The Yak - The New Plinko Board Leads to a MASS Antiquing | The Yak 3-14-25
Episode Date: March 14, 2025Steven Cheah is #1 in accountabilityYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube.
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That was incredible.
Hello it's Yak, welcome in
Well that ended fast TJ
Somebody's touching my shit. Oh my god who touch your shit. I know they turned autoplay on autoplay
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Hey everyone, it's Friday And everyone's. And everyone's got great shoes on.
Look at us.
It's comfy Friday.
Should we just unveil the Plinko board right away?
It is so perfect.
It is staring at us.
And I want to say, what?
It's not like it has a sponsor or anything.
It does have a sponsor.
Wait a second.
I was nervous because whenever a sponsor. Wait a second. Yeah, I was nervous
Because whenever a sponsor
Gets involved in something that we've already done it can it can go awry sometimes
Hey, dude nailed this
Absolutely nailed gonna solve a lot of problems, too
It's gonna solve a lot of problem and Jacobs out of a job and Jacob's out of a job. He got fired. Yeah
I told him to pick up his boxes, get out.
All he did was carry out the old Plinko board.
It fell into a million pieces as soon as he moved it.
But this thing is awesome.
So I told everyone yesterday, we're still going to do Plinko Fridays, the full Plinko
That'll be once a month.
And then another time a month will be just one puck
Which we could do maybe two or three pucks. I think we should do
Yeah, the inaugural one so
Okay, so yeah, let's just let's just unveil it right nobody's out there. Oh, there's we're all wearing hey, dude
There it is wait, let me read the ad and then you can unveil it then you can unveil it hold, let me read the ad, and then you can unveil it. Then you can unveil it.
Hold on, let me read the ad.
All right, everyone, listen up.
We've got a new YAK sponsor introduced today.
Hey Dude, the official comfort shoe of Barstool Sports
is now the official sponsor of Plinko on the YAK.
If you haven't experienced them yet,
Hey Dude shoes are unlike anything,
lightweight, insanely comfortable, effortlessly cool.
Just slip them on and go. Noaces no hassle and all-day comfort
Look at these look at everyone's wearing them. I'm also gonna say personal endorsement for hey, dude
These are the official shoes of the summer Wow
I brought I brought my hair a hey, dude
I have a pair in white to the Bahamas and that's all I wore
because you can go no socks, you slip them right on.
They are so comfortable.
They are so, so comfortable.
So Hey Dude, if the puck lands in the right spot,
you're walking away in the most comfortable shoes
on the planet, so whether you're watching the Yak
heading to work or just making your way through life,
do it in Hey Dude, experience comfort unlike unlike anything shop now at
that's for all your comfort footwear needs are we we're not reading the things
in the red right well don't read the I'm looking at it but also also the one line and the black
below that he did read yeah you didn't yeah you didn't you didn't read out the part where I said if the puck lands in the right spot
You're walking away
It's been a while since an ad mistake listen, I'm gonna go off script. Hey, dude, they are incredible shoes and they did an incredible job
I'm giving him a special shout out because like I said when sponsors get involved in stuff. Sometimes it can go the wrong way
They crush this they basically were like
We don't want to mess with it
We just want to sponsor plinko so they made a plinko board exactly like our plinko board
Just way better and actually usable way better in every way every way. Yeah. All right ready boys
Here we go three two one
What a plinko board.
That thing is awesome.
It's gonna work too.
Yeah, so they kept it the same at the bottom.
This board rocks.
They should pivot to a manufacturing plinko board.
And they added the little triangles on the edges.
To push it in.
Push it back inside.
Glass on the front so it can't fall out the front.
Glass on the front.
Oh my gosh.
Way to go
Also, let's not be rude. Uh Julio's here today. Yeah, Julia
Much to the dismay of Brandon what does Brandon not like you?
Brandon's counting down the hours till I'm no that's not true. That's not true. It's just
every day with this guy
It's like Be out of your hair shortly.
Like we get it.
You have a special on YouTube right now that's called.
On the Map.
On the Map.
Thank you.
You're doing like a show in Chicago at a place called.
The Den Theater, two of them tonight.
It's built like the tenor of a Baptist choir member.
This is a nice exercise that we just did,
I appreciate that.
I love having Julie all around.
Thank you, big guy.
Also, I'm glad we were able to give him some free shoes
because he desperately needed them.
Brandon pointed out that I over-corrected with my sneakers
the day after I wore the slippers.
Yeah, you did.
Did you bring the slippers?
I didn't bring them today because it was too nice out.
I was going to walk.
What size shoe are you?
You can't handle walking out with them.
All right.
What size shoe are you?
10 and a half.
It's bigger than chef Donnie
Still tiny though. They're nice. He do
We're saying sub 11 is tiny now these days. Is that the new measurement? Yeah, I think so
You know who's not that I was about to say yeah, I walked in on Gog Magog in the back
Who the hell is that so that is
Who the hell is that? So that is Connor Williams.
He had a bloody nose.
He had a bloody nose.
The big cozy is what they call him.
He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Can you show us his highlight tape?
So he's here watching Hoops with us today.
He's gonna, I think, if record is correct,
he's going to be the first ever seven foot gauntlet participant.
Who's the big boy? foot gauntlet participant. Oh, wow. Sick.
Who's the big boy?
His name is Connor Williams.
He went viral a couple years ago playing basketball.
Yeah, he's the big cozy.
He's just like wet from three.
Oh my god, that's sick.
And he's, yeah, he played division three basketball,
I believe.
St. John's Fishers.
Can you find a highlight of him?
Here comes the big cozy. There he is. Arm, can you find a highlight of him? Here comes a big cozy
The big cozy
It gets up this is the clip this It gets up. This is the clip. This is his most viral moment. No, it's not Yeah, it is. Oh what a pass. Oh, it's the yoke it jump shot. He got hurt in that play
This is the clip that went that made him on the map. He's fine
No, I thought it was him hitting threes. How about the whole clip a year later? Yeah, but TJ even if this is the clip
What if we showed the other clip?
Okay, let's show the clip of him. What about the one out there?
Come on, let's watch him fall and Joe's butt crack in what world is that funny TJ never laugh at that I
Introduced myself to him this morning he introduced himself as the guy who tripped
Okay. Vindication for hits.
TJ, why are we short?
Look at this, look at this.
Woo hoo hoo.
Connor Williams.
The 7.3.
This doesn't do it justice, he's bigger than that.
He's bigger than that, trust me.
There was a moment when I walked in this morning,
beef is standing over here.
Connor Williams is standing right here.
Big T is standing right here.
Kadek is behind me.
Uh huh.
And then I turned and I look at Kadek and I was like, you are not big at all.
You are a Division One lineman.
Did you hear the foundation
of our building scream this morning?
I felt like I was collecting them.
The big cozy.
Can we look at him?
Can we get him in the room?
He's got a little gauntlet.
I want to line them all up for...
I would like to line them.
Like, you know how we did the
The that one video like how big is a line and a time to just like just gets increasingly
So we see if we how I don't think I honestly I'm worried
I'm worried that that Connor was not gonna pop on screen like he needs to write like in person that guy is
Jaw-droppingly big let's get him next to next to spider
Spider in there you want to get a full office smallest to biggest
oh we could but I worry Kyle do you want to do this there's not far left
where's spider there's not a connector between Big T and and and big cozy
spider white boy Rick white boy Rick is big yeah white boy Rick where's white
boy Rick yeah have have Connor stand next to White Boy Rick to show that
Drive the point home, I think
Or maybe just seem very busy in there here. Where's spider?
Spider or White Boy Rick would be a good comparison
Can we go fetch these boys like you've got some boys in the cave?
That's the boys get spider or white boy Rick and let's just yeah
He's not actually know what get Steven
Steven get white boy Rick, and I let's just let's just watch and play one-on-one for a second. That'd be cool. Yeah
Oh, that's yeah. Yeah, it's hoops
It's March. This is March
Did you guys see Max's freak out at Rico? Oh, yeah, it was awesome
Did you guys see Max's freak out at Rico? Oh, yeah, it was awesome
I didn't see it. I didn't know it was full-throated. I mean it was everything he had it was everything
He the second
Pussy that he dropped was like the most venomous pussy he hit that P hard I think I've ever ever heard was it Italian anger or Philly anger. It was it was Italian. Oh, yeah
It was in Nova
Nova was up against Yukon and they they lost they were like it was like a tie game with like six minutes left
And they lost by 20 whoa
I saw you fucking dance you fucking
Actually, shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit pussy go suck some more dick
Go ask go ask fucking Danny Hurley the next time he comes on PNT if you can get his fucking shoelace
Pussy that one that one had venom
Really hit the pee in it yeah, it's a great pain all fair
Okay, so we'll wait
Spider think we'll be back soon Rick hasn't done it yet, okay
Bad look
Late winter Fridays all he has to do is be big on Friday
Do you ask that in interviews can you be big on Friday? Yeah, how big can you get on?
Should we have someone do the Plinko I really want to yeah, so I think this isn't gonna be the full plinko episode I think
whoever's whoever it hits
Will go up and I think it should just be every other one. So we'll start left to right
left being you
Antique someone and then the t being you get antique the H being you antique someone the e being you get antique. Yeah
all the
Someone will get antique.
So as long as it hits the bottom,
somebody's getting antique.
No matter what.
I think that's fair.
Should one be like, someone gets double antique?
Oh, yeah, double antique will be the.
Two throwers?
No, the wheel. If it hits the the wheel it means that you get antique and then you get to antique someone
Don't at the same time. Yeah the same double
Yeah, what if the flower hits and then oh I assume it will what I assume the flower will hit and just cover
No one and it just collapsed to itself.
That's not what flower does though.
Wheel is, we double antique Lucas.
Oh, I like that.
How many people can antique somebody at once?
Can we get like four people?
Whole show antique?
Is there a world record?
Different sections of that.
Either school is.
Different sections of the body.
Yeah, the whole body.
The bare butt.
The skulls are Lucas firing squad were we all yeah
Yeah, I'll line up and this is a world record that the pogo stick guy would have yeah, yeah
Yes, I can't believe I'm not in world records. Yeah biggest ice cream cone wearing my head
He had three world records Nick and only one was related to pogoing
So it's like not his best skill
No, he just has many he participated in the world's biggest ice cream cone and he was basically just in the crowd for the others
He was in a crowd where the most people with underwear on their head. Yeah, how many how many was that lot?
Beatable though was that like the goal of the event? It sounded like it seems like it
Yeah, you think one guy just put his underwear on his head that would be more impressive way more
notable yeah if it was like if you set that up or course you're gonna beat that
who else would try that as America's Got Talent
talent no no no no just who knows we get our eyes on the big boy again yeah I just I need more big I haven't I haven't seen you ever seen 30% of them I don't
want to burn them out though until we can get him next to so it's gonna be big
forever though it's true he is gonna be big that sign of that's justice. That's justice right next to
Is he done whooping I think so think he just got done this year played four years, yeah
Now he's gonna watch hoops. He took he took my breath away page brought him in like a third. He was here first thing
Speechless when I met him. Yeah
Truly did not my brain cannot comprehend. I saw the clips yeah looks he looks like 6-8 in the clip yeah it looks big but not is he the biggest person you've ever seen no but he's close biggest mobile noun I've ever seen
okay that's fair seven feet so no cuz I've seen like semi trucks I saw Shaq
yeah Jack is bigger check is she I saw yeah
Yeah, it was crazy big so I'm interviewed to Kevin Matumbo RIP very big
Big boy was the church had a crazy tall family the whole family up the whole family
Why don't ever they get religious? Yeah, and when they all stood up it was like freakishly tall compared to everybody
That's like that member the senator. Where does he play now? He played for Arkansas and his whole family
Oh, yeah, the white guy seven footers. They did tik toks and it was yeah
Are you talking about the tall family on you hate the tall?
I just wait is it the same tall family can't be if there's like talented. It's got to be a learning channel show
Yeah, that's nice name I
Don't remember his name tall guy, but he played it Tulsa in Arkansas think
This is them and over doing was that his name over still doing tall reveal they just
Connor van over is it Connor is everybody named Connor Connor van over yeah nailed it
Wait, this is what Mark said no idea. I looked it up. It's. Nailed it. Wait, this is the whole...
You just took what Mark said.
No, I looked it up.
So Mark nailed it?
Yeah, he said nailed it. I pointed at him.
Thought you pointed at yourself.
You got a problem?
Who has a problem?
You do. I pointed at Mark. I said nailed it.
This family's not that tall.
No, to the Connor Vanover family. That's a tall family. Conor Vanover. Six feet tall. That was not even close to tall.
The 5'11 girl brought that to the whole average.
5'10 for a woman?
That was just a family with one big guy in it.
Not impressed.
See, they got a TikTok.
That's a tall family.
Well, how do we know?
Because the middle guy is 7'3.
Look at this.
Wait, is this the tall family?
They're all like seven feet. Oh is that a normal-sized room?
I can't yeah the dab one of the middle plate at Arkansas one in the middle is is and he's like seven five
Yeah, he might be he's talking from this is what I'm looking. He's like a crazy seven four yeah
Seven three there. I'm your truck. I am interested in this yeah
the GMC edition
That seems fine. Yeah seems fine yeah he looks comfy
wait you need a bigger garage six six-door that's crazy I don't think six
six is standard that's that's crazy now that's crazy that's crazy we're just
looking at tall people yeah that's a tall fit I mean that's who are the other
two what's their deal does he have any posts about not being tall wait just like the parents aren't lunch all how'd that happen?
Yeah, what the parents are very tall the mama's probably six three
Because all the kids are seven feet
Still in the mid sixes
You can beat me in oh, oh, oh by a taller house oh
It is real oh
Yeah, always find you Asian monks yeah, yeah, that's tall
Really tall that's gonna be tough. He's tall in every picture.
Every single picture.
That's how you know you're tall.
7'3", alright, here's the whole family.
7'1", 7'.
Here's the baby.
Big McLovin.
Mom, 6'3".
Could call Brandon.
So their shortest is 6' is me.
That's crazy.
That's a tall mom.
6'3' and 6'3' is me.
That's crazy.
That's a tall mom.
6'3' and 6'3' is me.
That's crazy. That's a tall mom. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazy. Wow So their shortest is six is me
That's crazy It's all mom
Six three and six three adding up to be seven one is still crazy
But those who knew they were making it's gotta be I think they're aiming for like six eight
But six three is an outrageously six three woman is there. Oh, yeah, it's six three guys. That's normal
I'm like I think based off some order. I'm sure bill. I think some of its medical. Yeah, there's six three guys. That's normal. I'm like I think based off some order. I'm sure bills
I think some of its medical. Yeah, there's a genetic anomaly. Yeah, there's a chromosome. There's something something got stretched
There's a little a little little more. There's an underlying
Okay, you go see the doctor and he's like you're completely healthy except for this
Trying to spin merp as a compliment
There's a touch of merp. Oh my god, who's your merp friend over there?
Will the baby be healthy yeah, of course but merp All I thought he has a little merp.
All right, let's spin the wheel to see who's getting antiques.
Or who's doing the plink.
Yeah, right.
If it lands on the skull, everybody on the show antiques the person in the middle at the same time.
Covered in flour.
I didn't have to wash my hair for like a week after I got antiques.
It's like dry shampoo.
Wait, the skull, what'd you say?
I don't know, man. I don't give the way
Opposites and then the middle if it gets the middle we're antiquing Lucas the way this yeah looks I don't know if the skull is gonna be possible. I throw some my doubts. I throw an idea out there
I love the board. Why don't we just antique Lucas anyway? Yeah, anyway, let's just whatever lands on we take Lucas
Okay, all right, so why?
The why is fill up a sock full of nickels and beat the shit out of how many spots are in the board nine nine?
All right, so perfect Kate you have the the far left skull there we go Titus you have the T
Julia you have the H. You have the E. I have the wheel why a
Stephen has the other skull okay, and then Lucas will come do it and whoever it gets on gets to antique them. Yes
Antique people from four different angles. I would love to see it and let's do a wheel come down on the scalp
Let's see let's do a wheel to see how many pucks he has to do one through four of flower no no
Yeah, yeah, yeah like that, but let's eliminate one and two
Okay, so just it's just three and four yeah
Four person antique gang teak go my god
That broke my computer last time you guys did that and he came in here one of the buttons on my well
That doesn't work. It was flower
And he'll pay the price if you ever see me trying to cut to Brandon and Nick and Danny's camera
And it's delayed it's because the three button doesn't work anymore
Oh, you know that's what your press Lucas messed up our three button do we have candor the three boys they tried?
I don't think we can keep that in this office. I don't know some of the guys around yeah
We don't have the technology to get you think he's taller than those body armor things yes, yeah
He walks in a room and I cast the full shot how tall is he next to the plinko board?
I want to play that game with him. Can he drop the point go without steps. I want to play like
Pick out an object in the distance. Yeah, then we guess whether he's taller or not and then we bring the object
I got Stephans by the way. Oh
We guess whether he's taller or not and then we bring the object close. I got stephened by the way. Oh
So he doesn't want us to the answer be another 15 minutes. No, he's like Lucas is testing something. Oh
Okay, bro, we got to throw flour in his face, it's a little it's your priorities check testing some yeah, I
Don't know if you heard but we're Throwing flour in his face that takes precedence so we could just bring the flour to him and take him while he's testing whatever
He's testing yeah
I'm in the doghouse right now. Can you guys help me? Oh no my figured she found your dildo
You got caught beating off at her parents now now worse worse than all of it I got like an unexpected medical bill. I'm like on her insurance now, so I'm like starting to understand how it all works
I just got I got a PT bill for like
$800 because it's technically at a hospital so it's getting billed as a hospital visit is that not annoying
Yes, anyway
I called customer service to like figure it out and to like try to avoid having to pay it and then I got in trouble for that she's
like why are you doing this it's really unpleasant really I'm what a line I was
yelling I wasn't I wasn't even yelling she said I was yelling but I don't
think I was yelling I think I'd tell me your voice I was being direct I'd say
like I'm your wife well well do you want to be the insurance person first you can
see what the insurance person said you were being unpleasant
No, she said I was being unpleasant to the insurance person was she on the phone with him? No, she was just in the other room. Ah
Okay, go ahead. Okay. Hey, thanks for answering the call. I
Have a bill for like $800. I don't understand it. But I also don't want to pay is this Julio with the fat-ass
Yes, this is he okay
I also don't want to pay is this julio with the fat ass yes, this is he okay?
I'm looking up. Let me type it up real nice. I asked being treated as a yes condition Yes, I see right here you you did physical therapy at a hospital moron
That will be eight hundred dollars sir, and I'm like okay
Well, I don't want to pay is there a a way that I... Had the tone used? I, I, yes. Unpleasant.
Okay, all right.
What do you mean you don't want to pay?
That's not how it works.
All right, fine, but it's a physical therapy visit.
Like why is it being designated with a hospital code when it's a physical therapy place?
It has nothing to do with the hospital.
Downright confrontation.
Where, where, sir, Mr. Fatass Julia, where did you, where did this physical therapy appointment
take place?
At the physical therapist. Not at the the hospital was it located at a hospital?
What's it? What do you call your physical therapist my physical therapist? Where was a doctor? No? She's a physical there
What was it attached to it is it is technically within the confine okay, so we got you sir
Oh, was it a hospital building it was in a hospital building exactly what we thought sir eight
Oh, you know what a thousand dollars now, okay?
I find her for I just just FYI like I really don't want to pay and I don't think that's fair
Is there any way that I can get around having to pay you continue to say you don't want to pay doesn't accomplish anything
Yeah, it can it can embrace the stakes. No. He found a loophole. This is where we're saying this to her
I don't want to know that's her to the guy. She's like yeah
I don't want to pay my mortgage guy on the phone the billing department you were saying I don't want to pay I don't want to hurt the guy she's probably like yeah, I don't want to pay my mortgage on the phone the billing department
You were saying I don't want to pay I don't want to pay you. Yeah, I didn't know you could just do that
I think that goes without saying I've heard that that helps oh
Wait this guy doesn't want to pay I've heard that if you literally say that they're like okay
This is one of the I don't want to pay guys here press button three. I was just trying it out
This is new to me. Okay. I got one last question for you, sir
I'm noticing a lot of vowels in your name, especially at the end of your name
Do you have any relation to one Luigi Mangione?
Are you gonna try to deport me? I'm just asking a question sir answer the question. No, I'm not related to him
But do you do sympathize with this case?
Up until this morning. No
Up until this morning, no. Okay.
No. No. No. No. No. I don't want to pay Luigi appeared to be taking on the burden of everyone's insurance deductibles onto his own shoulders
Uh-huh, that's what it felt like with him
But anyway, my my wife would was gonna argue with me that we had this sort of hour to spend time together this morning
When we've been apart and I spent it complaining
That's oh, that's the root of the problem
Which I in retrospect I now understand but yeah, she didn't suppose she didn't feel like she took my side
It felt as if she sided with the insurance big pharma Which in retrospect I now understand. But she didn't feel like she took my side.
It felt as if she sided with the insurance.
Big Pharma.
Getting hit with that was unpleasant.
What was the exact thing she said?
This is unpleasant.
Okay, that's a tough one to come back from.
This is unpleasant.
Because what do you say to that?
The only way out of that is to be more unpleasant.
Well I said I'm fighting injustice. It's the most noble thing you can do. Yeah, that's unpleasant too. Yeah. Yeah, I realize that now
No, it's something
She has a girlfriend or fiance would have done or is this oh
Because we wouldn't have been on each other's insurance and now we are so would she have called you unpleasant
Yeah, are you finding like arguments are more frequent now? No, no now how many times have you been called unpleasant typically in a situation like this but
but not that often but like that is once a month if no no if things devolve and
it's my fault or it's allegedly my fault oh I become unpleasant is like
unpleasant part of her regular vocabulary she pulls that word out a lot
in this scenario perhaps but otherwise no.
Have you heard her call other people unpleasant?
Were they being unpleasant?
I would say yes.
I tend to agree with her.
She can spot unpleasant when she sees it.
In theory.
OK, got it.
So she's pretty spot on here with the unpleasant accusation.
These answers are pissing me off.
You're getting annoying to me.
In theory.
Just say yes or no one time in theory, okay fine. Yes
No, whatever, but dude all I know is that it sucks to wake up to a fucking fat bill that you weren't expecting
Yeah, but you want to pay it right? I'm a bad. I'm gonna pay eventually. I'm gonna
I'm gonna pay
On the last day the day that it's due. I'll pay that makes sense. Okay
What about if you just text her right now and be like hey, I want to apologize for being unpleasant
But also just so we're clear. Are you on your period?
Let's just get all of our
Working with here, I know exactly how pesky that can be yeah
Cuz that's what you gotta do you got a cop to being unpleasant, but she has to cop to being on her period
I mean she's gotta be right
Oh, I want you to send that text so bad I thought that this is gonna be really helpful and you
I thought that this is gonna be really helpful and you
Yeah, I don't know I've fucked up wait is she good are you gonna see her this weekend she's here Oh, okay, so you're good. Yeah, I should be good. Maybe text her and just be like hey, what about what about if
We fucked tonight
Yeah, like what if we have a dog party in the apartment tonight?
It's in this just dog party say Yeah, I've been like, what if we have a dog party in the apartment tonight? And it's just dog parties saying, yeah, I'm behind.
I'm hitting from behind.
I'll show you unpleasant.
Just tell her she's being a bitch
and then ask if you want to fuck.
Yeah, maybe even spit it like,
I like when you act cunty to me yeah
But if you want I'll fuck it out of you
If you want to stop being a cunt I will happily fuck it out out. Is there any chance she's watching right now? No, okay?
That's good. Yeah, that is good
Although it would be good if she's watching cuz then she'd probably be like you know what I do need to come fuck yeah
That's like the most crass
That bitch needs the
Thank you, oh you? You're just like, feel better?
You're welcome.
That's gotta be like the worst expression of free speech.
It has to be.
There's some vile opinions you can have, but that's the worst.
It's the worst thing to say.
Oh my god. I feel bad for saying it.
It's not even that mean.
Yeah, I feel gross saying it. But I thing to say. Oh my god. I feel bad. It's not even that mean yeah, I feel gross saying
Yeah, but I keep I want to keep saying it
Like if somebody said that in like earnestly yeah
Listen, I know you're being a little cunty right now. Why don't we go to the bedroom?
Fuck that right out of you. I'm gonna do my part. Yeah, I mean if you needed the conflict out of you
You could have asked me. Yeah instead of getting to this unpleasant talk
Okay thoughts
Julia this is your fault
Had to know we were gonna end up here
We should we should use that the dating show that should be one of the lines they have to deliver to or at some point during the date.
Yeah, that sounds, yeah.
Like under the radar.
Yeah, subtly.
So where you from?
You need the confucked out of you.
Yeah, that'll go over well.
So did you guys leave it in a bad spot?
Sort of.
Oh no.
But no, but it's improving.
But look, I'm, I...
You went, did you take the fight to text? It was more of I you went you did you take the the fight to text?
Do it was more of a discussion, but did you take that to text? Yeah, yeah, that's where you settle it all
Yeah, yeah, and also this is another important detail. She's like I have a call at
12 but she met Eastern time. Oh
So I thought dumb cuts on her
Not know that yeah
Now you got to get both things out of her
Wait a sec saute get in here. Oh my god that walk through the door when you get back. Oh, yeah in one second Yep, it's gonna go the air
No, no, he can sit right back there. So he's got the six by six now. He's gonna
He's gonna work on it for an hour
He said I handed it to him this morning,
and he was like, this is gonna take me forever.
Good thing we have forever.
Yep. It's exactly on time, Sante.
Is she going to your shows tonight?
Yes. Oh, so then you'll make her laugh.
She'll fall back in love with you.
She'll be booing in the crowd.
No, no, she'll be...
We'll work it out by then, hopefully.
There he is. Do you know what you need to need to do actually in all honesty like real real advice
Real advice what what do you go to physical therapy for yeah?
What is it pinched nerve and from a herniated disc in my neck? Okay?
So you need to get a neck brace before you go home tonight
Yeah, and just be like listen. I'm done with physical therapy. You were right. I was wrong
I'll be in a wheelchair within a month, but that's fine
Just spin it on her that way. That's not gonna
Like an ambulance chaser just walk in with the with the neck brace just like ah
I'm in so much pain. Yeah
Yeah, I'm trying I don't even know now what I'm supposed to do
I think you could just apologize and be like, yeah, you know what? You're right. I'll I'll trying to I don't even know now what I'm supposed to do I think you could just apologize and be like yeah, you know what you're right. I'll I'll handle it I
Need to not take customer service phone calls in front of her and I'm not difficult. Did I sound difficult in the yeah?
Tell her she's right, but do it in like a passive aggressive way like that slightly sarcastic. Yeah that way
It's like yeah, you're right. You're always right're always right you're actually right actually yeah I'm always wrong I'm the bad guy
you should guess later then she's like here we go then you say what I told you
I was you were right right yeah like I thought really hard about it I can kind
of see how you're right classic that move toxic behavior yeah yeah do it like that
yeah you forgive her I'm gonna apologize. Yeah, I think so and maybe apologize for us too for everything. We've said yeah
That would be all I'm just gonna pretend that was all hypothetical it was yeah
Yeah, but still just maybe throw apology in there for us. Okay. We didn't mean anything we said I will
Babe, we're sorry
Yeah, we're all sorry you want to tape a video
We're sorry. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, we're all sorry. You want to tape a video? We're all really sure of us just being like sorry. Hey
So sorry, but we maybe don't that may be too much
Did she does she would she mind that you aired this out publicly I mean just because I
Yeah, it wasn't like too I didn't get into too much specific detail and like and you've had her on your podcast before
Yeah, multiple times and she's wonderful and she's typically right and she's smart and you know, but
There's no but no there's no but like if she like feels strongly about something like I typically am willing to take to see her
Side of it, you know, that's smart. That's called survival. But I also mean it.
But like, you know, in this scenario, I'm just I was
wondering if I actually was behaving in a triggering way
or not.
And wait, did she fly in this morning?
Last night.
How late?
There you go.
Were you asleep when she got back?
No, but it was a struggle to stay up.
But you know, no big deal.
But I made it a nice.
There it is.
I bought her flowers. That's it, though. That That's I mean you like no one feels good the morning after they got in late night
Airport mmm, and maybe you were unpleasant cuz she kept you up late
Now I mean look I wakin up with that bill. I just wanted to get it resolved so I don't have to think about it
Yeah, you know I mean it's so unexpected. I'm like alright. This is how much my life costs plus $1,000 Brandon question
Yes, go just pay the fucking bill and shut the fuck up. What does customer service say after like I don't want to pay this
They're like right
They don't know then they give you a couple suggestions, but then those suggestions don't like make sense
And I'm gonna probably I mean I'm gonna end up paying and I could have just said nothing
But it just feels annoying when I walked out there like you don't know anything. I was like, oh thanks and then to just get
Yeah, you're good. Nothing no copay sick. Oh my god. This is great. Have any of you guys ever tried like taking?
100% accountability. Oh, I do it every day
Yeah, like after why honestly or saying it like 100% Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah
Yeah, you do it every day
Not every day, but I I mean there is very rarely a time where I'm in the right
Yeah, but that's fine not being in the right, but do you a hundred percent say you're in the wrong every time?
Yeah, cuz I don't even do that. Yeah. No, I cuz that will sometimes I mean most of the time
I know that I am a hundred percent in the wrong
No, I because that will sometimes I mean most of the time I know that I am a hundred percent in the wrong
There's not like ten percent of you is like she she needs to be better. I did nah
Every now and then I'll beat Pat down hard enough that he'll he'll do that Then I know he doesn't mean it in his soul, and he's just saying it, but it still appeases me
Yeah, just to see that I've beaten him down that money. Yeah, no? Warn him down. Anywhere you can get a little win. Yeah.
It feels good.
So it's important.
It does work.
Do you get wins at home, Brandon?
Yeah, that's why you have kids.
You can't go for a W.
No, I don't go for Ws.
I go for draws.
But I don't know that I've ever taken 100% accountability
I will also blame the kids for shit
No, you I tell ya I'm always we're a sinful bunch
Yeah, I don't even fight my wife often if like at all, but when it happens, I'm I'm wrong. I know it too
He said I always just I always I always come to it with a plan of attack
And then it's just like she'll drop it on me being like I'd be like
Oh, I had to put all three kids to bed. She's like oh really oh
Oh, really yeah like and then she lists everything I'm like fuck yeah, but you still damn. It's I forgot about all of that
Forgot about the shit. I was wondering how my laundry is clean. Yeah
Has there ever been a good oh really in marriage
Or really in any conversation oh really yeah
Definitely oh go ahead Stephen. Do you take you don't take a hundred percent accountability? Yeah, you you
Go to really My periods over today. Oh really Yeah, oh, yeah, there's plenty of plenty of good or really
My periods over today. Oh really?
Why that's a problem
You dog he's back. He did nail that good. That was a good. Oh really yeah, give me another one oh
I forgot to text you to pick up the chocolate chip mint ice cream bars that I like at the grocery store Oh, I got him anyway. Oh really?
This motherfucker's good really good pussy and chocolate chip mint those are the only two cases
cases. That was really good.
About when your friend's friend that you don't
necessarily like, you get bad vibes, but you don't
say anything, but then your friend comes to you
and is like, you're not gonna believe this about
so and so, but you know, but you're like, oh really?
That feels good.
Like tell me more, what?
You guys are full of good old reallys.
I'm shocked.
Friends, friends are always the most vile people in the world.
Yeah, yeah.
You guys don't take 100% accountability?
Oh, I'm, uh, yeah, uh, I realize I'm kind of a dick.
That's what I'm saying.
Yeah, I'm a dick.
I have a really good sense of like, oh yeah, I am in the wrong.
It just takes me a little bit, I'll take a couple minutes to be like, oh, I'm a dick.
Yeah, you fight it.
And then you have like a second, a beat where you're like, oh shit.
I'll say something so catty and bitchy and gay.
I'm like a college coach caught in a scandal.
And I say, I take full responsibility.
And then I explain in great detail why it wasn't my fault.
But you started it with with I take full responsibility.
Listen, this is a partnership.
I was supposed to do the chores.
They did not get done and I take full responsibility for that.
Some notes though.
Some notes.
That's what I'm saying.
Here's what happened.
I explain in detail. Well it feels frustrating to not able to like defend yourself if you think you're right
You know I mean so yeah, but I I feel like the older and this is more recent the older
I've gotten I've realized that I am wrong
That does it take you a while to get there. It's it's shorter and shorter now
It was it used to be like oh, it'd be like a couple hours I'm like wait, maybe I was wrong and now I have a little bit more sense of mind and who I am as a person
To pretty quickly be like that was on me. But wait a minute big cat. Yeah, there's there's a hundred percent of situations, right?
If they've we add a percentage gets to a hundred
100% of the situations your house are not your fault. You're not you're not in the wrong every time your wife my wife
Yeah, sometimes sometimes I get like a 10%
Sure of a win price like 90 to 10
Yeah, but there's a lot of hundred percent that go against you. Yeah. All right, but is there any good that comes with a win?
Wins don't exist but the absence of a loss is a win Wow. Yeah wins don't exist profound
Yeah, I also have been dropping Absence of a loss is a win. Wow. Yeah. Wins don't exist. Profound.
I also have been dropping,
this is just a pro tip for everyone there,
if one of the benefits of seeing a therapist is you can just,
I always am just like,
well, I'm literally working on it.
Wow, that's good.
So whenever I really fuck up,
I'm like, I'm quite literally working on it.
Going to therapy just to have the excuse
that I'm going to therapy.
Yes, yeah. Oh, I drop that have the excuse that I'm going to therapy.
Yeah, oh, I drop that all the time.
My therapist said he would say that.
I am working on this.
Working on myself.
That would help.
Yeah, no, you should, you don't probably
have to see a therapist.
For no other reason but that.
You can just say that you are.
And yeah, just be like, yeah.
It's a total get out of jail free.
Like I'm working on this. I like that. Yeah, it's a it's a total get out of jail free Like I'm more like that. Yeah, it's a good one
Sante how you feeling?
I've felt better. Okay about things but uh, I
Don't know we're getting there. You got a you got a good feel for
For the cube now like you how does it move? Is it move? All right, is it sticky? No, it's a nice one
I really know it is nice. Yeah, okay. I really appreciate it
It's okay. It's really nice. So you're a week like a weekend a
Couple weeks week two yeah, how are you feeling feeling great? It's happy to be here the adjustment smooth. I think so yeah, yeah
I'm happy for you. Thank you
Did you have first day jitters of of course yeah I did are they gone a little
bit I think they're still lingering around a little bit what's the what's
the craziest part about onboarding to a place like this what are you telling
your friends and family when they're like how's it going I don't know it's
been hard to figure out what to tell them exactly yeah yeah that's to like my
grandma yeah yeah you'll never figure that grandma. Yeah Did you actually have on-boarding no, did anyone tell you what to do
Motherfucking he looked at you and they look right somebody's a fuck the cunt out of you
the cunt out of you he's the perfect person to fuck so bad what if he's so chill he's like not stressed at all my god I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything
he literally people don't see it obviously homie what he told me before Oh my god, I'm sorry. He starts leaping, I'm sorry for everything.
He literally, people don't see it, obviously.
He told me before, he's like, you need Sante for the Rubik's Cube on the act?
I was like, yeah.
I was like, but if he's doing stuff, I'm not going to bother him.
He's like, I'll give you an hour, you can have him for an hour.
And then he just walked by and looked at his watch as like most apparent look at the watch ever.
Like playing charades, guessing the word watch.
Oh man.
Oh man, I needed that.
I feel like my life can now be divided into two parts.
Before and after I got the cunt fucked.
Oh, the perspective.
It's also like-
Why haven't I done that?
The whole world makes sense now
There's like there's people who have yeah who are normal who have gotten the come fucked out of them and people still need it
You know still not there's only two types of people
Yeah, you should you should definitely have her watch the act
He's in a bad mood you're like you need fuck so bad
See Doug that's a guy who's gotten the come fucked out. Yeah
Loses could be
Bobbing around
Join life
Should Lucas where's the case back there with you Lucas are you ready for Plinko? I'm going to be around Join life Lucas
He's back there with TJ
Lucas are you ready for Plinko?
It's going to be fun
He thumbs downed you
Anything can happen with Plinko
You don't have to be nervous
It's not like you're wearing tiny shorts
I can't get screwed over twice right?
Does he not know no
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All right, Lucas you ready?
Wait did you see the thing last night TJ just said
I'm already on it. I've already unblocked the guy and I'm replying to him now
Lane kiffin reposted best part of this video is watching that chump Brandon Walker sulk away in the back one day
I'm gonna say the shit about Lincoln couldn't wait to rub it in Ben's face cuz he cares more
I'm just standing there his own team winning. I'm just standing there. All right, let's see if there's a sulk
We'll judge yourself. I've I know I will judge the sulk. I don't think it goes back to me
No, we can see you in the back
Mincy is the TV on the moon
Hold on here comes
So I'm just standing there.
Not conclusive. Why did you walk?
Cause the game was over?
Yeah that's right, it was time to go.
Would you have done that same walk?
These old miss motherfuckers are weird about me, man.
They watch everything I do and they're like,
Oh look at Brandon, he's standing there.
What was I supposed to do?
They're saying you need the sulk fucked out of you.
Oh yeah. You also got some love did you and mark hear the the
Bobby Bones shout out what he called you guys his favorite niche celebrities Bobby
Bones whoa he's a big podcast my sister told me really I didn't hear it I didn't
see that you guys should we have a show just for him
Bobby bones yeah, we might glaze Bobby bones. There's probably all glaze Bobby bones. I'll glaze that bone in our
And wait Kate you wanted to know who Bobby bones was I did okay good. Yeah
Somebody tell her I would
Danny I just know he's a big podcaster that my glasses
Does you wear glasses? I don't even know I feel like he wears glasses. What kind of oh, I know this guy
What's his genre Bobby fucking bones look him up you guys love Bobby, but glasses told you yeah
How old it nailed the glasses? Oh, holy shit. That's the guy can be sister listens to yes
Yeah, that's glasses
Must have is that him that's glasses
I want to see if he's got the like he's a
Significant glass wait. What did he say about us? Yeah, those are significant glasses are they not yeah, yeah see
Bobby bones said mark Titus and Brandon Walker are his favorite niche celebrity Bobby bones is one of my
That's what I mean is my instinct ever being fucked with I brand new celebrity
I think just saying you guys I'll take covering yeah, I'll name them, but you guys definitely don't know who they are no one else
Actually the word celebrity doesn't I'm probably even wasting my time saying it cuz I'm taking it as the highest of come
That's the best that's the best level of celebrity. He's a leaver. Did he say it on a show or did he just say it to your? of that's the that's the best level of celebrity. He's still every did he say it on a show or did he?
Just say it to your sister. That's
I'm guessing your sister hang out Bobby bones on the show. Oh, Bobby comes all I know I go
Let's do a collab on the glaze get on the glaze dude
Lucas you ready, that's awesome
You're just dropping a puck. Pretty simple, Lucas.
It will end up with
antiquing, but it depends on where you drop it.
So it's just antiquing?
First puck drop.
Have we tested this out?
Oh, I didn't know it was behind there!
I thought it was going to hit it.
Oh, that's Titus tight. Oh, taking you.
Do you want to drop one more to see if you can win back so that you don't have to get if it lands in the
T it cancels out. Yep. So that I get to take someone if it lands in the T it cancels out and then you
get another one to try. so that regardless of getting will cross
No, that's not true and anything could happen if it lands on literally anything could happen
So but if I do it again someone else will get to empty no no cancel out be no antiquing and then you can go a third
time I
Don't want tightest anti what I will then cancel it out pick out somebody in the office
This one this one if you hit the tea again. I'm out
That park bounce is so good, it's a satisfying I didn't realize that it was behind that oh
That's incredible. Oh
No, that's not good. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Who would you like to go first? I'll be soft.
Tied is going to be hard, though.
I'm going to go hard.
Bobby Bones.
You might want to cover Sante.
Oh, hey, dude. Oh, you want to free-fare, hey, dude. Oh, congrats, Lucas. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, put them on
What's good thing they're white great if you're watching at home future Plinko days
You'll have a chance in the chat to win your own hey dudes
Yes, I don't want a single part of his
front to be on them what those legs yeah we're good we're good you ready watch
all right oh that's soft that was soft somehow really nice somehow more stuck
on the soft one yeah haven't hold up the hey dude to the look it's
more yeah it's like the family worst hold up the hey dudes Lucas yeah compare
them to your face you're gonna be going softer look at that which one is the
shoe can I can I do mine later come on will you be going soft or hard? You have to tell him. I'll go soft as well.
Okay, alright. I'll go soft as well. Yeah, yeah. I still do that nope I do thing? No, not this
season. No, no, no. That was season seven. Lucas, you don't have to do any more if
you do mouth open like a scream mask. Okay. I think you get sick from that
Yeah, I don't think so
You're really shouldn't get sassy right now going soft Lucas. Why are you mad? I'm not even gonna wind up ready?
This is crazy. Why would you ever be mad? Are you ready? Mm-hmm? Are you ready?
We can't
On the door, it's just a soft and There's so much on the floor. Look at his face.
Alright, Lucas, one last chance.
We'll reverse it.
Because you can get payback.
We all have a spot on the...
We all have a spot on the...
Lucas, we all have a spot on the Plinko board.
If you go, you can antique whoever it lands on.
I think that's fair. That's fair. Okay. That's fair
That's completely someone's getting eggs you guys got him perfectly, but you have to do it soft
Okay, you just revolutionized into I know the soft is so much worse
It all stays on there
Okay, oh
No, he's going to the right side of the room. Oh
Fuck that's Danny Danny
Who's the final skull?
Jay Who's the final skull? Uh, Jay.
Did you guys see there was a production meeting that Cory led yesterday
teaching all the production people how to work a new camera?
And TJ, I sent you a picture.
You gotta go soft Lucas soft yes the
attendor lover is soft as you can be
oh my god he's gonna go so soft Oh, up the nostril! Up the nostril! Look at this dude.
Why do you look like a little boy now?
D.H.ed him.
How about your eyes?
Yeah, this is way better.
Yeah, I like it.
Am I good?
Yeah, you're great.
Good job, Lucas. Great day at work.
I have an idea I want to throw out there, but I don't know if anyone wants to, because it will just end up being more antiques.
I'm in.
Okay. I'm interested. I'm in too deep
I think that it I think Danny should go and we keep going until you hit your own and then it's over
It lands baby if it's done it's done, but it also be kind of funny if we all just
So I keep going until I get no no you go and
whoever you get you can antique them but if you get yourself then all antique
is done for the day so the first person to get themselves it's over Lucas went
at an angle down to up so it went right up his really fucked up really mincy
was just in the it's like that Drake meme with Kentucky. I just walked in
I don't know
You think at the end he was like wait. I thought this was a different meeting. I think he left early oh
Where is it wow?
Danny Oh, where is it wow? Danny Danny Danny bad boy. I'm happy that this board can still get stuck, huh?
The sound is so daddy. Why'd you go towards yourself knocks it off them because he wants to go for himself
Nothing middle nothing do it again take those take them off there. He needs to go for himself. Nothing. Middle. Nothing. I'll do it again.
Take them off there.
He needs to stick to count?
No, he doesn't want to go for himself.
It's over if he.
Oh, you're right.
Yeah, but he wants to get someone else so he can get
Oh, no.
No way. That's a double-down. That's a double-me. that's a double down
All right
We've never had a two-hander.
I've never antiqued someone.
First antiquing?
And your first one's going to be a double-hander?
Can you do that?
Do you know how?
Go on. Okay, I'm ready.
Oh, he's covered.
This flower seems stickier than normal, and maybe it's the softest.
Soft has changed the game. Oh. Dan.
Oh, I hit you though.
Oh, I hit you though.
Okay, if it lands in your own letter, it's over.
If you, Dan, if you call your shot,
that person has to get it mouth open.
Okay. Okay.
Nick, why are you doing this?
So I get a chance to call my shot?
But if I call my shot and it hits me, I still have to get mouth open. And then it's over. Yes. Okay, So I get a chance to call my shot. Yeah. But if I call my shot and it hits me,
I still have to get mouth open.
And then it's over.
Okay, that's fair.
Yeah, that's how it works.
But everyone has to call their shot when they go.
All right.
Someone said Big Cat looks like Josh Allen
just won MVP again.
You're unhinged.
All right, I'm gonna call Titus.
Oh shit.
I gotta go mouth open.
If it lands in.
But if it lands in his.
Oh it might get pushed too far.
Who's that KB?
That was nerve-wracking.
Holy shit. Oh man. Oh! Oh! Who's that, KB? KB. That was nerve-racking. Yeah.
Holy shit.
Oh man.
Have you ever been in an antique crowd?
I don't think the skulls are gonna be.
No, you haven't, right?
Yeah, I don't see it happening.
I think the skulls.
We have to make those something really special
because it'll be really rare.
I think it's gonna be hard.
I think the skulls.
Lucky me. I think you're lucky be hard. I think it's a goals Lucky me you're lucky Kate. I am
Yeah, it's gonna end over the bags empty yeah
Close your eyes
Yeah, you missed that's it's the oh no that's wrong by me looks very cool yeah you yeah you'm like it's on the rest of the day
Brainages left yeah, he's done. Yeah
So I'm just walking around with mincy. I don't know if he's yelling at him or oh he's shocked by the he's shook by the Lankiff and oh
Yeah, the other shot
Hey, oh no, okay, that's far left. No
The skull on our left on your right oh
But this board like I went far left and it ended up back in the middle
Well, oh oh no
It's yourself
That's mouth open and it's over
Spin the wheel for who gets to do it
Drop the pickle see who gets to do it. Okay, doesn't he have to yeah actually Kyle you drop it if it lands on you again
We're back on what yeah
That is how you've always played always played it that way we've always done it so get yourself again Kyle Oh Man
This is for redemption
So Julio gets antique you
And I wouldn't mind playing this game again today, yeah, we could just keep playing that safe. Julio can just go I
Think we just gotta go till everyone's
Let's do the last person to get into it like the
The person who doesn't get flowered deflowered yeah, that's the winner. Yeah. Yeah, the winner is whoever doesn't get antique oh oh oh oh the mouth full of flour oh that looks
like it sucks oh go again hey you're up man you're up big dog Great job doing great call your shot
But open but hole open it again. Yeah, but hole open off-camera, but he has to come out and fart
The grudge hey, what are you Brandon? Why?
Titus gets to
Antique It's time anti-kyle
Okay, okay, yeah soft Kyle spit was pure white Oh Fucked up
Okay, Daddy nice little thumb Kyle how was the mouth open?
thumb Kyle how was the mouth open up the nose says that it's it like hardens immediately now as I have like cement caked all around my teeth I like calling
your shot yeah yeah
It's gonna end till there's one person not antique
I think we're screwed Kyle being with this board the middle of the board is not great
Okay Okay, all right. Smart. Shit. Oh.
Oh, Julio.
This is what you get for talking about your wife like that.
You guys are always talking about it.
No, no, no, no, no.
You're the one who said that you wanted us to solve it and we solved it
This will probably make your wife feel better. Yeah, your wife is definitely you should show her the clip
Be like look at least I'm not these guys
What KB
Go soft, yeah soft. I think it's a soft day gently
Titus gets a ton.
Oh man.
Great palmage.
It's about to be on plug-in.
That's a lot of fucking.
Oh, the upper quadrant.
How did it all stay off his?
He clean-chinned him.
That's one of the hardest moves to do in Antiquing.
How did he get the shirt in the...
He sandwiched it right in there.
Oh, man.
We're having fun now.
It feels good to be clean, man.
Fonte, how is it?
Get it over with and be tainted.
Fonte, you doing well?
Hey, I don't want to slow this down at all.
I don't. I want to down at all. I don't.
I want to see the big boy at some point.
Oh yeah.
We're going to go.
He's going to do the calling.
I want to see the big boy.
He's going to do the calling.
He's just sitting over there.
We're wasting the big boy.
Why don't you do the Draft Kings read?
If you're getting antique, can you choose to get antique by the big boy?
No, that's illegal.
I don't know.
Do we have the mop still?
A big boy antique? Because the floor is going to be. What. I don't know. Do we have the mop still? A big boy hand taking?
Cause the floor is gonna be.
What am I reading?
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Okay. Not right.
Julio, call your shot.
I'm calling Brandon.
Where'd KB go? I'm calling Brandon. Where'd KB go?
I'm calling Brandon.
I don't know if he's well.
Probably to puke.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
That's Danny.
Oh man.
No mouth closed. close mouth close so much
Leo anyone we've always we've always gone along. Yeah, let's do surprise me
The worst part about this
Yeah, that was real low the worst part about this game, wait, wait, oh. Yeah.
Oh, that was real low.
The worst part about this game is like, you gotta know you're gonna get antique like three
or four more times.
Like, this is not gonna end.
Danny, you're up.
How are we doing on flower supply?
We might run out of flowers.
Half full.
Everyone go, smaller handfuls.
It's a nice activity for pie day. He's my God. Yeah. A little flower. A pie day. Yeah. 3.1426799.
Ooh, my name is big cat. No numbers. I just make it up.
I don't know any of them. Good luck with that.
Kate's not a chance. Did he call it?
Mouth open! Mouth open!
What a shot!
Kate said no shot!
Danny just called his shot!
Called his own shot?
No, he called Kate, Kate said no shot!
Get it, get it!
Mouth open!
I thought the score would be impossible!
Kate eating on the yak again!
I was just eating muck and peanut M&M's!
Oh, gee!
Oh, no!
Alright Kate, open your mouth!
Open wide!
It's coming in! Oh, I hate this so much! Kate open your mouth
Mouth open yeah good girl. What's happening organ is just hit a no they missed it. Oh That was clever girl very good clever girl, I'll be back Kate. Oh
All right Brandon me and you man Danny you and
He shot the mouth missile right at her I want Stephen Che so bad, I don't know, but what's me?
Me and Nick or why hey yeah
Danny looks like something left. I want Che looking like a geisha, dude
Like there's something left. I let Shay looking like a geisha, dude
Like Kyle Rittenhouse almost
Go a little bit
Bless you
Yeah, I figured you should call Brandon or me Brandon. That's why oh
It's all over the place Julio like probably woke up this morning. He's like I can't believe I've been on the yak all week and nothing bad has happened
And then he came in today, and we're like hey
We're gonna throw some flour in your face and say you need to fuck the cunt out of your way
You like oh man what a great week. I think Kate's gonna go hard. No you can't Kate you
gotta go soft. She can go hard. Oh yeah. Oh you're gonna miss. Oh you evened it out! Yup, that's right. Julio looks like a clown.
That was very forceful.
That was a nice little pop. I don't know if the camera caught that.
There's so much flour.
Putting the glasses back on is funny.
Oh my.
Brandon, will you be surviving?
Who are you calling? Oh, you didn will you be surviving? Who are you calling?
Oh, you didn't call anyone.
Oh, fuck.
Does that mean it's me?
No, no, no.
Say a name, Blake.
They call it now.
All right, me and Shay.
Nick's going to get sick from this.
Absolutely. Welcome back.
Take your hat off.
Glasses on. Yeah.
Three, two. Oh, that's right in the middle. Just, two. Oh, yeah.
Oh, that's right in the middle.
Just the nose.
Ha ha ha.
What is that clip you just sent me, TJ?
Rico lost a relationship today?
Yeah, Fanta's in the New York office saying,
where's Rico?
Oh no.
Bosco's not happy about it.
What happened?
And also he said he was Rico in that space that one time.
Well it was.
Where's Rico?
And I think he was on that spaces.
I think Dave's right.
I have a feeling he was right.
So I'm now into the office here, you know,
special assignment.
I wanna find out if he was on that spaces here.
We're gonna figure it out.
We're gonna get down to the bottom.
Fanta is the beast. We're gonna figure it out
Yeah, white boy Rick said it perfectly
Fanta like getting the props and the claim he's gotten by just loving basketball. It's so pure and awesome
It like doesn't happen in the internet anymore highest approval rating of yeah, really anybody. Yeah, it's unbelievable
This is him watching it
Processing processing. Watch the game. Now and then. Yeah, it's watching. He should be here, St. John's is playing tonight. And he said they're not, he said St. John's is what?
What's his tape number?
What's his tape number?
What's his tape number?
St. John's is very deep.
Oh my gosh.
No place for him.
It's Marks, there's no place for him.
And I know he thinks he's a coach.
Oh no!
Oh, he's really oh
We found the one guy that doesn't like that so damn
Did you guys see your last night? He threatened Brandon to he's like you want to go down this path?
I'll start I'll start making lies up about you. Yeah
Making up lies about you.
Like what?
I don't know.
Who knows?
I asked him, I was like, can you make a blog that just says
lies about Brandon Walker?
Because then you could write anything.
All right, you're up, Nick.
Who are you going to call?
Stephen Che.
This would be a great finale.
Look how smug he is. He's so smug.
Che's been out of sight out of mind.
This is the lucky shirt style, by the way, today.
The two flowerless men.
Well, we don't.
I don't think those shirts are very similar at all.
Yeah, I think that's a good spot.
No, I think he has to call.
He did. Oh, yeah, Chase. Oh, yeah, that's a good spot. No, I think yes the call set you did it. Oh, yeah, Chaser
Is this your third
Patrick it really gets in your nose. Yeah, real real far up there.
Oh sorry.
Oh God, no. Oh God, no. Oh Didn't mean it
Wait shoot a snot rocket. No, no
Sorry big cat
That's the game. That's the game of the game
Inside these white lines. Anything could happen.
Brandon Walker.
Look at that fucking thing. Shocking.
Whoa. Why? Why?
WHY?! Mouth open! Yes!
That's gotta feel good.
And Stephen Che wins least white on the yak.
Did we have to do all this? Soft. Soft. Big ol' mouth. Kyle, does this suck?
No. Make it bigger. Ready? Close your eyes. Close your eyes. I don't want to close my
eyes. Brandon, you're going to get flour in your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. I don't wanna close my eyes. Brandon, you're gonna get flowers in your eyes. Stop! Stop!
Close your eyes.
Keep your eyes closed.
If you don't keep your eyes closed, you're gonna...
No, you can't do that.
Close your eyes, Brandon.
You gotta do it yourself!
I'm not doing something! You gotta close your eyes!
Why is he so afraid?
Give me a countdown.
I'll give you a countdown.
Close your eyes.
Three, two...
Whoa! Do it! Do it! You gotta stay put! Give me a countdown. I'll give you a countdown. Close your eyes. Let him leave them open. Three, two, one.
Throw it! Throw it!
You gotta stay putting.
What is happening?
Stay putting.
Why is he picking it up?
There we go.
I know him. He's gonna do it hard.
It's soft dead.
Close your eyes. Open your mouth.
I'm gonna close my eyes. Then I'm gonna open my mouth.
And then you're gonna throw it.
Oh no. That's a lot of flour. Yes Was gently resting
Holy shit.
It hardens quick. It cakes up and it sticks to your teeth.
Oh no. See you Monday, Brandon.
No, he's taking a week.
That was crazy. He was gonna do his eyes open.
Ew. Brandon, what is he? What the hell? He's gonna do his eyes open. Oh Brandon
Steven you want to set up the gauntlet for big cozy yeah
So wait who were the two that called their shots?
When I Danny Danny you guys you guys are good
Been very skilled. That was fun
That was a lot of fun. Now. It's weekly another
No, this one was uh Nick this one was the office-wide one next time it'll be just us. Oh, okay cool
Next time they'll be very nice. We'll be the one where shout out. Hey, dude. Yeah
Awesome one of the best
Up there with the best are you guys like knocking your flower off? I haven't done that at all. I do that It's like spread. I was it bothering your face. I know it's really bad
really bad in my nose
Yeah, I became breathing has feels like my mouth is like cullked with the
It's so annoying
So annoying
Are there any like medical repercussions for inhaling a bunch of flour?
It's not looking up
Hopefully not
Well I'll be like listening to an infomercial 10 years from now
Are you antiqued?
It's kinda fucked up that TJ's never been in tea
Oh now that you want and his seat got antiqued like six times, huh?
He was gone TJ and his key Atlantic mmm or be NT. No now
I don't want to do it now cuz you want it now. I'm not going to
right I
Wonder how I'm like
Look at all of us. There's an excellent
There is an excellent whole bag. Yeah laying down. Yeah, like a
Hold a dunk tank you just hit it
Hard Kate said like this is good for pie day. I think a next step could be the other ingredients
You've done flour like butter eggs milk. I don't know
Almost how we do drafts lands in your name you get the next ingredient getting yeah, they get worse
Yeah, we should do a cake day or whatever recipe eggs
frosting I sing candles a bull
That's the last thing Candles a bowl This is like watching a time-lapse of a yeah concert the night before
There's an NBA game the next afternoon. Here's how they do it.
Yeah, United Center making a go from the ice back to the court.
Our best and brightest.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
You sneeze?
I had the feet.
Can you walk us through why you were leaving your eyes open? I
As you guys know I'm terrified of balloon-spopping or sudden movements or sudden sounds and I can't it's hard for me to close my
Eyes in front of something and I knew he was gonna he doesn't trace me which is a fair. Yeah
trustworthy thing I
Don't I don't begrudge him at all for that Luke. What is your technique for this?
That's he's rubbing it in.
He's just putting it in higher traffic areas. I would have done it in a pile.
You're just kind of running in circles. He just hollered. It's all over there. It's a double chocolate chunk
It's a double chocolate flower bomb
It's uncomfortable it yeah, but we do it for our fans
For the podcast listeners yeah, the podcast listeners could see this right now audio jackass would be so funny Oh
You should see this right now you got to move that table to Get good at narrating
All right
What the flower
Yeah, it's missed all of it.
He missed the most of the flowers.
He hit the boy with a nanny.
He missed the...
It's like the direct pathway that we took.
It looks like there's more.
He's leaving footprints as he...
Oh no, he broke the broom.
The lookie got disgusted, he broke the broom.
It's the lighting!
From here, you can't see the front.
Some sort of order.
Yeah, if you do it in a certain pattern, it has no choice but to come up.
I got all that, that's all I'm sure of.
What about everything right in front of us?
You see what I'm doing?
That I couldn't see until I got the...
But you know it's there, right?
I now know it's there. But Titus took the mop. Got it. He took it after you put it's there right? Yeah. I now know it's there. Yeah, but Titus took the mom. Got it
He took it after you put it down. I wasn't done
That I can see with that too much time too much Dodgers
Yeah, we're too much Dodgers today. He is Dodgers. He's too Dodger'd up. It's not even opening day
It's not even opening day. So get the boys some hey dudes
Get the boys some hey dudes
Kyle do like an animal biting jackass. Oh, yeah
I don't think I can do they do lobster on the nipple
I'll be better than seeing who be so much funnier Mountain Dew, Atablasa Refreshing Tropical Lime Flavor to your day with Mountain Dew
Baja Blast.
Tropical Lime Flavor Mountain Dew Baja Blast is refreshing.
It's a 65 degree afternoon on St. Patrick's Day.
This St. Patrick's Day weekend in Chicago tomorrow.
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Ride the Baja wave and grab a Mountain Dew Baja blast
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are sold.
Yeah, get him in here.
Brandon, you wanna?
Here he is.
The big cozy.
The big cozy, get on in here
Connor Williams, how we doing man? Oh my
Great to meet you seven feet tall what are you you're gonna be the tallest gauntlet that's ever been done
Yeah, put the put the bike in front tallest gauntlet
Make sense. Yeah seven feet tall. Do you have you ever watched the gauntlet? I
Have seen it on like clips. Okay, so you're gonna go
Bass or soccer so you're gonna shoot a ball those three balls
You got to shoot from where they are once you shoot those three you can shoot from anywhere
Okay, then you're going to hit a wiffle ball above this You got to shoot from where they are. Once you shoot those three, you can shoot from anywhere. Okay.
Then you're going to hit a wiffle ball above this studio.
Football throw, just got to get one through the body armor.
See those?
Three pointer, three pointer, then sporkle, and we'll show you a test sporkle so you can
see it.
Two three pointers?
One three pointer on this side, one three pointer on this side.
So when the sporkle comes up
Excuse me a flower in my throat you can guess any of these categories
You just got to get ten total so you could just you can hop around
So we'll give you a little help like
You know seven cities with an NBA team, but no other major sports teams
Example that'd be like Sacramento you have 14 states aboard the Atlantic Ocean rip those off
You can just hop around though though, to anywhere you want.
That makes sense.
Sprite is the lemon-lime soda.
Yeah, so you just hop around.
We'll help you out with that.
It won't be the same one, though.
Just like that.
Yeah, it won't be the same one.
And then Brandon and Che will direct you on the gauntlets.
So if you get lost, they'll be with you.
Are you ready?
So wait.
So is your basketball career over?
Yeah, over.
How was the last season?
Well, our team was shit.
I mean, I did pretty well, personally.
Yeah, what was your, what were you averaging?
Like 14 and 1.5 points in seven rebounds.
Holy shit.
Good numbers.
So that's what you should lead with, not
I'm the guy who fell down.
Yeah. Well, I wasn't doing anything until this year
I didn't really play that much so it was hard to do that prior got it, but this year now I can yeah now
I have the ability to do that. Yeah, that's sick. What is your athletic background? Is it just basketball? Um, no
football obviously I played baseball so like
Eighth grade I think okay, and then we use the big kid hitting dingers. Oh, yeah
I always say like 12 you baseball I peaked I used to hit so many dingers
Yeah, you're pitching to oh, yeah, I was a nice little pitcher. Yeah. Yeah a town having that one kid who's just
So you went viral last season
No, it was two seasons three or four. Yeah
Was that one freshman year was the first one? I just finished but there has been a few videos
Yeah, so the first year was when I fell and that was the main one and then the next year
I think this was the second year. Yeah when I hit a three and then that was smooth as fuck. It was clean
So smooth how long did it take after the game for it to get traction?
Immediately like yeah, so I actually like was hurt like I miss like a month after that after the fall Yeah, cuz I rolled my ankle bad got it
So I got I was with the trainer for a while and then talking to my parents and by the time I got on the bus
And got on my phone out and my like whole Instagram was blowing up and everything and it was just going crazy. That's awesome
Yeah, it was cool
So what's next for you?
It's a good question trying to figure it out. You're gonna keep playing ball.? That's a good question. Trying to figure it out. Are you going to keep playing ball?
It's a possibility.
Probably unlikely right now, but I don't know.
You never know.
And we'll see how the gauntlet goes.
Yeah, the gauntlet will be a big test.
All right, you ready to go?
All right, let's do it.
All right, Stephen Brand, are you ready?
So Nicky Smokes just self-proclaimed new goalie?
Yep. Got it. I new goalie? Yep.
Got it.
I told Oldie this morning, I told him the one thing he has to do today is he has to
just go up to Nikki Smokes and shut the whole Annika and Nikki Smokes thing down.
So, he did.
Oh, he shut it down?
Yeah, he said, go find someone else.
Like outside of the building?
Okay, good.
Yeah, yeah.
So, let's shut down.
Nikki Smokes tried to make a bet with her
for dinner last night.
I was like, Annika, come on.
Like to go get dinner?
Yeah, it was like, if this team wins,
we're gonna go to, you're gonna pay for dinner,
and if this team wins, I'm gonna pay for dinner.
But it always ends up with them and dinner.
And drinks.
I think they might still have feelings for each other.
Yeah, maybe a little bit.
Oh, look at this, Brandon with the big cozy?
Hold on oh
Where'd you go Brandon Brandon's gone running pop out that camera right there. Oh
There he is
little boy
That is that is Brandon you should be his wrestling manager. Oh
Yeah, are you ready big cozy?
All right here. We go
Three hold on. Oh, sorry
Tell me what I'm TJ. All right.
Three, two, one, go.
Oh my God.
Come on, big cozy.
What if he what if he just balls?
What if he Jeff D. Rose?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the basketball player? Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, Coes. Oh, oh.
Oh my god.
Oh, oh.
Oh, oh.
Oh, man.
Oh, leave that one there.
Has Dave got eyes on him yet?
His eyes pop out of his head like a cartoon wolf.
I need that.
Oh, oh. Oh Oh no! Smokes!
Big Cozy's moving at his own speed. Yes he does. Yeah.
Oh! Uh oh. I got it.
Come on! Get right up on it! Come on, Cozy! Come on, Co about cozy come on cozy there it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah time
Whoo on your hometown's watching Oh
Ding your city got a good time going. You should get these. There it is, there it is, three-pointers. Now we get to see
him shine. He just picked that ball up with one hand. Oh yes. Oh, yes! Wet.
Is he hooping today with everybody? I don't think we're hooping
because we're streaming after this.
Right after the act.
Go, Koz.
Come on, Koz.
Oh, oh.
Good thing regulation.
Kozy for three. Oh
First one was so good
Might be a very smooth cozy from three. Yep. Yeah. All right sit down here
Five pillars of Islam oh five protein options if offered a Chipotle
Chicken yeah, yeah, yeah here. We go here. We go
Do you know the one name for one name for a sale dog scream it bitch
Carny assata he said King and queen chess pieces. Yeah, there we go
A night is that one 12 sports and we sports resort
I don't know if that's what it's called. Okay.
Yeah, here we go.
What the hell?
Five Pillars of Islam?
Swordplay, there it is.
Steven Spielberg movies?
That were really popular?
Two rival families in Romeo and Juliet?
No. A pawn at the chest. Two rival families in Romeo and Juliet
Okay, here we go we want more more more pointy ones South Africa
Also the leader in our seven foot division folded folded on on the soccer. Yeah, that was really folded. That was tough
Sport no problem. I think yeah, but because you'll be here with us streaming right? Oh, we're gonna go live in a minute So watch them ball. Do you have a team North Carolina? Oh, okay, so they play night. Yeah
I'm good. I've got to beat Duke though. Yeah, now Cooper flag
All right. Well, yeah, we'll see in the gambling cave in a minute. Awesome. Thanks, man. Nice meeting you. Nice meeting you, dude
Well done
Nice to see the stroke live. Yeah. Yeah, it's a good stroke
Can I go wash this off my face is the badger are about to play? Yeah, yeah. Can I?
It's gotta be unanimous.
Okay, no. No.
Kyle, you wake up- I respect the no.
You wake up in that body, what's the first thing you're doing?
Wake up in his body? Yeah.
I know what I'm doing.
What are you doing? Cannonball.
Oh yeah, great answer.
Gotta find of body water
Probably being a shit out of all my enemies. Yeah, yeah
Who's body big cats body cozy cozy body?
Or that thing where you hold your friend out by that their head and they're trying to hate ya and they can't they can't reach
Do that yeah, I'm picking up my friend and putting them in my pocket
Stick around the pocket I think I have flour them in my pocket. Yeah Stick them right in the pocket
The guy flower all my lungs yeah, I'm right at the nose. Yeah, it isn't great to ingest raw flour the black lung Oh really? Yeah, you can get food poisoning. Oh nice
Cool, I'm still pretty
Pretty covered. Yeah.
I haven't.
Yeah, you're very covered.
Dust it off once.
Kyle, yep.
It actually looks worse on camera.
It's horrible.
You guys look like you were just painting a house.
Never have I ever.
I'm afraid it really shows any facial hair. I have I definitely have
I Can't see it from here sideburns. I got him. I think you're good. Oh look at that. There we go
Good as new Brandon gone
Is the green we ran the gauntlet so is the green river cool they do that tomorrow, right? Yeah
It's one of those things you're like can't be that cool, and then they do it like whoa, that's great
We went last year Kyle and I with Donnie and just like learning about how they found the green the city has it the
Plumbers Union has it patented yeah, yeah, they don't tell anybody what it is. Yeah, it's like super green
It's bright orange until it hits the water. I didn't know that yeah, it's like a bright. That's alarming. Yeah, you're going to see it
I'm leaving in the morning, but hopefully I'll see it on the on the like way to the airport
Yeah, you're not gonna be here next week. No why the fuck where your shows next week?
Next week in Rhode Island and New Hampshire could pull off to those comedy club connection in Providence
And then I'm going to boot and whoa a lot of dick
ah really a lot of carved and painted dicks that's probably that was a process
to get except yeah yeah I'm gonna make it I'm gonna live with Buddhist monks for
two weeks most interesting country what a change of pace from this week I know
what if you go what if you go all the way to Bhutan and live with Buddhist monks
and like at the end you're like, what's the key to life?
No, you just got to fuck the cunt. Yeah, they've all had all these monks that have found Nirvana
Reaches that yeah, we're yeah, he pulls out a kiss coin
I'm not safe no matter where I go
Well, they love dragons there isn't there yeah, they're I don't know the presence of the dragon em really yeah
You found that there's dicks carved everywhere. They're big into artistic depictions of the
modern cock
That was Chris Pontius
Oh, that was a perfect part of this. Oh, shit.
That gets me every time.
Scared the fuck out of Kate.
It did.
Sante, how you doing?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, shit.
Oh, my audio.
Oh, whoa.
So close.
Are you close?
Uh, no.
I take back my hootenain already. Looks pretty close to me. Bobby Bones right we got pretty Bobby Bones clip Oh
Bobby Bones see it mark Titus don't know that is I know that is who he played at
Ohio State he did he's a bench warmer to Ohio State talks about it but now he
works for Barstool and does basketball podcast oh that's cool he's pretty funny
yeah I like Mark Titus so that would probably be mine I don't I don't come up
with a whole list
Yeah, I was flipping through my stuff real quick to see who else I think Brandon Walker is another person. He's college
He's also a bar stool guy from Mississippi was a writer for a long time. He's super funny
So I'd be another and like niche
Any of my niche stuff is mostly sports though, although Rhett and Link are really good, but they've been around forever
How about Mark Titus don't know that there we go?
Good they've been around forever. How about Mark Titus? Don't know that there we go
Said mostly sports there yeah, my niche stuff is mostly sports
But yeah, I think he did but that's okay. I'm on the show bro. Come on
Don't I don't like the other guy saying don't know who that is before you could finish your last name
Yeah, it's okay pretty immediate. Yeah. Oh, that's a new celebrities the best celebrity to be man Yeah, it's absolutely best absolutely
I want to be a real celebrity no all the trappings that come with it just all the fucking money and pussy and shit
the awful people know
How the power and I have to drive a Lamborghini that would be
Too much
They probably live on a school really yeah, yeah, they definitely live on the beach
Have nothing to work toward don't have to deal with winter never never shovel. Yeah, no, yeah, it's for the birds I
Got the best life man here with you guys with flower all over
the flower all over my face. Yeah.
Oh, all right.
Well, Julio.
Bobby Bones.
Julio, it has been awesome having you here this week.
I appreciate it, guys.
You are always welcome back.
I told you that when you texted me a month ago
and you asked if you could come in whenever
you want to stop by.
I appreciate it.
Dude, if I-
Like a residency.
I like it.
If I ever end up coming to Chicago,
I'm going to come ask you for
a job okay okay and you know I think I have one request sure you have to ask it
over the phone with your wife in the room and be as unpleasant oh the only
way I'd give it to you is if I'm like, damn, that was unpleasant. Okay, deal.
That sounds like it makes no sense.
I'd be like, hey, big cat, I'm not hanging up the phone.
I'm gonna give you a job.
I want to be so unpleasant.
I'm gonna sit into the lobby until you forcibly remove me.
Oh, all right.
Yeah, everyone go check out Julio's special on YouTube.
On the map. Come see me on tour at for tickets.
And tonight I'm in Chicago at the Den Theater 2 shows.
Guys, always great hanging.
Thank you for having me.
Let's spin the wheel.
I wouldn't mind wet today.
Yeah, it'd be nice.
Kate, I love the idea of ingredients.
Yeah, mixing it all.
We have to do bowl.
Bowl and candles.
Oh, oh. Wait, since when is, what is that? I put we go we have to do bowl bowl and candles. Oh
Wait since when is what is that one of us has to become pen pal?
All right, it's not that bad. I might fall you know when I fall I fall hard Kate Kate does it for free
Yeah, do that well actually Pat genuinely has done that for whatever reason
anyway That's his out of kindness or no no they didn't live on their show has done that for whatever reason. Anyway, that's the end.
Is that a kindness or no?
No, they did it live on their show.
They each got prison pen pal.
That's a really good idea.
Yeah, jadded it up.
It'll be fun.
Also for the cake idea, I love the idea
of beautifully frosting someone's face.
Like the most gorgeous way.
Of course, yeah, they gotta lay down.
Yeah, you gotta lay down and make them an actual.
Yeah, every ingredient of the cake.
I'll do it next week.
Alright, we'll see everyone on Monday.
Tune in, we're wall, it's the act
It's the act
It's the act
Yeah, it's time to talk shop, we're doing Yankee Swab, it's the act
It's the act Have a great weekend everybody.
Go watch some ball.
Have fun.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Love ya.
See ya Monday.
See ya Sunday actually. Sunday. Big Cat, Mark Titus, Brandon Walker, Bracket Reveal Show. Sunday.
See ya there. Alright, love you, bye.