The Yak - We Made the Most Comprehensive Animal Tier List Imaginable | The Yak 10-30-24
Episode Date: October 30, 2024Nick and KB are back from their Out Of Order tourYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Nick and KB are back.
Nick and KB missed a lot.
I'm so fucking mad.
So I'm sorry that we had Kathy Mitchell on yesterday
when you guys were out.
We had to do it because otherwise everyone would have been
like the act sucks without Nick and KB.
So we brought in literally like our secret weapon
in Kathy Mitchell.
And then everyone said this would have been so much better
if Nick and Kathy Mitchell.
Yeah, backfired on us.
You guys are trying to gloss over
insulting us with compliments.
Yeah. I'll never forgive you
She is the best
Everything we wanted mm-hmm
Times a million she shit on Che a little bit. She instantly shit on Che perfect on assess. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah perfect on assess. What's her age?
77 she's 77. I thought she was 77 15 years ago. No she's 77
She even had like one of my favorite moments is when she came on I
Went to tweet out the stream and like whenever I go get the stream
I see like the top few comments it had just been when she talked she was like oh yeah
My husband will hold the phone and the chat respect to the chat was like this bullshit
She's got a husband like fuck this guy. Yeah, wow chat
What you know they called dibs, and then she was like I told her that I was like the chats pretty pissed
She's like well. It's my third husband. Oh, so she'd be willing to yeah. She was like you know we're still trying
So like she she gives off heavy wifey vibes. Oh, oh yeah grandmother wifey heavy ass friend
Yes, she shit on che. We have a new che character which you guys are gonna be appalled by
I'm pretty beat. I don't I don't not today. I think you're gonna have to
stephan oh
Steve I didn't get enough sleep for this
That's fine this is
How we doing Nikki oh
That's stephan
All right, what's stephan explain?
So you know when Steve Urkel would take his glasses off and he was stephan or kyle oh, so this is pretty much the same
This is the exact same exact he's asian yeah, ah
But it's me, baby
Yeah, so Stefan tried to hit on Kathy Mitchell and said what do you like for dinner?
And I was like Stefan. I think you were trying to say what do you want for breakfast?
So bad and then Kathy was just like hey, he sounds like a guy doesn't talk to girls
What do you want for dinner when you get home fucking that other guy?
What do you want for dinner as well that's like a pickup line
Yeah, you say like what yeah, what do you want for brad? How do you like your idea that yeah?
Yeah, no his his made no sense. He literally just asked. What do you like for dinner?
I'll never root for divorce, but single che would be so fun. Oh, Stephon you'd be swimming in it
Stephen is a married man Stephon's not yeah, does the ring come off with the glasses?
Yes, Stevens laugh
Cool or what yes the funds the cool as cool as hell all right
This character is not super fleshed out. We haven't done too much of it. So you just don't know how to act we being you
The font what you getting into this weekend?
Damn what am I not getting into?
All right, so like soft-spoken yeah, he's kind of soft-spoken yet aggressive
Yeah, it's douche juice chills
We take the glasses off your body. He just has goosebumps. What's the Fonz body count?
You lose count at one point. Oh, that's pretty good
What's that noise?
What's that noise Kate?
It is the bad it's like chills, but not not the good kind said with love yeah Kate congratulations You didn't dress up today. I didn't I didn't dress up. You finally got it tomorrow's Halloween
Tomorrow's Halloween. Oh, we're still not knowing when no she said yesterday
She was like so what are we gonna wear tomorrow? I'm just like Kate again
Thursday yeah, even this morning when I woke I was in a pair. I was like I gotta get all the stuff then yeah
Good times. I hope you forget tomorrow and then my kids are yeah, it wouldn't why are all these crazy
Why are people your doorbell wouldn't be that crazy none of us are dressing up tomorrow, right?
I'm not I don't want to spoil the brand and you're telling me you have some huge plans? No, don't do that.
Oh shit.
Are you gonna be Bernie?
I got nothing.
I have looked for that shirt, I can't find that shirt.
I can't find the cross-colored shirt anywhere.
If I could find it I would do it, but I can't find it.
So I'm not gonna be Bernie.
I have an email formatted to send to the whole
Chicago office to be like Halloween parade in the gym tomorrow
Oh, I know it would make everyone hate me
Hate you more send it. Yeah
No, I think you got to send it you can do the boy. It's not us wouldn't it be nice to sit here
And they yeah, that was my favorite day at school send it we have awards for sluttiest
Scariest That could be yes, and then if anybody's wearing costumes where we can't tell who they are,
we make them do stuff until we figure out who they are.
Come on.
We just point at them and say do stuff.
I don't mind that at all.
Dance the robot. Do Dizzy Bat.
I think we should get together like six to seven superlatives so people have something to go for.
I just feel bad that it's like last minute now and people are feeling like they have to scramble
No, send it right now send the email right now
Let's give let's give mincy a really complex costume that he has to get by tomorrow, okay
I actually forwarded it to TJ and I was like TJ. Can you send this from your account so that it?
Yeah, I just gave it to page
Okay, page was I don't think we can send out office emails anymore. Why oh lego
Okay, like that's the day fun died
They music died yeah, can I ask page to send it out that I just did oh you did okay?
I was really presumptuous of them to be like the day the music died
Yeah, there's a lot of other living musicians.
There was like three guys that died in a plane and they're like, that's it for music.
At the time though, that was what, half the...
Was it half the musicians?
It was half of all music right there.
Who was it?
Richie Valens, Buddy Holly, and somebody else.
But then we got the song American Pie about it and that's like...
That's true good-ass song
We got buddy later to write by Weezer. Oh, yeah, it's just name of a song. I guess we could have got it regardless
We're rocks
Buddy Holly, yep, tell me about him glass a little Twinkie looking yeah
Yeah, he was young when he died yeah, yeah, they all were yeah
Who's the third?
flight in where Iowa don't know oh
Oklahoma you can actually Iowa, Iowa or Nebraska or Oklahoma somewhere you're taking up all the states
Yeah, yeah
It was in a cornfield and you can pull over to the side of the road and that farmer
Like has a path through the corn to where the plane went down you can like it's just random you
pull your car over the side of the road and like go to the exact spot where they do that
and what do you do where Leonard Skinner died you can go to there you go where Leonard I
don't know why you'd want to respects those you just go their grave yeah I think you'd
rather go to their grave and you're a Vaughn Alpine Valley was he a plane to use a helicopter where was John Denver John Denver Colorado he just died of age
didn't he no plane crash my mom was playing crash she was too yeah wait so
the music died with those guys oh to shredding music wasn't living with
Otis Redditt died sitting on a no in the bay. Aliyah? That's not a bad way to go.
That's a plain crash.
Aliyah was not a Shanti.
Not a Shanti, Ashanti is still living.
When he added that RP at the end, man.
Can we play that?
That, honestly, I think this goes down in podcasting Hall of Fame.
I was talking to Biz and Whit yesterday because we ended up betting the Yankees because of
the Ashanti.
Biz and Whit posted this clip in the morning.
And it's it is podcasting Hall of Fame.
Dodgers Yankees is very cool, too.
Like some people probably hate the fact
that it's these two super mega.
It's it's what it's what baseball needed.
I feel like baseball was a little bit.
Ever since they implemented the shot clock or the pitch clock.
And then now you get this like I haven't been invested in baseball in a long time.
I care what's happening in this world series.
And just the O'Shaunty factor and the fact that he's a gambling addict.
The Irish Japanese man.
And Shohei Otani?
Shohei Otani.
I struggle with the Japanese names.
That's okay. That's okay. She the Japanese names. Okay. That's okay
She had some bangers man, oh my god geez rest in peace
And then so he just kills Ashanti and then like three hours later the Yankees announced that she's singing the national
Yeah, unbelievable like instant. It was so perfect
But he who did he think Aliyah?
Which I actually said that I thought when I watched the clip
I was just laughing at biz and I didn't think about yeah wits comment because I also was thinking Aliyah
Yeah, I didn't even think about it. And then he's like dude. Did you see I killed Ashanti?
Yeah, the rest in peace is by far the funniest.. Just right there at the end, snuck in.
Also, Biz saying this Ashanti guy who's a gambling addict,
he just gets lost in the shuffle.
Shohei Otani is a very, very, very famous athlete.
Very famous.
Brandon doesn't like him, but everyone else does.
You're confusing him with you don't like Will and Taylor.
No, you're confusing him with you don't like Will and Taylor
But yeah, the Ashanti game was incredible
Inquis are back. Oh, you were gone. I think you were gone. Kate broke a TV. Yeah, Kate broke a TV. Yeah
What's that TV? You'll never guess the spot where that well now it's not gonna hit us quite the same Because spots gone and the spot just disappeared, huh? It was what now you'll never guess the spot
100% Kate's fault because guys decided the punishment for Kate
It's got to be pretty severe
Yeah, she has to do she has to plan a Halloween thing for us
And then we have to mercilessly make fun of her about it for a year. Yeah. Sounds about.
We didn't know the TVs couldn't take Frisbees
when we decided to put one of the chains
in the middle of the studio and then play a game.
Wait, you?
I did that, and then Kate decided to play a game
you can't raise your hands or move,
and Frisbees get thrown at you.
And then it hit the TV.
All there is in this room to hit is TV.
Yeah, well we actually played another round
after the TV broke and KB almost broke the camera.
Oh, that'd be worse.
That'd be worse.
He would have hit.
Direct hit.
Oh, somebody, Danny Conrad got injured.
Yeah, he did.
He did get injured.
Yeah, he got a frisbee to the shin.
I think we upped the street credit frisbees though.
Breaking stuff and making people bleed.
That's a bitch game.
They're dangerous.
Oh Jesus!
Hey, what a cannon!
Now Stefan's mad!
Now Stefan's mad!
How did Stefan react? He was mad. He was just like the side where the frisbees can he's out there right now
Yeah, walk out there with the frisbees. They're over there. Go grab one brain jeepers creepers or something he said
He said jeepers creepers. Yes, jeepers creepers
It's a gar car star darn sugar bears
Clanking of the chains. It's a nice sound.
There's no cool way to carry one of those.
I maybe like one.
Yeah, right here in the middle, then throw it as hard as you can back towards us.
Throw it.
Throw it as hard as you can back towards us. Throw it. Throw it as hard as you can back towards us.
Brandon, get some oomph behind it.
Whale it.
I'm here!
Oh, he's... Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh real though, throw one. And nobody move. I would like to see how these things fly.
Like throw it.
TJ, can you pull up like a broken screen graphic on one of these back TVs?
Stefan is smart.
He's learned that we're basically toddlers and if you ignore us, we'll stop our bad behavior.
I was under the impression that we were fully permitted
to break the rest of the TVs, if not one hour.
Even them out, yeah.
We should spin a wheel for how many TVs we break a day.
I think TV's not a big deal,
but the cameras, they did get a little.
The cameras are, yeah, what is it, a trillion dollars?
That's a lot.
Like that Russian court
Russian court find Google
Something dick decillion decillion does a bunch of dollars for what?
For doing I don't know I didn't know enough about the story to bring it up
I don't I just read headlines they didn't know it's a bunch of Russian YouTube
Channels, I got no what the fuck are you doing? No, what the fuck are you doing? Oh stop right now for solely
You don't know sit down
You don't get it. No, sit down. No. Sit right down. Absolutely the fuck not.
What the fuck do you think you're doing? Answer for yourself.
Stefan needed me.
That's not the question.
You know what the question is.
You know exactly what you're doing.
What? New hat. I was getting old. The old one was getting old. Sweaty, old sweaty gross need a new hat
The shadow makes it look like you're wearing a mask over your eyes
Stu come say hello this can't be the new I was actually walking to that's not new hat. That's that's new person
Yes, say hello of course
You're not done. Yeah, wait you're not right there still Stuart
Yes, hello
Hello Been a while, okay, that was too funny
It's an honor. It's a pleasure. Hello everyone. Hi Stu the revenue producing show that keeps the lights on here, so
Thanks for at least giving Big Cat security
so he doesn't have to work seven days a week,
24 hours a day because you are the most talented people
here at Barstool, you and PFT.
I love having you on the show.
It ends really there.
Oh, okay.
Oh my God.
I already started mad at him.
In reality, those are the people that pay the bills.
Can I just first of all say thank you Lord Jesus Mozizala that Barstool exists, that
I have a job at 63 years old, otherwise I'd be useless like Tits Unable, so I just want
to be grateful and thank you to everyone.
Second, I would like to promo November November 13th the Laugh Factory. PFT is
hosting. Nick, Mooc, Chris Bader and myself are gonna do comedy and it's so hard to
get money to sell tickets obviously because every time we go on there's so
many Laugh Factory shows, there's so much promos, there's so much merch, but I
really don't care about that. I don't
even care if you eat. Please let's buy the seats for this. It's going to be a
phenomenal night. It's a meet and greet. It's a Q&A, Laugh Factory November 13th,
and I love you and thank you. I would say too, although I'm selling it so this is
like almost suicide for myself, I'm gonna lose like 6,000 saying this, but
obviously responsibly because we have DraftKings, otherwise I could say other aside from myself I'm gonna lose like 6,000 saying this but obviously
responsibly because we have draft Kings otherwise I could say other words but
responsibly the Dodgers are a human lock a burial in a blowout tonight regardless
of Yankee fans Yankee fandom the Dodgers are a lock the word lock is not allowed
to be used I don't think but I just used it Dodgers are a lock I gave it to you I
love you free money free money free money over last night in the Dodger
Yankee game was a lock and tonight the Dodgers specifically are like they're not going back to LA
They're going to be celebrating at Yankee Stadium, and that's the bottom fucking line there. We go. That was great
I feel like you had more in you um I did, but I have to be careful with draft Kings
I don't want to be cancelled
and I don't want to make you look bad because I don't like when you have so much on your plate
always and I basically take that for you don't love me no more but you're so busy. I do love you.
I know you do but you're always busy and I always want to be up your ass and I want to feel special
and I want you to kiss my ass and I want to feel you you know, I'm a people pleaser. I'm a Jew. People hate Jews, and they've hated me
my whole life, and you're one of the few people
that is a Jew, PFT is, you know, is your partner,
and you've always been so ingratiating to me,
but now, you know, you got a big nut on your plate.
This place costs 20 million.
You support, like, 200 people, and 140 of them suck.
So it's very hard. You know what I'm saying?
It's like you don't get any help.
You know, you got a ton of people walking around here,
eating, eating, but eating your food for free.
And they, you know, they're playing basketball.
And really, you know, I owned a place that had 220
full and part-time people where 170 of them sucked.
And my payroll was like 600,000 a week.
So I know the pressure that you're under where I paid the bill
I had a 900 number that wrote four million dollars a year and it paid the bills everybody else just was on my coattail
And I know how you feel so you know like I take
You know certain times like I want to be in your face
But you got everything to do just like you said you can't go out to dinner with me because you have no time for your family
For your children, you know you do have to have a life in juggle it but uh, you know, that's the bottom line
I'm fucking done
All right
November 13th laugh factory
He's reading his list live. I love it. Oh
Your lineage for your lineage
You just let you just wind him up and let him go Oh Your lineage for your lineage just real lineage
You just let you just wind him up and let him go yeah I think he could have gone he's one of the best in the world at that yes
Whatever he says to me on advisors
Can I just interject for ten seconds, and I'm like sure and then it's five minutes later. It's the best
So you you you know know what the fuck are you
doing she put on a new hat today you
can't do this this is a new hat do you
do you like what you see yeah well you
don't I've been listening to a lot of
big extra plug recently he's a big up
and coming guy see but next biggie
smalls and I'm in the vibe I'm in the vibe
You're in the vibe
What's he saying? I don't know ever said that
It like it doesn't fit your head no bucket heads and never for no
Like a pen it feels like it's it's really tight mmm
Yeah, it looks like you're hiding a surgery
I think it rips off if you have one thought
Yeah, you look like a
Walk it's him
Did you purchase that piece did you hunt seek locate and acquire that piece on your own volition? Yeah
Page gave it to me. Okay. It's also an oddly shaped fucking hat.
I think it's the man below.
It's like a plant that's been turned upside down.
My football helmet was like a 3X football helmet.
Oh shit.
That's a lot of...
Damn, so we got a big fucking head.
Big ol' head.
Alright, well...
So you're not gonna, you're just gonna keep sitting there wearing it?
I was just wearing it, I literally, Stefan needed me to go look at it.
We know why you were there, but you're not gonna amend your look at all? No, I love it. Okay. Yeah. All
right. You have, if you're committing to this look. I want it every day. I want a bucket hat every day.
A different one? Yeah. Like you out in public. I want I want to be in a bucket hat face bucket hat
We'll get into that you can't just like dip your toe into it your bucket hat guy now
Yeah, you gotta get a viva bucket. I do actually I have a viva bucket hat in my house. All right
But it kind of covers the smile a little bit you can't see my eyes. That's why smiles a mouth
I see my eyes. That's why smiles a mouth
Wait typically your head a little and zoom in on him. Oh my god. I can't see a smile
I can't tell why is for solely frowning
You're an Asian man the solely can be any race yeah, if you just look at them like a little bit
Okay, thank you for solely wrong you tell Stefan when you find him that we broke another TV No, I think we haven't walked on Celtics got buddy Holly wait till he walks by the Celtics got buddy Holly
No, they can't afford him
That looks great, TJ.
Yeah, I actually kind of fell for it for a second.
I was like, oh my god.
Oh no, look at Stefan.
He's mad.
Wait, can he sit?
Stefan, what do we do about this one?
Come here, come here.
It's not a funny bit.
No, it's not a bit.
We broke another TV.
What should we do?
That's not it.
I wasn't here for a step and come here
I think it's still good is it do you think this?
All right now we got to break it
Smarter me fucking you can't do that. I want to take it off the wall and throw it
Wait you said it makes our background look crappier than it already does. Wait, you said it makes our background look crappier than it already does?
You're the background guy!
Yeah, you are the background guy!
The more TVs you break, the less-
But what if they're all broken?
But also it was the same thing on every TV.
We just need one.
True, I agree. Don't worry, I agree.
Don't worry.
That was the green light to break all but one.
Yeah. Same. He's's got sass to him
I think we got a
Smash all the TVs. I think we should think someone's got to do it. It's got to be Kate
We shared does have to be a but we let's assign the item for Kate
I kind of want to remind all five are working TVs having a picture of Stefan oh
And let him end about the TV. Yeah
Yeah Oh, yeah, and let him and then about the TV. Yeah Yeah
Solely with his bucket hat, I don't know if I'll ever get over this and he wasn't called out there
He just wanted to parade in front of us. He was starting to pray early. He was prancing. We fell for it. Yeah
He baited us
Kate you should get a Viva bucket hat like that's not I know
He's got a frame seen that coming
Guy would die for us literally for you
He said that unprompted you guys watch next Friday
Yes, oh, yeah, he looks like the jokers from from next Friday. Oh, I've got that own Chico with the hat
Let's see him
She pulled that up pull it
next Friday look at the anticipation on Stephen Chase oh yeah he kind of does a
little bit we need him in a bucket that went down to the bottom right he looked
like yeah we need a little more. Yeah Yeah, maybe he's Mexican
Slowly can be any race anything
Yeah, what couldn't he be?
Black no
Can't be white
Can't be white like he couldn't be from a Scandinavian nation because he could be like
Dominican and he's any Pacific Island and Irish India. Oh, yeah
I'm gonna be a cypress. I couldn't be Irish
Cyprus yeah
I Get uncomfortable. It's like it's like Pete I get uncomfortable when I see our tech guys are very serious
Playful yeah, yeah, it's very we so I don't be real human beings outside of I have a situation with Stefan
Oh, yeah, he knows where you live. I live right right next to him like right next to him and a few weeks ago
I Invited him to our house like right next to him. And a few weeks ago, I invited him to our house
for trick or treating tomorrow,
because, and I don't wanna put his business out there,
he doesn't, he's probably not gonna get
trick or treaters in the apartment.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So we invited him like a month ago,
I was like, hey, Stefan, when Halloween rolls around,
if you and the wife wanna come over for, and just help us pass out, you don't even have to help us, just come over, we'll all hang out.
Hang out on the front porch.
I don't think I want that anymore.
But I haven't spoken a word of it since I invited him. Do you think he forgot about it?
Okay, good.
You think he remembered?
No, I don't think he forgot all right, so here's what you could do when he comes
You just hand him the bowl, and then you lock your door. Oh, yeah
Appreciate you doing this we're gonna go get a bite to eat
That would be great if you just sat in like the living room where he could see you and he's like yeah
Can you just man the door? Yeah? Yeah? I let him do all the work and we leave yeah
So I don't know we'll see how that goes. Do you think he wants to I?
Don't know I could never get a real like it was
Like we were putting up all the decorations and my wife was getting like the holiday speed
This was like early October and she's like we should invite should we have a party and I was like I don't know
She's like we should invite some people and then I ran into Steph in the next
day and we were talking about the neighborhood and what it's gonna be like on Halloween and
all that and I was like hey you guys can I just threw it out there and then now it's
it tomorrow's the day and I don't have you asked him what he's doing for Halloween like
this week to see if he's oh if I tested it if he's home. I feel like yeah
Yeah, well if I ask him he's just gonna. Yeah, I don't know I was scared that he's gonna be like am I not coming over did he say yes? Yeah, he said yeah
We do that, but this was again. This was like October 5th
All right, let's get him back in here more ask if he has any plans
You also ask him if he has plan ask him what he's doing for Halloween tomorrow
I don't know if you can ask somebody to come over to your house on Halloween on October 5th
Yeah, I don't know if you can ask somebody to come over to your house on Halloween on October 5th Yeah, I don't know
It was it was it was like it wasn't an official invitation
It was just kind of like a you're in front of me right now
We were discussing the festive nature of the neighborhood, and I was like hey when the day comes I will just ask him
What he's if he's got plants wonder what his costume is yeah?
hmm He's probably I bet you he'd go as like one of the female Ghostbusters What he's if he's got plans wonder what his costume is yeah? hmm
He's probably I bet you he'd go as like one of the female Ghostbusters
Whatever he did he would do it way too much. Yeah, like he made a homemade costume did the makeup everything
Yeah, I go all out
Is a character from Hamilton
Buster I'm Christian Wigg
Is a character from Hamilton
What is my favorite Broadway play
Are you dressing up to hand out candy? Oh, no, I'm not a costume guy
Yeah, no, I'm pumped for Halloween.
It's so fun with little kids.
It's so fun.
They get so excited.
I have all my candy.
I have to go get a bowl.
You gonna leave it out?
No, I'm gonna, I'm gonna.
You gonna sit there?
Yeah, I want to.
Hey, hey, Stefan, come in here real quick.
What's up, man?
Wait, does his shirt say Kristen Wiig on it?
Kristen Stewart. Oh, Kristen Stewart. Oh, Kristen Stewart. Hey, Stefan. What's up, man wait does his shirt say Kristen wig on it
Hey Stefan
Sure sit sit sit we haven't caught up in a while. Yeah, or ever
Do you like the TVs?
Is that the silliest you've ever been yeah, you looked really that you're let's take a silly pic pose you'd not do a goofy one yeah it's a half
it's a while ago too you were still buckled up though crazy are you driving
in this picture very irresponsibly oh my god I'm busy what's going on yeah we
know you are too do you have any plans for tomorrow?
For Halloween?
Are you dressing up?
I... could.
No, I'm not asking.
I have one, I have like a safe one.
Yeah, are you doing anything tomorrow night though? Are you like going out trick-or-treating or anything?
You're an adult, you're probably giving out candy.
What are you doing after work? I don't know where this is going.
Yeah, we were just asking your plans.
We've all said our plans.
What does the evening look like for you?
Paint us a picture.
Well, I was going to actually follow up on that today, so I'm glad you asked.
Oh, what was...
Oh, you're not.
I kind of forgot about it, but if the invite is still open, we would love to come.
But if not, we could figure out other things.
But Mark, what you were saying is you asked him on October 5th and then you realized you
didn't want him to come.
See, that's what I was worried about.
Because after he asked me, I was-
Well, it felt so far away.
It was like, I'm the-
Yeah, that's a-
It was the right thing to do, but I don't have to do anything about it
And now I'm gonna have to do something yeah, you got the satisfaction of inviting someone over right I literally wow job well done
I literally I told my wife this morning
I'm just like I'm gonna like ask mark what he's gonna dress up for Halloween and maybe that'll spark conversation if he doesn't give me
Anything we're not going okay, so I was asking
She's like have you talked to Stefan about if they're coming over and I was like absolutely not exactly I'm trying to
So he forgets if the invite is still open we'd love to come and I do have a costume for it
Oh, that is is it it is it is a female Ghostbuster?
No, okay
Where that came from I just just guessed. Nick guessed.
No, I'm not that cool.
It's Oceans 8, actually.
What's Oceans 8?
The female oceans.
Bad jokes.
But yeah.
What's your costume?
I can't.
It's not that good.
Yeah, who cares?
It's a hot dog costume.
Oh, all right.
That's good.
What are you going to? Well, I don't want to. Never mind. Mark's not a costume. Yeah, who cares? It's a hot dog. Oh, all right. What are you gonna? Wow? I don't want it nevermind
Mark's not a costume guy. He's never
Our family doesn't do cost all right well, so this has been resolved you guys
I guess he's coming over yeah, no I was gonna say it's been resolved. We don't know okay
Oh, I look I was gonna talk to both of you went to a party this weekend
I'm not a big WWE guy, but I know enough from like the 90s. Are you should talk to both of you. Went to a party this weekend. I'm not a big WWE guy,
but I know enough from like the 90s.
You should talk to Nick in me.
Yoo hoo!
So basically there was a mask in the green screen room.
I kinda helped myself.
Mick Foley.
Easy outfit.
Went to two parties.
Not a single person knew who I was
That's a shame
Did you even went out?
I even did sockie
You did sock-o
I did I did I got a white sock and I drew on it and everything. Well, that's unfortunate. That's crazy
Yeah, so that was and I'm not even I think I would have even known that if you
Yeah, better parties
So do people forget about mankind? I guess I don't know. Did you wear the white shirt and everything?
I had a white button down and they're like shitty black tie. Oh, I don't have like long hair
So I just like whatever but that's unfortunate. I'm not about that. You're going to the wrong parties
You should have I think I might be going to the right parties because they don't know wrestling from 20 years ago
Yeah, that's the wrong party. Yeah, but alright
Palate cleanse how busy are you? Yeah, that's the wrong party. Yeah, but all right all right
How busy are you?
Name jeepers my friend ask yourself. Oh you piece of shit. Oh
Yeah Brandon how busy is Stefan?
Thank you Stefan enjoy tomorrow with mark yeah
And make sure to overcompensate for the fact that they might, like you might come across
as not wanting to be there by staying extra-live.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I was gonna say, like a lot of kids
don't come till like 10 o'clock.
Yeah, we were thinking 9.30, 10, the party would start.
So if you wanna show up.
If we could bring anything, we'd love to make something.
Stefan's a great cook.
Oh really?
Yes. Mark would like puppy chow yes
Ooh, baby pass out the puppy chow to the yeah
What about one jumbo deviled egg like real big like an ostrich devil
Yeah, did you devil an ostrich egg? Oh you can devil any yet make make something that makes me laugh to yeah
You would have to do some science yeah, all right you can get steffan off the screens. I like a toilet deviled egg
I want to see the devil egg
He does make great puppy chow. Oh, he's a terrific
Chef you say Baker. He's mostly treats. He doesn't really just a lot of treats
Yeah, I'm caught off guard every time I bump into him in the real world. You only talk outside of the office
He's a very nice guy very he set up my house. It's stunning. Yeah, he did yeah
And it's quick pleasure to be around yes
Yeah, until he gets inside these doors
His lust for life is just all gone. Yeah
sure is
Yeah, he's top of the list guys that would shoot up this place. No no no I think you have to be too much
Yeah, much camera if you said stephen. Here's what you're gonna need to shoot up place. He'd be like
I'm not getting all that can I just poison them with my puppy child these this could potentially work, but full metal jacket would work better
And I don't have a bump stock I want to see him as a ghostbuster now so bad
You could have just been the guy ghostbuster whoa
Every now and then a regular chicken lays like a massive fucking that's not a regular chicken a that's an ostrich
For a giant deviled she doesn't take a bite of this I'm gonna be sick
Have you ever tried? Oh, is it a diaper? Do they send it in a diaper to boil?
Oh, is it a diaper? Do they send it in a diaper?
Two hours. Can we buy an ostrich egg online? Oh, we should play the running game with ostrich eggs. Oh, yeah
Shot putting them
Paige sent that email by the way Kate also Kate the whole chat is demanding that we acknowledge that you're looking right today. Oh, Kate is looking right. What's on body?
Guess who's here.
Yeah, what you're wearing, what you're wearing.
Go head to toe.
Okay, I'm wearing the biggest, I've lost a ton,
I don't wanna brag, I've lost a ton of weight.
Here we go.
My pants are like, I don't know.
I'm bragging those shoes, but okay.
I don't know.
And then an old eagle shirt, go birds.
And then this to hold my pants up.
Very cute.
Where are the jeans
from the coals okay nice coals and then these Nike shoes check and I brush my
hair I didn't blow dry it but I did wash it and then I gave a little fluff with
the towel very cool thanks guys contacts I went Stefan on everybody's ass. Yeah. Yeah. Oh Kate's a woman. I know
Okay, hi everyone see from Kate below. Oh, she threw you under the bus. Oh
Wait, the two shouldn't go at the front. Sure. I was afraid no one would want to read the whole thing
So I tried to do a quick summary at the top for people who don't give a shit wait
You preemptively apologize for the email you're sending. Yes
Wait, where'd you say? Sorry? Well see TLDR is kind of like a
Costume parade during yak on Thursday 1230, please purchase me unless you don't want to then that's totally cool, too
And I won't okay
Yeah, just yeah page
How page then one sudden they have to go? Yeah, just yeah page
This is mandatory now wait. Let's do spy cam and let's go make Kate be stern
Let's go send Kate off on a demand. Yeah, I don't think I could I don't think I could do it Yeah, yeah, give her it and then you want me go with you. No no no no
Yeah, if you saw that email, just
I don't know if the tone was what I intended for it to be.
It's actually not optional.
I actually really need you to dress up tomorrow.
Tell me what your costume is.
You're doing it, right?
What's your costume?
And you're going to be here.
I'll tell people that.
I'll say it, and I'll ask.
No, no, no.
No, sorry.
No giggling.
I'm upstairs.
I'm upstairs come
up to me right now and tell me to wear a costume hey okay what's up hold on
what's up Kate hey the costume things tomorrow and I saw your email about it
it's really important I don't because for the acts I don't ever wear costumes though um and this is where I throw big kind of it's a big cat
So you know no no no you're you're gonna have to say the I forgot to write that it's mandatory
Well there will be a separate shame parade on this side of the gym for people who don't dress up and they have to walk in
A circle so I just got to walk of the gym for people who don't dress up and they have to walk in a circle. So I just gotta walk in the gym floor? I just gotta walk in there once? Like an idiot just walking around the gym
in circles for no reason. Mandatory.
It'd be embarrassing. Kate, look at me. Point your finger inside. You fucking dumb
hick. Wear a goddamn costume. You gotta wear a costume tomorrow. My voice cracked.
Alright, get the spike. No, no, she's not ready.
You got to speak in demands and absolutes, no maybes.
Kate, you used to hunt terrorists in the hot, hot sun.
They knew.
They were like, oh, this is fine.
Keep digging that hole.
Put the bomb in it.
They get the gist.
The thing is, I think people feel so bad they'll dress up.
That's not how.
Like we don't wanna hurt her feelings.
We gotta scare them.
I'm not dressing up.
I think Big Cat's the only one that could really.
No, you have to do it.
I will, I will.
I do think it would be fun.
And I did have superlatives in there like you said,
but I only had like four.
And I said there'd be a prize,
I don't know what the prize is. do you have chef Donny's phone number?
Call him and demand for him to dress up. I don't think I'm gonna be here be here shit what smokes get if we got smokes
And no you need to get the get the zoom on somebody to go. I'm gonna go you're gonna go
No, yeah, go around. I'm not gonna feel just be like we have to do you have to this you're a good actress
Kate you showered today. Yeah shower, okay?
Looking right oh look at all right che you walk with her wait. Let's make it even more
But che you walk with her what what is this? Yeah? What is che doing today? Why are you sherbert ice cream sherbert ice cream? Yeah?
You got pink socks on socks on don't what socks on. Don't what like totally what it. Purple shoes, pink socks, purple shirt.
Hot and candy swag.
All right, Kate, you're not ready.
Oh my God.
Take those glasses off.
We have Squidward's house on the show.
All right, Kate, go.
All right, Kate.
Yeah, I might dress up. I don't know
No, you really have to it's for not the yak tomorrow not the maternal no no you have to know
It's or not don't drag it out. No no what if I don't?
You're fired yeah
There we go all right Kate's Gonna
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for the 2025 Daytona 500 Daytona 500 dot com. Look at the way she's like tiptoeing
She's terrified
Go upstairs
This feels really good porn she going out she leaving she's leaving she's leaving forever Oh, not him? The security guard? The security guard. What did he ask you? Nothing. Oh.
Oh, are you okay being on camera?
Oh, yeah.
All right, I'll let you in.
Most precious thing in the game.
What is going on? What is she doing?
He's on the phone, I think.
Oh, she's waiting.
She's lingering.
Oh, disaster!
I have a break tomorrow at 12.30, and everybody has to be in these costumes, Oh
30 and everybody has to be in his costume and so I need you to be a costume tomorrow
Use you have to be here for it. Oh, I can't hear tomorrow. Well, you have to
He doesn't work tomorrow
She put it back I'm gonna see my email about tomorrow at 12 30. Us girls will not be here tomorrow. We're gonna be in Tennessee. Oh God.
Why would we be in Tennessee?
You have to cancel your trip and I'll see you guys at 12 30 at your basket break.
Oh my god.
We're your fired.
I heard that kid.
They're laughing in her face.
They're laughing in her fucking face.
Oh my god she's the worst person for this job
Who's gonna be here tomorrow?
Kayla's gonna dress up she used to aim and shoot guns at beings. Yeah
Okay, Connor Griffin's ass. Oh, yeah, he'll dress up you don't ask him. Oh
This is gonna be they do when you go back here to my creatures.
Yeah, they're not going to be there's Connor.
Oh, that's an easy win.
Oh, no.
Hi guys.
Oh no.
Tomorrow call 30.
You must wear a costume.
It's like not an option.
You have to.
I already got one. Confirmed. If not an option. You have to. I already got one.
Yeah, if we have to, yeah.
You have to.
Oh, I like that.
This is what, is it good?
Yeah, they all have to.
You have to, are you?
I don't like the look on your face.
I don't like, no.
I need direct bags on text.
Yeah, Kate.
Oh, fuck yeah.
I'm sick of your shit.
Yeah, Kate.
Oh, get him. Pugs get in the business. I'm like, no, bye. Whoa. Yeah, Kate
Pugs get in the business
Have to go get a coffee what if my guys just started beating Kato
Man she's gotta go upstairs nobody's even she's gotta go upstairs. Nobody's- Steven, she's gotta go upstairs. Nobody's dressing up. First thing, you gotta go upstairs.
I wanna, wait, I want her final test.
She has to barge into the men's restroom
and demand somebody has to wear a costume
while they're shitting.
This is...
Why's she tiptoeing?
I think that's her default setting.
Oh, guys.
That always is depressing when you have to go down three steps to go up 40.
She kind of bodied Pug.
And he wilted.
Shane was excited he's already has a custom for yes she's
going the other oh wrong way yeah she's just trying to avoid the people the Danny Lance. He'll push back, I think. Is that Conrad? Who is that? That's Conrad.
Are you here tomorrow?
Oh, it's Bosco.
Who's this?
Hello. How's it going?
Good. How are you?
I'm pretty good. Are you here at 1230 tomorrow?
What costume are you going to wear?
I have actually thought about this.
So you will be in costume tomorrow?
I should be, yes.
I should be, yes.
I should be.
Should be is dependent on if the place that I go
has the things that I need.
If they don't, you still need to.
I will do something.
Worst case, it will be just not my first option.
Got it.
I'm gonna wait till I save.
What's your Halloween costume for tomorrow?
Whenever I blow out of the closet,
when I need to do something. Because you will pull something out of the closet
Okay, no, but what oh
What probably not you're not gonna dress up tomorrow at 1230. Ah, she can't fire
No, it's his birthday
Oh, it's his birthday
All right, well 30 tomorrow you must wear a costume
No matter what Donnie would do it. Yeah, he's down. He would like accidentally wear one wear it. Oh today's Halloween
What did he say on babynum? 1230 tomorrow you must wear a costume. What did he say? 1230 tomorrow you must wear a costume. On babynum.
1230 tomorrow?
What is that?
Are you getting your costume?
Oh here we go, final boss.
As long as you're in a costume.
The final boss.
Costume 1230 more?
There's super-dol-items, I'll come up.
He doesn't know what that means.
Ask him.
Yeah, cancel the trip.
What's the prize?
Tell him the quiz.
Tell him what?
They canceled your card.
Oh see it feels like a real, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go. Ask him what's the price? Tell him the quiz. Tell him what?
They canceled your credit.
Oh, see, it feels like a real I'll go on.
I'll see the cash prize.
Jesus, is he struggling?
Like a real prize.
We have to give him money.
He doesn't know he's on camera.
Thanks. Thank you.
Yeah, that was crazy.
That was insane.
Yeah, he won't do it without a cash prize? Like
a real one though. A real cash prize. We're talking like $10,000? Wait, wait, how good
would his costume be if it was a $500 cash prize? I say $10,000. Tell him it's $10,000.
Bake $10,000. Wait, or if we just pick the winners big cat with yourself Dan follow up on the mail and say I'm giving dollars
I'm giving 10
I'll say you would believe it if you said 10,000 this will get everyone to do mincy rolls in with like a movie realistic
Optimist Prime
I want to see how all out he will get what could that have options he spends eight thousand dollars to win ten thousand
How all out can he get in one day yeah, I want to know what he meant by that
Yeah, $500 cash prize has been done by the way we have an update for the Yankees fans
Apparently one of them was Gronk's roommate in college, which makes perfect sense. Yeah
So awesome, I think they might be on the stream tonight. He's just wearing pink socks. He's wearing pink socks. He's sure, but sure, but
Wait, my Francesca and those guys. Yeah. Wow, this would be incredible must watch
All to lose. I mean they're gonna yeah because what we've already been told dodgers are a lot
Whatever that of a lineage of your lineage
Kate Kate, they're pretty good. They're shaking in their fucking boots. Why did you start with the security guard? I
Thought that would be the most intimidating person I could oh, okay, like he bodied you
Days in a row no I know I fucked up as soon as I started talking I was like oh I fucked up
He was very polite. I think we got a lot of costumes. Oh, I think we did
I also added a $500 cash prize so that will hopefully get yeah, well did you hear mincy?
Yeah, you did that's why we didn't push back when he said I'll only do it on camera. I couldn't tell he wasn't looking at either of us
We should do oh I couldn't tell he wasn't looking at either of us. Oh, you know you're looking at both of us at the same time
Oh, we should do oh
Fuck I already sent it, but we should do worst costume has to pay best costume $500 love that
That's really good
Would really bad people going to be clear. This is all for a parade in front of us. Yeah. We don't have to do it.
Now I'm going to...
I'll wear a costume for you.
I would like...
I will dress up.
I can't wait to see what Brandon has.
I might be a little late tomorrow because PFT's got to go to do Pup Punks.
We've got to record early, but I'll try to be here by 1230 in costume.
We won't start the parade without you.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
It's going to be awesome.
You have the money.
And you have the money.
That's true. So... I'm... We... our costumes can be lame. It doesn't matter, but theirs have to be awesome. You got the money. And you have the money. Yeah. That's true. So, our costumes can be lame, it doesn't matter.
But theirs have to be good.
That's the thing.
I want some really good costumes.
I want one of those like, you ever see they do like,
where they make the costume where it looks like
your head is on a plate?
No, I want one of those.
I would love if one year we did the roller coaster,
where we look like we're on the roller
Coaster together have you seen those? Okay? He's not tall enough
Maybe the teacups. Oh, yeah
We can be a little elephant we can just all be in the Epcot orb
We do the whole yak formed up like I'm laughing I don't want to KB. I don't want
Fucked up. I didn't mean to laugh. I didn't say I didn't laugh
Teacups inside. I'm not laughing now. They're all pissed at me on the inside
47 countries is that me thinking to the only time I really am concerned? 47 nations, not including territories.
I'm taller than the average man.
That's millions of people.
How many countries?
Hell yeah, it's millions.
How many countries are there?
Like 200?
250-ish. What's the tallest country? Oh?
Good question
They might be more in Scandinavia or why the NBA player. It's Eastern Europe. It's Eastern Europe
I think it's like Serbia or something like that really shortest is could be Lithuania Peru or Ecuador
one of those
It might be click Cambodia to be came Guatemala Guatemala is a five four five four
What's the tallest oh? Yeah? We wanted to pitch that the Netherlands that video series tall abroad
Where we send you just and you send back a picture?
What's a hundred that's not we don't yeah, that's know. That's just gibberish. Where's Montenegro?
What's a hundred and eighty three inches?
That's weight. That's not inches. It's uh centimeters is a meter meters a hundred and three meters
What can we get a centimeter right in the real American language your TJ, please?
Is it no that's not right centimeters centimeters six foot
183 centimeters six foot
So we're so so Titus Brandon. I were the we're tallest in every country
It's like we're a home run in every park yeah, yeah, no matter where we go we're tall you got that Yankee Stadium build
Hell yeah
Again, where's the where can we find the six feet six and a half?
But like why are they like why is the Balkans so tall what makes them tall the air has the thin air yeah?
But like is it potatoes make people talk might be potatoes
Idaho the tallest state potato potatoes and air all those together
Tall state would I feel like be a southern state for like
Is the Sun make you taller I could see some I?
Mean is that stupid sunflower you have to water your race into account
I think yeah But I'm saying like the actual Sun like people get more sunlight. Are they taller is it the tallest we like flowers?
No, because if I were Ecuador's is there on the equator Ecuador is closer to the equator, so maybe it's lack of Sun
But that's all the state of Vermont
Did you guys see the guy who said that he can't altitude made him gay, huh? Yeah
Senator TJ
He went on a work trip and sucked off a co-worker and his girlfriend was like, hey
Cheating boyfriend claims
Mean I've sucked a dick in Denver
He was not he insisted he was not at all, but the strangest thing happened He said like that when he was at dinner with his Utah co-workers. He suddenly became gay
I'm like what what the fuck he said he thinks it was due to the altitude
But is that a real phenomena? Utah is probably the least gay state
mmm Mormons, yeah, but
Out out of the closet yeah, it might be a closeted state like that's I feel like the more religious people get the more
Secretly gay they get I think with Christian that could be but Mormons feel like they just they're allergic to it
Dick I don't know no they just they're just closeted. I think yeah, huh and the altitude
Yeah, and the altitude I wonder how high I would have to go to be gay
Yes, all I think if I like don't once I'd land real zesty
In other news do anybody get that malicec invite to go on that climbing
I'll say books the first trip to Colorado
Thank you Stu send me a kiss hey, what's up Peter?
That's a that's a pair yeah, is it you guys feel something about Texas almost bordering, Colorado
It is weird. What? It's two states.
That's a good one.
That is a good one.
I think they should have, if they got that panhandle.
Oklahoma cucks them, right?
It's definitely like Oklahoma does.
It's like Wisconsin not bordering Canada.
That's right.
Texas chose slaves over that panhandle.
That's the slave shit.
That panhandle's weird, huh? Like New Mexico and Oklahoma touch that's weird to me
Yeah, that is kind of a little that's what yeah, I think that's weird to me, too
What like what's the weirdest two states at touch aren't we like how many states away is Illinois or Wisconsin's like two states away from?
Washington or something
Yes, no, it's only two states away from Washington or something? Three? Yes, no, it's only two states away.
Two states in between.
Oh, my.
That's way wrong.
A bunch.
That was the correct amount.
Yeah, that's about how many it should be.
Montana's long.
Two states border eight other states?
Is it eight?
Yeah, what's the other one?
Tennessee and Missouri. Oklahoma and what's the other Missouri?
Oklahoma, New Mexico might be my favorite
Yeah, I think shape the favorite that goes on there. That's the best one Yeah, zoom in and drop the little guy the little yellow guy
Giving Indiana vibe, which for podcast listeners. I'm talking about the looks like a desert the Google Maps man
For clarification
Man that works in tech
Boise city oh this looks shitty yeah, yeah, that should not if that came up you would never guess Oklahoma for that
How about oh you could guess New Mexico were one click away? Yeah, that's crazy
We were actually in on that side. What do we we got welcome to New Mexico?
With their roads yeah, they're better over there
Yeah, now we're in Folsom new man. How close are we to a subway?
How tall are the houses?
McDonald's how tall are the houses?
Cows we're in big map season with the election
I love it. I love the county ones or everyone being like did they just show like all the cities are like these cities
Have this many votes compared to everyone else yeah, it is population and everyone Yeah, everyone relearns or learns for the first time what population is.
Yeah, that there's like a lot of people that live in the big cities.
Yeah. Yeah, in the big cities there's like a, I don't know what you call it, like a density
to them?
There's a heft.
There's kind of a heft to them. And I don't think you'll ever get that. You'll see the
maps and you think this color is here and this color is here, but there's like a density.
Yeah, I saw one yesterday, someone was like, like yeah this one. New York is actually a swing state and it's like but New York City has 10
million people. New York City? More than that right? Manhattan is 51% of New York's population. Yeah. Look it's mostly red. Yeah.
That's a lot of people in that little spot. But also the two other most populous cities are also blue.
What is that broken down into?
Is that, what are the lines?
Those aren't county lines, they're too big.
That's gerrymandering, brother.
Oh, that's, it might be county lines.
No, that's congressional districts, right?
Ah, good old congressional districts.
Don't really know what that is.
It's districts for Congressional's. Yeah
So when people run for Congress like I'm district five, yeah
Okay, yeah
Yep, would you ever run would you ever get into politics Brandon? We've done this before
We've thrown around the idea of me running for Starkville mayor
And that's when y'all called Starkville and said, do you know Brandon Walker?
And they said no, and then you determined I couldn't.
I was thrown around going home and being a mayor.
And you guys poo-pooed me and said I couldn't do it.
Should we do an election day special yak next Tuesday
and vote for one person get fired?
That'd be cool.
Have a voting booth.
That would be cool.
What was the, cause they just posted on the Yak socials
when we voted Yak, SASass the second least favorite person.
Yeah, every time Sass comes on.
We could be one of those again.
I've never seen that.
We should have people come in and write down
every employee they could think of in five minutes.
A person who's listed the least.
Oh my God.
That's good.
If you don't get your name on it.
We should have everyone vote on something on Tuesday.
That would be cool.
Yeah, make it go for the whole thing.
What could they vote on?
Yeah, it'd be.
We'll think of something.
It'd be exciting.
We'd have to fly Jeff D'Lo in it.
Yeah, when I say we, I mean Nick.
You'll think of something.
Okay, when's election day?
Next. Tuesday. Cool. I say we I mean Nick you'll think of something Okay, when's election day next Tuesday cool
Someone tweeted me today that you're writing the guys on chicks questions on part my cheek. Oh, yeah, I didn't tell you I forgot to tell you
I was doing that
Your comedy knows no bounds. Yeah, I must be doing that subconsciously
Thank you, it would be funny if you were.
You're just the invisible hand.
You don't know that?
This entire office.
I'm like, we have a shared notes app.
Have you slept?
No, I feel...
Oh yeah, how was the tour?
It was really, really fun.
You guys finished the tour?
Yeah, last night.
Flew out at...
4 a.m.?
Holy shit.
Well, no, wait.
I got to the airport.
Yeah, I was going to say, they don't have... No, no, it's at 4 a.m. I woke up at 4 a.m. Holy shit. Well, no wait.
I got to the airport.
I was going to say they don't have flights at 4 a.m.
No, I woke up at 4 a.m.
It took 30 minutes to get to the airport.
I'm sorry, I woke up at 4 a.m. Uber 430.
Got to the airport by 5.
Through security, it took a while.
My flight wheels off ground at 6.05.
Oh, you were cutting it close.
Yeah. Oh, Nick. Were you're cutting it close. Yeah. Oh, oh
You nervous a wreck. Yeah, I couldn't sleep
That's way too close horrible horrible horrible
And you bumped your flight to be one hour later, which is kind of yeah, I just ended up staying out But couldn't sleep feel so bad. I feel good tour was great
Oh, you're in that spot where it's like low on sleep
You feel goofy goofy. Yeah
It's a good spot to be in it's kind of weird. Yeah, it feels like the tour was a huge success
Yeah, I was really happy with it was a fun proof of concept. We had the crowds were great
I think they should make it so easy. This was the club Kyle and I were banned from wait
Yeah, did they say any last option?
the guy that was like wait it we kind of snuck in and
Didn't really announce our names it just had out of order as like the show didn't say with like little sass and John Fetterberg Nick
and Kyle
the woman that
Tried to get three hundred thousand dollars from us was still there
No, but the guy that was like working in the green room like bringing drinks in and everything was like she fucking hates you
She hates all of barstool because of two guys. We're like what?
Was it a tomato thing? Oh, it's that yeah
Yeah, did you guys throw tomatoes?
No, we got pelted.
Oh, you got pelted by a lot of people?
But you brought the tomatoes to have yourself pelted.
We suggested that that's an option to bring tomatoes.
But if they didn't bring any tomatoes, there were
about 300 at the door to grab them.
Okay. And the mess was
just catastrophic?
No, we cleaned up.
So why was you upset? We, we cleaned up. Oh, so why was you upset?
I know, we didn't get paid. You should have brought a tomato and faked it out.
I was really afraid, like there was a chance
that we weren't gonna be able to do the show,
that like, Fights and Sass could've.
That would've been very funny.
Oh yeah.
Bad boys.
Yeah, imagine flying out somewhere
but not being able to partake.
At least it wasn're again. Yeah
I'm trying to think like what was this Brandon or Nick as me
What is this Boston Airport like in the 9-elevens thing like yeah, they're forgotten about they get the assist
Where was the was it all the where were the other They're like New Jersey and that's like an important part
Yeah, I think they chose with the twin tower realize it more right. I thought all the flights took off from Boston
I thought there was one from New Jersey. No, it was a Boston to LA flight, right? What was the one that crashed in Pennsylvania?
That was out of
DC and it was Newark Newark yeah oh he was yeah was yeah Newark
yeah the Boston one was the one Mark Wahlberg I guess they have he could it
could have been him who would have gone down that would have gone Newark yeah
wait can we see the guy that did the field he looked like a fuck-up
Yeah, yeah trusting him I also always thought I was saying for a really long time. I don't know why
There's shows picture KSM
Disavow disavow anti on this show not a friend of the show yeah Boston doesn't really
they've been hush hush mm-hmm yeah I feel like there should be like a big
memorial a memorial yeah or something was it been through a lot Boston the the
great molasses flood of they went from Maine to Boston I want to say he started
in Maine
Yeah, they did they did a small airport cuz that's how they got into yeah TSA. Oh
They chose oh, I think they went Maine to Boston and then that was how it worked out
It's really light light topic. Yeah, haunt. Yeah really light topic the molasses flood
Do people die do people drown molasses worse than death
Stuck they tried to pull people out and their arms would just come off no they were so stuck in molasses
Molasses is yeah famously slow. Yeah, it's the slowest
Isn't it as slow as molasses? It's gotta be we did but if they were all there and just like the storage tank like exploded or just maybe just.
35 miles an hour is how fast it was going.
What, there's no way.
21 people?
It was a hot summer day so the molasses was moving.
Forgot about the heat.
It was moving.
This is like a huge molasses tank exploding
is like Paw Patrol.
50 hertz.
This is a hilarious huge molasses tank exploding is like Paw Patrol 50 hurt. Yes. This is a hilarious
hilarious thing that happened
Have you ever had a molasses popsicle that dark chocolate? It's fabulous since hopefully it's not too soon to say no
How dare you no escape from gigantic wave of fluid run?
Yesterday Stephen Che thought
Hazelnuts were chocolate. We thought Nutella was just pure hazelnut. Yeah, that hazelnut was chocolate
See that he thought it was a healthy cocoa basically what Nutella was
If you take a big thing of hazelnut turn on the blender
That's it turns into a paste it would be Nutella, okay?
That's what you self reflect on that opinion. I think that's pretty reasonable take
I will say the label does look healthy it has like a plant leaf on it and you want to believe
Yeah, so I kind of get it if we didn't look it up yesterday
There would be two or three you guys and know what hazelnuts look like so well. That's no I
Already knew what hell look like no also your that's not the issue the issue is you thought Nutella was just hazelnut
I don't regret that okay. Hey, what's what's healthy looking? There's some green. There's green. She's right. There's a little flower
It's a little flower. You're like, oh it's nuts.
It's a boring, yeah.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Like Ferrero Rocher?
They have a monopoly.
Are they sister products?
Well they'll be, they'll probably be owned
by the same company.
Shit, the people have hazelnut.
Is that not a monopoly?
On the, on.
On what?
Companies have different products. Shit, they got a hazelnut. I'm not on on what? Companies have different products shit a monopoly on a hazelnut is an ingredient
It's merely an ingredient name another hazelnut product the tele for a rocher you go
Coffee, there's other
full room
Everybody's Mike is on
Saying coffee creamer your gerrymandering the argument. Yeah, I don't straw man. We don't that means
He said that's assing
There's other hazelnut spreads. I'm waiting. I'm not from I'm not hip with everything hazelnut does
but I know that it's merely an ingredient in Nutella and not
The entirety of Nutella and not the entirety of Nutella. Oh fuck, he's kinda right.
That's not even close to right.
That's one quarter, that's 25%.
Of the hazelnut supply, this is kind of damning for us.
Ferraro uses 25% of all hazelnut supply.
Is this not a monopoly?
That's by definition not even close to a monopoly.
That is absurd percentage.
That's a high number.
I would have guessed they use maybe 3%.
25% is-
I know one.
I would have guessed-
He owns Park Place.
He doesn't own all the properties.
25% is a lot of hazelnut.
Che, let me be the first to say sorry.
Che, let me be the first to say that's not a monopoly.
25% is not a monopoly.
But he kind of bodied us.
You can't own 25% of the properties of monopoly and say I won the game. No, But he kinda bodied us. You can't own 25% of the properties in Monopoly and say I won the game.
No, he kinda bodied us.
I feel like everyone that has won the game has owned at least 25% of the properties.
At least!
Then you have to go more.
Then you go more.
Then you have the monopoly.
Get out of here.
That's so much.
That is so much!
So much of the hazelnut, Mark.
One fourth of the hazelnuts you'll ever see our own by forerra
This is why Che will keep you up at night staring at the ceiling when you're trying to fall asleep
Is that the the argument was not are they the number one player the argument was in a monopoly he used the word monopoly
This is by definition not even close to monopoly
It's it's not even close
I'll mark. I'll take that off you can name one hazelnut. It's not
That's not no do it. Why he don't use. Oh, it's you're about you're about to go worth that man
Drop them name a hazelnut
I'm done. I'm just not I'm trying to take this the decision loss and not get TKO. Yeah, I feel like chase
I don't know what just happened you guys were were all, we were all in lockstep.
It started with something that he...
Oh no, we've come full circle.
They make tic tacs.
And kinder eggs.
Kinder eggs are bad.
Somehow, because here's what's happening,
you guys have to see it.
Somehow, he is going to go home
and be like, when I said Nutella
was nothing but hazelnuts
I was correct.
He still thinks that.
He still thinks that.
I truly believe he still thinks that.
You have to stop him.
He doesn't think it's not wrong.
Because what he does is he moves the argument over here.
That's what he did.
He just manifested a new argument.
And then he won that and he took the double header win.
And so when I said...
You got blown out in the first game. When I said tella it's just nothing but hazelnut I was
correct all along that is not true he's like celebrating a sweet victory there's
some cocoa in it or cocao you think it's mostly hazelnut probably not mostly I
don't know what percent I don't I don't know. I don't know what he's on
It looks like when you grind it up. I
Didn't want to have to do that Jay. He's got you don't have to do that. I don't I've tapped out
I'd tell you I've already apologized
Naked choke for one second I went out it wasn't I probably could have lasted a while
So tightest came in but I couldn't do it great
Regret it already
The nuts that's a shitload of hazelnuts
The guy would think like a high percentage is just laying around yeah, oh
It's a very small percent
It's a lot of sugar palm oil palm oil is bad for you, right?
Is that from your palm or talking about it? Yeah, you just rub your hands
That's hand. There's someone wiping their hands
Over it on the edge of the jar like a euphemism for jerking off palm oil
Yeah, all the oils are bad for you, that's what I'm learning yeah
That's why our FK wants to bring back lard to to McDonald's. Oh, we're gonna do lard
I think it went tallow where you don't even know lard was out. Do they're not they're using sunflower oil RFK
He's gonna show the lard back to McDonald's. What is lard?
What was the shit in the 90s?
The gave everyone diarrhea was Oh lean oh yeah the wow potato yeah
well yeah I remember the wild olin might have been yeah yeah they were like diet
potato chips and then make people leak out of their ass it gave me an Audi
white product obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of a pig they walk what
isn't Chris go lard I said pig. Oh you did I make Christmas cookies of Chris go
My wife uses a lot of lard. Yeah, yeah
Vegetable shortening. Oh, that's healthy. I'm respecting a relationship
Chris goes an old-school homosexual lube. So you see is it yeah, I think
Hydrogenated that sounds like a bad word for you. Yeah, you don't want that. Yeah
I just like ignorance is the way to go I find
Yeah, I want to know. Yeah, it's better to be ignorant my son asked me today. How puppies are made
I was like you know that you can they come out of the
Mama dog's belly like yeah, the mama dog eats an egg, and I was like sure that's pretty good
Billy could have just told him the real answer. I didn't really want to do the sex talk on the way to school
Yeah, dog sex talk. That's not human sex talk. Yeah
And then in ten years you'd be like remember what I told you about that dog
Doggy style. That's it. Yeah, but like what is the woman gets on on all fours?
Okay, thanks dad do dogs have any other style no
Okay, thanks, dad do dogs have any other style no
Has anyone ever caught their dog doing
It wouldn't be that crazy
Or any other species given head yes, oh
Monkey monkeys have you ever seen the frog? We monkeys give head. It's terrible. I know dolphins jerk off
Dolphins jerk dolphins like when humans jerk them off too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah
yo Dolphins don't have arms. I think they'll like bite off the head of a fish and use it as like a they'll rub a fish head
They'll hump people. Yeah, they'll like come at you. I might be even stronger word to use. Yeah
They have flippers if they don't I don't think they reach the penis region
So they to their flippers reach the penis. I hear dicks are long. Yeah, they're flippers
I'm never I've never masturbated with a dolphin. I don't think I've ever seen a dolphin's penis. I haven't either we've seen the dolphin
They'll see giant as yeah, I've seen dolphin pussy. Yeah, we talked about on the show
We said it was the cleanest looking pussy dolphins are dolphins are one of those animals that I just assume all of them are girls
Yeah, that's that's there are all cats are girls orcas are boys. Yeah
Orcas can be both. yeah manatee is a guy
Rhinoceroses are all guys. Yeah, come on
Cheetahs are all girls cheetahs are girls lions are guys girls guys. Yeah leopards are girls lions are guys
You love what there's also female
How would they exist
Oh no. Did you not think they're...
How would they exist?
Gotta have female lions.
Life finds a way.
I'm picturing the big hair guy.
But did you think that a female lion was a tiger?
Well a cow is a lady and a bull is a dude, right?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Let's change the subject.
What was the...
What was Jurassic Park?
There were all the dinosaurs and the lemon was Jurassic Park they're all all the dinosaur all the women there were Liz there were Lesbos yeah huh they
found a way they just found a way they used frog DNA and frogs can change their
gender that's when a shortage happens rats or guys rats are guys also girls or
sure what bugs are chicks I don't like any bugs lady
Butterflies butterflies are all chicks butterflies are gay guys. Yeah
Moth is a lesbian. Yeah, but like a tough one. Yeah, yeah, I shall be chin
I'm over against moths and pool
this is fun this is fun
spiders or girls
all animal tier list boy girl
charlotte's web
most famous spider man
true true true
goats or boys and sheep or girls
sheep give off guy energy to me really little unkempt
Yeah, they're the ordinary. Yeah hippie dudes kind of dear girls dear
100% girls definitely girls just but they're slender yeah
They're also dainty. Yeah, right the prance a fox is a man with little hips
Yeah, Tommy smokes. Yeah, right France a fox is a man with little hips yeah, Tommy smokes. Yeah, exactly
Tommy smokes has wide childbearing hips actually yeah, yeah, it's perfect. He's going bald bad
Not bad, but it was just the angle and I felt bad cuz I wasn't my intent
Girls, but hung like a horse unlike a huge cocks you think of the huge cock
That's that's the preeminent cock don't think it's I think you know what I think it is
I think the race horses are men, but but wild horses are girls
So zebras, thank you, and let's just do guy is a girl
And gay okay, so are all cats girls
All cats all cats are girls LGBTQ because that whoa tigers are wait tigers are the cat a
Panthers a girl panthers. Oh, I think I think so
Tiger might be a guy tiger might be a guy
Thank you plus. Thank you T. Wait t plus their question to
Plus thank you T. Wait T plus their question to
LGBTQ no Q. I'm sorry yeah
Is there another letter I put a number three in there cuz I'll probably add that I a three okay
Wait are these all just cats though?
No, we got other
Humans are dudes are dudes
Historically if you look in the history books humans are all dudes if you look in any record book or history book yep
We scroll down. Let's see sharks do sharks are dudes a
Ray Ray's also a dude raise a guy's name. Mm-hmm. Yeah octopus is a is a is a broad
Yeah, it has puzzle 100% a girl. They're super smart
Tj you're going to business for yourself here. Yeah, he has rogue Tj goes rogue. You only need a couple
Yeah, you don't put all the sharks in there. You just throw a couple in there. I
Want this to be like the comprehensive list like oh, I kind of want to just keep I might make this my phone wallpaper
I think we got a rough specific
I think you need to add dude. Oh, yeah, I think you add need to add you
Just you yeah, just can't is there some they're just you genderless. Yeah sharks. I think are like eighth graders
Yeah, Tigers are
Tigers are Tigers are like I think
Dude eighth graders
Can we add a hot girls to because they're oh yeah, yeah girls are hot girls hot girls Oh, that's are the most beautiful, but let's on the flip side of coin. Let's go horrendous hit your women. Yeah, okay, okay?
Well, Eleanor Roosevelt goes Eleanor
presidential wives
Yes, what and then uh I think we could go like softball players, softball catchers.
And then let's go very liberal men. Yeah, white dudes for commons.
Yeah, yep.
I feel like we are going to get into a screaming match. Yeah, let's all just remember that we're on the same team
Let's not get crazy. All right. Well. Let's just just take it more
Some hot girls, okay
Giraffe is a hot girl. Yes
That's a great call Kate. They're the hot yet. They're hot girls mm-hmm
Presidential wives let's go like crustaceans yeah, and also that that uh that fit that eel right there that
That was a film or wife
That is a yeah, yeah, we can I think dolphins are hot girls. Yeah, don't girls sure I think a dolphin could be an annoying chick
Yeah, I
Think puppy that puppy dog is a dude
dog is a dude. I think an owl is a girl. I was gonna say an owl. Yeah, I was a regular owl is a pretty dogs are dudes. Dogs are definitely a swan. Swan is a hot girl. Swan. Yeah, owls
are hot girls source. I feel like we should. What's a flamingo? Oh, wolves are dudes. Wolves
are dudes. Wolves are definitely do. Yeah, that's a dude all day. Is a flamingo wolves are dudes wolves are dudes wolves are definitely do yeah, that's a dude all day
It's a flamingo hot girl lives are cornerbacks. Yeah
Cornerbacks now he's right
About their gorgeous men yeah, think about it. Yeah agile
On an island you know like the lone wolf
Yeah, foxes are hot girls. Do we say that no foxes are dudes, right?
Oh, I think they're dainty dudes
I think like an otter or seal should be a white dude for Kamala. I think a fox is a white dude mingo hot girl
Flamingo 100% hot girl
The smooth ass whale is a chick the smooth whale is a chick
Seagull is an eighth grader. Yeah
Like you have games on your phone The smooth whale's a chick. Seagull is an eighth grader. Yes, yes.
Like do you have games on your phone?
So is a squirrel, so is a squirrel.
That thing, that's the, that's a Beluga whale.
That's the fat cheerleader that gets no play.
That is the bottom of the pyramid.
Bottom of a pyramid cheerleader.
So softball catcher.
Put knee brace chick.
The Beluga whale Wales a knee brace chick
She has like what I was a hot girl bald Eagles a hot girl bald Eagles
Bald eagle was like a leader bald eagles like the baddest ass dude you can follow mallard duck is a dude
Yeah, you gotta put seagulls eighth grader to just like gonna chill with you eat bread eat bread
If there's squirrels squirrels are eighth graders for sure
Hummingbird is a hot girl, too. She's busy a lot of the birds or girls?
Hummingbird I think is like a gummy chick small-tooth woman. I think an ostrich is a presidential wife. Yeah Oh, yes. Yes good one Brandon
Big time so is a turkey. Yep
Are there inchworms on there those are dudes a turkey might be a softball catcher. Yeah, you're right damn it. Yeah, you're so right
Peacock white dudes for Kamala. I thought I was gonna. Oh, that's yeah
Yeah, turkeys and he's sick for sure
Insects are gonna fuck who's a tick tick
What's a tick what's that bird right takes me scrolling down keep
scrolling down let's get some animal I mean if you see bald eagle it's on the
right side I thought I saw it is it take a dude he kind of loaves around oh where
do we put bald eagle I was a do you guys want I was a hot girl I think it's a
bald eagle is a dude come on uh well he goes a dude is a bald want I was a hot girl. I think it's a bald eagle is a dude come on Uh, I think it was a dude. Is a baldie
I think a bald eagle is a boy back could be a corner back. I think it's not a boy
You only a bald eagles boy. I think it's a man. All right. I think a bald eagles a man. That's me though
So you're gonna add a man to your above dude no, no, but should we move man to dude yeah the order here
Should we move man to dude? Yeah the order here
Should we move man to do that man?
That's a white guy for Kamala
He represents all men and I think all men should be in the eighth grade category
Okay, yeah, yeah's a seagull
Looking a hundred percent accurate
Yeah, let's just oh a seahorse is white dude for comma oh you see
You see that you see that fish with the teeth right there to the right. Yeah, that's a presidential wife. That's a trigger fish.
Yeah, that's a presidential wife.
That's probably not a trigger fish.
What's that go up?
What's the very second one?
What number was that?
The polar second one.
What does that mean?
The absolute second one.
What are you saying?
Kyle, very simple The absolute second one. What are you saying?
Very simple, the second picture.
Let's scroll up I guess.
Right there, what is that?
Oh that looks like an 8th grader.
Is that like a bobcat or an ocelot?
Ocelot looks like it's to the left.
That just looks like almost a regular cat.
How'd you do that?
Clouded leopard. Those both seem like boy eighth-grader vibes to me, but we need to stay focused
Yeah, I think we should just do one of each species. Yeah, this is a lot. Oh
a bear bear is a dude
Yeah, there might be an eighth grader mom now. They don't bear could be a white dude for Kamala
Yeah, it does. I think a warthog is like an eighth grade boy. No warthog is probably married to Martin Van Buren
Horse is tricky
mini horse and donkey
Donkeys are dude many horses dude. I'm saying horse is a hot girl
I'm saying horse is a hot girl
Who's off oh what about a pig a greater move that earthworm to dudes too yes
We outy all right
This is good stuff though. Yeah, really good shit flounder I
Mean the yaks dude yeah
Obviously yeah Yeah, dude. Who's a cockroach? Yeah, yeah, cuz I don't know there's a lot of yaks. I don't know what a yak is
Yeah, holy shit
Cow what is a cow?
I think this one. Cow, what is a cow?
Softball catcher, knee brace?
Knee brace.
Knee brace chick.
They do have knobby little knees.
Always a different brace.
They're always braced.
How do you have this many appointments?
You're always in there,
because they're always in class,
but they're always braced up.
With a paper- And they're a pretty high-tech brace like blood work in their hands
Every time and every time
They can't stand the chemistry lab that we might need one more category of like little brothers little brothers is one
Sorry teach, but it's just, we should. That's actually on UTJ, you should have known.
Little Brothers.
Little, no is that different?
Do you want it to be Little Brothers?
Little Brothers who bite?
Yeah, yeah. We should have some that are just empty
little brothers who bite is a great category all right all right hmm yeah we
should take off LGBTQI 3 whatever just take that off because then people like
all what are you doing but we're not we don't think we have any for it. I think we got to cover with white dudes for Kamala. That's that
need brace check
It's redundant. You know she's a knee brace trick a
Horse we need yeah, we need to knock out these big zebra zebra is a little brother who bites
Yeah, yeah zebra. I can see so is the tiny horse yeah, and ants mini horse yeah ants
Swordfish men
Mm-hmm a boy or dude
Yeah, that's a corner. Yeah, like sure it's for sure corner back
Uh... Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha
This is so stupid
I just want to see the response
Keep scrolling, I want to see a couple more
Was there a coral reef on there?
Yeah, like an anemone, what should that be?
Coral reef is uh
Oh, that's useless
That's uh, but it thinks it's
That is an RA who texts the freshmen too much.
Yeah, it is.
Really good thinking, dude.
Yeah, I just want to see the response.
I think everybody's gonna agree.
I don't think-
Oh yeah, this might be the least, uh...
TJ, keep going down.
Doesn't matter your race or creed, you agree.
Everyone's gonna see this and they're like,
where was the coral? Go back to the coral.
Let's scroll down a little. Keep going down.
Right there.
That pink thing.
Just do a tear that just says possible flesh light.
Yeah, that's fine fine with that
There might be a few of those in there yeah, maybe a frog frog could be
Frog is an eighth grader. No brainless fuck toy
Put a labrador wait is there a picture of like a
There's nothing I disagree with I scroll all the way down see if we there's any big ones that we missed there Yeah, I think there's just a man. It's a dad. He just wants to eat. I think he might be a dude
Sleep-and-eat scratches balls. That's a dude. That's a dude. I
Think a polar bear might be a chick hot. Yes. Yes polar bear. Um
No, she might be a little neat. No
They're so beautiful pandas are like pandas do a category in high school till 21
Perfect so good elephant is what
ok elephant I feel like that's a big one
you gotta get right you have to get the
elephant gotta get the elephant if you get
the elephant wrong it all falls apart
Brandon Walker gotta get the elephant
ok I picture elephants as like the moms
as just a girl I kind of too, and I don't like that
I know I just see an elephant as a girl. Oh, yeah, they are very motherly. Yeah a lunch lady. Good. Yeah
Yeah, should we do girl and good girl no very good girl
Very good girl. No
Oh monkeys we have oh the selfie monkey. What's the cell? What is that? Yeah, that's a brand that's a fuck toy oh
See cucumber if that's there, that's the camels an eighth grader. I think
Well they bite a little brother bites, but they're big
Rhinos are dudes
Yeah, oh
All right, all right, let's keep scrolling just one more one more pass-through rabbits are girls
octopus is a
That will make people mad if you put it in brainless fuck toy because people think they're so smart yeah
It's a presidential. It's a president. It's absolutely it's smart. Yeah, she's
And we nailed it look at hot girls verse presidential wives. Yeah
Crush that
Okay, oh is that it that's at the very bottom rabbits. I think rabbits are hot girls
Rabbits are girls. Yeah, or just girls girls girls girls
Put a snake as a corner back yeah, oh, yeah, right call good call yeah
That's a great call I
Mean there was moth should we have billiards lesbian?
playing lesbian Brace check oh yeah, I need brace chick I
Don't know if a moth is a knee brace check honest to God. No. I think you're right Nick. It's not a knee brace chick. I don't know if a moth is a knee brace chick. Honest to God.
No, I think you're right, Nick.
It's not a knee brace chick.
I like what you said about pool playing lesbian, but...
I guess one more category to each.
We might have to do it.
Common billiards lesbian.
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Good job Steven great.
Yeah, I think this is ready to be published.
We also have sponsored Gauntlet today.
Oh, yeah.
Great organization teach. I think it's ready poison dart frog that's an eighth
grade boy it definitely is we'd be remiss everybody be like where's the Oh Alligators that's a like a man
Is a little brother the bites yeah, good call what the hell is that what is that a
flea Dust might I was dust might. Oh, yeah, that is a presidential wife
Harambe, damn.
Gone too soon.
Starfish is the knee brace chick.
Yeah, and raccoons are little brother of the plates.
Jellyfish is the girlfriend with an ulterior motive.
Yes! Yes! Hahaha
She says she's fine going to hang out with your friends, but it's not fine.
There's... yeah, she will be bringing that up.
No, you do... you go golf.
What is that? Is that a pangolin?
That's an RA.
Oh, it is. Which one that a pangolin? Yeah, that's yeah, that's an over RA. Oh it is
The pangolin the self-proclaimed cool RAs yeah, and then the lemurs obviously an eighth grader one over
Oh lemurs such an eight. Yeah, that's a pangolin. I didn't I think it might be a hot chick to
TJ let's keep that down there. I want to see this fleshed out correctly
to TJ let's keep that down there. I want to see this fleshed out correctly
I don't armadillo to the right. I think you were on pangolin. Yeah, no you're that's an armadillo
I think you were on pangolin forget what I said about pangolin. I think I want to get this right
It's not oh oh the the the big nose monkey. That's presidential wife for both. Yeah. Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
You just can't have that nose you just can't you can't you can't just you can't be in the world with that no
If I saw one of those walking down the street like are you serious? What is that?
Bad corner back order or but yes all
great call
Lemur lemurs eighth grader
Is a boom-ba-foo, please
Thank you TJ I Think we send it do we sent are there any other brainless fuck toys
There's one that's making me laugh. There's a British dude
British dude
Yeah new category
Just do lad I guess no
pretty British yeah you gotta let
everyone know he's British British
royalty I think I think boy needs to be
changed to guy oh my god yeah yeah those
aren't boys those are guys then what is dude dude?
And I think Harambe should be a guy oh my god. Yeah, yeah, that's a guy. There's definitely a guy
Hmm I feel like we're just scratching the surface
I feel like we're just scratching the surface
Think we're just I think we got a lot more hair. It is a greater. I think parrot misses flash mobs
Parrot still goes to Coachella. Yeah
That's a fuck. That's a come on. Oh big-time brainless fuck toy there's no see cucumber anywhere
oh to up one to the right what is that ooh is that a sea slug that's a
presidential wife bison is a dude bison that's like I it's like those models who almost look uglier than pretty yeah
Ugly quote-unquote supermodel. Yes, so yes supermodels that are low-key ugly
Yeah, do that as a tear
Supermodels that society has convinced you is hot yeah
Supermodel that's not my type.
Thank you.
I hate how much sense that makes. Everything makes perfect sense.
Okay. That makes everything makes perfect sense Okay, I think there's like a few more categories but
Ant is that a boy or we got rid of boy
Praying mantis I think is a close talker
They move very slowly.
Oh, horse. We gotta get horse up there. We have not settled the debate.
I think horse is a girl.
I think horse is a girl.
I don't want to make the wrong move with horse.
My mind goes to Seabiscuit and Secretariat and I'm like, that is not a man.
But that picture, that is a woman.
That's, yeah.
Yeah, I think it's just girl. I don't think it's hot girl. I think I think yeah
Okay, okay
The spider with the cute eyes is a hot girl and then put flounder with the supermodels and I might be good
Thank you
Thank you
No, not hot girls
Yeah up one super models yeah
All right, let's send it and see what the responses are
Which are the caption be actually yeah, I dare you to find something I don't think we're gonna get a lot of engagement actually because I think everybody's going to just be like yeah, all right
This is absolutely right
This is the best year we've ever done ever this is the most
We've ever this was like world peace no arguments all on the same page
spell right
Steven you did the Draftkings
All right, so we gotta do we are gauntlet someone's gotta do a gauntlet brought to you by body armor
Body armor yeah gauntlet brought to you by body armor sport water the alkaline water that provides real hydration with electrolytes for taste
Everybody's always drinking around the office sports drink the zero sugar even the flash IV after a long weekend
We can't get enough body armor the sport water
In my opinion is the best water out there on the market head on over to your local 7-eleven get your body armor sport water today
Should we get boss go to do it has he done? Oh?
I don't think he has yeah, but I Bosco to do it? Has he done it before? Oh, I don't think he has.
Yeah, but I want him to do it. Yeah. 6 37. Oh, he's got it on February 12th. Yeah. Yikes.
I just texted him perfect
I'm just like excited to see the responses on Twitter. I think it's gonna be a lot of thumbs up Yeah, everybody just respond with a thumbs up emoji
We do the high noon yeah, nope we're in a body armor ad right now.
We're in a body armor ad.
We're inside of it.
We're in the ad right now.
Where's Bosco?
Could someone yell for him?
I think when I invited Stefan too,
I thought we would invite a few more people
and we just kinda never did.
I think there's that as well. His puppyow is just gonna be him for every exhale. It is worth them his wife
All right, if you're telling me the puppy chow is good then I
Could bring my kids over
You know what? He's Stefan's probably fine
Okay, I You know what? Stefan's probably fine. Okay. Okay.
I feel so bad, because we've already had a bunch of Halloween events.
I feel like kind of guilty eating his candy every night, but...
It's also pretty awesome.
Whose candy?
My son's.
Oh, no.
Like, this is for the best.
What's he going as?
He wants pumpkin.
No way!
And I was like, are you sure? Like Paw Patrol?
He's like, no, pumpkin. He's been dead set on pumpkin so and then my baby is the state puffed marshmallow. Oh big the chunkster
He's one today by boss go what one I know today's
my god
I'm excited
It's your birthday. Oh you guys know I got the same shoes on my birthday's in June. He's got the same shoes on that's cool
Well, you're the same shoes on my birthday's in June. He's got the same shoes on that's cool. Well. Yeah, good shoes. Yeah
Alright you ready to do the gauntlets. Yeah, I did it once it was bad. Yeah, I know that's we rage quick
Yeah, we just we just saw the time so let's get a better time. All right. Come on
Who we haven't seen him do the new body armor football toss. Oh
Yeah, you get more you get a few of those green balls
they're smaller too so the key is to be straight on and whale no I guess chase
just confusing you yeah she just wanted him to touch it is Brandon eating
somewhere no he's doing unnecessary roughness
What a classic prank by smoke so throw that down here. Yeah.
He's he's we're working out a deal tuning to pick him tomorrow but I think we're going
to do if Alabama doesn't get to the final four Rico has to take a bus
To the final oh, but they go if they go to the final four Dave and I are gonna go to the pumps party with Rico
All right, yeah, yeah
Was st. Antonio, but you said they're going to the final four they're going to the final four yeah, like that's a fact
Four and if they don't bus let it it ready to learn bus. All right here we go
All right
Here we go
When do you start when I say three two one go
All right, three two two, one, go.
Come on, Basco.
It's over.
Oh no.
Oh. Yes.
We gotta make him do a cooking video again.
In a minute.
Oh yeah.
Oh, he almost fired. That would've been awesome.
Oh. Oh!
Oh! Oh!
Oh no. Oh. Uh-oh. Oh
Oh Malice X feeling a little punty
Morales low he's going with hand Oh hand is some nice got him
Oh I didn't know that. Is he known as an athlete?
Is he like an athletic guy?
Play college ball.
What are you doing? Step into it.
Weird stance.
Yeah, what?
Why are you throwing it like that?
What is it?
Step into it, Bosco.
Oh, he keeps hitting the exact same spot.
There it is. All right. This is going to be embarrassing for him as a hoops guy. Oh, okay.
He's doing great.
This is a great time.
Is that him making that sound?
Yeah. Is that him making that sound?
There we go. Yellow, orange, Jack Black, Patriots, Bills, Dolphins, Jets, 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Tim Jim told me I'm in a rod Ruth
Derek no you got it
Hell yes
Football stuff
Was bad throwing good job Bosco. It's 223, that's really good.
Yeah, a race is your 630.
Bookmark that as Sporkle for next time I go, TJ.
Yeah, that was, that's the luck of the draw.
Good job, Bosco.
Did you do,
what's called, with Jerry yet?
House call, yep.
Who's still alive in the contest? I think a lot of people I am
Are you guys no no no no oh shit? I guess just me then
Did you are you live? Yeah, I'm alive. What are you gonna? Go with probably Kamara?
That's good pick
Good pick. I like that pick.
Another white guy for Kamara.
Yeah, I like that pick.
I like that pick.
Okay, thanks Bosco.
Thank you.
Nicky, you wanted to do the High Noon?
So tomorrow is Halloween.
That's right, and everybody's mandatory costumes.
High Noon, it's time to load up on the ice and break out the oversized lawn games because the high noon end zone pack is here
It includes limited edition fan faves pear and cranberry along with black cherry and grapefruit
The high noon end zone pack is a fall exclusive which means it's here for a good time
Not a long time visit high noon spirits calm before your next tailgate to find a pack near you
to find a pack near you.
Uh... Can you at least admit Titus that the guy's quote was very funny last night?
What guy?
The Yankee fan.
Oh, he was playing D or whatever?
No, when he said, uh...
I just see the ball kinda, I don't want to say up for grabs if that makes sense,
and then Mookie was swearing at us not good
The not good is so good there not good the guy was trying to take it out of his glove
I thought was fun. The other guy was just like I'm here to grab her it
Yeah, the good wrist grab was too much too much
I did love the other day when the ump came up and they were pointing to the to the the wall as if it's an
Invisible barrier that you're not allowed to go past
Yeah, the wrist grab was bad
Yeah, but but the opening the glove and yeah that part was kind of funny Mookie. Yeah, look at that
Not good Mookie was swearing at us not good
Not good. Mookie was swearing at us. Not good. This was way too much.
This was kind of funny because it's like, dude, he already caught it, and then that guy was...
That was... What are you doing, dude?
Not good. Not good.
This is a dumb...
The fact that it's Gronk's college roommate is so funny.
Is it really?
Yeah. He went on a show today, he's like, yeah, I know that guy.
Holy shit. The cap of Biancos. Is it really yeah, he went on a show today. He's like yeah, I know that guy
The cap of Biancos if they caught it if they he like reached over the wall and caught it before
The baseball player what is that a double if no if if you don't
So they were kind of right if the balls on the other side of the wall and they catch it
Nothing happens if they reach over the wall and they catch it that's
Yeah, okay, okay So in your scenario, I don't think it I think it's just a foul ball right yeah
Yeah, but the problem was Mookie Betts had caught the ball
That's the part where it's like dude, what are you doing? That's not good. What is that?
sliding mitt
That rocks. Yeah, it's incredible
Have you guys heard from him because I saw a PM. I think he's going to the stream tonight in New York. Oh my god. Yeah
Not good. I
Went to find them after cuz they posted on like the paper and both of them follow me.
All right. Of course.
I love these guys. I don't do that, but you have to laugh.
Like it's also, I think if it was any other team, I wouldn't find it funny.
But because it's the Yankees, it's like they are just such a stereotype.
Yeah, when the stereo is fans ever ever like if that happened in a raise game
I'd be like dude. What are you doing, but the fact that it happened in the Bronx? I'm like well. Yeah, he went over the wall
What are you gonna expect his last retweet is a brassers retweet that mentions?
Yeah anytime a stereotype is confirmed yeah
Funniness to it. Yeah a caricature nature
Hard not to laugh oh
People like if that happened in Philly everyone be losing their minds. Yeah, but it's like oh yeah, of course they did that
I do think it kind of jolted the Yankees awake
Think so that Nishanti
Shanti you know who else was there last night
And I really don't like to talk about him too much because I know a lot of people are are over here and about them
But uh just reporting the facts AJ and big justice were in fact. Oh
They were in fact there last night. They weren't there for game three so
Makes you think all right. Do you think your top 1% AJ big justice fan I am now yeah yeah it's a beat you down it took meeting
them yeah yeah and it's a yeah they just slowly beat me down and then I met them
I have a scoop that somebody in this office is going to be AJ from Halloween
tomorrow oh earning a little point okay this is gonna be interesting because
there's some people that it would ruin it for me
if Nikki smokes is AJ or big just some
it if
Nancy mad dog was a dear big just like that's a layer that rocks. Yeah, it was like mad dog and Kenzie
No, mincyzy would ruin it.
Minzy is gonna go as AJ if there's no cash prize,
but the Rizzler if there is.
I need to know how much money's on the line.
All right, let's spin the old wheel.
So we're just doing costumes tomorrow,
do you wanna drink?
Well I gotta go home. I wanna say yes, but I have trick-or-treat. I have to I have to spend time with Stefan afterwards
Yeah, I would love to be here
Okay, there will be we'll play a game three of us will be blacked out three of us won't and you guys have to guess
Okay, okay
We have a cool custom intro for the show today too,
so make sure you're in your seats early.
Shit, I'm gonna be late.
I know about this.
Oh yeah, we were with Nerdy Gallow last night.
Nerdy Gallow.
Oh, you were?
Is he nerdy?
Not really. At all.
Strong jaw.
Super nice guy.
Great guy.
He's cranking out book pages.
I love that. Fuck it all. we got him in hell with the book
Yeah, they're just for call in the book by the way. Oh hell. Yes an unseen swore goal and an answer key
Holy shit love that whoa all right. Let's spin the old wheel today is White Sox Day's birthday all right
Okay, oh no
Geez call Max call Max call Max Okay, oh fuck. Oh, no Geez, oh my god
Who else was here solely yeah, Stefan
Go I feel like because I put mascara on today my odds aren't good
Hey, we got a question about the Italian Yankee fans come here a sec
So easy
Say Italian Alright, I'll be right there. I literally hit the Italian flag bat signal. It just never burns. Just put up a cannoli. That's what
it is. I'll be right there. You see Dave's retweet? What? Give me the ball. I'm Italian It's our fan club. I love it. Oh
All right, thanks Max
I Keep doing
You're the best you are the best I'll never learn
I got you with the Italian. I know I love yeah, and you had the Italian thing pulled up
Yeah, sense the classic 159 poppin
Looking at the time.
There you go.
It's the fit.
Looking right.
We didn't want to mess that up.
Kate had Pug rattled earlier by the way.
Oh yeah, she was talking down to Pug.
It was scary making direct eye contact with him.
Are you going to start being like a bitch? Was fun? Oh a little bit. Yeah. Oh hell. Yes early
I'm gonna start taking my shoes off early
No, I'm happy it landed on you. I
Get in the final two every single time I do this gonna be me. It's always tight as though. You know that always
I feel he's always ah
every time it's always ah Every time it's me I haven't even been close yet
Now it's definitely like jokes aside it's gonna be me
Yeah I agree
Jokes aside
Come on Terranie
I haven't even been close
I haven't even been on the same side as the board yet
Is Stu still here?
Oh Stu is still on it
Now I saw Stu leave
Wait that's a null
wheel no yeah you start we always start over
still not even close it's been a call right now Nick no no no no
Unless it's me
No will it no will it TJ no will it people are gonna complain no
I know I'm too. What's chat saying I'm fuck too. What's chat saying? I'm fucked Wait, what's going on?
Yeah, yeah, all right, so Stu was here as well, so we're no wheeling it, so that's actually good for you
We're restarting with Stu on it. Oh
That's good. What if okay? That's great. Yeah, who gets picked it sucks
You're not here it sucks for the people like me Titus and Kate
What about if it sucks for the guy who's just an idiot who comes On just to do the wheel for no reason I would that do the we know for solely was on for his bucket hat
Yeah, now it's gonna now it's definitely gonna be me
But you know what we did it the just way Titus. Yeah
It had to be done, but I had to be the shame no this will
you guys
This boats well for you, okay?
Oh, I thought I thought I had a shot there yeah, at least you're close though. Yeah, no it was nice to be close
For some reason I feel like TJ should always be picking clothes
That's not good. I don't think I like being close anymore. I did look yeah, that's not good
Stefan close anymore I did look yeah that's not good step in
he would have just all know right he would have been so miserable the look on his face well that then what was TJ notes yes there he goes runs off
We'll get him next time yeah, come on stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
It goes ah I don't feel good. I feel awful the fact that I was off so early on the last one has no that's terrible
Big time fucked.
It's going only on that side. This is not fair. There's something amiss. It's not fair.
I think I'll have an actual tantrum.
I might just oh you fuck
Damnit I was I don't ever get off first in the first two I got off in the first two
It's literally me every single
Every fucking time we do this thing. I feel like it is TJ. Yeah, it's TJ a lot
It really does suck getting wet. Yeah. Like it just sucks. Day ruining.
There you go, TJ.
Every, every fucking time.
Every fucking time.
It's always you.
What the shit?
I was off in the second spin, Titus.
Oh, that's a shit.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
This is, TJ, is this your fault?
It is.
It's me every time. It is you every time. Every time. It's you every time. Did you ever step in on the job? This is cut the TJ's this your fault
It is you every time every time I
Dare anybody to find a time when it was not me come on
Yes, yes great final is a great final. Yeah, I'm very happy with this. This is this is Dodgers Yankees
I'm kind of rooting for piss. I am too
Bucket hat piss oh my god has that been done?
Brandon's gonna be so mad should we just go into unnecessary roughness and pour water on him
Oh, I would he has no idea not a clue comes to take a seat
I just think we look at the stats ace-ass and jhin, he was on pace. Now he has fallen off pace.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, the Brennan mugshot was unreal. Oh, big, yep.
All right. Best sound. All right, that's so
All right one nothing for solely
If you're gonna get wet for solely if he loses can we just put a picture of the wheel on that TV TJ
Sure, that'd be oh, so great if you lose them now
So you're an aquatic guy though. You love getting wet. Yeah.
Wait, can you- you can't put the wheel on there right now, can you?
Shit, that would be so good.
I want to see him realize that he is part of it at least, even if he wins.
Go, go, go, go!
We want Fasoli. I really want to see Stefan get wet. Yeah? He was part of it at least even if he wins. Go yours! Go, go, go! Who won solely.
I really wanted to see Stefan get win.
He would have been unhappy I guess.
That's my thought theory.
Oh well, do you want me to put this wheel on his screen?
Yeah, around it.
And then we'll wait a second for him to recognize?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, do that.
All right, so it's two one.
We're pausing.
We wanna see Brandon's reaction when he realizes.
This is gonna be great I
Want to see facility you're you know where the bucket if you
Got to that would be something. Oh, hold on trying to picture it
Can't I can't sleep tonight. I can't even picture with that tonight. Yes, nice. This isn't even content
This is off the record. I like just just between you and I it looks fucking awful. Yeah, like
Horrendously awful. I love it
It stopped us in our tracks. Mm-hmm. I love the haters
Socks I love the haters Look at you, dude
I don't ma I don't mean this nevermind
If uncrustables had a doughboy That's how you'd say it
Poke his belly button, Nick
You're the guy in the factory that just eats all the crust off for you
Is it up? Do we have optics?
I gotta move a different camera so I don't fuck up his...
Memes has reported that the Uncrustables are starting to go stale.
In the fridge.
Oh, I see what he's doing. Yeah, yeah.
We gotta eat them now. Yep, or else they're gonna go bad.
How many are left do you think?
I haven't looked in there today. The second shelf is getting lower. Okay, so maybe
65 how many did we start with 720 I think it was 20
Am I trying to tell the one today?
There he is Oh God damn it does he know it's to one me no no
Oh, oh, it's so expressive with his body. It's amazing and he's having a good hair day. He's the best
He's having a good hair day. He's the best
Spin it he says spin it all right two one. Yo TJ. I think he thinks that one will spin, but I don't think he realizes
He thinks that we can spin that one three one solely solely
Note this is Brandon lost for one or one Brandon lost wet just found out Like this the whole time I've quit the show I just sit like this I
Quit the show I just sit like this I got half
Hey guys welcome to the act welcome back row back to it. Did we put out the animal tears?
No, we should haven't yet. Absolutely
Branded Scott get wet. I
Mean he's gotta do it right now. Why are you making me get wet? I
Looking at me are you everybody's looking at the friends new walking best rock with the
What So you're listening to a lot of rap just big X. Okay guys yeah malice act is to yeah
I mean now it's a kind of hopped on a wave together
Easy peasy
Yep, he's wet
He's wet. That's a wet Walker unbelievable
And is he having a good hair day?
See wait
No See? Why? Wait. Oh. No. No.
He said bitch!
He said bitch!
Oh, he just couldn't help himself.
Good stuff.
When we put out that graphic, if everybody watching could just respond, this is correct.
Yeah. Yeah. If this is correct Yeah, yeah, this is correct starts trending. Yeah, I
Could do that all day yeah, I
Think I might I think I just might go home and I
Thought the first no wheel was really gonna be me and max
That was was dodged a bullet towards dodged a bullet. Yeah
Alright costumes tomorrow. I gotta go get one
All right, and save for the water.
It's the Yak!
It's the Yak!
It's the Yak!
It's the Yak!
Yes, time to talk shop,
and do a Yankee swap.
It's the Yak!
It's the Yak! It's the Yak! Yes, time to talk shop or do a Yankee spa Bisiac
Love you guys, bye!