The Yak - Stavros Swings By To Learn All About Cheah's Nut History | The Yak 10-22-24

Episode Date: October 22, 2024

Big Cat has discovered his biggest haterYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. Yo, who's it? Pull that up. Hello, it's the Yak. Welcome in.,, promo code Yak. 20% off your first purchase. Q-Zips, polos, hoodies, joggers, shorts, KB and Nick are back.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Feels good to be back, boys. Oh, we missed the... What the fuck is up? Fuck out of you guys. We did a short show yesterday. KB and Nick are back. Feels good to be back, boys. Oh, we missed the... What the fuck is up? Fuck out of you guys. We did a short show yesterday. We did an hour and 40, so we did promise four hours. Quality over quantity, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:00:55 Four hours. How was the quality? The quality was good. We have... Good quality. We've come up with a new thing that I think you guys will be excited about. We got... I don't know how we started talking about it, but remember in like 90s sitcoms, once a season they would
Starting point is 00:01:12 do a super serious episode, like, oh, this person got raped. Oh yeah. Who got, oh my, who, who was it? A million different strokes got, got bud raped by the way. No, but on our episode yesterday. Well, so then we had Mark Blutman on and he's gonna write a script for us and at some point in the next call it six Months we are going to do a super serious yak episode without telling people warning what them, okay? Yeah, but what if there is something serious that happens and we have to talk about it people are just like haha This didn't think about oh shit didn't think, haha. This is the art. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Didn't think about that. They laugh at it. God damn it. Did not think about that. Yeah. Give me an example. Wait, let's just make a pact to not have anything bad happen to us. What if...
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah. Okay. I'm in for that pact. No, like some... We were saying maybe like Stephen Che is stealing from us and we have to I don't know why he did that he's stealing from us and we had to do an intervention being like hey dude so stop stealing from us between now and then nobody can go the doctor nobody get diagnosed with anything right oh this is a inner yak
Starting point is 00:02:20 not just like grave statistics and morbid facts no no it's gonna be like a sitcom episode that's just very serious we're gonna morbid fact no no it's gonna be it's gonna be like a sitcom episode That's just very serious, so we're gonna have a script. Yeah, and it's gonna be like a storyline that we follow Okay, oh, it's gonna be fictional. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm into that okay It doesn't sound as Call molesting za yeah, and now and then we teach the audience life lessons such as molestation not good right a minute But I thought you could only molest a child
Starting point is 00:02:53 You said this before no you can molest anybody yes molestation you couldn't molest me What if it was even molested Zah but because it's ah Zah said pause After every pump and then they missed the show Yeah, so you'd pump pause And then he'd be like okay, and they take a timeout Yeah, I'll be honest. It sounds like you're saying he's fucking him. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Maybe Steven's dying to see Za's underwear, and it leads to that. Yeah. I mean, with Za's underwear, Steve could slither right at it. There's multiple holes Steve could slither in. That's true. Is Steven Che molesting Za or fucking Za? We are a little bit over the place.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I don't know what the word molest means. When I visualize molest, I think a very aggressive, violent squeeze. What? Che, do it now. Let's just see. When I visualize molest I think a very aggressive violent squeeze Like what? Jay do it now. Let's just see so like I would envision like a man squeezing a woman's anus. Oh, yeah Yeah, molest is not I was getting confused. I was thinking is that just groping plus. He's touching. I think that's just grow What's groping then? That's hoping is aggressively touch. Yeah, but good, but that's what he just said what's goosing isn't groping now. That's just poking Oh, especially a child. This is bad especially might be our serious episode. Are we doing it now? Yeah, we're doing it right now by accident wait, why is it especially a child like if you
Starting point is 00:04:18 Would I be offended if I was like Kyle rape me like no he molested you like are they you're calling me a child And at what point did it just become treatment or aspects? Yeah, they blurred the lines with the especially word especially confused me especially is confusing in that sense So it Brandon kind of trivializing an adult getting molested. Yeah Adults can for sure get molested right yeah sure but like the connotation Sounds like it doesn't really say it's almost victim shaming Yeah, from what Steve and Chase gotta do something to Zara whether it's fucking him or molesting him strong adults can still get molested the Ohio State wrestling team
Starting point is 00:04:54 They got molested that is true. Yeah so Yeah When How did you make this Always actually know it actually I think it's like the pinnacle of an example of like the highest like what who can get molested No, it is a good point. It's like rest like stigma or college We're college wrestlers wouldn't picture those guys and legally get molested. Yeah, we're illegal a
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah, anyway What else is new? Those uh those lines on the shirt big cat are just getting bigger. I mean this is kind of flexing on Yeah, they're just getting on my lines They're unreal. How is the show? Oh my god, Fidelberg got molested Oh my god, Fido bird got molested Adults No, it's a good show. It was a really not built for the tour life Kyle went out there
Starting point is 00:05:51 I was Guzzling pinot grigio like it's the elixir of immortality just so I can go on stage and say Shout out to fur con cork maws That was the highlight of my time. That guy, the biggest pop you thought you brought up him and Britain Covey. Oh, they loved it. Yeah. Britain Covey, Britain Covey into a Cooper de Jean. No, that's too mainstream. Yeah, that is too mainstream. Rookie council, the fourth and then, and that was it it but it's a good show how long was yeah the boys did stand up hours Nick Sass what time to show them fights did stand up
Starting point is 00:06:32 yeah fights to stand up for the first time I don't know it's sold out right yeah yeah nice fights in Sass might be here tomorrow will they will I I depends on when they land. We were told they would be. I don't know if they're on the Yak, but they will be here. I'll be goddamn. God damn it. Sass flew in from a cabin hang
Starting point is 00:06:53 with his buddies fishing from Vermont, and then immediately after the show flew right back up there for one more day with boys. I love that. He loves fishing. He's a real country boy. That's a nice lifestyle. He's like a retiree. He hasn't sent me pictures of fishing. He's a real country boy. That's a nice lifestyle. Yeah, like a retiree.
Starting point is 00:07:06 He hasn't sent me pictures of fish and like he probably hasn't caught. He hasn't caught any. Yeah, well, though, we played some unreleased ones like so some that maybe put out some that were too wrong to put out. Oh, nice. Yeah. Take everyone's phone. No, no. It was a it wasn't like a typical rowdy Philly crowd. It was a Monday crowd. Yeah. People were respectful. Very good crowd. But you know, a lot of people with their wives, a lot of a lot of people that have never consumed
Starting point is 00:07:36 a lick were there. All right. Did you did you catch anyone watching Monday football on their phone? I couldn't see the crowd, but I'm sure. Okay. Because I was. You were. I needed James Bond. You should have just done, you just put a Monday football behind you. We should just have, yeah, not, we shouldn't have said a word. Just played the game.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Welcome in everyone. It's a watch party. Yeah. Yeah, but tomorrow, Laugh Factory, I don't.'t what time is that? I don't know Zanies And he's a laugh Factory boys, but he's at eight. That's a laugh. Oh, it's a laugh Factory Damnit, I wish you'd shown up to say oh That would have been great Kyle will be at Zanies if you guys want to go see him I guess would have been great. Kyle will be at Zany's if you guys want to go see him I guess. Why aren't you why don't you think you're cut out for the tour life? Again it's a four stop
Starting point is 00:08:29 tour. It's barely a tour. It's not the act of being on stage it's the lead up to it. I get really in my head. I get unhealthy. Then I don't sleep afterwards. Well you got to remember. I'm still going to do it and enjoy it. Well you got to remember people are paying to see you. I know yeah. So they're like it's not it'd be one thing if you were a street musician being like everyone. I think that makes it worse. No it does. It makes it worse. It's like people spent their actual hard-earned dollars. At least this shit's free for them. Yeah they could be doing anything in the world and they chose to spend money. No but I think them
Starting point is 00:09:02 buying it means they like you so you can really I think Well, I think what we're learning here Dan is you have self-confidence Where guys like Kyle and I do not the forefront of my mind is like I have to deliver and I put a lot of pressure on myself Yeah, you're a funny guy You're a funny guy that's just also having a job putting pressure on yourself to perform. I know yeah, and it's just like Like super amplified when it's a live crowd in a state Yeah, but but it's their fans of you, and you're funny, and it's also so much less people
Starting point is 00:09:34 You're talking to right now with you Kyle well I had to deliver yeah, if he's not funny that night they might leave saying oh, I thought kind of happened I'm not afraid to miss a joke on this show because you can't hear people laughing anyway they're like silence that sucks but Kyle the live show you did with us you were the funniest human being of all time all time is really funny yeah I'm a creature of momentum all right so just call me before the show and I just like dude you're really funny he was really funny that night but what about tomorrow that's sure tomorrow? What about tomorrow? Yeah, I'm not fishing for compliments I just want you to know I'm giving you psychologically torturous
Starting point is 00:10:12 I know you're not fishing for compliments, but I like giving you compliments you've never bombed Right yes. Yes. Oh The first four and that's where the yeah the first four bomb The first four and that's where the yeah the first four bomb But I don't think I bet you if you ask someone from that audience you know I remember Talking about it yesterday. There was this girl that was like going to see my barstool favorites little sass and ron I hope they're funny and
Starting point is 00:10:45 That she tagged us in it as well, and she went to the show and then she posted another story tagging us saying they weren't This really is the serious episode Maybe you bombed it was brutal. It was like an hour and a half of just like the worst feeling ever Yeah, are the Friday vibes episode that we did that was a bomb, but I wasn't great That wasn't our fault, but that was still fun people had as a yeah, cuz it was as a collective I don't know. I guess I see it as like people want to It's like kind of it's the college football. She like people want to see us out Doing things and that's cool. Where's your next one? Fuck you. Oh miss
Starting point is 00:11:16 Like when we do the college football show and we talk it's like a bunch of drunk college kids And when we talk about a game that isn't their game, there's like a silence in the crowd, but it's like, who cares? Because they're drunk and they want to hear us talk about their game, but it doesn't, you know, they want to see us out there. I think you're just like almost an impossible benchmark.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah. Of that you're nonstop and you're habitual. I do want to give people a good show, but I also think that there's... You just can't get in your own head because if what you think is bombing, they're probably enjoying the hell out of it. But that's what I can't control. I need medication. Yeah. The pinot. I need like medication from
Starting point is 00:12:06 2080. That hasn't been invented. Modern medicine, no. I've tried. Not successfully. There he is. You uh, Kyle, you churned me on Twitter this morning. What?
Starting point is 00:12:24 I showed it to you. What do you mean? an Ole Miss fan Quote tweeted me and was talking shit about me and looks exactly like you Maybe a puffy bloated Roided out version of you. Let's I've been all of those things And maybe maybe I'm just making it up in my head, but I'm sending it to you now TJ. This is the Ole Miss gentleman who this morning said I was a piece of shit or whatever, and I see Kyle Bauer in this man.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Which is ironic because you always said you hate when people chirp me on Twitter, and this guy was doing just that. But yeah, a puffy Kyle Bauer is what I would describe. You were a puffy two Christmases ago. There's puffy Kyle Bauer. Oh! Oh! That is puffy Kyle Bauer. That's Kyle Bauer. That's a
Starting point is 00:13:16 strong man build. That guy's gonna beat the fuck out of you next week. It's a good build and like I'm not calling him anything bad but that is Kyle Bauer, right? I don't see it. Are you nervous about it don't see it? I don't see it. I see it. Are you nervous about calling him? What are they gonna do throw their bow ties at me? Fuck them. No I'm not nervous about them. We had Ross Dellinger on the show for tomorrow's PMT and he's a Mississippi State guy. Yep. And I tasked him he's a journalist and I tasked him with next time he goes to Starkville,
Starting point is 00:13:45 please I would like to get a Q rating of Brandon Walker. Oh, what's Q stand for? I don't know. He and I have never actually met, so I don't think he knows who I am. No, he knew who you were. Well, everyone knows who you are. You're Brandon fucking Walker. Well, there's your Q rating. Well, I would like to see it from boots on the ground. It's, it's pretty high. We did that day where we were calling Starkville residences. Yeah. No, you were calling like establishments. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:14:10 By the next time it goes, I might have my Mississippi State podcast up and running. Ooh. What's that? More Cowbell? Cowbell. Another show. You hear that, Titus?
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. I'm excited to listen. What are you going to talk about on your two daily shows? I don't know. You should do more cowbell It should just only be about college basketball. Oh, that's good. I like that see that we're good right now That would be great
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, is it all for more yeah, they just respond to your comments yeah on more cowbell yeah They just responds to your comments. Yeah more cowbell. Yeah And I told him I'm gonna save this for more cowbell now here we are so folks Yeah, what is Q rating what does it stand for who I Think you might be right What's a what's in the conspiracy world is that guy still a thing is it still I wasn't that like five years ago or something Like when you said Q. It was like some fucking shadowy guy. Yeah, I think Yeah, yeah, well is that still is that still thing wasn't the leader didn't the leader come out and was like yeah my bad guys I was wrong about everything. I kind of yeah, Jeff. Yeah, I got still wrong
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah, he said my bad. I think TJ you can maybe find it. I think I I think he might have been like whoops He's not perfect Or she just put out a statement that says what yeah, hey about all that stuff my bad Yeah, that was Q. No, it was hot the streets. I'm sure it's still it's still I bet you somewhere Hey, about all that stuff, my bad. Yeah, that was QAnon was hot in the streets. I'm sure it's still simmering somewhere.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I bet you it's still. It has to be. Or like QAnon point. PFT has to have his finger to the pulse of QAnon. Yeah, he probably knows what's going on. Big T's right there. Yeah, he's a Q member. We forgot to talk about the biggest story today. Stephen Che, your Bucs season is over.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Alright, yes, see? I was wrong, period. I was wrong, period. Wow. That's a QAnon Shaman. Oh, that's about entering the Capitol. Oh. Ah, okay, that's- Oh, and he just didn't want to- He was incorrect. Oh, he became a gay icon. Really? He's not gay, but the- The imagery is? He was lusted after heavily. Oh, got it. Yes after heavily. Got it. Yes. I think.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Wait, what? I'm exhausted. Nick was just in QAnon for the gay icon. Yeah. Q score. Sponsor given choice for each person or item being surveyed. One of my favorite. Very good, fair, poor, never heard of.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Positive Q score is calculated by counting how many respondents answered A divided by the number of respondents answering A through E. To put it another way, Q plus equals favorites over known times 100. Now I get it. That's simple. That seems way too common. So Q still doesn't mean anything. I don't think it does.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah, that should... The Q score should just be vibes. Yeah. Are you cool to be around? Yeah. And just ask, like, do you know Brandon Walker? And people are like, yeah. What's the max Q score? Do you want a high or low score?
Starting point is 00:17:16 I think you want high. You want high. I think that everyone knows you and likes you. OK. Yeah. But is your Q score still high if everyone knows you but only half the people like you? I don't know. Hmm. Q score expert. Would you rather be known or
Starting point is 00:17:31 liked Brandon? Liked and known. Hmm. Known. Yeah. Known. You'd like to be known. I'd like to be known. Yeah. Yeah. Known for how well liked you are. Is there, can you give me like a like a solid reason for that? I was being liked or known. What which one? Why you would choose known? I feel like known is the path to more more money. Success. Mm hmm. Got it. It's like the more people that know you even if they don't like you. Mm hmm. You're you're gonna
Starting point is 00:18:01 be able to monetize it. Yeah. To parlay that into some sort of following. Yeah and success That's just my gut feeling. I don't know What about you? Okay, you're the most known here and the least liked so which which do you prefer? It's coming apparent at least from half of our company Yeah, that rundown yesterday was crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Why are they so mad? I don't know. They're very mad at me. But yeah, Tate. I told Tate to write a timeline because the problem with the whole thing is I don't even remember the timeline. But I
Starting point is 00:18:40 do think Tate, I still don't understand what he did that was so egregious. Or what I think they think that I am sending Tate is like a covert operation. I thought Dave sent him. I Dave hired Tate. Right. Dave had to come to Chicago. Dave had to go to New York. Big Cat. Yeah. That makes sense. And I told Tate the first day he was here that he should figure out if he wants a long career that you can't just be a troll.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. Also bad. I also think we would have bullied Tate if he kept doing that. Like it wasn't all you saying no. Of course. I would have stole that bell day two. We would have played along with it. Yeah. And I of course understand being bothered by Somebody new coming in and calling out your work ethic. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's annoying behavior
Starting point is 00:19:33 That part is absolutely true Did he show any signs that he would do this before he was brought on? That's the craziest part. I came out of nowhere. Did he got hired for? Doing this doing this. Oh and when he did it it like, this is egregious. I was like, yeah. Also, I was very offline yesterday. I only saw a clip of the rundown of Nate completely fucking owning you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:58 What's happening? I think he said it. I think he was like, thanks for not interrupting me when I hadn't said anything. Like, here's my, I think he was like thanks for not interrupting me when I hadn't said anything here here's my I think it didn't he just doesn't like me which is fine I'm fine with that but it felt personal and your Q score just went down yeah yeah you lost one you got a ding I once I once pushed a guy yeah we've had people throw high noon cans at people at high rates of speed yeah we've
Starting point is 00:20:23 had people harass others wives on Twitter yeah we've had people throw high noon cans at people at high rates of speed. Yeah. We've had people harass others wives on Twitter. Yeah. We've had some fucked up shit happen in this company. There was never a punishment handed out. Now he went over there last week and did some things and it's he has to move there. So we'll see how it plays out because obviously it is funny content that they're going to vote. Is he okay?
Starting point is 00:20:40 Funny but I don't think he wants to but I don't know. He can't move. I think he has to treat it as if they vote him to go there. He has to treat it like a presidential election. They're electing him the leader. Yeah, that's how he has to. But again, if he had moved to New York originally, like he would have, he would have eventually gotten along with them because you can't do it forever. Yeah. Yeah. He would have just done it here then. Yeah. And it will be funny if it flips then he comes in here Yeah, you can't move I'll just say that I mean you can't move You're pretty much on a show with yeah, yeah, he's just gonna stay here that would
Starting point is 00:21:15 Just go ahead and say he's just gonna stay here. He's not gonna move well Maybe you can go to New York couple days a week and then come back here. I did like Ron's idea I think it's a good precedent. And I think the Chicago office in response, we should vote on whether Rome moves here. I was actually thinking about that last night. Why don't we vote on whether it says I vote yes. Yeah. All right. I vote that Rohn moves here as well.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yeah. And I feel like this is a good precedent that Rohn, it was such a brilliant idea that we should act it ourselves. Ask Rohn to zoom in. Let's tell him that we've voted and he's moving here yeah is it unanimous I I vote yes I vote yes yes I need to sleep on it mmm it's that annual schism I mean it's it's it's we're in a hurricane of hate it's very unhealthy yeah you know not only are 70% of our fan base hates us People outside of our fan base this violently despises us Oh, they reduce us to fodder for blobbish droolers and then we also hate each other. Yeah, so now it's like alright
Starting point is 00:22:20 We need we can we can have rival. There are people that hate us outside of the company. Yeah, I know. We need to find a common rival. Because right now, the trajectory, there's no way this ends outside of mass suicide. Yeah. I don't know. I think we're overstating it. It's just Nate really fucking hates Big Cat. He does. There's no... I don't hate anybody over there. I don't think they hate us, but they do hate this motherfucker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Alexa, play Where Is The Love. That'll help. Black Eyed Peas. The only regret I have on the rundown is I just don't. I forgot like half the timeline. I wish I had some facts. It's been so drawn out. I just don't even remember half of it.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Is he doing the timeline? I think so. Because that's- To remind people what all this is about? Yeah. Yeah. But we'll see. I mean, the the idea of a vote is very funny. That part. And again, I told Tate after like, he should have just taken the champagne because then none of this would happen. But he he didn't know that I don't can. I I'm not saying I'm right. I'm just speaking my truth. I don't fully
Starting point is 00:23:23 understand the whole champagne thing. Like, that's something I've just gone along with, is everyone's like, you should have taken the champagne. I'm like, yeah, you should have. I don't fully understand why. I think it's just simply like you lost a series, just take one L and let them feel like they got one over you and then it just kind of, it takes a little bit of the
Starting point is 00:23:42 heat out of it. I'll let you take the big. Yeah. Of the real anger. Isn't him running away in cowardice a win for them? True. Definitely. Wasn't that still the moment? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Yeah. Everything's a win, however you spin it, with all of this. Yeah. You can just spin back and forth. I can't tell who is... It's crazy. I think Tate might be the biggest star at this company. I'm just I mean like for how long have we been going now where like every day is like
Starting point is 00:24:08 yeah what's Tate up to? I thought everybody has to weigh in. I thought it all boiled over when Kelly was on the Yak and we all had to like step out. Yeah. I is this real hatred or oh yeah I think it is. Are there some people that are just jumping in that are just it's fun or I think it's real hatred for some people. I always assumed Tate would go to New York and do what he did last week and then it would be over. Because he was told when he got hired everyone was like, you won't come to New York, you won't come to New York.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And then when he finally went, he wasn't going to just be like, oh hey guys. He went and did what he was probably going to do. What he was going to do. And then it was like, what? And in the interim, he didn't really talk about New York. He wasn't making constant shots at New York, I don't think. Again, this is my fault for not consuming everything all the time, hand up. Yeah. Yeah, it was fun times.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Did you ask Ron to come on? I asked. Yeah, it was fun times. Did you ask Ron to come on? I asked. Yeah, we should. I mean, he's got to move. I think so. I think that's the new rule. Yeah, he can talk college ball with you. I love that.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah. By the way, boys, oh, Stephen Che's season is over. Congratulations, Stephen Che. The Bucks season is officially over. Congratulations, Stephen Che. The Bucks' season is officially over. Not yet. See how quickly Mike Evans comes back? But yeah, I mean, it doesn't look good.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Gonna run the ball a lot. I'm really upset I didn't come in last night. I really would have liked to witness that. That was my mistake. It was an awesome first quarter. Yeah. 10-0? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:44 You actually tied them. You won the first quarter and the fourth quarter. F. 10 nothing. Yeah. You actually you tied him. You won the first quarter in the fourth quarter. No, it's a piece. They only won the middle quarters. What? 34 nothing. Oh, doing the YMCA. Why does the left hand go back when the... Yeah, why does it? You're the only person in the world that does that.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I don't know. It's what happens. It's organic. Sorry. Sorry for bringing that up. Steve is the only constant. Yeah, he is. And he switched right to the Knicks. Look at that. I mean... I know, but like, the Bucs season's over. What are you going to do with your time? I think there's an open thing. Look at that. I mean. I know but like the buck season's over.
Starting point is 00:26:25 What are you gonna do with your time? I think there's an open thing. If we lose Atlanta Sunday we're in deep shit. Jay there's an opening on the Mark Titus show. Yeah you wanna. We had a good time hanging out. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Oh yeah. Wait. Did you guys recap this? Yeah I mean it wasn't much. I spent what like an hour and a half with you? Uh. Two hours. We spent maybe a little more than that, two two days, but yeah fun
Starting point is 00:26:52 Any like references one of you can make right now that Hey Steve pass that parada What the fuck could that mean You'll tell me you get you know what I'm saying Then you might you might say which one Okay shades of Hey Steve did you just jerk off 15 minutes for time right? Oh, did you jerk off in Colorado? Oh? Yeah, I was like four or five hours before I saw Mark How many states have you not in?
Starting point is 00:27:31 How many since I've been to remember remember Even chase never seen daylight in Oklahoma. Oh, yeah, wait if you you've not you've certainly haven't come in, Oklahoma You think you've not in every state you've been in Steve Wow whoa we need to put marks next to the purple hats California Colorado he flew there to jerk off Texas Colorado he flew there to jerk off Texas yep Arizona for the Super Bowl right definitely but say when we say it say toilet or cream pie yeah Florida Florida oh yeah oh no I guess it would be belly or cream pie for you no I'm not a
Starting point is 00:28:20 tummy nutter that's the most that's the most angry I've ever seen, Jay. Let's see your belly button. Yeah, well, say a state you say if it was you or somebody else that made you do it. Yeah. Your hand or somebody else. Your hand or another body part from somebody else? I mean, most of them are going to be somebody else.
Starting point is 00:28:42 What? What? Wow. Yeah. North Carolina Somebody else yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Where have you been in Ohio? You ever been to Cleveland? Sensi? Yeah, I was in Cleveland. Is Stephen Chase a member? I could never do this. I've been to a lot of states.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I could never think about whether I have or not. My wife and I have sat down and come up with this list before. How many states you fucked in? It wasn't you and your wife. You and I have texted about this. What? Oh, does that mean? Brandon texted me and was like, how many states have you fucked?
Starting point is 00:29:28 How many? He's a seven stater. You told me you were a seven stater. Feels like more, but I guess you were probably right. Thought I had it off the top of my head. I think like 14. Whoa. I think you said you were a seven stater. I might be a seven stater then. Hold on. Let me look
Starting point is 00:29:48 Mississippi no no no because I've lived I've lived in seven states. Hmm George is going to Virginia, Georgia, New Jersey Illinois. Yeah When Brandon does this it's kind of creepy. I'd rather have a do it. Yeah, I don't really want to yeah Yeah, that was disgusting. My nuts are no really want to yeah, yeah, that was disgusting my nuts are no more foul Oh, no, that was disgusting. He doesn't have a more pure nothing long. Yeah, he does on it and stuff Oh, Che do you have any international busts under your belt? Oh, yeah. Oh We're going worldwide as a che the international bust Canada, Mexico France England. Oh Stop bus Canada Mexico France England oh stop don't do it to them that's it right world that's got a power boat you just listed them all oh Dominican Republic oh
Starting point is 00:30:34 didn't know you got down like Puerto Rico Puerto Rico night goes America I mean it's Steve it's probably already people know this right? Yeah, I don't think I don't think people do you don't know that That Puerto Rico's America, you know that he doesn't Puerto Rico US team USA plays Puerto Rico. They have an Olympic team, but oh territories do Their their territory of America. He's like so I went there to jerk off for nothing There their territory of America. He's like so I went there to jerk off for nothing There's like every every now and then they'll like there'll be like a weird thing that happens where they like make the Puerto Rico estate you don't need a passport to go to Puerto Rico Yeah, remember when you went to Puerto Rico, they didn't ask for your passport
Starting point is 00:31:18 Not really like you You blew a load and left Exactly where my load ended up Puerto Rico and Guam we got that yeah lock. What's Guam got going on? What is where is Guam is time out in the middle way in the Pacific? What do they do have like? You'll look through it and it's like oh, there's like Wendy's and Guam real quick. Did you VR go there? That's Guam. That's who mount Street view. think. Whoa. You got one in Guam Steve? Whoa
Starting point is 00:31:49 Whoa, Guam is Asia Whoa Guam is far as fuck. Holy shit Guam. I didn't know you did that And what can you zoom in on Guam? Guam? Guam? And they speak English on Guam? Guam? Guam? And they speak English in Guam? Yes. KB, what's our capital city here? Where do I go? I don't know the capital of Guam.
Starting point is 00:32:15 What do you mean? I only memorized sovereign nations. Sovereign? Fuck. I memorized the spell it, not the pronunciation. sovereign Fuck memorized Let's see Guam I want to see Guam a little bit I Got How much is a ticket to Guam? It would be fun to do an eliminator entire office wheel and that person gets sent to Guam this weekend. This is giving me Indiana vibes
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah The houses are very low. Yeah What is that? That's a super market so you don't need a passport for Guam No, let's send somebody there. You should need a very expensive plane ticket That's so far. I got a thing this weekend. So if Guam's part of the US, does that mean Clemmer
Starting point is 00:33:10 technically has to go? Clemmer has to get a hat in Guam. Yeah, it's a purple hat in Guam. I think that'd be worth like five states. Imagine if he went and there was just no purple hats. There might not be. Is every, um. Oh, OK, here we go.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Whoa. Is every country had it in some way? Are there any non-hat countries? What? Is every country hatted? We're the most hatted country. Have to be. We're the most hatted show. Yeah. I love the guys who get in the chat early and they're just like, they've set a line for how many hats. They're pretty good. They're sharp
Starting point is 00:33:50 Usually if you go over three and a half is usually the over. Have we ever gone all hats Brandon doesn't do I don't wear Yeah, Brandon when Brandon puts on a hat. It looks so weird. He was wearing one the other day I was like, yeah, that's my blackhawks hat. Yeah, but you you're what is what is it? Your head's too big ears are big. My head's too big My head's miss shaping as well shaped like a peanut And why would you want to mess up that hair? Your head's shaped like a peanut? It's concave almost. In the middle, it gets a little smaller. It's like the Oscar Mayer Wintermobile
Starting point is 00:34:14 is like bigger on both ends. You could have just said hot dog. It's got a little bit of that. No, it's the Wintermobile itself. Oh, OK. And it's an oddly shaped head. Has this Twitter account of ranking your hair put too much pressure on you? Oh, it's it's a it's an oddly shaped head has this Twitter account of ranking your hair Put too much pressure on you. Oh, it's all he talks about. Oh, they don't miss though, man
Starting point is 00:34:30 He literally we got in the car after the college football show going back to the airport He's like I wonder what my Twitter account said yeah That's it's been yes every single fucking right because you are you spending more time on it because of this account ah Are you spending more time on it because of this account? Uh, I mean, look at this. God damn. That's your profile picture. You are in your probably best looking phase of your life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I would agree. Yeah. Look at that. That's power. That's strength. My mom put that on her Facebook, said this is my son. And some of her old 70-year-old woman friends were saying some weird things, man.
Starting point is 00:35:04 What were they saying? One of them said, I remember when he was just a little blonde boy and now he's grown up into such a man. Oh, you know what that means. I was like fuck. Love that. Relax. You are a man.
Starting point is 00:35:14 You're a man's man. I'm a man. Where's sunflower socks? Would you fuck Madonna? No. Today or back in the day? Now. Today.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Today's the question right? Today. Today's the question right? Today. Today. Today. Where's sunflower socks? Would you fuck Madonna? No Today or back in the now today today is the question right? I think you probably would have to like in 1992 Yeah, probably no no now. I would not say you were single. No. I don't think I would fuck Madonna. What about Cher? me and you together I know I Don't think share either you haven't seen
Starting point is 00:35:44 I don't I don't think Cher either you haven't seen Cher after you and I was at the I'll promise you you would share did the fashion show you'd be in that would but Nick would both fuck sure thing you'd fuck Madonna I wouldn't fuck Madonna looks terrible you'd have to you I the you oh come on what you would okay well she's clean she's cleaned herself up I've seen some bad Madonna photos. Me too. I think you're talking about me. It's not worth talking about.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah. Can't handle her at her worst. What happened to Cher's co-person, Sonny? He died in a snow skiing. This is skiing. Yeah. He hit a tree. Ow.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Mm-hmm. All the people I know are here. Who else has had the Spanx? One of the Kennedys. The Kennedys. Kennedys. Yeah, one of them. We had the. Michael Schumacher.
Starting point is 00:36:27 The guy. Oh, yeah. Schumacher's a really sad story. The guy from fucking. He's still alive, though. Avengers, right? He was seen. Got paralyzed?
Starting point is 00:36:33 Who got paralyzed from Avengers? Renner. Renner. Jeremy Renner. Oh, he's fine. He's like snow plow. He's fine. He's like snowmobile.
Starting point is 00:36:40 No, he's like snow plow like a ego. Snow blower. Snow blower. Snow plow ate him? Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he was. I don't think a snow plow ate him. I think it was like a snow blow like no blower snowblower. No flow ate him. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's exactly I don't think it's no plow. I eat him. I think it was like a snowblow get off fucked up I remember what his snowplow ate him. I believe that was in Roulon Gardner Roulon Gardner lost That's getting eaten. Yeah, that's the foremost piece shoe walkers really sad
Starting point is 00:37:00 He was uh they just saw him in public for some like 20 years his daughter's wedding oh really yeah about the car driver yeah they he yeah he just went away ski accident or just drive right here yeah on January was having some lunches oh my god see his snowplow ate him that it says hit it didn't say eight it ate him it being run over by snowplow but was hit himself it no nowhere to say it ate him fuck okay well I think fucking ate him up every so often I think of the I forget the guy's name the celebrity who had a he died because his car like backed into his chest yeah yeah his Jeep the that'll fuck you up if you think about talking about
Starting point is 00:37:52 He's like a meal her shit Jason Jason wait what happened he was in Star Trek his car He was like walking behind his car like the parking brake failed or something Yeah And it goes down and then like pinned him against the gate to get into his drywall And then he just like died for me in a Russian name. I think yeah, that's it That's like that and remember the signs scene. Oh, yeah, that's haunted You've brought that up a handful of times. I know that's fucked you up Yeah Being alive and conscious and knowing is like you're dead
Starting point is 00:38:19 Broke 38 bones ate the fuck out of him Renner Anton something Anton Yelchit. Yelp, Yelp, Yelchin. He died like that? Yeah. That almost happened to Rosilla. He almost died because his squat rack and his yelping fell on him, which would have been
Starting point is 00:38:34 the funniest way for him to die, alone with his squat rack. He wouldn't be alone if he was with his squat rack. It's true. Died doing what he loved. This guy's dead? Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god, that's so horrific. doing what he loved. This guy's dead? Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god, that's so horrific.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah, it sucks. Sorry we had to find out this way. We're going dark. Huh. Oh my god. Yeah, no, he was dead. That's about the worst way to die. It's up there.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Big Cat, I think you deemed something the worst way to die about twice a week. Yeah. Well, I didn't know that you could get stuck between your gate and your car. Yeah, if you're ever in a position where you need to use the emergency brake, probably don't walk behind your car. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. Blunt traumatic asphyxia.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I think, I think dying, I mean, dying sucks. That sucks. That's my personal stance. But I think dying, dying sucks. That sucks. That's my personal stance. But I think dying it in me either. Dying embarrassing would be the worst, I think. I'd rather be painful than embarrassing. Like, who was the guy that died jerking off? The NXS lead singer.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Elvis died on the toilet. NXS lead singer, right? He died auto-erotic. Choking himself, right? I thought that was David Carradine. David Carradine. Kill Bill. Yeah. Elvis died const the toilet. And excess lead singer, right? He died, uh, auto-erotic? Choking himself, right? I thought that was David Carradine. David Carradine. Kill Bill. Elvis died constipated?
Starting point is 00:39:49 He had the biggest turd. Yeah. Which is not embarrassing. Yeah. It was a little pebble. It's the real man shit. You were dead on the toilet and there was those little pebbles.
Starting point is 00:39:57 You're right. Good point. Yeah. Men understand. Men hear the Elvis story. That's respect. That's a really good point. One day I'll lose to a turd
Starting point is 00:40:07 That's only right Bren do the DraftKings ad read then we got we have to we have some work we have to do boys. Oh Yeah, we got a deadline tomorrow fuck What'd you tell me to do DraftKings, thank you The NBA is finally back. Here's a way to get even more into the action following your favorite players playing Picks 6 from DraftKings, an official partner of the NBA. It's super simple to get started.
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Starting point is 00:41:29 See terms at slash promos. Love it, good job. Thank you. Good read, Brandon. Thank you. Yeah, we have, tomorrow we have to have our book done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So today we should start our book. Yes. Yeah. All right, let's pull up a notes app. Titus wanted the first six pages. I don't know what his plan was. Oh, all right, he got dibs. I already have, I have four pages I did today.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I just heard you tell a guy. That, yeah, that's what we have to do. I guess those are pages, yeah, okay, so two of mine I'm writing this page was intentionally left blank as it's just kind of a nod to When pages are intentionally left blank one of my pages is just yeah Abstract yeah Blake. I had Blake find every gif of Stevens Cherkoffs, no, it's just a big collage of them and it just, the page says you're probably thinking about Stephen Che ejaculating right now.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Gay. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. So that one, that page is done. I'm doing some portraits a la like George Bush for veterans, but I'm doing it of some of my fair co-workers. Nice.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Do we have costumes? Are we supposed to take a photo shoot? Yeah, when are we doing that? Costumes today, all are here except three, which are supposed to arrive tomorrow. All are here but three? Today or tomorrow. Okay. Almost half.
Starting point is 00:42:53 So whose are not here? Not positive. There's a giant box. All right, so we should knock some of those out today. Okay. Okay. I'll organize those. What other ideas we got, guys? We got a book deadline tomorrow. So let's have the circumference of the top of a body armor bottle, and you can put your penis to the page to see if your dick is smaller than Chase.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I would like the recipe for Kyle's mollusk thing. Molluska. Actually, I was going to do a full 26 section breakdown of New Plattson but I couldn't. I'm not gonna give you guys or the people shitty work. I gotta put full effort. That'll be a different project but I always like looking at like when like Sports Illustrated or someone does like an interview bio just like simple like favorite musician. Yeah. do you ever banned?
Starting point is 00:43:46 So I'm gonna email it to all of you guys. Oh, that's perfect. I have a list of questions Mm-hmm great, and if you could fill it out by I guess to now you're just making us do your pay Yeah, well, that's pretty smart. That was really I think you guys will have fun filling out simple And that that should take up a lot of pages I also have a page that they're working on right now. It's just mood anger the Rizzo. Oh It's just pictures of both and you have to say which one they are. That's hard. Yeah, is it hard? No, it's incredibly Insanely okay, I'm the most hippo like people yeah, I have like five or six done
Starting point is 00:44:25 Are we just showing tomorrow? I'm doing a choose your own adventure where you can either confess to being a witch or Ask for more stones placed on your chest ah those are the choices. That's a fun truth or dare. Yeah, Brandon What do you have yeah, man? Come on Brandon Is there a yak like email chain? Uh We have a group chat Can you have Tommy Walker if he were to start a religion? What would the pillars of this religion be?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Oh, you know what here I got an idea That's actually good. Let's see. Didn't say actually. Sorry. Keyword actually. They should have like, draw it out. That's actually. Whoa. Actually.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Brandon, do six pages of a, do your six pages or a flipbook. All right. I got another page done. The picture that. Already? I just told Colby that he's got to give us a page oh nice music yeah he's still in the yak chat done I like that yeah what oh Lucas's phone number is definitely a page right absolutely um how about uh can we get a no an Odaniacs list in
Starting point is 00:45:40 print oh yeah just give him a top 25 he He gets a pay. We're going to get 94 pages so easy. Because we haven't had one of those in less than two years. Okay. Okay. Oh, see this is why we needed to talk. Uh huh. I think our graphics guys are watching right now, can we get Adventures of Dana Beers? And then it's like him boofing, him getting shit on. Shit on. And then waking up in the swamp, right? After being his buddy Flip who watches the show, I think, after his buddy Flip fucked him in the ass.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah, saving a hurricane victims. Oh yeah, he did. A tornado victims. Tornado victims. Yeah, that'd be great. That should be... not that easy. If that works.
Starting point is 00:46:32 This is the lowest effort. I think it's going to be a very funny book, because it's just going to be everything that we throw in there. Do we have the map of the United States, TJ? And people can draw their purple hats in there? Blank map? That should be easy. Blank map. a map of the United States, TJ, and people can draw their purple hats in there. Blank map. That should be easy, blank map. Done.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Look at this. That should be easy. We're just fucking rolling right now. Come on guys, chip in. Okay. One page is just a wet wheel. You land on it, you gotta get wet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I don't mind an actual, if we just came up with a Friday vibes list, I could read the song. Oh, that's a great idea. Everyone come up with some Friday vibes songs that's a fucking great idea. Like a now yak. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah great idea Brandon. Yeah. Write that down TJ. Three songs a piece? Yep. Perfect. Steven Che you only get two red hot chili peppers. All right, or one the freshman And you really get the party started oh Man with a suicide so we did Titus and Danny you you might not be
Starting point is 00:47:40 Friday vibes It was the best that we used to do it because we're on serious we play music and Steven Chay's Friday vibes pick was the freshman which is a song about rape and abortion Yeah, and he did not know that and all and suicide suicide I think it might be abortion and it's abortion and trying to get like everybody in the crowd like everybody now Yeah, our live show. Yeah, it's not even like an upbeat song Steve. No, that's not even a Yeah, that's not even like an upbeat song Steve. No, that's not even a It was the Brad Johnson of fellas It's not even one of those songs where it's like upbeat and you don't know what they're saying and you're like Oh, I didn't even hear the word even if you know, it's very pressing even if you don't know what he's saying
Starting point is 00:48:16 It still is like a vibe. It's fun to sing along to Hmm I'm not sure. Alright, we got the Friday vibes playlist. We got uh we should probably just put one page to just be our ads. Oh yeah. Read along if that ad breaks. Hey, do you save? Do you have a doc of like all of your prep shows? Oh, yes. We have a best of other? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Yes, we need a best of other. Sure, it's not going to be like a million pages. I don't save them all. But yeah. No, it doesn't need to be a million pages. It needs to be 72 pages. Maybe we could use that. You can search Yak episodes when we bring up
Starting point is 00:49:01 Steve and Che's other section. We could just pull. That's it. You've got him saved. You not also just give them just give them in 15 minutes. He can make 30 others. You make these and just they're gone. Mostly. What? What's the day's other start saving them? Okay. I mean, that's like when we when they eventually decide to put the yak in the Library of Congress
Starting point is 00:49:25 I think you're gonna want these saved They're going they're gonna want to know when's the last time you ate a pear. Yeah Yeah, we need a Stephen Che other Going back to you said name all our ads if we just had a blank NASCAR put all their ads cool yak on there Here's what we'll do. There's a page. Here's what we'll do Stephen Che. You have another other page Here's what we'll do. Here's a page. Here's what we'll do. Stephen Che, you have another page. Nick, you do another page. I'll do another page and people have to guess whose it is. Yeah, okay. So I'll just try to become Stephen Che. We'll try to be Stephen Che. So it's three other pages. I think three little rectangles
Starting point is 00:49:57 on one page. Okay. And you have to guess which one's Stephen. Yes, perfect. That's the answer's in the back. Yes. Yes, I love that. I think mine are going to be a bit more visual. This book is going to rock. Might not. No, I think it will. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I'm enthused about it. It's like you can't say you don't like it. I've done a 180 immediately. Yeah. No, we're not. Yeah, I like that. Well, I don't know what's going to be in it. And we're writing it.
Starting point is 00:50:21 That's the thing. And the people buying it, they don't know either. And it's awesome. We don't know what's gonna be in it and the deadline is tomorrow We got plenty of time. I've worked to do plenty of time to figure it out TJ it's really the deadline Yes Deadline if you want people to be able to have this for Christmas. The Christmas season? Christmas.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Friday. If we don't submit the book by tomorrow, it will not get to your hands by Christmas. But what about a New Year's drop? Oh, man. That would be special. It would just get overshadowed by all the presents. And there's going to be a calendar in it?
Starting point is 00:50:57 Yeah. He must not have heard. Yeah. What? He said, will it be there? What about a new year's drop? I guess. If it's not in by Wednesday, we'd have to preorder it and it would come at some point after Christmas. Yeah, let's call it the Yak Book 2025 and that'd be perfect. January 1st. Put some, uh... But is that going to be confusing be confusing like are people going to think it's the 2025th yak book TJ which hey yeah, okay one yeah
Starting point is 00:51:33 2025 Yak book one and the in the spine of it should be the start of a picture and we'll figure it out later Yeah, the next next years will be the So when you get to ten it makes TJ you hate Guinness Book of Records right you hate it you hate their anti us Oh, you're not even so why don't we do our own like a couple pages are our own records. Yeah Actually, we have yak fans submit videos that we can react to of them doing something they think is record worthy. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, we'll just give them records.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, we'll give you records. Yeah. Should we have one? Yak fans, start doing record worthy things and send it to us. What about one page that folds out into the size of the napkin? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Oh. Do we have the resources? Yeah. No. Can we do... That was... You didn't have to say no like that was so fast. You just had to say maybe we do Like we would have forgotten about it for two minutes Can we do a one-quarter scale of the napkin on a page so people can kind of get a visual? Oh, yeah, what about a page that it's a regular page?
Starting point is 00:52:40 But then when you put it in water it becomes the becomes whoa yeah, maybe there we go nice Just let's do napkin talk for 90 seconds. We'll be done with it Use this page as a napkin I Like the world records yeah, I want to see world records longest fingernails, but Dave and Omaha Like when it comes to yak listeners, I have the longest fingernails but Dave and Omaha yeah yeah yeah yeah when it comes to yak listeners I have the longest fingernails yeah yeah yeah we'll fuck will you I bet you clipped you Martina's already tweeted us four times who's the tallest person listens to the yak great I would love to know I would let's know the tallest
Starting point is 00:53:20 person submit submit if you think you're the tallest person we'll make a we'll make a certificate that you can print out at home. And you have but we'll just have the certificate in the book. Yeah. And it's it's Scouts honor, though. You do not display the certificate unless you have a YAC record. Yeah. But then when you get a YAC record, you can rip it out and put it up on your refrigerator. You can do it. You can fill in what your record was.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Yes. I love that. This is good. I want to see some Yak records so bad. Hey, Brandon. Hey. How's the piss? It was good.
Starting point is 00:53:55 The trip there wasn't great. Why? I don't know. I've hurt my Achilles. I don't think I've torn it or ruptured it. There's some sort of strain. Every time I place my foot flat on the ground it's fine. When I go on my toes to execute the next step it shoots pain up my right. Is that the only thing you and Deshaun Watson have in common? Dorsumus. No, we actually have a lot in really yeah Interested both from the south. Mm-hmm both have last names that start with the W. Mm-hmm and the second letter. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:32 Yeah, that's right. We forget. Mm-hmm That's so awesome. Yeah, what am I looking at? Wait are the pages color? Yeah, oh that changes everything. I thought, You thought it was gonna be black and white book? Yeah. Wasn't that, wasn't that me? That is you.
Starting point is 00:54:50 The face isn't me. It is. What, what is that? Yeah, what is that? That's a put together of Brandon Walker. You cut out all the pieces, I don't know how it works. This is what Nick told me. What?
Starting point is 00:55:00 I don't know. That's origami. What? It's origami. Okay. Make your own origami. OK. Make your own Brandon Walker. Oh. Why am I wearing giraffe print?
Starting point is 00:55:12 I would not put that past you. Those are chicken drumsticks. That's a giraffe. That's giraffe print. I guess giraffe print is just chicken drumsticks. Is that the vessel? When did I become known with chicken? You're always eating chicken. When did I become known with chicken? Those are chicken legs, not chicken
Starting point is 00:55:32 nuggets. Is that all you guys see when you look at me as fried chicken? Yeah, big chicken. Big customer. Marietta, Georgia. You're right. I knew that. Yeah. That's pretty good. You see it from the interstate. Then if you go closer, it's the Big Chicken. The Big Chicken. It's fun. I used to... I don't know anything about the Big Chicken. Tell me what you mean.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I used to take an alternate route just so I could drive by it. It's a KFC that just has a Big Chicken. Just a gigantic chicken. The whole building's a chicken. Oh. Yeah. The whole building. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 The Big Chicken. Big Chicken. Yeah. Marietta, Georgia. Yeah, sure, TJ. The Marietta... Little chicken. Marietta, Georgia, Big Chicken. Why were you driving in Marietta, Georgia. Yeah, sure was, TJ. The Marietta, Marietta, Georgia, Big Chicken. Why were you driving in Marietta, Georgia? I lived in Cartersville, and I would work in Atlanta. Is that when you were writing speeches for Coca-Cola? Did you move closer to the Big Chicken?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Wasn't Coca-Cola. Just because you thought maybe you'd get some more chicken. I moved past the chicken so I could drive past the chicken every day, of course. That was smart. Me and Trevor Lawrence were kicking it out in Cartersville. It was the same.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I did the same thing there I did here. Look at this. I live way too far out. Check this out, big chicken. Look how big that chicken is. Oh, that kinda sucks. Fucking shit. No, no, it's not.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Oh, don't now, don't. Fuck you guys. Fuck the big chicken. Don't do this. That's not a chicken at all. I'm so sorry for expecting a chicken. It's not a chicken at all. It's on the side, it's a chicken.
Starting point is 00:56:42 That's a fucking cop out. That's geometry, simplistic geometry. It's a chicken from the side. Oh, you guys are crazy. An airplane wing maybe. What's it look like inside? No, you gotta... It's a side view that you have to have.
Starting point is 00:56:53 When you're coming down the road and you see it, you see a chicken. Titus, that doesn't touch the big candle. Yeah. Oh, no, yeah, big candle. Have you seen the big candle? No, I haven't seen the big candle. Oh, no. The warm glow? Warm glow candle, cow? Oh candle cow God how big is the candle it's fucking
Starting point is 00:57:10 Think of a candle the human got it the human mind cannot comprehend how big this candle is it bigger than that big Yeah, where is the big candle? Yeah, it's on the city from like it's like in between Indianapolis and Columbus I've been to the it's on the same like it's like in between Indianapolis and Columbus I've been to the it's on my Instagram Looks like a candle though at least That's undeniably at least it looks like a candle. I'm digging the big alright TJ another page put the big chicken and the big candle on a page, and then it will say circle which one you like more
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah, you know easy to write a book guys this is easy We'll enjoy that exercise showed a bad picture of the big chicken You can't enjoy the big chicken from the side. Yeah, I could tell that's a candle from any angle Yeah, that's the thing about the can look at that. That's a big chicken. Oh, that's not a chicken. That's a trapezoid That's not even a drawing of a chicken. No, it's an old-school chicken That's how they used to look And chickens were robbed yeah What happened to this fucking country chickens used to look like
Starting point is 00:58:23 The big chicken you know what else is right there about three miles up from there it's Scott Steiner's shownies okay I Scott Steiner owns the shownies on I hate to do I hate to do this you guys don't have the angle that I have Jacob is currently throwing his shoe up at the wall. Why? Can we get? He probably doesn't know the yaks going on. He probably doesn't want to be on camera. Watch. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. I, I. That's just typical behavior. For the last like three minutes. Something he would do. He's trying to get something? I think he heard me talking about him. Him and Pedro. There goes, there goes his shoe. So he's trying
Starting point is 00:59:03 to knock something off the top there? There's no no I don't see anything on the top. That is that not his shoe? He obviously just had to get his shoe over to the other side. Trying to knock. He's... Say Paige. Paige what are y'all doing? Paige did they notice yet? What are you doing? Trying to measure the wall. Their shoe? What? How many feet? Yeah, one foot. What? Oh, they're trying to get the shoe on the top and then they can shoot the shoe.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Oh, I know. I'm not gonna be able to land that shoe on the top. Can you hold on? What about a tape measure and you hook it on the top and then pull it down. I'll get this shoe on there in the first three shots. What about a ladder? No, don't get that shoe. First three shots. Show them how it's done.
Starting point is 00:59:54 First three shots. First three shots. I guess that makes a little bit of sense. Meanwhile, there's just a ladder in the corner. Okay, three. Wow, there's just a ladder in the corner. He can't do this in three shots. That's one.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Oh, fuck. There was a lot of dust on that. Oh! Oh! Alright, I guess he's going to where he's leaving us. See you Dan! Wow, Jacob's airballed. Good guy. There's gotta be a better way. There's bladders all over this place.
Starting point is 01:00:46 But even to measure, is that the... Chef Donnie could climb that thing. Yeah. Alright, well... Yeah, there has to be... There has to be ten better ways. At least. There have to be ten better ways. At least. There have to be other objects you can throw up there other than the shoe. Yeah, how's he going to get his shoe down?
Starting point is 01:01:10 Brenny, have you met Colton? No, and I don't know. No, he loves weed, dude. Does he? Yeah, ask him. Oh man, he was the guy. We had a weed company come in and that motherfucker took boatloads of it. Every once in a while I'll ask him if he likes weed He loves he loves it. What gave that impression He carried it in both arms. Mm-hmm. That's how much he took but
Starting point is 01:01:38 Hey Dan you failed What what you said you'd be able to do, you were not able to do. I know. I'm very upset at myself. That was something I should have gotten. Brandon, have you ever went 0 for 5 in baseball or softball? Never in softball. Go for 5 in softball, quit. Baseball, I don't think I ever played
Starting point is 01:02:02 in a game that would have gotten to five at bats Tais have you ever gone over oh Yes, I could did it now what if I were gonna ask the bottom of the shoe with the laser I'll just guess right now um Eleven and a half feet I'll say 12 feet No, that's higher 13 13 14 14 Yeah, if he's six one dollar I guess I say one dollar no right rules You think it's one dollar. I think it's $13 13 13 for I'm picturing like two seven fights And I think this is one big chicken and a half one and a half big chickens
Starting point is 01:02:44 there's not even close to a big chicken did you see how big the fucking big one and a half big chickens? 13 if you and I were on the road in Marietta And we saw that chicken the joy that would come across your heart would be Immeasurable whereas if you see the big candle you're like oh, it's fun candle. What about the longer berger basket you have a photo? Oh, yeah, the long hamburger. That's a giant Definitely a basket yep, and it doubles as the building. I think I just sold it Columbus area Yeah, they do longer burger my mom loved a good long. It's gonna be hard to beat the big chicken. Oh, dude You got to see this bad. That's pretty. I mean that's that's that's a basket. That's pretty damn cool. That's holding. What else is. Oh shit. That's better than the big chicken. What
Starting point is 01:03:31 does it look like inside. Now I can't get the fucking like work over here. Yeah, I mean I don't see New York doing that Uncertain future oh, I didn't know burger went well They probably did spend all their money making that building a fucking basket. Yeah, it's probably the most not the most efficient How high? It's what I said these seven inches. Yeah, you got that you win the inches. 11 feet 7 inches. Shit, you got that. So you win the wall. It's my wall now.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Is it for sale? That is really cool. That's really cool. Do you think though there's... Oh wow. Now would you be nervous though if you worked in there if a giant ever came along and wanted to pick you I'll hug a giant would yeah, that would be a concern of mine or ants. Yeah ants
Starting point is 01:04:33 Huge ants yeah, we'll be attracted to the picnic best you have any big ants Brandon um No, I have I have meth ants, but not big okay You have any red ants black ants no You're big ants. OK. Any red ants? Black ants? No. You a black ant? I don't have a black ant. Ah.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Yogi Bear, was that a picnic? He's a picnic. He was a picnic guy, yeah. Love the picnic guy. Wait, was Yogi Bear? Play catcher? Yeah, was he the Yogi Bear before Yogi Barrow? No? No he was after was he a doofus yogi bear? Uh, no, I thought the park ranger was the park ranger was the doofus yogi bear was he was hunting cunning. Yeah, that's that's right
Starting point is 01:05:15 He was kind of cutting in a doofus way. Well, were they were they around jelly stone? They were jelly stone What was the little one? Boo-boo. That's right. That's right boo boo. If that was realistic, wouldn't Yogi have mercilessly killed that small bear? And not been wearing a tie?
Starting point is 01:05:36 That's true. I guess the tie was... Smarter than your average bear? Is that how we talk? Yogi, Yogi Bear is sued well. That's not cool yogi bearer Try it some money oh That's classic. Well. I mean yeah, I guess he was very popular and then imagine right now if like a cartoon came out It's like I'm LeBron James. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yogi bear had all the quotes, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah, but he says he didn't say half of what he said That's another quote of his. Mm-hmm. Is he the if you see a fork in the road pick it up 90% of the game is half mental Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded. Yep is half mental. Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded. Yep. It ain't over till it's over.
Starting point is 01:06:26 That's him. Is it? I think. He came up with that? He's kind of a fucking genius. Well, that's a big one. Take it. You can deserve a lot by just watching.
Starting point is 01:06:36 It ain't over till it's over. Deja vu all over again. A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore. That's pretty good. These are clever as fuck. If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else He didn't say all these did he? Deep. If you try to avoid these to be. Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours Ha
Starting point is 01:06:53 Get it. It's funny Damn he was deep a real cut-up. He was short. He was a short man, right? Mm-hmm Yeah, that was a sassy. Yeah He was bare. He was a short man, right? Mm-hmm. Like, straight... Yeah. That was a sassy... Yeah. Mm-hmm. He was very interested. Napoleon actually wasn't short, right? That was propaganda. Really? No, that was his gay brother who fled to Philly.
Starting point is 01:07:15 He had a gay brother? What? Like, Camden area, but yeah. He was his gay brother? I forget his name. You could... Napoleon had a gay Philadelphia brother. Yeah What in the world it's the last place I'd go if I was gay Joseph no old old Joan bone apart
Starting point is 01:07:36 Joey be no way Lord diplomat older brother Napoleon during the Polina course letter made him King of Bordentown, New Jersey Yeah, there was that TJ like sort of central. No, it's central for you not fit Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars letter made him king of- Ford and town, New Jersey. Stalin's, yeah. Where is that, TJ? It's like sort of central. Oh, it's central. Not Philadelphia. That's an awesome fact. Yeah. Well, now, gay.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Well, look at him. Look at what he's wearing. They were all wearing that. Yeah. Look at what he's wearing. Come on. They were all wearing that. What he's wearing, come on. We don't know if he was gay?
Starting point is 01:08:12 No. You just said that? I did. Napoleon thought he had something wearing that hat like that. He did have something, didn't he? I mean, he was doing well. But no one else did it. He conquered empires.
Starting point is 01:08:24 No, I mean with the hat is the hat I'm saying he put the hat on he's like, I'm I'm I'm Napoleon I got the shit on and people are gonna be but imagine nobody else and everyone's like I'm not wearing my hat like that If a guy drives in town on a horse and conquers your land and then and then puts on that sassy ass hat Like you just got that's his conquering is not what I'm questioning his legacy as a hat wear is terrible His legacy as a hat wear was dead on arrival and nobody nobody saw him wearing a hat and was like that's kind of dope dude I want to wear my hat that's why some countries remain unhatted to this day yeah it circled back yeah he almost had to that. Full circle. You see his?
Starting point is 01:09:05 Oh, he almost had to wear a hat, though. I don't. We've talked about the X. Somebody has his penis, right? That's right. Yeah, yeah. His penis is out there. It does look like Phil Collins.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Mm-hmm. Wow. KB, you have to take the DK Metcalf helmet home, or I will take it. You can have it. I don't want it. I'll take it, but I'll have to take it Nothing can stay in this office long before I wait one of you can have it You got it. Okay, cool. What I thought you were gonna say that Your your basement too much stuff. My basement doesn't have enough. I have Asian Elvis Right. Well the DK will look good next Asian Elvis. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:47 It's becoming Mississippi themed at that point. The basement. It is a Elvis and DK both from Mississippi. I'm fine with this legends. Yeah, Brandon take it. I don't want it. Where's my my use the helmet more? Uh the stuff was all back in the back back there just in the helmet. Oh you can't. You can't. I think it's got the I think it's got a fake top. Yeah. That's alright. Don't do that. It's got a helmet. It's fine. So, did you get platinum bag this weekend? No. Oh. Um but I had a blast like four for
Starting point is 01:10:23 five, five for six on a couple big ones and that's you know Got me through the day with excitement. So I Got close to a big one yesterday. The Jets are just the Jets again yeah, and I'm not gonna act like I'm a true Jets fan, but It's got to be it's always having a really good officer and them not being good Yeah, yeah But what what is it quarterbacks all is the defense good or bad or I don't know yeah they're bad no it's Garrett Wilson good or bad is Breeze Hall good or bad.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Bruce Hall's good is Aaron Rodgers great or terrible. Yeah. I think you nailed it. Yeah, that's the New York Jets. And that's Jets talk. That's Jets talk. By the way, NASCAR Homestead, Miami offers a one of a kind racing experience. The racetrack is located in between the vibrancy of South Beach and the calm of the Keys. Drivers will be leaving it all out on the track October 26th and 27th as they compete to make it into the championship four for a chance to win the NASCAR Cup Series Championship in Phoenix. Witness the best drivers in motorsports battle it out on the one and a half mile oval track featuring 18 to 20 degree variable banking designed to deliver high speed action, unpredictable
Starting point is 01:11:37 finishes. Purchase your tickets today for two back to back days of thrilling NASCAR action in the Florida sunshine at Homestead Miami Speedway. Where do you guys stand on Old Bay Seasoning? Best. Good. Delay? Yeah. Definitely good. That was Jay's question. I'm a good one, Jay. Or, Jay, you're pro Old Bay, I don't know. Oh!
Starting point is 01:11:59 Wow. Oh, he's not even here to... What the fuck? If he tweets out a GIF right now, that would be awesome. Oh my God. By the way, next Tuesday, if anyone wants to join, Jerry After Dark, I think Lucas has a company that's writing a murder mystery.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Interact. Whoa. Wow. So if you guys take about two hours. We're in Boston. We're in fucking Boston. What the fuck? So y'all really are on the tour life.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Yeah. Damn it. Jerry's got another long one tonight, it seems. What is he doing tonight? Oh my god. Has he not announced it? Oh no. You might have to do advice. It's harder than the hole in one, I think. What? Why does he not announced it? Oh no. Huh. You might have to do.
Starting point is 01:12:45 It's harder than the hole in one I think. What? Why does he keep doing this? Then he's gonna be like I can't. Brandon it definitely is. It's smaller. Right. No it's much harder.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Can I, what is it? Smaller than a hole in one? I have Jerry. Is he over there? Jerry! Jerry! Jerry come here! Let him say it.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Oh man this guy. He keeps doing it to himself. You have to hit the... There's a level of precision here that is even greater than a hole in one. Okay, so the target is smaller. I think. Jerry, first of all, thank you for buying lunch yesterday.
Starting point is 01:13:19 That was cool. Yeah, it was good. Why? I didn't think it was going to be that much money, but yeah, it was good. Well? I didn't think it was going to be that much money, but yeah, it was good. Well, you bought lunch for an entire office. Yeah, it was expensive. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Yeah. I would do it again if I had another bet, but maybe something not as expensive. 500 less, more? 1,000? Just a little less. 983. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Jeez. That's expensive. Well, I hope you. But you hit two incredible more late. Oh my god. Geez. Damn. Well, I hope you... But you hit two incredible Marleys. Yes, which is incredible. And Russie is the guy. Nick.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Unbelievable, Jerry. So good. Unbelievable. It's fun. That was... Malicek's going to jerk off somebody this year. That was a great stream on Sunday night because it was just the first quarter he was so bad. And I was like everyone's like told you so told you so and the Jerry just got the last laugh on But I mean it is at the end of the day. It is only one start. That's true. You know I don't want to get too high
Starting point is 01:14:14 I'm definitely not gonna get too low, but I don't want to get to Who who you got this week for what I it's yes, Monday night you're going Yes, there's a problem with flights though. So you're not going? No, no, I'm going to do whatever I can. You can stream it. I want to do whatever I can to get there, but like, there's no flights out of here like Sunday, like after the stream, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:14:38 Okay. So I would have to go Monday. Okay. And where's the problem here? Monday morning. You just fly Monday. I get that. But I you got something. You got something. What is it? What do you got cooking? I got I got stuff I gotta do Monday. I mean, uh yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:56 Monday. Like what side deals we got? I got something to do for golf. Dick's Sporting Good goods. Oh, but that's through Barstool. Yeah. Oh, no. Is that not through Barstool? Part of it is. What part of it? It's going to go on a Barstool channel. Okay. Yours? Mine, yes. Okay. What? Nothing. I don't want to say anything yet.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I want the deal to go through first. Alright, but you could just fly out on your morning first. I know, I know. I'm figuring stuff out. Tickets are also, like these tickets are crazy. For what? Games. game time use game time yeah but I want I always want to sit row one I want to get close to the players I want the players to see me aren't you aren't you don't you know enough people now yeah no I have side be on the
Starting point is 01:16:00 sideline for the game no pregame yes I have sideline pregame but it won't let you stay on the sideline want to go Nick Monday, pregame, yes. I have sideline pregame, but. They won't let you stay on the sideline? Wanna go, Nick? Monday? I gotta go to, I'll be in New York. Wait. That's where the game is. Wait, we'll be in New York, bro.
Starting point is 01:16:12 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, games in Pittsburgh. Oh, I'll be in New York. Wait, what's your guys' schedule next week? How many days are you out? New York, we are out Tuesday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Fuck! Fuck!
Starting point is 01:16:23 Oh, oh, damn. What's fuck! Whoa, oof. Damn. What's Wednesday? We're, oh, you're not doing New York, right? New York is Sunday. What? New York's Sunday? Yeah. That's what I'm missing.
Starting point is 01:16:35 This tour is just making us work. I'll be here Monday. I'm only missing Tuesday. This thing's out of order. It is. I'm out Sunday, and I'm back Wednesday morning. Thank you. T.J. All right. Here we go. All right. Sunday is the show. Tuesday is the show. So you're back. So
Starting point is 01:16:52 you're just missing Monday and Tuesday. Yeah. And you're just missing Tuesday. Yes. Okay. We can we can live with that. Goodbye. Thursday. Thursday was crazy. We don't like it. I won't be able to go. Jeremy. But thank you. We don't like that. That won't be able to go, Jeremy. But thank you. No, we don't. That would have been fun. Yeah, we gotta get to one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:09 There's no more Mondays, though. They canceled Mondays. What do you mean they canceled them? Garfield. President Garfield. Haven't heard of him? No. Got shot.
Starting point is 01:17:20 All right, so Jerry, what's your stream tonight? So, you ever see TikTok? He's doing TikTok. Okay just I didn't mean it like that I know you've seen take that have you ever seen like scrolling through tick-tock you see those videos where it's like the tea it's a baseball tee but then there's an egg on it and these guys yeah yeah yeah this is it oh and what are you doing that's a low st a low stinger. A low stinger. Doing this? Yes, to try to crack Nick. Where?
Starting point is 01:17:46 At a dome, where we did the football. Oh, really? Yeah, the punt return. How far away you got to be? I don't know. These guys are like 15 yards, 20 yards. But apparently it takes people days. So this might take you days?
Starting point is 01:18:02 Well, that's the thing is I'm just in such a hard spot with the Scheduling it's just like I'm gonna go until I have to come to do advisors, you know Yeah, I mean the scheduling it's it's a hard spot because like you couldn't it sneaks up on you every week that Tuesday happens And then Wednesday also happens. Yeah up on you every week that Tuesday happens and then Wednesday also happens. Yeah, exactly. That's it's great. Wednesdays.
Starting point is 01:18:26 My they keep doing this to us where they're like Wednesdays after Tuesday. Yeah. And then Wednesdays. Wednesday is my busy day. Right. But Tuesday is your long night. Yeah. Have you thought about doing Wednesday nights or Monday nights?
Starting point is 01:18:39 I guess that's football. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm open to Wednesday nights, but for this stream we couldn't do it because we booked it Okay, but you should maybe start doing Wednesday nights going forward. Yeah, for sure long straight. Yeah for sure for sure hundred percent Yeah, we're working on that. We couldn't switch this one. You could be done in a minute. I that's the plan It's always the play. How awesome would it be if you got it first try? Oh the thing well the problem here is I don't
Starting point is 01:19:06 I can't I never hit a stinger before Those guys feels like a problem Yeah, you've never hit the shot that you need to hit exactly and those guys are pretty good. I was guys looks really good Yeah, no, I'm not that good That type of shot yeah, Jerry is very this bad the hardest shot in golf. They say why don't you get a we need to at least get like a emu egg or something. What's that?
Starting point is 01:19:29 A bigger egg. A bigger egg. Oh, I didn't think about that. Yeah. Like a Humpty Dumpty side of the thing. Get yourself a bigger egg dude. It's a good idea. But then where are they gonna find it?
Starting point is 01:19:38 It has to crack. I know. If a golf ball hits it I feel confident it'll crack. But then they're going to get mad. Like, oh, it's not a real egg. Fake egg. Well, yeah, but that's every... But the rules, I think, got posted, and it just has an egg.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Right. So I think we got... What's the biggest egg? They're posted. I think they're posted. It's got to be an ostrich. I don't know if we can just buy one. Wait, what other animals do...
Starting point is 01:20:02 Snake eggs? No, not going to be that big. It's an ostrich. I was about to say something so stupid Oh, no, can you just buy an ostrich egg dinosaur? Yeah, I think you can really say it say it I Was gonna ask if we could get an elephant egg Elephants definitely don't go down to eggs. What's the biggest egg, TJ?
Starting point is 01:20:29 Ostrich. It's an ostrich. OK. Yeah, but where the hell they have those at? Africa? Ostrich. Just go to like an Asian market. I feel like they have every egg.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Yeah, you should go to an Asian market and try to get an ostrich egg. They don't have them there? I feel like Asian markets have everything. They have everything that's like not anywhere else. Yeah, right. They have everything that you can get that you can't get anywhere else. That's what they are.
Starting point is 01:20:51 You know what I love? Do you ever have them? Duck egg. They're small. They're incredible. They're delicacies. So much better than a regular egg. What?
Starting point is 01:21:00 Yes. You crack them and eat them? It looks like a regular egg, but it's very small. It's a duck egg. And they're delicious. It looks like a regular egg, but it's very small to duck egg and they're delicious Can we get a chart of all the eggs? I'd love to see every egg little egg talk quail I like you like dot talk while legs are dot talk is the best I'd say six hours though. I think I say that every time yeah, that's your default answer I would say six hours though. I think I get it.
Starting point is 01:21:22 You say that every time. Yeah. That's your default answer. Six hours? Yeah. The basketball one should have been over. Has one ever ended in six hours? That one was...
Starting point is 01:21:31 It feels like they go three or 20. Yeah, it's either like three or 20. Yeah, it's... Who are you calling to save you on this one? Yeah, there's no... Like a no body. There's not a Mark Titus equivalent for this. No.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Yeah. I should call him Riggs. Riggs. You ever heard of it? Wait, what egg is that, an ant egg? Yeah, these are tiny eggs. We haven't even started at real eggs yet. Tobacco fish?
Starting point is 01:21:54 Ladybug, wow. It's going to be three minutes before we get to an actual egg. Frog. Whoa. I'm just saying, boys, imagine if at the end of this there's an elephant. That would be cool to say.
Starting point is 01:22:07 All right American goldfinch platypus platypi lay eggs right yeah, that'd be cool to see I hope that's a cool-looking bird Cat bird Great egg Titmouse House Sparrow Capper Great egg That's a clean egg TJ get the tear list get the tear to your maker ready Chicken Now we can go off
Starting point is 01:22:41 Relax. Chicken. Alright, so now we can go off. Jack, duck eggs bigger. No way. I buy duck eggs all the time. They're small. Crocodiles. You're getting the wrong duck eggs.
Starting point is 01:22:51 A great buster. Great buster. Great buster. Oh, I had too much. Great buster. Great buster. Whooping crane. Goose.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Goose. Goose egg, Jack. Goose egg. That could be possible Cassowary oh Emos and awesome that looks like space ostrich wait. Oh, that's a dinosaur right moa. That's not a real thing That's not a real thing. Oh, shit. Oh, go to the elephant!
Starting point is 01:23:23 Elephant! Elephant! Oh, shit! Fuck yes. I owe you an apology. Vindication. Elephant. Beelobogs.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I always knew it. Aeropod? I never doubted you. It's not an egg? That looks like a chinchilla. Oh my word. Holy shit. A Hungarian horn tail?
Starting point is 01:23:41 Oh. These are awesome. Get a skull crawler. Skull crawler? They're making shit up. Holy shit. Oh, Godzilla! Oh, this a Skullcrawler. They're making shit up. Holy shit. Oh, Godzilla. Oh, this challenge is going to be easy. Who's that woman?
Starting point is 01:23:49 Oh! Godzilla egg. Yeah. Just go get a Godzilla egg. That woman just has enormous flow. Her eggs are nothing. Yeah, she has giant eggs. Godzilla, Godzilla.
Starting point is 01:24:00 There it is. Thank you, Steve. All right, so you got to get an Oscar check. Yep. Yeah Good to run good to run there it is All right, so you got to get an Oscar check yep also shout out DraftKings. No free ads I will know they know they should always get an ad yeah, yeah, all right well Shut up body armor no free ads $10,000 bonus bed just hit today. Oh, so what are you gonna? Do on Sunday you gotta do Sunday or maybe me I was thinking Sunday stream during our stream. We do something, right? Yeah, right. I can't do a Monday. Are you gonna 10,000? Are you gonna parlay? Yeah. Well hubs got the 40k
Starting point is 01:24:34 I walked away with 10. Oh, that's great. Are you gonna make a straight better? You're gonna do like a parlay I'm certainly upset with wait all 10,000. Yeah, just how it works. I want to do a two leg part I'm not gonna get crazy. No two leg parlay. That's it Three I'll do three All right, so but it should be each game each slate you think each slate Or maybe don't do Sunday night because then you have to yeah Maybe two twelve o'clock one afternoon? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Three leg parlay? Yeah. How do you sit down and craft these? Because I feel like you hit a lot of big ones. Yeah, he's good at them. I hit big ones every year, but I miss a lot as well. But it feels like gambling. But what's your strategy?
Starting point is 01:25:19 I like taking guys that didn't score the week before. Okay. So I look for that. Good players who aren't gonna go often without scoring. Yeah, and if it's like, okay, CD Lamb hasn't scored in three weeks and I just so happen to see it, he's automatic in my mind. I'm doing that too.
Starting point is 01:25:38 You know, that's what I usually do. But if like Derek Henry, I didn't take him in stool-viver all those weeks because he just kept on scoring Yeah, and in my head. I'm like I'm gonna take him five six weeks in and he's gonna fuck me But he just scores every week doesn't matter. Aaron Williams has nine. Yeah, I mean, it's crazy. Yeah, I Played that so wrong by the way that still Viver. Yeah, I mean I was out the first Thursday of the year I was out the first Thursday of the year I was out immediately yeah I don't think there's any logic that goes into like
Starting point is 01:26:07 predicting if a star or starting running back scores a touchdown that's all based on luck like do they make it to the yeah two yard line I know it's like and then you got these quarterbacks that are just sneaking it now it's tough that sucks yeah so it's a it's a tough game it's a tough game. It's a tough game. But we're going to find out on Sunday. I like that. Yeah, three legs. You like it? Three legs?
Starting point is 01:26:31 So will they let me do it? Yeah, right? Why not? Yeah. Well, Jack's doing this whole thing where it's like, well, it's got to be minus this or plus this. Like, why? Why can't it just be whatever?
Starting point is 01:26:39 It's going to be minus or plus. Well, yes, but there's he's trying to say that you have to be within or plus. Well, yes, but there is there's he's trying to say that you have to be within both sides. I can't try to crack them for 200,000. You know what I mean? I don't know. Sounds like well, three like parlay. You're getting them for something. Yeah. Why wouldn't you just bet a game? You know, me. Yeah, I do. Stupid question. Can't do that. Dumb question by me. I got to C plus. A lot of plus. You know what I mean? Yeah, a lot of plus. Jerry, have you experienced any new technology around the city? No, but you know, me and Spider just went to Lowe's. I had to pick up some
Starting point is 01:27:15 sprinklers. We just got back. Why did Spider? He just wanted to come for the drive. Okay. And he's been telling me about, I mean mean he just had my ear for like 30 minutes about Elon Musk and these robots and these self-driving things this I wish we had had a video of this. Oh my god It's incredible, but you haven't you haven't gone to any new technology in the city today. No, I'm either here home the angel Reese Okay, yeah, that was last night. Oh, it was last night Well angel Reese has it did a collab with cash app. It's a pop-up in Fulton market and You can win like signed jerseys and shit like that out of this box and Mean Blutman went yesterday, but the line was just
Starting point is 01:28:01 crazy All those people lined up for Angel Reese's box. Yeah. It's for my daughter, Jerissa. But it was packed. There was so many people there. Yeah, that's just you walking away. Yeah, I'm devastated.
Starting point is 01:28:19 My daughter. This captures. That's a man who just missed out on injuries. My daughter, Jorissa, really wants a jersey. I came late. No daddy. But what? Why would he need a jersey?
Starting point is 01:28:37 She loves LSU. She loves you. We just want to sign Jersey. Damn. People were there for hours. Is it a game you play or is it gambling? So you just, it's free. You go in there, you press a couple buttons. Oh my god! Yeah. And then you get a receipt and the receipt tells you what you won.
Starting point is 01:28:57 You could win cash at money, you can win authenticated jerseys that are signed, game worn, jersey that's signed. Wow. Yeah. If you had a game game worn Jersey would you take a whiff I? Think every guy would Yeah, you'd have to have to you know Sneakers would be cool My god yeah When somebody hyperventilates in a bag Yeah He likes when somebody hyperventilates in a bag Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:27 Yeah, I've been I love getting signed jerseys. That's like you have these displayed anywhere so some yes But we're gonna do redo my basement next year, and then I want to have all them like on the walls Yeah, but I have like 4550. Oh my right now signed. Yeah. So what would you say is your most valuable? TJ GameWarn. Yeah. Hundred percent addressed to me specifically. You know it's not like that's not valuable. Decreases or lost the value. Valuable to you. Valuable to me. Yeah. Yeah. I would say that's the most valuable. I have some low valuable ones. You collect them to ever sell them again, or you just collect them to have them? No.
Starting point is 01:30:10 That's what I do. I don't care about resale back. No. No. Cards all resell, but not really jerseys and stuff like that. That's signed. I just hit up Anthony Rizzo, actually. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:30:23 Yeah. He's kind of busy right now. Well mean we've been chattin' He's kinda busy right now. Well we've been chattin' a little bit. He's a big fan of the signs and uh, you know, I know Mackenzie was looking for some tickets for Yankees, you know, for her dad so I made a couple calls. I think Rizzo might be able to help out. That's very nice. Did you text him?
Starting point is 01:30:43 Uh, DM. You know. Okay. Yeah, you text them DM You know okay, so we'll see we'll see those tickets are crazy anybody see the prices Yeah, they're like a thousand is the is the cheapest one she's standing. Oh, it's crazy Well tj. How you feeling? I'm fucking pumped man. I'm very excited I wasn't in on them for most of the season because I expected them to fall flat and not make the World Series But they're in the World Series, which is pretty fucking cool. I'll teach it
Starting point is 01:31:09 Will you cyber bully a player if he's performing poorly? I've been cyber bullying like our Rutgers offensive coordinator recently I don't know. I don't I do coaches going at like maybe pro players, but never a college player. Yeah Going at like, maybe pro players, but never a college player. Oh. Yeah. Brandon, will you? No. No, I don't cyber bowl. You can't do college.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I just do it on my shows. Yeah, you say it out loud. Yeah. Which probably hurts me in the interview game, but whatever. You got to speak your truth. Got to speak my truth. Yeah. It's the gig, man.
Starting point is 01:31:48 That is the gig. Is there anybody that's ever refused to work with you because they hate you? Um, no. I really haven't reached out all that much. You have to have somebody. I'm sure there's people that said we don't like Barstool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Yeah, for sure. Like, pumpkin patches. Yeah, pumpkin patches is corn mazes second cities dumbest shit ever What's wrong with pumpkin patches? Oh, no, I meant corn maze. Oh corn maze There's a corn maze that denied us because I oh might have said something about Taylor. He won't see Travis Kelsey's P and gotcha Yeah, I got I got something to bring up has been on my mind can I bring it up careful? Jason Kelsey It's a little too much. No. He's constantly too much, but I don't think I don't blame him. I don't blame him either
Starting point is 01:32:35 He's overexposed, but it's not his fault there. I get that it's a little too much though. He's saying yes to how yes How is it not his fault? Yeah? He's Because they're probably offering him a shitload of money Say no to that stuff, you know I mean, yeah He probably could say no to some stuff and be like I'm overexposed Yeah, but it also is probably hard for them to be like hey here do this talk about football and we'll give you this Yeah, he was asleep at a Taylor Swift show not too long ago, right?
Starting point is 01:33:01 So we took a picture of him asleep at the stands. That was just dad energy. Just don't go. You've probably been to a million. Yeah. Yeah. He was just feeling the dad. Taylor Swift wrote David Letters. Yeah, I saw that. That was crazy.
Starting point is 01:33:14 He was sitting next to Billy Joel. I know, he blew it. That's insane. What do you mean he blew it? He said to Billy Joel during the Taylor Swift concert, be cool if they just broke out scenes from Italian restaurant. And Billy Joel was like, okay.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Oh. He blew it. Blew it. That's a blowing it. Okay. You can't do that. Billy was just probably like, dude, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:33:42 Get out of my face. Who's the most famous person you were ever next to you'd say or in the presence of they can know who I don't know I mean cuz you've had a lot of Schwarzenegger that's up there you were next to him yeah I tried to get a picture and he just kept on walking to find the fine next to okay like me and Titus right now no I understand sitting there but like if you just walked up to them and you shook their hand in your neck for a short time. Fair yeah. Yeah. You have to have a sitting spell is what I'm saying. There doesn't have to be like a prolonged we're right beside each other. Correct yeah. Oh
Starting point is 01:34:18 I was just I peed beside Michael Jordan one time. That's huge. I had to be humbling. Where? I didn't see it. Yeah. Where? The Golden Triangle Regional Airport in Columbus, Mississippi. That's fucking huge. That's pretty sick.
Starting point is 01:34:31 I was, when I was living in LA, I was at a diner one time eating breakfast and Jane Lynch. Oh fuck. Oh my God, what? Walked in. From Glee? Yeah, Jane Lynch.
Starting point is 01:34:43 The big, the big, the big Lesbian? She wasn't, she didn't stop to to eat she was getting a takeout order But then she forgot her hot sauce. I think she was getting huevos rancheros and she came back for hot sauce So I saw her twice technically jeez wait What were you doing? Oh there? Yeah, I was just eating. Yeah, just eating eating breakfast But I was like goddamn it in Los Angeles. Oh, I live there. Yeah, I live there it was Like God was Englewood or it was well at the time I had lived in Beverly Hills But then I moved by the beach and oh you were on the co it was one of those
Starting point is 01:35:19 Titus and I got smoked out by Antonio Brown in LA. Oh, yeah, we did. Yeah Yeah, we did yeah, yeah, we did. Yeah. Wait, what? That was pretty cool. Yeah, we did, yeah. Yeah. I heard you were featherweight. That groom of Craig's. No, we were not featherweight. You hit his blunt?
Starting point is 01:35:31 No, he had a blunt roller with him. And it was us, our tables, like me, Rasello, Titus, a couple other people. And they came. It was Antonio Brown and Larsa Pippen. That's right. That's what it was. And this is crazy.
Starting point is 01:35:45 They had a blunt roller with them and they were like, they asked the waitstaff, it was like late in the night, so it was just us and them in the back outside. And they asked the waitstaff like, can we smoke? And the waitstaff was like, you have to ask that table. And then they came over and I was like yeah you guys can smoke But can you roll us one too, and he was like yeah, I got a blunt roller. She was like hey, what's up? I'll roll you guys a blunt That's a blunt roller wasn't Larsa Pippen though. No
Starting point is 01:36:15 He had a guy on a girl girl on staff that was a roll that was walked around rolling blunts for him So she rolled us a blunt, and we all smoked. That's awesome. Did you see Levy on end, AB? That was interesting. Yeah. I mean, AB just saying that Kamala can't guard him, I just mean, I don't think a lot of people could guard you.
Starting point is 01:36:36 No, no, I don't think so. Crazy. Are you going to try to buy that shirt that AB was wearing? I have it. OK. Should have known that. And I got the towel, too. Something my buddy sent in the mail.
Starting point is 01:36:50 He sent me, he sent me, well, in the process of sending. He has the Trump, the terrible towel one. And then the other one he had, AB had it. He was wearing a cut off, though. But it said something like something, Kit Kamala or something like that. I thought it was Trump versus Tramp. There you go.
Starting point is 01:37:03 That's the one. Yeah. There's a couple of them. There's a couple of them out there though. Did the AI image of Trump in a Steelers uniform do it for you? Oh yeah. I mean I don't think I have it saved or anything like that. Ah. So you have it saved. I didn't print it out or anything like that. What's your wallpaper, Jer? No, my wallpaper is just my son. Okay. No, but I like, I'm talking about, I guarantee if you go to my camera roll, you won't find it.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Mark hit the recently deleted album. Yeah. Yeah. It's not in his camera roll, he printed it out and put it in his pocket. No. Just to have it with you. Saved it three times just in case.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Brandon, will you rip the other ad read? We have a guest coming in 15 minutes. Oh, nice. 15 minutes. Awesome. We have a guest. We got a towel with somebody too, right? Oh, yeah, we got a towel.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Oh, I have to get towel whipped. He has denied the gauntlet once. Hopefully, he'll do it this time. I'm sorry. Am I reading NASCAR? Apology accepted. Did you read Game Time? I didn't read Game Time.
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Starting point is 01:39:06 This guy said he's 92 inches tall. I don't know what that means. No, hold on. 92 inches tall. Seven feet is... Hold on. No. Seven feet's 84.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Right. What? Oh, my God. That guy's so tall. It's right there. Look, he has the measuring tape. He's 7'8". I'm going to give it to him. We have a 7'8. It's right there. Look, he has the measuring tape. He's 7'8". I'm going to give it to him.
Starting point is 01:39:26 We have a 7'8". It's confirmed. He doesn't have a 7'8 head. He needs to throw a shoe up there for us to really believe it. Wait, click on his profile. I think it might be 7'8". Sports embedding troll analyst. That's a good start.
Starting point is 01:39:40 If you're 7'8", you've got to put that in the bio. 7'8". Yeah, I believe that in the bio. 7'8"? Yeah, I believe him. Somebody also, this might be for Jerry to judge, sent in. Feet? Highest arch of any Yak listener foot. Oh. Put that up.
Starting point is 01:39:58 Oh. Wow. Wow. That's a nice living room, too. That's pretty good. Jerry? Good decor. What are we think in Jerry?
Starting point is 01:40:05 Malice equid hater deep arch nods means What do you think should we give her the world record? What oh, this is any more? Yeah, it's yak. It's yak. Oh, yeah hundred percent Okay, all right So that person gets the yak record for highest arch and we also have the tallest yak list looking for high It doesn't matter. It's I it. It doesn't need it all. Oh, you were peeing. I also got highest yo-yo.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Oh, this is going to be good. At the Eiffel Tower. Oh. That makes me nervous. I will take it. Yep. Done. That's a record.
Starting point is 01:40:37 All right, three winners. That's huge. I don't want to. I don't know if the first guy was 7'8", guys. It said right there. Show Brandon the picture again. The measuring tape. Oh, a headset, Doug.
Starting point is 01:40:52 What's headset Doug doing? Look, his hand's touching the ceiling. Yeah. He's setting up for the return of stool streams tomorrow. Someone throw a shoe on his head. Stool streams returning? Jenga tomorrow. Measure with the laser.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Hell yes. And then mostly sports championship after tomorrow. Measure with the laser. Hell yes. And then mostly sports championship after that. Oh, hell yes. Who's playing in it? Lutman and Luchusi. And me and Jenga were playing in the shippel. Shout out Lutman. He just signed to your deal.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Yeah. Oh, all right. Congrats to him. He's acting different too. Well, he came into my office, closed the door to thank me. And it was just as awkward as you'd imagine. How do you look facially? Bad. And he was just like thank you and I was like I love you man like what as long as I'm here you're here and he's like oh okay and then yeah I
Starting point is 01:41:38 was like keep keep doing it don't lose your eyes I said to him. That'd be a catastrophe. You can't lose your eyes because then we to him, but I'll be a cat can't lose your eyes cuz we're gonna have an issue Is that a stipulation in the contract? I think it should be I mean He can't lose his eyes. No Do you think he's the number one ball watcher? I feel like he is 17 a hundred percent Yeah, I see a guy who will take pieces from each game or he'll watch games in their entirety He's got eyes on everything. He'll go back and if they'll go back and watch uh-huh
Starting point is 01:42:08 that's impressive and he knows ball I hope our guest does the gauntlet but I don't know if they will famous famous person uh yeah he's famous Jerry I got this is it a famous person? Uh, yeah, he's famous. Jerry, I got this. Is it a famous person? Yeah, he's famous. Cool. Autograph worthy? Yeah. Guy, girl, guy.
Starting point is 01:42:33 I think he said he. Well, I mean, if he. I said autograph worthy. You're not going to get a girl's autograph, are you? Right. But I'm curious for the listeners. Born in Hawaii former senator of this state
Starting point is 01:42:50 Married to a guy girl. Mm-hmm Jerry you should know this by now Okay No, cuz we said born in Hawaii. So you got confused or can say born in Kenya? Or can say born in Kenya? Now I got it he's coming in no It's a zoom I don't know if I could do the gong never get back to you said he was in a meeting Oh Definitely not in a meeting what a meeting It's a long-ass meeting meeting. What a meeting. That's you.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Come on, Rome. Come on, Rome. Guy's got a meeting. He's got a meeting. He's so in this meeting. Oh, he's in this meeting. That's a meeting. Oh, that thing is getting met right now. Yeah. Well, we tried to break the news to him. He's gonna hear it from somewhere else. It doesn't change the news. Yeah, he still has to come to Chicago. He said it's an allergist appointment. I said we voted to make you move to Chicago. It was unanimous. Yeah. I like having him here. I like Ron. Love him. Let's see what he says. What if he was just like, okay. That's all it took? What if that just became barcels? You could vote for anyone at any time. He just says that's all I ever wanted. You guys just had to vote. Just every single person is up for vote all the time.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Yeah. Is this a real vote? Is this like a real thing? I think so. Entering people in the portal. Yeah. Rone's like, I always wanted to move to Chicago. I just wanted you guys to one at this bad. Yeah, I wanted you guys to vote.
Starting point is 01:44:56 I was never going to. Yeah, Rone only accepts a vote. Respect that democracy is still alive alive he hasn't responded oh he says long as it's not a punishment not a punishment mmm-hmm ah we'll punish him movings a punishment for anybody moving sucks they seem to be fighting back on my word punishment there it's definitely a punish a punishment
Starting point is 01:45:22 yeah not because I would the it's just not it sucks not having to go to the New York office That's not the point moving sucks when you decide that you want to move. Yeah Moving is the worst that's a case scenario. It sucks Yeah, yeah, I you get a massive raise have a shoe have a huge windfall move into a house It's three times the size of the house you live in, and that whole process would still suck ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:48 Still the day of the move is gonna be the worst day of your year. Yeah. So someone telling you, you must move. Yeah, moving is the worst. That's a punishment, that is. Kudos to movers. Oh, they're just always moving.
Starting point is 01:46:03 Every day. But you know what, to get really jacked Yeah, no like the Russian ones have the worst builds, and they're really good at it, but they're powerful. Yeah powerful Yeah, I would like to be powerful would you rather be jacked and weak as fuck yes? Powerful I'd rather be powerful Horrible build and be powerful. I'd rather be like. I'd rather be powerful. I'd rather look powerful. A horrible build and be powerful. I'd rather be like the guy that like when you shake my hand, everyone's like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:46:29 How often would you really use your power? I would shake everyone's hand. If you had a ripped bod, would you be, you would. No, I wouldn't want to rip. You would have your shirt off a lot. I wouldn't want to be a ripped bod. I'd want to have, like, if you could tell me I could be like as powerful as an Olympic weightlifter.
Starting point is 01:46:45 But with Mark Henry. Mark Henry. Mark Henry build? You'd rather have Mark Henry's build. No, but imagine if you could have the power but not have like, you're not jacked, so you'd just surprise everyone with the power. I think part of having the power is looking like it.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Like when you give someone a squeeze, they're like, holy fuck. But if you're jacked, nobody's gonna fuck with you. Like imagine if right now, I could just pick Kyle up over my head. That'll be so sick You and you would utilize that day to day? Yeah, I'd pick you up every day could every day. I'd put you over my doing the whole episode holding Kyle be amazing Yeah, and just spin them like a pizza pie
Starting point is 01:47:20 It's like watch this guys. Would you allow yourself to be spun? You'd have um, maybe one spin not dick down Or that's fair. I would only do dick up Okay. Yeah, I don't know Wait what I would rather you tell you what's the benefit? He doesn't want me touching his dick Why are you why are you assuming that you where would your finger be? I guess I'll be on your belly Yeah, it'd be be in the middle with yeah, I wasn't planning on touching your dick till you brought it
Starting point is 01:47:49 Oh you would for reinforcement it would happen You think that's like a load-bearing dick And I could just grab it and be like no Frank. Yes, not I Mean if you got hard now, that's different question, then I can spin you like an umbrella promise you won't get hard Would that be considered molesting? Oh, god. You picked up your coworker and just spun him by his dick? Without asking?
Starting point is 01:48:12 He's not a kid. Don't insult him like that. Watch this trick. Could anyone here pick anyone else up and spin them? No. Yes. Spider. I could spin Spider.
Starting point is 01:48:23 You can't spin him. You could spin Spider? Spider! Can't spin him. You could spin Spider? Spider! You can't spin him. Spider's not gonna let himself be spun. Spider! Say you'll do a dick down. I'm gonna give it a shot.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Are you the guy to test this? Is there someone? I mean, getting him up is... Spider. Be good. Do you want dick up or dick down, Spidey? No, no chance. No, you can't spin him. dick down, Spidey? No, no chance. No, you can't spin him. What are you doing to him?
Starting point is 01:48:50 Can you wear him like a scarf? Like Britney Spears with that snake? Yeah. That's a rich move. That's your scarf, dude. Wow! You look great! That's a rich move. That's your scarf, dude. Wow. You look great. Oh my God, dude, you look really good.
Starting point is 01:49:19 That would be a good scarf. You're probably warm. See you, Spidey. Good job, Spidey. Oh See you buddy job spider did you hurt yeah, I think I'm good Man scarf think I'm good. Mm-hmm might have hurt my neck Your heart you're in pain, I mean that's not a normal thing to pick up another man like that Spider scarf Sasha Baron Cohen interview what he had Paul up to people as his furniture is Paula dual things I think she put her feet up That's I mean, it's one of the best parts of the kids you just fucking toss them Yeah, I just pick up my kids wearing my scarves
Starting point is 01:50:08 Throw them everywhere you got to skip them like a stone in the pool right? Yeah. Oh, yeah Or your lake or your big-ass lake you would play a game called monster, and I'm just like a Frankenstein monster I just pick them up It's pretty fun I'm not a monster, I just pick them up. It's pretty fun. What was that for? I wanna have a kill. Will they, any of them, do they like jump from furniture?
Starting point is 01:50:31 Yeah, they jump on me. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Play monster. The DM's just diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis. Ooh. Oh no. So, probably not gonna be able to play tonight. Play what?
Starting point is 01:50:45 For the Knicks, for the Celtics, for anything. Oh, fuck. Oh, basketball's on tonight. Load management on opening night. I think I'm in beads. Steven Che, what is your pick tonight? Tune into Quick Picks to find out. Ha ha.
Starting point is 01:51:01 You must have. I know, I heard. You don't find it funny anymore yeah I think just got to go be fine it's cancelled is Kate okay haven't seen her diarrhea oh she not here hey wait a second yeah no, she has diarrhea. Massive diarrhea. Jesus. Explosive. My god. What's going around? It's like so bad that she was like, I can't even be here right now. Somebody else said they had diarrhea yesterday. Yeah, Tate said that yesterday too.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Tate. Tate and Kate? Tate had two diareas yesterday. Two diareas. I feel like this office is, I mean, at any given time, 30% of us. A diarrhea heavy office. Every time I walk in the bathroom,
Starting point is 01:51:42 somebody's having diarrhea. Yeah. It's the shittinest bathroom in the world you know if you hold in your diarrhea it will solidify I know that for a fact what do you mean that's all you do that's all I do but the hard part is holding it in right no holding in makes the hard part what is holding it in me not not releasing it working through the gramps it's not diarrhea if you can hold it in right wise wise wise We need that quote over a black and white picture of Brandon yeah
Starting point is 01:52:21 Motivational it was never diarrhea the yogi bearer of diarrhea Brandon Walker That's a beautiful adage. Thank you that really was Who's this guest is Longer than 15 minutes now. No, it's actually been exactly 15 minutes. Well, then you lied his ETA was 155 can I guess yes Martin Lawrence yeah wow Seriously wait a spoiler. Yeah, have you seen his films? No? None of them you've seen some of them like a new one no is he promoting something? Why do you fall for stuff so fast and that fall for any various Martin Lawrence?
Starting point is 01:53:03 It's Martin Lawrence. Hey, Stobby. Stobby's here. Looking good. Where you going Jerry? Oh, because he's a Ravens fan? That was fucked up. Sit down. Sit down. Ravens-Steeler rivalry. Nah, not much of a fucking rivalry baby. Steelers rivalry. Nah, not much of a fucking rivalry, baby. Oh. Steelers suck dick. On the record.
Starting point is 01:53:28 Do you want to say anything to Stephen Che after you ended his season last night, Stavvy? I mean, I guess fuck you, suck my dick. I haven't really thought about it, but the Buccaneers are frauds. Baker Mayfield sucks. You're stupid for paying him. What else?
Starting point is 01:53:44 Uh... It really hurt. Just kind of going off the top of the head. sucks you're stupid for paying him what else just kind of going off the top of the head he's also Chinese if you want to say I got a couple of those I just got here let me warm up a little bit got a new movie coming out soon I do it's coming out in theaters October 25th this Friday actually it's coming out in theaters let's start a new movie coming out soon. I do it's coming out in theaters October 25th this Friday. Actually, it's coming out in theaters Let's start a cult do a little screening today at the Alamo got a couple tickets if anybody wants to come Pft is gonna be there. Yeah
Starting point is 01:54:16 But yeah, no, I'm pumped. That's why I'm here doing the screening and so and you're gonna come back you promised you'd come back I'm trying to come back to you. Yeah. Yeah, that doesn't sound like you're I want to obviously but I you know, I am on tires also. Sorry just my fucking TV show. It's kind of hard. Yeah, I Technically am never supposed to leave but I just leave Oh Philly. Yeah, they were like, hey, can you come in for a scene? I was like, ah Damn, dude. I'm actually not even in town right now. Is, uh, Francis in the new tires, right? Yes, he is. How's he been doing?
Starting point is 01:54:49 He's good. I've read the script. The script, he, the episode is really funny. He has a very funny little arc. I don't think we're in the same episode this year, unfortunately. Last time I kind of wanted to fuck his character, but we didn't get to follow that up this time. Wait, how far in are you guys taping it? We're pretty early.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Oh, it's early? It's pretty early. Got it. Yeah, dude. But let's start a cult for all you YAC listeners out there. Go watch that shit. It's a stupid movie. It's dumb as fuck.
Starting point is 01:55:18 It's 89 minutes. Oh, that's perfect. If it was 90, I'd be out. 90's bull. Yeah, I needed that 8 in front of the movie. We cut a lot of good stuff out to get to 89. Are you okay with Stephen Che doing a review of this? Um, I suppose, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Okay, he's a famous... I suppose, because, yeah. He shouldn't be. He's a movie reviewer. Well, here's the thing. If he says it's bad, then I can be like, fucking fuck Stephen Che, he's a fucking idiot. If he says it's good, I'm like, genius, this guy's part. So it's kind of a win-win situation.
Starting point is 01:55:49 He said, what was the movie? The Pop-Tart movie? Yeah, remind us what you liked. Unfrosted, I liked Unfrosted. 10 out of 10. Liked Unfrosted. Yeah, that's awesome. Love, respect.
Starting point is 01:56:01 He loved Unfrosted and you hated Oppenheimer? Oppenheimer, I didn't kill him. I'm not sex. Didn't hate Oppenheimer and you hated Oppenheimer Wait, what was the air? Oh air he's a air. He said there was not a love story Affleck should have fucked the shoes So pissed about that Respect Yeah so that's our movie critic I love it dude yeah check out Let's Start A Cult Tell me what you think
Starting point is 01:56:33 I'm excited for it I'm very excited for it Yeah dude what have you guys been up to? Sorry I just kinda came in here and plugged my movie What do we got? I just wanna be in the flow of things Yeah what are we talking about? Are you gonna do the gauntlet today? What's the gauntlet?
Starting point is 01:56:45 It's the thing you turned out. You're actually one of the only two people who've turned it down. What is it? I don't know what the fuck it is. It's the athletic. Oh, no. I heard athletic. It's very easy. No, don't say athletic. It's a cornhole. It's a series of feats.
Starting point is 01:57:01 It's a cornhole shot. It's a score goal. Throw the ball through the cornhole. I want to get swole, dude I don't want to do any fucking I'm all I'm all I'm all go no show Soder said you would never do the gauntlet Do don't you and he did do it try him talent is it and he don't try your little fucking tricks So I wouldn't do it. No, he did. I'm not a baby. I'm not your fucking son You can't trick me into fucking stop There's a collection of times that I can promise you to your face. You won't lose to okay I like what I'm seeing here, but I'm not prepared for the gauntlet. Tommy Pope got really mad. That's not that tracks
Starting point is 01:57:33 Yeah, that tracks. Yeah, not even about the gauntlet just about Immigration yeah, oh, yeah your guys all the Orioles came by hell. Yeah, dude It owes I got an owes cap in my bag right now actually But my hair is looking too good to deprive the viewers from looking at it. Yeah, I'm slicked back. I'm looking nice right now Yeah, the Orioles fucking rule. We'll get them next year boys. No probably fuck you. Yes, we will We love Gunnar Henderson gunner rules like the Orioles you suck dick basically my whole life I'm not gonna be yeah look at that, dude You want to talk about athletic feats me thrown heat? How was my first bitch? Yeah?
Starting point is 01:58:11 Yeah, I got a little oh look. That's a right there I'm trying if any ladies trying to know not what did that first guy say yeah, I don't that don't show that again Baltimore badly oh Beesley's alright. I'll give you more Baltimore. More badly obese. I'll give you that. Sorry. Couldn't help it. I wanted to not send this, but God damn it. I had to obese. Elise. What is that even a pun on? It was too perfect. Obesely. Sorry. That's terrible. At least he apologized. I guess I'll take the apology. Um, yeah dude. No, I'm, I maybe, I don't know. I haven't decided yet. I came to get swole though. I got fucking jacked. It didn't work out, but I think you should do the, what? Do you want to see someone do it first? I just want to
Starting point is 01:59:04 be, yes, I would like to see it I want to do I like to be it's all about preparation yeah yeah so it's watch someone and then you can decide okay maybe it's fair yeah okay when I come back when I will do it oh no then coming back oh no never see him again sound like my father listen the worst time is nine minutes and 30 seconds you won't't hit that. You might. Jeff T. Lowe hit a miss 86. Three missed three pointers. Nah, I can't do it. Got a shoulder injury first. I got to rehab the shoulders. Got to get the first pit. You're never going to hit one oh three on the dude. I saw that. Yeah. Has anyone ever like torn their rotator cuff doing a first
Starting point is 01:59:46 pit almost certainly has to. I would have if I really if I really did you as one hop it or not. We were in there. You were in there. I got a little fucked because so I forget the guy's name but a guy on the Orioles staff came up to me and I don't feel bad forgetting his name because of what he pulled he was like dude I Got you. I I asked to catch the first pitch. I'm a big fan I'm gonna frame you up nice And I was like hell yeah, dude This guy's gonna make me look like a fuck cuz the framing is a lot of the first pitch
Starting point is 02:00:16 Cuz a lot of you get fucked sometimes and then it's time for me to fucking throw the first pitch That guy's nowhere to be found and I see somebody whisper to like one of the social media girls whispering her ear like and then she's like she shrugs and they just give her a glove if I had gotten the nice frame dude it would have looked like a female catcher yeah which no problem don't want to hurt her I got
Starting point is 02:00:41 the exact said I'm too much of a gentleman dude that shirt it. I'm too much of a gentleman, dude. That shirt is incredible. Yeah. Holy fuck. I saw that at my boys' port, look at that. I mean that's- That wasn't good at all. That was bitch.
Starting point is 02:00:52 See? That was good. I'll get back in there. Are you doing anything with the Ravens this year? Hopefully, yeah, dude. Would you mind if somebody tweeted, Baltasmore Cravens? No, no.
Starting point is 02:01:02 No, I wouldn't. That actually, Baltasmores would be good. Yeah. It's delicious. In fact, let's work on that. Okay. Balt I wouldn't. That actually, Baltimore's would be good. Yeah. It's delicious. In fact, let's work on that. Okay. Baltimore's. A purple, a purple marshmallow. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:11 Yeah, that's all you need. Black graham cracker. Yeah. Black graham cracker. Brown doesn't really work, but we'll take it. A white, white chocolate. We've just done it. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:01:20 A Baltimore. A Baltimore. You could do a white marshmallow. Yeah. No, no. Yeah, if you wanted to be basic. Big cat. You've done it a Baltimore you a white marshmallow Get it I need a purple marshmallow For your foot down here, yeah, hey wait a second you could just do a purple Cat you sound fucking stupid as shit right now, dude
Starting point is 02:01:53 You disavow that that Ravens fan he they finally got him Yeah, I do look what yeah, I guess it sucks I made them video today the raw of course a Ronnie recap and I was like and Ronnie of course is a big supporter of that guy People were like that was not funny. You cannot joke about that guy. You're playing a character. A character's fucking stupid as shit. But yeah, that guy, I mean, I obviously do disavow him.
Starting point is 02:02:15 I really shouldn't put a butt. When you started with obviously, there's a but on the other end of it. You kind of fucked yourself. Fuck that guy. He's a piece of shit. Yeah, he is. He's a piece of shit, but you know. Wait, what did Ronnie say?
Starting point is 02:02:33 You know, it's like. We find Ronnie's video. Yeah, I mean, basically Ronnie's whole take on the thing is like, you know, oh my, what? It's a crime to be a passionate fan these days. You can't even support your team. The fucking woke of mind virus has gone too far. If you cannot even assault two unsuspecting, uh, rival fans in your own hometown, it's called defending home field. You're not allowed to walk around Baltimore in a rest skins Jersey. Yeah, I think, I think what he was doing,
Starting point is 02:03:02 you saw the redskins logo and got a fury. Yeah, he was I think what he was doing. He saw the Redskins logo. Yeah He was such an ally How dare you treat the indigenous population that guy's actually a lawyer for the indigenous Some politician in Idaho actually did that he told a native other politician to go back to her hometown. That's awesome. Go back to where she came from. Ooh, how'd that play? Ever well, right? Yeah, Idaho's kind of hit or miss with that.
Starting point is 02:03:38 They could. I know is a weird place. Yeah, they got a little river. I did mushrooms on their river one time they have all river just the river multiple rivers I don't know where the fuck it was. You know I Had a lazy river you could do mushrooms on it. It was pretty funny The mushroom you were just at a hotel. Yeah Yeah, I wish I pissed my pants on mushrooms in my hotel room. No it was pretty nice wait Where are you living now? I'm in I'm between New York and Baltimore
Starting point is 02:04:06 Okay. Yeah, not in Philadelphia. No, no, no, no, you're just going down there I just popped down got a brand new fully loaded rav4 XSE hybrid drive that down. Oh hell. Yeah Yeah, it's a sports suspension rav4. That's right Just hit the corners like you wouldn't even fucking believe Stop they actually started calling me Stavro Schumacher because of how cool I drive my XSE. Is it turning heads? Oh yeah dude, it's turning heads. When you come in in a gray hybrid RAV4, you can fucking,
Starting point is 02:04:39 it's basically like Hansel and Gretel, but pussy juice trails. Instead of... You could follow it back. You could follow it back. To your apartment. It's basically like Hansel and Gretel, but pussy juice trails. You could follow it back. You could follow it back. To your apartment. You just doxxed yourself. Where's this trail of pussy juice?
Starting point is 02:04:50 Yeah, I have to hire a guy with a leaf blower to dry all the pussy juice before people fucking find me. Oh, fuck, dude. It's a nice thing you got. What kind of snacks we got in the fridge? I love coming in here. We got everything. Fantasy factory. Oh, fuck dude. It's a nice thing you got. What kind of snacks we got in the fridge? I love coming in here. We got everything.
Starting point is 02:05:08 Fantasy Factory. Yeah. I'm going to need fuel. We got good snacks. I'm going to need fuel. I'm going to hit the bench. Yep. You know, maybe a little dead lifting.
Starting point is 02:05:16 Yep. Who knows? Might as well. Is CM Punk going to the thing tonight? I think he actually is. Yeah. Love that. Yep. It sucks we all have homework. We actually do.
Starting point is 02:05:28 We do have homework. We're writing a book. We do. We all have a will. Okay, suck my dick. It's like this company is too studious to come to the movie. Fuck all of you assholes. You're not invited anymore.
Starting point is 02:05:41 Are we trying to just lie? It's due tomorrow. We're literally writing a book and the deadline is tomorrow. We don't have any pages. This is not a lie. Actually, Stavros in that Orioles shirt, that's a page. Put that in. Oh, that absolutely is a page. What's the book? What's the book?
Starting point is 02:06:01 We need 94 pages by tomorrow. It's a collection of things. your guess is as good as ours Yes, no It's literally we're just all have to do like seven or eight pages and none of them makes like so one of the pages Stephen Che got a vasectomy Okay, go and and he we've been making him tweet out a gif every time he jerks off nice And he's been doing it sequentially with the numbers, so, it'd be like, what was your last one, Stephen? Forty-one, Josh Allen. Josh Allen. So, uh. Josh
Starting point is 02:06:30 Hines Allen. So, I just had, I have in one of the pages just all of the gifts and it just says, I bet you're thinking about Stephen Che ejaculating right now. That's it. That's the book. That's not bad. Like, we don't really have anything. You could do a before and after of like a dried load of his and see if there's any difference Oh, yeah, do you have any do you have any saved Steven obviously? Saved nuts yeah from before
Starting point is 02:06:52 From before you were drained no no I do not oh Steven you should do a kind of leet lingus page Oh, yeah, we should take pictures of you. Do you like a stop motion? Do you lick stuff do I like pussy? Yeah? Yeah? You know he said hell. He's the best he says he's the best he watched a YouTube video about it We're having to a combine We're not joking the pussy Yeah, are you getting like those like super realistic? Yeah, like half torso. Yeah, they're real flesh. Yeah He's your top what 1% in the world. That's your guy. I don't know. I'm I'm certainly better far better than average. Yeah
Starting point is 02:07:36 Let's do the math here average is just better than half right? Yeah half is average Well, and I also don't think it's even half of the men because not half the men eat puss. Exactly. You take Italians out. Yeah. You laugh too hard. I know you're not. Picture your average pussy eater.
Starting point is 02:07:51 Now that you got that visual, I'm better than that guy. Yeah, okay. That makes sense. I can see he's, I would actually just mathematically say he's above average. Yeah. Just for the fervor. Just for the fervor alone. Yeah, if you were just motivated.
Starting point is 02:07:59 Yeah. I would say that. I would say that. I would say that. I would say that. I would say that. I would say that. I would say that. I can see he's I would I would actually just mathematically say he's above average Yeah, just for the fervor just for the fervor alone. If yeah When was this what time was that? 9 a.m.
Starting point is 02:08:19 Yesterday Sunday, dude, come on wake up watch the year. Well, you have you went back to back wait When was that we're doing two days? Oh that was 1150 alright, so that was Monday morning. Oh Wow respect dude. We're not doing it after a loss Yep, that's right. You didn't deserve it boy. Did I jack off nice a victory jerk? That's a good question did I jack off nice. A victory jerk. I'll soon after. That's a good question. Did I even beat off? The Ravens are good. I haven't even let loose.
Starting point is 02:08:53 The last time my Jizz breathed air, the Ravens hadn't beaten the Buccaneers, so I got to fix that. Yeah, you did. Dude, your Jizz is going to be so excited to find out Can't wait to know what happened you guys are almost good enough to lose in less tragic shut the fuck up big Fuck you Caleb Williams is a bust no You fucking peasant I see the crumbs you're fucking making a meal out of right now. The Bears barely being good
Starting point is 02:09:28 Don't come at me, dude. We're gonna win the Panthers and the Jaguars Who do you play next the commanders all right, right, right, right Jayden's got is he playing I don't know He has to he really does has to he really does Yeah, after the AFC Championship game lost, you coming on PMT was one of the hardest I've ever laughed. That literally ruined my life for a month. And I thought I was past that point in my life. You know what I mean? I thought I was smarter than that. Well, didn't you have the Super Bowl was on your birthday? Super Bowl was on my 35th birthday. And I had gotten
Starting point is 02:10:01 like a hilarious amount of like, like offers from companies that were like hey should the Ravens win? I was gonna make so much doing like Ronnie appear. I was gonna be doing like Ronnie appearances at casinos So it also hurt my pockets dude, but more importantly was just us losing I needed that one That one it's like I would have never needed the Ravens to win again. I had it at every point in my life. But we're getting them this year, baby. We're getting them this year and then it's fine. Probably not.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Fuck you, yes we are. The Chiefs can't keep, you can't win three in a row. That's crazy. No one's ever done it. They won't do it. If God is true and just, they won't do it. He's not. You're right.
Starting point is 02:10:43 There's no justice in the world. They probably will. Titus, you got a towel whip. It's my nickname. Oh, I do. Shit. That's right. What did you do, man? I was bad. Bad, bad boy. We cleaned up the studio.
Starting point is 02:11:02 No towel? Shit. Fuck, dude fuck they found a towel we got a towel thank God that table in the room the whole yeah it's been just sitting there I don't know why this is an awesome what are you doing walking with the big leagues underwear? This one I don't feel uncomfortable doing around starby what's going on? What did he do to deserve this? He's been a bad boy. I Mean what is though the fuck is this oh Oh, he's taking a, oh fuck. Oh, do you hear that sound? Oh, that's it, that was the one.
Starting point is 02:11:50 Damn. No practice. Here we go. Oh! Oh My god, that was the best one done that was in the holy that looks like it was in the hole Did you hear the echo in my second crack in that ass. God! Damn!
Starting point is 02:12:28 Alright, stop, he's up next. Alright, penance paid. Back to being bad. Haven't you ever learned your lesson, man? This is just gonna keep happening. You just missed the best towel whip, Brandon. Did you do quick kicks? Oh, what are you doing?
Starting point is 02:12:44 I had to pee. You don't want to watch Nick get hurt. That's three times. And when I got, that was twice. And when I got down there, she was cleaning the bathroom, tried to go all the way to this bathroom. Brandon, you should do a thing on the YAC someday where you try to do as many shows as possible.
Starting point is 02:12:56 During the YAC? During the YAC. You step away to do quick picks. You step away to go pee, and you do quick picks. And then you step away again and do wrestling. Unnecessary, yeah I could sneak them all. Do it mostly trivia. Well that's just the Evo's thing. Yeah I had to pee, sorry. I apologize. I'm dehydrated. No problem. Don't worry about it dude.
Starting point is 02:13:16 Thanks man. You just missed the best towel whip ever. I saw it on the TV in the gambling game. It was different live though. Did it rip your boxers? You must be the best towel whipper. I'm the best towel whipper. That's why he gets the towel whipper. The only real athlete except me obviously. The only athlete here. KB? Well, nah I think it's probably you, me, really. I'm on your heels too by the way. I'm close. Okay so it's like a 1a 1b. Yeah, it's not Batman or Robin It's two Batmans KB you tell what you uh, what time foolery is going on? I think they just fuck you
Starting point is 02:13:56 We just grabbed each other's dick Like it was I was so desensitized Yeah It wasn't like oh, this is gay. It was like, this is just how we do it. Wrestling is the closest to just ancient Greece. You know what I mean? We're just pure having gay sex with each other.
Starting point is 02:14:15 For punishment, obviously. They were naked wrestling in Greece, right? That's how it started, yeah. They were oiled up, too. We gotta bring that back. It's the most masculine you can get. Yeah, they were oiled up too. We gotta bring that back It's most masculine you can get yeah, exactly you don't even care It's not even get you can't even fathom away where it would be gay. It's just competition You think it's gay. That means you're gay
Starting point is 02:14:36 Yeah, I think that it's not gonna come to your head. You're gay, but if he doesn't even yeah Can't even comprehend that being gay. You're so straight. It's crazy. Do wrestlers handle antics. Well What do you mean antics goofing around that's all yes, really I thought I figured you'd be like too hungry And mad oh and we're like dehydrated no, okay Yeah, it's just a lot of crankiness an awesome thing was being I wrestled for one season in high school And we had a really good heavyweight, so I Was just I was doing cuz my brother's on the team And I wanted to just hang out with my brother and like maybe get a little healthier
Starting point is 02:15:11 But an awesome thing is a lot of the the second worst fat guys on a team is like the fattest kid you've ever seen in Your life who's like mom is like you have to make friends you have to learn to defend yourself You're being picked on for being so fucking fat, go wrestle. And so I would get to wrestle those kids, it was so fun. Yeah, there's always a few of those kids. I would wrestle them. They would just get abused for two hours, get made fun of in the... They always had tiny microscopic dicks.
Starting point is 02:15:37 Big, small as hell. It felt so bad for them. Little legs too. They were like ice cream cone shaped guys. They had like big ass fucking stomachs and I did like some slams and shit It felt fucking awesome and then one time our good guy got injured and I had to wrestle like an actual Jacked heavyweight and I actually was I was with him for like 45 seconds until I got gassed He fucked my ass up and my brother was like, yeah
Starting point is 02:16:02 I actually lost a lot of respect for you that day Fucked my ass up and my brother was like yeah, I actually lost a lot of respect for you that day Like that was really sad. I hated seeing you lose to another man. It was like damn Your wrestling isn't like a lie to me. You don't do it to hang out with your bro I quit very shortly after that to make documentaries Short-form history doc Make short form history documentaries. True story. Stavis brother's jacked. Yep. He's gotten pretty fat now.
Starting point is 02:16:28 Oh, he has? Yeah. But he's powerful. He's very powerful. Powerful. We were saying that. I personally would rather be powerful. Without question.
Starting point is 02:16:36 That's my dream is to have a bouncer body. Yeah. I want to be fucking like a fucking just big as fuck. Right. Little Titty, I've talked about this ad nauseam, but Little Titty's still a stomach and big arms. It's on my vision board. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:49 Alex Jones, dude. That's the body I want. Tony Soprano. Tony, yeah. That's the peak male body. Absolutely. That's just strength, power. He was also like 6'5".
Starting point is 02:16:58 Shit. Or 6'2", or some shit. I'm a fucking little guy, but you know what I mean? Sometimes you just gotta get fucking... If you're dick's small, if you're short, you just have to become strong and have a powerful aura. And be a very famous comedian. In theaters right now, let's start a cult. Everybody go see it. You might see my balls, maybe. Is it gonna be in every theater?
Starting point is 02:17:24 It's in a lot of them. In Chicago in Chicago actually a ton of theaters nice Chicago production company But yeah, it's we're trying to get it We're getting kind of a white we're getting a wider release than I actually thought we were gonna get that's awesome Please go see it if you like stupid bullshit if you want a comedy where you will not think for one second perfect Well, your brain will not be engaged. You'll learn nothing, you will not become a better person, you might be a little worse. That's what this movie's about. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:50 And just might see your balls? I can't say one where the... I need to guarantee that I'm gonna see your balls. Well, sorry, man. If that's what you need, I can't help you. If we see your balls, Steve and I would like a separate, I wanna movie with you and then a ball with you. Yeah. If you review my balls, I'll send you an actually like good picture of my nuts.
Starting point is 02:18:09 Okay. Well no, as you do that, that will change the review. Wow, but it's the best. It can't be a glamour shot. Yeah. I guess you're right. All right, that's fair. Yeah. You're right, you're right. I have to stand behind my art. I have to stand behind my art, if my balls are even in it. If. And if they are, how do you prep for that day on set? Like is the day I show my balls? Are they fluffer?
Starting point is 02:18:29 Yeah, can you fluff nuts? I've never thought about that. You can fluff a cock obviously, but can you get balls? Could you fluff balls without having the cock get fluffed? Interesting. Probably not. I think that's fireable. What if you just misted them so that the sack and the skin was moisturized and retained more
Starting point is 02:18:48 water? They had a glow to them. I wonder, this is a good question. It's got to be warm, right? Yeah. You need hang, but you also don't want to be too long. You can't have too much hang. You want them to look supple.
Starting point is 02:19:01 So it's got to be around probably, I would guess, 70 degrees. Do you think they would do like, you know how when someone wears this suit on a GQ shoot They put like a clothes. Yes behind your balls Yeah, you get a real nice line in the middle Very very interesting stuff. Yeah,'ve got to think about this. Damn. I wonder if there's, yeah, fake balls you could put over them. Maybe ball makeup?
Starting point is 02:19:34 Stunt double balls. Oh, definitely ball makeup. Yeah, yeah. Definitely. Interesting stuff. Yeah, well, I can't say one way or another. I can't tell you guys, unfortunately, but please, you know, go find out for yourself, folks. It's going to come after the for yourself folks. It's gonna come after the credits
Starting point is 02:19:52 What if you open the movie with your balls, that'd be awesome no movies ever open with balls Yeah Can only go up from here the kind of person who would refuse to leave the credits because he has to see the balls Yes, see my balls. Yeah, that would be big people be buying a secret menu off Yeah, or actually I put it on the end of a shittier movie. It's like I heard it stops balls rec post credit Post credit sequence of this one people buy a ticket and walk in as the credits are all yeah. Yeah, yeah See the balls mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, Nick you want to the high noon ad yeah And we're gonna get you swole
Starting point is 02:20:25 I can't wait high noon It's time to load up on the ice and break out the oversized lawn games because the high noon end zone pack is here It includes limited edition fan faves pear and cranberry along with black cherry and grapefruit The high noon end zone pack is a fall exclusive which means it's here for a good time Not a long time visit high noon spirits calm before your next tailgate to find a pack near you You stare at me at the beginning of those ads Brandon throws me off. I never looked at you once Yeah, you did you looked at him twice twice. I looked at him twice during that man. Yes, not once I wasn't trying to and I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry Nick. It's alright. Oh
Starting point is 02:21:01 Man, uh, you want to spin the wheel Where's the wheel it's going to be on that screen. Oh nice. This is how I got whipped. Which one are you laughing at? Dinner with White Sox today would be a nightmare. Stavi can't go to your premiere. Oh we're good.
Starting point is 02:21:22 Alright well Stavi thanks for stopping by. Of course. Thanks for having me, guys. I hope you actually do come back. I'm trying to come back, bro. You know, I will do everything in my powers to come back. Yeah, I know you will. And yeah, let's get you jacked.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Let's get jacked. Please go see Let's Start a Cult. Yes. In theaters. And yeah, this weekend. That's pretty much it. Let's get fucking swole. Yeah All right. We'll see everyone tomorrow Love you, bye.
Starting point is 02:22:25 Hopefully they do the book. Bye, love you.

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