The Yak - The Crawfish and Crabs Come Out For Lava Time | The Yak 2-6-25

Episode Date: February 6, 2025

It's Lava Time Baby!You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. Woo! Woo! Woo! That's just crazy, give me a tour. Are you serious? Oh! Oh! I just wanted to be an alien. That was incredible! That was incredible!
Starting point is 00:00:33 It's the Yak! It's the Yak! It's the Yak! Hello, oh, oh, oh, hello, it's the Yak! promo code Yak, 20% off your first purchase. Q-zips, polos, hoodies, joggers, shorts. Day four, Super Bowl. RIP Virginia McCasky, gone too soon.
Starting point is 00:00:56 102 years old. White Sox Dave tweeted rest in peace, Mama Mara, but he thinks it's his own mother. Oh, okay, okay. Now did I say last night on Barstool Radio that she's 102, I don't know how she's still alive, maybe? I might've. You were right.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I was right. She might've seen that and she was old enough to die of hurt feelings. Yeah, she was a big stoolie. Yeah, huge. She was a huge stoolie. Out and about was her favorite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah. Those guys are the best. Yeah, those guys are the best. So yeah, RIP Virginia McCasky. Hello everyone, how's everyone feeling? Good. Crawfish nipple pinch day. Sore, anyone sore? I'm sore.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I'm weirdly sore. I'm not weirdly sore, I'm just sore. I had to get walking shoes the other day because I was so, I had like shin splints from walking around so much. You had to be hungover from the Kelsey party. Yeah. Yeah, it was awesome. Best friends with Taylor Swift now. Wow. shin splints from walking around so much. You had to be hungover from the Kelsey party. Yeah, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I'm best friends with Taylor Swift now. Wow. Did you dare? You guys don't know about it. I actually wouldn't know, big cat. I didn't make it. Oh, damn. Gavin, you were doing the sideline reporting for our
Starting point is 00:01:57 thing last night. Actually, my microphone didn't work. Oh, oh, jeez. You didn't just drive out there just to stand there to miss the Kelsey party. Actually? Oh, no. That fucking sucks. And Kate, you didn't buy cool black pants.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Oh, we're back. Are we? Are we back? Alright. That won't happen again. So the Che tweet was a joke? I don't know where we went on technical difficulties. I am, my brain, I'm upset at Che again and he shouldn't make me upset.
Starting point is 00:02:30 You hate Steven Chay? Let's talk about it. I hate him. Last night, last night, me and Mark were on the same team with Che. Yeah. And Che fucking blew it. Now this isn't to, it's all my-
Starting point is 00:02:39 The biggest choke of all time, Brandon. This isn't to absolve myself of blame. I was terrible at kicking, but in the relay race, I changed and did something I could do. and all we had to do was, Stephen Che had to jump over a bar that was about a foot and a half off the ground. Dave Portnoy jumped over it, he's a walking paralyzed guy, he doesn't have shoulders, he doesn't have a neck, he has no- did you see how he was doing the high jump earlier? He literally is so scared of hurting his shoulders that he was just going to paralyze himself instead. He was landing on his neck.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Jumping neck first. He was falling over. He was jumping neck first. That guy cleared it. With ease. We lost by 14 seconds. It took Che 22 seconds to redo his... Can you show the clip? So it was literally... Y'all looking at him. I fucking... It was literally just Che. If Che got it on the first try, we win.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And he... We're champions. Can you play the clip of him missing? He had the ball, like he was like, you missed the first kick. I was like, dude, my team, Hank, couldn't fucking hit anything. My first kick miss made no difference. He had a 22 second blunder.
Starting point is 00:03:34 He missed the easiest one. Dave did it! I don't know. And he was deflecting blame. Yeah. This is what Dave, no though that was his last one. I don't know if you have Che's miss, but yeah, this is the- That's higher than what Che missed.
Starting point is 00:03:51 That would be pretty hot. Head first. Rome told me, last night Rome was like, yeah, I won the high jump competition. He did. And I was like, that's the one where you gotta like throw your back over it. I didn't know it was that low to the ground.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yeah. Yeah. Rome was- It was chin height. No, no, no, but hold on. I'm going to back up Ron here. Incredible Value is the last pick on our team. He's the only one on our team that won a competition.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Ron could have gone for like six more rounds. But he cleared it so easily. It was chin height. That doesn't change the fact that anyone could have just gone like this. No one fucking got in. I've seen people trip higher. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:27 But Rowe was the big winner last night because he was like, I'm fine, I'm going to probably get embarrassed. Then he just dominated. Well, that doesn't excuse it, though. That wasn't, like, Steven should have been able to do that. Steven is a good athlete. No, he's not. 4-4.
Starting point is 00:04:42 No, he's not. You can't say it anymore. You can't say it anymore. You can't say it anymore. 4'4' has to be over for him. Look at this. Watch this. Here it is. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:04:49 This is the lowest bar. Oh, good camera work, Brandon. Oh, my god. What do you mean, Brandon? I was supposed to be where the camera came from behind me. That is so bad. We're going to play that again. How the hell did the camera get behind me?
Starting point is 00:05:03 Why was Jay running back so fast? Yeah, that's the end of the story. How do you not get over that? So you're telling me his treat was a joke. So I- It looks like you're wearing- I was mad. It looked like I was not wearing pants.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I was like, super short shorts. Yeah. Because this is a tweet that Steven would do. Che. So afterwards, he had grabbed my wallet because during kicking, my wallet fell out, so I gave it to Che. Look how short that is!
Starting point is 00:05:26 God! How'd you hit that in the first time? How? So, Che had my wallet and I said, Whoa, did you try to jump over that bar with my wallet in your pocket? Implying that I had a lot of money. And then Che took that and reworded it into his tweet, and it didn't come across as a joke.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Was it serious, Che? I didn't see the tweet. I didn't see the tweet. Oh, fuck. All right, so I got got it. I never see Chay's tweets. I don't know what's going on. Something's wrong with my algorithm.
Starting point is 00:05:50 We discovered, I woke up and I probably shouldn't, I should have realized it was a joke, but this is also something Chay would say. But he said it matter of factly. We discovered that BFW of the wallet was in my left pocket. I was holding it from his kick. Tough. Need to pay more attention to the details.
Starting point is 00:06:04 That's on me. See? But you could see Stephen Che being like, yeah, the wallet was weighing me down. I think he's falling back on that was a joke. Yeah. I think he actually thinks that. Do you think you would have cleared it without the wallet? Like the fact you didn't clear it means you tripped getting into bed.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Yeah. It means you're Mitch McConnell. You're tripping upstairs. What happened? Do Dave Dave Wait you got talking to Mike get over here. He has his roller skates on so by the way Why aren't you getting better at that? I'm now I'm mad that I thought it was serious so he's yet again Chay has won. Damn. And he had the best night of his life. Who threw that rubber band? Ron. Sorry. I got impressed too. So when I was going over it the first time we did a series of it I
Starting point is 00:06:59 cleared the first couple but then then, and this isn't, like Will and Brandon were saying, go over feet first. Right, go over. So I changed the strategy. I said you would clear it better, and I did clear another level with that. Going into the final one, I didn't really think about a strategy before.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I was like, all right, you can clear this easy. So I diverted back to my other one, which was go over with the ball first, just cause trying to break the plane. And that was not the competition. Yeah, no. I should have thought about it more. Brandon Zwolk didn't have anything to do.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I thought that was a funny detail we both noticed after and laughed about for a second. But yeah, I mean, I fucked up. I lost for my team. Beaten myself up about it. But at the same time, if I could do that night over 100 times, I would do it. I had a great time playing catch my buddies it was awesome we got
Starting point is 00:07:48 there and the car on the way there we hit a bridge you saw where the field was it was awful a bridge you had a double back we hit the bridge he sees the football field the lights he goes oh I didn't know it's gonna be a football field I expected to do like a dude do you blame anything do you blame your performance on the fact that you warmed up for two hours before? Yes, we told you to tire yourself out. You retired. Che was literally warming up for two hours. I was full sweat like...
Starting point is 00:08:14 What? He said, you never know when we're gonna get another chance to do this. We do this by month. We can also do this in our gym every single day. We can get a high school field tomorrow. We literally did this exact- I think that's my job. I think you can argue we're professional athletes.
Starting point is 00:08:27 We did this- We get paid to fucking- We did this exact thing a week ago with Gruden. Yeah. Literally. Yeah. Was it the exact thing? It was a QB skills competition.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Jay, we can get you a football- We can get you access to a football field like that. We're doing a crawl line in two weeks. Yeah, I mean, it's fun. You can't let these opportunities get taken for granted. This is post-heart attack, Jack. He's savoring every moment. He's cherishing the moment.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Don't take it for granted. Yeah. He sees Virginia McCasky die. He's like, could be me. Could be me. Did you feel like last time we were on a field tossing a ball was like the punt return thing? He's right.
Starting point is 00:09:00 It was a week ago. I know we were doing this. We were throwing the ball for free. And he just mentioned something that was five months ago that we're going gonna do again next year. You got the rubber pellets and stuff Yep, same thing. Yeah, no, it'll be great. We'll toss That's great I fucked it up I lost 15 I knew it immediately will was saying it and yeah I we lost 100% because of me mark did a great job throw on the ball Brandon did a great job with the one-handed. Once I got off the kicks, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yep. Dana kicked it, I think, on the second one. Yeah. Wool was fast. So yeah. Everybody killed it. Yeah, no, I blew it. I made one.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Kyle was neck and neck with him. Kyle was crazy fast. I wouldn't have qualified for regionals in none of them. You got screwed on the time. I watched it back. You got screwed. You were like a 5-8. Short as a muffin, stiff as a flagpole, fucking bowlegged.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I'm fast for that. Who was the fastest? Muffin flagpole. The guy who played in the NFL. Why are we shocked that these guys went off? But they raced and they were like, it was almost a photo finish. Kyle was right with you. I actually am. I heat up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:02 It's sort of a judging element, like a style point, that you did for the catch, because Kyle would have got 10s. I just gave an eight every time. I wasn't switching. But Kyle's running would have got 10s. I wish you could have touched that. My neck was like, cranking. It was fun. Our team finished last. I did draft just my friends, and I realized that
Starting point is 00:10:21 after the first competition that we were kind of screwed. So that means all the guys you didn't draft are not Your friends, correct But it's fun. Can we see KB running? He was fast shoulder wonder against will that was the fast one? He almost beat will two angles have a one where it slowed down It really looks like Brandon tweeted that if you show someone a clip of KB running and a clip of will running everybody's gonna think He's fast. Yeah, I think that might matter more than reality. Absolutely a clip of Will running, everybody's gonna think KB's faster. And I think that might matter more than reality.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Absolutely. KB's a 640. No you didn't! You got screwed on the time, it was like a 5.9! I did, I watched it! Gruden thinks you're a one-for-one doppelganger of Barney Rubble. I kinda do look like him. Nick, you were incredible, Gruden was incredible, Gruden after, like, he loves Nick now.
Starting point is 00:11:04 He was in the car, he's just like that guy Nick, he was making me piss my pants. He loved saying that he was here in the Pan American stadium. What an honor to be there. I think he had a realization yesterday. Yeah. This is now his life. No he did. He had it this morning when we were sitting, we were getting ready to do PMT and Gruden was hanging out with us. Look at that. That's fast.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Look, you got screwed. Bang. That's a 5'8". 6. Look at that. 6 is tough. We were sitting during PMT this morning, and we were waiting for our interview.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And we were just having a heated debate on how bad Hank was at throwing a football. And then Joe Burrow came because he came on the show and Gruden was just like, yeah, like Joe Burrow came and then left and Gruden's like, yeah, I guess these are my guys now. I used to coach Joe Burrow. Now I'm sitting here listening to everyone bitch about Hank going three for 57. Like shit. When the night football was just a stepping stone to Pan American Stadium.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Pan American Stadium. Did you guys see Mitch McConnell falling up the stairs? Yeah, it was pretty brutal. It was so funny. Yeah, it was like yesterday. He fell up a... He Stephen Che. It was not even a flight.
Starting point is 00:12:18 He fell up a flight? It was like this high. T.J. will find it. It was Stephen Che. I think Mitch McConnell clears that bar. TJ will find it. It was Stephen Che. I think Mitch McConnell clears that bar. I would say so. Easily. If you just look at this.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Look at this. Oh! That's conic. It's so small. And then it's the recovery that's the problem. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Oh. Oh. Where'd that stare come from? Yeah, he's like, hey. That's when you know, like, you're in the bathroom. Yeah. I love the point, too, because you always have to do that if you're an old politician, be like, guy with the camera.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Why'd you put that stare there? Yeah. What the fuck are you doing? I remember being young and walking. We were at like a mall, and there was like, we were just walking outside, and my dad completely tripped and fell over, and he turned around, and he's like, watch out, and he was just pointing at just completely flagrant. I watched the mom do
Starting point is 00:13:08 that yesterday she was walking with two young kids and she stumbled over a fire hydrant and then she just started screaming at her kids. Benghazi has an awesome bit about it how like when you get old like any change in in like the ground like when you when his parents go from rug to tile, he's gotta be like, watch out, we're about to change. Like it's carpet here, we're gonna go outside, the sun's gonna hit you hard. Turn your formal time on.
Starting point is 00:13:36 But yeah, that was a fun time last night. I had fun. I don't know when we're gonna get to do it again, honestly. Yeah. Could've been it. Yeah, it's gonna be, again, the combine that we're doing in two weeks will be exactly this. Are we really doing a combine in two weeks? Yeah. We gotta stop doing combines, man. Too many combines. Well, it's so funny because it's also every single time we do it, people will just be like, I can't believe there's no athletes in partial sports.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Like, dude, we do this every month and we suck every month no but we're not getting better no credit we should get yeah we're about to lose Taylor and will yeah yeah yeah and we picked up beef and Gruden I see the beef clip though the fact that he it is so Frankie treated it beef takes off his hat every time he shakes someone's hand. Like the end of a golf round. Look at this, just random people. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:14:35 That's class. Little kids too. I didn't know you were supposed to do that. He does it every single time. He doffs his hat. He's like fucking Babe Ruth's coming out. His pair is fine. Oh, even the pounds, even pounds he does it.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I gotta start wearing the hats more just so I can do that. So I can take it off. All class. He should have a top hat. Yeah, we gotta do more. I love that so much. It's so funny, I mean the pounds with the little kid is by far the funniest where he's like,
Starting point is 00:15:03 yup, this is just what I do. Is that a thing? That's like an etiquette thing? It's the end of golf. Golf round, yeah. Ah. Frank, he's an ace for fucking spotting that. Do you think we can get a little bit of goofball into Beef? Or he's...
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah, I think he's in there. I think he's in there. I think we need to... We could goof him. ...get a little goofy in there. Yeah. He's very respectful, it seems, though. Yeah, yeah. He's an incredible guy.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Where's he from? From Chicago suburb. Oh really? From one town below me. Yeah. Yeah, we live in the same general area. You make it up to Wisconsin at all, Brandon? I do, it's two miles north of my house.
Starting point is 00:15:38 That's why I'm asking, have you been up recently? Oh yeah. Basically, I live in Milwaukee. Really? My kids go to school near Wisconsin. You fly out of Milwaukee. I fly out of Milwaukee when I can. This this time I'm flying in Chicago. That airport's amazing. Milwaukee airport. Fastest airport. So easy. Yeah. I go to Milwaukee.
Starting point is 00:15:54 My favorite restaurants are in Milwaukee. Yeah, I go to Kenosha all the time. You go to Madison at all? Madison's the one is a little too far. Too far. I go occasionally. An hour, hour and a half. Have you gone to Five O'clock Steakhouse in Milwaukee yet? No, I haven't you got a green bay at all That's way far away. What's y'all? I've been to walk a shot. Yeah, I got a couple of manatees I'm gonna watch gosh. Oh, I haven't asked gosh yet Appleton I've been to Appleton been through Appleton. It's north of Madison, right? Yeah, you know any shows in Milwaukee They got a good improv out there. No, I haven't been to any shows in Milwaukee. Rhinelander?
Starting point is 00:16:26 No, what is that? Yeah, yeah. That's a movie. That's where Barsal Camp was. Oh, Rhinelander. I thought you said Highlander. Yeah, I'll tell them a Milwaukee improv sometime. I will.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Stop at Five O'Clock Steakhouse. That's Dahmer's old clock. I would do that as well. Hit Five O'Clock and then hit the improv. Make a night out of it. Five O'Clock Steakhouse at his Dahmer's spot. If Dahmer liked the food, is that bad? It gave him a taste.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It gave him a taste for that good meat. He had a strange feeling. Dommer is a Wisconsin guy? He's Milwaukee. I don't picture Midwest people being like that. John Wayne Gacy was Chicago. They knocked down his whole apartment building because he lived there. I wouldn't want to lived there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I wouldn't want to live there. No, Dahmer. Dahmer. BTK was Kansas, too. Yeah. Yeah. Whoa, maybe I'm way off on my serial killers. Kansas State?
Starting point is 00:17:13 I think so. Yeah, EMAW. Oh. Bundy was PNW. Yeah. Pacific North. Yeah. Yeah, he was.
Starting point is 00:17:21 He was a real coast guy. And then he was Florida. Florida. Just couldn't stay away from the beach, could he? Yeah He's being very judicious Yeah Maybe we heard about sorority life in this year
Starting point is 00:17:31 I feel trapped when I'm in a room like this I like two things, killing girls and the water And just a great wave A great wave Is that noise the crawfish? I think so, maybe Oh, that must be what the smell is. Oh, shit, I'm sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Whoa. So we're doing a crawfish boil and TJ's get his nipples pinched? And so he, Justin, the crawfish fella, sent us by Mincy. Mincy recommended him. Super lovely guy. He brought live crabs and crawfish. He said, the crawfish will get you, but they won't hurt. He said, if you have a real brave soul,'ll do the crab so unless you're a huge pussy you
Starting point is 00:18:09 guys will do the crab I can't do it because it's a huge pussy but yeah there's the crabs well-documented huge pussy so massive but there's a huge benefit if you let the crab hurt you you get to fucking kill it. Oh, here we go. TJ, you want to do it? Let's just do it. They're going in. Let's do it, TJ. You've got to provoke a watchable. I signed up for the cross. I didn't sign up for it. I want the cross.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I'm going to boil you alive as you scream. You have to provoke before we kill. Oh, you want to pinch me? Okay. We're going to hear high-pitched noises that we're just going to assume are screams of death. Yeah, you pinched me. No, no. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I didn't realize it would be loud. It's okay. Oh, it's not bad. No, no. Also, sorry, I didn't realize it would be loud. It's okay. No, it's okay. Oh, it's not bad. It smells very good. Let me do an ad, and then TJ, why don't you go get your nipple pinched? He might even bring them over here and just... Sure is early for the nipple pinching.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I'd like to see it. Agreed. Raising Cane's Cane's Craveable Chicken Finger Meals rally every fan together with their Cook to Order Chicken Fingers, Crispy Crinkle Cut Fries, Buttery Texas Toast, and their signature Cane's Sauce. And don't forget the true MVP of it all, the Raising Cane's Tailgate. Cane's Chicken Finger Tailgate is the perfect option to feed the whole team and bring home a true victory meal, especially when you add a jug of freshly squeezed lemonade or freshly
Starting point is 00:19:17 brewed iced tea. Go to to game plan your game day meal and follow along on Raising Cane's social channels for all the football fun. We're also brought to you by Draft Kings. This ain't the little itty bitty teeny tiny bowl. to game plan your game day meal and follow along on Raising Cane's social channels for all the football fun. We're also brought to you by DraftKings. This ain't the little itty bitty teeny tiny bowl, this is Super Bowl 59. Get in on the action, DraftKings Sportsbook, an official sports betting partner, Super Bowl 59.
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Starting point is 00:20:32 You see that Boston is just trying to disassociate from us? Already? So fast. What happened? They went to some press conference today and they asked Patrick Mahomes, they're like, now that we've left Barstool, will you come on? Oh. Oh. And then Pat Mahomes, they're like now that we've left Barstool will you come on? Oh and then Pat Mahomes was like
Starting point is 00:20:47 well that makes it more likely yeah if there's some kind of beef. I think there is beef. There is beef. There's beef. Oh yeah there's beef now. You've seen the news but Bust with the Boys is leaving Barstool Sports. Is it safe to say they can see you as a guest in this upcoming offseason? Definitely improved y'all's chances for sure. Gross. Will Compton is also wondering if you'll follow him back on Twitter. That's his new question for you. They're basically business insiders.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Oh man. Wow. I'm going to have to call and sit to the boys. No. You can't do that. I'm going to have to call and sit to the boys. No. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah. That hurt. Scum. Fuck. Collective switch hurt. Scum. Fuck. Collective switch-up? Yep. Engaged. Uh-huh. Yep. Activated switch-up.
Starting point is 00:21:29 They don't help. I can't stand Patrick Mahomes. After all these, those nice drunk words he said to Will. Flushed. Take them all back. For naught. Yeah, Mahomes doesn't like us, I don't think. What's the, Genesis?
Starting point is 00:21:41 I think it's, uh, it's like... We may find a Britney at some point. Yeah, I've talked I've talked to him and he like he's always responded to me But he's uh, I think it's just the main channel posting about Brittany and Jackson it's like You got a job to do we got a job to do the overwhelming number of voices calling his family members Pain on a bunch of people we have to post it. Yeah, but what's Jackson done? He went to jail?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah. Okay. Did he sexually assault like a bartender? Don't talk about this. We might not get the interview. Yeah. With Jackson? Yeah, it hurts. It hurts a lot. They're gonna do nummies with him though.
Starting point is 00:22:27 They're gonna change the world. Probably. Just a guess. Damn, it's nice that we knew them. Yeah. Nothing but the best. Wish them nothing but the best. What's that music? I can't hear you over the jet engine. I know. I just texted TJ. I was like, TJ, I am so fucking sorry. I am so sorry. I don't know. I'm sure it's not great. I don't think it's that bad. It's like a white noise machine. Yeah, it's like, I am really sorry. It's just kind of what the show is, really. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. show is really. Yeah. Sound of crowd noise. Can I give a quick shout out to the Lady Yacker. You gotta really shout out. Stop it. A Lady Yacker made me a bracelet for the Super Bowl and I thought that was really cool. Is that a Taylor Swift thing? It is. Yes it is.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I told her to DM me. Did she send it to you? She got the dozen. There was a lot of Lady Yackers there. Yeah, there were. Dave was in a panic that Taylor Swift might have been at this party last night. He was going up to everybody. He asked me.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Is Taylor Swift going to be there? Yeah. He heard Scuttlebutt. He heard, he heard from Brianna Chickafry. He heard from someone else. He heard from someone else. Ah. But with one iota of common sense, Travis Kelsey, who who's in the game probably isn't going to the party correct
Starting point is 00:23:47 Right that's the only reason that she would go anywhere. I would imagine she's not in New Orleans is she yeah I know yeah, I'm like right We were I was walking here with Tyler and he was saying that Lady Gaga was doing like a Concert just like on the street. No shit. Oh that's cool. Wow. You guys fuck with Gaga? I love Gaga. I'm a Gaga fan. You're a little monster?
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'm not getting nothing against her. Well are you a fan or you got nothing against her? I wouldn't say I'm a fan, but I wouldn't say I'm a hater. I'm more of a Kesha guy. You think I'm a big Kesha guy? I think I'm definitely more of a Gaga man than a Kesha guy. No Gaga? Yeah. That's how it's pronounced. I'm a big Kesha guy. I think I'm definitely more of a Gaga man than a Kesha guy. No kidding?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yeah, that's how it's pronounced. You think that Chappellrone is stepping on what Gaga's songs used to be? Chappellrone doesn't... no. Doesn't hold a candy? No. Doesn't move the needle. Really? I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I'm waiting for this thing to just come down on us. It's going to be awesome. Or to sweep us up. Or the whole apartment gets lifted off the ground. It's really moving today. We wake up, we're on the Niagara Falls. Pete's having a tough week. Brutal.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's not his fault. Yeah, it is. It's entirely. Is he stressing? Oh, yeah. I said, how you doing? He said, I've been better. I was like, good. That's a classic white dude response.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Yeah, I've been better. I walked past him, he's on LinkedIn. I hanged in there on his phone. Yeah, LinkedIn. It is funny, even when things are going terribly wrong though, and you look at him, there's no change from his demeanor. His demeanor never ever changes. Which means his heart's going to give out probably.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah, oh, big time. It's almost like he can't feel emotion. The heart's gonna get out probably yeah All that Let some of it out Grimace once man What if you like what if it turns out that he just goes back to his room every night He's just fucking ripping the TV off the wall Throwing yes, he never yelled Ripping the TV off the wall Throwing shit around. Has Pete ever yelled?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Has he ever yelled? He had he yells? When Dana at the Super Bowl when the Eagles won. Oh he screamed out That was awkward seeing Pete with that kind of emotion. That was weird I remember seeing that video when I was like I'd only been here for a couple years and I was like what the fuck was that? You were like howard you were 15 when you saw that. That was like 10 years of suppression. I know, I mean I saw it a couple years after knowing Pete. Got it. And I was like, I was uncomfortable. After you deleted all your tweets saying Barstool's lame. I don't know if I even deleted them.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I think I deleted some of the bad ones, but I think there was a couple bangers that I kept up. You had to. That's the portfolio. I mean if it's getting over 10K likes, I'm keeping it. Oh, you meant bad ones, as in they didn't perform well. They didn't perform really well. There were a couple up with like 30 likes. You gotta do it.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I gotta get rid of this. Yeah, that comes from pure hatred. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who was your victim when you were thinking, or like when you thought that, when you thought it was corny,
Starting point is 00:26:42 who were you looking at? No one. It wasn't anybody specifically. It was the Instagram page. It was just the Barstool Instagram. Which I think that's where a majority of the... So Cody, yeah, Cody. Barstool.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Well, it was before Cody worked here. Okay, fair, fair. So yeah. Unless Cody's secretly like 50 years old. There are like a massive amount of people that only know Barstool through the Instagram. A lot of people think it's just a meme page. And the internet hadn't found its voice. There was a group of 30 plus year old dudes trying to tweet 16 year old dudes trying to
Starting point is 00:27:16 land the slang. It was a weird time. It sounds like someone's preparing to take the fattest dab of their entire life. I am like dying right now, I'm so sorry. Just wait, the terpenes are eating you. How about me getting roasted in the elevator yesterday by that lady? Oh yeah, that was tough. She got me so bad.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Really awkward. We got in the elevator last night and we were like, we were talking about the workaholics guys, apparently they're staying in the same hotel as us. And Rome was like, I saw Adam and Blake this morning. He's like, I said hi to Blake, but Adam was in the middle of a conversation so I didn't say anything. And then there's this girl in the elevator and she goes, oh, I saw Adam and Blake. No, it's not Adam and Blake.
Starting point is 00:28:05 It was their producer. She's like, I'm their producer. I was like, I don't know. I was just thinking about it. That's awesome. Oh my god. She ate me alive. That's exactly how she said it.
Starting point is 00:28:16 She chewed me up exactly what she said. As if I should have known. But even if I had known, I was being so complimentary. She was just like. It was clear that it was coming from the place. Oh, like I was being so complimentary, she was just like. It was clear that it was coming from the place like I was about to break. Oh, I saw Adam and Blake.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah. Oh my God. It was tough. Wow. What'd you say back? I was like, I'm sorry, I was like excited to see them. She's like, I'm their producer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Damn. I was like, oh. It was way worse. I was like, how are they doing? Wrong on multiple levels. Yeah, she bodied me I'm not used to getting behind so but it was nice to get humbled after my huge dove at the fucking one foot high jump I'm so beast I
Starting point is 00:28:52 Opened up my hotel door this morning and up when you guys like do take out or have garbage Do you put it outside of your door? Yeah, it stinks up the room Yeah So I did that and I have one bag and then I think somebody on the floor thought that was just the garbage room And then I left this morning there are four bags of garbage Flash mom hey, hey, you're my floor. Have you seen it? There's a door with like four to five filled bags of garbage. I have to bring mine up Is it leaning on the door? Yeah, I'd open in the one fell in
Starting point is 00:29:22 Is it leaning on the door? Yeah, it opened and then one fell in. I got a hotel story that made me think of Sass. I'm staying on the 12th floor, the way down today, I stopped seven times. And every time we stopped, I was like, Sass would have some good shade. Did you stop like nine times? No, I think I'm on the lowest floor. You're on the fourth. I have yet to find anyone that's on the same floor as me.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Isn't there a drummer outside your window? Oh, every night. Just shh, shh, shh, shh. For hours. And then I was, I checked everywhere. As a symbol. It's a monkey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I checked everywhere for earplugs. Because usually places like that have earplugs. They don't have any. I'm sorry. It's all good. I just had to play, I had this guy come by Like a light every time What Cisco. What? I don't know. Sam, I love, actually no, I was singing at San Diego.
Starting point is 00:30:26 They have, they're like, there's protests, hotel worker protests, and they've created noise that's louder than instruments. They made something new? They just go all night. With what kind of noise? They've created elements and products and resources that create the loudest most annoying sound. That's really impressive. That's tough. It's tough. Who got his hand friend recently? About a couple months ago. Nice. It's nice. I love the look of the city. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's where next Super Bowl is. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh golly. How do you take all the meat out for us? You crack them, suck the heads out, and then pull the tails out. You suck the, but why? Because that's where, you don't have to suck the heads out. But what about it's like shit and piss? You know what, you're just in. Cook it out?
Starting point is 00:31:17 Chalk it up to the game. Yeah, that's exactly what you do. It's part of the charm. How do you get, what about fish and shit? How do you get that out? Sausage in there? You just gut it. You just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I've never cleaned a fish aside for a, did I tell you about when I tried to clean the small mouth bass? Yeah, if you don't know how to do it, it can be quite a dull thing to do. I mean, it was, I went to bed like guilty that night. What happened? I don't know, I felt like it, you know like.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Stabbed it the wrong way? Oh, I mangled them. It looks like you're, you know like every You stabbed it the wrong way? Oh, I mangled them. It looks like you're... You know like every time there's like a big school shooting and then they'll show videos on TV of the kid like shooting squirrels as a child and they're like, I think this is where it stems from. I felt like I was in one of those videos. It was me sitting on a rock by myself just mangling small mouth bass over and over again.
Starting point is 00:32:03 How many did you kill? Just throwing them back into the water, being like that thing's, like there's no meat. There's nothing to do. I was just killing them. It was horrible. I ended up just, I ended up, well I had three and they were small.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And then the last one I ended up just trying to cook it whole. And uh. Oh that's even worse. Yeah, I just had to like one little bite of it and threw it away. It was really like, I like had to like go little bite of it and threw it away. Oh, wait. It was really, like I had to like go, I like walked down far to throw them away because I was like, this is shameful.
Starting point is 00:32:30 You cut the gut, pull everything out, then you cut the head off and then you... But for a smallmouth, I don't know how it's all spine. Yeah. I don't know how you would do that. How do you initially kill them? I don't have a lot of experience with that. I just took a knife and just stabbed it in the back of the head. I think that's the most humane way to do it.
Starting point is 00:32:45 The back of the head? Like on the top one. Nice and men. That's a mob. It is. Like I've cleaned trout and trout you literally just take a stick and you just bang it on the head once and they die instantly. And then you just cut the belly and all the... you're good to go.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Small mouth, it's all bones. You a pet the top of his head and just go I held it underwater Damn I'm on fire today fire today. Yeah. Remember the cheeseburger video? Oh, that was funny. What cheeseburger video? The guy who got lit up by the cops. Oh yeah, that's a tough one. Did you get into the Gunaside? Into what? The Gunaside? The whole saga of the Gunaside? No. Oh, the dude who killed himself? Yeah, I feel like that was up your alley too. That happened like a long time ago. No, that happened like three weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah, a couple weeks ago. Oh really? I thought that it was just the video was just resurfacing. No. No, he killed himself like a day after. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you don't really have another choice. It's not like it's not going to get better.
Starting point is 00:34:02 It's not like he was like stable though. Yeah. Going into the jerking stable though. Yeah. Going into the jerking off part. It just sucks because it's got to feel like such a good idea when you're pulling up to the bikini car wash. You're like, my cock's out. This is going to be sick.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And then like three hours later you're like, I'm going to kill myself. I didn't go how I planned at all. High reward, high risk. You think he nutted when he, and then came to clarity? No way. No. I think as soon as he sawted when he came to clarity? No way. No. I think as soon as he saw the camera he was probably like, it's over. So he never nutted?
Starting point is 00:34:31 He probably got it out. He probably got it out, yeah, at some point. I feel like if you're that horny, you'll get it out. It's going to come out on its own. Sure. It's going to find its way out. Worst case scenario for him. Yeah, that whole turn of events was bad. And he's a good looking guy too. Sure. Gonna find its way out. Worst case scenario for him.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah, the whole, that whole turn of events was bad. Yeah. And he's a good looking guy too. Yeah. He wasn't a bad looking guy. That's why it hurts. Lost a good guy. It would have been an easier pill to swallow if he was hideous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:59 He was obese. Really, people really back. Yeah, that guy was a creep. Yeah. Yeah. It's like when Ted Bundy, if you go back to Ted Bundy when he was in court and they were like Like the he gets his like life sentence and the death penalty and the judge is like and it's a shame because you would Have made a fine lawyer
Starting point is 00:35:17 It's like dude he killed 40 people That's the real shame of it the bar lost the member. Yeah Did anyone talk to Frank last night when he showed up? Yeah, I talked to him. He showed up literally as we were leaving. Showed up to what? The stream. He stood in the parking lot like this. He got there at 10 o'clock? Of course it was over. I was walking back to the hotel yesterday and there was a group of cops, you know, there's been a group of cops.
Starting point is 00:35:46 There was one cop that said, hey Brandon, what, a couple of cops said, hey come take a picture. And this one guy said, hey Brandon. I said, yeah, what's up? And he said, where's Frank? And I said, well, he'll be around. And he said, I just want to see Frank. I don't care about any of you.
Starting point is 00:36:01 That's nice of him. Wow. He just wants to see Frank. Wow, thanks for telling us. And then I walk inside, Frank is there. Frank is inside. I go get him, I walk Frank out, and the guy disappeared. He's gone.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So I get to make that guy's dreams come true. But, yeah, Frank was a celebrity last night. You were seeking approval of a guy who said he hated you. Correct. Then I was desperately seeking him. Yeah. Me and Rome were saying, we were talking about last night, do you think the National Guard and the cops hate each other?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Not here. I think they're all we got some a Homeland Security around Is that a different type of they're like touching me with their guns? Each member has to get the fucking gun away from me. You can hold it, but don't let it touch my fucking square. The amount of guys I've seen that it looks like they have a gun on their back and they're holding a gun and it looks like they're like, I don't even know what to do with this one. They gave them too many guns. Because I already have so many guns.
Starting point is 00:36:58 They're like holding it in their arms. Does anyone want to take my gun? Because I have too many. I was having dinner and I was on one of those balconies, and I was sitting above one of those National Guard, it was a lady. And she like set it down and like walked inside for a second.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Oh yeah. I saw one stacking onion rings. Yeah. Sierra Tower. It's also, there's so many of them that if like anyone tried to do something, they'd all just end up shooting each other. Oh yeah, it would be a bloodbath.
Starting point is 00:37:23 They're in the NBA? There's no scenario here. There's no scenario where something happens in New Orleans this week and like more civilians die. No, there's from the cops than the actual attack. There's no one shot one kill is extreme collateral damage. If you pulled out a gun on Bourbon Street there would be like 17, 18, 18. Cause they're all facing each other. Every cop has three crisscrossing bullets.
Starting point is 00:37:50 All the bullets would just hit each other. I would go for it. I think the National Guard, I think the cops probably don't like the National Guard. Yeah? Really? I mean if you're a cop, I was saying if you're a cop in a major city and there's something happens and then it's like, we're sent, now we're going to send in. That's the movie trope, right? Is there's like an investigation and the feds show up and the cops realize.
Starting point is 00:38:12 They call them the FBI. But I feel like the Homeland Security being here, like if some shit goes down, the cops aren't going to get blamed. It's like we have Homeland Security. Yeah, yeah, that's true. They do kind of have a week off. They're kind of on vacation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:25 If I were a cop this week, I'd just run here and have bullets in my gun. Yeah. Just walk around and be like, someone else got it. Yeah, just a water gun. Just having fun here, guys. Super Bowl week, let's lighten up. Just shoot a dude in the head with a water gun, and it's a cop. Come on, guys.
Starting point is 00:38:43 That's fun. Lighten up. What? Tupac likes a Water gun. You did? Yeah. I'm getting into Tupac. Oh yeah. Not his music. Just like the intangibles. And the socks. Yeah. He was left handed. What do you mean socks? He was like a sock guy? No. There's like in the store below our hotel they sell Tupac socks. Oh. They got some good socks. They had some Bob Ross socks I'm thinking about going back and getting. Was Tupac bisexual? No. There's some early videos of him though. Rashida Jones is a sister, right? Oh, maybe Karen Filippelli. Karen Filippelli. She wrote him a nasty letter. They had beef. That's another guy they're just trying to put gay on posthumously. Yeah. Like Lincoln. I fell for it. He had a nose ring which I think did a lot of the
Starting point is 00:39:31 jail for a lot of the rape. Wrote his best album. Lincoln? Yeah. Wait, they're trying to make Lincoln gay because his wife was so ugly? Yeah. She was crazy. I think they found love letters and Lincoln was like staying stayed at his best buddy's house and they'd snuggle up. I think that's just how Arab guys hold hands. Yeah. Yeah, they're the least gay. Totally.
Starting point is 00:39:53 There is that old video about the wiki sexuality of Abraham Lincoln. Wow. Did you go see a play about Abraham Lincoln being gay? Maybe Fights did. Fights did. This is brutal for Mary Todd. She's so like hideous and like he must have been gay. Well he wasn't handsome either. When he said he wanted a Mary Todd he didn't mean... He wasn't a real looker.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I think it was more of a like a... Oh man. You see him and you be like, oh that's a freak. Yeah, he's so tall. Yeah, what's wrong with that guy and what's with the hat? Why are you trying to make yourself even taller? He's stretch five. Yeah. Remember that movie that came out when he was out? It was just like all of a sudden Abraham Lincoln was a vampire hunter? Yeah, that was sick. What movie was that? What movie was that? It was Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I do believe that's what it was called. But wasn't there like a Harriet Tubman one where she was doing like parkour? There was a whole series. She did like a triple backflip. She's like, follow me. It's just like, we're going to make a superhero movie. Let's use a president. Jason Statham playing Harriet Tubman.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Follow me. Get in the car. There's vampires everywhere. Get on the railroad. You hate Steven Singer? Yeah, I hate Steven Singer, but he's got the best gift for Valentine's Day. This new peacock teal rose is made of ombre petals. It looks amazing. I'm going to tell you all about it when I read about it. Anyway, he's got unbeatable free shipping, free 100 day returns, free upgrades, free lifetime warranties.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Steven Singer is the most hated jeweler by other jewelers. On top of that he has the best gift for Valentine's Day. A real long-stem American beauty rose preserved and lavishly dipped pure 24 karat gold starting at just 59 bucks. Get a gift that will last Stephen's beautiful Valentine's Day red roses romantic and it won't wilt it won't die. Stephen Singer's is also giving away the ultimate Valentine's Day gift. Half karat diamond studs and half dozendozen Valentine's Day red 24-carat gold dip roses with a half-dozen display that holds them in the perfect bouquet shape. Must enter to win by midnight, tomorrow night, midnight Eastern, on Friday the 7th. That is this Friday at slash Barstool Yak.
Starting point is 00:42:02 slash Barstool Yak. Winner will be announced on Monday the 10th. When I received their ultimate Valentine's day gift and time for Valentine's day once more. I hate Steven slash barstool yak. Can we get TJ's nipple pinched? Yeah, let's get that done. Let's get it done. Need to see it. Bro content creator, George Neang just got traded. Oh, to the Atlanta Hawks for Deandre Hunter. Bro, content creator George Neang just got traded. Oh shit, where?
Starting point is 00:42:25 To the Atlanta Hawks for DeAndre Hunter. Wow. Great piece. Yeah. That's a nice piece. That's a good piece. Good piece. A lot of pieces being moved.
Starting point is 00:42:36 We just broke a Super Bowl week tradition of Pat Bev getting traded. Yeah. Of my life getting turned upside down. That's right. Yeah, that's true. He could still getting traded. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Of my life getting turned upside down. Yeah, trading lights not over. Yeah, that's true. He could still get traded. Pat Bev traded to Gaza. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Spice things up. TJ's picking out his crawfish. Oh, he's picking out his crawfish. Ready for it. What's your crawfish guy's name? Justin. Crawfish Justin. Oh, that one's active.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Oh, oh no. Oh, I don't like this at all. Ew, ew. How are you gonna get it to pinch the nipples specifically? They love nipples. It'll know. He's been feeding them nipples for three weeks. Fasoli, you wanna get one? Yeah, Fasoli has to. Fasoli has to. Yeah. Just give him a taste for nipples. This crawfish loves nipples. This is so dumb. I jerked off at nipple hunting last night. Did you? Yeah. That's what a lot of people did. I'm crawfish! It's like Dave. Hey, what's going on Beth? Imagine having the soleys of bunkmate in prison. They kind of like have Italian hand movements. Hey, that girl. Hey.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Oh, he's doing a Hitler salute. Uh-oh. No. Elon. All right. Oh, boy. I cut a hole in my shirt to prepare. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That is such a good move, Regina George. That's a great move. This is a hard man. Will it do it?
Starting point is 00:44:11 Yeah. Oh, that's going to do it. I don't have one man. Get in there. Get it. Get it. Get it. Come on.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Tighten it up. It's not grabbing. He's on it.! Tighten it up! Get it! It's on it! He's on it, pinch it! TJ, that's gotta be insulting. You want another one? Here's another one. Let's see if this one has a taste for it. Get in there.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah! This guy wants it. Ah, he's trying. I gotta own a real one. He's climbing up TJ's shirt. Pinch it. Oh no. There he goes, there he goes.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Whoa! He ain't doing it. Oh no! Oh no! What are you doing? Why did you do it? Why did you do it? This one likes it.
Starting point is 00:45:04 The soul has got to get so is That little baby work What about with his mouth? I don't know if they fight get it. Oh this one's ornery. I Got a whole new one right y'all. Oh that one's huge Angry that was going right in Come on now. What you want to do is get underneath the crawdance skin.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Oh, got the edge. There it is. Get him. Ah! Get flush. There it is. Firmly grasp it. He's not getting flush.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Oh, oh, got in there. Oh. Come on. Ow. Just get the crab. Yeah, we gotta go to the crab. I'm sorry. Ah!
Starting point is 00:45:49 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! It's ready to drop you. It's gotta hang for five seconds. It's gotta hang. It's so funny that TJ's been walking around with just this hole in his shirt.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Oh, so now we got him. What's up? Oh, you don't want to move the crab. How about this friend right here? Oh, this one was great. Oh my God. Look at the claws on that crab. I got a great. Oh, the crab is bad. Where she says he said the crab will fuck you up. Yeah, the crab will break skin grab pussy. I asked Justin. I thought this was a thing that people did at their first crawfish boil. Apparently, it's not a thing.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Oh, it's not a thing? No, I guess it's not a thing. So where does it go? He said that's just not what you do. No, I thought it was like a tradition. All right, I think we got enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We got enough.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Does anyone here want to try? The crab? To pinch? Who's got a real good nipple for it? Anybody? Mine's going. Mine's going. I'll pinch TJ's nipple.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Oh my god. Look at that crab. I'll have mine at the hotel room. Can we have the crab like snap something? How strong are they? I don't know. Look at them. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Oh my god. No, I don't. All right. Do I get the towel? Grab it from the back. It can't get you. Grab it from the back? It can't. All right. Do I get the towel? Yeah right. You grab it from the back. It can't get you. Grab it from the back? It can't get you. I mean put your fingers back. Am I doing all right? Oh he's getting my thumb. All right. Oh he gots your thumb? Get in there Brandon.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I'm not getting in there. Give him a kiss. Brandon! No fuck you Rome., but can you take my crawfish? Of course. Oh, yeah, I'll take your crawfish. A fair trade. I'm in the box for crawfish. Hey, bud. I'm so sorry. Are you shuffling? TJ's still trying.
Starting point is 00:47:32 In my mind, this is a lot more riveting, as is most things I think. Get that away from me. Oh, he's asking for it. He's practically laying on the ground. That would rip your fucking mouth off. I don't know what the crab latch on for, though? Yeah. I'll do it, but.
Starting point is 00:47:47 You said, yeah, that's... Danny, you want to do it? I don't think you'll let go. Yeah, I have to ask you. Is it like a pit bull? You gotta, like... Whoa, whoa, whoa, how many do we need out here? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Another crab. Yeah. Do you let it hang on you? Well, let it latch. Well, take... I don't want it. I already don't want it. Sure, how long will the crab latch on for? Until it lets go. Until it lets go. That's probably not the answer. Yeah, that was not the answer we wanted.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Danny, you're thinking about doing it? Straight up if you want. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure he wouldn't let you do it if it could kill you. You won't die. I don't know about that. I'm thinking about letting the crab latch on to my nipple. Has anyone ever bled? Oh, that one's a mover.
Starting point is 00:48:15 That one's scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary.
Starting point is 00:48:23 That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. That one's a little bit scary. 400 I don't know about that about letting the crab latch on to my nipple Well that one's a mover Furious Roches get on the finger the crab. I don't eat crabs, but I love going crabbing take an old crab Get you the meaty part of the head Crawfish nipple pinch not crab finger break Danny you gotta do it. Yeah, is there a wayfish nipple pinch, not crab finger break. Danny, you got to do it. Yeah, is there a way to like? Don't do your nipple, just do your finger.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Or your arm. Do like the fat part of your hand. Do your arm. All right. Can it cut a finger off? Fat part of your hand. Or your ass. Let him do your ass.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Do your ass. Your ass. Butt cheek's cool. I think the crab will cut you. Danny? I think it's that kind of guy. Is there a way to loosen the crab up and get a hand? I just calmed it down.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I don't know if they have nerve endings back here, but he seems to like it. He just got a real problem. You're like a Steve Irwin. Come on now, buddy. Whip your penis out, son. Do it on your, maybe not finger? Forearm or something?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Forearm, yeah, forearm. It's going to hurt a lot. No, it's no. It might. Look at those blades on it. Wait, can we ask Justin what's going to happen? It's going to a lot. No, it might. No. It might. Look at those blades on it. Wait, can we ask Justin what's gonna happen? It's gonna bite him. It'll hold on. Let's go. Justin's... I think we'll just find out. What if he gets like a bite? Don't do the vein! Oh my god. What the hell is that? Open your wrist. Let's go up and down. Danny wants to die.
Starting point is 00:49:40 It's not gonna be that bad. You wanna to go to like, die or something? Or like, cast? We'll go do finger. It won't break your finger. I think you're fine. He wouldn't stop you. I don't think it will break it. It might be a clean snap. No, it might take a little bit of a cut off.
Starting point is 00:49:55 This fat part right here. Oh my god, what if you lost his finger? This easy... Yeah, there you go. That's good. Oh, I hate this. I'm not looking. I feel like he should be over here.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Down, down, down, down. Oh, he's going in. Dude, look at that claw. Oh, he not looking I feel like you should be over here There's a clump. Oh, he's got it kawaii! Oh my god! Stop it out, yeah. No, no, no. It's like a hammer. Put him back. Put him back. Oh, sorry, Krabs. I'm sure...
Starting point is 00:50:32 He's a pet, right? He'll be fine after this. You're not going to like what happens next. He lived for this. He got revenge. He got a little... That hurt. That hurt.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Thanks, bro. That hurt. That hurt. That hurt. That hurt. That hurt. That this. Yeah. He got revenge. He got a little... He got a little... That hurt.
Starting point is 00:50:48 That hurt. Thanks, brother. Did he break skin? Uh, I think he... Oh, it's not yet. It's just a little bruisey. What, you're cut open? That was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Good job, Danny. That was pretty cool. Good shit, Danny. That was crazy. Now let's eat that thing. First bite. Now let's kill it alive. That would have been brutal on a nipple.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Man, that was a good one. That was a good one. That was a good one. That was a good one. That was a good one. crazy now let's eat that thing now let's kill it alive that would have been brutal on a nipple yeah yeah and just steam comes out yeah ten minutes of food will be done oh hell yes love that or be used some of that I have a little extra why do they have to boil the crabs alive? For the freshness. I think it's fun. Yeah, yeah. Really.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Want to hear them scream? It's something about cooking them. It's like, I don't know. Oh. You were right. Yeah, you know, you were on it. I don't know why I spoke. It's something about it.
Starting point is 00:51:40 You were on it. You know what, I think it's something about cooking them. Have you seen the videos of the lobsters but it's like supposedly a humane way of killing them so they pick which direction on a conveyor belt they want to go and one of them is back to the tank and one of them is to their death yeah and then when they go back to the tank they throw them right back yeah I picked the right one so they're just they're just washing themselves of guilt, being like, yeah, they'll leave me.
Starting point is 00:52:06 I didn't do it. He wanted to. Yeah, they wanted that. It was their choice. Who am I to play God? Oh. With the lobster on your lip. How you feeling, TJ?
Starting point is 00:52:17 I like a disappointment. That nipple shirt is quite something. Yeah, I like that. We should sell those. One nipple out shirt. When you try it, do you want to do the Mountain Dew ad? Sure do. From up there? From the Dew to Dew? Someone press me the ad, please like that. We should sell those. Wonderful outshirts. Oh, Danny, you want to do the Mountain Dew ad from up there? From the Dew the Jew? Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Sir? Let's go, DC! He came, uh, dropped a People's Elbow on your ass. They did. And then he gave you Two for Flinching. Yeah, last night. Oh, he did. Danny loves to do Two for Flinching.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Where? Uh, at the field. Multiple times. Oh, yeah, you were dead. No, it was before. It was before. I was just laying down for was just laying down. You know what Brandon you could really add a blast of refreshing tropical lime flavor to your game day with Mountain Dew Baja Blast. I could that's right. Mountain Dew Baja Blast is part of my game day ritual. It doesn't matter where I am I'm always cooling off with the Baja Blast. They're ideal to enjoy with your friends with your family whoever the tropical lime flavor of Mountain Dew Baja
Starting point is 00:53:06 blast is as refreshing as hitting a parlay Your team winning Why don't you just ride the Baja wave on game day and grab Mountain Dew Baja blast for you and your crew wherever Refreshing beverages are sold. Love it. I have one right now Refreshing beverages are sold. Love it. And I have one right now. Swig.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Brother, I'm already swigged up. Got it. Roy, are you starting to get nervous about the game? Super nervous. I can't believe that it's here, honestly. I just want to, I feel like there's things I could do to control it. Where like, I wanna influence it.
Starting point is 00:53:41 There are. There are. I wanna influence it. Yeah, there's ways. You're not gonna like them, but to influence it. There are. I want to influence it. There's ways. You're not going to like them, but there's ways. Such as? Start maybe pay the National Guard to take out my homes.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That is one way. I thought they'd do it. Dude, then he's never going to go on bussing. No, then you get beat by Carson Wentz. How good of a game would that be? That would be awesome. Whence vs. Hurts? Whence still wins? Why do you even get a sweatshirt?
Starting point is 00:54:10 I'm just being honest. I don't understand. I think everyone would rather see a Whence vs. Hurts. Yeah, but you just said, and Whence still wins? Well, who wouldn't like that? Who would not be pumped if I'd be in the Super Bowl? That would be a cool story. What a redemption story. Well, who wouldn't like that? Who would not be pumped if I could punch 10 million on the Super Bowl? What a redemption story. It'd be like the most unbelievable thing ever.
Starting point is 00:54:30 No, that would suck. That would be fucking brutal. It would suck for you. Yeah, exactly. And the greater Philadelphia area. And you should compare that. I'm going as a completely neutral fan. Kate didn't even get to go to the party. She had to hold a mic that didn't work and do the show last night. Well, Kate's good. That's the point. That's almost like you feel good karma.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Who was at the party? Who do you think would have been at the party? Or like who in your mind was at the party? I'm almost glad I missed it because now in my head I can imagine how cool I would have been at the party. Like I picture me just chopping it up and people being like, who is she? You know what I mean? Would I have?
Starting point is 00:55:05 I don't know. Or what if I hit in the corner saying, sorry, sorry, excuse me, sorry, sorry. You think they were pissed that you didn't show up to the party? I texted them. And I said, I texted them. I have their number.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I'm just friends with them. They only have one number? Them? I'm sorry. They're a conglomerate. I texted the Kelsey conglomerate. I said, sorry. But if you had gone, what if they had been like, Kate,
Starting point is 00:55:25 come with us. Like, Kate, come sit at our table. But see, now I get to be like, that's exactly what would have happened. Where are you sitting at the game? And I would have said, oh, I'm not going. They would have said, sit with us. Sit with us.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Have you ever played quarterback? What if Jason Kelsey was just like, the army guy in the corner, waiting for Kate the whole time? Exactly. And now I get to pretend like that is what would have happened. I would have been really... And then they would invite me to the after party, and then I really would have got to know everybody.
Starting point is 00:55:51 It would have been, you know... Are you going to go to the game? No. No. She met the after party at the Kelsey party. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:59 You know, Jason is an acronym. Yeah. For? July, August, September, October, November. Only name on the calendar. Wow. I'll be damned. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I thought that sounded familiar. What the fuck? That's a pretty useful thing. I'm using that. Holy shit. I'm definitely going to use that. Use it now. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Tell somebody. Yeah. Have any of you ever gone to a celebrity party that actually like ruled? Use it now. Holy shit. Tell somebody. Have any of you ever gone to a celebrity party that actually like rules? Or is it always kind of stuffy and like... I went to the SNL after party for Jason Sudeikis by myself. And that was pretty fun. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah. Were you on the bottle still? Oh yeah, big time. I showed up and I was wearing a... I just had this sweatshirt that just had a bear on it And I and everyone was wearing like tuxedos and I talked to the New Jersey Devils Entire coaching staff for like an hour and then I took a photo with all of them and and Jason Sudeikis And then as I was walking away
Starting point is 00:56:59 Apparently the New Jersey Devils coaches went up to the dude took the photo and was like to me They were like he's never allowed to have that photo. What? Yeah. I don't know. You can't have the photo? I don't know if they weren't supposed to be there or something, but they sent me the photo and it was all cropped out to just me and Jason Sudeikis in the middle.
Starting point is 00:57:17 They were supposed to have a game that night or something? I don't know. What would be damning about that? I really don't know. Hmm. Huh were they interesting? I think it might have been something with that like maybe they had a game the next day or something Oh, the musical guest was Diddy that night too, right? No, I Don't think so No
Starting point is 00:57:41 Thanks, though Have you do you get invited to like... I'm not... Yeah, he gets invited to everything. Yeah. The Super Bowl parties, I don't go to them because they're not like... I don't know. They're just...
Starting point is 00:57:54 They're kind of all the same. Have you ever been to one though that you were like, this is worth it? Our first one in Houston that we ever threw was the best. That was like the peak of... Like that was awesome because it was our party and we had a bunch of people there Jack and guy fearing shit that Prescott Jerry Jones damn, but No, I don't go. I don't really go to any of the Super Bowl parties. Yeah, I don't really know I
Starting point is 00:58:19 Think they're fun Well, I think one thing you realize when you hang out with people like that is that everyone is just as awkward as you. Yeah. It's not like these celebrities are all just, like they're awkward too. But it's like all like, and it's also like it's a club or it's, it's not a club. Yeah, they're not going to be like, so what do you do? Yeah, yeah. They're also on their phone looking at the settings app in the corner.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I'm trying to think if I've, I don't really, like I'll go to like a, I'm going to a dinner tonight that's, I guess there'll be other people there but it's not like a party. Yeah. I don't know. But maybe you'll get invited to the AFD's and then you'll chop it up and they'll say, I have to go to sleep. And you can say, I know a gal who'll take my spot. I'll do that.
Starting point is 00:59:03 That'd be good. I can wear my pants. I'll do that. That'll be good. I can wear my pants. My new pants out. After you've already been wearing them all day though. That won't stop me. That won't stop me. No, it wouldn't stop me either. Have you heard, I'm torn on ordering oysters here from here on out because there's a massive
Starting point is 00:59:20 recall. Have you been risking it, Brandon? Buddy, I'm at 75. You're fine? I'm fine. The whole bussin' crew went down with food poisoning. You're fine? Fine. The whole bussin' crew went down with food poisoning. Because of oysters. Jayla Carter was sick. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Were they eating overall? Carter still is sick, actually. I don't know what they were doing. Mine have all been cooked, so. I had some on Sunday that were cooked. Is there really is a recall then? Yeah. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Okay. Damn. As long as the coffees are good. I think I got one more night in me. Does anyone do anything tonight? I'll go to a dinner. I think I got one more night in me. Does anyone do anything tonight? I'm going to go home. I'm going to a dinner. I'm going to a party.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I'm going to a party. I pounded his way through. Fucked her down. Fucked her down. Fucked her straight down. Fucked a hole in the scram. We were sharing a car back, the three of us, from the event last night, and you just text your wife, pre-heat. I said hit the button, turn it on. That was disgusting. Well, I told her about the crawfish thing this morning, and she's like, I'll have to go easy on his nipples tonight
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yeah, she latches It's been a rough week for her I'm gonna put those crawfish to shame Have you guys been going out? I just go to dinner I wish I was cooler and be like oh yeah, I've been fucking raging on Bourbon Street I think it's just Danny Yeah, Danny
Starting point is 01:00:44 No Damn, we don't. No till midnight but I don't even count that it has to be 12 30 onward. I've just been betting Pac-12 or ACC games late and just staying up till like morning. Chae was at the casino last night right? Oh yeah Chae was at the casino? Oh I didn't even know there was a casino. Did you get hot at casino? You going to the casino every night is- It's one of the dozen ones. Yeah, I would go to the casino with you. Che going to the casino every night is the most Asian thing he does.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Yeah, he plays- Baccarat. Baccarat. Baccarat. They say that Baccarat is statistically the most likely one that you'll win a lot. Cool. So if you're gonna play one table game,
Starting point is 01:01:22 it should be Baccarat. I don't know how to play. Have you ever played? Crawfish is ready. Steven, did you win last night? Were you playing with Jon Hamm? Whoa, come over here. Take a few minutes.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I wish we had a song to play every time it's under Rollersgate. Some roll bounce shit. Some Curtis Mayfield. There he is. He's getting smoother. A little bit. Yeah, I like to go to the casino. We got some downtime here in between some things, so I've been hitting it every day. I usually go with Jeff D. Lowe, but last night he had some plans. Connor has never been to a casino before, didn't even understand the concept of Blackjack. What? Connor Griffin? Had no idea the rules were game. I think Connor, he's fucking with it. Yeah, had no idea the rules of the game.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I think he's fucking with it. He's trying to get special treatment everywhere. Oh, chicken wings? I never had pussy. May I? So me, Hank, Connor went, and then Mikey Betts met up with us. Yeah, they were a couple hours. John Hamm was at the table next to us.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Jason Kelsey was there for a bit. No shit. His wife was there Vernon Davis a bunch of a couple like former NFL guys and yeah, it was a it was a fun time Oh, so it's like a high rollers thing. No, she talked to the celebs Very dangerous fellow for for yeah for for yeah, which The fact that he couldn't get over that you think Vernon Davis could have cleared that? It's so dead. The fact that he couldn't get over that. You think Vernon Davis could have cleared that?
Starting point is 01:02:46 Yeah. I think so, too. I think so, too. I mean, it hurts for me to tie my shoes now. I'm not as good athletically as I was 17 years ago. Don't say that. Yeah, if I'm going to go casino today, we'll find some time.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Hank? I could think about it. Were you there with Hank? What? You were there with Hank? Yeah, Hank won a G, I think. Whoa. Hank was on fire in blackjack, pulling out everything.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And then he just could not understand the concept of craps, even though he played for 45 minutes. I like the idea that Hank winning a grand is not a lot at all. But I assumed Hank would keep places like $10,000 back. He was betting $150 per hand in blackjack, but he was just pulling bags. He was betting $150 per handed blackjack, but he was just pulling everything. He was doing really well. Not bad, not bad. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Not impressed though. Everyone wants to make a run today, let me know. I'm happy for him. Daiquiri and Casino Night? Come on, girls. Wow, that sounds so fun. Someone has to do something with cakes. Please.
Starting point is 01:03:41 This is getting dead. Should that be on the wheel? Should that be on the wheel? Somebody do it right now Hey, why don't we get you a PlayStation and we can you can join our squad for tonight? Yeah? What you don't want to do that? No, I don't want to do that. I don't know we got whoops last night Oh, are you gonna have to make some changes people are getting cut mook mooks getting cut Look was bottom of the leaderboard last night. You wrote his tweet, got him viral, and then the same week you cut him.
Starting point is 01:04:05 That's like Jesus coming into Galileo. I've told him. I've told him multiple times. He doesn't start practicing more often. And then he gets crucified the same week. All right. Let me see it through, brother. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:04:15 It's just like Palm Sunday, and then he gets crucified on Thursday. Let him cook. Why are you hollering? Jesus in this instance is Mooc. Yes. Yes. Okay. Got it.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Don't you fucking get it? Has MOOC responded? Has it been like, what the fuck's this? Every noise is happening at once. Yeah, I know. Most noises is just. Yes, as Ash got whooped so bad in Call of Duty, he was like, hey, man, can I come into your room to talk for a little? You got time to talk?
Starting point is 01:04:42 And it wasn't about Call of Duty? He just needed to clear his head. We took a walk after. We were getting bullied. It was tough. Like we played a game against a team and they beat the shit out of us in Search and Destroy. Like we won one round and they won six. And then we played Hardpoint after and then we matched up with the same team.
Starting point is 01:05:03 And they were in the chat typing being like I don't like bullying and we were like we got to beat these guys and then they just beat the fuck out of us again logged off right after Are you is that fun for you? Yeah, cuz we won a lot before that. Okay, just tough way to end the night Yeah, let's see the last shot. It keeps you hungry. It keeps you hungry. Sure. It's coming back for more But it keeps you hungry. It keeps you hungry. Sure. It keeps coming back for more.
Starting point is 01:05:24 So maybe Madden, maybe you and Kate play Madden tonight? We can play Madden. I'm going to text you guys after the show and... We'll definitely answer. Yeah, I'll get no response. It's okay. You've gotten responses this week. I sent my wife to hang out with you.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Which is a pity send. She was wonderful. Yeah. Kate, we're about to spin a wheel to force somebody to hang out with you. Is that on the wheel? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Yeah. Put it on the wheel. That way I have to. I'm not even worried about this, because if I get selected, I think me and Kate will both agree, this isn't a good idea. That's not us. That's where you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:05:58 We're going to be staring at the floor, walking around. I would apologize. Oh, there they go. I guess we can fuck. So the wheel will be someone has to hang out with Kate. Someone has to hang out with Kate for an hour tonight. Put it on the wheel please. Just spit it everyone's name. One hour with Kate. One hour with Kate. I'll come up with an itinerary for us. No!
Starting point is 01:06:26 No! Just put it on the wheel and then pass it. See, this is what hanging out with Kate is, so it has to be that. Kate, if this hits, we're going to spend an hour together while you watch me do Barstool Radio. If it hits you, I get to go to that dinner with you. Fine, fine, deal. Fuck yeah. That was a come up.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I know. It's a big one. We've got to get more names on this wheel. For an hour. You can go to the dinner for an hour. If it hits the thing I'm doing tonight, you'll really like to. What are you doing? I'm going with Kyle.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I don't want to blow up the spot. All right. That good? Wait, Kate, you're actually invited. Yeah, she is. Oh. Yeah. Oh, well there we go.
Starting point is 01:07:02 We're going to a Cat's Speak Easy. We're going to a Cat's Speak Easy and you can come. I'm gonna. Okay, so there we go. Nice're going to a cat speak easy. We're going to a cat speak easy and you can come. I'm gonna. Okay, so there we go. Nice. Thanks guys. Good job boys. But you don't want that?
Starting point is 01:07:10 I still want the wheel thing because- She wants the dinner. Because tomorrow on the show I want whoever got it to be like, I had a great fucking time with Kate. Okay. Everybody would have a good time with Kate. This is like in Shark Tank when someone gets an offer and they're like, well let me hear the rest of the offers.
Starting point is 01:07:24 It is exactly. Pull the offer. That's a slap me hear the rest of the offers. It is exactly. Pull the offer. That's a slap in the face. Pull the offer. I actually really kind of wouldn't want you at the Cat's Behizy with me. Wait, it's a cat's behizy? You go through this bar and you go through this restaurant
Starting point is 01:07:38 in the back, there's a bunch of cats walking around. You can get drinks. There's a little bit of meat for Keith. Yeah. Yes. That sounds very fun. But. Put it on the wheel. I think I'm gonna turn somebody's heart. I feel like Titus we could really connect. I didn't want to say to make a big deal of it. I do have plans tonight you're not invited. I have plans too. You have to invite her. She can't come.
Starting point is 01:07:59 You have to. I can't bring her around this company. You have to. Alright, spin the wheel. I'm going to dinner with Stanford Steve. She would fit in with Steve. Nope. Better than I do. What are we doing? She's right there. Will you hang out then Brandon?
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yeah, Brandon, you fuckers. She's already hung out with a walker. Alright, we can do it. I hope it lands on Kate. Yeah. She has to. hang out then. She's already hung out with a walker. We can do it. I hope it lands on Kate. She has to be alone.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Elimination. There's an hour with Kate tonight. Oh god. That's a long time to masturbate. Oh come on. No pussy for sex. That's me. That's going to have to jerk off again.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Oh, that was awkward. It can be this afternoon. We'll have a great time. He's like, no, it's me. I'm just hard driving. I don't like being tied down to this. I can't believe she turned down the cat speakies. She was, I invited her.
Starting point is 01:08:58 She wasn't invited. I thought she was, though. I'm still going to go, but I have a free after. Well, no, no, you just can no, you can't sit with us. That's fine. That's fine. I'm really offended that we invited you, and you were like, let's see if you're just.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Well, there's plenty of time in the night. Oh, that sucks. We would have had a good time. We would have had a nice time. That would have been a nice case. You can bring your significant other along as well. I really wanted you to come. I'm going to start taking my shoes off.
Starting point is 01:09:30 What if Danny just takes them off himself? If Danny jumps off them, they'll be okay. I don't have any ideas. Somebody help. This is like... Put the head-dots to your away. I was just kidding earlier. I would have definitely taken you to a party I was going to tonight. TJ? I was just joking.
Starting point is 01:09:54 If it's me, we're going now. Let's get a novelty drink. Wait, I would do that. Well, it's too bad you're not. We would have had a good time. Yeah? Me and you? Wouldn't well it's too bad. We would have had a good time. Yeah. This reminds me of when you guys voted who was your least favorite person on the show. Second least favorite.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Well now I know. And I was selected. Danny? That was a sweep. That was fucked up. What's a sweep here? You have to move in with Mary Kay. And Ashley. How's it going?
Starting point is 01:10:34 We've had two merry jokes today with Mary Todd in and Ashley. Where'd you guys all get those swaggy shades? I like these shade rays. I. Love a set. Wait, are those Rays? I think he's giving you something. Wait, are they just lying around? What's the score? Yeah, I love these. You get three? It's two to one me.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Danny looks like he's gonna throw up. He's been going out every day. I can't. Oh man. Two, two. I already know where we're going first. Danny took a crab on his hand. What are you doing first? I've been obsessed with this little bar off Bourbon Street that makes these, I'm talking about. The Irish coffees. The slushy iced coffees.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Okay yeah. A little pick me up. That's it. Oh man. That sounds fun. You guys are gonna have a blast. Can I tag along? Yes. Fuck yeah. Maybe I'll bring this streaming kit. Stream the hanging. That's what I wanted. That's it. That's four for Danny. All right, Kate. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:31 All right, Danny. Let's do this. Hell yeah. All right, right after the show. We'll go. We'll hit the town. Yup. He's diving into the concrete.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Hey, hey. Danny. Danny, no. I'm going to crap over here. Maybe he'll move it on for him. I'm just kidding, I'm excited. Good. You can say a crab to bite his neck. His artery.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Two arteries. I do have, what's that sensation where you need to equal out on the other side of your body? I feel like this hand. Like a dead twin? No, like, since I did it on this hand, now this hand feels off. Really? Oh wow. You might be a a crap like a stigmata
Starting point is 01:12:06 Oh crap. Yeah, you're gonna turn to grab What are we gonna do Kate or is it a surprise I'll surprise you Yeah, no no content. What's a straight? What time you guys going vlog it for tomorrow? They posted Yeah, I Stuck to you. Yeah, make a vlog and then we'll play it on the show. Oh Look at that. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We do it all live. We could get some fish from it. It'd be nice. Let's do it. Just to prove we did the whole thing. Yeah, do
Starting point is 01:12:50 that. Get the backpack. The backpack. We could do it at like 4.30 or 5 probably with the backpack. I'm down. Oh, yeah. You do it in IRL? I mean, this sounds like a good opportunity to fucking latch myself onto their good time. Yeah, you should just follow them. That's what I mean. Yeah, not say a word. Make sure that they're hanging out. I like that. I like that.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Chat, be like, yeah, it looks like they're just getting an Irish coffee. Yes. I'm gonna round up those cops. This man's awful suspicious over there. He just starts Frenching Danny. Yeah, I mean. Turn back, T.V. Irish coffee.
Starting point is 01:13:23 That'd be so funny if they went and Kate had one hand grenade and just started making out with it. That would be the best thing ever. Oh, that video would be a lot. Coming back then. Yeah, we actually fell in love. Like, ah, you know those hammers? Like, Kate had one hand grenade.
Starting point is 01:13:42 The funniest thing. Watching the live would be so funny. Kate gets in a fight with another chick, she's like, my boyfriend will beat up your boyfriend. You have long tits, better one for her too. No, I want this. I get him shot by the National Guard. Two seconds. Kate tries to grab a gun up to be a great day.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Yeah. He tries to grab a Homeland Security gun. Danny gets shot. I take his gun and put it in my mouth. Okay, I'm definitely doing that. Yeah. Can we get that, can we set that up for around five, the backpack? Oh, you're gonna roll two?
Starting point is 01:14:22 Fuck yeah, I'm just always gonna roll two. Anybody's welcome, huh? Anybody come out, come on. You guys hate that for a cabinet. But I do think that you guys should be allowed to talk to them. Should what? I don't think Ron should be allowed to talk to you guys.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Yeah. I just kind of observed. Yeah. Okay. They're like the cheaters. You can do commentary, but yeah, you can't. Can you do David Attenborough? You can't talk to them.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Danny Greco? Seem like cage going in for another hand grenade. He's like, when does he drink? I like where this is headed. Danny dives on another grenade. And he's drinking. Oh. This would be great.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Rowan, you should get the live backpack and poke some fun with the National Guard. Oh, yeah. get the live backpack and poke some fun with the National Guard. Oh, yeah. Who's got your gun? Yeah, do one of those videos where it's like, you can't arrest me. I'm just asking questions.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yeah. Give me your badge number. Audit him. Audit him. Yeah. I love my favorite videos to work with. I love the audit videos. Like, give me your badge number, good boy.
Starting point is 01:15:21 You've seen the ad. He keeps calling him a good boy. It's so bad. Or if I go put flowers in their guns, or give them a Pepsi or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just show up to open the police station, just being like, I'm allowed to be here.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Yeah. Just asking questions. What's the law? Don't be carrying next to them. You need reasonable, articulable suspicion. How do the cops keep falling for that? That's the craziest thing. They're like, they always are like, turn the camera off.
Starting point is 01:15:44 He's like, no, that's all they want you to say. Yeah. They just want to show up. They want you to show up and be like, you can't film here. Two for flinching stars. And then they're just like, no, I can't film here. I feel like the majority of them do do that. They just film 24 hours a day. That's true. Yeah. They were only getting the highlights. And they end up just going in the building in someone's lunch break room. Yeah. Just like a big camera in their face. There they end up just going in the building in someone's lunch break room. Just like a big camera in their face. There's no sign. There's no sign.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I'm allowed to do this. This is the case for the building. Taxpayers. Yeah, I want to see one where it's like they just go into the police station and the person's just like, yeah, you can film here. That's fine. Actually, I've never come out. Got any questions? You want my badge number? I actually think you're really cool. Yeah, this is sick. Shout out the people thanks for
Starting point is 01:16:26 keeping the company. But yeah, shout out Long Island audit shout out Sean. There's a father son duo that's there against them. Yeah, they're great. They're sick and they're actually getting ripped right now to real rep another just getting like, shredded. Oh, yeah. Oh. Yeah, they're getting super shredded. How old are they? Eli, the dude from New York, the Dominican dude.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Yeah. I think the guy was, he spent like 30 years at the New York Times, the guy from Narragansett Press. Now he's bringing his son along. Pippin' his son just like, on to everywhere. So two cameras, and they both have their own channels. Imagine having that be the family business. Yeah, what do we do? Dad, we just
Starting point is 01:17:06 go and harass police officers. They'll pepper spray civilians too. You want the sauce? No, I need to see a clip of these guys. I need to see that. They're so good. Give him someone the sauce. You need the sauce. He's like, you want the sauce? He did it to a lady. A lady tried to hit him with his car, and he gave her the sauce. Oh. I would say no. I'd say no, I do not want the sauce. No, thank you.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Yeah. Have you guys ever gotten pepper sprayed? Kade, you've been pepper sprayed. Yeah. Oh yeah. I got accidentally pepper sprayed. Yeah, how bad was it? I was at a bar that, like, people over,
Starting point is 01:17:39 like where you're at were getting pepper sprayed, and it blew in my face. It was not fun, yeah. I wasn't the direct target, but I got it. But it still fucked you up. Like you would call it a night. Yeah, I'd call it a night for sure. Ours, you're like four feet away from them.
Starting point is 01:17:51 It would be wild. Yeah, it was awful. They're like, how many fingers am I holding up? So you open your eyes to look and that's when they just right direct hit. And then it gets your mucus membranes. I remember running and I had boogers out, and I'm pretty tall. The boogers out, and I'm pretty tall,
Starting point is 01:18:05 the boogers out of my nose were dragging on the ground, still attached to my nose. Like that's how long the mucus coming out of my nose was. You're gonna have to retell that today. Yeah, run that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just don't understand why that didn't. Why you guys did that in military,
Starting point is 01:18:20 you have guns. Looking back on it, it was totally pointless. Yeah. There was like no fucking reason we had to do it. Yeah. What's the rationale? Like you have to understand that? Does Al-Qaeda have pepper spray? Well, it's like if you ever have to deploy it in like a
Starting point is 01:18:34 scenario and it happens to you and like you get it, you don't panic. It's beginning to rain. It's raining. It's raining. It's raining. Yeah. It feels kind of nice.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Should we eat? What if Danny and Kate have to hang out till one of them gets pepper spray? I like that. That's a good one. The night doesn't end. I'll give them the sauce in five minutes. We get shot way before you get pepper sprayed.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yeah, I think so. You have to do something really fucked up to get pepper sprayed. Also, I made this joke the first time you brought it up, but I still don't know, the amount of things that would have to go wrong for like a marine to bring out the pepper spray. I mean, I told this turn on here before my my ex was a man who got pepper sprayed and tased at a bar in the same night. Damn. The pepper spray didn't affect him. It like made him lick the hawk. So then they had to stronger. Yeah, that's got to be a wild feeling. Yeah, that feels good. Yeah, that was always my favorite cops episodes whenever the guy was on like PCP. Yeah, usually run through a fence
Starting point is 01:19:37 What was the viral one of the guy getting tase he looks at his girlfriend he says I'll get you bitch He looks at his girlfriend and he says, I'll get you, bitch. And then he falls. All right. All right. All right. Can we see Narragansett press, given the sauce? I'll see if I can find another, it says that.
Starting point is 01:19:51 I will say though, so then after it happens to you, like the next few classes, you get to just watch other people suffer through it. And it's like, it's the best, just sitting there with like a Red Bull or whatever watching. Do you have to do like the underwater training shit? A little bit, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:06 That shit looks crazy. When they basically just drown you. It's like Harry Houdini shit. Yeah. You had to swim backwards. Swimming backwards in the pool and waiting for them to come. You don't know where they are in the pool. And you're just swimming backwards and they're waiting to like take you under somewhere in the pool and you can't see them.
Starting point is 01:20:23 And you have to like... and so then you have to, you think you have to go up, but you have to make yourself swim down further until they run out of breath to push them off you. And then you, that was like the, yeah, not fun. It was not good. Do these ever go awry? Uh, yeah, sometimes. But there's like a ton of like the lifeguards all around the side of the pool. Higher level than I did. Shit goes wrong. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Oh here we go. Oh yeah. She's got the sauce. Oh got the sauce right there. Turn it up. Oh you got sauce! From you and answer your stupid fucking questions. Get in your car and get out of here. You cannot photograph people! I'm doing it right now. What are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do about it? I don't know if she deserves You give her a line a little bit more it's on camera her turn to hit him with the car What's with the red? Oh, is that a freeze frame? Yeah? Waste any more context.
Starting point is 01:21:26 This is a Lunatic Karen. Oh no, she's about to get a Is he going to eat her? He's not in a video. It was before. You know what a song is? No, he's about to.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Bad news. What's the lead up? I need the lead up. Tell me, tell me why. Someone that's eating her. She kind of ate that though. Yeah, she did. Here's where she keeps start stalking.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Why is he filming her? That's a good question. Karen gets the sauce. What? Oh, is he filming trying to get people mad? Freedom of the press. These are journalists working on a story. They do tours like around the country. They're in Ann Arbor. This guy's from America. They released their tour dates. You want to get the sauce, come on out. We'll be in Sioux Falls on Friday. Is that a son? What are you photographing, boys? Boy? Did he express to you, we're in the middle of taking audio and video. So we're not interested in having a conversation with you.
Starting point is 01:22:26 He's a dick. He's the worst. It's not OK with me. It's not OK with you that I'm not interested in having a conversation with you? You're going to force me to? Oh, this guy's an asshole. I think he's the worst.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Look at her breathing in the mask. There's a little oxygen in the brain now. I don't know what's going on. I'm going to hit this guy. You get the sauce then bro That was a quick escalation by her too that That was pretty silly. They're two crazy people. For sure. They're probably meant for each other. You can't sit there and take photos.
Starting point is 01:23:11 You can though. That's what he wanted. She doesn't understand the rights though. I think he has a little pre-com. He's actually edgy. He has a little pre-com when someone just says the words, you can't take videos. That's his trigger.
Starting point is 01:23:23 She was like, I think she was just genuinely curious. She was like, what are you guys taking photos of? Oh, you guys are on school violence? I don't want to talk to you right now. You're forcing me into a conversation. You get the sauce if you make me have another worm with you. This guy just does this all day. What a miserable father.
Starting point is 01:23:40 He goes home and his wife, I'm sure he's married, obviously. Yeah. He's got kids. She's like, how was your day at work, honey? I'm summed up, wife. I'm sure he's married obviously How was how was your day at work, honey? Honestly, I've something like a yeah, I might be on the wrong side of this one But it's got to be thrilling to just get in confrontations all the time. What does he look like? He's the guy in the bottom right beard. Okay. Yeah Snowflake melts the sun. This guy just knows his rights.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Is this how he makes his living off YouTube? I think so. He's just got his camera on someone's nose. It's like, why would you assume I want to talk to you? Yeah. He's got a shotgun mic on his head. I'm just recording audio. They have massive jibs that they have the cameras on.
Starting point is 01:24:24 You think I want to talk to you? Someone will touch their jib, and they have the cameras on. You think I wanna talk to you? Someone will touch their jib and they'll be like, that's assault. You just broke my jib. That's one of the worst people we have. Yeah, that's the worst guy ever. Yeah, that's easy game. You're sounding like a tyrant right now. He has like a fan base, right? Like they're all supportive.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Yeah, do people, yeah, does he have fans or does everybody just a watch trackers it's all very polo yeah yeah yeah I mean they're dickheads but in the world needs them well not a bad game to me the hours got to be what whatever that every time a carry gets pepper sprayed an angel gets its wings like that was an old curious woman, he actually did her a favor. He taught her her rights. Yeah, exactly. Now she knows to go, don't ask any stranger a question ever. Or you'll get the sauce.
Starting point is 01:25:12 She went too far. But it looked like she kind of ate the sauce. Like, it looked like it didn't really affect her at all. Your videos have saved my life. Yeah, I hate these guys. I thought I would end, but now I do. If that video saved your life, you should kill yourself. I like how you gave yourself the biggest laugh on that one.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Yeah, best joke of the day. I know, it's funny. You hear that puff in my chest? I know, it's funny. People were howling. Eww. Wait, you wanna do the Reese's ad? You hear that popping? People were howling. We're going to do the Reese's ad? That's the video. Brandon's dying.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Maybe hold on to the Reese's ad. Yeah. All right. Maybe a little fall. I'm just going to kill myself. OK. I saw this video of this lady getting the sauce. I saw a senior citizen get pepper sprayed,
Starting point is 01:26:01 and I found life anew. Maybe it's not my time yet. Why don't you spin the wheel and then we'll do the Reese's ad, Reese. Oh God. Oh no. Well that sucks. It is horrendous. And what is this? That's a great thing, right? That's a great segue, I would say. That's the best possible thing.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Lava time. Right? I want to just release two. Nope, we're spinning the wheel to see who's getting lava. What is lava? I just saw way too many guys get up. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I was excited. They're just all going crazy right now. What the hell's happening? I'm actually out of clothes. I had to buy this next to go buy this. What is this? I think we, uh... Look at that!
Starting point is 01:26:50 Look at that! Look at the amount of people that just got going! I got new pants. I can't believe it. What's this? No, no, no. They literally all just got... That's so exciting.
Starting point is 01:26:59 You see how fast they started playing? I didn't know they were all here. Why are they like a NASCAR pit crew over there? How did none of us know about this? I gotta go to the bathroom. We're gonna be pissed. They can't afford this shit. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. That's so exciting. You see how fast they start to play? I know they're all here. Like a NASCAR pit crew over there. How did none of us know about this? I gotta go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. They can't approve this on Monday. Why, did they? Yeah. Fuck you, Big Cat. Big Cat. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 01:27:16 So Big Cat can do it. Yeah, yeah, you approved it. You love this idea. I'm pissing. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are the perfect combo of chocolate and peanut butter. The Peanut Butter Cups may be even more perfect with a layer of ooey gooey delicious chocolate lava. You can buy Reese's cups basically anywhere Reese's peanut butter cups will be featured in the big game. It is lava time baby. Try Reese's new delicious.
Starting point is 01:27:34 So if it lands on you you have to try some of the chocolate they're pouring in the bar. Yeah you said they'd put it on the bar. That's too bad. You get a spoon and you just take a sample is that it doesn't seem that way I do have to go so let's get this thing spinning and let me see if my material really changed for the worse see if I'm gonna be showing up to my next shoot covered in dookie I saw that sitting there all week and I was like, oh, what's that for? I had genuinely no idea. Alright, spin it. I don't remember having this conversation.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Lion. Wait, Jay's got his arms on there. You said this to me, TJ? What did you say? I said if it hits lava time, one person is going to be getting lava wet. That's different The lava way that's different than me saying. Okay. He just said it to me. Yeah You were okay What we're just gonna need a Reese's that's leading the witness though. Yep. He just told me what was gonna happen I said, okay, there you go Titus
Starting point is 01:28:41 Get you would have done it. Yes, you've done it. I would have done it. You would have done it. Yes! You would have done it. I would have done it. I would have done it twice. I would have done both buckets. Ron's already taken off his shoes. I have a bad feeling. I'm out.
Starting point is 01:28:55 No, you're not. Part time. Danny, you'll be good for our date tonight. I don't know, him covered in that would have been fun for him. That was the scariest thing when everyone just started never seen him spring down that was crazy yeah that was great imagine if they did that for audio issues Imagine how smooth this company would function if a mic runs out. Welcome back to the show, Rona Sass. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Come on. We all want to see Sass, don't we? Yeah. I mean, he's going to just cry to see the boy in Lava. No way. We want to see the boy in Lava. No way. We want to see the boy in Lava. We want to see the boy covered in lava. I'm taking my shoes off. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:29:53 I think I'm getting Lava. Yep. I think it's going to be me. Never a doubt. Never a doubt. Ah, fuck. Sex. Sex.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Oh. Yes. Ew. I can't. I literally can't. I mean, I have no clothes there's other clothes here yes sir you can change into the other clothes. You can change into the other clothes. You're out, Ron. Good shit, Ron. What is the score?
Starting point is 01:30:30 Pause. What am I rooting for right now? Am I rooting for my name or BigHat's name? Yes, your name. Ron, message me later if you want to do the backpack or whatever. There you go, Sass. 2-1. You're good, Sass. Fuck this. You're good, Sass. Ah, fuck this.
Starting point is 01:30:46 You're up. I don't give a shit. Laughter Oh, so now it's tied? I'm not doing it. I swear to God. Laughter There's no way in hell I'm doing it. New episode of Son of a Boy Dad out today. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Three, two. Just gotta get two in a row. Any dates coming up, Sass? Boston. Just quit the show. Let me sell out quick. Oh no. That's brutal.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Sorry, Sass. That's me? Yeah. All right. Well, that's it. Nice act. Thanks for coming out. Sass, just changing, there's a million other questions. Just get involved that's it. Nice jacket. Thanks for coming out.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Just changing, there's a million other clothes here. There's shirts. Just a little bit of sex. Yes, there are. Look at you. There's a shirt. But that doesn't, these don't do anything for me. There's shirts.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I got these shoes this morning. Take the shoes off. I don't have enough socks. I don't have enough underwear. Take the socks off. Take the socks and the shoes off. There's no way. Put that shirt on.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Take all that off. Put this on. No way. There's no way. Take it all off. No change. way. I'm not. Take all that off. Put this in all. There's no no change. Change. I'm putting on one shirt. I'm going to have to be walking back to the shower.
Starting point is 01:31:51 We have short syrup in my shoes here. They've showering here. You gotta get love. You have to. We'll go by you. Yeah, there has to be. So we'll replace my shirts, my shorts with Target shorts. That's a good trade off.
Starting point is 01:32:09 I'll take it. I'll take it. Take my shorts. I'll take it. I'll take it. There's no way I'm backing down on this. You're not going to get them. There's no way I'm doing this.
Starting point is 01:32:20 I think the boys are already in motion. I think you have to do it though. All right, so what do we do? But you have to take it for you no, okay, sorry. Oh wow He was just gonna take it for you oh You come to the house. We do a fishing trip this year. I take this chocolate for you Why does that how does that that sound like it only benefits me? It doesn't we benefit you. Yeah, he's being nice. He's asking you to come for a fishing trip at the house. I'll give you $300 if you do it.
Starting point is 01:32:50 That work? No, he wants friendship. Hold on. 300? 300? I don't need your $300. A party handshake and a fishing trip later this year. All right, I'll do that.
Starting point is 01:33:01 One Brandon retweet from your main account. That's pretty much worthless, but I'll do that as well. Really? Put your money back, I don't need your stinking money. He wants friendship. Realize what the... All right. You have to, wait, now hold on though.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Sass, if you don't come. I'm not gonna, this is gonna destroy me. Should I just do it? No, you don't wanna do it. This fan base is going to... I mean, you were... No, I gotta stand my ground at this point. You were going through the three-peat today.
Starting point is 01:33:25 You won the last two shows. This is why I saw you at the three-peat. This is what we're talking about. The two-snow. Yeah. Now we try... It's hard to get three in a row. We try to get three in a row.
Starting point is 01:33:33 You agree, though, Mike? If you don't come and do a fishing trip with Brandon by September 1st, you gotta get lavaged. You can kill me if I don't do the fishing trip by September 1st. Live on the show. Deal. Is that a Karl Malone jersey? No, it's pistol peep maverick. Now I feel, but I don't want someone else to do it in place of me.
Starting point is 01:33:55 You gotta lava, you gotta lava, Ces. Well someone has to get lavaged. Ces has to lava. I can't do it. I can't back down. It only goes so far. It only goes so far. But think of the new shorts.
Starting point is 01:34:04 But now I feel like a bitch. It only goes so far. It only goes so far. But think of the new shorts. But now I feel like a bitch. Wait, you guys hear that? That's not going to do it for me at all. This, your guys' reaction is the people online. What are they saying, TJ? Are they calling them a bitch?
Starting point is 01:34:18 Are they mad at me? No, they're saying Team Sass. They're saying Sass fell off, but also Pay Sass. They're saying Pay Sass. They're saying Sass fell off, but also Pay Sass. They're saying Pay Sass. Sass fell off. Brandon, you offered yourself! And I said, let me give you $300. He said, I don't want your $300.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I think Brandon just wants to do it. He wants chocolate. Oh yeah, this could be a dream for him. He wants an excuse to have his face like that. I think I royally fucked myself. How are the son of a boy dad subs looking TJ? They going down? Oh, this is ugly.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Yeah, it's poor figures. You have 9,000 subs. Oh no. Oh no. Lava. Did he do the Reese's ad? Yeah, did he do it? Just have him say it's lava time right before he does it.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Brandon, you gotta say it's lava time right before you do it. Yeah, if you don't want to do it again. Oh, he didn't say it's lava time. Oh, it didn't count. Are people mad at me? We didn't know what time it was. No. Oh, it didn't count. Oh, it didn't say it's lava time. Oh, it didn't count.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Are people mad at me? We didn't know what time it was. No, God no. Yeah, pour it on him, Ces. No. Ces does have to pour it on him. Yeah, I like that part. That feels right.
Starting point is 01:35:38 I'll pour it on him and I'll give him a good pour too. No, he's not pouring it on me. No, he has to. No, he doesn't. It's the right thing to do he Oh, no. Sass, sass, sass. Sass has to do it. You're late.
Starting point is 01:36:03 You're the little punk ass bitch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There we go. We're getting out of the fight. You were right in the show. Yeah, we're good friends. Yeah, we're good friends. What?
Starting point is 01:36:11 Yes, we are. What happened? Where's my mic? Go get yourself a crawfish. Yeah. What happened? You've been back on the show after two fucking years. We've had to suffer through this fucking wheel for two years.
Starting point is 01:36:21 You made it one fight a time. You made that choice. You made that choice. Yeah, yeah. But you moved to Chicago. You made the choice. You get your punk ass over Yeah, you made that choice But you move to Chicago you made the choice You made the choice you got you got paid a big amount of money. You got a big house You got a big house. I had a big house already three nine twenty five. That's how much you're getting paid It's a lot of money
Starting point is 01:36:40 It's not no no three nine twenty five. No, it's nothing. What is that? You're getting paid $3,000 a year? That's when his contract's up. 3925. This is your chance. What? I just resigned. I just resigned two weeks ago. You resigned?
Starting point is 01:36:55 Yeah. Why? Because I said no lava. The wheels should have just picked me. But the wheel is just. That's why they picked Sass. The wheel wanted this. The wheel wanted this bad.
Starting point is 01:37:04 This would be a legacy securing lava for you, Sass. I've secured my legacy. I think I've secured my legacy on the show as the person who won't do it. That's a bad legacy to have. Bad legacy, yeah. Is it though? Sass was awesome. He was the guy that wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:37:20 What's the positive of it? So we're just not going to get lava? You're going to get chocolate. We have to. There's no bad thing. Is that $300 still on the table? Yeah. I'll not going to get lava? There's no benefit. Is that $300 still on the table? I'll get lava for $300. Ooh, TJ!
Starting point is 01:37:32 You gotta pour though. You gotta be something. $300's on the table for sure. You gotta swing the sword, you deliver the six. But now I'm not going to the casino tonight, Jay. TJ, I'll give you $400 to not do it. Deal. Alright. So we deal.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Faster. TJ, he's not going to give you 400 to not do it. Yeah, he is. You got 400 on you? I'll Venmo him. You want cash. I'll do 400 Venmo. I'll do 400 cash, but half of it's in Canadian.
Starting point is 01:38:02 I'll do 400 Venmo. I'll do 400 cash, but half of it's in Canadian. You never know when you're going to be up in Toronto. This is like two months of work. Out the fucking door. This is all of the money I get paid for stand-up going straight to TJ I guess I brought that upon myself though TJ what did we agree upon you said 500 500 I don't have 500 we're gonna go 350 yes desserts Brandon Fred Brandon. Yes. He deserves it.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Brandon. Brandon. I don't know how it can be done. What do you mean? Yeah. Brandon, were you planning on bailing out the whole time? No, I was sitting there and it took forever and you guys were still talking and I changed my mind. If you all had just done it, I would have done it.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Alright TJ, here's your money. Are you getting me fives and ones? No, there's five, there's two fives, there's two two hundreds, there's two one hundreds. Alright TJ, are you getting lavad? Yeah, I Don't like it. No What the people want this isn't yeah, we're not yacking once This is another show just change your clothes and we'll buy you new ones But it's not about it's about the it's about how many times Danny Tamburelli got slimed on figured out. Oh my god Do you have anything you have to do the rest of the day the amount of times that I've got
Starting point is 01:39:48 like yesterday I hated my outfit I was uncomfortable it's how you're wearing a suit those are pretty standard shorts, socks. These are my best pair of bare balls. Take them off. Who gave me clothes like that? But then I have my best pair of little blue and naked. I could do it naked. From what? Do we have shorts here? Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:40:13 We have shorts. I need shorts. Yeah, do we have shorts? We can get shorts for Seth. If we get shorts for Seth, we'll do it. Someone run to a store and grab shorts for Seth. I'll buy you new shorts. TJ, you're losing 350 right now.
Starting point is 01:40:27 It could be in your hand. No, they'll fit. They're not gonna fit, and that's the thing, too. I need them to fit perfectly. What? I don't want your shorts. Sass, you have full change now. You literally can get lava, get in the shower,
Starting point is 01:40:44 change back into your clothes. Yeah, easy. But why? Because at this point it's like for what purpose? Really no brand. Reeses has gotten, they've gotten their money's worth. We've been talking about it for 30 minutes straight. I don't think they're going to be disappointed with the outcome of this.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Well, they want the social clip. This isn't a good social clip. This is a 20 minute sauce. Sauce. Sauce. Sauce. Sauce. What Stephen Schwartz do you want?
Starting point is 01:41:14 We gotta give him the sauce. Good choices. Sauce. Swim trunks. Yeah. Are you asking me? Yeah. Neither.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Great. I said neither, not either. No? Yeah. Neither. Great. He said neither, not either. No, neither. Neither. Oh, here. I'm saying I'm not doing it. Oh, for Soli, I'd like to see for Soli get lava. Soli, there's no money that would make you do this.
Starting point is 01:41:39 No, he's talking about you. 350, take it right now. He said, he's just there for 200. I'm just kidding, I'm giving him 350. 350 makes one. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350.
Starting point is 01:41:49 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350.
Starting point is 01:41:57 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. 350. I mean I will love him but I go about the act of Yesterday sass go love it
Starting point is 01:42:07 Go love it. Love it. It doesn't take what if he just a little lava him All right Are we gonna get banned from YouTube? Yeah It's gonna be chocolate I miss this guy so much I missed him so when you'm not doing it face to face. I miss them so much. Wait, you're not doing it face to face? In the shoe?
Starting point is 01:42:31 So we eat some crawfish, they're just wasting. Yeah, yeah. No, I want to. I want to badly. Anybody on the crew who wants to start eating them? So should I go this way? Yeah. Go at you guys?
Starting point is 01:42:48 It's lava time, Andy. Yeah. Yeah, that's tough. That was a lot of heart. This is, this is all these hairs looking nice. Ready? Real nice. Oh my God!
Starting point is 01:42:59 Jesus! What is this? What the fuck? That one is going! What is that? What is that? What are you looking at? What are you do that? Why did you do that? What are you looking at? Why did you do that?
Starting point is 01:43:07 You got to know all of your shit anyway. He's got to know all of his shit anyway. What the fuck are you doing? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do it that way, Sam? I'm poor! Jesus!
Starting point is 01:43:15 Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do it that way, Sam? I'm poor! Jesus! Why did you do that? Why did you do that?
Starting point is 01:43:23 Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why did you do it that way, Sass? I'm poor! You ruined last year! Why'd you do that, Sass? I didn't really think about it. Why'd you do that, Sass? I think I'm out. I think I'm done.
Starting point is 01:43:41 With Mark Sewell. So this is, uh... You're back tomorrow, Seth. I feel bad. Oh, your shoes. I feel... I don't care about my shoes at all. They were a big point! Look, now they're completely fine.
Starting point is 01:43:55 I do feel bad that I got everything wet, though. I didn't mean to do that. With chocolate? I'm just wet. I really fucked it up. I mean it didn't feel good. The second I did it, there's three people behind me going, that was the worst way you could have passed it out. I was like, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Smells like chocolate now though. It does. It smells great. Do you know how it releases? Where'd it go, Seth? Should I help clean it up? Oh boy. Smells like chocolate now though. It does. It smells great. It smells like Reese's. How did it turn out? Way to go, Sass. Should I help clean it up? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:29 No, make it for Soli. I'll clean it up. Oh, alright. We'll see you over tomorrow. Sass will be back. It's finale. We'll see. Yo, you're back.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Yo, see you everyone. Please subscribe. Thanks for watching! I'm really glad I didn't do that for $350. See you tomorrow. Love you, bye.

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