The Yak - The Wildest Plinko Day Yet Deserves All The Flours | The Yak 2-28-25

Episode Date: February 28, 2025

Plinko day leaves us speechlessYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. I'm the coolest one out of all of us. That was incredible. Hello, it's the Yak. Hello. Quinko Day. Welcome in. promo code Yak.
Starting point is 00:00:43 20% off your first purchase. Q-zips, polos,os hoodies joggers shorts row back comm promo code yak Go right now the plinko boys look like they're don't know what they're doing. Yeah, yeah, we we got Yeah, that's perfect. You guys just hold it there the whole time He also didn't tell our planko guy. We're doing it. Well moving. I think we did. He just he just he's been timed us. Yeah. Where's where's B? Dentist.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Actually, I don't know. I'm having a lot of dentists. Yeah, I haven't seen him today. Max, come sit here and keep B's seat warm. You have which one does he have? A. Kyle T H E wild. Why? You have, which one does he have? A? Kyle, T-H-E-Wild-Y. Wait, I did T. Am I in it?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yeah, you are, but you might have had the T. Okay. Wait, you did say yesterday, you're like, let's plan this out. Credit to you. We might be wrong about what Kyle has. Yeah, Kyle might have something different. All right, everybody say what I have the e What do you why don't we just do it in order? I thought I had I thought we know the yak
Starting point is 00:01:48 All right wild wild spot left to right wild spot you T What I did T. I had done T the past two T No, Kate's T. I thought yesterday. I could can you make your T and H? I'll see what I mean. Who's got a oh? H e e y that's gotta be Kyle cuz I got what letter are you? Why? Spilled the yeah, all right, so and I switched it that's Titus K
Starting point is 00:02:19 Danny could you make K your letter sure yeah? I you know what we can do whatever we want Yeah, and then the and then the middle doesn't matter. Yeah, little pieces che No, okay. Yeah, less than 24 hours ago. You said let's all say our letters you warned us Tea she did claim. I think she sat on he fucked it up No, I think right at the end we're like let's just do what we are letters before cuz we haven't changed There's no way of ever knowing. Either way, we, Kate, credit to you.
Starting point is 00:02:47 You saw this coming, you saw the storm coming, and we're like, nah, we don't need to close our windows. We'll be fine. It'll dry. We tried to warn us. Kyle, hello? Hello, sorry I'm late. Yeah, it's, all right, you just missed, we were,
Starting point is 00:03:01 What'd I miss? We were talking about Anthony Knox, so. No way! Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I am super invested in that story. I don't know what to think either. We already talked about it. Okay It was a quick talk. Yeah, I'm conflicted but uh, well I Know I saw and I wanted to bring it up to you. You saw it organically? Yeah, Anthony Knox.
Starting point is 00:03:26 He's a three time state champion, high school wrestler. He's going for four. But then he got suspended for leaving the bench in an altercation so now he can't win his fourth. Oh my god, Boris DeHalde. Yeah. It's bullshit. He's one of the best of all time.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Right. Going for four. I guess his dad got in a little skirmish with somebody in the stands. His dad claims this guy was yelling racial slurs toward his team. Is he white? Oh, Anthony's white. I think it's a mostly white team, so I hope that's true.
Starting point is 00:03:57 OK. And then Anthony runs in the crowd, and a big brawl happens. They claim they didn't throw any punches, but people say they did. Anthony's claiming that he's just defending his family there. No one knows like who's in the wrong, like who started it. But that he's bad. Wow. He's disqualified. That's crazy. Does it make me like is it kind of a lame move that I see a story like that, like a
Starting point is 00:04:23 dad trying to you know? Have good conversation with his son. I'm like I'm gonna save this and bring it up to Kyle I'm cool that I did think yeah, I respect you more. Okay. Love that. Did you see the Jake Hockaday? You guys did you guys have is that a Brownsburg? Yeah Brownsburg I for four state championships I think on a torn ACL and MCL whoa Four-state championships, I think on a torn ACL and MCL whoa You guys had like six champs. Yeah in a single class system. Yeah, whoa really fucking good. Yeah great wrestlers powerhouse It's good wrestling talk Yeah, I wanted to get in on the action
Starting point is 00:04:59 I texted you what was that last week two weeks ago, right? I was watching wrestling Yeah, it was like the dual match. Yeah, I was like what the fuck and you're like yeah There is I was watching Ohio State Penn State and Ohio State guy had a what I felt was a good move No points. I was like how this is horseshit. We're good fuck. He's like no you're not Yeah, it was like a credible count. He's like basically you don't understand the basics of Wrestling but it was also an anomaly of a movie that I've never seen before. So yeah, I would imagine anyone- Was it a good text by me?
Starting point is 00:05:30 It was a great text. Okay. Love that. I didn't want to come across as like wasting your time, you know? Not at all. I was really pumped. Okay. And that, me saying Anthony Knox, that was not a waste of time. Yeah, because I've been following that pretty heavily.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Okay. Fuck yes. It's good shit. Anyone else have wrestling talk they want to bring up to Kyle and impress them like me and Titus just did Brandon Did you have any problems with the Sports Illustrated illustrated top ten female wrestlers of all time sports illustrators topped in female professional wrestlers of all time I love Becky Lynch at one who is I would have put she was 12. There was a top ten
Starting point is 00:06:04 Okay, who was eight fire flair Claire Claire what makes a female wrestler good like her moves or her look her moves her ability or charisma yeah same as guy personality yeah it is titties although Becky Lynch's awesome. You could beat any woman wrestling surely right? not now really but when I was I I Would like to say when I was yeah, how there's not a female college wrestler right now that can beat you I'm not a shape for wrestling. So maybe maybe a heavier chick out of shape for wrestling so maybe maybe a heavier chick softball catcher go from North Central they're a powerhouse yeah like a thick beast there
Starting point is 00:06:50 was just a viral a girl who was like beating all the boys in high school she was like always like yeah like a 106 pounder yeah does all right it's usually in a weak state didn't you get beat by a girl in front of your dad? Yeah, that's tough Devon. Oh It's one of my first matches ever Yeah ever so I mean girl that's fine. You lost to a girl named Devon. Yes still remember Yeah, I think she was also our goalie well in high school. How often are you wrestling against that? Correct? Oh Close that was Darren Did she beat you up to yes Emotionally
Starting point is 00:07:30 Speaking of embarrassing moments the combine yesterday Mm-hmm Tough you had a ten-yard long fall. Oh, I wasn't even talking about my father's. I'm just talking about Tate Oh, hey stole my fall was bad. Yeah, I was anyone, Max, pretty much Max was like, you did that on purpose. Like, dude, why would I skin my knee and fall on my face on purpose? Why wouldn't I wear sweatpants if I was doing that? I just was going too fast. My body was shocked at the speed.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yeah. You probably would have done it at the beginning, if anything. Right. No, that fall hurt, but Tate The non-barstool internet has found it. Oh my god. I couldn't do it. Oh, yeah And he's like I got this he said he did one earlier in the week. I don't believe it, this almost caved his chest in. He was saying, I don't know if he tried it early in the week, but he was saying, which kind of shocked me, I've never done this before.
Starting point is 00:08:34 It's pushing something hard. Mark Titus is sniffing. I'm sniffing Kizzy on that, I'm walking. You think he gots fake? You think my fall was real at least? Yeah, I thought your fall was real. I did, did I told you I thought your father was fake at first Yeah, I thought you were like I thought I'd get out of the way. No gave it a real feminine flail But I literally I don't know what happened in my head
Starting point is 00:08:55 I was my I literally was just like my feet just started going the second yellow of my feet It just and I didn't have any the second angle you can't fake that yeah just lost it no that happens in like football they're quarterbacks especially we'll get out in open field and trip over the radio Jones yeah Dana Jones did it yeah right famous you're right people like 40 year olds don't sprint right guys oh I'm warm up at all I'm sores fuck y'all didn't warm up not at all a little stretching yeah if you missed the combine our 40 year old who fell on his face running 40 yards Won the whole thing. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, that was our champion. Yeah, really I only want it because Rudy is such a right idiot that he didn't realize I was just throwing rock every side it neither
Starting point is 00:09:41 It's just after the second one. I was like, I'm just sticking with right I don't know if sticking with right in the moment I get all flustered playing RPS right because we just let the other person Try to out think you they're like surely he won't throw a rock again, but I did yeah But you you're the rock-paper-scissors champion right I was you won the whole office bracket. Yeah, that's the three right now. Oh wow wow I was gonna rock. Yeah, he's good three right now. Oh wow wow I was gonna rock Yeah, he's good. I was gonna rock He throws rock every time every single time trusty rock
Starting point is 00:10:19 Take had that devilish griffin. Yes, I was hurt my knee Right there yeah my legs just died No, look at those look at the ankles You didn't even try to put your arms up Right, you know, it's not fake no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:11:02 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Help a boy out. Yeah the Tate. I don't think that's fake you could see his like muscles quiver And if he was trying to fake it, I think he would do like two and not just like the if I seem like a very like weak Upper body. Yeah, but if I know Tate like I think I do and I in for the record I don't know Tate that well. We are not close. So let me go ahead This is why I need to do this announcement. We are not friends. You barely like to go see him all the time. I would hang out with that pussy.
Starting point is 00:11:31 His demeanor after this happened, he felt like when Tom Izzo loses in the Big Ten Tournament, and he's like, oh, fuck, you know, we lost. But really, he's got the little smile of like, this is actually a great thing. Tate was like, oh my god, they're talking about me on the internet. Yeah. Oh, we did it. We did it at an office wide combine and I'm the talk of the whole thing. I will give credit to Tate. This is why he's 135 pounds. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's crazy. As a grown man, like I want to say I could have done that when I was like 13. I feel like 13 year olds can do. I think so. I mean a lot of men aren't strong and that's not their thing But yeah, I met a lot of dudes. He's been around sports like that's why I guess we We hold them to that standard even though like he does sports that aren't Strength based at basketball Kevin Durant couldn't get a rep of 185 Tate though to his credit like I Talked to him after cuz he was I think he was a little little embarrassed I just kept on reading him I was kept on getting texts from like retired NFL players like like Tony Scheffler was like does Dave have a did it well no no
Starting point is 00:12:33 but these weren't yeah oh I hate this in a NFL player no they were like no they were like they should but they all were like he should be fired oh yeah they were like Dave better have a bus ticket for him right now Yeah, TJ Lang was just like That dude is a complete disgrace you need to get rid of him But this is what he gets off on you think so, but he will say I told me She's got to make a video series of him learning how to bench I can I can assure you that it's real because I think it was me and maybe it was spider Someone else was over there with me and he was sitting out on the sideline
Starting point is 00:13:07 and females could opt out. So a bunch of people. Females? Women? That, it was said before, Spider opted out I believe. But then, Tay was on the ground and a bunch of us had done it. I think maybe me and Big T were like, you gotta do it.
Starting point is 00:13:21 He was like, well we didn't have to sign up for every event. I was like, you have to do it. Like everyone's doing it, you have to do it. So it's your fault? He didn't have to do it. And he like well We don't have to sign up for every event was like you have to do like everyone's doing you have to do your fault He was like I think I could do maybe one or two I was like just do that and he could do zero But it was very real he did not want to do it I know what number becomes not bad like to also would have been bad not as bad as zero
Starting point is 00:13:39 I was in here this morning talking to Tate mincy interrupt us. He was like Tate where can I find that video you doing that? It has 40 million views everywhere and open up your phone. You see I don't know I couldn't find it I'm reading one of the texts. I got it says you have to fire Tate. You have no choice. That's not good Cuz I I did think about it should I guess you gotta fire him? I don't know. Yeah, you're right He can't do his job to his duties if he can't bench. I Don't know. I see what you're saying Yes, but it also is like that's a really embarrassing moment He like he normally gets off on all that stuff, but he's like texting me like this is the most embarrassing thing
Starting point is 00:14:15 That's happened to me because it's it's masculine. He's not a man. Just sitting right over there. You know he's watching Yeah, get his face. Yeah, he's not he he's hot. He's not a man He's not a man. No. He's a boy. Yeah Like if I couldn't make a sandwich or Right yeah, but I will defend him that I think it was real which unfortunately for him makes him not a man Yeah, in a weird way. I'm calling him out, but I'm actually defending him. Yeah, right I'm saying your best friend. Yeah, I might fuck and now he's being a cuckold watching this right now Unless their TV remote has like four double ways then I get it
Starting point is 00:15:02 Come here Tate just come here and defend yourself We're gonna get to go day. I'll put the mic in front of the chair. He won't be able to move it Can he do a push-up that's what make him do one can you do a push-up yes what did you lift this morning tinker toys wait what say it again sit talking the mic you lifted what 35 with the 45 what's what 35 with the bar so 115 on the bench or on the at my apartment on the bench oh this is at my apartment on the bench Oh, this is like I will come your girlfriend from Canada. It's summer camp. Yeah, I don't know her She don't go here goes to a different school
Starting point is 00:15:52 Jimmy I'm mad. I also I also came in and made sure I could do it before and I did Yes, do we have footage of that? Yeah, a Blutman was my spotter He'll save you. I froze the lights were too bright Wow I'm embarrassed Brandon there's no nerves involved in pushing something here can I just I'm not an excuse guy I'm not I'm not okay but make seven right now I came in mind see the road to 135 started today wait what were those those are that was just I didn't want to take a picture at the bench. There was other people in the room. Okay. 35. But anyways, so first of all, mind you, the day before I was in here, 11 miles eating whatever. I was-
Starting point is 00:16:34 Not an excuse. Not an excuse. I said, I came in and I said, hey, I really don't feel good. I'm sore as fuck. Do I have to do this today? And I was told, no, you don't have to do this at all So I was like, okay cool that makes me feel better. So I sat off on the side me spider Obviously the girls Blutman didn't do it and I'm like, alright fine. This is fine And then I got peer pressured by Che. Yeah, fuck you That you think I haven't stayed up all night thinking about that che Nikki smokes big tea. They're like pussy pussy pussy I'm like, what about the other people not doing it? They're like dude. Just fucking do it. I was like I don't think I can do it
Starting point is 00:17:09 So yeah, I'm embarrassed and I also wish that I just didn't yeah I can't lift a lot so in that sliding doors moment. You should have just said I'm a pussy. Yeah, if you yeah, I've played it over a hundred million times my head Was that human that was that Lucas Lucas? Yeah, what did you do Lucas Bowser growl? Taylor the wands texting me advice I've gotten a hundred people hundred like DMs. Yeah fitness experts being like I can I can get you to 135 Yeah, it'll take an hour. I think it'll take you a couple days. I drank protein this morning after my workout It's gonna be dangerous. I had the ghost Oreo shake
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yes, really might have another one after I had chilies just now hmm sounds like you're getting your fitness goals Well, I'm gonna I'm I'm in a bad spot because I'm on a cut and a bulk now. Yeah, yeah That's like I was on a spot to be but now I got a bulk Yeah, that's like I was on a spot to be but now I got a bulk. Sorry. Just you might be Yeah, you know connected some dots. It might be right. Yeah. Oh look at Tate on the yak Hmm just sitting up here. You think I would trade that for Dan or you know, you know what I Believe in Titus No, I would as Nikki smokes has started this new content thing where he just his job Now is just working out and getting in shape. Tate's going the other way. Tate was going the other way
Starting point is 00:18:27 and then he was like wait a second why am I doing this to myself every Tuesday night what if I at the combine don't bench 135 yeah and then now every Tuesday I could do some sort of fitness thing. I will say now I can I'll break the news on the yak not next Tuesday but the next we have a sponsored bar so after dark and it will be including benching 145 pounds Oh, okay. How long ago was that planned? Hmm? It's been a minute hasn't it Lucas. No, I think it's real and now he's trying to spin it. No, I 100% can't lift a che you sat by me the whole time. I didn't want to do it But that's like not not lift. Not being able to do 10. That's boy. That's the boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:05 There's, listen, there's people that can't do that. I can't do it. I wouldn't be able to do it. Yeah, a lot of guys can't do it. Yeah, but you wouldn't put yourself in a position to try. That's what I'm most mad about. Also, I think you could do it, Nick. I don't think so. And I'm not going to try right now. I don't want the footage. I don't need you to try, but I actually think Nick could do it. I do too. What was the point of sending out the Google form and said do you want to do this?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yes, or no. Yes, or no. Yes, or no. I was just like, oh, yeah, I'll sit that one out So we eat out the pussies fine Delete the footage off the internet All right Tate well good luck in your in your goal You're not fired. Even though a lot of people wanted you fired. Yeah, we still on for fast food Tuesday Yeah, yeah, Doug Doug. I talked about it yesterday. It's gonna be awesome. All right. I'm excited after that one I'm done with the food for a while. I gotta get that's a lot. I get my body Said that's a lot of
Starting point is 00:19:57 Talk button calls Lucas like the Green Goblin. Yeah Press me Lucas Yeah, I'm pressing press me Lucas Shut the fuck up dude alright. Should we should get to Plinko day? There enough preamble uh Titus look under your chair Okay, you're adding under chair to Plinko day Paper oh, oh, oh, what's the job tuna? Don't show it to the camera cuz there's a code on there
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's a hundred dollar Durag gift card whoa $100 gift card for a durag what's the company edible wavy merch yeah love it oh thank you Nick yeah man I have a lot of friends that uh yeah I figured by for I could get to don't use it on jeans you got to use it on a dub by the rag it's only do rag it's only do that's all they got all right all right rag do you want to pick one out now yeah what's their most of one wavy merch you can get a lot hmm what a gift yeah, man Hmm they have any bedazzled uh I don't know fancy
Starting point is 00:21:16 Wavy merch yeah, oh yeah, yeah, you get a see-through one. Oh Sick no clothing just just do's Yeah, so good oh my god We click on it see how many color options we got Look at that Wow that tightness of the what are the different options? Wow, oh watermelons bread. Can you get? No, it's just a red so oh That's good like a nice salmon
Starting point is 00:21:58 They're all great. All right. Yeah, that's good shit, man. Yeah, wait see you in a do-rag Yeah, I'll buy looks like like I can buy 10 of them. About? Yeah. What, Brandon? What's wrong, Brandon? I'm noticing something. What? Well, they set up the Yak board, right?
Starting point is 00:22:11 They set up the Plinko board. Yeah. Anybody see any Plinko discs out there? I would assume they're on the. Probably on the ladder behind it. Ladder? That's what I was going to go check. All right, go check.
Starting point is 00:22:21 All right, so let's get the Plinko set up. So it's everyone in this room and Che on the wheel each all have to do two And then Lucas can you add to the wheel office and we'll spin the office wheel for two as well. That's right And I'll take K, but my K is silent so they're exactly where we thought they were Brandon's got his mind on pucks He's a he's nervous about tonight. He was telling off air yeah yeah he didn't want to back there so they're not back there he didn't want me to bring it up but he is very very nervous about tonight and I think that's see wait you're not wait you Danny was in UK I'm saying if that's all he's got you can do whatever you want I could the letters don't matter. Okay, okay, so who's got K though? I'll do K. Okay. All right what animals coming? Oh
Starting point is 00:23:08 Man, I'm out. I want all here. All right now. That's me. Oh, bro. Yeah, we're good. We're good All right, so this is for the first spin so everyone's got to do two spins plinko day stuff now I was mean to Lucas just there. I want Lucas on the wheel too. Yeah, you know what yeah, that would mean a lot I mean a lot to him. Get some good things. Definitely. And some bad things. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Just say some words. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, should we go through and say what our things are? Oh yeah. That's what we usually do, right? I guess so. T? Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh should we go through and say what our things are oh, yeah T Okay, my good thing is if you can knock that level over with the frisbee That's a tool is a level I will buy you a membership to the Chicago tool library. Oh here in Chicago
Starting point is 00:24:01 Where do I want? Wow do it right now. They have it's a library For tools you can rent. Wow, you can rent tools. You can rent camping gear You can rent kitchen stuff like pasta maker. You can rent a floor steam cleaner. That sounds They have literally anything you could ever want these should be everywhere free. Yeah membership This is a 99 value. Okay. Damn kate. You just go over there. I think that's pretty easy Wow, you might be spending a lot of money. That over there. I think that's pretty easy. Wow. You might be spending a lot of money. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I would like you all to belong to the Chicago Tool. I'm a member. Myself comes in handy. What's your bad one? My bad one is tie-dye. If it lands on you and you get tie-dye, you have, you gotta pick out someone else in the room who you think, and once you're a tie-tie
Starting point is 00:24:46 you can't be used again. Pick out in this room who you think can tie a tie, and they have 30 seconds to tie an acceptable tie around your neck. If they don't, you die. Which means I make you look like a dead person. Oh! That or you can be that, or I have a ghost costume.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You have to either be a ghost or a dad. Is that a gray ghost? It's a gray, I couldn't have my nice white sheets. I don't want to abuse them. Okay. A gray ghost, like that. I love it. I can't wait to see what Titus has though.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I like that. I was A. I have, for A, all of us watch you bench press 135 pounds. Ooh. I'm kidding, we're antiquing. Okay, got it, we're antiquing. I have for a all of us watch you bench press 135 pounds I'm kidding. We're uh, antiquing. Okay We're antiquing good or bad. Yes. Yes. Yeah If it's the good is you do it to someone else the bad is you get it done. All right, that's a classic sure
Starting point is 00:25:44 And it requires no work for me. Who's got the H? Me! No, I thought, nevermind. We're going in order. We can just all say. Oh, I'm Y. Just a standard game of yummy or yucky. It's like a hot or cold guessing game.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Che thinks of something. It doesn't have to be a celebrity. It can be an event, a place. You spin the wheel for an opponent, you have to beat them. But Che can only respond with the word yummy or yucky in response to your guess. But you can change the tone, the inflection, the way you say it in order to denote how close or far they are. Love that. Would you like to do an example round?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yes. Okay, pretend your person is LeBron James. John Benet Ramsey. Yucky? Okay, how about this? yucky yeah you know you would be really disgustingly yet it's do it exaggerated yucky because that's about I don't know that far as you could get I don't know who's jumping a really good
Starting point is 00:26:53 no sir what about Dwayne Wade yummy no that's very yummy every yummy as you could get like lick your pay really go hard with the yummy Wait is so close on you have to go yummier Yummy I hate yummy yucky all right what about Michelle Obama Yucky wow that's a bad clip All right, yeah, we're yucky if you win you get a free respin you can use on yourself or somebody else if you lose
Starting point is 00:27:38 You have to rant for two minutes about one of the colors of the rainbow. Love that. Yep Okay, I have the wilds uh I don't want to give away too much. It's there's no good or bad. There's just a game we'll play every time the wild happens. It's going to be speed werewolf and I'll explain it more when it hits. Beautiful. And then there's things that come off of speed werewolf. Okay. Uh I have the E and um if I can if y'all will allow me not to give up much, my good or bad is simply Ebony or Ethan. Oh.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Okay. So I guess, yeah, that's enough? Would you like, I'll give it all to you but I was- No, we'll do it. We can save it. You have to subscribe to either of their OnlyFans. Yeah. Okay. We can say you have to subscribe to either of their only Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:28:29 Mine is one that It was an idea I had for maybe our first or second Plinko day it never landed in my letter But it's revamped a little bit. It's only one thing H is for hunting we spin the office wheel and then you go on spy cam and you have one minute to hunt that person Down love that if you don't get it in one minute Spy cam and you have one minute to hunt that person down love that if you don't get it in one minute It's a mouthful of horseradish oh Okay, Danny My good tea now turned K
Starting point is 00:29:02 will be formerly treats oh but now K will be, formerly, treats. But now, cookies with a K. Love that. Baked by my mother. Yeah. Oh wow. There we go.
Starting point is 00:29:12 How nice of her. Wow. That's cool. And they're very good. What's the bad? My bad will be. Whistle. Oh fuck off, Danny.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Now, it's K, so kind of Tate's mini after dark stream if you get a K you have the choice to choose between Drinking one beer and making five free throws in a row the rims will be down soon Making two mini putt hole in ones in a row or losing one pound and as soon as someone gets it once that challenge is eliminated. Wow. I love that Danny. That's going to be fun. Tate will be here as well. Tate and Lucas. Love that.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Wow. We don't need him now. I guess I'll just throw mine out there because I don't want it to be a surprise if I don't hit. My Ethan is on Zoom right now. And if it lands on that, we start to talk. Oh God help us. If it lands on that, you start the clock at five minutes and you have to host a five minute podcast
Starting point is 00:30:18 with Ethan about Vin Diesel. Okay. Ethan, can I get one more look at him? Ethan, are you ready? What's up? All right. Okay. He's ready. He's ready. My my my other is Ebony and I took the liberty this morning of sending Ebony a dozen roses and some candy from a secret admirer. And if it lands on you, you must call her and profess your love for brand. Great. Great job. Good work. Great job. From a secret admirer and if it lands on you you must call her and profess your love for her
Starting point is 00:30:52 Great job good work great job Ethan here Eben a classic game. Yeah Which I think mine are only gonna be good for one time that's fine No, no, you could just do a different podcast with Ethan or if someone had already called that many you can just the next person Call and be like actually it was me. Yeah fight for her. Yeah profess it even more. Oh Boy, I've never even met her. Okay Alright, let's spin the wheel. Let's get it going Planko day excited excited You didn't do one to offer anybody like 500 bucks no I'm not and no money no cash cash today no cash today What was office even fuck your office is everyone the wheel we're gonna
Starting point is 00:31:36 To office spins where the whole do I take off the person no? After two times oh yeah, I forgot to say what mine were for the real shit If you land on the wheel two truths and a lie Spin for person group tells tell the group two truths and a lie if we've all voted on the lie and get it correct And it is a lie you have to wear the liar helmet for ten minutes mystery can You must drink three spoons of chase mystery can blindfold on what if you if you get it right if you get it right before three tastes then you can
Starting point is 00:32:14 stop ok lava time you get a Reese's so that's great great ice con you have to come from someone from the office to do mr. ice with why do you always go back to mr. ice let's do you always go back to mr. Ice? Let's just do the first two because they're great Ice cut mr. Elio and Dave are doing ice con in Nashville. Just got an yeah, but you know we know we know we know that
Starting point is 00:32:34 We don't We didn't need an explanation on what ice con. Why are you doing it? I? Like I think it's a fun little punch, but okay, that's like the wheel it should have some type of yeah All right, that's fair all right mine aren't punishments well Little bit oh fuck Living secret admirer your living it's a secret oh Brandon spelled it Loving that's so funny. All right, Che There aren't any bad ones it It's Plinko day. Just shoot
Starting point is 00:33:35 Start what a start Yeah, yeah, I don't know what I want more So I guess we can say good is Ebony and bad is Ethan. Yeah, that would make sense. Yeah. What if him and Ebony hit it off? I can see that. Well, they've probably had ample opportunity to before. How's your relationship with Ebony?
Starting point is 00:33:59 Fine. Is there a physical traction? Is there anyone that you would say not that exact right? First dance to Wiz Khalifa So good as Ebony bad as Ethan yep, I think either is fine I don't know Ethan very well, but I mean I have questions about Vin Diesel all right now you're about to get to know him. Here's your prep sheet and your ad read. Brandon you got it. Great job. Put five minutes on the clock and it's called the Vinish line. Brandon this is a Hall of Fame performance. This is great. Welcome everyone to the Vinish line
Starting point is 00:34:43 that's your that's your ad read on the back and that's your prep sheet right there. Got it. All right. What's up, Ethan? No, you're welcoming everybody. You have five minutes. Oh, all right This episode of the finish line is brought to you by mostly sports the daily sports show that happens five days a week on Barstool sports comm join Mark Tit Connor Griffin, and the gang for hilarious hijinks every day. That's mostly sports every day at 10 a.m. Central. Family. Brandon Walker also on the show. Very talented. Host. All right. So it's me and Ethan back again. The Vinnish line. You know how this goes. Do you have the timer going, Lucas?
Starting point is 00:35:23 I have one going. Ethan, how you doing? I don't know if we've ever spoken before but nice to See you again. I have seen you around in the hallways you have to let him talk occasionally Ethan So first question Vin Diesel is currently alive, right I? Believe so yes, who's the guy that died in Fast and and furious? It's not our show. Oh, it's okay Ethan who's the guy that died in fast and furious? I've never seen any of them Paul Walker Paul Walker oh He was the handsome guy right Vin de Vin diesel is the bald guy
Starting point is 00:35:58 I think he was in some type of the mummy remake. I believe his group That's what I know from he was Groot. That's all I've seen. He was Groot in Despicable Me? Groot, Groot. I am Groot. Oh, oh the tree, the tree. Yes, yes, yes, yes. All right, we got some great questions here on the prep sheet. When will Vin Diesel find love? We obviously know he's alive now, so I don't know his marital status if he's in a relationship What do you what are your thoughts on this? You know loves hard to find and Hopefully you can find it do you think it's harder for him because he's bald
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, some people Which Vin Diesel film changed your life? Guardians of the Galaxy 2, when he was baby Groot. So he was regular Groot and baby Groot? He was doing kind of like a 90's Professor thing? Well he died I think. Became baby Groot. Shows his range.
Starting point is 00:37:04 In the movie. But he's alive in a life okay who would play Vin Diesel in a movie about Vin Diesel being Vin Diesel pitbull I could see that both bald they both wear sunglasses I think pretty frequently I gotta tell you I'm not very okay actually you know great job on the prep sheet we have all the Vin Diesel movies here Fast and the Furious, Fast 2, or sorry 2 Fast 2 Furious, Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift it's a good song Fast and the Furious, Fast 5, Fast and the Furious 6, Fast and the Furious 7, Seven feet of the furious f9 fast X they did 10 of these Triple X that's
Starting point is 00:37:50 We done Triple X return of Xander cage Riddick chronicles of Riddick You know what I have seen one of these saving private Ryan. I didn't remember he was in this have you seen say private run I did not know he was in that movie either you see a lot of intestines in it I feel like he's in a war movie with George Clooney too but I might be mistaken anyway I would say the Vin Diesel movie that changed my life was saving private Ryan it's the only one I've seen of him I'm shocked that there are ten fast movies how many of these fast moves have you seen Ethan zero I know him as Groot I think he shows a lot of range in that role. You know having to go from big Groot to baby Groot
Starting point is 00:38:29 Do you see his face or he's just a treat? Well, you know he is CGI but I think you know an indication of being a good actor or you know is being able to mute the TV and Just show off your acting like just kind of feel the emotion through the TV and I think he does a great job in that role. Does he have hair in any of these movies or has he been bald forever since birth? He's made of wood so Good point, good point, good point. I haven't seen a head of hair on any wood lately. Alright yeah I mean Vin Diesel what else we got a bit what I mean what's the latest film he's done Chronicles of Riddick
Starting point is 00:39:05 I feel like was over five years ago one minute. Has he not done anything in the 2020s? I Couldn't tell you He was in I think he was in some type of movie about like being a nanny or some type of baby or Was that the Rock Tooth Fairy? This might be a bad time to say this but I actually don't know all that much about Vin Diesel. So I mean, you knew this topic. He played group. You knew the topics going in, right?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Yeah. Yeah. All right. I mean, I get it. You're probably a busy guy. All right, so Vin Diesel, hopefully he finds love. I mean, we're closing in on the last minute of the show, as we always do. Let's talk about some prospects for Vin Diesel Hopefully he finds love and we were closing in the last minute of the show as we always do let's talk about Some prospects for Vin Diesel out on the market some bald lovers
Starting point is 00:39:51 Who do you think is a good fit for Vin Diesel marriage wise assuming he is not married which I do not know Um probably some college girl that I know seems like his type time Wow really really good chemistry Yeah, that wasn't bad Let me get some clips out. Yeah, I gotta get some socials out there eat and stick around cuz you might have to do another podcast And Ethan the prompt I just told him it was gonna be about Vin Diesel. All right, and he prepped. Yeah All he sent back was he was Groot But yeah, oh my god, do you guys remember I forget what episode it was when Che confused Groot with grew? Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:42 What was your favorite podcast moment? Mine was when Che said that the movie that changed his life the most was Save It Private Ryan, even though that was the only Vin Diesel movie he's seen. I like that part. Technically that's... And he didn't previously know Vin Diesel was in it. Yeah, and I also don't know how that movie could change anyone's life. Maybe if they thought Nazis were good before.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Learn about the war? Yeah. I think it won Best Picture. Yeah, it changed your life change the director's life Did not win best picture, right? That's also not changed directors life is not it wasn't Spielberg He was fine before he was pretty good before Yeah, this first best picture. It wasn't it didn't win best picture. First of all, and also he was Steven Spielberg before saving private Ryan. That put him on the Spielberg guys got potential. Did it win? I don't know. No,
Starting point is 00:41:37 no. What year did it come? Schindler's List, right? I never saw that either. Shakespeare in love won the year of saving private Ryan, right? I think you know. I think you know. I thought it won. It didn't win. Shakespeare and Love won. There it is. Anyway, that podcast is over.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Okay. For now. It's great. Yeah. Can't wait for the next episode. Do I need to come up with another subject just in case we have to? I think you should, yeah. Alright, spin the wheel again. Good job Stephen great job Steve Like I said the chemistry it was like watching Kornheiser and Wilbon. Oh my god. Yeah, they just fucking finish each other's senses other senses. Oh, get on up there, Lukey. Not you, Lukey. Other Lukey. Come on, Lucas. Ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun. Oh, I hope. I'm curious to see what he's got on
Starting point is 00:42:39 lower half today. It's short Okay Get on up there Lucas shorts today. Oh, yeah He's got tattoos you gotta show off why wouldn't you just get them in places that you don't have to wear shorts You scared Yeah, no throw. What is the worst? Touch it. Touch it. I can't touch it. No, throw another one. You have to drop another one. Leave it. But if they both drop, you have to do both challenges. Oh, yeah. Not fun
Starting point is 00:43:22 anymore. Huh? Yeah. No, no. Let's turn Super Chats on. This is gonna be the worst of us. 9.99. Lucas is a real loser. Oh, no! Double werewolf! Double werewolf! Here we go!
Starting point is 00:43:39 All right, I'm excited. All right, Lucas, is there someone who can back you up on the sticks right now? Yes, that's me. Alright, okay. Great, so sit down. So we'll play this game. Actually, we don't even need a wheel for this game. I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Alright, so here's how it's going to work. It's Speed Werewolf. Lucas, I'm going gonna give cards to everyone. So I'm gonna give it to Kate, Titus, KB, Brandon, Nick, and Danny. There will be one werewolf out of the six of them, and you have one minute to find the werewolf. All you can do is ask questions. We also will have one kill, so you can base it off of, you could maybe deduce it on who
Starting point is 00:44:22 gets killed. And then once once if you lose I have a punishment and if you find the werewolf the person who is the werewolf has a punishment love it How am I supposed to figure it? It's speed werewolf, bro. You never played weird werewolf. You better get to work You got it. You got you made regular werewolf. I know the concept of it. I haven't played well Yeah, I played it but do that faster speed where that's great. It's alright Do I have to explain? No? There's no way
Starting point is 00:44:53 Concept is quite so there's no way I win its werewolf, but faster we played this growing up a lot. Yeah But they alright, so there's gonna be one kill one single kill And then you can base it on, you know, if you want to base it on that, you can. Alright. I'm going to pass out the cards. Everyone, obviously, take your card. Don't say anything.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Okay. Don't worry, buddy. So I'm observing the game. No, you're going to close your eyes as well. We're going to have one kill, and then you have one I'm observing the game. No, you're going to close your eyes as well. We're going to have one kill and then you have one minute to find the werewolf. So is it us versus Lucas?
Starting point is 00:45:32 No, it's just Speed Werewolf. Speed Werewolf. Speed Werewolf. Speed Werewolf. Alright, everyone close your eyes. Everyone close your eyes. Everyone close your eyes. Alright, Were werewolf wake up
Starting point is 00:45:46 werewolf who would you like to kill werewolf go to sleep okay everyone wake up Kate is dead oh so you have Titus, KB, Brandon, Nick, Che, and Danny. And the timer starts now. I don't even know what questions I'm supposed to ask. Well, Lucas, it wasn't me. I'm a villager. I'm glad you said that. What is the... Damn it. I don't even... This is ridiculous. Wasting your time.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I understand that. I'm not going to be able to ask questions. There's no questions ask This is just like game of werewolf, but fast yeah werewolf. Are you go faster? There's I don't I don't even know what to ask You're the worst of all time. Okay, who's the werewolf? Okay, love that So I was a villager and I was trying to listen. I didn't hear anything on my side. I didn't hear anything over here either. I'm the werewolf.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Oh, she's gonna help. Oh, I see that. Brandon's trying to help you out. I don't know how to play this game. What if we didn't get a villager card? Is everyone a villager? Not me. No, one person's probably a werewolf.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Oh, shit. I just have a one in six or whatever chance No, because I'm telling you I'm a villager right Brandon's telling you Alright Lucas who's the werewolf Brandon wrong Wow that was embarrassing. It was me, you fucking idiot. It was me the whole time! I'm sitting right next to you, you fucking moron!
Starting point is 00:47:32 You didn't even look at him! Alright, Lucas. This is a werewolf. And there will be a way to get out of that. But I'll reveal that later. You have to put on the werewolf costume for the rest of the show until there's a chance To get out of it That looks also you got
Starting point is 00:47:49 Double Puck was werewolf, so we'll play that again Yeah How long does he have to wear that? Until there's there's a way to possibly get out of it, but I won't reveal that to you. What about his tattoos? Yeah, he's showing them off That werewolf costume, buddy All right, because you're already the werewolf it doesn't make sense for you have to play it again So we'll spin the wheel to see who has to has to be the role of Lucas this next time
Starting point is 00:48:23 Get back behind the sticks I get out and tie it your heads not fitting through that No, not really He was so bad at that game why why didn't like it was so clearly Titus Yeah, Titus is the only thing about it. Why would it have been me think about it? And also like Titus killed Kate like I killed Kate. I made it I tried to give you a layup the lowest every other you have an easy game How for us Lucas What brutal look at that
Starting point is 00:49:11 I'm gonna enjoy watching the camera just panned you and it's gonna be funny I don't care about the gloves. There's your face the face. What the face on your face the face is the most important part There it is Movie quality yeah all right go back and do your job Okay, see look and then spin the wheel and we'll play speed werewolf for tail is all tangled Fix the tail no It wasn't it was perfect perfect perfect Wait spin the
Starting point is 00:50:00 Spin the other wheel where it's everyone but me on it and that will be who has to play the second game of Speed Werewolf. Good God. Brandon, I can't believe you lied to him like that. That was well played. You got him good. He's like that sometimes. You got him good. It does.
Starting point is 00:50:19 It really does. Can't trust Brandon Walker. Is that true? He'll get you. I wanted to kill Lucas. That was my instinct Brandon got two guinea pigs yesterday. I did you pet guinea pig? Okay, Danny You are now gonna play speed werewolf Carolina. Hey come back and sit girls I don't know. I haven't been home, but I
Starting point is 00:50:40 Think everything's going well. I heard they're good buddies like Yeah, I had to buy them in two. Oh, yeah. One's fully caramel colored, and one has a stripe. Which one do you like more? My kid likes stripy more. That's Caroline. What do they do? Can you put them in a ball or make them spin? No, you can just kind of hold them.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Just hold them? Yeah. Do they make sounds? Yeah, they make a unique animal sound. I can't even really do it. It's like a squeak. Yeah, it's more like a Dove noise
Starting point is 00:51:09 You know what Guinea is um I know many definitions of that Are they from there's a lot of countries with the word Guinea yeah There's a lot of countries with the word guinea. Yeah My thanks South American. I have no idea African guinea pigs Are they I? Thought there is a French key. Yeah, there's a lot of guineas. Okay, you ready Danny new Guinea Okay, here we go. Who's playing? Danny all right everyone go to sleep
Starting point is 00:51:51 Werewolf wake up. Werewolf who would you like to kill? Okay, werewolf go to sleep. Everyone wake up. You have one minute starting now. Brandon is dead. I can't do the... It wasn't me, Danny. I know what you think. You probably think it's me because I'm sitting right next to him, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Also not me. Couldn't be me. Why couldn't it be you, Jay? I don't remember. Why couldn't it be you? It's a common V. Who do you think it is? Why couldn't it be you? common V. Why do you think it is? Why couldn't it be you it could be?
Starting point is 00:52:27 Statistically mm-hmm Mmm, can I route maybe not want to choose you stop doing that chair? I'm the seer and I saw that Nick is The villager seem like the werewolf took a long time to make a decision. Maybe someone who's not confident. Yeah. I'm going with my gut. No, I have a villager card.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Sorry. I'm going with my gut. I'm going with Stephen Chay. Werewolf. Common V. Oh! Danny! You've lost Speed Werewolf. Good news is?
Starting point is 00:53:02 There was the werewolf. Ah, the werewolf is Kyle. What was the werewolf what yeah that's crazy you think you know a guy is it what oh no another one another one answer the werewolves on werewolf at some point two Two of them? Oh, and you're the grandma. That's a little Red Riding Hood version. Still has a tail. You're so bad at that. Danny, you sucked. You're so bad.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Werewolf's a tough game. Absolutely garbage. What was that, Lucas? His costume is so much better than mine. Wait, show your face, Lucas. Wait show your face. Okay. Yeah, Lucas. I All right spin the plinko board again Struggling dude My god, man, oh
Starting point is 00:54:06 That one didn't have big head that one did not big cat. That one did not big cat. Oh no. Put it back. He put it on his tail so high. He's a grandma wearable. It's a high tail. That's a weird costume. You're fine. Yeah, it's fine. Big cat. It's fine. It's the high tail. Oh!
Starting point is 00:54:22 And it is big cat. Big cat. Yeah, all right. Oh. Oh. You like horse radish? I don't mind it. I think it's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah. Goes great with- I think it's elite. That's the company that I got the variety mustards from. Look at the little guy on there. I like him a lot. It's a good brand. I don't mind horse radish.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I like your bottling. Engelhofer. Something about the bottles. Yeah. It's like a nice perfume. Yep. And he's a drop. There he goes.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Oh! Oh, what a wild drop. What the fuck was that? Oh. OK. This is fine. This were me. What?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Y'all be making fun hey Danny Bernie stick the cookie drop or what Danny or they get to choose One of the challenges. Oh one of the challenges. Yeah Danny how you feeling a little claustrophobic? Jamie do you need the good or bad wheel? I'm excited. Danny, how you feeling? Little claustrophobic, but. I'm a first-timer. Danny, do you need the good or bad wheel? I'm excited. That's fellow werewolf.
Starting point is 00:55:32 I'm excited for the chance for you guys to get out of the costume. Is that a thing they have to do? Yeah, there's a thing they have to do. Oh, I get a cookie! Danny, these look awesome Danny do you think you could take your underwear off without removing the werewolf costume? If I didn't have pants on it's a real sicko question. I bet you can't I bet you fucking can't
Starting point is 00:56:05 Do you want me to take my underwear off in the werewolf How the cookies I saw a great grade grade school big sales Luke Get out of here big dog. You know I'm up there werewolf How's the cookie? Bad? Really good. You're not going to content Kim it? Not to Danny's mom.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Thank you. She's not a bitch like Kim. She's been through enough. I love Kim. I miss Kim. Me too. Kim. We should get Kim.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Do you think Kim will ever be on the Yak again? No. Rumors floating around she has a solo dozen team. So I'm just going to be so mad. All right. Jeff should do that. That'd be a real sicko move. Oh!
Starting point is 00:57:11 Hey, hey. Oh, Lucas. Come on. Oh, yeah. I want to answer your wolf. I want to see where wolf Lucas so bad. You're embarrassing our breed, Lucas. Oh, come on. Come on, Lucas. What are you doing, man? Never happened to me. By the way, our friend Trevor Lee is here today.
Starting point is 00:57:36 He's going to do a puck at the end of the show. Oh, he's in town? Yeah. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Come on, Lucas. Oh my god. Oh my god. Move the board a little.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Lucas, if this one falls off, you have to eat a thumbtack. Why? Why? Why? Yucky. Alright, we're done with Lucas. That's good. Thank God. This fucking rat fuck.
Starting point is 00:58:24 By the way, the Just Cover hats, we're going to have to have Lucas put the link in there keep the link in there All new just cover hats we're actually selling them in time so everyone get them for March Madness this year Go buy them right now. They're live in the store the one with the green bill is the toughest hat in the store Yeah, we got some awesome ones awesome ones. I like that color way. You like that one? Live now. All right, what's our game? Yucky or yummy. So it will be...
Starting point is 00:58:57 You spin the wheel to see who he competes against. And Che thinks of something. It can be a, you tell us the category it can be celebrity food place can be food we have a wheel spinner event event okay and we don't have a wheels Lucas who do you want to challenge when the challenge arrival of yours? Brandon okay, Brandon Brandon's going head-to-head with Lucas. You're going on me and and Shay You know Brandon's never lost yucky yummy. I didn't know that okay. I get to go first every time
Starting point is 00:59:42 Che the summer Olympics Yummy No the Super Bowl yucky well 100 meter dash finals yucky oh what okay okay enough swimming yucky the major league baseball all-star game the Major League Baseball All-Star Game yucky oh no beer forever
Starting point is 01:00:34 yep, get comfy going to the movies and this seems like going to the movies wait, what did Lucas say? going to the movies uh oh yucky yucky. The Fourth of July. Yucky.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Che, what type of event is it? Is like a historic event? No, no, no, something you can buy tickets for. Beauty pageant yucky the u.s. tennis open yucky I can't bear this just do the regular guessing game okay this was how would we even know what category I was me know like now do I give another hint yeah It is a large tentpole event you can buy tickets for that is annual That's it nothing
Starting point is 01:01:42 All right, it's Wait, I think I'm out. It's your, the Masters. The NFL Draft. You could tell them how close. NFL Draft, no, cold. Mine was the Masters. Lucas said the Masters. The Masters, no, cold. Why does Che act like he's never attended a YAC before?
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah. Hawks for the cause. Two attended a Yak before? Yeah. Um. Hogs for the cause. Two and a half seconds, but. The Daytona 500. No. Well, what is it? Are we skimming up? Yeah, what is it?
Starting point is 01:02:16 Summer slam. God, no. Summer Olympics was the closest guess. Yep. Lucas lost. Lucas lost. Lost? Lucas loses.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Lucas lost. He didn't. He lost, too. he didn't know running was closest didn't win I also had summer what if it's five guesses each closest I won summer slam Lucas you have to run a seven-minute mile. Oh nice that sucks Lucas do you want to have a chance to get out of that costume before you run the seven-minute mile? If I say yes, do I have to do it no matter what? Yeah. The mile? No, the chance to get out of it.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Yes. It's not bad. All right. He says yes. Who's on the sticks right now? Stephanie? All right. So Danny and Lucas, one of you will get out of your werewolf costume and how you have to do it someone in
Starting point is 01:03:07 this office is Little red riding you maybe show the gambling cave right now, so you're gonna have to figure out who that person is and It's just so you have no idea Someone in this office is little red riding hood ginormous red Go on the court and the first werewolf to tag him can get out of their werewolf costume Bring it bitch. Okay, so let's let little red riding and whoever that may be again could be anyone It could be anyone
Starting point is 01:03:53 Who could it be Oh my god look alright there wait go to the court. Let's see him. He's skipping around. All right. First one to tag him wins. Ready, set, go. Oh, Danny gets out. Thank you. Little red riding hood. Please keep your costume on. We might need you later. That's a nice touch That's a really nice touch. Rick was so mad when I called him. I was like, hey, dude I need you to be little red riding like me Yeah, yeah go ahead get on there
Starting point is 01:04:39 What's he have to do? Oh, yeah I Fucking love white boy Rick. He's great optically. Yeah. He just passed. Every time I thought to him. He's my only choice for Little Red Riding Hood. Can I see him one more time?
Starting point is 01:04:58 Yeah. Let's see him. Put that up there. There you go. Get your little doggy. Get your little doggy. I don't know why. I think that's's like a we got a Wizard of Oz confusion going with the dog in the basket You know I think she like carries goods to her grandma. Oh does she there's a dog in there though. It's a dog I think so I'll look for him all right. Yeah, there's a little dog all right. Who's up next? It's already riding her to crazy eyes
Starting point is 01:05:22 I I'll have to look for him. All right. Yeah, there's a little dog. All right, who's up next? Little red riding hood with crazy eyes. Brandon, you were looking right in a video that came across my feed. Do you know what it is?
Starting point is 01:05:36 I don't. It's the Amari Cooper. You trying to guess the name the better? Yeah, I saw it too. You look good. Really good, dude. Oh, the receiver thing? I was looking good? you look good. Oh really good Yeah, everything I was looking good. Mm-hmm Well, they have an extra big tee, right? Yeah, he was looking good, too
Starting point is 01:05:50 It always helps though. There goes her werewolf going to run seven-minute mile. Can he actually run a seven-minute mile? Pretty think he's one of our best pace seems like a runner He can put it in seven minutes He can put it at seven minutes. You can put the pace at seven minutes. You just have to complete it in seven minutes, so ever fast. I love that he's getting tortured. Yeah, this is good. This is karma.
Starting point is 01:06:16 He deserves this. Yeah. All right, you want to spin the wheel? See you, Brandon. I'm just going to a lot of heat. Brandon somebody ate your Sonic. Brandon! Is this your first one Brandon? Yup.
Starting point is 01:06:38 I didn't, I can't. But I just saw that somebody did. Has Brandon been talking to you guys about sonic yeah, he pulled me aside yesterday He's like here come talk to me real quick. Yeah, I'm gonna order a bunch of sonic He got I think I think he got a hankering yesterday yesterday morning And then it just kind of grew into a full-blown can't lose any ordered $130 worth today. That's a lot lot. Yeah, that's where we're really impressed. Can you do that? All right. Zesty puck
Starting point is 01:07:08 drop. Oh no. Oh no. Brandon Ethan would have crazy chemistry. Oh my god. Really good. Crazy chemistry. Oh my god. He'd actually have a really good podcast. Crazy chemistry. Did you give him the new topic? Well this might be a call to Ebony. Yeah, but I know. You know what?
Starting point is 01:07:36 What the topic is. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, it'd be good. Yeah, that's even better. All right. All right, good and bad. Good is call Ebony. Good is Ebony good as Ebony
Starting point is 01:07:45 bad as Ethan he our werewolves moving right now yeah he's going does he run he's must be yeah he definitely runs he's definitely one of those Twinkie boys that's like oh yeah I did ten miles this morning it's gonna be hot and that you know what I'm talking about one One of those guys, casually ripped off. Oh, he took the mask off. Oh, no. Wait, that's Lucas. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:08:14 All right, let's find out who Brad. Yeah. Good or bad. Ooh, I like this. All right. All right, you like this. All right. Mmm. All right. You and Ethan. So I had Ethan choose the second topic today. Ethan, are you still here? Yep.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Oh, he's closer than ever. Yeah, what the hell? Did you move up? All right, so Stephanie, start the timer for five minutes. Ethan, are you going to be hosting this or is Brandon? I will. Brandon can take it away. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Ready, set, go. Welcome back in to Hug It Out Bitch, the entourage podcast sponsored, brought to you by, or with me, Brandon Walker and my guy, Ethan. Oh! Entourage poster on his wall. This was chosen by him. He has long since wanted to do an Entourage podcast. Why did you want to do it with me, buddy? You just seem like you live that LA type of lifestyle
Starting point is 01:09:17 and you would understand the, you know, battles of Vinny Chase. Three favorite episodes of Entourage, Ethan, go. The first episode of season four, where they do the Medellin little documentary. I always thought Billy Walsh came across as kind of a try-hard director, and even though the character was trying to do that,
Starting point is 01:09:40 it was still a turnoff for me. I like Billy Walsh. I didn't. You haven't seen Queens Boulevard. I saw Queens Boulevard which led to the bigger movies for Vincent Chase and everything. I thought Medellin was a piece of overwrought garbage. Yeah he's a small budget director, so they gave him, you know, the keys with Medaim. They tried doing it on a shoestring, but it was bad news. You know what my budget do I have to do the full five minutes? No, you can cut it whenever you want to cut it.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Ethan, what are your final thoughts about entourage? Great show. All right. Okay. Good job. Now, do you want to do a little mini? Could you give me three subjects? Would you like to break this up into mini subjects? Yeah, sure. Well, welcome back to Ethan's Poker Podcast. Ah. Ethan, tell the folks about poker. Yep, welcome back to Cracking Jacks.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I like playing poker. I lost $5.90 cents last night my friends came over That's that sucked but had a fun time your friends came over to your parents house where you played very low-stakes poker I'm actually in the fabulous campman poker room in the lounge right now You just give us a look real quick. This is where you play the poker Is this a tree oh, oh dear god, I think we're in a basement. This is a basement. Oh There's the poker table. I don't know if you guys are ready for this but Wow, and that has been poker with Ethan and Brandon and our last
Starting point is 01:11:28 podcast of the week. Welcome back to rise and grind the Memphis Grizzlies podcast. I'm Brandon Walker. He is of course, Ethan camps, Ethan Grizzlies go. Love them. John Moran. Good at basketball. Thanks, Ethan. All right, that's been our podcast. All right, yeah. I stick around, Ethan. We might need you again. Yep. We'll do.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I really liked that Grizzlies one. Yeah, that was a really John Morant. I didn't know that he was good at basketball. Yeah. But that's the insight you get. I really, I want to know if Jackson Jr. deserves the super max, but keep you wanting more. Okay, who's up? Potentially highest paid player in the NBA.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Who's up? Jackson Jr.? Yeah. Triple J? He's a defensive menace. Defensive player of the year. Front runner. Front runner.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Well, he wouldn't have been though. Wemby. Blood clots. Sure. Who's the lowest paid superstar? Y'all know how, god damn it. Oh, Brandon. Get on up there.
Starting point is 01:12:30 See ya bud. How many times LeBron James has been the highest paid player in NBA? No. Tell us before you go. Never. Once. Once.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Is that once or are you saying one second? One time. You can take Brandon off the wheel now, this is the second time. Did you guys see the Dwyane Wade clip of him saying that he knew LeBron was going to leave the heat when Pat Riley took away his cookies? No, his cookies. Yeah, LeBron brought cookies to every plane ride and Pat Riley took them away. Get back up there.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Why didn't you stay up there? Hockey. Oh, no, Brandon. Lucas is still going. He didn't even question. He stopped for a good minute though and someone brought him a water and he was just hunched. Oh I didn't do that. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Oh god. Brandon. Bad omen for tonight. Let's move the board a little. Oh. Bad omen. Let's move the board a little. Oh. Bad omen for tonight. Oh, no. He's chickening out of his Esty, isn't he?
Starting point is 01:13:34 Yeah, he is. Yeah, he's going to just go normal. He's going to try to be hot. Oh, that wasn't even an attempt. That was an attempt. I think he's going to dress like Country Club Brandon, too. Oh, yeah. Dress nicely. Oh, here comes our werewolf. He's really tired
Starting point is 01:13:50 Brandon if this falls off you have to have a piece of baloney accidentally fall out of your pocket when you drop the puck oh Piece of baloney drop out of your pocket when you drop and like you would act embarrassed and like try to sneak it back in This is all we've been wanting. Yeah. Yeah all the rest is yeah To do it too. Yeah, all right, but so is it good or bad and then It's not me it's just like yes So good or bad Determines if I get into I'm just so genius behind the idea. Yeah. Yeah. Which is throwing flowers. So I think you should spin the wheel. That I came up with.
Starting point is 01:14:47 I think you should spin the name wheel first. No. Yeah, because then it's good or bad, and if it's bad, then the person antiques you. If it's good, you antique the person. Yeah. So we get a little. You're messing with the order of things,
Starting point is 01:14:57 and I don't. What do you mean? I don't love it. This is a, this adds the drama. Now someone knows when they're up. I don't want drama here. I wanna, I'm gonna have to go shower. This is a this this adds the drama now someone knows what drama here I want What I feel shower no you don't
Starting point is 01:15:16 It won't be you Okay, so good is you antique Danny bad is Danny antiques you To the antiquing wall, please Daniel Conrad to the antiquing wall is Dana the only one who's been antique somebody else oh yeah that's right I thought we have it we got a flower to be in one of these lockers oh no it last I found it it was in the locker on the floor closest to the far door. Yeah. Away from me. Okay. Nobody took the flower.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Lucas, how you feeling, bud? All right. He's dead. That can't be good. I'm sure it might be underneath it. I got it, I got it. Sal's got it. Bang. Is it one handful? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Right in the fucking kisser. We've never done an antique that with with still like an hour and a half of the show. I know this is great. Brandon's got a big mitt too. Danny open your mouth. Yeah. Tongue out. You missed. You missed. I got it pretty good.
Starting point is 01:16:56 You missed the, oh yeah he's covered in flour. Oh yeah he missed. He missed. He missed. I got it pretty good. He missed the... Oh yeah, he's covered in flour. Oh yeah, he's covered. Okay. That's his good old foot. Danny, welcome back.
Starting point is 01:17:11 All right, another hour. It's like a little beignet. All right, who's up next? And Brandon, what a dick. He left a puck out there, too. Oh, what an ass. Oh, come on, Brandon. Andy's off to a good start.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. Oh, he's off to a good start. dick he left a puck out there, too. Oh Come on, and he's off the wheel. Yeah, and he's off the wheel pretty unscathed man Danny your fire all over my car shit
Starting point is 01:17:40 My go for a I want Danny to get antique together my friend I want Danny to get antique to get just get some obliterated ever do you might actually believe the flowers is from big cats I some expensive flowers were they expensive you've also somehow you got flower all over you damn it yeah somehow yeah how how this flower happen? What a weird coincidence.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Are there be covered in this or anything else? Oh, shit. Werewolf? Yeah. My dad sent me flowers on Valentine's Day when I was in like, probably like 9th grade, and it was from like a secret admirer. It was just being fun. But I thought some boy at school was lovely.
Starting point is 01:18:23 I'll pick some. It's devastating. That sucks. Yeah. Well no, someone else gotta host it. You wanna host it now? I'll host it, I'll host it. But we don't even need to pass him out,
Starting point is 01:18:31 I'll assign Werewolf to somebody. So you close your eyes first. Do you want to make this easier on you? The Werewolf maybe has to say a specific word. But we all have to tell him. So now we're gonna change the rules. This is, everyone knows Speed change the rules Speed werewolf Shuffle real good make sure you shuffle
Starting point is 01:19:02 Thank you. Wait, wait, wait, wait. How many cards do we have? I tried to miss a little. Not now, Brandon. I tried to miss a little. Not now. This is going to be a tough one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Chase is trying to get out of it. Can we skip to the part where they kill me and just... Everybody close your eyes. Werewolf, close your eyes. Werewolf, open your eyes and kill somebody. Everybody wake up. Danny's dead. Thank you. What are we thinking? Be honest with me, KB.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Start the clock. Start the clock. KB, be honest with me. Are you a werewolf? Don't do this. Dude, just be honest with me. Be honest with me. No. Nick, did you get a card? I got a card. Brandon, be honest with me. I ain't got nothing for you.
Starting point is 01:19:58 That'd be fucked up to kill Danny after you antiqued him. I ain't got nothing for you, man. Kate? It's Mark. What card do you have? The villager card card Kate's the werewolf most obvious werewolf costumes. What? See ya Brandon. I just gotta pee man, I love pees. Shut up!
Starting point is 01:20:32 Oh man, I had the experience to have to put this on. Speed werewolf is a whole different ball game. It separates the men from the men. You fucking suck at it. I'm so bad! Oh fuck. I'm nervous to drop my puck. I know.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Well, there's one stuck on there too. God damn it. Hey. Careful now. Oh no. Oh no. Oh! Oh! Oh! That was great. And this is the last time we'll be seeing this plinko board, right? Oh yeah, we're getting to him. Oh no!
Starting point is 01:21:34 H and T! H and T. You look horrifying. Um, all right. This is caution for me. What is your own T? Tie a tie and then cost you. Kate, your own tea. Tie a tie and then you also have eight. Mine.
Starting point is 01:21:48 What was yours again? Hunt. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Nick, because you were in charge of that werewolf in like, however much time, five, ten minutes. Yeah. You can call for Little Red Riding Hood again.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Deal. Jack Latley. I can't be in charge of that because I'm a werewolf Is it already locked and loaded? Use it I'd Lukey put it together Lukey is it loaded that's that's Liam doesn't matter Hey Lucas what's put your fucking werewolf hat on? Hey, Lucas, what's... Put your fucking werewolf hat on.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Lucas, did you run a mile in seven minutes? No, he didn't. He's... he... the guy who... who... makes everyone get tortured on Tuesday nights pussied out on the full mile. I can't... I can't do the torture stuff because then I won't think of torturous things if I know how bad it is. Oh, shut up! God, you're such a bitch.
Starting point is 01:22:44 I got... I got.7. I got.7. I Oh god you're so bitch. I got I got point seven I got point seven I'm wearing a werewolf costume. That's pretty good. Did you quit because you couldn't do it anymore. Yeah I mean this thing is this is you quick you don't respect us Lucas. No I quit because this thing is why'd you stop halfway through because I was exhausted. Quitter. All right someone's got to go do we have Lukie's got the zoom cam we need a zoom link zoom link and We spin to see who he has to hunt so who Kate has yes the office We are and they can run if they see themselves
Starting point is 01:23:18 We'll do one minute one minute 30, okay, but I need to learn how to shoot this oh Kate will figure it out She probably will you probably slide this but it's not moving One minute thirty, but I need to learn how to shoot this. Oh, Kate will figure it out. She probably will. You probably slide this, but it's not moving. Danny, you know how to operate this? Press the button. What? Oh, it's already cocked. Oh, no. Oh, you just tap rack buying it.
Starting point is 01:23:39 That takes this off. Take the safety off. Just hit him with the butt of the rifle. Yeah, you go. Just fuck. We got to get a bayonet. Wait, let me see. Don so throw the bullet at them. Yeah This part yeah What did you know it wasn't all the way forward so now ready it's ready
Starting point is 01:23:56 Okay, you have to go hunt somebody down, so I'm ready can we spin the office wheel blotman. Do you have a zoom link? Can Stephanie? office wheel what man do you have a zoom link can Stephanie or Lucas and let's get that timer ready zoom link up this is the good age yes you get to go hunt somebody okay but if you don't get them, it's only one thing. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a mouthful of horseradish. Oh, yeah. Mouthful of horseradish. Horseradish. All right, as soon as she finds out, she's ready to go.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Can he? He looks miserable. Go, shoot. Chat. Oh, that's perfect. Go, go, go! We don't have the zoom link. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait blub and hold it. Give her the phone. Don't give her you hold it blubbing follower See one to hold it All right start the minute
Starting point is 01:25:16 She's moving quick. Well, she took the elevator I would run chaps chaps go hide. Does he know to run? We're about to what if chaps is sitting there locked and loaded himself? Oh Chaps go hide does he know to run we're about to well if chaps is sitting there locked and loaded himself. Oh Well, that's gonna lose her he's not this will happen way before blood run. He's not he doesn't want to he's fine no urgency whatsoever Oh shit He's not in there. Yeah, no horse radish for Kate What do you mean? Where'd he go?
Starting point is 01:25:47 He's not here. He's off. He went. Oh. He's not here. I killed confirmed. All right, new person. New person.
Starting point is 01:25:54 New person, Jack McCarthy right now. Jack McCarthy right now. I don't think she loaded it. I don't think she reloaded it. She didn't load it. Is he here? Yeah, I know he's here. I saw Chaps this morning.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Because he was here. He was here this morning too. Jack McCarthy's watching probably and he probably is moving. He doesn't move much. She's gonna... Oh man. Jack McCarthy's kind of like a fat guy
Starting point is 01:26:14 for our skinny guy. Jack would love to be me right now. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I don't know. She's gonna run by us. Yeah. He's not on the yak. It's looking like horseradish. You have 30 seconds. Oh, no. Where is he? His desk is on the business side upstairs.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Oh, does she not know that? I didn't know that. We're at the part of the office that has no service McCarthy's never been to that part of the office horse radish Three two one oh Okay, she's allergic to horse very to Very. Oh, she's right there. Hey, Kate. Jack McCarthy was just here looking for you. You're lying.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Yeah. Is he here? All right, horseradish. As much as you can handle. Oh, God damn it, Kate! Stop shooting me! Oh, Kate. Oh, she dropped the radish.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Wait, she has another letter, too, right? Oh, she dropped the radish. Wait, she has another letter, too, right? Yeah, her own. I put it like a slit in it just for easy squirt. Without the palm of my hand. What? Waterfalling. In a spoon? No, just put it in your mouth. Yeah, like waterfall it. You guys tell me how much is enough. It's gross. Out of breath, too. Just put it in your mouth. Yeah, like waterfall it
Starting point is 01:27:48 Bless you Oh no, can we put this on YouTube? Oh, that's enough, that's enough Good shit That's enough. That's enough. Okay. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh! Good shit. Ah! Okay. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:28:10 That's it. Ah! Okay. I don't know what it is, Kate, but it might be just like out of breath, the horse rash, you're looking right. Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 01:28:19 Yeah! That's the secret I've been looking at. You're looking, you're looking. Uh-huh. A woman in distress. Look how much liquid is in my mouth right now. Ew! Oh, that's a lot.
Starting point is 01:28:32 All right, I take that back. Sorry. No longer looking right. My mouth is just full of liquid. All right, so you have your own thing now. Yeah, a tie. Oh, yeah. A tie-dye.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Yeah. Oh, you have to fucking tie for good. Or I can belong to the Chicago to library. Yeah, that's true All right, so good or bad What I just kick over? Can't be important. I'll just donate to them if it's good. No, you have to be a member I am already I want to share the gift with everyone. I don't Wait, oh
Starting point is 01:29:04 Okay, all right, so you to spin who you're tying the... I get to pick. So someone... What if they don't? If they can't do it, I'm dead. I have to either put on face paint or a ghost and I have to wear it the rest of the time. I don't know if any of us are gonna do this. That's what I was wondering. Who in here knows how to tie a tie? I'm not sure. But I think I know. I'm going with Danny cuz he went to private school We didn't have to wear ties, but I don't know if I would want to think I want to see you in a ghost costume I'll try my hardest Kate. You're gonna know I don't
Starting point is 01:29:44 Here we go. Okay. How long does he have? 30 seconds. 30 seconds. Trying to tie on someone else is difficult. Oh, he's tying on her. Yeah, yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait. 30 seconds, timer.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Oh my God, that works right. Ready? Yeah. Is that a full ass mint rib on the floor back? It's so sick. That's awesome. It looks like he's off to a good start.ment rib on the parback? No. It's so sick. That's awesome. It looks like he's off to a good start. Oh, I think he's got it.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Somehow we have a combination of every of the worst camera angles. Yeah. Danny, move a little. There it comes. Yep. Oh, he dropped it. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:30:19 He dropped it. And now he's got to start all over. Oh, no. 15 seconds left. This is going to be way short and we'll ask you were a clip-on private school not accredited oh no and dead Kate well dead Kate I think makeup over ghost yeah gotta be makeup yeah I guess one of us will have to put the makeup on you That's pretty funny. Oh, you know now I understand why I didn't do a white sheet. Oh interesting
Starting point is 01:30:51 I don't really see a ghost with a mouth hole often Just like a ghost This is the one episode we can air in Saudi Okay, you're looking right finally feel attractive Well that is he? There we go. Well that was dumb. What's up Max? Hey Max. Max what's up man?
Starting point is 01:31:34 Hey Max. We look good. As a squad. Yay! I want to go. Cool. Hey. I hate this. I wanna go. I like waiting. This costume is hot. Sorry, Kate. Tying on someone else is a
Starting point is 01:32:00 different ballgame. Different POV. Were you trying or no? It is hard to do on someone else. Yeah. Really? It's very easy to do on yourself. The second one my frustration was like overweighing my ability to want to do it. I guess someone could do it on themselves and put it over the other person's neck. Oh! Hey! That's you! So, horse radish or hunt? It's loaded and ready to go yeah wait what's the other option besides harder okay yeah all right do you get the zoom link blevin fired up oh my hey is Ethan still there yes no that means can we talk to
Starting point is 01:32:41 Ethan do you want to talk to Ethan anyone I just want to see him Just check in optically. Yeah. Yeah. All right. That's enough Lucas way to produce dude, you're supposed to let him say yes Take you look like an ant bed That he's not here. No, he's not here. Spin again. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Oh my God. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, always try to shooting. Oh, oh, start the timer. Start the timer.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Do you want to like run? Freak out? What would you do if you were getting hunted? You got to play both roles. She'll miss. yeah, he is oh I'm good at this. We haven't gotten a wheel yet In the middle. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah Chase mystery can yeah, we're really we're another still lingering out there Shays mystery can my big fears clam chowder
Starting point is 01:34:17 Yeah, little red oh You have to compete against somebody? Yeah, Lucas, he's the other one. Oh yeah. Why did the ghost go to rehab? Stop, Kate. Stop it right the fuck now. He couldn't lay off the booze. Titus hit her. Okay. Alright, Kate, just because you're covered up doesn't
Starting point is 01:34:45 mean you've disappeared I feel brave yeah oh yeah mystery can potentially yeah so it's mystery can what's the other one you have to con someone into walking into the shower with you and then walking okay? I think mystery can and two truths and a lie would be fun if you want to just do those Whichever I'm open to that you got to keep it you got to keep it real, okay? Keep a lot of time on there. That's fun. Yeah, you could just end up getting a Reese's no ice gone. No ice gone Yeah, you could just end up getting the Reese's no ice gone no ice gone
Starting point is 01:35:39 Where's Rick five three bites of mystery can but if you guess it early you don't have to take all three Three look get the head start I think this one right here Three look get the head start Rick start running Rick Start running three two one go get him. He's had folks. He forgot it It's tackle. I can't see. But you can't take your hood off. You can't take it off. Lucas, put some effort in, man. Oh, Lucas got him.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Oh, wow, look at this. Rick's got moves. That guy can pivot. How are they not getting it? Oh, no. Down. Oh, wow. pivot oh Wow Rick is Rick is built like every teletubbie dying if we can pan to the right a little oh He's down
Starting point is 01:36:43 It's hard to run it Danny very Steven got up the dress up history key he was good okay. What are the rules? Che explain how to play mystery can is that's a real can of something No, this is a product so Nick is blindfolded. I'll open the can I'll open the can and He will take up to three spoonfuls of it if he gets it on and he can guess one guess per spoonful If he gets it right in the first time he's done Nick. You'll never max max type of food. This is
Starting point is 01:37:37 All right show the audience I hate Che's mystery can. Che, despite having been on the show for years, has no idea where... There we go. Bring it over, just let me get a visual. I still don't know. I'm looking at it and don't fucking know? I think saying I don't know doesn it and don't fucking know I think saying I don't know doesn't really give away much Jay. I thought I know oh god. Oh oh
Starting point is 01:38:15 They're not saying anything oh My god, all right. It's coming down towards your face now Okay now. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm hmm. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Big bite of the can. Bite number one. Are you prepared to guess? Yeah. What is it like beefaroni oh you get another guy What are you tasting like mush Incorrect oh Wow so close
Starting point is 01:39:24 all too important third scoop. All comes down to this. This is tough. I'm typically so much better at mystery. What happens if he doesn't get it? That's it. That's it? Oh, OK.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Two best words in sports, third scoop. With no stakes. Or meat. Mm. Mm-hm. Do you need like the brand? No. Okay. Like. It tastes like tomato and meat. Is it pasta sauce? No, it is chili. Skyline chili. Yeah, it was so obviously chili when you opened the can.
Starting point is 01:40:10 No, I'm saying when I saw you opening the can I was like, there's only one thing that could be. It could be chili. It wasn't bad. At all. Thanks, Steve. I love mystery can. Another riveting game with mystery can. We should do that more on mystery can go
Starting point is 01:40:28 You now have to sit here and continue doing the yak. Oh god. Damn it. We might need to put that on the real wheel Okay, who's up it's getting tight who hasn't gone I have have not gone here. He'd be Danny. Oh, yes That sucks that you haven't gone in you've been in antique I've been through a lot so far I Aim for a the one straight away Oh, there's two over here. Right here. Are you hollering? All right, Titus, are you aware of the game?
Starting point is 01:41:35 I'm pretty good at it, but I've never. Nobody's ever won. Never won. What happens if you get? You have to put the werewolf on. Okay. All right. Shane, come out here. All right.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Here we go. Okay. Okay. Uh oh, Rick has an injury. Oof. Oh. So hard riding it. All right. Everyone go to sleep. Werewolf, wake up.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Werewolf, who would you like to kill? Werewolf, go to sleep. Okay, everyone wake up. There's been one death. It was KB. Your timer starts now. It's Big Cap. Danny asked me.
Starting point is 01:42:39 I'm the host. Well, why'd you say it so fast? I'm the host. but why'd you say? Where wolf who do you want to kill okay? Now? Let's go you moved on too fast. You're the person picked very quickly That's why I thought it was you because I thought you were No Hmm moderator was a quick kill very quick kill who has it out for KB and we kill him that quickly Probably someone who's like a coward hi someone sitting sitting next to him. I slept all night
Starting point is 01:43:10 Brian, what did you see I? Was asleep the entire night as well. I should believe that Like man to like to 230 even if Brita was the werewolf he would still just take the opportunity to keep his eyes seconds ah It is Stephen Che Incorrect common V. It was Danny Danny My fourth guess Gets another person. Oh my god. We're definitely gonna have a winner at some this game's hard as fuck. It's really hard The moderator I thought it was like. I thought it cracked. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:43:45 I was the moderator. I thought it was Stephen. You're like, werewolves make your kill, okay? And you just move on so fast. No, Danny was decisive. I thought that was a tell. Danny was decisive. Kyle Dean.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Get on up there, Kyle. Maybe. Yeah. Wait, so, Danny, have you gone yet? You haven't gone? Kate, you've gone once. Chay, you've gone once. All right't gone Kate. You've gone once change on once All right, what am I going for? Whatever you want? Speed werewolf is I think I'm gonna change why to just werewolf
Starting point is 01:44:14 Really real werewolf, but we have to get really like angry. Okay Yelling were we have to scream at each other really intensely mean werewolf, okay Yelling were we have to scream at each other really intensely mean werewolf, okay? Yelling werewolf Titus put on backwards will be hilarious to have the tail where your penis Titus when when when little red riding hood comes out Make sure you pick your dress up because it's very hard to run it good tip Danny didn't do that for me Yeah, oh it's really okay, that's funny doesn't quite play. Yeah, wait Buddy oh yeah, dude almost big does he have a costume on?
Starting point is 01:44:55 We're gonna get demonetized. Oh dear Wait, did you just get one stock? Yes pretty high up, okay? Oh That's a man's play Let's get one stock. Pretty high up. OK. Oh. That's a man's play. H. H. Hunt. For horse radish. Yeah, what you got to do, Titus,
Starting point is 01:45:16 is you got to put the microphone in the, open your mouth on the mic. Yeah, exactly. Oh, man. Yeah. It's not fun. I don't think there's been 10 shot. Oh, my God. We all right.
Starting point is 01:45:44 We almost felt KV. Yeah, you almost get yourself again That was something I wasn't expecting when I thought of this, but I guess getting Kyle in right twice is of note as well Little tiny He will be so hard God will he be hard to hit all target. Oh my god a real sharpshooter. I think he just saw him run. We need a better chaser.
Starting point is 01:46:14 Yeah, we didn't set that up so. He was gone. It is Friday afternoon. What was that? He's here. He said he's going to play basketball after. He's here. He's 100% left? No, he's here.
Starting point is 01:46:28 He's watching the show too. Yeah, they say left. Why would they use the words he left? Did you just stop? I'm lying to you. He's here. He's here. He's here.
Starting point is 01:46:41 Why would they say he left? That was terrible verbiage. It's too late. It's tough to add stuff to find somebody. Horse radish. I'll tell you, the burn lingers. Still there? Quite some time. Well, you're also a ghost. True. They don't have good taste buds. True. They don't have good taste buds.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Mm-mm. All right. Oh, shit. Time's over, right? Time's up. Ethan, what'd you think of that? Ethan? Good stuff, Lucas.
Starting point is 01:47:26 All right. What's Cody left? left I gave up alright little horse radish hey bud what you think of that Ethan that is great alright I like squirted and squirted like Kate did do you have it in there? oh what do you do? what do he do? Why? He's already got the horse riders. It's too late. What happened Evo?
Starting point is 01:47:50 I started running away like Jack McCarthy. And I went to hide in the big conference room. I realized that was a bad thing so I sprinted out of it and I shattered the door into a billion pieces. What? No! It's actually shattered? Into like as many pieces of glass. No! It's actually shattered? Into like as many pieces of glass.
Starting point is 01:48:06 No! Wait we need a picture! I need footage! There's gotta be video of this. Oh my god! I don't even know where to start atoning for how bad this is. Is that bad? There's not a soul up there.
Starting point is 01:48:23 KB wasn't even close to coming to get me. I was all, it's. Wait, is that? No, the camera's up there. Oh, it's as bad as it can. What do you have? All people? Did you forget to open it?
Starting point is 01:48:35 No, I opened it so hard that it. What's the focus? What's the focus? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm, I'm. Wait, is Blutman up there? Blutman, do the zoom. Do the zoom, Bloodman.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Evo! Oh my God! Evo! Evo! Dude, that's so broken!
Starting point is 01:48:55 That is so, it's Evro! All because of a Nerf gun! It's Evro, oh my God! How did you do that? That's so broken. No! How did you do that? I went to, I went to, Holy shit! I went? So broken. No. How did you do that?
Starting point is 01:49:05 I went to hide behind the curtain. I was like, this curtain is not going to be a good hiding space. So I was like, oh, I got to get out of here. And I just ripped it open and smashed it in. That's too much glass for the deal. That's gallons of glass. That's extra glass. Why is the tile so thick?
Starting point is 01:49:23 How did it get so? How did it get? You spread it far? How did that happen? It's both directions All because I do what did you do, but did you like lower shoulder or what? No, I just were you carrying glass open Your only way so that is yours from home. That's too much. I didn't bring any good. That's you brought your own glass Oh, that's That's so much glass Oh my god short again Blutman He hopped off the call
Starting point is 01:49:53 And we don't have video footage not Rick said he's st. Lucas one there's no Stephanie's on it Oh, so is there footage to pull has to be right? I don't think there's a camera there Security oh man. I hope we can get to see this this what was your next move after it happened I just I just stopped and said fuck I'm sorry we didn't like hear the pop or something I know when upstairs came to even look I was there for like 10 seconds there's no reaction was a nerf gun I know I was under the impression that it was gonna be sprayed with horseradish for some reason You ran from him like he had a real gun yeah the classic horseradish bullet yeah alright
Starting point is 01:50:34 So you you should you both have to do the horseradish a lot. Yeah, I already did it. Oh he did Shit all right you, you're dismissed. I can't get over how much glass. That was wheelbarrow's worth of glass. Wow. Kyle, you didn't like the radish? I don't think the broom is going to fix it. I did. I like it.
Starting point is 01:50:53 Ebo. Oh, my God. He's the strongest man alive. How is that possible? Is there any Chancellors video footage? I don't see it. Yeah, it's coming. Oh. No, right. Oh, my God. It's the best day ever. This will be an there's video footage. Yeah, it's coming. Oh, right. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:51:05 It's the best day ever. This will be an all time clip. Steven, go ahead. Oh, come on, Steve. Stop going to the far left. So much more. Werewolf. Speed werewolf.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Rick. Actually, no, no, we'll play speed werewolf before. All right, everyone give me your card. Okay. Rick. Give me your card. Okay. Rick! Okay. You two look scary as fuck over there. I'm a beige ghost.
Starting point is 01:52:16 Okay. Rick come here. I just want to talk. I just want to get it bouncing in the front of him. Is he down? Oh. Rick can move Rick. Big fat fuck fat fuck he's having such a good time Oh Titus turn direction Titus let him die oh he's got oh the wolf go oh my god Yes. Oh, no, Lucas. This is rigged again. All right, keep it on for a second, Titus. Okay. And then you can take it off. Oh, thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Everyone go to sleep. Werewolf, wake up. Werewolf, go to sleep. Everyone wake up. Timer's started. Danny Conrad's dead. Steven. Mark, why'd you say god damn it? Oh no. Why'd you say god damn it when you got your... It's Mark. Is a your final answer thing marks a werewolf what makes you think marks That's an old lady
Starting point is 01:53:34 Steven get it on put it on Steven Titus can take it off done. Well. There's a third direction Well done. It wasn't? Yeah, there is a thing. Oh, no! Oh, oh, oh, oh, fine. That's fine. Uh-oh. Not good. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh my god!
Starting point is 01:54:08 Oh my god! He did it on purpose. Wait, does it have him? That's crazy. That was insane. Oh my god! That's so much fun. Look at his reaction.
Starting point is 01:54:23 How did that happen? Does he come back? Oh, he must have just just he's probably in shock right now. How is he that strong? Hulk smash so he all right looks like the horse radish bullet. I think he goes into a classroom Wait you can see his reflection Room so easily. Oh, yeah Enhance and zoom oh that is insane He's crouched I'll be honest, I thought he ran into it. I did too. Yeah. Look at him. He's crouched.
Starting point is 01:55:06 I thought he forgot. Oh, yo. He also got scared. He got so scared. Oh my God. How did that happen so easily? I don't know. That glass was ready to go.
Starting point is 01:55:22 A time bomb. All right, it's in the wheel. Oh, Brady, can you do the Reese's ad real quick? Talk about the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups with the Chocolate Lava Big Cup. I can certainly do that. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are the perfect combo of chocolate and peanut butter. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups may be even more perfect with a layer of ooey, gooey, delicious chocolate lava.
Starting point is 01:55:42 You can buy Reese's Cups basically anywhere. It is lava time, baby. Try Reese's new delicious chocolate lava big cup All right, very good goes good with flour I Need to see somebody and you fell for the oldest trick in the book Steve been playing speed werewolf a long time since uh I Admit the hunting it caused that destruction. H now stands for antique.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Okay, okay. The silent H. Handful of flour to the face. Handful. I'm so bad. By the way, the first offices that we get, we'll have our friend Trevor come in. Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. He'll do the plink though.
Starting point is 01:56:22 Which I don't know if he really wanted to. Actually have him come in right now. Tell him to come in. Yeah, yeah, he'll do the point though. I don't know if he really wanted to Actually have him come in right now tell him to come in worse he been hiding oh Hell yeah, what's up, dude? Sit on down dude good to see you good to see it come on in yeah Yeah, right there next to KB, but you have to get flowered I need you to take like a bump I need you to smack on the ground your Good man Yeah, so you'll be the first office whenever the office hits you'll you'll you'll get a plinko shot puck
Starting point is 01:57:11 Pull the mic closer When Kate was on her first hunt I was in the bathroom and Jack was actually in there and he looked just like Danny Conrad Yeah, he was having some fun wait The men's restroom. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's where his office is. You were chased? Yeah. Oh, that's not right. That's son of a. That is fucked up. Yeah, but for some reason, he looked like he was antiqued. So, yeah. You are ready, Danny? OK. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:57:41 God damn it. Speed werewolf. OK. Trevor, you're in for speed werewolf. The POV is way more electric when you see it from this angle, right? Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. It's a lot more than just a couple prongs. It's exciting watching it go.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Wait, I have to run here? Is that what you said? Speed werewolf? Oh, okay, gotcha, gotcha. It's like regular werewolf but speed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:04 What's up Trevor You know tell me something great Tell you something great, so I'll just do a little plug real quick. That's nothing great, but I'm in town for a W Independent wrestling company wrestling for the heavyweight championship on their 21 year anniversary show so that'll be a good time. Yeah More forward to this Wren Jones is his name okay he beat Matt Riddle oh we've had him on the show yeah yeah tough guy so he's a tough guy oh shit everyone go to sleep everyone go to sleep Danny is all right get one I'm gonna go with that. All right. One dead. Do I want
Starting point is 01:58:46 to sleep? Yeah. Oh, you can get one now. No matter. Yeah. You're a villager. You got a villager card. Alright, everyone go to sleep. Werewolf wake up. Werewolf go to sleep. Everyone wake up. Brandon is dead. Danny go go I was the werewolf Danny Kate no I'm a villager promise
Starting point is 01:59:09 promise he's actually a ghost she's already lying someone picked fast yeah they did maybe wasn't me day like in a second I'd be willing to swear on a Bible mark it was me oh It was you it was me. I was the werewolf Danny. Don't fall. I heard some sounds over here Kate Is that your final pick? Bad pick you fucking idiot Three werewolves It's uh it's it's in the back in that box back there wait you weren't joking there's another three were okay
Starting point is 01:59:49 Yeah, we'll have all three werewolves chase Rick very nice Can we have this one outside I want people to see it You're on the dead-end street though, so we gotta run pretty far. Yeah, we gotta go somewhere. Yeah, Butler, get the zoom camera ready. I just need one person to see three wolves chasing. Go stand in the front. Big ass Rick.
Starting point is 02:00:23 KB! KB! So who got the most bench press yesterday at the combine? Was it Donnie or Max? Max. No, Kyle. Kyle. It was Kyle. Kyle was KB.
Starting point is 02:00:41 This guy right there. Dang. Was it last year Fiddlebird got 50? Yeah. He's insane. He's an absolute beast. How many did it take it? Zero. Okay, that's memorable.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Oh yeah. Remember. Yes! Oh! Let's go! Alright, let's get Rick. Werewolves. Danny, Jay, go get Rick outside.
Starting point is 02:01:09 Or Rick. Go get Rick. Outside? Is Rick outside? No, yeah, yeah. Nick wants to see him outside. I also want to see him outside. Go, Danny, go to the front door.
Starting point is 02:01:19 Strategy on you there. Yeah, I know. He had you cooking there for a second. You were on skates. I tried to outsmart him. Yeah, I'm glad you didn't fall for yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah It's cool to see you in the first time. He was like, I'm in the chat all the time. I'm always commenting. I was like, what's your name?
Starting point is 02:01:48 He was like, you have zero chance. I give you my name. Smart guy. Scared of the riders out there. All right. So I wish I had his name so I could dox him here. He's probably watching. I thought he was going to pull out a coin on you.
Starting point is 02:02:03 What is this? Is this your third appearance? Get Wi-Fi second appearance third appearance you get you're qualified for kiss coin Yeah, hopefully not the ass coins that means Dana Vital burden my kids how many how many appearances until I get on the average all right tell the werewolves they can go Tell the werewolves they can go Yeah Oh my god Whoever that was where I couldn't tell any or che it was just not Luke as long as Right by Lucas Lucas through something can we Lucas has been in this costume for two hours running a mile
Starting point is 02:03:18 Good call Nick. They're making them go outside. That's just a funny visual. I want them on the main area oblique. Yeah All right antique huh seems to be that way So spin for the name first KB broke the record yesterday my man Combine bench press was the record it was the record yesterday my man. Combine, bench press. It was the record. It was. It was the record here. Yesterday. It was the most.
Starting point is 02:03:48 It was the daily record, yeah. It was the daily record. Why, do you wanna? I'll smash it. Try to smash it. Wanna attempt to smash it. Who won, Jay? Double it.
Starting point is 02:03:56 We couldn't tell which one it was. Be honest. You or Jay? No, not double. 1.5. 1.5. Who got him first? The first down.
Starting point is 02:04:04 Who raised their hands? Touched him, yeah. Jay, yeah, Jay was you right you got him a second before me Who raised their hands first? Chase out of his costume Well done Jay well done What was he what was the weapon he was using I guess a street sign no parking What was he? What was the weapon he was using? I was like a street sign. No parkers Rooted Lucas, what did you throw at him?
Starting point is 02:04:30 He threw his basket at me and I caught it without being able to see him threw it right back at I feel like that that counts for something subtle bragging. No, it doesn't put your werewolf caught it without even seeing it Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, put your head back on dude All right. Oh, no! Oh, no! No, it just can't be. All right. Does he get to wear his head?
Starting point is 02:04:54 No, he's got to take the head off. We still got to do good or bad, right? Yeah, good or bad. Yeah, good or bad. Good as Kyle throws it, bad as Lucas throws it. Yeah. Good is Lucas throws it bad as Lucas throws it. Yeah Good is Lucas gets hit with it bad as Kyle throws it
Starting point is 02:05:12 No, no, so okay, so bad. I throw it. Yeah bad you throw it Oh Dude this is great. I'm having so much. Oh so much fun really good show Everybody feels such sympathy. Oh, we're so sorry Lucas Can't believe this happening to you. Oh, he's sweating too. It's gonna stick to his face. It's gonna stick. Oh it's just gonna stick. Do I have to close my eyes?
Starting point is 02:05:51 Yeah. Yeah you can close your eyes. No you have to. Pfft. Oh. What the fuck. You wanna close your eyes? Yeah but the, yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:59 You can count. In three. No no no just do it. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Yeah, yeah, you can count three. No, I'm just doing Get back in there bitch Break Lucas, sorry. Oh man to think that could have been TJ. Oh, man
Starting point is 02:06:30 Roodle that's the thing. We would have made TJ do this. Yeah. Hey, thanks for filling in the Lucas Yeah, we love having you be the producer here. She filling in Bummer total bummer All right the wheel Lucas Oh, bummer. Total bummer. All right, the wheel Lucas. I'm just fixing the wheel. One sec. That was a good pitch you did there. That was nice sound. You have some. How does it how does it feel to throw that?
Starting point is 02:06:59 Is it exhilarating as exhilarating as it looked? It felt pretty good. Yeah. Kind of just slides off. Yeah. Would you think that was a baseball throw or a football throw? Would I think? Yeah. My grammar's not good.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Mine was a javelin. Oh. That wasn't a javelin. Mine was a javelin. It was more of a, I guess, a baseball. No, yours was zesty as hell. A javelin. A javelin right to his face.
Starting point is 02:07:20 You had a very dainty throw. Was it like, did you feel less stressed after doing it? Yeah. Oh, Trevor, you're up. Oh, oh, oh. Here we go. I'm dropping the puck. Yep.
Starting point is 02:07:33 There he goes. Can you do a backflip? Can you do it? Can I do it like on a safer environment? There's grass over there. There's turf. Oh, don't make him hurt. Don't tear his ear, I see. No, no, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. there is turf. Oh, don't make him hurt. Don't tear his ears.
Starting point is 02:07:45 No, no, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Oh, no. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, I guess he can. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:52 All right. You can. Wow. That was wildly impressive. Yeah. That would kill all of us. Whoop. Whoop.
Starting point is 02:08:01 He's putting that ghost costume for a long time. Hey, what's actually a good one and what's a bad one? Yeah. Exactly. Wait, really? They're all kind of bad, aren't they? Good question. Huh?
Starting point is 02:08:12 That's the worst thing you could do. Yeah. Oh, look at it roll. I want to see him in. Oh, it's still rolling. No! Oh, no! No. Well, I guess that was a guaranteed game.
Starting point is 02:08:22 Yeah! Hey! Ha! It's me! Yay! Ha! Uh was a guarantee. Yeah. Yeah. Ah, yes. I should have done the fuck. All right. I hope Lucas gets it. Please be Lucas, please.
Starting point is 02:08:41 Oh, man. That backflip tighter. It was really good. It was so sick Yeah, last time I came like dress nice this I was like I want to be dressed for activity Yeah, no, yeah, you're just yeah Last time too. This was off air. I was about to leave and Chay like corners me in the hallway and he's like You in for a game of basketball? Had a really go and I was like I I gotta go man and it was so disappointing. It's haunted me.
Starting point is 02:09:08 So today you could play. I can never play but today I could play. Could play, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm like a, it doesn't show up on the scoreboard type of guy. Yeah. But I'm out there. Please be up.
Starting point is 02:09:19 Please be Lucas. Manifesting. Oh my god. Oh my god. No! No! Yes! Yes! Yep. Yes! But here's the bad part. Lucas manifesting All right, but we need the second good we do it right oh My god, please so good is good is
Starting point is 02:09:37 Good is good is Trevor throws bad is Lucas throw. Oh, come on Finish him off here. He's got a little I just want to say it's nice to meet you. Yes, make a mark. Yeah deal. Oh My god, this is incredible The wheels never been more just than today Wow, he's deep. Oh wow All right, don't let any more drop wait Wait, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, the remnants So pathetic that was Trevor way to go dude. Oh my God
Starting point is 02:11:21 Have that much in your hands Really impressed that was incredible Lucas optics on Lucas That was my first wolf I ever killed. Look at him go back to him. Oh my god. He looks like the Bob-A-Doo. He's still got that wolf costume on. Holy shit that was good. Really really good. Alright we got who Titus and Kate still have one. There's like a cloud of flower in here.
Starting point is 02:12:03 There's so much flower. That was awesome. Oh. Ethan, what'd you think of that? 20. I give you 10. Ethan, way to go. I don't want to.
Starting point is 02:12:21 No, I'm not going to say it. Well, Ethan, can I give you a pointer Sure, just a comedic timing thing. Yep If I were you and I were trying to get a job for the third time at barstool. I Would have antiqued myself. So then when it went back to it, you were just filled with flour Not dead. I'm flour. Yeah. Yeah Possibly do the all-time visual. Oh, what's in the box? He's trying hard for that a oh no oh
Starting point is 02:13:00 No fuck fuck Oh no. Oh no. Fuck. Fuck. Can you die from too much flour? Probably. You got sick last time, right? Yeah, yeah, but like I ingested a good bit.
Starting point is 02:13:17 Yeah, I feel like if you put me in the oven right now, I would rise. That'd be a good wrestling gimmick, you antique them. Yeah. Yeah, I can tell you agree. Good one, Nick. Keep them coming. Why?
Starting point is 02:13:40 Why'd you throw flour at me? What's why again? This was Yangri Werewolf now, wasn't it? Oh, we have to scream at each other and be mad? Oh yeah. Well, I mean we can do antiquing or the... Why is it you get to pick who you throw flour at? Because I pick Lucas.
Starting point is 02:13:55 Oh, okay. Yeah, we can do that. I mean, what do you guys want to do? Just that? Yeah, I'd like to see that. I think every letter should be antiquing except for the black squares Okay So why is you get a pick and so I just pick who I throw yeah, uh, yeah
Starting point is 02:14:13 Who do you want to throw it? All right, and why is both hands? Yeah, uh I hate the pile on Lucas cuz he's already gotten it twice, but I Kind of want to throw it at Luke. Yeah. Yeah, I think you should I kind of want to yeah. Yeah. All right rules are rules. Oh Wait, oh, oh, he's actually right. He might throw it at you No, he's right. I thought I thought I thought you could have. That was well played, Lucas. Lucas, well played.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Oh, yeah. Do you want to take this risk? I guess you kind of have no choice. Hmm. Wheel has been just. Is why you get a pick if it's good or bad, Kyle? You're the one that came up with why. Oh, you.
Starting point is 02:15:01 What is why? Boys, what are we thinking? Because wasn't there like something, there wasn't there a wrinkle with the good or bad wheel with why I forget What it is was it a nope? I don't Lucas's I do you get to choose you don't have to do Lucas's face Oh, I get to choose, but you can still okay. You can do his ass, okay? I'll do your ass Lucas
Starting point is 02:15:23 So bad as I get to throw it? Good as Titus throws it? We'll give Lucas a chance. Yeah, give him a chance. All right, all right. So we need it to be good again. Oh, dear. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:15:37 Well, this isn't good. This is not good. I can't help but feel like I lost here. Yeah, you did. You picked it. Yeah. Shit. In did. You picked it. Yeah. Shit pants. Jesus Christ. A friend of mine and Kyle's Nolan Cartwright just text me and said Ethan should have to call and claim the flowers for Ebony. Hmm. Oh, we will. Oh, my God. Yes.
Starting point is 02:16:00 Yes, he did. He did it fast! Great work! Bam! Yes! I think we should implement this lad some more. Yeah, he's pretty damn good. He's pretty damn good. Yeah, this sucks for you, Titus. Oh, that's a...
Starting point is 02:16:24 That's a handful. I told him the ways of the pile. You all betrayed me. I feel like I did. You got any last words? It was cool. It was cool as fuck. Oh
Starting point is 02:16:58 Man become the Antiquity episode. All right, we got two two spins left I'm sorry. It feels like a lot of pent up anger came out on that one. I can't help but feel we were all on the same page. Suddenly the whole room, the good bad wheel, the fuck got us with the bad wheel. Oh, it is flower. Sure. I just pretended. Go, go, go. Should we have Ethan call Ebony?
Starting point is 02:17:40 I think that would be funny. Yeah. Does Ebony remember Ethan? Hmm. Hard to forget him. Yeah. Ethan, do you think Ebony remembers you? I don't think so. OK.
Starting point is 02:17:53 Also, yeah. Yeah. So would you still consider him as an assistant? No. But there's something about him that I just can't get enough of. Ooh. That he keeps coming back for more. Steven Che. I just can't get enough of. Ooh. That he keeps coming back for more. Steven Che.
Starting point is 02:18:05 I just love him. What would you consider him in any position? Intern. Ethan? I'm available. Yeah. What else do you have going on? I've been playing a lot of NHL lately.
Starting point is 02:18:22 Okay. Mellonhead hockey. Could that, could that fuck up? like does that take precedence over this? Club playoffs are in like yeah, yeah Yeah, you're kind of tired make some things work, okay Just let's get lava time that'd be so I'm here for lava time lava time lava time fortunately it's ice con what is ice what is ice con is a regular on this program yeah so you have to go upstairs oh you have to convince
Starting point is 02:18:58 someone to go with you could be anyone in the office you got to go upstairs get wet and then go in the freezer for five minutes. Wait, you have to convince somebody to go with you? That's the con part. Yeah. So I just gotta be like, hey, can you come with me real quick? Or is this up to me, right?
Starting point is 02:19:14 Yeah. They have to get wet as well? They have to agree. Yeah. Yep, they have to agree. Okay, is there a timer? No, no timer. Can I do this shirtless yeah, yes, we'd love that hell yeah, all right. Yeah, I'll allow it
Starting point is 02:19:33 We got shorts and stuff lying around too. So you're not stay you can change Can I change first or change after you can change first? Okay deal? Your mic just went out. I don't know what happened. Oh that happened Okay, everybody running out with their headsets on their head all the werewolves change now. Yeah, convince somebody Yep, then get soaking sopping wet. Yep, and then go in the freezer on the freezer. Yeah, it's really fun That's that's ice-con baby. It's a part of the show You should just convince Stephen Che. He's the one who came up with it We find him some clothes, where's Blutman?
Starting point is 02:20:16 They'll find you a shirt we'll get you some clothes. Where's brand? I would just get in there. Where is Brandon fuck happen to Brandon? Oh Yeah, he's over it. He's done. It's after two. I remember I said shirtless. You can just do that? Yeah, it's after two. We're all here for the love of it.
Starting point is 02:20:33 It's a paycheck to him. How long is it for the Nicole? Five minutes? Oh my god. How is he going to convince anyone? Nope. Yeah, yeah. That might be hard.
Starting point is 02:20:44 I think you got to try to convince Jay or maybe practice by asking one of us Jay why do we why don't we say he doesn't have to get wet that way that you can actually convince someone no one's gonna Say yes to this. Oh This is the first time trial run Yeah, just the freezer just go in the freezer for five minutes. But I have to get wet. No, you don't have to get wet because you're never going to be able to convince a single person in this office to get wet and go. I guess you could get wet. Yeah, I guess I have to get wet. I got you. You got to get wet. I'll change. And then
Starting point is 02:21:19 you can convince someone to go in there with you. Yeah, that works. You can use that person for warmth. Yeah. Yeah, because someone would You can use that person for warmth. Yeah. Yeah, because someone would reasonably say yes to just going in the freezer. No one's gonna say yes to getting it. It's the worst. Yeah. There's so much flour in here.
Starting point is 02:21:33 Lucky dog. Oh, who could it be? Kate, get on up there. All right. Locked out of my house, by the way. Lost my spookies. Oh, Brandon did leave. Whew.
Starting point is 02:21:44 Ha ha ha. What? Spookies. Oh, Brandon did leave. She almost made it through the whole episode, man. Khaki ass ghost. Wait, Brandon's gone gone? Yeah. He actually left. He has to do the puck drop. Yeah, I have to do it too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:02 Oh, that's right. Are you going to go like that or are you going to change first? What the fuck? Oh, no. What? And taking her as a ghost would be very fun. Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:22:13 Hey, you stink. Oh, oh, there we go. Y and T. What's T? Terse. Tie. Tie. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. and T what's T Ters hi oh no oh no oh
Starting point is 02:22:27 oh no tie and what's why and taking oh yeah yeah but she gets to choose and you get a pick yeah yes why is you get a pick what's happening now what am I getting all right you're antiquing and you're also doing the tie thing. OK, I feel like we can just do two antiquing. Yeah. Or no. Why? Why don't we make instead of the. Instead of tie, let's just spin the wheel to see who has to call Ebony.
Starting point is 02:22:58 We got to call. Oh, yeah. Someone's got to call Ebony. Yeah, we have to. We have to close that. But then you have to also do antiquing. OK. Yeah, I like that. All right, let's see who I'm Antiquing or vice versa. If it's Brandon, he's got to get Antiqued on Monday morning. We all agree? Yes.
Starting point is 02:23:17 Yes. Oh. All right. It's here. All right, good is good is. What this for hey, no, this is Why is you gonna choose? Yeah, see oh, yeah, I find you why you choose why is you yeah, I would like to worry you okay? Wait, so good or bad is what is it again good means they rose good. It throws. It's good Titus throws is bad
Starting point is 02:23:43 Yeah, all right. Yeah, I'm good Now can Kate ghost what do you mean did she have the ghost on can I wear my ghost no, I think that's cheating Yeah There's so much flour there's so much flour Yeah. We're just all going to end up beat. There's so much flour. There's so much flour. Danny got antiques two and a half hours. Yeah, Danny, what's the price?
Starting point is 02:24:15 Yeah, it's kind of all gone. Yeah, you look, yeah. Oh, Katie. Wait, stand in front of the door. Yeah. That's the antique indoor. Can I count down? You can do whatever you want.
Starting point is 02:24:23 Yeah, you can do whatever you want. It might not work. Close your eyes. Okay, can's the antique and you can do whatever you want. Yeah, you do it every one work Close your eyes Total coverage. Oh man All right, Trevor. You're looking good. I Oh man. All right, Trevor, you're looking good. I, is this working now? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:47 Oh. So I convinced Nicky Smokes to come into the freezer with me and we're gonna do like a couple of little aerobic exercises. Okay. Yeah, perfect. Great. See who the true body guy is here.
Starting point is 02:24:57 Love it. But you gotta go get wet first. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm heading there now. All right, okay. Yeah, yeah. All right. Great. Yep, not bad.
Starting point is 02:25:04 Oh, yeah. Kyle B. right great Yeah, not bad. Oh, yeah, I'll be oh What's up, Beast? Yeah Do you have any with you a guy? Stairs blubbing will show you um all right, so spin the name wheel to see who has to call ebony. He's jacked as fuck Yeah, he's a very strong guy. I like that. OK, how do you feel?
Starting point is 02:25:28 Pretty bad. How do you feel, Titus? Thanks for holding back. That was nice. Perfect. Lucas, you got to call Ebony. You have to call. All right?
Starting point is 02:25:40 Do you want to FaceTime her? Yeah, why don't you FaceTime her? She doesn't know who I am. Right. Does he have to try to sell it? Like, yeah, like... Did Abby get a new number, I think? I think I have two of them.
Starting point is 02:25:58 Where is it? I got her. Yeah, why don't you facetime her from your phone? That way she'll pick up. Let's try from his number first. OK. Lucas, I want to text you. You have to profess your love to her.
Starting point is 02:26:13 Just be like, hey, did you get? And don't tell her any context of what this is. Do you want to go in the bathroom so she doesn't think you're on the act? There's no way she could possibly know I'm on the act. Yeah. OK. No way. there goes Trevor great show I love it all right what so does that three
Starting point is 02:26:39 face time yeah I'm gonna wait uh so was I wouldn't even put like the mic in frame, so she doesn't think you're on. Oh, this is so cool. Oh, there he goes. When should he FaceTime Ebony? Right. Right now. Yeah, do it. Ready? Yeah, yeah. Going down. He is out.? Yeah, yeah, going down.
Starting point is 02:27:06 You can use towels more. Yeah, you can get your feet. Dry your feet. Dry your feet. Dry your feet. Dry your feet. Oh, yeah, you'll fall. Make sure you're on speaker.
Starting point is 02:27:24 Screenshot it when you're talking. All right, Nick, you try it from your phone. No way. Just look what we're looking at right now. Look at that scene. Do you want me to talk to her first? No, just hand the phone, yeah. Make sure it's on speaker. Fucking Icecon, dude. Icecon. fucking ice con did ice con it gets me every damn time
Starting point is 02:28:10 all right just a texter I gave you the number texter from your phone just be like it was me so send her a video oh yeah yeah say take a video. Hey, yeah, yeah professor love they're cleaning up the glass by hand Have a wolf like Ebony make me howl You don't know me, but my name is Lucas. I work in Chicago I just want to say I sent you those flowers and this is just me professing my love to you I've really admired your work and Yeah, I just wanted to say I appreciate you and yeah, that's that's all I got love you Do better you could be way better just be like hey, I'm a little bit of a scriber
Starting point is 02:28:58 I work at bar stool yeah in the Chicago office nervous I had a couple drinks last night Yeah And I just did that on a whim Oh Ebony's calling me back Oh okay great That's fine Eb
Starting point is 02:29:18 Hey the guy that sent you the flowers works in the Chicago office and he tried to FaceTime you You're the fucking liar. You know so crazy I'm over here changing diapers and putting milk in the fucking bottle. Y'all over here calling me on this crazy dumb shit. I'm about to call him back. Oh, call him back, yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:33 FaceTime him back. I tried to tell him not to. Call me the fucking back. I'm over here changing diapers. FaceTime him, yeah. So that was scary. Yeah. FaceTime him.
Starting point is 02:29:41 Wait, there's... Yeah. So that was scary. Yeah. It's the worst day of my life. Face timer. Wait, there's. I think Mincer's. Hey, Ebony. My name's Lucas. Nice to meet you. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:29:55 I work in Barstool Chicago. I do a couple things out here. I just want to say I had a couple drinks last night. And I just say I really appreciate you. And I sent you those flowers. I just want to say you're appreciated. And I'm a big fan. Love you. Love you Well I'm happy that you're a fan but I clearly don't know who the hell you are Yeah no no
Starting point is 02:30:12 That's why you know you get a couple drinks and you make some bad choices No you show you what the black girl come with a lot of shit Y'all don't think you want, I don't think you're ready for this And what the hell you got on? It's a long story we could talk about you want but yeah That's probably fair hi Ebony I miss you Yeah, he's a fuck boy fuck boy All right, thank you have a good one
Starting point is 02:30:51 These guys are just what is mincy doing in there he was already in there Classic ice-con yep All right, you can let him out, Blutman. Classic fucking Icecon. That was my favorite one. Oh, what a show. Everyone should just be on T-King. Yeah, that's the lesson from this. Are we ever going to do another Red Riding Hood? Oh, no, you gotta keep that on this weekend. The lesson from this yeah, are we ever gonna do another red riding hood? Oh?
Starting point is 02:31:30 No, you got to keep that on over. Yeah, just asking all right. Let's spin the wheel We've done enough damage today. I kind of want wet now. Oh yeah. Oh yeah Clear clear ourselves off everybody's eyes look so funny with her Titus looks like a handsome old man. Your hair is light. Can't be true. He kind of looks like a guy with flour on his face. Exactly. His hair is salt and pepper. Who's that hot guy over there covered in flour? I think it ended.
Starting point is 02:31:59 Yeah. Yeah, they're good in there. I think it's over. Yeah, yeah. It's not over. Tell Manchi the mics are still hot though tell me come back Yeah, tell me come out Classic ice-cold ice cuz one of the best. Yeah, that was the the last plinko
Starting point is 02:32:22 Yeah, I know we're spinning the wheel. Oh my bad That was the last Plinko. Yeah, I know. We're spinning the wheel. Oh, my bad. Plinko Day never disappoints. Every time. It just became Antique Day. Oh, good God.
Starting point is 02:32:34 Oh, good God. Oh. You just smashed a door. That was... Oh, there God. Whoa. Whew. Ha ha ha. You about to smash the door. That was... Oh, there he is.
Starting point is 02:32:51 How you doing, Ethan? I'm doing well. How old are you now? 24. Oh, you're still young. Ethan, I miss you. Yeah, man. I miss you guys, too.
Starting point is 02:33:03 When's your birthday? July the 23rd. Oh, man. I miss you guys, too What's your birthday? July the 23rd. Oh nice Cool five cool can rent a car What do you are you are you are you working? Like I said before I watch my uncle's dog, so oh okay. He pays you for that. Would you want to do it make a comeback? Sure So oh okay. He pays you that would you want to do it make a comeback? Sure the problem is you've had two comebacks, and they both Third times the charm I've heard you know that was sincere. Yeah, that was sincere. Okay believe we'll talk Let me know great job today
Starting point is 02:33:44 Thank you you too. You you won my heart again I'm glad sad. I lost it at all, but no you just no you didn't lose it. It's just You're like this time's gonna be different and then it's not well Will the third time be different for sure if? We'll cross that bridge like I don't know man I don't know if I could do this thing I got a solid career in dog who's to say if I work or not yeah all right Ethan thank you so much
Starting point is 02:34:24 of course thank you for having me all right see ya all Ethan, thank you so much. Of course, thank you for having me. All right, see ya. All right, Trevor, thank you so much. Thank you, Trevor. Thanks for having me, guys. Thanks for coming by. I got a dollar. Everyone, please subscribe.
Starting point is 02:34:33 Next week is a big week. We have Mincy Clemmer Day on Tuesday and Brandon's funeral on Friday. So big week coming. Big week coming. All right, see you, everyone. I don't even know what to say. Have a good weekend, guys.

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