The Yak - Mintzy vs. Klemmer Pro Day II | The Yak 3-4-25
Episode Date: March 5, 2025THaNGk ,yōōYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. Chris Clemmer! And Miss! You got it, you got it, you got it!
Two fierce competitors
ready to go head to head
until the champion is crowned.
The Marshal Yak presents
Lindsay Hurses Clemmer!
Uh oh, uh oh.
Alright, welcome in!
The day has arrived
sent in by Robak, RHO, and the team of the day Uh oh, uh oh. Yass. All right, welcome in.
Day has arrived.
Presented by Roback,, promo code YAC.
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It has arrived.
It is Mincy versus Clemmer, pro day number two.
One of the greatest rivalries of all time.
These two hate each other.
These two hate each other.
A lot of shit being talked.
3K cash prize to the winner.
For people who missed the first pro day,
like most things mincy related came from mincy's incompetence
and disregard for anyone else's time last
year he missed the actual combine because he had a poker tournament so we
did mincy verse clemmer pro day it was a smash hit and this year we've done a
year it's been a full year and we have mincy verse clemmer pro day to remind
me how clemmer got involved I think we just were like who's the body to go against?
Oh, it's come and he's also Clembers down for anything. We called him and we're like, hey, can you get that's right?
That's right. Hey the day before yeah next day. I love Chris Clemmer. Yeah, he's down for anything by the way Kyle
You look great. Yes, anyone else wearing a suit?
No, I am what Steve else wearing a suit? No.
I am.
Steve's wearing a suit as well.
What happened?
I thought I was gonna be the one guy in a suit
and now I'm just the guy who has the same mind
as Steven Che.
How do you strip this from me?
So this was assigned to me yesterday.
I originally was gonna be a ref
and now I've been moved to a rules analyst.
So I was told, like, you know, dress like a rules analyst.
So I'm wearing a suit like Jen Stitt, jeans that I wore.
Fair enough.
Something special for the special.
So you probably are hearing in the background a whirring sound.
That is the inflatable stairs for slippery stairs.
So we've set up all the challenges. We have 20 challenges.
And then a 21st will be the winner takes all challenge.
So no matter what, there will be a 21st challenge.
Essentially, as you go through the challenges, each one you
win, you will have an advantage in the final challenge.
That's right.
But you're hearing the stairs right now.
We've set it up.
So there's going to be a mix of court
and then inside and then court.
So we're doing the stairs first
because it takes a while to get them set up and take down.
We will not have this sound for the entirety of the show.
We just have the slippery stairs as the first event.
So that's why you hear that right now.
I've never been more excited.
So smiling all morning.
Huge shout out to Caitlin, who is at the very top with a big thing of lube.
Yeah, that's right.
In her element.
She brought that from her lube.
Should we get the competitors in here?
I think so.
Yeah, why not?
Let's get them in here.
Let's get Mincy and Clember in here.
Will Mincy bring up how he played well in a poker tournament?
TJ also was explaining the rules. So we every is basically all hands on deck day
Everyone in the office has been helping out so shout out everyone. Yeah, people were here late. Yeah late last night
But TJ was explaining the rules to everyone one last time and mincy was just standing like right next to him
Like listening to everything we've kept everything from them until the
very last moment. Then we told him to get out of the get out of here. He just put his
hands in his ears and didn't move. And we're like, no, no, leave. And so then he finally
left. But here they can have a really present. No, right. I don't think it would have hurt.
Here they call. There's Chris Clemmer. Last year's champion. Clemmer, It's Clemmer! That's a wrap! Last year's champion. Last year's champion.
Clemmer, go ahead and take a seat.
How are you feeling?
Looking good.
Oh, and here comes Ben Mintz.
Oh, the challenger.
Oh, man.
It's like that?
Yeah, oh, it is like that.
Like, nerve, not nerve, just don't know what to expect. So yeah, I really prepare for anything. So I
Guess uneasy on that end. Yeah, I like out think this I don't know what I'm doing
No, and you're also going up against mincy. So you don't even have to think I hope I hope not
I hope not. I hope that's I hope that's the advantage I can have where I can out think Ben mince and win this thing
Yeah, mincy. I'm Mintz and win this thing. Yeah, mincy
I'm excited as hell for this day. Yeah, I mean the the law set with me for I believe it was March 1st last year
So 368 days Wow Wow. Yeah tough tough tough loss
You know when Clemmer we were in the surviving house and Clemmer was kind of driving everybody crazy after he got knocked out
I thought I have to get my vengeance on pro day. Hear the day. He was annoying.
Are you feeling sharp?
Look, like he, Clember said, the beauty is prepare for the unexpected, so you can't
like overthink it, but I feel freaking amazing.
112 divided by 11.
All right, Mincy's up 1-0.
That was the first challenge. One eight. Alright, Mincy's up one nothing. Wow.
That was the first challenge.
Mincy, are you nervous at all that
part of the reason why
you've kept your job is for
this day.
This day is over.
It's like, well what are we keeping them around for?
Well, I'm embracing that because
the choice
is that you can either be nervous about it or embrace
It's time to leave it all in the field.
It was 10.18.
Jesus Christ.
No, I'm embracing that.
I think that's a great opportunity and I'm lucky to be here.
How are you?
A different person may be improved since last year for the pro day.
I think I'm in better shape for sure.
And I feel like my mindset is good since that little problem, big problem, big
cat was referring to.
I've kind of slowed down a lot, you know, skip Mardi Gras, like haven't been running
around as much and I feel like I'm on a little more balanced, you know, trying to rein it
in a little bit.
It is Fat Tuesday.
Yeah, it is.
Happy Fat Tuesday.
Yeah, absolutely.
I feel like that's an advantage for me to like mess with me on fat Tuesday
It's like our day, you know
Yeah, was there a poker tournament anywhere in the country that you considered skipping this for man?
We're only playing local poker tournaments right now. We're not traveling. That's part of what's going on
We're playing stuff that Saturday Sunday that doesn't bleed into why do you keep saying we
We. It's you. It's been. You've got to take all the people.
Are you going for Royal Wings?
The We is the. Royal We.
Nancy and Detroit.
Yeah. The team behind you.
What what kind of events are both of you hoping for today?
Is there anything that you're you're you're hoping comes up
that you think I will kill it at that?
Yeah, because I think there's I think the final tally is there's 20 events,
five repeats, five or six repeats, and then a lot of new ones.
Hmm. Like repeat-wise?
Yeah, anything from last time that you're like,
I would love another stab at that,
because I was so bad, or I was so good
that I would love to do that again.
So like a lot of-
So, for real, for the last year,
I've had people go,
you're gonna learn how to make a grilled cheese sandwich?
I hear people, people literally will like,
ask me out in the street.
My grilled cheese sandwich was pretty good.
Donnie liked it. Oh my gosh
No, I he said it was a good grilled cheese sandwich. Okay, you bled everywhere true. No, I didn't believe everywhere
I I put a glove on and I kept it. I kept the kitchen clean. Okay, but look it was not
It was maybe not a restaurant quality grilled cheese sandwich, but I think it was solid enough
So am I hearing that you have not tried to improve your grilled cheese sandwich?
Not once.
Oh boy.
Mincy, how about you?
I hope we get to bob for apples again, because that was really fun last year,
and I felt like that really shined.
You almost drowned.
You almost died.
But he did well in it, though.
We're committed.
We're all in here.
You weren't bobbing, though.
You were waterboarding yourself. Well, you were Robert
Brandon you think that I need to practice a grilled cheese sandwich to beat him if that comes up again
Yeah, I think you both needed some work on your grilled cheese sandwich. What was wrong with mine?
Other than cutting myself wasn't wasn't the was it like that thick bread the bread we had in the cheese
We had we're not idea. I wasn't the bread like that bread the bread we had in the cheese we had we're not idea
I wasn't the cheese not grilled. Yeah, it was pronounced the bread how you thought it was pronounced earlier for we sure
Top chef sorry to the wrong Kate. Yes, that's okay. Okay, so
Here's the deal. We got 20 events. I don't have a
Should have a sheet. I don't have a... You should have a sheet.
I don't have a rundown.
All right, we have 20 events.
The 21st event will be the decider, okay?
So no matter what, both of you are still alive until the 21st event.
The 21st event will decide the winner of the pro day.
All the events leading up to the 21st event will help you if you win more.
So the winner of more events will have a distinct advantage in the 21st and final event. Does that make sense?
Does that mean like, can we ask with that advantage?
So like last year, it's not the same as last year, but last year we did a similar thing where there was like 15 events and then whoever won the most had a
Advantage in the gong. I had to take the basketball shot It will be similar to that where the 21st event if you are if you say you win
12 and he wins 8 you will have a distinct advantage to win that 21st event
Okay, so all events matter, but you're never out of it. Yeah, don't get discouraged, right?
If you're down by a lot, you're never things to play for yeah all right, so
the other things we should cover
KDich K dick and
Spider are the official refs their call stands
No, you can argue with them. You can do whatever you want, but there we're gonna defer to them and then
Stephen Che is the rules official so how it's gonna work is we're
gonna explain each event. As long as Stephen Che understand it, you guys
understand it. So Stephen Che will ask any questions. You guys aren't allowed to
ask questions. If Stephen Che is at a point where he understands it, he'll
probably ask way too many questions. Then you guys will be ready to go. So we can't ask
any questions? No. That was minus one was, yeah. That's minus one point. Um, Chay will ask all the questions, don't worry.
We'll, we'll also be fluid with this, don't worry.
We, we'll, if there's, if it's very, very...
Also, Chay will ask the questions.
He will ask all the questions.
He'll ask too many questions.
Every question you could possibly come up with will be asked by Chay.
So, you don't have to worry about it.
Like if I said right now, the first event is Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot.
Che, any questions?
Best of what?
He's got it.
He's got it covered.
He's got it covered.
OK, are you guys ready to go?
All right.
So the first event.
I'm going to do the ads first.
Oh, yeah.
You want to do the National Anthem or?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
You want to do the National Anthem? Anyone? Spin the office wheel. They have to do the ads first. Oh yeah, let me do the National Anthem. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, you want to do the National Anthem?
Spin the office wheel.
They have to sing it.
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Okay, we want to do a national anthem. I think that's right
Yeah, the office will yeah nice patriotic that's right that's right actually why don't you guys while we
while we spin the office wheel for the national anthem why don't you guys go
put these on yeah this will be what is the green climber no has to be yes one
of them's bigger all right the greens greens bigger. I think the greens bigger. I think that's yours
So put that on
The first event yeah, why don't you guys go put it on you guys go put it on well
We forgot we were clowns in this well
You're free also three three thousand dollars. Let's go
Morty kind of Morty girl color You're also three thousand dollars. Let's go. Three thousand more. You can have more to go. Colory to page and Caitlin.
Just color.
Yeah, you can go.
You can go to the bathroom and change if you want.
Hold on, Caitlin.
They're not ready yet.
Not ready.
That's a good base coat.
Lube is fine.
I've got a good base.
Just don't get rid of all of it.
No, she's got all of it.
We can't hear me.
There's more.
We got plenty of lube.
Yeah. Yeah. This is like a We got plenty of lube? Yeah.
This is like a praying mantis versus an American toad.
I could put it in.
Well, it really is.
Body type-wise.
It really, really is.
TJ, you want to spin the office wheel
and see who's got to sing the national anthem?
Maybe a duet?
I'd like that.
I'd really like that.
No lyrics.
I think we've got to let them do lyrics.
OK. Because it would be. You're worried if it's gonna land on you.
Well, I mean, people get mad.
I've already looked up the lyrics.
Oh, that's unfortunate.
There's no chance she's gonna be trembling.
She's speeding again.
She's in the middle of lubing.
Your sister's lubing right now, but she can't sing for us
Jacob and
Yes, Mikey bats here Yes! Is Mikey Betts here? I hope so. I saw him today.
He's here. All right, so grab the mic, Jacob, right over there. I'm going to call Mikey
Betts. The stairs are getting shiny.
I know the stairs noise is annoying.
It will not be the whole show.
That mic's not on.
Hey, can you get down to the Yacht Studio right now?
Um, yeah, I'm like 10 minutes away, but I'll be right there.
Oh, what are you... Oh, alright, never mind.
Spin it again.
Alright, spin it again. the Oh, perfect! And Mincy.
Alright, so when he gets back, Jacob you're going to be singing the national anthem with him.
I love this shit, man.
Is that mic work, TJ, or no?
I wish that we could see Mincy getting into this suit.
Because I promise you.
It's going to be on sideways.
Yeah, talking to that mic.
It's not a straightforward.
1, 2, 3, 4.
Hello, 2, 3.
Jacob, you can take mine because I'm going to be standing.
Yeah, we'll be fine.
We'll have mics for you.
How's your voice, Jacob?
No mic on.
It's on.
We're good.
He's trying to talk into it. It's not working. We hear it
Oh, hello. We don't hello. No, we don't hear it
Don't take that
We go. It's you guys will share a mic for this. I'll be very intimate. Yeah
Voice isn't bad. Do you want to practice riff?
Yeah, just scat for us a little bit
Give a little I don't really know how to scat
There you go
Happy no
Cool yeah a little sexy happy birthday to you that's not singing though. It sexy. Happy birthday to you. That's not singing though.
It's prose.
Happy birthday to you.
That's good.
That's like the Rat Pack.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to sexy Minzy.
Happy birthday to you. Is the lube bubbling on the bottom
of the we should also we should also lube them up are we gonna lube them up tj? yes yeah great
i just pictured this birthday party to get this them the guys that set this up are still here
watching right yeah yeah can i ask a question would lube, adding water to the lube make it?
That's not good.
It'd make it flippery?
Maybe more lube instead of water.
More lube, not water.
Water's going to clean off the lube.
What kind of lube we working with here?
Where do you get lube in such a large tub? How long does it take for them to get in this?
Oh, it's water-based lube. Oh, it's water-based lube.
It is water-based animal lube, used for fat purposes.
Water-based lube. Why is it bubbling so much?
It's bubbling like it's boiling at the bottom. The way these machines work
is they constantly blow air through it, so it's making like it's boiling at the way these machines work is they constantly blow air through it
So it's it's making its air. It is I'm gonna touch the material
Yeah, give it a touch final touch
You don't think they're making it up one step what they're gonna. They're right. It's very slick
Kb will know he has nowhere to wipe his hands if they do it too easy we should add laps on use my oh yeah no it'll be best of three okay yeah yeah I
think it has to be best of three there you go just wipe it on my cape where are
these boys it's a one it can't be too hard to put on
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All right. Come on, boys.
These boys are just getting dressed, right?
What do they leave?
I put on a one piece.
They go get lunch.
They're at the bar together right now.
What's going on?
Do they know that we're ready for them?
Just remember, I could imagine them both just sitting in the game.
They have to be donned
Men's had the simplest Halloween costume and and really struggled that's
Through the backwards nun
He's creative in the ways he fucks up. Yes
And that's what today's about that's right more than anything
All right where Yeah, maybe.
All right. Prep sheet prep sheet. Guess Clembers weight.
One. I'm saying 130 132.
132. You know, does anyone know his height exactly? He's probably
661. Jacob, go see if they're like right there. I feel like
there's a chance they're right there.
Caitlin, are you properly lubed?
No, they're not there.
Come on, man.
I was just asking.
A bunch of people were playing on this before the lubing.
That's right.
It looked really fun.
All my sister.
A lot of giggling.
Yeah, my kids are going kids are so pissed when they realized
we had this here today we use it for mincy and climber
this it looks like it's boiling yeah it's really intimidating oh look here Oh, that look that that's come bubbly.
Did you get eyes on them?
Here they come.
Here they come.
All right.
I saw the quickest glimpse.
Oh, here we go.
Oh, they look great.
Yeah, you got to go over here.
Come on over, Mincy.
Alright, Mincy.
Mincy, you and Jacob are tasked with singing the national anthem as a duet.
Okay, I think Clember had some concerns about the outfit and wanted to put shorts over it because he was worried about it being revealing.
I'm ready to roll though. Didn't bother me.
My penis is much smaller.
much smaller. Oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, whose broad stripes and bright stars through
the perilous fight, gave proof through the night that
our flag was still there. banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Okay. All right, Minzy, Clemmer, are you boys ready?
The first event is...
Right there.
Where's Clemmer?
Where's Clemmer?
He's in metallic gold.
I'm dressed so subtly, Minzy.
The first event is Slippery Stairs Race.
We have slippery stairs. You guys are suited up.
We're gonna slippery you up some more lube you up some more and it's gonna be
a best of three you got to get up and over to the other side is that so
there's another side of it you got to get to the other side that will be a
completion Che questions that seems good so far Wow. What so we're good to go
Missy, uh, no shoes foot no shoes also full contact allowed You can pull the other person down you can you can you can keep them from getting up to the top
And the refs are ready to go as well. One of you has these on backwards Which one of them? Which one could it be? Yeah, I think it's you, Mincy.
I think you might have it on path.
It's alright.
It's a way to differentiate.
Alright, so competitors...
His feet crossed.
Competitors, get ready.
Go up and get loose.
I can't see.
I can't see.
I can't see. I can't see. His feet crossed
Competitors get ready. It's from Louisiana go up and get loose
Hey guys, you're gonna stand up at any time now. Yeah, go up and get loose. All right boys
It's best of three all right
One point the shorts make it funnier It's like putting an oversized thing into a trash bag
Palms and feet yes, make sure you get their palms and feet as well.
Someone start playing part of my take for Minzy.
Jay just asked a question, best of three? Best of three.
Oh my. TJ, can I get a little Kevin James too?
Oh my goodness. This is the first of 21 events. Yeah, this is.
Yeah, really rub him down.
Really get them going.
That's why Clemmer wanted to wear shorts.
Maybe Mincey doesn't have a bulge problem because he's
got them on backwards.
All right.
All right.
I feel like Che's asking a lot of questions right now.
But he said he was good.
OK, competitors.
A little last minute looping.
Yeah, yeah.
Good job, Paige.
Oozing shorts.
Oh, Paige. She made... Oooozing shorts. A big... Oh, man.
His oozing giant con shorts.
Oh, I'm excited.
Is that where his hips are?
His hips are high.
He's got high hips.
Okay, on Spider here we go. a beast. No, Clember.
All right.
Goes down the other side.
And that's one for Clember.
It's one for Clember.
Bintzy, keep going.
Clember, keep going.
No, no, it's the best of three.
Oh, Bintzy.
All right, we got to lube that up.
Oh, no.
Lube that up.
Oh, shit.
He's got to go down so hard.
All right, one nothing Clember.
One nothing Clember.
Was it easy?
Clember, that looked really easy.
Should we lube the... Lube that, man. Those black handles are too easy I'm really really so we looped this might be a man five
Candles are too easy. What if you can't use the black handle? Yeah, no black handles get them
So here handles lubricate these boys lubricate them up. I know black handles. Okay, yes
Fighter watch for black handles if they touch the black handle they got a they got to go back down
Mincy already looks exhausted.
This might be a best of five. Might have to be.
I don't know that. Kid grabbed the black handles.
He's hamming it. See, is it? Yeah.
I was.
But he already like, oh, sorry, she has a question.
Yes, she had no black handles touching.
That's good.
There's going to be a best of five as well, boys. Best of five.
Yes, first counts.
First counts.
Is there any way they could get up the other side
if they start the other way?
I don't know.
Oh, go up the slide instead of the?
Mincy tried to pull him down. I gotta go see what it looks like.
What's at the bottom of that slide? It's an air mattress, there's a couch.
Okay. I think the no black handles is gonna change. I do too. There's a lot of black handles.
These outfits they look like Special Olympic figure skaters. That's right Okay competitors ready
Make sure make sure Clemmer doesn't dry off his hands on his shorts. All right competitors ready
Mincy quick off the block
Look for those. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh.
Two provocative whippersnappers with a penchant for chaos.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, my god.
Clembers, what are you doing?
Clembers really good.
Mincy is so bad at this.
All right, two nothing, Clember.
I think this is going to go to Clember.
Come on, Mincy.
This, like, at first I was like,
oh, the stairs aren't slippery enough.
I think we just need two Mincy's.
Yeah, that's what we needed.
Yeah, that's what we were prepared for.
He's, he's, he's lighter man.
You're just good, so.
You're just really good at this.
It's just balance.
All right, round three.
He's, who's up the slide please.
Oh man.
Mincy really hamming it up.
Walking back slowly.
Reframe his strategy maybe?
Yeah Mincy. Maybe a different strategy. I don't know.
Mincy you want the other side?
Yeah. Probably the drive side. Yeah go the other side Mincy. Side swap. Side swap. They're
ignoring us. Spider side swap him. Side swap him. I think he has to prioritize
defense. Yeah we're making it slippery here. Physicality okay. Stand by they're
gonna make it more slippery. How?
Gallons of lube. Please. If Mincy was smart he'd just pull climbers shorts off. gallons of Lou please
if mincy was smart he just pull climbers shorts off right you
have her up is I'm assuming giant penis
who just you know there's a massive
if you throw maybe any not much water more lube
okay yeah I'm sorry. We have 20 events. 20 more events.
Huh? It's not gonna matter. You're just gonna dominate him.
Oh, cocky. Maybe you're just good at this. He hasn't shown one
fault yet. Oh, that's work. Maybe get them now.
All right.
Defense Mincy.
Defense Mincy.
He's too focused on getting.
Oh, oh, oh.
Mincy, you gotta get him. Get you got you got to get him you got to
get his legs see oh all right oh all right one nothing
climber uh opposite side try it yeah see if they can go up the opposite side
both on the same one though yeah just for just for an extra point spider
Have them go up the opposite side on the slide
Yeah on the same side
On the same side is for an extra point extra point
Well extra point he wasn't gonna do it, and said extra point. Why didn't you say so? What is the point system? Ah it doesn't matter. Okay. The ending will be great
no matter what.
Okay. Have we oiled that at all? I don't know. Same side. It's a pinhole. Kadek make him go on the same side. Okay, make him go on the same side. Thanks for doing it from the same
distance we are. Is it slick on that side? No, now they're just doing the
same side that they were on. We put lube on there? Yeah, let's lube it instead of water. Go tell them same side. Same side. Both of them have to go up the same one. Nick, what are we doing?
Wait, why don't we use the lube? Very slippery lube. That's Mauritius from home too. Yes!
Yes! Get those walls. We only need one side. We only need one side. Same side thing is just not, it's not hitting. Not landing.
Yes, one leg.
It's the most confusing thing. Oh man.
I'm gonna lose my mind. Yeah.
And no water. God damn it.
Why are you just doing the white? You're rushing it off.
Alright. This is for an extra point.
A commanding 2-0 lead lead if Lumber wins this yeah
All right, send him off
This I don't think they'll be able to do it all I'm curious. I don't know climbers a fucking spider, man. I
Feel like we have our own action figure toys that we get to play with. Yeah, all right
Yep All right Yep
And they're off
It's just a bully teaming up right now
Oh, maybe we let him go opposite sides then.
If this is possible.
No, I want to see Minzy just barrel through the glimmer.
It's very...
There's panic in his eyes.
Let's see his technique.
Okay. There's panic in his eyes He's getting a little. Oh, they're just taking the gentleman's game
Oh my god
What's he gonna do? He's that side of it.
Oh he's doing it. Pull him down!
Mitzi pull him down!
Alright is Mitzi gonna do the same strategy?
Mitzi's gonna try the same thing. Same strategy.
This is hitting now.
Tit for tat. Oh.
Did Clever quit?
He quit.
We can throw a rope over the top.
Uh, yeah.
Is there a rope?
Throw a rope.
A running start.
We got a rope.
We got a rope.
There goes Marash.
Oh, socks on lube.
8th grade all over again.
There we go.
We got a rope.
This is the first of 21. Yeah. Goddamn it. I don't know.
There we go, we got a rope. This is the first of 21.
Yeah, not all of them take this long.
Oh, man.
Ha ha.
All right, now there we go.
Now is Maresh gonna hold the rope?
I don't know.
Ha ha ha. All right, there's a rope now. Ha ha ha. Oh, Maresh. Now there we go now is more skin a hold I don't know
All right, there's a rope now
Should we do time trials see first. Oh here he goes. Oh, oh look at that. Oh pull a mincy. Oh
Wait, I want to see more s go up and over
rabble mincy pulls it mincy got a little missy think it's just
one by one
Yeah, all right good work. It's you give it a shot. Oh
Man more s gonna have to really hold on I want him to fling over the top a pulley system I hope mincy doesn't come flying down on this side
Just grab the rope
All right down on this side. Why did he jump into it? Just grab the rope. Alright. Clemmer's got two. Good work. Good job, Clemmer. Slippery stairs. Worked in some ways, not in others. Just let it go, Clemmer. Just slide down, man.
You're afraid? You're afraid? You're not that high up, man. All right, you can take that off. Oh, gross.
Yeah, take it off. Take it off. Don't get the lube all over the court, though.
Take it off before you get off the tarp. What is he going to make it?
All right, you can take it off. Clever. Did Mincy quit?
Yeah, he kind of did. The lube lube's in. The lube's where?
Where is it?
Lube is everywhere.
All right, we'll get this unplugged,
and we'll go to the second event.
We've got a couple inside the studio.
We can't get it off.
You can't get it off.
There's no way he's getting this off.
I think he might get himself trapped in a second.
Oh, I think he might get himself trapped in a second
This could take days yeah
He said he's not a lot of climbing a lot of climbing
That was the only climbing yeah, that was ambitious of us. Yeah. Yeah. We tried out different ways to get slippery stairs. It was like, get undressed, $200,000.
The actual fabrication estimates were stunning for how much
it cost to build stairs.
The problem there was the talent disparity.
I think Clemmer might be like the top 1 percentile of that
sport in the world.
Also, just remind fans that like,
like Pro Day number one,
there were some events that just didn't hit.
That's just the beauty of Pro Day.
Alright, we have text and Clemmer.
Alright, there we go.
Sound is gone.
I wonder what these guys thought who brought this in watching.
All right, so the second event
is a little bit more low impact.
Yeah. It should be good for the guys.
Yeah, we have a couple that are in studio.
While this gets going. There we go.
I'm glad that's just over with.
What is she doing to him?
I don't know.
I think she's just putting, they have...
Oh, they're...
Yeah, they have outfits.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, that is good.
Oh yeah, he looks good.
We're gonna track him.
All right, Mincy, you can come back in.
They say honesty is the first chapter in the Book of wisdom. Tootsie pop or blow pop?
To be honest, that didn't hit as much as I like.
I don't even think that was in the top ten of ideas.
That was a let down.
Tootsie or blow?
That's bigger, right?
That's bigger, right?
That's bigger, right?
That's bigger, right?
That's bigger, right?
That's bigger, right?
That's bigger, right? That's bigger, right? That's bigger, right? That's bigger, right? That's okay. We'll go to see maybe go to see to see
smaller right. Yeah. To see to see they're smaller right.
Yeah. They have to show us the the brown. It's two non brown
tootsies. There go the slippery stairs. Wow. Also, Kadek, throw me a brown one. What? Please?
That was a terrible throw.
Snap it to him.
Never mind.
Bad idea.
Bad, bad idea.
Snap it to him.
That's fine. Yeah.
Where are the boys coming?
Where are they coming from?
Well, Clemmer looked like he was in for the long haul
of changing.
Mincy's just getting mic'd.
Mincy's, yeah, talking.
He's asking questions.
He's just telling someone about this.
I'm on a diet, So, I don't know
if I could be eating while he
Yeah, put your shoes back on
Mincy. What are your thoughts
there? Tom over here. Sit on
it. They're not going to sit.
I'm going to sit. Clem was just
too good. No climbing climbing
stuff. It's not for our body
types. I feel like he's got a
large edge in that one. He's built for climbing. He's lean. Lean and long, and I'm short and wide. He didn't play a lot of defense, though.
Yeah, you could have attacked him.
I tried to attack him on the way up on that first one.
You could have just made on him.
Pull him down.
Just put your body weight on him.
Should have done the one last one.
Cried to at the end on the rope.
Not any climbing left.
Yeah, that was the last climbing event.
Minor step back for a major comeback.
There won't be as many
pauses too, because I know there
was a way to put them in these
suits. No more, no more costume
changes. That's not true. Oh, oh,
not many more. I find that hard
to believe. Yeah, not many more.
No more than five more costume
Hoping there's like a bench press competition. There is not. There is not. Anything strength related gets me back.
Yeah, there's not.
This one should be a very even competition.
The next one.
You feeling an extra energy boost because of Fat Tuesday?
I feel like that's your wheelhouse.
I'm pumped to be here.
I'm excited.
This is, as I said, not a great first event, but we're not.
I'm excited.
I'm excited.
I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm excited. This is those like said, not a great first event, but we're not. Yeah.
Short memory.
It's like a cornerback getting burned.
Next play.
Good point.
Does this make you want to become a better climber?
I feel like it made me feel more that there's just no hope with it.
Oh, okay.
Then there was like improvement.
I got up there last time though.
How about the rope?
You didn't even seem to take advantage of the rope.
I tried to pull him down at the end of the rope.
I tried to pull him down.
I tried to pull him down.
I tried to pull him down.
I tried to pull him down.
I tried to pull him down. I tried to pull him down. I tried to pull him down. I. Then there was improvement. I got up there the last time, though.
How about the rope?
You didn't even seem to take advantage of the rope.
I tried to pull him down at the end,
but I should have gone harder at it.
I definitely should have.
Boy, that suit is just giving Clemmer fits, huh?
It's the-
Putting it on, taking it off is-
It's his wedding day.
Yeah, where? You just step out of it. Yeah, I thought so. He just unzip it. Well, you just step out of it.
Yeah, I thought so.
You just unzip it.
That's a one step process.
Step out.
Maybe he doesn't have another change of shorts.
It's a good thing we didn't see his package.
I feel these guys are going to get all, no, they're good.
No, they water washed it all.
I feel pretty oiled up.
Yeah, you're right.
How oiled up do you feel? What's up? You feel pretty oiled up. Yeah, you're right. How oiled up do you feel?
You feel pretty oiled up?
Yeah, yeah, I feel pretty slick.
Probably be hard to tackle right now.
What's the slickest you've ever felt?
Probably mud, like mud wrestling.
Oh, you've mud wrestled?
In the tropics, or where?
Like, I feel like
Like New Orleans mud rain, okay
Piles like it's never felt so we will be adding mud wrestling for next year. Yeah about that sure
You guys ever been lubed up for anything?
I feel like I have to my Steven you a lube guy
definitely I have to my Stephen you a lube guy definitely
Across the board or
Clarify that I don't know why
Definitely a lube guy like a solo play
Yeah, we're talking team play
Team play team play you lube it to eat it?
That's how hard he eats it.
He's gotta lube it up.
There's nothing left.
You a dry guy, Kyle?
I guess, yeah, I eat it dry.
With the hopes of it becoming undry.
Oh, not like that. I thought you're talking about solo no but do you like do you like you
put ketchup on your fries are you lubing to eat no no no no they do have flavors
it's a natural lubricant where is climber I don't know. I'm He's halfway back to New York started on zipping that I mean say minutes ago
Yeah, honestly you want a point
Just give a point we'll put a timer
Two minutes two minutes the Clemurs someone go yell a Clemur. He did say he needed to change into his clothes
Yeah, right Right that was a bit ago. He did say he needed to change into his clothes Yeah, right
Right that was a bit ago. Yeah should have been pretty easy
Or maybe it was the shorts thing that he was wearing he didn't have another pair or something
I don't know currently on pace for a 21-hour event. Yep. We didn't foresee the 30-minute changing break
Yeah, but it's really just clammmer. Yeah, thank you.
Mincy got out of that very quickly.
I don't get it.
Should we give him a changing,
a point for changing faster?
I think so, yeah.
All right.
Mincy gets a point.
That was challenge two.
Yeah, yeah.
That was challenge two.
Mincy gets a point.
All right, let's go.
Do you have eyes on Clemmer?
He's getting mic'd up.
He's getting mic'd up. He's gonna be mad about this. Yeah, but
Took him forever disrespectful
Luckily we've got plenty to talk about we how you guys your comments
about lube
I also think that looking at event two, because we've had a slow start, I think both contestants,
if everyone agrees, should get one single bite that they can use at any time.
But that would just end it.
Would it?
If they used it too early, it wouldn't.
Would it end it?
I don't know.
If they used it early, it would not.
That would, yeah.
You think it would end it? I think that would just end it. it early, it would not. That would, yeah. You think it would end it?
I think that would just end it.
Some people think it's pretty hard.
Clemmer, how are we?
Good, good.
Mince, you got a point for changing the freezer.
I don't think it really is...
I mean, alright.
I guess that's what we're doing.
That's fine.
It seems unfair.
I didn't know there would be a penalty for...
I changed as fast as I could.
That's a lie.
I went upstairs...
Why'd you have to go upstairs?
I changed my clothes. Because I had my luggage up there.
Okay, take the point away from him.
He went upstairs.
He could have had his clothes down here.
I didn't know I would need to change.
I would have had everything right in that bathroom.
All right, let's move on to event number two.
Still to nothing?
Yeah, to nothing.
Event number two is very easy.
It's race to the center of a blow pop.
No biting
allowed. Okay. Okay. So I actually think the competitors
should sit on the floor next to each other face. That's right.
That's right. And can we give them both? Are we doing tootsy
or blow? Tootsie. Tootsie pop. All right. So you have to show
when you think you're done, you have to show to your ref that
you are at the tootsie point. Total brown.
It's got to be total brown.
No orange.
No orange.
Che, questions?
Well, you confirmed that there's no biting.
Mincy, do you have a question?
We talked about this a while ago.
Does it have to be lollipop out of mouth or kind of be in mouth?
Any way.
Any way they want. Any way they want.
Any way they want to consume it.
Face to face, Mincy.
So turn your body.
There you go.
Now, Mincy, will this affect your diet?
We'll be all right.
Don't unwrap it.
It's not 37 chicken legs.
All right.
On Spider's Whistle, you can unwrap.
And again, you're showing brown.
When you get to the end, you're showing brown to the refs and they'll declare if it's fully done or not
No biting biting is automatic DQ, okay
Okay, oh
Yeah, but oh yeah, oh yeah Oh Mincy can you make eye look upwards? Look at the camera. Look up though.
Oh yeah.
What she sees.
Alright, alright.
What if Clemmer just whittled?
Don't do that.
He has a mic on, Devin.
How's it taste?
I'm curious. The pacing is...
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm just just holding it in there.
Was he going to run out of tongue?
He might be doing a better job.
He has a brooding way about it.
Minzy is finally eating it.
No biting.
No teeth.
Know how we like it.
No teeth.
No stick.
There's going to be nothing left.
That would be funny if Miny just accidentally ate the stick.
Oh! Can it come off the stick?
Uh... No.
Okay. Maybe clarify that for our heads.
It's gotta stay on the stick.
Does anyone here know the Heimlich? Just in case.
Oh man.
Oh, Clemmer is slow and steady here.
Yeah, and he hasn't broken eye contact. Yeah.
He's trying to intimidate Mintz.
Mintz looks like he's got Mandingo in his mouth.
Clemmer, I think.
Where's the stick?
Mintz is got it.
You don't have to eat the stick.
Mintz's uvula is looking bad.
Yeah, where is the pole?
Holy shit.
Oh, I see.
I think Clemmer's rope-a-doping him. Yeah, it might be. I think Clemmer rope-a-doping him. Yeah
Spelling your name with your tongue Clembers take a big silent sucks. That's right
Waiting his turn
Tiring him out.
You gotta be tired.
Oh yeah, this is exhausting.
What am I looking at?
All right, this event is hitting exactly how I want it to.
We're very back.
Is anyone close?
Is anyone close?
Oh, he ch anyone close I choked
no no no he's upping the pace don't choke
you can go time out to see where they are
yeah time show show show oh wow Oh wow, okay. Oh, it's time. Okay, back in. Ready? It's a dead tie.
It's a dead tie after all that.
Oh man.
Look at this.
Take a real life Mr. Peepers.
Oh man.
Maybe try rubbing it on the roof of your mouth.
It's a little bit rougher.
Keep it on the stick, Mince.
Keep it on the stick.
Yeah, keep it on the stick.
Watch for teeth. No teeth. Oh, sounds. That's sound I like I love the pro day too because you could tell when
mincy has an event he thinks he can win he just goes very
clever knows he has to win this is a must win for is a must
I'm interested in making eye contact with
mincy this whole time too.
Mincy is mangling this stick. Remember you have to show it.
So don't accidentally eat it.
The weirdest western style. No he ate it!
Oh! Mincy it's gone!
Mincy you ate it!
I told you not off the stick. No!
As I was saying don't eat it! Oh no! You I thought I was supposed to- No! No, the stick. We said remain on the stick. There was nothing we could have done to prevent that.
It was nothing we could have done.
Jay, you're the rules expert.
Mintz is disqualified.
I thought that was-
Emits your debris.
Three, nothing to Clemmer.
I want to see your work.
It was a-
Show the stick.
Where's the ball?
Where's the ball?
Oh, he's got it.
Oh, he's got it.
It's been chewed.
He's been chewing it.
He chewed a ball off.
He chewed a ball.
It was a licking contest. It was a licking contest. He chewed it. You can't do that. It was a licking contest.
It was a licking contest.
He chewed in a licking contest.
He chewed in a licking contest.
I don't yank at all.
All right, sit back down.
Oh, no.
Is that the strategy, Clemmer?
Sit back down, Mincy.
He's got a mic.
Did you think in the back of your mind that might happen?
But on the headphones, it's like...
You guys think I was really going to eat it half the time, it wasn't.
He was beating me.
I'm like, fuck, I hope he bites it.
He was.
I hope he bites it. I'm fucked if he doesn't bite it. Clemmer's up big. Wow. I thought I was really confused. How time it was? He was beating me? I'm like, fuck, I hope he bites. He was.
I hope he bites, and I'm fucked if he doesn't bite it.
Clembers up big.
I thought that was...
Sit down.
You're still...
Mincy, we said it like a hundred times.
As I was saying it, he did it.
You were...
In his defense, he was hyper-focused on sucking it down.
He wasn't listening.
Clember, incredible performance.
I mean, I'll say that when Mincy had me beat there.
Yeah, but you just have to let him fuck up that that's what that was
Yeah, you had me on that one mincy
Alright, so three nothing clobber. That's a tough one right there. We gotta put
The effort was there the execution. What do you think right wrong right? I was just I got too aggressive. Yeah
It was quite a strategy three nothing. Yeah. All right
Nick you want to tell him number number three. That's right
number three
We're all hungry and so you guys are going to order Chinese food for us
But you can only speak Chinese
So you can use your phone to look up any translation and you can call a Chinese restaurant here.
I have the Chinese restaurant. I'm texting it both to you.
And you will call that Chinese restaurant and whoever does it the fastest and it gets here.
Well, it's got to be a good order too. Yes. We'll judge this after.
So I go get my phone.
No, yes. Google Translate's allowed. It has to be your voice. Yep. And we would like
you to order an appetizer, maybe two entrees and then a third item. Yes. You're choosing.
Okay. Okay. So that's the number you're going to call. Are they going to call at the same
time or one at a time? They're going to call one at a time. Clemmer, you can go first.
How's he gonna say the address of here? We have...Page is gonna call right after both of them call and pay for it.
So you guys don't have to worry about paying for it.
Or saying the address.
You just say that they've been prepped.
We've already called this restaurant.
They've been prepped that we're gonna have two people trying out their Chinese.
Listen, you probably get this a lot. And so
so Paige will then page we're going to do the Chinese food order. All right. I'm any
experience in speaking Chinese. You turn down Danny's Michael. I'm sorry. That's all right.
I have no experience. And what determines the winner? I think it's when their order
arrives and we'll judge their order. Accuracy of order. Yeah judge their order accuracy of order. Yeah, okay
So they so clever before same thing
Yeah, they could yeah, you could order. Yeah. Yeah the say do the same order so it's
Yeah, so what do you guys want to eat?
Kung Pao string bean
What am I little egg roll action perhaps I would like a chicken, a chicken on a stick. A chicken on a stick. A chicken on a stick.
So egg roll.
No, ten.
Ten egg rolls.
Alright, so what's the order?
Ten egg rolls, egg drop soup.
Alright, hang on a second.
Kung pao chicken.
And meat on a stick.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this. I got this. I got this. I got this. I got this. Ten egg rolls. All right, so what's the order? Ten egg rolls, egg drop soup.
All right, hang on one second.
Kung Pao chicken.
And meat on a stick.
I guess I'm writing this down.
Mince, what you doing with your phone over here?
I'm trying to look up these translations.
Do you speak Chinese, Mincey?
For Clemmer, it'll probably be fun to stick beef on a stick. Okay, okay. I'd like to order 10 a rolls. Mm-hmm
Beef on a stick and
Will be correct should it be whoever is fastest? Yeah with a call you will judge it will be a judge
It'll be a judgment call. So whoever is fastest with the call? We'll judge it. It will be a judgment call.
So we'll wait till the orders gets here.
We'll also take into account how we think they order the same thing.
How are they going to know which order is which?
Good point. Yeah.
Do they not give their name?
Let's not order the same thing. Just whoever does the best.
Yeah, that's your order. Yeah.
Your order is 10, 8 rolls and one beef on a stick and a Kung Papao chicken And then mincy you order you tell us what you're gonna order beforehand
It's got a little low-main actually yeah, lo man, that's chicken fried. Was that is that the same in Chinese it might I don't know
Chicken and broccoli mm-hmm and a fish and
25 wontons
Okay, Clem are you ready to call agree so all right so mincy leave the room
And we'll start a timer for this yes
Okay Sure, so I'm just making you order. I don't need to worry about the address or- No, no.
We'll handle that after.
I'm just, I'm timing how long the phone call is.
Yeah, yeah.
And politeness counts.
Again, this will be a judgment by the entirety of the Yak.
So, I'm calling on my phone?
That's right.
And just put on speaker?
When you hit call, I'll start the time.
Sorry, I'm really bad with technology and stuff.
You're out of time. Let's see here. They have been prepped. Oh, there's two, there's three locations. I'm really bad with technology and stuff.
They have been proud.
There's two, there's three locations.
I'm guessing the one I first one.
Yeah, wait.
Let me see which one I sent you.
The West Loop one.
We'll see how this goes. All right, you guys ready?
Make sure you hold your phone up to the, yeah.
Ni hao.
Wao zing den dēn shài gǐ dàn wǎn.
Wǎi fén ni rù.
Chǎo nǐ hǐ gǎng bǎo.
Zí zì?
I don't know.
Zí zì? Yeah. I don't understand. Zizi?
Yeah, I don't understand.
Say it again.
Hold up your phone closer.
Ni hao.
I am Dian.
I am Dian.
I am Dian.
I am Dian. I am Dian. Hm. Ni hao. Wow.
Zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan.
Wow zeng dan. Wow zeng dan. Wow zeng dan. Wow zeng dan. Wow. Zeng Dan. Wow. Zeng Dan.
Shai Gae Don Wan.
Don Wan.
Yi Fen Mi Ru.
Yi Fen Niu You.
Shen He Yiu. Yifan Niuyou? Yes. Well, Zizi. Yifan Niuyou.
I got that one.
Next, next.
Shen Higongbao?
Again, slowly.
Shan Higongbao?
Shan Higongbao?
Zhai Ding? Zhai Bing? Ding? I think. Jai ding.
Sure. Jai ding.
I can't get it. Okay.
ZZ. Okay, alright. Sorry guys.
We'll see if it's coming.
Yeah, yeah.
We'll see what you get.
Yeah, we'll see what you get.
Page will call.
I tried.
I tried.
Two minutes.
That sounded good.
Mincy, get in here!
That was good.
It wasn't.
I think he got one of them.
When you went to the third gal.
The third gal!
The guy was trying too. Yeah, that was...
So bad.
Wait, wait, what's he doing?
Is he calling the police right now?
Wait, he's from there?
What's he doing?
No, I told him, okay, back it.
Uh, no.
I think he's just looking at the translation.
He's trying to...
Oh my god.
I think that was as good as you could have done.
It sounds like he got one of them, I think.
I think so.
I think he might have gotten...
He got an egg or the...
He didn't get the Kung Pao Chicken. That's it. That's the last thing that was tripping him
What were you trying to what was the Kung Pao chicken? I don't know on one
Was nothing I didn't see your turn call the West Loop location
The West Loop location I sent it to place again. Oh my god
They might call Pizza Hut.
You don't speak her? Yeah, but the headphones aren't really going to help you in this situation.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
It'll be fine.
Go for it, Mincy.
What are you doing? I'm gonna go for it. Okay. Go
What are you doing and go? Time
and are you texting him first?
Yeah, I'm putting the number
Ken Jack said you weren't
terrible. Alright, close to the
mic. Close to the mic. King's I don't see egg uh kung pao chicken
Eggrolls and Ziong
Z Z-Ti- Ego? One? Uh... Hang on, what's two?
Damn it.
Hang on.
Hang on.
Hey, Ross.
Shy, Glo? So you mean shy is how many? Hi, everyone. Shy glow?
So you mean shy is how many?
Thank you.
Are you reading the rogue side? He thought that was Chinese.
He said thank you.
All right, you're done, Mitzi.
Hang up. Tell Page to call and clean up the room. He said thank you! Alright, you're done, Mitzi. Hang up. Tell Page to call and clean up the order.
He said thank you!
Alright, Cody, can you tell Page to call them?
He said thank you!
And tell them to just pay for whatever they ordered.
Oh my god.
Thank you!
Do you think that if you said thank you slower, it would have made it Chinese?
He was reading the wrong section of the translation.
He said thank you on air. You think that he's reading the wrong section of the translation
What thank you you think you think Chinese thank you is thank you oh
My god, why didn't you say the Chinese words for what you ordered?
Then you said egg roll and said egg roll in the Google Translation.
All right, we're ready for the next event.
We had to switch...
Do I win this one?
No, we'll judge it when we get the orders.
His order was right...
It was like an order in English.
Well, you gotta see the order.
We gotta see what we get first, Clem.
And really, we're just gonna, whoever's really far behind,
we're gonna give them the win.
Yeah, all right.
Next event, we had to change the order of events.
So we're going to move this up because nap time is coming up.
This is Don Juan.
Oh my god.
This is coming up.
All right.
So this event, both guys, competitors,
go out on the court.
We're going to see who a baby likes more, Mincy or Clemmer.
You have to earn the trust of a baby. Are they staying far apart? A baby will be placed at the center of the court. Mincy or Clemmer. You have to earn the trust of a baby.
Are they staying far apart?
A baby will be placed at the center of the court.
Mincy and Clemmer will each take their positions
on one end of the court.
Whichever competitor the baby crawls to
will earn the even point.
They're allowed to summon Beckon.
Use expressive language.
Are they beside each other?
Oh my god.
That is the cutest baby.
Oh my god.
Thank you to Maggie for having her baby here.
Are they beside each other or on opposite ends?
One is there on both. one's on either baseline.
Either baseline.
He's got a little barstool shirt on.
Oh wait, oh.
Should I shake it?
Oh my god.
This is a cute baby it is.
That's a cute baby.
This is so old baby. It is. That's a cute baby.
He's so tall.
Alright, so alright, we're off.
He's hello. Oh hello. Hi over here.
How is that clever?
Hello. Oh oh. Hi! Oh, over here! Oh, now he's got Clemmer! Look at this! Look at this! Hello!
The spider's helping!
Oh, what a cute baby!
Oh god!
Sup, fellas?
Sup, fellas?
I think we go on first move.
Like, whichever, if you want to be Like whichever closest to maybe put a timer.
Hi. Let's give it. Let's give it two minutes timer.
Maybe they could get the free throw line. Yeah, get to the free throw line. Both of you go to the free throw line.
Gently. Don't scare the baby. Don't scare the baby. Yeah, I'll scare the baby gently gently free throw line mincy
Watching mincy more this baby is right
He's right. Baby. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Maybe do a little performance for him. Oh dance, missy Should they move up the three-point line?
Move up to the three-point line three-point line
That's the most, look at the visual. Oh, this is so good. Waving his options. What's up, Charlie?
That's the most still a baby has ever been.
Loosen up, boys.
Did your mom teach you stranger danger?
That's good.
There you go, bud.
Hey, what's up?
Hey, what's up?
Babies love bombastic behavior, guys.
You got to do something different.
Get animated.
What's up, bud?
You're just doing the same thing. Put it on your head there's something silly
oh it fall off come on peekaboo oh looking back at mints I will say mincy
has dominated the baby's attention yes yes all right go to the green line the
green line and then we'll have to judge smart, baby. I think mincy's winning right now. I think so, too
Clever cannot get a look
There we go we found something
There we go, we found something I'd be actually the same rate way right now.
This is why you stick around after the first.
Come on, baby.
Hey, Charlie.
Should we call it?
Oh, hey, baby.
I think we can let this go.
All right, we let it go.
We let it go.
He's very close to making a move.
All right, move in a little bit more.
Move in a little bit more.
Just in a circle. To the circle. Circle. Circle. Hey, you want your toy? All right moving a little bit more
Like you should black and white of the Oh There the baby don't scare the baby
She's reaching
Vince is just as fascinated by the no thumb trick. You're smiling. Yeah, he is. Uh oh. There you go, come on.
Uh oh.
Come here, here you go.
Good posture on that baby.
Great posture.
Going up on a Tuesday.
Going up on a Tuesday.
Oh man.
Come on.
You could say come here.
Maybe stand up.
Hey, there you go. Hey, Charlie. Come here. Yeah, maybe stand up
Whatever you want to do. We're all friends, could you feel it?
It's all your call.
Feel the love.
I'm right here.
Hey bud.
He's over there, but I'm right here.
What's your, what's your little toy?
What do you think?
What do you think?
Your favorite television show.
What do you like to do?
I have never seen a baby sit for that long.
Baby's got the angel and the devil out. He's angel my hardest baby ever he knows both these guys are bad news
found to making it
You think you just move to move
Is Clembers is trying to talk to President of the United States. Yeah. I guess it comes up. Oh, no.
Is Clemmer just trying to talk to it now?
It's a hostage negotiation.
I think Mincy's dominating attention.
Should we call it for Mincy?
Maybe buttocks on the stars.
Buttocks on the stars.
Scooch in one more.
Butt on the stars.
Butt on the stars.
Butt on the stars.
Is he not happy?
I don't know.
He's starting to get it. Oh, Amy. Hey. Hey, Amy. Charlie But on the stars. Is he not happy? I don't know. He's starting to get.
Oh, hey, baby.
Hey, Charlie.
What if he comes to us?
Hi, Charlie.
Hey, Charlie.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, Charlie.
You want Charlie?
Hey, buddy.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, you want your toy?
I know it's stressful.
I know.
I know.
I know.
He's talking to me.
He's talking to me.
He was talking to the baby, Mintz.
It's stressful, yeah.
I know. It's a lot of work. 10 seconds, maybe. Yeah. One day. Talking to the baby mints
It's a lot of work
Really leaning his asses on stars
That was so smart you better counter counter counter counter closer minutes doesn't want to give up the tool
Go oh whose toys gonna get he goes get it closer mincy
oh mincy get your toy closer that's kind of that's kind of oh boy oh boy they got a boy I
We call that for mincy mincy win he had the majority of the attention Thank you. Yes, thank you. Here comes Mama. Yay! There we go.
Aww, he's smiling.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, hi, buddy.
What a good baby.
What a good baby.
All right, good job, boys.
Incredible visuals.
That is Mincy's first win of the day.
Well done, Mincy.
For demanding the most attention from the baby
That's a well-behaved baby. That's a really well-behaved. Hey, what would your kid feel like he got over?
Off into the sunset
Started his own
Yes, so it's three to one
Clemmer how are you both feeling?
Well, I'm nervous about the Chinese food
thing, because that's going to make it 3 to 2,
because you were in English.
So I know that you guys are just awarding points,
but I do want that.
We'll take that into account.
But yeah, Minzy did find a nice loophole.
I don't think so.
I think he just simply broke the rules
and didn't do the challenge, but that's fine.
All right, next up, we have taping stuff
to a wall challenge.
Each contestant has one roll of duct tape
and a table full of objects.
We will put five minutes on the clock.
Whoever has more objects stuck to the wall in five minutes
will win the point.
If both competitors get all five objects stuck,
whoever stuck their final object first
will earn the event point.
Now, they're the exact same objects,
so it's even on that sense. Che, any questions? That seems pretty good. Okay all right all right so go on out on
the court we'll show you to the wall. This should be fun. Definitely. Why the
hesitation on Clemmer? I don't know. He's trying to read the rules. Tape the stuff to the
wall Clemmer. Over there by Spider to the right. There's always a
there's always a loophole, Brandon. Always. Always a
loophole. Does he get more skeletal? I don't. Yes. He's
lost some weight. Stress from this. He wants the Chinese
point. He does. I don't believe. I mean, yeah. And we will give
it to him if it's close unless
Thank you, this is down 15 to 1 we're gonna need to look at the mincy translation
Mincy just typed the whole order in the Google search bar and hit Chinese translation. Oh, we typed a paragraph into
Yeah, can we see what thank you is in Chinese?
It's Shasha Shasha Shasha me you what thank you is in Chinese? It's xie xie. Xie xie? Xie xie ni.
You said zhengku.
All right, so we see all the items.
So your items here, skateboard, photo of your opponent, toaster, wheelbarrow, baby doll.
They have one roll of duct tape each.
If they run out, they're out.
All right, and it's fastest to get all the items up or if it's five minutes, it's whoever
has the most items.
Okay. All right, you ready, has the most items. Correct. Okay.
All right, you ready boys?
Spider, we're good whenever.
Can we get a widescreen?
Get a wide shot.
It's a good picture, Reclimer.
Yeah, tiny.
Mince might not get into the tape.
No, he might not get to tape open his bow.
Do they have scissors?
No, they have to use their hands.
All right, and what wall?
That's at a good angle.
There we go.
Oh, Clemmer is cutting the tape first.
That's very, very smart.
Clemmer, very strategic, cerebral.
Minzy is more instinctual.
Is he in the tape yet?
I think you just got to getting shit up. Yeah.
Mincy's struggling.
It is zero to zero.
You're not on ticket stuff.
No you're not.
I can't see that tape.
Look at that little piece there.
Never know.
And can we get optics on
Mincy's tape?
Is it twisted? What is he doing?
Is he torn a single piece off? Is he trying to do the whole thing?
You got four minutes left
boys. Yep, one minute down boys.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh he got the thin strip. He like cheated wrong.
He's gotta rip it off. Yep. He has to rip it wrong. He's got to rip it off. Yeah, he has to
Quit isn't in his vocabulary
Is he I'm trying to use that
The toaster first oh well I would go with the easier items for you think right now right in there it is
Yeah, like the picture you don't see has the thinnest
How did his tape get so thin also Smith's using the right wall what it doesn't matter, but how did this oh my god? Oh my god
How is he living
He's got the wrong side
Good audible
I saw oh my god, that's good audible
We see clever got his picture something to tape and it's so back to the drawing board
That technique is working when Clemmer wins do we make mincy finish
Baby doll next baby. How did he... How is his tape so thin?
It started peeling.
What happened?
A toaster might fall.
What happened to his tape?
This doesn't seem like a...
This actually might work.
Halfway there.
Oh. He's killing the baby. might work. Halfway there.
Oh my God. Oh, look at that. Smart. Oh, god. Oh look at that.
Support system for the toaster.
Oh no.
That's how it's so thin. How did he do that?
How did that happen?
I don't understand what's going on with this tape.
Oh, fuck.
What the fuck?
This greasy head.
Oh, man.
I'm struggling so bad with this tape.
This is not good, boys.
Oh, the wheelbarrow.
No barrel's going up. he gave up on the skateboard
It's going right the wheelbarrow
Duck tape is very strong. I don't know right. I don't know if I give it that side of the wheelbarrow
You gotta go through the through the wheel
What is going on it's gonna
What is going on? What is going on?
This is never going to work.
This is literally never going to work.
Clemmer's almost got it.
This tape is so thin.
What is Clemmer doing?
Oh my god.
How did he do that?
No way.
This is fucked. I'm not going to do this. No way Has to stay up for 30 seconds What's he doing? Oh, he's trapping it? Oh yeah, that's trapping it? No, dude. Absolutely not.
Are you fucking serious?
There's no way.
No way.
Oh my god.
15 seconds.
5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 I Don't do it Wow
That's more magic Magic trick Fuck that is magic
Touch of the wall your art
All right, so clever wins we just we get a video on on minty's full wall real quick
I just want to see mincy's wall
One half point for style for me. Yeah, Jesus Christ. I'm a nomination
That was impressed domination Clemmer. I guess I was a little disappointed I want to get off five the skateboard was heavier than I thought so I pivoted the wagon
Did you at any point did you look over and see what was going on next to you?
Yeah, I look over one point he had like half the tape in his hand half
It was a good recovery mincy like to get three up because the wheel was tied
I almost think of the wagon up what what happened mincy that couldn't get the tape off right?
I got like half of it, and it was
It was just it went downhill from there. Okay?
All right. Oh, I got did good just to get three up. Yeah, and the coasters of it and it was it was just it went downhill from there okay all right oh
I got did good just to get three up yeah and the poster if it was like 25 seconds
earlier we were tied I barely got the wagon up all right we're going back on
the court for the next two challenges so these are actually two repeats from last
year the first one the wide receiver turnaround catch oh boy Titus you'll be
our quarterback oh turn and catch as Oh, boy. Titus, you'll be our quarterback.
Turn and catch as many footballs as possible
as you make your way across the court.
Most catches earned the event point.
Che, any questions?
How many balls is it going to be?
Shouldn't it be two quarterbacks?
Yeah, there could be two quarterbacks.
There'll be six balls?
Three on each side?
That's good. Yeah, all right. I'll come out quarterback with you Titus
So you play win that quarterback challenge?
All right boys boys good luck the toast the mincey's toast around the wall looks like an art piece
Solid early league limmer. I'll go first
Basil yeah
You still begging for that Chinese point.
So, catch. I guess catch.
You did it in Chinese.
We have a theory online about that.
We do.
What's the query online?
The theory online for Minzy's Chinese pronunciation.
He looked up thank you in Chinese
instead of reading the Chinese words under it,
he read the English pronunciation.
Yes, and thought that was the Chinese.
Thank you.
That's what I thought.
Thank you.
Catch, put it down, turn around.
Think so too.
Y'all are throwing three each.
I mean don't let it hit you in the eyes,
but like scare your hands off.
Okay, you going first? Hey, where was I? Right in the head. Yeah mean, don't let it hit you in the eyes. Guys, you going first?
Hey, where was that?
Got him right in the head.
Yeah, yeah, I get it.
But put the ball in that catch.
They're going this way?
Big improvement. Five out of six, huh? Good five.
Thanks to concentrate. Thanks.
You congratulate yourself. That was damn good.
That was damn good.
I sense a comeback because there's more physical challenges coming.
Pass it like get to that.
Where's the confidence level?
Yeah, yeah.
No, it doesn't count.
Yeah, four.
Good job. Four yeah four
Good job
Unless I throw right in his face where you did you get any flashbacks any PTSD? Yeah you
Huh, did you did you have any fear? Yeah, I actually did. Yeah, I threw more at your
Stomach your stomach. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah we just give the points to Clever for the Chinese football?
Who's to say?
Yeah, alright, we gotta see it.
Alright, next up, flag football flag pole.
So we remember this one from last year.
The camera.
Yeah, the camera.
How does he have three points?
How does he have three points?
He doesn't.
He has two.
He has two points.
He won a baby point and a football point. Yeah. How does he have three points? He doesn't. He has two. He has two points.
He won a baby point and the football point.
All right, so each competitor will put on a flag football
belt. His opponent will start at the opposite baseline
and the referee's whistle.
Will attempt to pull that flag as fast as possible,
then the rolls will switch.
Each competitor will go.
Fastest time will earn the event point.
Chay, any questions?
Nope, that's good to repeat.
All right, get on the court, boys.
Who won this one last year, do we remember? Yeah, he took out the camera.
That's right. Yeah, one of you wears it.
Yeah, so who wears the flag? It doesn't matter. I have it.
Yeah, Clem, you can wear it first. He starts on one side and I start the other? I Have it yeah
He starts at one side and I start the other yep, you gotta stay inside the court inside the court
Minty's asked 15 questions about every event yeah, yeah, that was like the first instruction was no question. This was a lost cause
And also this is a repeat event. Oh, yeah
How do I tighten this thing? Uh-oh. Do I not?
It's not built for a man.
I can wear it as though, like a sash.
Oh my God.
I'm still laughing about the baby.
That visual.
Oh, okay, there we go.
Just that.
That was a cute baby.
It's a very cute baby.
Perfect baby.
That was like the babyest of babies.
Living, breathing.
You would have dominated that, KB. I I had you know, I would like to say I would do better
But I don't know that baby was all right. What are the imbalance? I don't Danny said for Chinese that people think that mincy
Just read off the English side
Okay, the whole core of the boundaries yes, yeah
Remember you're pulling the flag as fast as you can, Mincy.
Remember what?
You're pulling the flag as fast as you can.
Five, four, three, two.
Oh, he's hunting him
Place them offense with the mic dangling time did he hit your penis I got my boss
Spider was the time. Spider has it. Spider, what was the time? 16.4. 16.4. 16.4. This is some good
old fashioned fun. Yes. Brandon. How do you going to do better than that one? I never do.
This is where endurance comes into play.
Yeah, it's a slight advantage to the first person to go.
He got my, like, my, my right ball in my, my, my thigh.
Alright, Clemmer, get on the baseline.
Precisely. I are you clever get on the baseline precisely
Got our steadiest of hands
He's kind of running out of gas here folks. So is Clemmer.
Struggling with the belt.
We got a couple challenges coming up that won't be as...
What challenge number are we on?
So we had to skip around a little because the baby needed a nap.
So right now we're at six.
Good God, this is going to be a...
Eight was already done.
So this is seven.
Six on the sheet.
Five, four, three, two...
Here comes Clemmer. This is seven yeah Demon's Bay Demon. Oh my god. Keep playing. Oh, the ref's saving him.
Looking for the ref.
Ref's call.
16 seconds.
He went out of bounds.
Ref's call.
No out of bounds.
No out of bounds, man.
He's still going.
Just let him keep going.
What do you want me to do?
He's going for his comp.
It wasn't wrong.
Clemmer's meltdown.
Mincy, keep going.
Keep going, Mincy.
Keep going, Mincy.
Clemmer will subtract 15 seconds.
Keep going!
All right, time!
All right.
It's a ref's call.
Bad call's happening.
Bad call's happening.
Got to play. It's going to stop during the football play. Oh, it's a ref's call
I guess mincy found a loophole. Oh wait. Well, we have the instant replay far out The rules worry has to stay on the court he's on the court he's not the hard... What's on the line? Keep going. Also the line's part of the court.
You guys want to get in the point.
Get in the point.
The rule's where he has to stay on the court.
He's on the court.
He's not inbounds on the court.
He's right there.
Watch that back foot.
He's on the court.
He's on the court.
Clemmer, the line is the end of the court.
We said stay inside the lines.
I don't think that's overly egregious.
And I also don't know if he was in a position to get out of that point.
Well then, like I say, I would...
Whatever. Obviously you guys want to get in the point to get out of it at that point. Well then, like I say, I would, whatever.
You guys, obviously you guys just didn't wanna
get into points, so go for it.
So here we go.
It's just frustrating.
I feel like, I got it.
I don't think I'm gonna make it.
It's fine, it's fine.
Good job competitors.
All right, we get a little break from the physical activity.
Someone introduce the next one.
Yeah, can I get a water?
Cutting items exactly in half. It's gonna happen in
the kitchen. Yes. You're gonna have knives, a scale, knife gloves you can bleed into,
and produce. Each competitor will attempt to cut the items in half as closely as possible.
The cut produce will be measured on scales. The person who's cut produce is closest to
the same exact weight. On each eye will earn a point
First to three points earns the even point very easy
We start that over I'm sorry cut the fruit in half you're cutting the fruit
Directly in half and they're both
To scale so by weight exactly so one of you will go cut it weigh it the next or I guess we have a both
So yeah, so Don is Donnie in there
Donnie will walk you through it
It's it's very it's very simple one of the pick a pick one of the produce items
There's two of each. Yep cut it directly in half put it on the scales. Yep
I guess my only question is how many items are there to be five five?
First to get three right versus okay best of five all right. This is animed event correct yes all right good luck awesome mincy you're on a little bit of a hot streak
two in a row how and this was inspired by a German reality show it's ass is one
inch long yeah but he has no ass but his shorts still get up in there 90% of his shorts are desire
It has been a small intestine. I don't play the parody right now, so like whoever's ahead is
One toe on the line
I think at the time he was already almost at the time
I guess it would have, but who knows? I think at the time, he was already almost at the time anyway.
We were on the inside of the court so we didn't see him step out in real time.
It was not egregious from what we saw.
He wasn't like, if the line was here, he wasn't over here.
His foot might have been right here.
No, no, no, no.
Those look like way too sharp knives.
Now, he didn't mean to go out of bounds.
That's why they had the gloves.
Right, right.
It was no intent, but he did go out of bounds, which does open up the court and
make it hard to get.
Wow, is he gonna get bogged down on this?
I think so.
This is an endurance event.
You've got to put that short memory, like Mint said.
Feels fine.
Check this goodness suit, though.
If you want to wear them.
I like them.
They're cut resistant.
Are they really?
I don't know how much I believe that, but.
This is where the Levenskis gave a distinct advantage. Watch out, just for one. Are they really?
He was still muttering about that call yeah, yeah, we could hear and mincy has got nothing in his brain Yeah, so he's next play up type of guy. I could hear Clem I fear like the cucumber cut longways
This will be very interesting
Over under how many fingers or makes you cut long ways. Yes. This will be very interesting. You're going to weigh each side. The person has the closest.
Over under how many fingers do you have here?
And you work out from there.
But you get one cut.
Pick where you want to line it up.
You go down at the same time.
And then it goes on the scale.
Closest person wins.
Do not rub.
Chef Donnie's pissed.
10 seconds.
You not wearing gloves, come here. No, not right now. We have a fire extinguisher ready just in case. Yeah. 10 seconds. You not wearing gloves, Cormor?
No, not really.
We have a fire extinguisher ready, just in case.
I already cut myself.
Oh, you already cut himself?
Oh no, are you kidding me?
You already cut himself.
He cut himself.
Come on.
I see scratches.
I would not wear too, are you left-handed or right-handed?
So take this off.
Can I get a band-aid or something?
Don't help him too much. There's no. Band- this and I get a band-aid too much
So far it's blood pre knife
He cut himself on the knife box. Oh
This is gonna be electric
It's a good matchup. So I mean the two of them are just so perfect. I know there's a band-aid
I think Clumber feels hatred toward him.
Oh, yeah.
Clumber gets mad, and Mincy, like, he's
just trying to survive.
Second to second.
It's a battle for him.
Every second is a win.
Whereas Clumber's like, this is bullshit.
Oh, man.
We're not even halfway through.
We have some challenges coming up to them.
So for.
There's one specific.
Thank God we did slippery stairs first.
Imagine if that was the finale.
Yeah. Yeah. Great if that was the finale.
Yeah, yeah, great point. Great point.
Big Cat eating any lettuce before your thing tonight?
Oh yeah.
Kadek said that he got some lettuce for us, so I might eat a little.
I'm not looking forward to tonight.
Yeah, it's gonna suck.
Really bad.
I think you guys are gonna set the new record.
Here comes the cut.
Also, Tate fucked us and was late.
Oh, here we go.
Careful, careful. Holy shit.
Alright. Okay.
Half and half. There's no time limit. They both did that really quickly
without a lot of thought. There's mincy. Okay,
point 425 and point 302.
0.302. So that's a difference of
1.123. Clemmer's got the first round. That's a Clemmer win.
That's a Clemmer win. Clemmer. Clemmer's up one nothing. Very
nice. Very nice.
There we go.
You got.32,.37.
Can we save this lettuce?
Is there blood and sneeze all over?
It's covered in blood and sneeze.
Which one do we want to do next?
This? It's said on the previews, we're going to go till we puke
or we get to 15.
That's not the challenge.
The challenge is you just go till you can't go anymore.
You could get 15 easy ones, or at least a bunch of these.
But we could also get five really hard ones.
We're done.
We're done.
We're trying our best.
Clint, we're really weighing We're trying our best. Clem really weighing that thing out.
He held that like somebody getting their lightsaber.
We good?
Oh, sorry.
Is he doing it the wrong way?
He's measuring.
Look, one side's thicker.
He's measuring look one side sticker
Just went right for the middle one of you much why
That's not bad pretty good point three off
Point oh three hard to meet. There's made his cut. Clembers cut.
Here we go.
That's big.
That's a big one.
Oh, that's over.
Oh, math.
Clember again.
It's Clember.
Point Clember.
He's good.
He is.
Well, this is exactly how we thought.
Mincy's just not even thinking about it.
He's cutting. He's getting it and cutting. Yeah's a he's a gut guy look at Clemmer examine
was going and then he's done it he's
going for speed get that's a good point oh oh it lost to him. Oh, margin. Wait, my time. What were they close? Point. Oh, one. Oh,
my God. Wait. No, I think that's tie because they both fed. Yeah. No, no one. Oh, no one.
Oh, it keeps going back and forth
Yeah, I could be external. We got to take it. It's exhale
Hi, hi
They're the best
Yeah, that's a tie incredible
It's time that's got to be a tie yeah because he did have it
directly on it first this keeps moving so I think it's here no no it's a tie
it's a tie it's the rest of the red keeps moving official just said it's me
oh my god we want him to see keep cutting I don't think the decimal points
oh hey the time we wanted to cut
He's gonna be pissed
On there for so I want to see
Starting to get personal
Alright More I don't think I don't think it's a slight cheer starting to get personal All right
We have an electric moment they're both point oh one and chase like not
Only Che would do that I
Mean you can't clever can't lose in regulation now.
So he's good.
Round three, four.
Okay, what do we got here?
What is that? A papaya, right?
I believe that is a papaya.
Papaya. This is gonna be a tricky one.
Oh, he's cutting it long. He's cutting it long.
He's hesitating.
He's cutting it long.
Why is he cutting it long?
Oh no.
It looks pretty good though.
He got the last one
dead on.
Don't drop any of this.
I had two seeds fall out.
Very different techniques here.
He went the other way.
Wow, Mitzi.
Mitzi Smith.
Alright, it's two to one.
Is that the pie trying to get it?
How close is that?
Do we have a six fruit for us?
Oh. We can do a lava cup. Do we have a six fruit for us? Oh, here we go.
Lava cup. Oh yeah Reese's lava cup.
It's two one and one. Oh he's still upset about the tie.
That was very stupid.
All he has to do is win this one.
Yeah, and even if he loses this one he hasn't lost yet.
He's got to get out of his head.
He's pissed about the Chinese.
He hates Chinese.
Climbers going to turn him in.
See, you don't want to play that way.
Don't play that way.
Missy's not going to cut it like that.
Yeah, it looks like it.
Brandon, the last two he's been dialed in.
But this one is crazy.
Don't trust the process. He missed it. Don't question the process. He's been dialed in but this one this crazy don't don't trust. Oh, he missed it. He missed it. Don't question the process
I'm just like trying to make a jackal and out of it
There we got OK. Oh. Oh, no. Good stuff there.
What do we got?
There's room here.
There's a path to victory now.
I thought it was better.
So that's 4.35.
Point IHA.
Point 4.35.
I think I actually did.
We had a crazy moment.
He's like, no, let's let him stay on there for even longer.
There's that one.
That was big.
This one also.
Oh, he got a big melon.
Is that one all the way on it?
Oh, there we go.
Good win.
Good win.
All right. He should feel good about that. I don't want mincy getting disheartened. He won't he knows how again. He's survival Yeah, it's just minutes a minute ten seconds either way though. They're their bras are not hooked up
They are they are oh
All right, what do we got next Chinese food is here? Oh?
Here page good job climber back on the inside what they said
Good job clever good job climber. I'm now just good way now. I'm asked me against the world. That's fine. Why are you so mad?
It was I it tied forever
It actually was it actually was a win for mincy if he had gone off the first reading.
Mincy had it dead on.
And then out of respect to you, we let it sit there for a second.
You won the event?
Alright, I feel good.
Sometimes you need to actually chip in your shoulder.
What extra motivation does it hurt anybody?
Mincy, I hope you're not getting disheartened.
I'm not.
Also, it's just an all-time fumble by Che to be like,
hey, do we want these guys to keep cutting things or not?
You won.
Fair, fair.
Good news, boys.
The Chinese food is here.
Paige is going to come and explain what the restaurant said to her.
Mmm. the restaurant said to her. It's okay.
Why is Katick walking around eating lettuce like it's an apple? Stretching the tummy.
Alright, so Minty was the only one...
Wait, talk to the mic.
Minty was the only one that they could understand.
That's a first so but all
they got was one egg roll and one kong what was it Kung Pao chicken and how
did you say those items in Chinese he said he blatantly said English so TJ
send the picture I sent to the group can you pull that up
What did you? Why is it so wet? It's lettuce. Uh it doesn't doesn't matter. Alright. What do we? The picture? What do
they say about Paige? What do they say about uh Clemmer?
They said they have no. Can you read that in Chinese for us?
Thank you.
That's the English pronunciation.
Alright, Clemmer gets support.
They did also ask for the address.
That's the phonetic pronunciation.
I can't even stay mad.
Thank you. I
Point six to three clever Brandon there you go clever you don't know I
Want to eat
Thank you Need this huh I want to eat point I earned all right, thank you
What's my reaction babe all right should be happy that's about I am
Nick what's the next one a win?
The next event is make a bed and push it across the court
Okay, there are two air mattresses, okay You will make the air mattress sheets comforter pillows
And you have to push it across the court by
running and jumping on it, sliding it. Wait. Okay.
Repeat the last part.
Uh, you will make the bed, those right there, and then you will
run and jump on it to slide it across the court. So we're not
actually pushing it? No. Yeah. Okay. When you jump on it, it should slide a little.
Do we have the video?
Or maybe someone can?
Do we take shoes off for this?
You keep your shoes on.
Why would you take your shoes off?
So it's baseline to baseline, I assume.
Oh, because it's a bed?
Why on earth?
You want me to demonstrate or have somebody demonstrate?
Yeah, have someone demonstrate.
Yeah, TJ, you can.
TJ can demonstrate. So you you're gonna make the bed first
TJ will demonstrate man. How's your bed making skills? Watched TJ will show you. Yeah, all right, so they're great
They're gonna run and dive onto it. So that move
You gotta get all the way across. Okay, I got it
It will keep going it will keep going across okay, I thought jump. Okay. I'll take a lot of jobs. Yeah, I think it's a first. It will keep going It will keep going across. Okay. I thought jump like feet first on it. I'm this you can try that
Showed I think I'm on yeah, you might you might have the advantage mincy. Thank you, but obviously the bed
The bed comes a maid when you're sliding no, that's not a part of the rules, okay
No, you just have to make it and then they will deem when it's made and then you go. Oh, okay. It
falls apart while you're doing it. It's fine. Okay. Okay.
After. Okay. Okay. Now, Clem, you're a clean freak. No, I
wouldn't say clean freak. You can make a bag. Yes. Alright.
Get on out there, boys. Event ten halfway through. Alright.
We'll wait until after you animal.
I'm not going to sit there and look at Chinese food.
Which diet do you want?
I don't care. I just thought that.
Thank you.
Thank you.
God, we got
it was surprising. The restaurant understood makes the best.
Yeah, that is shocking. How does he, I don't, I mean, obviously the rest is going gonna be awesome, but I got what I needed out of thank you Yeah, and the baby even the tape yeah, the tape was so good
Talking like a Chinese person trying to speaking yes
Thank you
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm Spider, whenever you're ready. Where's he eating the Chinese food?
Okay, here we go.
All right, that's the first thing you would do, throw the pillows down.
I hope he's put...
Guys, he has no clue.
But, like, Clemmer still has the shit on the bed.
Is that the fitted sheet? Yeah.
One of the most challenging things in the household.
It's probably his third time doing this.
Oh, he didn't.
No way.
It's not good, but it's...
It's on.
It's on.
Look at Mincy go.
Maybe he can tighten it up.
He doesn't have to.
Thinking about it.
Remember, he doesn't have to tighten it up.
And I'm going to cheat first.
Let's just...
Oh, no. Clember? Clember put the pillowcases on. Oh, okay. have to tighten it up and I'm going to cheat for let's go oh no clever clever
put the pillowcases on oh okay maybe not a bad move oh my god mincy oh he's doing
the hole oh oh no this is exactly how'd expect his bed to be made mm-hmm very pretty good with sheets
I feel like means he uses white sheets
Yeah, you boys
No fitted yeah, it is what the wrong one on oh, he just put it he really is he really fitted it oh
Oh no, oh no, oh no, maybe go listen. Oh, no. He's gonna bitch
He's right we just gotta let him pitch his chip on his shoulder
Climber against the world. Oh, no
This can't be that hard
What is he doing? This can't be that hard.
Oh, look at that pillow.
That's not a great pillow.
Okay, Clemmer looks like he's ahead
because he's got his pillowcases done.
And I mean, it's up to the judges,
the refs.
It's kind of a dead heat.
I'm curious if they're going to let that pillowcase slide.
Also, this has
nothing to do with the
competition. None. We just want
to see him make it work. We're
Okay. Bummer. You got this could
take a while. It's gonna take 75
jumps. Oh, he's using a little
knee action. Yeah. Get those
days off of it.
Get the knees off it. There it is.
Uh oh. All right.
Clemmer has some ground to make up.
What? Oh, nice, Clemmer.
Oh, Mincey's got to figure it out.
Oh, great. Great leap for Vince
Wow all mincy said a big lead right now we found mincy's event
Holy shit man clumbers being kind of whoa
Don't we didn't need to see that all right one down Oh word holy shit man Clemmers being kind of whoa
Don't we didn't need to see that all right one down
All the way the end yep, I'm ready to straighten it out. I'm acquitting He's leaps it! Mincy! Clemmer's wrist is hurting. Clemmer caught himself again.
He caught himself.
That far behind!
Uh oh!
That's getting better!
So good!
so good
I'm gonna save some energy smart move by a climber save some energy rest on that bed
Is it all the way over just Oh boy.
He's out.
He's good.
He's making use of all his head.
Mincy has dominated football, bed and baby.
Tyreke Hill over here.
Oh man.
What do we got?
What are we looking at?
Oh shit.
Looking at
Means you finally noticed the move on this from an hour ago
All right clever that was well smart move. Yeah. Yeah, it's very smart move to preserve energy there. That was tiring
Kind of a pee yeah, I'll be quick. I promise no no go go go to go pee. Can I go pee? Yeah. I'll be quick. I
promise you. No, no. Yeah. Go,
go, go, go, go, go pee. Okay.
Next event is not physical. It's
actually an event I've been
looking forward to the most.
We gotta wait for mincy to pee.
That's right. What is it? Is
there? Can I get a water some?
Yeah. Yeah. Water right? It's the silent scream challenge.
So there'll be no physical part of this.
Uh, Clemmer?
Uh, you got a little cocky in that one.
Not really.
Actually, the opposite.
I just felt like I had no shot.
Like, he-
It's better to preserve the energy.
Yeah, like...
The second he got out in front of me,
and I was like, oh, I'm done. The only hope I had was I hope the judges were gonna be strict on the energy. Yeah like The second he got out in front of me and I was like, oh I'm done I'd only hope I had it. I hope the judge was gonna be strict on the bed
So I think I might as well take as much time as you can the bed in case district that would be an only advantage
I have but I knew going in I was fucked. He's just so much bigger, right? Right?
Okay, so
Who's whose TJ? How are we doing timer on this?
Are we just doing it from our timer from the guys in the room?
Kadek and Spider will both one will be with each.
They will both have a timer. OK, that will they'll stop the timer
when I don't know if we're explaining it yet.
Yeah. Waiting for Mincy to pee.
He's got to go pee.
How are you feeling, Cloner overall?
Good six for lead. Have a lead. That's good these next couple of events. I think you got some winnable events, okay?
Yeah, I mean I'm happy of the lead
It's hard to like how to come on one Chinese right gay did
six to four
It's just hard not to think I just don't know what to me up next
It's like I'm not confident. I know that's not good like some wrestling stuff that could be a problem that could yeah
But you're more evasive. I don't know I'm more
Just go with the fly football a wits helping with that super suits be about yeah
That was for calling the Chinese restaurant
That's mincey's order
Could I get a water yeah, yeah, oh, I think Kyle's right there grab grab grab clever water right there
All right mincy sit down next event this one is not physical at all. Yeah, I'll take one
Thank you. This is the scream challenge, the silent scream challenge.
So Clemmer, you will go into the mostly sports studio.
Oh, I'm reading it. I flipped them. Okay. Clemmer, you'll go into the quick pick
studio. Mincy, you'll go into the mostly sports studio.
Each competitor will go to a podcast studio.
They'll be given a duration of time and the instruction to not
make a sound and then scream as loud as they can when they
believe that much time has passed.
Their time will stop the moment they make a sound tiebreakers
will be determined by how loud of a sound they make.
That's the best of five.
So do you understand it?
So basically you're going to go into your studio spider and
in KDIC will tell you the time.
Let's say the first one's 45 seconds
You'll sit there in silence when you think 45 seconds have a laugh, right? You scream whoever's closest gets a point
Okay, one question. I've so but if you go before 45 years to incident. Yeah, it's still fine
Closest win closest to it. So going early doesn't DQ you correct. Got it. That's all correct
Good question, and There'll be five rounds
So we'll give you different time intervals
Okay, and then just scream bloody martyr. Yep. Yep when you think it's time if they say ten seconds
Yeah, right scream. Okay. Yeah
Yeah, all right. You can scream whatever you want ahead. Well, yeah
Yeah, don't scream. Yeah. Yeah, just regular scream
Yeah, yeah, don't scream. Yeah. Yeah, just regular scream Yeah, tangled up
It's all tangled
Clemmer left all right, so katie can spider you guys can hear us right?
They can hear me okay, all right
Did he get himself tied up?
You're tied up
He's so tied up. You're tied up.
He's tangled into that.
Chat, the score is correct. There was two points in the first game.
Yeah, there was two points in the first game.
Remember we did the slide for the first game?
Oh yeah, the slide.
Why didn't we give him an extra point?
Ah, because we wanted the slippery stairs.
And he's complaining.
I know.
I think Minzy might be really good at this actually because he's a numbers guy
That's right. All right. So what should we do for the first time in a real? Should we start small or large?
I think maybe small I think small because they'll think it'll all be small. Yeah, 30 seconds will be oh, we've got a first injury
Oh boy
And when you give me times when I start
Why is this? He's just going in go in there barn. Yeah, you gotta take care of that
Just go in
What's he doing waiting on a band-aid for that oh my god scream with a bad elbow
He needs a band-aid Oh, Paige. Oh, that's better. He wants a kiss on the
boo boo too? All right, this is going to be electric. All right, so TJ tell them the first
time interval will be 30 seconds. Exc excited for this.
Refs, you can tell them the first time interval will be 30
seconds. Okay, Vince. The first time interval. Well, we're a
couple of weeks away from him getting headphones on. Okay.
Alright. Refs timers ready. Yeah. Menci looks very special
on these headphones. Who's is that Mentsy breathing? Oh, yeah, like five four three
one go
Can we get our own timer we should get a timer
Metsy with the ref hand motions
the rough hand motions.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Yeah. I can't see it. Can I? Ah!
Wow, they were spot on! That was so close.
Sorry to everybody.
Sorry. Should have known that.
What, Spiders?
So, Clemmer was a little bit first, so...
And Clemmer was...
Well, it's off Spiders timer. Well, if it was over 30, then Clemmer was what's off spiders timer
Well, if it was over 30 then Clemmer wins is he
Say the time KDIC 33.3 for Mike's yeah
You don't need them just say the time KDX 33.3 for Mike's yeah
How much time spider?
All right, so so I see one the first one here as I'm saying it was off their timer I think it should just be off our timer. Yeah
How if I if I have one timer for two people screaming? How's that gonna work away from the mic starting?
We're gonna know we'll know when they scream actually yeah
Right well know when they scream yeah,. Yeah. Right. We'll know when they scream. Yeah. If it's if it's
they go both go short. What if one goes short and one goes
long? That's true. That's a problem. That's why we have two
time. All right. Well, at least get a timer up for us so that
we can judge it a little bit. All right. Next time. So mincey's
up one nothing.
We'll go official time is off the stopwatch, but we just want for the viewers to be able
to see a time.
All right.
Next time, let's do one minute.
One minute.
Tell them no mic.
Yeah, they don't need the mic.
They don't need the mic.
Now included.
Yeah, we're just hearing Mincy snort.
The next time is 60 seconds.
All right, tell them to move the mics away from them.
Move the mic out of Minty's face.
Move the mic out of your face.
Do we know who won the first one?
Move it all the way.
You won the first one.
60 seconds.
Kadek, move it all the way away.
Out of the way.
Move the mic out of his face.
Just shut up, Minty. I hate you. What do you mean by out of the way, out of the way, out of the way. Move the mic out of his face. He is just not smart. Just shut up, Vincy. I hate you.
What do you mean by out of the way?
60 seconds.
And then bring the mic into it?
Please don't.
No mic.
All right, five, four, three, two, one, go.
All right, that's way better.
About the same.
The mic is also still right there.
Yep, yep.
Kadek, move the mic a little more away.
Move it as far away as possible. Just get
it away. TJ, can you tell Kadek
to move the mic? Mincy's going
to grab it no matter what. Yeah,
you're going to hear it. He
definitely is. The mic. Mincy's
kind of doing like a there you go
it's like climbers listening to a song okay really like soulful song electric
make him away downtown they were pretty close on the first one yeah all right here we go in range oh 47 oh boy 48.5 oh nice 56 56 all right so mincy's up to nothing
56 56 what should we do two minutes on this one? Let's do two minutes.
Two minutes.
Two minutes on this one, TJ.
All right, the next time, two minutes.
I can't get a piece of it.
He's gotta find his balance.
It's 100% on him.
Minzy's up two nothing.
All right. Ready? Five, four, three, two, one, go.
Perfect. I think his head nods are too fast.
What do you all think is going on in Mincy's head?
I think he's doing songs.
I would say he's doing songs.
Everything he does is based around a song.
Yeah, he's got some song.
He's like, oh, that's exactly what you're doing.
I think there's line segments and balls.
Like those memes?
These guys are the best has climber always been this crabby
I think you want to show a little fuss yeah yeah
turn up the minute I hate to say I think members gonna go early again
is bobbing too fast in this is where they really start to feel it
second-hand self-bearing time here
mincey's to feel it. You've got to second-guess yourself big time here.
Mincy's taps are, there's no rhyme or reason. I feel it in her.
What if you time Mincy's taps with the actual timer?
It seems...
He's good.
It seems like he's pretty close.
He is.
Oh boy.
Now he's slowing down.
You're in the zone. Now he's slowing down. You we slow down in the zone or getting in range
I'm a central nervous system is so fast
Everything's faster
At home brace yourself for a screen
Man these guys are good go over
Mincy his internal clock is
Oh my god alright, that's it
Mincy one sweep so good at that. 6'5". Yeah, baby, let's get hot.
Come here, she'll be pissed.
He's going to be really pissed.
56, 56 for the trivia.
Let's say Bintzi was out of bounds.
Trivia on number there.
If I eat an egg roll right now, I'll be OK.
I'm starving.
Yeah, if anything, you don't want to go in on too empty
of a stomach, right?
I don't know.
Any beer over there?
You know, you got to expand it a little before you, what?
Oh, I got one.
Roll, roll.
I'm good.
Roll. Anybody want't need a roll
You know it's five hours away the dogs in the office today, too. I know I have it
I have it that's why keeping it up on the table what happened for a lesson
Yeah balance like you're trying to like get a rhythm like so you can't figure out what a second is and I overcome the third
One I thought I got how do you do it really good?
Nine that was his challenge. He's wow. It's a pretty good job. What's your technique man?
He counts it out
There's so much balance necessary
I went a little slow on the 33 second ones
I tried to pick it up, and I went a little too fast and I course corrected exactly right you were right on with that
last one
Hell yeah
Impressive work front cutting into it. Yeah, we're fighting six to five first double point
Clemory looms large again, so does the baby point that he got that's
Okay, we gave you two points for one event.
I screwed up.
I gave you that point on that pops.
You started out with two events.
I actually won two events, though.
I didn't have a tie.
All right, next one's easy.
Padded sumo wrestling.
Would you expect me not to fight for every point?
I got a call here.
You gotta fight for every point.
I gotta fight for every point.
It's a competition.
We're fighting.
We're fighting.
You didn't fight when you were at Ohio State very every sales on the bench
That's why I didn't play member. I would be mad at you if you weren't trying yeah, I desperately want to win this
Yeah, I think this like I know it's goofy, but I think it's I want to win
I'm not a hit not you
He's like oh crap come on to cool. Yes, like I want to fuck a fucking witness that man asked you a question
Said that's what I said to him to then I can be mad at both you I love this
Channel these vibrations
Sumo up sumo get on out there
Sumo up! Sumo? Get on out there. Alright. Sumo wrestling.
Man, you can tie here.
Best of five. Best of five.
This episode will be cancelled for 15 years.
This is going to be big for refereeing,
judging, rules decisions here.
We'll be strict on the lines.
Jay will be strict on the lines.
You don't have to be, Jay.
Yeah, Jay, don't be.
Be the opposite. You're not quite, that's like the opposite be the opposite
You're not quite big be not on the line. You're not getting it all
But would we expect him to get it?
I mean, that's a good question you get in the suit. Also is is shade water overstepping into referee territory
He is a little bit. Yeah, cuz he's the rule. I remember Mike Pereira make all
Yeah, what are we?
Macy really don't get the shoe thing.
No, he's wanting to take his shoes off.
Yeah, Mincey take them off.
Alright, who's got the advantage?
I think this will be quickly for Ben M.
He's got
surprising bursts of speed and
He's got some strength in the lifts.
Again. Simply getting into the suit might be so much it helped them
because these are big suits well that's pretty cut you rented them from a party
company the mats ours up that's ours to keep yep Yep. What was Clem's issue with the baby? The baby was locked eyes with Mincy for the entire time.
I guess he's saying that.
It didn't roll towards him.
It started crying at the end.
Guys, Mincy's putting it on backwards again.
Yeah, I know.
He's doing it backwards.
I'm not going to stop him, I guess.
Yeah, no, I'm not going to stop him, but it's bothering me.
Oh, there it is.
That's what I told him.
These guys look good. That was a it is. So my told him these guys look good.
I was a second guess.
Yeah. Don't worry. Cooking will be coming up.
I know people are probably wondering.
Buckle up. This is going to be like a four hour.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, we still might be closer to the beginning than the end. This is gonna be like a four hour Yeah
Yeah, we still might be closer to the beginning than the end
Should I help him or no no
This is my favorite this might be my favorite
TJ I'll send it to you is it wrong that I'm a little jealous of these guys oh yeah I love to call it right now the problem is that if
any of us competed in this we would kill the competition guys he can't get the
fucking suit on no I don't know what it what events I would have lost to either
maybe the last one maybe maybe mincy was pretty fucking good. Yeah
Yeah, I wouldn't be good at that
Yeah, put your feet I would have played a lot of defense on slippery stairs
You would have been all defense all defense. I would just pummeled. We'd still be on slippery
So duct tape would have been easy
I don't know how mincy fucked that up that might have to be the yak header on Twitter Look at this picture. I took
What is this show earn a baby's trust
KB you were right one of them should have sneezed something off the top of their head that always where I go to
Parents out there new parents put an object on your head
Do a really animated sneeze and have it purposely fall off and then gasp real loud and then pause and wait give them silence to
Comprehend the next turn is theirs yep
I'm worried about the next event. I don't know if they're gonna. I think there will be injury. Yeah
Yes, yeah, I think that my one that that might be a DNF. Okay, we can do that. I mean if he can't
Spoiler alert. Oh, yeah, there's roller blades. You can't stand up on roller blades. It's not gonna work. We have helmets risk guards
Oh boy
Okay Oh boy. Okay.
All right.
Competitors are ready.
Little thong is open.
So they look great.
Do we think Mincy just automatically going to win this?
I think Clemmer might try to dodge to get Mincy to run.
That would be smart.
Che have them come from the these sides. Yeah. Left and right. This is not confusing what I said. Nobody. Very confused.
You got it. You got it. If this office played the
telephone game, we'd be fucked. We can't go A to B. We can't.
Okay. Vince, you can't see it all. It helps, Clemmer. Yeah.
And let's go, let's change direction, change orientation.
Can I say an actual compliment? Sure. Che looks phenomenal in a suit.
He does.
Che's a handsome guy.
He looks good in a suit.
He was right about his lower fade.
Is this the one or is it two F3?
What's going on?
It's three out of five.
Yeah, it's three out of five.
Three out of five.
Oh, Clemmer's mad at us.
He's so mad.
He is.
So mad at us.
Harness it, Clemmer.
Harness it. On the line?. Harness it, Clemmer, harness it. Start on the line?
Yeah, move in, Clemmer.
Maybe you want to move that out of your eyes?
You think Clemmer's just going to let himself die?
Get pushed off?
Not after that rant against Mark about not trying.
You better put it all out there.
His helmet.
His helmet.
On my whistle, you guys will start. Okay.
In fairness, Mark did offend him by asking him a very innocent question.
Oh, he's avoiding him. Oh no.
Yeah, good effort. Alright.
Come on, Clemmer.
Come on, Clemmer.
Are you allowed to get on your knees or...
Come on!
He just screamed at me that I want this badly.
You want this badly, Clemmer!
Clemmer's gonna flip out.
135 pounds.
Oh, that was very close. I'm doing my best.
Go at him.
Shut the fuck up, Ray.
He's in July off.
He's in July off.
He was waiting to say that one.
Yes, yes, yes, good strategy.
That is good strategy.
Flip him over, Clemmer.
Flip him over you Clemmer.
Flip him over you.
Tire him out Clemmer.
Yeah, lay there. Thrust Mincy. Thrust.
Flip him over. Grab him and flip him over
He's grab him and flip him over pressing him down
Push him don't do get on your
Stay strong Clemmer
Stay in it. Oh in it! Stay in it! Oh no.
Grab his leg.
Grab his leg! Oh no.
Oh no.
Keep those feet on, Clemmer!
Keep your feet on.
Rolling him like a blunt.
Keep those feet on, Clemmer!
Oh. Oh.
He has to touch the ground! He has to touch the ground!
Shit. He's keeping his little feet up.
Oh, all right. All right.
Good strategy. All right.
Sixty six.
Sixty six.
He tried. I'm trying.
Is that it?
That's it. Oh, we got blades.
Not for nothing, Mincy did that all with his eyes closed.
Yes, he did. Fuck you, Mark.
That was effort.
That was effort.
He's also trying to take his helmet off without undue.
By the way, the complaint wasn't the effort.
The complaint was that he was bitching about us
rigging the contest.
And we gave him a free point.
I've never questioned that.
We made the flop event count for two points.
Yeah. And then Clem, Clem are. OK, 6-6. question right yeah right we made the flop event count for two points yeah and
then Clem Clem are okay six six yelled something about effort or something
all right roller blades next all right do you want to do roller blades or roller
skates you guys can both decide and you do it I'd rather not my ankles a shot
but I'll do my best I'll stop mine I'll try do you know how to roller skate or
rollerblade I haven't done it in a long time and but mint remember. It's mincy. I know I just
Have to finish
Maybe there's a clever way. I could do it. Yeah, all right
Do you know how to rollerblade a roller you can't do it at all?
Option yeah rollerblade a roller skate you can choose you could even inch on your butt
No Is that the option? Yeah, roller blade or roller skate, you can choose. You could even inch on your butt. No?
I actually, I feel better about this.
OK, there we go, Clemmer.
Yes, fight, fight, fight.
All right, Mincy, which one would you like?
Clemmer, I remember seeing you roller skate at the office.
Yeah, you got this.
I tackled you on him.
All right, put on.
I don't understand what's going on.
Look at me. You got there. Mincy, what's going. All right, put on. I don't understand what's going on. Look at him.
You got there.
Incy, what's going on in your brain right now?
Entire life.
All right, so which one would you like to use?
So you can even hit your own butt.
You can go slow.
Yeah, but he, look at his face right now.
He's been staring at them like they've.
Have you ever seen skates in your life?
Yeah, have I ever?
I couldn't skate at the skateboard parties
when I was a kid.
Right. Do you know how to put them on? Oh, I've seen them. I couldn't skate at the skateboard parties when I was a kid. Right.
Do you know how to put them on?
Oh, you're a man.
Very similar to shoes.
I got serious things.
I think Blade...
I got real anxiety.
Do you want to forfeit the point?
I think Blade...
You can forfeit the point.
But Clemmer has to finish the event.
Yeah, Clemmer has to do a lap.
But he won't have an opponent.
Mince, remember the guy who gave up?
I'll try.
I'm selling out here. I'm trying to stay in point. No, no, no, no. You're not fired. You'll surprise yourself. But he won't have an opponent right Mince remember the guy who gave up
Blades are easier than roller skates
I can't roller
Yeah I'll probably suck at it. Let's make the course not as complicated. Yeah, I'll try. I'll give it an effort. Maybe a straight line.
Just make it a down and back.
You have to go down around one cone and back.
Are they going same time or?
Let's go a time trial just so they don't hurt each other.
I got it really.
I mean, I've never been able to skate in my life.
But I mean, I'm gonna try.
When's the last time you tried?
Oh, shit, 20 years ago.
20 years ago.
I mean, at least.
Since I was 12.
I was the fat kid that couldn't skate. Well, you're athletic. You work out on a regular basis. Yeah, yeah, yeah, 20 years ago. 20 years ago. At least. Since I was 12. I was a fat kid that couldn't skate.
Damn. Well, you're not athletic. You work out on a regular basis.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just...
You don't have to go fast. My balance stuff's kind of bad.
Is it?
Well, I'm not good at... I don't know.
We'll see. We'll give it a shot. You know what?
No, no, hey, you know what? We're giving our best.
We're giving our best.
I'm in terrible skating, dude. You're not... This is...
I don't mean... My strike. Maybe I'll surprise myself. We're giving her a mess
For this maybe I'll surprise maybe I'll surprise myself for the sake of time does anyone else see how he's lacing those I feel like I just try not to look Kate. Are we just I'm supposed to lace them all up. You're freaking the laces
Just let him
Let nature take its course
Maybe maybe I'll. I can't. I can't. Do another one. These are really good. Yeah. Maybe I'll be...
How do you start these at the top?
I don't know.
We should actually lace some things, huh?
Are we at all worried about them cracking their skulls open?
We have helmets.
Now I am.
I'm worried about clemen.
I'm worried about clemen.
Not mints.
I don't think that would really...
I would like a helmet.
There are helmets.
I would like a helmet.
There are helmets.
I would like to wear them. Yeah, we definitely need this image. That would be a vibe killer. would like their helmets. I would like to wear
Armour sure yeah splattered head Did you try and knot in this, Mincy? I thought I was about to tie something. What the hell?
Start at the top. Has the challenge started already?
Is this it? Are we in it?
Are we in it right now?
Yeah, I think we are.
Mincy tied a knot in his lace for no reason.
Are you a bunny years guy, Mincy?
Mincy, what do you say to Dan for helping out?
Thank you, Dan.
Try it in Chinese.
Thank you.
That's the best thing that's ever happened.
I kind of want to watch that replay.
Thank you.
I'll take the football. Teeny tiny. I'll take the football. Yeah, it was I kind of want to watch that replay
I'll take the football. I'll take them off
Is that for a child a hockey
Small thank you Maybe who's up first? Thank you, without them.
Who's up first?
Oh, they go simultaneous, okay.
I don't want to say it now, but...
I am 41. I think the last time I tried to skate was 30 years ago
That's sweet you're probably better now than at 11. I'm more athletic now than I was at 11 there you go
maybe Maybe I need to tell this other one up better. You just chose random holes. Yeah, I know
No random holes yeah I know oh my god no oh no maybe that's why you can't skate
it's cuz don't break your skates aren't on your feet correctly he's maybe that's
been the problem see you're moving and see that's all you got to do right
somebody hold his hand when he walks out on the court. I think we got this. I feel bad. I feel good about you. This is gonna be bad.
Vince, you just.
Oh, god.
This is bad.
You gonna be okay?
Yeah, no, we're gonna start and you just go your pace.
This is not good.
Can't each of them have a spotter?
This is not good.
Yeah, each of them can have a spotter.
Clever, you look haunting.
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm just walking my way through. Thank you. Oh my god. You look haunting
Imagine that wheeling at you in a dark alleyway. He's so smart!
God damn it, he's smart!
Alright, three laps actually, because I want to see Clem do this for three laps.
Minzy started his at the top,
with flying knots, and then put him through random holes.
Yeah, he was just doing random holes, and he also tied a knot for no reason.
He was picking random.
Just like, two on the same side.
I don't think I can do this though. I'm going to beat you no matter what. I'm going, I'm doing this, you're not going to beat me. For no reason you can pick in random just like three two on the same side
Imagine facing off against that you're not gonna be
Yeah, mints do what clubbers doing you're not gonna get it doesn't even occur to him in any way. He's not gonna
God oh here he goes
Down there he goes this is just crawling that'll work that works. He's gonna get tangled up in his mic again
Okay, maybe one lap one lap one lap spider climber go backwards get cocky
Here he comes
Way harder than roller skater. I'm here looks like he's being remote controlled. I don't know how he's doing this.
He's going for the skateboard technique.
This is incredible.
This goes in the highlight package. Look at this!
When you get the visuals for the highlight package today, this is graceful.
On my way to fuck your bitch.
He could do this forever
In a strong he was so cocky to if it's you could just be not even decent
Did he win let's see where mincy is oh
No, all right, bitch. All right imagine having this little man look up at you from that crowd You're, you're not gonna beat me. Doesn't matter what you do, you're not gonna beat me.
He just rips away.
Zoom, no.
Go come back.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh man.
Didn't even need help.
That was fucking awesome.
That was so fucking cool.
I wanna see that clip again.
You're not gonna beat clip again you're not gonna
be it doesn't matter what you do look down here at me this is what I'm doing
you're not great job amazing oh my fucking god you put your balls on the
table great job plumber thank you all right was that fun yeah okay a little
time at the end but like not because of the lace only because the I could sit like that all day
Yeah, so like that was so much like it made like a roller skating like the most fun. I ever had roller skating
I was gonna get hurt raceful
DJ do we have the judges for the next event set up?
So there was a little bit of confusion over who we were
Who we wanted for this oh, yeah, yeah, so who do we want for this big T?
And memes and Henkel if they're here yeah, or blood men blood was not here
I like you trying. Oh, but hard to try nobody's ever questioned that you laced him up, and you got out there
Try nobody's ever questioned that you laced him up and you got out there
Okay, it was over before it started though, yeah, that's back yeah
That was like the inverse of the sumo wrestling. Yeah. Yes, right? Yeah, there's certain challenges that are just one of us is winning Were you punked out by Clembers trash talk?
I was the trash talk. It was I was proud of
Here it is here it is just like three two on the same side I'm gonna beat you no matter what I'm going yeah I'm doing this you're not gonna beat me
I didn't want to get hurt. It's like I need you to make him speeding away
Was cinematic
I've already solved the riddle. This is the one this is most optimal no matter what
You could do anything and you will not get a battle on our hands
It's close. It's close very close. All Memes. Can you go? Where's Big T? Let's get all the judges. What is happening? Now change wrangling. It's like a gauntlet. No, no, no. This one's
very easy. We can actually do it in here. We're just doing in here. TJ. Yep. All
right. Henkel memes and we need Big T. We have big T. No big T. All
right. He's coming. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Gentlemen, you've both impressed me today.
Yes. All right. So this one's easy. This is going to be you each have a minute as I think we'll do best of three or cumulative score. Yeah, best of three. Best of three works. Yeah. All right. So me, Henkel. Come here.
your coworkers emote. So, Mincy and Clemmer will both have a minute to try to make you emote. The first thing they're going to try to do is make you laugh. The second round
will be to make you cry. And then we'll do the third round will just be grab bag, just
make you feel something. You guys are going to judge their minute based on 10 points.
So, you can hold up your fingers and give them a score, like a dunk contest.
So it's very simple.
There's whiteboards there somewhere.
Oh, there's whiteboards.
That's what he's passing out.
Oh, these are for the judges.
These are for the judges.
Those are for the judges.
Oh, OK.
I thought we were writing on those.
They're pictures.
Give those to the judges.
I thought we were writing on the whiteboard.
Thank you.
Well, you're not.
Now, is it worth something to make them express something? Yeah.
Purple or visual?
Yeah, they're trying to make them laugh in the first minute.
So what if someone laughs but gives them a lower score?
Well, we'll trust the judges.
Judges, be honest.
Even if you don't laugh or if you do laugh, you know.
So it's laugh, cry, and what's the third one?
Anything you want.
Grab bag.
Any emotion you want.
I got the laugh one figured out already.
Okay. If you, nobody's cracking tea. I'm telling you now. Any emotion you want yeah, I got the laugh one figured out already okay
If you nobody's cracking tea, okay, I'm telling you now a chance all right, so who would like to go first
Yeah, let's get that yeah, we need some mince seems mincy. Why don't you go for primed? I don't even think big T's corner of the mouth. Well. He won't
Micro meter oh my fucking god do we have that do we that mic work?
Danny does it can you pull it? It's like Lorne Michaels in the SNL
Famously does not laugh. Oh, yeah big T
Impossible to break. All right mincy. Let's take center stage. We're gonna put a minute on the clock
Yep, and they'll judge it at the end of the minute
heaves is about to break already is this mic sound good TJ talking to it there's I'm ready. No, no, just test test. All right, there you go. All right.
Your one minute starts now.
All right, boys. It's Fat Tuesday.
Let's see them titties, boys.
I see them. Tits out for the boys.
I thought that was funny.
You're tough not to crack, Ben T. Crap.
All right. 45 seconds left.
Flash the world, boys.
That was my move.
Alright, screw it. Let's get freaking hot.
It's time to wake up.
Let's get our damn minds right.
Let's show some energy.
It's the freaking Mitzi versus Clember Pro Day.
We got to get hyped.
Ben T, I know you're hard not to crack but we
need some damn energy in here what's going on let's get freaking wild
I'm ready to get one he has two one all right so you have zero let's see
perform I saw memes memes three a little bit memes crack open up didn't crack up
I mean small it wasn't mic'd up he said you would have been better off just standing there doing nothing. Oh my god! He wasn't mic'd up.
He said you would have been better off standing there doing nothing.
Ankle, what's the score?
They can say it out loud.
Nine total.
Nine total.
Alright, Clemmer.
I wasn't expecting it.
Clemmer's been in it.
That's not bad, man.
That one worked.
That one worked.
That other one worked.
So we go in cumulative.
I remember him thinking, you're gonna have to make them cry. OK.
Sad story.
Six is what I was expecting, man.
Clembers minute starts now.
I can't believe that did.
I don't know if you guys know I do a fart noise.
I think it's a pretty good fart noise.
I'll do my best.
And you guys, you guys let me know if it works for you. Now, Big T, I know you don't laugh a lot, so I'm just going to tell you this quick personal
story, something that you did that made me laugh.
I don't know if it's going to work inversely.
I just started at the office.
It was the Yak episode, and Tico Texas was there, and she was sitting there and across.
So it's like Tico is where Nick was and you were sitting there,
where Titus was and they wanted me to come in and sit in your lap.
I brand new, I don't know if it's me,
I said two words for there and I said,
can I sit in your lap and you,
as inelegantly and as stoic as possible, said no.
Which makes me laugh all the time that you just had
no interest in having me sit on your lap
So then I sat on Tico's, but that's something I think about I think about it warmly. It's all I got boys. Thank you
All right good job. Wow. Let's get some scores. Hello. It's her. I laugh I gotta say
Thank you, I mean no one no one laughed show your scores memes parts
Six Show your scores memes farts
The better it was better than the titties all right
See get up there titties one climber got robbed mincy get up there make him cry
I'm actually afraid for this. Okay. I'm afraid of this too. Okay, whatever. You're the one who can talk something
Control you're just trying to make them feel. All right, okay
Tell me when I ready go go all right sometimes sports transcend life and
We recently had a huge experience that in the last couple of months.
I don't know if y'all saw, there was a terrible tragedy
in New Orleans on New Year's Eve,
when some asshole ran into 27 people.
And one of the people who was killed was Tiger Bash.
And his brother came out and scored the game winning
touchdown in the senior ball.
And when they were all wearing the number seven jerseys in
honor of his brother.
And now he's going to be like a second round pick.
And that's where sports transcends life.
It was a tragedy.
And they're overcoming it.
And I don't know.
I just think it was one of the most sentimental stories I've
ever heard in life.
And sometimes it transcends life and so I
thought that was a sentimental story and shout out to Jack Bash.
Okay. That was crazy. That was crazy. That was an anabolic steroid. That was crazy.
He said make him cry. That was, he's laughing hard right now. Is he allowed to do that? That's your story to share.
Big T of mincy said that for the funny thing. I would have laughed. You would have done it.
It's not funny. Yeah. All right. 1 0 2 so 3 3 total. All right. Clumber. Oh, man. Oh, you're good. You're good. I mean, yeah. All right, Clumber.
You got this.
Make them feel something.
So I, uh, you guys have pets?
OK, so I lost my dog about a year ago,
and it was really tough.
And I miss my dog every day.
But I have another dog.
And it's awful to say this in a way,
but having that other dog replaces it
because I do miss Wakefield a lot.
But having another dog does help a lot.
So I'll just say I'm not like looking to make you guys cry
sad tears or even feel sadness,
but almost like a happy relief tear if you will,
or a relief emotion.
I don't know, don't let loss get in the way
of enjoying the things around you.
I guess would be my thing.
And because of losing my first dog, it helps me appreciate my second dog a lot more.
And I miss wayfield a ton, but I don't know.
If you have pets, hold on them close.
If they're gone, just try not to linger too much.
So I got the first one.
That was good.
That was a lot better than telling the story.
Ty, so you crying? That was damn good. That was good. Wow. That was good. That was a lot better than telling the story. So you crying? That was
that was damn good. Wow. Wow. All right. Good. All right. Six and seven. So this is done to
this. Anything grab back. Make him feel how anger is an emotion. Anger is anger. You could make
him feel angry. Yeah. Anything you have to declare the emotion you're going for. Yeah, why don't you declare the emotion? Yeah
It's like you're like, yeah, that's true. You want to know? All right, so declare your emotion and then go
Mincy you're up for I would go for a laugh. Going for a laugh? Wow!
Same story.
V tells the story.
Alright, here we go.
Write it back.
Alright, tell me when you're ready.
High school story time.
Alright, this is my junior year of high school.
Oh, it's about him.
Yeah, it is. True.
So, I threw a huge party at my house the night before my
mom was out of town. And my buddy and I are out in this part
behind our house with like two cases of beer in an ice chest
because my mom's not supposed to come home for a couple days. All
of a sudden, I look up on my back deck. There my mom is
screaming bloody mercy. Ben Mitz, get your ass here right now.
So my buddy and I look at each other,
we're like, we're totally fucked here.
We have like two cases of beer, we're like 16.
And we were like, we have a huddle,
we're like, what are we gonna do about this?
We're gonna be grounded until the end of time.
We look at each other, and we have this buddy of ours,
my buddy, you guys should give him a shout out.
He's like, they were, my my buddy was like blame it on him.
Your mom will believe you because she believes we're good
people. So went up there and I said, Mom, we had this party
last night. One my fault.
Gotta look at the clock.
That's terrible. Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! Time! The three was only because it ran out of time. Yeah. The shout out has been muted. That was good.
Well, the ending was funny.
All right.
Clemmer, what emotion are you going for?
Any emotion.
I'm going to go for anger.
Anger, OK.
Oh, OK.
Like this.
In New York, we have a governor, a democratic governor
named Kathy Hochul, who in the summer
wanted to put in congestion pricing.
So this was a thing where they're going to tax people,
they call it a toll, tax people to go through into New York City.
Meanwhile, this is done between the working hours most of the time,
during the work week as well.
And then right before the elections, she says,
no, no, no, we're not going to do that, we're not going to do that.
A week after the elections, she implemented congestion pricing
Once again, $9 every time you drive in.
Who has a car in the city?
What if you have an Uber?
What if you want to take a ride somewhere?
What if you're in a cab?
What if you own a car and you live in New Jersey
and simply need to get to work to drive to work
for whatever reason?
You're paying this tax.
They call it a toll.
It's complete bullshit.
And it hurts the working person. And it paying this tax. They call it a toll. It's complete bullshit. And it hurts the working person and it's
really upsetting. And and I mean, look, you can be on the
side of Democrats, this other Republicans all you want. But
this is a huge misstep by Kathy Hokel and she should be
absolutely ashamed of herself. Okay, damn shame.
That was genius.
That was so close a master stroke
Thank you big teeth
All right give a point to Clemence yep, he's up eight to six Wow that was incredible
All right ball soccer's next that's right. Does anyone who understands it can explain it ball soccer ball soccer
Get in that there's two big bubble balls that are behind the curtain mince doesn't have it put on your headphones
They're on the court
Two bubbles you get in the bubble you play one-on-one soccer. There shouldn't be two balls. I don't know why there's two balls, okay?
To get the ball we play one-on-one soccer. It's yeah
I have any to watch export first to five first to five goals are the most goals after five minutes
Okay, for the event first if I have all right out of bounds is
Matter now or no, it's just that little goal. No just put the ball if you're
Just put the ball back in bounds if it's just a little yellow now
It gets away from them. Yeah. Yeah. All right get in there. I'm just gonna run people quick first. All right sure of course
Yeah shoes
Everlasting question every every competition is shoes or no this is what she's certain
Yeah, you need shoes for soccer oh man
This is fun. I enjoyed that last second. That was a great
light. I was worried it wasn't a big team. It hit. All right. Get in your bubble. I know he needs to
get in this bubble. I didn't want to know how that story. I kind of like it. Not it was never allowed over at the house again. Oh, okay Line remember. I thought you were peeing
My Mike just don't turn it down. Don't turn it off
Back to the thank you he had to like look at his phone twice for it to remember
Thank you like how we say it.
I guess Chinese isn't so hard after all.
Oh, they say April too.
Thank you.
We did not give that enough appreciation in the moment.
I was stunned.
I was stunned.
How do you say it?
I thought that he was just like, fuck it, I'm speaking English.
I didn't realize the mistake that he made. Yeah, it's so much fun
So is the whole thing in like English? Yeah, the whole thing was in English
Can we watch him getting in this bubble here?
Yeah, there you go, there you go. Yeah, he was trying to dive in
At what point do we feel bad I felt bad when he was wearing his helmet and big cat was tying his skates on for him Oh my god
How many guys we need to get this thing on
Okay, how does he does he how's he eat at night how does he how does he do anything
No, oh my god the straps go over your shoulder. Yep. There you go. This is. You put your arms back down. Grab the handles here. He's from Louisiana, not Mississippi.
Yeah. Put it over your head. Clembers got his own already
well do you think they'll score one I don't know I mean are they just playing heads up? There's no goalie. They might not.
Why are we using a tiny ball?
Use a different ball. We have soccer balls. This is the ball that came with
the net. You see the other well, doesn't matter. Just see how it goes.
As you do, you always start a half court for
Oh God. Well, why would
what are they trying to do? They're just playing real
soccer. Well,
and let's make let's get some contact. Okay. Out of bounds. Oh. Ball out for Clemmer. Ball out for Clemmer.
I'm very stupid.
Oh, here comes Clemmer. Oh.
I'm dumber than Mince.
I thought they were going for the big net.
They should.
I'm way dumber than Mince.
Does Mince think they're going for the big net?
No, because he just kicked it in there.
This is not going to work.
No. This is not going to work.
We didn't put ourselves into their minds.
New ball.
Two balls.
Two balls.
Two balls.
Two balls.
Yeah, two balls.
Who could score?
Yeah, I like that.
And there they go.
We didn't.
Hoping ball.
Hoping ball.
Hoping ball.
Because there's one.
Oh, Clemmer hasn't scored.
Clemmer missed.
One nothing. We didn't need to buy the bubbles. All right, one ball. Back to Clemmer has a score. Clemmer missed. One nothing.
We didn't need to buy the bubbles.
Alright, one ball. Back to one ball.
Sure didn't.
One nothing?
One nothing.
Yeah, that's gonna...
I was playing goalie.
I don't know about that.
Why wouldn't you just squat down?
See, with the steal.
Boys, you're wearing bubble.
You're wearing big-ass bubbles.
Knock somebody over
Yeah, charge him charge him you got to go for the knockover
Knock him over
You're wearing bubbles boys
Yeah, this is this is
Infury they not understand what you could hit each other over
I will help you to make, yes.
No, it's gonna help you guys a lot.
I think he had to wear this when he was younger.
He wasn't used to hitting people.
No, it's gonna.
Clemmer, if you eliminate him, you gotta knock.
I'm not gonna eliminate you.
What do you expect this one to do?
You can make him fall down.
I'm not gonna make him fall down.
I'm not gonna make him fall down.
Oh, here he comes.
All right, Clember's got possession again.
So there's no use for the ball.
This is just suck.
No, because they're not using it correctly.
They should just knock each other over and then score.
Mince, knock him over.
Knock him over, Mince.
This is so unfair.
Can I go knock one of them over oh
And look he just gets back on D
What is he doing?
Just fucking try to hit him once
We didn't we weren't using our heads when we were thinking
Run through him we have plans
We weren't using their heads
Can't plan for this
You need a knockdown
Mincy could send Clemmer into the stratosphere if he runs into him We weren't using our heads, we weren't using their heads. That's what you were doing. Can't play in for this. You need a knockdown.
Mincy could send Clemmer into the stratosphere
if he runs into him at one mile an hour.
He won't.
Look, they're trying to play like technically.
This is so bad.
I don't think he's received the message.
Hit him, Mincy.
Run through him, Mincy.
Hit him, jack him.
Oh man.
Run through him now.
Get out of the crease, Mincy. There's just no way to score
What's the fuck
Breakaway oh, I don't know he kicked both things
He kicked both things yeah, that was a goal. Yeah, fuck it
They're wasting our time should we award a point for an act down is a slap in the face. Oh so close
Two balls throw another ball out there. Another ball.
And they're ignoring the ball. Oh, Clembers got two balls in the breakaway.
I would charge at him.
I think you could knock him down.
We're going to play this tomorrow.
This is the. God damn it.
One minute. One minute. Oh, this is brutal.
Just give them and see the point. Let's move on. All right.
Time. Yeah. Holy shit. It's two. Nothing. It's two. Nothing. One. It's all right. Oh, no. You're fine. You're fine. You All right time
One it's all right. Oh, no. Yeah fine. You thought it your way you played it your way that next competition napping
All right head to the kitchen
Is it time? Yeah, it's time
It's cooking time boys. I get it from your end
But he should have what he should have gone for you
You were also in taste in a bubble I
Still felt it though man. I know what to tell you. I'm small. I don't know what to tell you
Believe me you don't believe me eight to seven alright kitchen time. Here's the deal
It's open-ended cooking challenge better that guy sitting there tell me you know sitting over there. Oh smash it. Oh shit motherfucker. I wish I wish I was bigger
Yeah, you were you had big bubbles. I thought you did great. Thank you
All right, I know wasn't fun, but like I don't like I mean says I don't he wants to smash into me
I'm a small. I gotta know I don't want to tell you guys all right
You want to rock me?
Competitors will be given a range of ingredient
I go do in 20 years in time limit and we'll have to cook a meal for chef Donnie to judge whoever
receives the highest score from chef Donnie will earn the event point can we
add a wrinkle yeah chef Donnie has to eat all of it
Clemmer get in the kitchen all right we're getting close to the cooking
challenge there's a free-for-all cooking challenge there's also not any other
super physical challenges left.
I would argue there's one that's enduring space.
I'm trying to keep him.
Oh, right, right, right.
He's basically about to quit.
He's starting to, we're starting to fade.
What's the time limit for this?
What did we say, five minutes?
I don't think that's enough to cook him.
Ten minutes?
Oh, we're going to enjoy this one.
Let's go 15 minutes.
Oh, no, we got the fire extinguisher. Pro chefs get 20 in shops. I think that's enough to cook them. Let them go. We're going to enjoy this one. Let's go 15 minutes. Yeah, it's a...
Oh, no, we got the fire extinguisher.
Pro chefs get 20 and chopped.
So they have...
So we did it instead of grilled cheese, running grilled cheese back.
We've given them a range of ingredients.
So they can do whatever, and grilled cheese is one of the things they could do.
It's up to Donnie to judge.
All right.
How much time? 15.
Tell Spider that.
Welcome back to the kitchen, boys.
Can we see what those ingredients are? Is that beef or is that pork? Yeah there's beef, there's salmon, there's bread, there's cheese, there is...
There's cucumbers. What are they going to cook? Looks like maybe chili.
Yeah, there's the beef.
These are more for anything.
Chicken breast.
All right, let's get to cooking.
I don't really give you the rules either.
It's open-ended this year.
Whatever you want to make.
They could.
They could.
15 minutes on the timer, guys.
When you're ready, I'm going to blow my whistle and we'll get right in. Whatever you want to make
Minutes on the timer guys when you're ready, I'm gonna blow my whistle. We'll get right into it
Ready? You guys you don't to use all of you can use any protein you want you have to use one of the proteins
I don't even know I think that's a can of try and tell them or not. Yeah
Use one protein and you can use anything else
Yeah, yeah, tell him. You'll figure it out.
You'll figure it out.
You have to use one protein and you can use anything else.
Clock starts now.
Go for it.
All right.
Where are they going?
All right, here we go.
Going for a pan.
I hope you really have no idea what this is.
Is anyone going to volunteer to try what they make?
All right, so Clumber, I feel like already has a leg up because he's right away.
Oh, yeah.
You've got to cook the meat.
Wasn't it last year they couldn't find the pans?
They were right behind them.
And the knives, I think.
And if Clemmer hadn't found that one first,
Mince still wouldn't have found the pan.
That's just not one of the gloves
you should be using, is it?
No, those are like the non-cut your hands gloves.
All right, so Clemmer's got the butter on.
Oh, he's gonna, ew!
All right, going with a quarter stick of butter. Love that.
Turning this on is gonna be important.
Mets still on the glove portion of the event.
He's so pissed. Promise. Once we get that glove on, we're gonna be off and
running here. Gotta get that glove. He's missing be off and running here it's like one minute gas out here. Oh God. Up there boys. Okay. Please. We'll try not to start a fire this time.
Don't look at me.
Clever as Caddy. Yeah.
I did nothing wrong.
Do we have other utensils to use?
Something to...spoons? Anything?
What do you think Mets' plan is? What's the opening?
Butter? Butter?
I think he's slowly going to copy.
He's just copying Clem.
You're right, he's copying Clem.
Is that a spoon he's stirring up?
Is that a measuring spoon?
We've got to hurt him.
We got ourselves a challenge.
I won't say getting the butter off oh
No one more wrapper for the butter both of them just have gloves on it. Can't get anything open
Why is he
Come he's looking really he's cheating. Why are they using gloves? I don't know
Clemurs hand was cut earlier on something but man sees wasn't
He's copying off of Clembers plate got an advantage can't tell if he's looking at commerce plater he goes for bread
Guys cheating This guy is cheating! Buddy, you're on camera! Bullshit!
Look at him go!
He's copying one for one
You need to put like folders up like how they do in school so you can't cheat on us
Oh, he can't figure out where to put the bread
Lover's making steaks?
He got the fucking bread, man!
Cut the bread?
Oh fuck, oh fuck. Why can't he cut it?
His butter is burning.
Now his butter is burning.
This is what we tuning for.
This is what I'm tuning for.
He's just putting in what Clemmer put in.
He's just eating completely two pieces.
He's crazy.
He thinks Clemmer's been told what to cook or something.
Yeah, 100%. He doesn't know. and he thinks clembers been told what to cook
yes what doesn't know how to get long ways
it's going to get long ways why
oh still not taking apart right now Oh Still not No, yeah, it's got two useless pieces of half bread get two bread rods
Mitzi's famous bread rods
Does he know he's allowed to do what he wants no
My god his is so hot it has to be so fucking hot. Because he burned that butter so fast.
That meat is going to be torched.
Alright, look over at Clemmer.
If you ask Mince what he was cooking right now, what do you think, what is in goal?
Do you think he knows?
Chris, what are we cooking? He's gotten ahead of Clemmer now
He's a he doesn't know where to stay cooked in 45 seconds got long sliders
Now what's he gonna do?
Cuz look Clemmer has this cheese? Oh cuz look clever has the cheese
It's a different kind not getting that open he legitimately thinks he just missed the instruction part. Yep
Yes, someone telling me can do what he wants. I like watching them
Donnie told them they can make whatever they want right, but I don't think he's paying
You heard it. I should probably turn that off.
Oh, the farmer's already plating.
It's just, it's still on.
Just block cheese?
Yeah, Mitch's thing is still just.
It's as hot as it can be.
It's hot.
It's hot.
That thing is fucking going.
Don't touch it.
There we go. There we go. Let's eat. Wait, he's literally trying to eat it. I think is fucking going don't touch it haha
what we really do he's tongs are in the
city's copy of the paper
really think there's we were we were
told what to make the breadsticks
sprinkler bar for bar is copying him
with half bread and we're fine he's getting tony legitimately yelled at
he doesn't know it has no idea yeah he's clever there's like a lot of motion but nothing being
accomplished at all same point also they really oh my god, come on! I'm infuriating.
Oh, he's going back to the butter.
What is going on with the butter?
Oh, he's going back to the butter.
You've got to do what you've got to do.
Oh, he's going to cook the bread a little bit?
He might be buttering it for the cheese.
No, he's just buttering the bread.
Raw butter on raw bread.
Why did he put butter back in the pan? Raw butter, raw bread. Why did he put butter back in the pan?
Raw butter, raw bread.
What's going on with the butter in the pan?
So he just cooked it down.
Butter's done.
You're going to cut your finger off.
Yeah, I'm also... He made him take a butter knife instead
Contract renewed
Yeah, and back up it's done
Does he know what he's doing no, but like at least at least he's holding it on his own
Yeah, I think I'm
We might got a no, I'm good for it. I give these bonus time
I got an old recipe called bread and butter.
No salt, no pepper has even come to the plate.
Or bread, yeah.
Or bread.
Is that the bread that Clemmer used?
No, Clemmer's too weak.
No, Clemmer's too weak.
Clemmer's like, I like what you do with that bread and butter.
A little steak and cucumber sandwich.
How much time we? An entire cucumber.
Did he ditch his last? Is he starting?
I think he's starting to work.
I need a thicker piece. That piece.
That one didn't work.
The one I cut long ways was a vertical is bad.
Oh yeah.
A triple decker.
No, no.
All right.
Okay. This is thick as a bread. Very burned butter Triple decker. No, no.
All right.
Very burned butter in that pan.
I would...
Maybe clean it out.
Clear it out.
Oh, I'm just gonna nice, crazy, easy.
Little bit, that was a pinch of butter.
Oh, he's going back to the original grilled cheese.
Putting the cheese on top.
What does he...
When we were planning this, we were like,
let's give them bread and cheese because they might just go back
To doing this and that's exactly
Never let them know your next step
You sure flip it damn it
you look like a bumper nick
what is that
slice cheese up oh no haha what does he Oh No
Should be good cheese recipe says cheese on for half a second
Just look at the brown, the brown stain. Clever's done.
Clever's done?
Tell him he gets more time.
He wants to have some flair.
He's not a real person.
He's not a real person.
He thinks he's making a steak sandwich?
How's he going to combine that?
Or is he doing open face?
I mean Clever didn't do great here. That doesn't look good. combine that. Or is he doing open face?
I mean, Clember didn't do great here. No, that doesn't look good.
That's a plate of beige.
That was meat.
The size of a lot.
Look at how much bread.
He just sliced it all. That's all he did.
He showed that he could cut things.
He made a charcuterie.
Oh, that's not yours?
Oh, don't use that butter.
Oh, what are you doing?
Rice is not black enough, clearly. It't use that butter. Oh, what are you doing? Right now you're lacking off clearly.
It's the wrong side.
Oh my God.
This is insane.
Look at the remnants.
It's the mockery of this kitchen.
He just poured all that juice from that pan directly on that open.
Yeah, the raw meat juice.
Tell Donnie he can try Clembers if he wants.
You don't want to lose points for being cold. Yeah, the raw meat. Tell Donnie he can try Clembers if he wants.
You don't wanna lose points for being cold. I love the steam, man.
He's making his famous steam cheese.
Steam cheese.
A steam cheese sandwich.
Like mom used to make.
Oh, you wanted a grilled?
Tell Donnie he can start eating Clemurs
Let me show you a little secret. It's a steam cheese
Don't you think they should eat the same issue in both, but I don't want Clemmer to lose points for being well
That was his
Bocce make a grilled cheese
Cheese looks ripe dude that would look good if it that looks like a piece of steak. Oh my god. He lost the cheese
Looks like a really good steak
War torn culinary rubble. Compression food.
Oh my god!
Is it going more bread?
Let's go back to the bread. Back to the first type.
The pan is still just burning.
Nice triangle slice.
He's doing it again!
For what? He overdid it again. Yeah, doing it again. Do not play. He overdid it the first
time I think. You're gonna get your bang for your buck with
this dish. He's doing it again. He's doing the exact same thing.
Oh my god. He put zero butter down this time. So I don't know
what he thinks is gonna happen differently. Don't help him.
Okay, I don't know what he thought was gonna happen the
first time. None of them thought, hey, maybe put the cheese time Hey, maybe put the cheese on like if you're making a steak and cheese listen
I don't know what he's making you don't how do they think it's steak and cheese? He's putting it on and off
Oh back on
Now take this one off
He's playing Tetris with his cheese
Tetris with his cheese.
Oh, steam.
And yes.
Wait a minute. So that one wasn't good. So he just did the same exact thing. Yes. But with no butter.
He just has it on gas.
Scallops and steak would have been nice. If I knew how to do
it. I just don't know how I'm not gonna try.
I don't think you know how to do steaks.
Clembers dish is just a loaf of bread.
There's two pieces of meat he threw in there and then sliced everything else. Uh uh uh seven
minutes seven. Look at that. Is that still? I don't know if
that's the bread or the steak. Why the cheese get on the
steak? Who's ever had steak with cheese on top? What the fuck man?
What the fuck?
This is crazy.
You think he's concerned at all?
I don't know how.
I would have loved to have made steak and scallops.
I just don't know how.
I was trying to keep it as simple as possible.
You just put them in the pan and...
What do you got? What's your plan here? I'm just
gonna put this. It's what we're doing. I want to. I was
hoping to get this little melted and I was with the steak
on the bread and make a sandwich. Yeah. And Clem, you
might as well explain your dish while we're. Yeah. So, I try to
take a creative like spin on steak and cheese. Okay. Um so,
wait. A steak and cheese sandwich but like just like
it's not how to go, like, deconstructed,
like, kind of broken apart, because I ripped my food apart.
So I tried to make, like, a neat looking steak and cheese sandwich that's, like, been exposed.
Oh, is the steamed cheese starting to steam?
So a steak, obviously, four different cheeses.
Oh, it's like a goat.
Steamed cheese.
A little bit of mixture.
And a little bit of range.
It's falling off.
It's perfectly done for a steamed cheese.
Not a second of a drugs.
Oh, no.
Oh. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Whoopsie daisy. not a second at oh no oh oh yeah oh yeah
again the cheese on the state got open the base
oh why is he using
up here's the one that he had to discard.
Yeah, yeah.
Ten seconds.
Ten seconds.
Yeah, clean that thing up. That'll do it.
I'll sing a tune.
Three, two, one, hands up.
Good play. Good fucking play.
Good fucking play.
Good fucking play. Good fucking play. 10 seconds. Yeah, clean that thing up. That'll do it. I'll sing it to her.
Two, one, hands up.
Good play.
Good fucking play.
All right.
I don't know, guys.
I actually think I improved a lot.
Look at that cheese.
That's bad.
All right.
Clemmer, you kind of just slice things up and put it on a plate. Look at that cheese. That's bad. Alright.
Clemmer, you kind of just
sliced things up and put it on a plate.
I'm not going to judge because
steak and cheese, you didn't even toast the bread.
You didn't.
So I don't know.
I'll live and die by the steak.
He sliced bread.
He didn't season the steak, he just
put it in the pan. He just cut.
Was there any seasoning?
Salt and pepper never got true.
Oh, come on.
I will say.
That's pretty good.
It's pretty good.
It's not even cooked.
Did you put salt on it, pepper?
I did not.
I used some butter.
I did.
I did.
Check it out.
Salt and pepper right there in front of him.
This side kind of looks good.
There's a nice sear on this side and that is not
for for what you did that's impressive. Thank you. He did it accidentally.
It's butter.
Honestly, it's not terrible at all. You cooked it well. You did it over cooking.
What did you make? I made a steak and cheese sandwich.
He cheated. You had all those ingredients we bought.
And you ended up with the same thing? Same thing.
How do you eat? I'll let you have that.
Okay, and you toasted the bread.
That's raw. That's raw
It's gonna be chewy
Things still move it's raw. It things still moving it's raw it's raw it's raw steak
What do you have? I'm sorry, I'm eating that Clemmer didn't cook.
But Clemmer didn't even make a meal, though.
He did it.
Lost it all.
Yeah, who wins?
I had to give you the win.
If I ordered it, I'd be happy with that.
Have you ordered this?
I like plain stuff.
That's something I would make at home.
It doesn't exist at a menu.
I should have exterior the steak.
I'll have the steak, sliced cucumber, two breads.
You know, the special aloe for bread
and some cheese.
Clemmer is pulling away.
I don't know, Menci was more creative though.
He invented a new sandwich, steamed cheese.
I wasn't really creative.
He just followed what he thought.
Yeah, I want to know how Menci thought of making a steak and
cheese sandwich.
Oh, man.
OK, so do you declare it?
Yeah, I did.
Alright, Clemmer.
That was something.
Next year I think it's just going to be mincey cooking.
Mincy cooking and Clemmer cutting.
That's all it is.
Maybe just a cooking challenge. Alright, do we have the great job, Clemmer cutting that's all it is all right do we have this great
job Clemmer I'm a great job perfectly cooked steak thank you we're getting
close to the finale here I don't know Donnie liked it but that's that's what I
need at home though you did win you didn't do a good job what you didn't
cook it your hair is I made cooking that's what I would eat at home
I'm like I'm gonna make what I know because I figured that might be enough to beat mincy mincy
How did you decide to make a steak and cheese sandwich? I thought it would be the simplest thing
But apparently that was did you ever think about putting the cheese on the steak? I?
Thought cooked the stick steak and like let it rest
But then I thought the steak was cooked through and I should have checked it
Did you did you ever look at Clemmer and see what he was up to and factor that into what you're doing?
Mmm. I was just trying to get the simplest thing. Okay, and then that was
Don't worry about same meal was coincidence. Don't worry about what climber was doing. Just just focus on your I was just trying to get
Yeah, yeah, I would have cooked me and I do not
And I did I didn't and there were four shops right in six fish
Okay, you left it all out there and I saw you audible
from steak and cheese sandwich to something else.
I cut the bread wrong.
Yeah, you cut it long ways.
Yeah, I screwed up.
Nine to seven, still in one's game.
We're all still alive.
What's next?
Blow out the candle. In front of the Jumbotron fellas.
Uh, competitors will place pantyhose over their heads and hold them in place with their
hands. Two lit candles will be placed on the table in front of you. When the referee whistles,
you'll attempt to blow out the candles. So with the pantyhose on your face, you're going
to be trying to blow through the pantyhose to blow out the candles yep best of three rounds will
earn the point okay you want to watch do we do it one at a time no do they want
to watch the yeah the inspiration yeah watch watch what we watch to come up
with this You gotta hold it in place like they're holding it on there. You gotta kinda hold it in place, like they're holding it around there. Okay.
Trust me, fly up your head.
See how they're holding it?
Oh, God. Yeah.
All right. Yep.
Oh, wow.
It's hard.
All right, get on out there.
Oh, wow.
What a challenge.
Oh, wow.
Thanks, Vince. Oh, no.
All right. Oh, this is... Oh wow what a challenge
Very intrigued oh
My god
I just got a tweet from someone mincy posted four hours ago that he was watching how to make a grilled cheese video
Prepping for today. Yeah, that was still the product. Did he not? Interesting. Very interesting.
Oh. Clemmer went right to it.
Mincy wouldn't admit that he just looked at Clemmer's.
No. No. No.
He looks at him every time. I'm noticing it now. He looks at him for everything. I have to
have it like is there as far as a ruling like we watched the
video. Yeah, I just want to make sure. Yes. Okay. I said you
might have to hold it in place. I don't think this is the best
visual in the world. Okay. And we can. Oh my god, you're right. Oh my fucking god. You're so right.
Mincey in woman's underwear?
This is like a terrorist video.
Does this thing hang back?
It's kind of putting a flag leg on our way down.
Alright, on Spider's whistle.
Look at the visual.
That's really bad.
Okay. Oh, fuck. Look at the visual. That's really bad.
Oh, fuck. Oh yeah, we gotta move this thing closer.
Look at that, holy shit.
Holy shit.
Yep, this is doing it for me.
Move the table closer.
I'll take this.
Now go.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh fuck, oh god damn it. Oh, all right. We tried. Yeah, we tried. All right at the stand at a certain distance for
Well, yeah, we've already is it broken put it right up on it
Put it right up on it.
That should probably be OK.
Maybe a little bit closer. A little bit more.
Yeah, that's probably fine.
No, no, no.
Should we give this to Calmer? I just. Why do they have to be tied to the thing at the top? I
Has no bearing on how right right. Oh my God.
Oh my.
He thought.
Okay, you understand with his.
Clever got room to spare in his gotta gotta be under our chin though.
Yeah, yeah, cuz that's the little bit of cheating.
He's asked that multiple times.
Actually, you can get your you can get your
head up and you can get your face to this.
Panning is flammable.
Probably OK, I would say.
I asked you here that yes,
but can't lean over Can't lean past there.
All right.
Give it a try.
You lean past.
You know?
And he gets that point, too.
All right, do it again.
Don't lean past.
He gets that point, though.
Yeah, Clembers is good at this it's just good panty hose good Japanese of thicker hose Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe it's for. Yeah. Again, mincy Clumber day is not about every competition being perfect. We learn some of the parts. All right. We did get to see him in pantyhose. Yeah, we got to see
him in pantyhose. Good job, Clumber 10 seven. How's the
stamina holding up? Doing all right. Get a second wind.
All right, this one is pretty easy. This is what box is the
other person in? Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
The competitor will be blindfolded.
Their opponent will then get into one of three large boxes.
The objective is for their opponent to correctly guess what box they are hiding in.
They will alternate taking turns guessing until one person is correct.
If the person who guesses correctly goes first in a round, the other person will have redemption
opportunities to stay alive.
The winner earns a point.
This is best of how many?
It's just, it's just goes till one of them gets it
and the other doesn't.
Okay, so can we start over for a second?
Let's just get in the box.
And the other part, and you gotta guess which box.
Yeah, that other person can watch for little movements.
Okay, how close to the box can we get?
You gotta stand. The line. Far, how close to the box can we get you got to stand?
the line
Okay, mincy, would you like to get the box first?
Yes, losing his brain
All right, so clever in the box clever stand on the court us and blindfold. Don't get in a box yet, Mincy.
Do we have a blindfold?
Behind the boxes.
Behind the boxes or blindfolds?
Okay, so Clemmer, look, face us and blindfold.
I'm running out of gas.
I am too.
My patience is thin. Right, yeah. Okay gas and I'm running too. I'm too. My patience is thin.
Right, yeah.
Oh, mine is too.
That's true.
We're close.
We're close, boys.
No, it's good.
It's good.
It's good.
I'm getting second.
I'm still in it to win it.
All right.
No, when he said patience running thin, it's because of you.
All right, Mincy, go ahead.
Get in a box.
Which box?
Any of the three?
Well, can Clemmer hear which box? Oh,ber here which oh yeah clever can you hear right now?
Yeah, he's listening all right then come or come in
I'm gonna hang out with us come on come in here come in here. I think the bar running here real quick
Why are the boxes right side up should they all be upside down?
The box should be upside down Wait, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I'd be thinking inside the mind of mincy which box with mincy
Box what he choose. Huh? It's gonna be tough. Okay. Okay. How much time does he get?
30 seconds, maybe all right
Thank you. All right, you can take off your blindfold and guess which box is mint box is mincy and turn around
Stop green line is where you get yeah, what's that? You can't go?
Steady Ben You want to eliminate Oh, steady Ben. It's the middle one. It's shaking.
Mincy, stand up.
Do you want to eliminate one?
It's shaking.
Alright, Mincy, your turn.
You have to get it right.
Oh, man.
Alright, Mincy, put the blindfold on,
put the blindfold on. Put the headphones on.
Oh man.
I think Clemmer is going to go middle.
Oh, that would be smart.
He's probably going to be able to get in the box without lifting.
All right, go ahead, Clemmer.
Slither right underneath it.
Oh, he's making it.
Yeah. This guy. He's been in a box before. Oh, he's hard. Oh, oh, he's a mate.
This guy.
He's been in a box before.
He's done this before.
This is a veteran.
Mid-season form.
This guy.
A wild, old vet.
OK. I'm vet. OK.
I'm not even sure.
I'm not even sure I know what it is.
I love it.
All right, Mincy, take off your blindfold.
I'm starting to run before you.
30 seconds.
You can go up to the green line.
The green line.
That's the green one.
Oh, man. Oh, he has a suspect. I have absolutely no idea. Where are you at,
Clemmer? You're the man in the box. This could work. Oh shit. Time. Time. Time. Give us a guess. No, no, no. Don't walk. This is him picking. Yes. I'm guessing. Oh,
damn it. I gotta go to another round. Clembers. He's brilliant. Mincy. How'd you know? All
right. All right. Mincy put on the blindfolds you'll guess again clever you get back in the box again
We'll reverse the order reverse the order yeah
This game is gonna take over parties across
Shoes wisely Chris is pissed off
I thought he had that. I thought he had that.
I wonder why he's mad.
Oh, we're gonna get a...
He's gonna hide angry.
He's gonna channel that energy.
It's hard to hide angry.
Send us photos of you and your friends playing.
He's gonna lock in on this compact pose.
Oh, man.
We will be using most of these games for the dating show coming up in a few weeks.
Maybe this one they can only go to the red line.
Okay, Mincy. Yeah, red line. Red line.
They can only go to the red line.
Alright, red line.
Make your selection.
20 seconds, Mincy. It'll be really funny really funny message is really good at this yeah
I'm on the red line I'm guessing they're on far I went oh he got it again
That was like game theory I was like he's not gonna go back
Oh he did game theory I. That was like game theory. I was like, he's not gonna go back to that. Oh, he did game theory?
I don't know what game theory is.
Mincey's a good gambler.
But that was like, he's gonna do a different one.
Okay, here we go.
He's got game theory? Clemmer's lucky because Mincey's
will be moving drastically.
He's got two thoughts
in that brain of his. Game theory and
steam cheese. That's it. of his game theory and steam cheese
So I've already had my steam cheese
Get in a box round two or the win for the win
He's gonna use game theory for this I Wanted I want her. Okay. All right. It goes down. All right. All right. Good fucking luck. Red line. I didn't know. thought it was green line. It was the first time. Oh, okay. I'm sorry.
Where is Mincy?
This is so good. I fucking love this game.
Is that one?
Mincy, stand up.
I got it.
We go to round three.
Oh my God.
All right, you love it?
We're going to round three. And you guys. Alright Clem, you're going to round three.
And you guys can't pass the black line.
Yeah. Okay. I didn't know the line sir.
No, no, no. It's fine.
Mincy, you're going in the box again.
No, no, put it on.
Clemmer, how'd you know?
How'd you know this thing?
Shit, it's checking.
Clemmer, you're guessing again.
Maybe less time.
We're still flopping each time.
Yeah, maybe 10 seconds. less time to guess okay
It's one of the most I don't know how to dream he's gonna tell you only ten seconds you have to hold
Okay, I
Can't figure out how to not shut them too wide for the box
Clembers putting on a blindfold squad and acting like it's exhausting them
This is their job. All right, Mincy, make a selection. This might be my favorite event.
Who's in the box?
Round three. You have ten seconds. What box is Benjamin in?
Is it the two still ones? Or the one that's vibrating?
The choice is yours.
Okay, Mints, they're clever.
Behind the black line.
Starting now, ten seconds.
Steady, Mints. Steady mints steady mints
Yes middle
Okay, I'm her you got it you got it you got it
This is this could be the biggest game in America.
This is riveting.
It's so exhausting.
I didn't see how I could not check.
All right.
Oh my God.
I wonder how many people.
On the headphones.
So many people are playing at home.
Oh yeah.
We have to play.
I'll need it back for next round, hopefully.
All right, we're ready, Clemmer.
Go ahead, Clemmer.
He's deciding what box to be in.
Oh, he's changing the orientation of the boxes.
Oh wow, look at him.
Wow, this is a veteran here, folks.
Fourth round of who's in the box.
Oh my god. And if Mintz doesn't get this, we go on to a fifth. This is a veteran here folks fourth round
And if mince doesn't get this we go on to a fifth
Benjamin take off your headphones and blindfold you have ten seconds everybody say it with me who's in the box?
He went left he's gonna go right
The box would move back to
That's pretty good We'll move back to It just shows you how predictable like you are like without even knowing it yeah, all right what a game
Tj, how do you think number 20 is gonna do guess that?
As a game dude hell yeah now back
That was basically to put an endurance challenge. Yeah, they're endured yeah
Last two we have two more events
Which actually is 20 points, so that's perfect all right
These last two events are events that we did last year, so you guys should be familiar with it. The first event is going to be notes app apology.
We did it last year.
Oh, yeah.
So both of you have your phones ready.
Scathing accusations about each competitor have just surfaced
online that are 100% true.
Even though all the facts aren't out yet, they have a set
amount of time to write and tweet a sincere
notes app apology to their fan base.
The Yak will vote on who had the better apology and award
an point.
So, boys, get the timer ready.
Mincy, we can just apologize minutes.
You're very vague.
Something happening.
Something. Can they specify what that is? They can. We can just apologize minutes They something happening
Something can they specify what that is they can I wouldn't do
Yeah, you could specify what it is fuck it. Yeah
Are you ready? There's also you're written down. They can't just say no they have to write it out
You don't need it. They have to tweet it out write it down in your notes app screenshot the notes app and tweet it out
You've done this before
You really have to wonder what they did yeah, what do you think?
Up I mean Mets we know what he did yeah
This is a little more experience easy. Yeah good understanding of what he has to apologize to a certain community.
If they're both as good, we'll settle it with a game of who's in the box.
Thank you.
I really love that game.
Mence, you do have to write a new one.
Not me in the funny bone.
No, I'm changing it up.
Mence's is all in Chinese.
I've had to do too many of these, so we've got to go with different.
Oh, you're changing it up.
Oh. Outside the box. I've had to do too many of these, so we've got to go with different. Oh, you're changing it up.
Outside the box.
Look at those fingers flying.
So this is the second to last event before the finale.
So points are very close.
Outside the box.
You've seen me think inside the box. I'm having such a good time. This is great. How much? If you get your eyes peeled, there might be a spoiler for the next
event. We're bringing the boxes. I like that. One man is bobbing apples under a box. Next
year it's just going to be, it's going to be four hours of who's in the box.
Should we put them in the box?
The ultimate in game theory.
Grilled cheese in the box.
Who's in the box?
Who is steaming cheese?
You got 30 seconds.
Make sure you tweet it out.
And we'll pull it up on Twitter.
Pull it up on Twitter.
Do we remember who's won last year? I can't remember.
Couldn't tell you.
I just remember everyone was like, oh no, Mincey did it again.
Everyone was like, what could Clemmer have done?
And then everybody was like, it's OK, Mince.
Yeah. Yeah, it's all okay, Mince. Yeah.
Yeah, it's all right, Mince. Nope.
I gotta tweet it.
Tweet it. Tweet it.
Oh yeah, tweet it.
Tweet it.
Sorry, let's do this.
Did you tweet it, Mincy?
No, I don't will.
So just screenshot it and tweet it?
Yep. That's right.
Very easy.
You're telling me a guy was in the box the whole time.
Yeah, at least one.
Holy shit.
I already have a grammatical error in it.
It's fine.
OK, that's all right.
Next time, Iz have dudes in all three boxes,
but only one is mint.
Yeah, true.
Do I tag?
Don't tag anyone. Who's in the box? Or in the box? Just tweet it. Just tweet it. It's the more boxes. Yeah, true
More boxes less boxes. All right, let's pull up game show. Let's see Clumbers
That's a big part of it I just I just feel like
Okay, I'm filled with regret Unfortunately the latest news you've heard about me are
true. That's the grammatical error. I feel badly for not only my friends and family,
but also my fans. I've let all of you down. I'll do much better in the future going forward.
This is entirely on me and I'm going to be a better person. Good, good ownership. Yeah.
Really good ownership. Good accountability. I like that what you do though is my fault okay yeah that's fair
okay I'm filled with regret probably could have put a period on
I'm gonna use that the whole time all right Imagine that with who's in the box. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry for my action and get finished. I know I ran out of time and you said you were gonna take a different
Route with this one. Yeah, there's nothing different
That literally is just your apology every time. No, I said y'all never I thought I took some humor with it
Oh, but it's an apology. I know but I don't know I mean, it's just I've had so many of them that I
Alright who I get it. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like it's
They ring holler, you know.
I guess Minzy has to.
I think. Clemmers was better.
Yeah, I think Clemmers was better.
Clemmers had more ownership.
Yours felt more tongue in cheek.
Thank you.
Yeah, you were kind of laughing.
You were making a joke of your apology.
You did something very serious.
This is no time to laugh.
We're looking for accountability and yeah, insincere.
So I my votes for Clemmer for Clemmer.
Yeah, and you're just going to do it again.
I know you.
Yeah, I'm going to for Clemmer.
You're good.
Okay, so Clemmer gets the point.
You should do something wrong man.
Clemmer gets the point.
All right, 11 to 8 last competition before the finale.
It's bobbing for Apple.
Let's go.
Let's get out of got to win this to give myself a chance.
What's the time limit on this one?
End of the day.
All right, get out there, boys.
I'm thinking it's easy.
I'm worried about this one.
He beat me last time.
But in a comeback, in an unbelievable comeback.
OK, we probably need some towels, too, knowing. I got to get this one to be down, too, time. But in a comeback in an unbelievable comeback. Yeah.
Okay. We probably need some
towels too knowing I gotta get
this one and to be down too to
give myself a shot. I'm sure
you'll have a shot. You'll you'll
both have shots. What's the
time limit for this? Uh let's
say what 3 minutes. I don't know
two. Uh three seems three two. I
don't know three two and a half
two and a half. That sounds good
two and a half way to work it out
game theory
That I don't want to gloss over how impressed was three again mincy. Yeah, he just read it
The the guys mits Clemmer in the box
That was awesome
Yeah, I want to I want to put his apologies. I'm gonna get it
Yeah, that was like as many as he's done.
That sucked.
Also, he was typing so fast the entire time.
Where did all those letters go?
It was only two sentences.
But again, all of his apologies suck.
He apologizes a lot.
The thing is, that's the content he's done the most of.
Yeah, you'd think he'd be better at it.
You're the Barstool apology guy.
You'd also think, like, Mincy would have just an apology
ready to go on the notes app.
You know what I mean?
Like he's like, oh yeah, I need that.
Oh, OK.
Oh, what I do?
Is it really severe?
All right, got one for that.
She's got a file of an apology.
Apology C.
Or like a mad lib.
That's a Spanish one.
I am adjective sorry.
Shoes off.
Shoes off.
Shoes off.
Shoes off.
Yes. Why? Why? One last shoes off question. Yep, he's going's off. She's off.
One last she's off question.
Yep, he's going she's off.
Oh my god.
Now I noticed, I think they're switching sides.
Two and a half minutes.
There's the Yak towel, the wheel towel.
Yeah, can I tell them two and a half so it goes faster?
Yeah, two and a half.
Two and a half for you, man.
It's three for you, Clemmer.
What's that? Huh? Okay.
I didn't hear you say that. Here we go.
Competitors ready?
And we're off.
Try to stay surface level at the beginning? No, he's not.
Andy's... sounds, noise.
He clearly doesn't remember.
There it is. There it is. Back one. Oh sounds noise
Yep, it's like riding a bike oh he's using one don't I meant please man Oh, you gotta go get him, just stay on Mincy. He's flinging him all the way over. Oh my god.
Blow out.
He's getting hot.
Oh my god, just stay on Mincy.
Harry, don't even go to Clember, just stay on Mincy.
How does he do it?
Holy shit. With the back of that get in there
boy you only got advantage on the court
he got what I was like 15 mincy go oh
my god no clever go Clevers given up but
we just need to watch this. Clembers not even there anymore.
Did a whole bite come out of that apple?
He took one out the back of his skull.
Perfectly balanced.
He's gonna get whiplash.
Look how he...
The torque he puts into the fling.
Oh! He's got something colder. He can save oh so much energy by not flicking got some air
on this still a minute fucking god that's the secret. His whole upper torso is soaked. The top of his shoulders.
Oh my god.
Oh no.
Come up, come up.
I thought we lost it.
I am starting to feel a little bad.
Get deep!
Keep going!
He's the best bobbing for Applesguy. Yes! Yes! No. Keep going!
Thirty seconds! He's the best bobbing for apples guy we've got.
We need an underwater cam next year.
He's the number one guy.
An apple cam.
Look at the size of the bites out of those apples in the background.
They're huge.
Jesus Christ.
You're gonna get all of them?
Two left?
We almost gotta get them two you oh my god
Go for it
Guess mitz what an animal I think miss you one look at that spread of apples
Just the mouth the shit
Can't believe you didn't slice his head open I was afraid of that. All right boys. Come on back in 11 to 9
Clever no way
What a performance.
I didn't think he could do better than last year.
He did.
How many apples is that?
All of them.
All of them.
All right, Clemmer.
You have 11.
Mincy has 9.
I couldn't get...
He had 6.
I couldn't even come close.
You'll find out, though, that the two points that you're up on him are actually very important.
We'll wait until Mincy dries off, and we'll show you what the finale's gonna be.
And would like to point out one last time we did give you a free point in the first
event so.
Oh and then the baby one was a free point for him?
There he goes.
Okay there we go.
The game theory on who's in the box.
Alright Mincy come on.
Wasn't a free point either.
I worked for that point too, Brandon.
I didn't see you doing it.
You're fine.
I'm not a part of this.
No, but I'm just saying, like, for you to sit there,
it's just something's free when you're like,
I was trying to climb up that screen.
I was trying to do shit.
Like, that's just saying that.
All right.
Just saying.
Who gave you an extra point?
No, but like, you can't criticize if you're like, like, saying it's free if I'm not out. It wasn't like I wasn't out there. You're fine. gave you an extra point right where we're like Can't criticize me like like they knew it was like I wasn't out there
Are you okay? No, I should you be in city if I'm gonna call you out being shitty
Okay fair no enough
Wow guys compete this balls on yeah, yeah
Did you ever shoes off for that one? I didn't want to shoes to get wet but ends up I didn't get I was smart
Yeah, I mean, I'll miss forgot his shoes
That'd be so funny
We could do bobbing for apples there every time and you'd always win it just puts on a pair of yeah
But it's it's yeah that competition is less about you and just watching mincy. Is that how we always put?
I was looking at that. Yes, it is. That's how he puts his shoes on every time?
Every single time.
He never, there's never been?
I guess that makes sense why he always keeps saying,
shoes on or off.
It's so easy for him.
He's right.
It's nothing.
All right.
Let's do an F for Ronnie.
Great F.
Great F.
Incredible effort, mincy.
Sit down.
So 11 to 9, Clemmer.
Here's what the finale is going to be.
This is for all the marbles.
Pun intended.
Ah. Yeah.
All right, so we have...
We can reveal it.
This is the finale. It's a train game.
Okay, so what you're trying to do as a competitor
is drop the marble through the piping and
have it drop into one of the compartments for points.
So how we're going to do it is, so Clemmer, you have 11 marbles.
Mincy, you have nine.
So there's where your advantage comes in, Clemmer.
You have two more shots at this than mincy does. Okay.
One of you, one of you will go. Clember, you'll go first because you have 11 marbles. You'll go. You'll drop one marble,
try to drop it into the train. After you go, then mincy will
go and then you alternate back and forth. The key though is
when you're not going, you have to put the blindfold on so
you can't see what the other person is doing strategy wise.
Confidence level. You have to put the blindfold on so you can't see what the other person is doing strategy wise, okay? confidence level
I mean none
Like this is a new world
A lot of experience with this I would say none person who has the most I don't but I'm not like see this see you're dropping
It you just drop it in the train. Yep. I'm not feeling intimidated either
Okay, neutral does the train cart number matter at all yes. That's the point yes. Oh
Boy, I can't do this anymore. Yeah
It's testing yeah
It's testing us. He just asked if the
It wasn't explained the rules, so it's it's what the point
Yes, whatever you whatever number you get the marble in
Okay, and it's a blindfold thing we blindfold ourselves
Yes, you can blindfold yourself. Let's just you shoot, and then you bond for yourself. Yes
I have one legitimate question off shoes. I have shoes off total
Total point we're not trying to reach a certain threshold is just total total points all right you boys ready
Yeah, if there's a tie we will go to sudden death marbles, okay, so death marbles
Oh shit, but climber has one two extra marbles. It's clever to take the first two shots, and then we alternate
No, he'll take the first shot. You'll alternate and then at the end. He'll get to go got it. Okay. All right all right
Shoes off
Maybe I think you're gonna need to choose no shoes off mincy. I would just to be said
What would be better grip for up and down the ladder?
This I have no I this the whole new world, but we're gonna do what we can here
Let's try to make scratchy captain boy. All right, get up there boys
This is for all the more 3k shooting some marbles of yep, and you gotta love it. Oh, yeah
Who you guys rooting for?
Think us I hate to say it after mincy's bobbing for apples
I got a he has not his attitude has been top-notch. He has my heart in its entirety
Was the train reverse are we a hundred sure the train going backwards is it calib to land where it ought to land? Yeah, they tested it this morning. Good, good. It's kind of
a dick thing. That's like a far drop. Okay, so what's the deal with the
blindfold thing? It's a fair question though, Brandon. That is a fair question.
Oh my God, the blindfolds are now... Here's the blindfolds. They just turn around.
Jacob, make sure you have it the same speed the whole time through.
Danny, here, you rooting for it? So it goes.
I don't.
I need to be here.
I got to rely on Vince.
Why would blindfolds be necessary?
So you can't see where they drop.
Oh, you have to be on the ladder to see the marble?
Oh, my fucking god.
Jesus Christ.
Shouldn't they be able to get progressively better?
No, they will on their own.
Like, they go.
Like, Clemmer goes. He's like like, oh shit, I misjudged that.
You want to be able to watch the other guy.
All right.
It's hard to know the timing of how long it'll take.
The train's hauling ass.
All right, boys, it's on you.
I guess. All right.
Let's get that camera.
Yeah, let's get the right camera angle.
Brandon, is this getting you excited for your outtune trip?
Oh, yeah, very much.
Thumbin' up.
I think here you got to go back a little bit more.
You got to see the train.
We need to see the train.
Maybe one person close to see the tubes
Let me go tell I don't think they've heard why why put my
Yeah, so when he's shooting I put my bond hold on that's climbers penis
In all its glory One person is gonna follow the marble the other
Yeah Nice. Okay. Yeah. All right. And as you can see, the closest to the train is one point and the farthest one is fine. All right.
Looked pretty fast to me.
Plumbers first throw.
He's letting it go through.
That marble really flies out of the tube.
I think we need a wider shot on the train.
I'm gonna catch it when it, that's way too early.
A bit of a learning curve.
Oh wow.
That marble's too early.
That was a really bad throw.
Okay, so I take him off.
He's testing everything.
This is just.
He doesn't know what to do with the.
He's gonna have to put it back on.
He's gonna say, where's my blindfold?
Oh my god.
I think he might be good at this too.
No, he's not. What are they doing?
Zero, zero, zero, zero.
I wasn't expecting them to be close on their first round.
I kind of was expecting them to be closer than that first. We're you know, with the score. It kind of was expecting to be closer than that.
I was like to Mississippi way far.
Not even.
Although, yeah, they hadn't seen how fast the marble goes.
Now, Clemmer's up on the ladder.
He's a ladder guy.
A little bit.
Yeah, the vantage point.
And there's a spin.
Yeah, right.
Right there.
A little bit of dribble.
I think that's too high for dribble.
That's apple juice.
I think that's apple. It's apple. Run's Apple juice. I think that's Apple run over.
I think he's going to go.
All right. So he should be dropping.
Yo, this could be good.
Close. That's missed.
All right. He's honed in.
Like he's got it figured out.
Yeah. Sounds like a near miss for
a former what are you going to do with the blindfold?
He could just put it, he could just pull it down and then pull it back up.
Alright, Mince, he's not going around it.
Really perspiring now.
Oh, I think he went early.
Way too soon.
Way too early.
Learned nothing.
Okay, Clemmer's third marble.
I think Clemmer's about to get it.
Hold in.
And we're going to give one of these guys $3,000.
That's a great prize.
I mean, you.
Wonderful prize.
You can go for it.
You regret that at all?
If it's Vince, yeah.
That wide shot was pretty much the best.
Too soon.
I mean, that Marvel just.
You got to let it complete the turn, I think.
Time to get hot.
Let's get hot.
Let's get hot one time.
Third attempt.
Oh, he's wearing the blindfold.
This is smart.
Surely he's learned now, right?
Going for it right now.
No, he's not.
Is he?
Can't be doing it.
He's got it.
He's locked in.
Come on, man.
OK, it's gone. That's on, man. Hold. Hold. No. OK, it's gone.
Great shot.
Got a little better.
Clinked off Thomas.
That's the shot we want.
After he drops the marble.
0-0, right?
4 shot for Clemence.
These two marbles are going to be huge for Clemence.
He's going back up. Really studying it though.
You got to like the focus.
OK, he's getting ready.
The marble has entered the tube.
Loading the ball in the chamber.
Seems early.
Too soon.
Way too soon again.
He's doing it.
Too soon. No air. again. He's doing it. Damn.
Are they learning nothing?
I feel like I'm sitting here being that person.
It's like, I would have gotten it.
I thought Clemmer was on it.
You gotta drop it like when it's on a straightaway, right?
Yeah, like right by your left knee.
Caboose has to get all the way around.
Let the Caboose come around.
That might have been a little late.
What number is this? This is fun. You gotta find that sweet
spot. This is intense. That was so intense. What number is
this? Five, I think or six, maybe five. I think five. Yeah,
five left. God, that was, oh, I thought that shit. That was so
Let's talk about that for years.
Glenmore likes to let it go an extra time.
Study the little bit.
How many marbles has Mincy swallowed?
Here she comes in his life.
Thousands right now.
I'm at one.
I'll swallow the lollipop.
Okay, there he goes.
I like it.
This is good.
I like it. Oh!
Oh my God.
Close as yet.
Barely missed.
So close.
You also gotta get a soft bounce.
It could bounce in that.
TJ, when you were testing this, people got it, right?
Yeah, I think I had two or three in a row at one point.
Oh, nice.
All right.
That's you, TJ.
You're the fucking best.
Right, right, which I have to consider.
And he's going. I think this could be good. I like it. Yes. Oh! All right, that's you TJ. You're very fucking right right which
Is going this I think this could be good
What doing
But he's got it figured out yeah, that's huge cuz if he just keeps doing that exact time he'll be good
It's number six for Clemmer from Clemmer really gets high on that thing.
It hasn't really.
Yeah, Clemmer's extra marbles going to come in huge
because he gets to go back to back at the end.
Just separates him in from the boys here.
Don't go too soon.
Oh, oh, just again. He keeps. Oh, oh. Just another one.
He keeps.
Ran over the marble. Thomas.
Oh, no.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, no.
I'm going to let it go around.
I'm going to let it pick up stain because I'm going to let it go.
Okay. Okay, this is number what?
Six. Six. He's this is number what? Six.
He's got to find something out soon.
Is he still this blind from it?
Here it goes.
Off the engine again.
Unreal torture.
TJ, how long did it take until you guys started hitting?
There was a
Testing period because some of the marbles were like one millimeter bigger
And so they were slowing down or stopping in the pipe
But once we figured out which marbles were good in which were bad like four or five throws
But also I didn't have to blindfold myself in between
We might have gone to something. A shootout. Yeah come on guys. I would welcome that.
What round we on right now? Seven. Seven. Oh. Oh. Still too early. He's just a little too early. He hasn't adjusted.
Mincy has three more marbles. Yeah, I'm right there, boys. These last couple have just been like off the damn thing.
And Clomer has four.
Hold steady.
This feels good.
What do you do about that?
Oh, I'm on it.
Should it be like softer?
No, but T.J. they tested it.
The three in a row that have been right in the middle.
Oh man.
God, what torture.
How do I not have this?
Round eight. All right. All right.
Round eight.
Is he going too early again?
Don't go too early.
Oh, this is good.
What is it?
It's in.
It's in.
It's in.
Two points now.
Good shot.
He did it.
All right, so Mincy has two more chances.
Love it.
It's 2-0.
He's taking sports.
Thank you, J.
Good shot, Clemmer.
I'm going to let it go around one time and pick up speed.
It's going slow.
Pick up speed.
It's going the same.
Go around one time to pick up speed. Yeah, pick up speed.
It's going the same.
All right.
Positive energy.
OK, got to have it.
This would be a time to run hot.
Hold steady.
Maybe. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, he's down to his last Marvel folks. Wow. And could end this right now with a four shot.
Four shots.
It's a four or five, it's over.
Oh no, four, five or six.
A five.
Five or six.
Five or six.
Five or six.
Five or six, I forgot there was six after.
He's locking in.
Has anyone went too late? No. I'm going to try to get the ball out of the way. I'm going to try to get the ball out of the way. I'm going to try to get the ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the
ball out of the way.
I'm going to try to get the ball out of the way. I'm going to try to get the ball out of the way. This is it. Can I watch or no? So the finale is going to be two.
No, because you have two shots.
You have two shots after.
All right, boys.
He's got to hit something.
This is for all the Marvels, folks.
God damn it, Kate.
Got to hit something.
You've already lost.
Go to soon.
Christopher Clemmer
Wow, I thought that went in
I hit it four different times Look at these guys, the competitors still love each other
The respect they have for each other is unreal
Clemmer you did it
Two in a row
Sit down
You left it all out there man You both left it all out. Thank you. Thank you, man. I said it. You both left it all out there.
Mincy's tangled again. Can't figure out the end. Yep. Boys, close thoughts. What a day. Congrats, Clemmer.
I'm mentally and physically exhausted. That was a lot. We guys a lot more than the first one
I was also a weird weird reaction to congratulations climber
Say thanks. Thank you from Ben. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Congratulations. I didn't hear you
I'm still like I'm I was trying to focus so hard and like because there's a little dots in the tracks
Is that what you're doing trying to measure with a train?
I had it where it was like exact spot where you'd get it like on the the thing
It took me two or three to hit it dude I hit off the box four different
times then I missed the six by that much but it's your day congratulations your
day I hope you all enjoyed you. Thank you. The Chinese food order.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What's up?
There are so many good moments.
I'm just looking right now.
The Bobbin for apples.
So good at that.
You should see if there's any local.
Felt like it was two weeks ago.
The lollipop was incredible.
The mincey just, he's popped right off
Chinese food order was awesome taping stuff to the wall beautiful
The baby the baby for our a baby was cutting things in half was electric mincy with the mattress little rollerblader
mini rollerblader
the silent scream challenge I loved
Ball soccer was awful.
Ball soccer, once I got up one or two nothing,
I was like, I gotta just freeze it and make sure I win.
That's not very entertaining.
The cooking challenge was incredible.
And then I think we can all agree that
who's in the box stole the day.
Stole the show.
That was it.
That was it.
That was game theory.
That was game theory.
You got you a game theory.
I'll say, I know the bubble
I'm sorry people watch the they were disappointed
I just don't I get we just don't want to hurt each other and like I got hit once with a bubble
I was like that it was like I know I'm oh, we'll play bubble soccer. We'll be using that's mine
You guys but like you guys are also more bill for that than I am like I'm just somebody's in the box every time
Most mostly yeah, there's somebody in the box every there's some iterations. Yeah
Great job boys. Thank y'all for putting this together. That was fun as hell. That was awesome
That was countdown clock begins for mincy Clemmer yak pro day three awesome. You gotta get a win
Yeah, anyway whatever excuses nobody wants to hear it great effort climber congrats great job
Great job always a good competition. Oh, and oh missy's always like a really fair competitor. Yes
I appreciate you guys putting yourselves out there like that. Yes big time. It's fun being funny
Working hard. I know I get a little sorry Brandon and everybody. Oh, I like very competitive
I would rather you be that way than not care at all. Yeah. No agreed agreed
All right. We had anything else. We gotta spin the wheel. Are you gonna spend your money? I don't know
I don't know. I don't know
Last time I went to I brought my wife to Poconos for the weekend and we had a really nice really nice time
That's pretty good. She should have those great. So I don't know maybe something like that. I don't know
Well, what are you gonna do with the winnings next year? I know I'm probably get first class to get back. I think
Can my buys me source fuck? Oh, yeah. Yeah
Alright, good job boys. Thanks for so much fun
Thank you. Thanks for thanks for thanks for setting a really creative challenge and some of the stuff taping the wall like this is some
Yeah, really creative fun stuff
into the wall like this is some yeah yeah creative fun stuff always kept me thinking which was fun yeah there we go TJ great job behind the scenes great job
absolutely not easy making challenges for these two brains impossible really
is all right let's spin the wheel. Thank you everyone Yeah, Brandon Walker's funeral is Friday by the way. Oh, yeah, that's the bit where you tend to quit
Wild stuff will reset what next?
Maybe you can go get purple hats across
What did you do? I'm told no what did I do this thing on his own? What did I do recrouchables? Is it the it's recroutes?
I thought why is it my face is that pisses you off so much cuz you you always have comments to say I've been saying
The same things everybody's been commenting you write the worst things
No, you say the things that hurt the most you promised to join a podcast with him when he first started
You're a big name big name, and then you took a year off work
podcast with him when he first started you're a big name big name and then you took a year off work
Just a month or two two months I got here two months before y'all yeah
All right, please subscribe thank you everybody like the stream as well. Thank you everyone for watching that was lot of fun. We'll have a highlight package out soon. Thank you
See you tomorrow What a show.
Thanks for watching everybody.
Shout out to everybody that helped with the setup, with the graphics, everybody.
Alright, see you for the next one.
Love ya.
Thank you.
Alright, bye.