The Yak - Nick Comes Back from Vacation for a Deep Dive Into The Learning Channel | The Yak 3-13-25

Episode Date: March 13, 2025

Chicago might be adding another WalkerYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. I'm the coolest one out of all of us. That was incredible. Hello, it's the Yak. Welcome in. promo code Yak. 20% off your first purchase. Q-zips, polos, hoodies, joggers, shorts. promo code yak 20% off your first purchase qzips polos hoodies joggers shorts promo code yak
Starting point is 00:00:49 Nicky clicky is back From the longest vacation ever it was six days. Yeah, but it was the day's long. Yeah Yeah, I didn't miss anything. They were business Thursday to Wednesday is the weirdest Vacation timing yeah, I thought I didn't I I liked it because there was no full week of work that I missed yeah They were business days. Thursday to Wednesday is the weirdest vacation timing. Yeah, I liked it because there was no full week of work that I missed. Yeah, you just missed everything. I missed everything.
Starting point is 00:01:11 What are you talking about? It felt like you missed two weeks. I didn't miss one. Then you saunter back in for a little Thursday, Friday week. That's right, chilling. Nice. Yep, it works out well. We missed you a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Did you? Yes. Cool. Yes. Cool. A lot, a lot. You look tan. Yeah, yeah works out well. We missed you a lot. Did you? Yes. Cool. Yes. Cool. A lot, a lot. You look tan. Yeah, yeah, look at me.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Look at me. Splash? A little splash of color. How was your vacation? It was fantastic. I turned my brain off. If you're a lesbian, you gotta get to St. Martin. I was surrounded. Surrounded by common lesbians? More studs than an emo nose. Ooh, it was shocking
Starting point is 00:01:49 And if you're a black lesbian, yeah get down there Oh, I shared a wall with a pair of a pair of black lesbian shared a hotel wall hotel wall and it was Was it like it was? Whiskey it was rum, it was black licky. Dark licky. Oh, black licky. It was shocking. And the way they were screaming, the black lesbian moans, the BLMs. I wasn't protesting oh
Starting point is 00:02:27 My god you guys if you're I know we have a lot of black lesbians watching if you're a single Black stud lesbian get your ass to say my media and oh my god. Oh My god There wasn't a dry tongue in the house Oh my god. Oh my god. There wasn't a dry tongue in the house And I just tisemed out and watch planes land love that yeah, did you go on a boat? No, dude. I tis I sat on the beach Wait were you in the beach where the planes go over your head? Yeah, what is that boho?
Starting point is 00:03:06 Maho Beach maho so you on the French. Yeah, on the french side? How often was this? Every 30 seconds So peaceful How loud is that? Couldn't sleep Dude I'm exhausted I can't wait for the weekend My body is
Starting point is 00:03:22 Deep maroon all over Peeling And dude it was My body is deep maroon all over, peeling, and dude, it was, I have more sun damage than Eric Clapton. But that was my trip. He's back. Was it hard to stand your ground when the plane flew over you? I cowered every time.
Starting point is 00:03:42 But luckily I had the black lesbians there. Watch for you. What, were you at an all-inclusive resort? I cowered every time What I had the black lesbians there? Did you were you at like an all-inclusive resort yeah, oh nice yeah, so I just ate constantly I think I gained 15 pounds was this Dutch or French. I was on the Dutch side Sounded funnier. What did you gamble? Yeah? Yeah, bye. I went to the casino to gamble with the intent of gambling But there was a rock star juggler performance. Oh Mike Price who goes by the rock star juggler and so I was like, oh that's his actual name Mike price So the rock star juggler the rock star juggler Mike price. Can we see him? Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:20 And so I was watching him. He did seven balls at once what yeah him. He's got a residency I didn't understand 1700 followers. Yeah It seemed like he was the biggest star in jungle comments. He that is the most followed junk Was he playing rock music? He was playing rock music Anywhere he wears black and red with like ripped jeans and he is the self-proclaimed king of energy Let's go. She's putting in barely any effort. Yeah, what is she doing? That's not much energy from her at all. No no He's he was he was so political He was like juggling he was like I don't know who is a man or woman these days.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I was like, oh, what? What? Yeah. I had to get out of the country. Why do you think I'm here? I could call you a he because you got a beard. Like, it was awesome. Oh, dude, killing that seven balls. Yeah, he's... yeah. Is this an all-ages show or no no no no no too political. Yeah, I stayed on the adult side of the island
Starting point is 00:05:30 I haven't seen him juggle much yet. I've seen a lot of sizzle, but he doesn't do much. He doesn't do much of the job Oh there they go. That's pretty cool. Yeah, he found a way to combine he said movement and light and light yeah it was fucking awesome crowd going crazy the crowd I couldn't hear over like their oxygen tanks he was juggling like their walkers and shit was awesome oh man I'm glad to be back though the rock star yeah he was but I missed the pogo guy Yeah, he was honestly everything that I did you guys did better here sex Had a lot of the Rand's funeral was quite something. I'm the messiest funeral. I've ever attended. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah, she I mean well she motorboated me she motorboated my mom. Yeah, I mean. Well, she motorboated me. She motorboated my face. With my, she took her breasts and shoved my face in them. Mama? This is your mama? Yeah. Annual motorboat. Did you see the thumbnail?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Are they, yeah, we tried to shut down the front. Are they store bought? No, no, they're not. No, no, no. They were as soft as soft. Nice little, yeah. Oh my god. Nice give. Fill the way. Nice give. I'll tell you what. If those were airbags, you'd never die. No, no, they're no no no they were as soft as soft nice little yeah, oh my god nice give fillowy
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah, I'll tell you what if those were airbags you'd never die you swear. Yep Damn going 100 miles an hour You know you said originally you didn't do it, and it wasn't your fault But you you are describing it in great detail Can you describe as if you did do it incredible scent good did it smell like tits or did it smell like? Aroma what it's hit smellits or did it smell like aroma? What is it smell both whoa like it smelled like a good tit a good tit and a little perfume Because you know what a good tit smells like yeah
Starting point is 00:07:14 I could I could like if like a tit grazed against something I could smell where it's been yeah, right I bet you white socks Dave we could track down like Sydney Sweeney if she ran away White Sox Dave we could track down like Sydney Sweeney if she ran away Yeah, you miss White Sox Dave said that he's gets compared to Larry David all the time. Yeah, I see it. Yeah like a King of harmony wise What else you oh we we revolutionized who's in the box So we put everyone does it still have the ethos of the original a lot more boxes it's we got we got like ten boxes we put everyone in the box and the game is now finds on the box so you have to pick which box Zah is in and you could imagine mincy in a box is exactly what you'd expect he was basically
Starting point is 00:07:59 standing who's who's like the best at it? KB won. KB was the best on paper. White boy Rick's surprisingly good at it. I pranked KB. I felt bad after. How'd you prank him? We did who's in the box regular way. Way too big of a victory lap on that one. I was locked in on the game.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Why would I see you? I had to get in a box. I didn't get in a box. And I snuck in behind him. So he was just guessing boxes being like that one, they were all empty. Damn, that's a betrayal. Yeah, I feel bad about it. Don't do that again.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I won't, I said I wouldn't. You just can't hide in a box. Yeah, no, it hurt my hips very badly. The flaps were. Yeah, it was so hard. Chattering. It was so fucking hard The worst part of being in the box is hearing people try to decide which box you're in and they're taking a long time Yeah, and hoping it's your box cuz you're like crazy out of this box. I'm gonna collapse
Starting point is 00:08:57 I'm surprised nobody collapsed out of the box while they were in it Maybe we need to get bigger boxes or air holes in the box We should know it's not the air holes sitting what's in the box is like hard to do What's the biggest box a lay person can buy? You buy them in those are wardrobe boxes That was kind of something I was having trouble with is finding first writer boxes box option, but like I would like When we initially thought of the game I Want it like to be like,
Starting point is 00:09:26 Titanic chess that you put at the end of your bed. And you can wheel them around. That would be cool. Help me out with what Titanic chess is? A chess that they would have on the, like instead of their luggage, they bring a big chest with all their, oh chess! I thought you said chess!
Starting point is 00:09:44 Not chess, Titanic chess. Titanic chess sounded cool too. Chess, that does sound cool. Chest with all their oh Winslet yes, yes speaking of titties did you speaking of Titanic chests? Yeah? You motorboarded her right no she motorboarded me Again for somebody who claims it was an accident you you you go back to it and you describe it in great detail each time. Did she like being up here? I don't think I claimed to have. I think she's... I think I said it was...
Starting point is 00:10:11 So I'm going through something right now. Talk to me, Brandon Walker. Oh. I think she wants to move up here. Yeah? Because of the weekend excursion? Well, every time she comes up and is with her grandkids for the weekend, you know, she hasn't seen him in six months
Starting point is 00:10:26 She wants to stay so I think I'm gonna have to buy her house Do you think if we get enough walkers to move from the south to the north we can get the Wikipedia changed over the great migration Wow It'll be a trail of tears. I think she'd be the last Walker that would want to come on Donnie's Donnie's never coming to the Chevron station Do you think if we built an exact replica of his house? He'd know and knocked him out
Starting point is 00:10:53 And woke up and woke up it would take me a little bit and he's just like fuck it snows in this honestly if we were to like Snowglobe him where he is He can he only has the certain area that he does we'd only have to do it like a mile and a half right that's what you guys are saying like we got to get the chevron get the chevron get Walmart and get Arby's and I think we got him I don't think he's going outside that circle anyway how small of a space would you need um I mean I'm worldly yeah you are I'm all
Starting point is 00:11:20 over the world so Doug is basically like the most boring Truman show ever Donnie Donnie Donnie Doug is Doug. It's a man Doug's already been up here. Yeah, yeah, Donnie will never come up here Yeah, we could use a third Donnie This one he'd be Donnie number one within three hours What do you mean? Yes, the sheer force of Donnie he'd make the other Donnie's his bitch, right? They would they would fall down the Donnie rankings quickly. So he's the one who never leaves his house or his area. That's right. How does he exert power and authority on others?
Starting point is 00:11:53 He grows the best tomatoes in Clay County. Oh, man. And he puts them out on a table. He will grow 2,500 to 3,000 tomatoes this year, and he'll put them out on a table, and people will come to his house asking for his tomatoes. There he is, yeah. So he has people coming to him for his tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Has he ever had any problems with plague? No, but he does, I think he's invested thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment to watch over his tomatoes. No, is he? I love that. What's his diet, though? Tomatoes. So he puts salt on them. Drinks Bloody Marys, I love that. What's his diet though? Tomatoes. He puts salt on them. Drinks
Starting point is 00:12:26 Bloody Marys. Eats tomato sandwiches. What's the best food item that contains tomatoes? For the Southern man, it's two slices of bread, fresh cut tomatoes, mayonnaise. Tomatoes. Pretty good. How fast can he get? He might put bacon on there, but usually they just eat tomato sandwiches. How fast can he get some tomatoes up here? Well, it's not tomato season yet. He's probably putting them in the ground probably in April and then by June we could have to make What does he do in the offseason? Kansas tomatoes, okay that makes sense What's the best tomato month August?
Starting point is 00:13:00 No, July the the the late June July is when everything comes in but again He he he has five different tomato gardens on the property. How many tomatoes does he produce a year between? 20,503,000 shit. That's a lot of tomatoes. He doing only the big ones Are we talking cherries and air? Just has one variety. You think Roma tomato? Yeah, you think the Roma tomato guys are gay Yeah, probably. Yeah Cherry tomatoes just a red grape. Yeah, fuck this the Roma tomato guys are gay. Yeah, probably yeah Cherry tomatoes just a red great Hate those guys yeah Big tomato guy that guy mm-hmm remember when I got screwed out of the smallest tomato competition at the tomato festival
Starting point is 00:13:35 That was fucked up in Bethlehem nepotism. Yeah, it was the judges grandson one They said mine was too green. Yep. It wasn't a ripe tomato I've talked about this and this not like that's not funny my little sister came in second for tomato princess We had a bunch of more detail. Oh, we look at the Bethlehem tomato face it so it's believable I'll got screwed out because the mayor's son yeah one smallest there comes the funny part. That's a good So that's not if I was making it up. It would be a lot well written script It's not that that's not if I was making it up. It would be a lot well written script Yeah, we feel a lot funny if I made it enough we've been wanting to get that one you guys realize that
Starting point is 00:14:15 You're you're like true introduction if we're right show Six years ago or four or five years ago was melties and from that moment on It can't believe anything anything that you guys say when you guys was far-fetched when you guys jump in together with a memory I'm just immediately like well This one is true. I guess poisoned us. Yeah, this is a boy that cried wolf. All right, so what happened is the Funny it's nothing to riff about it's just I lost a tomato the smallest tomato competition. There was a trophy for That's a very funny concert. There was a bunch of Competitions it was that the tomato festival how small was your tomato I was like searched far and wide ran through many connections finally
Starting point is 00:14:51 found a tomato garden found it had to have been the smallest tomato in the world how you would show a size but how the size of a cell how could you lose a smallest tomato competition do they not measure measure? In their defense it was pretty green. Oh. No, that was in the rule book. It was too ripe. Or not ripe. It wasn't grown. It wasn't finished growing.
Starting point is 00:15:11 It's not the reddest tomato competition, it's the smallest. Exactly. That's bullshit. Yeah. Style points. But it sounds like there was some nefarious activity with the winner of the tomato. Well it was just the mayor's grandson. Well yeah, that's bullshit. That's typical.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That's just how it works. That's how it works at the Bethlehem Tomato Fest. How far, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania? No, Bethlehem, West Virginia. Okay, well, I didn't know there was a Bethlehem. We are not actually. I thought you were from Wheeling. Yeah, that's the craziest pile.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Bethlehem is our address. It's its own separate place. You've never introduced this. I didn't know this. Does it have a Wikipedia? It has to. a Wikipedia probably has to It's an offshoot all our baseball fields had the dugouts on the same side. Mm-hmm. That's our claim to fame Why because we were one big dog out or two small dog to ridgy the other side always had a big steep ridge
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah, that's where we're actually from It's part of the Wheeling Metropolitan sure from it's part of the Wheeling Metropolitan sure ah so suburb of we're going to go that's tattooed on my arm but you went to Wheeling Park high school sure did yeah because we didn't have we only have one restaurant Ernie's s choir and then uh and then it closed because they were fucking in the kitchen like I don't know it was like this weird thing and so there's 2,500 people from Bethlehem Yeah, talking about the two of you came out of there. Yeah, that's crazy same village But he's from a different area than I am he's from wolf estates. I'm from McCauley estate Those are just neighborhoods. I'm not I think we've gotten ourselves. We're deep. Yeah, where do you call him a rich kid?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Wait, you're from Bay tree Nick is from the rich. No. Yes, you are McCauley estates, did you see the crew I ran with? It looked like a cover of a health book There's only 2500 people though You guys had columned houses We were lower- None of them were rich Oh my god
Starting point is 00:16:55 Hahaha Yes You did come to my area to trick or treat Look up the real estate in Bethlehem But you could not- You couldn't handle the hills. I hated the hills. You couldn't walk up Green Tree.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Damn. You guys are good. You're good at this. That wasn't good though. No. I thought that was funny. Losing the smallest tomato contest is a very funny bit. They're introducing the concept of Bethlehem that will pay off later. Maybe. We're just planting a seed right now. Maybe. That's a cool, yeah. They're introducing the concept of Bethlehem that will pay off later. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:25 We're just planting a seed right now. Maybe. That's where we're actually from. There's a lot of houses in Bethlehem. Mm, OK. You're on Zillow? What street you looking at? I'm on Zillow.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I'm on East Goip Street right now. Gope? Gope? Gope? I don't know Gope. Gep? Pembroke? No. Pembroke? No. How much does your house cost you? I'm on East to go up street right now go go. Oh, yeah, I don't know go yep pin broke No pin broke now house cost you yeah, what's the average looking like there?
Starting point is 00:17:51 You know you have this one's 399 on East Washington Avenue. This might be in wheeling. That's in wheeling. Oh wait I'm in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Yeah, 399 Sorry, there's only three houses for sale in Bethlehem I thought there were too many houses 16 birch lane yeah okay all right what's that what's that run you to 25 it's the most expensive house veterans uh yeah um snag it for Wow shit Grab it for me Renaissance way near me had probably has like million dollar houses See near you. It's near me. What are those people doing?
Starting point is 00:18:35 Look, how are they making millions all doctors probably doctors in Pittsburgh. All right. Yeah How long is the commute our? All right. Yeah. How long is the commute? Hour. Oh. It is crazy to me that, like, the doctor is the rich man of a town like that, but then in, like, a big city, the doctor turns into, like, a middle-class person. Yeah. Wait, really?
Starting point is 00:18:54 Well, yeah, like, in New York, like, the... Well, I guess New York's a bad example, but... Doctors are, like, modest. Screen and porch. What are, like, professions? Finance. Oh, yeah. And it was basically taking all of our money Yeah Any any like group that's
Starting point is 00:19:12 Just collecting money and then making more money with the money they collect right right? That's the sense. I didn't yeah, that's not it. That's not a career back home. Yeah, that's That'd be funny the finance guy in Yeah, there's a nuclear power plant in my town growing up Wow No, it's been decommissioned, but I wonder if any of my ailments in adulthood or brah man, right? Oh, I have a narrow spine. Did you guys know I think everything else is just this. Yeah, I have a narrow spine Do you guys? No, I think everything else is just thick. Yeah, I have a narrow spine. Do you guys prescribe to the conspiracy theory, I guess it would be, that Chernobyl was actually on purpose? Didn't know that was a theory. Why would it be on purpose?
Starting point is 00:19:55 To get us off nuclear? Because everyone then got off nuclear and Russia has a lot of natural gas. Oh. Yeah, I'm in. Yeah, that's all, that's literally all I know and I was like, yup, makes sense, checks out. Not gonna change how I live, but I'm in yeah, yeah, that's all it's literally all I know and I was like, yep Makes sense checks out not gonna change how I live but I'm in because the US was like we were like building nuclear Plants and then and then that happened. It was like aunt. I think France is all nuclear. I think they might be Yeah, have you seen the thing where?
Starting point is 00:20:20 Nuclear plants the plans are to make them like for the most part underground now So if there's an explosion, it basically just doesn't kill people. Oh Wow interesting nuclear power does feel like it should be more profits like a pretty smart thing It's pretty clean and yeah, you don't know it's other than Barry the bad PR don't Know I think they need to change the name. It was a great move by them to be like Oh, you don't want to be Chernobyl better by all this gas Yeah, this is I think the word nuclear scares people yeah big time. Yeah, I think just a little Little rebranding you three mile island guys that were your spines little
Starting point is 00:20:58 Wait, what's that? Our reactor that melted down a little bit yours didn't melt down right you were just no they just decommissioned it and got rid of it It's cuz yeah, Yankee Chernobyl Exactly why what we were three, but what is that three Mile Island is I think in Pennsylvania? Yeah, they had a little bit of an accident little meltdown. Yeah Pretty populated area. I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I totally get it like I get People who are conspiracy people I get the allure of it. Like I get, people who are conspiracy people, I get the allure of it.
Starting point is 00:21:26 It's fun. Oh yeah. There's more to life than that. Right. It's just so mundane and predictable. Yeah, and if you're just like, it's almost that annoying kid in like, like growing up who just would question everything.
Starting point is 00:21:37 That, they just became an adult and question everything and then I think you just have a power of being like, yeah that's actually not what happened. And I'll never look into any of it I think you can but it's fun being a conspiracy person privately is fine, but then you become annoying fast yeah But then you find other conspiracy theory people and then you guys all fuck do they fuck I think so I think there's certain clicks. I feel like a flatter. Yeah. Yeah, they fuck for sure. Everybody fucks. Yeah. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:22:07 No, actually, I think more people don't than you'd think. No, but I'm saying groups of people, when they group themselves into I believe this, or I this, or we party like this, they all fuck. You find your people. Groups of people fuck. When you have a community. People are fucking, but somebody's getting fucked.
Starting point is 00:22:22 They're not procreating. We all work at Barcel HQ. Yeah. We all fuck. We just fuck procreating we all work at Barclay HQ. Yeah That's where Nick smokes is our Elon Musk yeah Enough of a group to have a conference somewhere. You're all fucking yeah Once you're meeting up at a convention center smokes at Elon Musk's have a lot of parallels actually oh yeah fix their hair Fuck everything Kate hates them Yeah, it's true. I had a tweet about Nicky smokes last night a hot tub mushroom. Yeah He's really I
Starting point is 00:22:59 Don't really know what to say Who's his like dating roster though? He's gonna lean into this and then it's he doesn't realize that it's gonna He just he's like I'm gonna be the fuck guy. He said he was gonna let it die, but then he tweeted you Okay, you're the guy at bar slip fucks yeah, oh sick, dude Did you see his tweet and he had the Michael Jordan meme holding the trophy he was like He was like they called me over fucking people in the office Whatever is like I can't believe my life is like this he sent it to me before he tweeted He's like you think this is too crazy to post. I was just like it seems pretty on brand
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, the guys that have to ask before posting something that's it's usually always and it whenever it's him I'm like well, I would never post does he ask everybody no He doesn't ask I have call me the other day and ask me if he should do something I said you should not do that and he didn't do I was biting my tongue because I have screenshots of tweets He's never sent off that I wouldn't I'm happy. I already have enough on my plate with Jerry sending me like should So I'm happy someone else is taking that one He shows me a lot of he's like can you look at this real quick for me, should I do this? So I'm happy someone else is taking that one. He shows me a lot of, he's like, can you look at this real quick for me?
Starting point is 00:24:07 And I'll look at it. I'll be like, I think it's fine. But then he's like, I'm like, yeah, you can post that. He's like, I already posted it. Oh yeah, right, right. He's just doing the like, if mom says no, ask dad. Wow, he's waiting for a yes. All he needs is one yes and he's ready to go.
Starting point is 00:24:21 There he is. There he is. Oh, look at that coat. That's nice. He's sending us his tweets right he is. There he is. Oh, look at that coat. That's nice. He's sending us his tweets right now. For proofreading. He's not gonna stop until he reaches Jersey Jerry wet vagina euphoria.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. That's his nirvana. He's really squeezing those pants. I mean, he's probably jonesing for... Jonesing for some peer policy. Too many dudes. Nobody to fuck in that room. Look at that fucking room room Look at that fucking room
Starting point is 00:24:46 Look at that fucking room That's a lion in a cage right now Whoa, look how tiny, uh, next to Big D That's Ari- Osco? Minks? Fantastic football player, Ariane I know, but I'm saying, look how- he's a big man, but he looks so tiny next to Big D right now
Starting point is 00:25:02 I caught Ariane doing some last night that hurt someone in this room very badly Yeah We don't need the- Next to big T right now. I caught I caught arian doing some last night that hurt someone in this room very badly. Yeah Well, we don't need the arian called Titus Tate. Yeah, some of all football guys They just just refused and he did it. He did it Two minutes, I think after Ohio State lost, Iowa and our season just dissolved in front of my very eyes And it was one of those moments the tightest I think he would have just buried it if he did he like saw that I was standing right there And I'd heard it was like shit. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:25:34 football guys oh Smokes was tweeting as we were talking about him. What was he saying yesterday? I had a humbling realization. I'm genuinely dumb I always thought I was just playing he's tweeted dumb. I always thought I was just playing he's tweeted that before I always thought I was just playing dumb. Oh, he did that exact tweet But I seriously believe Rome was going to have me play smash or pass with all the female bar so yes Might go and get a brain mapping soon till for what? He's tweet he treats exact same thing he came out as dumb that brave of him Yeah, a few A few months ago.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Is his frontal lobe fully developed yet? Are we in dumb pride month? Is he 25? I think so. I think he just turned 25. He looks flummoxed right now. You're doing great, sweetie, if you're listening. But is he?
Starting point is 00:26:20 Everything's all right. He's listening to Drake. Guys, I think I'm fucking dumb. Dave's exact quote, I think, on the name show was like, I don't care if he dies tomorrow. But he said, that's not a bad thing. I'm just so indifferent. Which is like so much meaner. Julia, what are you doing here, man?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Dude, I'm promoting some shows, actually. Where at? Den Theater. Oh, nearby. Two shows two shows 750 930 Thank you for the layup. Also check out my special on the map on YouTube. Yeah Give it a shot every goddamn day this week. Yeah every goddamn day and sick of been fun to have Julio here Yeah, he's been good. I like Julia wore some ugly shoes, but Did I wear I wear him tomorrow for you Nick? I?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Please they're gonna you like them in the field. That I... Please. You'll like them. In the field. That's the problem. You would like them. Would I? I just wear white shoes typically. They're like slide-on... I mean, whatever. Quarter-oys. Quarter-oys slippers. He wore slippers. But like with a hard rubber sole. No, he wore slippers.
Starting point is 00:27:17 They're very comfortable. They're hobbit shoes. Oh, there was one other thing that you missed. We've lost Che. What do you mean? Che's off. Jay's off. He's off. He's gone.
Starting point is 00:27:27 The concussion that Kyle made a year ago has worn off. Today? It was yesterday, I believe. I think it's today. He's just been off. Well, he's been... Oh, is it today? Today.
Starting point is 00:27:37 It's today, March 13th. We're coming up on the exact minute. Oh, yeah. So it literally is over. It looked worse every time. To the moment we've lost him cuz he's just his brain is He's about a step slow than he used to be Why were you cranky that's me cranky once in a while see I agree Like you of all people like I agree cuz there's days when I'm cranky
Starting point is 00:28:03 But I don't feel like you your brain doesn't get cranky Yeah, what makes you not usually once in a while? I'm glad that you're being like that. Yeah, Jay You could have you do not seem cranky at all. You see normal little cranky. No, you do not seem normal. That was the problem That's fine. I define eating yesterday. I'm a Calpurnia so game winner late stayed up to watch this fun night You're fine with him Evening or eating you're written for Mikhail Bridges Yeah evening. How's the night there in Portland? I thought he said I had a fine. I got a good night and I sleep had a nice meal and I came in we got the
Starting point is 00:28:38 Oreo Garrett's oh my hey look we have the pickleball net up or not. Oh do we it's over there Oh, yeah, I try to put it up. That's not Clark. I mean Yeah, things looking up things are looking up things are definitely look is he but losing him in like his mind I It's just something you remember after you got concussed we had like a run where it was just we didn't it was just everything Was off put in a good way. Yeah, it's worn off circled around like yesterday We were playing the box game, and he pulled the see-through curtain. I think he's actually back to normal Yeah to not see he didn't want us to see the boxes he pulled this curtain is it tied to him
Starting point is 00:29:21 Depriving himself of oxygen multiple times a week could be although you had a disaster swimming on Tuesday wasn't able to swim what happened it's a long story but you're there is actually a short story wait too many people in the pool yeah they're doing lessons that was the whole story oh long story all right well Jay Draft King so you you had what last night We said Macau bridges you just said you had a fine evening. Oh, yeah, I'm rooting for the next thing next fan But what but you lost your bet I did Oh Julius Randall or five and I was says he had three Oh, all right
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Starting point is 00:31:07 slash audio Just good to have you back. Thank you guys guy Also Kate got canceled again Ashton Kutcher's yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right. See what was the noise you made? You said merp right record I heard from a yacker did you do has cerebral palsy and he said I'm doing great I'm living in Hawaii having a fine time don't feel bad. So I don't feel bad So you asked me got the message as you go. Yeah, does he make the same voice was he like actually I'd say I got the code it You left the voicemail. It was just We're all like the tree all the cerebral palsy listeners would be up in arms a little part of me
Starting point is 00:31:56 uncontrollably It's tough for them to be up in arms. Yeah, right I love the cerebral palsy community. I think you might have to do something for them. You're making it worse. I will. Make it worse? I'll do a...
Starting point is 00:32:13 No tap apology. Fun run. I'll do a fun run for cerebral palsy. I like that. You gotta race them. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta play them in dodge ball. You gotta win a 5K against them all.
Starting point is 00:32:24 They could probably beat me to be honest So not I should know I think there's a lot of you can run. I've seen him. Yeah, run fast and long Yeah Merp though said you know it's Like it was it was if anything I'd say you guys are being ableist because I was putting him on par with everyone else just like a normal person. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:48 This is merp? You can be. That's what Beaker says from the Muppet. Anyone can be less attractive than a twin. But you didn't say Ashton Kutcher and his twin who's less attractive, you said Ashton Kutcher's twin. Merp. Merp. Merp. Yeah, I still, I stand by it. I'm ten toes in it. Quick merp. You said Ashton Kutcher's twin
Starting point is 00:33:09 Ten toes in it Standin tough. Yeah He probably cleans up though, I bet he does I'm sure he does his rule Kutcher trickle down coach. I'm actually Kutcher's twin. Yeah, right. Is he still with uh... Mila? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Well, he had a... he's under the radar now because remember he like came out and defended the rapist. That's right. Danny Masterson. Yeah. The arrested, convicted rapist. Yeah, he basically like wrote a letter, was like, he never raped me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 How can he be a rapist if I'm unraped? I'm twice his size. And they're a Scientologist too, right? Are they? They're non-bathers, they're Scientologists. I knew they were non-bathers. I think so. I don't know about Scientologists. Wait, non-bathers?
Starting point is 00:33:56 They're non-bathers, yeah. They're non-hygiene. They don't believe in it. They're malice. They'll cycle through the oils. They're yeah, just malice. I'm not Scientologists Danny Masterson is a Scientology That could be a good thing to add to the wheel join church or Scientology I've always wondered I wanted to do this series a while back where I joined a cult to see if I could get out
Starting point is 00:34:20 Of it to see if I was smart enough to know or what it sucked me Hey, you would go so hard into a cult because my yoga studio was run by this guy. There you go. And then is it Kundalini? No, but I've seen that those guys, the breather people, the lean. Yeah, it's bizarre. But don't you wonder, like if you join a cult on purpose, like, do you think and you had to be in it for a year? Do you think by the end of the year you'd be sucked in or would you be like see you guys later?
Starting point is 00:34:45 That was a joke. I think the cult would kill me within yeah Yeah, I mean, I think it just depends on where you are in the cult like if you're the cult leader That's a fucking sweet life. You're getting sucked and fucked your money right everyone thinks you're God Yeah, I would I would just the leader. I told you so coins to people for $75. They could kiss you if they see you I don't think it's a matter of your willpower. I just don't think they would let you leave after a year I Would run? Find you I would find a way blow your whistle. That's I'm just I just want to know Kate. You're so Gettable yeah, you might be in two or three. I think I feel too bad to leave
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah, yeah, sorry guys But you know what I'll stay another year Yeah, you're the only one that still uses like printouts on telephone poles to find things Yeah, I'm friends with that lady by the way that might be a cult it could be Wait, so the so a guy created a yoga studio a Hot yoga studio in my old town in Jersey And then he's trying to get the post started getting really weird and then he it became like a you could pay extra for private like lifestyle and all this other stuff and it became like a squad kind of thing and I almost wanted to I
Starting point is 00:35:59 Almost wanted to see like what happens if I fully invest myself in this would I be able to get out? Or sounds like nexium. What's next? It was kind of like that's kind of the vibe. I was very what's next Yeah, it's like an it was a series about this like kind of yogi type of guy named Keith Keith yogi wait are you saying Keith Keith? Keith why are you why are you making your it's gonna F in it? No, you're speaking What's the first phoneme Keith like Van Horn yes, he's been okay, okay? like the
Starting point is 00:36:37 Cheaper Keith no yeah, okay for Van Horn Van Horn. I thought you were saying Keith I was no you're saying Keith Keith. Yeah, like Name it's created. Why are you going through so much effort to say Keith because everyone's not can't understand how I said it I think you just say Keith wrong Keith spell it Eita you do put your F in front of the C. Yeah, you're saying FTA. You're saying you're putting like fifth you're putting Yeah, there's a little key Yeah, you're saying Keith that would be a better. I like that name keep the f out for I think you manifest it Keith Keith Yeah, Keith you're saying Keith get that f out man. I'm not trying to ever learned how to say Keith I'm not trying to f you miss that day in school. You're putting too much emphasis on the th right. It's Keith Keith. Yes
Starting point is 00:37:21 You're saying you say you say one more time Keith So high Keith yes You say it one more time Keith Something at the end You get so high Something's wrong You gotta loosen up Keith It's like a pyramid scheme Basically you continue
Starting point is 00:37:40 graduating to new levels and now you're like a management assistant and you're paying and there's new people and you all fuck It's all about self-betterment and then you become like the leader It's like there's an upline and they because it's almost like a military ranking system for other than how do they make their money? By you advancing and paying a lot of money Yeah, and they're called nexium. Well, I think they're in jail now a bunch of that's a that's a great name Cuz they're like you told me like I want to join nexium. I want to be in that I want to do nexium nexium fit
Starting point is 00:38:15 I don't see any nexium nexium. It's called maybe some yoga. It might not yoga journey into yoga I want to see this Keith guy saying Keith for I think he's saying Keith with a ph And x IVM. Oh, we should have known he IVM Keith Rainier. Let me see a picture. Look at this guy dude. He is such a little he said yeah simp, but he's not he fucks What that's yeah? No, this guy had a choke, and there was some like, hotties in the group, like he, this guy had like a choke hold on him.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Oh, it's Keith. He's kind of aging gracefully. This is actually the best photo of him. He was referred to as Vanguard. That's so cool. Vanguard. Oh, sex trafficking attempts. Yeah, sex trafficking.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Not great, bad stuff, very bad stuff. People have to get branded, I believe. 120 years imprisonment? Well Kate, you have to hook him up with McKenzie. Yeah. Yeah. It was based in Albany. I just did those background checks, by the way.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I paid money. For this next round, they're all good. Albany's. Oh, his parents were separated, that's why. Yeah, at eight. That'll do it. Tough year. That'll do it to you We have an M. Point two six GPA. That's brutal
Starting point is 00:39:32 You're a fucking moron, that's not bad. It's kind of good. Yeah, what is it? Oh, you know not everybody here at two point two six Mm-hmm two point two six two point two six. Yeah, isn't that a that's bad? That's like a Sea right graduating with that you're getting out you're getting out. I don't want to eat what I don't I'm almost very low as well. Yes, I was 179th out of 182 people 179th out of 182 yep, I just beat Carl waited. Wait in college? Oh in high school. In Mississippi High School? Mississippi? I barely got out yeah. You know why? I just didn't go. Yeah. I missed 47 days of my senior year. Who did your hand-me-downs from? I didn't. Huh? Okay. Yeah I didn't get anything. What were you doing when you were missing school? Sleeping,
Starting point is 00:40:22 riding around. Fishing. Going to Wendy's. I'm going fishing. Going fishing? I did skip school to go fishing multiple times. Yeah. Was your mom just like, he's smart enough, he'll be fine. She was just like, whatever, I don't give a fuck anymore. Yeah. Yeah, it was fine though, made it out.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I did better in college than I did in high school. I just didn't care. I just didn't go. Just being all cool and shit. I was just being all cool. You know, like I am. You get it. Eating pumpkin pie.
Starting point is 00:40:48 We get it. I was at a bar the other night. You know? They should make a rule where like, if you get a really shitty GPA your freshman year, there's something you can do to like, they do that at, wait, they do that at Kent State? Probably.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Do what? Isn't there like a forgiveness program or something? That's like it must have been if your roommate commits suicide or something no I'm pretty sure as a movie West Virginia halfway through the semester you could choose to take a class pass fail That's it's only two grades. Oh, and it doesn't go to your GP doesn't that's that cuz yeah Like if you get terrible grades freshman year you're fucked Like if you get to like consecutive semesters of straight a is you should be able to wipe it away I I think it was a podcast
Starting point is 00:41:28 I was listening to with the comedian Rick Glassman and he said something like he wanted to be a lawyer So he did an extra semester so they did forgiveness at Kent State. I think I remember dudes who just failed six straight years How are you just giving up yeah, yeah, what are you doing? It's still like stress out about it my it's also very funny that like you'd stress out about like the GPA You've never passed Senior and you failed every year dude my roommate Marcus black you know him. Oh, I know I finished college I didn't want graduation so it was my last day, and I was like all right. I'm going home He's like can I come cuz he lives from Wheeling as day, and I was like, all right, I'm going home. He's like, can I come? Because he lives from Wheeling as well.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And I was like, dude, are you done with college? He's like, no. And we looked at his credits, he was still a fucking freshman. Oh my God. Oh my God. I know a dude who just bought a cap and gown and told his parents, look at this,
Starting point is 00:42:19 and then it never affected anything. He got a job in something that didn't require a degree, and then his parents still to this day probably think he graduated You know a guy that dropped out freshman year and his parents kept paying him and he just lived in Morgantown It's also like you don't I mean you I think you put your GPA on the first resume Maybe and then it's never brought up again. Where do you even check that? Yeah, I wouldn't even have any idea what mine was in college But you just send it just no one ever know you're not 30 years old being like here's my G. Are they asking for proof?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah Like if I put on a resume that I went to this school and got this degree people get caught doing Like fudging that's George O'Leary George O'Leary George O'Leary Chinese kids are buying degrees Really? I believe so Dude listen to this a kid. I know Really? Yeah, I believe so. Interesting. Dude, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:43:04 A kid I know from college, he caddied for Bill Gates one weekend, and he's like, oh, sick, I'm gonna get a sick tip. So day one, nothing. Day two, nothing. Third day, they're on the fucking AT&T. Bill Gates is like, where do you go to school? He's like, oh, I go to Boston University. He's like, how much is a semester?
Starting point is 00:43:20 He's like, it's like, whatever it was then. 45,000? Write some check for me. No way. He never tells his parents. That is Awesome. That's the unbelievable Dude, that's that's being a rich guy correctly like if you had if if you had billions upon billions I would be doing that to everyone. I should be cutting people off just randomly. Oh, yeah great service Here's a hundred K. You do that to us. I do that now
Starting point is 00:43:48 Do it all I do it like no you would go instantly You would buy like you go to like a bad neighborhood and buy them like really long jump ropes That's a parlay That's slip in a homeless man, here's $500 you just gotta put your fingers in this Drink this milk and you can win $300 You accidentally be like an evil villain yeah, you'd start the hunger game be mr. Beast evil mr. Beast. Yeah, you know Mr.. Be low-income neighborhood challenge stunt material
Starting point is 00:44:31 We're gonna play what's in the who's in the box? Give them the most expensive tasers. Yeah, like really nice The art tasers luxury shot-callers Yeah, that's an awesome story about Bill Gates yeah, wish it was me That is doing it right Just paying for everything for everyone. Yeah, would you I mean if you were like had billions I Feel like I would tip like I'd go to like dinner. I just be like tip $2,000 more more Here's a hundred thousand dollars. Yeah, that was for the reaction. Yeah, right selfish. He's right. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:16 What does it matter this I mean boy? What is $100,000 to Bill Gates? I just work at door where everything literally nothing town would be named after me The problem is you have sure everything would be named after me. Yeah, that's a good call There's too much human infrastructure and like people are gonna be giving you a hard time about doing that the guys who work for you What's this hundred thousand dollar check you wrote yesterday, but not Bill Gates Yeah, I don't know the shot like how much money does he have in his personal checking account Does he have to like wire the guy the waiter you guys ask permission? I don't know But like I wonder if they'll suddenly they're the guys on your team would be resenting you because yeah tipping people more than you make
Starting point is 00:45:54 You just got to tip them and then they start yeah, that's true against you. I'll be goddamn. I'll be goddamn He's got to have a because why don't they do it? Oh, like it's such an easy thing to do for them. That's nothing That's how much how much money is Bill Gates worth why doesn't Bill Gates just give us two million dollars right now I would be so glad he won't I bet he won't do I won't fucking do it. There's no way Millions is that one 1065 no now that would be one right yeah, it's more a Thousand millions a hundred thousand billions a billion. It's a hundred thousand millions one a thousand million is a billion right a thousand a hundred billion would be
Starting point is 00:46:38 a hundred six thousand million million I saw a thing that like a million dollars a hundred six thousand twenty bucks to us is like or like a hundred thousand dollars to Him is like you got it. I'm getting it wrong It's like a hundred thousand dollars to us is like twenty bucks to him It's like no the Warren Buffett drop a hundred dollar bill thing like it would take he would make the money back in the time It would take him to bend down to pick up a hundred dollars off the floor It's not worth his time to pick up a hundred dollar bill that's remember the
Starting point is 00:47:10 Hispanic dude who won the powerball that was really big Yes, are you thinking of lost? I am thinking about this What is he up to was really Hispanic How much money it was like the biggest parents were I don't know And they all end up like tragic stories you gotta know not you gotta never reveal your name. Wait Was there a story TJ of two got two brothers won a lottery same day one won 190 million one won seven dollars One of them was like the brawn and brawny of lot of the lottery The learning channel used to have a show like checking in on the only person who's ever watched network huge learning channel
Starting point is 00:47:57 TLC channel that's what it stands for TLC is the learning channel. Yes, what's yes you buzz left? I thought it was like talking. No, it was the stockless brothers. I'm giving Bob a check for seven That's hilarious wait TLC's the learning channel yes, and it used to be like a government-owned Legit learning channel for us to learn It was it became like toddlers like here trash TV, right? Yeah But they had a show where they would check in on lottery winners and like nine times out of ten the episode by the end
Starting point is 00:48:33 Of the episode you'd learned that they were like almost out of money I have no idea what I thought the TLC met I don't either I actually if you had put gun to my head I would have been like tender loving. Yeah, I've never it started If you had put gun to my head, I would have been like tender loving. Yeah I've never it started a life channel or something. Yeah, yeah the top TLC it was like to teach people in Appalachia basic stuff Oh, I think TL is TLC the one where they build the pools. Yeah, watch that one honey booboo honey booboo waterfalls What's extremely? Oh, there's the guys who build the pool A lot of little people shows a lot of large people so they set out to educate and then
Starting point is 00:49:07 Appalachia doesn't want to be educated they want honey boo boo right we're doing a thousand pounds big fat Put together what a little I think that fabulous life. They made fabulous so small There's an order of operations to how we see It's a real PEMDAS situation. Big fat! There's an order of operations to how we see. Yeah. First is big, then it's fat.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And then once we get past that, you're all... This is just such a perfect, like, microcosm for our society. It's like we set out for this noble game, and then we're like, ah, people want to watch big fat. Everything's a fat show. We want big boss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I used to show, like, whole surgeries. I was talking about it. Too fat to transition What It's seven point three out of ten what He was a transgender woman from New Hampshire and Shane is a transgender man from New York City both have to lose weight to be able to have their transgender reassignment surgery.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Only lasted one season, I guess I didn't make it. It's just an insane title for a show. You're too fat for a pussy, sir. Lose that fupa. We can't find the dick to chop. What's too large? See that right there? Far left, far left that it's a doctor too large all right too large with the help of bariatric
Starting point is 00:50:31 surgeon dr. Proctor morbidly obese individuals attempt to lose weight oh my god dr. Proctor is a doctor proctor is funny that's so made up dr. Proctor What's your name doctor? That's like a dentist Crenta's Real Dr. Proctor. Yes, I'm doctor What's your name guys first names? Lives in Kyle's neighborhood And this is my nurse nurse what show is that too large we had two bigs here What's okay, what's smothered dr. Pimple poppers? Oh that's's why wait. Why is that about? She's an overbearing? In her 20, I think we could have done better than smothered there. That's pretty good
Starting point is 00:51:33 It's funny to read these from far away when you can't see the whole thing I'd see cool Great out dog. What's out dot? Competition as it take to prepare 40 baby bottles a day change? 420 diapers a week and administer feedings every three hours to as in Danielle and Adam Busby in April 2015 the first Shopping oh oh my god. Yeah, they find like funky families and horrid show It's a freak show Again It's a freak show channel. Again, let's self-reflect.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Don't shit on my channel. Bad hair day? What's that? Oh, what's forbidden love? What kind of love we talking? Falling couples deeply in love who face the hurdle of religion. Ah.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Oh. OK. Boring. Yeah. What's bad hair day? Probably people without a piece of hair. Yeah, she looks like she's about to kill herself. Patients with extreme hair-related medical issues.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Come on. They go to get wigs. It's ball stool. Yeah, it's ball stool. Oh, that guy. That's brutal. We're TLC. Is that his issue?
Starting point is 00:52:35 What is that? That's, oh, he's really flexing on everyone. Fake. Look at that hair. What is going on with that guy? What a channel. And they started out with the noble. His head is fake. That's the real-life Kendo. That's wild. And they started out in a noble like we're gonna teach people. Yeah, is that Santa jacking off his penis? Go back. It looks so fake. DJ? Wouldn't even be the weirdest thing. No, just naïve.
Starting point is 00:53:01 He's going for it. There could be something getting... What is that? What's hanging? What's something hanging out? Go up. I'm starting to think this guy's gay. Yeah. How old is he? Why was he on the hair channel? He's one of those guys that could be...
Starting point is 00:53:15 Like 60? 60, yeah, and you wouldn't know it. Okay. The pothole rant. He had a pothole rant? He had a pothole rant. Do you know it? I don't.
Starting point is 00:53:28 I'd love to see it. Ryan Wesley. That was, I think, Dance Mom. I think that channel had all the good stuff. Wow. Is that also tolerance interference? You have got to get it together. It's just not even safe to drive in the city anymore. I agree with that. Every city claims this though.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I feel like I'm stressed out. I feel like this the city anymore. Like at all. Every city claims this though. I feel like I'm stressed out. I feel like this the whole time because I'm trying to avoid the fricking potholes. And I feel like some people be gone about it. It's a situation, it's not cute. You're doing something wrong. Potholes are not cute. Potholes are not cute at all.
Starting point is 00:53:59 These are not posh potholes. Ghetto. Ghetto as fuck. Oh Jesus. You're making fun of us. As feck? What is feck? Posh potholes. Ghetto. Ghetto as fuck. Oh, jeez. Stop. As feck? What is feck? Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:54:10 He's so right, though. The Missouri side of Kansas City has the worst potholes. Oh, really? Really? Really? You can tell the difference. It's a pronetto as fuck? Yeah, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Go as fuck. What kind of man? Is that a goat? No, that's a dog. That's a pug. That's a weird looking. That's not a goat. That's a goat. And he's a celebrity in Kansas City
Starting point is 00:54:28 He must be look at this is like we need to send him to New York and be like dude This is not You don't belong. Well. No just like Million people like you in New York, but I'm obsessed with small-town celebrity Yeah, they're the best cuz every everyone has yeah, who are those singers you guys have we had the Crasagas brothers Rest in peace one of them do you remember? I know remember the twins actually didn't know that fuck the Wheeling twins there was twins in Chicago You know like they were they would always just go
Starting point is 00:54:58 We had the very religious twins that had big Hair we had buddy and Kaye Bane. Okay. Hornet show with Buddy and Kaye. We also had a shell shocked homeless guy. The Landon twins. He was our best. He was our best. Who were the Landon twins? They were just like, I don't know, they would just,
Starting point is 00:55:12 oh wait, maybe that's not them. And then we had Seymour Trucks and Peso. Yeah, no that is them. Yeah, the Landon twins, they would just go to, like yeah, these are the Chicago twins that were, they go to like every new opening restaurant. Mmm They were hot like oh they 2013 2012 yeah, I want to say it looks like that era. Oh, they're getting older
Starting point is 00:55:38 Look at them did they changing colors Filipino quick Yeah, look Yeah, they became Filipino quick Yeah, look no, they're still out wait a second wait a minute those are different The first guys are not those are black men those are black men They're from Chicago. Those are not the same guys. No, those can't be the same guys. No, they've changed shade over the years.
Starting point is 00:56:10 They changed everything. Different dudes. The Landon twins. They were big time. Those are two totally different guys. And those are different. And those are different. They're all...
Starting point is 00:56:26 I think Dante was best friends with them no way Call Dante cuz I need to I feel like he might have been are they my best friends But he definitely like he's immediately gonna be like I find out their makeup for us please. In their race. Ladies and gentlemen, legendary comedy icon Bill Burr No Dante. You want to do the Hulu ad, Brandon? Huh. Hi, you've reached the voicemail. Ladies and gentlemen, legendary comedy icon Bill Burr is coming to Hulu on March 14th with his new hilarious stand-up special, Bill Burr, Drop Dead Years. Now, if I'm looking at a calendar correctly, and I like to think I know how to do that, today's March 13th.
Starting point is 00:57:20 That's right. So if you're looking forward to this special, which is dropping March 14th, I believe you could look for it tomorrow. Get Bill's provocative, unfiltered, and honest point of view on everything from marriage to parenthood to dating advice and dropping dead with his signature raw wit and sharp commentary. Bill Burr fearlessly pushes boundaries as he navigates the nonsense and weighs in on mental health, social media, and societal norms.
Starting point is 00:57:42 In his first Hulu stand-up comedy special, No Topic is Off Limits with Bill's refreshingly candid take on the chaotic landscape of our world today. Burr's unique ability to blend deep critique with laugh out loud humor is exactly what makes this one of his most personal and funniest hours yet. See the new hilarious stand-up special,
Starting point is 00:58:00 Bill Burr Drop Dead Years, streaming on Hulu March 14th tomorrow now march 13th which is today it's page's birthday is page yeah oh happy birthday i was going to be yeah he did he kind of nick doesn't really get the show since he's been off yeah kind of out of rhythm i am i was like uh i didn't know yeah you told me you were going to do this today march 13th is of course the birthday of someone special to us page How high do you think we can get her Like like physically using big people or things
Starting point is 00:58:38 And we go to that beam I bet you we could do a pulley kind of thing How do you think we could get a human do you think we get her? Above the rim yes, yes Oh, you definitely get her above the road like feet above the road I think we could get her onto that balcony up there with people working above and below do we have rope straight up to? I don't know if we have really we have rope we have jump rope so what do we do a human pyramid? I think that would mean a lot here. Are you really high? Do you want to get really high if we get it from the floor to the second floor without the stairs or elevator. Yes, that's what I'm saying. Ah
Starting point is 00:59:09 Seat her on the rim how many levels of a human pyramid we got a lot of sturdy guys here today If we had spotters, that's we get her up to nothing That's four or five people Kadek boy boy Rick big T on the bottom. Yeah eloquent way to eat the chips You can get What's it? Katik really started at the right time. He's just like what do we do we just sit? Bartitis what like the hardest thing Kadek had to do was go to fast food restaurant That was this most stressful day of his
Starting point is 00:59:54 Is looky hiding These guys should just be constantly texting you thanks They should know that should be their only job is to text you thanks over and over this is this is one of those moments I look at this room, and I'm like This is these are the guys I rely on This is it this is my this is my a squad These are your dependents all these back by the way he's always here for the weekend Tell these boys to get her high.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Happy birthday! Happy birthday, what level, how high on a pyramid, a human pyramid would you be comfortable going? I mean as high as somebody can hold me. And you'd probably like getting like really high up. Yeah. Like giggle. Yeah. But you'd be like, I don't know guys, but you'd actually like me go higher. Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:46 All right. So should we get everyone out here? How are we? Let's just have those guys like get paid just high as balls guys. Hold on. We can put that big wrestling mat down Yeah, that's fine. But but we got the base. What are we doing with the second level? This is key here the second level who's the first level obviously whites are saved level guy gotta get you gotta get lighter there an easier way than a human pyramid Riggs is due for a horrible I think we got all base base guys mm-hmm we do have a lot of base where's spider spider's a top-level guy he's top there he is maybe more a smith mid-tier who's that over there that's Jerry Rico's mid-tier. Oh make a recap. No Rico's base
Starting point is 01:01:26 He's thick Uh, I Don't know man, I think we should try we should get that that mat out. Oh the girls have a ladder Well ladders not what oh, no. No, we don't want the ladder. We want the mat the wrestling mat out in the middle Oh, no, no, we don't want the ladder. We want the mat the wrestling mat out in the middle What'd you say oh they deflated it yeah, why What the wrestling why would they was inflatable I thought it was the pad no, it's inflatable we have pads We're doing a fun girls dinner for her tonight, We're all dressing like mob wives What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:02:09 We're wearing fur coats and leopard print What are you gonna do when all the girls are out doing that? They asked me to drive, that means I'm going in right? I really hope none of them are dressing up except Kay They asked me to drive. That means I'm going in, right? I'm allowed. Can you guys? I really hope that none of them are dressing up except Kate. I got my bird coat ready. Kate shows up like Cruella DeVille. I got my jewelry.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I was going to wear. You wear jewelry? If I'm dressing up for something fun. Makeup? I don't think I've ever seen you in jewelry. I was going to be Jenny Sachs if I was in the case race you made her Jenny sex Do you not have you ever seen the Sopranos? No, I've never watched Sprint. Oh, you should you'd love it
Starting point is 01:02:55 I don't like mob movies. So why would I watch Sprint? It's more than that psychological? It's more about family What about me says I'd like to watch something psychological you would like a neurotic guy It's one of those things that transcends your taste like everybody likes. I just okay Ginny Sachs was really really fat mob wife and Probably her most Her most memorable scene was when Johnny Sachs caught her She had a stash of candy in the laundry room and she was eating candy without him knowing because she was trying to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:03:27 That was good. The mole on her ass. Yeah, right. Ralphie made the joke. Ralphie made a joke. I don't know. That was true love. That was the only true love on that show.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I'm trying, John! During COVID, I was going to catch up on all the HBO shows and the only one I knocked out was The Wire. That's a good one. That's a good one. And I did knock it out. And I started on flight of the Concordes. One of my favorites. And I got about two season and a half in and then I watched the Sandburg sports documentaries Sandburg and then I stopped. I watched three
Starting point is 01:03:58 episodes of Curb and that was it. Do you guys all want to have five beers on the show tomorrow? For St. Patrick's Day? Be fun. Let's do a five beer tomorrow? For St. Patrick's Day? Be fun. Let's do a five beer. Monday is St. Patrick's Day. Oh. Yeah. Five beers. I sneak it back.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Five beers. Let's all have five beers. Is the big celebration here Saturday? My peer guy was scheduled to come Saturday. He said I have to go to Chicago to drink for St. Patrick's Day. Who's your peer guy? My peer guy. Priorities.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Quadzilla. I've shown Quadzilla before. What's his name? Your doc? My peer. What's his name? Your doc? My peer. What is his name? I DM with him a lot. It's either Chad or Brad or Billy.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Could be Sean or Scott. What does peer mean? My peer, my doc. Doc. His doc. It's time for the- He's not a peer. What Art did tell me, I was going
Starting point is 01:04:43 to have it put in this weekend, and Art said, you better wait, it might freeze again. I don't think it's gonna freeze again, but Art's been around the block up here, so I'm gonna listen to Art. I don't think it will freeze again. We are definitely gonna get a fake. We're gonna get a winter's two days. Yeah, we are. Where? Alex. His name is Alex. Alex J. Hoffer. 73 on tomorrow
Starting point is 01:05:09 Seven Saturdays gonna rain though. Yeah, quadzilla today's perfect Wait Brandon is Alex the guy no no no Nick I this isn't even my friend. I pay him as transactional. I do like him. Yes transactional So don't even hear the guy you were telling me about anal Alex. He's the guy He's the guy you've already put anal on somebody who's the other anal? I know what somebody else I did last week I don't remember who anal was but anal was somebody else. Oh, that's the guy from your country club It only does anal yes only anal Yeah, what other option doesn't have a name? Sergio anyway Alex is just the guy that comes and puts my doc in every year that's what they call is he the guy you caught trying to suck his own dick
Starting point is 01:05:49 self suck Alex yeah it sounded familiar you were too took out a rib is that what is that surgery to take out a rib I thought when it last time he came to set up your pier he has to use the restroom and you know cuz it was taking a while you saw him sucking his own dick he was sitting on the toilet he's blump again his lump it was self-blump Yeah, and sucking his rib on the ground mm-hmm. You had a cleft urethra We're taking the ribs out even make it possible like taking a rib out you would I think I just die Slime over it doesn't feel look at the ribs shaved down and stuff in order to do that
Starting point is 01:06:27 The women have one extra rib or one less rib than one X one or God take one out We have one less we have one less rib than you I think that's yeah Yeah, Adam took his rib out to suck his dick. Yeah. Yeah Give me that now make a woman Don't use your own mouth Yeah, it makes women look a little a little more snatched I suppose is that one of the reasons in the why that's even though her organs are more mouth access, okay? Yeah, those those that girl's ribs are too big Anyway, she'd be odd if her ribs were thinner.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Nick, do it? No, I meant to tell you to do it. Okay. I forgot to tell you to do it. Yeah, I'll do the Venmo read because we have them till March. You could sign up for the Venmo debit card in seconds and add your card instantly to Apple Pay or Google Pay to use your balance right away with no monthly fee, no minimum balance requirement.
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Starting point is 01:08:00 apply. Sick. Dosh. Thanks, Tej. You saved me from quite a bit of embarrassment. Oh, gosh. Can I teach something? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I believe a Plinko board is being delivered today. Oh, yes. That's what tomorrow. Yes, so here's what we're gonna do for people, well, people watching the show like the show so we have a plinko sponsor It's gonna still be our our version of plinko But we're gonna do it two times a month and we realize probably two times a month We'll just all end up with like some type of flower Will be well see like disease. Yeah, right. So what we're going to do
Starting point is 01:08:46 is, so one time a month we're going to do a plinko where it's just one person in the office has to do a puck and then the other time in the month will be a full plinko. Got it. Fun. So tomorrow will be a one timer and then in like two weeks we're going to do a full plinko day. So there will always be a full plinko
Starting point is 01:09:02 day once a month and then there will just be a random plinko Friday where a month, and then there'll just be a random Plinko Friday where someone has to do a puck. I'm into that. I'm very excited. All right, we got the mat. The new board was mocked in the exact same schematic as the Jacob Helped It.
Starting point is 01:09:18 All right, so Jacob Helped It. I would have loved to see that meeting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, Dante's calling me back. Oh, nice. Dante. Yo, what's up? That much I would have loved to see that meeting Oh don't just call me back. Oh nice. Well, don't a hey, are you still tight with the Landon twins? I mean you were boys back in the day. We're on the yak right now. Just you know live to tape But what are they up to now oh how's that going time okay I don't want to badmouth it because it might be doing well but yeah it's a new launch startup. I think it's Chicago base. What when was the last time you saw them?
Starting point is 01:10:08 Couple months ago love that Extreme Okay, all right, I love that they got more what are they doing? Yeah, what's like? They're wearing like full on like old necklaces and oh Earrings and stuff you want me to bring them by the office. Yeah, I think we might have to see what them Maybe next week. We're not gonna do a show Thursday and Friday cuz of March Madness actually you know what the week after Cuz that would be enough time where we forgot we asked you for this number like why are these twins here?
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah, no we absolutely will two weeks Two weeks is a perfect amount of time for us to be like Dante. Why would you bring these twins? Are they brothers? They're they're twins. No, no, no. Oh They're black No, no, no. Oh Yeah, okay, but not by birth up by birth Okay Mari Stoudemire Yeah, all right all right, we'll set it up. I'll text you after and we'll set it up All right, we're with a fun. They were at a fundraising with Barack Obama at the cultural center at the East Bank, BC. Oh Yeah, we're we're Bo used to ball. They're gonna have their own shit coin in no time. Yeah
Starting point is 01:11:55 That was the funniest possible answer what is this? That's one of my favorite Obama quotes Oh, that's one of my favorite Obama quotes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Obama says before. Play it again. We're on the 39th floor of the Aqua building in Lakeshore East, an apartment owned. So what is this?
Starting point is 01:12:13 This is just a... Do they live together? I think so. Are they like still? This is just a parody? Chicago twins reminisce on Obama's legacy. There we go. Oh.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Mr. President. All right. Mr. President. Mr. President. Mr. President. The twins from East Bank Club. The twins from East Bank Club. Yes, what's going on?
Starting point is 01:12:32 Yes, he's the two biggest hacks on the basketball court. Yeah, I know, he said that. I'm just saying that's exactly what he wanted. I just thought I was gonna say that. What? That was them reminiscing? That was them catching up with their old friend B.O. He said that you're the two biggest hacks on the
Starting point is 01:12:47 Two big hacks on the basketball court Yeah, I mean these guys can ball no means they're not I can't oh Yeah, that means the opposite I didn't know if it was like a hack to have them on your team like it was unsuspecting No, no, okay. They fucking suck They suck so they're they suck fucker do wish men from the East Bank Club That's the East Bank Club is a posh club okay, so what are the thoughts on the West Bank? That's the landing Are should we get page high yeah, so fucking I alright, so
Starting point is 01:13:27 Are we gonna be a part of this or should we just have them do? Pull everyone out Just say everyone has come out and then be like get page as high as possible. I want to see them problem-solved Yeah, they got 30 minutes or 15 10 minutes. Yeah together One biter gotta touch the top you're not one thought that Gotta rub the top Activate it you got it. Yeah, did he think it was a button? Was this do Okay, I would love to just give mincy kind of foreign objects and watch them
Starting point is 01:14:16 Why are they not eager? I get it. There's ball on right? Yeah, but this is like Ten minutes of their day that they have to do something other than watch Paul. They can handle it. They're mad, they got spoiled. Oh man, I thought people would be excited about this. Rico! There we go, Arians game, Arians game. You can't.
Starting point is 01:14:37 I'm sorry, I missed you. I'm sorry. What's up? How we doing, man? Good. What's up? What's up? How we doing, Arians?
Starting point is 01:14:44 Good to see you. What's happening? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Adrian? Just as high, man? Good. What's up? What's up, Adrian? Good to see you. Adrian? Just as high, just as high. You have to go as high as you can, but we're going to go with that for the goal. Full redemption right there. You have to go from here to up there. Well, we're not going to actually put her up there. No, we're just going to get her as high as possible.
Starting point is 01:14:54 All right, the object is to get Paige as high as you can. We might need a cheer stick. Go figure it out. We're going to need that. We can do a cheer stick. Oh, yeah, we can do a cheer stick. Tadix in charge. Tadix in charge.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Tadix in charge. Tadix in charge. Tadix in charge. Tadix in charge. Tadix just do it? We might need that. Don't figure it out. We're going to need that. We can do a cheer sign. Oh yeah, we can do a cheer sign. Tadix in charge. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Can you have you the plotter, though? We're thinking human pyramid. Human pyramid. It'd like to see a human pyramid. Human pyramid. Let's get like a base of four. I might want the latter to get in time. We do have a lot of good bases.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Yeah, we do. Yeah, we got bases for days. We lot of good bases. Yeah, we do. We got bases for Dave. We got almost exclusively bases. We built the whole company out of bases. Yeah, our human pyramid. The company's only foundation. It's only one level, but it's a mile long. Everybody's to the base.
Starting point is 01:15:41 They won't stop watching ball. Rico, Oregon. Good start. Okay. Let's get Riggs at the top. Rico, you can go back in and watch basketball. What did he say about Cooper, Rico? He's fine.
Starting point is 01:15:57 He's on the bench, but. Didn't look good. Didn't look good. Oh, Lukies, what's wrong with Lukies here? Wait, he said he'll be back tomorrow. He said he's back tomorrow. That's what he said. Wow.
Starting point is 01:16:08 All right, how high is she? She's ground level. She's ground level. Hey, Mince, how are you helping? Get down on all fours. I'm going to be on the bottom as part of the basin, yes. It's going to be a lot of good butt crack action on the other end of this thing. Mincey is on of the base. It's gonna be a lot of good crack action on the other end of this thing Nancy is on all fours
Starting point is 01:16:33 All right project failed pages birthdays ruined yeah, this is for page We just want to see your high we can cancel this Something else Hold her right here. Just so they're we just want to see her hot we can cancel this Guys have something else Fucking cake I guess just buy her some expensive. I do like watching them problem-solving. Mm-hmm They're not problems Wait, what are they doing now? Oh No, oh no, oh no, no, it's so why is mincy They're actually on the pad is hurting them the pad is hurting that the pad is the worst thing they could possibly do this could
Starting point is 01:17:13 Be her last birthday. Oh Wow, oh she looks like she's been on top of that's pretty high Raise your arms boys do a good job Good for you Paige happy birthday she deserves that was your, Paige, can we get this mat deflated? Good job, Ben. Can you show Mincy helping there? That was, he never got off his knees. He's exhausted.
Starting point is 01:17:56 I wouldn't say he had one job, but he doesn't. Today was crazy. I had to be on my knees after I ate a piece of sushi. It's wild around here. I got a I got a great shot of his eyes at the end I'll send it to the group. Is it a great shot? It's a great shot two shots Man So high-stay basketball you're one one sports wise yeah, not even close. Yes Wow I'm devastated. I broke in on my Look at him. He's doing a hell of a job. Wow. I'm devastated. I'm broken. I'm a shell of a being.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Look at him. He's doing a hell of a job. No, I said it last night, Nick. Titus cares so much about Ohio State that I find myself rooting for Ohio State because I know that if they lose, I lose Titus for like 24-48. Is March ruined? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, a little bit. And that's your favorite thing?
Starting point is 01:18:47 It's my favorite thing, yeah. It sucks. And it happens once a year. Very stupid. Done before it starts. Done before it starts, yeah. And I didn't, and you know, I'm not like a delusional guy that was like,
Starting point is 01:18:55 we had, we had, No, you were- I didn't even go to the final, I just literally just wanted, when I printed off the bracket, Yeah. See my name. Not making the tournament sucks.
Starting point is 01:19:02 That's all I wanted. It's like, you just want a tournament game. That's all I wanted. It's like you just want a tournament game And you want and it was worse because Tate was sitting next to him and Tate was like for three hours Was like they might be on the bubble no, no. Yeah, it tastes like what if It's over it's over dream is dead. Are you gonna try to find a team to have rooting interest for you just going all dogs? Oh, I don't know man What's the point? What's the fucking point? You're right? It's the fucking point. You know you're right um No, I don't know. I'll see how it ebbs and flows There's always as much as I watch college basketball. I don't pay that much attention to the lower level teams, so there's I
Starting point is 01:19:43 The darlings of March are always surprises to me just like they are the rest of the country that's fun so like there they'll be a guy there'll be a goal key that'll emerge right yeah hopefully I don't know who goal key was before the tournament started last year Dougie Mcbucket Jerry was saying all last night he's like I need to find my next goal yeah we all find it now he just needs to find a white guy who can hit threes um see how that'll be fun I'll cheer for that team whoever they end up being Bracket bus is there a first time team like a team that's made it for the first time
Starting point is 01:20:15 I don't think we've had that yeah, Delaware western was like 10 years ago St.. Pete I think How do we feel about them makeNeese Data Equipment Manager? He's awesome. He's swag for days. The guy with the boombox? Yeah, he's swaggy. He's the man.
Starting point is 01:20:33 He's swaggy. Omaha's got their like trash can thing. I like them. That's pretty funny. That is very funny. Don't really get it, don't need to. All I know is that their chancellor, like this little Asian woman, popped out of a trash can.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Popped out of a trash top trash. Yes Yeah, oh, yeah This guy's awesome, and it's gonna be great because I love this guy because they're gonna do this in a week and Then they're gonna lose by like 40 Yeah, but they're gonna go out swaggy as hell. They could win a game They could win a game yeah, but they will end up losing by a lot to someone. Yeah Yeah, it's like when New Zealand did the Hawkeye against the dream team and lost. Yeah. Yeah It's tough to watch. It makes it worse. It makes it
Starting point is 01:21:15 Oh, I love her Chancellor of the University Yeah, that's you that should be your second team. They got all this wrestling stuff. Have you seen them? Who? Oh, yeah. They've like invited wrestlers. They W stuff. Yeah. Yeah, they're pretty awesome. Although I'm pretty out on a W right now. Cause WWE is doing so well. It's not because well AJ. Um, they've just done some things that I don't agree with. Oh, AJ they've just done some things that I don't agree with oh Big big boom AJ being one of them. I think his pops are incredible. Yeah, well, you know
Starting point is 01:21:56 Bringing that guy on to make your show seem like it's important to hip in the moments. She's kind of lazy I think Brandon I think you and mincy are Your powder keg I know you always have been yeah, I will be with them But I think right in this moment in time right now as we're entering March Madness Well, it's uh, he was a pussy Missy was a pussy last night. See oh, yeah, Macy was very close to telling you to shut the fuck right? He won't he won't cut that's yeah things he vows He will never cuss on camera and but he'll say right he'll say he'll say certain But he he got this close to telling me to shut the fuck up,
Starting point is 01:22:27 and I wanted him to do it so bad. But Ole Miss is kind of good. Ole Miss is kind of good. But we're not. I don't think we're going to cross paths at all. They're on the opposite side of the bracket. Neither one of us are going to make it. But you're not going to play each other,
Starting point is 01:22:39 but you're both going to cheer against each other's teams, at all the streams. Yeah, it will be a competition like who gets further in the tournament. Yeah. There's a training. So we're matched up around one. Yeah, that would be fun.
Starting point is 01:22:49 That would be fun. If they're around, we could go. In Milwaukee? Yeah. There's a pod in Milwaukee. West Virginia will probably be a 10 seed. Are they going to be? Did they lose just now?
Starting point is 01:22:57 No, they won. Yeah, they lost by six. Oh. So I thought they were going to be a nine. If we worked our way into a seven, we could be 710. Yeah. That'd be fun. Right now, we're probably on the eight line, but if we beat Missouri night who knows
Starting point is 01:23:08 Yeah We're gonna be a three seed in the n.i.t. The crown the crown yeah, you said you don't want to go I don't want to go to the crown fuck the crown What's the crown new tournament? Oh? Yeah, it's the crown Who's saying yes to that? Like what schools are going to the crown? I think there actually is, you don't get a choice. You can't say no?
Starting point is 01:23:30 I'm pretty sure that it isn't. I'm saying no. Wait, a tournament where you can't say no? No, I'm almost positive. Squid Game. It's in conjunction with Fox. Oh, so conferences have the contract. Some conferences cannot say no.
Starting point is 01:23:45 But it has nothing to do with March Madness It is it's all the teams that like don't make it are in the pool for this yeah This seems but still can still bet on these games that can still bet on these games, so they're just there is real to me What's the attendance like at the NIT? Bad they play at home to start. I went to one. So it's depressing. It's bad. We played at the championship one year.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Yeah, I got very invested in the WVU one at once, and I was like, happy. It's even worse now because of the transfer portal. Because in the past, the NIT, you could make the leap of like, all right, well, we have some freshmen and sophomores that are going to get some time. Team gets to stay together for another month we're up next now with the
Starting point is 01:24:27 transfer portal half the teams already like I'm out of here right they're already out yeah that's sad yeah if you won the NIT with a young team that was actually not it was like these guys back we get three weeks of practice all that but now it's do you typically end the season ranked if you win the NIT no no Actually that was literally the worst question I bet you a team has won the NIT and has ended the season right there's 64 teams in the NCAA tournament, okay There's 31 at largest. Yeah, there's they're all if it wins the NIT. I bet you there's a team That's when the IT that's ended the season ranked so is there you all are
Starting point is 01:25:18 Small conference and they get upset in the finals don't make the tournament They could still be all right. Let's go back to the 40s, I bet it has happened. All right, last year, Seton Hall won the NIT, correct? He's gonna be right. Okay. It's not gonna be, you're gonna go year by year? No, I'm just looking just as a
Starting point is 01:25:37 final college basketball rankings. Nick, I want on record, Nick, I didn't say a word. 2020. You never do Danny. It's a good time not to. You chose a good time to shut your fucking mouth, right? Trying new things out. Okay. I hope I don't have to go back.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Is Yukon gonna make it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah they're in. Can we fill the air with wrestling talk real quick? Yeah. That's actually. What'd you think about Dynamite last night?
Starting point is 01:26:04 There was a, somebody qualified for the NCA tournament is on the bracket and they just found out that he doesn't have eligibility. He already used all four. What? So he wrestled the whole season. Oh, and so he shouldn't have been wrestling at all. That's how they know about how they not year fifth attempt.
Starting point is 01:26:23 How did no one catch that? No red shirt. But after COVID, like the eligibility has been so nebulous. A lot of guys got fifth years because the COVID year. I thought everybody did. If you competed in 2021, Yeah. I guess that didn't count. Huh.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Did you get pranked today? Not yet. Big Cat, you're looking too far. I don looking too far. I feel like I'm wrong via dessert I I can't because it only goes to 25 and balls donut yeah, yeah, 19. I didn't see that No, I'm saying it only goes to 25 team. I just ate it Alright, let's see the net rankings Yeah, I took a big chunk out of it too Who got it for you? I believe Cody did that were you involved in the okay no I get well we're launching a new show over mostly sports
Starting point is 01:27:09 a new property so what is it saw that it's called the glaze mmm so see the halls net ranking last year 60 sir on the NIT it's our famous interview segment where we bring on people just to glaze them yeah we're gonna glaze the fuck out of it so we had donuts and Cody bought me a cock and balls donut. That's nice of him. We're just gonna suck every guess that comes off. Is it cream filled?
Starting point is 01:27:30 Nothing of substance, it's just an exercise for us to. Right. Suck it up. Good for all parts. Suck them up. Well, we had Brady Kachuk last week, we realized we didn't really wanna ask him hockey questions, we just wanted to. Well, the hell off that is.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Yeah, we're out of our depth talking hockey with Brady Kachuk but but we could suck it also I don't know I did want to suck him yeah I was looking at him so now I can do it it won't be weird just make the whole show yeah it's just part of the show what are the plans for the Kate Cody Danny date Kate I don't want to give spoilers, but we do have a plan and we're looking at next Tuesday to go on that date. How about that? Is it going to be formal? Formal and but also naturey a little bit, perhaps.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Those two go, don't go hand in hand at all. Naturey and formal. Formally naturey. So we'll see. We're doing a gauntlet today. Who should do it? Has Oldie done it? Yeah. Has Kadek done it? Yes. Bosco's here. Has he done it? Oh, Arian? Oh, is Bosco? Arian has. He has a good time. Has Bosco done it? I don't remember. Bosco has. Has Regz done it? Regz is still hurt. Regz still has the Achilles.
Starting point is 01:28:46 He's still limping. Has Gino? Has Gino? With the hat? Gino with the hat? Gino's saying. Has Gino ever done it? I don't think he has.
Starting point is 01:28:54 No. Gino! He's really good at jumping rope. Gino! Gino! Stop shaking hands, Gino. I'll grab him. Has Stefan done it?
Starting point is 01:29:03 Oh, I don't think they're watching. Oh, I would love it. Wait, it's got Stefan to do it? Oh I would love it. Oh no. I don't want to. Do you know where Stefan is? Wait TJ, check to see if Gino's done it. I don't remember. Have them compete to see who doesn't.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Compete in a gauntlet to see who doesn't? Yeah, have them both come in and we'll do rock, paper, scissors, shoot to see who doesn't. Does Smoke's body language seem sad? It does. It seems down. And I don't know what... Oh never mind. He's singing R&B. Oh yeah he's sad. He's singing Keith Sweat right now. Do you think he thinks the other men in the office see him as a threat now? Do you think he thinks the other men in the office see him as a threat now? No, I can't. No. Has that dog done it?
Starting point is 01:29:50 What? Has the dog done the gauntlet? I bet your dog would choke. Stefan's right there. But Gino's right here. Oh Gino, hey Gino. Have you ever done the gauntlet? You just want to fucking do it? Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:03 What's on your sleeve? Ble what each when I moved out of my college apartment I like this is my favorite quarter zip and I got bleach on that's just not bleach yeah it is how do you get bleach on your when you're moving out as you're moving out why is the bleach orange with your bleach it's a common thing I was cleaning a refrigerator and there was like some stains from like grape juice maybe and I just was like wiping bleach in the refrigerator The fridge Stephens put up a fight he doesn't want to do it man What else has been going on?
Starting point is 01:30:49 Trying to think what else you missed. Not much after the funeral I think. Kind of just sat around. Yeah. Should they try to name? Have them name women's first names that begin with C until one runs out. Yep. Steph and Gino get in here real quick. Wow. Stephon just said do you want me to run the gauntlet or do you want me to make sure the TVs work? The TVs aren't working? Do they shut off after like three minutes?
Starting point is 01:31:27 Alright, go get the TVs. That was bullshit what you just did. I mean, I know, but the TVs, you can't, that's literally the one thing you can... Are the TVs... Are they not working? Yeah, what... The one thing you can threaten me with is, but you know he would just make them not work if we made him do the gauntlet.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Yeah, just press the power button. Right, but he'll then just make them not work if we made him. Yeah, let's press the power button right, but he'll then just make them not work It's like it's like that like oil driller guy stepping behind the TV Man He's good at what he does being grumpy. Oh by the way. I got I got the six by six Rubik's Cube. So tomorrow remind me someone remind me TJ maybe remind me or Steven. He's out there. I want something to just sit in the back and do it.
Starting point is 01:32:13 When Nikki were you here for Santa? I was here for first Santa. Yes. All you all the five by five. Really? Like was that his first time doing it? Yeah. Yeah. So now we're just gonna keep going up. Yeah. So he'll eventually become the best in the world correct at this rate Flash IV is a botchy champ Tell oldie to come here. No don't drink that yet Where's oldie?
Starting point is 01:32:38 All right now right there he's right. Oh, that's Jerry He's right, oh that's Jerry. Pleasant little fellow. He's so lucky man. See this part. What is the purpose of that curtain? Come to think of it. Oh we can't see anything. Nicky Smokes is now the goalie. There's a lot of March Madness going on.
Starting point is 01:33:10 I want to watch the Badgers. They're about to tip. Oh, they're about to play? Yeah. They're very, very good, right? I wouldn't put the second variant. Very good. How they've been playing recently.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Okay. They've had a little blip at the end of the season. So all right, forget it. Just just drink just do the take a sip Do the ad do the ad Nick I don't have the paper. Oh here we go. I got it All right Body armor this episode is brought to you by body armor flash IV body armor flash IV is packed with electrolytes and provides faster and longer Lasting hydration with no artificial flavors sweeteners or dyes with great tasting flavors like Strawberry Kiwi and tropical punch body armor flash IV gives your body the rehydration it needs to recover
Starting point is 01:33:52 Get yours at a local 7-eleven or on Amazon today 2019, Texas They were ranked 25th. Oh it happened. Yeah pretty recent ah Crazy love that literally not the worst question Even a very good question 25th. God. Oh, it happened. Damn it. Yeah. Pretty recent. Ah, crazy. Love that. Literally not the worst question. Even a very good question. Ah, fuck.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Maybe it's the obvious. Toiled again. One of the great questions. One of the best questions ever. Damn it. Uh-huh. Unless this person that texted me lied to me. Then now I'm going to be like.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Wait, what is it? 2019? 2019. 18 is it 2019? 1819 season Texas 2018 lipscomb Doesn't look like it Did you get got are we back? I don't see Texas Wait, wait, wait wait wait final Iowa State I know did this guy Texas I don't see Texas 25th and Kem Palm oh that doesn't
Starting point is 01:34:57 count doesn't god damn it bad question again it's back to a bad question. Oh, Oldie, drink a Flash IV for us. Yeah, yeah, we can do that. Here, right there. Here, sit down and do it. Cucumber, lime, salad, okay. Dude, they're not putting the game on, though. Do the ad. I know. We'll get it on. Don't worry. You a Wisconsin fan? Oh, yeah. Badgers all the way, baby. What was the...
Starting point is 01:35:16 You went to a college that was also the Badgers? Yeah, yeah, Brock. Yeah. In Canada? Aren't they... Though they have a legendary basketball team never mind They did but no, I don't think so. I do the rip the ad real quick guys, bro What are we getting here body armor eight flash IV? It you guys know the deal one swig chiggy gotta go
Starting point is 01:35:40 Sounds refresh that's some good drinking that's real good drinking. Oh, yeah, you know what I? Already feel hydrated all right We're back all right good job oldie Wisconsin games on yeah, I know I'll be there in a second He's gonna drink so many of those this weekend All right ready ready that was great all right here. We go three two one go oh Jeno Jeno get him oh He's been he's been falling since he started. He's just constantly falling. He's toeing it.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Ooh! Oh! Nice. Here we go, Gino. Smokes are easy! Gino heads. Oh! Wow!
Starting point is 01:36:33 Hey, Gino. All right, Gino. Gino is going so... This might be the fastest moving gauntlet. Uh-oh. Come on, Gino. Not like that. What is he doing?
Starting point is 01:36:42 He's doing it too soft. I don't like something. He's trying to place it too much. Just throw it. Throw it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh 25th and Ken Palm got you got got so bad a quick release Nick thought he found one Titus Texas was 25th and Ken Palm Not ranked though, and I had a victory. I will get a moment where I felt like a fool his I What's going for the side Oh interesting Holy Cross in 1954
Starting point is 01:37:32 Asshole that was when it was actually the tournament. All right here we go Anytime Gino Atlantic Ocean, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida is easy What else is over there? New York This might be the easiest question Complete game Did I say Georgia? Shit
Starting point is 01:38:00 The East Coast? Oh my god Virginia Massachusetts, Connecticut Maine? Northeast? There you go, Maine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Uh, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Uh oh. That's ten. Bang! I'm 207, Gino. Wow, Gino. Fucking shit. Hell of a fucking time, Gino.
Starting point is 01:38:22 I said sub three would make me Wow Gino. Fucking shit. Hell of a fucking time Gino. I said sub three would make me happy, so that's good. Well below. Well done. Basketball three point shooting, that's my specialty. Did not look great. You're good. You're like 1954 Holy Cross out there.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Were they ranked? At the end of the season. The NIT I believe. Wow. It was all things to body armor I wouldn't have gotten that great of a time love that love that or that's a koozie squad might be alright thanks Gino good work great job Gino good time or Jordan Westberg Tommy Heinzen was, he was a Tiger. Wow. Was he one of the Tigers?
Starting point is 01:39:06 No, he's an Oriole? Oriole, yeah, yeah, yeah. You gotta see weight, right? He's a mistake guy. Orioles, white socks. I hope the Orioles come to town again. I miss those guys so much. I miss them so much. July.
Starting point is 01:39:17 July when? July. July when? I don't know. What are you out of breath for, partner? I just beat Aaron in one on one. Oh hell. Yeah, you played in the league a leaguer the league
Starting point is 01:39:41 Oh, man What are we looking at Definitely not July who we're talking about the Orioles coming back. I don't think they do August August when's opening day actually Tuesday the big one. Oh my well two weeks now Cubs play in Japan We're gonna do a stream tight It's gonna be there me Titus Eddie chief Danny you coming sure just the first time here white socks Dave 5 a.m. Oh wait, let me check my schedule first. Yeah, no you're coming now
Starting point is 01:40:17 It's usually with my work. We're playing the Dodgers in Japan anyone anyone wants to come come white socks Dave is cooking us breakfast. Oh is is that he's good cook, right? Alright, so I obviously like my initial inclination anytime White Sox Dave does anything I want to be like how can I shit on this he posted a picture of the breakfast he cooked the boys in Scottsdale last week it looked awesome. Yeah, I When you said he was doing it I was like well This is gonna be a joke obviously that I thought about the banana bread right right? Really good. Oh, this is a banana bread. You find the picture like the he specializes in breakfast. Yeah
Starting point is 01:40:51 Google image yeah, no they Should he's gotta be good at something brand we forgot why? Bread beat Donny's and I told him I was like you told you're gonna give us banana bread once a month We haven't gotten it no that was after he said he just made every six weeks Yeah, every six weeks alarming stat and five a.m. Falls five am let's uh every walk you have to have a stir fry Look at this looks good. That's a good breakfast that bacon is perfect Potatoes look great now like that's a good breakfast. Oh my god That's delicious Brandon will be here, too. I'll be here by 6 16
Starting point is 01:41:30 Yeah, I'm gonna have to leave take my son to school, but then I'll be back, but I'm gonna be here 5 What day is it Tuesday morning? Yeah? All right fun all right should we spin the wheel we're gonna we're live streaming for the rest of the day in the gambling cave. So tune in. From here, Suit Week looks like Slut Week. Oh, yeah, we're doing. Oh, yeah, we have some. I've been one excuse to buy a suit. So we all we all will have to dress up for an entire week.
Starting point is 01:42:04 Next week is Bracket Busters as well, whatever the name may be. Yes. Somebody's going to get a suit. We all we all will have to dress up for an entire week Next week is bracket busters as well. Whatever the name maybe yes, somebody's gonna get in trouble Yeah, it's one of my weeks of the year. Oh, it would be funny if Compton accidentally called in something You'll do something wrong. You see read it from last year Is Google reminder? Now somebody will fuck up yeah for sure someone will fuck up it's, for sure. Someone will fuck up. It's really it's that and Cyber Monday. Mm hmm. Those if you can survive those two days, that's under the radar.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Barstool employee. You're okay. The only two job obligations any of us have are those two days. All right. We'll see everyone tomorrow. Tune in the live stream. We're going to go live right now. It's the Yak! Yeah, it's time to talk shop, or do a Yankee Slop. It's the Yak!
Starting point is 01:43:11 It's the Yak!

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