The Yak - Breaking Down Brandon's ALL-TIME Puck Drop Fail | The Yak 3-3-25

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. I'm the coolest one out of all of us. That was incredible. Hello, it's the Yak. Welcome in., promo code Yak. 20% off your first purchase. Q-zips, polos, hoodies, joggers, shorts. promo code yak 20% off your first purchase q-zips polos hoodies joggers shorts promo code yak
Starting point is 00:00:48 Hello everyone Brandon First of all you illegal what you just did illegal I Simply know what I'm walking into Wrong with what I just did and looked under his chair before he got into that. I'll do that. Of course I did. I put that under there last night. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Last night. Why wouldn't I look under my chair? And take it out. Take it out. Already? Yeah. That's already because you legaled it. This will be legal.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Would have been great. I was going to wait. Tell you. It's Brandon been great. I was gonna wait, tell you. That's Brandon's cape. That's a long ass cape. You should walk with it too. I walked with it a little last night. It really flows.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Put it on, Brandon. Put it on. Yeah, that is a lot. Not a mile, but... No, but it's a long cape. All right, now tie it up And then and then walk the court You'll see it like it's one of the most simplest of garbs. Yeah, it's couldn't be more simple Oh my god, it's the issue. This is the easiest. This is base level clothing, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Looks like Malfoy's dad yeah that's a really good cape good look It kind of yeah. Oh wow. I can't wait to see this angle. Blutman's getting. Oh man. Hey, did you guys see the video Brandon slipping three times? What do you guys see that? So Brandon? Was it a nightmare? You went dainty mode.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I'm proud of you for that. I am too. Say something. I never would of you for that. Can I just say something? I never would have gone dainty mode. Also, happy last week at Parstool. Friday is your funeral. I never would have gone dainty mode if you guys hadn't told me to go dainty mode. You guys put it in my head,
Starting point is 00:02:57 and I can't come back to the act if I don't do it. So whatever happened is on you guys. Wait, but the dainty mode wasn't the issue. No. It's that you forgot that ice is slippery. This is all fine. You even went dainty mode handshake. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yeah, you did go back. Oh, man, that was a man handshake. Look at this dainty handshake. Oh, watch. Watch him pull out, though. Yeah, his list. His wrist is so limp Didn't even get it on the ice didn't even make it onto the you miss you miss the ground That was the only slip right yeah, thank God
Starting point is 00:03:40 Thank God. Three, two, one. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! We saw the full angle of the second slip.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Oh. Oh. Oh. You did amazing, sweetie. Oh, you did so great. Mostly sports and the Yacht. But this is minor league hockey. There probably aren't that many people that are watching this.
Starting point is 00:04:01 No, they're camping. How many views does this have? Well, that one's got. Let's hear it for Brandon. All right, so that's only 20 seconds. This one? What's that one? Oh, 3 million.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Whatever. Oh, oh. Full sports is mostly sports and the Yak. Brandon is a cowbell aficionado and a hockey enthusiast. We're excited to have him and his family joining us tonight. OK, here comes Dainty handshake one. Wasn't Dainty. It was a man handshake.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Walker. Oh. What was that guy saying to you? He said, be sure to drop it on the ice. Yeah. You can say that. I was like. I got y'all.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Oh no. Afterwards, they did just stare at me and I wondered why they were staring at me because I didn't get on the ice. And then. I talked to. And here it goes. Oh. And then look. stare at me and I wonder why they were staring at me because I didn't get on the ice The carpet was way too light for the ice I'm big guy and it wasn't right they gave me bad carpeting Yeah, and then grab all the the captain there and this was in front of your whole family my whole friend the co-worker You try to impress the most yeah Why are we back you didn't get the way did you are you aiming for the ice see that's a better handshake I was I didn't know you dropped it right on the carpet right on the car. I felt
Starting point is 00:05:26 Where was Were they even could they play the game they weren't even gonna do it they just looked at me I think he wanted me to do it again But I just was that game under protest cuz they never had the puck no and then gravel the guy Met me after game. He said that was the worst I've ever seen. He said it all my years, I think. He said that was awful. So we're laughing about it.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Was the crowd laughing hard? No, yeah. Oh, yeah. I was busy the rest of the night. People would come up to me, and I was like, you want to pick? They weren't mostly sports stuff or basketball stuff. I was like, you want a picture or something?
Starting point is 00:06:03 They're like, no, I just wanted to say Brandon's puck drop was terrible. They'd laugh and high five and then walk away. That's all they wanted to talk about. They didn't want to talk about anything else. Apparently all the hockey players on the bench were talking about it too. But you did your zesty walkout and the AHL, those are all pretty masculine guys.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah, they are. I mean, it was cool. Nobody thought you were... Mocking them? ... poking fun? No, I don't think so. How would you know? Are there any openly gay players in the NHL?
Starting point is 00:06:33 No, we're not, I don't know. What? On either team? I don't know, I don't know. I don't know any of that. Wait a minute, I do recall there being one in the entire league. I don't know any of that! There's only one in the minors I know of. Good for him. What team does he play for? I don't know what team he's There's one in the minors I know of. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what team does he play for.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I don't know what team he's on. Milwaukee Adlers. Oh. Becomes first openly gay player to appeal in a... Oh, no. Oh, no, that's the team, right? I wasn't mocking him. I didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Technically, I hate crime. Oh, no. You were like, yo, Luke, look at this. Yeah. And walked out. Dainty as all hell. You guys like, yo, Luke, look at this. Yeah. And walked out. Dainty as all hell. You guys made me do it. You were so nervous.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Don't look at me, I wasn't here that day. You were part of it the whole, you said it the whole week. You better go Dainty. I wasn't here that day. Yes you were. You didn't wear your pants. I was and I was the combine.
Starting point is 00:07:20 What day? Friday you were saying you were back on Dainty. We practiced at Dainty. You said I had to go. Well, I mean once the wheels were set in motion. I think that's exactly what we wanted. Yeah. 3 million views, you made it was funny, you did zesty, you did dainty.
Starting point is 00:07:32 You went viral on a puck drop. You slipped twice. You missed the... But I didn't want to go viral like that. It would have been better if you like, fully fell. I want to go viral like, oh look how funny this guy is being dainty. Do people think it was funny? Like we do. Not, not, they don't think what I did was funnyainty. Did people think it was funny? Like, we did.
Starting point is 00:07:46 They don't think what I did was funny. They think what happened to me was funny. And there's a big difference. Do you think if you didn't go dainty, you would have stayed on your feet? I think so, yeah. I think the dainty is what threw the whole thing off in the first place.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Soon as I planted my feet to go dainty, my feet just went out from under me. Do you think you're a gay icon now? No, I don't. I'm not trying to I think there is potential to be a gay icon You might be icon status in the gay community. I want a redemption Okay from some hockey team somewhere. It's gotta be what would you do? Just drop the puck normally You gotta go to a team, but not slip. No not exact No, I'm not gonna go dainty go so super aggro So I came this team welcomed me in put my family in the front row and said here's Brandon Walker
Starting point is 00:08:32 Gave me a platform and I went out there because to please you guys I just said I'm gonna sashay out there and do dainty why the fuck did I do that that was student wear your jeans though Yeah, you want to slip through the jeans. No, they're so stiff jeans are not on your feet jeans though. Yeah. You wouldn't have slipped with the jeans. No, they're so stiff. Jeans are not on your feet. But your legs. But think about it, and also they're a little, they go out a little, they probably would have made you a little bit balanced better. Shout out to the Milwaukee admirals, they were first class to me all the way. They would have been fine with you wearing the jeans by the way. Yeah. When you get the redemption, you gotta wear the jeans. Yeah. We'll get it set up. Yeah, we'll. None of you, and I appreciate
Starting point is 00:09:03 Titus coming, but he did come and he did get the reverse angle and if he hadn't come, we wouldn't have the reverse angle and he did laugh at me the entire night. I think at some one point I turned around, you were actually actively pointing at me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't even watch the game. I just kept watching the video over and over the whole time. It was the worst case scenario. It was. Yeah. Even falling, you could have spun that like I did that on purpose. But we do deserve blame in this. We did not tell you that ice is slippery.
Starting point is 00:09:32 At no point in the week leading up to it were we like, hey, Brandon, just a heads up, ice? Here, let's watch this. Can we look at the carpet? Can we? It's not enough carpet. Oh. Oh. And look, disappointment.
Starting point is 00:09:46 My favorite is when you're walking off you do the two fists down. Yeah. Ugh! A double Arthur meme. At this point he's like, get the fuck out of here. I'm done. I've seen this. The worst is behind me.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That's the last one that gets me every time. Wait, no it's not. Yeah, thank God I'm through with that. It can't get worse You doubled your falls I Counted on mostly sports. We broke it down. He took 20 steps and three of them were slipped What's the percentage of said he took 20 total steps on the? on the carpet Tj. Can you play that again? Yeah? Can we add sound effects to it?
Starting point is 00:10:26 What are you gonna add? Even... TJ, if you find the video that I took, it even looks like he kind of trips onto the bench as he makes his way in. And there wasn't even ice there. Yeah, there wasn't even... You kind of like spill onto the bench.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Ooh! Oh, you missed those. Oh, much. They didn't know what to do. That's the easiest thing you could do, too, is drop it on the ice. Wait, is that tight as back there laughing? Yeah, I'm in the penalty box.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Oh! That's cool. Those two captains just stared at me. Did they say anything nice? And they were bigger than you. No, they weren't skates. They were bigger. No, gravel's about fine.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Fine, they weren't bigger. They were manlier. No, I don't know that. Look how you're walking. Fine. You guys told me to do that. And my handshake was very if you ask him, it's a it's a good one pump. It was a hard handshake. It was a good man handshake. I talked to him afterwards. He said it was all good. It wasn't even one even a big deal. Has there ever been a worse puck hmm. It's very hard to fuck up a puck drop I don't even think that counts as a puck drop. It didn't touch the ice right it dropped it came out of my hand It dropped you have to drop the puck on the ice. I didn't know that nobody told me that Puck drop is short for so wait you thought dropping on us that gray carpet was the platform like that was your little stage to drop
Starting point is 00:11:44 The puck I don't know what I thought Nick Dropping on us that gray carpet was the platform like that was your little stage to drop the puck I don't know what I thought Nick I got to the end of the carpet and as soon as I did it as soon as I slipped a little bit I panicked and was and mentally out of it I I said just just drop it wherever it drops and get out of here Brandon get the fuck out of here And make sure you slip one more time twice actually and I Just panicked and then when I was coming back to the bench
Starting point is 00:12:04 I saw Titus and he's I was coming back to the bench I saw Titus and he's laughing and that made me a little laugh and that slipped as I'm laughing and I got mad at the slip. Now when you got back to your seats did everybody know not to talk to you? No. How were you welcomed back? It was coming down we were on the glass so the only way to access it was through the concourse and come down about 20 rows and every row was another Watch your step watch your step
Starting point is 00:12:34 Another angle The photographer is just out on the ice yeah the other girls he's used to it look you don't know I hear laughter the beat drops right as the I kind of hear silence. Oh, that's worse Who's saying oh no little kid it sounds Loaded this guy great job Hey, we can laugh all we want, but at least the Milwaukee Admirals, one of the best teams in the AHL, pulled off the win on Brandon Walker night
Starting point is 00:13:32 against one of the worst teams in the AHL, the Iowa Wild. Oh, amazing. Fuck yes. So you can laugh all you want, but at least Brandon inspired the boys and brought some good luck. I mean, the best team should always beat the worst team. They lost in overtime.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Oh! Oh, they lost. overtime. Oh, they lost Lost five to four and overtime they were up three one and they were three one But got to overtime it did take a while it took 19 seconds and overtime Pretty cool atmosphere we had a great good time. Yeah, they also they let my they let my kid right on the Zamboni like they tried to say it was awesome if you think that was my last Milwaukee admirals game your solar mistaken I will be back when you drop a puck drops the puck again I know how if y'all had let me do it my way it would have been awesome it would have been you made me do it dainty say Say unremarkable.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Hypothetically, a year from now, it's Brandon Walker puck drop night again. Everyone has to walk dainty. Are you telling me that you would just do a normal run of the mill puck drop that no one cares about? I think I would walk out like a fucking man. I would walk out with my chest out and my head thrown back. And I would fucking throw that thing through the ice.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I would just spike it. Man It's a BAM BAM Whoa BAM. That's what I think I would do emerald BAM I Don't think you would get great. You did great man. I didn't honor But like your job is to create moments like exactly. That's what I wasn't I wasn't trying It's like it's like it's like mincy with the bobblehead yeah took something very simple guys are so good at two kings of comedy it's unintentional comedy gods yeah I cannot
Starting point is 00:15:19 think of two others hard one a one B I didn't think today would make me mad. It was good PR for you because it made me like you because I actually felt bad for you. Wow. It was like an acute. Well that's not, that's pretty easy. That's pity. It was pity. I felt, yeah. I was worried because if you tried to be funny on purpose it wouldn't work. Right. I was doing a dating crop. The fact that something accidentally funny happened is like that's Brandon. yeah that's your normal walk and it just whoa now that is the Brandon that's also I'm 270 pounds is that carpet ever gonna support a 270 pound man oh yeah Puck Drop. Yeah, yeah. Back guy's dropping the puck. Puck Drop ever. You have to have one of the more famous puck drops of all time now, Brandon.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Easily. None come to mind. They don't often go wrong, so. There's not a single one that comes to mind, except yours. Triple slip? So glad I got to be there to see it. Were you pretty down afterwards? What are you, I was, yeah, I,
Starting point is 00:16:36 there was a time in the first period where I sat with my head in my hands for a while. Yeah. I didn't want to text you about it. Yeah, you did. No, you text me first. Oh, okay, all okay. I think you needed somebody to talk to I did Yeah, well that was something but again. I stayed and gave the guys their barstool hats. They were all cool about it They said they said that was pretty memorable and I said alright. Thank you. They weren't they were cool
Starting point is 00:16:57 That's awesome. They all admitted. They had talked a lot of shit about it when it happened But I gave them their hats and they enjoyed them. I would love to give them a call and see if they're like, they've seen any worse. I mean, I've got Gravel ready to go. Who? Every time you say that, I think it's the mascot. Gravel?
Starting point is 00:17:17 That would be, yeah. What is it? It's a player? That player that- It's Captain Gravel. Gravel's number? There he is. His last name's Gravel? What an awesome last name. It might be Gravel. Yeah player that. Captain Gravel. There he is. His last name's Gravel. What an awesome last name.
Starting point is 00:17:25 It might be Gravel. Yeah, tell him to call in. Text him to Zoom in. Ask him to call in and see. I bet he'll be on your side. Let me see if they're ready. I told him it was possible. Is Gravel still there?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Who are you texting it for gravel? The PR girl. I mean the tweet did numbies for her. Yeah, she was happy. She did her job well. You should just be the puck drop guy. I don't think I should. You should drop the puck every night.
Starting point is 00:18:01 You'd get better. You gotta practice. How do you practice dropping a puck? All I have to do is do this. That's all you do. You put your hand out. Watch this, watch, watch. Oh, he dropped it on the carpet again. It opened up.
Starting point is 00:18:16 It opened up and... TJ, you got a Zoom link to text me and I'll text it to TJ, you got a Zoom link to text me and I'll text it to them if if in fact they are available. What if one day you get to drop the puck for the Blackhawks? That's I'm
Starting point is 00:18:33 not ready for that. I gotta go. I I might have to go down a level. You might have to do the tape. You might have to just work your way up. Yeah. Dropping the puck. She's going to find him. But did they gravel? Every hockey game has this? Yeah has this yeah oh yeah yeah I don't
Starting point is 00:18:46 think the Blackhawks do it I don't they don't do it every game I don't think but you know for big games yeah she said let me go find him lol people yeah have you ever done a first pitch Brandon uh no I've never done a first pitch I could do that that's not over I wouldn't have to go dainty yeah I know you'd have to I'm never doing it have to do it that's what you're calling card I'm dainty I'm saying something right now in front of God and everybody dainty is retired no more dainty walks no more dainty gauntlets no more reaction you don't mean this date date is logically right date is finished brandy you're flushing your career down the toilet you see what dainty got me
Starting point is 00:19:32 you need you need an offseason to think about this you can't I know it's so fresh you just dainty we're not dainty one of you guys can have dainty if you'd like no you're the daintiest we've got a note you want to end down with dainty Why am I wearing a cape it made you feel better would you wear the cape if you get to do it again Yes, not dainty, but cape be that no that no to dainty, but yes to cape Okay, when I drop it do I have to like unfurl it? Like I want you to have it over your face like Dracula. Right. Yeah. Reveal it. Reveal myself. No, no, I'm just gonna drop it.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I'm just gonna drop it straight like a normal person would drop it. She's gonna drop it straight. Straight. Like a normal person. Gay icon. You are a gay icon. Yeah. All right. I'm she's she's getting him. I'm sending her. Next time you walk out, I want to be like, gay icon, Brandon Walker. We had a good time. Milwaukee is a beautiful city.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I loved it. Loved everything about it. Did a radio hit. Did your kids say anything? It was dead silence on the ride home. Did your wife try to console like it wasn't nobody noticed She did she well I'm told that when my when I fell my daughter was sitting next to my wife my daughter said Well, that was on brand. Oh
Starting point is 00:20:57 And then on the ride home it was dead silence because a couple had fallen asleep and Tommy said dad You're not on the Epstein list. I said thank you. We know of yeah, and he he did say it and he had a lot of thoughts about the Epstein list That will get to in a later date but There's that there's that my wife I Don't know that she looked at me any differently, but I didn't get any this weekend So have you gotten any scents? No, not even close.
Starting point is 00:21:27 She might have got the ick. We have a guest. Did you get any dude's numbers? I didn't get any dude's numbers. Why would I get a dude's number? Oh, the dainty. No, I was fine. We have a guest too.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Is this gravel? Is gravel a joint? That's gravel. Gravel. Kevin, is it gravel or gravel? I'm sorry. It's neither. It's gravel, though. I'll go with gravel. Son of's gravel. Gravel! Kevin, is it gravel or gravel? I'm sorry. It's neither. It's gravel, but I'll go with gravel. That's one of my favorites!
Starting point is 00:21:48 Fuck! All right, so Kevin, tell us from your point of view what you saw. First of all, have you ever seen a puck drop as bad as that one? Well, so I didn't see the little walk up to the point. I saw it after, like, I saw him after the fact when I watched the video, so I didn't see the little walk up to the point I saw it after like like I saw him after the fact when I watched the video So I didn't know he was doing his little cross whatever he was doing To your question no, he didn't even make it to the ice it just stayed on the
Starting point is 00:22:18 State on the the rug there, so I didn't really know what you can kind of see me You can see me look up at him when he drops it But I was gonna pick it up and ask if you wanted to do over but I figured just kind of Give him the puck and and then I saw him kind of do it on the way out again So at least it was memorable right like you'll never forget that puck I will never forget it no it was good I mean, I've seen a lot of a lot of puck drops and a lot of things happen, you know, but Yeah, that's a first for me. Like I said, it didn't even make the ice And a successful a puck drop makes the ice
Starting point is 00:22:57 Ideally, I feel you get it gets onto the ice. What about we went with it. We worked through it. We got it done Yeah, so what about the Brandon's blaming the carpet saying he was too heavy of a man To be on that carpet. Have you ever seen a bigger person than Brandon do it successfully? You know what to his defense? I've seen a lot of people fall coming out on that Going back also But what about going back also? No, that's what I was gonna say. Usually they go a little quieter on the way back, but You know learn from their mistake a little bit, but hey, it's all good. All right So when you didn't you didn't go down you saved it both times when you saw him drop the puck and it didn't make The ice there was a second of confusion between you and your your opposing hockey player
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, I mean you can see me kind of look up at him quick in the video just kind of see what what happened but yeah, you know, I we went with it I quick quick moved it over to the ice and went it back and we went on from there, but Yeah, that was the first for me usually they make it to the ice rink, but that's all right All right gravel there. They're accusing of L. Okay, they're they're accusing me of Giving you a dainty handshake as well Can you clear the air that when we shook hands I did give you Gravel a man handshake?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Handshake was good. The handshake was solid It was a limp wrist after that got a confused Yeah, I think you broke his hand. I think yeah Maybe that was that yeah, I think you broke his hand. I think yeah Was good The in between in between the two handshakes there's a little bit of room to grow but the handshakes were good Yeah, now unfortunately you guys lost that game it happens. We did Do you think the puck drop was the catalyst? Do you think it was get you out of it you were locked in and something happened? They did score first, too
Starting point is 00:24:42 So that might have oh So, you know, maybe they get a little a little bit more off the drop we score first and you don't know what happens after that right so maybe i didn't think of that maybe maybe we can bring that up we can bring that up in our next meeting yeah oh god what what period what in between period did your son get on the zamboni between the second and the third what was the scoring the third? It was tied at three going at what are you saying my son my I don't know. Get the lines correct? Oh no. It wasn't driving the Zamboni. It was three three. We gotta ask. And then we scored first it was four three and they scored to force overtime and then we never got the puck
Starting point is 00:25:17 in overtime. It wasn't my son's fault. Got it okay. So it's not the Walker curse. It's fine we got a point though. So anybody saying that this was the Walker curse This game was the Walker curses is just wrong Hockey players aren't superstitious Do you think the admirals will have Brandon back out to redemption puck drop I Mean That might be above above me, but it can only go up, right? So well, no, he could do worse
Starting point is 00:25:50 as the captain of the team. Would you? He could have went down. Would you invite it if they if they announce like, you know, the in two weeks, Brandon Walker is going to be back for a puck drop. What's the mood in the locker
Starting point is 00:25:59 room when you hear that news? Here we go. Let's do it. Boys, would he do it any different. Would he do it any different? Well, I do it any different. Here's what happened. I was gonna do it normally. I was gonna walk out with my head held high and I was gonna drop it. We were gonna shake hands and you guys were gonna play hockey. They told me to do it
Starting point is 00:26:21 dainty. They told me I had to go and I had to make a show I didn't want to do it this show corrupted me and made me do it like that What do you think what happened if you went down? Like you guys stay down, okay a question am I falling? Am I going dozens of my going down the first time the second time or a third time? Because if I go down the first time I'm probably trying to get up if I go down third time I think I just laid there for the whole game. Yeah, but if you go down the third time, at least you got the puck off. If you go down the first time, you didn't even make it through the puck drop.
Starting point is 00:26:53 But I didn't, the puck drop didn't get off the carpet anyway, so you could say I didn't even do it right. That's true. Get out of your hand, at least. Yeah, you did successfully drop your hand. No, but listen, I have have never I have never in my life And this is this is a nice guy that's joining us right now But I've never in my life seeing a man look at me like what the fuck did you just do more than he looked at? Me the other night when I dropped that puck on the carpet
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah, his his eyes were down to look where the puck was and he just looked up at me like what the fuck is your problem? And he's a nice guy, so we wouldn't say that but in your mind you were thinking it What was instinct it was reaction? Yeah, have you ever had like a child drop the puck all the time like a bit What about like a sick child? And they managed to make it to the ice there's been park jobs for dogs drop the park On to the ice onto the ice yeah where dogs drop the pump. Oh, that's a nice one. Onto the ice. Onto the ice.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah. Hey, last question for me. How many thank yous did you guys give Brandon for the hats? They're awesome. I know I gave him my thank you. OK. Those thank yous should be forwarded to me. No, I'm the one that took them up there.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, I got them, though. You got him for me And I if anyone on the team wants to tweet me. Thank you. That's totally appropriate That's right the word you weren't gonna do it until I asked you what well. Yeah, I know it was going on I came up with the idea. I'm like hey, can you get me some hats? Yeah, and I got I got you fucking 50 hats like that 30 30 hats okay 30 hats It's already good, and I did 10 of the Iowa Wild took them Oh, I wouldn't get them for the Iowa Wild. Oh, they still took some welcome. All right, whatever
Starting point is 00:28:31 Reveal thanks, man. I appreciate it, dude. Thank you so much. I guess Soon when I do it again. Yeah We appreciate you you coming out to the game. Yeah, it was awesome and he's got it you agree He's got to go dainty again, right? I think you have to stick with it. Yeah, I think you have to yeah, you set the tone You got to stick with it. He's trying to retire dainty you can't retire Brand if you do it normal next time you don't actually get the redemption on the whole thing you do you you have to do it Dainty to pray you can know right if you have to normal everyone's gonna be like oh of Course you can do it normal. Yeah, you do it dainty
Starting point is 00:29:07 The redemptive answer any questions we have the redemption is walking out there between the two captains dropping the puck on the actual ice So so that's how they do it All right now see this is how you do it. You're gonna make me do it dainty again. I'm gonna fall again We're gonna do a week of practice we're gonna get ice we're gonna put ice here make damn sure you don't fall Brandon yeah would you be willing to come down and just be around him so he's familiar work on our face yeah yeah yeah I'm in okay all right all right thanks so much man. Appreciate it. Yeah. Thanks Kevin. Yeah Yeah, I think we gotta get a sheet of ice and we just go over again good raining
Starting point is 00:29:54 You weren't higher we you are Confidently dainty you were flustered flamboyant and kind of just only did like two seconds of it I walk right out of shame right now. Let do a try a confident date. He's done Not be I walked out on that ice dainty and there were the captains weren't even there yet the first wall What's not your whole body why move every inch? I don't explain Really regretted it and yeah, it was semi closeted you aborted the mission way too fat Oh, I know I can see I fell I Watch it again when you pause you could have shot watch it again and break it down
Starting point is 00:30:34 Figure out when you went when you turned it off See right there you got it you got to keep day Move your hips a little bit You gotta you gotta keep day Move your hips a little bit Gotta command the crowd look nervous. I'm waiting for you lost the crowd right there. They're like. Oh is this guy dainty I guess not Kinda I kind of got mad that guy that masculine man was dainty for one second is their thoughts you lost All right at least it doesn't happen again I
Starting point is 00:31:10 Can't wait to see they're taking pictures of that right so they probably have we can I do mark you got? Oh, yeah, I have a second fall. Yeah. Yeah, I have see that. Let me see. I'm gonna send TJ I'm just gonna. Oh, yeah, is the photographer posted I would love yeah I have I have pictures she sent me to the look of fear honest that she probably got the Right moment three nine twenty five never felt so good Yeah, let me see. I can't wait. Yeah, but who's gonna hire you? There's this one she says there's this picture how many do you have well, it's a lot there are a lot All Titus is a real hero for going up there and documenting this well. I'll be up there next time It's a lot there are a lot Titus is a real hero for going up there and documenting this. I'll be up there next time. Yeah Oh Can we see him in on his face look at the and then the second one tightest
Starting point is 00:32:22 The wild captain's face is so he looks like the man yeah He's like what god fog damn it yeah, then you can see me right there on his armpit taking taking video of it all yeah The happiest you've ever been What the fuck am I supposed to do with this oh What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? You look like you're riding a magic carpet Yeah, there's sticks are waiting for the puck and right there right there right in the middle That's where the puck should be. It almost looks like a weird stock photo if you googled like failed puck drop Yeah, that would have been number one result
Starting point is 00:33:00 oopsie You gotta get that framed I love the I'll guy on the right yeah this motherfucker is just so locked in again he when he he never said a word to me he was like angry the whole time said, you weren't even gonna shake my hand, were you? And he said, yeah, it's just a dour guy. I don't know. Whatever. It's a great moment in Brandon Walker history. Do you have that picture the whole weekend? You didn't tell me. Our girls sent it to me. Yeah, she she was like, she said, I think she actually texted and said just in case for Monday.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Is what she said. Just in case you need this for Monday. Did you get any like Jumbotron moments throughout the game? I didn't see it, but apparently Cliff Demartino bought time on the big board. Jesus Christ. And said, congratulations on 3,925. On the big board. On the big board. I didn't see it to get a picture of it. I was up and I was fathering the whole night.
Starting point is 00:34:15 You saw that, Mark. I was fathering a lot. You were fathering. I was walking around my kids. I was taking them to the bathrooms and whatnot. And there was a lot. I didn't sit down very much. But again, they let my kid ride the Zamboni and they treated us first class So I appreciate that and everything Milwaukee admirals were very very gracious
Starting point is 00:34:32 And this won't be the last chapter of Brandon Walker in the moon walk. It can't be no it can't be I can't end right here I did also have three days to get that guy's name right and I still call him gravel At least it was your second option for his last name. Uh. 3925. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. It just kind of.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Prevent blindness Wisconsin. Between the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee and prevent. How do you prevent? Who's the well-read damsel? Yeah, how do you prevent blindness? Prevent blindness. Just.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Hit up Mr. Beast. Keep things out of people's eyes, I guess. I guess so. Sunglasses. And that was that. Great job, Brandon. So anybody out there wants to give me a second chance, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Well, after that. Well, the Yak is sponsored by BetterHelp, Brandon. Ah, it should be. Think about your favorite leaders, mentors, and idols. They don't have all the answers, but they do know when to ask questions or seek support from their community. In a society that glorifies hyper independence and good puck drops.
Starting point is 00:35:28 It's easy to forget that we're all better when we have a support system behind us. There be can be a source of support for any area of your life. It's time to shift the focus from doing it all to knowing what we're better. When we ask for help share. Oh, that's in red. I actually started therapy. It's great. Better help is great. BetterHelp is
Starting point is 00:35:45 great. BetterHelp is fully online, making therapy affordable and convenient, serving over 5 million people worldwide, access a diverse network of more than 30,000 credential therapists with a wide range of specialties. I can't talk. Build your support system with BetterHelp. Visit slash yak today to get 10% off your first month that's better help h e l p dot com slash yak. By the way we have a male sexual placement is finally. Oh let's not move on just yet. What is this. What do we have here. Oh this is great. This is what I wanted.
Starting point is 00:36:23 That's a full walk, Kyle. But you gotta keep it going. Yeah, you gotta shift your hands. You lose the character and people are confounded by this man. But how am I supposed to... I'm standing still. You can do it. Move a little higher. Go to elevation, standing elevation, I think. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:36:44 All right. Oh, there it is. Great ovation, standing ovation, I think. There it is. You knew what it was going to be. Shocks me every time. I'm like, this puck will definitely get to the ice. Oh. Maybe you didn't fall one more time. I thought, oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, that's good. I don't know. Oh. Oh. Oh. Maybe you didn't fall one more time.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I thought you did. Yeah. You just put your head down in shame. I misremembered. I thought it was a fall, but instead it was a, it was a head hang. Would you trade that for 8,000 views
Starting point is 00:37:21 in one reply that said, oh, well that was underwhelming. Yeah. Okay, cool. But you did it normally oh well that was underwhelming yeah okay but you did it normally and well I guess I like to think it would have gotten more than 8,000 I don't know the drop is so boring so boring and look what you did you made it talk to the internet I guess I guess you're right about is it the most viral puck drop has to be again I don't know that I've ever seen a puck drop. Oh, wow. A great puck drop.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Our guy Cody started a dance on Mostly Sports today. The B-Walk. Can he perform it for us? Yeah. Little slide as you walk. I don't really know. Smokes did it, too. Smokes walked in and started sliding all around.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I can't get made fun of by Nicky Smokes. That doesn't count. But I guess did. So, we got a new mouse. Smokes is trying to give like unsolicited fitness tips now. Very. I know that that's a that's a fun stage to be in but you get you kind of get lost in it. Yeah. What's he telling you to do? Work out 8 hours a day in the middle of the day? Pretty much. He's like, you want me to put you on a program? I was like no
Starting point is 00:38:29 No, thank you. Yeah, we have a new mouse sec So is this Dawson? Oh? Second Dawson we have a Second Dawson hit the tower. He can't beat Dawson not only that but he looks like if you close your eyes and you make a replacement level Barstool employee, that's him. Got a lot of those. Dawson! Dawson! Trying to picture what that might look like.
Starting point is 00:38:53 When you see him, it's just like if you drew, if there was like a crime at Barstool HQ and they're like, can we get a composite sketch? It would be Dawson's face. My bottled water isn't vibrating so Dawson Dawson Jack Jack Dawson I'm Titanic get Dawson oh no did he who we on the phone with wow rogue Doug Cross wait who so oh there's Evo Evo Dawson he's worried no don't don't we don't want him opening any doors. Why is he hollering?
Starting point is 00:39:28 That video went super viral this weekend. Good for him. Good for him. Look at these three dudes. All the same. Yeah, there's just three of the same guy. Who's that in the middle? That's Mikey Betts.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I've never met him. He's too busy getting screamed at all the time. Most tormented man in America. We have a ghost gauntlet today. Shout out Ghost. A cherry limeade. It'd be cool if a ghost did run the gauntlet. Wow. Do you think it'd be good or bad?
Starting point is 00:40:00 What about a man with a cape going dainty? No. I'm not doing dainty. Unretired dainty please. Dainty's retired. You let it beat you. You guys killed Dainty. You lost to Dainty. You guys forced Dainty into my outside the Yak life and now it's over forever. Do you guys feel good about it? Yeah. To be honest I feel awesome. Also Titus, I didn't say this almost but they just gave you a hoodie. They didn't give me a hoodie. Yeah they gave me a hoodie. That's an awesome hoodie. Thanks for coming. We appreciate you coming up. They didn't give me a hoodie. Thank you me a hoodie. Yeah, they give me a hoodie. That's an awesome hoodie That's so common. Thanks. We appreciate you coming up. They didn't give me a hoodie Well, you were you were going up there for glory You were going up there cuz you want to be the star you wanted the spotlight you wanted everyone to kiss your feet and tell You how great you are Dawson all right. I mean I was He's just acting he's just he's just a regular I
Starting point is 00:40:44 Was expecting uglier. Yeah, yeah symmetrical. Yeah, he's just he's just a regular I was expecting uglier. Yeah Symmetrical yeah, he's a dollop of skin. He's very much barstool. Oh, yes, of course Dawson put the mic in front of your face. Can you so you've taken malicex job? What was it yeah, what do you do is that malice I can discuss? I haven't found out yet I just found out that he was the goalie. Yeah, so can you be a goalie? I can try have you ever goalied not once We're not off to a great. Why do you talk like you're in a rom-com? You have a voice. I don't know if I like your voice What's not sure?
Starting point is 00:41:22 I don't know if I like your voice. What? Not sure. Say, you're a little nervous, I understand. Say, my life didn't start until I met you. Right. My life didn't start until I met you. Yeah, yeah, you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 You're right. You're right. Good call, Brandon. That is a good call. Oh, those are six shoes. Appreciate it. Yeah. Ask him for them.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Can I have those shoes? Yeah, what size are you? 14. What size are you, Dawson? 11. Oh. 11, okay size are you? 14. What size are you, Dawson? 11. Oh. 11, OK. You can squeeze in.
Starting point is 00:41:48 OK. All right, so anything else we should know about you, Dawson? No, I don't think so. My actual position is a media specialist for Barstool. Media specialist? Whoa. Yeah. Where are you from?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Oh. Oh, that's the homage. Are you Irish? Absolutely. Yeah. Oh, that's the Amish. Are you Amish? Absolutely. Yeah. Nope, not anymore. I ran out.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Shady Maple, Shady Maple Buffet. Yeah, right over there. Where were you Amish? Most of the women there are Amish? What's that? Are most of the women there Amish? No, no. Is he?
Starting point is 00:42:17 Not any fat ass Latina's. No. Isn't Nadeu a notorious guy? Do people know of him? Is that? I'm not really sure. Like I grew up outside of the Lancaster area But I lived there for like the last year, and I ran into him a couple times really
Starting point is 00:42:30 No, I'm not do they have defectors Yeah, yeah, yeah some people rum springer. Yeah, I'm springin right yeah Where they just are like we're just gonna get crazy for a little bit Do you know anybody that's ever gotten their broad stolen by Nadu? Crazy for a little bit. Do you know anybody that's ever gotten their broad stolen by Nadu? I only met him like two times in a club and I don't know he had some female presence or see Did you kiss the ring when you met him? I did not okay you should have he fucked up Okay, well thanks Dawson yeah, yeah welcome
Starting point is 00:43:07 Yeah, you we might have to test you out I already come so much more. Oh, yeah, he's better than my Dress is better than to yeah better nice hair Straight as long as long Walk yeah, so much confidence not to whoever got found him good work. Yeah, I was just the pipeline I think yeah The malice like my farm system we got Look at this. Oh wow Rotary nice Bet that's isn't gonna shake his hand gotta earn it wait
Starting point is 00:43:40 Like Jackson I expected a Jack has a bad attitude all the time. Oh, no I was saying like just he looks I mean he basically is Jack that's Pennsylvania heartthrob. He's Jack. He's Jack McCarthy. Oh just doubled like I stalk him Yeah, we don't need Jack now. Yeah, we should get rid of Jack. I didn't I didn't say that No, why do they can they've got a lot of attitude over there zoom in on max that what an ugly color max? Yeah, the yellow Max that what an ugly color Max. Yeah the yellow True organ lining
Starting point is 00:44:17 Best Gross shirt must have dropped a fry we can wait him out. Yeah, definitely. Oh, he's crawling. Oh, he's probably starving. You think he's crawling? You think he's gone? You think he's escaped? The curtain hasn't moved. Oh, why is Evo so happy?
Starting point is 00:44:34 Where's Max? Oh, Evo. He's getting tickled. Yeah, he has. Getting tickled. He is getting tickled. That's what we're gonna assume till Max comes back. What's the damage on the door? Do we know the price to get that fixed it's gotta look like
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah, five hundred thousand dollars. Yeah, yeah aisle of rich glass Yeah, and then he but was like proud of it sharing it on his story like look what I did Dude, I wouldn't have done that at all The dude said he wanted Rico Bosco dead this weekend. That was, like, an anonymous... I think he's being legitimately... that was a legitimate threat. Well, and you would see those tweets and be like, oh, wow, the dude's really going off the handle until he realized that Rico started it with his burner account, just tweeting
Starting point is 00:45:18 it into... Is it a burner if everybody knows it's you? I don't... yeah. Recently again? Or to start the whole feud Oh, there's that gross shirt. Yeah, do you have it in bile? What's it look like human puke the Navy's nice, but I need it and dehydrated piss Yeah, no he he has a burner account Joey Yanks that I'm ready to kill Terry
Starting point is 00:45:48 Yeah, and I saw that I was like oh damn the dude's just flying off the handle and then I backtracked and saw that it was Rico had started the whole thing with his burner account that everyone knows is Rico What did Rico say? Yeah, what was he saying? Also should we get Jack in here? I he's a good mm-hmm I like him to stage. Yeah, no, it saying? Also, should we get Jack in here? He's a good gauge. I like him described. Yeah. No, it's not that one. It was even before that. Joey Yanks.
Starting point is 00:46:09 You didn't break your dick off on the female employees blog you used to comment on. I guess not everyone would be willing to. Click on Joey Yanks. What? It was before that. What did he say? Keep going. Did he probably delete it? What did he say?
Starting point is 00:46:27 Keep going. Probably delete it? Yeah, there it is. Oh. About time for some Stella's. Enjoy your night all. He said don't have too many. Go to a high school game and yell racial epithets.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Again. One time was too bad. Out of nowhere? Out of nowhere. Yeah. What time? 852. Out of nowhere. Yeah. Yeah, what time? 852
Starting point is 00:46:45 Out of nowhere, yeah, Joey Yanks strikes again. I Like that. It's it's a good rivalry. It's All is right in the world when that's happening. Yeah must be March That rivalry going oh and then we had a meek Phil getting it get Rico as well. Oh, yeah, he bodied him. That was bad Rico said when was the last time Bill self lost ten games if ever and meek Phil was just like literally Alright so we're we're on the eve of the biggest day in in the calendar year I'd say mincy verse versus Clemmer pro day two. Happy to report Mincy is here.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yes. I was hoping that that poker tournament he was in, just if he had done that again. You're worried. Yeah. He still might miss. He might miss. He's talkative today, too.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Oh, yeah. He's ready to go. Well, because I think he did well in the poker tournament. The destroyer is back. And tomorrow is 90% of his yearly output. More, 95. Oh, he was on a float? What am I looking at? This is the Hoktooa float at Mardi Gras.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Oh. Wait, who's that at the top of the float? Orgeron? Wait, was that really supposed to be him? It is it does look like Cocho. It is Cocho. That looks like, no, that's the Chinese president. Is that Orgeron? Is this real life? What are the worshipers?
Starting point is 00:48:11 Orgeron's the Chinese president? What the hell? Look at these men. Oh no, it's TikTok, so it's a China app. TikTok. Look at the crowd. Menci and Pookie. Wait, when was Menci's last TikTok?
Starting point is 00:48:25 Who knows? Because he used to do them in the New York office and the most disheveled man I've ever seen. Like one sock, he'd have a hoodie with a string down to his knee. They were my favorite. I don't know if he made them anymore. I don't know, he's on the, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Oh my God. They turned me around. They, Pookie and Mincey. Somebody sculpted that for days. Yeah! Look at that. Is that insult, I think? Beyond the Hawk's Malfoy? Yeah, with Pookie and Antonio Brown. Hold the mayo though. I think. I don't know if I want to be on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 With Pookie and Antonio Brown. Hold the mayo, though. So maybe it's just New Orleans guys. New Orleans influencers, I guess. Good for him. What else we got? There's genuine excitement for me for Mr. Clemberday. Me too.
Starting point is 00:49:25 When's Clemberg here tomorrow or tonight? I think tonight. Good. Very excited. He needs a full night of sleep. Do we have stakes? Just pride. What did I give for cash prize last year?
Starting point is 00:49:38 I can't remember. $500? I'll just do that again. Oh. Like $100? I think it was a lot. It was month changing. Month changing run that back All right
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah, I mean Clem is gonna probably win. Yeah, although we've set it up Yeah, he did we set it up that there will be The way the structuring of point scoring goes no matter what we'll get to the final you can still win at the end. Yeah Yeah, yeah, But it's legit. We're testing the challenges today. Yeah. So everything will be working. Hopefully. Yeah. We're going to have I figured it would be good to have some referees and kind of mirroring the mincy, clemmer body images.
Starting point is 00:50:23 We're going to have Kadek and Spider as the two referees. Yeah, perfect. Nice. And Che will be the rules official. Perfect. Which will in no way frustrate us. Do you want to say the wrinkle with Che as the rules official that we keep up with? Yeah, I think he knows. Do you know, Che?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, we're going to explain the rules for every challenge and then we won't start the challenge until you understand them So it could take a while all right fair yeah But the question the contestants aren't allowed to ask questions correct Hey, if Che if you explain the game and Che goes got it then it's good mincy and climber both confused doesn't matter Yeah, she's got it exactly we move forward with the game sound strategy like that Both confused doesn't matter. Yeah, she's got it exactly we move forward with the game Masculine let it flow really flow there you go
Starting point is 00:51:18 There you go off you see John Cena turn heel unbelievable Oh my god John Cena turning heel was insane John John Cena was, uh, John Cena is a professional wrestler. He's been what is known as a babyface. What happened with John Cena? Uh, Mark, you have to tell us. Could you explain it? What? I got an IRP work with. Yeah, you do this every show.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah, we're yakking. Yeah, we're yakking here, man. Yeah, so that was crazy that he turned heel. Is it true? Like, no really nobody saw that coming Yeah, people stunned. He was like one of those guys just was going to be face his entire career He's like to make a wish guy. Yeah, you can't know now. He can't make that now. He's team cancer. Oh, there he goes He's running up. It was dainty. He can't help himself. I Saw one person say like what does heel John Cena wear and it's maybe just full jeans?
Starting point is 00:52:08 Whoa Just full jean Who wears jean shorts? Oh, yes Just goes full jeans Normal length Roots from cancer I just want opposite of hustle loyalty respect
Starting point is 00:52:20 How would you have processed that? I lost a real hero Yeah Oh yeah That'd be lazy disloyalty Break a wish They drew that boy yeah, that's a Into the skull quite yeah
Starting point is 00:52:40 So that make that must really alter his real-life Celebrity status right or I don't think so how so I don't know Yeah, cuz I'm rockin rocks been heel right yeah rock was heel in that clip Yeah, and I'm saying it hasn't really altered his yeah, I wouldn't care Like it the rock won't let himself like get beat up in movies right like you won't lose fights and move that true real TJ Is that true? I don't know I like iPhone won't let Apple won't let villains have iPhones. Oh, yeah Yeah, there's something like that What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Villains have androids what if a villain purchased an iPhone like in movie? Yeah What if a villain purchased a knife like in movies? Yeah Has to be like a tough guy, and he can't lose a fight in movies damn. That's pathetic. Yeah, that's pussy shit Hmm that's beta so who's the new Cena now who's the new number one good guy Cody Rhodes I think yeah It's just keeps getting the trade. I wish we had an expert. Yeah. We don't.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Oh, with Titus. A long con and he's just pretending to be a heel to ultimately be the good guy. Yeah, he's retiring. Oh. Yeah. Dang. It's okay, he's doing a year retirement tour.
Starting point is 00:53:58 He's Coach K and it. He needs to shave his head. I think so. Yeah, he's getting bald. That bald spot is noticeable. Yeah, he's getting bald. That bald spot is noticeable. Yeah, how do you do that as a rich guy? How do you not get...
Starting point is 00:54:09 Right. Come on. He could have a full head of hair now. Because he also has been injured before where he's had to take like six months off just get it then. Yeah. I used to think, oh, if it ever happens I I'll just go get the surgery but seeing the process That's that's a lot. Yeah, what do you mean what these guys had to do?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Nikki's no no, but they went to Turkey you could get the surgery in America Even like a healing process is he got in in America and PFT didn't shave his he was fine the next day well up Yeah, he was The cheat is to be rich. Yeah solves a lot of problems Solves a lot of Dave was trying to shave shame me. He was like you're going bald You're gonna have to go to Turkey. I was like I'm not going to Turkey if I'm bald Yeah, get the best doctor here. I Always thought I guess turkey had the best. No knowledge you know the my they're the cheapest It's just going back a little
Starting point is 00:55:12 But that's fine. I mean, I'm 40. What are you gonna? Do I so that was our scene of talk? That was good. That was really good. We hit everything that needed to be hit I think 20 years in the making we said that already We said that already No, oh, oh We said that bread but Brandon what was your face when you saw it happen? It's pretty Weren't expecting it Wow you weren't like did it the undertaker fan. No. No that was more like shot genuine So undertaker losing was more shocking to you know that guy was doing it for the camera I'm not talking about that guy. I'm talking about you Brandon Walker. No more shocking to you. This was more shocking really
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yeah, what was it? Where's the second most shocking ever behind Hogan really? Yeah turn a heel in 96? Yeah, I think it's the best heel turn. I tell you men Hogan being racist No, that was that was wasn't Having sex with his friend's wife. Wildly shocking. On camera. Marrying a woman that just looks just like his daughter. That was shocking. But his daughter just being a pretty blonde.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I mean, there's a lot of those. They look alike. It was pretty shocking. I saw the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life over the weekend. Oh. Thanks, man. I guess I am dainty.
Starting point is 00:56:27 What happened? He was one of the hockey players. He was just a good-looking guy. What was his name? I didn't look it up. Yeah, you did, because you sent me a picture of him. Oh, all right. Can I see him?
Starting point is 00:56:36 Can we see him? He's not going to look as good in person. He was just unbelievable. Just what a beautiful man. Talking like Sam Hartman. May I read our private texts out loud? I think he was hotter than Sam Hartman. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah, no, I'd rather you didn't. Out of nowhere. He's a handsome man. Let me see. Wait, let's see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody shut up. All right, now let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:56:59 There's good looking guys here. Reedy, Livingstone. Yeah. Gregori. I mean, I'm expecting us to know it the second we see it. That guy looks like Evil Hot. Oh. Magnus Krona? What a name.
Starting point is 00:57:12 That's a villain name. Freeman. He's got a great beard. Freeman's good. Oh, that guy with the beard on the left is very handsome. Turner. Kevin Wall. He looks like a Franka.
Starting point is 00:57:22 It might be Kevin Wall. He does look like a Franka. Oh, shit. All right, go back up. I like this. Who's Brandon think the like a Franka. Kevin Wall. He does look like a Franka. Oh shit. Alright, go back up. I like this. Who's Brandon think the cutest? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait, put yourself in Brandon's mind. Cal O'Reilly? Kind of rugged. Oh, what about Isaac Radcliffe? Big Adam's apple. We passed him. Have we said his name? No. Oh, we haven't said his name? Tell us which row. He's on the screen right now.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Ryan Rolston. The guy in the top right. He's on the screen right now. It's not Livingstone? Are you talking about Gregorio? Oh, that guy, Jake. Wait, wait, wait. Go down, go down, go down.
Starting point is 00:57:55 You're talking about Reed Schaeffer. Yeah. That's his type. No. That's tough for Reed Schaeffer to be on the screen. Is it Ryder? He's on the screen now? Ryder Rolston? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:07 It's Ryder? It's Ryder Rolston. It's gotta be. Not Ryder. No, go down, go down. Wow. Is it Matthew Murray? Is it Magnus?
Starting point is 00:58:15 Brandon, you're tasting men as a business. Is it Magnus Krona? None of them have said it. You're not even close. Oh, Navrin? Yes. Navrin Mutter? Navrin Mutter?
Starting point is 00:58:23 He's so handsome. Him? What? A beautiful man. Navrin Mutter? It looks like you. Yes, Averin mutter. He's so handsome Beautiful man Mutter it looks like you that's no he doesn't he's got your hair. He's pretty good Brandon it's the picture of him you sent me you searched and scrolled for I didn't want to send you a half good-looking guy My reputation was on certainly a good-looking man but the whole team oh stand out in the crowd as compared to the rest of the rosti I don't think he was top five if we got if we got Frank and Navarone mutter jersey would it be She are on the back. Yep. His last name's Mother. Avery and Mudder. I was a good looking guy, so alright, whatever.
Starting point is 00:59:05 I'll put a K. That's a good looking guy. He is. That's a good looking guy. But you said the most handsome guy you've ever seen in your life. It was, yeah, agreed. That's what I said. But I was having a tough night too.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah, you were looking for somebody. Any consolation prize. Oh yeah, he's good looking. Yeah, he's a beautiful man. 9pm on Saturday, you text me, met some players last night. You're a good looking guy. I'm a good looking guy. I'm a good looking guy.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I'm a good looking guy. I'm a good looking guy. I'm a good looking guy. I'm a good looking guy. I'm a good looking guy. I'm a good looking guy. Yeah, you were looking for somebody. Any consolation prize. Oh yeah, he's good looking. Yeah, he's a beautiful man. 9pm on Saturday, you text me, met some players last night. One of them was the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. I said, how handsome? We talked and you said, 10 out of 10. I said, I like that.
Starting point is 00:59:37 And then you didn't respond and then the following day you text me at 4pm, found him. And then you sent me his picture. We saw his Instagram. You see his Instagram? He probably saw it. Your mutter. Your mutter guy. And you sent me a picture of him and you said I was too stunned to speak. Never mutter. Oh that's a hockey move. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I love that. Is he shirtless golfing? Yeah duh. In the background yeah. That's a cool guy move to do. Brandon you want to call him? No. No I don't. I couldn't. I couldn't do that. What are we going to do? Brandon, you want to call him? No, no, I don't. I couldn't do that. What are we going to do?
Starting point is 01:00:08 Not what are we going to do? We got one week left together. Yeah, your funeral is Friday. Again, I don't know about the funeral. Oh, the funeral's going to be great. Do you have any bucket list stuff you want to do with us? Good thinking. Good question.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Good question. I think we could just, you could just all treat me with a lot of respect for the rest of the week. Okay. I'm going to go on vacation. Why don't you make that, hmm. It doesn't sound like good content, honestly. Doesn't sound that interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:41 It's not really my wheelhouse. What about we read your butt cheeks real far apart put stuff in you fill you up Send y'all let's take let's put all your belongings in you On your way up. We don't want to give you a cardboard box. I gotta use your ass. I Don't know what I mean. We could just do like a Brandon Walker highlight a day Well, that's the funeral Friday though, right? What are some what are some deep cuts? What are some stuff some stuff that uh before I I joined on I started paying attention here There was a time Brandon dropped a puck. Mmm. Oh, yeah, watch that. Yeah, that's that's a good one
Starting point is 01:01:23 That's a good one. Brandon Walker deep cut. Was it was it Brandon that hit the bottom of his car on the driveway twice? Never mind. Oh, this is good. So this is what this happened in 2025 before you got here. OK. And he's just at a hockey game. Yep. What could go What could happen here? What, he's gonna drop it right on the ice? Boring. Yeah, I don't get it.
Starting point is 01:01:56 This seems, seems pretty straightforward and boring to be honest. Oh! What the fuck? Oh my God. That's Hall of Fame. Wow. But that, he always slips.
Starting point is 01:02:10 The worst is behind him and he can just walk off and laugh it off. Conquering hero. Rrrrup. Oh. Oh. Did that guy throw his head back and laugh? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:23 We should get that picture on a doormat. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Brandon what is the quintessential Brandon Walker clip. Oh what is the my buddy I run into went to high school with is like what are you up to and I say I host a show now the guy Brandon Walker like tell me about Brandon Walker and I could say just watch this clip. This is yeah this is all you need to know about Brandon Walker and I could say just watch this clip. This is yeah, this is all you need to know about Brandon Walker I don't think I have one one comes to mind, but it's not what no so will post it like his video Yeah, by the way stuff did the Bustin Boys leave they barely said anything really said it worked Yeah, no videos or anything or long, drawn out goodbyes?
Starting point is 01:03:05 Neither have ever interacted with me at all. And? They started interacting with me after they left. Really? And what why? Well, just on Twitter. Like, Compton's interacting with my tweets now. Yeah, they're not at Barstow anymore.
Starting point is 01:03:18 They can make inroads with people. Yeah. They can make relationships now with people. Yeah, that's right. Maybe he's trying to scout you. I don't have the stink stink of bar still on him yeah they're gonna get you interview Pat Mahomes all right yeah but what would your goodbye video look like probably just two double birds saying y'all kiss my fucking ass honestly that
Starting point is 01:03:41 might be the clip right there I would show people that might be the quintessential brain of what you're in a cape lean back to double burge on kiss my fucking ass Maybe that's the quintessential Clip. Oh, you have so many funny moments just like the collection of them I've found myself trying to explain big customer to people a couple times. Oh my favorites. That's the best Really believed you really believe the best because that wasn't that wasn't us manhattan oh but it's us like oh they did it again that we had we had nothing to do with that with a detective well seeing them
Starting point is 01:04:13 oh now what a moment that was speaking of security Mike did he shut down snack time yeah he did I don't understand what this is maybe very upset about it setting up a return he said he almost. He choked on some joke. Oh Perfect time for a snack time, you know what I'm stacking on today absolutely fucking nothing. I almost died Probably his daughter's flag football. Oh coaches Yeah, what is He almost died? Yeah, he choked on a sandwich. He choked.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Near-death snack time? I miss this. Snack time, really story time. This morning, about 7 a.m., I was gonna do a snack time where I actually ate the food. This teaches him. It was sesame chicken, pork fried rice. It was leftover from last night. I started to eat it, and I started to choke.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I couldn't breathe for real. It was no joke I stuck my fingers down my own throat saved my own life Like the true hero that I am I puked in the toilet It was really scary. I thought I was going out of the picture, but you know, that's what heroes do They save other lives. Sometimes they save their own life. But the moral of story is in future snacks times. I'll never eat Sometimes they save their own life, but the moral of story is in future snacks times. I'll never eat Mike I love that guy Brandon when you leave bar store you still gonna write speeches for Coca-Cola
Starting point is 01:05:42 It's not Coca-Cola, but yes, I've been doing it secretly the whole time. Oh, yes. It's been quite the quite the side project It's not Coca-Cola. Are you excited for your funeral? No, I don't want to do it. Are you claustrophobic? Yes, I don't want to be in a coffin at all. Can I just get cremated instead? Yeah. OK. How are we going to do that, though?
Starting point is 01:06:01 Just burn. You say cremated? Creme-mated. Yeah, so we should play Ookcokey with Brandon's body. Yeah. He's gonna get mated via cream. Via cream. We're gonna inseminate you. Cream mated. I'm gonna miss you man. Yeah. It'll be uh, I mean we can still be friends. Definitely. Yeah. Right? Yes. Right Danny?
Starting point is 01:06:27 Yeah. Have you ever text Danny one on one? Hey this reminded me of you. I feel like I have. Never. Have I not? Never once. Well I don't know why I said that.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I haven't saved your number yet. But you're close. Nice. You're damn close. Text Danny this week. Something reminds me of you. Well we won't be working together anymore so it doesn't matter. This week we will.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I'll text you between Tuesday and Thursday. Your last day to me is Friday.'m gonna miss you so much all right are you moving the fam we'll stay put for a little bit until we get settled in LA but yeah you in LA would be very fun you said guy you're gonna be like a westerner son would beat the valley probably all of them find some before You in LA would be very funny. I'm lower Alabama. You an Eastside guy, you're going to be like a Westsider. Sun would beat the fuck out of you. You live in the valley? Probably all of them.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Find something affordable in the valley? That sun would kick your ass. I think I'm just going to rent 12 houses a month at a time. Cool. And just go from house to house. South Bay Brandon? Huh? South Bay would be...
Starting point is 01:07:20 Probably the South Bay guy, yeah. Yeah, and you could be... Yeah. See you as a Redondo guy, maybe. Redondo. Yeah. Redondo. Yeah. Imagine living on the beach. Dude. Who would ever leave? Don't give it up, Brandon. If you ever get it, I know I wouldn't. I used to live a block away from the ocean in California. Ocean side. Yeah. Crappy apartment but it was
Starting point is 01:07:44 weren't you owned by the government though at the time? Yes. Okay, but it was nice for the time. It lasted San Diego's incredible It was amazing. It was the best It's not real life any day of the week. You're driving the coast highway. There's like the beaches are packed still everybody Yeah, surfing you're like, what does everyone do here? You playing volleyball they did the Oscars last night had a San Diego tourism commercial. Oh really? One this is unnecessary and to like that must be the easiest job in the world Yeah person that comes up with that commercial yeah come to San Diego Yeah, just be that yeah, just plain text on the screen just come to San Diego easy mode
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yeah, what is the what are the gripes with San Diego there has to be some? It's not like growing rap It is there the military presence. I think makes it to where like if you're a civilian you feel It's a sausage. Yeah, for sure for sure gavin newsome trying to Navigate that as a civilian. I think maybe because any sort of you're a guy You're a lady. It's like shooting fish in a barrel One of my favorite things online is people complaining about Gavin Newsom in the state of California that don't live there. I always get a chuckle out of that.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Complaining about stuff that doesn't affect you is the best pleasures in life. Yeah, living across the country. I love my god. You imagine this fucking guy in California? Poor sap. Poor fucking sap. Fucking ruining the state that I'll never go to. This piece of shit. Brandon, you just got a stoic look on your face. I feel stoic. I think it's the cape. The cape looks good on you.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Feels good. You should be a cape guy. That's good for a guy that can't be in the sun. Yeah. Little Dracula vibes. I might just wear the cape. We'll see. I'll show up tomorrow for the yak.
Starting point is 01:09:28 If I feel like putting the cape on, I'll put the cape on. You should get your incisor sharpened. You said you bought multiple capes, right? Yeah, I don't know where the other ones are. OK. Because I'd welcome someone being a cape guy with me. Can you have more than one? You can't have two capes in one crew.
Starting point is 01:09:42 One cape per group. I didn't say somebody in this crew. I'd do a tunic What's or a cloak? Cloak and dagger whoa well the daggers extra, but we could draft somebody to be a cape guy with me Who's the most famous? Superman real real guy Yeah, who's supposed to say this real caped guy? Yeah, who?
Starting point is 01:10:06 Anybody? Alexander the Great? Name some contenders. Yeah, give us three people, Stephen. Tim Woods, Brandon. OK. I just put it over the first time. Good.
Starting point is 01:10:16 You're two for two. Dwight Howard? I don't know anyone else that ever wore a cape. Yeah, I don't think capes are. And no one wears them as a fashion statement. Yeah, why not? Maybe in like Alaska, in like Nanook, they wear like a deer skin cape to keep warm or something.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Million dollar man Ted DiBiase wore one. Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar famous as fuck. King Macho. Oh yeah. Zorro. Zorro. I forgot about Zorro. But these are all, oh I guess Napoleon. Superman. Superman, Thor. Super Will.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Is there like a high-end cape store? Who've they sponsored you? They don't exist. There has to be. Ladies, for women there are. There's not a high-end cape store. Brandon, I bet there is. Those aren't capes.
Starting point is 01:11:04 That's a cape. That's a cape. Oh, a bird bird. That's a great Brandon you gotta what I'm not buying that female cape that is a chick cape dude cape Sherlock Holmes have a cape yeah right it was like a coat that had an extra flap on it yeah it's a trench coat pico trench coat coat hmm anybody else want to try the cape jerk it's your last night it's awesome it is awesome I enjoy it my big cape guy. I want to do goatee week again. Yeah You're all bearded out weights you too I could mm-hmm I get waxed once a month well week is goatee week It was around this time wasn't it needs, but we need to there needs to be goateed events Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:12:05 Cole Colby with the worst no shadow in that photo. Wait a minute. Wait, does he... Did Colby have a Hitler mustache? I think he had a... Yeah, he might have. No, wait, there has to be some sort of explanation. Kyle! Kyle's dark. He died years ago. I
Starting point is 01:12:34 Didn't die mine no, but I didn't have any gray hairs in that's his nose shadow Dan you look good with a goatee. Yeah, I might have to go to it again Felt strong. It's a different way of life though. Yeah, it. You walk differently amongst people. Creepily. Like you should be wearing a cape if you have a full goatee. It's also just if you get a goatee you'll just go bald I think. Cause that's the look. Bald goatee. Mad. Yeah. I was on, I was testy. Yeah, I got treated better. I remember Yeah, mm-hmm. Yeah, cuz people respect you. It's intimidating. Yeah, was it out of kindness or fear? I don't know Treated me differently are Brandon you got one. It's there. Yeah, you do have one on it's there Yeah, you do have one on it's there
Starting point is 01:13:30 What's that six point two six of them that was that throwback, okay? Oh You need a french cigarette What would that be? No, that's an English? Okay, all right Jack pocket order lottery tickets right from your phone with Jack pocket America's number one lottery app Jack pocket has so many lottery games choose from they have Powerball Mega Millions and all other Official state lottery games best of all new customers get your first lottery ticket free using our code Yak and check out Jackpocket now and don't forget to use code YAK on our first order.
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Starting point is 01:14:35 Based on 2024 iOS download data collected by Sensor Tower. Did you guys see that Stephen had to retire the data again? Oh no. What? So bad. But you were gonna bail it out. Bad. I decided not to. Steven had to to retire the data again. Oh, no what so bad? But you're gonna bail it out bad. I decided not to what's going on Steve I? Huffed seven in a row and then I said no mass. I saw some guy did a write-up of your dad It was very good. Yeah, I was thinking about bailing him out, but I'm I don't really want to I haven't lost in March yet Yeah, that's fine. I'm good with you not doing the guy basically Steven is a cat merchant. Oh
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yep, like he's bet on Carl Anthony Towns twelve times. That's where all his winnings come from Yeah, how many wins do you have? Yeah, I went eight and oh on cat in like the SEC favorite cat yeah that's a really good car Anthony Townsend now it wasn't perfect you see you ever see this is montage is insane zest montage yes I respect it I like what I see this guy out there It's really likable in that sooner than Jalen Ramsey. That was good, but more depth than Rams Day Quincy do be in them was that Rutgers There's argument Going back to the old Big East you're saying Quincy do be
Starting point is 01:16:20 Whose Quincy do be was that every time he touched the ball he shot it. It was a made see do be oh my god I've never seen anything like it There was a cat impression that went kind of viral over the weekend. Oh, yeah, I saw that play that it was a guy Who was it Nick Young I believe it wasn't Nick young doing it though. Yeah, I think it was oh Well We're gonna hold on for you TJ how happy are you you weren't here on Friday? Yeah, that looked exciting I did I get a Wally pipped Loki though Lucas just got uh no he's horrible to be right the worst How many antiques were there he looked like you had a great time. I was jealous
Starting point is 01:17:06 Why Carl Anthony Towns not? Because he not. He gonna shoot that bitch. He's shooting that shit. He's gonna drive that motherfucker. No the fuck he's not. It's just gonna count as a long. He gonna say I thought it was a two. My bad, I thought it was a three.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I thought it was a three. It's a two. My bad, Coach. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three.
Starting point is 01:17:22 I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. I thought it was a three. That's two. My bad, Coach. I started with a three. I'm done. I'm done. Ladies and gentlemen, that's my guy, man.
Starting point is 01:17:37 I'm from the town, though. I'm from the town. My God. I gotta get in that room They would love you. Yeah, some of the guys you just have to be there Yeah What do you mean? Well, like you got you just got to be there you gotta chill you don't have to speak. Yeah. Yeah. I Was I saw there was right Danny, right?
Starting point is 01:18:00 Guy who looked like carl and the towns I fucking, I can't find it. Whatever. It was phony. You guys are gonna have to trust me on this one. I believe you. I love him. I love him. I do too.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Down single coverage, goes right out Smith. Oh, is that really his voice? Yeah. I thought somebody was superimposing it over. So I can't say that we're surprised about what's going on right now. Oh my god! Oh no way! Oh!
Starting point is 01:18:37 Towns going back to work. But Jay, this is the guy that's keeping you your head above water He's the best. I love cat terrible defender, but very good offensive player No, man, I can't find this Steven which what do you say? What is your favorite non sexual three-letter word? What so we that just means we can't use sex yep or, or tit or two Oh or one hum or water. Yeah, grr Which is a word? Grr is a word and I love it. No way little scrabble cheat code. I
Starting point is 01:19:18 Think the sea made the dictionary as like a what's the latter half of a word called? I? Don't know but like like a sea like you know how like pose latter half of a word called? I don't know. Suffix. But like, like uh. Ussie? Like you know how like Pussussie is a cow's own? Like I believe Ussie made the dictionary as a suffix. Yeah. Is it an actual suffix?
Starting point is 01:19:36 Yeah I believe so now. Oh. You can just add ussie to a word? Yeah and it's like pussifying a word. Pussussie. Yeah. It does. Norfeme derived from the word pussy, okay?
Starting point is 01:19:45 novel derived terms resembling female genitalia a picture of a Lucassi a donut why was it a picture of a donut I? Don't know now. It's a piece of see Who would call that a pussy pussy boy pussy of course a pussy? Whoa, oh? Those are dudes legs hanging off Busy boy pussy of course Dude's legs hanging off
Starting point is 01:20:14 Go up a little bit. What's the thrussy? Those are two dudes Yeah, the word of the year the American Dialectect Society Word of the Year 2022. Busy. Busy started it. Busy. Thrusy. Thrusy. Margaret Thatcher's pussy is Thrusy. Grussy.
Starting point is 01:20:35 The Chussy. A bird does. A bird's. Lock. Grussy, Grinch plus Pussy. When are you ever using that? That's funny. Donutussy.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Donutussy. Locker grussy Grinch plus pussy whenever you're funny a donut sissy Barista see into latte art There we go One with gers in. Is it a word? And mmm but two only two M's. Okay. I'm probably. Is it those Scrabble words? Real dictionary words that yeah could be used in Scrabble. Damn. So, GRR just stands for an actual growl. Is that what it means? The onomatopoeia of like conveying annoyance
Starting point is 01:21:33 Yeah, yeah, I also off your tongue well, I don't do a tongue roll I can't do a tongue Good again, I can't roll my tongue I mean, I'm gonna Kyle ger That's yours Do a big do a Dan girl No, don't do this That was free Freaky job, I'm gonna have to stop you now. I'm gonna have to stop you right now. The SEC?
Starting point is 01:22:06 Who would have been next? Grrr. There was that one dude that was going viral for growling at women really well. That used to be like a 2000s sex call, right? Sex, yeah, yeah. No, growling. With like a grrrrr. No, but he would do it like an like an actual jungle. Oh, yeah, real. Yeah, he's like a bigger black dude. I think
Starting point is 01:22:31 He could hold himself like growl growl king Steven does it did Steven. I don't know what I was playing Something like I get growl in his name. Hmm. Did it work? We're ladies into it like I like being this guy. Yes name did it work we're ladies into it like I like being yes oh he's the big deal don't do that put your own in a bidet you're get your money I'm not your fun yeah yeah he's got I want to hear another one okay that's hard to do but that yeah I'm pretty turned on yeah, right cool. So It's pretty neat Yeah, he's he's Ken
Starting point is 01:23:13 Always his wavy world wavy swirl Big deal 1.1 million followers Yeah, I just remember him growling that's my algorithm Jimmy Johnson just retired oh I would have guessed he's 73 the race car driver yeah oh football coach wait which one one one Jimmy Johnson which one the dolphins he's a dolphins coach the main one okay no the football coach retired. The football coach? The Lowe's car? Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Retired. From what? From Fox. Oh, okay. Jimmy Joplin. What if he's gonna become a racer? He's got perfect white hair. He's always had perfect hair.
Starting point is 01:23:55 I know. He used to bully Janis Joplin. What? Huh? In high school. Seriously? Yeah. What?
Starting point is 01:24:03 Mm-hmm. No way. Do we have confirmation from her? I feel like this is just a that's odd a guy, but you've heard it too I've never heard it was a bullying or flirting she did believe I think she was an outcast No way Boy, just shop in high school book damn guy picking on a girl's gonna wow Miserable Wow god damn what an asshole did she die young 27 she's in the club sandwich no that's not a cast no what did she would she die
Starting point is 01:24:35 from drugs mama cast died from eating a sandwich ham sandwich so choked on ham Sam could have happened to Mike good well tend. Choked on ham sandwiches. Damn! Could have happened to Mike. Could have. Who about Tendrix choked? On his own vomit. That was, so it was Bon Scott. Bon Scott. Amy Winehouse. Kurt Cobain.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Yeah, 27. Kurt Cobain killed him. Was he always eating on the toilet? He choked on a 12 game. Or was he just on the toilet? He was trying to take a shit. Was he eating? I don't think he was eating.
Starting point is 01:25:01 I think he was trying to take a shit and he had so many painkillers you couldn't shit. Couldn poop yeah, yeah, how much weight of poop did he have in him? I just watched the video of his chef talking about the process of making his peanut butter banana Sam deep-fried sandwiches, and it looks so good. I bet totally I never knew they were deep-fried they she like Fills this skillet with Crisco and then once it's like gobble in He even like puts the sandwiches in they're like crispy when she cuts them Big cat what are the dark corners of the internet that you frequent saying about the Hackman death? Oh
Starting point is 01:25:34 About Gene Hackman it has my attention. Oh, yeah, I don't have any fear. Oh, it's bad. Yeah Suicide maybe did she he died he's been dead two weeks. He was dead for two weeks. They were in separate rooms. Did you see that? I read that somebody theorized he was having a heart episode. She ran up to get his pills. She fell and hit her head, spilled the pills, dog ate the pills. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Huh? That sounds like just like a comedy of errors. Right. Because they found her hands and feet were like mummified. Oh. The dog was found dead in a closet? I don't know. This was ten incidents Also, you got to look at who gets the will who gets the inheritance cuz now that the wife is dead Because she was way younger than him not way up
Starting point is 01:26:18 She's a good or and he was 95 he was way older than her. But yeah, she was old still but he was really old She had just gotten old though. He's been old for a while. Yes. Just got old such a legend to just retire to Like no one retires from acting his last movie hero still doing Netflix shows couldn't tell you his last movie go real ten of bombs welcome to mooseport oh That was the first flight I've ever been on I watched that Welcome to Mooseport. Oh, that was the first flight I've ever been on. I watched that. He was just like, I'm done.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Because most actors, they just keep working. He was waiting for a role like Welcome to Mooseport. That's it. I watched Crimson Tide over the weekend. What's Crimson Tide? What? Denzel and Hackman in a sub. That's a Denzel movie?
Starting point is 01:27:03 Yeah. I've never heard of it. It's 95. It's Denzel and Hackman just going at each other. Great movie. Going at each other in the tub? Sub. Oh, in a submarine.
Starting point is 01:27:14 See, one of them's a captain and one's a first officer. One of them wanted a meatball. The other one wanted a chicken parlor. They bash. They bash heads. They're like, I want to do this. No, I want to do that. You can't handle the truth
Starting point is 01:27:25 Yeah, that's a few good men. Yeah, this is war games was Jean Hackman in the firm Wasn't he like the creepy lawyer man was really good in that? Yeah, it wasn't creepy. He was he was over sexualized He was horny Jean Hackman. Yeah, that's for some of us. That's creepy, Brad What's wrong with that? What's wrong with that? He was overly sexualized. He was overly sexualized. Yeah, I gotta go. I gotta do some more research on that. Yeah. I need to hear some theories. Film and movie Dante. You guys ever been on a submarine?
Starting point is 01:27:57 No. Tight. Heard bad things. Very tight. Horrible. Like a submarine museum, not like an active. Oh yeah. Well, yeah in Pittsburgh I claim in an active submarine Yeah, it seems awful the Nazi one here and buried under the ground in Chicago at the museum Yeah, we went to the yeah, we we captured it So that's why we have it I guess but whenever they needed to sink fast all the dudes had to run to the front of it Like that's how they sunk fast
Starting point is 01:28:26 It's like I would that's how old school the technology was back then that Maybe today I go on a sub but not back then hell no. I don't know Terrifying well, I guess not the Titanic one no no that wasn't I was controlled by a generic PS2 controller I'd imagine real subs now or or like nuclear warhead subs. Those got to be roomy. Can a regular person go on a luxury sub, like a cruise? Oh, good question. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Sub cruise. Sub cruise. It kind of sucked though. There's no windows. James Cameron would just be taking folks down, huh? Oh, yeah. He's always underwater. Going to the trench.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Yeah. Remember that super rich Swedish guy who built his own sub and then he invited the journalist lady Yeah, and then he Danish oh Chopped her up. That's a horror movie. That was bad Being trapped on a sub with a guy like that Pissed me off I'd be so mad. A fucking murderer here. As soon as he closes the door, she'd be like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Yeah, they're like a mile underwater, and he's like, I'm going to chop you up. Fuck. Shit. I would spit on him. Yeah. People hate that. Yeah. I'd go for his eyeballs.
Starting point is 01:29:40 You'd go, yeah, yeah. Gouge out his eyeballs Charlie horse I have this loud ass keychain One of those Instagram sales was like by the skin and I'm afraid if I used it I think it would just make people angrier wait what I'm gonna kill her more Yeah, what do you mean you have a loud ass if someone's about to attack me? We hear like audio pepper screwing here, but try it on me see if I can still feel yeah, Kyle Walk home from Kyle's go ahead it will simulate. Maybe it will distract me and I won't get away with it
Starting point is 01:30:14 By the way before we do that Mountain Dew add a blast refreshing tropical lime flavor to your day with Mountain Dew Baja blast So delicious so refreshing so perfect for any occasion ride the Baja Wave and grab Mountain Dew Baja Blast for you and your crew wherever refreshing beverages are sold. Mountain Dew first 50-degree days here in Chicago. Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Oh, 40 feels like... 80. Tropical.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Oh. Even this weekend, even though it was like 30, the sun was out. Wasn't bad. I grilled yesterday. Hell yeah. Yeah, I grilled some steaks. I love that. First grill of the year.
Starting point is 01:30:50 How'd they turn out? Not great, cause it's always hard to grill with the cold, but I wanted to get the first one out of the way cause I really want to grill next weekend. Oh yeah. So I had to get the rust off. Maybe it'll come up. I didn't really.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Get a big green egg. Yeah, maybe it'll come up. No, I have a really nice grill I have a wreck. Oh, yeah, wait 50. Yeah, we make burgers for us I I would make you burgers, but this weekend probably not good wait has Has Stephen bought a grill? He bought a grill. Yeah. Yeah, actually It almost went up in flames last night. Oh Storied it. I hope you're good. It's a good thing. I was grilling. Yeah, isn't that a so it's work
Starting point is 01:31:26 Why don't you're grilled? Yeah, the flame. No it was uh the fire We have a you ever see that Instagram thing for like prepared here where it's like a cape you put over stuff a fire Breaks out I own I was seconds away from asking for that okay, okay? How's have oh I have a fire blanket. Yeah, I am girls have lids. Yeah, no it was um I blanket yeah I am girls have lids yeah no it was um I don't know how to describe it it was this I had snakes going as my first time grilling in a while had the gas turned on got too hot yeah it was it reached the maximum temperature I was trying to get like 600 but as I went outside it was like tipping over the scale of temperature and then I was like oh shit I looked and it was
Starting point is 01:32:04 like full fire so I turned it it off, turned the gas off, but then underneath the stuff inside, I guess caught on fire. So Kate's just lulling the dog around just casually. I don't know, maybe like the grease or something like that. I don't know, I had to, even after I turned everything off, it was going for like a minute or two. This might be loud, people that have headphones
Starting point is 01:32:22 and maybe Kyle's gonna get her. Where'd Kyle go? Oh, come here. You're mine. No! to be loud people that have headphones and what's kind of me Kyle's gonna get her Fire apart! Kate, that's not going to do anything. Oh yeah. Kate, you should get rid of that. That's not loud at all. No, that's damn near pleasant. He could wallop you to a beat.
Starting point is 01:32:55 It's a soundtrack to the... Alright, I can time my punches. That's like a pleasant morning dove. That was nothing. Even if you hear that out your window, you're dove. Yeah, it's nothing Even if you hear that out your window you're like oh everyone I'm not really gonna go down 20 flights. Someone's got a pussy car go hey, that's not loud Is that your first oh no you were so vulnerable it was a description of that when you go I'm gonna die they frame it my sister has one they frame it like it'll bring somebody that means Here you go. I'm just gonna toss all my keys. Let's call it good
Starting point is 01:33:30 That's terrifying It's not loud at all At all I thought already that's not stopping me. I thought I was gonna like shatter people's eardrums I thought it was just scramble your but ads make it seem like it will hurt people That's not loud at all The authorities would have to be with you I don't think you'd be able to get this No, I don't think you'd be able to get this out in time. No, I don't think it's effective Kyle
Starting point is 01:33:59 You're very convincing as a murder. I could see you just be fumbling with your keys. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry Oh my god, that's not loud at all shit You're vulnerable the iPhone alarm is worse than that. Yeah, man. I have pepper spray in the car and a broken-off golf club All right, let's try the pepper Man that's disappointedly not loud. Fellas in the Chicago area. Come get me.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Come get me. Oh. It's a good test. Here, I'm worried about your seat. Oh, thank you. Oh, now you have it. Oh, yeah. Next time I have the Air Horn.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Air Horn, there we go. I carry a sports horn attached to my cues. In your backpack. Right. Like, have you heard this outside your window? I wouldn't. I wouldn't I wouldn't yeah People but they'd have to be very close by Be I could hear someone's screaming help and I'm like, oh, it's probably just him and his buddy around
Starting point is 01:34:54 TG what is this thing you just sent us? Che is it the only two options for yellow liquid is olive oil or pee. I Think that's It's gotta be gasoline yeah, I mean that's not Why do you need to know it's not the only two options are you trying to be a funny man? No, I was I saw this video as on silent as I that's pretty interesting I was like I wonder what the yellow liquid is but again. That's not the only two options How does everybody know that's what you're doing back there? I was like I wonder what the yellow liquid is but again
Starting point is 01:35:32 Yeah, oh cool yellow liquid gotta be olive oil pee right it looks like both Also looks like gasoline gotta be gas How is that semen on the ceiling? Oh my god that must be cum Cheese My grandfather would go up and grab them motherfuckers. No seriously Yeah Well, he got stung a ton obviously. He didn't care. He just grab it and squeeze it. Wasp bite? Sting. Sting. A terror. Who bites? Hornets bite? Hornets also sting. Who bites? Ants. Paper wasp?
Starting point is 01:36:00 Terrible. Who bites? Hornets bite? Hornets also sting. Who bites? Ants. Paper wasp? Someone bites. Dogs maybe?
Starting point is 01:36:08 Dogs bite. Pretty much all bees, hornets, wasps. I thought there was one that was... Those are stingers. That bites. There is one that bites. A horse fly? A beetle?
Starting point is 01:36:18 Sharks? Sharks maybe? Bees can bite. Yeah, but that's not what they do to you. No, I thought wasps or hornets bite. Is it true that once they what they do to you. No, I thought wasps are hornets. Is it true that once they sting, they're screwed? Or is that only honey bees? Bees die.
Starting point is 01:36:30 That sucks. But like a wasp has a reuser? I don't know. Yeah. That's how I was taught. Yeah, the bees. Hornets sting, not bites, things, okay. The bees die, but the wasps.
Starting point is 01:36:39 What about wasps? Hornets suck, because one doesn't get you 30. They're so mean. Wasps just kept you out at your golf club. I Got the black and white White Anglo-saxon brata's yes No terrible joke let it simmer Your watch just call you the N word. There it is. And it stings. Oh
Starting point is 01:37:10 that wasp stung me. Brandon have you been back to the club? Um no I didn't go this weekend but now I'm starting to get ready. To golf. You're starting to get ready. Well no the weather's starting to stir and you know by April 1st I think I'm going to be out there golfing. So I got to go get everything ready for it. I'm excited. Take me and the lake starting to thaw. So I think it'll probably be thought about the end of the week maybe. So you're going to get in? No, but I'll get the boat in and I'll be ready to fish. It's starting to little pockets are starting to open up on the old lake outside. Yeah. It was the last year it it was melted when we got back from the Super Bowl this year when a
Starting point is 01:37:52 month longer. Yeah we had that stress was like. Yeah. Yeah. Um I'm just excited to see Climber Day should we have twenty one events. Uh huh. Uh we have 21 events? Uh-huh. We had 19 last week. What can I have? I guess we can't say. I could say. I wanted to.
Starting point is 01:38:11 I could say one of them. Do we want Mintz or Clemmer to know about them? Yeah, we should have them. If word gets to them. I'll just say that they're going to have to order some food in a foreign language. Uh-huh. There we go.
Starting point is 01:38:22 We're bringing them. See how the order gets here. We're bringing five back. So 16 new events. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:38:32 It's going to be incredible. And I heard this, the setup tomorrow cost us $238,000? Yep. That's without the baby we bought. Oh yeah. Are we keeping that or are we giving it back? No, we're going to put it in the river. It's going to be a house. It It's gonna be like a bodega cat
Starting point is 01:38:46 Spin the wheel off a baby Takes you know for the weekend got to stop leaving my rib bones on the floor Can't catch it Who wants to do the gauntlet today make one of the new hires do it oh make Dawson do it Dawson do it All right, okay unless you also get a little less nervous. I mean I was nervous we got more than one new heart It says Kadek done it yet. Oh Yeah Get him in here. It'll do it last Dawson if he wants to do it, too
Starting point is 01:39:16 Well Dawson should be goalie. Yeah. Yep, it tests him out You go get him How do you think it's gonna go get him? I'm gonna get Kadek and then we'll set up. How do you think Kadek's gonna be at trivia? Oh, but he's remarkably stupid. Oh my God. Remarkably stupid is what he said. That's right. Oh my God!
Starting point is 01:39:33 Regal! Awesome. Capes are cool. It leaves a wind in its path, you feel that? It gives you an air of importance. All right. Let everybody go. That's the end of the week.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Brandon having to tuck his cape in. I'm going to buy a taser. Yeah. See, he's coming. The Yak Gauntlet, sponsored by Ghost. I'm drinking a Ghost right now. Ghost Energy is fully transparent, fully loaded, feel good energy. The all new Ghost Times Warheads Sour Black Cherries, now available nationwide.
Starting point is 01:40:16 One hell of a flavor, bold sour in, a touch of sweet cherry. And the first time ever you can buy 8.4 ounce 4 packs of OG Sour Patch Kids Ghost Energy Drinks at your local retailer. Zero sugars, no artificial flavors, 200 milligrams natural caffeine, fully transparent label. Find Ghost Energy at your local grocery or convenience store for full line up and flavors visit I'm drinking one right now. Oh Che, we missed a good Che question.
Starting point is 01:40:46 We're gonna need, oh, what was it? Who reptile has the coolest power? Who reptile? Frequently asked question. Would witch even make sense? The one that could run on water. Kadek and I are in Max, we're doing Barcel After dark tomorrow night. Oh nice. Oh the dug-dug the dug-dug challenge I'm very nervous
Starting point is 01:41:11 It's gonna be a lot of eating Yeah, I'm pumped Yeah, I need you pumped. I'll be the ringer. You gotta be hyped up Supposedly you're supposed to eat a bunch of lettuce and cabbage before a challenge. Expands your stomach. What? What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:41:31 I've never seen that guy before in my life. Kate didn't know who Harry was. You didn't know who Harry was? I didn't know who he was. Seen his name on paper, I didn't know. She vaguely heard of the name. But she said it with such venom. How do you not know who Harry is?
Starting point is 01:41:42 Who's Harry Bogle? I know Harry. I just didn't know the Bogle part. I guess Kid is you ready for the the gauntlet. Do you know how to do it in K? Ditch cottage K? Dick K? Dick? Okay, that wasn't that far off Can I get a rule I heard it on the combine I thought I heard it. Can I get a ruling? I thought I heard it on the combine. I said, K-A-D-I-K. K-D-I-K. K-D-I-K. Yeah, like K-D-I-K. D-I-K, okay.
Starting point is 01:42:09 Yeah. K-D-I-K. I'm pumped. It's pronounced with a D? No, it's K-A-T-I-C, but everyone says it wrong, so I just tell them to go K-D-I-K. Oh, it's a good retort. Yeah, K. Dick. What was the biggest takeaways of the NFL combine, if any?
Starting point is 01:42:32 See the O'Limon that was screaming during his 40? No. Did anyone do the damn thing? Isaiah Bond. Isaiah Bond was a big scorer, I'd say. He said he was going to run a 4-1. He ran a 4-4. Is there any quarterbacks that look like fourth round prospects that will be taken in the first round now?
Starting point is 01:42:48 How the show had a pretty good he has big hands Will will Howard couldn't hit anyone. I saw that. Oh really bad. Yeah We think it'll be up there where the Patriots are that's an offensive line team, but screaming. I think Chicago Bears could be a spot in this team. That's a good start. That is athletic. Look at them go. I like that. Imagine you're a DB and you hear that thing coming.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Yeah. I mean, running a sub-5. That rocks. That rocks. Yeah, but I wonder who's telling Isaiah Bond in his training like yeah, dude. You're breaking the record That's very simple to just be like I think I'm gonna run a four seven then you run a four four and everyone's like Holy shit. Yeah, this is Will Howard yikes He just was missing guys left and right
Starting point is 01:43:40 It's hard yeah, it's really hard. I was down in Tampa. Yeah, Rudy loves Howard It's a lot of pressure yeah, I Saw one drill where the quarterbacks just threw it as hard as they could like a baseball. Yeah, is that important speed? Yeah, I don't know Any of your Indiana boys, yes CJ West of D Lyman went went really well. He ran a sub-five 316 pounds This went stupid viral. Yeah, I think it's cuz you looking to see if any chicks noticed. Yeah Mary a hoe you look back This will do the trick if Kate was at the bar she would have done her fucking key chain
Starting point is 01:44:32 After this was after a military guy pressed me for wanting the The pool table and Nikki smokes was up Nikki's That me wait a minute backed me up Nikki smokes shout out him. Wait, what happened? So I guess I wanted, I was, so White Boy Rick texted me to come out, because I was just gonna chill in this weekend. First weekend in Chicago, I was just gonna hang out. So I went into the liquor store,
Starting point is 01:44:56 I bought a couple bottles of bourbon just to break in the house, have a nice glass. And I was about half a bottle in, and White Boy Rick texted me, hey, come out to Broken Hearts. I was in a nice glass and I was And I was like I'll play you for 10 bucks. He's like no like getting all up in my face and and Nikki smokes comes running Up he was he was about it. Nikki smokes was about it Wow But I would you think he was about it was he about it because you were there Yeah, that's a great spot to be in if you're Nikki smokes Yeah, like I'm gonna I'm gonna be about it and then when shit hits the fan. Yeah
Starting point is 01:45:40 Kade is gonna get it Nikki smokes was taking some under center reps at the bar, too. Okay. Yeah, he was He was sober right? I don't know. He said he doesn't drink right now. I don't know but you don't know Guy who goes to the gym eight hours a day going to the bar sober on Friday and Saturday night. That's weird I think I mean He's ready to go though. I'll tell you that Are you ready for the gauntlet? You know all the things yeah cornhole soccer That's weird. Yeah, I think. I mean, he's ready to go, though. I'll tell you that. Are you ready for the gauntlet? Yeah, I guess you know all the things. Yeah, cornhole, soccer, baseball, football, basketball, trivia.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Yeah. Yeah. What do you think will be your best? What will be your worst? I think I play cornhole. I think that'll be my best. I can't bend my wrist, so I can't get a good basketball shot just from scar tissue over the years of football, but what both hands no just my right I can't this is the most I can bend it. Can you still pound yeah for sure my man That would be so fucked up couldn't pass the doctor telling you
Starting point is 01:46:43 Swear to God I will. You're in physical therapy. Your next pound could paralyze you. You can't pound anymore. Your next pound will be your last. The doctor said I couldn't pound anymore and look at me now. I'm pounding three times a day. Where's our goalie?
Starting point is 01:47:01 So we're still doing this on the hardwood? Oh yeah. Nice. Oh, oh. Brandon threw the football and knocked over every one of the balls. But he looks cool. He looks awesome. What's the prognosis, Doc? No more pounding. Sir. All right. Brandon be more mysterious. Have him sip a ghost before he starts please. Oh he was sipping ghost. Can you take another sip of ghost? Yeah, you want me to do it out here? Yeah, yeah, take another sip.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Also there's something in the background of that shot there for tomorrow. Not a spoiler, but Kyle will enjoy it when we're done with it. I'll enjoy it huh? Very interesting. Shout out to TJ. He was the one that pulled together a lot of it. Yeah, I want to shout out to TJ. He was the one that pulled together a lot of it Yeah, I'll tell you T. Yeah by watching a lot of very weird foreign television. Yeah All right here we go three two one go This would be the strongest He you. There we go.
Starting point is 01:48:29 All right. New guy. Nice. That's our specialist. Oh, a little timid. Swing and a miss. Oh, there it is. Oh Little timid Swinging a miss. Oh there it is Ron. He's got a nice time going. Oh I'm going. Oh man, I bet his wrist though
Starting point is 01:49:00 Oh, no The Indiana merch on yeah, oh that was a close call If he could shoot he would have had he would have been record-breaking There it is. He's hitting all the backboard. He's using it loud. There it is. Here we go, trivia. What does it say? Nine MLB players with over 50 playoff RBs. Types of rock?
Starting point is 01:49:57 I don't know. Four countries to play in nations face off. Four nations face off. United States, Canada Sweden Florida and Handle States yeah six cities in Ohio with population over 100 very bonds they Go Toledo Dayton yeah, yeah Trying to get sub to great time
Starting point is 01:50:46 The basketball fucked me yeah, I got a work on my shot like people have been getting really good. Sorry every time lately Yeah, is it juiced a panhandle States? Yeah, Texas, Oklahoma, Florida. Oh, yeah, jean I didn't think of Nebraska spider was talking to Utah considered a panhandle. I don't know why Nebraska. I know those I'm saying there is a little notch Tennessee's all handle. You can say that again, my dude. Tennessee should count. Virginia, is that a panhandle? That's a very good time.
Starting point is 01:51:13 Oh, that was like a bum. The tail? Damn. Right behind me, Kade. Well, that has to sting. Right behind me. What are the three stars Brandon has, though? That was probably running it with something in my butthole or something.
Starting point is 01:51:28 That was a weird gimmick we came up with. Yeah, that was an asshole run. Three stars Brandon. What was it TJ? Do we have it? Maybe the can? Was it can't? No. Wearing slides. Oh wearing a suit. Or wearing a suit.
Starting point is 01:51:45 I did one in a suit? There's no way. I'm out of shape. All right, tomorrow's the day. So excited, everyone. Please subscribe. Tell everyone to tune in. It's going to be a long one.
Starting point is 01:52:02 If you want an intro to what the Yak is, I think tomorrow is a great. This is going to be a very long one. Yes. Got gonna be a long one. If you want an intro to what the Yak is, I think tomorrow is a great. This is gonna be a very long one. Yes. You gotta be cool with that. Yeah. Tomorrow would be a good intro for everyone watching. Like what is this episode right now?
Starting point is 01:52:15 Tomorrow would be a good first one to... Yeah. Yeah, if you're watching now, let tomorrow be your first episode. First episode. Yeah. Yeah. All right, let's spin the wheel.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Fuck you, dude. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Bring a friend. Yeah. Bring a friend tomorrow. Hold up on multiple computers. What's gonna land on it?
Starting point is 01:52:41 Wet. God damn it. No. No. All right, see you everyone it. No. No. All right. See you everyone tomorrow. Subscribe. It's the Yak! Get your straws, yak style and stay for a while! It's the Yak! It's the Yak! It's the Yak! Yes, time to talk shop to do a Yankee swap!
Starting point is 01:53:18 It's the Yak! It's the Yak! Missed you guys. Missed you dearly. Great to be back. Shout out to Luke Hussey. Thanks for filling in. That's my dog right there. I love that.
Starting point is 01:53:40 I love that young boy. What? Wait a minute. Pause. Pause me, Zohar. Pause. Pause. Pause me, Zop. Pause. Pause. Pause, brother.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Alright, mincy clarmer tomorrow. Lock in. It's gonna be a big one. Love ya. See you tomorrow. Bye.

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