The Yak - Steven Cheah HATED Paddington in Peru | The Yak 2-24-25
Episode Date: February 24, 2025Evil Elmo makes an appearanceYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Hi everyone, hello, Nick, welcome back.
Thank you guys.
I missed you all.
It's always the worst feeling when you miss a yak
and everybody's like, all time yak, all time yak.
No, you didn't miss anything.
No, no, Kate, thank you so much.
You missed out on nothing. This is great. I, you didn't miss any no. No, I'm Kate. Thank you so much
This is this is great this I felt so good. Oh my god to not be there. Oh
What do you got for us today? I
Was just thinking of the Vince McMahon that sass his favorite clip like come on out come on come on out
Consistent number three come on out you rapist
Very popular documentary on Netflix right now
The gabby Brito and yeah honest to God the next one of the next four guys
Lives in a van full-time. Oh
Good great. I was like maybe if you guys want to pause it by all means I was on my own passing through shout out to yak chat save this one shout out Brandon big win for B dub
Guys, I think in my defense cuz I know no there's
Too much already.
I want Mackenzie to get murdered, okay?
That is actually...
We have a behind the office beef people don't know about.
But in my defense, and we talked about this from the very beginning,
the final guys, I thought we were all gonna get like a full...
I talked to the security guys at the front desk about this when we started. The final before they ever walked in here. We're gonna get a full background check right, but these are the 20
One of the 20 out of the 3000 3000 guys wait was he putting cameras in locker rooms
That's what I looked it up
A little more camera experience is not great. There's someone else who's who's guilty here. Not just you I bought
loads of merch
He canceled it but Kyle just bought I didn't can't I bought oh is that his merch company
Yeah, don't say it again because he'll use that out of context. I bought it when I just thought he was a
possibly massive douche
Thought it would be fun. Okay. This was one of the few local guys. Yeah cool all right
Yeah, it's going so I think that it made me two things made me complacent one knowing that there was gonna be a full background
Check before anybody actually came here
That's not final to yeah, that was not
Was not the right
complacent I got complacent on looking like doing quick
Oh, not like deep diving on every single, but I was like looking but not like looking
I thought you were all you could do is Google that guy's name complicit. No, no not complicit in my place
and to who?
applies to a live day
That is by far the craziest
Sociopaths you're right, and I guess I am naive. I'm very naive It's also insane because it's like the guy like it was you know seven eight years ago
You probably finally gotten to a point in your life or like doesn't get brought up all the time
Oh, let me back where one yeah, right back crazy
I get not wanting him knowing everything, but I don't think it's like if bad to have a dickhead come on a reality date
Well, that's not everyone's like why didn't you like do it the way malicex dating show blah blah because she's not malicec
There were 30 people that apply to that right right and also
Like it was funny him looking at like a living room because he will pick out something so right
He's a he's a douchebag. She'll just sit here and look at it and be like well. That's a nice living
It's not the same. Yeah, the mom DM you guys too what?
What oh shut up?
Wait did you cancel your order?
Do you like the stuff?
The dude reached out to me who started it though.
Apparently we've DM'd in the past.
He said he was a wrestler at Purdue.
Oh sick.
To God.
On top of all that at Purdue?
It's his biggest offense.
Kyle, I have a question for you.
What do you do down that hallway?
What hallway?
Down that hallway.
I saw you today come in and you just went down that hallway.
The only thing down that hallway is the macro-dosing studio.
I don't think you were going in there.
No, I go to the very end couch by the side exit door
and put my backpack and my sweatshirt.
Where no one could ever find you.
Yeah, it's where I exit.
Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, so that's your quick quick exit
Do you sit there?
No, not today Caitlin was there. Oh
The block is hot
Our block is literally hot my apartment corporation had another shooting. Oh, no
Oh, no a double operation wait the Oni corporation who has two apartments slash hotels in the West Loop area
Obviously we had the the hostage incident with the murderer. Yeah, obviously and this weekend there was a
Homicide at your apartment in the lobby in your no not my apartment
But the one down the road the same corporation got it in the lobby
Man who got killed there was a woman who got killed to got shot about yeah. Oh my god random
I'm sure there was some intent uh-huh I
Don't know
Hot start did they send you guys an email like hey, sorry somebody done. I saw the email. They got sent okay from a leak
Can they try to they try they don't they don't touch on it. There was an incident.
Did they catch the guy? No, he fled.
So he could still be in the dating show? Perfect.
Stay free, dude. We need you. Are we going to keep going?
Oh yeah. Jesus Christ. I was going to say, whatever you guys want to do, I'm cool with.
I told you Friday, I texted you and said, guys wanna do. I'm cool with I told you Friday
I texted you said send me any guys you yeah, I'd look at them, but you didn't send me anything
I thought it was a great episode. I thought I loved that
It was it was basically like a cliffhanger where it was like oh fuck and then we find out
Kaiser so say all along that it was great. You want a dating show go watch the batch. Yeah, right?
Yeah, we're the only day the yak dating show This is where this shit happens
I'm in real time our chat will find the felony that you got convicted. That's the point of this show I
We need more we need more of those guys. Yeah, imagine the stakes if like three of them are nice guys and two of them are felons
Well, I think chose guys based on who she liked and found the thing
So I didn't even read all the guys that were in the top 20 weren't even all my picks
Like don't they have the show they have the second chance you yeah
Last chance you I think we're letting the article overshadowed this guy sucked so bad
I ever even knew about an article.
McKenzie wanted him so bad.
He was terrible before we even knew that.
We should do a last chance you.
Yeah, very last.
Really though, the people's really fucked up a lot.
Go bail someone out of prison.
Yeah, marry someone who's incarcerated.
It does.
Get Luigi, that Luigi guy.
Well, I feel bad because I'm definitely, like, sitting here swaying her on people clearly
because I'm like, do we go for entertainment or are we going for life?
Kay, you fought to the death for this one.
Oh, I did.
I did.
You dug your heels in.
My words were, no red flags.
Words that came out of my mouth.
Exclusively red flags.
Exclusively red flags.
I guess. He was like the, he was the Olympic flag bearer for China.
Oh, oh, that's red. Yeah, that's very red.
Well, I'm sorry. Sorry.
Was he handsome?
Yo, hottest. Real hot.
OK, and the hottest mom. Really?
Oh, my God. OK, that's what that's the real tragedy here.
Was the only one that Brandon doesn't have testosterone anymore, so he was able to see through that the rest of us red-blooded America
Yeah, I agree with the guy's a good guy, but I just didn't yeah
I didn't you know we still got to bring his mom we couldn't get over the mom
We still got to bring okay don't get that out of here. You guys are fucking killing me
Look at the dad
Yeah, fuck like that guy I'm not here, Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking killing me. This has been. Look at the dash. OK, get out of here. He raised a good boy.
Fucking like that guy.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, man.
This is fun.
We're having fun.
We're having fun.
Yeah, thank you.
And we're going to find love.
And I think that's the important thing to remember here,
is we will find love.
Well, I guess as a people, people want that.
They really care about the sanctity and purity
of the act dating.
People are furious
I am the anti-che I am completely I have
ADHD I couldn't find my lap. It was on my kitchen counter by the way
It was just on the other side of the wall so when every time I scan I couldn't find it Jesus Christ
I'm not organized. I don't function well. I have terrible taste in general. It's crazy that you're
I'm not organized. I don't function well. I have terrible taste in general. It's crazy that you're the anti-che.
No, this is what it is. Listen, people are gonna be furious about everything that we do.
I hate every tear for it.
And also, like, Big Cat, you're a great guy. You signed off on cameras in the showers upstairs.
That's true. That was a mistake.
You slipped up, man.
It took me till we got to see Big T in all his glory Uh-huh to realize the mistake at hand
I think I think anyone that's criticizing the way that this one has started like it's so much different than them out
I think the first thing is like it's not even like me it's the contestant is a woman as opposed to a guy
The applicants are way higher
Wow, yeah, the applicants are way higher, and it's like there was a very distinct
Screening process they wanted to do beforehand to we get the best of the best
We don't people that like didn't just want to be on the show, but like had a genuine interest
I think the dating shows funnier than Paddington in Peru No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, little bit to adults make a couple jokes they didn't they didn't try at all I'm you know sitting there 70 minutes in being like I guess they're just not gonna do anything it's Paddington in Peru review Paddington in Peru I'm gonna be
honest I had not seen any other Paddington movies prior to today I took my
kids this it got really good reviews on Rotten 90 plus percent audience and critics, so I had somewhat high hopes
this movie was
without question the least funny movie
grown man
Upset at children's have you seen Schindler's List Steve? I actually haven't so okay checks out
Okay, can you watch Schindler's List tonight? Tell me which one's funnier?
That's like three and a half hours, right?
So you didn't watch that this is a third in the series this is the third movie I think I don't know
Maybe you didn't get the joke. Yeah, no I fully got it like he lives with the family and
He's a bear And he wears a ring bear? Yeah I mean he's a cute bear
like the storyline was linear like you could follow it but I'd hope so. The kids movie
was linear. You're the worst movie reviewer ever and it works so well because every single
one I don't even watch movies and I get pissed off. Yeah I was pissed off watching that.
No I get pissed off at your review did your
kids laugh at it no no they did it so there you go they liked it though they
enjoy it okay they like anything was it meant to be funny is it a comedy do they
like I would have thought they would have tried to make like one or two jokes
they probably didn't did they didn't was it like heartwarming was it a drama uh I
guess you could say it's a little bit heartwarming towards the end not a drama was the animation good
How's the voice acting?
I mean, it's real life people though. It's a really
Or whatever AI bear, but outside of that everyone else is real was the acting good I?
Think it might be funny it's probably hilarious
yeah it's like everything about this movie good but the jokes yeah they just
didn't have any play the parents a little bit I don't want to lean on the
chafe thing but before you got here before anybody else sat down Jay was
over there by the dumbbells and he picked up the two ten pound dumbbells on
the end. 25.
And, okay, 25s.
And he did 10 reps of something
that is just not an exercise at all.
Go show us.
It was the most useless.
Go show us.
I don't have no idea what he was doing.
Go show us.
This is.
Did you see it?
I did, but like this is it.
Che does something weird, we call it out,
he proves us wrong.
Go show it to us.
Why are we wasting our time?
You're right, I'm sorry.
That's the show.
I don't mean to give the cheification of the show.
Can you believe Che did something strange?
But he's so great.
You saw it, right?
He wasn't moving his arms, Harley.
It was...
I'm driving to the combine with him tomorrow morning,
so I'm gonna be chock full of Che.
Oh, that's a nice three and a half hour drive.
Chock full of Che. Okay, yeah, yeah. No, you know where the dumbbells are. Okay, here he goes. That's a
workout. That's not what he was doing. No, Brandon. That's not
what he was doing. Brandon. He's changing for camera. But
change the camera. What are you? What are you changing? Do the
one you were doing? He was just pushing his sternum out.
It was like he was practicing opening his coat up.
No, he's doing it way bigger than he was.
He was barely moving it.
It doesn't matter. He wins it.
I'll say this, whether that's an exercise or not, didn't laugh once while he was doing it.
No, least funny exercise I've ever seen.
Not funny at all.
Would your future child laugh at that no
Mark when is your birthday June 25th?
How what would be an embarrassing amount for me to spend on you
Five dollars yeah
Cost more than that. I really want to buy you a woge phone. Oh
I really want to buy you a woge phone. Matt. He's how much are they? All right. I take it back a lot
It's an auction and they're one of his used phones. He's selling them
I take it back out and they're and they're listed for like what like one of them's like
This is the one he announced kovat end of season Wow, yeah, that would be a prize position. This is the craziest iphone used to break george
Paul george kawaii
Clippers, I really want to buy you a woj phone. So does he retire the phones after a big break?
I don't know. Yeah, how many does he use? I think I need one one per one. It's so very well tweet phone
What's his most expensive phone? What is he using?
I think the COVID one is going for $525.
I mean, this is just auction.
So look at it.
Good-ass condition.
Oh my god.
Wait, hold on.
Wode used his phone, iPhone 11, from 2019 to 2020
to discover and announce news that transcended
the sports community when he shared that Rudy Gobert
and Donovan Mitchell tested positive for COVID in the subsequent suspension of the NBA season
due to the virus. Three months later, Wode used the same phone.
No way.
Who announced the formation and structure of the NBA's return in the bubble.
And went on to use it throughout his time in the bubble as well as during the first
virtual draft in Bristol. Anthony Edwards, Lamel Ball, Tyrese Albert and Tyrese Maxeyi the item can be autographed and inscribed by woge upon request
Fucking crazy that is incredible piece of history. Can we compare it to his other phones? What is this bubble phone?
I want to be able to look at each of his phones and know what is woge use this iPhone XR
Whoa from 2018 to 2019 to discover and announce major NBA news including Kevin Durant Kyrie Irving teaming up in Brooklyn
Anthony Davis joining LeBron James in Los Angeles and Paul George and Kwai Leonard both landing with the Clippers just moments apart around 2 a.m. Oh
Wow, that's NBA history these guys
Would use this iPhone 15 in his final months as a journalist
to announce that he was stepping away from his career
at ESPN and returning to his alma mater of St.
Paul adventure service, a GM of the Bonnie's basketball team.
This announcement sent shockwaves through the sports world.
That phone, holy fuck.
You can get a video call with Woj,
but it didn't have a price on it I
could just try to face what would we all you have a number yeah go to any of
those phones no I don't think so does he have any phones that he's not
auctioning I want to I want to off-market do Steal his phones
No, this is cool, man. This is a piece of history. This is a normal journalist thing Wow
Alright, so we're gonna try to get you one is this for charity. It's for st. Ponder's NIL. Okay, yeah
But those aren't like enough
We're going to make a decent amount of money
Others are gonna run out remember those are fucking that's a there's a lot of rebels around the bubble phone is there
Maybe not those are only starting bits
A lot of woes fans for sure pretty cheap
Anytime I talk about Woz, there's
an army of Che like people that are just come out of nowhere.
Che, would you like that phone?
I mean, I assume it's wiped, right?
Has to be.
Yes, I would assume so.
Wow, that would be awesome.
You could always call on tax.
That would be awesome, yeah.
Che, if I could guarantee you a Shepter phone,
and it's capped at four, if I could guarantee you a Shepter phone, and it's capped at four, if I could guarantee you
a Shepter phone for $400, would you buy it?
Is it wiped?
If it's not wiped, yeah, that's going to be a sick investment.
He's asking hypothetically.
Oh, if it's not wiped, he'd give everything.
Does any part of you see that as a cool item
that he broke the COVID news of Rudy Gobert using, that's the phone that broke the news?
Not really, I was at that game, so I...
Yeah, I was scared, remember, I was scared.
Do you have your phone from it?
Oh my God, we can put this auction yours.
Oh yeah, dude.
I don't.
To a collector's set.
I think I can give it back.
If my significant other found my second phone,
it was a Woge phone, I would just have to say I'm cheating yeah
Not that I spent two thousand dollars my pussy fun. Yeah, that's I swear. I'm cheating. It's not it's not
Is there anyone drug dealer is there anyone you like if you met a girl at the bar and?
You're like hey put your number in here, and she's like okay, and you're like that's a woge phone
Just so you know you're just like, that's a woge phone.
Just so you know, you're holding the woge's phone. Do you think you get laid?
She'd have to be a real slut.
That right there, that's a woge phone.
If you're super rich, I do think it is,
if you have people over to be like,
check this phone out, it's a woge, I think it's funny. I think it's like it has to be a very like
It's funny in your head, and then you start to do it, and I imagine the room is just like okay
Big cat if you get it can we just okay redo the Wilcompton Museum?
Just the world phone museum if we get it like there's we do like a like one of the bricks you piss
on and a urinal well the problem is if I got you if I got you the woge phone and
Tried to hand it to you it has to go through Kyle, and I wouldn't be mad if he smashed it
Smash the boat trying to think of the like what if he uses like a funny emojis. Oh
What's wiped?
So what is what do you get? I thought you got the conversations though. You get the phone just the phone
Yeah, it's just the phone I thought you got to read the conversation. No no it's just a phone
Do you think he watched pornography on it would know yeah, why?
No, I
Don't know I don't think you did, but it's not a work phone because he's still got to keep it
I'll ask if he has other phones I
want one of these phones just
Again, it's an expensive expensive maybe what 30 second joke yeah but I'm
maybe not even 30 so I I think what would your reaction be you just be like
oh I actually do want the yeah I do want his phone but like I think it's a no I
have it I'm thinking about it's kind of cool like Brandon what's the coolest
thing you've ever done with your phone how would you sell your current phone
this is the phone that
blank took all my fish pictures in 2023 and 24. Yeah, that's good. You got announced as
the number one college football media personality with this phone. Didn't big game boomer tweet
at you or that was his phone. That was his phone. That's his phone that did it. You received
it. This is the phone that Brandon Walker took a call on during the yak and had to leave for three minutes
Yeah, over over over 500 chick-fil-a orders were made yeah there we go there we go
big cuss big cuss
You should a big customer
Give me all the phones. Oh, yeah. I got some. Yeah, so your chick-fil-a
Bat phones keep all the grease on there though. I do think there's a good chance we could sell it for more than woes. Yeah
Yeah, our fans would buy it into the joke and then just won the 50-50. Yeah
He was sure. Oh, no, I mean he that's exactly what a 50-50 win goes to
Yeah, also if somebody sees you in public with your phone,
they can kiss you.
We need to talk about that.
Double kisser?
We have a double kisser.
And I don't know.
We have a kissin' bandit on the loose.
I went to the Blackhawks game last night
and I'm walking into the team's store with my son,
with my son with my
nine year old son and this guy sees me and he holds up a coin says Brandon stop. I said
alright I'm stopped and I was like alright so you just want to do it? Very awkward. He
had a little beard. Very awkward. He grabbed an old man walking by and said hey can you
take a picture of me and Brandon? The guy's like, yeah. So I had to lean in and the guy fumbled
around with the phone. My face was up in this guy's beard for like four seconds.
So you were kissing his cheek.
And I finally, I kissed his cheek, took the picture and after he gets done, he goes, yes,
I got you and Titus on the same day. I got you and Titus on the same day. I got Titus earlier today now I got you I was like what and he said yeah, and he showed me a picture of you
Mm-hmm, and I was that's saying that's a problem. It was a problem. Yeah, I was downtown
I never go downtown. We are shopping for strollers, which is his own thing that I could go on a rant about just fucking
They're expensive.
I don't even care about the price as much as I care about the there are 3000 models.
Oh, yeah. Stroller. Oh, yeah.
I was in a store watching a guy demonstrate how a stroller works to me for almost an hour.
And he was showing me every single one, every single model.
Oh, they all have like stupid names that are like prescription drug names,
like fucking like three X's and yeah you want the
air you want the air RX or the RX plus point oh or the I'm like it's a fucking stroller
but then they guilt you because it's your baby and you know that's the easiest upsell
yeah so they're just like you know this one of course you know should you he was giving
me a demonstrate he's got a car seat in the fucking thing or like an actual car seat and then the baby car seat was going on
Oh, he showed you the doona and he's showing me the whole yeah, doona
You got to get a doona and he and he takes the the baby that the fake baby in there
And he's just shaking the shit out. Yeah, and I'm like what are we what are we doing?
Then he's get to do you think and then I was like I'll probably just buy the most expensive one
Yeah, um it was driving. It was insane
That was what I did yesterday get the Duna the Duna with the kiss yeah, then you kissed a man
So I was doing that all day my wife is like what do you think I think the I think the Giardia
It's might be better than the sky Rizzi
And then we get done and we're walking on the streets of Chicago and I clock a guy
from like 30 yards away, like you see,
you just suddenly like, I could tell you recognize,
I don't know, like his face,
he's like, what's up or whatever.
And then he just, matter of fact,
he was just like Titus and I was like, what's up man?
He just whipped it out and almost didn't say anything.
And I was like, all right, come here.
And then he just said, yeah, I'm from Mississippi,
I flew up here, I figured I'd see one of you guys all right man
See ya and walked away, and I don't want to judge the man
But I would have been if I was like flying in and I ran into and I had this idea that I might run into
Someone on the yak I would be shitting my pants if it actually worked you have your coin with you
Yeah, yeah, and he was ready for he was like oh, I knew this was gonna have that was the mission of the tree
Yeah, he's like oh yeah, of course I ran into someone this was this was bound to happen unless he's like sitting Chicago
Way smaller than it is and then Brandon texts later that he the same thing happened to him
And I was like this is really fucking weird. Yeah, I don't know maybe it's not that what a guy for
I was at the Blackhawks game, so it's not weird. He got me like I get that yeah
You could see where I would be there.
He just randomly, downtown Chicago's not a small place.
Not a small place.
There's a lot of people there.
A lot of hustle, a lot of bustle as well.
Oh my God, yeah.
Like, you just happen to be there?
Yeah, happen to be there.
I'm happy for him.
And I never go downtown.
And when he said, I'm from Mississippi, I flew up,
he didn't follow that up at all with me.
He didn't say, Mississippi State fan, I'm an Ole Miss fan.
He didn't say, where are you from? I'm from this place. It was just, I flew up. He didn't follow that up at all with me. He didn't say Mississippi State fan. I'm an old man He didn't say where you from I'm from this place. It was just I flew up from Mississippi
By himself. It was very by himself
Yeah, he was by himself on the street to Mackenzie if you're listening, I think we found her yeah
Yes, this is the way you go. I was in I kissed the hell out of him
I wasn't crazy like I wasn't like this guy's a weirdo
He seemed like a normal guy, but then I replayed the whole day in my head or the whole like yeah
He just flew up and right right now bumped into two of us
Yeah, that's like 80% of the yak yeah in penis size
Cockly tightest we need a good diaper bag
Kyle's cool back that he's been bragging about is a diaper
Search what's the brand right away?
Yeah, well although I want to see it
Is it danger dog over?
Okay, because you are very obviously just a backpack
That's a gourd luxury back. Oh, you're all the diaper bag
It has the same have a zipper at the time at it just like a knapsack have a zipper standard
I can as the zipper is like a backpack
I don't know what makes it a diaper bag that I use it as a diaper bag you could but I think sure you could
If you wanted to put the brand what does it auto fill bag. Then I use it as a diaper bag. But I'm sure you could if you wanted to put a diaper bag.
If you type the brand, what does it autofill at?
I want to see it.
Because some dude tweeted at me.
He was like, your boy's wearing a diaper bag.
Oh, no.
Kyle brings it over.
Just has 20 diapers in him.
Kyle, what's the brand?
Dagony Dover.
I want to see him just walking by.
Dagony Dover.
I want to see him walking by with it.
Can we see you Googling it to see if there's an autofill?
I just want to see.
I want to get instant reaction, because once we see it online, we see you Googling it, see if there's an auto-fill? I just wanna see, I wanna get instant reaction
because once we see it online, we're gonna be able to.
It looks cool and you can put it in the washing machine.
Hold on.
Oh, backpacks above there, okay.
I thought it was a diaper bag company and somebody...
He's very defensive with his backpack though
because he was trying to find a luxury one.
Okay, hold on, I wanna see this.
Is this a Range Rover pun of some sort is there if there's a zipper oh
The top left one that that's my bag okay, cuz the gray one is a diaper bag okay, then he might be in the clear I
Used the that same bag Kyle has is my different bag, but in light blue the gray one is definitely a diaper
What are we agreeing to call it? Yeah, we'll be mad because he's been on this quest for a luxury backpack
It's a great fucking bag
I'll say yeah, they see that's a diaper bag. Yeah
Zipper up top shit. Okay, so he just bought it. He just bought a backpack from a diaper bag company, correct
Let's tell him it's a diaper bag. Oh, I kind of like that fanny pack
I mean that is a good-looking diaper $200 diaper bag
I want that fanny is it to keep smells in ah
No in the bag how to do it. It's like the diaper bag is
The zippers up top so then you can kind of like really see everything down there. Yeah
What I'm learning with this child that's not even let me see turn around turn around turn around he's doing it he's doing it yep diaper
bags a diaper bag the luxury bag you should feel the material it's fantastic
I hope you're unique there that'd be so awesome he's like it's not a diaper bag
I'm in the market you see where that would be it's a nice diaper million different pockets inside and out
Yeah for sure don't
Yeah, so what makes it a diaper bag it actually isn't but the
Company sells diaper bags. Yeah, okay.
The diaper bag company that went into luxury backpacks.
I'm learning there's luxury everything, huh?
Oh yeah.
I'm learning that with the baby games.
It's not even here, but the baby game is.
The baby game's a dangerous game, man.
It's luxurified, it is luxurified.
It's brutal.
Yeah, and it's an arms race.
Yeah, it's a back, fucking crazy.
It's an arms race.
On the playground, I have the gray code click connect, and away the Duna's in the upper baby families were like trash
You know it's like oh then my kid doesn't get invited to the fancy party
What do you have then the gray coat click connect with on low class?
How can not do it? Oh, sir don't do it. Yeah
We'll never
Never make it with the in crowd, but I'll just you know somebody has passed all that a bag is a bag man
That's none of it matter none of it matters. I'm pretty sure my parents just like I use Walmart and bother older
I use my backpack as a diaper bag
Like when I see when I take the all three kids. I'll just load up shit in my backpack no difference
You're not gonna get rid of your dag need over because it's a diaper bag. It's not a diaper bag
It's that bad company that decided to
dabble in backpack right
Dagny Dover I
Get a new one. Yeah
It has that stigma no
Buy a Volkswagen is it a Nazi car no, but it was at one point. It's the Dakota
I feel like that was a strong point. That was a really good point
But you do have a bag in the history of the of the company it was it was built as a
Somebody driving a beetle is not a Nazi right, but you have to at least know the history that someone could be like hey
You know that's a Nazi car or was a Nazi car like hey, you know that backpack
That was a diaper bag company
You really like that luxury bag to thought it was the great
It's good bag seems like a good bag. I don't know you go back to your checkered vans
You should just shove it in our face and start just putting all your shit in a stroller and bring it in every day
Just be like what it's a carry-all
Fuck you guys. I think what makes a stroller
Better than some got like shocks on them. Yeah, yeah indestructible
There are small wheels mid-sized wheels big wheels
I would say the key to a stroller is how easily and smaller collapses to that's the thing
What you're paying for it's
the collapsibility yeah there was one
that was a BMW collab okay head on display
you get a kiss stroller what the fuck
yeah it's it's crazy nine best I tend to
agree that a stroller is a stroller I
think the collapsibility though is
important because you do find yourself it sucks if you have a stroller is a stroller. I think the collapsibility though is important because you do find yourself
It sucks if you have a stroller that we tested over more than how are there ten hundred two hundred and ten strollers out there?
That's all oh, there's like jogging strollers travel strollers. Thank you too many strollers. I think speed is important
Oh big can go up to like 60 miles
Aren't like the best ones typically the sturdiest and biggest which would make them harder to call no
Bang yeah, this was my day yesterday was oh he's kind of watching a guy doing shit
That wasn't the best video eventually you're not gonna collab yeah, I'm gonna jam it in your car. No he's no he oh
You're not gonna. Yeah, I'm gonna jam it in your car. No he's no he oh, okay, whoa
There it is it doesn't look like it great. It doesn't look great does it no It's not very big the big the the one that the most expensive one that I bought was you can collapse the stroller with
the baby in it
The baby all folded up? Oh shit, he's doing a course!
He's doing a road course!
Watch this.
If you ever come up on some cones...
Play I'm a Boss.
That'd be funny if he did like a shitty version right now and he just tripped over the cones.
Like see?
No handling whatsoever.
Best luxury on a smaller budget stroller.
Oh! Speaking of which, TJ has an idea. No handling whatsoever that's luxury on a smaller budget stroller. Oh
Speaking of which yes, TJ has an idea. This is actually very appropriate segue
In the non-creepiest way we can ask for this
Next week when we do mincy and Clemmer we need a baby
All right So if a yak fan I yeah, baby
I have an event event idea in mind that requires a baby your baby will not be ours next week
Yes, what day Tuesday fourth okay?
What were you going a vacation the Thursday right? That's why we did it on the floor
Uh baby toss TJ no not a bit the baby will not be harmed but we do need a baby camera we would like a baby it's
mincy in the face with a baby specifically specifically nine to a year
nine walks you can't walk crawl crawl but cannot walk mm-hmm anybody working in
your head what it could be because I think diaper change
No, no, we're not gonna see your baby's genitals. We just need one baby one baby
I was thinking those like halftime babies crawling right just be one a baby
Is it like the thing where you have to put the square? No egg in the square hole?
Are you smarter than a baby?
We just have a we have a bunch of electrical sockets and we'll see who gets shocked first mincy or the baby
Yeah, if you have a baby DM me on Twitter and we will set it and you're in the Chicago area
We surely have a baby somewhere around here the office somewhere in the office baby. You have an office baby, right?
Yeah, okay. It holds your he's a year and almost a year and a half yeah blow him out of water
We could just use he would just walk and he also would not
The baby we need the crawling baby wanton done. That's a very new child
Fresh foot on a skateboard. It's a fresh baby. Yeah, like infant on a skateboard would be fine
Yeah, children infant on a skateboard would be fine. Yeah children are remarkably resilient
Already no, I think it I
Might have diarrhea. I don't know what to tell you
That's kind of not something that now I'm gonna fight it now now. I'm gonna fight now. I'm just gonna sit here
That's not like a mite situation. I don't think I've ever been like I maybe have diarrhea
Have you already had diarrhea today like either have it or you don't yeah, you have goosebumps
So help me God if it's a solid log you might have already was trying to get out of here
This fucking guy
By the way, you know who I heard from blast from the past
One month Ethan. Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah, what's he up to? I hear from him every once
Ah, he dm me saying can I apply to be your assistant? I said absolutely not
And then I was like but hope all is well dude, and I think his reply was everything's great
I'm dog-sitting for my uncle right now
Yeah, he's he's crushing that sounds like him. There's a picture of him.
He would be the worst assistant.
Have you, like, looked through the applications yet?
Are there any serious ones?
There's a lot of applications.
The problem is, I appreciate everyone who applies.
I don't.
I want someone who does not want, has zero desire
to ever be on camera.
So that's.
You need it like an Austin. Yes
Yes, I need a blutman times memes times Austin you want somebody who's like good with talking to people
Yeah, but that's actually not you know
It's more like someone who's just plugged into all the sports or just internet content
Why like can be like my eyes on a lot of shit like a mouse egg with Gruden a little bit
Kind of but mouse sex annoying. Yeah, dying to be on camera. Would you want someone do you want somebody mean I?
Think I would like them to grow into being me. Okay. I don't want them to start mean smart
Yeah, would you want help like scheduling and taking calls? It's less scheduling and it's more like
like scheduling and taking calls? It's less scheduling and it's more like
watching everything, clipping games.
I think we should hire this person for you.
Because we're going to be, when they work for you,
that's who we're going to have to talk to
if we want to talk to you.
That's not his job.
We're going to have to interact with him, right?
He's not an intermediary.
Do you want like a business-minded person?
I want a very smart person.
So like has their own company?
Has camera experience?
Yeah, no let me ask you this,
did you ever work out and wanna swim?
Around the same time?
No, no.
Yeah, no, it's gonna be hard to find someone who,
cause I mean I think a lot of people obviously they wanna want to be in content this person not gonna be in content
They're not gonna come on the yak yeah
You need a nuggo
No, no it would oh my god
Have to be fit every really star
Yeah, he's be really fucking fat
The opposite of Ethan is what I need okay, okay, so like organized a
Professional ambitious
Doc sitting for his uncle
What was his deal again? I kind of remember but not fully
So he and I never overlapped but Kyle
The day I tweeted I got hired Kyle text me and said the guy you used to work with
Ethan saw that I got hired and he killed himself. Yeah. Oh, we weren't drinking that I don't know Yeah, I thought that was your humor. He was um Ethan
He got hired as an intern because he was very funny in the intern interview with
He's a very funny and talented one.
He's funny, yeah.
Cody could be our baby.
We have Portnoy on Zoom.
Do you want to talk to him?
I got a meeting.
I got a meeting.
My favorite Ethan story was, what was the...
Oh yeah, when he, when right before Christmas he said, I didn't get a chance to say it before I left but happy holidays big cat
And I said you too Ethan. It's okay. You called me the c-word. I don't remember calling me a cunt whatever
Have a great break and he said break not familiar full tilt full-time
Don't hesitate if you ever need help with literally anything and then he spent the next two weeks doing absolutely nothing
Yeah, he had all the tools. I just didn't desire or pursue. Yeah, I liked him though very funny
God, he might have it now extremely funny. Maybe he's learned
But yeah, it was good to hear from him
But not gonna be applying
It was good to hear from him
But not gonna be applying
It's small lich. I hate to move it back to the crawling. Did you see this pelicans, baby? Just every other baby no crawling baby number 11. Yes. Yeah Ready... On your marks... Get set... And go!
And we know our frontrunner...
...of number 11 is off...
Oh, 11. to the races...
Look at that hair.
That's the same bolt.
What a fucking beast. And... Oh, we need a wide shot.
Photo finish.
Kill them.
Oh, he knows.
He was training, yeah.
Someone test him.
Give me that water.
Test him.
There's the slow mo.
Not even close.
He's like that, did you guys see the cover the six five ten year old? It's just not he's not ten
There's just no way what country?
America playing basketball against little kids just dominating them
It what is he maybe ten I?
Feel like statistically you can't be so we've seen like the six five plus twelve year old
Twelve guess that's next ten though. Are you talking about the seven foot thirteen year old? No, I'm talking about the six five ten year old
I know how that would be confusing when I said six five and ten you like
The other dimension to other age five ten year old oh
I don't think he's going up
No, I don't think so. I don't think so
this kid's gonna
now that kid I
Think I think that kid has tattoo
Full sleep. Yeah, this is double dribble by the way. I don't know why I didn't call it. Yeah, that's a double
Just the rest are scared of him. Yeah
Yeah, that's a double. The refs are scared of him. Yeah
He's at least 11. And there's a girl playing
One of the weirdest clips. There's a little kid with a tattoo on his arm
What league is this? It must be so much fun to do this
Yeah, do you think these guys that are putting this like a Daniel Montage probably the most famous Do you think he looks back? On that experience fondly yeah, that was fucking awesome when I was yes
Dominated yeah, look wait look wait look at this fucking white kid who had actually a six post move that I think has a tattoo
Look at him
Yeah, hey does
If he was playing other 10-year-olds,
this would have been a bucket.
Add it up, chubby boy.
Yeah, that would have been a bucket.
It would have been a bucket.
Now he's probably down the deep end.
He's going to have to fill out the whole sleeve.
Six foot five, 11.
Oh, so he's 11 now, okay?
still I
Got the jumbotron cycle at the Cavs game last night. What do you mean?
Proposal on the jumbotron somebody hit the half-court shot for ten thousand dollars
Funny, baby, and somebody made an inappropriate joke during one of the games. Oh
This way what was the joke? What was doing family feud and it was like
New Year's Eve tradition.
He just looked at the camera and he goes,
And everybody went wild.
Love that.
That joke in Cleveland was, oh my God.
I love those regional ones.
Like that chick, I think we've played the clip before
in Wisconsin who just named all the cheeses.
Oh yeah. All of them. Oh yeah. Just wrapped them out of olives.
Oh yeah, holy shit.
I know your audience.
Name a place where you often find an elevator.
Oh, this is it?
Yeah, it was a really botched.
Yeah, it's me.
Name a place where you often find an elevator.
A hotel.
Name a popular New Year's Eve tradition.
Yeah, it went off the rails.
It wasn't.
Try again, I'm sorry.
Try the elevator question again. A hotel. No, you can't say that. Try it again Try to elevate a question again.
Try it again.
It was a great night.
Toast and champagne.
Name a New Year's Eve tradition.
Everybody went insane.
Everybody went insane.
Hell yeah.
Love that regional shit.
Oh you know what you missed Friday was uh, who were the Little John and Big Chuck?
You would have been keen on those boys.
I don't know about Little John.
Wild rabbit hole.
Cleveland superstars.
Mad Dog said her dad was on the show at one point.
Yeah, there's Little John and Big Chuck.
Yeah, you would love these guys
They're fucking hilarious. They live in they still love they think God dad
John's alive think like what you guys do is out of order, but just like way funnier. Yeah
Of skits like it's a Paddington bear imagine more like a pop-tart movie of skits
And there's their love interest
They were just making Polish jokes, but they were free framing all the skits a certain ethnic like cheering section
Oh, okay, and it was like a bunch of Polish people who couldn't spell the word fight
That piss you off Kyle. I mean we we we always take some on the chin
It's gotta be diarrhea right area it's gotta be diarrhea
Cows are good. Yeah, they are it mm-hmm T.. Jerome my god off the bench 25 obli
Not bad they can't win it though. They could they could they're really good. That'd be awesome
Yeah, it definitely could
It won't but they could you don't think I don't know the NBA is always
Like the Celtics and that's still in the thunder
Cavs Lakers would be something huh Cavs Laker be LeBron James
Go ahead. It's the light just take my chair. That's the diarrhea chair. Yeah, it's closer to the bathroom. How many wipes?
30 or 40 my god
Is it dire was a was 30 wipe diarrhea.
It was a lot.
I thought actually there was another person in the store
I thought it was one of you spying on me.
Oh no.
That does sound like something.
That's something y'all would have done.
What was it?
We leave that more to the dating show.
What am I sitting on right now?
Look under your chair.
It's more diarrhea. That's your chair. It's more diarrhea.
That's more diarrhea.
It's a baby.
If you didn't think you had diarrhea yet.
We sit in chairs random every day.
That's the chair you chose.
Look underneath.
No way.
No way.
Oh man.
Got you something.
Is this for real?
You got me an Amtrak ticket to Altoona, Pennsylvania?
Round trip.
To the curve?
Uh-huh. You want me to go to Altoona, Pennsylvania on Amtrak ticket to Altoona, Pennsylvania. Round trip. Whoa. To the curve? Uh-huh.
You want me to go to Altoona, Pennsylvania on Amtrak?
And to June.
June 20th through June 22nd?
So I get there and come right back?
So I have to go?
No, you do a day there.
I got you a, you can tour the Mallow Cup factory as well.
In Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Yeah, you've always wanted to go.
Wow, really thoughtful of you, Nick.
So this is how I'm going? Yeah, it was like 400 bucks why you should because I got you business class your big boy
Okay. All right. That's you can't believe it
Chicago, Illinois you in shock it could it could have been anybody how sad and that's a mania
Reservation like it's legit. Well, I cut out the, don't show the number,
but yeah, I don't want to.
All right.
Someone's gonna steal your ticket?
Somebody's gonna take, go with, yeah.
How pissed would you be?
All right, so who's going with me?
It's one person.
I can get a second.
Sure, they're expensive.
And they're probably going,
it's probably all sold out, trains.
Yeah, we're not gonna sit by each other.
What's the point?
Wouldn't you want to have like absolute freedom?
Now Brandon, do you wanna keep that
or double it and give it to somebody else?
What do you mean double it?
Give somebody two tickets.
Well, I guess we got more shows this week,
so you'll all have to look under your feet every day.
Won't you?
We don't give enough.
No, we really don't.
The feeling of giving is good.
Do you have, has anybody else given anything?
I felt bad for missing Friday, so yeah
Yeah, man. Thank you. Yeah, we're gonna make up for missing. Yes, I'll turn up at the vein Daltuna
We're gonna do when you're there
The Altoona he's going to the mallocup factory Yeah,. You get to be on the Altoona curve on the train.
The literal one.
Oh, I saw.
Baseball stadium.
I was looking at them as a minor league baseball team.
They are, but I'm talking about just the actual train tracks.
I probably would go to an Altoona curve game if I had the time.
You don't have time.
Luigi Mangione McDonald's.
Oh, that's there.
I didn't even think about that.
How far into Pennsylvania is Altoona?una probably like in the middle right in the middle and aft it's like middle leaning
West middle west. Okay
All right, so there's that oh that would be great in june very nice. Yeah, i'm sure it's lovely
Penn penn state campus is there. Oh, yeah mooc went there. It was a drug dealer. Sheets. Yeah, lots of sheets
pseudo pizza
Love you brother. Oh, yeah
Escape the weather here. Wow, what a trip. What do you think on that Amtrak trip?
Six hours? No
Way longer. More? You have a little bit of a layover and you have to change trains in Pittsburgh. What? Yeah. I think it was about 16 hours and 17 minutes. What? I think. But that's
why I had the extra time. To get from Chicago to Altoona 16 hours? I think so. It's not
that bad. A lot of stops. But I can double it and give it away. We could spin the office
wheel and you could bring them.
Yeah, offer it as a mystery gift.
They can take it or they can,
I don't know, man, it's yours, not my fucking problem.
18 hours?
Yeah, that's great.
That's a time change too.
Big cat, if you were sitting in that chair,
you would be in the picture.
I would be, and I would be a lot more appreciative
than Brandon, yeah.
It was the luck of the draw.
Here, would you like it?
No, that was your chair, dude. That's's fucked up Brandon. I just came out of the toilet
I was there for 20 minutes and like it's in June too. That's a that's a beautiful time of year and not to know
I just like the trend of all us just having stuff under the cushions
Yeah, you know you can go to Miami from here via the train. Yeah, there's a line all the way
I should have done that now. Maybe next time that would be expensive train. Yeah, there's a line all the way. I should have done that Now maybe next time that would be expensive expensive. Yeah
All right, so I'm looks like I'm going down tuna mark your calendar incredible. I've never been to our tuna not yet
bucket list
Mark it off. We'll do it and if anybody wants to hang out with Brandon get a ticket. Yeah
I'll meet you there viewers viewers. Yeah, I'm gonna fly. I'll meet you there hopefully that kiss coin guys watching the ass fuck coin guy
Sits next to you for 16 hours. I'll raw your little pooper would be an ass fucked on an Amtrak to Altoona
as an action bronze
I'm happy for you Brandon. Thank you
Nobody deserves it more than me. You want to switch back?
Nah, I kinda like it over here now.
Well there could be something under your chair. I didn't put any.
Did you put something under my chair? I'm just saying there could be. That's the thing.
It's the precedent. Well let's start doing this.
Yeah. So we're gonna be under chair guys now. We're under chair show now? But there should be a risk if you try to hide something under a cushion. There's already something there
You got to do something. What if you get caught hiding it? Oh, that's bad, too
All right
That's bad, too, I don't know I might not sit in my seat then I might I might sit in Kyle seat because nobody
I might not sit in my seat then. I might sit in Kyle's seat,
because nobody's gonna put it in Kyle's seat.
You see that coming from a mile away.
Kyle's seat.
I could if I was scared something was gonna be.
It's Kyle's seat.
But what if something's under Kyle's seat?
Does it become your thing if you sit?
Then, yeah.
So somebody would see it coming
and they'd put it in Kyle's seat.
Fortunately so.
Mm, I'm thinking of good flat gifts right now.
Guam license plate.
Are those flat?
No, they're actually three-dimensional
So that won't work yeah, yeah
What's flat I mean doesn't have to be well that's a black gift over there
the original tunnel paint or the tunnel painting fit that wouldn't fit though no a
miniaturized version of it would oh
Didn't even think about that.
Any painting would.
You could do a painting of the chair
that you're putting it under.
Oh, Stingray would be cool.
Stingray would be awesome.
It's still pretty alive and energetic,
so fresh out water.
Hey, whatever happened to Stingray Steve?
I, does he not, did he drop his lawsuit against you?
Check under your cushion.
I don't know
You're being sued. I wasn't being sued Barstow was at some point, right? Yeah, but it was not
It was someone else's meme. Oh, I
Don't know who's doing like stingray Steve. No, I didn't why I kicked him out of the mystery state fan base
We used to have stingray Steve announced horrific tragedies. That was fun. I know.
Is he the man with the boy face? Yeah.
Stingray face.
Because he put himself out there for mockery and he made us all look like fools.
He just...
He got himself on Barstool.
The meteorologist.
He got himself on Barstool and then just... they just used him for jokes and projections and made us all look silly.
That's not true.
We had him announce to Hindenburg.
Would you have done that if you looked normal? I don't think his face was even in it. TJ, find him announcing the Hindenburg. Would you have done that if he didn't sound funny?
Pass. Could have said yeah. Yeah. The liar helmets were still over there. Yeah, that's why it passed.
Yeah, I thought we were going to have a lot more legs with the liar I was ready for it by the way Mountain Dew at a blast of refreshing oh here it is in
37 or back in 1937 as we're about to see the Hindenburg go down. Oh no! The Hindenburgs
caught fire! Oh no! The Hindenburgs caught fire! Oh the humanity! Oh it's awful! It just
caught fire right here and it's gone down! Oh no!
Is he from Mississippi?
He must be a safe fan. Or he was pretending to be.
So you guys have been running the same playbook for...
No, he was pretending to be, yeah.
Why don't you do the Hindenburg?
No, good mention.
By the way, Mountain Dew, Atta Blast, refreshing
tropical lime flavor to your day with Mountain Dew
Baja Blast. We got to meet
the dude down in New Orleans who were
drinking Mountain Dew all week
long. We love Mountain Dew.
Delicious, refreshing, so perfect for any occasion.
Ride the Baja wave, grab Mountain Dew Baja Blast
for you and your crew wherever refreshing beverages
are sold.
Says that Mountain Dew is as refreshing
as a country game winning OT goal.
It was not.
If it had been the US, it would have been.
US it would have been. It would have been. But Mountain Dew Baja Blast, it was not. If it had been the US, it would have been. US it would have been.
It would have been.
But Mountain Dew Baja Blast, the absolute best.
Should we fuck with Kate?
Danny, you go, she won't notice you're gone.
Call into the show and act like it's the guy from Friday.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, go ahead and set up the.
Be a little bit like nervous maybe.
I'll take you, I'll send you zoom. What's the good audio? It's pissed but pissed
Yeah, that'll be fun. Yeah, I like that. Do you think she'll notice Danny's young? Um, no, I wouldn't who yeah, right
Yeah, right
I have excited to see. Now we wait. Now we wait. Now the trap is set. Now we wait. Now we wait.
Are we gonna go through submissions today? Yeah, I think we should. Yeah, of course. Can't go
Downhill. Well, no it could. You know, but that's the point. That's the- McKenzie's blame us either if she's just dove right into that thing. Yeah
What was Hannah's comment on the guy?
Nice guy just a great dude. Oh wait, do we have more submissions?
You guys tell me
No, but we must okay because do you want me to change the format? Do you want to go back and we just randomly pick the way
to do it?
I don't know.
That seems like a recipe for disaster.
I feel like no matter what I did,
it's a recipe for disaster.
Which makes it good.
That's the point.
Exactly what we want.
We're not here to find love.
We're here to humiliate you.
Humiliate you and laugh at you.
It worked.
It worked.
No. OK, fuck it fuck it
I think she is doing something with macro dosing right now, but I can call her in she said just let her know
You know this is the most important thing going on in her life right now
Now I think I'll let her know did you or we could pick force. Did you amend anything post Friday?
Nope, so it's all right
I think we should pick for y'all like chef Donnie's beard
I feel like it makes them seem a lot older. Yeah, I like the whole I like the whole look
I like it all I know we all love it. Let me see come here
Well, he's been skiing and stuff. I feel like it helps keep your... Yeah, but he didn't just change the facial hair,
he changed the entire look to...
Also, not to give...
Not your right size?
Donnie, not to give anything away,
but are you ever gonna give me my goddamn shoes back?
Yeah, they're in the back.
I'll take them on for whenever I need them big.
I thought you already did it though.
I like to be, sit down and talk.
I like the beard. What are we going for?
What's that? What are we going for with the beard? I like I've just never tried to grow and I think like I feel like every
That's bullshit. There's no never let it go long enough to get to this point. You don't know why I'm saying bullshit
It's bullshit that you're like I've never grown a beard and now you got a great beer
So it took me till now for it to look good it took the guys who grow grow beards around here are growing beards to hide something
You're just doing it. You're just
Why I'm taking our you don't know for fun, and it looks good my culture is not your costume. It's blonde
I'd say it's the mustache is we get that it's hot
I don't know but it you're taking a victory lap on make sure I'm not trying to take a victory lap here guys
I'm trying to grow a beer for the first time. Well everything everything about you looks really good, man
Well, thank you look at you. Yeah, I don't say well this outfit does make the beard look a little better
I think I did kind of lean into that the beard outfit it is
Yeah, the whole look is is great. Thank you tight. What about the hair?
I like your hair, but I think maybe with the beard you like you're gonna reinvent that
I don't know I gotta go to turk. I think I'm starting to lose the hair so
You are yeah, yeah, I'm I'd it's kind of time. Thank God. Yeah
Where were you skiing? I was in Tahoe, but before that yes, it was sick
I was first time I've been out there. Where were you with the boys with I was with the boys, yeah. So you went to the John Summit concert?
Yeah, I'm not a big John Summit.
That was the first and probably the last John Summit.
The vibes looked incredible.
The vibes were sick, but for me, EDM, I don't understand how people, like that music all
sounds the same.
You could have told me the three openers were John Summit and I would have been like, oh
yeah, it's not.
KB, I don't know, you were-
I'm a 2010s EDM guy.
I think it was more fun, it was less cool, but more exciting, more upbeat. I don't know you I'm a 2010 ZDM guy. I think it was more fun It was less cool, but I don't think we're like a like taking draw
I think it's more of a drug yeah show than it is an actual
I don't get people people I can listen to that in their car like wait was McCarthy there McCarthy was
He literally goes and sees John and summit on tour and as a reminder the kind of music you're into is
Yeah, I like more marches. No. It's not early civilization reminder the kind of music you're into is
This is where there's a disconnect there's some Civil War songs I like yes, but most of its old like bluegrass country western Marty Robbins
You know 1960s, but then some of the stuff is older most of it is you know Doc Watson bluegrass
We were at want on Don's diaper party. He was spinning songs from the Crusades
Just bobbing their head I'd be knew the lyrics
Genocide hits
It's yeah, I mean I can I can send you. I sent the playlist, I think, to TJ last time.
Some of it's really good. Some of it's an acquired taste.
And then there's stuff in between.
And now Billy Strings is the king of bluegrass.
He is.
That's the show to go to when he's here.
How was the skiing?
Skiing was fine. It was warm.
It was like 50 degrees. It was like spring skiing.
And the Heavenleys not, like the mountain itself isn't massive.
Well, weren't you just in the Alps? That was Austria. 50 degrees. Yeah, it was like spring skiing and heavenlies not heat like the mountain itself isn't massive
Well, weren't you just in the Alps that was Austria that yeah, okay
Yes, the Alps would blow everything out of the water, but the Europeans don't really ski like we do here
They're not what do you mean? They love just staying on on the groomed trails that they don't go off. So like oh you're bad boy
I'm just saying like if they got they got almost we got probably eight inches of snow one night there
And then the next day you could ski off piste and ski like the you get fresh tracks the rest of the day weren't
Colorado or anywhere out west that be skied out in 30 minutes. Are your skis smaller? They have to be like popsicle sticks
Tiny skis. Yeah, either like 105 underfoot. I don't know
My small feet yeah, I get it I have 20 CS high 26 and skis and ski boots, which is pretty small
Like a 105 underfoot man. I can fit in a woman's bindings, but yeah, look how tiny they are
again But yeah, look how tiny they are again
Real that's so real my god big-ass Brandon
Look I'll say it again the reddit page quieter movements better at climbing. It's good It's good man can get children's prices on ski boots. It's nice can you can yeah?
It's really nice all right
Here looks awesome
You were blowing it up. Are you sick because now Conrad's blowing it up? Oh?
It's just maybe the room today. I don't know
Do you think it's can you pinpoint it you're like here's where I think the source of my diarrhea
No, I don't think so, but I did I I up it's not related
I hope my workout significantly this morning, and I just haven't been right since
And I'm not sure my bowels and my butt were on board with what I was doing so maybe they're lashing out
I used to oh what?
I was doing so maybe they're lashing out I used to
Your periods Diarrhea after a long hardened love when bees got water after a run
Cellphone ringtone he's calling into the show. Oh
Hi, uh, yeah. Yeah. Hey, this is our Joey. Oh fuck. I
Just want to say thank you Kate. My business is like booming now. Oh
Okay Thank you
This is actually I don't know what to say to him. Tj. Is this actually I don't know. It's just a number
Okay, I hate you guys. I know that much why
Hello now's your chance. Okay. He's right there
Okay, just want to say thank you fuck you. Do you still want to be on the show then are we cool?
A long time ago you're fine. It's a long time ago. You're fine Your mom's still hot. That's what matters
Yes, she can come to oh nice
I can see fucking Danny
Also, it just sounds like
Come in here and change your voice change your voice a little bit hitting me
It's totally Danny use it talking into a Danny filter
Change your voice a little bit. It's totally Danny use it talking into a Danny filter
Amplified Danny he was double Danny and what was that Danny you went to this room?
The one that was a direct right here. I like Danny well I can also see the computer that gets the call so I could see his face the entire time
All slow yeah, that was that was uh didn't even get lift off Danny
Couldn't go too nerdy or deep then she would know it's a clearly a disguise Well, she's going with your own Danny is ever Danny. I was going like this. I was trying to be Italian Danny. That's what you
Change your voice right now. Yeah, Go deeper. We need a new voice.
Hello Nick, how are you today?
That's too deep.
That wouldn't have worked.
That was my other excuse for him being douchey.
I was like, you guys are being dicks.
He's just Italian.
Do they send any video submissions?
Do you know what they sound like?
There's one guy who I think pops up today who submitted three impressions that he does oh
We're talking hell. Yes, they do a Danny impression. He might one of them might
Danny that was so fucking bad
Pretty mad
Hey, hey, this is Joey that was better better. That was better. She got smoked Joey D
That was way better
We expected a lot more all right next time we prank call. I'll be ready. That's good. That was
slightly better
Still some Danny in there
Yeah, I didn't know how to react to that because I thought we were all in on that. It was very Danny
I could see it. I could see it
All right smokes keeps posting his progress and it just he looks good
He keeps out the part that he can work out seven hours a day
Yeah, it's like when an actor gets jacked for a movie. They have chefs they have steroids and like that's their only job
He also didn't start from a bad spot either like no
Guy when he started, but he looks great
He's just wearing wife beaters around and he he does work out a lot three to five hours a day a lot
Yeah does work out a lot three to five hours a day a lot yeah anyone can follow that
plan anybody could do that there were rumors last week I think that his nipples
are getting smaller oh there were rumors yeah where was this rumor okay okay yeah
they are see if you can position it where nipples are in both shots. We'll see yeah, yes nipples are smaller for sure less pink
I don't know. I was left one for sure
He looks good down scroll down he looks good did he cleaned up the body here, too
I think so shaved that maybe it's a lighting and hair thing.
Looks damn good.
Tattoo above the belly button, or is that just
his hair is arranged here?
That's hair.
God damn it.
He looks good.
I envy his life.
Just working out.
Hardly working or working out. He's working really, really hard.
He is.
On his body.
Yeah, on his body.
Yeah, on himself, yeah.
Wait, what did Mackenzie say?
I can tell her to come in.
Come on in.
Let's get some submissions.
I'm looking forward to the impressions, Kate.
Are they famous people?
When you hear them, everyone's going to shit on me for picking this guy.
Oh, yeah, definitely.
Yeah, for sure.
I think in the end, I feel bad for Mackenzie because I did, we were looking for guys that
were, all the answers are the same.
So like anybody that stood out kind of started to get filtered through.
We should just reach out maybe and get like pictures of their living room or pictures of their pet or something
So I thought I wasn't quite sure how it was gonna go and I thought there was gonna be a phase where we did that
Good to see you
Are we making good choices today, What was the reaction from your parents?
That's what I asked her.
I was like, your dad was watching.
Oh, yeah, they thought it was funny.
It's not really a big deal.
Did they want to send thank you to me or anything like that?
No, I did tell my dad did say thank you.
He knew, though.
He knew I was never going to pick that guy.
Like, to preface it.
What you did?
You picked him. You picked that guy. You can say preface it. What you did. You picked him.
You picked that guy.
You can say where we thought you might pick him.
No, 100%.
I did pick him, I did pick him.
But just to preface it.
Yeah, that's right.
It is confusing, I guess.
There was a precedent of you picking him.
Right, I guess so.
But like, it was more so for,
because like none of the four stood out,
so I thought that would be like an
entertaining part of the show that was kind of why and I told you that the one
guy that had every interest you have was wearing a Josh Allen jersey and looks
like the anyone can wear a Josh Allen Jersey the other okay the other guys
didn't yeah okay I'm sorry no I'm sorry I'm so shallow I love hot guys I'm so
sorry and they'll never
They're only here. I don't blame you. They're only here to meet you guys. I don't blame it Why would anyone want to know no no I think I think what we do is when we get the guys in office
We polish this up. We let's put them through mental
Dress torture yeah, no torture. I like just talk to area and he wants to come okay great
Zach shall cross also wants to come and great
All right, what we're gonna lock him in a room with mincy. Oh god
Yeah, we should we should do stations with each people. Yeah tunnel tunnel with mincy
Actually should have a day where you don't pick where mincy picks
Mincy yeah, let's see what what's kind of guy he would pick
He'd pick him. Yeah yeah well I do need water shorts oh yeah he'll be to eat he'll be he'll be
sponsored soon he would have invested in that company's drip athlete I do like the
idea of them speed dating different co-workers here really quickly like
having to go through like a. Interviews.
But whatever.
Well hopefully I can ask them for their living rooms.
Make them work.
I think bathrooms.
That could get ugly.
Bathrooms and their toes.
Locker room.
Oh I like toes.
You can tell a lot about a man by his toes.
In hindsight, this round I wish had been more of,
I wish I would have gone for more of that stuff, so it was less
obvious who these people are and then save that for whatever but oh
Well, okay, by the way Kate has done a great job like she like everybody needs to relax
No, it's just like people commenting
All-time show yeah, and that was that was the end goal of that guy hopefully we get more of that today No, it's just like people commenting. It was a great, it was hilarious. It was an all time show.
And that was the end goal of that guy.
Hopefully we get more of that today.
Or chaos.
We might.
Chat, gonna need you to get your Googlers on.
FBI on the case.
You know I didn't, so you get in on that.
Okay, so let's do it.
Again, I didn't reorder these, I'm just rolling with it.
So here's the four that we have for today
I'm gonna use my phone for okay
Like I'm so yeah, Park Rage from Chicago six four two thirty no headboard on his bed
Damage when he's wailing
Do we have his age
Fuck I am great at this.
No, it's not important.
I believe.
I'll go back and look and tell you.
I think he's late 20s.
I want to say late 20s.
Dating life, he was fine with one or two serious relationships, but then looked up and all
his friends were married over the past five years, so I guess I need to be better.
Handicapped seven, progressively worse every year.
His family are his favorite people.
This guy's a cool guy. That's pretty good
What does he mean? I was fine with one or two serious relationship fine with I don't know it was meaning maybe like on his
Okay with having those he treats dates like resumes
Stacking dates yeah, he thought he thought he was well versed in the relationship game. Mm-hmm, but then he realized his friends are married. Yeah
Relationships with one or two, right? So this is good. He's feeling pressure to commit, you know
Call that settle
That's great, yeah, all right, but he's got a special gift Parker limbo. I'm calling him. Okay
First oh look at that with the Bud Light can he's a tall boy But the records his dad gave him when he left for college
Especially the Beatles white album are his prized possessions his music taste gave me one of my favorite hobbies good music finding more cool shit out there
Talent the limbo again. He's like 6'4 and I guess whenever they busted out. He amazes himself
He amazed himself
Yeah, goes under the limbo. He's like holy fuck. Yeah, holy fuck
I know I'm so good at limbo that it's my only talent, but every time I do it
Parker Parker Parker.
He says since Josh Allen has taken what the second best option for a tall
brown haired stud of a guy living in Chicago. I don't know if that's the sentence.
What about? That wasn't English.
Mackenzie seems down to earth. What about?
About was left out. What about the second book? Okay?
Mackenzie seems down to earth fun hang sadly hard to find out in the wild anymore. Yeah
Wait a minute. She's hard to find out
He's hunting I'm out there. I'm not so easy to find should be in the wild
In the throes of the wild trap you we send you out with a GoPro on your forehead you pick one more contestant in the thick of, in the throes of the wild. I'm gonna trap you. When we send you out with a GoPro on your forehead and you pick one more contestant in the wild.
Yeah, yeah.
That would be funny.
He wants to explore Chicago, Chitown,
and get to know each other.
Joke, a friend once told me, you know,
you're pretty funny for not being known as a funny guy.
That's a good place to be.
Wow, that's a zero pressure spot to be in.
That wasn't a joke.
No, no, but it's like, oh yeah.
It's not a joke, but. Well, it is a joke no no but it's like oh yeah it's not a joke
but well it is a joke by the person who said it oh he was I don't care what
people say Brandon I don't think you're the biggest douchebag in the world
that's funny I'll give it now yeah sarc Yeah. Nikki Smoke said, how low can you go? Little limbo joke Hannah said.
What does that mean?
That doesn't tell us anything.
I have no idea.
Well, we're getting rid of his, we're getting rid of his.
What she's talking about.
Nikki Smoke's as literal as it gets.
Good reference.
Tell me more about this limbo thing.
I'm going to have to craft a witty quip for the boys on the Yaks.
It's awesome to get drinks with.
Yeah, Hannah liked him, so yeah, there you go.
Parker Limbaugh.
Cute little family there.
I'd like to point out the picture to Limbaugh.
He's not getting carried away.
Not that low.
Not that low.
That's not low at all.
I think he's still taller than that woman on the right.
This might be a situation where he doesn't really
pick up on sarcasm.
Dude, you're really good at Limbaugh.
Oh, dude, you got so low.
Oh, wow, I did.
Oh, my God, I must have.
Look how low Parker's getting.
Oh, my God, how does his back still on?
Oh, my God, Parker.
Oh, you can touch in the floor.
You guys are married and I'm still single,
but Parker, the limbo. Yeah, you'm still single but Parker the limbo
Women have their arms straight
That's about five feet on that limbo
Parker buddy, what's the caption on the dude had a great time?
Or something in crushing the limbo. He's drinking a bud light. Yeah, that's as a new that's not low at all
breast level Also, he's gonna hit there's no
That girl looks tall
once impressed in the back oh
My god, here comes Parker his knees are barely bent. Oh fuck they bring the limbo to every party just to make fun of him
Yeah, no they dread when he comes to the party. Just like here comes Parker with his he brings
No, they dread when he's like here comes our car with this
Pops it open Pulls all the pieces out not pictured as the guy
Started guys thought he was good at limbo. Just got right in his car
Damnit gotta stop going to the same party. Party sucks, where's the limbo?
Yeah, how often do you limbo?
God damn it.
God fucking damn it.
I feel like I haven't limbo'd in fucking decades.
You gotta initiate it yourself.
Yeah, how many times generally I've never stumbled with it.
I wanna say I've limbo'd like maybe twice in my life.
I haven't seen it in about 15 years.
I haven't seen it.
It's like the belt thing at the wedding
like the boy takes off his belt and like does the limbo that's a thing yeah that
nothing yeah you know at the party with the belt
Stephen how many times you limbo'd he maybe four or five but like nothing in
the past and he would be our number one limbo yeah if I had to pick have you
ever had fun limboing no
Really even for a short person still difficult stressful. Yeah
That's Parker limbo. I like a
I want him in here if not for Mackenzie. I just want a limbo
And we have to keep up the charades like dude no fucking way
Yeah, you do the limbo at the wedding and everyone no one takes it seriously and then like the five-year-old walks under
just regularly everyone's like ah that's so funny he doesn't need us to be excited he's
amazed every time he does it himself he'll bring his own enthusiasm I bet you they
lower it after he gets under like just yeah, hanging out with the boys the next day. Like, did you guys see me limbo?
That was crazy.
Yeah, man.
It's all you talk about, Parker.
You're Parker limbo.
I like Parker limbo.
I do, I like him.
Way better than Joey cell phones.
Wait, is Joey the guy that sounds just like,
that sounds more like Dan?
I've got the same.
I've incriminated myself.
Anything else from Parker?
No, that's it.
He seems like a good dude.
Good start.
Fine, fine gentleman.
I like him.
Up next, again, I wasn't thinking when I picked this guy.
I watched that documentary this weekend, I'm like,
great, I should take him off, but I kept him on.
What documentary? I'm sure he's fine. Okay, van guy from lives in a 2019 Ford
Transit. Okay, 612 2029 years old dog guy fund operations and
accounting, dating life. He just said I've lived in a van the
last two years. That says a couple of dates. Some became
friends, not much else. Handicap shoots mid 90s. Family very good
daily contact brother, sister, mom, dad.
Possible, I don't know if this stood out
in a good or bad way.
Seems like he might be a big time Dave Matthews band guy.
As in sometimes follows him around a little bit
with the band at his concerts.
How interesting.
Based off the-
Has he told you that?
No, I was.
Did you google this one?
I've been deep diving all the wrong things.
Okay. It just seemed from comments and stuff,
his friends are like following DMB again, DMB again.
Love that.
Okay, up next, and there's his living room.
Okay, you can see, Vanny Zach Head is what I put in my phone.
Prize possession, Primed My Van.
Bought it in the fall.
Vanny Zach Head?
I don't know.
I'm grasping.
What's the head?
What's Zach Head?
Well, it's like Vanny Woodhead. But that was his name. Maybe Zach. I don't know. I'm grasping. What is this thing? What's the head? What's the head? Why is Zach head?
Well, it's like Vanny Woodhead.
But that was his name.
Maybe Zachy Woodhead.
Oh my god, it was.
What is the head part?
Why is Zach?
Zach and Wood don't sound anything.
Vanny Zach head?
This is hurting this guy.
OK, why did you put Vanny Zach head at the top of this one?
Zach Vandalf.
Oh, there it is. It's right there. Vanny's a kid at the top of the sack van doff
Oh, I like his talent his talent KB Maps I'm a big Maps guy he can name pretty much every country and North South America Europe Africa
Doesn't that kind of go with the word in a van? Yeah, yeah, you'd have to know I guess so he says hey Mackenzie
Full-time digital nomad.
I'm out.
Enjoys going to sporting events.
He's a Boston fan.
Concerts, dive bars, breweries, outdoors.
Never been to Chicago, but he's going to be here
in the next few months.
Calling yourself a digital nomad is such a self-suck.
His joke is, I often instinctively
throw out a barely-know-her whenever the opportunity
presents itself or doesn't.
I don't know what that pertains to I didn't know if
That was yeah, that's um, that's a car. Yeah, yeah, Nikki smoke said I guess you can hang out at Mackenzie's house
Hannah said annoying John Green's box is getting too cute with these
Like the fault in our stars
Our stars I think she's picturing young adult. Oh, hey
How old is he 29 29 yeah, so do you like Zachy van would
I'm not loving the van
I don't know if it's my vibe. I'm gonna be sitting shack. No or in the trunk. Yeah, that would be more likely I want to be like he seemed like a cool guy, but now I know I don't think he's an ass
I know any fans have no no way. I'm sure he's a great
I don't know if the van is like my lifestyle honey Danny to no van zoom in it looks pretty nice
Oh, yeah, you can get a good-looking van Mackenzie. It is tiny. What's that thing? Yeah?
Key West Key West got pictures all over the kind of a go to go to see the actual inside of it
What do you think of the sock tan line? Oh? he's got pictures all over the kind of a go to go see the actual inside of the van What do you think of the sock tan line? Oh?
That's normal
He's got his bed. That's a nice. That's actually really nice
Little tile splash back. It's probably for somebody who who can handle. I'm probably a very awesome life
Just you gotta get pretty low to get in there
To work her yeah Pretty low to get in there. Parker could stand up vertically on the bed.
Parker, quit standing on my bed!
Check this out.
That's that guy.
Up next. A dude that's so confidently battling them. I love him so much. We got a politician.
Drew D from Riley NC. He used to do that.
5'10", 145-150, 35 years old, so on the
older end here, dog guy. Government Affairs Consulting. This guy's
social media was like all in DC,
politicians, politicians, everywhere,
big name people, whatever.
One serious relationship for about a year and a half,
dated another girl, not a serial dater, handicap 13.5.
He gave me his gin number.
Yeah, because.
Family, very strong, him and his brother
recently bought a restaurant.
That's pretty, whoa!
Okay, he's 35. I kinda like the congressman he works for. Like
that sign should be in a beach house in Key West.
That's that it's. Get her done.
They ain't passing any laws for you ladies. Five o'clock
somewhere. Pull up your big boy boxers and get her done.
Get her done.
Sometimes that's, that felt pertinent to include.
Next, I put in, congressman jury,
he's not a congressman, but that's how I put him
in my phone, prize possession, his grandmother's wedding ring.
That she gave me to give the woman I marry.
So this guy's serious, this is the one, okay.
Oh boy.
Now, oh no.
Can we hear them?
Oh, there's an audio? We gotta Oh boy. Can we hear them? Oh there's an audio?
We gotta hear them.
We gotta hear them.
I think TJ has it.
I don't know if he's got them queued up.
How does it, Vince Scully, Elmo, and Dobby?
Tell me which one you want.
Those are distinct.
Let's go with Elmo.
Let's go with Elmo.
Oh, this is gonna be.
This is gonna be hard for everyone.
Elmo's hard to do.
Oh no.
Elmo is really hard to do.
I'm Elmo.
I just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay. Everyone almost hard to know it's really hard to do
That's pretty good Elmo's been smoking you've got a good Elmo right now, but me and I'm on the same birthday
Big cat that's such a bad look for you, knowing that Che has a connection.
I knew there was a connection to Elmo.
I couldn't remember what it was.
Danny actually does a good Elmo.
Oh yeah, Danny does a good Elmo.
That just sounded like you, dude.
Forgetting he's a grown man that does an Elmo impression,
it was 7.5.
I need to hear it again.
If that's one of those ones that are so distinct. It's hard fuck up
How do you give an evil Elmo yeah, it's rass like a
Patronizing Elmo yeah, if I don't know how to go tea
Yeah, like I played again this it feels like I'm like in a saw movie and
Almost cut off all my limbs, and he's checking in
Yeah, I just wanted to check in and make sure you're in Elmo's basement. Yeah right now
You're in a hole in his don't love it
offensive Donald duck in there yeah a little skosh adult swim Elmo yeah
Buffalo bill Elmo
TJ give me Vince Gully and who's this Dodgers announcer time it's time for
Dodger baseball absolutely sounds 100% nothing like an old man not even trying
to be Vince Gully imagine being that bad an impression
Dobby who's Dobby?
Must not return to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
That's just Elmo again. I think that's just what his voice sounds that
That wasn't that bad that was better Dobby was better
Is this a Parker limbo situation where people have been telling him he's got good impressions?
I'm looking at his application. He doesn't say, he says I can do pretty solid impressions.
That's funnier.
Admittedly he didn't say good.
Those are pretty solid.
He's right.
It gets the point across.
We all have to have like three or four drinks in us.
I like the- Like 11.30pm. It probably hit a point across. Yeah, we all have to have like three or four drinks in us. Yeah.
I like the-
Like 1130 PM.
It probably hit a little different.
All right, that's fine.
I like a guy whose number one talent is not that good.
I'm doing an impression of a normal guy now.
I want to hear my best talent.
It's actually decent.
I want to hear my Elmo.
I can do a pretty solid impression. Okay, alright, let's see the rest of it.
He says, hey Mackenzie, best of luck with your dating show.
Everyone speaks so highly of you
and you deserve a great guy.
If you pick me, you're getting someone that's laid back,
loves a casual IPA, is the reigning third place finisher
in a golf one and done pool, and watches bad reality TV.
Reigning third place is funny.
Joke me, rough day, part of a tree fell
on my car this morning.
Person, was there much damage?
No, it was just a leaf.
Nikki smokes.
Wait, what?
Oh, the car was a Nissan Leaf.
I thought a tree fell on the car was the leaf part. Yeah. Yeah, either way we can agree. It's not funny
What it's about delivery, okay, I guess Nikki smoke said Michael Scott Yoda thing guy
I'm tired of Nikki smoke what does that mean Hannah said uncle guy Nikki smokes is using this as open mic night
He's getting more as it went on he got more
It was supposed to be douche or not a douche.
And he went off script.
That's so funny.
He put in dog.
Now's my time to shine.
I'm trying to get chosen.
I think this is a great guy.
It seems like a solid guy.
What does that quote?
His tooth is gray in that picture,
and he's telling the story of how he like, oh great.
He's got a gray tooth?
He's got poop tooth? He's got it all. Rough day the story of how he like oh great He's got a great tooth got poop to you guys got it all
A part of the tree fell on my car this morning. Oh, was there much damage?
No, fortunately was just a leaf
Part of a tree a leaf all right. Let's work on that
Maybe maybe read it as Elmo easy any please Danny, okay?
Elmo he's like any please Danny okay I read it again oh rough day part of my tree fell on part of a tree fall on my car this morning oh no was there much
damage that's another guy I'll do the other no no no Danny school it be the
other person in skull no be extra Danny from the face let's see how good your
Danny is no no, no, no.
The me is Melmo, then the other person is Danny.
Yeah, I was doing the second part.
Double Danny.
Let's start again, though.
Yeah, start over.
Ah, rough day.
Part of a tree fell on my car this morning.
Oh no.
Was there much damage?
Nailed it.
It was really good.
Nah, fortunately it was just a leaf
All right, so there's the joke is there I?
Think the phrasing needs in these it's not phrase properly. Hey was there a funnier joke in Paddington
They were right there
I don't get the joke
It was just a leaf. It's just the leaf so yeah what but that's not a
Known enough tell you like these sir certainly means the Nissan
But is the joke that that's the name of the car or is the joke that just it just
Leave I understand yeah, what's happening in the the jury that's being told I don't the joke was his initial panic and dismay he wasn't actually upset
Or was it mm-hmm right? Yeah, is he upset about his Nissan Leaf, but then he's not upset because it's not a good car
No, it's just a leaf
So you got to induce panic you got to come in and be like oh fuck
Danny run around the corner
Oh, fuck! Danny, run around the corner as Elmo.
Try this.
Like sprint out of breath.
Out of breath Elmo.
Oh, fuck, part of a tree just fell in my car.
Yeah, be really upset.
Sprint from pretty far.
This will be good.
This is going to be it.
I'm doing this because I'm mad at him for the impression.
I'm doing this because I'm mad at him for the impression
Part of a tree is found my car. Oh no is it okay? Yeah, it was just a leaf
Okay, okay, we're good
I still don't get it. I think longer panic and then a pause after it's real quick
To suicide we need to we really need to work up a sweat
Yeah, thank you Danny really go line to line though there you go Danny's always been good at impressions and he botched. He botched.
Completely botched. Okay we're doing half suicides again.
Ah! Ah! Part of a tree just fell on my car!
Oh no, is it okay? Yeah, it was just a leaf.
That was funny. That was pretty good.
Alright, good joke.
That's what we needed That was pretty good. Alright, good joke.
That's what we needed.
Locked it.
Just needed a little work.
Do we have one more I think?
That was three.
Okay, we have one more.
I don't even know. Okay, Stephen Z.
Uh oh.
We recognized somebody. I know we weren't going
for big time stoolies, but I
will say this was the only barstool thing I saw in a second. Pigeon guy. Oh no. Well,
he's sitting next to a pigeon there and that on a chair. Oh, okay. So that was kind of
a joke. He's 26 foot 183. He's a forensic accountant. I don't know what that means.
That's not the pigeon Joe Clander. That's
Affleck right in the accountant the autistic accountant. Yeah. Yeah, okay
Where was this game? When was this game probably in Lincoln?
How do you feel about him touching the pigeon like that not great? I hate it was oh was hot. Oh, shit. Did you protect the pigeon's identity here? You did? In case that's very fucking funny. That would've been bad.
I fucked that up enough already.
That could've been worse than me.
Wait, fuck, I know that pigeon.
That motherfucking pigeon killed someone.
That pigeon has a 15 year old girlfriend.
He's trying to sell these white clothes.
That's so good.
Hovering my fucking tracks.
At this point, God forbid.
He dated two girls seriously.
First relationship was five months that she cheated on me, LOL.
Second was 10 months.
Now he's a younger guy, I guess.
He's tried going on dates since moving to Omaha.
He hasn't had anything serious.
I don't think he was really LOLing at that cheating.
No, that still hurts. That still hurts a lot. He's upset about it. He hasn't had anything serious. I don't think he was really lol at that cheating
Usually shoots around 100 to 110
Family close with all his family mom dad sister closest with my dad because we think the same and following a similar career path So big-time dad guy that could be good, but I don't know he'd text with them like once twice week
Second I thought it was pigeons That would be cool. That is Mike Tyson He texts with them like once or twice a week, whatever. What's the career? Oh. Forensic and mountain.
For a second I thought it was pigeons.
That would be cool.
His dad is Mike Tyson.
All right, and this, we'll remember this guy,
we've talked about him before on the next slide.
Yes, it's Glass Eye Steven.
Yes, it's Glass Eye Steven.
Talk about bearing the lead.
Prize possession, I do have a fake eye
that used to be worn by my grandpa
He lost it in Korea. I don't you wear a fake. I that stays on my bedside table
That was he in the war he was in the war okay, okay?
Bad case of pink eye you say I own a fake. I don't say I have a fake. Yeah
Right good point. Good point. That is important.
Talents, he can juggle.
He used to have a pretty cool routine that he could do.
He's also a racquetball champion.
He's a former high school national racquetball
guy in high school.
What's up?
I'm Stephen.
I like to watch sports go Cubs in general.
I can't read.
Have a fun time.
While also trying to stay ambitious with life goals
from everything that I've seen.
And Kate has described Mackenzie as very pretty
and seems like she's a blast to be around
and everyone enjoys being around her
and I think I would as well.
Thank you.
Joke, why was the snowman smiling?
Cause he saw the snow blower coming down the street.
That's a joke.
That's a joke. That's a good joke. That's a fucking Yeah. That's a joke. That's a good joke.
That's a fucking joke.
That's a joke.
All right, one more note on the glass eye.
He followed up because he heard us talk about it last time.
You could skip ahead just a little bit.
Yeah, he said, my grandpa used to take it out
when we went to restaurants and put it in his drink
and tell the waiter something was wrong with it.
That's funny.
He would also take it out and tell us grandkids
he was keeping an eye on us.
Oh, that's funny.
Also should clarify, it has a lid.
So he keeps it on his bedside table, but there's a lid.
But the eye has a lid on it, smokes.
An eyelid?
Funny, but you know where the eye has a lid.
All right.
Thank God.
That's right.
This is funny.
But ditch the eye. Hannah couldn't focus on anything but the eye. Thank God. Yeah. It's funny.
Hannah couldn't focus on anything but the eye.
It's me or the eye.
But yeah.
Well, that's our four, huh?
I know my vote.
We can't stop thinking about Parker Limbo.
But I want this glass eye here.
It's tough.
You can do it right, Anne. Maybe he's got the golden buzzer
Think about the limbo. He's gonna be wowed by his own abilities
Yeah, but like imagine if we're all on a wheel one of us has to put the eye on our mouth
It has a lid though
We can agree just bring him in separately
Yeah, what if he's mails his eye in yeah, you can mail it you can mail it
What are you thinking so far with these four okay I'm thinking Parker is my top yep what did you like
about him um the limbo thing is funny you guys made it funny I like that he's
30 feel like that's a good age older than me. He was tall. He was tall. 35 years old. 35 years old.
He was tall.
Too old.
Might be.
It might be.
And I like that he lives in Chicago too.
Because the other two that I picked don't.
So I feel like we need some in the mix.
The van guy.
He could live anywhere.
He could live, yeah.
He could.
I like the van guy.
I don't like the van guy. van guy. I don't like the van
God well, then if you don't like the van right on him. I like that you're a van guy, but the van
Van would be a fan guy without the fan
How do we know who he is he's Vanny's a kid that's right
I got it, what happened, Kate? Did you think we just did? Kate, you're doing great.
I'm screaming it from the roof top.
Was it because of Danny Woodhead?
That's his name.
So, but his name's not Danny,
it's Zach.
Zach, you get it?
Therein lies the problem.
No, no, but you don't get his name, Zach.
His name's not... Here, let's try this. No, no, but, okay, you don't get his name's that. His name's not.
Here, let's try this.
So, his name is that.
This is better.
Yeah, the van is.
Van is that kid.
Van is that kid, huh?
Yeah, okay.
Van is that kid.
Like, if we had named it after Dan Marino,
it wouldn't be Van Marino head.
I'm asking why not.
I don't think you understand.
She's the one that got me there.
She got me there.
Why not?
Made more sense in the moment.
Mrs. Vanny Zacchia.
How does that sound, Mackenzie?
I don't know.
Better than Joey.
What was the limbo guy's career?
Oh, I don't know.
I think just being a sweet-ass dude.
I wrote Grateful Dead, but that was just
because he had a Grateful Dead shirt on.
It was one of those real vague jobs.
Sales on hard.
I don't know.
His heart's not in it.
His heart is in limbo.
He does that on the side.
Limbo's his main career.
That's what he wants to do.
He works at a limbo stick company,
and he's just using this to launch his limbo stick.
He takes every dollar he makes and puts it back in the limbo.
If you don't pick him, we should at least borrow his set
for Mincy Klemmer pro day.
Oh, limbo.
We'll borrow the limbo set, man.
So is he the pick?
Parker's the pick. Yeah. Parker's the pick. Parker limbo set, man. So is he the pick? Parker's the pick.
Yeah, Parker's the pick.
All right, Parker limbo.
Oh, I'm so excited to see him do limbo.
Now let's see all the bad things he's done.
Everybody, please.
Does the chat have anything to say, DJ?
Be the man with the limbo stick.
Nothing, nothing, no red flags my way thus far.
Okay, good.
At least there's still time.
Good, there is a lot of time.
So I liked all the other guys.
I just think the limbo and living in Chicago was my pick.
So, so far we have the Savannah Banana guy, Connor.
We have Zach, who I felt bad.
I've emailed the guys who have made it so far.
I'm assuming he saw that he's only here
because the other guy was a pervert.
It was between the two of them.
It wasn't like he was completely out of it.
I would have picked him.
He had a great sense of humor about it.
But you picked him.
No, okay, we understand that I picked that guy.
I'm sorry. Think about it this way.
I thought it was gonna be funny and it wasn't.
On your wedding day, it will be very funny
when Zach gets up being like, the only reason I'm here.
Joey, back in 2017.
What a beautiful love story that would be.
Yeah, that would be funny.
OK, Parker's in the back.
I object.
He does sound like that.
Hey, it's me, Joey.
I'm excited.
Brendan, do you have anything to say about Parker?
Everything seems fine with this group.
I thought the whole group was.
Yeah, I liked this group a lot.
Good batch.
Good job, Kate.
I like the politicians.
It's a rebound.
I like Fanny guy.
Hell of a rebound.
So then we have two more days of it?
I think just to be.
Just one more?
There's 20.
One more. 19, I guess so. No, so we to be, there's 20. One more.
19 I guess so.
No, so we've been doing four a day.
This was, day four?
This has got us to 12, so we got two more, right?
I'm not a math person, I don't do this stuff.
Can you go back through?
12 plus eight.
How many people do you have left?
Why did you have left?
I got 19 contestants here.
Okay, 19.
So we've done 12, correct?
So we have a day of four and a day of three.
So somebody's going to get lucky in being a day of three,
and they might be able to sneak in.
I can toss one more in there if you want a solid 20.
Go get us another one.
Yeah, why not?
Put Joey back in.
OK, I'll put him back in.
I'll put him back in.
Get picked again.
Maybe one of Joey's roommates or something.
All right, I'll find one more.
I'm starting to count. The dating account's getting, like, DMs from guys throwing, like, maze or something. Yeah. All right, I'll find one more. Yeah. I'm starting the account, the dating account's
getting DMs from guys throwing a final pitch.
It'd be one of those.
Oh, they're mad they didn't get picked?
Not mad, they're like, I really, they're into ya.
But then again, it's tough to trust.
Yeah, according to all the comments, no one cares.
They only care about the end.
Submit your criminal records.
Once they're here in person, we're gonna be able to tell.
Yeah. And we're gonna limbo.
And if that's the case, it doesn't matter.
We're gonna really put them through the ringer.
This is all for in good fun.
Will it be fair to the others when Parker comes in,
we do have a limbo competition?
They should all bring in a competition.
Oh, he's gonna lose that.
The final five, they should all pitch something
that they guarantee they'll win.
Yeah, I like the other guys.
Yes, now we're talking. And so we'll do five events five events dating games and if they they have to win their co-win, yeah, I love that
It's a great idea. Yeah, that's good humiliate all the other contestants. Yes
Will probably give me the ick them doing that's oh, yeah
Put little blinders on you what if he is super good at limbo? Just the back of his head's dragging the ground.
Could be.
He tries to get you in situations
where he has to go under things.
I don't know what that would be.
This is our seventh Hawaiian theme party this month.
Babe, can you just pay for the subway once?
Don't think so.
Here I go.
Wait, you guys pay for this?
I like this guy.
I like this guy a lot.
Parker Limbo.
Did it again.
Kate, that was a good batch.
Very good.
Alright, there's more goodies in there.
I mean, most of them have been good.
It could have happened to anyone, the slip-ups.
No, no, that was bad.
It had to have been pretty far into Google.
It's fine. It's not a big deal.
What's that?
It had to be deep into Google.
No, no.
Yeah, maybe like the first ten articles. It was one that doesn't even have the link just automatically shows up. Yeah
Okay, you gotta just assume all men have done that
Honestly, it's good to know
What a relief no more what if
The expectations low
He hasn't done is yeah great still might be he's a 10 out of 10 or it's a matter of time to he tries
Yeah, keep digging Chad. I suppose you guys do my job for me, please
All right. Well, thank you
Still I apologize for Joey
You did take it but I guess if you know I know I did pick him don't feel bad Despite all the red flags God forbid I God forbid I picked the hot guy. Sorry. Yeah, I don't even see him but
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Steven you were very proud of yourself for your haul from the grocery store, huh? It's a big haul. What was this?
Caroline grocery bags you were carried proud about the haul or just the fact that you were able to get it all in one
All in one all real man. Yeah, you guys do that too or not everybody does that?
Get them
Why is it all?
Allergic to me yeah, I apologize for Chris, but that's no you don't apologize for it's always me
No, but I mean how how was I supposed to know how because you're dude we yes, we all do that. I've never seen any other guy carrying grocery bags common meme
Are you wearing your transition glasses? Yeah?
This is what peak man
And frankly frankly Jay that ain't a whole lot of fucking bad. Oh, that's kind of it
Like that's a routine 12 maybe, but there's a lot of light groceries in that that right hand
Yeah, you got to put one both both hands should be full of bags and those like
What did he say to you I mean got his ass
For the kids you verge
Yeah, it's fair both hands should be full of groceries in the drink should be up in the crud
They really wanted to go all the way there should be something underneath your chin
You're feeling feisty on a Sunday come on Che. Yeah, you gotta go. Oh, yeah, they went low
Yeah, the tweet about the haircut, too
Haters said I need to lower the fade. I listen unfortunately for them. I'm the hottest man alive now. You know lowered at all
Oh, did you document this is one of your lollipops?
Yes, so how many react three three I?
Forget how many bits we got going with him. Yeah, because I just said more lollipops than laps in a pool
Tomorrow swimming day right nice to me. We're not staying at the hotel. We stayed at last time though Stephen
It has to be a there's gotta be a pool no, all right
It's gotta be I don't think there's gotta be a pool and I get there has to be a fucking pool
It's like most hotels don't have a pool all right'll bring my suit and yeah, yeah, hope for the best yeah
We'll find it. We'll have to find one see chase polar bear tweet
That oh
Man stunned me and also haunted me before bed. This is not real
I didn't know that until I took the replies. That's what do you mean?
It's a fucking. What are you talking about? You don't know that's real
I'm here looks pretty real what you think all human being is gonna. Go walk up to a polar bear be like here polar bear
I got you buddy
their man-eaters
What even is this supposed to be I I don't know. Dude, look at that helicopter.
Oh, dude.
What is this like?
It's like a goal of this.
A parasite that attends.
Yeah, I don't know.
Does it come with a headline?
Steve, you thought this was real?
I did.
I hate it.
I don't like looking at it.
I hate it so much.
It's gross.
Why did they do it?
Ew. That also doesn't match the way it was on the top. No, but I don't like that so much It's grow. Why did they do it? Oh, it also doesn't match the way it was oh, but I don't like that buys that and now the polar bears is like
Loving Steve you thought this was real. I did I was very concerned for a minute second funniest bear videos Steven Seen this
Got duped that dude lose the first one Paddington and oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh of line is dm's you said no we move I think I do a good enough job watching
my uncle's dog and in comparison what's a cat versus a dog I I don't like is he's the best we move gotta give him another we move
Do we have to give it a shot
The thing is he doesn't necessarily like really want to know all it's very content with that being the result
Which is why you need to yep, which is what I need more right I need
like people would die for this job he had this job twice
multiple times twice was it twice or three there's at least two Dave took a
liking to that's right how could you not I took a lot I did I love very funny
that's hard to get Dave to be like I like this kid, and then he's like
It's not gonna work out he's like
This isn't the last you've seen for me, I'm gonna to prove you wrong. I'm going to take care of my uncle's dog.
That checks out.
Yeah, I think we need more.
He might have to make a trip out.
I'd love to have more of him.
Yeah, we should recommend, see what he can bring.
Wait, should we have him as an entrant?
If he wants to apply.
He'll never apply. I doubt wouldn't do it. No he'll
just ask if he can apply and then not apply. Yeah you can apply. If I had said yes he wouldn't
have applied. No. Yeah just apply. Wouldn't do it. Oh man. Not to, I don't, maybe you
don't want to go into it, but how many applications do you have?
A lot, I think.
A lot.
I think Marina's helping.
Shut up Marina. That'll be good.
It's gonna be, it's never gonna happen.
Why? You're never gonna find somebody?
It's just gonna- In theory I want to,
but I just don't, it's such a particular thing that like,
and I just don't know if we're
Like we need I need another blood well
There's gonna be there's gonna be very qualified applicants and you're gonna get close to hiring one and then somebody's gonna come out of nowhere
And give you two winning bets on a Saturday that helps listen if you have a actual gambling system
Oh, so you are absolutely put it ahead of everyone else
100% what are you looking at Steven? You don't have a gambling system. No, no, no. How's the dad doing?
Took a couple lumps big play tonight
How big?
Big it's a good play. I like it
What do you like all of your place? I mean, I like this one a little bit more. What is it?
Nurgut over assists latter bit How'd you know that Nick I'm still in the
quick picks group chat oh yeah all right fine I'm gonna bet it right now
Nurchnarch over assists yeah he's on the hornets three and a half at or bet
don't do your thing though I don't know you can't tell me what I don't don't do your fucking thing, dude I
Can do whatever I want Steven
Danny need a little bit more Elmo out of you to be honest
I'll work on it a little bit more Elmo
Yeah, it's still going how How do you like the seat swap?
I want my seat back.
Why, do you like that spot?
No, I just thought you would like the seat.
No, I don't like the seat either.
You can see more of the room over here.
Yeah, I want my seat back.
You can see more of the gym all right what did
Ernie sound like um hey hey bro no no Danny you're digging yourself in a
deeper and deeper I think that I don't think that was a terrible like point of
knowledge Ernie's the orange one right Ernie Bert was like have the White Sox
Dave voice almost didn't know did he know they were they both sound
Yeah, hey Bert. Hey Bert. You want to play a game?
No, I'm reading right now. That's climber. Yeah
Yeah, Chay is that the picture you sure you're good for you
Give me the Bert me up
I'll just take the Burt. Okay Burt.
But uh, incidentally Burt, you're it.
Oh my god, Burt's it.
Burt's it!
You're it Burt.
What do you mean I'm it?
See that's the game.
I just tagged you and you're it until you tag somebody else
Che you know I'm like Bert and act like Ernie
Yeah, I get the bird a lot my replies. Yeah, is that race based?
Fair fair clean shot shot guys. Can you get that striped shirt?
Yeah, you can
You got a dress like Bert one day. He just randomly bird us bird us one day
Oh Ernie would piss me the fuck off Bird is it oh man? Randomly bird us bird us one day. Yes, you are bird birds it Oh
Ernie would piss me the fuck off bird is it oh man
The awesome just pulled out a clock
Yeah, I'm it you motherfucker. I just like took out a hammer and slapped him in the face
What's their story they roommates brothers their room? They lovers and a a parent yeah, I think that they might be in a relationship
They did bathe together right Danny mm-hmm they do yeah, oh
Cheaper on the water bill all right, so maybe they are
They're they're gay lovers, but they don't want to admit. They're gay right yeah It's just is a bed. It's cheaper to be gay. This was the 90s. It's cheaper just to get married
Dates are expensive yeah
All right, let's spin the wheel
Show guys
It's gonna be wet
Shut up
Do we just wait for malicec to come back to the date?
Yeah, or do we just fly down wait for Malisek to come back to do the date? Yeah.
Or do we just fly to Florida?
Should I just fly down there and surprise him?
Take him out?
Quick Florida trip.
Kate's video from the, once you got dropped off by Beeve,
is going re-viral, by the way.
No, it goes re-viral all the time.
Every week it pops back up.
They add stuff to it.
Have fun.
Have a good evening.
All right.
Some of these guys think are beef.
Wait, did they add a new edit? Yes. Great.
There's a lot of things to get added to it.
A lot of things. Oh, Rico TV. He's got the Rico TV watermark.
There's a lot of stitches with it on TikTok where black guys
will just look at the camera like, what the fuck?
Yep. Has anybody been like, oh, you're the fingered chick?
Oh, that'd be great.
My aunts and stuff who are on Facebook,
because I don't post anything from work on my face.
I just post albums of my kids,
but they have all seen it now.
And they're like, is this you in the?
I'm like, yes.
Aunt Deb, it is.
Has any of the guys that have fingered you ever reached out
and just been like, don't bring that up.
That was the worst day
Getting the smell off
Trematic finger you ruined my finger
Right, baby looking like this
Chop that sucker right off check if there's a nail in there anywhere. Yeah a lot of this goes fire all the time now and
In different variations, and then all these dudes like I would never let my wife do that
Oh shit.
Well Rico was busy. Oh, but you know who was at the,
Jason Kelsey's security guard,
turns out was at that reunion with me.
And was like, I reckon, he was like,
was that when I interviewed Kelsey,
he was like, it's you from the video.
Kidney Money Grant.
I guess the whole town was like laughing about it.
So that's how, we didn't know each other was there at the time, but then afterwards It's you from the video. Okay. I guess the whole town was like laughing about it
That's how we didn't know each other was there at the time, but then afterwards he was like yeah, that's who that is
That's cool Real heaters all right
Hmm no don't Nick no I just
Hmm. No, don't Nick. No, I just
Joshin all right, Steve and I are out tomorrow and Wednesday
pick some good ones pick some good ones and
reminder mincy clemmer day is coming up on
Tuesday a week from the more a week from tomorrow everyone subscribe. Oh
Lock in. Yeah.
It's gonna be incredible.
It's gonna be a movie.
Question, are we doing a Plinko Day soon?
Should we have?
Yes, Friday.
Friday? Friday.
Friday. Friday.
This Friday? Yeah.
Everybody here?
I thought you were out again.
I made that up.
This Friday.
Plinko Day, this Friday.
All right.
Fuck yes.
Fuck yeah.
Okay. All right, fuck. Yes. Okay. All right. See everyone the Have a good week everybody, love ya!
See you tomorrow, bye.