The Yak - White Boy Rick Serves His WUM Sheep Punishment | The Yak 3-25-25
Episode Date: March 25, 2025WUM -> DUMYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Hoodies, fleeces, joggers.
They got all the good stuff.
They got shorts.
They got great clothes.
That's code Yak, 20% off your first purchase.
Alright, Big Cat will be here in, he said five minutes.
He said give him five minutes.
He'll be a little late, he's finishing something up. Pooping. Nick and KB, what'd you say, hooping or pooping? Pooping, he's five minutes. He said give him five minutes. He'll be a little late, he's finishing something up.
Nick and KB, what'd you say, hooping or pooping?
Pooping, he's pooping.
He's pooping, he didn't want anybody to know,
but it's out there now.
Diarrhea, a real mean one too.
Nick and KB will be back tomorrow.
We got Eddie back in here.
We have the boys out there,
and I don't know that they know what they're doing.
No. There's like, saw horses,'t know that they know what they're doing.
There's like, saw horses in wood and table.
But they're doing a good job of it, though.
What are the saw horses for?
Yeah, we asked for sheep, not horses.
We really just need a table with a napkin on top of it.
I believe they're trying to set something up
so that Donnie can carve the worm sheep
in front of White Boy Rick, and it needs to be elevated
for him to properly carve it
All right. I I have a thought about that. So the punishment is one sheep
That's wake up mincy plus sheep. Yeah now we all got here this morning and in the parking lot. There's a smoker it is smoking
Someone wisely left the front door open so the entire building could smell like smoke. We appreciate that.
Which doesn't smell bad.
Smells good, to be honest.
But we've got the smoker going.
Now, again, the punishment was what, Kate?
Wake up, Mincy, clips.
Right. For a month.
And eating an entire sheep like an ogre.
What did not happen this morning, Kate?
Oh no. What did not? this morning, Kate? Oh no.
What did not?
Oh, wake up, Mincey.
He just didn't do a wum.
Oh really?
Oh, he didn't clip it?
You're the only one who knows whether he does it or not.
You're the only one that, yeah.
All right.
Mince was here.
I'll take your word for it.
Mince was here, I believe at 5.30.
They got locked out.
I don't know why they don't have keys.
Mince, why don't you have a key?
Can't log in to the app.
Of course.
Oh my fucking God.
You can have it on your phone.
I have the app on my phone, but I try to log in.
So, like Pete literally does all the work.
He's like, can you give me a login
and give me this app and you're good.
How is he alive? So he came in to do the show? He was locked out. He was here at
530 to be the sous chef for Donnie. Now if you know anything about
smoking something, you basically just put it on there, maybe you spray it a
little bit, you season it, and that's it. The smoke does the work. I don't know
what Mince was supposed to be doing here, but he was here. Donnie was here. White boy Rick was here. And they got locked out,
so they went to breakfast. I got here while they were at breakfast, and I don't know how
they got back in, because I didn't let them back in. But yeah, that's where we're at.
No wake up Mincey and no sheep yet.
I think we need to just establish a quota of amount of episodes Rick will need to clip
since Wake Up Mincy is very inconsistent.
It's spotty at best.
And again, I'm looking at Tom Lay and Maresh out there
trying to fashion a system to prop the lamb up.
Can I say what I would like to see?
Yes, please.
I would like to see the lamb just laid right on that tarp.
And I'd like to see white boy Rick in like a t-rex costume like down on
Yeah, like eating like a deer car like a kill. Yeah, and I want his eyes to like glow when he looks up
I don't hate that right. Yeah, I don't think Donnie should carve it. No, I think it should be on tarp mouth to go. Yeah
Yeah, it looked kind of doable by the picture yesterday.
I haven't seen, has anybody seen inside the smoker?
I have just seen it.
And I think what Mincy's been doing is spraying it.
Oh, that's hot.
Oh, what is he doing?
I think he's been on flavor spray duty.
Cause that thing now has like a crispy,
shiny black shell on it.
Still hot.
Still scorching hot.
Like moving a fridge. All fridge or maybe this time. Yeah
Oh my god, oh man
One day we're gonna get we're gonna be at work and it's gonna be 12 and mincy's just gonna be locked in a closet
Somewhere dying and none of us are gonna. Yeah
What we got here? That looks good.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, basting it.
I mean, Rick really is about to eat like a king.
Yeah, the lamb is a good meat.
This is not really a big punishment.
It's just, you gotta eat a lot of it, I guess.
And Kate, you're right, it should just be on the floor
and he should have to be on all fours eating it.
Yes, that's what I'd like to see.
Not even, just with his mouth, mouth to go.
He has to be an animal for two hours.
Yeah, he shouldn't be able to say any actual English.
It should just be like,
Grrr, grrr.
Or maybe like a buzzard costume.
Show me the cave because it is Rick
Going or no Rick's just sitting in areas not not helping at all
I'm having a great time. It seems not not helping anybody at all. Well. He's got to get the stomach right who's episode Rick?
I had met that guy
That's uh oh, that's like you that's Frank's kid. Yeah, okay, I keep it Frank's son
That's Frank's kid. Yeah, okay
Right just come in the yak
Just come over to the yak right now. Do you know mincy broker to deal with the local breakfast place for barstool employees? Oh, are you talking about the place that does the fruit tray or right here right here?
We get 10% off and it's cash only we get to pay with card the burger place
No, the one right here one is no the one right here I've never
been I'm like afraid to go it's you have to go back past it every day what's it
like in there I'm it's it's a little breakfast restaurant I go a lot a deal
yeah we get 10% off and you could pay he broke her that I've been used code bar
stool it because he goes to the other place a lot too I see him walking back
with his yeah yeah I've heard him try to get free meals from places before by saying he's a bar stool.
But I didn't know that he was brokering deals for the rest of us. Hey Rick.
What's up guys?
How are you feeling?
You got here at 5.30 this morning.
Just saw Minchi.
Were you piss-pumping me there?
Who's Minchi?
We saw Minchi just perched outside.
You don't have a key either?
Yeah, I got a new...
Why are you so quick with it now?
No, I got a new phone recently.
I just haven't gotten the app redownloaded, gotten access from Paige.
It hasn't been a problem until today.
Should have planned ahead there.
But I guess Donnie didn't need us until six. me and mincy when got a nice little breakfast how was
breakfast memories that I will cherish for a lifetime that bright how much how
much do we I didn't have anything you just why well I just kind of watch out
at mincy eat I didn't really talk that much either he was really filled the
space usually does yeah you don't you don't realize how loudcey's normal talking voices until you're at a quiet restaurant
Rick can you please look at mark while you're talking to him? Yeah, yeah, it's rude
There you go there you go
We're just kind of recapping. Hey guys. We're recapping everything that's gone down
That guy right there Rick and Rick out here at five o'clock this morning. They were locked out. Yep, and
The warm sheep warm sheep day. Yeah, but I gotta ask a question
The punishment is warm sheep. There was no warm. There was no one. Well, no, I thought that one was just having to
Literally wake up with mincy and be with him since 5 a.m
What if the warm is you literally wake up mincy
yeah well call him yeah you have to call him in the morning and be his alarm rick said rick look at
this five more minutes rick rick was trying to make the argument that i he was like one of you
guys has to warm at some point and i tried to explain him i was like i literally warm no you're
exempt you're exempt every day i wake up and mincy is my responsibility and it's the
most terrifying yeah my life so I am what you're you're what your grand
grand one then yeah what do you mean I need to walk I am this guy is part of
like whatever he does comes on my head so I won't how's everyone doing I'm ready to warm we're excited
Rick Rick how do you feel looking at that sheep now hungry but like you said
you were gonna try to take down most of it yesterday do you want I mean I'm
coming in with the mentality that I'm gonna eat the whole thing am I gonna
eat the whole thing I don't know but so I'm not coming in with a quarters
mentality before I even have a bite of lamb How quickly do you anticipate that changing? I?
Don't it okay. All right moment. You got a strategy all right
Just eat yeah, so no much you can do outside of that. I feel like ah
Yeah, you're not gonna eat as much as you think you are right
Yeah, we're gonna I think the plan is we're just gonna weigh out like 15 pounds and watch him eat
for like an hour and a half and then be like,
all right, that's enough.
I think you'll go for like 30 minutes
and then be like, fuck, this is a lot.
This is a lot of sheep.
It's a lot of sheep.
Well, Kate had an idea of just putting the sheep
right on the tarp and having him eat it
like it's roadkill, like it's an animal that he killed.
This is gonna be good sheep.
I don't even know how you would go about eating that.
Wait, so...
Did you guys go over Mincy having a pocket
where I think he just puts poop inside?
No, we wanted to wait for you.
Oh, okay, yeah.
We saved you.
That was smoker residue.
Okay, that was...
He was wiping his hands on his pants
after he had burned his hands like four times in ten seconds.
And then what else occurred?
Were there any clips that we should watch that got us ready for it?
Any good moments?
Pretty much just him burning his hands was the best one.
Yeah, watch.
Yeah, so look at that.
Look at this pocket.
He's just, this is a pocket, exclusively for poop. He might have taken his pants off to wipe his ass with just that pocket.
That was my first thought.
Can I ask a real question?
There's a pocket six inches behind him that is made for the wallet and the wallet is in
the front.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
The wallet belongs in your front.
Yeah, I'm a front wallet guy.
I don't want to feel the lump when I'm sitting dude you get
Pickpocketed you don't want to get bad sciatica. Yeah
Every single man in here besides me is a front front pocket while I got I've never imagined doing any other
I it would honestly bother me to no end. I would never be able to yeah
What do you do when you sit down you sit on your wallet? You're a man. Oh crazy. What I?
Okay, what is it online?
That's crazy TJ che front wallet back wallet
Front left pocket depends on the pants. Yeah, I'm a back. Thank you, Zah
No, there's one other man in here
They're undoing the lamb now mincy a left a lefty though? Wall in the right pocket is weird.
I mean, Mincy makes no sense in general.
He's not a righty or a lefty.
Rick, is it crazy to think, too, looking at the structure of this animal, like that
animal is running around happy and living life until you miss the marketing show?
Yeah. Apparently it was murdered like this past weekend.
Yeah, I bet.
Yeah, so there's quite literally blood on my hands.
We started carrying it out, there was blood dripping down from it if you would have been More willing literally and metaphorically on my hands if you would have been more willing to sit around and yap about ball that that lamb
Was still here to pay my pal am would have would have been in a Greek restaurant instead of it fun fact
It's Greek Independence Day today. Oh, oh that is a fun fact
They had to fight for their independence fun fact you it's Greek Independence Day today. Oh, that is a fun fact. Very fun. They had to fight for their independence.
Fun fact, you never had Greek food.
I don't think so, no.
No, yeah.
This is my tribute to the people of Greece.
All right, so what, any other moments this morning
that we should?
I don't have like a clip of it.
I took a picture, but the restaurant like cleared out
about 15 minutes after we sat down
because he was talking so loudly.
Wait, you guys went to breakfast every other five in the morning, it cleared out about 15 minutes after we sat down because he was talking so loudly Wait, like you guys went to breakfast at five in the morning it cleared out
so there was one just like sweet old guy sitting next to us and then there was a group of people who looked like they had like
just gotten back from the club and
Vince he was just like we walked in he's singing along. I don't wanna do like
He's doing stealing at 5 a.m
like, you're doing stealing and at 5 a.m.
and just kept talking about the Ole Miss athletic department and how we couldn't believe they were only three point dogs to Michigan State.
He gave me that as well.
Yeah, morning. He's giving me that a few times, but it was a lot of fun.
Great memories. Got to know the man a little bit more.
A peek behind the curtain.
But yeah, the tables next to us did
Stare some daggers and then eventually ended their meal early. Okay
Does mincy have a credit card or does he just like reach he did pick up the tab?
Cuz I didn't a lot of biting change in buttons every time
Not have a credit card also he definitely picked up the tab cuz he's gonna expense it and be like yeah
I had a business say that verbatim
He said I'm expensing this I said well, yeah, you were we were told to be here at five you're on the clock
Yeah, that's not no that that's not how it works
With that logic with that logic we could expense our lunch. Yeah, he's staring daggers
I assume mincy was expensing it cuz he just me asking him to come in at a specific time immediately was like this work. Yeah. Yeah
Okay, do you want to go out there I
Don't want to but yeah, well you're gonna eventually have to go out there and eat
I guess you can wait you can hang out and wait until it's ready to go. I
Want to talk to Donnie too. I think Donnie's had he's never done this before he was like pretty pumped to be only shit
I think comingnie's had he's never done this before he was like pretty pumped to be a holy shit coming off its neck
The rig I don't like seeing the rib like that was butthole
Oh, it's right into the butthole just carving up the butthole he said he's gonna get a couple big drumsticks
Yeah, so that Rick can look like a cave
Holy shit man, don't do too much. I mean you're gonna. Oh, yeah
Get out there
All right, you wait till he cuts a little more and then go or go prepare yourself prepare yourself
You're gonna start eating soon. He'll put all the meat in front of you, and then you can
Start eating um
To have you guys
Did you guys talk at all about the trip to O'Hare?
We read it for you.
We saved everything for you.
Thank God, because I had my notes.
Zach gave me notes.
Oh, he did?
Oh, wow.
All right, good.
It's all I've been thinking about.
Okay, good.
Like, no offense to one sheep, but Zach, I was thinking about Zach at 11 o'clock last night.
I did the rare thing where I forced my wife to watch back part of the act,
because I was like, you gotta see this guy.
And it was in like the first 10 minutes,
she's like, I don't see it.
And then he started the mellow debate.
He was a little nervous.
The lie stacking.
Once he settled in, he was fucking awesome.
He bodied him.
He did.
I don't know that he bodied me,
but he was a worthy opponent, sure.
He bodied you.
He was so cool, calm, and collected. He was laughable. But here's the thing, I don't think that he embodied me, but he was a worthy opponent. Sure. He bodied you. He was so cool, calm, and collected.
He was so laughable.
I don't think the debate actually mattered.
He was going to maintain his calm and poised
no matter what I said.
That's just him.
That's just what he does.
All right, so do you guys want to do your notes first,
or do you want to do Zach's notes first?
So I think our notes will kind of be overlapping
a little bit, right?
But whatever you want want we could go
Actually should we get him to zoom in just so that if there's any context to these notes
Let me let me check I kind of want to look out context and you want no context
And then if we want him to explain so I imagine we're gonna have a lot of follow-up questions
But yeah, that's get it. We can get them first and then all right TJ
I'm sending you the notes process them first and then we can call them if we have follow-ups, but we will yeah
We've definitely definitely gonna have follow-up. We're definitely have follow-ups. So these are
The notes I sent to TJ so these are Zach's notes about you guys. How long was the drive?
It was awful traffic yesterday. Yeah, it was bad. It was probably
45 50 minutes and not even yeah 40 45 I would say okay
It was it was enjoyable, though.
Like, he was a good pass.
Seating arrangements were?
Danny offered him front.
He declined.
So Danny took the front.
It's fair.
He was getting dropped off first.
I think that's normal.
What day did he get in?
I believe so.
He only had a backpack from Thursday to Monday.
Oh, are you getting into your notes already?
Well, I'm just saying, like, just observation.
Those are pre-notes.
Pre-notes are good.
They're sometimes more potent than the regular notes.
That's a fish and packer for sure.
Only a backpack for that many days?
That means he's just wearing the same clothes.
I don't know if that's a fish and packer.
I think that's just him wearing the same clothes.
True. All right, I'm gonna send him a message. think that's just him wearing the same clothes. True. Right? True.
All right, I'm gonna send him a message.
So when you took him to the airport,
after his four day trip, he didn't have a carry on,
he only had the one backpack.
No, because I asked him,
he was like, you need me to pop the trunk,
you need to throw stuff back there?
He's like, no, I just got a backpack.
And it wasn't even bulky,
it looked like barely anything was in that backpack.
Yeah, it looked thin.
But it didn't look wrinkly or smelly.
No, he looked fine.
He looked pretty together. Yeah, presentable.. Wow. But he didn't look wrinkly or smelly. No, he looked fine. He looked pretty together.
He might as well have had the stick over his shoulder
with the little, the knapsack thing on it.
I would like him to travel with that from now on.
Yeah, all right.
If we do.
TJ, I just sent you the notes.
So first note is Eddie is a salted over cinnamon pretzel guy
also has a gripe with Auntie Anne's
for not making their own sauces
How early in the trip did this come up?
And he answers parking lot talk all right wait so what you're upset I agree we pull it up again I
Agree with this take about the sauces sauces? No, I don't care. I don't fuck with the sauces.
Salted, though, is the premier go-to in Auntie Anne's.
If anything, I'll do a salted,
and then maybe I'll get the cinnamon as a side piece
and do, like, half of the cinnamon
as, like, a change of pace back.
Okay. You know what I mean?
But what do you mean they don't make their own sauces?
It's a big gripe of mine.
So, you know, you go to, like, a ball game or whatever,
and they give you, like, the cheese out of the dispenser?
There's just all, like, premade sauces.
Who wants cold cheese for a pretzel?
Oh, yeah, you need the warm cheese.
Exactly. That's dog shit.
Auntie Anne's needs to get on that.
They could certainly do better.
Quick, rank your pretzel dipping sauces.
Uh, cheese and nothing else.
Mustard's good, too.
Honey mustard is elite.
I like honey mustard, but for, like, a tender, not for a pretzel. Really? Not for a pretzel. I love Mustard's good too. Honey mustard is elite. I like honey mustard, but for like a tender, not for a,
Not for a pretzel.
I love it for a pretzel.
I like cheese, and when they give you cheese
and a good mustard, that's an ideal situation.
One bite cheese, one bite mustard.
Are you mustard or honey mustard?
Honey mustard probably.
I like this.
It's never just straight yellow mustard,
it's some sort of fancy mustard.
Yeah, it's a Dijon.
Yeah. Yeah, okay. Good noteijon. Yeah. Yeah, okay
Good note to start good note. Yeah, and that was parking lot talk. I was parking like hey
What are you gonna get to eat? Welcome to my Cadillac? We're talking Annie Anne's yeah
He's also spelling Eddie the Mexican way with why yeah
He might think you're Mexican he might Eddie highly recommends stro Stroop Waffle as an airport snack over the salty mix.
That's an easy suggestion right there.
That's good stuff.
So far you're doing well with your shakes.
Good, good, good.
When did... how long was the talk about food?
It was a lot of food.
It was a lot of food.
Danny's sauce on...
Danny's sauce on Eddie...
Danny is sauce on.
Eddie is also sauce on.
I thought Danny was saucing Eddie. also sauce on Eddie also sauce on wings as
opposed to sauce on the side that's three for three fair enough yeah yeah but
he is sauce on the side interesting hey we'll get to that later okay all right
yeah all right keep going Danny worked at a country count a county bar country bar
Mm-hmm for a little while and slowly started to enjoy the music isn't a strictly bluegrass guy though. He's open to it all
What was this? He was asking my levels of country others certain country fans were like no
I only like bluegrass not this pop country shit
other certain country fans were like no I only like bluegrass not this pop country shit why did that come up you were talking music okay yeah and what
type of music is he like oh you have those notes mm-hmm okay okay can we just
real quickly show the gym floor and just show how much men's is helping
because hands in his pockets to really show that he's ready to go at any moment
he's eating there's is so much lamb.
They're already.
Has Rick had a bite?
Because I know Mince has had a bite.
I'll listen to that crinkle.
Mince, he's got some in his pocket.
Oh, god.
Chef Tommy is just a really good cook.
That looks so good.
I want some of this.
Sounds like that web.
The what?
Oh, nothing.
You gotta eat the whole thing. Is this the fastest we've ever put a dumb idea into the
fastest we've ever carved a lamb it's tied for fastest definitely what
climber was one day oh yeah it's a cover is one day what we'll also happen like
three minutes yeah well Donnie has a trip he's leaving on Wednesday so I was
just like when I texted him on the weekend
I was like, hey, can we can you cook a whole lamb? He's like, yeah, just gotta do it before Wednesday
Cool, dude, let's fucking do it. Okay back to his notes
Eddie's favorite music is old-school doo-wop. I knew that about you Eddie. I actually subscribe to your playlist on Spotify. Oh you did? Yeah I listened to it. You know when
your doo-wop is the best? A Saturday, a summer Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
Nailed it. That's it. Barbershop quartet like life could be a dream. That's on there.
Is it? Is it? Tooty fruity. Yeah what's's good? It's like Sam Cooke, Dion and the Beaumonts.
Like Motown?
Soul music.
That's not Doo-Wop.
That's not Doo-Wop.
That's Soul.
That's Motown Soul.
Oh, Doo-Wop.
Yeah, Doo-Wop.
Dion is, but Sam Cooke isn't.
Yeah, right around.
Yeah, yeah.
Sorry, I led with the wrong guy.
But give it a shot.
He's got it on Spotify.
I'm telling you, Sunday afternoon,
if you're in your car.
I want to look at it right now.
Summer afternoon. Love that shit.
It is delightful.
What's it called?
Eddie's Duat playlist.
Okay, that makes sense.
Yeah, I put that thing on all the time in the summer.
I-E, please.
Okay, keep going.
Whatever you prefer.
Do you think you were born in the wrong time, Eddie?
A thousand percent.
Yeah, a thousand percent.
You should have been, like, a 50s guy definitely set bum you out. Yeah, it does. Yeah, but
He's to up list. There it is what you got. You should become one of those guys. We've we've looked at him in the act the
The guy in Sweden Sam who dresses up only in like 1920 suits
You just started like 1950 suits I would look
into that yeah I'll put there that'd be cool I'm gonna I'm gonna Google that later yeah
okay what else we got Eddie is not a shower music guy oh wait Eddie and Danny are both
open to the idea of us doing a three-man karaoke night
Slash-data local karaoke bar Eddie pointed out on the ride now listen. I don't know a whole lot about Zack
He didn't seem like a karaoke guy to me. No
We'll get to that. Did he come out as a karaoke guy? Spelling was tough there two different ways is
And both wrong. We were driving past Louis famous karaoke bar. He strikes me as a guy though the real quiet that has that one song that just knocks it out of the park where everyone's like holy fuck he's singing that's I need crushes it.
What do you think his song is. For Bola. I was gonna say glory days by Bruce Spring it could be one of those. I can see him doing tequila though really well.
Eddie is not a shower music guy.
Danny rotates the same 10 to 15 songs
until he's sick of them.
In the shower or in life?
I was supposed to be private in life.
Do you shower music?
Yeah, I'm good for like two songs.
Y'all shower music?
I don't.
No, I don't.
I don't either.
I make sure I'm in the morning.
You do, Kate?
I do. Why? It just like hypes me up in the morning. You do Kate. I do why I
Like hypes me up for the day. Okay, dude you girl showers takes you forever in there. Oh, yeah I've been listening to dochi in there
I shower for like three minutes. Yeah, I'm in out
Depends if I'm shaving my ankles or not. Yeah, and that being the only part of your legs that you shaved absolutely
That I haven't shaved and that's why I'm wearing these socks.
Okay, what other notes we got from Zach?
Danny enjoys this song, Please, Please, Please.
By Sabrina Carpenter.
Could have been fucking with you.
I don't know!
Were you fucking with him?
It's a good song.
I'm big on mainstream pop.
Eddie goes tank top if he's on the sand,
but tarps off if he's in the water at the beach
That'd be just swimming
Oh, I did learn a fact. I hopefully we can get him to zoom in I learned a fact from Austin apparently
Zach is a big swimming guy, but his pool is so small that he can touch both sides
Just not a pool. We'll get to that
floating guy. Yeah, all right, we'll get to that.
But we might have found the pool
for Che to get his 100 laps.
I still don't know if he'd be able to.
Yeah, that's true.
One down and back for Che would still be difficult.
Danny was an elite food runner,
but there was this one time where a customer
injured themselves while Danny was moving a table.
He used the word elite.
I don't believe I did.
But thank you, Zach.
What happened there?
We would have to move tables and chairs off of the stage
because a country band would come in every night to perform.
And I was moving the table to the back room.
And this one guy was telling this animated story.
And as I was passing, he lunged back.
And he just smacked his head on the corner of the table
and was seeing stars.
Oh, no.
I had guilt about it.
But Zach made me feel better about it
because he had a lot of spills on people
in his food running days.
Donnie's chopping up the sheep.
It smells good, I really want to try it.
Really, really want to try it.
Look at Rick.
It's like a kid in a candy shop.
He's gonna eat this whole thing.
Rick hungry.
He keeps talking about it and I think he's...
He's like, I'm gonna eat this whole thing.
He needs to start eating. It's 12.40.
I know.
What's he waiting for?
You gotta start eating soon, Rick.
Rick, we're supposed to dive in?
What are you waiting for? The world to change? Let's go.
Oh, he's gonna have a little seat for his meat we didn't get a beanstalk
Oh just yeah, just take that down. Oh, he should have put a bib on
I'll be impressed. Oh, oh, dog, we should have no bones.
Everybody watch out, you're going to get crucified.
But also give her a little bite.
Give her a little piece, but don't give her any bones.
Yeah, no chance I'll finish her.
One bite in.
One bite?
One bite in?
That's a fatty meat.
You took one bite and you said...
Everybody knows the rules. Oh boy. Be careful because we could make
you eat some other type of animal after all that talk.
Right. He was one bite and he goes, yeah, there's no way I'm
finishing this. He was walking around being like, yeah, I'm
eat this whole thing. We gave him plenty of chances to take
it back to any double down. Maybe shake a little more when
you take a bite like you're're really sure not yeah get it out of there maybe growl by the way this
is going exactly as we expected utterly boring yeah I mean says doing more than
I thought he would yeah you getting all this means making sure the lamb doesn't
run away the hands in the pockets is crazy because it's not only not doing anything
But it's like being like I don't want to do any right you know
Climb like just wipe this hands off and put it back in this gotta make sure the poo still in there
Good idea Nick yeah, Yeah, thanks, Nick.
Good stuff, man.
All right, let me do an ad real quickly.
We'll go back to the notes.
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I haven't gotten a text back from Zach.
Uh oh.
You'd think that he would be ready to go.
Oh, Mincy's walking away.
He's got his piece.
And now it's just a boy and his sheep.
There it is.
This is why we do it.
Hey dog.
It's a boy and his sheep. Mm-hmm
That's it
This could be the best day ever for that dog yep if Rick doesn't eat it
I I should I should call Nick and just tell him that cuz he needs to get the
Feel of just how he's assuming to have to watch it. Yeah. Yeah, he should have to he should have to watch
You should have to clip you should have to clip this. Yeah, this is he put punishments on us. Yeah
No, you don't have to shave.
Um, no, we just wanted you to see,
because technically one sheep was from your brain.
Great idea.
Um, but it's going exactly as we thought.
They made the lamb, the sheep,
and now it's just Rick eating it, and it's so boring.
Yeah, I, uh, I knew I was going to be gone this week.
Alright, but you you should tune into the Yak and just watch
him watch our big boy eat. Alright, I'll do it. Okay.
Alright. Oh, it sounds good. Alright. Alright. Bye. Oh,
he's literally just eating. Yeah. And he's not doing it in
like an aggressive manner or some manner that can entertain us. Yeah, you watching your weight work
What happened to the drugs? I can't even hear you guys from over here good. We don't have to get sassy about it. Yeah
What are you saying chew with your mouth closed take the drumstick mate eat off the drumstick?
There you go, that's better well
I There you go, that's better well I prefer that I
Actually think Peter might have a point on the killing of this sheet. Yeah
Are we setting up a GoPro out there?
Take a big bite like grunting yeah
Stomp around make some noises guy from yes stand up with it. And be like, ah, Rick is hungry.
Rick is hungry.
Yeah, there we go.
Actually come sit down here and eat a little bit of it.
That seems like a nightmare for the cleaning people.
No, no, just don't spill it.
Just get it on your own.
This thing's loaded with juice.
Just get it on your sweatshirt.
Well, bring a towel.
Yeah, bring a towel.
Yeah, you need a towel as a bib
What the towel is a bib would be very funny. Oh here we have the yak towel
Or just have mincy next to you and wipe everything on his jeans
Mincy lay horizontally I can put the wheel towel over him
Should we put a tarp over Rick?? Yeah. Yeah, we got a towel.
I just want TJ to make you very large while you eat this.
Yeah, you can feed five for a phone.
Here, sit down like you're going to the barbershop.
You're going to bid me?
Oh, we have another.
Oh my god, that looks awesome.
Want a bite?
Is it good?
Not from that thing, but I do want a bite.
There you go.
You want a bite of that? There there we go now this looks good yeah
that was worth it that was that was it it's all we needed
is it good the first and first lamb you've ever had?
I feel like I haven't made a dent in this one leg yet, and I feel like I've been eating
this entire time.
And you talked a lot of shit.
He talked a lot of shit, and then he took one bite and said, I can't do this.
All right, you can go back.
We finally got a great
It is very juicy way juicier than I thought it was gonna be
Alright Zach did hit me back so we can have him zoom in after we hear your guys notes deal
But uh, let's finish his notes on you guys. Did you?
Did you feel weird talking knowing he was taking notes the whole time?
I didn't know what he would include and what he wouldn't.
Are you shocked with anything he included
or do you think he's got like-
Him calling me an elite food runner was interesting.
It did feel like we were asking questions to like,
it was kind of like a first date.
Questions, you know?
Zach was asking a lot of questions off the bat
and that kind of divulged into other things
That we'll get into okay. All right
What else we got for Eddie and any?
Menards over home Depot or Lowe's for Eddie
Okay, no good. No, they're the same thing
Yeah, Danny is calling his handy friends to mount his TV, but also thinks he could do it it
So if he had to pick he's doing it. He's never ordered a task rabbit
Well, this guy a little misconstrued, but wait, what is that?
He this is his first this was Zach's first time ever hearing of TaskRabbit
Oh TaskRabbit was and so his exact question was would you outsource mounting a TV or do it yourself?
And I was like, oh you mean like call TaskRabbit. He's like what like what I was like a task rabbit and I explained it but yeah what what did he
say in the last part it sounded like you're gonna do it yourself oh I think I
said I would try doing it myself before it comes to work so I'm calling a handy
friend got it yes Danny's going worth notes today today and Eddie, oh, now with three Ds, is not opposed to text and driving.
That's not, I feel like that.
I was mad at a guy who was texting and driving
on the highway, a matter of fact, but we could keep going.
So what, if you were mad at a guy for texting and driving,
why would he write down, not opposed to it?
I think he might have just saw you texting and driving.
Because that was hard for me to take
Yeah, you were taking notes. Yeah, and I was like but once we got on the hot it was like yeah
Do you have the self-driving on the Cadillac or no? Yes? Oh
That's not as like it kicks you out pretty quick if you're not eyes on the road
Oh, cuz I know you're Tesla you would just you just hang out right until I rear-ended someone yes wait what self-drive?
Yes, self-drive
Until I rear-ended someone, yes. Wait, what?
Self-drive, yes.
Yeah, it was fucked up.
I thought that was like impossible.
That's what I thought too, until it happened.
And just, like you were just not looking and then boom,
you just rear-ended someone?
Yeah, just boop.
How fast?
Like five, 10.
Oh, okay, that's not bad.
There's just a little bump.
Okay, what else?
Eddie considers Free Ride by by winter group a good song
Eddie worked produce at a grocery store preferred stocking bananas over other fruits also enjoyed cutting the fruit would eat apples in the
Alright so Eddie let's take me through this you're stacking a bunch of fruits. Why bananas?
Bananas are better because there's a shelf to put them on right you know there's an order to them
Yeah, whereas apples it was just like you're playing Tet Right. You know? There's an order to them.
Whereas apples, it was just like you're playing Tetris.
You're just plugging holes.
And they could fall.
And there was never enough apples in the bushel or like the elevated rack.
It was annoying.
Bananas have stadium seating.
And now the cooler apples, was that?
That was a sneaking one.
Technically theft? Technically theft, yes. That's what my mom told me. Who got me the job? Yeah, and now the cooler apples was that that was a sneak in one technically theft technically theft
Yes, okay, my mom told me who got me the job
I got fired for that when I was when I was 15 my first job
I was eating Pringles in the in the break all Pringles are different than out without paying for them
And they were like well you're fired. I thought I was just eating some Pringles
Yeah, I won't even hide it and I view Pringles differently than apples in that case
Yeah, I would see where Pringles and apples would be because apples go bad. They have a shelf life
Yeah, eventually your pringles don't grow on trees. Yeah, you're criminal, huh?
Well, my Pringles tree would beg to differ with you sir
Pringles tree would rock
Okay, what else?
Eddie potatoes were constantly going bad in his grocery days. Why is that starred?
Probably still are.
It's a good star, I guess, a footnote.
A footnote, yeah.
And then I think we had one other note from Italian sub for both Eddie and Danny.
Eddie also doesn't mind a little spice on his.
You guys talked a lot of food.
This is like a Foodie Boys episode.
In high school, Danny knew a kid, Mickey Rose, whose mom would make him an amazing sandwich with the good sub
trans entire lunch for
All the freshman year wait you trade your entire lunch for this other kids
So yeah, you had a you had a nice one on a sub role
I just had the Wonder Bread a bag of chips and a granola bar and I traded all for this nice
So why would he do that trade? Because it came with the chips.
Something different.
I just didn't really like it for some reason.
That's crazy.
It was.
Shout out Mickey Rose.
That's awesome.
You got a trade partner.
TV and movie specific info doesn't always
retain well for Danny.
What does that even mean?
Like if I watch a TV show and someone's like,
oh, remember this part?
I'll be like, I'll have trouble being like, oh, yeah, I guess.
I'll have to describe it in full for me.
I have trouble retaining TV information.
Yeah, I think that's normal.
Yeah, Zach agreed.
I don't think I retain specific things.
Mind you, he's like asking me these straight up,
and I'm answering.
Well, I brought up like some type of movie
Quote or something oh, we both had trouble. Yeah, I'm bringing it got it
Eddie has been brushing too hard so was recently recommended electric toothbrush by dentist Danny confirmed acoustic toothbrush
Yeah, he kept calling electric toothbrush versus acoustic
Just regular toothbrush.
Oh, that's what acoustic toothbrush means?
I like that.
I like that a lot.
I have always been an acoustic guy.
Brushing unplugged.
Okay, now the real thing is we need your guys' stuff.
So is everything not electric acoustic?
Like, do I have an acoustic razor?
Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, I like that technically I'm an acoustic car is it
Do I do I have an acoustic dildo?
on my body
Right I'm carrying an acoustic dildo at all
This is an shit this is an acoustic chair not an at all time. Yeah. Everyone's without a motor.
This is an acoustic chair, not an electric chair.
Yeah, that's true.
It's true.
The Amish are all acoustics.
And acoustic dildo.
Yeah, like, hey, you want to see my acoustic dildo?
Then you just whip out your dick?
It's like, what?
You said yes.
That actually might be a loophole for flashers
Just get consent. Okay. What do you guys have on Zack? Do I know first? I kind of got a good amount
Yeah, you probably got more than me. So I'll go first. He didn't know what wet souls pretzels was okay
No idea. So he was he was firmly on anti-anth side
Back to the wings. He likes his sauce on the side of the wing to preserve the crisp.
So when he gets wings, he gets sauce on the side.
I asked him what his favorite gas station was.
He had no preference.
I don't think I do either.
You don't like like a pilot or like a trucker one?
Oh, that's different.
I don't count pilot as like, that's like a road stop.
Yeah, or like a quick trip, Wisconsin quick trip. Yeah
Yeah road trips you got your favorites, but around town a love's you have one
Do you have around town gas station favorites around town? No, I feel like we don't have like a great gas station here, right?
Yeah, a loves on the road trip loves is love. Yeah, that would be my number one. I love struck stop. Yep
Yeah, that would be my number one. A love's truck stop.
Back to the swimming thing.
He said he wasn't big on the swim shirts because they provide too much suction when you get
in the water.
Makes sense.
He worked at a steakhouse and he wasn't really good at being a food runner because he would
have to ask, excuse me too much because he's a bigger guy, okay
But while he was at the steakhouse he served a really big bald wrestler
Didn't know who it was but it was not the big show or Bam Bam Bigelow
Was it came the mystery remains? He had no I ran through a bunch Steve Austin
Kong Bundy are we sure as a wrestler?
That's what he said. Is it a wrestler or a wrassler?
A current wrestler?
What is it?
He couldn't give me any.
Kale Sanderson?
He had nothing.
But how do you know it was a wrestler?
Because I asked him, I was like, do you like wrestling?
He's like, oh, not really.
Luke Gallows?
Because I said Tampa has a lot of wrestlers that live there.
Yeah, it's a big wrestling place.
Dwayne The Rock Johnson, perhaps?
Paul Hogan? Was not Hogan. Kurt Engel. It was not Braun Strowman. He had no I know what a mystery
I know so we need to figure out who that was and then he worked at Publix at some point and he was a pub
Sub like those are good. Yeah, he said that the chicken tender one is overrated but to get the spicy roast beef
That's the best one. Correct.
And they're properly rated, and that's all I have.
All right.
First, we have Zach.
Has only ever had a shrewp waffle when it comes as ice cream or coffee topping.
Has never had one on its own.
Prefer sauce on the side with wings, but if they accidentally put sauce directly on, he
won't send back.
Acute mood swing at most.
Mood swing at most.
Acute mood swing?
Wears shorts 95% of the year.
Lives in Tampa.
Recently started using an electric toothbrush per his dentist advice.
We touch on acoustic toothbrushes, Zach's joke, having bigger, better bristles than
electric toothbrushes, and Zach begins to regret making
the switch exact words were this wasn't reassuring his top three chief kief songs are love Sosa
macaroni time and he couldn't think of the name of the third one so for now he's going
to sub it with glory boys featuring Fredo okay that has a pool when asked how big it
was he said small enough to where he can shoot from one side to the other,
underwater the whole time, with one kick.
One kick, that's important.
Favorite karaoke song, depends what day it is.
Important to note, he didn't say depends on the day.
He said depends on what day it is.
Unclear if he was trying to say his song choice
depends on his mood that day,
or if he actually reserved singing certain songs
for certain days of the week.
Either way, he never named a song.
So he might have a Tuesday song, a Thursday song.
Says Rico Gets a Bad Rap appeared
to be directly related to the fact
that Rico gave him $250.
I would say that's fair.
I asked if he was actually going to practice basketball
tomorrow, and he said, yeah.
There's an indoor Mormon basketball court by my house and it's open tomorrow. I asked why he goes to an indoor
Mormon gymnasium and he said, because it has air conditioning. Was surprised with himself
for doing the one-handed clap on the show today because he doesn't break that out very
often. Wow. He doesn't watch wrestling. However, he does watch clips of wrestling
That's watching wrestling had never heard of Task Rabbit before two wows and one. Whoa while I explained what it was. Uh-huh
Thinks everyone should get into a car accident at some point in their life
That's a human experience Barstool Eddie
Claims he didn't trade in his
Tesla due to recent Elon Musk oversaturation. Is team AnteAnns when it comes to the classic
age old debate of AnteAnns versus Wetzel's Pretzels. Says AnteAnns needs to come out
with homemade dipping sauce in order to become number one undisputed pretzel chain hunt.
These are your notes about Eddie? Yeah. Zach blindly agrees. Okay. Notices my tinted iPhone screen
and appears to not be crazy about it. Zach, still stuck on the prior conversation, informs
Eddie that Wetzel's Pretzels doesn't even make their own homemade dipping sauce. Eddie says
he already knew that and his point still stands. Ed reveals that he has also recently switched
to brushing his teeth electrically. Disbelief completely fills the car. I suggest pulling over.
Not for nothing, but Eddie still uses a regular toothbrush
when he's traveling.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that's smart.
His gas station snackage has gone way down
since becoming an electric car owner.
Eddie gets asked by Zach if he takes his shirt off
in the pool.
Ed confirms he's in the Tarps Off Club,
then goes on about how he wishes swim shirts were as normalized when he was a kid as they are today. Apparently kids don't get bullied
for wearing shirts in pools anymore because swim shirts are now a thing and growing more popular.
It's true, right? I 100% with you there. They all got like the Under Armour swim shirts.
Really? Yeah. I've said it on the Yak before, but like there's, everyone has that one moment
where they just look back and they're like that was so
Embarrassing and I wish that didn't happen. It probably shaped the rest of my life
Mine was when I was like maybe nine or ten and my friends
Told me to put my hands together at the pool and I did it and I just had tits
Yeah, cuz like up until that point I had no idea I had tits very my shower. Just devastated me. Yeah, because up until that point,
I had no idea I had tits.
And when they did that, I was like, fuck.
I am breast.
Don't worry about that no more.
They probably laugh so hard.
It's that and being at a bar
in Wisconsin freshman year
and overhearing a girl saying I had really large eyebrows.
Those are the two that are just, whew.
They stick with you forever.
You do have stuff that sticks with you.
Yeah, it's just like you can't, you would never,
like you just remember the time and place in your head
and you're like, that really sucked and changed me.
Yeah, I've gotten some of those.
What do you got?
Give me one.
It was, I hooked up with this girl,
and then her friend was texting her.
She's like, oh, I'm with him.
She's like, whatever.
And then she was like, oh, I'm so jealous.
He's such a good, whatever, whatever.
And then she was showing me her friend say that,
and her text back was, yeah, it was fun,
but I can't be with him.
He's just too big.
Damn it.
Damn. Never forget how they made you feel. You can't be with him, he's just too big. Oh! Oh! Damn it. That was him.
Never forget how they made you feel.
They can't, you can't get rid of it.
Do you guys have him?
I do.
Miss Scheller's English class in middle school,
and Brian S, I won't say his last name, Seymour,
he said it was April Fool's Day,
and he said, hey everybody, look at Kate's big boobs.
April Fool's. Oh!
And then I started putting a sock in my training bra.
Oh! And I had like long waist, you could see it putting a sock in my training bra
Like long waist you could see it was a lock and oh
That was tough, then I had a English teacher in high school who in front of classes like look how unique her side profile is
Pointed out how like my note like whatever and I think about those things a lot. Yeah
Everyone has those moments. Yeah, they just you'll never get rid of your brain. Shake them. I wish you could. We were playing in Minnesota, the opposing student section.
This is my senior year.
And at this point, when we would play on the road,
it didn't happen all the time.
But every so often, the blog I was writing
had become popular enough that people at other schools
were reading it.
And students would yell my name.
And then they would just give me a thumbs up or whatever. You would play at it. And students would yell my name, and then they would just
give me a thumbs up or whatever.
You would play at Purdue, and they knew me,
and shit like that.
So we're at Minnesota, and they always heckled the other guys
on the team, but I didn't play, so they were generally
pretty nice to me.
And a guy was like Titus, and I turn around,
just like, what's up?
Trying to be like, be cool and everything.
And he just goes, nice muffin top muffin top fat ass and it blindsided
me I thought uh thought he's gonna be like love the blog yeah and he just goes nice muffin
top fat ass and then I became a bulimic yeah that's what I have to it's the blindside one
thing for my glow up where you you're like going into it just not even thinking this
is like I didn't think I had a possibility of having breasts
And then boom I literally was like I this guy's gonna be like I get a picture
Love whatever and it was just nice muffin top fat ass
And then I was I was like fuck and then I had to sit the entire game like we were the the
End of the bench is like right by their students actually no side to the entire game right there
Oh, it was awful. You couldn't even look in a mirror to make sure yeah have a muffin time
Yeah, it was tough, and he wasn't wrong. He wasn't wrong
but I showed him I got in the game and
Made a really crisp chest pass. I'd Stephen probably has
Of course you don't
moments growing up where I
Yeah, of course you don't they've had moments growing up where I
Didn't like but you just yeah, but they're about those these have happened to you just have never internalized them correct, right? Yeah, yeah, I don't think about any shit from like you've been ten earlier
But someone said something really mean to you as a kid and you just didn't you didn't you're like, no, that's my buddy
Do you already said yeah 2010? I don't think about anything 2010 or earlier. What about the shit that came out of your shorts?
Like ever?
No, I mean I thought about it when we talked about it,
but then no, I don't think about that.
You don't have any,
no memories just kind of rifle through your mind
every now and then about 2004?
Okay, sorry.
The Bucks won a Super Bowl?
2002, 2003?
You don't think about that?
January 26th.
I mean, sports stuff occasionally, especially if they like especially displayed on TV or like, you know
Gruden's coming here like all right. Yeah, how old are you?
38 39 you're 39. So in 2010 you were
23 or 24. All right, so you don't think of something when to happen when you were 15
That doesn't ever just cross into your mind ever Wow. Okay. You're built different than 100% of the rest of society. All right. Did you guys see there was like a
tweet going viral today where someone was like, people don't understand that being 24 in 2012
Brooklyn was like peak existence. And then everyone was sharing like no it actually was like
DC in 2008 it was all these people not realizing how go in the 90s during the bulls
It was nobody was all these people not realizing they were just saying where they happen to live when they were 24
Yeah, which is so obvious like 24 probably is the best age of any age like two years out of college
Yeah to be 24 in Brooklyn in 2012 was the peak of
Human society it's like no you you just love 24 is cool. Yeah, it's it might be the best age
Yeah, cuz you're two years out of college. You got maybe a little money
You're like a little bit more self-assured
The whole like angst of graduating college, and what are you gonna do, but you have no responsibility
Yeah, and even if you don't have money. It's not the biggest deal in the world. You're just like whatever damn it
Yeah, when I say money, it's like I was making when I was 24. I was making
$35,000 a year and it was awesome. Yeah
But you don't feel like shame if you if you are poor, right ever there's no shame
It's just like yeah, right like you might feel as you get older
You just need enough money to go on like two trips with your boys a year
Yeah, yeah, but then a couple years later once you know the classic fights age when you're like life sucks
That's the worst that is the worst and also 24 is like none of your friends are probably married like obviously
Probably no one has kids so it's like everyone's got that down for anything for sure
But having said sure but I've
been subtle that I've never been 24 in Brooklyn in 2012 so I can't so maybe
they're right it's a good point maybe they're right right it could be right
yeah but just everyone just slowly realizing like the nostalgia of being 24
is really what they're after it has nothing to do with what location they're Imagine being 24 in Brooklyn in 2011. Oh
Terrible Be so close to you just missed it
It'll be in 25 in Brooklyn and kill yourself kill yourself a fucking loser
Okay, Rick, how's it going? Good? Okay? All right?
What's the go-pro?
Nonstop I feel like there's no visible progress whatsoever. Can I go take a pinch? I want some
Alright last couple
Eddie used to work in the produce section of Jules' as apples were constant upkeep throughout
the day, always had to stack them as high and tight as possible.
Zach then tells us he worked out of Publix in the deli department and even admits that
he would get jealous of the produce section people because they got to walk in the walk-in
coolers more.
Ed seems genuinely happy to have given a ride to Zach after we dropped him off
That says he doesn't know what a Mormon basketball court is either no
That's confused, but it has air conditioning. So that's all that matters. Yeah
Yeah, we I mean Wisconsin lost on a Mormon basketball court. Oh, that's true
True. Yeah, the Mormons are mad at us for PMT because we did, we grouped the Sweet 16 teams,
basketball schools, football schools, and then BYU was just Mormon. I don't really know what
else to describe them as. Yeah, I actually don't know. Are they more basketball or football?
It feels like they're, yeah. They're just Mormon. The Mormon is so encompassing.
Were they, yeah, they were mad about the Mormon part and weren't mad that you didn't pick one.
Yeah, I don't know.
It wasn't like they were like, come on, man, we're obviously a football school.
Yeah, it's like, no, dude, you guys are Mormons.
You're just Mormons, yeah. They are.
I think that's just the predominant thing you think of.
Do they not realize they're Mormons?
I don't know. Yeah, because they are, right?
Yeah, because they could win three titles in a row.
You're not wrong.
And there's still Mormon still the Mormons. Yeah
Yeah, Mormon will always overpower any else they got anything else they do. Yeah Mormon
Got some why is everyone dancing up there? Why are they dance is Rick making them dance for him?
Is it good? I?
Will then let us eat some to come back back
What were the odds of Brandon and Kate would be the first yeah
No way too late meal for Kate
So are you jealous in those situations with Che where he says shit like that? Oh
Che has a brain that like if you could if you could duplicate it
I think it would solve most of the world's problems because no one would ever really get angry at each other yeah bounce off everything something maybe something really traumatic happened to Che and now he's actually just numb oh yeah what's the worst moment for your life check non-debt not non like family death related?
Or friend because we know about banana, too I
Don't know good. He can't think of a bad moment. Yeah, they're all bad moments, okay
Nothing bad
What about like worst moment on camera?
Mm hmm.
We got you snapping at Frank.
Mm hmm.
I'm realizing something.
Does he just not have a memory?
Yeah, he might not.
He's like Dory the fish.
No, I remember a lot of stuff.
But yeah, I don't spend time like thinking about it or if stuff happened in the past.
Yeah, no rearview mirror type guy
But you tell stories sometimes you stories I'm throwing the eggs at the house
Yeah, like glory day stuff for 440s and whatnot. Yeah beating nine-year-olds and mini golf
bananas friend getting hit by a tree, maybe that's why
Those stories come up because they will trigger a memory, but I never think about those things.
What do you think about?
I think that just...
So what's going on in your brain day to day?
Just living.
When you lay your head down to sleep at night,
and that five minutes before you fall asleep,
what goes through your head?
Well, if I'm being fully transparent,
like I'm researching stuff for the next day.
He's a computer.
But yeah, I don't really think too far ahead.
I don't really look in the past either.
What about people just generally just powers himself down?
There are days when you're in a bad mood.
What happens those days?
Like at the end of the day?
No, there's been days where you've been
like kind of silly yeah so when like big cat asked you to go to Chicago were you
like laying in bed at night like thinking of the pros and cons no no see I
think he lays in benny's like wow this pillow is really soft yeah I had to like
prepare and like think about that stuff for a bit but like I'm not I'm not going
to bed with like problems on my mind generally when you go home with your wife
It's like how was work. You just say I don't know
Pretty good did the show it's good
The other show you like back you like recall like moments from the day or something you're like this once in a while
Yeah, it's like something big happened, but most of the time. It's pretty generic like yeah pretty good good show
Yeah, do you have a Xanax prescription or something?
I don't, I don't take, I don't even take Tylenol.
Does his brain make Xanax?
Like, naturally.
There's constantly part out.
No, I'm thinking about it, like,
when we decided the move,
and I was pitching certain people,
like, almost, you know, everyone was like, yes,
but like, let me think about it.
Che was, yeah, there was no... No buffer? There was no think about it. Che was yeah, there was no
No buffer. There was no selling or anything. It was just yeah
And he's got a wife and two kids
Yeah, so like it wasn't even you know like the single guys. I would be like yeah, like yeah fuck yeah, yeah
He's like yeah, uh-huh. It's like you're asking to run an errand or something. Yeah, sure. I did
I should test this like Jay work. We're gonna move to Albuquerque next year. Yeah, I like
Bullshit he would go anywhere actually we're moving back to New York. That's cool. I
Should move somewhere for a year just to see if I can make Jay go with
Because eventually he's just gonna wait you out anyway even if you're like let's go yeah, it's an Anchorage, Alaska
Jay will be like I don't mind it. Yeah, you'll eventually be like get me the fuck out here. It's parcel Iraq
Julio says it's awesome there. Yeah, where we're just say it's awesome. Where could you go that you could outlast Jay? I think the only thing that really triggers him is when is when the Bucks lose something football
The first thing that came to my mind is like we lost four games in a row. Yeah in 2008
That's the worst moment of your life. Yeah
Look at him. He's shakin up about it. He's getting more flashbacks. He's but sir crying
Who are the four teams you lost to Jay? I don't know the last team with the Raiders though
Oh, we're supposed to win geez God gotta win that game trigger warning
No, never done it. Okay. Never mind
I don't think I think a therapist would have to go to a therapist if they talk to check that therapist will start paying
Che yeah, well they would it would be like, you know how how like in Hollywood?
They're worried about AI taking all the scriptwriters jobs if a therapist met with Che
They'd be like if if this is contagious, I'll be out of a job.
Like if more people are like Che,
there's no place for me anymore.
I'd also love to see Che provide therapy.
Like to hear his advice.
Well, I was gonna say, if he goes to therapy,
how long before the therapist is then like on the couch?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Bringing stuff to Che.
Yeah, the therapist would be like,
oh my God, I have an existential crisis.
They're making a new type of human that doesn't feel the worst moment of his life
is 2008 when the bucks lost four in a row.
Che gives give, give us therapy.
Like, whoa, I'm, I'm, I'm depressed right now.
What should I do?
I'm not actually, but just role play.
Uh, why are you depressed?
Tell me about it. I don? I know I'm thinking about dying
When you're 40, I mean average life expectancy is like
77 AI answer this would be if you typed it into Google. Yeah, you eat fine for the most part ice cream
Yeah, I feel like
Yeah, I feel like this might be a situation where like Michael Jordan can't coach others how to be Michael Jordan right
He's the goat at it, but I don't know if he's let's don't worry about stuff. I don't think it help us
Yeah, he can't relate to anyone else. I'm sad just don't be yeah
Yeah. Why?
You eat okay.
Ice cream?
Hey, Che, I'm sad.
Caleb Williams looked pretty good his rookie year.
I mean, I don't know.
Try not to get too low with the lows.
You don't get low with anything.
I mean, once in a while you have a grumpy day, but then you just go to sleep, wake up the
next day
it's quite something he's an evolved human all right i want to try something i'll get you a pinch
go get you a pinch ty just go get you a pen all right i'll give me some pinch all i am yeah
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That is Venmo they'll be with us all throughout March.
The so the.
throughout March. So I guess the Tenderloin is on the left. It had the nice barky pieces. And then that's where he's directing everybody to. It's good.
Brandon, you know in an Uber while they're driving you and they get a new request and
that noise that goes off, where would you rank that in most annoying noises?
Not very high. It doesn't bother me.
Would you, do you think it's fair to say that the iPhone alarm going off in the wild could
be number one? I think that's way up there. iPhone alarm period is an annoying noise,
but it's designed to be, I guess. I actually enjoy when the Uber goes off because I want
to see if he passes on the ride or not. Yeah, but a lot of the times it'll, they'll get
another one or they just won't fuck with it
Who that wants to cheap for him he's out on that one yeah, but then hit decline iPhone alarm in the wild is brutal Yeah, when people put it in commercials and shit that should be yep. Yeah, have y'all ever worked retail?
No, I worked at a Radio Shack in 2003 when I was 24 in West Point, Mississippi, which part of the peak
Oh, yeah, but I've been in West Point, Mississippi, which is probably the peak. Oh yeah, imagine being in West Point, Mississippi at 24?
Yeah, but it had a bing bong machine, bing bong,
and I still hear that noise sometimes in my sleep.
What do you mean?
A bing bong machine.
You walk in the door, ding ding.
Oh, a door chime.
Yeah, a door chime.
Yeah, a doorbell, okay.
Would you rather have the bells on top of the door?
No, no.
Either one sucks.
But we didn't get a lot of, it wasn't a busy, busy store.
So you would get into modes where you'd be even
back playing a video game.
And then you just clear off your leg and get comfortable.
And it's third and seven on Madden 2004.
And then ping pong.
Can I say something?
Because again, I can see when we have a guy,
Zach's been sweating his dick off. He's wiping his face with it. She's been in the Florida Sun.
Oh Zach? He's been on for like, he's been there for like 40 minutes. I'm like I can't let him.
What are you doing? He's sweating his ass off. I was out here just trying to work on my basketball shot earlier
because yesterday didn't go too well. It's been pretty sobering. I'm getting a little more active. I was trying to work on my basketball shot earlier because yesterday didn't go too well. It's pretty sobering.
I can get a little more active.
I was trying to work on it.
Instead of more up, less forward
is what I was working on with the directions.
Yeah, how to go.
It went okay.
It didn't go as good as I thought it was gonna go.
I'm trying to work on the more arc
and they're not going in.
Yeah. So you showed up being like, if I just go more up and they're not going in. Yeah.
So you showed up being like, if I just go more up,
I'm going to hit everything.
I did.
In my head, I was playing it back.
He's right.
I just got to go way more up.
And that's not it.
It has to be it.
There is more to it, but I think that's where you start, Zach.
Yeah, I definitely did one step at a time here.
That's definitely how they're more going in than yesterday, but not much more.
Where are you right now?
Are you in a backyard?
Where are you?
Oh, it's a, they got a court by the fire station.
Oh, you didn't go to the-
Oh, double rim sack.
I've been, I've been trying to tell myself it's a double rim, but it's not.
It's a skill issue.
I want to blame the double rim as much.
Oh, it's a skill issue. Oh, I thought he said it's a skill issue. I I want to blame the double rim as much. Oh, it's a skill issue
Alright so Zack we have some follow-up questions at the the car ride we went through the notes
You you think everyone should get in at least one car accident
Well, we'll see what happens. There's a guy either texting or kind of nodding off
on the way to the airport.
And he was way over in the lane, like towards the sidewall.
And I just feel like some people don't really take
how serious the road is, being in cars like that
and traffic and on the highway.
And I don't want anybody to get hurt.
But like, I think a car accident is pretty,
like a healthy reminder of, hey,
you gotta take this serious when you're out on the road.
Like your life and other people's lives are at stake.
Can't just be willy-nilly messin' around behind the wheel.
Yeah, kind of a reminder.
It's kind of the same as how people say
everyone should work in the service industry.
Good point, Zach.
Zach, karaoke.
I noticed that came up during the conversation.
Are you a karaoke guy?
I'm not opposed to karaoke night whatsoever
karaoke is pretty fun. So yes. I enjoy karaoke yes sir. Alright what's your go
to karaoke song depending does it depend on the day? It does. Who sings that? It does.
Yeah. Alright. Not an artist it's just like. Oh that's not a song? It depends Zach, I'm going to give you a day.
It's Thursday night, May 23rd.
We're in Tampa. It was a warm day.
We spent the day at the beach. We're a little tired, a little sunburned, but we want to go out.
We want to have a good time.
And we had seafood for dinner. What's your song?
Seafood? What's the temp outside?
Right now, as we go out, it's 71.
I do Brad Paisley online.
That's correct.
All right, what about this one, Zach?
All right, you're back in Chicago.
It's, let's say, mid-April.
It's a Monday night.
It's cold.
It's like, for you, it's cold.
It's 45. We haven like you know for you. It's cold. It's 45 we haven't really fully hit spring and
You're going to a karaoke bar. Maybe it's a girl. You've been talking with and she offers it up
She's like hey, let's go to a karaoke bar. You don't really want to go out. It's a Monday night, but you also like this girl
What are we thinking?
I did carry underwood before he cheats. Okay. Wow,
that's pretty good. Okay. Hey, are you a Brad Paisley guy? I
think he's got some good songs. Yeah, I like him too. Uh
question 1B with if you're with the girl, are you ever gonna
go duet karaoke song in that situation? Yeah, I think duet
karaoke is a great icebreaker. Okay. Okay, summer love it.
Don't know if has a karaoke. If I to do a day and a combination of factors?
Cause I kind of like that.
All right. It's a cold January day,
worst month of the year, undisputed.
You just need to get out of the house, go grab a drink.
It's, let's call it a Thursday.
Weekend hasn't exactly started yet,
but you still need a break ahead of time.
You go to the bar by yourself, see that it's karaoke night.
What song are you picking on that cold boring winter day?
Young Thug Daddy's birthday
Great answer, it's a dope of me. What would you go with there?
I'm gonna have to go with I would go everywhere Michelle branch actually
Something could be good song what about Halloween night Zach what are you going with on Halloween night?
Mmm karaoke Halloween night. Yeah, I do something a little spooky
We night something spooky the crowds full of girls
Do you like mashing perhaps monster man really put into this give them time give them time soldier what
kiss me to the phone what about what about now you haven't experienced this
yet but if you if we do end up hiring you and it's trending that way
And you're here in Chicago. Let's say summer. So the Cubs play on Friday at 120 every Friday. It's the best
It's it's my favorite time Wrigley's great on a Friday afternoon. You get out of Wrigley
There's a karaoke bar down the street called Trader Todd's. It actually gives you I think it's two for one with your ticket stub
Great day, it's like 85 degrees you're hanging out
You were the great friends and then you you stumble into Trader Todd's around 430 afternoon on a Friday
We're picking another karaoke song yeah on Friday with the boys having a great time did they win the game?
Yeah, it did win the game
Close game or walk off home run. Oh walk off home run. Yeah
Are we top of the queue like me how did the last guy do what do you mean?
Let the guy before me did he bomb or did he smash? He did. Okay, it was kind of a little boring
He lost us a little bit
Yeah, he did Tennessee whiskey
I'll do a Kodak black transporting
He's good. Yeah, he's really good. He's really good. All right. Do we have any other questions from the notes?
It's a long walk he's taking yeah acoustic to the legs
What happened to the indoor basketball court the Mormon one Zach?
That's what they turned me down. They said do you frequent here?
I was like no man I just want to you know work on my game a little bit and she said well
You're gonna have to gonna have to not play here today. I was okay
So we pivoted by the yeah, that that's pretty, she said it a little nicer than that. Uh, so we just pivoted to the fire station. This one's always open.
Okay. How'd the flight home go? The flight home went well. We made it to the airport
in time. Uh, got, got to the terminal. I was, uh, the ride was great. Eddie and Danny were
awesome for taking me. I really do appreciate that. Again, appreciate that again guys Got to the terminal one flight before my flight
So then when they had like a San Diego or I think it's somewhere in California going on the screen
I thought I had completely messed up the the location, but she's like no no honey. You're good
You're just a little early so worked out well was that Auntie Anne's right where I said it would be
It I didn't see the Auntie Anne's just because there's so many people
But you had a great call on the strewpwafel as a snack
I'm probably that's gonna go in the rotation
Love much free rest a week. It's walking in very small circles. Wait, you said the rotation for just the rest of the week
Yeah, I'll probably pick up a box at the grocery store because they're a great had a good crunch and then I didn't expect
The ones that were on the plane had tons of caramel
So I saved the wrapper to trust if I could match brands when I get to the store
They're pretty good. Okay. All right, Zach. I have one last thing for you. So how close are you to your house right now?
Ten minutes, okay
Can you go home and and and video you showing us this this one kick underwater pool thing you got? I
Can do that? Yeah, no problem.
All right. Because, yeah, Austin also said that you you're not much of a swimmer.
You're more of a floater.
I float pretty well. Yeah.
I might really. I think it's a buoyancy.
I got great buoyancy.
I haven't done it recently.
Last couple of weeks, I was I was feeling pretty good when it was nice out.
All right. Maybe maybe has been maybe give us a
Maybe give us a little floating too just so we can see that as well. Okay, I can break that out for you
I got you no problem. All right. Yes. Yeah
All right. Okay, and then yeah, just send me the video when you done when you're done
Okay. All right. All right. Thanks. Zach. Yes, sir. All right
Love this guy. He's the best. He's gonna be hired. Yeah. Yeah
he's I gotta figure out what the thing was Zack is he's a
He needs to have like an actual job and then we can
Everything else about him can be content, but like there's a job. He does
I just gotta figure out what that job is because they said he can do social and clips, but he's not very good at it
Well, he fitted perfectly
What was he trying out for with Gruden what was he trying out for just trying to be Gruden?
Yeah, did that entail like having certain? I just tried to be in male sex world right now
Okay, so maybe he can be male six
Roll he be the goalie. Yes, we're gonna have to do a Zach dating show.
We might just have to...
Oh, Zach dating show!
Oh, my God.
First date.
Mincy dating show, I said that to him,
and he's like, oh, you know, like, I'm in.
I have to fuck him, Dan.
Well, he was like, I'm working on a couple things right now.
I was like, all right, didn't ask that.
Zach dating show would be awesome. I need to happen.
It's I mean, it has to happen.
If we do mincy has to be marriage though, right?
The finale is just him getting married.
Has to be children involved.
He has to he has to he has to procreate within a year
Mincy as a father would be oh
My god unreal how many times you think he dropped the baby? Oh, I think you'd leave his watch and try to put it in his pocket
It probably could stuff an infant in his front pocket. He's a fun uncle. Oh, he's a perfect
Great-fun uncle. I perfect. Yeah, I mean I think he'd be good with kids, but I
In terms of like I'm remembering things. Yeah, I mean just picture him changing a diaper
No, can't wipe it on his jeans. Can't do it
Cannot are you running out of gas out there?
No, okay. All right cool. He hasn't even made a dent in this land and again. This is extremely boring. Yeah
But I'm happy we checked it off
Because like but what I'm saying is even if he does do this he doesn't even get the satisfaction of like what a fucking Legend no, I can't believe it's not like the streets are gonna be saying I can't believe Rick did it yeah, everybody
Everybody's just gonna shrug their shoulders and move on Rick 8 1 6 the balloon yeah, is he tipping it in barbecue sauce? Yeah?
He is most of his on his face though. He's becoming a reaction
I'm turning into mints
I'm just happy we did it because we can check it off because right long list of things that we've promised that we've never
Done and I didn't need one sheep being like what you owe us on sheep
Promises made promises
And so often we run things back. I think this is a one-off. Oh, yeah, we're never one sheep again actually
enough time may pass where we're like
One sheep would be pretty funny to run. Never say never. We gotta kill a lamb.
Does someone else do the next one sheep or am I?
Probably always you.
When you fuck up again.
Please don't talk with your mouth full.
It might just be a Rick only.
Rick specific.
He's the one sheep guy.
This is Brucey Matilda.
Look at Steven producing.
Where'd Mincy go?
Who knows? He could be anywhere. He could just be on the on the block by a corner might have flummoxed him
If he did have a kid, he'd definitely bring it to the office every day. Yeah, and we would probably require that
Yeah, eating Kate's bone. He would convince Paige that like her job is to run a daycare
Yeah, he'd expense diapers. Yeah, he'd be like Hank said that it was okay
I'd never talk to you.
Venmo, by the way.
No, you've already done Venmo?
Oh, you did.
Did you do Hulu?
I didn't do Hulu.
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I just thought about the fact that we have a gauntlet today.
Oh yeah, he'll have to do it.
Right. Rick's going to be, oh, or he could be in the middle of it, battinguntlet today. Oh, yeah, he'll have to do it right Rick's gonna be oh
Or he could be in the middle of it batting down baseballs like Godzilla batting down true
I'd like to see a full of lamb gauntlet and he can't puke
Cannot puke unless he eats the puke. That's fine reversal fortune. Yeah
Dante's in some shit, huh?
Yeah, Dante's been in the snow. Yeah. he? Yeah, well I've seen that the...
Is the show canceled or no?
Because I see that Twitter feed's active.
I think the Twitter's active, I think the show is canceled.
You can keep your Twitter feed going after Barstool cancels your show.
It's been done before.
I've got three or four Twitter feeds still going.
So what is Dante in now?
I saw Kevin and John talking about it.
There we go.
What happened?
He's a snitch, a bitch, a loser, a lame.
Fights doesn't usually get that animated.
He said it kind of like in a rapping tone.
What's the story?
I miss this.
I mean, I know the music part of it.
So Dante, I'm going to try to cliff note.
Dante got his show canceled.
You know that part.
Right, I know that part. After he got his show canceled, you know the part. Right, I know that part.
After he got his show canceled, somebody else,
behind the scenes at Barstool, was doing something similar
on their personal accounts, and Dante told...
He tried to deflect, why you looking at me
when they're doing it too.
Correct, I believe that's what he did.
I'm only going on the clip I saw.
Out and About's producer has a popular
music commentary channel
Vinny done
Vinny any Dom chins Dante sense the clips of this to gas and legal asking
Why that was okay to do but barstool backstage was not okay to do so
It's a different story when you're doing it on your own account because it doesn't count as a strike against
Barstool, but if you're doing a branded account like a podcast, that's when Barstool gets involved. So it's completely different
So Dante got the other guys shut down too. Yes, I'm not Vinny can't do his own tech talks
But he was doing previous. Oh, he can't do it. They shut that down, too
I think that they maybe said they he can't do it. Oh, yeah, that's that's that's not a great, but if it's on his personal
Right. Well, I don't know. I don't know. No one knew this guy was doing it. No people knew I might have this wrong
But because he was doing totally in his free time
But at the office and so barstool stuff would be in the background sometimes
I think that was my understanding was that I think Dante bringing it up raised it as a it wasn't an issue
Yeah, it was brought up as a
Dante flagged it does Dante did Dante flag it in a
Dante's this guy down like why am I not on the show? Yeah, I mean like I just asked him if he was you're being devil's
Advocate is there in their world where he's like genuinely curious like that's what I think
Yeah, I said to like there like all I was doing I thought that this was allowed because they're doing it
That's yeah, that's or you know obviously if his attitude is like fuck it. I'm gonna take someone down with me. That's yes, but it
It's tough when he has the paper files in hand, okay?
Someone read this yeah
I know this will come as a shock, but Kevin has no idea what he's talking about and instead of reaching out and asking
What happened he just talks out of his ass
Somebody who works on this show with me sent me one clip of Vinny talking about fat Joe
I had no idea who he was but thought it was great
And yes, honestly was confused and annoyed how that video was okay, but we were getting dinged for everything
So I reached out to facility with the person who sent me the video on a text
The closest Italian on a text and asked who he was and why he'd never
tried to work with us on the project or anything before.
Because he did a really good job and we have been begging
for help on the production side for two plus years.
I then sent the video to Gaz and Legal Paul
asking how that video was OK to post,
wondering if it's us doing commentary about a song if that
It's a loophole or something. They both said no it was not permissible. It would have to be that was it
No animosity no bad intentions and nothing against Vinnie. Sorry Vinnie this entire situation blows
Which this this description is pretty much exactly what KFC and fights talk about in this clip
So it's say it's pretty much exactly what KFC and Fights talk about in this clip.
So it's pretty much exactly what Dante said.
It's pretty much exactly right.
Does Dante know what Italians do to rats?
That's, the situation does suck.
I don't know, telling, being like,
why is this okay and why I'm not,
I feel like that always is gonna go badly. It's gonna go poorly, yeah. Like you gotta have the wherewithal to being like, why is this okay and why I'm not, I feel like that always is gonna go badly.
It's gonna go poorly, yeah.
Like, you gotta have the wherewithal to be like,
if I ask this question,
it's probably gonna bring down two people.
Hate to see Don say in a squeeze spot like this.
The Don.
Don is in trouble.
Not good.
Also, they mentioned in the clip that Vinny saw, like you can see on TikTok, like if big
accounts view your video and it was like the day before this happened, it was like Parcel
Backstage viewed like all of their stories.
So he was like.
Oppo research.
This is Vinny's page.
Oh, damn.
Three million, 1.2 million.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Go up. He had a promising career. He's a Don too
Yeah, now I get it so we got dueling Don's
this guy's
4.8 million likes
I like his setup. There's the there's a stool cake. Yeah, that's what, I think they mentioned that on the thing,
was that that was what part of the issue was.
You can't have the stool.
It like directly kind of ties into the bar stool.
Behind you and then also play copyrighted music?
Is that the real issue?
Because unnecessary roughness does that all the time.
Oh, shit.
So if that's.'s right you guys do
I don't know that that's really true not really so you have to go to Gazz about that
okay but unfortunately for you guys I don't know why these guys are getting in trouble
good point Mark did you see Chief also found the clip of why Bernstein hates Barstool?
No, yeah, he blogged it. I think I did not see the genesis of it really. Yeah
What was it? I don't know if we could find it. He blogged it TJ
Yeah, here's the clip. Oh
See, that's the thing. I was talking about the chair and Carol stream. Yeah start us off on the score. Hi, Jay
Hi guys, how are you? Good. Is that your question? Yeah, right. Thank you
No more no more. I want to ask you guys what's your opinion is on?
Particle sports and their podcast like PMT. Okay, and if you think that's something that's uh,
Has lasting time or it's just like a fad for the podcast?
Jay, I'm glad you just asked this because the last couple of days I've had to tell a
couple of people how much of a blind spot Barstool has been for me.
I'm not throwing shade or anything like that.
I've heard of it, but I've never really consumed any of their product.
I actually the last couple of days have been watching some of their the pizza the pizza challenge with a
Guy eats a slice of pizza up and down
Up and down Manhattan. He goes to a different pizza spot every single day
And he it's pretty funny to me always like when you go challenge one bite only we describe it this way they're lying
Sampled much of their product. I don't know it well either.
And I think it's it's generally harmless except when it's not.
And my experience that I've run into a couple times there's one of their principles was
involved in a really ugly shouting match.
After seminar was a symposium that was brought together about this blogging
and sports blogging. And there were some people that I know that were there that witnessed
it and it was some really ugly and unfortunate behavior with some words directed at some
people that I respect that I find just jaw dropping. So they're saying you shouted? They're saying I shouted, which I don't...
There's no way I shouted.
No way in a room full of people.
And this is all Decaro. This is Julie Decaro.
So he's lying. So does he want his kids involved?
It was a blogs with balls.
It was like a...
Like, 20s. PFT was there.
He can back me up. We did like a panel 20s at PFT was there he can he could back me up the
we did like a panel and I was supposed to be just like a fun panel and then
they all just started attacking me about posting hot chicks on barstool and then
afterwards I think I went up to either Jen Lata or I don't think I did Sarah
Spain because we never got along and I was just like that was kind of bullshit
like you guys like decided then to gang up on me,
and that was it.
I feel like coming whenever people give a shit about,
like, oh, posting hot girls, what I feel like the Trump is,
like, well, look at Sports Illustrated.
They have coal.
And then I was saying on the stretch, too,
that it's just leapfrog through the years.
It used to be hot girls.
Then it became, you know became Dave's a Bad Guy,
then it became We're Maga, then it became,
they've hopped around to each rock
to try to find how they can get us.
And they forget, we've always had ugly girls too.
We're equal opportunity.
We put ugly girls on air often.
Well, even Glive and Poo.
So he's hated us for a long time.
Yeah, that's... Yeah, ever since Call Her Daddy left So he's hated us for a long time. Well. Yeah, that's yeah ever since caller daddy laughs
The cable be shouted at someone damn yeah shouted
Yeah, that's crazy that would have been I I don't think I've ever shouted in a room full of people at someone that I barely know
I don't think I've seen you shout at someone you do know
Yeah, it's a Brandon Brandon and I shout once a quarter.
But that's behind closed doors, and that's just because.
Well, you made me close the door.
It's more of a holler.
Well, we started shouting.
We never know when the shouting match is going to start.
The door was open.
When it starts, we have to close the door.
It's actually really therapeutic.
Once a quarter, you guys shouted each other?
Yeah, we just did last week.
We hit her once a quarter.
About what?
I don't know.
I don't even know what it was this time.
It's usually something very trivial and then we shout and then we say you good and it was
like yeah and you good yeah and then we're good.
It's actually-
I've literally asked him before did it make you feel better to yell at me?
And I said yes that one time yeah.
That one time it did make me feel better.
I gotta try that out sometime with you.
That time I didn't deserve it.
Last week I did deserve it.
Yeah it flip flops.
Each quarter it's one person is in the wrong.
Oh yeah, we got in the shut up off.
Well this was a while after.
Yeah, and this was also in jest.
No, it's actually a very healthy relationship.
Brandon and I just let it all out
like for five minutes against each other
and then we're like, yeah, we're good.
It's like that little room where you smash plates
Well, I know he can get he could take getting shouted at and I could take getting shouted at so we just it doesn't bother me I don't think I've ever taken it away like and been like, oh man. I'm so angry
It's the opposite. I'm like man. I feel good. It's almost like our version of sex. Mm-hmm
Yeah, we shot fuck about once a quarter we angrily
That's that's that's marriage, and then we feel good about it how much help you think Rick's gotten so far a lot
Again can't stress how boring this is yeah
Awful content he's not even really yeah putting any stank on it. He's just kind of sitting there
Yeah, just sitting there eating meat as it turns out you think if we ask Rick. How's it going? He'll say good. Hey Rick
How's it going?
Am I allowed to throw up?
Her boy eat more yeah
Yeah, I might pull trade I
Don't think really has to throw up hey Rick. I'm just gonna say it
I don't think he really has to throw up. Hey, Rick, I'm just going to say it.
Disappointing performance.
Yeah, really shitty out of you.
Really upset about how you're doing right now.
And there was not even a one this morning.
I can't control the one.
I can only clip it.
He's right.
No one can control the one.
I don't think mincy even control.
Don't think you can control the one.
All right. One is a storm that just happens
No one knows when it's going to occur. Why wasn't there a while?
Well, I told him is breaking to come in to help Donnie
Yeah, I guess there could have been a one
It's like breaking news every time
Another one visit the tower It's like breaking news every time
Have I heard rumors that one was moving to the afternoon what I've heard that too I've heard I've heard I love that
No wake up mincy p.m PM is the working title of her. One PM? I swear to you. It's like a Robitussin.
Yeah, it's only been whispers and rumors.
I haven't nailed it down yet.
Well, woo man, wake up Mincy at night.
Welcome to woo man.
Is he going to interfere with our time slots?
Yeah. What if he's on the during the time we're doing the yeah, I
Didn't realize
We needed to be like
Change we just convinced him that change the w keep the um change change the W to day. So just dumb. Day up,
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Someone DM me, Che, and exclusions. Someone DM'd me,
Che is just Spongebob.
Oh wow, yeah.
He is.
Every day is the best day of his life. He's excited to go to work.
Minty's his Pat...
Minty's his Patrick.
Yeah, Che is Spongebob.
Are you ever not excited for work?
I look forward to seeing everybody every day, so.
Do you ever wake up in the morning
and just lay there with your head on the pillow like,
fuck, I do not wanna get out of this bed today.
I do not wanna go see these people.
I do not wanna get on the highway.
He just screams by himself, I'm ready.
I'm ready.
Every day, you just out of bed, to the shower, and your own your way pretty much. Who's your Squidward here?
I don't watch spongebob so I don't really know the
Squidward enemy okay. I'm sorry Kate
Well you for much any co-worker that you have to deal with all the time
But you try to look you look for the best of him
It's brand They didn't ask.
You're Squidward.
We're playing pickleball tomorrow morning though, right?
First pickleball game tomorrow.
Is this like a stream thing or are you guys just playing for the love of the game?
Just playing.
Just playing.
Just playing.
Just playing.
Just playing.
Just playing. Just playing. Just know. I'm not too inside. Yeah, we don't get
your nerd stuff. It's not nerds. Child stuff.
Difference. Should I start setting up the call? Because we
got one. Yeah. What are we gonna do with the table? We're gonna
leave it? Yeah, we've done it before with the table in there.
I think over the lamb table cornhole would be cornhole can
go in front of it. But baseball is gonna go right over his face. That's fine. All right
That should be an extra point
Is he the one going or is it no we can have someone else go. Oh also TJ
Did you send me a what was the text you sent me Jacob?
Jacob texted me and said hey me
Hannah Montoya and Sam Goldfinger are going to a fancy steakhouse tonight and our fourth reservation person can't make it
I wanted to put it up to you for office wheel okay
It's Jacob's birthday today, too. Oh
Well Jacob can do the gauntlet on his birthday
Birthday gauntlet how old is Jacob?
No way, he's like 23.
He's not, he's on the show.
Oh, what?
He's 22?
He's 22?
He's fresh out of college.
That's younger than I think.
Ah, that's way younger.
That's significantly younger.
Damn, he's an old 22.
He carries himself well.
I went to a little birthday soiree at Caitlin's
for Paige, and Jacob was the bartender.
And he showed up in a full suit and tie with like a pit,
fully done, everything done, and he was like shaking martinis
and like took the job very seriously.
He like bartended all night and was just absolute delight.
Can I ask a question about that?
You guys just all posted the pictures at the same time. Is that like something girls do? Oh like a few weeks later
Yeah, they posted it that yeah, there he is. He was out in the patio. He was shaking things up. He was mixing up
Um, I
Guess so I didn't post what you guys do you waited?
I think they waited till Paige posted something and then they all posted their pictures and all at once you said happy birthday
But it was like weeks after the yeah, because I think it was Sunday. I was like oh today page's birthday
It's it was like no. It's like oh yeah
I remember it two weeks ago, but why am I seeing all the pictures now you're there cuz I was surprised getting tagged in them
I was like oh, yeah, that was a couple weeks ago. They're all they're posting you know that girl thing
I don't know you guys all just coordinate your Instagram posts?
They wait to pounce.
What's the animal print thing?
It was mafia wife.
And a tattoo artist came and was giving all of us tattoos, except for me.
How, in like, girl friendships, how looked down upon it is when like there's a birthday
and a girl will post a picture of their friend and they'll look hotter than their friend?
I had a friend who would like auto-tune herself
and then leave me plain and it really bothered me.
Yes, it really bothered me.
Yes it was and it made me crazy.
You never said it.
No, I would never.
Would never to this day, no.
Girls usually have to review the picture
before the other's post it, correct?
Well, it's like karma.
I would not post a picture.
I posted one of Caitlin where she looked, I'll say it,
hot to trot.
She's sitting on the tattoo table, whatever.
And I said to her, I was like, you need to post this.
This is good.
I would never post a bad one of any one of my gals.
Yeah, that's not a good thing.
Even when you look great in the picture, though?
Still wouldn't do it.
I still wouldn't do it.
You're losing likes which is rare
Just blur them out. It's happened to me before
Get in here Jacob my Tommy heard
Yeah, no, we don't review pictures
Well, you guys don't you guys never post never post your lives are a mystery
I would get shamed for life if I asked
one of my buddies yeah I need a there's proof we don't review pictures otherwise
the picture with Josh Allen wouldn't have come out I just went fire yeah I
heard that thing off happy birthday happy birthday Jacob sit down Jacob you're
22 yeah here sit right there HBD. Happy birthday. Thank you. Do you think you?
Do you think you look 22 no
What age would you put yourself at I mean I got a I was in SEC town
But I got a fake ID when I was 17 and it worked. Oh
Wow beard
Beard ads like two or three years glasses. I think yeah glasses had his couple years longer
I think you were more in your like 26 27 range. Yeah, I've gotten that a lot
I usually look I've always been like the I graduate a high school after 11th grade so through college
I was always hmm. I did I did three years you reclassified
Cooper flag did that it's the same sort. Yeah, why would you why did you do that running? I go D1. Yeah, no um I
Just took I only needed three more
Classes my senior year, so I took them online my junior year, so you smart I?
Graduated Florida with a 4.0. Whoa in your a CT. I didn't take a CT. I took SAT. I got a 1420
Sneaky smart my brother says I'm the dumbest smart person he knows did they move the SAT SAT back down to
1600 yeah, it's a 16 because wasn't it for a while. It was like
24 yeah 24
Yeah, good for you Jacob. Thank you. Thank you. I think it helps with
building things
Yeah, Jacob you present as like a
Social guy who deals with social anxiety, but you don't really have that it doesn't seem oh I do yeah do oh
I I'm Medicaid see have you got have you gotten better at it
You see I don't know you're like very you're very confident and easy to talk to over time. I've gotten better
I mean certainly starting at this company like I was not where I am now
Yeah, but when I foot when you first day one I was I was on defense and I was I was yeah
I was terrified, but I think you have some confidence. Oh, I do. I mean, yeah. You asked for a bonus.
I did, yeah.
Yeah, that takes confidence.
That does.
That takes, like, a lot of people just will be like, ah, I'm not going to bother.
I did consult.
Spider was my consultant on that.
And he was like, go what?
Coach me up a little bit.
Go ask?
No, well, we talked about it, like, you know, sometimes you got to pick your battles, and
like, if there's one you like wanna
You know try and go for
Go for it, and I'm glad I did because help me out of a big financial bind so thank you
Thank a big cat yeah there you go you wrote me a letter
Yeah, you asked for to me to put it in writing. Oh, that's right. Okay what I think I did to earn it I
Think that was just tactics to get you out of the office
Probably at that moment in time, but it all worked out because you I read the letter and I was like yeah
He deserves a bonus. Thank you big cat. Oh, I forgot about that when he first started here
And you would be like write letters to you and yeah, yeah, I thought I really fucked up on day one
That's right. That's right. I remember the letter
You did fuck up on day one. Yeah, okay, so you used. I remember that. Apology letter. You did fuck up on day one.
Yeah. Okay, so you used to, yeah,
but I think you've settled in nicely. Yeah, I've settled in.
I think you're, yeah,
you're a very confident, easy to talk to guy.
Yeah, good turnaround. Strong turnaround.
Very good turnaround. I appreciate it. I don't want to interrupt anything.
But did I hear earlier that one of y'all wanted to see
Rick the Dizzy Bat today?
Yes. Oh, yeah.
We haven't done Dizzy in a long time. Yeah, we haven't. Dizzy Bat today. Yes. Oh yeah. We haven't done Dizzy in a long time.
Yeah, we haven't.
Dizzy layup.
And he's a baller anyway, so he'll be fine.
Dizzy layup.
I would throw up.
Well, we're gonna find out.
Oh God, throwing up Liam.
I don't know if that's true, Rick.
Yeah. I don't know if that's true. I Yeah, I need I don't know if that's true
I think you could do it without throwing. There's only one way to find yeah, I
Disagree, yeah, I don't think you will throw up
Shout out sparkle Danny for that gorgeous town
Are you gonna make a carousel birthday posts and play 22 by Taylor Swift as the audio for it, you know
I was really thinking about it
How was being bartender? It was fun. It was a lot of fun. I think I I would be a great bartender
Yeah, you did great. You were mixing martinis. Yeah first time I ever made a martini
Max's girlfriend was there and asked for,
I was there to make dirty martinis,
so she asked for one.
And I was making it, mid-making it,
I was like, I think it should be good,
is the first martini I've ever made.
And she was kind of turned off at that.
I think it ended up being pretty good.
I can never tell them that.
Girls were gabbing?
Yes, we were gabbing.
We were chitty chatting.
What, Jay?
He's asking questions out loud.
Should we do the gauntlet first in case he does barf?
I can navigate.
That's OK.
From the swamp land.
I love Minty, man.
That shirt just coming out of the bottom not a care in the world
See you Pete have you ever played the video with
Meandered over to the table and they grabbed it took off running
Over to the table and grab it took off running my god
Dog like taking another dog's yeah like a pile he's just off the windows are they looking are they looking am I allowed to take any?
Yeah, fucking I'll take some
He's gone just that fast we need a a planet Earthman so one of these days Yeah, yeah, Rick. We're ready to go for Rick 1010 site. What are you 15 15 seconds seconds spin like the dickens?
Really spin like the dickens
Brandon make sure he spins
Like the dickens. Yeah
Yep three two one go Three, two, one, go. Spin. All right, you better spin. Faster.
It is moving fast.
Y'all got the clock?
Yeah, seven, six, four.
Three, two, one.
Go get that ball.
Oh, he didn't spin enough. yeah, I'm like that
Hmm just keep doing it to the pubes
Yeah, let's do it I'm ready
What is Frank doing tonight
That's gonna be funny. They're putting together IKEA furniture without being able to hear or see and apparently two of the most difficult
to put together
Pieces were ordered and I think they're gonna be in like a dark box
Like I think that's gonna be it's gonna be a scene. I don't think they're good
This is the one where I'm like, they're not gonna be a little you don't even need the disadvantages
Take told me the whole reason for this is that Lucas just needs furniture for his place
She's making the guys build it for him actually not smart. It's gonna be built. Yeah, I built horribly all right
Ready wait, where's Rick?
You can't move at all either yeah,? Yeah. He takes one off the face, he takes one off the face.
And I think this is, Titus, you were the more grieved party,
not that you were actually upset,
but you were the more grieved party.
I think this is sufficient.
This is sufficient, yeah.
Rick is done with his punishments.
This is all I ever wanted, really.
All I needed to see was eat a shitload of lamb.
Oh, yeah, take a sip of the Body Armor.
Let me just do this.
I love Body Armor.
All right, Body Armor Gauntlet.
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IV for a buck. Wow. Wow. Let's start off. All right to write
Jacob. Come on Jacob. Birthday boy. Here we go. Three, two,
Go. Tell what's what's his name?
New guy.
Tyler Tyler.
Tyler, watch out.
Blonde Rhone Tyrone.
Right get in the chair. Get in the chair, Rick.
Oh, a little new strategy here.
Oh, not working.
After he bartended for us, he said he was going to go have dinner at the International McDonald's in in Chicago and he went in his suit and tie. Oh nice
What is he doing a fact about?
some mixed sushi
Jacob has one of the worst gauntlet times of all time that was off. Yeah when he was an intern. Oh, yeah, that's right
What was it that messed him up everything? Oh?
This is not going well.
I feel like we haven't had a football problem in a while.
I feel like people have figured out the football.
You had a seven minute time off the athletes.
Seven minute time?
Yeah, Jacob, I mean, goalfinger at a 12 minute time.
Oh my God.
Oh, jeez.
Oh, jeez. Oh,ez. Oh lord. Oh lord.
Oh no.
Need to hit the indoor morvan gym immediately.
Oh no.
Maybe it's a Florida thing.
He's got the, he's got the,
TJ he's got your thing where I can't tell
if he's right or left handed.
Yeah, he's also changing up his shot every time.
Line drives, way too much arc.
I'm pretty sure it's right, but his...
Both wrists are flipping.
Yeah, he's...
He's got a double wrist flip.
It's right there.
Oh, man.
Not a hoop. Has he ever done this? I know you said off the X you ever done on the show no
Yeah, just kids the first time I've ever seen him shoot a basketball. We see why it's not that hard to
Every shot is
God he's hitting part of the backboard that's never been hit before.
That was a totally no, he's got it.
Yeah, DL, it's got to be pissed that we let Zach move up
because Zach was definitely in D low territory. Yeah. Oh
Oh my god, do we lose Zach by the way, he said eight minutes like oh no He just said I said it. I just texted you the videos what the
Aiming for the dragon shit now Sit now.
Here's where fatigue comes into play.
This is getting ugly.
Boys, this is getting ugly. Get comfy.
Everyone's too ashamed to do the granny shot, but I think today and yesterday that would
have been helpful.
When we did the intern tryouts for this with Jacob seven minute time came, most if not
all the interns went underhand at some point.
Oh, Jacob.
Now here's a chance.
If he hits this, he's a certified bucket.
Oh, no. Oh, no.
Classic bag three.
All right, under four minutes.
So far.
All right, bartender, three main ingredients in tequila sunrise.
Orange juice.
Tequila. How do you know?
pineapple juice
No, nine human body parts spelled with three letters leg should go there. Yeah arm
Toe yeah
UFC UFC, boxing, taekwondo, jiu jitsu, jiu jitsu, J-I-U. showed up jujitsu stomp Jiu two main rights are offered a Miranda
rights warning um remain silent
attorney most streams Spotify song one
more creep what'd you call me there we go
good job good job Jacob Good job, Jacob.
I'm not a hooper.
Not a hooper, never claimed to be.
But I think someone said if you're going to fail, fail gloriously.
What kind of steak are you getting tonight?
Filet mignon.
Probably ten ounce.
How's it cooked?
Rare. Oh, I go rare. I was raised rare my grandmother raised me on rare rare
What about sides we thinking about those yet?
Mac and cheese, maybe what's the squad me some truffle?
it's Sam Hannah and a mystery fourth share or
Nobody okay, are they treating you or you?
Has that been discussed hasn't been discussed. Oh, are you expected them to treat you? No, not at all
I'm expecting to pay for my own meal. Okay, I
Think everybody pays you think they're gonna tell the staff at your birthday
Well when I made the reservation it asked for the occasion I did say birthday, okay
All right, well happy birthday. We decided
Did you want us to decide the fourth? I don't know if we can make someone go
No, I've never done that. I thought the the company wheel could be funny
But it was obviously give it one spin and then you go out so much deal
Changes the vibes of the dinner entirely oh
I'm getting two steaks
What are the odds of that I guess one in 60 something he's getting the 20 ounce
Happy birthday. Happy birthday.
Tell Jacob we said hi.
One in 92.
And Kate, you're going on a date tonight?
Going on a date tonight.
I can't wait to see the recap tomorrow.
So you and Cody.
Me and Cody.
And Danny's watching.
And Danny's coming along.
Danny's great at watch.
So Danny, make a video for us.
We got three locations.
Three locations.
Write down any Cody lines that he has prepared right down all those he's big on
Yeah, I've described him I've described him as a he's like a football coach that scripts the opening series
Okay, and then when it's he gets the ball the second possession. He's just kind of like fuck. I don't know what to do now
Go play what uh? First series could fool you you know he's just kind of like fuck I don't know what to do now go play what
uh first series could fool you you know he's like a Mac team playing in the big house and they just
marched down the field and score so yeah we'll have him on the show someone described him as a
chihuahua yesterday or a little bit of a nervous confidence just energy and then if you're like no chihuahua
Yeah, I know he does I told him I was asking me in private big hat does big big hat hates me right I do not hate him. I told him that on Sunday. I was like dude if I'm busting your balls in public that means the opposite
That's good. Yeah, I hate that the third stop is playing ding-dong ditch at your house
Your kids are in bed. He's gonna hate that
So that would be funny playing ding-dong ditch at your house after your kids are in bed. He's gonna hate that.
That would be funny.
Yeah, no, I like Cody.
Again, least funny guy we got.
But I like that.
That's a good asset.
I tried to interview him
because I want each date to be tailored to that person.
I want them to have a great time.
Kind of a tough nut to crack.
Kind of a basic.
Basic bitch. Basic bitch. Yeah kind of a basic basic bitch
But lovely I'm excited to see this growing a mustache
Yeah, he said yes, he was allegedly he's like
Cody I guess I could see from his perspective
Would be like this became because all of our interactions are just very awkward where he'll be like, do you like my mustache? And I was just like, not really. And that was it. And he started
by asking you to go to the Bears Bills game. Yeah, that was the first interaction I ever
had with them. The preseason Bears Bills. Yes, preseason. You know how sometimes you'll
have an interaction with someone and then, you know, in the shower three days later,
maybe you'll think of the perfect line you could have said. It doesn't have to be an
argument. It could have just been a funny joke on top of that
Cody will think of them and then we'll come in and and and say that yes
It'll say that like three you'll be like
It was no context the first time you see him
He'll just say him and you're just like what the fuck you talking is I remember remember Monday when you yeah
Yeah, that's kind of awesome
No, like I don't my interactions with them, but they're almost always leaving me
with my scratch on my head.
What was that?
Yeah, you guys will have fun, Kate.
Yeah, looking forward to it.
Yeah, like if we were going to a Hooters, say,
and he was expecting one of the waitresses to be blonde,
so he'll cue up a blonde joke.
Turns out they're all brunette.
He's still going to point to a brunette
and say the blonde joke.
That's exactly right.
That's exactly right. Yeah, because he's. That'll fire it off. That's the gonna like point to a brunette and say the blonde joke
We have Zach swimming oh yes, let's see this he said he wasn't a great swimming day, but he was good at floating oh
That's a nice pool. Oh, yeah
You could do numbies in that thing. Maybe not for Florida standards, I guess.
Oh, cute dog.
That's a great pool.
Look at that palm tree right there.
Look at his nice yard.
Oh, yes.
That's a great setup.
Dog wants to get in there.
Dog loves him.
Oh, he's, yeah, the hot tub into the...
I don't know if we can harm him. We don't want to pull him away from this. I know here he goes
Oh one good leg one push and what two kicks. Oh, oh, I think that's the shallow end. Yep
I'll play with the dog. Yeah. All right
Do we know what does he do now? Nothing. I don't know. Yeah. All right. Here we go
This guy has the best life of all time. Yeah, that is just one push
What have you teamed up him in one month trial Ethan the dream team the dream team and Wow
Although like if I had asked one month trial Ethan to go do this video
We wouldn't see it for three months three months, and it would eventually be in a kiddie pool in his basement. Yeah
Three months and it would eventually be in a kiddie pool in his basement. Yeah.
Zach delivered.
Oh, here's him floating.
Look at that boy float.
He's got a good float.
Look at that boy float.
Look at the wave.
His body's like...
That's a really good float.
Dead man's float.
He wasn't lying.
The kid can float.
This dog's like, is he dead?
It's just whimpering.
It's very peaceful.
I would watch this like a you
log I just want the dog to be happy give the dog a little change there we go a
man of his word is that the dog shaking off for him shaking very cute dog all right Rick one
more big bite last bite bite in the yak Rick there you go all right Rick your
punishments over don't ever do that again I can't remember what he did.
He didn't want to yap about basketball.
And if you do it again, you're eating another sheep.
I don't know if I ever want to eat lamb again ever.
Wait, is the wum part over?
Yeah. Oh, you can do wum. Yeah, you can keep doing wum.
I got to do my month long of one. He, uh, the one good thing that did come out of this is that Donnie had never roasted an entire lamb.
He thoroughly enjoyed it. He's like, that was awesome.
And he was like, I'm going to do a big pig for everyone this summer.
Yes. So it actually ended up being good.
So thank you, Rick. Yeah.
Ah, that pig is going to be fucking awesome.
Yeah, it is. Donnie could cook anything and I'm like I'm in
Yeah, I'm sheep. I'm sheep. What what where were you for one sheep?
Sitting right here right here
front row
Man, what a show. Also, we got to get on Nicky's ass tomorrow for making us do one sheep. Yeah
I don't know if he's back tomorrow thought he was
I can still warm sheep. Yeah, I don't know if he's back tomorrow thought he was
What's he back Thursday? Huh?
Come in again tomorrow. You didn't even tell me he was calm
Yeah, the the the anus boys are tricky with their
They'll just they'll just throw a a I'm out for the next week on you. Yeah, not very good. Just out of nowhere
There's like oh, yeah forgot to tell you out for the week
They like to do that. We should get a calendar
Back Monday. Oh, yeah, you're out
No, you're here tomorrow. Oh, how are you? Alright, so we'll just get Danny to recap. I'm sorry
Danny we're gonna need a full recap. Mm-hmm. No, it's okay I'll the video ready and knowing Kate won't be here to defend herself, right? Oh, that's
Even better somebody get the dogs. Oh, there's Cody. Oh, are you ready?
ready for tomorrow for
No, I know but tomorrow's when we're gonna discuss it on the yak and it's
Like you Cody
This isn't scripted. That's why he's kind of like fuck. What do I say?
He'll have a side conversation me later be like did I bomb on the yeah?
I wasn't expecting big had to ask me if I'm ready. Oh
Would it be fucked up I ran out and just punched him in the stomach yeah, but you should
Can I just go do it like a Heimlich can I yeah?
He doesn't got it oh
You're being dramatic Rick. Yes He is. Just been it yet?
No, we're about to.
Get him, Kate.
Get him.
Back right was a big one.
She didn't punch him.
She couldn't get to him.
That's going to make it.
You had a lot of back right there.
Yeah, well, that's the correct answer.
Front left is what I'm always back right.
Who's your back left? Front left is the move. Yeah, I'm front left wallet and I'm always back right. Your back right front left is to move.
Yeah, I'm front left wallet and keys front right phone.
That's it. Yep. That's the one.
That's it. That's the ticket.
All right. Spin the wheel.
Oh, I'm out to understand.
We all are wearing suits next Friday or.
Yeah, well, Tyson, I won't be here.
So I'll wear my suit. Yes, I wear mine Friday. So are wearing suits next Friday or? Yeah, well Titus and I won't be here. So I'll wear my suit Thursday.
I'll wear mine Friday.
Suit Thursday?
Sounds like the guys that won't be here
are doing it Thursday Titus.
That's what I heard.
I guess there's a chance I might not be here Thursday as well
if I have to go to this fucking pub.
That would suck.
But as of right now, my plans are to only miss Friday.
Lock me in for Friday and
Plinko days this Friday we everyone needs to make sure they come with a new plinko thing okay
Are we not you Danny? Well? We'll come out one for you. Are we doing specific letters? Yeah? We'll do that on Thursday We'll break up the letters
Deal yeah, yeah plinko full plinko day all right
Spin it okay spin it spin that shit
No, that's fun. It's gonna be hilarious
Rick's on it.
If it's on me, I will be wet for the entire show tomorrow.
All right.
Is that fair?
Come in wet.
I will come in wet, and I will stay wet for the entire show.
I have an interview.
I don't know if that's a permanent change.
That kind of sounds funnier than doing it at the end. Does everyone agree? No, I don't. Yeah, yeah,
yeah. Yeah. Oh, for sure. You won't be here tomorrow. No, I'll just do it. All right.
It's not gonna be you. Who else was here? Jacob, elimination, Rick. Is that it? I felt
like more. I felt like more. That's it. Yeah, it's gotta be. Is that it? It felt like more. Fuck. It felt like more.
That's it.
Yeah, it's got to be.
Is that table an extension of the show today?
No, it's just Jacob and Rick.
Mintzy snuck a lot in it.
Mintzy spoke, but he didn't see and sit.
But he could use a shower.
Damn it.
Is this first, or is it?
No, it's last.
It's going to be me, though, Eddie. You don't have to worry. Yeah, it's going to be me. It's alwaysination. It's gonna be me though Eddie, you don't have to worry.
Yeah it's gonna be me.
It's me every fucking time.
Oh let's go.
What a pole daddy.
It's always the day I blow dry my bangs.
I've been doing the slut strands, you guys notice? No.
That's what they call it when you're skiing
and you leave two little strands out, I guess,
of your hat.
I haven't looked at you in a while.
Yes, let's fucking go.
Oh, cool.
It's never you, Brandon Brandon not one time
Wait, it never is Brandon never it's been literally never been can't remember the last time it was you I've been wet right
There you go big cat you're saying never big cat. That's who it's never
It's always me. It's legitimately never to have a bad feeling. I'm taking off my shoes. I wear matching socks
It's never to you always that was it. That off my shoes. Am I wearing matching socks? Never tees me.
It's always me.
That was it.
That was my shot.
Are you wearing matching socks?
God damn it.
Oh, no.
Wearing some tall boys.
That wasn't close, Eddie.
I just hate it because I'm always cold.
Oh, no.
Che wants to get wet. It won't bother him at all. Woo! There you go, wants to get wet.
It won't bother him at all.
There you go, Kate.
Not wet.
All right.
200th day in a row.
Get those shoes off.
Just because we're not French and doesn't mean we're not.
Is it going to be tight?
It's always tight.
You're taking your socks off too? Stop. Maybe start peeing. Oh Oh, okay.
He's going to be your champion.
That's that's big.
Nothing Che.
What about Che?
What if it lands on Che?
Then Che's asked out.
Titus, this may have actually worked out for you in the best possible way.
A long run, yeah.
A long run.
Two, one, check.
We're very noble of Rick.
Two, two.
Why don't you come sit down?
Sit down, Rick.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down. Sit down. Sit Rick. Mm hmm. Mm hmm.
Two, two.
Why don't you come sit down?
Sit down, Rick.
You mean it?
Yeah, if you mean it, sit down.
Oh, boy.
You nervous, Rick?
Not at all.
It would actually just get a head start on washing this hoodie. Oh boy. Are you nervous Rick?
Not at all. It would actually just get a head start on washing this hoodie.
Of all the sauce and...
Rick nervous.
Get the goat off ya.
Game seven. Game seven.
Game motherfucking seven. This is why we play.
This is why we play Wet Wheel why I play wet wheel who's gonna be Brian
It's either Titus or Che Eddie
All right. No.
I volunteered.
You volunteered.
You can take it.
Don't take it.
That was the perfect amount of acting like you wanted to do.
That was, yeah.
The exact right amount of acting like you would do it.
I didn't want to do it.
Just seeing how badly he wanted it.
That, to me, that does put him with a clean slate.
It's a long ass sock.
Why you got such a long ass sock?
That's normal length no
Yeah, that's all that's all a man ever wants he He gets wrong. All he wants to do is to see the person
that wronged him eat a sheep and get wet.
That's all.
That's all we all do.
That's how they did it in medieval times.
Nice little meat shield.
So we got, did Big Cat leave or did he just go pee? I don't know.
I think he's got an interview.
Oh yeah, interview, 2.15. So as soon as wet Rick gets back well, I guess I drive home Brandon
Not really now, although I'm thinking the express lane
When I get on the interstate, I can't get the express lane because I'm already past it
But if I backtrack a little bit
You do if you can go if you can get off at 50 B
Then you can make the turn on Orleans and then get right on the express lane
I'm gonna need you to map that out for me after quick fix what the new construction start again or something
They took three of the five lanes out Thanksgiving your three
It's a four lane highway they got it down to the two lane highway, and it's it's your three. That's tough
This is when it happens
Brando I did it yesterday very easy all right and
All right, you just show me
Can you print out directions from Steven go to map quest please I?
Used to I used to really do that. She's I still exist my dad probably does exist
Yeah, it's probably just a standard mapping tool online.
I used a TomTom.
I was a delivery driver for a while.
They've got an app now though, MapQuest, right?
I'm sure.
I would think.
I never, yeah, I remember going to Atlanta
to a Braves game and having seven sheets of,
I don't know how you ever got, there he is!
Come in here, Rick.
He is, he is so.
He's so stopping. That is a, like a juicy he is. Oh, come in here. He is he is so stopping.
That is a like a juicy like a lamb.
Look at you off this bit, man.
This guy's marinating.
All right.
Well, consider yourself even with Mark Titus.
Well done, Rick.
It's beautiful.
Killed it today.
All right.
We'll be back tomorrow.
That's it.
Just stay there. See you tomorrow, love you guys, bye.