelope. Right. It means you didn't try. Yeah. You were, you were a pussy. You didn't. Like Ryan Roscillo's view on quarterbacks. You got to throw some interceptions. Yeah. He's big on that. He wants guys to throw interceptions. It means they're taking chances. Yeah. You're taking chances. I want my comedians getting
Starting point is 00:17:15 canceled. I actually don't hate that take at all. Yeah. It depends on what the four. Who's the, is it Jerry Seinfeld he's never been canceled right he's been attempted Yeah, he did as he did a when he was yeah, yeah, I did in a high schooler Yeah, he would like legit pick her up, but there's a there's all right. I mean there's there's there's types of it It's like are you is this a personal life? cancellation or is this something you fucked up a Risky joke you told on stage risky joke. I think is fine. Yeah That's probably the best cancellation. That's the best way to go. The worst one is is is young young kid. Yeah Although Karl Malone's done fine for himself. He really has he survived it. He's a successful molester. Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:59 And she was he was the scale was way this direction. She was like 12 like I wasn't How what year was this I think it was when he was in college okay? It was before he got famous, so I think that's how it he was at LSU. He was at La Tech oh Yeah, no yeah, he was in Ruston a rusting girl. Yeah, I don't know if she was a rusting girl, but Something I think that's the story. I'm speaking out of turn. I don't know anything about it No, you're pretty you know a decent amount you pretty much know like sexual assault expert When did it come to light? Later, I think much later. I don't think it
Starting point is 00:18:36 I don't think we knew about it until after his career was yeah, can you still buy his jersey from Mitchell and Ness? 100 that's a good marker. I see it like once a year at least. We had it one of our original jersey days when we, didn't we get a Carmelon? We did, yeah, white one. They sent you guys an Alex, a Riley Cooper jersey and you gave it to us and we had it hanging up and it was in the background for like half of Survival. I felt really awful. That's just not even funny.
Starting point is 00:19:03 No, it's not funny that we had it hanging up just wrong this is where we're like prepping him which we weren't I tore it down good but it was next to bin Laden and Kaepernick you tear it down you take it like bin Laden's like funny yeah but Cooper is Cooper is this like all right you can buy any manner of Carmel on Jersey a lot of lot of options not even on sale You guys see the shack accusation wait, but can is there a youth there's a Jersey you talk about like the the no just men and women you put everything in that yeah in his ass
Starting point is 00:19:34 Yeah, wait what Jack hoards things in his ass no no no shack would put haze people put people's mouth guards in his ass and not Tell them mm-hmm. Oh, I read that and like was it toothbrush and turd water? A lot of shit, a lot of ass. He had a player, Louis Amundsen, his teammate in Phoenix, Louis had to check in the game and he put his mouthpiece in and his teammates were like Shaq put that in his asshole. In the hole or cheeks? It was like a community prank like they were all in on it. Yeah but he's the one that did it. I don't think it went multiple assholes. And then also he took the one that did it. I don't think it went multiple assholes. And then also he took his toothbrush in,
Starting point is 00:20:07 he shit in the toilet and he took the toothbrush and rubbed it around. That's fucked up. Shit water. That's a lot. That's fucked, shit, butt is funny, but not in butt. In butt. Around butt's funny.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Around butt is funny. Butt hole is, it gets unfunny. Yeah, if you put it in something for your mouth especially. He puts the mouth guard on his butt cheek Yeah, sits on it with his bare butt cheek. What do you think Brandon? I think they're foul I think it needs to be shorted there if he's shorted and he sits on it It's fine What about top of ass crack clenches and has like takes a picture of it like hanging out like a tail and then when he puts
Starting point is 00:20:39 It in he's like look at this. That's that's the that's the line something you can get over in a week That's the edge. What about yeah quick ball stamp on it fine Mm-hmm encouraged okay. I'd rather balls than than ass yes. Yeah, yeah ass has poop. Yeah Anything around if you can describe it as in the ass in any way it shouldn't be in your mouth What do you consider in the ass? My friend touching hole touching hole is in the ass, in any way, it shouldn't be in your mouth. Well what do you consider in the ass? My friend. Touching hole? Touching hole is in the ass.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, I think as soon as it touches the hole. So cheeks aren't in ass. Also, if you can stand and it is in the ass and doesn't fall out, that's deep in the ass. I think if it touches South pubes or anal hairs, then it's off limits. Yeah. Because you know there's shit residing in that.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Oh, again, it's also a mouth guard. Like, this isn't something he was gonna handle with his hands. This is something he puts in his mouth. And was this during a game when he was sweaty? Yes. It's a factor. And Louis Almondson, Edmondson?
Starting point is 00:21:38 Almondson. Almondson. He had to be, he played the same position, right? So he was 6'10", 6'11". I'm not saying he could whip Shaq's ass, but you almost gotta try. Pretty sure it's just Lou, by the way. And you've been saying Louie,
Starting point is 00:21:50 and I didn't know if that was like a voice. So, is it Lou's voice? You know him personally? But I liked it, I liked Louie. I think it's Louie, I'm gonna go with Louie. I think I add Louie to every Lou I've ever heard in my life. No, I really liked it, but it made it seem more folksy almost that you kind of it's Louie But you grew up in the same town as him and remember watching. Yeah young boy. He graduated from West Point old Louie Amundsen
Starting point is 00:22:16 Louie right don't know okay This was on Phoenix so Shaq was like not the biggest super duper star anymore. He was on the downside of his career. Yeah. This is when he was big caps. So there you go, Louie. L-O-U-I.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Lou Amundson there. So I feel like we hit like between the 80s and probably early 2000s, we hit like a, we got a little carried away with hazing, I feel. An ass time? A little, like dudes sticking brooms up each other's butts like to be funny, like frat boys. I think entry level hazing I feel an ass a little like dude sticking brooms up each other's butts like yeah like to be funny like frat boys like I think entry-level hazing is fine yeah I can't do but when it became but stuff well no because like
Starting point is 00:22:53 mooning always funny yeah you have to true specific but stuff I'm saying stuff touching but when something whole yeah when when when something when they're sticking into the ass, that's a problem. That spilled over into my era. There was always whole teams, whole lineups, sticking their fingers in one boy's ass. See, that's not hazing anymore. That's just... That's sexual assault. Yeah, somebody's getting pleasure out of that. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:20 The idea of doing it to another boy. Fuck, I fucked up. That could have been good. I could have enjoyed that. Ugh. I don't know, have you ever been pissed off from a prank? We should haze somebody. Who's the newest member of the YAC? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Hmm. Bend over Danny. Yep, time to enter. I'm gonna put our fingers in your butt. I thought you said haze. Have you ever done a prank that's gone too far. I'm never no I but again, I've never been a pranker. Yeah, I've never you're either I think to be a prankster you have to be born into it or just know that you are that I trying to become one
Starting point is 00:23:58 Like Nikki smokes trying to like be like I'm gonna be the president doesn't work doesn't work You have to have it naturally in you and I did anybody do you have it? You have it kind of right not really Like you have it um I'm not not to the extent. I'm going to our tuna this summer That's not a prank. That's mean treat like I stole the chocolate football that got away from me. Well. That was for everybody Yeah, right. That's what was so fucked up Hmm, that's Danny you went to an all-boys school right was like a big thing there. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah, I don't know about butt stuff though No, but there was like a lot of like rub and gooch and then going under guys noses. Yeah sure sure yeah Yeah, like having your sack I'll be like this bubble go in my leg. Yeah, that's good. That's a classic That's a classic booking people always played How often you have your sack out? It depends where I am school most of the time Yeah, you'd have to you're one you brought up last week about pretending to be white socks Dave hair transplant. Yeah I knew that one was gonna go too far. Yeah, so we didn't so I stopped
Starting point is 00:25:03 There's a line. Did you guys ever get hazed for anything like I know wrestling maybe but? Depends on the team I guess my My friend had my best friend had an older brother and like when I ever when I stayed there and he had his older friends they would like It'll piss on you and stuff yeah yeah the basics I can't say I've ever been hazed I never been pissed on I never been who in here is who at Barstool's been in a frat? Eddie was like almost got into those. Really? Let into one. Yeah? Like at it for a party? Yeah I never I didn't I've never even
Starting point is 00:25:42 been in the halls. My did like the big ten schools They would always have to have a pack of gum and a pack of cigarettes on them So anytime anyone the upper-man asked they'd have to bum one Bad I got close to being a frat. I had to like I Had to eat a big I had to eat a goldfish and I had to live up the floors I do all these things but turns out they wanted my cousin instead of me no kidding Yeah, it sucked because I did everything they wanted but it turns out they wanted my cousin instead of me. No kidding. Yeah, it sucked. Because I did everything they wanted,
Starting point is 00:26:07 and turns out they just wanted my cousin who was cooler and better looking than me. Did you want your cousin? Yeah. Oh, well, no, I was always hanging around him. I looked up to him, he was cool. He lived with us for a little while. And I just followed him around.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And I was, you know, I wanted to be he was great So they didn't select you no and then when my cousin found out that they weren't good They didn't want me he got all mad at him, and then I had a so you ate a goldfish Yeah, it was a starburst or a no no Just an orange goldfish. Yeah, you chew it. I'll just write down right down Yeah, no at what point does it die um You know it only lasted about 22 minutes every week, so it didn't Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:56 We got it all sorts of because you got an aquarium in there no no cuz you never drank water till what age uh 44 yeah, that's what I thought we'd play play basketball together, we'd get in all kind of... You and your cousin or the goldfish? Huh? No, me and the cousin. Oh, okay. Nick, is that the same cousin who... Yeah, wait.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Your cousin... What's his name? Will. Oh my god. It is the one. He was born without a uterus, but he was supposed to have one. Yeah, it was weird. You could tell with his hips
Starting point is 00:27:25 They gave him the choice was to choose your own adventure. This is a first for me. Well. I'm with you Brandon. Okay All right I'm with you. Whatever. I just I'm letting you go okay appreciate it. Oh Fishing a fast one on us. Yeah, are you being okay? Uh-huh you fresh princess You fresh you guys got fresh friends. You got fresh friends. We got yeah, that's a show We religiously watch we should have got that reference From that one episode I'm assuming uh-huh season season four when they're in college Brother brother top dog was me. I think you're a prankster. Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:02 We said good-looking cousin. That's when I knew. Yeah. I picked up on it. So Che would have got it. You were Carlton in that scenario. Was the goldfish a plot point? Yeah, so Will had to eat a little tiny one and then they show Carlton eating his and he's got like a big carp. Che would not have gotten it. Che would have been like, you know, it's interesting. This actually happened in the Fresh Prince. Oh really Brandon? That's crazy. It's kind of nice. You know the same thing happened. Yeah Yeah, he's uh they I guess they they're probably there now. They left for the combine about eight o'clock What is uh do they they drove yeah apparently the car broke down Did it Dan's car I guess and Che was changing the tire and the nut flew off, and he said fudge and slow-mo
Starting point is 00:28:50 Revenge time. I know I imagine Dan's gonna be interviewing people for his show Pardon My Take. Yeah. Some football personnel. What is what is Che gonna be doing? What are his, do we know his official duties while he's down there? I think he'll be sitting in the background smiling like an idiot during said interviews. During the interviews. And also, if you remember, he plans to give Liam Cohen the business. That's right! That's right.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Oh, he won't, right? I think his idea of giving the business is just normal conversation, but he will come back thinking he destroyed this man. And it'll be like, you shouldn't have gone to, you shouldn't have did what you did, but it's okay. Hey, that wasn't cool, man. Yeah. And it'll be like you shouldn't have gone to you shouldn't have did what you did but it's okay. Hey, that wasn't cool man. But I understand. What if he does give him the I hope he does. What if he beats his **** **** out? He's leaving going to **** Yeah. It's just on site. He walks in the room and just grabs him by the throat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Slaps him hard across the face. Yeah. We'll see. I think we'll also see footage of him running the combine. I think he's going to find a way to get in there. And then I think we have the Barstool Sports Combine this week. Another one? Yeah. What about the one next week? So that, yeah, this is the pre-combine for the next week one.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And then a quick turnaround. Yeah. Because then we have the third. The mini golf combine. There's a lot of things for like talented boys. Yeah. All-star lot of things for like talented boys. Yeah. All-star boy showcases for us. Yeah, and then every single time people are just like, you guys suck at this.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah. It's almost like every time we learn the exact people that were bad last time are bad again. Yeah. That's weird. They should improve. Yeah. Since we do it so often. We're essentially practicing every week.
Starting point is 00:30:26 We're some of the most combined men out there. I would say. Cosplayers only do it once. Or than anyone. Right. Well, I raised that point. Someone was like, you're doing the combine. I was like, I did it last year.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And they're like, yeah, we do it every year. Yeah. And I was like, why do we do it every year? And they go, because they do the NFL combine every year. And I said, it's different for players people And then they said stop asking questions You're not gonna like what you find so we should just have our first year employees do the right every year That's a really idea Yeah, or we could just keep doing it just keep doing it because what you know, what if we surprise people Brandon
Starting point is 00:31:03 Do like 50 reps on the it's always in the back of her mind. Oh, I'm doing it. Cause what if, you know, what if, what if we surprise people Brandon? What if we do like 50 reps on the pitch? It's always in the back of our mind. Oh I'm doing commentary on this one buddy. You got out of it? Are you mini golfing this year? If I qualify. Oh okay. I think there's a qualifier this year.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Wow, so wait, that's just still mini golfing though. How do you qualify for mini golf? No. Combine. The top. Right. Do you have to play mini golf to qualify for work mini golf? I think there's a legitimate, I don't know if it's on camera,
Starting point is 00:31:29 I think it's an off camera qualifier to prove, to get into the one we're gonna film. Yeah, because people are only gonna wanna see the best of the best. Right, yeah. There it is, yeah. You'll qualify. You're decent.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I hope not, I'm not decent at that. I thought you were decent many. I finished 30th last year. Weren't you penalized? Yeah, Hank was full of shit. Because that was when Tate fucking snitched on me. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I got here in the fucking morning and took a couple shots.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Meanwhile, 30 people were out there taking shots. And Tate went and told Hank. And Hank said two stroke penalty. And then I was just off my game the rest Of the day, that'll do it Okay, tonight Tate and them are doing I already talked about it on one so we don't really have to hear. Okay? What's same viewership take Tate and them are doing this challenge the triathlon challenge the Ironman challenge, right? And what it's uh, so the Ironman you swim 112 miles, you bike 26 miles and you run 2.1 or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:32:28 No, I think you run. You swim 112 miles. I think you run 112, right? You swim 112 miles, you swim 2 miles and then you swim 26 miles, right? One of them, yeah. Okay. You're close. Bike would be the most, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Okay, so you bike 112 miles. You run a marathon. You run a marathon. And then you swim. Got it. I think 112 miles would be damn, that would be the most yeah okay so but you buy 112 miles. You run a marathon. You run a marathon. And you swim. Got it. Swimming 112 miles would be damn that'll be nothing. Anyway I'm close. So tonight Mencie, Eddie and what's his name? Tate. So they're doing this. 112 chicken wings, 26 orders of fries and 2.4 gallons of soda. Now the fun part though is what Menci, and Menci is on a diet, and Menci has said because he's on this diet he needs certain changes.
Starting point is 00:33:10 That's right. He's not eating carbs so he wants his fries changed to sweet potato fries. That's right. Which are all carbs. He said it's about sugar. And then to help with the, because he's on a diet, to help with eating the chicken wings he's going to eat. He needs extra blue cheese Wouldn't sweet potatoes be more sugar? Uh-huh. I think so. I think the calorically very similar The wings themselves are gonna be about 3,000 calories. He said he's gonna try to have 38 The fries is the worst part to me. Well, I don't know, it's about,
Starting point is 00:33:47 you gotta eat those wings before they get cold. Well, same with the fries. They get, stale fries are the worst. They're so hard to eat. Yeah, this is gonna be tough. They're doing a no puke rule, I imagine. Are they? I don't know. I don't know if that's possible.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And I think there's like a penalty, they have to run. Oh no, if they fall short of the record time. So they're trying to break the record of the triathlon time. So if they fall short of that time, however short they fall, is one mile. Tate is one mile on the treadmill for Tate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:18 What's the record? Don't know. Seven. Yeah, seven something. Seven hours? Seven hours, start at eight and they have to like three something in the morning Yeah, I will be judging it Yeah, you're the meat gazer is what they said you got to make sure the bones sucked
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yeah, they use the word you're perfect for me judge. Okay. I'm sorry. I was accused of making that was how I was hazed I was accused of meat gazing Yeah Can't even glance You get that label well even if you're staring off in the you're just not even worried about where you're looking at And you just happen to look that general direction your meat gazer I I I've been caught zooming on a BBC article Derek Henry's pants and I I
Starting point is 00:34:59 Like it was over my shoulder somebody saw me doing it This is while people were like changing though in front of you or yeah, the light in the lock. Oh you got caught looking in person, right? Yes, level were you looking at yes, okay? Natural curiosity every now and then you gotta look right How about them Ohio State locker rooms? Oh, yeah? Yeah? Yeah The trainers yeah, I peed next to a guy at the Cavs game and He like flung the like urinal cake out when he was shaking
Starting point is 00:35:35 Unbelievable Well, yeah, we didn't have to dudes I played with were on a bash and meet gazers like they would they would just like walk in and just be like Who were you laughing at? You're thinking like it's kind of fucked up that you're just walking and staring at dick But then you're also like just mocking the other guys dick how small it is I don't know it was a weird weird dynamic I got I think I've talked about my ball surgery on here before right that I had when I was in college I had a the varicose
Starting point is 00:36:12 Balls Personal Diary entry yeah, I showed up to the Ohio State locker room with like a a diary entry yeah, I showed up to the Ohio State locker room with like a Softball it was probably bigger than a softball my sack was just fucking swollen And the first time I showered with my swollen sack it was like immediately like the second I think they laughed at that they didn't even like they don't even pretend to like kind of look over and see it They was just like god So that was our culture in our locker room was just what was ours everyone shower wrestlers
Starting point is 00:36:48 Like we were all five six so we would mock the big dicks. Oh, okay Hockey I heard was fun because they would like to slip and slide around those guys they love being naked Hockey does seem a lot of fun. Yeah, those seem go out nice skate they're also on ice all the time their ticks have to be As small as possible at all times is your dick smaller or bigger when you're doing something athletic Bigger smaller smaller. Oh those bigger blood flow. I think the blood flow goes elsewhere. Oh Plus you're around ice that feels like God Sweaty grub worm and a turtleneck Oh they stink, they smell so bad
Starting point is 00:37:27 They're dicks? Probably Yeah they tasted really bad Hockey bags They like pride themselves on how much they reek I've heard hockey guys can fuck though Yeah I could see it
Starting point is 00:37:39 Powerful legs Where'd you hear that from? I don't know, I just made it up Rudy had his like Denver hockey bag in the Anus studio, and we're like dude take that home, and he was like no it reeks That's a huge bag to what a bag they have big bag Love a good hockey bag feels like a terrible sport for your kid to be into I Like the I like the adult hockey players, but I'm worried about if I have a son. I remember I couldn't even, I couldn't get ready.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I failed at that. Yeah, I played roller hockey and I had to. Too much dressing. There's an order of operations and I would get it wrong. It would be too late to put something else on. Yeah, would you even let your kid start to get into it? That's a whole lifestyle change. Are you scared your kid would start talking
Starting point is 00:38:24 like a hockey player? Yeah, maybe. Calling you bud into it? That's a whole lifestyle change. Are you scared your kid would start talking like a hockey player? Yeah, maybe. Calling you Bud and everything? Hey Marksy. Yeah. Please, call me Dad. They're the least creative with nicknames. Call you Dad Bud, huh?
Starting point is 00:38:34 You want me to call you Dad, huh? I'm gonna roll with Marksy. That being said, Shorzy's fucking funny. Have you ever watched Shorzy? Is it the guy, no I haven't. Is it a person or a thing? It's a show it was on Letter Kenny. Oh I've heard of it yeah. And it's a hockey player show. It's a spin-off of Letter Kenny? It's a spin-off. Oh really? Yeah and I've only seen it on TikTok. Letter Kenny's very funny. I've seen most shows. Yeah I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Shorzy's fucking funny and I need to watch an actual episode. I don't know where to do it. I think Hulu maybe? Maybe so. You're getting fully immersed in hockey culture now. Shows that everything. I love hockey. I'm, this Friday night I'm going to the Milwaukee Admirals game in Milwaukee and I'm dropping the puck. What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:39:13 I'm the puck dropper. Brandon, that's amazing. No shit. So I'm the puck dropper. I don't know what that entails. I assume it's a ceremonial puck and I just walk out there on the ice and I drop it. If anybody in the Chicago area is
Starting point is 00:39:25 Going probably swing by and pick up the ass fuck coin I've heard hockey players could fuck switch it up Yeah, so I'm going up there I can't yeah Friday night Friday night I don't know they're playing that stereotype is hockey players will fuck any oh, yeah They're doing cowbell night tonight and Friday night. I couldn't go tonight because Chris Kattan is doing the puck drop Oh sure Brandon that's great company wow that's really exciting Chris Kattan tonight, and then me on Friday night wait Why have you not bragged about and you get that's right?
Starting point is 00:39:58 I just I just locked it in yesterday. That's why why dude yeah congrats Yeah, when is this Friday night? I want to go come on. Okay. Is this like this is a pie minor leagues. I think I want to go to Let's go Here's this yeah, you guys do you're not going why your damn sure not go what the fuck? Why don't what I get well actually you know what you're more likely to go than you are you're not going I might go You're not going I should we make are. You're not going. I might go. You're not going. Should we make signs?
Starting point is 00:40:26 Yeah. Of what? To support my friend. You're not going? I want to be there as my friend definitely doesn't slip on the ice as he's walking out to drop the puck. And I don't want him to be like, oh, you guys are all here. Oh, you guys come out.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Well, they did say, the account said, are you going to bring your kids or you want to bring some of the guys from Barstool? And I said, well, I am bringing my boys. I'm gonna bring my boy So if y'all want to go tell me I genuinely do if you don't want to go tell me cuz I'm gonna tell them I don't want to go out on the ice Do you want to go? I want to watch you do it from the stand. Do you want to go? Yes, I will go if you promise to go viral. Oh, which means you're gonna have to fuck up
Starting point is 00:41:03 What if I were trying it really well if I try to fuck up. It's not as funny Yeah, I can't do anything as funny as men's driving in the car that major find a way ever See would find a way right I don't have that in me I think if you try to fuck up But then you actually fuck up and then get like really hurt or something then that's then it becomes funny again Well if I allow them to shoot a puck into my Nuts you don't need to for puck into my nuts. You don't need to put that. Do they have a mascot?
Starting point is 00:41:27 I don't know. They got some high jinx with the mascot somehow as you're out there. Brandon, just drop it really, here, take this bottle cap. Drop it really well. And then it'll go viral. Actually, how about this? This looks more like a puck.
Starting point is 00:41:37 That looks more like a puck. How do the normal guys do it? Do you just straight drop? Oh, here, here, Lucy. Oh yeah, take a Lucy. Okay, well, I had a black. You need to practice Have you practiced at all yet?
Starting point is 00:41:49 Yeah, how you how you supposed to? There it is I'm coming Brandon Walker from Barstool sports sticks ready ceremonial on oh, oh it flipped around a little bit. That wasn't good Sticks ready. Ceremonial. Oh, it flipped around a little bit, that wasn't good. Aggressive? Yeah. It was, you fought it.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Do nonchalant and cool. Oh, cool Brandon. Cool, oh, zesty walkout. Zesty walkout on the ice. Announcing again. All right, now coming out for the ceremony of procter, Brandon Walker from Barstool Sports. Brandon.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Woo! You can't do that. You have to. You have to. You have to. In front of your sons. You want me to do Zesty? Very badly.
Starting point is 00:42:31 You have to do Zesty. Very badly. I don't think I'm getting out of there if I do do Zesty. You're not. You might get booed. It was a Zesty drop by Brandon. And they have Roscoe. Yeah, Roscoe.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yeah, Roscoe. The pirate dog. That's so Barstool. Yeah. So Friday night, we're playing the Iowas. Iowa somethings. And that's your nemesis. Yes, I hate Iowa.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I hate everything about Iowa. This is perfect. You're going to play Zesty Walkout. Zesty Walkout. I can't do Zesty Walkout. I like nonchalant. I can do nonchalant. No, you've got to do the Zesty Walk. Did you? I actually like the manna. If I do the Zesty Walk, I'll fallchalant. I can do nonchalant. You've got to do the zesty walk.
Starting point is 00:43:06 If I do the zesty walk, I'll fall on the ice. You're on a carpet. Yeah, it's a carpet. Y'all don't know that. What's Kate's on? It's gotta be. Alright. You should wear a full kit. Full gear.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Oh, that's good. Or this would be a good time. This is a pretty big platform. You could make a political statement. Bring some red paint. Splash it on the puck on the ice. All right all these are fine. The Sinead O'Connor tear the Pope picture you know. Oh they hate her for that. That'd be timely you know the Pope. With him as dying person. Yeah that's what does it. That really sends a message. All right so Zesty, nonchalant. Well no Zesty.esty zesty nonchalant isn't enough. Okay Again, I don't know that I can pull off the zesty but people would be mad
Starting point is 00:43:50 Now that it's out there it might go viral it watch this People that don't watch bar so I was just zesty puck. Yeah Shit I might have to do the zesty. Yeah shit I'm after the sesty yeah yeah yeah all right well you're gonna do the human hockey puck Brandon what's that is this for the admirals yeah they haven't talked to me about it but I I can see what this guy's going for all games Friday slingshot yeah he'll be doing that too I wanna that looks all
Starting point is 00:44:24 I don't think that's gonna I want to. That looks off. I don't think that's going to be able to throw me very far. You might go real fast. Well, you're going. So I'll do the puck drop and you do the, uh, I want to go to support you. I want no, I want nothing. You're not going. And you know, you're not going. I'm buying tickets right now. I'll get you tickets to buy tickets. I want to support you. I want to come not going why would I not go cuz it's in Milwaukee's two hours I haven't really visited Milwaukee's how do you want to go to full cities? I know I would love to go up there Milwaukee might be my favorite city. Yeah, I'd like to get back up there
Starting point is 00:44:55 What time's the game? Seven? Seven? You're not going Danny. I appreciate you not even Acting like you're going. I like showing up in an hour. I might make a weekend out of it. Pat's been away all week. I deserve a night out. Should we paint our stomachs? You spent a full week in New Orleans just weeks ago. It's my only week. Yeah. I need more.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Wait a second. What about me? They got to get you on here, bro. Well, I just locked it in yesterday. What day? Yeah, you probably just need more time. That's it. Best cowbell. Mm-hmm. What day? Yeah, you probably just need more time. That's it. Best cowbell.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Mm-hmm. What's best cowbell? Are you bringing a cowbell? Of course I'm bringing a cowbell. I feel like a great move would be when you go to do the puck drop, surprise, ding-a-ling-a-ling, and people would be like,
Starting point is 00:45:36 yeah, it's cowbell night. Show my ding-a-ling. Show your ding-a-ling, and then I bet if you ting-tonged, everybody else would ting-tong. Uh? Wow. I don't know if you want that. I don't know if you can see it on the ice.
Starting point is 00:45:46 If you sassily. Yeah, that would be tough. Sassy, show the ting tong. Sassy. Sassy cowbell. Yeah. Zesty. Zesty cowbell.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Zesty and wear a sombrero. Why? That'd be cool. I think you got to pick between zesty and sombrero. I don't think you can do both. So Friday night. I'm really excited. February 28. Well, yeah, the think you can do both. So Friday night. I'm really excited. February 28th.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Yeah, the more you add to it though, the higher the chances it's never been done before. That, has anyone ever zesty? Who's a famous zesty person? I don't think we've ever seen a zesty puck drop. Has Richard Simmons ever done a puck drop? Jonathan Van Ness perhaps? He has to.
Starting point is 00:46:22 In a gown. Has anyone ever done a viral puck like a unique? Drops I don't even know if it's a real thing Brendan it might not be on camera right It might not be on the ice. It might be in the locker room most legendary puck drops We'll just see facility in the crowd filming you from afar. This is a huge honor. I'm excited about it. They sent in a jersey for Jersey Day and I was like, well one day I want to come up and do something with you guys and then they hit me up on DM and yeah, I'm going Friday night.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Now they're getting a lot of publicity off of it I guess. This is- Yeah, there we go. I was checking to see if they were deeming me right now because apparently I'm gonna have to ask For more tickets Brandon. I'm buying mine. I'm asking for Mine so yes, give me some I don't think it's I think it's pointless to get Clif DiMartino. He could take seven of us Why do you think it's a Ridiculous idea that my wife and I might want to do a weekend in Milwaukee? Oh, do we get a plus one?
Starting point is 00:47:29 I've invited you have a standing invitation to my house. That's your house. You don't live in Milwaukee. Well, it's halfway and you haven't come up for dinner yet. That's not true. You know that. Oh, I was up in Geneva and I stopped at Antioch Pizza. That's right by my house.
Starting point is 00:47:43 No, the one in Geneva. Oh, okay. What's that? I got. No, the one in Geneva. Oh, OK. What's that rest? I got the owner's penis, is what they call the order. It was a one-inch sausage pizza. It was a bagel bite. What's that? So you got the owner's penis?
Starting point is 00:47:59 No, stop. I got the owner's penis. No, stop right here. And then they were like, you. The owner's penis with the side of what? I had to get three owner's penises. Well, what are we doing for dinner Friday then? What's that restaurant that.
Starting point is 00:48:13 We're going to Mater's. Mater's. Mater's. And I'm gonna get myself a. We've been to Mater's. We've been to Mater's together. I'm gonna get myself a pork shank. Oh my God, pork shank and sauerkraut.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Woo hoo. How close is that to the arena? Right around the corner. Really? Yeah, I think the arena is right beside the big arena. And the big arena is right beside- Milwaukee's fucking awesome. Milwaukee's great.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Because they have that public house that they- Yeah. Oh man. I love Milwaukee, man. It really is an awesome, awesome place. They have the restoration hardware outlet. What? They have the restoration-
Starting point is 00:48:44 Incredible food. Yeah. Good local community culture. Walkable. Good music scene. Love it. Right by the lake. Here's your sign to splurge on variety mustards.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I did it the other day. Your sign was just telling us? Yeah. It was a great decision. I got a lot of fun ones, like smoked applewood bacon mustard, a lot of sweet honey mustards. You can do a lot more with mustard. It's really fun, especially honey.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Have they arrived yet? Yeah, I've been using them. Mustard doesn't get the love it deserves. Mustard's great. Mustard's my favorite condiment. I enjoy mustard. Tell you what, too. This is your sign to spread a little borson.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Why do y'all keep saying this is your sign? You're saying something. People say. People want to hear her out? Hear her out? No, I don't know what for. Little cheese, yeah. I love borson. Why do y'all keep saying this is your sign? You're saying something. On bread. People want to hear her out. People want to hear her out? Hear her out. No, I don't know what. Little cheese, yeah, I love borson.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Toast some bread before you make like a turkey, like a BLT, spread some of that on your sandwich. That shit's good. Thank me later. Incredible. But again, wasn't a sign, it was just you saying borson's good. No, that was the sign people needed. That was the little subliminal message they needed.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Were you a Bill Ingvall guy, Brandon? We talked about this? I was a blue collar comedy guy, but I always felt like he was far and away the world. He wasn't the color presenting. He was the D.L. Hewley of the blue cometer. Which guy? Bill Ingvall. Here's your sign. here's your sign here's your sign Ron White
Starting point is 00:50:07 was growing up is dropping cable guy and getting Ron White significantly the best yeah tater salad was an off and repeat that was that was Ingvall right no that was that was down the bar they call me so that was his big thing. Smoking and taking his stuff. Oh my God. Yeah. Right? My apologies. And then there was, I mean, cable guy was,
Starting point is 00:50:31 I thought he was, he was funny. That's the get or done guy, right? Right. Yeah. But then he got ousted as phony. Of course he wasn't real. Yeah. He's from Nebraska and he talks like he's from Solingen, Alabama.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah. I remember, that was so huge. All the, at IUP where I went to college, all the, what do you call it, like community trucks for stuff? Like, the trash trucks, the like utility trucks, like the municipal vehicles, they all had getter done in huge letters.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Oh yeah. I was like. Have they all had a starring role in a movie? Foxworthy hasn't. I bet he has has maybe like a direct to tape movie, but never an actual movie They're the cable guy Delta farce has involved. I bet you they wait has Ron white I bet you they all have done some sort of cable guy was by far the most he was made Yeah, yeah, it's not a ton of money. So Ron White's never been in a movie. You don't think so? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Oh. The King's a Comedy way more successful than the... Larry the Cable Guy got a lot of fucking money. Steve Harvey. Steve Harvey's like the number one person. Yeah, that's true. Like he's owned everything. That's true.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Bernie Mac was in there, right? Yeah. And such a thing as a trainer. Would you trade places with of Harvey right now? You get to live out his life. Yes, even though that he's closer to death than I am presumably. Yeah Yes, I would horrible bosses sex in the city to who? Run white white there was a sex in the city, too It was it was not as good as the first I'll tell you that much
Starting point is 00:52:03 Didn't like the guy die on a Peloton and Peloton panicked about it? He had a heart attack. Wait, there's a movie called Jane Mansfield's Car? What? She got beheaded, right? Yeah. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah, but this makes the car the- Is this a comedy? Don't know. What? Alabama, 1969. It's a drama, it's a period drama Will she be headed in her car yeah, she went under a truck. I think yeah, Billy Bob Thornton directed it Like a what did Ron would it play
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah, Kate watch that Ron White could have played. Had a better title. Kevin Bacon? Yeah, Kate, watch that tonight. What does this tell us? J. Mansfield's car. J. Mansfield's car, OK. Was she a likeable lady?
Starting point is 00:52:47 I don't know the story of J. Mansfield. She was a Hollywood starlet who rear-ended a semi and like went under the semi. I feel like she's come up about four times on the Yak. Her cap was detated from her body. And then if you look at semis now, they have like a bar underneath, and it's called the Mansfield bar because of her
Starting point is 00:53:05 No way really bar like if you were to rear end it now you won't go under why are they making a movie about the? Her supposedly really good Wow good blend of historical comedy drama All of those things Where you headed off to ah Drop a couple more pucks right on a lot because I think that's what ladies and gentlemen Dropping the first puck tonight trying from bar stool sports Brandon Walker That was kind of cool, but would you do that? Just like that. I feel like that's not Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding
Starting point is 00:54:01 Wear your jeans. I should wear the jeans. Just do the whole pumpkin pie bit. Do I have to wear the jeans? Yes. That would be awesome. Do your Bernie Mac walk out. Yes. Try that.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Can you turn the corner? Yeah, you gotta turn a corner. Oh yeah, I don't know if I could because I have to move my shoulders a lot and then I would probably fall. Or have a backup puck in your pocket and pretend to drop it just like wait one second sign It throw it up in the crowd. Uh-huh. Well the puck drop it
Starting point is 00:54:30 Now we're talking good one. So now we got some things okay, so we have variety. It's probably gonna be zesty Yeah, pretend you lost the puck and then pull it out of the ear of the guy next to you I don't know your sleeve. We're at the end of like a ribbon in your throat Can you do a try zesty with a spin move right before you drop it try zesty again? You've got to do zesty, and I'm telling you man-to-man and you have to wear the jeans This would be the best case scenario for you I just want to see what looks like like you're walking out and then like Am I am I dropping then spinning or my spinning and dropping drop and then spin almost like salt bay. You know like a
Starting point is 00:55:01 than spinning or am I spinning then dropping? I think drop and then spin. Almost like Salt Bae, you know? Like a down-for-me. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, dropping the first puck tonight from Barstool Sports, Brandon Walker!
Starting point is 00:55:16 Go, Brady. Oh, my god. That's it. That's it. You have it down. That's it. No practice needed. You have it down. That's an easy maneuver.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Worst case scenario, the crowd hates it, but the internet will love it. But then when you drop it and everybody starts clapping, you've got to get real masculine. Like, let's fucking go! After your spin, get real masculine. Alright, so looks like we've got Friday night planned. Yeah, you should knock a woman over after you do it. No, I have to come. So you're coming, Tate's coming, Kyle's coming. I'm not gonna do it. And Nick's coming.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Danny, I appreciate you. I'll be there. Different section. You should probably practice on us. Danny's cheer for Iowa. Fuck bar school. TJ, you'll be there, of course. No.
Starting point is 00:56:04 When is a hockey getting savannah banana fide? Good question What is probably after Friday night is getting un banana fide? I think ours to lucrative are playing seriously I think there was a clip that was going viral they tweeted. They were just like can your friend group do this Yeah, and then he just threw a ball. I think they're too deep answer team They make a ton of fucking they sell yeah people love it they're sold out for like the next three years yeah because unfortunately I would absolutely take my kids to one of those games my mom says last I could do I could
Starting point is 00:56:36 do a lot of things for my mom I can get her into place I get tickets whatever all she wants in life is for me to send her to Savannah to go to Savannah bananas go in Savannah that's what she said I don't think she understands that they don't play in Savannah all the time that they play elsewhere But she's daughter sit she she's yeah this this I bet your friends can't do this This is probably the only thing on a baseball field. I could do Is this a balk I don't know certainly a pitch clock violation, right? Don't know certainly a pitch clock violation, right? No, this is really funny. They're like the Harlem Globetrotters of yeah, they are
Starting point is 00:57:24 Didn't stick the landing well that one hockey team that the documentary the garbage Yeah, trash pandas. I feel like they had like rowdy crazy games that everybody was into and like it was party. Yeah It was real hockey right there was supposed to be a real team trashers the trashers Like is there a team out there like that now that has like just fucking rowdy ass games that Yeah, probably Is there anything fake to the I mean I'm sure there's a lot of fake to it, but like when they start playing baseball they actually playing baseball. They're playing banana ball They like they develop their own rule set. It's a it's a different. It's like they ever lose is my question Yeah, they they play against another team the party animals are another team right, but is it design? It's not scripted the way that the globe totters are you're scripted for the globe charters to win by one point now
Starting point is 00:58:10 They play a game they play they do play You sound like a banana head. I think it's interesting It's definitely I'm interested. I would love to know you said they're making a shitload of money I don't know how true that is the franchise itself, right? I don't know who's actually getting paid. Oh, no somebody's making money, and they're going coast to coast selling out Major League Stadium, right? But there's like 50 players. I don't know the players probably underpaid We could talk to right who'll be here. Oh, yeah, yeah, and we haven't found out background. Yeah They haven't found out any criminal behavior in his life yet
Starting point is 00:58:42 background. Yeah. Yeah. They haven't found out any criminal behavior in his life yet. I emphasize yet. So they only play each other. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know that. When I see them like do a back flip shag of an outfield ball, that's pretty impressive. I saw one
Starting point is 00:58:57 the other day where a guy did an under the legs, he did an under the legs catch of the ground ball, threw it to the first baseman, put it behind the back catch, and the umpire then did a backflip into the outcall Yeah, everything about it was impressive Wow The umpire doing a backflip into the outcalls that should have there it is this might not be it
Starting point is 00:59:20 All right, yep did that bounce I'm sorry, It's a front flip That rock I like that but like CJ Can you go back to the other one not the other one the other one that you see how the catcher was standing? How the catcher was oh? Zesty well the umpire gets into it to the home plate umpire. He's he's got some wiggle to him does he yeah? He's he's he's got some wiggle to him. Does he yeah, he's he's he's got a funny body Come on buddy, oh wow, okay? Oh
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah, umpire shaking it caked up am You know back the thing up or should I push a bonnet what Danny 50-cent quote What Danny? Just a 50 cent quote. Ball. So it's not choreographed to the point where they're like alright he's gonna hit it to third and then you're gonna put it under the... Yeah right. That'd be ridiculous. At one point it was real baseball. They like went further and further outside. Like they used to be a collegiate summer baseball league team that just like did fun promotions And then they went more and more into the outside of regular organized baseball now. It's just they played banana ball
Starting point is 01:00:31 They don't even play baseball banana ball They should have like worst team in the league just turns into a joke team Yeah, I think they had a team called like visiting team one season where it was just like a very default uniform team that played against Them but they have like some of their rules is like if you're a fan in the stands and you catch a foul ball that batters out. What if you're rooting for the other team? You drop it. Are there party animal fans?
Starting point is 01:00:56 I would imagine so. This year's motto for Stella Blue is better brew better you. At Stella Blue Coffee we believe good coffee is one of life's non-negotiables. It's time to stop drinking those boring tasteless... see Kate... I don't think she'd ever leave. It's fucking ridiculous. We're gonna do that fucking dating show again today? Probably. At Stella Blue Coffee we believe good coffee is one of life's non-negotiables. It's time to stop drinking those boring, tasteless big coffee beans and turn to Stella Blue. Stella Blue Coffee's delicious roasts are available in cold brew, K-cups, ground and
Starting point is 01:01:32 whole bean formats to seamlessly fit into your morning coffee routine. Oh, and every bag helps save dogs. Stella Blue is proud to have helped save over 1,000 dogs from rescue to adoption. Enjoy Stella Blue Coffee by using the QR code on the screen or by visiting Use promo code YAC for 20% off orders of $25 or find them on Amazon for next day delivery. Great purpose, better coffee.
Starting point is 01:01:57 We probably should go ahead and get Mackenzie headed this way soon to march through this again today. But this ad mentioned adopting and saving dogs, which I think everybody should do, and I think Chicago Paws and all that, Big Cat's big with them. Question. Yes. If I wanted to adopt a dog for my kids but I had to get a very, very hypoallergenic dog, would a place like an adoption agency have those?
Starting point is 01:02:23 Definitely. Are those premium to where they don't ever get to the... Anything with poo to win them I think end up kinda pretty hypoallergenic, no? Yeah, I need a small hypoallergenic dog. Mm, get a Maine Coon. Ooh. So that's the opposite, and that's Cat.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Their faces creep me out. I do want one bad. Really? Yeah, I mean, I sent Kyle the tik-tok and Kate So you both the Maine Coons? Yep, there's a hit there. They're wonderful animals, but they have to be the most allergy inducing animals ever They're nothing but hair. They look so soft to belly rub though. Yeah cats like belly rubs. Are you kidding these do? Mankins mine loves it yeah
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah, cats like belly rubs. Are you kidding these do man? Cuz mine loves it. Yeah They might always like their little under the chin. They like don't know the chin rubs Oh, you had a Piper on your Instagram story. It's always weird couple a couple a year Yeah, so Piper is like a sit like a human cat. She's never done that so I How did you react to that? With like a Wow text my girlfriend took the video when I was away. Oh, that's a shame Don Donny is like a couple phases away from into the wilding I think yeah, he also knows how how good the beard looks and he has paraded himself in front of the yak multiple times
Starting point is 01:03:44 Don't love the shirt and he has paraded himself in front of the yak multiple times now. Mm-hmm. Don't love the shirt. Let's see, he wants It's a little long. He wants it to look like that. But that's what he wants. Yes. He's got the nonchalant cool thing down. It's a little long.
Starting point is 01:03:53 He looks like a fuckable apostle. It's He does look like a fryer of some sort. Yeah. Like a modern fryer. We still have fryers? Yeah, they're in there. Do fryers become monks? What are fryers? He's a chef, so that would It's like a modern fryer we still have friars yeah friars become what are friars or chef so are friars like monks yeah kind of I think like
Starting point is 01:04:13 monks in training miss like the reverse balding yeah well no they were balding bold they like shaved the oh they have a yeah yeah yeah I was reading about a monk the other day who never saw a woman in his entire life oh heaven his mom died in childbirth and then they like swooped him away and he never it like eventually became a goal for him to never see one so he didn't ever have to deal with that shit never how you want to live in the life yeah apparently he's never heard a bad joke never heard a bad joke. Hi, all jokes are funny. That's my impression of a guy that's never met a woman. Wow. Picking where to eat is so easy. Conversations. There he is. He
Starting point is 01:05:00 looks pretty tolerable. Oh My god, what a life what a life. Oh no nagging imagine Wow, just fucking imagine. Oh my god All right, Kate You ready? Oh, there is the Greek Orthodox monk who died without ever seeing a woman view the water Yeah, happy as I'm on 82 years For out do you ever have any close calls like did a woman walk by and they had to like shudder her away like no You can't be seen by this man. I feel like eventually they had to really work to keep it going Yeah, like at some point. It's like how Ripken streak right they had to kind of edge the corners for him
Starting point is 01:05:43 Oh, yeah, at that obituary dies in grease He's never seen a car a movie or an airplane not on a boat a woman wasn't on a boat how could you how could you not accidentally see an airplane they like come over you was he just trapped in a closet his whole life if I lived near there like I'd become obsessed and like this motherfucker is gonna see me
Starting point is 01:06:04 what if he just like the first up I become obsessed and like this motherfucker's gonna see me What if you just like the first chick he saw he's like, ah, oh Okay, get it away get it away. I bet Jerk it out. Like I bet it was fun to imagine what one looked I don't think he knows Does he know to jerk off? I think it just starts happening. Does he get boners? I would imagine boners are natural I get gets a boner, but he doesn't know that it's it's you There's a utility to it. Yeah, he just thinks he has to pee yeah Yeah, that's like that is a great question like does he but I guess he understands. It's create more human sexual drive like yeah He wasn't dumb
Starting point is 01:06:36 But did but he he's seen photos of women right? Yeah, I don't know. He was a monk right did he like paintings of Mary No, no TV No TV in the Monkery probably just had a stack of playboys. I Don't I don't know if I'm buying it I know I'm sure he I'm sure it's not you he's seen a woman. Yeah Well anyway you can dream Danny go get Mackenzie sure will how you feeling today yesterday was much better yesterday was a blast yesterday was much better thank you guys for making it no making it fun we'll try to save it again you found the fellas
Starting point is 01:07:17 yeah we had limbo Pete yesterday limbo? limbo? he was our winner I like limbo Pete better than limbo whatever's name was Sean limbo Billy limbo Billy limbo Harold limbo limbo parker limbo parker limbo limbo but he could feel free to use any of the names I gave you okay I like limbo Pete yeah limbo Pete's a little bit better than yeah okay did you get here get in here and adjust any the the PowerPoint did you work with am I supposed to I got 18 guys now instead of 19. Did somebody drop out? Oh yeah, no, no.
Starting point is 01:07:48 I'm adding two more and I know who I'm adding. And it was just that I did the numbers wrong. Copy. If you can believe that. Well, well, well. Hello. Welcome. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:08:03 How are you feeling? I'm feeling good. Yeah? I feel much better about yesterday. Hello, welcome. Thank you. How are you feeling? I'm feeling good. Yeah? I feel much better about yesterday. You like limbo Pete? Parker. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Are you like itching to meet these men? Like come on. I think it'll be like better entertainment once they're in the office, I think. So I'm excited about that part. Yeah. I know your parents are watching. They are, yes.
Starting point is 01:08:24 I'm sure parents watch their children on Bachelor, Bachelorette. Yeah, yeah. I guess so. Are you going to kiss one of these guys? Probably not. You going to kiss all of them? In the office?
Starting point is 01:08:35 Yeah, why not? They kiss on the office, Jim and Pam. Yeah, true. Wait. You think anybody's Frenched in here? Oh. I don't want to think about that. New York office, yes.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Let's just be honest smokes his French New York office yes yes smokes I'm gonna say smokes his French multiple girls here mincy's French dear I don't know mincy's French tears French there's no way yeah yeah maybe so I don't want to think about it French frying here tonight hello so true sweet Um but no I'm excited to meet them in person. Whoever the finals finalists are but. Well you know that three of them are. No I know but I'm saying there's still two more. Yeah. Yeah. Is there a type of guy that you haven't seen yet
Starting point is 01:09:17 that you're looking for? No I don't think so. I don't think so. I think yesterday was a good judgment of I feel like what they're all sort of like. Yeah, the only rule you said to start this was no minorities, right? So that's the only thing that we've held kate that was our only rule well you're gonna hate this group So I want to preface that just give you a warning it's a couple. I never said that before. But besides that, and have to make more than 150,000
Starting point is 01:09:50 was her other thing. Yes, for sure, yeah. What is it, 99? 666. Good God! 999! What? No!
Starting point is 01:09:59 999! That's crazy. You have to be nine feet tall? No! Oh, when am That's crazy! Every nine feet tall? Ugh, when am I going to find a trillionaire giant? How hard can it be? I am shallow, so yeah, exactly. Yeah, you need a trillionaire giant.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Yes, yep. That's, yeah, I've been hiding so yeah, exactly. Yeah, you need a trillionaire giant. Yes, yep. That's, yeah, I've been hiding it this whole time. If he's nine foot tall, nine inches is almost a disappointment at that point, isn't it? That's true. That's true. No, that'd be very difficult. All right, so you are going with a six feet tall,
Starting point is 01:10:38 six figures. No, that's not like a requirement. Okay, well it seemed like that's what you were saying. Oh, no, no, no. I was just referring to what other girls say. All right, Kate, I will cede this time to you and let you go with Bachelor number one. All right, let's bring it up.
Starting point is 01:10:53 I believe our first gentleman is Bryce D. from New Hampshire. Six foot, 245 pounds, 26 year old dog guy, civilian at the DOD, uh oh, he might be unemployed soon, who knows? So I'll keep that in mind. Wait, what is this? Dungeons and Dragons? Yeah, what does DOD mean?
Starting point is 01:11:10 Department of Defense, government guy. That might not be the steadiest of jobs right now. What is civilian? Yeah. What does that mean? What does hectic and not productive mean? So he's non-military? So he's like a secretary?
Starting point is 01:11:23 The Pentagon is mostly civilian. It's like some military, but a shit ton of civilians work for the DOD across the country. OK, OK. You make better money for doing military jobs. Dating life, hectic and not productive. That's two opposing ideals right there. Hectic's an interesting choice.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Hectic is like. He's going through a lot of bitches. I got to finish these pussies by Wednesday morning. No. And he hates all of them. Look at this pile of pussy. Oh, another pussy. I need this these pussies by Wednesday morning. Look at this pile of pussy. Oh another pussy. I need this pussy in the outbox by tomorrow. I feel like that's a nice way of saying bitches are crazy. Okay. We don't know. Handicap 12.2. This guy. So
Starting point is 01:11:58 this was kind of super. I picture like a golf guy being like a buttoned up fancy pants whatever. This is like, are those Capris? No, those are, tell them what they are, what those pants are, Nick. Where? They're yous, at the bottom. I don't wanna say it. Say them. You say it.
Starting point is 01:12:17 You say it. Mets? You say the first half, I'll say the second half. Yeah. This guy's like out on the farm. Those pants are called Knickers. Oh. Knickers.
Starting point is 01:12:27 They're Capris. No, they're Payne Stewart pants. Did you write down Capris? I did. He's got some nice Capris. We have a friend group that likes to do like themed outings. Yeah. This guy's golfing a ton, okay?
Starting point is 01:12:41 He's very close to this direct family, loves spending time with them, but he's not like a hoity-toity country club boy. I almost got more Alabama vibes than New Hampshire. Has anybody said the family question? I think that was a waste of a question because nobody said fuck my family. Oh, a lot of people who didn't make the cut said that.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Oh, okay. A lot of daddy issues, I'm not kidding. A lot of guys who started to like, wrote paragraphs. Oh, okay. So yeah, no. Has anybody done the, like, I don't golf? I feel like all the handiwa, they're all golf. I wouldn't even have to say to that.
Starting point is 01:13:09 None of these guys said they. I wouldn't have any idea what to even say. Six foot tall, 245 is a thick boy. Yes, he's a thick boy. He's a thick boy. So we can't tell who he is. He's far right on the top. Tough to tell.
Starting point is 01:13:25 245 is pretty beefy. Yeah. Let's take a look at his parents. Not fat though, solid. See what I'm working with here. Yeah, it's a good screen. He's sprouted. Look at that dad.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Oh my God. All right, I called him country golfer Bryce. It's you two to the side. Oh, look at his dad. That's a dad, that's a dad. His prized possession, a letter from Nick Saban, autographed. He sent it to me when I was 11. After my grandfather died, I would run into a burning building. Why did youed. He sent it to me when I was 11 after my grandfather died
Starting point is 01:13:45 I would run into a burning building Wait, how does grandfather die That would track for Nick Saban. Talent, I can pull random sports stats out of my ass. Decent at karaoke, golf well, but as hidden talent, he loves to cook. He loves to mix it up in the kitchen. We should have done go-to karaoke song. Why is he hiding it? Yes, that would have been great.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Well, let's have the finalists do karaoke for us. That'd be perfect. Mackenzie, this is what he says to you you honestly Mackenzie. There isn't many good reasons The more we get into this the more I'm like no people are right on this I'm fucking this up I think you're extremely talented and beautiful I've been following you for I don't know how many years just an opportunity to meet you and treat you to dinner would be an honor I don't mind. That's pretty nice. So nice Why are they douches? He's don't mind. That's pretty nice. That's so nice. And Hannah says, why are they douches?
Starting point is 01:14:46 He's a decent guy. That's why he thinks he's a douche. He's not a douche. No, it could be haircut. There's nothing douchey about this guy. His joke is, I'm bad at jokes. I'm more of an in-process humor, but I'm positive I can make you laugh. In-process?
Starting point is 01:15:01 In-process humor. What would that mean? I think he means situational. He's got to be with me in process humor. What would that mean? I think he means like, situational. You gotta be with me in the moment. Yeah, that's fair. Parents are still together after 32 years and love each other more every year.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Gross. It's out it. Rocking the mullet, blah, blah, blah. So yeah, there you have it. Smoke's calling him a douche is a huge plus. Huge plus. Huge plus for that guy. Remember,
Starting point is 01:15:18 Yeah, that is true. The guy that didn't make it was, Well Hannah. Caught him a dog. Yeah, Hannah also had great things to say about him. She said question mark. And this is douche question mark. Yes. Yeah, she's unsure But Hannah also is terrible has terrible taste right she's been off the whole time off on all these guys as well Yeah, would be a braggart. He was like I'm not much about me
Starting point is 01:15:38 Fun humble guy I couldn't ascertain why I couldn't ascertain why Nicky smokes called him a douche So I feel like it matters if he like capitalizes the douche adds a period at the end He's become all douches, but why did yesterday he had some funky. Yeah, he was doing lying just yeah Would you like or be open to a guy who's always with like six to eight friends? Like always you know like a friend guy well that means yeah, they're coming around the house You're coming around his house with all his friends. Yeah, that would be fine. He's always out with the boys Yeah, and it's just the boys you want a nice quiet dinner, and he's like hey the blanket boy I think there's certain situations again member
Starting point is 01:16:28 No a guy with friends. I feel like is a is a like positive thing too many though Yeah, if you have too many then it's like are you really friends with them whoa? Mmm. How close are you with them all fair enough? I know I like a guy with friends. That's a green flag What do you think about this guy? You like this guy? I like him. Yeah. Solid guy. Yeah, very solid. Good start. I love a guy that likes to cook. Yeah, that is a good thing. So six, can you visualize six foot two forty five? I cannot. Picture me, but a lot bigger Vertically and
Starting point is 01:17:04 I'm very bad at like, I couldn't guess anybody's weight. Guess Kate's. Or height. Yeah. So I'm bad at like visualizing. I'll tell you what you think Titus is. Six, two. Close enough.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Three and a half. Okay. Close enough. How much do you think Brandon weighs? I don't know how to answer. No, go ahead. You may answer. Honestly, no, like I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I want you to look me in the eye. I don't even have a guess. Look me in the eye right now and take a guess at how much I weigh. How tall are you? I am six foot five. Okay, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:39 It's very tall. You've seen me before though. Almost every day. I know, I know, but this is what I'm saying. I don't really Just let's work on I would have guessed you and Titus were like closer in height well We are you are but you guess wrong Okay, I'm sorry okay, so I'm guessing your weight
Starting point is 01:17:56 Okay, so that guy was too. Would you like to see me walk daintily kind of yeah? Can we see you drop a puck yeah? drop buck for Brandon pretty graceful what how much would you say that man I'm not in the dating show no I know I really don't have a guess You can just say that guy 230 Okay, what is it 250? About 280 Wow
Starting point is 01:18:36 270 275 you ever hit 300 no you've never know about three Olympic gym, but you're so tall so it doesn't like gotta touch three evens out I thought about it, but I can't do it. I can't really get over 275. That's about my limit. OK. Even just letting myself go. Have I known you at 275? Is it gold to get over?
Starting point is 01:18:56 Did you know me last week? Oh, shit. OK. Wait, you're your heaviest right now? I'm pretty big right now, yeah. Right. OK. Huh.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I'm not my heaviest, but I put on so much muscle. It is. I do keep replaying that you told me you cut your hand open trying to open a box of crackers because you were trying to get into it so fast. Right there, rich crackers. The other day I had some summer sausage. It was an emergency. Wait. You were so hungry. Did you get that at Mars? I did get it at Mars, yeah. Some garlic summer sausage, too. God damn.
Starting point is 01:19:23 All right, guy number two. Guy number two, that's Bryce D. I would say more party golfer Bryce than country golfer Bryce, I suppose. Okay. Whatever. Sure, sure. Okay. Matt M from Wrigleyville, Chicago.
Starting point is 01:19:35 What's the necklace here? Is this Kenny Powers? That's a belt that holds his beers for him. No, the necklace. Oh, the necklace. The collar, the everything, the shirt. The big piece, it's a big piece. This is a groovy dude, I'll say that. The collar, the everything, the shirt. It's a big piece. This is a groovy dude, I'll say that.
Starting point is 01:19:46 5'8", 235. 5'8",.75. He's exactly 5'7". Ha ha ha. 235, data analytics for a publishing company. Dating two girlfriends, some casual flings, been making my way around the apps, fell in love a couple times, not reciprocated.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Oh, that's me. We love an honest king Handicap I've broke a hundred once in three years I used my grandpa's 50 year old driver and refused to get a new one for the love of the game Family Italian and Mexican raised by a single mother were pretty close. That's good. That's good cuisine That would be good, I don't think that would be good spaghetti taco Carly no kidding like a taco pasta. I'll go pause. I make a southwest spaghetti casserole from time to time Well bring it in fuck a lot of sour cream anyways
Starting point is 01:20:43 Hey bring that in. Okay, well, beer belt, Matt, anything my grandpa owned is his prized possession, he died young, so it's high priority. Jewelry, one of those things is jewelry, necklace, and a ring. A couple years ago, I got drunk at a White Sox game and lost the ruby from the ring and haven't told anyone yet.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Hopefully they're not watching. Oh, super doubt. Plus a jukebox that's in his grandma's basement in an old Cadillac. Oh, a jukebox is awesome. Reinsdorf already pawned that. Talent, he just shared this Riverwalk. He's been on Barstool before in a video.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Oh, okay. Okay, you can't really see his face in it, but you can see his physique and his skill, which I guess I would say is diving, perhaps. Oh, diving. I used to be on the dive team. Oh, you guys look at a long group. Yeah, in elementary school. Yeah. I could only be on the dive team. Oh, yeah. Well, can you guys look at a long? Yeah now elementary school
Starting point is 01:21:25 Yeah, I could only do a back dive. That's a young age for a dive. Yeah. Yeah. How high was the the board? Um, not not high. It was like a regular I only do a back. No, I could do like front I would never do a front flip like I refuse to do any sort of flip but That's not him. There he goes. Oh Like I refuse to do any sort of flip One more one more time. Yeah So that's him at the end yeah He could have like could He could have died.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Yeah, he could have cracked his skull open. Whipped his head back. Yeah. Are you allowed to jump in there? I don't think so. There's a lot of boats. I probably posted this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Yeah. I think there's certain areas you can jump in. You're never, yeah, you're never really allowed to jump in anywhere. In the river. That's a guy who lives in the moment. Okay. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Free spirit. Yeah, sounds like it. Maybe that's what you need in your life. Maybe you need a guy who's gonna come in and mix it up a little bit. Loosen up a little bit. You know, it was probably a couple years ago, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Somebody who's in the early 20s. Yeah. I think that's exactly it. All the diseases from the Chicago River should have worn off by now. Said, I'm excited to get to know you. Chicago's my favorite city in the world. Looking for someone to explore it with.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I think you have a great sense of humor and seem cute as hell. I'm happy to show you a good time. I seem cute as hell. His joke is, if 6 see you know his joke is if six point two six with the line I'd be betting the under Okay, Nicky smoke said, good vibes. Hannah said, a fun big boy. I like.
Starting point is 01:23:09 That's nice. Beer belt Matt. Cute baby photo. Going off his social, he seems like a guy who's always out exploring and doing stuff. He's a, that's great. He's out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Beer belt. Oh right, the beer belt, yes. That's why he got the name. Yep. That's why Kate gave him the name. It goes way back to that first slide. All right. Banny's Zach head. Banny's Zach head. All right, so there's two yep halfway home. Yep Up next hey, don't know how optimistic you seem about these others you seem I mean, I hope everyone knows I'm dead inside at this point. I've been beating down I was doing Shane D from Gold Coast, Chicago Six foot three two hundred two pounds thirty three years old dog guy tech sale shocker
Starting point is 01:24:01 He said I don't know a lot of D last names yeah Yeah, dating life, please don't look me up on are we dating the same person that's not good well I'm in that group and there is just drama Drama every day what he's implying that he's dating a lot of one I don't know that seems like it or he has in the past. I think he's making a joke I think he's just trying to be funny okay, but then again. I think it just means I can't say anything around a lot. Yeah, that's fair But there's so much drama on that if you whatever city you're in please join that page if you're a lady there's join other cities City pages for those yes, there's It's interesting though because they're not always doing anything bad. They're just like hey, are we dating the same guy?
Starting point is 01:24:44 They're just wondering like yeah, they're like no, but sometimes you on him right yes I know I know I know a guy that got a fake one posted about him. No. Yeah Oh, no, I like an angry. Hey, what is was the motive? I don't know was it you knows Rudy oh That yeah, but it was fake yeah that I don't know about that one being on the flight log he is on the F-scene that was the hardest I've ever laughed so fun yeah but he never said anyways. This was so well done. John Derbrut. Dershowitz and Wexner. Yeah, Lex Wexner was eight.
Starting point is 01:25:30 The format of it is so funny. I have so many questions I don't even know where to start with this. Is this real? Yeah, it was really posted on the conspiracy Reddit. So like how seriously should we be taking this? Hmm? I'm taking it super seriously. Oh wait, it was somebody else who like made this yeah, Juan Damien, Nebraska made it
Starting point is 01:25:46 Most active on the anus pod subreddit way wine Monopoly. Oh, okay, so you know that's a joke It's a very funny prank. It's a I love how well done this was and I need more of this towards Rudy Okay Okay, we have Rudy is a pedophile. Right. And, okay, back to, so, handicapped, glue guy and scrambles. A ton of guys on this whole thing said they were either glue guys or vibes guys on the
Starting point is 01:26:15 course. Right. That means they're not good. That means they're not good. They're just... Oh, the glue guy can be good. The vibes guy is not good. What is a glue guy?
Starting point is 01:26:23 Means he keeps everything together. Like, that group wouldn't be together without that Yeah, oh, okay. Okay family everybody loves Raymond. I'm right. I wasn't sure what that meant either That means he everyone everyone loves him. He is Ray for the show everybody loves his brother lives with him I would compare myself to Raymond and I don't love that. Humble. I think he's trying to mix it up and be funny to him. I assume he's the front guy?
Starting point is 01:26:50 What about the photo? Is that funny? I guess. I don't know the context of it, but... Oh, they're having anal sex. Anal sex on the golf course. That's why we play golf. That's what he means by glue.
Starting point is 01:27:05 They're glued together. Yeah, right, right, right. Yeah. All right, let's see him as a kid. Oh, wait a minute, hot dad alert. Oh, shit. Hot dad alert. His parents have been married 40 years,
Starting point is 01:27:16 example of what marriage should be. Kate, that's so shallow to see a guy's parent and see a guy's dad. That is a hot dad. He's hot and everything. This is an old picture to have some respect. I'm just saying. Bearing on what we're trying to come up. No bearing whatsoever. You stop the whole show to say he's got a hot dad. But that is a hot dad am I right? Yes. You're right. Am I right? I'm not
Starting point is 01:27:37 participating in that. That is a hot dad. I'm just saying. And I feel like it gives you an idea of what this person could be. Yeah. We just don't object other people's looks especially parents. Yeah, we're objectifying these men, and I don't like it All right here. We go, but god damn I'm calling him Gold Coast Shane. Just sounds nice his prized possession my grandmother was born in India She came over to the states in 1947 and collected little tiny elephant So basically he's got three little elephants the whole family has these little elephants that you brought over in their house. Go ahead Brandon. Dress the elephant in the room. Can I say cap? Can I say cap? How do you say cap? The number of these guys who say their
Starting point is 01:28:20 prized possession is passed down from their grandparents, most of them are lying. I'm heirloom-less. Right, like I valued my grandfather and everything, I don't have a goddamn thing from him. I have my own things I've collected and I love and I have my own things. All these guys are trying to be like family guys. There's no fucking way this guy values those elephants as much as he values something he picked up dead. Brandon, I'm being dead serious.
Starting point is 01:28:44 My house goes up in flames, I'm grabbing Asian Elvis. That I bought you. You gave me my prized possession two months ago. There you go. None of these guys are saying Asian Elvis from their buddies. I have geodes from my grandma, from my granny. What the hell is that?
Starting point is 01:28:57 Is that some sort of woman thing? She left you gravel. She's from Kentucky, Iowa, and they would go out geode hunting. So our family has a ton of geodes. Yeah, but is that your prized possession? I like that I keep them around to look at them. And I'm like, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:10 That stuff's also surviving a fire. If you don't go back and get it, it'll be fine. That's true. Yeah, we might have to bring the finalists in and burn their houses down. Just really see what they actually do. I have a feeling that they all didn't have one, and then they just texted their parents,
Starting point is 01:29:24 like what is something I can Like maybe it's Because that's what I would do are we just no idea dude, it's my boat Yeah, mine's a sign sign post-cologne guitar. Yeah, that's right Mine's yeah, my most expensive item which is I don't know. Yeah, mine's the act right my most expensive item, which is I don't know yeah My most expensive thing I feel like you don't do it's literally just whatever Expensive thing I just bought you don't develop that till your 50s or 60s We start like tinkering with an old car in your garage
Starting point is 01:29:57 Yeah, when you start getting hobbies when you earn it when your life gives you one yeah, so they don't really have them yet I guess yeah this guy don't know fuck about the elephants sorry if you do okay what else do we have big was this guy six three two oh two borderline perfect yeah that's a good build his talent is named that tune the tism flares up when I hear music and consistently ask those I'm with who sings it. I don't like no six three guys as autism He's kind of saying his talent is not knowing songs almost because he's always asking who's singing it But but still he's on about said putting yourself out there for a dating show is honorable and shows But still, he's not in the bath. He said, putting yourself out there for a dating show
Starting point is 01:30:44 is honorable and shows confidence. In a city like Chicago, the dating scene gets tiresome, and meeting someone genuine can seem like a thought. He kind of is talking a little chatty Cathy. Joke, I'm white with black stripes. This is my impression of a racist zebra. Okay. He threw this on William Montgomery's shoulders.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yes. Well, Kate never said your own joke. This is William Montgomery's joke. Almost none of these guys had an original joke. This guy's not a douche. God damn it. Can we just get rid of Smokes? Yeah, wait.
Starting point is 01:31:11 And Hannah didn't want to give comment. Hannah, I think at this point she had to go do something and check out. She's tired of me. Yeah, Nicky Smokes said douche. Yeah, so not a douche. I mean, he has weaved in that he dates around a lot. That's fair. He's not good at water
Starting point is 01:31:27 33 33 I believe pretty established fella interesting Tall I was trying to pick people in Chicago area. Yeah No, I would have zoomed based on this he was younger Yeah, I can see that look like a good-looking guy looking fella solid man good shit pick him I guess Kyle is that the perfect proportions six three about 200 I would say yeah is that like Steph Curry that's like Dean Cain Dean Cain I don't know I think are you singing who plays Superman no I teen came to my first Superman Christopher Reeve but he's in a
Starting point is 01:32:04 wheelchair he was in a wheelchair before he died Um he got shorter. He's not tall at all now Seem like a good man Christopher Reeve. Yeah, Superman. Yeah Alright last guy up. I'm just gonna set the next few Did he fall off a horse? Yeah In the middle middle holy fuck Everybody let me have it cuz I deserve it Everything's about I don't know how my brain works
Starting point is 01:32:51 Wait Kyle anything else to say holy fuck Seven to 25 26 years old he's a dog guy couldn't even breach him Retired pro athlete, now looking for work. So from what I saw, he was on two, like, actual professional, professional, top of the top. MLB? Yes. He was?
Starting point is 01:33:13 Yes. This guy was a major league baseball player. Oh yes, he was drafted. Well y'all will be able to find a Chandler V. Well fuck it, don't go Googling, whatever. Chandler V, are you sure he was in the V? He was probably in the organization. He go Google, whatever. Oh, tell the chat and I'll go Google. Are you sure he was in the bigs? He was probably in the organization.
Starting point is 01:33:27 He got like, he was like, hey, I've heard from, I'm making this up. He probably wasn't. Seattle Topangas. Right, the Topangas, yeah. You know what I mean. Yeah. I don't want to give away the team that was the Mariners.
Starting point is 01:33:39 He was in the organization where he said he played for the Seattle Mariners. He signed for them or whatever. OK, well that means he's his organization. He's probably never made it up. There's a difference in, yeah. Okay, whatever. He's tall. I know what she means.
Starting point is 01:33:50 I know what she means. Yeah, but he's retired now. How old is he? 26. 26. Retired just means he didn't. No, it means he's no longer playing baseball. Yeah, he played for the Modesto Nuts.
Starting point is 01:34:02 That's a good one. That's great. He's had one long-term relationship for two years. The rest of the time, casual, handicap 18. Family, only child, close to my family. My parents are my friends. And friends of mine are close with them. So him and his buddies are all really close with his parents. I think that's cool.
Starting point is 01:34:17 One long-term relationship. Her name was Monica. Chandler. Chandler Bane. Oh,. From New Jersey. Wow. Shoot. Yeah. Chandler B. Yeah, good luck Googling that.
Starting point is 01:34:28 It'll be on the third page. Oh, he played in Lancaster. He probably got his broad stolen. Yeah, he knows Nadu. No, Nadu's gone far east, man. Oh. Have you seen? What, like Delaware?
Starting point is 01:34:40 No, further. Oh. Shit. I saw that, yeah. I like Chandler B. I like a good ball player? I saw that yeah, I Like Chandler B. I think the ball player. I like Chandler B. Let's see what else he's got They all claim to be dog guys, too I don't I'm sniffing kissy on that I think I know I think most guys are I think so
Starting point is 01:34:56 Okay, prize possession stretch the rooster made from a rock now. We're talking. Yeah, yeah bringing it back from vacation We had it in carry-on and security thought it was a bomb considering the big rock in the stomach. It's stupid, but it's our rooster. Talent, hmm, do I have one? Not really. I get accused of looking high. This is what he said for his talent. He's looking high.
Starting point is 01:35:14 What about baseball? Yeah, you play professional baseball. I know. He's humble. He's humble. Yeah, I thought that was a no-brainer, but it's looking high. Hi Mackenzie, I'm fun-loving, easy-going guy. I do my best to brighten every room I'm in.
Starting point is 01:35:30 I think we'd be a good fit because you have a great sense of humor and pleasant to be around. We would look great together. I would love to see you standing there. Well, you skipped over, you said she's cute. Yeah, I was wondering too. I am having trouble seeing.
Starting point is 01:35:41 I'm old as fuck. A joke, why did the snowman blush? He saw the snowblower coming? Oh Repeat joke that's tough not to him. You don't know he 50 emails I got this snowblower joke was in like 10 of them What is safety hazard they all bought the same because he's so tall I'm thinking because he's so long yeah But what's that was my only thought the only thing this dating show has made me want to do is fire Nicky And I don't have the authority to do that. You didn't have that thought before
Starting point is 01:36:13 I've always had that thought but it's maybe more so on that we thought for most So that's it for today, okay? Because he's tall yeah, I like to play What do you think six seven your what? Five well that might be too tall it might be I might be too tall, but I'm willing to test my limits Yeah, we want a very brave. I'd like to get eyeballs Would you feel uncomfortable like walking around town holding his hand yours? I probably wouldn't because I don't think I could yeah be a weirdly awkward Weird TJ find the picture
Starting point is 01:36:49 Yeah, and his girlfriend girlfriend. He was dating hoops. How tall I love New York. How tall is sure? Seven I think so that would that would probably be What it's like this guy's tall as Shaq it'll be yeah This guy's tall as Shaq. It'll be yeah Yeah, yeah, they lie on this will look exactly like McKenzie will look there's also a picture of Wimby visiting How tall is Shaq really? 7'1". Okay, okay, so I'd be a little better. You'd be more Aaron Judge. But look at them holding hands like she's doing an arm workout. They look happy. He's crushing that hand. He would, yeah. But that guy was not as big as Shaq.
Starting point is 01:37:27 Stuck her in his ass. Yeah. That guy is two inches taller than I am. This guy. Brandon, hold her hand. Yeah, stand up. Brandon, tippy toes, please. Shaq stuck her in his ass.
Starting point is 01:37:41 That's good. Fed her to Matt Barnes. All right. Oh, this isn't terrible. Uh, uh, uh, wow. Okay, it's a little tough. Your hand is at my head. I don't know. I'm just, you asked me to test it out. I did not ask you.
Starting point is 01:38:09 You stood up and did it. I know, but I wasn't going to reject your handles. That's tough. I feel like this is a tough crop to choose from. I know. I don't have any complaints really about any of them. The chat's roasting is ERA, if that matters to you. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:38:23 What is it? You don't need to know it's ERA. We need to know the ERA. It's going you. Oh, come on. You don't need to know his ERA. We need to know the ERA. It's going to come up at some point. He appeared in 10 minor league games, 6.1 innings pitched, an ERA of 25. Okay. What?
Starting point is 01:38:40 That's way more games than I've appeared in in a minor league. I think that's foul play. He never spoke about being some stud No, what true he did I mean? Why when you asked what his talent was he said I don't really have one last year he appeared for the Modesto nuts and the Arizona Coast League Mariners he was with the Trenton Thunder at one point. I was with the Trenton Thunder Oh, really? I think you're on the team. That's oh, so I'm
Starting point is 01:39:03 Thunder at one point I was with the Trenton Thunder I think you're on the team that's The guy got paid to play baseball yes, yeah, he was a professional baseball Yeah, I'm not I'm not saying anything bad. You're the one that want to hear is e.r.a. Come on I was curious can a girl not know if it's how long if his e.r.a. Had been low-force Is that better is it no it doesn't matter. I just wanted to know all right. Why you holler? Is that better? Is it no it doesn't matter. I just wanted to know all right. Why you hollering? You're saying women can't know baseball You're using your baseball knowledge to judge this man. No, I'm not judging this man has put himself out there for us No, I appreciate him doing that holding my hand
Starting point is 01:39:48 Fuck no one screenshot that. That usually works. Yeah, that'll. They won't do it. Um okay so. Alright what are you thinking? You want me to go back through the notes? Let's go through. Okay so notes. There was Bryce D. Yeah Bryce D. Capri's didn't love. Those weren't Caprese but okay. But they were. Payne Stewart won a US Open in those pants. But it's like a zany outfit. Who did? He's not wearing that as normal street. Payne Stewart, he's dead.
Starting point is 01:40:11 It's a theme party, think of it like that. You're right, you're right. But yeah, it was more like baseball pants it looked like with the high socks. Yeah, sure, sure, sure. Matt M. Wrigleyville, Data Analytics, I kind of forgot. I don't even remember. So I think he's, I put question marks next to him marks next to the one who jumped into the Chicago River, okay?
Starting point is 01:40:27 That's yeah, you seem to look like the party animal guy a little bit. Yeah, he seems fun I see the the beer Jumping into river don't bring your Ruby ruby to the right White Sox game. You're just gonna lose it. He's smarter than that. Shane D, he was the golf. Gold coach. The anal guy.
Starting point is 01:40:54 6'3", two over. The what guy? The anal guy, she's right. The golf anal guy. Oh yeah, he was the anal guy. But he, 33, dating the same guy, he said, don't look. But we think it's a joke I think it's a joke. I think he probably just dates a lot of girls
Starting point is 01:41:08 Which that's fine. Yeah, or maybe he doesn't he just thought he should say something funny And he was uncomfortable with answering the question and he thought if I if I make a joke about this Facebook page Yeah, that's the best way to answer it. You're right, or maybe he's like fucking like crazy. He's just getting Or do you want to pause to fantasize? TJ play some music let her close her eyes and fantasize. We'll give you this for each contest I don't know. I need to pee anyway. Just pull up the picture. Oh speaking of fantasize Brandon I heard from the barbecue guy from the island and the Yeah, st. Simons. Yeah. Yeah heard from what do you say oh mom didn't get picked we yeah we
Starting point is 01:41:47 have a golden buzzer I asked my cousin to look him up because my cousins have a house on that same really yeah man she didn't know him but she said he had a child I think oh maybe a deal-breaker maybe energy um no not at all some of these guys you know you you say no not at all But it did seem like you cut him on that basis or you would have cut him on that basis what's that? What's the eRA?
Starting point is 01:42:10 Yeah, you keep asking for things that aren't deal-breaker, but you still ask no I Wounded children are adaptive children Make sense All right, and lastly was the tall guy was the six seven baseball player Shane be from Philly from New Jersey or something No, she was the Chandler be from Chandler. Yeah, he does Monica's New Jersey Okay, my top two are Shane D. Uh-huh and Chandler. Yeah, of course right that right
Starting point is 01:42:52 They were all 26 besides Shane D. He was 33. Yeah And I feel like people aren't gonna like this But like welcome. I mean you guys know who I'm gonna pick. I don't. Oh. What? You're going with a baseball player, huh? I like this baseball player. This baseball player ain't out there
Starting point is 01:43:11 wiggle-dicking for attention. He's a real baseball player. I thought you were gonna go with Indian Elephant guy. Okay. I don't remember. That was a 6'3". That was number three. Yeah, I thought you were going with a good one.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Okay, that was my second choice though. That was Shane D. The golfer. I like him as well. No, he wasn't. Wait. Yeah. Which one are you thinking?
Starting point is 01:43:29 She's right, she's right. The elephants? The third guy was the elephant, 63205, 202 guy. Yeah, Shane D. Shane D. Oh, okay. All right. The golf guy.
Starting point is 01:43:37 I'm confused. He simply can't pass. I also like him as well because he lives in Chicago. So. Now does it change the fact that Nikki Smokes caught him a douche? Who did? But who are you picking?
Starting point is 01:43:49 No, because I thought. She picked the tall guy. You're picking the baseball player? Yes. Chandler B from New Jersey. Yes. He's so tall. You drafted a basketball team, a high level basketball.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Yes, yes, yes. I support this decision wholeheartedly. So you got two baseball players coming in. I'm excited because we should all take them yard. Oh, yeah. Play catch with dad. Let's get his ER8 at 30s. Me?
Starting point is 01:44:16 That's what you were acting like. It's grandpa. And thank you. I would like to see if I can get a dad son relationship going with one of these guys. Maybe this show should be about me from now on. Brandy, you should find a son. That's fine with me.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Pick out another son. Yeah, you don't have enough. You're right. So we have Savannah Bananas guy who was on the other team. We have Seattle Mariners minor league prospect. And then we have the Bills fan who you never picked and didn't want Zach. He was the top two. The Bills fan who you never picked. He was the best. He was the top two.
Starting point is 01:44:48 He didn't have abs. Those are the three. There's four, right? Who's fourth? Yesterday was two. It's a good sign that we can't remember. Who was yesterday? Limbo boy. Limbo Pete. Watching these tall guys try to limbo.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Oh. If he challenges all these guys to limbo. It's gonna be amazing. That's so fun. Perfect. The winner wins. I do love the, we definitely should do that. I don't know if someone said it as a joke, but.
Starting point is 01:45:16 A competition, you have to win. Yeah, bring in a competition that you know you'll win at. Yeah, I think it makes sense. To challenge the other guys, yeah. That would be funny. We should definitely do that. And KB still has his So, um, well, this is the end
Starting point is 01:45:34 There's four more do you have in mind who am I? No, and I want us to all I don't want to be my buzzer I want to have the best judge of character. I do. Yeah, okay Well, Shane D was a good option as well. So don't try to influence. Oh, I want to help you find a boyfriend We're saying I'm not gonna I don't know if you have let's sharpen our focus here I mean he said he's going around dating lots of girls yeah yeah he's into you know right is that somebody do you think he wants I I mean he's 33. Does he sound ready? Yeah, he's running out of options, but I guess if yeah So he did a real Hail Mary applying to this This is going great. No, I trust I trust. Okay, this is fun. This is fine. Last two days have been fine We weeded out the bad ones. We weeded out the bad one.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Why? One. And by weeding him out, you select. I apologize for that. Both chose him when you could have not. By the artie for few. By weeding around the weed and watered it. You said goo goo gaga and reached for his ass.
Starting point is 01:46:36 And is that a crime? Okay. That part wasn't, no. Bad choice of words, bad choice of words. When he does it, it is. Okay, yeah, whatever. So Kate, I hear that we have two left, and then you are in the process
Starting point is 01:46:49 of adding two more that you found. Someone reached out to me who knows her, who was like, I went through the whole thing, and here's my two guys. Oh wow. I'm waiting to hear back from them still to add, but this was like someone, a relative, somebody really knows her, was like,
Starting point is 01:47:06 oh, put these two on the list. So that's what's happening. Kenzie, the screenshot is something. Of you two? Yeah. No, no. Also, one of tomorrow's suggestions, not to give spoilers, is a suggestion from a,
Starting point is 01:47:21 so we have two suggestions from a family member and one suggestion from a comedian who's recently been on the show. Oh yes, this guy. Is he a garbage man? No. Oh, I just made that up in my head. No, he's not.
Starting point is 01:47:36 But he's fully on board and he's already submitted. Oh, so we have three more. No, no, he's already on board. Oh, he's a part of the thing. Okay, so, love that. Very exciting. Very exciting and then very exciting Thank You Kinsey, thanks guys, they're excited for this We're sponsored by row row sparks are a two-in-one prescription treatment for stronger harder erections
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Starting point is 01:48:54 Alright, we have a wheel spin to do and we have a gauntlet to do, a body armor gauntlet. So I guess we're free to choose whoever we want from this entire office to make him come to the gauntlet. Let's look upstairs. Give us an upstairs view I guess. I don't... Any fresh blood? No one has done it? Oh it's active up there. Has Maresh done it? Yeah Maresh has done it. Who's that walking away? That smokes. Has Ella done it? Nope. Who are all those youngins over there? Is that Goldfinger?
Starting point is 01:49:34 Goldfinger was like 12 minutes out. His rickety legs, yeah. Has Moresh done it? Yeah. Did the cleaning lady do it? Has Moresh done it. No, I don't think Turn turn the camera Yeah, go to the Chicago corner
Starting point is 01:49:52 No a little bit more Oh, yeah, you reach the edge and he had that There's the Chicago corner. They are how about Danny? There's the Chicago corner there. They are how about Danny? Oh, yeah, no che um I Thought today went really well that was the best crap about guys that could be like the final It was a good crop of dudes a lot of local boys Jason's I gotta go set up. Do you want you want to spin the wheel? That way we'll get that out of the way way and then we'll end with the gauntlet
Starting point is 01:50:26 and you can read the ad going on in the end of the gauntlet. Absolutely. All right, let's do that. Let's spin the wheel and then I'll go set it up and we'll end with the gauntlet. Do we know when Malisek's gonna be back in town? No, actually I should reach out to him and get a beat on that.
Starting point is 01:50:39 I think Date with Kate should be back on the wheel then until we actually have a date with Kate. I've been bugging, I won his piano in The White Elephant. And so every day I send him videos of my kids just slamming the keys. Does he respond? Yeah. Nice, nice.
Starting point is 01:50:52 He's very nice about it. Oh. Humors me, so I think we'll be. He hasn't posted a slutty little guitar video. Oh, wait, did you see? He's like into women now. What? No way.
Starting point is 01:51:02 What do you mean? He was like watching an old timey movie and he was like, this is the... Connelly. You know what the movie was Yeah, the Connelly is cheese yeah, yeah, Jennifer Connelly in his mind, so that's who he's looking for Yeah, Jennifer. Oh simple as that Yeah, he loved blood diamond. He was all horned up such a fox I Wish it was nine hours rooting scared him straight nine hours long would suck yeah why would you want a
Starting point is 01:51:29 nine-hour long movie you want to spin that wheel tightness I'm spreading sometimes you just got a man. It's almost two hours man. I needed to spread It's been almost two hours since I spread. No, we're good I'm gonna set it up and you read that and then we'll end right up This episode is brought to you by Body Armor Flash IV Body Armor Flash IV is packed with electrolytes and provides faster and longer lasting hydration with no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or dyes.
Starting point is 01:52:11 With great tasting flavors like strawberry kiwi and tropical punch, Body Armor Flash IV gives your body the rehydration it needs to recover. Get yours at a local 7-Eleven or Amazon today. Get to it, get to it. Brandon is setting up the cornhole. Has Danny done it? Yeah, but they said Hankel hasn't. Huh?
Starting point is 01:52:30 Hankel's never done it. Hankel's never done it? I want, yeah. Yeah, let's have Hankel do it. He's going to take it very seriously. He is the most serious guy. He's our most, yeah, stern and serious. Yes. He thought having hair was too goofy. My introduction to Hinkle was the producer bowl thing we did last year.
Starting point is 01:52:50 You remember that all the- Yeah, the basketball game. Around Christmas or something. Was it like the combine thing we did? Yeah, the combine. And he was on my team and I was coached. Yeah, it was me versus Brandon as the coaches. And Hinkle was on my team and I'd never met him before.
Starting point is 01:53:02 And we were doing like the meeting, trying to figure out who would do what event. I swear to God, every to God every single venue is like I'll do it and I'm good at it Yeah, every single guy was like I don't know who this guy is But he was the confident knowing moat guy from oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah boats are yeah. Yeah Yeah, we were doing I Remember like the producer thing we were doing some dumb shit. He was like yeah, I got it. It's grown up Yeah, there's no way we just invented this ten minutes ago, and he's like no. I'll be good at it. He's our most intense But he is he is pretty good at just about everything so I will give him that is he not around oh
Starting point is 01:53:44 So Danny's gonna be goalie everything so I will give him that. Is he not around? Oh so Danny's gonna be goalie? There he is. Oh my god. Yeah. I have to wait to pick him up right? Yeah. Hankler are you familiar with all these activities? I am.
Starting point is 01:54:01 Have you done this before? No. Are you good at cornhole? Average. Soccer? No. Oh wow, it changed man. I have you done this before no are you good at cornhole? average soccer No, okay. Wow change man. I'll be fine. So what's going down here for I got asked okay? Yeah, all right Well, it's hats backwards lock it in Three two one go oh That was good adjustment Three, two, one, go. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:54:28 That was good adjustment. Uh oh. Danny. Uh oh. I'm nervous when anyone falls on the floor now. What? Oh He's doing really well killing it Shit Trivia oh man hustle hustle hustle. I got this
Starting point is 01:55:22 Ten out of ten if NFL teams with the most touchdowns of all time Patriots Colts Packers Eagles you can bounce around you can bounce around flavors of lifesavers lime Strawberry cherry Top warehouse clubs in the United States sugar carbs 7 Nutri Top warehouse clubs in the United States sugar carbs saturated fats Yeah, how many more do I need one do the warehouse clubs is or
Starting point is 01:56:23 No those Back to NFL teams. Cowboys. What do you call beer bonging? Beer up your butt. Cowboys. 49ers. Beer up your butt. Yeah, what's it called? The slang term for drinking beer up your butt. Is that boof? Don't like that.
Starting point is 01:56:40 Dolphins. Go back to dolphins. I should know this NFL popular saltwater game fish I have no saltwater game fish most popular Probably sword fish If only we had a question about moats. Yeah, but the other nutrient content Just name at old NFL teams I guess I thought I've listed all of them already stage and the states this is I did there you go
Starting point is 01:57:11 boom 249 yeah true trivia gotcha trivia gotcha you were on pace bears Rams Lions commanders Cardinals Steelers You're welcome to 49 he didn't even want to see where he was Also Brandon's gone. Yeah, that's why that's why I love for it. I'd like redemption as goalie next time You got five hold after you did some trickery No, I know I was there what percentage of these people on the list do you know like can you recall Kyle Stowers no clue I recall Cruz almost tripping over the board who the fuck is Bob Herbert oh I'm like a couple weeks ago. Yeah Chuckles Chuck E. Cheese it's that's che che. Oh, I don't know
Starting point is 01:58:17 That was the day that he him and Jacob ate like a thousand cheese it's oh, okay Yeah, and then he did the gauntlet after he ate a bunch of cheese. It. Why is Harry Bogle so familiar? He works here. He works here. Oh, no. Oh, boy. All right, that's the act. All right. Bogle. I could have been, I know he's Harry. I know who Harry is.
Starting point is 01:58:32 I don't know why Harry Bogle. I'll be back tomorrow. Bye. Bye. It's the act. It's the act. It's the act. Get your straws, yeah, style a day for a while. It's the act. It's the act.
Starting point is 01:58:54 It's the act. It's the act. Yeah, it's time to talk shop and do a Yankee swap. It's the act. It's the act.ab is the act. Is the act. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Whoops. All right, see you tomorrow. Love you. Bye.

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