The Yak - Owen Tries To Give Himself Anaphylactic Shock | The Yak 11-1-21

Episode Date: November 2, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Hello. I'm so upset that I missed the nut off. I was just thinking about that. I tuned in for a little bit when you guys were quizzing him about whether he was going to die or not from his nut. I don't think the nut will kill him, but it'll be a nut-related injury. He'll trip over it down some steps. Yeah, trying to figure out the balance like a long lingering pain versus sharp pain. What can I have a picture of the nut?
Starting point is 00:00:51 We did anyone even snap a pic? We were so lost in the moment. Nobody's shocked. I know. I was hoping there wasn't any jerk reaction. Would it do it justice? No, I don't know. It is big. Who's not? Wasn't my basic questions. My don't know. It is big.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Whose nut was it? Did y'all ask basic questions? My boy Pat. How does he sit? He sits down very, very slowly. He said when he came in, he had to sit down very slowly. It's not as big as Ruiz's nut. Oh, it's bigger.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Roan and Sass are out. Sass is sick. Roan is... Picked a convenient day to miss, huh? November 1st. Yeah. Corso reveal. Oh my, is that today? I'm going to have to nudge that back.
Starting point is 00:01:29 He's probably in the gym right now. Trying to get some last minute gains. Not going to work, homie. You actually came up on dinner on Friday night, KB. We were talking about the hottest guys at Barstool. And your name was brought up. That's a testament to how ugly this office is. Yeah, well your name was brought up.
Starting point is 00:01:44 As long as I got a mention. Talking about your body and i was like unfortunately the torso reveal has been canceled oh oh oh wait what i'm not taking it off you look like steve jobs intern right now yeah you do was he fly yeah it was bad fly. Dude. There's torso under there. There is torso. Do you see anything? There's some good torso under there. No, it looks whack as hell. You think that looks whack?
Starting point is 00:02:12 There's some chest development in there. Those shirts are hard to wear without looking frumpy, and there's no frumpy. I don't see a frump. Give us a reveal. Come on, give us a reveal. I can't. No, it's me versus Sass. Do you have the lines from your legs?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Do you have the gutters? The V? Yeah, you have the V. Oh, the dick V. Yeah, the dick V. Yeah, the dick V. The dick bone. You have a dick V?
Starting point is 00:02:33 You have a dick V right now? I have a dick V. Can I see it? That's awesome, baby. I actually have a dick V, too. It's just, like, so fat, though. It's hilarious. You have a big, fat dick V.
Starting point is 00:02:43 A big, fat V. A three-dimensional V. A dicky V?'s it's a w hopefully he's fighting cancer well i don't know what else to say rico's rooting for cancer he's fighting it well yeah hopefully he's fighting it well what is that bad guy it's fair what rico's bad guy i also am i don't think i'm sick. I am just. You sound sick. Probably sick. I might be, but I also am just very, very tired. I'm sick. You, what happened to you?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Why are you here if you're sick? Yeah, why are you here? I'm not sick sick. I'm fine sick. Go sit over there. Sass sprinted home with a low-grade fever. I'm fine sick. What happened on Saturday?
Starting point is 00:03:22 The trials and tribulations of the man who's battling cancer for the last 20 years without knowing it, Brandon Walker, whose whole body is just cancer. Yeah. We had a new chapter on Saturday. I don't think that was that big of a deal. We landed in New Jersey. Did me or Owen come up with the hottest guys at all? No.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Fuck. Owen did. Owen did. Owen did. Yes, Owen did. We landed in New Jersey, and Brandon said the air made him sick. The air travel made him sick. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:49 He's like, I've got to go home. It's like the last 15 minutes of that flight, I started getting dizzy, and I got a little headache. And when we got out of the plane, I just wanted to sit down, and I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. I was just overcome with dizziness and tiredness all of a sudden. And I did. I went home.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I took some NyQuil. I fell asleep for four hours. I was done. I went home. I took some NyQuil. I fell asleep for four hours. I was done. I was sick. The air gets you sick. I was with controversial Barstool Sports founder. We gotta get you in a sub. Water gets you sick. So you're just getting randomly dizzy? No, I had been under the weather for a couple days. You need a psychiatrist.
Starting point is 00:04:18 No, I don't. I'd been under the weather for a couple days. Are you worried when you start to feel dizzy, you get to go home and sleep? Do you think your brain is just doing that now? No, I don't think so. Do you ever think, like, but Dan has been, had a resting headache for the last month and a half, but he doesn't go home to sleep. I didn't know that Dan had a resting headache for the last month and a half. Yeah, I have a headache.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Well, I'm sorry. Maybe you didn't ask. You didn't ask how he's feeling. It's okay. Well, you should probably take a break here and there and take care of your headache. What, am I just going to go to sleep for four hours on a Saturday? Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You need to. No. Jerry, that's not blue collar. Nope. We should... Is taking Prozac blue collar? No. No.
Starting point is 00:04:56 No. Tony did it. Jerry, did you just go to a TikTok party in LA? Yeah, I did. Did you guys talk about it on Pick Central? I didn't want to go. What, the illness? No, the L.A. trip.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Marty talked about it a little bit. Okay. Marty's obsessed with the TikTok boys. How was it? It wasn't fun. We were sober out of it. We were sober. You were sober, all right.
Starting point is 00:05:18 You went out to L.A. to a party. Yeah, Marty had a great time. You got that on Pick Central. Now we get the real blue-collar version. Marty had a blast. You You got that on Pick Central. Now we get the real blue-collar version. Marty had a blast. You hated it. I couldn't... The reason we changed our flight was
Starting point is 00:05:31 because of me. I just told Marty, I said, I'm not doing this for two and a half days. I'm coming home in a day and a half. I'm not doing this whole... He's like, no, it's going to be fun. It's going to be good. It wasn't fun, and it wasn't good. That could have been predicted.
Starting point is 00:05:48 The highlight was one of my buddies, a manager of a steakhouse out there called Cut. We had about a $900 to $1,000 dinner for $111. Whoa. Hell of a discount. It was insane. It was amazing. That was the highlight of the trip for sure. We had a nice steak dinner
Starting point is 00:06:05 on Friday and someone paid for it as well. Nice. Like some just fans which was kind of weird. That was wild. That makes no sense to me. It was very weird.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Do you think you had more money than the person that paid for it? Absolutely. Well, you might have but I also... Barstool does. It's like whenever someone asks if they can get me a drink
Starting point is 00:06:22 at a bar, it's like, I'm just going to use the company card for this stuff. So no, don't waste your money. That's nice. But that's nice that you got a $100 meal for a $1,000 meal for $100. Back to Marty, though.
Starting point is 00:06:38 This guy, listen, Marty, respect. Good guy. Is he blue collar? Not blue collar, no. This guy is obsessed with the tiktok yes he is there was at one point uh the last night there i was like hey marty me you and max let's let's go do something together you know what i mean and he was like upset and i'm like you know what's wrong and he's like oh you know we should really go to this halloween tiktok party i'm like i don't think
Starting point is 00:07:03 so marty you know uh these guys guys want us to dress up and stuff. And then I started seeing some things I didn't want to see, which was guys in dresses and stuff. Okay. But we're, it's okay. Yeah, it's all right. Just not my scene. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Right. In Hollywood. Yeah. Was it their costumes Or their everyday garb I couldn't I wouldn't be able To tell the difference Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:28 And then How was the actual party Was it awesome I didn't go Oh No Marty ended up going To I think
Starting point is 00:07:35 One or two So what'd you do out there I think this trip Was actually for Marty And he just tagged me What did you do When he was at the party I slept
Starting point is 00:07:44 In a hotel room? I slept by myself Yeah, that night The first night when Marty went out Until 4.30 in the morning I just I stayed in Him and Max went
Starting point is 00:07:53 I stayed in I'm like, I'm good, you know Yeah, it's kind of nice though Staying in a nice hotel Yeah, it was a bath I took a bath Oh, you took a bath? I took a bath
Starting point is 00:08:00 Hell yeah I love the bath Listen A nice hotel room When you have nothing You have to do That can be very very nice Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:08 It was really nice The bath was nice Treat yourself Yep So worth the transcontinental flight Yeah Did you fly first class No
Starting point is 00:08:16 Oh no Did Marty Nope No he didn't No But yeah like I said I think the trip was more for For Marty to
Starting point is 00:08:24 You know build relationships and stuff like that. I just guess he just tagged me along, but that'll never happen again. Never going out there again. No. Fuck yeah. What about for the Super Bowl? That's something I would go for, yeah. What if the Steelers were in the Super Bowl?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah, it'd be mandatory. We'd have to convince them. You'd have to go. Well, no. Just go. You wouldn't have to convince them. Really? have to go. Just go. You wouldn't have to convince him. Really? Yeah. Probably going anyway.
Starting point is 00:08:50 You still haven't gotten those pizzas yet. We're in November. I know we're in November. Dave's behind on his pizza payments. If any salon magazine writers want to post this. It was KB that was the mole.
Starting point is 00:09:05 He was the mole. It was funny. It was worth it. But if you want to post this, Dave Portnoy officially is behind on his contract with Jersey Jerry. He did not receive any frozen pizzas for the month of October. He was due to. That's controversial. Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy. Doesn't pay his employees his pizza contracts.
Starting point is 00:09:26 That's unbelievable. That's probably the only thing he's in debt to. Yeah, but he's in debt. You were the guy, KB? You were the person? Yes. I just DM'd him like,
Starting point is 00:09:36 hey, like... You got no benefit whatsoever. I thought it was a juff because it was so publicized. I was like, I'm going to DM. I DM'd a lot of different publications, including Salon. They're easy to find.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You just got to find a writer for these publications who has a semi, just an up and coming. 5,000. It's like 5 to 10. A hungry up and comer. Yeah. Get some jokes off. So, Dan, how was the Halloween party? It was good.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yeah. It was good. Was it good? You weren't thinking about my boy's big nut at all? No, good. Yeah. It was good. Was it good? You weren't thinking about my boy's big nut at all? The whippersnapper was running around. I was thinking a little bit about the big nut. It was good, though. It's always weird having to converse with other adults.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah, what do you talk about with them? You have nothing in common. Yeah, no, it was very weird. Did you have a costume on? what why not i don't do they ask you like inside barstool questions oh i did have one person who was like so there was one conversation that was funny because i did like kind of drop my nuts on this guy's face um because someone was like oh yeah what do you got planned for this weekend i was like oh i gotta go to east lansing and this guy was like oh for the game i was like yeah he's yeah, what do you got planned for this weekend? I was like, oh, I got to go to East Lansing. And this guy was like, oh, for the game?
Starting point is 00:10:45 I was like, yeah. He's like, oh, you have to go? I was like, yeah, that's my job. And then I was like, yeah, Barstool Sports. And then a woman was like, oh, Barstool Sports, Francis Ellis. Yeah. You have no idea how many times I get that. I was like, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Sure. Yeah. That was the end of that conversation. But, yeah, that was pretty much the only story. My son was, I sent a picture to Jerry. My son was blue collar. Yeah, that was great. Blue collar for life.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Construction worker. Great. Construction worker waved at him, and it was quite a moment. That was real. Yeah, blue collar. Real recognize real. How was Halloween for you, Brandon? It was fine.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Did you go out trick-or-treating? Quiet night in your house. All the? It was fine. Did you go out trick-or-treating? Quiet night in your house. All the kids in there. You didn't go out trick-or-treating? Nope. Yesterday, we all put together a basketball goal that I bought them, and we played basketball deep into the night. Nice.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So no trick-or-treating for the kids? Nope. I bought them candy at the store, and we had candy, and we played basketball. We tried, big cat. Got it. Played basketball. Tried our damnedest. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:11:44 A basketball goal? That's what I call it. It's a hoop. It's a hoop. I know. You tried, big cat. Got it. Play basketball. We tried our damnedest. Basketball goal? That's what I call it. It's a hoop. It's a hoop. I know. You guys call it hoop. We call it basketball goal down south. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You sound bad, Brandon. You sound bad, too. You sound worse than me. No, I don't sound worse than you. You don't actually have cancer, right? I might. You should find out. I can't rule it out.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I don't think I would want to find out. I just want to go. Yeah. Then why did you tell me to find out? You can't rule it out. I don't think I would want to find out. I just wouldn't go. Then why did you tell me to find out? You seem like the guy that would. Personally, I wouldn't. You're a real chemo guy. You give off chemo vibes. Would you find out if I had it for me?
Starting point is 00:12:15 I would. I'm in the camp that diagnoses kill you. Oh, yeah? Yeah, right. You could live forever and not know. I think you'd be straight if you just didn't get the diagnosis. Right. And then when you get the diagnosis, it's like, well, I'm dying.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Once you accept it mentally. Once you know the enemy, the enemy's going to beat you. It's a wrap. Yeah. Yeah. It's curtains. Show us a little torso. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Can we see gutter? Nah. I've never seen gutter in the flesh before. Half V. Half the V. Nah. I'll never seen gutter in the flesh before. Half V. Half the V. Nah. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Fucking no. If UTEP won I would be basically naked right now. UTEP? Wait, UTEP lost? They lost by fucking three to Florida Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Doesn't matter about covering. They were six and one. Covered. They got a big game against UTSA. That's a huge one. Roadrunners. How the fuck you lose to fucking FAU and Boca?
Starting point is 00:13:08 The Boca boys? I think I saw a stat that UTEP has never won on the Eastern Times. Well, they have won like four games in the last five years, I think. Two straight 0-12 seasons. Damn. So are you on the bandwagon? Bad guy right there. Rico. Rico Bosco,wagon? Bad guy right there Rico Bosco bad guy Bad guy
Starting point is 00:13:28 But why? Not him who's that guy? Bad guy Bad guy Steve Why is Glennie so happy? I don't know but it's also like 59 degrees And he's in shorts and a tank top
Starting point is 00:13:41 TikTok Marty Talk about bad guys I wanted to say something too Dan He's in shorts and a tank top. TikTok Marty. Yeah, that's very cool. Oh, TikTok Marty. Talk about bad guys, TikTok Marty. I wanted to say something too, Dan. There's these guys in California. Oh, no. They're Armenian. Armenian or Armenian? Armenian.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah, they are very, very awkward. What? Be careful here. I'm just saying. Are they awkward because they're just awkward, or are they awkward because of their Armenian descent? So the guy on the couch, he probably is Armenian. How do you know that?
Starting point is 00:14:15 What? What's going on right now? What makes you? California is heavily populated with Armenians. I don't think it is. Amongst others. These guys are like fake Italian mob bosses. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:29 It's fun. So it's like a bizarro world New Jersey. It's weird, man. It's weird. I kind of like that. They're very awkward people. I would love to know if he's Armenian. Let's get him in here.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I'm going to grab him. They're harder than Italians. You think so? They're still war boys. They're war boys. They're in constant civil unrest. I think they're what Italians wish they still were. Let me look this up, Armenians.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Is it a body hair thing, Jerry? They have a lot of body hair. They got these weird, I don't know. Be careful. No, I've got nothing against the Armenians. Right. They're good conversation pieces. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Oh, yeah, okay, okay. Like, not, I thought you were going to say good to have conversations with. No, they're pieces. They're good conversation pieces. I was talking to a couple of them. They're nice guys. Oh, so you actually were speaking to them. Think a conversation piece is somebody to talk to?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah. Yeah. They're like... The way they carry themselves is like... It's funny. It's like Jersey. Yeah. Piece of his conversation.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Yeah. It's funny to me. Armenia. We got a piece tonight. Let's get a little... Nothing against them. They're all funny. Some of that to me. Armenia. We got a piece tonight. Let's get a little... Nothing against them, but they're all funny. Background on Armenia.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Yeah. Unintentional. Where is Armenia? Oh, it's over there. I don't know where it is. I guess it's considered Europe, but it's like more north of the Middle East. I like how I asked that
Starting point is 00:15:39 and you didn't respond. You know exactly where Armenia is. Yeah. East of Turkey, right? What is Armenia border? I think like Azerbaijan. They're always fighting them. Georgia, maybe.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Over what? You think? That's East of Turkey. There it is right next to Azerbaijan. Yeah. There they are. So what is that? Everybody within those borders. Funny. Next to Georgia. There they are So where What is it Everybody within those borders
Starting point is 00:16:06 Funny Next to Georgia Landlocked people are funny Yeah You got a You got a certain amount of blue collar to you If you don't have coastline Exactly
Starting point is 00:16:16 You know You can't surf You can't be cool It sucks to be landlocked When nobody around you is Everybody else has beach But you don't No beach
Starting point is 00:16:24 It builds a little hair on your chest It's not a joke about their hair Suck to be landlocked when nobody around you is. Everybody else has beach, but you don't. No beach. It builds a little hair on your chest. It's not a joke about their hair, but it is. Jared, you just not like fake Italian mob bosses? Is that why you're fighting this guy? No. Steve, why does the Che Hive keep DMing me about how you eat more pussy than me? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I mean, I don't operate that account. That's another person. We know who operates that account. Yeah,'t know. I mean, I don't operate that account. That's another person. We know who operates that account. Yeah, we do. We met him. We met him, yeah. Steven, how are you feeling after your bucks got exposed for being frauds on national television? You ready to make them a pinky team? No.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That's not what a pinky team is. But they're frauds. Okay. I don't think they are. Okay. I think we'll be around when it gets to be holiday season. I saw you dropped a sick burn on Mincy's face last night. Which?
Starting point is 00:17:12 How's the weather down there to the Saints? Because they're below them in the Bucs in the standings. It's true. I don't know if you guys get that. You've seen Hurricanes. They're also getting wiped out by natural disasters. Yeah, just ruined. It's not great. No, no, no. It's very violent. Saints fans don't get to use the Hurricane. They're also getting wiped out by natural disasters. Just ruined.
Starting point is 00:17:26 No, no, no. Very violent. Saints fans don't get to use the hurricane. Excuse me, because I also got flooded from a hurricane. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's fair. Their city got wiped out. My house got screwed, too. These are literally updated settings.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh, view. Sorry, not weather. View from down there. Oh. Got him. Because he said the road to the NFC South went through New Orleans. They're not in first place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:50 How's your view from down there? Yeah. Steve, if you suck a pussy, you'll suck anything. It's a sign of weakness. I like that no one from New Orleans can say anything about the hurricane to Steven. A lot of people DM me and were like, hey, this is really good for the community. I was like, oh, yeah, well, I am a community of one, and my community is still getting hurt, too. It's still ravaged from hurricane action.
Starting point is 00:18:10 So I deserve this, too. You got hit by that hurricane after it had been inland for 1,500 miles. They got the brunt of a Category 4 hurricane. Yeah, that doesn't deflood his apartment or his house, Brandon. I guess. I have stills in back normal, Brandon. I don't have a basement. I don't have a basement. I don't have a den.
Starting point is 00:18:26 But I think New Orleans people can pull the hurricane card on a lot of people. Well, there'd be like a big one. Not on me. No. Stephen, he's right. Did you lose like a ping pong table or something in your basement? Destroyed. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Papa shot, destroyed. Destroyed? Destroyed. Stephen, is there going to be like, you know, the Hurricane Katrina game when they reopen the Superdome? Is there going to be a the Hurricane Katrina game when they reopen the Superdome? Is there going to be a reopening of Steven Che's house where we must bet the bucks? Because that's going to be an emotional night. Gambling is legal.
Starting point is 00:18:52 If we can get a big ribbon and big scissors. We reopen Steven Che's house? That would be pretty cool. That would be pretty cool. Okay. Wow. I just love the fact that anyone from New Orleans, if you come at Stephen Che, you better have lost one of your children, not a ping pong table. Stephen Che's ping pong table is a family of five of entertainment apparatuses.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Just know. What's the conversion table there? How soon after the hurricane did you think okay i the saints fans come can't come at me anymore i didn't until yesterday and a bunch of people were like hey bees and i was like it's good for the city and i was like i mean we're in the same boat here yeah you don't get that and i can't pull that literally in a boat rescue boat i love it steven yeah what are they gonna do what is the conversion table, though? Like a house in New Orleans equals a ping pong table in New Jersey? A ping pong table is worth three Cajun children.
Starting point is 00:19:51 No, our whole basement flooded to the ceiling. And then the next room, too. An entire community equals a pop-a-shot. Yeah. I mean, it's impossible to go millions of millions of people versus one but if we go one to one right I mean right so if you separate them all out individually they are technically talking about the entire New Orleans community when they bring that pretty much only one person at a time yeah yeah but you see what they're saying right like they're attacking their own
Starting point is 00:20:24 their own and the fact that we are... They didn't have power for a month. Yeah, but Steven still hasn't got his ping pong table back. It's been two months. And you could argue that, Steven, your house may be more expensive than those homes that were destroyed. Cranford, New Jersey, certainly. But now, I guess actually you guys are washed, no pun intended,
Starting point is 00:20:43 on the fact that you both decided to live in a flood zone. Right. Which you did do. There is footage of you bragging about having a cheaper deal because you live in a flood zone. And then your house got flooded. That is documented on this show. That's unfortunately true, yes. I still can't believe we never brought up that clip.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Steve and me are like, yeah, better deal. They told me it floods like this one in 100 years, like two months later. And you got it. Steve might have a new neighbor. Oh, really? Jersey Jerry might be going to Cranford. What? Didn't Frank just become your neighbor?
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah. You're going to leave him. Well, I'm looking at houses over there in Cranford. Oh, nice. It's a nice town. Really nice. I think it's the number one small town in New Jersey for families. It's really nice.
Starting point is 00:21:30 What town? Cranford. Oh, wait. You're going to move to Cranford? My aunt and all my cousins have been living there for years. I love that town. Oh, let's go. Yep.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Right by the train. Maybe we hit up some vanilla beans sometime? Get some nice local ice cream? Oh, is that something you would... It's called vanilla bean? Yes. I don't like the name. Is that something you would be interested in? This is Steven post
Starting point is 00:21:58 Bucks loss. It was nice of you to express empathy toward Calvin Ridley. Yes, as a Bucks fan. you were able to put him aside. What about as a human, Chad? I mean, he's a division rival, so I'm just saying, like, even though he's a division rival, I still feel bad for the team. That he's suicidal. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:15 He's enormous of you. That's enormous of you. Why did you get flack for that, though? I got what you were doing. Yeah. I mean, yeah, a lot of people were like, as a Browns fan, as a Bears fan, like, okay, well, I'm in the division. You guys aren't. So I have more reason to dislike him.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Right. And I'm not going to dance on their grave. It's a sad story. And I hope he gets well. But you also would prefer him never to come back. No, I didn't say that. I said I hope he comes back. Deep down.
Starting point is 00:22:43 True serum. No, I mean, I hope he doesn't have good games against us i said i hope he comes deep down true serum no i mean i hope he doesn't have good games against us but i hope he's back and you know what if his good games again what if him having poor performances against the bucks uh yeah contribute to maybe him being not happy now you've got yourself in quite a pickle that That's the business. That's the business he chose. Okay, there it is. Ruthless Che. Ruthless Che. You guys missed an all-time transformation on Friday. This was, I don't even know if the camera's picked.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Remember that guy that came in and sat down that was like out there? Yeah, no, he's got a mohawk. Who's that guy? The guy with the feet. He's got a mohawk. We saw this last Wednesday. Oh, we went crazy. Oh, that was one of you guys. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah, yeah. It's crazy. All-time transformation. I wonder what it'll look like, yeah. It's crazy. All-time transformation. I wonder what it'll look like this week. I think he'll have a robotic arm. At the pace he's going. I just want to see a rabid transformation every single week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I want him coming as an Orthodox Jew this week. Okay. Something crazy. Something wild. Do you really mean that? Oh, man. Oh, and you saw a big cat in the wild. I did.
Starting point is 00:23:51 It was very awkward. I was walking with Jack, and he was just dressed as you, head to toe, and then just made eye contact with me. And then I imagine, like, explained to his girlfriend that I get his costume coffee. What was his costume? What did he go for with Big Cat? A bear's jersey or a bear shirt or something? He had, like, a parcel crew neck mustache hat, everything. Have you ever bumped into you out on the phone?
Starting point is 00:24:19 No. That would be awesome. No, it would be very hard. I don't know what I would do. I'm not really out. Brandon, someone went as you. I didn't see that. Little infant. Yeah, I saw that. Oh, yeah would be very hard. I don't know what I would do. I'm not really out. Brandon, someone went as you. I didn't see that. Little infant.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah, I saw that. Oh, yeah, that was funny. That was funny. Yeah, that was funny. Baby was spot on. That was method acting. That was really fucking funny. What'd you go as, KB?
Starting point is 00:24:34 I didn't dress. Bad as cocaine? I know. Someone did do that one. Somebody went as a... Yeah, like the same style. Somebody went as Kobe GYN. Someone did go as Kobe GYN.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah. Hell yes. What'd you go as, Nick? Oh, you went as a carton. Someone did go as Kobe GYN? Yeah. Hell yes. Would you go as Nick? Oh, you went as a carton. I had a carton of milk. It said missing. I was a Francis blog. Ah.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Nice. Did you go out? You just didn't dress up? Yeah, I went to a little shindig. And you didn't dress up? I didn't. Wow. Yeah, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I should have. Eh, whatever. Right. Wow. Yeah, you know. I should have. Yeah, whatever. Right. Right. When was the last time you, was the Coke costume the last costume you had? Did it just turn you off of Halloween forever? No, I like,
Starting point is 00:25:16 I like looking at other people's costumes. Yeah. It's a joy. It's fun. It is fun. Interesting. What did you So we're revealing
Starting point is 00:25:26 Torso tomorrow? Whenever Sass is back He'll be back tomorrow It'll be like eight Could be eight days Could be a while Yeah could be a long time He said he's worried
Starting point is 00:25:33 We're gonna cancel the show Yeah On Wednesday Oh no He has a fever He'll be fine He'll be fine It's not COVID
Starting point is 00:25:40 You ranked the candies That your son got? That was an entertaining That was an entertaining thread, Chad. And it wasn't like I kind of agreed with a lot of them. I did too. I disagree with one thing, but I do agree with the Twix Mini being the best mini candy. Orange Kit Kat should be 0.0.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I like the Orange Kit Kat. I like the Orange Kit Kat. Yes. I thought it was really good. Also, I think Baby Ruth is higher than Milky Way, but that's my only problem with this. Baby Ruth, another one that you would never buy, but when you get it in Halloween candy, it's surprisingly good. I buy it was really good. Also, I think Baby Ruth is higher than Milky Way, but that's my only problem with this. Baby Ruth, another one that you would never buy, but when you get it in Halloween candy, it's surprisingly good. I buy it all the time.
Starting point is 00:26:15 When you have it next to a Snickers, I actually think a Baby Ruth might be better. It is. I enjoyed that taste. Baby Ruth is a slept-on candy. I buy them all the time. There's the bodega by my house, which anyone who's listening right now doesn't live in New York City, so there's this place where you can go get everything. It's anything you ever want. They won't comprehend.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Toilet paper, Gatorade, candy, toilet paper. Anyway. Bodega cat. They won't even begin to. They have mini Baby Ruths. Mini? Yeah, and I buy them.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Like mini like this? And I eat all of them on my walk home so that I don't show up with candy at my house so no one knows that I was eating them. The miniature food just tastes better. Like hors d'oeuvres. I agree. Better than a big fucking plate of something. Yeah, so true. Or you're not satisfied. Mini hamburgers
Starting point is 00:27:05 funny how that works oh yeah funny how that's a funny that's a funny funny how that works that's a that's a really funny thing
Starting point is 00:27:12 that you just noticed that was funny yeah that's some good observational comedy yeah that was funny as hell but you could turn that
Starting point is 00:27:19 into a ten minute set easily but why do we we love mini stuff yeah but then why don't chicks like my dick? Oh, there it is. And you got Che so good there.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oh, he loved it. He's cracking up. Oh, shit. You should try that out at the next stand up. But what's your guys' favorite? How do you know about orange tickets? How do you know about orange Kit Kat? How do we know about little Dick?
Starting point is 00:27:49 By yourself and not give out? You're pointing to me? Yeah. I mean, orange Kit Kat is going to make its way to my palate. I mean, that's not something that you have to wait for. You don't. Jeff D. Lowe brings candy in for everybody all the time. Also, if you've just been on this earth for long enough, you've had every candy.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Right. I never had a baby Ruth. Orange Kit Kat. What? You've had a baby Ruth Right. I never had a baby Ruth. Orange Kit Kat. What? You've had a baby Ruth. What? Never had a baby Ruth. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I'm going to get someone to go get it. Yeah, I want some now. I'd like a baby Ruth. We're just putting in orders. I'm interested in the Reese's stuffed with pieces. I'm not sure I've ever had that one. That's a little much for me. All the Reese's stuffed.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Yeah, you don't need it. They perfected what they had. Reese's on their much for me. All the Reese's stuff. You don't need it. They perfected what they had. Reese's on their own are great. Zah also has not had a baby Ruth. I'm going to have Spider try to go get a little boy. Zah, you have a sweet tooth too. I did start. That's why it's just a Ruth to him.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I'm an ice cream guy. I'm not really candy. There we go, Zah. I did start the diet today. What was the ice cream item that you were eating in massive amounts per day? The good humor bars. How many were you eating? I'd do like six.
Starting point is 00:28:52 What? That sounds great. Six a day? I've done that before. Two for each meal. Two for breakfast. Can we find the caloric value of that? That's got to be like 2,000 calories more.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I did a find of milk and cookies last night, 2280. 2280. Good humor bar. I feel like those are like 400 calories times six. Ever since Frank. Frank, come on in here. Sorry, we're actively recording a podcast right now, but I wanted to. What is with this height here?
Starting point is 00:29:26 I wanted to conduct a poll. How's your elbow? Why don't you sit real quick? How's your elbow? How's your elbow? Ten people. How's your elbow? Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Well, our polls are 100 people. Okay. Well, we wanted to know... We're talking about big chapstick. Zah, can you... Big chapstick? Big chapstick can you big chapstick big chapstick like chapstick feels like the type of thing that the more you use it the more you need it so we got into that conversation then we got to chiropractic work but the question is
Starting point is 00:29:53 how many of you have chapstick in your pocket right now is it part of like your wallet keys and phone i typically always do zoom in on my lips. Chaps today. Forgot it. But typically... But it's part of your... Every day you grab your wallet, you grab a chapstick. I feel naked without it. Owen? And I have a very big chapstick.
Starting point is 00:30:10 No, I'm with you. I think... So you don't? So we have one person in this whole room that carries chapstick around? Carried in a book bag. Out there too? All right, Frankie,
Starting point is 00:30:17 since you're pulling, we'll pull you back. You ready to go? Sure. All right. Turn around. Oh, no, I got to get back. They're waiting for the answer. Here we go. Oh, no. I got to get back. They're waiting for the answer.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Here we go. Oh, no. I'm not doing that. You have to. I can't do it. I have to. You have to. We're doing a show.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You have to. Turn around. We're doing a show. You're in the future. Here we go. We're doing a show. If you walk out, you will not be welcome. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:38 You will regret walking. Name an animal that people use for transportation. A horse. Yes, of course. A horse. A pterodactyl. Good answer. Donkey.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Donkey. Camel. You would have said camel. An ox. Where are you going with an ox? Why don't you try camel? I'm begging you to try camel. I'm going to say camel.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Camel. There you go. What do you think, Jerry? I'm going to say camel. I'm begging you to try camel. I'm going to say camel. Camel. Camel. There you go. Oh, look at that. What do you think, Jerry? What do you think? I would say... Motherfuckers and like the elephants in Thailand and shit.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I don't know if they transport. Sled dogs. For transportation. You know. Like dog. You're going to think a dog for transportation? I don't know Dog sled The idea of a rod
Starting point is 00:31:27 Dogs please Yeah Let's do elephant Elephant This might be a perfect round Wait no you gotta stay Whoa whoa whoa Frank
Starting point is 00:31:41 Frank That's the hardest thing a man's ever done Leaving after a perfect round Probably wise Have we ever gotten a perfect Whoa, whoa, whoa, Frank. Whoa, Frank. That's the hardest thing a man's ever done. Leaving after a perfect round. Probably wise. Have we ever gotten a perfect? Might as well finish them off. Yeah, let's do it. When you house sit for someone, name something of theirs you feel weird about using.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Toilet. Toilet, okay. Or just bathroom. I was going to say toothbrush. I don't know if that's too weird. Would you feel awkward using a toothbrush? Yeah, but you're not going to use them to think about. Would you feel awkward using a toothbrush? You're not going to use it. Would you feel awkward using a toothbrush?
Starting point is 00:32:08 They're bad. Fuck. Shower, bath. Shower, bed. Shower. Fuck. Kitchen, fridge. Why would you feel weird using the fridge?
Starting point is 00:32:24 You don't want to take something from their fridge, you know? Their couch, maybe? Not their couch. What? Fuck. I already guessed it. Fuck. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Their utensils. Oh, yeah. Utensils, utensils, utensils. Their children. Their children. Their, their, their children using their children what are the types of rooms laundry
Starting point is 00:32:49 TV washing machine I love using other people's TVs alright that's it we didn't get the perfect game so forget it thank you we were winning no but we didn't get the perfect game
Starting point is 00:33:01 Brandon act like you've been there before perfect game still eludes us. What were we talking about? There's eight-year seniors in college wrestling now. No, that was not. Michigan has two Olympians on their roster. One's a seventh-year. Four red shirts.
Starting point is 00:33:21 We were on something really good, and I can't remember it. Chat? We're doing the candy. We'll just take a shake. Oh, we're getting baby Ruths coming. Yeah, I did start my diet today, but I might have to eat a baby Ruth. Jerry's first baby Ruth. You started a diet?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah. What do you have to do? Just not eat. I actually lost. So on Mondays, because I got home at like 2.30 in the morning, I woke up at 7.30 to take my son to school, and then I went back to sleep for about an hour. I woke up.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I weighed 2.37. I then weighed myself after I went back to sleep for an hour, 2.36.8. Wow. That's already working. I think you found something. Yes, that's already working. It's a sleep diet. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Just sleep. That's good, right? Yeah. That's really good. KB, you're going to now tell me, like, oh, that's good. Just sleep. That's good, right? Yeah. That's really good. KB, you're going to now tell me, like, oh, that's just water weight, dude. Like, that's not even real. You'll naturally drift a pound every eight hours if you don't consume. He always just bum me out with his shit.
Starting point is 00:34:18 So you're saying he could lose 24 pounds in a day? Yeah, 24 pounds. Wait, eight hours? Eight hours. You'd lose three pounds. The bigger you are, maybe, 24 pounds. Wait, eight hours? Eight hours. You'd lose three pounds. The bigger you are, maybe the more. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So I need to lose 17 pounds. So I need to not eat for 5.6 days. You can survive on that. You have two months to lose the weight. You don't have to lose it. Yeah, but why not
Starting point is 00:34:38 knock it out? Yeah, why not just do it? Don't eat from now until Saturday. Do not eat a thing. What do you got to lose the weight for? Skydive. What do you got to eat? That seems efficient. not just do it five don't eat for from now until saturday do not eat a thing it seems like what you gotta lose the weight for the skydive what do you that seems efficient why don't more people do that did i make it yeah yeah i think i can make it i think if i just am uh if i'm like 229
Starting point is 00:34:58 by december 1st then it's then i'm in the zone, right? Of cutting, right? Yeah, like you can cut nine pounds very quickly. Right? You can. I will be eating on Thanksgiving. Okay. You might need to skip that. You want to do the Romanette, Brandon? Nick will.
Starting point is 00:35:18 No, no, no, Brandon. You're the dick guy. We've all tried to last longer in bed, right, Jerry? Yep. Most guys have tried different ways to last longer in bed, but thinking about Pat. I think about ESPN. Most guys have tried different ways to last longer in bed,
Starting point is 00:35:38 but thinking about Pat's enormous nut doesn't always work. The folks at Roman, an online men's health company, are changing the game with Roman swipes. They are a clinically proven way to last longer in bed. They're effective, easy to use, fast acting, and they do not require a prescription. Roman can ship swipes to you in discreet, unmarked packaging, and each swipes packet is small enough to hide in your wallet
Starting point is 00:35:57 for whenever you need it. They're super easy to use. Just take the swipes out of the packet, swipe it on your penis, let it dry, and you're good to go. That's it. Go to slash yak. You can get your first month of swipes for just $5. When you choose a monthly plan, that's slash yak.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Take care of that dick, boys. Fuck, Pete. What'd Pete do? I think Roan is now at the whims of the World Series. Poor guy. Yeah, but Big T's here today. Yeah, but he's got to go to Houston now. I know, but I figured Big T was going to Houston.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Why would Big T go to Houston? To win there. I don't think Big T wants to go to Houston. Enemy territory. I think Big T wants to go win the World Series, right? Right. If he wants to go to Houston, he can. Yeah, I just figured he was going.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I just thought this was a Big T trip, too. He's the Braves guy. Well, yeah. If he wants to go to Houston... Oh, I don't care if he goes or not. He had tickets last night. Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So when did he buy the tickets? If he had tickets but no way of getting there. Yeah, it was a very confusing conversation I had with Big T yesterday. I hit him up at like 2 o'clock. Did he guilt you into getting him a plane? Yeah, I was like, you have tickets. And he's like, but I have no way of getting there. I was like, well, why don't you fly?
Starting point is 00:37:14 He's like, I couldn't find a way to get down there fast enough. And then I was like, all right. You took care of this? What? I just bought him a flight at 5 o'clock last night. I was like, you'll get there by the first pitch. And he's like, okay, thank you. And then they hit a grand slam, and then they didn't win.
Starting point is 00:37:28 They didn't win. I thought this was just like a barstool trip that he had kind of planned. No, he was just sitting in Manhattan being like, I have tickets, but I have no way to get there. I'm going to start buying the cheaper thing. Just like walk around here and speak. I got this Mickey Mouse hat, but no tickets to Disney. I got this. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Why does this always happen to me? You see this? I got this pool float, but I don't have a pool. Someone please just build a pool on my backyard. Oh, again. I got you by you by you by like the boat toe the actual like frame
Starting point is 00:38:08 yeah like I don't have a car or a boat oh Dan it happened again can you please can you please buy me
Starting point is 00:38:19 so funny but Roan is like shout out Roan I you know I know no one wants to ever hear us pat each other on the back uh at a job that is the dream job but dave texted him at 9 a.m yesterday and was like hey i think you should be in atlanta in case the braves win and so he just dropped everything and went to atlanta they didn't win yeah now he's going to drop everything and go to Houston. He's going to Houston? Yeah. Well, actually,
Starting point is 00:38:47 he might now stay in Atlanta and then Caleb might go to Houston because they always do videos of whoever wins. Like the place where they win. The city, yeah. So now that I'm thinking about it, he might stay in Atlanta. He had like a streak going though, right?
Starting point is 00:38:58 Wasn't he like six and a half? Yes, yes, yes. Yes. No more. No more. No more. It's Glennie's fault. He went all the way to France
Starting point is 00:39:04 for the World Cup. Yes. No more. No more. No more. It's Glenn's fault. He went all the way to France for the World Cup. Wow. That was impressive. I can't believe you had a baby Ruth. Your life's going to change. You need big T to twerk. Yeah. Yeah, we do.
Starting point is 00:39:15 If they win. Oh, here we go. Spider. Look at this. In this nice brown bag. That is so fast. Spider's the best. Spider's the best. Thank you, Spider. It's a bag of Ruth's. Oh, my gosh. That's so fast. Spider's the best. Spider's the best.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Thank you, Spider. It's a bag of Ruth's. Oh, my God. So fast. There's a lot of Ruth's in there. Thank you. Feel this? Zai, you've never had a Ruth?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Never have ever. Come get a Ruth. Come sit down in Sassacy. What's inside of it? Are there nuts inside of it? Yeah, I think there's some nuts, maybe some caramel. Can we zoom in real quick? It's like a tumor, a snicker, right?
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah. It's a tumorous snicker, right? It's a lumpy snicker. That's a big one. I can't believe it worked again. Dan, I've never had a Babe Ruth. Let's do it. Good God. This is the best. Zah, Baby Ruth.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Cherry, Baby Ruth. KB, Baby Ruth. There are nuts inside of it. Wait, take one for Steven. Do you have a nut allergy? And TJ. Okay. Baby Ruth.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Thank you. Is Owen rolling dice right now? Oh, yeah. Owen's got the nut allergy. Oh, no. You did it the nut allergy. Oh, no. You did it. You enabled. Do you have the epi?
Starting point is 00:40:28 Are you going to do it? No. You don't have your epi with you? Okay. No. Maybe after. Maybe in Neville. Does anyone have an epi pen with them?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Oh, let's just send Spider back out for nine epi pens. Epi pens. Maybe a bite. Looks really good. Maybe a bite. Looks really good. Looks good. Can we get Jerry?
Starting point is 00:40:44 Wait, Jerry, hold on. Let's get the camera on you because this is Jerry's first ever baby Ruth. I swear. First time. First time. He's never had a baby Ruth before. My Snickers guy. All right, this is going to change your life.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Walk us through it. It's good. I don't know what the filling is, but the filling is good. Who's right into the mic going? That's Brandon God damn it It's Jerry I want Jerry to do it in the mic Guess what candy we're eating
Starting point is 00:41:14 It's good I like it better than the Snickers Yeah? Keep us Walk us through the whole process No, it's like In the Snickers You take that bite
Starting point is 00:41:24 And it's all caramel Right It's got a little It's a lot less caramelickers, you take that bite and it's all caramel. Right. It's got a little. It's a lot less caramel and like the filling inside of it. It's like a peanut, peanut butter maybe. Yeah, it's good. Isn't it? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I like it. She's eating a Ruth. Spider! Ah. I got an extra Ruth. I'm not going to eat one. Wow. Or am I?
Starting point is 00:41:43 I'm going to eat one. Yeah, there it is. Because I don't want to be like Brandon the bitch for that one day he was on a diet and he wouldn't eat a hot dog. Oh, shit. Owen just took a bite. Wait, was this? Is this? Your bars look open.
Starting point is 00:41:59 This is a suicide. I think this is it. The most boring way to go out. Listen, guys, I can still be on a diet and still partake in content. Yeah. Remember when Brendan didn't eat a hot dog because he was going to get in shape? Yeah. One hot dog.
Starting point is 00:42:14 That was great. It was just a great candy bar. God, I didn't know Owen was down that bad. He must have been at the lowest point of his life. How did he do it? He had like a delicious sweet treat. I always thought this was an old man candy bar. Really? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:42:30 It's the color palette up there. TJ, did you get one? Three Musketeers. I've had these. Kyle, are you struggling with yours? No. Have you guys ever had a lunch bar? Oh, let's go get one of those. It kind of tastes the same. A what bar? So I'm pulling it up. M of those A what bar?
Starting point is 00:42:45 A lunch bar So I'm pulling it up Munch bar or lunch bar? Lunch bar Lunch bar I've never seen that No that's a That's a foreign candy
Starting point is 00:42:54 We don't eat foreign candy We're Americans on this show Zah's trying to get a flight to England From you big cat And it's going to work Yeah I'm really craving a lunch bar But I have no way of getting one
Starting point is 00:43:03 Oh big cat Zah what's the matter buddy? Yeah. I'm really craving a lunch bar, but I have no way of getting one. Oh, big cat. So, what's the matter, buddy? Oh, it's this chocolate. God damn, those are good. Better than Snickers. Good fucking call, Stephen. I agree, but Snickers has too much caramel. No, no, not a good call, Stephen.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Good call, Dan. Yeah. I'm the one who re-ranked it. I think Baby Ruth might be. I think Baby Ruth is two behind the Twix Mini. Twix Mini is probably the GOAT in terms of minis. Baby Ruth is fucking good. That was a damn good bar.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I got an extra. No, I can't do two. Gummy Bear should be a zero. Yeah. Gummy Tummy. What? Gummy Tummy. Gummy Tummy.
Starting point is 00:43:41 You have too many. There should just be a normal size. No. Man, this Baby Ruth is should just be a normal size pack. No. Man, this baby earth is good. This is a good route. We've got the picture in picture. Owen dying.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Owen, what happens if you actually start having an allergic reaction? I'll get out of here real quick. But then where? Run home? You need us. We're your haven. Oh, you would stab? But who has it? Does somebody have a pen here?
Starting point is 00:44:04 My apartment. That's just far enough. Someone else has a pen in this office, right? Makes it to one straight lesson in his apartment? Yeah. Tragic. I'm going to bump the stream right now saying Owen is eating. Can we get a little overlay?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Owen Death Watch? Can you do something else dangerous? Because we kind of need you to have some consequence. Your tongue itchy? No, I'm just remembering my mom called me last week and asked me not to do this. Does she watch?
Starting point is 00:44:41 I told her to stop. That's good What's up What's up Owen's mom Are you peeling the peanuts out I mean I'm okay if you do Yeah I'm having them shepherd Everyone can please
Starting point is 00:44:53 Upload the stream Our numbers are starting to tick up They are ticking up Daily watches Oh yeah Love it Yeah we're We're like in the six
Starting point is 00:45:02 Six Thousand Sixty five hundred Watching live And we get, I don't know, what do we get in terms of, because the Yak, Barstool Yak, go subscribe to it. Subscribe, yeah. So it's done on a few platforms. So, like, we go live on Barstool Sports, then the full show gets uploaded to Barstool Yak, then there's also a Best Of, and then there's a podcast.
Starting point is 00:45:24 There's a couple numbers that I agree with, but yeah, we're going up. Add them all together, please. I met a Yak fan at Penn Station today, right after I got my Jamba Juice. Girl Yak fan. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah. They're fucking everywhere. They're everywhere now.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah. But she's very nice. There's like three or four of them, and they're everywhere. She hasn't even seen the girl yet. No, no, no. They're very athletic and they travel all over the place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Content Kim, can you see if she's had a baby Ruth? I've never spoken. Brandon, why are you sprinting to do that? Ask. Ask if either of them have never had a baby root. Has she ever had a baby? She's had a what? She has.
Starting point is 00:46:15 She has. Fuck. I got one extra. One extra? Who gets it? How do we decide? I'll have it. That was good. It's really good. I've not had peanuts in years. Do you want it?
Starting point is 00:46:33 Might as well. Oh, and Death Watch. Now we have the graphic. Did TJ get one? Shout out me for actually eating it. Go to TJ. A bitch Brandon. What about Big T? Should we give him one? We should give Big T did. What about Big T?
Starting point is 00:46:45 Should we give him one? We should give Big T one. What's the ruling? I bet you're Ruth, but they're one of our favorite candies. Out. Out. Out. I want you to fall back.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Sorry. Out. Brandon, see if anyone else out there has never had one. Oh, the Owen Death Watch graphic. Hell yeah. Yeah, yeah. We could just have that. It would be funny if we just have that.
Starting point is 00:47:06 One day it will just be an empty chair. Statistically, that will be appropriate. It would also be very funny if Owen, like, he didn't die from the peanuts. He died from eating so many candy bars because he just kept on being like, this doesn't affect me. This doesn't affect me. He'll eat it until he feels it. That's how I felt about crushing full beers over my head sophomore year of college.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Detonating? Walking through that. Yeah. I would always do it as a party trick, and I would never feel anything. I was like, that's not even like I can deal with that pain easily. Then I had a delayed severe concussion. I wrote a death note to my family. No, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I thought I was dying. Yeah. Does it still exist? Yeah. Throw it up on the blog. I want to read it. Oh, the death note? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:59 What were you talking about? Your family? The recurring symptoms still exist. You got what? Who? Who? Who is it? We have a second boy who's allergic to nuts. What boy?
Starting point is 00:48:12 Do we try to kill a second boy? Yes. Two boy nuts? Well, he can feud for it. Yeah, Malasek is allergic. Oh, let's kill Malasek. Yeah, I'm fine with that. Is he willing to try it?
Starting point is 00:48:21 He is not willing. I could see him lying for a free candy bar. He's not willing to try it. Get is not willing. I could see him lying for a free candy bar. He's not willing to try it. Get Rico in here. Get Rico in here. Have him eat this. Because hopefully he's allergic and he dies. That bad, huh?
Starting point is 00:48:34 Bad guy. He's a bad guy. What do you want me to say? He's a bad guy. The guy's a bad guy. He doesn't like when other people win. Exactly. He hates when...
Starting point is 00:48:47 Have you finally noticed this? I'm starting to notice it. Yeah, what happened yesterday? I told a couple of other people at the stream, Big Cat, PFT, make sure you bet Pat Fryman with the score touchdown. Plus 290. Plus 290. It's great.
Starting point is 00:49:02 It's the only win I had all day. And he scores. I didn't even hit my parlay yet. I'm so happy for you and PFT. I just think Rico wouldn't have done that. No way. Never. He's Miko. Not himself.
Starting point is 00:49:16 We're going to be meeting up with Pat also. Pat Fryer? Yep. I don't know how we're going to meet up with him, but we'll try to meet up with him. How? I don't know how early we're going to be there. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:49:29 I think he can get us on the sideline. Jordan's never had a baby room. Jordan's never had a baby room. Big T can come in, too. Yeah, Big T. If you don't know Jordan, Jordan is a star on Girl Yak. Gak? What?
Starting point is 00:49:45 Wait, talking to Mike. Is this why it was Rip? Because you didn't know how to talk to Mike? Yeah, I think that was it. Yeah, this was just silence. Let's watch. What happened to girl yak? Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Who sat here? Why? I love Mike. He's a low boy. What happened to girl yak? They didn't approve it. Who didn't? They.
Starting point is 00:50:05 They. Do you think it didn't? They. They. Do you think it was us? Yeah. Fuck. I mean, it was. You think the problem was y'all had too many girls on it? Have you tried doing a girl yak with all guys? Well, I think the problem was the whole point of the yak is to have no women ever.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Right. Yes. Yeah. So it's like it was an oxymoron. It's like jumbo shrimp. Girl yak. Also, it feels an oxymoron. It's like jumbo shrimp, girl yak. Also, it feels good to be back on the yak. I was here when you guys weren't here.
Starting point is 00:50:31 What the fuck? It was a lot of fun. A chicken? Yeah. No, we need more representation of women on the yak. We do. I've been actually thinking about that. Oh, and you look well?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Not thinking about it to, like, do anything. No, no, no. That's all you need to do is think about it no it's like we're gonna put some serious consideration yeah the thought crossed my mind i think it was when we added jerry and my wife was like another white guy i was like yep he's italian he is he's italian no she was joking too she likes the yak so do I just eat this? Yeah. And tell us what you think. One way to do it, huh? Why baby root?
Starting point is 00:51:10 Owen, how are you feeling? How are you feeling? I feel like you're about to impale me. So why? Can I ask why baby root? We talked. No, you can't. Well, actually, we can tell you. Are you allergic to peanuts?
Starting point is 00:51:27 Oh! Owen actually is. Owen is. And he had a whole one. So he's on Death Watch. Are you serious? Can we get a rest in peace graphic for Owen and Girl Yak? Can we just do a twofer?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Maybe at the end of the show. Rest in the sweetest. But you guys did three episodes, too. What was the best episode of the three? Yeah, it's thick candy. It's the nougat. Yeah, she's good. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Okay, who sat here? This actually is pissing me off. Oh, it's off. She doesn't know how to use a mic. Sass doesn't actually use the mic. He just looks at his phone. So we created three episodes, and then we came up with a sizzle reel,
Starting point is 00:52:10 and we sent it to... They. Them. Yeah. And they didn't like it. Did they shit on it? I'm not exactly sure what happened. I wasn't in the meeting.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I just knew it was... Was it called Girl Yak? No, it was called something else. What was it called? Well, I don't really want to say the name because... Why? Go to another company and resurrect it? Well, yeah. What if someone takes it? Or what if we use it for something else, you know? Give me the first letter.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Let's play Hangman. Okay. Oh, I love that game. Yeah, let's play Hangman. N. Oh, wait. I don't give you. You're playing it the wrong direction. I don't give you. Brandon? The first letter's N N
Starting point is 00:52:53 Brandon Do I have to get the next letter Or I can go to any letter How many words Is there an E in there It's a common letter No Okay
Starting point is 00:53:04 A Oh wait no there is E There's an E Sorry I'm really bad at spelling It's a common letter No Okay A Oh wait no there is E There's an E Sorry I'm really bad at spelling I'm trying to like spell it in my head How many words is it? Is it a paragraph? Are you counting words?
Starting point is 00:53:17 We're talking about the words Nick knows what it is I don't Yeah I told you Is it an acronym? It doesn't listen to Okay I know it Nick say it I think it starts with a T No no no not that one It was the other one. Yeah, I told you. Is it an acronym? It doesn't listen to... Yeah. Okay, I know it. Nick, say it.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I think it starts with a T. No, no, no, not that one. It was the other one we told you. I guess you just weren't listening. Nick, say it. I'm going to guess a letter. I told you the first letter. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Okay, let me try to reverse engineer the acronym. I want the boys to have fun. So we have... It's how many letters of the acronym? This one's not an acronym. Wait. This is great. No, it is an acronym.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Don't stop eating the baby rooster. Oh, what are you... How are you's not an acronym. Wait. No, it is an acronym. Don't stop eating the baby rooster. Owen, how are you feeling? Eat up. Wait, does Owen actually eat this? Just tell us what the name of the show was. He might die at any moment. He needs to run out of time here. Could you imagine?
Starting point is 00:53:59 You can't play your silly games with your name. For those Yak listeners, we want that rest in peace video for Owen. Sarah McLachlan. Jordan, how's the transition to Barstool Ben? But not I Will Remember You. No, no. Just a different one.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Life in the big city? Life in the big city? Honestly, it was a tough transition. Oh, really? Yeah, I worked in corporate for five years. Corporate what? In the cubes? America.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Corporate America. White collar. White collar. We don't look. We don't like them. America. Corporate America. Got it. White collar. White collar. Yeah, we don't look, we don't like them. I was in corporate insurance. Got it. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:54:31 You're not blue collar like me and Jersey Jerry. Nope. We've been fucking grinding. You don't know my background? No. Let's hear it. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Blue collar for life. Jerry, can you go around and just deem us if we're blue collar? You can start with the two low class West Virginia boys. You can judge me. Born in a steel town.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Say, Jordan, from now I hear about the insurance, white collar. White collar. Insurance? You were in insurance, right? Corporate insurance. Yeah, that's white collar. That's the most white collar thing ever. You're in a cubicle.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah. You think insurance is blue collar? I mean, it depends. In what scenario would it not? I lived in North Dakota for five years. That is blue-collar. Okay, so you got some blue-collar in you. You got some blue-collar roots.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I'd say blue-collar. Yeah. Jersey Jerry. Blue-collar for life. Live 855 till I die. Big cap blue collar. Thank you. I think I'm white collar, but I've made blue collar. I've made it blue collar.
Starting point is 00:55:31 My hands are soft. These are blogging hands. They have no calluses. Yeah, I got them. They're soft. Nick. You're skipping me. We'll get back to you.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Brendan, we'll get back to you. Nick. Blue collar. Just for the peanuts alone. to you. Nick. Blue Collar. Just for the peanuts alone. Blue Collar. Perfect designer. What about Brendan? I grew up on a farm in Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Yeah, but it was a worm farm. My dad's in jail. That's the highest brow. Oh, shit. I'll say since Blue Collar. Oh, okay. Thank you. I'll say it. Blue. Oh, thank you. I'll say it. Blue collar.
Starting point is 00:56:07 An honorable man. The only choice. You know, he tweeted out the Jersey Jerry Army is real. Oh, you did. You finally did. It took me a couple days to see it, but I saw it. This is real. I just want to know how fast they are.
Starting point is 00:56:21 They're something. I'm not sure. Good. They're something. They mobilize quickly. Yeah'm not sure. Good. They're something. They mobilize quickly. Oh, and how are you feeling? Just waiting for it to start. Your face looks a little swollen.
Starting point is 00:56:32 It does a little bit. Nah. I woke up. It's a pre-existing condition. Yeah, he's sick. You woke up? Everybody's sick. The first few hours I'm awake, it's...
Starting point is 00:56:40 I actually think I feel better after doing this show, being with my friends. Yeah, you know what? This is the only medicine I need. Friendship. Oh, and what if you get hotter the more allergic you are? Oh, that would be awesome. What if the peanuts trigger a hotness and you swell to a perfect level? I can totally see that being a trend on Instagram where people willingly take things they're allergic to to make their lips plumper.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah. Beasting. Yeah. It's like the new Botox is eating shrimp. Tinctures of tree nuts. You're just slowly killing yourself. That absolutely will happen. Wasn't Botox just poison?
Starting point is 00:57:14 Is it? Yeah, I think it's like the most poisonous substance in the world. Whoa! I know. I'm going to get Botox. We're doing Botox now. I think we should do it. We're doing Botox on the show.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I mean, I have Botox. Oh, so now I'm offended to get Botox. I think we should do it. Yeah, we're doing Botox. We're doing Botox. Well, I mean, I have Botox, so I will definitely. Oh, so now I'm offended. Right. About what? Because you made me feel bad. You're feigning defense. Yeah, because you look directly at me. Well, women get Botox.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Women be Botoxing. I do. Just in the forehead. Yeah, I'm going to do that, I think, in my forehead. I want my lips to be fucking juicy. Yeah. We're going to be cheek code. Do you think we could, is it like a real doctor or no?
Starting point is 00:57:49 The contra code for pussy. Oh, yeah, like you can't just, nobody can just give you Botox. They have to be licensed. Ooh, could we get someone to come in and give us Botox is what we're asking. B-A-B-A select. Yes, you can, but Botox is like $400. Okay. Okay. But if they do come in
Starting point is 00:58:06 Can I get it on? Dan's got the money I'm rich Did you not know that? Yeah Did you not? This is my girl Y'all didn't have a rich person
Starting point is 00:58:16 He pays for all our hijinks Yes So we will be doing Botox day Jerry you're gonna be getting Botox I'm down with Botox. Where are you going to get it? We're going to get it right here in this room. No, like physically where? I think we all have to pick. I think maybe we
Starting point is 00:58:32 spin a wheel and just do a body part. So what are the different Botox? What are the options? Well, I mean, if you really want to get into it, Botox. Okay. Okay. Very much. And Jordan, keep in mind, money, not an option.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Not an option. Whatever. Oh, we're going to get pretty. Yes. Yeah, you guys are going to look so good. Oh, yes. We're coming out of this room Botoxed up, so go ahead. You know, it would actually be so funny if you guys got lip filler.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Boy, I ask what I want. I want juicy lips. I already have very juicy lips, so I don't need lip filler. What else can be done? Cheeks, forehead? Yeah, give us a list. They can do your temples for migraines. You can do pretty much forehead, here, under eyes, cheeks.
Starting point is 00:59:14 You can do jawline. I need that. I'm on jawline. Let's get jaws. Let's get jaws. Let's get chiseled jaws. Can that be a season five? How do you get?
Starting point is 00:59:22 Ooh. Or should it be the finale? Has anyone had a successful jaw Like Yeah yeah Can we pull Just pull me an example I wanna see
Starting point is 00:59:29 How do you get jaw Botox What does it do Does it actually work It tightens up your skin Get rid of this fucking beard I don't know exactly what it does But it like yeah It tightens it up
Starting point is 00:59:36 So I don't even have to dye it Any celebs you know Have gotten it I mean influencers Alright give me an example Those are not celebrities Those are a lot of them example. Those are not celebrities. They're not celebrities.
Starting point is 00:59:48 TikTok Marty. You would have been in heaven. I know. I saw their Instagram. You like the TikTok? That's all I do. We don't like that on this show. I can't tell a difference. Oh, shit. Look who's here.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Oh, my God. He looks here. Oh, my God. He looks defeated. Jordan, get out of here. Also, no, I don't think he can leave. No, no, no. I was kidding. That was a joke. I do want to. Why does he have a mask on?
Starting point is 01:00:14 Oh, he's just kidding. It's 2 o'clock. Oh, my God. You got here just in time to watch Owen die, though. He just ate a full baby Ruth. Did he? Can I get your seat if you leave? I can leave too.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I don't want to take up your guys' seat. Well, let's... No, we want to catch up with you for a second round. Real quick. Jordan, finish what you were saying. No, no, Jordan, finish what you were saying about Botox. Okay, so there's Botox and then there's filler. Like, Botox will prevent...
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's preventative, so it prevents more wrinkles from coming. So if you have Botox and I, like, move my face, like like mine's worn off so i can you guys can like see my wrinkles yeah but if i have it no wrinkles will appear when i like make expressions you can't get more wrinkles filler it's like you're putting into a part of your body so it like like fills the lip filler you can get a brazilian butt lift i. It's one of the most dangerous surgeries. What? Yeah, it is. It is.
Starting point is 01:01:08 It is. Have you looked into it? I say marry the ass by the tits. I spent a lot of money on it. I mean, it looks great on people who do it. Disagreed. Oh, all right. Well, Jordan, thank you for joining us.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Can I ask why I ate this? It all literally started Steven ranked the Halloween candy in his son's bag I said Baby Ruth should be ranked higher Jersey Jerry said he's never had a Baby Ruth We went out and bought a bunch of Baby Ruths What did you think of it?
Starting point is 01:01:37 Not a fan You're holding a completely empty wrapper Every time I didn't eat it You guys were like, eat it, eat it. That does sound like KB. Before I leave, I will just say that Reese's peanut butter cups are the best. You've got to answer this question. I can get down with that. I've got a little question for you.
Starting point is 01:02:00 What's it named after? The baseball player? Nah. Is it the president's daughter? Yeah, it's the president's baby daughter. question for you. What's it named after? The baseball player? No. Is it the president's daughter? I think it was the president's baby daughter. You didn't tell us the name of the show. TikTok morning. I don't think I can. Why? Tell us the middle word. It's not her IP. It's an acronym.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Tell us the middle word. I can't tell you the middle word. Oh my. The middle word is dicks oh I got it yeah Nick knows it's an initialization acronyms have to be a pronounceable word
Starting point is 01:02:38 oh really no you're right I don't get it I don't know it alright well thank. All right. I don't know it. All right. Well, thank you, Jordan. Yeah, thank you guys. Appreciate you stopping by.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Always a pleasure. Roan? Second time on. Roan? Hey, Roan. Roan? Come. Roan?
Starting point is 01:03:00 Jordan's a regular now. Roan was over there on the arm. Throw on the graphic. Yeah. What is it? Oh, no. Throw in the graphic. Yeah. What is he doing? Oh, no. Join us. Look at Owen.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Oh, with his back sack card. Oh, no. That's beautiful. Join us. Oh, that's beautiful. I don't think acronyms have to spell out a word. I think that's an acrostic poem. What's the name of it? Because YMCA is an acronym, right a word. I think that's an acrostic poem. What's the name of it?
Starting point is 01:03:26 Because YMCA is an acronym, right? No, I think that's an initialization. But NASA is an acronym because you can say it. NAMBLA. I probably have some fucking English dorks. Is NAMBLA? No, it's three words. I don't know why she was counting so many.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Think of a nondisclosure agreement. NDA. Yes. No dicks allowed. There it is. No dicks allowed. And it is. Oh, that's it. And now I like Jordan. She's very talented the way she got the job. I always respect. But she thinks someone's going to steal that. And we might. You know what? Let's just steal it. Let's just steal
Starting point is 01:04:01 it. Yeah. Fuck it. Roan. What's up, friends? Welcome back, friend. Good to see you all. How are you doing? I'm doing great. Are you okay? A little tired. What do you mean okay? I mean, that was the worst.
Starting point is 01:04:13 It's the spur of the moment trip. That was the worst outcome. Oh, yeah. I went for nothing. It was a ticket. Glennie goes, they'll probably lose. And you got so mad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Rightfully so. And they did lose. He mushed it. But it was, I mean, it would have been great. And you got so mad. Yeah, rightfully so. And they did lose. He mushed it. But it was, I mean, it would have been great. It would have been perfect. It would have been the perfect night, Jerry. Why did you stay there? I had to come back and do Son of a Boy Dead.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Got it. I didn't ask when he was coming back. Is he? Yeah. But then you're going back to Atlanta? I don't know. We have this live show on Wednesday. You can't be jet lagged. In Boston. So you guys are out when? But then you're going back to Atlanta? I don't know. We have this live show on Wednesday. Oh, where is that?
Starting point is 01:04:46 In Boston. So you guys are out when? Wednesday. You're out on Wednesday? Definitely. Fuck. Are you out on Wednesday? We all is.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I got a lot of shit I got to do Wednesday. It might be Brendan and Jerry. I'm doing the shit with you. And Jerry's doing some of the shit too, probably. What shit are you doing, Jerry? The pro football show, right, Jerry? Oh, yeah, I do the pro football show. Maybe we'll just have Frank Kostiak.
Starting point is 01:05:07 No dicks allowed to test run. Oh, my God. Yeah, we should. And with Brandon on it. Yes. Maybe we run a best of. Okay. And it's our worst of.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Oh. I've actually had the idea to do that for a very long time of like, no one ever does that. I want to do that. I was going to do it for part of gonna do it but we can do it here literally the worst worst stuff that's good for us because they'll come out of that yeah oh it can get a lot better cut up the worst possible it's like playing the lions i want a super cut of our dead air so it just looks like the people that do time lapses of their different outfits every day that would actually end up being dope. That would be sick.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Inhales and exhales. All right, so Wednesday, then will you guys be back Thursday? Yeah, I think. I'm taking a train back Thursday morning, but I don't know when that'll get back. Sounds like you guys are two days out. And then me and KB are out next week.
Starting point is 01:05:59 What? Yeah, we'll be in Tucson. What's going on? Wait, how come Stephen Chase stole that joke from you earlier? What joke? That joke that you made about Dickie V. Thank you, Ron.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Nobody heard mine, and then he made it, and everybody laughed. Thank you very much. Yeah, you said it. Wait, you listened to our show? A clean minute before that. I just slid in there, and I didn't want a big thing about it, but Stephen Chay celebrated his. We were doing the Dick V, and then you said a Dickie V, and then two minutes later.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I said, that's awesome, baby, and nobody said anything. Did you hear about Stephen, the New Orleans, the residents of New Orleans cannot go after Stephen Chay? No, no way. That's pretty much the biggest takeaway from this. Well, they can't pull the hurricane card on him. They can't pull a hurricane card on Stephen Chay because he lost a ping pong table. It's the same hurricane. In a flood.
Starting point is 01:06:44 In the same hurricane? Yeah. In Katrina? No, Ida. What about Katrina? They could play the Katrina card. Statute of limitations. You can't play a statute of limitations. Oh no. Damn. I don't think that holds up across state lines. I really want to do the reopening of Stephen
Starting point is 01:07:00 Chay's house. We need big scissors. Big ribbon, big scissors. We ribbon, big scissors. We'll all pool our money together and buy you a ping pong table. Yeah. I want Steve in a coat that has the tails on the back, too. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Yes. Maybe a top hat. Would you wear a top hat? Maybe a groundhog. I don't know. Let's make it official. Yes. We release a groundhog in your basement.
Starting point is 01:07:22 We'll just see if the ping pong table has a shadow. Oh, no. There's actually a groundhog that lives in my backyard. My name is Glenn. Perfect. Glenn. Is he fat? He is very fat.
Starting point is 01:07:32 He's a young son or daughter. He's a young son or daughter? Just a kid. Yeah, he has a kid. So wait, do you not... Can we catch him? He's pretty tough. He hides under my shed, actually.
Starting point is 01:07:44 We can't catch a groundhog. Us? Any of us? All right, here's what we do. We go to Steven's house, Steven's basement. We can't do the grand opening until we catch the groundhog. If it takes a week, it takes a week. If it takes a week, it takes a week.
Starting point is 01:07:59 We're going to live in your house while we try to catch this groundhog. He's out there almost every day. He's out there almost every day just hanging out? I think he lives under my shed. Glenn, this groundhog. He's out there almost every day. He's out there almost every day just hanging out? I think he lives under my shed. Glenn, that fucker. That's funny. Why'd you call him Glenn?
Starting point is 01:08:11 That's what I named him. Why? Glenn the Groundhog. G's. I'm an alliteration guy. Is that? A lot of G names you could have used.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Gary. Garth. I like Glenn. It's fitting. Garrett. Jerry. G, Jerry. Guy. That's my middle Yep. Garrett. Jerry. G, yeah, Jerry. Guy.
Starting point is 01:08:26 That's my middle name. Guy? I have three Gs. Triple G? Mm-hmm. No way. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 01:08:34 G3. Wait, what's your name? I thought you were Gerard. What's your name? Gerard. My name is Gerard. Oh. Gerard Guy.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Guy. Gilfone. Gilfone. Fuck yes. That's is Gerard. Oh. Gerard Guy. Guy. Guilfone. Guilfone. Fuck yes. That's a strong name. What the fuck? That is a strong... That's almost as strong as Roan's dad, but not all the way there. Frank Forone. Frank Forone. Frank Forone.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Would have been Frank Forone the fourth. Frank Forone is the greatest private detective of all time. Were you always Jerry? Private I. Frank Forone. Were you always Jerry? Private eye. Frank Perrone. Were you always Jerry with a G, or did you use J? I switched it. You switched it when you had a jersey? Love that.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Yeah. You should have switched the jersey to a G. Should have moved to Georgia. Yeah. I like that. Yeah. Georgia Jerry? Yeah, Georgia Jerry.
Starting point is 01:09:20 That's a nice series, a little off-season series. Georgia Peach. What are you going to do when it's not football? What are you going to do? What do you mean? What are you gonna do When it's not football What are you gonna do What do you mean Like what's your What are you gonna do What kind of stuff Are you gonna do
Starting point is 01:09:29 I got a lot of stuff Lined up Yeah Don't worry about it I'm saying go to Georgia Oh okay Spend some time in Georgia I could do that
Starting point is 01:09:36 Go down to Georgia Go see some TikTokers No Go to a party No You said the party was sick He didn't even go to the party No he didn't go
Starting point is 01:09:43 He said it was not fun or cool. Oh, fuck. I'm sorry. I don't think Owen's going to die. No. Good. I'm actually... I'm happy you're going to survive,
Starting point is 01:09:54 but I'm disappointed you're not dying. We wanted something. Yeah. Can we just call it the Owen Life Watch, I guess? Yeah. And we just keep it. It's like JFK's eternal flame. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Any itching at all? For the next 80 years. No. Damn. So now are you mad at your doctor? Yeah, you lost out on a lot of good treats. A lot of peanuts. We've got to go nut heavy for a while.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Yeah, we've got to have a nut off. I told you I missed the wasabi and soy sauce blue diamond almonds. Okay, let's go get them. That would be great if you were actually still allergic to almonds. We'll find something to kill him. Yeah. A bullet off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:33 You just try to eat a bullet. I'm allergic to eating bullets. Kills me. All right. So, Roan, good to have you back. Sorry about last night. It would have been great, dude. It would have been awesome. It was an all-time. I gave you credit.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I think I'm going to just keep walking around giving you credit because you deserve credit for just picking up everything and going. I need credit. How was Tia? What was his spirits? Tia? Tia was actually kind of jovial. Is he going to go to Houston? I want to give a shout out to Big T for that video that you did at the end
Starting point is 01:11:04 when he just ended the video by saying, all right, time for Waffle House. Yeah. That's a shout out to Big T for that video that you did at the end when he just ended the video by saying, alright, time for Waffle House. Yeah. That's a great way to look at it. And that's what we did. We waited for an hour and a half for a Waffle House. Why didn't you just drive five miles to the next Waffle House? They were only doing takeout at Waffle House. All of them? I think so. Damn. I think it was at County Mandy. Waffle House is
Starting point is 01:11:20 not good enough. Fucking Cobb County. But I never got the steak from Waffle House before and the steak is actually good. Really? I used to get the sausage. I never got the steak from Waffle House before, and the steak is actually good. Really? I used to get the sausage. I like to get everything at Waffle House because it's so cheap. Fulton County is where it lands. No, it's Cobb.
Starting point is 01:11:30 I'm just asking. The stadium's in Cobb County. Yeah, but it's Fulton County. Stadium's not in Atlanta. Fulton County Stadium. That's what it was. Yeah, I know that's what it was. You'd love it.
Starting point is 01:11:39 It always was Fulton County. It's where 285 meets 75. It's in Cobb County. You said that with a little tear in your throat. It's basically Marietta. Big Chicken in Cobb County. You said that with a little tear in your throat. It's basically Marietta. Big Chicken? Cobb County. You've seen it?
Starting point is 01:11:49 I know the Big Chicken. I love the Big Chicken. Big Chicken in Marietta? You can see it from the interstate. You haven't seen the Big Chicken in Marietta? KFC. KFC's got a big-ass chicken in Marietta. We'll see the Big Chicken.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I know enough about it. Everyone talks about it. It's the Big Chicken. That's what happens with you map boys. You never get your boots on the ground to see the big chicken. Yeah, show us the big chicken. You gotta see the big chicken. Let's end the show with the big chicken.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Show us the big chicken in Marietta, Georgia. Nick was right, though. It's hard not to look frumpy in that shirt, and you don't. He looks great. You don't. It's a bad shirt, yeah. It's impossible. You can't have a hairy body.
Starting point is 01:12:17 It's a good shirt. Because then the nipple hair always is there. Brandon, you have nipple hair showing every once in a while or something. I do not. I only have chest hair. You have chest hair. What? Look at that big chicken. Look at that chicken. That's a fucking big ass chicken.
Starting point is 01:12:28 First off. Huge chicken. I'd like to argue that that doesn't look like a chicken. That looks like an angry bird. That's a chicken. That looks like it's come out of a slingshot. That predates the angry birds. That doesn't look like the one in Marietta. That's not the Marietta big chicken. You guys were both hooting and hollering over that.
Starting point is 01:12:44 I want to see the real big chicken. Where's the real big chicken? That's it the Marietta Big Chicken. That's not the Marietta Big Chicken. You guys were both hooting and hollering over that. Yeah, about that. I want to see the real Big Chicken. Where's the real Big Chicken? Oh, Marietta's. Yeah, that is the Big Chicken. That's it, boys. Maybe you guys should step back. Maybe you should... All right.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Wait, has it been remodeled? Everyone talks about the Big Chicken. No one's talking about it anymore. Gone are the days. I think I'm retiring Big Chicken talk. There, now with that. That angle. The Big Chicken.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Why is it under quotations? Because you used to not be able to build higher than the big chicken. The big chicken. Yeah, they don't need to throw that in quotes.
Starting point is 01:13:16 That's what it is. Well, no, it's not an actual chicken. I think that's what it is. But it's actually big. Yeah. The big chicken.
Starting point is 01:13:21 And it looks like it's chicken. That's a big chicken. There's a lot of image search results. Yeah, these big chicken. And it looks like a chicken. That's a big chicken. There's a lot of image search results for this. Yeah, these people are obsessed with it. Is it hollow? Do you think it's hollow? No, it's not hollow.
Starting point is 01:13:32 There's chicken inside. There's a hunchback that lives up there. It's full of chicken drumsticks. It's a lighthouse. The Marietta Lighthouse. It's like a silo. What? I thought the Owen Life Watch was showing up on the Google image search.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Oh my god. Yeah, that is astoundingly stupid. Yeah, wow. You should feel dumb. I thought it was on the Google search. Alright. Let's go. So everyone's here tomorrow? Yeah. Maybe Sass is still sick? Maybe it's Jersey Jerry?
Starting point is 01:14:01 Yeah, whatever. It was always maybe. It was always maybe Jersey Jerry. Oh, it's Jersey Jerry. You know, whatever. Okay. It was always maybe. It was always maybe Jersey Jerry. Oh, it's gone fast. Where's he going? It's the act It's the act Yeah, it's time to stock shop We're doing Yankees, obviously, yeah
Starting point is 01:14:30 It's the act Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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