The Yak - We Have Another Poop Investigation on Our Hands | The Yak 1-30-25

Episode Date: January 30, 2025

Happy birthday Big Cat!You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. Hello, it's the Yak. What are you looking for, Brendan? Well, I was about to lean up and tell Mark that it was wacky Wednesday and then I realized it was Thursday and then I remembered, did he do wacky Wednesday? No, I was- People got so used to wacky Wednesday, switched it back.
Starting point is 00:00:36 You guys are wearing jerseys. I know. I remembered it was Thursday as I leaned up to say Wednesday., promo code Yak, 20% off your first purchase. Q-zips, polos, hoodies, joggers, shorts. promo code Yak. Wearing the Hezzy hoodie right now. Looks good.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We're the best. It's Hibachi Day. How's Mincy eating at the beginning of the line? He's eating at the beginning of the line. He only has a plate. What is he... There is sushi up there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:01 There's sushi up there. Hibachi. He is just staring directly into our souls though. Shout mr. Bocci. Oh, yeah the best Hmm. How's everyone doing? Good good watching people go through line and eat man. Yeah Top three hibachi moves onion volcano. Uh-huh little boy piss little boy piss and then Yeah, yeah, that's a good one and throw in any any piece of food into Smelling like a batchy for the rest of the day. I had to throw away. I've had to throw away jackets
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah, it's like worse than a bonfire I learned my son my baby my infant son his name is Thomas now But I learned my infant son was allergic to shrimp at a hibachi Wow Yeah, it went in and all systems shut down. Goodness gracious. Is that how you learn allergies? Uh-huh. It's just you get on the brink of death?
Starting point is 00:01:52 There's tests early that you can do, but sometimes they don't all show up early. That's how you find out your kids are allergic to it. His didn't show up until he was like two. Trial and error. Well, isn't it not introducing things into their diet? Like, is that how peanuts work? Oh, yeah, I showed peanut butter down my kids throat. Yeah minute They were born right before you even meet them so yeah, but then the first year
Starting point is 00:02:12 I have to try to kill my kid yeah with everything I fell for this scam It was like a hundred dollars for all these different packets of things that would kill your kid like shrimp peanut butter Whatever, and I was putting it in his bottles, and then the doctor was like you didn't have to do that Oh, I did it and I still here's good scam. Yeah, I last time what last time I like truly Truly shit my pants was after hibachi. It was yeah. Yeah, it's it's what you know going into it I'm you kind of shoot your pants Your pants year ago. I'm talking like I like it was like a it was a weekend where I I used to this thing where I would Chug Guinness's it was like oh, this is you know like it's kind of funny to watch
Starting point is 00:02:51 You just literally like chug it as fast as I can I did it like I had like 13 of them or something Wow, it's hilarious, and then we went to a botchie the next day, and then I can listen hibachi Yeah, and then I had full belly Guinness full belly of hibachi and then I went to we went out and I went to take a piss in the alley and I Think one of my friends made me laugh and I just shit myself That'll happen. Yeah, cuz I was already happens every time already pissing happy birthday, dude Oh, thank you. My birthday is It's I would like to cancel it cool. I take it back. Yeah over the hill. No well 40 sucks
Starting point is 00:03:28 What doesn't? All right, what so this 50 worse is that what you're gonna say? I why do you keep doing this? Well a second time today you've accused me of being 50 spider did say what are you 42? I was like god damn it man No, I'm gonna cancel my birthday because I was gonna give myself a birthday gift and it didn't work out. Oh, no He was already booked, but I tried texted Danny today, and I saw good Ollie come in for my birthday with a trinch His last appearance he's in a little bit of trouble with the Department of Human Resources They apparently didn't like
Starting point is 00:04:04 Believe it or not, how he put the python around Kyle's neck. Oh, yeah. It was fine. When Kyle said he didn't use that. Wait, our HR? No. No. He has HR. Illinois Department of Human Resources.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yeah, I think it's the government, but we want this one. Man, that sucks. He just has to lay low. He's just got to lay low. He was putting it on his Instagram. That fucking sucks. He'll never be able to come back. Yeah. on his Instagram. That fucking sucks. He'll never be able to come back Yeah, but I did never be able to come on tested like 830 this morning I was like, hey text Ali see if he can come wait 830 this morning is when you came up with the idea
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yeah, I was just driving. I was like wait my dream. I was like if it's my birthday What would make me happy it would be seeing you guys freak out about a tarantula. I Tried negotiating to you just he wasn't biting like I really need to lay low What happened Kate what happened Kate nothing something just exploded back here so something happened We closed the doors here TJ is it too loud. What happened? Oh, it's something. What do you oh? Okay, what do you do? Oh, no? What do you oh? Oh? Oh? No? Oh? She farted camera A dump cake we thought Kate was Gonna fart yeah, she might have what's in it?
Starting point is 00:05:17 Is it actually a dump cake oh yeah, oh, okay, so it's not like a not a trance yeah, what's the catch? Oh, yeah, it's just a cake when it's a cools uh not a trench. Yeah, what's the catch? Yeah? Oh, it's just a cake when it's a cools down you can eat it right out Herder scarra. How's this gonna kill some do it his ass? I Wanted it to be confused. Yeah, is there a razor blade in that maybe? One in it for Kyle could yeah, we should it's for you Yeah, but again if you ask me what do I want for my birthday?
Starting point is 00:05:46 It's stuff like Kyle eating a razor blade. Yeah. A tarantula making Titus go home. Yeah. You're not trying to make it all about yourself. Yeah. Friends that have fun. If I'm talking about my true happiness,
Starting point is 00:05:58 it's seeing you guys miserable. Have you seen the new Chicago guy who I couldn't get him in time, the guy with the doves? No. What? He's like going super viral Across not just Chicago social media, but he comes to parties and he like makes doves multiply He like makes birds come out of his I haven't seen him. He's gonna be he'll get him in here Can I can I just run get in front of Doug in line? I'm not one of you anything. I just want to get in front of yeah and bother him. Yeah, do it cut experiment
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yeah, do it do a cut experiment Yeah, even the New York office is texting me they're like you got to get Dove's guy. Okay Why he always thinks he's shocked when people don't like them Brandon yeah He's off pudding Just look at him There in the red and Brandon pitched this wacky prank just so we could get food Yeah, and they're also just Brandon body experiments over come back in it failed Empty plate head oh you broke the plate Anyone else last night just like couldn't get out of their head about
Starting point is 00:07:25 The monkey taking the hat yeah, I texted Dana. I was like dude Do you remember I woke up in the middle of the night howling laughs? I? Can't believe this we have to put like suspenseful music behind it when he's telling it yeah all leading up to some monkey stealing That's classic Egypt More story no, what's the lady came on mostly sports today and the heater continued. We'll just put it that way. He's always, he's 100, but we're going to make it come back on today. He never cools off. No, he's always, because what he does is he goes, I don't want to say it, and then he
Starting point is 00:07:54 just says everything that's ever happened to him. Every time. The first time he ever came was while pushing a lawnmower? Oh, I did know that, yeah. Okay, alright. Yeah, yeah. The vibrations get him? Yeah, while pushing a lawnmower. Oh, I did know that, yeah. Okay, all right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The vibrations get him? Yeah, that's exactly what got him.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Wait, wait, pushing one? Yes. Yeah. So does he have a pussy? That's what I said. At least a clit. At the very least a clit. There's gotta be. My dick has never gave a single fuck about vibrations.
Starting point is 00:08:20 No. No. So zero thrust? Zero thrust. thrust that's hard that's crazy um I have I have a new guy that I wanted to show you guys have you guys seen the onside kick guy there was a few years ago right isn't it chainsaw yeah Ron did a video with him he did years ago, this guy's been I miss that Run to so much fucking cool shit. I want to keep thinking about humans versus lasers from me too That's gonna be it's gonna be a big hit
Starting point is 00:08:57 Well, I want to watch the road. I watch the ron video later. Okay, right? What's what's the onside kick guy? Would we know if we've seen it? Yeah, you just kick shit into like he'll kick it into his cabinet into a mailbox Yeah, and he's like the best on-site kicker of all time. He doesn't have a lot of followers. I'm gonna watch the Rone video. I wanna say we talked about this guy when I first saw him. Yeah, we might have. I don't know why. This is also, I'm still, yesterday was a full recovery day from where like my brain wasn't
Starting point is 00:09:19 working so I definitely watched this and was like, holy shit, I've never seen anything like it even though I've definitely seen this. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm almost certain mean you have talked about yeah, no and now now It's already starting to ring a bell, and I'm this is something I saved last night. I was like oh my god I've never seen this before but I 100% Some of this is okay as Marisa some of that's illegal touching because it doesn't go to yeah, that's all I got today That's yeah, all right. Happy birthday, man Yeah, I brought very cool about the outside kick guy that we've talked about a hundred times fine. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:51 What's next some father-son duo and Costco? By the way that uh, I mean this is a little bit of a spoiler But not really cuz everyone's seen it But Danny was nice enough to ask the Costco guys and the Walmart guys to give me a birthday message that will play on the case race. Because they, I don't know if they, Danny didn't do a good job of explaining it, or if they just were like, fuck it, we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:10:16 They made the messages on Tuesday and posted them. Which wasn't my birthday, which actually was awesome because then I got a bunch of the text messages that I don't want cleared out of people wishing me happy birthday on Tuesday. Got it out of the way. Yeah. Did Costco guys post theirs too?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah. Yes. All right. So I don't really remember if I explained this in a case-race or not, but the Walmart guys, very not tech savvy. I DMed them. I was like, hey, kid, I explained everything. I was like, we've mentioned you on the show.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I'm on the Yak. It's Big Cat's birthday. Can you send a happy birthday message? And can you wear the hat and they were like, yeah sure thing We've been hearing someone's been mentioning us, but how do we see it? I told him the name of our podcast and He couldn't figure out how to DM me the video. So he just posted it straight to the yeah, that makes sense How are the numbies on it? I don't know. I wonder if our audience have much crossover.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I've been saving it because obviously we talked about it on the case race, but yeah, it was funny because they both just went and posted it right on Tuesday. And I was just like, okay. Yeah, shout out to the Costco guys. I DM'd them like the morning of, or I emailed whatever email was in his bio and they got back to me immediately. Thought I explained it pretty well when your birthday was? No, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I liked it that way. Because we got to do it on the case race. Yeah, it was a pleasant surprise on the case race. You said Danny had a surprise. Yeah, I immediately went to something horrible. Crocodile, loaded gun. Well actually, no, I had known it even when I was drunk on the case race
Starting point is 00:11:50 what the surprise was, I acted surprised, but they had posted it like seven hours earlier. I got tagged in it every single time, so. But yeah, great surprise. They were like, I hope this works, and I looked at their feed and they just tagged me and I was like, oh god. Yeah, double surprise. Look at everyone just eating. we uh, let's all talk about work hours. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:09 Nikki smokes is triggered. He's really bothered. What happened? What's his problem? Uh, he's been working out One month photo date looks good looks damn good two days and then he somebody was like, you know Fans are giving him the business and whatever and you was like you know fans are given in the business and whatever and you can laugh you can downplay how hard it will work post the same meme whatever I don't give a fuck. So go down after that LMFAO some people will take what's said on Yak as gospel none of my workouts are ever held during work hours. The idea that I do nothing but work out all day is honestly disrespectful. Well, that's just real quick. Nobody would have a problem if he was working out during work hours. Right. Isn't he making content while he's doing it? Yeah, yeah, he is. And it is
Starting point is 00:12:53 the point of fit. We're like Planet Fitness sponsor to put this here. So it's I told him I was like, no problem. Like, dude, make just make sure you're like documenting it because it's good for the advertiser, all that. So I'd never had a problem with him working out during work hours but that was what he was doing. Yeah and and he he came up he just was mad that people were accusing him of working out during work hours and I was like well when are you working out and he said uh you know I'm working out uh every morning at 8 30 and then again at four. Yeah he's like I'm at my desk I shower and I'm at my desk by 9 9 30 and then I don't work out again till 4 4 30 yeah Not work hours so 9 to is a 9 to 9 30 to 4 30 type of it's like a 36 hour type job
Starting point is 00:13:35 We got here. I could see his spin zone but capitalizing ever is crazy. Yeah He's he was he was upset Oh, it's not even we're trying to explain it to the internet one day So he's yeah He he would like people to believe that he works out and then he goes and he's like splitting the atom all day, right? Again, I had none of the workouts are getting in the way of that He is doing very important work, right and then on in his own leisure time He works out at the Planet Fitness gym here at the bar here at the office
Starting point is 00:14:03 But like he's still working. He works weird hours. What time did he eat that kiwi? Oh, true. True. That was a new one. Yeah. And again, I have no problem with working out
Starting point is 00:14:14 during work hours. But if you're in the office, it's work hours. I told him buy a time clock to prove it. So I think he ordered one. Oh, great. Punch in, punch out. Yeah. Work hours is when you're here.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Right. Exactly. Yeah. But is when you're here, right exactly Yeah, but he imagine with yeah him saying like it's like a 9 to 4 30 type job. I like oh, okay Yeah, but like he did 30 minutes of work at home Comparing the key way to screw true which what I watched it again when I got home So good, it's a rewatchable one. Yeah, I didn't even realize too that he thought he poisoned himself by eating the skin Oh, yeah, yeah, cuz people were like bro. You just did sees like 20 to get out 20 to throw up. Don't you pull trig? I got a kiwi I Think his fruit game. Hey, he's that should be his full-time job taste reviewing fruit. I like I like that comparing it to soft
Starting point is 00:15:05 drinks. Yeah, or or what's it what's this fruit taste like yeah. Yeah, I'm so go Harry not supposed to my straight. Please don't tell me the skin may be gay. We orange that's it that's all they eat in Florida is oranges. He's funny. Nothing else. Yeah, not trying to be.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Right. That's the key. That should be a rule. We can't try to be. Right. We've got a few of those. Don't try to be funny. Just be you and we'll handle the rest.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I can't wait until this MAGA music video. Oh yeah. This will be great. Um, should we move the time of our show from people's lunch hour? Because... Oh, no. Why don't we wait till 1 o'clock to do this?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Fair. So we're gonna, at 1 o'clock, everyone who's watching the Yak right now, make sure you eat. Yep. Eat your food. Be done with it food be done with it be done with it Because we've got another issue in the office similar to yes. Oh, yeah If you're here at one o'clock, it's gonna get graphic. You've consented to what we're going to do
Starting point is 00:16:16 I talked to Chuck a little bit apparently. It's the third time this week. Oh man, so we've got we've got to find this person I have we pull the tapes okay. We have suspects or we have uh we'll wait till one. I have a list of five suspects Oh my god six trips to the bathroom if that makes sense Oh, somebody on this list went twice between the hours of The first this morning and 10 30 a.m. So we're gonna do this at 1 o'clock, and it's gonna be That way you either consent or not you can you can opt out but we're gonna find the person we're not gonna show the picture shouldn't should not show the pic I have not probably we're probably not gonna show the big I haven't clicked on the
Starting point is 00:16:56 picture I will at one o'clock I will click on the picture and you guys can see my reaction to the picture you can see it if you go to Chuck's yeah but don't we'll have Steven post it. Yeah. It was worse than the corn one. Yeah. It was. Steven's out again today.
Starting point is 00:17:11 He'll be hopefully in New Orleans. Are we allowed to bring it up? I wish, not yet. I don't think he wanted it brought up today. Okay. He had a bad hangover. Say that. Diagnosably bad.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Bad hangover. It wasn't the greatest day. Doctors had to get involved in his hangover. We'll let him tell the story when he gets back. But he's got a follow-up. There's follow-ups involved. He was here today. Very bizarre. He has been in the office for the last two days.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Right. And then when it comes time to do the show he goes home. He came up to me He goes hey happy birthday. Just want to say happy birthday. I was like okay Like we're gonna start the yak in five minutes. He's like no I just came to get my car and wish you happy birthday And I was like okay, so he came to get his car came to get his car But yeah, Stephen. It might have been.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Case race takes a lot out of us. I think we can all agree on that. I think he might have to retire. I think there might be some retirements coming out of this case race. I think it all might have been one big ruse just for him to get another lollipop from the doctor. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I do think if we're headed to a scenario where there's more, if he joins me on the ref crew, if there's more refs than players. Yeah, that would be funny. That's the path we're headed to a scenario where there's more if he joins me on the ref curve There's more refs than players. Yeah, that would be that's the path But she is funny when he's hammered. Yeah, the last case race is just Dana versus Hank. Yeah It's just a medic on hand So when one of us gets worried about how they're feeling the meds be like this is normal the next day a medic would be great Even yeah. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You all should just leave the case race, go straight en masse to a hospital and stay there for 48 hours. I think people might understand what happened now. Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. No, I mean, he'll say.
Starting point is 00:18:59 He's okay. He's okay. But he'll tell us how okay he is or not okay. Was he telling the truth about Sick kid I don't know Dad I wanted to ask because that's a weird coincidence. Yeah, but we'll we'll I'll just go ahead No, he definitely obviously not right on me his kid had a fever Day of doc would you mind checking me out as long as I'm here? Yeah, my kid has a fever also
Starting point is 00:19:22 Can you like my shot put his foot in the? Up to the EKG real quick But we're not gonna say no We're not saying it It could be from anything Things would be a lot of booze, but we you couldn't rule out other things It would be very funny if they're like if they he went to the doctor and they're like sir You you're your body is
Starting point is 00:19:52 75% chlorine water Are you how are you drown? How are you alive? They just start doing yeah, they just start doing chest compressions for the water spitting up chlorine 75 five percent chlorine twenty five percent pussy. Yeah And do we taste a little caramel? It's all pussy. It's all pussy and caramel. What? How have you survived this long those windowsill splinters? All right before we
Starting point is 00:20:23 Commit you to the hospital, did you drink 20 beers and sleep on wood floor? No? Okay. But again, we're not going to talk about any of that. And we're not going to call him a pussy. No, no, no. We're not going to call him a pussy. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:20:44 We'll let him tell the story. We'll let him tell the story and then we'll call him. No, then he'll say if're not gonna call him a pussy now absolutely not we'll let him tell the story We'll let him tell the story and then we'll and then we'll know then he'll say if he's a pussy or not doc It came out of nowhere. I Don't know what happened. It could be anything Are you nauseous and I'm nervous I'm anxious are you are you in a kiss cover? Why are you why is your face painted like a dinosaur? Uh... Che went to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Oh man. He might have had a heart attack. Why? Guys, god damn. We said might have. Oh man. He's okay though, we saw him today. He's alive. He's got a good six months left. Oh man, it's okay though. We saw him today. We saw him today
Starting point is 00:21:31 Got a good six months left. It's okay. Yeah, but he's going for a follow-up. Yeah, I know he's going for a follow-up He's okay. We should have him do a case race before the fall You got to give them exactly what the circumstances yeah, right you're gonna have no idea how to diagnose you if you're not fucked up Put on this makeup. Oh man Wait, so he left his car here Yeah, you were at home. So that means he was too drunk when he woke up the next morning to drive Yeah, holy shit wait, I didn't put that to go he's gonna slept here was so he could go yeah, oh My god, I love Jay
Starting point is 00:22:08 Could be from lack of sleep. Yeah Last dress. Yeah, I'm on box laws. I'm not you've been working lately. Yeah The shred lines really been putting a lot of stress on wait, is that one guy making a to-go plate? We haven't even got to eat yet. He's making a to-go plate. Go eat. Go eat. I just like watching that guy walk too. It's Colton. You didn't know his name.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Colton. I was just about to say, I love watching him walk. He's got a jaunty walk to him. That one guy. Colton is that one guy though. Colton's definitely that one guy. That one guy. He could be that one guy.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Oh, Jay's first question on others. That one guy could be that one guy Oh Chase first question on others how much water do you drink per day? Guys ever oh the second question you ever think your heart's gonna explode Does your heart ever beat? Sleeping two hours and having 20 beers Can you ask to zoom in? DJ? He's probably not home yet.
Starting point is 00:23:10 When he gets home, we miss him. We miss the fucking guy. KB's at the dentist? I guess. What's he doing? It had to have been an emergency because he texted me if I ever go to the dentist yesterday. Oh no! We're down bad. We are down bad. because he texts me if I ever go to the dentist yesterday. Oh, no. We're down bad.
Starting point is 00:23:26 We are down bad. We're going to get Dana in here to make us feel better. Yeah, yeah. It always feels good to see Dana. Yeah. All right, wait, Brandon, do a couple ads, and I'm going to text Dana. Do DraftKings and Steven Singer.
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Starting point is 00:25:59 Great work Great we have a lot on the docket. What else we got? I probably need to shit before yeah. Eat right now. I need to eat right now. 30 minutes, 30 minute warning, viewer discretion advised. We gotta find who this is. Do you think the person though, are we fucking ourselves in this investigation that the person is going to exit the premises? I think people just need to learn how to flush. Yeah. My biggest question is how Exit the premises. I think people just need to learn how to flush. Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:27 My biggest question is how? How did that how well you could you could say that they would assume since this is automatic flush that would flush behind it But you still got a check especially if it's that gnarly so I have a Suspect list two of the people on the list went twice the full suspect list Oh two people went twice between 932 and 1017 a.m. This morning Okay, two of these people went to the bathroom. All right, we're gonna give a 30 minute 30 minute warning. Hey Rick Come here. What time did you get in today? No, no get over here. You're not on the suspect list. I have a question for you.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Come here. Come here. Come hither. Sit down. Sit down. Do you got a what? Do I have to like sit in a chair because that's when I look really big?
Starting point is 00:27:18 No, yeah. You look really big anywhere, dude. You are big. All right, what's up? You look so fucking- Oh my God! Oh my God! Dude, you are big all right. What's up? We got to keep doing this guy Large adult son oh my I remember I used to watch this show before I worked here I was like man. It would be so cool to work there one day
Starting point is 00:27:41 So cool to be called into the yak and now you guys ask for me, it just fills me with dread. Oh, come on, you're not that big, DJ. No, sit up, sit up. I can't dwarf you on your birthday. Oh, there it is. I literally just told him over there, I was like, I wanna go get hibachi, but the Yak's gonna call me big.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah, well, no, that isn't why I'm calling you on. Yeah, frame it up. Maybe zoom out a little Zoom out a little There we go. All right We keep going to the TVs get all black there you go How are you improving at this I'm just a little tiny guy It'd be little itty-bitty big cat Rick what's up and Nick and Danny don't know what I'm gonna ask you but so they can be unbiased here define for me
Starting point is 00:28:40 What you would qualify a late lead in a basketball game is we're doing this Just to find it you guys. What would you guys say a late lead? Maybe give me the this the the lead I was pushing a narrative and give me the time you turn me after every Indiana lost lead a basketball basketball college basketball 20 minute halves 78 73 Three and a half minutes, okay That's a good answer. Thank you. Would you say a late lead is a four-point lead with ten and a half minutes? I don't think you fucking tweet at me every Indian
Starting point is 00:29:24 I don't I don't I was pushing a narrative. I don't think you fucking tweet at me after every Indiana But at least do something I watch was not directly Okay, you just like oh, I believe you blew a late lead and I was like wait. I watched this whole game We haven't been up for 10 minutes. Okay, we were up. We're up by four points. That's fair But then you said I didn't even watch the game which is the most offensive thing you could cause hey Rick look at him When you're talking. Yeah You call me anything else in a box score watcher listen wait when you sent that tweet I Thought that you hadn't watched the game because no way would anyone think a four-point lead with ten minutes left is I watched every minute
Starting point is 00:30:02 I go back check the tweets. Yeah, I tweeted when Julian Reese did that little attempt to throw it on your guy at the baseline I don't fucking don't manhandle me. He's gonna squish you This is fun Rick mad Can I go get about you know yeah, what are you gonna? Take the whole thing? Didn't you just have a whole town's crops for the year? What's on the bottom of your foot is that a village you step on a village on the Batchy chefs, please bring in one cow and said made the step on a village joke last time. I know you're a giant 17 chickens Rick wants Ricky hungry
Starting point is 00:30:43 This is exactly what I said was gonna fucking happen. I said I want to go get about you But yeah, I'm gonna call me on make me fucking big We didn't do anything. This is Tj. You haven't messed with these cameras. What are you doing this weekend? Why do you need to know that you're making any new lakes with your footsteps The top of the Empire State Building and swat at planes? Yeah. We'll hit up Tyler O'Day.
Starting point is 00:31:10 We gotta get you up there. You gonna use it? I've actually been there. You gonna use it? I was in New York a couple years ago. Tyler O'Day took me to the top of the building. You gonna play any softball with some redwood trees? Oh no, those redwood trees are your toothpicks.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah, so you guys just, do you think of these beforehand and then call me on no We're just them offers on the spot. No, this is good. We're riffing. Yeah, we're firing. We're firing Can you? Nevermind go see ya. Thank you. Oh my god There he goes. Oh, man. All right, Stephen Chase said he could zoom in in two minutes. Nick, you were saying something about a birthday present? Oh, yeah, I got scammed.
Starting point is 00:32:02 What happened? I bought you a Rizzler Nick's jersey Jersey and the company sent me an empty bag. Oh I got here January 18th. Who could have seen that come I know January 18. So you had no time to get a different one. I Got an empty bag on January the 18th and I was like, this is weird and threw it away And then I didn't look at the and I checked the delivery. Oh, that's very funny. And it was arrived, so I. That's funny. Yeah. You sure it wasn't tucked away in that bag somewhere?
Starting point is 00:32:30 It was an empty bag. I would've liked the bag. Rizzler is small. Yeah. I would've liked, you know. Scammed. Frame it and be like, this is where Rizzler's Nick jersey goes.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And then I looked just for a box of peanut butter checks, couldn't find that anywhere this morning either. Ah, dang. That's a hard one target Target I'm giving you your gift in New Orleans. Oh Thank you Yeah, you just yeah, he said it's gonna be a good one too, huh? Yeah, you don't have to do that Don't you typically bring your wife to New Orleans? Oh
Starting point is 00:33:03 Brandon you shouldn't have but I will can you regift that the only turn 40 once yeah yeah yeah uh-huh she is going I know you see has posted the video for my 30th birthday, which is decades over, but yeah, that was when I still had it. This is from my 30th birthday. We're at the Super Bowl. This is the night that PFT came out with us for the first time. I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Look at it, Mike. Yeah. Where was it? It was in Arizona. It was when I... We thought PFT was like a spy for SB Nation, so Hank and I just like shoved a shit load of cocaine up his nose
Starting point is 00:33:51 and we're like, can't tell anyone. And now we're good. Wow, you've changed a lot. Yeah, we're good. It was also the, it was the party, we were in Arizona and it was, I think, so we, Dave and I took our shirts off because there was another table that had their shirts off
Starting point is 00:34:08 of like these dudes that, I think it might have been the Gronk brothers and the bouncer came over and was like, if you guys don't put your shirts back on, you're outta here. We're like, why? Everyone's got their shirts off. He's like, you're like disrupting everything. You're scaring all the hoes.
Starting point is 00:34:22 It's disgusting. Shit, okay. So all the other guys with their shirts off were handsome. Oh, yeah good-looking jacked chiseled So your crime was being gross. Yes. Yeah physically. Yeah Stone cold and beers will lock me up. Oh Stephen Everyone guys so Yeah, you got a good rectangle going on guy smiley So Stephen we accidentally might have said that you had such a bad hangover you went to the doctor Yes, I had to go to the emergency room yesterday I actually wasn't hung over which is kind of surprising you woke up still drunk. Yeah, you couldn't drive your car
Starting point is 00:35:16 Oh, that was more of a safety thing like my friend in college. You gotta do you either next day cuz he was still drunk College you gotta do you I the next day because he was still drunk Call it ambulance from me okay, okay? I mean I would want it to wouldn't want it to blow into a whatever those breathalyzer, but yeah, I mean I felt fine Yeah, I had to I had like some weird chest pains yesterday So I wanted to get it evaluated by a doctor and then I got an EKG And then they said I should go to the emergency room and I got checked out I got cleared for the most part of everything I have a follow-up tomorrow but it was scary shit I don't know if it was I don't know if
Starting point is 00:35:53 it was directly related to the case race you're still doing this you're still being like oh it had nothing to do with the 20 beers. I do win an hour No, I mean I had I of all the case races. This was like the second or third like least Drunk like I've been pretty bad. I mean the last one. I was like destroyed, but Yeah, I I may have Drank my last beer. I don't know. I'm reevaluating a lot of things so Why didn't you get a hotel? I? Was fine. I slept in the office. I slept in a car car it was like a good night's sleep like we have no issue with
Starting point is 00:36:28 that we have video of you sleeping on the floor I fell asleep on the court for probably a few minutes but I was I went to a across the macro to sing pseudo there's a cot oh I know where the song blankets all right so that's your I know where the cot is yeah oh shouldn't have told that to Viva La Dan You know where the con is. Yeah, I didn't I didn't know that there was still one over there. Oh, yeah Oh, so wait, so but Stephen the real story here is that you went to the doctor and the first doctor said You might have a heart attack. So you had like you had a couple hours yesterday where you're like, did I have a heart? Yeah, I was pretty scared. They said it was they didn't describe it as that exactly they said it was a potential heart injury, which is of heart attacks, it would be the lowest form of it, but
Starting point is 00:37:15 and I was like really Scared and then I went and then there you know, the doctor can only say so much What were you like you should you should go to the emergency room. The emergency room said I did not have one. What were your symptoms like? Were you like, your heart was beating fast? You're like anxious?
Starting point is 00:37:33 No, no, it just, it's tough to describe. Do you feel intoxicated at all? Yeah, nauseous ahead of you. No, no. Regret, regret? No, it almost felt like there was like an extra beat at some points and like I don't know it didn't hurt or anything It just felt weird and you know if we're leaving next week. I wanted to be like alright
Starting point is 00:37:53 Let me I don't want to go to dr. Norwals if this happens, so So alright so tomorrow you have a follow-up Yeah, we basically want to know At what point we can call your pussy Now oh all right cool, so you were really hung over and you're like oh my god. I'm having a heart attack Potentially Coincidental it was a heart injury you didn't at any point be like oh, yeah, I drink a massive amount of alcohol last night That's probably why I don't feel normal
Starting point is 00:38:34 Uh, I mean I've done that you know a bunch of my life, but it nothing felt like this and it wasn't like Like I'm hungover. It was more like oh shit. This is really weird, okay I mean just felt off. I've gone to the doctor thinking I was having a heart attack before and I you make sense I had a muscle in my back. Yeah, you went to you've gone to the doctor, and they gave you a cup of water as the medicine Like hey, I did have like 20 or did you One of them patronizingly very set-up congrats, oh no But no, they that was that's one potential sense of but yeah I mean just the fact that it's potentially linked to it like I want to kind of clear that up
Starting point is 00:39:19 So any any essentially did you any dr. Stooley's you ran into? potentially did you any dr. Stooley's you ran into That's what I don't think so no dr. Stooley's Hello, do we dr. Stooley no if there are any stooley doctors that want to give medical advice hit the DMS though Oh, hey come on the advice is probably just don't drink 20 beers. Yeah, nobody worse than WebMD Yeah, I was blackout drunk and filmed why am I anxious? So what did the first doctor say or see that made him say you should go to the emergency room I Got an EKG and there was something with the results that they didn't like I don't even remember what it was there was like some
Starting point is 00:39:59 Dip that seems like something you should remember I Mean it's a medical term, but yeah, whatever. I don't know. It's in my fight. It's in my chart anxiety Just had they just open the chart. Look at this China. It's a picture of a really graphic picture of a pussy Okay, sir, we see where it hurts Here's some badger still not go Thank you, yes. So, either one's concerned, I seem to be okay, I have my fall tomorrow and I'll get hopefully, you know, cleared for everything.
Starting point is 00:40:31 But yeah, it was scary shit. So I'm just taking it easy the next couple days and yeah. All right. So one question that we had lingering here, and it is very funny, it's an ironic twist of fate, but you did initially tell us that you weren't gonna be in yesterday because your kid was sick That is also what was Liam Cohen said when he was leaving the Bucs to go to the Jags Yes, so and I realized this because I did watch back the first couple minutes I did ignore my employers phone call, which is you yeah, and I said I was on my way
Starting point is 00:41:03 But I was responding to text and I did call you right after and I wasn't taking calls from other employers to do this And it was legit and yeah, my son had a hundred three fever during the case rate So it was like if he was if he still had the fever the next morning. I was gonna go back and he did But if he didn't I was gonna go to the pause and And I was calling you to check in I wasn't I Do I do? Care about you Stephen. Yeah, I know same brother. You were literally just so you're just hung over You were hungover
Starting point is 00:41:39 You spent the entire day in the hospital by choice they told me to go there do they do they give you an idea to? Rehydrate regular doctor like my regular who told you go to the regular doctor. Oh, I did Did they did you have an IV I did oh that must smell they must have thought you were dehydrated The I didn't get an IV till like 3 o'clock yesterday maybe. And it was to do, I don't know, they were going to do some weird blood test where they like put something in me and then gave another blood test in like 2 hours but they needed to do the IV to like flush some shit. I don't know. I wonder what. KB, Kyle's here.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Birthday. Thank you. Oh, dentist. Oh no. I'm out numb as fuck. We were talking to Che because we're diagnosing his hangover. You got the hangover IV?
Starting point is 00:42:40 Maybe. From a real doctor. At the emergency room what actually happened don't trick it oh no do not oh man all right well I'm happy you're okay Che I'm happy your kids okay to change yeah Yeah, we're drinking a thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I was I knew you were lying. They thought you're alive When are you announcing that you're on Liam Cone's favorite slapstick comic absolutely not never gonna work with that snake but I Was gonna say shit. I forgot wait make a little small little smaller. It's a little smaller Okay, did you have emergency surgery pretty much what happened? I just did the whole damn thing more than any
Starting point is 00:43:46 of us want it did they put you under I did three appointments and one what do you do it was it schedule appointment or were you in pain yeah I was in pain you text me about a dentist yesterday yeah I just need it one when did you schedule it months ago I just need my insurance. When did you schedule it? Months ago, I just needed my insurance information. Okay. This was just supposed to be a cleaning? It was a deep cleaning. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:12 God damn it, sounds like it. Real deep. Yeah. What'd I miss? You want to do the Mountain Dew ad real quick? Yeah, I think that'll be good. Yeah. Okay, add a blast of,
Starting point is 00:44:23 add a blast of refresh, add a blast of refreshing tropical lime flavor to your game day. Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Mountain Dew Baja Blast is part of my game day ritual. It's the best beverage ever created. I've been drinking Mountain Dew since I was one. The tropical lime flavor of Mountain Dew Baja Blast is as refreshing as hitting a big parlay Or a game-winning kick or 98 yard pick six your team winning in the playoffs and shit like that Yeah Mountain Dew
Starting point is 00:44:56 Is there more to this no, that's it Mountain Dew here. Let me get the sheet back. Mountain Dew is the best. I'm gonna be having Mountain Dew all week in New Orleans. Do the Dew. We have an investigation we're about to commence on. I know what it is. Am I a suspect? You weren't here. Why would you? Why? Oh, now you are. I should be. Because of my erratic dietary habits, but it wasn't me you are forced up right now Do we think it is We're waiting another 13 minutes. We're giving everyone who's watching a warning We're not gonna do the investigation until one everyone has a chance to eat because we have any compelling leads
Starting point is 00:45:41 TJ says I got the tapes a lot. We got suspects Cavities Kyle no cavities, but it's just been so long Do you know don't get it? Do you know what true love is? If you had to pick one candy to describe life as what would it be yeah, we talk was Like if I if I gave you like for Valentine's Day what would I give you if I show want to show you my love to you what would you call big cat if he was pretty high ranking in the army lieutenant I've never seen the movie
Starting point is 00:46:30 I know that chocolate one. I just say life is like a box of chocolate It's fucked life like a box of chocolate And I'm happy you didn't have to go to the hospital so what che was just hung over yeah Went to the hospital pretty much What was the heart attack? Thanks, I it wasn't a heart attack over. He called it a heart related injury It's the lowest form of a heart attack, but it's not a heart attack, but he and he swears There's nothing to do with the case It's just a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:47:05 It's a completely isolated incident. He said he felt not even hung over. He just had to go to the doctor because his heart was beating too fast. Oh, yeah, unrelated. Yeah, unrelated. He wasn't hung over. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:17 And he said that he, yeah, I mean, you heard him. He was, that was quite the chaisum where he's like, I didn't, they told me to go to the emergency room the church Who told you the doctor that I went to see? Kate has put a plate of food next to say Y'all everyone be on alert. Yeah, be careful. Thanks. Laila's been back in the office Yeah, so by this time for fly. There's nothing dangerous. I don't a swivel Got the icing on now if you're if you're ready to eat it. Ooh, I'll eat it at the end. Let's eat it at the end of the yak.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Looks good. Looks really good. Does look good. These really are very easy to make. I thought it said oh. Oh. I'm so stupid. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Oh. Happy birthday. Weird thing. Hmm. Four oh. Hmm. Shout out Chuck and Riggs. Also their birthday. Mm-hmm. I knew that. Oh Happy birthday weird thing Shout out Chuck and Riggs also their birthday. I knew that yeah We have a birthday text chain. No way. Yeah, we only texted on our birthdays three of us
Starting point is 00:48:19 The three of you have for been alone together I've been alone with Chuck. I've been alone with rigs. I don't think I'm Add me to that It's literally just on our birthday, it's very cute. I just watch I won't text Can't do it damn Damn, I was missing the dead bird boys group chat the other day. I was never in that one either I had a frozen pigeon in front of my tire. Mm. Mm. Just happened to be in front of your tire?
Starting point is 00:48:47 And I said, there's nobody. I didn't hit it. I was at the grocery store, and I was like, oh my god. It was like right there. But I had nobody to share it with. Sad. That is sad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:00 That's really sad. Dead bird, no one to share it with. Oh, by the way, tickets are on sale for a dozen on Tuesday night in New Orleans. That is like our big event that we're doing. So if you're going to be in New Orleans, if you're a New Orleans stoolie or you're coming for the game, come out. It's going to be awesome. Tons of fun. Team Yak is participating? Team Yak is participating. Team Yak is participating.
Starting point is 00:49:25 The experts are participating? Yep. We're going up against you. You two are up? Maybe. The experts might have made a move. Oh! Whoa. Whoa. What? What?
Starting point is 00:49:37 I don't think you know about it yet. I clearly don't know about it. Okay. But we'll talk about it on air. On air where? Uh uh when the dozens going on. I had a message from Jeff D. Lowe call me yesterday and I know. There's a new team. Interesting. Who's the new team?
Starting point is 00:49:55 It's uh uh I can't say. Don't say. Don't say. Let's just say you have a lot in common with the other two people geographically. No, I'm not. Hmm. No. I won't do that. Call Jeff back.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Doesn't sound like a yes or no question. And the experts. Yeah, it doesn't. The experts are getting more expert? The experts have a Ohio State walk-on, former. I'm making this up. Yeah, of course. And he's freaking out.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yes. This is all he has. Love it. You're making it up. Oh, yeah. So, Brandon, Mincy, and Megan? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Whoa. What's going on? What's and Megan? Yeah. Oh. Whoa. What's going on? What's going on? It won't be bad. No. They won't be good. Oh, they'll be bad. Yeah, they'll be bad.
Starting point is 00:50:53 I meant to say they'll be bad. But this will also be the last time you can see Will Compton in person. Yeah, before he fades away into a guy on your screen. Mm-hmm. Have you tried to text him? He doesn't answer me anymore like he's already I sent him a fart this morning, okay
Starting point is 00:51:10 He's freaking oh no Jeff's lying to him. I think Jeff No tune in on But come to the show come to live show tickets are there yeah put the ticket link in the chat Love it very I'm sure Nick Nick was just messing with you. That's fine. He said you were just messing with me. He probably there's the gumbo dumbos Wouldn't you want to lead that team to victory? No, I don't want to do anything Mince wants his second trophy. Oh What? This is not.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Mince wants his second trophy. Oh, man. All right, that was terrible. 3,925. Huh? 3,925. Yeah. You would still play the dozen.
Starting point is 00:51:51 You would try to, right? What do you got there? What's your good? I should have just worn it. OK, I still can't see anything. There we go. OK, it's a small graphic on the shirt. All right, 3,925.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And what does it say? All right. What does it say under it? Okay, I'm still can't say no. It's a small graphic on the shirt all right 2925 All right, what does it say under it? Why don't you just take off your fucking jersey? Oh? No, oh no Whoa, oh wow was it say well we got flame What's it say 3925 of my life why is moment not capitalized because it shouldn't be It's a thing called title case Brandon learn of them should be It's a thing called title case Brandon If it's entitled case
Starting point is 00:52:51 Title case why is so what it's called I Was a page designer for 12 years. I thank you You probably and you don't know title case. I know title case the moment should be capital. Mmm. I Don't think any of us should be capitalized other than the. Anyway, that was pointless. No, it wasn't. It's a great shirt. Did you design it yourself? Somebody sent it to me. Oh, you're that excited for Rizler to start working here? Of course I am. Rizler starts his new contract. Oh yeah. What day of the week is that? It's a Friday. It's a Friday. One of my favorite days. Oh, the seventh of Friday. It's a Friday one of my favorite days of the seventh of Friday
Starting point is 00:53:26 So it's a Sunday the night there's Sunday. We didn't time that well The seventh will be your funeral correct. Yeah, what's your Sunday you resurrect? Yeah, so that's the day before the conference tournament start When do the car that Monday with that week of the Monday? Yeah, I think they're late this year late this year Yeah, oh, that's great That week of the Monday? Yeah. I think they're late this year. They're a little late this year. Yeah. A little late this year? Oh, so that's great. I think the first, like, I know Mississippi State plays the first, the fourth, and the seventh.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Oh, great. So they're kind of pushed a week. That's great. Did you see the Sun Belt brackets? I did, yeah. I love that shit. Yeah. Did you see it, Brandon?
Starting point is 00:54:00 No, I didn't see it. Basically, the lowest seed is gonna have to win like seven thousand games. Yeah It is pretty neat progressive seed gets a bot more That's how it should be We should do this for the next case race the regular season means something So the first and second seed only have to win two games two games That is cool have to win two games. That is cool.
Starting point is 00:54:26 It looks ridiculous, but it actually does make sense. I think it's a cool looking bracket. That's how it should be. Because the problem these conferences ran into is like you'd have one good team, and then they'd get upset. And then they don't get to go to the NCAA tournament, and you send the wrong team.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And they get their dicks kicked in. And yeah. So they waited that way. But yeah, it's a funny, funny looking bracket. Kyle, you like brackets as a kid. Love them. Did you like family trees? Cause those are kind of vertical brackets.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I never, I always look a little bit long around them but my thing was brackets, 64 man, 32. I love consolation brackets, too. Consolation brackets are your thing? Mm-hmm. That's just more brackets. Yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:55:11 What? Breaking news. I saw that. What? Whoa. New Baltimore Banner investigation. Ravens Justin Tucker accused of inappropriate sexual behavior by six massage therapists? That's enough.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa New Baltimore banner investigation Ravens Justin Tucker accused of inappropriate sexual behavior by six massage therapists enough whoa What? Two spas said they've been That is that is that a thing guys like I I mean I think there's like places you can go for that Yeah, I would I don't know why they're like two minutes. Yeah, what you say getting jerked off. I guess that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:55:56 But what did he He assaulted them That's what I'm thinking. When do you think he knew about this investigation? Cuz that problem that could be But why bad talks yeah? Every time he goes to kick he's like shit. I'm about to I'm a bad guy It is it is gonna and it is kind of crazy how many of these stories are popular. It's just the NFL so far, right? Yeah, is that? it's
Starting point is 00:56:21 Kraft and Deshaun Watson and now It's weird Kraft and Deshaun Watson and now Those are the three big ones did not think that inherent about playing in the NFL a kicker How do you get banned by multiple spas like after the first one you should be like oh shit? Yeah, like I need to look I need to do something about this Yeah, just kept damn Not good. Also, at what point do you think people aren't, you're like, if you're him, and you've been kicked out of three massage parlors now,
Starting point is 00:56:52 don't you think people are gonna start talking? Like aren't you like, maybe I? Yeah, you're gonna be freaking out. That's just pathetic. And you're a public figure. Right, like. Yeah, yeah. I think he's a monster.
Starting point is 00:57:01 You ruled? Yeah, I ruled. That's enough evidence. Justin Tucker's monster. That's a headline. Fair. But six. Six is a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Six and two whole organizations giving you a ban. I'm guessing there's more. Five of the women said Tucker asked them to massage his pelvic region or inner thighs while he had an erection. Oh man. Then they said he repeatedly wiggled his pelvis to remove the sheets which fully or partially exposed generals She wouldn't say Tucker. Oh Penis three said when they returned to the treatment room after Tucker left. Oh large wet spa massage Oh, Jesus Christ, dude, so he like got off on freaking them out. What the fuck? He married I think so
Starting point is 00:57:42 damn Yeah, there are places that will just do it right right understanding. Why don't you just go to the right? Because that's not what he's getting off on right. It's not the jerk off itself Yeah, like say like craft that was a FBI sting Craft was a police He was at the place to get jerked off. He was playing the game the right way. Yeah, he was playing with it Yeah, yeah, the between the locked up compare them. Yeah Yeah, he's an about Catholic and makes the sign of the cross before every
Starting point is 00:58:17 You're already on his wiki Kyle. Yeah, I was married oh I was married How many Wikipedia's you visited a car actually that goes for you too a lot they need I want a Wikipedia wrapped like Spotify Yeah, be funny. Yeah, I'm Handful a day you see where I'm getting a bum. We're getting a plaque PMT is getting a plaque for Spotify. They're doing plaques now what for what? downloads oh, oh, yeah, Joe Rogan in PMT is getting a plaque for Spotify. They're doing plaques now. What? For what? That's sick. Downloads. Oh, amazing. Joe Rogan and some true crime were the only two
Starting point is 00:58:52 that were $500 million, and then it was us and two other true crimes that were $250. What about Alexandra? My god. I don't know. She wasn't on that. So top sit, top five. We got to get pumped up.
Starting point is 00:59:03 $250? I want that gold. Congratulations on the plaque. I'm going to lose that plaque so fast. We should break the plaque. Top sit top five Break we have cal break. Yeah, we'll break break the yeah. Oh, yeah, we're gonna break the plaque Yeah until you get five that's like so punk rock of us Like fuck you that's just Spotify numbers. Yeah, what's the milestone? You got a hit to get one in the first place like I didn't I don't think Spotify ever did plaques This like was a news story that I just someone tagged me and it's I guess they started doing plaques just now But YouTube you only get one if you got a hundred thousand subscribers
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah, like what Spotify's long I think was a hundred was the silver or the bronze plaque gotcha And there's a few other true crime true crime just rock.'s huge crazy that's fun for everyone it is fun for everyone isn't it I fucking I was too into it I had to stop yeah okay he's an opera singer sorry yeah he is guy the Browns got to give him 230 guarantee Justin Tucker's an opera singer yeah yeah they did a whole thing about it I missed the whole thing I only know I guarantee you Justin Tucker's an opera singer? Yeah I'll think about it I missed the whole thing I only know him for kicking footballs
Starting point is 01:00:12 Far, now you know him for two things Opera And rubbing his penis on people Wiggling it The sheets off Puddles of jizz Trying to think of what If you do that one time and the ladies like what the fuck man, yeah, I Don't know how you don't just go home and just like I don't know
Starting point is 01:00:39 Fuck your band he's like maybe next time yeah, yeah god she was being a bitch but also like crazy even even before the one time just Putting your erect penis on someone. Yeah. Yeah, he did. Yeah, that feels like something I would say I would hope most people know is not what you're supposed to do Like here it is should be automatic. It's not cool, man. Yeah, not cool, dude. Not cool. I Wish we had Dana beers here. You'd be like nah, dude. No do what I do and just Sentence sentence him to a Dana beers. Nah, dude. Oh No, that's too far
Starting point is 01:01:14 He texted me last night to apologize for yelling After you antique to monster All right Let's get to the investigation before we do that. Factor ready to optimize your nutrition this year. Factor is chef-made gourmet meals that make eating well easy. They're dietitian approved and ready to heat and eat in two minutes so you can fuel right and feel great no matter what life throws at you.
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Starting point is 01:02:12 50% off your first box plus free shipping. That's code yak50off at slash yak50off to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box. We're also brought to you by our friends at MTV's The Challenge for the first time ever. The Challenge All Stars is coming to exclusively to MTV, but this time with a major twist. 13 All Star Pairs of Rivals will need to work together to win together in MTV's The Challenge All Stars Rivals. That's right. 13 of the bitterest all-star pairs of rivalries in challenge history
Starting point is 01:02:48 are going to have to get along together if they want to win the title of All-Stars champion. We're talking exes for enemies in all time. Worst enemies partnering up, including challenge favorites Nani, Turbo, Anissa, Ashley M. and Leroy, and Devin, and no other season has so much tension, drama, or bad blood because the best chance for these all-stars
Starting point is 01:03:10 to come out on top is to live and die by their rival. This might just be the most challenging all-star season yet. Think you could make it work with your worst enemy. Don't miss MTV's The Challenge All-Stars Rivals, all new, Wednesday at eight 8 7 Central on MTV. Oh Man, all right Hold on. Let's do Let me see I'm gonna tweet out the link investigation is going to start. Oh
Starting point is 01:03:39 What's the matter Brandon It's about to get about to get rough What's the matter Brandon? It's about to get rough. I'm interested in the suspect list. Okay, so I think if we're going to be good investigators we all have to look at the picture.
Starting point is 01:03:56 No, no, I don't agree. Oh, I already saw it. No, you didn't. Because here's the thing, I don't want to embarrass anyone, but apparently this has happened multiple times. I think it's the thing I don't want to embarrass anyone, but apparently has happened multiple times I think it's a serial thing. I put my PR hat on real quick here guys Yes, please professional PR if you're out there, and you're the pooper and you're listening Best thing you could do is get ahead of it. Yeah, leave come on in the office right now
Starting point is 01:04:18 Oh, come on forward right now forward right now come forward right now and tell us like hey I had it don't sit on our chair don't write if you're watching the show right now come forward right now and tell us like hey I had it don't sit on our chair Don't write if you're watching the show right now, and you took a poop in the upstairs bathroom Oh, no between nine thirty and ten thirty There's not that many people that did it we know who did it we know who went into that bathroom So you opportunity to clear your name now because I would applaud Didn't that's crazy. That's not even the poop. We know who you are we will find you and we will kill you all right I'm gonna look good luck. You ready. I'll watch you look look oh My god, yeah, it's bad. Yeah, I gotta see let me see as explosive is the word I would use
Starting point is 01:05:02 It's on Chuck Nato's Twitter if anyone is interested. And this has been a multiple serial offender. The thing is like. Yeah it's kind of hard to have sympathy for a serial attacker. Oh my only thinking is you're so panicked that someone is going to hear what you're doing in there that you like aren't
Starting point is 01:05:23 thinking straight and you like just rush out or you Just never think okay, but you don't have it I said it's Brandon you had to see if we're gonna investigate you. I don't have to see it Yes, you do I can hear all sides without being you have to somebody that doesn't think straight Presumably has an awful diet and probably doesn't have their own apartment to shit at And as always upstairs all right could be anybody before we kind of shame this perfect. Yeah. Yeah, how do we know work out? How do we how do we know they did it more than once it's happened Well, we don't know if it's the same person that's done it once chaps has said he's gonna be one is twice in this week
Starting point is 01:06:04 Okay, so that it's it's a problem, and then we need to get a fix, but that is a very specific It's not about shaming the person. It's about fixing the person. It's fixing the person Okay, it just next to me and said it happened Monday as well and was way worse the cleaning lady's boss had to text her About it back bathrooms had paper towels shoved in and over towel shoved in and over paper oh my god yeah all right yeah that that gets jaming a big pain shame shove paper towels where I need to understand it paper towels in the toilet yeah oh they don't have to step outside of the stall shame get paper towels there has been plumbing issues all week I front your nose was clogged somehow yes I think I think I put their Lucy's in there
Starting point is 01:06:47 But wait wait why? We have the thrill seeker yeah, they were trying to clean they Adrenaline yeah exploded so hard. I'm gonna say right now if we're getting into the mind of this person They wanted to be caught they want to be caught yep We saw this I think BTK did this where he would he would yeah the cops and Just talk to him and fuck with them and he got off on that. Yeah, it's yeah very similar Wait, we just I didn't know from page to the office. It was an hour ago. We do not live in a barn mmm Yeah, she's fired up is not the clean. I think that's the worst part all this yeah
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah, that's fucked up. It's a bad enough to where it's like yeah, that's fired up is not the clean. I think that's the worst part all this yeah Yeah, that's fucked up. It's a bad enough to wear. It's like yeah, that's fucked up All right, she said she was gonna line everyone up and glue everyone's asshole shut this morning. Oh, that's how pitch It's come to that point. Yeah, she's yes you guys so this is someone who panicked because they exploded around the toilet Everywhere use paper towel, but then we're afraid to leave the stall and be caught with it, so they shoved it in All right, so who's our suspect list? So I think I have six clips I think that we watch them and then bring in the people at the end It was if you look at the photo was it was you could probably tell by the run or walk in yes, Brandon I'll take a timeout. Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:01 When we find the suspect they will be horrifically embarrassed, correct? Right. But if they've been doing this multiple times, that's not the cleaning lady's job. Right. This person can't keep doing this. Do you have more to that thought, Brandon? Are we sure we want to expose this person?
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yes! Does this person want to come forward? What they're doing is selfish. I don't go to the shop. If it was a one-time thing I would say okay bad day Whatever it happens everyone has access, but still we must expose this person you can have a bad time You should you clean up after your sorry all right? I don't leave a point where they page gets called all right. Let me ask this
Starting point is 01:08:37 TJ you know the suspect list well, so I'll say this there's one of these suspects I believe is a sales side person. Oh. So we should eliminate them. Unknown. I do not think they're sales. OK, so let's question the people that are content. And if they are clean, we know it's the sales person. One of the sales person was a five minute trip to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:08:56 All right, that's not it. Let's keep the sales person out of this. You can't clean up a mess with paper towels. I do it quick. That looked like a quick runaway. If you're exploding, it happens. But I'm saying, what we'll do. But, N, but I got a two-minute trip a two-minute trip a one-minute trip a five-minute trip I unknown a
Starting point is 01:09:12 Seven minute return by a person that already went oh dear a one minute trip a two minute trip that by someone that he already Went and a one minute trip all right, but the salesperson Let's leave him out of it if we question people and they Absolutely say it. We'll just say it's a salesperson We'll just never talk about it again. Yep, cuz they don't agree to be in Well, if we want to get an admission we have to play nice we have to be like, you're right I think we think it's funny. We understand we've all been there. Yeah, can you do it again? Wait, who's good cop who's bad cop? We should do good cop Brad cop cop. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I'll be I'll be good cop I'll be Brad'll be good cop. I'll be Brad
Starting point is 01:09:45 Okay, I Would say this if we feel bad about them being embarrassed if you guys were taking a shit especially one like that I would probably flush it before I'm even fully done I do every time also again if the cleaning lady is calling her boss like in tears that person needs yeah Like that's not okay. Yep, because if it's your thought like this is disgusting I made a mess, but the cleaning lady will take care of it. That's fucked up. That's shame worthy TJ What do you want to do you want to not? Tell us this is this is based on
Starting point is 01:10:16 Come forward because I've come if you want to come forward because I know for a factor On this list watching the show if we do this there their internet life from now To eternity is this I agree. I think coming forward is the only way to save yourself come forward Yeah, I got sick, and I should have cleaned it up. I'm sorry. I went home right after it's not about shitting It's about etiquette come forward and offer a gift for the clean. I'd be like I'm gonna give her a gift certificate to Here's a bottle of Febreze yeah, I this person has to come forward okay, all right have to just do This is I think crazy. He'd left base level human decency. Okay. All right. That's like that. What is Kate thing? You're the one who usually?
Starting point is 01:10:59 Yeah, that's big shits. No no no you're the one who's probably most sensitive person out of illness Yeah, I'm said that would destroy me But they're just actions have consequences Don't if I knew I made a cleaning person Cry Yeah, potentially. I think I would have to fix it somehow like I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night. All right Yeah, shame them. It's making pages life miserable. Mm-hmm Fix it somehow like I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night. All right. Yeah Shame them. It's making Paige's life miserable. Mm-hmm the cleaning ladies and it's rude for everybody using the bathroom. Send me
Starting point is 01:11:34 Okay It's quite the place fine. I'm out voted Brandon. Are you one of them? No, I don't go the upstairs bathroom Yeah, you go Wilcompton. Yeah, every time. Yeah me too. That's why that's part of the reason I get here so early There's an hour rockers have the bathroom to myself alright. I have the list This person has to come forward If you are the shit bandit last chance Because there's one person on this list that I don't really they're not content either and I don't want to have them it's there's Maybe there's one person that we that it has to be and that person it will be a great outcome for all of us Well, we all know who that person is if he wants to come on down
Starting point is 01:12:20 Maybe I'll say right now the the next person who comes in what you know we'll do we won't even accuse anyone The next person comes in here into this studio Or you could just walk in front of us, and we won't even say anything and we'll just be like all right That was him. We won't even put it on the camera. Yes. I think that's fair But if you so come for hiding it still then we're gonna find you will find you and we're gonna fuck you up What if they somebody else will raise your sons and daughters yes? So it's just so you have an opportunity right now if you're watching this to walk oh oh Oh, no, oh no. Oh, no. That's enough. Oh
Starting point is 01:12:58 Okay, so mystery solved your diet's very rich right yeah extremely Mystery solved your your diets mystery solved rich right yeah extremely So you you were you were watching and you heard me say if you come if you come sit down Then you were the one who shit no. I just saw your text. I was gonna do a legends ad with the solely What was my text you said come into the accident? What times you get in today, I might be trying to fray nine, but you are he is on the list How long was he in no? I'm not on the list because nine, but you are he is on the list how long was he in? No, I'm not on the list because yeah, you are the one that told him here Let me tell you folks are never poop the reason why I've been in the bathroom so much is because I'm on Crete
Starting point is 01:13:33 You know I'm drinking like oh Yeah, kissing a gallon of water a day, so I'm pissing non-stop you went twice though Yeah, I piss all the time happens. How many how long was his second one? Yeah, I piss all the time. That happens. How many how long was his second one? Two minutes. Oh two minute piss. Shaking a little extra. Yeah two two minute trips 932 I could have been taking a shirtless selfie in the mirror. That's definitely possible But I was the one that told Paige about it the first time I walked in there I said exactly what the no like an arsonist I said the fire across I said whoever did this should be fired and then I said I don't know who's gonna clean it
Starting point is 01:14:08 But like I'm not touching that so I came out next day It was gone, and then Chuck today said yo like did you see the big stall? I'm like you saw the old one and now it's a different shit the first time It was just liquid diarrhea filled up to the top And I haven't went back in that stall since I saw it in there It's like dead to me now like I won't even shit upstairs anymore. He is right that did happen alright But you agree like blowing up a toilet with your boys. That's funny and they get to see when I was in college we used to
Starting point is 01:14:36 Just fuck with each other. It's only funny with a lot. It's a little bit funny right? Yes, not at work though. Nope That could even be funny at work if you're blowing it up up But then this paper towels that are gonna clog it yes it KB's making a good maybe it was a moment of panic you were like well I don't want anyone to know it was me or you're trying to throw me under no Smokes we're saying it's not that big of a deal as you you could put this You could actually even put this under like content you've done today. Yeah, I don't want I think I think I look back on we have a very funny all right what we have your TJ Do we have the camera footage of smokes walking in yes? Let's see if it's an emergency shit walk, okay? Oh?
Starting point is 01:15:19 That's today 932 a.m.. Yes, I was wearing that outfit today Yeah, yes, it happened today as well that that's me But it happened talk had already showed me the picture the ship before that that wasn't an emergency walk no no Okay, I was a leisurely stroll all right Nicky have you calmed down from yeah, why were you so mad about that? Yeah? It wasn't necessarily like though. I'd say the work hours It was just more so like the notion that people just think I don't do anything here And I guess that's kind of like a soft spot for me because I really do care about this job and I put in work And I put in hours here and well you haven't heard any I say that
Starting point is 01:15:57 That's where my anger like kind of stem from and like looking back on the situation is it really wasn't a big deal. growth and I don't care that you're working out during work hours but they are work hours because when you're here your work it's work hours and like yeah I don't give a fuck when I said work hours I was thinking of like the typical like work day for most Americans that aren't parcel which is nine to five and all I was saying is like my workouts are done by 830 a.m. and then I don't really start the second one until like 435 p.m. And like it's not like many people are recording in the office. No, you don't bother anyone.
Starting point is 01:16:31 The whole point of this is it's advertiser. I told you that right away. I was like, workout. Right. Document it. And that was just my misinterpretation. Okay. So yeah, you're fine with the workouts.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Stop shitting the way you're shitting My shits are nice and thick now. They're not diarrhea Okay, all right. All right cool. You're dismissed. I already see it or smell it today Like you see it or smell today. Did you see anything in the smokes and smokes you see it today? I didn't see the one today told Chuck show me the so you did you go into the big stall today? Okay, so it could have been one I saw So you did you go into the big stall today? No, okay? All right, so it smokes is really the only one that I wanted it to be I Think there could be an important discrepancy that might make whoever did it more comfortable I don't know if you hit the flusher did it flush or just overflow It's still bad to put in paper time at least you tried
Starting point is 01:17:23 flow it's still bad to put in paper time at least you tried that could be the case right now that's fucked up paper towels that's what has given trouble before you can hire I don't want to I don't want to out the person but I again if the person wants to come forward they're more than welcome to do you know who the sense is I have a good
Starting point is 01:17:37 idea of who I think this is a dreadful investigation we're doing yeah so I thought I mean we we kind of were like we got to find this person and kill them And now is there anyone else on the list of suspects that's content Maybe we could deal with them, and then if they don't admit to it we go to behind the scenes What am I missing someone text? What's going on like such an investigation? We've done, and we never actually say Yeah, no the whole time last time we did it it would Frank it was Frank and we just okay
Starting point is 01:18:05 Whoops all right That's out of the bag Last time we did it, it was Frank and we just didn't say it. Oh, okay. Whoops. All right, there's the hat. Hat's out of the bag. All right. Okay. I worked facilities for a fancy pants corporate office once and somebody would shit on, people still in a fancy pants office were shitting on the floor
Starting point is 01:18:23 and on the seats and stuff It's just a thing. It's a thing you do All right, well be the sales person really the second person though is content Yeah, how long were they in there for two minutes two minutes? That's not enough who was in there the one the seven? Give us the time frames again Nikki smokes was in there for two minutes the second person was in there for two minutes Third person was in there for one minute An unknown person was in there for five minutes. It's got a person that was in there for one minute came back and went for eight minutes
Starting point is 01:19:05 Wait what? One minute came back and went for eight minutes. Oh. Wait, what? That's the run. That person came back and went for eight minutes. Yeah, I mean. Came back and went for eight minutes? He went from 940 to 941 and then went from 956 to 1003. That's the run. Oh, it's after mostly sports starts. And that person is not content. Yeah, don't throw, I don't think you should know throw them under the bus, but
Starting point is 01:19:27 Just handle it. Let me you know what I'm gonna Go I'm just gonna I'm just gonna look at some people in the gambling keep I'm not gonna say anything and I'll come back if I have any findings all right you can you can you can watch so Go I team the the the five minute and the eight minute are both non-content The fire I have to watch the clip for the five minute. The person that watched the tape said unknown. Why are non-content people allowed to use the bathroom at all?
Starting point is 01:19:51 Great point. That is a good point. They should have their own. Can I speak in defense of the person who went for like one minute and then eight minutes? Oh, that's haunting. That is haunting. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Oh, he has been putting on some weight oh no no was him was he was he looking at the camera oh is he going towards Rick Rick oh no and Rick was filming it so happy no but he hasn't even done the camera trick yet Gino Gino no Yes, oh no no Beef in the back bad time in the background Oh Gina you know is he bringing Gino back oh no
Starting point is 01:21:02 Jerry doesn't go upstairs either no Do you know what's you know stalking him what's happening? Lucas no he's been out here already I Will say this though to the downstairs people if I ever not that I do but I go cuz I'm normally upstairs I would go downstairs. Oh, yeah, it's just that that's the only bathroom. I would Yeah, it's just that that's the only bathroom. I would Yeah, it's such no way. I was pants are too tight to create shit so big. Yeah, it's I like halting big cat I think that person had like a one-minute explosion and then came had a conscience Wait was he the return?
Starting point is 01:21:46 I knew it. So listen, I don't think any of those guys did it. Gino has said he wants to come in to clear his name. All right, good move. Gino was the one minute and then eight minute. Oh. Oh. Gino?
Starting point is 01:22:02 One minute explosion, eight minute. Wait, let's, before you say a word, let's look. Oh, he's looking around. Wait, Gino? One minute explosion, eight minute, wait, let's, before you say a word, let's look. Oh, he's looking around. Wait, Gino. Why'd you change? Oh, I just took off my quarter zip. Huh, did you get something on it? No.
Starting point is 01:22:17 You changed from an Oklahoma State quarter zip to an Oklahoma State t-shirt, huh? In celebration of I'm a man, I'm 40 day. Love that. Oh, wait a minute. Oh, a wobble. That's an interesting gate. Kind of a wobble.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Why couldn't this just have been Mincy? Look at that debate up there. Is that Titus upstairs? Yeah, talk about it. You're never upstairs. Hold on. Titus, you're upstairs? The perfect crime. Everyone knows he doesn't go upstairs. Hold on. I've seen a unicorn. Titus, you're upstairs? The perfect crime.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Everyone knows he doesn't go upstairs. Look at Mincy. The Jaws theme song's playing in my head. All right, so Gino, you'd like to clear it in. Yep, so I am a cereal bathroom guy. I will admit to that. First time I was ever on the show, I mentioned I am like a morning workout guy.
Starting point is 01:23:03 So before I come into work, I do consume protein, coffee, drink a lot of water at the gym. But I am a first stall guy upstairs. Chuck did say it was in the second stall. And so my worst nightmare in this whole place is if I'm in the bathroom and somebody you know higher up the ladder than me is Like needing to go take a dump And I'm already taking the dump and they need the big stall because the small stall is tight the the but I'm a smaller guy
Starting point is 01:23:33 Oh Go back. Did you take off the quarter zip in the bathroom? Hold on, hold on! Oh, jeez! Oh, jeez! Oh, no, Gino, say something! So, my quarter zip is a little bit tight around the arms. Okay. Oh my god, I'm gonna get way in there. I'm here to clear my name.
Starting point is 01:23:58 I think it's hilarious in a way. If it wasn't you, you've made a grave mistake doing this. Right. Right. Right. To, have you guys ever had the crumple or fold debate? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:24:13 The paper? Yes. Okay, have you ever had the under or around debate? Sure, sure. Okay, so I'm an under guy, and on a shirt that's a little bit tighter around the arms, it's not as easy to like go under Right with a tighter quarter zip
Starting point is 01:24:29 Yeah, I took it off put it up on the stall and I was like, you know what? I'm not cold. So I'm just gonna keep it off. Hence the shorts You didn't think maybe just rolling up your sleeves would have sufficed. They don't roll up. There's a tight quarter zip You understand why this is hard to believe, right? I do, and I do, but like, the I only poop in the small stall thing is where my name is clear. Well, no, that's just you saying it. That's your word.
Starting point is 01:24:55 You might have to go get your quarter zip and see if the sleeves actually do not roll up. Yeah. Can you go put the quarter zip on and reenact a wipe? Does the glove fit? All right, here I go. Yep. Because walking out of the quarters at my wife So but I want to see that I want to see this the quarters up get tight
Starting point is 01:25:12 Because right now. I mean it's it's essentially like we saw the shit leaving the butt. He's about to make Your right him walking in there was the biggest mistake he could have ever yeah Yeah, I walked into the gambling cave, and he immediately looked at me goes. I want to clear my name that you can't do that And his big criminal 101 biggest alibi is yes, I did take a shit Yeah, stall next door because if somebody higher up on the totem pole has to shit yeah, and needs the big one I Do believe him in that because he is kind of like Gino's a very I do believe him in that because he is kind of like Gino's a very He's just like a good dude like doesn't get in the way kind of guy
Starting point is 01:25:52 Like he's very respectful about that Anti Nikki smoke yeah, it couldn't have been immoral or hostile he was it must have been a miss I'm having a crazy thing to make a moment of panic like my brain wouldn't but I'll say that out with the I'm gonna panic like my brain wouldn't but I'll say that out with the Off like I know from my own experiences when I'm going to do some work. I Take everything off I go to work everything everything shoes What if I was on this list and I just come out and see my underwear? Holding my shoes. That's how you know it's a bad one.
Starting point is 01:26:31 That's a shirt over your shoulder. I kind of want to do that now just because it would be a very funny storyline. Just blow up a bathroom and do another investigation. It's just me caught red handed. I'm still wiping his mouth. So he was the one and then had to return for eight minutes. We didn't address the returning either. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:56 But I believe in them. I think this is going to end up being the salesperson. Do you know the salesperson to you? Do you want to text me? I'm trying to. It it's a tight angle i can tell you what they're wearing well do you tell me after i don't i don't know i can tell you what the way i don't know who it is like you can't see their face who were the other content people on there chief i don't see him how long did he go in i don't see him doing it i don't think it was him because you were talking oh he went in for two minutes he's cleared i think it was gino because
Starting point is 01:27:24 if you really break it down he said he was worried about anyone higher up you would know cuz through that route He just walks past your desk. So if you were there not who else threat Yeah, cuz I was we had an interview at 830 this morning. Mm-hmm. And we were in the studio all morning Those wrists are looking awful loose there, Gino. Okay. Well good news is no one thinks it's you Okay, okay Here's the under oh god, that's way too much. Oh whoa a lot of Gino That's a lot of gene, but like after a little bit the sleeve starts to fall so I was like all right I'm just gonna take it off while I show me the sleeve fall
Starting point is 01:28:02 a little bit the sleeve starts to fall so I was like alright I'm just gonna take it off while I show me the sleeve fall oh you know few wipes going it hasn't budged that sleeve is stained you struggled not it's just wow no I'm serious though like this isn't just for you guys this is for like the entire office that's fucking disgusting and I actually wouldn't do that well said yeah and you're a hero and you're gonna commit your life to find yeah did it This is for like the entire office. That's fucking disgusting and I actually wouldn't do that well said You're gonna commit your life to finding out did it yeah Yeah, she tuned in next week. Gino's gonna do a special episode of the act called if I did yeah I think you're gonna get this guy if I know the other names of the people on the list I encourage them to come in and defend their name as I so bravely did it's basically down to you and a salesperson
Starting point is 01:28:48 Do you want to do you want to show them the list? I don't have that I have an unknown name on the salesperson you want to see the clip you can't see their face No here. I'll come I'll come look you can't see you see their shirt and pants so we could figure out who it is that way but The other the other longest trip is a person that we can't show. Don't show it on the screen. The paper towel, though, Gino. Yeah, it's like that's also crazy.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Right. Great. You do it. I wouldn't have done that. He would not have. What was the two trips? Uh, bathroom guy early in the morning. Go to the gym. Oh, we know have to pee, have to poo. Oh, so there was like a long time ago piss first, okay?
Starting point is 01:29:28 And then I don't remember that was 15 minutes later. You have a one-minute trip in an eight-minute trip Probably make was the one minute first. Yes. Yeah, make sense. That was a piss yeah, and the eight minute was I did poop But it was in a small stall in the small one logger as previously god damn it. That's That's tough Did you see or smell anything in there Gino did it sound like there was a war zone? Not that I like noticed, but like I wasn't paying attention like I was scrolling on Twitter on my phone I'm trying to figure out a timeline because Yeah, we're two longest trips are back-to-back
Starting point is 01:30:06 Unknown person then you is already they passed they they there's a Venn diagram you you you were in there with him No, I'm not true. I was gonna say I don't remember anyone else calls coming from inside the house So did you know or was that poo in the stall next to you at the time that you went poo? Like I don't know if if the unknown person commit the crime, the poo would have been in there When Gina returned to the bathroom Yeah, that's not great for me either So you didn't smell anything There are other people that went in after that may have seen something and didn't say something
Starting point is 01:30:38 I will say it wasn't particularly smelly This was a grave mistake Oh, so bad Gina, yeah, the next time you commit a crime Denied denied. Yeah, I don't even show your face. You've done nothing to help your case in fact I'd argue you've done the opposite Completely harmed you are confessing to being at the scene of the crime with a gun You're basically making the case against yourself yourself, but like I am strong that I only go into the small is
Starting point is 01:31:07 there a camera in the bathroom no that would be illegal well I mean like maybe we would never yeah we've never do oh yeah well next time I go to the bathroom I mean now do you want one of us come with you yeah you can hold my hand you know I'm always in the bath you're always in the bathroom you view it's not and I've never noticed odor or thank you aroma I mean like I am a poop at the office guy. I know there's people here who like don't do that Yeah, but like I do and in again G You just I'm begging you
Starting point is 01:31:42 You're getting Brandon Dassey but like what I was trying to go for there was like when I do go to the bathroom And it's number two like I use the smaller stall yeah, but we have no concrete I know I think hardest part a disgusting shit is funny. Wait. What are a serious? Didn't someone do something wasn't it smokes? Maybe who did like I'm gonna guess those people's feet. Yeah, hey Oh, were you in it? I was not but If anybody like like looks at the shoes underneath the stall, maybe they can I mean I wear these shoes 90% of the time maybe they can confirm that my shoes are always in the small stall
Starting point is 01:32:22 Yeah, sounds like you got work to do. Yeah, it really does. It's not great for me. Yeah, you need a lawyer. Yeah Not to talk to us at all Dance back from looking at people man. Oh, I don't like his face. He knows something Something happened on that walk. He's a changed man Gina's been fully cleared Hashtag has been fully cleared and I know who it is now, and we can't put that person on camera, but I don't know how I address to that person.
Starting point is 01:32:54 First off, the fact that you're innocent is insane. Yeah, I guess so. I... I... Gotta... Like, are you working with Gino Big Cat? No, no. Because he hasn't done anything right.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Not a single utterance. Every word out of his mouth. Dammit. You're up there with OJ after this. We had an update that... TJ, did you share it? I'll share it. No.
Starting point is 01:33:17 The Zupy tech? Zupy, last year there was a similar instance and he had to cut something, and it was between two people, and one person was cleared, and the other person was a salesperson, and I went and I got visual proof of who the salesperson is, and it's the same.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Ooh. Repeat offender. Wow. Multiple times. Wow. Gino, man. That's so crazy. Gino's been cleared. I don't know times. Wow. Gino, man. Gino, that's so crazy. Gino's been cleared. I don't know what to say. Gino's been cleared.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Gino's like, I didn't commit. An insane wrinkle. I'm shocked. I didn't commit that murder, but the one, two houses down. No, Gino, let's be honest. Gino's been fucking. That one was me.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Gino's been blowing up bathrooms. Yeah, like, should we go check the small stall? I bet you it's covered in shit. It's terrific. No one goes in there but Gino. yeah, there's just one Oklahoma State pool over with a turd smear up the right arm I don't know what to do now Somebody's if the same person's done this multiple times like call them a doctor. I know that that seems like a medical issue So you're a hundred percent positive? I'm 100% positive.
Starting point is 01:34:25 And I don't know how to address it. What do you say to that? I would say I think the page email did enough. Yeah. No, but it seems like it's happened like three or four documented times. Medically, are you okay? I'll let me start with that If they are where's Hank do you think they would hey I think I need Hank to talk to the person I
Starting point is 01:34:59 Mean as a team do we agree on not outing them publicly? Yeah, we can't They were pretty good, I mean this now I'm getting a text from other sales people being like clear clear Yeah are some salespeople that have been on camera worry up Salespeople are listening this right now. I'm thinking of one mm-hmm, and you know who you are The person who has been a who has been brought up on the yak before is not is is cleared I'm more confused now. No, okay. I get it Well, that's just gonna make the other people more nervous Would it earn points with you if they privately got a hold of yes like never again do yes
Starting point is 01:36:03 Yes, they could make it very easy being like dude. I'm so sorry, so I don't have to bring it up, okay Thus it's painful. That would be hard. I still wouldn't probably Full came out without your jacket on again, these are all things that I understand that it like it can frame me to be this way, but like I I only poop in the small stall. Why do you that's like why do you only poop in the small stall? That's also crazy. No. No, I already said why because like if big cats not gonna walk in there, but Gino get up. That is true. Gino move. No, you don't need to move. I'm just adding on top. That is true, but in this scenario, like where I am in the big stall and I know someone like, you know, more important than me walks in and they're like, there's not a hierarchy in the toilet. No, the bathroom is the great equalizer. I've never once, Hank, come here. Gino, you're cleared. Thank you appreciate it. Happy birthday big hit Gino
Starting point is 01:37:06 Thank you for using the small stall when Brandon needs to go. We got an issue Hank Did you see the age following along at all I? I just got caught up What the fuck do we do do we play rocks? There's a shoot to see us talk to this person. I think I think you know, I think we got to play rocks paper-scissors shoot That's he's we always play rock paper. Shoot for who has taught This is the most high stakes rock paper shoot ever this this person also as I'm getting filled in I got a slack from them being like hey, can we meet about something?
Starting point is 01:37:38 All right, I'm gonna say something that's the seven well, they're coming forward to do it then you should talk to no no No, they want you please separate Like can we talk about veiny woodhead? I was like all right best I have you not say so that's a seven whoever loses has to address this with Now or later can we get some dramatic at some point? I'll just send them this clip at some point They're all watching so they know they know they're real quick. Yeah, you're doing rock-paper-scissors, but it's a wheel show Oh, you're right. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:38:09 You know what? Adds spin the office wheel and that might have to be something that's good. I don't mind a third What would a by-the-book corporate company do about there is it isn't not supposed to be an automatic flusher It is but you also should have the wherewithal to look Hank paper towels in there you stand up I didn't look at the someone was like you only look at the pitchers paper towels The worst when you stand up you get a call from the manager. So you know what's going on also also Automatic flusher I get the concept of it. You know if you left and it never flushed Yeah, yeah, like you hear it. You don't leave until it flushes right, but I hope it flushes
Starting point is 01:38:50 Yeah, you can't rely on the only technology that much Look, you're thinking of an overflow, and then they panic tried to clean it and when that didn't work they ran right They're also the few but multiple times Kate Multiple times Kate all right, then all right tell all right that happened. Here's what we're gonna Do we're gonna wheel between me and Hank whoever loses is gonna go have this conversation right now, and then report fuck do Can we do? One tiny tiny sliver of Kate one time. Yes If it hits Kate and any of the seven games deal to go I sign off on yes
Starting point is 01:39:25 I have a hard bargain five. Yeah, the tiniest sliver of Kate Even tinier even tinier she can be she can be even tinier That's tiny. I don't know what I think I would like run out of the building. I like don't know what even tinier Just give her two percent really tiny sliver Two percent question if you clogged the toilet, what would you do? If it was I go get I would wonder are you there forever? I gotta tell I would call and if it was like outside of where the shit goes I would do my best to clean it up. I just company. You know if you tell somebody it's you're gonna
Starting point is 01:40:03 If you if you're a heiress, I don't know if it's I once took a Plastic bag and put my hand in the plastic bag and then use my hand as a plunger Oh, isn't that the bills game? That's what this person tried to oh shit. It's happened Game it was at a bills game. It was uh We were remember we were at the bills game, and we're at the suite, but the suite only had one bathroom Oh, yeah, and I had to do that Yeah, and I also had to do that in college now that I'm remembering it But again, they're not you can't leave for client. I want can't leave a toilet that is clogged
Starting point is 01:40:42 Human I watched a higher up here standing outside that bathroom saying, I clogged the toilet. We gotta get it fixed. You gotta alert people. You can't leave the scene of a crime. And I don't think we're not picturing something that would call a maintenance person to complain. Correct.
Starting point is 01:40:57 All right. What's happening, okay. All right, Kate, you're on there. If it hits you at one tiny sliver, just once. But if it hits her once those have seven guys You hit you seven. What am I saying? What about well? I'll give you a It's gonna steal them Man should we get page in here they get page in there
Starting point is 01:41:22 That's I think page and Caitlin are like I would give them the nuclear code and trust them with it if I Overflowed the toilet. Yeah, and I was like, I'm really embarrassed. I don't want this to be content, right? I think they know we don't we don't need them. They don't need we don't need them now. I think we're getting there Some people haven't had firsts. Oh, that's cool. All right spin the wheel. Yeah me All right one nothing hang you're trying to get four and if you get swept you have to shit yourself You have to talk to that person One more tied up just hit keep Okay, I Think I would look at the floor the whole time. I don't think I'd even look at them
Starting point is 01:42:31 To one 2 1 Man 3 1 Is it first to 10? Alright, you know what? I'll fucking do it. I gotta leave from the front. Oh my god. And then, yeah. What's your script gonna be? On your birthday? Yeah, on your birthday.
Starting point is 01:42:51 My 40th birthday. I think my plan is I'm going to go up, I'm going to look the person in the eyes, and hope the person says, my bad, I'll never do it again, and then that will be it. I don't say anything about it. That's a good play. Okay, blank, we need to talk about your shit.
Starting point is 01:43:13 The thing about your shit is that it was everywhere. If I'm them and I'm watching right now, I'm hiding. I'm putting it in my... I'm quitting. I'm leaving. But no, stay strong and look right at Big Cat and just give him the nod I guess I'm putting it on Gino still yeah That was crazy Gino rolled up his sleeve I said look my sleeve doesn't go up that high and it went all the way up to his elbow And then it stuck everything was cartoonishly guilty. See, it comes down easily.
Starting point is 01:43:45 It did. It just grabs it through the tail. Also, the under wipe is cr- Oh, no. It's cr- Oh. Oh, it's Rick. Poor Rick.
Starting point is 01:43:54 He's refilling for round two. It's big ass Rick. Do you guys know who it is? No. No. I don't like nothing. I actually don't know if I want to. I have a good idea, no I don't like I actually don't know why don't have a good idea but I don't even want to think about it it's tough because they're like real real people they're like clean cut that makes it worse grown-ups to me yeah they're not fucking idiot yeah father supposed to be the adults which adds to the hiding it factor Yeah
Starting point is 01:44:26 I mean smokes probably would brag about it. Yeah. Yeah, look at what I did Am I the only one shocked mincy has not been mentioned once I figured he would have been suspect number one through five Yeah, same. Yeah, yeah, but he's a dude wipes guy who never used paper towels. Yeah, it's true The person did get it all in the took in the bowl is that what do we know I? Don't think so because the paper towels. I don't know Yeah, they might have had a Dana situation going to get the paper towels wait is it Dana? It's been three times this week Dana's been here all I don't understand the first two so this happened yesterday as well apparently and Monday that's insane
Starting point is 01:45:08 Or they're a hard worker. They're working sick Apparently there was a similar ish a similar situation is there's a missing detail last year because having multiple times The plumbing has been fucked up, but still like we said maybe this is why Got me there. What if it's the battery people getting back on it could be and I wouldn't blame them none of you are wiping from under I It's crazy. I do both Yeah, I'm a serial wiper. I wipe 30 I lean on the left cheek from under what do you mean? I stand he says that are going behind he goes
Starting point is 01:45:48 That's that's insane push the ship forwards towards your other stuff. I don't get that you go that I go I go right to left I'm a habitual the pee for duty ball stand up and then go crap. Yeah, right. That's all you can't it's the cleanest way So big cats going to talk to that person now that's crazy this conversation is probably happening right now hopefully the person has a sense of humor and they just like look at each other and laugh for a second and then I want them to weep I feel like there's gonna be a little bit of denial I don't know I mean that person is very lucky that Gino exists. Yeah, it doesn't matter who did it. I'll just remember. I'll remember this is The thing worrying in Geno's favor though is there is mr. Shit
Starting point is 01:46:36 Mr.. Shit Look at those tight ass sleeves. He had a very specific alibi, so if he was making all of that up He's a psycho. I guess yeah psychopath has to be well That's the thing about the alibi he could have been making it up because nobody else could verify any of it conversation confirmed Over or I don't know it's just a text. I got from upstairs from not big cat not big cat Oh What's the ideal length of this conversation?
Starting point is 01:47:15 The cat is returning so that wasn't much of a talk Denial yeah, I knew there was gonna be some denial didn't go well It didn't go well They deny it Well The genos name get brought up on I just kept on repeating the poop you gotta be What happened I told Tom to video it but he I was like don't get the other person in it. He got the other person in it. I don't know if we can edit them out. Can we just get the audio of your side?
Starting point is 01:47:51 Yeah, I mean, I have the end audio of... So did you ask in front of all the other salespeople? No, all the other salespeople were up there being like... Oh no. They turned on their own? being like oh no they turned on their own did you did they acknowledge the first two days okay it's just you speaking why there's maybe a little bit of... Wait, what are you saying? Just gotta be better about pooping.
Starting point is 01:48:42 Wise words. That's all I kept on saying. Did you try to relate? I shit everywhere too. He was in a call and he looked back and saw me. And I was just like, I'm not gonna take accountability. That's the most awkward thing in the world. The denial is not good. Makes me think it might even happen again if they're not gonna take accountability
Starting point is 01:49:06 It's gotta be better about pooping. That's it. Maybe I just send that as an email gotta be better about pooping guys You know who you are. However, we're pooping. We gotta be better What what? What's going on over there? I think they're doing an ad. Oh, they're doing that. Oh Hank, what do we go? Where do we go from here? There's guys We need a full confession. I don't think we can yeah, you're right No one can be accused until there's a full confession. You're right, so we beat it out of them
Starting point is 01:49:37 No, he's just got a person's got to just say hey my bad. I mean honestly. It's not the end of the world It's just as long as it doesn't keep happening today was hibachi day It's gonna happen in probably 45 minutes. Yeah, so you are you saying it is math I will say Dana being here this week. No not 100 times. Yeah, it was probably Dana there You know what it was Dana. That's actually makes perfect sense. It was Dana or Gino Who are the other content on that list just chief no white boy Rick? Oh? Was not here he was not in the office at the time he's fully cleared he just keeps getting mad You know what it was Dawson fuck it That is Dawson's area yeah, yeah Dawson where was him? There's the shitter. He does some sales stuff sure. Oh
Starting point is 01:50:31 man These investigations always end up the same. I'm not sold Why can't it one time be a Dana or a Nikki smokes and we can just publicly shame them, right? You think it's this people think it's this guy because there was two incidents where he was a potential suspect Possibly there was another incident a year ago where they had to Remove the segment from Viva TV because it ended up being this person. It was confirmed this person Was this shitting segment? Yes, it was a shitting segment. And it was confirmed this person? Yes. Okay. So this is a Repeat offender. That's dammit. Yeah, then doing it again is crazy crazy
Starting point is 01:51:06 I feel like you guys are underplaying. I Agree, yeah You gotta be shame is off the table I will like it's not gonna stop anytime soon right doesn't seem I think he's getting off on getting away TJ he himself asked for it to be removed from Viva TV. I think they just scrapped the same thing. We can't publicly shame this person because they're not involved in it. And they're not like a main salesperson either, so it's like, it's hard. It's like they're not...
Starting point is 01:51:36 I don't have a clue who this could be. I love the thought of the real shitter just lurking in the darkness watching this all unfold. Cheering for Oklahoma State. With a big smile on their face. Their mustache tickling their upper lip a little bit. I can't believe they bought the speed. They thought I was a small stall guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Ah! They fell for the old small stall. You guys know me. Come on, it's me, Gino, the small stall guy. I don't want foolies to try to go find this person. It's Gino. It was Gino the small star This person it's Gino it was you know all along Gino's the guy How's the person he's like Kaiser so his legs were? Toilets so he's like walking with the lamp, but it's
Starting point is 01:52:23 He's fine slowly it comes back, and he skips out of here try and tell us it's away with it It was Rick. It was Rick. It was Rick or Gino. Yeah, of course Rick missed his ass Check your taxi saying What is I don't have a text I can't even imagine Rick shits What if he has the tiniest there's no way there's no way Laura Dern's diving in there looking for his diet Ricky Rick just said we're protecting all non-content employees from yak embarrassment except for white boy Rick I guess out and shame the pooper oh People want to do people want this person exposed no we can't there's a difference in I don't want to but to people like the does the chat oh?
Starting point is 01:53:04 I guarantee the chat one fire the person the I think the person gets put on a warning and if it ever happens again Then we have a real problem Yeah, but let's not go try to find the gotta be immensely frustrated at the audience the person's not even like right I look yeah, no I know this how it always goes our last Right I mean I'm frustrated and I'm sure you're gonna tell me as soon as we get off air who it was but I can't imagine watching this and And we don't have a confession. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna prosecute this is almost worse for the person us just
Starting point is 01:53:39 That's just all-knowing So, what do you suggest we do? Nothing different oh Just need them to confess. Yeah, I confess. I think they should just confess She just confess and then it all goes away, and then we work out the shit It all goes away, and and we're we're good we move on it's not a big deal It's a one-time thing. No, it's not I didn't let me finish. Okay, two or three. It's a one-time thing multiple times. Yeah
Starting point is 01:54:12 Isolated incident that keeps happening What is the the rest of the sales team want this person out it well that I think They're worried that they're gonna get right encrypt. Yeah, it's not a person that people like know or anything like It's not a mean person so in the sales team Hank Stuff I I want to believe that there's something else that happened Yeah for this guy's sake, but it if not it's insane on many levels. It's very insane multiple days
Starting point is 01:54:47 And like I think Brandon was saying it of all the people Capable of doing something like this Having it be one of the one of the more mature actual adults It's tough for all of us a lot of adults. I know we have very it was Gino very few It's tough for all of us. I have a lot of adults, I know. It was Gino. Very few.
Starting point is 01:55:05 Just put it on Gino. I'm hearing that he's up there, the suspect is up there vehemently denying. Oh, then we're just never gonna get this. We're fucked. We're fucked. So it's Gino, the suspect is vehemently denying it. What does he show us?
Starting point is 01:55:18 I believe the suspect too. Gino is the shitter. Look, yeah, there we go, Gino. Hold on. Focus. Gino. Everyone else is shittingitter look yeah there we go Gino focus Gino everyone else is just the office there we go Gino was the guy we're gonna pin it on Gino. That's a good meme Gino That's a company man. Gino is the one who did this well if he denies it though. Who are the other suspects? It's Gino So Gino's the guy that fixes the problem. Yeah, I hate that he's denying it fixes the problem Gino Put on Gino's the guy. I don't think that fixes the problem. Yeah, I hate that he's denying it. I don't think it fixes the problem. Gino, no, Gino, no, we gotta just put it on Gino.
Starting point is 01:55:49 We need a pallet cleanser. Did you guys see the hamburger that looks like Steve Harvey? Yeah. No. That was fucking awesome. I thought it was like Blutman. I think everything looks like Blutman, though. Did you see this, TJ?
Starting point is 01:55:58 Yep. Can you put it up, pull it up? Does pallet cleanse with this, but. Is that who? It's supposed to be Steve Harvey? Yeah. We have an innocent man behind bars. It's okay cleanse with this, but. Is that who? It's supposed to be Steve Harvey? Yeah. We have an innocent man behind bars. It's okay, Gino, listen.
Starting point is 01:56:09 And a maniac walking amongst us. It was Gino, watch, squint your eyes. Oh God! Oh! That's really cool technology. It's Steve Harvey. Oh, I didn't squint my eyes, I just. Yeah, that's a burger that looks like Steve Harvey.
Starting point is 01:56:24 Amazing! It's pure magic. looks like Steve Harvey. Amazing! It's unbelievable. It's pure magic. Oh, more burgers! That's tech, right? That's tech, but I... How? Steve Harvey burger. Huh? That's fun.
Starting point is 01:56:36 Oh, that's really fun, right? That's just good fun. Good fun. Listen, we got the case raced tomorrow. Four hours, TJ? Yeah, a little over four unbelievable or anything cut Yeah, a couple conversations, but nothing Nothing in insane Like that had to be cut. Yeah, this wasn't an offensive one. No
Starting point is 01:56:59 No, there was just one conversation that dragged too long that we tried to... There's a lot of very... it might be the case race with the most like individual one-off, one-liners or screenshots. Like I think I'm gonna do a thread of like my favorites. There's a lot of like what the fuck am I even looking at right now. It was very... I had a good time. I can't wait to see everyone's costume. I still don't know what everybody was... I like can't wait to watch. There's very good teams Huh? Very good costumes Brandon see what Brandon was crying about a lot, yeah
Starting point is 01:57:37 whole lot Brit and Brandon listen Brandon gets tortured during these Yeah, he is a pussy but he does also get tortured during these. Yeah. I mean, being the non drunk guy in a room full of always miserable. Yeah, it's terrible. Yeah. Well, it's embarrassing for us. We have to now deal with the fact that it's on camera and going to be posted. Yeah, probably. Yeah, it's a nightmare. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be a night. Well, it's actually again, I think this one's going to be the one everyone in this room is gonna be good because if we did the Gino meme
Starting point is 01:58:07 Yeah, it's all of us drunk lying in a bed and it's just max Taking all the bullets Yeah, the first person who physically attacked me is in this room Oh Physically injured me the other day they are in this room right? Oh, I Wasn't handsy. I don't Brandon I touched you You're the yeah Was fucking drunker than I thought we're black
Starting point is 01:58:37 We started filming aggressive. Oh, how you dragged me. Oh, no That was at the very start from the very from the jump It'll be good sickening it's not like you're an anxious person. We find The I'll just delete all the apps Seriously that's all still Monday We gotta get a timing lid on your beta blockers because you're gonna be popping with like pez Yeah, I lied about doing a lot of beta blockers You only do a little I only did one
Starting point is 01:59:23 I think there's problem. I'm gonna walk upstairs, too, right now. I think there's going to be... Yeah. Oh, sorry. I think it's gonna be, like, tribal warfare. I'm just gonna... You know what I'm gonna do? I'm just gonna do a chick move, and the minute shit gets bad, I'm just gonna be like, it's my fucking birthday. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:37 I'm gonna start crying everywhere. Really? You guys did this on my fucking birthday? You couldn't wait one day? Oh. Oh. You guys did this on my fucking birthday. It couldn't wait one day. It's fun turning 40 because then your kids open all their presents for you. Yeah. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:59:53 What happened this morning? You getting presents? I got a couple presents, and they just demanded to open them. Brandon, you buy presents for yourself every other day. Oh, I do. Yeah, but I haven't gotten presents from a family member in years.
Starting point is 02:00:04 Yeah, I got presents. For my birthday, for Oh, I do. Yeah, but I haven't gotten presents from a family member and Yeah, years presents for my birthday for Christmas. But a big upgrade this year is that my daughter did wish me happy birthday. Last year she abstained. That's big. Yeah, but she knew. She knew. My wife was just like, you gonna say anything daddy? She's like, nope. Now observes your birthday. Yeah, she she was actually the first to wish me a happy birthday. I respected the fuck out of her. Yeah, it's a power move. She just stared at me like, we had a cake, we had a cake, and she just didn't say anything. Did she eat the cake?
Starting point is 02:00:35 She ate the cake, just didn't say the words happy birthday. Didn't have to. Yeah. So this year she was number one in line to give me a happy birthday. So all right. Oh, Reese's, by the way. Yeah, chocolate lava big cup. So this year she was she was number one in line to give me a happy birthday. So All right. Oh Reese's Out of the way. Yeah chocolate lava big cup. Yeah the absolute best We love Reese's cups The new lava cup is the absolute best we're gonna be doing stuff with Reese's down in new orleans
Starting point is 02:01:00 So shout out Reese's Uh, you can buy Reese's cups basically anywhere Reese's peanut butter cups will be featured in the big game. It's lava time, baby. Try Reese's new delicious chocolate lava big cup. Today. Okay. Spin the wheel. And then tomorrow, noon central.
Starting point is 02:01:20 Four hours of Case Race. Tune in. Please subscribe. Stephen Chait literally had to go to the hospital for a hangover. Yeah. So at least... That wasn't it. It was something just...
Starting point is 02:01:32 Something else. He had such a bad hangover, he thought he had a heart attack, so please subscribe. That would be awesome if everyone subscribes. Okay, let's spin it. And then the next you'll see us live is New Orleans on Monday. It's even singer. Yes, we did Steven Singer. Yes All right, it's been the wheel
Starting point is 02:01:58 They got to get this dinner done it's been three weeks What's there's be a punishment or something Didn't they try spinning it into saying that they're when they're reading the alligator. Yeah, who can't sleep that was the cow I Called Lana Del Rey's husband's alligator boat company. Oh, yeah, they could take all of us Just throwing that out there. What another world? Yeah, a little team bonding, alligator boat. Oh, no. Well, Gina was here. Rick was here. Hank was here.
Starting point is 02:02:32 God fucking damn it. Stephen Che was on. Correct. God damn it. Nicky Smokes? Yes. Oh, we're so fine. We're all good It's gonna be tight as it's always me every fucking time. It's always me and my mangle, too Not the man not the man go to the fucking fresh mangle getting wet. This has never been wet ever
Starting point is 02:03:00 That's that's a for yeah Forever so I crazy to think about Yeah, it is crazy Never been wet never been wet. I can't but not everything I'm wearing has been wet most things have been wet Yeah, not the man gold never been your jersey have been wet Almost certainly. Okay, how would it not have been wet? Yeah Wow Okay, how would it not have been wet yeah? Wow oh Man I don't even want to go back upstairs. You can't know I just gotta stay
Starting point is 02:03:37 Stay away What are you doing this weekend, Brandon? I don't know. Probably not much. Royal Rumble tomorrow. Probably have dinner at the club. Saturday. Probably have dinner at the club one night. Love that for you. Going to the Royal Rumble?
Starting point is 02:03:59 No. As of now, no. I'll be watching at home with my daughter. Goddamn Yeah. I just heard Gina. God damn it. Even water doesn't want to touch him. Max. Max. I'm sure you shouldn't be on it right? Yeah this is a moot wheel.
Starting point is 02:04:32 No he should be. He didn't sit. He hasn't been on it. Oh fine you gotta restart it. Moot wheel. Restart it. Moot wheel. You're right, you're right.
Starting point is 02:04:40 Sorry Gino. If the wheel is just, if Gino has to get wet then he was the shitter. That's true. Yeah, it'll probably be good for His hygiene. Mm-hmm. I'm still like 40% to 50 I mean he took his cue zip off in the bath. Yeah, that's as that's as blatant as it gets No, he confessed to doing everything. Yeah, just did it once all over I confess to doing everything except you just did it once it's all over. Yeah! I did! I did!
Starting point is 02:05:07 I did basically everything you're accusing me of. I need to come clear my name and then just dug the deepest of holes. There you go Danny. Way to go Danny. Danny's never been wet. It's crazy. Not one time. There you go Danny way to go Danny One time must be that mangle Jersey brought up stop stop it stop it stop it If I have to go wet I'm'm just going to go have this conversation wet. Drenched. Oh no, the names got big. Oh
Starting point is 02:06:15 My boy Rick still on there though, that would be so sick. He's so mad Do you know does look like a logs guy though? We're pretty rich should be on there twice for how big he is right really some more people hose him down. Oh shit Yep, all of them are off Twice for how big he is right really four people just hose him down Shit It's yep all of them are off I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:06:45 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:06:53 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:07:01 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Birthday? Why has it ever gotten wet on the birthday, have they? On my birthday? It's gotta be. Yeah, it's gotta be. TJ's always up. Yeah, fuck.
Starting point is 02:07:16 Biggest redemption story ever. If it is Big Cat and the pooper comes down here soaked. Oh. Takes one for the team. That would be the funniest thing you've ever lost. Oh. Takes one for the team. That would be the funniest even possible. Wow. They would have respect. Incredible.
Starting point is 02:07:29 You're watching pooper, just go get wet instead of me. And then come down and you're a hero for the whole world. Yep. Pooper's still denying it, so that's not gonna happen. No. Apparently he's up there yelling at people for food. Oh. Excuse me. So I'm up there yelling at people for filming. Oh, god.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Excuse me. So I'm gonna have to have this conversation wet. You're gonna... Oh, I'm 1-0. This conversation with piss in your pants would be hilarious. Oh my god. Well, it's Zahwa. Oh, Zahwa.
Starting point is 02:07:59 Zahwa, you're gonna have a conversation. Exhaustation. Ah! 2-1. Ah, two two. Three two. Oh my god. We got a seven. Oh We got a seven on his birthday on my fucking birthday You have to go talk to some of these legitimately the best best birthday oh what's what you don't get wet haha i think the way i believe it is him i
Starting point is 02:09:13 believe it's him i think he is the i think he's the one wait hold on to get away with this happen that you know is the shitter that would make sense it has to be taking the shirt off saying yeah was he's going to get wet right now that's his Gino I think it legitimately is Gina I do not it's Gino rewatch the tape it's Gino because he's now in a perfect spot where he's taking it for the team yeah yeah yeah and his
Starting point is 02:09:44 conscience will be clean because he's getting wet. One more time. Can we pull up him walking out? Yeah, no. All right, yeah. Walking in and walking. So I don't even have to talk to the salesperson. No.
Starting point is 02:09:55 Wait, so am I going home? No, I think Gino's getting wet for you, Zah. All right, I'll take that. OK, he's walking in. Is that the first one? All right. This is the second one. OK.
Starting point is 02:10:04 He's walking in. He's got his Q-zip on. He's feeling good. Okay. He said he has a lot of pre-workout. And how long until he walks out? Eight minutes. That's the pacing mince. 9.56 and 10.03 out.
Starting point is 02:10:19 And then here he comes out. Let's see. comes out My come on That's him yeah, it's and he did play it well because he is essentially admitted to it without ever having to be there What do you do about the other guy? I? Know your problem big problem big problem huge problem Gino did it it was Gino, and I actually trust you know that he will stop doing But this is like he can't comes off so much worse because he was so
Starting point is 02:11:05 Good at lying no, but he also bad About it. He wasn't lying wet. No. He never actually lied he confessed to doing it just to stall over yeah He's trying sacrifice. Yeah, see he comes out a winner and we know he did it, but he can be like no I was sacrificing So that well played Gino. He's trying to be a Christ well played Gino We got to the bottom of it. You are the hero now Good job All right case race tomorrow everyone. Please subscribe. We'll see you then we got a purple hat A purple hat we got a purple. Oh shit purple hat purple hat just dropped purple hat. Oh, let's go
Starting point is 02:11:44 He's on his trip Delaware in the books Oh, let's go state all right Excuse me Hey Wow bang Wow oh and that is a purple hat Joe Joe here's your $4 thank you so much my name is Chris thank you so much for your name. Love it! That's a voice you can only hear in Walmart. That brought me back. He's getting good at this. Yeah it's one of his best skills. That was a great purple hat. Great. Delaware all the way. Alright we'll see everyone on Monday.
Starting point is 02:12:41 It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! Yeah it's time to talk sharp and do a Yankee swap! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X!
Starting point is 02:12:49 It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X!
Starting point is 02:12:57 It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! It's the X! Shout out Gino for taking the fall man, he didn't have to do that.
Starting point is 02:13:11 What a fucking gross. The person who did this, gross. Gross. I will never look at them the same. I was with you guys. Gross. Alright, love you guys. Shit like an adult.
Starting point is 02:13:24 See you tomorrow, love you, bye.

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